%m%fYr^ x : i i E - ■"' I i ;.i wwiciSliß-iiiTiwiM f ■■-. •I --•‘•;i'vV. ;••'•. ■•'-rjJ: rnu.Mi'M Iot? taodter ibereiuKd«r4uti&>' fc. win '■■■. <V -2 Y. U,:>';lV=>’ l*»An<Jt*w*,ae»aMß,o.' < ' JWlFebl* TgJi ’ •'it'J;,;;.. JJtrtf IM4 m.-m ' /" . len iKit inu ■srgsr*»T?S+*«mmfra,..-. , ItKSrpla iso.. - -. mi Neva -.«» 1 i jm:j iofeuwttMWly . V-" 4>v-,-:jM/ ra! || VA . - . -> i&j.mem 4*» *■...:• £m *.::Coana*f, Adaon/aM'Fetter,• ■ \ *7. ; (■■. ; Oettt -758 J (U'.i .7,.r .1811 Mar • •; M»3 ;-v • • i - l&AFeb 4 jwnjy Wi -~'Cnm***tfyu t - *•. iBt>Jtee : t7 Jjs iV.*t! < r ftIUO IS4J«If-U ~Zi .- w»rJ«u»oa,a®*iatwines of , J»i. «£■%«. .181? Ose* «» r r.r--' ' - i*.»j«ieia t 00... * *.l j*B« l, Y i *» * • :l •'-ieiij«u imo 1 ii7 b I V l £* r 7 CeOTCt; , ltNJuie 8 ,1083 . WmßPcmer, 18(8.«.38 .liennrTcalkrv * .: y iSltiuatf .9*.-. GabrielUantbel, LttifßMt-' ; ttHBiejr*B I®«. .Cofri-y ilk.!!, . ■ r 7... ll'ANarlO r OJfit z r r*<j.rv* '•ir«i>ct J 3,J*SD . Baariu»T l Anstnnre& i >lBiBDeo • ’ 1766 ■>» ■> •• CeUfe,■ t • .:■ lMHtoi *3 oanlUntoer, HUin.B lim , tionlrt t, 1 lBHJaJy88;.»80 ” rueina : ■':-;i v.‘-. .?iBt7Jeßoi7 «-4*JB 4oballtud«(»vit. ■ ■ ; ■ 18 7N«».i6 MlBo . AlcXtuder lien*-, .'. ' ! , .ICUMu.iI 400 : . iysdmeo A Alack* f,‘ ’• ’ 189S‘FfcVt1 ...10'-. oft trJjttffi* Us, (tori Villa) ’ .18.4JalyU 47700 ..FoWnJows, . > ; fetOOci.* 3 4*84 - cfcptfjanl.o « r . ! )M/aJyl3 18 - .-•JOfiB i;.|«|wtfieVy- •• -7 i*ffir«U « 8341 ft UU.Uuoi«.,f . ".i - . - mtAag 8 Mtebael lAeber, . , 1UIJ« 0 ~» jav-u Waiter Lowne, .-.ltalian Cl, •CST.-v. 1 ■. ■ '" :r ,lteBMar i 4 4808 J < :. : tren,' 'JB oM*r l 7 «» • .. JtneaM le.feni 1814 April 4 UoterbM'liDiTfc.Jr. i-V ldf*Dr«. 8 »8M -Jowpfe H>Cfc kniftb. " • I>«4X#» 7 lO.otf «ciinJq toeUeraten .i- > I•' . ICffMay- O: HO 9 okaMcOo. a* x'rt) haftir i W» **' ’ ■! ' SftßUlprll >8.3487 A«u«r M’MI t - ' 't * IKf Cet - .7 I*®7, I » Im-4MKvi/,. yV.w- L ■■,< ltaTMi.V«Mr,H«i>tßorcJcadeo.-<'lBM-Oet ;--8 ,140 V r'i"s.:■» Jan***,- j ' ;LkBB l' • - I J O , ihlMUMAa.B t n r y: , V,': i .‘-■7liOci i li ft* >- * t -.»0«. r-^- — “■■■-. ' *' -88~- r;>. .' .?■ ■- .» fjT.j.u if Sitae 17 190 • •.’■'■■r:.-::- v.-T- •• 30*tba«^l»1maa > cy!4f,'' - . -117.?<pt •18 . W*v >, . i " i.l*.'ief,Oes»i>eQ>.' > u r: J: " " J » • Hjw e , C‘_oo_.y' ■ 8 .aoo>_ v/.*w«piwiB .nx-Mufli fcjJeurrrr.v;' >4n-1 *> ‘ •4'.-' vrft- ««87l liffb.-,-.’• ••- V ;kf-,:v.>jBBia«vi» io . »(Vt ; 'vL'./- vlWf •.-111». »iv»i*. i --’-v.;ivrMayn w* ■. ■ ■ ,: ’ :,^>' l f‘4ll ® {W. 7!: MCI I***!*' 3 . ;..»... ' - i ’- r. i'ftUnno'lo 1534. n'.;km#77 . » - B^l< -Vr«tl(tcn>t ;v---':- ; ''' l»4t*or 85-lo# •' Wr-K-lm.l, ■;; )k'v.lst Feb 07. JOO7 Vrl*bi r ~. ,: - 4'vk> Y;,1639;J«M 73 : 99 ■: owAn-I' . * ’v ■.; trv'/'' •'.;•?: \ _ *Bto. iiarUto, nil'teore, •. 'r |. C 48?' • ' W5O bibmh',-W*»dTilV *-■' • rkl*-: :.;81 9ieboiaoa, . 1 •• ,w.. . ; . to^ fc^-r- : . J,;; i (reUy,;B»Ter,' ’ f ’.'-. : ' 1’", • .43 «jyf. v v. Stlkm ■- * ' ',■'•• rM' j. 88-j Mktfrt ?>r-M,Ml*Ueew«itf 7o UOZ anenUil*«,'^..,',Betnr».;:' >B-; ' »«aal>.WbmJ -1 ;.; J '.]; '-'V •; ' 8.;, a-ionu. ' ! , ” ' BS&.-1 ■'l-9 aha 1 ' . • -i. f; 80' , i 180 . KBffia*prs.¥ *nj« M r Crr«rT t ' ' : 7.\ 1/ ]'' 87 60 fciS • -Jotn &>*«*, Tv.,: •'••..> ,0, • i-.'Wni loh’na pn,'" - r *-•••-],--•• •- -;•••- r; lo . • ‘7O •• ■-**-*• ••••~Fxr4-*f»jnttM»gnlBa. Hexerc. .14 1M \ -' .i •• ' 7 • . MOO ; i n - > ai,Bak-r.: ~-• -I. ,VlB-'".; •' fi» r r, -l' • • v »■--TM Howe,. • -.? •.• **...-• 81.-,; , •*• TH«7J- M’Pona'd/' -:-*.Xv y\ J ii * : - « ■«•■■, ■■• V' Vm.Ciailt, ■•■..•. 1... . ;8 '. ■.? :840) - 1 -'9 It i ■* * NeuliCo., •• . *o' ■■. T 1 M 9801 '■ Z '-'INeaIAS./ , , 8 4 I Uatle4raak, - J 10 < • 8- ; - . ■ r ; ••■•i ' .-.i-v’.-t ■■■. .•.■.•160< ► v .. v ftlcCiifloajikT.,!, 10 - j'-lf-i -. ••>-!»-Ppaakaan f •C. ; 480 i 7 r '.: iias«c 4 ■ 7 >■ t sac lr c -“ icltoFelU, Oi 14 ~ * /JiaPWU, --. •••• -Y . *.:. • ->4||| : tl .“ -■ OMtpiLVVCTt-W. 1 « 60 40 •/, ••... '*.■?;'• *M» Oiboroe,< - \ •.!•,; ; 8. v , 840| • 1 i 6 J? ilwia Hu#y, : , :•h<i-■■■> MV <; - 80 ;; 16 .! . v;. J»e*3Tititana.,...... ..la . - , 8 -- - ' r ' F*«.ofy'lew;, Alkjifir CO. r- .. .. itnuim .. • . • ,5 H • ■ »Ktr<; ... .too » WMOF.IL, . . , . , - », * kVrcurtilir .. .. ' I* lfj£ ■ ■ -,t --.'3 '-V-. ! I . Bft'..-. *OBO.l . .-.s- . ■■ .1 1 8...- ; I# rdK&^'mr.Bdß'aglitßr.! ■:.»:■■ i J C«uwker. 4 W etti , 2®- ■n>(r .tnat ' «be foregoing appear* mi ha balance* ivi4es4*d*e loa.pt'nsa* prstaat aad nartag !©■ iA <a)taiiKaacbmmdiortb|«eye«rft ’TTpn*rt • other erluch hare mot boca tafteiently iiiarf in iwrtito in the foreyph* llrt.tad w«» tau, F- V r V- * *>- *■ '4'"''" ‘ r tef” ilSSlifSjfi I!'i -.{'V?' h ‘£-j & ifv 1 ' r * # A -' -f h r3afifc^ : toe** l ?;■- > V.J r. V:' fcilttl IJI 4 ,*', ■'■ ■ tef^Y:SM !■ jiflp jHH Hi gjglg ill plf iff fe ll to lSi dipi ‘M ifeSf sMs*!; ?$i (iSfcsgS’* :i~’-' l||g||p|g ill# : H' ■; v«P*|§:P ■ijiaasp i.)!'*’*• ' , "'• . ; -iocnwfcWsmsuQfcJEtaHiiiTJ, ‘ Ul*Jicold»<«lHoTiie*r*tbef*rtt> - » , > •- - - • ;,• r r , , TXTILL rn pHn»p\»rd l&ifcfsgmlm »*• Z--r< •* .••'VV* of Dry’Goad* oraeaile> k aMf.H«eft«ikdißa gea- ,f" «ntl7 1 ke«c fcct pr*pvw» Wall lbo.dA«n >i'*rfi»uaf ih«ir imuoest bt oa '■\.yr..,:- r '. jv: ;goM< f,« (heir OVR r_ . Aiita fcCo>^; vUVjttUer * Oa^Wo* '•! r ' ’td•»!> '' : v* i:£'r -Vi-- V TB'ft Jw irreftfTTed rtoca j.\3m vi? ~V- ‘J ■' : w4*««» VorttrreklaTwiflMMf. ,l \' j'-d’l-'x •9.,-r ■■ ■■ 1 :Vt*Tla*m • . ; ' * ‘-|«l.*r».U«riljipm-:-V;‘. . Yx U ■■Km* CiarK* - *!» f «• • -o-' * ••.»••> •• *K*'** i FJi»e - • Jw^rtawrec..-. _. | - V-.- ’a Tk- [l’o/t; ie»‘ n«»r n-:n 15’eciM Wll^ * T f* l f * r 1 J j‘ ~ • iLn -m-r ol iUi«■rima Him ■. !■• f . * V : tTot.cic-M•utiu-rn nunsna-a-rtk*;* !<-• i --r ;. .M" W re»u>f»<»tm»rt«'»nl tni»«'» ■' r-. : *' na.pAaT B BBS n i P—Tne •■vrtnneS.r'Mi#* T. "’ -- L bsny tmti, wd ttiveo'mUr*® I *®*****? •S®***** . -- ; trtstftiiri!L»i»4 aiepM»Clu^Ba«^^ w - ; ’ton • ~-■*• m.Kwrwur. .1 -< - ■= - - • HUTICB. - '* k >-- TTTK* ST«ttaKWar7 wn»*ej U« will *od venwoenict Ju*** "^y-ssrtrMfiKaKwgg^gf.-:; !.:TVItUAM It. A.PpIS>W,/: "I rang-wei. cur O' ruuwt*- r '. ■V-.'l wi'irt« ÜBIWIWI' ~; tS -> l Tf AVlNff- taftttKd ■ > » ectif* <>—lt Of J»ha Little, ’ H t. hrA added li to toy #lr«idyelioie»W!4 W yaiiriT’of Pbfttf >Wty» *ad - - **, *«*> *»*-•« *W*> 4C wb wkave* , - •'’• t- «taro l - eof r tioat •«■. - ill ',*—;>• - I 1 — ." . 1 J jl^’c|g~ --- • - , - ■■ . . '". vS&SftffS^SSNSssU l - V » - fiw !»• JAW*?*.:* $R‘%" i- K i;e . . J. , - * , - ?; -I- -T gif. TS ' V rs-* .• Ar , , ~ „ y« „ - -jSS&tf'OHlptcawF—fcVfrN»* t * t *_j > *jft a ftjffj *3» u *S-*G ftVfUijK clkhaf 'MPSfbft-|toi«l<»t4Ml-wiiJ P*® I *®*; • . • qgkfßBBHSßff siMSpP ; ** •V?'" > •1F ; : r iU-w" s6^^ li 5! f l w I if, V *» ~ I\> , L . f:, „ dct?disw-‘ «srß*CAire#v ■■■i..' ■ ■ uT-OtINO9:TEIBXBTUL GLOBES, cOßtabbf. fell dLj;tfcrhlr4Momi* mi Gimiijlim i^nmn^ nlihriy* riiroMtifrtfcr* Cm*, i jikfftw fciilh%)w»Miik,OSoti ( , jmfrenmntikf Arndt'k&fft Rc»be4 > fcy J R««»flf***.. i rjbtds(n?cgLjuTuiA au>u£****9 a !L*s Jia9n;Man r t*baJm L 4*. Xompited. Gvm,tb* wb *f ,Vi ctmmunmiiii J» Bn*- ■ IcUi fidieki* ofXeSoi, teiib l >l N«* bS 'lMifllnh ' • j , J«bMUafc r Stotytafa*v*j«tnttto4ft6vrun «fA* tkm OMa,'nnii| ta «*,»» feifewc ■ • K lp& - :dsfi»eb»f»4»»rt«v .. • • .. Ik;*":- t .. i<«*-Vv -•:• ■ .* v ■ , AwTricM,Chraß.efa,«gJc«ml«cry«. ■■ . 4*eU Tife*.B*ATrT,&meit7of Beatty, > 1 .. • ~ V AQ»— Ggeaai^ft Cba<.G;,Cou>>. •NivOikm -BIfiATIT,BROTHER * ; 1 V ' 6«t«r»IOaBBliil»B jltrcfeftßti rbatasuxKAßD roft»AU>i*aer .r '■ . WBSTCBJI PAODCCKc: ifc. 31- Poydrm . Arst, Hem Orlums. • >• < . ■ » Jemes *l*o refer *Ga,$ w * y * v » J>*Tki WkfaeVCßjMe&Mjfcu •.'.*■ I ■ ■*'.: W; ,; EUllfcManoC-P*afcWr) ' if;;-.. r ;'! ■.• v " - .Ho«*fcFT«er, -1 JOtttiMli. f | I H l« KM^^RaftVtaker,SsMavaU»o. DBT&»MWAcCb,W«U»TiD« I tX ' j' iwim Be; wfiuiafcW ■' • flU'Ctsrtajt*G»>’\’>.«; B J rc —., v-.;i [!;;•: j'v.. t .; .-.■.V"* 'Car.fioiifeft.-C»fltai(rti«''Owo* ‘ ■ t *ft)f4TfPPACTPBKB to order PriwfagrrSi Preifhi UStrcm ef ikemi remarred dceeriptfaa at retmoe* bW priest.:•■»anas of the Canale, luilroed and Brt- ■ lor.foyeta eaabledio supuofrraaaoaabfeteras » alrpllWfoiatSo Wed.