The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 06, 1848, Image 3

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    GROCERIES, &o.
' ' AMIAHAC. | \ n mr;«riTni,is CTumar-j'itLLvj. 1 1
•■f** Kdiinr.bTi Stian— ! ISW ” Sun-I Ban I Mood I Mooc'- ’ ~~ J
ttbxoDßLtrgoLoiSßßftr, JANUARY. « ri«e«.‘ | *ett. | rijod*’ | phasek. . |
•* . No S gn»H *.•!•■ • ' w ~~~ ~V n > i 4 -jj ■■ *
mxtNo* * - . iSd?f y * ; ' 3®
;»* ; ; “ “ 1 w e< ioei> hi 1
2 “ '• * * 7Frf 4«
■ Ml DRenuhed ~rr
*5 “ » powdotod a
m ‘••■'“VeouW “
TT7ISX3—9O qr eek*. Roscao. Port Wine:
TV lOqretkaLM i do:
* - Hut .do:
19. “ Trttli 'i - do;
r -SB' - K SSMadeirm do; ■
' 14 M • LM- [do:
■ I *J ■: &
". i 10 M Tertenff#,-: da
i ' j : | 10 “ •Mb Sherry, do:
i * “ ’ Golden do dr, ' .
i 4 - Bnien do .do;
-10 **•' liabon do do;
14 “ DryMalaae doj
10 “ - Gmot do do; /
. For aala la qoantitie* lo soil, nr P. C. MARTIN,
deg - • tor 1 . Sttith&eldAProatete.
ta» crop bunch BaisiM)
r, ’ 1000 Mruini Otuiu;
• .y • • 0 frail* Duet;
'5 caaee Citron; |
3 bbleabelled Almond*
- 3 bble Fllbertij ' '
- 10 bxa ANo 1 Bock Candy; '
SObu mw adaled Hsrriar, rteeived per
au. Count; lor tale by l| .
-1 . ttbxaCabaaaghfis; !
35 “ Chapman's St;
.. SO ** Ive’sdt; ; •
35 **/ Russell 4-Robinaen’a 6*;'
90 “ Bruch*'* 1*; :
30 ** Dawson’* Ik on eoniirnment and
feraaleby . I ■ A. GORDON,
,dcU ' ' , -'I Water at
TYKVGB—Gun Myrrh, Torbay;
\J. do Gamboye;
; - do Klao True; / '
do Opium, hew crop;
do Galbanva, attained:
•- fixijaup; t • '
~ do Dandelion;. ' ' ,
. - do BeDadonna;hut received and for
aaleby- : B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO,
.dels . f cor Ist A Wood au..
/'lObß—loo9 (all* wiaierj hleaehod Whale Oil; prime
t ahhuVuneraOU; < -^- r
- ' s** Croda do; in store; for tale by
art •' • , • -Water near Cherry ay.
FKATHKBI, A*-« aeka Fuihin;
• ■eksGlnsenii ' , .
4 acfca Dry Applet; •
1 bos - do ‘ .
* ” I eakßeenrarj *
1 *ck Beeswax; to arrive; far aaia by
do 14 ’ i 1. DICKY A CO.
TUIB~UO bbla lam No 3 nkbnl;
X ; » do do NO* 14 9;
65 bbla No 1 fibbed herrioy;
.• 34 do No 1 Salmon;
. . .. - 14 cask* lam Codfish;
100 hose* eeuad and No 1 limine:
' Reoabriaf nadforaaleby LAMBERT A BHIPTON,
\ 4*30 - • "I i 1334145 Wood at
SDaXTIAB' W# her* hut received
• on* on** aaaorted colored ailctiat;
i ' “ v«ry Uffat |do • do;
' black ; do; very heavy;
!v** • “ •». I i do; very fine;
-' u n aaa'd col eatbanai
' • u \ “ blactf .Ido; :
which era will a«U low to the trade, i
dear • \ . j ; os Wood «t
MOIKI* HUBCATEI, bock wtaa, UenkellA
Co'*. txpormioa, for ulebjr tbo nw or bottlo, u
iltviMMnof 'dels I JACOB WKAVEft*
■\TT7T#>—• bate* Almond*; • »
ll,' 10 bx> Sbellod; i
0 btfi Croim Wttl*; > '
6 bus P**N«tK lor nl* by
S3tb - . •
I* Butter*
U|*liu : • ; •
Jum Bus Principe
Lwi Bpn Icplii
Ds Faster
Fella Pnocm
Ghaoetss lorttk by
gPWIK»-»w>»Fraa«ni '
O ' ••tfrtflimae&c
' 4 » Fnut; i. ,
. . i bos do} j ■ 1
9 «*» Beeswax: Jon roeomd. Cor nloly
Ml - • ' • j
re«M u UO Liberty
'ISSSSImU' ■.!
Umn eoptrior btoctiafj
IlbojctvhiMMeaiipn* " w
4 J» toW p«icr» toC cUy; t|t MCpTCHgON
-900 boxes No. I Cmriuuu Soop;
CO ■« MooUCsodles;
trr*n VtwV r«ralin>; far «*!■ hr
I«i ' *1 Woo. 18 fc 90.W00d rt.
pIODOCB-OObi{« dried pttebn;
LObbS? dec 1 ,
« “ rbUwoen /
{br sole bT ' BAOALET A SMITH, /
*iSrL • I Not-18A00WoodH.
■nuf U MKKT—Extncu of Ysrbeau, Pmtehoo-
XwrTvioltt, Jockey Club, MtfUfisor, Booqbet do
, mnA Mufe. larn IPerfume Bun, from 15 etu.
HtllSnck Foruulu by JOHN D. fiOSOAN,
j t x | • no.w* ijYoodit.
/>OLD CMS AM. la chin* 'pots: B tit Marrow,
\j Beat's OIUM, tad Bat . lip &"e,la ejbiaa Pots, for
uj« fay . JOHN D. MORGAN,
1 No. <O4 Wood«.
XTOPS-U tales Ist sort wesarn S' Y Hop*;
XL 1 do 8d “ i
i ' « do Ist “ eusura J r
Cuofitlly selected and for
“jirt | F °/ E "«wmiil
Brooks*— 90 fex. good cdrabreoou
.13 ** fuillhxa'd “
ft “ hearth ] “•
,10 **• • whisks • “
Sundries— 6 bbbi&dt;'.
t “ . (reurrollbsttsr; .•
* “ dried peseta;
S “/etorerseed:
JutfseUndfernUtor |.'H WATERMAN,
j.»*» /• . i aiwSW sad«front »U
-•«/“ wibe;
*/ • ®°!2-
" 8. *. Co,
\[ • ' No. M From «t.
fttMteby. /
a nBOOOOS*O k(|t btuit; |
_r •/• -- •» bach priw cheaumtf;
/ .fiMka tfnMOf;
/ ' a l *, doliopf; • •
S 3 vesiaon hanu: •
yrnPlT—aOdramanyTM in'-
p" j bbla ZaiatM caitmaUi
*/ . 4 b*x*»o«aeTa'eltroß;v'
JO io MBBalainaj
1 UP Wood «t
lbafe'Hopa; •!
tk«f>Lardj neat*
frirßaßaa 1 *
1 a W*ier k. 13 From ro. >
SCBAm-4 kU» Driac N*w Orku«;
SbbUDßcmb«4; < :
10 d® «woned •©•« __. !
Toruktr 1 J. P, WItIJAMB,
irr 91 i . 110Wood *L
MOLAJMS-lObbUN.apnnu; ■
. -- 9 dolSanxHotue;
9 4o;FhiJs.ticim ayrap; '
! j. awiiILUMS,
110 wood «L
TiTJNDOW OLABS-*BOO bxs. 8x10; ,
W ; -MO - 10x12; '
00 “ 10x14;
totubbr 8- F. VON EONNUOBST k. Cfl-,
,M ■ w " : { No.3S Front rt.
~11/MlTg COMfl»i»*-Ai»3«* e*«
Mr rfgii>m lMltl ucclral from N.
J&gXStjS* BtSgaKrf t.WHTTE,^
#ir.r. HTTTTKR-30 btiUprio Pina'* bourn
TCf— 5 wgZZ!”
ZtfSos‘,si3* <*.
tPTTIKibbUtoU;; ■; .
Mtamn^WblilaUnaNo*^**" 1 !'
«•! *>!■
I BldA 'do Not dot
jri ... rs. yp. at Front ifc_
jJEPPia-d k. Co,
Trt. j . No.asFro«tt
TpU)U»-t» Floor '
•la ■ . . ■
T\EY APPLE®-**W«b#Ufcrttlebjr
.. ■ ; . r. I - Wo.3BPromt
T iVMtt kin rec'dper«tmr Aneriuj
-1 ini f*f api* ■ pt3] ', LSWATEWtAN. j
% tflKlHrf''W becfti la wort *»4 &
Mite Wo 3 SlMkerel Jbr^* 4
hip| fry tala Vf j Qtf]; - JAB. PALZhIL.
rtckini (retk Y. Jluy*«a. Ouspw*'. i
: - )C l, No-3**Fiob»»**_
JWmMB putW"! l ! P"“
• TjSil . ’• Builds DUaend-
■ [ • •.
rSwsni* r ,''~ 721. 3 35!
* Sunday, ! 721 3SB \
9 Monday. ' ! ?. 90l 4 24 i
4 Tuesday, |.. 720 .52t \
8 Wednesday,' 719 .sets.. v
• TTninday, ~ 7 191 423 New Moos
7 Friday, - (7 18 |•> . 021 i
Easters Mail Via Philadelphia, doe 3a. doses 19 x-
West’s Msil, Cine in. A Loaisv, doe P t. x-, doses 5 a. m-
Sooth. rUBs! timer* A Washington, doe 8 r. u. el’s 5 a. x.
North Western ria Cleveland, due 10 a. x* doles 9 a. x!
Erie sad Wfiteni Now York, due 8 r. it, closes 8 a. X-
Orrics Pirwcnusn Gazette, >
.WedneadayMorning, JanuoryG, ISIS. j
The market present* not the.slightest Variation
from oar yesterday’s report; every thing remain*
tog quiet, wilh'no change worth noting.
Fu>t*—The market is very quiet, and very lit.
tie is doing. . Sales taa limited extent"are effected
at *4,9005 rt>bL j
Rrx Fu>nt—Supplies are small, and sales to a
limited extent only ore effected at. »
' Beet wheat FLoru—Wc notice regular sales at
*2 *lOO ft. i ' t
CoMittAtr-The market is almost entirely hare,
limited supplies ore held nominally at 45050 c f
B emm—Continues in excellent demand at 130
14c for roll, at which figures we quote sales of 500
ft*. Keg is in fair requst atlllfilSjc ?B.
Cheese —Receipts liave been quite. limited*
though we have no changes to notice in the prices
of the market Good W. It. is in fair request at
61061 c, and Goshen at 0010 c lb.
Paovtstosa—fit Bacon, but little is doing'moder*
aie sales,'however, are effected at from 6* toSj
ft, ibr the different kinds. Mess Pork is dulLnom-
Inally worth 11011,SO p bbL filled Hogs sold at
3,6203,75 * ft. 1
Fktnr*—Sole* iof Green Apples at 1,2501,50 p
bbL .-Dried, do at 62068 c. Dried Peaches are
in fair demand, with regular sales at 1,5001,62 p
busheL ; N»i~ •
St, Avalanche—lo bbls castor oil,
Fahnestoek & co; 3 iron safes, Atwood, Jones 6c
co; 300 pgs lead, Culbertson; 20 bbls turpentine,
Curling, Robertson; 152 S pcs pork, Oakibrd 4: co;
38 W« lard, 40 kgs do, Robinson A: Minis; 15 bbls
lard, 30 kgs do, Spang & co; 11 bbls fish. 78 bags
coffee, ‘King; 23 bgs coffee, 6 bbls tisli, 2 bgs coffee,
Lambert dc SUiptom 1 bbls tar, M Leech 4: co; 170
do, Irwin As Son; 34 bga coffee, 4 do ginger, 19 co
pepper, 1 bl cassia, Poindexter 5c co;4 oaks drugs
Sbxa, 10 bbls do, Schoonmaker; 1 bx mdse, G A
McAnuhy dc coj bgs coffee, J 6c R Floyd; 65 do do
Greer; 7 bxs mdae Roberta 6c Kane, 339 bgs cof
fee, Heaaelton; lbx mdse, Swarta; 1 hx, 1 bbl nio
yso bxs raisin, Bagaiey 6c Smith; 50 do do,
5 frail* almonds, 1 ert ware, Hodgkinson; 3/bbb
Pilot No, a—2l bg» M
Allen dc co; 44 ska ground peas, 1 do feathers, 1
hhd beeswax, 1 bbl do, 14 ska feathers, 3 bgs pea
ches, 1 do applet 7 sks feathers, 263 pciv'bac-on, 16
kgs laid, 1 do butter, Dickey dc co; 25.b1s cotton,
Friend, Rhey 4: co; 1 bx books, Rcad/9 bbls, t kg
varnish, Fahnestock; 48 tons blooms, Forsyth dc co;
7 lihds 3b6 sides, 270 shoulders bacon, My
ers 4c Hunter. _ /
KT In the hurry to lay the Governor’s Message
befcre onr readers, we have deferred for tomorrow
much intcrestingcommercial fatter.
TTT Does your fa sir fall off, does your faair turn gray
fill harsh, la it dry, or dirty, I pray! \
If 'll* thus. you can make Jt soft, auky and fine, <
Dork healthy, and beameoua as this hair of mine.
And to bare this, yon have bnt.three shilling* to give
For a bottle of Jones' Hair Restorative.
Reader, if yds have bid hair yon would really be as*
loniibed at the lovely/effect a three shilling bottle of
Jones 1 Coral Hair Reatorativa baa on it; it needs but one
triaL Sold at H> Liberty «. novlSdAwly
rrrYellow.Tceth and putrid breath.
Spongygums Use rottet^death,
- Is repulsive atu) dtsfuslutf.
All could have teeth as white as pearl.
Sweet breath—bard gmas taen of girl.
WJit delay!—nay, quickly haste
And nse a box of Jones’Tooth Paste,
b coats cents, and is really a beautiful article.
4Tgives the.ieeth a£ae enamel, Sold in Finsbnrgh at
89 Liberty st ; . .novmdAwly
BmASoctirT.—The “Annual Sermon" of the Female
Khle.Society of Pittsburgh and vicinity, will be preach
ed by Rev. 1). H. Riddle, in.the 3d Presbyterian Chitreh
on to-morrow evening, 9d Janaary, at o'clock, r. it.
The friends of the cause are invited to attend. '
/nte “Annual meeting" of this Society will be held
in the lecture room of the Ist Presbyterian Church, on
/Tuesday, 4th January, at 24 o'clock, r. as- The ladies
of this congregation friendly to the Bible cause, are re
spectfully umted to attend. janldlt*
rrrDoat &ave a Fool Breast—lf 70a have, ue a
two bottle of 3 Dae*' Amber Tooth Pane. That
will make roar breath sweet, whiten j out teeth, Ac.—
Sold at 88liberty at. norltSdAwly
pTo Tttz Hitr an La**.—Comstock's Nerve and
Bone Liniment usd Vegetable £3ikir, is the moat
effectual cure for :Bhcum lien Sold by WBL JACK
SON, Agent (or Pittsburgh. , novlßdAwCmT
|o*Ladies who use Jonea’ Spanish lily White, have
always a fine white transparent akin-. Of this a trial
will satisfy any one. Sold only in Pittsburgh, at 63
liberty at. novlfldAwly
By Pam, Soars, Ac.—The Genuine Hays’ Liniment
is an article more justly celebrated as a cure tor the
above than any or all others. Its caret are almost in
numerable. Sold by WU. JACKSON, Agent tor Pitts
burgh. uofifelAwdraT
fly Don’t have yellow dark Teeth—they can he
pearly white by one time using a box of Jooes’
Amber Tooth Paste. It hardens the gums, sweetens the
breath, Ac. Bold at 69 Liberty st novlPdAwly
MURPHY, N. E. comer of 4th and Market streets,
calls attention to the superior long cloth shirting umv
linffMfe is selling at 12} ett pr yd—also, his superior as
sortment of IRISH LINENS, warranted pure flax, and
of the most "approved manufacture. Also, Linen Lawns,
of every quality, and a full assortment of gentlemen A
f cambric handkerchiefs. jan3
FURNISHING GOODS—We hnve on hand an as
sortment of goods suitable tor furnishing hotels,
steamboats, *- , among which are 13 bales tickings, as
sorted; 6 do bro. drillings; 3 cases 5-4 and 04 blenched
shirtings; 14 do I,) anu 44; do; 2 bales heavy linen
crash; 74 and &4 linen table diaper; do. do. iMinask;
Beoteh and diaper; low-priced fancy msdder
prints; whim counterpanes; plain and twilled bUukeu,
a,.- which will be sold low ibr cash or approved credit
“ hilicklktt t white,
jani . PP wood st
SBACKLETT A WHITE—Dry Good* Jobbers, W
Wood at, bava on hand a well assorted and season
able stock of .DRY GOODS, which they will sell u>
western and eitjf merchants, cm very reasonable terms,,
and tow prieea. • Most of lbs roods were bought duri ug
lha last and at reduced prieea. _ja4
PAPTNEH WANTED—Ether active or silent, who
can command a capital of 500 to 2000 dollars, rosy
hear of an opportunity of engaging jn a business which
but ocean. Applicants as aettve partner must
posmsa business qualineaxioaa. Please address 1 KB
National Howl, appniiuiug a time tor inieiyiew. U*^ 21
PLAhTbLACK ALPACCAR—A few pcs of satin
barred alpaecaa, letolr rsc’d; also, an excellent
assortment of fancy barred do., very low, at the dry
jgShSmeof I jjaJJ W K MURPHY.
r ARD-4 bbls No 1; 7 kegs do; in store and for sale
W. SMITH A Co., have re
moved theiroffifjf rm Penn sL,totheirnew'brew
ry on Pitt street, and Duquesne Way, dc3t<ltm. •
VV 1500 bundles H..C. 31. and D. C. r.r/sw p poor,
• T ISO ** Medium Bar.
on D. Medium Hardware; tor sale by
MACKEREL-rtf* blf biu Np 3 large;
ubu No „ {of by
;y2l ,E HKAZLETON, east side diamond.
"VTAILS 123 kegs oss'd-i tor sale by
No 35 Fronts! reeb
TJUUTER AND FEATHERB-2 bblsand 1 box but
£> wr sod 3 tacks feathers receiving: from »Wr Lake
>.jit -iwt fa «»u by [jan3] JAR DALIELL.
TEAS—6SO bsJ?"chests, 300 fftßie* fresh Teas, embta
-inw a choice raxieiy of chops, on hand tor sale by
LOAF SUGARS—XX) barrels ; assorted Nos. tor sal*
by ' ti>n3l mfiAbKY A BM)TH.
C'IOFFEE—IOS3 bags prime Rio coffee in *to/a and tor
M te by * pen3] BAOALEY A SMITH.
WHITE BRAZIL SUGAR—2OO bags superior quah
lo .U,,. u,, , SMrr „
.. . No. 35 From st
Siliia|7llL-4 casks and ooa box tost Igpdlng
«d tor sale_bjr » F VON BQNHORBT A Co.
T* bxc and butts, choice brands,
New IQLAHBI-M bbls Planta’n.hteljs-
P'O-IBOX-W gjjj-P 1 * wood»■
ac*t fentew l|eu*lc»w«»s««'
“‘ t “ l ” j “_'Co..
L^ 13Q0 * C^_
p is,“'3JKS£ cl ?«SSS®’^'
bbU SL-reLN^QN.
F^” ERB ~^^ , r.i^Hi^N ,^ br
TjBAB —Tfce eohacribcn bars on band and for aale
on accommodating lenne, a lam and well teleeied
if tea* af different grade* and deaenption*.
j»3 BBOWN JI ltt Utwrtr_et_
Lake Eric,' Hemphill, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellivilte.
Louis McLone Bennett, Browns :
Consul, Dushanej Brownsville. ;
2aleb Cope, Bearer and Wellsr 1
Eralanche, "Williams, St Louis,
lot No. 2, —,NashviUeJ \
ike Erie, HeomhilJ, Beaver.
•aver, Clark, Vellsvillc. j
No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
•-onxul, Dushane. Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brpwsrillc;
Caleb Cope, Moore,'Beaver, and Wellville.
BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a.*., and .1
o'clock, :|
GLASGOW PACKET, * r. *. | ;
Vm. | i V
WYOMING, New Orleans. ! i
r TAGLIONI, New Orleans i _J_
Philadelphia College of Medicine, j
Fifth, South of Walnut xtjert. . \
TURK? FOR IS-te?. mil be commenced on.Moiida) J ,
March Gtb, Ibis, and be continued spur months, by* the
following Faculty; , ‘.
JAB Mi'CLINTOCK, M. D-, General, Special anil
Surgical Anatomy.
J. R. BURDEN, M. D., Materia Medica.trad Ther
D. I*. GARDENER. M. D. Chemistry. 1 '
HENRY GIBBONS, M. D-. Theory andPraetice of
Medicine. - [
LOUIS H. BEATTY, M- D., Obstetrics and Direarea
of Women and Children.
JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Principles-and Prac
tice of Surgery.
- HENRY GIBBONS, M. D., Institutes of Medicine
and Medical Jurisprudence. ■ \ ,
S. R. McCAIXTOCK, M. IX, Demonstrator of Anat
omy. ,
lUCIIARD BURR, M. Dm Projector of Surgery.
Fee for the full course, STti. l>f ibr those who Imre
anended two full courses in other College*.' S4U. Mat
riculation to be paid once only, go.. Graduation Sail.
Practical Anatomy,'including Recapitulatory Lectures.
*lO. The Dissecting Rooms will be opened on 4be Ist
of March. ’
From arrangement* now pending there is every rea
son to hope that the chain of Institutes of Medicine
.and Anatomy be occupied by distinct Protestors
at an early period.
: For furrnex information inquire of
No. 1 Nurttijjevriith Street.
Philadelphia. Dee. g?.1n47. jan-t.
/ 41
' Established a warehouse in the year l&ic, for the pur
poae of supplying the City and interionTrade,with
low price*—tuid exhibiting, at all season*
of toe year, the Largest Assortment in
They are now opcaing£sev*ral Hundred Package*,
comprising every new style ufForrign niid -Domestic
production. many of which have just been purchased,
tuid are offered tor sale ibr Cosh and Abort Icredit, at
From i i
per yard below the prices of April j and May. a* per
printed Catalogues, which are corrected daily, lor the
intonnation of buyers. I
New\ork, Jaue, 1547. J jyjdistf
j, ; DIVIDEND. -
" Qrncaor Ptmxiaan (•** Wojuu, J
1 Jnuunry 3d, l l ***?, y
THE Trustees of the Pittsburgh Gas Work* have
this day drclared a dividend of three per cent, out
of the profats of the last fivr month*, on the amount of
the Capital Stock paid in which will be paid to stock
holders or their legal representatives at the office of the
•works on or after the Rtth iniL The holder* of original
stock who have not surrendered their certificate*, a*
directed by City Ordinance of 2»th June, ls4|, util be
required to do so before the dividend l on the same will
be paid. [ja&Ct) JAHKS M CHRlSTV.'Treas’r.
Pmißcaon. Jan. I*l, I***-.
THE President aud Managers of the Northern liber
ties Bridge Company for buildutg a bridge over the
-Allegheny river oppeiie Mechanic street, bave’ileclarrd
a Dividend of one dollar and tOly eeui* on each share
of the capital stock of said company to be paid to the
stockholders oupr alter the Itfth in»t.
janSd£t* O E WARNER Treasurer.
Orr.d 09 tux Hsxb *t. Batnox Com )
e - Dec, 31.1547. $
Tax President and Managers of ibr Hand at. Bridge
Company, in the Comity oi Allegheny, hare this day
declared a dividend of one dollar aucllmy cents on each
share of tbo Capital Slock st.-iutiiug in the name of indi
viduals, on the books of the Company. out of the profits
of the last six mouths: which will be paid to the Stock
holders, or their legal representative*, lortlrwith.
jaffSt W.M. I.AIUMKR, J r„ Treas.
Omoc or -nut ALLxcnmt Drawn Co. )
Pu rartECU. Jan. t. ls4s. J
Tilt President aud Manager* of the Company,Voi
erecting a Bridge over the River Allegheny, oppo*iw
Pittsburgh, iu the County ot' Allegheny, have slu* da)
declared a dividend of two dollar* qn each share pf th«
Capital Stock standing in’the name of individuals ot
the book* of the Company, out of IW profit* of the Im:
*ix month*, wluch will t>e paid to the Stockholder*, 01
heir legal representative*, on or after the 1 tih iu«t.
jald!WAw-A_ JOJIN HARPER, Treaty
TITM. T. BOW.N, Sr- would 'respectfully solicit
Vy from hi* friend* and old customer* a continuance
of loose favor* *o liberally bestowed upon him in tunes
past. It being so many year* since from bu
aines* that many of his old friends pial'cmtontprs hare
almost forgotten him. and there being so many of the
name of Bow.v, notr in business, j* the cause of his
particularizing tha name of hi* store. The little .addi
tion, f*t, which I have made to my name, added to the
fact that 1 am seldom in the Store, has also caused
some to suppose that it was not my establishment. I
therefore take this opportunity of it known to
the public in general, and hope to partake of a share of
their favors, t All articles manufactured by WM. T.
DOWN, hr., are warranted pood, and made from the
best materials the market could afford ut the time, janl
WM. T. BOWS would respectfully call atten
tion to his stock'of Preserved Fruits, consisting
of Strawberry. Raspberry, Gooirberry, Currant, Pious,
and Peach Jam*, and Cranberry aud Currant Jellies: be
also keeps a pencral assortment, of Pancy and Com
mon Cakes, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Not*. Ac. .
White and Brown Bread freslt every day. janLlw
or etui SBOumo.* mixm-v cxixrrts tK a tcrcuoi
MASSES, ST < . '
* M. I. KAN H ,
'Sun Buildings, N. E. Corner of Third and Dock Streets,
(up stairs) Philadelphia,
WHERE can always be had at short notice—Ma
sOtac Mams: MkdaCs, of all kinds; Brass and Pla
ted Door Plates; Seals for Banks, Societies, Corpora
tions, Ac. Professional and Visiting Cards, engraved
and primed. Societies in want of seml» of office, are in-
Yitcdto call and examine ftpecimeus and Designs of the
various orders of Masons, Odd Fellows, Hons l of Tem
perance, Ac. upyedam
Type fochdry, 20 Cold, corner of Ann »L,
New York. The subscriber is prepared to furnish
baud cast Type and Printer's Materials of all kinds, at
short notice, and on reasonable terms.
Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
for the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three
mourns will be entitled to receive their pay in type, ou
purchasing five times the amount of their bills for ad
Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 ct* per lb.
' . / Xet&lle frame Plano.
A SPLENDID assortment of Rose
wood and Mahogany, grand ru-:ioi> Pi-
If * I llanos. Frame, just finished and for sale.
Alo, two splendid Roscwood'Pianos, with Coleman's
celebrated .Koliaxt attachment, finished in the roost
modern style, aud far sale at F. BLUMES,
jc2s lit! Wood street, 1 2 doors above Slh.
CAB aciLDEXS, cixcisjiati. onto,
MANUFACTURE to order Passenger and Freight
Cars of the most approved description, at reason
able prices By means of the Canal*, Railroad and
River, they aye enabled to ship upon reasonable terras
to all points in the U’ci). Their work will be warrant
ed equal in alt respects, Ur any made in the United
States. All orders punctually executed.
keck a Davenport.
novtKhn [Formerly of Boston, Mess.]
BLACK SILKS—W R MURPHY ask* the attention
of buyer* to his assortment of above goods, includ
ing rich Main Italjpn dress »ilk;<pouli de soir do; blue
black do; neb watered do; do watered and striped do;
silks for rardinals; beside a large ossnrtipcnt ol Taney
Dress Silks, ch&ngahle satins, Ac., all ot which will be
sold #t the lowest possible prices. ‘ janA
RAO WAREHOUSE—'The highest price in cob)
paid for good Rags; also. Canvas*, Bale Rope
Grass Rope, Bogging, Woollen Rags, Cottort Waste
jtjjjS wa)’ne st. betweep penn and liberty
GKOCEJU|-ss--200 hags prinje/groen Rio coffee; Ti
chesty and half chest* fresh green teas; 150 boxei
15>s Ids 5* a lobacpo, 60 kegs 0 twist do. with t
general assorvuem of groceries fiir sale by.
ian* JOt(N a. DJLWPUTU, J 7 wood st
ALL Person knowing themselves indebted to the Es
tate of the lata X. Bravo, it , deceased, ire hereby
notified to eall aad settle ibrir afeosnu, and Urosd'hav
inf claws against the Estate, will prerci t them duly
•athenucated or sctlleinent. to fho the
waMfcxrritc of John Irwin A Son*, Noll Water at.
A BARREL of J*ard marked V, wefchliJf about Y 74
laa. «s< taken‘by mtsuke from ibclanatng on Fri
day last.kith lasi. hold ba rglbfjtags to the steamer
I'mLhtiJ Any intormatba given where it can bcioopd'
will be thankfully tecdivcd by the' sabsenher*.
Pittsburgh; Drc.-SS. 1817. ;
S~ALKHHA2( WANTED—By a wholesale Dry
Goods House in Philadelphia; One acquainted wi'h
the WAStero sial northern Ptna'aand Ohio irate would
eommiod a good salary—f?r furlher^sr^c^iyrJn^Bire
Pinsbargk, Dec3C,M7. t
ocers, and Commission Merchants, No. 142 liberty
st., Pittrburgb, F*. >. dcUlly._
sor* to Lewi* liatcbiosvu A Co, Commission Mer
chants, and Agent* of the St. Louis Steam Sugar Re
finery. N0.'45 water aud Ot! frout streets, Pittsburgh.
janl '
EIIID CAGES—A beautiful article for Christmat
present*.— Fancy, fine end common Cages; nl*p, Ca.
nary Birds of tine plumage and sung, by thepalror »iit
•Is one, to suit purchasers, can be obtained at tbt
Pittsburgh Seed Store, Wood st.
WOOL WOOL—The highest priee iu casli paid for
all the different grades©/ clean Weaned Wool, by
Old Wool Warrhouse, cor. Liberty »t and Cecil's al
ley. ■ _ . mylOdAwtf
FLANN*KI*y— R* ilro\m and llarred Flannels/-
An additional aypply received trom th* manulacti
nra. Also, ■ Ce«rp«cea of low priced Cusinetis, fo
, • • i ' an- wood St.
PLASTER PARIS —Soitftblofor Land, Ac„ alwafa
on feud and for *ale at .No. 244 Ldwrty street, near,
on oaao aou y w. W. WALLACE.
BLANKETTS— 23 pair Urfo Itaaenje Blazer*, ju
City of Pittsburgh, at.
IN nccohlauco with-the provision «if nu Ac t of the
General Assembly of ihr j*iaf «»f Pennsylvania. pTo
ridiny for the incorporation of the City of Pittsburgh,
and of the xupptcrarnu to said Act, I. (iubrirl Adutni.
Mayor ofaain City, do issue this, niv Proclamation, de
claring that on iht> Stnnd Tuaday of January, A. L).
briny the eleventh day of ihnf month.-thi* free
men of each ward of said City." (|iinlified to yon - lor
Member* of the House of Representatives of this Com
monwealth, will meet tofMlicr nl the usual places oi
holding election* in lltrir re*j>eerive ward*, and elect
l»y ballol u citizen of tlir said City qnnlilird 10 l>« circl
ed a raeml>er of the House of Representative* of this
Commonwealth. io In- Mayor of said City.
And that on the same day. in routbrmity to .the before
recited am! ntso. to nn Ordinance of Coun
cils, districtin'; stud City, pn«.«>d the 15th Nov.,
A. D. I*47.—the citizen* of the Firjt wnrd.wjH elect
by ballot Tiibxe persons: of the scomf ward ‘l'uUEi- of
, the Third Ward Stx: of the f'cmrlA ward Tltcur, of llm
| Fifth ward Seven; of the Sixth word Tiibue; of the
ISttmzA ward .Two: of the .EiyM wind Two. of the
lA'inl* word Oxc each of whom' shall be cjunliCcd to
lierve as a member of the House of Ileprewuitativns of
'this Commonwealth, to be mendier* of the Common
Council. • ;
/«**-»* Given under mr bund, am! the rehl of
Jr « I f Pittsburgh. thi* UUt day of Uecrin
f s * i ber, A. D. Isl 7. ' I
janltte GABRIEL ADAMS, Mayor.
\VAMii>urn\. n.
ZEN AS C., ROBBINS, Mechauiral Engineer ami
procuring Patent*, will.prepum the tie
cctiarvlJrawingsami Paper* for Applicant* for Pat;
cut*. tHid transact all other husinr** in the line of hi?
ntfbe Patent OiTiit. Me ctm he ennsulted
on'all.tjutttioti* relating to the Patent Laws mill decis
ions ip, the United Stale* or Europe. Persons at a dis
tance desirous.of having examination* made pi tin*
Patent Office, prior to mukiitg appheiition lor u tiatent.
may fopvurtl (po-.l jTaid. melosing n fee of five ifollim)
it cityrr statement of llirir caw. when immediate iitlca
tiou will be given to it, ami all the intnnnniinii that
could be obtained by a visit of the applicant in [wrson
promptly commumraird.
All letter* on hu*inr*« mint be |k>»i paid, mul contain
a suituble fee, where a written opinion is required.
Ofiire on F. street. op|H>«ite the I’uleni Oihee.
lie lias the honor 01 referring, bv permission, to
Hon. Edmund Burke, Commissioner of Pntenu;
lion 11 L Ellsworth. lute. do do
II Kuowle*, .Marhinist, Pun-til Oilier.
. Judge Crunch, Washington. It C.
Hon. H Cham*. Mamacliun tU, U S Senate;
• Hon.\V Alien. Ohio;
Hon. J B Bowlin. M C. Mi.^.nn;
Hun. Willi* Hall. New York,
Hon. Robert Smith. M l'. lllumi*,^
< Hon. H Breeer. I* S Sctiu}e,
•. Hob. J H Uclie, M C Mi«*oun;
-V f Capj. H M Shrieve, Mi.umri:
Fjuttuii Urook*. Kmj , I’ntsl’urjV
The I'tTwJrnt <>l tlip Hank ol C
rohbed on Tluir*»lay nib-moon. {>■-■
Writ ChCutrr.Kniinjnd Depot. nrur
anti Itacp aired*. Philadelphia. of li
containing upward* of- I'iVTY TJ
LARS, of the Note* of tln» bank. *
believed, are the followin'.:. vi/.
One of SUM), .No. :9k dated June
“ No. 34. dated J,,,,,-
“ “ No. It), dated June
All eu'Jorveii "I’ny. to Hie order
Win. \V. Jelfnev-’ with the letter l>
the bark of each note. And music 01
aleo be included, vu.
One <>&sltU), No. UK-dated. Jun
letter D endowed ou the back.
One of SUM), No. 41. (luted June
ipo ItKWARD.
t’ouniv «■*'
£l.l. bl ibt'
ll.r curiirr 11ic.0.1
! uo.ik‘l winch n l>
I. ikh.
l Hr.xel A. Co
il«*> emlnr-vd oti
li*i follow tug tuny
IVJ, I'll, with lit
One of*sl«in. No. 41. sum.- dale.
One of 81000. Xo. <>!. dated June
thi< bun* of l!
These seTrn ure nil the Note* u
af>ove denomination* that are tom
Some of |he following may be mrlu<
:il. with the idler
One of 83X1. No W. dated June aa.
0 ciidorsed on tlie
One of 83JU. Xo. <[. v dn!rd Jane S 7.
Oar of S3KJ, No. Tfi. dated July a {•
Oue ol'8oU), No. 7', danM July
I-T.l—‘l .jl'i.-r* «‘i
rut--r« uncertain
. Will 1-r i-«nrd
1 -li.f-r.rv.
■v la circulation,
among the note*
83X1 each. dine* ami i
Xo note* of the aliotr dcnnimnnlu
by the Bank until new plan-. ore ole
rn are ail the miles «>f cneti i:
The following are also believed to 1
Oue of 8100. Xo SMC, dated Mare'i i
>t!l ll.r bllcf 1)
Ml.loff.-tl o:i the
.act ol -<-arfi .
i l-l?
Oue ofSIGO. No. JOtiC. same dute
One of 81U0. No. 51HV Sepi 1!>. IsM.
OnenfWO. No •'>!-. Match a j
Tbe ll&iikWill give a reward ot ;
ery of tbe noW, ami m proportion
of. \VM II
I’rcrident of die Bn
m li.r r-Vo
ran pr.rY ’lirrt
ol l'?tr»t-r Oo
• Wee! Chester, IV lire !i-. I«4? dlixiay* ja 1
J JORDAN k SON. dealer* in' Dseott mid Laid.
• manufacturer* of Lard Ihi amt (ienetai I'otmn:—
•ton .Merchants. !•* liberty street, <>pt>cxite Simdifieid.
Pittsburgh, P« Particular atfeiitnmjjmd :•> the »a:.«. wi
Bacon. ' !
J J k S. have made arrangement* a» heretofore. f
smoking and parking hulk meat and bnrun the present
season; umi ifteir long r jperienrc m im» business gut:*
them aasurauce wf giving »aii»t»riion to i!«w entrust
tits such business tu thejfyare
There are uiDantm.-c* drnvid inmi «in--k.i:;:
meat id Pittsburgh, with w Mrh ali nin> nut i*r acijuaiu
led. ,
It may be shippetl loo*e f™ any point l-low wi'l.-
out injury, nnd biter having beA sludged here. ran l.e
forwarded to life easlerti ritie*. Wimcr t*\ #'j gun or I t
canal. without ir*it«fcipiiirni. v» here n aiir..«' i.-.tu. mbit
arrive* u» fine cond'iion, ami generally coiiuin.mW ;b
-higti"st market prices.
l?v tlu* arrangement there i» a «jvi"g i>;'e>,«s« tos.l
freight on the same, who !. are i ;ta*. ■ ■idy!.!-- > 3 yi
uhere Humtii ti.tend.-.l tot eait-:. msfir'i i« sa.«n -d
at points firltrw. rot taking rttu a. roui.t t.'.c Met thru u
arrive* m timcb bet'er order, tl, m v»h*ii park'd m
cask*.. It will nl«o be-<x>rne in tn ml that Pittsburgh i«
one of the best points in the {'mm tor ‘ellm; Bacon
!>*»*&SwttL , _ utl
Jam** C Hall A Co J ui,ru,a * u
J P Campbell. CMllirothe
R II liurlbui A Co New Albany. In.l
Teasdalc k Malone. St. Ijiui*, Sb> tlccJ-Jm
harden"*. co’s. p'\>*.yge A\n
fl?yrjKtXMVrrA.NCi: OFFICE lvr*.,n* brought
SsMoul liy tins agency upon reasonable icrm«.
from miy part Ireland, .“voi:»:«l. A WaV*.
amt in racket Ship* onl) rurnsti i:om»pomb-nt« i»ml
agent* of the British Gotrrmirent have .*m.
tioncd Emigrant* at hom-:*»iid their trn-uo* in America,
against the Ifaud* practiced tt;xin liitia. ami hate al
ways referred to the well known boo*-: c: ILkwiv A
Co- *« the right place for all t.» *t-|-iv. ii tbry wi-turo
lo !>•• treated with punctualii) nu.l>»
Parties who themselves *0:1 Agent* lortltr
F.lai k Hail IJne, .late what t« unirn.. and the me
the public; a* we pruitH* in !*• Agci.l* nr.; i»i:ly of the
Black Hall June, tint every other good Line, and slot
for t'unard'* Steam Line.
Sight Drafts to any amount payable a: any of the
branches of the Provincial or Naimnni Rank* tii Ire
land, IjislamL Scotland. Ac N-• draw out own 111-
change; we do not take moti--y and .end 11 10 the Kart
U> get «*rtie one else lo remit, th-rrhy rau-ing rt..«U»kes
and dcluv*. E.-t the Broker*. Ac. i.iiil Cjxm u*. ami vre
wtl) neruflimuduu thein at .New Vend, rale..
octAtf s(h *t, one dwT l e.c.w v. ;-nd
lOGA.N A KENNEDY hnvc 11.1. day
j with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil
son and Edward Gregg The style- of firm will bcrc
nflet he !»ogau. Wilton A l\> Tins arramjemi u» ren
der*' It destrublr to close Ine olil business ;t.« won ."•
possible. ’All persons whose.liabilities have iruitut-.-ii.
are especially requeued to make-innuedtato
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. I*4* .
LOG AX, WILSOX &. CO.—lmporter* imd
Wholesale Dealers in For. icu and Duim-sii*- Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery. Ac .140.-Wood street. Pitjs
burgh. are now full) prepared w ith a recent) im]H>rt
ed stock of Hardware. Cutlrrv. Ac . to otT-r in) xr-ut
inducements to western buyer*, heme dcicnmmd to
compete in price* with any of tin: A'lan’le cities .Al
so on haita an extensive a»*«»runcnt ol Pm.fnjrgb
Hardware, viz: Shovel*, Spade*, Fork*. I!**-*. Vice*.
ke . ail of wbirh wilt tm sold at llir lowest tnonu|ur
turer's price*. ja;R
ritim Ck»pnrtoer»htp ot the *ui<»rriber*. under the
JL ’ firm of. Hutriiinrou A <«>., 1* this'dny dis
solved by mutual consent. Jjtherol us will ntt>-nd to
the «ei(ir.m«ui of the buaines* of the firm, nml u»n it*
name fur that purpose.
fpHE huve.Uu* day ;o:tn-d :i cn-pariner
-1 ship, iiinler] the'finn of Junie* A linn bin*on A (*>.
(or the puniosC ol* continuing the burin, ■. heretofore
earned on fiy liewi* Hutchinson Co., and •oljeit a gwi
'tinuancc of the patronage hitherto '•unmleii to thr
house. - JAMFJ* A m TCIIINSON.
rittsliorgh, Jun. I,lS4‘*
THE i>nt>,cr»!icr* Uavtug entered into
RJ partnership under tha name 01 (iailn-jlier. Emg.
Mt .Miller, lor the purpose of carQ-iug on tin* Mrll
Brass Fouudmx and Gas Fimmr l>us’ii**s« in
all its brunrhes. have taken the stand tonncrly «wcu
pied liy li C.aUau’hcr. No. 10b Sftout *:rect.
Wood and Sinitlificlil »t». wh<s* they arc prepared in
execute nil orders tor Hells, Era** (jisinij,**. of every
drseriptitui, un(l (Ins Fitting* wr.h nentm-.s untl ib s*
patch. SiaHinboat piblung promptly attended to.
-J*. A
IV H. MIU.F.n,
N. R—The attention of Machinist* and l-jicuieer* t«
invited to our anti-attrition tuetul. tor n n diici-d ptiFe.
tvhiclt has been pronounced noprrior’lo Uni,lnf* by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builder* and
tile public, generally, are requested to enli r»-
amine our superior double bc-Unu Forca Fumps lor
tlebmboat and domestic u*e
4cclWly. L
T\ISBOI»VT|OX—TIie partnership iuihcrto exist*
| /joe under Ihr stvle and tirm of Wiglitman A Iml*
xell, U this day dissolved by jputuul roiiscnt. John |bil
zeil having disposed ol bis entire urn-rest'to 11. Wtiflit*
man. The bukinrs* of the late firm will be seulcil by
,I|. Wighttnnn.Who |* authorized u> u*c the name uf tlic
laic firm for lliat purpose. II WUHITMA.N.
spWOddw Duly I 17] J DAl.Zlll.l.
THF, Subscriber is now prepared to manufartun; all
kinds of Cotton and Woolen .Miicliin’.Ty. at the shortest
liotire. Orders led nt It. Wijrbiiirurf h Luginc shop, cor
ner I.tlierty mid Water streets, w ill uicci with proinpl
attention. H. WIOHTMAX,
!>arok si., between l'ederul and Sandusky ft*..
•ptSUdly Allegheny city.
mini eo-paruinship lieretnlorc exisijnj between the
1 siilurtltiers under the twin of Williams A Diluting.
*as dissolved' on the Ist tiMtitni. liy mutual consent.
jSt Dilwonh. U> whom th" ecjiieniem tif ilo- old busi
ness U entrusted, will contmue the wlmlcsulr grocery
bnsirus* at the old aloud, .NU ‘l7. wood »t.
* W.M. 11. WILLIAMS,
jonl (lllH-N H. DILW.OHTH
HOPB— For sale a few bales Western New York
growth ol lh<it—Trun y to 10 cenls:
Al»o. Fjjslern and Western N Y, early pickesl, this
year’s growth.
rrinte Ohio do. Ileluinnt rininty.
'Hie general lins|ant rrup of tho season is now being
received, Brewers anil others using Hop*, w ill Jind it
much to thrjr advantnsc to nbtain their supply from'the
undersigned, as they intend to trll througboui the sea
son nt New York prices. <l. W. H.MITII A In:,
octlSdfim • Pittsburgh Urtwery.
res|H-ctfully iuforin his mends and the- ntireus ol
I'ttisburgh and Allegheny that be ha* decided to remain
in the city during the winter, and isprepan d to treat
patients placing themselves under hu\care, nrcording
to the system a* practised at all WatcrlCure Establish
meats, for either Acute or Clironic tiiseusei. Those
wishing to avail themselves of his service* will cn|l nt
Mr. Mmer**, comer of Inbcny si. and Evan's alley, ;
Dr. M- ho» treatrd'sevcrnl severe cades of disease in
this city with great success, u» which hp is'permiltcrl |o
refer. nov^tf
Flongba, Ploogh CaatlDga, Wagon Box
**«■>. ct, Ac.
. ROBERT HALE of the. old
of R. 18. Hall, i* manufac
turihglargr quamiltcs of Plough*,
Plough Castings.’Wagun boxes, Ac., with the improve-,
ischu'of the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, and other
Plough*, of the latest and best patterns now in t(«c. :
Warehouse, 106 liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hay Seale; Factory; in Allegheny city, urar; the
Cotton Fwiory Of Mciin. Hl&dcitock, Sell A Co.;
IMIF. CnfiTirt. or the Hypocrite Unmasked; by 0. P
IL James, K«q.
Jack A»iiorc; by K. Howard. author of Ratlin Iht
Reefer. -
The Star <u‘ the Fallen: by .Curtis, author of Ulnrk :
Pltime.l Rillt-mcti.
r Tin- Magic Figure Head, or the I>ady of Cntn ami
Blue; by rlinrlrv Curry, of the F. *4. X.
The Bandit's Bridr. or the Maid of jjaxony; hy Louisa
Sidney. • ,
Stanhope, author of-Striking ljVcjte**rs,” Ac.
l.ynmore, ami 51 r. find Mr£ Woodbridge; by
ljomlnu Quarterly Review.
I'nimi .Mtigurine for December',
l.iie of Joseph T Hare—o large Mipplv.
; 'file Mniuimvering Mother, by the author of -History
of :i Firth ’ i
'llic Wilmlne** of Woman, by the same. 1
, The Old Commodore; liy L Howard.
! Jrnnriir Allison or tlie Young Strawberry (Jitl—a .
till, of Sen and Shore; by Ingraham.
I Knum. or Daylight, a prize tale: by J S Robb.
|Str Rowland Ashtitti, 2 vol; by C Long.
I'Hie Splendors of Versailles. amt the Court of Louis.
tU-xiv. ' /
'Flower* Personified, No-*. D and 10.
Burnt C<-nirteries of America, part £>.
Mngiwines, Newspaper*. etc.
{"Omlon Punch ntttl PictorinlTinie*. per lost steamers,
rot her Jonathan. Philadelphia Courier, and Yon-
Li-e Doodle IVlorinls. For .ale by
dec! ltd sb opposite the Post Office.
it by J.*a. a F. p. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following
new- ui«i valuable Works—
Doniphan'* Ivx p.-.l it in n—Containing a sketch of the
Hri: oi Col. A. \V. Doniphan; the Conquest of New
Mexico; (Jen. Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cali
lornin; Doniphan'* Campaign agniii*t the Xnvijns. and
In* uupuralieled Mnrcli upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the o|a-nilioiM of tien. I'ricc at Santa Fc: with a
.Map and Engravings, hy John T Hughes, A B of the
Ist Regimvm-oi .Mir*ou.-i Onvulry. *
/ U
History of Kentucky—lt* Antiquities and Natural
CttriiiMtie*; tJen-rnphicnl Slutnaicnl and Geological
iKM-npiinits; with uiii-cdot.-. of Pioneer* life. and mon
th u n one hundred Biographical Ski telir* of ilistiiuiuish
cd Pioneer*. Soldier.. Statesmen. Jurist*. Lawyer*. Di
vines. Ac ; illustrated with tone manning*; bv Lewi*
Odlm-. 1 vol. oclnvo. ’
The Twelve Mouths* Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
vate tri iho Tennessee Regiment oiC’nvnlr). in the
Campaign of Mexico, during J**U»-4“. i-nutnirmig an ac
count id the Mufi-li oi the Regiment lo Vcrn Cruz. a
ileM-fipiicm oi the Country passed oven manners. cus
toms. Ac. oi the people; Sketches of Camp Life; nc
ci.unM or nil the actions of other Volunteer Kcntric.nts,
and u full Hisfoiy of the M.-iirau War; Inst Ot the Kil
led and tVoitinh-d. Ae; illustrntrd bv u lurpe intniher pi
i-orr.-et view* and plans; bv <ico. C. Furb.-r, 1 volume
oefnvo. tier!
Dictionaries, errek* Engii.h. cu»-
t.liis-ieitl Dictnuiart;
Ihei ary oi tirci-k mid Komun Antiquities;
MViilloinrh’s Cointii.-.reinl Ihctionary:
I’re's.lhetnmary ntid Suppleiiuni. art*, manufacture*
tt ctisief'* Octavo Dictionary, revised edition;
Todd's Johnson's and Walker's Dictionary;
Wmr.-itrr's Dictioonrj;
Li.ld.-M h...| S«-o!t's tir'.-ck L-rn-on:
Rol tusoi.'. tir-vk J^xicon oi New Tcstuacni;
Lex-reifs r.aun le-.Ticon;
Au;.wonh> I/iti.-i Dm liounry.
Klrminin.-: ami Tildm s French Dtciionan-;
Dark « lhctiouuf>; '
Fjiio.-i Itihh- Dieti.-miM.
R..1.1.....1, Cahm-t's DM.iu.anry. Ac, Ac.
The a! ovr. with u feuefal ns*orunriitofTheologicnl.
t'ln*sical. Mtscellauei;tis, and Sunday School Books, al
ways on haiid .and for »ah- low. by '
dc- .V, Murkei st, between A.l A 4th.
MOLIILN i e—lm uII-.-i, .irMemnr). an illuminated
Aii. uul for lei-, edited hy Rcynell Coates, M. I).
The Uftami. a sene* of tfraceful nml elrpant colored
Cimips, drsuned rxrressly for this work.
Tlw od- nmr ot 1 Irani). n present tor h!1 reasons. *m-
Iw-liisbed with eleven enpTav-.n;* rdiled by Amelia W,
Kri-ndship's DiTering: a <Thri»tm»», New Year, and
B.rthUn* prr»--ni
Tin- liur'tuid. or a Token nf Friendship; a Christmas
and New kear's Present, for Id- •
Tbv Colt of Fnrnct.hip. a token nf Remembrance, lar
Tlie (Jen. tor IrJ-. .dsted bv Father. Frank
Ci.n.tinas Blossoms and N>« Year* Wreath for 1?4-.
train). Harper's ntnion
ib-.u.U..r Botany, or the Parlor Bte*k of Ilower*
pn-mij the liistdry.di-»rrijitif>ii and colnrad F-'iprasings
ot Jl Jlxottc Finwer». 1M Wild Ktow-er* of America, and
IS trees wiirt fruit, ilhisimted with ilhu ru^ravmira.
The Ta*k. ui.d other po-m*. by Wn Cowper, with
uuiuerous :;!u*tr.-i?i»»u«. Turkey morarco
P.wtleal Works d-usimted. Ar . Ae.
Tojethct with a larae and spiendid assortment of Ju
venile Books, with cn'ored . '.“la v irpc. many of which
are just publisht J For »:i!e :.i (h- Itookstnrr of
dc-Jl» If- Market sj„ between :«l A4t!i.
Ltuprrb Annual and Gift Books for 184f*.
l>- ih- Chr.rm. 3 s*n.-s,oi -rncrfui ai;d-le-am *-tji..r
-e.t iT..:lp«. With JescriJ-liie 1!lu-lrallol'S. !■-. fUtzale-lii
iii .f mil t v.;k. »ji
|.< -ii'-.s oi Mi Pour) . an i'hmuiiatetl annual fur 1-1--
nhl.-.J U'. Reyn»!t ('.vat's. M. 1) , superb!) bound, cJe
tranlly and illustrated
Friendship's Offering. :or Irt*. • !e-ai;tl) l.riUud and
illustrated, hr sple-.iu) . t.-ravitm-s by Sanam
Christian Eerpsake. nml Miss„. a arv Animal, for Iff-.
bci>'-d in Arnhiati inoriv-co. and il!uvira:>-d !•) V le-aisti
iol inee/olinl en,-TBVitics l-> Sartatn
The Rose *f‘*naf..M t» Rrl.-ious SsMivemr. for lt-1-;
cd.i-.i hv Mis. p. '■ Ixl-rrton Ala) o'
The Hvar „ r .M;,-, , t, ; ;1. Q hi i .'m.-tv N-« r.:rti,d,t\ T'o -v.t. tor |-I-
vi u tr.Vri
The an Annual for l-l-. e.l.ied !.).Mr»
and emoeipshed »;fh superb etiyrav trnui druwuiiis
The kjimiis Ud*'. Cutiipaiutia. and f.Ari. of Aflcf-
The nl«»ve. iti-cther with i* lnr-r sopj-ly .if Prwtiritl.
Kl'iral. ktid ivtber work*, in the mo»t (jjpetb nml
i\•%!>•>, suitaMe Mr tibn-'tiin- and N-w Year
- fnr'-vlrby JOtINSIOVA sT<«’KTON..
dr Jl .-ot Mirkrl A 'til ,!•
hIMUNi;S-i«,u.!i..r |k.:sin, nr the Par
lur Jb-ok Flnw.-M
Th'- lb.---. ..i ().f.-t:'tg>Gifl. Hi «icel engravings
Atneru-a-.i Wil l I jiiirri 111 th.-ir native bnunU.
Ta-- Snour link.
Mvrtii add other Tab-v
Tif-- P-.-tw- l \V„rk» 01 F.t/ (ween llalloek. now Cr-t
co'bji-n-d. >iUi«tiati'iS witli *tei j rn-mvm»» Ju-t pul*-
'Hie <et,M.i,.. t.v James Ti.-wimm. with .(.graved tl
lusir-vno. A nrw.-,-m -.m„- ,pl,| edition. Tutk-y
u-ofb< lo and otiwr 1 .noun:
TfF cop.ipirti: |jnnb>ij ljl.ii.,iu>fUo!irrt lluttis* Work*.
trat*d. A..".. A.- 1 Vi.-!ur »? l ULioi,. t '. 0 7.. M ”
Th' -.•<aiij Irtv I’.e-'.rai Wi.rss nf James Mcntgoni*--
rv. Mi'Ktjr, li> .-01. n. -% ediiit.n, Sjixiucv, Fooper. .Mil
lot), '"..tup!.e:i, Se.iti Dai.te, T.„sc. Hertians. and nther
rsnouf rdinoin. u-.-. muuu.s t.imbtig.
The itl-ot r-.,u itii oIL.-r«. and n large Mipplv of.luve
title l>o.'k». lot -llie |.y J I. READ.
V M fIA frlFI litKiKS. Ac .Ac, bi . us:*ru price*.
I.eurtet. olAl-.-ni-.rv. a:n! iil„imniitrrt iimiual lot t-l-
Gem* ol the Si-a-ai inrl-t*
l| lc r. or Adeem,n'. fJi.’l .1.
I "r-.ris’ntn* Dio-.:,.:.
I’.M tfi.ot Ft-> f.rieii llnl!,./-;
itoitgb a-:il Re inly Almanac
Thotnpson's Seaxvt*—• Ivgtiutly illusiraicd A bound
(..fd.n.ilh's pi«-nik. ifo do
Sunny Hmir« of«'
MuorC* Work*—-plen.lidly illustrated and
Ilyina'* Works. do do
Splendid Port Fn!lo«. of rap, letter nr.d Hole sire*
Elegantly bound JWkrt nml Enn.lly Hibles. .
Rco-w««hI tv ruing .Irak, tool w..rk‘h»k*
Globes ol H. 11l and I’J t.iebe* diameter
dctS *1 Wood »'
TTALL'AULE Next' Year’s Presents.
V Wsvcrl.-v Novel*. voluunr*. PAno. i.luslratid
Mr* Siirtwmi.!'■ Work«. Iti vi»i% I'Jinn, jliiwrainl
M:».« Ji!s\vonh'-i It) ••
Uii.|-r » Fiiinil) Library. IrJ vul«. romj'letr
<t» !;.>)•'■> niritOiii .1
W.-rW.or s:cikr M >,-nr,
Vol* fto. th** beautiful Ihrw
I'.i. linrly ,
HuH.ti l,iv« of tiir >3inl«, I voU cie--:
llaJi.iiilt .M-ir'i WVrW. 7 v-A.
fUl'lunni: Kip- dmoii, ti vol* mynl rvi/
jaiiilv humid
: v.ils* Turk.-) 'luor'bnd l
11.0 nl»,vr. -..j.’Dirr wiili n li.riiu n»«orin..:ni of
ca:ii;v l.oiin-t iiomlv » ut |po<'kV| Wuin.iuti
Prayer. nil »i/r» ar.'l l.tiulms*. n.i m -Aim'll will lie mj!<!
lo*v<*r ilnh cvet.-oi!' r<'*l m lint murkri, al tin* uld itnn.l
m ' KAV A <o
jnl ' cur Thl A nL-ihhJ h
Na(ailti«* for Jinuirv.
RKCKIVI.II AIM K MlNKfl'S—Cr4lj.i:n'» Mn«n Mpr
fur January. conipri?inx I rm'irlli*liuicnt«, iirEfr
Hun lima! fine; the :W a i.eauiiful Mezi'iiint IVnru.TAif
(Jtfiirial W C ll.nlrr.
i\*iionnl Mitgafini* fur January.
Union ’’ ''
'Cini'cj ’»!y'« Hook n Fn«binn plate.
The Lovrr* of Prim; by John "'iinon llo*«.
*« be I If ml* of Hie l»y pirdermk Soul e
Tho p.'nune»of potlofh O'Hrien. a tale of Hi« Wag.
of K'i'K Jnnio*, w.ih i|lu<ir.»tion' by 'Pin*/ complete in
The Drama in rokerrll'e and oilier Sirric*, by ‘Earr
pouil.' wnn ritht ntuMrat-Ou*
Holan-l De Vnrc. or ihe Knif-bl of the Dlack Plume
by K Curii** Kme. U K N.
luldrcn; a ule o'
The Farmer'* j?ott. or tb» IV»enrd
ile“p inlrre»i.
Aflnui an>l Arliore.orn Smlor’fcl.Ji’e:
Ksiher tie Medina, or die Crime* o
oleie. *—
■ ..I— IM ... .1- ft ... .
A *p'rn liil n**nrimem of Annual*] |
in V 5 Alio a imte ami Taried «uai
or Toy Hook* ror t'hililrcn
rice from f I up
uicm of Pietuu-
'lil airret. third
Fo> min »( Al. A. SHMIBH. Krnxh
it*or from Sceoml. N
HFAIIY KLI’JIIFtt. l). iilrrmea«i.
at J \V. Wnndwell ». No k".TI
Piano-, may In- f uimiiiril ni nil liou r «.
brr will be there fiom II to li A. :
fl. P. M rorli Hay. I'm-
tr. Piumi Forte*,
iril stree t. I'll
mil the *uli«crt
t. mu) limit I to
. e.'Oct. •>.*, - 4u
V,'.\ till" umlcrsijrnrd. w»u!.l tufurii, llir ciii/eni of
Pitiahurgli nml virmiiy iliai-v** hn*e x »|»)intr.l Mr. U.
Klrihrr x-olr iitf.'iii Cur Wril.-ru IVnn lylvama, lor Ihe
«ali- ot «nir Piano I'mien. whom I icy rjiny bo ob
loinrH oi our own (Xr\v York) price*.
New Yorlc.~?b-|U. M’rW.ooUb.'dU . ■
>\ I.Ui.Mj*—The Fiorui, bcri|»*ur«l Pniied Mue«*'
/\ fo'iv- nirr, nml uiunf oiher fctn>i*l in every varie
ty of iii'iil >ik. Ililil-* and Prayer llookv bound in
uvrU tunable fur ilolirtav sin*. For «ale by
dcr'Jl nnoVreH-r* earlier i *i,|»i»
Prpiu-h r.ujirUTier, «n<-lu*ir
ir-tl anil iknoy nun- jiiipt-r ami eii
raw* nre pfunitj a), a »ivlc far
fore received. CHINESE l’ l
pDil-falk'* arc (uprrbly palntni.
For rain by JOItSIST«
dcr*| f*iaiionrr»c'iujpr
j »ion oi Hyatiniti«, wji. * giowinc in
waier, »nu*lila >or holiday nie*rni«,< , «.i! lie bail on ap
plication di Hie l'uuburßh Seed Siore, Wood »uect,« or
nerof#tl» 1
NOW renewing an eatire new nock of New York
and Bottimi l*ia.:o Porte* front (he celebrated nian-'
utactore* 01 Gale A Co., S. V, and Cbtckeriu*,otw>*
ton. The pattern* are. entirely new, aiut;b*vo all the
late Improvement*. For rah #1 Factory pr'ceaby !•■
del« JOHN II woodil
New edition opsALATimu^wai
tiering Jew—A nory of the Part. ihe'Prearni, and
Fotncc; hy Her Geo Croly, voli, latno P'iee <W eenii;
Ja»t published by J A fc U I* J AMKB, •
ircl • ;• Cincinnati
STOCKTON have ju»i t'Trlved—
. •ihoVotidonCluanerly Revi».w :«irtVj»tembef,lH7.'
The Edinburg Review for Uewtier. JM7. |
AU«, Uiackwuod’e Edlnborg Miniina tot November,
947. do*}'.
Two Dwelling HonittiorSalt.
AA. .ONKoflbese house* i» situated on Pcati street,
Jgjß in this city, hetween Hand street and Garriwm
on the *pa:b side of ihe street. Il is a two
story brick. tS: feet in from, containing Brooms,and
hajid*otuely finished. The lot ran* back III) left u» a.
twenty foot alley- on Which is erected a stable and car- 1
nagr house. This valuable property will be sold at a
baroun-aa easy term*, r
I he other house ii situated on Isubella street. Alle
uhyny city, near ihe Hand street bridge. It i» a S story
imck. new and handsomely finished, containing two
parlors, dining room, kitrlien and wn>h bouse on the
tirst Door, tour room* op the second tloor, and a finish
ed garret. Fbi* lot runs back also to an alley . Price,
SiuOl, only about the eoM uf the house. Term* easy.
Inquire of the kdli«eriber. who can be seen at the of
r** uazetti-. every iorenoon. between the hours
of eight and ten; nml at other time* at his rooms at
Mr*. Huy* boarding house, Robinson's new row, Fed
eral at. Allegheny City WHITE,
; Agent for the owner.
• JSM TIHS FAIIM lately occujiied by James An-
J6a&dcr»on,Sr;dei’ca*cd, situated in .Miiilin Town
snip. AUegliruy-b’ounty. seven mile* from Pittsburgh,
ou the main road leading to Elizabethtown, and adioin
itig I ami* of Robert .Hath, ILchard Hope, Arrhibnld
uankiu, Livingston and'oilier*, will be sold on reason
able terms, to any person wishing to pnrehate. Tin
harm contains about 170acr/£,OO if which are cleared,
and.has a comfortable dwelling house upon it. together
with a large bum', Ac. There is n Very good apple or
chard on the Farm. It is also well watered, has an
tihdndunce ofcoa) in it, cotnins a large portion of very
find bottom land, and altogether, i* otfe of the most de
sirable fann* in tire country. Enquire of
1>- IV. A A. S. HEM,
J . Attorney* nt Law, 4ih *L, Ihttshurgh.
qr to •
janlwDlS , Ky.
I ~ Valuable Farm for Rale,
• fpIlE subscriber wiji sell on nt-comniodming terms,
that vuluubie farm situated on the Ohio river about
.Similes below Pittsburgh, in whnl i* called Crown bot-
Mriin, adjoining the property of Mr: Ucorge Shiras.—
'ijlierc i* nhnul l 111 acres of iinul. flo acres of which is
- rl.vcr bottom; the balaiicc i* sccdrcil bmiotn. lies treau-
Uiitlly, and abounds ni gotnl rnnl. limestone and Umber.
There tire from 71) acre* cleared There is a good
tWn «iory bnck •ItvcllJng-housr. a frame bumandother
lint houses, n htrgt) orchard of choice fruit, and a good
Spring of wutrr m every-field oil the place. 'Flic grent
!|t part of the farm is-.under good tenet. Title indis
putable: For tcniis tipply'in WM BOYD, Attorney hi
jlMw, ofliec on 4lh *1 above smitlifield, (tr-JkllmAwtfrt
fejjej THK three story Dwelling House and I<ot. now
; occupied by' it I-‘. f'ohwTppc. Emj, on Penn st,
near HunJ. Tlie is by 13) feet, and is pleasant
ly situated. For term* apply to the subscriber, who has
nl*<> FOR RUNT
Til- three story house on the corner of Liberty st. and
. Irwin - * alley, now occupied ps n wholesale and retail
; grocer's store, by 11. F. f*ehweppr. Possession givrn
■uimrdintety, on application at the warehouse of John
Irwin A Son*, No 11 Water street, by
decU-3m v JOHN IRWIN
ossa THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Wni.-r street,
JUlii|-ibi>vc the Moiiongahela House, mid alalde
on front street, heing a leasehold tor the lent! of gl
1 year-, from the Ist of April. I-to. 'subject to the pa> inent
.ot'SJU) j>er annum Ifdrsired, the lr.c-Htnp!c in the lot
which is Gilfect lrori;| m Water street,
lo From si, cun be |;urcht»»ed.* Enquire oi .
decgftf WM M D.OUJXHTON,
For ''Rcnt<
A handtmm.'iy aui>hc<l n«.mt>n Market street.
*x£Llately occupied h» n Ihiauerreotype esmldishnicut
b) 'lorlaild ACo Al*o. n well finished and well lur
lushed tooin. Miitnhie tor -oci.-tie*. u homing the hall ol
the Mercantile lahrary A«*o< intion Eiitrnnee at Phi
lo Hill. ED CIA2ZAM.
OtT’r**, inarL’r! «(reri. lirmi-rti 3d mill 4lli
Fur Rent.
THE lariic.nml roiiset.ient ilw.-Um- |nnt*e nn
. vih Federal si . Allegheny, formerly occupied by llr*.
Alin i.nmiti Rrdl low, I’o-w—ion given on the Ist
'of April next. I'. D (JAZZA.M
Immediate isi**r»swlt ol the shove house can be nb
liim-d by applying U> M Creighton. :u the ciuml ware
house tn Clnr,k A Thaw dei-j
A FINE tvyn »u>i> unek House.on Main street,
Altr#i.eny c.iv, jica» the upper Brxlgc. The Lot
ts 23 feet m front l-j iOU deep lur terms enquire ol
Jclfiif A WASIHN«rO.V4th st
M . "
tr.g THE ’» gt> pfjiot warehouse. 21 feet front
- '"’bv 14) ftc. Uccp. Oil Sint *l, rent W wl-Kent mod
cr»*' Enquire oi : J HCHuuNMaKKR A< O
Coal Laud for bale.
SFVEN' acre* Coal Land lor sole, snunte in bend of
;be Mnnoc.enhelaßiver,a'o*e Cid(vu‘villc, Ps,hair-'
,tnc • vein ol 7teei Coal, wh eh wit be *o!d in exchange
(or euojt. For pAiticntaMuppir io
' oct.*s Sk W lIA II It A FCH. 3) wood st
BtlfaplKti LOT
IN MANCHKSIKK lUU IsaM ihave for .ate a
beautiful Rulltlms Loi in Munchrr ter, near ibc Ferry.
83T »i lionl by 13w frel -Jeep. It will l>e *n«l low. ami
on arcnmnuMldiiUK leint*. Trim* unrirrpiinnable.
n«vt!i fAM* HI.aKH.V. Heal Knair Atrnl
m- Foil UK..VT.
THK'i>iorp link No. 54 \Vai?r
• irrt-i nii<l No • IluS Front m. luircedmle poa/erkion.
;K-»cn—apply rfn th« [ rnu'*c*. ,
M- l"u l>ri --rt iarp'-. i-oiumoOiou*. and wrTl fin
i«brd. itirce »’.«•> t<n>-k rfwriling, (.if I rnn tl.,
half \vny Lrivi'ct-n and Wa> ne fti
• l‘o*trsk.on givro immediately. F«r panu u!&rrci;quire
'ai ihr odiro ni U \V YVaLLACK.
jivlif , jMI
mCill N iilV lIBHIOKSCR.
HaVINU reij.orv'.: In ihr cty. for convenience
10 prafctrinnal Idirine**
I inure. and it* numiil lie rnr
of mo .Mowngahrlai orie mi
j aril l 3iai*t< 1
A BMOKK niiuai
Uif'iit Inquire of RORK
_de!3 .
M : Fbr Rem. ' |
THK wpII furp:»lird Niore.url Market firtft,
lrr)»ri-0 -Iqf .aivHth tlrreli, O.V prr»-m Ofcupird
by Oarrww* fc T«.»*qr. ra»»tMiou K-vl>n on tl.e Itlol
April tel. >{ nriAXgiM
J LET. |
DRY Good* Warckauie. 07 Wobd urtel, fecund
XaLdnor above Diamond alley Kiqimt uf
0 T %>Oki;
. j-4 • pon rest;
("’•R A UanJ'urcfi "ffice t.*CT.l , bilo,Hß!l.
JOHN FI.VM.Y. i- , Agent at for the Prl
■ v»ufr Muiuu! Sr.tciv Insurance (Company ol Plnl
mlrl|«na. Firv Ki«k» ti|*nii buintiiiit* oml tiirrelmndKO
u! every description. uni) Marine l<i*k» upon hull* or
cargoes of \e *»«•!«. tu.cii ii;>oii the uu>»t tavoraide term*.
(, ' Oiler in llji- \YUtHu>il~- »l W U Holim-s Jt Ufi*,
\Y»:rr. I'.i-ar Market street. Puisburgh.
A it—Tie .ucrr»*’-C ilii* Coi.iVou) mVr tin- e.stab*
Ci*!init in o« tne A.jimu*) »:i :iii» city. «ilii tin- pjnnip:-
Tor !■>*. ha« been adjusted. hilly wntrant tbs ugrnt iu
iuvillii" the I oi.lideiirr anil p;ilii>uugi- of hit friend, uni!
the cultuntiiiiM HI Infer In t’ir Drlau are At S Insurance
I’.iriparTv. while it h»» the additional advantages a* an
in.iiTuUuii muon" ih<* niu<i nourishing in Philadelphia—
it. ha - , uni mi capital. which by ilie o|w-
UK *o coi'ii jier«>ii i!t«iue«l hi« ilue »liarv of tlie profit,
o tlir company. without involving him iu any rejpon
*ii>i;it\ v» r. uit'il tlierriiue n« I e‘Alu
mni principle dive-ted of every oonotiou* fratnre. and
Hi it- iffo.t attractive form. ' novl
rjMUI ln*urmu-t t.'onipnny ot North America, through
it* duly ad'horifril .\t*onl. lip- subscriber, otters to
ruake permanent mid limited Insurance un property, in
iht> n'.v nml it.\K-iintj, uutl un «hiptiiein» by the Ca
nal vn.l Rivrr.
DIRECTORS. f Smith. Prcst Samuel llronk<
Char:.-* Taylnr
Sam'l F Smith
AW H.-nry
Sam I W Join" l
\iuMo.e Whit.
Jacob M Thomas
John A Frown
Juju r i Nctf
Riehnrtl Wuo.l
Arlmr I. Cotfin. S«c.
Turf. 1‘ * opa
This i» the oldest Insurance Company in the United
'Stair*, having liern chartered hi ITUt It* charier is
iprrpelun!, mid front m Inch »|nudmj*, )i*ti(J f sperienee,
ninple mean-. and ayohlliig nil risks of an cum has
nrdmi i I'harnctrr. itjutiv t* considered u> ntfennr am
ple -rctiniy to the public MOSES ATWOOD.
At :rte Com,liny KNim of Atwood. Jones & Wa
iter mid Front M.-vclsi Pin-burgh upltSuf
»|M!!! AtniM.iui Fire iinirmi'-e t'oiiijiuii) Otlire,
1 !_ Vo li! WalmiS ’.tr*.el Plnnid.-lj-u.... liuurpomii-d A
D t-m i ha.trr p. nH-tnul
' JiiMirr liirild.iuu', Furniture. Merchandize. and prnp-
■-rty piun-rnWy. either t« ilir eitj nr country, ofiiiin.t
lo.’i oMfiimiije by hre. j>er|ieliially or for Imiited |vert
ml.., on fuvoruhle tenit*
Samuel C Morion
John Si'rcentit
Adolphu* ivnes
Wilhnin l.ym-h
Tlioma. Allilione
Patrick llrudy,
John WeUli, Jr
John T I.cwt*
MORTON, President
PRA-vn* D J»svin*. Sccrnnry
Order, lor insurance by tin- above Compriiv will be
received and hn»ur:nlce. elTerieti by the underMifned,
njjrnt tor Pitt.hnffth ■ C.HO COCHRAN.
uovl7-:im* ‘M Wood st.
Franklin Fire lii.urajici' Company, ot l’lulodel-
X phia, will itnike iiunirnncc. per nuiient and limited
un every ilv.rriputin of properly, in Piu.burfrti nml the
.utroiimliiip country, un InvoruUe terms. Till* com
putty has a perpetual charter
Onpnul, S4OO;(KM paid in.
Contingent.' Pnnil SSOU.UW
OiTiee comer of third and Market rtreru. Pittsb'ph.
opl l'llf • WARIUFK MARTIN. Aftent.
M 1 r onu V 'ic iN, J 4
mivinni woof a mi rtmt smErra, mrmrwii.
HAVF. received their Auiumh style ol Hut., to
which they rrrprctfnlty invite jjie atteuliuii of
ihtir rti.innicr. mid citi/en». *cpt^
iu.l rr mved a hrqutitui .tuck oflJecbcA Cottar'*
Full btylr which ibr riclttim* aud lustie
caiaiut be •unms.ed. Call at the Hat Sum:, Mononga<
hcla llou.c, SntiihUrld >t, uud «r,T them. ocU9
subscriber wii( Introduce on Saturday, Oct. ttth.
Utniiiemen wuhui; it liar tried with this desirable arti
cle wilt please call niul rxiiminr.
ALFRED EKF.VIL. Pracijrn! Hatter,
octP !&!. head of wood si
ed.irotu New \ork, the Fnll style of Hal*' which
be will introduce thi* day. Saturday, Aug. iisth.
All ».io«r in want of a neat amWuperior hat would do
. well to call at No. 75, Wood Street, 3d door above 4lh.
augtijtf ■*
COSTAR'S Siy'lt; Oentlemcti'fl Hats will be iutro-
Juced at kKEVIL'i on Thursday, Atinirt */7lh.
Oeuucftico wishing d choap, fashioimblo bat ofPitu*
burgh•monufaetura, klicad of iashiouable Hats import,
rd and advertised by some of the trade, pleue call ut
_, f KEi;VIL tCoX
- 15£ head of wood it
New iVork, the Summer
~ 7«fiy.‘o for bau, consisting of Wbfio Reaver, Pearl
and Wlme French Casslt&ere Hats, with Ventilators,
lliose tn want of a beautiful, light Hat are respectfully
invited to call. ? •, S. MOORFi
roaySb ' 75 wood Mr, 3 doors above 4th
CAPS! CAPS!!—Fine Otter, Seal and Musk Cans.,
just to; hath/ at M’CALLAM'S Fashionable Hat
Store, Monotigohcla'ilousc. , octl'J
CL LOTH ANDGUAZKDCAPS—A splendid assort,
meat aodireat variety ol style at XTCALLAAFS,
MouougobelatiouH. ecus.
s.uolmks * .s
Exchange Broken, No. 09 Mattel
FtnniflTaalat - li
RankofPiiuburgh ••• •pariSuuelTjt
Exchange Bankl par>*ue^eri
Merch. fc Man. Bank *P« V
Bka-ofPhil&delphia-.'-paf Exehtng
Girard Bank-.-.- par Fanner*
Bank ofGennantown -par Bk. of lb*
> Chester Couuty* ■ -par Bk. of V;
14 Delaware Co.* ••parM.fcM. 1
“ Montgomery Co-,*-pa* <V» Mi
u Northumberland* *p*t N. W, It
Colombia BridgeCo.** par do W
Doylrstown Bank-• *-par do Fi
Fanners’Bk. Readipc*par Tc
Fatnera’ Bk. Burk* Co. par - Bk. of Te
Farmer* Bit Lancaa’r-parjFHr. A M
Lancaster Co.Uk.*** -par'Planters’
Lancaster Bk.**- pariUnion lik
U. Stater Bonk-* *3) I U
nrowuMvilie 8k.4 parStatoßkc
Washington 8k.4 }[ Nogtl
Geuy*burgbßi.* : .. • *-Bk.ofC‘a
Cbarabersliurg-* “ '.Merch** l
Snsquebannn Co. Ilk.* '.Suite Bar
Lehigh Co Back, ' —! Soittl
l.ewieiown* •*. ••*• Camden l
Middletown 1] Bk.ofCh
Carlisle ••• M Comxnrrri
Ert%.Bk. *» iDa. ofCci
Farmer* 1 and Drovers’ 'Uk.of list
Bank, Wayneeburg** u jMrrekani
Harrisburg ° ‘Planter* i
Honesdale « jßk.ofSot
Lebanon * “ ! - Ha
Ponaviile * “ [Baltimore
Wyoming •• •• “ ’Baiun’eA
York Bk. “ [Cumbcrlai
; West Branch BkJ “ i gbany--
Kelief Notes “ Far. Uk.o
M* M Bk. Fitu. do* “ Funner*’<
City A County Scrip*••• “ [ Bk. Frc
Olilo.- iFreticrick
State Bk.aiul Brincbcs.
Mount Pleasant** fMuietul B
Steubenville ;•••• .'■«< jPatapsiol
Si ClairiTtile*.*- •* j Wnrliineli
.Marietta « Bk.ofwei
NewLiebnn- ......... “ j ML
Cincinnati Banka-** •*,• “ ißk.cfSt.
Columbus * do* “ ;Bk. ofEivi
Cirele»ille ' *.*• “ ’Michigan!
Zanesville [Far.'AMn
Putnam “ VViscoiii
Wooster - “ jMar.AFirc
Massillon «• “ I Canaria**
Sandusky - • ••• “ {All solvent Bank* 3
Genagit •••• “ [Bank of EnglandN'oiei
Norwalk f—*Sf 50 Xstr.
Cleveland ** Gold VaJ»ie,
Xenia “ Napoleons ....••*.* aSO
Itayton “ ’Ducats 3 15 0 3 30
Western Re«er*e “ ;Fogle, old 10 GO
Franklin ITk Columbus' 1 Eagle, new 10 00
Cliiliieothe ♦ “ iDoohlooss, Spanish. 10 00
Lake Eric “ [Do; Patriot *.15 30
Sciota 'Sovereign* 4 ftj
Lancaster 10 jGainea* 6 no
Hamilton 1 13 iFretlerickid’ors S? SO
Granville CO Ten Thalers 7 H>
Fanu’i* It'k Cantou-...3t» iTcn Guilder* ••• • a f>o
Urban* SO ]LoaisJ'or* '4 50
Kentucky*. . Exchange.
Bk,ofKemuckT**-*... 11 New York I prrn
Efc.of Louisville*,*---* *• jPhiindelphia 1 pnn
Norhern Bk. Kentu’ky* “ Baltimore ... r .. • \ j.jhi
Rear York—Cnv Banks.par. Interior IPks-***
in Foreign anil Domrstir Kxrhanpe. t.Vriificnte* of
Deposiie. Bank N(iir«. and Specie; Fourth street, nenr
ly op|x»»ite the Hank of Pitt-lurpii. Current tr.o.-iry on deposit*—Stshl Chrtru* for sale. r.i|d t*of*
Iretion* made on ijeariy all the principal point* in the
United Slate*. , .
The highoiit prepimm paid for Foreign anj American
Advance* mndn n:t conjignmrnu of Produce. *hip.
;>ed on-liliernl term*. mehl-'i
BANKERS and l>.airr» in Eichunue, Cain and
Unnk Note*.. No. .S 3, Market *lrcrt. Pittsl.urgh.
Sellimr Rate-,. I jchntige. Buying Rater.
.New York. I jit Cmciniinu, ' 1 dis
Phiiadeiphia, {do Louisville,. ' Ido
•Balumore, ; Ido St. Louit, -Ido
. Buying Kaie», j BANK-NOTES. . Buying Rates.
<Jhio. 1 di« Co. 3c Scrip Order*. 1 di«
Indiana. ! Ida Relief Note*. Ido
Kentucky, ldo Pennsylvania Cy" 'ldo
Virithtin, ldo New York do Ldo
do Wlieeiing, Ido New Orleans,
Tenne«*ep, li do Maryland,
derldti !
JOSEPH 11. IHLU dale of the tirm of Win. A. ifill
A C 0..) an<l-\V,M. C Curry, (lair* of Eric, Pa.) have
entered into Co-pari!te'r»hip under the name of lltu. A
Cfixr. for the purpose uf carrying on the liankin? and
Kxchnnse businr** in all i» branrhr*,. at No. fcS wood
ktrert. three doors Fourth. we»t side—where they
Milicnt the custom'of their friend* eml the public gen
erally. JOSIiPH 11. HILL,
aval c cuniiy.
JOSEPH 11. IllLLl ' {\hjr. C. CTSST.
BANKKRS A IiXCIIANttK l»UOKhJl«. Denier* in
Foreign and Domestic ’lime and Sight Bills o:’ ex
change. Ccrtincetcit ot Deposits. Bank Notes and Coin;:
\n OS Wood street, third door below Fourth, weal
v *ttlr Far Kurtis Usd Currency received otj deposite,
and collections mudeou all the priurjpaJ citias iu the
L’rutrd States ' i
Si;ht Exchange: on Beltimoje. Philadri)ikia. New
York. Boston and Cincinnati, constantly tor t.W. \
Utno. Indiana. Kentucky. Virginia anrl.J’cnu-ylvanml
Bank Notes bough! anti sold on favorable term*. |
Exchange 0,1 Ij.glarul, Ireland. Ormany and I'rnnre
procured, Ac j mehlj
iu Foreign and Domestic exchange, Ceruficatesot
Deposits, Bank Note*. anil Specie. No. <4 Wood »t.i
one door nl>ove Fourth. East stile. Pittsburgh, Pa.
BILLS on .Kncbind. In-: d Scotland brmsht to
any amount «t the i. . . . Rate* of Exchange.
Al«v. Ifrsils payable iu'eny j._j . ~f the Old Countries,,
from it to i.IUX).i at the rale of ?5 to the £. Sterling,
without deduction or divrooni. by JOSHUA. IIOBIA
SON. European and General Agent, office sth s| one
door west of wood) - ocllCtf
;in Poreign nm! Dunci.'ie Uilli of Exi-lmngr, Cer
tificates of IVpoMLc. Unnk Non * and Com. corner'of
3d and 'Vmal streets, directly opposite M. Cbarle- Ho
tel maythdly
\\ 1)1110.
. Indiane. '
Mtwmm. <
Punk Notes
parcliased a: the lowest rates, by
deio ; Xl .Market street.
BILLS OF~EicHANGn-Sirht Cheeks on”
Philadelphia. oml
X. HOLMES (< <uN
SJ'.Mq.ikvi at.
.'on«tanily for sale'bi
de HI
COLLECTIONS— Draft-, and Acceptan*
ee». payable in h"i- pun >V' tb>. Uiuou. collected bn
the nun favotaldi.-trrm- N. HOLMES St SON.
dcl» 50'.Market si/*
Ij’YCIIANOE ou N- w York. PhilaibvlphiA, and
j Hitlnmore.-ht siglit. in sum* to situ purclnui.-rs. con
stamly tor sale by HILL i CURRY,
octlt • Wootl «.. below Fourth.'
■\\rESTERN 'FUNDS—‘Ilie Note* of the Ohio,
r v ludtnna niul iKeutiicky Ranks, purrliused a: law
rates of discount, m Hie office of
will ‘ - No. tVi Wood st., below Fourth.
CfOLLKCTIONSon nil the principnl cities in the
/Union, made bj< ' lIILL A CURRY,
°°iH No. t«5 Wood st.. below Founiv
UCIt T S 1 R K i;t H ALTI .tt PR F.
Fvsui .vAri Titvsnov, raonunm.
MTIIJtJ cv.ubliMuiirrii loiijt ami widely known as
beintrone oi’ the no't commodious m the city or'
liatuniore, ha* recently (undergone very rxten
*rve alteration* nn'd iitVi'oro'rjnents. An cmlre new
"iiij ha* Lm-n rubied. co.iminimr iuum.rou» and airy'
ftleeniiiß nnfl eUcniive bathing rooms.
The Imdic*' department ha*; n!«o been completely
reorganized amt tided np i:i n most umqiir nml henn.i
tul style. In fact the who}c nrTangcincnt of the Mouse
hn.« brew r. iii,.delcd, with n single eve u:i the part of
•In- proprietor*, toward* the comfort nnil pleasure ot
their t.itesl,-, mid t'vhieli they toiiridrnily u»m-ii will
rtmlh'iicn comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their tublo will always be supplied with eyory mb*
•tnntiul and luxury i which the market ahuttU, served
up in a superior style, while in the \vi y ol Wines, A.c..
the) will not be nirp"«M.,t.
In conclusion Utuproprieior* beg to say. that nothing
will bn left undone on their Part, ami ott the fmrt of
their aMimants, to fender thu. Hotel worthy the con
tinued patronage vs their friend* ami the nvldic gen
erally. )
'Die price* for board have also been reduced to die
. nepnc*-.. reduced to tilt
following rate*: \
I •ndies’ . $1,75 per day.
• licntleinen'* • IJU •*
Jv B—The Uapgapn Wagon of the House will &!•
wnvi he found at the Car nnd Straruhaui Landings,
wlneh will convey baggage to and from ihc Hotel, free
of clitrgc. , ‘ inaylhf
f OlJtO.
MTIIE subscriber* haviiig purchased the entire.
Interest of Co . ft. I*. Williamson,'laic of this well
known cstab i«htneut, hep leave»to Hole to their
friend* and ihc public generally, thal.they haye taken
thi* commodious ilhict tor & term of years mid will
an their best eucrg c» to a desirable hCMou f\«r
Travellers and Cit) Hoarder*.
The Hold i* spin- ous and adrAitt\’uly planned, for con
venience, light and air. having a number of pariots ad
joining chambers, procuring unusual attractions to
The present proprietors having -had tho experience
of years in this ettgand elsewhere, hope they will he
•able to give general snirsfoction, being determined to
give undivided munition lu the house nlo:ic.
The location of the Pearl Street House L* uncommon.
I) eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut ami Third
street*, so lltai u ijs equally desirnblo in view of the
convenience yi business uien, or retirement lor private
boarders, it is near liy the Banks, tho Post, the
Masonic Hall, Fellmv't Halt, Hud but one square
distant from Main street and two squares from the City
Wharf, thus ofleritig the greatest imluccrneni*, es |>cc iai
ly to country merchants and generally to all persons
visiting Cincinnati: . JOHN NOBLE,
nscliifT ji JOHN A DUIILE.
ko. trtiELT, ruitsDSirnu.
M THE subscribers, under the firm i>f Bridges &
West, hnvd.putchated Mr, Jones’ interest in this
establishment. oml hupe by the urictest atteutiou
to the wants and comfort pt their guests, to merit neon-,
linunnce of the liberal patronage heretofore received
by its former proprietor.
The house hasUicen thoroughly renovated, and re
paired; wo therefore feel assured we can welcome our
Iricnds and the public to accommodations equal to any
in the city of rhitjuklpKla. N W BRIDGES,
jlyagtf • | JNO WEST.
f “ galTt liorsE,
mTHIS establishment i» now in the best order for
the Teceptiod of the Traveling Public. - .Having
undergone a thorough repair during the prut win*
ter, uud having the most experienced won in tbe west
in the various department*. I flatter myseli that till nil
be pleased who coll. The location is central, commo
dious and pleasant; Fare SI per day.
Cincinnati, March 13,-47. W E JIAHSIi
N. 11.— Although not exactly a new Broom, it Is the
same—a new Whist on the old handle. : onruf.-
I LOUBVTUJbAT.. • 1,.: , ' * T
Maris Throckmorton w n to vqoainv
his friends Uiat ; he is:aff*in.!ets«<.pf she. GALT
HOUSE, Lo.&urUrs, Kyq wbv® Iteliopaa to j M «t
all his old triemft, axsnrmg’Thctn unU; the. pualw, that
no enort shajl be spared to.make. all comfortable who
near him web their patronage. - " ; janUdly'
AarEaicAanoTEf^— ——.
-• * iamawimi,
S 3 iniiSßv'M Pn,, > *'■ BUitaite,
Bill HENRY M. BMITH, proprietor, (late of the Kx.
and gi. Chill,, HMtU, PiuhotsU.) -
* IfW1 fW
>e* l ' ; -
\ % . . •
BfottgggMlp . f . .
;, ■;■-> -
■!gW .'
is to be had, whose vouchers aro it home,—-our neigh' •• ’ »>%
burs, —many of whom il has • ' '* ••11
In order ilia: this invaluable medicine may be placed - At
within the teach of the poor as well the rich, we hata ' I
cutihe price at ! . i
]ust'one half ibi- usual cost of rough medicines. Ilie A
for sale by our in nearly every towu and village • ' 5
3>vcrthe west. who arc prepared tojutvc full inform*' r’
tfon relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, : , • .• k
: • ; | Ilmadway., CincinuaU, Ohio. •
-—No. 09 t DIAMOND AL
J'KY. & lew door*: below ,
,'h Wood sireet. Toward* iho:
on. Bnpwsr, b*r-
I in 3 teen regularly rduetced
_ lo , * IB mwtCal profession, . : ji :
n >« l l,ce o for »ome lime:in ;
tes*&?F*S pencntl practice, now coo* »• :• ‘..'-'x
\\ f ,R ” hi* atteolroo'-id - . -;S -*s
tfeasmcilj of those prirat©\ : l ;: -yc v
an<i ,}c!lcale complaint* for : .\-t‘:^i , T
• *rV- vSfVX;*7' V, wfllch hi* opponunitiea and: -
Xlf' peculiarly coal-’ .
•V\ Wif v Iqm. EJereu rears aa- ... •..s:-:y
**r tlJuonslr; devoted to .ilia' ' . .*■
Study imltre'aunen! of (hose cctapliun:*, (doring which -S 'x
iimc : be has had more prachee and has cured more pa- ’
lirni* than can erer till w the lot ot ouy private prac- ‘- \ .
titioaer) amply Qualifies him to offer luiuraDCea of * '—
sperdy. permanent, cud saiiinnciory cure lo nil afflicted. 1
with delicate discuses, ajid nil diseases arising there ~
from, ' J
'lit, Brown would inform those afflicted with, private • • '
dilates which hove become chronic by timo ,®r ag*
(trawled by the u>c of any of the. common uo*tnun*of
the day, tuat their complaint* can tx* radically feud
oughly cured; be having giveu hi* careful attention to .-•• * v
the treatment of such cue*, and succeeded in hundred* . , >
of innances in.curing per.ons of inflammation of the
neck; of the bladder, and kindrud diseases which often
risstilt from those case* where others have consigned *
tftem to hopeless despair, lie particularly iirviles such '
4* bave.beeo long and unsuccessfully treated by other* ' 1
to consult'him, whea ever}' satisfsrtion will be riven-
tbeir cases treated in a careful, thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long rxpeneoce,
study, and invesiigauou, which it is impossible for those . - ’ ; :VI
engaged iupeneral practice of medicine to give any - -J
one dui of disease. -'"t
~fp-Hemia or tfunture.—Dr. Brown also invites per*
sou* afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid panic* 1
ular nltentiou to this disease, 1
1 Skin diseases; also Piles, Palsy, etc., speedily cured.' - :i t
Charge* veryloer. *
I N.B.—Patients of either sex living at a' distance, by.
Stating their disease in writing, giving all the 6ymp- • ■ *
Joins, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by • .
addressing T. BROWN, JL IX, post paid, aud enclba- -
Ing n fee. *
' Office No. 63, Diamond alley, opposite the Waverlr J'"'
_E/" No euro no pay- decih. ~
jTV. This disease is caused by n nttroiysmol conairoc~
unit of the air cells; it is rerv debilitating. ahsost caus-r
iue suffocation. Hit SWEETSF.R’S PaVacF.a u thoi
only certain cureJ • i
Hoarseness eatt be entirely cured bya free use of DrJ
Sv.‘eef*er’s Panacea.
Catarrh, or t'oiarooa cold, which, If ncglecMtt, will 1
terminate tn-ConVjmpuot:, is effectually relieved and
cured by Dr. Swcctscr’s Panacea.
bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually Jead to
Fronohial Consumption, but a timely u»e of Dr. Qwetl*
ser's panacea will effectually cure it.
inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throats—This
disease otten leads to serious consequences from nee
| Irct, sneh rut ulceration of ther throat. On the first symo
! tomv l)r- Swectser’s Panacea should he procare a and
used tiecly. . .
Coughs and Colds find a, sovereign remedy in Dr.
Sweeter'* Panacea. -
Pneumonia Notlia.—Jt, very fatal disease, rexuftlnr
from n vioieni cough and. cold on a debilitated -or bro- <
Icen down constitution; aged persons are subject to it.— ' "
Dr. Sweeter'* Panacea should be used oa the first'
symptom*, which are a couch or cold.
Night Sweat*.—'lhis debilitating complaint will meet
with u timely check, by using Dr.'SwfeUer'# Panacea. ' '
Consumption.—li on the firitappearance ofconsump- i
■tire symptom*. which are a pain ta the side and breuat,
couch,or spilling of blood, it Dr. Swccuer - * Panacea!* . r
freely used, no danger need be apprehended. ‘
When tho Ltutffk. the Windpipe.'or Bronchial, Tube*'
become clogged op with phlegm so as to impeda icspi*'
rutiom or breathing, Dr. ijweeirer’s. Panacea,which la
n powerful Expectorant, should be taken aoeortling to'. ■*
the directions. '■
Intlu-.-nza.—Thi< distressing epidemic, so prevalent
o-tr climate, i* speedily cured by Dr. SWeeOer's Pans-! 1
Price SI per bsutlc n. .:.vbotrie*.forBs. .
Fcrsalc by W >l. JACKSON, v 3 Liberty st., sien'of,
the ktgbooi.- i • norsisly .
J. H tir Cream, a tr.etcMe-s arucle for the Growth,
Beauty and. Restoration - of tho Hair. This Crcim.
when once known; wilt supercede all other articles oC
the kind now' it-od. When the hair is dead, banfe,
thin, unhealthy, "or turning" grey, a few applications
will make the hair *o:t and dark, and rive it a beaiiint • '
iivqly : appearancc; uud will ulro retain iulive
lmc*s and healthy, color tvricetn-s loug ns oO the prertu- f •'
rations which are generally need. Every lady "b* , ■
gentleman who are ui the'hahit cifuMng oils on their. % J->
bair. should at oucc j-urcliusc a bottled - the Chinese
Hair it i»'fo composed that it will ntubijoro ■
thr hair hke iho*eolhe? preparation*, but trill betuttify i
it, atul ifive'perfect salisfacuou in.eivery insttnea,' - •
u> it* very superior qualities, ace tit* ’ r »
following letter from Rev. Mr.-Caldwell. to;>lcssre. L J
ilcndershott. A Stretch, Nashville, General Agtits for ■?
. the Western States; ,
- letter front the llcy.’R. Caldwell, pasXor of
bjicriau Chttreli. pulaakr. • -
.Messrs. Houdezshott & Pirctch-rGeiUlcnKn: I taka
tslf a*ut»r m adding my testimony hr favor of the eieel-.
lent preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinese - Hah - •
Crcanv—for about'two years ray hair was very
dry, bfittly, and disposed to cosnr out; tint hnviur prt>
cured abottlouitbc Cream, ted used it nccorotiiff to
t!i- prescriptidh. lay hair i* now toil, elastic and firm - >
tothcdiead. Mvty balsams and oils were applied,
each IcavLnj: my: anir in a worse state than betore.
This Cfctu l '* lioweycr. basinet my pxpvciauoc*.
“X* an article forahe Toilet, ray Wife gives' it prefer- '•
»ucc over oil other*, beimr delicaicly perfumed, ftyt nol
dispo.-'cd'oriutcidhy. '1 be ladies csjweiallywill fioA' *
the Chinese Cream to be n desideratum in IheirntTfia- ■-
rations for the Uiiicir'RespecUully. Ae. v = ~ 1 wis,:. . R.e*imvEiu yid reual. i.; VKUbsrlfc, hr tote: :
M. 'low.t.cnJ, .No.« Jlorktl ure.!, wid Jml Moblot, ’ •
coracrof >V ; ood and Fttla strtctx 7nl<tf.
dieted w(th Disease or Utc Lungs.—Tbi* is to'certifr 1 V
to th«v: nmicieawiththe Ampremonitory sytsrtotftsor •-. 1
Ctuiwmipuon. that I hotn been ldLoria*,ior *aver»»-
years with abronchi,sorcnesstjf tiethroat and boam-r r — '‘-V
-net*, i u*cd many medicines, but toundiic-reliefia ‘
BDV preparation ut medicine, uuiit imade utcof DR. •
I)UNCaS-8 lUiUtSv. L lut. • • • »
L«en using m* valuable medicine for several year*. • '
anti always find tijo-rdieve whenever ! make ilia of - " ’ .
it. Mr occupation tutu AuctioJttr.'which keeps m&< > '
ulnwst consuwtiy engaged. - T"
to become very'alarming, when J at once procute thS-: 'v.;V.
jueuiiiac. 1, therefore, take pleasure in nnHitritiU' .'■• T.-
pulihci Ktutemeiit, that other* affected withditauaof ••'-V
the lungs aiul expectorant organs, may kuowthevlr.. " • ,
tuea of tbi*‘•all healing remedy,’' and may b*>ttr*d • '' '
l nave recommended Dr. Duncau'sXxpcotorant Untie- ■ '
cy to many omy lriciul?, some of whom owe titli live* •
to this medicine. tivivtT
Somerset,'Ohio.Ocl. 13,1543. "' VIT * *,
The proprietor bf the above medicine weald adsorb * —
for to,the undersigned per»oo*,-wt» residei» Perrr - ‘
county, on .whom any .person ‘may caU upon audio ’ •"••*•
convinced that there are virtues looud la tbo above i
mediemt; that he.excelled; .. '
. Davi<\ CiUhextibm Somerset; Dr, B. Bteae, dor Fran-.
ew Collier, Jackson, Mr. Larimer, doj Geo,
hert„ Saltlick township; Jerrod Davison, Hopewell '"'
township. ' - —
oraore street, Cin'ci
• 1 Bold iu Prnsbut
at., head Qt \Yood <
' . ; ;TEi/
TUB undersignsc
necessity tor i
uuldran and-lnfar.
’medicines which «
cceded in prepa/iu
cine fully iuiswerini
Uifrels, witlioul the
other calculated to i
Oica bat been ful
months, by munSroi
the oxiraoriliriary t.
arrbara. Vomiting,.<
Disduca arising fir
without disturbing
producing die bapp
troris violent pain ti
ins in |m!o s«lfe.
To bo had wholesa
Mitchell. KiUoU k. Ucc
nj'Allegheny and Pirtsl
IJocs sicklier
: Ur pains at
Try Dr Duk
• And it will
It dears owt]
i DUenne spr
And whisper.
; *Yoffrhaalt
See yonder •
• Tis wither..
. ' It scarcely aipi
. before utabi
i fha Worm of
: Andstrenp
. • And jvben i
; lvnipped.
’ Hat Worm,
• . i lfDr .Duni
' • ’
. . ' -Thafote O
• tC7?DIL DI’.NC;
Sycamore street,
rardicuie U’told.'
Seldom Pituhu.
Wood ottd Uheny