E“"TgBSi jMg ||fpSS dx *kt6f«f-1n «Tvy ntpeet, u to hoWii l .tbe a pwepcrn*- immAbyatiruja tbaa it it mi x.U*ilo etotaiaeno nailer flat far iron, ;UK«fcM will aotcorrodc aeCycold,. aadiaWwatlt itwnta of a yetis.* few feoaj* e deep Mack jT'.^.»kidi. ! wjll e»tar*tor eje*.. Itiaurarmtotnpenor to tin - kM«a>y Un ew of <• AraM’*- tVritbd - JWo/* Mi cod AW noreghfafer thanae priee.-Aa ~,.,0 gamete* tgahitfreponfoojpf anytoad be bg aura pud ,)> \'tb* fcpgwiogreccuarotUiiona'aiU dlant h ~...nwartf&al toe aancatbuegtru could sot haw been Vb. byyy ncMB fenqmwißfiKj pwrpon r>. Fl«»d”to s«u;1l-fimfte«frea| tte/m,iritt>ovt clogging it upend bJUMamnaf • lew bain neonc* a deep bright blent. : •• ''.y.'. .- B* Baojafio fcC».f. [-WickaM MeCiidln Bfibert Moon. 'll " Jdahiktr, , j , "WnLippeaeoUk Beil.. 8 Wightnaa * Co: Me<*ira»fc Dough* Fnae.a 8«W . BtMaMcTUUJaftpr C A JdeAnuJty fc Co. > Bolling MAk, Aug 30,1«7. . titi ThmlTTSliMr* Tfiitlirr I lim lint nffnj; tnnr TV»-U1 VWd. tad tad it a ftnt rata arbefelor. it em My from Utcpni and bccoari jet bbek '>• (rvnn 1 ■•Yotreke, I * T *j^swatYu •'V ,*■■’■.■ ; Pittsburgh, ISC’, ■■•■ Mr T K Bibba**—Dear 8u: Hero* pawned a botlkof ... <mrWritiag Flail, now (ire* weeka ago, leauider itfut . . it anal if oskamenor to An»ld% dr anyotbe? ink bow In HavlkaowflC''»■ i - Bopertfolty,i • * WILLUM CTEWABT.Book-kttper .forArthnr niekobood'Cn • ! PilUbutgb, B*pt II.JSIT. • Mr T KJ&bhert—DcarSir: Fatauung your Cbearieal 1 YVriflag Fluid) aad £ad it to b« a moat cxeelieatartkfeTor ... jtoal pwLMitdoeaßotdsK thm'aplika the'generality of' 1 . k other {tea and beecatte deep black in a ftw how ■ Your*. ReepeeiiuUj. - . WlliiAMCaHK, Book-keeper ■> ■ .j ' ."lor Jobs-Parker. . ruinil >nl aoU .WbsknW and Retail by Thona K ' Eftiint SmiU and Cbenbft coraer .of! liberty a&d tatihialdBttM<e.PUkbv«b,Pa ■ : OtftWdm " YTKOKTABUB rUUSONARY BALSAM.—To .»V tfc* rrcpn*lanofll»* V««t»i4e Pulmonary Baliim;—l that iVx Vytttli rutmonary Bekua Uaval qaMi nadiei&e. llbu beeu'ueed to this plan wiikcoiDpJele ' MnWdilßolaliß|U Oit iltaM with tmiiitoimh, low of voece, had Ihe raising of machbkfed • * 1 «Udi bad ptniM*!} mated many approved praeripuoos-* Aflcr Wiethe ba*na oat week the patient's vow returned. •'•• '-tmt be was enabled to tpeakwufibly. Thu |ca»e ocearrta ' miiainm, tad the man iauo'w engaged not only in ao tin bo t ia labor iooi business. 1 JUspmfuUj toots, Cooeord, N.IL, Ju 30. ISJu ' 'B. MOItRII.L.M D. • Soli in Pittsburgh by B A Vabincatsck, tf Co. corner of rr.Arattnd wood, tbo ear *nlh d«t3t A. Dr JaTNE*? RX- Ja. I'EwTO&'dhT it •opener.to a'l other .remedies for CooghijCoosaaptiaß, Brwchitiij Asthma, and other Ful®o lOnryellKtioßSfUtWtlka'aaae pthonewbocommeiieedllije • am ora ia their Grauliev lea yean ago' atill prefer it to au - ..'other medio of the kind; had where aay hate beenindueed to try other preparation* they have almost invariably, been disappointed la me,tier the benefit which was reaamablj . anOefjwUdCrjmbe high praises bestowed bytbe pr<>pri»tar*, awl barn t»uin*d to the «k ofJsTrts’ Exjicro«*>rr, a* *a remedy that haa never filled to 'relieve them, end which ' i probablyhmr bad itseqnal b arroting pulmonary diseases. prepared ooiwhy Dr D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and aoM on ;. ■ • ALKX. JAYNfei : ;>• TJfounhsl MBm'-nwim, •- K i ' AUBSvr r> soac^x. t bmioAH. ACCTIOS fc CQHUISSIOS MERiJUANTS, ~ ... (at lie old stand of Seay A fcicpard,)' ' . ~•' Nashville, Tennettee, "\JS7JIL fiTO promptand faithful attention to ilio sale rYi,«f Dor Ooods.urocetlea, aod Merchandize gen araily. They feel prepared to attend to aU the depart . meets of their business efficiently and (dealing in no - •goods fordheir o»n'*eeonm)tw«rartwC*. Refer to M. Allen, A Co; S. W. Kuiler A Co., Piai baryli . : ■ .... ■ d&cvte^m ■W TBA - JmL receded fcom the i? Philadelphia S&d New York Pekia TV* Company • prime let of (nth Green ud BlackTeax, eomprumg the following: '■* ( ' ■ , ■Green. ‘ ■ | • Black. r - , YoancUTVSt .1 ■ * FmeOoloar, • Kx-pie d« ; I • Ex. Fine do . Silver Leaf lljraoai • Oolong *joebong, Exttkfioadoi - ; i • - . English Breakfast • Extra Fine Unnpowder, Peekoe Flowers; Extra Fine Imperial* Rsoe FlaTored. - The atwaoTea* have been selected with great care “by one of the beat: Judge* in the east, and will be sold en aa fair, teems u can be bad at any other boese nt this eitV. •. ‘ i • JAMES! W.ACK comer of third and satithfieU »ft TVTOTICB—SOUTHERN BUSlNESS.—Merchant* i>J «Bd' other* haeing bourne** in Niw Orlenni thi* • Winter, will hove Ii promptly. *«eaded to «i a «!*ht by a gentleman leaving in a few day* Sot that city. Bownettof »U kind* will be Attended to et* tier bnfltyt.xlling or cblletUnr Fw fonhtr intoma tion apply to • ■ • iJAWjb wtsAveit, ' deeSpdlw wide *wre eor market mid front »U CO-PARTNERSHIP— The oobaenbei*. on the IStb inrt-i atoocioled tbeouelre*, nnuer the firm of Btova fc CaOmmob.-in'the; wbole*nle Grocery and Genera] Produce end'Cotamt»*ion boolne**. u No W liberty «treet, and reippetfally »lieit the patronage of .. . , | i •> ' • -i* rfw>Pß fTiremaiad on the 6U«da*- TJnf SUmber-tP Iho mbteriber*, eca i?" !■« will«ad ie*UiDKit of June* Rcn*,l&te of it6*ll7 of ; • * JUUtfieny, ievaaed: All R«JK»n« or ( ■ ■ tencwUmb- ;tc*t*ie of.Uws ds “ “^, r . c . ' TBffttH tnawa'&c mn«,yitoal , TTofAUe*t«ny v .. |. Jg^. ! WILLIAM M. ADDItiWN. ; Pctb ireet. city of; I*ilt»oant°- _ ■ WINBB ' : TTAVING porehtarf the entire siA«k«f-John ! . and-added ii w Snearive wiatr of Fo*cl« t IVi«« and .ta rim I wiR hoTpleased,te wnt,tipoa-iny , ftiead»*b/ , SS l '4}r«*kf iipea and halfpipe*, ea^e«,de«j«»*OT.botLj..jACoß^^y^l , . V wine atore-feot market and front at*. ■ ■ • . ■ ' • ' ' 117 ML iftls tU nas ff JoiufUamer, eaeh for w> I &c ibis Executors of John Huntcrydc/d • 4e15 ■. I • - NtmCE TO. the prevtsionx of the charter of tneorpofDion, ine V *« •'aaaaalse6tinxof the Stockholder*of ihf jt l - 'TANaviraiioo Company, will, be bold od M^day.tb V - VO&CZ* ' " .. J'.- LPHTTEBB Tcatamcxarr Bavtag been grented to Jh° nbacriherT. Etceutort-of the I»« tneat of Thoma* Ltaford. law of the.eiijr of I lUibnrjh, • ■ deeaaaed. AU person* InJeb’ed w.the d»r I iiait iiii jrif—- - m»k«‘ immediate psymentj and •' thoao hnym* *fiim« again*r aa«» estate .wi.U present - ambryan, . ' deUdtn* ■ Ex^j o^.- K&EsUEIMERIjEKG. 1634,0 r l»ck xnne.dlctc} iattortation Icto the United Slate*, bv Peter Arnold Xawrnte base of the momtlaln which samunds tßeCaadnorJohutn lsbcrgji , for T ‘^ b J we AVER Uam.thc wine more. j JA^! t ns. 4e,tewktdUha • >.’ ceflg ~ • ; waype between pe.nn &..H>e»r« • CfOTK PATTKBSS’ SIOB. SALK- Caleb DkbUter.PaaemMaier, Allegheny eitjr Oil .Mill.ha* *? •'•..•■■ tbaaetrctX p*Oern*fox Start*itf band either m wood '! wJroa. Mill GwfrjtAnd all pattern* made 10 order ' ■• ' nUftT "" ' ••'•'• ' BTOVVB for 'litabT'w pCAfrt*- lUllf^-'— — BAijhtjWcea mrket fc wood Fm of the Steam Boat Me*. ‘“‘ CT > fe "*'?' 0 /*8 WH»U.MAN^or '• • ambrvan, ' Kxecntora.’ SUfta. VEOYEv MANyiLUiS-A leweiira rci; jsgaasjfsir! 4 - ■"» ' ■ 73m»rfcft>uN W eotofih'edmaoad Btnncp PEUBS& COUTH—BUe>r»Bed,andMac t*m Ctel, »*“®sjggssbi Rt - BA T ! • •j| ] |fl] ‘ j t ‘ Wwof jha diamond.' TkAGK—IOOO Ibinji reccirlftg from iiewaHjat Cor* *- .. JV rtl, tidfer talc bf ' " ' . .'ttT/ 111 ”— <cflhhfa8An * floar.and IP do fine, recoil J*£ L?n »aU» ***?*•*' WtZfeU- bmn: film *o«P In »w« »nd for wile , : JAMES palzkllT ITAIU-V bbU tor Ulr by decß - . V'- '• • " >■' - pMPB-ITll.M.torfcr-.febir WOREEB J ' T-nr-1* K -T“ l * 1 leif lird forTanijl? we, /« ■ r 'aiimmdWfa’M . p**™**-" -r 1 ’ ir 'ig\™™i“£*‘* a , 'f’fJfsF* 9 ? "V • M frtmi »t •' ■■-•'• ■ • «- ■"• ! : t : fvErno-u i*p i» ■r? '-'-"" ■' , - g ‘ .Y • b*» Candles: la niwe} O • >l^-'.'.. jrASeKYfcBBST-; •J’’ Y '- V• ‘ ’ "'- *’ 3* wood «&*?! k Y. 1 '\Y V^*?SJln« ..; izS MISCELLAJiEOPS. -, .GLOBE!. , , •IORING* THRRESTIAL GLOBES, Arnttkicfall _JU. the- At* djaeoreric*, aod Gesynphical naprotearatc .*!«> the track* at the omteflrkntctf mreuMaripton 'Cce* i inled tiros Simth”* nrw £aglH> Globe," Wtih pddjtiov and Imptoremcgt* by Annin A South. Bet wed by iu-ortfl Put !-;£qkING»S CELESTIAL GLOKES.nfihußgilUlM : bm •tart. ticlW*, lee. Compiled from tie" work* of WoUMtos.Thaniled. Pe La CaiUe.'Karelia*, ley. Henebel, Mukelyoe, the traa**ct»mirof fee A*trcain»' : ieu SoeietT oflflodoa. fce. Ac. P*oa Smith’* New Ear. liih owbe. . . ; ; • •••» ■ dobaiten&.SteektcerLate joit renireda frir pair* of the abort inei».e»follow*: v ' - *•’' * 1 pair - IS mehe* lit dingier, - , 1 u- • -e « - j- .11 . '; 1 V *****!*>&**<s **■ ‘y** '' > ’ ' Auffwa, Chroaiek, and Jocnal edpy. • } ' docll Tno*. Coatti,formerly ofßeaajrjM’Kenne A Co ••.^Cine«nati,o. Jtira. A. lIB*TTT**» • Zuierrtlle.O. Coaa. G. Co** •••NewOiteans. BEAITY, BROTHER A CO., OeneralConmliiion, Merchantl for th t oalb itn yORWABOirto or WKBTERSPRODDCB, Mb. 31 Poydres Sireei,Jfew Orleans • ; BirutTO— • . . " ■ , 1 i Ueein. Martin A Co, Banker*! > M n , v ! - •” J*oe«MKin;coi&Cb,J W ', / w . David While ACo,Madl*On, la. n KlliaAMortoa.llanker*,). i lloeea A Frazer, > Cincinnati.' A M’Kenoc, E*g, H N Kearney, Eko, Banker, ZaneZvlile.O. l ■ i ■ DM’Oonald ACo,Wellrrille,o. j • .u, Keed, Parke A Co, Beaver. Pa. ' r" i J W Gill. E*g, Wheeling, Va. - ’ 8 M*CtOrkiut A Co, t Pitlilmnl. p. ! WAR hluebeltiee,'. J nswwsa* «. ' : ~»> KSCK * ( Caf-Buildert, (Jinannati, Ohio,- XA'ANUPAC'nJilESloprddrPaaienger'arid Freight IVjL Cars of the most approved description at reasona ble price*.By means ot the Canals, Railroad and Hit* er, the/.are enabled to. ship opon reaconnble terms to all points lb the West. Tlieir work will be warranted .cQBal in aUrespecu to any made is the United States. 'All orders punctually executed. : ! • ' ' KECK & PAVENPORT. [Formerly of Boatpit, ; Maay.] ' Type Poondry.: ;! , CO Chid,comeref Jjvw*»•«*, Nod Tori. . fT*BEsubscriberi* prepared toftxmish band cast Type •jX and Pnntrr’s Mnteruls-of all kinds,atshort notice and on reasonable terms. ‘ < L Proprietor* newspapers, who bavenot advertised for the subscriber) who may publish ihisooliee for three months will bo entitled to receive pay in I j-pe,on par phasing fire umea the amount of ihde.bUls far advert!* ! Old Type taken in exchange for new it 9 cents per lb.' ■ nvftf - ..." - ROBKRXTaYLOR ,rjIHK undersigned are now prepared to famish their , X customer* nod,the public generally, with aaezeel* : lent article of Lard Oil of thciroySmanufacfOtb.'wbich .they will sellonacctiiu&Ddaimg terms. Thelt Oil they believe to ben* good eraay offered in the martetj-nnd may be returned'if noikatisfartOry. -"- r : i i . j Jordan a son _ IB liberty-at. oppntito aaiiQiCeld' ' i- p. 3.—Lard anil Grea*e suitable far machinery, on hand; for rale above. •• f nvtSV AS lam now engturodi in the Importation'of Brandies. \V men and Gin*,Ac. exclurively, and lift vine mode -'-arraDfcriqems in different part* of EhrtVe pnd the I*l - well-known tiousc* for ray furore supply of Foreign Liquor*, which il will be able Jo Veil.'delivered in the Cosjsm HcusltoljNew York or Ncfr Orleonsor 'iu this city, at the lowest market price for'ciuh.or ap proved paper. \lhave Bi ftere and cellar k very l*Utc Mock of very superior IjViite* and Liquor* ft* imported of the most celebrated brands and vintage* for «a>c on pleasing terms by, j PCMARTIN : <jj2o • ' * 1.. . ..cor lstA.>mithficld'si» SU&ma CRKAM—FertaYcrMm saponmc; Itonser* shaving compound;'* • >; ; Hattie’* rose and almond ere*m;ilnll&'Soa’a do do; . Tayiot’s sharing compound; . , 1 ' Wrigtu’sToseandalmondcreaißi. ■ • t-i ’.'••• Liquid compound. Tliqrc-.standard prepa rations lor shaving may lie had wholesale or retail of*- i nttSl' TIKSKM.KH3.S7.wond»t . SUJtimtKS-Wbblsfttehr' • -SSfiblrNCTar, • ,200 bx* and Sftesks 'W'RChewe} • Kf p ttO lbs prune Feathers: “• * - ' 20c*ka'lBiaontfTota«n; * , ■ , 10 “ pure scorched Salts; " ‘ Ift “ blaek Salt 4 ,. - ID ** Ualeraws: received and for sale by ; ; del® CAKSON A, McKNIGHT, Gib M SODA AbH—2ftcrkB,ave.raviiigi<!aerccni,expcct* cd early lit Decfinbir. vlft New Orleana. 73 cikf of (fame strenglhStamoneof the best English ■sanuuteturer*, freoi-w ham thereafter, regular supplies, and ean offer manufacturer* of Glftg| and oth ers in this market some inducements upurchases of. us. • nva FOINDCXTER ArOO OLD ISDIA RUBBERS- Ibs oldllndia Rubber Shoes,-Ac; of style'wanted, for which the highest prieo will be paid in cash or goods,' when delivered at lha India Rubber Depot! 5 wood «. | nvlJ ' , JAfTPIHLUPS i BHAKDIES-Of all deaeciptloDS and prices, for sale wholesale or retail, in wood and gloss- at the wise store of JACOB WEAVER dc33 » " •' cor market A front ms MEDICAL. SEVERAL REASONS WHY DK.LEI DY’S BARSAPAIULEA' BLOOD PILLS are becoming so universally popular First, Because they are prepared by DrW B Lei-J dy himself,arecular Druggist, Chemist and I’hyii cun Philadelphia, who knows the naturte, the quality and,character nf the Medicines need in his pills and their adaptatian to disease.- , ! Second, Because the'public can take them with, 1 greater confidence than mutt other pills which prepared by pcrvon« bn- •’-■•/i nwiriirinn niuL 1 TTilrd/Becaare of their crninined effects, proper] tiaaauiLcoAtaiasti in any other pills} namely! pUTC~ tng Irom the stomach and bowels all unhealthy sub* stances, and at the same time purifying the bl*od iind fluids or the body. ' r s" ’" FobfLb,. r ßc£aue'ttcy are the cheapest, end best mfedlelne known—a smgle box costing but tb cents, 'apd containTng 40 pi!!*7saving to persons as -many ilonanioll-titnc# in-Doctor l * 'bms. ind.nametons medicines boogbt'fe tried on the recpfoinenditioa ol [other*. 1 , . J . WHOLESOME ADVICE. Whenever you havo occasion to- like any medi cine, do not be triffing.wilh yoar coostitiition by trying all kinds o! pills or other medicines-you see p'Dliihed and recotfttaended by one and another but tajcealtitce..- ! ' i Dr. Lddyli Sarsaparilla Shod Pills /' and yod wiß ict hare ‘-occasicn to take anything ei»e. 'Theywif>alw*Ti l be found-good in almost all wormof‘diieue/lnlfama'tiori'of the stomach, bow* eU, liver and‘;intestihcsr cramps of the stomach: colic,. W»terliratlr.in»*i»a. fin ver*,'; foalbrelUvbad taito in the mouth. Soar acidity ol the atnmaeh. costivenea* and indigejn-wt/. mant ol appetite, Wlliaoa afiqctions, diteases of pod kidoe**,disease* of tbe akin, scaly croptiocu. • in and watery pfmpie* or biotnhcf of lhe face ana body, tetter, nstr«prick!o heat and salt rhaem, bead achtfrivldincsa, leintneaa, pafns on? tbe heart, ol the breast, aide*, along tbe back and spine, rfacuma tijnrnnd goat, feTera of -all kinds, small pox. vaiio-, loidrtneasel*, acrofo la,erysipelas, and in short they are good in ail disease* hariog tbeirorisin in tbe stomheb/ liter, and intestines/ and impurity of tbe blood (TiTTwentysfiTeCeota* Box-,. . . • Sold Wholesale and'Retaii by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., corner of Tint and Wood, also corner or bixthand Woodstreets.' »ept29 .. SCROFULA AND i SCROFULOUS SWELL, INGS.—ScroTnU in all its multiplied forms* whether in U»t of Kiog'a Evil, enlargements** 'the f iandt or bone*, While Swellings, Cftromc lheamaiiara,Canser, disease* or the Shin o/Spine, orol Pulmonary Cofitamptioa, emanate from one and tbe tame cause, whien ii i poisonous principle more or levs inherent in the human ajftero. Thires Tore, unless thia principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be cllccted, but if the principle upon which-the disease'dependa/ia removed* a cure. -«tof nf r !4 *f r‘‘‘ - •'omaUerunderwhatlnrr matt of necessityfollow, no matter coder the disease should manliest’ilsell. This, therefor* is thereason wfar JaTße’s AlTttUTtri uni versally successiulin removing so many malignant diseases. It .destroys .the Tiruior principle from whicn those disease* hivethcir«rigiß;by entering into tlie circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to tbb-minutest fibre, removing ever/ particle ol disease from the system; Preps red and sold at Wo. 0 South Third Street. Philadelphia. jjoldat the Pekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth itree. Pittsburgh ' mch3l DR. TOWNSfcND’S SARSAPARILLA—IM dozen just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla: the roost extraordinary medicine in the world!- This Kl imetlspaißplosuartboiilea. liixfiz tunes eheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior in any fold. It rare* disease without pnrginjp' Mckaunf or debilitating tie patient. . L*,k o vt fir IniUa^OfU.—Unprincipled nerw/is hare copied onr labels,and pot up medicine lathe »me. sha ped bottle*. ffee that coeh bottle hat the written signa ture of S P Townsend. i l , R I£*SKLLSRS, -Draggisl No 67 Wood .rt, between .trd nnd 4th its, is Dr Townsend's only whsleaaie and retail axeeilb( Fuutnjrgb.of whom lie genome article can be nad. ! DMCarryhatbcen appoiniedlhsaole ayent for Alio* ghepT eity, of whom the fenaino article can be had. * | n»29 >. '! DR. JAYAB’B CARMIBA TIVB DALSAB OKOJd the Be* ASA SHINN, known and pop. 1* ular Clergyman ofthe ProlestanthletbodistCharch - The ondmigaed hanne been afflicted (luring the pant winter with a disease of tie stomach, sometime*, pro- JaMBS : I>AT,XKLU ducing great pain in the atomacb for tenor twrjve bnara without iniermiMion, and after having tried ‘ 'vartova, remedi?«with little,effect/ura* fornUhed ■wiin a, botUe of Dr IJ Jayne’aCtnamauve Balaam;'. Thu bo o»W ac* conlinatotlrt direction*, and (bond invariably.{battala' mediema caused tbe pain to nbaie.ln three or four min* • ole*, and la fifteen Dr twenty rainnietavery-iuieaat fcnaaiba vyi* emirely quieted. ' The medicine -trad fll ter?ard*Mcd whencverindicaiioniof tip approachof pain were perceived, and the pain wai thereby-prevent* "Hecontinued" vthe medicine WCRBER. c&: .'Ho continued to ate: (be mea*_wra every evening.. *nd.*<n»etirae» wihe. montlntr, undid Blew week* buHib.wm*K> fa!re*torcd,‘U»t (be lofferer we* ed froto a large amount of oppweeifre' e* •perienec, therefore, bo eafi confidently rn*” otße ';d p U Jayne’* CannlnulTO-UaLiaßL at a ulitiry raedMn 'ft.rdaea*e»ofibe«ttoflfcebnid;bowal<i' , ; juwpnenv cUjr.jyai For*al«la PilUl>Brgbmt TEA-STOR WFoonliitretl, «»%," .' l *..■•'ft* ,Pr» i gisreofll 1' gCHWAIrP*. Federal «recl. <lle«li«nT SaXrav mt£&\PSS O, L B VituPe-n u ' ' bir R. E My eliiWren, like pthera, have beep i itvKM&eronis coach*. and havinr ued ditfcrtoi ; JiilLudfttnretyjiMlo patpoie, 1 *u Induced- by an, jUt*»!j£*e«*«t about ti« cough «rnip,u> giro it m trial., s&*l it to two of wjr boy*, and alio to me dauithttr, ifrrnJ different time!, and it taai never fallen to dote. 1 | have re coin mended it to toy nelgbbota, mod do mbit' coaoeiembuttly beliero that it ii the beat cough med>-- ciiw that baa everletn to tbe public. 1 - Antt^rAttiTUN. . parentttboald net permit their children to Buffer from eoqgh*,whei» they may be eared by «SJ Cent bouieof thitarntp. •. J ■ ; ) byß-E. SELLERS, £7 Wood at., between 3rd anddlbeu* Bold by Dr- Cutal,Sih Word; D,M. C«TTT. Atie*bemr C&ti : [ ' ■ de« Tooliaaid^uiv! yTTAwSv A PEST lX7MoBEßcacßc*»ewrTO«f> t* M jmt own, pmed with etfption* i yoo Bie too mean to fire n/l? cent great Italian Ckemieai soap, waicb a Kfiom them, mod makeyoor yeßr tbT. OO a trtnmm iICMBU Bt n _,~a4|[etftc*ke. , . . IheGJWUlNKUtoUobuaSLDeirt ' • • A Ue B% Mudf i! ■ <i: ■ »■ V .. i ;i •■. -r T\*.- ! UKiotisßrsi an internal txm I :*> twftmand ndkal care,-whetbexißtrml, externa bleeding orUm4,ahnL tor trritaticxrcf Ibe kWnrji aaiblad der, p«ms,iMbebnek aadiaiicj habitat eormae»,'trupj tiens, toe* r ;, , after ecafiaeont are ottea troubled with constipation of the Wwels or coctirettm, m* well as the «kt.<-la allsuds cam Urn Specific eaa bo takes with per bet safety, and u a eertaih remedy. The Specific isooir. porjUire, asdiiro entirely reeetabk remedy, without tpe’r.- tide ofpnnh»y,colocjucenrsim pltawat to tabs and pu] feedy hendrse is the aostdelicaio.enm. - .Tluiiitoeertlf/thalJkicwDr.lagoldibjVPfleSpfrfifij .to be cur* pad sale remedy. Hating ieen its effect, is setere! cases, amongst my familyconnexions, is sexeraleoa - firmed and severe canes of the niks, where it made an entire core in every case, s I&NBYr WHITEHEAD- ! .Hew York, Maj, l&0, r ; 3H Sixth street. - I cheerfully mo OJ lest oenyas to the certain sud astoa jibing effects of Dr. Ingot jbjr’s Piles aX 1 know it from ay own experience and- obeerratun, to be iobllibk: hartac m it umd with success b sereral eases of piles, male and female. • U&O. MILLER, New York,Mty, 1&43* ,_3MBixthstrtet, - : . . LADIES* OBBTIFICATES t • .», ;Uew,yprk,Mny,lMs.. Ur. Brail TTnr Sin-1 hare the- pleasure to say, that Sot ■*-*“•*«»! Dr. I&goldiby’i Piles Specific,’ has nude a per t core in the cm of my kiMcr, sod 1 nowjpve you my word - that 1 hare been surprised at it, as it was in my opinion im-’ possible to core her. HodertT, l can now testify to the mtd teineasbeinx infallible, tad'doedTiseallrthet? who arc afj flktfd in the like nanser, to procure the article, u they may depend oo a mtdaeure Dr. liifßMito~Dcar 1 wbottayMtaSeringYaf' lb« btasttl km derived eifie, 1 comply with'vonr manyia. Imr of i t,navin thaTik* aDtr having user mt'Hsdkiaie Warehouse! •like rtf street, head of OMZAfI'S PATSHT BEDSTEAD. - - has no* bees In use about two vear», and wherever it is known, preferred to all other Beadttoads. Forebeapaeas»etrenklh and convenience it bat not and canoet-be equalled, ** it'rsdeoidcdly the best, - cheapest and oast cenfeaiea t Bedstead in nee, and per* .feeiirptoof agaSsit Bdgs. : .-••■_ • - f 'Ttopnneipai Cabinet maker* and Tamers in Alle gheny ertT and in Pittsburgh, have aeenred Right* 10 tnanufttemie and sell the article. -Aatberqarevporious article* and imperfeetllmimtioß* hf the market, parcha sen weald do well to examine- the east iron plater on which in the genuine anicle the naan of the patentee, it F- Usxza*. i* invariably east. .Asa proof of allih«l . is claimed for Goaiam|* Bedsteads, the following certifi* - cate from Cabinet maXerawdUnownin Piusburgltafld file West,u*abmiueil|iothe .public: - . We, the sabscriber .practical cabinet rashers and •Bedstead manufacture -a of the cities of Pittsburgh and • Allegheny, Pa., do he rhy certify that we have bought •tha right to manafmetr rebeileteads with (ianain’s Put 'eat Fastenings, ahd'-c insider the aarae superior to any faatrsdnrswuhwbic'b we are acquainted. James'Leinoq John Ji’iirow T B YotingAC.. .Robert Fainnan . J ,B Hartley Junes B Barr John Liggett. Jr. . Jas.Lnwry, * 550:1 Lowne A, lathir . Reddle A Brennan Tfaomoa Farley BainscY A MVlelland David Lakey ‘ ‘Moses Bullock Hugh Wallace Roberts A Knn<- - J Mayer*- JuWWooilacil . • . JNeehamol George Snyder Wmllaslcu JMchlastersAUt Alexander Lawson * For FJabu to make and sell the above Bedsteads aopivto * • i • EBENEZER F GAMSAM, oeC» ' Patentee _ : A Chaliwge io-th« World. 'miVK-VrY-FIVK,DOLLARS will be paid to any one j X -who willprodact^a>pot cE paint, green or dry, that •caenot-be auracied with Holt’s Improved Chemical Soap.. j have the satafaction of saying to trie people of this place, thaithis anicle, by ftiy own Improvement on lit,now stands unrivalled ut this connin' tor extruding grease, tar. pilch, oil, paint, or any : other greasy sub stance, trocn all. krnds of gentlemen’* or Indie, 1 cloth uig, carpels, lablo oothsj merino shawls, Indie* 1 bonnet,, Ac, without injurmgnnyihtngt.Uat pure water wilt not injure. More than oue thousand persons in different part* of.the .country have told me they would rot be without it; if it cost one dollar per cake. • In trying this ' Soap on mote than iW) article* of light silks, satins, ai pacea«,.aad calicoes, 1 have only found three pieces or rilk. two of.aJpscca, and four of cancc t on which it changed the coloitr therefore tiefore palling n on u lisht dress try a sample of the first- 1 •LUelhi-* i-m*usc Lam determined not to recommend it any stronger than : I know u» bo strictly true. i ' N H Uwr. • Price, iaj cts per cake. uud rriml [,». . K £ SLII.LKRS dec24 I 57 wood »t_ Lard OIL -—i ;■ 11 —— thketiaK BlilADS< fT I HE greatest ant! bestvariety ever offered inthscuy JL before-made on the mos< approved Eastern plans— ' and mo»rfaxhion*blc Eostetd pattern* and colors, Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOsrON BLIND, on hand or made u> order of all tizea. iiad al all price*. Country Merchant* and other* are invited u> call and examine the above for thest*elve*.a* all wtU be told wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction mads to wholesale parehimer*. |1 • • ■ ‘ enldly j A 'VKSTLRVELT_ 7 CIttCCkAR. / ■ Wamusotor, D. C.. Dee. 6th, tst~. . Otear D. ThompsoiLEsq:, Piloburgh, Pa.— SIR; I have read.your advertisement in one of the Pittsburgh paper* with nit a little surprise 1 and Uiif yonhave copied my buiinetn Circalar enure, and appropriated it t-j yooreelf. (1 will take the liberty to inlonn joathntmy businesilCtrcolar i» my own com position, and t* not common property. 1 shall not w;l -l.Bjjly consent to be placed in a position that wjll induce person* who,do not knpw ntp tniuppow that Inm not capable of composing my own business card; or that I amcapablodf pilfenng andlappropria'iDg tic card o; another to ay wwrf use. I am; therefore, unde? the ric ceuitr of noticing and exposing >ourpfß*>*n«ra in th; manner '* ' 35 C KODBINb, ••-^,»v , br Patent*, Washington.D. C. Attorney for Patau, '* •••• newspapers tnal have published Mr. Tfcamp. •on’* adTertiaeinent, wilt pjeaae mvrt the above. dell if *I S r*«CI?S<N , ESfiiCK , » or uregb a -rreal'advuniafe over many o;hrr Coofo a* it* pleasant taiue pertsim it to lie I o»?d with oat uteih»...,-_ { J e j-jj w i; s V a!oe as a Ualtam, ; eomiau in the apeedmea*.* j u rarc , - Webave known aomeof ta n »» t “ e, P er * te of which had been runout* on for a cotuideraiuiv. of yicW almost immediately to tta power. . . • In each weather a« we had. dais*, s , wtater everyone Uliable intake cold, onleaa caetion* are e*ed. > ' . . . . Welted and andae explore to the inclemrney of the wratherof.cn lay* the toarplation of a hackrn* coo«b which need* a quick remedy' to prevent senna* retain. We have nohtereu* ceitifieatra of core* which u has performed, many of whieh dre from pemn* m uu» city hod the neighborhood, and [they are a fuffietenl telct* eneewitn«*oi»aytn*;»'noihef word in it* favor. . - Prepared and for; *a!e wholesale and retail Iry D A Fahnestock a co/epecer of wood and i*t and Wood and Cih ata. 1 rf- ; ° cl3 t?RLLHR3> IMPERIALCOUOIt SYRUP-From W K Boden, E*qi,Clrrk of the Coutf of Qaaiief Ses sions of Beaver county. . , , • Mft. R.E. Skllmj—flit: Seme time In the winter m> wile «m nfflieicd with a severe and distressing rough, and hearing of your tnvaluablu Cough byrup.» pnrttin bed a bottle from 3T: Trimble, Es«|» m Bridgewater, ■ml uftcrtakiitga portion or it two or three evenings o>: going to bed, she fotmd Immediate relwl; a» also wveial friends have heearcbevcd 1 1 severe case*. I ain there fore satisfied that It is a safe and valuable med.ciue, and Would recommend it 10 tiros 5 who may bn aUbeir d W’tli severe coughs aiuijtold*., *s W . K-Books. TbeHyrup U p'uljup in'2s cent bottles, so that it may be bourht bv the poor as well aa the rich Prepared and roljlby n KSlii-l-HR^.^ 7 r ? v ®?'L er ” also, fof sale by DiTCawaUSth word, ami D M. Com, Allegheny city. [ 1 n ! ■*.. BEACH’S CMVIbJiaAL KXPANMVESHt.Lt.EU —This labor saving Machine. was Palentrd, April JWi, IMA, which in view of in greanlurability. cheap ness tndVffitienci*,. im fiiiplirny of cnsMNJMion.unl the en»e‘i»lid facility- withl.wha'b Jl t* used by riUief lint* or ndnll>; i* lnevltahjy.dr»iieea to supercede alj nihcr Corn SbellerVfor general me, Tt >« £*« *up|*lic» a desideratum whjch bw lor* beert wanted throughout the VVesters Sinter, forwhileit cost* Jcsuhhn one-tenth of the price of the'rotary sbellrts.arte par*mi can Midi corn with tu a* f**t a* w an J'< * , ° r l ! a,c al fccc " S^ir“' of j N WICKKR«IAM_ 'T TOPS—KorTnloutew bale* Western New If oik xl growth of IMA-frora B to 10 earns.: ....... ; al*o, Easieni and Western N V, early picked, tin* veeps growth. : ' , Prime Ohio do. IKiranat county. . . - The general Eastern ciop of the aearnn «* noivV' 11 * received. Urc«CT*and otters wing llo|H l wt£u»d '* moeb to. their advantage to obtain ihe.r supi-lr'/"" 1 '", :JS!SW.ftI «"o* ..ore, in etHcttv ~ rrrr ~ r ~ HOTICK. „ . , mnESinekheWrft.of the Farmers’ Pepofii Uankof ,*Jt!2£ T,r “‘rnnSprow HF.I.U c..hi..-. PHItADi DEnnY * jtICKEIUJON,,- - • Manufastorcr* of AWRISGB, *A*JKlgfi---_BfITTOnS fc • WAGON COVERS AND G GAIN DAOS • • or ALL DESCHIFTIOHS ■>. nb* Bovtli Ffovt Slrflit* • B**°f «'* All ordea leflwiihS. 8. Moon, at the °® c * ° Ay**-" ?•«-. ri "«-AMT linlMlr A. & NICKERSON '.~T~ WILLIAM OQLE. COACH AND HAONESa MAKFJI.’M Cbwaut »1, OSJE M* PkUcdtlfkia, late of U,« firo of o*l* f rajijTr Wain. R»p«tfulJj Inform* bu friend* iht pcbKe/tb*l b* ha* and will k**p ectutaatlr on hand' tad fct ale, a baßdaots* raiment of ufaiaeaMaCarriage*. TaS|dMofallatyle*«ndd«erii<loe» ’ottda to order at tn« *horU*t powiblenotie*; and nmtad ip In very but mntAr, of atlefled material. .fcMHy 7” PCRSiTCBIjT FOBS!!! " THE tnbfcriber would lnelte JUdletand Oenllcmen abootyulun* Philadelphia, and in want of FANCY 1 FtlRB, aocb tr Boar, TJppiU, 4c, 10 dretu a call before pnrebasrn* elsewhere, as thtvwill find It to their adtantage aid no mistake. All orders rceelved shall be foilhnill'raitended to at No S 3 North ; n,rJ «, I— Arek, WW j t.-Ui-JUi....i jj SCOITODBBLI jbjiT Loekatroar fcnny heel Inok idbletcbra! Yet iforaeakeoflhe belli entirely free it akin dear and 4,(9 Liberty M. lUborghwhera re of Cbajite*- ■ :ur~» .MISCEfaEQPS- four* with rttpeet. Chester, N. May 15,1M5. Sin—That you may benefit other* wcU a* to expect* my gratitude for from the om of four riluabie Spe jwqoett, and now do give my .teati' to beta cured of a severe attack o( ioihrr remedies? withoot (iteccn. (Yodrawitb respect. ' il by WM. JACKSON, at hi* Pat itand Soot and Shoe Store, No. S 3 wood,'PitUburth. Price, 50 cent*. f jtnT4—dly..„ - Useful tad OrnameaUl Gifts* FINK aasoruncni of tan ;y article*, Among which * Hahilfome Crochet Rag*. with am} without c!a?p«i Btecl Bead and‘French it C tags, Bits parse*,mw *tyir«; ' Ivory tablet*; pearl memhronda, - Enamelled ana nrery paper cullers; ? Napolsoa and portable ink*;- . Cinr caiea, ■with comb and glass and memorandum Book; • Toothpick*; plain eigar e uc*t - • Portfolio*; pocket book*; I’apietoTes needle book* Fhneykoxe*;.BerUni«m baskets; ? Willow battel*'. Ac- Ac. No w open and for' »e.e ‘ FII EATON j c jy C3m«rk«*;rect lA. ADVERTISEMENTS i MEDICAL. j. DB. TOWNSEND’^ SARSAPARILLA. Muit ertraurdinary Alcditxnt in the World. Thi***tr»el toputup tn Ctuartbwtle*: it u ns Umeschop* er t i»lea»ott> ; and warranted wperipr to anritdd, I'curt* 1 disewo'-’without vomiting, purging, licoaru or d*' biliUlinrtbefu-Y ••.uL CUEiTJPEISG iM) SD3JIEK BEDICINE The gnat beauty aud superiority of thtoSorapartilaour all otheiJltlieibe u, whi!»tit Eradicate* Disease it Invigor ate* Uie'tfbdy. It to one of the very belt SPUING AND SUMMER MEDICINES ever known, it not only purifi* the wholt system and strengthens the person, but it Cttaut AVte, Fijft Qnd Rich Btoou .apower possessed by no other Medicine. And in thii liestne grand secret ufitawcudex fed success. It has performed within the past two pin, mure ! than 35,000 turn of Sever*-Case* of Disease; at least 5,000 of these were considered incurable. More than 3,U00 cut* of Chronic Rheumatism; S.QUOcascs of Dyspepsia; <OO cue* of General Debility and Want of Energy; 7,1)09 case* of different Female Complaints; . fi'oUl cue* of. Scrofula; 1,000 cases of tlie Liver Complaint; 2,'iUl cafes of Disease of the Kidney and Dropsy; U.I/JU casts of^CoasuApUon, And Thousaudsof ease* of Disease of the Blood, vitt-Ulctrs, Erysipelas. Salt Khcum, Fimplcson the Face, Ae., Ac. To .getlier with numerous cases of Sick Headache, i’ain m the tideahdChest, Spinal Affections, Ac., Ac. This, we are aware, must appear incredible, but, wa hare letters tram physicians and oar agent* from all [arts of the United States, interning us of extraordinary cure*. %&. Van ■ Unskirk, Esq- one of the moit rcspectahledruggist* in New* ark, N. J., informs ns that lie can refer to more than ISO ea se* in.that p!«C* atone., There are thousands of case* in . the City of Near York, which' we will' refer to with pleasures and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the preventive of disease known. It undoubtedly sated the lire, of more thin i 5,000 cntijDitcH tuk Parr Sxakk : A* >1 removed the ebuse of disease, and prepared them fo the Summer season! UjcrrxD Spanre Omen. .-Carr. G. W. McCutaJiior tui UkitkdStatu Matt, and member of the ,New Jersey Legislature,'ha* kindly seal us the following certificate. It tells its own story. Rahway, Jan. 23, |g47. Ayear since 1 was taken with the Influenza, andmy whole ?»f«uj left in# debitilAied *t*U» 1 was'induced to try Dr. uwusend’s Sarsaparilla. and after taking two or time bol* tics, t was eery much refitted, and attribute it entirely to the said Sanaparula. I liavc cob tinned taking H, and find that • 1 improve every day. i beliate it med my life, and would ret be without it under any wasttaratioo. O. W. McLaari, late U. B. N. > Scaoscua Com. This certiSeals conclusively prove* that this Sampanlla has perfect esntroliover the mo*t obstinate. disease of the blood. Three persons cared in one house is unprecedented. Tn&ut CniLouji. Dk. TowTimxTD—Dear Sir: 1 have ths plcaiorv to infoni yon that three of my ehildrra have been cured of the Berts fab by~the use of your excellent medicine. The; wen iflictnl very tetaraly with bad torn: hare only taken foui bottle*; It took* them away, lor whteh 1 feel ayaclfandei deep obligation. I Yoara, myaelfully, i * > Isaac W. Ckau, 105 WocsUr it. New York, Much 1,19C7. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend’s 1 Sampanlla Is a *o»*re>pi and speedy cure for iscipiedt Uocstunrtioa, Barrenness, Leneorrbm,or White*, obelmeted or difficult Menstruation, Ineootfnscnce of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for (lie gea eral'prioirauon of the lyitea—no matur wtiether the moll of inherent cause or cause*, produced by irregularity, iilneai tr accident* Nothing can be caore surprtsing than tU invlgnraunr tf- Itcls on the htunsm frame. Veraons, all weakness and usu (ude, from taking jt, atocee become robust and full of energy cnJrr its lt immediately counteracts the tetve lewomof the female frame, which u the grail cause of baij renne«». ■}' * U will not be eipictf J of us, ui cava of So delieate a na*. lure, to exhibit terminates of cares perferaed, but we can ariureike ejijctnl,lhal Luudredsofcascahate been rtjvilfd too*. Several cases where fuailiis hare been without child ren, after using ajliw bottle* of this invaluable mrdicinr, have been blest wdh healthy offspring. Dr. Tatrmtful 1 : My wife being greatly distmsed by weakness and general debility, and suffering continually by ;»■■■» and a senaalioo ef bearing down,, tailing of the wutnb,and with oUier difficulties, and having known easts where your median* has eStcted great care*; and also hear ing it iccuumcndid for such cases as 1 hate described,! obtain* etT*-bottle of yoar Extract of and followed the directions you gave me 1 In a short period it removed her complaints and restored her health., Being grateful fer the benefit* the [retired,! take pleasure b lhaa acknowledge inf i‘,«pft rfmc mending It tha JUlbtiC. 51. D. .MceißC, Albany, Aug. 17, IBM. Cnr.of Grand and Lydius its. CeuaCXXX, BepL S 3, IM3. Dr TVtrruswd: To all wholu this may eonctnw-Tluiii In certify that uy wife used out bottle of y»ur Sarrlparitla Srwious to her ondrr Use mod alarming *sd clirats cirenresUaras, bein£ trouMed with the dro(CT, swel ling of the feel, oervouJ very much dthiltla le*; wiih my pertoasioß, and the recommendation of those who bad used it, At was induced to try it, with little or no faith'; and suffice it to. say, (he uedkinv lad the happy and desired effect, cot only in the hour* of confinement, but alter tho expiration of oca week use, the dropsy and ner vous affection rave way to an astonishing degree, and her health is now better than it had been, hr a long lime pre* lrihit wilt be. nf any service to yon eruy QH wht doubts the taotwof the medicine, yem are entirely Wtkoai to iL • ! 1 subscribe mywlf tout most oWdsent and oblirnds* rvant; 1 B 8 JaKia m. TO MOTIIEIU AND MARRIED LADIES. 4 Tlito Extract of has .been expressly prepared In reference to female complaints. No female who has rta sun ty iu}nx»" *h» is sppruwehmg that critiral i«ried, “ Tnt turn ef l/r,”el*>uld neglect to take it, as it is« eeiUin prereauve hr' ehy of tli« numerous and l.oniWe dtoeasec,fe winch female* a{e subject at this time of life. This petiwffj; may be dehjrd (yreevenl yean by uring thismtdicine. .Nyf i« tt k*s v iluiii;*!to tluis..' wins arc uppruwcbmg womimhood. ms it is ra:eufalri< to assist nature by ‘jtuckening the bUxJ anil iuvigoraltt.j|the rjstira. indeed, Ihismedicin* is iutal ulb,e for all of delicate disease* to which women art • object. . ' It bracts the whole system, renews permanently fbe natu ral energies—by removing the impurities‘of the bodj—not so tor simulating the system as to produce a subsequent re fexaliiiD, which is the case of most mcdictnea taken fur female weakness and dbease GIRLB READ THIS. .. _ = - eteause yuur bl mo, remote me It**** 1 "> J blotelns, awl ; give ycu anmuliya. spsrkiic# -yrijtme qiiriu, and brantifel cumplecinio—all of wUcb are of immense value to unmarj rted Ldte*. DYSPEPSIA. Ko fluid or medicine has mr beta discovered which >0 nearly resembles the gailic juirc or nli'cui la decomposing food sod strengthening the organ* ofdigestion, as this prep*; talioii of sarni par ills. Bass l>Lf*jCT«rr. Albany,May If, ItHU Dr Touinsrttit:: Vir—l bare Urn aorcUd fur several, years with dyspepsia in its worst luiim, aib-nded with s-iurj it*** uf stoatxh, lusi of appetite, eitreihc heartburn, and a great *msin« to all kiudi of food, and iif Ufril (wtist 1 cuuld eat,} 1 lave been unable tn retain bat a small jx-ruon on ny Atouijteh. 1 tried the us sal remedies, hot they had. but tsllJe or no effect in mnu*iag the reunplaiat. Isutn ' duiecd, atxiut two months since. to try your iUtrart of St*r?a |tmil*,and 1 uiu*l Ml with little eoahdeoce, hut after using D*srle two 'bottles, .1 found my appetite restored, and the heartburn entirely;.removed; and 1 would earnestly mend the use of it to thoe who have beett afflicted as 1 base been. Vf. W. Varr JCasnr. *<ovi&, ISlfi jutea Island. !J ALMO.ST A MIP.ACLK R.yl lJj« fjlloWUlg, ted donbl if )OU CM, that rooeumj*- euced. ‘1 huiidnivonecfthe tct'ml hundred cun Unit To*n»cud’»Sar*apri fe bntcimd: Dr Toviucml—lhxr Sir. I >u ttkru. • Utile over k' year ago, with * KTtre couch and pin in my tidt. It in created oo ms »try Cot, indeed, I*u premouueed by jdiy ticuni to hate the ijuiek eouiomptii'n 1 ratted Urge tj'un tttici of bad matter, hi night aural*, Kid tin lung very fut: m; doctor uid he could do nothing lor me. 1 went into the luajiiul iu Imp i*r bring brnefiUtd, balwn* proootmetd there u incurable. I wu now greafly dutrewed nt the lungi am) cuu)d hardly btealhc ; 1 toon became uaacialed, and evpeted to die; wa* couiaed to my bed, and tm obliged to hare waichera indeed 1 cannot gits yon any drtctifdioa that w u aU do juitice (o my cue. I T*» tuppaed by my friend* to be pat recotigy , 1 had tried a great number of rtmedict, and all Mtaed tone to bo puipoee. I read of tome moat ei- Iraordisary cuci pr(brmtd >y your medicine, and to tell «u tto» truth, 1 lurpeled (here wa» tnxat ham bug in them. I induced to try it. I did w, and am very thankful * jTyPot tay that 1 km entirely well, but ant to Car C*° V « to m{P about my bminru, and bop to be entire •*7 •**.**. “ * My couch and pin in the tide.' “'f yiiSSS. wwfriu. b„. ..r, littlr, Jl you ifyouplow.j '*», <7 Lillie n, Brooklyn. Oplvlou of Pliys,. Dr Towaihemf i»alisotldiily receiving*., . ncitnt in didcrctit prtiof the Union. "* f™* P h 7: . Thai* torenify U>al we, the undesigned, IMiyitftw , fb# City of dltauy, Wte' in numerou* cate* peeeribed Uf. Towbwmd'* btlievr. it inbeonc cf ibemoit valuable piepratkwl of tar SarraparilU in (he market. t IIF Pcuso, X u J WtLIUX, X 0, U 0 Dtuoui, ■ s, P L Elxkbimikx. m o. Alhaiij, April I,IMS; T>.ii >• to rcrtilf lhm.t ic, (he underngoed, prmrtlciuj Tb(ia»>D>»D l'hj<i<*iuu nf the City of Albeof- here frequrrn c t.rtacrjhrd Ur TowukimT* Comjnund Kftratt of S*i*e in1l», ui! from (U fcuuwu nutiid rtcotnntiul iU Jie iiuUk I’* mercurial, tcmfoluM,and olhere ulaoeou* wi> | U m-eierroce to any of the adreriwrd retnedic* imxiti w ’ 1 AW c, ' Albany Wx B Sturm*, tr. Frincipaloffict, ldtS KnlUu al.Sun Buthlinr, N Y; H»J dins 4- <i» Stele it Dottns; JJr Broil S[ Ron*. 1-tt Worth See ' oua»t Vfjiladelidta; S 9 Jfaact, drujyjut, Baltimore; end l>j iirinciinl drujifw* generally tfroughual the Sum, Ve.t Indie* and the Canada* . 1 Wono genuine, unUti fniup in the large Kjuar« hoitle«, rtliielt contain a quart «rl wit*' the wrmen'*truai«f* r>r S i> Llmvn mi (he Krraih. , e-l*™ «f A nr*U> tluncßa<» r « I *'' a1!,e,1,T * 1 ' lt WM • U.* A J£rlf.in S >'ar**pjntU Kifre*. of Dr Wwid Tire *>l. u.t* ■■ p*. >r “ j;” 4: ■”7 *■ , j ;vuuimp»re beautiful, which, together with theurrullwirk, *“ glUUomg in the »nn, made aahow ferrly nioalltd in Broadway. We lake ihii ..j.portuuity to mjr neheheec Uiir « itrart of the £ana[arilla detent* If.* 'tfytjreat lt hu acquired. , Servens Debility* H aw YoufAlareh 2T, 1847 Dr. Tnwntendt—l harche** afflicted more or lot lor 3 ye*rt,wilh a dreadfultinlitjio (lit cheat, giddinrtt in ihc head) lo&t of appetite, the Jitnbtpaud gcnrral debility, brought on no doubt by thecvolinual heat anil cold t> which lin tubjeet to iti toy Imtutu u a dyer. I hare taken'other medieinet, tuo numerout b mention, but with little cruiiuc cex. 1 w*t induced br wl«* Itaw in the (aper to tic a bottle of your garuparil'a, ironwhirh I found great relief I hare finer taken tereralmore kttlei, and 1 can uoheiitatk)|fy any it it ili« beit medicine 1 hr* erer taken—the ysn in taj cheat it cone, and 1 a different man altogether,tine* I hare taken your SarmptfiU- I hare now a better appetite . than erer 1 Led. Mywii at taken it with iheaaoe benefi cial rciuUt' I woold -recuimend it at a family medicine generally, end I fedcnnrlnid that ifaoutrdtherr would not be half thetiekuett there iiand couicqacntiy not to many DoetorVbilU, for whOt It rtforrt appetite, it alto giret iu the ttoraach and bowelt Uiei, regular tones it krept the blood in a healthy itate, to that dhate it not to likely to attack llie •film, And to alllhote wt arc nut In a healthy itatr,' i *ay try Dr-Towntcsd’a Sam{*lla. I'uoMif i-BiTD, TOADrait. Caaktridbe Moutb. Below’uaa account of ahotirehUd saved. OrTovoKad’i Sarsaparilla baa saved tht Us of thou mad* of children.— Tb* Inllowing certifinU] it elected from a great number received thi» week! > • | * Ntw York. April 3, fW7. . Dr Townsend: Desrtirt—*4 of my ehdJreo w*i vary ' tick with the Cancer in th* Mb and throat, attended with great debility. It can* ucvlfit; I obtained row* of your eicelleut medicine, and it aim fdirecily, fcr wh'th 1 >ean autire yon 1 letlterr grattfhl; Yoon rttmelftlljv Rutasm >wmr, U 7 Dcabrowu* at. For a*le by R K SELLElStrtirgiat, N 057 Wood »t' between 3d aod 4lh «ta, wh< bi bun annotated by D’ TOWNSEND «ola Agent tr Agbeny eo? jebdfwlj^ Ilnaband’a Velebratsil finld siarnciia. r|MU< Uamlld,ilia and ilejanthti add and aperient; be* L log a perfect solution « ehiically pure earbooat* of AlagocMa; t>o*K»e»all Die Qaealprs-; psretioos of Magneto, wuhoU btg liablo to long rant lion* in tb* bow«!«,or b*4ti*jori»Jy upon (ha coats of the stomach Ona übi* spooafalsftli'taJd Magnesia iienuiv alrnlUstmiglhtahaifateupeeatof Magnesia, ; Foi tale hr B A KaIINEsTOC & CO, comer hi and fFo»_and Iraod and «n Dr. JlcLue’iWahiipeciner THIS is to certiff-that, br talgouc vial of Doctor McLane* Worm Bpeetic, gild of James Shaw's passed upward* of,7u wonnsid by the usd of said medicine,a child of ray own pair H largo worm.— It is truly tbs mo*l,aurpn«iaglonaiDedlcine I ever seen. 1 mutt have two ntoce v . * ». . I GILMORE ' Hlktn* Tnwnehio Portals by J KIDD A Co, N< Wood street,Pioa • . - BCh|> I DRY & VARIETY GOODS. , Gentlemen's Fnmlißlng Goods. HA B. .TODD have tHi« day rtcasred direct from . the manutactarcr*. and offer Cat nte stNew York prices— 1 ■ i case ot ibosff Kxutt Copcrfine BLiru tsanolaetoitd cx"ic**ly for our own ialgs ahd warranted well mi.*c. | .. I ca*e of Saxony and Merino under Shim, wrapper* and Drawer*, some very fine. • • *ase Bowoma and Collara, including Bosoms with Col lars attached. i case patent ewtvel joint Satpendera, with other Goods too numerous to mention, mcladtngblk and £ancy adjusting Stock*. •', , Baun Bow and plain Satin Stocks. > Bomtlaxine bow and plain Bombazine Slocks. Silk and Satin Ties, rich silk and satin Cravats, with one cate of low priced Shins which wc arc sam in quality hare never been sorptased in price in this city We intend to close the above Goods off by the package and would call the attention of Purchasers to our stock of Goods, knowing.that'low pnees will insure them a speedy sole. uII&ETOUD octgil S 8 wood st, np_stoir»j 3 doors below 3d at Wholesale Dry Goods* \fOW opening at the Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms, X v fid Market meet, thl stoty, 100 pcs of Alpnccas, 30 pcs English Merinos,*! eases of Oregon Plaids and Cash* meres, 10 pea French Broadcloth/il pea fancy can:- mere, 5 cases cowmen, 10 bale* red, white ana yellow flannel*, $OO pc* blankets, new styles calicoes, doinef tic gmghnm£ gloves and hosiery, together with * general .astonißOaiof goods. Merchants arelnvited to examino our stock, as we are confident it will favorably compare with Eastern slockvin styles sail prices. del7 i A A MASH*-' &CO TWEEDS, tc—W R MUK IMIY invites the attention of dealer* anil others to hi's excellent niaortmentcf above ruodp, In lib whole rale room*, op stairs, o» well u in the retail deportment, including— Dark mix’d Snunetis; Biu-and black do; . Invisible green' do; 1 b!k do; 1 , Gold mix'd leans; blue mix’d Jeans;' Gold mix’d Tweed*; : All of wl ich will be sold low by the pieee or yard; al so, on hnadt'Clotk for cloaks, and barred l’etissc do, for Lming* [ dc‘jn Mew Arrival, Juer Received ibe balance of our fall mock of INDIA RUIIBKK GOODS, comprising the following kinds: India Rubber, Long overcoat*, sack overcoats, abort' overcoats, canes without sleeves, capes won sleeves, ponchos, leggings, bats, camp blanket*, horse covers, travelling hupp..saddle ban, pou pro vision baps, ■tram boat buckets; air pillows, air cushions, ait beds, bag rucks, for the ladies. Bod coniines; nil of which wc have a complete assortment that we oiler wholesale or retail on tbe lowest posa ble terms; at our India Rubber Depht. 5 wood street. • i nv24 J & II PHILLIPS ipnKNCU TVa&KRIU SHAWLS— We ' have just received a Urge additional supply of extra French Turkerri shawls. As these poods are very scarce, wc would respectfully invite the ladies to call and examine our stock, at we ore selling them very low. ALEXANDERS DAY nv2S ' 75 market st. N W cor diamond J”'Ust KKCKIVKDper-ExpressatZKUULUM KIN SKY’S New Fancy Store, 67 Market street — (i dor Cords and Towels, for Ladies'CJoaks; p « »» Gents’ “ 6 pc* Scarlet Silk Fringe, 2| inch wide; tl - blue - •* “ ** 44 4 S “ “1 inch ** With a large ns.mriitrrntof other-color*. dctl J"TJsT - KKCEiVEI>—by Adams Jt Cti’s Express— Suprreupcr Engll«h Drub Cloth; Do i3n do Pearl Drub Cloth; for over. bo lines* and sack roautwhich will be made tooidcr at tlie rboitest notice and most renvinsble term* by ANCKKRA MAYER dell 70 vmotl *t. 5 doors above till _ T\ 1 tKSs~GOOD have ju*t rwriveil bf ex* \J prrti a veiy handnomu lot Ladies 1 Diets Goode, consisting of— 1 • Super embroidered Cashmere Robes;' - > l)o Brocade nrrir.o do; i Fme plain Co«kmerc«,a beautiful anie)i% * Gata and Cashmere plaids. I ALEXANDER A DAY - n*t> , ' diamond t'L A N S^ICLR— Red Drown and-barred’Ftannets. An ttdditional *upp! ; received from tbe mamil’ne* turrrs. Al.*o, a lew pieces low priced Carsinrusj jot talel.v GKO COCHRAN «pii:t . L i itfi wobj st SILKTIAS —< ra**-s -uperlme and territuiu, black and colored English Bsletia«,?B*t received direct from Imponexs by VDaCKL'KITAi WHITE delO- i ; 83 wood «t - BINDING— IS gross jfieaied uiuhair and *t|k ove coat Uindmr, just jec’d bjr Greene * Co’s Kxpresi inVi days from l'liiladclphiat or sale by _ aHACKLKITA WHITE dc|B 1 . • UP wood st FLANNEL*! FhANNKLHIt RED. white and yellow flannels; alro.a large lot of heavy twilled flan net’s ju*t f vc'd; for sale very cheap. ; ALEXANDER A DAY .■rtl? 7' in*rlcrt •*. N W eordinmon-l MEDICAL. triumphant success. Consumptives, remember that it it Thompson’t • Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Ji’ap-. tha which it doily effecting sucA re markablo cure* in PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! A'Uim*- Drooehiiir, Spilth- of Blood, Pain w» tl»* 6We and • Rrcaul, 9i.re Throat, Hoarsen***, Palpiulkio of tha lfrart, Whooping Cough, Groupi-dlives, Nervous .'I reiuon Uirer Comjduol and DiwaKd Kiduiy*. elc. beware of al spuriouim-xturtiof Taroe I Naptha «v imitation* are abriMd Si. S. P. TliomsOa—Dear St—Tbs astonishing Uwfil l bars experienced from Uis ii*e of jourCtanpauod.B)Tapof laraud Naptha rtod'i* i'ftr('y,dutT lo inform .you of it. I liid been k*g afflicted with a rejy bad cough, causing severe jnlo in the breast, with great Urtteully ®l breath ing mud loss of cp[rlile. U»Jig-various reioedie* wiibout effect I became alarmed, I heard of your mejicin*. hut be ins srerx to using most ajstrused ncdtqiacs. I thought I V'iTT j? T hr* l ' Fisdiuc tnjself |iri|sinticn, saying ‘bs o*»«J his life to its virtue* ” 1 iltt mediate ;y procured a bottle and commenced using if- and W tore I had taken lwo bottles, 1 was cutaple.eiy restored to health, Solely frf the benefit of others I make the above brief stairmrnl Ar.y further inquiries cas ba made at my mi- Jrucr, 148 Catharine street. • • He»p*ctfully joun, Ftajct* Pextost. Still another Ilemarkabte Curt. Cirlidr, Pa , sw. VO. 1545, ■About si* years siew, m eooreqwae* of jth* sedentary na’ure of my busmos, ] Wss eUscked wjth serrrb [wins to the br«a>t. |>slpiUtion of the heart and..thurtueis of breath, which were soou followed 6y the fa lure oftippetite. extreme wsbefuLess at night and partial [irj y»is ol my'limbs—Uirw rniptorat of a deranged system being frequently attended with spitiing of blood. Fur about l*o veers I was qceasioo a-ly thrown into cuOTalssoos, which left tae m a miserable sU'c of fethieneuuid began to affect ™J mind. Frum time to Uhk my sufferings were more or less serrre, until atlrngth they ineicawd lo such a degree, and the violence of tke symptoms were so aertneettd, that jura whale year 1 was unable to attend tnany business. Dnrirg this time 1 e«wolt rd some able physicians and attended to their prescriptions, bat all Ihrir still eras itnavii ing to procure pw rebel; asid at imeth thev regarded «ny tveorerj ascntiicl; hofwless la 0.1. condithin 1 was informed of the salutair ciuata at Tlioowm’s GimpnunJ Syruptf 1 ar and Wood Naptha,.iaa case wmcwhsl iimiUr to mine, end though 1 had given cp all dfwetauoas of a rceorrry.of toy former hraUh by huaaaa. D«ans, yet bebg stivngly adyised lo try this medicine, I W at feßfin prevailed upon In do so, end 1 love now to .say. that by Uis uwof six bniUes my health basbecu restored, aad lam uow able to attend to business with ns much fee.lily A usual. HENRY MYERS. jOf Dickinson Township. Prepared only by ANONEY |h DICKSON Altha If. B. corner of Fifth and Stiroca (treeU • So'd by L. WILCOX, dr Pillsbareh. and respectaMs Druptiits ttencrallyr. PriceSO tvs ,or Unedojlsr pcrbottlc. C AUTlON.—Beware of imih turns, and purchase Thtaa son’s Compound Syrup of lar from none but advertised agents, or of those above the saWcioa of dealing in Mam terfrits. dselld’lm SIIEUMA.N’STODTir^AaiJ h a rauetw ccvramct. ,'\ THE bestarticla known fin cleaning and whitening the Teeth, strengthening the gumi, sweetening die breath, Ac. It *hnald be used every night with a stiff brush, and the teeth ami mouth willonly rrqoireasligh washing in the morning. Wet the brush with wana water, or colu will answer, and nib it a few tunes ou the pasts, when-enough will adhere for c.caning the jreih. It lenvesa dcbciou* toktc in the mouth,ana im ports a most deligluilii fragrance tnthe brejnh. (islands uunvallcd a* a pleasant, efficacious, convenient, and .salis deniriCce- It is warranted not to nijare the teeth, ,i)Otu>pre*ervetbem. t . \ ! iir'e¥«i** n is il regularly, it will removeitho tartar and »trenfllicd'{wJ ,ccumu * a,lon —prevent tooibwcbc Chuftufts. physTcHHiKfnJ r[tvcm oftnem dccifledly snperiorto recommend «l a Ask for bhermuii’t CompoundUrrftrit® a,, V*J n r u ‘elivcrvc hit signatore is attached to cuc^l>^ a * sp, * ilfl Rccmntnendrd by Dr. Castle, li*t our best Dentists, and by moot of thq, old establisltrd' ouev in llio Un.ted Stales, anil even Ztensively.tisbd by the Nnlnliiy of England nnd Frv* <**i ( , "" r A’largi* proportion of thcdiuutsc.i baiafT.ict mankind ian*e from wotnc derangement of tht sinmnchorlniwcl*, which a timely'use of the Cuiki lie (.ogciigcx would rnlirely obviate. Fcrfous of bilic.is habits should aU way* nave a bat at hand, and take n da.n whenever they feel the least drnmgcineut in their health. A judi cious use of these Losehgri would prevent thousands of case*. Forsuiea: \YAIi JACKSON'S, corner qf Wood and LibeitV» M L decttl | jCOIKJ* Who ti»e Chalk, arts Li often tiQt aware how frightfully injurious t it to Itio skin! how coarse. bow rough) how sallow, >ellnw. nail hniiealthv the skin appear* after usuig prepared chalk! DcaidcA, it it injurious, rnnugln'tigalutgc quart lny of lead. We have nrrpttred a bcnntiful vegetable article, which we call JONES'S 81'AMfll LILV WHITE! It i« perfectly innocent, beingpurified of all defclrfiou* qualities; and ft Imparts to tlioakiu nnatu* ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, althn aojnc lime acting u a cosmetic on the akin, making it soft and smooth. . i i)r. Jtunea. Anocraon, Practical Chemist of Wassa rhasetla. any*: '•After analysing Jones'* Spanish Lill? White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natu* ral, at the vatuo ume innocent white 1 oversaw. I certainly con rotisriennouily rerommend Us tiae to all whose skin require* beautifying.’' ] tUemtsa bor. | j&-Bold by WM.JACKHON.nt hi* and Shoe Slore.W Lilierty street, bead.of Wood,; ail the sign of the Big Boot, . - ' jdd J.adles, Indies. Pm asidni'shed, When you know tluu you are promised A natural, life-like, «nowy white, | . That you will still o«e common chalk', And lock a deathly yellow fright, | ! Tire theme of laughier and of talk. ' i If you would uso a box of JONEftVLitly.white, (i would give your skin an alabaster yet natural whde, and at the same .time clear nnd improve it ;£o|d at JACKSON'S, tb Liberty au Price 35 cctita per Imx. _ • _ mvfl BCHATCII.sC HATCH.! ~ rpETTER, ITCH, SALT KiIEUAI, An—Who would JL for a single day scratch, whan ulHiolc*} wilh ihc Tetter, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew who woultkrrlteve and cure them. •’ ; r ria horrible to lm-obliged to rnb and bcralch' when alone, i<uteibnt borrihle tonhstoin (rom it, (for.decency *ake,l-w!ieii m rhinpany. Let it he.rcmern'»-ted that Dr. I.WDV'B *IKITEK and ITCH the most,efficacious of auyothef pxrpuYation in cxisteiice in. curing the Tutor, Itch, and other diseases of the skin A* all discrfscsof the skin mustari*u from of the blood and. Quids of tbn body. and.where tien cassbe of longstanding, aitd the ,ntTccic<i if Dr. Leidy’* KarsnparllU. Blood I’iUtbe.uscd with the Uimmont, they will cute any case Whatever, and if .they do uot. the money will be return by Dr. Leidy. ’ Most ca«rs, however, will becffccluafly cured by Dr Tetter and Itch (Jimmeni, obJam iho whole sysiem It linprcciutbit by tho diseased nutnorr, which will hn compleirly carried otTfrom iba syaieu by Dr Leidy * IDood Pills.and the rorfucc of thcakin heftA ed by tlio Oicuacnt. PrieaofOiuubnnt 03 cents. Fofe' •aleby U A PAUNEtTtICK tCO . • °ciyo t ’ cor wood A/iunt ata MORGAN’S COUGH *YKt/p.-It primal great Panacea in curing ay child's Va cough- *» : ‘T • !Frnd the Temperance Banner. Nor. 3.'4 Cohoii Siatr.—Wo are notlin the habit of raue!i ( lcu taking Patent Mp&cinea, tiul'we fee! i to reepmmend Morgan's Syrop b those who ar<T with p cough., After having uied ibantaaJ cem remove -a constant and distressing cough, that, aeverai days afflicted oue of our children, withe cess, we were induced to try- Morgan’s Coogh an-lby uiclief *u otiixlned mla few hours. It jo he the panacea in this cose at least. - j , Prepared wholesale and retail by the propriei ; JOHN D &IURGAN,Dragt avt - . wood st, t door below alwaoa '“a A 1:. j| ‘ TRANSPORTATION LINES. UKLIASCE PORTABLE BOAT LISK. mmm i§47. sbotbb t'OK MhKCHAf*Ulfrfc UK TWE£N PITTSBURGH ANp THE EASTERS •CITIES, WITHOUT TRANSHIPMENT. THE improved method of carrying n*ed by this lon* Established Lute, is now;towel! known that de scription is aanccessary.. Goods are not touched on. Use loute, thds all iranshipiueatorexira handling is saved. ‘Hie l 1 -"'* are'of light draught and perform their trips in from six to seven day*. \ The capacity of pur Warehouses enabled us to, store any consignments made to us. Receiving, storing, and advancesfree of charges. > , ’ . Being fully prepare*! to make sales of Produce, we respectfully solicit consignments of western.. Floor, Bacon, Lard. Butter, Cheese, Wool, Feathers, and other artldTes for sale, on which liberal advances will be made and other usual facilities afforded, pledging our selves that any business entrusted to us shall be as promptly. executed and upon as fair terms os by any other house. JNO / Mch ADl)hl'i&Go Canal Basin, Pittsburgh JAS M I>AVJ3* Co r 243 and SSlJilark«et,^hllada_ PITTSBURGH PORTAULB B.LIME. 1 gfeaaaa* 1547. £S3PSBfr FOB the transportation of Freight between Pituburgh Aod the Atlantic Ciue*. avoiding transhipments on the. way, and Uie consequent nik of delay, damage, breakage and separation of.goods. Pnvrition. BORII RIDGE & CASH No iKS Market street. Pbi.udelph:a ' * TAAFPK It O'CONNOR ' f Cot Penn and Wayne Us, Pittsburgh O’CONNOR A Co. North street, Baltimore .1 A«nts WA J T TAPSCOTT, 75 South st, N. V. i E - Encouraged by Increased business the Proprietors have added to their stock and extended their arra;ige> menu during the winter, and are now prepared to lor* ward freig.it with regularity and dispatch unsorpasred by wiv older line. Their long experience as carriers, the psJpable'siiperiority of the Portable Boat' system, and tho great capacity and conveuieueeof the ware houses at each end of the line, are pecoliarly calcula ted to enable Ujc proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate tbeir cjutomer*—confidently offering . bcipasl a* a guaranty for the future tjjey respectfully solicit a continuance of that patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. All consignments to Taafle A O’Connor will be ree’a Ond forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and Bills of Ladiug tranuaitled free of any choree for Committion, advancing or storage. Having no interest directly or indirectly m steamboats, the interest of the consignors must necessarily be their primary oojeci in snipping west, and they pledge themselves to forward all goods consigned, to thenl promptly and on tho most advanta geous terms to the owners. March 1,1&17 . . mart VO THE PUBLIC. THE Boatmen’s Portable Boat Company being dis solved, tho Company again went into articles of Co partnership under the name of the **Boatmen’s Line;” and likewise agreed to refit tho Block so as to have a number of Boats for the purpose of carrying goods through In from six to eight days, with eensinty—and . feel encouraged by the liberality of last year’s patron age, to make more extensive arrangements for the eh suing year.' ‘ . We would.therefore revpectfolly solicit a comma once of our former putronk. and refer ali new easterners to those we have done business for.' a 1847. BOATMASS’ LINE, ' Fofihctran«potiaiiOQ of ALL KISDS or Mr.nctUßDt&Z, TO AITD ZBOB PuiLAbXLKiiA, Baltworo, N*w Voa*, f AJTO Boston. - SAMUEL WIGHTMANACo, "Corner Liberty street and Crninl Basin. Pittsburgh. A L GERHART A Co. No 3hS Market street, Philadelphia. ELDER,GELSTON ACo, Agents. Baltimore, Md.' REFERENCES. PITTSBURGH—Jas. McCuHy, Cro. Morgan A Co. W McCuHy ACo, B A Sampson A Co, M Allen A C*. PHILADELPHIA—Morris Patterson A Co, Reynolds McFarland A Co, Fleming A Busby, Peter Wright A Son. J Bispham, Joseph Gnux. NEW YORK—Goodhue ACo,.'Theo.Perry ALo. UOtTTON—Reed, Hurd A Co. CINCINNATI—Adams A Crctgi, W W Scarbor °“f'T. PLEASANT, YA t P A Maduer. NASHVILLE—F Fleming. ’ Ncra—All merchandise from New York and Uoftoc, consigned to A L Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia, will be. promptly forwarded/re* of commission. , .fobls ISDSPENDRffT portable BOAT LINE. aasagga r 847. essfesgS “for tile Transportation of produce AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADEI.PHIA AND BALTIMORE. : icrwuhout TranshlpmcnL«o j Goods consigned to ourcare will be forwarded with- Cotdelay,Bt the lowest carrent pates. Bills of l-adtug iranimitted, and ill mstrcctions promptly attended®, fret fromaar extra charge for storage or comra«*iott. r AJdrcsSjOrappiy to C A MeA.NULTY ACo „ Canal Basin, Pittsburgh f STORAGE. 'j Having a very large and eommodioa* wtirehounr, >re are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shipment) a large amount of rrodoce, ic ? onStprageat tow talc*. [mart) C A ACo PIckWoRTH * CO’S LISE. .m,g7ra 1 8 47. £XCLfSIVKI.V for the. transpiration of WAY KRWGItT between IMuburgh, Elairsvtlle, Johnv town.HoJltrtayiiiaigh. Water Struct, I’etersbargh W all tmcmiedjate places. ■■ On-* Host will leave the warehouse of C A ale Anally tt Co., Pittsburgh, every day, [except.tfondaya.l and shipper scan always depend on haTing their good* for* warded withooulrlay and at fait rale*. . Thi* Line wui fainted for die special accommodate of the way business, and the proprietor* respectful Kilicita liberal share of patronage. mLUAM FULTY „JOHN MILLER, no!li-lay»bu»gh ) K l! CANAN. Johnstown > Agen 0 A AIcAiNULTV * Co, l*iU*l>or*h) REFEREKCEfI. 3 3 McDcvitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Hagaley A Wraith, l’ltishurtth. lAEK KBIE iSD SICUItiAS LISE. 1*47- Migi riijilo l.mc being eompoFrdof S:enm!*oa!»LakcErie i. nnrt Micbigan, rutmmg daily iK-tu-cen Pittsburgli uttd Ccnrer, and trciglit and (>a«*ci!*rr Canal iloau, running between Ueaverand nud ronnceiuig wnh C .M Feed'si.ine oi ijieaaboji I'fopellere and VeiMtls on the uakes, will tic prepared upon the earliest open ing of Navigation 10 curry Fre:jht nad I’areeitgcis to . all polntson the River, Cnn*l and Lakes. - . liavni* every facility for conveying freight and pas sengers with promptness and dispon-h, Ui<i proprietor and ngenrs respectfully solicit from their fricr.as and he public ecnertilly their pimnage. CM IlkliD,Krrn. I’ropnetor RKKll?*, PARKS A Co, Ueavcr.Agts JOHN A CAUGHKY, Pitfb’ghdo Cor.SiniihCald and Wutcr sis. opposite the Mohonga gahela House. % ' . HCFtR TO Wheeler, Crocker 4; Co, New York (■eoDavia, lliißitlo II N I'ark* £ Co, Cleveland' ini A Armstrong* Co, Detroit McClure A William*. Milwaukie Bristol A I’oncr, Chicago tV'm Powers, Powerstown, I’cnna tiro Maehelniyre. Kranslmrgh, I’enna John MeAtlhut, IlnntViown, do Wick A Acker, (ircenvillc, do Craig A Fnimjuon, Clarksville, do I lay* Al’liuob, Shnrpsbuigh, I’a. W C Molan, liharon.- do n W Cuhninebam. New Cnsilc, do ranrS “PITTSBURGH & CLEVFLAND 18-L5. tefeacia If. Clarke. If. Hoops. T. R chntond A Co. CLARKE * CO., ? VorwArdtric A Commlislon BlcreSiaHtn. nEAVKR. I’A. l’ronriftors of this Line (so favor ably known'to the public), will bo prepared on the esrliest .opening of canal navigation to receive prop eny at Pittsburgh and Beaver, and deliver the same at any point on the Ohio canals, and ulsoon l-akes Erie and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at Teas oiruble rates. - Tho proprietor* of tine line solicit the l«*ine*J < .their fonnnr ««slumtir* with confidence, knowing ih; their facilities arevw*i:d to none. Apply to or addreAir^-,^ ■ ■ ■ . G M HAltTem^. rl p, tU bQr,h . y iQtjIIMOND A C ( ' • W ESTKtOr TltAnaro RTATiOxiCB; 1547- JllLilil : 1), ERHCII A CO’S. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION UNF Bia'WEEN I’ITTSRUIUJH. PIJILApELniIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW.yOßK nt|lE;aioek of ih:s line eouei'ts of a doitble daily A Line ot Bouts and Cass, lowncd liy* jbcmx-lvcs,} which are in good order. The subscriber* «repr-pu red to forward a large quantity of Merchauditb »Td Produce with certainty and dispatch; Troduce or Merchandise consigned to any of (tra un dersigned, U forwarded free of any charge for commis sion or storage. Bill* Ladn’ig irdnsmitted and nil instructions promptly mended to. • The btuinc** of.thi* Ufteu conducted on ■tncilv Sabbaiiokcctudc principle*. Addrek*, or apply to D LlilXJ J A Co. Proprietor*. r Canal Baxiii, Pilisbunrh II ARRIS A I.EKOH, Proprietor*. No l3£outh Third men, Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SONS. ARenW, No Hi North Howard itrtci, Uultiraorc W B WILSON, Agent. No 7 Wpiralreei.Nf.w York ItJKAVKIC, WAItIIkCW A. CLBVULAMO LINK OF CANAL PACKETS AND feTAOKS. ■ 1847. -Can ALi*aCKKTS-TELEU, APJI A BWAI.I.OW LKAVK Dearer daily ai -/o'clock,*. *„ oiler the arrivul of the VKR from I'iU'borgh, DiiJ tfrHve at Warren nexrihornmg in #eawm for the Siayo* which reach Cleveland l>e(breni<kt. i’lfwtnxer* will liereceiptrdihreuyh.Keurine berth* ontlie I’ackett.Dihl lent* in tin- Singe, on application on ImnrJ atcumhoul Heaver, {leaving Puu&orgh at 0 o’clock, a. M-,}orto the agent*: H 51 lIARTON A Co, Pitubnrcb' CLAHKK A Co, Heaver ’ JKSSK UALDWIN, Younmowa TA\IA)R. Wttnm - 1847, nx'Mw *n JssSgBMZ mW-WsMstsm TO THB'EJSt BY ffIBKOSQIDBM ROUTE, j- ' VIA.' BIIOWNSVII.I.B a cu.m'iikrland. TIIK under»i)?n?(t are noVpr?panMJt6foiwßnlpro duce,Ac.,lo the Kawem Markets darins the ea»n- Ing Winter,on the - roost farotablc terms.:by Uiiseipe* .diuous /}■ : • ' property conmned to ns will be forwardedat the loWert rates and with despatch. > '..-Merchandise received-l»y this route promoUr for withled.. . • J « 01DWKLL, Atf, Wipfaß. „ •; i OtJ\£CASS, iJrownsvilJe. £ Opv'/T ' KKtfKItTON tCp.Cmnhertand , WTTBDUKpIIAND QftßESviUB _ -1847. LK^ h iPAgKRT and 1 !p£&tf!^^EZSS i SS& lkavernn.l OrecnYillc, K., by which rrci.hl .art P n.. Ycnnero between the two point*, wlllbacu tied tmtimulY ftnd at the lowest ratrs. 1 1 1 * pnffijlir, itlitmotetl afflicted oedtcj to ■•bad for. lout aoc* *i»p. pioved WICK A ARCHER, Greenville. A*ts CRAIO AFKAMMVN.CIarksViI" dn; • ‘ t MeFARLANDAKI.NYi.Biynend, do; HAYS A PLU.MD, Bbarpsburgh, do w q MALAN. Sharon; * ' ' dro WM. MATHKWS, I‘ulissl, 32 . RKKD, PARKS A Co, Dearer, 32 JOHN A CAUUIIKY, comer Water andSmiUißeWu*. •p6ly Opposite lbs Hounfihcla Howe, Pituhargh TRANSPORTATIO: HCRnLAii noaarigo jok • ; i • BBATBBf : : I Charles Hoops, connenees her inn* this ha;, Pitts' burgh at A o’clock. *. sc. Mil Beaven tu 4 o’clock, r. M.,- eanncctinrwitfi Pittsburgh aod Cle!reland;LmeofCad nal Dotn daily to Cleveland, O 4 Beaver, Wsrrep and Cleveland Line of Canal Packet! hnd Sdge Coaches daily to Warren and Cleveland*, Cabal Packet Lines to New Castle and Greenville, Pi; Erie Extension Line to Meadville *nd Erie. NelLMobre ft Co's Line* cf Soure CoacheVlbr Cleveland and Wdorterj. leave Bca r ver daily on’the arrival of steaittoai Bearer ftom KABTOIJtO.i hmb.r,!.. 1 npl4 , . CLARKE ft Co] Bedvdt : . uaioa'Ti-. 