iVI j ••• t- PRICE S BUSINESS CARDS. A LIOCaNDGH CORDON. Comminion and For* c .wording Merchant, 54 W nter and 105 From «*„ Piiuburrh. .! - • rnchll A TWOOD, JONEfJk Co, Comruittion ami Forward- J\. injf •Mfrefeunr*. hare retnrited to their old: •tiuid. Water and Front rtrert*. Pitttbunrh. occa ‘ whUMII. mr^i TjRAUN A BElTKlkiVlioleaale and Retail Drum*!. Jjcortu ofiibelly and Clair atreeu, Pituburgl _ j , marU -~ti. A. PADXKSTOCX & Co., AVholetile and Retail Dretgim. cohter Wood and Cth tu.-y jy| BACAfiEY ‘A’ Wbabule tiroceri, IS and jo Wood xtret, Piitibunrh CA. MeANCLTY k Co, Forwarding aiid Commit* • aion Mere ban Lt, Canal Batin, Pituburgb, Pa. - «r r ■ . . roc hi ORLANDO LOOMlS.'Attorney at Law, office on , 4th street, above Stnithfirld. , «pt?ly Z~]tOhUlAßu< IIAII,MAN ) '&. Ca; iloimrumrcr* «• 1 V/ Camajte Spring* »ad Axlei, a. B. «ud Spring Steel, r «ad .fleam* in Coach Trimmißira of every oeacriptiod, mußfactor? on Kt. Clair at. WarvhouM 43 Wood si ——ntc St Charfea Hotel/ •• iOIIS CiBOX.' ■ 1 i. KCIMDItT. McKNIOFIT, (lacctnion lfr 11. Coulter * Wno!e»a!e Grocer*. Cotuniitaiofl and For warding.Merchant*. dealer* in Produce aad Pm* burgh WanufiicnireK Sixth rtreet, between Wood «id Liberty, fiaihugb, Pa. • . octu - lmporter ' and Wholesale aaHWtad •“*."51 . and Staple Variety Good*, rfigti of , .p* Otaib, UW Market it;, nearUberty, Pituhurjb, - i. nitwoximu. I » * SBWTSLU ullomer* at Law, cfficen oh Bmithfield; bctivcon ad and 4th it*. TJDWAHD HKA7I47TON. Wholesale Grocer, rut X-fuda of Diamond, second door from Dsamoo Alley," Pitubargh. • • ! - • , • my 4 • * iexwalt: -xosx oDii&rr. , i\ TCTWALT ft GKBHART, Wfeoletalc Grocer*, dealer* , ,JLiui ProdnCe and Pirubareh Manofacioxe*; comerof 1 lipgttyand Hand «t»., Pitftfanryh, Pa.-- - ftb!7 TyNpLJSKItUENN CTT,(lnie .1UC&) Wholesale Grocers, CointnUdonand Fortvard- V? Merchants, and dealer* In Produce and Pittsburgh Haanfactures, No. 37 Woodat, between 2d and 3d it*. •' ' ~ , ocU . - -Uomiaiaj t SWAIrtZWEMJEB, Atlomry. » JL Law,hara removed their office to the South aide of eoorth si, betweeu Cherry Alley and Grant ftreet.' ! ' anW. , JAMES WOOD. RI£E\ ;t Wholesale Grocer* and -L CommfMKw Merchant*, and Agent* for Brighton •s*“?* nms, ho*. 57.\Vnler, ud IUB Front .oorfh, Pa. | - ,- r.t^ F...81AJ31& Piano Forte Manolkciurer and denier •m Mtutcal luusmenu, 118 Wwd st, near 3th. - ' rocha ™*xTTn./ » •• ;«L, A. ronrzST )RSYTH .4 Co., Caomistiao «nd 'Forwarding Merrhanu, No. au Water M-, riwhßTgh. 1 n»yt< .IRANCIS SELLERS. • r/mniiiiiw Mer* * W.V “? ,d **W ill ProdnetvConUre, OiU. 4<l, ba"' lu°" ***~{*J r * aeet T the CsnaJßajin, Pill*. * ®* ®** a * lB * Piielit Manilla Hope, Ac., alwaj - * on - ,,ru ~- '*-• - • .; myg> r-H. EATON, Dealer In Glores, Hosiery. and Fan • ey and Staple Trimming*. Market at-, Pittsburgh. • 1 . apti • : LONG 4 MILLER, Bell and Bran ~iA Fwtflderi and Gas Fitter*. 109.-Froat between hnd BmnLfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa/ ' I *** price giveu lbr old Copper and Bran. 4*3 , 1 ' wtrtxaix raucxa. • /-J-EORGh MORGAN A Co- Wholesale Grocer* and \J Commission Merchants, los Wood *t_ Pittsburgh, ■ '■ - ■ tatll A. HKURV, Wholesale Grocer and Com* midfloa Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Piu*- porgfa Manalactnres. j No. 19 Wood n, pinsbargh. v . “«* miiiu w. a atom. V, - B ?! rri Malflers, and ~ P^n Pit: n ,!l 0pt ’ Brew f^*' Jrj.BpEGECOCHRAN, Cammisainnand Forwarding *vy Merchant, No. SO Wood street, Pittsburgh. mylSj -TJ tNRV. 'U’OODS. Brickmaker, Mooeagahela Rie. AJ;"- A ll ° r^ er » punctually filled. Addreas by let -terthroogh the Poat Office. ; . a&y ' BRp*OT„ White and Red Lead Manu JLXracwrtc, Pauu and Oil Merchant: comer of Idbei ty.hrtd O’Hara »U- Pittsburgh.; - jcl3r . hmaa Dirn.l. 5 • si'nivf Dtcnr. r» '■ TBAIAH DICKEY 4 Co., lVbolcidr Grocer*. Coir 4. mutton Merchant.*, and dealer* in Produce; No*. L Watsr, and 107 Front street*. l*itt*liurrt. novr JIL BLACK, Me reborn Tailor, Flic ban re Buildidei a Bt. Qairst- Pittsburgh. jalOtr KNOX, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. Pa., ; r monied the practice of his profeaaieii in hi* of lce, No. 7, Bakewelr* Buildings, Grant *u oeaopied, : daring hx* absence, by T.J. Bighani and J. Christy - ' ~ ■ ' r2sd4wtf TOKNI). MORGAN, Wholesale Dnniit, and deal- Veroh Dye Bluff*. paint*, Oils.yamisbes, 4c.., N'o.UUF Woodatreet, one door South ofl Dianiond Alley. Pitts- ■ ■ •• ; jant JAWES KERR, -Jr-, 4'Co- ce**or‘ to Joseph D. Q. Dart*,! Ship Chandler*, X Water street ocSl. JOH?f H. MELLOH, Wholesale and Retail dealer. ib Moaie and MutKa! Insirumeats, School Books. Paper, Bluet, Steel Peia, OuiUa. Printm* Cards, and Stauottary fTeneraUy, No. 61 >Vood st;.Pm»b®rjh? , ErEaja bought or taken in trade H . , • »cpi3 —TOIfN SCOTT* Co.,'Wbolr»aJe Grocers Forward ; Commission Merrhout*, DraJe r*jo Produce, i ud Pittsburgh Manu£»eturo. .\o. 7 Commercial Row, J*bcnysL, near the Canal. Pittsburgh. Pa.' - ocll2 k Co„i Wholesale Druggists ■ No. 84 Wood tirxt Pittsburgh. JOSEPH JORDAN ft SOX, Commission and For-: r X.¥‘sf*. “•'•‘•UK, No. IS Ul*nj «, <oppo,iic gmithficld st-1 Sampson** Bow.; ; •- •• jajsS - JOHN L. -OALLATI.V, Attorney: at Law, Office on ■*? "Ween Grant and Smilhfield, South tide, PUUoorrhf will alto attend promptly tb-lmsineu la the adjoining counties. 6c2S-ly JO®* R I >AV' I S, Auctioneer, corner 6th and Wood Wood st*. Pittsburgh. ; oet^ QW4STON A STOCKTO.NVBookseHers,/ Primer* i tad Paper Manufacturer*, No. 44 Market st, Pitta- W*"' ‘ 1 : }eo • - Jit Store, 4th, dear Market street, • ClaaticaL, Tbeofegieal, Historical, School, Mucel- aod Mctbodm Books and Stationary. ap3o,r JW. ROBERTSON A Co-Bankers and nxebandc • eomer.ofWood Merchant, note! Buildings, Pitubonriu Pa. 1 i . HyCarxeney purchased at the* usual rater. octt| . TO®* GHiBS, Wholesale Grocer, dealer is .Produce. Urftnabtnfh ManuracraresjTin plates, Ac, Ac, No, «g Liberty st, Pittsburgh. ' jaad fttUAXomT. - -•*■•-. i j -a BcitmTuin, flat* J. Floyd' A Co^J. WdpsU ftft+Ctyocera.'Sa. liftUbrnystt>rf •? /; I wpq i TAMES DALZKLL. tVhoJmlft fimwfj fliwnniiMjiq U Metehaatj and dealer, in Prodoce wnd plusburiK JUaufaetares. No. SI Water st-Piusbiugh. janlO -■ : """* BAIiZHJiA On* Mtaufigtaw all sizes at Jbfßover, BaeetrßarlrDirmm Nails, of the besteoal-. «y.' Orders left, at the Warcbotueof B. Dalsell A Co liberty st, or 1* 8. Waterman,-Water st, will - receiTe proape amatfon.’ •• = ; - ■ •. “ • • • jyi^ X f B., WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forwanl- Jjan* and Commission Merchant. - Deaier in Pittt vttth Nmifacwtcs and Produce, Noa.3lWater au aadlgFrontat; tZ ■.. : ‘ j!7 ————«»m. • : jaws r smrroT. T AMBKBT ft'AHJROff; -Wholesale Grocers. For- Jjwardiac Md CootnlMdoa Merchants, dealers in r73dage snd Pittsburgh Manufactures, No*. 13 and 13S Woodst r Pin>bturt..-r , ; •;r.:y, ? febg t il, f; *■ tsimim.' - -wjLtm %,'wz. TMvffir g * , 3”fMfflft,BOEi Wholesale Oreccrs No. 191 Liberty: at, ptasborgr _ : jT2 f^ i*Xf- s“’ .*“**.*• sQucx.**. Xfl • * O** CCTmtiftttcm and Forwarding ill* ibrehaius, Water and Front sts., between Woo§ aadMarketcs. ■ - | • ij,- jantt • ygyi • jc w, memo* ILLBR A RICSCTBOX. Wholesale Grocerbud jCemmisaioir Merchants, No. 17ft Liberty at, Pins- McOOBD A XING, Wholesale and Retail Hat and CapMaantketnrrrs, and dealers iu-'Fancy Fur*. eoracrof Wood and Finh sts- - * T^Jw* rRPHV. WTLISONIA C<v Whole* ; Dealers, No.jLWooaiu Pltuauryl •V;* HOLMES‘A «OX, Nd.as>farket lb,- -iJVdbor from comer of Foculh, dealers in Foreign' snd Domettie Bills of Kzcbanfe, Cehificatef of Denos it, Bank Notes and Specie. j > „inrCollections made on all thb prineihal'cities ■roogboui the United States. . ' r \KUM, MeGRKW A Fonrardliw a.pi’ J CootoisMon Merchants, Ha, $ Coanneirelal\Row. Abcrtr st. Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ t , »pl 7 >w. rcooerm. r . cnsocrsos. ; c. n. oaurr. ft Co, Whotesale Grocers and Coo-, -ft »m»«B and Forwarding Mcrchppts, No. dl Water - ' - • - .... '• - oec23 DeaJtr** Sfcond utr-Piifbufrt/ RtSjSPJr4lro«iMer and Dealer in **? D°tD e *<« S»daJenr, Hardware aud. ** ltJP J^ o<l H c jiis? Wlale.de and Kruul Denier j'n £ Mofocco, tifaoemiken 1 Tools sod Find. Vi'rSrSrZHi'? 9 *- c “*J**»*r Tools, sod Tanner*’ Oil, *lOO Wood »t. Puubnrgh ••. ■ - J> epia : U • B. *o.*owr«. N Wlol«*le Grocer., Produce R M.SA^i^H cfe,, * w,l *'»WDwdw‘n P‘“^- 1* MuufecUin;., SoAM Üb*ny eu, Plu^urgb, P ftLZEtX & Co., Wbole*akr Grocer*, |hn T ?s° y* 4 Mifldvtsrev Liberty rfo - r ra ~ ■:.- j . Icf>24 r 1 Hrw MOOSE, - Wholesale .Grocer,' ejkse tifriar ■LadLiqW, **“*? $ Fo«i»n ««» Donntic Wines ; ill3 = f«-5(2' V 1 *•-» Putoiianrii- - <*TMg*P"_*{“l f rerf Jsnre.tockof'o^rior- "Tiiikfj-, winch will U sold low for ' ■' : •_ ■' • '• ■•• mj-tfMy _ - - y- } \ <nglL '~ • Jt|Wrß]|.4 BHEE, F\»rwanilnW and CoiauuMion ; » Hirer Trade, dealer* ; Chloride ofJOdoce, PlUaburjh Manufacture* and , ' trr**<yfVi‘ c *« tu C*»h. paid at alt time* for roim :, Pc>ul Md ..: .i 3 *- 1 t «!/■ P°f Coruni»»ioß Merchants: Lib -I,' Orai&and BmP** B<*UMw‘M,‘ : De«der*- in Flour, :.'T" .i« Burter,Laid kt. »m4-lr. 5; t*.nueux ——■ • : —-/ r OHicyi.rm,,,, ' ; ; tuo*- »s wane, i : Wbolcule Ur ale r* in y : nMMLv: *«ie Drjr Oood*, No. VJ •Wood m., ■i cwnL bagat—————Jr b . l7l , f . 1 :|3 Fmdned dealA *-*>'Wboi**oJe llnx-rm and 1 <■ ■ V i . -^^^r±T •LLAES, BUSINESS CARDS. SA W. miWAUiH, Wool Merchant*, Dealer* in • Flour and Profiler cenefally, and Forwarding tuid Cotnmioion Merchant*, So. 23 wood *L. Pittsburgh'. SC. HlLL—{Sticrenor to Hill A Browne) Tmporlei • and manufacturer of Paper Hanging* and Border* irml dealer in wetting. printing, and wrapping paner m Wood .1. IStldiurph, )■«. Ag, „„| tJ£A £?£,', pareha»cd at ihe mgee*t mark cl price: j a 7 SF. VON BONNIIORST, A cik, \Vhole*olr aZ. • cer *• Fonrardnir and Coqjmixrion Merchant* Uealera in Pittsburgh Manufacture, end Western I'rtv ducc.bare tiaud) jo- 33, corner ofFrontjtL and Chancery «ort SAMLTJ. AL KTKR. Forwarding nnd<knnml7*knn Merchant, Dealer in Produce and Pitt»burrh manu. tactuml Canal Ra*in, near Tib *t. R d^l Draler in Seed*. Flower*, j *v rou Agricultural implement*, No tra \> ood »u Pittsburgh ■ • , , ’ f[ , L 2 64 /iMSSEVABfaf. 'Wholesale Gmcer* amt Commin >VoX.tt£Sß. Froduoo., Ko 3d Thomas Kennedy. j r .. Looking nin** rarer, and Dealer in clSubVand Vari«c upgda, corner of. Wood and Fourth *t,. V Jl9 ry> % ro S)BatVn « _ a. i. jroosTTU.. . I £ C ?-* Cotnnu*»iou Merchant*. . —febltj gtutag Mai.|rncto„,“| i "’ l oAnf, is'ufenj"^ -■■ : h ~ * ' { ' Jylfl 1 jotc? o. vnci \ . ' t^SSXeSSk ssggs^^^^iSMSssro^; \V . itt:': ll !'"':' .a* i» e«u «mi W”P®«P*-jroi«'. Imlwwr. Wtolo "VV*! lnV-« Mill * ,OHC MulMiHFufnuh ciaaL* “ ff «**ablWuaeßt, No. 5W Liberty .linear the -■ •■•-•• • . ■ •puirCj W! l.a\r,:hn*rr- Cl Jr o«e«» to the exchange BtiilWa, Si. |V"' ~»J' GARRARD. Dealer iu Fancy, anil Staple TO Market «treet, Wtuhurgb. W 1 g‘ io Wstohea, Jewel, —.4 **\ ” " are. Militarj- Good*, No. 57 .Mi WRjMLRPin• Wholesale and Retail denier In • *oT«jrn and Domestic Dry Goode, north rtuo comer of Market and Fourth «t». * * anew Ui»«niCT. and Wholesale ill l?" 1 * 11 Dom«-.iic Wine* andli pL r °^ag™^Aii.r, \\ MARTIN tc Co, Ranker*. Dealer* in ’ “°nk Note* and Coin, comer of Third «m*l Wood .trecu, Pitaburrt. Pa. ™ovl£M; IL W. Wlt.TTim ~ nWL vJ'JW J V , t ? rnc >* ““d Councilor* at Law.— 4 * ° f Founi “ tteet ’ •*»»« SmithfiflJ. fey* Q ouv m J „ ueusu* a. ,«»»; £ Co ~ "T»“le*ale fJroct-rj #nd s4 s .''”. rr P *S^i“ ur,h “•' “““' u l V :^ lr * Commuiuouer to lake Denoiiiiou*. \c “Ul olher »n«tnua«nt* ot nri tmg. io bemcdinMu&ourt- iivlv'-Om* JS^4sMnl£)'T' S F Vl> i and Apothecary. • ii v rk * U U * w * door*-above Third M pit,;. burCb, will have cootuntlr on hand a well ««. and frenhct .Medicine*, which hr will »eU or» the ;racu* reasonable tenim Phvririnn* Trfc ** prcin ‘'! l >y il,e;ulrJ «"• and mij* nrKSjh^lS^' Plc *« n P ,io d» »«& arenratcly and * ll ma,criaKol of mcrv° f ° r tale ' a ,aT6 ' I ‘ tock cf frr * h an ‘ l S<?od Perrii- * ‘ janl W " • "'a»eh .Mak'-rajul Jcuv||, r cbr- I|. » neroi-liii and Market »w. a l-u*re And well 'X ,tche *- J-'weJry, and u VlW ' n> "? 0M hand - “ nd ** rrirular ca*- Jem.pncefc Gold PaiMii full JewcUrd'\Vaicbe« a* low a« frO; aihrer do. Wairhr*, a* low a» fli. ’ mike o 1 ?l»J X k ><!r ’ Tobt ?*’ »" d oibfr appmrrd “JSu.ird ’ ?** r ■ "OH! -lT»n« ™d tß'Frae • Wau-1, Wort doiif i„ ir,c- T rrv ma „ —L *«® J . B. B\yj3TZF.R. Attorney «t Law. office 3d ,t_,” o[ w » po»ite 8l Charles Hotel. Pitulxmrh, will al*> nv lC^ pr ° n,I ’ Uy ‘ in Washington. Fayciie and Green eooitlies, Pa. * • ’ nt Rlacksfock. Bellk’coS o '* 3 b r c^T h "'- E J. HRNRY, Attorney and Cotinrellor • Law. Cincinnati, Olii-j. CflJl<et;<t,in iii S*.uUi* %< ~uo: and ta Indiana.and l» Kentucky m„.., a, carecuUy attended to. C.umnUiionrr V„; tie site * iiat &r ttkin “ ncknowlcdif. "’in. BeU & Son. Curti*. Church ir Caroihcfa, Wm Hay*, Kaq., Wtllock Daria. b*J3 T E4OLE COTTON WORKS. Pittsburgh- M«nuf« *°. re Cottoal am, Caodjr Wick, Baitrnu, Twin \ am, Carpet Chain. Wanu. ir. fcc «XO r PENNOCK * Co., • . (Succeisor* to Arbuckle* k. Mery.) • - Proprietor*. -A LEDOUX f Co. No. <7 Canal street, New 07. Ai i£On», Agents tbrj. a ArroanfsExtensive Steam Sapnr Hefinfliy -Alvroys an hand a large stock 6/ pntf, Powdered. Crashed, Clarified and Bastard Suraw. inTtereesaad lUneJs.. jM-tvyuga, House MoltOvK. trice* liberal, and a fiur allowance made on all sale* 01, orabovc.fip barrel*. rachU GEO.IV- SMITH ir Co., Brewer*, M&Ulers, and Isealer*. Pttuooreh and Point Breweries, corf ”f r ®f/ ki r r • Alley anil Penn street, and foot or Pin Pittsburgh, Pa. .h. p. ntsor. . snuor ■,,, , . T HV&***™ &.C0; Manufacturer* of Hammer • «J Bhovels and Spade*, Hoe*, Hay and Manure ruras, &o, fee. Warehouse, No. u Wood st, Pitt*. gg*-—; ’ ■ • maria IfthL .. *E- B- BISHOP, Veterinery Sorgron, can }flnhk be found at bu Horse Shoeing Establishment. - ffw PfV.*- 1 - «treet Bridge, lately occupied UJCL hWUessra. Carr &. Rowland. nVJdtta i 1 P?gJ. er ,i“ Trimrairiß* and Variety Tortou Shell, Irory and Horn Comb., jVoollen k erns and Worsteds, Button*, Needles, Phi*, BrMtf kcSSo: 03 Matter Mreel, Dht aotaiand 4th et, Pnubmgtu , • "PICKLES AND PRES£RV£S-2 cases Underwood 1 . X assorted; 4 case* Don C hty;3 cases Peach Preserves 3 cases Catnip; for sale by UtM ' , J.TX WILLIAMS. RAG WAREHOUSE—The highest price in cash paid [far good dean rag*; also, canvas*, bale rope, bagpng, woollen rags, cotton waste, • ' . I ' ■■■.■ - J.W. CHADWICK, ■' dec** • • Wayne su between Penn and liberty. 1 l iTtIST DAVID R- HUNT, Dentist,- having made such arrangements in hi* Coal bonnets that he can devote his whole time to the of his profession, may be seen in his office, cor ner of 4th and Derator streets. between Market and Perry bta, at any hoar during the day, from S a. is. till Of. Md. - ■■•!.. <l. jygMy HEW SiEDLESI HABDWA2E BTOBK> ' J R-IT. LEECH. JR. MO, 133 WOOD IT^FITTSBCBOB; TTAVING replenished my stock from the best sour- XL cat, both dooeetie and foreign, J take pleasure in. annpncing to coosnmers and dealers, that I am prr, pored to tarnish them with all goods in my line, an still [better terms than heretofore. 1 Haven .will recollect that dealing ‘'exclusively 11 in Baddiery, Hardware and Carnage Trimmings, 1 obtain Thereby, adraatages that enable me to defy cotnpeti ijon. Call, see, and judge for yourselves. sp!7 - i BHOBATISTO tt Dncurnot rtaurtLY memo « a »ermot XAffUZB,*! i M. LEANS. uog»,N. E. Corner of Third atu) XtoeV Street*, (up arming fhiladcJphi* . (up mini Philadelphia, . \fT HERE eau slwsfsbe had-nt short notice—Ma* VT sane Maas Mzdau, ofallkindstUrassand Fla* . Ooor Plates; Bfals for Hanks, Societies, Corpora' uona, 4c. Professional anti Visiting Cards ehrraved and pruned. Societies in want of Seals of office, are in sited to call anti examine Specimens and Dedans of the TBrion* orders of Masons Odd Fellow*. Sous of Tern- novi-dffin T IYPB FOUXDRY, so Gold, corner of Ann st, ' f' ,evr '• ,k - Tfc* subscriber t» prepared 10 furnish' fcend east Type and Printer's Materials of alt kind*, at fbort notice, ana on reasonable lemsa.. . ’ . Proprietors of nempapcrs, who have not advertised for the subscriber, who nuty publish ibis noace lortliree tnoutn* uni! be entitled to receive their pay j„ ua larebasing five times the amount of their bill, tor ad.' reruxuu,'. , • Old Type taken ia exchange.for ne\r at 0 eu Mr 4b : noveu > ■ HOHKRT TAYLOR ' ; - VM. TIMBLIN, ' .ATTOBITEY AT I*AW, 'Butler, Pa. j ‘VI/'ILI. aUo atlrml to roilrctum* anl ■!! other |nj«i> t»e«a eainiited to him in Butler and ArtnMrcine eoamica, Ha. Refer to / * ■ J J it It Moya, IJI»fTtT *»• 1 ' / 1 \V. W. Wallace, do { i.i, lJI | llirif » 1 James Mar«lia!l, do !•' S* - • dljr 1 1 Kay tc Co., Wood ««. ‘ ' jan? Vountf h«vin« th.» day aisociuhid Will* Inin, John tt. M'Cutte, the lea ther buoiof** will hereafter be rOuducKd umirr the Brin of-Win. Voung A Co. WIIJJAM VOPNCJ, l*i* - •' .'i JXU. K. M*CIiNK. VJI. TOtixo. ’ / iw. a. M'tv.xi; IITM; -YOUNG, A Co.—Dealer* in leather hide*, Ac. :YT m Liberty »l _/ jaidiAy BPEKIK TEA F«m!i *«:, near-Wood—All nuantitie* «H Oreeii and Black Tea*, don«’u|> in lialftattd oue; ivund package*, ranging from 50 ct*. per pofind to «!,«» _ jyv_ A. JAYNES, Ayt. for Pekin Tg*Cg»__ *. ctLaamnx / r*. n. itovrm BROW If A CULBEHTSOT, Wholesale tiro-; cer*, and CooimUiion Merrhahta, No. 145 I jburty- M,Piurlmrgh, IV / * dc3Uy._ JAHEI A. HtITCIIIHSOIV'A •orato A Co, Cnniini*»iou Mcr* ebanu, and Aeeftu of tba «t. Lout* steam Sugar Re jaci' >nd W front ilreeU, Htiuburglt -. SJUUKB h5l'SE—I hare provided myaeli with o' goouaaoke houae tu>d cari-Ail band*, well acquaint-' eU with the imaiiie**, and am now prepared to nuokr (Seat to itte entire fatiitaciiou of tho.e wiio may eive tae b ealy Charge* a* low b« uur lw>u»e tit the nly. •• ." • FHAS. MXMiRS.- - ; *d*cW , No. 17 Liberty it. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. CH*T»r*s^ l '« rest - J. ItClilJM S*.**. C; ,A S?n «;« I>AKEJ ' ,IIOWKtt & CO* . MICCOCOSfIISSHISaiSgCiIiIm, ■No. Wl, ? n o, no,! No. ||J SAm, • UHILAIHXPHIA: • ' Ktuln'. I l'' '. radr au, l dealer* generally. of with ii,» 4, r P *! that •hey have made *ucti ntrangenn-nu the uv„ ..USI’"® 1 ’"® >djLimiaciurcr; und the Grower* of e,t ~u,i' f“n ' t »-H-er pta'ee,, a. will injure " f ~ d . rwn * ,n 'M OI the following de*crjp> Slin^£ C /°’ wll,ch *•» ll P°" M nccom whrpf £,V» rm ?i n *‘ in . J ’ Olllcr hou*t* in llii* riiy.or rl*e- Rimd.tiili t ordeml from.lliein will be war- VnS?" ; Conn.; ) r Cuba 4l ' }' O U°. , . >gecd Leaflo -11 (jA_n •\5 , ’ u A Florida? 3 bacco; S-JUfCIT —*h— : 1 ! jclli-tlly m CRAIG, BELLAS A Co« . PXoar Factor* sf e ‘JJP^« e * Commlaalon JA^!.■‘.. Ca *i l . tUlva InaJe ° l, receipt of ran riu» «o our uddre*» will U u X oT3; t ‘ u “'; i " <« ™«, it «ppiy- Mo„r. Walliocfonl 1c Taylor. PiuUarah . * <*. fcaOTiffSS!; I'Uanr VJoy S. l(-li ■ . j niyw-lf. • \v.zth rrod “'i* c «M‘ltnrdto u* it injured when in ilw "arghouw of W aliiiieford ATarlor PinilmrvL nr »n our itoh» i„ _ r * r \’ C • GEORGE COCHRAN, Commlaalon and Fortvarding Merchant. d-10vnKtr?^,f. W,,ot ’ wn«fk«n. ( ~ JU*“*? p,a F r " rral Comnii**ion bum «in M*B ! nVn!^ ,a ,n * PUfehaiic and tale of Arm-ri nnd produce. and in romeiue and S Mao r * pnn «Fne.l to h.« rare. AaAcmt for t e^i^.^ ,U ”- , > be^r,n be eon»tani)y'nipplied w ilh o^.w^i° r ,0l t: or Manufacture at do- Comml.mlrm 800... ■‘i liw, t ■ » lat, ‘ s * Clayton A Son*. IfW in iiuttcr.nudCom l.i.n,»lCT<: ,anL . l,all »K “>r the latl ten vearadevo -11.7, e* V l ''i ,UM ! «»* Uwter. will «m- n-ceive ‘?^k- aild i°- ,t ? sr ? rwlu ‘*e for tale on eomm»*tion. lhat ,T<UU hi ‘ exp«*rie»cc aud ?bc.inn ‘i h ' »'e will be nhln to Kive .ato taction to maf cmuignprodiice to biin. Refer Meur*. ff\V. Ilrunr A Sou; . . \Vm. Mamiii A Solid “ • 1' iilwnctnn A lAttman, . . , T. M. A<« Hopkins, Atnl ihe Merchant* generally. ilcIT-lm r. CO SIVA Y A CO,; I'ominiwion nml Fonvardmc , ■,’ Prrt ‘2". t * ‘“‘’J Irorf u <re Dealer*—alto ntfrnrt to the nrrhote. Sale nnd Shipment of l>ig Iron. Coal. Ac. Anyood. Jnnei A Co. I«orrnr, Sterling A Co GrolT. Lind*s)- A Co Lyon. Short) A Co tnarlWly - i Hrown. Tiailry A Co. Henry draff. D. I.rrf h A Co., ' Clarke A Tlmw. JOHX F; PERRY, ILate ol lhe fins of Malcolm Ijtx-ch tc Co.) HholctaleUroerr, CoainlutOß * Flour D- Merchant. 'j? U 5 **' "fCoamry Produce. Copper. Tool ‘- 2 * np - L*«l. iwLv "Trit* Uwl. l)y« Wutt., s»aj!. **„ and Pin.burzl, Manufacture. £unrh i»a ‘' oni * liberty and Invin .tracts Pin*. ID"Liberal advance*, in Oi.h at Ooa!». fna.le on ci>i)M«iiuicm« of l*n«ducc, Ac. . ,„y3 *• . c - v - su‘im~ ‘ * •£’\txuriox. PrJi?''!’ WAR-TIN & CO.. **rpdnee, General Commlealan and For warding Merchant*. 0 »riAB« wmkr, BxLrasonK. •Icr to— M. Altra&Cn, ). . Mnni[»ttm, Snmh k «V. j 1 , Uavicon, ?ioondrr< t Co. ■) •" Johiiß fUMall, J-BsliitnoTr. M HuirhJrtikm«,_ ) ,l4wly Jiiuburth. fl». s l.alr t)i\n..hvill..Tcn ll SION MKRCIUMa. *q. r*i».vi arusrr. Awn* a«.ui.,VAwng«:Ln%At!. tCrio lo Merchant, generally. > n Pittabiirgl* »pao WALTER '&, Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. shcth »:ov*iii,sr*rr. am -, nj.Lnw.vr Hrii-r 10—D . Fvj 1 i’vliVi r i'n! . , * t J l.andm*.-, * sJn. \ Rw.^rv.'sifw'-: *“** IJ, V> U& S u ‘jmaa, SliiijiujT* Ocvrif EDWARD A. REELLXO, u ’ Ooodm:.ii A .Mean-O ' nncKiviM; FORWARDiyc;. commission mkr. CHANT.I) COTTON JIROKKIL “V’ 1 *!” 1 THVIB aoCTII <>r phytkb'a bi.si. KKurnt> rrvn Kr.er 10-M. Alio, A-tV. June. PrnTwrfc* Or _ ' ililm ADtTIUSEEKS k COMIsIIOX MEUCIUm. ALEX* LEVY & BROS CinciSSATl' AXD *T. LOIJM, OiTrr to Mil nl either e«tnbliphuirnt. nil kind* oAfer- olihr low.t Tate, of Commiviwt.. and Rfr alway* prrparml ti> mukr udrUueeA Thr liv»i of rrlr rf»iet-a nvrn if retired. ; !>tlrr..ajl*lfp. B r.l ioruh*r lwu*p. will he promptly atirrxtrd u> jj-miiil j isMt» toowiwm. H . r 7„_ r , . 'THOMPSON Zb C AMPi»KLi.. C^s!!.%1 S S1OIM0IM MERCHANTS, AndUaDulkctnm««rLliutrd<lll, No. ;s> Columbia street, - *pSMy [CTCa*h paid for naxs^'t-d^n} 7 '’ thtK *' „ . W3I. 11. CLARK, FonrardlngNcrehanti Brownsville, Pa. Attend* particularly to the Forwarding of Produce, ke •“Wtmaiion. apply! o FOR3YTII A Cl .SCAN, Water *L - 1 . oetltj w* w. Mathews. w j eatck MATHEWS A PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS* No. 4H Water alrcei, , -Pr. Isn-ts. Mo. >»«U give particular attention to die selling of Pro dure, and to unlers tbrpurchasing. Ukfx* ix>-<;eorge Morgan k Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. ancM -i Joitv M-cetxnrnri. /. m'sesha v’ c. o.'"crxbxkmu. JOHN ircULLOt’OII A CU. Femardlng 4s- Commtsaton 9lcrcta»ata, SOS. U 1 k ho MtVTJS arBEKT, jan27-!y* . . . Bowling's Whart Dohimorr. t. INSURANCE. DELAWRE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. JOHN HNNKV, Jr, Agent iw! O aware .Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phil adelphia. hire Risks upon buildings ond merchandize of every de*cnption. and Marine Risk* upon hulls or cargoes of vessel*, upon the most favorable terms. v ,ID* Office in the Wartime of W B Holmes k Bro 'if lcr ’ n<ar ilarlu -' t erect, Pittsburgh. ... N B—Thc anccesa of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency! in thu city, with the prompt nessl and liberality with which every claim iiponiihcm for Jo** ha* been adjuttdd, fully wurrantihsagenLut inviting the confidence aiidoaironag* of his friend* and the community at large to the Delaware M 8 Insurance Company, while it has the additional advantage* os on institution among the most nourishing in Philadelphia— as having an ample paid-iaeaftitoL which by the ope ration ofita charter Is constantly increasing, a* yield uig to each person insured his due share of,the profit* of the company, him in any respon sibility whateven amj -therefore os possessing th« Mu. tual principle divested of every obnoxious feature m ”* in it* most attractive fona.l (• . , lOV 4 , TFIBEARD MARINE INSURANCE. HL uunnce Company of North America, through it* duly authorized Agent ibe subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property in thi* city and it* vicinity, and on shipment* by the Ca nal «w! Hirer*. DIRECTORS; John C Smith, Pres t ftaranrl Brooks Alex. Jlenry ' Charles Taylor Sami W Jone*, Saro’l F Smith Edward Smith , Ambrose White John A Brown . . . ' Jacob M Thomas John White John U Neff TJo's PCope Kichard Wood -WmWelsh ]■ Arthur G Goffuu Bee.t ltiit M the oldest insurance Company in. the United Sthtes. bavins been chartered in IW. Its charter u perpetual, and from it* high landing-, Jong experience, ample loetms, and avoiding all risk* of an extra' haz>' ardous character', it nlay bc.considersd a* offering am. pie security to tbo public MOSES ATWOOD, ■, At the Counting Itodm of Aucood, Joues ACo.. Wa ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. ■ I aplfetf t INSURANCE AGAINST EIRE. riMIFJ. American Firn Insurance Compnrty~Otfien ( X No. 72 Walnut street Philodelplun: incorporate? A D 181b—Charter pernepiai. Insure Buildings, Furniture, Mcrehandtre, and prop erty generally, either in the city; or country, again*! loss or damage by tire, perpetually or for limited peri.' od«, on favorable tenim. DIRECTORS. ; Jobußergeant HumueJ C llonon William Lynrh A<|olphu* Penes ; |j Thomas Alliboim (morge Abbot, John Welsh, Jr. PntrtVk Ilnidy, | JuhnTl>wi*. \ 1 t ; SAMUra.CMOirro.V. Pfcrident. ! ‘Baucis D Jssvieo, Sccf tarj'. j , « Order* for insurance by the Above Company will received and itreunmee* effected by the undersigned, tgeni for Pittsburgh. GKO COCHRAN, m>vl7-3m* ; JOWoodst. ; FRANKLIN EIRE INSURANCE CO. r MIK Frn,-ikSin Firu Insurance Compuny, of Piulndel. X phim will make lii«urnue<*. pci roairem and liniitrd on every ile.rripiion ol property, in Pittsburgh and il>« purroouiliiiff i ..in.iry, on favorable tonus. This com pany has a ywryietunl charter. i - : woo.ono paid in. Oiitiugr-ut. Fund li2UI.Mil Office corner of third and Market streets, Ptiuh'gh. “PllQ'f WARRICK] MARTIN, Agent. KECK & DAVENPORT* M ILOKM, Ci.«<i3.'isri. on to,. AMiFACTURK to order Passenger and Freight burs ol the miwt approved description, ut re«<wu- It'.v" *’ff c *“* ,J y of the Cmml.; Hflilroud nod m .''"l’ upt,n term*. nl ruuu V" , hrwo * wUPVwam.nl. Slates* 4 * 1 a!! n?t rc ‘ l ‘ , rU> Tnada in ll.c Ui.iicd Sinus. All orders punctually executed ' KhXIK 4 DAVENPORT. - _ no.v9-dia [ Formerly .>t Jto*toii,Ma«s ] M J»«1 recr’irtng tm4 Ad ‘ f ttuisido* of New York Red LeutJi.-r >»<! unrest stamp*. logrllrer with a generiil assortment of Leather in his line ~f business r,♦ , , 1 " w ... . JOHN IL BAYARD., l llli; OBKATfS<P Book OF THE MEAsoN —‘ X »«•. "ehstrrs (.rent American Dictionary of the isanguage, tVAaaiouao, rontoiui.m aH that ibe .fonncF cdnwiis contained; revised i.v GWrieh. IW. W Cot,ere; TV tiou ever published; one vol crown ouano "Wrier M' For «l«hy s .1 :J.I. REAI>, dretß :.«»««., wear .Market ||, 1 JKATIIKRH, lings prime.feathers; 14 sack* X V Pm Nuts l cask Beeswax; 1 bbl do.; 1 sock pealei Peaches; received on court/ament, per siinr. lMmr iVrT it and ior sale by JSAIAH DICKKV A Co J«>tt No. M Water”*;, Pitts: lUIIG •. TUESDAY * BOOKS MUSIIUc. - n.ti,, r . ®>KW BOOKB. i 1 I R.‘jn“;J«, r K*s r ,he "yp o ®**!® fumaxkeU; by G- P. BiSZ;**™* l; >' l * »“»nl. •whit of Rmlin Dir Pliiirn'tTltifl e 0 n f JIl r , ] y c uni>, Bulbor of Blank jll. 1 , I ',' ' rfolii!?, 1 !™ or 'ho I-adf! of fin-tl, mol Londoii Hrri-n- TiTiV. iot O I"-“ the Xiv! r ' * tn,lln > n,,J ,bs Court or Loui* 4 £*•*«» IWiulird, No.. '0 a «a i®. Kura) Ctntytnnr* of Auirrira, nan 9 I Aluga7m«,V» f w»pappri S rlc dad *»i , ' VM !f CAI.DWT3.I. - - • »VPiHente Ihf! Po«t oiCrr. Is ® "M PiunicATiox new auJ valuable ’ Cuicmim,J - lhc »ollowii« , *A E vn/i km 7* 3on,ii,,(,, * r * * keieh ° f Ptl-r ' Ifcinipliait; „( Stv forma iw^|ir. ? T > ovrrta,l ‘ J K Wnion lo Cuh £S?TwI “Y.“* d m "* '«*»™** br Campaign of Muira, durmc IfdiMT, coniaitiinr on or touuioi ihi- March of ,|„ flopin.om l a SSS^S"Jc.! MCm T T pu " r '‘ m"r c“™ ?£L M fi ‘"“T™"' 1 l r * ta-Sf na„i:.~!f S3K! c ‘ n,J b * Ur ° Ci ■ *«>»•» - ■ ■ • Jcr! AJUeia* ni Sacred Poetn- a «p!ritdhl imm-nal i r«. w«l» beautuul lUn.trotloti. on wcel, by SanoLt, mud hluiaujaied page. hy. Sc'imiu and Sinclair nclilr 'rS*':"* r' 0 '? “ n<! ' vhl,r c « lf -cilf. rV h U Vejuakr, on annual for ta* wjih *»*<- UloMom* and Xrw »«uV UVo.h for *' <5 > * ‘'Mil qunno volume. printed cm jmo\r u tute m». per. enibeJlrahed with splendid meiinunt engraving.*!— IV I’petical Work* 01 Oliver Gctdinmh, u It with b >' ““ » c .u,,'quftf™- 6"'S Cl "i ‘'rl=* “( biaiinj. ’ wolA V n '" l I o<tr s °< Americm; liy R.-\v. Oti.- •JJ' P*!? “» d T?*'’? «f AncmilA by WUliun Sffj fJi.*' ' “ re "' ll ' ‘“Tu'k'r niuroyco,>|iJpri ,n Tanob. ilylei of limdinp. fitnjr * Uegy illu.tmtrd. * llaiuat)'* Poetical Work., in variou* binding* Imrd Ujrun'* - - _ , b ‘ Shakvpeme'. >* .. The Poetical Work, of Tl.om.c Moore UaHad* and other Poem*, by Mary HnwitL i'oenift by Atuoiu. Heaillry'. Sacred Monnlioii* 'I l» with b neat variety of other new w ork. •*> l** hunting, auitable tor pitt book.; tot JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, R.«ik«•!)*„. ror- Market A, ;ut Valuable Mandord IVorSi. V>Cyci.(.r.i:DU-i D.ctioatrr „( R c j. ** «ue», i.-'r.' . rr ju'l art eanipriuag tWetm'orr, dtKription .*•* wry ir^Dehofhomokirowledc*, with tlir Ceruaitun U>4 d<fif...a i| t!l in jtnTjel ”**’ *4it*3 kj- ;.v T B-atie, K t X tf, f e. * 1 nxrou* rtur*<iugiaa.woixi. J : ! N s r, ' ,^ f 7 rto r>’"; cu«- "r™ »*ip*or North AmrrK>. <-a3«-’ . CWIi tr,it Aw. N* w Bruw*<k. N.-.U,>,0 T<im, New M*«.’ Yu’Jt ii - * Tri'* *"»*«*» L*OU«I Amefira, " du W “ d * “** » n ,!l ' m 4 Trrn.w nou ib* Lotos r*tj£'r P " r *?f-~ Tb f biMo T °f «k* I'ariUw froot «„ reform)no m 1.M., to tl* reruluLon of 1?«, u !!lKfc* r i u ? w /K^ pU,, * c, **t b >*r«7Jr A, fortroiUooitui) T he UK Of the Body in relation to fix Mind, by o«errrt Moore, AJ D,vxtab«r of ibr royal college c( Phewrian*. Ac t - .. . -Jiiyeßlle Worln, «W ”•* »r"T i P«rilj ilea, being alerting narration* of sVpwrecki, Rb«r| "r-Arr-Tb. JarettSpeaks, eoaprisiof , elcrarntuy rider and nereis** in dsdualita, with • •Ire- The above Wudu reeeiecd and <nr tab br ~ .'A JOHNSTON A STOCKTON • u Doose«!ler»,eor aurkst end 3rd iU D!feal ,^e^ I^,i ' <Srrf,t ' I-»slivh;Cla*- Anthon's ria<Mic.al Dininiiarv: Dictionary ofGreeJc and lUaiian Autinuiri.-*;) M culltiugb's Coinuicmsl Iftciioiiso'r ' Ure’s Dictioimry and Supoleumni, arts manufoeiurcs and nunrs: m * Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; ( odd s Johnson's and Walker'* Dictionary; w orcesirr’A Dictionary: ■ Liddell and 2*cott’a <*re»dr Ixuron: Robimw»!i's Greek Lrncmi of New Teitamrnh I Everett’s Latin • Ainsworth's Ijiim Diciionnry; FleiunmK and Tihhiu's French Dtetionarv: •. Buck’s Tiieologieal Ihctiouan; _ , Union Bible Dictionary; Robinson Calmet's (actionary, ke . kf- ; Tire above, with a general assorinieuiofTheolocicnl, Cibssicb]. Miscrllmiruus. and Sunday School Books,'ol ways on hand and for «ale low, hy i' ... ~ UJ.HJIT A.KXOMSII. ul Market st. between 3d k 4:h. A*s, l '^fS-o d “I VT BOOKS FOB THE Unl.lliAy S— leaflets 1,1 Memory’, au lllumiuated Annual for IM2; edited by Kryneil Conte*, M. p. The Cbiinn, a *ene* of graceful and elegant colored Group*, dyjgned expre.tly for thi* work. ' 7"b* GffHring of Beauty, a presem for all ern- ef ,lli el ° ,e “ edited by Amelia W. _,Tt'end*ljip’* Offering; s Christmas, New Tear, and Birthday pre»miL Garljuid, or a Token of Friendship; a Christmai and New year's Present lof ISiA lg J?® GiA ** headship; a token of Rsmerabranee, foi Tlie Gem for 134?; edited by Father Frank, Christmas Blocsom* and New Years Wreath for 184*. Tiionipaou'* Peasoiu. illuftrated, Harper’s edition. - Boudoir Botany, or the Parlor Book of Flowers, com r,?‘‘n,s >be history, di icriptioii and colored hiigmring* of *4 Exotic Flowers. 24 Wild Flower, of America, and frui ! : iUa*!rel«l with tUO engraving*. Tire Task, and other Poem*, by Wm/Cowper, with numerous illustration*; Turkey moraeeo. CampbeU’s Poctieal Work*; illustrated. Ac.. Ac. Togeßivt with a large and splendid as*onun*ni of Ju venile Book*, with colored engravings, many of which are just pabUshcd. For sale at the Bookstore of *«n ja.uarr a ENHI.ISJ!, “s?!_ . * ilarket *L, between .'ii A4th. Books por’tiie'holidays-in elc —Boudoir Botany, or the Par tor Book of blowers. Tbo Rose,or Offering's Gift;Bl steel engraving*. American \V lid Flower*, in ibeir native hniiul* The Snow Flake. 7 Myru* add other Tale*. Tlie Poetical Works of FiuGreen Hallock. nmr first collected; illustrated with *teel engraving*. Just pub liaiird. 3 . T The Seasons; by Jame* Thompson, with engraved B- Itistrations. A new and most splendid edition; Turkey morocco and other binding. Tbo complete Loudon Edninnof Robert Bums' Works; containing.in poems, song*, and cnrrr*tiou<!encc! iilas trated, Ac.. Ae. Vinne's rditinn, fj vo. Tim complete Poetical Works' of James. .Monlgormw ry, Moure. Byron, irew editum; Southey, Cooper. Mil* too. Carnphell, ScolcrDaiite, Tasso, llcmatis, and other various editions, and in rarimi4.bindings. *11“^, f * Wiakspcare. in a splendid Vol«. .The nliovc, with other*, and a large supply oi'Juve mle books, for sale by j. j,; rkaD. _ __ __ 4th near Markgt. H. New’Book* Jaai Received. -- EAVUN upon FArth, bv J a ire way, one vol. hue Cliamock's Cliolrr worst hy I.yinjugton. I vol Cotndiic.iikriees of the Old >nd N>W Tcuaiornt, . by lU:v. J. J. Illuut, U U. one vol. . 4 > dtzlj Chaliner's >Hscellahies, Poems. Essays. Ac. 1,30 Selrct works or James. \>im. Wilshn, Phillip* and Jay in one large vnL for the low price of , 1.00 The Free Church Pulpit, 11 vol*. . d.UO Modyrn Inlidrliiy, by Smacker; idle of David, 73c Daily walk with God, Matthew Strong, lire riYcle nf Human Life, by Tlmhick. - ff-c Menmir afCfmrloile I2iznlM-ih, 31c Tha wori-./ ol FYw:cla'Furretiiio in the original .Lat« ■"•.'“jf •.nplc; in 4 vul«; 3 vol*. now ready. '* ’r' l srui wnr»* in splendid Ttirkey"Morr»cci>. The Hnovq with a great vnrieiy of new Wik*. juil received. IiLUtUT’ k UNGUsUI, , _jant» CPostYopyj 31} ninikd si. between Jd and 4th. 'JT’ALUAOLE New Year** Prcaents. V Waverley Novels,*d7 volunn‘, illustrated; “ u 5 • '* Bvo Mr* Sherwoods Wotk», JO vol* I‘Jnio, illustrated; Mis* Kdgworih'* 44 10 •• Hanfor's F'amily Uhrary, 1W vql«, vmnplete; do 'Boy’n and Girl's ” ' Work's of Jihakcipcarc, 7 vol*. fcvo, ihn beautiful Dos ton Cilrimn, finely bound ; . 1 • Butler's I-ivrs of the 3nluU. 4 vol*. eleganlly hound; llannnh Mmr's Work*, vol*. i- Exploring Expedition, fivol* royal avo '• do • do 5 do • do do 1 ' British I>Miyi*t«, 8 vol*. Turkey mur. backs The almve. together with a luige asMirimcnt of clr rantly houml family and. pocket Bibles, Common i'ruyer, .dl.-izc* and hinding*. all of which will Resold lower t: sit ever offered in this market, at the old stand of KAY A Co. . "' eorSd A wood «t PI A NOS I PIANOS!! T7KNRY Dealer roensU-mPtaim Pnrtcs,' XX af J. W. Woodwcir*. No. s’i Tlnrd lire piimo* may bo exuminrd at nil hours, nnd tire <nl<s<’ri het will lift ihrre from 11 lo lU, A. M- uml fniin 4 to 3, P. M. rai'h duy. Pittsb'jr, Oel. ’Jd, '4d \Vr, ltin nudemgiW, would inform the citi«u»nf Pittsburgh and vicinity (hoi we have appointed Mr. H. Kleiber Vol«* agent fur iVe»irrn IViiim) Ivnnin, forthe file of (hif Forte*, from whom they may be ob*. IrUued at pur pwu LNew York) price*. ■ NPNNS 4 CIJVKK. JW York. Sept. I, IWG-ort23dU_ : _J . wbL .1. ifetille friue Piino.; /K* A Ht'I.KNDIO OnMiruiiciil of JtOMt* lYGrn woo<l nmlMahngnny, jrrnnd Action Pi* .11 * I’ * • (mo*. Fnmjs, junt fiiiinliril nmliiir »n!r. •plrnilid UiMrwnotl I’lnnoo, with Colrltiau'» btljrntal; AJoltuti ••mtrnt, iiiu«hcd in the •" 4l*lirulri|. nUuclmii'nt, hiu«hcti in i!i6 mini kmWii nylc. and tot tale at _ JU.U.MKS, JeCS lltf Woodatrcrt, jfrfoort abovesth__ CIKUriIIKD AND I’ULVKRIZKD »LGAU—SO MiU i Cnishrd and pulverixed ragar, ju»t rnfd anil for •ala low by {jalj BHOWN * CVUIEBTSON. 'HNIN(j, pJANU-AKY'if, 'IR4B; MISCELLANEOUS. ' CH „ .-.PHOCIiAMATIOar. vjty orpltlalmriih, », t ldrntr!lT C » onlan | C r W ' lh , tJ,n fUm-101l of nilActof the UfOPral Anwiiihly ol thr Slate of PrniKYlrnnii, Do'd Of 'o r U “'' lf ’ co n' ur »»ion of. the CM>- of Pirr*hii K h! i!nv^rl!vVt , f^i;' nr V 1 ' S - 10 " u , IJ -' rl > li Haliricl Adntu*, tdartn-*- !\ , Cl, » ’ Iwu,t , * u "- n, V &o>lamation. de .wririp that on tin- btratui Tuesday of January, A. D wen’«v'i'sk l,e .!i, U T''”!\ d . aj <hui month, nti* free. , SbL« - ,7 ,l u o) ,Qi(l < ">'•** •luaJifnil: lA Votc J- or fido^w.l l, ‘‘ lll f„ ,iuU6l -* .npprefrtuwtiYCJt.of thi« Com- i l m b. i*' ' ll ,mM <<Wil.rr in ihritMinl place* of hv hi E A* ,hm r "‘f* < ‘ l ‘rc word*. and elect Ifi .7 .. !.*} llicwtwl City qualified (a U- elect member ol tJn: lloutic of Kcnn'jwntaUYes of thia (loiuinoiixrralih, to be.Muyor of *nu| City iMiiliw'v 8 in wrufoimiiy la the before “ Uo - ,0 tm Ordinance of Coun-' Ait U,, 5 C “>' PasvJ.the IhthMny of Nov.. Inr linti.. •»; —*■ Ol' ‘he F,nt ward will elect Z r&ll‘he fetend ward Tiimke; of Buf fof l| w f-outth Uiml Thu«; of the wani bEvo; ur the Sixtl word Tisuee; of the XiuPjfUlPn*"''* of ward Two! of be wun! Ox*? each of whom ahull bo quirted ,o IhU r™ J mmf, 7,o* ‘he Itouae Of HeprrwMUof ,0 *** uirmliert of the C i Ciycn under <l.. g. *Ctty-of I’itubi ■( y-ter, A.ULIM7. •j’-v'...‘J»al s !* (fAnfUKi- aUams, m* t, AQESCy MH PATENTS, Z' wAunu-orn*. o. c. • Jr'- R°»»lNSs AlcchanicaJ Utginrier and will prepare the ic ..«.*arf Hrhwut** and Paper* tor Applicant* for I'af **«" 0,1 o‘l»er bu*ine»» in.thnliaa of hi* proie*4on m the Pm.-ut U/liee. He can he con.ultrd oti ad qtieKtiorte relatm* to tho Patent I-awa and de. i ' !“!!!"'J 1 T 1 "“' d blatc* or Kurtme. Person. ui ud, lance tWimux of linrinp eruuiinailmi* made at ll ruieiit Oihce, prior to itiuVin« application for a put.-i mav torw an! (|*o>l puid. .tmelnMn,* a fe„ o f. fi vc <f o u ur It i i ttlCll,r ' 11 ol - Ih< ' lr ca#v * " hen immediate ansi V 1 11 L r«'.V‘ ,l l «*» »• “Ml nil • the .information tt>: conhl !«* obtained hy a vi.n ot the applicant in m prominly contnnmirnttsl. r * ■A'. l l T' lef * u " huninca* inn*! he po,t pahl. and coi * r Z' W] ‘ rte B wnltr, ‘ “i’lnion i» required f Mire on b «irert. opinulte the I'atem Orfiee lie na» ihe honor o| teternnp. bj jwnm»*ioii, to Hoii. Mtmmd flurhe. Ctiutmi*«ii,ner of I’airnii Hon H L Klbiwonb. iaie do ,Jo H Knowlr., .MaclunMi. rateiit Oiuce; Crunch,-WnvhniKion. DC; Hon. R Choate, Ma«tachu»ctu, V Senate- I loti. XV Alliu. Ohm; Hon. J R Kolvliii, M C, Mi«»ouri; Non. Willu liall, New Vorl; . Hon. ndhrn]jiinith. M <’, lUuiois: ll<m. f» ilreere, C jt Senate; '6 Hou. J|| Rclir. .m .Mi,»o Un; Cupt. I| il Slinrve. Miuourt; F-ra.tm liroob*. |>q.. l'nuburgh. G“EAT KOnnERY-*3OOO HEWARU, i i ie * r^l! ,lJc " 1 u! ihtnk ol l.'herter County «vu> ronlied on TlHirMlay arternoon/ Decl'mljer tfld. at the -?*»»■ 1c,,, ' ,f IU “ lr i*!* 0 '- HMr the corner lima.] and lluce. ■irot-u. l'htladAphia. of( hi* trunk or valine ranuimnp upward* of HKTY TIKH.'ftAND UAHS, or the Note* of tin* bank, auto(ir«t which it i* hehrvrd. are the o.lloviine viz- 6 - One of tfiuai. No.iM. dated June SI. !*<H. No. IH. datrd Jiuitr ai, LO*. ~, , “ N’" «». dated June 00, IKM. w'. . r T. **>■ lo ,bo order of Urexei ft Co H "• With tile letter D abo cndor.ed bn tho hack of each note. And wine of the foMoU iug mar al»0 be included, Vlt * "V 1 r mj liand, anil the seal of said burgh, this lit»| day of Decent- Oil* of stnui, No. 10. dated June 10. IXM, wuh th< idler 1) endorsed ou the back. /Oae of WUBO, No. 41. dated Junn 3U, 1-31. same letiei ■ rudorsed. Oiip <1! Sioot), X<» 41, same date - » One of tfUKU.No «. dntrsl Jane 30.1«34 Thr»e »evrii are all lllc Note* of Uue bank of the Vr dial 1 ore now iu circulation .Nrnie of the lotlowimr may. be included in those stolen, One of 9otu, No 31, dated June Hi 1-31, with the letter D endorsed on the Lack, ■ One oftfau. No. It. dated June •„*?. Nil Oue ot feollU, No TU doled July U. Is3l. One uf&Mi, No. T- dated July 5. IKH-3 other. nf lon et*eb. date* bud number* uncertain No note* of the ul'ure driuuutiianon* will !»■ ~.u rj by the Hunk (Mini new plate* Uf ~ fldabUMl These mtv rn are all the note* of &>U rad. now In riteulution. «tx*ie are a *° to be among the note* Une oi tflutl. So. tMU datrd March • -.'.1*1? with ll.e li'.ner I »i(K>, No . du*. tame, date endorsed on th» One m situ. No, SK). h. pi, ID. tsu. back ul r*rL One ..f ¥...1, No, .March a. I-IT ■flic Hank will give a reward c«t S-ViK) for the rrov. rry ol iho moaey, wid tn proportion tor any pari there , WM UAUUNMON. I’resident of the Ibutk uiOu-sirr c <» „. , DAVII) TOWNSCND, Cashier West ( iiettrr. ra-I)cr. oi. d|oila>* ' JOiPOttTANT TO DAC<)X OEALKH.S. JORDAN £ SON, .1. „!..•» ill B.ICOH 1.., 1 i -,r<* • m»:».iti.i-tiir-T» of 1.-irJ-Oil. unit l .rficrhl I'omrnM •' oa •'.'•rdianu. |* Lilvrrty street. oppnoie •s.mihAeld 13U.-»urph. J’a. I'nmeuiar attention paid to the sole of J. J. &. S Imre made a < hcicuiforr. f» imoktui: and pncktic; hulk men! uml I,aeon the pre*n t'ld ihnr lons elpmence in lhi« »m«lnr»« p,'e them ar-uranre <A pinny to those rmrnn tiur such l>u«ii,r*» to their cair i J3iere ~re mteai.ioKiw to U:.derived from nnokJn laeul tn I iu«burpli, with which all may not iuh[ii*ih ll may he shipped loose from any ix.mi |*r-)ow wuh injury, and otter harmp been smoked here, ran i..- -Kjiwurdril to liie eastern citir*. enl.ir lr, wum. or by cttiial. w ithout transhipment, where it iihimM invariably arme» tn tine condition, and treiiernllf rotniuands the urjh'.'st market prices . ,Hy 'bi» ananaemnit there is a «avine of i-a*k* and ifnpl.t on the tame, which are unav<>ijahlc expense* where JUcoii mti mlcd mr eastern uinrU-tt ■> smoked *! point. b.bw, 1ni,,,.; ',,,0 „ nmr.-s in much Wtler .„de r tt.an wV„ .nrk.-.t en -i< ir will a!«. be !...iuei , i.nm. tbit l-.tfbnryr. o ,e the points ir. ihc l : i:n.n «or,*rilini( l!a< rm ' I'Tiim & Swirt. J I 1 Ctnijpliell, t.’hittird'lhe It H llurltial A fa N£w Atl.anr. tnd A Mslmm. *l. .\j 0 *• <*o*B. PASSAGE AND lU~M 11 IAXCi: < IFFU.'K Person* lm>n?ht r asa *“ al «r»hi» atrenry upon rr*w»tiatilc.itT)'n» tram Oft)' pan oi hnghuid, Ireland, Stniluml, k. Wale., amJ m rackett-hij.* ( .»ly. Kteeien Ci)rrr.|>ondcnr»nnd o! llir Hrm.li li'oveniinf'iii have frrrjurnlK on,, (min'd |jiiu;rtiii!» at home anil tlirir frjrml* m America tHJoin.l Ih- traud. prnrir.nl upon a ,„| | lnv , n )J way* H-ierrrd to the well known home .if it.Kuu * C<l . n. lire tight place l'or (ill to apply. ii (hey wished tu lie treated with punctuality ami kindness “ Jv ,-ile Asr.» fcr'lte U - I.• • • w * inl “"true. utul dim deceive inn |iulilir: n< u-r prom.. iu a S p„i, „ ol 0II ; V 0 /thn Ibr'cnminl** i Sira'm b ni^ Vrr> °’ h ' r RIK * I , * ine * ■»»* »*•« Sight Draft, tu any amount payable m any of the .ranches of the Pruv.iicml or National Uank. o. Ire land, hngland. ?m utluml. Ar. Wr draw our own I‘*. change; we do tint take Krone)’ ami send n to if,e lo pet Mime one rl« to remit, UicrrUy caa.iiitr mistake, arid drlny«. Isi the lln.kcr*, &r. call upon us, end we will accommodate diem ei’Arw Vorkr rate. „ , JOSHUA lIOBIXSON. liiro,win Act *t, urtc door below wood. i% . CO-PAIITKBUSUIP. lO.<Vni>\ have this day associated " m , * le ll huaiiipsi, Philip Wjl- Km an.l Kdward f.rrrg. Tl.a style of firm wilf here •Jler he H Uiou 4 Co. Thu arrangement ren dnr. a dentralile to clomi.ilip old butinr** a* aoon a* |*o.»ilile. AJI persons whose liabilities have matured m “ k<i T/ffiii** i * co *“l»nponcr* and ±j U boloalr Dealer* m foreign and Uomcitie lUrd uure. Cutlery, Su< dlery, Ac,130, Wood meet, PitU rr,-nio.^i !i r P r ' *‘ a r« ** with a recently import ed .lock ot Hardware, Cutlery. Ac, to offer very great inducement* to weitem huyer., being- determined to compete in price* with any ot the Atlantic ctlic*. AJ eo on hund tin <:xlrn«ivr nssnilmem ol PlltshanrU Hardware, m: Slum!*. Fork*. Hoc*, Vice,, A., allot which.mil be *old ut tho lowot m.uoiac turerspr.ee*. j oul DISSOLUTION*. |»IIK Co-partuer*bip of the *ub*rribeu. under the X nrra ot L«m> Hutchinson A Co, i* ibt« dav di*. rottred by mutual consent. Either ol it* will attend to the .etlleraent of the bu»tncM of the firm, and u»e iu name tor that purpose. , , LEWIS HUTCHINSON. ,anl JAMES A HUTCHINSON. TCO*PABTKERBIItP. HE undersigned have thin day formed a co-partuer •hip. under the firm of Jatue* A. Hutchinson A Co H»r*he purpose of.eotidiming the bu.ti.es* heretofore carried on l.y.LewW IJutchiu*ori Co, and solicit a con tinuance of the patronage hitherto cklendcd to the hwa **- JAMES A HirrCHINSON p„, , . . , LEWIS D. 11LTC1UNSON. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,1-M3. CO«PAUTIfBRBUIP~ ‘/ffk „ X m ' •üb-enbrn. having r.rictily entered into Ol pQrtn.-r.hm under the name of Oatlngher. Imntr, 1 ; 1, . 1 l |pr ' »r tlm purpo»e of Carrying on the IV-Tl 77';"'“ 1 , * rounding and On* Filling liusineuiin ull it* braiiclir*, huve taken the *tund tomterlv occu pied b) H. fiallaglier, No. JOO From Mn-eL between \\ 00.11 and Sninhheld »i*., where they nte-prepared to execute Ul! order, lor Hell*. Dm*. Cu.tiug.. of every dc*cnptuiu, and (lu* Fitting, with nctUm-M ondde.- patch. Sieuinboat jobbing promptly attended in. - H; (.'ALLAOHER, 8. A. I.ONC}. v n Tt „ i • Vi 11 MHJJSK. •\ Tim nttentinnol Machinist* uml Eugin>vr» i* nviied to out nnti-uttfitioii mctnl. tor n rc<biced price, tlm-li ha* lieni pronounced superior to Dabhif* by lumbers who Imvon.cd both. Steamboat builder, tm.l lie public, generally, are til to requested in cal* and ci .Miiiio_ our superior double betmn Forco Pumps for tebmhout and dume*ne n*e. v ‘ (lALLAOHER, LONG, A MILLER- iiL u'lC tor 5L2 'h"','' 1 * l>nl -7j j. u tin* day ci«"Ttred l.y mutual consent. John Dal *.* ‘, l ‘ r ' <Hc ‘ D, i u ? r «'»rc InUrc.i to ]{. Wight -1 vvii.i/tM n bu * ,, i CS ? ~f V‘ c * uu firni Wlll bu •mill'd by 1. Uightninii. who i, nuthorirrd to iim- the'name ofiho late iitlp tor that purpose. «. WIUHTMW *puwid*v [juiylMTj J. DAilzViL i H now prepare*) to manufacture nil until. < ‘ r ‘ , ' r * | , 'I Ot.U W Iglitmmi'a iiigine ner Liberty and W atcr streets, will mm will, iiimi.iit aticntiim. a, wi(;irr\i * v m-3 , idlv ro,C M ” ,MMu ' Prn Fmlernl and Bundu*kv‘«tV, sptjodly _ .1 - Allegheny city. . DISROLUTIOS,' T , !oh*eX*r.r! Up **'*'»''»« erifling benreen the . ,*Si n Pr ~ h e of William* A Ditworth, V « "'2 u * hy mutual cori*ent. ** 1. '? ":k 0m ,h< ‘ •oHfcmcnt of the old bu-i -/ c ’*; . XVl ’* ''oiiitniiA .the wholesale grocery buunr«. |U i the old Mnnd. NO. -J7. Wiwd *| , ’*TVXI. ll„ WII.UAMS. JOHN M. DIJAVORTH "• ** bale. Western New York J A K tu ' p, b*'f l~M—irmn H to lO ceut*- AIM., Eastern and Western N-Y, early picked, Uii* year s growth. ’.re ’ rniuc Ohm do, Uclmoin'rounty. Th'* general emp of tltc *cn«m is now being receiveiL Brewers and other* using Hop*, wilt find » inuch lu their advaniuge to obtuin their supply I'mm the umlrrMgned. a* they niii-nd u> sell liuxnigbout the sea *on ut Vw price*-. <j. \y. SMITH A Co.. | ' ■ I'i.t.burah Brawery. [>IKD L'Afilii—A btlauiiful artielu lor Chruuntu —l'ujicy, Cub ami common Cuge.;al<o,Ca nry r.ira* of tine pfumaTL- nnd Vang. by ihe pulror *iti‘- le one, to suit purciiuv-r*. « nn be obtained artha ' itiAburgh Seed Store, Wood si. dc23 a. N. WICKERSH*X| GROCERIES. &c. T ="l™ "OTCmaOB fcCo.. K „. 43 w.w 15bi*No4 “ “ • . Ita bbl* No 4 *• * I*s - .5 m « JM '• 0 “ lan “• h -*• y « 75 “ a « . - W “DR crushed 45 *‘ . *• (Kucdered “ W* **,!’ “ 'c* crmbed “ For tale ai reduced prices. I "MTUT® qrcakn. Jloacao Tori Wma; T| 10qrc»k«I,.M do; |*_. . 0 “• Hont do; ' I 10 “ Trash do; I ® *• SS Madeira do; 15 ,M liM | do; - I JO *• Symington, do; 6 “ do: 1U “ . Teueriffr, * do; *' * 10 *• I'nlf Sherry, do; \ 5.- *• Ooldeii; do do; I 5 *• Brown! do tlo; 10. u 'lJ*bon : do 'do; .Io }' . Dry Malaga do; 1 10 “ Owen do do; For sale in quantities io suit, by P. C.-MARTIN 1 „ cor._Smi]bfieM_i_Fronl sis. FRUIT,Ac—4Obx« cropbunch Raitiiii .= (UDAlrsniim Oranga;’ f 5 trail* Uulen; S raw* Citron; , ! a ldil« ehellrd Almonds; . 0 bids Filbert*; ! IU bx« A No I Rock Candy;. ■ i 50 bx» new seated llrrrinr; received Ml aimr. Consul; lor sale by • I.AMRCRT A SHIFTON. lUIA laiwood a> IFACTUBED TQBACCO- X» bxit Cabamtptx £*; •’l5 Ctinpinau'* sa; i ISI “ Ire‘« s*; | - 25 •• ItuaarJt A Robmton'a ss; < ail •* Hranr(ie'< |i; JJO “ Dawaon’i la; on comdrnmenl a»d AL tiOKDON, • Witter at. DRUGSr-Oam Myrrh, Turkey; - do <Jainl>oa*; do Kino Trur; - do Opium, new ' do Unlbatiuni, strained; Kxt Jalap; '■ . • do Damleliou; * ‘ do Belladonna; ju*t received and tbi a a. faii.m-ctockaco.. dc j J cor l.i & Wood *u» lIiS—ItXM gull* Winter bleached Whale Oil; pruaa .article; * 8 obi* Tosmrra Oil; j C •** Crude ilo:inMore: fnr safe by ! . O. KLACKBI RN ACO, ■ , Wairr at. near Cherry ay.. Feathers, £«—cu *cir* Feather*; | 0 »rk» o‘uiaeiig; 4 sek* Dry Apple*; ‘ ' 1 box do 1 calf Beeswax; - I sek Beeswax: to arrive; for tale by dep : ; I. DICKY AC( E« H—ISO bbl* large No 3 uiaclrrol; X do do No* lA 2; 4U hf bids do No* 2 A 3, 65 bbl* No I gibbrd berrutg; ■ ' S 4 do No i Salmon; 15 coaka large Cod hah; 1U) boxes scaled and No I Herrint; Receiving o»d I'uraaie by DAMUKHT A BHIFTON. dr:a) WJAJ3S Wood- SU.£TUK-W« have JU*t rretjvrU one t-ane aaaortetl colored »ilfU?x; " vary Light do dn, Mack do; very liravyj ■* do; very fme; “ *• iu'il col ra«tian>; ** ‘‘ Dark ,1o; 'birh w* milt mII low to thr trfciln SHACKLEIT & WHITE, yj Wood *! 1 f dr** Xj CTfi—s jmlriTTfimoni J»1 JOtI.SU.rIW; bug. Crr&in N)iu; . Pea Nut*; for tale by jtrLS _ SOAP AXI) C AXDLES~~ \o t t?incinnaii bonp; fit* f AlonlilCniidlr*; l.amlim; from Carolimi, for rat.- by UAGAf KV & f»MTTH. i _J?? . ; Npyts A; Ji \Voo.Ui, *[>lloo' i. U. IVIT.I.IAM a ■ dried peacbe* ' urkcs.iarJ: do; and A-r «.:« by BACi.U.KY * SMITH, l a > ■ : No* If 4 d) WiKftl * PEItPUMER'i'— Farract* o| Verbena, I?atebo:i **“y. violrt.i Chib. Miliiflrur. Booauet d< aroime, arnl Mn*i,iarce I‘ert'unie Has*, from US ei*. >*l ‘i, each. For »ale l»y JOICN D .MORGAN, ..I” 1 • . No. Itt* \Vood *t. S REAM ; m <?i<,nn I* 1 *; Reef Marrow Brart Orexv. and fine lip Salve,in Claim nolxlbi JOHN JJ. MORGAN. .A*' •_ : No. yit Woodw- HOPa —IB bale* Hi ton western N Y Hon*; 1- dr> *Ji) *• •* ' . 0 Up nt “ eastern " CarriuNj selected and of extra isnalitv. in *t»re and fc ‘* lr b ) POINDF-XTFR *Co i ni>l • ~41 water at BROOMS. —io dor good com lirootna I'i “ iruitr han’d •* * *• neanli iu - U-!,Hk. .U>.! 3 1 \ON BOXHOjtST ACo Sundries-* tiw i. 4 r*i;- i- •• ' ii#th ' fl •• drwd peachc*; Jl “ clover »eeO; Ju« rac'd and for *»!e t>>- I. •# WATERMAN. : 31 rt-aicr and fri from m Soaps — lO Uorr* port* I‘ildi; , 3 *• Whip.; 3 “ Ko«r; 5 3 hUavinf, ». i' VON UON'iIORST A Co, No 115 Front »t. ■paODUCK—-iiUa.buUcr; : X <2U both prime chestnui*; ■ s»rk» ginncog; S Jo Tiop«; „ 1 #5 venison hams; M«f*l LAMHKKTA SIIIPTON. KhVlT—3> drumVSmynia fips; -blit* Zunlneourrnal»! 4 boxes (ifiirTa ciuaa; _ i!U <io .MRUat-in< For «nie by , J. 1). \VILU.\MS, SUNDRIES—# bbh Freth JloU Butter; 11 l)bl» Cloverscedj • 2<* *ek* IVncbeij 1 bale !)<rp«; 2 k<g« L%r4; received per itmr IWver; for sol< °y, , r L tk WATERMAN*. “ c ‘ s 01 Water fc HI l>uauu. Q AR—« hlfd* pnm« New Orleans; O 2bbUi>Krru*hei’l; 10 do uaorted toap; Forwle by J. £>. WILLIAMS, _“ cao 110 Wood . \f OI.ABSES-10 bbln o. |incae; J ito liou.-r; ti do l’hila. urara irrupt J. D. WJtMAMS, nu-Auod n. For tide br dcj) Window glass—2oo bi»T tiit* 150 •* 10x12; . , , W “ lOxU; for Mle by S. K. VON BONNHORST 4 Co„ SUNDRIES —10 lib!* (mail while !>cnn*; 3Jo fiaisecil 3 casks scorching*; 75 do* cam broom*; 13 bales bops; just received and for sole by >*"♦ JOHN 5. DILWORTH. 27 wood st PIASTER for I»and, he., alway* on hand and mr sale.it No. 244 Liberty street, near U"»l. JjctW. W. W.AVALLACE. T)LAN’KEIV—23 pair Large Doraesiic Dlankeu, jost -D received on bonsiipuncut; ibr sale by ■2O CEO. COCHRAN, 28 Wood stl LARD— 4 bbl* No 1; 7 kefs do; ku store and for »ale by _ ‘ [jiuil] TASSEY & BEST. T>KMOVAI#— GEO. W. SMlTli'£'Col have re lt moved tbHr dffice from Penn »t.,to their hew brew ry>on Pitt street, aiid Duquesne Way, • ic3ldlra. WRAPPING PAPER 12<iu bundles S. C. M. and D. C. straw patter. 130 ** Medium Hag, * 4W “i IX Medium Hardware; for sale by __ or .»y -REYNOLDS* SIIEE. hlf bills No a iarcr; ”T ™ >V bbl* No. 2, for sale by .1)21 J-jIIEAZLETON, en»l side diumond. NAII.S— liiikeg* ti#»M.; for sale by “ ;}*. 1\ VON BONN HUItST A Co., i“ 1 ’ No 35 l-’runt street WJIITIS COUVTERPANKS-AuuihrrTa^ ofSten nbosl Counterpane*. ju>--i received from N. i ork.nud tJrsoia by SHACKLErr A WHITE. . *!V : ® UO Wood st. '¥>OT T BH—a;bbU roll; 15 3'kcg* received this day and for sale L y [jaiil) TASSKY * BEST.. MaCKEKEE— 100 bbls large No 3 murkcicl; ~"~ :41 lif du No I Jo; 'o*irto da No!i «lo; ; •d ant) for tale by [j»4] i'OINDEXTEJt 4: Co. CQFTEE— e(» b; P * Java; for *aie l>y S. F. VO.V UONNHOIWT, No. 115 F»unt »t. PEPPER— 3 bag# for sale by S. V. VON HONNHORST A Co., jafl _____ No. 35 Front st. extra uumly Hour; J; VU licks. hull’d Huckwlient; 8. F VON UO.WHORST* Co. No. Its Front at T\OLU RUTTER—-ItO bid* imtnn IVnn'a buricr XU krtr turner amt Uni, Ur)’ apple* and neat-bra in M6r« and for «»t«* by J 1 It VLOYD ' rpIMOTIIT SKED AND RTE-f«r wieiV*- 1 J»«l j ; J* 11 FLOYIi COTTOJf— 133 lr»h:» MrmnUu eonnn just ri’ceired nud for cole by ATWOOD, JONES 4. Co. SUGAR-- liJ hhtla N Oaiijwr on hand. and. formal# J 1? i_ ATWOOD JONES * rS, -tAYAsIAir ~ HA v lUOAK--‘l9 bxs ilftYAiia iiimi# An hrmdjjd for «nle by ATWOOD JO.M3 £°co°” 2 N<V IctjAVoodit. 1 "* BKmVft i ciir.MP«nwfcti l ,[ili-ny ~. > liu WTiiy 11. ■T^Sr^ 3 ? bnlf ci, " ! * u ‘ a«'cittWr™h T«<YnSb‘«: , J£‘ s . a ! h i°uf.'. a . r^ <,f cllb l r ' 1 ; °" hwM> for »aJ« by , ;anJ . IIAfaAhKV fc sautH, 18 Jt-JO wodd n Wg***. A.VD V4vw n'i.coa HainiVud' JJ yhouldrr*; M kcet ,\i>. 1 lahJ: rcri'rrrd'tm'cutJ-' nymnent, p*c lUwr, PjUi No. 2. mid lor rate -by if® 8 ' . J3AJAII DICKEY* Co HATS CAPS ANI! BOMETS.I | ri fashion - for autumn.rk ig ■ Mlb»V!-V..«1.0. ■ 4 HITTERS, -fcr. I roMts or ttaon xxt» luj-Tn arsEEW, Hrmorsußj EM'K received their Autumn style of Hat*, to which they, respectfully invite the attention if ineir customers aiid citizens, generally. seplt I rk FALL STYLE HATS.—M'CALLAM hti* received a licautiful stock of Beebe tc CostatJ* 3tyle Huts, which for richness audiusitV cannot "be surpassed. Call at the'lint Slon.V.Monortffu hela liAtse, Sttithfield *t, and tee them. octlS J rj IiEW UrVESTIOSJ-PATEST aiA / gCIRCULATER ANU HAT PROTECTOR.— - Th will introduce on Saturday, Oct. Ihli Ocnuemen wishiii™ a hat tried with this desirable artif. e|« will pleo*e roll and examine.- J* . ,Aj.F|REI) KEKVIL, Practical llattrr.i _oct» ; ■ ■ 1&> head of wood »t FALLFASHTOS.-St.MOOßKhajrecnV j^*ed : froio New York, the Fall style of Hats whict «as%he will imroduce this day, Saturday, Aug. Sfcih •»»<»,* m want of a neat and superior nat would dc * lN '°’ 75> "* <wJ * ,1ce, » 3,1 door above |th ffcr.E3r&n~£ A . 8 * ,,05 » 1847-sBEKBK 1 i Style fientle'iiPij’# Hat* will be intro **Sm Cwl *\ •wnt'-n-V on TUumlay. AnpiM . 17th. i .ri k wulung a rbea]!, fashionable hnt of Pin*, bun-h manutariufe, aheartTif ftuliional.ln Hat* impbh e*l and ndrerUwd by. soma of the wide, |.letue call *tl . KEKVIJ, 4 Co.'*,, l 142. lirad of wood ft 4 FASIIIOH FOB lIATIC— iti. tV mint New York, the Summer SS&ESS-*? ‘•““A ““s^iSEuf ; - T 5 wood suSdoora above dik CAPS’.!—Fine Oner, Seal and Ku«k Cab*. -ju« to hmul at M'CALLAM'S Fashionable lai .Monongabcta House. ocU9 I /“jM/yrj! ANp GLAZED CAPS—A splendid justth iLagfaii Kg;.™*.-'’*" - j EXCHANGE BROKERS, & c , ; I HUSSEY, HAHITA A CO.. TIANKEHH, KXCHAXHK WIOKKRS, h.»l defers » *’L < v?' 1 Domr V' e Exchange. Omficatf.'yl' I> po.uc, Uauk .Note*, aud Specie; Fourth street, near ly op|x>ti(p the Bank of TiiuburcL Current money received 011 deposits—Right Cheek* for «aJe. and cOl- L’nStedViafor OU ,U! * r,y^lll,6 ~ri,lciP *‘ !»««* »" the Go^ Ci^ hej * * Tr * m * um P • or Forctfu and America! • Advance* made on rtnmgnmeut* of Produce. shio l*d kAM. on liberal term*. i tnchla ! w > s* HOLMES 4 SOBT, u I w ’i Drtt,rr » *« Exchange. ;Coin tiid I : J*?,"* No* SB.- Market street, ; I A ». ’A Kate*. Kxebaugo. ■ . Raying Rai»*. ' I ? r -v> ipr Cincinnati, ... » | diJ Vh Mtlpli*, (So Uuimll., (d.; id. StEouD, . Jd.' ST BANKNOTES. Darin, iu.i.T I P 1 di* Co. A Serip Orders, 6 1 di< Inddua, Ido JM,rNoli, ijo Rr n, . u, ;M* Ido Tenn*ylvaoia Cr Ido' ' Miswua, . > Ido New York do 1 do, : -• do Wheeling - , fdo New Orleans, l do! jT* nnesssa, - . 3 do-Alarylahd, Idol _ uecfOtf j I j. •' 1 «O>PARTXERSniP; H. INLL, (late of the firm of Wm. A. Ifill V.* V®"* BuJ ' VM- C* Uurry, Hate of Erie, Pa.) hut** ••Merrd into Co-puruirt.*np umler.the name of |jiu.& cibrt. tor the purpose ot currying on the Huukiug and Exchange biwme.w m all it* branches, at No. 65 Wood «rret. three door* below Fourth, west tide—where ther' **»liclt tire eastern ol their friend* and the public reh erallV- - JOSEPH H. MILIZi Uteris , Will. C. QUERY. I I ,( *.wu it. UJLL-l ' - | WM c ceanr . HILI. A. CCHET, 1 l TJASKERH A KKCHAXGE BROKER!. f—lrr. bi v Dome.ucTimr and Sight Bill* of Ex ehtnwr. Certificate Of JK-po*it«. Bank Notes and Coin; .No. 65 Hood Hireet, third,door bclhw Fourth, welt Parj FumU awl Currency received on deposite. and roHeutions modem all Unj-Tiriucirtal ciu«*imhß tniteil States. , I ’ Kfrlmncc on Ualtimore. Philadelphia, New ttpkf Uonpn and Cincinnati.constantly tor sale ■ rouuylvu* i» -'Ot'.' l tiotishl untl sold on- favorable turm* i , Exchange on England, Irelaud, Germany and Franca procured, Ac. mchl&T WILLIAJX A. HILL A- CO., Bankers, exchange brokers, ««i Dealer* in Forksztrantl Domc.tie Eicltaripc. Certificates of trepoutc. Bank .Note*, r.rul Specie. No. tit Wood «u ong door above Fourth, Hart side, Pituhur-rh. l*o optSilAwF .' i ! - FOREIGN EXCHANGE: ! ,; T>IBLS n» hnglnnil. Ireland, and Scotland bought 16 j JLJ any ainount nt the Current Rates rff £xchan-e AJh>, DratU payable in any part of the Old CouLtriei ifrodi Cl to £imt, at the rate Af K to tlic JL Sifrlin J witjiont deduction or discount. *iy JOSHUA ROBIiC SON. European and General .• -«r, office ah Jt on* doorwe»t of wood. « oell*nf • I ltl)9 tXOtntT JL*nre. I ■•' (KRAMERa a.inr ! AND EXCIIA. - . ... HUOKERS.dealer* J>in horejuu and Domestic n I* «f Exchange, hficates ot lieposttc. Bank -Not,a and Coin. corner rf M and Wood utreeu, directly opposite St. Charics Hoi *£?:— -..J maygtrfly 1 \TTESTER9 FUNGS— fV Ohio, purchased tt llir lownt ratr*. t.y . . I N- HOLMES 4 SOS*. I>IIiL6 oPElrMAl'<lF._S K h t c&Vrt, on j ,1 Cf.nitantly ir »#le bv dc!o ’j. s ' Philadelphia* and Ualiuiiom, N. IKJMIF.S t SON 35 Market nt /~loLlaECTlo3>B—print*, Note*. and Accept; paynble m any pari of the Union.collerud roost favorable term*. •' X. UOLMRS &. SO.V. r<J Market »t on New York, Philadelphia, ai j at sight, in mttut to suit purchaser* ro sintitly for *ulclry HIM. A CUhRY.' : • Wood «t., below Fourth. FUJfOS tin* Notes of the Ohio! * * l"«miia and Kentucky Bunks, purchased at low rateaot discouut, ui the bllk-e of ; . HILL k. CURRY. »>o. &> \yoorf *t., Lelow l uur 110 Wood »L /"tOLIaIiCTIOIVS’on all the principal cities in t] VAjpjou, uuik by HILL 4 CURRY, - . • _: Xo.CS Wood below Fourth. j HOTELS. . FOUSTAIX HOTEL, LIGHT STRRKT BALTIMORE r.'T,,.™ 0 ** 0 nuwsrTOx, raorarstm. «g THIS establishment long and' widely known a* JfcSi ? ,,c of ‘he mot; commodious lu Hie city of •Ml. Baltimore, has recently undergone Very exien. ■ire Bile rations and An entire new wiogihas been added, containing numerous and airv *U-eping apartments pod exteiisive'bathinr roots* T*? LadicV department ho* also been completely reorganized and fitted np ia a most unique aiid bvouu ful «t>le. In fact the whole crrangi-metil of the House ha* been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of toe proprietors, towards die. comfort and pleasure of their (lurou, pndwhichthcy confidently assert' will' ,T ! p “.r K ? n Wl * *»F Hotel in tle irnion. < i 1 j i * always be .uppßed with" every sub* •tiuiual and liixury which- the, market affords served op m u rapenor style; while in the; way of Wine*. Ac., Ute> will not be surpassed. . in dourlu.iqu the proprietor* beg to *ay, that notbiuri will b« left undone parf.-and on the rian of thrtrhMiMantsio render this Hotel worthy tbS con- patTOnjse w< ‘ ,b ” r f rie »d» and the pvbiid gen- . T r ’ cct ft* r board have also been reduced to-the following rates; ■ ; •; N. B-*—The Baggac* VTagan 'of (hc ; IJouse will *jJ w fT»! befannd at the.Cor and Steamboat Landings: whirl) will cotivey baggage jo and from the Hotel, free- 1 of charge. | ~ f mayStf j PEAJLL street house* - ~ ctxctxxiTi, onto. ! 5», THE-subscriber* having purehaied the entire interest of Col. (j. P. Williamson. late of this well! •Klfcknown beg leave to state to theiri fneuda and the public eimeraliy, that they have taken this commodious Hotel tor u term of year* ami will ex ert llitir best rliewe* to make it a desirable home for' Travellers and City Boarders. Tlie'Hotel is spacious ami mlrnirnbly planned for con venience, light] and air. having a number ut tiarlors ad- J t*juilms. ChU,U ,er *’ pre “ ,m ’ n * ntnisual attraction* to Tim present) proprietor* having bad the experience of years in tins city and elsewhere, hope rltev w 11 be üble to B,w general .aiisfnclion, being determined to pve undivided, attention jo the house alone ' ■ The loraiii>u:nf the l‘c;irl Street 1 loose is uncuromon ly eligible, having trout* uii Pearl, Walnut and Tldrd street*, so that] it i* equally desirable in view Jfthl convenience of bustnessTnen. or retirement foT briVate boarder*. It it near by the Banka, the ft! Masoftic HallJ Odd Fellow 1 * Dali ami h.,, ™ e un i , * r ,h « Xnn of Bridges k JiV™. L:- • • Ah. JNOWKST. ' ! 6ALT*HOUBE; - : Tm2^*^^ L A? ‘ n mxn,-OTS KH it,. * '* llow bulie be*t order for Sh r c . ol the T/aveling Public. Having ,fT“ 1 Q ? <^- r Foi'e o thoraiigb repair during the past win* I ? tlvin » Ibc most experwgcvd men ht the west \1 T rT "} 0U f tVpiutmoma. | flattermyselfthat all wit >e pleased whoteaU. Iha Uaiation u ccntrtil, cotatoo* tuous and pleasant. Fore « per day.. Cluclimati, March 13.'47. 1 W E MARSH. **• B.—Allhdujh not oxsctlr a iiewßruom, it is the' «amer*ft new \Vm« OTi the old liaadle. apCtf ' THROCKIIORTOSirfIIinrOI'fiBr -ti- I - LonsrxtnuxT. P*4 u AJUS TimoCKMOaro.V bega to aomaint |S»hitJceud* th.it bq.i* arainkueeof theuALT *»/JOL;SE, Louisville, Ky., where be hop«a to meet *ll hispidamtiring them'and the public, that MbaßiMfabaU b* *pareßtomaku l ali rqtnforuble who jreor-lUHSvjthUteur pafr'oaagc. . - 'janlldly. AMEIHCAI4HOTEL, “ .1 . ajyUUIIIItX. WW , .... rnkAß—Tim * X dtt trrVdmmoi Miji«crit>«rininye whaibJ niut,lbr «*le ■tatanfc tfrnrf, a lar?r E autl ‘wilt Kfcitcd »T® c , aA^*~ P**rf **k fer.’d on eoiwilro't , b r pH) WAUjapicKEYACft- lad j. T>BARI/ASIt XT atwwr«ak BAI*TER*S • GINSENG PANACEA! SL'PPERINO WITII DISEASED •UUNGB.—The unprecedented Mcceas which has attended the uve of the I ; GINSENG PANACEA ' 1 t lie various forms which irritation of the lungs aa* has induced the proprietor again to call aUan* tioo to this Ih* changable weather which .marks our (all and viatef months, is always a Duilful source of COLDS AND COUGHS- Thfee, if neglected, are but the precursors of that (oil destroyer, The question, then, how sh&ll we'nip the destroyer in the bud! bow shall wo get clear of our coughs sad cohHf is of vital importance to the public. . -THE GREAT. AND ONLY REMEDY . will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this we have from time to. time published the certificate* of dozens |of our known citizens, who have expert, rncectlw curative powers, with a mass of tea tltnony from all parts of the country,—from •; .MEDICAL MEN OF TUB FIRST STANDING, Ministers of ihe-Gospd, together wijh copious no pee* from the JOURNALS ..of the day, we have' embodied iu panfphlct form, and may be had gratis of .any of our agents throughout the country, HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES - have been used lathis city. . THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Stale's and Canada, and we chsl. nge any man (o point out a ■ ] SINGLE INSTANCE ii wluchj 'when taken 'according to direction*, and ba * fore the long* had become fatally ditorganixed, it haa erex tailed to f EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why, then, need the axHicted hesitate? Why. retort to the miserable. nostrum*, gouen up by unknown Indirid ualt under Ibe assumed name of wme celebrated phy axctan, and puffed into notoriety by certificates of per* •on* equally unknown? Whilit a medicine of - . " • UNPARALLELED EFFICACY i* to be. had, vrhoee toucher* nro at home,—our aasgfa* bore,—many of whom it has ' SNATCHED EJIO.U THE GRAVE.. t In order that ibis inTtdoable medicine may be placed tithm the reach of the poor as well the rich, we hate m toe price n ' * • : J ONLY FIFTY CENTS, *t one half the usual cost of cough medicines. It is ' ■ sale by our aaeuts in nearly etery town and.tiUade ; t the west, who are prepared to fall informs* ...»..ueato nite uu. SALTER,Proprietor. •' 1 - Broadway, Ctn f ‘^ t| "» ti t Qhi'* , 4 STHJdA. OR DIFFICULTY OF ♦f*- Thif di‘ewe i* 'caused by a paroxysmal construe tion or ihe|:.ir cell*; It is very debilitating. almost caus iiigsafl&batiwj. DR. SWEETSER'S PANAtTT.A ontT certain cure. - , I Hoarseness-can be enintlycared by a pfPr Bwcotser'ij Panacea. • i Catarrh, ior common cold,' which, If neglected, will terminate Jo Consumption, Is effectually relieved ami dured by Dr,Sweelsers Panacea, i Bronchitis, if unchecked,“wilt effectually* lead’ t» Breachtal Consumption, but a timelr-use of Dr. ftwaei •or's Panacea will effectually euro is. j. Inflammation of the Tonsils or ?ore ITireat-—This disease oftealead* to serious consequences. ffom neg>- • cl * * l J?k “* nlceratiaa of the throat. On the Aral symp tbms. Dr. SvreeUer'i-Panacea sbonfd be procured and uuedTrecly, 1 Coughs; and Colds find a sovereign-remedy in Dr. - Sweeter’* Panacea. , j JPueuraonia Notha—A very fatal disease, resulting ftotn a violent cough and cola on a debilitated or bro jten down constitution; aged persons am suhjeet to it— Dr. Hwecier's Panacea should be used bn the first •Dop'otn*’which are a rough or cold. •- 1 IMjrht Sweats.—This debilitating complaint, will tuct a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetscr'a Panacea. .Consumption.—lf on the finrspueanmee of eonjtunp tifre symptoms, which are a pain, in the aide and breast, edneh or enjniug of blood. ifDr. SwecUer's Panacea is tn-ctv used, no danger need b« apprehended. r jVVhen the; Lungs, the Windpipe, or Broncfcial Tube* become clogged up with phlegm so as to impede respi ration or breathing, Dr. eweciser's Panacea, which is a powerful Expectorant should be taken according to the directions. - . relative to it. lfluexu*.—This distressing epidemic, so prevalent in climate, ii speedily cured Ly Dr. S'voeisar's Pan*. Price $1 per boule. or six bottles for S 3. ;. ,i ?r ®y wm. Jackson, ts Liberty n»n of big boot. • ’nwffMyj to THE X.ADU3#—Chiaesd X Hair Cream, n matchless anicle ior.the Growth, lkauiy a iul. Restoration of the HairT'TTkis Cream! wl en once known, will mpercedo all other-articles of tb<| kttu! now used. When the hair is dead. harsh. ° r "! rn, 3/t*“>V » ftw •ppiic.tuiaa make the heir sort ana dark, and Rive it m-beatiiul lirely; af nearance; and will also make it retain it* lire* lints* and healthy color twice a* Jung a* all the prenu. wiotu which'are gaaeraily-used.. Erery lady, and gentleman who, are in the habit of using oil* on their ’ hair, should at ooce purchase 0 the Chlneea Cl ** m - »» 11 « » c«npo»«i tlwi it Vfill.not uytiro the, hair lute those other preparations, but will beautify tt, and give perfeet satisfaction in ev-ry-instahee fcor testimony to lUvery superior qualities, sea. the following letter .from Rev. Mr. Caldwell. w'Messrs. He idersnott Stretch, Nashville, General Agent*for the \> esierit State*: . . i . lietirr uwn the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor bf Ute Pre*. byt man Church, Pulaski. - i. I- Messrs. - Hendenfaotl k Stretch—Gentlemen: I u*o ! P ,c ““te >u adding my testimony in favor of the excel. t,r: pr.*rnrai:u3 culled Dr, Parish’s Chines* Hair my hair was very mjl bilitly. at.d disj »*t.l m come out; bur having pro curyd a Lottie at toe Cream, aud ured TTaceorowff to ihr preiermtion. my hair u now soft, elastic and firm to the head. Many balsams utid biis-were applied, each leaving tny hair In * worse stale thap LetoV- Thw Cream, however, has ntet my expectations. As on article for tho Toilet, ray wife giWs it prefer encc over all.others, being delicately, perfumed, and not * disposed to rancidity. The ladies especially will find ,he >hin«e Creiun to b* a deiideranns in thelrsre&a rations for the toilet. Respectfully, kc„ Ja L • ?• l? ' r - R- CALDWELL. wholesale and retail, in PiUsburgh.br John M. yownscnA No. « Market street, and Joel AJobler! corner of Wood and tilth streets. , jatflrf. • fiofsscMpf Kentucky. • ' * Hank Note*; US Market street f’-r * IOW ABRKBTED-ToUo« w. •J.' Hicteu wiili Disease of the Lung*.—This is to ceftifr to those afiticied Wiihihe linn premonitory aytuptomsof I’-uiikaniptum, ihni J have been lubbrina lor several ycat« w iUi a brouuii, soreness ci'the throat and hoarse* “”*{• 1 u*edi many mciiirmvs, but found no relief it* medicine, until 1 made use of DR. ; DUNCAN* EXPECTORANT REMEDY. F have iM-vn using this valuable medicine for several yean, andlalwuys find it to relieve whenever I bake tuaof it. My oeeupanou a* an Auctioneer, which keep* mo alnio*! constantly engaged, causes my disease, at time*, to become very alarming, when 1 at onra procuro this mcliciue. I, therefore, take pleasure in making this public statement. that othen affected With disease of ibo lungs and expectorant oryanvtnay- know tha rir tuee oi thu •*a|l healing remedy,’* and may ha cured.— I hnve recommended Dr. Duncan** Expetmrnnt Rem*, ily to many ofpy friends, some of whom owe their Utcs to this medicine. JAMES HEW2T. Somerset, Ohio, Oct. 13, IMS. • * .. ,'nie proprietor of the above medicine would alto ra ter io tic undersigned persons, who residein-peny county, on whoa anjr person may cell upon and bo convinced that there are virtues Sound in the above* med elite that cannot be excelled: ] IWvid Ctilberuon, Somerset; Dr. Ii Stone, do 4 Fra*, eis (ioliher, .Jackson, tp.; Mr. l.arimer. do-’ Geo. Vol ben4 Sallbek township; Jcrrod Davison, Hopewall lovvnslup. I | . DR. DUNCAN’S .WESTERN OFFICE, 150 kwi.' amore street. Cincinnati, Ohio. • I ■ Sold iu Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, S 3 Liberty si., head oi Hyod il. Bpl9d*wS PEACEI PEACE:I • ■ . _ i sor ts uexicul r.iSE 1 " 1 ?' E . ra ? Y ” OT,, KR«hIOSIESTEiD. t • rp.'lE nn.lct.mrf hu ,0,,g been coariuced of the X neceutiv lot «tme medicine adaptrf-u, ibetue^f lsi “™ “ ■ap»r=s!liU«.iu»or «lttorf mod,cine. v Jit), contain op,am, aid hu ~ lengi, ceedrf ,a prrparmg .ad oSerihg to tho c,„e folly uni, every pmpo£;for allEenU. ofXo bo~el. iv,tl,ou, Ibo U rf of thal deleterioo. dnnrot anr other calcutatedtorinjuro in Unlearn. TbelSSut V£l .acoa ba. been fully iced atnl .tied, the la., ,»eW? iintnetou. permn., anil fornd to pou™ aU ,he ei,trft,l.naty „rme., and to Produce ulfihdtooS: ■thing edeou a. act lofth on.the bill of direction.lit errlura, Vmailing, Cholic, Griping. Panft,Sieknea. and D, ;f , "V n r? Teething, jnetihg immediately vmhout diMurbuig any of ibriulctioiS of!£ toy. producing, the (happiest and mo«t pleo.ant tranOtion * nd i i ° JOU * *w .«* ul5h!.l?«r J i‘»V I vf wl, ‘ a i lU Apothecary; John if, * )t c hhain.and most other Drnggi.m Allegheny and Pnuburgh. - . dectll7 CONSUMPTIVES* consolation; IJoe* wfrae-ui weiglj'upon - < : _Or PWW nfflici yonr br***if . - Healing ’ln, ‘ -Andil will givc'yoa reel ; s Itclearijawaj-themutyclmid, •< , IX«a*e *prend* o’er tho »ouV Atm whtspen through the gloomy alitotuii *\our health may yet be whole* ; ' Pee yonder raw of lorely hoe !• > • r k. • Tu withering with decay, . ' It #enrcdy tips the morning dorr. Ketoreju fades away. ” .1* The Worm of Death was in (lie item. Arid strengthened a* it gr«w— ' i. ■> And whip it bloomed, (a lovely gcarf- %. It hipped through and through. . < That Wdna of Death "might be defied, It'Of. punean’* Art-wertf tried; • • And many lovely saved Tb« fntc of an untimely irrava. - EyDIL Dl'X CAN'S "'EiXtitX OFFICE, So 13fl ' J Sssysj’ C ‘“‘ ra “' < CKS ; SQAKR* imperial cough syrupy.. jiowcruicurr: _ PrfiMt^j J* it. h. Seukosu—My wue has forvr.tf t*** «&• ■ - “t>*.im.iiK>oa;h; wcmitomle/inS the cure.of which.ifie UM-d {liilcrent ,«„Jrr® I *,.”* and Itad Uie advice of the niou emnu.^? WSediei, nyluiL-tatallmk inumdlbg. ™y ekE&Ykiili of your Imperial Couch Svnin and J.. "***« a tadic fdrtriai,SffigWi m could romoje. her eowpUimTTo i»o d<iM* cave hir itnmediaie relS7 * af T l I rue ' troubled with *’«Wrh, y bbj J* “ li| W» olwoj* elope H; ®£Byrup four «££•' -. -<• u -■ •taaßi vt«clc fc ?*“***»« ™ ?2nliB!-‘ vhkhbtrf bera,ta)4 for mrn •«t«?i?t! rt *^ riS>s£s%s?, «•*** *- 5^2 •L. XA r . NO. 132. , MEDICAL. "WONDERFUL PREPARATION. COSUMPTION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers