MISCELLANEOUS, ALKIHAA WASTED—By s'wholesale Dry -jJ flood* Homo is FliiJadelpbis. One »cqo tinted with the western sad northern Pena's sad Ofci« trste weald ywtad s rood salary—for fsnhe r Pin«bn«ft t PrC *<*» ’ : SOAP AID CAHDLE9- - 2UO boxe* No.! I Cincinnati Soap; ~ 00 . . •*, . Afoold Candle*; . Landin? from North Carolina; tor *ale by. - * • • ; BAGALEY A SMITH, Jal ! Ko«. 13 A3O Wood ti. T)RODUCE—3O bap dried, peach**; X 07 keei Urd£- 10 bbt*.'. d« 0 *• roll hotter; Landi ni for Sale br A SMITH, jat * . ; - Noe. IB ASO Wood at. PEnPUMEBY-Ettrwu of Verbena. Pate boa ley, Violet. Jockey Clah, MiUifleor, Bouquet de Caroline, aod Wn»k, l*rp Perfume Bag*, from 25 ct*. to 91 2S each. Eoraaleby JOHN tfc MORGAN, jal { No. 03} Wood at. COLD CREAM. iA; Chios pota Beef Marrow, Bear’* Grea*c. and fine Lip Salve, in china poU,tor •ale by 1 JOHN D. MORGAN, . fr ill ~ 1 ' No. tO> Wood *L HOPfr— 1C bole* Ist sort western N Y Hops; rdo 2d “ { “ ■ “ • ( do Hi'“ {eastern - “ CarefaUy selected and of estra quality, in store and Ibr isle by ! TOINDEXTEB k. Co. j«ni ’ 41 water' TjtrTTER—3 bblt Irollj ~ ‘ lS 3kcrJfeceired thii dir snd for tal< br 1 j TAS3EY k BEST. BROOKS. —30 doz. good com brooms. •14 *• guilt baa'd . “ i u hearth “ r' 10 “ whisks “ r Foro*l] 18 P VO.V BONHOR3T * Co, EOLL BETTER—3O bbU prime Penn'a bartfi keg butter and. lard, idrr apples and peaebesi ■tore and for male by'j i Jk Rr LOYD. TIMOTHY . • j JA B FLOYI). PIO IRON—Aamall lot of Allegheny iron forult by [janlj j He FLOYP. C OTTOS—I33 bales Memphis cotton jnat received and for sale by ATWOOD, JONBB k Co. SUGAR— <3 hhds N oiuyar on hand and for sale by • : lATWOOP JONES k Co. "A-VAHA br» Havana snnr on . Ittad and for sale by lATWOOP JONEB k Co. TOBACCO-100 kegs No 1 six twisttobaceofor •ale by . ATWOOD JONES k Co. 'Tyfc A~BETS-3t ba« pea nuts for sale by J Janl JOKES k Co. /'lOLOGNß—Foreign and Domestic Coiogue Wa UfiSfoTsSeby T 1 JOHN D. MORGAN, Tgy r s i No. Ml Wood st. 1 AAA w OOD SACKS, for sale low by 1 jUUU mxlMAatf • • MURPtH k LEE. SUGAR— 100 bbdaprime N O sngai to arrive pr sir Norther* Light for sale by , O IUMHEN, deeWtdJt ___j &1 street FLOUR— 14 t>bl* exit*! family, Just ref'd by BD New England,farsaie by dcoS* Id MAH DICKEY A Co. PICA NUTS—BJ sacks pea note to arrive per sunr Cashier, for sale by taX ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. FEATHERS—v 7 ateks feathers to arrive par sunr Gennaatown, Tot sale by ■ deeS-i IaAIAII DIChF.Y k Co. ; MOLASSES BARRELS—2> prime on consign mrnt for sale oy , J D WILLIAMS, dee3u 110 v--eoi et_ SATTINRT— 7dpc«recM on consignment, and for sale by td<*3Jj C ARUUTHNOT.St wood st BAR’D FLANNEL—I ease rechl on consign ment and tor sale by ' C ARBUTtINOT. • . ' 64 wood st CANTON VLANKKL—Two babs heavy on btcashed—lon«— received and for rale by TJUACL'LETi'A WtllTK, decai f 9 wood at QAL SODA-4 casks English Bat Soda, Just receiv- O ed and fortateby ; dectg • ■ BRAUN k RXtTER. MCUIATIO ACli>— fi c»rboy»J«*l rscelred and frrt ale by ’ deeiP : BRAUN A REITER. Uctcea freih Corolla* rice in atoreud t»t **'•! bjf dter9. LOUI3 HUTCHINSON Co. SUGAR MOUHK MOLASSES—3I bbt*rt H motiM' e* received per atr Niatra and corraie by _ deeSD LOdld HUTCHINSON A Co. MACKKOEL-ZU bbli on hind andtbr»a'eby - ricr.-q , i TASSEV A BEST. PHACiI UttABDI-4 bbleforsale by „ dec3o WICK A M'CANDLESs. CRAB CIDER— Stpener doable rectified eider for tele by tJcc3»] WICK AfiPCANULESd. PULVERIZED BOQAR-ltl bblt Lerering’i for Mleb r IdecOT' WICK A ATCANULESa. riKOIUEO SUGAR—iObbULeverini** for vale Cf br [decO')) ' WICK fc M’OAWPLKSS Black plaid alpaccas—tiuck pm a’p«- cu of a Mkodid Qtuiiiy sad handtome pattern* ja»t received by ALEXANDER A DAY, df»Y9 73mar1temN W coro/lhcdiaewmd CASTOR 01L>jbbl«midpretted; (or'rale by dfc*o • i SCBQONM AKER ACO LARD OIL—B bbl* Winter tt rained, of the best qaalityj toissloby i SCHOONMAKKR AGO derO • t 4 wood u Alt—X> bbla m coed order ; for talc by ~ U drtO JBCHOONMaKRRACO NEATbFOOT OlL—Far file by dctO J &CHOONMAKKR A CO 13 blili laanci*» oilKor tale by U dcSO J tjCHOONMAKER AOO -G'LOUR—I23 bblt extra fomily floor, Jut received; r for vale by ORUM.MeGREW ACO del 6 ' j ; 6 Con Row, liberty at BLIND TOMUfISGS-Arenow ofiied tt re dated prieeaby PHEATON f delO - \- i 01 market« OATS—loban°sconaigntneni} far mlc by U BclS I Jl) WILLIAMS fLOI!A-1H bb’e choice bread*, landie* from star , New England; for sale by J DALZEIiL delS j water at L RATHER—*W» Iba Spanish Soto Leather: far dctS ‘ Mleb»l J DALZKI.L COFFBE— ttQ ban Rio, Jan recM; lor »*i* by delS i R ROBIFON ACO MACEEBRRX*— 00 bbU Large No A ree’d; for «ale delO . >y } ' B ROBISON ACO LEATHER— 100 sides sole LemherJaatree’d: far delS sale by ' RROHtgQNACO APPI«RS— 30 bbla green jail recM; far tale br delS i K ROBISON ACO rU9DLES-iU bz* Stearine Candles; far sale bv : JD WILLIAMS farimJeby , J - ly dels • ; BKOPISONACO TOBACCO— 40 hbdeKy. Leaf,wrapper*and Men famiabr deii i roi&VTH aco WHITE LEAD—lo3)'ken pm* inatoret fa aalebr dell ■ 7QR3YTIIA CO SUGAR— 10 bfad* sew erap NO, rretfred; far tale hr ATWOOD, JONES A CO dell ■ water A front att ken No l< a twin, rac'd: (br »ale by “dell ATWOOD JQNea A CO CWBte me—SiO baa prime, oo band; far wile by \V A B McCUTCHEON dell • . ..-101 liberty n SUGAR— 10 bhdiptime old N 0( for tale by d c || ; JNO SCO TT A CO PIG JlRTAla—WOtoaafar »*leby * FRIEND,RHP.Y ACO dell *7waicrst Tallow— y> u,b Kumfitnifityr. 4 JORDAN K SON ■ dd ’ J JORDAN A SON SOAP— 09 bit No 1 Cincinnati *»P; received this day; far tale by F g .^LERS delO ; 17 itertr at LARD-laO ken No I, landing :« twitt.Gedge braud, turn j QUKIBUOK-7 pc* newatylc.faney Ogaredaod KAIINB vn he** Smyrna Baiaint, rac'd per 8 w ,< l “ d Crop! atreett Piuabargh. { apidStf IHiPBAHCE AfIAHU'B rplffi Araenran Fire lururanee Company—Office, 1. A lusure Buildian, Ftinurarr, Merchandize, and prop- f ,lh / r ,n ,h ® ci *r or coantry, agaimt £*• or damage by fire, perpetually or for lioinerpcri* ods, ott favorable term*. DIRECTORS. Sanrari C Marion Adolphtu Perie* Georgr Abbot, Patrick Brnly, John Semui William Lynch Tbomu Alliboua t- Joha Welsh, Jr. John )T Lewi*. SAMUEL C MORTON. President ' Fpakcts D Jaxtuo, Secretary. Oidert for insurance by the abore Company will be received and ‘insurance* tfttitil by tbs undcniiiittl. Pituhorgii. GEO COCHRAN, _nOTl7«3m» 30 Wood it. TrcULHKXiIS FZBB ISBUBiVCB CO. itb Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of PhilodeN phiSt will moke Insurance, per manent and limited on every description of property. in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, oufavorable terras. This com* pany has a perpetual charter. Capital, . #lOO.OOO paid in. Contingent, Fund MXVOOO Office comer of third aud Market streets, Pittsb'gh.* apl lPtf WARRICK MARTIN, Agent •KOCERIES, &c. LEWIS BrTCHUON 4fc Co., No. 43 Water and 9* Front streets, Agents for the SL Louis Steam Sugar Refinery, hare in store — Ul bxa D R Large Loaf Bogar, 13 bbls No 2 small ** ISbzs Nod “ ** IQ bbls No 4 “ “ ,85 “ .5 “ “ tOl “ 6 “ “ e “ “ - S 3 • DR crashed 45 u ** powdered “ CO “ u *c' crushed a For sale at reduced prices. deslistf WISE B —2o qr cska. Roucao Fort Wine; lOqrcsksLM do: 6 “ Hunt do; ,0 u Trash do; SO “ S S Madeira do; .15 “ LM do; 10 “ ' Symington, do; . 5 u FayaL do; 10 “ Teuenffe, do; 10 “ Pale Sherry, do: & . u Golden do do; , 5 Drown do do; 10 u Lisbon do do; 15 * Dry Malaga do; 10 “ Gweet do do; For said in quantities'io suit, by p. c. MARTIN. _dc£2 . 1 cor. SmithSeld A From its. iIRRIH FH.UIT, he ■ ,0 bxs crop bunch Raisins. J. 1000 Messina Orangey 5 frails Dates; 5 eases Citron; 2 bbls shelled Almonds; 3 bbU Filberts; 10 bxs A No 1 Rock Candy; 50 bxs new scaled Herring; received per stmr. Consul; lor sale by LAMBERT A SHIPTOX, pt!s j 133 A 135 wood st i MABVFACTCRED TOBACCO— : 35 bxsCmbanaghss; 33 “ Chapman's ss; 20 u Ire's Ss; 25 u Russell A Robinson's ss; 20 u Bronche’a Is; 30 “ Dawson’s Is; on consignment aad for sale by . a. GORDON, dell Water sL ~\RTTGB—Gum Myrrh, Turkey; . J f do Gamboge; g do Opium, new crop; do Galbanum, strained; Ext Jalap; do' Dandelion; do Belladonna; Just received and for •Me by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., dc!3 cor Ist A Wood iu. j —lOOO gall* winter bleached Whale Oil; prime 5 bbls Tanners Oil; 5 u Crude do; in store; far sale by O. BLACKBURN A CO, nrg • • Water sl, near Cherry ay. FEITHE&S, Ac—3s seks Feathers; : G *cks Ginsenjr, . 4 acks Dry Apples; 1 fcor do i acfc Beeswax; to axrive; for tale by dc 15‘, L DICKY A CO- FISH— 150bblslarge No3mackeral; 90 do do No* 1 AX; 40 W bbls do ?iOs 2 A 3; 05 bbls No 1 fibbed herring; £4 do Not Salmon: 15 casks large Codfish; . 100 boxes sealed and No t Herring; Receiving and for tale by LAMBERT 4 BHIPTON, dc3o 1334135 Wood st SILETIAB— We have just received ooa case assorted colored ailctias; u “ very light do do;- “ u black do; .Very heavy; u ** “ do; very fine; u u a>s*d col easbana; u “ black do; • which we will sell low to the trade. i SHACKLETT 4 WHITE, dc3o 00 Woods: MOSEL MUSCATEL bock wine, Ucnkell & Co's, exportation, for sale by the ease or bottle; at the wine store of . delfi JACOB WEAVER. TkTUTR—S bales Almonds: SX 10 bxs Shelled; , 3 bags Cream Npu;' Shags Pea Nats; for sale by ■ dclS J. D. WTLUAM.9 00Ub Cl( dw S> ° r the ee,ebraleJittt reeMatUO Liberty street, *«erc./:- indigo; I cask -MjeriorOladder, 15 gross Mason’s 'upetiof blacking; ' 10 boxi white stem piper; ■ 'lsbexs superior eboeolate; dcet< __ W4R MCUTCHKON. Sundries— e bbis isrd; 6 “ fresh roll batter; 0 “ dried peaches; 3 “ clover seed; Jjst ree'd and for sale by L 8 WATERMAN, au-7 . 31 water and 63 front sts SOAPS— lu loirs pare Palo; 5 “ White; 3 - Rose; £ ) a Shaving; for sale by 8. P. VONBONHORST4 Co, ja3 . : No. 33 Front st. PRODUCE— 85 kegs butter; SO bosh prime chestnuts; ) 6 seks ginseng; . 5 do oops; SO veoison hams; For sale by [dc3oj LAMBERT 4 SHIPTON. FRSBH FRUIT—SO drums Smyrna figs; 9 bbls Zantee currants! 4 boxes Geneva ciuon; 91) do MB Raisins; Forsale by J. D. WILLIAMS, ‘i4c39 - HO Wood st SUNDRIES —6 bbls Fresh 801 l Bauer; 11 bbls Cloversecd; SO seks Peaches;. 1 bale Hops 2 kegs Laid; received per atmr Beaver for sale by L 8. WATERMAN, . dcL5 ’■ 31 Water 402 Front su. SUGAR— 4 fahUs prime New Orleans; '• . .• 2 bbls D R crashed; . IQ do assorted soap; For sale by jTd. .WILIJAMS, dfffi j 110 Wood st Molasses— io btu n. o. prime; 8 ( do Sugar House; •a 'do Phua.steam syrup; For sale Gy. J. D. WILLIAMS, ' ‘4*"*' n -• ' llffwoodst. TmNT»W/apkS&~2oo bX*. 8x10; ” " i' 00 u Joxl4; for sale by r S. F. VONBONNUORST4 Co, • jaa No. 35 Front st TTTHITK COUNTERPANES—Another case vY ofMteainboat Couuten>anes.Jost received from N. York, jand for sale by BHACKLEIT 4 WHTTE, de3o' HO Wood «t.' SUGAR— 30 bxs white Havana Bcgfir; - so bbls 811 Molasees; . . - 30 “ -Loef SogarjaWdNes from 4*to for sale by JOHN UMKR dc»» ... • • ' tax libctiysttree xpew MACON—3OO tiaras; ! Vt »»Mdest ,- „ „ 3t)o Shooldcrs: jast reeelvlog from Pmeka. Uoere; forsale by JJHRDAN4BON dcl3 ’ : . ' 18libcnyatoppositaemithfield BUTTER 4 LARD—dbbUFatwr; - ... . (9krgssndt bbl lard, landing from str.New Eotiand and fox sale by ’ •_ ’ JAMBS DALZfiLL, ’ awS : water st rKACHES-300 ba'ia More and for. J JORDAN 4 SON. ««*» is liberty si L4RD-U kegs leaf lard; 3 barrels lard rac'd by Caleb Cbpe and for sale by B4WUARBAUOII, deeM . 33 wood st VTUOKJBTS A TUBS—OO d« Beaver brektu; AJ. ■ ■ • 3 dd do' tab*, in sfora and for sale br . 1 LS WATERMAN Scß jiw««{aa4o*frwtM* COMMERCIAL RECORD. ALMANAC, ift4S • guu JANUARY, rises, ffcxninlaj’, 7 21 si Sunday, _ 721 3 Monday, - jgi 4 Tuesday, 7 yo 5 Wednesday, .7 19 0 Thursday, 7 19 7 Friday, ja 4 39 339 4 40 4 40 4 4* 4 41 4 43 3 2« 4 24 . 5 21 , 4 :*ets. 522 ; New Moo c 21: ]UoT(men(ioflh< To arrive ai New York. .. . 4UTKE. Union, Herbert, Nov. 21 Missouri, Mortin, Dec. 23 Philadn, Besson. Jan. 22 N York, Ferrami, Feb. 21 Ocean Steamer*. To soil from X. York. Union, Dee. 2: Missouri, Morun, Jan. 2 Philaii a* Besson. Feb. 21 N. York, Ferfond. Mar. 31 UVEXFOOL. UYCOKWI- . Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 1 Hibernia, Ryrie, Jan. 1 Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 29 socrOAXprox, Ac. Wash'll., Johnston Jan. 20 Hoictan,Crabtree, Mar. Is ' somuxrro*. Ac, :»» asb'iu Johnston,Der. 19 -Homan,Crnhtree, Mar. Id To arrive at lloston. To sail from Hystou. unntpooi nibemia, Hyrie, Dee. 4 CiUcdouia, Lott, . Dei;. 19 Britannia,Hamsou. Dec 10 Caledonia, LOtt, Jon. IS Office Pirrsßrncu Gazette, > Saturday Morning, January ISIS. J Tire Weatoeh, yesterday, was very pleasant tor out-door business; and the market presented some activity In the way of general sales to ihe trade. Floue.—Veiy; little is coming in ‘at present,, though the supplies, as yet, secni quite fulL The demand being principally for the supply ofabe home trade, we hear of no large transactions.- We note regular sales from store, by the dray load, sat $1,90(33 bbl; a shade less than the quotations nf last week. • ' ,Cor.vueal.—The supply in market' continues quite limited. Moderate sales occur from store at SQie bu. |Rvk Flock continues iu fair demand, with limit ed sales at $3,7&23,50 p bbl. BccrwuEAT Flock has declined a [shade, unil we now quote at $2 100 lb. v - GbaK—Receipts ore light, and the imarket still preseals its usual quietness. Wo givcj the tbllow ing as the ruling figures at present, with moderate sales: Wheat 95£rl00c; Rye 45c; Barley 45<250c; Corn 3S®IOc, and Oats at 27{330c v hu. ! Provisions—' The market continues 'quiet, regular sales at the following rates: Bacon, Hams. Sjfiyc; Sides, 71, and Shoulders ut C}<2'7c |> to.— , Killed Hogs, $3,5063,75 t> 100 l\ Lard is dull’ with moderate sales nt 72“Jc. Bullet continues in very good demand, with ready sale*)”: of Roll at 13611 c, und Ili6l2‘c p lb ibr keg. Cnncrc--We quote sales of 100 bx*. W. R n in lots, at Gl(3filc. Goshen is selling at '.1610° t> lb- Flatuses— Receipts continue light • Limited supplies are held, with moderate sales ai 3333f>c lb. Tar—Considerable, quantities arc arriving by river, and the article is now held at $565.50 1> bbl. Sehos— Sales of Clover at $3,75; of Timothy at 1,7562, and of Flaxseed at 90695 bu. Er.tnr—Green Apples ore still in .fair demand. Wc notice sales to a moderate extent at 1.2561.50 {> bbL Pried - Peaches are soiling at f.G5n I ,<>2o and Pried Apples G2c t> hu. Fi/JCR.-rWitliia' d day or two past the stocks of Flour in first hnndk, in this market have been mnde up, and showlthe-follnwing result: Stoekof Howard St. F10ur........55,000 Stock of City Mills, in Flour and Wheat. 13,500 Total Bbls G5,.500 These statements are said to be reliable, and are sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. If anr thiug, the stock of City Mills is over stated.— The inspections of the week .ending on Thurs day evening, comprise the following kinds and quantities: bbls. hlfbU*. Howard Street- City Mills Family Susquehanna.. .9240 00 .4092 215 . 920 00 . 00 00 c 14,25* 215 The following is the amount of Hour ami Meal inspected in the city of Baltimore during the year 1537, as made up from the wceklv returns of the inspectors published in the American: bbls. lilf bbls; •G1G.433 2*>7 .232.991 21,201 . 23.5b0 251 . 42.73. V 00 - Howard Street.. .City Mill« ... Family Susquehanna. 914,757 27,339 Besides GGCG bbls and 49 hlf bbl» Rye Flour, and 931 hhd-s 105512 bbls and 129$ lilt* do Coromeal; We annex ihe inspections of Flour for the Jasl .eight years: bbls. hlf bbls. total in bbl* • ISIO 701,115 31,000 779,91$ lsll 015010 31.710 C 25.9,71 1542 514-bOl • 20902 GoSJiTi 1513 5*7521 2G,115 500.131 . lb* 4 450.t75 20.052 499,501 \ ISIS 5AG32 2G.22G 570,7*5 1«G $31,155 • 31,322 $50,110 ISI7 945,7*7 27,339 . 959450 —{Balt American. Lots op tox Snuatni St. Maxt.—NVc learn, from Capt. Jones, of the Uoekaway. which amv-' etl yesterday rnormo? front Shreveport, that tin steamer Sl Mary,-.Capt SeoU, bound ferfllti* port, struck a sntur on, the 10th ia<., when about two miles below Grand Ecorc. and sunk in eight or ten feet of weter. Her cargo, consisting of ft or COO bales of cotton will be saved; lioat. probably, a to tal kw*. —(N. O. Btil.. 'Western Wslcrt. Rrmts and Weatuea—W’c have had no arri vals from the upper waters for some time jwuu.— Navigation in tliat direction is suspended. _ ' The steamer Boreas No. 3, arrived from New Orleans, between One and two o'clock this moru mg. She reports the Ohio river still rising at its mouth, and its batiks, inundated. There ore but four fret water on Carroll's bar. A gentleman, who came passenger on the Bo* re as No. 3, inform*.u* that the Mississippi is froxea aver from Cairo to Cape Girardeau, the ire being nearly a foot in thickness. At Cairo, on -Wednes day, the Ohio was still rising; hut ere this, probe' bly, it is receding. .The accumulation of ice in the Mississippi being caused mainly by back-water, there is reason to anticipate a breaking up, w> soon on the Ohio shall commence falling.—{St Lout* Union. Spirit of the Domestic Nsrkefs. New Oeixa.tn. Dec. 23.—Sale* of Cotton yester day, 2000 bales—prices rather easier and market quiet. Of Sugar, 500 hhd.v Fetr, 3jc. OfMolas-i ses, 1500 bblv—ruling rates .IblifflSjc. Of Flour,| 500 bbls Ohio ex ilatbont, at $5.50. and 220 Illinois on the Levee, at 5,50 for the Superfine, 4.75' for the Fine, and 4.12 for the Common; market quiet. Oi Wheat. 100 sks at 1,14. Of Common?. 100.1 >bts at 2.75. Of Corn, equal to 9000 sks, ;il COc. | St. I>ocis, Dec. 25.—Wc could not bear of a -cngle transaction iri produco la«-t cwning. 1 Though there was «oaie little enquiry far Flour, to fill CoaM orders. Holders of this article are. (inn ot $5,121 to 5,25. Wheat, could readily commrM 100 c— . receipts. Whiskey, Id Miin Belleville and lyi. bonon, at ld|®lSc.i Hogs, b.‘M) head ut Cattle Markets. Baltimore. Jan. I.—On Monday there were 430 head olfcrred at the scales, of whicii3lo were pur chased by butcliert. Prices ranged from 2.50 to 3,75 p 1 0\) lh on the hoof, equal to f>Jf7,2s net.— Hogs—Sales of live Hogs were made oariy 1,1 week at fiSif). Tivday wc quote at 5,121(25,371. Sales to Kalteni being at 5,121455,251 IMPORTS BY RIVER. JSojArifk—Per Cashier—ls bis cotton, CnMc velle !c co; *ll bg* feathers, 31 dq pyannlr, Butler 11 Bro; 4 sks leather.-*, M Allen A: co; 29 sks fea thers, 1 c*k : beeswax, 11 bbls, 2 hlf do lard, I bx, 2 ska sundries, Dickey & co; l hhdt ‘tobacco, A Gordon, 1 do do, McMahon: I do do, 1 bx samples, Wcyman; 53 sks feather*, Grier; U Csks. I «tovc, 12 pc* iron, Slioenlferger; 1 bU seed, J A: ll Floyd; 2 cakn scraps, Shocnberger; 2M2 hnm«, 415 should ers meat, MeGeary; 10t>3 pcs bulk pork. Gricr; 2 oyster bores, San borne. Aw Orltant —Per Togiioni—2 bxs tnd«e, Bir mingiiom; 117 bg* coflee, 4 do spice, 10 !d>ls log wood, 1 blf do nutmegs, 1 ceroon indigo, 3 bxs chocolate, Cunningham; 3 esks mdse, Fahnestock & co; 17 bids mdse, I carboy, 1 bx, 4 csks do, Kidd & co; 7 csks soda tish, Bid well; & do do, McCully !cc o; 3 kg* lead, Braun & Keiter; 10l bgs coffee, Dalxcil Sc co; C 3 l«r* coffee, Bmee dc co; U 0 do do, Leech dc Son; 1 bbl sugar, 4 1 do rice, 1 bx! raisins, Ibg coffee, ibU almonds, do loaf sugar,' Butler, 41 bbls mulas*es, 21 lihds sugar, 50 bxs raisins, 100 :bgs coflee, Burbridge, Wilson & l-o; 31 bblif riiulas ses, 7 hhds sugar, McGill dc BusUheld; 15 bbls mo lasses, 8 bluls sugar, 10 bids Dfultvw?*, 03 do mack erel, 2 csks raisins, I do mdse, King; 15 bbls mo : lasses, 8 hhds sugar. Painter Ic ar, 137liAgs coffee, 214iUllsh, 2 bxs tobacco, 2 csks mdse, I’bbl log 'wood, Lambert dc Shipton; S csks soda n»h; Young, Ihmsen dc Plunkett; 20csks irarytrs, Schoonmakcr; ,21 bps coffee, 90 bbl* mackerel, 199 bg* pepper, 50 bbbi rosin, 1 do mdse, Poimlexter dc. co; 100 bng* eoffec, Williams & Dilworth; 1 r-csk steel, Walling ford dc co; 9 roll*, 1 bx leather,'’Mackey- Cincinuali —Per Clipper No. 2—20 bg* feathers, Browne dc Culbertson; 1C pa, J Graham; 7 do do, Forsyth dc Duncan; 98 his cotton, Atwood, Jones A: co; 0 hhds sugar, 10 pds molasses, Bidwell; 2 pkgs drugs, Kidd dc cri; O' do do,; Whitmore dc Wolff; 3 do, W Fahneitock: 2 do, Cnmcron; 1 c«k soda ash. Bakewell, Pears dc cot 4 bxs honey, A Dravo; 43 bbls lard,/5 d<» gr apples, Daft. ; Leavef -Per Beaver—ls bids Inrd, 3dp butter, Waterman; SbhUrlovcrsced, 71 shoulders' 4 sides 22 hams mcal,*Chnrch Sc Cnrothens 8 Ud*, 4 kgs lard, 2 csk» bacon, Bogaley dc Smith; .23 bgß oats 0 bbls butter, fligs 'do, owner. ■' Canal-boBt Ashland—looo bu bran, 250 do oats, Applegate; S 3 bbls flour McCul- K-; 550 sks Isiekwheat flour, dif consignees; 30 sks dr apples, Dyer; 43 do ahovcl handles, Sourbcck. Soars, Ac.—The Genuine Hays' liniment is an srficle more in*tly celebrated as a cure for the than any or alt other*. It* cure* are almost in nomcriblo. Sold by WM. JACKSON, Aj^rrit^o^l^UI*- 1 *- — ~•' ; ITT* Don't, have yellow dark Teeth—they can be mAdr pearly white by one time, using a box of Jones’* Amber Tootli Paste. It hardens the nms, sweetens the :££%*«. poUßWUbWjrst Miimwlf PORT OP PITTSBURGH n ICI feet Water is chanselt—stand. ARRIVED, Lake Erie, Hemphill. Reaver. Beaver, Clark, Y^elUville. America, De Camp, Wheeling. Louis McLane Bennett. Rrmvnsvilh* Clipper N0.,2. Crooks. Cm. Cashier, McGuffick, Nashville. Consul. Dushane. Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wcllsnlle. * DEPARTED. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Beaver, Clark. Vcllsville. Michigan No 2. Uilsun, Beaver. Consul. Dushane, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brou-*vil!e. Caleb Cope. Moore, Beaver and Wellville. Silas Wright,'O'Neil New Orlenus. Germantown. Maclenn. St Loui«. BOATS LKAYMiC THIS DAY. CINCINNATI ’PACKET, 10 a. m. BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. m., and 3 o’clock, P. it. GLASGOW PACKET, 4 r. si. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, Sa. si v and p. si. W\OMING, New Orleans. TAGLIONI, New Orleans. STEAsniOAT Concert. — The crews of tin l stenm era along the wharfj some thirty in miml'cr, enjoy ed themselves quite merrily on Saturday night Mf in general concert of bell ringing. Wo were at a loss to know the cause of the general glee, and feeling that we, in our river-rcporting-cnpacity, had a right to inquire into its meaning; passed from one boat to another, tbr that pur]»o»e. und were told that it was their way of expressing joy at the opeuing of navigation. We were not aware of the existence of such a custom, and thought it us novel as it was bcautiluL The river whs then twelve feet in chan, ncl, and rising fast, nnd the large fields of floating ice which were whirling their way down the rapid current, told as they went of the reopening of the rivers. ARRIVAI-S AND DKPAHTUIIi: OF MAILS. ' Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, duo .7 a. >r.. c!o*e< 12 >L Wcofa Mail. Ciucin. A I.oui*v'.'!uc 10.1. u„ c ln»r*!)«. s> line ami Wrsturn New York, duo « r. u , cloici H a. n' passlngf.r aheangemexts for im-. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily n-r Cmcimimi. 11l A M. Pa*«eitgcr Pocket via Brown-wd*-- 10 Italumorc and Phiiud-'lplua. - a. y. ati.l G r. m. Mail Conch lane direct to Phil.idrlphia, U a. st. and J2J r. m We«icnt and tjouibcrn Mttil Conch Lino. G a. M. Xorth-WeMern via Cleveland, daily. IH a. >1 Uric and Western New York, doily, 9 a. M. Ni>rlb-Lu«tcni toilodrlphin. doily, except Siunlayi, 4. a. M. mTscellaneoi¥. ~~ AGENCY POtt PATENTS, ZEXAS t:. ROItHIXS. Mechanical Mncnn-rr nnd Agent fur prociiriiu Pim-'its. will prepure tu- - rw ee-sarj- Drawings and Paper* im AppliciHii-.i'-.r I'm em«. ,v:d tmnnurl nil other lnisi>te>. -h the hue ». lii -00 oil ijue..[iuu* reiam.g to the Poimi l.;i\v, tons m the I'iuied State* or Lnrope 111 a lance desirous n.-t<> Hon. Fdmund lturke, C-uimiiM-ioncr ol i'uieut*; Hou II I. Lllswonh, I itr do do H Knowle*. Machinist. Pnienl OtTice; Judge Cranch. Washing'oit. 1) C. ilou. RChoatu. Mnssachuxeti*. L' S S-‘iiair, Hon. W Allen. Ohio. Hon. J it Bowlin, M C, .MUsoun; lion. Willis Halt. New York, Hou. Robert Smith, M C. IlJumis; Hon. S 111--cce. L' S Senate; Hon J I! Uclfe. .M C Mi**oan. Copt. H M Shneve. Ml**oun; Lra-tu» lln-ok*. 17mj., I‘iitrburgh. innvl4 IMPORTANT TO BACON DEALERS. ' JORDAN A SONi «lci«|ers in Bae.m and f) . manufacturers of Oil, und G> nernl ir.iiun)-- sion Merchants, is l.ii-crty street. opf«>»i’e Suinhli-1.1 Pittsburgh. l*a. I’articulur atieutiou (-out to the .alt- <1 Uacon. J. J AS. have made arrangement* ns heretofore, liir tmokliu; and parking bulk ni-uu mul the pre».-„i »en*oti, an-l tlicir long ex|-rn-'ue- - in tin, bus-inen. civ- « them n**nrnnrr of givin;.' iansUction to Uu>»' .•uiru.i -1117. such business to llietr « are. ‘lliere arc advantage* to clrnred from *mokin,r rn«ol iu l’tiuburgh. with which all may not be aL-yusui ted. It may be shipped loose fMtu any point below with out injury, and alter having ten smoked here, can 1-- forwarded to the en*trrn eitie*. enter by vvairon ».r by canal, without transhipment, where 11 almost invariably arrives in tine condition, find geueralli euuuuauds the hijhe«t market prices. Ity this arrangement there i* a saving of ra*ks and freight on the same, which ore unavoidable ex[>ci>«e» where Huron intruded fur eastern i.'iarkru is smokeil at point* Iretuw. noi takuir mio second flic fact ihaf if arrive* in much t-ciicr ordrr than when pit-rked >n casks. It will nUo be l-onic 111 mmd that Fiti*liurgh,ia one 01* the best poiuts m the Luton for »c!img Bacon. uru£».n Jninc* C Hall A Co. j J f L'Minp.—ll. ,< 'illlll.OtJu' It U ITiirltiXi A C» Nrw AH any. Lit Tcatdiiie & Malo::r. «i. Lmi*, Mo PROCLAMATION. City of Plttebargh, es. IN accordance with ibc pruvuuon of an Act of the fien'TSi A«*eiabty of tl«e Stsie of IVnmvtvama. pn> vidinxfortbe iitcorporation of the Cur of and of the soppleiftemi to csiUAct, 1. Gahnet Adam., Mayor'of raid City, lin n*uc Ihi*. my i’rwtnmatioii, itc cUrinf that on the S*t‘nd Tundtij of Jamtury. A If belli* the elcvi-nUi «tay of lh«( month, “ihc Urr. men of each waid of «anl Ot),'" qnalifird to »■City ot Pittsburgh, this ai«t oa> of P,«em-1 s *iher. A. D ls 4? i janlnc tiAlintlU, ADAMS. Msynr CO-PARTNERSHIP. A THE suWcnietrs h U vi„ c receutlf mtrrrd into pjj| - psrtneridiip under the name of GtUlirfhr.r. 4 .Miller. Ivr the pufi>o«- of carrym* oi» the Itelt. llrast potißaiitg »ttd (.»» I'tiiiug l*tisin*t» tit all its brsiu-hes, b»Te tuk«ni me stß.ul .‘.jrnteriy 0.-eu. pied by IL (Jallaffhcr. No 10U Front slice' between Wood aud Sirnttibeh! sts., where they are j.ftpatei! •<> execute nil order* lor Hells. Brass Casiiuut, of . vry desctiptiutt. und (ins Fttiings with neatness and .lo*-l patch- S>t>-uuil/w4i jobbuig promptly nttrndcd to. I . H. (iALLAfiIIEIL 1 S. A LOV., P. 11. MII.LEK. t, N. R—The attention of Machinists and Uiifineer- i-> invited to our anti-att/ition metal, tor a n-dut eji |Tirr.| which has been pronounmi superior to Habltf* by I Dumbers who have used both. Stcamlmot i»ililder» and: the public, Rcncrally, are also requeued in cull and ex-j amiuc our superior double bctt«i> Force I'uctps tor klFontbont anddottieine os.--. GALLAGHER U>N(., A MILI-F.R. decl'dly. DISSOLUTION— 'Die rortnership htihrpn in* under the style mid urm yf Wighltuan A Ihtl . fell, ts this dov -'issolved tiy mtituni consent, .lolm Ik,t zell li'iieing of lit* entire tttterr.: to H Wtslit-; man, The burtners yf the lute firm will br •••itli-d bv • H. Wirhtman. who is amhoruetl to »ts- ilo: I'ntnr ot the j inti-fir - r (but purpose t| \»’I(,HTMAN. I fpt£ltu.~w ' (july t ‘I7J J ! L \I.ZKM. ’ \ THE Subscriher is now prepared to mauufnrtare at! kinds of Comm and \Vo»»leu Mnchinery. at the rhoite.t; notidt. left aril Wtjrhtnnsn'* tjnji u. >hnp.cor nef Liberty aitd Water slreets, v. til m.-et \» tth pioinpi attention. >l. UItiiUMAN, IxflcoV if., between I’cdcrol and Nn-nutsky >-ti spl'AJdly Allrirnniy city ENGRAVING ' ' or irut axscstmu* kxxcl-tcp is a it rtamni M4**EK, IST : 31. L.K AN 8 . Sun Buildings, N. II Corner of Thin! and Dock Siu-i ts., (up,stairs) I’hilndc'phi*. : WHERE can nlwoy* be had nt short i-ottce—Ms so.vu; MsXa Mroaut, of all kinds; Itrnss and IN*- led Ddy«noutihcscß son at New Vork prices. (J \V. SMITH l< '.'o.. octlSJOm Pittsburgh Brewery. . a tVPE FOUNDRY, Ui (told, corner of Ann «k. New York. The »ot>»enl*-r is jirrpnred to furnisli hand east Type and Primer’s .Materials of all kinds, m short notice, mid on reasonable irnns. Proprietor* of newspapers, who have not adrertuml for the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three munlits will be entitled t« ?e<-«ivc tbejr pay in type, cm purcliasittg fire times the urnouiit of their bills for ud veriislug. OhlType taken in exchange for new at P ets per lb. noveif UGUUtT TN Yi-08. tentfoUy inlorni Iris friend* and the etii/cu* of Pittsburgh o" J Allegheny that he-ha* decided to remain’ in the city during the winter, and is prepared to treat patients placing themselves under bis cure, according., Ut the system as practised *1 all Water Eure Establish ments, for cither Acute or Chronic di*ctn*c*. Those wishing r. ,M. ha* irrtlfcd several-severe cases of diseosn in this city with great success, to which he is permitted to 'refer. ; ■ novStf CAUTION TO TIIE N. York aud Philadelphia Peakin Tea Co. having under stood that certain persons in Pittsburgh were clniminr the exclusive right to sell their Teds in thnt city', would •lata thnt they have aiipnduned some time siticr, the exclusive agency system, and that nelher Mr. Javnes, Douglass A Co., nor any other concern Itos o right to claim any exclutive privileges with their teas. Tb» geueral Agent of tho CompnnyfMr. J. R. Stock dale, i* now at McSlaiter’*, l-higlc Hotel; Liberty *t, Pittsburgh, ready to receive orders. All Teas sold by thi* Compony, are warranted equal to itny sold in the Uniird States, and no payment required Until buyers are entirely satisfied ns to the fact Principal Warehouse of the Cotn'pnuy, No. 33 North Front street, Philadelphia. • . BQvUdSfowto 1 WCAMONT 4 BOND. BOOKS, IMUSIO,. fee. NEW BOOKS. THK Convict, or the Hypocrite Uumoaked; by O. P. K. JnrnßA, !; • Jock A»«ore; by E Howanl, author of Ratlin the ue.-icr. The Star of the Fallen; by Curtis, author of Black' . Plumed Eiiieturn. . The Magic Figure Head, or the Lady of Green and Blue; by Charley Carey, of the U. $. N. • 77ir Bandit's Bride, or the Maid ofSaxonytby Louisa St-Iney. ,• ■ : J-Jaidiupr. uuthor of-Striking Likenesses,'* Ac. ’ l*rnma l.ynmore, ur.d Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge; by Miss Lcslic.- liondon Quarterly Review. , Union Magurinn tbr December. IjCc of Jwb.-pli T Hare—a large supply. The Maiitt-uvering Mother, hr tiicrauthor of ‘History of a Finh.' - ' 77ie \k tliulncss of Woman, by the same. The. Old Commodore; by E Howard. Jennene Allison nr tlie-Ycumg Strawberry Girl a tale of Sea und Shore; by Ingraham. Knum. or Daylight, a.prize tale; by JS Robb. Sir Rowland Ashton. 2 vol; by Lady C Long.- The Splendor* of Yttrsuilles,:aiid the Coua of Louis the XIV. j Flowers Personified. Nos,!»and HI. Rural Ccineierics of America, parti). • 41 ngnzincs, Newspapers, clc. / : J Itondou I’unch and Fictnrial Times, per last reamers.' Brother Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier, and Yan kee Doodle Pictorials. For sale by j '' . WM S CAI.DWEI.L 3d st. opposite the_Post^Otfiee._ YEARLY READY FOR PUBLICATION it by J. A. A U. I*. JAjniS, Cincitmnu, tile following new and valuable Works— 1. •; Doniphan's Expedition—Coniainir g a sketch of the life ot Cob A. W. Duniphaii;' the fonbuest of New Mexico:GeniJit aniry's Ovcrland E pedtuon to Cali* {itrniaj Doniphon’s Canipnigji agnihsi the Navijos, and unpufnlicled March upon Citihunnua and Durango, v nnd the Openttions of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a Map and Engravings, hy John T Hughes, A B of the .Ist Regiment of Mirsouri Cavalry. i ~. 11. ; • J ! Hisiory 01 Kentucky—lts Antiquities and Natural Curiosities; Geographical Statistical .and Geological descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and mqrc than one hundred Biographical Mkrtches of distinguish* cd Pioneers. Soldiers. Siutcsmen, Jurists, Lawyer A, Di vine*. illu*tniicd witli forty engraving*; Ly Lewi* Collins, t vol. octuvo. The Twelve. Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in the-TednCKsce Regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign ot Mexico, during 1540-17. containing an ac count 01 tluj Mprch of the Rcgiinem to; Vera Crur. a dcscripiiou 01 the Country passed over, manners, cus tom*. Ac. of the Ipcople; Skctdics of Cmnp Lile: ac count* of nil the action* of other Volunteer Regimeni*, and a lull History, of the Mexican War: List of the Kil led and Wounded. Ar; illustrated by a large number of correct view* u:nl plans; by Geo. C. Furlwr. 1 volume octnvo. » decl DICTION ARIES. Greek, English. Clas sical,Ac— 7 Anil.on'* Cla'**ical Dictioimry; i'/icttoimry oftirenk nnd Homan Aiuiouities; . M'l.'ullough's t'oinmrrcial DictioiiHrv, Ur*-'* Diciionary amt Sup}drimhi>:*on Culmet's Dictionary, he.. Ae. 77ic ai'ove. wiih a general nssonniem orTheological, Classical. Mornllancnn*. and Suudny School Books, al wuv* on hnud nn-l for sal»f]|ow, by flLi.iovr a rrsGi.isii. dc* .'sVMnifkcl st . bclwec rt'A liln Annuals and gift BOOKSFOiiriiE :lOI.!J*A Y!>—l.cnjieii of .Memory, im nhiiuinated Annual [or ii-lr, CibO'tfny lleyoeil I'oalcs. ,M D Tl; - C(i:iriu. 0 »eric. 01 gritoi'ul and elegant colored • roups. •'••• igiml rxpu *».y lor tbt> uork^ Tm- OS.. . . of iienuiy. r. p*. sent tor nil season*, cm clb.'n .i w u.i eio.cit viigravme:; e*h;etl by Amelia W. I'licnnsiiin' * Oiivrinx; a Chrisbua*, New Ycat, nud bi.t;.d;*\ prrsem 'l hr < .s'riaml. or n Token of I'ri. rußhip; a Cbrisiron* id N. iv ke..i * Pre-cul. lor l*K_ Tin- toll of i rtciid-hip, a token of Rcau nbrnuce, lor The Gein for l-l*. edited by Father Frank. Christum* iilossonwand New Year* \\Vulii for |€4S. Thiutijeiou'. >ca*ouv tllusirali-d. Ilarpt'r'* edition. Ih.udoir ItoUmy. or ihe I’nrlor Ikvik of FlnTvers.eom- n«i;»g the !u*'ory. deju-ni’iion and colored ) jigruvmgs I 24 Exotic Powers.?! Wnd Flowers of ! America, nnd ! trees with iVuil. itlustraied with 'dull engravings. The Tusk, and other Poems, by Win.£owprr, with umerdus illuviralioiis. Ihirk<*y morarco. I,'nniplicir* J’oeucn) Work* illustT»tcd..Ar- Ac. 7‘ogcibei sv|i)i a large nud splendid ussortmrmof Ju veuile Rooks. \i iUi tolnrcd ciigiavtin.'s. many of which arc just puUuacd lor rule al the bookstore of KiJ.IOIT A ENGLISH, dc2U .Vi Mtwkrl si., l.rtwoun 3d Atth. Snperb Annual and GIA Books for 1 HAS. I7u- Charm, a »rne* of graceful and elegant color -111 gritjps. with descriptive i!lo*ifBilon». bv FJrrolw-ih Hllct. iH.und m scnrlri sdkeaud splendidly’ gilt lAnlln. 01 .Memory, an ilimmnin-.t animal for 1-4* ciltird.by ,K-yiieiFt:o«ir», M D.; Mipcrb’y bound. eie» gan.tiy illuminated and iltu«tran*l; I rirnd-hip . Oifrr;ng, for eleennily l*ound und . v splendid cngTnvin;i* t>e Sarlaln. Christian heep-nkc. nud «»s«i.marv Annual, for IMS bound In Arabian mor,.aiid. illustralcd by 'J bennii lul me/.-.nut engraving* hy'Nurtain. The Rimc oi'Sharon. a Rfngma* Souvenir, for IMS; Clued by Mf.- S. l> FAi-endu .Mayo, The My:u iniii. <.r .Min ismi . foil; a I'brreima*. New Year, qih! I(1 rlinlay Prccnl. tor lr4- The (iul of Kru'irtl*tup; a token 01 Rrmemhrausr (or IM*. The Miy tki'ver. an Annua! lor IM-; edited by Mr*. Ik fbtke* miuOi. louml m eJegunt embcrssetJ morocco, nud embellished wRh superb riigrm mgs. ftniu drawing* hy the hrjl artists. Ihe Young Companion, and Token of Affec tion ; 'ltm alKive. together wtilt|a large supple of Poetical. Moral, and oilier work*. Uj>jr,d in me m«. «iul .-11.1’v, *(*;»•. suitable fur t.'hn*'nci« nnd New *'«ar /nle by JOil.\t*TO\ A STUt.'KTON. d*2l / _ mi .Mnrkfl Ajrbl si*. I IOOKB FOR _ TIIE"IIOIjIOAYS—fc\ Ei.E -■ ijGA.Vr lIINMNGS-Dou.loir lbnmiv. or the' Par ior RookVif pow-rs •; lire ft.ee. or Ob'erine's fill; 12 Mee! encrnvijtr*. American Wild Flowers,|in tlicir native ha.riit* 'Par J*.ioW Flake. ' I M\rri« 7 Tnc P»' ti;-*Tn\'..r;* ..f tt:/Grom flaibn-k. bow fir,t rytl.rli-d. ;Mu*tra!.-d with .tel . itgraviug*. Ju*; pub- The Sca*»>ii- by Jntn*-» Tlioiiiptnii. wnh.cncravcd il lustration*. n-vvj»n.i mo*: -pb'ndil edition; Turkey T.ie ruinplete L'ti«Uin Edition of Hubert Bunts' Works, eoutaimitg bis poems. *oug». amt corretpoildeuee; .liu»- trati-J, k‘- .Ac Virtie’s •-tliiiikn. bvn ' The couiplen.- pcrtical Works of James Mouigome ry. Mnor.-c Uyru-i. new <-di':>ii'. S'Jthey. FfHipcr. Mil ton, Campbell. Scott, J>antf, r»»*o. Hctnart*. and other Har;s-r’* j'.tJ *trates! Sbak*pearei in tl •plnnditl rols. 'lbi* at*ot> Gilt do I’fir I'arntde* tSuimnated—bound In Berlin Iron. PoemVot Fire Green ItatlOfk— i|lumit»«t*tl. Kou-.'li and HcaJy Almanac. Thompson * Seasons— tlej-antly itluMrsied k boonih Goid.fittth’* I’rM-rtt*. Ho. .In Sunnyrtloora id ChtMhorul. Mnorels Poetical Work*—splendidly illustrated and botii/d. - Ityroti's Works, do do S*i!end;d Port Folio*, of f*p. leitrr and note sires .El-gantiy Ixntud l’oi-k.-t nud I‘nmiiy Bible* Hoveuixv! wntrrr de»|,* and work tioxes ttlnbr* ot ti. )ti and lv‘ niche* dtameirr For .are by JOHN 11. MEI.t.OH. ' dc!S5 - _ *1 Wd *!., , ■\ T ALL'.VBLE Srw Yesr'i Present*- % T Wasericy Nort-U. -J7 voinme*, illustrated , Mr* Mn rwoo.l'* Works. In vuls Ilium illustrated M;*« liLworth's •• lit - *|-rarr, 7 veil sto. Ihe Imnutltul Boi- Ir.tt i-dino-i. fntr ly t-ouud , Butler'* l.'ve* r,( u’, f S,-.ini». 4 toll, elcgautlv bound Him,-.n’t Moor's Work-. 7 v.vl* Eiptortrig Eipeditioit. d v»d*. d«* _ do .*> ,di> do tlo Brin •"! li*»*y.. i«,vcd*. Turkov ruor harks. 0 Tt.- n l ...losethi-r with u Itir.'e n**i>Minent of elr fnri’lv Li.ui'd futiil; and |»., kct Bride*, t'ornmon ’.-ayer. St.-. •• n--’ lni:diu«r», nil (>f winch witl be sold .low, r 'lihn ev«r ntlored in tin* run/ket. >i the oid s'and ot KAY i t o jal A WXXrtl *t Uttisilnss for Jiiuusry. RI'.BI'dVKt) tAtx M) K>—-tlrahstn's Mugi>z)ue fur JsiiUaty, eumpri'ing i cinfotlislimenls. more t**n «*n4> 1,, i ; me -Id a beautiful Mca/oun! Portrait ot Genemi W 0 Butter .\rtt.fifiu] Mdxas.ne for January, (fogey’s L»dy’s Ifonk " Fa'htpn pliie. 77,0 Love,* oi Pitrii 4 v John " iisoif Kr>*s. ‘I It* lle’.’s nf the *<*ajSici,«; !,« Fte*ieru'k Finilic 'Hie F,.1- - nf Fortofih tt'lti ,r-»..m te(e of ,|iS 'Var; of K •>« Jkiii• j. ,v.il>. la-treiion* by rfoe,’ coniplete tv; the Pram* in t ottcrvd> sad oilier £torie«, by ‘Evrji: pin .i.' nun etch! t.lu-tratnu- £ KoJ.imJ P* Vcre or tne Ktt'ght the lllack Plumed by F •him*. Kiire.UftN. . * Thu Farmer’s or tbo Ui-»-r«l Chiidren; a tale O' di-'-p nitere*'. A (foil and A»l,o>e.nr n Sitijnr's.t ife. E»Ui«r ito ,'.lcdiiu,or the Crane* of plrte. ■ - A fp'rnilid assomnent of Annuals; price from I) pp to 93 Ai«o * latte a.,lt varied acsofiuient of Picture or Tuy Book* ur-own-(Ncw York) price*. NUNNS 4'CLARK. New YntL Sept. 1, t^4r»-t>ec2’dtt • UOOHH FOR TIIM lI.OLVDA.S. A LRuAtS—The Floral, rferipouul, United St»te»‘ i\ Souveni. r, and many other kind*, in every varie ty of blitti ng Bibles had Prayer Books, bound in styels suitable for llolvdav villa. For sale t.r JOIINSTON'4 STOCKTON, dceJt _ Bookictler* corner of Market and *e surpassed. ” - ‘ !j} c ° t ' c l , 'j' ion ' i '' Proprietors bejjJo say. that nothing will Ims left undone oo their part, und on the- part of their assistant,s to render thU Itotel. worthy the con- Lralfy ' P * ,ninaffe ° riheir fricnd * «nd tbe pvblicgeu- Tliepriccs for board hnve also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies’ Ordinary, 81,75 per day. tienUemen s ** M N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will a!- wajs be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, wutcb will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free ° r cba nr«- . roaygif PEART STREET HOUSE, . •... CISCIHKAJ^OIfIO. Eg} . THE subscribers having purchased the entire jjjgl interest of Col. G. P.,Williamson, late of this well AAkuown establishment, I tec leave to stale to their friends and the putilie generally* that they have taken this commodious Hotel term of and will ex ert their best energies to make it a desirable home for Traveller* und City Boarders. The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for con venience; light and air,.having a number of parlbrs ad joining: chambers, presentiug unusual at tractions to families. - . nio present proprietors .having bod the experience of year* in this city and clshwhere, hope they will be 1 able to give general satisfaction, being determined to give undivided attention to the house alouc. The location of thh Pearl Street House is uncommon ly eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third streets, sodhnt tt is equally desirable in view of the convenience of business men. or retirement forprivate boarders. It is near by tbo Banks, the Post Oiuco, the .Masonic Halt. Odd Fellow's Halt, and but onasquarc. distant from Main street and two square* from the City Wharf, thus offering the greatest inducements, especial ly jo country merchants and generally to all persons -visiting Cincinnati. JOHN NOBLE, tucluff JOHN A DUPLE JONES’ HOTEL, so. 152, ciiaviT Vrarrr. vuiLAucLrittA. Rtt THE subscriber*. under the firm of Bridge* & jjjja West, have purchased Mr. Jones'interest in this < JSAhestnblishmem, mid I tope by tbe strictest suentiort to the want* and comtort oi th'-ir guests, to merit a con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received by it- former proprietor. Tl.t; bouse ha* been thoroughly rcuovatrd, and re pnir-il. w* tl-Tecore feel assured we can welcome our friend* and the public to accommodations equal to any in the city of Philadelphia. .N W BRIDGES, JNQ WEST GALT HOUSE, COBVTH JIAJX A.KO SIXTH STS. CCTCnOIArt. MTHLS establishment i* now In the best order for the reception of tbe Traveling Public. Having undergone a thorough repair during the pan win ter. and hpving the rao«t «xj«riejictd men in tbe west in ibc various department*..! flutter myself tliat nil will b* % pleated whit call. The location is central, commo dious and plea«ti'it. Fare s»l per dav. Cinrmtiati. March la, '-17. ' \V £ MARSH. N. U.—Although not exactly n new Broom, it t» the same—a-new \\ h:*t on the old handle nptitf TJinOCKMOHTON’H GALT. HOUSE, Marls Throckmorton be-* to acquaint hi* Iriend* ihulhe i* again lessee of the GALT HOUSE. Ixiuinvillc. where he hopes to meet all hi* nid friends, assuring them ami the pu’die. that mi effort shall be spared to make all cuuiforlaldf- s.ho fuvi.r l.tm with then patronage. jauUdly AMERICAN HOTEL, :• vLKMorr.. .MO.. Mfippo-tte ilie ILulroM IVjkji. Pratt *t. Baltimore, MKNKY M SMITH. : ropnetor. (Inc the Lx ch~:;-e iit.d St. Chun- Hotels, ‘ vsburgu.j oerjidly HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, SIX CHEAP DWELLINGS FOR SALE. MTWcj of these dwelling are situated on Ferry street, between Fourth and Liberty *U: Wing each fl) fret in front, and three stories high, con tinuing lit room* each. Four W them are situated on Decatur street, nttd are fifteen tirel m front, three stories high, and contain six rooms. These dwellings, are brick, each entirely sepa rau in their yards, and contain every coitvrnicitcr ap pended to dwelling* of that »fse. They will be sold low and <>n easy term.*, and offer strong inducement* for capitaliM* who wish to make Aife and pnftable invest laeui*. of for those perron* in moderate circumstance* who \* i»h to secure a home lor themselves. Impure of Uie subscriber. Who can be seen si the Of fice of ihf (iarette, every forenoon, between the hours of eight and ten. and ut other limes at hi* rooms at Mr*. Hays' tmir.lin- bou*e, Uobmton's new ro*4k Fed eral h Allegheny city D N WHITE jun 3 tf Agrnt lor the owner. m VALUABLE FARR FOR SALE. THE FAIIM lately incupted by James An lerson. tSr.. dccc.uscd. situated in MilHin Town, imp. Allegheny Bounty, seven miles from Pittsburgh, .on me mtmi rond.li'iduig to EJu.mm ibtuwu, and adjum ms laud* i-i lt/ib. >rt Kaih, Richard Hope.. Archibald Rankin. Ll»-:,il?.!.iri B nJ other*, will hr sold (ill reu»un ■blc mnu*. tu any [>er*tui wishing !o purchase. The I>na comnins about 17f) acrevbO if which ore cleared, ninl ha* a comtdrtsbls dwelling house upon it. together with o large barn, Ac. "Ther* is a very good apple or chard on the Farm. It is also well watered, Las an abundance of coat in it, rotatn* a large portion of very fin,- bottom land, and altogether, is one of the most de sirable farms in the countrr Enquire of D VV. A A. 8. BELL Attorneys at Law, -lib »L, Pittsburgh. JAMES A JOHN ANDERSON, Louisville, Ky. Valuable Farm for Sale. IMIK «ut-icniirr will sell on srconuntxUting terras, . (hat valuable farm situated on the Ohio nter about mile* below ln wliat is railed Crow* bot loin, adjoining Die proprnv of Mr. Oeorpe Shiras.— There.!* six.ci l|ti acrrs of laml. 50 acrva of Which is hyrr bottom; the balance is secured bottom, lies heen tnuily. anil al.ound»,in rood rn-jl, luneitone sin) timber, fberr are from lii io Til acres cleaivd. Thety i« a pond iwo *mry l.nrk dwelling bnn«e. a frame barn and other out houM-r. a large orchard of choicfc fruit, ami a pood -priirß of staler in rsery field on the jdace. The prrat cr part of the tsrtn i» under pocxl icier. Title iiidi*. putable. For terms apply to W.M BOYD,‘Attorney at Low. odice n.i tth st nUtrc >mithfic!d dc-JfttlmAtftf^J M 'for sale. THClUfeo story Dwelling House and now occupied by It F. Srhw.ppr, Esq. on IVun *u. uear Ham) The Lot is 121 by IjU feet, and is plratnui ly situated. For terms apply to the subicnber, who has also; FOH lU£NT T:i« three story house on the contej; of Liberty st. aud Irwin's alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail (tracer's storv. by H F Schwrppe. • Possession gieen immediately, on application at the warehouse of John Irwin A Son*, Sii. II Water street, by dccM-.Tti JOHN IRWIN Tbrse Farms for *a|*'. M T* rh.re F*rv« BH •«..« .me corns . mg HI tier,..; m one of them the e •* .. *'»*l linn* h'-ur-. i>tn frvm>- t a n. i«n omuim-, «tna • '•ttmt'rr o( outer mptoventr .1 ■ Ttoio m ibua tlancr of Coa. on ib« other mj. wib « owl *0 acre* o fttred->w On ibr tDiT-', adjoining the formao' t«nn. Waiter Fnrwerd. an.) \\ >*»n th-re i» a *no the • latlton Kioin »irwt, \«w>< a !ea«-liold io.- ihe icrm of tfl •cm tit* Ui of A?n.. l-t J. rtr-pp. in the p tyniest n» t«(iO c.-r anipm If !i» i-.:. : : -i i„ the Jot, «rh-cn .*oi' Ipei i»on: «n met i:terl.rXiem.iii* tl:eu#b Kr>«.u m. cajt i>< j 'jiJuH. Knqtiirp of W\‘ M t-AJiLJNGTON " y «*p‘mimftpld, K FOIt ttICST. A llaudK>nv'ly bmttirrt hooiu on Market atreet, • ai'lj - occupied a* a Durucireoiypc ettablnh nicm.by .Morami A Co Aho t n writ fiiv'hed sod w P l| furriitbert Pnom, tail* olilp or toeiPiii I *, il- ll»u of ifce Mereanilie Librury Ataoemiion. Kmitnec ai I‘flilo llg'l. * KDO aZZ a v act?? . Oltlce, market «t between .lid A 4lh MKOIt RKATi TIIK larse and i n.*#e»i m dwelling hnu*e no Krifrral i>i . Alip»fcen>. formerly o< copied uy Mia Annll»*iP"i lli-iii low l\>*teiaio!i pvoii pii ihe In of AJirn non klm.aKaM. Smi.nod.air fo-'pMliin of xhe above boo«e rati bn oh riiiied try ni'piy .no in M ihcigti on. oi the canal ware* b'*a»e of Clarke A 'Jhnw cell t-L ronsALK. •S;ig A nviliao *lo.> o.irk MHiMi.AnHimitrerv ™^ fc A)lor , 'tny env, near io* upperHrniie. _lbe l«t i« 2l frri in Irunl by IW‘ deep Hit trrtna crqni’e 01 dcicif A.WA!#MrKiiroN.4iha /-A FOR. HKST. '« *e hfe P l *'* w*rcimu»e 24 f«; from ** “*i>y bd fee* ocr[i 0.l Swl «t, nenr V' 00.I—Kf: ■ ‘Q£ki» Enquire df J SCHwoNMaKKO & fO SP-.-.N »or*'« *V». J-iin’- io* ftuoiio ,n ue.> • ■'! ihc ,Mininmt' , Uri.n rtiv'-f.aihjvt Dn)wu»viile, F*. inu * '’cin 'if Jfrei C<.i! *!'•*•*» «'ll i»e »o;d i»exeiiai>£e for cuoi*- For 1 pamrcißi* appl) w oe.tti v HA 4 ' 1 ’ ;rQ -rood n UCILDINU LOT IN MaNCHESIKK FUH SALK— Ihtve for «*le k licaunful Hulldmjt L«n in Manchrairt.ncartbeFeiry, £lf rt ironi t.y |i*it fit-t di-rp. Ii will lie m»I<1 (vw. aud ad ai’coimtKkUimft term* Trim* anrirepilonable ' • AMKft III.aKKI.V, West F*t*'c Agent MPUn.UKHT. TIIKJPlorjr Ur'iek 'Warehouse, No. 41 Water Miretaud No 1113 Front »u Immediate poMeniofl eivi*ii—apply on the premise*. a I fKXaNnF.R «an»wiN M*~" To l.f-?l\>-A large, eommtKli«u>*, uml well in* i*hol. ihree »u»y nriek dwelling, on-trnnai., balf wny between OarriKm nUey ai>d Wayne n. t'o*ie»Mon given immediately. For pnnlculonenqaiie •ithendlcveP W W WALLACE. 241 liberty st. FOII UK NT. ASMOKE IUH'KK, on Dumb Alley, for rent Inquire of ROBERT DALZKM. A C«> det.i . itKenytt MFor R.«m. Tilt! well furnished S«ore. on Market Siretl. between tint ami 4ih meets, at prrs-m occupied by Barrows A Turner. Possession giaon on ihe Ist of April next >rtt| PTKIAZEAM u DUY Gixvls Wnrehnuse.tfl'Vnod sirect, second Fra door above Diamond alley Knqnireof DT MORGaN-ACO +s*. HARDEN 4 CO’S. PASSAGE AND OFFICE. Persons brought Sa4Csout «hts afftney upon reasonable terms, from any part of hnttland, Ireland* Scotland, 4 Wales! and ii\ Packet Ships only. Foreign Correspondents and agents of ihe Hnush Government have frequently cau. itioited Emigrants at home aud their friends in America against the tramls practiled upon them, and hare al' ways referred to the well known house of (lutim 4 Co., as the right place for all to apply, if they to bo treated with punctuality and kindness. i'arties who advertise theraselres sole Atrents for ih* Iliac. Hall Line, .talc iahai U uulmc, S,ZS the public; as wo profess to be Aram* not onlr Siskl DmU m an, amount n.vabla at any of the Itanebeaoflhnß'tmncUlO' Katiunal Bank, of . laud, Lngiand, Scotland, te. We draw our own Fa. change; w« do not take monry and send it to the East to m wtM one else to remit, thereby causing mistakes and delays. Let the Brokers, Ac, call open us, and we will accommodate them at New York rates. ’ ' JOSHUA JIOHINSON, European Ag*l. • octfitf t Sth st, one door below wood. , ■\TAILS—I2S kegrs nsi'd- for tale by J.V S. F. VON EONNHOBSTA Co., Jtt NflaSFrewmwt, RATES OF DISCOUNT.:--- at r 19 * BOH, \ Man.:: street. Bear 4u at RATES OFDISCOUi . 21. H OLM I Exchange Broken, So. 31 Fttuu/lvanlb • BankofPuuborfh *---par Exchange Bask par 1 Merck- ti Man. Bank -par I Bk*-ofl > hiUdclphia----pai I Girard Bank--.* par ! Bank of Germantown -par “ Chester County- • -par “ Delaware Co.• .-par “ Montgomery Co-•-par “ Nonhurobetlaud-'-par Cblumhia Bridge Co*-- par Doylesutwn Bank** --par Farmers'Bk. Reodipg-par Tamers’ 8k- Buck* Co. par Fanners B’k Lancasr-par Lancaster Co. Bk par Lancaster Uk. par (J. Stater Bank-- -30 Urownmiile Hk. par Washington Gettysburgbßk.-- • 4 Chambcrsbarg ** Susquehanna Ca Bk.- LehighCoßa&k, Lewittowa- Middletown u Carlisle . “ ladUM* . Stale B*k A Bnwchei*’ i S'aieSerip • • ■«•••**• Virglnl*. Exchange Ex. of Ya.* • 1 Fanner*Uk.ofVa-*’*'** ** Bk. of the VaJJey,.—— » Bk.ef Virginia “ M. Wheeling * do Morgantown*--* 1 N. W. Bank V*—*-- i do Wellibtirj-1 do Parkeial»*rn«*v* ** Tennessee. Bk. of Tehne»«ee* •• Far.i Mercb'l* Uk--,« Planter*’ Bk.**** •••; • - Slate BkofMi*wri*--* 1 .\ortbXarollna> Bk.oCCipo Fror--.-- I Merck’* iik., Ncwbero I State Uaok I South Caroline* Caadenßk- • H Bk. of Charlotoo' • •' l| Commercial Uks** —r» If ißc.ofGebnreiuwn**---* if liJkjjf Hamburg-**— •* l| I‘Merchant*1 ‘Merchant* Bk——-•* H Planter* fc.Mecba’»Kk- tj Bk-of South Carolina*• 11 Harvland* Baltimore Bk«.- -jiai Ualtm’e AO RB Scrip* -10 (Cumberland Bk.oi Alle ghany l Far.Bk.of Maryland*? “ Farmer*’ A Mct-hanier " • Bk? Frederick “ Frederick CoUk. * •* Hagerstown Ok '■ “ Mineral Bk****- —... «" Funner*’ and Drover*’ Bank. Wayaeslmrg.. “ llarmliurii ** lloiiesdale. ** Lebanoa u ftmtville “ vVetl Branch Bk. Kelicf Notes Uk M Bk.-Pius dO' City ACouniv9crip-»-« *• Ohio. State Bk.and Branches 1 Mount Pleasant iseuhenvillc-**.****' . « Patapwoßk****-—-i u Wiuningtonßfc - —• “ Bk.ofWcsiminiter—- «• StCUirsville- New Lisbon* illchlgaht Bk. of Si. Clhir* Cincinnati Bank*' Colusbn* do- Bk. of River Rairtn—•— Jliehifon In*. Co*** 5 Far. tAleck’a Bk -‘5 Wtkconslu Terrll’y. Mar.AFtreln.Co.Milw’e S All colvemtiorik* ' 5 Bank of EiulaudNotc* OeU A Specie Value. Napoleon* .140 Uucmi*-..***s 15® a VO tingle,Old* *•* .. 10C0 Fjtgle.npw •* 10 00 Doubloom v Spani»h. 18 IDO Do. Patriot 19 50 Sovereigns ....1... 4 63 ;Gu:nc&* s’oo iFrcderickH’or* *7'to jTcn Thaler* 7 *« iTcn CtaMvr* 1 PJ LouwJVi** • "'•••• 4 s'l Western Reserve- Franklin B’k Columbus “ Chillieotlnj « Lake Erie “ Sciota « Lancaster 1« ■Hamilton n Grenville---*- M Furm’is B'k Camou----30 Urban* SO Kentucky. Uk of Kentucky-••'•.« 1 llk.of Loai»Ville-•••... n Norlirrn Bk. KenuTkr- “ I Excitaugc. !New York •••'• i prm Philadelphia J prm Baltimore | prm :.par. Intcrorß’ks**—; Hew "York—Cny Honks. fa. HUSSEY, njLSXA 4i CO., BANKERS, EXCHANGE JiROKUiS, a.td dealer in Foreign and l.achmige, Certificates cj Deposits, Bank Note*, u.d j»ptc»r; I oiu-.u t.rcii, near, ly opposite Ihe Bank of Pittsbuptit. Current moße'v received on deposite—£igi- Check* for tale, and eof. lection* made on nearly »il the priucinal points in the United States. ' The highest premium ps>'> for Fc.-cira and American Gold. *” on consignments of Produce, ship, petl East, on liberal terms. irclild • N, UOLMES * SO^v fJANirKRs ar.d Dealer* in Exci.ajige. Cr-zn and J I Bank No'". No, 53. Market ttrret, Pittsburgh.' Sclln-g Rate*. Jlrdjrre- 1 . Buying Ro'es. New York. }‘pr Cii.ci-imti, j ,'is Philadelphia. tdo I-oui-ciile, • j ,i a ; 1 Baltimore, . I «fo St. 1 • .i*, l ove Fourth, East aide, Pittsburgh, Pa.: oetSdkwF 1 ’ ! • : FOREIGN F. . ; H4.VBE BII.ES ou LngmncL Ifcl.i . ;.«l t*coi!aad bought to any amount at the t\. .:t Rate* of Exchange. Alio, Draft* payable in any of the Old Countries, from £1 to AlUuu. at the rate of S> to’the X Retling.; without deduction or diarounL by JOSHUA ROBIN* SON, European and General Agent, office oih at one door wood. oetlStf i ALLKS man.) ftßifian u» »>» iUIiHOR * HAHJX, Bankers and jmoKKRA dealer* .iu Foreign and Domestic l:u!s'm' Exchange. Cer ideates ot Deposit*-, Batik Note* and Cob. corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St Charles ilo. '«h mnyC-dly WESTEBN FINDS- Ohio. Indiana, Kentaeky, Missouri, . Hank Notes; purchased at the lowest rates, ly N HOLMES 4 SOX. _dclO . I*s Market street. BILLS OF EXCIIASOE-Sicht Checks on New York* . Philadelphia. and Baltimore, N.- HOLMIS A SONV Si Market »L Constantly for sale bv delQ * COLLECTIONS— Draibk. Note*, and Acceptau* ccs, payable m any par, of the Uuian. collected on •-he most fsvuntblo tenn-t. N. HOLMES A SON. ■ dcIU 30 Markets:.. EXCHANGE oh New York, Fbiladalphiav and tisliituorc; at sight, iu »um» to •>uh parcho-'Cr*.' coat stantly for sale by • HH.L A CURRY’. octll Wood st., below Fourth. "Ilf F.STEHN FUXDS-The Note* o<- :hc Ohio, -If indtana uml Kentucky Banks, purchased at low rmc* ofducoutil, at the office of ' 1 IflLI. k CURRY. No. dS WoodsL. below Fourth. COLLECTIONS on all the. principal cities in the Union, wade by HILL A CURRy. octlt No. 05 Wood m_, below Founli, HATS, CAPS AND BONNET,S /~H FASHION FOR AUTUMN. pw, IS 18 17. /J M’COBD 4. KING* HATiKRSs comma or wooo aso rtrrn nauaix uctsaratj. HAVE received (heir Autum ■ style of Hat;., to which tbty re.pccuully invite the attention of their customers unt citizens. generally. •' septl ! a FALL STYLE HATS.-MTALLAM has 'Ut( received a ix.-auiiiu' »iocl» oi A costars fall Style lints, which for rich >ess and Ins'i cu.,not be surpassed. Call at tlie Hat Store, Mo-ioira beta House, SmhhfieUt st-Jand wc them. octl'i /-*. NEW INVENTION l-IM.TF.NY «\ i R /|7 JUICE LATr.U AND HA 1 nU'*nXIX)tU-‘ilie will introduce on Si..irik\ OcL t.n.ueravti wishing a hot tr. Lr. v. a. M nJi desirailf arti* cle will please call and examine. ALFRED KiXVlt., -practical Hatter, octfl li*‘bead of wood-sl PH FALLiFASIIION.-.S. IIOORE Usurceriv. /. gcdiront Now Vois.; Fall pieofllau which te will introduce itu» nay. Saturday, Aug. '•hflli. ...one in went of u neat aud supraior hat would do well to call at No. 73, Wood Street, 31 th-.- above 4th. augiaVL* | rv. falli fasiiiox, 18*7—nni:nK a / Jf :OS l’Alt '1 X.dut.vni-H l «{«(« veil, Ijtf nt Keevil>|oli T ; i':,'wlay, autu** Cu ii,.ci:k'!l u clica(>, ia.!u6aai>ic bat oi Pitt*- butyb ir.anutac’vrc, aiteaii oi HnU in'.:K>ri ci! by *OOlO of tb. • a.ir. |»l.*rsrwc caii at KRF.VU. Ac. Oo**. 152. lic-ul o: >v.otl « - augSiti A 9C3131GR FASHION FOB. ItATS.- jPSfjUsr received irom New York, tito saunter ©Ss.StyU for jiat», conmtiu* of Wim.- h*iv«r. I‘eurl &nd White French Cusimer* Hat*. vruii VcnutuUifs. TboM in want of a beautiful, light Hat are r<»peetfaiiy invited to call.’ , SJ. MOOUH. 1 *3 yvood *t., 3 door* above 4th jfr* WILLIAM DOUGLAS- has jtm.re- HpA ccived u irc»h supply of Ringgold and iiuena Vi*ta Silk Glazed Capa, new styles. Extra fine French Moleafciu llau, at very low prices. No. 7d wood street. jell gm | WILLIAM DOUGLAS Continue* to mnn» jgltiiacturaj aud keen douatauuy on hand; every ra»' oruau and Ceps .of tlic latest atylo, atm pri* ces very low at 7d wood at, East aide, jc^OX CAPS! CAPikl—Fine Oiicr, Sell and Musk Cnpt. juu to hum it M'CALLAiTS Fashionable Hat Store, Monongnhcla House.! . oetl9 CLtX)Ti< assort ment end mit variety of style at STCALLAMw Moaoagnhelt House. --ocU9 KOTIOB. ALL Persons knowing tbcts'elvesihdebied to the Es» late of tho late A . bravo it, > ccSasrd, are hereby noij&etl looall aua scuta their accounts, and i&ose &sv Ingclatm* agujut ihe Fstata, win |>ic*f>( then duly Miheniics'ed or settlement to-ihn fubscrlbcr.ai the warehouse of John Irwin A SonVNaH Water ml delta™ JtMIN IKWIN, KeecDlTf < , BOTIOB. A IIARRKL of Laru marked U, weighing ahoal tf74 xi !>«•. wa« taken by mistake from the larting i-a Fri day lart,tttihiti*i rant ivi Ut-lnox* to the steantet Cambria, Auy'i linrm-tti 'n givci. where jtekn-he touatl wilt he thankially received b» the Mubscnhcre , * i FORSYTH * Co. Plmhurgb, Dec .78 1817.. . • . SOUA ASH—S 4 ca-kMdirerl front >h>* maflufeemr er m Kngl'nd vja New Oilianv «he *aaestre»gb asthMwjtiehguye sues, genets' »*n»ueuoti) jestid ectvedpr»llSatenak,o*>d»r»ole «»ri sccommoriaUfli Icratt by i W A M MITVItK-.I HEP, Uectt NoKKHihert) II Another shipment wi'l arrive next a*oih and thsnea forward m-tlar «upplirs WOOL!—The highest pries iri cash paid for all the didervntgntdepofeieaaWashed wool,by ; ■ MURPHY fc LEE. - -1 ‘ Old Wool Warehouse, eor.Ubfitytsi. aad Cecil s al- Jsy. y | - ’i - ' ‘ taylOdkwti* • Tj'LANNtUA—Red. Brown and ! Barred Flannels—, JL An additional supply received (hm the manufactu re**- Also, a tew.pieces oflow pnerd Casslnettvior •ale by - I OLOOOti COCUttAN, . -*»■ -■•■JB.wwdiL r - 34 : me[>h;^L; Glfc|«ENG PANAOEAT ; T> THOSE BCFFEBISQ 'WITH’' dSEA*BD f iAJNO9.* < nM Qfipfcct&ated tseeenrvUek kU *attd*dikfb»-oftbe. - “ | "j -y i W •; WONDERFUL PREPARATION.’ - . JOURNALS OF T^&J3Ar v ’ „ * we here embodied-in pastphlei&nu.tnfttßaj’bohM gratis of anrof our agents throayhoai . HCNDREDS OR BOTTLES’. . , ■' have been used lathis elty.;-- J -V ;t '!'V' •: THOUSANDS AND TENS OP THOUSANDS throughout the United Stales and —> yV|t. lenge any man' to point i*' - : ' : l \ SL\< LB INSTANCE., / “ >d| in which, when taken fore-the luoffe’had become fauJJd diaotraaited..ft Jtu 4 • ever failed to! V. ; , - i .EFFECT A PERFECT CURE . Why, then, need the articled hesitate! Whyrtaert to '* >3 the miserable -nostrums, gouupup by.toihtwwa todlaifr* • -’'>Vcl uaft under the assumed uame of homo. eeXebxamdpto*' ‘ '■'■ sieian, and puffedinto notoriety or U' • ‘ ; •oneequally unknown!', Whllsta medicinca 4 ‘ . J. UNPARAI.LF4>tD EFFICACY *. is to be, had, whose vouchers areal mM. ■ bora,—many of whoraitha* ’ - s v, t, [SNATCHED PROM TUBGAaVZ*. t »r I In order dial thit invaluable mMUcadaay[hai>iaeaA'r>- v - -'.c3j within the reach of the poor as weit^T»iss.'V ? Sl £S r -vi put the price ti . r ■ " •• . «a.T sps* tafitrtsstes one. half fhe usual cost ot ■- • tor sale by out agems in - *' ' •; over the,we»t,lwko are prepared to uite - v » iO - relative id lli V. ■ ' ! Broadway, CZactnoatii>i- i fell if 3XBDICJX *> SCRCICAXOTFIC Wood ifljrteen reLTilarlv etfScStilyffi * V A 'M ,CKo con?ptaM»‘fi>r^“^|p attuiy apd of loose cotnplamta, (during wild*.» '■■^*4 tißie he ha* aad mopt praroee and has cuted-sion Dfc»* ( ■” "*42| iieni# than caujcver full to the lot r >t disetaea which bay<" beentne chronic Ly time or oi- . vi frio.-Ricii-'hy Uic use c; any.of th*k£ummtHrposinims of • ■"'' ? "i the da*,; that :!:rirco«pir,. .a cmi U iMOiCiuly andthef-' •"'.«• ougb.‘/cured; He huvinp piver. lur care.'al ai>emia*t tb -<> v -*3 the ;v«!L:.-nciit ot r-ich caA-«. and rsircecdr! i.hundrtda' '•' -'-Ai of if:*tanc»:. iitjenrin:: >~rou» of ti>{l*rem*uui> ot the-.- - " V neck oi ta* K'odicr. mid kindred mvit9«vvrhieh often r«4ia. troi. tliQiip copp* where other.. bn***-consigned-f Uieir. ht'slpiyi despair. -He pa'ttl;uiarly liiviteajaacb ' ' iu hava bpci/lon? ami to cunruit Minj whe.-. elrery ap'is;£»'tlQn will he riven thpm. and :heir ; c«sa* treated in s caretiri, thorettpn and inieliigci.i manner, tolued oat by a long rxperiencew . ' ••; *tuuy, eml InvertfcatJOu, wblchhisimnosaibletorifcos*-'., ' ■ . ,A~ engaged id rrin-tol practice of medicine to git et-Ur- ' . one ciui .of disease. . *• • Huptnre.—Er. Brows also tnvitcaper-:A ’ aoiii aSictcd vn.Ui to caU, oa he haa paidpartifi4' L ; ulor attention to this disease. .Skin diseases;alsoPiles,Palsy, etc.,tpeedfly Coareea very Jew. . . - >'.'U.'-PaUent» of either sex living ate ■txting their disease i» writing. civin? all the tymiK ' toms, ean obtain medicines with directions for'use# bT ‘ addremaf T. B&OWji’, M. IX, post paid, end * me a foe.- . i .. .. ■ Office JTo. CS, TMnmend alley, eppottto tie T7*V*riT " Hou«e.. [p~ No care no A BTHMA, OR DimCULTS’ OF A This'disease is caused by a construe* lioa of the air cells: it is very debilitating, almost tnrsuffbcaiiou-IDR. SWEETSEE’S PANACEA is Urn only certain enr*. • •• lloaneness’eaa be entirely cured by a free oxa of Dr. Syreetter'i Panacea. . common cold, whieh, if n£jlsctad,.wiß tenai>iaie l ui Consumption, ia effectually rcUcrad aM cured by Dr. gweeurr’a Panacea. - . Kroacimit, nl unchecked, will effectually lead : la" Erotiehial Consumption. but a linielyiae-of £r. JJweaV ' Mr'* Panacea vrUl sdectuslly cur* < 'lnfiamrqaiion o( the Tonsils or Sore Tfcroat—Thia - dtse&ao often leada to serious couaeqaeneea frotanec* loci, such ca ulceration of itM throat; Ou the first stop-- ' toms. Dr. Swaeuer'a'J'auacsK should be rroctmaaad , usedirecly. | .... ' Cqnchs and Colds find a aorerclgn 'remedy,-m Dr/ Sweeter'* Fonseca. Paooutonia Jiotha.—A very, f»*»l ' from a violent couch ami ecu on a w.ua.x, CV'-;iw» 7 ken down roastituilui*. persons ire t to •Dr. Sweeter** fanacea eboaid be used on Ae Am symptom*. which areocou*h or cold. - 1..~’ • Night Sweat*/f-'t his debilitating: complaint will csst'' with a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetser's isuacea. <' Cd pive it a Im uiuj • lively 'apreeratice. urf will pbe make i’ roatu u»'jiie-- •inrM nsijt healthy eo.’or twice as lon# a» a.l the | rrra> ration* which aye tfciirniliy used- I very lad)* ard gentlemani who jure in the -habit ofiiH9~ot]s eu their hair. »houM at onec‘pu:chi>*e dlotdeoitbe Chuxac Hair bream. o« i| i* m composed that it will not injure- : the In ..* Ukje those other prepatauo.i*. hut win beautify il and tried ivrn-h; ►aisyienou iu every.iiutauce. ,•. ,L ‘ for teitiuio iy \o irs very 'auperior vtaiitie*. ace the mllowintj 'letter u\om Rev. 'Air. CaM?cU' tn.>r*wi»i' Hctiu-rshoHi Stretch, Nashville, {iu. anil Asehtafor ' the. Wc-'ctU States: ’• 1 : -vr • Letter from ;hc| iter. R. Caldwell, pastor of tho Prea* ' hyterian Church.-! Pulaski.- • /; Messrs.: Hc.idtjmhott & Stretch—Gentlemen: I take pleasure id addtikmy :«>iimony in favor of tie excel* - ,e.. s prrpntaiion eahwl Dr. t'urahU Chiaeae Hair Cream—tot; ahodt two year* say hair waa very dry. l.rir'iyiaiid disposed to come out oat havitur prtK>: cured ad 01-the Cmits, tuid u*cd fteecoplii'C to lit* preftenption. euiV elastic uaJ-d cm-; to tho head; Mtp'T; taUam* and oils v ery, arpfitd, each kajviti* my hair i- a wut>e stale than bcluie.— This Crcptri. however, he* r.it'r iaj-’expcctatio.i*., . A» an article toy the /oilet, my wif-s-FiTc*. It rtjtftr*T enceovsr a)louters, het't.- d.-licateiy perfumad,"dad r.ar'' disposed toxa-.cidity The ladies espreUity will find!' the Ohi'ieia •_‘r»-oci io be-tt desideratum ip ,t!»eir p/era* ' ! p’•.:?•*» -Vr she Joi ei. P.:jpvct;ai!)\ tc.," . l - >.- ‘ I, i'c'3-Vi. .Tfi.r. t-4?. U -f >’7*“.40.; [vwiej-alc. 1 r-ta:‘.: i I fds irxb.'by • M. V- rvt ?~1 Jnei 'idbier. 1 coru*.r of WO9l a lUrda:*. . jnlA-C * CtOSaUJIPTIOx" WUtESTEO--.o those at ai.ot.-d wiui btfwoea omue IAI «**.-,hi* urn certify . I to those afiieied *yita»aa first preuumuory kyntptotasdf / ; Cotisumption. il.'ai 1 have been »abdriu* mf severnT! 1 year* w ith a of the throat ond hotua* i, ne«s. I iis/frl. i .;i{jy. l medicine?., hut found no relief jtj j : sey j et memdne.'ui.Ul I made usoofTlL •dUscaK-s- nxfcoroa.vv; mS?-- boe« .two*::ni* yatuabta mad'eiijj.aj- wversl Veara.' »-:d' nlwsyii find jit m rvliovq whenever 1 maka w of*, tt. .My-occuptstoh a* an wu»cu keeps mo'' aliao.«t cons.H-tCy oijtr.s mv disease, at limta. V toheewne very i ajaruw.*, viltenl atuttce nrocunathS' * medt.-tuo. ;1. uttfreu/.-c, tnke plcasnri in-niaklhrtSw* public siatrment t tha* otiiers affected with dwease'of' ihf.lu.yrs oud cxpcctr.ra.iv orjeaus, may know the" vir tue* 01 this *r*U h.:aai‘-r I*mcdy.” cr.d may be cured l have recumiawuH Cr. Duttcu. * Ksr.pctira.it fUnte dy to maiiv ofmr*i-ic,-ils.-t.nTvpr •vK.riap.v,? '.’lelriivch/" ,ty_’i..* tncuimua. j- ■■ j.WLS il'ilVliVW. , lO, ;'-=45. - - - • TUo proprietor o:':h: ni.pvs : . ;; ; -s v fi*r to U'.JT|i.-ite.) ~;.o .c.llr w. Titty' eou-try o-. ,\vuo.u *.;> { :rson r? .- ~1 ufo . e-.c re-*’ convinced thfc. tj.ere ury vir.uct v.vai i iu dieircxo medn-i'ja thin cainiot he exctlltdf t /. . t/wvid Somerscu Uz ii. .Siooe-da. .fyaKi. tt* Go.th-T,' Jargon, tp.,: Mr, i.arirner. do.t Geo. Pol%; ben.. Sa:uirk towtulilp: Jerrod Javlson. rlocamdl tpwnshtju 1 ■!•■•• ■ i . t i ! liR. UU.VUANI* WrgTETW PFFICK, 190-eyo- . •mere »tp.-|, Cir.eiuHsii, Ohio. Sold in mubur/u liy \V,M.;JACKSO.\,' & .Kivyr' •l, head of Woort|»t. . ' ~ aplfld&wS. ” - PEACE t I»EACE It '!• ,r{ SJ-* « UiSICII. -V. i' BUT IN' EVKRV .MOTilWt* IW.VES HiAIV ,■ i_ TUE uutl«r*ijrnfcd ha* 'oni; -rc:i coariaoed necewiiy tor|***t. ■ Tbo Troil'Pt/fc' ee*h h&i beca liiii} .irated and tried, lua aiVtweTiX month*, by muaerou* p«*un*. to [ukMM-tfP iho oad to proJoc* ru ifc* tV«p' : UMng eJcota aa »t forthoa thefcill of dutciioni£«ijj£l arrho**, Vomiting) Cholic* (•ripiof, Peine. l)i*ca*cs aruitw front leothinr. acting iTtmidfaßtf without dUttirbuis aaf of the Tvnwion* of producing tba.Uhppleal and-tooat pl-a»ow«-»r*A5y trom rialeuipaiu (a a tranquil tad Jovoc > cuie'Sw Hin the UtUa eutferef. -. . . a be had:wbole»ale and retail; of the VnsxSSm’ JOHN BARG AX & DrogsUt and: AptfhcSSHT Mitchell. ESlloO-AtWibem. end s»ost oi£uriXatf in Allegheny and fituburgh.-,- cosimTiTEi'cosiot’m Do<* ticfcneu «re>gb spon -yoorSkaitf l . 1 ■ ■■■• l • I a ' I. '-t J?A]'