■ g^=ss i] ' imiwT ' TjJ7 !»*&*-and spirited meeting cf |BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. | CITY ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1847. BXT» Stxumosv In axn Owl^lS i IBY ERA3TU3 BBOOICg AjCo. | ; ■—--- Min', Tn,r, ~ini?i TT In 11 ill " ; : iSf.?.**! 11 „ : .:. ’ [banded nod sm.l WKOni'«nd M(scii™« Ettntttot-ni.D«*eSSSJb?S3i: I ... =•== comer of Diamond Aliev and Corr.epond.Be. or pttt.bnrgh Gaxelte. i “ • 3533 **“ rf 1111 “*•*'<• “ tk» beuHag of cal, coke, sand eel men that Conocll. Slcpcel Pck. Ertretter, cbo^ mon-pa? MORNING, JANUARYIO,1518. F-VmKmC,J^* i IS 0 “iI'gr^'^ 1 'g r^'^‘ n “’ S : I Correspondence of die Pittsburgh paiette. To Ur. BombU., the Select ond Comrao. Connell. ofth. City of M.tebarjß. Ct’SSf Jb^| ,■ ■■ - •• T'"*' , fee object of the meeting! assisted by tbe PhilaDa- Jso. 9—B p. m. .GtreTTr^ry—T* l * Jnipt Cnmmitre<» o>) rr « r j u v fy,„g,.;u -.. j:. .i_ /*?_ f . ... .... , fit? per cord. , icalds, Ar„ and all exwntl tore*. in-a-fcw aisatet a£ nSTrSweeklTam! ?VMk!r*TK?ivi published idem, was for ibo purposeof thoroughly organi- The steamer Portland arrived at Orleans, briar- respectfully bee leave to report—- > Cogn a City Accounts for the year 1847 of_receipt» and expenditure*, The amount of nominalpovrith f butter, cbnfi*. *vr iu appiieatiou; healingthe same oa &• most deii. - t&ssssl-C *piK^:iz“rr:jzrirrr: r*.i r ' The following resolution,! offered by -Mr. Wea- column against Quaretero, the Warrants drawnon him,which have been naid - has been delivered to the Poor House. • Biles, Tie DolomS, he. We might add as piWti Vt t < y teqnested to hdd la ver, was uoanimouslv adopted: Ttiere was q ridiculous rumor nrevalenl near the accounts of the various officers and find -m. otij cr vouchers, and also with lerworts, and their sincere hopes that this un- , The above report is fcspectfbllj submitted by * u we say, the names of many eminent physicians who V . 4K~-1“"— , igETT SfSSSSb%S S@PS?. i: 'baVSSbT'TSW. 1 ouong himselfi . s~ , o , \ f a BHNlUKT,.SAud.tiii t C o mmitwi. Pnuborgii, Jm. 4,184& . - • Iboughl proper lo remove all -tariclv SBnd,- te “* ° f "“**• °° vl f . ADA |®* He would offer a resolution, which -would have w ~ e Jan. 6—l r. u. . \ A. FIIAMvLIN. ) - _ _ t = . -which were numerous, thereby cur ailing the jp-P,.*. tc %t 0 Ccim ino Hits' f I *• FO* MATOS o» *»T*nmJ» the effect of bringiar remarks fiora somehoriv else. The Governor of the State of Maine has ap- I : . \ . Report of. th^Assesi Be K u ?* r of keUlouse revenue* tax to eight (k Hors per week, is an anicle^ as antfe-fiJr tbe J BXIBT CAMPBELL We were now upon the eve'Of our municipal elec- painted W ymanSfooce U. S. Senator, tn supply the ,• m i ' "V w ‘ I ~= The Water Renti a«e*ufAon^thi different estab “H- ®® Mtder ®“S r reducing theinnual amount ■">;« «Uwhei». It. cares are ato£ la ■sU „ . r" M - CM,tT '*»—»»—««*- , wS£SXsn^S. , “ b,w,ic*^«fflssr ••• Wrt ”** wr Mlseellaneons IVews. T-S*®. ““ .regular nominees. He hoped that no a.m •• -: \ * .Knw.»«rt »k«m. and fifteen °‘. reporting, let be flatters nimsc If under all dis- ' ■ • > ■{ Whigwould be actuated through feelings of friend- Xf ! r . dollars and fiftv4wo cents, as follows, vir - * advantages, tbat-his untircing-Tig lence and de- . &3n>R£TV*fl EAOT.sa RALOOM * .Sdltertsl Cormpondene« of the Pittsburgh Gazette. »hip, or other reasons to vote for an enemy of the Mr. Enraig,of Tennessee, one-of Uiestudcnteof *>»• c _ ir;?r : ■ „votddness -of purpose, will enable his report to . ioosmirt -SALOOa*. __ • j •• . BISET.CUT. :j i upon qur u-orthy and excel- Yalo.College, has been indicted for an assault and »1.78 l 77 AW, By Apprepri«io a No.-i t ' 1 County JaUMdOfiicw 250 00 i ““pare favorably with any similar one offormcr fe*ujnßjein«nt of tbe for «x nights - I- -U • WeMr.omJeß.VSn. ta tod ta«oy,BiHbUar to Mtb.T«o»i. V .l“ r '“ r £ vZ?£'% m cll!te JJJg*' S ’lm 55 I ' oly, whlehla. been He •eeneofeo numy d» >lr. h. «e.cd the! he wee not ebooi 10 introduce MMhet Buaent. kwemln.tee SI» . & Ko-AcSrnlek, P V sS? S 9 Breweries! 330 OT : ’ selves wilhmil the city limils, the; i mount ofbort deSrimion. Comical,^gJSSmpuSwUmL IfflfniJied cervices in beheif of the couiilryjhes » “ Ftich exceptiotis could be lelten. Ho r J ~- Doto. el Hester, .e1...»pe t u„. Do No-«, gtr wsttr Wort. . 8 SJS7Su«I 233 00 ‘ taeasoredllu.vcerikil.^rtofwi«mi S htL.vea.w%vlessn t .«i P .p,"Sr ]MPIia “° l ’ ip '"'' Sw Tu did not talced to censure env uenoß foe . vole Correspondeece of the Fttuburtf, Odette. “,. ,« ' ft if V gß’**™* o™d streets ?Sa TO ? roSiS.. ra rieee anticipstei Mi« Cl.te firere, s»l M,. XelMn ’“'T 1 ' 3 S.voajnCor,gres, ; >ewaseoi,fff.vorof wsrrsnu littl’io Boarding , ofi will j,, tb( Gsy would visit the Capitol, upon) business be- ik* V t *uetl>*ioef C*ngnu*ttmbl«f,Hinl In reference to the Presidency tlicrcwns no er- m ° ld . coa ” hoiu<: . 200 52 v°' It 1 £? nu , n S e *d Pund stSsiO 08 5138 Dwellings, Stores, and ! o ®*;.- —• «> “Fi| fbrs the Supreme Court, all inquired when he U'bald J hc ‘bank, of Conjreu are dne-and they, are iJeieby nreasion of oninion Th* «,.« ,• j. , {£ r ? K too 00 S MOO 00 Shops, " *>t T5l 50 i- Tho difference between our city standard and i „ MtM n l d.ieWnled, were lip. rt^ d biL° . N«U««. By balancemTsMaasy iWa « 185 New hiding, on'ee.' W I STTS*?T*^S'"?- - The firenwreon who hft.be roSkSTSSdy '"J'm, aebro; Da , was ——323,315 32 ~ ”,' . Vj ■ and I hear of moderate rales only ot 50,371 c v Do a AdJSig Ms“ r, fine, mid ‘ (. Of this tSSS' I Wm. McCutcbin, CoDector if Fmd rf co * l “"tmoed in each, t greeswitb the li^tSdibrlihrt 1 dSoj’ "L’s'wira^ulb^ testers, a shoot went Up which aide the welkin and bnlUant character, u unturnaued in tbe militerv t* •- in , .: forfeitures • 325 40 8 Ward rervirt*- brani .■ mazin’hM« .m.n whi>. wTi-riL'"-. " Jillf. -Nmodwin” were givenfcij.Mr.Obty,be. SSkA ; “ ■ dull ' mi ' he ” of n ' s S 5 do {furtnerV" ’aw I,]'. ColleciedjL'diiaii Treasttrer, 5,912 55 ! eanUemnn, is respirifiilly submit- bb l‘[?s*'‘ Wb *'“lswaTEMUx" •*ijro tbe Story of his arrival was unlearned. The Mr. K. slated that the had copied the resolution TVXro.'—Prime Red iawlling to-dov at Si 3&3 2 r "! ,l ! ie ... 45 00 6 Commission do do 155 95 ; J* Vo boxes for sale by «• **•«»£»*»».«s% . M . '%%\. > ■■ Wed, and a more enthusiastic receptmn awaited That it w deciddlly the opinion of this A&fiwwj—Sales of N. 0. at 27jc gall. count of engine uw 30 nr»i,- T t v 5,407 00 : ;' ” ' 1 “/I bz00)5. , i-i-s>n.s<‘ti"m Jbe great Statesman of tho West, and the most jiop* meeting (locos included) that President Polk, acted PrvvinoTtf—l hear of no soles today in anv ar- DoScnn affflOct., tads 20)58 W this amount John MeKee, Collector of the Sec- : 2 FfiAe £5 ?£§ _ L, tfarGrOiao of the Union. A second disappoint- 8t « v * nU pwraatuiely, iri that “master strike of ticleWtby of report. Lard is selling to a ntoder- doofiOct, ts« 3 - 001 72 Cofit ! ' r • 11 7*%\* o%< 3 I § 5‘S inanrnni* »■»»!.. mn,; in.„, rt mtha «Jl\Lw l»bcy’by which lie appointed Santa Anna, to be ate extent at Sc tt. • ! / , „ Collectedand paid Treasurer, 3,489 40 i |.g.23a ' rg JE \ 2 i' ' ■ mw| dOygave tho more interest to tim final com- commandeHiwdiief of the Armies of M«ico- Cwrw-Fme. firm an/in demand 70 CoramiMioa 107 62 ; * - g*- \ ‘ .4*- f * .] Now, | who wOl explain the reason why such' a toSt,S m£lT* ®‘ R * Jotin,on ' Clt * the Mayor, Aldermen and" UncoUected and loTreS 530 78 ! ' . 7-r- f|g UreL«, T U.ll.!ta.ir|B — - *. C. Amonn. of In, dnpbcete, 4,194 00 i .. ' , § " whß.Tuypterenc.sabduesblsenem.es. Mr. Mcknight Motet! tbsi: beb.J nuended the 55.0 M B, nt 330 pl* fitr common, end 43 for lull ,547 Of tbmemonntß. J.llegorty, Colleelorof DteTbirf : - , S!Ssjvo»o-“°ej 3 ■- "W SI «!» i -.. ■' '• ! ==§£SS===—” whote taenect shines as en ever beaming light, and had even proposed to Ofifr resolutions on that Pi«ijidcl»hu, Jan. 8; IS4S. - Jo"' r • • «SS \o t.777 M UncoUected and lbs; rents. 91192 - Sg?fl - .- “i*is | | . ‘d-to not now, or was not long ago, the. President subject, of. a milder-and gentler nature. He would The Southern mail , CoUector of the rdlh ; n §*' . treil Injustice lo manldndt mid lo Iheir counttyj by- roS"tbe' t rentim ents'of iS; S! li "^L“ 56 ® 5S<: P b ' l - Do John llsnotn "’fib ” 'blwul'“!h n ”.ii;*rJ°o'S!"rip - . Collected and paid Treasurer, lO : i . |.e e. • s fj': g |1 | ’ *- §*' jbultin* tbsttbat which iu itself is right will lilli- those who elected him, end is ti« indo rsed by -ah:. pr:mC if 0W at hu ; I Do G°Ac£m. k drsy lir'ece. 060 4, ‘ “.. per Onl.snnes oflMa, 81,053 03 Commission, 131 32 . : S 55. : a3= 5 = “ wig f S.,l' WO J ■ ■ S® l ®. i ■ , * ■- I '& . T;r£‘.s&- ZZ T \ “ A™»n, rfW —. z - . • —=|. *J : * beremt.-Md if llus wreiu truth the uaenimhus tion ofihred by Mr. Knox. Mr. franklin Sled th.t *® , “ , f- s ' ew OrUIM 11 “ U, ”S “ 25|0 f . Dototar. Moore, tent, ofoldw.- w . Of this amount E. Ecker, Collector of theiSixth : a § sSaBSg3SS£rere I “- M - jj 0 B ( - iteatiment of the Whig party now, it would be an he was opposed to its passage at the present time. c- rjrl >» nt _„_u r' j iri _ , , Do F. E. Volz, do do 15« i 84 rvouT, a -j t nn< nn *stots~ <- to io - Tonnage . • Si- f . : „ . . tT ■ t u_ p_jand expressed his objections wanuly, and at some rv,o- r3 T*i ? l much landing, sales moderate. I*j do ground renu at basin , 7fi 3t ' Collected and paid Treasurer, 994 00 e 9 «*g" —lf 2 g*. ►* fe* Oq ' - *t*y Bitter to plsce Cur in the Exccu- ]enjrt b. J - y ’ wn v Coffee and Molasses without change. Do Rent oftoony in otd Ct Houw ion no Commission, 30 71 : 5 S.-' r l. "‘S,: oi'oj =alooooo£ ea-mo. | {?2 ehalrnpoalhe fourth ofMarchnext. By every Mr. Knox renliedioilw* remartanniTf Fm«i- The market is unsettled, and prices have ItoF«e»from J Da»rd.Meo*un*rs 177 15 Reductions by Committee, 16 00 a -- - - Money *3© - mu Uncolldmod end lost rents, «8» ' , ' |rf|| B | if U*/. • .•,S| . ■ SII l feo^iSf^£^ , sSJ?irS , sS SaH.°S3^ls: l i«re« rf . ”* 1 ■ abo.*ora.!>.,*«* <»i Muon ■ •. ••»&.•; Box in New York which deposed him of his elec m y Srowhy J, l. hi, ebnsdtueni in pnb“ Exehuiv.Ceneßwnd.ne. of the rituburgh Gsre-.w Hay lot Moon Asreuor end Kegiswr report, col- S-lll' S-» r Bgß I 1 . $9&2>Z S »«• -ttau. Mere WOT oUter. canrem which predated mfuesaswmbU darn not express SotSeSSr. NEW YORK MARKET. |ire .|! ??&6 T1I! 'J 1 1 fg I || '• BS ' . the same result, but thisof itself was sufficient to R-*. reply was animated, and to the'point. _1 . New, Yobe. Jan. 3,3 r. sr. =- - ■ —— — 6 fl ! o 3.32511 ; m ?*9‘ f ■ , q i*y s* , . worthily ,filled, and tn which, for his usurpation of could pass a eulogy upon General Zachary Taylor bbl. There is no marked change from yesterday, BARNARD HUBLY. Ist Ward: David UL'NTKR. s*ii inspetiorT 1 * 0 Tolai OQgr , ■ ajfs‘§£-- S: : : £ 7 : *r - wuh-io-Vow-*-- 2 a , power, he deserves impeachment Such, indrtdi for his indomitable couraro artd noble conduct du- °ut the market is if anything duller. Ballanec due on duplicate for 1811 5455 11 dunn* ib« year— „ . ■‘. V,. . 02 Zs m 'S' < ?> *•«3• • e • S ea.mo. a 2 5^ fa the verdict of tbe People's RepiesenteUves.’bv nag the present wa* be could eulogise Scott,.H«* Cmfe-TThew fa a good shipuing demand for Interests Dun. Jan. htl 812. • . . N ° .! «g •»«>« m“ U 1 §SIYg: 1 N ! >5 * TbSSdS I ®E > bmmrht U *** their gallant compatriots; bat would J?" 1 -. **l Com_ is neglected, end Oats are steady. DAVID KINKAID. 2d Ward. r I 4“ : roents upon new buflihnp , r^. 3 2 S> * : f: •5 : 5 sfe?oosS!2SssS* Bg * §5? ' O?;-. the vote given, that by his own act be brought on jibejconsistdotat the same time toteU them they There is a;good inquiry for Wheat for milling puri UaL due 00 duplicate for lb!4 43C 17 ' b Indent«« iwk • 201 ,{i \ ”-gg , 2 fe Sg2BsSSS§alg ek - ‘ 8g : §V; j *MU»accmary**d*nvncoMUtutima!tcarr* had been engaged in a war which was uaneceisa- P«e»vbut other grains are quiet Sales of prune BL due on duplicate of wa- _ »W7B barrels Fre N ssDo2 ffiKJ *^ b> v . IQ \ Mftn <« S zJZ***.' °«• : • \ : s> : f~5 . w '" . e> ' q ga 0 ~ ~ a j ! a. B- ry and unconstitutional? are effected at 140 c; pnme Red is ler rent, for 1844, 271 93 795 10 pp^? I l , d^ r t- l S?.?{; s^Jl e, I , ‘ n t-i ’ 25551 i 19 J? w2uo 9s : S^2** o Money s2’ 2§.. | The this resolution was passing an' 9 u ° te d at 130 c per bm prime White Corn, new, n Interest from Jan. 1, 1815. P Erired fSS lUy Bc#lm: 1 ff 1 p : •3 0 r : «■g» * gawgqgSSSaSSS ;gS i , I imph’etlcensureupon cur representative in seUing tt.OSq ojd at (be terbu. __.For 1*47. • . •JH* ; f. § .8 s«aBSBBgB£»E ea * mo * t t res*, without' giving- him a'chance lobe heard . Prewum*—The rales of’Provisions are only WM. M CCTCHEUN. Ist Ward: A. M. lumm WVij* .Vaster, Marker PenaJJ* nf 131 % F ‘ ' 5.2: •-S g: : • "" "•' /«0 . ' *• Let us either be for the war or against it—let us mteoded for the supply of the regular trade de- Amt of duplicate for Citytax773y 51 Received feu, «p urasiH December, ' *425(3 JSSJLtI® *■ ' k m Ki; * ; : * ■• ♦ S??S?>B , e , g>SS*{r - " -S^.-V n adopt no half way measure. What was the niv Lard, however, is. firmer, and held higher. " - " for w-, By C«h pa ,d Tre a . u ,er. • , |» 00 g"uS?; „ u. kt *’ 00 , 96 - j §*; j. I - 2il I 1.1 t!t : : 1 giS .§ |g 3. . 5-? be cessity of saving the war was unconstitutional. sales at 6c per Ih. ter rent, .5107 00 I Bosrd Uruartn. delinquents on Jimes DuLrell's Jr::':*. *” I*•::* ; • ; : c 3l= S '““-sjT ' *» ‘ ' _i ,j when voting it supplies. Mr.P.wasawhijrthrough D Awfrjr-Is seUmg to a moderate extent at 2t>c Amt 01 duplicate for Business f ROBBRT »f. YOP.VO iferlttfa.) DmK?^f« ,Da « eI ' s | %.. . . ............ S gl?'* I ** * ? ‘ *3f| : t : and through; if the whig party passed tSsresofu- Pnces are on the decline. tax, 121‘J 65 Measured, in »„ •' Co3id£.,d .K,-tr, n , $ S* I: : : tt:t' " 5 1 . -!-& U M l be iion.it ought to be ashamed of itself The market presents no change in other articles • --14,419 16 do P onttofaty,2o,3oo 824517 CoUectedby suits broughl against ; :.: : . \- ■ -' **•••, M but fitr Mb Stav» called forthe vtke on Urn re»,„. »«,uoted ehov. pmd Tree. , »** Urory- J t J „ Sgjl ■ • ::::::::::: £ *' I la a more ut- Exclurtv. Corre.pon4.nes of rte PinsberjhGerette By «onenrtion. end ' TsU Trelwre,' 7 ' fc " Collected on roil brought unninst ::::::: 1,: f: St-c-re--ww g., •C ourpresentef :CINCINNATI,: SLARKET. eommuTOon, 1.001 7.7 JOrilAH JOII.VSTOX Sd ,V«d-No Report iS'VS'E?,, 0 ." mwi • eu on ift£ : : : : :1.=!III I 1 1 I = g mSgSSSSgSSotr .', T*” f S 1 lit -tees,may ar' Gxccixati, Jan. 8,6 n. *. 14,119 15: RDt'-EN MeCl.t'RE4th Ward: ‘ SJ^SS^dt ia. . '.f ! 2;’ • : : • !.'• •5111 I I I I | |i|S?S4B§BiS I «, 2 « -r»4=i::§:: i ; •; ■: j = : . .... 91 ’ &l ArttergOnd yinirtA salt ‘ Amt of duplicate for wa- ! Measured in thMTity, Aai.m A-Pree. mn*>4t iZtt:\t~ZF».Z\ik rii P-j ;S:'! • • • P ...... w ... 5 oeaSagSSlilgSSis *"* •§ ' « adopted .-lr. M’K) Uerri-Srfes of prime -Yellow at 30033 c 9 bu, torrent. 4191 00 - I ' J > ’ WW H femSwre slh Won! IS S 2 W; ; : .! • : 1 : : ~ ! 5... -oof censur- ‘ ' f , ' „ Amt of duplicate forbusi. ; . 7? ! ■ f =‘= == = : .:. == = ■. t .uoa to any con- ffrwwr**—Moltases'ontl Sugar, ore very doll ness tax, 81,09 Measured, m Cnf, auonoou fr-. » 1 . • m. 00 do out oi eiry 1027 a ‘ i Fees. 913119 Ho ,lA lfitfi irmw, ‘ S • 5 I V yco-®aouiju®§ aN. .mceto explain himself and he sin- an advance is demanded. Lard u firm with mod- Comimvihiii, 2>’J 00 Fnid Treasurer. ’ 19 97 do At ltfiV vj, 4,4, : ?S-i8oi:l ’ L ~ - -ir'-11-S nc would to do so. He did crate sales at, 5105fc pBl Soles of 20.000 0b W.d95 17 t- F »* W«fd-No Report. £ £on Dul&ate of I*l. ’ ’ ; .-.tsJ_S_g»S 1 - _ »g OW ».ue^ ?s , a f - a . „ u that Aloscs Hampton had the least idea Sboullers in bulk, at 2|c lb. ; T - 77 nd ' ! SISggSS ! ' |.SI = o« o a3a=,oo '.l. ;nirer- g over to the enemy, and that he would - Sl.Otl 95 f oj-A' ** \VhiikVy‘’ i i J —. ’. . -• , . . with scorn and contempt tfo* - 1,7(3 *• oil.’ Total eonaivix v Havlgatloß . f ”*» i | —-•AthnflSjbutthattheeeonomy of private j in-tbe Morning Pos*'-' - ‘ V Receded ’ ' s economy; aZTmeosurcs adoptedfar the public good, as-wriltothe future as the present :wnnu iCf-tto ; "With regard to the farmer, there can ■< order has been preserved by andtfie, oflenders have received { JiUticn aAsnred by their crimes, and not by their : catwirirsppeanwce/ j--The'»te of the dty finances speaks equally well I'terhTl'l Ai. ityin that assures the tat Ihpf.Tiii burdens have not been increased by ' **dn*Hl hot that the economy of private buraen has been shown in all things. Those who" .would change order far riot economy far extravu gancr, and careful attention to the public goad far lo co feco negligence, will abandon Mr. Adams, and ! regret it when too late. Our present Mayor de ! nerves a vote of far his 'past services, and in no way can approval be expressed so appropri ately to Mo, and so creditably to the city as by vo ting that he sholl be Mayor far another term, which .we hope to be able to announce. |,. TbsWbxo Mernsoa—' The report in another ; will show clearly the feeling that exists in ttUdios to the action of our member of Congress Bpos tbe Ashman amendment, and his own reso lutions. The debate grew very exciting, not be came of difference of opinion among tbe whig* os to tbe vote and resolutions, but as to tbe course • proper to be panned. There was no dSpbinikin •town by tbe wbigs of this city to recede from tbe , poehlon thiy bold in common with the whigs of tbe Union; that the war was “unnecessarily begun end unconstitutionally declared.” There was a Ptm determination shown to have a satisfactory explanation of the causes that made it necessary 'fir Mf- Hampton to differ from his constituents; 'from kia whig associates’in Congress; from whig jStnesmen,'nnd the great whig party of the. coun try, which, with one voice responds to the justice of the late tote. Tbe pertinent question was ask ed, *are*aH other whigs wrong, and Mr. Hampton •lom right," and shall we oot hare an explanation? Tbe result of the meeting has been alike honor able to tbe wbigs and .considerate towards Mr. Hampton/; Strong and unmistakable dissent’has been expressed at bis course, and the stem cen sors that fa demanded, should the fears of the Whigs prove true, has been suspended—not aban -The nhanlmous feeling of the meeting [was, hie should have full time to explain his •triage action, .while a doubt was as freely ex* primed «ti«» he could not do So satisfactorily. JtXMAGS BTinrESI. . ' In justice to the parties who paid for the late Heaaege of Governor Shank, teat by telegraph, W« Nhstit the flowing explanation, to place iHq whfl sasid It upon the proper footing. We jivp ths dose of the contract upon which (hedoc tmiwt was sent to Pittsburgh: j' "The parlies desiring the Slew age on these term*. viuTeave their tames upto 12 noon of the Ist Jaousry.and tbo arrangement then closed or as the signers majr decide*" ] ; Jaxkk £). Held, Superintendent. ; ; gen at M. Eioslc, I . .* ' fcr Commercial Journal I : C | \i ' V ' . V'-' • Mr. Boro was in favorof laying the matter over for one or two weeks—it was highly precipitate to act .upon it at the present time. Mr. Weaves—Are we o!" •M to pass the resolu tion because Mo-es Il:v i! voted against it in the House of Represent Mr. McKnigbt rose for tbopurpose of replying to the remarks made by Mr.Frankiln.-He (Mr. M'K) came here tonight, not for the purpose of censur ing, but to raise his voice in opposition to any ccn sura which might be applied to Mr. Hampton. His 1 resolutions did not imply censure upon that gentle- I man; he had offered them merely for the purpose | of lettinghfm know that he' differs fh opinion mom i the whigs of this county, and for the purpose of 1 giving him a chance to explain himself ana he sin cerely hoped he would-be able to do so. He did not believe that h loses Hampton had the least idea of going over to the enemy, and that he would re pudiate with scorn and contempt the iminstionff made in the Morning Post of this city. The question coming up in the second resolution jffered by Mr. Knox, it was adopted Mr. Buckmaster wished to make a motion in re lation to the resolution how pending. The ques i tiun had taken a wider rahge than had been anti cipated. His friend, Mr. McKnight had became an imated, Mr. Knox eloquent, any Mr. Knight, and they were unanimously a d opted ‘On motion, the association adjourned to meet al thfc call of the Prc-ident. r- S. F. VON BOXNIfoRST, Pres u W.M. Murray, 1 W. J. Howacil jr. S Secretaries. Louis A. Clarke. ) ALixcinrrr Election.—We cannot but regret that Mr. Alexander, the gentleman who contested the Whig nomination with Mr. Campbell, has con sented.to njnfor Mayor in Allegheny, agmn«t the regular nominee. Aftes trying his strength with Mr. Campbell in tbe primary meetings -and failing, he ought, os a good and consistent Whig, and in justice and fairness,- have yielded to the decision of tbe people. If he bad never submitted his name to a Whig Convention, he would have been at lib erty to do os he pleased, but having done so, to re* fuse to submit to its decision, makes him inelli gible for the support of any true Whig. News Items. Mr., Bennett, of the X. Y. Herald, has prepared call for & meeting, to be held at the Tabernacle n tbe 22d of February, to nominate Gen. Worth stheDemoc ratio candidate for President. Col. Wesb, of New York, is tasking himself ac tively engaged in getting up a Taylor mass meet ing. In so large a city, Gen. Tayloritnuel have ma ny friends. Tiik Trial of Martin Hare, the person who slo ped with -Miss Fox, (art Spring, has commenced in tbe city rif New York. The wife of Hare was in Court beside her husband. Miss Fox was in the HalL 'The question will turn upon the Prose cutors being able to establish the legality of tbe first marriage. Tije New York money market has liccn impro ved since the arrival of the Inst Steamer,'and banka discount with more freedom. There is uo excitement übout mtciirreat mdney, and tbe Bro kers ore {lesirous of obtaining it at 1 to 11 percent The aanhucintioD of the reestablishment of die Corn laws of England, lias slightly improved the demand for breatUtnflii fur immediate shipment, asf all that arrives before the first of March, will be ad milled free of duty. - The Ixteeot on United States Stock, is being laid at the Bank of America, in specie if required, tut the recipients prefer papep-j-a severe commen tary on tbe Sub treasury, which ought to pay in nothing but gold and silver. U. S. O s, of ’O2, have improved 1; Morris, J; Canton, Harlem declined Long Island i per cent, since the day previous. English Afpaiiw.—'Tbo Bank of England hnd over fifty millions of ipeciein her vaults just prior to tlje sailing of tbe last Steamer. Stocks were consequently greatly improved and tbe rate of in terest lowered. Many of the London Bankers who. for some lime pa*t have refused to offer their credit are now beginning to move in arrangements for this regular conrse'ef "fraile.' Lv New York there arc plenty of orders for flour for shipment, at $0,75, for die LngUsh ruarkcL- Cot ton has declined a shade. MadjOTßestelL—'Tbo Courtof New York, r,.U tbe Judges concurring.) against receiving bail for Madam Bestell, after conviction, and pend tag a writ of cm»r- The court; admitted their power to do so, bat said there \ roust be good and sufficient cause for the exerciieof this discation. Such did not appear in the caae. ' Taoo**/—Bonie 500, troop* were at Urbano, Ohio ion Saturday ao lb. Sugar—Sale* at 3jG3jc f Ol il/ornAter—Sales at l"Jc f gall, iwbu'r—Western is quoted at &1.50274G21 i> bbL Circular of Brown, Shipley A Caledonia, I Oec. 17.1^47 The money -market has not materially chan/ed mice it to iraptpvc, while the Curtailment of bust* neii operations has lessened the demand for discounts of commercial papn. so that lulls of the first class are readily cashed at the rules of 6507 per cent; hut there have teen farther commercial failures, and the comm ucd fall in the value of products lo an extent ruinous, particularly uf Colonial produce, and the difficulty of realizing so great, thut the inmost distress and gloom still prevail In our markets very generally. Tift; Government has intimated that the act of Parlia ment suspending the operations of the Com Imw. winch expires oh the Ist of March next, will not he farther rr- newed. Coii*«<|uentiy, on sod after the 1« of March, Wheal and : Hour will be cubjeei under tlir Hinting Scaie, the minimum being -W. and the maximum ](*« pr r quarter, until die law itself expires an ihr Ist of Feuru sr>', lsdi>. - The first general averae- ofWlicat is Si* Vd per quarter, to that if price* remain about s* they now are, ihn duly on wheat Will be 4* per quarter, and the duty on FiourS* 4» per bbt.,bqt it will be remember ed that for each shilling decline in the average below 575, the dujv i* aih-anred a shilling, until st?rearhes per quarter.that being Uie duty oil Wheat when the average falls lo 4e* or Columbia— lLux Tnxtc,—To the Bold nil firry—D you wi«h a ncji. Inxuriant-bead of Lair re from dandruff and aeurf. (Jo. not fail to procure tin iouiue Itdrn of Colombia. In c«k* of baldnc** *•111 more than exceed your expectation*. Many who have lot! their hair fur 31 year* have had it restored to us original perfection by the' u*e of (hi* holm. .Agr, •late cr condition appear to be no obstacle whatever; it also 'cause* the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tube ia filled, by which mnina ihootands (who*e hair was grey as the Asiactifl Kaglc) bare h(d their hair restored to in natural color by the u*e of this inval uable remedy. In all cases of fever It will be round the moat pleasant wash ibaf can be used. a few apphea tions only are necessary to keep the hair from tailing out. It strengthens the root*, it uever (ail* to impart a ch glossy appearance, and a* a perfume for the toilet is unequalled; it holds three times as much as o!be> miscalled hair restoratives and is more clieclual. The genuine manufactured by Comstock A Co., 21 Counland street, New York. Sold in Pittsburgh, only genuine, by \VM. JACKSON, *0 Liberty st., head of \voodj in Washington, Pa~ by Swdeny k Soo; in Brownsville. by Rennet k Crocker; in Cauonsbnrg. by I>r. Vonel; also, by our agents in; every town in Pa., and Md. mivledAwOrnT {L/“Tfrx CuxatE it strangely destructive to the hu man cuticle, (or-sk'm) the sudden change from hedt to cold,.and the smoke causes yellow, dark, course com plexion*. Then it is requisite that the pore* of the »kin should be kept open—that their mouth* should tie freed from impurity —‘twa* thus the aiuiem Homan I'fiilojo pliers cured all disease*—they computed that mote the pores of the «kin, than any other outlet of the body, diseases and unhealthy vapor* left through the It is necessary, therefore, to keep ihe note* opeu—ail humor* are dispelled from the skin from the pores, when they wuli with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap. I have seen it cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore )l»ad. Ringworm, when every oilier internal and external remedy had failed—its effect rendering ihe skin white, clear and soft, though it I* yellow ana coarse. t*'won derful—it removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Morpliew. and disfigurement of the skin—but persons must be particular and ask for Joxes &>ap—to be had m Pittsburgh at W.M. JACKSONS, sign of the Itig Boot, &© Liberty st. Price SOcents. novlM&wly ETYeltow 'teeth and putrid breath, Hjiougy gums like rotten death, Is repulsive and disgusting. All could have-teeth as white as pearl. Sweet breath—bard gums—man or girl i Why delay?—nay, quickly baste And use a box ai Jones’ Tooth Paste. It costs but 25 cents, anil is really a beautiful article. It gives the teeth a fine enamel. Sold in I’insUurgb st ig Liberty it. novlOd&wly lp“ Dor* your hair fall off. doc* ) our hair turn gray • l» it harsh, i» a dry, or dirty, I pray? If Hi* thus, you can make it soft, silky and fine, Dark and healthy, and beauteous as this hair of mine. And to bare this, you have but (hrec shillings lo give ror a bottle of Junes’ Hair Itesidralive. *““der, if you have bad hair you would really be as lomshed at the lovely effect n three (hilling bottle of Jones’ Coral Hair Ile*torative has on it; it needifbat one tftal. Sold at W Übeny *t. novHMAwly^' ID" Don't have yellow dark Teeth—they can be mtule pearly white by oho time, using; a box of Jones’ Arnbet Tomb Paste. It hardens the gum*, sweetens tho breath, Ac. jSold at bD Liberty st. novllfd&wly GT'Doa'rhave a Fool Hreath-If you have, usoa wo shilling bottle of Jones’AmberToolh Paste. That "£«•*« )'^ t bw * lk «*«*. whh«u >our teeth, *o kdd st W Liberty tt. novlOdAwly ! Ut f , A -’? LA»*--Cora*toek’a Nervo and Bone Iniurnemniu! Indian Vrgclablo Elixir. is the most for ultenmntisin. Sold by WM. JACK ‘m Ihttibur&li. nuW'-dAwJmT W-„--.W* sui. (n Hn> n trud ft -t» rwvlbdAwly Balance uncollected, 11. J.HAOERTY, :U Ward; Amount of duplicate for' city tax. Si 16 S 3 Amount of duplicate lor water rent. Amount of duplicate lor buamtNi tax, By Cash paid Tfeav urer, 12,700 00 Exonerations. 1,121 *6 Reduction. Gf> 00 Commissions. 3SI 00 Balance uncollected, RICHARD HOPE, 4th Ward; Amount of duplicate for city tax. Amount of duplicate lor wuter tax. Amount nf duplicate (hr buwnes-s tax. By cash paid Treasurer. 12,233 17 Exoneration*. 291 11 Reductions, 14.2 .V) Commission, 306 91* Balance uncollected, JOHN LOVVRIE, sth Ward; Amount of duplicate* for city lax. Amount of duplicate for. water rent, Amount of duplicate for basinets tax, By ensh paid Treasurer, 5.316 47 Reduction and Exonera tion, i (2 &1 Commission.*, 23(1 39 Balance uncollected. EMAXUEL ECKEO, (Ith Ward; Amroint of duplicate fur city.lax, Amount of duplicate fcir v water rent, lOO) 00 Amount of duplicate tor huftineM tax, “7 SO By Trca«urer, 1991 00 Keduction. H 00 Coinmn'ium. 59 *2 — 2.071 82 Balance uncollected, !f.*>o() 00 WILLIAM M. ARTHURS, 7th Ward, Amount of Duplicate City Tax, O'W 03 do do - Busmen Tax, •' 73 By Cash paid Treasurer, • fcl'i 13 “ Exoneration*, 97 1G - (7<»tnnii>>*i<-B 00 •• Exoneration, 179 GO " (Jomnniwion, 10 71 Balance uncollected, k s|lt 2(1 JOHN NOHMINE. Dili Word; Amount of Duplicate for City Tax, 562 19 do do for Busmens Tax, ' 5 93 56s 1 2 : By Conh piud Trfftiun’r 51 17 '• Exoneration", “ Commission. ‘ Balance imcoilcrirtl, GABRIEL ADAMS (Mayor) Rctmrls Hec’d for Vegetable stnii rent 5.1,4,37 Oo ' Dramatic Licenses, 103 (HI Dray do »>IG 13 Fines and Forfeitures, 71H 33 2.091 90 Pnid to Treasurer, 2,091 96 He has also receive*! for Feca, to which hu is cntitleil by Jaw, \VM. DEIHE, Clerk* of the Market; Amount recriveil for Mall rent*. Arc., 1.106 31 Hi- (*a*!t nat'l Treasurer, Mb "l -Ill) Kl • li.',- r-.'-iv.an IVej, for t.rsm.lin irtiil nu‘u«uruii( co.d, do- Measuring tvuod oud bark, Received for WTiampe, |n w gj I’rnJ TrrMarrr. *15,(01 83 (\iJe hi* Report in full,) I.VrW 2t> J ,) v Wharf Mwler, Allegheny Wharf. JUrrivr,! Uhtnoßf, " W»j6 Fwd Tre««urrr. *l,«| J 6 Debt* uncollected, 4GOOU Amount expended on wharf S o j Pittsburgh, Jan. ISIS. Assessor fit Register. 1 jperuiitHrtj for current erpnuri of Worit fo the year ISJ7. Coal, s3y~3 id ; Labour, i**)o SS Smith work and Casting*, 572 T 2 Oil, Packing yam*, and sundries, tV.»O 10 Brass, copper and Lead work, 219 15 Hardware, lumber and hauling, 403 45 Irving. 101 h 2 Printing and stationary, 22 20 Clerk's salary. 200 00 For signing scrip, 6S 98 : ——7911 49 - ErptiuiitHrejfor Permanent Extension.' Labor, h()0 00 Smith work and castings, 151 .'l9 Repairing Engine, 1400 00 Nails, Shovels and hardware, 57 67 Lumber and hauling, 295 10 Laying pipes, . 553 93 Lead, 369 13 : ; Slone work and sundries, 151 75 IOSJ 97 Paymt)iti knvt been, made as foliates, viz By orders drawn by the Committee on ihe Mayor, 11,944' 79 la hands ’of the Superin* ti'rtdent last year, 277'00 Amount received for fen - ules and drilling, 219 oo Amount received for old iron. 359 f»5 -— 5 — 12.520 .33 Accounted for ) miles. Fire Plug*—JOS. ' 1 Stop Cocks—l6s. \ There have been 12 old Stop Cocks taken up, je paired, and put down again. t Connections have been made in the following streets, viz: ! .. Penn and O'llnra—Penn and Walnut—Wopd 1 nnd-Water—Wiley and High. : The consumption of water dttriug the year ISI T, estimated, wan as Sollowing, viz: >m January to April an average daily mpply of 1.015.6 M gaJloiu: ira-April to July, 1,72f1.513 do ' July to October, 131 dot " October to January, 1.561,571 do! Being au average -Supply lor the year of 1 ,565,. ?00 gallons. R. MOOftK, Superintendence Pittsburgh, January, lt>ts. Prmnranu. Jan. 3, ISIS.'; To the Comm tiler- of Council* for Auditing the > City Account*. . Gcrrunm: The undesigned the mar k-cts) would herewith rwpectluUy reportvhU opera tion* for bu much of tho current year u thu trans pired, vie Commenced official duties 22J January,' 1517.- <’p lo present dald I have collected from outside ttulln and stands agreeably to the provisions of city jgrefeably .w pro. ordinance . 1100,31 *lO per cent commission 110,03 Paid t’ily Treasurer os per niToinpanyingnicnfiU Pittsburgh navigation and •nee Coqip&nTi IN compliance with the sixth section > aemMy, approved April sth', lS4d statement of the resource*-of the Pitt • lion and Fire Insurance Company is pot Discounted notea, with approved endom Premium notes, with approved endorser 314 shores stock in Exchange Ilk of Pitul £S3 share* stock in the Pittsburgh Navi tipn'amt Fire Insurance Company, Cash in Exchange Bank, Outstanding premiums, due' from the ot j Insurance Companies. Outstanding premiums due from indiridiu Domestic Creditors State Scrip, Uond andiMortgage, jjan'y Ist. IH3. 3 jelOdltwOT (L Card—Honda v, Jan. j ~1 BEAT REDUCTION IN PRICBW [T N". E earner 4th and market ata, date, sell hit winter «!;».». -Is. anJ all of his stock, adapted only lo the win greatly reduced prices. It being his oh. this part of hit stock to make room for.i stippfy, no 'regard will be had to the co dipt they trill be offered at prices that wi sale—such as California plaids, at I£| fa: >iiper do. at AS former price 37 Jc; Printer meres at IS|, former price lllc; do. 35, for French all wool do. SO cts, former pri toper da. 75 former price lOtt super plain 03 and 75 former price 100; besides a la of winter shawls, wonted Hoods, &c. : lower than before offered. Store Home fbr Sale M THE store bouse itnd lot, sitae arid Ferry street*, adjoining the sn Ik-11, is offered for tale, The but! story brick, and covers the whole lot. ban Liberty street of-ID feet. and.on Eerr feet. and is, in depth, the longest side,- budding is well and substantially buil: frbnts, and so arranged that the cellar a ri« can 1* rented separate.! The store pied by a Grocery, for wbirb the stand is This Valuable property mil be sold chcoj tehns. Inquire of the subscriber, who can be < fide of the Gazette, every fdreuoon, betwi i of] eight and tea, and at other times a Mrs. Hays' boarding house. Roliinson's u<■ end st. Allegheny cityT" | JnnHH/ Agentioi i For Rent. Tyro larre brick dwelling house IUM between Southfield street and ch ~**They are slate roofed, furnish* fixtures, and haTe spacious Varda and i Inquire of r janlWf) WM Building Lot FOR ha Jjbcautiful budding Lot in Manchester, n Uifcrt front by I‘JO feet deep.] It will be i oriaccotninodating terms. Term* aaexcc tnyin JAf». HLAKEI.Y, Uenl ] For R«nt> The three story brick warehouse, street and No 103 front st. Iraniedia on the prebises, lyQdtf ALEXANDER: Siwipaper for Sole* it jiAILY paper, with a good ctrculatic «f\r. lent advertising eastern is offered in free ff6m~debt and adonis a[ reasonable money invested. The terms Ore one foot the balance on approved credit. The p have no object in seltiog unless a bargain'* within a few days. Address! box' 01, Pi O&ce. • I • ‘ - f pilE Ward committees appointed to tnaL< X: for ihe rylitf ol'thr suffered by the ft Ohio, are requested to report llieir cotle: coarse of ihn ensuing week to I W BAKI Jnn 10 {city papers please copy.] Ch~ i UNION HENEVOLENT tociCTYi-l meeting of this soeiciy will be held in t cluirvh (Tth si} on Tuesday evening, Itih Ji i o'clock.*. «. The iStssavon i will address the nudirnce. Tlil>*c friendly l in which llift society i« engaged, nre_invilCT H' OFS-33 bales western New York L Connecticut River and Eastern do. ji i unit for sale by IlllO\VN!4. Cl'Rllii t joTilll * ,l*3liht i SUGAR— 10 hhds prime ue\f crop.just i isaleby palU] JAS Aj IIUTCHIfI I^IkATIIERS— 30 sacks prime Kentucky . | store and for sale by JAS A HUTCH!: Tj'PSOM SALTS—2I bbls Baltimore epi sale by [jal(t| R EJJKLLKRS. i WHITE CHALK—2SOO lbs white chall jalO y RES ITS. TURPENTINE—I 2 bbl* fbr sole 1 jjalP : ■ R K S jELLKRS, G imc article): A CIJXXIM I liiiiibt TJEARL ASH-rAt retail by I Xj t jnjo RII SI /“IQFFEE—3SO bugs (220 a nrir O sate by EGBERT A rpKAS—M) half chests Young X Imperial, and Black—23 at llyshn and Gunpowder do, on bit jnnlO ROBERT rrOUACCO-75 boxes & 6,oiu X. J>y {janlo]_ ROIiKRT IDO WiU No 1.2 and fn . Tin 1 do; 20 bide No 1 bet; It.jurt rer'd and for ealchv |a«l0 . • • • 'ROijEifl iV K— A prize of • *plemJid Cold Medal be awarded to the author of the be«t Oririnal Sentimen tal Song, on Saturday evening, Jan. l&h. A committee of three per*oa«,- to be »eleetcd by the aodicnee. will' award the jnedal-to the wcceuful penoo. Comribo lori will *cnd in their piece* on or before Thuraday, lath. - Direct to “Earie Saloon.” So mdiridoal con nected with thta e*tabli«braent will be a competitor. ' janlO' . ‘ i}!!F g *-ijjrif *g * '■'■** .. *" j 5« - ■•►■'’ “'.■" S= — _ >®S*. • ;-j8 7-. j —a? *2 ■■;. n'. v * >?■“ S S'. '. .*'••» j f|-=- 5- r* HOPS— 1« bales Ist son'western X Y Hoot; r 1 tio sa •* “ 1-- Bda lat u eastern. • . « : -,- Cirefully selected and of extra qnalitv,' in a tore andfef ,0 ? e by \ ■ -POINDEXTER k. Go. -.* anl 41 water if •. f an act of os the foDomng burch Nariga* lished: ' ra, 370,418 51 Tl ROOSTS—6O dor. good com broom* JJ IS' - guilt baa’d “ 5 M hearth . ** ■ ; 10 •* wbisks' “ For sale by - • Qal] S F VON BONHORST AC< s ’y, 17.2D000 QUNDIUEd-Bbblalanh 0 ‘ 3 “ fresh roll batten • ! 8 0 dried peaches; - | 2 “ .cloverteed: Jtut rte’d and for. sale by , L S WATERMAN, -i l * 3 . 31 water aad 63frontsts ■UOGO3 I*. 3.778 &4 I.ftJJOO 375 00 eSISUTB 19 FINNEY, . Secretary, j SOAPS — IQ boxes pare Paint: 5 Whiw; I 5 « Rose: . , \ , , 3 u Sharing; fbjjsaleby S. F. VON BONHORST k. C©V -l* 3 No. 35 Front at / It Murphy, .rill, from iiu« £Re proportion er season,/tit ect m *dl off* nearly spring it of the goods , 1 ensure thrir ] mer price Usci i! Scotch cash-- naerpricc37{e;: i :e flu and *3 c; n Thibet cloth, i: ge assortment ’■i \ prices much jhlO. Q t!fDRIES—3bbU Frtih : “ Oi 11 bill Clovermcdi | SO.ecka reaches; j -l bale Hop*; ■ ' • 3 keja Lard; received per etmr leaver for ul» L. S. WATERMAN, ' 31 Waier te. 02 From «ta. , Wcdon Liberty t re of'J.ohn B. 1 ling is a.three ii mg afloat on r • street of tM • 04 feel. The I:, having two i nl upper sto ! room is oceu-' i well adapted, j and oil ca«y SUGAR— 4 a £h<]» prime New Orleuir • “ bbl« i) K crushed; i 10 *lo KMonedwap; . b> ' i ' • ■J. O. WILLIAMS, L ' •UP Wood »i. \fOLABSE 58—10 bbl* N. O. prime; - do Hugar Houae; 'J do Phlta. ateam avnip: J. U. WILLIAMS, i _ 110 wood »t.' een nl the of ea the hour* his room* at w row. Fed- WHITF. - the owner. W' INIIOW GLAS9~*JOO lixa fijUfc I »» ■» 10x13; . for tale by S. R VON* BOXNI&RST k Co, -.J* 4 , No. a Front at. k i on 3d street lurry alley.— e I with gu out building*. iUNGTO.Y PLASTtK i*AßlS—Suitable lor Land, Jce, alwayi J\ on hand and foraale at No. 244 liberty arreet, near i '- ttaa Jv_,/ belte. W. W.WAI.LACK. TJLANKL'IV—2S pair large DomeiUc Blantru, jdit / . consignment; foraale by CEO. COCHRAN, 28 Wood rt. l t for sale a i -ar the. ferry, i old low. and jbtiona'ble. Estate Ag’t. •- T AED—(J bbU'No 1(7 kega do; in itoreand rot anle^ ■i~- iby _ tjanl] TASBEV 4 BEST. • T>KMOV AI*—GEQ., W. SMITH k Co,.hate re-. J.V moved their office from Penn «L. to their newhrew* . ry oa Pitt itreet, and Ouqueane Vfay, dc3ldlm.~ r WRAPPISO PAPEO- * • \ f f f 1500 bundle* S. C. M. and D. C. atraw paper: , • . 150 “ Medium Rag. 20 ■ D. Medium Hardware; for aale br •••! _o«13 ■ . " REYNOLDS k 9KKK. : V No OJ water e possession < n aiideicrl* i .sale. .It is ; profit on the nth cash 'ami' 1 oprietor Jwill can be made : liburgh Post janlftSt . YTACKtiKEIe-5U hlf bill* No 3 large; . -lyx 2U bbls No. & for sale by _jy.gl H HUAZLiZrON, east side "VTJULS—I2S fcega asrtL; for sale by ill S. V. VON BONNHORST k Co„ ‘ —!** ; ; No 35 Fronrmrcei.. e. collections oods on the rttous in the ttWELL V. of Com. WHITE COUNTERPANES—AuMher'caae' f f | of Steamboat Couuterpnnea, ju»t received from N' : Vprk, and for aoJe by SUACKLKrr.* WHITE -SyL; : mwoodV ; ■DOtl, BOTTEH-OOM. pnn.o Pcnn'n boner XV ; kei buner.eral lonl, UrJ npple. ood peoche. in siora and for sale by FLOYO rriMOTHT’SEfiD Alf JAR FLO YU . . The-mtnua] be Lutheran nUBTT, nt QJ a and West to the cause to attend. COTTOST--133 bales Memphis rollon jutt received V»d for sale by • ATWOOD, JONESA Co. " SCQIB-S hhd* N O sugar on hand aud for ±y i ATW OOP JONK3 A CtuV bops;. 12 do. »t receiving ITXON, rtv street. —W bj* Havana sugar «n' ; t ,handaad^foridle by ATWOOD JONES £Co~ ec'd and for J.N & Co. T& C \ ke ** **?..? ,ix tobircra far ' U PX .ale by _ \. ATWOOD JONES Jt Co. X-V iim,i KCT# "" ol P ei » nut»"for >ale'by~ j" ‘*x -T J” 1 . \ ATWimi) Jo.W x Co. ■■ ? i CShS?^| B r- ?r *' s V■ “ r,,i D°n*e«»«« Cologne'W*. ■ ] VjrilorMloby A JOHN D. MORGAN’, ; 1 J ' No. 031 IVochUi- ' -, TJUTTEB—3 btl»' roll; \ S a*r ud for ui* . —[l»"l] \ TAB3KY k . MACKEREL— IOObbU laife.Noaiiuckerel: - 4lhf do. Noi da . 20do do No 9 d£-' JglTecdmdferMloby (jatl roiNDEXTBI J 90 bajci prim* Rio; •' V ~7 ' ** *■. iiv»>lbr : U : . ; ; »■>. vo.vßONNnoßsp, ' K». as Frank ■pUWKR-O ba-, for Ml(i by itar * K VONIfoXKHORBT JeGdu • » j • -- No. 35 Ptorn «> ■ !*¥•. e «tm cTwilr Floor, - -Li SO ku. hniw. Uuciwlieot* tonylefay 5.P. VOXBOXNIIOIOT4 'V-< ■ . .No-asiwV, -.'l . * 1 ■ a >■ 2 .f. H « - uwiujEtas;, HOWood rt.. , r P'-’IST