-.:Th«lFWb*kwittb#wajT*ated. edttSJiebll reepecirie any mad* la tb*-osited Buies. Hir? \ - |;• “tiHB ’> •• lFotrpcrtyof Boatac.Mw.l ■: s fwdir« : rnn*if 4x*t*wit,[llm Tttk. • . i.'TH BE ufoaenber l* prepared fafamish band can Tree | ; X i aad-fttatrr*s Materials of all kind*, at ihert noilee aad Meeaaoaiblß warn. • *•••*•<:■• ..\«.■ > ;, Proprietor* oTaewapapar*, who havenot advtnised far ik« **beariber,:wbo mmy pabUab this nodes for three afaatfca'wiUbeeUldediereemepay In type, oa par. | cbasof At* trcae* the aian*m of their bUlaut adrerti- I uidTypa takes la exchange for aewai teems per )b. I BT«f 7 <•: EOBUITTAVUIR • OD* ( • ■ j ■ THE andenigßed are now prepared to fanuih tbelr. easterners and ike pebliegrostiilr. with *n eier Mmaniefa of Lara Oit oi'thttrowaaaaofacuua .-wbie they will aelloa accommodating tanas. • fbeii Odtbey beilere'tobeujoodaaaiiyodered'la tkenaitie^aaa ■ ■ | 16Ubrrtjr.at,oppoaneireithteld • p.-&—Lat&a&d CreaM askable for au chine rj.cn hand: forwtl»»atwee. . • . ■•: I nedo* -A 81 annowensafco in the laportsxioatof Brunei, xiol ueaaud Urns ki, excicmclT.aad I aeinamada arrangement* la dJeiem pan* of Eareposmd die Ire- Land* with Well.known booses for mjr ratal* a*J*P7 0f Forein Lliraer*. wfcleh I wiU.be able to mtU.delivered dntbo Casual llowoe# New Vorkar.Neit'Orieaaser inthieeitr,*itbeh>w*ftmarke» price for leash or *p ■proeed paper. 1 hate m store and eellara vrrytarge ctoekor verrtapendh Wine* and Lrqaor* t in imported of the most celebrated bread* aad Tiaiageo'far aafa «* I pieasraguauby : • pcaivKTTN I -•• •• • : ecrlet*onrithSeldaa SHAVING CBBASrFeafo cream t apoafoaj. *> d« l '■TayiotW ibaring composed; •■' -Wrishik race and alajood creern; £rin , a Liqsfa cotnpuaad.- Tmrre standard prepa* ntlans far ahanag may b* bad erbolesatoar retail of tnrat • - - :V7‘ . • KBatpy^Uaiar ereodat ; o obDi*,»fcT«r, I fiOObssiDdfSean W ftCbciaai I. ’•10/MUbapnamFenan; I. 1: ' . io cakaiat eons Poiuk; j 10 u -.pcreaesrehedrialtx; • I ■. nleekSaba, ■ j - ' ,10 •*; Salemae: reeetrrdaadfiaraalebr * I '-deio -'• .. , cdtauM dt Mcknight, oik it CODA «ka,*rwwißg a per eest, upeet* jj ed earir la Dceratbtf, via nnr Orleans. ■ 70 Ctks of *ame aaocui &om oea of tbe belt EacUfo tunafoetnera, frere wbamwo czpaet hereafter, teialai i Mppbea.aadeanefermaßafoet»reaofGbua andotk. i ere ta tUemarketaomatadaMmenampafebemaras. vnySi . . . . ,POHq>EKTEM fa CO OLD HDUaPIIEfo-mfW Um ■old India Babber ftboea, ke. of tba.afo stylo .erected, far arblditbe bl<bni price wiQ be paid ia:c«ah «r ifoeda. inapw “^."^Nvaaaisa 1 DfLUOnU-Of aJL deecripcfons iand pneea, fof 'l>4aiaeihoiexa>e or yebulita wood and rise*, at the .wins etore Of >" - • JAOOMiWjUVER . dotlv •■ ■ - ■ ■ • cor market fa boo: at« MEDICAL.; SF.ft!iULBEABORB VHY Dtt* L% DY'S SABSAFABILU B LOOD PILLS &r« beeorntaf ao antTenally p»>palar 1 ' First, Beeacae they are prepared by Dr.M B-Loi jdy hisncir, angolar Dntfgtet, Cbcmut and Pbyar I cuaoCPbUadalphiafVtio. kcowb tbe aatar*,.tbe l.qnilty sad cbankler of. Ufa Mfolldaea used ia faU pills aad tbdr adapuiiia-td tfiacfaseJ ; .SbpQDd > B«eaaaetbd pbblicoaatako them with greater eoofideeca tbaa mbat bills .which are prepared by pereoea ignortint beoV mefl.tcute and | dimaes.;. K' | Tfalirf/Beenifl of theh eotnHaed e9oe te. proper] [ ties pHt eostaltied ta say other pUbe aatq ely, port- I 'lrtg the ttppuch aad bowel* all nab* altby teo* j stances, abd aV-lbe aupe Uae pDrilyxaf tbe blood J aadSmdaof thebody. r. '-" •■ s |. •, '■ ■ j Poanb, Beesue they m tbe cheapest and best I medkine boxcortiaibotScents, fattleoetaialßg 40piUr,saTuit topc(T»ons as many | doUaraolt limes la DoetorV bills] tlad. aometeoa I medlciaes boogbt do tried oatha fet«Jßa«aeßdatioo I ol otbere, - r v ADVICE. t '; - Whenever you hove occasion to! U|te may medi cine, do not be trifling with' yoor-eoaslilauoa by trying sii kinds ol pill* or, other medieiMtsyoa see pcoltsbed snd recommended by om add a pother bat uke atusce ! I)r, LcMtfs Sarmparißa Bbod JHSt .. udyoo witlnot have occasion *u trJtu anything else.:-They will always be foand goodja almoit all «omol disease, lanmatiDnofiiieekoaiaeb,boww els, liver axd.: katestt&eajcTampspL the stomach: i colie, Waterbrash: iawardlevars, ;fonl breath, bad l taste ialbe aoatbi Soar eraetaiioes and acidity ol I UrnttodUeh,eostivaecai aad indigeatioa,want o( ; appetite, bltlloea aflectiou. diseases ofthe. spieea. and kidaey*,diseases of the akin,Jsesly en»,oUtmd dry sad watery pimple* dr biotebes of the face ana [ b3dj, teUer,i*«|priekie boat and sail rire«B, M*d eehe/gWdiaess, Irisices*.paiai over the bea.% oi rtbe hmist. sides,aioagtheback aoid spine; rbeatma* rtfea awl g«ai, revets ol all kinds, smtUpox; varies I loid.messeW, aerofoU,erysipelas, and'ta abort they I ate good ia yl dtsesses having 1 : their brigia in 1 the | stomach, liver, ahd intestines, and imparity of the I ffjTweatj4ve eeata a Bo*. > I aoid Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fahnestock I fcCd *CofneforFir«t tod Wood, alto coraerof | Sixth abd Wood streets, i sep*S9 SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL; ING&—SeroiaU is all its msttiplied fbm*r j wbeiherlalhst'oT Kief's Evil;enlargements « the | gtandsprbodcii, White iJweTiiag*.,Cnrt>n{C I fihMtMiimjtianaar, rfrirn—w ofthe Bkm Of.Sptne, I or oi Pulmonary Coossmpiioa, emanate from ooe [and tbe same caate; whies tv a poieasbas principle rimorp er icas inherent la tbe baman system. Tltere* [fore, adesa this principle cu be destroyed, oo radi* Real cere eaa be efiected, bat if tbe principle upon h which'the disease depends, ia!removed, a care mast of necessity follow, no matteronderwbat ions the disease shoe id maaifast itself; This, therefore m the Jan k’j Altuutiv* is so ani rvemlly mcemwal is temor tag so many malignant [ dlacura It destroys the viras or principle from I wbteVthoae'diaessw have Ibeirerigiß,by catena* [ iafcrtbe tirealatioa, and with thd blood U conveyed | to ihe tiunotest fibre,'removing; every particle of L disease from the system/, Prepared and sold at No. 8 Sooth Third Street. Philadelphia.l I ••• Sold at.tbe Pekin Tea Store, No. 7* Foorth (tree. IPitttbergh ' - • ’'i""''' ;, - , .mch3l Tiß. TOWNSENDS dozen 1/ ja« received of J)r. TbwasewPs ShmperiUa: the sMstextreardiharvatedieiae lb tbe world! ThisKx* u«t is pat spin qaa/t bottles. lUssJx.Ußßsssbeaper, pleasanter, and - warranted sspenor to any sold. It cares disease whboat vsWiricg, gorging. sickening or debilitating ike Patient ‘ . LeeJiiSfir babsrim*.—Unprincipledpersonahave ; copied sef.iabeJf,end pat Bp medicine Jn the same shv ped bottles.. See that each ootUe has dm written ugna- I.iamof It KTiwasrnd. • !•’*-:< ■ . r R B AELUSBS, Dragglst, No J7Wood st, between IM and 4th sis. la Dr Townsend's only wholesale and rsuU agesiferPioato*h,of whom the gemone article WDM Carry bat been appointed Ibasele agent tor Alle* I gbeov city, of wham the genalno nrdefo can be had. *J l avt# .«Mii r , v CAB4IHATiy*BAIiMJI - DJIOXdM I|T ABA SHINN) awellknownandpop A* al« Gerrrnan of the Protestant Metbodirt Chorea . Theandmlioed having beenafflicted daring.theput winter whh ft disease of the stomach, mnotlmea pro* Sbclbc neat pain la the stomach fat tea or twelve bean wuboStiatermlerioSt end -after- bavin*tried varies* remedtrewJtk !iitleereet,-wMfend*fced witbn boule of Dr D Jayne's Carmiaatfve Baltamr TW» be need me* eotdtei to the direetieoSf and feand invariably tluttble BedJcineeaased tbe pain to abate In three or fear min aod in fifteen or twenty , wlnmles every. snessv «eautk>a'wu entirely quieted.' Tbe medicine wuit terwardsuaed whenever Indications of tbe.approach o i pain were perceived, end tbe paw waa thereby prevent* ed. -jle'c«ntfatoedto.a»e the. medietas every evening cad sometime* in the morning, and in a* lew ween health was ro (hr restored, that the aafferer was reliev ed from a large nmoetuef oppresaive pain. From ex iwrim, ha can confidently recommend D. DJayoe's Carminative Balsam, as a salatary mediein ferdnerecaoirUtemeMaehud bowels. SHINN 1 .