The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 07, 1848, Image 2

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    BROOKS & C
QTTn. Pa'fimoa Dm-T GAsrrrx U - published
Culf, Tri-Weekly; and - Weekly Daily >• Seres
DoUer* per inuun; the Tri*Weeity it Five Dollar* per
: annum; the Weekly Isidro Dollar per aiintuaj ttrucy
1 ■ are-earnestly; req&eated <6 hand,tn
taair favoik before ir.iL, and as early in th)k day-**
piacticabte . |- ■- - V
• FO* Liner Commercial Intelligence. Dsmciticj
Blm -Wejta, Market*, tc\
Wklf aad jiatUUsMßle somlutlonVi
from the Slate
*\\ /Idle the «iay
:n,ao man can woflc.*
, And the sermon, a
lOtlvery palutabhk .as
•oiW I were denounced
,£>ur*fiilUs of whom
iere. was a general
plcacbcr gav£ ni
xing was a] silly
7ha President
, the Judges ot
John Quincy
person mattes*
SuncluaJ' upon
preacher it ap
pear* that five Senators, in |a body of sixty mem*
ben htve/died in. leu than n year, and a larger
number of. the members of! the House in the same
period of titnei not many of these died at the capi
ta end the vu not therefore, in ccaseqaence
diseases contracted here. j Washington City is un*
UfU.lfy hut this new habits of life; the dif
teteat hour* of bariaess, beginning _ legislation at
• oooQ) dining towards evening, throwing busneasor
dissipation into the night, might well make .inroads,
upon thesloutest constitutions. There are, how*
ever, physical giants here who can endure alt
thl/aad'AOt sailer. • .]
The Hail oftte House, of Representatives was
thrown open this afternoon to the Society of Fricuds
-where; one of the members, Mr. preach*
«dton imalTaudience. .T StB
- •.jWasmxorox, Jan. 3,— Monday night.
The-House or RspossEnaTiva hove passed
affirmatively upon the proposition that the AVar
' L with hioxico was. U unncastarily and itnamstiln
rioueSy. cammenrid by the. President" The vote
wasfesw'6l,—f-retty close voting, as it wculd have
■ - beeni- bStho Houm been full. The ; Wh& mem
bera votp 1 upon this proposition, not in the form ol
a Resolution, but oddly enough upon the' amend
ment to a i amendment, oflenid by Mr. Healey, t*ec
the repan ed proceedings.) Mr.' Henley of Im, was
smnmariiVpulled down fay this amendment to his
mnehdmc at, not dreaming.that in the play of plot
• and counerplot he was to be so 'essentially over
‘ reached.' He,' his Jnehds,.'were willing that
* simple rote oif thanks should be adoptedtoGcn
eral Scott, but as'with the thunks to General Tav*
ina, after the bottle of-Monterey, to couple it with
extr&ueoas Dialler. In both cases the party wa>
' foiled, bui the vole txliy was marked and impor
tant: InHhe opinion of the House of ileprosenta*
tires, the’warwilh Mexico was unnecessarily and
unconstitutionally commenced by tbo.President.—
This is pmgrmng to some purpose, and a suffi.
; oeat answer.lo the libel of the last Congress, orig
inating in tbfe House of Representative* and with
Linn that the -war was brought on by “the
the actoij Mextco.” The.chango Of publicscnti
• meat which has wrought this change of opinion,
' since thejcommencemt-at bfdmwar.oughito learn
ihe President this unnecessary; and* uhconstitntioii
-al war is! unpopular. Could Congress have
7 1 teen consulted eariy in May.lhlG, wheathis war
•broke out or in-the previous month of January
' when was given to march our troops to
• the iUoGrahde or could this Congress by any pot
‘ ’ ' 'of a revolution backwards; be called upon
to have given an opinioaOf a war thus begun, there
wodld have beenjm overwhelming majority of the
j/ Representative* of the People, as there ever bos
\ - frfyn of the people against it. There are many
opinioas-among Whig member* and others as to
' - .the best way to get out 1 of .this war, butxhero is no^
1' differences as to its origin, none as to the manner
■- cf its progress, none as to tbe ambitious views of the
4 . Executive. But there are questions of real difficul
ty involved in these issues.* All feel that the claim-.
upon Mexico fer spoliations ought to be paid. But
• must agree that pecuniary^claims arc not good
of.war, particularly when there is a palpable.
- Inability to meet pecuniary; obligations. Repudia*
- two as a! cause of war, an. American may well
' ; oeVer to see incorporated into the laws of aa
*tipas. MisfcrtGneisesteimed.a crime inscmc,but
" civilmcd! nations ought to Cod some better reason
• ‘ibrcdmingtoblpws.. '
“ 3dr. Hhdsoa’s Resolutions offered to the^Hoose
■ today atirectedaomo attention, and a good deal cl
- aparring. The Locofoco* pounced upon it ni fir*
. wfth a-dererminalkia'to'la'y'ttho ;Resolulipaup-
OB the table but finallyaftera iittlewhispering, and
winkisg«lebate,anatteoi'pt wM made to drive it
from tbe’House by defeat, as it was found oqtio
be to all the Whig members. Tbe firs’
tfruggie of the party was an attempt to .overrule
’ the decision of the Speaker, who in conformity
• with many precedents, had derided that n motion
to lay upon the table was ju order, after tbe pro
- Viou* question bad been moved. The Speaker was-'
\ sustained by a close ‘party rote, and the Resolu
tiooa, aftir a good'many assaults in front and rear
• . ware rejected by a vote of 137 to 41. Theyare
aslnlrbdmriJby Mr Hudson as follows,—but in
introducing them it is due to the mover* and the
* Whig mincer* to say tbal tbere had been no con
• -’tnitationior concert of,action of any kind among
"the-Whig members before they were brought for
■.. ■ .ward ]'
HdtoLtkA, That the Committee on Military Affairs
be directed to inquiro into the expediency of re
quealing'tbe President of.theUniiedStates to with
4raw to ihe East Baokof tbo Rio Grande.our Ar*
*niea now in Mexico and to propose to the Mcxi
• '.can Government forthwith a treaty cf Peace ontr.u
■ . 'foUowind basis i ; ■
i That we relinquish all claims to Indemnity Sir
..-the expense* of the War, and that the toundary
■ between toe United Slates and Mexico shall tec*,
tablishedl <1 or 'near, the' desert between .tbo r»ue
and tbe Bk>.Grande!•.
That ahall bo held to. pay all just
• -i-im. due from citizen* at tbe commencement
' cf tbe war, and that a ConrcaUcu sliall becnlered
. 1 into St the two nation* to provide for tho liquida-.
' ion of those claims and the mode of payment.
TheLoeofooo : membra regarded action upon
- 1 ' rtbepqoenUy nonplussed in the aOioq firatan
nonneed.':-7;.‘ . '; •. -
' Many misrellaneous qnetAion* were brought be
' - tee the House during'the diy, of mark
*«d importance.. One proposes an inqniry as to the
«pedieocr of irilowng a'diawback on Caiuulvt*
■ ifk*X afio-it shaUiiavc been ground into flour
::' -te ridppig' purpore* of export.' Another, wliich
'■•w*. in tim Arm ofibill, to a revision of tbe
present rissnlar ipXcmi: A third ResoloUon was
mcbsrecferisticiilquiiy-opon the President as to
»''tip fret wbetbertthe Secretary of State here, or
P'ib» Minister abroad, had; made, any reply to an as
r • ecnlt uwm oor public fiulh on the part of theßriu«ii
Alfairs in Parliament Mr.
.' IngenoUin this ke*oiution is only seeking public
:. notorietyiby tho novelty of his inquiry. f
- - • fa the was a very spicy debate upon
: m queatiea of courtesy, and upon tbo ten regiment
i; sen delivered-himself of another bonk*
{Tim praise be' bestowed upon-the Army
!• w neti, aad would have been well enough, had
tw, obvious reason of. it been an expected quid
.. _ (jx the form of votes for the rreiidehcy.—
i. speech WM a it was written^
• J.- c4 f C ,. The haidubor of it, however, was
s. Generars office. It
uow in the
V-' .V IS aajoo-of‘Whom were.under 0,700. on*!
; i«ia*^WM«^tcrrfaver;
• tniO&em*- AUUu.i.mud,lc-..
...T" U d though ou .lin.
dfihr *(iali>tentlo>> onto.
- buUdu,
’.T’ C-*’\ •l.i* .• . '•
: f-..j : r '■ ••••’■ •
■ -t
hia a vep-.sjiicy do J\ ___________
ba&' arose’, as should beieard or : . pITTSBUROH BOARD OF TRADE,
nert-i The Senile! has always been, through all the . The annual election was held last'cvcmng, at
storms of party, a courteous body, and a departure the rooms if the association, at which there was a
fron hs accustomed urbanity wan threatened to largo attendance, the President of the Association,
day.' • ij. • ' . ' J . Thomas Bakewell, 1 Z&fo in the chair, with Mr.
; * Mr. Cass seemed to be the leader, but afler two. Harper as Secretary
I hours,, was stormed out! of his intentioil. 'More On (notion of Mr. Jas. Marshall, the By-Laws of
conapieious still was Mr. Foote of Mississippi, a: the Association wero amended so that mcinjjers of
new Senator who has not vet learned to distinguish ; the Association only can be elected Secretary. The '
between the slunjp speaking of Mississippi and: motion was carried unanimously, and is a reform
the .Senate Chamber. Time will teach hjm the much needed, as it jvill secure to the benefit of the
difference, if Senators do not. To-day Mr. Bad- Board valuable details in regard to their! procced
ger pf North Carolina, one of the most able jugs, which liavc been lost in some degrep. On
irtiaguishcil members of the Senate, administered
i rebuke so graceful and yet so pointed, liiatlbe
Senator will hardly forget it for a time. Mr. Doug
lass' of Illinois, too, made his dtbut. • ife, 100, ha;
something to learn of the quality of
and mutual respect relative to tho body ofiwhich
be _is a member. Mr Jefferson Davis, the •now
Senator, from Mississippi, complained of the injai
lice doau-to the Army, by ‘•Uio law's delay," in
public b2U, but the answer retailed upon: him at
once, in the question put by Mr. Cnttcjtdeii, if
| Gougreas had not upon, voted fifty thou**
and men, and ten millions of dollars, and beyond
all this, all the estimates of the Department*. All
of those men could have been called into : service
nineteen months since, and yet the last of them
arc not nil now in Mexico - . . I •
Mr. Clay is expected here la-monww, and will
remain for some time. !On the 17th. he will pre- :
side at the Annual meeting of the American cob
mixalion Society. ,' j
argh Gazette,
(an. 2,1619. -
Mr. Suceh,
*ath of Hon.
Governor Shank’* Memge.. -
We gave yesterday Ihe last paper? ofGov
ernor Shunt, which accomplishes what been
deemed hitherto impowible, bis previouscflbrts in j
stupidity and "enthusiasm" which we believe is
the most fbr 'describing the charac
i ter of Locofoco “state papers" at the prescat day
I Upon ono point only is the.message worth rending
t and that relates to our finances, and the State debt
which last, strange to tell has not increased. The
increase of business on our public worksjadded to I
the vigorous collection of our licavy taxes, lias at j
lasi enabled the state treasurer to say. he can meet I
hii payments without a ban, an achievement that |
could'nbt have been v nccoiipliahcd nndern loro j
Treasurer, and which has.infi.ct lieendonc against I
the opinion of Mr. Sbunk, Ihough ho oow notices
the fact so complacently. Tn relation to relief notes
he gives an opinion that thiy should be tunded at
I a fair rale of interest and thUs remove' from circo- J
j buon this depreciated currency that reduces to the
I public creditor t£e amouat of intercut we promise j
to pay. He recommends economy in the expenses of
tbo government and a revissiou of the canal and rail
rc»d tolls, and other sources of revenue to obtain
means to (brm aVinlang fund and to free the citizens
from heavy taxes.
With perfect rabidness he denounces all corpora
lions as thereftsofthe dark ages, and argues that
•they taleaicag the rights of the jvopk,' forgetting
tliat in a previous clause ue argued that corpora
j tibns were originally, established to git? thrjvopir ,
\ their rights. Free Banks are denounced and “ex
amined? with a sagacity, tliat is most; worthy o.
commendation. The Governor - has arrived at the
conclusion that the. Stock* of-Ncw York and o!
Ohio are not money; and that they are; valueless,
notbeinggold or silver. It is not to be expected
however, that he should know much: about tht
hanks of other slates, alter allowing his utter ignu
ranee of those of our own. In relation to our owi
banks, he recommends ianre of the absurd and
cheating policy, by [which they have before been
shorn of the: usefulness, by the citizens, lie
proposes that after die ragged relief notes arc get
rid of the banks shall not issue a note of less vaP
ue than $lO. The result of this change will be to
I give the people teuj ragged notes, issued by our
I ueighbets, iu place of tea I’ennsylvania notes able
I lo command tea silver dollar*. But we need not
I enlarge upon this, every uian knows the folly of
excluding the notes of banks we know to fill the
business channels,: with our present; trash. lie
argues ihat caution must, bp.exercised in relation
to increasing hank capital, Us owing tii; our large
Increase of specie receipts, tlic people might get to
overtrading. All banks wlul want 'tljcir charter
extended, must be examined, |md il’they have made
-panics..? “expanded" or ‘■contracted,* 'they are to
be allowed to expire. Ho makes au . allusion to
.ither and less important topic*, and concludes with
a tirade against what lie caIN special legislation.
He says > are all.Pcna-v: • -aians—we have the
same constitution of .-...;.v»t—the same com
taon right* —then why should, we not have tin
; Were all the people indolent and'eoatent with
general law*, andcr which “human vegetation”
ouly is practicable, we know of no man w> fitio be
their governor, as the nse who now is honored
above hi* merits, in occupying the chair of Slate
in this Commonwealth- Thn people; of Pennsyl*
vnaift, above aD, need the special legislation their
Governor opporcs; nor is anytime part of the Stole
more urgent for it than Pittabuifch. \Ve art* at a
loss how in classify but stoteoi nt in relation to
special legislation, whether it is cnavish or loolish;
The general tenor of Ins Menu umiake.-, it belong
| h> the former cla«*j still it can h> bailed foolish, for
I who does not know and fcel thai corporations, the
result of special legislation, are tl
>f all things. Who does not kn
laws the capable anil energetic
unite arid partake with the rich
of manufacturing. There are
journeymen wlu> will at once g
charter can be obtained, as um
cure the aid of capital. If thee
they mu< tbxl oti as jcuroeywe
profits of their labor .where the
hands bl* those capit:
. Under our present Lieciilivi
that Pennsylvania js naiortunaH
•if enterprise, territory ample. 11
: all that makes a gffbt agricoltu •
ring- people.'our progress sui
with other States, because wc
legislation of pot-boose politiei:
efficiently the government of
Governor Skunk lias not
as.jMr.Polk, be
same point. Instead of a Slat
bis official station to promulgi
plea of government, theories
nate in the most deplorable i
omnipotent, and public
this, wc hope yet to see Penn
Magistrate worthy of her ma;
boundless resources, and hci
Cider no Skunk pilot*' can <
thing but flattering to the St»
can check llie focliug w.lhin
bad wo a bead as energetic a
politic u powerful no rank
claimed by other States, cot
should be, indeed,,the K6y St
neighbors rony well doubt, so
orable offieer is filled with su
of which oui
Out Wemaa
by the telegraj
£>rce iu Sant'
what Mr. Pol Ejrall* American territory, is the scenel
ofrkrf on the partdfanulilarytuob. AVjiy,the people
may well a>k/ was Gen. Kearney and Col. Fre
mont called home? Whose incapacity caused the
loosens of instructions under which oiilctM ac- f
ted that mode it necessary lor them ; to repair to I
Washington to have their collisions nJjustcd? Arc i
our soldiers to murder Indians, as nt Fort Mann, I
and arc wc to hear of outrages committed nt Santa I
Fe, and not «k who caused it? Tliesethiugsmay
be fc>r the present unanswered, but there is a timed
at hand when these disgraceful acts syill bo stamps
e<l so clearly upon Ujoir authors, that' he who runs
may read. -
Tire Necessity ash CossnrrnoxAurv op the
lA' ak __Tljo vole of [be Hon. Mowre Huniplon ujp
on Mr. Aalunan’a anlcndmenl lure caiiacd.nmch re
mark and » ofmttoa of.opinion tint
he hire acted directly agate*«». acaiinicnu of lire
eonMitiicnu.' While the' wMs» "fN» **** “*
Mrenuoaa lor ™ honorable peace, heyrill
ns evcrjtnie to their prindphre, and Jfrmly fined in
W opinion that tile near im. unnecessary and mi-
:i IW Srirn Taixa^r Accordinglo Uw
nioaihj'rSilcmentof the. Secretary of the Trciuu
»eot depOMloriw on the Silk ult, «l»Kt to to
sum of ' .
■ ■ ThefcUovnng m
Tq Assistant Treasurer, l»ew York ', **j
Ta Assistant l4silade)pUs .00
To\ Assistant Treasurer, NeV Orleans ’ 7&,0w w
V ■ •• •' • V; .-t--'':-: *C25,000 oo
From AsstrUot Trwatf«r f 'N«w York
From''AmuttotTreMurer, Philadelphia 31ifi00 00
' *500^00«b0j
Local Intelligence*
motion of Mr. W. JVXoUea, Mr. Harper, tlie :sec- (
retary, was unamm&jisly elected a member! (
The report of ttaplrpasurer being next in order, ,
was read by Mr. Wallace, and exliibitcdthc
most gratifying results. The receipts for the past
year have. bee» $l,OlB '75, nndihorc is nov a bah ,
ance in hand of $755. The Association ninv com
prises 217 a nett gain of 04. ‘Eighty
members have joined in the year, nnd 13 have re
signed, removed from theicity. or deceased After
the report Was accepted, Mr. Marshall nkved that
two auditors, who would do their duty, he appoin
ted to audit that and his previous repiirt. The
President named S.: F. Von Boonhurst nnd J. Cn
rothers. \ i - :
annual election was next in ordet\ Messrs*.
Larimer, jr.'and W.TI. Denny acting as tell
ers, and reported the, following a« clert
•d without « dissenting vote. |
• i • '
N. B. Craig, F. Lorenz.
Janies ' Marshall,
Secretary 4 —John Harper. •;
•pntECTons, • , |
Win. Barker, /. \ Tlobert Belt,
J. Carotbers, ,T. S. Clarke.
J. Dalrell, \V. H. Dcmiy,
Joshua Hanna, ’ R. Daizell,.p
James May, J. McFaden,
Vi. It. Murphy, __ G. Ogden, :,
Jo*. Fenaock, ' C. Zug, ‘
* R- E. Sellers, JnoSliipton.
W. J. Totten, S. F. Von Bonnhorsl,
W. W. Wallace, John Shea,
Geo. Weyman, -
The President, on accepting the office he has
ever filled so ably, brietly returned thinks far this
renewed testimonial of confidence, cxprcssieg his
readiness to promote the usefulnessofthe Associa
tion. He alluded to tlie .annual report of the Treas
urer, and congratulated the member* upoD the fa
vorable state of affairs it showed, contrasted with
previous years. A short time aincc.nnd it was se
riously debated .whether they should liot dissolve:
now, all was successful, and the aeeevion of mem
bers assured tbera of the great itUerot felt in the
objects of the Association. lie noticed ihepiyjed
that was started last year of procuring, u penna
neat and proper location, that would give then
rooms more suitable tn their purposes. H<* ex
pressed the hope that the plan would not be allow
ed to fail. Other cities of smaller business that
our own, had rooms where they could meet duil]
to transaet business. and we should n'ol be withou
similar facilities- We needed room far meeting
upon subjects of general interest, which should b
obtained kol only far-their licnclit, bill tor that t
tlie community at large.
The suggestions ijernldcd yesterday,! we ar
grateful to zee. arc in* accordance with the opinion
of those best .informed- As tlie business men «
the city «ni united in,their opinions, l .there can b
but little doubt llmt the Board of Trade sou
be in possession of a building creditable to'the bi
siaejs of the city.
Teachers Associates. —This "body met on
Thursday evening. There -were but! lew member*
■present owing, no doubt to the disappointment of
, the public iu their •xp*-«-n.lioigf.of an adiire-'s <>n
l the subject of education, and the importance ot
lan assimilation, of view* among Uavsc entrusted-
I with the instruction jof the youth of our city. from
a gentlemen favorably known among the lilemti oi
the West. i' j
The importance cif.ti-ijcLi-r* r.iiUgliEg together at,
Stated times, dail examining, and reviewing old
lessons, is of the urinost consequence, in refresh
ing the mind and improving the capability La im
part in*trnction'to oilier*, ns well ostn prevent iwr
positions on iko public. Education is the lusrs up
on which nistsHhn security, prosperity and happi
ness of citizens of a government such as ntir>, and
it should be cherished and promoted by ail. Wo
bape to sec n lively interest manifested hi the at
tendance of teachers, and ethers intcro-tod. At
the stated nicotines' of the Association horo;Ut*:r
I Thov can. and will be deeply’interesting by public
I lectures, examinations, tci% if encouraged by the
I public. I I .
Mtxrixn. —The Young "Whigs "of Pitl-bur.-li, ’
will meet ut Temperance H«tH, on iSaUtnlsiy, eve.:
Qins, A* this wiU’be the lust meeting prior U> the
election ot' Mayor, we hope every whig wilt!!*-
present.. BuMnew* of importance will lie laid t“~
fore the meeting. ; • :
The approaching election is important. nd only
to the municipality. of Pittsburgh, but mobs U-aring
upon subsequent eleeiionis luitli at home and n
bmad. We-not only want to re-elect our n«ul
Mayor, and thus have au efficient Executive otfr
ct-r for the next ytf.r, but we wish to d<»-o hy a
I majority that' sh’ajl compare favorably with the
I tremendous majority we are determined to give to
I the uext nominee of the whig party for President
j of tin* United States.
I ISTCiiiuirtcr: :kuoh South Amiuuca. —The
bark Isboliu Heya*,'Captain Dewing, arrived tin.*
1 morning iKun Rio dc Janeiro having led thift'
import Oft the 21*1 November. h .
I The (United, States frigutu Brandywine, alter; it.
j long pUsumr Irony Norfolk, wu* going into Urn
when (japtain Dewing left. ,The oeebunt* of the
recent tatlurc* m England paralyzed all transactions.
I piour Was dull; Itiilunond, Sift; Baltimore. $l7 to
15: codec plentiful; exchange, freights, $1 to
New York, and *1 Id to New Of!«»n«.
Intelligence from Buenos -Ayres reach the.tilth
lof Uct. By a'dccree of Rasas, its port was u> !«•
I Closed to .Mimil vewels after Nov. :su, and only
J vessels of £2O tons.admitted, which would before
] ed to give’ bonds not to touch at clonic video mi
J departure.; _
I Licence* were granted by Rosas lor the gmyr
tation of 15.000 bid. Hour at $l5 duty, and SvOOO
bushels of wheat.—-V<v ioti lM,i ./cm Jnd.
»no?l democratic
toor man is able to
nan in tbc profits
iow in Pittsburgh
into business if a
»r it they can
: urters are refused.
* i still,' leaving the
e f now are, in the
wc tpay •w ell fe
. With citixensfull
nd abounding with
ll and manu&eu
era, in compart
tire retarded by
as, unable to »*t
drivilied ! over, *:
be hi» attained th<
paper, he bat
Locoruco Doctslnc.—Tin- following sigmhean
paragraph appeared m the !W aslingtou Union.—
Jt is extracted from the New York correspondence
of the gowrnnic-t organ. and is evidently only a
fonbodowimrof.the evils which the policy of ttw
Administration is destined ty f.i-tc:i,ii|k<n the c.uiu-
(£, as sound, prin
t&t could only ofri
noranee. “Troth
• certain!” Kceli-ig I
ylvania with a Chief I
tificenttcmtory.her I
try— a stan'iin" omy ami ifirfft txntmni:
-noth'll democratic papers of tin- oH llte
Glotie and Evening. Pot—have e.jwuw-1 with tin
utmost warmth tins reci<miiicndulimi <>l the I rra»ie
ry in favor of n lax on tea ami codec. Tm-re re.i
Uno {fault that Vitrei <* eseiinaJiy Unr*.
erotic, and has only to be brought before thr ;*«.
ptr to find favor with tin- imijor.ty."— Vhtl >-aun.
jnergctic peopl
or progress be any
o pridcj btil v no one
liimj tiial whisper*,
id wise as the body
iu. the conicderaej
Id overtop us. W
.•negate, a claim ou
Leaf Yea«.—Our render* nro aware, we pre
-1 sumc, ths)l the year we have just entered is I
Year. • Every fourt|i year onnlnm*. by UgJ calendar,
iWrt days. Otic day being added to the nwpiti* ol 1 • j>.
The calender of the lUinmiUmperer. .Inna, -mule
the year .V>s nnd one fourth days. It v. ns found
J hawevc/rtlivre were some minutes fi>.«, winch m
llie coi'irso of .eeiduries hu-l mu-Jc a ditierencc ni
(he o«jrr)nr.niica! equinox of ulxm lieu -lays. I o;s
-f Gregory XIII. ill 1 '•*-*,corrected Umf error hy sup
pre.ssiug ten days in the calender, and In i»reveot
such a discrepancy. in future, he estabiislied tic
faille of adding one !day every four years. I Ins m
| why it is eajjcd Leap Year.
jnj o* its tno«t
vagaries os these
. Cbl. JACftUtx W'ejl known It- ex
rxtricnce, und Urnig a strict observer m regard lo
nil kinds of aiiimati iu»ys that tiic age ot jioiiltry
limy 1-c QM-ertaiiicdhy the firm ofth- rawjijwfr,
or that part which contains the ml glands. \V hen
the fowl is less than n. year old. this part is <jmt
small where it joins tlie nimp. but after H i- over
a year, it begins to till up nl the jumiiuii. «nd so
continues ns the fowl grown older, nil >t leenmcs
quite Irtoad and fat and fleshy, ivhen- the
, piece joins the V*dy, whereas m yotin„ - 1U 11 ,K
..mail, a, tlitmsli a thread 1.u.1 Ire-ii l«-.l umnn.l.—
EzeJtaugcjwper. ,
Gu-nv.—Millions of bw>hc!s uf limmm I««m
have been transported from the continent to 11-til
for agricultural purposes, which were co.-
, lectcd on the pluinis of Ixiptc, Austcrlilx, and
l-’Waterloo. werethu l-onos of the Ixdd. the brave.
| and the chivalrous who fell lighting tliiureoutitrvs
battles. With thorp were mixed the U-ues ol this
I liorscs,' nnd both were conveyed to Yorkshire,
where they were griiund to dust, sent to Doueaster,
j and »o!d for manure.— Yorlthit*i<uj*r.
‘•Nous Vninoss."—Tiic AUexnndria Gazette
nays that Mr, Polki told us in the .'incssugr. of lust
year that it remttinrtf to fa *fen whether the .admis
sion of Santa Apnnto Mexico'wmdd or would not
prove advantageous to the United States, lie for
got to tell us in his late incuugc what he has seat.
Cannot he give a special uicxsugu u(mu the mil
• Ms. Cor.wix /.Vn tus Pmainiiv-v.—lt is cur
rently reported outlie authority al tlio Cincinnati
Gazette, that the gallant “Wagon Boy,” lias r«-
tigned all prelonlioiis to tho Presidency, in favor
i 0 f Judge McLean, j a citizen of nnd
! (he Unibn may well be proud.
Tftt amount of Trca.sury Notes ouUUndingmi
1 the lit iaitfdt, it t»:.offlcially staled' wra-t $14,1137,
. Correspondence of Gazette.
_ i COSGUESS. . f
iJorrtfpondo.iict! of the,Pittsburgh Gazette.
Washington. JaifrG—y r. u. ■
The Senate was called to\ order at the’usual'
hour—prayer by Mr. Sheer. \ 6
" Hon." Dixon TH.Lewis appeared, was qualified,'
and took Ins feat. - \ ' \
Petitions were several Senators,on
a variety of subjects, and were' rderred to tlic ap
propriatcccmniiltes. 1
The Vice President, as Chairman of the Board
of Regents of the Smithsonian Bequest, laid before
tke'Scuure their annual report, which was ordered
to be printed.
Mr. Mason offered u resolution to restore Mr
Pfitchie, the editor of the Union, to the privileges •
of reporter in the Senate.
Agreeably to notice,- Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana,
asked and obtained leave to introduce a joint reso
lution lor thejuiymcnl of claim* under the Mexi
can treaty of 1 *151); wliich was read a first and sec
ond time, by unanimous consent, and referred to'
the appropriate committee.
Mr. Webster opposed tho passage of the ten
regiment bill, as also did Mr. Ilalc, with decided
ability mul throe. .
Hi'tsii—After the presentation of petitions arid
reinnnst ranees, on motion, of Mr. Jones, the House
went into commilLe of the whole, on the matter of
the Richmond mail route, Mr. Smith of ludiana in
the chair.
Mr. Murphy favored Mr Meade‘s amendment,
illd wished the rates fixed try law.
Mr. Meade urged the adoption of his amuqd
nent and pjioke tor some time in it* favor.
l'om*.qKmil<!iic« of i!ic Pittsburgh Gazelle.
Sl Loins, Jan. Olh, 1 r. as.
We have one week"* later advices from Santa
Fe. It i* of little interest, other than in the morti
fying reflection, that the capability of the officers
in charge, U inadequate to preserve order And
military discipline. The troops are in a most de*
ptoruble state of insubordinuliou, and difficulties of
a serious character occurring. ■
Tli’e Mississippi is C*N\sC<l ice, nbovc and below
tliis* citv, aud Blenmers*jre now freighting for the
upper Itivcr* as usual. Tlicre is.O feet of water,
in the channel at Cairo.
Eam-*|>oiidrnce of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Philadelphia, Jan. 0, 7 pi tu.
The mail has arrived at Pelcreburgh, but brings
nothin? jinjiortaot from the army.
Private letter* from Europe, confirm the new*
received from Europe by Telegraph.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Curette.
Jan. 5 r. m.
Tin* market* generally are without 'change in
nay important particular. Prices remain nominal
ly a» the steamer* arrival. I may remark
(lie same in regard to the Baltimore market.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
New Yor.r., Jan. 0, A p. a.
J'htur—The market is steady but not active. I
heurAf safe* of 2000 bhK at former quotation*.
There is a. demand for shipment, but ut lower
II Vwvxf—-Sales of 3000 bu prime Red nt 125 p
Coni —Prune white is selling ut tI7o bu, The
grain market is ut a wtund.
pitti'isitni* —The market i* heavy for Pork, ami
I hear of no sale*; lower oiler* would be accepted.
Lar*l i> •-•‘lliiig at j» Ri.
IYh i.-J.T y— Mih!rni tt • sales are nt fee led at 27}r-
Exclusive Correspondence of the PiUnburgh Gazelle.
Ci\cTwvn, Jan. **, f» r. si.
i'hur —The mu.-ket* is steady, with no change
in price*.
S</"c.t —M’t-'- •fN.O. at I'tf Uc lb
.l? r jiic>f.,—rales t > a moderate extent nt 22
200 i* pill.
KiHot /.Ws—sales of 2000 at s2.37®yfio 100
—Then- i> nothing doing, excepting
in Ltird. m wluub the market i» active, with sales
of 1300 bbls utmj.- lb; and 1000 kegs at sl<2s|c
4* lb.
U7i».«i/ > —Sabs ut ITo p gull.
Itr n-v.iril to money. I wuuhl remark that j-R<
uiarLct ;< exceedingly tight. X
Washington, December 11, 1817. J
' By the arrival of the I. B. Gager, nt New
we have revived despatches from Überiu to the
11th Obtobcr.
On tlie 21th of Augn-t the new dag adopted by
the Republic Wa* hoisted, bad the day was ceh>
bralcd wit!i‘ much enthusiasm. On the IBth of
September the Vnited State* brig Boxer, 11. 1L
Bell, Esq. commanding, saluted the flag of the Re
public with twenty guns. Cnptain Murray, of Ker
Majesty's sloop Favorite, on jwing notified of tlio
chiinee m the political relations of Liberia, the for
tnnti-in of tin’ new constitution "and government,
;md the adoption of tin* new flag,- informed tho au
thorities thi’t " the lb;? of IJU'ria will Ini leniporo
rily recognised by her Br.tanniy Majesty'* slaps ou
tin* statum until (itrtlier instruction* from her Mnj*
estv's Government. ’’
Ife n«<-ured tIS-ui that his Government was
di-’ply inicrv-tetl in their wlel'.tVc, und, in his opin
uni. v.miid not hesitate to acknowledge their inde
iwndvmv. ; After, however, the new dag was rais
e<l. l.'nptaiii Murray came into jvirt again, with a
copy of another letter from Lord Palmerston, sta
tmu L'lat ttu! British Government would not inter
rupt the Republic. of Lil-crm if the people of Li-
Ix-nu would not riiicrterc with Rntish commerce
on that part of the coast of Africa: and Captain
Murray then dedtued'.saluting the flag of Liberia,
which he had before pmmi-eri t»do.
Tntt CoinmisMonem apjxitnlcd lor the purpose
Were prosecuting the purcha-r* of*territory, having
folelv M-cureil aii thd Little Cape Mount region,
Ihit there is m* prospect of their being able tci pur
chase N<-w Cc»m-*. the site of the only remaining
dace I'm t.irv. tmv. Roberts says:—-We sluiil not
U- lit,!,- m si.-t.-uru it, uxeept at tf wry eitravagunt
pnei*. «h tmi: as the vlavera continue 'their estnb
lisiithent tJ-ere. Wifliin the last three weeks they
ua\n Miecceded. notwithsiandinc the vigilance of
the ..-.{ficcr- of the tnepof-war, in shipping two enr
wes of slaves —one, I am told, by a trench officer
tn an American vessel; rather she was'American
a few Innm before the slaves were shipped This
success has m dated them that they now openly
avow tlnor determination to ’prevent any negocin
non f-r the territory, and liavu recently made large
• prcMUii.- t>> ti.c ducts on condition Uiat they will
not traiHer their territory to the Americans.
One of the vessel* alluded to above wav the brig
Bridgeton, rf Philuddiihia, Captain James A. Gil
mer, who. hilviug. fiUiued « cargo of goods or New •
Ccw. went to ; Monrovia on Lis way to the United
State*, via P.razif: nnd Moppcsl to take in ludlart.
and Ik-, U-iiig «u-£. was taken onshore. The vcv'
-t-I renismed there some two nr three weeks, du
; rir.-' wh’di time »ho was boarded by the United
.Stan** L-rig I>'lphmr«»d every tiling appeared so
fur as to remove all Mi'pw-kmj'rriin the mind of
(,'npUiHi Po]x-. Soon after she soiled for New (is*
took in alxiut MO slaves, and left the coast ‘
ii-ight iivt that factory <-n slmre tu lie brokehup?
If the uulhc-ntjcs of Lit-erm can sucris-d in pur
cliiisiug ti.c- ti-rritory. the slavery will have to depart
wry fist.
\V.* would tnke'thi* occasion to appeal to our
irti-tld* ti-r fmiil- U> aid us in sciifling two eapedi
tinus in Lilmrin in Jnmian—xmj' fruni New Owean*
with about 110 cMiiigrant*. anJalie from Bal
lirntin: (vith nlwut <’»). W.^McLkam.
V*vn. .^ri-..1:1,1 no.*..—A mercantile Imuse nt
{!,-(■!;i, bus pnipu-'erl to all the railway companies
<rt i li-rinuny to supplv'all thrir c«rri:u:e« with «ilk
Mind- liir rJ.thitu. 'fhey simply projKjMj to reserve
to thi-iii-elvcs tin- rtg!*l vf .-hanging the l-liud* a*
t»l1« :i u- ttyry pica***, and Uicy require llm couipii
iii--» to eiunigc theiiiM-lve* nut t" accept, during
trfty .tear*, either ti-r Uh-ney or f.-ruluilmKly, any
hliiui- but theirs. Their object is to coverthu tiluid*
PiiiisiK.—’Tinsstiqieiidou* undertak
ing ipjK-ar.s'to th:i»e at a distaiiro like u'Pairy tale;
i-r liiiu Aladdin's wouuderful exploit*, rather like, nil uctiiul iftuttur of lint enterprise.—
Ncv-Ttheh-.s. tin; work goes on, ns will lw seen hy
tin: fiitlowiugparagmpliCnuii the Niagara Democrat
••fdhekftd oh: Ujxm u visit to the Fall* during
(he past wee!:, we notii« d that the work of prepnrtt
ti.m cm-)!' n vi«iblcbegiuniugii|ion the Caninli
tm -ide. a clearing having been made from the river
-ohm! distance hack. There cun now l»c no douh,
,of diu pwsecutiou of tho work os rapidly a* possi-f
. Sew* Item*.
A ; paper Im* Ixieti started in Princeton, Bureau
coimiv. Jllmois, on a novel plan. It has three edi-
I I k-rnocrat, {n Wing nnd an Abolitionist
curb of whom c-<>ii!n»l* his .separate depnrtmcnt
Co.u.untci: op Rowrt-x.—Jn the year 1617, the'
-litmdivr of vessel* which hnve arrived nt llostun,
p -rt from foreign |v»rt-» is 2,7311. Lost ycar,-2,O‘JU. ;
Anntv.M-s at-Nkw You*.—'For tlie year ending
January M, the number of vessels which
hnvo urrived nt New York from foreign ports i*
3117. I’aMimgnrs urrived during the,name jxsriod
JjAvtiSATiux Open.—The Delaware is as tree
front ice, from the city to the Cape* a* in tho month
of July. Business wns quite lively along the
wharves, tßiapurning.— PAH. Unllrtin. '
lirJ'U>KAm-f ; - —A mere child—a girl named Mary
Ann Gerry.ohly I'-* years old—was found in. the
greets of Boston, mi Friduv last iu a beastly, state
nf intoxication. The motnerof tho child is dead,
und llio father is absent with the army in Mcxco.
• « r . 4 u»r»H (’inincti.—The Pretd.«tant Episcopal
Mishion for Seamen in the Gity'of New. Orleans, is
nlxiot tu en-ct a church, nt a cost of ton tlmusand
dolinrp. Attached to it is to bo n lihrnry for the u«s
4,1 Miami Cana?- —Navigation ’i*_again resumed
on'tliis level, and will doubtless be as far as Day.
ton in -s day or two. . > 1
\ Vui.’su Mas from 15 to i" y tiara of age,
who write* a good hand, can beu or a permanent aitu*
ation by applying at thla office, immediately. ja7;&
Success ;to the jolly old farmer, ' j
. Who kings at the tail of his plough—
The monarch of prairie and forest,
T'is only to God he may bow l
He is surely a fortunate fellow—
He raises his bread and his cheese,
; And though hard is his labor in Sommer,
' In Winter he lives at his ease.
When the reign of Winter is broken,
And Spring comes to gladden, and bless—
When the flocks in the meadow are sporting
And the robin is building her nest—
The farmer walks forth to his labor,
jAnd. manly and firm is his tread,
As he scatters the seed for the harrest,
j jThat yields to the nations their bread.
His banks are all chartered by nature,
i Their credits are ample ana sure—-
His clerks never slope with deposited,
Pursued by the curse of the poor}
His stocks are the best in the market,
~ His shares are' the shares of. his plough—
They bring the bright gold to his coffers,
I And pleasures and health to his brow.
When: his fields with rich harvests are teem*
'in g,
And the reapers go forth to their toil,
None so happy and,free as the farmer—
Possessor and lord of the soil:
He sings while he roams liis broad acres,
As none but a farmer can sing,
And would not exchange his condition .
For the splendor ana pomp of thing.
When hisicrops axe all gathered and shel
And his cattle are snug in the fold,
He sits himself down by the fireside.
And laughs at the tempest and cold ;
A stranger to pride and ambition,
His duty he strives to fulfil,
Determined; whatever betides him,
To let the world jog as it will.
His trust-is m Him who has given j
' The seasons, the sunshine, and rain—
Who has promised him “ seed time and
harvest.” 1
So long as tne earth shall remain,
And if from his duties he wander, :
; Led on by his venturesome will,
.Through life and his changing relations, -
God s providence follows him still.
Abduction of an Infant. —A most stri
king instance of female depravity has been
disclosed, lately, in the case of one Caroline
Smith. It appears 6hc stole the child of a
respectable family in Albany, and travelled
with it through the length of the Albany and
Buffalo railroad, pretending it was her own
child, drugging and abasing the innocent
babe, in order, by its forced sicknefis, to
work upon the sympathies of the people iu
tire different cities in which she stopped, in
order to draw money from them. She has
been arrested and is no\V in jail, while the
child has been safely restored to its own joy
ful parents.— North. Chris. Adv.
The Hero Ats of Tampico. —Mrs. Ann
Chase has signified to the American Tract
Society her-desire to receive and distribute,
by sale and gift, as many of the Society's
publications as they may see fit to for
ward to her nt to become
a voluntary Colporteur for that city. At
her suggestion, some thousands of Span
ish tracts have been Issued by the So
[ETTnK CusuTa i* strangely destructive to the hu
ujin cuticle, Jor *kin| ihe sudden change from heat to
cold, and the smoke cause* yellow, datkj coarse com
plexion*. Then it U rcquiwtc that the pore* of the skm
should be kept open—that their mouth* should be/reed
from imparity—‘two* thu* the anoient Roman-Fhiloso
pher* cured all diseases—they computed that more
»he pore* of ihc skin, than any other outlet of the body,
disease* and uuhealtby. vapor* led through the.
It i.« uecessarv, therefore,, to- keep the pore* open—alt
humor* Mr dispelled from the skin Irom the port*,
when tbev wash with Jones* Italian Chemical Soap.- I
have seen it cure the -worst and oldest eases of Salt
lUieum. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber’s Itch, Sore Head.
Ringworm. when every other internal and external
rcmedV'had failed—it* effect rendering the skin white,
clear and soft, though it be yellow and coarse, is won
rieriul—it removes Freckle*. Tan, Sunburn, Morphew,
mid disfigurement of the skin—but person* mast
be particular and ask for Joses Soap—to be had in
I’itislhircb at \VM. JACKSON’S, sign of the Big Boot,.
stfLibenrst- Price 00 cents. ' norlMAwly
rr-j-To Steamboat Met ato Ora***.—ConneU’e
Mscteal Pain Extractor—lt i* now conceded by medi
cal men that Conneli’a Magical Pain Extractor, mano
faciurrd bv Coa»»toek & Co, 21 Courtland st. \,ia
the rreatest wonder of Uie tilth century. U* effects arc
truly miraculous. All pain* are removed/rom bums,
scalds, Ac- and all external sore*, in ft few tmnutea
ter it* application; healing the same on the inost deli
cate skin, leaving no scar. It is equally beneficial in
all kind* or inflammatory 'diseases, such a* sore . Nip
ple* and Eyes; Sprain*. Rheumatism, WhitejSweUinf
and t-lcrr*. Bruises, Bum*. Chilhlaui*. Erysipelas,
Biles. Tie DolorrattX, Ac. IVc might add a* proof to
all we say, the name* of many eminent physicians who
use it in their practice, and hundred* of the clergy who
oraise it to their peopte. Kind parent keep it constantly oa
band, in ca*cs of accident by fire, life may be Jostwith
out it. hut by iu use all bum* are subject to its control,
onW* the vital% are destroyed. Camion—nemember
and ask for Connell’* Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Comstock A Co. N Y, and no other.
Sold by WM. JACKSON, Agent tor Pituborgh, &9
Liberty st., head of Wood. uorlsriAwfimT
fT7" n.'l unr Cot-tun* — llai* Toxic.—To Use Bald
and Grey—lf you wish ° rich, luxuriant head of hair,
free from dandruff and scurf. do not fail to procure the
centime Balm of Columbia, lit fw of baldness .it
will more than exceed your expectation*. Many who
hare tort their hair for t*> year* .have hadit restored to
it* original perfection by the u»e of tin* balm. Age,
state or condition appeay to be no obstacle whatever; it
»l«o the fluid to flow with which the delicate
hair tube i« fitted, by which niton* thousand* (whose
hair was prey a. the Aiiactic Eagle) hare had their
hair restored tort* natural color by the useoflhi«inTat.
cable remedy. In all case* of fever It will be fotfud the
moil pleasant wa*h that can be used A;lew appliea.
tious only art necessary to keep the hair from tailing
out. It strengthens the roo'», iutever IntU tO impart a.
rich nlouy appearance, as a perfumd tor the toilet
it is uncuualiedi it bolds three times ns much a* other
miscalled hair restoratives and is mare cUectual. The
genuine mauufartured by Comuock Jt C0.,21 Couruand
'Slid inVillsliurgh. only genuine, by W*M. JACKSON - .,
-y Liberty «•, head of Wood; iu Washington, Ba.Jiy
Sweeiij' Son, in
ill Cauonabant. by I>t. Vooe'i; also, by our agent* m;
every town in' Fa, Ohio and hid. novledAwooT
in- Dortyour hiur fall off, doc« your li'alr turn fray
Itit har»fi,»»tidry,ordlny,l pray!
li ’r.» tbit*, you cm make it üB, tiiky and fine.
Dark and healthy, ttud beauteou* a» thUhairofw
And to htre thiioou hav* but"lhtee »luiiing» to gl
For n tniule of Jones'Hair Restorative.
Header, if you haYe bad hair you would really l*e a;
louishcd at the lovely eibct a three shilling bottle«
•Joiies* Coral Uair Restorative has on tt; it need* but ou
trial Sold at by Liberty st. novlPdAwly
Teeth and putrid breath.
Spongy jpthu like,rotten death, - T
i« repulsive and'disgutting.
. AH could have teeth os white at peari,-
, Sweet breath—hard gums—man or girl
' Why delay?—nay, quickly haste
t And ute a box’ot Janet' Tooth l'atte.
jcotu bat li3 cent*, aud it really a beautiful article.
re» the teeth a fine enamel. Sold in Pittsburgh at
berty no»l9dAwfy
su: Sorirn- —The “Annual Sermon*’ of the Female
• Society of Pittsburgh and vicinity. vill be preach
,• Rev. D. 11. Kiddle, in the 3d Presbyterian Church
>-ntorrow evening, til January, at tj o'clock, r. m.
friend* of the cause are invited to attend,
e “Anuoai meeting** ofnhis Society will be held
e lecture room of the IsiPrrubrieriau Church, oh
day, lib Januatr, at SJ o'clock, r, k. The ladies
is congregation friendly to the Bible ceuse.'sre te
tfuily invited to attend. janldll*
' Ui
; liibl
on i
an BTKixT. count or roar cruet abut.
p»W* are now prepared to exeeoir In a superior
expeditious manner, all kind* of Jot Punttse,
i as large Posters, Steamboat Bills, Bills of Lading,
er Sheet Circulars, Handbill*, Cards, Ac., Ac.
hook *kd rsgrntrr pairirnio
ty extent executed in the best manner, end ell
kof Punting dono whh accuracy end at the losses
7»lraportant |o Advbrueerir-The tdver
merits which appear in the Daily Morning GaceUc
i appear In the Tn-Weekly, thus tecoiviftg the ben*
of the circulation of all, without anfr'uJdiilonai
rge. This Ismiadvantagetoour advertisers, without
extra expense. Advertisements are a'lto Inserted
country paper upon reasonable lentil.
Q^Paaa,-Hoiks, Ac.—The Genuine Ilayt' Llnira?in
it an article more justly celebrated aa a core for the
above than any or all other*, lit cures are aimoti in*
numerable. 'Hold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pitta*
burgh. , iiovitalAwfltnT
lE7* Don't have yellow dark Toeih-rthey can hr
made pejjfly white tibia using a box of Jonhs
Amber Tooth Paste. It hardeii* the gums, sweetens the
breath, Ac. Sold at 8!) Liberty at. novlWAwly
nr* Don't have a Foal Wreath—lf you have, use
two •hilling bottle of Jones* Amber Tooth Paste. Tht
will nuke your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, Ap.-
‘Sold ni tO Liberty t|. - - upvlildAwly
{t7’’To rna Hait aito Lame.—Comstock's Nerve nhd
Bone Imminent and Indian Vegetable FJLxir. is tbe most
(effectual cur* for lUteummism. Bold by WM. JACK*
(SON, Agent for Pittsburgh. novlSdAwtlraT
The 'Western Weekly,
The largest Literary Newspaper ever pulilislied west
of Philadelphia, will be issued this morning] and may
l>o hod at tho Pefiodioal Stores oii'i at the ptfice of the
Single numbers 5 cents. Subscription $2 per annum
Canvassers and News Hoys wanted to tell thd popei
Eucnifl Ticxm accurately printed at tbia office.
RAISINS AND ALMONDS-iTo boxes fresh Mnlp*
liaising; 00 fraila sod shelled almonds for fale by
jnn" water street
PEARL ASll—lO casks first auality pear! ash for
sale by |ja7] DUKBIUDOE, WILSON kCo^
SUGAR*-*® hhds prime N-O sugar for sale by
RICK-10 tierces new rice redd per Silas Wright, for.
APPLES— Just received and sale, 57 bl»l* green
apples, br ORUM SfeMEW, A CU,
ja7 No Q eommercial row.
CHLORIDE Llhlts—ls casks mit rac'd and tot sale
, ja7 corner of lit and wood ttrceisi.
i du4rlUC) A or CotilUon PMtr» - ; ;
i y BONXAFFON'S 3d Party will tak» place on. Fit*
xk-Vday the Tth'inst -Ticket* for genueaen visiien
on lie Above evening and in future, will be limited to
30 only. & no.more lady visiter’* tickets wilt be granted
for the balance ofthe mihd. Geniiemeu'* tickets mod
be obtained of A-ili. hiritsdf; as he will positively pro
hibtt tho oiling l ef ticket* at- the door, oradmitan/
without, (either ladies or gentlemen.) ..*
F. B.—A. «.’• second course of Dancing, Waltzing,
Polka and Polka Quadrille will commence on Friday
the 14th inst. in the large room of the Lafayette assem
bly room*. For particulars apply to A. B. at his-reu
deoce. Market st, near 3d. janOdSt
WHIG MEETING—A meeting of the young Whigs
of Pittsburgh and vicinity will be held ai Tem
perance Hall, corner of Diamoud alley' and Bmithfield
st, oa Saturday eteuiag, at 7,o'clodG A general at
tendance is requited, as business of importance will
be transacted—a constitution will be adopted. •.<>•
Addresses may be expected' from a number of emi
nent Whig speakers. Let every bpdy corae. _
, 8 F VOX LOXNUOnST, Prest.
• W M HcaasT, Secy-. • ja7
JJttiler, Fa. ,
WLL al*o attend to collection* and all outer l«m*
new entrusted Jo tint in Butler and Armstrong
counties Pa. Bcier io . ' ,
W.W. "° } niuhorjli.
James Marshall, do t .
dly " “ - T — I l° D< -
Kty fc Col Wood i
•l*or •
SC. HlLL—(SucceLor to Hill * Browne) Importer
* and manufacturer of Paper lUn*inff» and »°nier»,
md dealer in Writing, 1 prinungv and,wrapping paper.
87 Wood at, Pißabarph, Pa. Kag» and Tanner* acropa
ptlrebaaed at the higecrt market price. J* 7
SUNDRIES— SO bbls flour; 4do Urd; ll kegs do; 5
bbls roll butter; 1 hbd bxms; l tierce joles just rec d
on consignment and for tale by _
ja7 } 50 water and 107 front st».
IRON* SAKE—One large iron safe Cor sale by
j>7 , i II A FAHNESTOCK, A Co.
ELECTION— The Board of Trade" Association will
meet thi> evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Beading
Rooms, to elect officer* Ibr the current year.
janO THU'S BAKEWELL, president.
LEAD— 300 pig* Galena lead just Inn ding from sum
Avalanche and tor sale by
janO BROWN A CULBERTSON, 145 liberty 11
SHOT— 13 kegs assorted shot, landing from str An
lanche tor sale by BROWN A CULBERTSON.
SWEET POTATOES—2S bbls rec'dand fdr sale by
janO corner of wood and water sts
GROUND NUTS—IO sack Tennessee grand -nuts
rac’d and for sale by WICK A MCANDLESS,
janO : comer of wood and water *»*-
F BATHERS; Ac..—27 bugs prime feather*; 14 sacks
Pea Nuu; 1 cask Beeswax; lthl do.; 1 sn'k pealed
Peachest received on consignment r-er strar. Pitot No.
•l and for sale by JFaUH DICKEY A Co..
janO No. 50 Water »•..
ACON AND LARD-203 pieces Bacon Hans and
Shoulders; ill kegs No. 1-Lard; received on eon
siimment, per simr. Pilet No. 2, and tor sale by
|aao 1 : ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
SUNDRIES— 35 sacks Feaihcr«-0 aeks Ginseng; *
seks Dried 'Apples; l sek Beeswax; I cask do; now
iTQm .u°. CO.
COTTON— 30 bales Cotton, to arrive, and for sale by
SUGAR— 10 Übds Prime N. O. Sugar, for sale by
MOLASSES— 30 bbU N. o. Molass** |ne\rcrop;l fbt
RICE— 5 trei. Ricei 10 arrive per simr. St. Cloud; for
RAISINS— 50 boxes trc*h;2s hlfbxs; U> arrive; per
Northern Lisht and for sale by . L
BUTTER— A few bbls roll butter just rve'd and;ibt
b Ti‘\v
CORN AND CORN MEAD-A entail lot on bind
•ryifarsateby [jagj SAW HARBALGH.
EYE FLOUR—3ojbbl» rye flour ft P"™* article for
C”” AXDI.ES-i-30 boxes Cincinnati mould candles just
rec'd and (or sate by *- -S_A W UXRbAVUH.
PEACHES— 10 bus dried peaches, a gtsadarticlc, jut
sale by [jeCj SAW HARBALGH.
LARD-No 1 lard in bid* and keg* for sale by
jaO S A TV HARBAUGII, at wood st_
BACON SIDES—2O hhd* new bacon sides ju*t ree'd
mi consignment and for sale by sf;LLKRg
TALLOW— 33 bbl» No 1 beef tallow junt rec'du
for sale bf K HtXLKRS.
SL'QAR— lti bbd* N O unr lawlitw f
pi and for tale by Lja3] ,-J <
VTOLASSKS—3O bbla N O molasses landing fro
Jjl. atmr Tnglioni and for sale by J fc R FLOYD.
RICE— 5 tierces prime rice landing from steamer Si*
la* Wright and for sale by (ja3) J A R FLOYD.
LEATHER-100 riilc* X Y sole leather taJuimg trom
from stemner Gondolier for sale p^^OYl).
POTASH— And seorchings for sale by
jans i , JAR FLOYD. IjWliberty at
SUN'DIUE*— 10 bbla small white hrans;3do flaxseed;
3 cask* scorching*: <3 <loz com brooms; 13 bales
hops: just received and far sale by
jaai !. JOHN S. DlLWUlCTH.srwoodst
TOHN S. BlLWORTH—Wholesale Grocer, Produce
*1 aud Commission Merchant, No. ¥7, Wopd avert,
Pittsburgh. ;; 1 I*°*
SUGAR— 25 boxea D R large lDaf«pgar; IOtB bbl
assorted N'oa. small, loaf sugar, SW do crashed au
rar: 173 do powdered do; Ire fined) in store and for sal
Jaa4 <3.water and P 2 front »ts
O 3b bbla St- L*mia augur house molasses; 23 do gold*
ett sttup iSD hf bbls do; 2510 gallon kegs do; for sale by
TWYE WOODS—I2S bbla chipped logwood; 75 do grid
I f logwood; 100 do chipped Fustic; IUO do. ground
.camwood just received and for sale by
}al comer of front and wood sta
N" O. SUGAR—IO hhds N O *uenr.(uUl crop) iP«t rec'd
, and for sale by BROWS t CULBERTSON,
jani : US liberty st
COFFEE— IUG bag* prime green Rio coilce arriving
via New Orleans..and for mle by
jrnt BROWN A CULBEHTWOX,J.« liberty «t.
bugs prime feathers ju*t rec'dntid
for sale by Qanl). BROWN A CULBERTSON.
Window glass— l 23 boxesaxioioxia window.
glass just rec'd and for ult by
jan4 . I imOWX & CULBERTSON.
BOLIVAR FIRE BRICK —30,000 Oloyer* Koli
fire brick (warranted) m store and for sale by'
jan4 i SAM’L M KlKlt, canal basiu, 7th
WUrrE BEANS—SO bu white beaus in store and ft
sale bjv pauj] §AMJ..M_KiaL_
T)E ABXj ASH.—I 3 cask* pcath, prime qualit;
A iust received and fof tale by
TJOPLAR DUMBER, and Pine Joiee, for sale by .
sheet iron (warranted) in store and for sale low to
close consignment by Qtu>4] SAM'L
PEPPER— (DO sacks pepper which ran be sold very
low to the trade, just rec'd and for sale by
jaj : POINDEXTER k Co.
SALERATUS— 1 ions in boxes end casks for sale by
ja4 ROBERT DAI,/ELL, libeny *l
Ij'LANNELS— Rrd, Brown and Bam J Flannels.—
'.An additional supply received from me tnaimfactu*
rersl Also, is lew piece* of low priced Ca.v«iit»:u. tor
2d wood i
PLASTER for l»and, &e_ alwa}
oil baud find for sale at Xp.jHi inlwriy street, uci
Canal, ; DelW- ' \V. W. WALLACE.
BLANKCTS— 25 pajr Blaukets, ju
received pn cotfaignnient; for sale by
aflO ■ UEU. COCHRAN, 56 .Wood st
LARD— 4 bbls No 1) 7 kegs do; in vlore and for sal
by : i tittnl) 'PASSEY b. BEST.
U RMOVAIr—GEO. W. SMITH k Co, have ro>
J.V moved tbeir oftce trom Penn »t- to their new brew --
ry oil Pitt aturet, and Duqueane Wav
ii 15U> bundle* H. C. nl. and D. C. atraiv j'aper
151); •* Medium Raa..
2D] *• p. Mrdiatn Hardware; for »«]«•
oetlfi ! HBVNOLDS A
MACKEREL— 50 hlf bbla No 3 large;
20 bbl» No. & for aate by
jy 21 i . K- rut tuie diamond.
NAILS— >23 keg* aaa’d.: far lata by
3. F. VO.NISON NllO A Co ,
jal ~ j , ' No 33 Front meet
BUUTKR 'AND FEATHERS—4S bbla and 1 box but
ler and 3 sacks feather* r^rtuinr'from *(mr Lake
Eras audforyato by Uau3] JAS. DALZEU..
- f IJEAS—OSO half ehesu, 300 catties frrah Terns, embra-
X ’ cing a choice variety vf chop*, tut hand fur tale by
- IMAUALKY & SMn'H, 13 k 20 wood *1
LOAF. SUGARS—Out) barrel* mooned No*. for-*ale
by - Qan3] IIAOALKY k SMITH:
COFFEE— IQS2 ban prime Rio coffee iu Hon? said for
»tle by j . pan3] ' A SMITH,
TTTIhTK RRAZU* SUGAR—QUO bag* tuperiorqut
,ff Ity ioitore atuH'or aale by
If EAD—UUpin for tale bv
II 4 ■ %. F. VU.V RON NI If) RST A Co.,
I ja3 ; No. 35 From »t
OALARATUB.—S ea*k» and ono box iu*t labeling
£h*»il for sale by_ S_F VON BOXHOIfsT A Co. _
*VTM>BACCO8 —ISU .bi» and butt*, choice brands,
: X l*i Sc: UNi; 10*; 32*; and »nuo, for eeJs by
•U4i>ao • LAMBERTf & SHIPTO.y
'VpW bbl* Plautu’u, MoloV
la Ki.'pmuc aualiivi'landing' trom atmr.: for rale by
. r RAuAI.EV & SMITH, \
' No* IbAjQ Wool »t.
ltexe» bunch Raisin*, now landing. 1 ,
and tor tala by BAGALEV * SMITH, \
jal No*. Id A 20 Wood *t.
EIO IRON—UKMqu* nig iron for sale by
jaui f JOHN 3 DUAVCmTH/gr wood *t
RIO COFFEE—IOO bag* prime green Hio coffee
landingfrum Miner Tnglioui, for sale by
SUNDRIES— SO *qck* feather*; 1 cask beeswax; 6J
bag* pea nun, rec'd on consignment, and iortnlc
by ilaulji ISAIAH DICKER ACu,Wwmerat
bbU lard;2halfbbUdo: 15bag* fca-
O then; s;*«cV* dried apple* ju»t received per 8 U
Cashier, and for Sole by 0«1 ISAIAH DICKEY i, Co.
PEARL ASH—O ca»k* peari iwh teeM ou cotuign’t
and for tale by Qa<j ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
CjALT FKtRE—IS tibia refi'ued *aU petre;.2o bar*
crude do fur tale by (jaIjISAIAU DICKEY A Co,
ROSIN— 50 bbU rt>«in justfoo'd and for tale bi
jou 4_J FOINDEXTEU *. Co^
T HAD—ltjoO pig* Galena lead for *ale by
I TEMP—SO bale* Kentucky dew rotted hemp for iale
MACKEREL^- 125 bbla large No 3, for tale by
_ i«*< i ~ JAMES A. HUTCINSON.
T? EATIIERS—3OOO lb* prime Kr. feather* for aale by
TEAS— The aubacriber* have on band and for tale
on accommodating term*, a large and well aelectcd
assortment if leai of oiffereut rraoennd description*.
ja3 BROWN k CULBERTSON, 143 liberty *!
Crashed and pulverized sugar, teat rac'd and for
sale low by i {jal] - BROWN A CULBERTSON:
By Joha D. Ditli, AMtlwer. ,
/’ - ■ Dry Goods.. *!' ;•
On Mondaylmoming; January 10th, at Ift o clock, at
the Commercial Sale*;Room, coOmr of vrooaandstn
*t*_ willbe toldwithout reserve. .1
4B pcs snpir Maaehetter Gingham*}-, j
30 pc* do| Indigo blue apron cbeeksfe ;
IS pc* do do ido furniture dot y® ;
a*pc* mh'ycllow"and t.-own flannel; ; - .i.
-100 colored gingham and cambric umbrella*; j~ :"~
13 do* a**oried Highland hood*; ' •
SO do men 1 * doable comfort*; .. i
6 do children'swoollen warn;
Superfine cloth*, salinetts, 10-4 blankeu, Calicoes, siUes,
nlparcos, brown nmtlins, shawl*, wlk and cotton hdkt*,
patent thread, etc. ! i
' At 9 o’clock, r. v. : T
f 0 large *ize pill and mahdgnny frame, Inking glit**e*,
2 terpentine back spring aeat sofas;:, '
1 large spring seat rocking chair, .
High and low po*t bedstead*, fcuicy and common chair*,
table*, mahogany bureau*, wash stand*, mantel clock*,
carpeting, feather beds, mattresses, • cooking *toves,
kitchen ntenails, etc. l i '•
4 hhd* and 6 bbl* NOsngnr. • ; !
Young Ilysdn *«d black teas, Spacun segare, oce,
glassware, qncctisware, china, etc. \ ■
\ At 0 o'elock, r. ; f ■
A quantity of dry goods from a retail store, boot*,,
■hoes, cap*r ready-made clothing, gold and, Stiver
watches, sadlcry, cutler) whips, comb*. musical in
struments, letter and cap writing paper, gold,pea»>
blank etc. !’• l* o *
■ Salt cfC/urie* and Vahta&U Soola.
On Saturday evening, January &ih, uOo’
the Commercial Sale* Room*, comer wood and fifth
street*, will be told an extensive collection of Mucel*
laneotu Book*; fine London editions, an»n* which will
bo found Slade’* Residence in Greece and Malta,? vol*;'
Schiller** Fight with the Dragon, fine DCtlrhe eng. by
. Moritz Bezch: Welitcad** Travel* to the City of the
Caliph*. 3 vol*; Hiatbry of the Great Civil War, with
.splendid illustration* by .Catfertnole. I! vol 4 to; Sir
; m Hamilton’* Vase*, 3 vol* folio; View* and Sketch'.
; m of Pyramids of Gizeh, 3 vol*; Trollope’* Summer in
Briuanr. 3 vol*; Spry’* Modem India, 3 vote Mom rose
ami the Covenentera, by Napier; 2; vol*; Cleopteutts
Manuel, colored plate*: LeeVSerjnoo*onthe Scrip*
ture*; Picture* of the Prench People; 13i illustration*;
Hooker’* Journal of Botany, numerous enga, 4 volt;
Simond** Switzerland, 2 vol*; Complete work* of Dr.
John Moore, 7 .vol*; Pindeu’* Gallery -of the Grace*;
Ure* of the Lord Chancellor*, 3 volsj Beauty'* C©*-
tume; Burkett’* Note* on the New Testament, 2 vol*;
Scott’* 'note* on ffie Old and NVw Testament. 5 vol* 4lo;-
Patrick. Arnold, Wbelby and Ldwman’* Note*
on do; etc. i “ 1 !
NovsLfc-rAUo an extenilve assortment of Novels,
etc. English edition*, many of which have neverbeen
rcpriniedinthi* country. : I
Catalogues can be obtained and the book* examined
at the Auction «tore. o*7] JOHN D DAVIS, Auet’r. •
THE proprietor is happy to announce that tbc favor*
tie vocalist*, Mb* Sharp; hlis* dura Brace,
Mr- Nelton Knew, i* now open tor- *ix night* only,
in a choice selection of new *onev-cotuir. *cnii*
mental Ethiopian melodics, and from ihe genu
of the most approved opera*. • J • .
.N. B. Tha Saloon Will be comfonablyheated. -
Card* of admission 33 cents. ' |. • • jniil-
BOOKB FOR THE . SEASOS—llluminated
Genu m'Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 to.,
with beautiful illustration* on tt.cel,' by S&rtain, and Si
illumiifated! pope* by Schmitz and Sinclair, ricbly
bound in Tdricy morocco and white eil£ luperbly gilt.
The Christian Keepsake, an annua lor IS4H, with
splendid mezzotint engravings, by Sextain; bound }n ar
abesque morocco. ' ' L.‘ . ... ,
Christmas Blossoms and New Year ■ .>Vreath for
13U<: a small quarto volume, printed on mow white pa
per, embellished withlplondid mezzotiht engravings,—
llui U bV|£*r the tnott beautiful Juvenile annual pub
lished ia toe United Stale a , '
The Poetical Worke of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B- with
.numerous exuisbe designs, by. the Etching Club, is ya
rioua styles of binding. .
Thompson** Seasons, with seventy* rven designs, by
the Etching Club, in various styles of binding.'
'The Poets and Poetry of Amenta; by H. W: Gris
wold. 1
The Poets and Poetry of the Audi nU, by William
Veter, A. AL; superbly bound in Turkejl mcroccojiplen
didlygill.-} J . ' .■'■••••
Willis's Poems, is various styles of binding. ,
Gray's Elegy illustrated.
Heman's Poetical Works, in various bindings.
Lord Byron’* •• “
Shakspeare’t - - - “•
The Metical Works of Thomas Modra.
■ Ballad* and other Poems, by Mary Uowip.
Poems liy Amelia.
Headley* Saefed Mountains.
- —... variety ofolh
jiey"* an...- , .
The above, with a rraat variety ofoiher new works,
in splendid styles' of dukUus, suitable for tfiftbooksj-fia j
•ale by 'V- ••- 1 •!
dcX i Booksellers, cot. Market it 3d sts.
To the Public.;
, I AS 1 have had*.'renter demand for'
JBCSSgBM pianos than ! cad meet from my own
IPffTpßSifliactory, and not wishing* to enlarge it;
11 V I •I" at present, l'hav<£mhde arrangements
with a mahntacrarer in Hambnrg to fiirnith mo as ma
ny pianod as I can dispose efin addition to those J
manufacture here.. .They are. constructed on.aaea
tireiy new and improved plan, which instrutnenUr for
durability, brilliancy or tone, ease hud uniformity of
touch. Lt>>Vthe greatest performer in thiropc, pronoun
ces the best he ever tried, being the holy ones be rises'
in his concerts. rf - I ~ •
~ ' *if the asor» ■' 'shns ad
from sir Taplio*
4. n_Fix>m_
of the asove msmirnchls libs bfeen recerrot
and sold, bat will remain this wrek fir public exhibit
bon at Ncr'llS wood street.[jmJ-Jdl F BLUME.;
Hew Books Jmt Reaetr*4« (
HEAVEN upon Earth, by Jane wap. ono voh ; ■ PSc!
Chaniock’s choice work*- by Lyunnirtoti, 1 to! fi¥c
Coincincidences of the Old ’and J»cW Testament,
by Ilev-jJ. J. Blant, B. D. oucyoT.H ■ i $1,83
CbatmerV Miscellanies. Forms. Essays. Ac. ' 1,50
Select works pf James, Veua, Wilsott, I'hiUip* and .
Jayinoaelarrevol. for the low price Of .1,50
The Free Church Pulpit, 3 vols. “ •;. J SkOO
Modem In6delity k bfsjaiuckcr, } : ‘
Life of David, I Tse
Daily walk with God. Matthew Strong/ . tßc
Circle of Hop an Life, by Thoiuek, f 3ee
Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, r 31c.
The work* of Francis Turrctinc in the original Lat
in. to be complete in 4 rols; 3 voU. Iktw ready, .
Willis’ Poetical work* in splendid Turkey Morocco. '
The abjrro with a great variety or new - hooka, just!
! received. ' ELLIOTT k. ENGLISH.
jttnß [Post copy} ~3Q market at between 3d ana 4th.;
Two Dwelling Hooieijlbr Bale.
| lnjL ONE of these houses i» situated on Peaiiitmt,
fST.U in (his city, between Haiti! sujeet ami Garrison,
on the south aide of the ttrect. It is a two!
nary brick, S 3 fort in front, containing 9 rooms, and
twenty Toot alley,on which is erected a stable and car
riage house. This valuable.properiy will be sold at a
bartruio on easy terms. 1• ' • • .
The other house is situated ou Isabella street. Alle
gheny city <■ near the Hand street bridge. It is a a story
brick, new and handsomely finished, -containing two:
parlor*, dining room, kitchen and wash house on the
first floor, four rooms on the seoond floor, and a finish*
ed garret. This lot rans back also th an alley. ; Price,
82A0U, cflly about the cost of the bouie. Terms easy.
Inquire of the subscriber, who eaii bo seen at the of
fire of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hour*
of eight |and ten. and at• other un&s at his rooms at;
Mrs. Hays’boarding hoase, Robinsch'a new row. Fed
eral *u Allegheny City. . : D N WHITE,
janStfi ' ■ • Agofit tor the owner. :
Beilins off to Close
■VTOTICE TO MERCHANTS.and [the Public gener-
IT ally.| 10,000 dollars worth of ready made clothing,
cloths, cwsiincre*, *a|iuelt*, TcstihgaiAe Ac, to be sold
(riratelv, at cost and under,-until Tuesday, Ist day of
'ebrunry next, tit which time therethainine portion of
our stock will he closed at auction. Intending to close
our business in ibis city on or 'bcfoje the first day of
March ntext, wc offer the who*o pf uar extrusive stock
of clothing, cloths, ctsrimeres, salinetts and vestiugA,
at and below rosfiou terms to. suit dealers. Our slock
of piece,'goods havingtieen purchased but this reason,
will be'ibund tp comprise some of the latest styles us
well as the most desirable articles (qx Merchant Tailors.
All persons having claims axaUisl the fiaa will please
present them tor payment, and those indebted :are re
quested to call and Jtcule their accounts by the USth iost,
as no further indulgence con or Mill be given.
O power tocure! . " pimacaan, Feb, 11,iH7i
£L E Sellers:-—My wife las fqr rcftrt been subject
lo a distressing cough, accoqtrtvsiiedf with asthma, for
the cure o( which! she. usrd different cough remedies,
and bad the advipe pf the most craificnt physicians in
Kagl&ud, but oUwa* unavailing.. Bfc 1 chance 1 heard
of your Imperial Cough Byrup, and was induced to buy
a bottle for trial, although 1 had no lAlief that anything
could remove her complaint. To trijr great surprise,
two dows gavetber immediate relict 8b« uat time*
troubled with altougb, but two {cfrlpuoiisfulof Syrup
always stops it. cf am tailed, arterf a trial of three or
four year*, that Cough Syrup is Uie best cough
medicine 1 Lave yver treed either iii the Old 6r New
World.' I ’ V Wii. FstfisovEta,
: Seventh Ward, city or Pittsburgh. ;
-The *bov«*. certificate should niduce all who* are
troubled with cough or asthma, Wgive the Syrup ft tri
al. It may be had for 23 cratit ajbottlc, gt ike drug.
siorrVf U E SELLF-Rfi,Al wped st.
Sold by Dr Cawlj sth tgayd, and 4k U Curry,-4Alle
*gbeny city. • ! i i ' jang .
olperioh ianTne jcv&ddib-w r
O MURPHY, N. E corner of dih and hlarkci streets,
.calls attention to the superior long doth shirting inus
ling-be ik selling at 13) els pr yd—alK). his superior fi*
soriment of IRISH UN'ENS, warranted pury flu, and
of the most approved manutheture- .y»» brnen Lawns,
of every quality.,and ji foil iwyprtment of gentlemen A
1 Julies cambric handkerfihiaih.' '1 * !• ‘ JanJ
T?URN|lilUNfl GOODS—We have on hand &uat-
Jj sortiqeot pf goods suitable tbrlfumisfyog hotels,
steamboat*. Ac., onfisg which are Id bfiUa tickings, as
sorted, fl do bro. drillings; 3 catosM and 0-i bleached
shining-; II do J.S and fi-*; do; U lialesbeavy linen
crash; r-4 and 8-d luien table riiaprjr; do. do. 1/amask;
tScoicb find Russia Coper; kiw-prifiod fopeymadder
nriuts; white counterpanes; plain fififl psftiteq uUukels,
Jan* 1 . ; • ; f *99 wood st
OHACKLF?n' A WHITE—Dry Goods Jobber*, S 3
13 Wood st, have on hand a Welt assorted find season
able stock of DRY GOODS, which* they will sell to
„c«rm awl city nrreh.nls an ver, recuannM. knn.,
and low prices. Wort of the goods v vr* bought during
the last month, and at reduced . }**
PARTNER W \^TW^—Either active or silent, who
ciyV WWuarnf a capital of SO&ui gnu) dulhus, tnav
b»,arotanoppoituuHyofengaging i> abpsinesswhich
but seldom ocean • Applicants fis rausi
nossea* business qualibcationa Plcfi.e address J R 8
NaumialHotel,appointing f
X>LA|D BLACK J^LPACCAS.—A few pcs ofsntin
I barred oTpscca*. la,tclT roc;dj.filw, saexccUeot
as*ottme.nt laucy banW very low, nuhedry
goods house of (Joh| Wit MURPIIY. !
A‘j-oung man wall at- 1
M uuaintdi; with the wholesale and retail dry gqods
bttMilrss, in thucity wishes a situation iu a warehouse'
in this Une of business. The most sdiisfiiclory referen
ces will be given to hlrlate employeb in qity. A
1 permanam situation being^bis princUml object, a.mod
rrs*B M^Br >’ wUI *>« accepted. Address box $72, Post
Omce. 1 ; ,•;•-'( V ■' .'jaattt 1
Mi ' Far P,
TOo two large rooms ut tha Cuftnuclc buildings,
pn ;4th street, now oocupred by Whitney k Du
mnrs, will be lor rent from iho first day of April next. .
luquiredf HENHYi MORRISON.
janOtf' ' I 130 liberty st. .
near Wood—AH -quantities of Green and
Utack Teas, done tip ui quarter, and one
mckaees, ranging Irom 30 cts. pertwand to
; Jytg A. JAinES, Agt tor Pekin Tea Co ;
CHANGE IN BUSlNESS—Mustllear out those fine
French cloths, easstmeres, ventings, cloakings and
trimmings, right away,'at any price, at cloth store of
ROUIN3QN, filth street, wo«U Bargains and nq
mistake. i * I •- ■ jtnAlw .•
EXCHANGE at SIGHT—For the steamer of tha
tfith, must be closed on Mondfivj th* 10lh -iflit
passage certificates granted as tnunl :- -
iflnfeh - JOSHUA ROgPCSON, fith «.
/~10«PABT9EBBI1IP having this
v *?*. .“Wiated with him, John R. the lea
ther bunness-will herealter be eoadueted under the
firm of Wn. Young A Co. . NVILIJAM YOUNG.
jaas ■ ! . JXO. R, fiTCUNE. •
wit. Totnco. j 'i* jfii» wv—,——.
WM. YOUNG A Co.-Dealere lA leather
Tl I*3 liberty st, ; r •
fV s.Becrifylrm.DtstlUffßH and: '
Merchants, also, importer* of Soda
No, 180 Libeny a. FRttb’g,
rjmm w«u Uaaof
waters of iho .W«.uEwiy»«SSSaSrSi
fori-that money can procure, has ben££
advance. . ; j ; -W : 1 -
'• The MONONG AHELA,CaptBTWr,^f e »T?^ liin
burgh everyriloaday morning at 10 o'clock, -V *v,
every Monday evening at ' •
The HIBERNIA Ko. 2,.Capt A Kussratrat/r^i
leave littshurgh every Tuesday morning at 10 "cw»i
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 P.»-
' Jjjj
The NEW! ENGLAND No! 2, Capt. S.
leave Pituburzh every Wednesdsy moTOUiI at 19
o’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday atlOrJA
■ ' toteTsdaVpacket. •.. *
iThe TENSHYI-VANIA, Op-Out. .nil kg*jJ}“J
biush every Thursday morning mtlOoeloek,\ybeeling
.everyThursdayeveningat 10tv*. • . )-
■ PBXOAY~PACKET* V |-’ .- *
The CUPPER Wo- *-n Cant Caooas, will leave PitH*
every Friday motnuig at 10 o’clock; Wheeling
every Friday evening ailO f.*. . I '' •*
The MESSENGER; CaptOxCAkr, will leave Pitta*
bhr*h every Saturday rooming at 10 o'clock Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 r.n., „•
'The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A.;G. Maaos. wp
leave Pittsburgh every 9uudarroonungatMocU*kj
Wheeling every Sunday evtniag at 10 p. Jt
i May gtfip* 7 - L ': ■••• ••• 1 ; ■
or r? v . . 1 j Tlic steamer " •
7 l£***~Jk I- CALEB COER
' -will 1 leave for Heaver. Glawow and •
on Tuesday, Thursday*
aud Saturday, of each week,-at at man*
.0 “aJSlioil. Ap. i
: octia ‘ *')' ' : . No aa^WoodSt
.beaVer and WELLS VILLE PACW?P.{ :
• ; • jThe fine steamboat ■ .i
• , • BEAVER i
! »JfcreafcS Charles E Clarke, master, will, daring
■■i&BaiSßßtbe coming wilder season,, make.dally
mp* to Beaver and WelUnlle.Jeavinir Pituburah ew
tv morning at 0 tfc|«k, and WettsvJl« «3£cTqc£ r.
>c. deciol |C. M. HABTON, A CO, Agts. •_•
; *1 *FOR CINCINNATI. -• j \.y
: Collier,: master, will leave fori .the
niut ttJt iutsrmediate 1 nortti-On
Monday, at 10. a. *[, positively. For freight or passagd
apply oa bo»pl. .I ' ' . * . ' I • ly
_J ~ The uew and elegant sledmer ’
■ ; \ : NORTH RIVER, •-••'*
r IfiT’aMa ‘ Dean, master, will leave for New Or- •
■BBSCffiOleans,, oh Monday moronig at lO 0 1 -
clock. • ForLfrcight or passage apply on board. -. j»g ’ -
' 'jiiaji. .The Cue steamer j.
CONSUL, !-■.. . *
SjPDuahanc. master,'will leave al t
■BBSSBOoidock this day for Brownsville; * For
trelghtorp*»»agt[apply onboard. ■ ; laal:
; ' v, ! Ftlft*NEW ORLKAKS. - >
't. (The tonunodiou»*lewier
[• %:•>>. vryoMiNu, •!■ •
ifffeMfeftSt- Greenlee* matter, will-leer* lag. It*
port on'Monday. 'the 3d/ Fdr
• • apply on board. • • ,■[• . . jttAf
freight or .
••- ! The fiul running n»«ner
tfffiSfr? i' -- • ' •: TAdUONIj •
I_' K ' lTheelegantHenaer <- •
jgjgftffKfiß. Hniehiaon, tnaater, i» expected atPitta ’
■fijSKsSßbuxgb on Thuraday morning nexV**d
will have imroedUw de*paieh for New Orlekci.* Fdr
freight or pawgtiftpply on board. j»4-3t,
; m-n-r- k . - Thenew, cpleodid and ful nnaidr
i »teamer . BROOKLYN) ;
’ Bricelk>ie*jna*ter,wi!l lent* for ihOYB
intermediate port* «a Thoraday,
the 15th inst at lQ'o’cloclr. For fretahl orpa*»afe/ap
ply oo board or to J. NEWTON JONES, Monoogaliaa
Hop i»e. j
- - j . FOR ST. LOUIS. r *
k - The sew and tm_*apenof &agp*-
*fL tl ijp aer steamer' • KIT CARSON, . ,
'jCggawß. \ J ■Eaton.'inaker, will kareior tk
VHflECSSßabova and intermediate port*; oH
daytsomut# the Pthlutl, at 9 eeloek. lor urirttiw
pa*«age, apply aa board. • ■ • :•' " . jtaidBC
—|• : - : PUR 9T.’lJoUl£r*:t , 7 J f> -
• ; tv - new .and fcit ruaninfrtetiarf
~ 'igSfCcCir?« MaeJenn;matter, willTearea* «0** f
■BBESSaBBthu day, at 4. o'clock. ' Fee .frelabl
onboard. J»aa
bi/paatagi, appl]
>*->-!» w • Themarnlfieenuteainer' ■;»
. fi> . AHEOWLLNTV. . , .
.»SnSta{» waiter,' will leave ar itms
■BSBSSnihu morning, ai 10 o'clock;' ; ForfriiAt
or pasaagi apply oa board.' \- OqUSj
TnniiyaAY packet—for Cincinnati:
. Tbenew aodte* fanning paaitriigiiT •
r.IL atetuner PENNSYLVANIA,. CaptTlL -
jfiSSJWJSe*- C. Grar. will leave for Ciacinaariera.
Wheeling every WedncNlaV CTt nil* el p,o'clock '
r. K. For freight or paaaare,' apply oa board, or to . . -
i. l>o flm ranmg. teroat >. •
Pot*; muter, will leaveas'abwrelcn
(■B&SiSwSaFriuar next at 10 o'clock, •*. f Ibr
freight or pa—age apply on board; • jaa>
McKeesport, euzabetuaxd mono.ngahe-
w The new steamer • *_ *- i
' DESPATCH, ■ ■ •* «
CSPySSB Nelson,- tnamer, -will nut u ttm
Pittsburgh- every Monday
Wednesday' and Friday, at 91 o’clock, «■-», andMo*
'nongaheld City every Tuesday,Thursday and Saftaday,
at 8 olclock, a. s*.- For freight or Misace nphroa
board. }. ' -• ~77%.\ jyst
. I AND RgpWKsVILLE. c.*
K The the new steamer ' ' ‘ 1 • -
LiiiMd? DANUBE. ,
- ‘G«o. D. Cect,niMter, will leave Pitta*
TTTj everyTaeadsy, Thursday and
twturday evenings, at £ o'clock; and BrownoTilia every j.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday rooming*, at 0 o’clock,
cortretght or passage, opnly on board or to .
r. 73 atiLxs Racxso.l , ,7V.
earners Cojwn, Loci* McLanatd
mw making doable, daily trips be*
id Brownsville.' Tho.momtec boat
leaves flauy at ,8 o’clock, precisely; the evening m 4
o’clock, Slandnyiczcepted. - -
Froth to Baltimore - 22 hours,—Fare *H>.
From Piifcbarjth to Philadelphia • do hour*.—Fam *l2.
By the evening boat passenger* will lodge on board, in
comfortable state rooms the first ni/nt,—cross the.
taounmni w day-light, ond sup and lodge in Cumber
land tho speond aighl; thus avoiding night-travel'alto- ‘
gfthcr. Coaches chartered to parties to travel as the v
mny desire. ,• ; .. '-'i- _ »'< •
..CD'Stecure'your fickets at the Office; Moooonhel*
House, tvatcr «4 or Su Charles HoteL wood, ♦t. lkm'v
mistake the office, r / : J IIESKJMEN, *
j ■' • 1 •~ . : Agent.'
'7O Wood hi- Ktiub-g. Pa
" Tr *^ r
QHU PERS and others way rely'that all merefaXß&te
O and prOdilre will be forwarded to and from the
eastern cltl«, .by the above line, with despatch and at
the lowcslcumut TVC*,-- • ;
r iJOHN F CLARKE, Agent, New York; I '
|C HX(X>XB, Baltimore. iV - V-i ~
MoKAIO A McGUlßE,Cumberland,, i;
|W U CLARWißrovrasTlllp. ,;U W t
. iTORSYTH k. DUNCAN, PiluV*.. jafcty
' r J~ AND CUMBERLAND. i v£- ;~TV
■PUK subscribers are iblly'prtpottd to rocelptiKttmgh'
A&r alt merchandise and produce destined for too
Eastern cities, by the Brownsville and. CurabcTlinA
routn. 1 •’. ~• • , v ..
Shippers and oilters will have their goods'fttweJCetJ
by the proprietor* with tbs utmost despatch, at the lew.
. est current rates. Bills of Lading taken and traamoh.
ted free of charge for connaUsion. •.1 . ■■>
The patronage of the public is respeeUhlly solicfieil
•For the proprietors. ‘' WSLH CLARKE.-
I • • BrowusvillL
norl I ' waterslPicsbnrih.
. rau. xrw vpxx, xoaras, xyn a'u.tux XAXruwcmix.
MIiRQUANTS and otW» Madiag gooda a»iSona*
ed ,Hat Uiu i* iUe laxleri, *a7m,aod doiifm.
u Luw gowt£ti»ij eoaweww wiih Aduntk Co 1 *
ErpwM dady,«t Balumore. '■>
Tbwujh wWipu;wiU be gWen toady of thftabfcro
places ' iMtrchandu*' and. package* of tuts idi m
weigM toprarded.- ••.-.••• ...... r. . ’
Expren closet daily at 3 k at. i - - '
J ' >. . . .n O VICKKRV. Acetdi*
St. Chwlea Hotcl >
J_< iu» I topnitor* of thu popuijr !*»• h*ti
V «*<■»■» N&MB*m, Chart**, ».B»Jtf»orft ;'
' •
m»| >
icwpra TBurspoaiiTioH ti*.
I Si NplTto ft ear* of MeKafc ft V
* i&VtlJ&f*** mog.K SSSuf wj2j
U«Liw, bm tfc* Pm4voftt?S£l2’
MKtm U*mJogj'b«httta th* eo&4rct
*»<* *«•!««, to* thik«r ftsutn JtSggtfl**
.teftlf IQNSWCU^
Vholesale Grocarr
Vine and liquor
i Ash and. Bleaching
ba, : - janSdlf .
—■■<■ Sa 4 'f ®^S
V vT S
J - Perry, muter will leava Joejfi*
above port, this day the 4th. Pair
iuk* apply pu board or to ■ -,■■■■