The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 08, 1848, Image 3

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    v/ GROCERIES, &c.
LEWIS HUTCHISON * Co~ N 0.45 Water
and 83 Front atreeta, Agenta for the St. LooU Steam
Sagar Befiaerr, have in stores
31 bxa D K Large Leaf Sorar,
13 W>l* KoSeoaQ “
; . Isbxa No 4 '■■■•*
• tfc4l»bUNo4 >r . H
Ifii - 5- “
i M. «*• **l **
■ ‘3: S -
, U u D 8 crowed
45 “ * powdered w
CO “ . b : *c\ cniibed “
. For aafo at reduced price*.
Hunt*’ do:
■ fi® -** ’ Trash ’ do
:-1 ■« j U l i “ itin fe
- i*S “ t &
■ ‘ ' 19 “ ■ Teuenfle, do; 1
i |\ l» .. Sherry, do;
i ! \ ■ *i • d« do;
: ’ \.?i w i pwwn do do; .
!• \|®i Lisbon do do;
« •£*, ; u . • Dry M»l»« .do:
«L Vi i° ■* i '-Owe! dP S ' - •
Tornia in u> suit, by p. cTmaBTIN,
° cga / 1 cor. Southfield A Front sis.
!• . | 5 frails D&teg; .
• dcuesCilroiu ’
i 2 bids shelled Almonds;
3 bliU Filbert*;
10 ANo 1 Rock Candy;
__ «d>bxsne\v scaled Herring; received per
soar. Coo sol; for sale by
i - 133 A IS wood >t
AM. : 95 bxsCabanaghfis;
M “ Chapman’* ss;
: i ; » u Xlt'tS*
’■ ' SS “ Bassett A Robinson's ss;
■■ SO “ Brmnche'a |aj
. ’ • Mi* Dawson's la; ou consignment aad
Car a&lc by ',! • A-GORDON,
. , Water at.
TkRPGB-Gma Myrrh, Turkey;
A/ ' do Garabogs;
| do Kin© True;
- t r .do .Opiam, new crop;
' j' do Golbsaum, strained;
j | Ext Jalap; .
' ; do Dandelion;
'i : .do Belladouua; juat received and for
H’« by | H. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO.,
deia | , cor lit k Wood ata.
J"\XLR—IUOO galls winter bleached Whale Oil; prime
\J article: !
' 6 bbla Tanner* Oil;
I 6 " Crude do; in store; foriale by
btA I • Water at, near Cherry ay.
FEATHERS» Ao—3s seks Feather*;
6 sets Ginseng;
' 4 seks Dry Apples;
1 box jdo
1 eak Beeswax;
1 sek Beeswax: to arrive; for sale by
dels • '■ 1. DICKY k CO.
FISH— ISO bbla large So 3 matkaral;
90 do Noe I*2;
40 bf bbls do Noe 3*3;
.03 bbls No 1 gibbed herring;
\ St do No l Salmon:
13 cask* lam C-odfisb; : ,
100 boxes'scaled and No l Herring;
Reecivingandforaalehy LAMBERT * SSItIPTON, ■
dc3o . 133*133 Wood »t
SIUTIAIr>\V« biTeiou received f
one case assorted colored siletfsi; !
•* “ very light do do; i ,
• ; u u black do; very hesvy;^
■ “ u H ’ 'Jo; very fine;
“ ** asa’d col easbane; .
“ , “ black do;
whick we will aell low to the trade.
dc3o 99 Wood st
MOSEL MUSCATEL bock vue, Henkell*
Co’s, exportation, for sale by the case or bottle, at
the wine store of dclfi JACOB WEAVER.
XT UTS— 3 bales Almonds;
J.l ' 10 bxs Shelled;
9 bags Cream Nats;
6 bags Pea Nats; for sale by
dels- ; J.P.WILLIAMS I
OCX) boxes No. 1 Cincinnati Soap;
30 “ ; Mould Candles;
froa Nartb Carolina; for sale by
Jail i_ Nos. Ifl * tf) Wood st.
T>RODUCE—Xbags dried peaehes;
A , 0? kegs lanlj
• t 10bbls. do;;
0 **• roll butter;
texting nut {ox sale by BAOAI<EY * SMITH,
•jal Noe. 18*90 Wood it
PKRPUHKXAY— Extracts of Verbena, Petchou
ley, Violet, Jockey Club, ; JUilliflear, Bouquet de
Caroline, and Mask r Um Perfume Bag*, trout 25 els.
to SI S 3 each. For sale by JOHN D. MORGAN,
- jal 1 No. 03| Wood sL
/*tOl«D CREAK, in china pou: Beef Marrow,
Vr Bear's Grease, and fine Lip9aire,in chinn pourfor
sala by- JOHN D. MORGAN,
jal V i No. 93> Wood st.
HOPS— 10 bales Ist sort western N Y Hops;
1 da a “ *•
0 -do Ist “ eastern • “
Carefully selected and of extra quality, in store and for
Bale by. ' POINDEXTER * Co.
jaal •: j 41 water st
TIROOMS)—3O dot. rood erfra brooms
II 12 M ; guilthan'd “
! ' • » 3 u . 'hearth u ' r
ciO - whisks . “ ’
Pbt sale by liall : 8 F VON BONHORST * Co,
SUNDRIES-6 bbls lard; .
5 w fresh roll barter,
6 |dried peaches;
t 2 “ ! clover seed;
, Jatt reeM and for sale by . L 9 WATERMAN,
)»b3 * j 31 water and 62 front »ts
SOAP#— lOboxeipare Palm;
5 - 1 While; ,
5 ** • Ro»e;
thrttkhr 5 8. F k. Co.,
j>3 ' ; , No. 35 From A.
'DJLODCCE —25 keg* bu»**r,
■ 'M bs»b prime rhr»tiiut*;
2 ach* cineeD?;
& : do : BO?*;
S 3 veoiaoa hunt;
Tor fie by [dc3o]i LAMBERT A BHIPTOX.
TIBBIB FRUIT—OO drama Smyrna figs;
r a bbla Zontee currant*!
. i ' 4 bosea Geneva citron;
; SO do MBRaisin*;
For tale br . I J. D. WILLIAMS,
llO Wood it.
SCTDHIEB--8 bbla Fresh 801 l Butter;
-11 bbla Clorenaed;
SO aefca Peaches:
1 bale Hope; i - . , ,
S kega Lard: received per etmr Beaver; for tale
by 1 i Us. WATERMAN,
dc!s I : 31 Water fc Front at*.
SOOAR ■■ fl UuU urime New Orleans;
9 bbla DR cttahed;
10 do assorted soap;
Far rale by > J; p. WILLIAMS,
dc3o -j . ; • ••• no wood t
Moil ABBEB-10 bbla N. O. prime;
9 do Sugar House;
< 9 do Pula, steam syrup;
For sale by i ' , J. D. WILLIAMS,
dc3o .1 ~ '■ ! ; ~ • 110 wood at.
WV i l ISO - 10x12; „ -
iOO “ 10xl<: .
ferule by S. F. VON BONN HORST A Co., 1
ja3 i ; No. 33 Front at.
VILASTKR'PARIS—SuitabIe for Land, Ae., always
X on band and for sale at No.9U Liberty street, ifear
Canal. ; fjeiai S'W.W. WALLACE.
] TkLANKCTS—3S pairWga'Docwatie Blankets, just
; -T9 received on cocafcnment: for sale by • - ■
f *3) M- - GEO. COCHRAN, aOWood »i.
LJJUS-d bbla No l; 7 kers do: in Store and for ule
by t Qanl][ : TASSEY k BEST.
T) ZXO VAIr—GLOJ W. SMfTH A Co, bava ye-
Jtv moved tbeir oftce tram Penn at, to their new brew*
ry on Pin street, and Itaqaeana Way, tfoOldlm.
TT Ud) bundles 8. C. M. and D. C. straw paper;
ISO “ Medium Bar, _ : , ,
SO . “ D. M*dinm Hardware; for sale by
MACKEREL-® hlfbbU No 3 large;
I so bbla No. 8, for aale by
jy a ! . H HEAZLETON, east aide diamond.
ThTilFiT Ifl ken asa'iL; for sale by
- *** •: J . : ■ /No 33 Proatatreet.
pf of Kttamboat Counterpane*, just received fromiN.
York, and for aale by BHACKLCTT A WHITE,
dc3o j 110 Wood si.
EOLL BUTTER—OO bbla prime Penn'm blitter;
kec batter and lard, dry apples and peaches in
•tore and for sale by; . _ JAB FLOYI). .
rIOTHT UEDINb BYE—for aale by
jaal 1 r JAB FLOYD.
PIG IKON—A small lot of Allegheny iron for sale
br ■ /(iaal) JAR FLO VP.
bSoTTOS—433 bale* Memphis cotton Just received
CTSfe"i*l«by AKVOOO, JONES A_Co.
Swniß- no hM« N f>angar on hand and for sale
aaos rv y mu * TWOQD j oXta k Co.
vtaTASA lUQAR—IO bxs Havana sarar on
Hh^rortjtaaiobyATWOOD JONES A Co. -
snOBACCO—IOO kece No 1 ail twist tobaeco for
Tjjp Wr ~ No. 101 WoodsL■ f
,'T>PTTKB—ibhlsroll: .
{■ t? ■ " criT,<
VCACIERE3J—IOO bbla large 3 mackerd;
•i • SOdo do ■ NoS do;
Just rac'd and for sale by fia4l POINDEXTER A Ca
Y^OPFEE—BO bars prtma Rio; 1
%✓ ' - ..:«*• Java; for sale by .
‘ ' • No- 33 Front «t-
la 3 Nb. 33 Front st
T? LOCK—I 23 bbla. extra family Flour;
X- »*ek*. ball'd. Buckwheat;
SOT ule by ' a. V. VON BONNHORST A Co,
Ja3 . r - No. 33 Front at.
DKYAFPLES-2S bushels for sale by
ji] ■ ■■ - No. 35 Front tl
LARD— I<7 keg* leaf lard, rac'd per star America;
1 and for sale by ' ba3] LS WATERMAN.
"TlEiSS—6o*bl4l small whitYbeans in store and
X>s 1 tjaJJ j _L 8 WATERMAN.
*BJTACICEREL-100 Ibis No 3 Mackerel (branded
•jjfrtpn) tor sale by [ja3] JAS.DALZEI.L-
CHEESE— SO boxes for aale by _ .
-|aJ ■ * •'*' 35 Fjrutit st.
' fHEAS—SO packsgerrresh V. lluyaiitTGunpowder, A
-XWP«Ui <». ON c^,
. . ,- • ”No.3S Front st.
rSOFFER-5J7 bags ft«nrn Bio, parfcstfictly prime
\J'- ■ “*••• 25 S- do Laguayrm;
»»i side BtamoiiJ-
Y AAA WOOL SACKS, for sale low by
. LWU WlMtwif , WrWBVSIEE.
’ Mersßfßta of thi
To arrive at New York.
, kavbx.
Lmon, Herbert, N’ov. 31
Muaeari, Monin, Dec. 2J
Phllado, Besaou, Jan. 83
N. York, Ferranti, Feb. SI
i Occam Steamers*
To sail’from N. York.
Luton, Herbert, : Dec. 31
Missouri, Morttri, • Jan. 23
Phitada., Besson.. Feb.- 21
N. York. Ferrand,‘Mar. 31
‘ livebmol.
Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 1
, Feb. 1
: LivfckpooL..-'
Hibemia, Ryrie, Jan. 1
Jan. 33
sorratunoN, Ac.
Wasfarn., Johnston Jan. 30
Hoi man, Crabtree, Mar. is
- To tail from Byaton.
•- urnrooL
Britamua,!lariuon. Dec 10
Caledonia, Lott, Jan. 15
Wash'll., Johnston, Dee. IB
Horman. Crabtree, War. IB
TO arrive at Boston. -
Hibernia, Ryrie, Dee. 4
Caledonia, Lott, Dee. 13
Saturday Morair
nrsscEaif Gazettk, )
ing, January 8,1548. j
The' weather is quite cold, though oot- cold
enough to render outdoor business unpleasant.
The river continues to recede gradually, being 9
feet in the channel last evening.
The market, in all its different departments, pre'
aenta but little variation from our last report Very
little produce of any kind is coming in at proseyt,
the market seems sufficientlystocked to meet the
Th« grocery market is well supplied. We have
recently hod some four or five arrivals of boats
fitwn New Orleans, all richly ladeaed with the va
rious articles in the grocery line—intended express*
ly for the replenishing of our houses here. By
this means, together, with the supplies of Coffee,
tea and olbcrarticle* of groceries received from the
East, via Chambersburg and. Brownsville, our
-wholesale merchants haVe kept on hands supplies
sufficient to meet at prices comparative low. the.
orders of their bountry customers.
Tlie prices of all kinds of Groceries present \ little
or no variation from last quotations.
Floc*—The market is quiet, and price* contin
ue firm. Sales by the dray load, are regularly e£.
l'ected at $4,9555,121, according to quality. Sup
plies seem still to the demand;
Grain—The market is quiet, with no change in
the prices. Wheal is nominal at 100 c, Rye at 45;
and Barley at 45550 c. 300 bn of Corn were sold
at 39540 c, and some 400 bu oats, in lots, at 28530
♦'"bn. .
Provisions—Present no variation. Bacon is
duli at, for Homs, 81(59; Sides 7(57); and Should,
ere at G)57. Killed Hogs are plenty, with regular
sales at 3,0253,75, and cholice lots as high as 4.00
p 100 lb; sales moderate. Lard is selling at 7(5
7(e. Roll Buter has slackened a little in demand.
We quote.sales of 17 libis at 12)513. and of 10
bids extra at 13514 c pSk First band sale* range
from 10 to 11c ? ?.
Plttsbarpto Steamboats.
Among tbe steamboat building cities of the West.our
own can claim to be pre-eminent, not only in numtier,
durability and elegance, but for cheapness. The good
quality of work-done by our ship carpenters, engine
builders, joiners, painters and upholsterers, calls for no
endorsement, and a simple description of each new
boat that leaves our wharf, is all that is needed. The
next boat that leaves the city is the Jut Corson, intend
ed to run between St. Loots mid G lasgow. ou (lit- Mis.
soon, and is by far the most elegant boat that has ever
been placed on that route. 1 . She has been built under
the tbe supervision of Cape. N. J. Eaton, who has uni
ted in her the good qualities of safety and speed Mie
has a hull of more than usual strength, with many mod
em improvements. She*is 103 foci keel, l¥J feet on
dec*, SB) feet beam, C feet Tour inches in hold, giving a
Cos tom .House mea*uremcnt.of&X>ioniiCdraws W inch-
es of water, with capacity to carry' 500 tons. She hnj
three boilers of <2 inches in diameter and -JU fret long;
two cylinders of 7 feet stroke and 82 inches duuheter.
She has also a ‘•doctor" to supply her boilers with wa
ter, and to force water to any part of the l-oai in case
of fire. She is alxi so arranged that the strum can be for
ced into the hold, thus giving the control, in any case of
fire, to the boat's crew. So much for the safety and bu
siness arrangements. The cabins are spacious and
pleasant, and finished in a neat and tasteful style. The
pilaster* of the doors are of curled maple, surmonnied
with gilded capitals. The ladies* cabin is fitted with e|.
egant velvet covered rose wood: furniture, (lounges,
rockers, ete.) with marble and mahogany tables.'and
elegant mirrors. It is lighted with tolar bracket
and will give the people of the Missouri river nil the'
comfort* and elegance ;in traveling they can ask. and.
what is better make them fori that Pittsburgh is the
proper place to obtain their boats. If she sucreeds in
proportion to her mi nts, she will not show n hml ca»h
account. should she not. at theend of a rouple of yeur«
have the bad luck to come across a Polk Stalk, and be
come a monument of the devotion of the government to
internal improvement*. She leaves for'St. Louis to
morrow morning.
Tbe Brilliant, another elegant boat, and said to be the
Pbelle of the city” in all respects, will soon be ready
for visitor*, of which we shall make one. in order to
keep well posted in these river manufactures. .
New Brownsvuas Packets.—The fine steam
ere Atalanta and Baltic, built expressly for’ the
packet line between thi* place and Brotmt»vtUc>
are now nearly finished, and will probably be ready
for running by tbe Ist of February. Cap*. James
Parkinson is to take the command of the Atalantn,
'and Capt. A. Jacobs, formerly of tbe Niagara, that
of tbe Baltic- They art: large ami handsomely
decorated fotir boiler boat*, and are .built «o near
alike, in every particular, from tKe robin to the en
gines, that, but for tbe names, it would be hard to
draw a distinction between them.
For New Omjaas.—The splendid fast running
steamer North River, C’apt. Dean, will leave for
the sunny South on Monday next at 10 o'clock, *.
n. The North River is the boat, and Cape D. and
bis crew, are the men wlio can make easy and
comfortable all who may be going that way. Do
not forget them. _
The splendid steamer Togiioni,. Capt Perry,
Jeaves this morning *for New Orlpaoa. She rs u
tnui\t oat, and no mistake; and under the super
intendence, of jych a man os Capt. P. and his ef
ficient clerk, recoomend’ herself btrongiy to pub
lie favor. We hope she may never go wanting.
' TnE tletP steamboat hull, measuring 30b Sett itk
length,' which was washed ofT the stocks at Cin
cinnati, asd reported as entirely lost, has been uv
ed little injury; and is about being re
-placed on the stocks again.
AcctDcrr: —The Columbus Inquirer says: t We
regret "to learn‘that the steamer Charleston, Capt.
Wm. B Philips, oo Iwr downward trip, oh the “th
nIL, no aground pn Woodfolk's Shoul, on the Chat
tabSocbe nvpr. and was Sunk, fjlte had oo board
neariv 500 bales of Cotton, all or nearly all of
which has been saved, though a portion of it was
partially damaged. ' . f /
M We are happy to learn, since the above, that the
boat been raised, and that her injuries are but
slight She.JFilJj therefore, very-soon resume her
place upon; *hAov^ n
Spirit of the Doauitfs Markets.
.Krw Osxexxs, Dec. 21.—Colton—W* continue
to quote aa'foUpws:
'Louisiana and Misrisnppi,
Inferior., Ol&G
Ordinary... ....OlfSfil
- ..Coodhuddling. “j Qf\\
lliddiing Fair. ijS-p-
Good Fair.. ~S (3
Good and Fine ...9
Cotton and Tohaeco statement.
j Cotton bole* Tobacco bhdi.
Stock on hand Sept!, JS-I7- £MO|
fUccived month ?tept atjOO 3JCB
do *do Oct W.OH lU»t
do ; do • Nov- - -tUUmi 4,H0
do on lit to 2d Dec- • 97,-1!} UUU
do on iSJd Dec- 1—2117
' 3C tf>*t 32.4X1
Exported 23d Dee 0,735 ow
do previously 207^54—217.0rf1. itSBO—244I«
Tobacco—We repeat our previous quotations,
which, however, are nominal and probably jc too
high on olDthe grades above Inferior:
Inferior.. j Fine f> :slo|
Common.. .3(&3J 1 Ch0ice.........5 (pfl
Fair. .46x41 ) Cigar Lf Mom? Coif'S! 2
Sugar—We continue to quote inferior 2H32):
Comraon "3531; Fair 3|o3j; Primp 4(S4i, and
"Choice 4 -Received during last twoday* J 004
Cotice—The sales of the two days pndirace MOO
bogs, of which nearly 2900 were sold yesterday,
including 1000 by one party at 7c, 300 at 7c; and
300, in two lots, at 0} to o}c.
Flour—The sales dnring the last two days cm
brace 5000 bblx, including MOO yesterday, of which
hOO.Ohio sold ui 55.35; 500 At 5,-10; 400 at 3OO
<>t Latin’s at 5.571; G(JO clkvcs do, al G,OO, and a / lot
: of ordinary* 8t Tb® Daauctions on
Wednesday were nt 5M for Ohio and Illinois. (
Drntorr, Dec. 30.—The atmosphere yesterday
■•ofteiwd down to regular March weather. The
frozen hubs became mrt, and mud was more plen
ty than any other article, although the streets were
well with formers teams And foods Df pro
die- Hogs sold « Hay $lO ,
Corn 38040 c. Oats 23c. FJour. from wagons 4,75.,
We had oo detail* of the foreign arrival up to last
evening, thought had been telegraphed lo Buffalo.
Dealer- are suspicious that there has been a move
ment in prices, and there generally is when news
-lags.—[Adv. _
~CsUls Hsrkiti,
;iAi.n»o.E J.d. 3,—Tlie .apply of Boot., wm
lamer to-day than on this day week, and prices ate
somcthinglower: The oifcrinp *t
amounted to some. 790 bead, ofwbich39o head
were sold; 310 were driven to Philadelphia, and
90 remained over unsold. Prices
2,2510 m 100 B» on the boat, equal to i&M
G,75 net, ana averaging 3,00 gross. =
New Yore, Jan. 3.—At market 1150 Beef Gah
tie, 110 Cow* and Calves, and 2000 Sheep and
Lamb*. .- V. !
'.Beef Cattle—Tlfo sale* during the post week es
tablish price* ax about SO£% p cwt. Total number
offered during tlie year lbl 7—03,711. Cnws and
Calve*—Safes at JIS. *25, 40 and 55. All sold.—
Sheep and Lambs—We quote sheep at from 1,75
to 2,70®5.. Lambs 1,75 to unaokl?
PORT OF Pittsburgh.
j 9'nar
r :arrivhj,
- '* .
Louis McLane BerineUy Brownsville.
Consul, DuBh*ne,?BrownsviHe.} i
Caleb Cope, Beaver anff.WeHsme.
America, De Campj .’WbeeUng.|
- \ DEPARTED, ;. '
Lake Erie, Hemphill, 1 Beaver. , A i
Beaver,- ClaitVeUsyOle.
Michigan No 2, dil*bn, ; Beaver.
Consul, Dushane,;Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Browsvilie.
Caleb Cope, iloore, Beaver and WellviUe.
America, De Camp, 'Wheeling.
BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. s, and 3
o’clock, p. >t. I
p. ar.'
WYOMING, New Orleans.
TAGLIONI, New Orldan*.
Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati,
10 a. ». .
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, * a. m. and 0 f.-x.
Mail'Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 s. m.
and l'.'t r. st.
-AVestern and Southern Mail Coach Line. Oi.s
North-Western vi* Cleveland,daily, 10 a. m
Erie and WestenvNew York, daily,
North-Eaiiern tuiladelphia, daily, except Sundays,
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3i. doses 13 si.
\\ est’n Mail. Cinrin. A Ixtuisv. due N r. sr, closes 5 'a. x.
£?“*?!' A Washington, due » r. si. cTs 5 a. tt.
North \\ csteru via Cleveland, a. sL,
tjie and uestrra’New York,due'k r. sl, pjosc* fct a. u.
Bratvr —Per Beaver—SO bbls pork, S i.'JNV Har
baugh; 1 c*k, 1 reel wire, 14 bbl* butter, liatton;
40 bgs oats, Clark A: co; 13 do corumeal, Dudald
sod; 4 bid* .ware, Clark & co; 234 lige Iwtrley, G W
Smith it co; 7 bbls lard, 2 kgs, 2 bbU huUcr. Chqrvh.
it Caro there; 34;bbU apples, Bagalry it Smith; 9
bbls lard, S ir W llarbaugb; 2 bbls «lr peaches, 1
do apple*, Horton; 85 bga oat*. 9 bbl* apples own-,
er; 10 kgs, 1 bbl lanl, 1 bx butter, Elliott.
Per Lake Erie—l 7 hg* cotton yarns, Frignd,
Rhey Sc co; 7 bblvbutter, $ do * nalU; 182 sacks
peaches, McCoy. ’ '
Hrovmsvillt—Per Consul—27 |fkg*. Vickery: 5
bbls whiskey, York; 104 bxs glass, Roliertson k
Reppert; 27 bbli flour. Fisher; 70 do do, Hurforil, I
bx ware. Hays i; Getty, 4 bxs glass, Cooper; 17
bgs oats, Snodgrass.
Per Lioui* McLane—s bills leather, Bingham; 11
pkg* md»e, Bidwcll; 5 bill* leather, Bayard: 2 c*k*
mdse. Forsyth fcco; 40 bxs glass, Greer; 40 bbl*
lloor, Swetzer. 3 Icopper Inttomtf. Leech ic Sob; 2
bxs, Fossyth k co; 5 bbL* cider. Nichols; 31 pc*
iron, 23 kgs nail*, Evans; 22 bbl* dour, owuer; IU
do, Applegate; 23 Jo, owner; 20 do do. McCracken;
5) tons-pig metal, Cuddy. Joues ir co; 222 |bx»
glass, Robertson & Reppert; ISO bg* oats, Taylor;
49 do do, Carr k Steven*.
UAlablikhed a 'warehouse in the: year 184 ft. for the bur-
Pok* of supplyingihe City and interior Trade with
low price*—and exhibiting, at all »ea*on. 1
: oftoe vear.'tbe 1-areeM A««ortrernl iu
Tltey are now opening Several Hundred Porkoge*,
comprising every new style of,Foreign and Domestic
production, many of which have jail been purchaaed.
and are offered for thle for r<i«H.nttd *hon credit, at
per yard below the.price* o| Apnl and May. a* per
printed Catalogue*, which are corrected dtuly, for the
information of buyer*.
New Yorkj June, IM*. i jy‘A[tidtf
ptiwfcr to cure: Pnrwuujti, Feb. 14.1-17. i.:
R. E. BxLlxx*;—My wife haq lor year* bern «übjen
to a dh>tre*unx cough, aceoaioaiacd with atihrna. for
the cure of which %hc u»cd ui£*rent couch retuedir*.
aud had the advice of the mo»t emineni pnyucian* in
Eiiglond. but all win unavailing. By c-hanre I brant
ot your Imperial Cough Syrup, andj.wo* induced to buy
a bottle for trial, although I had that anythin*
could remove l>rr complains To iny great »ur;>fi»e.
two dose* cave her immediate ;rebel. at nine*
troubled vyith a cougli. but twu tea*poon*tinot Syfop
olwoy* *iop* it. i am *an»6ed. a trial of thrrn or
four year*, ihat Seller’* Cough Syrup i* the best c»iigh
mediciue I have ever tried either m the Old or New
World. Wit Fituarutj
1 Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above certificate should induce all who ire
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup atri
al. It may be hod for 35 cent* a bottle, at the drug
store of. RF, KFJ.I.F.RA- S 7 wood tt.
Sold by Dr Cas*cl,'sth ward, and D II Curry, Alir.
' jaui
\IEM. T. BOWN,- Br.. wonid re«p<*ctfalty s»licit
M from his Iriend* and old customer* b continumre
ol tuo*e favor* xi libf bc*!tnv-<J upon him in nates
past. It being ko uiojij >csrs since he rniml noa bu
sines* that many v( his old friend* and customers hive
almost forgotten him. and there bemy so many ofitbs
name of Bows, how;, is the cause of|lus
parUculariziu* tbc iiafne of his store. Tlie little addi
tion, St- ii hii-a 1 Uitvr. tiiade to lay name, ndded to fthv that 1 um seldom jti the l<torr, bat also ranted
some to supnoFM tliai it Was not my establishment. 1
therefore taKc this opportunity of makiuc it knovrb to
the public ia general, and Lope to partake of a share of
iheir favors. Ail article* inanulaetnred by \VM] T
BO'VN, are warranted rood, and made from the
beA material* the market could afford at tb« time, fool
W3I. Ts BOWK would respectfully call atten
tion to bit stock of Preserved Fruits, cotisitiinfr
of Strawberry. Raspberry, (•ooheberrr. Currant Plbra.
and Peach jams, and Cranberry aud Currant Jellirs.he
also kreps a teacral assortment of Fancy and Com
mon Cakes, Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Nut*, Aci
White and Brown lirrail fresh every day janl.lw
. a*s!rxa.*T
Sun Buildings, N. t- Corner ol Third and Dock Streets,
(up stairs) Philadelphia,
WHERE can always be had at short notice—Ms
sovtc Miu Mxssls, of ajl kinds; Brass end Fla
ted Boor Plates; Seals mr Batiks, Societies. Corpora
tions, Ac. Professional and Visiting Cards, engraved
and nrinted. Societies in want of Seals of o£ee, are in
vited to cail and examine Specimens and Designs of the
various order* of Mason*, Odd Fellows, Sons of Tem
jieragce. Ac. ! ■ novad3m
miPE FOUNDRY, 50 Gold, corner qf Ann st.,
1 New York. The subscubn ispreparrd to furnish
liana egst Typp smd Printer's Mstenais of all kind-, at
short notice; and on reasonable terms. i
Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
for Jhe subscriber, who may publish this notice
■ inontns will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on
purchasing five lime* the amount of their bills lor ad
Old Type jaken ia exchange for new at 0 ets per lb.
era artLOEBa, craaxvATi, otuo,
MANUFACTURE: to order Passenger owl Freight
Car* of the most approved description, at reason*
prices. By means of the Canals, Railroad and
giver, they are enabled lb 4>ip sport reasonable terms
Id *ll points jo the \Ve*t. Their work w;Il be warrant
ed equal in sll respects, tp any made jrt the pnjled
States:, All orders punctually executed.
novo*3m [ [Formerly of Oostpq, M»«s!
BLACK SILKS—w II MURPHY asks the atteimou
of buyers to his assorttncnt oiAbove goods, incluri*
mg rich plain Italian dress silk; poult de sole do; blue
black do; rich watered do; do watered and striped ilo,
si Ik 4 for cardinal*; beside a large assortment of Fancy
Dress oil**,’yhfti;£shle satini. all of which will be
SSld Mthb lowest pouitbfo )ans^
MURPHY, N. E corner of 4ih rod Markef stfeetif,
calls attention to the superior long cloth shirting mu** (% esilina at 124 ets pr yd—also, his euperior!a»-
sonmenl of Ihfofl LI.NENH. warranted pure tlax. bnd
of the roost opprorca Qiymitacnire. Also, Linen
of every quality, and a full Bpjtirtiacnt of geuileraeti A
ladies cambric handkerchief*. j*ri3
TIJJJINISHINO HOODS—Wg. have on hand aa.a*-
i f sounfc;/! of goods suitable for furbishing hotels,
■ tvamlKJttt*, Ac., Mcong which are 13 bales tickings, !*-
sonedj 6 do Uio. driTliirgs; 3 caves I*4 andvti-4 bleached
sfjininys; 14 do dihi 4-R"do; 3 biles lieavy linen
crush: 7-4 and linen table dibpeh’ do.' dp Damttsk;
Scotch and Ras*id diaper. tuudilrr
prints: white rounterpanes; plaiu uu4 twiilctKbldrikfls,
Ac., which will be >ol<l low lor cash or emiruved cfcdjt.
' Jjuil till wood st
tj Wood st, have on hgnd a well assorted ami season
able stock of DRV .GOODS, jyhtcli they jftll sell to
western and city merchants, pa';l rb'fy terms,
and law prices. Mo»i of ihc'coocls v.Trc Ixiffght dating;
tlie last month, and at reduced prices. jtJ
RX Q 'WAREHOUSE—The highest price in dash
paid tot gpotl Racv, also, Canvass, Bale Rope,
Orass'Rope, Bagiiua,. Woollen Rags, Colton Waste,
jaiis >vayne st. betwedn ptua liberty
/GROCERIES—2OO hags prime green Rio coffee; fS ,
chcMs and half chests Irekh green tCai; 150 boxes
l2s tCs 5* a ib fomp* tobacco, 50 keg* 0 twist do. with a
genera! assortment of grofenesfor sale hy.
jon4 •' " Jt)IIXB.PjLW.QHTH, 37 wood:*t
ALL Ferw knowing them-eivep indehied lo (ho Ra-1
talc of the ltt« A.Jjmvp. Jr, deceased, are hereby,
notified lo eat! aad acute ihiir npcoiuts, rod those hav
ing elains against the-Estate, will piercH them duly
authenticated >or settlement to the snbtcrfuei, at foji
warehouse of John Irwin A Sons, Noll Water at..
gclCOai JOHN IRWIN, Exccbtar
ABARRKL of //ant marked U, wsighing aboai 274
Ids. siMjakeo hymiiuke from the tanning on Fri
day last, tilth fast. Pam ba rel Lcfoujis to iho steamer
Cambria., Any tuforaution given yrbete ii eap he foond
wilt be thankfully reecivcd by ike subscribers. c
29 !Bt7 - |
SALESMAN WANTED—By a wholesale Drv
Goods House in Philadelphia One acquainted win
•ha western rod nonbqrn I’rnnla and Ohio irate would
command a good salary—for further paroemtary incatre
Pittsfienb.lWaPiMr, • 1
*. rcLanrsox i u. a. aabw.v
**rs, nod Commission Merchants, Np. US Liberty
*r., Pittrburgh, Pa. > deiily,
lf sort to Lewis llutcldnsou A Co, Commission Mer
chant*, rod Agents,of the Sl Louis Stenm^ugarße*
finery. Np. 45 watey and 02 front strtcU,' Pjtuburgh.
jaiil ,r - ~ .
BIRD CAOFS—A beoutl/ol S/tide for CbrlsWjoa
presenu.—Faucy, fine s:ul common Cage*; obio, Co
nary Birds of fin* plumage and song, by the pnit Of *>nj
ele onr, to suit purchasers, can be obtained pt tha
Pjtubnrgb seed Store, Wood si.
WOOL, WOOL.’—ilic highest price in en*U paid for
nil the diffrrtnt grades of clrau Washed Wool, by
QJ4 Wool Warshouse. cox. fobtny it. and Cecil's al
ley. • wyUdAjrtf ;
' ! ' -rr* _ ~ \' : "" I]~*'
.nTo?S, . irKtuSafei,
.M.7or“rUilK?'? , ‘. to l.G.bri.lAdM*
vlarinc that on tln • , m >‘ Proclamation, dj
««», 3*sspi Juno.rv,A.f>.
tnenof each •!. 3?>‘ of mouth, ‘-the fni-
Mcmber»of the «lbaUfied to vote for
monwealth win- o *®. °‘ Re f , re*enti*uve» of thi* Com
holdinc eleetinn. m *s , l . nt the wool placeaof
by ballot Le ,\ he,r •T^ c,ive uart »i “J «lkci
ed a taemlJi £* Bald ?*«» 4unli6ed to be eleei-
H .° °f Kepresentative. of thi*
And tlir.« to M “y°r of said City.
"'•Jed ahfooriii* *" m j ,l ,“ r ’ l “ r °y° rm ‘ t y to the before
ell*. dlttVL.n 0 -**’•‘•‘l >tb*> *•> »n Couu-
AD. IM7 Ci, s‘' r a . u rd the I3ih di<V of N^ v ..
by ballot Tm«»V ~* °J ,lie F»wi ward will elen
the TUtd w*ni ° r *"”•<* , vr * rd Threr of
ft/U wild Mkv» ’,?r ,', he Prart* word Tub**; of dm
Sreendt ward tS-’- L ,I T WBnl Titauc of i)|e
Hinik ward'oit ward Two. of ij!e.
thia Common wealth l lloi “* , V r Repre*eniati v e*.,f
meml>cr » the Comiobn
*■ ' * r '} citr'o?Rttfou? y » * the seal of *aid
}S2 JL -StS®*' “■» J *> of Decern.
wAxmsoros. t,. c *
ZEN AS C. ROBBINS, Meehaui,. a i Engineer and
Agent for procuring Patent*, MU prepare the
ccwary Drawing* and Pnpera for Apj>i, r , Illg for p -u
ent*, and .tran»act pJI other Iraune** in Ui e ii :ic c f | ug
profession at tba Patent Office. lie can v*. rt>l i*ultc(l
on all questions relating U> tbe Patent «nd d ct .j*.
ious in the United State* or Europe.; # Penon*- M a
lance desirous of having examination* mad* D |
Patent Office, prior to maxing application for a
may forward (post paid, enclosing a fee of five
a clear statement of their ease, when immediate a Ur*,
lion will be given to it, and all the infonnatiou that
could he obtained by a visit of the applicant th person
promptly communicated. ,
Ail letters on holiness most be post paid, and contain
a suitable fee, where a written opinion is required.
Office on F. street, opposite the Patent Office. .
lie has the houor of referring, by permission, to
Hon. Edmund Burke. ConuaisAiuucr of Putcnts;
lion II L Ellsworth, late do do
H Knowles, Machiuist, Patent Office;
JudgoCrunch, Washinxlan, DC;
linn. R Choate, Massachusetts, U S Senate;
Hou. W Allen. Ohio;
Hon. J B. Bowlin, M C, Misioart;
Hon. Willi* Hall, New York;
Hon. Robert tSmiih. M C, Illinois;
Hon. S Brtcce, U S Senate; .
Hon. J H Rclfe, M C Missouri;
Cajit. H M Shrieve, Missouri;
Enuio* Brook*, Esq-, Ihttsburgh.
The President of ib« Bank of Chester County wu
nibbed on Thursday .afternoon, December Ski, at the
West Chester Railroad Depot, near the corner Broad
and Raco' street*,- Philadelphia, of hi* trank or valise,
containing upwards of FIFTY THOUSAND DOL
LARS, /of the Notes of this bank, amongst which it is
helieVyd, are the following, viz:
One oman, No. 3U. dated J&ue 21,1«®I
No. 34, dated June 21, lt£H
“ No. 09, dated June 30.J5U4
All endorsed “Hr>- io the order of Preset & Co.—
AViu. W. Jeffrie*,’’ with the letter DaI«o endorsed on
the hack of each note. Aiu! tome of the fotlowiug may
al*o he included, viz: ,
On* of fICDO. No. 19. dated Jane 19,1£H, vrith th*
letter 1) endorsed on the hack. '
Cue of f UXX), No. (1, dated June 98, 1534, same letter
• endorsed.
One of 61000, No. 41. aaxuc date.
One of 61000. No. 61. dated June 30, I=3l.
These seven are all th* Note* of this bank of the
above denomination* that are now in circulation.—
Some of the following may be included in those ftolrn.
viz; 1
One of 6JuO, No 34. dated June S 3. 1634, with the letter
D endorsed on the buck.
One of 6300, No. 41, dated June 27, lt£H.
One of 65UU. No. Til. dated July: 3,IKM. ‘
One of 6300, No. “V dated July 3, ltd—3 others of
SSOO each, dale*'ami number* uncertain.
No notes of the above denomination* will he issued
by the Bank until new plate* are obtained. These my
tm are alt the notes of 6300 each now in circulation.
The following are also believed to he among the note*
stolen, viz:
Ooe of 8100, No. SrOX dated March 1
2. 1n47 I with the letter D
One of SlOO. No. 3060. sartie date. I endorsed on the
One of 81UU, No SWi. Sept 19, ltd. I hack of each.
One of 630, No. SOI. I *, March X 1547 j
The Bank will give a reward of 63000 for the recov
ery of ths money, and in proportion for any part there
of. nil. DARLINGTON.
President of ihe Batik of Chester Co.
Weil Chester. Pn.-*, 1*47. dlflday* jail
J JORDAN A SON. dealer* m Barqu and I,ard, !
• oxnutacturers of Lard Oil. and Genera! Commis
sion Mrrcbsiil*, 1? Ijberty street, opposite SrnithSeUJ,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Particular attention paid in thr *ale of
Uaron. *
J. J. A S. have made arrangetnent* a* heretofore, far
smoking and packing bulk meat and bacon the present
season, and their long ciperienrc in this bu-inr** give*
them assurance of gmaifr*Mi*tacii(ttt to ilmie entrust*
uifl such business to their rare.
are advantage* to tic derivrd from ttnokirig'
meat in Pittsburgh, wuh which all may nott>e acquam*
It may be shipped loose ftom any point below with
out nyllry. and alter having lieen unoaed here, can be.
forwarded to tbe eastern cine*, eimer by wagon or'hy
canal, without transhipment, where it almost invariably
arrives in fine ruiulitum, and generally command* the
highest market price*.
U) tlu* arrangement there is a caving of cask* and
freight <>u the same, which nrr unavoidable ripens*.*
where Uacou intended for ensirm markets H »mokrd
at puiuls below, not taking iuio aceount (he fact that it
arrive* m much belter order than whrn parked ui
casks. It will «|*o he borne in mind that Pittsburgh i*
one of the best point* in the Chios for selling Baron
J P Campbell, Chiliieoth*
R II Hurlbut A Co. New Albany, InJ
Teasdale A Malone. St- l*oui». Mo dec2.9m
CgyjUUMriTA.NCF. I omen Person* brought
£dbMoui by this agency upon reasoualde trrui*,
from any part of Hngland.lreUnd. Scotland. A Wale*,
and ui Packet Ship* only.. Foreign Correspondent* and
agents ol the British Government have trrquently rau-
Uonrd Emigrant* at homeland their friends in America,
against th) fraud* practised upon them, and have alt
ways rrferrrd to the well bouse of Hsanr.v A
Co., as the right place lor all to apply, if they wished
lo lx* treated with punctuality aml kindness
Parties' who adwmw thciiisrivvs sole Ajrent*'lor thr
Black Hull liar, stale wbdY is untrtir, and lliu* deceive
the polilir; s* we profess U> be Agent* not only of the
Black Bolt Lute, but every other good Line, rod also
for funsnl's (Mean) Ijue. |
>»i*hl Drafts to any anioant payable si nny of tlie
branches of the Provincial or National Bank* of Jre
laud, England. J*eotlatid. |4r We draw our own Fa
change: we do not lake money and semi it to the East
to ret some one else to remit, (hereby canuit* mistake*
and tieisys. the Brokers, Ac. call upon us, and we
will accommodate ihetrl a! New York rates
JOSHUA ROBINSON, Viuroprau A k 't
octfitf sth st. uue door below wood
lOGAN A KENNEDY) have this day associated
j with them m the Hardware business, Philip Wil
s6n and Edward Gregg. 'Tha st) )r. of firm will here
alier Ire I-ogao, Wdtuti A,Co. This arrniigfimeiit.ten
der* it desirable to clo-e the uhi liuiinctsju. soon as
possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured,
are especially requeued to make imtuedial*i payment.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. *
LOG AS, WILSON * COr-Imponers and
Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign aad Dmnestn: Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery. jAc_)il9, Wooil street. Pitts
burgh, are now fully prepared with a receutly import
ed stock of Hardware. Cutlery,;A«-, to offer very great
inducements to western-buyers, being determined to
compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities. Al
so on hud an extensive assortment ot Ihttshurgh
Hardware, viz; Shovels, Forks. Hoes, Vices,
Ac., all of which wdl be sold at die lowest manufae
u»re;’i ppcfi J janl
fpHK Co-panncrihip bf the tubicriher*. undfr thp
X linn of Lewi* llntchinsoq A Co., t* this day ills*
solved by mutual consent.) Either of u* will attend to
the seidenwnt of tha bnsinrt* of die firm, and use it*
name for that purpose. I
r pilEuuder*tgttei have tfii» day fofmcil.a eo-partner-
X under the firm of James A. Ilutchmson ACd.,
for the purpose of conUnutng the Lminrs* heretufofe
carried on by frwn llatchinsou Co , and solicit a con
tinuance of' die patronage hitherto extended to the
ficus*; ■ ' '• Tames a' ihtchinson,
ltkvvib d inrrpin^soN.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1t1?4u.;I t l?4 u .; __________
;• ox THE aubsentwrs having recently entered into
£4 panuenhip under tlia name of Gallagher. Unit,
Miller, lor ihe purpose of carrying on the Bell,
Brass Founding and (in* Fitting business in
all as L/unphrs. have taken the stand formerly oceu
piedhy H. Gahagiier, N«. Hu Fron) street,. tHtwceii
Wood and iriuithfield are.’, dtliere't&ey ata prepared'to
execute all orders for Bells. Brass Casting*, of every
description, and Ua* Fittings with neatness and des
patch. Btaatuboat jobbing promptly attended to.
H. A. 1/J.NG,
N- B.—The ai*4&fidtt of Mnchiuu'- and Engineer* ir.
invited to our imti-atirlllon uir!*J. ;o/ii reduced price,
which ha* been pronounced superior to Dkbbif* by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builder* aud
the public.generally, are also requested to enti and ex
amine our superior double briion Force Pump* for
tiebmboal and domestic use.
DISSOLUTION— Di*partnership hitherto exist
ing under the style ond urm ofWightmahA Dal
zell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. John Dnl
ze|| having disposed of hi* entire interest to li. Wiglit
man. The husine** of the IntaJrrti will be setiled by
71. WjgiitL-inn.rvho i« aqtborizeffßi nre the name of the
late firm for ihdt fniraosc r H; WIGHT.MAN'.
*pt2od3w • (juTyl’47) f- JtyWJKJL ’
THE Ruh*cril>cr is now prenared -to manufacttire all
kind* of Cotlon and Woolen Machinery, at the shortest
notice. Order* left at R. Wightninn'* Engine Shop, cor
ner liberty rod Water street!., will meet with prompt
au*<tMvU- 11. WIGHT.MAN.
Loncok *l., Oilvtep Federal and Sandusky *ts.,
sptatklly ■' * ' • ■ i- 4«cs<i(ny
riMIE co-part.ier*hip'hcrrti«ore existing between tbe
I subscriber* under the firm of Wiliam* A Ihlwortfi.
was diss'ilved on the Ist instant, by mutual consent.
J 8 DllwbyUt, to priiotti the »ettli;m«ni of the old busi
ness it* entrusted. will'Chiitlnuo thy <s|iolosnle grocery
business al tlicbliFstaftd, N 0.57. wooU»t.
)an4 - JfJHffff.JM.XVqirTH
HOPS— For sale a few bnjr* Western New Yort
growth of IS4o—from S to 10 ecu!-:
, Also, Eiistem and Western N Y, curly picked, this
year’s growth.
Prime Ohio do. Belmont county.
Thn gflirrol Eastern crob of the season is myw Itemj
Brewers and others using Hl*Pri > <lll jt
tfluoh'fo' Ihrif tA oblnjVi Ijidjr slipplV frorji ifie
undersigned; n* they luteno to’aeil ih/ouAotU life sea
son at New York ?>nc4i. G. \V. KMfi’ll A Ob.,
oct!s<l'Jni ’ PJttshurgh UreiVcry.
I / fe*[xictt'ully Tmurtn hi* friends and the riiiren* of
Pittsburgh am) A|l?ghppy that l|e hp(leyitl r ‘l to remain
m the city* duriug tfie \r{t|tcr, iuiU t» piepaicd to Ldiit
patient* placing themselves under hi* rare; ncrording
to tbe system as prociised'at all \vnlrr Cure Establish
ments, for either Acute or Chronic disease*. Those
wishing to avail themselves of his service* will call al
Mr. Miller'*, efipjey pf Liberty st. and Evan’s alley.
Dr. M. has tyraied samara! cate* pf disease ip
-this city with great success, to which lie U permitted i»
refer. ' npvdif
Rlo«|bs ; Plough Castings, \7offo* Box-
RfSkfrilALL, pf tho Old
ofß. A 9. Ilpll, js mpnufac
tunng large qnpnuties of Ploughs,
Plough Casting*, AVagon ifoxrt, Ac.. wi;U the improve*
merits the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, and other
Ploughs, of lh« latest and best patterns now iu nsc.
-Wsireliouse. (OU Liberty street; Pittsburgh, oppoirte
tha'lfoy Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near tha
Coflon factory.ofMnm. BeQ 4 Co.
* ' de^tily
Oiiilk Nxvicunyx un> Fisk Isscbvsck Co. )
Pittsburgh, Jaii. 3d. ISIS. j
THE President and Director* of the Pittsburgh Navi
gation and Fire Insurance Company hare [hi* day
declared a dividend of Three DoUare.on each share of
the capital itock Handing in the name tff individual*,
on the book* of the company, oat of the 'profit* of the
Uit six mouth*, which will - he, paid to stockholders,
or their legal representative*, on or alter the I3th imL
j»nfldflt • .; ROBERT FINNEY. Bec'y.
Orrico orPirosiraon Qu Woaaa,)
.3d, lMd. |
THE Truitee* of the Pittsburgh Gas, Work* have
this day declared a dividend of three per cent, out
of the profits of the last five the amount of
the Capital Stock paid in which will be paid to stock
holder* or their legal representative* at the office of the
works on or after the 13th hut. The bolder* of original
stock who have not *urreudered tlieir certificates, as
directed by City Ordinance of Vhth June. 1e47, will be
required to do so before the dividend on the same' will
hr paid. [jus.tiil . JAMES M CHRISTY. TreaVr.
.Prrnacuoii. Jan. Ist, lSlf.
I Mh President and Mnnagersof the Northern Liber-
X He* Bridge Company for building a bridge over die
Allegheny river oppsite Mechanic street, have'declarvtl
n Dividend of one dollar and fitly cent* on each share
ol the eai'ital stock of said company to U, paid to ihc
stockholder* on or after the 10th m»i.
lanMSl*- (1 K WARNER Treasurer.
Omw or fit* llsmi kt. Baroo* Co >
_ „ Dec. 31. IM7. i
l irr. President and Managers of the Hand *t. Brid»*
Company. in the Couuly ol Allegheny, have this duy
declared a dividend ofooe dollar uud fitly ccnuun earl
share ot the Capital Stock standing m die name ofttidi
'**yaJ‘> the book* ot the Cofnpauy. out of the profit,
ol the last *ix months; which will be paid to the Stock
holder*, or dietr legal rcpresrnUdve*. lorlhwith.
-tf* 3 * ; WM 1-UUMLR. Jr-Trea.
Ottick or tuk AixcniiK-W Dumb Co . )
I’rmßißnii, Juu. l, ih- ‘ i
. President and Manager* , of tbr CornaaaY,for
SSfcf .IWJiywCT Th,
111 Ibe County Of Allegheny, bare tin* day
r>.nh?i“ “dividend of two dollar* on each share oftha
h***^!.-°!.b •tnnding in the name of individuals on
the bookaol tv Company, out of the profits of the lost
*ii "Mch willtvc paid to the Stockholders. or
~n or “iter the llth in«.
jaamlUtAwa JOHN HARPER. Trea*
THE Convict, or the Hypocfee Unmasked; by O. P.
R. James, Esq.
Jack Ashore; by E. Howard, *athor of Ratlin the
The Star of the FnlleaMiy Curti*, author of Black
Plumed Riflemen. v
X'fbe Marie Figure Head.'or the Body of Green ami
Blue; by Charley Carey, of th* L\ s*. N.
XThe Bandit's Bride, or the Maid ofSaxony; by Louisa
. Stanhope, author of “Striking Likenesre*.' l Ac.
Lcnilla Lynmore, and Mr. and Mr*. Woodbridee: Lv
Mi** Leslie.
I<ondon Quarterly Review. V _»
Union Magazine for Deermber. \
life of Joseph T Hare—a large supply.
The Mantruvering Mother, by the author of •History
of a firth.’ : ,
The Wilfulneit of Woman, by the same.
The Old Cofomodorr; by E Howard. *
Jennrtte Allison or the Young Strawberry Girt—a
tale of Sea uud S!iore;>hy Ingraham.
Kaaru, or Daylight, a pure ,tale; by J 8 Robb
Sir Rowland Ashton.' 'J volt by Lady C 1-ong
The Splendor* of.Venmillij*. mid tho Court of Louis
the XIV.
Flower* Personified; .No*. 9 and IU.
Rural Cemeteries of America, panV.
Magazine*, Newspapers, etc.
London Punch and Pictorial Time*, per lost steamer*.
Brother Jonathan. Philadelphia Courier, and -Yan
kee Doodle Pictorials. For sole liy
decl . 3d the Post Office.
XVbyJ.A. A U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati,the following
uew uud voidable Works—
Doniphan'* Expedition—Containing a sketch of the
life of Col. A. W. Doniphan; the - Conquest of New
Mexico; Gen. Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cali
fornia; Doniphan's Campaign against the Nuvijo*, and
hi* unpondJleled March upon Caihuahos and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a
Map and Engravings, by John T Hughes, A Bof the
Ist Regiment of Mirsoun Cnvnlry.
History of Kentucky—lt* Aniuiuuies and Natural
Cunouties; Geographical Statistical and Geological
descriptions, with-jmecdotes -of Ihonerr* 1 jik and more
ibaa one hundred Biographical Sketches
ed Pioneers. Soldiers. Statesmen, Jurist*. Lawyers, Di
vines, Ac.; illustrated with totfy engraving*, |,y Ixtvu*
Collins, I vol. octavo
The Twelve Month*’ Volunteer, or Jonma! of n Pri
vate u> the Tenne»«ee Regiment of CnvaJrv. m Hie
Campaign of Mexico, during l?*4r-47. containing an ar
count in (be March of the Regiment to Vein Cruz, a
il'u-nptioit of tiic Country pa»*erf -ot cr; n)iaiiW>. i u»-
tl/ltlv Ac. Ot the people, >kvlci|F* of Cwiip I .Ur, BC
rount* of all the action* ufothor Volunteer Regimen:*,
ami a hill Hutory of the Mexican War, U»t u{ the Kil
led anil WiHtndril. lie; illuiirated by a large number of
correct vu-urt and plain; by (ito. C Kurbor. 1 volume
I C.TI OVA HIES, (Jr cVk7 1»V-
AnlSon * Clu«<irat Pn-ti«uiary:
Dictjpunry nl"<irrck and Unman Antiquiuca;
M't’u!loug!i'» «'ominrr<-iul Dictionary; i
VrrVDictiouar> and Mtpidrfnajii, arts. uiamifaciuir*
Wrli«lrr’» Octavo Dictionary. revised edition;
Todd'* John*nn’« and Walker’» Dictionary;
Worccticr’* Dictionary;
1 jddell and Scott'* f»rrrk lexicon; . ;
lloinu«cn'» Creek Leitrim of NVw Tcaiamrnt;
l.everett* IjUui Jxnieon;
Aiu«worth'i Ijtitj Diciuniary:
Flcnuaine ami TibbrnS French Dictionary;
I lurk'* Tlicoloyicol Dictionary;
llnsqn Uihlr Dictionary ; «p
Kohiraun Calmer* Dirtiontiry. Ac , Ac „
Tim above, with a general ai’-rirtinrutorDirolofif al,"
Cfaxiral.’Mi-rclUneou*, und Sunday School Hook*, al
»») « on baud and lor rule lour. f,y
Q.l.liriT A K.NCUSH.
dc- Ui Market »t., between 3d A 4lb.
S— Iteatlrl* of Memory, an tllnnimaled
Animal lor I-r-lr-; edited by Hrynell t'.-aic*. M. Il
Ih-- Chanu. a sene* of graceful ou.t el* K mit rolorsd
Orou;*!v d»-signed rxpre»«iy for this work.
The Odcrmg ui' Beauty, a present lur all seasons, am-
wiiu eleven engraving*: edited by Amelia'W.
Lanreure. ')
.Fnc(tilsi,i|f* Offering; a Christmas, New Year, and
Birthday present.
'Th>* Gailnnd. i*r a Toksn of Friendship; a Christmas
and New Year's Present, lor 11*4?.
The Gift of Friendship; a toksn of He membranes, for
ims, * **
The Gem for Is-te.; edited by Father Frank.
Christina* Blosmhiis and New Wars Wreath mr 1849.
Tliompson's Seasons, illustrated.Jlarjwr . edition
Boudoir Botany, or the Pinior Book of
prising the history.ileacrintiou and colored Engraving*
oi*24 Exotic Flower*. 24 Wild Flowers of America, and'
12 trees with fruit; illustrated with 3St> engraving*.
The Task, and other Pos-ms, by Wm. Cowyier, with
numerous illustration*; Turkey morarco
Campbell’* Poetical Works; illustrated. Ac.. Ac
Toficihrt with a large atid •pleruitU : ussortturnt of Ju
venile Books, with colored engravings, turoy of which
are just published. For sale al the Bookstore of
dctß sfi Mark'tl between :<d.A4th.
GANT HINIUNGji-Uouduir Botany, or the P»A
lor Book of Flower..
'Hie Bose, or Offering's Girt. 12 steel engravings
American Wild Flowers, m tltrir natiTe haunt*.
The Snow Flake
Myrti* odd other Tale*.
Tlie Poetical Work* of Fiti Gtern llallock. now first
collected; illustrated with steel engravings Ju*t pub
Tbe Bcasonsf by James Thompson, with fngraved-il
hi*traiipns A ncw nn< l mO3l spU'iulid rdinoo, ’iSitkey
niofoccti and other hitulinc.
The complete l»tidon Edition of Robert Burns’Work*;
comahiing hi* poems, totigs.-and corre»jw»ndence; illus
trated, Ac.. Ac Virtue's cditiou. H .
Tlie romplctc Ptictical Works vf Jsmes Montgome
ry. Moore. Byron, new edition; Southey, Cooper, mill
ion, Campbell. Kcott. Dante, Tns«o. Heman*. aud othef’
various editions, and in various binding*.
Harper's illustrated Khak*pcHre, in 3 s|ilendlil roll
The nliove. with other*, rfiul h large supply of Juve
nile liookk, for sale Ty ’ ' J. L lIE.YD.
dc23 ' 4th st.. near Market.
New Book# JttaC Received,
TTEAYfcN upon 1 Jirth, hv Janeway. one tree
XlCharnock'* choice worst by Lytuingtiin. I voTtjHc
Coincincidenres nf the OM'uml New Testameut, j
byllev.J.J Blunt. H. D one voj. 31.25
Cholmer’s Miscellanies. Poem*, Fo>*ays. Ac. Ijju
Select works oQume*. Vctm. Wilton, Phillips and
Jay in one lurgr vol. for the low price of 1.5(1
The Free Cliurcb Pulpit, 3 vol*. fetkt
Modem Infidelity, by Smuckcr;
life of Duvitl. 75c
Daily walk \t ith God, Mnitlicw Ht;aj\c 3Sc
Circle vf Huhdiu Life, by TLohifk, ' :^e
Memoir of Charlotte V.llJaUeth, 31c
The work* of Franci. iSureiine in the original Lat
in. to bo complete in 4 volt; ,3 rols. now ready.
Wilis’ Poetical work* in splendid Turkey Morocco.
Th>* almve withes great variety of new hooks, iust
received. ’ ELLIOTT A ENGLISH,
land [Post copy)_ 50 tiuulrei st. bdweru 3d auu 4th
yALUA.BLE..aicw Year's Pretenis,
Wavcrley Nfivcls. W 7 volutnas, 12n>o, ifliiitialed;
*• ** 5 •• fvo'
Mrs Sherwood's Works, 10 voU 12mn, iUiistratcd;
.Mis*iklgwonh> - 10 - -■-
Harper's Family library. Isa* volt,complete;
do Boy's rod Girl's “ •*
Work'sof Shakespeare, ” vots..bvo, the beauuful Bos
|oii udlifoit, finely bcmitq (
Ilmlur's’l.Tvcs'of the SainK 4 vol*. elegantly hound ;
Hannah Moor'* Works, 7 vol*.'
Exploring Expedition, 0 vol* royal Pvn
do do 5 do do do
British Essayist*, b vol*. Turkey nior. hocks.
The above, together with a Urge'Kvsortmcnt of '-le
chnlly bound mmily and pqcknt Bibltt, Coir\jaon
rtnyci. nil s)scs mid bindings, ail uf which will bit sold
lnwH thou cYey offered itt this market, at iho old stand
uf KAY A Co.
.Jal ’ cor 3d A wood st
Mafailuei foFJanuary,
fir Janaary, eoraprlting 3 cralicllishmeni*, more
than usual fine; the 30 a bcaulifol Mexzotint Portrait of
OeneraJ W 0 Untie*. ”* ’ '
• Naiidusl Magoi|We for Jon^ary.
fiodey** Lady's Bonk " Fashion plate.
The Lover* of Paris; hr John W|l*on Ross.
7 be lleods of the '•eadles*: by Frederick doolie
The F'Ttunesof Forlogh O’Brien. B late of th* Wars
of King James, with illqririlions by ‘Phi*;* fomplete ia
oneyoUimp. . • t > . •
The Ifrawa tu Po'ierrille and other h’iories, by ‘Ever
point,’ wim'eight illfaitrafiOnk.' ' '
Roland De Vere. or Ute Knight of the Black riume.
by K Cortiss Kitte, IT-8 N.
The Farmer’s Son, or the Deserted Children; a la's 01
deep interest.
Afloat and Ashore.or a Sailor’s Lffo.
Father lie Medina;or thq London—aom*
A'rplendid assonmam of Annuals; price from flop
1015 Also, a lane nnd'vaned aasortiaent of Picture
or Toy Uooka for Children
Tor sale at M. A. MTItEP’S. Kmithßeld street; third
door from Second. de2o
,TTKSRY KtJ-TIUEIL Dealer |ti cmicrnVisno Ifortf*.
XX at J- W. WOsstlwaU i, Nu. Third fltrcrt Tlie
Plfcn.v tr.iy fie cxiimn'e'd at an Imurs, nml the subscri-
Wr \rill ‘bo thrre frooi 11 to 12. A. M.. and from 4 tu
5, P. M. each day. ' Pitlib'g, Oct. '4d
We. the undersigned, would inform the filjzjaiof
Pittsburgh andvlcliiity'that wc have appointed Mr. IL
Kleiber sole nctnt for >Vc*tcrn rcnrsj li(a , i | a. mr the
nf our Plano Fonrs, from Whum they may ba ob
tained at cforown (New York) prices.
New York, Sept. 1, l£4d-oet22dtf . ;
■ Hfilallp frams FlAiao. T~
a HPLKNDID assortment of Rosc
l?ft lfl wood and Mahogany, grand action’Pi
-1.1 Sr I 11 auos, Froiur, just finished nnd for sale.
Ala, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Cole mart's
celebrated Afoiian attachment, finished in the most
diodrni stjrle, and for sale at F, GLUMES.
j<2s U 2 Wood strect.~g doors ahgve sth ;
Crashed and pulverized sugar, itat rac’d aixl for
MUf low by Qtl] PROWN fc CULBERTSOW^
Two Ihrelllßg Bomscs for Salt, i
OXEof these houses ts situated on Peon street,
JJjjjH ia this city, between Hand street and fJarrisna
*"™glley, on the south side of the,street. It is' a tvra
•tory brick, 21 feet in front, containing 9rooms,:and
baudsomely finished. The lot nuts back 110 feet to a
twenty foot alley.* on which is erected a stable and car
riage house. I bis valuable property will be sold pi a
bargain on easy terms. t
The other bouse is situated on Isabella street AUe
rheurcity, near the Hand street bridge. It is a a story
brick, new and handsomely finished, roniaining'two
nnrlors; dining room, kitchen and wash house on the
tint floor, four rooms ou the second floor, and a finish
ed garret. This lot ram bark also toon alley. Price,-
giidJ, only about the cost uf the house. Terms cosy.
Inquire of the subscriber, who can be *?eu at the of
fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hours
of right and ten, and at other Umes at his rooms at
Mrs. Hays' boarding house, Robinson's uew row, Fed
eral sl Allegheny City. " D N WHIT-tl,
janfl tf _ _ ' Agent for the oU-ner.