1847,; K N PARKS*Co,Cleveland,O. ) it U G PARKS, Beaver,:Pa. : ißopncWrt. , 'W T MATHER, Pinsbargh, Pa. •J• I: ' . TUB above Line is now falty-pt fpf»«4 » Freight and Passengers from** lubarghandCleve land, 10 any point on thsPennsylvahja * Ohio and Ohio C T^e l facilitTeaWsaidLine are so equalled by.anyon said Canal*, in number* and cmpabity of rience of Captain*, and promptness 01. Agenu. Ac.. _ One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and C eveland daily, tun ning in connection with the Steameri. ! . ' a Michigan and Lake Ene, betsrixn Pmsbnnrb and Beaver; and a Line of first elaa* * teamboatg, Propei* lers, Brig* and Schooners, on Lai * Krifl.UßTon, Mir cbisah and Ontario „ ‘ -1.. . ,v Property, forwarded to any part >f the I Union with, despatch. • E N PARKS fcO i, Cleveland, Agtt ■ i REED. PARKS * Co, Beaver, Agu.'v; W T MATHER. Pitabnrah, Agt ; *p2l , Cor Watf-r and Snrithaeld streets TO~CLBV£LAB D .vUu] I TUROUGfI IN MJ PACKET Boat* Swallow and-fi vcrdaify,at3o J clock r ntoralog Boat from Pittsbotfb, and time for the Mall Line of Btttea, ~ atelyihereafter.and arriTt ax ' Thi tli route i* the mo*t- •JpetoU— to the L«ke*. I I ; COTES ft LEFFTNOWELLi Wenen, liopr** REED. PARKS ft Go, Bnrer, Agent* * JOHN ACAuGUEV, eaißsiWathraßdBmuhSdd*u, ae«ly Op'poiits’lhc Mo2H±r*hci»!Hoßie, Piß»bergh n3mKßßB ; POfl9ii£K|BbA9 LISE. -10 It TIIE TR Iit«TORtItIOJI GT ____ _ _ 'ALLKINDS OP MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM Philadelphia* Btltlaoli, S«w,Tork • and BoitoM, | , THE encouragement th'i lice has received since ; itscdmmebeement,haa tajlaced itke proprie lore to increase thp stock by odd{sg B somber of fir elm boati; and instead of giving receipt* oa hereto (hre at agent*, we will give oar own* receipt* lof freight shipped by this line.. i .* ; - The boats are ail portable, cbnse<joe*Uy freight ia takes the whole distance without; transhipment, thereby preventing damage from frequent baodliog on the route, "had at each boatj U nwned by the Captain who runs them, which is ■ sufficient guar antee that there will be no delay on the.route. All Produce or-Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded! FKEETOF COM* MISSION,for advancing and forwarding, and will be shipped without delay at'tbe lowest rates of ; Height. < .1 r' . : IVe respectfully solicit* share of pnbliepatro nage. WALLINGFORD it Co., ; Canal Basin, Pittsburgh CRAIG, BELLAS dc Co.. Agt. 'Bread Strbet, Philadelphia. F MILLER, Agent - . Rowley's Whan, Baltimore. ;h, Feb. 10,1847, I • ' I j : 1847 ji& mmw- TO TBS EAST BY BALTIBOBB AKD OHIO RAILED AD', THE nbteribert-will reeeipt far the delivery of Pro* duee so JJaltfmoro by tho MonOngaheJa Siaekwater at Use following I -J w A»he*, .Boeon, Bauer, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Whiskey, ' ■t, and Glut—67l eta per 100 Iba. . ToUaecv.nfcvp, Flax and Whest—Meta per 100 lb*. Ashes, {roll Apple*.Cheese, Flak-Seed, Glau, and Leather—loo eta per 100 lbs .. OiU,Skiria.Beede, Wool—UOcisperlOOlb*. Bce«wax,Feaiher4 1 Fiira,Giaaing, aod Snake-Root —lSOcUperlOOlba.; • i ' . •. • All property consigned to either of tbe tmdersigsea will he forwarded without delay! free of Commission, at above rales. W 11. CLARK, Brownsville. , IJANNA A WATERMAN, Pittsburgh. . nnvSfldtf; ; j I ..:. * diL'swayne’i i COMPOUND SYRUP OF-WIU)[CIIEURY. -A certain andeafe cars tor asthma,' livercomplami, spitting blood, pains inthe side . or breast, nervous debility .jwboopinff cough ' broken- constitution, CON9|UlilPa TION or any diseaso orthelnngs or breast.; Header src'ynd suffering •'-with a cold or disease of kbe I . lungs, try ibis remedyl. i yomvill hotter. 1 baps regret ju | It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which •trike such' terror to tho mind, Me prolong yodr days. Ocware of ajl. preparations. parpQvting to contain Wild Cherry .except stgnatureorDr -rf~vrti tw v’iUUo wrapper ol'tacHTOlCe, as they bre quite likelyijestitoit o! the article from which they borrow a name. I ’ ! Jitad tchai it heu don :/ 50,000 DEATHS BY (jONSUMPTION ; Would perhaps be a small estimate bribe ravages . ol .this dreadfal disesso in s single year; then add tho fearful catalogue jol those cut off by Inffama lion ol | the Langs, Hemorrhage, / stbmi, Coughs- Influenza, Bronchitis,and blher diseases ol the Longs and Liver. And the ifst woold present an hppall og proof of tho fatality ol those two classes elf dire isos. Bat it is important to know that nearly all ol this dread waste of human life might nave been, prevented by a tiraciy esc of Dr. SWAYNE’SI COMPOUND SYRUPOY WILDCHERRY. | This medicine has now been before the public some'eight years, and it the original preparation from tbciWild Cherry Tree-J Its reputation, as a remr.djr.fur Coughs,.Colds, Bronchitis, and Con* sumption of the Langs based bntirely upon its in* jrinsie merits, owes out little R inflated newspaper puds. -Tfuiso whogive it a trial, being benelitled by it, recommend it to tbein neighbors, and thus gradually and sorely basit gained snj enviable repo 'tation and worked its wiy jafio general use. Oue bottle never fads to cure a recent cough or cold, whilc'wilb fitrieLattenliun to Redirections thst ac company e'arh bottle,its use diseases nr tong standing and of the iposl alarming chonc ter. haslaJways given and in very many instances has effected complete and permanent cures. L , ■ e Dr. SWAYNE'S Celtbratid Compound Syr» j , upof Wdd Chary Read the most remarkable cure aT Consumption ever placed upon record—- - | Dr bwiyne— Dear Sin I feel it a debt of gratitnde due to jiu—and a duty to the afflicted generally to oflerroy fumble testimony inlavor of your Coma pound Syrup of Wild Cherry.- Some three years, sioee, I was violently attacked with cold and infla, mation cf the Inngs, which was accompanied with a very distressing cough, pain in the breast and head —a very considerable discharge of offensive moeixs from the! lungs, especially npon changes of weather bowevcr'siight. At first 1 fell no alarm aboct my condition, but was pretty soon convinced that 1 was rapidly going Into consumption. I grew dally weak* er, and at length was scarcely able to'walk sboat or speik above a whisper, such was the exceeding weakness ofay langs. During this time 1 had tried virioun preparations and prescriptions, but found no relief—growing all tho lime worse. Just here! I was advised and punoaded by a dear .friend iu Wiiming* tan to make a trial of you? Syron ofWild Cherry, 1 must confess that previously t had been prejudic ed aguinst patent medicines, and 1 am still against those coining out of the hands orempirics, but undersUbdiugvour claims to the profession and ■ -ajpetico jof medicine, acd having implicile faith in ny friends, 1 lorthwith parchssed ©! Dr SbawT'bwkof jour agents, a few bottles and commenced itt use. My disease at this lime was ot twenty or twenty five nmsths’ standing, cam* qucaUy was deeply seated. 1 found, however, coo. . siderabi * relief from the first lour or live bottles.— But being a public speaker 1 frequently attempted to preae i with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured those vesselstnat had already began to healjin this W3y, doubtless, my care was greally. retarded ' r ln eonicqeence. of acting tliusunpru dentjy-i had m use li orj 15 bottles, before t was perfectly restored. 1 have .ho,question, a much smaller luinbor of bottles would have made me sound, bbt for the above indiscretion. Tho Syrup allayed the lc*cri*h habit, did away the distressing cough, pitt o atop to the discharge' of matter fhxa Bio Tung , and gave them and the eatirosystect good health, fhavo delerrodoffering lb is, certificate!'till now, for the purpose ol being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of tho care, ini now that 1 fed! perfectly well, 1 offer it with ptdssore. - , rev. j. k Jordan; Dublin county, Ni C. . ■ j CAUTION! CAUTION! - Avoid ill spurious preparations of Wild Chsrrv. such os Balsams, Bitten, Syrups or Wild Chehv Pills purporting to contain Wild Cherry,' dec;. Ac’, as they a « all : fictitious and_counierfelt,smd contain none of the virtues'or the original and genuine pro* parationfS prepared by Dr. SwayneJ and the first ever prepared in this country. Doctor Swame’s impound Syropof WILD CHERRY la composed of vegetable ingredients, the Wild Cherry, sad othV er medical substances cqally as efficacious, if - not more so;'the whole are so effectually concentrated u to render U beyond nil doobt the most pleasant, 'strengthening, and effectual remedy ever discover? ed lor tho cure of Pulmonary consumption, and all diseases or the Longs and Breast. The very fact from its having such a train of spurious imitators* stands to prove its groat curatiro properties ! L * Theretpre. invalids, inquire for Ihepnginai rrrena ration,eacb buttle of which Is enveloped inatw-an. tiful wrapper, with a likeness of William Penn en graved thereon} also bearing the signiinre of Dr H Dwayne, the counterfeiting or which bill. be mm' labea as forgery. ? • Prepared only by Dr. H. SWatjviJn W corner of Eiohth and Rack Streets, Philadelphia C ° r ° Cr Per sale in Pittsburgh wholesale aiul retail b* WM. THORN. 63 Markctstrect, I V OGDEN A SNOWDEN, corner iod A Wmvi ..- B. A. FXHNKSTUUK a IXaffiS ‘“v . Wood dndEUiimd Wooditredu™ I 1 “ ld S.JONEa.lSOUbortjKioet ■■■ . " r ' JOHN MITCHELL, AllcthoD, til. And by nil respectable Drugjnst- cl throughout tho United Stal da. ■ i. ’ • • - S' •- ROOKKT Jfcf* n? V ", ,d , b ’ *>• E-.BKLLKI*», 37 S V?Sd Bt. •jjgftuml,*.** ud B, a. Cigala- MEDICAL D&.SUKIISUSH MUHCiTED LOZE3GE3, AND • ' * ' ' " PLASTER- Dr. SHERMAN has disooisud r mat plesmal, so that children wQI taka ill more. Sc* twhii/ccftKaZf i» arrnad j . pi. t Pet td'Mtk r<ti* «a (b« hek 4 raehßill of Diracboua. SHERMAN’S COCCn LOZENGES. These Lamoge* an the safest, Mrt sum and effectual r*a edy for coughs, cold*, consumptions, .whooping coughs,-Mb ma, tightocssof tbs loagior chest, etc, sir.- Tbs proyrittoe ho* never knows u insane* where they dal not give pet Met satisfaction. Bcvera] thousand boxes kora been sold wiuiiu the tart year, restoring to health persons ii almort every Mag. ofeon*umptioo,aßd those laboring under} the most distre»M*>g cold* and cough*. They do qot check tod'dry up theevujli, . bet render it easy, promote espectonUicril allay the lickliag uc irritation, and www the prosunat* hr' aaeitiny catn*. They arc made frvm a coabiutian'oT n'fasjsfTulliable eipec •tenat, or cough medicines, and are undoubtedly superior t» - every thug in um for thcaccumXUints. Hundreds upc&'buu'. drtdi ofcertilieair* have been offered of their wonderful vir tues,' from those who hare been wed frum as uutimei,' rare, andmtored toperðealth byusing them. '< Where thcren ranch painin lit* brtail crude, ooe cfSHer . Poor Man’s Flatters (price oaly 12J rou,)' shouhl be applied over the part, and worn till rtlieted. If attended with eostDcneas, a few catliariie or laxative mOdcathartic vaulirine, thouid be utedw oceuioo rrvuirri ••I - SHERMAN’S WORM LOZENGES Three worn hungr* him been prored in more than l,Ofc 000 Cun to be infaluole; the only certain worn doirbying nedsetneeverdmovered. .Man* disease* aril* fruaworm* and oresiinn long and intenseluitring, a/nievto death,with out iheir-ever bung suspected; grgwu persons arc very olUa afflicted with them, and are doctored lor various complaints without any benefit; wbca cat do*e of these Lovnec* would speedily curathem.