-Allegheny eby«tj3l : For sale in Piusbaiyh at tbeFSJUNTEA-tfTOR n Foanb street, near Wood, and also ot the Pro Stare of II P SCHWARTZ. Federal street, Allegheny SELLERS’ IMPERIAL COUGH 6YBOP—It Is \Ur. R. E Sellers: My children, like where, have been eahleet to treablereme coaghs. and having osed different reamdles ta vary llula par peon, I iwaa iodaced by aa advefu*emeatabe«tthae«a(hsyrtp»« five it a trial. Igaveittotwo of my beys, and alas to my deaghtrr. severaldiCrrentdaies, aadu has oever finJea to do so. - T haw reemaeaded H o my neighbort/end do meet e«BKidfittoaaiy believe that it IstM best eeagh medi* cine that hnseverbceacßaed tothe yabCc.' • >. •■ • I permiuheir children m wffisr from ‘'Fareataabaold ttiHUb, B.E. SELLEB9,S7 Wood .L, between ted tad 4th at*. Bold by Pr.Ca*snl,4tb Ward* P.M Carry, AUttbcnTOtr, .• : --,'deS . :joo tvnuMmiovi koosobilT PplimR fttMnenaeqtaiyoant. Loekat rots VV.IbH yoaac wilb, vUhha bri(ht aanay faeel £nk at year«wa,ptiaedwith Wtabpn* and Mottbesl -Yet yea/asomomemi » «»e fiftyeantstbr aeaheof the tmiltattaatThomkslßoap,wkleb woe Id entirely Are reaftammom, and makayaar rallow tkia elear.aad Wattty.Oo at aware iretretfaßwe, ® Liberty at dwOarouun»i»>,.witni ! -gw, cramn> '-'RcIWBIH MMM, u 0» kmUtf, Spy-- - ’ I • - JWw —■»* v * MISGELLASEODS-- v ;#> eeeriafe and failed cvej Whether raURu), etlereai cediacor Uni,ahoi fa irritwoobfUte tudwya tsd Uad> dcr.moo fa Oh fadt and afe; faabitn! coftbntn, mf i Hdß|.-dtc, v •• ' ;oahi Won end afire iwißrerwit aremtaa.tnMbkd with ceatffaatfca of the bovdi or cortmmwi as *«11«* (hr -pld. - laak efab cMcatheSpecifo can be ufakwilhpre fael mfaly, red l« a iiertanr «iwadr> The-Sperifiefanotr. pregathe, and it m eatbely ffactahk rcaadyi wkhoet a pre tkli nfnwlinr* inVirjarT-r " r l- i —**f —] faeOybanakaifatbcaßdd^kataeaiefc • TOsytoaftUyaailkaoWDr.ta^UA’T’sFncSperifi.j hMarta qaa'ia* «ow» itorfca, < -fined n»d* « catirt I <an <■ mn cm. ::■”U -'«?*HEfttY WHITEHEAD. - ; Si sicthttmt. ■ '•ltAwHeflytireanrtorilaiitT m tetfaseerfeoaiod sstoa Miter dfcet»tfl>r7la|aUibt% Flk» Soteifie, »* I know it 6m mf m uwilttM end ctemtnj to U te&UiMe; .□Mtoih'twt ESSISTCEUTIFKITK* r “~K«jrmk,M»jr,lBß, ; Mr, Bnli TTrtr Sin—l km tb* ffeuon-lo.my, tbU WP ■■dlirtit, Dr. lagoMdnb POn Benifie, hx n»d« » per fed «m te tka cm* trsy mcTi nd job Bjr word Hall bnkannrMitH,uit was frttir<Jpiawona* ndM&is to canker. l HewatarjteaoaowUatiJytotheimil- Uf mWm hfctKMt, wti do Aiaill other* Who eT* al| pMmd fatkal&a Banter, to‘paean Ik* ertieb,** thay n*y. itatad. oatccrfaiacan ' ‘Years wflk fond. , • WotCheater,lf. 15,184 V (- Or. lagcMikj Dor Sin—Thai yea nay benefit tfbm wUmM sarong, as wcßn toexpren mj fniitndai fcr IbbtatSUhm dmid hxm the an of year nimble Spa tifie, 1 eonplywiib par ngoeat, aad new do yin ay teeti mania *»or of it, taring octa eared of* eertra attack o fk* Tfln alter taring andolbcr note dice arithoo t loeccn. ab&tt ,**o year*, —- it known, preferred to eirotfier Bcadiiesd*. . » ■ For eheustut strenxth and eonvcuesee it has cot 'ud cannot be eqn*Ued,a* it it decidedly the belt, ebcapestead mo*i eon?enienlßed»teed id dm, and per* tccitr pi oof ej*ln*t Bnjt, •' _• • , ■ iTte onocipsl »:*biaM maker* «nd Turner* m Alio* ibeay ettr and in ’Pmsbargh. hate secured Ri«hu to manufacture and sell tbs snide. A* there are spurious anletes and imperfect imiHUont in the market, porcha •erswaald do well to examine Ute.cMt inm plates on whieb mthexennineoruela the ntmeoftlw patentee, K. F isiflysiishlT cast.: Asa-proof of all th*t , l( claimed for Qazzam’* Dedtteadt, the following certm* eate from Cabinetmaker* well known in Pittsburgh and the W«*t.t«*abinittedtothe -p iblici ' 1 >. We. tbs tobterlbsT*. practical cabinet maker* and nasafaetarer* ot the eltie* of Fidburrh ana Allegheny, do heieby.eettiftr that wo hare boartt tke nxbt to manufacture bedstead* with Laxxam’* F§t« eat Fastening*, and eonaider tie ramewyemr to any totfnJaMwuhwtiiehya are acquainted. James Lemon 'John APUrew - -• TB Yoona AO Robert Faimaa J.R Hanley . - : Jams* B Bart; John Liggett; Jr. Ja*. LownrA Sen l2wne-¥‘jarbla . Riddle * Brennan Items* Farley -■ Ramsey A MOJetlaod DavtfTLaker :-t • Mdses Bollaek; Huh Waliaee ■ ktobem AKane,, t MBYflii; Jas kV WoOdweJl - JNeebaasa aeDfußafder • Win Haslets ' J McMa«ter»Ato i Alexander Lawson. < • "For Rldus to make and sell thejjboee Bedjtead* i ; * OAZ £i&. 1 OktUiafft'M lb* Woridt TWENTY.FIVKDuELABSwmb* paid to anyone Who willprodncv• MW ef paint,greenctdry.lbat eaaaat toe eawaeted wtd» lion* Improfed Che weal Bo so. i hare ito* mi Wacuen of *aymg.w tne people w lhlTelace, that ibia article, by ay own laproartnemon it, ww Biodt unriaalled in ibie country, for extracting crease, ur,pitch,oil,paint,or any other. grtasy tub auLOee! tfemallhuid* of gentlemen's or ladie*’clothing, carpet*, table cloth*, merino.»b*wU, ladiea* boraeu, 4e Wdhaat iaiariu anythin* that pore water will not Wire. Store than *oe lboa«and person* ta different auto of Hw cocnUT hare told methey wosJdnotlie wiihont it; if It eoA one dollar per cake.; In try toy ihi* Soap on wa than 300 article* of ligtrt auk*. sauna ah *eecai.«ad ealieoea,! hare only (mad tbreb piece* ot iUK. two ofalpaetm, and £ocr of calico, on which it efca&xed the colon theta ton* before patting » on a light tfrfM («« a maple of the drees first. 1 iwethu toccaete 1 am determined not to recommend it any ftronttt tban i knAwiß hc'esietlir uoe. - N.HHOtr. ■w-ifiS-a ■-srirtssar 1 ' '4MSt * •S 7 wood* toacftal nil Omaußtd Gtfte. .. • FIMJ aMonmsal cf fincjr article*, among which Crochet Ban with and without elarpi; ' fteei Bead and Freoeh»ilhl«i*i Pil* «jUK . Ivory übfes; pearl memoranda; Enamelled and ironr V aper euttera; NaMlaod and portable ink»; Cifar caaea, wh comb and flan and memorandum Tctthpmkt; plain e:y»r ease*; < Portfolio's pocket hooka; Papietorea; aeedle bcoia; -• ■ Finer hoxe«; Berlm iron ba*k«t*; • • . , ; Wtlbwfcu*cf,4c.fte. Now o£eo anJ^ftJe | •■?••■ .j • . 63 market aired - on ihr most approved Eastern plan*— uxd most fashionable Eastern pauno* and colon. Al«o THE CHEAP ROLL,-or BOSrtJN BLIND, on band ornsde to order of all aiiea, and il all pneei. CoantryMerebaoUaad others are tnrited to call and examine the above for th«n*elTes«ai all will be sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedacuon made to i i WESTERN CISOVLAB. ; WAStnaarnsi l>- C, Dee. Bti, 1«7. gStf o/ *, IS piusbonh paper* with not * little aorprwe 1 Bod that yoa bare copied or btuincu Circular enure, and appropriated I will lake tie liberty to inform joalbet my boaineaa Circular poenkm.add i* not coantra pns>eny. 1 *&eU not wi !• GiiT eenacntm be placed in a |w*mon that will ledoee penem wbo do aettoow me to *appo*e that l,am nnt capable of rompounf my own beiiaew card; oribnta aaespableofpUfonag and appropnauex the card of aaotbermayowna*e.j I am;therefore, neder thene. ; Attorney fair Patent!, Watbingwn. D. C. , 1 A. rAtt&lS'lfuUlW rNKUMONIC. of COOth •Balaam, barfa *reat advantage over many oiher preparation*. a* H« pleaaant uu* permit* it to be *aedw»thO*l inconvenience. Uniiaealue a* a Baltmm, eaoiitttiatie tpeediaeiaof It* core. Wehevekoown ■me of; il» been mbainjon for a eenilderable length of *-“*> yew alaoat immediately to u* power. .... , _ Inaoeh weather bow* bare had dating the past winter < very oae ia’ltable to uke cold, eoleai great pro- C "wetfe«Md on du o expoiare to the iaelemency of the weather often laye the Jooadatioifof a backlog eooah which oeeda & quick remedy to prevent aeroa* re*»'lw- We have namenwa eeiufieaic* of cue* which it hat wfermed, many of which are from pervw* in ihi« city and the oeighboibood, and they are a aaffieient nsier eace wilir*et eayiof another word in it* favor. - Prepared and tor ante wholesale and.reuil by U A PAHNCSfOCK * CO, corner of Wood and Ist *t»d | Wood anddib M. i - <el ». SELLERS' IMPKHIAL COUGH RUP—From w K tlodrn, Kaq , Clerk of the Coon of (fuller Se»* *ion*ofße*Tereoaflty- 1 ' , . Me. B K ScLttt*—Ain Pome (.me in tbe winter my wife wu iffiieied with » severe and dlMreauin* <«ojb. mad hearing of your invaluable Coogh Syrop, I parcba »ed Should from * T. TrimMe, Esq ,in Bridgewater, and after akin* a portion of it two or three evenings or. joins to bed, she found immediate relteft a» also revet a] friends have been relieved Inaevereeaaea. lamtbere lore satisfied;htt it U a safe and valaatile medicine, and woald-reeommead ft jo those wbo may be with •evert combs and colds. • w. K. Boaea. TLeByrup l ia pot«p InAScentbottle*,so thatlt may be beotuby tbe poor as well as the rich. • ■PrtSredand sola by R E SELLERS, STyroed tree ■boTiS-anle by Dr,Cassal,6th wart, and D. M.Curry, Allegheny city. ° tU BEACH’S UNIVERSAL EXPANSIVE BHKLLER —This later savin* Machine, was Patented, April letb.lMS, which in view of iu great darabilny. cheap ness and efficiency, ill simplicity of consuucuon.and tho ease and. facility, w.th white it is used by cither Boys or adults; is uicvjtably destinedi to supercede all other Com Shelters for general use. It in fact supplies a desideratum whieb hasten* been wanted throughout tbe Western States, for wbile it costs Jess than one-tenth of tbe price ef the rotary sheUcrs.ono person efnshc!! earn vnth mas fast as with any. For sale at the Seed e T^’ *' W °°* "' J WreKCESHAM . HOPS— For »*Io a few bale* New VoiH growth of 1646—front fl to 10 eau. ...... Alao,JSacem uul Western N Y, early picked, thu 'year** growth... Prime Ohio do, Belmont eobniy. . . The generel Eastern c»op of the «e«*nt U now being received; Brewer* end others ttfing Hop*, will u&d it auiefc to their advantage to obtain tbciraupply from tne j’ fuat.r»> W»T. TRK'KAOIC IIUSIVB BOAT*—Fcfremo- Yin* Grea*eipot*, Stain*, or Mark* from Clothe*, Woo Hen*, Carpet*/ &S-, he*, end rendering the spot* where ill* applied clear,bright,new, and epeUeo. • Sold'withTnll direction*. Price 83cent* aeake. ro-flold by wa. JACKSON, EG Liberty street, bead Wood, at bis Boot and Shoe ttore, ai*n of tbejiif HOTICKr ■■ • ■ THE Stockholder* of the Fanner*’ Bepont Bankoi Pimbwh; Intend making application to iho neat each alteration of their Chaf “ prlvilegeKer *f de«Mdexpedient, will aak.» be ineorporated a» anew lliniu- PHIMItA. ADVERTISEMENTS DERBY: & NICKERSON, Mannfaetnrer* of AWSIBBB, 81VUHB BOTTOM, wagon: covers and grain bags or Ati. DMCRtmon* Ho. ai«.teath Promt Street, • • Back of l A. »iW* Cabinet -Ware Mmufy o* e * u J * • • paiItADKLPBIA k LLordere i left with S. ti. Moon, at the office of the wtgftigi&isr*, U mUMlr : A. a NICKF.RSON CARRUOKS. ' ; . WJLUJM OOUL-. COACH JUiD HA&MSSB MAXEILVB Cbeaet it, vPkfladriaKa.laie ofthe firm of Ogle A. BWPBr .Wrinu rtnaeifiiQy isferia* hii Cricadi wfiiwwJ™ - »4 th* poMk, that ha hu and will keep ecumadysw head od fee mlr,a haadmae uaortatst of •AioaHe Carriage*. Vehicle* of ell tfri** end descriptions ■ate to order at toe shorts* powiMtae&ea, and esmted in ha earyheri nasimyofaslaewd natmtL ; - ftMa-ly ■ ..•..'.•vi.-CsMMIHMUHIOEim!- rnHßMbwrfarvMtd re*peetfet)7 invite Ladietud X Philadelphia, tad an**ni nf FANCY FCBB, wcb»tM«l&itJwvTlppia I Jtc.,io i irlvnwaenll befiaspnrthMiof ebewbeie, either will i i*AU ts ttoir advantage •*»* oiliuke. All ordert icectrcd steUbahiihfillruteadedteat Ne Q North nil! «, «bm Art*, PklWdpkUi ; ' mi r. . - , » < i , » ~ JAKES jucmnr | u naip IrtaKnyuslni . V j - ' HEDfCAL. DB« TOWNSEND’S sarsaparilla. ' JUost extraordinary Mediant in the World. 7l!« f «r plsajantev, and warranted superior to tar sold. I* com ': diiftrr without vcmlagypuniag, ticaacs* or,d* GBBIT SUBBEa SKDICUiE Tbt pot bcauly tad superiority of this Sampwiib ©vat all otbwMtdicsacts, whilst it Eradicates Dbtasa it-lnvigor aiei the Body. It U cm of the niy bctC&PRING AND SUMMERMEDICIKESmr kaosia, it act only purihe tbe-whol* system asdttreigtbcttstba person, bat.it Creates A*rw, Pure JJieuJ , apowcrpowciseri by no other Median*. And inthto ikslbvgrindseeretofiu woudofal It bn pubnal willun the apt two jan, aar* than 33,000 cures of Seter» Cases of Dim**; ultot 5,000 of-these were coattdettd incurable. Mon than dm of Chronic Hbccotiita ; ifiOOaMt of Djipeptis;' 400 case* of Ocnertl Debility tod Want of Energy; 7,000 cue* of different Female Complaints; SfUOO.meaof Scrofula; '• 1,20(1 eases of the Liver Cemebist; ' 2 i 500 cam of Disease of the Kidney tad Dropey; • JUjOO cam of Consumptiom- And Thotuaodkof case* of Disease ofth# Blood, m: Ulcers, Erysipelas. Saltßheum, PimptescoihaTsce, tuu. Ate. To etUicr with numerous ew» of Sick Headache, Fata ta the aide and Chest, Spinal Afire Com, 4cm, fee. ' wi are aware,''BißXt appear incredible, but we hare letter* I'rom phynaaoa aodour agents from all part* of the United Stale*, wfaeoiiaj u* of extraordinary earn. It. Van Huikirk, Esq.: cos of the moat rapeeUbl«drvggi*tein New* ark, N. J., infehw us that be can refer to nor* than 150 ca -1 (Mta that pi mb alone. - There are thowaads of cam ia the l City of New if oet, which wa will refer to with pleasure* ! and to mkn of character,. It is lha beat nediciae ter the I Frereatire of disease known. It undoubtedly t&Ttd lhe lire, I 9( more than ' . d,OOO l.mtatn TH* Fan SsiMM ! A* it nadred lha caoM of disdaaa, and (xepued then to I cha Sww* aiiwi I UmtD Statu Orhcu. Carr. G. W. McCuaa, cr nts Uutko-Statu Navt, and member of the New Jemy Legislature, ha* kindiyaent os the fallowing certificate. It tells its own story. - Rakwav, Jan. 33, IS<7» - Ayear.Bace I wa* taken with the Influents, andmy whole ■ ■ system left in a dehilitaled state* 1 was induced to try Dr. Towhscad’s Sarsaparilla,'and after taking two*or three bot tles, l was ttty modi r*uer»d,m4 aUribate it entirely to the arid Sarapsnll*. 1 ban coo Land taking it, and find that 1 iasrera enty day. 1 babsra it itred my life, and would i net be without it under toy eoomdanlinr /. O. W* McLean, tote U. 8. If* This certificate conclusively prom that this Sanapanlla w—.n** control orar the'most obstinata discasa of tha MaedT Threa pereona cored in oca bourn is unpctcadeatsd Ob. Tetfusso—Dear Sir: I han tha pleasure totnfonn ! m that threa of my children han been cured of tba Sero ute by tha us* of, your asetllcnl medicine. They wen afflicted my aermly with bad sort*j han only taken fear bottles: It took them away, ter. which l feel myself under leap Tom, mpartfnlly, . • • ■ Itaao W.-Ctaai|lo9Wooster rt. Hew York, Mirth 1,190. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Or. Townsend** BumpariUa'U a sorwriat end speedy cure far incipient Cansuaptica. Barrenness, l f *na»T«B,oi Whites, obstructed or difficult Menstruation, Ineonlmoenes of Urine, or invduntory disehsrge thereof and far the gn* , tn i pnnration of the system—no matter wuetber tha result of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, lllaew •r accident* - Nothing on be mot* surprising than it* invigorating af fects oa the human traffic. Persons, all weak&os and bss» toda, from taking it, at once become robust and follof energy nndcr Ua ihfluraee. ' It immediately counteracts tha earn temessof the *—* r * u frame, which is Ihc great cause of bur| not ba expected of us, m cam of m delicate a na ture. to exhibit certificates of cares performed, but wa cun I smart the afflicted, that hundreds of earn hare been repotted I tons. Several etas* where frmiliesbava been without child* 1 its, After "»™g a few. bottles of this invaluable medicine, hare been blast with healthy offspring. Dr. Ibtwwmd: My wife bung greatly drstmmd by sreakneea and gtntrul debility, and suffering continually by r»«" ««d a atom-lion af Wiring down, tklfisg of the I tnmb, cod with other difficulties, and haring known cam [ when your owdktat has effected gnat cures; and also bear- I iag it recommended for such earns as 1 han described,! obtain- I 7a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and fallowed r tha direction* you gara me In a shc*t period it ttmond 1 ber and restored her health. Being grateful far I the benelitishe ncehed, I taka pkasura in Ikua rnknowledg | Inf it, and ragomMeading it the public. • M*D. Mooli, [ afttsy, Acg* l7 *! Car.of Grand and Lydinsts- CoxaacDS, Sept. 39, WO. ' Jpr 7bifftrf*d; To all whom this may concern—This is to certify that my wife used caa bottle of your Sampurilla pes riocato her ccnfinemeat, under the tousl’alsnniag and delicate cireamstxoces, bring troubled srith lha droper, swel ling of lha fact, nemos affectk»s, and vary much , fan: with my pemasidn, and tha ircocimniHitinn of tboee i who bad used it, shi was induced to try it, with httla or no I frith; cud suffice it to my, tha madirina had tha happy and 1 tlrrind effeet, not aofy ia iha hoars of confinement, but alter Iho TfCftto" of oa* week of its use, the dropsy, and ner vous affsetiao gm nr to an astooithing degree, and her health ia now better than it had. bees for a fang lima pc*. if this will bo of any aurvieo to you or any ooa who doubt* tha suecass of yhamadkiaa, yon an mlirufy welcome fa, Jt, V '.l'' 1 oubmrlba asytalf your nmet obedient and oMiredfmni, . SSJUtUdi. TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES; • This Extract of StnaparfUa has bon apraasly prepared la reference to female comptainla. No female who-has rco son to supposo the is approaching that critical period, u Th» turn cf should negfccl to take U,as it isa certain pccrentin far any of tba numerous and horrible diseases to : which females art subject at this time of life. This period I may be delayed far several yeun byosieg this medicine.' Nor [ ii)t lew valuable to thotnwbo are approaching womanhood, I ti it is calculated to assist nature by auiefcenmg the blood and invteoraUnc the system. Indeed, thismedicae is inval stable far all of lha delicate diseam to which women are races the whole system, renews permanently Iba natu ral energies—by removing lhe;impurities of tho body—not m frr stimulating the system as to product a submqucnt.n bixrioe, which b tha emt of meet medidnei taken far fsmala I weakness and disease. I I 01R1.9 READ THIS. - * I You who bars |*le eomrdcsionis dull«jss, blotehca ou lha face, rough skin, or freckles, and are out of spirits;” use I a bottle or two of l>r Townsend’s Samperilla. U will I eleunse your blood, remove tha frsekka and blotches, and I E i TV you —sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful I eompkctioo—all of which are of immense nine to aamar; I rtetl todies. 1 DYSPEPSIA.' No fluid or medians bss ever beat ducorered whkh so tesrly resemble* tbs gastie jaiee or mliaa in decomposing food snd strengthening'ths orpin of dipslioa, as this prepaj rslion of Sarsaparilla. Danx Dararrmurr. AlhaoT,May 10, 1543. Dr Townsnxf- air— 1 bsvs been afflicted lor several yesrs with dyspepa ialts worst-foi ta,, attended withrmir) aess of stomach, lues of appetite, extreme besrthurs, sad s mat sreriioc to all kinds of fcod.and for wesks {what I could cal,)’ 1 hare; beta uaabls to retain bat s small portion on my stomach. I.tried the usual remedies, buttbivhad hut hIU« or no efTtfl in removing tbe complaint. I wed in duced, about two mimthi since, to try'vour Extract of Sarw purUjSjSad I must nr with little confidence, bntsfUruiiag Bcsrly two boUJefe) 1 found my appetite restored, and tbe heartburn entirely restored; and 1 would earnestly reeomj mend Ihe use'of it to thorn who bars been afflicted as 1 hays bees. Yours, Ac., W. W. Van ZaUUT. _ Nor 53,1848. SUtcn Island.® * ALMOST A MIRACLE Brad .the following, sad doubt if you css, tSal consump- UoiAsanotbd eurtd. 1 hi* is onW one of the setcrslhundred esses that Townsend’s Sarsaparilla has cured: Dr Tetrawruf—Dear Sir. 1 ns taken, a liUle overt mar ago, with a eenr* cough and paia in my side. It in* cfßucd mi me very hot, indeed. I was pnsxAisced by pby to hare tbe quick cxisumpboa 1 raised taip quu- lilies of bad mattes, hsJ sight sweats, snd waking very last: my doctor said be toold do ooihing far me. I went into tbe hospitaldn hope of being besefitud. but was pronounced there a, iocurahle. 1 was now greatly distressed at tha lungs and #*w.n hardly breathe ; J soon became emaciated, and espccled to die; was confined to my bed, and was obliged to base wa.chcrs rod red 1 cannot give you any dewiiptioa that would do justice to my ease. ;l was xapposed by my friends lobe past recosssy i 1 had tried a great number or remedies, end alt seemed to be in nopoipoea. 1 send or some must e*-' Iraordinaiy cures performed by your medicine. and to left Sm the truth, 1 suspected (here was some humbug in them. ui 1 was induced to try it, ( did to, and am seiy thankful | did. 1 —soy that lam entirely well, but am so far recovered as to be about my business, and hope to be entire ly well in a few weeks. »ij cough and pain ia the aide, sod nig hi sweats base I*o me, and raise but rerv little, uno am frst g—r* f> g my usual strength. 1 (ell it a duly to girt vou a statement ol my case, to publish if yon please.j • rannßaomi,d? Little st, llreoklyn. Opinion* ol Dr Towtubtnd uUsoetdoilv rteemoj orders from pbjJ tieiu* in different jaruof tbc Union. Tiiitii lu certify limi we, the Undrnifned, Phpxinu of ibeCiiyofvil{w*y, hm in tiumtroae cuu prescribed Or. Townsend’s b*i*»p«ni!a,' nod belk>c it to be om of the mott reliable Mcnntioni of toe StrtßwiUa in the market. I . R P POUSO,* B | -rj WtLOoM, M 0, (;.H1 Huoos, a », fi.KEunMu.iii. Albany,April I,IMS. ThU ti to tbal wt, lb* sadeniftAd, .prweUeiaf TbcmnuianPhyiieiensof lb* 1 Glyof Albany. barifrequcnt t j prescribed DrTowsaetid's Compound E»tr»ct-of Seita t anUa,and Groat its known qualities,-would reecmtnead ild ,h« public for merenritl, scrofulous, and othere uttaeout wo cuti. ia preference to ear of the adrertised remedies iaoota bm. A W Bcaaux, T r, Albany April2,lS44. W* B Br*ino«,T t. Friacipaioffice, IX Fulton it. Sub Building, Pf Y; Bed* ding lr Co State il Bo*lira; Dr Dyott North See* outfit l'hiladeij'ha; S S Hanes, druggist, Baltimore; and by principal druggists gcaenlly throughout the Uailed Stain, Ifest Indies and the Caaadva None genuine,unlea*.jiutup ia lha large square bottles, wh kb contain a quart and signed with the wri lies signature of 8 P TOWN SEND, tnd.hutiiin* blown os the Ulass. Fran the New York DartylUpreis of April 9,1M7. A pretty tiling appeared isthe/sUtcti jesUruar. It wu theadeer Using cab, or Sarsaparilla Es press of Dr Towneend. Tbe whole thing u gotupiaguod bite: Mia* of (he orna mental laadscapejiaintings an beautiful,which, together with the scroll work, in gold, glbUaiuz in the tun, made a show rarely equalled in Broadway. We take this opportunity to try webelkee this cstraclof lh«l t'amiorill* drserre* the iaij*gitat popularity il has acquired. Servon* Debility. ’ Mew Yota, Unli 37,1 MT Dr. Townsend:—l hart beta afflicted men or leu for 3 K, with a dradfuliinkiug la Um cbest, giddiness in the louof appetite, pain in the Uahe, and general debility, brought onßodoublby tbeeealioifel hem ana cold to which lam subject loin uiy businesses adyer. | here taken other medicines, too buktmi U> mention, but with little or no ilc ce**. 1 wumdoeedtvwhati mir in the paper to try a bottle of year Barapartl'a, from which Hound great relief Iher* mdc* taken tcrenlamre bottle*, and 1 can unhesitatingly say it (i (be best medicine ! here ever taken—lb* pain in my chest L* rone, and 1 fc*i qtiiteU diflerentman altogether since I hare token jour Bamparilla. I here now a better appetite' tliaaeierlhad. My wile has taken U with the same beuefi-' cial mulls. 1 would recommend it a* a faxoily medieia* generally. end t feel cwmneed that If so ucd there would not m half the siekoew there island consequently not to many Doctor’s biU*i tor while it restores appetite, it also aim to the stomach and bowtb thot-teg tilrr laws it keep* (be blood u a healthy state, to that disease is bataolikely toaUnektha system. And to ali those who era not in a health? state, I say toy Dr Townsend’s Samparilla, TaoHisgjtiTo, Canker la the Mouth. Below baa account of another child eared.'Dr Townsend** HereSparflb has sand th* Inse of rt«M«widf of children.— The'fallowitig certificate b ssleeted irons a treat number* rminl Iht. mrir • • reettree uut wear. • ■ , KiwTou,April9,lB47. Dr Townsend: Dear sir—On* of my chudrea was eery tick with lb* Cancer b tbs mouth and throat, attended with grtaldebilUy.Jtcasu near dying; { obtained some of your esc*Heat medicine, and it cured it directly, far which 1 eta tmareyoul kclsere grateful, Toure respaelfoUy, ; _ Lutairrn rowum.’J7 Desbnwo* it jr* Wa e sellers Dt^MTsTw^aa, between 3d and 4lh ste, who has' bees anointed br D TOWNSEND sob Agefil,far Allegheny Htubimd'i Celebrated Fluid Bogntila. Tma .Utat n,u.*ii u inf a (wrftet sedotico of ebttmeaiJy pure carbonate of RUfusa; raHum all lb* medial qialitia of the finest pv«* paretxms.of M>tnwa. W|iboat be% liablo to fora eocbe tioes in the howeisjor h>*t WarioSy «m* the coats of the stomach One table spoonful of tha Plaid Mswnesiabeoair akalJ*dßS|ttilohaifatcaieboarulef ftltnesia.' -. A k AHNEsTOCK ft Cojeoreerist and Worn and wood and fitk ’ •' Dr. deLusn’a ‘Wmrna Bno stifle. 7 Tints ia to cerufy that, br taking onc\itl of Doctor WcUne i Worm Specific, a child of dune* Shaw** pasted upward* of 70 waraufud by the turn of eaid medicine uchildof ay own panted 14 lam worms.— It it traly the aotl surprising worm medielno i ever aeejL : I must boro two morn rial*. WM CULMORB ■ _ Wilkins Township For uk by J JUOO k 0»| No M Wood ttroet, ■ ■ ■ aettr I 'v- '■ - u..i- > ■ * u; .:, J : ■■ . . i r ~«~ -' L ' * DRY & VARIETY 600 D& •• Oamlemn'i PurnUktsg fi«odi. Hfc E. v TODD have.this dayredcived direct from . tho mahus&cmnn- and offer for akin at New York price*— :f - J ' i-| . t ease of those Extra Oopcxuae Shins dmuufac taxed for ear owa -aalee and .warranted ■'well ■ nu^e. . ;• i 1 •'’■l- 1 care of Saxony and Meruw nndcr Kurts, wrapper* and Drasrera, some very fine. : 1 case Boaom* and Collars, Besom* srilh Col : Urkanaehed. [ 1 1 case patent esrivel joint Saspendcru, with other Good! too aamenat to mention, tbsladisg blk and fancy adjusting Stoeka. 5 • Baun Sow and plain Satin Stocks. Baobtxme bow and plats Bombaiisa Stocks. Silk.and'RatinTteu, rich atlk and satis Cravau,wttb one cafe of low piieed Shirts which we are sure is quality have never bees surpassed iswrice inthis eity. . Wc intend to eloso the above Goods off by the package aod would call the attention of Purchaser* to ear stock of Goods* knowing that low pnee* will insure them & apcedysale. H&ETODD ecUS 1 *6 wood ft, sp stain, 3 doors below .id st ■ "r T " -' NOW opening at tho Wholenle 4>ry Goods Rooms, 64 Market sueet, Sd story, ICO pcs of Alpsccas, teo pcs English Mention, 3 rases of Oregon Plaids sad Cash meres, 10 pen Frcneh Broadcloth, 44 pcs fancy c&tst mere, 3 cases eas«Lneu,lQ bales red, white ana yellow fiannelsi 300 pc* blankets, new styles ealieoes, domestic ginghams; gloves and hosiery, together with a general assortment of goods. Merchants arc invited to examine our stock, as we are confident it will favorably coffiparc with Eistem atoeka.iastyles and prices. dci7 ; , i aSamason roo C ATTIHETTS, TWEED J 5 PHY invite* the aaention of d hik excellent assortment of above sale rooms, up stairs, as well as in including— ’ Dirk mix’d SsUneta; Bid* and black do; | - Invisible green do; ; r . Satin striped blk do; ! ' Gold mix’d Jeans; blue mix l ! Gold mix'd Tweed*;, All of wl ich will be sold lowby *o. on Hand, Clash far cloaks,’ and t L'nlnx* j | n, le-WBUUR' dealer* ud otbera to roodi,in Lie wboto* taefetail department, be piece or yard; si* l barred PelUtc do, for f- 1 _ ilp^O — : • 1 flew Arrival, j JUST Received the balance of our fall nock of INDIA J RUBBER GOODS, cooipriung the following kinds: lndiaßabi»er, : Long overcoat*, tack overcoat*, ihort overeofct*,c**.ea witnoai alepvea. eapea wnh. el*evc*i ponehd*, legging#, hats, camp blanket?, horae cover*,' travelling hap. saddle bag*, gut cover*, pro vision bap, fleam boat backet*, air- pillow*, air CDth>on*, air bed*, bag rock*, for tho ladles, and eaatinet; all of which we have a complete awortrac ntthal we offer wboleaaie c* retail on the Jowe*tpo*»blatena*,nt|oar Indig Rnbbc Depoi,'s—■»*-*' bvB4 J&H PHILLIPS ImBSQII TURKEERI . BUAWLS —We * have just received a.lirxe additional amply of extra' French Turkerci ihxwli. A* these foooa are very seared, we would terpeetfullv Invite too ladies H call and examine oar stock, as we *OlO selling them very low. ; ALEXANDER & DAY nr23 - 1 78 market »t; N W cot diamond ; JUST RECEIVEDper £xpre«s at ZKUULON Klftr SKY'S New Fancy Siore, 67 market sired— 6dorCotds»nATasielt,for Ladies’Cloaks; ' • M , I Oenu* * 6 pcs Scarlet Silk Fringe, 2} inch wide; il *‘ibloe “ “ : “ 8 !: •* * ill Inch rt VVlthalarge assortment of. othercolnts. . dell 3usr RECEIVED—br Adams* GoV Express— - ; Peper taper English Drib Cloth; -Do do do - Pearl l>rah Cloth; for over, bo nnets and sack coals; which will lie made to older al the shortest notice and most reasonable terms by _ 1 I ANCKER* MAYER dell : 70 wood at. & doors above <d> ' \ukss GOODS—We have Jost received bv ex- V firrii avcty haodaboie tel Ladi cunwilin* of— | Super embroidered Cathmete Kobe*: tye: Urooade merino \ I do; Firieplam Cathraereij a bcaoufaJ article; Gaia and Caalmere plaids. • • ;■ __ i ! ALEXANDER A DAY nv* 78 marfcei at. cor of the diamond ,>i*AHKßLS—Red,.Brown juid barred Flannel*. • An additional supply received from the rnanofae* fairer*. Also, a few pieeiea low priced Ca«*ineit»; for safety • • l CEO COCHRAN gpill ° • )f •. 1 SBwnodrt OIidCTIAA—I eases>uperfirfe and mearom, black Oaad colored En*U»hSiletia»,inst received dlieclfrom Importers by BIIACKLEITk 'VHITE dcIO ; , il PO wood at BINDING— 1? grot* filmed mohair aodaiik over <joat Binding. ja*t rac’d br Greene A Co’* Express, in til,aarslrom Philadelphia'*- oraaieby i SHaCKLBIT A WHITE delB i jflflwoodM^ FLARHSkB I FIsAHSKMII RED, white and yellow* fianneUi also, n largo lot of beat/ twilled flannels,h>*t ree’d; for role very cheap. ALEXANDERADAY. .lol? ‘ 7* wrerkd at N W cor diamond MEDIIGAL j TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS. Ceiwumjj/irer, remember that it U'Thcmpsan t Compound. Syrup if Tar. and Wood Nap* Uha which u daily effecting ittek're i markable curci in ' i PULMONARY [CONSUMPTION!!! Aitfcma,Broaebm»,4pUuttflf Blood, Pain hike Side and ” ißircwV Sow 1 bwaU Hearteatet. WpiUiioo of the UttrL Cocjb, Croup,\Hjtw, i fferrou'lrcaun LmrCaapat uj Ditcaaed Kidney*, etc. ' rrUlEREFORE,b*w*r* bf al> fpuriom mixture* ofTtr or iJ. NepUa u imitation* an abroad M 8 ji Thcwtow—Paar Sir—the mtonhhing benefit! baeoetperkaeed from thd weof yom Compound Bjrrupof liiiiod ffapiha ruder* Hits 7 duly* o Wb*» }°® olii- I had been bnw afikied withe wry b*d earning »e»ere pals ia the breset, with (Hat Oppremion, eiSeuily a* bmU*. uraad low of appetite. JUang-Teriom remenie* wiibout elect. 1 became aiinatd, I beard of yoar medtune, but be ht'irtmilD tula* most Ltratteed medicae*. {thought! wodld adhere to what I [had been mug. bi»dugmy*eir frttia* wane a lriead.pencaded ate to t»y a boUJe of your preparation, (tying ‘he owed bu Ufe to it* etrtuet 1 i«a mediately armored a bottle and o»»ep«d u*tag U, am t* lore I biO»t.n two boUlc*,' I vru ebmpkiely rttfowd to b *wldy lot the benefit Mother* I make the ahow brief itateoest- i Any further {nquiriea can be odd* at 07 ****-. dnic*, U 8 Catharau itreeL •! . Hopectfolly your*J Fuseli Pmtoit. iUiii another] Remarkable Cure. ‘ \ Carlule,P*-i N0t.20.1M5, About tix yean *ioee, : in eocmqneae* of the tcdcamry sa'ert of oj Burin ta, ] wse atiiebed with teeer* pain* "to th« bread, palpitation of the heart «nd tbortacM of breath, which were soon fallowed by the fa.lon oftpjwtiU. eitreme wakrtUacw at night add partial pan ytie ot oy yntptdst* of a deranged mlm being ‘ frequently attended writh (pitting of blood. Foe abont two yean I wat wtitwt* a ly thrown into coeTsleioiu, which kuzaa fat a owrable etaleof feebleaeoandbegutoadcctoy otind. inntw to time my tsflering* were more orjemeeeere, to til ttlcuui they inereared to each a degree,land, lb* violence of tin tempts*** were that foe • whole year 1 eru viable to attend to any buiiataa. Durirg thl»L*e teoowtH ed lome able phytkian* and attended to tbeir pneeriptum, bat all >lbeir ehili we* anarai lag to procure me relet, md at length they regarded or rteowry aa entirely bop*k" *» jhi* •condition 1 wat informed cl tfam Compound Sjrnpof Tafaod Wood N«#*h»,.i«J earn wmwwbnl ■ imilar tcmine.and ihooghlhad giveniup U espectaUoe of a racoeely of my farmer health by bama* hoik, yet being •troogly to.try thie medicine, I allcnith preTaued npoa to do 10,‘and l hare qo*e tojny. ih*tbr theme of eix holUe* my health ha* been ra»tored, aid LammowabiemaUeadtobuuanawithaemncß fac.Uiy • HENRY MY*HS. Of DiekmjonTowmhJp. Prepared only by ANGNEY li DICKsON althaff.B. comer of Fifth and Botnet (treat#.* ... 's2*3by L. WILCOX. J* PilUburjh. and mpcafahfe Druniii* generally, Price 50 et*, ce On* dollir per bottle. liiuTlON.— Beware of imitation*, and porch**# The* abaVCompotmd Syrup 1 of ‘1 ar fnsa noea but-adretUmd . (reoU. or of thoea above the tmntcioti of dealing in'oeo ; iwfciu. i . ! ___ ■ i . daelld lm 1 fHgnWfAS>H Tool*rt PAMTii’ ~ i . :T j .a rnxiux OKTTBtnct. i|i& best nniele known for cleaning*nd whitening . thdTeeih; strengthening the <nnt, sweetening the taih.ifce. It should be eted ever)* night with -A ilifl rd<h, wiit) the teeth and mouth witlonly require asligb., *ashirig\m the morning. Wet the brush wilhwvrm Water, or cold wii( answer. and rub it a few tunes on the pwr. when enough will 'adhere for e.cuua£ the teeth. lileavesadelicious ta*ie in the'mouth, and tm part* a most delightful fragrance to the breath- Itstands onriva led u a pleasant, efficacious, raneesieut'. and safe dentrifice. It iw warranted’ not to injure the teeth, botlo rire«errethem. 1 i . 1 By osing it regularly* it will removo the tartar and prevent its accumulation—fprcvent the tootlnebe strengthen the gums, and prevent all disease* of tnem Chetums, physicians,'and the Clergy recommend it a decidedly superior to’ every thing of the kind in use.— Ask fof Sherman's Compound ;Orris'Tboth Paste, and observi bis signature is attached to eaeh pot. Recommended by Pr. CssUa, 341 Broadway, one ol our bem Dentists, and by most of the old established ones inibo United States,'and.even xicmively used by the Nobility of England and Pnr • 1 A large proportion of the disease, t kstaffliclmankiod arise from come derangement of thi stomach or bowel*, which Is timclv use lof the Caths yc UaengcS would entirely'obviate. Peraona nf bilicus habits should al> Ivaya have a box ay bandraniLtake a dose whenever they feel the least derangemeatintheir health. Ajadw of these Lozenges would prevent thousands ° f Koriaieat WM; JACKSON'S, corner of Wmd and Liberty«!*• I _ -dec* 3 ADIES Wbo Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often not awajro how fnghtfnlly injurious t is to the akin! how eoarsel how ropgb, bow sallow, jpllow. and unhealthy the skin appears after asms prepared thalkl Heaiaet, it U (njurtopt, comalainf aitrge tjuna ~ Utr ofllead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable irtieU, Which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY WHITE! -It ia perfectly innocent, beiagpuri&ed of all deteterTons qualities; and it impart* to the-skinanata- Fal, healthy, alabaster clear, bring white, at the same tune .i cling a*, a cosmcueoa.the skin, making It soft and inooth. ( -! _ : Dr. fames Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa chaeeit*. says: “AfteranalyaingJones’*SpanishLillf While, I find it possesses the most beautiful and naio fai, a Um tame time innocent white I ever saw. I eeruii iy can conscientiouslj; recommend its one to all wtibic siinreqolre* beautifyiug.’> < fTi"WceSbcenuaboi. i.- | iH'&old by WM. JACKSON, whit Boot and Shoe Bteue,SP Liberty itreet, headiof Wood, at theaign of thewgßoot. .'1 ![ • I & ; Ladles, ladie*, Tm astonished, When you know,that you are promised ■ A natural, life-like, anowy while, ' ' < •- That yoa will fitiU use common chalk, “ And look a deathly yellow fright. The theme of laughter and of talk. ■ if you would use .* box of JONES Lilly-white, it woald giro your ikin' an alabaster yet natural white,, and in the same time dear and improve lb Sold at JACKSON’S,« Liberty el- Price Deems.per • • boratou. “7 rpCTTER, ITCH, HHEUM, fte—Who. woald 1 for a tingle day(scratchi wfian afflicted. wnh_lhe Tetter, Itcb,oroiheirdiseaseiofiho skill, u they knew who would relieve and core ibem. ; Tia horrible to be. obliged to rabrntd/sertteh when alone, bat more horrible to abstain from.it, [for decency sakeTl witen ui company. Let it be rememte ted that Dr. Ura>Y*S ItlTEßand ITCU OINTMENT is tho mast elfieaetow ol aay other preparation in existence la earing the Tetter, Iteh,and ;other diseases trf theakm. A* airdtsease* of the skin mnst arwe. from tho impurity of the blood aiM fioids of the. body, and whore saca dis easeheoflongttanding.aad lhe en"»il4 I Vf?,'} thereby,if UrTLeMy’searsaparilla BloodPUlibepsfd 'with/the Ointment, tbey willctfrefanyewe whatever, aqtKlr they do not, the money will be returned by Dr. :Leidy. Most cases, however, will be effcetuaßycaied by Dr Leidy’s Teucr-and Itch Ointment, onless the i whole system is the disewed humors, Iwhieh will be completely l carried off from the system b» ! Dr Letdy’s Blood Pill*, tad the rerfitee of the skin heal*, 'ed by the Ointment. Prico of Ointment 25 cent*. Pot ■aleby . i B A FAHNESTOCK ft CO ;; oetSO . i'; eor wood ft fiout *u . MORGAN’S COUGH SYRUP.—h proved io be tbc great Panacea in caring my child's dutressiog - much less taking Pateat Medicines, bat we fal disposed ; w recommend Morgan's Brrup to tbooe who are afflicted with a cough. After having tried the anal remedies to remove a constant and distressing ooogb, that had for several day* affi-cied one of oat children, without sue* ceta,'wo were Induced to try Morgan’s Oough Byrap, and hy u relief was obtained in a few hours. It piovetl to be the panacea In this caso_ai least. Prepared wholoaalo and vetail bv the prepnewr, . JOHN D MORGAN, DraggiM, ' oU w»o4K,h4o«Wewffln«»B4tir, J-r - \ -x* p TRANSPORTATION LISES; BBUAWCE' PORTABLE OOAT| LISE. 1847. ISM TOK'TRANSPORTING UR* - TWEEN PITfSBURtiH. AND THE EASTERN ciyiEa,-wiiHouT TBAKfßifxikt. : • I rT»nE improved method of carrying usedbv this long ‘JL Established Line, is now to well tuown that de scription la unnecessary. Goods are not touched oh the xoaie, ihas all transhipment or extra handling i« *» v «d-' liie Boats are of tight draught and perform their trips in from six to seven day*. •IT.'., The capacity of oar Warehouses enables as to store any conoTgnmeets made toua: Receiving,storing, and advances freeof charges.; 1 ; i Being felly prepared to make sales of Produce, we respect lolly solicit consignments of western Roar, Baeec, Lard, Honor, Cheese, AN ool.Ffeathera, and other artfclee for sale, on which liberal advances be made and other usual facilities afforded, pledging our selves that any bosinesa edtrasicd to us shall be as momntlr executed anil apon as faN'termot as by any. SSXi-t ' V. jNttMePAbIJENAOo / i ■ Cana) Bism, Pittsburgh } JAS-M DAYlSACo gaandgSlMo>kets«{Philada PITTSBURGH PORTABLE P.'LISB»' , gggggjl | fiaSßliaß FOR the transportatioDof PwSbtbeiwcea Pittsburgh; and the Atlantic iraßaUpmenu on Use way, andthq eonswjoeni nix of delay, damage, breakage and separation of goods- { j • Proprutan. •> CORDFUDGE k CASH! No 2?d Market meet. Philadelphia • TAAFFE A O’CONNOR- , , OorFann and Warue at*, Piuabnrgh O’CONNOR A Cb, North street, Baltimore K |tt l Wk. J TTAFSCOTT, 7$ SootbM, X. \.: •»> ~v .1 Encouraged by increased business -the. Proprietors! have added to their stock and extetuleditbetrarraage-j -roents during the winter, rind |are;now prepared to-tor waxd freight with regularity, and dispatclnmiarpaercd by any other line.. Their ilong experience as carrier* the palpable superiority of the -Portable -Boat System and the great capaeitx and cotirenience of the ware booses at each end rff-tliei line,' are peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietor* to fulfil their cnragemehlX and accommodate their co«tometi- i -coafidenuj , oirenng : : he past as a guaranty (or the'future the?) respeeuaUy solicit a continuance of that patronage which they now Tatcfully acknowledge.i i ‘ ~ AII consignments to Taaffe A •O’ConrtorJwillbetee’d and forwarded. 