The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 08, 1848, Image 4

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.... .JU FLUID— In aobating (Lr p - foodie* of the Mblie
fcrjthaarllriK, ItMml right aadpr rjitruuti** merit* eo
: a - - whkhihcdaiaforioppo»t<Bbemdsa<(aldb«foUyaad&ir
• ' lj <m»ik urfblrticMnMeiM M pnaftatlUMa
.; muaity wfl. not b* iatpaaaa opes by mibg it.
ißlbefirafplace it ttWcUkaowaib* lbeg«ncn(C<y of
biack '-Ukt" ara cowpetad of a- precipitate, held together
b>.|tn »tn xba water,cither m whole or nit
U evaporated the pin aadpreeipitue an kft m a yutjamm
m tbv nca or takaiart which toettm* it; ti it Hi
•a, P‘1Ito 1 to th* lak m stwo. to oaks it more Said,
r Wmeb taervua lb* eta by no fog oaiha pen,'if ■ iteeloae,
4omd<ag rt through iahrtr tort dab. Now iha^Wri.
. -'/.-lUag Fleid” dJEtr» Inna Ibict * matured in every rap«ct,tt
>1 * arbcoieai «o.M oa ao'fixid natior to hold it 1
tojeUitr,* for* «i.l tmr pi thick, u 4 klnt Tcritii
■ • t*fgeqn*ati»jfl<rw»fr«oiihtpehiuU.Bgittafpoe*penelr*.
liifcVcvpcr info tbo fibre of the paper maxing a tun perm*.
_ neuttUuiaod ooc I*Mra*Ujra>o*«4 tiyxttriliebthanli it waa
‘4a y pUtUred on Ibt nirfoee. It a w contain* aonuttrr that
.haiunafiniry tor mtta!ic.;irno, therefore will aot corrode'
m**l p*n»—itwiil not nouid, and although it wntca oft
.. j . ■>.. , Uimh greca color jatba few hour* iibecome* a deep bhek
vltidi w,n todurt ior »<«- hi* warranted iiiprrior to ibc
“■, •". ■ art* e'koovn, by d>* tame of l **Anu>:d , » Writing
. FlUid/i and'aoe-lhird meragma (bribe nae priee. At
AgwifuL£,ag«i»t iapmilioncf am kind befog attempted
.tie r.cbmmtudauoa*w>tilutficf,a* all amt be'
*•■• ibc amurt tbereghea eou'd’.eol here bata ob
: taAed by uy mui tor aa anmorjiy pwpcaa.
1 e rtoommtod ‘~Hibberi’*Cb«aucaL Writing Ftoid rt to
•- Ike putttaugt ot *. .Mblie, *•% first rata' article in ali’rca
i' “totti, it Sima tree firna lbg pea. without dogging it op and
• iu th* eou/ke of * few tour* becomes a deep brgbi black.'
< IT A'Seamen * Co. [ , Wick and UcCaadkaa : •
• ■ Kobert Moor*. : - ■ JohnPs.ktr. ; ;
:Wm t.ipptncditla Soo 9 >Vignfotto £ Co; '
1 ilc<ioe»»ji.; Dough*.; Franc > .Stair*
i Bobt B AleTi H, Bovbn’r C A blcAnulty k. Cc. :
• - .I-*.'-. • 1 ■ Jbr.W W .Vallace,'-' ! • •
’ • : JaoßtaUUUing Mill*, A«« 50,1847.
MrTbot K Hibbrr*—Dear'Sir; 1 bare beta wing your
Chemical Writing KluMiaadHad it a tirit rate article for Cuiulircely frpm-lbepea asd b*omeajet black
at 'roareke. _
X.'H TUTTLE. Bcok-kecper-r
j »«m^|c.
' C *' ■ Plttiborjb, AnjflS, 1847,
, Kr T XHlbbert—Pear Srr: Uericg procured a botUcef
nir Hoidtr itltl-
Jy eqeil if act mptrior i* Arnold** ■or'anjoOiermkjMnr in
aa.ikao«o£ Kopwriuly,
•; { : WILLIAM STEWaHT, Book^tcepar
i .- for Artier Niefaoboa *Co
| Piluborji, Sept 11, 1847.
' Mr T E Hilbert—pear Sir: lam arup toor Cbeqieal
Writifijf fluid,'and fiaditlo be a moet caccCcst article for
i ftM. ptsi, a* itdoctootcka tliem epUltc tbe reacrality o(
ta a fo«
haara. Yian, Rtrp^eudlr.
t Bookkeeper
. . | - f ' lor Joba Parker.’
Prepared and aoid Who leak end Retail by Tbomaa.K
.. Hlbbmtt.DfQxriU and Ckaut; concr of'Liberty and
• BqilHScldrtrteu, I’ltuOintVPe • , .OctteSre
ikoyropnctoet oflbe Ventable Fulmeeere BeUim*—l
ammtu&ld that the Vcs*Ub» ralaobary B.lMa tsaeal*
uabtemcdicioe ll baa been seed a tbie place »itb complete
•deem naaoeadliaU coaplaiotof Ibajluap, attended with
: a imn foe* uf ndejVat ibe raUlng of maeh bbod
miated auayapproved preacripboaa
• .' After wing the ba am col week ibvpaueot’a votce returned.'
■/ and be nae enabled l> ipeak'audibiy.l: 'lbia caaeoetorjed
aasielime cioee udtbemtaiaauv engaged not only ia~
! tivebut ia iabonouaboatnm. -Beapetliilly vooit, .*
Cootoed.N.U Jao W ISJ . 8 IfoOUttlLL, M P
:Boi4ia->’iUaburgbbyß > Fabaeetick, Co. corner of
AiKaudbrooc, alw cor lutb k wood ata. detdt
mJ\ ' £r>iOft >T b aaper or to a 1 other rvaediet lot
v Cbpgba.' innuaplloc, BrtnobiUs, >ttbma. and other PuI»o
- pernank who coauaenccd lb*
~ tjae of it a the r fimdiea tea yeaa.?{b'>Ulij>re(er it to all
. clbcr naedita of the kindl.a&djrbtre day have beca indueed
. loby wber pr«pemtoa* they have alooet nnnabiy beta
doappoialed in rcee ring the benefit <dbich «u reannabiy
aat«i(nlrd fromlb* Uiehprai»e»be»trWeil by the propr et r»j
• tndbal* rettmfodtn the o-«of Jetmia’EiracTOiLarr, a».
• remedy that baa never foiled to teijeta them, and whieh
probably never bad iteeouat ia atrotilif-nalmouatydiacam
. |i tvnatad oniy by Dr D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and aoUon
•gene; by ALEX. J a\ NKd,
I 7d Fourth**
. loauten'ausrau, L>nacw r. straux
Laio3oayfo>bi-p«>d. • •
menus a coumssius sekciissts,
t- : {attheo:da:aiiJorSeay kebepart.)
* Nubrnle, Teuue«ee, ■ '
■if ■ TE7ILL rire. pTomptknd (uu&ftt aiteatioa te the tale
* wf Dry Ouodv. tirocenes aadMerebtadiW g<®\
•rally They frel jm-jiarrd to auend wall iMdepnrt
• taeuuofcirtr and (dealing Lu oo
good* for their own ocedon!) imfVtiaßg ..
‘ Reier to M Alien, * Co; 3 \Y. Duller A Pitta
birgb. , i deeXgfoa. *
I'REX! TE >S I Joit rrenved ft am the
H pHiladelßbia and Nevir Vorfc Pekia Tea unspany
a priae lot or&tth Green and Black Teas, catapruing
the foUo vrmp I _ . .
! PJ* ck - '
Yobi C (lyton, i FineOoiong;
i ♦ Pz Fine «J 0 Ex. Fine do
Ftlv«r Letf Hycoit, OoloagSoaebong,
Extra Sue do; Kngti»h Bfeakfart
Ex r« Fine Una powder, Pcrkoe Flower*;
Extra Fine Imperial* Haoe Flawed.
The ntoer Teas aave been selected wok great care
by one of the beat judge* in the east, and.will be sold
oq a* fair te rax* a* can be bad At any other boasettttbi*
Siy. i James ulack
. iecS '" ’ eoraerof third uad taitbfield tt»
. .■ iX *ad oibefs having buiims-s in New Orlesne this
Wt'tier will have it promptly attended To ata alight
•-. «ommie*ion. by a geutfetniD leaving in a few days for
that city. Butineuof alt kind* will 3e attended tom
b.p.s, Kllmj ot collulingFor fjnUtn ntiro..
• tfo«4n,trio • JACOB wfcJkVliß, .
i dc;- ;(MI w' • wine' ttatc ear market and fronuts
i^d-PA'RTSBIUfIIP— I Thesuliscrtbeta en the
V> Idib m-t. ibeniiclve*, under Lho firm ei
Jtrowa Se, Cuibervm, In tlie wholesale Grocery and
i'toduce and Conunt«*mi> i>u*inei*) at No 143
Liberty atreeti and renpeeiiully swicit the patronage ot
• their fiiends and the in genrr^_
i MB HKOwrv,
'/dee33 -a cULBERrSON.
I • • SOMC*. ' .' ’ i .
;T ETTEHB Tcittuaentary were granted en the GUj day
JLi of lO ibh wMenber», Executors or toe
Ust Wilt end tenusehl oT/une» Ro**, late ©rtbe citj of
-* -akHe«fe«rrtttec«»eii. .M* persons elanas or
• amend* again* :,*cj»’eoi the raid deerdeat, are re
• TUvsV-d Vj cate know*.the same,without delay,io Jas.
IL*?, JiMaiVue late ree.dince of the iruaior.m toa c>-
■“■ Allegheny.; T~ 1 JAMES RO>B, Jf«
” - AU 'f> DCU I? •, i City of Allegheny.
Tenn *rrct, city of Pmaborgh.
'. i iTTAVING narchascd; ibe cnliro stock of John Litre.
.. Xl-Jr., nnu arioed itlto my already choice and ven f
I * 'exfoflsjve varicir of Foreign Wines and Liquor* in
rteted amlxiaJ*, I will l*e*pitiucd io wa,i upon my
. ‘frtend* by bUs,qr ca«k?* pipyicud hall pipokr in <«*•
. ItmWa. "J jacobweaV Ell
i . ' wine store, cor market and fionl *t»-
tV Having sold aa it Save, my fine stock offareifn wines
.'and liuaara id Mr Jacob Wearer- l wonld mpcctlully
t” i,ta S3SK?:
i— IUTIOK. ,
A PPLICA’nON wilt be made to Uir Pre»i<kiU..M«M
LA. *fi» tfnd Co tun vi Vi for ereeiln* ■ Bndfe.ovcr the
SiverMonootahcla opposite F.tx*borjh,ln utceountyor
■ * far iha EiAcaiora of John Hamer,dec d
I dc>S ! : ;
TVTOTICE 70 sroCKHOLDKR-S —la pur* nance Q
• ' iiY the precisions of die charier of incoroorauoo, ib<
: . ' annual Rteeunp of tbe>u>c)(h-‘lder» of lie
’ ‘ . U NaaifW®" Company, will be hold °® T*
*d day ot, January, 161 S, <bein* lb* first Monday of tbt
•' ru-nih) ar ibe effiea ot the said Ccatpsß), l a Breed l
'Build to*, Foarth street,.in the city far the
oorsofo of electing tbe offieera for tboeiisalng yaar-
WM BAKKIVKLL. Secretary.
T ETTERSTecamtatary taviagb<ea granted tt U>e
jj utbceriberr; Bateman «f ihe la*l wlliu d
nent of Ttotnu Linford, late of ihe cuy of Pitsiborsh.
SieMttL Alt pernmo In-eb'ed w.tbe w««e of *aid
decedent, will plea*) nsXe immediate P 4 *®'®'"T,
tfemobaaier claim* arafnai *a:d c»i»lc will
item for »iJ»w w „ AILSIANi
>* detain*
UKKU. 1634,0 r U^«
• Jti latpenawm ii to the Dnilcd Suie*, by retef Arnold
. Manuk, (Ciom ih« la»e of ike moaniain
. - toe CaaUe ot ■Johtonitberg); to »aie by the ctjf ®J “ ,l "
- • tie« the wbe swre. i JAC»*B WEAVb*
o r'dcU : enrln k. market «i» -
W-AfliTEO-ODOW lb* good clean Bagt wanted.
ala* easva>fl, bale rope, graaa tope, bagging, Ac,
Jte-todrhiehibe btgbeit price in ea»b wiltbe pain by
\ t S , J W CHADWICK __
; octli warrie at Wiwren r»ern A liberty-:
itbiiier, Pattern Maker, Afkgiicnr cay Oil Mill,bar
theacweMpauema for Siovei m band enber ujwbna
erirat' Mill Gearing and ail pwiemimada to order.
, .anttaf-' ;i • • • -J
h wlebr * WM B SCAIFE,
i atpUS ,’ tot »t bttwaaa aarfcet A wood ■
f , ' TTOB of Ura Sleam Bon Me*-
'• f E^" U '”/i BWIU rLMAK,o,
• . AMtißVAfi, •
U«l<:ln* * •■>«■ ■ ■■ Exeeatflu.
S’ ""U>KR VKLVEr MAf%TILLAS—A feweurnel
. • 73p»rfcrtn N W rotofiiieriinncpd »
C dabbed PELJBSK ClA£Ttt—Wtck,Rc&, and Bloc,
X - Dfdi-.CtoJ.forclUlta.Vdrc.^^^
' - i ; ■ 4etd B ' 73 market «t W W o"f ofthedismond., .
BAGS— 10CO lbs r«*s recodes torn, steamboat Coo-
FLOUB-:0Q j.W* * lt» Soar, ud IP do fine, rcceiT
ln* from U» American, for sale by
SOAP— 100 bum rate snap in store an’dfoyshle
tocloweot»isaacnt,b]r ’ ■.U
dectg . JAMES PALZELL.",
POT ABU-9 bbU for sale by
tetti . '. i. -.
P*.opa-H»b b,ii.,H'cb, w qreer.
LA&O— A small lolofeoamry‘lard in ke*s forsnlc
hy . [dyiO] -. W GRBEtb
1 AttD—l® barrelsNo 13eaf lard!for/itn»Jr. *»e, <oi
■S' _ Jj „ b T • FRIEND, RJIEY A Co. I
• deirrt - ■ No 3 water«
SBBDB-tt bU* cJoVerseed;» bo«, tinntW seed la
non oad for sale by ! LS WaW.RmAN i .
tetrti • 31 * »ier and fla front «tr’
•• **, '* sacks dried pooefees in sfoie and
-i; forsaieby i LH WATERMAN i r
' * ‘ d«c2l , 31 waiffaiidfiJ fnogMl
I>ItABDY-4 hr pipes Brandy, Londptt
PC £ AKTiri
CTg s^" 1 " t * t! T-“t||r~
WepprakilS ban inlswre; for silo by
; p .r. i- ■ tasskv a BR3T
CineiaiaU • •■ • '.
». w - • n : b»uIJ Candle*: in Atom
. . ** TAgaKYfcnKCT ;
*«s3j* ' '' 35wood,lrte l
■^w ;s VV4K ‘i%&t
Bflr: " : '*'isi m§‘
v \y 1
' - ■wmMmm. ~~
**i impyortanU;
piled'Cro* &BUh*sßrv£agfob GJCl?%fcKa3<usoßfS
mwortmetiobyAasiaAßmifo. Beriwdbt RewflFsri
kaowa Wan. acbafae, Ice.' Compiled' £rt*» tbs'works of
WflCwtM, flmttcl. DeLtCailk fimtiaa,Mmr, Brad
ley, Hcncfe«l,'Ui*hclpMb* Oattiaßa?(ha Artrooco-
T?r£? e ? t 7 t>t Lo * ioe > Ae, 4-e- 'Fkw Smiih’i New Eng
lahQlobe; • .
_ Johmlou A Slaektos havsjwtnerivedsfcw min of (La
tha»« GlobcSjVtrynfg is m.u follows:
1 pair . I‘> mrhss ii liiiwiir.
I u '»t « - *
l u £ « -«
* 1 “wwi globes fl « • *-
Aa*rieao,Ccreaek, and Journal copy. , dscli
Tuo«; Bum,formerly of BeaUy.M’Keazts
ACo-.-. eineauttiLO.
J»o. A. Bum •..> - ZanesvllfeO.
Lku< G. Corns ..................New Orleans*
<2am«r«l Cobbliilob M«rchtt(i
wßsi m produck,
No. 31 Poydra > Street, New Orleans,
Rxm to—
.; WfMrt Minin A Co, Banker* I „ n
1 n James WGregor ACo, |V'**‘
” David White AOo,Madi*on, la. 1
” KiJii&Monoa.Btnka*,)
; l .. ” „ lloset A Frazer, J Cincfnntii.
. A M’Keniic, Kiq, -3 '-
» it Ke««ey, lSq. Banker. ZanJsviUe.o.
D M'DonaM A Co,Well*ville,o.' .
WftMJiStete., J Ft
pvlMm * '
par Builder* , Ctnannafi, OAio,
"VT ANITPACTUEESio order Passenger and Freight
L“A Can of the most approved description at reasons-'
blepnce*. Bymeassof the Canals, Railroad and Riv
er, they are enabled to ship upon reasonable terms to
alt point* in tbo We«t. Their work will be warranted
equpl in all reapeeli to any made is the United States*
All order* punctually executed. '
nv9-3m ; (Formerly of Boston, Mur.] f
Type Ponndry> •
&QtM,cm*rtf A**tirta,Na*York.
rT* HE subscriber is prepared to furnish *■■"«< cast Type
A and Printer** Materials of all kinds, at *l*m notice
and on reasonable term.
- Proprietor* of newspaper*, who have not advtniaed
lor the subscriber, who may pnbltsh this notice for three
etontba wilt bo entitled to receive pay in type, on pur
chasing five time* the amount of their bills for advert!-
Jii Type taken in exchange for new at ieenuper lb.
Lard Oil.
fpHB undersigned are now prepared lofamltb their
A customer* stud the public generally, with an excel
lent article of Lard Oil oflbeirosrnmaavfacttttfc.wb**
tar r will sell on aeesmmoduunf terms, Their (W***?
believe to be as good as any offered lathe mars^>
may be retnraed tf not «b*facij % ROaS * SON *
18 liberty sVoppe** waubfield
P. S.-Lard and Grease mutablefir'nuchinery,oa
hand; for tale above. nT * s
AB I am how engaged in tb* Importation of Brandies.
Wines exclusively, and bavin* made
arrangements in differed pans of Europe and die lit
ands with well known *»«• &» “7 fuu,r ® supply of
Foreign t-Wwhich I will be able to sell, delivered
in the Cuismitoewsof New.Vorl or,New Orleansor
ih this eitr. at the lowest marie' price far cash or ap
proved paper. 1 have m store and cellar a very luge
stock of very sapenor-Wine* and Liqaora as imported'
of the mostcelebrated brands and vinuge* forssle on
pieartng terms by P C aIAKTIN'
r jejo - cor Ist* smtthfield sts
S HATING CRKA5l—Ferre 1 * cream uponi&e;
ltp»:ser* shaving compound;
Houle’s rose and almond ctemmj Dali A Son's do do;
Taylor's tbnvJng eoraponuA’
Wright's rose am) almond cream;
Hriug 1 * Liqnld compoand. These itamjard prepa*.
radon* tor sharing may be had wholesale or retail of
nrM a R KSKLLKRS. 5? wood n
SUNOaiBS— SO bbls Pitch;
SCO bxs and »c*ks \V R Cheese;
Io,owlb*pnme Feathers:
SO c*k* Ist sons Potash;
10 M pore scorched Salt*;
, 10 H Lltek Salts,
10 u Saleratnt received and for*ate by
dell CARSON AMeKN!Oirr t 6thst
SODA A»H—OOc*ks > aveßuringGtMreeni,cXpect
ed early in December, vi* New Orleans. / *
7* eaksvf same slrengih from one of the best Knglith
ktannfae torers, from whom we expeet hereafter, resolar
'applies, and can offer mannfacuters of Glass and 01b
era in this market tome inducements to parehasrs of ns.
Rabber Shoes. Ae. of the old stylo wanted, for
which the highest price will be paid ip. cash or goods,
when delivered nt the India Rob her Depot. 9 wood st |
BRAHDIEB— Of all descriptions tad price*, for
sale wholesale or retail, in wood and glass, at the
wine store of JACOB; WEAVER
deg cornmketAfronttti ~
PILLS ore becoming so univeraally p.ipular
First, Bscautd they ire prepared by Dr N B Lei*
dy himself, a regular Druggist, Chehiut and Pbysr
cian of Phitsdelpbia, who knows the nature, the
quality and charocter of the Medicine* used in his
pills and their adaplsUxa to disease.
Second, Because UlO public op take them with
greater confidence than oort t> ,: i • ■ pills which are
prepared by persona ignorant b-t.< of medicine and'
Third, Became of their combined efiects, proper’
ties not contained in any other pill*} namely, purg*
tug from the stomach and bowels ail unhealthy sub
stances,and at the same time purifying the blood
and fluids of the body, 1 “
.Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and best
medicine known—a single box costing botSh cents,
and containing 40 pitls, saving to.persons as many
dollars olt limes in Doctor’s. bills, and mmietoi
ledtcine* bought & uied ootbo rcconmeodaUoo
ol other*!
- Whenever yoa bate occasion to ;Uko any medi
cine, do not be trifling with your constitution by
trying all kinds of pills or other medicines yoa see
puolished and recommended by one and another but
take at onee
Dr. Lcidy'm Sarsaparilla Blood Pill*
and yoa sjrill not b&vo occasion to take anythin]:
else. Thoy will aJway* be found good in almost al
worm* of ‘disease, iDtuuaaLoq oi the stomach, bona
eis, liver and icteitioeij" cramp* ot the stomach
colic, Waierbraab; inward lfver» lt fool breath, bar
taste in the mouth, Suor eructations and acidity ol
the stomach, costiveaes* and indigestion, want of
appetite, billious affections, diseases or the apiees
and kidneys,diseases of the skin, scaly eroptiond
dry and watery pimples or blotches of the face ann
body, letter,rash,prickle heat and salt rboera,head*
eebe, giddiness, teintness, pains over the heart, of
the breast, tides, along the back and spine, rheuma
tism and gout, fevers oi all kinds, imail-pax, vurio*
loid. measels, serofu!.a,erjsipe!as.and in abort they
1 are good in ail diteases having their origin in the
•rtimsci, liver, and intestines, end imparity of the
blood . »
tnT’Twentvsfive cents a Box,
'Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fahnestock
fit Co.,conierof-Firat and Wood, also corner.of
Sixth and, Wood streets. ( / septg
INGS.—Scrolala in all its multiplied forms,
whether in that of King’s Evil, enlargements n the
glands or bones. Goitre, White Swellings, Cnronic
beumatism, Canser, diteases of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Constfmption,. emanate from one
and the same cause, wbicn is t poisonous principle
more or less inherent in the human system. There*
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be eSeetad, bst if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, k cure
must of necessityfollow, nomatierunder whatlonn
the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore
i* the reason why JaTifc’s Altxkativz is ko uni;
vnrially successful in removing so many malignant
dUefdum. It destroys the virus or principle from
wbic'i those diseases bare tbeirdrigin,by entering
into the circulation, nod with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle oi
disease from the system. Prepared »*d sold at Mo.'
C South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 71 Fourth stree.
Pittsburgh meh3l
Just reesivefi of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla: the
most extraordinary medicine la the world! This Ex*
user I*pst up in quart bottles, liieshe time* cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted rapenorto-any told., it
cares disease wiUuforvooiuiLg, pargutg, sickening or
debilitating ih» patient. i .
Lotk out far Sfuiatinu — Unprincipled peisona have
copied our labels, and pat up medicine Ip the same sha
ped bailie*. SeelhateachbotUeba* the vrippasigna
tore of B F Tawnscnd.
■R B Druggist, N 0.87 Wood st, between.
3rd.and4A stsjl*DrTownrendV only wholesale and
retail] agent for Pittsburgk,of whom the genune article
cairttebid. l ♦.*'
J iDfil Garry has been appointed fbsaole agent far Alle
•gbenvcny, of whoa the genuine artiefe can be had. *J
• - nvXP- ■■
ITißOMthe RovABA SHINN,a well known and pop
S’ lHarClaßntohnnfihePxoteauaihtetbodutCliureh
The anddrelgaislAavxngbwa afflicted daring thepxst
winter with a dite-kaepfuac stomnehi uaetfaaeu pro*
dociog great pain itt the nmactitot ireos tSrvhrehonra
withoai miknalaalos, and: afles'having triad rarioas
irn»edie* with little effect, was'/hmiihed with a bottle
of Dr b Jayne’s Carm insure Balsam. This he used ac
cording m lb* direction*,* and *»nd invariably that thin
pais to abate in three or four min*
oiearmAn to fifUetfo/tykniy.minute* every aneasy
•vensatfert was entirely ‘ The medicine waaaf*
terwardsasod wheneverutmegtiafipof the approach of
pain were perhelTed, and the pain wa* thereby prevent*
ed.. He contlneed to um the medleinrover* evening
and sometimes m the nomine, and in-a few week*
health wa* so far restored, that the saflerer was vellev
edfromalajgeamoamofpppressive pain. Fromex.
perienee. therefore, he can confidently reeommendl)
D Jaynev Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medlein
for diseasesnftJwsCoßtaehSJid bowels. 1 ABIHNN'
For sale In Pittsburgh at tin
*73 Fourth street, near Wood, aad’aUo at the* Dru
Store of II f SCfHVABTX. Federal arm, Allegheny
cheap, easy to take, and highly efficacious.
AXLVOXSirr Citt. March 29.1W7.
- .‘Mr. H. E Seller*: My children,like ether*. have been
subject to troublesome coughs, and having used different
remedies-to very little purpose, I wss induced by«
odvenilemrnt about lbs cough syrtm, to give it a trial.
Jgave irto.’two of royboys, tnvdaughter,
several different lime*, and it ho* never fatleo to do so.
■I have recommended jt to my neighbors, and do most
cvnscieatfeßfly. believe that it is toe beat dough medi*
cine that baa ever been ofeted to the public. :
TL Ajtosxw Aawvraotte.
- Parenla sbpaW OM permit their ebUdren to reflet ftom
eoughi, whan they may be eared byaSi ccct bottle of
this syrup. I i ' . «.
Prepared and sold by R. K BELI£RB,S7 Wood sX,
between3rd*nd 4th ns. Sold by Dr. Cas*al,sth Ward;
P. M Corry.iAllegheny Citv, . - deB
IlOSEmehnnesseaa eqnalyoursf; Look at you
fatr young wife, with her brighl sunny Nee! jLook
at you own, pitted with efaptioa* and bwtehea Yet
you are tod mean to gfve fifty cents for a eakc of tho
great luilUa CtemJehJ Boap, which would entirely free
roa from rhea,-Md make roar yellow skin clear and
; healthy. -Go aionee to Jackson's Store, ® .Liberty's!.
ritt»hßi»h,and reraeake.- :■
toto*«dypiaee to Pittsburgh where
tbaOENUINE lata bo obtained. Beware of Counter
. .rjV'-jV**'. \
* ,l 7 ' r ’
‘ ■ ; p t .v;
i PI LE 8. ; j
DR, JfIGOLDSIY’B FUsk as mtcml rta
aeertafaasd radial eura, whether internal, «*t*ra*
bleeding or Mini, aim, for initaiMO oflb* kidneys aad Mad
der, fains is th* baek and aide, habftnl eoathesot, ernpj
boat, Ice. - 1 'I -
Fcamka before cad after confinement ara otte* troubled
vhh coßflintka of ikkoadi otcMtimxa, aa well aa (hs
plea, la iDfaefa cm the ttpoelfie caa b* taken with per.
Let safety, asd b a certain remedy. The Specific u aotr.
pern tin, and is aa entirely wgeteli* remedy, without a per
tiele «f faadKM,'coiocyaee or ueea-tftemaal to teLaaad paa]
feeUy *«*«**«« a the moet delicate tao.
This is to certify that I know Dr. Lfdldjk F3a SparifiJ
in be a certain cure and safe remedy. Having men it* efce*/
iaaeveralaaa, amongst nre femfly eonhewma,Ueertral cob
firmed aad scran am* os th* piles, where it adds « entire
cure iareery care. - - HENRT WHITEHEAD. •
cure ia eiu v cm. * v *--• y* l
flew YorIC May, IMS. \ ** Sixth street. •>
(cheerfully gin my testimony as to the certain aad trtoa
Ishiag effect* of Dr. Ftks Spadfie, aa 1 know it
from my own experience aad efarerratsim, to be jafclEMe;
haring wen it nod withweas* h arraralcaece of pike, malt
and female. ' GEO. MILLER,
flew York, May, IBS. . SMSiithitmL
flew York, May, 1845.
Mr. Brail- TVir Wrr—l ban. the ptmars to ay, that
iixt cure ia the ease of my aider, and I you my word
that 1 bare been surprised at it, aa it wee ta my opinion im
pemibk to cure her. Howrnr,! onnow testily to tbemed
seiae ae briar iaßlGhk, aad do adriee all others who are tfj
flitted ia thtlik* maimer, to procore (he article,aa they may
depend on a certain cun . ’
Toara with respect.
’ West Chester, fl. Y., May IS, IMS. *
Dr. loroldsb^-Dear, Sir:—That you any benefit others
who may be suffering, u well as lo express my gretitods for
the benefit 1 ban dermd from the ton af your valuable Sp*
clfic, 1 comply with your requeri,andabw do fir* my Usli
mooyia savor of it, having bean-cured if a smre attack ol
the riks after haring usea other remedies without saceeaa.
Ypura with respect
- Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKROTf, «t hi.
at Medicine Warehouse, and Boot aad Shoe Store, flo. (O
Liberty stmt, bead of Wood, Pittsburgh. Friee, SO cuts
P«rbaa . jan 14—dJy^.
Tins X, K«'f 2 ™ impmrmrnl
has now beeala about twojv**J» M “ wbertvar it
ia known, preferred to all oiwrßcWsieada.
Forche^hete,strength f K ? t c f a V nic "s? lt t h **" ntrt
and cannot be eouallriA**- “ *f *e«dedly the beat,
cheapest and ttoetooa^ tueotßod *i e>d innse,and per*
fc T& P pn“dSJgS p SfLk« 7 «i w In-Alb
abeay ettr aw*'i° P'Uabnrßh, haunt aectued Rights to
• manufoctiii*.* (he article. Aa there are epunoul
articles un perfect imitations in the auket, purebtj
eera wo*“ do well to examine the coat iron plates on
W hh« in the genuine aniele the name of the patentee,
liV.G*xxaic.isia»ariably east. Aau proof of allthst
m claimed for Gaxiom's Bedsteads, the following ceriifi* '
cate from Cabinet makers well known in Piuabargh and
the Weatjta submitted to the public: \
We t tho*ub 4 seriber*.pracucal cabinet maker* and
Bodnead manufacturer*-of the' cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that wa hare boQrht
the ngbr to manufacture bedsteadt-with Gaxxam’a Pat*
ent Fastenings and doniider ike tame ruytrier to any
with which w* an acquainted.
James Lemon John M’GreW
TB Young A C Robert Fxirman
J R Hartley James BJJarr
John Liggett, Jr. Jus. Lowry & Son
Lownc a. arbln Riddle ADrennun
Thomas Farley - Ramsey & McClelland
David Lnker . Mosel Bollock
Hugh Wallace - Roberts A Kane
J Mayer* Jas W Woodwell
J Neehanse , George Snyder
Wmllaaletl , J AlcMastera ACo
Alexander Lawson
- For Birins to make and sell the above Bedstead!
apply to i BBENBZER F GaZZaM.
octS# Patentee
A Ohsllenn to the 'World.
TWENTYFIVE DOLLARS will be paid U anyone
who will prodace a ipot of paint, green or that'
cannot be* extracted wits Holt's Chemical
Soap. 1 have ihr satisfaction of saying to tae people 01,
this place, that ihii article, by my own improvement on
it, now stands unrivalled in line country/og extracting,
greusc, or anyiotner greasy sub
stance, from all kinds of gentJemeo*a'9(ltdie* , clothing,
carpels, table clothe, merino shawl*, ladies'bonnets,
Ac, without Injuring anything tbatpure water will not
igjure. More than one thousand Tieraoue m different
part* of the country have told me they .would not be
without it; if it eon one dollar per caka. In' trying this
Soap on more than 3UO articles of I'gbtiiiks, aatina al
paeeaa,andcalicoes,! have only found tjireepieces ot
.ilk, two-of alpaera, aad four of ealierf, on whieh it
changed the color! therefore before putting it on a light
dress try a cample of the dress first. I state this because
1 am determined not to recommend itaay suonaer than
I know to be strictly true- . NHHorr.
Price, 121 cis percake. Sold, wholesale aud retail
dec2l _ ' ; 67 wood st
Dae fill and Onameatal Gift*.
A FINE assortment of 'fuey articles, among which
. Handsome Crochet Bags, with and without clasps;
Fled Bead and French silk bags,
Silk pur»e»,nrw styles; •-
Ivoly tableui pearf memoranda; -
Enamelled annlvory paper cutlers;
'Nspolaon and portable inks; '~
Cm cases, with comb and glass and memorandum
• . ... - Book;
Toothricxs; plain etgar eases;
Portioboa; pocsetbooks; ;• .. '
FapieAre*; needle book*' *’ •’ '
Paney.#K>xe»; Berlin iron baskets;
Willow basietv Ac. Ac. Now open and for ante
by • Fll EATON
dc23 1 63 market street
' WasHixeTo*, D. C-,Dec. Oth, 1£47.
Oscar D. TKtmjuoiu Esq., PitlsburjH, Pa.—
SIR: I have read yoar'hilverusemeni in one of the.
Pittsburgh paperswhli'not a little surprise I find
that you have copied-my business Ciieufar enure,usd
appropriated it to yourself, i will take the liberty to
inform yog that my business Circular ta mV own com-
K union, and is not common property. I shall not wil
gly codsentto beplaced in a positron that trill induce
persons who do not know me to suppose that'l am not
callable of romposing my own business card; or that I
am capable of pilfering and appropriating the card of
another to my o«nt rise. - 1 am; therefore, under the c fr
ees*) r» of noticing and exposing yoiirpttriarism in this
manner. V Z C ROBBINS.
Attorney for Patents, Washington, D. C.
newspapers that have published Mr. Thomp-
advertisement; will pjease inter* the above- dcltif
BA, k'AllNKsTuCK’d PNEUMONui. or though
■Balsam, has a great advantage over many other
Cough preparation*,as Its pleasant taste permits uto be
usjawiihont inconvenience. Buti'ivalne as a Balsam,
consists in the speediness of iu euro. We have known
•ome of the most desperate eonghs, soma of which had
been running on for a considerable length of tune, yield
almost immediately (o its power, i
.In such weather;a* wo;have had daring the past
wtnter every one is liable to taka cold, unless great pre
caueons are a»ed; ' '
- Wet feet and endae exposure to Ihe.isclemency of the
weatberofienlay* the toandationof.a hacking cough
which needs e quick remedy to prevent serious result*.
We have numerous eertificaiesofearei which it Bus
psribnned, many of ;which are from-persons in this city
end the neighborhood, and! they are a sufficient refer
ence wiinnm saying another word in its favor.
Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail by B A
FAHNESTOCK A CO, corner of Wood and Ist and
Wood and Sih *ta. ] j \j-» del3
K Bodea, Esq., Clerk of the Coon of tyuner Bes
•ionsof Beaver county. - 1
Ma. Bxllx*»—Sir. Boom time in the winter my
wife was afflicted with a severe and distresuing coach,
and hearingof.yoarinvalaable Cough Byrap, Iportna
sed a boule fnan 8 T. Trimble,'Eaq., in Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of It tsroortbreeevsamgsoc
going to bed, ahe foahd immediate relief! a* also sevei al
friends hate been relieved In severe eases. VI am there
fore satisfied that it is a safe and valuable mailiclne. and
would recommend it to those who may be afflicted with
severe coagh* andcolds.*> J * v. ,W. K- Boaxti.
March 39,181
Tbeßnup is pat up in SS cent bottle*, so that it may
be bought by the poor as well us the rich
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 wood tree
alio, tor aale by,Dr,Cassal, ftth ward, and D. M- Curry,
Allegheny city. „ •> nvl3
—This labor laving Machine, was Patented,April
lfiib, IMS, which in view of 'its great durabilityvcheap
ness and efficiency, i>* simplicity of eontuuction, and
the ease and facility w.(h which it is used by either,
Boy* oy adahs; lainevitably deitiadd to supercede al]
uther Corn Sbellers for general use. It in faet supptTes
adesideratam wbleb baa long been wanted throughout
the Weatem States, forwhllo it costs less than ooe-tehth
of the piiee of the rotary shellere, one person ban shell
core with it, as fast k* with any. For sale at the Seed
Store, eornerof Wood and dth su. :
HOPS— For sale, a few bale* Wesara'New Yftk
grosrth of 8 to 10 cants.
Also, Eacem and Western N Y, early picked, dus
year’s growth.
Prime Ohio do, Belmont county.
The general Eastern etop of the (ea*on is now being
received. Brewers and otnefo asing ltops, will find it
mock lo their advantage to obtain their supply from the,
. underaigaiedi as thdriintend to tell ihtnogboaube ecuson
at New York price*, GEO. W. ShtlTti A Co.,
octiddm . ; . • i Tixoiurtk Brrwtnr.
Jb vingGrease spots, Stains,or MirksTrom Clothes,
Woollens, Carpets, be., Ac., and rendering the spots
where it is applied cloar, blight, new; and spotless.
Sold with lull directions. Price tOcents ■ euke. ,
by WM. JACKSON, t® Liberty street, head
Wood/ut hia' 800 l -aid Shoe store, sign of ifae-llig
I •• ' ._«! ‘
THE Stockholders of tbe Farmers! Deposit Bank of
Pittsburgh, Intend making application to the next
Legislature, for such alteration of.thelr. Chtrter ■■ will
giv» them Banking-privilege*,or if-deemedexpedient,
will ask to be incorporated aa a new Bank.
' Byordef of boart Direetory. - i *' '
, IsfrUlawflm - •; THOMPSON BELL. Cashier.
T -AF.gfcl. PMCW7TIMI■*. f
i Ip. 314 SimtK Freat gtrstt, _
Back of y A. . IHrUua'* Cabinet War* Manufy
ALL order* left with 8. S. Moon, attbeofflceo^ 8
Merchant's Hotel. Piusbureb, witl bo promptly
attended to.- ! THOS. G. DERBY . i
s.;plMly • * * I A. CT NICKERSON
(QC|Xr PArisdsJpAis, lata of- lbs firsa of Oris *
\7N "* IT - Wslaotu mpsetfully informs his fnscii
•"""““"and ths public, Ihst h« has and will krss
eootntly do hand sad for Mfo, a himtssin assortment of
mbioaaU*C«mi«s.- VshklasofaQMrlts*addWCT|Si<mi
mads to orders: tha shortest pessibk t&iic*, tsd nseaud u
be vtrybest eaaacr,ofssl«ctod mstorial.' feb'TMj
THErebteriber would reipCetfolly Invite Ladies and
Gentleatetf übrol visiung Philadelphia, and in wan«
of FANCY FURS, inch a* ftlaffs. Boas, TJpp.u, Antlo
give as a tail before purchasing elsewhere, as they win
find it to thetr adrantago and no mistake. All orders
! veeeived shall be faithfully attended to 1 at No SO North
Third st, above Arab, fbusfialpbia.
■f ■ ■ ! ■ r -4- ' ’
Mat extraordinary Methane ui the Wor/rf.
This extraet (s put up ta Quart (dales': u u os dad cheap.
«r, pieaautcr, sad snmated aaperwr to shy uld.. I* cures
fouii without swaitiag, purgiigi'sickiiea.or da .
. - i-biliktiag thep. —ut ' -
The gnat beauty aad superiority cd.thuSxnapsrillaoTsr
.allotbcr Medietas whitstirEndieata Dncasa k IstmaN
stssth* Body. 'lt is on* of the rtry best SPRING .jQf |)
BUMAIEBMEDICINESer*r known, jl wtoulypurifia
the whole system aad strtagthtai the peQpOr .buk it Creaks
'Airtr, Pun an 4 by no other
Msdiriac. Ahdia thklksthegraadsccihtofib woodtkfal
sueetss. It has pcrfonhcd witlua the'past twoytarvaars
than 116,000 cures of sam Cases of Disease; at 105t6,000
oT these were eoesidcred iacurshk. Uoretlaa '■
ZJXQ esses of Chronic Rheumatism;
8,000 eases of Dyipcpeia; !
400 cases of General Debility tad Want of Fn-rtT: -
TjjOOcascs of diOcreat FeaalcComplamtsi. -
9JIOO casu of Scrofule; , %
cases of the Lrier Complsist;
. SlJSki cases of Disesv of theiudasy andDrvtvTi
3jtit)o cases of Coasumptioa. /“ u r r>>
And Thoujudt'ofcssuofDiKasi oflhe Blood:im: Cleers,
gether, with ntnocrous eases oT Sick Headachy Pstn m the
This, we are aware, miutaupeaTwcr** lll '!** we bare
;l*Ucr* from phjsichmsshdour egent* from all-parts ofthe-
UaitedStalu ) iaforaußgusorciu» tfdls arycures. R.Vau
BuAirk, on* of the molt druggists in flew
.ark, N. informs tts that b***" n kr ta mors thaalSJca
ses ia that place alone. are thousands of cases ia the
.City of New York, »* ,c b ’wewill refer to with pleasures
and. to men ofehs^ lcr * ** (he best medicine for the*
('mentis* of known. It undoubtedly aired (he lhr,
uf more -
As it r«wvred the cause of disease, and pt spared them fo
lh* sesmo- '• ;5 "
Ukitxo Ststxs Omen.... *
• c*rr. O. W.MdCwan.or tok DamtDSfATss Neyr,
sad member of the New Jersey Legislature, lw» kindly sent
us the follbwing.certificale. U tells its ova stsir.
Raawik, Jo. 35,1H7.
A year siac* 1 was taken srith thelalaensaiUadiay whole
system left ia a debilitated state. I *as induced lo try Dr.
Torrasrad’s Barsaparilla, aad aAerAsking tiro or three bot
tle*.'! was eery much relieved, aad attribute it entirely to die
said Sarsaparilla. | hare continued taking it, and find (hat
1 improve every day. I bclitrc it mved my- life, aad would
tW be without it uader an/ esaddirslinn
U. W. McLxaa.hte U. S. N. -
. } •• - .fcaokvu Ccggß.’ a ,
ThfecsrlificataußDelushely prose* that (hk Sanapanlla
has perfect eautiri over the amt obstinate disease of the
bind. ■ Thru persons cured in ooe hoius'U unprecedented.
Toica CtULDua.. r
SB. TownUßr-Durßir; ! hart tbs pleasure to inform
you that firtt ef my ehildra’haTs.bea of the Sero
(Ula'bT the »** af your excellent' msdirioci.. They were',
tflkflra eery severely srith bad sorts; bars cajy taken four.'
bmtles: It,took Ibni awaj, few sriuch I btl mjalfunder
gsen obligation. Yoags, ranactfiilly, .y t
1 luaowrCaxa/IOS Wooster it.
flsw York, Marsh 1, UO.
GREAT FEMALE medicine.
Dr. Townsend’s SamparUls Is a sovereign tad speedy
car* foe incipient Cpatumnlko, Barrenness, lAueotTbcß,or
'Whitts, ‘obstructed oir diffitiilf {Vlenstruaiiosj lhcoctinoeace
of Uriac, or tnypluatary disehargt thereof, aadfor tbp gen
eral proetralion of.tb* lyvtem—no mattersfuetkerth* molt,
of iaVerut csuM or asses, produced by irregularity,’ijbe**
•r accident* * - t* '
Nothing fean be mot* terprlsliig than .its
feeteoD ihejbuman frame, i’trsous,all' veukneei andbtuv
■ tilde, from taking it, at owe become robust end full of energy
under it* influence. It iaimsdailelj counteracts, the nerve
lesmre* of the female frame, which is the great cause of barj
rtaaess. I
It will be expected of us, in casu ofiao delicate a .un
to re, lo exhibit certificate* of cue* perforated, bat we on
assure the afllicUd, that hendredsof case* har* been repotted
to us. Several case* where femilfes ,have beg wltbhutehild
ren, after using a few'bottle* of this ; iatdnabfe medicine,
have ben blest with halthy offspring. .*
Dr. IVw7Uatti:. My wife'being greatly distreewd* by
wtaknew and general debility, sai -eoniinnillj
by pain and s'scnsatioo fcbcariag’dowm, Qdiing of the
womb, ssd wiih'olher dlOcnlflu, and hastag kfiowa cases'
where your, medicine has effected greet cure*; and also hear
fay it recommended for such cnee* as i have described,! obUiat
tda bottle of year Extract of Sanaparilla: and followed
the .directions you gave ins la a short Mrmd it removed
fcr com plain ts and restored her health.' Using grateful for
t benefits she received, 1 take pleasure fa tkus acknowkdg
fagiLiad nceeamadihrit (he public. M.ll Aioou,
Albany, Ang.l7, lfiM. Cor. of Grand aad Lydias sts.
\ j Coxa* cna,-Sept. 29,1846.
' Dr Tbwmund: To all whom this may concern—This is
ta eartiiy that my wife used erne bottle 6i your Samparilb
Breriooi to her odcr tlic ‘amet and
delicate circomstaace*, bei» troubled with the draper, swti
ting of the feet, nervous afiections, and very nich debUitn
ted; with bit persuasma, aad'the tecoamendatjon of those
who had need it, ths ini induced to try it, with little or no
fiuth;£ee it ta say, thamedseina bad the hsnpy and'
dtsuedefibeLaotoalymtho hoars of CBafiaameat, out after'
tho axmntsoa of one weak of its use, the dropsy and ner
rocs affection rev* way to aa astonishing degree,
health is now better than it had been : for a.Log lira* pro.
noas. ‘
If this* will bo of ay semes to yoa or. any ooi who
doubts the saccoaof the medic ins, yon we entirely welcome
lo It
1 subscribe mywlf your most obediatod obliged t'nantj
This Extract of Ssrmparilia ha* been expressly prepared
la reference to female eomplatnl*. No female who has rea
•on to seppoee she is approaching that critical peritd, “ 77>i
turn ef lifr,” should neglect In take it, as it is a ceitain
prerentive for soj of nonible diseases to
which feSMlet are subject at thjs time of life; Tbia period
may be deUjed for *emal.jeers by. using thismedicin*. Nor
is it less valuable to thosr who are appraochieg woamnliood.
a* it is calculated to assist nature br nukkcniog Ike blotul
and fasigontiog the system. Indeed, Inis audiem* it inval
uable for ah of the delicate disease* to which women are
j, It brace* the whole system, renews permanently lb< csto
ral energies—by removing ihs impuiitses of the body—not
to fer rtmulstiag the lyitem as to.produce a subsequent re-"
lasstiou, which is the case of most medicines takrafor female
weakness and disease
You who have pole eomplcxmas, dull eyes, blotch's on the
few, rbagft skit, or are ,a oul of stents,” use
a "bottle or two of Dr Townsend’* Sarsaparilla. It will
cleanse your blood, remove the freckle* end blotches, and
gire you sparkling eyes, foie spirits, and brauljfuJ
cumplectiou—iH of which are uf immense value lo unaar;
ried lad tea.
—flo fluid or Ofedleln* luU eVer bech ifllcorertd whieh tel
nearly resembles the gestae juice or saline in decomposing
food and strengthening the organs of digestion, as this prepay
ration cf Sarsaparilla.
Bant DarsXTMarr. Albany, May In, 15*5.
Dr Townseotin- 8«—1 bare been amktrd for several
ytir* with dyspepsia in it*.worttfe>rmsrat(eedrd with sour}
-ovs* of slwnach, hn* of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a
great aversion to all kinds of food, and for weeks (what 1
coaid eel,} I hire been unable to retain but-a usli
on my stomach. 1 (he usual remedie*. but they had
but little or no eflect irj removing the complaint. 1 was in
dneed, about two months since, to try voor Ettract of Hano
]Mriiia,and Imustsay with littl* coeudeace,’ but ailtrusing
nearly two btkifes, I found my appetite restored, and the
heartburn entirety removed; and 1 would earnestly recoct;
mead the us* ot'it to tho** who have been afflicted as 1 hate
been. Yours, fi-e., W. W. Van Zxsdt. .
. Nov 22,1846. ( ' Sutra Übnd.ft
&std th* following, and doubt .if you ean, Qvat'eontamp*
‘hn^saaotWcured. Tins bonly ooeoftbs ksctslhundred
cases IhslTowownd’. Ssn*{WriLn has cured:
br Towtuatd— Dear Sir. 1 was takes, a lillla overs
year ago, with a severe cough and fain in pj tide. It in
ercased oa me very &<t, ladred. I was prenouneed by phy*
sieians tu have the quick cousuaprioa* 1 raised laigs quae
titles of bail matter, bad night sweats, and nuking vary Cut:
my doctor said be eonld donothing for lot. Iwcaiiutothc
hospital ia hope of betng Unedited, but was pruuouaced tbers
aa i&eurebUi 1 .was now gtyatiy diMmsrd at tbs and
conld bardJy JwcaUis ; 1 suouberaisf emaciated, and sspreted
to dk;' was ecofiued to my bed, and was obliged to hare
wuebtrs . indeed 1 annol give you any description that
would do justice to my ease. I was .apposed by ay friends
to b* past recovery; I bad tried a great uomberof remedies,
and all sedaed lo be to no pm pose. I reqd dT sums most n
traordinary curu perforuwd by your medicine, red to tell'
Cths tyuth, 1 suspected (her* was soma hiimoUg br them.'
I wauindueed to try it. I didsopvtud am very thankful
1 did. I cannot my. that lam entirely wall, but am so far
recovered-!* to be about my business, sm hops to be entire
ly well in a few weeks. My conch and .pun ia tb« side,
and night sweats bate left me, amf raise but very little, and
am test gaining mv usual 1 felt it a duty to give
you a statement of my case, to publish if yon please..
Para Blown, 47 Lutls st, Brooklyn.
Opinions of Physician*,
Dr Towhsbcnd is almoat daily rtcuving orders froa phy]
sicisns in difiirrsol {arts of tb« Uafon.
. Thu ia toesrtify that ws, tha undersigned, Phjiiciaui-ol
tbeCilyof Albany,bav* iu nuawrous cases prescribed Dr.
Townsend’s Bampnrilla t :and believe it tobeoncof tbs most
valoabls prepwralksu of tns Ssrsatarilla in the uarkst.
H P Pcuko, a d
J WlLson, m a,
lID Bsioos, wo,
Albany, April 1,1643. P EEuuuiaou.Jto.
This u lo certify that we, the undtrujutd, practicing
Thomsanian i'hjsicu&jorthe City of Altuujr. hare frequent
,j prescribed Dr Townsend’s Compound Kitract of £atsa
,»nlla, sad from its knows qualities, would recommend itd
be public for mercurial, othere utueous wo
cases, in preference lo any of ihr adrertised remedies inosU
as*. , A \V Ktie«u,T r.
Albany .IpTfl ' W* fi greifToft, t r.
rrineinlufice, MS'FolloortjSun BoiMior, ff T» Red-
Jini !e Co Slate it Dolton; D( Pjott <f jStau. IJ2 Nottti Sec
odor PliiUdeljihia; S 8 Hiki, drurgui, Belli more; and by
prittitialdni(giiUgueraUr throognuut (be United Stale*,
TTnt indies ami the Casaaa.*
'.Nose genuine, taka* put up in lh» Itrjt square bottle*,
■whUh eootahi • Quirt tui lined with lb* written aignaiur*
of 8 P TOWNsJcND, and hisuato* blows os the Ola*.
Kras the N«w York Doily Esprew of AprilD, 1547.
A prtUylhieg appeared istbe*UeeU jattnli;. Jl ni
tb* advertising eab, or Serapurill* Kip**** o(JDr Townsend.
The wbaie thing i* pot ap is food test*: todOof lb* ora*.
otnUl UndKspe pamtinpar* beautiful, whrh, together with
thcacroU work, in cold. gliUraing in Uw sun, a*d* a ibow
rarely equalled in Broadway. Wo tab* thi* opportunity to
say we believe this ciuneloftbo Ssrmperills dnerew the
**r7*fr*»tpopnlnritjf it ha* aeqalred. '
■•rvetu Debility,
New You, Mareh 37, IM7
Dr Towswad:—l hin been afflicted nor* or ka 9
'rear*, with a dreadful sinking in the chert, giddint** in tb*
bead, low Jr appetite, pain in the limbs, and general defobty,
brought On no doubt by the continual beat and cold to which
lam subject to in wy famine** a* s dytr. t bar* tikeL ether
medicines, too nomcrou* to mestiao, foil wiUtbiUeurnotuc
lecw. Iru uxloced b* what t saw in tbr; p*|«r to try a hot Ik
of poor Samjmril'a, from which I touiulg r*fl relief | ban
*ine* Ukem a*v*n) more book*, and I ran onheutatiiwly ut
it i* tba beat medicine i bare arar taken—th« *»»i »my
chert is gone, ud I leal quite adifienslaftaaliqNtbsrsiac*
I bare taken yoor Bamparilta. Ibaranowa fourr si-rents
Ihsn erer 1 bad. >1? wile baa takro it with ibe mae bened
ciil results. I would recommend il a* a daily ■yd {fin*
rrecrally, and I feat coarinccd that il ip used then would nut
be balf the ekknem ibera is, and ntunaeally not *a sway
Doctor’* bill*; tor while il mlore* appetite, it also girca to
tba stomach and bowel* their regular kmetit keep* Uw bloud
in a heallbf stats, io that disease it not *o likely to al fork the
»jr»lcm. AodtoaJUhmewboaranotioabeaiUiY*tak.l*a»
try Dr Townsend’* Bsmparitla. 1
„ . , T«o*»aS*tTE, 7Q Allenct
Caoktrla UuUoath,
| BekwMßaecotato/uotbcrebildmrrd. DrToW«*red’»
jSarniwrilU ba* *a»ed the lira of thousands of children.—
Tba billowing certificate i* *e let Ud from a great' somber ■
Irtccived this week.
_ . N«W Fogg, AprilQ,l«7.
.Dr Towsjend: Dearsm—On* of my children wao very
•ick with tba Cancer in the mouth and throat, al tend ad with
great debility. Itcama near dying; I obuiaed aqme of tour
eirvlkjrt medicine, and henndit directly, (>r wbkbl ran
assure you I toel sere grateful, Youra rwpectfnßr.
h utzainra Kovul 37 Dcabrnwi, st
j For eat* by-E EtfKLLEKri Druggist, NoWvKod *t
gdlwcca El and dthrts, who hae-Cta appointed hr D*
TQWNSLNDsoI* Agent for Altcgheny coi jr9d£«MyK r
1 nnibnod'a Celebrated Fluid fflojiaiA - '
THIS is a miid,«CcaaJ rlrAol anU-acid and aperient,**.
*° , u, }“ « ehmiolly pur* earbcaallof
Magocrit; - Possesses all the medical qualities of the finest pV
pantiooa of Magneau, without being lisblo to form eouere
iou in the boweli, or k> art injurkmdr upon the coatioftha
tocaeb On* table spoonful of the Fluid Mtgsciia if eoiur
ilentinrirtßithtobalfatnupoonfulof Mijrneiia. i
Foi mlebyil A FAHNESTOCK A CO? corner I*l and
fFoo. and wood and flt> _ ; *u
Dr».Alclißna , n v 'Worm9p«cine. j - "
THUS is to certify that,. by takuigoita vial of Doctor
1 McLane'ff Worm Specific, a child of James Shaw’n
passed upwaicJl of 70 word*, and by Ibedaeof said
medicine a child of my own passed if largo worm*,—
ll is truly; (bo most surprising worm medicine I ever
seen. I must bivo iwomoie viols. >
‘ . Wilkin* Township I
| For sals by i USD k Op, No 60 Wood street, &•
i * ‘ jaw, I
_J 1 >
tjp tE--TUDD.have OtatkyrtceiTed direct from
JnUUy aanwtytmm.Mdofef foraole at New YoS
c ** e Extra Btpttfitte Stint mtnufaetarvd
• f «gje»lyfcroMuwn sales tad wanoated ireU
1 and Merino uader aits, wrappers
-aad Drawers, uome very fine.
1 cose Boiocm and CalUrs, melodise Bosoms with Col
. .Unaaaebed. »
swiveljoint Suspendcrvwith other Good*
. toe aamerow to mention, tnclndm* blk and f*u c 7
adjusting Bueka
Satin (low and plain Satin Shocks.
- Bombasine bow and plain Bombazine.Stock*- .
Bilk aadSatmTies, nch silk and amin cravats, with
one com of low priced :*bins whieh we orr ,* urr ,!i*
Quality have never been siuptssed in price .in. 1 * 11 *
\Ve intend to close the above Goods off uy tke P® c ~(sv
andwoold call the attention of Pnrck»»«T* 10 J
of Good*, knowing that low pnee* will ' fl 4sTf,n c
■peedysalo. M*' K v:T
octal as.wood jt, npjteJn4 3^*?. r *i cl - o,r
IN 68 Market street, 2d *» , r* A‘lpac.eas, VO
p'c* English Merino*, i! <■*•'» o C orr f?? attd c “k*
Sutres, lO'pei rnmcbiHraadefoib/iTpcs fancy, mix
tre, & caacvcas-incti, I®ba!e» red,▼kite and yellow
ttneU, 300 pesblonkeu. mw
ktnghME, gfovo- t" d tokwber with d general
Lsomneaio/ goods.- are mvitqd to exaramo
Aar «£sF iswenre confident it will favoribly compare
■ ;oCt "j° .’’l” * <X)
N ptiY invites the attention'of-dealers and others
Jurxecllcni assortmentof above "goods, in his whole
*«l?e raomjjßp stain, os well os m thereiaii department,
. (•- Dork mix'd Satinetu; • f
•! Blcvondbtack» do; a
Invislbltfgrecn- do; *•
Satin striped jiik do;
Gold mix'd Jcans; bine mix’d Jean*;
Gold mix'd Tweed*;
AH of wl-ich will be'sold low by the piece nr yard; al
so, on h&ad,'Cloth forcloaks,-anil barred Pcli*, fax
L’nings T » t * ’ detO *
Bew Arrival.
TUST Received Ihe balance of our fall stock of INDIA
J RUBBER GOODS, following kinds:
India Rubber, Lon* overcoats, tack overcoats, short
overcoats, ca r .cs without sleeve*, capes with sleeves,
ponchos, leggings, hats, camp blankeu, horae covers,
travelling hags, addle bus, gun covert, provision bags,
tieam boat buckets,-air pillow*, air -cushions, air beds,
bag raeks, for the ladies, aad caatines; all of,which we
have a complete assortment that we offer wholesale or
retail on tl>e Jowestpois'ble terras, at our India Robber
Depot, S wood street.'
J? have just received a large additional supply of extra
French-Thrkerri shawls. As-'tlten roods are, very
octree, wc-would respectfully Invite the' ladies fa call
and examine our stock,as we are fctlinglhcm very*
' bv<s »I 76 market st. W W'eor diamond
BEY’S New Fancy Store, 67 Market street—
.. 6 doz Cords and Tassels, for Ladies’Cloaks;
9 u GiSnu’' u : •
. 6 pcs Scarlet Silk Fringe,SJ inch.wide; ! 1
8 “ blue **
8 • u ■; ' ** 1 loch “
With q-largr assortmentof other color*. dell
JUST KECUIVfcDi-by Adirns A Co’s Lxpicss—
*l Supersufier English Drab Cloih;
Do ' do. uo* Pearl Drab Cloth; for over, bu
siness and sack coat's: which made toorder at
\he shonesl nouceand most reasonable terrot-by
dell -7(1 wood st, above 4ih
TjHEllit fMIOOfi-W« hare jus I received b> ci
im prest a vrry handsome lot Ladies* Drckt Goods,
. consuiingj>f— . . .... k
Super embroidered Cashmere Robes;
;De Uroeado merino . do;- ..
Fine plain Cashmeres, a beautiful article;
Gaia and Cashmere plaids.
■ nvO , t 76 market st cor of the diamond
L'LANNELfi— Red, Brown and barred Flannels.
A An additional from ibt moabike
turvrs. Also, a few picccs low priced Carainctt*; for
sale by * GEO COCHRAN .
spin • - • - 26 wood *t ’
UlbKl’lAb—4 coses superfine and tiicuroni, otack.
Oand colored English Siletias, just received duect from
dclti , 89 wood «t_
BINDING —12 gross figured I mohair andailk over
coat Binding, just rec’d by GreenuA Co’s Express,
itvSi days from or sale by
Q dcifl m wood st
T>EDs whita and yellow flannel*; fll*o, a large lot of
xhheavy twilled flannels,iu«i rac'd; for sale very cheap.
. ’’ ' - ALEXANDER* PAY. .
x -dr>7 . 7SvnuHi» ti W Anrdmmond
Comurriptitti, remember that it is Thompson's
Compound Syrup pf Tar and Wood jYop
tha whieh is daily effecting sueh re- -
markable cures in ,
Asthma. Brcoehilb, SpiUiog uf B ood, Pais ia the Sid* and
Breast.' Sora ‘Jbraat, Howtrsm, Palpitation of th*
Heart, te hoopiog Cough, Croup, Hives,
•.* _.- Nervous I remors Luer Cocapltßil
ul Disased Ktearyt, etc.
iponou* mixtures of Tar or
J. Naptha a* iauafam* arwabraad
M- B. I’. Tbomsoa—Dear Sir—l b* attaafehhejbenefit I
bate ex peris need from ths us* of your Com p*Mu b'j n p of_
lar acd Naplharcndvroit my duty lo inform )od of-lt. ’ I'
had bran luagafflicud with a wry bad rough, canting severe,
pstn in the breast, eppresum, Uiwcuhy ol brvatH
mg and lost of appetite L'ijij various, remedies wi.bout'
(fleet. I became alarmed, l beard of your"faedkine, but be
ing averse to using most aJsertised tnedieinet, I thought!
would adhere Ia wbat I had been uetng. Finding myself
ffUrag wars* a trisad pvfxoadedme h» ley n butt]*.of your,
preparation, tayiar >-he owed his life to its virlues ” JT ia
mediate.') |<rucurad aboiUe'.aad coomeceed uiiug it, sad be
lore I hod taken Iwo bottles, 1 was completely restored lo
Solely for the ben»6t of others I make the those brief
statement. Any further inquiries can be made nt my rcat
daaaa, Id&Calkanae street.— -•-- -
Respectfully jouri, Foaxcta Fsxvosr.
Stilt another Remarkable Cure.
: CsrUsle, Pa , No*. W, 1645.
About six tear* siuce, in ctmtequenee of the sedentary
ca’urc of my business, 1 wa* attacked with tetvre. Inins'in
tbo brrasU paJpilatiou of the heart and shortness ol breath,
which were ions followed by the (adore ofnpptUle. extreme
wakefulness al night aod partial para'ysis ol my limbs—these
\ jmptoas of a dtraoged tysleta,being, frequently attended
with spitting of blooa. For shout Iwo Tears 1 pus oecarios
al} (brown into cuavulssme, which left me-in a miserable
state of feehleoettaad began to affect my mind. J From lime
to tints my suffering* were more or less severe, mi til at length
they incieawd ta such a degree, and th* violence of the
symptom* were so augmented, that for a whole year 1 wa*
uuabls to attend to any business. Durirg this time I consult
ed some able physician* aud attended U> their prescriptions,
but ail ihtir skill was unarai-ing to procure a*e rel.efi aad
at length they regarded my rveorery as ehtliely hopeless la
ibis condition 1 wss informed of the miuiaiy effects uf
Ihetnson’*CompoundSyrupof Tarend Wood sisptha,.ia*
ease raoewliatiinular to mine, aud thoegh 11 tad given up all
expcetat.aos of a recovery .of my former health by bamaa
means, vet being strongly advised tb'lry' thl» medicins, I WWl
■t length prevailed upon to do »,'aad l .har* now to .**7,
that by lh« use of six bolUr* ray health hat been restored, acl
lam now able'to attend to business with bsmbcb feaiitj a
usual. - HENRY MYERS.
Of Dirkhuon Towmkfo..
rrtpered;on!y by ASGJfET k DICEnOM sltksN.B.
eorncr of Fifth and Bproce rtreeta ’ '
Sold by WILCOX, Jr Pittrburch, sad rtapsetM
Drogrirta -PriceSOct* ,or One dollar pcrkotUe.
• CAUTION.—Dewar* of imitation*,'and perehtoe Them
'mb'iJ Comyonnd Byrop pf 'far from none but idmlind
.agent*, or of thorn nbor* tb*. sospiewn of dealing in awan
ter&lU. - c MCildlm
THE best article known forcleaomgtnd whitening
the Teeth, strengthening the gums, sweetening the
breath, te. Il used every night with n atifl
brush, and the teeth and mouth will only require a sligh
washing in tho'morning. Wet the brash'with wirm
water, or cold will answer, uul rub it a few limes on
the paste, when enough wiU adhere for c-cuung the
teeth. Itleavesadeliciouniasleui the mualb,andtnr
pans a mostdelightfalfragranee to the breath, inlands
unrivalled as a pleasant, efficseious, convenient,-and
aafcUentrifiee. It is warranted not to injure iheteeth,
butto preservethem.
Uy uiing it regularly, it will remove the Unar and
prevent its accumulation—prevent the ; toothache
strengthen the gums, and prevent all diseases oftnen\.
Chemm».phys)ciini,and thtderjy recommend it a.
decidedly superior io every thing of the kind in ass.-T*
A«k for Sherman's Compound Orris Tooth Paste, and
observe bis signature is attacbeilio each pot.
Recommended by Dr. Cattle,' 3sl liroadwoy. one of
our beat Demists, and by most of the old established
ones in the United Stale*, and even xtensively used
by the Nobility of Eagtand aud Frvr ew
A large proportion of the disease.! bat afflict mankind
ariiefron semederangemem of thtatomaehQrbowels,
which a timely use oftheCaths tie Loxengrs would
entirely obviate. Persons of biiicus habits should &J*
ways have a box at band, and take adose whenever
they feel the least derangementin their health. A judi
cious use of these Loxeng'es would prevent thousands
of eases. . ,
For sale at WM. JACKSON'S, comer of Wood and
Ul-eitysl* * dcrtfcl
LADIES Common Prepared Chalk, are
often not aware bow frightfully injurious 1 is to
the skin! how course, bow rough, how sallow, yellow,
and unhealthy the skin appears after sung prepared
chalk! Besides it i*injurious,couiilningulatgeqoan
lltyof lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable
article, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY
WHITE! It i« perfectly, innocent, being purified of all
delctenoosqtulitiesj ami it imparts to the skin anatn*
nil. healthy, alaha*ter, eiear, uvifig while, at the same
time acting as a eosmebcon the skin, making it soft
and smooth.
Dr. James Anacreon, Practical 1 Chemist of Massa
chusetts. says: “Alter analysing Jones’sSpsaish Lilly
White, I find It possesses the most beautiful and naiu>
rsl. at the same lime innocent white 1 ever saw. I
eertßinlyeuncnnseientinnsly recommend ns use to all
whose skirt requires beautifying.”
{□•Price ttt cents a box.
£7*!sotil by WM. JACKSON, at his noot and Shoe
Store,» Liberty slice!, brail of Wood, at the sign of
the U<c Do<x> '
Imdirs. ladies. I’m astonished,
When you know that yon are promised
A natural, lilvlike, snowy white. ,
ThrfT you will still use common chalk.
And look a deathly yellow fright,
of laughter and of talk.
If you .sytild use a box of JUNE'S Lilly-white, u
wosUgiVeVdorakm on alabaster yet natural white,
and at tbeksame time dear and improve iu Sold si
J ACKBONI*, kg Liberty St. Pncc SScenu per box.''
_ - _ mvft_
Tetter, itch, salt rheum, Ae-who *oau
lor a single day scratch, when afflicted wnb uSe
Tetter, llrb.or other disease's of the *km, tf they knew
who would relieve andeure them. .
’Tis horrible to lie obliged to rob and uereteh when
alone, l>ul more horriiile to abstau from it. (far •leeeney
•akr,j witen m eomimny. Let it i« ied that
rao«t emMcious of any other preparation ita in
curing t)k Tetter, Jieh.and other diseases of ‘.he akin
Avail douses of the (kin must arise from the impurity
oftbetyood and fiuiilsaf the bod r, and where saeu dis
ease hoof longstanding, and the consututuui affected
;thereby.Ff ; Dr. Lcidy’s nafaspuitla lUood Pills lw u»«d
with the Ointment, they willcure say ease .whatever,
ahuSf they do not, the money will be irturned by Dr.
Leidy. Moil case s, however, wilt be elfcetually cured
hy Hr Leidy’s Teller and Itch Omimebt, tmlesa tbe
whole syiictn Is impregnated bythedikeasetThnniors,
which wilPbe comnletßly carried off ftom the system by
Dr Leidy's lllood Pills, und the surface of the skin heal
ed by the Ointment. Price of Ointment S 3 cents. For !
•ate by 11 AFAHNEtfOCK* CO -
oettO cor wood_A froul sis
MORGAN'S COUGH SYKUP.-lt proved to be the
great Panacea in caring my'child’s distressing
From the Temperance Banner, Nov. 5, M 7.,
Cocou Brace.—Wc are nouiu.thc habit of puffing,
much less taking Patent Medicines', but we feel disposed
to recommend Morgfin’tSyrsp to those who are afflicted
with a cough. After having tried UtQninl remedies to
remove a constant and disuettisg coagb,.U>ai bad for
several days affixted one of our csijdren, without suc
cess, wo were induced to try Morgan’s Cough Syrup,
and by itrelief was obtained m a few hours. It proved
io be tbu panacea In this c&so at least.
Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor,
JOHN D MORGAN, Druggist,
■vJ woodiijldoorbeloty dianwi^ajr,,,
-f' cities. wnHocT TRiifsHipj»Ear.-
THE improve dnieUiod crcan-jing used hy tbit!»»
k*iabU*hvd. Line, is sow co well known (hat dt£
senpuon ‘•'unnecessary. Qoodserenot baeheuouihe
ißUte, thu* nil ucashipment hindhng it saved
The Boats ate of light drauthtand perform their trim
•’ ~ • ■, ■ , .
The capacity of opr Warehouse* enable cs-io store
any consignments> its. <.£epeiv:o<, storing and
advances free of charges.. . • . .•
Being folly preparertlto make sales ofJVodaee, we
respectfully eon*lgnme'm*'of western- Hour.
B#cot>, Lartlißalicr. Ctecee, AVoolj Fcaiher*. andoihe?
jtrtcUa for, on w.»ich liberal advances will be
mado'and other usual facilities afford-d, plcdr(nc bur
aclvei that any business eulrusied to u< shad be as
promptly executed and Wpon as fair tenas as bvnnv
otherhouWK- JNO McPADDENA:<?o ’ >_
• : - » **-' * • • Canal Basin, 1 Pittsburgh ;
- mchltf !H3 andaSLMnrketst, Phllada •
SSgHIB47. "JSU^gg
T7OR the transportation of Frc-ghl hex wt-( n
‘ F and the Atlauiic Cities, avoiding transhipments an
the way, and the eonsecaent nskof delay,
breakage and separation of goods,
i 0 •Pnvriams ' •
, No ffraMarket, street. Philadelphia
M OorPann and PiuVumgh
O’CONNOR A Co, North street, Baltimore l .
‘W A J.TTAPSCOTT,?SSouthit, V. - $ Ageoja,
Encooraced by increased business the Proprietors
have added to their stock and extended their arrange
ments during the winter, and are row prepared to top.
ward with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed
by anyother line. Their long experience as carriers,
tiie palpabje superiority of the Portable Boat Pysiera,
andtbo great capacity aud convenience of the ware
houses at each end of the line, ore peculiarly cateula'-'
ted to enabk ihepreprieiork to fulfil their engagement*
-ghd accommodate their customers—confidently offering
be past ag a guaranty for thafuture they respectfully
salieiiaeoßUnuancQiof last patronage which tney j»w v
gratefully acknowledge- . -> • i
All coasigmnrmaio Toaffe A-Q’Cotmar will be rec’d
and forwarded, Steamboat charges paid find <BiUs,e£
Ladrng transsutied free of any charge- for Commission,*
advanetng or storage.' Having no. interest directly or'
indirectly m steamboats, the Interest of the .convenors
must necessarily be their primary oujecun'Snipping
west, and they pledge themselves to forward.all goods
consigned to them promptly and on the most advanta
geous terms <o the owners.
• Maichl,t&47 marS
THE Boatmen's Fottable Boat.Comnosy being dis
solved, the Company again wentlm'? articles of Co
partnership under the name theMfohlmen’s Line;"
and likewise agrecd-to teGl the'Stock so auto bavo s
number, of Boats for the purpose of carrying goods
tbtough in from six to eight days,'with certainty—and
fepl encouraged by tbe.liberaliiy of la«t year's patron
age, to make uioro exteusivo arrapgtmcais for the en
suing year,. . ;•
, We would therefore respectfully eolieit a continu-.
addehti‘enVfomrerpntroda.and refer all tteyr caslomert
to those we have 'done bounds* for: *“ ; / r ■ »
Forthe transportation of
. Umh.hhi.wiii BSLTIMOKS, NSW YoBJC, AltD UosrO.V.
Corner Liberty street aud Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
• Ari; GERHART A Co,
• No HGSMaikctStreet, Philadelphia.
. ELDER,.GELSTON A t>», Agnus,
.. —Xlalumore, Md.
PITTSBURGH—Jas.“nrcCaIit, Cco. UToreanACo.
JV bfcCfilfy *. Co. B A Sampson A-Ch T ,hl A!len'4rCo,
* PHILADELPHIA—Morris PMerHto ACa, Reynolds
McFarland A Co,' Fleming A Busby, Peter Wright A
Son, J BisphaoWJosepb Gruz.
NEW YORK—Goodhue A Co, Tbeo- Perry A Co.
. BOSTON—Reed, litWd A Co;
CINCINNATI—Adams A Creagh, V/ W Scarbor
°?T. PLEASANT, VA-P A Machicr.
i NASHVILLE— F Fleming.
i Nor* —All merchandise from New York and Boston, 1
consigned to A L Gerhart A Co, will be
promptly forwarded /ru of commission. fcblS
' : • irrWithout TrtUlihfomenL^m
Gtsdaconagnedtontreakc will be fmwanlcd with
outdelay.atthe lowest current rales. Bills of Lading
transmitted, and all instructions promptly attended lt»,
ftec from any extra charge for storage or eoairaission-
Addre«%orapply to C A.-McANULTY ACo
Couai Banin, Pittsburgh
Having a very large and commodious warehouse,
wv-are prepared to receive (in addition to freight fur
kbipmem) n large amount of Produce, Ac-onStorajc at
lowrates. {marnj C A A Co
1 847.^^
J EXCLUSIVELY for ih>s tiansponation *>f '-VaY
11 FREIGHT between Pnt*l<urgti.Bliuri.vibr, John*-
town, itolWaysbuigli, U'sirr Sttcct, I'cterßliurgb aud
all mleimediate places. . .
,Qne Boat will leakf tlic wnrehopse ofC- A McAncUy
Atixi PainbuTpU.every ilay, [except Sundays.) and
*£ippcr«can«tw*y*t*P r r>d on haxuig tlvcirpood».for*.
,warde’d wliUhudelay and atfairTute«.-4*'
, .This Line was foimed for tue’special accommodation
of tac way business, and the prppneiors reppeetfolly
, •olieiia.hocrml share of patronage. - - •
John joiin miller
JOHN MILLER. Hollwlay,burgh )
R H CANAN, John»iDWii I Agents.
CAMeANUJ.TYAOo. Pittsburgh) '
J J Me Devin, John Parker, Robert .Moore,'' Haguley
Ik*T»mith. WWfourgh.'" • * ‘*• - -rtrn«
beme composed of Lake Erie
J. and Michigan, runmng.duily boiwccit PiitsbutgU
and Beaver, anu freight and passenger Omln! ihidts,
rumUng between Ueavcrand and conoceimg with
C At Raul’s Line ol bteambom Propdlcre nnd Vessels
oatbe Lake*, will be prepared upon the carlic»t open
ing of Navigation to carry Kreigiii and Passcngcrato'
alipoint-son the River, Cnnal and Hakes.
Having every facility for conveying freight and pas
sengers with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor
intf agent* respectfully solicit from Uidi fnemts and
be public'generally thmr patronage.
* C M REED, Erie, Pronr.etor
KERBS, PARKS ts, Co. Bcavrr, Agt*
JOHN A CAUGHKY, Pittsb’ghdo ;
Cor.tfmitlifieldoad Watersu.oppo-ito l!icMuuunga
gahcla House.
Wheeler, Crocker & Co, New York
Oco Davis, Itoffalo
H N Parks A Co, Cleveland. i
jus A AraswongA Co,•Detroit ,
McClure A Williams, Milwaukie
Bristol A Purter. Chicago- . . ....
Wm Powers, Powerstown, Peana
Geo Machelmyre, Evnnstuugb, Penna
JohnMeAnbur, liuntsiown, do
Wick A Acker, Grernv : :!le. do .
Crmig A Fremniou, Clarksville, do
Hny* A-Plamb.'Pbarpv'jurgh, Pa.
W C Mulnn, Phoron, do-
R W Connintham. New Castle,' *do • mars
j £S3&. 1846. Sfeasa
li. Clarke. . If.iHoops. T. IV chmond A’ 60, *
Vorwardlag-'A Okmmltnloia Nerchanu.
TMlKArenu and Proprietors of this Line (to favor
ably known to the public), will t>c prepared on tho
eariicH opening of canal navigation to mccivcprop
.erty at Pittsbiugn and Beaver, and deliver the same m
any point on tno ÜbiocanaU,andalsoonfeikMErie
enu Michigan, with the grealest de*patch and aiTdasi'i
onable rates, ~.
Tho proprietors of this line solieil the buxines* of
their fanner: customers with confidence, knowing that
their facilities are eeeond to none.
Apply to or address
G M-HARTON, Agt, Pittsburgh. *
CLARKE A Co, Ucavcr.
jan3S T RICHMOND A Cc C retiand.
gfe/jen 1817-
U, J.REOn a'cu’s. ■" "
a (HE slock of this line «*o<i>iMs of ndoui>)c daily.
Line of Boats Olid Care, (owned by llenprlvc*,]
wlnch are in good order. The xubvenbera are pr-pa
red to (onward a large quantity of usd,
Produce with certainly and dispatch;
- Produce or .Merchandise cousigned to any of tne un
dersigned. is fonrmrdcd l'rec o| any ebargefor commis
sion or storage.
Hill* Lading transmitted and all instructions promptly
attended to.:
The' business of tbix -Line is conducted os stnetly
Sabbalh-keeptng principle. Addrc**, or apply to
1) LEECH A Co. Proprietors.
Canal Uastn, Pittibnruh
HARRIS A LEECH, Proprietor*,
Non South Third rtreet. Philadelphia
No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore
W U WILSON, Agent,
nu hI.A. No 7 Weui ttreei. New York
18-17. •
canal packets tkleo aph a swallow
LEAVE Reaver daily at 2 o'clock.* w., after Uie
arrivatoflbe vteamlioaiUEAVEn fromPiltviiurgh.
and arrive nt Warren null morning In season for the
Stage* which reach Cleveland before night.
will be reccipiedthnusb.securinglwnht
oo the Packets,and seats in the Sure, on appiiraiinn
on board einomboot Uesvrr. (leaving Patsburgh at 9
o'clock,*.» ,] or to the agents:
G M lIARTON A Co, Pittsburgh
CLARKE A Co, Denver
1846 AND 1847
IS: mmin :
Tire undersigned ate now prepared lo foitvnrd pro*
d<iee,4tc.,to the KaMern Maraemiuring the cnsn*
mg Winter, on the most favorable terms, by (his exp**
diltous route. ■
All property consigned lose will be forwarded allhe
lowrftratesarul with despatch.
lleirhurtdiie received by il»« route promptly for
warded. J C DII>\VKU<, Ag't:, pmtbiirch
G W CASS, Brownsville. T
h MiKRTON A Cp, Oarniterlnnd '
mms Line conw»tin#offrc!jht andpa„ ci 7 | j..r { ..- lr | c .
WICK A AHClNiß,GreenviJlf Arts ’
- -ssasaiMsssaiS^Pe.
. WM. MATIIKWa, Pula-si; ' rfo
ItFKDi'I’ARKS A t!o. Ifoavrr, do; '
JOHN A CaUUHKY, corner Water and tfnuihfirld iu
«p9ljr Opposite ihaHooosfihel* House, PtU»hßr|h
■ . .BEAiVldUV
ifeh Th= :
Charles Hodph ’commenees her
burgh afPO’cUickfiijs., sod BeavrtVid o'clock,
Pi tlsburgh-aod> Cleveland lane of Cad
nal Boats daily to Cleveland, Warren and
Cleveland Lide of Canal -Packet* antTStare Coaches
doily to Warren and Clevelxtfrfr'-Ca&al i'dckut Lines to
New Castle and .Grtcnville,’f , *s*Elle'Extension Line,
to Meadvillfl •anrLiKrie.'*--Neil,dObore'AiCo's Lines of
Stage Coaches for Cleveland Bea
ver daily the arrival of steamboat Beaver from.
PitiUiorgh; ApidTto ■> ’ 4 - j :
4 -j . ; iG.M JIARTONACo, Pittsburgh
npH[ —.- CLARKSBeaver >■ j
- • :i:v--iUNI.ON LINB'i (
"1847- .{ußS^
>1 N,PARESACo,Clevelan<LO..>)' ! '
-- It G PARKS. BeaVer, Pa.' ‘ J Proprietors.
Ul Pa.-) '
TUIE above Luna as now fully prepared to transport
’Frfight and Paksengersfffim PinibarJhandClevc
laadi ttxroir point on ib« Peri&sylvama JtTikio and Ohio
Canals. , ; t : ....- . f •
•The ifs“tiliti<soTs'ild Line afonKlerjualledby any oh
Wt numbers ncdicipaoiy of Boats, expe
rieneeof‘Captains, and promptness of Agent*, ■ i-
One'Boat leaves Ptu.-burgh and Cleveland daily, rati
;niM.iiicom)Ociion.y»iULituilBwnm«rt4; ; I
Michigan and Lake 'Krte, between Pittsburgh and
snd a Linedf fim elass .Stenmhoais, Propcl
rl«s, Brigs and hchgonot*, on Eric, Huron, All
chitta'rt ond Onurio. i
ir. to an7»pan>>f ih’d- Unienf wriu*
.EiN PARKS LC-'. Cleveland; Aets I
f REED, PA ItK? f; vo, Beaver, Aktf ’
• W T MATHF.RifPittr-atfrfh, Agty.
_ Cor \y^terk- i nmlUtfiVldYlreeU'r
lB4 a
:.Biom pg arrive at Warren Mt
time lutf&e Mu| Line.ol.Stfigc*, whicivl*avtLinußcdi
jateiy tberca/ler,aod'artiUc?Ci-y t I-n<fatao’clock I i?
■ 'w, 1-rep...
■REEDfI ARKS ACb, B^v.ver,Aranis
A • *'l^TicfcnerWrterandJmiihfiddsti,
apfay; Opposite the M«WBCThc!a House. Pimbttrth I
FOB TUX TRl55?ORT4rioir%V
• i • aad'Hoatoii, - ■
fTIHE enoooragciotatth’o line bu rcooijred siaeo
X induced the proprid'
tori to increase the stock by adding o number or fir I
el ore boats) and instead ofgiving receipts as hereto
•f9rp iui wp*wiJLgive'our 6wo Wjccipta. lor
frcightahippcdbyJijfßline, . ’./ I’-} '• r ‘ || '
'nib boots are all portable, consequently freight
is taken thb whole distance wilbndt'
thereby preventing damago from frcque&t bundling
on the route, and as each boat is . «>w < ned by the
.Captain who rune thotQ; which is a euffiSent guar
antee that tboro will be no .delay-on ll
All Produce or Mcrcbandiae consigned to-'tile
will be forwarded. FKEK'OF COM-
Ml.SSlON.foradrancicgaad forwardjpg,and Will
be shipped wUhout 'dcby at tfab lowest rates of
Ireigbt. • . ' .
We respectfully solieita share of pbblie patrp
nage. WALLINGFORD 4c Co., *
‘ • CanaJ'B&sin, Pittsburgh
» . Broad Street Philadelphia. '
F MILLER. Agent . j
, ' Bowlcv’a Whim, BaJUmorCf
Pittsburgh, Feb. 13,1847, ■ ' !
184(5 1847
THE •aliKnbera will roceipi forthe delivery of Pro
duce 10 Ilaltiraore by the Monaagaheia Slackwatct
itttbe following prices.— .[•
Paeon, firmer, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow,
»Whisk,ey, s, * r d Glass—fc~| eti per 100 lbs.
. Tobaccv.neap, Flax and Wbea —‘>l etapefr 100 lbs.
Ashes, <l*oi> Apples, Clicese, Flax-Seed, Glass, and
leather—lo 6 c:s per 100 lbs
Oils; 9kiuß.Seeds, Wool—llOcu per !00 lbs.
Uecswnx,Feathers, Furs, Um»ei g, and Snake-Root
—l*l els per IOOIbs. ...
All property consigned to either of the undersigned
will bp forwarded without delay, ree of Commiesioti,
at above rates. W H CLAJUvErownrville.
HANNA k. WATERMAN t Pittsburgh.
. i Dtl. SWAYA'E'B
A certain and safe cure lor enogns, colds, asthma,
liver complaint, spilling bloodjpuibs in the side
tir breast, nervous debility. whooping cough
• liruUrn cnn'ititulion,' CONSUMI*-
TION or uuj r disease (p| tiielungsor: ‘
! breast. Header arc you suffering ,•
' with a cold or disease or the "
[ lungs, try this' remedy,' , •
j- - jou'will not per.
i bapsregsetit; •' ,
It will arrest, jil thoee'diaagreetbloejmptotoßwhie|i.
. glrikqsucbterrorjo tlio.mind. Aj
tSewarc nf all'preparations purporting. 10 contain
WjldjCriorry,except tbalbeanpg
. 11 SiViyne ao the outside wrapper ul cficliboHle,
as they are quite likely-dustiluic el tlio arttele from
wine i they borrow a name. i i j
Rrad tchai it ha* done! ,t•• ■ )
p Wou d perhaps be a small esUmate lor.the ravages
of Ills dfehafu! tffreaiHf in a single ycarjthen add
the fcarTnl catalogue of those cut off by lnflama
-tionol the-L&ngs; Hcmortbage; Asthma; Cnogtri
Itiiuenn. Bronchitis,and other didcucs ol the
i: Lu[ig>*.aniJ Liver. , . j
: i A»:d ho lint would present an appalling prpol <>l ibi
i latali :y ot these two classed or disease*.!•••! But it is
’ tmpn tintto know thaf ueariy .aJI of this dread.
' waiilr ot* human life might have .been '.prevented
by a iimcly use of Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND
Th a medicine has now bee i. before tnc public
sohic eight:-) ears. and lathe"’!) igi'nal preparation
from the Wild ("berry 'IVeo. I?.reputation as a
remedy lor.Coughs, .Colds, Brohchitis. sad Con*
sumption or the Lungs bia’cd eti i-oly upuh!/ita in*
trinsie mdrits, owes but little lw .mated newspaper
; putlsJ ‘t'oqsc wbo give it e tn.- .ating boncliticd
by it,l recommend it to their : • jhbori, nnd thus
sorely basil g;iinr. ' .ii enviable repu
tatiod and worked its way intv *-xcral use'. One
bottle never cure a rcce cough or cold!
whiid with strict attention to U.t directions that ac
coWfiany each bottle,its u« in piitabnarr diseases!'
of lucr; standing and of tlic tun it ajattutufchanjc
ter, ,haa always-given relief, *try mpny
instances has effected complete anil permanent
cures. a- ' • j -
Dr, *SWAYNE , S Celebrated .Compound Syr*
j upof Wild CAcrry.
• fjeod the most remarkable of Consomplior
oyer ilaccd upon record— I j l*
Dr bviuync—Dear Sir: I feolitla debtof gralitudi
due to you—and a duty to the afflicted generally tt
offer my-humblo testimony ia' ldvor ol your Conti
puutui Syrup ol.Wild Cherry. [Some three yean
I siocd, I was.vioicntly attacked With cold aralinffa
ualipaof ihp.jung*, which was tecompanied wiU
a very distressing coujb, pain in llio Iff cast andheau
—a very conciderable discharge of olfcnajre moeat
, front.the-lungs, especially uponbhanges efweather
however alight. At first l fell blarm about xny
condition, but won pretty thltd war
rapidly going into consumption. I grew dally weak*
cr, and at length was scarcely able ip walk about ot
speik above a vrhispcri. such was j the exceeding
weaineu’dr.tny lungs. During tnjistinie 1 hid tried!
1 'Yamjus preparations and prescription*, but lound no
■ 'rcliejr—growing all the time vrpnie. Just here l was
ndvisedaed pureuaded by a! dear I'riedd ib Wilming*
. -ton to make a.trial ol your Syrup dfr Wild Cherry,
1 mdtt coufcss.that previously 1 had been prejodre
:cJ against patent medicines, anil! 1 am still against
those coming out of tho hands of empirics, but
iundijrstai.diog yodr claims to the profession and
ipracticc of medicine, and having implicite faith in
:lho paying cl my friend*, 1 lorthwith purchased dl
[Dr j|baw, one of your agents, a few bottles and
jcouimnnccdiUusc. My disease .at this time was
.ul tw enty .or. twenty five months' standing, canse-
Iqucntly was deeply soated. I.fraud; however, ton
iridofuble relief from the hrst tiiuror lire bottles.—
!But being a public speaker 1 frequently attempted .
to preach with my increasing strpngth and thereby
ruptiircd those vessels Uial hed'already began 'to
' treaty in tbin way, doubtless, iriy;curo was.-'greatly
retarded. In consoqucnco of rdciing ihitt itnpn*
dently 1 had to uio ll or li bottles before ! was
perfectly restored. . I have no question, a much
smaller number of bottles would bate made fnc
sound, hut Ibr tho above indiscretion. ‘The Syrup
allayed'the ieverirh habit, did awajr the distressing
cough, put a stop to the discharge or matter from
{bo Ihngj, andQve them and Uiecntirosystem good
iiealui. 1 bayn delcrrcd offering this certificate till .
imw.l for thcpurpoco ol being perfectly satisfied
with [the permanency of tho euro, and now that 1
led ierlectly well, 1 oiler it with pleasure'. •
1 ' J. F. JORDAN.
. Dublin county, N. L. • • ->
I caution: CAUTION! " ;
: Avbid all-spurious preparauohs of .Wild Cherry,,
Balsams, BiUers.bjrups of Wild
Pills purporting to contain Wild'Cherry, &c, itc,
•; 9 nro “d bclitious and counterfeit, and contain
nonejof the virtue*of the original and genuine' pre*i prepared by Dr. Swayne, ted. the drsti
ever prepared in this country. Doctor Swayno’s
Coih|iomid Syrnpof WILD cIIERRY isconqiosed .
ofvcgctable ingredients,tho Wild Cherry, : aud oth>*
er mtdfeal subitanccs cqafly as cfflcsci«>us, if not
rioresn; the whole are-so eOcctoally concehlrated '
as tojrendcr it doubt tlio untt pleasant,'
strengthening, and ellcctiial remedy ever discover' -
edlor the cure of Pulmonary consumption/and all
direues of tho Lungs and Breast. The very. laet,
from its having such a train of sporious imitators,
stanc s to prove its great curative "properties, ,
T 1 cralorc, invalids, inquire fur (bo ongtnal.prepa
ratio I,'cach bottle of w hich is enveloped in a bean.
Uful Wrapper, - with a likeness of Wdham t’enri cb- '
gfavi d thereon; also bearing the signature of pr H.
bwa; ne, the countcrlciting of. which wilt tie- pun. 1
fthcq as forgery. ; \
•; Prepared only bj l)r. H. Swatitk.N W eorner
of EjaHTH and Race Streets, Philadelphia.
'• Fornaie in PiiLbnrgb wholesale and retail bv
WM[ THORN, street, - ' 3
oGD>lN.A.b»NQW'DtN.corner llndA..\Yoodkts. 1
U. Al FAIINWTOCK A: Co., comer of Ist and
: W'jind and Clli and Wood streets.
S. JONES, US) Liberty street
JOHN MITCHELL, Allcghcnyetly.
i AnpV lit! respectable Druggists and deaiers in
Medicine, throughout the United State* and Cana*
i ' soplSO
Sa!l l jS» VUt ‘ Mlt ' 11 '
i IdUttmiUi, p«_ )■ .
P. )
rc» lp«s at nij;ht,und having uocla fever at
(•juilnt h. h? 4 «om., »n Z-i “fsaf SST 1
year Vcimir.,., I. U„, bl . ri.l “Jj £*.! I
your Yeimifuec heticr than allqiherv - ‘Wuvuici j*. S.noar/
D.SL: Cirjy, Aiwv
larcdami *o!d by R,K:BEM.j
iyi>r.Cws*J,sß) watd/aij-jj
kU. ,tf C'’,” ' *
j -»■ c :ol t
1 d 3
; ' ’•' tlasthl : w r
has disc—owl* w*j to oakt medicii t
rpTrgvsnLso that childrra will take it mddy aad cry Lr
More. ' tbal hb/«eri«ii* u arouad caeb boa of Loisu
gr»i a Pot of Tooth Firfc ob the tacA uf tack I’fultr.uii ia
. h Sill Af I)l|B..lmi,
Tbair I L<K(ag«BSre thewfest;*u*t wtuil cJErctualrva
equghs, whooptug mwhs, Wh
jo»,b*kto*nof ihsluijior rimt,cte,tie. TbsHopmior
hMocTcrkaowa*a.iastne« ; wh4rethey did BoSrtrc pctMct
jopifeticn.'.Socnl tbowmd;bests ban brea wid witkia
taalMt jrar,lr*Dmg u> bealth periesu is fiioott etcrv tU<t
tbotc (aborug xadcr Ihtmoit'dblmw..*
f*7* “J* wuebs. Thty do sot cluck and drj up tbacoujb,
* •. r « * r “asprctoratiai,allayth*tkkUagot
utiUSob, aim. reowva. die arauude or exciting cauta.'
nre auJrlniei a rmobiqatioß of s-Aost valuable exper'
lunoqofedugh mediemes, sad an 'umtimbtedlj tupenur
Avrv, u»iagiay*elor Uk)**coca/laiati. HundraU* two bus .
dredv ofewtiSeatex have bees'offered of their wiauUrhit vir- ,
tsei, tram thorn who have beed caved from an utimsi, ra»«,
_ P»b>» d>« trail or xidr,om of Bh»r .
U * 4 sad woiu tilt rclmeJ. If aiicwlrd
with coMireonx,* few eathanie or laaativa katarcs. or au
mUJcathartic mcdwiw, ibouhi be uvedsa •
pnrthd Ufeoielhaal,49b
,000 c*Ki inHUbfe; the ooly certala ifana dnOvyuix
Man>-d«i*, MiK , 1 jp ai w o^
ratwwiiUmag, xad«« draih,wuh ’
outtWKTxrbeu* impacted; . ,
adhefed y , J h doctored tor rviou. ,
do«of thereL^^ouU
S-gmphmurJ .j. _
.ilvebre^h,pickhigattheouM,(riiuli&r’ o£ dielreth’duria* .
.btceUttgUdw e «*»UMma£aeMsifc£it Urn shanactu Saih'
exwniest o«r Uic luriace ol lie body, xtfiJebUU vrrfiiv*-
enop, hexdacht, drouxme*, vertwoTtrepor, duturUd
droou, fudden itortiag
F ftwwips,- thi^t^hfd
hue, fiu,'kadtaite la the tooed, difflculitreathJur, t£h» ia
the .tosach or bowel*, Atigue/aauw.,
aouxapptlite, Inuuew,bloued. xlorsaehmSbU,;
«hoohng;p»m» n tarwuipartaefuj, budj,a»ci» cf***.
. thing n%- m the throai, .ichiuj of the anu towards l^T,
sherman's camphor lozenges.
They pva uamsdiaU reh»r »a acrTou* or xiek headache
palpilatMo oftba heart, towao. 0 f the spirit*, deaosdraev
mbaauaatoiy or potrid sore throat, bowel pr ukr cel,
plxut/feinting, oppmxicei orb tom of rntiud the-rW'
chohe, ipxuu, cramp of the deemch or bovrels, hjxtorieal
*flectioo,'ud all urvoui diseases, drowtiore* threoxh tK,
day, and wakefutoes*. through .the,wght; choUn or eholl
darehaa, la»tod#*e.*se»»tffiaip w . ?„*
tons travellag or attending lam wfil fiddm t *-*t
ges really rcririsg.ahd utmittaglbs buoyanmfyoolb: wd
tiler dieiinatioo, they wOirestore the toMoflhstTstmiarf
enlly, and rußOva all the uaplcaoat syaptosn* araiaa tnu
toofere lirfag. Person* who hare beestoo-high and
ahaowdtbwdisairetod will fed thoaLcMaguUj
The test strengthening piaster ia Uw world, and a sorsnig*
reoedy fcr jams, or woaSnasa fa: tha haek, bina, aH«, nrei,
hmhi, joints, rhenaatma, lsmbago, lie. ke. Oualllian *
yearwillbouuppiy the demand.. They Kquirealioto wans
mg .hefisre appheaUoa. Warranted tapertor to all others, aad
houn.aad ciuaiastoniihmg.etirti.' *-
ni d JWfa* UdkouM he wore crer
“• ° rUl f. u , Ttr w vtoeweh, and it will afford mat aad
utobuhieg relief la eocghs/toli*, of
bre^hing,oppresstoa or the «stam*h; thev will to*
greatly WnefitthTpSS*
;er rebtL In theg opmtioa. they«rtiim«i«.t i-j
aaodvwj They are cm*pored of entirely diflfcmit
euU Irom any other, and hsown from the experiencerfre! 1
lion* who fere used them, at weU as the inutod tcAiamre of
all thectlebratedand distfarniafed elerry and u
be the niott useful and acdleetod pkstor ' 'T'™' ”
Beyerelpenoju fere eal&d at Ife vUrefeoss torere
’5- '
■ Dueetioos fcr use are on th* fe&df&lf •'<
r.Ea.s;ss?a tr&s&sfcgsx
bqprfaapkddcalsn,' - • n *
fioM .SoJMk „ijd b.JW. JACKSON « bii IVj,
;• “1 HAYEPOESD IT.ii-rL^
r ; Cinriawati, 0., hltieh M; ISO.
; Dear pin—This iWoeertify. tosfeiFabfi*;|Artieul*jlyt»
those adieted with • a ditta* of tks Lungs, or Constuaptioa
fast in tii* Spnngof 150 I was ettaeked with a severe cold ■
’ which soon becaaw seated upon say hags, (bowing ell the
symptoms of an epprooehfag Coajaanptioa. My cough was
.tight troublesome, attesdedwith eep«oaba%ht |weals;
spit up iaily a eoSMderehlo quantity or hloodj with
hkk dark matter. My situation betas and alarm- T
ing. Daring this lime I was attended by two of our ooel
skilful ftyxleiani; they dU ife Wsi. tfey.equld fcr a*, whs*
at length they gave up all fepes'of ay rresmy,i*fenaiag
*"* lt, * < fatrtrnnld he done thitniy hiptw fc- .*
tally diseased, and beyond remedy. I was then persuaded by
a Triend of mine to make a trial of DA Diikm'l Xrputo
mni fleiordy, whieh ny Fbjxsrians.persisteo against, reying
tills, medicine would do no good, and would, still' add
more to my suderiug. I told them it was! my hit and only
bo|>c, and that if 1 must die of the dweue, (wh?eh was nr
deal to me,) there would be nolhin£f&t.* : Bbi rent to the
Cincinnati Office and obtained & bottles of this truly Vain* '
b!e Medicine, and commenced using according to the dine ' *
Lo&tjWhieh, iarttad of adding to ay suffering, fauMdiMcly'
gave me, relief, at once arresting the Irouhfalome Coug
easing the pain end tightneu in my Chest; gnmfc me a new
life end |trcnglh, which son* enehled me to be about again;
This medseine continued It* good work, whfabril so nobly
coiudti.ued,.until I was made a soundman. I fere since bee a
atieading to my busmctc, (upwards or feel as
healthy u I wish. I feve recommended Dr. sfaeaa* Ea- - '
‘ pecionnt Remedy In uaay instances to tfere similarly afflirtsd
and it has alvnysprored sueceasful to fer as I fevb witnessed
lt*«ffeet|h Sly lufer is using thu medkfaa at present, bn 4 '
Durcsid Eirrr and-«a Ajfrt&'o* ef tUlwh|* whwh she
fed suffered with for seme time; she, !>r.i oeany recovered ■
by the use of,thismcdicucj and I ani confident the C bottles '
that 1 to-day wiU entirely eure her., ( I am sorry
o know that there are thousands of valuable persons wasting
way wipi this dreidfal
ii poly possible for .those to procure thismedieine in
.time, before it be.loo hrte, many lire* might be prolonged aftd
their'feaihes-pod relations again rfadered "happy,- Thia
medieiue w2l giv eisslant relief, andat the same time arret
the hardand pain fa 1 Cough, reaiwu tiietigh'tsiain the Chit
give strength to the enfeebled end cthaCfalsd friint, end in
***?*> I ea certain, will perform a perfect cure.
Montgomery, Hamilton-County, Ohio,
r it' B, iT T, *»*2F®ttayßot be aeqoalnUd with me I refer \
to th*. of coun- \
ty, O.fthey ariU»t«ny Him ■!—fnsntl.
| ,\ Boowxxu, -
,‘i ■ CarT-'J.Snmh •
street, where this valnb>« Medicine eaa ahnvi fe obtafaed
Sold tojiiuhnjh, bjr \Vilf. JACX«Sr:omor ol
Wooj KmrLthertv ste WprH-dAw
i Hair l Cream, .a matchle** article for.the Growth,
Beauty and Restoration of the Hair. Thu. Cream, when
once known, will supersede 'all other oxtiiles of the
kind now used. Where tho hair is dead, barth;thin, in*
healthy |or turningprer, a few applications w>Kmake
the holg soft aud dark, and vivo it a beaatnol livelv
appearance; nnd.will also make itretsin it* Uvelinesa
ami healthy color twice as long os all the preparation*
which are generally used. Every Jady aad ffemleman
.wbodrel in, thehabit of namgolls on their hair, thaoJd .
at once purchase a bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream, as
•ill* so composed that it will sot injure the hair like the-
Other preparations, bot will beautify It and fcree pcxfeet
satisfaetfan in every iiTslanee. -__ •-
; Fortestitnony.toiu very anperior qualities,'see the’
followisg toiler from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Messrs
Hexderxhou A Stretch, NuhviUe, General Akenia fo*
IbcWestern Suuee: t « ■ ■ . ~T*
Letter from the Kev. R. Caldwell, postordf the Pro*
bytenau Church, PulaskL r
Messrs. Hendcribott A Siretcfe-CentfetMnr I a
pfensnre in addlrtg my testimony Jh favor of ther a
lent preparation called Dl. Purriahhf CMrieso t '
.Cfcatn—(or about two year* ago my hair was veryd
britdy. and disposed to come out: bot having procure
atioule of the Cream, and used it according to tbe ore
senpuon, my hair is now poft; etaaoe and frm to the
head. Many balsams aad oils' were applied each lea*
Jfii'if »nr k*if ui n worse *ute tbtmbeforej-Tbis Cream
however, uss net my expectations.'
Avail nniclefor iheToilet,ray wifegirexjft nrefet
encc over all oilier*, beinrdelicatelyp*rf B ined,*Nd not
di*|w*ed to raoeldiiy. The Indies especially wilt find
the Uimesfc Cream to be u dejuderatunjiui their prepa
ration* for tho toileL . Rcvpcclfulir, Ac. - * JanV.7,1847 • dl CALTAVKLL'
wholesale and retail, in ritisbmgh by Jofe
RI. Townsend, Nd 45 Market street.and JoetMoblej
corner ofiWoodnnd Fifth its. ■ •-v ' jnlltf
Cream dc'Amanda Ante re’.Jar abavint; • 1
Lrcam a la shaving: ,T^[
Almonde Crentd, - do; \ •
Soperfioe Rouge,on Porcelain viab*;” 1 ! 1
le^re e slfe|-* Cenl a ®*' with Lavchds*, Angle*,
Beaatirulpowder pals, of aU paiteroi;' 1 ) '
comaining ftagrant exnaela
tor tne handkerchief; oaeenl hag, and loitH'rosp*, vui*.
abbs for present*. ,■ r *
rrreiau, or Chine** Dowden 9
liilmn vegetable hairpil; '. " * i J
edj- 3r * ” aac J or.consaton setnf-
Jonex’.Soop; Nymph Soap; Rote Lip rolvef
Cordcteam,efegaml>'patup; ~ '
Fare palm rpap. in bafa and cakes;" " " s •
Shell sonp; Soria soap; together wijh a great-variety
oi titM perfumery: jn>t received; for eolehti: v
i . ‘ c a Fahnestock aVo
cor Cih A wood «l«
.. ii % ifr Orfia««, 3rf £Wj <M!«.
Oaeißiertiimor lSiinevor «0 fiD
Twoio*ertioMwMfaoutalierationi/...,“’;j.0 75
Three " *t ,l Ino
One Week, " . « . T.T'.llY. 1 £
Two Ween u “ . • ** m
.Three “ u -..•’7**3 00
One Month, •* 4 00
-J>* - , •. “ X6OO •
Three t - j' 750
p* Loo & »d*erti«»Mt* in, »ma*wope’rtion.
One aquare.C monthi, without AllemionVi 10 00
: “Y- ,'..,*15 CO
• fejch addlttonojfl square for 6 months 5 00
" ".\ ‘‘ /IS « ; >**..*' 10 OO
One »qnare,u month*,renewable at plcaiAre, 15 00
1 u |« .SO 05
Ench additional etjnare for IS ihnnU».a.....* 10 00
t-??\ I “\ U r!’ CS ‘ G ,ro’wable at pleaiurf, 30 00
t.ncli additional square, 6 month*. ft 0O
wrsHTj oi»\T*itwMKi.t r ia suYiXi&tiae.'
One aqtiare.a in5erti0n!,......... 50 ■
“■- j * act additional in*erlkio,..;'.l/.. 37
. | \ BCIIHUS CAM!. ' ''* ' •
*ne line* orlei?. one year. .......5 nA
! " -»jx month* sqq
« U "u ■ «»«jew,daily* weeklj/io OO
.. Amnuinxnn nr wiim
For 50 Jmet, oHess, One iruertioo, ....— $q
•• . •*
j .< «' . -t* Twelve * • *.**••• ® W
tTAII adTertiiemenU to be ehaWetfWtCi?™ 00 -
>ml n diseodntof S 5 per ennlto
amount of adiertiitog '
14 ■ '