The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 05, 1848, Image 3

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T ®WI» HCTCHHOH * Co.. Ntf. U W.tsi
XJ *»£ « Proot.tTMU, AjcnU fo'W St. Loui, BaS
ttafnr Refinery, haes in store— .
- ■ 31 bxs D ft Large Lonf Sugar.
• .>. 13 bbls No 3 small *• ’ ..
•' Ifibxs No 4 !
163 bbls Ko 4 ; “ >
163 - Si u • • “ I
■ • im “'Si 4 * .« •;;
•s: , 9 ■:['
W.“ DU crashed
. 4S. *• “ powdered “ :
60 “ V, crashed “
For sals at reduced prices. [
>' in' *5 1
. * ! *2 I, Trash! do; •
® £ HftMadeira do;
In « **
l “ Symington, do;
* '•£ : FayaL do)
in V Tenenfle, do;
Pale Sherry, do;
i. 't Golden do^do;
. ‘ * i*' Crown do do;
f; .■** U«bon do do;
)n v Dry <io; ♦
... 10 . > (iwert do ' do;
* just* ‘9 to suit, by P. C. MARTIN,
. cor. Hitmhficld A Front its.
XTO.BSII FRpIT,Ac—IO bxs crop Raisins,
X . . tooOMi**Mna Oranges;
S trad* Dates; -
. .6 cases Citron; .
3 bbls shelled Almonds;
3 bbls Filberts; . *
10 bzs A No 1 Rock Candy;
- . „ ; t ®?M»uew scaled Uerrinprsceirsd per.
attar. Consul; for sole by .
a?ls . v 133&lX»ood s«
•lU. J 4 bxs Cubiutarh's*;
35 •“ ' Chaplain's
80 “ ilreifi*;
83 “ > Russell & Robinson's 3«;
80 “ < tranche's 1*;
30 ■“ . Dswsou’s Is; on eousifnoient sad
Water *l.
•>. • T\BUGB—Com Myrrh, Turkey;
. ..■JLJ ■ \ do iGunboge;
, •. 1 -\ '. do JCiuo True;
do Opium, newcrop;
do Galbanam, (trained; \
• - LxlJ&lep; -v. ■
■ ■ ~j\- ■■ do Dandelion; \ .
. do, BelUdonna; ;u*t reeeired and fo
d*U ■ ‘ 'cor let A Wood am.
QH«9'-ltiOO jpUU winter bleached Whole Oiljprin
5 bbU Tanner* Oil;
6*• Crude dojia store; lor *&le by
' . i : O. BLACKBURN ft CO,
ny d i Water »t, near Cherry ay.
|j<BATI!E&f| A<s—o3ecke Feather*;
' CaekaGinieng:
4 Klta Dry Applet;
lbox ; do •
1 cak Beeewax;
■■ 1 ack Beetwar. to unite; for tale by
' _de 18 • / X. DICKY ACO
/RUB-ltt bbla large No 3 mackerel;
J? .. 30 do .do NoalAS;
40 h/btila do NmS A 3;
. 03 bbla Nod gibbed herring:
31 do J»o l Salmon:
13 caska large Codfieh;
100 boxes aeaJcd and No 1 ilerrinr:
jUeemng and ftra&l* by LAMBERT A SHIPTON*.
dc3U |_. ■ • 133AUS Wood at
SIX»BT1A8— We hare iast received
otto ease aaaorted colored ailetias;
w u . “ very light do - do;
• “ blaefc do; very heavy;
“ “ do; very fine;
,*• “ aaa'd col caeb&as; ,
• “ “ black do;
Which we will tell low to the trade.
• deao 69 Wood at
MOSEI* MUSCATEL hock wine, Heakell*
Co’a. exportation, for tale by the caae or buttle, at
the wine atoreof dclO JACOB WEAVER;
"VTUTS—S balee Almond*; .
J\ 10 bxa Shelled;
• 3 bagm Cream lYbts;
3 bags Pea Nata; for aaie by
dc!3 j .v J. A WILLIAMS
75,000* CIGARS, of the following celebrated
t&va : . Eaealapia
DoaAnueoa DeFtuicr
Loadou Cranio Falla Principe
Lallajadera - Colorado*
Kegtliu Caxadore*
Jono San* Principe Eagle Principe '
Lord Uyroo DcraUai CfceroottVfcr aale by
detP . ■ ■: PC MARTIN
QVffDRIES-31 aek* Feather*;
O • aeVafiiaaenf?'
4 ** Fruit;
1 box do; .
3 aeka Beeaarax: Joat reeured, lor aale by
•■■■'■ i IdAl AH DICKEY ACO
_ 4<M i t»7 water fc 107 front at
OOBD&IBB-Jtn rac'd at iso Liberty meet,
fj XeeraoMladtgo:
1 cash taperiorMaddcr;
IS emu Uuoa'i nperior blacking;
10 box* white dem pipe*;
15 Uxt Mperior chocolate;
boxes No. L Cincinnati Sotpj
GO u Mould Candles;
landing from North Carolina; for tale by
Jal Not, 18 t‘JOWood*!.
C 7 kec* lard;
lObbu. do;
6 roll butter.
Xandiat and (at mlb by BAGALEY it SMITH,
jit ' i Ncm.lB A 20 Wood «t
fSßFUXßßT7>£xtracu of Verbena, Pateboa.
ley, Violet, Jockey Club, MilUfleur, Boaqaet de
Caroline, and ■ Mink. tore Perfume Ben. from 25 ct*.
10 $1 as eaeh. For ode by , JOHN D. MORGAN, .
jal ; . No. 93} Wood at
COLD CHEAM. ia china pou; Beef Marrow,
Bear’a'Gre&ae, and fine IjpSaJre.ia china poll,for
•ale by. 'JOHN D. MORGAN.
TTOPB—IO bales lit *ort western N V Hops;
i~l • idoaa i u • “ 41
\ ddo lil u eastern ■ •••**
Carefully selected and of extra qnnlity, to store and for
jatoi , . • 41 water «t
>OHS*—ffl dot. rood com broom*
\ ' 12 e«ult kta'd u
..\ 6 u i hearth “
.. \ 10 u : wbitka **
[lair ■ 8 F VON BOXHORST k Co,
bbls lard; .
'\. 5. “ fresh roll boner; ’
. «V dried peaches;
2 V clover seed:
Jett Tec'll and (or sale x by L S IVATEftMANi
jan3 \ 31 water and 08 front »ts
».' gOAPS —10 boxes pnre Palm; ]
• ' S . “ Roeek
5 a .Shaving:
s No. 35 Front »t.
PROPUCK— 03 keg* batter, \
20 both prime chertna!«j
: Sacks ginseng; \
l nop*;'- \:
..." 85 venison bams; »
Tot tale by ■. (dc3o] 1 LAMBERT. & SUIPTO.V.
30 dninu Scnj-roa, fig*
r 3 bbU Zintee carman,:
i 4 boxes Genera 3eilronj\
< 2) do M& Raisins; \
j.d. willi amsA
HO Wood *l\
For u!< by
SrjTDRXKS— a bblt Freih Soli Buuer;
ÜbbUClover*e*l; ' 7
90 tcka Peaehetj
l bale Hop*;
2 k«e» Lard: received per tunr Bekven (or tale
31 Water kC2 Front «u.
CtQiß-4 hhdi tmm« New Oriean»;
O .abbUl)Hc,nj»bed;
• 10 do Asiionrdaosp; •
For cue br J. D. WILLIAMS,
dcJP V ' rf lIP Wood rt.
Tlf OX.ASBES—IO bbl* N. O. prime;
XU. . . 2 ' do Buftr Hou*e; •
2 Ido I'hila. auara arron
UP wood >l.
TY7TNDOW GLASS—2OO bxa. 8x10;
Tf r i 130 «*• IPrlifc. __ v
j 00 *■ 10X14;
far sale by r 8. PJVON BONNHOKST A Co., ,
Ja3 : 1 1 No. as Front «l l
YV ofSteMnboatCoawerpanextiu*! rewired fromN.
York, anil for aale by j SIIACKLLTr A WHITE.
deaO ! - HQ Wood «t
BOLD BUTTER—X bbU prime Pcan'a batter;
kef baiter and lard,' dry apples and peaches in
ctor« and for aala by - • J A K FLOYD.
mIfIOTHY SEED AVI) sale by"
j >al I JtR FLOYD.
PIG IRON—A small lot of Allegheny iron for tale
_br \ • JAR FLOYD,
nOTTON-lB bales Memphis cotton jtut receired
SUGAR— W bids N O near on hand and for sale
Atwood jo\es a co.
HAYAJVA SUGAR—lBh*s Harana"near on
bantand for sale by ATWOOD JONES&Co.
rrqBACCMV-W jiggS/*
V K £* VT^'^r™£iTi&, 3 k Co,
THJTTK&—3 bW» roU;. .• ~ . .
W'l" la's" £.» ?
41 hf do,
AUUo do NoS do;
ju*t ree'daodtoT— ja_byj|»» POINDEXTERfcCo.
No- 35 Front «t.
pEFPEB-S''•'•"'vonS&NNHOHST tCo,
-L . : * • No. 35 Front«
•TlloOUß—uOlibti. Hoar; ;
w d Buc^wbe#t ;
f K iTvo.N BO.NNUOII9T* Co,
• >y • * i ' No. 35 Front »t •
i . No. 15 From *t
pUEESE-50 boro. yy^-NHOBST »Co,
Vo/ 1 No. 33 Front**.
v. Gonro*a«,.
; tis* fftwn Bio, P"* * ncU * pni*
Bt’wn Pern 5,60 02.75
do tOpftT>»--*3U 037*
, Dr jtnme *4 0 6
CuDphor.reAaed 40 060
i ttloride Lise. ca*k • ■ -0)0?}
■ OocLsee: 1 ,7So2.u>
Cream Tans- *6 059
.Copptat! I*o 2
0{0e....; 11 017%
I Celt* 0»
tiiua Arable *—66:070
“ Copal S*osO
" •*•*3l 0.71
" Shellac 16 01;
. “ Maaiic I.* OU3
Ipecte 67 OLW
Jalap, powdered 9 * •->•1100150
Litharge 6JO
LiQuortcußnot 7 0 9
f<i(jtwriee Ball 19 080
Lae Dye *26 OaS
MngnmjaCa* X 037
Slander, Urabro IS 014
Madder, Common-•■ • 0~ ]
Myrrh, Turkey 50 060
I’ll Vuriol 4|o 5 J
‘ Castor --laitfliO ■
• Caxsia— • *3,6004.01 j
Clove*..- • ••5^003.1*1
Lemon.*— 3/> >0313
• ‘ Pepperm r.i*.-*‘5,000.Vr5
Opk im, Turkey 47505iw>
Qta line U.»*-0:liO
j Kha’iarb, toot-• • • ••••00 036]
I Sal Amonae 50 016 >
Salr odu 410211
Sena* SO 01b |
I Tartaric Acid 40- 050 !
Viirm, Blue---. 1010111
Dye Weod-P il>,
Cugwved •“•••• -510 7 i
Foatio ”---2|D J!
Locwm I, pliip(ird ...*JI/e 3 :
Feathers—p lb. j
Krutuckv-.- .* ~.f3.035 i
Ohio 4 Pcruupvama-t'3 035
Frail -
AlmondohcU’d 50 055
.Soft.... - 17 018
_ „ Hard - 13014
Cotloa Yarns— Currant*. Zanie 14 015 :
Short reel—4P lb Filbert* 6|o !• ;
No.S 1010013 —0.19 Groundnut* •!»« 01,60
“0 1U Fir*,Turkey- —•••••120 14
14. —.O . Malaga-. IVJOIIJ
Inereaiing *olcem F lb lo Ratlin*. Mu«eat a—'
"«••**• , Ranch •••• *8502^0
Long reel—T dor. . Bloom, old at—
No. —0 9 Cnuiherriex, -—0 160
“ W 0 0 Cf / Lemons, bier ly, bx 3.000150
• 700 —0 . Orange* >tl/ U.H004.3H
“ SOO, 900,1,000- 610* Peaefca ry, ho. . 1300 162.
Coreriel \am lb —0 55 Applet dry S£o*3
Carpet Chain- - —0 23 Apple*, erer.n bit 1/2001,'iS
Cotton Twine 085 Fir* Bi lak—o Si
Candle Wick -0 IB BoliVar—-. - 023,n0
Coflee—lb. Common I'l.W 0 15.00
Jars, old white-—IS 0 H Floor -F bbL
St. Domiugn -08* Extra bramla—3,oo 054S*
i^ a rra affine O SOO
h’O Pine-- 042)0
*' Ryefl»ar . 0 3.7 W
Copper—F lh. hf. bbU—. 0-?
Brnxiert. t *B7O 89 B„,.ir W heut,P ;1b ...
BheaUung «0 £ hf . bbU nunB
Cordare—by coilFlh- »
: Shorn
Utiie ropo 013 ruU-t-hhl.
g™* V" ~S |i U.ekerel, No. 1 —liioß -
Piet' < iera.eae---"-a 10 No. 1. Lr.Uila— - B -i
“ .eouunon——o 9 u..„ m-aif*-
»empßcdCrdt,Fdox- - hf. bb,..--.^U—l
F.xtraLong H&k? No. 3 ?/.*Dtx 7>-'
8.h0.;,N....0M .GB,G»!
s*o A 30-do- • 03,82 Rhad" " T"’ fain
do Plough IOU Bis -0
. Domestic*—Fyard. Furs—
. Cotton*— Red Fox. No 1. ••
Thiitle, Nashua. “ “ •*
App!eujn,'4c 7*o S Muskrat *.•
38 LaarelA Bnutv'ck- 910 10 Raccoon*
Penn Sht’g* ANot• 0 & Si ink* •
Ashes • lb.
■— - ftOH
■ 7.U108A0
Peirti-—'»-••• •
Bcorehifl|i •
Axles— >
Bristles— ' ib
i American--**- —*•—® *•*'
Batting—? -b
Soperor !•
Common —— —0 11
. Beaus—* bo* eb
Snail White***-* 75».87
Conjotor.kmix’d-. m 43
Baohctt-P doi
•' lb
hDloeni ' fiaii.
Brooms—? to.
Merchantable---- -67 0125'
Shaker 1,7302^5
Barks—? cord *•
Cbesant Oak--- ♦—■ 05^0
BUck Oak 4,0004,50
Uclnloet 4,0003,50
Coal—f Uoahel
AT the Riter
From wagon -•-
Tean'ee And Alab’a* • G} 0j
Chocolate—? lb
bomber 1 100 II
Choea. prepared —0 tfl
Caaiilu-f lb
City dipped l(l|0 11
Filutrargh Siat'---'*--5W0'.24
Cincinnati do >£.’o S)
Sperm, best brand* --3uo~i£l
Do inferior 2&0 29
Found.Hoi.waieasst 1b.—03
Furnace do-*— &H
Tea kettles ?doi •
Wagon bzs ?)b —0 23
Counter weights? set—o 40
Bad irons ? lb. net- -4|o S
Allegheny IT* —o JDeer »kin»*1b.....14 015
Oregon D. Union Mill —0 9. Oltu—
Noaatook Penn •...u--*-07| ni«#.k iioiti*. i
cSJ?f i SS?.?. , ±S fS;
F. 11*11 lUmiU'nSiu’c*—o Citybraruls.
.« 'do -0- 9xlo-
Ticking*— t 10x13—
3 Paleut dol» { 10x14 to
iHiidttl * ,—BIS .16xSl-->v.
:^2« 9 1 Country ihndi.
BeekeAcr-*-.. 11*01* BXIO ; 2,87 OXSO
We*t Braaah... —o7f 10113 _ 0 4 oo
Bpiwn dnlliy* 84010 Gtanpoirdar—P kcr.‘
Bleaebed IOJOI3 FFFU....; .^SsSsm
Ptibi*— j Eagle, 6} lb*. . 0.1,00
Do.dotllbcani*ier>~ 07,00
Good Madder. 9 015 FPFGdo. —O4 no
Mer*iVk,F,l nr*rßl'-* 10] 013) Eagle do. in paper*•— OfilbO
. lb. Bock powder 3i2OXSo
Aloea *ii 14 017 Grain— obn*bel.
?"•“ .*«•
.•ATiziida ie &Z,
Arrow Boot —Ol9
Botox, refined S 3 023
Moon Moon'*
riteg plioiet,
IS4B ; Suu Sun
■iAXUAgy;, • KU,
S Buudsy, <
3 Monday, I
4 Tueadny. ]
5 Wedtifaday,
fl Thursday, )•
T Friday,
7 SO
7 20
7 10
7 19
4 40
4 40
4 41
4 41
4 42
- BfoTcmenta of th<
To arrive at New York/
Union. Herbert, Nor. 21
Mi*<ouri, Monin. Dec. 23
Pkilada, Ucmor. . Jim. 22
S. York. Kerr anil, Feb. 21
Ocean Steamers.
To «ail from N. York.
Union. Herbert, Dee. 21
Miuoari, Monin, Jan. £3
Pbituda., Boson. Feb. 21
N. York, Ferraml, Mar. 31*cnrojL.
Cambria. Judkius, Jan! 1
~ , r Feb. 1
Hibernia. Hynr. Jan. 1
Cambria, Judkins, Jan. IS
tnmiAxrrox, Ate.
Wash'tL, Johnson, Dec. If?
Homuui,Crsbiree,Mar. IS
To arrive at Boston.
KorrnAMrro.'., 4c.
Wuh’ii, Jobniion Jan. SC
Hiwmaa.Crabir<*r,Mar. IS
To toil from U>-mou.
Hibernia, Rjrie, Dec. 4
Caledonia, Lott, Dec. IS
Dritannia,Harrison. Dec 10
Caledonia. Lott, Jan. 13
In raaking/up our weekly rejwrt today, wr have
•Jew chunks to notice in the general Iceling of the
market, every thing remaining nearly the same as
tU the time of our last weekly exhibit.
During the early part of the week, business was
materially effected by the extremely cold weather,
and the accumulation of ice in the riven, virtually
cutting off the regular receipts of produce into the
market by river. The weather moderated, liow*
ever, a general thaw took place, and the rivers,
above and below, are again , free of ice, and our
daily and weekly packets :have again returned
their regular trip*, witlm tide of some 14 feet wa-
ter jn channel.
i Another cause, too, has tended to render the
markets leas active. The holidays attendant upon
.the going out o t the Old, and the ushering in of the
New Year, have had their influence; and now
commences the-season of the general rendering
and settling up the accounts of the old year, pr«*
entering with renewed energy .upon
the business of the new year—Uio taking of inven
tories of Stacks on hand, with the view of laying
in Iresh supplies. It is worthy of remark, wliile
the news of frequent and extensive failures have
so often grated upon our ears, from our sisle*
cities of the East, tluK in our own devote J,trt y'
though not yet fairly rtcoved 1146 culauuty °
the memorable 10«l* of >pril. not one single fail
xim-bas occurred pa* year. This
apeats loudly for the energy Vnd enterprise of our
Merchants, Manufacturers and„ Mechanics of all
classes. \
Wo would, then, in all the our heart,
bid' them “God Speed." Only let the abundant
prosperity of the ,>iy_ serve ns a ulmuldnt to re
newed energy :d enterprise during the\oming
year, and we need not fear the result. \
ASHES—"Iie operation* of tlie past week him*
been comparatively light, presenting nothing l*c
yontl the regular soles W the trade. The receipts,
excepting Soda Ash. have been limited. Thu large
importations of Soda Afdi have tended so .to in
crease the supplies on hand, tui to krpp the prices
quite firm at former quotations. The sulc*-of the
week have amounted to some 25 or 30 ton* of (he
diflercnt kinds at the following rates:—Salerutus,
7{; Pearls, 7p r . Pots end Scorching* .505], and
Soda Ash ut filmic 6.
ALE—We still notice a brisk demand for Pitts*
curgh manuftetured Ale. Our Brewers find quick
sale* for all they con (urn out at $7(30 pldd.
APPLES—TiIe receipUof the week have been
light, but supplies coatiuuq quite Kurilcicnl to the
demand. We notice regular sales at $1.2531,30
|r libL
BACON—The market i$ quiet, and but hub* do
ing at present. Mpderate ; sales only'nro elfrcted
at prices ranging for the different kinds from 0| to
b|cfie EL
BULK MEAT—TIic receipts of tSri past week
have been quite full; but u» rt is intended mainly
for our curing houtes Iwrre, wc hear |of no tales
worth reporting. . ' . | .*•
BUTTER—I* quite scarce in nur market, and
there is, at present, a lirisk demand for! all kinds.—
Good lots of Roll are freely taken at 10314 c ? lb.
Keg at 1110121 c, anil frcshfPrint at lttiWOeV E>.‘
: BUCKWHEAT FLOUR —Considerate quanti
ties have been received during the week, and our
market is now fairly suppliciL We notice regular
••le* nt $2 <>loo Id. 1 j
.BEESWAX—Is very little inquired
have no sales worth reporting- It id
ufclly at 23021 c pOk 1 j
- BRAN—We quote limited soles in
i 11012 c, and from first hands nt 1/010c
BUCKETS—The market is withou
Regular sale* are c fleeted ut $2,2532^
MEANS—Tbe receipt* have been quite light, ami
the demand limited. A good quality of while i»
•WMtt.'jn to 80c > bti, r i
BROOMi>—Regular aalea are cOe
rangi ay from $1 to 1 ,00 doz, accoi
ity. -, .■ |
. OOTTON—ooroe shipment* have I*
in the market during the past wcckj
oru mainly consigned to the order of 1
turcr, w» bear of no sales worth repo
—-Our mmularturic* are still drivinj
new at th© usual quotations. Sen j
•boVc.: \ !
Ulne-f lb.
liobcv-. .
Cabs —o—
o.ern eooib,olb* 18 020
' (ilu»|-flb.
Cumiifi —o2*
Kpy- ion of 8000 lbs.
Tiikji. » 6,20010.00
llidso— o lb.
........j-... 7 0 8
Spanish 14 01#
Do. called 0—
Po Kipp*** shin— l,oo 01.62
Oree-i.... 0 4
Utrop—4* lb.
Ilejw- 01b:
*4# IS|O
kcdlco—by package, I^ool/0
Siacitt 1.0301,80
aiCIo 0501,00
; Iron H* Hi.
Bar, Jurats
“ Coin 11 on •
Boiler!' alee
H Pfcogb wins*
Mi u , A'aof
-1 Hiifw sheet--
Lead—jp lb.
51i«> -jriPig- 410-
Bar 04}
Dif «izrisPipe?A •••• 6)012
HI eel •'• —0 «|
Leather —ft lt»,
Hole, Bahimore 200 24
New Vork t+tf SO
Damaged Ijo IS
Slaughter 160 SO
'kirting SO* 22
Inrnem. black- ••••190 Si
Iridlca, black, perdoj
HaMet Uo.•••.•••-06,00042,00
Upper fim&hed—£l,ooo24.oo
Kip', tmiihed S4,t)OOUa,W
1 latCikin do • *12,00020,00
•ace Leather 16,000 —
' N. England Seating,
No.l. >t do*. 45,000
2. do ..35,000
I 3. do - 25,000
Sheepskin* 2)0 3
Lumber—From pile/
. trioooistt..
Pine, clear, boh- 020,00
Common “ —OlO,OO
Clear, 1) “ —030.00
Coin'n 1)“ OI3JO
Clear, S —o4n,ou
Corn’ll S ‘‘ •••• 080,00
Floor's cl’rl in. do-—0 lt»0
1 in. common —0
Oak do do —019,00
Pine Shinglea* 1000 2,5005,00
Uaths, «awed,' lUO'l4So|bo
Lire Stock— eiooibin't.
Beeves .3^004,30
Hoga 33004,00
Cbwa & Calve* • • • • 6.0Q013,00
Sheep 1000230
•'|Mol»aaea— it gal.
Jhgnihouwj ••
N. Orleans •••••••
iHtiTal Stores-
Kbsin'.r I>M. 3,5033,00
I'iicfa a.o<>o3ju
Thr, Allegheny-*** £0003,'0
N.Carolina-••• - 5,b02i.'.0
Tiirpctuine, gal 53 O &■*
Vkruish, Copal 1.7303,00
fetail*—T keg, 7 lt»lb*., (ra-
I *ing nails l ocal advance i
i per lb.]
HMJsfUd iouiaia- • • .33003,73
60 ?d *• .4^504,50
M **.... _4.5004.73
4*l “• •• *3^005,35
3d M «,0006.35
Spikes plb HO H
■ “ l > ieued-...,*..**610 7
Boiler Rivets-*.*.-..— 0 7
Oakam—p lb.
Pittsburgh •—0 8
• Oil*—p gal.
Linseed 59 O CO
i l-ard, Cny»»»' 070
Olive--.". 1,33 01,00
I Bpcim, bleached —0133
I. ‘} unbleached- —Ol «0
; i M Fall-.. - 0
‘Whale-- -- .700 75
; Tanner*, f bbl- • -17,000*0,00
i I Paint*— f 11/.
