The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 04, 1848, Image 4

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    I-* • W«Cll.^gElgiao
t ILyhcm ’• u rfwfaiuy jMywpftfwfhUe
h-.. : W tWii'iwomen
f '■■• . wbieSiWdkln*All4>iy3f Urf&ir.
' hwtfattm<rfw -U fciwatej to*can-
W (anAnltenri iwftinhr,{Uhcr to whole sc n»
-■ 'SttasSffsp^sJLtesa
,: iwbidi Jacf«nrt<l**»g*Tntfc»ni to* t*a, if »
■,! &*- wri
-Brfbn rtjmr pi thick, u 4 being w BuU
P*» nta aeitw tjw* pwira-
AklMMracK. ’KaboaoutaiiwttanaturUut l
*«•» toanlar* win aw avrodc \
y; * l* * fcw how* It btoßtii 6tcj» bUck
Jit a wjrttuW mm b (]>•
f''fflA*ari«N&Mncmfma.fcr toe nme tree. A*
*»Y ~kia4 being* iHnapted
ll— *l ihbicuwilleQgce.M nit nni be
* circa eoa*4 mat- bare been ob
thjr purpnea....
4-BotJjaf Sfiß%'Aftg «0,1(W.
•Dai Uiri 1 km btcn using yoor
J. u4ftad it ft Cr»t nteariicU Cur
1 Iron Ibc pen u 4 bccmnf*Jet black
, TUTTLE, Book-kwper I
for JJlbeiU RSrmpl*.
fitilraTjh.'ADj 25,1547, ■
/ Ptrr Hating proetaed i botllcof
thrM«ccki«fo,l eoaiider itfnt
> AnwU*» of aarolbcr ink bow in
I Remriiiil'T, ' . •• "
BTEWaRT, Booki«p«f
for Aiiinr KWxiUob M Co
... Pitbknrgfe,Sept;ll,lyf7,
Mr T. K Sir: I in twmgyour Ckaiol
WrttEafFfnU, aadfcidittobtamoai esctljeat article for
it feat totckv tbctt uplikt Qx reoeralitjr of
olk€rttiki,Ufe«iftcMaabccaae*ad«rpblack in a few
km,. - Tewvße*preUaUY. '•
.WILLIAM CAfißißookjaeper^
,i f
■ tor Jciia Parker.
Tliftwj nrf aoid Wfcilwlr tad Retail bt Thoma* K
Itibtrri.~Praqir* sad Cteaiit; corner. of Liberty mod
: abftUoM tMmtr. PiUibrib, P» OttjuOro
V''lWfmarietor»oflhe Vegetable Pulmorarr l
' •■‘Htiißra that the Vegetable Pulmonary Balum »»*»!-
• Cablemedicine. lthnebeenrhaed iniUUplacewitli complete
Meecmiatnohelinato camplaintof the long*, attended will>
a tome coogb r km of T<J»e«,n»d the rauing of much blood
... , wUefc fend prerioutly muted many approved pmeripftou
- Jb**r the baltomeacaeektbe patient'* mice returned.
.■•• and'.ttt Vie enabled to tpcak audibly. _ Thi» cato oenrtta
< .. eamiltime dace, end the man bnow engaged not only in ce
■ ; tin bat ihbbopgaibutl&eae. I ... Kerpecttullj voui»,
coww<«njl,Jm * d v .
■ i Bold mPitUtargh by B ALFiluntoek, f Co. comer of
■■■■•■■■:.■ BK and wood, abo cor ilath to wood »a. ' ' decH
-• . jy PCUTO&&NT n caperor to >4 other retnedio for
” 1 CoBgha.CQnwaplioa l ßr«ocfclUa,A<ihmi l aBdDtbcrPolnu>-
nery««ctioß*,ie that the enme penon* who eommeoeed the
■* of it in their fhnilin tea yean *go mill prrfcT it to nil
Other remedies of the kind; and where nny hire hem induced
to try Other preparation* they hare a|mo*t invariably been
drappotnled in retiring the benefit which m ituomlljr
anticipated frwa the hicbpnuto* beitcwcd by the proprietor*,
and hare returned a the use of Janas’ EimcToi»*T, u
a remedy (bat kte ocm toiled to relieve tbrm; tad which
•jealnhty never had iteequal hi meeting pnlmouary di*en»e»
Prepared only by Dr D. Jftne. Philadelphia, and ■oldon'
, ageneyby . • } ALEX. JAYNKS ’
r daiMkwtf\ Foorth >t
.. ■ nacrattawASß, i axbeewj.dckcis
Lain Sexy to Shepard. •- I
•SnfcPAßDdt DOSCAK, 3
(althcoldcnudofSeay toSbepatd.) .
.... NMheiUe, Tennewee, .1
liriUijiTa prompt and faithful attention to Uir rale
WL of Dry and Mertbiudrie gen
• araUy. They feel prepared to attend to oil the depart
meataoilhelr boslnea* efficiently and (dcaling iu no
.! good* for their own *ceoani) vßporttoi/y.
- WTcr TOM. Alien, to Co] J. Vf. Uutier to Co., Pius
■ bn*gv r ...i» .• | , dccato^tn
n|UIH .
U’ Philadelpkfo'Md
• Bimelot or Creih Oreea 4t
Ycany Hyaon,
• "KrFuw do ■
"Ejttrnfinedo; V .
_ fixtr*Fin««ttajiowd(
Tip nbareTeufaavobei
by-ono ofiha ben jodjeo
oa m (tlx terms *» ekn o« hi
" ' 'corner
"tud'otbet* bating tmtinei* in New Orleeni ih«*
Winter, wilt bare U.piunptiy attended loeta *l'*tit
• "'wiocrtOTßeonn*rtgl a »dfrontsto-'
*al*cnbei*, .on the
} Jhh jno , »«wiMig<l ihemaclrc*. andcrthc'finn of
B«wfl:Jk;:Canwniaat ia.tha wholesale UioderT aud
Oeacnl Piodace andCaoßUssionhajiocss/nt.NoIiS
Li>*nf *tiec* r a*d»ap«uoUjr soheit the patronage of
tte.r frin* uri U» p«b1,.,1. /■ ;
. . _ ROTICE. 7\.
T JSTffiWTeiUiacaULrr wtwSTMleilotitlie Oh da;
I j of December, to ,Uo •oUeribcra, Kxfcenlor* of ibc
i« win umntßt of June* Routlaiu pfite ciij of
AUrabeny, deeea»«L JtU' pereedu hav:n* claim* or
deatextds again* • of lb* *ald dicecent, ate rc-
TiMed to auto ksnlra ibe tame, wiihoui delay,loin*.
Bom, it+iik* lae reiuichoeof ihe wwior.indie ci
ty«r Allegheny. \ ~ JA*dES RO?S, Jr , .
7t V .y Cur of Allcebcny.
r*"™ 1 WILLTASI L H.' 1 Al»i)l»wNr a!E
Peon greet, city of Fiiubcrgh.
.*/’ icum*
‘ • WtrfttS ASD tWORS.
HAVING pareh&ced ihe entire •‘lock of John LuOe,
j* aod added it to toy already and wry
•XtensiTß terieir of Foreign :Wjae* and Liquor* is.
bc .plcaaed to. wait open my
frteada by bUa,’qreaak" prpea and half in <kn
cnfl.eaaee.deß(iM>aof botuee. _ _
T»jce koto, ear market and (rent mi l
' Hrrinxaold •* abore,»y Sne fioek of fareisn wine*
«ad lioaon t» Mr Jaeob Wearer. I ..would rropsetia .y
looommend my ecamaera io
- ..|. JOHN ulTl.Uir.
A MUCAVION mllbe made 10 the Pre«ident.Mana-
A. *«* and Company, forefeeling a Bridge orer
BmrMonoßnbelpoppocite PiU«bargh,in the eonniv °»
Allegtenyjbr'the-renewal of three eertißcaiti, Noa
117idO.UB.ia the name of John Hauler,each for two
■hunaaf rookie said Company. ■ Said certificate* be-
..• Atmnwyfonke Bzeeatanef John Hunter,dee d
: 4eU . ' • ' ■»' ‘ ; r '
ikenrrmMca of tho charter of incorporation, the
’ smtul meetisjr of the Sweltb.*ldei» of the Monongohe'
lmNari*«tiwODCipany»wil! be held oe Monday.tbe
tbofim.Mwrdar of the
mmllu tke owe* ot .the ml Cobomi, m JlfCfd n
BOildina, ftalk •treet, ia the city of Kitubargb, for the
ihe offerra for ibeenemug year.,
7 .T~*. WM BAKEWELL, Secretary.
• • sowcb. . ■-
LCTTCKS TestanealMTbeen granted is U«
tmbsenben< Executor* of the Jut w:it and tc*!*-
■ ThjmssTifnfctrrT.lotr itT Ifi~ - u Y nf PiU?hnTßh
_AU penotu-iaieb'ed » tlie of **>«
will please make Immediate payment; ana
hatirg eurio* against said estate wIJJ present
to «t3=«i wiSOTi6e)»r- s w ;; A|LUANi
; • • Exeeator*. _
bkhU; USH. or licet
tapenstara let© the United Sale*, by Peter Arnold
MmL-iftH ilm beao of itemowrtaia which •nrroondi
* deU : - ' .•. 'i | ’■ oprlttAmarhefti .
'YXTAMTBD—3D,OOO lbs food clean Bags wanted.
YV alao. canvass, bale wpe, grass rope, l«CT ,n frv **»
te.teTUkU. P^c.i"wc,^wEk y
a>tK •: • • waTne«t-betwfen p»nn &■ hlmnv
lehUter.PeUers MakeVAltejhenr city Oil .Mill, ha*'
ifletreMMOeru lor Stove* en hand either m wood
!,'«•. ... . orbotL MlUGeerineaod all patient*made » order.
«utf !.• - ■
& ST2
mpHS’' tot »t between whet A wood
i-'ffiußS. OT
' fK-i : - ‘ r - : \ " - -
\-l best ■
■ --.. r V'' J [o Aims; I
'-5 F^r,':*. woodstreet v
Wi If.'i—'. ■ii'' '• ' -•. ....... ._' .
» ' •’ OLO'BKS. •
'Aj lb* bio dlteorerie*, aid Geographical hupforcrnraU; 1
*1» the (tMiuoribc taoat celebrated nmuaaarijaijjrt''Co®*'
piled. Irow titaitfcVbevKcvlith Gneba, wtih addition* «4
lapfOxtmenUbj'Aafiro'i.’&ailb. Rented bylteiweh Park. ;
' J.O,KISG’B CE&PSTUL GLOBES, enelamirigatUbe
known tUrvotWl*, dee.' Compiled.-frran the worln of
VVcl union. Handed, V el a Caille. Ilarrlb*. Mayer. Bead
ley, Rmcßtl.’Matkelyße; (be Iran taction* <%r the Attrooom
,i<*l Society of London,- he, £e. FtiJm-Smith’* New Ear
'lull Globe.
. Job niton 4 Bloci 100 bare jutt rreeireda few join of the
abort Globe*,tarjiujin tue;t* fotlw*:-
1 pair i3mdie*ia.diaart£r.
■ i | « • 9| « ‘ • ■«
, 1“ C , « «
,1 ylobetO «• • •*
American, Cl.n«.cle, and Joe real ropy.
Tim*, it £*ttt. formerly oi'Ueatiy, M'Kenxie
*. Co-
. , - Cincmo-uijO.
R«am • ~Z*riesville,o,
CRa*. U. t'o« iVexyOileub
Oencfal CoiußiliiloA tferctmnti
. . ! KOR TBK rALK AND yrmwamuiAO or
iV/j. n L I'oydnzs Street, New Orttan*.
Mr?in. Mfmin k Co, rwu.kcfis )« «
, Janwr#MHJwkot4C<h{ N *°*
” WbiieA.Co,hladiKtn,la.
■ Kill* A. Merlon. Buikv.'s,]
n llo«a£.l‘fai-r, • j. Cincinnati*.
. A M’Kcnztc, .i .. . )
H N Kcanicy,heq,Danker.Zanesville,O.
D.M’Dnr.Rld&Co,Wcll»villr,o. i
• Heed, I‘atlti & Co.lVaTrr. I’a, . .' ' .
• J \V fiilLKmi. \\’bcctinß,;Va. \
SMWurkanifcCe. P .
Wft M Miichelixcc, \ I iUslinrsb, Pa, -
nvlWku .
'»Q*»ia| Writing Fsaul”tij
laifintnlt articleia all rr>-
ra/without ctofjinj; it up'aad
tccoitafcten Cnrbl black.
■ Wiefcua McCaadh** ••
, Jota ftukcr,
8 IVirtUtta te Co; /
fme.i BtUm '
C b!cAn«Uty fc Co. .
Car,. Builders, Cincinnati, .Ohio, '
MANGFACTUKEStn'ordcr rnwengernml Freight
Car* of the tnou approved dc«cnpuou ni rct'oiia
iile pri vgA Byriieaniot the Canal*, Railroad and Riv
er, ibeynrticuabled in .ship upon reasonable terras to
ail paint* in. the 'Hirir work will Up wairunted
equal tn all respect-* lo any remte ic the Utui[(nl Suites.
AH orders punctually executed.
rivS-Tra (Formerly of Boston, Mass.]
• Type Foundry. .
SO Cold, ccmtT of Anri sir ret, fitw York. \
TUBouhscribcri* preputed to furnish hand castTypc’
and PnnWr’sMairrtalaof all kind*,at short notice
and on reasonable terms.
Proprietors of newspapers, who have not advertised
G»r the subscriber. who may pohluh this notice for three
inonihr will he cutitlcdto receive pay in type, 00 pur*
ebanug five Unies the amount of iheir hills tor pdvrrii
tfld Tyne taken in exchange for new utfleentsperth.
Ttlll* undersigned ore now prepared to farnlih .their
customer* nnd the. public Rpncrally, with all excel*
lent anicle of Lard Oil of their own raanuiaetute,which
•dney will sell on accommodating term*. 1 heir Oil they'
believe to best* goods* any offered in Hie market,and
may he remracd if not satisfactory.
j Jordan a bon ‘
' r" 18 liberty shopoosslc smith held -
T. S.—Lard and Crease amiable lor machinery. W
bund; forkslowUtve. , - nvjo
AS I am iinwciij'iurttl ift the Importation of Brandies,
IVinea and Guts,’.Vs. exclusively. ami having made
ariaogrmcma iu djfloreiit par 13 01 Europe nnd the LI.
amis with well known house* for rav future supply of
Foreign Liqsont. which Lsrill he able 10 sell, delivered
in t&e Cuilrra Moans of New York or New Orleans' or
in this city, at the lowest market price for enrh or ap
proved paper. I have in store s'td cellar a very laige
stock of very superior Wine* and Liquor* as imported
of the most crlcbraxed-Urand* nnd vintner* for .sale on
plearing terns by .‘ 1* C MARTIN
dcSO cor IstA smillrSetd *t*
SHAVING CRl6A3Z—Ferre’s cream sapomne;
Kousei* shaving compound;
Hailin'* rose mid almond crcain;Half*Son’* do do;
Tayior’t shaving compound; /.
Wright’s rncr ami almond cream; ■
Hrigg’s Liquid compound. Thcse'stnodard prepa
rations tot shaving nuy be had wholesale or retail of
ny>l . ’ _R .KaKKI.EKS. 57 wwd >t
SUNDHIKB— 20 bbls Pitch; /
2i 61.1 s N C Tan /
VOO bin nnd23 cik* W R Chcerc; (
10,000 lbs prime Feathers?
SO csks Ist sorts Potaih;
•10 •• pare scorched stalls;
.. 10-“ ulscksralwi
lo u Salcmuof received and forsale by
SODA AsH—oo pc recat,expect*
cd carlv in DccrUjbrr. via New Orleans. 1
79 esksof samo strength famous m* Hie best English
t lauutacturers, troth whom we eipect hereafter, regular
supplies, and con. Oder masufaeuiers of Glass and oth
er* m tin* market tome inducements to purchase.* of hi.
Robber/ Shoes; Ac. of •'the-old *tjle wonted, ibr
wiiich the highest price will be paid«h or good*,
when delivered at the Indiqßobber Depot. S wood su \
• nv>3 / ! ■ JAHPHILLIP3
ft received from ' lie
t Tort Pekin Te» Ccmp*ny
nd BtackTeu, compruins
Kx.Tlnado •
OotQ&f S'idcbong,
K&gHib Breailnn ‘
ler» I’erkoe Flower*;
,V lUOO Flavored.” -
tea lelected withered; care
■ in the cut, noJ witll>e sold
ind at any other house in this
} . James hijack.: "
■ of third aod rtaithCehi »t*
BRANDIES— Of all descriptions .and prices, for
sale-wholesale or retmJ,in wood and glas*. at the
wise "lore of JACOB WEAVER
dc23 . cortuarkCt.A front *t*
PILLS qro becoming bo universally popular
First, Because they are prepared by DrN li Lei
dy himself,a regular EtusgUt, Chemist and! L k hj*r
run of Philadelphia,'who. knows the Datum, the.
quality and character of the Medicines used in lus
pills and tbcirsdaptalian lodiscate.' ‘
Second, Because tbc publie:c*o take thert with
greater confidence than niotl of ■: pills whi h arc
prepared by persons jjneranf 1-1 .1 of medieu e and
diseases. , , ! . '
Third, Bccaarc oi their.cumbiccd cdecls, f roper?
tics not contaiDcd in namely
•jng from th£ stumagb and bowels allanbealihj sub*
sVtrvcry. umcrparifyinp-llw-blcmd;
son fluids of the body. - t ,
Koarlb, Becauie they arc the cheapest and best
medicine known—a single hot coning bat 23 cents,
aud conlainin’ 40 pill.- 1 , savins; to persons as many
dollar* njt-time*- tn-l>octui J 5 • hilla, and utjmcfOut
r 6c tried on the reci.mmrmJslioo
ul others.
; Whenever you hive ©ccwton to take any modi-
Cine, do n«>t bi: trilling with tour ccutitumm tiy
trying all kind* ol pills nrnlber iptdiemcs yoa see
p'julisbed and recommended by one and another but
take at once '
.Dr. Ltidya SannpariUa BLxsd Pi\h • •
and you wilt not base occasion to take anything
«!.•>«. They will always pe found good in altno«t all
worms of disease, Initamalion of thcBVoniaeb,bow»
olr. lirer and.; tramps of the stomach;
colic, Watcrbrash: inwsnl Irvcrs, foul breath, bad
taste in the mouth, S*our and acidity ol
tlic stomlch, eoslivcnct* and indigestion, want of
appetite, biflious affections, diseases of thei splccs
and'kidneys,diseases of thc'skin, scaly eruptiood,
dry and watery ptmpte.or blotches or the face «ei).
bady, letter, nuh,priefc!ebeat and salt rhuem',
ariie, giddiness, feintnew, pain* ore? ific heart, of
the breast, sides, along the back and spine, rheuma
tism and fevers of all kinds, small pot, vario*.
|uid. meaicis, scrofula,erysipelas, and m short they
are good in all diseases baring their origin in the
stomach,- liver, and intestines, and impurity of the
blood -j
JCrTwentysfifo cents a Box.
Sold Wholesale and Retail by- B. A. Fahnestock
& CcLyCornerof First and Wood,- also corner of
Sixth and Wood streets, j scptdJ
JiNGS.—Scrolula in; all ita multiplied forms.,
whether in (hat of King’s! Kvil, enlargements o iho
"lauds or boons. Goitre, White SwcJJicgn, (Jnrontc
Khcumatism.Cafaser, diseases of the Skin or. Spine,
or of Pulmonary. Consumption, emanate from one
and the same eabse, which is a poisonous principle
more or less inherent in the human system/There*
fore, unless this principle Can be destroyed, no radi
cal euro can be clicctcd, Ibntif the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed »a cure
,most of necessity follow; no maltcf under whatfonn
tbo disease should manifest itself.
is tlio reason why Jayne’s AlteiUtive is so unt
versally sucects/al in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
which' those diseases hive their origin, by entering
into tho circulation, and with Iho blood is conveyed
to tbo minutest fibre, removing every particle of
disease from the system. [ Prepared and srrfd at fiio.
■J; South Third Street. Philadelphia. .
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 75 Fourth strec,
Pittsburgh I __ mch3l
DR. TOWNdKNDVSAhSAt'AKirJiA.-l&J dozen
jn*l received or Dr. Town*en<Fa iLe
tnort extraordinarymedicine in the world! Thu Ex*
I reel Japul op ia quart lioUlei.: It isrix limes cheaper,
pleasanter, dad warranted superior to nujr roid. it
j ' curca disease without, purging. aickcamj or-
dehiliujioff the nalicuL •.
Look out/or XmiitXfonr—Unprincipled pcrtont.bave
copied our iol>elr,*nd pal up medicine tu the rune «ba
peu kotUe*. See that.eieh Lottieliar the written rijim
tareof M PUpwoicwl. \ f _
K K SELLERS, Draggin, So Si Wood at, between
"rd. and 4th sis, ia Dr Townsend 5 * duty wholesale and
rrtail ogeritfbr Piuibnrgb.of whom the gemuue article
can be bod.
1) M Curry box been appointed tbetole agent for Alle
ghenveity, of whom (hegenuine ankle can be bail. *J
avd> •
nnOMthe Rev ASA SHINN, a well known oi J pop'
Sr - otar Clergyman of the FiotestantMethodistCburen
, The ondurngued Laving been afllic ted daring the p ast
winter with a disease of the stomach, sometimes pro*
tlueing great pain in the stotnatb for unor twelve boar*
wUhpot lulerrabtion, nnd after , having tried v armor
remedies with Jiulc effect, war fiirnLhed with a bottle
of Dr D Jayne’s Carminative Balsam: This be used ac
cording UDtbe direction*, and fonnd invariably this
medicine caused the pain to nbaio in three or four min
ute*, and In fifteen or twenty ininulcscvcry un*aty
senraiionwasentirely quteicd. Tbs medicine ,was of
le'rwardsuaed whenever indications of iho approach of
paiiTweic perceived, and the pam was thereby prevent
ed- He continued to o«the .medicine ev'ery evening
and sometimes jii the morning, and in a few weeks
health was ro far restored, that the sufferer was rciiev
eilfrom aJarge amoantof oppretfivc pain. From cx
perience, therefore, hn can confidently rccnmniend U
D Jayne’s Carmiußiivc Balsam; ss a salutary mrdicin
fo'rdiKaMSofihestomacb (uid IfoaTls. - ASIHNN
~ .-Allegheny eily.VvOl
For sale in Pittsburgh at, the PKKIN TEA BTOK
5-j Fourth street, near Wood, 1 and utw at the Dm
tmre of II P SCHWARTS!. 1 Federal (tree I. AJlerlirny
cheap, easy to take, nnd highly efficacious.
- , - ' ALinour On, .March 2». I&17.
• 'Mr.’'K.'ls'SelkTs: My child ren, like others, have been
subject to troublesome coughs, and havingused different
’rctnedie* to very little purpose, | was induced by <m
advrrti*efnemahotn<h«c«gb vynjn,to give a a trial.
Igave it lo two of my b©vs, and alro tv mw daughter,
wreraldifferrnlilme*, and it has never faile-t to do *o.
j have recommended it to my ogigbliors, and hlo m*i*i
eanseientioerjy believe th«l it is the best cough niedi
cine that' hua ever been offered to the public.
Parents' should oM peimit their children to,suffer from
toughs,when they jpay be cated by a 33 cent Louie of
uissyrop. • • ” ’
Prepared and .told by R.F. SKLI.ERS,fi?.Wood *L,
between 3rd and 4lh n*. Sold by Dr. Casual,Sib Ward:
Allegheny City. , deft
; T*r IIpjJE meaßaessean *s“l yours ? Look at jour
i Py,fairyaiuj*wi(mwithberbnghiSßnflfface!. -La*
at yaurown,pmod with eraniions and blotches! Yet
,700 are tod mean to give fifty cents for a eake of the
great Italian Cfceauchi Soap, which would entirely £re*
you from Aem. and make yoor yellow skin el ear-and
healthy. Go stance loJaehsna'u JJmre,® Libert y.sL
PitUbargh.andgct,ax*ke. / \ ;
' NUaJnefcaon'a tstbeoalypltce in Pittsburgh where I
jtteGENUINEwt* bo obtained. Deware of Courtier-1
[*'jnrOßSB*Vß;iko Bvautnudiu lio ioomj, I
1 r..... ■ pn. es.''
•TSlt. lIiGOLDSDY’S Fdu £pedtic,aa internal rest
U « ctrtoiu and i rtdieol cure, ili?di*Miiterual,'dterua.
tdctdiug or bUod, olio, (nr irritaUunof the had&ej>4tid l-iad
dvr, poia Ja the fcoek. aad side, hahitoal eusthmeu, crap,-
tiat, Ac. f
.FcmoJea bfkirv sad aJUr eonCnewnl are cites troubled'
with coßtiintion of the boweb or csUinoeis, u.wcll u the
piles, la ul fuchi cow* thrBj«eifie can be uken with per
f«t ssietj, oad u « certain remedy. The Sptcihe it notr,
pargatifE, and it on entirely Vt«UMc rtaxiiy, withoot a per
tick ofgwnbog^cotocjsesoraluc*—plcmnt lo takeaad]uaj
fertly harolotia the most dclieaUcaici.| ’
■ Thitii b> certify list 1 krtow Dr. InjtJddij’a
toheaccrtaiacurc and sale remedy, listing »etn it/efiic',
interrralcatrtjsnioogitiny funily ccnncxioni, in Kieral coj ’
tnaed ud scrcrc eatet of the piUs where it mode so esbra
;c«i* in every eatc. HENRY WUITWIEAD,
New. York, May, IMS. 3C4 hatbttrcet.
T cheerfully give *ny lotimooy a* to tlis ctrUin uo»l aibm
ithisg tfleet* of Dr. ingohlibyb File* Smeidc, *«■ 1 know it
‘from my. own cspcnraco ami olnttralMD, to be' ioMiblr;
' baring wait uied withtaceett in teferal cato'of pikt, male
and female. . GEO. MILIXII. i
-New York) May, 1815. . 3WSixth»urtt. !.
New Yo'kjAlayj ISW,
I : Mr. Dealt—Dear Sin—l hate the pl ra,UTe 10 M y, that
yoar medicine, Dr. lnr«Uiby , iFik*Speeiltr, hu made .per
feercare is the cate of my tmer, and I uowgire joji inr word
that 1 have bets tarprited at it, ai it 'wit tn my opini..ii |m
powiblc to cure her. . However, ( can now tralily tn li.rmju
icine a* being tn&lltble, and dojtdvitcall othVri are afj
flitted in the like manner, lo procure (he article, a* they may
defend 00 a cenaia cure'
' Yoara.wilh re*peer.
W«t Cbeiter, N. Y n May 15, IMA
, Dr. lagoUUby—Dear Sin—That yna may benrfit othrrt
who may betatferiog, a* well a* lu <X|irru my gratitude fur
the benefit I have drnved from the uk ofyourvalmhleSpc
elfie, 1 comply with yoar request, and nowdo give my Igni
many in vsror of it, oaring been cured of * irrere utluch ol
the rik* after having cwil other rrmnlic* witluxiteucere*.
Ycnm with rrspccl
i Sold whr.te**]* and retail by .'WJI. JACKSON,at hi* Pat
ent Medieiae Warthouir, and Soot and Hhor Sinrr, ,\a. HI
Liberty itrvct, head of Wood, Fittuburgh. Trice, .'Ji mil*
per bes jan 14—dty
TIMS Jit Flu*. Ultra improvrnu-nl
ha* cow been in u*c ulxiut two year*, and wlmrcvcr it
is known,preferred wall other MeaiKieiul*.
For cheapness, streuglh and convi-nicnrc it lias not
: and cannot bo equalled, as -it, i* decidedly hc*t,
: ehcnpestuudinoet coovcnicnt HedJlcad in u*c,Biid per
tVctly pinof against Dug*.
ThoprintSpalMabmei maker* and Turner* in Alle
gheny city aud in Pittsburgh, have >'ccurci|- Right* to
inanufactui rand sell tbc article. A* tlicrcaruspufion*
article* and imperfect Imiwt'ons in the market, pnrehr.
*cr* would do well to rxamro«r\th<? ca*l iron - plate* on
which in the genuine article the naim- of tin) pnn-mec,
Ill'.MazzAH. is Invariably cast- Asa pronfof nlhh-t
is claimed far’Garmni’s !led*lrnd*,lltc
ciae from Cabinet make t* well known irt Pittpnurglinnd
ibe-lVc*!,Urubmitlcd in the public:
: We, the *ubrcrihern.praetH-nl cabinet maker* and
Uedstead tnannfneturcr* of the citir* of lMuburch and
Allegheny, Pn., do hereby certify that wc have bought
the right to roonufnmnrc bedstead* willi tiauam'.s I’m
ent Fastenings, and the >-ainc tupalpr m any
famruines with which we arc acqua'ntcd.
James Lemon John .M'fircw
T U Young AC Robert Fainuun
J H MtttUcy James D Hurt
John Liggett, Jr. Ja*. Lowry 4 Son
Lnvvne A nihin RidUU* A I)i>'iin*n
Thoma* Farley Kain«av 4 M'C.’lultund
David Maker Mosc* llalluck
Much Wallace Rdhi-rt* A Ksne
J Mayers Ja.* W Woudwclt
J Neehan*o George Sny>l<*r
Win Mnsieit l Mc.Mosiem A Co
Alexander Lawvnn
.For flirhls i» make unit roll ihn HedstcaHs
apply to ’ EHENKZKIi F GAZZA.M,
OCt29 Patcnico
A Challenge to the World.
TWENTY- FIVE IXiLLARSwiMbe pud loony our
who will prodaee nspoi of paint, green or dry. iLat
cannot be oxtraeied with Holt’* Improved Ctumicnl
Soup. 1 have the satisfaction of saving 10 uic people of
thi* place, that thi* article, by tny own tmprovmriil on
n, now stands unrivalled tn thi? country for extrßcting
gieavc, tar, pitch, oil. psici. or any other'greasy
stance, trom.ftli kinds 01 gentlcinrn’s or lsdic*>f Inthmg,
carpet*, table cloth*,', merino shnwl*, ladies* ticnnei*,
Ac, witin'Ut injuring anything that pure water will not
injure. More than olc inoo*acd perrons m d-tTercnt
parts of the countrT have -told or they would not be
wi’Jton! it; if it cost pne dollar per cake In trying ihi#
Soap on more thau UW) art:elr» of I ght silts, satin* ol
pncea*.ar.d calicoes, 1 have only found ihrce pirre* o;
Mlt. two of ntpßceit, und four of Calico, an-which it
changed the color; therefore hrfore nutneg tt on c. light
dress try a sample of Lhe dress first 1 *u:c ini* r-ccsaee
1 am deicrtnined not to recomtOcitdiiany vtror.ccr than
I know tn he strictly true N II Hoit.
Price. 121 cti percake. Sold, wholesale nud retail
by * R E SELLER'S.
dec2l SI wood «t
Useful mad. Oruamentwl Gift*. ,
A FINE assonmeni of fancy arucks, lunomr Which
•re— . ■ *;
Handsome Crochet Bags, with and wiilront c!a*p>;
Bead and French silk bags,
Silk par»er,n«w styles,
Ivory tablets; near! inetnfjrnnda.
-Kuxmelled ano ivory t aper cuurrs;
Nipoton and portable iuks;
Cigar carry, with corah and glass and y mercoraudct
Tooihriehs; plain ctrar cases;
I’ort’ol'PK pocket books;
Papiitcrrs; motile hroks;
Fancy Berlin iron b.isfcrh;
Wilber basket', Ac. A-c. Now open apt! for s;J
Sjii-'ii baton;
rpi»i.*~. :/r
J before—nud«oniicmo*tappr*«c>Ea*ttmt> ,au »"‘
amlmm! fsrhiooable Ea.«ern pattern* and eolot*. A No
tfOLUHorWHruJ'f BUND, oil U*n«i
or made 10 order of all *ur«, ttnri hi all prireH.
Cnuntty Merchant* anti oilier* arc mvi»-<l iV> r«;: nrd
examine the above for iheta»eSve«.a* nil trill It *ol«!
xrltolexale or retail,a<ui a liberal Mtrisiw bi.m.; ;<>
arlioleule uorcltaeerc.' ' -
j.nldly _ A vj^f^uVKl.T'
WasxißKtog. D. C-, IVe. C;h, HI".
f)trat D. Thompson. h’iy , Pittsburgh, Fn.— '■
SIR. I have read yo..r m «:i<- »»f dj*"
I'mstnirgb papers with not a 1 iilr surpn-r I
that you have ebpie«t my busmen Citralnr rntiT-i. »rul
'appropriated 3 uyour»elf 1 will ifike»l:»- li'-cm to
lufom you that my tiu*mc«« CiiruUr u mv nwn nun
portion, and 1* natromnwm property I ri-n'! -.o’-s.i.
l.nyly *oe«emto )<e placed in a p-Miurm-tlnn wtU io-Jn?e
peisort* who do not know me w» suppose il.av, I aja ibx
capable oCt omowing my own •>-i«iiie»« earai or I
amropaMnol piti’rrmg ami spptoprivire tl-e. r'.iru el
another «o ny own of-’. I aiii: IBerrthj.:. ni'il-f t‘*e »-e
-«CA*:te of noticing Bri'l erpii» >o«f p : «gi.,ri-n» in ill
m saner Zt;ito»!s’N"
Arorner for Patents, W«-li.n»tmt. ti
. newspapers ia.i< ba»c piiUli*S«-.l Mr. Tb'irsp
•OfPs artvernseiaent, Jw:H p!ca«r insert the »Vv.-. .trll'f
«> * A .HVV* I \ iy-'f t M'K > 'KMKIUHtMu! of i'««sl(
advantage over many otljrr
.l ough preparation*, a* It" plca<ml ta»lr. j»erin::.-< it lot.e
(,«-*<! Without iiaronve.nieiire. But rs value a«n U'll-aro.
convisis in the soeedtpe** r>f ii» eme. We hi*vr known
tyxne of Ibe mr»*idc»pefßW-dourh«, same ofjw:.r«-i, iiajl
been running on h»r« e«wi»»derable lexgt'i of yit-m
almoM imrordiaiely to iw |K>«yrr.
In such wtnlber 0-t we have had doling the pstt
winter every one is Ijatde us take eoM. unless great pr<*-
coui.on* are o-til i
Wet feet and anduo exposure to the. ipclewory of the
wralltrr olicji Jay* ibc tnaridatioii of h liarkieg mugn
winch nerd* v to prevent *row n nuli.
We have numerousceitiflcatrsof cerc«'wli:' - h it lii«
performed, many of which lire frotn persont m 'hi* c::>
and the neirltbothoml, ami tliry aie a -uffinom jrier
enre witn**ut f nyirgimoilirr word in its favor.
Prepared and lor rale wboleialr nnd retad I*V B A
FAUNEBruCK A CO,corner of Wood ami l»t ami
Wood atulCih su. | ; (,C L 3 __
oioLtllkj’ IMPERIAL ColKillSV ft ill'.—From W
kj K Bodcn, of die Couit of Q'Wi .vl Ses
sion* of Beaver county
Me. R. K. Saudtas—Sin Sonw linje iq the winter my
wife wosslQicicd wiih a w:verc ami dnire*»(n; rough,
and heoringof yoor inraluahlc Cough Wrrup, 1 purena
wid a Louie from S jT. Trimhle, Ivuj., m Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three cvsn rtf;*©-.
going to lied, she fourid iuimed.atc relief; a* ahy, seveiul
friends have been relitvmJlnsevcrc. ease*, •lomihcre-
SoTK satisfied that it uja safe and valuable medicine, and
'would recommend it!w those whontay with
severe cotighs and cold*. W.K. Ilonas.
March to, IS*-. ’ , ,
Tbeßyrnp isputoji in «5 cent iKiillr*, *0 that It may
be bought by the poor, as well u* the ric h.
. Prepared and sola liy R K HELLER?*, 67 wr«d »tcr
also, lor tale by Dr.'Cawal, 3Ui wnrd, nnd I). M Curry,
Allegheny city. ! ntl3 _
—This labor saving Machine. wn« Patented, Apnl
Istii, lMfi, which in view nf. it* grmi durabiMy. c't.ei.p
tiers and efficiency, tis siuijiljciiv of r.o:>*irae:ion, umi
Hie ease and faellixy which it i* used by ••■tber
jjcya nr adult*; U inevitnbJy destined to *api:r« cdc ai|
oilier Corn Sheller* for general u«e. ,H in fact » nppl-e*
a desideratum wbieb bos long been wanted Uimiißiiout
the Western Stamg, for wbdt it costs Jess than onc-teiilti
of the price, of ihe-rotary «hellerv,niie perroa run etoell
corn with it, a» fo*t a* with any. “For sale at the
"Sf rne, ° f W " d “ Jo,h »N WICKF..ISUAM_
*aid k few bale* WcMom New York
growth of IbW—-from 8 lo 10 cents.
Abo, Karern and: WeMera N ! Y, early picked, tins
year** growth.
‘ Prink Ohio do, Belmont chcaty. • »
The geneial Kostem eion of the season is now being
received. Brewers and others using Hop*, will find it
much to their advantage to obtain their supply from ttie
undersigned, as they iutend in sell thtonchout tbr. reatoit
,1 New Voil pn,e.. UEO. W. 3MITIItv,
txit&jXm _ • PtU>6urch /;rrie>Ty._
X vingGreaso spots, sitahts, or Mufk* from Clothes,
Woolltna,CarpeU > and r-ndenug the vpoU
where it is applied clear, bright, new; and spotless.
Bold with full direction*. : Price Irficcuts a rukrt
ftTSoM by WAI. JACKSON,Liberty slreet.head
VvSod, at bIS Boot and Shoe store, sign of the Big
THE Stockholder* of the Farmcts’ Drpotit Hunk of
Pittsburgh, intend making application to-the next
Legislature, lor such alteration of thmr (.naitcr a* will
give them Baking priviicges,or if deemed expedient,
aril! a»ku> bejncorpornled u new Bsnk.
By ordcr’of board Diteciofv. _ ..
leftQitawfim THOMPHGMRKLL.nasI.ier_
Manufaeiurer* of
No. 3H4 Sooth Pw»l P , . T ** t * r
Back of 1 A. Wilson* Cabinet Waft Manufy
;A LLorders left with S- F.Moon, attlro office orthc
A. Merchant’s Hotel, Piusbureh. be i.rompHy
attended 10. I ; TJIOS. DhKR^
• sepUMllr • I • A. C. NICKERSON' .
‘ .
- HARNESS JUAIOik,iHI Ch«nat ,t,
PhiioAiiphia ,b U oftbefim'of OeleA
VJW Ul UO Wsboru r«»p»etfuUymlbews |iii friend
tbs public, that b« h«* and' will keep
esurtutly os band and foe tals, a baadnae aMortaeat of
| adiiosaws Cariiuss. Vebtejesofallaiylessad deaeriplioos
aaada to ordaral im shortest {sanble nolies, aad rircal.d m
he vsrybcst atßser,ufscketad ; tehSLly •
. ~ FL'BB! PlIR8!. r FOBS!!!
T’ JIE ißbuerilrer.woulil and
Gentlemen almtt visiting Ptiiladeipbixuail tnwniii
of FANCY FUIiH, snch »* Muff*. Boa», Tlppit*,
give ns a call beloie pnieha* ny el*ewlrere,rts they will
(find it ta thdr adirantnee nnd no*mistake, 1 AD orders
shall Hmlkitfifoilr siiended to at No ;H3 North
third sl above Arch, Philadelphia.. • 'J
r“ ■ 7 1. v . iimwswwnr.
I wMW.S<M<Oinn*>k>as< 1 niStl '
; :, t..
Must extraordinary Medicine in the World.
Thu extract i, pul up in Quart tattles; u it in Lust, A cap*
er, piciunnur. ud « arris ad icpcrior to any told. D.carts
dbcaic without vomiting, purging; tiekbenord*
biiiuling thep- -.oli ‘ "
The graat beauty and superioiity of thisSamparillaustr
aU othei Medicine u, vvbilat u Brad tea let Di*r**rxt Invirirr
atrrihe Bodj. It i» one of the very best Si'lUNO A N't)
SUMMER MEDICINES ever bnusva-, it sot osljr puriS*
the whole ay Ucm and strengthens the penpts, but itCVsaui
>Vtir, l‘uic awt Kith Dicod., a {xrweryxa seised bj no uthrr
Medicine. And ia tliis lie, the grand tcerrt'wl'iU wonderful
»ao:e«s. It lia* performed will tin the :pait two yean, mure
than H3.UXI cure* of Cetera Case* uf Disease Tat least S,WKi
of i|k>c were considered tncuraMa More
UjUUO cates of Cliriatk KheuioaUam ;
A. l ,0!K) cases of Djljiepsia;
. -RHi cases of General Debility and Waul of Energy;
T.tiUU ea«> of different Female Complaint*;
11,14X1 cases of Scrofula]
1 r "i(Jii eases of (lie Liver Com plaint;
o .'Uhl ease* of llisrase of the Eiducy and Dropsy ,
XiXJU OKI of CouuiDptiua.
And TU»u»*isd»of rases of Disrate of the Blood, via: Ulcer.*,
Sail Rheum, l’impietuulbr Face, ite.. Ac. Tn
gtllirr willi niiurt rou* ores of Sick Ifradache, I'ain in llic
aide Slid Chest, Spinal A ffnctiotn, Ac., ke.
*L'li»,.nc art oh ait, must appear iucrrdibic, but we hare
lelti'rt iVom'physician* antljuur agenta Iran all jurts of the
Uuiled States, mlursniuj; us oi'extraorditiary cure*. K. V'au
UuAiik, h*j. wul the uuol retpcyUb’.f druggiiti in i\m
urk, N. J.,mlrtnti* us Dial Ur ran lefer to ieh.ic than lit) ca-‘
tra iu that piace alone. There are thousand, of rate* iu the
ihlj- <-f New York, which ure rrfer In esrttta pli-asnns
and to men of character. It is the best medicine fur th*
I’irTe iitsse of disease known. 11 undoubtedly saved the lite,
of inure man , ;
u.ixH) Cmtßarw tub Past Sbamn !
A*"it rttß itrJ llie ranse of, tmj ptejurtd theta fo
Ibe sumnir season.
Unitcis Statcs OrrtcKK.
C*rr.G. W .MH:ua* »r nisUmniiStstb S»tr,
■lid me tidier of the New Jcivey legislature, ha, kiudly lent
uathr Unlmvmg rertificatr. It telU it, out) story.
Haiisvay,' Jan. 115.1,-M7.
A year since I was taken with the luttuenu, and my wholt
«v*ttm left in a debilitated sUU. 1 was iodorrd to try tllf..
Tuouo-mC* S-tnupardlu, and altar lakiug two or three Lit*
ties, 1 mu scry much relieved, and attribute it rulirrly tdtlic
raid Sar»pnt|a. L have continued and find that
I naprotc eeeryday. 1 believe it meed my life, and would
i4j he wilhoai it tuider any eotiHdanlson. i
a W. McLrsa. Lite U. 8, N.
SnorrLA Crus.
- Tliis certificate eroelumcly prutts tint llii. Sarsaparilla
lias perfect control over tin- most obstinate disrate of the
bleed. Three persons curr.l in one bouse it uuprteedrtiftd.
Tnittk CmuDMis. [' 1
I>. TavraatsO—Deai Sir.; 1 lout tbe p|ea»ur«.Cn infortr
yoss that lliree of piy children tiare been cured cf the Scio-
I'-iL by tbe ure of your excellent They were
afflicted very severely with bad wire,; bate; only tikrp four
bottles; ft took them away, for feel ia<r«liunder
drep <jlbcatioa. Yuurt, wifet/nile. i
Isaac \V. O-ifsi, ICS Wooster it.
New York, .Mitrh 1,1M7. j
Dr. Towcscutl’s .Stirvapanlla is a soewwigts and ijned)
cure t..r lueijoeut Consnrsptiini, llorrruuras, Leueurrba,or
Wliitr»rtub»trucUd or difietill Meostruaticn, Icronlmaincf
111 l.'rme, or Ibtoluular) dijrharge oik! for '.be gca
rrol pr«.«;riiiou of tl.r ,y,tca—no matter m.etlier the result
ol cause or causes, produced by irregularily, illness
*r* j
N'othiLgeun be more surprising than iU tnsigurattug ef*
feet* <>u she human frame. I‘trsou*, a I wiraknet* aini lassi
tede, truui uiing it, at once becutse robust and full of eurrgy
under it* mlluenre. It immediately Cumitcncbt the oeive
of the tcsnlc frxuuc, which si t ic great cause of bitj
It will not bg expected of us, in eases of ers delicate a its*
lure, cTititlcati., of carts pi riomed, but we rx.i
nsiurr the efflirlrd, that hundreds of cueihave been repotted
to us. Seven!decs where (amities liave J becn without chitd
rsn, after a*ing a .few InXllcs of thisl invaluable taedieirw,
hast been bint s»,ih healthy ollsjiring.
L’r Totprixuul: My wife being greatly distrcccd by
wculnrjs, furl general debility, and sulTcriag cootinnxJly
by pain and a scuntinn af bearing down, talhng uf thr
womb, and vntli i ther difficulties, mil having boovrn case.'
where your medicine hi, eSrettd great cure,; and also bear
ing it reeotnaceded for such cases a, I bare described.! obtrun
ed a' b'jttl'! cf your Rxtrret of tiarapanjla. and tullowed
tbe directKissyou gare me In a short r*ri<sd it remote.!
her ctiusplatnl* and re,toml her htalth. Being grateful £;r
iheheuedu'sht received, 1 take pleasure in thu, aekai'whdg*
iay it, and rcecn-.roenduig it tiie public. Til. D. Moors,
jLlbuy, Auj. 17,18 U. Cor. of Gnmd and hydius its.
, CotsaCKlS,SepL 23,
Dr Toisnim't: To all whom tins may [concern —Tl.ii is
t» ctrhfy that* used cce boille tf your San-ifartilk
Sriruui to her coclinctmat. under the a*»t alarming fsi
elkale eire.Tnslacee,, btieg troubled with,list drepsy, iwd
liripof U.r feet, nervous aCrctiocs, and very aocn d*bihts
t«<t, with ibv j-cTTuasiott. and the recr.tecaiadation of thoM
who had mil it, sis vn.* induced to try ttf with little oruo
Lutli, and va'jiec it to eay; the medicine had the happy and'
desired ttfeci.nst only m the Hotin of coufiuenienL, but alter
tho ejpiralion of one week of it* use, the dropsy end o»r-
Tost* alTertira irave vrtj to an aitoouhiug degree, md her
health b cow Uttar tUn it bad been for, a Leg utae ywe
If tho wil! be of any terries to yea or any cce who
douc'J the succeu of th» medinux, yon an entirely welcome
to it. i
1 *ubKrtba.ct}vtlf your ROrt obedient and obliged "
This Extract uf Ssrsajiarilla has bteu exprtaidy prcparid
In reUrture lo leauk csmplanit,. No truulc who has era
son to «up;.*e Lhal cnlicai jwricd, " Tkt
IS.rn ef i</i, ! ’ should ueglccl lo tliLi it, u it r, a eeitam
iKirnt.-ve Wr ul-) .if tbe uumxjtui, ansi tuTlitde itucuri (•>
which I-uulr» are tuWet ai Uu» lime of life. Tbil j.vrKj*l
to is be di h-j' d (.-r wet ial year, I j uweg Ousniedicise N.*e
u it jt«» raluab.c so ituis- who are wor.xut.oi^'j
.ui.t luvrgnritiug the >),lexu lu4**d, th:« nxdnoe .is Uiiaj-
r.ab.e lu< mi] < f the de.ieutc slikwcs lo nnscii womeu an
It bra-*« Ihr wh i!r system, retrwv permanently the Cain,
•») ensrgirs—by itm.»isng the itnpuiilics ef the body—not
>0 far MiujuUlh.; u.e vyeuni as to a S'ii'*«v]uso: re-
Lmii.m, whicht, the eawc utmost saeduriat* Uiru for leioale
'weskeest aad tfo«aw
You w:io has* pair coin pie vse.n*, dull vyrs, bi.i'r.Vs On th»
l.i fv w.n.-nti abut, or Irve.U., *',.l are • out of spit it* .* no
* UiHle liso .I Ur 'lowuHiU's baiviisuilla. It will se-:r, rtuiuve the frveklr, and blotch*,, and
give you amieation. ijssrkloig rj**, Unr •pints, and Iwnblitul
, <ot)i; h>uosi —all of which are of luwacuie to •iuu|ar >
,Nf* mrcJiriot »»ct dm'tnrni} *•>
nf*rl) r'-xm'ilr* llw gmlic juic* or n!u» lu
)\>4l «Ci<l lii« vrjWi* of tllg»iU.ra, l>.Uil> pjtpa?
flli.i l of SiM-.jarill,.
Lon UcrAtvrWurr. AiU'nv,M-«) In, I.*•).'
!>r Nir-I C.r. W.t, ifflicl.-i for M-.rr*:
, ta r- «< ! i> *l|-|*|.i» mil. w..r«( ,ll. wd.J with-,-uFj
u... il ,Uh»« <>, Itf,. ~f tilrtui. 1.,-trOinrn, u>l .t
■tW|.a U. -II *>.< 1 fo f -F-k. I
nuc.- u if) jujir K*irwi «.t Vi. t»
ji»i • '»», »u-I I i«u»i lrflir raaiSiUner, b‘jf *rt»r
u».H) l«n MI.I I »’•unJ mj rrkU-rrd, *i,d ti,r
'■.•.riUorn taliiti, >.<«•>..,! «n.l I n
Il.e !.«• uUI I-. 11-~ w|.i. Urr brr„ L J | u „
hk.n \ ,fc., • W.W.V.n/oirr
* Ifirf'. Mill n |U.wd.£
i<viraußut 1»<UP«I I Ri» ituuly ou» nfll* »rat liunJr, d
rj*, • i»jt >.r«4|Mr. l> iiu ttiMil: “
t. T TwnL'ul- U. 41 e.r 1 Mi. I«kru. » bill*.
y.+r sg... *■'!• 4 .r,rr. r..u k h ■„ i»y ...le ii ta
oriut< Ui h»<c iti«: v" r * c*i»niijpii.« i rjiiwJ U<|*r'i|<uD
HU. • .>| txul uulirt, had o«;b» al-J nokio; vry 1,.t:
•0J .l.iew .414 I.- r.-.ifi ib- unthiDg iur me. J wun ut,. tl,*
tt'rtfiiui in hi*j>* ill U >:<„• lirlitbllrd, but Kli pnm-Miiicrd I !»•»',•
». laruratil* 1 *4. i»>« gn-sllj JiMriMt.l *1 lb« liiu** an,l
n-ufd l.afJlj , 1 •.»« Inw • mMiatid, and r*|M*Uil
kiltie.. i»4« truliiir.t tn inf tail, am! *raa i-tll£*il tp latr
• ifbrr* MitWd I rai-ln.t pir Jtni *iij datr, ipti.'it Ilia!
• mill! ilo i»J«r In mj '•a»r l• ** l*j my fncadl
In !>* (nil ffumry , I Had l/,rd a gf»i«t iiusdwr of irnwitifi,
v«l !•. Wto inifturpMr i r«»«i t>f •.<« mint n
lr«-.return/ ryjn perforcaad by joar Medicine. imd In trl|
cm ihr t.uth, I . u .)«rltd thrrr «»• mOw homlnig is thro,
b'jl I „ns rndurwl (■ ■ Irj il, 1 did *». and am tci) Ihanllui
I did. i rjuui'it *>/ Hut l4m rlilirrly writ, but u» *> f„
rirjivrr-.l a« i,i llevta-ul mj b«i.u»e»», and bupr to be tutitc
ly «.ll in* ft* w-'ki. .My routh anJ f-.lii m ,l!.» .«lr,
kin] 01*1.1 awrati hire Iffl MW, am/ rai«a but ».rj tittle, amt
kio C.. 1 tun-iup inT O'ua! strength I (kit it a duly tn
j..u . tt.iirnwi.l uf u’T raw, lt> |.iihlidi if ynu plrtwi
I l ety* Beitwa, tT LtiUe'il, Brooklyn.
Opinions of Physicians.
Dr T"t»c«lwail I* aJn«nl daily Retiring nri)«r* from jd.y 1
*iti.u:i iu Jiffrrriil jMitauf if.* Deiim. ’
Tin. ii t.»c*riifj or, the uodirtigntd, I'liyiiruoi nf
flic <;nj nt /ItIMBT, hafa in uuimruu* tain pr*w ribrd Dr
I'o»»t)«Mi.r* ? I :ii'vij,ariiU, > *jiii brlinr il tuUnl.r <-( Ihrm»«>
nSu!.l> jni j-aratii.-ui of tne Hanaparilla ia ll\« tnarkrl.
u r rt'u>ii, it i»
J Wlljo*, * t> t
U ÜBtucioa, m o,
AlWy, dpnl !, Itls. V KKlsssdosx. so.
T!>i» it In t'tuh o«, (hr umJffujpinJ,-pr»rtirinr
Tln-m.*»iii >m rl.yic.4iJ nf the City <if Albany, lata frnjuriit
,y I’revril*!] Dr Tuw&jniJ’i Cumptiund Kttract cf ftjjta
janlia, and fn.m ill L mitt a ijnatiliri, would rrriitnuirnd ltd
he [lullic C»r Inrrrurul, wrulah.ut, and utlrrre utahrotn «d
raw., jn prrfrrraee In nay of the adtrrloed rriaedita tuinili
we. . A W UcaatLLjT r,
Albany /f j«ni ii, W* D Srairroft, T P.
I’rmenuluflicT, IJi Kulloo »t, Mun CuiWinj, H V; Urd
dioj Co Stale »f Bnrtnu; Dr Dyott t( Snt>«, fit! \orth Her
oud tt I’hiUilrljiba; S S Baltimurc; and by
fvriaciitalilrugh'itl* generally Lhr'jßfhnut the Uoilrd Sutci,
d’ltl lbdira and the Canada*
JVi.iie grnuiyt, unlcu pul op in t!n- large wjuare bottlct,
whieh ruilUiti a igirarl aud aipied with Die written ainaturc
of H I* TO WNSKN D. and hit name blown oo the (tlwt.
From Ihe u\ew Vort Daily Ktpmi of .Ijn-il 9,T“47.
A pretty tlno; apprarrtl iuthrttieel* ycatrrUay. Il wat
. rah, or bari>a{<irilla KejotM of Dr Towtiarud.
The wlmle thing i* got up in p«id tatle s *oine of thr. orua-
Oiental laudv-a]>r |iaiti(ingearc brautiful, wtueh, tugrliter with
the •mill work, m gold, gli,trains in the ».iu, mad* a «Ikiw
rarely r.piatfrd in llrtadnay • We lake Hut importunity to
i«j nr b» lirrr Uu* «tttart yf (he Satnapanlh iletenei the
lefjireat popularity ithumtr|uircU.
Bcrvoas Debility.
Ks'w Yoni,.Marrhl/7, lrVf7
Uf. Totmtead:—T htrebern afUicled wore or leu’.fyr' 3
Jran, with a dreadful linking in the che*t, giddiatu in the
n*d, lom of appriitr, piaio the lirnbr, and general debility,
brought on nudoubt by the continual heat and cold to .wlikh
lam eubject to in my btuttienu* adjtr. 1 Kara taken tiliier
mediciur*, too omnerout to menUun.but with little or hoiuc-'
erst. 1 w*» imlucrd by what 1 *aw in Ihopaper to try* bottle
of your hariajanl'a, from which i (duod great relief I hare
lince tairo tcrrral more bottles, and I cau unhettUlinclr tit
it i» the be*l mrdiciue I hare erer taken—the pain in my
chut is gone, and I a differrat mm altogether siocc
I Iwvr Ukrn your Sarmprllla. 1 lare now a dfturr Bpwiite
I’iui eterl had. My wife has Ukrn it with the saute bcntfi
till results I would rrrominrud it as a family aedieiue
generally, aud I IrrJ couriiwed Ihalifsotistdlitere would not
be |udf the iickucu there it, aad consequently not'eo msnv
Ihxflor’s bill*; tor while it restore* aiqietite, it also gim (f,
Die stomach and laiweli their legulartunetit keep* (he blind
in a healthy itale, 10 dial diwase is uot so likely to attack the
Ijslrm. And to ail those who are not inahealthr statr lu,
try Dr'TownMnd’sSafaparilla. . ’ *
TltoHs* g*rni, TO Allen si,
Cankerln the drouth*
Below ti anaccounl ofahotherebild saved Dr Townsend’s
Sarsajiarills las laired the iitesaf thuusands of children.—
The following ctrtitieale u selected from a great number
reethrd this wttk.
s k „ WswVork Apriia,l&|7.
Dr Townsend: Dearwr—One of ray children wai rer>
sick with the Caarrr in thi aouth and throat, alleodeil with
great debility. Il raate near dt in S ; .| iditalnnl some of y our
escellmt raedjtiue.acd llcufcdil directly, C,r which l ot
assure y.»u 1 tret rerr grateful, Yciura retprclfuitr
huxasmi Kotrti*,27 Dcsbroesii »c
F.r »l. b, R K„ i7 Uml .t
between dd and tlh *t», who lias been appuinlrd b« 11’
lor Allegheny A: J&ZfiljV*
Husband's Celebrated Fluid llntnum. ~
fpHIV usmild.safrfctd elegant anti-arid aad aiiericuf be-
Xinga pe.fecl aoKbun of chemically purt carUmaic of
Magtirsu; poewssrs all the mtdiotl quaJilies of the diarst nre
jaialiotis of Magnesia, without being - liahto lofjr U roncre*
lion* iu the bowels,nr to actinjurianly urum the,.
ftoinsdi One table spoWul ofth* Fluid Maguesa isenuJv
alrutiintrencthloluilfatraspooufulijf Magumj, • I *>
Fm nleby iJA KAILNKjfTOCK A CO,comrlat and
3’iwi and n’d v! amt »itk ' ' ati
Dr. ficlsane’s Worm Specific. * '
f|IHIS laioctMiiy triut. bYluktngohe via! of Doctor
X Mc[.anr * Worm a child af J«ntc« thaw’s
jus**rd iipwqid* nf "0 worwe, ami hy (Do use of *iu,i
mcdicmr u ch.Jil of my |>wn putsnl U large worntn.—
It i» indy ihe moil rurpn»inc worm medicine I ever
acen. ~| ipuri liuve two more vials. ;
U'M mUfoRK
i _ Wilkin* Town«liin ’
I For ssls by J l£|DD b, Co, No Oil Wood nrect, Wot
< ' |
Gentlemen’* FarcUblng Good*,
TT L hi. TODD have thi» tlay rvcciVcl d irect f rew
fl. tbo manuiaciti/irrs. indoTcrfataale at New Yobt
lease of tho« Cxtia Superliac.Siiiru oanafaeinred
crtr-tcsaly for oar own males and warranted well
lease of Saicny and Merino under Shins, wrapper*
and Drawers, «>rac very fine.
r case Bosom* arid Cottars, including Bosoms wfth Col*
pease potent swivel joint Paspcndcrc, with other floods
I ' uioitamcrons to tnenton, mcltnhng b!k and fancy
, ndjustiiigtrincks
Satin How And plain Saha
liomUaiiDc how and plain Homhazine Stoekt.
Silk riel; silk and satin Cravats, with
wr rr.>o of low pweeri Shins which we arc isurr in
quality have never been surpassed in price, in this city
We intend to clove the above Good.* off by the package
anti would call the attention of l'ureha«cr* id oar slock
of Good*, knowing that low price? will in*i>re tftctn a
speedy sale. 1! &. KTOUD
send! VC wood ft, op siairs, 2door* below *lst
' Wholesale Dry ttdoda* ■ “
xrotA' opening at Uie Wholesale Dry Good*-Rooms
I'll t>2Market siieel, 2d story, 11*0 pr* of Alpaeen*. 2tl
pesEngliMi Merino* a <'a*c« of Oregon l'lauUaiid Ca»h
rncrrf. 11l pc* French Bioadclcih, ft pc* fancy ca*?i
itKtr, ?• case* ca*.inci', 10 hales retl, wli;tr. anil yellow
llanncli, .Txi pc* blanket*, new style* calicoes,dororeilc
ginghams; glove* and hosiery, together with a general
nssorrmem of gt>o.|* Merchant* arclnvi’.cd to examine
oar stock,ft* we ore rotiGdi-ni uwillfavontlily compare
with tinMitm stock*, in sly les and price*.
dnt7_ j _ ( 1 A A MAy>V &CO
rilY iiivne* tie stiienlirjtt of drajrr* and oilier? lo
hi* rxcetlrau nssoiiireiu.of ntave goods, in his whole.
**lr rt>om*iiip rtairs.a'.wcll a» in ttieretailileparitnvm
Jlatk nluM Sutinrti*;
Bln* nrlit black do; \
lnvt»ilile green do;
. bGuti Mriped lilk du;
<*oiil mix'd leim<; bine mix'd Jean*;
Gold mix’d Tweed*; >
All of which will l»e sold low by llie piece or yard; aI
"H httml. Olodi for cloak-, and ti.vrrr.l no tor
Laing*. , di-.i*
Ktw ArrlTMll:
JUST Received the tmlan.-r of r.ur dill «tock'of.rMHA
KIIRfIHU tiOlHW.fottiprixing the fnllmviug kmits •
-Ridia Jilihbcr—Louglovercnau.sack norreiiai*. short
nVrrcoat*, en'.e* without *h:r.vr*. cnlprst wall rlerves,
poncho*. IrtrgingL lint*, enmp bian|r<*tt, horse covers',
travelling bug*, saddle buJs.gnu rovers, provision bag*,
sicatn boat I’Uekei*. nir pillow*, •air en«hoits, aii beds,
bag ruck*, fur the Indie*, ami qattines; all of which we'
have a compleie. n«*oriinerit that wi: ojfcr wholcVatr or
rritid on trie lowrsi posable terms,al nor India Rubber
•lkpol.fl wood direct.
nvlM , J A.II’H
J' liuvr ju«t received a larpe ndUiiioca! ontudy oOxira
French Tufkcrri altriwU. As tlie«c fTtxvlA am vriy
scarce. wr would roprrtfollv invite the Indie* to rail
and- rrnmuj'; «or Mock, as we are fnllniß ilicin very
TS marketj-l. N B'ror diamond
f I'-t UIOJ-tVKU |.tr Ksprr., kTK£
S N.‘u- J\»nry Sum-. C 7 MurUt sircet
(i do 7 <V>r.|* mid Tumcls, tor l.ndirVt.'lfiak:*;
0 “ Onii. 1 “
fi pn(. Scnrirt rdlk Friil»c, ittcl* v/iilr ;
•J " ! Inch
W’nb n Ur*;- n* , orim»T» of other color?. iloll
J"Usi-"KK<:i:iVKU-l.y Adan^AtV:.
S*nncr > n|*rr Kt»t;!:*l» 13 m!> Owh;
Do do «Jr> Pearl l*taii Cloth; for over, lw»
nitic?‘ nn<i Rvlcrmu*: which will h-made tonrdrr at
til’s «!ione*t notice .itt.l BtoM reasonable ieri|i« hv
tell _• *0 ai'r.od »t. 5 doors above 4tb .
YVllfibS IiOODS—-We h.ivr jqm received In «*j.
i/t*riv« a vriy tiumlMuir lot Ladies’ Drru tionds,
cim»i«iinp of— ,
s»iprr embroidered Cashmere Robe*;
Do limeade merino ■ tlo; •
Pine plain Ci>iiiiicrcs,a beautiful article;
Cam mid Ca.*h?acrn pisids.
nvti 73 mm let »l cor of ibe.diuttorui
t,’I*AKK.KLS-Red. Drown nml barn-d Flannels.
A An additional «upply irceieril from t]ir ; manui.ic
tnrcT*. Also, a few lew priced Cabinet!*; tor
.«i3ehv tjpO COCHRAN
sptlll tlCwnodst
lj I (iKTIA »—-t rjx'i superfine and tucciam, Mack
Oaml colored Kujjhrlt b:!e:ia*,)u>'t icoei veil ditect from
Importer* by aHACKLI-rrr& WlllTK
| >lNDlMti—l'j f.roe* n*utcd uiohair tnid *.Lk over
O mat Di!nllne.ji«»t ret. M t«v Oicenn A t.V» Fxprtw,
9i t!} nay* t:oru Vuliulelnhist' or sale l.v
del* 90 aood.M
RED. w.h.ic and yeil-jw tlanuc'*; »l*o. a lot ol
truvy ;wilkd tljmicls.ju-t rec’di fr,r*sr«? very cheap
•'et? \ 7‘ ei"*rket «i A* W rorit.oroon' 1
ThirajpuAXT success*
Cvniumptivct, rttntmbv that t.' is Tnompfon't
Compound Syrup and Wood jVffp
thu i chick M dady '(Jftcting luck■ rt-
maskable cures in
IlrcnrluUi, Sjuttiae of B ooJ, I’uu in the Side and
Uresat. Sure 'l liroat, itoareccrtt, of the
lin'l. I'. lioujUDp Cocph, l.'roup, liitca,
Ncnoat 1 rw.on CcnrpLuul :
»ad fcodinT*. cu.
n *1! !■>: KFOI K, beware <■! all >pinou* m xiurri of Tar or.
_1 a» imiUIKHH »r* »trvi4 l a
MS. Tt>i«iffl-Dear S.r— Ihe aakmittiiag benef.l 1
|.a»* tiprrirnci.i fro® the ok of Cocij-janJ itjrrvpuf
ler aod .N*ptlia wtder» «t niy duty hi inform }iki al ;L I
lad b*eo loti)' Wftirtril with tfct eetve
jaio i 1 l’ir Iwcait, with ;r»*t oppress®, uulienby <•! brratl.-
ip; iuJ Vu» of appetite. ViTxrtl* rrultfilw* fclitiool
r Srrt J became kbrtnr-d, I beard of your rardrftae, but br
in; arr.i-K to u<ia- ux»l a'wrt.e") uwdicjiwij 1 thought 1
ttJberr to *.h»t I t-»n irto.j:.' 1-««4iuj mjw If
(•Hu; »«r»c n Iritud jvnuiJrJ Mu to Ity • UtttU af^our
mediate } pn*-or<il a boUir *cd c<-4nater>cc«J aad Or
tin* I bad UW(D two boliiee, 1 Svu cumj.k.i Ij ft»U>c«d tn
S.Jriy f.-r «H> benefit nf other* I make the abate brief
eUtruuut Ary further inqnirto e»n t« made vl mj rtu-
Jtee*, lit! 1 C«\li*r.tir iiml.\
U.»|-<-ifuL; F*a*ci* PmviMT.
&tiU tuioiher llemnrktiblr f'Vr,
.Not -,v. IMI
Alkali )nr. I.W, in i f the J4d«u’ar)
ia<ui< (if mj tI W 4. Sttseked with Kiel' |vHl > l»
th- jnlpilai.'Bi -I ih« bsaxt *»d sfartott* ft trnalh,
rahwh Mr It %-4Ui loli-iwi -1 by the ta.lurr of o]-|ir<Jtr »tt/SKM fnh«» it Ulsht amt Jwr. yl. <4 rnf.lnuti* - l!><s>
ylß nf > il.n»uge>l lrtt|v-uUy .(Ut^rU
t-uvsi'isMUt, winrh Ul\ in* ui a miMr&Ulr
•t it . f and t»f*o u> aSrrt eny ramd Fr>iui tmr
' 11rk mr »th urn ia»rr .4* teas•«*•*'• until at htigln
K.rj'r.i* i*»-d -.o .u-l. a llrfrr* and Hit ru.tM* of th<
• wrrr •»• •.ugiiiriilril. H'»l t"t a* y<tm* I Wk.
lUffli util. jJii iMn.n* «.,J »>Ui.ilt-! V> It.- ir |h|icm|>i»ou»,
hit «|l Ihnr .kilt «»• unxsliug la plufanW* 111 a»4
hig h tw, rr-aldrd u.r reenrrt « .ut.i-ly h.ijwjrw I*
■ l.i. ..1.J.1U4. I w.i iuh-rmr.l nf t:-t « it; tt] «dl«t»_«
‘I h- t'in»n«Mnid Ajrufn'f 1 *r *>i*l VC a*! .a-l-lla, W a
<.nnrMl. il i imjUr-U imt tudyli 1 had gn«ti
r\ |«rL,i.'«»* nf a rrr'-»»ry ..fray s--m.r brallli by buoa*
ioami' )> t bring .(ninety li lrnait In try thi. rarditiiir, I WS*
.• biiet'i iirrt>il<.l Mi.ifi «.• iV<, w.. *O.l I hate f«w W *sy.
flat t-T thr uwiif ill UHllruiu U«-il'ti h*< Wn re<t»r«4, iM
I iM i.iur ah.r to fellrcd lu buMdi.i Kith •• murh •
I or Dirkin«6«j IViWSshifk
Fir|tarrd ou'y by ANON F.V A
r,.n« r of Fifth and' Sp*«ee slrerl*
Sv’d t» I. VMUttX. Jr ri'.lsbo'gh. and ,nsp*«t«U*
p,nc rally rru-r CM rts ,or Opr dollar Uilt:*.
i AtiTDrN —lh»arr nf initatwt.ii, aod J*iirrh*ie Tho*
■m'« CorajHiuiid Syrup uf ‘tar In® uuae b«l a»lir«tMri
-..,1c or uf tin** alkie* the' atupicwu <■( drahag in BWO'.. : hrll.l h.,
siiKiinA.N's Yoorki pa>t»s.-
TUI; hr*: nrticli' known for clrunrus and wbil'-nlns
tlir Trim, •trninturmns thr etuii*. ««‘rctenmg Ibr
lirnath--Vr *U »lmuid (••• «i*ril evitry night with a '*tid
iTifii. and tin’ teeth and snoiitit willonty mjoiry(t.ligli
watJilii'l ifi th- liinrtiiiiu., Wrt t'm: bnoVwith mnn
water, of iqltl Will nitnwrr, and rub it a few t.ittm nr.
the pa-ir, tvhe tt rmuigh Will "a.thorn fur r railing >hr
trrth. Jt |ravr«a «lrl:rtou» tn«l«; in tli«* nnuiMi, situ mt
part* ;t ino»t Ortighiiul fntgrwnn* to the brrullt. Itkiuii.t*
uri» va'ird a* a plrniuuti, rtlnacioir*. f-oinet'iiircit. amt
«-■ i* t . ilrniiifit'i*. Ill* notdn utjuir the trclh.
but tn-prcM-rvc them.
Dy it regularly, it will rrrnovc tho tarrar and
prevent it* nrcuHiutation— prevent the .tohtlrarhr
strrngth'.n thr guni.% mid provriu all disra*!** in turin
<ili-uti>t«. phy*trinu«. and ihr rltTi'y H’ronneirnd it a
*uj«:r.or to evrry thnt(f of Ihr kind m u** I .
A*i fur !*hr»man’»lhimp<iniid <>rria Toolh I’arie, And
olxnrre hi* aignaturc :« ntiaehrd lr» each pot.'
Hffornmohd* d by Dr. L'anle, itvl llrundwny. onr of
our ln*»l lh*nti«M«, and hy mo«t “f thr oM ;r‘UV>lt*hrd
ours in :lir Unit'd Suu«, and rten Atcneively Bird
by ihc Xiilnliiy of Kngland mid Frr» •*»
A Inrgr pmrorlion of (ho direu*c. ( bitalUicl mankind
an*r fiom mmc ilriingt'inrnl nf ine atomachorlMivcrla,
tvbirh a timrlv u*n of llirCnlht nc Jyozrtlgr* wotild
rntitvly obvrai'-'- i’errom nf btlieue habit* should ni
way* have a box ut liuud, und lake ado*c whenever
they feel the lc.i*t deriingotnent m their bcuJih. Ajudi
c.iiii* use of these Larnigcs woulJ prevent liinunuitls
° Keraaical WM. JACKI’ON’f?, comer of VVoml and
J.il4!tty»i* _• ' drrAl
LADIfCN VV|m U*eCoiD.non Dfcpured Chalk, arc
oilen not aware how (rightfully ni;uriou‘«. I is to
the skill! hnw gnarte. how rou^h,'how sallow, yellow,
and unhealthy ihn akin appear* afi'rr using prrparrd
ehalk! DiKiitr*, il i*iniunnu.«, fonifliniiig nlmifr igunn
tnv nf lead. We havr prcimmil a Imautiful Vegetable
ariielr, which wn call JOM'.S’.d fI’ANDMI UI.V
WJIfTF- ll i* perfectly* innocent. I.cine purified of all
and it impart* u> tiie rkin a nnlu
ntl. healthy, a!ul>a«icr, clear, livliig white, atthc«nmr
time ncbiig a* u cosmetic on the ikiu, making itfcoft
fend ittiootii. ‘
" Dr. Jame* Anocrron, Pntctieil Chemist of Masra
chiiretia says: “After awilyaing Jon-s’s f»|tain*h Ihllf
While, I find it po»rf!4rs ihe itinst beautiful and natu
ral, at i|,r> same bmc innoceni white 1 ever raw. I
cerininlv run conscnMitiously rceommcnd its u*c to all'
wlin*c rjkiri rmjuire* ing.” k .
WM'.*v (4111 , —|i.. ,< •• - - ...» *
■ MT-Frice t!j ccnw n box.
jprsild by VV’.M. JAOKSON, at hi'* Doot and Shoe
Stoic, K< liberty street,' head of Wood, nt the sign of
the Hit Boot. ’ . , ,
Imdie*. ladir*. t in osiom*hrd,
When you know that y«ju am jtromised
A njuurul, lifo-hke, snowy while,
That you will still use common chalk,
• And look a dcniiily yellow fright.
- Thejihcitie of laughter nnd of talk.
-If you would use u !mx *f JUNK'S I.illy-white, it
woulJ give your *km an nlshnsier yet natural while,
and ul Ihr umo tiuio clear uud jinpiove it. Sold ut
JACKSON’S,f» Liberty it PncftlUceuuper box.
f mvß
I SCItATCII. scUXtcii. ~
rrurriteu, ITCH, SALT KMKUM, Ac—Who would
.1 lor a ningln day seraiclt, wh»n sfflicirtl: vrtilt the
l etter, Igrh.or mhet diseases ofthe skill, if they knew
who would mlievc andcure thrmJ
•ris hoiribht t» tK- ol.lignl to fuhnml ncralch when
alone, but more horribh: to alninin.lrum it, [(nr decency
»ukr,j when m cointmny, l»el il remrm’* tc*l tbnl
mo«t cllifcncious of any oilier prcparaiton in existence In
eoringlhc Tctler, lich, nnd other diseases of the skin ,
A* nil tliMtuse* of titer Ifni mud nr j*c fn»» list* impiiniy
of the blood and fiaidsofthe body, nnd whcnl »bch dis
cuie be of long Handing, and the ■constitution affected
theteby, if Dr. I.eiJy’* Sar«upnrillA 11100 l Pills be u>ed
with Ihn Ointment, 'hey w.ll cute any case whalevet,
nnd if iliey' do not. the money''will, be returned by Dr.
I.eiily.! Mn»l en<t *, however, will t.e cileciiiuJly cured
by Dr [Lcidy** Tetter nnd Itch Omimeiit, onles# the
whole ky*lcnt t* impregnated by Ute diseased humor*,
which SvHI l«i eom|,lrti ly carries otf ftom Ihc system by
l)r l/ciily'* lliood Pill*.and the surface of iheakin heal
ed by tint OictmcnL Priro ofOintmrjiL'.tlS eouts. For
•tirci.y v T . D AFAHNK-TUCK&CO
oct^<l i I * e.or ATioiii *t*
MORGAN'S COUGITivVKU.P.r-Ii proved u»T. the
great Panacea in inV child's di*tre*>ing
rough. *i ’ '[ •,
Frnn the Temperance llaimer, Nov. 3, ’47.
Caici.u Si uvp —" c are not in |ilm (mbit of lUilTmg,
•miirh Icn* inkmi! Pnit-ui Mect.clncs; but we fcjl dUposcd
in reeom ttend Morgan's Syrup lot ho*c who are bS.cicP
willi ircough Afirrhavung trltnl ilic'imiul remeUie* u>
n.-niDvr i eptet.mi uiid diKire-siite cough, ihht had foi
«fV-*nil dny* will e{e,t one of our children, without *ue>
re*-, we went Hiducr.d in try Morgan’s Cough ft)rep.
nnjtby it relief wi* (.l.taim il mu fcwlioui*. ItJttOVed
in (,n ihe pnunqea in (hi* car-e ut'!et|v(. ! '
, Prepared wiiolerabi and ictail by Uie proprleior, '
uvJ woo 4 at, 1 door botow uwomd »y, j
aaa 1847. .smams
THE improved method of carrying used by this long
Established Lifted i* now to well known that de
scription it tknnecessaty. Goods are not touched ou the
route, thus nil transhipment or extra handling ;s *avcd.
- The Botux arc of light draught &fid perform theirlripi
in from six to seven daws.
Tne capacity of our warehouses enable.* ns to store
.any consignment* made ton*. Receiving,stormgj and
advances free of charges-v
Being fully prepared ]o Intake sales of Produce, we
respect/ally-solicit consignment* ot western Flour,
Bacon, LuoL Butter, Cheese, Wool, Ffathers, andother
articles for sale, on which liberal advaneeft will t*e
made and other usual fueilitws aiTordrd, pledging our
selves that any business entrusted to ns shall tic as
promptly executed and upon a* fair tenns as'by any
other house. JNO McFA DI)LN A Co
> Canal Basin. Pittsburgh
ntehltf ; jJW aniittfl Market #t, Philada_
SteiEga 1847.’ fiSSP^
VtOK the. tran<ponntinitof Fre.'chtbctwTrn !‘iit‘bur»4.
£ and Uie Atlantic Cities. avoalin< irnntliipinem* on
the way. and the rntfserpient risk of delay, daniaje,
breakage amt separation of good*.
ftujrTUlU/t. •
No Market *ircrt. riifoufolphtn
Cor Pena and AVnync sts, Pittsburgh
• O’CONNOR AO*. North «r-tU Baltimore )
WA J T TAJ'SCOTT, 73 South »t, N. Y. v “
I'-nrouragt'd by iiirr«ni«rd l>u*ni«*i!» the Proprietors
have added to their stork uml exuindcdilteirairangv
inniik iliitiitg ilie winter, and are now prepared to for
ward with rrciilaruy ami di-pairb unsurpassed
by any oilier lirir. ’lhl-ir long « Apencnec as currier*,
the palpable superiority of the. Portable Boat r-jsirm,
ami the great capacitr and donvemeiirc of the ware-’
house* ntearhend ol the Hue. are peculiarly calcula
ted to enable tbe prnprirKir* t>> fulfil ilic.r ri'giiiretnrnu
and nrcoiTiino.!iiti: Hi.-;, euMnrr.rr——eoOfnfomlynlferin.c
be past ns a cuamnly ‘ fur lb-luiarr mey respectfully
solicit acoliliiiumicuol turn pnirnriugc; Aliich Ihey now
grmeiully ni-knowlnig*-
All consignru-'iii* ai fanftr A O’Cunnnf will lie rcc’d
tmd forwarded rharj;"« jmid Bills of
Lading irnifiuittn! free of any charge tor l’dniiu:«ron,
adyaneingor Kiuraßr.; Having no interest directly or
indirectly in steamboats, ihi: ini'.rest of ttm-eoimienors
DiU«t nocessarily t« their primary oojeei iii snipping
wrsuaitd they |ib-dge..llii-iii>e!vi-fi to fnnvard all gvods
consigned to them promptly ami on the most nilvniiin
gcons terras :o tho owner*. ■ ' <
Mitreli 1. lr-l? r tnnrS
THE Doaimi n i. Pbitnhlt; Ifo'ii tVuupnny being dis
solved, the Cotnpany itguiti went mfo imicW of-Co*
pariiiersluj* under die name ol the “Hnanui-n’s Line? 1
and likewirti agreed to refit ihe Stock <o a.i lo have tt
n-uraber of Boat* /or the purpose of carrying goods
through in.front six’: to eight days. with cCrmimy—and
f«c! encouraged by IbT- liTieral-.iy of lu-’i yts,r’* patron
age, to makonmre extensive arraitgcaieni.-.for the en
suing year. " . '
Wc would therefore retpcotfolly solicit a continu
ance of our fotuicr patto-,», and refer all new eastaiucr. 1 *
to those wr. have done but n«-M* for.
U^OA.THASS' L.l'-Niii,
For the tf9it‘puf!at:ou of
AM. RiTite r*!*; HitucuAnmcr., to *vt> rr.oa
P:iilAtiui.r,'nA, BxtJiKohH, Niar You, ami Bimron.
SAMUIX WtffflT.MAN .V (•-*,
, -Corner Liberty street and Canal Basin.. Pittsburgh.
. . * A, L GKRIIARTAtVi.
• No Cf-’> Market “truci, Pbibulclphia.
FLDEK, CiKIdFI’ON A Cs, Ac-nif,
Baluajorc, Md.
PirrSBURGH-Jns. McUahy, Ci-o. Morgan ACm
W MrCullv A lb A Sairpson A Cn, M Ailen-YCn.
PltlLADifLl'lUA—.MorTi«JWrr.-,!,A Co, Bi-yi'ords
McFartand A 00, Fleming A Bneby, Peter Wright A
ton. J Bisphain. J«seej-h «iraii-
NKW YOBK—GowJbne ACo,'Plieo. Perry A Ca. »
BOSTON—'llced. Huu! & Co. i-
CINCINNATI—Adams t Crcaglt, TV \7 Dcatbcr
PT. PLEASANT. VA-P A Kftchier.
Nora—AHntcrrhand:*': from New York and Bocion,
'co'i'i.gne-l W A f. Keihart A Co. I’hKadr.lphia. wall be
promp’-ly forwarded/r**of c.>uncis«.on. ' fi hlj
18 47.
|o~\Vi*iiut Tr..n«b:pii:aii;.«dl
(lr»od«eonricr.ed ionare-ire win be fnpvar/r<l waih
-031 delay,at iljj= lowest current rates. 11. Us of luwhng
trr.nrmilted, ivtd all prniapti) aUrr.dcd.tu,
ftcc from any extra charge for ■;or:ii- - or commission.
Address,©! apply to' C A Me A .‘si *LT\ t Co
Canal Basin, P.usfuryh
’ Harntg a ver/ large acd wiraraodipus warehouse,
we are. preparrd w receive (in odiLtioa to fteight for
jrfcipmrni) a large uinoum of Ptoduee, Ac-, ca ttarugc at
low rates. ftnut”} C A .Mr AN L’ LTV ACo
JLTi LBt-IVFLY for l-'ir ksnv-i tlum m t’.AV
Ta FltKltiiiT 1 clv.’tLii i*.t’* : >-t g.' tl’ r.-vi .... Jn-i"-
fown. iip.i. V. nRT g'tiu-.', ib.u-re! i r,;t. tud
ul 11siteiRi"di*t<f t'laeef- '*
• fine Itoiiwilllea’s- the warnhoure of-C A MeAnulry
k Co.. Piit»lrutgh,rv?:ry d«y. [eie-pc s.) and
aJ'.vuye ci-peaJ «>:i haVui.g Lheirgoodsfor
waitJcl.williout delay unit ai t i;r ran •
Tnit- fane wv formed lor tin *pee.u' -repouitrodaimn
of me way hui.ii’, I'rcyririors rtirpceifully
sO.’N-Ua iibcrui ‘hare of pairr.mtge.
- pterrirUi'l.
ua.N’L h :i.\ enf--; hoiiui-j- v/fiuut?
JO!TN*MTIJ.K»t. ) .-<•
KII CANAX.l)r.tin*tnwn j 5 Agcntx
C A MeANCLTY .t'X I'ntsLurgh) . i.
J 3 MetVvm, John Pinker, {tve.rri Mi.ire, Ifogalcy
k Siimb- I'itfl lire.'!. _ «;-?*
: *W-. • ~
1,01.1 Mi'S,-*:*. fM;.j «1 f.
Ull t-H t.aVl *. »»:!] (*•■» |* »* ■ "l U,|> I'ltll- •, ..,.,'ll fine j’r-.r-f.l -l-.t <(.
. rMl .pr- with J»*i »!■*;•.nr* r .., t .T,nU»r
' Altai .i-riM-. '••••iwi-nul!} i;..--* If,«<«1
kr """• r •
UWlr>. A
jtmN a t‘!«tu
Cot. 'V-net «t». rvi-x -.t u.,. i
' RtaLfin Hou*-.* ;
\Vh#-r.l-r l Ci<-«-lr» , .v! »V Yuri
ti-.. i
K N Pari-A
J*« A An.«‘iii«nc A Co. iVnot
Mel’fim- * 'V nliari*. Mi:iv.tuk:e
IJn-tol ft Ftirlfr;Clio:.ii:«*
<;«o Marl'flnivrr’ Kv.»n.‘i.tirs!i, IViit>» ;
'John Me^tlbi»»..nuni'in<xn,
V.irlft Acker,tirei mvh;-, il.»
Cr»-» ft Frimipion, l.'larl-Villr. do
lluv-ft I’ld'uli .• i bar|-.1-tsi«!.. IV
W C .Mull'll, Sli*10:1, do
I? \V .CiiHitH’thnm. Ncw-Cn.'tl.-. tin
rrrrsuuiwJii &. ulbvplakd uxk.
T. ft chinned A
CLARKE &. CO., i
Vorwardlnff ft Comraliilon Merchant!,
r A rent* and Proprietor* nr ilii* Llitf {so favor*
4- »My It nowit la the pnlil.r i,wiil i.e prrpar<-d an the
rarlicst openiiir of pannl nnvicaiiou in receive prop
eriy nt I'llUhurpii and ISravrr, mil dttlivr.i t.V «.’utic at
any/point oil the Ohio « ;mal«, mid .ttai.bu lat L tv- line
and Michigan, vr:th the greatest despatch nml ntrea*-
onttMe ratr*.
TJ»e proprietors of thu line wiicit the liCMnrs* of
their former customer* with loiilulener,'knowing that
tboir fnriiitic* nre second lo none.
Apply to or address
U M JIARTON. ‘.gt. i’iit.sinirrh. :
tn.ARKK ft Co. Ih-aver.
•j*n2« ' ! T RICHMOND ft C ••elfuid.
■ j T>/I<KKC II ft Cl>’3.
> rltwkkn iTrrsmjßnu. ' ’’
ai||K stock of this line consists »f it double daily
Lino ol iDoat« anti Crirs [owned I>y themselves,]
winch arc in good, ordej. \ Tim «ul'«cri.l , rM me prepa
red to forward it Urge quantity of Mcrcliandiit uvj
Producti with rrrtalnty atjd d,*p«tch:
Produce of iirrrhnndisfe consigned to any nt me an*
dcnugnrd. isifrtrwnidciTfrccof any charge ior eouimiv
<lOll or stnrngri I , ~
UjlMjtdtii^ : tran?mSuc2nndnll inmueuon* prim,ptly
■Utrndrdto. .
The Imsine** of this Line i» cotidorlcd on Btnrtly
$nl»li8lli-kecpiH(f prtnoipl'ia Address, or apply lo
1) LCF.IJH ft Co, Proprietor*. -
Caual liU'iii, Pitubureh
HARRIS* ft LURCH, Proprietors
i No 13 Sjuili Third nrrct.l’lulntlelpliia ,
* , JOS. TAYLOR ft.SONS. Agent*.
NolM North Howardstreet, Baltimore
; XV B WILSON, Acenl,
mrltlfi ; No 7 Wen street.No.w York- •
UfcAViClirWAltiiKS'ft cLTkvbla'nd
' 18-17.
LEAVE Beaver daily tit o'clock,r. m'.. alter t!m
urrivalofthe MuaialioalHKAVKll from Pbi-bnrgli,
ami arrive at Wnrreii nexUtioniing in n atoii fortlio
Sia»e<* which renrh Cleveliuid hefore ni(ht.
Pj*»rnKcrs will ho ri-injitcd ihmaeL. rcourinjr herth*
On the Packet*, mu) sent* mtlm on application
on hoard sieamhont D.-avor, (li-avinj l'uuburt;li ut if.
o’clock,*. «-,) orto the uRi-nti:
(i M HAUTON ft Co, l'nisharrh
Cf.AßKKfti.’o, IlMrcr
JKSSH It A LD WlN,Youngstown
MII TA> LOR, Warren , _
THIS nre jiliw to lonvnrtf pro
iliiro. Ao.,to(lic Kinteni Martel* (luring Uic rusu
iriff Winter, on the «tto*i lavpmble nmiM, by ibid csp«-
dniout Wwic.
All property coit'icmM In «>* willbr forwarded at tbe
lowertrnie* und with derpnirh.
Mciehaitdiae reeriTi-d l.y vlu» jniilo promptly fur
warded.] . , J C UIDWI-LLL, Ar’i . I'iusimnli.
~ G IV CASS. Um'viiHvillc.
nn<r!*7 | IPKOKUTON & tJo.CatnVrlnTid .
1547. .
millA l.iii-:cD!b*i«llngof freißhiaudp...^ t „»,. r | I abk-
X cis will nm rrpilarly ilurinp the tr.wbi between
Uravrr liud Ortfenvilfc, J'u.vby which frefslii alt-! imi.
feiiper* between the two point*, will be’carped promptly
ondiit the loweM rates. ; r - ‘
■ WICK fc ARCHKMireeueille, Apia
CRAHI AFUAAimiN.olurkMrillc, <fts
■ McPARIiAND k tINK; IW Bend. ' doi
llAVttfe •• • rtor ;
.\V 0:MAl«AN; Sharon, <j a .
AVM. MA't’IIKVYS, PaUftti. tf* '
! . ... _RKK4),PA«JKji^Cu,U. W# r,. : .. oJI
JOHN A CAI/UHfcY, corner Water anUSoilbCchl «u ■
upCly Opposite ita UoDoopbeia House, ViUsburfb J
BEAVER. . I • /
. E 1 The new and splendid meaner- •' 1
)||i . BEAVERJ
a PLCharig» Hoops, commences her
mp* this day, letviug Pita
burgh at h o’clock. x.u.,an« Beaver at r.
eonneeting wuh 1 PuuLurgk and Clevelandjldnc of Cad
nol Boats dally to Cleveland, O,; Beaver, Wjuren anil
Clevelatul Line of Canal Packets and Sure Coachck Warren and Clevelanu; CanalPaakel Lises lb
New Castle and Greenville, Pa-; Enc KxlcnsioaLice
to vlleadville and Erie. NeiL .Moore.ft Lo'b Line* of
Stage CoacheatoT Cleveland and WoostcrJ leave Bea
ver' daily on the arrival of steamboat Beaver ftom.
Pmlhsrgh. Apply to "• I •-
1. <i Al HARTON A Co; rtiuborgh ;
. apU CLARKK A Co. Beaver 1
K N PARKS & Co, Cleveland, O. 1 1
It G PARKSt Beaver, Pa, }:W
AV* T fiIATIIER, Pittsburgh,Pn. )l-
TIIE al»ve Line i* now fully prepared j
Freight and Passenger* ffomPituburgl
laud, to any point art the Pennsylvania A U(
Tim facilities of «aid Line arc not equalled by any on
-:tid I'auals, In number* and capacity of (tottisr’expe
rience of Captains, and of Ageptsj&c. •
. One. Boat leaves Putiburgli and Cleveland daily, run
ii'ng'in connection with the Steamers. I •. - •
- Michigan nntl Lake Krte, between Piusbarglr and
U< avrr; mid a tune of first class Steamhobta/ Projwl
irr«. Brigs and tH-iiooncrs, on Lakrs KrteJ Huron, ML
ciiiean and Ontario • 1 ' ■
Property forwarded toon? part of the Union with
despatch. KN PAHKJ- A Co, CleretaMd/AgU;
KF.FJ). PAKKrf ACo, Jteiver, Agt* :
W T MATHKK. FUtsborgb. Agt , |
•p‘JI _ Cor Water end Fmlthfi|ld street* }
■ TO •
1847. rnkma
PACKET Boats Swallow aud.Tclegnpc leave Bea
ver d.-iily. util o’clock F after uie arrival of the
nionitng Boat fiom Pilthhcrgb. ami arrive cl Warren in
time fur the Mail Line ot liliye*, vybich leivcimmiHli
aicly thereafior.aud nrrii* BtClsYelinda^do’clock, p.
Ihisnmte f« the most,c.vpeditiops aad [comfortable
one tn the LAkex. I '. •
- COTKS ALKTFINS-W-KLL, Warmi, l'ropr'* I
RKCDiPARKB A (fo, BeaVo t,'Afretils '
jdllN A CAUGHEY,comerWaierac.tfmiihJieldiu,
np/ily Opposite the Mothapdicla House, piusburcu ;
Foil. THE T.HIfISPORTAf lOS QT ]..' j
I'liUaUelphla, Bcitimoro, NaW York f
and Tin stoat. . . ! . . .1
H4l encouragement til's line lias received since
A itn commencement, has induced 4bo prop'rie
liiro to increase the stdcH by adding a najhberol fir;'
clara; boats; and instead ofgi ving rcccipjk os hereto
fore, an agents, we will give oar own ijcccipts lor
frcighlchippcd by this lme. i -ij
The boat? arc all portable, consequently freight
ia V'kcn the whole distance without, tri nanijwnent,
thereby preventing damage from (requd it handling,
on the route', and as each boat is «»wj ed by tbc*
Captain who runr. tlictn, which is a suH cient guar
antee that there will be no delay on IIW mute.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the will be forwarded KRKfci OF COM*
Ml SSI UN, for advancing and for war dii g, i ll
l>c chipped without delay at the lowe t rates of,
treiphi. , ;■
We respectfully solicit a share of p b!ic patro
(’anal Basis; Pittsburgh
«saco *
Broad Street, Philadelphia.:
1 Bowley'# Wharf,'Baltimore, i
Pittsburgh, Keh. PJ, ISI7, ,|| r
1846 A!s ? '
Tl) TIIK EAST BY 8A1.722Z<
Till* *ol)r*rit>er*V7ilL receipt for the deli rcryo t Pro Baltimore by tho tUoaoagahela Sihickvriucr
at ihe following pnrcs.— i.
A-hcs, Its eon, Butirr, Lead, Lard, Pc k, Tallow,
Whiskey, ;,sr£GlasR —S7| cis perUlOlbs;"e.*.Ke«sp, Flai and Wheat—94 eu per 100 Ibfc.
A«kc3. (Pat) Apple*.Cheese, ITax-Sced Glass,' utl
Leather— lOGels prrlW Ibr,
Oil*. Seeds, Wool— (10 cts per lbs.
Beeswax, Feathers, Fun, Ginseng, pad tuiahc-ltpot
—lVOcispcrlWlbs. • ! •,
All property consigned torither of the xndersigneti
will l>c forwarded without delay, free of Jostmisaioh,
at above rates,'' W H CLARK, Brownsville.
, f • , - ■
] DK. BWAYJVE’S ; ~ .
euro lor coughs, co I*, asthma,
'liver r&T>|ilainl, spitting biuixl, pains itbc»iiie
or breast,ncrvouarJcioiity.-Uhoopfr icough
1-rnVrn ennititutiim, COriJjUJll** i
HON «T vi.y ..irr;.rof.l thc litf *..r . :
tro.U. Lcaxicrare you tulfc eg
' with a cold or disease of lb i
lung*, try ibis remedy,
you will not per.
h.ips regret iL
It wHi amst all Uiosc disagrecable symptoms which
strike uucli terror to the nned, da proluOg ytrnr davs.
Beware nf all preparation* purpnitioj* io contain
Winl (.'berry,etcept that bearing the «i ;naturc©rDr
II on tho (tult'itlo wrapperol each bolUo,
xh they arc quite likclyjdt-vtituL. ol Uk article Irens
which they borrow a name.' ; ,
Krtui tchai U han don*!]
Would perhaps bo a small estimate ful the ravages
o! tin* drcatilal-diteave in a single-year; then add
the tearful cataloguized those cal off Ly inllama*
ti»n ol the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Astiima, Coughs
lutiuenzi. Broiicliitla.anil other direarcs ol th*e
Luo;* ru'd Liver. j j • j
Ai <1 tire l‘>t-woul<l present an iippallrog proof oj the
utility ol the**- two rtaart-s ol diseatiljj. But it lb
important t<> know that nearly ail o 1 *■ this dread
w.i-ir liuniui 1,/n ought have lw: u prevented
b> .i tuaely u*e of Dr. StVAV-NK’S l OMPOUND
'l'fir-s im-itiriiic l.j* now been belt re (he public
•.♦mm right scars, and i« the ; original preparation
Iroiu the Wild (.'herry Tree It* rep illation as h
remrdviur Coughs, Colds, BrunchlUiJ amt' Con*
i uu.ji tuin ol the l.ung* entirely truin'its -ii*
itm-ir incuts, owes but little t° tnil.Hr .p newspaper
trull :. ’(Vvo who give it.e trial, beirg hcneOtlnl
b> if', recommend U to thrir; neighbjint. uml UlUh
gr/.oiuliy Mol «u(ely Lab it gained on ciiviabN tetiu
i ittiin ami vroikml its way into general u-n. One
never fail* to earn a rerent conga or. nuld,
will!,' with strict oUeulmn In thedirccli ms that ac'-,
company eu h liotllr.tts' use m puimoua ydifiasri
of huijr standing and of tho.must ulattnlng ebarac*
ter. has always gtvon relief, and in] very many
in»t:»ners has cflccted complete anil penrvanenl
rurra. I I ’*• * J:
Dr. S N'.l V.V£T J? CcDbrattti ‘ Com t h und Syr*
tip»f Wild. Cherry.
Head ilie most remarkable cure or ‘pnsumptioa
ever pi. ccd upoa rccvii— |
Hr Swayne—DearSin I fee)
line to )uu —anil a dutytn UitolDiclcii generally to
idler my humble icstinvony m lairoj til rour\.*o®»_
pound hjruji el Wild Cherry. Some three yeati.
Mnei:. 1 «a violently attacked with cold and iiifla*-
lanuiiui!' the lungs, which was accompanied villi
a very distressing cough, pain in the breast andhead
—a very considerable discharge of offensive mucus
from the lungs, especially upon changcaorwealber
however slight. At It rat I fell no alar n■about my
condition, but was pretty sooncenvinc?d that 1-was
tapully going into consumption. I grer dally Weak*
or, and nl lungth was to walfcabobidf
e(ieik above a whisper, snob -was 1 10 exceeding
weakncsi td tr.y lungs, Dunug this lie e I had tried
r.mous preparations and prescriptions, no
reiioi—growing aJI tho tine worse.. Ju ;t here I was"
adviscu and puraunded by a dear friend in Wilming*
ton to make a trial.of your Syrup of Wild Cheriy,
I must tunica* that previously,l hailbt cn pfojttiijc
nl against paicatmedicines, aml l ain vtiil against
iboso coming* out of the hands of irapirics; but
understanding your claims to .the profession'and
pracucc ol medicino, and having implicile faith in.
tho saying uP my-friends, 1 forthwith parchued oi
Dr Shaw, ode of youV agents, a feW| buttles aud
commenced its use. My disease at ibis time was
nl twenty orlwcnty live months’ tUu ling, cansp
qucntly was deeply seated. I found,h iwercr, cun- ;
sidcrsble relief from the lint lour or live bottles.—
llut bang’s public speaker 1 frequent! < attempted
to preach with my increasing strength and ibertby
ruptured thbac vessels tnat had already began to
bealj in this way. doubtless, my euro was .greatly,
retarded.' Incousequcncc of acting thus impru
dently 1 hadliruic I* or I & bottles teforc I was
perfectly restored. I have no queati m, a much
smaller number of bottles would have
sound, but for the abuse indiscretion. The Syrup
allayed (be luvcriah habit, did away thediatremieg
cough, put a! stop to lire dUchargo ofj matter from
the lungs,-and gave them and tbcentiresyaiea good
health. 1 luvo delcrrod offering this chrltficale-IUI
now, for the purpose ol being perfectly salisi&d
with the permanency of the cure, ant now that 1
led ncrlccUylweH, I oiler it with pleasure. ''■ ’
REV. 3. jl, JORDAN;
Dublin county, W. L. j
Avpid nil spurious preparations of. Wild Cherry,
ruch ao Balsams, Bitters, Syrups of Wild Cherry,
Brils purporting to contain Wild Cherry, dec, Acy
as they arc all lictit.ious and counterfoil anderfhuun
none of the virtues of'd genuine pre
paration aa prepared by Dr. Swayue, And Ute first
ever prepared jin thia country., UocthrSwayne’i
Compound Syrupof WILD CjIKKUY liscnmimsofi
iff vegetable Ingredients,the Wild Cherry, andoth
er titcdical substances-cqally os olTicacidus, if not
inure so; the wholo arc so ciloctually concentrated'
ax-fo render it hcyond all doubt the rabst pleasant/
strengthening, and cffcclual reinqdy cv J er 'discosci'-
od lor the cure of Pulmonary consumption, and all
diicasesof tho Lungs andßrrast.'l'fhe very lacL
Iroin its having such a train nl spqriout'imitalore 7
stands In prove its great 'curative properties.
Therclore, invalids, inquire for the original prrtMt
ration, each hotUft’of which is enveloped i'na beau ;
tiful wrapper, with a likeness or William Penn
. graved thereon; alio bearing the signslure-of-DrH j
tSn&ynq, tho-countcrl'citing of which will bo pun'
ished nsTorgery.i . •
Prepared qnly by Dr.!!. Swath*,*Nfw corner
or Eighth and Rack Streets, Philadelphia, v
Kpr sale in Piltuburgh whdfesaie and retail L» ‘ if
WM. TKORR;63 Market street, !" i • y ;
OGDKN vVbNOWDKN, corner -ndSt.'Woo«f*i» - :
it. a. FAiINKs-fui.K
Wood hud ail nod Wood strcotii ' - ■ . on ;
S. HOiVKS,' 130 Iriberty street: 1
JOHN. MU CIIEU., Allegheny city"
Awl bjiall rcpcctililc'Druggi.l.- aw l U
Mcd.cmc, Um^hNlth«
- ' NU:™R*,Mteitny.CL I
Mr, n. K. Be lerJ:-.My ren tfl*momh»'o’d ' ’
re-dcMM lu'Abl, and hsvfng much fcvS t
eluded he had worm*; and bariuv Aeard.‘i '
ahout your Ueu*!,* a viauJu U
iw»*l,3Ui wwdj aafi D t ig-ftqy. 4iio- ;
" fy-j- ■
ill? 1)1 GAL
DR. SHERMAN hi* ducoecrtd a way to make nwdirise
l |>lc4>ani,'io that children will Uk H readily and cry lor
more. See that his/ncrisrifr u arvuad each bus of Lul«a
gee, a Pot ofTouth hate aa the tack vTcack Plarter, and in
sect) Hill of Directions.
*!•«** Uarngusrt the safest, mat sure ami effectual rem
edy fin-coughs, colds,consumptions, Mhoepsuf'eoaglu,'%Mli
nijtightuo, of IbeHunyscr chcst,cto,eto. rhe |rrT>(>rki..r •
ha»:p«»er known ait instance where they did out gut
saiwUcUun. Seicral thousand: hue* hare bern told w.U*ia>
lhe'l*st year, restoring to health persons in afAo»t ersrysUg* ’
oi'6uumupUud,and uioac laboring under (he iu<»tdhire«»i,>g
eulai andcoughs. | They do not cheek and dre up Hiccough,
bidj Fender it stay, jarocjclt repectofatiou,alitt)- tbe tiehluig or. •
irritaton/aud remurc the jiroiitnMc or esritiug cau>c.
They are tnade from fe combination of a most valuablcctpwc ■
b-rwLoce*ijh raedieiues, and are undoubtedly superior to
etrre thing th the wr those Hundreds upon bud
■ dreda of certificate* hate been offered of their wumltrtuluf
lueiij from those wlm hare Uessared from ah untimeli' rate, . \
and restored to perfect health byrainriliros. ; ’’
>Vhert' there ti ancfi juin in the breast or side,cue of Slier
natiVToor Man • Pfcoten (price oaly Llj cent*,) should be '
user tire part, and worn tißreliesed. if sure*tod
with costume**,u few cathartic or laaaliec lotrages, w a’a i t
mild cathartic medicine, should be used a* uceuina requires' '
• These worm Wmgc, hat* been prured in uai e 1 >
000 cares to U inElhbk; tl.e only certain worm ihsitoyu*
medicine eserduniseruT. Many diseases arise* lions woriu* /
and .occasion longiaiid intense susi-ring, and citn death wiih' -
oul lhcir ever heu.p tuu.cled; grown ,«nnos are wry often' ‘
afflicted with tuurarc doctored fur tarious comidaiul*
.withoutany bcotut; whsa w dose of these Lu«eai*»wnliM
Speedily'curt them. . .. . •
. Gwyttnntcj ir o imi i.-l'am* in the joints or limbs oflln - ’
aieejbnalh, pickji* at Ik.: towe.griuJi,,- of the letti, duri.u -.
sleep, and at m»«a paknc* about tlu liju with Uu*h»debe«k£
bleediugalthe no»c,a £ nawmc Knsatiantt the stomach, o v h
rs «.rbtato»<r lUsurfflce o«i),e body, U.glil chills ..r.Wir' 1 ?
• rings,-headache, drownness, t„rpur, di>turbed • •:
dreams, sodden starting in start., w ills frigid uw> rtrrumit, ' *
■ someunies a troublesome
hiw’, fits, bad hole in the mouth, difficult bieaitum , iwio in >
the siomacli or bowels Citij'ie, u«ei, ujeareid.ijc*! tura 1 '
'«•*;**» .leanness, blunted. stnmaeh or iunli«. j
*hmiUusl-ms lu sartons jwrtsofUif b.«ly, a of *o n « t
thing r«u>* at the throat, itching offt.eanuy towards nithl,*
(ra|i>eut dtsire In |>asft«.<ißeUiing h<«i K tlit buwtls aadi oM' 1
lime*discharges oi slime and mucus. ' •’
They gite uunnlute relief in nerrons or sick hta'Jachs
)<alf4utsuu ofUie heart, lowness of the. spirits, das rax ter CT •
mmunraatofy or (nttrid sore threat, bdwef or summer «om r i
pUiutf&intmg, oppression oraKOseof sinkicrof the chest ■
cho'ie, spasms cramp of ths stamKh or bowrbi hya&xwil ;'
allectioiu, and all' aereous diseasos, drowsiness threogh tha j
day; and wakehilntss through the night; clinlmvor Gioll r
era nxirbusy tlarrhccm, knilud« or a sense of Ltigue. ?tr ' <
soas traitUlupor attending (sirlirs will find tbs Ltsrs
gesm'ly retmng.and imiuriuv; thebuoyaoeyvf '■
- after dUsiuation, Uier'wilirettoee the loucofthe tyilrmraA '
crilly,'anu reetose all the unpleuanCbyniptoiiu amine troia 1
bM tree lieing. Persons who have, been too high liter*’, and .
abandoned Hit ir dissipated habits, will lind three Loccftres *dj l
miralle composccioi the nerru. - f
J, i’OGR .MAN’S .
• Tliebeststrengthcarngplysler in the world, asdnaiwmira -<
remedy for pains, or wrakneU in (be bae*, loin*, side, neti,
lirtb»,pufitJ, rheumatism, lumbago, he. tu.- (w million a
yearwillnotsttpplytbedeiaand.. Theyremiirtalktlrwam }
lughefiireappluation. Warranted superior toaUbtKere,nul ' •
fur me fjuarire th» ratal price, making not oily the best, bat
} h s* w l , « t ll aflbrdi rellif jnafcw
. botus. and nukes aitooisbioj «>,»»», i J ■
la liter compLunl tnd djspepiia, itslionld be woni ot«r
Diererioooftlieli»eror*loma£U,and it will aflimJ rreat '
-astonishing relict. In eanghs, cold*,.asthma, difflnilw «1 ;
of tke chest orrtomach, they will nn J
mediately sooth aml rreatly benefit the patient. Pmou X
sedentary liabits, or those obliged to stand much, will recelta
decided support from one or these truly strengthening flu - -
»r.- Physicians generally'recommend them, ia preference to'
they stick or adhtrebericr,and uCoid great
er .rebel, la | their operation, they are loai«,aml .
towm. They nre eompoeed of entirely didtrenl ingrtdi
from any other, and Known from the espericneeu mil
lions wtuLhare. used tliem, as wall as the enitadtestimanrhl i
all the eeltbrated and dirtiasaisbed tltigy sad physic an*, to •
be the most useful and highly medicated plastar
bercral penont hare called si the unrehoute to caps
,theirs(in<nsee>djthauki,attbcklmo<t2niracukuieiuTstl a* ’
pUsters iiara eJTected.
Directions frrcM'areoa the back of each plaster, vilh «,
fim simile of Dr. Sherman's name. It is important you sksufd
always #ik fo< Sbtrmas’s Toor Mwi’s PtuUr, and >r« tipi ‘
Jon ret the c*nuinr,aj there are many worthies imitations •' -
antri nhoul-nhil stdd f St the true Sbcrmau’s Pl&itm, be -
unprincipled dealers.
bold wboUmle and retail by W. JACKSON at hh Pktee: T
MHicine Warehouse. No. CJ. Liberty street; Sin of th 1
810 BOOT, - ; • • •’>_ _> jinll dly. •
| "I IIAVK FOUND IT.*’—Eureka.
.1 - i. Cinrinnoft'. 0., March UJ; lcH7.
, Dear Sir;-j-Thii is loeertify to the public, jarUeuiirlj to •"
.thes*i3]!etedjwrth'a discare of tbe Lungs, or Consumption
that in th« Spring of IW3I was aSacklsd with aaererecold
wkielisoon became seated upon.ay Imtgi, showing all lha'/
symptoms of an Consumption, kly’ cough wua
tight eadtroahtesloae, attendcd.with copious night swretj; '
•pitlup daily a considerable ijtantiiy of blood, mlird with .
hick dark matter. My situation scrioui'and alarrn-'
ing.[ -Duringi tliis time 1 was attended by two of our fiunt .
• skilful Physicians; they did the best they could lor me, when •
■at length they gase up al| hopes of
PCjthat nothing acre could be done ■ that my lungs were fa
tallyd i leased,-and beyoed remedy. ’ I seas then persuaded by T
a friend of mine to make a trial of Dr. Ihttuan,'slZrpttio-*‘.
rn«J liantdf, whids my PhyueiatiSpersiiUd agiuut,saying
lhis medidiK would do no good, and tthnld still .add
• more to shj suffering: 1 told them it was my last and only '
•»<! tkat if J must die of the disease, (whiek was <i> {
dcnjto m»,) there would be nothing lost. So I sent lo th* •.
Cincinnati Office and obuioed SUivllksof this truly Valua
ble: Medicine, and'commeiiredtuiog arcording to the diree >.
liuui, which, initead of adding to my tufferiug, immediately
®*. KI poee arreiUpg' tbe'frooblesciae' dong •'
ehsing the pain and tightness ia my g>»iug me a new '
li(s bud strenglb, Wbkh suoo tosblcd me to be about again*
This medicine eoutinoed its good work, which it so nobly
coimnened, until I was made asouadman. I hatciincebeen -f
attending to my busiaess, (apwardsof 3 years) and fed at.
hckllliy u I wish, ] hare recommended Dr. Dnnean’a K f r
and it has always yaoTud successful so Cir a* I bare witnesred
iueffrrls. My siuer is using Urn medicine at present, frr.a. ..
Übtwnt Lmr jriJ e,i tit Lusigs, whkl» she' - 1
suffered with £>r soon time; she has nearly retutend
by the u*enf this medicine,-and lam cbnfidebt the C bottles ••
l ,ul * take with ate to-dsy wiUeuttrelycure her. law sorry
£ ° koow lhit are tlimisaodi uf ralnabte prrsnns'wsstiLg
way with ibis dreadful .de.reoyir—CONsltiMPTUiN.— :
*1 only '(susible for Ihiee to procure this mrdicilir ra* \
lime, before it be 100 lale, many lires might l»e prph«grd arid
their Cuuilies and relation* again rendered 'Lij*py? j TThia
m«dici:K will give instant relief, and at ths same time ai res
.the hard Wjd i-iiafnlCoogb, remote the tightness inthr Cilia, f
- gi»e streugih to the cufcrldrd eud emaeialed frame, atid ia 1 ■■
most caws,'t amrertain, will perform a perfreteutr.' •' ‘ -
) Monlgomrnr',llaruilion County,Oliio.' ' *.
•. N. U.— I Thaw whomay not l*e arijuuiulrd with i»e Irefcr'
to. the usJtmjntil, ntuuo «f Muntgomery, Hamilton eoua--
If, fl.,ttiry willatjany time sohstuitistrthrabore sutrmcots, .'
! Nowtaa llßowxKfcL, •
• .„. • '' --CAwJ.SKnsinr.'f’
street, where Uiis Taluab>e Medieioe can alyrays bu obtained. ,
ijold in I’iiistiurgh, liy \VM. JACKSON,>orm*r of .
Woo-i and 101-ertt sis - ' aprM^ltm
X'iiuir Crcsm, -a maithle** uVtielc. for the UiotVlb,’ '
Beamy and Rrswraiion of die Hair. This Creaui, when
once known! wilt fopersede all otlier'oruclrsof ihc j'
kind now used. Where thelmir i« dead, harsh,ihiß.un- .
heahhy or turning Rrcyf a leiv applications will innte •
die hair soli and dark; and *ive it a beautiful hvelr
Bp|t«aracce; and will also make urr-um its livrliuesV - '
and healthy colop twice as tung asjjll the prepannionn
.'which are generally used. Every lady iunj grmlemaai
who arc in the habit of.iiKingoiU on their <-
atoiice pnrrbasria botilc of iheChjnew.,as : ‘
it is so composed ihai it will not in/aie the hair like the. '
oiher prcparatioii*. but wilt beautny it, and give perfect" -.
.soiisfuelion in-cvery in«iance.
• Poi tesumony io iu very .superior quitlilics, sen the
following h-Ucr from Brv. Mr. Caldwell, io Messrs .
HcitdcrshoH ii tftu-icb, ,Va.«hvillc, General Agents fo*-•
the Western Stale*:
J.cttcr from the Rev. It. Caldwell, pastor of the Piti .
bytcn&nChhreb, Puluki.
>Jc.«Brs. HcnJcrrhoft & tftretchr-Centlcntrrc l a
pleariireia adding my testimony in favor of the t' c ;• >
irm preparation tailed Ui. I*arii?h’* Chinese l • M
Cream—lornlxtul two year* ego my hair was veryl
bmily, and disrated to come out: hut having procure
a bottle of the cream, arui used it according Uvfthe pre
•ccption, my hair in- now. soft; clamtc and Dfin to the :
vine my hair m a worse Mateihnn before. Tlii» Cream i
however, boj met my RXjwetaiiens.
A* an article fdr the Toilet; my wife gives it niefer*- ;
cnee over ollothirs, beingrielicately perfumed, o«d uM '
(litposed to rancidity; The ladies eap» cially will find
the Chnicso Crtam to |» c a desideratum m taeirpreps-/,
ration* forthe to ieu Respectfully.’ &c.‘ • -•
wbolewlc and retail, in Piuabuiglt by John
M. rownsend, Noii Market street, and Joel NuLVr ‘
cornet of Wood and t-'tfih'stg. ) n Htf -
. Cream de» Amanda Arneic’, aLarins •*
Cream a la Bom, lor ftliaving;
Almond/? Crcara, do; '- f
Superfina Porcnlafn «ind*i
* CP!tI P«tfaraetl rriUi lArcnder. Angle- •
terra AJtel; . | ,
• HeiiuKulpowder paffa, of.all pati-ni';
fixr'Si?? **'* e,, > captaining iragraniertrocia ,
: tor uw Mmikc-«tuef ja »ocni.bue,und toilet *«p»,;
able for prctnn' - - - ,
Je.riian, or Chinese poarder; - ’ *
■ ' *
edfo r * ol^lll oc y or common snappers, ( ;;
' Soap; Rn»e tJp «We; ' ' .*!
• " :
Pure pulin »oa|Kai bars ar.dcake*;'. - .
.Pttell.wjp; tkuls wan; locether w.A-a great Tariety' ’_
oraao perfumerj* ju»t irccifed; lot «*le t>v
nv ttt '' '! ' cnrCih A ttwl «t« i •„.*
I’UljpiaUKD Daily, TRI r WEKKLY> WEKKfcY j
At near tit Post Ojfte'el:,
' • UATESi OF .
.One insertion of, mines, ?r 1e55,..........
IVoin*f.rtloß**r[ft'oataUentioc»,.......... U 73
Three " |iw-
One Week ‘ IM>
. '2'.*>o l
Three « - 3 tt> .
OacMonth, ; “ • ......•••'‘l.O’!}
Tiro! «•’ «'*f GW;
lO* Longer advertisements iitaame projuirtiun*' • •
Owe square, 6 months; without alteration,...':
, I 1 |u• u-7 U .. 4. ..... I.r.m '
.blaeh a«Witiona«i square for 6 uionthtr****** JJJ
I 44 ! •14 , :» |IJ. , .41 ...... luW j
One |quarCjG mjontlis, renewable nt plr«»f*. '
Each additional square Tor 12 months..;.* ••• *' W jjj'j
Two aqitarcs, f. Wo»tt.s,'reVal.!c4t pleasure, W.
Kach’additinnhl'sqaarr,6 months,
: weekly. on triweekly. »a .»*».*£-
. “ ; •* each additional insertion,...*. **• bt
Kjve lines or lesv’ooe J«a» “ ■
„i , M i .< *jx months «... 000
;«*!;« : 4. one rear, daily *. weekly,- 10-0(1
if u <t ■ fgix month* “ • w ’ • LtP OU/ (
! A B »E>Ttsi-*7rT* I* w««t ■■*****£'j
for 5U li»e«, or M>,o«i uittrtiM, SJ W
|4 « * “ lf«, .
•' . « /«:. Three, “
.u • ,f .:;, ‘f• ■ Three m0nth*,........ {5 £o' :
i 44 44 '44- .Sis- - ‘*t>- ......,#-f» 00
■* J « Twelve T .*lO og, >
r7*Ail advertisements to be eJuried by \
and aldiscount of 15 perceui to Ad glvee where tin. 1
■mount of advertisinf c seeeila fitt dollar* per <7ear.; \
. ei»Dfi .
- ■ .W»WKtsHM»f»wlct
v-v-lv- •. --'■'•i/fV