The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 10, 1848, Image 3

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' i * nt ™Uß°a '
: I eii jf>*l«>l«Slerai
• •*P** ri - The Lute l*» faces ia ope re turn for five vmm
~ zfe.f *f ncd » nuUtan of P*e&* without the l«a«2K!
,V ({.to }l*eir peraoc*. The bout will be at thh foot of
2 *««« <*«>' P"«o« » «*nin ff , forthe rceepf
f. tton of Creiclil and the entry of paaeengera on the re«£ ;
tTOilce f **** **";** mwnej ' mart J>ai £
; TV UONOXaAJIfOJLOpt.Stows, %Hn in;* ««-
r *k« r c^ C .
leave Pituburyh erery Tt reduy BuwnJnctt w i!
' WleelinjeveryTue*d«y e.U l ° ° clock ’
*• ; WEOSEBD UT pTcket •
: The NEW ENGLAND No. 2. w .„
• FaroATtpAcKai.
The CUPPER No. a, Capj. ; C»ooaa. wOI ]m»« tx»_.
bar*h every Friday tujnmig
every Friday evening at 10p?x. c * oe * s Wheehaf
Tk. HKWK.vS'S'ct* itV?s'sdU l'„ e Pins-
Jsf £SK.^SJ,T,T I ! , i?£ 10 ”'"“ k
leard PitUbnrgb e *CT7 Bunda/L,'^'
Vjgtfg ggy **4*YfTcm£g at ■ *’
Lu , ■ I a COPE,
JtULr 1 n le ?Jr fl for Hearer, Glatrow and
prepared to reenrc freiehu at any tine. r**
Jti* 8- £ |W. lIAfeBAUrfH. Afts. ' j
odtW • ■ .NoSYYaedat.
A BEAVER and wellsville packet.
|k Hw.tne atratnboat
CharieaE Clarke, mailer, will, darltur
eominj winter waaon. make dailv
tnpato Jicarekaod Wellarille, learineßtubonth erZ
*7 moruinr « 0 o'clock, atid VVellsrifle a 3 o“ef«:k t
»■ ■ . o. at. HARTOX, tS S F ’
; "■i'asafassy ■
■ M,r ' ’•'U I<W fcr Ik.
• »v The new and elegant tteamei
Dean, maeier. will leave tot New Or-
; I _ roit DBOWXSvn.i.p,
. jpaun*» ;K ; ‘fhe fine steamer ‘ •
aasterTwili leave at 2
iflgias* |v - '*“« ccottnodioua steamer -
p/t'cl't. f „ , h .
‘ Thefastrunain^iteamar
Perry- T 4nssier will leave for the
lto - 4 ** FaT
1 • • ; -M M * r*>
. Ik Tbe ateamer
UfeteissF R«; u. *«*™ern light, • >
Hatehiaoikmttur,Uexpected at Pitu
■■■***OttJurgh on Thureday morning next: tad
SlX'' l ??i® 0, * diw# «>*»P»«ch iat N\w Orleans. For
mjftt of ptMage apply op board. •
’ . i FOR ST. LOUIS.
, /T 6 ** - ’ tJL • • new » aplandid and fait nuuitur
UVnLUag **«w* : BROOKLYN, '
-.-■— ~ ■ ' jaa4 j
‘ l TOR ST. LOUIS. : “
■tfia E~“ d Tarat&ff-r
-t master, W *U *«»t« <or tfie
and intermediate'porn, oa Son*
. FOB ST. LOUIS.' ' • '
" e “' w on i!^NTO , i^-‘"“"
Jtfseljsn, mutter, will leave u above,
Stfc 111 F ° r
ot pa*»affe, ai
Afto l a «» magnificent rteamer
JMf.. -JFBl assi
gaggS. 7 „Kar«-r M r d ~ t -
■ |v _ Toe new and <a*t nmnunrn&Meneer
UjMMrf S'S"?
W “* leare lor Cincinnati eve-
/f#o‘ tv ' The Cut runhine atearaer
i*- • *, * PACKET. |
fv The iißht dniuifht ateamer
J&jLp*. trip.
SKpiSES Sktssluki *• —r
-S!2 i— j P UH.KIN-8. AfV, ’
rfVO»' tv The uew ateamer f
PitUbnrgh every Monday
Wedneadar and Friday, at 9} o'clock, a. iL and Mo.
'V r » rT miKSday,
f Ck * ** *" Por frtl S t{ paaaafe apply on
E “ : P A C S¥Eo'^gk PnTSBI,ROa
K The ftne new Blearier '
jjMLctaD.Cock, outer, vrtl leave Piru
every Tueaday, Thnnday and
** 2 Bmnurillc irccy
“UI * nd MS o’clocki
For ffeiyht or pataaye, apply on board, or to
Ktllgae . Transportation Line. ;
ijSft eaalegaaiari
OlUrPEßdand other* may rely that all hamiito
and proddee wUJ be forwarded to and' from thcr
euttni cidemj by the abort lind,rrith despatch and at
the loweat current rate*.-' i -
£ CLARKE, Atrentj New York. ;
iWTIUf k. HUMPHREYS, Philadelphia.
‘:• C H KOONS, Baltimore.. ' •
MetMO * MeCUIRE, Cumberland. -
••‘Si» Bnrwnarilie.
_ ;'FORSYTH fc DUNCAN, Pitubfc. jaCrly
.. ' “ "
tot cgßtraUan, mi/iranm, w-musoros, rwum
•wrvnru /iwfe ,K S p^L*® > "*;?“* *««au Cim*.
mi ‘‘S S«"l* »m Infcim
iM. M.UIM Uu* u the <kmiL:i*fe»L »n/) -TPP
ditiMU Übb g bin* EmJ; eonnectiny with Adam* ft. §?•
Expreu dtuJyj at Baltimore. ■ i /
Thnrejh Jwfeelpt. will be riven to any of the above
“ d , p “i k °f “>• “•«
Expre** cloie* daily at 3 1. " • '
' * ! 11 O VICKERY - , A*enL
novSOtf | Si. Charles. Hotel Duildiop, wood «
itezss : ■—Mwaaa.'
! <u The rnfridaft of ihupopohr Liad hart rtmiinl U*
. Arcacr at Cuabcrtasd Urea the hmne of MeJUir fc m*.
gone w tlul of EdprUa & Co. ■■ i fc
RttAtt|h tad wwUrt witlieih art m!M that J pw
frßohtMoertdttSoolhChukjit. Baltimore.bthe «■}*
atnt'of tfcit Um is tbeEattmclPea. ■
Thewl/irabire ' ' I
: .} J CBlDW£tX|'Fitliher*li. '
! OWa«S BnmwTilU, *
EDOARTO.V + CoCmMud, .
dwgtf J B BOBiKBOrt, Baltimore. ■
'UiylThßla Wi|on Line.-
Putiylraalt Wagon Line,
„ prrrsi)CßOu,i by wagons,
Ranging B*lttdSitht betweeoPitubureh andCnaa*
Vt RailroadJ>ertreen CbarnTwraburg iad
PauadeJpluA. tTw (rst ahlpoKnt will leave each and
oa Jsti Jitmary io*t- No more rood* will be received
uan caa be carried through each day,! without delay,
oo lie route. 7boe will be reduced to Four Dsjy* when
tbe rowb becooe aettled. - .
) At! the Depot*.of
■ I Peou’a aud Ohio
: CLAUb t TIIAW, ■ | .Tranrportation
J . Pja*b«ntbJ Comp‘f.
; . li/~ We will receipt for flow ib* produce; etc-per
day, to go thrmgh by the abore Uae after the j&ITW
' i—B ■ -• 1 • ■> CLARKE & THAW.
__ ' Uifiur laportull!
O certificate Cram a highly respectable tody. hu been ou
•ent to Sr, Jayne by hu agcuu, fiienn Jaeoit Ham 4
Ok . Ceutrerill*, la, March 19th, IM7. i*7
wl Jar**—Sear #ir—Duty to my fellow creature*
vtnauda that I Wtoald add my teeiimony to tbs well e*. T r
t»bU«bed efficacy of youraLnaunTX. I have bad -4
Jht tha doctor* all proooanced an incurable Scrofo- =r.
JwtCuetr of three year'* Mnndinf.. A/ter a faithful Tf*
«•« tbeTemedle# of the profe**ion, until my patience sM
p tbeir see, and hope* In uteir efficacy were complete* 1
'l l commenced taking yonr Alteratire.
Im4 taken it about aixmonth*. I«m Dot only -*■
22Jby ih bat «ny. Cancer woe literally rooted out and I.*
SK" TV* ■» wjw completely and permanently "
~ja*, and hare no hesitation m urine that it I* the **
“'Wibi'Wttwdr extant. 1 hare
_ not fear* in undeninunjc it* Tlrtae* and
“-ttliwilß.ll.imU.rty .SSi” M
cT,? in^y- 1 ' ' I Jjw«all*K-4Co. ‘
.vMmUo l b M ßbrchU. f 47. rer C J Wood*.
WeulainPituburjhattbe pekinTca store, 72 4th
■go*, near wood. . y... .
. . . ». r- VONBONNHOEST k. Co^
#N , r . N®.»rfom«.
- .I- ' '•• •>• • -i 1 . ... ,
I S l^nS?J, .uI V i LN ' 7 ? ;D - Jt r»»»f nan W6l «.
and retail dir rood*
in a situation in a warehouse
The most satisfactory rvforni
!... ..* r< ‘* ®* Wh)i late employer* in this eiir.- A
P«maneM „tn«4K,n befog hi* principal object, a mod-
salary will be accepted. Address box 272, Post
Kjmca ’ • ■ ; jangft
SLESnsn WASTED—H, a»k dS
|S' wooda House ia Philadelphia.*Oae acquainted with
I «*»« westers aad northern Pena'aand Ohio irala would
| a good salary—for further guritenittrv inquire
Pittsburgh, Pec 3J. »17. CAN.
WOOL, WOOL.*—The highest price in cash p*i<t tor
f T all the didercat f radea of clean Washed Wool, br
i. . ' - MURPHY A LEE.
Old Wool Warehouse, cor. Liberty at. and Cecil’s *J
lgy- : : tnylDd&wtf
SI OAR—SS boxes D R large Joafs«gar;loCQbbl«
asaorted ho*. small, loaf sugar; 500 do crushed *u
gar; 175 do powdered do; Jrcfiaed) in store and for saV
I*'*« / .46 water and pg from su
H S L T Si * » 4c GOLD BN SYlfuP
50 bbts Si Louis sugar bouse molasses; 25 do void,
ea syrup; 20 hf bbla do; 2310 gallon kers do; for safe bv
_1“1 JAMES A UUTuSiSON. &'Co. *
T)'isJ VO ? J^r!r 3 fW PP*d logwood;7s do er’d
XJ logwood; 100 do chipped Fustic; too (] 0
camwood just received and for sale by ground
- ;a< . comer of front and wood «t«
IV K ° *u{*r.(oMcrop)jamrec
ll • and for <al« by BROWN * CtXUER ? RiOX
: -miiberty^t
‘ Mu * t e,enr °ni Uiojc flue
v French Cloth*, eowunere*, ve*iinn. claaWno-a
W'SR MSS2SS?»*»-?S^
T EAl>—lOOpiga for sale by
yT-.-r. i i i Ko- 35 Front »t
dc3u LAMBERT Jt gmwnv
Jua BAUALEY * (Smith, *
_ No» 18&*0 Wood *t
- Not, is & 2t> Wood .t
pij iron Cat tale by
*.»?« -JOHN ii DIL\TOKTH, S 7 wood at
‘ .JOHN 8 PiLwoani.
*" k * 1
CJUNDIUES-H' bbl* lard; 2 half bbls d<v 15 baes f ca .
! P '**** S tfieU dried apples just received perSß
s**:*'': " o<l .‘“r - Da4] ISAJAII DICKEY A Co.
TEAS-nu- subscribers hare oahand and for sale
terras, a lartre and well selected
assortmeht jf tea* of different grade* and de«criniion*-
, Jn3 ; : BROWN A CULBK&TSO“u3u£SS T'
I>EaSL AMISi casks pearl ash rec'U'on’coßiijiiSt
_and for sale by [ja«l ISAiAH DICKKY fc cf
bbls refined salt petre; flO bars
crude do for sale by tja4J ISAIAH DICKEY A Ca
T) OSIN—SO bbU roain just rec’d and for sale by
T 1200 piff* Galena lead for ule bv "
l L| ESIP-« bale* Kentucky dew rotted hemp for sale
■VTACKEUEL-ISS bbls larreNo a, for sole by
TFTINDOW GLASS—I 33 boxe* &iio 10x13 window
Tf, flasa just reed and for aale bv ;
-J* o4 1 1 BROWN A Cin.RrPTg/w
B°“VAR Glover s Boiivir
fire bnck ("W““d) Wjrtor® and for aale by;
| - J ? a4 • SAhl’L M KIER, canal basin, yfo u
W^hfIEAS9T?» 1 EAS9 T?» b « rn store and for
TT “ le b y SAM’L M KIEIL
XBli ASH.—IS casta pearls. prim*
it received and for aale by '
J* UMB ER, “d Pine Joice, for sale by '
. W. W.’wAl.T.srV
Juniata sheet iron-sob
*bfei iron (warranted) in wore.
eJoee eonugiapent by jj«a4] &
pepper-which cm be »U rery
X low to the true, jost reeVl and tor rale bv 1
O AIjERATUS—» ton* ia fibjM and culu ferule br
Brown Flannel* -
JL wid'uonal Mipplp received from'Uie unumfactu
’ * few Plece * of '*» P""* 1 CaminetU, foi
GBOteE cochran;
BUUTER AND[FEATHERS—® bbl* and 1 box bav
jer and3jack*leather*reeetving&wn *tmr Laie
line and for *ale bp ‘ QanS] JAS. DALZELL.
LOAF SUGAB9—GOO barrels aiwnrrt J»o*. for «ilt
by bang] . BAOALEY fc aailTH.
b ? l f* -Cutf-tnrfti mould candle* ju*
\J rec’d and for tale by SAW HARUAUOIIT
dried Pe«l»e»-» Rood article. jn*i
rcc d and'for .ale by [jatf] S W lIARUAt'CiI.
T ARD—No 1 lard in bbl. and ken for sale bv
lj Jafl ' SAW HARBAUGH, 33 w4d *l
BACON SIDES—SO hhda new bacon aides jut rec'd
on consignment and for sale by
_J«nS I ’
1 , ALLO\V*-3l bW* No 1 beef tallow lost rec'd and
. (jJJtS] F SELLER**.
Sb’^-^b-l 0 WIIU X O sugar (aniline from Mr Tngiio.
tu and for >ale by / & II FLOYI).
~\TOLABSE»t-J0 bbla N O molasses landing from
ATX «tmr Taghom and for sale by J A R FLO VI),
J-5 tierce* prime rice landing from steamer 9i
n right and for tale by (jas] JAR FLOYD.
LEATHER— 100 sides X' V sole leather landing irom
from •learner Gondolier for sale by
J ,ns I itll FLOYD.
l OTASH—And scorching* for sale br
J»ns ■ JAR FLOW’D, I9g liberty »L
QUXDRIEB—IO bbU small white beans; 3do flaxseed
k7 3 cask* scorching*; rs dox corn broom*: 15 bales
bops; last received and lor sale-by _■
IM* i JOHN H. DILWORTH, S 7 wood .1
DILWORTH-Whobsale Grocer. Produce
and Comnusston Merchant, N 0.27, Wood street,
ntahorgu. | y jaM
/“IOFFEE—Iod bag* prime greea Eio coffee arriring
\J Tta Xew .Orleans, and for sale br
jan< BROWN A CULBERTSON. 145 liberty st!
FEATHERS— 20 bags prime feathers just rec'd a:id
fcrsaleby (jatHJ BROWN A CTJLBERTaOX.
fpEAS—<35O half chests, 300 catties fresh Teas, embra-
X «ng a dunce rsnetv of chop*, on band lor sale by
_ J*£J2 lIAGALKY A SMITH. 18 A SO wood si *
; —. . 2ttl pieces Bacon Hun* and
dooUer*; It kfrt No. 1 Lard; received on cc
iiyumcnt, per *unr. P/let No. 2, and for *aJe by
_janQ : ISAIAH BlC'"'
taeks Feather*; 0 *ek* Ginnenr, 4
ackt Dried Apple*; 1 *ek D«»wax; l ca*k do: utrw
landing from stmr Lady Madinon, and for tale by
10TT0.N*—do bales Cotton, to arrive, and for tale by
CJ t-"GAH—lo hhds Prime N. O. Suc&r, Cut talc hr
•SlS—3o Lbls JS. O. Moltu*e» (newcrop;) iot
ICB-'S inf*.! Rice, to irrift per 6trar. ?L Cloud- for
Mleby ,1 McGILL. BUSHnKXD i- Rnr.
RAISINS—SO boxen, fresh; 25 Idf bis: to arrive per
A< Northern Light, and for sale by
i«»g ! MeGILL, BL'SHFTELD k KO£ :
)U i-i tB—A few bbU roll butter jost rac'd and lo
> tale by { . SAW iIARHAL'GU,
lanfl I y]wood.»t
►EANS—A few bbU roll butler just ree’d and lor sah
►by - )-[j>Cl . SA W HARBAL'CII.
10RN AND CORN MKAL—A small lot on hood
i and for sale by IjaO) SAW UAHBAIJOH. :
•YE FLOL'K— rye floor a prims article Tor
/ sale to close consignment by
PLAID BLACK ALPACCA&—A few pci of latin
barred aJparcas, lately rec'd,- also, an excellent
assortment of fancy barred do., very low. at the dry
good* boose of! • {jaJJ W R MUKPIIY. 1
DRIED PEACHES—ISO bushels halves. dried peach*
e* for sale bj- BCRBRIDGE, WILSON A Co,
januaryg 1 water street'
SEEDOIL—S bbls flaxseed oil No 1 qaalJty,
itred and for sale by •
■j W and R SPCUTiriEON,
i . Iftl liberty street
TOIINSrbN 'AND STOCKTON—Have just received:
W the North; British Review. No. IS, November,:
i»ih. IChronicle and American copy.]; jan*
iOLL BLTTER~4 bbls prime roll butter just rac'd
* for wle br BURBHIDOK. WILSON A Co.
11IKESE—li lioxe* prime ciieesa rac'd and for sale
»by Qafr] W and R M*CUTCHEON. lU>erty si.
i. Raising; 50 frails soft shelled almonds for fale bv
PEARL ASH—IO calks first quality pearl ash for
sale by Ua7] EUKBBIDCK. WlLfflN * Co.
OUGATt— SG itbds prime N O sorar lor tale bv
ICE—IO tierces new rice rac'd per Kiln* Wright, for
sale by | BL'ORlDoff WILSON ACo
. A PPLEB—JaiI received and for *ale. 57 bbU ereen
iV«fpte*,by: ORUM .UcGKEW, A CO.,
, 1 No 8 commercial row.
/"IHLORIDK LIME—IS cask* just rre'd anti for sale
J a < : | corner of Ist and wood streets.
OL'XDRIK»Jao bbla floor; 4 do lord; 11
O obi* roll batter; 1 hbd hams; X tierce jules just rec'd
consignment and for sale by
56 water and 107 front *t#.'
RON BAFJ>i-OTHi la'rie irontoje for *«le by
‘•7 I 1J A FAHNt»TOCK,*Cb.
'LECTIOX—-The Beard of Trad* AuociaUon will
—I wtcf thU evening, <at 7 o'clock, iu the Reading
Itoonu, io ekci oiSecr* for the current year.
jmO :■ 1 TIIOS BAKEWELL, Rmident,
EAD—OOO f4gs Galena lead jo*t landing from amir
J Avalanche.and (or »a|« by
last! DRO\VN k- r»»»
SVN fcCULBj£(trSOX, 145 liberty it
O HOT—I 3 keys 'assorted shot, landing from sir Ava«
O Isache for sale by DROWN A'CULBEItTS€>X.
SWEET POTATOES—23 bbls rcc’d and for sale by
J* o " ; corner of wood aod water its
GROUND NUTS-IO sack Tennessee rroa<i nuts
rec d and for sale by WICK fc M’OANiTuSS!*,
_ >* no | rorner of irood and wuter *t«.
bags prime frajlieri; H sacks
1 ea Nuts; I cssVlVswnx; l bbl do'4 J-fewk pealed
reaches; rccnv>d on consignment. per sirnr. Pilot No
2, and for sale by JSAJAJI DICKKY A Co.
No. 30 Water si.
■ „ ISIS
I Saturday, i
3 Monday,
4 Tuesday, j
5 Wtdi(ij|)- j
fl Thuraday, /
7 Friday, ' * |
®S§? II fasga, ats
JiiJUm, j.n. , ,
l •orrKi*rro't a! 11- 1 Camb na, Judkin*, Jau. a
T nloa - To *wt from By.ion.
'UmftOLi uvij bmai
Hibwnia, Ryne,. Dec. 4 BriUmnia,liom*ou, Dec 1C
'Dec. 18 Catedcmfc g'jg
The market, oa Saturday, was quiet, and but lit
tfe doing excepting the regular transactions to
Plocb—The market still i maintains its usual
sajneness, there being no important'variation in
prices. Sales to extent of some 50 store,
at 8|,90^5,12J, according to quality. Sales at the
river at 4,70(2i,37.'
6iuis— Of Wheat; we have no sales worth re-
poning, it i» held nominally at lOOcp bit. ' In Eye
and Barley, the market i, quiet, with modc r,te
*“f at, lor the firmer 45c, the latter at 45350 c
We notice sales of 500 bu Coro, in different lota at
3 '®lOc. Sales of 350 bu Oata at 27c v bu.
Baata Good White are iti fair request, with
rwdar sales from store at 85(257c v bu.
Sales j of 50 bbts, Noi, 1, at 1j3701/jO » :
bbl.l ' i ‘ ; ■
ijaovtstoas—Keceipta hare; been iqu'ite largo,
nndjauppliea are sufficient to meet the demands of
the basket, and,to cause a slackness in the prices.
Ne* Bacon is selling St, Sir bums 6l@o|; rides 41
to 41, and shoulders at 3103|c t> B, at which fig-'
i ' re i n “ ticc sales or 5000 lbs. Killed Hogs
were nbundanfin the market oil Friday and Baiun
nay, and sales [were rather sldw at 3101 c y Jb.-
Of Lard, there is a large supplyiin the market, and
pncds are on lire decline. Sales of 10 hhls at 610
6|c lb. Blitter is in iair demand, with sales of
SO bUs rol* - - -
at !12 i( 313; 10 kg. »t Siam, a, i„
Ciiror-rS.lra. of 50 I.x,' W. R, al 01c p 6.
Goshen is held « 9j£loc p ft.■;
Gr-ocEEtra—ReeeipU continue full, though u- c
obierve no important variation in price*.. Fair N.
O. Sugar ia .selling regularly to tbe trade at 41134 i
by tho hhd. and at bj- tho bhL Salon of old
N. at 25c, and of new at 2t)(327c p
! bbl Rk> Coflee-M in fiiir request at fcjgSj c p ft.
Casdlq—Sales of 50 bxs Pittsburgh dipped at
9j(39}, and of Mould* nt 2U3ll}c p ft,
Tallow—Sales oif 20 WjU at*7i©7|c p!ft.
Oils—Lard is selling'from wore at o3&Sc p
gaL Linseed at ssBsSe p gal. ;
Sou—Saks of 30 bxa at 40t} c p ft, frith pay
fcr boxes. ;
Ffathsbs—-Sales of 20 set* from store,at 31c
fil; firk band sales occur at 31c 1
Tar—Supplies bare become quite full, and sales
are regular at bid.
Asms—We note' sain of 29 tons of the' differ,
ent kinds as follow*—Pearls and SaJeratus 71/37*.
Pota and Scorching* sj®s»c, ami Soda Athat 41 I
tos|'* ft. - i • K \
The-steamer Westwood.-belonging to tie Gulf
Railway -Company, bunt her three boiler* below I
New Orleans, lolling twelve of the crew, and sen
ously injuring Capt Swiler. No passenger* on
board.: . ! I
lb* .Vo £8 Juniata
and for *a!e low to
Cattle aiarhets.
PHTLADKLnnA. Jan: G. Beeves—Sales B t
' \ S"»" 10 4 u *lit)*. Cow* and Calve*—s7o
, 4 £jr springer*, and 20035
*■ 2oo Sh ”i>
C„ innaa.—PcrXcw En S lan'<i—l2 bu ci-nn,
Punlcricu; orron .«£», EJc J HnlU <biy, M
Ljech -t Son; 2 bn boot,, Mellon tea bx» cwm
j 0 ok, bacon. Jlibcnbcrgcr. SI btil, IcnL Evon,
Short * co; 29 u,u oil F js »tee» bSrr
iron, 5 bdls do, \ on Bonnhprst; 2 bxs mdse, i W B
HcJme*, 12 rms toper. Fahnestock & cn; 10 do do I
Slidell; 137 pc* irdn, Coulter & eo; 2 wood puUies,
W right tV CO. i
Ir^ >tr -No Plus Ultra—33 hhds, S 7 bxs pork, Mvere
!'" n ‘f r 20 bblnmc, port, Uotae.Sc L >;
41 •‘“■S 5 “«'■«. 10 polii, Park i
CO, o bbls, 1 bx mdse. Forsyth & Duncan; 2310 pcs
& R McCutchetto; 400 hd lire
hogs, Bhur A: Preble.
I Xonl ™ Light—l3s bars
I coffee, J Sc R Floyd; 39. do do, Creep; ‘CI do do, E
Heuciwo; 12 coil. cable., Wickerrtum; 7Jtag.
coffee, 2 bxe, 4 hlf do tobacco, Dravo; 6 cats port
™, 58 **S" “Icc, 13 bbl» fiah, 2 Ihffdo do, Cun-
I "«h.m; 1 hi nidfc Foruytb Jc Uiincan; 1 do do,
Wm Duncan; 2 do do, Guthrie; II lida i w At
wood.'Jooeafcco;l he ra dee,Mot-an;2 bblalapd
oil, llajmy; 150 baa, lOOblf do raiaiiia, 105 hhd.
sugar, Jhmsen; 16 do do. Holme* & Bkc 25' Lbls
sugar, 5» bp. coiTee, Bagaley A: Smith.
Lewi* Hc-rciusoar * ecu. n O . <5 >v«., r
mnd 92 Front *tr*et*, A*entt forth* St. Low* Stemjn
&u**r lUfinerr. bare in (torn—
-31 bx« D R Larg* Loaf Sant,
13 bhli No !! (<o*ll ■
1 libn No 4 •* “
163 bbU No 4 u «
f li*s - 5 “ «
1M •• 6 “ «
114, “ * “
75 *• 9 “ ■*
H “ DRcrothed
45 *- - powdered “
CO “ 4 e' eruihed “
For «*le at reduced price*.
I W^HES—'Ji qr c*k«. lloucio Port Wine; -
I -if lOqrcsksLM do;
I S “ Hunt do;
I iO “ Trash . do
| 2D - 8 8 Madeira do;
15 - LM do;
10 “ Myminpoa, do;
5 *• Fayal, do;
i ;10 “ Tenerife, do;
10 - Prte Sherry, do; iL
| 0 “ Golden do , do; ■'
| 5 “ lirown do ’ do;
j 10 u Lisbon do do;
■\i “ Dry Malaga do; -
10 “ Gweet do do;
For sale in quantities io suit, by P. C. MARTIN,
J 5? ,v. eor. Southfield A Front sis.
11HESII F&UIT, Ac—dO bzs crop bunch Raisins,
lUOOMessina Oranges; :
S frails Dates;
5 eases Citron;
2 bids shelled Almonds;
tl bbis Filberts;
10 bzs A J}fo 1 Rock Candy;
„ SO bis new scaled Herring; receirad per
•tmr. Consul; for sale by ,
nvlj -n 1X1A133 wood «t
Mabtvfactcbed tobacco—
35 u Chapman's 3*; 1 ' '
20 “ Ire's s*; ,
25 “ Rassell A Robinson's'ss;
20 14 Blanche's 1«; •••..*. . j ,
30 “ Dawson's Is; on consignment-istd
'Water #».
T\IIUG& T <Giiin Myrrli, Tdrkrjr;
U . «lo Gamboge;
do Kino Troe;
do Opiam,neWcfopi
do Gaibauuw, etramed; :
Ext Jalap; ■
do Dandelion; !•
do Belladonna: ju«l received enJ foi
cor In & \V
QIL»— 1000 pill* winter bleached While Oil; prim*
5 bbU Tinner* Oil;
S *• Crode . do: instore; fur sjtffe hr
nrfl - Witer it., neat! Cheery 17.
FEATHKRSf dfcc—os seks Featite rs;
0 seks Ginseng;
decks Dry Apples;
I box do
I csk Beeswax;
1 sek Beeswax: to arrive; for sale by
Ac 13 I. DICKY k CO.
FISH— 150 bits lance No Cl mackerel; 1
30 do do Nos 112; :
40 hi bbls do Nos 0 k Cl;
05 bbls No 1 fibbed herring;
!A do No 1 Salmon;
15 casks large Codfish; i
100 boxes scaled aod No 1 Herring:
tleceiringand iorsaleby LAMBERT 4t gift PTON.
dc3o , 133*136 Wood at
SILETIA®— W« have imt received '
one cue juioned colored »iIclio»; l
u very Ugttt do ' do;
“ black do; very he»ry;
“ “ do; very fine;
“ 44 u«'d col caabans:
u ; “ black do;
r bich wi will sell low lo ihc trade.
dc3o 99 Wood M
MOSEL MUSCATEL book wue, Henkell A
Co'k. exportation, for »nle tjr iht cim or bottle, at
ibo wine * lore of dell} JACOB WEAYEK.r
■VTUTS—S bolei Almond*
r{ 10 bXa Shelled; • ‘
2 bßjk Creora Naii;
fi bajt Pea Nutt; for «ale by ' j *
J. D. '\V|r,LIAM.S
SUJ.boxea No. 2 Clueinnoji Soap;
fiOi “ Mould Candle*; j
Landing from North Carolina; for *'ala by 1
Jal • Nos. 16 ABO Wood *L
►BODOCK—OO baft dried petcbetj
07 kcic* lun):
lObbfe. doj
• roll mitten
Landing and for tale by UAUALEY k SMITH, -
; ’ jal Not, lb k 30 Wood «t. !
PERFUMERY— Iviiract* of Verbena, Patcbou-
Icy, Violet. Jockey Club) Mitiidror, liouquet de
Caroline, and iluik, larre Perfume Uai[«, from 23 ci».
•o *t 23 eartu£_Tor »aje by JOHN D. jfIOROAN, '•
lat _' _L .No, Ml Wood »t.-i
COLD CUE AM. In chins tvoU; Beef lltnow,
Bcsr'» Oresis, nn(J dim Up Salve, in ehins pots, fur
»sleb>- ; JOHN’D. MOHGAN, .
i J ‘ l • • W* Wo£d n. 1
I I iiooa'%
I »**«.- r»«e«. pfamaaa.
* ?M.| 4® 'TaT —•~
» 213 33 3 -J4 1
*2014.40 424
*S» 440 3«1
*lO 441 acta. |
IJ®I 4 41 SS3 N*w ttoon
*JB |4 43 631 |
BEAVER PACKETS, ai 9 and JO x. il, am) 3
o clock,*, at. - '
P. 1L ; •? -
VYOinNG, New Orleans
10 B * ,,i ““" "“■
™dm“ h ; L ‘“ di ?* , '“ **hit.d,lphl., g A . „.
v e ‘!. e^ Md uthern Mail Coaeh Line, « a. «
Nonh-W«tcrnin*Cle»eJand,dailr, 10a w '
&ie and Western New York, daily, 9 ” M
•Nortb-Eastern toiladelphia, Jail/-, ex'cept Sundaryl
\muy• * 1
.A*—-*«**?•DEPARTURE op mails
due 3 JL m- elouafsk.
2,**? n Mwt Cineui, A Louiiv, doe Br. m-Tclost* 5a h
2^'ilu's* n * *"’m«hlngto«;doo 8 p.m. cl*» S * jt.
\v er ? Tll 5 eTf ,l dup 10 *•«-»clous 8 a.m.
Ene and tteitern New \ork,due 8 p. uVclom 8 a. m.
*>~«!a£SS£S# SESffMWW
low price*— ut all KMI „
°fihe year, the L*rge»i Asiortmcr* '
ffiLD' ?
They ire now opening SevcraiHuntfrcd Paekart*
S ST' 1 new .tyle ofForeiffn- and Uotne.ric
procoeUon, man) ofwkich hare jiui been purchased.
*" ° ,r "l.aVcKßnEDccED r ' “
p» «Sipns,.„',Vr' .Vl
ESiS, ! ss;^‘' ch *"
New York. June, 1a47. {
poweriocurej • l*imic»oii r Feb. 14, !&*
I w »* *»a* for year* beeu »übiect
to a ewh, accompanied with aailtma, for
Tr f l,ed ‘“ erel " caurh re media*,
I ** M**-®*"* eminent phpueian* in
I ttl * . s** “■▼mUtif. By chance I heard
C ? J I? Eh , and w “ induced td buy
I * h »d no belief that anything
her complaint. To ,ny jrrat .umriS
I FV C h« unmedute relict jihe u
assijsv tut n, Q 0 f B^ P
alwa). iam aathfied, after a trial of three or
Aedlcfnlfl ScnrrV P*»l^ynjp i. the be«t eoegh
Ih er tneiS e,,bcr ,n O’d or New
c , ... .Wat. FaiaarcKr*,:.
_ Seventh Ward, city of Pituburirb.
, *h* *h9ye certificate nhould; induce all who* are
eo 1 u * £ '« “»hma, to fixe the Syrup a tri
al. ft oi) be had tor S 3 cent* a bottle, at the drag
•tore of a k SELLERS. 57 wood «t
ri^?ei?e ?rCl, * C1,51h vrarU > i) U Curt^TAL
guenj cuy. janA
-u_ •' _ n. cua itur, n miria u,
lr *P ef|, “ i ly tolicir
11 -TOra hu mend* and old customer* a continuance
oi those favor* ao liberally bestowed upon bim in time*
f.“'- “ *® »W T««r* »mt« be retired from bo
*ioeu that many of hi* old fnrad* and customer* have
tU(no.t forgotten hurt, and there being *o many of the
maeofhow.vaow m hami, is the cause of hi*
particulanriiig the came of his store. The Utile addi
uon. S*- which I have made to tuy name, added to the
fart that I am seldom m the More, has also caused
.*^L tn^t^^ Up ? 0 lh,, 11 WM »»T establuhnieat. I
« U “* c P pw ?. ni, J r of wak ' n S » known to
the public in general, and hope to partake of a .hare c (
“X 1 , r ,^ T °t’- All ancle* manufactured by Mil *r
UOW’X.: ftr are warranted good, and made from the
best materials iho markci could tdird at the time janl
Tiril. T. BOWS would respectfully call atten*
f tiosi to he* .lock of Preserved Fnnu, conusuna
I Raspberry. Uoose berry, Currant. Pluto,
and Peach jams, and Cranberry and Currant Jelbet be
al*o keen a general assortment of- Fancy aad Cmn.
Cake*. Foreign and Domestic Fnuu, Nan. ke
- \Vhite-and Brown Breadfr-osh everyday. janl:t*
_ . ExertitorVXotlee.
T I tAKE notice that letters of administration wiih the
J_ wu annexed, on the estate of Anna Maria Moore.
Imc of the borough of McKeesport, deed, wen grant
ed to Fanny Maruula Moore. All person* indebted to
thp estate of told deceased will make payment without
* ,< * t , *> r * and all person* hating elaim* against said estate
wmprwcnHhe tame for settlement
A~ ls*e«otor'a Hoilec.l
**" Person* kuotrin* theoudre* lo be Indebted to
U»e eauie of John Moote. Ule of PitUhurph. dec‘d.
*re re»necuully notified to make immediate narttKnt to
the underufuea exeentor*. aj the la* midener of the
Ueerawd; am! thov bavin* claim* upun.t .aid rotate
ate reijoeated to rreoent theta foe varment
jafhrftS EDWARD OAMPJJKI.L. Jr \ Fjr *-
, T(VM _, fiiMßlor'i Notice.
ThXOTICE it hereby riven that letter* teatnmentary
XI upon the e*t*te of Dand Hay*, Ute or .Mifflin
fowMhip, deceated, were Uii* day yearned to the ȟb
aenber. All per*© us h&viny claim* or demand* acaimt
«atd estate are requeued to make known thr.aine
Without delay, to the underwyned at hi* re*idenee m
«aid township, and ail person* indebted to said c»ia:c
axe requested to make payment.
1& «S. __ JaSwCtS* ,
G AC .' r X?. H .T°TH* PUBLIC.—Tbe-NlVork
*nd Philadelphia Peakin Tea Co. harm* tindrr
,*owl ,« niin P*r»on» m Pittaburgh were eUiminit
ihe cxeljuitra right to tell their Tea* in that eitv. would
***** that they have abandoned tome tune atnee,
the ejelnatro agency ayatem, and that nether .Mr.
J .*T n **> Dhoglaaa & Co., nor airy other concern hoe a
nrtt to claim any ezelautrc pnvtlecea with llieir tea*.
The general Agent of the Company, Mr. J. 1L Stock -
dale, te now at McMamer'a, Eagle Hotel. Liberty at_
Ptttlhorfh. ready to receive order*. All Tea* told tiv
‘.v“ , ra r«»y. are warranted equal to any acid in the
U cited hutoa, and no papneut required until l>uver«
araentirely rattsfird ae to the lart
Principal Warehooae of the Company, No. 35 North
Front atreet Philadelphia.
Piftahtjrgh and Allegheny that tie has decided in remain
in Uip.ciiv danne the whiter, and {■ prepared to treat
patient), placing themedyeii muter his care, according
to 'be ay.fernjts practised at all Water Cure Ksiabb.b-
Acute or Chrome disease*. Those
w .rf. *®.thcmselTesof hi* serrlee* willcaij at
WrrAimer *, comer of Liberty , t . an d Kran'* alley. I
Dr. M. has treated aereraUrrere rise* of Oirease in
thi* city with great tueee**, to which he 1* permitted to
notStf j
PlDdghs, i'iongh Catting*,
ROHKHT* HA LI- of the ~oI«1
- oHL & Halt, u taauufae
l“nn* Urge nuaHJil**** of Plough*,
J’louffh Ca»un*«, \\ agon bore*. k*„ wtUi (tie impruvo
ra«ou of the Leaver. Peacock. UUnoL.. and other
I lough*, of to* latcet and ln*»t pattern* jiow in u*e
•u V ., 1M Liberty .treet, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hav Scale; Factory, tn Allegheny city, near the.
Cotton Factory of Mewra. liiaclutoek, Bell A Co.
- -- _ dctely |
’ c*i Btrimuß, cnaxsAir. vino,
TLT'AMJFACTURE Jo order I‘aeacnger anil Freitbi
XTA Car* of Ihe nao»t approved tleicripiion. at r*a»rm
able price*. By mean* of the Canal*. RailroaQ-niiJ
River, they arc enabled to «hip upon rcaaonable term!
to all pomu in tbe WeM. Their work wiß be wairnnt
%* w «JI w*pee«», to any made in the United
elate*. All orders punctually executed.
[Formerly of Uoilon, Ala**.]
BLACK SILK&—W R &lURPIIY uh tlie-attentiou
of buyer* to bin aaiortineni of above good*, includ
ing riel* plain Italian drci* »llk; poult tie «oi« >k>; blue
Wwkdo; rich watered d«r, do watered and uriped do;
•Ilk* for cardinal*; betide a large a*»oruneni ot Fancy
Dre*a Silk*,.changable Mliui, ic., eJI of wlucti will be
•Old fit the lowett pomible price*. j ßn s
*HI»TIWO mu*linb-w R
MURPIH.N !£. corner of f 4il> and Market streets.
a M e,| “® n tothe superior long'cloth shining trio**
lintfhe ia wiling at 18* ct* pf yd—-al *o, l,i, superior os
•onraeni of IRISH LINENS, warrnnicd pure dag, and
ol the most approved manufacture. Also, Lin eft Lawns,
of every quality, ami a full assortment of gentlemen A
Lnflies cambric handkerchief*. j an ;j
Ij'URNiSIiINCI GOOift^—We have on hand an as
sortment of good* suitable for furnishing hotel*,
steamboats, Ac., among which are 13 hale, ticking*. ns
•oned; 6 do bto. drilling*; 3 cose* 3-1 and 0-4 bleached
shining*; UdoJ, | and 4-4; do; a bale* heavy linen
crash; 7-4 and (M linen table diaper; do. dn, Damask;
Scotru and Russia diaper; low-priced fancy madder
pniiu; white counterpane*; plain mid twilled blanket*.
Ac,, which will be sold low i or ca*b or approved credit
, siucKurrr a muni
janl P 0 wood it
SIIACKLEIT A WHITE—Dry <iood* Jobbers, 09
Wood it, have on hand u well assorted and season
able atock of DRY OOODS. which they wilt Kell to
western and city merchant*, on very 'reasonable term*,
and low prices. Moat of the good* ware bought during
the last month, and at reduced price*. jal
7) AO WAREHOUSE—The highest price in rash
XV paid lor good Rag*; also, Canvass, Bale Rope.
Crass Rope, Bagging, Woollen Rags, Cotton Waste,
joaa • waync *«. between penn nud liberty
i I lkkJEßlKS—tiw bags prime green Rio coffee; 7S
\JT cheats and half chests fresh green true; I.XI boxes
lirt Ids 5a a lb laiaps tobacco, 40 kegs 0 twist do. with a
general assoruheut of jrroccriea for sale by.
jaal JOHN ti, DILWOUTH. a 7 wood si
"pascal iron wohks, .
W.ldrf Wronsbt^lroa.Fliin.
SDITABLH far Locomni.MUnni'.and c,:.' lcr ,t,,„
•EngineUoilera, from ■ tofiitiehra diametet-. Also
Pipe* torOaa, Steam, and other purposes; extra strong
Tube for Hydraolic Preaaea, Hollow Piston* for Puma*
of Steam Engine*, Ae. .
Manufactured and for ialc by
Warehouse B. B. eoraer Third tad Walnut street
Ic-adflphia. ’• • my?
AI.L personi'knowinj the twelves Indebted to the Re
late of the lam A-pravo, Jr., deceased, are hereby
notified to call and settle their accounts, and those hav
injclaimsagautatthe Estate,will present them duly
authenticated -or settlement to the subscriber, at the
warehouse of John Irwin. A Bona, Noll Water at
deMam JOHN IRWIN, Kiecntar.
-“»imcic7 1 = ~ I “
A BARREL Of Lard marked .U, weighing about *74
Urn- «• bf rnieuko from thelanduur on Fri
day last, a4ih iasL Said ba Tel belongs to tbesuamrf
Cambria. Any iufonnauoa given where it can be found
will be thankfully reeeifed by th« aubsenhera.
? trrr in cha-Sxil—p.ujjsc.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Bearer, Clark, WeUsviUe.
Lout* McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Consul, Dmhtne, Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Bearer and WeUsvflle
Amenea, De Camp, Wheeling
£e Plus Ultra, Philips, Ci„.
Grey Eagle, Brook*, Cin.
, , departed,
Date Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Beover, Clark, YelUville.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Bearer.'
Consul, Dnahane, Brownsville.
Lotus McLane, Bennett, Browimlle.
caJeb.Lope, Moore, Beaver ami WellviDe.
ArnencvDe Camp, Wheeling.
TagUom, Perry, New Orleans/
New England, Ebbm Cin.
ATCAMONT a bond.
(Vagon Box*
. Thr f0u.00.p.1. ami
" f t", Alfa-tl.j, » llmt „iti, n.jiul,
enticnl,, am) exegetienl; mop*, indexes,
etc., together with the Epistle, and ajwnlypse; the
whole tomtuig the New Tetanic., l-f‘nr the u.e of
Sehtxd*. CoUege*. and Theological Seminaries. Ry
Rev. J. A. Spencer, A. M. ’
hli’S’k!;;;; lv rir h * iif " <•<'»'«r *« &«rn,
kina of f mure ul „l .Nava rrc , Hy (/ h. j,,,,,’
Comol.m in toil, pan.. ,„~. r .» ,|„ th
lnn,°' “ "liLk ii j< " | A' s TO.N a STOCKTO.V,
jnnN Booksellers, corner of market and 3d it*
N^ l ‘ H >?« lrr BooKM ; *«.I« ?.«Vm pi,?;
i£™rfS ■»“»'*» is«.
Flower* I’rjwMiifif j, <| o
• llomt. or AlTeciion’i fiift Jo.
Chrimua* Uloxfcctn*.
E illumb.mied— toun.l in llrrti.i Iron
E»asSKfiSS!- ,lta,ta '' i
Hunny HouMoi ChiUinofHl, , ~
JSZT\ "■.. k— plnrfai, iliuitratid .nd
Byron’*Work*, < * .
FpknJid I Jon Folio., of cap. letter and noir .i».
We*«mJy bound Fockei and Family Biblr*
Hoiowood w nbu* de«k* and work !«*«..
(I|obc* ufo, ID and tu incite* diameicr
hor .jilo by \ JOHN 11. MKI.LOR.
dC45 ’ HI W00d...
To the Public.
l .'i avo ‘i 1 * 11 * *"#«»». «J«nn»d for
piamw tfiun | ran mert from icy own
ITSTtI tnctory, and not within# to enlarge it
u-ith D manuf n rtn , . J l r t‘'M' * I'tvejmaite nrrungeracuU
Uv t r j- I Hamburg io furniih mtak mu
"> l 'V“ n °* 1 cn.t dj»po«c 01 in oiiJliioii lotbewl
™ n"*' src Confctructci! <m an ri>- (
t } i A*? a l n M ra! ' nve '' vWeh iimnmieni., lor
Quincy oi lone, ease ninl unifonuity of
L n’f }i H *"*"•*» performer in Kuropr. pronoun.
cv " ,n'd
■£“ r ? nialn ,ln * week tbf putlir eihlbi
■t^JVWolWwood atrcci. |jafl:3<l) F HLtfMK i
; T£ C M. K Jsr^ a f rchl,m . of Iron, or jhr Merchant'* aiul
FZ £ii. 1 com Pl«» puide lo ihe iron trade. A
Jf* L°« k °? l lr' er y Mllr «' HimoutV Literature of
the aouthi of Europe Information for the
KSE&iiumS" Cyclopedia of Engliab literature.
Hendell • Bluckktone'a Comraentarira, a new edition.
M beaauful Tblume*. Halleck’i Fbwna. a new and
rfplendfd edition. Parlor D»«k of Howrra-for all
aejkolA. [jafe] Jj, rkaD. 4ih near market at.-.
PARTNER WANTKD-nitlirr active or ailcrit, who
Ji euu command a capital of 500 to tiuuu dollar*, mar
, bear Of on opportunity of eiigai'i.i;r in a buniiiei* which,
hut aeldont occur*. Applicant* o» active panner most
hnaiaea* qualification*. Please atldrcM J R S
Hotel, appoiaunj a lima tor interview, [ja&st
By John P. Davis, Aactloßeer."
«. .. , Dry Good*. 1
li»C«miSS 0 ! £i n,r *n* ttUary lOioVloek. ax
««.. n °9 m * »"»f °f wood and sth*
■n7_ re*erve.
: • I
g £«s,s i r h *at c ° m '' , '"“ i
it i At 2 O'clock, r k. ’
4 hhd* and fl bbU N 6 sugar. I
H Y*° n 11,11 Wack tea*, Spanish .egnrs, rice
glassware, queeuswarc, china, etc.* b ’
. Al 0 o’clock, t\ sr. , .
, h i., qU “^' 3f “C ‘J'T (ton • mail Mon, bool».
SSS- «^ d r-nuulc clothing, p,u .jlcct
Mn.S.Tf,r tr ' c “ lkr )-. okil», comb., mo.icol in
bEStoSjfS.V " P - >’” P ' r - ffoltl pcOM
SiZs a/ Choice and VahathU Bool*.
•*. ®a Ve . Biß f' JanUar >’' *th, «» B o’clock, at
S?I**Rooms 1 **Rooms comer ivood and fifth
“ ld 111 extenure collection of Mural.
®S e ?fw*on cdiiiona. among which will
w t*^* ldc,,cc ,u tuvd Malta, avoir.;
Mn“v. n* v*/ht \vuh the Dragon, fine outline eng. by
cS. Travel., to the City o?tbe
T,. vol *i History of the Great Civil War, with
•plcitdtd illuilrauon. by Cattermole. I vol 4 to: Sir
Va ***' 3 vol. folio; View, and Sketch-
Brutal*?* i* Gizeb,-3 vol.; Trollope's Summer in
sffl ,r &? v * U » I *Modem Indio, a vol.; Montro.*
Kj*s Co ? 2«? t *"» b >’ Na » ,icr * « '<>'« Cleop«"«wi
lo l°radlplates; tae's Sermon* on tbeScrip-
Pw?Pl<:w ?P 1<: - 139 iHuitration*;
Hooker* Joomat of Dotany, numerou*! env*_ 4 volk
n xi* Bw M* erland > ••! vol*; Complete' work* of Dr. I
T ° l *j,, Rnd vn‘* Gallery of the Grace.;
w 1 Ml 1 * Chancellors 3 Bcauty’iCo*; I
“ ur * etl * Nojci on the .New Testament, 2 volg; j
Scott • note* on the Old and New Testament, 5 vol. 4to! I
Patrick, Lpwth, Arnold, Whelby and taw-man’. Note* I
•on do; etc. I
i.,.?*' 0 an extensive assortment of Novel., I
V dmou *’ mail >' o(whicU },avc neverheeu
reprinted in this country-. I
CB “ be o&Uuned and the.books examined
:anheAucUon»iorc. s Qt?] JOHNDDAVIS,Auct'r I
Omc* N*no*Tios.*!i*-f'taE Itoviasck Co >
men. .Pittsburgh, Jan. 3d, I*4“ {
1 *'B fiewdent and Director, of the Pittsburgh Novi-
X ,ration and fire In.urance Company hare tbi. dar
dtc.ared a dividend of Three Dollar* on et»di .hare oi
the eapttal .took .tandlng in the name oi'individuals
on the book, of the company, oat of the profits of the
tait atx mouthy which , will be paid ,to stockholder*
° r - „iL , f ffal or after the 13th iu.t
Office tyr Pnrxii BcH Gas Waaxa,)
T„„, _ [ ■ ‘January I’d, IW. 1
'llf. -Trustee* of the: Pituburglt Ga. Work* Lave
thu day declared a diridcnd of three per cent, .out
oi the prohu ot the law five month*, on the amount of
the Capital Stock paid in which will be paid to-stock
holder. or their legal representative* at the oibre of the
"17* °. r M,U!t tllP HRh tn»t. The holder, of original
stock who have not .urrcudcrml their rrrtjficaic a.
directed by City Ordinnnca of SMtli June, ISI7. will be
required to do to before the dividend on the .ante will
l»e paid. biftmi JAHfy M CHRISTY, Trea.'r
Tiii* n. -. ... Pirnaccau, Jan. Ut, ISI-
V - auJ .Manager* of the Nonherti
lie* Bndge Company tor budding a bridge over the
t n^ ny » n 7 r • Mecha “ l ‘‘ »tr«u;havc:declared
a Ih\ idend of one dollar and fflty cent* oil each-ihare
oftbe camialitock ol .aid company lu be pakl to the
.tockbolder* on or after the 101 b iu.t
yangdif G K WARNER Treaiorer. j
Ovnc-B o* nut Hasp st.-Bkimx Co >
_ _ Dee.auiWT. \
Tux Prewdeat and Manager, of the Hand .u Bridci
Company-, in the County of Allegheny, have
declared a dividend ofonedollarand fifty cent* on eael
Su *rV*«« d ‘“ir la !he name of todi
•vidoal*, on the book* of the Company, on t of the profiti
of the last *tx months which will be paid to the Stock
• d r7* or ~te,r Ic S al renrerehtatire*. (onhwith
:Jt v Nvm. earimer. jt , Trea*.
iriTtr* or jat AtutonaxT Butux Co >
Prmacantt, Jan. 1. 1*4* . . r
* Md •V*"*? rri of the Company.’tor
erecting aßridge over the River Allegheny, ©mii.lte
Pituburgb, in the Cuuuty of Allegheny. LaveXVday
dee lare4 a dividend ot two dollar* m, .hare of th.
Cafdtal Stock *uudmg in the name of l.idividud. on
the book, of the Company, out of the prohu of the last
*ix month., which will f* paid to the Suwkholdcn., m
heir legal reprewntativr., on nr after die Uih m.t ,
Pblladtlphla CoUcn of Medicine,
r ' Bt/ih, South of 11 nhmt *twi.
T , J£*.£. P i tl i fi AND SI/MiIER COb-RSK Of- LEC-
L TTfRES FOR IS4«, will U> coimnenrrdoh .Moml.y
•*>« month., b, tb*
JAB MeCUNTOCK, M. D , General, Special and
Surgical Anatomy.
fcpeoUe*? 1 "^ ! ' ltWria Medic* and Tlier-
D P-GARDENER. M; D Cbemutry I
- u D - -n».S«ir»«y.rf
51 »■- I^.
»■ »■ p,
'Jfl£5 V P. ,BB0!S * M “• oi-.MmU,
and Medical Jari.prudenee
Jl a .McCAINTOCk-, M. D, D.m0„,„,0, of A,
1 RICHARD BURR. M. I>. Prowio: of Suraery.
£ Ct ' Ur?e ’ Vtf for ' ,bo! * who hare
attended two full e«uar* tn other College*, $lO Mat
ricuUnoa u. be paid oore only, to Graduation 920.'
i, 1 ?’ cu i*|‘ nicluiitng Recapitulatory Lecture*,
of ManfcT ft ‘* ecU, ‘* lV*" n * wH b« openrd on the l»t
From arrangement* now pending there i* everr rea
»ou to hope that the chain of lainmtc* of Medicine
-lAnatomy w,U be occupied-by dnuuet Pn»fe**or*
at an euriy period.
For furrher information inquire of
James Mccijntock, m. dvDxav,
p-:,.. * . _ N wnh Eleventh Street.
Philadelphia, per. g 7, IVI7. jant.
J^nhc^ibr^atma^ 1 MlNOR'S—Columbian Maga
,*J“ c h Ariel, or life on board an Indiaruan:
of Hogarth,
by \l Reynold*, author "Life in Ixmdon, ’
Tlw MWtrne* and Muene. of New Vork, by \ed
•Buntime, illuitrated, 7
Tile Ini' Incarnation, by A ConManl;
A«o*nea. jliu-sraicd by Martin the youucer.
Uavid H at*on, the lamdon Apprentice, a wca »tor\ of
greiii interest, by MuUhipman Eaar:
! r * iiaai ' ° f rew «d. by Henry \V ller-‘
The Chieftain of Churubuaco, or the Spccue of the Ca
thedral, by llamy Halyard;
Chamber*' Mi*ceilanr, No. 10c
Itetul-cy 4 Son. No lii
living Are, No IMk
•' !o '- e > Keponer for January; .
,{“ e I’oken-tile. freih .upply; ..
Hie \V hig Almanac,for 194 P;
A |..‘h!ll'i7v n ‘ ‘’t-T’ l ”' 1 “ l “e U» N-» World. nnl»
U.lirrd m \ork, .ini cdur.J i,y i*. r li llorijamtn:
ior .do., M A MINKR'S,
JKa “ • »mitlifield *C3J door from 2d
* nd ° tn Booki for 1848.
in w F r “«fu! mid elegant color
rd group*, with lie, rnptive illustrations; by Elizabeth
bound ni. curlrt ..Ik, and splendidly gilt
I.eaflct» of Memory; an illuminated annual for 1645:
, i.dl.yißr, „.i| 0,1... M. U| .up.,bly Loud,
gautly illuminated and illu.tratrd
1 rK,?i? a ’ •plc'idui engraving* |,y Sarinin,
Christian Keepsake, anil Missionary Annual.for IMS
boutul tn Arabian morocco, nnd illustrated by U brauti
ful mCTrotmt engraving* by Harlain •
J?™; * l^, of £ h ?, rt ’"\* Religious Souvenir, for IM-,
edit d by Mrs. S. c. EdrertonMayo.
v Cir !'!i 1 ' of Gitl; 1 Chrwtmit*. New
lest. and lltnhday Present, for t-p,
” rF ' i ™ ,l . ,l 'W - l»St-n of r,,
■rh- » Annul for ky Mr.
Dakra fcniilh; bound in elegant rinbo.-cd mornreo
*y thclS.t‘ssu«r i! ‘' Ul ’ crl,eu ? r,lvln ff*.fromdratniig.
tiisT** ' oun ® l4uJ >'’* Companion, nnd Token of Artec-
The above, together with a large supply hf rovrical.
plural, nnd other works, bound iii the sunnrb and
ff.*** I )' •ri''l*, suitable mr <.’iiti*traa* nnd New Year
Oi Isiforsalc by JOllNifl-O.N A STOCKTON
■ cor. Market A 3il si*.
_ Now Pabllcatlons.
MII.TII.VS »*OKMt«, illu.irttrd. Harper's new
edition of tlir IW,| work- of John hiilton. with
a nmniotr. and cmirnl rrmarka on hi* genius and wri
ting., by James Montgomery; and one hundred and
twenty engravings from drawing* by William llarvev
In two volume*. ’ 3
Two Dwelllnf Bouti Ar Sole.
ONE of these bouses is situated on Penn strest,
this dry, between Hud street and Garrison
alley, on the sooth side of the street. It is a twa
story brick, S 3 feet in front containing 9 rooms, and
handsomely fiuiihed. The lot runs baek 110 feet to a
twenty loot alley; on which is erected a stable and car*
nase house. Tius rain able property will be sold at a 1
b, W*“on~»rttnni.
ine other boose is-situated on Isabella street, Alle*
a *yi“«tlis Hand street bridge. Ilia a 3 story
n «J? ud handsomely finished, containing two
< H- mn * r wonx, kitchen and wash house on the
-Fls??.,' ©a the second floor, and a. finish*
«o STfl:. Jfo* kt funs back also to an alley. Price,
““ of ‘k* kouse. Terms easy.
rO h V ub * cnber ’ who *■» k« seen at the of
eSh? *"•"">% between the hours
“k odl "ume* at his rooms at
e«l'«L An,.^!^?s. hou * B ’ Robinson’s new row, Fed-
Wt ,r sheny - ,ty - - dn WHrre,
Agent for the owner.
>ii e TV?o?f£ W ? I, l:“ c ‘ s *■»» SUE.
IS?w . ' . °* these dwelling are situated on Ferrv
wtf‘Tw Fonrth ■oJ liberty sis: being
“P"" 1 “ “«•>«» .tmt, »lt n
rooms. Ilwnl » thrce * ,une * high, and contain six
rau!jn*ili,?r vitrt" *!<*. '«>■ <»tir«ly tat
• * •»——,! Agent for the owner.
te& TI IiVmFAm L . B f AaH POa Ba£b7”
B£li ~T_ Hb iT* I ** l >a«?ly occupied bv James An*
smUbterMu, Sr, deceased, situated m Milßin Town,
on th^mt^ eny i C i OU 2' 5 ’ * eren rnilea from Pittsburgh.
i„" 1 /Sf'i' fading «o Elizabethtown, aud adim£
»n„t^ d r ' [ Rath, Richard Hop*- ArchHaFd
od,er, J l ' riU Mid on reason*
chard on Qw Farm; It b also well t *
fineUom l£yi*3 SSS, u“32
sirnble .anna in' the country. of ‘ *
IX VV. & A. & REEL,
or to. • A,,orne y« a« Law, 4th sl, Pituburgh.
*. uab i* f ?Ttn-*«uated 0,1 Ohio river about
jfc mile. UJow Pittsburgh, in what is colled Crow* Um
•rh!'r.^ 0 V" u property of Mr. George SbirosZ.
rhrre i» aboul 110 ocfesol land, 60 acre* of which 1*
,he a!,Lnc “ *• scared bottom, lie* jJou?
iMull), ami abound* in good cool, limestone and timber
f “ c "* cl ««d' The^urJ^d
bn< - k dwelling bouse, a frame ham and other
out houn*, a large orchard of choice fruit, and a rood
SKM’i’W* e r* f x fi*w <m the ji« e . nJ*££
I er l^,e dirm is under good irnce Title
for »/nn» apply to W'M JIOYA Attorney at
> offic above, amithfield. deabdlmtwlfii
M- FOR SALE. ~ "
ji-»r IJamL fhe Lot u tfci by ISO fcetToud it Dleoiont"
3™"“ r " ito b..
-jttjjja. I. JOHN Irwin
M~i teliSysdfe
Sr u SS t Tf*“ ““ lo I
-4525 HO wood .l!?cL
M ; For Rent.
«„ j.V W ® l "** rooma ,n ,he Chronicle buildinr*,
°° w b r Whitney* l£
;‘‘*,‘V w ' t foe real from the fim dey of Apnl o ext
J — ' ISO liberty «t. '
W . . For Bent. '
. A hWJdeomeljp fiuiibed room on Market ttreeL
,rf /i%^SSS£?“sS»«,;
lo “*£ u . ED OAZZAM, i
. Office, market etrett, between Jd and 4th 1
JLi Till- l *'? lr *•“«-
mid *• *to.c iraue
< '" Wh “°' “’‘“““'JS
ft »ir V n *‘ '*° * Wr T brirk bouM*. on main •trert.
n 7,"! > oi,S" t VK:'& r ro?‘“ “
-Si-~ ; A WASHIXOTO.Y.Iih «. \
.-'SS*' W . p, on “ eeDndM ' nc * rwo °<l- Rentmod-
T'j Inquire of J SCIIOOXJUKEB Jt Co,
r•—• ■ 1 ~ ■ a wood tt
AnßAtSli, M iK
S. :,l .“" 1^ “f'®*•*: ■■
D r i ck Warehouse, No. « Water
-it*L ,f _ M.KXAWpisR GORDON
Mi LET,—A Urge, eoaaodioas, and wall fiis
*“' y lzk d,r e»‘nr. oti henn «£
-usii i %aAiS%.
HAYING removed to the cur. fot convemene*
„ U? .s?f?**‘® n,, J tjn *‘ ne **T I will rent the Maaaion
j'f'ma MoMn«Ti? ed -*** en f to,are i | “ioaieon the b!a&
i hd *’ one tm, ° ***« ftiubwjh.
i aou 3tawtr . JAMES S (?RaFT
A SMOKE HOUSE, iJtiiunl on* pJnrah AJlrr f.
MFof Hint*
THE well furnished Hmro.on Market »«..
A .Piiii | yi i !•; n hazz * m
•Ml DRV Coodj Warehoui-,87 Wood tireei. second
jSdoor above Dramoud alley Enqoiracf "* CMd
-iiH!— PTMtlßlMNtcn
. . , C° tt
A hanawmo office otct Philo,Mali
OJict ff Pitttburgk <s• CantultvilU Rail Read Co. »
TtniEREAS it Will plainly from
J»efolloww«»ect»on of the act of Incorporation
lUHrn«S r«mn' ft * , )° r U ' e P, "*L mr, ' h ConndI»»UI«
iUHroari Company l,a» any n S hl to give notice for hold
niif the annual, or any other meeting of the Stockholm
f rs •‘j l ** ,“!** therefore any election or other proceed
svSb.'i^Kr" 1 “»~ di " o “-' »«
,JZ±V“ Cxoji-lOIITO. or an M of
Irtcm. *nnll. m won ns practicable aflrr the *aid
*»** a« \***xfi/i*m d*t* ,J rl .
?!ir?,\( » nt,, ? r n ' , h« 'x'«-»papcMbcreinbc/iire mrn
tioncd, of the time and r>t*ee bv them appointed bv the
. or "tockboldcM to meet, for the purpo«e of
e ectin.-r welve Directory a. provided tor in the prece
ding: Mc.inns, and that annually thereafter, they .hi!l
Uteri An Ibe firat Monday of for the pirpo.c
OI electing Director* ai afurewid, npuna liki prte£u<
to h gir,» by rt, bihttol, fa th, «£££s*
wcl. ncw.paper. a* they may deem Pm Serf
ITiat U from any each couw. »u.-h election ahai: not bi e f, » ra °.- I,fC ‘ ficd ,^,br - lhe «m* may he
held at any other time, on Jjoticp. a* aforeiaid, that un
til »ueh election be held, the Difrctor* of the preceding
year ahnll roimiiue to act; and that thin charier ihaJl
not be avoided: And prmrfrrf oho. That in a ca»e of
vacancy, from death or resignation, of any Director!
ni* plu-.e atuill l>e filled by the Board of Director*
'And where a* certain pernni* claiming to be direet
or*. cho«en at an election held on the fith Jay of De
cember, lM.,m Franklin hall, in pursuance a no-
Uee given not 15 daya previoudy, viz: on the ISM day of
November. IM., und wiihouruny authority from the
U>ir‘ or \ '/ " m Lanmer. jri, have, u appear* ftom
certain publication*, proceeded to enter intorcontracT
lhe «n.truct.on Of a
Kailroad, on behalf of, or a* the act of the
and Connell«ville Itailroud company- ""•‘'“‘S"
Therefore, Itewlved,. That tin* Board, being the only
l 'T, al « f * , R" f * n, “ l,vc * of,bc Hitt.bunth and Connell/
ville Railroad Company, hereby disclaim all iuch eoti
tracu uud proceeding and forewarn all perwna wtom
t may concern, that thi* Board will not be uTt.i
ibi, in,,.,
inv other perwn* claiming io be a Board of Ditwor/
h ' id - “, d
“ ,d b >- •"*« »f
ContuUrilU Rail food Ct l
W«EnnASi« i* Pledged that o number of share*
oi Murk in Ihe Pituburgh and Connlavillc Hail
itoaa Company. were »üb»cribed in We.tmorelnnd and
ruyctle couiHle*, mure the 41»t of May. Je<7, „nd
whereas the torn instalment* oil the*e *bnre* have ci-
Jhet not wen paid, a* the clnmer provide*, orel*e have
been paid lo an agent or agent* who have made no re
port or acknowledgment of lurb payment*: Anil
whereat this Board, m n spirit of accommodation,' and
111 a deposition. even at Ihi. late day. to niComiiae a*
legal Rtookholder*. all •utwcribeni who may now nnv
or *bovv Hint they have heretofore paid up (heir inalaU
menu, and for other reason*. have authorized the ful.
lowing notiee to bp published: .
In order ihnithe Director*murhe enabled, a. nan'
n» Ui nmkc » complete and n«rfi«ißtrraom of
Ihr Inmiirial condition of the company, <lnl | prrpareibr
a lintd settlement and clom oflu afTaire,
fivm to all person* f» n’rstmorelMid 5d F.i
ntm countie*, wbo became Mibncriber* «ince t
Jin,- 1a,,. lo Ihe ■'.■PM«,<«kdf,hi,eoi" a r’i“ ,: ,r
over on or before th# 3Jth January in*t an i,,*.?LP*>
of two dollar* ntid Uftv rent* for oach 'L 1
,h», oubw-fibetl, lo W M Ljon. ! ° f
fice of the company, on 3d «L, or eibibit to . f *
•>r the Mine from tome authorized um re ceipt»
'• Start from“K',m,T ' ” * S ™« <*
• JLfeSL CAIIOTHIyis, Dirrclor*.
cloili*, cnuimfftt, uiinetta *J*o«<!loihjtur.
nnnulr. „
t-ebrsaiy nest, a! which time > JV 1,1 d »/ «*
oni iiDck wiU be ctoied «55SJ I JW I !SR Portion of
our buiuini io ihli di* JIJ, c i. v :‘ n,6 n<ifof u> clow
March next, w* dfc p 2?Jw2 r J* fcr# ,be «« day of'
of clothing, clothi, cawimerei 2bSIH* ,Pn 5 lire *, lock I
MS * ;SOV f
*• Market street, nearftaat
_ Jidltat. 1
rStatelPk * Broaches- it
r B*ateSenp . .. a*
• , Virginia;
BxeitogelJLofVa;.. If
Fk**er* Bk. of Va« -•• «
: Bk. of the Valley,—— u
t Bk.of Virginia-.- “
r U.k Iff. Be, Wheeling f
r do Morjanwwn—*. If
Nr W.Biil Va—*
’ do' Well thug If
do Parkenbarg— “
Bk.of Tennessee-- .
Par. k MerelPti Bk—. —.
Planters' Bk.»— —. ’
Union Bk _
Missouri •
Slate Bkof Missouri-- If
Worth CkrOUna.
Bk.of Cep© Fear--- H
Merck’s Bk,Newbera. 1
State Book ..>!•< | -
]' loath Carolina.
Camden Bk - • 1|
Bk. of Charleston— '{— 1|
IGpmaereial Bk )|
Bk. ofGeoiretown——* if
3k.of Hamburg u
Uerebaau Bk—— 1|
Planters-fcMeeba’sßk. 1|
Bk.of Booth Carolina? • l|
.. . Maryland* :
Baltimore Bks, .. .par l
CamberUcd Bk. of AUo*
ghanjr— ji
Par.Bk.of **.
Pinners* k Mechanics u
_Bk. Frederick « •
Frederick Co. Bk. , <•
Higeraownßk • ; «
Mineral Bk* «
Parapteoßk. •! “
Washington Bit «
Bk.of Westminster - • «*
Michigan. I
Bk*ef 8t Clair———
- Ins. Co a
Far-hMech 1 * Bk fi
WlMonaln Tarrli’v,
• 'Canada**
ANaolveaißanks—• s
Bank of En|laodNote*>
gold* Specie
Napoleoaa - 3go
gM«f“--**2 150 8 SO
EagWold. ... .. 10 60
Eagle, new .... . 10 00
Doehloon*, Spanish. 10 00
Do. Patriot ]$ 30
Sorereign* 4 B 3
Juneas —*•*.*. 300
'redericksd’on *7 fio
"en Thaler* 7 eg
Ten Guilders .'3OOl
Loaisd’or*. *• .... 4 go 1
„ Exchang*. ',
New Y0rk......... t|,n
Phil.adelplua U™
’flalunore »
», par. < Interior gk»..«.
i . W. BO&k.
Exebaafe Broken. No. Si
' PtaairtTUit.
Bukoffituborfb .p»r i
Exchange Bank - pari
Merck, a Mu.'Bank -par
BkaofPhilad«lphia-*--par I
Girard ]
Bank of Germantown -par 1
: u Cieater Canty-•-par l
; “ Delaware CSo.. .'.par
“ Moatgoo>eryCe.-*par
•“ Ncnha»bejlaad--par
Colombia Bridge Co. •• par
Doylestowu Buk»>vpar
FarmertVßk. Reading par
Fameia’Bk. Boeka Co. par 1
Faimert BTc LaaeaaY-ptf I
Lancaster Co. Hk.*-- -pari
Lancaster Bk.----... par 1
U. State* Bask. -M
Browrunflo Hk. par
Washington Bk. -*
Gettysbarctißk;--.. * *:
Cbtmberaburg- S«
BaeqttehamiH C& Bk.-
Lehigh Coßaak, •••..-
Lnnnowa- "J-.
Carlisle L... .... u
Fanners’ and Dro»cr»’
Hbiiesdalo... • u
Lebanon . ..“-sri.. «
Poturille «
"Iffc:::.::.:; L'
Westßraachßk....... **
Belief Notes ••• m
MkMß «
Otjr.kCoonty Scrip* •». «
„ i Ohio. '
Buie Bk. tod Bkaaebet I|
Steuben?tlle...L..... .ft
Marietta *
New Lisbon. *
Cincinnati Banka- •♦.. • *
I Columbia do>!*<.»«»‘ *
... u
Zanesville ........ ... u
Fata am- .«
Wooster 1 u
Mtsjilloa u
Sandusky «
Oeun i w
Norwalk*•>. ..\ «
Xenia*........ | u
Dayton { «
Western Reserve-.... **
Franklin B’k Golutbaa *
Qiiilicothe .....J...... a
Lake Erie— «
seiota .' «
Lancaster J io
Hamilton I 13
[ Pana’r* B'k Canton-... 30
Urbans .^
Bkof Kentucky.-’..... 1*
Bk.ofLonitvilie*! *■
Norhem Bk. Kentn’kr- "
New Tork—Citr Basks,
in PoMira and Doraeeuc Exchaufe, Certificate, of
Oepoeue, Bank Notes, fend Specie; Fourth street, near. )
£««>*«* the of Pi/uWtrVh. n “V
recmed on depotiie-flurhl Chick, for ule, and cof-i
United SuS° n ** prineipii points in the j
it premium paid for Foreign and Aaat
Gold-. , j
S* 4 ®, 0 * couifnattau of Produce, .hip.
ped Bait, an litoral i«na«. mchis*^
I i° E«b»ng*. Coin and
to' ■•;Ic2SSS ir
“££”* Hi'.., !U?..
pt», . ldi, Co. 4 !M» (SdEi.l &,
Indium . ; Ido.«fKo», ' {do
. j Pqnnerlvaaia Cy Ido I
~ ! 1*» New York dJ IS
do . W»«ljn(, ♦do KnrOriiui. ldo I
7 HSSF" . : - 3do “^taad," 1 * iS
I CO»PARTMBW|ttrp ■*
JMEPH H. HILL, (lue of the firm of Wn. A_ will
* Co n ) and WM. C. Curry, (Uue™ ££ pAi„
• entered utto Co-partnerihip under the name of lull A
I Exchange buutH in til its braiiehe*, tt N'o. ad Wand
I ******* three doors below Fourth, west tMn whrrn
££ tta; custom of .their the’pub'lle p?
#r 2iCis : i JOSEPH a HILL
I maos_ .__j TO c. ccbryT’
I fmii,, [»■, c. erm,
Ift SSSS**I** 1 ** of ?!ft- B«k KoiSSd £§;
I •?* ®V" °S* •treet, third door below Pounh. we« i
«*• ft* iPtads tall CurwaSy «csTed E dS»3?
feedSt"#" “* d f Wl *" priueipsl citie.EV
*¥** Exchange on Baltimore, PhUadelohia. \> w
“^Cincinnati.constantly foreale? *
nm J ek T; Virfiuia and Pemuytrinla
| BmJ: Notea bought and sold on favorable ierme.
PTO-idT,!" 1 c **!mb
WILLIAM A. mr.r.
jD to Foretfn and Domestic Exchance, Certifieu** <
Depoute, H utkSUpi, and s£ei*To!« &
txSSfcwP*” Fot Eut “*• Pi“*bn>lh, Pa^
TjxLLS o»j Enfjtad,|lrcl»r. ..ndSeotlaaJ boerttto
fr *?Z "" oa n» «.«h« CV,..r Rates ofEteSjiee
ftaS’'“ t" 1 ■ J fu " ou CouoHi'.,
trora _! to _iajO, «t the r..: .• af ffis to the £ Sterlinir
without deduetioo or diecou:.!, by. JOSHUA RO®
SON, European eat) Generul Aftot, office hth el otte
door weit at wood. s ieSstf
Jj ia Forcipi and. Domestic Biiu ©f Exrhansr* Cer.
.?r^ e P®** le i Bank Notea and Coin, comer of
M and W ood xtrertr, directly opposite a. Chases Ho-
¥t Ohio. *
I f Indiana, '
1 | Kentucky,
purchased at ihe lowasrrates, by Bank Notes;
eje.,o N HOLMES & SONr
—slo 35 .Market street.
B“ ,L * ST “s®"**°“-®“' ch " kr »» :
. Philadelphia. and
eonrtanily far | 4 SON-
< 35 Market or
KC KT Note*, and Acceptaa-
V c “-f*y tble ,»n «nr pan or the Union, collected on
**"■ f “ Tor * bl ° terma N. HOLMES A SON - —
— » Market it.
F l nfif ,A,OE , 0 ," New Volk * Pbiladalphia, and
ZTnfwf.T*?' I! 1 , tht ’ ln ,um# to ,ui * purchase i*. con
.tantiyfaraaJeby HILL 4 CUKRT
u 1 Wood It-, below Founh-
Wf™ f or ih. Ohio.
rJj. JsSb5 d . 1 l ilfS3i ?r k, ' P "' 1 '"" 1 -V«-
_fr°. SS b\ ood »L, belpw pburt
OlSi^S7 I i OBIS:oB * U lh# priwinl cities ini!
ruon, marie by HILL * CURRY.
.■• .No. S 3 Wood n„ below Founh.
, FOUNTAIN hotel,
L,on £o 9Tßtl % “Ai-TiJior.E.
M-ruto 1 *!? 0 , f*? Tinnirox. rtoritem>
bclur e «n^ir^' ;, ' t ,on * Bnd . widel >' known **
h» raost f omm ? diou * m «he city of
r- aiS-JS® * h “ "cenUy undergone rery exten
win* h«? 5? ttnporoveiacnu; An entire new
'T*”£- h " brßn odded, containing numerous nod airr
• T?i P ap»nmrnt», and extensile batldng roomT
Tlte Ladies; department ha* also been comaMelv
Wu uA .k"; 41 ft* * »“* ««*“ SStS
the comfort and p&E“
their Guests, bud winch they confidently at sen will!
X'XST “ Dy Ho,cl in Lniort. !
itoeir table swili always be supplied with even- sub.
stautial and luxury which the market sflbnN, iervsd
ISi 'IiSPS,! I ” be, id „ r , d.,1 ndi hi it, 1
Xi;, “t. !^ do!,e 0,1 th*ir, and on the pan oY
thetrassistant* t° render this Hotel worthy the cou-
Unued patronage or their friend* and tha ptblic K e».
fDiSi| P n? t '.‘, > 'j rb0 * rth *" ■taW. ihe
'•&*'**< '
ofcharrc ca V n * k WP lt > »nd from the Hotsl, (ml
•—■' • tTIBT2If
M_„_ •, nsoxxsTt, OHIO
iIIE inbscntiers barinr-purrhased the mtim
fc 1 ?■ *’• wiuiiLTjK AIS-"
knewß establishment, be* leava to stale m .tJTs.
sKSffiJKaasatet 1 - ttss
Sill!.. .IlLcffi 10
ttrceia, to thru ilia eonallv JV.f*Lf.). a i UUI . ttni *
cor.rrni.nco ei'b&«XmWs£sfc ,n ™' r **'*•
tw»n!e«. it ii nearb^lheßimkafe^ em ,&tPriWf
Muonic Hill.'Odd KeUcw*7HidL ral hS?‘ Q®' 0 * <be
diaiuti froia Main itrr*. *°h bai one tqiiare
1 JQlgv'.XDuniv j
MThf *****7, HtiUAotinru.
to lie warn* iu«r ,Iw ■nemwu
tinuancf of £• I?hJSS n lb ** r R e *'*r “> mrm a con
by iu fV f *«•*"
Uen ihoroujliljr renortted, nnd w
?«A " fo LV MI MiiTrd we e*o weleomi* our
E fSTrSIPni I totcoemmodwlon* mbs] io any
m j y«hf r f s W BRIIXIES,
(OAI.T HOUSE, ~ • •• - ,'
MJ?**** "A. 1 ** 1 ® utl P «*• '■JJrcnrun. •
THIS citablltluaent U Jrtw in tf» l»4'. order for
“** wceptiaa of the Traveling 1 jHjblit. Having
Bnaerfonc'* thorough repair during tho put win*
ter, and mart experienced men in the we*t
m the vanoju department*, t flatter mraelfthat all «ril
be pleated who falL Tho location it central, cots mo*
flioua ami pleasant. Faro 81 per Uav.
Cincinnati, March 10, <4?: | W E MARSH,
lb. Hr-Although not exactlr a new Broom, it i* the
aame-Hi new. Wait! on the ola handle. sp<Uf
* TwaocKgoßTonpinnOT uovbe,
loonraix, st. . • 2 • *
a ARTS THROCKMORTON ben to acquaint
hit friendi;tba* bt hi againlettaeof theOALT
HOUSE, Lod*riilc, KV., where bebop** to meet
all hit old friend*, a*#ariflg usem and tba'pubUe. that
no eflort ihatl be tpartd to &ak« all comfortable who
aver him with thm patronage?’ •- • jinllrilT
, t , .fsfjgnicjqriinTKi,, ■
I -•■AI.TKB’S- >-=v.
X LONGS.—'ne unprecedented soeecsa which hat
attended tke use of the'
• i» all the yahoos Coma which irritndop of the loaf* «*»
sumies, his induced theproprietor aftia to caQattsor
lion to this '
_l tvoNDEKFUL P&PABATION. ■' ; I ■■
The chenytbla w««her which aaiksour &Q OX
winter mooihs, U slwsji m jfhiitful •ourco 0 f L’
I ‘ ] COLDS AND COUGHS. . •; '
[ These, if neglected, are bntthe precursors of ikalftfl
: destroyer, . ■i- •
TT*e qositipn, then. hr- ’
.. suwtjpn, then. how shall we nip the dsstroytria
th* bod! how ahall w* jet diu of our eoujhs-afcd
cold*? is of jYital impgrunceto the public. - .-V
will be found iu the Ginseng Panacea. Injroofof Sti , .
w*» have from time to time published the cirtiictarof
Joieru of our beat known citizens, whoAaTeejpAi:
enced iu curative powers. These, with ibih of ££
tinaony fromj all parts of the country,—from "
Ministers oij the Gospel, Ac, together with copioe*w£
Bees from the -
wa jhave embodied in pamphlet form, and miy be had
. gratia of anyj of onir agents throughout the eo^try,
hare been used in this city. •
throughout the Untied'States and — -vy.
len» any man to point out a. '.;2'
"• | j SINGLE INSTANCE ■ . ■ •
In Khieb, when taken according to directions, aad be
fore the tonga had become fotaliy .disorganized, it haa »
i eTer failed to !
need the afflicted hesitate!/ WhrnsortM
the miserable Boatnuas, gotten ujv by nnknown iadisidr
unis under the assumed nemo of some ceiebratsdiSS
stcian, and puffed into notoriety bjr ecniflcates of p«T .
.sons equally unknown!. -Whilst a medicine of ~
. -J . unparalleled efficacy
is to brhad, whose vouchers an at home,*—our naiih. .
wvHnany of whom it has -
■ to order lhat this invaluable medicine may he xiliSSt '
gnS SfefSf ” .
raat oue half t hs iisaaj ro.rof conjh medicine*. n'|.“
m ° evly ?">** wwn toRiISS
overih« wut, an prepared to pro f u jt infarJH
non relaOTe to it. jf. SALTtR, •.
— - v Broadway, Ciaciunati, Ohio. ."
>=3BL. ,&- 6s > MAMOSiD AI4
jaSTTA LEY, • itw doer* b«w
«««, tewuib tiM
: ifflro I I llf ' BHOWK, k»*
to the medical pra&aaioaL
and been for aome time la
tjenernlpractiee. now coat
\\ one* hi i attention to Lb*
«r tfcoaa prim*
*“! d c J ‘e*te complaint* tn
«^*oppop K "i*‘»« ■*<*
hm^b^LubS^ 1 ° f c;ra J’ i unta.Tdu rio g which .
“N«Plr <juaJifip*him to ofcr SSSffSf
2££ < !r‘i P<rn •’ * aatiafaeiorv core to all atfiicted
delicate diaeam, and all dWaaea aJiiSrSK?. ~
, *&£?*& infona Uu>M *®«ed with prirata-
U Te ehronic br Una orS.
S^!** 1 *Jj e .°** *"7 of the commonnoatremaoT
' mu?' 1 can be Tßdieaiy^Srtcr
1 2? b f ?*** ***•“ e*wJWartemioo to :
i w a \ f,o i h c “ e *' Uls aoeceeded in hundreds
neek^r o t?a w of inflammaiioa of tho
! “**s. I b,tdi «» «* kindred di teases which ofiea
wter » other* hare ceu&tied
.ul^attanuontothiadisease.•. . ptn “ •
<'«- B~.UI,
No. O, Diamond alley, opposite the Warerfy.
_C?~'No care no pay. daiif/.
sv?sas°°.'r. DR - swects “ s SiiSuZ. - ■
"" d b# •** n "° l^-
i jcflkmrnatiqn qf ihp 'or Sort) Thra»t —tv.;» . -
Irtt^heh^nf** 1 ,? ' Mr i DI J* c °o*e<jDenc« fma aeg--
22*fe b ai? , !* I V io S. of ,Ire On tot fimiytro.
SEfc&jj r ** uer * £*?»“• *«m»M W procorSSfr -
■ tt£S&k nLcg?* *“*• a «Ten^a.jtarf^laJ)r. . _-
•ymprW »hick.are » coart or Am !-
Ntgkt debilitating ' ,4
Wvttj4hsnuloMiSffiS»sSK \
rauon |bt bmOung, ty. Sweeuar* PaaaeeaTirMetftZ •?
PricJll per bottle. or *ut bottle* for ji !a ■ '
SE “ f, n ." Puicbiu, ►borj“fSe SSj£
thS.Sfmv.V ,l »“.M“P»«l,tli*l it trill not iSm •
„Sf‘‘‘h H '"'! c "' l »". 4 Sttririt-Cenlltraen; I til.'
&iK^JEFr?5As , asa < ss:
lothe Mad. Many btiwinu and oil* v/tn‘na]sS'
ThiJrSfcfl mr *o» atata S?bs®2r
1 hi» Crdaro. hmvcver, H- met mr arpecuriori*. -•>
, A<an truck .vr'ih* Toifei. rav wifcffir**
leuce ovJr all otter*, beinc aeUewdy perfcnej '* ffiSc ~
duposedlto rancidity. -,*n» tadie* wpeciaUr I tSf
the.Chi^M Creamf»b« « de*idmXin
COtnCr V** ill i li i' ll * e '* ■ J J • jui^c* fr
UM?ra£tCTtt&¥S& ?
rss Y^£»;g^~»?£ffiSsS !
puMSc wliemsirt, lk»t ptbera nffreSd
the lung*uind erpectdrantpreinl I’!s
«u“iSiSIISSsSS -Tsf ftJL*"!!- & F4b-v ■
- . •■• ■ [ - 1 *- Bpiwafcwa.. f
ui lenignetf'hp*] lone been convinced. of the
1 -lecdkifTjor some tasflmo
CfiiMr*A i m Infkßu to|aftperccde tie woof allihL*
Qthcr.ctlc laled ta injure.iu lie least. The lufcaip.;* f
tceajHai JCtn fully jested and iried, the lasi h~|, ■
moDthi, bj nutoenua perseus, and found to 'no*. **:'!?, %
the • ittw) dinary TiniesJ and to produce, ali the luniTr *
l*huvr«& IsasMifonbonthe bill 01
orrbaa, V •nddaftChoHcj Onpmg, Paliu,BieJn|S, “T-;
PueaKa i nsiof from Tteihiag, acda?• imSSilS*
without di.turtinff any.cfjha toneUobs ofthl o^^- j
producing he happiest most pl> Mllrt 1
iiVilfßSSsr? 1 T* ~il Md^oll *
JOHN*&A: [(MN4! I Dr^M I Vm»^AM^ IOI;inCIQI J_l )r '-.. '
Miiebell, E lien A Ueck^ M
ro Allegheny andLPitabalgg AgW**I’* 1 ’*
’•i,?«■•?</row of liwlrbi.. '
i'Tu wiUieHnf with decar. ' .
! Bel ire It fades -
TboVonuoflfcathjwajj,, jSS&y-. . .
:Am auennheued 4* U *thHWk s £? • *. - '
.; p?» ;.
. -;-5
;yfc. -
niedicine'U kjJA*
I-.. ■'-. .. , J ■ |-| -
■ m