Pm*. Blue >.-70 0 90
Imtspblack ."40 7
j Span. Whiling- —.7.ije* 3
I Chrome flreen 98# 35
I 'j Yellow Not w # 35
‘ ' “ Noll S 3 f 83
; Bron«wickCrecaf--J7 0 30
! WhiteLeai’, dry 6]o 6}
I*, :
' ‘l No. I 01,35
Red Lead ... Q|o g-
Yellow Ochre---. -810 3
Vcll Red ••>•410. 3
Verdigris 30 0 38
Fir Metal—o- ion, 6 moe :
1 {
.No.l. Foundry..— 033.00
I** Forge -• .-31,0003100
— a os*
- —& 37*
ill© 12
—fl> V 3
4O 045
2B a 30
— 40»—
<so <S
E—Of \V. H„ the markr
but the ntncl; of Goshen
former in in fair request at
to lOc Bi. - • ‘
BIIACKERS—Prior-* continue uni
JuuL.vUi?* _ _
Waleij Crecker*.
Butter; . J 0....
Pilot Bread
£u;hr!& Soda Crackers 7c &
CORDAijEj—The bilowmginay be relied on a:
a correct Ijst of prices J i
Manilla, rope, by oyfl .'J7r ft
Df> f-ut IS -
White; rope, by coil rj u
Do nit i 3 •*
Tarred ropCrbyroil 11 -
Doem \-j ••
Packiik' yarn, fine . .10 ••
IV i-omtuon i ‘.I
Manilla .. [ 'S ■ 1 -? p doz
Do per coil ; R>
Hempi doz
Do £ cod -1 lc & R>-
Muniliii none Hemp.. J.IXIO p doz
FLOITR-f—\\V have no material change to no
tice in the market. Soles • have l**eu confined en
tirely to the regular transaction-* of trade: If any
thinsr, prices liavc perhaps declined a ‘■hade during
the past w«!ek. The market is still fairly supplied*
and regular sale* on* effected Ijv the tjray load at
and some choice brand* at h.fdl »
FEATHKRS-7-Are rather scarce, and the mur
ket continue’* linn.' We not - regular soles at .'135
31c ft! '
FlSH—Considerable dccessioii* have been made
to the supplies of the market during the week just
ended, though we hear of no variation in the quo
talioris. Sale* an* effected at the following rates:
Salmon (scarce) at §2O. Shad, 9510; Mackerel
No. I, )2.oll; No. 2 10510,f<0, and No. 3at 7..')U u
bbl. !
FRLTT-r-Dricd Peaches continue in excellent
demand, add sjiles ore readily effected ui $1,505
i> by. j Dried Apples, ore in fair request, with
regular *al[?s at 025p5e y lavas in quality. Of
Cranberries.! the market is almost.lmre. A good
article would command 2,1‘JJ52,25 tu.
FltElGlfTi>—ln all directions are very scarce,
and but hide is dome in the way of
The following is a correct uccyimt of tlie jireseni
rales: j
To Cincinnati
To LoilisvilJc
To N4«!ivjlle- - 75
To St Louis*.
To via Erowu. villi-.J®®
’p- rnuadej. via CbamL** # f'' rt,^r *'
Freights fruur mJl.Tnore, tre.M, are fciven in the ,
Baltimore American as follows:
From JidltimoTf to Cuntff rLind— l On Coffee and
manufactured Tobneco 25c p lUOft, and Groceries
Dry floods hud other mdse generally 35c 100 ft..
Wagon freight**- From Cumberland west we
quote the n tes'iss follows, viz: From Cumberland
to Wheeling 100 r p 100 lb. From Ctitnl-erlntid to
Brownsvllh , 75; and from Brownsville to I'ittdlmrc
lfic; oomnnrslotia and ilrayagc at Brownsville, 7j
cents. • .
ifclES—lJy tlio m-cnt urrtraNfrom New
stock* <>f <>ri*ccrjc» have; arrived..
1 nrLet’i<*'iiim- fully iimjilirit with nil:
t -Jihvc no importnill rh'nnsfrft In no
i riot*}*; every thin? continue* dually oh
. correct jist of prices in the tnblo
—The receipt* of nil liitd* continue ve*
d supplies have become quite limited.
>■£>! luwin? a* correct quotation*. with
, d.**:*-Wheal !KVfrl OOc: Barley ISfifiO;
i Corn 'i'/iti Oe, ami Out* at y7ifi'3oe
GrluHii", lui
Htitl our n
lire in lift l
Inot qimtfif.
ry light, and
We (»iv« tit
ntcx)»:r»l« s
Kye If# IS
bushel. \
Spivral Inlil
irf-lVi'S <if iu
Plain Tuinl
•For.guotuliniw of NVimfow filan, hoc
•oliove. Tlx'fidluwimr arc (lie .mrrcvt
tK*«on|itkin* of,Flint
ifeW.vl tit, Jrnwi 3 to 10 oz »*iteli, 4>
dor. n<
J iju do.
i * aod\l pint, f)iim 0 to JO tliilo 1
..m\£ Jj
jf, littlit 2 ring; glu»* hlojjjkt'. ..... 1 .7!* \
do Jv)nvy 2 Hji nirk*. 0./Ti;
do tlo fjo. 2.&0 ;
do <lo pillar d<i. O,W)
rtii*, plain ....... • .50fi-75
i prtt>«:3. l|7o
i, plain ...’. «\
i pillar anilribbed...*.V. 7..V1
‘ {I or oFntiii*
: an» t pt plain,,.., Ij2.>
do doriUn’d. •>,, l/p
i prey'd and Jig. • • •7 ,J
tier, t1ut«*d....... • *O2-
, J,a'im*rcd«tmT
Jo : do *X? r, i
U'c nojicc j-cgolnr Mik-i* from wagon at
do idi
Ptfehcn, rji
do d>
do ' I'
Molawws (
Plates, C in
Cutor Bottl
Jan*, | ga|,
do gal
WiOS 10.50
Limited au.
130 ton.
list of prid:
•TJiit** is very litlU* .in ilie marked
only* are held aj llie rote of V£fat
following is a correct
fur, and we
held noint'
r«r»n lto l> inoli .....'I &|
from to obyl to I melt. .'IJ <Jo i
• Tire, different am**.' 3! do j
je .Ill'S I do
I Mjimrc froro I to If inch 3 do
1 i to it .'.lll do ;
i to 21 !. Isj4| do
1 to 3{ i., 5 do
iito i r»i do
to i ..:........I.3li?fi do
: lER—TIuj demand Ibr all kind* contin*
linn, vrith ready sale* at the pillowing
more 501e*.....
igWr -
Hat linr
♦ do
Hury* Min
do from
do do:
do" do
r do do
rum store al
j P btl.
jiT p do*.
iod ot prices
ling lo.qtiah
yen received
I hut as they
the manufhe
WSQIc ? lb
. do
i do :.
, , do :
r .......... ‘J $■ Aaz '
>kin*....... do
Hornets....... ...j. 19/r2l lb
!i .jßii IMM 17(9X8 **: .
a fair busi
eucral table
Hanging Rock.
Mo.! Fbondry-* —33 035,00
'“ Forge ••• ~ 0-~—
idtrttr Co.
Foundry Pij - . Q ya.w
Ferre • , a
• MtAoning Co. O.
Foundry Vig ■ -.. 31,000 02,00
Foigc do •• • 0
iPlaiter Paris—p un.
Planter Pani- ltLoo«l2,ot>
Bacon Hams &| Qo
“ ' Sboalder* 6|o ?
“ Side* 7|oJ|
lioffround. city cure- - :|0
4 ‘ eonoiry do- 7|o 7|
Lard,No.'l. in kegs- 7 *J7|
*‘ *' 4. la keg* —0
" 1. inbbU- —& 6|
Bauer “ 1 inkeg*- 11012
“ “ L in roll-- 130 U
Cheese, XV. R. t 0 C|
‘* Uosben —0 tu
Crackers, Pmburgb Wa
ter. p liM —Ol,OO
Potatoes—p Luthel. I
Cotdraon Red* 4(io *0 : I
Neahatinockt- •• -Pobliv3oi37I
I Haj»—p ll».
i Country mixed-
I Do; good white-
freight*—? (v> ibr
7b Cincinnati.
Dry Goods
Heavy u
7b Lavimlu.
Dry Good»-»\
Heavy •• —*
From LonutiUtu th
Dry <ioods ... i
Heavy “ -
Fo Si tevit
Dry Good*-.-.-
Tb Cltrtland ami frit,
Dry Goods -
ToanJ/ttm Bnitnpill*.
Dry Gooas(dowh)
Produce. Ac (up)
To NaiheilU.
Dry Goods
Heavy *'
To '•VKulinc.
Dry Goods
To iianttviUe.
Dry Goods
To Boa tit.
Dry Good*
Heavy “
■“3b iY«o Orleans.
ITeavyHood. - | g
B*mo//>«***•" lA ‘ Pruiirj/ran.a Ci
1 nit and Railroads.
to r*aaoi;Li*JU* £xit ■f.'jyiJ®* : ,
Apples and *recn min per IUI lbs«>;ci
-Allies. Poland Pearl,-' “
Huuer and Bacon, i
Beef, sailed « P' f
Dale rope and Ba«inf
iircswax, & °
Hnules, *°
Brooms, ‘-.Vi
Corn,. •do %
Colton, do
; Chilled Rollers; „
I Drugs and Medicines. « io ;
IDryWl" “• ,< s'
Dried ■ „ , rSoo op
.Flour. P" t’M.j'l"? S i
i Fun and Peluies, perl«>ll'* 1 .
Feathers, do [d\ /
\ Fornnare, do l**U
i Glassware, do ~^.-L
Glass, Window P« b* 60 *‘®
Ginsen*, peril# lbs ,3.:,
Grocenes, do *!?.[•
Hardware; ■d® tif!
hops, • do
Hemp, do C ;'l 5j
liides,(raw'73c,dry >U do Oftitf
Leather, ' - do IWK
Lsaif, do 401 '
and Lard Oil, d®
Oil,Castor ’ d°
Oils, (ex. Lard and Castor) *•£» ,*?}
Tork, . per bid —® ;1
Rajs. IO»H«7. .
Ropes and Cordage, do *» wj i
Seeds, do
Hklhs, Deer and Baialoi do t«
Ppecie, ■ do OW.
Tallow, do *•
Tobacco, Leaf, do ®j»i
do Manufactured, £7
Wheat, do M
Wool, ‘ ilo— 01,*3
Whiskey, perbbf. I bO
7b the East tio Moacngahtlo
••3JO 4
..j a 3}
• 010 c
--4 JO S
• 4 a 4{
- a is
j Seeds—? bosbcl.
Clover*- (Ml 0425
Timothy •VWJOS.Xi
Flaxseed —OOO oi'
Mukiurd 3,00 U 3,00
Spices—if !>'•
Clows**- ........ -33 O M
CoMia, in.Ntsu 33 030 !
Ginger- 00 0 |0 I
Nutmegs « I^otfirw
P«Pper lU|O It
Aispire J 3 0 14
Haekeroot—? lb.
Virginia. —0 14
Seneca.. —o
Soap—? lb. v.
Pittsburgh No. 1 ...—l|OJ
Cincinnati 4404}
&teel-~? lb. Foreign.
j Cast A Shear !A 0 1?
Do single 0 L 6
i Best Gentian 13
| “ Eagle i—o it
“ Hoop L 49 Jj
1 Pittsburgh Manufacture.
| German steel —0 6£
1 English blister-**-••—0 UJ
’ American blister —0 ij
'Spring —V...510 5J
Spirits—? gallon.
Braniy, 03,50
Hor»telle-..‘i00 03,50
Ka , a nca4:bpf.l,so 01,75
“ .4... bT'Ol,OO
" N.’»: —•4o® SO
Gin,Holland ••• -1, Of,so
. Sugar—4T lb.
N. libiJ• •. > OR
“ fair, hhd —5OS|
UaYßQiia, • K> t-J
Brazil '* u
<*olTtrizrd, rhilsd-- —O
• Ball—pfabl.
No. 1. afloat
.... 4n,as
I “ I. in note
; Table, dor. box
0 kef 14,00014J0
* bac —07,371
8«ltp«(re-f lb
Saltpetre 9)0 10)
lb—(10 )p ci.
off for cash tor mauu/aclu
red Tobacco.l
Separ Leaf- 40 6
JdiWaciured U 0..---2 0 7
LB(lics’Twift---.- '-» 0 10
Plufinkcf*.--r 9)0 7)
Plug inboxes 130 is
5 Twist ••••• 4|o 7
Cavendish —0 S
HU Lump in box—ll 0 IS
5« , . “ **' 120 17
16s 1 “ “•• ••< -120 H
Scotch snuff*** 140 18
Rappee —0 13
Cut Jc Dry,) lb pap- 45
Imperial 49 0 W
Gunpowder 45 0 70
Young Hyson--* 1 *- M 0 40
Poacnong-v SO 0 7J
Clui No I—Ashes, lUli Pb:l. N Y
Baron, RtQir, Lard,
Cheese, Pott. Tobac
co, Tallow, \V. Glas«,
A Whukry 1001b*, PQ
Class No d~Hemp, Flax
in bale*, 1,00
Ciau No 11—Dried Frail,
leather, 0,1. Rags,
vV’ool. t;tO “
Cloai No. 4—Beeswax,
loose Ftax/1,33
Tlnplntfr—V box
Banea Block-- 0
) X 010 JO
Tallow—? lb.
Rendered 7|o $
Rough —0 fl)
Soap Grease 4)0 61
Vices—? lb.
Solid boxes —0
Wittes—? gallon.
L P Madena-•• •• -4,00 03,00
L P TeneriflTe- k --~I JOO 01,30
Lisbon---.'. 75 01 JO
Dry Malaga .-.£B 0 to
Sweet r---«S 0 65
Marseilles----. 70 0 75
Pori IJO 02.00
Calabria -65 0 70
Rain of /fuuraiui on cargoes ot Steam
and kerf Boats '
From Pittsburgh to Wheeling, Vo. JO—
“ 44 lot from Cincinnati, O ICTf
** “ “ lAmisvilleiKv-*fO
“ SiLoo.<Mo.. I o\i
“ Ikxiii vide* do •»
“ *' *• Itidcpeiidenee-*!) 02J
41 H " Galena. U)
“ “ “ Memphis, Ten |i#l
** 44 “ N. Orleans- •- -t Btl
From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh l ••-l C)J
*• S< Loot* “ 19
Chargnsby good FlatDost* >
to NewOrlcan*. i
•t i» Mill fairly
is light. The
the latter .at II
[■ Li’MnKj:
fcnmls. 1
, Pini\Hcar . .s3oj>M
Common id - ; d?>
■ Cherry A'. Wiilmit 1 <ia
. Tn<[«i»rKintin»n; ipjru«.. ...n.i.
, - . .‘iSO'SO.W
Laths .'ri.lKyati.'iO
—Tli** tn.irl.Tt i* fairly vitpplir.i with
nd moderate «a!e* at the L>lh>wmy
. 4.75 -
. 3.50 •“
OlLS—Sales an' made ns lolkjw-: T-at»ficr’.*
bh[ §2O; Linseed und Lur«J at lYWiYOcit* gab
LAKlt—Receipts have tl-« n quite f/illVdunng
tt«* past week. but »n tin’ absence of atjy specuki
-1 tVt* demand in our market, wile* ure hnited. It is
held nominally at ~o~ic \» lb. ]■
SEELe^—Arc not rmirhin demand at present.
Me gjve I lit* fiUmvmg a« (‘oin’fl quotation* Ho
ver 'l~*r r Turjilliy land Flax lit ‘.•O/i'.'.V (>
HALT—Sales of fJ) Ivbls ia Iqts N\/l ot I’ls |»t
bu. i, _
TAH—Moderate sale* from store 'ut sS2‘>-O0 (*
bbL Receipt* have trfxin quite nnd lurnicr
quotation* sustained. ' • V.
.WHISKEY—Tin* murkvti* quiet, ind'*n!e* are
ronfmedjto regular transactions to I rath,* as CdlwW.*:
Rectified 20'SVl. and Raw at tS'sl**ielp trnLi
WOOL—Sec correct quotation* in'the above
general table. ?
Mducjt, Stock* and llualii^»*.
As usual, during the holiday sc;i»)n. eastern
Money Market* are notable tbr nothing but du|‘-
nen.C In New York, there has Icon a «n\a!J pnme
alsjnt the reentry hanks, but it baa, to a great et.
tent, subsided, and the h»* lias been one *:Swanip
Bank" owned by a Wall street broker, thrush or
feasibly located at Clymer, wheyr* we need pot say
a trace could scarcely be found. This hank was
one of circulation, that it, it had" note* issnc'd.bas' - J
in New York Slock*. but made no loun* at its
counter, received no deposit*. dad held no specie.
Its profits depended upon loss while m circulation,
and the repented redemption at a gi*>d shave.
Though tl«* agent was unable to redeem it. the
Stock* of New York will secure the holder*
from serious loss. The general -Money Market of
New York remains unchanged, and the favorable
assurance before noticed, can hardly be changed '
so far os legitimate paper i* concerned
, - . -...nirrs lets moirv
djeod price ol goods,of , . .
. > -»/rrty will lie largely increased
necessary, /*/ r. \
Jymcnt of the January dividends.
'Vr the Philadelphia market wr sec little to no
tice. and following the Bulletin Would .remark fliu.*:
With the new year tlien: will be large sums
paid out jn the shape of dividends, which u ill have
a favorable influence upon the money market]
The interest on the Government Boon, about
four million* of whigii nre held hrre. is to J*e paid
on Monday ul tho Philadelphia Hank, as usiu I, tor
it would seem n* though the Siili-trviisiiry np i»ra
lux was inadequate to liie great elliirt of finit trial
The interest on the I nan* of the Chrsnpbake
and Delaware Cnnnl Company; wul on the Bond*
of the Rending KitiLioud Company, nnd of] the
1 inirishurg Uailnind'Company, Vil! also In: paid on
Monday Ul their respective oilier*.
In tlie lucid Money Market, there is no t(7rvv* few.-
tnre. Our city banks, in «-onip|iam - e with tbeJnw.
have published the halouces und divideiid£retnaii:-
ingin. their posoessinn. Tlien: have liceii niony
cull* liir these forgotten funds. ; Snue.of llir*e bid
qnee* huvp l»reit produced liy error* in the account
of the Ilank. but tlm heaviest mnount I* {node ot
old merchants-accotmtv and of dejwwits by a timid
class of people, who gladly fhrrgo ull interest n»
ponfidcut nn* they of the integrity of the Hank o'
Piltd't.trgl*. their Javantn dopi/siuny- I hi: rati: ol
short jmppr in the street r'dvs ul 1 i'Sl i j*' cent U
. Prices of Stocks.
New York. Philadelphia
Treasury Notes Wl ox jliv
Ohio IV* b‘> '«* div t‘
Kentneky'V* : W*» b'? ‘h* . 10{
Kirhauße ITarkrt;
C.'urreneylm* vnped a shade within the putt few
day*. It i* now more nbuiidaql, and i* taken at 1 1
l> t .j. Ji 9 . Eastern Kj.clßiiif.TS (Wfinrn* p'dhoul
ehuiigc. ; -
C'attld Market.
Beeves—TJien: wen: nt the ynnl on Monday
1Y() to ’JCIU luuid. which were’taken lit l -'O
10t) lb net. (mod CaUle urr in brisk ilumand ol
the above figure*, und some, cluiiee lot* ut higher
raty*- Inferior ure quite dull.
were only n‘limited mipd*r q t
the ynnl, which were taken nt ench.
plonly. mid sold ut 3,t/i'/r3.7'i p 100
ih ■ x : 1
\ Metallc frnme Plnnu.
A SPI.KNDIIt o-orinirt.l ot llw
wood nnd MuMmiy, grand netton Pi*
If * I llanos. Frame. ill»l finished nndfW «ale.
*Alo, two *pt' , ndid fto»cwood Ihaop*, with Coif!
celebrated -Vlolum otmrh.neiit, ,l ° ps
modem style, and for mI« t :• f »L.UMI r N
moocrii »<) , Wnrs .ircrt-'gdoors Bhovy^lb
cisiinuiKniscisctS’fAtt, oiiip, •
MtXI’FACTL’UK to hrdor Hfofisenger anil I rciqlit
Cars of thu most approved dfsCiiplion, at te.uon*
•Trice*, lly mean*, of ihc Cdnnl*. Knllroad and
ItiVcr they nre enabled lo *h:p upon term*
mall wim* in the West. Their work will hr warrant*
cd ci/ual in sit ie*pcct«. to any made in the United
A " o,d '" r^-grav^iwr:
ntrfrwim [Foraicrly of
jporjAß J'
ffool_f I'll,
nira* —.
foil blood-*---
I blood**
| blood****- •••’•
* B bl°od AlCobiiscc
Connnoii Rectified
Good rye Acid* -
Slab - ••
*33 O 35
• 30
•j 6 a &
—9 Vb
•« a a
- o
... a.
lid B7d
... . a—
o 15
o 10
ni o 47
a; 0
e\ -
City of Pittsburgh; as.
IN accordance with the praViyidh of an Act of the
General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, pro
vuluift for the incorporation nf'tlje City «>| Pittsburgh, the supplement* lo ; saiilAc«. I. Gabriel Adams,
Alayor of said City, d<» issue this, roy Proclamation, de
claring that on the AVejruT Turutay of Jnmmry. A. I).
being the eleventh (lay of lhai month, -the Irec
rnrn ot each ward of said City." qualified to vote for
Members of the Houm: of ncj>rv«riiiohve* of Ibis Com*
nnmweulth, will meet together at die usual places of
holding • lections urihetrircsnecuve wards, and cleci
by ballot n citireit of the said City qualilied to be rlect
cd a member of ihe |{ona< of Representatives of this
VorainonwealUi, to'be Maypr of saul City.
And thaumtbe same do)-, in conformity lo ihe before
rrcited authorities and also, ioau Ordinance
xcilrudittrictuiv said City, passed die 15t!i dny of \ov,,
A. I). I>47.—the ciii/cn* oi the Ftru ward will elect
'by ballot Tiiuxi: persons; of ihe frond ward Thxkf; of
die T/uiJ ward Stx; of the Fourth ward Turn; of the
1-i/i* ward Srvxx; of the Sixth word Tttntx; of the
SifrnlA ward Twu of Hie Eighth ward Two. of the
.YinlA ward; each of whom shall be qualified to
serve ns a member of the House of Representatives of
this Commonwealth, to be members of the Common
U’AMUMitnS. 0 c •
ZE.VAS C ROftHlN*. Mechanical and
A cent for proeurinc Patent*, mil prepare the lie*
ccT-sory Drawing, and Paper* for Applicants for Pat
ent.. and trsncin all other busineM in the line of his
pronwfion at the Patent Utfice. He can be consulted
on all question* relating to the Patent Law* and decis
ion* m the L imed State* or Europe. Person* at a dis
tance deairoh* of having examinations made at the
Patent (.Ithre. prior to making application for a patent,
mar forward (post paid, enclosing a tee of free dollar).)
u clear itatemrut ot their ca*e. wheti Immediate aneu
tton will l>e given to it, and. all the information that
could be obtained hy a vi*it of the applicant in person
promptly communicated.
.1 JORDAN & HON, i!col*r» m Rjc«d Mud Ijird.
ft » tnnmiiae'.urrr* of I.anl <hl,.ajw! t.eiierarrouinii*-
*>wi Mcri-hoiil*, J- liberty »trrei. nppomte Smilhficld,
I itulurgts, ia. rartnuiur attention paid lo the »alr of
BXarlne intartßct.
J J A S have made arrnncrnienl* a* heretofore. (nr
uttnlniiK anil pai-kmi: bulk meat ami baron the present
-Mini lltrir iotiK experience in Ibis civr«
thrm of giving nan»tactio<i to tboae «mru»t
inu' sitcb businrl* lu th-ir earf. *
flier* nre ail vantage* to be derived from Mnokine
meat m I’jtteoursh, with winch all may notb« arqunin-
H) «lu*i»rmnj;ojiiniither* i» a auvim: nfraakt ami
frei|{bt ou tlie._ *amc\ winch aie expcukM
wiirrr Hafnn i'iif ra»ieni market* it unokrd
ut jxuuw L-rlim, mrt takuiL' into ocrouut the -fact ibnt it
arrivr* m rtiurL bettor or<lr ( than when parkcit ia
rti-k*, ll \»iH tlw bt borne in mint! that Pui'tnirgh ia
iT»tpo*nU m the I'd ion for *oUin* Bacon.
•J * WI. Cllllii*:<llil'’. .
It H lluf.tiu. v <> ,\r« Alt-aot. In.!.
_ i-Maic.i.p. Si. 1.0u,*. Mo.
mi^IITTANCC OI'KICK Persons broujfhl
m'i tv thj* a frill - y upon reasonable term*,
from ai.> pnfi of fj:idaml. lrr’u„,|, Scotland. A: Wnlei,
aiiJ m Packet Ships only, pnrrisii c s on - « l <;*)tidi*nt» and
nxt'.'iM of ihe LtnruU GuviTnititMtf have frequently can
noned |*nnfra'its at li'-w nrd ihrir friends in America,
*-!*«"»t the irnu.t. [iraeit-ed lh-ni. at,.l have a),
ways irmrrrd to ih.- well tomvn In.N.e of &
Co. a*t thi* icrhl placr-for all:«o npylv, if thev wished
to be trramd with pniinLaliiy fun) kmdif»«;
Parties who ttiltr.'ruw tlirntflrps «,|r At;cnU far tin*
IjlaoW Hull stale wti.n is anil thus deceive
toe public. «■ wr prof.-»» in t,i- Airrfitrt uoi only of the
fllArk lia.l. I.i'ii', but every other good Ijiic, iuid alK>
lor Cumtrd>Mcnm Lim.
Swhl UruJt* In any amount' pavaMc ni any of the
l.ranrV.ol the Pruvi or .National Hanks of Ire.
inn.l. Jhislami. Seoil.iiui: tVr. \\v ilinw our own Ex.
. iißiitre; we ,!o not take money and ..-ml it to the Krw
to cot Mime one tU lo icnm, thereby munins mis’akn
a.ul deu.y*. Let ihr llroker*. Ac, rail upon us, and'wc
'vill*mrcoiuint>duv them at V.w Vork rate*.
LOGAN A KMNWEHY havi: this day associated
with them in the llordwitfr k.wrn, Philip Wil-
M.-.i ami Edward tires;:. 'Hie Mylc of hna will here
after L« Lilian, Wil-on A: Co. This arrangement ren
ders it de»iraLlc to rlov thr’otd lmu;;ru as »t>on a*
jnissihle. Ail person* .whoo: liabilities have tinctured,
are especially rcqnrstt-d ft rnnkc imtaciliale pavmeni.
l'itisLnrfh, Jiut 1, isp*.
i Wholesale IValrr. ,n For.-kn and lie l | , * r “T
ware, Cutlery. Kaildifrv, Ae 130. ur-** 1 * " Is ‘
. l.ur?!.. ro-.v tally r.,,|..n-,l Silkf
c.i Ll ol,ro.lotK.'',- ""l' «"•«
’.m1,10 'vrri'ia l'lTl!,-
irrUnfthri*” 'iaz,
f.rSv.rl ,1,1'0r1., llov.. V,r„.
Ac all of w #o ‘ l ' a * lowest ninnofuc'
lureVupno/'- 1.; : ) n;l1
—ertTl Co-partnership of the subsenh-r*. under the
1 firm of Irewu Hutchins.m A Co.. i'« this day .!!»-•
«olv«d hy tnutaal consent. Kilhl-r ol «s ss ill aitenil to
Hie «tt!crityntf.l the huaineis of die firm, and uio it*
name for that ptifT«uc,' -e;
r PHF. undeuntm-d have thu rtn} t.irmc.l n co-partner
‘ 4- **»**’. u’i'!»r the linn ol James A. Hutchinson A Co.,
lor the p:ir|x»e of rinitinuiii>{ ityA lunneis heretofom
ci'rried on hy 1/cvvis llutchiiiMin t'o., ami .olirii a cort
limidnrc of iLe patronaue hitherto e.xtrndcd to the
’•o''** ' J'AMKS a MITCHI.S'SON,
„ , I.LU IS D. HL rcillN-soN
_I J ll»hprpJi,Jan I,H-
Tilt ml..ciiU|3 httvio< 'rp<ißui!v- eiHcrnl min
EM " n,l " r lllr »n"l- of tJnllwKlicr. |><n R .
lorih.-i.ur[in«r orcnrrj iiiff on Hie Urll
an* Hm»« l-mimuiij; and Cta* Fituuir liiixttiriMm
all u» orange*. | lu vp taken tint tiaml liirtnerlv ocru by H. (jnllnplirr. Xu. IW Front Mrn-L
W nod an. Ki«ii!itu Id- «i.„ whftr tlipy are prepared to
rircntfl all unly for 11.-lk Umu. CaMinyi. of err-ry
dear rii'ticn, ami '»i.«FiltnHr. w,th m-ntnc, nnd rtc«-
pnlcL- s*ltom!«oaty,bbii,g promptly niieinlcil (I>
». If. (iAI.I.AGIIKK,
N. 0. Ti* mention of Mpcblia.i^ai.d j,
Itvitrd U. «ir .•m!.-..llrit l ot/„ f uLf lir n reduced prirr
vluch In.* pronmmeed ».lr*rl,.r ti> Bald,if-, t.)
lumtn r« wbobm r u«-d W|,. Htetuidmat builders and
hj public, p-riprnll), arc <tUo F-i.u-MM in call and rs
ntQna our mminr .1.1uM.; bpiU (?,,
tcbiiibpiit end Jomr«in> mw. £ • * 1 n P ,ur
ld)\G, & MIV-LKR.
DIBSOLtrTION~ Tlir (<nnnrrylitp hitherto exl*t
nil! uivler l.r ■tyl* nn.l hrm nr Wiahunan 4 Uol.
n il, i« rhi* «1a) ili»i.i»!vnt l*y nruinnt nmwii, j.,lm Pal
r?l| Inivniß „t!,,« tiitjro in'll. Wirlit rhc Miicm of Uiytalr firm will be iwltled by
11. U iglilinnii.vlHi i« Miilliorui'il lo inu> tbe name oi iiic
U.c firm ft. r Uu P«n»"«v ■ H. WffillTMAN.
rplJlVI.Iw tjulj- rj7j j; IL\| JSKLL.
Till: Sjil»«pi!h*» i* nmv nirnarrd to rnaimfncturc nil
kiml-. 01 .olio- jmi.l U wolni Moc|uiierv, at thi* i.horte»t
ijoiico. Onlei HI at It. \\ inliiman'i liicjne Simp. oor
l(.:r Ljbrrtv \»uj \\ m«r to 111 im«t tfiih prompt
aiicutiuii. i n. \vtorrrSux
lwliyeen I cOcral an.l Ha«Ju»ky .»k.
gpiaVUy - j Allegheny cttjr.
f rHK r<vpfliiM»lii|i JnTi’touirr cjiMinj between the
1 Mil."nbr. umlrr the firm «r>Vjllj t „n-ft WKvortli,
V'if V\m“° ,vi ?“ ' h ? t-r «!<"«« -trutiwnt
J S Ihlvtort to '« J.imthn aeitlnnn-m of the yIiUiUM.
ii.-« i> rntniwl .will the win,Hale
hu*iitr»a<jit W old ftaui], Nd. i!7, wood »|, *
J' lll *- ./ ' -i JOHN H. IHLWOHTH
“ lew , l, nl'i WfMejn New Yprk
11 jtmrJoi lrci(i ft m liittcniM '
yrif ? *R*t* ni l,m * 'V M,ctM *v ,v . early picked, Iltu
Almkiikay. Jaai. Uli, IMS
rriiiic.’Uw do. llflliijonl county,:
Hip Eastern crop of the season 1* now Lelnc
""l”»■*'« “ill 6ml II
v’ ,|nln tl “''r *m»ply from the
underlet. an, Ilicy im-?txl lu sell thnitiuhoqt ihe tea*
■pn at >xO »rk pricey. ; (l W. SMITH A Cn.,
. oc ' lw '?i_ ; PUl.t.llfch Urrv.'crj-. 1
ri**clully Inform hit irinuU aud thr citizens »f
rilimtn aid Allephcnythai he hat decided to rrmalu
in in® |iy niirintf llic winter, nnd U prepared to treat
p«tieu(p!vinp ihenuelvrn under hi* rare, according
W the Man ni practised nl nil Water Cure Eslohlith
inrntapr cjthrr i Arntc or t’hrniiic ilitrasr*. ‘IIiom:
•IL la .* Bra " themselves «f hi« services will ctul at
Mr. ft&r i, comer of liberty *t. and Evan 1 * alley.
-Dr.] ha* treated several severe cases of disenta in
tin* ciwoli preai success, tp which he D permitted to
Trlcr i _ : noviitf .
Plough Castings, Waeea Bu
*■» Aflr
> LIV In nO»K«T-:ilALt, of the old
hnti pf H. & H. Itnlt, U mmiufhe*
—ywHtß mrpr ijiinntiifes of Plonzlis,
riottPaMniffs, U apbn boxes. Ac., with the impxov£
mejtff the leaver. Peacock. lllinoi.l. and other
l’lo'.i *>f the latest and Lest {ihitemi now in use
Wtionse. I(H Liberty street. Pittsbunrh,-opposite
V.'efc factory, in Al!r B he.i/city, near the
CettfftctQry of Alctm; lilackttock. licit & Co.
J i dclSijr
- ; ' : ; '~ M C : . . :'; ; ': ’ • '• !
■7 Late Erie. liemujiill, Beaver.
- 1 . Beaver. Clark. Wellsville.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Consul. Dusbane,- Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Beaver and YVeikvilU*.
De Caiup. Ciu.'
Lady Madison, Given. Cin.
Lake Eric.-Ueiuphitl, Beaver.
Beuver, Clark, VclUville.-
Michigan No ‘2. Gilson, Beaver.
Cousul, Du.shnne.j Brownsville.
Louis, McLane,. Beimelt, Browsv.ille. -V .
Caleb Cope. Moore, Beaver and \Vcllviile.
Amerjcn. Wheeling.
BLAY ER PACKETS, Ht 9 and 10 A. jt-, and 3
o'clock, p. si.
V. M.
Y\ r Y OMING, New Orleans.
TAGLIONI, New Orleans.
Eaitcrn Mail via Philadelphia, due 3a. closes 12 u
YVexj n Mail, Cumin. t Lduisv.duc ? r. w, close* 5 a. it.
. South. vjaUaJiimore & Washington, dun 9 r. li. ei'»o a.x.
Nonh Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. m., closet 9 a. it
Erie and Western New York, due 9 r. m., closes t) a. h-
tiivcn under my Land, and the teal of said
i r,' a t City of Pittsburgh, this itlst day of D>*cem.
' t { her. A D. ls-17
-v* 1 jnnLio GARRIFL ADAMS, Mayor.
AU letter' on rauKt be pout paid, ond contain
jnitablo tee. where n wriricn opinion la required.
tWice on F. airtct, oppoaiw the Patent Office. '
Uc baa the honor of referring, by pemliimon. to
IJon Kilmujiil llurke, C<>fiuui««ioner ofPolent*;
ijon ti L-KH«wurlh. i»ti*. - Jo
II Knowlc*. Mia hiiimt I’nient Office;
JuJjt* Cfanch. AVtuliiujtod. D C.
lion. R MHo««chuM(i», 0 S Senate:
Hon \V .Allen*Ohio.
Hon. J n Howlm. M «\
Hon. Willi* Hull. \> w Vmk;
lion Robert Smith, M C.Jllitsoi*;
Hon S Itrrerr, I : S Semite;
Him. J II Ruhr, M C Mi»i>onn;
('ujii. II M Shricvr. Miitnuri:
It may be »tnppri! loose Irdm .any point below wiih
l injury. ami alter bavins ••**•«» •rti'ikcd here, ran be
rwunlnf to litr eastern cine*. ritzier by wagon or by
nai. wiiliout transhipment. where-it almost invariably
rive, in fme ooiuiition, and generally commands the
rhest market pnrr*
Cth ft, one duor fieiow
detmi J«w—A story of ib* .Pan, ibe Present, and
Fomrc; by Rev Goo CroJjr, a vpls, iVmo once so coins.
Justpubluhed by JAAUPJAMKB,
Oel - Cincinnati ‘
nWSSS*««- ¥ »*VißWß=3uiiHS*OJni
Vc UrOCICrON fc«n ju«t reeei»rcj—
-2*9 Lon Jon Quarterly lU»l«wfar Brp»mber,l&C7.-
The Editburjt Review for October. IM7.'
Also, BUikwopd’a EdiabtufMaftiuc tot November,
• , , 2TBW BOOKS.
j rpHh Convict, or (the Hypocrite Unmasked: by C F.
j J. U. James, E*q. [
I _ Aahore; byr E. Howard', author of Ratlin .ibe
I Reefer. f >. • .
The filar of the Fallen; by Corns, author of Black
I Plumed Riliemen. :
j Tllr Maine Figure Head, or the Lady of Green and
Blur, by Charley Catey, of ihe-t,'. S. N. i
j Sidney or Ute Maid of Saxony; by Xiouisa
j ? ,at ik o P e ' amhor of “Striking Likenesses',*' Ac. '
j Miss Leslie nnJOW t aud Mr. and Mr*. Woodbridge; by
I Jjoadon (Quarterly [Review. 1 -
I J'" 101 * Magazine f or December. '
If* ft T Hans-* large supply. '
I of n Firth° Mother, by.thc uuUior of‘History
'22j e IY : ofAVonaii, by the *ame. ... i
Tbe Old Commodore; by K Howard. c
.nti^ H r < V , , u f! l Qr '*' ie Young Strawberry Girl—a
Utf of-ftea-nud Mtore; by Ingraham - !
| Jvnam, or Itayhghl, a prize tale; |>v J S Robb. !
| Sir Rowland Ashton. 8 vol; by Ladv C Lone
tbe f \lV f ’ ,Cnd ° r * ° f Y cr * aille *’ and *l'« Coun of Lodi*
- Flowers Personified, No*. 9 and 10 -
Rural Cemeteries of America, part's.
Magazine*. Newspaper*, etc.
London Punch and PicforiaJ Time*, per lost steamer*,
i D T^ e fi J ° na,h * n ;- Philadelphia Courier, an/ttiw
Lee Doodle Pictorial*. For sale bv
, , < , >VM » CALDWELL, I
_ llefl : 1 till si. opposite the Post Office.;
Ai, by J. A. i U. P, JAMES, Cincinnati, the following
new and valuable Work*-—' .
Doniphan's a s’krtch.of tile
»• • tiie Conquest of New
.Mexico; Gen. Kearney's,Overlnad Expedition to Cali
fornia; Doniphan’* Campaign agniort the Navijoi, arid
ni» unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen. Price nl Santa Fe; with a
Map and Engravings, by John T Hughes, A B of this
Ist Regiment of Mir&ouri Cavalry. . I
•• History oCKeiyucly—lts Antiquities and Natural
Curiosities;. Geographical Statistical -and Geological
ilFycfiplioni; with anecdote* of Pioneer* Life, and more hundred Hiographlcal Sketches of distinguiaii
ed Pioneers, Soldier*. Statesmen, Jurist*. Lawyers, Di
vine*, Ac.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis
Collins, I vol. octavo.
I The Twelve Mouths' Volunteer, or Journal of a Fri*
vote in the Tennessee licjriinent oF Cavalry. *in
Campaign of Mexico, ilunr.p 154«U17, containing an act
count ot the March of the Regiment to Vera Crur, a
description of the Country passed over: maimers, cm*
‘loius, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Caron Life; ac
counts ot all the actions of other Volnnteer Recimenu:
and a full Historyof the Mexican Wan List of4he Kil
led und Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a large number of
correct views and plans; by Geo. C. Furber, 1 volume 1
25 l i decl
CTIONARIES, Greek, English, else. 1
Anihon'i Cln*«ioal Dictionary;
Dictionary ot Greek nnii Homan Antiquitiei;
M'Culloofth - * Commercial Dictionnr)-;
l re * Dictionary anil Supplemant. art*, manufacture!
ami nilnrsi
Wchjtcrt* Octavo Dictionary, reviv'd edition;
Todd'* Johnton’s and Walker'* Dictionary;
Worccier'* Dictionary;
luddell and Scott'* Grrek Lexicon;
tlobiiuon'e Greek lexicon of New Teitaaent;
Latin lexicon;
Ain*vrorth'« Latin Dictionary;
Fleinminr and Tibbin't French Dictionary; .
liurk’* Theological Dictionary; _
I'tuou Ilible Dictionary:
Robiiivm Calmet'* Dictionary, Ac:. 4c.
Tbe.above, with a ffeoernl a»*ortracniofTbeologieal,
.lamMcaJ. Miscellaneous. and Sunday School Book*, al>
ray* ou'hatid and for «a!c low, by
_deS___ ____ 50 Market *t., between 3d 4 4th.
HOLIDAYS—I/fttflru of Meraoty, an illuminated
Annual for 1513; edited by Repiell Coates, M. D.
The Charm, a *ene* of graceful and elegant colored
Group!, designed expressly for this work. ~
The Offering of Beauty, a present for aJI seasons, em
bellished with eleven engravings; edited by Amelia W.
Lawrence. .
Friendship’s Offering; a Christmas. New Year, and
Birthday present. ,
The Garland, or a Token of Friendship; a Christmas
and New Year's Present, for It*43.
The Gift of Friendship; a token of Remembrance, for
IsK ,
The (>tn for !S4r, edited by Father Frank.
t\ri".imx.R]n!uomi and New Years Wreath for 1»13.
Thompson-* Season*, illustrated. Uerper’s edition.
Boudoir Botany, or the Parlor Book of Flowers, com
pri«ius the history, description and colored Engraving*
01 ‘Jt Exotic Flower*. I*4 Wild Flower* of America, and
1-J itecs m ith fruiuillusiraicd with 250 engraving*.
The Task, and other Poems, by Win. Cowper, with
numerous illustration*; Turkey moracco.
Campbell'* Poetical Works; illustrated* he.. Ac.
Togetbei with a large and splendid assortment of Ju
vent hr Books, with colored engravings, many of which
are ju«t published. For sale at the Bookstore of
&> Market sl, between fld A4th.
Qapcrb Anntul and Gift Booka for : 1848.
Cy—The Charm; a aerie* of graceful nudelegaiit color
ed -group*, with descriptive illustration*; by' Elisabeth
Kltet, l>ouiul in searlet *Uk. and splendidly gilt. -
Leaflet* of Memory; an illuminated anrninl for 1*4?:
edited by |R»yneU Coate*. M. lkisuperbly bound, ele
gantly illuminated and illustrated.
Friendship’* Offering, for 1343. elegantly bound and
illustrated, bjr splendid enrrayings by Sartain.
Christian Keepsake, and .Musionnrv Annual,ibr UU U ;
found in Arabian morocco, and illustrated by 9 beauti
ful rnrinitir.t rugraviuga by s<ortaiu.
The Rose oi Sharon, u Religions Souvenir, for
Mj«. S. C. Edgertou Mayo.
Tue Hyacinth, or Affertion’s Gift; a-Christma*. New
Year, and Birthday I’rracuL tor Is? 4-.
The of Friendship; a tokeu of Remembmnoe for
The Mayflower; an Anuual for 154?: edited .by Mrs.
L Qake* timitlt; bound in elegant embossed morocco,
andetnbeliislied witli superb eugravtagg, from drawing*
fiikw. jnd ? f Age.
Thi* above. loz'-tlserw'-h « Inrpe supply of I'oeneViTT
Floral, nml otner norlin, bound in ilir moit »uperb utid
Joitly «tyir, nuitable jor Christmas and New Year
(iuu, lor «»le by JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON,
dc *JI cor. Market 4 3*l its.
BOOKS fob T f Hfi~noUIDTYS—IN tXi>
Ci.\XT HlNlUNdS—Boudoir Hotanjyor the Par-'
lorßook nf Flower*.
The R«vw, or Otfrtinp'* Gift; 13 »tecl emjravinpi.
American Will) Flower*, m their native hauuu.
'Hie s<m»w Flake
.Myru* mid ot'vr Tnle*
The Poetical Vv’orku ot Fite Green llalfoek, now fim
eollrrleil. itluitraicd with *tecl cugraviuc*. Ju»t pub
li'liftl. '
Pie Sctiioiilt; l-y Jjum-* Thompson. with engraved il
lustration*. A new and mj« «j>lcndi.l edition; Turkey
snonx'co ami oilier hitidinz.
The rmuplete 1-ondnu IVlilion ofRnU-rt lliinii'Worku;
pnntjimnc hi« }>o-m*. sous*. nml corrosjionQciicc; (Hub*
I rated, ft.-, ir. Virtue"* edition, H to.
■ The complete Punical Wort* of Janie* Montgome*
ry, M«or>\ Hyron. new •■'(tiiimi; &uihey. Cooper, Mil
ton. Campbell. r*c:»u. Haute, Txijmj, H'-in&trf, *uil other
fartoi.* edition*. and in vonou* bindings.
iihutralrti Shak.peap*! in 3 splendid vols. '
The above, with oilier*, ni:J a large supply of Jure*
rule Imoks, /of »ule by J. L. KKAD.
deal lihii- r
V; NL'AI.S, (ill-T HOOKS. Arc *>**"' price.
Ix-atlei* of Memory . aini>^r at * r,, ‘ , ' d “""“"I for
Or- the* —****
ocm» ol ihc Sen-uju^' 1 ?'*"
Flower* ■.i .
»U*T*fal>k* illuminated—lxpund in Bsrlin Ira it.
Poem* of Fit/ Green Ilalldck illuminated
Kouah and Heady Almanac.
Thompson'* illuntrated & bour.d
fioldsnuili'* !’«>•m*. do. -ilo
Sunny Ijour? of Childhood. * .<•-
Moore'* Poetical W urk»—-rplcndidly illu*trated arid
HyronV Work*. do do
Splendid Pori. Folio*; of cap. Idler ami note nut
Ktonily 15il.ies. -
Rosewood w-niinjc ,U*k* and work boxe«.
Globe* 01 6. 10 and IV inche* diaineier.
- tor tale by -JOHN H. MEU.OH.
• ; Hl_ Wood «t
yALUABLE ‘Stw Year's Present*,
WaVcrlcy Novel*, $7 volume*. Uhno, iyuMralfd;
“ S' *■ t*ro •
Mm.HJiencood « M*,.rk», IC voU lVmo, illmtrated: .
Mim •• 10 “ >• 4.
i'jw i hi ••
llarpcr'i Family.!jhrnry,4tai toll, complete;
Hoy * ami (Sirl'a
WorVi oi Miakespran-; 7 vols fern, the beautiful Bo*,
tail eJitinn. finely bound ;
Butler» LiTf.« ni tfie Suini>, ♦ vi>!» etcpantly bound :
Itnimub Moor’' Work*. 7 vide.
Kipionng Hspcditiim, 0 vq!« royal bvo
do do s'do dmfdo
Urilisli S vol». Turkey iJKr. h»ck«
Tltr above. io K «eilier with a l»r?s»»M>nmrm of d.*-
Piutly i'buiiJ faiudy and pocket UiMea. Common
ruyer. all *i*e» and bindmcv all ol'whtch will be *old
low.'Mhau ever oilcred In lltU market, at the old «tam!
ol ' . KAY A Co.
J“.‘ cor :id it wood .t
JUagAElnea for January.
RF.CEIVKU a f M A MIN ER’S—Oraham’s Magazine
fur January, compririitg a eral>elli»hmems, more
than usual fine; theOd a beautiful Mezzotint Portrait of
General W C Uutler.
National Magazine ibr January.
U niou " '» „
Godey’a Lady's Honk " Fashion plate.
The Lovers of Pam: by John Witaon Roll.
1 he Heads of the Meadle**; by Frederick Soube
The Fortunes of Fortogb OMtrfeo, a talc of the Wors
or Ktn* James, with Illustrations by ‘Phis,' complete iu
one volume.
The Drama m pokerviHe and other Stories, by ‘Evsr*
point,’ trim eight .illustration*.
ftoland Oe Vere. or the Knight of the Flack Plum*:
by E Cunln Kme, B : ;8 N.
. Tb* Funnsr’s Son,or the Deserted Chtldrs n; a late of
deep interest.
Afloat and Askars, 7 v a Sailor’s Life.
l'Aihsr De Medina, or tko Crimea of London—<on>
A splendid assortment of Annuals; prie£>from <1 tm
"‘td- Alto, a Israe and varied assortment of Pictute
#f ‘‘r Hooks for Children.
. Farsajeat M.A. MINER’S. Hmiihfield street, third
floor from. Second. ___ •_ {jcJO
m ••»*»«"» I’inno forte,,
at J. Yr. Vv cH.dwrli *, No. rtf 'rhe
rinnaa tnay hr frssimM *t ult livtn, the .übscri-
Wr iv.U 1* (lm,« ii„ra U |- A. M, ,uul from 4Vo
3,1. M. each day. Oct. Si, MO
\V» ’inder/d?*-’
, W;, «li" unJrritjß'-J. woliM Infcmi tho ciiimuof
I. HUliurgh anil virmiiy ibot wc
Kink, »ic si w,.,,,,. iv, 4Ci
■air or our Plano l orn, from whom Ihoy t«M. v bn nil
'nmed nt onr v\vn (No* York) price*. ■
_ •’fcy
ALUUMS— Tlie Flonl, sferipmrrt, Unued Butea'
JJouvrnlpf, and maty tube' kind*, merer* raric
t* of bind nr H.llo* and Prayr Book*, bound In
atyel* (uitabTe for Ilolvdiv eifti. For «ale l.r
P^E* 8 J * K 1 * » POUTK-KKUILI.*:*-
rcu and laney ante paper »nden*c!epa*. Ac Ac Tkew
rare* are painted m a ,l»le far rapeYmr lo any hrreuJ
fere . retreired. CMINEnK TOIIT FOLIoi-tK
porl-rolln. are wpetlrly lainird. and Inlaid **M, pear"
deedd - piniioncre earner of Marker and SJ at
tboicß «le7-
lion of limtaod Hyacinth*, which in xiowior in
wawr.iimble-mMlittr pie*m.,'r.ii ta taK”!
Slr'of W,“ ““ ?, WooJ .Ireci,tn
JVTOW rectum* on entire »rv «wk of New York
V Uo, »* n "»»i« Forte* from ftp celebrated man
aracujreaofOal? & Co.N. Y, nnd Chlckerin«,of po«-
Jolt. The ptl’crns are entirely new, aml have oil ike
late impjewßumj. For »|lg srFnctoir priresby
rfclO JtlllN- II MKLLOK. HI wood W .
TWO of these dwelling are situated on Ferry
streeL between Fourth and Liberty sts; being
i_ each 20 feci in frout, oiul three stories high, con
taining six rooms each. ; j
Four of them are situated on Decatuf strbet, and are
fifteen feet in front, three stories high, hnd contain six
rooms. •
.These dwellings ire brick, each! entirely sepa
rata in their yards, and contain every convenience ap
pended to dwelling* of that size. They will be sold low
tuition easy terms, aad offer strong inducements fok
capitalists who wish to make safe and prifitsbleinvest
units, or foT those persons in moderate i circumstances
tv Mo wish to secure a home for ihemselyfcs. .
Inquire of the subscriber, who carp be the pf
-1 fire of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hours
of light and ten, and at other time* at hii room* at
Mr*. Have' boarding bouse, Robinson’s hew row. Fed
eral it Allegheny CUV. DN WHITE.
jan3tf ~ Agent for theowner.
■593 THE FARM lately occupied by' Jjunei An
du|tWler»onl Sr„ deceased,-situated ia.Afiliira Town
sum, Allegheny County, seven miles from Pittsburgh,
oo uie mam road leading to Elizabethtown, and adjoin
ing | lands of Robert Rath, Richard Hope. Archibald
Rankin, Livingston and others, will be sold on reason
ably terra*, to any person wishing to'purchase. The'
Farm contain* about ITU acres,9o of wnich are cleared,
andjhas a comfortable dwelling hou*e upon it, together
with a large barn, Ac. 'Here is a very good apple or
chard on the Farnj.. It is also well watered, has an
abundance of coal m it. cotainaa large portion of very
c »- . . "he most de-
uic bottom land, nod altogether, is one of
lirable farm* in the country. Enquire of
• D. W. ti A. 3. HELL,
| Attorneys at Law, 4th su, Pittsburgh,
or to L »• i.
_janlw3tS ' Louisville, Ky
Tj Valuable Farm for Sale.
HE subscriber will tel] on accommodating tormt,
J*. T a * ua^^B farm situated on the Ohio rirer about
la nines below Pittsburgh, in what U called Crows bot
tomj adjoining the- property of Mr. .George Sliirnr.—
V ie r® 11 “bout ljC acre# of lam!, 00 acre*',of which la
bottom; Ihe balance in acenred bottom, Me* beau
utuuy, and abound* in godd coal, limestone and timber.
There, are from CO to .70 aeges cleared. There is a good
twojstory brick dwelling bouse, a frame bam and other |
out houses, a large orchard of choice fruit, and a' good I
»pnhg ofwater iuetery field on the place., The great- I
cr port of the farm is under good fence.!; Title tndis*
purnble. For terms apply to W.U BOVp, Attorney at
office on 4th tt above jaiihflcld. dcaOdlmAwtfS I
JgO THE three story Dwelling House and Lot, now
*Sboccuwed by H. F. Schweppe, Esq., on Penn st
near-Hand. The Lot is 23 by 150 feet, and is pleasant
ly situated. For term's apply to the subscriber, who has
The] three story house on the comer of Liberty st. and
Irwin ■.alley, now occupied os a wholesale and retail
P roc Fj'** tore i by H. F. Sehwcppe. Possession riven
immediately, on application tithe warehouse of John
Irwtn A Sons, No. 11 Water street, by
detjldrOm JOHN IRWIN
J£jM A_ Handsomely finished Room on Market street
lately occnpied as a Dagaerreotypp enablish
ment,hy Morand A Co. :••• ■
Afro, a well finished and well fanutbed'Bcetatsuit
able for societies, adjoining the llali of the Mereamile
Library Association. Ermines at Philo Hall.
oeig? . fftEcc, market si; between 3rd A 4 th
J_s ~ FOR nfiST.
jSjR THE forgo and codvenicnt dwelling bouse oa
_ Fcdet*! l i>,A!lejlieaT. farmerly ocespiedby Mrs
Ann Gaxzanr. - Rent low. Possession ‘given mi the I n
ofApnlnexr KDGaZZaM.
Immediate possession of the above bouse eon be ob
tained by applying to SI. Cteighion, at the canal ware
house of Clarke It Thaw. ,)«}
A FINE two story brick House, on Main street,
. Allegheny: cur, near tbe upper Bridge. - The Lot'
is S 3 fept In frost by 100 deep For terms enquire of
dc»tf ,? A WASHINQTON.jth st
, Jj-JjM THE !a ge fro proof warehouse. 24 feel front
- oy 60 feel deep,os 2nd st, neur Wood—Fentracd
erate. Erejaireof J SCHUONMAKER ACO
jdetfl til wood st
Coal Land for Bole.
SEVEN acres Coal Land for role, situate in bend of
the Monongobelt River.above Brownsville, Po,faiv
mu • rein of TfeetCosl. which will be sold in exchange
for goods. Forpailieulars applyto
°ct2J • 8A W lIAHnAUOH. 83 wood it
tN-MANCHESTER FOR SALE- li.viifcr .tV,
|JLhcaut<ful Building Lot in Manchester, near the Ferry
(O rct Iront by 120 feet deep; It will be reld low, «hd
on accommodating terms. Tetms unexceptionable.
I ravin JAMES RtiAKKIjY. Real Fsfoig Agent
Mfor BlrnT.
THBdStory Brick Warehouse. N 0.54 Water
street and No-105 Front sL Immediate poase.Hh
given—apply on the premises.
lufcTi’,—A commodious, and wetTSF
jfcHished, three stoiy brick dwelling, cnbenntl.,
**balf way between Garrison alley and Wayne su
Po»re*»'on given immediately. Forpaniculareenaaire
■i the office of-: W W WALLACE
L.Jpmf : Si 4 liberty si
HAVING removed to the city, for convenience
to professional business, 1 wifi renttheMansion
)louse,and us iramed ate enclosure, situate on theblufii
of the MononnheJa, one mile above Pittsburgh,
j joaU.3tawt7 JAMES 8 CRAFT.
\! . FOR RENT.!
iA. SMOKE HOUSE, aiiaated err-Plumb-Aliev, for
>uXren|. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELT. ACU
- del3 liherrst
THE welljprnirhed Storeman Market street,
i betwceajtfd uadlili rtreets, at present occupied'
by-Barrows A Turner. Possession givan ou the Istof
Ap«j_nrjti tnvttl KDOAZZAM ’
TO bKT. _
MV Good* W trrhoa* • 97 Wood >tnel. iecond
■ Rrqmrtof >
- fqu. i; -at.
_fcSW A haodaotneofficeovr. . i»iloJtall.
«vi* F.noazzAii
JOliN FINNEY, Jr- Arch! at I‘itulmrjii Jbr the Del
aware Mutual Safety insurance Conpany of Phil
adelphia. Fire Uisksupon buildm?* ovd merchandize
of every description, and Marine llitia upou Imlli or
eargoesof vessel *, loken tpon'the mno tavornbletr nns.
; {£?* Office in the Warehouse bf\Y B Hoboes Atßro.
No. o 7 Water, near .Market street. PitSkburgb'.
N it—The cncceu of ibis Cnmpauytainca the estab
lishment of the Agency" in this city. I ,with the prompt
nje*« nud liberality with which every claim upon them
ipr loss hnv heeu adjusted, fully warrant ilia agent in
inviting the contideucc patronage pf bis, friends and
the community at large to the Delaware M S Insurance
Company, while it h** the adilitimtU advantages a* an
iilstituiiou among tfid-inost doiiti»hingin Pliiladelphia—
os having a».*o»phs paid-in capital, which by the' opc-‘
ration**** 1 * charter w constantly mereasitic. as vield-
each perron insured bis dim share of the profits
of the company, without involving him in tuiy rr.pnti
sibilny whatever; ond thrrewra iw
W *«M<4 of «wqr dnrnUu feature, and
i t tu most attractive lorm.’ nov4
THE Insurance Company of North Amen,;. tfirou-k
IU-diily outhon/ca the subscriber,' *“
make pennunem and limued Insurance on pro*«riv in
this chr and its viciuit), uud bu shipments hr if- p.
ual emi Kiver*. ; * w “*
Joha-C Smith', Pm'l Snroufl Broofcj
£ lc *: i'- >5 CharlexTaMor
Sara’l P Siyitli
Wward Sranh Amhn>« White
■J°v n «n? mW : n Jacob M Thomas
John White ■ . John ft .\ e ,T
Tbo « P r _ fticliHrd Wood
ra •j 1 * 11 ', * - Arthur GCbilui. See.
iliu i« Use oW«;M Insurance Company in the L’ui’pd
Stale*, harms, been;chanm‘d irr tVW. • lu charter i*
perpetual, and' troto its high stand in?, long rjperience
ample mean*, and avoiding nil risks of an extra haa
ardous character, it may be considered is* dferimr am
ple security to the public MOSES AT IVOOu
«Al the Commit? Hoorn at Atwood, Jones i-Cr Wi.
terand Front streets Pii|*!»urjh. rer ' apt*u'
Atuetiemji fire Insurance Company—Office,
A No. J 2 Walnut.street Philadelphia: ihoorporated A
IJlBlo—Charfef perpetual..
In*ure BuiMingv Furniture, MerchamJhe, anil pron
-cri)- generally, rilher. in the-eitv or country, against
to**onlama?i* by Arc. perpetually or for limited peri*
ou«, on favorable terra*. •>+•
John Sergeant Samuel C Morion
William Lynch - AdolphusPerie*
Tlioinax AUibone fieejur Abbot
John Welsh, Jr. Patrick Bradr'
John T Lewi*.
F»\ic« D Jakviek. Secretary.
Order* for insurance l>y the abovo Company will be
rencsvulautl insurances effected by the undersigned
for Pittsburgh. UEO COCHRAN,
novi?-sm* . 22 -Wood at.
r I \HI» Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of PhilndrU
X i rbta, will make Insurance, per inanem and limited
on rverr ilcaenption of property, in Pittsburgh mid the
•urToumlnig country. ou favorable icon*. Thi* com
pany ha* a perpetual dinner.
J' a ?| uU * „ , ' S4oo,npo paid In.
Loitlingent, Fund S&XLOOO
O-.Eeo corner ot'third ami Market street*. Pitub'rh
£k p'.«u.o 5 ro ?T Afn 3Kt .
*T ; m ’ co^r S k,i,g > .*«
or 'V°°? *»» ""it anuaan, WrnaiMn,
TAM. received their Autanui stylo of Hats, to
L which they reiiwetfoUy intitci the attention af
their customer* tup! citizen », generally. A ' sepi I
Deauutu stock of Beebe k CoMai's
Jtyle Hats, which for riebne** and lustre
cannot be iurptu«cd.-CaU at tho Hat Fibre, Mimoaga-i
liel.a House, Stnnhßcld st, qnd ace them. 1 o^tiy
7 p^h,u “ ,c 1 "fDI introduce on Saturday. Ch-t. irtli
Ueniicnieii wishing a hat tried with ibis desirable arti
cle yrillplcnse cull and examine.
j ] AU'IIKD KEEVIL, Practical Hatter,
* . I&2, head of wood si
rj, FALL FABIIIOSr—B. MOORK«a»r«ri7-
Jjfed trom New York, l!i* J’nU «ryla of Hm* which
will introduce this day.' Saturdny, Aug. «*jth.