TUB FARM lately occupied bv James An
lerson, Sr., deceased.- situated in MiiHin Town*
»mp, Allegheny Couuty, seven mile* front Pittsburgh,
on the maul road leading to Elizabethtown, and adjoin*
ti‘K Itynds of Robert Hath, Richard Hope, Archibald
.Raukin, Livingston and others, will be sold on reason*
able terms, to any person wishing to purchased The
Fnnn contains about 170 acre*. 90 of which are cleared,
awl bos a coraibnablo dwelling house upon it, together
with d.large bum, A'c. Therit is a very good apple or
rhard oir-the- Farm. It is also well watered, has- an
abumlnnde of coal in it. cotains a large portion ot vury.
hue bottom land, and altogether, is one of the ntost de
sirable lanns iu the country. Enquire of /
D. W. A A. A REJj!.,
• Attorneys at Law, 4lh at., Pittsburgh. ;
lxtuikviUe. Ky.
T Valuable Farm tor Sale*
118 aunwriher will *ell on accommodating terino,
that valuable farm tifiintrd on the Ohio river about
sw mile* below Pittsburgh! In what is cade* Crow*
tom, adjoining the property of Mr. (icorie HliiraJ-e,
rhere t* about UU acre* of land, CO. acres bf which ii
wxtom: lli<- baiunce i* oecure&ollOßi lie* be'mi
ttfuJlj:, andiubound* ut good coal. linie»to»<Jund timber
fitere are from Ul> to 7t>acrea cleared. Tlu*e Uagood
two atory brick dwelling hou»e, a frame bafrn and other
out houaea, a largo orchard of choice fruit, hud a good
aprmg oi water in every field on the nlaer. ITbe urem
•er part of the farm under good fence. {Title
putalile. For term* apply to \VM UOVDJAUorttey at
Ijiw. oilira on 4xJ, *t above antitbtield. dcS^UlmitwifS
M-,„ , FOR BAtE~ T
THK threo *u,ry Levelling Uou*e add tat.'rvow
occupied by 11. F. Scbweppe, l’eim
near liana, Hi* UtU by 150 feet, audit pleanant
ly aitaated. For term* attpty to the aubtcri&r, who haa
alto FOR Et^VT
Tim three atory house on the eanv Pr 0 f Liberty «L and
Irwin'* alley, now occupied a«a^| loltH>le aild
grocer’* more, by 11. F. Scbweppe. ,Pollution giyen
immediately, on application at the warahouae of John
Irwin it Son*, No. 11 Water street, b>
decl4-3n> JOHN IHWIN
THE NATIONAL; HOTF.L. on Water street,
'bovo the Moitongahria. House, and the stable
ou i-ront sirret, being a Jroscliold lor the term of ttl
yean, from the Ist of April,-IHd, subject to the payment
ol Witt per annum, (t desirdd,.lhe let-simple in the lot
which i» OUfectlruutfim Water tit reel,
to From st., can he purchased. Enquire fef *i_-
_ J f ctatt‘ w.m. m. Darlington*, ;
For Bent,
2A <A hnnilfonirJ)- finished luom bn Market street,
Jiaiatcljr occupied n* i Daguerreotype establishment
h)'Morland ACo Al«o, a well finished aiul well fur
-1!* » roou V suitable tor societies. adjoining Uie hall of
the Mercantile library Association.' Entrance at Phi
lo Hall, E D GAZZAM, ;
occ fr Oflicc, market street, lirtweru ad and 4th
• Rent.
THE large and] convenient dwelling bouse on
ii3.Federal st.. Alieghruy. formerly occupied by J!n.
Annljazzora. lieu I low. Possession given on the Ist
of April next. E D GAZZA.M
imtnediate. possession of the above house ean be ob
tained by implying to .M. Creighton, at the canal ware
house orclark A Thaw ' deal
For Sole.
AjA iA Fine two 1 story brick house, on main Street,
Jl£. Allegheny eity, near the upper bridge. The lot, is
Itl teet in front hy Ittt deep. For terras inuuire of
_delstf A WASHINGTON. 4th sj.
For Rent*
THE large fire proof warehouse, ;j| feet irom hy
.513.teet deep, on second st. near wood. Bent mod
erate. Inquire of J SCHOO.YMAKKR A Co.,
..*»•» • inwood it __
CtOAl, l .AND FOB SAl.E—Seven acres coal land
tor sale, situate in bend of the .Monongahela Biver,
ol«ve ftrnwu«viile. Pa., having a 7 fooi Vein, of «,*!,
which will lw «o!d In exchange tor goods. For particu
lar* apply to joc:>3] $ & W HAIUIAUGH. Itt wood st
IN MANCHESTEfI FOB SALE— Ibave for sale a
beautiful Building Lot in Manchaster, near the Feiry.
f et Jiout by IJU reel deep, it will be so’d low. and
on accommodating terms’.' Terras onexeepikmable.
rayiO JAMKA HI.AKKLV. Beal Estate Agent
Mfor rent.
THE 3 Story Brick Warehouse. No. M Water
ttreetondNo IDS Front st. Immediate pottessten
given—apply on the premise*,
ivaiif _ Alexander HOKitON
Mlt) LET.—-A large, commodious, and well fin
ished, three stoiy buck dwelling, on Fenn >t.,
half way between Garrison a: ley and Wayne «. given immediately. For nanicularser.quire
at the office of W W WALLACE
_J_y-' ,l|f . hbcnytl.
M COUNTRY ltks'ii)l£flCE.
IIA VlNti removed to the city, for convenience
to professional buttnea*, I wilt rent the Mansion
Housc.and usiouaed ate enclosure, tiuute on the Mods
of toe Monongahela, one mile above Pittsburgh.
ASMOKE HOUSE, aitoaieO on Plumb Alley, for
rent- Inquire of BOBKBT OALZELL AOJ
dcl3 _ j liberty st
AA For Root.
£3B TIIF! wet furnished fc^o*e.on Market street,
between 3rd and lih street*, at presrnt or copied
by Barrows A Turner. Possession gir-m oir the Ist of
Aprill r.ext K DQAZZaM
MDRY Good* \Vareho«*J|'B7 Wood street, second
door above Diaaoud alley. 1 Require of
«lc¥i 0 T AiUKGA N A CO
_K|| A handsome u&ire over i'faiioJfall.
mv f K H <IAZ2AM
JOHN KINNK\ , Jr- Agrn l at Pittsburgh lor the JVl
aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company 01' Phil
adelphia. Fire Risks u|x>n building* (uul merchandize
of every description. and- Marine Risks uixm huID or
-cargoes of vessel*, taken upon the inert lavomblp teems.
|l_r" Odirc lu (he Warehouse of \V- B Holme* A Ufo ,
No. :i? Water, near Markct«*trecL Pittsburgh. \.
N it—The *nece»4 of tins Company nuce Ihri estab
lishment ol toe Agenry in this city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
for lom has be«u adjusted, fully warrant tha agent m
inviting the eouiideure and hi* friends and
the community si large to the Delaware M Hlnsuroncc
Company, while it has the additional advantages' at an
institution finning the moat flourishing in i’tiUaddphui—
at having an ample paid-in capital: which by the ope
ration «| it* charter it constantly increasing, ns yield
itijt to each person insured hi* due share of tite profit*
of the company, without involving him in any respon
sibility' whatever; nmMhereiore at possessing the Nlu
tuai principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and
m its mo*i attractive form. nov4
Till; Insurance Company of North America, through
its duly uulhorircd Agent, the subscriber, offer* to
make permanent nud limited Insurance on property,iu
this rite and iu vtciuity, and on shipmruu i.y the Ca
nal and Rivers.
John C Smith. Prc»t
Alex Henry
Samuel Blocks
Charles Taylor
Sami W Jones.
Kdwurd Smith
John A Brown
Sani'l F Smith •
J«cob_M Tliui^aa
Jq]>» R Neff'
Tho> P Cop* Richard Wood
Win Welsh Arthur!}Coffin.Sey.
This is the oldest Insurance. Company |n the United
States, having been chartered-in 1791. i lis charter is.
perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience,
ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra haz
ardous character, it may be considered a* Ode ring am
ple security to the public MUSJOM ATWOOD.
At the Counting Rmvu of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa
ter and Front nfeeti Pittsburgh. ' aphiStf
TIIU American Kite Insurance Company—Office,
No. 7tl Walnut street Philadelphia: uiforpurqtcd A
D ISU>—Charter perpetual. _
Insure Buildings. Puyntturc, Merchandize. and prop
erty generally, thUey m the city or couritrv. against
loss or da.ttya.ije by fitc, perpetually,or for limited peri
ods, oh favorable terms. . ; •;
John Sergeant Samuel C Morton j
Wjljlant Lynch .\dolph(i< Pcriey •
Thotna* Atlitrone George Abbot, 1
John Welsh, Jr. Patrick Bnnjy.
John T Lewis.
Fassets D J asvi**> Secretary.
Orders for insurance by the above Company will be.
received nni! Hniurances effected br the undersigned.
.Sent for Pittsburgh. (jEo COCHRAN,
novt“-3ut* 23 Wood fctj
f I’UK Franklin Fin* Insurance Company, of Philadel-
X. plkie, will ulake Insurance, per manent and limited
on every description of property, iu Pittsburgh and lbe :
surrounding country, on favorable terms. This com
pany has a perpetual charter- (
Capital,* MOQ.WO paid in.
Contingent, Fund SdUD.OOO ,
Office corner of third awd Market street*. Pitt«b*eU;
npllpjf WARRICK MARTIN, Agent’
H „.co„*p £
• •• lIATTrns. ' ;
Ilf AVE received their Autumn Mylo ot Huts, jto
IT! which they respectfully invite the otteutj^.rof
tliair customers ami citizens, generally, iwpt-)
I ffjuiu a bcautilul slock of Beebe A Cottar's
tftyle lints, whipjt for riclmes* ami lusi\e
cannot be surpassed- Call at the Hal Mpnonea,
hela House, thmilifiehi *t-. and see <^ril3‘
a&*ub»cnUer will iiUroduco Paturcay, Oct, Oil*
Geinfcrnen vfisllind a hat triad with this desirable arti
cle \yill uh rySe call and examine. ;
ALFRED KHEVJL, Practical Hatter, !
oel ° 152, head of wood st
r* PALL MOORE htureceir-
Lfr d irwnNw VorL sivlotf liiiu vehli
«%be will introduce Rut day, BaOirday, ' ABx. C*h
All those in «*wi os • neat aud superior hat would do
" Bure, » 3d door above -|llt.
as; .•
» ,fSJtaSn j »ASH , OS FOB HAtK=
T c re ?*‘ ved fr °®. New York.-tJie Summer
SU* r k * , *T consisting Of White’Beavep, |'c|rl
H# Vt Vfilfe VeutUators.
Sa ? * *•“***• ■«“
TJ wood si., 3 doors above 4{h. ‘
*CAPSI!— Fiuc Otter, Seal aai£ Musk Copt.
\J jail to hand at M‘CALLAM’3 ViistwoiiabJ* Ha*
BlorcyMvuongnhelallouse. _ o<l|9
/"NLLOTiI AND GI»AZFiD CAPS-A iroJcodicl assort-
Bl *;SOlF»
ftlMatket urert, mu «u ai
I- » Indian*.
iStttaß’k ABranchct** 1}
• ••••**
1. Virginia. -
Ezekann Bk. of V*.* • 1)
Bk. of the Valley,—*— ** ,
Bk.of **
U.ftU. Uk., Wheeling ft
do Moreantown*-** 1|
N. W.llanVVn—— •ft ,
do *VyelUbnrg....** J|
do Parkersburg**—. ••
Bk.of Teaneuee****,*
Far. & : Merchfa Bk* v
Planten* Ilk.*
l>nkm Hk. • **
J - Mlaaonrl. '
State Bkorhlifttoun****
\ North Carolina.
Bk.of Care Fear—-*-* Ift
Merch'a ilk., Newborn* 1
State Bank--* 1
j Booth Carolina. .
Oantden Bk****‘* .*•• • II
Ilk. of Churleltou lj-
Cootmcrcial Hk**-'****.* II
Ik. ofGeorretown***** l|
kjtf Hamburg ’ ‘
ercham* *’*•
Exchange Brakm.Ao.fii
i Peansylvhaia,
.BankoflMubtugh -—Parf
Exchange Bank Par
Merck. A Mao. Bank -Par
Bka«f Philadelphia •••-par
Girard Bank par
Bank ofGensamowin ipar
i “ Chester County* • -par
“ Delaware Co. 4 • -par
M Montgomery Co. • -par
: “ Nonhumbeilaad-’par
ColurabiaßrulgeCo.(- par
Doyleatown Uank--V-par
Farmers'Bk. Bead!tig-par
Fatten’ Bk. Bocks Co. par
Fatmers Bit Laoeas'r-par
Lancaster Co. Bk.- • * -par
Lancasterßk.--.A--- par
|U. Stater igank.------.-9D
Brownmllo Bk. par:
Washington Bk.-* --J
Gettyaburglißk. I
Cbamberaburg “
Susquehanna Co. Bk.-
J-ebigb Co Bank,
{Lcwistown i
iMiddletown ••!}]]
Carlisle « !(
,Ene Bk.---,-- •• ••••'« ;J
Ukxf llunlmrx I|
Merchamt Uk--**--*- l{
Hutera AMecba'aßk* J|
Bk.ofrtouth (biroltQK* ■ ) i
J U«»liuidt
BklUmore Bk*. pur
'^Um , e&<l!lßBcrip*‘tV
iiberSuu\Bk. of Aile--'
Fanners’ and Drovers'
| Bunk, VVaynestwrg.'. »
Hsmshaiii “
lloitesdale «
Lebanon “
Pwtrrilie •«
Wyoainf■•••••• .. «
York Bk.
Wcsißranr v *"
«Ve*» Branch Bk. « |s£iny*** ; \ ;ivlf
Kelicf Noie* *« Fix. Bk.of MBrylafld ; j. u
MfcMßk. PitiLdo- “ {Farmer*’ & Jdeehajucv 4 ,
City fcCountyScrip-... “ |Wr. FredoT>p'ck.'--M-l'j
! Ohio. iFredeiickCoißk.-*-.
»Butleßk^andßranche* li!liß<eiaiqwnsk' ••••■ "?(•
, Mount I*leasani~«t. « Minetjtlßk-vtS—
(A«ben*»JleT7,. f . t trf. . Pkupxa>Uk-[• t'- v,--.fVi
«' Waiwngtonßki-•••--
j Marietta ...K ** Bk.o/W*Juninrtcr»««- Jsl
NewLirbon* ,v*«; A ' HichlMtaL
Cincinnati Baokay.. .•*. »C Bk. of sUcUirt *-
du- Bk.ofßUMrßaEaiL.v—v
Circlevjjle.i.!.. . MiehiptanJtu. Co*’** 6
.ZaneaTjUa •.c.>« F*r.4:Mtch T » -
FntnaraW( rv . •* Wiacottaln
MusiUon.*'** ««. - Cnnndni. t. r * V
il jH[ BlfemB.SSKi.V j.-,
B"^ ad '~-'yr specu&fi«.
Wcttcrn Rcacrvt'Xx ** lEkciKold* in”jsu"
FftnklinlPk Colambtii. M Kkglejncir .... V"io 00
CUillicoihc DdubUe£a,Spanialx. |X S-'i
ScioUf - t... 0 iUd^erclmu..... V.--k
iCarne**... Jg
‘.J* |FraU«rtek*d’ori-..-.*r »-
i CranTiUe*«**«-» •••f. 68 'JTraJer*- .-7 «o-.
Fann’r* k Canton*« • *3O T2o;G*illors. 3*
Loaisd’ora* •• -•• 430
■’ I K*eM*n#c. •.£.
Bk e£ Kentucky....... If New York 1<M _ Loai«»ille * Phil adelnhia ’• !!!!£,
Nortient (Ik. Kentu'ky. M Baltimore -ItS?
K*** York—Cut Bank*, par; Interior B»k».«..
JD in Kqreign mid Domestic Exchange. Certificates of
Deposite. IBank Note*, aiid Specie; FounK street,'near-i
If opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Cmreni moner
received on deposit*—Sight jCbcta* forsaie, andcoU
lections made on uearly ui me principal points in the
United State*. J
! The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Gold. • | . ( •
, Advances made on consignment* of Pnjdpee, ship,
ped East, on liberal term*. ] tncblfi •
K.’HOLMES * goir,
BANKERS and Dealer* in. Exchange. Coin and
Bank Note*, No. fis. Market street; Ihttsburgh.
.. String Rates: Exchange. Buying Rate*.
New \ork. ipr Cincinnati, idi*
Philadelphia. fdo Louisville, tdo :
Baltimore, Ado Stllxmis, | ido 1
Baying Rates, BANK NtiTES. Buying Rnte*.
Oluo, l di* Cd, A Scrip Order*, 1 di*
Indiana,' 1 do -ReliefNote*.. .1 • lilo
Kentucky, Ido Pennsylvania Cy Ido
Virginia, Ido Niw York do Ido
do Wheeling, 4do Nfcw Orleans, .. Ido
Tennessee, 3do Maryland. ida
• deelWf ‘ ' i :
JOSEPH If. HILL, GateiqiTihe firm of Wm. A. Hill
A'Co..) and WM. C. Com - , (late of Erie, Pa.) hare
entered into Co-partnership under the name of Htu. A
Ccait, Car the purpose of earth ing on the Backing and
Exchange business iu all iu branches, at No. 05 wood
street, three doors below Fpunh, west side—yrhere they
solicit the custom of ibetflmebd* and the public gen
erally. JOSEPH 17 HILL,
! mrhls ; | WM. C. CURRY.
'pSXPS M- UILL.I | • (tvst c. entsr.
x> Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bill* of Ex
change. Certificates of Depoeiie. Hunk Notes nnd Coin;
No. 05 Wood street, third dior below Fourth, west
side. Par Funds and Currer ey ou depositr.
and rolleetions made nit all the priueipal cities iu the'
Untied State*.
[Si.'ht'Exchanee on Balinriorr. Philadelphia, XeVv
York, Boston and Cincinnati, donitaniiy for sale.
iOluo, Indiana. Kentucky, Vi -pinla and Priutsvltahia
Uank Notes bought and sold on favorable j terms.
! Exchange on England. Irelahd, Germany and Franca
procured, Ac. - I ■ : • rochlS
Bankers, exchange brokers, and Dealer*
Kj'KdTeijfn und Domestic Exchange, Certificates of
Depowte, Bank Note*, and Sf*ruv No.Ct Wood it.
one door aboye Fourth, East • do. Pittsburgh, Pa.
octSdAwF r
T>ILLS on Eugland, Irrla ...,J Scotland bought to
Jj any amount at the Of.. m Rale* of Exchange.
Al*o, Drults payable in any j.. rt of the Old Countries,
from XI to XIOOO, at'tka'inu ■. of &to the £ Sterling,
without deduction or dilcduni, by JOSHVA ROBIN
; SON. European and General Agent, oficc *Sth st one
door west of wood. oetlStf
AULC* ULtiratO ~ ~ Tgfmr.ep i^u M
JJ in Foreign and Domestic Jills .of Exchange, Cert
tmcßtc* ofDrpusite, Bank N >tcs end Coin. comer of
3d mil Wood street*, directly i pjtositc St. Charles lit*.
\ i If •: mayydly
■yyKSTKIilf FUNDS- 1 7_ ,
i Indisna,
Keotu :ky, j
i Missouri, ’
! • ... V Bank Notes;
purchased at the try , ’ '
dfH> _ 33 Market street.
BILLS O F~K XC HaYHE -S, MChe C on - '
New York.-
i PhUadrlpl ia, and '
Constantly fur sale by • *. HOLMES A SON
33 Market st-
CQLLEOTIONB— Dram, Note*, and Acceptan
ce*, payable in any pari .of he Culott. [collected on
the most tavarable terms. ,N. HOLMES A SON
SQ Markets!.
J?3CCHAJfOK on New York. I'hilarialplija, and
ii Baltimore. at »ij{ht. in sum 4 to lujt purthnwr*, con*
at&ntly tor tale l>y I Mll.L. ii CCttRY,
octti \Vood at., below Fourth.
-lirESTBRSI FUNDS--The Nn'lr* of the Ohio.
I f Indiana and Ki-nturkr l ank*, purebred at low
raid ofditcouni, at the oiEce < f .
■ .. IIlLI«4c CI’RRY, ,
. Xo. C 5 \\ ood j»t, brlow FcttzUi.
CpLLECTIOXB’on oil t ie l'rinfinnl citie* is Uie
Union, mad? by HILL is’CURRY.
■ Na C& Wood beipqr Founli.’
\ rooo xjcd ynt*STCi>i eaorsinos.
mTfJfS establishment lone and. widely known a*
, being one of tfiy most eimmodiom in the rity ol'
Ualtnnore, ha*,recently undergone very exien
*rte alteration* and uuponm menu. An entire new
wmg has been added, conlai ting nnraerous and airy
•leepiuff armrlmcnts, and extei five battling rooms.'
Tne ljidies l department lioj alto been completely
mirganired and fitted up in a mo»t unique and beauti
ful style. In fact the whole ar angement of the House
box been remodeled, with a,tit gle eye on the part of
the proprietor*, toward* the :omlbrt and pleasure of
their Guests,, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always brsupplied with every sub
stantial and luxury which the market affords, tsrveJ
up m a superior style; wliile In the way of Wines, Ac.,
they will not be surpassed. 1 • -
In conclusion the proprietor b?g to say, that nothing
will be lert undone «m then ran. and on the part ty'
their assistant, reader thin )!d|el worthy the con
tinued patronage s>f their friefida and the pvhlic cen
erally. J 1 . . B
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following rate*:. 1
I Ladies' Ordinary,
- Geutlenien's •• J
' 81,73 per day.'
lio «
of the House wiU aJ.
N. H.—The Baggage Wag©
why* be wund at ilia Car a
which will convey baggage la
gf; charge. - |
id Steamboat Landings,
i and from the Hotel, free
| ' mavQtf .
- . ascisxin.loino.
M TUB Subscribers harihg purchased the entire
inlerett of Col. O. P. Wil ianuon, lain of ihii well
known establishment We leave 'to stata to their
friends awr the public generally, that they have taken
th(a commodious Hotel for a teha of yean and will al
ert theirbest energies toraake it a desirable homo for
rravrllcrs and City Boarden.- ( “
'Hie Uotcl i* spacious and adpitably planned for eon
-yemcnce. light and having a number of 'parlors ad
latpiTies ‘ >rc * e ' ui unusual attractions to'
, Tb© present proprietors having had VUemerience
ofiyeart in this city and elsewhere, hsp©theywiUbe
able to give general satisfaction, Wuw delermjnod to
giro undividedaneation lathe boose atone,
The location of th» Pearl £trfcet <* un . oinmoa ,
mJS® «»»•» the Post Oftico, tbs
Fellow’s nml but w*><iJare
WhJrf ,W V tigo sonants from the city
l»i tTf*irie*t inducement*, especial
-1 I «iim P< ri generally .to nil peTtou*
. fga&A:
r ■ „ JOJiKIJ'; HOTEL, ■->;": •
•'I.. *p 1 -J a -’eraser sraxkr, piiii_u>sxi’im, ;
Wl __THE «übscnbcn, tlnddr the firm qf Budge* 4;
B* West-’ hava purchased Mr. Jones' Interest fn thu
■Mwestabltshmety, and honoSiy die strictest attention i
tOjlhe wants and con;thr| ct ihetr yuMts, lomeritacou
tmuance of thg liberal patronage Lercluiore received
“JrtU lotoec proprietor. i I < •
•Tine house has bten thoroughly renoratwL and re
paired; we tU«re(br6'fee! assured ore can welcome our
irtenda and the" public to accommodations equal to any
iatbe-city dr Philadelphia. I N'WBKIDfJES,
Jlygtf , 1 JNO WEST.*
| " 6ALT HOCBE, ,
1.. coasts sm* isotiini vrs. ascixvsTT. .
BQ THIS establishment i* [now in the best order for
E 0 the; reception of tho Trhveliug Public i. Jlavlug
i *»Shnr.derrgone a thorough rdpsir during.ihe pac win
ter, and <ha*ing the most experienced men in the west
. in the various departmental! Qottrr myself that all wil!
be pleased who call. The location is central, cenmo
i dtoua and pleasant. Fare 81 per day. ;■ : ■ -‘-v ; -
iCiuciunali. March 13. ’47. * [ W E MARSH. '
IN. U.—Although not exactly a new Broom, it the
■ new Whin on the old hoodie.. ; apCtf
M 1 , >Rj5 TirntK “SoßiuV bfji la aniuinl
it ; aLS«io lessee of ’he U.VLT
* M’’ *here he hopes to roeer
frfends l asninngsließt and th*. public, that
aU eouuwublo who'
aver hto with theirpatrontSe. : . i jaalldly
: 1 i. aaMmow
I jDepot, Pratt at. Ralaauro,
prtpriator.iUtq.pfUie E*»
I: LUNGS.—The unprecedented sneceto waicaTw j
attended the use.of the :-”-2 .
in all the various forms which irritation of the lußfSlji
somea, has induced the proprietor again to call adito .
tkmtothi* ' .
The fchangable weather which marks dur . flail Ui
winter months, is ahirpys a fruitful source of- • vt
These, if neglected, are tut the precursors of that W
destroyer, ; .
Jhe qnestlon, then, how stroll we nip the destroy** fa
the!bud? how shall we get clear or-oar coughs SSU
colds? is of vital importance to the public' . ' . .•.'
| be found in the Ginseng Paupcea.. In proof of ibsa
we hare /rent time to time published the ce'rtificatea'Ol
dorins of our best knoWu cithers, wbo-have expert*
cneed iu curative powers. These, yrith a mass eftu
timouy from all pans of tile country is-trom -
' Ministers oi' the Gospel, Ac., togcther'wS'th^opioet a*
Ucesfrom the “ . ;
'wt ihave erabo<3fted in ptunnhlqi fqnn, and may b« had
grausof any of*outagent*tfipAijjhoutthe.countryv
have t*oji ured ia city. ' * .
' chair
•hihfli w»yW*iTo‘'pblA{out a •’•'•.,. •,;. ;
’ * .—JINGLE LXSTAN’c'e | I -
l u«
■ u *“-.
.^WW B < rf?#Kss»i?fisWV«»ate! rwhy resort l»
ItwtfiujwalHf BOimani. gotten up by unknown Individ
u*i<:utKiepuie assumed name of aotno celebrated phy
»into,-add of per* »
- v v ; . fmffiffimßmm:-. . -i
;.!• to J>« .had,,Tr>b« y wSgrjyKe our naigh* »
it has 1
• A : - •
Ihotfer that t&iTuiraloabte medicine maybe placed 1
•witfiih; the reach of the boot! a* teeji the rich, tre bar* I
ptiilfibipnce at A,-. V - 1
|, r OSLT Pim^CßJfM,
nae-hamthe Itie
for safeLy onrageau IrCaeirfyhTdry.hHra and villare
over.tltewvst, who are prsparwl to rrre full tnforoa- -
ttoa relsnv* p> it ; v «_ Tt-BALTKR,Proprietor, •
• - • '• • • ----BnuMWayrCfacihnatL'Ohio.
.1 -JtSS* * tf o - 03, DIA.MOND AI,
: A^w.,doors below
•' W&M-stiett,;towards th«
■ B ab'WS* haij.
-)p. the mescal profession,
QMgMtgjdEßSffSafan and. been for. some time in
nraBHPR ' ceneral practice, now con*
IMBJEfMIfIBBr ■ vv Due* - hl< attenuon to the'
s amMHRfoOI tieattnent of those private
Vi which his opponaniiics and -
"|xkv^-him..^ Eleveuyeamar*
• siduously: devoted to the -
tim/yft treatment ufthose complaints, (during which'
SSS. W ® OM P«Miea and has cored more pa*
**? CTer fan tothe lot of any private prae* .
VoMtl amply qualifies him to offer atsnrueea of
V«dY, pcrmancnt, and satisfactory cure to aU afflicted
from el * C * U *ad ell diseases arising there- -
di^'^fi!^T 0 E U,d in f onn 'hose afflicted with private
hBTB become chtotuc .by time or eg*
e d«v d »h/, , .k S Ufca ?"T of ,be common nostrums of'.
CBa bt radically and thor
ihl?rrJn . h r lin 7 l!| K P”" bis careful attention to -
C t n” “- ofracl ‘ Wd succeeded In hundred. .
M e .“ in K !»"?“* Of inflammation of. Urn
wiSt ?,V^,i^L addcr ’ • and bmdred diseases whieh often
* atcl , whtae «bm have consigned
a»*£v# He invites such
JJf unsuccesjtuliy trested bycihera
J?-L on . i l .^ n, hra nery tatisfactioa wUU» given
them, and th«r cases trested in a careful, thorough and
Intelligent manner, .point* TOt j,, # JoTig eiperience,
study, and investigation, whUhit isimposrible'foTSS
ular attenuon to this disease. . >k . •
Skin diseases; also Piles,' Palsy,“ tpaeffl*
Charges very; low. .
N. B.—Eauents of either sex living at a dists&ea. bT
stating’their direase in writing, giving allthaana.
took, can obtain medicines with directions for use. bv
addressing T. BROWN, M. D, pest paid, and «ad«K '
ingnfee. . •
..Office No. C 5, Diamond alloy, opposite the ‘WaveitT
House. ' , ■■.-.■
IP? No cure no pay. V dseU-
-faj Thu disease is caused by aparoxysmal construe*
tianjo: the ttir cells; it if. very debilitating-, almosteaus-
UW fuffocation. DR. SWEErSER'S PANACEA is tha
oullj certain core. • ■
Hparseuesacan bcemirelrcuredby a fraensaofDr.
Swietscr's Panacea. . .
Catarrh, or'coDraoH coid. which, if neglected, will
terminate in Consumption, is effectually relieved » w< *
cured by Di. Swcetser's Panacea. -
Bronchitis il\unchecked, Will effectoaHy lead •to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely aseof Dr. Swaet*
ser's Panacea will effectually cure it.
Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throat—Thia
disease often leads to aeriona consequences front ner
lect.Uueh as ulceration of the throat. On the first imp*
toms. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea shonld be procured aad
used freoly. t -
Cdughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy in Dr.
9w*etcr t Panacea. '
i»' ' ‘ .iaocca.
Pneumonia very fatal dilease, resulting
troik a violent eough and cold on a debilitated or bro*
. ken flowp constitution; aged pvrioili aM rubjeel to it—
irr. Sweeter* Pauacea should be’used on the first
.symptom*, which ore a cough or cold, , ..
Nr-fht Swvau.—Thi» debifitating complaint will BMtt
with a uraely check, by using Dr. Sweciser's Panacea.
’ Coiimunpuon.—lf on the fitit appearance of consump*
yymptomv which are a rain in the tide and breast.
enußh or somui* 01 Mood, n Dr. Sweeuer** Panaeeau
rrcclv u-od. no nred br. oppreheaded. ,
When the Lung*, the M'im];i|.e. of .B lon£ | l | t i TnJ,**
fcecOTir dogged up with phlcpro so«io iocede retd
-re.t‘/.l.‘,.Qrr V^ aut -"-- Dr - Panacea,whichU
o powerful tipectoram, should be takeu according to
the direction*.
. Influenza.—This distressing epidemic, so neraleat ia
oarjtutnatc, i* speedily cured by Dr. Swceiser’i pan«-
rriee 81 par bottle, or nix bottle* for 85.
. Pgr ••**? «y W3L JACKSON, «l Liberty *t, sign of
; * aorSihr •'
X Hair Cream.-a matrhlrr* article for tho Growth ' "
lienutjr und Restoration of the Hair. This Cream,
w heii once known, will supercede all other article* or -
the kind now used. When the hair ,is dead, harsh, ‘
thinJ unhea thy, or turning grey, a few application*
wdllmake the hair soft anddark, and give it a heamol '
lively appearance; and will also bake it retain it* lira
itnen» aud healthy color twice ns lone as -all the Drew- '
rations which are generally used. Ever? lady and ”•
cunt einan who are in the. hahil of n sine oils on their
hairj should at ouce purchase a bottle of the Chinee*
» 11 u *° composed that it will not Injure
the hair like thoie other preparations, buiwill beautify
u. nad pee perfect satisiaction In every instance.
Wr jestimony to its. very- superior qualities, see th* .
following lenevrtom Rer. Mr. Caldwell, to’Measn
Heiulnrshpa i Stretch, Nashville, General Agent* for
the >VeMem State*; ■ • y
Letter from the Rev. R. CaldireU, pastor of the Pres- :
bytenan Church. Pulaski. . i
A»e«*r*. Hondersbott A Btretcb—Cemlewetu.l taka
pleasure iu adding toy lusiinaray in favor of the excel
lent! preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinese Hair
Crctitn—tor about two years ago, by hsis wo* very
dry.jbrmly, and disposed to come out but having pro. ‘
curHd a botUe of the Cream, and used it Bceordtnr lo
the prescription, niy hair i* now soft, elastic and'hns •
to the head. Many balsams ami oils were applied,
etch leaving my hair in a worse state than before
This Cream.however, has met ay expectations. • • '
As an article for the Toilet, my wife gives it prefsr
enc»jover.«Jlothet> being delicately perfumed, and not
disposed to rancidity. The ladies especially-will find v
the <?hlue*e Cream to be a desideratum iu thtir oreoa
rations for tho toilet Respectfully, Ac., - • •± r '
Pdlsski. Jam 7, 1F47. R. CALDWELL
in“ Sold wholesale and retail, in, PiUrturflCbyJofei
.M. 4o Market sttvet; and Js3 Mohkr,
corner of \>ood and Fifth street*.•' ■ jul4iJ'.
ABBESTED-TotkoitK- ~!/
Vtticjedwiih L t ?ea»« otthelmuga—'ihiai,t»certsy ' '+■
to thofa aflUo?d wuhthe firtt premonitory armptomsef "T**-
that I have been loboriastar several - ,T j
T e «* with abronchi, sofcneM of the throat and hoam£. ' 1
ne»a] I u*ed many medicines, hut found no relief in • f
1 made uwofDE. ’ |
been uayig thi» valuable medicine for several year*. : l
andlahvaya find it to reliere whenever 2 moke ua or ,-\
»V " F occupation aa an Auctioneer, which keeps ma. : ]
alm<>«tcoiutnntly engaged, caiuestaydisease, attune*.!
to become very alanntcg, whoa l nt once procure lfa£ - '-4
medicine. I, therefore, take pleasure iamakiasthia •
hublit statement.-that otbera affected with disai* of
the lunw and expectorant organs, may-know, the rir- ''
healing remedy,” and may t* cured— •
l hare recommended Dr. Duncan'* Expectorant Rtmr- '
dy to many of my friend*, *ome of whom, owe their lira* -
to this medicine. JA2iES IIEWJT. • •
Somerset, Ohio,'Oct. 13, 15-15. . , i
• The proprietor of the above tatdicine would alao re
fer. to the underused, pnwm, who reside la Penr
comity, on whom any perron may call open and.h*
convinced that there are virtue* found in the above
medfetne that eannot be excelled:'' ■ ~ "
. Davy! Culbertaon, Somenttj Lrr.B. Sttse, do.; Fraa-'
Ooliher, Jaekroa, tp.j Mr._Uiimer, do,* Oro. Pot-:
bertj, Saltlick township; Jertod Damon, Hopewell-"
amoro atrdet, Cincinnati, Ohio. ..
SoM m Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, 60 liberty
at.. Head of Wood n. ' ' , eplPd&wS. . 3*
aor RT MKXiCO,
HE undersignsd has long:*becn convinced 6f lit
Inecesairy tor adapted to the cia ef
lilrec and Infant* to supercede ths v.** of all iho,*
Heine* which contain opium, aid ),*» at length tuc*
ded in oifrntig^othepublic a med>
J (ally answering every tor 4)1 disease* of the
rcls* without the use of or any
calculated to injure in the leuu < The Infant Pail'
a ho* been fo’i/ tciicd uid tried, tbe.latl twelve
ydtej by nuutltdu* persons* and found to posse** all
extraordinary v.rme*, and to prodoet eujhe wion*
ng effects a* set forth on the bill of direcuyc*. Di- ,
ttcett, Vomiting, Cholic, Griping, Pain*, Sickness and
ease* arising -ftcm Tee thing, aeting immediately
tioat disturbing any of the tuuctiou* of the body,
dueing the happiest and most pleasant tranilrioa
d violent pain ; xo a tranquil and joyous suteqffeel* '
|n'thoUule«ui&rer. • .
* be had wholesale and, retail, of the Proprietor, Dr/
IN' SAIIGANT. Druggist and .ApdiheearyvJohn
diirlL Elliott ltcchbum, nnd moat other Prrirrift* '
CUegheay and Pitulkugk • • deeld
, Doc* sickness weigh upon you fcganf
Ot pains afflict yoiirbreait* -
Try Zb. Dunes n't HtaUngJlrt,
And it will give, test. '
It clears away the mi«y clcwSt o .
Disease spread* o’er the walk"
. And whispers through lh<i gloomy e&natL -
|j *Yonr health may|yet be, whotej* • '• '
j See yonder to** o/lorely baa! ••■-5*
. Ti»-withcting with decay, .'
j- Jr scarcely sips the morning daw, ... ..
I Iklijreit fades away-'. ' ;
'h'-'Tkn Worm of Dctih wa» in ilie iteta,
} • Ahdnrenffibcueduit crew>— ‘
[ Aftdwheuilblowmed.lafvrelr.gtinj;
U Uxrcnjb and torou^L
i • • if Dr. l>utti*a*» Art »we triafc * 1 >••■*•... .....
—An4B»nTiere»rtJ«a»H««rt4. ' *
‘TVm'frT —‘•~ ,l - J>l r 1 t i »
|T7"P®?IDIJKOAN’S »« SlTtcfeMKk ,
tSaSw «&*<!, CmcumaS,
Sold in Pitubufb, by WAL JAPptqhf rmiTr'Y f k ’4
p4»4W»nj«v ;,,y |