THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BY ERASTUS BROOKS A Co. PITTSBURGH! .ftrapyESPAYrMoaftiyo; January s, i&is-1 • - Dailt Giimz is pcblisbed 'Dafty, Trf;W«»ki)r r aad Weekly.—The Daily, is Seven Dtrflara per aauum; ihe'lH-Werkly'U Fire Dollar* per . .Vtuuun: the Weekly i* Two Dalian dct ««"■>«<. tthatw -■ HrAsfumid are requested tn hand in 1 their favor* before S t. tu and a* early in the day as practicable. • . . I*o* Unr Commercial Intelligence. Domestic slar£ set*. fUrcr News, Money Markets, fee., tee third page. 1 Whif aad Antl«9latOßie Sealaatloui foe mayor; of mtSßueatt. GABRIEL ADAMS. 1 HEyRY CAMPBELL. Ecu to rial Coneipoadeaice of the Pittsburgh Gazette. . . 'Washes tiros, Dec. 31,1517. Serboaian fog has overshadowed the city today, which it something unusual in the District. One might almost fancy “tbe heavens bung in black -1 over the expiring year.* I looked into the Capitol for a moment this morning. The Senate Chamber and Hall of the House presented “a beggarly ac count of empty boxes,” and tbc only smiling faces were the clerks, messengers, pages and laborers, drawing their monthly pay. Salaries at the Capi tol run thus, by way of an. item of news, interest* ing to those who would know all that is going on here—Chief Clerk $3,000, Assistants from $1,600 to $1,500, Messengers three dollars and two dollars and fifty cents a day, and tbc Pages $1,50 per diem, The Chaplain receives five hundred dollars for the session, long or short, but $250 is usually voted to him and the Clerks at the end of the ,session, with extra compensation for all subordinates. The Sapreme Court was in seasionto-day, with a case of great maratime interest pending, and in* vdying the - right of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in a case brought for the recovery of Specie ■ /lost on board the Lexington steamer, when that I vessel, was destroyed, by fire. In cases of Admi-1 rahy. as is well known, trial by jury is not allowed, and the consequence has been a frequent collision between the Admiralty and Jury Courts. A world of precedents have been thrown before the Court fro end con, and legal learning enough produced to confound even & Bench of Judges. The Admiralty! Courts, so far from giving satisfaction to persons, i have been the subject of frequent complaint in eonaeqeence of the high powers assumed by the Judges. The Chancery Courts, however, portico - iarly in England, ore a littlo world beyond Ailmi-1 rally'Courts’in the exercise of extreme authority. Both, however, have been acquiesccdin and deem ' ed necessary, and it is almost a new thing for the Supreme Court to have its jurisdiction denied ' in p. cases of this Sort. ; The precedent either way vnJ; prove important, and hence the Court at tbejaa* term ordered a re-argument of the case. E.-B. HEW YEAR’S DAY AT WASHIJfGTOH. Washing tox, Jan. 1, I .The Sun refused to shine to-day. which marred 1 .the festivities of the. season. The crowd, liow- I ever, were early in motion, anil .the hackneyl coachmen the happiest and busiest men of the day. j The President, as usual, advertised, open bouso at I noon, and for three hours the multitude were upon j the wing, to and fro. The Capitol was closed, and | all the public offices,—New Year’s day being aho I Jyday in the city. There were perhaps more than I the usual number of strangers in Uie city, and e ven j mort than the usual nuiuber of visits to bq made I ty the multiplication ot J persons who kept open house for the reception of company. • The Foreign Jlinistens appeared at the Prcsi - dectV House in their gorgeous orders and decora lions, at half past'll, and were presented, not ac ' cording U> the rank estimated, where a point of eti quette is a point of honor, but according to the term of service at the Court when presented. The 'Russian Minister and lady,—the Union of the Em ... pire of.the Czar Peter with Brother Jonathan, the FVench Minister,'with his wife, also an American lady, the' Chilian Minister,, also with an American • wife, and tbc-Spanish Minister, with a wife more American than ahything'eUc, were among thschie f 1 nf the; Diplomatic corps. I believe there •are-other bonds of union'between the Diplomatic .'{representatives and our fair country women,—and ■jthese ‘‘silken cords which bind two willing hearts.” most be as hooks of steel to the good intercourse between our own and the Governments represent- f- ' ed. . •- At wfvtq iKn doors cfthe while House thrown wide open to the 1 populace. The Vic®! President anJHeads of Department* preceded the j -- • crowd. The National Band, with their National air*, infosed a cheerfulness and hmacuhneu of feel-! ing through the crowd. The officers of the Army I ; «nd Navy were out in full uniform, and the fash ionable multitude were decorated in all the.plu: .mage and gew-gava of high life. There were all aorta of people mingled with them, and in all sorts . of dresses. Yoong children stood side by side with •second childishness and mere oblivion," and the ■whole ‘■Seven Aces of Man, from infimey in the f noise's arms to extreme otti age, were huddled to* gether. There was a simple introduction to the President and His lady, in the reception room, and . the crowd passed on through the once famous Green Boom loathe always famous East Room, the ■mont spacious and beautiful apartment ol the Ex* ' eentire Mansion. This wpa the round for three i hours, with but little each one seeing and being seen; and if possible seeing sigblscnough ■ • to last asether year or more. .• ~ . Mrs. Madison, the venerable ladyAf the deceas ed President, received her friends also, a thousand of whom called upon her at least Tossing years *eem hardly to imprint an additional wnnkle upon; her brow. She has the vivacity cf youth, all the grace of womanhood, and all the,experience of age. to impart ease, cheerfulness and contentment in the circle where she moves. ! John Quincy Adams received his friends also,; and from ten to three his dwelling was much crow* • ded. The members of the House called on him . almost without an exception, even Charles J. In f ■ gersoll among the rest, who has abused Mr. Adams . £ snore' than any fcityofbis party together Bui . thia, according to the good old Knickerbocker cus- j tda, is a day of forgiving and forgetting, and I will 1 ’ revive the past Mr. Adams is in his Slst year * • in body, but a treasury ofknowledge, Which be is ready to impart to all men. and,indeed, if be spoke at all, be could not well help imparting to those around him: The Mayor of the city. Colonel Seaton, of the Intelligencer, also had ‘ his reception, numerous and pleasant, and the city was all hurtle and gaiety fiom one extreme to another. A Washington win ter society slAws out in all its phases at a Presi dent’* levee.: Those odd customs of differing and • extreme section* of the Union, appear conspicuous • on the crowd. One.,is alternately surprised and t amttsed' by theodd things seen about the city.— There is nowi n grotesque equipage, and now agnm yy.««>.Tng- uncommon for its attraction. Here there • are jurs and foreign orders decorating tip ropn.- . aentave of King* and Prince*, and there, in per *ona **>e plamncM of the .. extremes! Republican eimp’icity- Ministers from .abroad rcpTeieattbo enstoms of the country they ' ijome from, but, excepting John Adams at the Court <£ France, I do not know that aay of the Ambassa dors from tbeJUoited States have been careful to observe tbo coitoms of the country. Moreover, there is a Court drew prescribed by thu Stale De partment, where.— nominally 'Democratic, you see, will meddle in these small Wyon • m»v see a pattern coat and dress • fcr a full Minister, a Omrge.des Affaire*, a See re ) tuy of Legation, an Attache, or for an official of* \ £ce of any . grade. Attention to “these things is ■ ; deemed matters of gro* l importabrood.and a Court ■ Areas only cap gain one admittance to the presence - —' Vcf Royalty. HVbat a contrast here,'where all do i ttot even a decent appearance necessary to , take the President by the band. At Court too, one ggiy not turn his back upon the King, and having • jaw, approached in his presence, he rou-n ‘•back cot,” at the expense of breaking his neck, but here 1 doe is iatrodiiccd to the President, and fecU an ’ ’ trial in his presence, and something more sorno • times, when be knows that it wa* his vete which p«|dm where he iw - XdUnromk, afcrefener ■ 10 much m EreeuUvc Mooaioo upon • day /like thill where there i» the greatest freedom of ' ' ißoilfc interetiuree, with the most P" 4 * 1 order “<I ! compkto ptiblie eecurity. Abroad there are tbo !<Ju«ldiof tta Kins aunoundinjlhe piece,boll' 'wnirds boro orethe Peoplueomo of Item enemie., end atreny epemie* it maybe, lodhe principle, of tb, man,’but! •» of them «V«f”> to lie office aud t—loua of it. power aad rccimly. Of con™, there CTZaj wbo do not callupootbo Preaident, oven StouUte ttowhnl relation! fcrbtddie;eMoctanon, rWo f rwpoct and of custom i» not paid, nod 'Willy, indeed, tfeo rUit i» omitted bp many who ZHSa there iboald.te no marled courteiy whom j t no aincoo rapeet- Bat enbotf. of ihi* j ■g*'riloip«#d«ofd‘a% *•* I WismxcTOs, Jan. 1,1W7. . j A new ycarhxsdawnedupoa us, and one which j .is pregnant with great political events. The I countryyearns for Peace, while the ,Rulers pn>| rlaim War, and fratkind of war which shall reach 1 and penetrate the.vital ports of the enemy’*'coun-1 try. The P«facc Societies and all Peace Men, the J spirit of an enlightened Civilization, the Christian- J ity of the world, and much more.