. ii 7? ,e ’ ,‘D wnn * "f » neat and superior liar would do
aiig-Mf | W No ' 75 * 'VQod Street, 3d door above 4th.
AJfCUSI AKT4tfiJV<ieiitlctiirii’» Ilalii will be intro-
ai hrivuY/ji, Thursday. Aagust. 2Ttli.
CJeuuetnen Wishing® hat of Tltt*-
hurj|h inanufrtetura, ahead oi Hats imtwt
cd and advertised by some of please call at
I 1 j * Co.'s.
MjggHf I woodTit
jW JCST received from New York, thd
*SaStylejfor bats, consisting oi MTuto Bearer, VeaJ
and | White French Cassimem Hat*, with Ventilator*.
Tliom in wain of a beautiful, tight Hat are resneelfiitli
invited to gall. • . . : R .MOOIUi *
raayta j 73 wood at., 3 doors above 4th
CAPS! <?Al*S!!—Fine Otter, Seal ar^i
J us ‘ »0 hand ut M’CALLAM>S FuhSlwe lEu
Store,ModoiurabelaHowe. • • i^oenil
puxrril AND CAI'S-A
:• . ravlfidAwu: -
Brpwn and
JL An aacidoual supply received from &• fßaamacio
rert. AUo, a few ptecca of low pricediCassiuetu, for
: * osoiloß cocmuxT
jwt-.i. . ■■ . . :-..wywiW.;
*. I^r
-\ 1 ■
' -4
/Exchange BroketaNtidS
P(nni)rlTnl«« V a r
BankofPinsbnrjh .«:?£&!
Girard Dank -••-• par
Bank of Germantown -par
Chester Ccntrtj’* >'oll
‘ M Delaware Ca* »pir 1
“ ■ Montgomery Co. --par
“ Northumberland--car
Colaabia Bridge Co.- • • per
Doyle* town Bink-'.-.-par
Farmer*’Bk. Reading-par
Father*’ Bk. Boeka Co. par 1
Farmer* Bk LaneaaVpar 1
Lancaster C0.8k.--- -pari
Lancasterßk.-«...... ptr l
V. Stater
Brownsnlle Bk.U«»« T <
Washmgten Bk.i a
Gettyfbarchßk.-V.. .1
Chwnbenbnrjr- •••••» «
Suaqnchanna Ca Bk.*
Lehigh Coßuk, i
Lewuiown- ••• ....
Middletown «... il-
Bk. r «e*
team Pd
i '■'••- 1
Sutßllktubt** 1
- L Sartli CaraO**. 1
State ßtSS&tWiiZ*** E
gc.ofCwiMW»*»y f
[Btxr Htafaifrf.w •***;
IMerchaan Bk<u>lcn^
(Cumberland Bh.efili*; a, ’
■fau. Bk.-W*hrylui;;i*
|Fannrr»* k. •ilechaaies'*
•j Uk Frederick*
Frederick O&'Bk.. ..... <*
Bk.of(Venn>tfuier”>* !
- Mlehlnsu li • CUj7--....._
IBk. of Rive> Ruknow
Michigan in*. C 0... ~ 5
Far.fcMfch'a 8k*..... £
WiMMigtß T*rrft*y,
Mar.tFireln f CoJaihr*«l
Guuda*« w
A.!i iolra n 1 Bank »• *....
,flaak ; of EwiaadNotas *
feoVd A Sp«cf« V&inai
Napoteea* 3 B*\
PocM»..... v a 15* 9 »‘i
jßa*le,old» -r.. . 10«ol
Ragle, near JO 90 I
ll 00 ft
(Do.Pauiot.i. l3s9 8-
(Guinea........... coo 7'
#7 B#'
(Teu nxaj«». .. .. 790'
Ten Guilders.*.- •3 M
jLoolsd’ors*.. 459
. - ; Bschuii. .•
NewVork-.. ism -
8a1tim0re........ .] pra
ipor. lntenot B>ks>...
| Kne 8k....... «
I Formers' and Drivers’'
Bank, Waynesbnrg.'. “
Hamtbonr u
Honesdale.. —— . — u
I Lebanon «
r PottsvUle
1 Wyoming—. .. .. « l
YorkE*-—; v«
Wettßranehßh.— «
Belief Notes *2- |
City A County Scrip- —•«
State Bk. and Branches 14’
Meant Plcousi- •• •• -• 41
Steubenville •••• . «
St. Clairsvjiie.
New Lisbon-
Cincinnati Banks-
Colombo* do- • ■
I Western Reserve..... «
| Franklin B’k Colntnbas **
j Chillieotbe «
|Lake£rie-- ........ «,
I'Sciota «r
Lancaster— —..—lO j
Hamilton- 13 I
Grenville—•• go
Farm’re BY Canton-—3O
Urbina j
1 fCehtaekyr.
BkofKentucky tr
Bk.of Louisville * (
Norbentßk. Kenta’ky- 4 * 1
Hew York—Cut Banks.
‘ HUSSEY. BASSI At enr™**'
TkANKERS, KXcJaNGE BRoKEBS, and dealers
Depostte, Bank Notes, and Specie? Fourth street, near*
|ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mnosr ‘
received on depoaiio-Sjriu Checks for " r
UnKstwS“ CC °' T : *¥. Pomts in. the' .
G^ C premium paid for Foreign Amedeu -
4 d J ai * ces made on consigntaenunf,Produce, shipi
ped East, on liberal terms, . . qchlf •
ANKERS and Dealers in Exch ante, Coin and:
Bank Notes, Ho. AS, Market street, Rtubursk. - J
1.. lUtes. Exchange. • Buying Rams. •
} m*} ipr Cincinnati - , 1 dls
Philadelphia, fdo Louisville, J do
jßahimore, . ido- St.Louis,’ V {*> S
Buying Rates, BAN'S NOTES. - Baying Bates. : r
Pj- 0 ’ 1 l dis Co. A Scrip Orders, l dit
Indiana, ( Ido RellefN'oies,* ldo- 'i
Kerjtucky, • ldo Fennsyirama Cy ldo
\trgima, ! Ido New Yrirk do l'do
do.- Wheeling, Jdo New Orleans, ldo
Tvnnewr, ! ; 3do Maryland, > ldo' 4
T°SKPH H. IHILL, (late of the firm of. Wm. A. Hilt
oh. C 0.,) atidWM. C. Curryr(late of Erie. Fa.) bar*
ernered into Co-panambip under the same of Hut*
Ccut, for the Burpoae; of carrying oo the Banking and
Exchange bucinetc in all tu branches, at No. CffWood
nreet, three door»belowTouhb.wert*ide-lwhcre tier
•olteit the cuitoo of their Mend* and.tha public een
tnlX’, K i JOSEPH iHiILS;
: mc^ls I WM. C. CURRY;
"’■'“Ul * CPRHT, 1 '”^"" 1
JJ Foreign and Domestic Tlmo and Sicfat »t»E of Ex
chaw. Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin;
6^."®2 d » ,re *k third door below Fteank. west
side. Par Rinds and Currency received on deposite.
and collections made on all Uie principal citiei m the
Lulled States.. ■ ■ *
Bi*hi Exchonm'oa Baltim&fc Philadelphia,-New
Cwcuuinti, constantly for tale;
• Keutucky, Virginia and.PeflMylxaaia
! Baiik Note# honjriit aadaohj ofl farorabteiTenn*. “ J
Kschanpcon Knglaud, Ireland, Germany andFraae* '
_pn*tlrri,fa. ■ -.V igchlS ■;
lu Foreign and Domestic. Exchange, Certificate* of
ueposiur, Bank Notes, and Snecic. JCo. 84 Woodsu' '
one door above Fourth, East ude, Pittsbowfc, Pa. •
octsd&wF i, •• • '' ,
oa Utlond, add Scotland bought to J
■P ° m . Qapt , ft the Current Ralca of j
P an of the Old Cotmtriea. i
Oluo, ' .| ; • ■ :.’ - ;
‘ ludiana, 1 . *
•, Keatneky, , t
-Muroori, . j .'
porehued at the lowest ratev by 1
Philadelphia, and
n. nouns * sox.
Market u.
Constautiy for tale by
tho most favorable terau.;-, N.
dclt> • • - ••• -r:--v 36 Market at.
New York. Phßadalphla, -auu]
Xj Baltimore, at right, in Bern* to suit purchaser*- edn
stamly tor sale by ' • HILL * CURRY. •
. Peril ■ • * -| . Wooden, heloje Fourth.
\ A TESTERS FCSDfl—The Xoies of the Ohio,
YT Indiana aiul Kentucky Banks, porebaaed at low
of discount, aithe office of '.
°® tt l No. 05 Wood »L, below Fourth.
P'P^hRCTIOSS on oil the principal cities la lha
\_/Luiou, nude by ■ HILLi-CURRY
_<*m No. 65 Wood st- below Fourth. ’
v Ve*.. JT° C2 I TAIS hotel,
1.1 ail T STuE E T. BAL T 1 it OB E -
r , T u TQ rO(TO . fr? TnrEJTtn, raonurrut,
*ESS THIS establishment long And widely known as
6»a hetwoue or the most coinmodjoas in the ettrof
fill Baltimore, has recently nadereone vere citea-
and import) emue X S •
hi of the Hmue
*, " cn ewaoaetca, with a ainsh: evw on the nart of
*md which they confidently. assert will '
h Tvri’/i*w Qtap *^ , ? n w>,b ‘"J - HoteJ in me Union. '.
Their table wi{l always be supplied with ererracb-
■ Wd “ xory . Vflucll tbe market, affords, served'
R^winSS-SS3S2i! e^ Wff
nrender-this h£tl worthy thecon--
P .““* c ' 01 ,lle ” < "“ J * “iJnSpiMcpii-
*“«!«*« WKducod to th.
. tfenUemcn'a.^V
wav. l brT b ,?^ t !f a .?‘ y** oo of **• ««»® vm of.
which witii^l.^i^ 6 Car and Stcsmbost Landing*,
Of eha^l 1 Ter ba CT»go to and from the Hotel, frea
oi_crmga._, ; taayaf
• * . cmasrs-«t.oino. *
Eg Tlfß subscribers haring jxirehased the entfra
EH fawren or Col. c. P. \vafi£oo,.|«w of lhi..*S
establishment, ber leave to state to their.
fnends arid tue public zcptrally, that they hare ukeit
this commodmus Hotel for a tern of years andwiUei
j!^fs,|Slo , i^ koila J « irabl ® hohm for
The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for con
n numhet of parlors ad
fumi"ic* ctlßn,bcr *» onosiul attractions to
The pw-sent propricton having had the MKrieK*'
of years In dus city add elsewhere, hdpe they will b«
able to ffive ecrteral deterßiiaed to
give undivided attention to tho houso alone.
.„ rjl* l«:»«on.oriho Pearl Street House i* uncoonxm'
ly eligible, having from* on pearl, WalnutandTCrt
Street*, wlbat tj: is coolly Jfih.
convemeuco ot butunc,* mcu,or l «im«ni7o, D riT»t*
lonnlcr*. It i* ticarby.thc Honk*, ttu, Pn,i ,!.«■
wits "™ *4»“* l™» a? cicy.
M*nivSt2isr ,CT * T »n» l -rmtabawtu. •
nn * ,, Ui* firta of Bridges *
f. ilrcb V* d Mr - Joai% ' fottrestin Uua!
to thov" l b ®P° by the strictest attentioo'
uViianL^V^fi 9^ 0 uJ ® e i fgMsu, to merit a eon- :
»r nm**fio***i~**
-jlyastf -» JNOWE3T.
-OAI.T IIOI7SB, - . ' ""’ ' V
• .. -jfJ , *x»«stu*A3f»*afniJW.a3tconrfn. . '-'^U
£53 .THIS enabliihtaeut ii new ia<h» ba«l order far l '■
.JSB wb.reception of the Tra'nUafPafcJic.'’H»»foir ■ .
■“• undergone ft thorough repair tfunsjjAepttfwiaL ‘
> r N snd haring-the nKutwzperfeneadaciilathawett '
‘ n I Osoer Bm«if chu hil wii
*Jf P le ***Jwhorall. TheiocationujeeutraL famm*.' . /..■•
: N. Jl—Allbotajj t»«tt**actl«aneW&ooei iiia iktf v
**n»»asew ivWlotitheokl -- mrsfof -
TimocKJxoß*o*’s“<3OTnnDTiEr' ft
Maris xtmotfuoßfa* • *+L.-,u. '■
il i?tS%»r° m* Bffiaaat,-- i’l
iJIUUiu,. , 'j.
rf&fi*!*. ,]