- BinrptM** of ia the joint* or limbs, offen ore*tb,juekag at the non, grinding of the teeth during Valeepitndat-uaeeapaleaenabout the lip*,withAmbedchecks blccdJngaitae'4oM,agftawur acneation at the stomach, Saab eiefbeatiercrJLhtMr&ccoftbc body, slight chills or shir - eringe, headache, drowsiness, vertigo, torpor, disturbed drrras, sudden! starting in sieve, with -fright and acreaming' sometimes a troublesome cough, feverishness, thirst, palUd - hoe, file, bad last* iAtfce mouth, difficult brfathiug, min in the stomach or bowels, fatigue, nausea,' sqeamUlu<<M,-Tcraj eious appetite, Jeanne**, bloated stomach or EmU, griping*, shooting patn* tn tarioni parti of the body, a ses>« of some' thjog rising rathe throat, itching oftheanus lowirdiaight,« T frequent desire lo rats ymethiag from the bowels, ands-ome • times discharges of sUae and mucus. ..} SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZKNOES. {They give unmediata relief in nerrou or aieh hcadachs palpitation of the heart, towetw of the detpoudency" 'udammatofy or putrid tort lhn»t, bOw*l 9 aaamcr.corn plaint, fainting, 1 oppeemian or nitniaof aidhifegof lha ehrit cholic, ipuco*,{ cramp of the (bunch or bowui. hyeterkal . affectum*, and all Derrona dinaiea, drowtineea'through the day’, and wakrfulnm through t)n n%ht; cholera or cholj era morbui, dianfamn, hnitode or a aoue of fktigwe. Per ' •On* travelling or attending, large parties will find the Lotea gemally miring.and imparting the booyanrabf youth; eacd after dinipatiotJ, tier wrilfratorc the Ue»eof eiaiyrlasi'gea| cyiUy, ana remora all tha anpleajant lyraptomj aruing tram too free liring.; Pervone who hare-been too high Iher*, taft tM&dooed their dlnipaied habita, will fhm DufteLemagee ad j nunble caapoKnoftbewOTca. * I . SHERMAN’S POOR MAN’S PLASTER. , |Thebe*t*tr»gUienn^pla*t*rb'lheworldjandatorairkb .remedy for pain*, or weauen in the bock, Jeioa, aide, neeh, ltzmbvo, ke. ac#U Oe* tmiii* * . ycarwulDotiuppiy the d<man<L. Tb*y require aliill* warm - log before tppuoUußk Warranted »npertorfe> all othen, and fbr one quarter (ha twad priec, aaking not only the bni, but (lie ehcapeat |dajtcr in the world. It afford* relief b a frw hour*, and mute aaiouitfihtg cure*. I Is lirareomplaint and-djiptpeia, it ihs&ld be won* mt tho regiou of the iirer or itorr.arh, ud it wiD afford great and ■irtonuning rtlitt la cough*, eoldi, atfhnta, difficulty ed breathing, oppreauoo of the chert or wnmndi, they will im mediately ‘aooth and rrtatly benefit the ratie&L renooa v* mdeatary habit*, or thbm obliged to aland much, will receive rapport-from ode of Lneae truly itreagtheoiag Pha' ter. Phyataao* generally receuibaend them, in preference to all other*, becauie they Aick or adhere better, end afford great* . .er relief. In their operation, they are itimuleut, tccM^ind. asodrna.- They era eumpboed of entirafy dilSkrent iarreli rata from any other, and anown from the etperkace m ail Can who hart’uied them, a». well a* the. united lotimoaj of all the celebrated and dlrtiaguiihcd clergy and phyikian*, t* be the meet uaefal and highly irardirated pwler rScTcnlpmon* hare called at tha .wanffiouae to eeje their lurprueand thank*,at thcahaartmlraeulnu* curt* dm gpbrten hare effected. ■ UDirbctico* for iue'areoa.Ute back of each plartxr, vi’A a ' tie limile of Df.Stiar&aa s name. It is important you ihatld ask for Sherman’* Poor M*h’» Plaster, andee* bat t the’genuine, as there an many worthies imitathn* 1 about and sold for the true Shcrmaa’a Plaster*, by dpleddealetw •• " -• I Sdd whoknle and retail byW, JACKSON at hi* Nu Medieiha Warrhoa**, No. c 9 Liberty street, Sira ottb' pIQ BOOT. . ■■•-■■’•.nyjaM dly. fwAK&Eirr OUBf* lwrmph;leare Eea rujo arrival of tbe irrlve at Warren in hich leave immcdi' •landtt|Oo’eloek,r. tie ts and comfortable r «I UAVEFOUSD IT.”—EWreio. jfIONSUMPTJONCAN BE CURED BT USING OR L/ DUNCAN’S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I - Cincfunolf, 0., blarch 3d; 184 T. I . Dear Sir:—Thi* is to certify to the pabhc, partkularlf i 9 thorn afflicted with a dncaaaef tha Lungt, or Cossumptiou' that ih the Spring of ISO 1 wn attaekod with limn cold' Which man heetma mated upon my lungs, showing all tha symptoms'of an approaching Ceesumptloa.' My cough wa* light and troublesome, attended with oopjous night (Went*; spit up daily a considerable qasatily of blood, mited with | dark matter. My situation t«m«" serious and alarm* ing.- During this lime I was attended by Ijn of our meat akilfnl Fbysieians; they did the best they could for me, vbrv .ukngth they gars up all hopes of my recovery,iufrnaing pc that noUung more could be my luajp were fk jtally disease?, and beytmd remedy.' 1 was then per*naded by jalHendbf mine to make h trial of Dr, DuntanH A'ryecto- Earnedf, w}ikb my Thyriehms pmismi against, vying that this medicine would ,do no good, and Would s)ill add more to my suffering. I told them it was my last and only hope,’and that if I must die of tha; disease, (which was evi dent to me,) there would be nothing lost. 80 1 scut ts the Cincinnati Office and obtained S bottles of (his truly Valua ble Medicine, and comaeseeAußng aeeordihg to Ihedirtc tkiis, which, instead of Jbddisg to.ray su&riag, immediately gare me ccce arresting the.troublesome Coiug tasiog tb« pain and. in ■? Chert;'giving me a nciw lift and soca'cnallWent lolbe about again. This medicine coulmued its good work, whieh it so nobly ctenmrned, until I.was made a sound mas.. I hare siacsbcea -attending to my business, (upwards of 3 jtnm) and frel as ! healthy as I wish. I have recommended Dr. Dunean** £s pcetorant Remedy in many instance* to thdeerimilarlj afflicted and it has always prorod succcuful to fisir a* I have witnessed its effects. My sister b Bshg this medidneat present, for t | Dluated Littr and an Affection of the Lunfi, whieh she had suffered with-for some lime; she.has jnrarly recovered , by the use of this raedidne, and I am eonfiirai Uie 5 butllri that 1 take with me l»rtay willeUtirely cure her. lam sorry | o know that there are thousands of valuable persons wasting i way with this dreadful'datroyer—CONSUMPTlON. | Were it only pomible for thorn to procure this medicine in time, before it be too fcUe, many lives might be protagtd and : their families and relations again rendered happy!. This | medicine win,giee lnstant reliefandatthe.mme timearres ;tbe hard and painfn l Congh, rtmore the iigtanenln thrChes give strength to the enfeebled and emaciated flame, and in imort rases, I am certain, will perform a perfect cure.! ANDREW J. FELTEtt. • . ‘ Moalfcnstry,HaniiltooConoty, Ohio. N, B.—Thoae wbomay not be acquainted With me I re&r to the cnderaipntil, dloctu of Montgomery, Hamilton cow* will at any time sahsUnliatetheabor* statements, y . Nouux Btovnreu- C*rr-J. Samoa* i ' ! DR, DUNCAN'S WESTERNOFHCE, 11W?veaisort street, when this valuable Medicine can always be obtained. " Sold in Pittsburgh, by WM. JACKBON, comer of Wood and Liberty «is • oprH-d&w IiIPOttTAIIT TO TILE L.ADlK9—Chinese •X llair Cream,-a malehlcM article for the growth, Beamy and Restoration of the Umir. • Cream, when once known, will all otliei{ articles of the f kind now <ue<L Where the hair is dead, fiar*h,thm,gtn heallhy or lamina.yrer, a lew' application* will make the hair-soft ana dark, and ziv* it a'beauufol livcl? appearance; and wilt alto male it retain »■ liveliness andbcalthy color twice as Ion; as all the preparations: which are generally Bred. Bvery tarfyLami gentleman who are in the habit of asm* oils on ttitirbair, sb-uld at once purchase a bottle of the Chinese Hair Cream, as : it it so composed that it will not injore tho hair like the other preparations, bat will beaatifjrit, and giVc perfect satisfaction in every instance. I • . . For testimony to iu very ' see the ..... very superior i*. followlag letter from BrvJ Air. Caldwell, io; Messrs llendershou k Stretch, NstLville, UehCral Agents fo* thcWestem Sure*: i i from the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the l*rer bytenon Cfcaieh, Pulaski.' I [ Messri.Hcndcrubouffc Streteb-yClentletacn:! I a pleasure In adding my testimony m favor of thdi c Jcnt preparation coJkd Di. Parrish.’* /Chinese, I Cream—for aboutTw© years ago my hart was very 1 • biittly, and disposed to dome out: but baring procure ft bottle of the Cream, and used it according to the pre seription. my bait is now soft, elastic and firm to tbe bead. .Many balsams and oils were applied each lea* Vingtny hair in a worse state than treble. This Cream however, has met my expectations. i As on article for the Toilet, my wifegire* it prefer ence over aUoihers, beingdeliestely perfumed, and not disposed to rancidity. The ladies especially will find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their prepa rations for tbe toilet. " Bespectftißwfte. t ri-*irM<ar.».MP.' 4 r ll/'« > W wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh by John AIT Townsend, No 45 Markctitreet, afoi Joel Moliler eornerof Wood and Fifth sts'. . jnUu* Fisk perp cmeuy— T - Cream de* Amanda Ameic*. for «ia»iafi I cream a>£ Rose, lor shaving; • . Almonde Cream, do; ’ ! Soperfine Rouge,on l*oreelarn ciendj; ' rJcrani «cent Uaai. perfumed with threader. Ancle* lerre Slid; • toaatifaVpdwdwpaffs, ofatfjwJldmn Embo«»cd toilet boxer, containing fragrant exuaru for the handkeichief; aueut bag.ond touel *oaps,»uit abte for present*; •• '-,‘‘l Pcrailn, or Chinese powder; ' Indian vegetable hair oil,-■■<*. --v, •« foney or common wrappm, (rote iecnt> ?,}’ ' . • i Jones’Soap; Tlyntph Soap; JUre Liji,*alTej i Coldere<un,e!ffpimlypßtap; . • i Tore palm roapiia ban au«lcake({ , r I. &heU aoapj Soda soap; (Ofeitat “wflh'n great variety offino perfumery: iosi received; for dale by ; ! D A FAMWtSTOCK ACO corgih ft w«vwl «tt ! : PITTSBURG H GA'ZETTE. PUUUBIIED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY A WEEKLY JbduGtizW*E>tildiii{i,3dit.,tuaTiitJ>et:(gnrt, M RATES OF ADYERTISino. One iniortioo or 12Iinei,.orJe*<,.*.. £0 hfl *iVpln«KioMwHboatilreraUoQ*^.o M -Three " - ■«. ' 100. 000 Weck • “ •; i lr*> Two Weeks Three One Month. • ’ t- u Two .« « Three “ fT7*Longrr adfcrliaieroenti in nme proportion. One tqoare.G months, without alteration,•••-JO .« •«. IS « i“ :; ;V; ••••;** W * Kaeh addiUooul tquaro One aquarc, 6 monthaj rc _ acwable.stplc3*nre, (fl •B: ehaddilinna^*q»*r?f<>r^s«® w Two aquve*, 6 month*, re’waMe at pleaaure, 30 m Bach additional aquare,<6 niPoth*y *•••»•»••• «IW wk«i» on. iK>oaitr nrw*. Oi 6 square. 3 iniertiont, •• • • 50 • i * each additional insertion,.••••••• _37 . ' »trc»tS3 ca*D#.j Fite lloea or leu, one -Jew, 6 00 1, i «> « ail month*, 3no « a •• oBo'j£arr«ki*y& weekly, !0-uo 1 t a «U pjpqibi'**!/: “ 800 ADr*RTt«»**WT«n» WIUtT- MM!, tttSO Jitm/or leai, One intern,so fiO V *' " X*°» ‘ 0.75 u Threo, * *r. , |i(jQ 1 ■ a * Threq 3go ff - Si* • .-‘Ny qq : •' “ Twelw to 00 ir •All adierttwmeoU tabetfwifrt-fcv \he square, ttd a diaeonntof 25 per cent where the uiaaflLot id»ertainf;e«e«-'i p« r year. ‘ stmivsn ' FiT*U»«e «tom <-'.-< •>*. ....*6 00 t&tl dertert in itca-sUtCasa- I • «epl£9 *,Li . ■'-rayaa \*jwrr POOR MAX'S rto ■iake'medieiae J readily sad cry lor bach mis of Luica nch Piaster, and in sfio 3 (O 4 O) 6 00 7 £0 r.V-i. ■«- '■ 1» » *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers