The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 06, 1848, Image 1

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    . -Ki :.l._ ;!] ,•}.
'%j 1 ■■■ !■’ ■ }■
• S VI t.J T 3 »S A <
A fIOHDOH, CbumiuH, ud
A Forwarding Merchant, M'Water and Its Frowsts.
Pittsburgh. v «cMI
JTOHKI A Co«f Commission and
1 il Forwarding Merchants, have returned to their old
amid. tVtiw and Front etrectf. Fitttbcrrh. _ oeea >
JJI Dnrcv#*, comer U Liberty tad tU. Oair street*,
'Pirttbargh.T»*.’• •. i atylv
: 18
|]OTIL to4BALie?r * CO-.WhoteMle Gro
.pgßi.«fld Fndaeejdsalarj. No. 3Z) Market street. be-
Bonin &» Philadelphia. dotB
C* |A* 4feAXllZ«¥Y'B> CO., Forwarding tad.
JJtcrcbaju, Caul 1 Buis,
l/tjBB&AVDdi Looms, AttorneytlLav,of*
iceoaiilutteetiatfTc g«»hicld. aplTly
W®. Coleiww/ JkjkftPf Jenmngv iJu. W. Heilman.
BAU.NAJTA CO, Msßßfisctnjers
iV' WCatntfe tfpAnrsaad Axles, A> D. tad Spring
W«el, and dealers ik.Coaeh Trimming* of t»ery de»*
•fipuoft, nunofactoAy.oa 6c Clair sc Warehouse <3
Woo d »l . opposed EC Charles Hotel?-' .jan«
pAKHoa A lleSnoiiTj (iicMwn to k
Y Kroner aui.) Wholesale OrocetVOtfamiuiwi
Ud rorwantiag Merchants, Dealers ia Ftodaee tod
PiSrtnugifAUaßfiteiare*. Bunk auott, MMh Wood
aad Liberty, PiOibergh,-Pa. . NactU
ft jTEAPKII, Importer tad wholrMW tod tettil
v .dealer id Fancy and Stank Vui*tr floods, of
■uOilr Cbmb, 100 Market street, oear ldktrty. rtttH
•arfk,PaT . ; . ;' .. octu\
.'•Jatee* Dndtop. ■ . .• f; Hanfcoa Sewell. : '
hUflLOPlnWßLlqiiwntp « Law,
XJ OAeea^oß'-ttmhbiletd.'between 9C nJ 4th sts.
mehMy •- j ± • - > ■
'T'D W AROOB ASEt/TON, WhOtOOOle Grocer,
XU cut aide of tlw JhaaMad, MliU dWt Irtta 'Dit
>BMd All**. PiHdimli nH i
pBAbT, A OEBHA»* r Whoßulo- Qro*
XU eOfA-deakreio predate aadPiMbngA ■pnnke-
liberty'and Hand eta, PuaAtrgh, Pa
W»i *■ KXtLltlt.• ;-, l r IUOI I. IIMUT., :
I?iaLUU A HKMiSTT, Otto English, Gel*
XU ligber A Coi Wholesale Grocers, ComnSsaion and
Forpardisg Merchants, andDcaieri in Prodace tad
fti4barghMaaaiaeiArot, No 37 ..Wood street between ■
gcqond an* Third ■»./ ,-.-. owl '
neyi at LlWibavoremoved their office to the tooth
Aide of Fourth street, Urtweeu Cherry Alley tod Grant
Baoti-- , - :•■•• - . ■■!• s .... tpgtf
AMFnenL: ■ Cm. Rbcv. • Utmem Wood;
KBEV A CO„ Wholesale Groeetm,
X: tad Commission Metehtau,tnd Agents for Brighton
ffeuot: Yarns, Mo*C7 Wtier tad 108 Front etreete Pitta*
bwghJPa. • • • ;. - • j-, ; - ' y febB
E’ BbCMB, Pleao pone Manirfketarcr
At la Mtulcal lonnuneott, lli Wood etmt, aetr
Fifth. 1 . ■.! : ■ nch^J
uw> ranrrx. 1 rota a. voosttb.:
T?UIUTTII A. Co. Oomaflfxioa szul Fonrardiu
X- Merchant*. No. 30 Water it. PituUnryh. may!4
FBAW</18 BELLKMi Grocer, Commiuion
Merrhaiit and dcaJeriu rrodßec/Cerdage, Ode,
%c,AcJNo 17 Liberty rt, near Canal Biliii,
n.'iL Oakum, Phch; Manilla Dope, Ae/threye aa
taaL V/...,; ■. !--• | atyß '
V • AtJATOA, Dealer in (Jloru, Hosiery, end
J^rj-ntwey teddnpleTriamiDts, 63 Aferkei^uryt,
\J,epdUre«e FoendereoeaGu Fitters, IU9 Proot, be*
iweett Wood ted HrtliA&eld stroet*!.Piusbanii, Pa. >
priee gi«ea for old Copper tad Prose.
ASfUMQu**. - ..WATxmuoa tjojc b.
FiKOBOB JtOBGAB * Wboleeale Gro*
U cere tad Coeuaiudat tferehaiOs; 103 Wood street
FluebtiyhPa.; ,• ■ - qagn
A* kstCBBT Wholesale'Grocer aodCoa*
VX misskoa Berehaat, tad Dealer (a Prodeee tad
Fimbanth Manofaetaree. 1 No 19 Woodst, pituhnrgh.
Geo: W. SuUh:: .',' ■■~~y I' Ml B. Brown.
/yUBO. W. Ikltfß.l Brewere,-Ualetere,
\JT aod dealers la liops, Pittsburgh ead Funt Brew*
tries;Penn' end Piu streets. ~ ; [ K .jeo<
f 1SO&GB COG MBAS, Ctadtaletioa cutd For-
VX warding ftfrrrh tut, No. Fff. od sgeetJitabaigh.
■aylTi - ,''V' '
B. Airier, i
etterihroeglrthePpuOtSee. ,eawf
Was. B. Haya. -. . ; -Mb D-BGtey.
TTATtt B BAXIsBT, Dealers lo Dry Goode. Ore.
AA.-een««,dlaoU, Shoes, Kmborgh asaaoiae lured aru
tle»,Ae^Pto.tOaiibenreitPttt»barrh. , - jyid-tf '
Bead. mr K * - Geo. O.'Browne.
TJUili A BHOWSB, (tuecesson u> Hoidship
AJ. A IftowaeJ tappnere'aad manafaenpere of Weft
Paper tad Uetroral Paper-Warthooke, Jto. 87 Wood
urtctTPimbnnth. - . , ; ■ •, | -. Jc3o
Micmikoages. Paint AOil MerefataLoetoerof lib*
onrandoTfarastenPitubernh. 1 . ..feblfl -
IBAIAH DICKBT A Co, tykoiesole Grocers,
Contlsdoa MerchaßU and dealers in Prodsee, Not
BWateriead IC7 F>oat streets, PmsbargA . norg :
B* BLACK« McTChui Taiior, >£* ebuae BmU
>duy< Qaif uoot«Pat»frurglLl .-. T - JalOtf
JOBJ6PH KlOZt Adotnejr tt X*w, Puuburgfc,
Pa-< kUK*eaedtboßnctieflof kl« profeaaimrui
ku office. no 7, Beieweii'i BoUdiage, Gnat nrectoe
eopled donnjrki* ob«eaee,fcry T. J.;Bigbaai sad J;
Cfcn»de,>?eqra. , •- I ja&lAwtfP
JOSH SX nOßOAHiiWboleulo Dnwciit, >a4
dealetriti Dye Butt, Piintt, Oils. Vanu«Be4,
Noß3i Wood itreei, not door Sooth ox Diamond Alley,
FitUboiyt.• ' , ‘* ji iiat
JAEWiKKIIII,Jt»Ce I,l>MeeMoniM 1 ,l>MeeMoniM Jooeptt
O. De»i>l Ship Chaadkn;» water «L ocSI
JOH* IL Jlfiudl).WMcttleudßeuildetl'
etin MuleaailMnileulnairamenU, School Book*.
Paper,' Slater, Btec 1 Peu.QnUl^PriMen 1 Ccrdi. and
Woodlct, Fitubarth.
t P*RigQioßffctotu>Cßia trade. | ■ , aepU
rOOk SCOTT dfc. C*» WJioteAie Uraeerc, For*
«J wajdiaoandGgaßuaioa Merchant*,Dealer* in Pro
dece and Pituhmh Mnacfactpe*, Wa|7 Commercial
Sow, taw the Canal, Ptuabargb, Pa.-oea
JIODbomSEn Jb CO. wholesale Dnig
* gisis, No. tH Wood st. PiKsbgtgh. I ' sepU
TOISPfI WBOAI bllOB, Coaomleo tod
«l Forwarding Merchants, No la Liberty at, (opposite
ImrthlcldM.lftunpsoa’aßowj ■ • • Jang
JO HA It* QALLATIHf Attorney at Law. Office
,4tb MfbMweenUnOit sad Southfield, south side,
..<■ the adjoining eaantica • ocSS-ly - i
I rat Wood streets. Frasbargfa.. l eeiS
JOH9BTOV A Bwkuiien
Printers'hod Paper tnanafacmier*, No. .44 Marks
st.Pittsbanh. • • . • • - 1 r jed
Jl*. BffiAO’J. book Store, 4th,’ Bear Market at*
• CliaafealtTheetegltal. HistnrieaJ.TSchool, jtfisccl--
alnaoasaad Methodist BooksaadStsttoaery. -a p& : '
JV. nOBKBTSOf k CO- Banker* and Ex
•change Brokets, comer of Wood and Third streets,
MerdtanPaHotel BaildinxsJ PiOibatih. Pa..
gyCarraney pprchasoa at the asaal rates. oeUl
JO'UT GBUEO, Wholesale Grocer, dealer is Pra
ises, Ptjisharrt puraCactarts, Tin. Plate, Ac. he,
t<o»»Libertyeu-PUtabarnh.. f ' land'
John Floyd.' ' j . • Richard Floyd.
JAB-F'LOTn.nce J. Floyd k 06. J Wholesale
« OißCCta.Wo.UaLiberty street. acpt»
JMHCI PALggLL, Wholesale Grocer. Conrais
t»«« Merchant, and ded-er to Prodao e aad Pittsburgh.
—■flmaa-ot. No 1 Water st,Pinsbnrgh.|. ■' janlf .
Mrifasatalrou Wuki. ' . -
LBWII. DkliZEUi A- C©*—Mannfactnre all
sixes of Boiler, threat, Uarlrod and Nails of the best
.quality. Ordera left Mike warehouse of :R DalxeM A
Co., liberty «u or L S .Waterman, water «- wilt receive
■raieptatatuha. .-y r l; . • .: •■ .Jyl
WAnUUL&Bfr-Wholesale Graeer/For
• wtrSCßf'llfirTpaitaidusibn'Merchaat,. OealeTia
Pittsburgh'Maabfaetumand Produce, JVo*r 3 1 Water
and « Front r*. "• ■ ' ••■• < J ' • J 37 •
*rK#S HtfCHHOH *, Wholesale'
Jj Grocers. Forwari’ng and Commission Merehaaia,
aadd«Versfn Pittsburgh Mtnelheiure*, Ac., No. ti
Water and ttl Front sn.- : . • ; amrSi
~ hexrr Lanberi. ' ■ John Bhiptoa.
a BHIPTOJI, WholeraleGrocers,
J Forwarding and Contsusstoa Merchants, Dealers
i n Frodneeaftd Pittsburgh manafactarcs, Noe 13 and
HWcodst-pmsbatab- - ■ ~ - febq
a. actanatn, walte* c so*.
MeOUbWSBFIELDT 808, Wholesale
G racers and Commission Merchants, NoHHJib
arty siTfatsbargh. - »l- ! - •'
M Allen. L .AtoxTff tSck.- ~. lymTßNiaiek•
ir ALLBS kda* Co«m»slWaadFk>TW*rdfar
IVI. M enMaJs. W«er■»4JFtoS«-fHWMnW«jr
nilhit.” T-°»
n. iwiw . - - c w. lltlllWt
h/fIUIK 4 BIOVKTIbVi Wholesale Gre
iVL eers andOaramissloa Merchant*, No 170 liberty
mract PiOsbwgh. Pa . ;I ; Mnl4
MeCOBD ft KINO, wholesale fad reuil Hat
arid Cap manrfaetarer*, and dealers is Fancy
Fara.wwsarofWoodandr<fthst»:/ jan 3
WUitOB k COt WbolMaie iJnr
rjuoaoda Daahra, N*,; i Waod street, Pitubarfh
NHOIiSKI * SOIT, No. a Market txrteu *ee
• in For*.
Cif9 ■nJ-Tln in i|jTmt«t W.f yiyOrtifentea 01
Drpft«ii. BM> Wimm and Specie. s , .. , ir
nr fVTirOrt am fi #» «a Umfrintifltilln threap
mem Upt urn n» -iT . -■• 1 ■ declT *
OtiU*, aaOKJCW* Produce.
bur and Qomaiwica Herchenu, Vo. 6 Commercial
■ *ptl?
I W Colbertaon. > >. C:H-Graat
DOUrDKXTXBi . Co 4 :W)iolftt!».'sneetr
i tadCoou»Jii**r,fjcnw»r4inr!lleTebxnt*.N'o4l
Wat*r reel ■ .■ ■ • • ■ ■■■> i dec?*
bOBfiBMOSi AM'rKi&T, Produce Deal.
Aui u CoouokfKHi merchants, No- 1W Second at,
llaabnryt. I - • -r ' : aepld
TllCaAbl*‘*!r; XEKCII, JrV rmponef‘‘Hl
f* Dealerta'Fbmn had Doisetue Saduleiy liinl*
S. aildetcnpUoa*, No
Tz? .7 aptt ..
P l ,®t wiwfcafß «adrettfl detier
ttecsuam’TooUesd Find*
' •**’*•• MOkUOV.
C®** Wholesale Grocer*, Pro-
Ji e reheat*,and Deal ct* in
It® Liberty street, Pitta
—• • • • • . » • - . : faint*
* «=*. wwe^vos.
Merchants, dea*
Manuactsres, Liberty
p* ** 'i.‘ . .."wr
.;• : ;/ ; 1 ' - itL
L.O.Bernolda. i|. l. si.i»»
Rt&XVOLD* t SHBBi Fomartin* and Com-
Biauort Meieaviu, for Ujc AUejhfcny fil ver Trade,
Siler* ia CJrbcertea.PrxJaee, Pitubursh Maanfactart*
i CbJoridaofLirae. . i
•The Umat j>neei k In ea*h, paid at [all Umei for
Coanfry Kflgt. Ccracrof Penn and Inrm BU. Jana
&.Oo*t Cbamiutoia Merebuu.
l*UMyju«npeuteßmiUilßld, Dealer* in Ptenr
i and Secdi; «too, Baiter, Lapi, fea. j tpUrlv
CHicKtKTT iwaiTE,
&£ C °" c,, '° a ” ti “ J U’?f‘" >
S * nAKBAUOH, Wool Merchant*, deal
* e I*JL° Flaw and Prodaee gene rally sndForvard
jgrud&nmiuwa Merelunu,, No Zi >Vood.treet,
• Grocer*' p orw*rdia*.*nd Coouainioa Merehamt
10 ffinafaetureiand Weiiem Pith
duro, tore rtmored lo their new warebosH, (old »umd)|
No 3S, comer of Front *i and Cbauerrv f jhl*'
muajbetumi artictes, Canal Uoim.nci: 7th atT j
1^ 3 .„ K d E D, N ,^ r ’ J K i “fe» Cl- M.„ C f.c,„
, rer, «nd Dealer in ind Vorieir
Q<U,oofOof ef Wood»nd Foarth «trwt» | , jj#*
T £• vSkaTTB i Co, C.aaiubn J&Suw,
fajKfr l L "»‘'tVOto«ricTpnin« *S
'PtetaS. C “ U B»«l»V«Jbntr ■»««,
ITT b wV M Kub«nMcCaubora
W ..A? 6 ®, 0 ! o®®os' 0 ®® 05 ' Wbolentlp.Cio-
PiiukliSfcxf *s*" n Prodoce i Iron, Nails,Gloss aa4
RuSbS3h, M racu * re *’ & amli y' laWJ^njr-jjtce
WFAftSSS'W*' (successor* to LA
TT J D,w>ek,)'W| M )lesale'Groeerß, Farwardinr ujd
OonmlMion Merchant*, dealers in Iran, Nails, Ola**,
Jf i lS bßrrh M*BBfceiaiea generally
corner of Wood tod Watrr sis. Phnhgryh., aebli ’
W B. JXQ&Pfif ionic* the ladies to call onU 1
”• exaaunMi his stock of French Worked Collar*,
some as low mtt cent*. . , me hl3
Xftf Oytßßi Who Icsalc G roccr, Fo rwani ing and
! „; :• i-,r? m 2L M i? n M *«h*nt, and Dealer m Prodoco.
comer of Water aud
omilhfield sly Pittsburgh, Pa. aP ig
WST*?*** WOW. Importers and
Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware, Cntlery, 6ad-
Si 2 8 »- Clair streets, Pitts
- : . bpW
DILWOHTH, Wholesale
ef'Urocm, Produce and Commission Mrrcbanu,37
w®* s «. * *pt3o
WW» WAXaIjACSoMU! stone and mill tarnish*
• .jus establishment, N 0.244 Liberty strl, near the
caaai. • roortS
W~* HrWTCHKMKBK, Wholesale GroJ
U^rta#DistHler*, and WinoandLiquor
pw, l^2a ,Wo * W 0 W' wn y * ue «» (opposite Sixth su)
ritubpryh. mayU-dly
\\ ®* B. ROBISBO9, Attorney at Law, ha*
named ha office to the Exchange Buildicri,
Sio.Jajr*tr)eet,nexUoono Aider man Job r.s.
W lh F “ c r «*
: N ® TO Market street, Pittsburgh.
W W 2? ,B 92v Deale '* n Watches, Jewelry,
* rXVmn> Goods,'-Ae, No. 57 Mar
set street. 7
\\T ' wholesale and retail dealer in
f £Z*r° r s lfn «=d Doaesue Dry Good*, north east eor
oerof Marketaod Foorth «». *^l
** v Oflparehased the
hJIa!? S . 'MdC-Bdfwnora,.corner of Penn and
sr*"! - r “«»«■
prcaerumbha earefcUy'
**fcbic3ly* a 0 Mi boor* of the night.
1 '■ BBTAK,
V«OL»at* DIAL** IST 1
; { A*114 Liixriy 5? Diamond aikv.
L,.,- fmSBBBOII, PA.; •
if*** B<UU Beta CM
- L„ )aJ f racrofTl “" 1 ™
. bCTiMir Pimoorgh. p«.
i l 'l' V wumß " *““■
»iio of FouUi«, «l>o,e SmiHUMO
! f lir " „ L-eorro B. Jona.
Vv *f°“ B SALK Grocer* and Dealers In Oils, Beat
Tj*! More*, and Pittsburgh Manufactured *niel*a,ha*e
i“* e w fttll • nd * cne «J assortmeotof
s%*£*'* ,me » Water street, near .Cherry AJtey,
TpwlffiS?I*.' 1 *.' BBT. *„ Algernon a. Belt*
Ujew»n% Building. Founi *tt«*cL tecocd •Ukt
obore weed «, f itwl/ursirPn. ■ h
JLE,* lteU ’ Co ““ li *" wa " 10 ,ake Bepo»iiion*. Ac-
orDeed*, and other la«na«:na» of wiW
liny wbo need fn Miaaocri. aria-Cm*.
TOHB H. TOWSBKftD, Urargiit U d Apoilie
u- >«“»» J*® at. Utree doers abo** Tbrrt iu,
Pitlsborgh, will ha«e constantly on band o well select
ed Mao! tmezu of the best and freshest MedieMes, whieb
be wui sen on the rant reasonable urms. Pfavsieiaiis
sending dtdera will be proapU7 attended to. and son
they «AT reiy upon as genuine. v
■ IDrPbysieians'PreseruitioßS will be aeeorately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hoar of
the day or mxhu 1
A>«o bn sale, a large stock of fresh and good Perfa
tßeTy> . j«nl
W w * Watch Maker k Jeweller,
• corner 4ih and Market st*. a Jam and welt'
selected Mock .of watches, Jewelry, fttter-ware ami
Military Always an hand and at regular eas*
tern prices, GoM Patent LeTer, fall Jewellmf watches,
B»l»erdowatehes,a»low u|ia
Oenmne Cooper, robiai. Johnson and oiber approred
make of watches may be kid at a small advance aad
ID-Fine wateh'work dene In the aery best manner '
.lJ— ; ; st>27
attorney at law,
Oflpco 3d St, Oppostto St* Charles lists!*
UJIZiI, also attend promptly toColleelions,in Wash
rjingion, Fayette aad Green Coanties, Pa 7 -
:! . Rxrxa to
> Charck*Cambers JPitubarrii.
; I D.T. Morgan . ) oelOdly
nadeweb arrangement* in bis
aiibett that lie can cjuvoie hi*
Jim. to.lhe dnilr* of ni» profe*-
1 offlee, earner of 4ili and De«a*
fkct and Ferry it*., at any Hoar
MttiiC-p.M. ir«»»y
i«IIor at Law, CINCINNATI,
,<i Soothers Ohio and ia Indiana
and carefully attended to.
< State of PeantylTaoia: for titkiar
i Jiell h. Hoa,Corti>, Church k.
Parti. aSJ
;e cotton yarn,
ttnffi Twiner Corerlet
lAIN, WARrS Ac., ftc ,
mofAibaelriee '
~1 • A. A CO.,
A GENTS hti 11 Armani’s Extensive Steam Sayar
Refinery., Alwaysonhaod,alargo«ockofLoai.
Cl “' fie d Mi Bastard Sagais, In.
*,®d Barrels. AUo, Sugsr House Moluscs.
Überal and a fsir allowance made on all sales
or,ornboTß,3oj)«i T cl I. *. tßchll
T obo. w. MftiiTn~db cST
piirrsßUßfin ihd pout, bbkwesiks.
Corndr Barkers Alley and Penn St, and foot of PittSt,
: ; , Plttsbaryii, Pa.
it r. * a* ifxtaon alsx. roinii.
. , H. P.t I.BBUOSt COT
of llamtnered Sbore.s and
Hay aml Wanerc Forks, Ac.
arqfan*fle, WO 1L Wood street. Pmshargh. tnnflg
K.. B* Bishop, YtirriHßtjf BuT[eon, ran
Nwu be found at tils Heiaet-iioeing Rstabiishmeet,
ffW;car the 8l Clair street linage, lately ocra;
- V I /l pied by Messrs. Carr k Rowland, urxdda
' ■: F. 11. KATOA,
T\EALKR In TManunja and VarietyGooO«,Tortou«
XJ 'Tbtll, Wpry and Horn comb#. Woollen Vanu and
'* " *’ ' Tape#,Braid#, 4c.,
’ Diamond and 4Uj iireeu
—.... . , s; between »enD and hbenr *
L . .
HAVE provided myself with e (twd smoke boose
XUdCUciii hinds, well ecqeeinttd With the bumeis
ttd M now prepared to smoke meat to the entire sans*
betttdef those who may «fetoe a ea'i. Chtreesks
low hsVny house iotbeeiiy.’ FBAB. fcELLEtfa
, WBl7hh»iy.t
iajuit receiving ttpwsrda.oT 1100
JL*xle*of NcwYortSed Leather,of cboicettauoiiw.
togeibet with a general atwruaent of Leather in bit
lias ot p>a>lneu, carrier** tool*, oil.ctei AH of which
m wiltpetl ea the meet reaso&abte term*. UlO9 Liber*
ty, atreet, (oppotile oth «l)
P'JTEM'R'!;; N/I'IUATION and fire insu-
CONfpANy.—Aa Election 4>r nine EUrcc*
Mu» Carpontion, to serve fin ike eaialnr year,
R*? ?*■ °® e# tt® Coop ear, on Monday,
if ***» between lie boon of 10
' • Secretary.
book optSe season.—
©rear American Dictionaryortbe
BUtufcUapip, CKMioaip. contain tnx all that Ue
revised ■ by Chauneey A.
Ooodrica, Prof Yal* CoUjt... Tbs now complete edi*
uoa ever paMUbed; om vol crown qnarto. pnce
•MO. tWaaJeby , /LBEaD,
-A.;4<n|l| j*v» .i- 4ib near market a( •
FORWARDING & commission.
J KenaiUoSank.
No. 50 South Wharf ev and No 117*ouib Water si
h<3 to inform the trade amt dealer* generally of
PjtUbnrgb, that Lheyha»e madosueh arrangement*
with the Virginia manufacturer* and tbe Grower* of
the Wett,! Wen Indie*, and other place* a» will insure
VVgoaml con*um supply of the following dncrip
uon* of Tobacco which will be sold upon a* accom
modating term* a*any other borne in On* city or else
where, and all good* ordered irota them will be war
ranted eqdal to representation: —
' Havana! St Dooungo; 'Conn., J
Vara; j Porto Rico; SeedLeaf Tr
Cuba; '] Iguini; and Florida,) baceo;
.ALSO—Branch’* celebrated Aromatic Stag Cavr
ih,a largo a**or»— •-» of other **■
Jul), with a assortment of other popular brand*,
and osali iet of pounds, 5g Es IS* IC* oral this Lamp,
ds Os es and 10s Ping; Ladle*' Twist; Virginia Twin!
&c, sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood
and do, together with every vtfsiety or article belong,
tng to the trade.. _ ! jelfrdly
J. 8. DtCKKY,
.€ast\ Bearer Point and Bridgewat& t
J ;• aiATxa coostt, rx^
and Agent of ateamers i
p* ll * , 4 Tgg » B 'lTtsocboh xxn dsatu,
. IA/*r" h= prepared on earliest openlngof canal nav
vf tratutn,to receive property at his wharfboator
in Wareboutevfor all points 'on Erie Extension, Cross
and Objo Canals; for all portion Lake Erie and
apper Lakes,as also to tor-ward produce, Penn's.
Apply to or addreu
_1e1)94-dtf I . JAB DICKEY,
J.,. , \v. C. IVjl«ui.
.forwarding? 1
A* l , Comml.ilon Mcrcßtatf.
T, A RTIPiil fJ-AWBK.HUra:, 1... V ‘
r r . .1,11, paid to- consignments of
id iUtaknpi*! E “*' neih ur oUlc * articles for Opelousas
Ur -
IsvjlLc I *”' Mr. Z. M. Shcricy; Lou
* * Speer. Mr. Wra.* O’Leary. Robert
n ightman, Armstrong A Nicholson; Pittsburgh.
Mesjr*. fUvan, Todd A Co.; Cincmnnti.
»■ ~i nc * A Craighead, Messrs. Edwards A
«OlenJl, Jldru Zcnou Labauve, lion. John Dotton;
Plennamtne.jLa. eclS-ly • .
T IBEitALensJi advance* made on receipt of eBn-
Ai •ifnaeut*.. TJ«»e shippingtoour addresavrill be
paid value in uavaace in apnlr :
mg » oar fnehds. ; •
Alcaara. \Valiineford &Taylor, Pmrimwh.
• S*? 41 • Bndgepon,.t>hio.
tnayJT-if ■
u. All Ufodace consigned to a* is inntrtrf vrten
In lie wureliokiM of WalUngforU 4 Tajtor^Pitubu^h,
OTinogf iiart
MO. 133
n both dots*
couDcmc to c 4
to furnt*h thrit
term* tbaii <us
<dlrry Hardwl
thereby advat)
Call,fro.and j
t'KteH 1M
AGE now in!
lo iheir ci
.I*7, 4tcj
«o*i aiirapUf
ihc MftiißAeial
(tr ,oodsontei
few Parvh&J
fer 28 I
i okoaoß coonHAx,
*° lr * n a*cta general Comtniuion
BonietsJejpeeulJy ia tbe parehaae and sale
of Aneneao Maoulaeu-fea and Produce, and in
receiving kod [forwarding Coeds consigned to lna
care- or the will be
t ttljfclied with the principal articles of
rUtsourga [Manufacture at the lowest wholesale
and cornignmeaU are rrsjiecllullj
Baltimore t*rodac« Conaluioi Ilona*.
JJ'DWaRD CLAYTON', late 8 da; ton 4 iioni iCj
£i Lombard aoeei, tYfcoleaaie Dealer io. Ifouci, and
Commnaroa Merchant Having foribn »e*i,lo year*
lUe aulc of Dutirr,
wnl now, receiTC Cutler,' and other prodace for
.wlaon eorami»*cn. and fi«i>rr» Lint«elf that irona bm
experience and anmerotu' iluppuig cnitooer* be tnii
wall who may eonaiau pro-’
dace 10 bus. Rltztto— . . ■*
Aleur*. F. vY! Urane 4 Son,
** 'Vra Miatt 4 Beo.
44 Wiininyton A P-»«-p7ln.
. ** T \\l4 0 Hopkini,
And the «<rtb*itt» generally.
R Horace LcreT c. V. RCnataa'^
_ waßwms merchants.
So. 0 Spejar'a Wharf, BalUmoro.
1. D. IUMII, |
L*W n{ PllUbyrj
AV 8 Front «re
He'er w Mere li
A>. 28 mil Heteta
Knttfo-D M
Ca»J<ler, J Lcodfirn
lutTA Knrey. \Y &1
HtuivtHg, Feneari
AJrtin-4u,l door Boe
. Him ro—M AIW
U P Conway. j, j.; t ouj
B, P. toHWiT * CO*
TJORTSIUJUrM,Ohio, Coni>uii»ioaabd Forwardiar
„ Werehnnu, tod Produce Ueiltra—alto attend to ttie
rtixcbaae, 4*i« and tjcupmenof l*ijf Irou,Coa!,fce.
Atwood, /onet fc (
lxrcat,MeiiiDff t
Lindsey k <
Lyau.Shorb k Co
marlOdly |
(Late of the Cl
Wbolaaale Groi
r\KAIJCain alt]
A/.per, Tin, Tia P
Hosia Sheet Juki, I
Dyo Stuff-*, Cotton i
Manufacture* genera
itrceti, Pittsburgh, Pa
(0?* Liberal auyaaci
«i£wuenU of Product
\ ± 4»D t
alexandEii LEVY & BIIOS.
• pFftJl loseU'ai dither ciabliunmenl, all kinds of
Merchandise at lbs Jowesl.rales of I’oreiaiMion* and
arr.aJwayspwpiiedlo makn advances. The he*t of
reference* #i»eu, if tetjuired. Letters addressed 10
- •edto, jyjadly
r. 11. CAMrSKLL. "
lUueed Oil,
’ Portoart
Attend* p'
ir tale by
-Ttehighert price tocaih
llm, cja vai*, I'do ropc,
i ngt, rotion wutr, Ac,
J.’ . •- .-.. c _q«a«nU»l<
ARBnnUr prepared to]
and W'ft Hf'ancti. nig fj
■' _ Li ,L •* lt »*bnrah, P».
sod Porto fbe* wrapp
ealabr , i
dcIO ■ j
Jan rcc cited and for rale
dels ' • .' - I
Fit. liATONbuJofti
J<t,cbernr.«fld Giber
| fta for bonoeyt pod drttt
in Wtjlaileljihtul'"fc.'u. ‘JT’Co.
Ipleaiibrd my*.(oclrfrom ihe ben wtrcfi 1
tßic and lorrirn I lelc* plea»*re in an
Summer* and dealer* tbai 1 am prepare)
b waft all goods in lay line on SL.H [>eKrr
bcollccmittidca]ing‘ , eldu«ively"ln Sac
bw and Carriage Trimramgi, I obtain
htge* dial enable me to defy cotapeiior..
[uiige for vonrx-Urt. »pj?
Ko* 13 Wood Street,
jlte large aidiuon*
jrtensiro stock of Hardware, Cullen*,
Mv&ieh ha vie if bwn parchucd on the
troB« itnoaia England, and direel from
fer» m ibis country, enables them lo of
has surpassed by none and eqoaHH by 1
are respectfully tamed lo tail.
k Co, }Ti«tab«nsb.
cbo, &*ander* A Co,)
KAaiuUul, ]£aliinu>r?.
lUcnluw, :) <!AwlyP
. w. isomos,
yh.Pa. I.ate of Nuhville.Ttna.
rrioN. roKrt AKUiMi and.
tow Bnadic*i, Cincinnati, OW
i. ggnrm'ly. In Pimborth >pr.»n •
TER - * CQ. t
rjwCß AMO OftAtX
if i s rtwuucK ujinkra u.V,
&d-4t,UUp Mtuku, Baltimore.
Pf‘*T K*<J, Caihwr. T Cio««, Ksa ,
*r* ‘** 4eri Hoo*henf?iiimjf«
; p »> ytcan, tfiiugfaff k Devries
.jro SOOHM** & *!**«,)
Commuiiffn JJmkant, *nd
•j Cetlen linker.
>dtb of Planter*’ Oink, BenphUi
len it Co,.KiQ|, Pecnock A Co.
J Mm
io Tirown, Dailey k Co
jCe Henry Greff
Jo D Leech A. Co
Clarke A, Thaw
dflraie ; dfiiu**
isr f. PKHiiY.-
(in of Malcolm Leech & Go)
f«r, Commlalon A. Floor
[kintf* of Country Produce, Cop
ole*, Tiorere'Tool*, Zinc, Lead,
jlroQ end Nail*, White Lead,
yarn*, f*alt,-Ac, and Pittaiiorrh
Illy, comer of Liberty and Irwin
camCaih or Goode, made on con
,dtc. my 3
rotcmvillc, Pa.,
•Ungof I’rodocr, Ac.
oe U 8 •
' Kllinj of Pro-
itubargh, P«,
' D Cullieruon.
*> 00.
: BT.
consignment to
I MTj Sixth it
>D(SKAIN and produce
a nerehtiiu,
TecejTe and forward all kind*
Iwuluixoti ihe Juniata. Norik
J<«w»tgrPanal«. ' J P Jhf
G'——f A*. . n«
■cldiiiou 10 ray Uf<r Mock of Gold and silver pat
ent Lever Waicben.-utiatilc for Ladies And Gentlemen
—of tlir laie*Ciuid tmndwmest pattern* and ni ibe best
roonofactore—warranted and iot tale at very low pri
ce*. ........ ,Je>° __ 'V W WILSON .
CAOK3 and Foinit of varioqVsiieCconYuni
JJly on bond, and for sole at redoeedrpritet, tube
- FitUbargh Deed Store, No 13| Wood street, comer ot
Alfa«rett. Je7 8N WIGKEESHA.M
bale* Cuba."rf»T*ooa
t a«d filler IcafTobahttn for
' water«
ICE CREAM; FREKZEHfi -Just rec’d, a lin assort*
meat of Johnson's excellent Patent Ice Cream Free*
2er*i Miuble for Uoleli ttieuaboats and private faint*
lie*, at JOHN DUNLAP
■ «v 7 Nonmarket U
STORAGE— The aubseriberlmving leaved the large
wareboose occupied liy Dr. C. U.llq*<c.j,No. OCoti *
merctal Row. are now prepared to store on favorable
term*. CooJs stored with thnn are constantly covered
by.laturancc. J JORDAN ft SON
oct*3 18 Utarty appoaita Itaad of amitMold
< qoor Ammonia, con’d;
Zranvtlle L‘ ton;
tiijr . • /..
seeived ancwnmljrof semrS
kt|h colored tewing tlllr Fna
p**- de»
A LARUKatid (plendid jpp » r » ...
assortment of Furniture, iiKj3‘£32£23®?
soluble for Steuratioat*, fiS£ss£Ss±
lujli.oonstamlyon hand and made.oo-der
ritepretciu .lock on band cannot be excelled bV nnv
majißfactory in the western country. I'e~m- w
to purchase would do well he Rl *-7* mo ucall i l
SSS , ”,;- my pr '"‘ ■**""K* “i“ !JS
! a SS’ r “i w j' h Pln, . h °" d »*ir-<-loUi cover.:
Jdoz Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 1
14 pair Divans; ' 1
l*J dot fine mahogany Chun;
19 mahogany Work Stands;
3 dot mabognny Rocking Chain; ’,
15 marble top Dressing Uureios;
8 mirble top Work Stands:
IS cherry Work Stands; ’
MahugaiJyvAiapte, Cherry lord Poplar ited.teadi of
and a large asronruent of Conimon
rurniiiirc andChun,toonumcrousto mention
morni i .
H Cor ”®'® f Wood and 3d iti, Plu*bar C h,
AVJNG wilUdfawn from die old Grin of WalUri!
Woodwell, on the Ist of January, l&l*. I tnke
pleasure in announcing to toy friend* in the city and
country, that 1 have openeiHny new note ut the above
named place. Having purchased my good* forea*h,
ana made arrangements with mauufhcturera in thi*
country and rn Europe toh c constantly supplied, 1 am
fatty prepared to furnish Hardware or nil kind*, on an
«ood term* and a* low 01 any hoa*e Kvt or \V c m.—
Wcrcßojusmid other* aro respectfully incited to cal
5f. an H nc rc y »tock, before purchasing elsewhere,
rhe following eompn*e* a naitof my slock.
Steamboat and Saddlerr Hardware. Gun Trimnimgs,
File*, Naylor’* bteel. Cutlery. Ed ca Tools. Anvil*, Vi-
La ‘ chcJ i B'ckles; Softies, Butf Hinge*,
Sctbw*, Union bactory l*laneii£awa hlahoganv board*
and vpneers, and all other article* connected with tlie
I—' WchU.t
p attest PttKSB BtucSTSAcmsii
* *» ® »ttb«er»ber* having obtained a palent, May 10
| l b^m h « r Mv^. rei !*i ,r ‘ ck i f^ a *“ me ’ * nd liavin K ■ince'wen
viSk?« *"/ u * ab . l ~y ’ * fe now prepared to »clt
• r J* h “ "? d /2 mrac t »o .tJebver machine* to any part of
lul v y ted Bt*tM. The machine i* designed to make
Urtek from erode clay, and will make 30.000 good
fcmoot firm brick perday. sqficiently hard to stack cn
tn the kiln; lhas avoiduigtbf expense and labor ofpre
paiui-ahe clay,drying and bnndling the brick after
aonlded. It« simple, strong, not lial.leto get out
oatof repair, and t*con*inicicd that ,t can be taken to
• f,ll! T *S » p > Bl u 7C a * er wiUl facility,thus render
ing it ,-orublc. We are now building machine*, and
ran furnish them on abort notice. Fora full description
we w- jid refer to a machine now m successful onera
liont it Mill ererk bottom, near the West end of Kiebih
ureel, where wc shall be happy io explain everything
connected with It to all who mhy call. wV hire «
prerem no authorized Agen u All letters to our address
wiu be promptly attended to
open on Monday, Apn. sih. four doors from W«dn ,
and next door’to A Jayne’s Pekin Tea Store 1
A splendid assortment ot Fancy Coke, Confectionary
PoonJCakr; Lrioon Ilitcsit;
f“ l n?. ’ * v pone" do;' PpppVr'.Nui,;
i* n >' Cake; Almond do, .Mola.**« P. Onkr
•juiSer >ut*; \N ofcr Jmnble»;Spon B -Uiacnii:
' Federal Cake; A. I*’«j £ *
, OrdPr. for Ice Cream. Jelly, Unde*’ Cake, Fancy
Coafeeiwaary, Ac cirruted ia a U ne*
ed in <i«i!i.y ud U-uiy b> any other cuabL-a
mem mU:i« city.
Ru * k ’ Ac > mannftcUred rolriy
from N bite \\ heat Floar, and free from all dim:* ever
tton,in* > - *p3 ANWKvVa '
SES-M . « Dexvr.of linr.on. h*« arranged BKl «
minted a pJanfort.rnt.nff hou*c«, !.a< iXea auc
wufnnr r*ed in Ho«tna. Sew York. Ac , and
applied, ha* receded the decided preference over
S*o*«, Furnace*. Ac. It* advantage* ore—
I*L Great regularity of Terti;.er»torc.
*nd. Frecdora/rom Smoke.
3rd. No onpfoaiant Dryne**-
4Ui. EanJy amended to, and not liable to ret not M
order. •
Sih- Great Durability. -
A Model and Specification may be wen. and Hr an
parata* obtained at the ><Wer and Tinware factory It
W.M. |i SCAIFE. fir»t rtrrct,
__roy*stf Let- Vkund and Murkti »'.»
Hardware, Cntl*r>, Saildlorr; '+e. "
_ s Jonar ;
lPt.£?r^Zf ER DEALER in Foreign and Dome**
A tie Hardware, ttobW rrapccu.iJ|y uuoin tuatrureda
• afld Uif. pet ic generally, that he i» now »•:.
iY*? 2f Unaware, at the ©ldunrsdr.f iVatfcea
A AVoodweif. No S» Wood w*U *•*£,*
.or onihi* Dioiireaao.ial.le trm<.
11 _ i - . i
newnibrcominuaJly freali .aj.p|iead„.n
•om jhr Maauiactnrcr* in Kon-pr „,,j
rh.rli wi.l eua-tr r.iia h»< .'iapc;e ji.j- C »v*l-J *:>■
lent, either ban or «*t.
n.ff lock before ppretia«-i'ff e.Urnihrrc "" mnrl
w.-r. Copartuenhlp,
Miheitbß«i.d. Jhit** entrir.) i, (! * Copartner
_” T ytup to r He paipoar of imparting a Frodace
t-eamiaaionand Forw i rd,o»tm» i ..«.,, o.nier Ui«
Ottirpt, Mcoitcw & co., '
and have taker. Ihe warrbouae. No 6 Com m ere fa f Row
liberty ttrrct. formerly occupied Uy -.Mr W ||
Where afl Ui.,iw». ammtird to oar charge wili U
prainplfy and Ifcithtellv attended to.
•riVAP* S °RL’M, formerly of Philadelphia
rmm 11 MrtißklV, •• SmithfieJd Ohio
• P'tWmrgb. March ttt, IH7. mzh-&
f‘)fl it" l«nkl..
a »f ** Manufacturer and dealer in >'jor*« Ctfmt.r
an£ Variety Good*. krre. cmi-tanny fmUmt. u < b *
own menu,acftjfe, ever, dcacr.proa <n G-'t. Maboranv
and Lommrtn liking (..•»•«», i.g i 4. and j ihawer
fo i! ornamrjial port.a.t irainn
AH ktr.d« of Clock*. Tray*, and \> mw#, m *eii« or
ware*; tiMnlis.Threada, and a general aiannmem ot
„ 7fT woodt. wholeialft, *j n naall aiiraore on en*i.
•it? >aJ p, ber» »upplird with Tneip'. Chart*. Cor
*" d 10 l< f«t»e»at New York price*.
No.utewl <i|, .|<
BanoaaalMU Livery Stable.
opened the tarjr
£TOV M First running i.SrnuEhFWjigSiSfr*
■“**■■* to rir.comJsj .between
and SiO’tafield streets, la the rear ■ f the M«.
I loser, with an entire new «*oek rH lliir»c«, and r a rr
■S'* ef the t ctujaaiilY and lat««t style*. iii.i.r* sem
at livery In il'r l.r.ijuan,). *. jyWly*
f?“?■•"■*»i*«rrchrmfeii;n?iip‘; ~
UR ml kiuds of eruption* and <ti*ro«4-» of p P skin
aucha* Pimple.Uloirhcs.Soli Rheum Jvurvy tlr*-'
Kpatt. ckappnt or eraekid Skin, and U.t all other d« r a‘
*e« of tint ttkm. which require ctictiml rcme-hc.. ihx.
snapstand* uitpa'aded. It also dispels IVerkVs. Son
bunt. Moiphcw, Tan, and cl>in<;e« color of data,
yellow, or disfigured skiu,to a fine, hralitiy you i.iui
dearness. A fresh supply, warranted grimme. and (. i
rate at the reduced price of 37| per eake, lM.iu.H- en
received, tv offered tor sale by Hik PAHftKririk'K A.
Co.eornrr !»t and wood arid ai-o at the corner o' sixth
and wood at*. ,
Shaving and Hair Dreulag tjalonn.'
TILACKBON A FOUNTAIN. Tonxniai Pnf t >tan, bars
JJ repainted and fittfcdtm their «harioe, lUirDre«,W and
Shaapoooit* Saloon in the modem style, aad art prepaid i 0
wait on {tnUtmen alooee, with raw, comfort and politmer*
Tkevart oremred to wattoa al! I}»| may col, wiuU* delay
Thankful foe past favors, as anlieil a euolinuacre »f Hit
same, alpur Saloon, corner of Uni.* street and the Diamond
(hack of AUaandtr» Day's Dry OwmJ* fSiore.) ,'j
Original ’'Uolivar lirtcai>
EXPERIENCED Judges,on a trial of oncnml n Lair
mi'liont.imce ISIS, proflWe tins att.elr uu«ur
pasted for durability m the ronslmcnnn of oil kinds of
t-amarea.. Price 8£1,?3 cash for boot loads of Tn M
guaranteed nine months «v. Order, for n second quality
Bolivar Drtckn will ho cxeeulrd at *3O per ,M ti\o de*
sued, without guarantee. A stock of the first <m*liiv i*
»» r? /f , * l nC »nd for sale at ibe warehouse, "Sloan's
Wharf,’ ’ uannlTlasui, by
spiutf _ Kensington Iron Works
CAUTION TiTfrliE PUBLIC—Thr .uturri
her, by written contract with Dm p FII > Tju Co ,
baatlieexHuvivo nghuoacll their Teas in Pit M.ur-n
and-Allegheny ettira. Any p*r*on attcirprir.i; to sell
ihnr Teas, exciji. procured through me. is practis.itg n
deception xnd a fraud npott the public-ant! their ela-o
menls are not in be relied on
«Pl*l ; N A IAVNKS.7-J Fourth street
Just received from the Hast, llrrvey’.s «i r aw enter
Ritielaii’* C> lindical cutter, a very superior artielr. ami
the O liqur? eutter. nil of which are of o very superior,
quolny; for *ule at the l , iti'l>un;!i Seed and Imi-Icui^iit
warehouse, corner of Wood uad diii s;s
' DRUtiS, DRUGS. ~
TOEL MOHLEK, Dniggisi and Apoihecary, N, W,
«J corner of Wood and fitbsu, Pittsburgh, wdi kr.-p
eoniuntly on hand, Drugs. Paints, Oils, .Dye.stuir*.
ftn. ‘
N. D — Pbyweiiui’* prricrijitions carefully romoem,.!-'
cn from the brut material*, at any hour of the »tny or
night. Alan, an niwrtiiicm of Perfumery;'fine Tooth,
llatr, and Cloth IJni»he», &e. Ac , which be will »c(l
low for ca*h. may j
T\lSSOhl»Tlbtf~Tfie co-jmnncr»hij> h'rreir&re
between the «ob*cril>en. unerr tlicmlr
J V V> 1 1 1 mm* ACh. i* (hit rfoy dnwrivrd by mutual
coment The buiineca will he continued by J D Wi|-
liami,who u duly authorized to keltic the iceount* of
the late firm. J d WIU.MMS,
TUGS Ml Ll. Kit
Pi(Ul*otfth,'Sept UIPS7.
CUTLKRY— A-choloi selection of Gutlery, v.i;
I Pitting and Jindding Knivm. of-varum* pattern*;
tollable for nurserymen ami pariirner*; ni*o,n lots*
tMortmcnt of pen and pocket knives, a «uper;or srrrjc.
just received and for role low at ibe PiuOmigh Seed
and Agricultural Warehou*t, No 1,11 Wind n. corner
o< Clh. oetffl S N WICKKRMIAM
AT CINCINNATI—I am nuihorired liy ■ e Governor
of Pennsylvania to lake nrl nmeltdpnnv.x of nil in
strument* of writing, nl*o aJfiHitrita omf dn-oulions of
person* in Ohio, u> be u»cd or recorded in i'eiin*yiVa'
nln. Office, ‘J dber* FU*t of Uie Mayor's Oifire, Cin
cinnati, Ohio. EDWARD I* CRANcif
_m>“Ji>dAwly*F Attorney aiLawr
1/m nan DUS IWUNTHV MIXKD 11AG8 warned,
lUujUUv for which Ibe highest price in CASH will be
Alway* on hrnd, every description of Writing jtml
Wrapping Paper and Chloride l.itne.
Corner Penn and Irwin mu. t'ntJmrgh
•gx VININU RONES. Monthly Ho,c uii.i liver
preen-. Ac , auitnhlc for planting in Omeiry'*
con **e furniaheu on application antic *ced more,
from Nurieneaof Jn*. SVardrop, Monchrater.
a n wickkrkiiam
Wo 13*2. cor wood nntl flth |f
T 1 ! 11 Insulation, under the eare of lt ev j
X l.mimax AMD Lavu in which til the M i. J Bn j
i*‘imwoii ,r Y nC^* ° r * fin, * llc ‘ s wlueaiion arc "augb!
is imw open lor the reception of pupils at ®
°*» *"*«»* Uow, Liberty Street.
*£*“ pen3J HMdtihnreen. The will
“S*,® 1 Monday the tfhh ofTugusT, and hi"
‘XZ n , „ b . a r “ Uy who de *i|m entering should
•Fh"??**' fara * practicable by that time. •
IJUIT ai CUr ’‘ !l / i be **™«es of Professor RllO
wboisi^w.nL Cr ' of R{afie ? n Pi »no and Guitar,
neterji ru, . wn 10 need recommendation. A coo>-
Prof C s^, h^,rL,, **e employed.
I of Vocal »lys| l l AAl httTc char sepfih« Department
Dro'°rune , i? l !.^f Kl .r'" h *”<Utcclloo of Ibe Anl.iio
't‘ u s‘r» '•■ (Ir&wiiK, tkeleli*
s r , * lh in oil «ad Wkirr color.. I'rof.
c ? , ' r><:l '‘ nt teucher, amt has recommendations i
Las'Vllo i* 1 5 ,c “ in h ‘ uri, P e ,n «J Ae Uniled States il fl
eounto\ k * lench, ' ri, ‘ ,bc fir, ‘ insulations of the
* n -liP? K .* a B - lt f
YOUNG lABleFSknuiAiil.
•t iho ' UA, ' f ’ ,ull °Pf n for Uie wwption of Popili
C of , 8 “ , ! 1 ®*I‘jr*nd 1 ‘jr*nd Strawberry «t«,
l2ih^ C •^ CCOI V‘ll commence on Monday,Sepi
“ “'S' will fill 11 to Heir iotereei
lotlo »oas ntariljr opening of the teuton m nomiiiV
fce*ionPUlHl * W,ii bB recci ” d al daring tie
(n r T r , in.?«7','l el . of com P': l ' n ‘ Teacher* will Uq «eurcd
4. “L r . P a » ,cuUr * re , la,i r c 11,0 «°or*e of infraction.
VALIFAB , J E BOOKS—PubJiihed br'j A
iTrk V,, n, . ca ' VValnut between fourth
and b iiib, Ciacinaati.
*»*.“?£* history of the decline end
fa'l of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon,
*>*q. A new Editioa, remedied corrected through
out.preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
noiw critical and butorical, rehung principally to
tho W'-papation of Christianity: by M. F. Gniioi,
Minister of Publie Instruction for the kingdom ol
trance. The preface, notes and corrections, traos.
iated* f rom the French expressly for this edition
With a notice ol Ihc-Lifc end character of Gibbon
tepljrUi '" , ° n - ,n2,o ‘*' "” p:
e " a ii?p; B cv"‘““ 1 ’ * «*• “p-
Ampmei Rcbtllioo in
Scotland, Robertson s Virginia and New England ‘
Kureell » b read, and tlngli«6 War in America, am/
Itarasay • American Revolntionf*! sol 4to:
L.hruryol American History— Containing selec
hShs Irom the best authors 'on American History.
Biography, Travels, Conureree, Statistics, Indians
Revolutionary BitUr*. &c. & C; *e. Also,
dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. Illustra
1 ?o, '‘ n p^°
Universal Pictorial Library^—Containing valuable
papers on various subjects, comprising Natural
History, Natural Srienrcs. Agriculture, Rural Econ
omy, Biography. Fine Aru, the OnenUls, Travels
Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous reading dtc!
&r. I vo| imp 3s« CIO pp, fall sheeps
The family Medical Library—A Treatise on the
Prevention and Cure ol D.seascs, by regimen and
simple medicines. New edition,reused and enlar
ged, with the addition ol j Vegetable .’Materia Med* i
tea, pointing «>nt the virtwes. preparations an J di-oci
our omit valuable native medical plants, and an I
outline ol Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated ,
*vuh one hundred Engravings, m«i of which-are I
colored. Ry J C Norwood, M D—CG 4 pages Svo. ,
American Honor Carden t ‘ompantoo—Adapted. I
to the l mted suit.; by toward Sayers. Landscape ,
and Oruamcutal Gardener. IS mo, third edition
revi«cd, enlarged and illustrated. T ,
■Palmer’s Oregon* Rocky Mo.iuL.ims, Ac. &e.
family J’estatiest. ocUto. with and without
t otfglot notes, and Psalm* m metre.
Rice and Pingree’s Debate. Rum’s Work* Lady
oftheLake.. Lalhßookh. .More’s Pmaie Devo-
Rooks. Cheap editions of vanntu
worts in pamphlet form. ' mch£l
ialnablFstandanl WorkiT
niu.vpE’s eacactoßEou-A o—», ,r
1 , vocfjbwrsiurv and art. cvßpriueg the, 4««mptaoa
; m ,S e £’ Mt J U F l '*'?** .»r tarry breach of buftui
.ftitH Oir <t«n>*lna> md dff.a.Uoo of »1J it* (rum in rvomi
•wr.'d.MtytV T!Wadc,rte.»,>t Ulu,««»“/bT B *
nrrmtrosniwpoft wwkL . \ 1
Mwh 1 . North .Wkm dtk».Wtaittiftf (Kftol fallroca
»r»d inap* «f .Nonb Ao»cnem,CiO*il* fcert. Cassis /»«*,
_ '• V ”* U I N«w Or«a.»ics, Nwthvra T*raa,,\r» M*i
v' 1 ’ >f " Trsa*, California. Mrtke,
C * ,o<3tt I**"*' l * ssd all Ibr Kuwt ao4 T«rri.i>
furiLaw—TV Littery of Ito IWiUw fro® tix
refi.fwaVo U,, u Uit uf »I*t, cwnprko* au
wean* of ih*,r pn»*|jri«, Ac, Ac, Lj iWt Jfral, if A,
,■• ••• « ,!<■«,*«.,lit o«nr*| Mo],,
by J.4. n U ttwalM, M D.wMhmiU fortr&iUoo a.
Tb* o» of Ibt tSf in rtl«»»en «t> the Mi»4, by (Itrm
Mwcrr, M D, Mtrttur ih. roy.l of
. U'brK.. ;
uu?iti?^r h c[ t h v —■ • w
IVeU,uf.t».» Pm, being (£-r(iag umtKl of »h'pwrrek«.
JutrciU 9|«*k»r, rcmprmcj
.l«jw»Ur7 .n-, wdft Iwuilen, J.iU..
'f. of ***7 fap P^-'*cr,hyFr»acbT«tn*Uiria
tkruiwj urniiMt,* I
Tk« Jitur* notk* ted £»* nl< by
Book** 11* r», er,r maiiii tad 3rd »
! * u #
Mkimcai. hookk
l*-r.r:m*‘. U».»*!. |lr»::bi
I !•«>•’« AlrU.c.-,,,;
I Horn«*f'» AK^aitny.
lUc*'cnH ni
hV rracutii,
WawiW <to.
(j»K '
I'!irr».e **rt iVmftlr*;
R:ifti-lin,vin'. rrwence trt PanuauoM,
Mob 1 , on j»w tftotuarb,
« on nr' C.'h-irfrro,
lln.,H'.i c,. Ui;;irnaiy.
C > n»!f jiji Krrer«,
»•<-* tit^peiiniory—new r«!;ron.
Ihr r.„„. w.:l, «<-., c raltt«..nn.. n ...jCi^cpa! :
.UiWfl.lmectO ll[iuk»Jllll T'-eCiVlliJ -B J i„, I i»
, J Ll.lyiTA KNt.LIS!!
_ M mnikr: a H'-iween -tt<l n n d -JiJ,
j .-rf*-. I‘IAJVOS.
iplcmld Poke
If® Hi w, * > ’ »•* » half oeiatr p la0 o FOuc
■«'« i*'«,t|oeu«.
o AM-., fc Jfuaewocd, <1 octave, made
<i t»«ie 41 n, > ork
Oiicditw uinhocni.y fi| oemre.
Npw I v ' ~k— <’“« e'ccaot Piano, «Ii oc
tarct, bu been u.ctl abom one year; price S;“UL
itcuau nisos. '
A ” ,»«ccnd bam* Piano, made. by Lodi) i
t I'rothrrm. in Kao.) order . « lf<)
**'£ ■oruiid hand I'iano * 'S'Cti
. «r,»aieby JGIIN II MFLIXF*
nvu 1. M imnil <u ret
MOltfc. ffadW UOOKS.-ilarj.rrt Urai;*»
n< w aoirt by.(, p a iaa»«; Pr c* 6 (tala. , ‘
Triumph „f
Uir:»luplirr Tailnitt, by Albert Swi.tb.
t-omnmodrr of Maita;ii|i:.tra'rd.
Cuulilnt of Morion, by F Soul e, Evj. ‘V
eo; by Ocu. S. liftird; fre*h wpyl,. ?'
for October. New iTlii e, ju.i nJ&fd
•r-nl WA|.«.CAU)W.ELL,2'
•* _ third u, nppoiitr lent ofiCi
H POucioATioaii -
Ej, luk U . licon .
» ,Naujraj l liilompiiy.
tiarklry'n (•roraeiry.
Jum n-e'd ami fm mle by
_M?W>.V*UJ* BKISOV. M m.rl,r,
I^^| W .- ISU COOK?*—Umory of Ilic (ircek itrv
.fi”, 1 ' “"I 1 nr , lte •»« ■’»mp4«irt lirnmir
fre >n.henru**ie«of ihc (irrek Pairiou ui Kmartrina.
tniß u-ir coumry Iram tiir i utkisli Yoke—in i v -o Jm.'
vj**l copy wlih numcrDua .map! and er.irp/
’ of U,c 10,8,1 of "’’ltiam 111. from
• Hill to I /lb—with fine porumi., in y vnl*
Oomjiauiou l<> the Mudv ot the Holy rvnpiurta
y.iVi-Y''' Mnv,: ' rn >' ll * n!;,i R toinariee, viu b 50 cn,-ra
tour jo the Holy Land, French Hinge. ami Skciehei
mUti.ia. JioirrcMamt ittr'aleby
__ ~ ‘ 1 1-0 nurkrimifrt
~ ™'w -Slock of Pfnhoe.
nilN n MKLMrti. rl Wwl « „ recline
nnexeelkni awtfrtmem of Boston uoj N ow \ otk
riano/.«ri.ved!i,MU> mnf o ,.ci, .or ttlo.
n p!: " ir,, i ft* ocla«r», •
i ,B ‘, Howi wood, iixoctncrc ' yoo
* WTO U “ ,J ~,al,oKan> ' Pmno t>z “>'J » balfoc
», |l„ fHctury of 330
iimml Mr Inm at lua Louceru. , , fiD( ,
One m-h« S any rocond hand Piano, made by Slo.
dart. Worccte,* Om.hdin. N«w;York 2-n
A mribcr .upply w»J| l>c received during thi. week.
TT kiW? 4*««iiTpian6o..
H p.ah. iS ba ? )u \\ Nmved the lbllowin s new
troTgli! m tbo'caii ■*' 1,1 { * d ,oMfcr U 1 " 1 can
Cl-S ’ll?™ ork hWad * brNunn * &
S^rr:, n ).,Vs;^?3 , : power ftna ,wccwics *
Piano, made by Chickerinc
Jlc»jde«, a nunibt-r of oihVtaof nil prices nnd atvle*
Uo»toB nndjiewr VorkPianoi. ’
Jl. .Mfcl/LOK, No kl Wood si,
& !2,V;??:',L W “ lKW,n ' b, G,ic
l-MB,«i!l If l»". Mop*, nn'd ccvcli
‘"*S‘®Vl| , “ n *° r . u -««loCroondi. 4e. Oocvol
m infi av °' fl,c lmndrcd and ainy-ioor pagei.
Mhpa da loa Kaiailov Uni*
luT> W-* dc . , ejlc ?‘, a JB u n WorrtmiMdo y delinido por
<,p, , c « J "gre«» Se dicha Kep’ulilica: y
eonttuido por la* tnejore* nuiori-Jade*. 1
A fewcop.ekrceeived; ferrate by
IF . x STOCKTON, Dookwlletß
*>‘ l , cor market A dd »U .
*»dS“SAS! u.;r," 10 M *" k, ° 7l “ d “™«-
"'™ d '^srß l, AsVi?sijY e ' d '
/inicKKniKG'g rMNOs-a v f the
O cekbfsledPwnof.iaatfeeWi'torwlaby'. ‘
»n{ JouwitMiiiJiottuwood.t
MAILMAN, A Co., having completed
Lf their New works, are now prepared to manofac
taie every deferipticn of Coaek and Kliptio springs'
•a o * l American Blister, spring and plough Steel,
and allsltes or small square and reand Iron, whiefi
they offer for sale on liberal terms, at their IFartA*us«
No. 412 Wood street;: where they also keep on band a
complete and handsome assortment of: Coach utm*
roiitgs, Carriage hardware, mallcahle castings. Nails
and Iron,
C. H. A Co,hare made anangements witbMessra
Day A Crotu. manufacturer* 0/ oUiovelt, Spades
forks, Ac., argd will keep constantly on hand ever*,
article made by th*m. Bealms are respectfully soj ’
cued to prices aud terms will Ue made lilwrel.
ivdS-dTw •
jobs wnionT * co.,
ARE prepared to build Coiion'and Woollen Maehirw
erf 0.l evert de<ertption, »»ch at—Carding JU«-
chinef, Spurntoß Frame* 'Speeded, Drat» : nr Frameg,:
Hallway Head*, Warper*, TwiUei*,3pooi,*-*,l>re»*uuri
Frame*, Loom*, Card Grinder*, lie:, Wrought Jron.
Shafting lurced ail iite* of Caijt Iron, Puttie* and;
Hanger*, of the Imett paitemt, slide and band Lathe*,
and tool* of allktnds. [ . 1
| ' Casting* of every description furnished oa short
(ice. Pattern* mink- la order fori Mill Gearing, Ir«
ratline, Ac. Fleam Pipe for hosting Factories. Ca»
fmrt Window and fancy Chxt'iigs generally.*—
Orileril eft at Ihr Wareltoosoof J.. Palmer A Co., Lib-,
eriy street, will hare prompt aueutioa.
&t*xa TO
Blackstock, Bell A Co, J K Moorhead A Co., 0 E
Warner, John Irwin & Sooaj Pittsburgh.
(i 0 fe J_ I I Wanicri Steubenville. janlP
g W.STp , HKNBof Wheejipg. K. P, 8b
- Rtof Juniata and J.'Ai'Btoektoa of Puuburgb,
bare UiUtlay entered inU>co>psrln9r«hip under xtylc
and firm--of Stephen*,..BhoenlwTicr £ Co, at the
Anchor Iron Work*, Wheeling Vd., for the purpoee of
manufjctnrinn iron aml.naila of every dcaeription.
K. W. Ftxfiws*. E. F £ftoc<nißoxt, J. A- SiociToa.
Wkakng, Va.
Manofhctnre all kinds of boiler, sheet, bartrtm end
nail*, a U Met I eliptic springs and axlea- Being con
nected wuh Bbociihergct's Old Jcfiiata Work*, we can
offer on su-tidc of J animation (branded Bboeuheruer]
equal to.any undo in the country. All of which will Lmj
*old at the Pittsburgh prices. Worehouseoflhe Works
cornerof Monroe and Water streets. myll
Jas Lippmcott. John D. Wick. - L.‘B. Morgan.
SI’KEL S'lovels and-Spades, Axes and Hatchets,
Mill X Cut, Circular and Gin fawv; May and Maunre
Forks. Hors, Mattock*. I*irk», Ac. Ac.
Having completed all their arrangements in the.con*
■•miction of new machinery, and lu securing the best
workmen from the most celebrated e-laMishraents of
the. East. arc now'tnanufsriurrng and will keep con*'
stantlyo .1 hand and for sale all the above articles, hav
ing availed themselves of ihc latest tmpiovcmenu, and
ure determined that in workmanship and material they
will nut be excelled. They promise to produce articles,
equal, if net superior, to any that can 1« had in tboEast,
They invite the attention of dealer* to nn examination
of ibrir stock before purchasing elsewhere, at they are
convinced that they will be able lofill all orders ini her
line to the euiire tniisfsrtion of purchasers VV-arehnuw,
Water it 4 doors West .iLonongahcta Unu*c, Pittsburgh,
N B. Perron* having bu*ine«* with Wtn. Lippencu
A £Oll, wil' please cull on l.ipprneott A Co. oetOdty
TAKES ibis method to inform his friend*
and the paidic ot large that hi* Factory
"sjtihw in fail operation, on the F-tM »id«.
Of tho Diamond. Allegheny, where a Cun'
stant "apply of IXhndi, 01 -various colors
ondquafiiic'.arc constantly keptoo hand,
alio at No. i Wood *t, Pittsburgh, at J.A
H. Phillip*’oil cloth waieroomT
' cn ' l, *'i Rhutters made to order in the best style.
Blinds repaired at th** shorten nonee.
N. Jr. Hit Blinds mil be pat Sp, without any addi
tional exepn»c »o that they can be removed in a mo*
meut in case of fire or tor washing, and without the aid
- . * crew dr e ocHdlyAwtumlv
- A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found
er,'ha» rebuilt and commenced business 31
CjQ famold stand, where be will be pleased to
ae«*hi» old customers and friends,
ifeefig. Church, Steamboat. and Ucilsofrvcry
gFff|'from 20 to IU.UUU pounds, cast from
wWkMMjjpycaiternsofthe most approved models, and
* warrantrd to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pump*. Counter*, Railing, Ae. Ac.
pacifier with every variety oflltase Casting's if requir
ed. turned and finished ij the. neatest manner. ,
C7*A. F. is the «ol« proprietor of Baain'* An-
Anamott MrrsL. *0 jurtiy celebrated tor tWreduc*
bon of friction in machinery. The Boxes anJ Compo
sition hnddflum stall time*.’ Jhnl-ly
-W. W. WALLACFf. *
•Y** VI4 240 LJbrrrr nreri, nw fkr Canal.
AI.VV'A V>ob hand and made to order, a large varie
ty of Marble Mantels. Pier, Centre Tallies, and
Bureau 2 opi, tVm!i Sour*, Munume&tM Ac , all wbitb.
being mode of. the chore*: tnsrblc, unf mauafneturca
principady bv marli:ner>, will Sr m»M )bw for cash.'
N. At- t"er-4iim wiatung 10 purchase Mantels, are
nfiirmed >• hencflorth uuiicc-sury for them to
go Ka»t. u* f can furnish ihetu with an article in all
respect* a» good. amlffreigiit, in»utancc, Ac. consider
-1 a* cheap fts’Uiej can (,ur'hi*e them for m the
Ensl Caff-*nll"en . jr-SJ
wake manfpaltoky,
Tvne* .* > , itt*r.crgh,Pcnua:
tlh suMcnberi having made-great improvements
in ftfe eonsirartion or iherr COOKING idTOVES,
respectfully i-inte person* building Sieambcf«»io eali
and estiinibr berore purchasing, as wc can supply ibem
Willi Deck Move-, forge*, and everyotbet kind 0/
•opprr, rjn and Sheet Iron work necessary iniurmsh
inr a Hrenmbmt.
V. e a!«o ms«e in order nn the shone.M notice S.vl
Tube* and Chacsiicri Copper work for Shram Engines
and every variety 01 work 111 oar line.
W n. MrCt'LLV ft Co„
Mnnfattnrtn of linls, BoUluand ff. Clau.
- No. m sntKkr.
/\UK Kcinrir* being now in full operation, we up
pfepa-'cd to elevule ortfen m eor promptly'
J»ur.i»s ' Ism lumrari we have a.loptcd ano» nlahui
oiurjuiij; \v im)ow nrt)«i anp.orcd irlau nuw
in the ea-t.) by •ab.ili we tU'n oulu supctior jni
p:p i>Uu djtie.-H-ii 011 mi- pinn u, periceilv uvii qna
very fin® le/lrr I'aintur* and <lca!;r»- (fen*
r<aU]r. me ntjorHed to cult and examine for thrnn
ulrnlttftttaw (near Pittaburßh,] Pa.
Hardiouie, X,. 137, Wood street, riftilmrgh.
TfQfl w 1 M'Cuniittiuir keep on b ind upood mmon
ul Ware, of our own itianuiarture, and
»upcnonjualii). Wholesalelutdcountry J|ei
* cbauu are respectfully invited so eaJl aud ex
name for themselves, a* wa are determined to sell
cheaper than has cTerbcibre been offered to the pub*
bjr mail.aaoAtnpanind by the cash <
:nv reference, will U: promptly ai'emlcd to. febSA
Great Wtstero UnU Hinge Buiafuclory,
Cl.VCl.WA't'l, O. .
\{iARDNI''H. ft Co., would iiuuunthi trade that
. they are now mnmifaruiriiij: tbr I cat Bull Hiugc
i«vermB>le ii* the Hnued States. a* ihirta ourpnne:-
p!e business. tvts intend to *>»nd our ay complete an or
urleasian poMihiy he made. Those-engaged in the
hordwsir trade, we think, wtil find ntotlioif interest
to ye* - out Uuu* Alt order* promptly attended to.
mys AiiftHDNKU ft Co. mrof Mh- fc main via
Co», U-'i and IM Front tu,
Uo**i«- Fodxukim amt (>*» flx
m*», ItciJJ of till »uer cut
from llio Inter unpiovcd pat
ients and warranted cquu] to
*ny Alio, liras# Ciu>tines,
fiarsltrd if ordered, tla* Fit*
ting* pal up promptly and on
[ reu'onublc terras.
1 novltUly
hirrsiiiiiuiii steh wokks anu^phinu
MAiy UF ! ACI ' UUKHS ° r frprm* and Blister Steel.
1 loagh Steel, Steel J*louj;h Wings. Couch and
Mipur springs. IJammerrillnin Axles. and dealers in
Malleable Ctuumt-., Fue Fugtne Utiop', ami Coach
rinnrainfj* |e,teialiy corner ot Boss and From streets,
nON nna Nub, (bob, ic. for m, „
. W afebouK, No. OS Water .ueet, near
mi to Front. ’
Al*o, an assortment at the old stand, MrMasicr’i
Row, Liberty street.
IliivuiK maili' ercai addition* lo ihe Rnllin* Mill, al
fupf« ran lie filled promptly.
lillAFF, LINDSAY k Co,
MA*rrAcn>&si» or
Iron and Copper Tacka.
Makers* Points, of every description,
Office No. 3 Bt.Cbarle» Hotel, Third «trcet,
. "M ■ Pluiburgh, -
P. MCLVAKt. iAUKr^Tiollu
MUI.VaN\ ft LKDLIK uiamiittciurcsml keep con
stnntiy on hum) Cut. Moused tutd I'Joiii Flint
Claistvarc, in ull it* variruo*, at their Watchouw cor*
ncr of Market ami Water street*. I'iiisUHjjb..
Oor Work* continue in lull o|ietatiun uniiwcnrn
epnitanly addin* to our nock, u-liicli rnaMc* o« to fill
order* with promptne**. Tuicba>or« nrn re*pect(ul|y
•oliritrd to call ami examine juices anil tertu*
mylUdlj v
Wholesale Variety Slore and Looking (Mass
Corner of Wood anil Fourth »is, Pittiburrh
rTAJ? JUM tcteivcl fiom H, e KaM a hr<* and
ilinnm-nt of Variety (>mhU,includingClock, » fWf ,
deoiM, l .n«, Ni-clles. Cap*. U <k ,k* Qua Eye..
UiUery a-.d limil.a of every panrrn a„d nuatity
Weiirrn Atrrrham* amt other,* are .eqiwted
examine !»■ fun- purcliaiun rl.ewherr.rtr min. t£?.
Alt kiftd« of<>ill,.Mahoiiai)V aiulrnmiDon ljoahimn;i.«
Ka„ pib nnen -Sm
L*72 M lh v e WtoilS&rM.
ncnnhoiubscntirsrtm reccivcdxinre
BeaE h
s^^'?aHsj ! r Eil,s:
b :
w •nieie, in nort; fc, •NjßßJS^eiip*'
low block* Wd br««ir», Cucplnr will b«j
“rt* ’ l««,S«iw4
! Con«tmpiioD, Fain in the t»ido nndf Night Sweats,
Hhmt, Whouping Cough. Paipiuuroa of bo Heart; •
Liver Complaint, Uruacliius,aud b|f diseases of
[ tbelhroat, lungs and liyer.cnted by Sher- • *
f man's Atl-lleoiiag Baiun. “* ; ■ '
Raising Blood aad 'Cmnimption,
MILNIv, Builder, in Brooklyn,' t*u attacked
-• r *** l railing Mood, followed by a cough,patnintho
aide, anil all the usual symptoms of consumption. i Hr
employed jwo of ihe best physicians; they did him no
gooii.aod told him he COULD NOT LJVfc- -
Hearing of the wonderful caret performed by Sher
man’* aent arlO o'clock at night Jo Mr*.
Hny4*,i3».Fai 4 on*t.,ajxlgoc a bottle; it operated like
aebahn. stopped the bleeding aud coughs Befoie be
r. , 5 L HL en one.boltle be au aide to be about fats w u rk.
***s ® AVED *• W LIFE. His daugter, residing alia?:
mvrtip Avenue, ean attest it -
WBlmm«bnrgh, tiring in Tenth:
*s*? Jowh Foonk-ii. say*—That she had been.uoul.led ■
s»-i pain in the cheat,for a long:
c £ a ‘ la f l became so bad that abe was obliged
kcr scbnol for more than a year, tfne then'
: ■«!f?fIl C fl ,aAln * t^e AH-Jlcalingßalsam; whitfhuon!
' syoiptoma. *he is now fastreeorerihg, j
fl YEARS OWf ” hfr abcru>ai * occupation aa a teacher
lu L h - “venoe and aiM at. tuffered
with a coogb, railing ofj>hlexai and pain In his iide
!h to- Stefo." AflJlMiirj
inoST.' .K® 11 d ™’ ,0 L lhe pa*n from hie side, allayed the
cough,land brought the dtscare upon the aurfoce; and
before he had taken three botUes,waa entirely cured: .
-. Fteufuy.ahd Cojuumption, j
rff h« npwardi of ?u. raiding 63 Shcr
l labject to attacks of Pleurisy,
t>n .f 5 v r K , /,e Congb, Shoruiest of Breath
rain M her He«» and »anou»j>an«f)f her body, Her
frienda bel eyed Mr FACT i&COVKttV. The AH
*»«•»?««of ailher;alanu
inf sfinpionu-and she is row able 10 attend to her work.
■ Atthnut and Whooping Cough* • •
•Mrs. Ltrerctla We11e.93 Cbrislie-st; L o Dealt,J9
Be'sneey-tvWm H Yoang.,« Walnnt-«, know the
thevalue of (hit great remedy. ■ . •! “
Atk for Sherman's AU-iiealior Balnm, and see that
bis written signature it on each bottle. . -j J ....
Frice 25 cents and SI per bottle. *
«bSJe. B^ ermaa ’* WOT ° *** V»«gea told m
FrineiLal Office 108 Nanu-tt- N. Y. I
mlad by UsFrtut
0001 *»J ShotSiW, No 68 liber-
Wood stmt, HJJbbugh. PneaQlpcrbot
* I f OMPSOITii C«Ml‘OrHfi7TE\jirCT'
l TaR aND WOOD NAPHTHA.—The Portland
(Me) Advertiser say*:—“Thu remedy has been more
success ful Uun any medicine we have ever known for
? ?htfs/? 04 - C j re .*,“ Spitting Lk»d,pil a
in the side and Breast. Bronchitis, Asthma; Obstinate
h° - Vt!?? , * cne «* ; ?ore Throat, palpitation of the
Heart, Wbooping Cough. Croup, NervoasTremor*. kc
Indiyidaals of the faigbest retpectability in this city bear
aciplotcsnmony to iu power and edieacy in tbit class
oi dticacea
Amongtheteetiinoniaif to the ealueof the above med
ee’erl'* immdistinguiibed physicians of Phil-:
adeiphiaJ Read the following from Dr. Voting, the:
cnnnemheitlisi. . ,
u ■ ! .. PjuuiigLguu, Jan, 16,1=1?;
r.mw3 U J J Si^ ed 10 PP P raclicc i ■> well aain my own
ftmtly, Thorapson s Umipound ByropofTar and Wood'
•Haplntia/i have no beauaiioa in saying that it is the
beat preparation of the kind in ate for persons anfferinr
from Lousumpuon, Coughs, Colds, and all atTetuota of
»he Throat, flreaai, kc. . so prevalent nt this vsason of
theyear.j Wm. Yocjto.m, d., IW Sarucost
.. , „ n^e * cen *}*hm a fetr day* the person Who gave
ihe following certificate. He remains well, being per
fectly cured of h.s disease:' t
-]■ L . Paitasngitu, Jannary 3, fM».
I rom ■ scrip of gnmiuilc.and a doubt that the •Die
ted may have resource to a truly mvaJiub:e/meo.*;ne,
I would state UiHt thcheneCtl have experienced from
i j ,T k A Compound Byrnp of Tor and
W o,jd n aphtha, horpeveral years I have beea aiflic
»«kingeough t aeeompaniod¥iih
.great oppression and duEcoltyof breathing, wiihaseu
•itlon ofj tigJiti*e«B'at :he chest. Decoming greasy
uAlined, i (rienaj who had beenmcch bpnei,ueil by[ihii
medicine,]recommended me to try tt, I did eo, anil n a
short tune eve y alarming symptom dwappenixed;
ruy expectoration became fr.-e, oil ccptesJiOQ left nte
•»reoortl»*«cl..i«l in. fcJ'diy.TsSf3,£ifiS
oat andatfoud iomy bo-tne« tr well man. Any further
iiiformaban wilt be gtvPo the-affllctediby
calling atpy rendcncv, Jvo. iklm. Pront «t i J
. I . . JOS. MeMANAMY.
u prepared only by ANC
rf. E p h i l . ,^l l SON '. t L NK F'fth antf '
sis, I hdadolphia. >oM in Pmabnrgh byl, WILCOX
A ® cents or SI per bottle. i
. i/AUTJOJV—Beware of the many counterfeits that
are now afloat. The nnserupulonp are ever readvto
Jrreive the unwary. r
i*'„ B ?«'««! AMiraeJe II A Woudwll
•-lo eure rmnuont and Disfigurunentf of the Nkin
!•>' Acgn«, the Fr.nce
was astonilhed in consequence of a dracovery made by
Mt *") r driabled—it seemed. aJmo*i
* n J' made by tbe hands ol
r, A i d /vV n b r f ’ n J D,ar P° we,, B* claimed,
at N . c *P , * ai for “‘» lovenboa. 3lany
h.m and Me tnvennon a* a humbug, [and. alas! mafav
foolish perJons without irymg iam
u ? ‘ ,0 K U,e - Lo4 P i,3 "H Medicalito-
Jh!‘o.HU^ r * I,e '* t * x cben w*«s lathe worldjdelivered
thermtowingrupotuoS-rnoiVespriD!: 1 ■
. ,* “ ar s notr abhuicjy and carefully examined the
•uigular mventjonof Vesprinl. We have anatyardiis' '
±’K“ l >* r!, '- We h » Te “« d “ ! »
Poau] at a great blessing, and n ,iy wonderful rwae
Fnna tbeijjeeator him*el/ to the prctentPrepnetor,
«CUto Mr.T. Jones, milling in the city of. New York.
A., the {whole profeu of ißanafactoru-e, toicwher
fta »ement of the injtedienu rwnpoWnr my Hal
r n faemi , I’* 1 ’* ~f '* lommiufaciorc it tor tale in
!!£,» l V onl s'* * nJ 10 h * wc ll ‘ c pnyilefo of nt
min» it-Jonet* tint it 11 Chwnipal Soap.”
Wiuie»»: |lenty*J. lloidavorib. •
ic '* o, ''” d - «*«
%VSS^",. , fr'i? raE,SE
A £aT nerfo lC wd by tb« original nmt on trims
LEiLB t * BUU f LIMr •’ piepaWd *b<l told by H K SEU i
Moatia’Factoit,Wcitmoiela&dCo. Pa.*)
■f „ _ LJuly UHh, 1547. f
S^ fn: r A f®** ofdul y ‘ojoatail theaflietrd
f °^ d 2 , L bn “ b ‘* fttor ofyoarju.tly
erkbmted Ltrrr Ptib I ht.e dome a, for rati
adhering to Dary Crockett*, ouw, -tic mreAou «„
thca jo ahead.* Moetofib. «»*» preparation. of emit te.
u»f Uadrd to the .ki»*,htw • mk iota obliriou waee
t oar Liter Ti b hat* been obtt4 to .ha nub ie and, indeed,
1 0«lK»c Ihry «.ll ‘•lurma a« m ih tT are iu»t what
10 U 1 h ‘ ,r «**■ nß«trd with hirer
Compluint f,o« my youth; hurt .uffe.ed touch; employed
paid much mUty; hire i
,“u , bk *T. r h J**ek*d alaual 1 odeath;
'”!5 l,a f*r “ d &“% S»»«> up u iacu.aWe. Ja
ivrt 1 i? H J yoor T ' r Kb, iJJ d SOON OOT
;! *- LL : of.-whtehiißow.uffieienttoteepoeejear
of paw in the tij. and all tha other lymptoaa for «t least
t 3 aiuDihi. k pur till* areata the bejtcalh—uc 1 erer iued
heiaenutd, oof gnplng or gitin* much efokif** at tha (tow.
jeh, VP« ow much rtltf I bar. .kepuLri m *
£« “ ? J 'r : «*. >”»*•<• W boxe». and
V*** •! Co, *»l‘ l **n* utwied by any one who ha. tued
‘ Ke “*, l . ,,e 7 1 h » T# »J'* r «d«dalttc»la.eryother pilt iathb
tcifUborho.*!, pod n a abort time will t4»h .hem all. 1
raraeUlyrreomtarad then to all pemm. aeedwy*
L ? M*" AtkttiZ; TcuS
CAUTION—A. *kere are othrr Pill, before ibe public
CaUKtiUrerPilla penosu who want tbrGENUINEJwuid
E HELLElW L v no^ h |t- th ? *flbl by il
Ur«t. 5 ‘ ,OC>J ' SI b * , '" etn f bin! and Fourth
Mi by Dr. Fifth flard, D M‘ Ccaat, Allepbea,
j _ - «gb
tx- t. *>«. JAVNK’B ALTKiIATJVK.
l,e f n '“/“'"“d fa y Ro* of « enre per
>1 nd on bee by Ur. Jayne’a AUeraUre, wbTeh
??!«■“ »w|»cnoniy »,wcrevery other remedy of the
4in f » JcJiaM.eeu uffltcied for the lastuxieeu *ear»
mih kVIUTB w- y .T fc w
w:ih olecranon* and cnfol-aimn vnru»«« f.onrvdu
ring wftich nmamauy picoca hare tUKturiMtS ~om
tJie iruntal bone ol the cranium, from both Ust * )n u
wntunud Imiulf.and irwabjUi u«,,u.m inxn tte }*.»
le-tprai bone, and from the luve. t>e»Ulc» patnlui
ulcor. on oilier, pari* of her person, which have Wed
Xhe (kill of a uaraber of the mon eminent ohY*k*t*n*uf
our cil.—during mox of the time her autfrimtstute
ben, cicrutai hg mid deplorable About u.te tnSZ
-Wmu. ihc wa» .ts.*rt C rd.M lrvPrJa >Ur -, A .u.'3u'i*
wind. ha* hndjan.n«Ui!t-'«!ii.~ S f} happy erect-ui^nte?;
u^era'ln V hesl*i , | ,, *" , . , *i. U ,Wvll,,, fr*. WUt C«U<in< t& C
u.icratoheal, tab... at ihn •am* tnue her general health .
husbecowreompletclyretired »w that an«nuw ve* m .
“J 1 * «*>« ‘Mi rke did ‘.-eibrr,<j,r troomicnecd IT.!« :
of tin* truly prOpairon.—|>nt JJve »V«i. 1
oK,''i3?ii3s;sr , ' , r“ >«
Saa "*' ««**
' oil, whoatt iejeih tt ioal jiuf yVllnwd ■- .
You, vrho*oakin l» dark and sallow—
» ou, who«e ; hnlr is harsh ami win-V
Rusty,diitvjred or fiery—
Yoa, wbo*c*vtle uif.mnvo breath
UtipleAMintjia at putrid death—
Ytiu could hare-buy, tnuitoi girl—
Troth at white a* utow or pearl,
Jlrenth u *pieyawed, and fdrtieJo '
Pure and while and smooth aitd bcatuftil
And halooft.aitkv,darkaa aloe, * '
l»y rending wtiuii. »aid h«| n w
RKADKRS.ahy of you cun iL« ahis.j, t. , ,
this i» nothing but truth.} iv>iitn a 3. (...iil^rV 5 b} .
lal'Jlnir Restorative-i i, bos of ***
Paata—and It cako of’ the Jtenuine J„lw'* P, iT , ? ~kh
I Chemical Siam] The *Unl 1 Aii “ M
arc a*»urud that tho foUowin»nli mA. —""I > ou
The Inoih pa MO eivea tßebrenii?. *" T, *l*4 u, »*Hie»:
teeth;and presetec« thetreth Ac ,U| *lM c
knowtobflthoX* e c ' Th * M.r*tmf.a 1
.in,. kw^Katv, in \
the soup, tfifl ihecenuirM J^...i,' I wi5 TOy ‘ ‘ Mir; untl
t:ure, ■
a faUroronni. ftW h'qld'
‘PH™t IJl f ' ,! , ‘?"“ c * mor» common or iron
i»7 in ‘sk "“f*!"- »”■« y«i.
IS nilu “f*? ■ ““' l ' "•'•robf 1h.“,0
0 P‘o*' c linuncnta, die., all Worn lutOo
ontom d>°^" cll , L Kl,w lh ' Kmbrocallon ial hi
only medicine baed. A person who haa been •uflrrL
io t will, the rflo. ol the worn kind ca77r™S sir
teliTr Jc r»> “'"l!" 1 P“'P“o lo esnroaa hia
!?' ? J | Wpfreure 111,1 ll,u “odicinc had
•» hit o-c.r-Phlla. Sal. Hoat. - '
MThmp'eVi- l »''‘''•harshsitoo I'EKKN TEA
ri o o’l 11 ■• •" ll “ l, ° 'ho Dron Store
'YPjhcbwartx, fcdertl at. Allegheny CiC "
TJNIC.—AIter CITIOI l£TT*rlie]t ;
J lml.w« MhMiUlinrir prouou.K* i( lofe vduit ltpro& ( ,
«*—th« bestarudr, without tor ttetiitioa, jn V...
mtotalKMiandproemticnof th«hrnua h*iK w'ikimJ
of nuacrou* iawmiKt* wh»r* hmir hw t*<Q
whkh h«*bean biU hr jnn; ud .« u,|ak mm&ZffSff.,
crealtl &mr dim to treomratod ta»H o up ftaUtwWtJ, ... :J
ro.rti£w,»~;'y»4 , - “ “gj *»,»,
Tubhooshh bus joviir'srt^r
Jran, :Ujhi, n.a or. ut.Fiwra'n^f
-X wsCuabJjfhnientofAii-??.. i’aek*
K ck
'Sy&saswgstSfii^sss :
India: lteeC*c. Ac. S UfiKiS*.*? «■»*«« '
•aU.ByMTkeUaiheWrf"*- "* T * Uft * *•
-h :
■' •
.. ■-:' ■ ggfglifgrj,-- - - ■
ft&mgtei&Ptfnm ••••• -•
tin & UiedcSSiJSfoS^fW f l ** 8 *<*> W' '
twiflfer A WJmenwn, J o h»I1 —
•Jih A Uoier, ® MJMlii; -For- • ! .
Spencer Nee, Em ao 3 in aAV* ®**l>*e*»A:
- ;
ChUl«>tte«. -
miir ; “MOHUm,, , : *
S=.-5 53
■ eSSggsj?"*! ;
»iyla of «'F«iiureiter * £^ eet * M «*Ml»«afcrika;
'dees# ! fi^^WDEXTEB,' -
1 .• c H ORAM*. :. t •
P balsam- r—. .1.,/ |
£"*»r■;»«.«.. ■
yoa r Veg c :abJe *£ moicreipeciin* ■“ . •
; iiic BaJum, aboot o*e2
>iueb'l Uengave M
*^TerecDQpJasr ua i J d ajllle4 “‘ l b*»e baa *e Terl j 1
May. me*-*, d“," < »* luo*»-«ne»few.'
cffcctol relief ml cure in iJnn S, 1 JII 11 *“ '
25K? i ISoSLiS'SS
01 preserving my life to tfcw day.- fl twea the mean# y v
.-Boston,JnneJo,iHG B *W*JUii Psx*c» ,
C'posntUje Exchange liotar£m™,lf , ‘ u F nrecu » ,
r-rpetifaHy imorm theYr ,l * e * a
tar*, ud eve mrn cccnrrr lord’ c *»P®» - o«P»j«Sk • V
fni o» K*»St>fcS2T TJ^, *• '*■*» - • •
to the EMwni £;**' w goods- ■
itc name and art w*h«2. ■ Z 5. r ** • e **® 1 en <r»»to* "
■^*2ss '
prepared MS detoraieu iSZ’J"“' ch “«> i
’?■ A -»“S»?K;
B. A. Kaaueitvckj- •n •.
A. B. Hail, A e J ;\ '
i'lUsbßrgi, »T<c coming lh?eiet l a»?£ l9 }\ pr * toa * ■•
' imh.X«u tatbau mt-mZ,rutfat in bhi
wjd ib»l jicaiirr Alr.J«vuelii!rir e ¥**“* »> *ie«,
other cuntciu iiu a richi **** fwr aoy
ie*e. W.U. m«r Teii S “ **?*.•»* cuiioiWptm- r.
From ureet.Philtd^£i t ***^P^uy, N».3> Konk
wo. HOg5 1 ,
i tVRUa W. .FiKl.ii n f**K 9
V l6 •* **e.lowei| i:->
■33 s
ST .*•»?<» WKttSSIS*
'i.ienockbf I’HiNTINu *>*p*lo' h ' ' "
ofcvcr>;ue*cripuoo,unpoHert ’' 7
Ufcavim* PowdeF/W Lihl£i r £2 i i'£ mi, « '»ue«, ,
U .-. • ? . BAGfIJ^ e,lwuie '
C«iuvm», Bale Hope, i,iu» A 0 ’- u • •
WHli,uyHfci%ofikV U «“*u7*u7 “ . .
cwiierbt lubcn> and *r»*T‘ Uefc,lio * , oi Hum u«’
rcipccum/y >u «&|UU«ct|i° te } t>ol |; A
oI’iIAKUVVAHK.CUXLk'ifffi w «*«•** k
per (tups sWnumk b,„T*‘ 1^ * •“d &AjJlii.KMy f* a ij .
eatl w w?JI P«tilM>a inua my q*um^ jr) _
Smt I, * rtw “' •"*>i*.««lU bo cooitoDod .. M.a ■.“
ii??£SSSJSsEss=ra=i=S: '
£"*“3££ BE.:-*•
llie fa umucmol liK I*x b'io wi(. “ M
«wi, Wtw«* »uUtoti>ea 5* J^? 1 .* UJert b *’
hrVM pa/po-a. - W ?* c^"s ■“* «Uw ««*,* ■ P
'P.swj. . \
■““■* ur KK?2a“J“«WiVU7. .3
-crljlt,,, m WaMMftJfJS'E'JWM «*•*,«». )
tvunou ** •« UtftJ tkriif*. ..1 ■. •: i
“ •"’**'»* AIS23JW- • |
i> Ou» Vi KKKXU or K rcnc **ftt
*•««•! *v4-*VKa. »,|j- ••; ’
*•*'* WI.U) pAU Of IU *•*;>;, t ,M ?S sicttU fcTuX*.
«-* l> ,«**• UkVS ;
ktw«u**t«, Bum* ll «*« b* warn -
•'.'V-tHjt* &*** BtMa wuftrt-n—l,l, fa *CVc«l. • lie
lAeut , u a . ***
£»♦*»«. <uut ck»vo Ut m now nr P#nBr4, V“»u* l*wa
■ «, •>« «»,#»
UtO. \\ ATT
un * r r ny * ;aBfc **Ur»ia'
j ! < l* , ‘ c ''*‘f«ti l *iml or “ M * 3 bfl i'>opea«4'
: :z^\ u \^ 11 ia -assrs
‘ •***«.» and Hi-uuf/T,L.f 0 yto<i , -
e4«,,c« *,* '* |» ~-*
Ved Wh| lumleftitjii 8 * Uie rum*
tu» •mioftw tVtory • s*ier*,.: ;.••
H'rooiuiueucio*# uivtißM I£^ “*<UR*,&c,nodmay • ’••
. iptß * | , JOHN AHTCiUJj;’
- —— _ - latwood niter
• dl ££ > iow ju« »ce'O a^T,!?ta y te^ ,, “
u *» «n*OAfre
jyAViST* kX'f&AtAiUuV -
XJ ai #JI ume»beiappiiedwuhiwn
° i as
0 Oxllts,'
order iaUie laieat tiyic'tjid SK**
- . . \ ANrtfco L i^, rejUou »fel«'
— ' u »«<*d »«._a dour, 4 ih v
VV " ..
.M ro '. d«i i S, I *. « ea . do * *J«ee* exit doi
v V .-?!■:■ 11l B eotixt 4Ur'~»sd tcaijrrt ti« '. r
*7K*avß wojtafgp ''y• "> »"■
■ »Uo I«r«edo. farmrn— A rU, »; ■ . ■•■.-.
£ "-- -:
-JuklM tty fuwii ttCß<e of WRmitbpbv '-•! - J
»<* (jt 5
, -
' ■■ ■ . v
■ ' f
• • ■