*tKat of the Prince j ofPeacc himself demand* that should learn I : war ho'more,—but all such preaching! seems vain. | and futile,'’ uttered in the ears of those who sway I the sceptre Of tho country. Having eyes they see I I not, having bars they hear not, and will not under stand. I do not propose, however, to moralize upon I this state of fact. Before the month expires, the I war of words win reach you from those high in authority, and the year will give utterance to more I than a million of sermons and solemn addresses | against all war, and especially against the one I which is not in with .the Spirit of Lib-1 ' erty. nor of justice,' nor of humanity. The old 1 classic deity represented the god of war in a pic- j | lure so true to life, and so forbidding, tljal ond of I I even the commonest sympathies of Hfoltoight ti'elll I shudder to avoid the worship of such a diviaity. | Behold him in his chariot drawn by the - furies of' I Flight ami Terror l —or upon his blood-staipea at I tars, or feeding with vulture like voracity upon I birds nf prey, or, out of battle, debauched and false, 1 till at last he too is wounded by the unerring hand of the sure marksman. How different is the ture of PeAcc, bearing the Olive Branch and the | horn of Plenty, with wisdom for their handmaids, learned men for their worshippers, and worth and justice the ! common counsellors of all. Tmly,n|J said the Senator from N. H., this war does stamp j the age in which we live as barbarous. May the morning of the year upon which we have entered sec it closed, and the People be permitted to swell I the triumphs of Peace, by returning To those \ I fruitful and joyous pursuits of civil life, whichalone can make a nation truly great E. b. One llnadred Million* of Dollar*. Washington, Jan. 1, ISIS. The estimates erf the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year for the support of all depart* •menls of the Public service, arc put down at $55,- 000,000. A truer estimate would have been one nr.sDaED amjjoxs or. dollabs. The whole sum , necessary may be staled as follows, if the war con ! tinuea. Expenses for present service $55,000,000 Deficiencies in former appropriations.. 14,000,000 Ten regiments of regulars • • .10,000.000 Twenty of volunteers'. it 0,000,000 And if the deficiencies are as much for the uext I year os for the present, the full sunf will be from | fourteen to twenty millions additional. If all this I is not a prelude to the visits of tax-gatherers and J heavy internal taxation, then there is no judging of the future from the past,—no truth in history, noth- in the great past to learn . nations future dam. /' Mr. Polk has but to suggest on Pe In secure all its blessings. Monyajf - Congress would even gladly lake the initiative peace movement, if the President would but sa«. lice his individual obstinacy to the public gootV' Tlie GoVcnuacnt is now paying the sacrifice r its best blood and treasures tor making Mr. Polk t consistent man. He who could be ‘-every thingbj turn and nothing long” to secure the Presidency— who won Pennsylvania and o portion of the North to his interests by false professions upon the tariff unit the South to his person, by his known attach* mentjto free trade, must forsooth keep tlie nation at j'r, to vindicate his mere personal opinion. There is no Congress or Supreme (Jourt to di All tlie world will be at the White Hojuse anon. ‘•lHsck spirit* and whin*. Blue spirit* and grey** 1 reserve u description of this truly Republican exhibition for the evening, iu the mean time 1 wish all my reader*, -a.haPft sew year.* e. b. FROM SEtV TORK. New" York, x Dec. 31. 1547. Holiday dullness in business iSsrpo«us, und with j the exception of a small panic in tome' of the country bank paper, all is. quiet. To give a fulll history of the rumors, would take too much nxim, j suffice it too say, the AthU Bonk, the Sosquehatr nah Bank, at Montrose. Pa., and the Delaware Bridge Co, of New Jersey, are tlie only banknibtvj All bai£ circulation secured by New State slnrkiJ is as guoU as gold, conthatalh’ '.'kl- not'bo ina hurry to believe :: em rurooi* of the street, which are got up for the benefit of note bro* I kers. As a general rule, notes that brokers will | give 00 pet cent for are worth their face. , Atbur&vy yanl all i* bustle and the workmi abundant. The storeship Fredomn, Lieut. F. A. Neville, commanding, has received her crew, and is expected to rail for tbcGuif of Mexico at once- Tlx: *hip«f-war Plymouth is really, and will pi ceed to'thc Ea*t Indies. The "brig Dolphin w proceed to the coast of Africa as wdoq as possible. The other vessels at the Yard are the idoop-ofwur Vincennes, and fngntes'Macedonia and.Savannali. laid up in urdinnryj brig Washington und steamer Lecure, laid up for the Winter, and the receiving ship North Carolina and steamer Fulton. An interesting scene was enacted on Christmas duv, at the annual meeting of the friends of tlie Sunday School attached to the Methodist Episcopal Cimrch on Pacific street. Mr. Kirk, mau exceed indy neat and appropriate speech, wwciilcdtulhe pastor, Kev.. A. M. Orion, on liebalf of the Church, a Christinas cake, on lifting the frosted oner of which it was firnad to'contain five ,ea*l«l and ten lialf etudes living of standard cold. Tliej - present was unexpected by the pastor, who in very feel ing terms acknowledged this token of .the affection of the people over whom he placed in charge. The last curiosity is sametraiued birds, who nre perfect and art the part of waiters, and gothrough variousothcr curious evolutions. They have been ten years in training. , ‘ ' In relation to our German Newspaper tlie Tri bune of to day says—The ticJirufyut newspaper, including type, printing ‘materials, subsenption h«t, right, title, ln\. was sold tliis morning at public auc tion underthe auspiceaof James S. Thayer. public administrator. It was brought by Herr Wag enitz. of the firm of Helmich A: Co, German book sellers, for 51,000 cash. We presume that iU edi torial conduct will bo confided to CharicsllCmzea.a -well known German republican, and inrtimate friend of the late Editor, whose omval here is daily looked for. HcrrHein7cnisa man of eminent vigor and ability as a writer and under ius t-barge the paper will be as little liked by the absolute Govern ments of Germany as before. , j l wMitated at the sale that the circulation of tlie Sduußpvtt was 1,300 weekly and “00 semi-weekly Captain Rvrie. of the steamship Hibernia, was yesterday introduced to the merchants of New York, at the Exchange. Captain Ityrie was intro duced by John Griswold, Evp, and addre»«d - by J Depeyster Ogden on tlie port of the merchant*. “A» I n y wionnas keeper.’"—Tho Gazetti must decline the publication of an advrrtwment headed 5100,00 Howard. Wc are not nwai such a paltry sum would tempt a reader oftheGi zette to catch a boy about Men yeurs old, rnthi spale and delicately made, with black eyes, 1 straight, though somewhat inclined to curl. . would any proposition of that amount induce U» Cu harm a woman twenty-six year* old. whoiss to lie ‘’very respecttul and pleasant wlien spoki to." No one would-harm her when wo say sin* tlie mother of the “delicately made" boy, and of two other children also with her. - It islo be-hoped tluit nbpne who reads the Oi issopoorthathe can be tempted to gam hi* bread by money thus earnrd. Famine alone m it* most hor* nhle form could tempt a'roan thus to sell his man, hood, by turning un informer. No man who has read the Gazette, cooid pal bread which would be literally soaked in tlie bitter team of a mother and her little ones, who wiih their hope* of freedom blighted, would be by his act, given once more to the hands of their taskmasters. If this family, is now within the limits of free Pennsylvania, we hope for the honor.of tho press, the titate und of humanity that*no trace of them will be found through tho medium of “the press”. We are sure the adveri tiaement has been sent uaforouc wh^- ( does not -read the Gazette, for no one who does, could thus •insult its conductor* and readers. ■ Si-sitvhon Bmdoe.—Thisstupendoo* undertak ing.appears to those at a distance likesk Fairy tale, oroite ofvAladdin’a wounderful exploit*, rather limn like'on.actual matter of tael enterprise.— Neveiilieless, the work goes on, m will be seen by 1 the following paragraph from the Niagara Democrat of the 23d nil: Upon n visit to the Falla during the part week, we uoticed that the workof prepara tion had made a visiblebeginning upon the Canadi an side.‘B clearing having been made froih the river some distance back. There can now foe nodouh. j of-jbe prosecution oft he work as rapidly napoyk :h» ' l- Ladies is Court.— At iDebham, Mass-, the Jodies attend the Bitting* of the Court of Common Pico*. Recently them wcm counted twenty-three women in'the galleries, who* while their cars end eyes were open to the proceedings of the Court, era* ployed their {lingers nimbly with their knitting and sewing, ■ '• , ij -CosVEYito* to Fkaxk a CowrtTFTtat Tor Wtscoxsix—The Constitution offered WlbocbD* aideratioa of Uio people'of Wisconsin having been rejected by them, a new Convention ha* been chosen, the member* of which assembled at the in M** 1 *™, on Wednesday tbs X&th nit laBGIBLATI BE OF PESSBTIVASIA. I below infbnnes tu that our Stale 1 [Jamsbtfrgh has organized and is I sin ess of the Session. The Speak-1 house is well known to the people | i Canal Commissioner for several I tided with' the Buchanan and Por. j iliticians. -He was also one of the I Id Horrisbnrgh Key Stone, and a I rian. by education as well as incli-1 ikestkind. Webave engaged on able I *rho will keep us well informed I the Capitol, through the medium of :D OS by'telegraph. j ■ The dispatch Legislature at ready for tlie bt cr of the lower of the Stole os years and ider ter Scboolof p editors of the * Locofoco polit . nation of the ra correspondent all tlie doings a the mails its w ■jlrania Legislature. Harrisburgh, Jam 4, 1 P. M. • entatives assembled in the Hall of | .2 o'clock M. in accordance with the he Constitution, and were called to lerk, Mr. Fleming. The Rcpres the House, at provisions of order by tlie t be Clerk proceeded to open, and read nYhe respective counties of ths states, ared that ninety eight members were •ere sworn in, according to law and theVeturns fro when it appet present, and i I took their sea , the House proceeded to an election ■ whereupon Wro. F. Packer. (Loco ) niug county was elected over George , (Whig) of Chester by a vote 3 33 nays. for Speaker— ibeo)of Lyco Ladley, Esq-, of C3Yeas to j On motion [ the Senate tb a committee was appointed to ipforn t the House of Kcpresentntiveswer J ready to proceed to business. organized an Also t ;on ni i ation, the customary committee was ict in conjnuclion with a similar com • Senate, to inform the Governor that md House of Representatives were : ?d and ready to receive auy commit ni : ht be pleased to make —after which t youmed. appointed to mitlec of the the Senate duly orguniz cation he mi; the House at tHRERCIAL CAPITAL OF PEKIfSTLVAiriA. »] jw a comprehensive abstract of the | Philadelphia, for the year 1517. Wo ie connected with our sister city, by , *>nliniious Railroad, in addition to our l lalurully watch her progress, which 1 been rapid, for tlie past year. Wc ; he Bulletin which speaks of the busi il odelphia in-the true spirit of Slate and We give be! business of ore soon to 1 means of a Canal,' and has indeed opy from ' ess of ghi: ity pride. ‘•Having uitercd upon a new year, it may be back and take a review of the one In this retrospect there is even,’ thing ie feelings of our inhabitants. In the •c have been exempted front auy epi-1 en. the business of our city has tor I hat of any fomter year. During the n the dry goods trade to the west und wc enjoyed the lion's .share, in the 1 activity in Breadstuff's for export to if diy came in for her full proportion of •, and our commerce, both foreign and a* received an 'impetus that will be felt just closed, to gratafy t first place i demic. T 1 surpassed j last spring I south-west, *99,000,000 uncxamplt Europe, ou the iucrea* domestic, 1 for years. The gn t at thoroughfitre, which is to unite our :l e fertile west by an irun band, is in ra ess of construction, and is destined to i • same effect upon Philadelphia which ,i New York on' the completion of the i. namety to make Philadelphia the lead i this great confederacy. . The inoxhai'ut i ves of our State are sure guarantees for I dishment of this object. The Goal trade - even years has risen from 305, I tout, worth at tidewater tw/ir minion* ms friends in The Iron trade has increased within r years even in a more rapid ratio, und ah* that of oil the rest of the Union •lures ure springing up around us as if and tlie s*>uud of the Hanuher and the toe vibrates on the ear from all quar populalton is increasing rapidly, und d employment at remunerating wages, rndiug the great increase m business, (expected stringency in the money mar w lailures have'taken place, and among oo<U houses engaged in the Western a single stoppaet has taken pbce. Thesq if the retrospections iu relerence to the bow let us exhibit some of our proof* f the imrease in business. PORT* OF FU>m URAL AND GRAIN. rLorE. ,1 bU. ... : 31JaG10|1W7... .bbls... .42Q : 6>1 coax ibls.. .1144N57j1517 f ...bbls.'. • .300.331 EVE FLOURI.' .1 Wa 19.r»;i517.. • .bilk. -- • -JU.107 WltX.lT. . i, u 5G.Q59i15J0... -bu 245.130 . bu... -523,536 j mi.. . 129.25011*46: bu... .279.520 . 102.210) . . * - oluMrative valuw of the'exports of the t • articles in 1540 and 1517 was as fol- __ The co above fiv lowsr— In 15t cess of 1 00 per e* In grai urers ha? V 7. $0.101,1n l*lC.si7Gt.<VA*. Ex it" over IMG. $0,337,137. or upward* ol i lit inmate. lithe niea-rtiremcnt. by the public meav « been a* fcdkrav— JS‘,7. ISHV IM-'» iUh. Wt»tH - 1 l.OWtft ''•»*>.>““» TA-sl-T •* - “s 97j rtO.S-JJ <>..V>7 •v • :kV.M7I Vfl.wt .7.'i7.>'77 t tin, tbe iilkiwing i* a comparative rtale iie receipts in I9l*i and lt*t7. .1-1 1, lSit'.. 4.7.121—1 n 1*47. W.'kkV meal, I Com Up*. OnU In Cot meat of -The import allows a larjf* im-rraw ■r any former year. i*ult u. jrratiiytn«, Imt in pw tod it i< £| lx? *r?n l»v the Cdlowinif tabic in ISIS, llCKi.t—lu IMb, 1W.00.' VWK». Lkai> year over Thu* rr so. as wsi . * Pisrv in 1815, ntiv.-- . isi7. u&im comparative supplies m IM*, ISH hare been: In 1847. 1517 Hides nminst W.2'>~ ui JM*«. in SltsrtJ, iln* increase is vrrj - tare**- —T' following statement varies matrnully morning coniemporaric*. hi the urtiele of alone upwards ot‘ 10JXK) Md*. . Rj«>in Tar Pitch >• £nmtx of Turpentine Turpentine Total. *>«/* The comparative import* ol (.'otfro, and Motsuun, from toreißn port* have l«en ' Co (Tee. ilolttMC*. , bags tore I4il*. IqlSir. 72,10.'. 0 0 I.'VJ-VMI gall. ]S|l} 120,00 7 0 1 Ch» UP*),'** ■ I>s|7 72,501 4 In 2,17.\7:*S Sugar. J boxes lifid*. bhls bag* raws ISIS 14,000 won 5 .Vf* 25.02 7 SO 27.39 I .* :i,521 0..‘157 1 5.22.7 U 1817 M.2G7 15.MH 7.200 52.572 0 Showing an increase in Sugar oT more than one hundred per cent.' compared with IMG. We now'come to the Cool Trade—which em ploys annually vvrral hundred thousand lons of tohuage more than the vvliole tonnage arriving at the port of New York* from foreign ports. The quantities sent lo market in 1617, Lave been as lid lows, omitting the Shauiokin region. Of tliis quantity there were shipped 95C.0G2 tons from Port Richmond alone. The clearances from that place comprised iq 1 M 7—2 ships, 1C barks, 601 brigs, 4771 schooners, 771 sloops, and 5200 boats «nd barge*. Total, 11432 vewd-. Total from the Lehigh Mines b|.7.omons 222.51.1 * Railroad to flOth rest, 1,.’U7.1K7 7 Lackawanna Total Wyoming. Pine Grove Total ns.far as ascertained. - .2.'.<1“.7»i Foreign Coastwise Table, i If mir space permitted, we would give ude nj evidence* of nnr increased tmispcriiy. The number of arrivals alibi* port duru liua mx year have lufn as lullows: Forriirn. Coastwise. IMG 150 1*17......;.M5. During the part season, the .Tow-boat* brlunsrimr to the Philadelphia ati.l Havre dr ('truer* Steam Towing Company towel between this city aim! Havre d« Grace. Four Thou.wul Fie* Hundmi and Sijiy Hoots. A nunilier. of U»:itr were also towctl from Havre de Grace l*» IMawan* City, laden with iron, fife., in addition to the above numbers. ‘ I Ex amino tlw-oi table* carefully a* we rimy, we find jio item to Reappoint us, nnd njnko un say, here in a Vital point the trade lips diminished. In ill part, Ihu report .peaks ot prosperity and increas ed strength tr Philadelphia. which under nli circiim «adcc«, mini remain.llie poinl of primary, intrrr.l In our city. The North American gives us, l«. iiide», the name* of forty new firm. Hurt commence with the new year, whjcli doe., nol indicate any decline of strength. We nre io the receipt of a part of the Statute, of other commercial c,tics of the East, anJ shall show them in eonlnull to the report above. TbePnblle Works. 2b t)u Utlitor*of the Fittiburgh Gazette ‘ Canal Commissioners Office.) Ilitmsburg, Jun. 1, IbIS. J 1 As many erroneous reports nre m circulation, and os numerous inquiries have been made, in re lation to tbe opening of the Public Works, the Boon! of Canal Commissioners deem it proper to ataUs that all the rcpfiirs to the mam line of Canal and Raflroad.bctweeQ Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, ; will bo completed by the middle of February, and tbaUbe navigation will t>c resumed at a* early a day In the Spring a* the weather will permit the water to be let into the Canal By order of the Titoiuw I* Wiuxm, ’ £>'■ Secretary. Tattos Websteh.—The New York Couri er and Enquirer, predict* that Gen. Zaclmry Tay_ lor will be the next President, and,that Daniej Wcbeter will be tbe Vico Preoidcnt, and that Daniel Webster will succeed Goa. Taylor to the Preside* 1 cy. Dated at New Tort Jamtwy lit 1818. FBO3I MEXICO. By our Eastern mails, we arein later intelligence from Vera Cruz.' The Arco iris of the 10th, states that a revolu tion had taken placej at Tabasgo, which liad for its object the deposition of the present Governs^. The Mexican Government have propoaedtho exchange of Gen. La Vega and Blanco. The pa pers of the interior are bitter in their denunciations of the Stale of Zacetecms, because it chooses to I take no steps-relative to the wari Gen. Marian, has resigned his'command for the reason that Government bad refused to sanction the manner in which he had provisioned his troops, I and because the troop of cavalry sent him by San- I ta Anna, had shamefully* deserted him. h Mexican Calculations.— The Rawnadcrr.a Mexican print, estimates our loss during the cSn- I paign which embraced the different affairs at Con- I treros, San Geranimo, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec and tlie Garitas. with the causu -1 allies in me capital, at 2099, killed, wounded, and I miming. Reply op Tin: Coxgb&s to Pbesioest Axiya' Inal'gcbat. Addbejn.— lf in ihe middle of the dii asters now* destroying the very • existence of our unfortunate country, and when in it, the groans of profound tribulation are incessant, it U penult ted us, unhappy Mexicans, to enjoy any sensations consolatory or flattering, it is at I the present mo ment in which the supreme executive power of the federation .appears reorganized in conformity with tho rules and regulations of our fundamental code. Without this important, event, the most shameful anarchy was about t 6 complete the hu miliating work of our destruction, ready so far advanced by the Government of the which is converting it to its own exclusive profit. This result was unavoidable, because tho adminis tration having been suddenly aliaudoned, ominous symptoms of utter dissolution presented them selves in tile most vital parts of the Mexican con federation. The recent re-union of the notional representation has l>een, therefore, an important event in our critical situation, because without ! this re-organization already accomplished, ft Vould I have been impossible to elect,! as we have done,' j un executive. . Behold! already arrived an ;epoch consoling ui il«r perspective, that re-animating tlie drooping spirits of the people, may make them superior to their unfortunate and humiliating positiou* They only wait the bold direction of their compatriot*, wham tlicy have invested with power to aci, and if they receive it. active, decided and loyal, it may be foretold that the vital spirit of the nation will yet revive sufficiently to resist new attacks* from our triunfphant adversaries; become stronger in themselves, and appear, prirbajW. at a futnre period, victorious, recovering their tgrnUhcd glory, their now-sullied name, and their proud title of freemen. But if on the contrary, a false policy prevails, not having for its basif the noble' uitonl of repairing the injuries caused to the nation by immorality and egotism, annihilating virtuef the fbupdalionof a literal system —if such an- erttmeou* policy, we repeat, is going yet to direct u* during. this tafriWc conflict, there cau be no salvation, but on the con trary certain ruin and shame to the unfortunate Mexican*, whose ■ will be forever lost. The solemn oath your Excellency has just ta • ken, in the bosom of the national representation, binds you m honor to follow invariably , the path you have laid down; for the ideas you have just promulgated. n» the-programme of your administra ■ tion give us the satisfactory hppe of a brighter . future. . Your Excellency comes, into power invested with ample i facilities to bring .forward all kind* »>f patriotic eiTprts in U*ha!( of your fi*llow«citj»i». ami if the reus any thing depending on the Jc#*- lalive power, yhur Excellency need notdouU .fts loyal nnd decided cooperation. liecause, among its mcudier*. the conviction jfreilominates that unan* imitv, constancy. honor and virtue, alone are ohtc lo Mvr the rountrv. I'pdcrtnke. then, your.Kx* cellenry. the grand work id regeneration. be firm in establishing and carrying into effect a policV that, instead of bringing upon you the disliko and enmity of your oounlreymen, will cans*} (hem to i surround your person with their sympathies und blessing*. Your udinini<ratnn will • acquire an imperisho hie renown, the people will lle»P upon you the re wards of glory you will hayii obtained a* the ilhis Irani* champion of tjve. independence and jibertt of your nation. Local Intelligence. The Anniversary i>f tin* t.latluiJ h* Institute look (dace at their Hail, in M. Paul's school buddings on Fifth street, on Tuesday evening. Tlu* sudiente was large and respectable althoughtheeveoutgwas unfavorable. The Exercises were highly interest* ing to the Uerati of our city.: The addrew of Mr Fettemian ua» welbchot-eo. distinctly pronounced, and replete with argument; und profitalde views, Tim essay of Mr Carroll we were precluded from hearing, tor wont of tunc, but liavc it highly spoken of by thus*' who Were present, a* also the Anniversary address by Mr. £han|ioc»-*— Altogether, the performance* wute arcdiiable losiituion. and 1 instructive and interesting J to the audience firv clfi.tiovv— The clcciuin £»r officers ot l! General Ek-otum. Aldermen, fouslable*. jScLo Dirvctorv.iV*-.. in-the resjiecUve ward* rit Pills burgh came oif on Tursdayi and tiie Whigs cm ried eiery waril hut one. —the Kiftli. • Tocmo'ii ajwocjatuw.—Tho Rev. Dr. Riddle is In uiUlrc** the a*«v.inlinn of teacher* in our rity, on ei-mimr next From tin- well known literary pert a Iccttjrr replete with ilwful in»lrii<?ibu. Let those mt*’re<»',| in education by all mr-iji* attend. ' The McaUiU—Wr shall publish Him in the bourse of the arternoott in no. eitra. whlrh the Mitocntor* of the- Gazette ean oUaiii crnti* by calling at the olUcr. ' Tut t-H.mwLMJwrat Abboao.—ln our idGr ha* toenpl.irt-.U letter addn-sKtl to "Yoqnxit |in>tmbiy I'iiioiilnwii. Terrible Ejrh«io?< or a kitcihw kangX—um OF uru —TlirHaltuoore Patriot of Monday, says a kitchen range. or water boiler, to the bleb port of the rxtcooivr refectory e»taWi»linientj of Mr. Luther Fox. in Ijpht street. exploded al*|ul nifte oclnrk. producing most’-ih*«.<rou* nod melancholy nmufl*. Krre had toni placed in the furnace a short tune before, and Sblien it attained a certain hent, the Rangr or Ixulcr. which had lieen made of cusiTtrun, bursted into a ttounand fragments, tear gii? down the brick trail iq which it waa placed, scattering the hnck* and pieces of. metal m every direction with terrific violence. , At the tune of ibe explosion, three white worn® and u colored girl. were standing fnmt of the Ixitler. They were all thrown witli preat violence to the opposite end extremity of the kitclien literally boned up wnh bricks, fragment* of the 'toiler and other missile*, added to which was a large quantity of tolling water. When the nibbtsh und fragment* were removed, on of the uo- fjrtunnte victim*. Mrs- Mary Ann Roden, an elder* ly widow lady, was found to to dead. A brick or some hard substance had struck her head and fractured the skulL Sarah Heasly, arVoumf giri, was found to be dangerously if not fatally injured, is scalded and. much bruised. Nancy Quinn, another of the victims, was considerably injured, but hopes are entertained of her recovery. The colored girl. Ann Tracy, i* much injured from scalding and bruises; she also complains of sever* internal pain. Her case is doubtful. A .colored man named N"eto> n Smith, was just entering the kitchen at the time of the explosion. He wni struck with some Of the fragments, nnd coimideni. bly bruised, but hia cscajie may be considered fo f tunatc. The Inpian Mwms f’oxrnt.csrE op the M. E. Ciicrch. Sot.-Tit, was trccjjtly held ut Itnaksvillo* in llie Choetatv nation. After the Conlerence htul di*i<oscd of il» regular pnytotuJings, the foiirtli mu nivcrsnrv of Ibc |nd an Mission Conference was held. 'l‘ln« wa« n n ecting of much interest. Thd *|ieaker» were Hi-v. J. \V. MeKinsey. lfcv. Thom* a* llurlimrt and :i u: live Potnwatainic flic Rev. Mj Boshtnn. Forty-five members paid their annual subscription of one dollur each; tlnrty-two j*er*ona were made lili- sulivq-ttor*, by the payment of fi ve', «lo|lnr« elicit. A ptil)br collection wa* made, u hiuh ninouiitcil to twenty-six dollars. Threw natives' gave curb one tolc |of cotton, and were thereby constituted inetutorf liir life of the parent society. The total amoniil raised m the Indian Mission Conference the past, year win »tx hundred nnd seventy dollars. thtr|y-six cent*. Te>m?pek-—lf appears from the Rrejiort of the .rViinptrollcrof recently laid before the Legislature of tliat plait*, that the total liabilities of the State, drawing |nterr»l oil the Ist Monday of (Motor last, were $3,3.'J7,b5t1,ti0 nnd that lliu total pruductivn Flocks of the Flute drawing interest, were, at the same titnc, d01*.4,5,'J1,13t).0l this it will be seen that the imtanco of assets over liabilities is dots. 1 1 1V9 1 fi73,&9 cts. The total receipts into the Treasury of the State during the last two years, including the balance on hand at the coin incnccmentHjf tho period named, were dais- bIR,- fiyb.flfict*. Tho disbursements in tin* snrije time amounted to dots. 012,31-I,l3cbe—leaving a balance in the Treasury of do)*. 177 201,73 cts. I Liiierai. Bcquisr.—MarthaC. Hull, lotc pf Port land. toquenthed ul!lt^rnropertylolhoKirai Parish of that city, (Dr. Nii-lioL’sJ tlie income tohjfoppro • jirialed, under the direction of the pasjnr and trus tees of tho. Charity Fund 'of said, church,] to pro mote the cause of religion, charity and gotn| moruK the amount of tho gift is abut $5,300. Mo. JAii is Peacock, lateof Hnmslmrgh, advan' togcously known n yeara.gune by us on efficient and intfiligeot newspaper Edilor, nnd more recent ly ns Postmaster nt Hurrisburglf in this Stale, has purchased an interest in the Philadelphia Bulletin end,will henceforward be nssociuteu .in the Edi torial and business management of the jJqper. Tenntsrie.—AJbill to exempt the home of a far from lale on Execution, was indefinitely jiost] ed in the Legislature of Tennessee on thu 21 »l by a votfl of 50' to J 3. John B. GkOxkt, Ksq„ is tto delegate fiJ iho YVTiig National Convention front tbo 7tii Congrca gional Districl of Now York, instrncted for Henry Clay. John A. Corwas, Esq., is the delegates to Uie Democratic National Convention from the Sib Con pxtgsional District of Ohio, instrncted lor Cenerul BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Correspondence of Pittsburgh GuctU< I Correspondence of the-PitUbargh Gazette. ' COSGREBB. 1 Washington, Jan. 4,10 p.k. In the Senotejlhe aU-abeorbing matter- was- the discussion on Mr. Calhoun's resolutions. The galleries were filled at-oh eariy hour to bear ie discussion. Mr. Calhoun referredto.hisrem&rhs'jnopposition i to the war at the close of the b«t session of Cotr j Kress, and said he was opposed to it not only be cause it was unjust, but. because :be believed it was unnecessary and might have; been avoided, but'from high considerations of national policy, he believed he had reason to predict that serious con sequences would result to llus Uujod. To avoid, os far as possible ’ ’ offered bis res olutions. Several other Sei id after a diwuli «d the resolutions iC some length up* resolutions >rerc into Executive on various points postponed, and th« In the House, Mr. Botl* called up the resolutions relative to the Richmond mail route, and after some slight disscusion they were postponed for the pres- The House then went into committee of the whole for the, purpose of resuming the! consideration of the Presidents Message. A\motioa was made to refer certain portions to n and up on this, qui to an onnimaleddiiMCUssion arose,which resulted in the prevalence of a motion for the com roittee to rise. ‘ Bill* were reported for the construction of a dry Dock in New York, and for the payment of French Spoliation* prior to 1801, mid making further pro*, visions for the widows of revolutionary soldiers. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gszeue. Baltimore. Jam 4, Sp. V. The Southern .mail is in, but Contains no new* from the army. Gen. Taylor arrived in the city of Notches, on Wednesday the lOthult. Great preparation* were tpade for hi* reception, and he gave quite on elo. quent and modest reply to the speech*delivered on behalf of the cityondsurroundiugcountry welcom ing and tendering to him. the hospitality of the city. The exercise* were highly interesting, and the cheers in honor of the hero of Polo Alto, Rcsaca dc la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista were loud wnd oft repeated. ' MORE COUHTERFEITS. -Conespoidcaee of tbs Pittsburgh Gsiette. Baltimore, Jan. 4, C r. u. Counterfeit sdoo Treasury notes, well executed, aye been detected in circulation in the city f Mobile. The public should be on their guard, s they are well calculated to deceive. Corrcsponpence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle. ' I Philadelphia, Jan. 4; 1849. j The Southern aiail is in, but brings no news Iron the neat of war. C'otrrspomfeuee of llie Pitubirrgh Gazette. . Cincinnati, Jau. 4, IS. Navigation is open at St. Louis, and the' weather rry pleasant Tfie steamer Caledonia arrived at-Boston last evening. We have not received Jicr news, by reason of same iiitcrruptiim in the transmission of telegraphic news, on the tine east of Philadelphia. Our readers may expect the new* to-day. . Exclusive Correspondence of ths Pittsburgh Garriie. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PuiLAUOjniu, Jain. 4, 1 r.. M. Nothing is doing worth reporting.'- The markets generally present no material change. Exclusive CortespomJeure of lh« Pittsburgh Gazette. NEW YORK MARKET. New Yotot. Jan. 4, I p. ». Ffotre—The’market is-very quiet, and the. tea* deucy downward. Grata—There is less doing in corn.and the mar ket has a downward teudency.' Rye is heavy and inactive. New* prune While Curn'is selling at 053 00c Jb btl. J'rwitiunt-^ There is a better feeling m Pork, but 1 can quote no improvement in the price*.— This improvement.u owing to the rise in New Or leans. Dealers are bolding oiT for foreigu new*. Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh GosßC* -*f-\ BALTIMORE MARKET. - RvLTiMOftc. Jan. 4, 3, r. a. jßj*r-rThere ia no mstena! change in the market from yejtcnlnv.lwt the market issf any thing duller; Safesuf Howard street brand* have l*een etfeeted at SJJOI P bid, and of City Mill* at sfi. bbL* -* GfUrenVi—Coffee* have yielded, which ha* pro dycad an active hiisines*. ,Mola*se* and Sugar are witlwul clutmre, IKA*ir—Sate* of Prirfie Rod at i:t2fol3T»v hu. ‘•,S»rw— l Prune WTiitefi* selling at XjtC’N' ip bu; and J’firne Yellow at p Ini. - /*ybri.*m>fr—For Pork and 1 oilier product*, the market ha* a downwurd tendency. • .SwA»—There is more ntliviiy in the tnarkcl, witffun upward tendency Exclauvr Correop«iuJ«-nc»* t»f ihfl Pitubur<h Garrtte. CINCINNATI MiVRKET. Ciacinnan, Jau.. 1, fi r. «. fir* r-~Modcrate sale* were eflccted tixJay at $4.5U4r4,y5l V bW-' of Raw at 1 "lc *» gall . ■Fu.yiir—.Sale, nf 40 lihd* N. O. at 4ft. AWbsjrs—Moderate sale* of N. O. are ctM-lcd . at 25c per gall- KiJM Side* are quißinl at $2.37f»2..'*0 p ft. 1*37.415 Jmxp* have been’juicked tins K-a*t'o. /’ren'n/mr—Tlicre t* nothing excepting in l-ard of which wc notice sales of- prime sjsfs| g ft. Thf Ahoican Tract Societt Do*or.—The !x*jfcs pubb'sherf by the Society nnmler in variety about ooc thousand. «n English. German, French. Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Welsh. The Parent board are now turning out about 6000 rolomnn of took* per week, and employing 100 colporteurs to circulate the oamc.,. Lvdictment or Mtixr* roa ForgeHT.—A tele graphic dispatch, dated IVwton, Dec. 27. slates that George Miller was beldtobail, which be obtained. The Grand-Jpry found sip counts against him for forgery of three notes of $2,000 each on Belknap, which be held or passed. PITTSBIiBCn WEEILt GAZETTE. i-ottests in babt-—January fi. War Measure*; Taylor Meeting; Debate upon the War in the Senate; Original account of tho battle* of Contreras • and Chonibuseo; Western Railroad; From the Poi-tlic; Pennsylvania Is*gi»l«- ture; Railroad Reports; Explosion <>f«h(! Johnson i Bahimnre and Ohio Hail Road Company; Supreme- Court; Commerce, ic; New YdrkC»)m-*poiidcncc. Congress bos no pewer to institute slavery; Ilu. chanan Meeting and Fe»|eraliM»; The future price of Grain; Fashionable Life at the. Metropolis; Spc. cieto Eurojir, Mexican Peace; New Year’s Ad (lrrs*. -Latest Telegraph new*, Foreign and lfomcstic. 'iCotiitncrce; A osrefullv compiled Hevtew of tto Markets for the past week; Tlir prices in the local city markets; The Cattle Market; The prices of American produce m various-part* nf the Unnm; Amount m Flour. Wheat.(iirn.iVc..nvcivCil since the opening of the'Cansl; Canal lai-ines* and inQVPittcnt*nf produce; Market itf I>*iulon. City News; Fj.irit of the Copion* Extracts drom’the lending journals on tlie nilerestiog topics of the dav. For sale at the desk, singly or in wrapper*. ■ Price f. cent* single copy. Subscription.* $2 n yenr m advance. rnrTrtß Cumatk i» stnuigrly dcsinicltrit to ihe hu mnn ctniclr. (or skin) ihc rodilrti change Horn best io cold sttil- I tin *nu>kp csufcs yellow, dark. rour»c com plexions Then ii is Tcqoi*tic Dial the |>ores of the skin should be kept open—that theii mouth* should be Irced I'root imimnly—'‘iwas thus (lie student itomnu riuloso pher* cured all-diseases—they computed, ihai more the pore* of the skin, than any other outlet t>r the body, diseases and unhealthy vapors Irft through the It is necessary- therefore, u> keep the noics open—all humor* ate dispelled from ihe skill from the pores, when they wash with Jones’ltolisn-Chenncul >oup. 1 have seen it cure the wpret and qldcsl esses pf Stall- Rheum, ErysipelftS) old top’s, barber's Itcli. tore Head. Ringworm, when every other internal tutd external remedy had failed—Us eflerl rendering ihe «km white, clear and sort, though it to yellow and coarse, is won derftil—it tcmorc* Freckles,Tan, Sunburn,-Moiphew, and disfigvfemeut of‘ the »kln-but iwtmibs must >mi particular .and ask for Jo«a Hoap—m bn hod in K‘!i WM..JAC ( ;»ON'S, .Ip, oC ihj 10, Itoot, (0 Liberty it. Price B 0 cent*. novlOdAwly RjriYellow Teeth add putrid breath, HpongT gums like rotten death/ la repulsive and disgusting. All could have teeth as-wmm as pearl, Sweet breatli—haul gum*— manor girl. Why delay!—nay. quickly haste And Use a box of Junes’ Pooth Paste. It costs but ascents, ami'is really a beautiful article. It gives the teeth a ftno enamel. Sold In Pittsburgh ot W liberty at. novlOdfcvriy i • in- Don’t have a Foul Hreeth-ir you have, use a two shilling tottie of Jones' Amtor Tooth l oste. Tt»t •will make your breath sweet, whiteayour teeth, Said at SO IJherty at. ; novlOdAwl) ; Tin Halt ax» LAM*.-Comitock a NerveiojuJ Jkute liiliment and Indian Vegetable Wirir,i*Uietno cfTertaol cura for Rheumatism. Sold by WM. J ACK BON, Agent for Pittsburgh:. V novlWfcwOmT ' fp"D ßdie ® who ttaa Jones’ Bpanwh U!y White, 11 »ve always a fine white transparent skin. Of will satisfy any oue. Sold only m Pl ’ ub , u /??L^ , v Liberty et- . novlWAwiy ; rrrPfLi»,-tota, kp-—Tha Genuine IlfF* 1 j* an article justly celebrated as n C, l‘j c j£ - r f^* e above than any or allcfthera. br 1 "- ' VM - acK9ON ™ A »‘.M*'ssr J ITT’ Don’t have yellow dark Teclb—they eail to mAe pearly while by one time using a box of Jones ituber Tooth Paste. It hardens the gums, ■weetanstho bSQatki Ac. Sold at WLiberty it. oovlMfcwly or Coutceu—lLus Toxic—To the Bald AM you wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair, fir e« from’dandruff and scurf, do uot mil to procure tta_ gehuind Balm of Columbia, lu easts of baldness 4 will more than exceed your expectation*. Many who hare lost their hair for 20 year* have had it reatored to Its original perfection by the use of this-balm. Age, suite or condition appear to be oo obstacle whatever; it also cause* the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tube ii filled, by which mean* thousand* (whose hair wu grey. aa the Asiactic Eagle) have had their hair reatored lo.iti natural color by the uae of this inval uable remedy. In all ease* of feTer it will be found the moat pleasant ,waah that can be used. A few applica* lions only are necessary to .keep the hair from tailing out. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart a! rich glossy appearance, and av.a perfume for the toilet' it is unequalled; .it holds three times as much as other miscalled hair restoratives and is more effectual. The genaine manufactured by Comstock & Co„ a Courtland : itreeh'New York. . Sold in Pittsburgh, only genuine, by Wl|. JACKSON, eo Liberty st., head of Wood; in Washington, by Sweeny k Son? in Brownsville, by Bennet & Crocker; in CanonsbnA by Dr. Voucl; also, by our agents in;, every town iiTPa., Ohio and Md. tiovlfcdAwGmT . BtfiLX Socterr.— I The “Annual of the Female, Bible Society of Pittsburgh and vicinity, will be preach ed by Rev. D. BL-JUddle, In the 3d Presbyterian Church; oh to-morrow evening, 2d January, at o'clock, r. u. The friends of the cause are invited to attend. The “Annual meeting- ofnhia Society will be held, in die lecture room of the Ist (Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, 4th January, at i!i o'clock, r. u. The ladies of, this congregation friendly to the Bible cause, are re- to attend. janldlt* Election Tickets accurately printed at this office. Two Dwelling Hbnaea for Sale. ' MONEof these bouses is situated on Penn street in this city, between Hand street and alley, on (he south side of the street. It i.i.n two «tor> - brick, 33 feet in-front, containing 0 room*, and handsomely finished. The lot-tuns back 111) feet to a twenty loot alley, on which is erceted p stuble amt car riage house. This voluublu property will be sold at a • bargain on easy terms. The other bouse i* situated on Isalrella street, Alle gheny city, near the Hand street bridge. It is a 2 story brick, new and handsomely -finished, containing ttyo parlors, dining room, kitchen and wash lion*« on the first floor, four roofns on tlte second floor, and h mush ed garret. Tbi* lot runs bark also to an alley. Pncp, 82JjU0,'only cost of the houv. Term* easy; lnqnire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of fice of the Gazette, ©very forenoon, between the boors of eight and ten, and at other limes at bis room* at Mrs. flay*' boardinghouse, Robinson's new row. Fe deral st. Allegheny City. D N WHITE, . janSlf Agent for the owner. Selling off to Clot© Business* XTOTICEIX) MERCHANTS uml the Public gener- XNolly. 10,000 dollars worth ot' ready mode clothing, cloths, rassimerea, satiaetts. votings Ac lr, to be sold frivniely. ct.coM und under, until Tuesday, Ist day of ’ebruary next, at which titan the remaining portion of our stock will lie closed at auetioti. Intending to close our business in this city-onor before the first day of March next, we offer the whole of onr extensive stock of clothing, cloths, vassimeres, satincti* and vestings, at and bclowcost. on terms ih suit dealers. Our stock of niece goods haying beert purchased but this season, will be found to comprise some, of the latest styles as w'ell aa tl>e most desirable article* tor Merchant Tailors. All person* having ejaimshgainst the firm wilt please, present tliem for paymrnt. aim those indehled.are re quested to call and settle thgir accounts by the 2jtb inst, as no further indulgence can or wilt be given. ANCKERAMAYF.iI. janfi . • <0 Wood st.. Pitttsb'g, l*n. SELLER'S IMPERIAL I COUGH SYRl.’l*.—lt has power tocurc! Pimm-aait, Feb. 14.1P47 - . R. B. My wife has fop years been subject to a distressing cough, accompanied with uuhtnu. for the.cure of which she used different cough remedies, and hud the advice of the {non eminent physician* in. England, but all wu-uuavpiling. By chance 1 heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, und was induced to buy a tattle for trial,'although { had no belief that anything could remove her complaint To my great surprise, twd doses-gave her immediate rebel, rih* is at time* troubled with a cough, but two tem-poonofdl of Syrup always stop* it.' »atikfied, mtrr a trial of three or four years, that Seller's Cough Syrup i« the best cough medicine I have ever tried! either'in die Old or New World. , Wse. FsreaotmxE. Seventli'Ward, city of Pittsburgh. The slxrec certificate should itiduer all who ere troubled with cough or a-tllmn. to give the Syrup n tri al It may be hud for 25 cent* n tattle, at the drug jeore of RE SELLERS. Si woo.l st S>ld by Dr Cassel, slb wnrd. and D H Curry'- Alle gheny city. __ ) nlllj . DIVIDEND. % Orvtcx or Prnwjcsor, fiu Wnai*. 1 January 3d. lr*4“. > TIIE Trustee, of the Pittsburgh Gas Works'" have this day declared a dividend of three.per -rent, out of tire pretits of the last five months, oa the amount of the Capital Stork paid in which wdi l>e raid to stock. holders or representatives at the office ol the works on or after the 13th inst. , Tire holders ol onguial siuck who have uot surrendered their certificates. a* directed‘by City Ordinance of.2Mh June, lt-17, will ta required to do so before the dividend oil the sums will Ire paid. (jafkCtJ JAIIES M UllßUsTk . Trca* t. __ ; j^yjDEJSD. Pirnacituii, Jan. l*t, Wf. THE President and Managers of the Northern Liber ties Bnilge Company for building a bridge over the Allegheny river bi»p»ite Mechanic streeUiavedeelared. a Dividend of one dollar and tfity cent* on ench share of the capital slock of said company to be paid U> tlie stockholders on or after die Jtnh iust. jan&Kl* G K" WARNER Treasurer. < REOPENING OF AKDREWii EAGLE SALOON, ox tcuoai SWUT, roa *u xwurs oxtr: rrilE proprietor is happy to announce that the iavor- Jtiie vocalists. Miss Eliza Sharp. Mis* Clara Uroce. Mr. Nelson Knee*. i* now open tor six nuht.« only, in a choice, seieutioti of new songs—ccintc. scuti ineitto! Ethiopian melodic*, and parodies from the gem* of the roost appt»ved operas. ' i fN. Ii The Sa oon wtll be comfortably heated. Cards ofadrni iiiua 85 cent*... . : - )a»4., "TJARTNERAYANTED—Kther'actIve orsiirnt, wto y* eon rontnit jid : n capital of SUU to JIB dollar*, tnay hrar ofati oppo tufuty of engaging m abusmess which but seMont oect r«. Applicants as active partner must po««e*a Imsines* qualifications. Please address J It S. National iiotel. appointing a lime for inierviewJjaS:* BI.ACK SILK?—"* R MFRPHY itsk* the atteutiofl of buyers to hi* assortment nf above goods, inclnd ing rich plain Italian drew silk; poult de *oib do; blue Mack dm rich watered do: do w t.tered and striped dm silks h>t cardinals; Iretide a large assortroeni ot Fancy- Dress Silk*, rbangable satin*. Ac., ali ol whica wall be ■•■ld at the lowest possible price*. < • _ jansy§ Afp WAREHOUSE—The bigliest price m ca-b paid lor (ipod Rag*; also, Cauvn**. Bale Rope, liras* Rope, BaKving, Woollen-Rag*. Cotton \>«»te, Ac.,by J W CIUDWICK. jatii wayne « between penn and hlreny (XHANtiK IN IJL’SINKSKv-Mu*t dear oat lho*e fine j' French cloths, cassiinere*. vesting*, cloaking* atid trimming*, right away, at any pner, st elolh store of ROBINSON, tilth street, near wood Bargain* and no mistake. X- jnii&lw^ AT SKiltT—Fur the »ir«wr of the j Jiih, uiun l« closed on Monday the Hub a bo; nature certificate* granted a* uaual.- JOPHFA RomNJMIX, s<b »L C" 1 0-’pARTWEII»!IIP—'Vm A'ouiip having tht» / (Uy *»*»iet*tcd with bun. John It. M Cunr, thp lea* thrr liu»iiic«» wiil hereafter Ik- conducted under thr firm of Wiu. Young ACo W11.t.l AM YOl.‘N(5, jans JN»> 11. M'Ol’NK . I*7 h. ,M- .’UITCM,FJ.TIU-'JV—Wholc«alr. tirtK-er*. i\ c anil Wine aiu/Tt Jijuor M-rcbnnt«,'al»o; Tfap'irtcM of Soda A»h aiul l/irqching Ftiwilcr. .No U3' Uherfy «t- Fia«b’jf. ha. JoivHly - war. yucso. . t'-’ r -N' \\ryi. YOUNG At tn leather bid* \\ ltd Ijhert>.‘»c. jnnl I jACtiXiSIIHiV* I 3I hhd * uew •*' II on eiMwmiiiuent ju»J ibr »»l<r »•> j*ni ri» U.IXW-—bbl* J bmi ullnw'jont roe VI nml | fotialeU JjanS) _ F SKI.I.KItS. L? t-Ci.Vll—l**l lthclA y O «vcur 'lautiing from Mr Tnfflio iii and fbf *nle by_ _ ijns]_ _ J H.O\ U. bl)l* N O molaw* landing from • n nrTagli<mi,niKl for »ak by J & It VUiVt). RICB— 5 tierce* prime rice lamlins town »icamer Si la* Wright ami Utr_-«*h' by 1 »**3) J A H lt<OVl*. TKATHtJt— Tnu Tijri N. VKileleaiVr latulin? jrnnt I j from ctcamer tiondoAicr for mlu by *M n 5: JAR FI.OYD. HOT ASH—AwI *cflß-hmit« t«r ««fo by x jkiiA 1 JA Ft FLOYD, UW liberty gt. S~ UNDRIF.S—IO I'M* small while bcfcnfiildd flaxseed; a cask* scorching*; 75 doz com broom*; 15 bale* hone ju»t received nod for »nle hy JOHN S. DILWORTU, -J7 wood H JOHN S. JJII.WORTH —Wholesale Grocer, Produce awl Corn:ni»*ioii Merchant, Xw 517, Wood *ireet, Pittsburgh. ‘ Jau4 SUGAR— 33 boxes 1) R large louf sugar; UWU bids nssorird Noe sinoll, loaf iugar;'iMl do cru«hrd »u -srar; 175 do powdereJ do, )refinedl In ‘lore and lor sale o y . ja.mks a nrrciiiNsoN a. Co. 1 janl <5 water mid tfcl Iroul *:*• SUGAR-HOL’!*K MOLASSF.S A GOLDEN SYRUP -50 bbt* St. Loin* sugar hoinw- mola»«e», V 5 do cold* en svtun; A* lif Util* do; 35 10 gallon ke-» do, tor sale by jon4 ’ JAMES A tIUTUINSON A Co. DYK WOODS—I2S Ml* chipped logwood: ?£ do gr’d logwood; 100 do chipped Finnic; 100 do ground camwood just’received nml lor sale by R A IWUXKS’J’OOU A CO. Ist ' . ,-nrtirr of front and Wood-t» XT O, SUGAR—in hhd* N O »iignr.(uldcrop)ju»i rec’d j\ , and for *u)« by DROWN A mjlKß’imN, Jan - • ~ 145 lilirrt) in CtOFFKK— 100 bags prime green Kjo coffee arriving i via New Orleans, and lor sate by jan4 BROWN A CUL.BKKTSUN, 115 liberty *t. I^ILMTHURS— SO bags, prime leather* just rcc\land 1 IbiWaJeb)- [)nMJ IiRUWNA CULBERTSON. ■\\ r I>JXJW GLASS—ISSI boxes -U0 tUxlii window IV gill** just rec’d and lor sale by jn„4 X GROWN AJJULHF.RTSON. B~ OL!YAK FIRE IIRICK-a),OUd Ghrirr’* Uolivur tire brick (wurrunicd) in store and for sale by jaiil SAM’LJU KIKR, canal basin, 7tlt »l WHITE BEANS—SO bu while beau* in store ami for sale by gAM’L M KIKR. _ Juniata *njf:i:r ti.* ,\p ao Juniata sheet iron (warniutefll in store and fur sale low to close fonslgmiienl by jjuiilj SA.M'li M KIKR • PEPPER— IMI sack* pepper which can be sold very low to Uie trade, just rec’d and for sale by’ 1 ja4 POINDEXTER A Co. SALKItATUS— 1 ton* in boxes and cn*k* for sale by jal ROBERT DALZELL, lit»ny .t PIG IRON—IOO ton* pig iron for sate by jau4 JOHN H IMLWORTH. 07 wood si RIO COFFEE-100 bag* prime green Rio coffee lauding from stmer Tag liout. tar sale by jan< JOHN S.DILWORTH. SUNDRIES^—' 'JO sacks feathers; 1 cask beeswax; 03 bag* pea nui*. rec’d on consignment, and for sale by [)an4] ISAIAH k Co. Sf> water »t UNTRIED—U bbl* tenl;!llj»|fbbl* dm 15 hag* fen- Ihct*; G.suck* dried apple* just received per S R (.•Miner, and for sale by pal] JSAJ AIl IUCKI a’.A Co. )EARL AfiH—3 ca»k« pearl ash rec’d on cousten’l and for mile by (jail ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. i ALT PETRE-15 bbi* refined sail pelre; £U ban > crude do for *qla by (j»4l WAJAU DICKEY A Co. i B OSIN—50 bbl* rosin just recß arid for (ale by itnl c Co. LEAD— U&) pig* Galena lead for tale hv jinl JAMES A HUTCHINSON A Co, HEMP— 50 bale* Kentucky dew rottrd hemp for sale by (ja4j JAMES A HUTCHINSON A Co.. M* ACKEREE—US bhla Jargri 1 No 3, for ante by ian« ' jAXfEa A- HVTCINSON. FEATHERS— OpQO lb* primejKy. fsnUicr* for aate by ; A HUTCIHNSON A Co. TfißAft—The lubsoriber* have on hand and for sale ' I on accommodating terra*, a large and -well selected afiwnacßl if tea* of different gridea.anddcscripluraa, ia3 RROWN A CyEBKirWON, lidJibetty. *1; CRUmiED AND PDLVERIZHD LBUGAR—SOIihW Crushed and pulYcrixed angar, iu*t rec’d and for Aate low by Ljal] BROWN A ? PE Alii* ASM*—l5 casks pearl*, prime quality, iaii txeeiTed and for sale by j*l D ¥ VON SONUOfiST 4 Co, AUCTION' SALES. By John D. DavU/Anctloneer. \. J Dry Goods. ■ .. _ On Thursday morning, January 6th, at 10 ©'clock, at the Commercial Sale* tloom, comer of Wood -and Sth •I*: will be sold without reserve, byordtr of.A*sipee, A large assortment of seasonable, staple and tancy drygoods, 4c_ among which ore, Blue blkdreM silks, groaa de.aapmo, black figured sflk veil*, black satin vestings, figured and plain serges, blond mourn ing Veils, black bothbozines, Vilk stripe, plaid and plain alpaccas, cashmeres, chintz robe*, calicoes-imuslius, Irish linen, pilot and heaver -cloths, &ai»*ieU, blankets, tickings, ginghams, silk velvet, shawls, btlkts-sauaeiu, cassithercs, patent thread,' highland; woollen hoods, double comforts, Aci . ' 7.’ .At So'clock, : • • A large quantity of new ami second bind bdUMnola and kitchen furniture, -carpeting, mattresses. mantel clock#, looking glasses in great variety, coal and De vonshire shovel*, nay and tnnqute fork*, a quantity of qneenswore, groceries, confectionary, laoie ntlcry, Ae. I I At C o’clock, r. it. • - —assortment t(f ' An extensive aworunenl tjf toady mad® £ ne *^ lsrt * .nil other clothing, boot*, shoe*, gum over*hoe», um iirella!*, Gennan nnev good* in great ranety< new and second hand watches, sadlery? cutlery, book*, paper, gold pens, Ac. ‘ " ■~' '■ l Bl * _ fl aEATROBBKBT-430068EW18D. \JT The President of the Bank of Cheater County tm -fobbed on Thursday afternoon, December 23d, at the West Cheater Railroad Depot, near the corner Broad, and Race streets, Philadeiptfa, of hu trunk ®[ containing upwards of FIFTY THOUSAND DOL* LARS, of the Note* of this hank, amonpt which » is , believed; are the following, via: >. One ofslooo, No. SU'dated June 21,1834.;. / i*• ~ No. 31. dated June 31,1634. !*• . - u " No. C 9, dated Jane 30. IKM.= All endorsed “Pay to the order’of Drexel * Wtn.iW. Jeffries,” with the letter D also endorsed on. the back of each Bote. And some of the following may also be included, vis: ’ 1 1 {, . One of.®loat, No. 10, doled Jane 18, 1«H, with the letter D endorsed on the back. One of 81000, No. 41, dated Juite 20, ItSH, same letter endorsed. • • • One of 81000. No. 44, same dale. '■, V One of SIUM. No. 64, dated Jane 00,1834.' \ ■ These seven ere all thd Note* of this hank of the nbovedenomiimtiont that* are now 'in eitctilation.— Home of thefbllowing may be included in those stolen, viz: • ’ , i • One of 5500, No. 3t dated June 1331, with the letter' v D endorsed on the hack- ■ Qne of 8500 f No. 41, dated June 77,1331. One of ®ict>. No. 70, dated July 3,1331.' ‘ One: of 860U,' No. 78, dated July 5, 1834—3 others P { 8500 each, dates and numbers uncertain. No notes of tlie above denominations will ho Issued by the Bank until new plates are obtained.' These sev en are all the cotes of £5OO each uow jn circulation. TOe following arenlso Relieved to be among the notes stolen, viz: ! • One of 8103, No. 3803, doled March \ ' 2.1547. • 1 with the letter D One ofStOO. No. 30GC, samedate. > endorsed on lb? One of 5100, No. 59G, BeptrlD, 1e34, j back of each. One of 850, No. 52813, March 3,1517. 1 ' The Bank will give a reward of t cry of the money, and in proportion of ; mr $2OOO for the recov a for any pan there- DARLINGTON, r ink of Cheater Co. •'KHKXD, CaaUicr.. dlOday* jn3 President of the Bai DAVID TOW? Wr«l Chester, Pa. Dec. £?, I a >7. ' Philadelphia College of Medicine* Fifth. South of Walnut ftrret:. The spring and summer course op lec tures FOR tS-Id, will be comiliencedpu Monday, .March mb. IMd, and be coutiuued fourmonths, bythe following Faculty; ‘. ... JAS McCLINTOCK, SL D, Gendzpl, special mid Surgical Analoiav. JrR. BURDEN, M. D., Mnterui Medica and-Tber apeutics. • • ' : ‘ D. F. GARDENER. M. D. Chemistry. HENRY.GIBBONS, M- D., Thycry and Practice of Medicine. ' ' .UCUiLUJC. LOUIS H. HEATH*. M. D-r Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chikirrn. JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. XL, Principle* and Prac tice of Surgery. HENRY GUIDONS, M. D, Institute* of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. • . - S. a McCALNTOCK, >l. D n Demonstrator of Anat omy. • RICHARD, UURR. Mr D., Projector of. Surgery. Fee for the full course, 870. Fee for those who have attended twoifull courses in other §4o. Mat riculation twj be paid once only, 85. Graduation BAf. Practioal Aniatomy, including Recapitulatory Lecture*. SUL Tlie Room* will l>e opened oa the l*t of .March. ]i r • •• From arnfflccisent* now peudiug there i* every rea ton to hope that .the chain of Institutes Of Medicine ami Anatomy wit) be occupied by distinct P rote e son at an early . - For fumicr intormotiort inquire of McCLLNTOCK,M.DvIhuJf, ; 'fio.'l North Eleventh Street. Philadelphia, Dec. ‘J7,1817. janL l)OQK8 FOB THE BEASOS—Uluminated IsOerns of Sacred Poetry: a apleudid imperials vo./ with beautiful illustration* bn steel, by Sartain, and lid illuminated rages by Schmitt and Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey morocco and white caltauperbly gill. The Christian Keepsake, an annual foy l£43;;wiih .splendid mezzotint engravings, by Sartain; bound in ar obcajoe morocco. i Chrutmft* Hktssoms arid New-Year's Wreath for 1848; a small quarto volume, primed on snpyr white pa per, embellished will) splendid mezzotint engravings.— This ii hr far the most boauti/uliavenili.'annual pub lished in the United States. . The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M, 8.. with numerous exuinile designs, by the Etching Club, in v*» riousstvles of binding. . Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Etching Club, in various styles of binding. The Poets and Poetry of America; byilL W. Gris wold. • • Tu* Poets and Poetryof the Ancients by William Peter, A- M.; superbly bound in Turkey morocco;splen didly rilL- ; : wima'aPoemmlnvartousstyiesoCbutduig. ; Grav’sElegyillasaated. • ' ' Heraan’s Poetical Works, in various bindings. Lord Byron’s i '• “ ;, u Shakspeares '•*'** Tlie Poetical Works of Thomas Moore,. Ballad* and other Poems,by Mary Howitt. ' ■ Poem* by Amelia. ' • ] Headley's Sacred Mountain*. The above, with a gnat variety or other tiew works, ui splmdid styles of binding, suitable for gift books; for sale by ' - - - JOHNSTON* k STOCKTON,- dcOO Booksellers, cor. Market & 3d at*. THE HEW JERUSALEM STORE, ST. CUI* STSXTT, WTTCTrSBtt. T. BOWN, Br„ would respectfully; solicit yy from bis friend* and old customers a continuaaee of those tavor* so liberally bestowed upon him in times past. Ii being so mati)"years since he retired trom fm •mess that many of his old friend* and cibcomer* have almost forgotten him. and there being to many, of the name of-liowv, now In business; it tbe : catue of hi* particularixing the name of hi* store. The little addi tion. Sa- which I have made to my name, added to the tact that 1 cun seldom in the Store, hat alto caused some to soppo** that it vru not any establishment. I then-fore take thia opportunity of making it known to tiie public in general, and hope, to partake of a share of ihrir favor*. ’All urucles ntaJiufactared bv \VM.' T. BOWN. Sr. are .warranted pood, and made the ; best mate rial* the market could afford altho ttme.;*ul 'lirM. T. BOwN would ropccifully call alien y f tion to his stock of Preserved Fruit*, consisting oi Strawberry. Raspberry. Gooseberry, Currant, Plum, and Peach jams, and Cranberry and Currant Jellies; be ai«o keeps a reneral as-oulment jof Fancy and Com mon Cokeo, Foreign agd Domestic Fruit*. Nuu, Ac. While and lira urn Btgad fresh every day, janltlw - DIVIDENDS | Orncx ur Tin Ham>.st. Bwpas l Dee. 3|. let:; . • \ The President and Mannerr* pfiho ffand »L Bridge Company, m the County of Allegheny, Ttave this daj 1 declared n djvhleml of one dotlarpnd Gityctfntson each share of the Capital Stock standing in name of indi viduals, on the books of the Company, dot of iho proftti tif the lum «ix month*; which will be paid to the Stock- Jioldct*, or their legal representatives, forthwith. J ' LARTMER. Jr. Trcas. DIVIDEND. Owes ov mi Allkbrt Rwpos Co,, I’rrreovtfnn, Jan. {, IMS. • ' The President and -Managers of the Company,Tot erecting i» Urid,i:t' over the River Allegheny, opposite ihusbumn, in the Comity of have thu day declared a dindend of two dollars oueaeh share of tb< Capital Stock standing in the name -of individuals ox the books of the Company, oiit Qfthe.profiUof.lhe last six momh*, which will bopaid to the Stockholders, oi heir legal representative*, on or after the 11th in*t. ja3:dl(AAwA JOHN IL\RPER, Trcas. IoiJPBRIOR SHIRTINO B MIRPIIi, N. E. corset of fih and Marker itietti, coll* anention torhe Rtipcrior long cloth', ahtaing mus lins’,he is selling at 121 cts pr'rd—also, IdA superior a»- wmment of IPJSH JANKNS, wuTTantcd pure flax, and of the most approved manufacture. Abo, Linen latrni, ot every quanty. and a full assortment of gentlemen A Ladie* cambric handkerchief*, r [ - - jaa3 I BURNISHING GOODS—\V*«.have on.hand an s>- . sortment of goods suitable < for furnish in? hotels, nearaloau, Ae., umohg which are 13 bates tickings, as. sorted;o do bro. drilling*,- 3 cases 6-4 and'W bleached ;shirung*; 14 do }.} and 4-1; do; d bates heATY-lriien' crash: 7-4 and 8-4 liucii table diaper; t|u. do.. Damask; ?*cotch and Russia diaper; fancy madder prints; whim counterpanes; plain and twilled blanket*, Ac., which will bo tuM low for cash or approved crcdiL shacklett a .whitr ' r . ; s bil wood st- ; OHACKLKTT A WHITE—Dyr Good* Jobber*, W O " o«d «t. have on hand a well assorted and season able stock of DRY GOODS, which they trill sell lo wesicrn * in! city nierchuuis, on very and lo\v prices.- .Most of llic goods were boughtauring tin-lasi tniintlu aud ui reduced pricen, •, . j t ( /^l-ROCFJIIKS—’JUU bags prime greeif Rio coffee; 75 *.* cbe.t* and half l‘rc»b green teos; 150 boxes .Li. 10* 3h a' ll» luitip* Jobarco, 50 kegs (5 |wlst do. with a general assortment of groceries for *ule by,, J««4 JCHIN S. DU.WORTH, 27 woo,! *t . PLAID BLACK AI.PACCAS.—-A few: pc* of saliu liarred alpnrcnv lately rec’d; also. ou excellent assortmem of faut-y barred do., very low, at the tin goods homm of Un3| - WRMURFIIY. LARD— 0 bids No li 7 keg* do: in ctQru and for sale >y - bfcnll , • iTAt*SKV A BEST. . l’ARlS—Suitable for Land, Ac n always 4- 01 ,‘ dnnd utid for sale at No. 2U I-U'crty atreet, near W. W.AVALLACE. BLANKETS—H 5 pair largo Domestio^ Blankets, just received on consignment; for *alc bjr ; GKO. COCURANj SB Wood , L l) EMOVAL—GEt). W. SMITH A Co., have re 4A> moved their office fhun Penn at, to their new brew ry on Pitt street, and Duqumnc Way,: , 'ddHdlm. \VTIAPPING PAPER— i 7 7 1500 bundles S. C. M, and D. C. itttaw inner 150 •* Medium Rag, : j •Ju “ D. .Medium Hardware: for male by Qi’tH REYNOLDS A 7 MACKKHF.Ir— 50 hlfbbls No 3 large; l so bbl* No. a. for saleihv '• - K-HKAXLEfON, ,a*t si.& diamond: ■\TAILS—I25 keg* forsaleby i> H- F. YON BQNNUOR.Tr A Coj. No33 t-’rotnstraet. > IJLTKB A«. w_rw\THKRS--2 t>b|» toil i box but- X> «er nud 3 wck* leather* reeei,Tilin' from »uar Lake Kri»»n.Hb..«lel.y U»n3). ; JAs! mig?/? fI'KAH-MO talfchem, 3W> caltiet Mali Tt.i, min- OAF SUGARS—3OO Larrela aisortcd Nos. for sale 4 b V - (jm3) A SMITH. eOl-YEB— 1088 biys prime Hid coffee In More *ndfor talc by ben:!) MAGAT.KV *. SMITH i a »» 1 IUGAIJsr k. smith . - r KAI>—IUU pigs for »de by ' < » • i •V, I -SRVOV BoNNndpsr t c., J*** - "■:••' No; as From et. gAITAHATIIB^3 formate fay. S 'P VOX ftONHOKST k Co. TOBACCO&~*tSO bz*'«nd; bails,! choii:o ‘brand*, 1« As; lii; lC*j 3&S and tjum, for wile br .. ticjo . f j > LAMmjrr * $ uifto.v._ •VTBW MOLAgißsUl»|i Naau’tuAtolM-F- ••■••> prime cpjßhiy; luadinp for«ak'l>* TTuuTcAGES—A beautiful artifWJi>r Chri*tw*a | ' UAG Al.irY: JtJrxei^nUi-—Fmey,fine and commonCost*;also,Ca- Jaul I ■No«is& , 4> WoogtL nary Birda of fine plumage andao&j, bjr the pairor*ia{ • Itj.jfc.-i.b, ( - ■a.w.incKEß STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI A PITTSBURGH DAILY PACKET LINE. ; Ins'™li»« of •pl'ndidr.ue.mrSum- I i Sfo'f'.bu 'v..t^ E r- =^,»«s»d'<S; , prcrimn ,n «t*rting» for the n-cffw | advance.- £ -rrs : tnoNON(^i^Zp^ s '? , JCjs<i. , " N "^ , | , i 5 f 1 borsb every Monday morninj .1 10 o eloct, » Mean* j every Monday evening Bt 10 p. s*- _ ?j t! ■ f leave Pituburgh every Tueadayinormog at It* o clock, | ..■Wheeling every Tueada* evening al lOr-*. . J WED»E»bAV*PAOKBT*. . 'S' • The NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Lapl. £ *» ' j leave Pituburch every Wednesday *° J Wheeling every Wednesday evening ar ,o r. M. , | TnrasDAY packet. . . . . \ The PENNSYLVANIA, Cap!. (J ?* T r I burgh every Thursday morning at 10 P fJf ck >" heea °* g every Thunday eveuingat 10 r. u. -< •j} % FRIDAY PACKET. - . \ ■ The CLIPPER No. % C»pV CwW Yil> JJ*.£ I bureli every Friday mopuug at 10 oilock, Wheeling . | woryFridayevemußß ' f J SATEBDAT "PACKET. s The MESSENGER. Dr. Char. wiUleave Pi _ fi burgh erery SMurday rounimg ut 10 o cloch Whrelin* . a «very Saturday evrniuff «J lO tvi*. ' J BUJIDAY PACKET. ■ • 2 Thft ISAAC NFAVTON. Copt A..G. Mmos. «£ $ leave Pittsburgh every Sunday wonung at 10 o clock, | ■Wheelingevery.Sunday eveuing atlUr.*. ■ $ MayS9.te47. - • : HEAVER PACKERS—NEW AURA BEAVfcK gteawer ; ’••> CALKU COPE IdCfc&iJ+iSa -will lenre'for Beater, Classovr and on . Triesday, Thursday, £ aTd «aturday. ! of eaeh'wrck, at 0 «• 2 Won Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She has a -5 toat at the landm* «x*ww“ woodawel and the bndye, t prepared .o raciva Art*. . ' , M ,.S ; ; • _ Na 33 Wood ~. Ij, . BEAVER AND _! . ,8- The fine stcambdat, . . « • ft,. • BEAVER- ? U&tV&SI Charles E. Clarke, mauer, trill, duriDi; eominjrwinter season,.make duly...; , J iring 1 to beater ohdWellsTille, rentinjrrPmabureh ere 4-. v FOR BROWNSVILLE.,, i K The fine steamer l •, CONSUL. p.Doalt— oaaier, will leave at 3, . u. , —— ----- thia day tor BrownatUle. tor freight or paamga apply on board.. •• - -.jaiil FOR' NEW ORLEANS, ;. _ . The commodious steamer AWOMINO, .Greenlee, master, will leave for (he port on Monday the 3d. For freight or passage apply on board; jsn4 • FOR NEW ORLEANS. ' The fast running steamer ft _ TAGUONI, , u* i s^. 1 S j j Perry, nuuterlwUt leave for the port this day. ihe'flh. • For w a « w . n jr.» t r t..»t ua t Co . FOR NEW ORLEANS. ' k 'lTie elegant «teamer i NORTHERN LIGHT, 1 notelu<oiurnutcr,i>expectei) st F on Thnriday theming next,' will have Immediate de»pati-h for New Orleans, freight or passagp apply on hoards ■ J» ■ \ FOR STr LOUIS, f The«iew, eplendid and fa»t ruit Streamer BROOKLYN, JJrieeßoiM,tna*ter,wiU leave far abov\ intermediate portion TliumUy, the 6th inn. ai lUo'clock. For freight or pawnee. ap ply on board or to J. NEWTON JONES, Moaeaffaheta IIOUK. •_ jm* FOR ST. LOUIS. »» 1 The new and ratr superior passea* I ecr.« Kfr dinsoS. JfiECsteyS N J Eaton, master, wilt leave for-lhe ■BBBCSSXiboye and intermediate-ports, on. Sun* day oomiiig the 9th inst, at 9 o'clock- Forfreight or passage apply on hoard. ■- • •••* ~janldSt- ; FOR ST. LOUIS. . , . ' The new aitd fast ninaing steamer - , ! GERMANTOWN, ItfW^'xTrfTSi-’Maclean. master, wilFl/ave u abore, JBBSißSßsthis day, at 4 Tor freight oy ppt«ag Cl apply on board. ■' ian3 , TOR FRANXLLN—REGULAR PACKET. j. K The magnificent steamer •->ffrrrTft arrowline, Miller, master, will as shore, ■BB9CESsSßthiSDonung,at For freight or passage apply on board. ,-*■ octUl , ” THURSDAY PACKET~FOfc CINCINNATI. The aeW•ad-faatTßhningpassenger^/ t-IC i. rV ia Steamer PENNSYLVANIA. Capu R. -C. GTay&Yrill leave <brCiacianaacve~-w -■SCSBSXipSn\T'c^nesdajfmorßlag t atlOo*(3oe]rh. )l,'& Wheeling etery Wednesday evening at 9 o’clock - r. m. Fw ft?lptt or passage, apply on board, or to janS ' • J. NEWTON JONES, AgeaL FOR NEW ORLEANS. K The new and elegant steamer . ‘ ,Urr\J*i, t NORTH RIVER, ' ItSwYWSS Deah.<tslstcr. will leaTr for New Or* ■KSSSfisEBleanA, On Monday mooting at 10o‘- , clock. For freighter passage-apply outboard, ja3 •' REGLXAR~PnTBBUnGII AND 2^ESVILLE ' • The light drnn^htttcamcT Hurd, master, will make weekly trips the above port* during the season.—i For freight or postage apply oa board, arto np? , , D. WjLKIXH.- Agt. McKEESPORT, ELIZABETH AND MONONGAHE LA CITY PACKET. wUa* k The new tieiaer ' DESPATCH, ' Nelson, master, -.will run u shore, Pittsburgh : every Monday 1 Wednesday and Friday, at o'clock,'a. and Mo uongahela Ciiy ey try Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 o’clock, a. x. For freight or panage apply on board. ■ • ■ ■ • 1 - ;yis». REGULAR PACKET. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE. k The fine new steamer • * uK]LjJ? DANUBE Geo: IX Cock, master, will leave Pitts* ' ■■vftliißlfburgh every Tuesday^,Thursday. amt•<- Saturday evening*. at a o'clock,-and Brpwmsville every ~U' Monday, Wednesday aud Friday morning’., at 9 o'clock-. For freight or passage, apply on boar in or to octtsif . j: xewto% joxes. Ap. EXPRESS LINES, k*. ROUTE, FOR : BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. ,[oxi.t 73 JctiEsaractJio.J * • THE V S Mali Steamers Corset, Locii Mclanc and Swatara, are now making doable daily trips be tween Pittsburgh-and Brownsriliy. • The looming boat leaves daily at, 8 o'clock; precisely; Ups evening at 4 i o'clock, Sundays excepted. From Piltsburgn to Baltimore 22 hours,—Fare 310-. From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia j 40 hourv—Fare SH By the evening boat passengers will lodge on board, its comloitable state rooms the first night,—cross the mountains in daydjsht. and sop-and lodic in .Cumber land the second night; thus avoiding night travel alto gether.' Coaches, chartered'to paxtieatp travel as they may desire.' :[ " •' • : Jt7" Secure your tickets at ths House, water st; or St Charles HoteL wood st Don't mistake the office. 1 J JISsKIMEN, octao ■ ’ : : ‘ ... -•• • ’ Agent. TRANSPORTATION TO THE. EASTERN CITIES, VIA BROWNSVILLE, AND CUMBERLAND. ... i THE subscriber* are fully prepored fo receipt through tor aU'merbhandize and produce desaned lor the , Eastern cities, by the Brownsville and Cumberland Shipper* ami others will have their goods Convert ted by the proprietors with the utmost despatch, at the low est current rates. : Bills oC: Lading .laiMAand transmit ted free of charge, for eomraiasida. ■ • .... Tlte patronage of the public is retpeet/ullr sdieitcd. , . For the proprietors. _• WM H,LLAUKU^ FORSYTHE A DUNCAN, ! novl . water at Pittsburgh 1 nyitKlT A CO.*? . »TPP mar 1 u u K ■■ip CVJHtftLiJCa, RItTUOTM* WASUIKCtIUS, tKItAIISt* TOT*. StWTOKt laW*, AXB ALL. «* «MTSM cmt* ■* rOICHA-NTi? and Olivers Kninp gwxU tire uifona (Vl ed (hat thi* is tb* ftitert. palest. andl moFl expe- Aliou* J ano goirg Ka«; connecting \rfth Adam* 4 Co’*. torewdcJlr. at Baltimore;' ' llmnich receipts will be p»ca to any of tiro aber*> placet -IKrchnfldixe and packages or any sue or weight forwarded. ■ • • top™- «i««. ■’*■&••< ’,[•£• vrcKEnv, St. Charles Hotel Buildings, wood M Eclipse transportation luk- Tb« ol iht* poMikr LiM kur* cliteft* lu Artsci»* frees &• heusv ofitJcKufAfea rwr* t*tb*l of Edgtrt* *-Co. . * * PiiUbartb usd wetter* BservbuU U* HTiu lint J trtr j, h’obitteCA. Nofti SoutXChuio it. tuition/*,!* U* •ut]»nttd tgtalnf tbi» Lin* in th*E»t«tnut>**. Tb* atJr iiaU tn _ _•. • ' JCBIDWELL, ?>«*«**»* O W C A*B , EDOA»-TO5 l CoC«*b*ri““V J B KOBINSON, B*lr»o«*. ECLIPSE TBAHBPOBTATION KIKEr. Th' reply to a art of ftlcKi** £i*ui«t. toy«.Uia.> *» , I mnt Wl »ii| .at* * **'• ®*r» tmttof the Edip»*Tr»o*pomiio“L»n*,»rt P™ T l^ '*<»- >■< ftwing g itjckiP Mid L C Pothr,f-«OiOCCT ia tUurepleT «* el«ik, v_,.f fl~ 0 | (jnrM fc Ov W **ee ».**» jk« or- SStarfS-TAMi bitWMO lb« Ci®4u*t Of.fX-ajfni Alc ‘Hat «f aa anjry duch.rttd eU«k .n, I. ' /ZTXu PEKXS TEA S'l’Oßlk—N’o 72 Foonh r*c‘'fl *t, near Wood—AU’yuantluea .of Green «mi TM*,'doneup!*iqoarteK osa VStOWM* J) etTt, end Ceramwuon Mepchenli,-*No. 143 Li bony at., ritttburgh» Pa. '- . dc3llv. • TAMES A:.HtTTCHiatOiir:* l) ion to Lewis Hutehmaoo A Cd, Comqmsioii Mer chant*,' eud Aaenu of the Bt, Louis Steam Sox&r Re finery. . .No- 4£\saier end. 92 from street*, Piusbur|tu IGFIUKNTS. | I
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