. . MISCELLANEOUS fIBBIKTV CBBXCALVBIVim h n,vv>-i a St£? l jptCSJJjSJw {V**** 1 “*""*■ W t&tSufr be gjmiffi/TTg" fr evaporated dc gua aad tree jpi taw j™ UfP.V* 0 ■ f P art U tbe »or intaUod £*|f .*£*’"** •to aw naccir lo (fee Ink anto** »T- . mUocoaAm fc * chf .. bp^*nth by **«oJ*£ SapS? jft? ? uU ' Jstes; i«r ■. itSadmieaJaotetoomowJSrtLS!!!? 7 m «* rt,B » *S**r fernfe* •illaSwS * bo * « *W fl*w f raß *«ySS;5!£S2J ,,jr fluU «a» latoUa fibw of ike mcS-P* o*l^ 0 * 1^ »*« ataa and om tea eat3vmLwH^rj" 8 * “** perma <cly ptaatered ca (fee .JSSL™ 0 !! .fo tu " l » »k» iril m haaanafiflitr for esetalic Jw* iv?°? iatartl i BO “ lltert},u Malfeu-Ht ‘t*!?™ *0 "* tornit Hub green eobryttba ■* write* of a i^?"* 11 ***»-» »d«r black fcrvirn article kaowofeTtba M^JT a V^? < f d *°P CT * or *“ tfe« *fc^«ado6e^feird«Lz'J!i?V f f Arßol4*» Writing IVaitto; mid- to . McQo,w»a.& DotuUi. IW , .sTuLV *i »*■# * <*■ n^ l! ; ,: - J ‘i • lim rate atiSlTi;* f: t?u»s ? lm “• , -" v s;,i"“‘’>' c-i' t -' =';T II TUTTI.L. Dook-lrtpcr j f . '? for BlixlU k Sttaple. I fiß- K^irSL* I'***;’• 1 '*** ; ’•* ase,hlr ** r “ k> *K°»* coordtr it ( uL 2.Tki™“ '* mk “ WILLIAM STEWjST.II&tap,, 7 ‘ *>r Arthur i -■ M, T It HM^rSin'iS^^aSL' , M I nob., mo., 'JJZ?££?!£ ': SSr c^, tb * ln a P UVe ft* «au*!ity ot ' ; .. .WilUaM CABn, B«A-i«pir .-.>' aSSpD™^ l4 V “* R^iltrTh^'K *?s?Vr£?S'* t “* Cfcmtft; earner of Liberty- tod fankficht >tmu- P,tuhOTfa. Fa- I. • O^Scffl^ 1 OMKC’STKItSSxi.fAIiOfJEJL.eoaIdw.,’ J V “• b,< dueure/ie*, miJ Urv-finluS. uaixr**,ri„i,: tJ-.th’i d*k E»ribh;Qioit t with *ddil£iu sad *“^^s7J Aun t n Jt Suiih. IxVierd byßoswtli Park Lo.il.Na B.CELESTIAL GLOBES, containing*ll the •W» **"?• fce-. from, tfar woriuof U oU*»ta u . KUmsled D*li Ceitl* ihir.lm.. Mirtr Bntl.i ley. Hcncnil, tmh»l|a«. (he ll.. t-.‘ rmi ~ 1 tds , ' , . L “4“'* c T ¥^“^N^ stacktob i>««( jml wtited* fcw n«'of tfii* •f** Otok«^T»iyißyissize,**follows .“•- -“T f jw lit inches hi diaarUr, • I tt Mmiflobes6 :! «.-■•;•« I and Journal copy.' ’ ' 4«u I Tbm. BuvrfribtmHnr of Beuift M’keatie T, bSSy, BiioTOEk*cSr 0,le ™‘ General Com»iiu o ß ilerch*ntil roßTnr «*£e AM oj- QRW4R i ) „, 0 or I V nVS® I ?WHJCCB, ■ Strut, New-Orkatu, I AIfXSTD*-. i ,;»••■.•(.. I - Jim MVtritgr kGa,} ®’ I ; V AieSl'""' emcimui. DM’Dnnald A Co; WeHsyille.O. f ' : fjed.Parks A Co, Denver Pa, I • 8 VQarau i Co. > I .. { FiUslmrsh, Pa. I nrlKia ’ * I r\R; , rO\VNSEND« SARSAPAKILLA.-1W iaassssuimpiijfß ■oatextiaordinary medicine in the. world! Thi» Ex tract >» pat up in quart bottles. liissix lime* cbeaoer gteMWer, wd mrmoied npenor to any toldf^li ■ U 1 apraedicicc'm iSe'JaaL*,!^ lsj?g?TSsssr , ‘ £,,otab " ■"«“s nr? Sa 57 Woa± *ti betareeif I ; f >u, J- a *£ Townsend's only wholesale and whom the £=name anieie ■* enl Alle ‘ nrat*^ 1 teptuno article con be bad. ‘j OELLEKB* IHFEKIAL COUGH SYRUP.—Jt it IJ.ebeap, eaay to take, and bigblj Jfficacion*. Allioasiii Ctti.,'Usrch 2D. isn . Mr.R.E Sellers: My childreo, like oihers, have been S^Sf 10 [™ oblc *f®f:cooKb*i and bkviog used w •‘“J® patpo*e, 1 wa* ujdoced by %n i««2r**J IWo ? r w y and aTw to m» daoabter. **1 1 P has nerer fallen to do ao! bare rccoduaended it to my neighbor* and do moat i S^l^ t v“ ,jrbd i eTe Ul '‘« i* be« eSiyrSdS- I cine that baa erer been offered to the-ullic. r, •,. .1 .. ■ . Aireaaw Aaatiraoao. I .l 1- U —tacn LtlWdleasg SuOct tmn, SSnto^?^^ 7 m * y U Curcd *>y a Si ccnuboule of , Spared and sold by K. E. SF.LLERS, 57 Wood ii_ IWectfoJly ifiiorm their fared. and • u>v p'ubiisi it at , ? f “f n,,1 » •*“* ouend fo'cvemhiDrin ™?tfL i W -Al«ray*oa h«ul a !a«e aS SES^) I .!* 2.*‘ ,y J ßaJeColßrw, <fjv-red u tu«ed :*ffi fa. j£, lk *!** »aanncr, «ll sort. and tntt read, *adeßhroa<ubf flafcneLCamt>riek ami uiutim and >n SSsm?n^r" l . B i Ppro^Mylcs - We!k "P a K * , “ <l w ***-««*«<>• oiik anil kid t&vl H? 8 *J P»']b«arer« and mourner., dupe. cap., cou fT . l ?‘ n * nce “»*-fy or drcvi n? «h« dead h! I tl^ , i/ c JJ* ooal ' le lenn *\ M »e p«ir(\»« aul our gooa, s^£S n CUXC \v ?“• for anj^uil iho oaaw and asc. \\ c hen- a splendid new hwse and T ottl « t/ c r °*' lie best eaxriatca ,Kvco mayaaenfad to prctgptlr ami ■ RY BALSAM -To ;"'s ***? V** 1 « ‘l“* Pltc* with eotspict* . , dnftbtuulf roasiaßitof the !usn. atieodnl with *rm > t.T^- IO ” <>f ,t,e Txatug of suurh blood pracripUmt Z>lw?i2* o>e taaa»on»»eek the pMint't T r>ire rttinjed todbew .aiMettUipakfcudn.iV Tlii. eajetJ^d tor b« n hUyiM.i l^ B . RripUiNlir C**#onl, N.H ‘Jta 40 IS3 . 8 »iO < lift i «. ’»* - fcSJUUSIS? 1 ** B .' F *'““ tlcS ' > ttrtpsdwooi!, alio cor Pali"i *o«l »u.! . - A P PSSS ?V? E * E Ei. « gf^22^W5S2;5AiSaiESs1 £ kMI4 S «* "bt*«sj -sS-s ' “ifess*-' i aaifAxtO I*te&««yABbepanl. , , SIIfcPARSJ k toVBCAN, lucrio.i t cosflßsios aEscifiSTs, • • (tube MiKjofScay fc Shepard,) . Naakvillc, Tcnncaree, ■V f n5L*?» P l ? n} P l *»«l nierilion toxic title ■rJi* f J?7 <p«jl»r6ioeeries, and ilercii indue.ren- [ eel .P rc P"«l.to wteod 10 *ll ihedeptn nenUcf ihe f.bßsmcji.elEeirmJr and (dealing ia no t?«Ufof Ikeirown account} towanUfv. J-Kefer to iL Allen, & Co; J. W. Under* Co* Piiu i ■ : • deetefim T„ ' Lard Oil* HE ondeni<ncd are now prepared to famish ibeir tor wia*elJ#n aeeimeodaunjlefm*. Itic:r U:i tbefr beliere tobo t» cwd u any offered in the market, and **7 be rcttned if not satisfactory. 1 . , ' J JORDAN A SON / ' P «-t , j ft lB Ll,ert * *t,oppo*t c miibfield p, R-Lari and Grew suitable for machinery, on Mad; for sale above. n^s : -■„••• • . . oaho, • r* i A Sr 1 ” nC Ti? <l ? d la Uic importation of AWaes tndGm*, Ae-, delusively, and bavinrmade : *n*a«emeau m djficreni pans of Europe and iLaUi. andswlih well known boucs (oc my „> wWch [ will be able to sell, delivered ; * »•».««* New York or NewOd£S2 the lowest market price far euh or »n! proved oaper. I bare aiCore and cellar a veryj.J£ 3* k ofTery tnenor Wises aad Liquors as the toost celebrated breads and vintarea tor ldea««temsir . *%*iBrrm 00 -ff j • : COf 111 A. Smith field «„ „ Green. ’I ' BJaek : Sifr- i : griSStf , ssssaas ; EraaPineGnn powder, Felloe Rowers; Ertraßae Imperial,; Raoe Flavored. above Teas have been selected with creat care by me of tbs best Judges in lie east, and will be sold oa as Air tenas as eaa be bkd at any other iy—« ,m. . . JAMES BLACK earner of thirdand smilhflcld sis rjO-PARTaßßanu*--n>e on the V »&Mn«L, swocl.mad tbcaMclees. sndcr the Cm of Brawn * On bcrtm. in the wttolewJe Ojoeery nod s*P**** nw«e* ud ODaauuiot baiiam u So 143 Wwnjr nnet, «sd respeetfnUr solicit tbo pstronm of i Hua friends md die pftlie rt renemi. ? * " 'MB BROWN, A COLDER' ■ xotiob. Ti ftSr Tesunreaiarywerepnuitedonthe 6 th day to iho Mb*crilicrs,‘Kxecßtoni of the l«jt «nU sad leftaaMl orjamet Rot*, late of ibe cut of Allegheny, deecased. All persons bailor claims or dOßcad* •: ueatate of the uni d-erdem, era re ▼BMlMl to Bite knows ibe same, without delay, to Je*. Boa*, Jr, st toe late residence of the testator, in the ri tjr«f Attejtony, ,v. » JAMlwao«s,Jr ■* Cityof iltefbeay. I '' ILLIAM H. ADDLSON, rciia areci. etty of.Fimbarth. NOTICE. T ETTERS Tenantmian Uvi*>* **en #Taoird to the JLi'snbseribett, Eicroicra of ihc ia-i w.!l and te«u> ‘west of Thomas Linford, laieof the coy of iViuLn/ri; deeatsed. AU perron* laVrbrd to tbe o;ato of Mid doeedactr will please make. uzusuiiiii':-p4)'tn-:i,t; uk<l thooe havmx.clslßu araiiiri wiU present dwa for setuemeat without delay. v ' i . :•« . Jasav mailman, - • ..-""•-"V'.'. • AMBRYAN, ' --doUifa* • gacentors STOV£’ PATTERNS• FOU WALK-Caleb iabl>*r,Prutere Maker. Allegheny eiiy OjJ Mill, has onvcft pattern for Stove* «o "hand either, fa wood •rfmt Mill Gearl"ff and aJI pat'orn* made to order. ' *plAf ! ; 1 noR SAJj£—Oae-ci|cttb of U»V- Steam Boat Me*. Jr aeaxer.lbr aaic. • Baqoireof. ~....... , t . .! *• JAH V\ MAILMAN)or i •■. .J I ■ AMBKVAN, L ; s . flcJfclm* , ' • ■ !'Jsirauoab-v.j - - -- * I. manufactories. WORK* G < 2^^£L , 'liffi MAN,iCo -» taTiny completed ““‘rftewwprki, are Bowpreparedtomanafae i“f* SIjH ? e,e 2 p J w l? f Coac » aodEjpuc mists'. •I«a axles, Americas Blmer, spring and Blench Steel. Wim. alibcirirlfatom 2SIS3WJ’CT'i wbr * V: 'T. «lw kcep on hand • eatapJete and handsome aaaorunent of Coach trim »nf «, Camaye hardware, malleable caitinys, Nail* hf'' *j**;C®«haTemade amsyements withUesm * Crotlx. maanfaetarer»' of Shore!*, Spadfii r ork«, ic~ arid will keep eoaftantly on hand e*m article made by them. Dealers ire respeetftlly sol* l etxd to ctU,a» pneet and term* will be made liberal. -: _ _ 1 • Irg-dTw ' PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, ' PITTIBCSOB. I*A. ! WRIGHT * CO., A RE prepared to baild Cotton ■ad Woollen Mtehii. ef >* °/ cv«fy description, soeh ao~Cardinsr Mo chm««, Hp nniMFramca. Speeder*, Frames, Railway Heads, Warper*, Twi]Jera^Jpoou*n,J>rea*inr frwnw,' lAntf, Card Grinder*, Ae., Wrmtrbthoa Saft/ijc* turned all rixe* of Can Pallie* and ifaps<*r*,of ibe latest pattern*, slide and band Lathes. «nu tools ofall kinds. i '-~ •/Cariin** of every description-furnished onsboft no* uee. Patterns made to order for M2l Gearirir. Iron ratline, Ae. Steam P,p e for’ heatlag Factories; Cfcst Iron W indom Sash, and fancy. Caninp *eneral)T.— Ottlersl eft at the Wareboose of J. Palmer it Co J. Lib* crtyjireei, will have prompt attention. , ' 'Refei t* ■ •' ;ii piaeknock, Bell ACo, J K Moorhead A Coi G E Warner, John Irwin A Sorts; Pitttbaiib: ‘x ■ » Jii Warner; Steubenville. : . / )iol9 ■ > T JfER S H IP's bin CK."; " P W.STEPtIENSof Wbeelir'frE. P,.Bboenber* J-rf. pcrbf Jomau and l. A.-StochtoocCPHlsSargb. uive tot* day entered into co-partnership - uhderstvlc ami linn .of Stephens * Co, &l the Anchor Iron. Works, Wheeling fof'the purpOte of mnanticturiCg iron and nntla of cverydeasripUoaJ E,W „*2Fi5Eh. R ‘ :F^ SHoeaßßbn, J.A.Stociwh. STEPHENS, BHOEMKRBBR k CoTv ' ANCHOR IRON WORKS, ' . ’* WioKrng, Va. ■ . itanaihe tare all kjiidstf boiler; sheet. bar iron and nal!is A 0 steel elipue sprinja and ailea ‘ Bela* can neetcd wiih Shoeaberjret’* Old Julau Woifrs, vm can oSeran article of Juniata Iron (branded Shoenbercert eqwU to anv made iathc country. All of which will be wld at u» iHtuf•nrgh ptiret. Warehouse of the Works comer,a* Monroe and ,Water streets. myll JaaLippcacoit. ’ jchhD. Wick L. E. Moron. lippencott & CO.. MANL'FACTORKR3 of HAMMERED and CAST 81 EEL SJitneli and Spades, Axe* and Hatchet*. MUI H Cot,C«dlar and GtnV«w*;Jlar and ld.-uuue . horks, Hoes, Matlocks. Pteky, Ac. Ac. Haring completed all their arrangements ia the con struction ojnew machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the mast celebrated c»tai>Hahmcms of the East, are aow maruriaeturina and will keep con stantly era band and for sale all tbc above anicV*. bav in,* availed themselves of the latest Imptovemeou, and are determined that in workmanship and mauria! they wlI not bo excelled. Theypromr>eiopiodaeeartielei lf not superior, to any that can be bad in ibcKast Tneyrtvito the attention of dealers to an examination of their stock diefcre purchasing elsewhere, as u«y ace , convinced tbatthey will be able to fill all ordenTw their Ilea to the enure satisfaction of purchasers: Warehouse, Water tt 4 doors Wen Motnngabela House, Pittsburgh’ N B. Penoos having bosfness wuh Wm. Lipprarott « So°, will please call on Lippenoott A Co. oct9dlf • JAJtEI W. WOODWKLL, rrrrtßCßsß mtbwitcbs wabe book*. _____ NO 85 THIRD STREET, ■ ALARQBaadsplendid r asronmest or Furniture, suitable for' Steamboats, lints, ronstaoUv on hand tod made to order. | The present siockcnhand cannot be excelled by any .raanubteiory m the western country, pfiwn m«hinx to purchase would do well hv gmc* zee a cal),Ml am determined my prices Khali please. Tart cf ibo istoek consists !*■— * StSofaiwith P|o»h sad Hair-cloth covers: 1 S do* Mahogany None Chain; \ l 14 pair D\raa*j . jg doc fiat mahogany Chaos; , 12 mahogany Work Stands; 3 doxnuhoginp Rocking Chairs; 1 IS marble top Dressing Bureaus; SpairOuozaacs; . .. ~6rnarble topjWork Stands; : i 16 eberrr Work Bl*ntc; I Mahogany, Maple, Chenyr and Poplar Bedstead* o alt dorcripuons; and a large assortment of Comma Furmtare and Chairvtoohumemi to mention. I mai9tf •| \ I ALLEGHENY YRNfTIAN BUND FACTORY ~ JOBS; A. -• 1 EBB£iTAKu.iim method k> inform his friend* : ° *nd tba pctJie at large that his Factor? I jpJJT.'I *Jn»win fallopcraDoa,oatheEajt»ld2 j; ; or.the Diamond, Allegheny, where a! coni ; supply of Blinds, of virions colon 53mA-fN aadqoaii tics ore constantly kepton hand, ! TTffit also at N 0.5 it.'Pitufcurgh.tl J. A _H. PhUUpa’oit cloth wareTooni. 1 Veasnan Shatter* Blade to. order is the belt style. E , o ** ito aJamest notice. N.A. Hi* Blinds wilt-be pat op, withontanyaddi* uooal exepnse so that they can be removed in a mo* raent'm case of fire or tor washing, anti vmtonuhe aid .or a crew dr e . i octfdlyAwlnmly - A. FULTOM, Bell and Bnu* Fonnd- I ■fflL e*Cl*J rebailt and commenced business at I: <£*9' htanld stand, wkere he *wili be pleased to &E 9 swhis ©ld customer* and friends. aBStSBI . .Church, Steam boot, .and Beils of every ■ from 10. to poands, east from ofthe moat approved models, and • ' . 'T- , . warranted to be of the best materials. • : Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing/ Ac.: Ac. i ogether with every variety ofßrW Castings, ifrecoir :ed. tamed and finished in the neatestmahner. • , i P. la the sole ptopiiemr.of SuatA ArfTT .Attutiov MrraL. so josuy celebm ’rd • for "the redoe tio« offrictiea in machinery. The and Compo siuon can be hadofhim stall janl-ly W. W. WAMiA-B T“ .. pI IT? }BIJR . G » steam marble* work& : H 4B *** T **« C(3rt ; A 1 '" ... on hood and made to order, a large varied jCa. iy of .Marble Mantels, Pier, Centro ..Tables, and Jiatean Tops,Tomb Slones, Monuments, all which, j ; wi«sc!!! l f£?i. or Uie , chDtce * t marble,and meuufnertre<f pri ncipaily br much mery,.will be >oid low for cash. -t Formate wishing to purchase Mantel*, are miormctf that it is henceforth anneerssary for them to ? a /.T‘ a, .b M * ? an (“Jtish them with an article in all respects a* good, and ifiusht. insurance, Ac, consider* *■» *?»*•» .<*•«. COPPER, SUEJCT mow. AlfflJ TIH . v o manufactory; nW N “ 8 *»*« fttfbursbjpennn • ;* ,k a,ser!^r9 * av ' lQ F madesreat frnprtweraenu • in the foniirucuon of their COOKING^HTOVEB. a«*J J ' k T lr ,e ptr ' n!U bLildin ? Stcambdbi* to euil fJ!,u C ?f m [ n^ before porebawaj, a* we can supply them *7*** *** every other It tad of J 1 . and s ‘ hc '- : tn»n work necessary in famish. In « ■.•s'lepiniJoiß. T«v. I fc! , fV2 ,ak ? lo i ,Mer otJ ‘he shortest notice Sal l?i » Chwnher; Copper work farlSaan tagmea at..l eyery variety of mvA in our line 1 KM *}*' ! * . . SIPKRI — WM, JiTeCUtLT i C< Jlannfaetareri of Hals, CoUlcal ; No. m w ood street.. ROW ifl fftJl <>P«mwn,wr are n ir^Pk 10 eXc,c,llc onleis 40 our lice. promptly. it* •iemn^\iw" ln n r ' wc kave adopted & new olan of- ,votl ■«"•**« plan now ; tie J <ui».« ru.r * b \ T ' h "? h *7 ,3 . rn * foperror uni- J f.ri ” **• “**«'»«* on ibi* plan tiperimlr few* ahj s « b vcry fine littre Pninier*BD-J dealer* een-; nre rtl l>ie«ed to eall and examine for ibetn- j , BENNETT & BROTHEP ai?Snih' VAR r E ■' l -'‘"' lJ f'ACTL'Ki:Us'’ airmliißhain, Invar Plttabarah,] foutmgk. fnciil of w »™» or out own mann/acinrc. and gf ‘???!,V" MluaJlly - " holcMle tad eoirnuy Alsj. ohanu «e feapeeifaliy mnied to call and ct c i U,M C h^ C Jv C \ a L W 1 are deiertniecd io w,!) c icaper thaniiaaerer before been offered to tbo pub- A-'UiRI'W 1. B c.-U reference. will be promptly attended to. feLSJ; toi Western Bait Aanitaetorr. CIBCIBSATI.O. . • A C ° M , wwl< ? ,nfona the trade that -..v* they are now mtnufacinnnjr the best Uau ffiaee evermadem the United State*. At this is enrpriaeb plr. business, we Intend to send o«r aAcoatpiete an ar icle at Can powibfy be made. TW- enaied in the hardware trade, we think, will find itJiotlieS tnwren tojKcour Butts AH orders promptly aueitded to “T 3. A GARDNERS: Co. M hi’gS," ~. „ JOHN BHJBMIFF * : nw Co., No*.»and MFront su, • i fl Bus* Foobpxju and Ga» Fzx! : rw JS2 J °f * ll ,ae * «*<t i MM; rma the late* improved • B ■ - tens and warranted equal * -,Jnrj Also, liras* Casunn, finished if orddrsd, Gas Fa? linn pot npprtaptly reasonable terms. oorlPdly PrrT«)UBOH CTEEL WORKB ANB SPR/NU 1 aueniin. < *“ v * w “' 1 KS‘ffS'S*v"sTa fgfSsteiSSS • —l »pt*7_ MppnrcoTT iboi worhiL B«."£lbS^i,“'S“ u *' U, ‘’ old ■ u “"‘i «Ota* Jsat—Ll- OKATF. LINDSaV ‘t Ob. r AM *S* L *i*' CHESS, nNum iS£. ®bs brad,, Potato copplflHoß lurSrfSZ?™ Mpitait. —- , FLIHT GLASS SITABLii^L^^III - ULVANV AUEDLttSS^SSSf?**- iyl oluu»; on bud Cut, M««:drd 7„*f d * f r P/o n- Oln.u-.'o m nil iu rueiiei,»i lh “i wf Jl*“ p "" 1 "7"' M««ielud W«.ruoKrfii,b “ r ~ Ocr Work* eor.naoe in : fntl ooemw -Jj «u_ |M • . - THO*. KKI3BDr.Jp. Variety Store and Looking Glau I ’ ‘ j... Manufacturer, j' rTAM/ ae . ror^Vo ?t aatf F ® o "fc«**PitUbar»h. "Si*** *•*» *!» Km t Untiesiidned ni °J. Var«i7 i<ond»,iaelßdißg‘Cioek» Aceor. *wvl*»n«,AocfHe*, «aas> Cap., Ilooki tari*sJ! 11 OtJttb* ofi.crr paucm ■nd’qaaJuf^ S fe*J l " fr \ nd '‘ aier, , arß »«*«««* taeoilwd A*f£«d. «r?-if. ** fI^ w heir, or join* Ean. -i,„» * ®‘ and com arm Lookin/rGUt Vunnmrtßrri nnd at Kmr,„ ' oottl , c 0 ‘A C jl! MAKING. JjM'mo m i,^ i^OT^ ry L Uwn,J - aie o ur *«9 Dnß ILifl 11 JiM.recejvedtioee Z&frrmKt !* ? k*'<«!««) fcuneeUUn 4liegbeay, *>“• utduecd bus u>. ukc i lew, fora occocuti. iVrutVS 0 ,. ycaxJ ’ oo*iwprogeny be now Pr«Ej&i„CW? «,r«b f unnediwely lke ibor«Vail ne „ S? a *EPt ria,Cc “** it and teethe a .howS, £££{“S’*I"t*' 1 "t*' » ..Nowonband tod fiai^nrwerierfl£k.«« n»- Ftiailt*Cav tad alter eeefiaeaat are »>*«— 1, with"r^-riihnrf.i.. ».* ”” tmukd • J«OfS»U»«, sad hu «53y *532L .ZS/Eg* ? Brtr tiek of gamboee. mtcmcfr *y** w * »**tout a per ftetly Ukeaad pi} 1 ' 3W Suth >!rrrt. ' jk™» *^d»rTt^SS?"aSSiSS?i i i‘'L" to !i SMaasSSasS to be and lemak. ™” **“ “*?** “ * eTCT »* «*•* ef piles, Bale TOSS' *1 LA&E3' CEKTiriCiTES \ Mr. BolwDo, Bir-_i k.„ M *I. IBK; ( g® j™?: to ? T, Ih.\ ' raptet. H>ebSStlSf«d!S’ r S fi^LVi;‘ 0 ”P r ?' B yP r *UMe for S3a.#SfgS. - -:- ■■ J*n U—dly OAZZAJH 3 PAT*J»T BIDDST£ADi .i^ggr ,i " l ' g! > hat now beenin ns/Jtouuio?"rfed-S' 0 "™! 1 “ known,rreii-ncd mall oikiriltnditnld, " Forchoapmrtt.nttnxii uulcouvcnicnci il hat am and cannot, bo equalled, a* aj» aJliJldV ,A *, 1 ebeapestand most conTcnienißcd*tead m n‘LV’ foci# proof against Due*. *«, anil per- Tho principal Cabinet makers and Turner* in aiu fheny cil? and jn Pittsburgh, have srcureilfßitbis 10 manufsew.ennd sell tbearUe.• As article*ami imperfect ImiNt-oqs In the roatkefomirchc *cn. wt,ol<J flo well fe> examine W r«t iron on , n the genalnr article the name of the Vavntec 5!2 wSL « l,ittabu t ?h ■!»* 'Vcjihfi *ub*enbera.pracucal cahinet makers anri A^.h^J n ?.? fa , CU, J tr *i. 0f - cIU “ or WtubarS and Allegheny, I a., do hereby certify that we have liourhi *® Ilf 1 V *9 niannfaemre bedsteads with t.'aiiam “l»at! !£sh f onjhs,:r 140 ••"»« wyoiar to any taat. iuß*awiU> which we are acquainted 7 tTvJSTj?* - ‘ John PlKJrew J R n?nu S ** C 1 Robert Fainaan . ;! i Janes. U l)arr 'S-JfiTS&i ■ ■saiTßa*? Hath Wallace Roberts A Kane J *2"* ' £■* > v Woodwell ' {«, George Snyder Wmliuleu ; J .McMuiers ACo _ . Alexander Lawson —™- -... Patentee « to tbe World. will be paid to any one who will produce a spot of paint, green or dry that £“»* ft oxirocied wiernoil'. lmrroTcd Ch^Si Srtap. 1 hare the satisfaction of lading to ute peoole of Mu» place, that this article,by mr owntmoroe^iTn. B « il,no»««niU nnrivnlied in Jilt cnanlrTlorexSS! pn«re,ur,pitth,o.l,p.int or «nr oitr nSS V„IS “T »'F»U*«n(. orldif? “l£Z. carpets, tahlo eioths, menno shawls, Icdi-i' bocneu Sfu^‘ U ffl? , .¥’ Bf water will St injure., Mot|e than one ; thousand persons indifferent WreTiheieouw bwre told at they would notbc withotn it; if.|t east one d&Uar per cake. * la trying this Soap on more thaa 300 articles of light siiks.sirtni.au o ,i. r s ** ded four of calico, oa which it color} there/on* before putting iton a tight ’ a *r**’4rut first. l sute this beeswe 1 &Z%stuta%g,S™*T" i, ‘‘ ,a ‘iffA'ta?.'"' Pnco, ISi cts percaie. Sold, wholesale <icd retail % ! • 1- R E 3ELfwZ2S, - ® xSt ;. . ___J J 67 wood n • Orsuaeatai Gifu. FINE aasortaeni of fancy articles, amen* which Handsome Croehu Rag*, with and without elajpr; Steel Bead and Preach silk ban. ** ’ Silk parses, ofcw styles; Ivory tablets; peart memoranda; Enanellod and ivory paper cutters: Napoleon and portable inks; - CigaxcsMrWitiM cwnknndglnuand fflenonndnm ! Toothpicks; plain cigar eases; 1 Porholna; pocket books: • 1 Papiitorci; needle books; 1 Fancy boxes; Berliaironbaikcts; 1 1 willow bump, 4c.ike. New open and for tele ! • ~r I : FHEATON : C3oiirket street , i — ~r~- — tft J? *»eroffered ia this eilr : .nll™.fiE?V ?? % “° K *PPro v«4 Ea»tem plane- TOE CHIjAP BOLL, ar BOSIt)N BXJND, on band °r made t«nfer of.al! «bei. tad at all ptieea. . inrited to tall aed WhrSlJ «r TO , r ° r , the ° ie:Te, i ns •» will *C Mid £SS'pS»“' % “r* ” ads » aoldly ) ; .'■■ vA WE3TF.RVELT S' | cnwTOAn. n -k yVxntnKßrux u. c» Dee. 6tb, 1547. Oieir D. Themr*,n. £l5-, Puuburg\ a .— in fine of the ,^l^^ P I>c ? wllJ J B!n a I:Uj « «-JTpnso ! find I—iyoa ht*e copied my bumeh. Circular mure, and J SS2fJEif£« lur ® tt « elt f Vill utfoiie htenyi ““!f5 hiuwei* Cucalar 1* my own caa .‘f n , ot e ? BU ’?? Property. I abali no; veil. rJ?ITn n Tfi lo bc P]»ced.m a positionjiaiwill Iwinet rP not know rae to'iupjwe ifcaM am not capable ofk-ompeamp my otrn burne-i- card; ■>; f.ai I I l of P ,!fonfi e an P ajyiroprta-iBR the enrd of c«r^ f „Y iS? pwn n *s' 1 * m: tterefers. undrf.tic ro. : mVn', f ” t ‘ ttg aad expMinffiyoßrotagferivm ia this roa'UJCT . 7.t lU't’HLVg, , „ AtiomcyforpaCßt?, D.C. • W7-AU n wapapers that i>«ve iwbhaised Mr; Thoma ™ trearnt, wiU pfcate insert the above. ajUif B f A. FMIN K>TmC U*s FNTC afopTliror ‘ .IJsUan , lnw n *re*; *<Jvam»~ ov-r want otter voujbprep tt» p)ea-rtuks r c rmlw,ttoT e u*-"'i w.tnoi unconvcrricnco. Bating vtln- nva Ua!»eu coni.il* in H l ' c(jy> cure. Wetave known' mo« drjprratc eoa*fa«, tore »( VaJ r os tor « tousideroMe len-ih of litas, yield dmely ui in pswer. ; Wter »- -,Wtaj Ini'* Ik. pen ar>..>'. .iftb c-inielre'CcH.'ur.'.CM nTraij-**. nd endue n*pe»nr» withr inclfnrerey oft^e ibe »iu>daji9a of a .hacking cmefc kiq'ij-iV rrc")y to r.feveniserou* renin* • umerowft csnificaie*©/ cams winch it fci any or wh-eh are fr*n person* in ihi» ritv btortawd, r.;i<J tttffttteni rei-F -ancrhcr -/ord in in feror. ™J c l £>« 'ftWwlif.nd retail br B A CK 4. CO, renter of. Wood-wd In 1 »’•*• : • dc!3 | • wmicr ?Tff • cnutOK«-7».-t W e . f~n, : r>f»; winch need; ,\Vc h»vv fv»r^|r-Jl*Nf i |. and the eeij ease wiiijna CELLK3S' O K Boden (imiftef Bea' < Ma. R. E.: • wife w*i affl < and hearing i i ■ed a bottle i ud after t&ki i Kin If lo bad, i ends have > fere satisfied i wnald reeeai 3 severe cough 1 Marchl j The Sjnp 1 be bought by a Prepared oj 1 also, for sale l l Allegheny citi lM?Knr/:».(50UO-! SYPTJI’.-F-oir W. ef thi Ctart of Gouter ;•<*. er cci'Bty. : SU.I«J—Sir: tine in lh« wiiter a* cted Wlh a seTere cnfl dUin-raar co»-L f your mraJoable Cough Srnp, I ptrrcC r«3 S T. TmtMe,E«|-,ui KrWpeTmef. ** ■i ■ps« l «n sf <t two or three ewmay* o** 'bo fcand imirediaic relief; u alto tereial >cearet.evedtt:*evefec«*». lamthere bat it it a *af s arid rateable medicine. arid j«d it to thote who city be fcffli-Kd with lardeoldt. W.K.Uodis * t«jt ap la 33 cent bottle*, to that it our he poor a* well u tho fieh' i tL*& & wood free '7 Dr, Canal, sjh wart, ard D. M. Gerry. r '_- ' • ’ n*l3 ' l NIVKRBAL EXPANSIVE SIIELEER * Machine. r/a* Pwmtd, April “?• i™ l S' fa V~ w 01 '? *««jloP»!>!Uty, cheap* . «a and efie eney, its simplicuy of.coanruciioa.and , ft o *“• T* r «‘ «iy »'lh which It is seed by either Ifeyaor adolla: i* Joerttably demand to Mjwrcedc hJi •iher Cora Skelters for general arc. Ii in fact supphei ifhlch hu loagljcen warned ferougtDoi *l tl i e4 ’ n costs le**than eae-tenth of fee price cf feorotary person can shell eora wife it. as fun as wife any. For sale at fee &xd Store, corner of Wood and Bfe sts. ' °d» | :SN WICKEBSIfAM • I i" 2VOTIOE, - A PPLHUTION will be made to fee President, Mnna- S 1 f'™ «nd Cfemptny, tor erecting a Bridge over fee opposite PiusburgMn fee wnmiy of .£° reriew » l , o f' fetee certificates, *oa 117, liO, I®, In the aiuse of John Hunter, eieh for two •hares of stock in said Compan*. Said certificates be ing lost or mislaid. RICHARD FLOYD Attorney tot fee Executors of John Hamer, dec’d dels j’ TIIK 2CAOIC KBABIYS BOAP-For remo vug Grease spots, Wains, or Marks from Clothes, . woollens, Carpets, Ac., Ac., and rendering fee spots ; where U j» ■PPlifd d«r, bright, new. and spotless. :■ Sold wife rail directions. I’rice 13cents a cuke ID"®eild l>y Wtt, JACKSON,® Liberty street, head wond, at his Boot and Shoe store. sign of fee Ule . ~ . 1 : ■ *» ■_ NOTICE. rpilE Stockholders of fee Fa row r* 1 Deposit Bank of rA Pituborgh, intend making application t 0 fee next Legislature, tor riueh alteration of their Charter as will give them Banking privileges,or if deeaedexpedient, mil ask to ba incorporated as a new Bank. By order of board Directors. tnSfclawfim THOMPSON HELL. Cashier. mADA. ADVERTISEMENTS DERRY & NICKERSON, i - Alanuftctarers of ! r AffHiNcs, mum bottoms, WAGON COVEIWANDCRAIN BAGS Jir ALL £>RSCRimo»B * . ?2* S B * Front Street, Bach of 2 A, VnUon’t Cabinet Wart Manufy » ■ PIM^ADBLPIIIA; A J c^T*l h U y v Moon ' “ ll » office of the gas i _ ■UABKIAOIgir? HARxzis SS^tl SS 4 *!?* JHD - j s%sg*g£ i a; i ? t — >■ °»£ ji- Fm; Ftifis i! FORgVir —- •'jJANCT / ÜBS, nrt ~ Sl.liZlS.Ki**"' fivesascell be&tojqrebes'mrcUewlii. \Fj ,iL * c ,to I Slid it ta their adruun usd no **2 **ll S 3 1 D^B«*U.B f b«|lw,,|^(»5 AHI:3 ‘ ■ 08. TOWNSEND’S sarsaparilla. ittra* extraordinary Medians inxJu World. CEBIT BPBISB 4SB SUSHBE JSEOICMB **" t, Jf*£ e^ nl f.* a d Kpexiority of thi»{Jenaha'riUan«» to as,oou cmr.rsSS.xSS i£Si”JSS KK SIJSS;“* "■■»!of Ecciui »’!2ii e “ w ~i f - 2|HOU cwi of Scrofula; • * IjSOUaaesoftKe Lieer Complaint - ?«ss:.ssss^ Ei ”»“' , >"Wi-■ And Thousands of case* of Disease of the ttt~wi in,*r«_ wilier with numerous cm of Hkk HeadacljTTsa in lit tidt tod Chest, Spmal Affections, kr. t fc. ** V 7 hn, *r are aware, must appear incrcdibU tint l-__ Van o ° e of Uie mo * t r «P«Utie3n»crirt. |“Ne“ -VUtom. ns that he can'refer to ” that pi«cc alone. There are thousands of ~>»c in the Sft *** JZ'*’ which , w * will wfcnowiSpuSom .*« rfdianeter. It is the best medicine for th. ofmorottMT**'** k *"" U 11 MdouhUdlj lured the lire,l •jjOOti Chiuiedi the p*rr Season • ih.iiwSSr ““ ° r il "? 8 ' “ d tott. Vwrriß STATE! OrrtCEß. t/APT. Q. >\ .McOUUN.Of THE UItitEOSTATE! NaWT ? r Jf«w JerwrLegUbture, has kindly sent stha following certificate. It fells its own story. 7 . , - * fUavrkT, Janfsß, IM7. T**f *“** l W * J taken with the lafiuema, and me whale s«ti« left we debilitated state. 1 was indeed to try Dr a™??? .*^ nap# J‘ **bS »*• or thm bot ~ft ,u r““ch rtlieted, and attribute it entirely to the «aid hamjorilla. I hare eontuaed taking j (| unj fi/j limprOTe erery day. ibe liar eit Bred my life, and would wt m without it under any eaoiidmtian. * O. W. McLean, late U. 8. N. _ SceosclaCcmd. • This certificate coaelurircly iirotcs that this Bam Dan Ha basjwrfcet ecntrol ottr the must obstinals disease of the erne.- Three perrons cured in one house is unprecedented Tore* Chujireh. : u . w D— * ,r * l B,r: I t * Te the pleasure to inform IX ° f t f l ebiWrtn }>"* h«n cured of the Scro na» i»y the use of your excellent They wen unirtedTcfTamraly. with bed sore*; ba„ ot! . ukinTJur bottles; U took them away,. for whk 1 foci .refund" jltep obligatim. Yoen, roepeetfutiy, J ! «».Kto i*tiS.' v FEMALE medicine. Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla is a eorweign and ewe for incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Laucorrtm or Whiles, obstructed or diflmull Menstruate, IneooSutaee of Unne, orinsoluntaij discharge thereof and for the eeT end prostration of the system-no matterwuetber the mull W iSEtr* W t, °*' P 1 ®* B * 4 *1 iiTtpularity, illnus jiSftcii'snssss issssn to«..r It. Urn* toe.„hkh !. a. F«. t It win not be expected of ns, in caws of bo drliMt. « -*1 lure, w exhibit certSmte. o?«rt^^ l Xl S l V t £ tens tSereral cases where fiimilxs hare bvn without esld- ■ reo, after uu« a few botUe|-©f this inralnabW medirinl hate been blest with healthy ofipria*. aeOiaae, Dr. ToumstnU: My wife being malls dbirewed h» weaknea and general debility, bypa, a and a sensation of Karine wmb, end with other diffienltin, ami. hisii where your medieme has aActedpcit'«m; «dX W wJu®? 0 * 1 * 4 t S ntii “***« I hare described4ablain fC ° ryw Extnel of Sarsaparilla, and follow^ ?«*«■" «• la • short*penod it mnorS cosiplaints and miortd her health. Etius muS for ll» toSto. rcccncd, 1 tal. pkesr. inSS S£»la£ we it, and recommending it lhapublie. M.D M«n. Albany, Aug. 17,18+t Cor.Vf Grand udJLydiwS r, - ' _ „ , CoxiAOKn, Sept. 89,1&&. ■ :^ r .Lr n g V f nd: T? 411 this may eooearn—Thisi* wcnwfy that my wife used cat bottk or pur Samparilla pmiosu ta her emfineamt, aider tha.'mnrt aelitam oreamstanees, bring troubled with the droasyTswri- ° r >k* ***** n * TTo ?**3etioai, and sery muel|7«bilit»- *7 ?'?**“’ j®? l fwwnwdatioo of Uuwa who had used it, shs was induced to try it, with LtUe orno *i? a, S ®«Ua» had the happy 'and desired tifcet, not only m ihe hours of confinement, but after eirirauoa of one week of its use, the dnpij and oT r . Tous a&etica g»~w»7 to an astonishing derVe., aodW tmlOtUnow Setter tfiaait had beeTfcr atngiime aZ If i foie will be or any serriec to yao or any one who doubt* thaeuecassof the medicine, yon are entirely welcome l sabeetibe mymlf pur most obedienl«nd obligedti-mnU tt SdAKU _...T0 .MOTHERS AMD AIABJUED LiniTr -I. This Lxtrart of Sarsaparilla has beni exonulr mhLs to rriercnc* to female complaints. No AaiSomluhu^f •S.l ?’* ,r ‘T hhntUl * ,er i ,it » J r««*d, ,"J?« twr-i e/ fe/r,” should neglect to take it, a* it is a wrfeia whi? BUt °* reul “J borribl. diseased to wbi.h fetMiu M* lobyeet at tim time of life. Thi.twriod tmy to dehpd for sereral years by using this m»«t M l i t |^s7 J ' i i^ , | t -' : ’ **“*■’ Approaching womanhoLh ■sit tsealeukted to assist taiurs by’uuielafong the Lfooi «d inripralmg the Ud„/, *“ of to which wmto & li braces the whole system, renews penhascatlT the nsh.- ral eocrpes—by remsstug the impurities of thebode—oot w» fir itiaslatiog the system u to ‘produe* a subsean^tvT o '?“ , " j ‘““ i^S-w. v i RTAD THIS. I w- •• ... DTBPEPSIA. o J^r«- £ Tr ß tl ,C,l,e wr ‘■rarfiwwed which so ! ' PfrarntENT, Albitrr.M, T in, tNf, 1 V' 7o»n,mid” Sir—l hare been amleird for *»Terai could eat,) IjJiars been unable to rtuin b.i . s.UsS'st.sir - “»'saws nrarls two bwtj„. I found my aruetitVW.’iXj a hoerlUn enUrely romot3.2dT w^ld^^l’,.“ d £7; a 11,8 858 of .l* lJ "to t.*« i"«. L Vuri .. AIJ.IOST s MHIAOJ; SU "“ 1 ‘ b^'4 KteJ the tcilowitr, and doubt if«nu . sr,yh*s^rs'fsL“ ,, ,f d * <» -jn*. "v .to-»h„. i^r,T" , 7 i >hj i »r W ~IW. k* oist.< ..V“ py dortorsaid b« eooJd donoOrioe fcr me. ?■>, to W* lirT- t d “ tr «** lurri. and 4 .isrd.y Irri.h , i k-cti became eicaeatcd,andr»,. rtod w»rrherr”i r 7'Til ** «•» obliged to hIZ IT ■I A . i J ew, ‘ u ” s"* y°a «ay desciptfon ,|J <o le Li £ZZZV-Td*i • i b J wyfeiends »od h-gM t*»T*t* here left'me, mri .raise li«l ! «n lari ™ei-A; me «ual .trench. I feltil .7u J to’,?,! pu • statement of oyease, to publish if pu P U, 7 * , Pma Bans™, 47 LlttU | Opinion* of Pbyilelaa*. T rr i * ud Wmeit tobc!£%rlffJtL niv*Ut picptnlmu of tU B«m«r,U, in Uytrimkt, tl F Fuuao, m o J D, 118 Buooa, ■ b P KKLMXMDVtM. m t>. Altnaj, April!, 18U. tf,pre*eribcd t)r Townmd'i C«2p«wd tfbS. ‘hi’nuh? <S fe , * B ,U kDO , WO n£ftoJ a ‘d*'£] h« public forjaenmrii], Krofubu*, ud othere utaawui £“» m prtfmecc lo .17 of lb. Srtriimi A Ibmy April 3,1£41. wiVsEEkV: PrbdjsololSct, 12GKollos«t-Bua Buildmi'w’Y^ii,.! ■S‘^T , ' I “.'' •» thtir °r»i' TownsßmjSdfei^fi^jJi'jjK?"- iromthc NcwYori Diil, E£rJr2rjtJai SsattSißSt sriaftr 2 jyWJrfsS&^^flSfv <«7imlpoptferitj lth„ U-* H«rroni Debility. BcdieJaa, too oumrou* to J^!,^ 4en ofe * r ee*». 1»u induced by what 1 m Win th. «il. w ®°,oe ”/ J»" .hid. I rsk7‘fb.™ ®«d»«n# b« half tie whether* Doctof». bitlx, fo f whiletlr^tom^SK" *? the itataach is! bowele ih.i. ’* iho rita to And l» >ll Ho» Who „ od Kh£fc,“ ?'i“l ll " <rj Vr T<nnaad’,enfail!T ?S , «l!SSfßs3»fssr-'' DrTommiJ; ' sssnfe^^^s^ißSra: F.r«fc k7R&jSs F '■■ bctweta 3d anil ,lh «U, UMband's Celebrated Plaid Sntnrun ~ pknlioni ofg^ tint iartragifc tofc«|ht*MpoaßftiJor wt * u,f • r« ttJ.br u a Fahnestock icffSL .. a Wo* and Wood n»d fit> • • U ’ Wn »r lituj ,.Dr« JUeLuu’i Worq SMeifTT i« 10 certify that, by taking one*?]#] Sr rw.. J. McLaoea Worm Specinc, a child of Jam pu.wd apwoidi of M worm, aid by ! medicine a child of my own paaeed l/ * au * It the ino.t ,£&£??■*-’ awn. I muat have two more viataT** **iaelever ' ! , r »”«l=H 1 ™>D»Oo>N»M I DBY & V4BIETY GOOi mu.tdhctn^utf i cue ol thou ExmL Copertce -Skim m-cik-i-r^l sar ir to »' •« •*?« l cue ofSaxonf and Merino gnder Shim. mm „. ud Drawers, tone very fine; °* u v»i wmppen 1 ease Boaoma and Collar*, indadm* "---- _-.v lars attached. 1 ®*««B* witi Col l case potent swiyeljomt Suspender*, with atw Avwt« Faun Bow and plain Satin Stocks’ to * p ™Eil r: MOW openinx it the »' IN OsMarlrei street, sdatorT itn pea English Merinos,« eases ofOrenn o* pel French BtcMctoSTS^fS^Sr,^ mere,« cases eawinetuO bales red Wvf,. .5? e V* ,m flannels. 300 pcs blankets, new swElTir Z * eUow ginghams, gloeesand bosien'. assortment of goods. Alerebamaare ?£*(££JKS? 1 our atock, as wo are confident It will r?«i«kS! e,,mi,,e with-fiaeteto stock., in sty «"»"* - C ‘ 7 A!A M*Rnv*m hu excellent attonmentof abova .?nft? to Dark mix’d Satinetu; - * Blu» oat] black do: Inriatole green do; : Satin striped blk do; SSSSICSL^"^*-. ickviil be told low h» ik. , . „5 & —— ’ . detlO J V *gasas*^'*&*#ps nv2< L'RKKCII imuuiiim 'jHAWta-iS and rCe i«m m^o Ji »«pcctfullv invite U^lLici'io'c'aTl -J£r* W market »u N W cor diamond . 6 do* Cbnla for.Ltdiei’CloA*- •"•■asSiitllsLMl"™. - dell • a-^s.kiuJiiffat.'sitssis' the thortevt notice and nott reasonable terms by ' dell MAYER; °-5“ ... . . ■— l- 70 wood it, S doora above4th T) m«* I »^ 00 ? 8 7^ e ”* I “ ve JB,! wcftiYcd bxex- IM.Udia’ Dn» Gobi,, Soptfrobreldcml Cxxhnere Jtobeij U« Broeade merino do _*9 „ ALEXANDER fc DAY r.. _ - 75 rrurtgi «l cor of the diunond ■ti ‘ fiS'cSTfiSf •* — ,plW 86 wood n sSESSsi! sattsscssasi liyontnbj .SllilKLßrrJtWlllTE WwooJp *”*• ®ohatr udsitk otci BHACKLCTP A WHITE * Witoodil Rp' WAailßLgl VLAHBBLBtr Lu, while Md yellow flannel*; *l*o, a laree lot of lieu yj twilled flannel*, jmtrecU; fcr*ale vefTCheaD* Hrl7 J ' V, AUIXANDEK* fijtf P : lomthei m. W \Vfor diamond MEDICAL. TRJCarPUAST ICGOBA. Coneumptivee, remember that it it T/mmpeon’t Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Jiap. tha which u dtulu effecting each, re markabk curta in \ PULMONARY- CONSUMPTION"' - Al< fci , T !U 'Sl Spi “a' ° r ■s:~d,iWi. lit sid. U d *moii Iremrt Liter CwapJaml T'KS' 01 *r J. Aef*ha an abroad M. 8. |*. Thamoe—Deer Sir—The übaiduD* beacfil I I b«« .TOritneed fro. tb. w. of ,o«r CeSpoS I™, of if.it £“7 ,pt^.r * 64m ** mjr^urfto.hbrntM oFTi? l *“? ««*«* wbhoJtry&sd «*rh".wUu«T, mth r*»* "pPfw«?4i2eSs « br*»tb f *?? IUL *: w»«* rcouxi wubout ,“***• bteam tlamed, Iheara of jour medicine, hut “* f7 e f** te “bi* met oiltertiied cbtdiciaea, I tLwcht! to that 1 had beta ukag. C*Uu>f worae. a trvad pmoaded atteini bottle of tour «,iaj -he card h» life Liii rinae. ” ?£ L^,7 l t'L P I!T“ r ” *^«a^.mag it. andbe taken two bottj., I wii eoopltitlj mlortd u bmfit of othtn I mail the abort britf airi “ caa bt oadc at mj m*- KM P^;. faJ1 f Jf"». „ , T»ASC» ruron. oiui another Remarkable Cun. .. . . CarlitU,Pa., Nor.Mi.l&tS, F*F "“f* “ «>»»nio«ae* of iha tcdeutary “ of mj bortnw*, J«n uitcktd ; with Mr tr« taia* la P* l °f «>« Wt and thortnrw ofVrealh, «,w„7 T* ltnr T d b 7. th * *' tar * ofapprtit*. wabefuloettat eighttod partial para vaiiolnyliiibt—the** JSfISSJ- **“* attended w th.»utmj«r>lo«r For aboet two'rtinl wwoecntMo -2s.«rr m*?kA n* la a niatraUr •u *of fttblfocn aed bepa to a&tt mj «Jod. rroa to* *•» wn or teaamr*,oetil atleerth 10 Wl * * wolwca of tti "*? *° U>*t lor a wfaoUyrarl ww “Jr* ““J baaaoc Derirj ihia lioel conruh tad attended to U*ir prracnptiotu, hot all ll»*y ikill wai iinartjiien to procure £» wfiChS rwmrdad a» won« litaX^j Jtoptlm ia tl.B enadiiMß l w«» übrnal of tha aaJtuarrWtsta af Thoaaoo’a Cmpoaad Syrup of Jar tad Wtxrt.WhaJ,. V?»»«,aod though I had pMoTpaQ tipecUum* of a racomy ofay fcnn-r Ik, -h by kwmr* tarani’ rat being «tiooa)T aJnxdto try 1 ..-., i Jwk*. P r *^* l ' cd . b P«* «“lo »i and. I bm.MW to ay. that by tha ua of *ll bottle* my beahh bu beeamturtd. m 2 I,*® °° w to alUad to buttne*) with at nuch teihtr m ' ua * i - JiEsnr hiYXua. 1 Or. DickiawD Tom*m. Injured only by ANONEV k DiCK'O-VatUwPtM. comer uf Fifth and Bpnic* «tmU 1 . So;d by L. WILCOX, Jr Fi(t»burgh, ; niriiti^h D V l fTrru?*T r,i ?. ao «■. w &*dolli/JmSSS ‘i‘ AGTtGN -Bjwareof imiutiQß*,iad poreWThw B £®P »J'»«. from ftowtEtaJmliwd ***“ », or of thaw abort lha luipiciau of Cnljag in m»; _*!“• sußiuiAifrworfffiSfEr^ T llo . . * rapitm cmorici bc*t article known for cleaning and whltemn. the Teeth. strengthening the SSSTawSeSSES j.-rt-*ih, kc. U aboard be Died every night with* i lid bru*h, and Ibileeih and mouth wiilonly require aaiixh .washing in the morning. Wet theLruah wiihwif» water, or cold; will anawer, mad rab it a !ii e fVc i? 0 " tEIle “• mouth, aha un* part* delightful fragrance to the breath, littandi alfrKni?!? *J“ e®caeh»a«; eoneenient and tnni. prwrvelieiß* »»."°‘«i«n.U,o, c .Ul, l^L.'’ 5 “i ,c P ule ' , T. ft will remove the linn and «^«SLn U ih»^ Co,nß *i ion —P re *' en! the toothache ?£"^‘v h .f r,m *’ #nd J P«Tentallditcawa of Ulem V* I the clergy recommend it a’ ~ »o every thin*of uv. Aik for Sherman's Compound Orri» Tooth Paite, aiid observe bit ufuatoref. tnaebed to eecbpot ’ ' r/i; o NoL!!, n ,‘SgsSd*^^ , :~““w |,r “' d »WK:VMtf!ftSlySgES^ e,=„™= or*™, l4)xcocer P «v’S t ,*.££fc u£. r t VSS,“ W “- MCKBO - V3 - «n»,.f Wood „d dMitrt | raJ, li Ue •■mo time innocent white I evernw t ara^a^jßt-4s?K?J LedlcMadiet, Pm attoalshed, *** th " t ™* n rromlied A natnral, lift-likc, tzwwy white, That yoa will mil n*e coruoob chalk. And look a deathly yellow fright, rhe theme of ieeghter and ofuilk. ’ _iV, on , wou,d n *> ■ hex.of JONtTSLiIIr-white ii wo . B| d *i»ayottf akm an alabaster yet natand whili. 1 cleir * nd improrofc Mi u JACKSON'S,« Liberty n. Pnceitfccnuper box. 1 SCRATCH. HCBi4TOST~ - TS E .' ,, 7 C i f ' SALT RHEUM, iS.Who would TVtti? r h,S /J«,v* 3r '^ r * leh * wi * a *®*«ed With the Tetter, Itch,orotherdieeatee ofthe skia, if the* knew w r? J r? nid, ff lieTe .» n ' ,eB ™ &**- r , • , "*• jjofnMe to be obliged to rob and ocrateh when i **® nc ( I’* 1 more horrible to abstain from it, (far deecnee I nV^IrMSvW"rSSKSf : U% lt bc "“ww* «d that I Dr. ULUTO TCrreil and ITCH OINTMENT ie the i? 3r i t * a,e i P";?*™*® m exiitciiecin Tetter,/*<h, and other diseases of theokia. I i ilIS*? '* in mwt arUo ftoa the Imparity i of the blood sad floldraf the body, and where Men dIZ ' thMcbr if Dr*Lffi ln S*“ d tbft CMtiitotion affected i Sife tiiMm l ?i d^. atr, fP* nU * Blood HUebMued Tnd if ihe* WIJU cora «>T cajo whaiovet, feidti “SLiSSS’A 8 »®o«y wiU be reinraed by Ur' by Dr LdS«. t“.^°« e dV,‘ be «**“*?* «®d • r “ d Reh Ointment, no lets the UAFAIINIrttKKACO _ ; : ' cor wood fa front ttx rroovo a wnnacMnd di^^,^r“° l ! ll ,^“^ 1 ‘5 , .“ > .eyeM day, .fflieiad onJKrAl^iSli,^ ufcih* puun in .hilS «,*&"“?• '.' P'°™ 7“'“ Mavteis ■ TRANSPOBTATION Sut wSy^feMaa ! i ClTlks, : ~ VGmiS&tiSs^tef is£SSiS^‘ |,Ja fnaajixio*c»eo*uw«-.- 7. • • - rm ;; The eapaeity of oar Warehouses eoahl&i as to store sssgzp&z?-": .**«*«»** BeißcfoJly prepared to make sales of Produce, we ;retpectftil!y solicit . consignments of wesiem Floor. Bi»9,|J | tfd,iluue r ,Cheere, Wool.Feai>er*,andoUier janieles for sale, on which liberal advances will be .Bade aod other asoal faeilitiei_affordrxl, picdjrior our selves that any LEiiceis enmiSttd io us shall be as promptly executed and upon as fair terms as by any other bouse. JNO McFADDKN A Cof - pitthbuhgu pobtabbe b.lixe. - mam 1847. . FOtt the transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh inc tic Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on uie way, ami the consequent risk of delay, damage breakage and separation of goods. ’• * Pm/ruton. • BORDKIDUE k. CASH W»«7oMarkei street. Philadelphia , TAAFFE A O’CONNOR O’rovhtnp SV Bn L ar * <l 'Veynesti, Pittsburgh iVr? . North street,'Baltimore > , ;■ W A V J TTAPSCOTT, ?sSomli *t, N. V. [Agents k.w'Jiwir? by increased business the Proprietors ■ extended their arrange, menu dimng the winter, and are now prepared £ /or ■? ~h rSWbritynnddispatch uniDrptiMrd £Xt r T ! , ' ir J°P* **P«»w» « ciders, r^ P .iL P «-. ,?l>cno - r,, >' of the Portable Beat System P !i ( ‘ 1 ? r ü ßnd conve nienee of the ware >dw?ln«wtC .K e,,dor Uie lme ’ peculiarly calenla ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their enraremciits their * ba past as a guaranty for the future they resoectfullv Sar»taS?“ "bd. mer|mw irti nSSKET'S " * O’Coumr will be tec’d we«,.nd ibevplrtse SSfiJT “SJ3S sftSKSir® “ J m ~ ass March 1,1647 , : . •• J* H PHILLIPS TO'TBS PUBLIC. ' HE Boatmen's Portable Boat Oomnaji,. *.•„ solved, the Company again went iEhicfe <5 c£ partnership under the name of the ~ « mhd likewise agreed to “fittheStockEKw»'C number of Bwftrfor the V? r Jf«?J*V 8 * thtough in-from six to e^td^?^*ceffinWSJ feel encouraged by the IjScrality of last yeart naC,. gjy * B,ore «*«"« amtngemJlu for We would therefore respcctfaHy solicit a coniirm. ance of our former patron*-and refer all new cumauL to those we have done bunicss for. =w easterner* SLuCJ 1847.^^^ BOATKAVB' LINE, - For the transportation of ALL Etnoa 07 ■ebchaedise, TO ann erom PBiiAcatPHu, BALTmoas, New Yota, Ann 80-mw - SAMUbXWIGMTWANtCo”™' Cqmar Liberty street and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. „ L ® ER,, ABT4bCo. ’ REFERENCES. PrtTSßUßGl l_ju. MeCaßy, Geo. Morgan*Co A b«ntpson*Co t M AiSJiACh. »« i_ , .~ H 1 A— s!om 1 Patterson * Co, Reynolds *** * rmt 4 Adam* * Crengb, W \V Bcaitor PT. PLEASANT, VA-P A Machier NASHVILLE-F Fleming. Not*—All merchandise from New York and Boston, consigned to A L Gcifaarc A Co, Philadelphia, will be promptly forwarded fruot commiarioa. fcblS IHDSPKBDBRTPORTABLE _ , BOAT LINE. ' .“ fi&ES) 1847. FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OKFROUI:nK AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FftOM prm. BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. ’ fiv - Without Transhipment.-TTI t «JEKu-*2?!i! P u? to ° arc4re w,n b« forwarded with, ootdelay.at the lowest entreat rates. Bills of Lading trannnmed, and all instructions prompUy attended to free front any extra charge for storage or commission Address or applyto C A McANuLTY ACo >' Canal Basin, Pittsburgh . ' STORAGE. Having a very large and commodious warehouse we are preoarctl to reeeivo (:n addition to fieightifor shipment) a large amoanl of Produce, Ac..onStoraetat bwrates. Vart) c A McANULTraS ' PICK WORTH * CO’S LINS, f~ I 8 47,.aH^1 *9“ ,he warekooso of C A Me Anility ~ fTb <? K t>,eVffy d “y. I«cept SundaysJ and ahipperscanalwaysoependon having their goods for. warded wltboat delay and at fair rates. : brmed for the special aceoatnodatiotu —^i^ w ?f business, and-the proprietor* respectfully solicit a überal share of patronage' ‘ ,CV ’ ,, S"J JOilN Mil LFn DAN’L II BARNES ROBERT WOODS: WILLIAM FULTY. ; JOHN MILLER, llolliddyshurah 1 R II CANAN, Johnstown r Agents C A MeANULTV A Co, Pituburgh)'‘ . . W ~ BE7XBEKCES. Parker, Robert Moore, Bitgaley A bmith, PiUsburah._. . iHSEBtB i»n aiciuGis meTT 1 s ‘*7. Tr •l.dl)ra.j«r,.»b fr..,hl .nb p-.M-nra Cmli on the Lakes, will be prepared «nou ihr . a rt,...l'^ *k f ™» Ui.il ft.raE. iii he public generaJiytheir natioosge. , Rtn'TSrS?’X r o C ’ r ' Ru'iDh. Parks ten. &•>..< i^, acrcß to Wheeler, Crocker 4 Co, New York ! Gen Davir, Buffalo 1 K N Park* & Co, Cleveland Ja* A' Armstrong &. Co, Drimit McClure tt Wtltians, Milwumo Brmol & Porter, Chirico - J^ m S°VV > ~° p CQ n» GeoMarbeio'yre hv.nk'mrirh, pcnr. a • John MeAiihdr, Huuuuxkd. Wirk 4Aekc/, Greenville, 4o Craig & Fnunpton, Ciarktville. do ' vi* y ,it. , '. lMb - L r ‘ ftllf P* bß, R h w C Mulan, eharoa. • do .‘l . W ?«»»!"**■«. s t m Ca«ii e , do marf ' I’ITTSmjKGH i CLEVELAND LIN I '. ; 1846. 11. Cl«.kc. II Hoop. T . II thornd i Co. „ CLARKE * CO., a * w V** k *sszsr ear!ie« opening of canal erty at PiiuhorgL *nd SSter r ” c,ve P~P» ag^^s^^sj Apply v> or, addreu 1 Js?“_ V : „»i„i. i WEiTBIIBf TBAMBPOai T XTioi|Tc67 ' " ”‘BSBnsSBSSB” PHILADELPHIA, BALTiaiOHEANDNKw YORK Tii?. , ir k B o o , r u 'Us r r , ;s ed " r L « «*% which are m good order. The^bSnbm^^rln 8 ’ 1 iSlitaiS* 1 ,m "" i " ed “■> ■>' Promptly , Tf» PuinOT or Hi. Line 1. comtncuil on 3tbb.th>keeploy principle.. Aid™.“ S°wh * } l 1) LKJ3CH A Co, “ ' r No 7 Wen aireei.Now York Lt arrtveloftherteaaifaatßEAVKßfrotnp'ii? , l, er ‘ :r «nd arrive el Warren riellmoriiiir»intSS,,, f Siaje. which reach Cleveland before nfobS f on (tie Paek<gta,ana « ■ass 'SAsunrs 1846 asb ‘ f 847 SS.i'S'.V “ "™f S? Si. c": j J^T§fip££^ : L ■ PITTSBURGH iso GBlS;^W££- feSsaS . 1847. t err- ,s 1 retulafl? du*X Baiter and Orewmlle, Fa., by wSch^v^i, l,t ) rwn «Mcn between the nroiinw, wilibe / aaJ P l **- ancTttlieloweMralei; I c earnedjirompUy WICK & ARCHER,Greenville CRAIG tFRAHMt)N CT„i.’^ P , McFarland t KiNrf ! ;iAYBtPLUMB,eh»™“f r S‘“ l >- : W 0 MALAM. saSHTW*. . s“i WM.MAfllEfrG.Fuluij, ' ••*»=• *<“* Gppcelle tt, JtoaMoto. i.nsQVtsAa. aoßjmco Mcg^ T gnT y- - BKAVKn. . I Cfc' The new and rpleudid ttctmer !• ift toinfiV BKAVEU, .. Cbarlea Hoops wnneteneeji her as^jassawiss^Ktsg' m e Canal Packet?and btare Coaube* daily 10 Warren and Cleveland Canal PacKetuSe* to CMtjf, «wd Greenville, Fa.; Erie Extew&u L*nc to Mcadviile and tine. Neil. .Moore fc Co’# Liner of fcWRe Coaehea fcr Cleveland and W r oontr. leaveßca i J ' nflioa Lii eT 7- ~ fflHfe*.. 1847,. fcjy ~» ! jßfttSjMSa iJ*N PARKS & Ca. Cle«lifij. O. ) - ;B 0-PARKS,iIe*TCf r Pa. • l Prooriciors ;__UV. T MATHER, Fiulbtu-sh, I',. j P ' , I A.fteighl end Pat»enge;« from PmsbureSamiCirre- Canal? iny po:mon ti * PeansyjTania 4 oijip and Ohio 1 ?}% ac °f Line are not equalled by any bn said, Lanai*, in number* nnd «!ttpaeity.oflfoaie,exne nenee of Coptaini. and prompuic»-of Agriil*, 4c ; Une Boat leave* Pittsburgh and ClevelanJidaily. run* mnjpn connection with ibr Sicdnicrfc I .Michigan and Lake Ene, between Pfttllmrfb' and lieaver; and a Line of Brat ela* e Sieamboal*. Probel- Icra, Uriß* and Schooner*, on 1 aXr* Erie, Huron, Si* chinn and Ontario -p ‘ Property forwarded to any pin of ihe l nion with' delimit. E_N .PARKS.ACo,CIo™:Xi,A|!u ; #l , PAftK? ACo v ip{i"cf.ift* W r MaVhEK. I’iiißbarahpTAitfl LX? ___Cor W TO CLkTEtA? 18‘ Canal Baain, i’iuabt /AS M I>A VltTi Co , SO aad gjl .Markmt, Pbiljtdi !_ THROUGH ■nACKKTßoaisSwallo 4. Tpr daily, at 3 o’clock tnorniog Boat from Piusbi time for tbe Mail Line of fcicly thereafter, and arri n._r., i Thu route it the moat hno to the Laker ' COTES & LEFFINC J REED, PARKS & Cb.. JOITN A CAVGJIEV. comer' »j^]y—Oppotitcths Monony : oiTizjssrs poll's/ ! 'for rtix tr* ALL KIND? OF MKBCH I PUlidelpbU,jhlt I 1 " and THE encouragement iiU commencement, tore to increase the stock ) elan boats; and instead o fore as agents, wo wjJl ■ freight shipped by this I 1 no boats aro all pot is taken the whole diwtas. thereby proven ting damaj on the routo, and as car Captain who runs them, anted that there will be i , All Produce or Mere! “pdersigced'willbofon MlSSlON,fnisdraoeinr be shipped without dels IrciPht. ‘ . Wo respectfally solici uage. i WALI Bro: FMI. Bowli ritUborgfa, Kcb~. 18, j£sL mwm r o^ UE o§tS T RnSS™S“ SSag^HESsssaat ®*c°Qißatter. Lead, Lard. Pork Tbiim. 0.1*,; Skinfc Wool-110 eu per 100 Ih*. ■*n^ F £/fc* rm ’ mu «* •<* SMtcEoo, - AU coasined to euber of the under*?™, d ■majair HAWMA * WATEmttJI, P..ub„X • DU. BWAYK»i~I ~ T7T CO.MPOUND BYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. ' A certain and safe cure tor coughs, colds. nilini, „• I‘»« i compU, B t,.p«ti Bff blood, painsjnthc «d“ I l —broken confutation, CO.NSUIiIp. ;TloN.6rahjdikes4eoMbe!u»cßor ' .. breast. Keaderare you KnJicring ; • i with a cold ertmfcahe.of the i . Jangi, try ibia remedy, *5 ■ yotiwill not per- ’ a baps regret it. ' . [• It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which ,Q U » tWolois JO i," ” r al P rc P ari nnns perpn.ling 10 contain H ’sJ%F£S?f ‘^'“'“'ftWiiloimroorDr rt BVTSTS* on the ourside wrapper ol eaefi bottle whim/thlsT"’ lll: ' lr ll “ u,utt O' tbacarticfofen,’ wotco they borrow a nune. ; . ■ | ! lUadtbhal.it hoi dune/ . 501)00 DEATHS BY *COrtSUftipTION l ' >oa*oa J, cstiQ i J te forUm raw £ et ot this dreadful disesre in a sinaio vej»r» than 1 Lmi/aMr t ? Ulo S'' i * °/ Umsc cut off. by Inflama^ : fen g i "i »*j» O.icpoo? 01 L Arid the list would present 'an?rv>.>Jiin" proof of itin , fatalitr pi these two classes or diseased Dut it i« important to know n.at nearly ail off ibis dread waste or human Ide might hav c been prcTeotS Hiu bodicino In. nor. been’ IcfortUio nublid wniiuoirf trio.ic moo, own but lit&jfc, miiioa, nowioim, poflj. Tore who gtrei. o b. .1, recommend it to thei, nciSboVaud S citiOo i 7i“ d v“ j l *“ l, 3 a ' l ”* l at.fnrisble repu. tntioii and worked its way into gefccral l use Oan bottle ocyer fails. to cureVrrce,S: tough 5"*!? while with strict attention to ibedikctions that ae company carh bottle,iU use in putrtooarV dinea-w Of long*|ami :ig and of the most larmi'ryj cbqrac. tor hja jalwjjs giveo tcllef, and to ittrr m«, curc B nCCI i h “ CflcCttd tom P leie permanent Or., is H;f rxE'S C'kMd'i .OodspHai-. Syr.- . 0/10/ v/dd C/jrrrv. , ; 3 . .L*?«d IJ. MAtauUli core I of Umuum'ption ererpmebd upon record— , r uu '‘ : Ur I feej it a debt or nralHn.l. 4“° to Wu-and a dm, to the afflicted cd/er.fefe oiler m, humble lesumnn, io £j ror „1 v™,;!!/ jiuuml b,rnp ol Wild Cher,,. Some Iwoee.Jomirmleolij.allMited wiUleold and idol! nuliopof the lungs, which waa.accompanied' wtUi er.and at length was eearccl, able to walk about or " oibtopoti each wa« the «cecdieu weakness orm, lecga, beneg tins time Iliad "fed T.inous preparaponsand preacriptiohs, Batlound im i tobcr-STmtlng all tho Umo worao. Juai hcro l wai I mlnacd and pomuaded b, a dear I'riehd in° Vdmini! jpnto make alrlalol ,oor Sjrop or Wild Chem Imurtconlera that proviooilj I bad been'prei jdm" od l anj'.tiS adalM ool er the hiod, cfeibpiritSbul undemandlnsyoar claims to the pror.Esien and liracuce id medietae, and' basing implicit. |»ith in m, l„end., 1 ionl, WpfebS DrSbaw, jono of pur njenu.a row bodies knd comcicoetd its use. M, .disease atUilsbmoias d twent, pr twentv fee month.' itaodtn j, cn-o ■5Ct“ U i W: ?,! 1 V : r 1 r ■r? 1 ' 11 - 1 foood, hOwajcr, coni rtlier Item tile brat lour or liro bouloii Bat being npobhc speaker I frequent!, attempted to preach with in, Increasing ttrenglhaud; lliertbs raptured ihoae aciscUtnat bad aiJeitd, Begad * beal,in thi. wa,. doabUcaa, mj-caro was greatls retarded. In conaeqnenco or acting tbu.Tmtira ’ dontl, 1 baa to osa l: or 15 bdtUes btrorb Tw« pcrfectl, rektored. 1 have no qaeaiiiin 'ii r.nls .mailer number or beulcs tioalj hare mkdfem? Bound, bat Tor Ilia abore indiaeretion The SsiUn . allarcd the fercrisb habit, did a was thediafrr^P^ |cough, put it stop to tbo tbc lungs, andgarc them and the ?nUre«retg~lrS ;hballh. i barn dnlnrrnd ogeringlfiSEWS' ; m.w, rorthq purpoan oh being pcffieUrStJifca with the pofmiuicncy ofithe cure nnP • . feel perfecll, wall, f'iOnr ifwilhKSirvT i Dublin coin^Kr^ V ; J ' , ‘- JOR MNi CAUTION! CAUTION’ i MBSSSS^Sr ‘ am in M n a -^l 10 ® are *° oflectually concentrated t<^lU bcvondall doubt ( ho nm pi££S T»< oil »o? if,* 0 !?®’ blTectoal remedy ever discorer’ dfseub*ofih?? f Po,monar 3 r consumption,tjodall ® n ® r^^? f th ? Lon S 6 “od Urrast. The Vcn. Two fc h3T,nffloCh# troio °» apurious J U £’ 71m ajand, lo proto iu great corati.e properties ’ 'ET _ii7j 1 ’a'fpJid*, inquire for the origtual prena °‘ ntxoa, «ch Wttleof which isenveloped inabcS mW?h PF>Cr ' ' WI V I a ~ktnc“ of .Will iam i’ina on- u fffared thereon; also bearing the signature of Drl! '• * Shed “ U!rfC ' U “ t ’ ° 1 ' * l '‘ cb ' VIII b °ipun. °lf ■ 6a JOHN AUTCiiEIdL; AJlogheni eity. l " , AndbyallrMpettahteDruEcuia i n j • Mtmei.., Itart«,u* U«WI Sttto'rtfSJfi] >;« —i..- ' ' ;• - - eeptyo • 1 ’ fc~'ELL£lt^ , V OL. jJ ,i liL Mr. RE Setters:—&jy ,i, !»»??• iFp 'Ta'S taSSiifSS; Htt c utled fee iadworm*,. J.»» r ? ltime *>* eon *i nbem mr Vemufnsc, I botKl itfe*,®*":** df «l J •lortl which exifelicd 5a reivhtJlZ M< * •Joa r Y e rmi^b e tie r U ia «.\i ol Srr- lc6B *»*r, . 2ffJ«SR«*-Wb7'ILB '"■ «i*jr«Uj. '** m > i * "v* aad O. W- tfta _ »*l? > mi.,- DB. . MEDICATED LOZBWGES, AMD fOoa -rtXBTEft; »■* . =“***l - ~r*. Sn lbUbb/atm.i. i, •reu-J oSuS,.^H* •* ■ i- SHEBMAKIS COUCH LQZEAGKfC - /." t6^?SffS3SSSPKSja-- •or<u^ apt | (^? lJ *I*'tlawt 1 *'tlawt ettryiyj, : 4W. «* STtw ft° nu S u ft r ft ■«* «U»Uw..Sj • hut traderilLv dr J. a !' Biecintb, irriuiki, IS? 0 !? apectaaUua/alLy «»*<■ ikUafg w .They *?«**<« SSTJiI- J * ro ' uaa i* » *«««* cm*. • orw)u E b^^|i c^“ t,a “ Uoa - ** * “'** e*p«c eYirj'thiur.i/u^ ft,. !??**» 4,l4 *** «^>oiWJjy»u)*n<£to * tku, frorathu* *^ u «>f ft*r wotdtriuHit uidmtorcd to perfect . froa » , “» usluwL' rare, . • bus ’» Poop Ajan’* Pu* t Ift, 1 * ft bp **»* vr one of Slier ■ »j»|.Ucd oicr. the mrt. la i tfUU,) ahouid be mhlcaihtrtw medicine.iJjjjyf-* farngti, or«ti . ' SHPn\r * - ttu * ll «w*u rtcuitt* '. ; 10ZKKGES' ; ft) e**» to be- m&Jbble- -ft* 1,13* tfthem* crtrdueovercd! ii^^»ft l * Jl *-' , ! r ‘’ ra in* ftl txxauoa lour and ini.~ i. j >t>Jtt «riig ti mu worm* r but tbclf ctcr being Mu , w , I f. " ft»* a< le T Mnie*li,wilh . . m£kUi] with them, and VjT j P«r»om art rtry often •without any Tvimt coundainla wrfcbrtath, picking «tft 1 ftj««»or limb*, offia . •Icepfiwlttuau* tarot,^if ft leetlidoriui *•&*« >l,. tidSSSiS^bnwUtmMthiAi uoThcat oter lli* tuff**« l , ft»tomae^fia.lr ' Ktaprluwl***, droS, * <l«hl chill. 2 ab,t. - Hidden •f* r P«’. duttrUd , Kneuac* a trouUtauuie ntrP Sr* *ua Kraai» hue, ft, bad taste Id Ura 3 S5 ri *f"?* 4 »' t!,int > pallid ft dooarh or bowel*. l-Mid ebutppetitt, uStod -ia WiW^7 o f "*■ *ft»r jrijtag,./; thing rutng ta the thruit, iSiL «?,!•*> * **“»» of. w«sr detireta pa*. a ot dime and ; • ! lozexoiz. A : paifutatkio oftlie Uut, of , (nflaaaatoryorpuW? «« <e *f w “ le «T : plaint, f.lnl&s, ajipmiiiMi or of tholie, apamr, cramii of the “nAujof the cbeet . day, and wakeralneu throurh t b ft' era moibii*. diirrhasL UoilLeZ- . 'i#'?* ** ckol i p«*realty ivtipm ff and mllfiid the Ltttn after diuipatiua, iLr* r J^JTofyouth} u*ed <oße f f ft»rrt«gei tod 1m liricf. frrton* *y»ptonu aming iniß_. kUndoatdthfir dmipatrf Übi^rfiSuh'**?* ** ■ ih r A «?w-. - 7**r Will not Miptdy the ■ ,Ot» tiuflioq a tngbelbnappLcatmo * e T r *S lur **liUle»ear»- «wSr to inwfctnS bom. and mahe» ut«i«hml“um. ,t U * ft * ; p&~^sssj3®# g w ?l®‘rf«S : S aas !’ £ ®sS!^ t*? >:c:i;?Tr l£s“";“ ;^, b “k crt *thpb«rr [ T(;S : i'- alnayi aik for Bh«SS wIS? r^ r ? B “” uU ' To««t thejjeaoiue.aj ther??JkS? “!*•“ ftt ■hawked about and Kid for ih. ,tail **ww . unprincipled dealen • ft tn “ “hexmaa,’* * - 810 BOOT. “ “ft l / tfreet, 6im*£b : j«a I< 41y, •. Co, Jiraver kijbSs: t d iS inc ’ ? " ,Hn "“.' s±S* pen™ Became ol tiiir combined «o C eu.oronorj “■ b “i““ c ,k" U !“ <l '“ “J ° u " r P ilk i nsmcij! oopS ii moCM and a^?h Cl “*• b °"'‘* *" “»l'“lthyPraS mi“n“d.“?ih,^“ n ' puriljrinjj'tJio bipod ,ol oS* tou “ “ & iM.-matadi.Uon Wti WIOJ.ESOMg ADViGE.'-'4j Wbeuerer you hare occaiionlo uke-iii? nwdlf , l V ill *'; c wiU * »°“ l, -*oMtiiauonby - B i.° i k, °?' ol Other mcdicißei too o to « onM* rtc ° mmcni, .«‘. b J «*Md anotherto Dr ' Blodd PilU Ax ’£nEZt,-'r 10 'Ai'-ioTlißir'- ,®? W, N alwny* be failed Rcbdlaalmoit all £!!?“*? lnßamaUo ° 011 **° ««awh,bo*»' «Vib WaSb^-'‘ ne^^r?l, *P' fil tbe «»«oacb: . -., lb L ~ r rwiud l**er». Tool breath, bwi toiie in the mouth, boor eructatiooi ajat.MiditsVrf' * ' 3 i C^ CtMU l enc^ilnd -iodigeftiwi. Stibi of*' JSJril-lf' bltll ? u * *flectioaa, diaeaaeror iho aSen - s^i«Hw^ d “^ 6 !° riho ■*«, «aly oniptiond ‘ ? alery P?? a pre j * or blolcbei or (he, face ion lc«"^b;Rr*ckloc «"^ b ;R r *ck1o beat and salt rhuemfhead- • ac *c. gwfd.new, leintise«»,=|i»hi« ot* ibe Bu:c *’ dong ibe back and cpioe. rhetnw* S OUI i Itrjtrt ol ali kinds, »ro»n PO* r ?ani*-^ o.dj B ,ca ? cl S e crof U i a , C r }rip el „; a^*“^rl w t ;^ are go«id jo ail diseasea haring Uieir oriajtt- in' the ' Wood ■ ,Tcr ' an<l iotcsllncs® end tootf/Sr .. (P’J'fcntyJiTe cent* a Box. • .* %’ &ojd IVholwateaddßetail h T S V i\GK 1 L k <JLUU3 SIViAL-,V f^S^tSSSP^' : S3Sr^& ■as^Sßaar' ’“ r “ “■»'«.«»• 72 FiaVlSVireS." *- ■Jt • ' , '"- '•' ••■■■. •>'•■ ■'»‘ :,,-»-UetlSl ■• W£7^33sg&' ! ■* , ; "* canilnnUrio S? iK£s£i lor ' l, » cdjrora/iar** nrnotmi ofonprenfw- 8 w !,*5 :l ' ev «• -’ pHm«,'. .-.. 'for ,!*, r * e< * ®® n ®jnirij /rajtnnt czirtcu Jkt. i ;r» ; . e jj.] • *,T ’ ln . l * [| CF or common wrappers, (roic -—~ Njcph- i*oap; RoicUpultq; V " s ~\* ' £i“in *1“!® and cake*; . V .’ ,o S c,ll * r wok s snaiVanktir’ ‘ J ockiw per uiaexjj jo* rcMired; for wle by »: nvlfl I . > AAFAIISUrruCKfcCO S - - ' • -, corflib &■ troed m - , v ™. ** k . Grit it " OAT ‘ i °“ l ; wpu'S i| ■ PITTSBORGH - GAZETTifiS^* I'L'ELISIipnDAII.V, riU-WKI-XLY * WEKkEy^ ; A i lit c*tnu£u;Ui*st, 3d linear tig Port ‘ RAWS OF ADVEKTIBISn Onp insemoa of J2lines,,or Jei5,;;.. : - •wy eA-- IV.O insertions wichoutalteraUona,....******^™ mvaiJ: “ ;;;• 42J-" ICO ij ,i GCO £ U “W m.mm£mSSSd . '?? .qoorc akmUoi!,... 10 m :, ’ s addiii >»»i'wu'are' r«f6 moothi, I . • II 1 1 iOfjO^ Ithj, renewable «t pleasure, 16 CO • aar’o Tor 1* in {&* ’ Jiitb*, re'wabltat pleasure, 30' 00‘ “‘ \oare,G jnonibs, t-WK*LT 1* THILT -Unto'::' rlions, .. .i,*£r v ' liiilional insertion"’ *Y **** ; ■22* - . mwen dans. • , I>T. I. M - . • Three, '« •** V.Vv^TS* „ TWc ... '“I ** 4 TweWe * *«- # ***'M&. * • ’taonnl af-itlocrtbjnii - •qoar« 6 tnoni ladditj aSrft” '* fi ta ? l WJTEELT p l Tat- One «<fuare, 5 ir.tctl . “ *' H ich adi . ■ ; 1 :' • BO Fire linci c )ps. aiiteh 'ivm 2yiin«j-or je* n ■ -;.i • - *' ‘ ; ! • v,.' • • . > •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers