The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 11, 1848, Image 2

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• :■ PITTIBPH.Oiitr T . —:
w«fflri.T«Ssa SffSfTSg;
.Wfetg sad. AntUHisolate Besdasttau 1
„ Jfoa kaxox of
Correspondence of ihe Piiubdrgh Gazette.
*“• Hml«»* speech la the Senate.
', •'•• -'■ ! WAsaworos, Jan. o,^lBlB.
There was no attempt made to press the Ten regi
raent bill through foe Senate to-day. “Sober, sec
! oad foopqhi," haa probably uught the majority that
tbe indecent haate attempted will not redound to
the.creditof those having the pou-er and rerponii*
tie far the action of the Senate. There waamach
c “rio«ty to hear Mr. Hale, though he had’ipokea
, > before, but notin a|prepared speech- The bill wa*
= before the - Senate! upon the question: “Shaft it
P&* 3 ' The Senator from Kew Hampshire gave
tnany reasons why,;it should not, —and
the whole policy of the War. He thought Qeyar
originated in a desire to perpetuate human slavery*
. and that there was j good evidence of this to be
found in the correspondence of Mr. Secretary Up
shur antecedent to the annexation of Texas. 'This
correspondence alluded to the designs of. the Brit-'
ish Government to abolish Slavery in Texas,—and
i.. Secretary of State, made a long argument
*.. agaiaat it Mr. Hale supposed that Southern men
generally held Slavery to be a State Institution but
here was one of the important officers of Govern
ment invoking the influence of the General Gov
ernment in its behalf Tbo Senator from New
Hampshire in very! plain language, bttl in great
~'. goodnitture denounced the institution altogether
* but his opposition to the war was more marked,
and his exposure of the conduct of the President
-j so pointed and just, that aiming tram one so long
.. in full communion with/the Democratic party,‘it'
: must have made the friends of theexecutive wince
under the.eipoaure which was made of the in
—' consistency of the executive.; There- was a stri.
king, though frequently presented contrast of the
\ different .course pursued by the President as be.
tween Great Britain and Mexico. Mr. Polk.inhi*
. inaugural message took occasion to say two'toings
which were more prominent than all the rest The
! first was how very young he was, and the second
- was, his determination to stand by the whole of Or.
"j. egon, dear up to 51-40, all of which was dear and
- . unquestionably oura If ho thought so, said Mr.
Hale'whydid. he not send officers 'and an army
. • there to keep what was clearly and unquestionably
• .outown. He claimed that territory as Texan ter.
ritory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, and
- ’ 'seat an army to seize it. Why this difference cf
V- treatment between a weak Republic sad a Power
-/ ; ; flil kingdom. He did not complain of the 'cojppn>
/ mise line with Great Britain, though he did com.
. plain of the preface to the compromise, for he well;
. remembered when every man who advocated! the :
ine assented to by the President was denountr
edaa a Federalist and an Abolitionist. Least of all
- did he blame the President for beingpeaceahly dis
posed towards England, We read “Blessed are
- the peacemakers,” but we could not add in Presi
! ..dent Polk 1 ! case “for they shall inherit the earth,”
for Mr* Polk did not get the land wliich be had de
clared over and oyer again to be clearly and
‘ incohtestibly ours. Nor could Mr. Polk say with
. . the poet that be'possessed
“TCat true joy. which warrior's feel
; In firemen worthy of their Meet/ 1
The Senators roared with laughter,—the fifty-four
■ .forty men excepted, and tbeyfelt likelangbin? “the
! \k.?foV<tideof the mouth," when' Mr. Hale read Mr
.. letter to’Sir Richard Packenham, an"
that the Treaty had been'agreed towith
. out any alteration whateveraaitwaareceivedfrom
• Ibe’Govermnent of Great Britain.
- ' - Mr. Hale couhTnot reconcile the support of the
' warwilh opposition to it, and the designs which the
.'Executive had then iin view, and he thought the
People were ahead of Congress in their condemns
tion of th'e War. A- Western man recently said
got caught by opposing the lafr war, but now
, he went firwar, pestflence.andlaimoer' It was a
- however, to. bang on to this doctrine of ex
pediency. The' war was wrong, anti he would net
. vote a dollar for regulars, nor. volunteers, nor for
: othar lfla3 ofTrodps, if any auqJi were to he
.•'...'fottni • /; .11 '• . ! •’ . •/.
... Mr. Johnson; of MtL, it is possible > will re pi)* to
* this speech; as'he*was “talon notes.” The Senate’
. * however havc adjourned to Monday, at is the cus*
' torn at’ theJong-session.
The House devoted the day to / the Southern
' mail tgain,'and the discussion bids lair touketbo
. same limping pace of. Uncle Sam’s! Roamantea
'' which rarry toe mail South. The Post-Master Geo
inl stood sentinel in the House io mark and over
‘iWre the members wlto-may venture to vote against
!'4ri* imperious wilL This isbuloneqfibe thousand
}■ ?vforins of executive interference with the legislation.
< - ; ' of-the country. 'j / e. ».
Washington; Jan. 7.—Friday nigbt-
' A case of some interest to commuaitk*, corpor
’ albas and Stale authorities, has been be fere toe
jr . Supreme Conrt lor some days post. The Legisla
. tore of Vermont have passed a law, declaring tha l
•’ Turnpikes and Bridges.may betaken ferpubfiense,
'and that toe County Courts may appoint Commit'
* shall select appraisers to declare the
* value ofthe property and franchise. The law ha*:
been enforced by State authorities, and it has been
• • brought belbre toe Court at Washington upon toe
■ plea that- such a law'.“impairs the obligations of
contracts.”' The’ decision of the Supreme Court
* may settle a very important precedent, and one
:6om which toe most, important decisions may fo\-
\ ‘ . low in thejstate Courts, or from the State Legula
/ torea 'Mr. Webster spoke oftbequestionpresenf
. *ed as a new one,’and: acting as Counsel lor
ihaintifla, I inferred from this that important au
thorities had been cited to show the' constitulion;
alilyof the law; or rafoer that it did not conflict!
- with the Constitution.';
• The Benale hsve ncibeea in session Uxliy. The
Boom of Representatives bad de*
Cbate enough, conuneaced yesterday,' upon a point
harder, and.raised in;con?eqaence'ofthe conflict;
-of a Beaolntion of the House with one of its rules.
The Jar famed letters Of Mustapha Rnb-a-dubKeii
Khan were characteristic of the whole discussion
which was begun e*rij on Thursday, and doped
late on Friday. Never was there so "much ado
•bout nothing,”—*ad no wonder. The man-el is,
.that in a body oTso many lawyers,—two hundred
atid a accrual least,—there should not be more
“points as the saikirs say, or rather, to
quote Moatapba againxa bis letter to Asem:
“1 have before observed, thjU among, the distin
guishing characteristics of life people of this loguc*
racy* is their invincible love ol talking, and that I
compare the National Congress to nothing
’ 1 but a mighty wind mill. There are many doubt.
• Jess at a loss tocoheeive how this mill is supplied,
with grist, or in oilier words, how it is possible to
supply the perpetual motion of so many tongues.”
Poor Mustapha relatda bis experience to Asem.
ahac j
.“Alaa, Aaern," be saya, “how continually are my,
! expectations A couple of politicians
will quarrel, with the most vociferous pertinacity
about the character of a Lum-balifT, whom nobody
■ cares for, a* the deportmen'tof a tittle great man,
wbom-nobody knows, and this is called talking pol
itics. In the gardens of bis highness of Tripoli sre
Meat hivM.three hundred peacocks,
«Wft a prodigious number of ponota and baboons,—
. ' aadyet I declare to thee, Asem, that their buxaing,
squealing und chattering is nothing compered
to the wild uproar and war of words now raging
within the bosom of this mighty and distracted
- logocmcy.” But enough of Salamoquandi, though
Btfhiflg COnld better illustrate the disputatious turn
- «f the assembled legislative'wisdom of the nation'.
■ tVSt OfTtCe DtFAXTafXBT. •
, J ( jn»e paint of order wys settled, afler this, (wo
'4i»cus»ion/— co matter how,—for there was
' wo'interest in it,—and the Houae oace more got <
'■ y ptrh tairinefa-' of legislation, which was' the,
ijjCitriri-'‘-~”Y , ' T T mftil fiootbward with more
- '.expedition- i ! •
• jjhe whplw story is told in a few word*. The
aid Kletaiond Sieemtoii todE.ilß
- CamoMT »ere '"S'*'’ 5 o®=
- : Booth fee *B5O per nfe The Po«
Kune Genenl era* not wfflinrlo five more thin'
1 frrl - mih.—mid the connect w«« Bet reneged.
Tie Southern mnil/iitttead of'eoin* South b, w»jr
i ff**TaaM*c,a<*nK4b) rtheChwepe»k»Be7,
sss&£ ? ."t: t■-
■uid the delay is cotflpUiiiodof os'a real nuisance-1
* Food Mail Establishment' is one of the great-1
of a F no, Govei unreal, ao.the want
ra luil finalities is.fch, next to the want of ageu
diffusion of hiowledge, ;ts : a great public c*
Uauty. In the tranamiiawri : nf'"tnu>FynM the
Government ought not to bo;behind 'private enter?
pnze, and yet the newspapers of the country, on
**• line between the Capitol and New!
a heavy expense, gain aday and a half in the re*
eeipt cf : mail intelligence. More than this, the
Mail Contractor* of the Government are employed
by private persons to best the snail-paced r wn ** ftW *
of their own conveyances. They perform the
quickest service for those who pay them best,* and
would serve the Department well if the' Govern*
ment would pay thwm liberally. !
The Pom Office Department, I am glad to
have concluded to advertise for a Daily comm uni
canon from Pittsburgh West Several routes will
be advertised for, and the cheapest route accepted.
Gentlemen at Beaver and Wellsvule, at Salem and
New Lisbon, will please look at the routes marked
out, which will appear in the Gazette in a day or
two.- The principal routes are already advertised
for,—but new memorials, lam told front; the De
pwtmeat, will prompt the Postmaster General
to issue new advertisements.' Mr. Johnses and
Sir. Hobbie, I beheve, design to throw the respon
sibility as to routes upon those who . wiil do the
work cheapest, rather than upon what' may seem
to be the best communication. By enlarged com
pelition he thinks the expenses may be reduced
very much, and it is certain that the mails are
ried now for littlo more than one-half tl« prices of
a few years since; ' k'n.
New York, Jan. 7, 1818. ;
The meeting of the Whig the pnbli.
cation of the Message, Comptroller’s • report and
other documenU has pretty well occupiod the at
tention of the oewstnoegera. The' message of
Gov. Young, except the Anti-Rent part, meets tho
approbation of the sensible men of all parties, and
hopes "are entertained that with a sound legislature
we shall get a little local legislation, that we much
need to develope the resources of the State,'our
Governor is not like your “shrewd” incumbent.,
averse to corporations, and we shall give our mqi*.
ufectures a good start .
A Taylor meeting has been called for the 22d
of February, and will no doubt be a large one.
Our city always goes at these public demonstra
tions, strong, and he will get a good Mart. A rival
meeting had been eaUed to nominate Gen. Worth
but it isoaty 9 by Mr. Bennett of the’
Herald, to quia OoL Webb of the Courier, who ia
Gfen. Taylor's great support
As I predicted months ago, Martin Hare who
pewu|ded hLss Fox to elope with him, has escs
peU un-whjpped or justice. It will be recollected
that ho plead against a charge of seduction, that
S,K. I ? a Tf dUiep, i orsiri ’ aad « MtSiwas
brought for bigamy. It now is decided that a man
cannot marnr hunself as he aUegys he did in this
case, and be goes off clear. Tho reputation of
Miss Fox ts ruined, his own wife dishonortdand
be once more turned loose to commit crimes, that
bring shame to the hearts of a whole fainily:'
The legislature have granted Vespasian iEUia.
the power he wanted, to forin a company tottav£
gate the “Orinoco" river in Venezuela/The stock
has been taken up, and contracts made for some
noe boats, and the acream of the steam-whistle will
soon startle the aligators from their sleep on that
tamous river. '
The Free Bank panic has ended, and the late
holders of the notes, now see that they have been
made the victtma.of a, ptniogot up by Brokers,
aided by “bank note lists.? The broker* now bur
west is always known ai country money at 1 oer
““ I; alway. >dl, u I perceot,M
you can uc thju i pur cenl. is .11 tu, re «l of
conEdrneu by tlir ouKry. Some of Iho ire. bants
ham returned their uotea, and withdrawn their se
cunUea. say lo the extent of $3 or, 00,000 .which
contracts our circulation to that extent, and'is a
b-ood move. Safety is what we want, aad Dot ex
panaiop. . .
- Since the arrival of the Steamer, there ha* been
a demand to ship at for
flour, and Gs2*sc for com. Holders refuse these
rates and the grain will net be Sold, though there
can be no doubt that these terms are better than
can bu got by holding- on until Soring opens the
canola Colton is cheaper ujuu the whole. Ship
owners, now that there- are orders for grain seem
disposed lo advance freights, which are low enough.
Tluity-*ix cents for o barrel of flour to Liverpool is
small enough .000 would think, to pay interest up.
on ships budl as expensively aaoors have been
forxbe.huit.two year*. Ship owners have been
making recently, one.-.hondred pier cent per an
num, they must now come .town, to a fair Jivinc
profit. •
Te Ut E4imt ff lit tisseto..
It is to be hoped that.tbe press tfarougbout the
. State will join in urging, at thepreaant session of
Legislate re, the passage of a General Joint
stock law, or law providingforthe
Jouil Stock Ccanpanies for mannfocturingporpotes.
It is generally known that repealed eflbrts have
been made for sped si acta for this purpose, but cf
late, years without success. Jo order to succeed, all
that is necessary is simultaneous faction by aU in.
terested (who is not?) throughout the State, at Uus
; term of the Legislature; bringing to bear all the in
formation, and taking *uch prompt and energetic
measures as may be deemed payer lo cany the
measure into effect Sufficient evidence'can eu*
ity be adduced tosbow that instead of creating mo
nopolies injurious to tbe poor man, or the commu
mtygenerally, toe very opposite is the:fort; and
that one effect it would have, would be to rtrike at
toe very root of monopolies, and tend to‘disaeta».
nate equal benefits and advantages: to the many,
instead of the few, that now enjoy the profits of
mamt&cturiog, be those profits large'or small
Neither would toe Stockholder* ,!* toe only per*
sons benefitted, but it would extend to toe whole
community and toe State itselL The Fanner
would have a largelv increased home market for
allkindsof produce andaD articles of food. The
mechanics and labouring men would have agreat
r increased demand for their so also all
those who furnish materials for manufacturing and
for Engines, machinery, &«. - The mer
cantile interests united will also be greatly benefit
ted (hrough these improvements, aa well as toe op
erations of toe Factories. So also would toe steam
boat interest, tq a very great extent, in toe transport
tauon of, the raw material, or Goten which ia now
conveyed to tbe eastern cities aiuL manufacturing
towns by sea, and in the*transportation of tbeman
ufaclured articles which are now conveyed to the
west and south by Lakes and Sea. ; And- it would
greatly increase toe revenve of the Slate by add
ing to toe population and to toe real and personal
property millions of dollars, instead of impoverish
ing and crippling the state by driving all these ad
vantages and all this capital out of it into others
more liberal, and compelling os to buy toe supplies
which we naturally and lerhimately should furnish,
from them. With this Taw our nmnnfcwn n
would be increased ten-fold immediately, .Without,
it will not, ar-there are others equally beneficial
and more lucrative investments to be « B< |
people generally will not risk their : moooy in ex*
tensive operate ns, unless/nrptected at Mbit cor- '
ponte bodies are; they for purposes ,
tn which the communit/it large are to he benefit. '
ed. This system has 'prevailed in
for years. Haairbeeauhjured by it? Lowell 1
and Bostotfr- sad the whole state answer. Has it
not rather, with its barren and rocky by this
system'alone, been enriched beyond measure and
become one of toe greatest of our states.! 1 atoms. *
Railroad Xtrmcnti.
Extract of a letter front's distinguished nfittn
of Pennsylvania, to a gentleman of liu* city,
Washwotoh, Jan. 4, 4848..
Dear Sir—Mr. McLane it iasaid i has now con*
eluded to descend Bear creek, to the Yooghiogheny
river, which empties some eight miles above Smith,
field, be then descends to the ; mouth' af ; Buffalo
creelc, and bjrtbat stream through ViL, West, this
brings him within about two miles of the Penn*
sylvanu Stale line, five or six mUea above Smith
field, when'the Cumberland road crosses the
Youghiogheny, having arrived here, the Western
cimoection and the nver furnishing'an inclined
Plane, wtih no grade over 26 feet per mile eqoal
to a level, will cany the'Railroad evidently Ito
Pittsburgh, especially when they con'reach Wheel
ing in eighteen miles Jess equated distance by
PiUslurgh,. and avoid crossing four rivers and six
intermediate mountains or summits.,
Save the charter and von will get the' road: de
stray it, and 4 must seek a lower terminus.' Pitts*
burgh has many strong friegd* in Maryland, oppo
sed to Mr. McLane and his ruinous policy, but
destroy the Pittsburgh and .CpnnelsriUe 'cuaiter,
and you leave them without au alternative, they
xnust abandon the road or follow Mr. to
Wheeling, hence his anxiety to destroy this char
ter and thus secure a triumph over your friends,
and establish his route as thobnly one to the Ohio
, Will the People of Pittsburgh Urns pisy into the
hands of Mr. Me Lane, by destroying this invalua*
We charter, which once destroyed can never be
Should the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad descend
the Youghfogbeny river as is now proitosed, to the
mouth or Buffalo, within two or three miles of the
Pennsylvania line, this distance, two or three miles
would be the whole extent ctf the Railroad to be
made by the Maryland Company to eonnect*the
Ohio, with the Pittsburgh and Con*
ocuviuo •ftailroad—and they could avail them*
yl 7 ** °f portage of thirty-four miles on the
CnnbwlMd np4 to BmnunUe, wbera ihey
would find Steam Boats ready to lake their freight
and peswsgen to Pittaburgfc,wben no boats could
summer reach Wheehcg for want of water.
This Portage would answer every purpose,. while
me Railroad was under construction uora Smith*
field to Pittsburgh. Yours Respectfully.
Masuanaxro—ln the Legislature, on Wednes
day the Whigs elected Zeno Scudder of BarnsU*
. ’ «f *l* Senate, and Francis B. Crown
tngihield ofßoatod, Speaker of the House.
friend* ofGeaeral Tailor bdd * meeting in
Philadelphia oa.Satqrdav era&iag. --Tie bnui
«n tiintmi by DmidFul Btowb.'&j. -
~ u i /r .^Ss±y£i:
'.Z.Kr".'''.-' ' r _
I L»esl litslllitw*.
j Cur election for Major and
Councils cotnej off todayi It: highly important,
:tioi only to our city, but to the successof the whigs
at subsequent elections, that there should be a large
jnajority forthi whig candidate for Maypr, os well
eafof City Gourtnlmcn. |Tbe party »; not distraci
haa plaeed a man in nominalico for Sdayor
high in toe estimation' of our citizens
moral worth, for his punctuality, correctness
tod despatch in business! Our for Se
lect and Common! Council*.h!ave been fairly and
honorably chosen at the primary meetings in the
• several .wards, anSare suchas will, if elected,
have & special regard for Ihe houor, the interest
and thegenftul prosperity of the dty.‘ They have
also the talent and loral knowledge! requisite to ar
rive »t such and will secure the- conUnti*
snee of that wisej policy so beneficiallyteommeo
ced *nd pursuedjby the memßer* whose places
they are expected to supply. / ,
. It is well knbwn that the whig* have a Urge me-,
jority in both cities; and where harmony prevails
in reference to tbe nominees, the consciousness of
.success frequently induces many to nejflect their
doty of attending the election. • We hope such wfll
not be the ease to-day. Let every man- turn out,
and such a vote be polled as shall give toe loco
focos abroad to understand tost the whigs of Pittr
burgh have not yet been'shom of their strength.
Auxoutm^L*CTtoi».—We hope every Whig
of our sister city will lie found at his post today,
and toe exoelient; ticket nominated by the Whig
party at their primary meetings, iriumphaafiy elec
ted. Make an eflott, whigs, and success is certain.
Mr , Vote nr of so Comcjccvcz. —Locoforo
voters may say .this with impunity'; bnt the Whig
who says so, and;aids upon that opinion, has so
right to complain if his friends are beaten. Let
each Whig-say that his vote is to be 3 the et
fective one, and fet him seo that it is in the bows
before dinner-time.
The Real Ejuexds or C. R Scvu.r, Esq. must
recollect that he will want & full vote when hi*
fcllow-citixcns nominate him. Let his friend* show
. cordially, they expect toe whig* to work than,
|by their efforts now. A strong poll fron/you now
jin behalf of the nominee of your part)*, will he re*
'paid with compound interest at toe proper time.
Vote Eaelt—Vott the Rxocuut Ttcxxr, and
let that ticket be headed with the name of Gaxxixl
Vote or nu*ixs to the Matos. —Every vote
deposited in feyor of Mr Adams today will be a
testimonial of respect *
Gouxcno)o,!for the wives of soldiers, who have
left their families in rather destitute bircumstances,
to fight toe Wtles of Uieir country, are going on
as well as could be - desired, and speaks well for
tho liberality and patriotism of the citu«s of Pitts
bargh-. ‘ ' *
Enough hss been raised to satisfy present neces
sity, and those who require aid, should have no
hesitancy in making immediate application to toe
proper source for relief; tithe families of those
who have volunteered to Jeopard their lives for
the country, have a just -'claim upon its citizens
for support- Government stoold legislate for
this purpose; but in toe absence of mch. legislation,
.community will freely in proportion to
their means..
Sctcmnc Association— The first annual meet
ing of toe above association will he held onTfiura
day next, in toe Hall of the commen
cing at 2 o’clock f. «- There should bj» a strong
interest manifested on behalf of thi« community,—
especially by those who wish to see Pittsburgh as
sume a proper :poaition among toe cities of our
Ncoontry for science.—in the prosperity of this in- I
siitmion. The meeting is called for toa'purpore of
receiving a report from the pommitee on By-Law*,
& nd for the purpose of fully organizing the Society.
Dr. Jackaon, of Blairtvilfel Will deliver a lecture;
and from his character for literature and Science,
toe public may anticipate a rich treat.
Ga.sst» Soißtx—White’* Bras* Band will & ive
their lir*t annual Soiree, at toe ‘Lafiiyrtte Awmbly
R«mis on the 27th of this month. ' Those who are
foqd of good music will here a rich treat by atten
ding, aa this band has become notorious for its mu
sical talent. See advertisement. 4^
BcxrtLAXT.—The warehouse J. W, Butler, ou
Second St between Wood aadSiuithfield, was en{
tercd, on Saturday night last, the safe forced open,
and about 15 dollars- abstracted. Fortunately for
the Proprietors, they had taken tlie precaution to
deposite toe great proportion of their funds at au
early hour in the afternoon.
Zjunufcutt Baicazxx, of Pittsburgh, appears to
have been among toe killed, at the eiplosion cf the
-steamer Westwood: <m the 19to nlu Wow New
Orleans. • 1/ ' »
Preaa the Ptttshugh VolaatutA
Correspondence of the Pitulmryb Roaette.
hlcxtco, Dec. lAIM7.
CXir frtends from Pittsburgh, are all in good
health al present; though our ranks are becoming
precy well thinned. James Smith died ou toe 2Sto
after an illness ofbut seven days. He vti buried
m the graveyard cf St. Paul's by toe «dr of John
Hague. He had the most respectable funeral for a
soldier that I have yet witaessM.
We have recently had an election m the Second
Pa. Regt, for officers. CoL John W. Gran
has. teda elected ColoacL Maj. Brindle elected
Lieut. Colonel; and Lient McMicbaei elected Ma
jor, hot Sat some cause to me unknown, he has
not received his appointment; we are toerefenrat
present without • Mqjar. Thertf hare been many
appointments among the officers rince tbo elec
We we anxiously awaiting the arrival of Gen.
Patterson * Division from Vera Cruz, to hear from
our friend*. A train leaves this city tomorrow
for Vera Cruz, under command ;of,G«jL Twiggs,
and many of our boys will start wittgft far home—
but one (old Hoops) from our comply.
Time brains to pasa very slowly, as we see no
prospect of peace, orofgedingback to our friends-
We think old Pennsylvania might in justice, raiso
a new regiment and send them on to relieve the
two now here—e /aU regiment would oot-numher
the'men of both regiments now in service.
Lieut*. Rankin and Skilly sre well, and quarter
ed near us.—We hope something may soon turn
up to break the present monotony.
Psaaiylvanla Li|l»UHm,
On Thursday last foe fallowing resolutions of
thank* to Gen. Scott, tnd the American Army,
were oflered by Mr. Sanderson, tn the Ptaotyiva
nia House of Representatives r
Btaolutioru of thoHl* to'Major Gnural WtnjMJ
Scott and tkt American Arwtf.
Rctolved by the Senate and House of Repreaett
labves of the CommoDveahh of Pennsylvania, ia
Geneml Assembly- met; Thai the thanka of this Lo-
S*l*ttire be, and they are, hereby, presented to
jjot General Winfield Scott, for uie'Brudeace
alaU, and bravery with which bo ha* thus £u con
ducted the cam palpi against Mexico.
Eeacdved, Thai thia Legislature fully appreei-,
ateathe sufferings, services, and heroism ofibd of-1
Been and men of the United State* Army, in Me*-. I
wo, voltuneer a* ,weQ ns regular, and hereby ten
der* them ita hearty thanka fcrtbetr gallant and
patriotic conduct.;
Resolved; That the Governor be requested to
tranrait a copy of the fcregoiog resolutions to Mai
General Wwflcld Scott. 1
Laid on the table.
AFroarpucos *Y nix PxEUDXYr John W. Da-
T **> of .Indiana, Commiawoner to China, vice A- H.
Everett, de ceased.
John Rowan, of Kentucky, Charge d Affaires 1,
Naples, vice Win* If. Polk, recalled oi hi* own re
quest '
• Wm. J. Staple.vof New York, Consul at Havre,
in place of Mr. Beasley, deceased.
Huffasgie. of Pennsylvania, at
the port of Cuirutia, vice James B. Higfinson, re
called. • ' f
Hugh Keenan, of Pa., C ,iuul at die port ofDule
ho, vice Thomaa, Wilaon, recalled.
Adolphe Renard, Recorder of Land Title* at St.
LouU, Missouri, rice L. Spencer deceased.
Eleaxer P. Kendrick, of Ohi£ Surveyor of Vir
ginia military district in Ohio, vice Wm. M. Ander
son, resigned. ‘
SiMrsniY wmi Italt.—A very huge meeting
was held at the Citinesc Murium in Philadelphia,
on Friday evening last, to express the sympathy
of that city ibr Pope Piu* and Itally. Hon. John K.‘
Kane preaided. Among the Vice: President* we
notice the names of Joseph R Chandler, and other
&ftinguiahed citizens.
; (Iwwx—Mr. E. B. Wiiite bu succeeded in in
troduciog the application of Coll'e improvement on
pistols to cannon. A caanon with five or six bore*
may be discharged with great (acilityvby the lock
revolving round the piece.
. Buax.—A break! baa occurred inThe Ohio r aod
Cheaapeake Canal, near Seneca, which will take
eight or tea days torepair. .j .
‘ Several caaetof Cholera hid occurred ta Venice
aad tie Island of Palma- *
‘ Tss atibacription to the new Joan of $3,600,006
to. theSebuyMl Navigation company, wu fitted
on/May Jut. ;■ • ,i
Csmspsadsaee «f Pittstargli Gsraette*
Corresposdeaee of to* Pittsburgh Gazette.
Washington, Jan. 10, &P. M. *
The Senate was called to order at the usual
hour. . ' *l.
• The V7co President laid before toe sv»n*«» B com
muftication from Dr. Houston—read and'referred-
The bill for. establishing a Territorial Govern
mefit in New Mexico was*taken up, retd a third
time and passed- : .
. Hannegan, of la-, submitted a series ef Res
olutfon*; declaring that do treaty ought to be
which does not. specify and define a boundary line'
between Mexico and the United Slates, capable of
proper military defence, and that no
Government would or ought to be allowed,—that
toe territory ought not to be held os a province of
the United States.
Mr. Ashley, from the Committee on Public.
Lands, reported a bill.for u general redemption
The bill to increase the number of pursers iathe
navy, was taken up and passed.
The bill making an appropriation for toe con
struction of a Dry Dock at Brooklyn, was token up
add passed. •
jOn motion, toe Senate laid aside the regular or
drt- of business, and proceeded to toe consideration
of toe Ten Regiment Bill.-, Reverdy Johnson, o*‘
Mil, in speaking on this bill, declared that the war,
was just and honorable, and ought to be sustained
and in maintaining this position, be spoke at some
length. I* was contended by some, that toe Presi
dent was answerable ferjthu war., This,however
was a questionebetweenl ton President, the Gov!
eminent and the People of toe United States, but
as far as Mexico, and toe; United States were con
cerned, toe war was just. Before he concluded
his remarks, the Senate adjourned.
In toe House af Representatives, alter toemorn
ing business, toe Speaker announced that the first
thing in order was toe Resolution relative to toe
transportation of the Richmond Moil An amend
raent was adopted, but after much debate, the' en
grossment of too bill for a third reading was voted
down, and the bill killed.;
On motion, 1 toe Hotfse resolved itself into Com
raittee of the Whole, for; the consideration of the
President’s Message.
Messrs, demand Staunton defended toe
Administration at sonte length, after which An
drew Stewart, of Pa., obtained toe floor. Before
he proceeded for,the Committee rosebud the House
adjourned. ’ j
Wasmlwtos, Jan. 10,10 pj u.
There has been considerable trouble in the Cal>-
inet of late relative to tot affair* oT tbe array. It
was resolved at a late meeting to recall General
Seed, and a special messenger was dispatched for
that purpose, but when ha arrived at Richmond he
received a telegraphic despatch to return to Waste
ington, as the Cabinet hail concluded to await toe
arrival of Gen, Pierce and consult with him be
fore recalling Gen Scon.
WAstUNOTott, Jtn. 10, ft p. m. !
Mr Clay arrived at Washington today. He wa*
welcomed on behalf 0$ the city by the Mayor in an
eloquent and appropriate speech, in reply to which
Clay made a Hew Ujet remarks. There was
gteal • enthusiasm manifested on the part of toe
people towards Mr Gay.»
Exclusift Correip9nd<mee Jot tfe. Pin»bur*h asrciu
Puu-iDxinnA. Jiu. 10, 4 r. u.
Fbur —Sates of Western al C 2&5»5 37} a> Ibl
Market quiet and rather dull.
The market, generally are without change in anv
Kzp|u*ivr «,f the J»m»l,urrb t'.srette
baltlmure market.
. rtAr.Tuipax. Jan. 10. 3r. ».
Flint —The market is steady but not active. uitli
moderate sale* of H. S. brand* at SG 9 >■>,[
GreiV-Salesofprune white wheatat JteV&l.'iy lm.
Prime R»sl in selling at Then* is
mere douig in ‘andihe market ln« an ujv
; ward tendency; »toer grain* are without chaage.
sale* of prime While at p hu, and 15,000
bu of Prune Vellow at COfit-l c? bu. Sales of Rve
at 72c&75e 4*.'lhi.
Mhitiry —Mode rale sale* at 25}c p goto
Promt™* — are.only for toe supply of the
regular tra.le demand. i* -dull, ahd leads
downward.*. .
i'xdoMve Cerre«pnndenefe o( tb*- pHHl.urjl.. (JsrrUe
\ N’tw Vnaz, Jan. 10, 3 r. a.
/•Tbb/—Geqesee hrojids are seUingat V3.A'*h*V
37c bfci. Western is selling at S'«#u.oG}c p U»L
Tba market with a moderate business. » Jn favig
of the buyers. •
Grtnn —The demand for Wheal and Cora is
good, but the transactions are not Urge. Other
grains are steady# prime White
** bu “ c °f prime Red. Ohio, at
te bo. New prime white cbm is aetluw at
C7c tp bit. Yellow at Ikl
Mw Pori —Sales of old Western tfu ], at 810.
of new. at 11/<o®U r *»7l
Pr* sie—Sales at 7 dol tfj U»l.
Urd— Safe* al S}c ft I .hear of very little
doing to-day. j <
liacmi —Ssje* of Western Hams at 7|c. fend cf
bUoclJera at 4|'3-i|c 6.
I. 'caon— Price* liave declined nearly 1.
Grermr*—Sugars have an improving tendency,
with sale* of N O. al «> ft. Coflen and
Molasses are without change. ; . -
Eiela«ivpCo»r*»pot>denc*'. oT iW- pjtt.bcwi, limit*
(•jXcwxati, Jan- 10, r, r . t£
Pretw*i--saiei are only for the, supply of the
repto trade demand. Lard 11 lirm.aad heldat
s|oGc in bbl*. and krjra; with sole* nfXJOOOkara
at 5t ? B>.
Kififd !lotr> —>«!«» at 2,5032,73 :y hW.
CiicuixaTt Jan. 10. IS^A
The wrutlier ia intensely cnJd, being the oddest
dsV of the. Season. The »ikw u three' iodwu in
Livstron. tin Mamct, Dec. 11—Since 4 th,
»he of • lkli in price hive been were
aeadeti—For the last three or Jour weeka acute
y W , order * been received by the maker*
and deliveries have been made atmoat entirely
from ttoek, A reduction in wages of 20323 »
cent ha* generally taken place throughout aQ the
iroo dutnctis preparatory to a considerable red*©-
tioo ia the pnee at next quarter day.—The railway
companies are still reducing tfaefr expenditures.
Price* in Liverpool—Scotch pig £3.2* Gd- met.
chant bar, £Bl a* best rolled bar £ii 1 fr; hoop £lO
»<)*—sheet .£lO 15s; and nail rod, £9 5a
Moial Isrurrxcr—The mail system
which authorizes the tending: of fetters
throughout the .British kingdom Tor a penny,
and newspapers for nothing, and'which hi
irieo .'?° ,o *<> Rovemment ,
*1,000,000 annually, ia regarded in that
country as a eery important means of moral,
religious and intellectual improvement It
may he hoped that republican, Christian,
tree America, cannot be the lost araouc the
nationsof the earth to adopt so benign a eyi
wm. There can be no 4 doiibt that, with the
exception of those who hold the franking
privilege, such a system would, in this coun
try, be hailed with universal joy. 1
Tm More Dm-aicanon.—The h>» „f ,|,e u a
Government, ivill nol be as heavy on account 3
UMr WfWdason, of the
Philadelphia mini; as was at lirsl .nUnpmrJ h
will not eiceed 3.U00 dolk Mr. B. wSaee'n id
the American Hotel N. V. . day or iwb “n“
T,!S.?r i T T II,III ,? tI T A nrrested on
Ttie«la) Inst, near Port De]io«il. Mil,, Who is sum
; e“llTnl 7“" ° r "‘' » f 'heWeil
I.SoCTU Asizrjca.—The Freuch and English »»v
enuiients have agreement which will
probably pm an end to the difficult*, £ •
Buenos Ayres and Monle Video. n
Mom Ltvb Lu*r.-The Eastern Mail Mae*
new* of another final wreck Tl,. * .m-
Fsmtre Ms-diew, writes that ho hone, w resell
hew fork In uinß-toyarticipate in the aoitivmwy
of die Temperance Union neat Spring.
Viar.i.vuSham. \u:k Pi,,. p
authorising to. hjnk.of vi£i,to"Sl?”
a smeller denominntion thin r i dote**! 1
Houre of Delegates on MoX
yet to uct upon it. - > Senate is
on hu wsy to St. Augustine. ln “"•>
ml in the Legiriature 8f
by . vote of 30 to 11 a™" on ,l “’ JI » «IU
»T<2tas“' L'tTo,*' *1
District of Ohio, in«£s $ WM
i Ftao the Christian Messenger.
nr vaxiods auetof the .’wpxtn onto
l ods'of soatTri
I WILL not speak paiUcnlady of the condi*
ton of woman inthe The Bible
- ah i°T r 8 fi 01 though man I was made first,
while the woman was taken from his side!
yet- this priority as to on the part of
and apparent inferiority and. subrnga*
tton implied in the manners! woman’s cre
atton, was neve*: designed! materially to de
tract: from the character dr condition of the
l{ .. nurftt.seem .to be some
w hat thrown mto the shade, it was the sub
dued and softened shade; of private life, re
moved from the glare and bustle of that
rougher contention and intercourse for which
man, as is evident, is especially adapted.—
' J e see, therefore, in this, riothmg leJs than
the finger of God; or,-in other words, that
evidence of adaptation which here as else
where bespeaks foe wisdom and goodness
oftheCreator. It was simply intended that
she should thus be fitted l<x adorn the sphere
she was formed to fill. Hence we fiJd in
her condition, at the beginning, no marks of
inferiority or degradation, but m all essential
things an equality with, foe other sex. Mil
on, with his usual discriimnation and excel
lent sense, puts mto the -mouth of Adam a
description of woman** condition, similar to
that which I have alluded to:
“ For well I understand in the prime end
Of nature her th' inferior, in the'mind
? And inward faculties, which most excel,
In outward also her resembling less _ [ing
His image who made both) and less express-
The character of that dominion given
O’er other creatures; yet when I approach
Her loveliness, so absolute she seems, .
And in herself complete, so well to know
Her own, that what she twills to do or say
Seems wisest, virtuousest, discreetest, best •
All higher knowledge in her presence tells*
Degraded; wisdom, in discourse with her,
Loses, discount’nanc’d, and like folly shows;
Authority and reason on her wait,
As one intended first, not afte* made
Occasionally; and, to consummate all,
Greatness of mind and nobleness their seat
Build in her loveliest, and create an awe
About her, as a guard angelic plac’d.”
In the tune of Abram yon have another
and a later glance at the condition of the fe
male sox. No veiy striking change in this
respect has taken place. | A just regard in
one, at least, of the branches of the Adamic
line, ts evidently paid to the righto,of the
sex, not only fo foe family of Abram,;but
also in that of Nahor, Abram’s brother, who
contmued to reside in Syria. From the very
unperfect knowledge we have of domestic
manners in Egypt, about this period, arid
also in Canaan, it is clear that out of the im
mediate line of Stem, some important, per
haps I may say radical, chinges had occur
red in the condiuon of female-society The
manner in which Sarah was seized in Egypt
and afterwards by Abiraelech, showsthat
even then prevailed to some considerable
extent the debasing custom that any unmar
ried woman could be forcibly taken and im
mured by the princes of foot age; a gross
outrage this, and a deplorable violation of
foe rrnlito heareu had given to woman.
Take foe whole period of time, from'
Abram to that of Chnst. and among foe
Jews you will find Jewish women, on the
whole, maintaining their proper place in so
ciety—treated with the deference that is
their due. In domestic life we have no rea
son to suppose that they were oppressed by
a sense of inferiority, or degraded below
Uieu proper level. No esWial restraint
wum imposed upon them. They mingled
with HUtticient freedom in society They
enjoyed equal teefliues for foe improvement
of their minds, for ought I see, with foe qfo
er sei ; aud though we have not many writ
ten, specimens of their intellectual power
we have *ome. It is true, divorce was very
common; and they seoin in this respect to
have been unreasonably subjected to foe ca
prices of their husbands; yet in later times
foe Hebrew women claimed, u is said in 1
tbfi spirit of foe Roman matrons, foe power
or ugh! of diroree equally with their hus
It may be asked, did not foe Hebrew
king*, a* for instance David and Solomon
muhtplv women in Harems, furnished in a
style of Persian magnificence, and does not
this imply necessarily inferiority and degra
dation on the part of Jewish women» hfe
true, foe kings of Jodea, many of them, con
trary to the expreaa command of God, did
mniiiply wires to foemaolva*,” but this
doe* not appear on foe ivhule to have de
ranged the g*ru!ral organization of domestic
society, .rhe law* and institutions of foe
Jewsj especially that primary institution
marriage, which united h one than and one
woman,* confihuod through all foe turns of
Jewish, history to exercise a favorable infla
ence upon tho charactetl and couditioa of
the sex. Indeed, with foafr original records
before them, where woman is treated as
possessing as high a nature as that of
with* a.destiny a* boimdle**, and with ro
•ponsilaltties, though of a mure private na
ture, of foe-greateal weight, ii i. impossiblo
tliax- she should hare been otherwise re
garded than wilh due respect and attention.
The portrait which is drawn , in the book-of
Proverbs of a virtuous woman,” shows at
once tho estimation in which she was held*
so also the various commendations whicli
are given ol a goal wife. AH thfe sufii
cieniJy indicates foe portion of a Jewish fo
roale m a remote age, and among a people,
esteemed by foe more polite Greeks and
Romans, barbarous. A Jowiah woman al
ways stood forth as such, knowing and
cUiroinft her righto in society a* a social
and an intelligent agent, hot only embellish-'
ing..lii«r;.|w: Her presence, but filling her
sphere, and discharging her duties, under as
heavy a weigh! of moral obligation and re
sponsibility as man. Hero, then, is one
point reached: that the just righto of wo
man,-and her duoposition in society, were
secured under foe Jewish law. -
It i« proper, hotrerer. to loot at woman,
in these early ages, before weeorae down
a period, in an aspect lean favorable
than (fiat in which she has been thus far re
garded. • The very first divergency that we
&nd in her true position took place in the
family of Larnoch—for in the broken poeti
c«u fragment relating to Lantech and his
wires, Adah am) Zilloh, and the record we
hare of their progeny, is seon the- first in.
stance of polygamy. Out of the line of
Shero, unrestrained by any fear of the Di
vine law, this tpvil grew, and wo have every
reason to suppose tjfie character of woman
deteriorated under i s influence, aud her sit
uation was altered 'for the worse. We al
low that polygamy prevailed too much
among the Jews, but not without more or
lead restraint, from the Divine law- but
when One had been forgotten, or nimoV
wholly obscured, polygdbiy prevailed with ;
a greater license; and as'a-natural con*e
quence, the free indulgence of desire led
woman to be regarded rather as a toy, than
as a rational helpmeet, the chosen compan- 1
i6n of youth, .the fnend and solace of age.
From Lantech, then, emanated polygamy a
manifest departure from the original institu
tion of marriage; and extending itself, it
spread over the whole of the Fast. From
the little, however, that we know in those
remote ages of the domestic manners in the-
East, where the BiUe sheds not its light, it
is difficult to define with historical precision
the actual diameter and condition of the fe
male sex • yet from what we know of the
effect of similar unrestrained license in later
times, from the very nature of the caw, wo
man could not have been regarded accord
ing to lier real value, und the important in
fluence! which she is' designed to exert in
her own Hphere must have been proportion
ally diminished. But as we have no few
facts, we will not supply their place by con
jectural inference, but leave thVpart of the
subject. VVe' may indeed taka it-for grant
ed, I think, that out of die line of Shem. in
those,early periods of time, woman had fall
en much below her true position; indeed,
that the estimate put upon ner, the degree of
influence who enjoyed wtw. reiy for fmm be
ing consonant to the design of heaven; nei
ther was it measured by her capacity as a
moral and intellectual being,
Skubj ih Ha*bp*o.—llia stated that ten
thousand persons are employed in Hamburg
in the manufacture of segarß. They make
150,000,000 annually. Offheae. 14,000,000
yearly, or 40,000 daily, are puffed away by
the Hamburgnerev for the special pollution of
their own .atmosphere.
Trtr Marian Bible, in Latin, was the first
book ever printed. It was issued about ithe
year 14 ft. . .
-'. I - '' • - CR&XD SOIBEB.
W*®** Band, hereby announce to
bFr-jSSS? Th^^ Jmn -*•f 1 **“ A««nK
. .y*f JC * <a f' V*sy spared bp pain* in maMny st.
“factory to those who may
company They Mill introduce
«™W^w^ fc **r"™ n ' t r? fB "» rotiJUpas and
xr» Be ** r *»«««» presented jat those
.ts “”* '* lo prp P ar " '<“• supper, vu\ the
confidence bf thh managers «, him enable them to
pwnuiejha 1 nothin* will be wanting on hi* part. There
wili-btf a sufficient number oi carriages engaged. to
ewy i tte ru«»u to end from the party free ofdiarge.
TWm will also be three omnibus station*. viz- one at
Jontanr lee Cream Saloon. Allegheny eitv; one oi.oo
■ue Skoenberger’a, Bayanlstown; and one at the Riiund
Iloure on .Pennsylvania Avenue. Each omnibus will
leate .lt* atatton for the Assembly Room*vvery half
hoar, commencing at- 7 o'clock, and continuing until
half juut eight. A manager will attend each carriage,
and omnibus, to recejre the tadie*. The Ilatl williie
opened precisely at 8 o'clock with a Crand .March—full
band—arranged expressly for the occasion. Tickets
eait be procured of the managers, at the music stores,
aad at the Boosupn the evening of the puny. j
J' mas* - !
Henry Hays, D. I. Smith. i
Michad Marshall. D. C. McKee, l
C. Ji. Magee, . Wilson Swain, !
Thos; Steel, John Hinds,
' J. F. Richart, . J. S. Orton.
U. K. Glass, G. IV. Fleming, ‘
; Alex. Mel Ville, R. Bailey. ;
: Michael Steen, J.’E. McFeely. •
janlldffi .
ITT” To StXAScaoAT M*s uni Oni a*—Connell's
Magical Pain Extractor—lt is now conceded by modi
cal men that Connell’* Magieal Pain Extractor, raonu
factored by Comstock A Co, SI Courtland st. N V, is
the greatest wonder of the IShh century. Iu effects are
truly miraculous. All pains are removed from burns
scalds, and all external sores, iu a few minute* 1 aff
ter its application; hehling the same on the most deli
cate skin, leaving no scar. If is equally beneficial in
alt kinds of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nip-
P*®*; and Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling
■£f*'• Ulcer*. Bruises, Baras. Chilblains. Erysipelas,
Bdes, .Tic . Doloicanx, Ac. We might add as proof to
all we say, the nameaofinany eminent physicians who
n *®.“ ?. n ‘heir practice, and hundreds of the clergy who
K- it to their peoble. Kind parent keepit constantly on
lit cases of accident by fire, life may be lost with
out it, but by us use all bums ore subject to its control,
unleu the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember
ana ask for Connell 1 * Magical Pain Extractor, rnanu
by Comstock A Co. N Y, and no other.
Sold by W M. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh', f©
Liberty st, head of Wood. ■ novlSdAw?mT
• CT’BAtM: or Coltjchu—Hu* Tome.—To the Bald
*™* jou wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair,
free from dandruff and senrf, do not fail to procure Ithe
genome Balm 01 Columbia. In cases of baldness it
wul t&qro.than exceed your expectation*. Many who
havekjet their hair for SO years have had it restored to
iu original perfection by the use of this balm. Age,
state or condition appear to be no obstacle,whatever, U
alro causes the fluid to flow with which the delicate
hair tube is filled, by which means thousands (whose
hair was grey u the Astactic Eagle) have had their
hair restored to its natural color by the use of this inval
nabla remedy. In all hades offerer it will be found the
most pleasant wash that can be used, a f e <i applico •
non* only are necessary to keep the hair fi3m tailing
mil. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to unparfV
rich glossy appearance, and as a perfume for the toilet
it is uneonalled; it ho d* three times as much as other
nusealled hair reitoreuves and is more effectual. Hie
genutna maunfactured by Corastoek A Co., 21 Courtland
street, New \ork.
Sold In Pittsburgh, only genuine, by WM. JACKSON,
89 Liberty *t, head of Wood; in Washington, Pa., by
Sweeny A Son; in Brownsville, by Benuet A Crocker
in Canotubnrg. by Dr. Vonel; also, by our agent, in
every in Pa., Ohio and Md. novlKtiCvduT
strangely destructive to the hu
man cuticle, {or skm) the sudden change from’ beat to
cold, and. the. smoko cause* yellow, dark, coarse com
plexiona Then it is,requisite that the pores of the skin
should be kept open—that their mouths should be freed
from imporay—■‘twa* thus the anaicut Roman Philoso
pnere cured all diseases—they computed that more
the pored of the akin, than tny other outlet of the body.
uiseaiCa and unhealthy-vapors let! through the
II u necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—ail
humor* are dispelled from the skin trom thipores.
when they wish with Jones' Indian Chemical Soap. I
have «een it cure the wont and oldest cases of Salt
JUewa,Erysipelas, old Bom, Barbe r's licb, Sore Head,
Ringworm, when every other internal and external
remedy had faded—a* e&ct-readering the skin white,
wfti though u be yellow and coarse, is won
derful—it removes freckles, Tan, Sunburn. Morohew,
and disfigurement of ihe skin—but persons must
b* wmicular and ask for Joxxa Soap— to behadiu
Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sigudfthe Big Boot,
9 Liberty *t. Pnee fib cents novlMAwly
Teeth and patrid breath,
Spongy rums like rotten death,
- • - Irfepulslva aad disgusting.
All couUfhave teeth aa white as pear).
Sweet br»mh—hinlgvms—mm orsjrl.
Why delay!—nay. quickly haste
And use a box 01 Jones’ Tooth Past*
It coats but *3 edms, and is really a beautinij snide
It rives the teeth a fine enamel. Bold in Pittsburirhai
W Liberty sL novlSMAwly
PT Dm* your hair fail off, does your hair ium gray
[Ji'barsit.iindry.ordirtj.lprqy! \ s
lf>s thus, you can make it soil, silky and fine, .
tmrk ami healUiy, and beaatenns as tha hair 01 inure.
Ana » have this,you have but three shillines u, gt v «
For a bottle of Jones* Hair Kesiorauve.
, u y.®* l bad hair you would really be a's
.,ffec' * ,bre * rhtlline bottle of
£-1 S l ,? 1 P«*M*ttva has on it; it needs but one
trial. Bold at Ml ft. nevlMAwly.,
, Dont have yellow dark Teedi—tiwv con be
P®»riy white Ly one tune u.iug u bol of Jones’
Amber foolbPo-ie. (■ hardens the jrutu*. »iverirnslße
breath, *«. '>ald at s*.lubcny *t. novlsWAwl)”
C 7“ Don't have a Foul Breath—lf yon hare, use a
two shilling bottle of 'Jones* Amber Tooth Paste Thin
S.T» m *2^ ,b,r,,h whiten your teeth. Ac -
bold at ttf Liberty *t. uovlOdAwl >;
C7*Ti> th* l!*tr uto Unt—t'omstorl’s Nerve and
»oire laiumeni and loduiu Vegetable Elixir, is the most
eQeciusi cure for Khrumaii.ui. tudd bv \V.M J \CK-
Atfrin lor Pnutiurgh. . ' i.oVlSdAwciaT.
ttoan, Ac —The (icnuiae Hay*’ linuneiit
u an article more justly edebrated as ncuretorihe
ai>ove than any or all others. Its cures are almost in.
uiuu,retile. S„U 1,, WM. JACKSOX, A,„.i l-ui.
““I*- 1 _ . wovlslAwftmTl -
C7’ Laics wbo'usc Jones- ripaAish lily White, have
* 4ae white transpsreni skin. Of this a trial
wdl sfouiy any our s«,l.f only in Pittsburgh, tt! >j3
L ‘=»"> «■ . !
Th«fi m *aitb*l mreuofr af ih» Srimtitir Adulation of
'y«*fn .PMo») U»ma «itl fw held in thr Hall of tto
i-i itrrwiy, yi Pm Mfrrt, <m nenTharadavattfo'clot-k.
I f *- 1314l 314 - *'* »#**■>«* S«muti(]i<iuo ami
; U> inm* forth* BMouauon wiin* reported, «aU mU.
erf>a«me*t Important to Oi*- interrtu of the \*-ocib.
Not only tho»** who arc familiar with
the nrtl* or tU* natural M-tenrr*—hut all thowt favur
•bln to the ealtiruiion and proouuuin of mrient-r art* itt-
Vi“ . lo ** curap member* aiut aid pi the ritcmion B ihl
muaMonof uaotul kuuwlrdar.
The puWlr if* rrrpertfuliy invited tn attciaUlu! ei 1 -
«temeato>brld <m Urn rvmi v oTTbondav iu tbr
Hall of tap latwrotT Piot Steven. will
make au addrew rrlatiie to ihe nature anil ohjrrta at'
jbe uaociatxm bimlJ |)t. Jackum of Rlatr.ville will d-.
liver a lechii* »n tire Crotocv oi We.wrn fV«n'» «
. „ TltOS. IHND, ]
l*nU> Committee of aaranermeui*. • •
ID" AH J'apeka of the two ciuee arc re<iiie»trd to exi
tend lhi abort notice. ;
lU-et»fil*rm»nt of the popular Troupe for iix nirhu
loader They %»1U appear ihia Week, J«n. twh, and
every everang thu week m a
Song* KWCImi of every imaginable character and
deaeniKtott, Curioua, Comical, Grave and Plulotophieai]
•• well a* decent and captivating. 1
Mua Clare Brace, Mr*. Eliza Sharpe and .Mr. NetioW
" »» Piano Forte al
ternately. .Adnumaion 2$ pcnti. 1
N. tt~A prize of a aplendid Gold Medal will be'
awarded to the author of the beat Original Se&timeaJ
la! Song, ou Saturday evening, Jan. ISch. A committee 1
SLSIf?a pe ' , 10 I* ****** *»T audience, wiUi
award the medal lo the tueeeaaful pencil: Coniribi
•”2 w iL‘ n “ m *b«r piece* on or before Thurada
l»h. Hrcct to -Eagle Saloon.*’ No individual ci
* lhU « 4t will be a competitor.
_j oi
on • ,rial of oue ® ntl * h«ir :
Aj miliioni, unra I Hu, pronounce this article un»ur
f**** 1 for durability In the ceo.tnietton of nil kind* of
(*uraMe«. Free fat,?* cash for load* nf lo M. ruar*
tateed tune.mooths u*e. Order* for a second qualiiy
Rolivar Unck, will he executed at £X) per M, if M > »le
?. T V:? i r !>Sll F 1 * n ? , ' e - A *rf U««- *I»: quality
i« now for »tfr at the warehouse, •Sloan'-.-\M,arf.- Ca.
nal Bum, by J. SHAW MACLaKKN.
teptwr Kensington Iniu Work*.
W 1 of Young Vei
Mercantile Library Aa*gcmtjon amt Mrchanit
u i£J ttW will be hr Id thi* evening at * o'clock
Offipera will be elaeiej lor the enaiting vrar
LOAF SUGAR—IOU Mil* l/iumaiK rrbncry No
Joaf tugar jutt rec’d and lur tale by
iSW""' K '"'“" ,r *
UpAl'S—B large mUiantial coni boats tor
J&U IJKJ"re of_ HKYNOLDS ft miKK, .
LARfr-tObbli lard for *ale hy ~ ”
J*™* REYNOLDS * smkf/
MESS PORK—Iii bbl* and half bhU a Miperior art
cle fot »ale by Ualtl KKVNQLOS ft SHKR
D*» K ? I bu, l ‘ ,ri, * d P»‘«<*l«rs; .In pert
ed do; XI bn«beld dnrd apple* fur rale by ”
I X)IQ COFPEK—S4t baa» prime, preen Rio rutTr*-: i!6
4.V bbl* Lovering'* crushed »ug»r, landing from *.tmr
Northern light, and tbr sale In
J®"” Uaoaley * surru.
RAiSJNH-st*) hi* hunrh rniMin per »tr Ckm«ut for
*«l*hy _jjaH| UAOALKY * SMITIf.
MOI.ASSKS AND KAISINH-l’ui bVu'nuiliusr.;
150 ooze* bunch raWui per Mr Avalunrhe. ibr
R 1? V— f ‘T/' ,< “* 0U ba ?* ?*»”»* R r ***H Kjo coffer
landing from *tr M. Cloud and lor sale by
meeung of tii»» society will be held in the LuUicrau
rliurrh tnh tt) on Tur*da> f evening, llih January, at dt
°X. oc k *“*' i fhe $ fV - M p »sr.«. Pasaavant and Vest
will audreai the audience. TUo»e friendly to the cnu*e
in-which the society U engaged, nre invited to nuenJ.
G 1 KOCHRIKS— 'JUT beg* (mine green Rio coder: ?5
. u mmi |p a »; 160 boxc*
Kh 10* 5* a it. lump* tobacco. 3o keg. 0 iwUt do. with a
general aaaonmcm of arocerie* for rale by
JOHN ».DIMVORTiI,'ar wood «
rPEAK-SO half chMti Young Mj*on, Gunpowder,
J. Imperial, and Black—l 3 and 10 lb boxeiVounr
11} tun and Gunpowder do. on band and for tale bv *
■\y lIITE Cll^K— 0300 lb* while chalk lor *aie by
ff_ J*‘°_„rrr. RJ) SKLRKIW.
OPTS TPJU»tt<TINK-l!lbbU for'»alVbv " "
CJUNDRIE*— Spice. madder, logwood, etc.- on hand
O.tndfortale by ROBERT A
'*l*l«EB—S3 buihel* far tale be
T/-??r ,4? i ke J’ leU ’,, l, P 1 ' tec'ilpet aupi America
AJ. <bt Mile by Us?) LB-WATERMAN.
BEANS-* bhl» ra*ll white bean* in store »oa ia
** leb y Ll*3] L H WATER.MAX
IB—JO boXM for uli by
No. 33 Front tt. '•
HOPS—b bales western New York bow 15 do.
Couneetocut River and Eastern do. jot receiving
*M°i^ Mle by BROWN A CURHERTSON, . ~
-J*” 10 ! » 1 miibertviinrt.
KH?u?7 ,0 Pd™.* MW etofcjuit rr.c'd and far
*3 .■»*• b T O*WJ -JAB A UUTOHiSO.N 4 Co.
j My JtliaD. D«t»») ltctinur.
} -L-- ' Dry Gorxul ; a • •;i
: j.On “nmodayniorainc. January lfch.afio o'clock, al;
iue commercial Sale* Hoorn, comer'of Wood ami sth 1
will be sold without re«ta-te, j. t “I
vl An extensive assortment of Wtswcable foreign and *
dewie«tic dry good*, among* •BnerfineTlothv i
-fcattnen*. vehm-coatiuga. gold and sHyer mixed «d*i
nngton, Knglish merino*. aipaccac. Orleans cloth. 0 by
♦ figured floorcloth,,green and yellow Baa*
net*, whitaey blanket*, brown drilling, brown
ffinghgpa, check*. shawl*. and.bdksia grgat variety,
pbstrry. woollen coiuibrt*. goal* hair camlet; a large
assortment of ribbons, ladies’ bouneu and other milli-
goo»U, silka, eie. »--• i t.
L • ■ , At a o'clock, i. «.
fl large platform'portable *
- . —--no' portable scales, glaasware, queens
wuc, table cutlery, coal-and Devonshire
• |I. v , ' -® nc»u baud boxes, nuutnuies. beds »nlt bed*
ding, looking glasses, mantel clocks, leather trunk*, a
large aasortiuent of household fumiouV. cooking stfivrs
kitchen iuromire, etc. -
j ■ At 6 o'clock, r. M..' '•
I Bools, shoe*. gutn overshoes. cops, tendy-made cldth*
ujr, gold and silver watebe*, whip*, combs, German
uiney goods, fancy toiletand shaving soaps, razor
strops, brushes, guns pistols, violins, letter and 4np
wnnng paper, blank books, etc,. / ianll
SmtthfieU Street Prvptfti at Auetton.
On Monday evening ihe 17th iwi. at 7 o'clock, al the
Commercial gales rooms, comer bfwood and sth sta,
Wtll be sold that valuable lot of ground situate at the
southwest corner ofsmithfield andjOth streets, having a
front of a> feet on smilhfieUi street and extending along
6th street GO fretyo carpenter's alley, ou much are tiro
tenements, subject to ah annual ground reit of 947.
Teraw at sale. JOHN DJDAVIK :
• Auctioneer.
! Sale of Choice and Valuable Boais. * • -
On Saturday* evening, iannary 15th, at 6 o'clock.: at
the Lceumercial Sales Rooms, comer wood and fifth'
streets, mil be sold an extensive collection of Miscel
laneous Books, fine London editions, among which vgilt
oSu-’n'“l Hasidenee.ln Greece and Malta, dvoUj
Schiller • Fight with the Dragon,, fine outline eng. by
Mont* Reicfc WeLtead's Travels in the City ot the
*r, l v °l*’ History. of the- Great Civil W ar, with
splendid illustrations by Cattermole. 1 vnl 4 to: Sir
■ m ; Hamilton* Vases. 3 vols tblio; Views and Sketch
lIV®. Pyramid* of Giceh, 3 tola* Trollope’s Summer in
D "'« n V TD *’ s PH r ’» Modem India, S vols; Montrose
and the Coveuenters, by Napier, S vols; Cleopteusu
Manuel, colored plates; Lee's Sermons on the Scrip-
Pictures of the French People, 133 iliustraUoDs*
Hooker « Journal of Botany, numerous enrv, 4 vols;
Simonds Switzerland. 2 vofs; Complete wopk.' ofDr!
John Moore, 7 vols; Ftnden's Gallery of the Graces;
Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 3 vols; Beauty’s Cos?
lame; Burkeus Notes on the New Testament, 2 vols;
Scott's uotes on the Old and New Testament, fi-vols 41*
•l»atnck, Lowth, Arnold, Whdby and Lowbm* Koto*
on do;eic. . .
CXUB,iTe assortmentofNovets,
etc.. Euglish editions, many of whieh have nererbeen
reprinted in this eountry.. - -. ;■ .
Catalogues can be obtained and the book's examined
at the Auction more. [ja7] JOHN D DAVlS,*Ann'r^-.
Philadelphia College of Stedletme. 1 -
Fifth, South of Walnut street.... ?;■ j
The sprlng and summer course op leg.
TUBES FOR 1643, will be commenced on Monday,
March 6tb, 1645, and be continued.four mbmhsrbv the
following Faculty; * ' —-* • 1 ? ■.
3AS McCLINTOCK, M. D, General, Special and
Surgical Anatomy.
J.R. BURDF.N, M. D., Materia Xlediea and Tber-
D. P. GARDENER. M. D/Chermurr. |
HENRV GIBBONS, AC. D., Theory And Practice of
Medicine. j
liOL'lS H. BEATTY, AC. D, Obtteuici and Dimitt 1
of Women and Children.
JAMES McCLONTOCK, M. D., Principle* and Prac
tice of Surjery, , *
HENRY GIBBONS, M. D., InMitnin of Medicine
and Medical Jurisprudence. . ' . ;
S. B. UcCAIAIOCK, M. D-, Demonuratorof'Anat
ifICIIARD BURR, M. D. Protector of Sorcery.
Fee for the fall colirae, S7U. Fee for llioie who hive
attended two foil course* in other Colleges, s4o.’ Mat*
rieulatioh to be paid once only, 85. Graduation t'JU.
Practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Ixeturra.
•lh. The Diuecong Rooms will be opened oo tfca lit
of March..
From arrangement* bow pending there ia every rea
lon to nope that lb# chair* of Institute* of Medicine
and Anatomy will be occupied br distiucl Professor*
at aa early period. > ■'
For further infonnbtion inquire of' J .
1 JAMES McCUNTOCK. M. D., Dtut, ,
• 'No. I North Klevenib'StreeL
t*rc. 87,1517, "Jaol. • : . •
■i ■ 44 .
Eatablfrlied t wveßouae in the year 1940, far the pur*
**ftK.°/jSPE , y in * t&f »nd interior Trade wiA ;
.tow oricr*—end exhibiting, at aU»ea«uu * *
ofilie year, thcLargeit Aworaarntui
Tbej are now opening. Several Hundred Pee karri,
compmiagrever) new ityle'offoreign and Domeatie
production. many ot' which bare jmt been parchaaed,
oud! are offered tor tale for Caah aiul abort credit, at
: -FROM i
per; yard below the price* ot April mad Mar., a* per
printed Catalogue*. xrhirli are corrected daily, lor the
un'oruiatnin oi nuvrri. \
•_ NowJYork, June, hr
Pittsburgh Ssvlgstloa sod Fir* lasnr
uce Couptnr,
I .V| rompliane* wuh the sixth section of an an of as.
•einbly, • approved; April sth, 131‘A the following
statement of the resource* of the Pittsburgh Savin*
titm aud Fire Insurance Company iit published:* < B
Discounted note*, wilh. approved endorsers, #70,4t55l
Premium notev \v|lh>|.|.rovetl endorser*. IMM 3d
- IT^SlittJ
aSl.share* stock; in lire, Pinebiujtlt Nnvigu.' - j
tiou and Kin* Insurance Company, 10.1 U) fU
Cruh iaHirlinngr Dank, . 7,503 7**
Outstanding premium*, due from the other ■
Insurance Companies, * 4.19093
Outstanding premium* due from individuals. 7L77H W
Domestic Creditors Stale Scrip, i q-jj 00
Ihmd and Mortgage, '375 ou
Secretary. ;
Jsn'v Ist. IS4B.
j'nlthU wjt*r
i . ' Card—Monday, Jan. 10, |
|V K. corner 4ih and market na, will, from thi*
hi* winter drrv* good*. and a large proportlon
ot hit *to«k. adopted only .u» the winter *e**ou. : at'
K fe fl?r reduced price*, h beiny hi* object to *el| off
thiv Part t>i hi* stock 10 make room for an early sprioc
unppiy. no .regard win be-had to the co« ofihe yoodw
but they wilt be offered at price* that will eawire their
a* California plaid*. at lb| former price 2Sc*
eu per; do. at S 5 former price JTfc-; Printed Scotch ea*h
merei at ISJ, fonner price 3lc; do. 25? former price 374 c:
rrenrh all wool do. 50 cu, former price ttt and TSc
Mperjdo. ?5 former price 100; wiper plaid Thibet cloth,
6 i *“* l former pnce 100; be wile* a lam acaormest
of winter shawl*, worsted Hood*. Ac. at price* mnch
•lower than beture offered. - V- • jalO |
Belling off to Close Business. |
-VOTICE TO MERCHANTS end the Public gener
xV sllv. J(uu) dollar* worih of resdy made clothier,
cloth., c.Miuvrem saimeils, Westiaism Ac Ac, to be wid
nnrately, at cost and undei, uittil Tuesday, Ut day trf
bebruaiy next, at which tinfo the remaining portion of
our ttock will be closed at auction. Intending to close
our business in thi. city on or before the first day of
.March next, wc otfer the whtfle pf our extensive stock
m clothing, ck»th>, cassimerts, satinetis and vratiagt,
at w»d below coal, on tonus tq suit dealers. ; (far stock
oi piece coons harm* been purchased but this season, found to comprise aonfo of the latest styles as
well a. the most desirable articles for .Merchant Tailors:
All person* haring claims against the firm will please
present them tor payment, and those indebted are rr
quested to call andaenJe their account* br the SS&'lasV
a* no further indulgence can or will be emit. • s
J to Wood tu Pi rash’s. Pa. ;
A TWO of these dwelling are,aimatad on Ferry.
jy street, between Fourth and Liberty st*; being
. . each dO feet in front, and three sforiea high, cor?
utning six room* each. • .
Four of them are situated on Decatar street, and are
fiiteerr teet in trout, three stories high, aud contain tlx
rooms, • - - . f
Thw dwelling* sra brick, each entirely ■epfa!
rau in their yards, and contain every convenience an*
peuded to dwellings.of that sue. They will be sold low ’
and on easy term*. and oder-strong inducements far
capitalists who wish lamake sate and prifitahle inve»i-
for those persons in moderate circui&staaee*
who.wi*b tq secure a hone for themselves. . ; •-
Inquire of the subscriber., who can bis seen at the 0(i
fic&ofithe (iuette,every forenoon, between the hour*
of eight and ten. and at epher tiroes at his rooms at
Mra. Hays' boarding boose, Robinson’s hew row. Fed.
eral st Allegheny City. . DN-WIIITE,
J*“3U_ Agent foriheowncr.
, . | „*«•»« Uasto fox kali.
M ; Tiff, store bouse sod lot, allnated on Liberty
JfoJL?.".. fytry streets, adjoining too note of John A.
Bell, it offered • for sale. The building r* a'lhrrs
Kiury brick, and rovers the whole lot. having* front oq
Liberty street of 111 feet. and on Ferrr street of r 2B
leet. and is, in depth, the longest slde.'tW feet., The
building is well and suhstanually built; having two
ifont*, aud so arranged that the cellar and upper sto
ne* eaii be rented separate. The store room 1* occu
pied by a Orocrry. for which the stand is well adapted.
Phis valuable property will bo sold cheap and wi easy
terms. , /
Inquire of the subscriber, who caqbe seen at the of.
fine of foe (torelie, every'iarentfon, between foe hours
nf eight and irn. ond st other times at hlrroooual
Mr*. Ilu) *' boarding haute, Robinson's new row. Fed
eral st. Allegheny city. D N WHITE,
jaiiltni ‘Agent for the owner
For Rcati
M iTwo large brick dweiUng houses on M wreet
berweru Southfield street and rherry alley
They are slate .roofed, furnished :wifo ras
jlixtures, mid have spacious yards and out building*
ilnquiiTOl Ijanlutf) • WAI M.DARLIXGWN; '
Building It'qc
MANCHESTER FOR ?AL&-1 bavo for sale*
JL beautiful budding Lot in Manciestcr. near the Urrv
fret front by MU feet deep. It will be sold low iud
»•» acrummodatm* term*. 'lVnaannexeantionable
JAS. BLAKELYj Heal Esatn Agl,
pQy E?4t». "**’
■ML The thwe story brick warehouse, N’o 54 wntee
•iMasj «v'tanw».i.&J2SL
: enen—apply on the premises. ,
To I.*t,
A larg.\ cotnmouuju*, and w»4I finUhed,
t-nck ihrelKnpon Penn si, halt -
, .«»*▼» <Jarnson nllry ntMi Wajni* «. 'Ptm**.
lon givpii unmrilutpty. V<* partlrolnr* iiuiult-.' ai thr
7*7« . ’ 'V-WWAIivCR
- -JM liberty
i. n .„ .. K«w*p«pe» for Sal*.
A V AI n jnod circulation and fict- 1
-TV tent aJsrrimnif cu*!om uotfrred tur talc hj,
tteo rimi debt and afford* a ffonouabl* prcliton th*
[hr balance on approved > iwJit The preprie tor will
t** v ' no o'ljwsi in aeilfo* unleaa a batyaiit can b« madi’
gj«« •:** Jay*. AWrcM bor(Tl, ritltbu^h^
IJIURNWIIIXO IiOOIW—We have ou band an a
■ of*ood» aiuuMe for fonutfonr hse].
ucaraboat*. Ac., amonp which aw Mbata. tickbm. ȣ
•orW; U ifo bjo. dnltini*; a ca»ea 5-4 and CM blen<-h«! ;
aiw.4-4;.dw j baWWavr linen
.*?? , J! ea mbfodiaper,
Sootch and llowia diaper; low-priced fancy madded
gouts white plain aud iwilied
«*’•» wlucU w »U b* »uld fow wr ca»h or approvedemfi!
->* n i so wood .r ,
-(“ patwrtttleMßropy.) : Cb’n. jc^a-r
IpPSOMi ftALTS—W bbU ' ‘
U whbjr . liaiO] 1 *
ij - •''•[."- 1 ,L
rpHM'-rell known line of aplendW passenger Sn-sa
' 1 ■ evrtv-now cotnpoaed of the jwiftwt. best
hnUhrd and foniished, and most pojrerfol boat* od Ik*
wttwi of t!»' sV«t.' Bw»Tcm»-
fort that money can procure, has <*"” **
MO gtfi. Thriioe ha*. be*n u» fire year*
-hal carried* miifioo of P®* 1 ** 1 #* 11
ryto their pereon* The boats will bo »‘ tbe fo« of
Waodatmu tkaday pi«fioßi : W »t«l«g»
tion of treirit and lb* etury * passengers ou 03 ft A*
ter. in all cam the pa»*«*e.iaouey-jnii»l bepaiJx*
advance." .- ‘ .
r ” nosPAT packet*,,, -
burgh every Monday mowing at 10 oelock; Wheeling
everyJUouday evening at 10 r. JC. ..._ —.l*
• •! •• • '' TUESDAY pllcSt.' : '
The HIBERNIA No. 3, Capt J. kusxmrnt, win '
leave Pittsburgh every Toesday morning at 10 ** c.ock;
Wheeling eVrry Tnewlay evening at 10 F.^
‘" - : ' WKDHBTOATjSokiT." ’ i •
The NEW ENGLAND No. % Capt. S. Dsa».iwill
leave Pittsburgh every Weduesday isoming at 10
o’clock; WbceUngevep- Wednesday evening arl J r. v.
THCBsbii PiCKBT. : M v
The PENNSYLVANIA, Capt, Gaar, trill leave |‘ini
burgh every Tburaday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling 1
every Thursday evening at 10 f.*. r ‘ f ‘ )
Tbe CLIPPER No.a; Copt. will learn Pin*-,
burgh every Friday morning at 10' o’clock;
every Friday eremng at 10 f. » ' '
Hie MESSENGER, Capt. De Oanr. will bavtntti*
burgh every-SaTurdaymoraißgatlOo'elock Wheelu*
every Saturday eveninga! lOf. m.
Th* ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. a M*ao«,xwill
leave Pittsburgh, every Sunday Bwwntbg B t 10 o’elbck:
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 f. m. , : ' .
■ ■ tv . -The ileamer . • - .
ifkMtJil CALEB COPE, . ; i
™ ’l leare.fiir ;Be*Ver« Gbucdw ui
■KBBSHweH*rLI>; on Tuesday,' ’ftaxaday,
and Saturday, of each week, at B m. recant
ing on 'Moaaay, Wednesday and Friday. ; Sbo
boat at the Jsndmß between Wood «wi trod tty brkWt.
prepared to receive freight*'ml any lane. -
. : S.fc.W, UABBAL'QU. Ar»,
No 33 WoodiM.
- 'jrjtu»~ hr’ • Th> fine atcamhoai - -;.
■■BSRBSfIBmK’ coming Haimei «eaaoti t wok* doilr
trip* to Dearer and WeiUvdle. Icattar Pirubnnrti at*.
tj moraine at fl o'clock, firid WelLtriflo at 3 o'clock, *.
M. dccltl <l. M. HAKTON, k.C&.Arit.
yf-VM. K The fine puMnferneaarr
ilk ti. inS 1 • ROBERT FULTQX r .
Collier; * maiter, will leave £>r*lh«
IBflEßESHßabory end all intermediat? porta; ( -oo
Monday,' at 10. x. tl, positively. for freighter pamra
• apply oa board. . . .: jaJ
• __ TOE " •
JKSJ> *l'
trerwflmß' Dean, mtiter.-wlil tc*T«-frrT flfrw 6r>
■■BBEMBBeana, on -Monday at wV-
v t of petme appfy on boa A rlafi
clock. , For titi
k '■ The fine steamer - .
_S P taevi it 8
■■BBSaSMßo'cloek this day forßrowmvilla. ‘.sW
ThecommodiottsaUamar- ''.
f fi-, Ja Wyoming, ; <
Omrilea. master,' wilt.laav# iht
port on Monday the 3d. For
freight or passage apply, oo board, ... • 1
it\£rx** W The.tasl ranulng aieamar *
f r-ini-iii r 7 '■ taguoni, ...
S 3 Perry,' matter will lean-Jor kia 1
■■BBES&NBabove.’pon this day the *£? *>»
freight or passage apply on board one ' /.
•' " : ' M.AIXEN B Col
. <nici* k ' The elegant stsamer. •
(ff .IJ,ng , NURTHERX'UGHT,. [ >
JQj--£ij*f®_lfutehiioii, master, la expected at Fiat!
Thanday morning next, end
will iiare.ammuiliaie despatch Ibr .New jOr&eaa.'R»r
insight orpassageapply oahoard., . - ••»■. .
, tv The Bew, splendid ud fan husior
«MB»r ‘; BROOKLYN, •*^T*
Bnceßoieajßaster.wiH leave for abora
wßagSßßßaiid intermediate port* ou Thursday.
tha.Cthfifrtailu o'clock. For freight orpuma**:
graaboani or to J. NEWTON JONES, MmaSabeU
• ifjj’sp*' rv new and venr saperiorpasae*- !
!? r »«*aer JOT CARSON. ‘
JBgmtK-h J Eaton, toaster,' wDI .leave for die
and Jhirnoraiate ports. on Sun
day inoroing the fth in*v«t» o'clock. or
passage apply on board. ' jamdgt
* j i'okstunts. ' -j
/,V K • The nrw aiid iart nniniu?*ieanier.
-<w»Qsrtng Macleau, uas»r, wiUleave a*.abort,
day, at 4 o’clock.. For I‘rriirhi
or passage, apply on board.- -
h The magnificent steamer 5
Mtller. muter, will leave
lO o’cloelr. -gw
or opptyon boani. j_
tv l“ e newittmi tinrunning pnurniiir
U&Wfr “ e y»^P^a\XVAKL?. P C^r^
■SneaHKa^Tr?/’ t««ve tot Cioc&uuni efel
* TP* ••'
tmgES&SmJfcl rotter? wiUJeir* ■» *borV.t»
'■■£7' »S*3Fnd*y nextM 10 o'clock.-jcr*. ££
Creigl^oi'pawseappiy op board.
'; PACKCT.. . , “I,
' Th«light d .'••■•
waiter, %Q 1 iuLkeweeUr inW
«bore pom darinj liie
-^ r Jt lorpa ** asea PP*y° al, ®*** l -otto - v , ,
I ——- : P.Wiffiyg^L
McKeesport, MONaWAHE.
b i. Tbe new sttuner - .
UfcjwJ... despatch,.." • vl,
»ai m.' u >w«
•** Swarti«
botod! ’ ror fnrtgbl ciT pasM«e,*^«l
Tb« faeaeir Meaner - . ,
Gc o -n Cbek, tauter, will feat* «t*J i nas£2? 3 J.S? 1
FOTfteisht or P“*«P=, «pplr wboanUlL, t a ~'
j. NfnVTOW JOSFSL Art •,
I _ Q«EEN<ieo.'gßxpaKm
Kiprrpciuw- J '•• ■-. ,<
lusm daily at
-‘fe'Kff *•*—■ *■ «**EJwe4t?t*.~- i
j • -( )
! „ O W CA»S townm!!*.';- .
’_ . . I.SmbqiSjo^iii^Sir**'''.-.-
j' ; :> - Peaßiylf»iu»y«jwi‘l|>y t - ■•» 1.
than can be nrrM threap earFS^ifi**2j
. Li- tna •■-'•: * •-- '• V-. CLAIUm-fc TllA.'ttl
S C A^ I, *v C n R^^RKU-TV frUoi / ‘
•»» * 1 ~ tenlrrvillo, ft. Marrh 19th. lH;!
J M*» JitTts—Dear Sir—Duly.' to my fellow cir^ l -’
aeoiwdU that | abmiU odd my iwttmifty to the w*T T
CaCy ,?* >°° r *M*matiri- I hatHl •
IbuTiw^* 4 t / r *J * U P n * uo,,nrMt '«a tneurahta■*••>■*-
',“5 K:rr °* ‘hire yrar’» aianding.
ilTtu * •** rr,,,e^* r » ®l the itfufrMioh. unlit artN> ! i .
S .tesgw >»*» i» <U
Whine y«tfc.-A«»a.-'»
S'l-H »*« ttrtwa »x •
****:■ i.
, 1 pr.O.Jayne-Dear Sir—UVenelou VcenUU‘-’ ,r
!-•■-*;•' *" ,4 *'“ »v«44