'Steamboal charges paid and Bill* of Lading tfan>ohted'free of any charge forjComnusppn,' advancing or storage. - Hairing no interest UirecUy or indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the consignors mast neeCMirilT be their primary 00/eui in snipping west, and Uiey pledge them selves to forward all goods consigned to ibein add oh the most advanta geous terms to the owner*. - . March 1,1647 ; : ■ ■ r mart. TO TIIE FUDLIC. | THE Bc&imen’s I’oruJiJe Uday'Compaay being dio solved, the Company ogaln/wem into articles of Co partnership ani£pr (he name of Line;” and likewise agreod u> re&l ibb Slock to at to have a □timber of Uoatvfor the. pntp|»c of carrying goods thtoughinfromsix.io eight days, with ecrtsinty—aad feel eceosraged by (be liberality of la*i year’s patron age, to make more extensive arrangements tbr the er aoingyear. ' Wr wonld theieft ire TT*pectfu!ly colic,il * conlim tf VTOIUW. - ce of oar former patron*, *ud refer all new castomert UMhoae wo bare done b»».ue**;for. * • I ' M&gk* 1847. BOATMANS’ LINK, , ■ for lie uantpotuixm of ] ALL EttIDB Of 'MIKCH4.BDJBE, TO AJ»D XBO3I Pt.il ISnLTIMOBg. NIW YoXK, ARD BoSfOX. SAMUEL ACo, Corner LtbertyjStrcct usd Canal Bum. Pitubargh. A 1. GEIIHARTACo. No 3&S Mrukctstrcrt, Philadelphia. ELDER. OELSTON A Co, Areals, Baltimore, Md. • REFERENCES. - PITTSBURGH—Ja*. McCuMy, Gco.iMorxan A Co. W MeCally ACo, B A BampioaACot M AJlenACo. PHILADELPHIA—Morris Pauetron ACo, Reynolds McFarland A Co, Fleming A Busby, Peter w right A Bon, J Biipham,Joseph*irntt.. JJ NEW YORK—Goodimo A Co, Tie©. Perry A Co. ‘ BOSTON—Reed, Herd A Co. __ „ • CINCINNATI—Adams A Creagh, W W Rente: PLEASANT, VA—P A Maehicxi- »’ Dtea Goodi NASHVILI.E-F Fleming. ; Not All merchandise from New York end Boston, consigned to A L Gerhart A Co, Philadelphia,-will be promptlyforwurded/mof commission-: fcblS ihdepehdert portable BOAT LINE. ; aasesa efes§ PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTB - PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. lE7*\Vitliout Good* consigned to our ears will bo forwarded with oat delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and ell instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for sinrace nr commi&*ton. Addre*»,orapply to C A •McANULTI ACo Canal Bnsin,Piit3barßh STORAGE. Haring a aery largo and commodious rrarehou«« we are prepared to tepeire (in addition to freight fo shipraeni) a large amoanl of Produce, Ac-, on storage t lowrotei! “>■*] • c A MeANULTVACo PICKWORTH * CO'S UISE. 1 stt . EXCLUSIVELY for thelraastwMal.on.of WAY FREIGHT between Pili'btfrtii.Uiairsrtiie, Johns town, IlolliJatsbnrgh, Water Street, Pctcrsburgh nod all intermediate Place*.; ' -\ . One Boat will (ears the warehouse of C A McAnnlty ACo., Pitubuigb,erery day,.[except-SandaysJ and shipperscan always depend on, hartng,their goods fo?- warded without delay and at air rates. (. . This Line was formed for tiro special aerroimnodaUon of the way business, and the proprietor# respectfully •olicilaliberalsbareof patronage. | • JOHN PICKWORTIf MILLER DAN’L U BARNKS KOUE&T WOODS WILLIAM . JOHN MlLLER,Hollidaysbnrgh • 1 R H CANAN, Johnstown > Agents. C A Me AN ULTY A Co, Pittsburgh J RxrEßKirceff. ' L J S MeOeTitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagaley fc Smith.Pittibantb. ■' I , ..-Jg* l *- IiAKK ERIE AND BICOIBJS LINE. TINS Line ticiiyj composed of Steamboat* Lake Erie tad Michigan* running daily bemten, Pittsburgh tnd Beaver, and Jrcigbl and passenger Canalßoau, running belfr« n Beavertod Erie. tnd cnnneciingwitli G M Foed 1 * Line Of Steamboat Propellers and Vends on the Lakes, will be prepared upon the earliest open* ing of Navigation to carry Freight tnd Passengers to alf points on the River, Cana! and. Lakes, Having every facility for conveying freight and pas sengers with promptness and dispatch, the propiietor and agentr respectfully solicit from their friends and he pablie generally their patronage. I ; C M Rkfeil)jlif:e,Proprietor REEDS, PARKS* A Co, Beaver,Agts JOHN A CAL'GUEV, I’iusb’ghdo Cor.SmithfieJdand Water its. opposite the Moqooga gthela Hodse. ■ KCFCR TO Wheeler, Craeker It Co, New York (leopivi*, Buffalo G N Park* ft Co, Cleveland j Ja» A Arm»lroii(f A Q>, Detroit. McClure* William*. Milwaukte Bristol A Porter, Chicago •• Wjb Powers, Fo»er*town.Penna Geo Mttebelrayre, Kvaiutmrgh, Pctuta John MeAiihur, llnnutown, * . Jo . Wick A Acker, Greenville, ' : Jo Craig & Fraapton, Clarksville, do Hay* fc I'iorob, Sharpstiargfa, Pa. W C Mnlan, Sharon, do ; R W Cuitninehmm. Newcastle, do m»rs PITTSBURGH & CLEVELAND LINE. ' 1546. [.tsbsam Ji. Cluke. 11. Hoops. T. fc ehanond &. Co. CLARKE & CO., forwsrdlnf i Commission nerefauUi BEAVKR. l’A __ THEAcemsand Propnetoia of ibi* Line Iso favor ably known to ike public), will be prepared on the earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop eriy at'Pittsburgh and Beaver, nnd deliver toe same at any point on -tWokio canals,andalaoon Lakes Eric ana Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at reaa* onable rate*. •'- > j The proprteiors.'of this tine solicit the Ua'ioe's of Ibhtr former customers with' confidence, knowing that their facilities are second to none. Apply to or address _ U M IJARTON, Agt, Pittsl'orjh. CLARKE A. Co, Beaver. ‘ jaiiSS • T RICHMOND tuGr C yvtland. "•WbaTKHerTRAaBPbB.'TATAOa'CO. i CD'S. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, U&l »» CiUl ill! .-UV..UII, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. THE stock of this line consists of a doable daily Line of Boats and Cars, (owned by tl>c>asclve<.] which are in good order. The subscribers are pr«oa to forward* large quantity-of Merchandise.*.ad Produce Ifcth certainty and dispatch! . Predoco or Merchandise consigned to any or u»e un dersigned, if forwarded free charge for commit •lonorstorage. . , ' „ ' ,1 Mils Lading transmitted and aii tasirncUws promptly ailewledto- : . ' . . The Imsioeu of this Line it conducted on strictly Sabbath-keeping principles! Addre*«» or :npply to I) LEECH & Co. Prejftieuin, ' Canal Basin, Pittsburgh HARRIS LEECH, Proprietors, No 13 Buuth Thin) ctrecl. Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR fc SONS. Acents, No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore W U WILSON, Agent. [so t Wewinrept.Ne.w York IfeAVKK, * ,cIKVKI<AaiD LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES. 1817. I canal packets teleg -apu a swallow -j HAVE Beaver daily si A a’cloek.r.after the 1 j arrivalofthe steamboat BKAVKR from I‘iiuburßh, and arrive at Warren next morning in «a«on for the Starr* which reach Cleveland before nj?ht . • riwi nsrri ttHI Vr receipicdlhr>Bßh,»ecnnnßberth* oalhe Packets,and seat* in the Statfe, on application on board steamboat Heaver. [leaving Pittsburgh art) o'clock,*.*-il©rto ihe agrnias I : 1 c Jr G M lIARTONA Co, Pittsburgh ) CLARKK&Co. Ifonver -1 JESSE BALDWIN, YoucgnoW tp js • M D TAYI.OR. Warren [ 1846 1847, jax&stssam w w *.■” • TO THB BAST BY E6SOKGAUELA BOUTS, VIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBERLAND. THE andenignod are now prepared to forward pro* daee.Ae-.iolbe Ka»iemMarkeU daring the eft*a* mif Winter, on the most favorable term*, by this expo* to u» willbcforwarded u the lowest rate* and with despatch- .[• Merchandise received by thw route promptly for Warded? J C UIUWELL, AfU Pittsburgh. • Q W CASS, Brownsville. KIT?} . SEGF.RTON ACo,Caiaberiand ~ piTTSBPP-GH ASD-QttEßiryilil.g jjaßadfi ■' 1847. ■ ..£j£^s£' AND FBEIOHit LINE . T’ m 3 LlnecoaiistiOßof IwlghtaridpassengerPaek* cts. will pm regularly daring tile teuton between Beaver and Greenville, Pa, by which freight and pas* senget* between lb® two potnu, will be earned promptly !«**! V AM , ' CRAIG fcFHAWPTDN, Oar*svllFe, do; i ' McFARLANDAKtNO.BiR Bead, do; ; > HAYS&PLUMB.Sfaarpibarxh, • do; • W C MALAN, bharon,-: • do;-. WM. MATHEWS, Poloaii, do; • --BEKDfPAKKWr Co, Beaver, do; JOHN A CAUOUEY,eornerWatcfaßdBnuthfieldats, tfflr Qflodt, it, tlwwnnluiH llOlWi HlWiip LINES ICKUT FOR t4r TRANSPORTATION BEOVIiAK BOIISIBQ MCu i • DEAVER. I . Charles Hoops{cesuoenee* her tnp* ttit*. dtj, teavtcf Pius • bnreh atoo’clock*<L M- >analfe%ver eeoiteetiQg’wrth Pituborgh and Cleveland line of Cad : nil l2oac» daily to Cleveland, O;; Beater, Wan-ea and Cleveland'Lind of Canal Packets ana btage Coaebes 1 daily lo Warren tod Qovelana;' Canal racket Line* to , New Castid sad Greenville, Pa-t Erte Extensbn line ■to Meadvilb and' Erie. ReilMoori & Cb’iJLinesof Swfe Coaches for Cleveland and Wodster. leave Bea rer doily ©O'the arrival e* taambdat Deaver ftoo Ptuslmrgh.- . ■pH ;• ■ CLAI Sfc.Co, Beaver- ■•{ ' • ; Off- raK TEBUITMAKIMPD Omo Cll^Ltr 'EKrVVKEN PITTSBURGH AM> CLEVELAND. * - iEN PARKSiGo.ClerclandjO. ) r :■• -I R G PARKS, Bemtei, Pm. _ I S Ptopnetor*. -V. W T - • THE 'bare Lin* i« now fully rtwared to Canal*.-" I - . ■ • Thefacnitiei'of maid LlneHre anyra said Caral*, ia nainbcim and capacity of Coal*, *XP®* rienee.of Captain*. and promptnessof I»ne Boat, we* Pitubsrgb and Cleveland daily, tan* nlnaJn connection with tbegtenmet*,.. : Wiehisan’ and'Lake Erie v between P‘o*bsrib and Beaven and a Line of fit*t daw V P»pel lero,Bt?**AndSchooner*, on Lakc«!Ene, Union,Ni- to an/Woil the UnLn with W T MA.THKH. Piuib«Trt, Ap , ; r I Cor. and bhiltnaeld itreet* , TO CLBVBLASD . ’ THROUCH »4 ndUK& - PACKET Baku Swallow) tod Telegraph leave Bra ve? d,iiiy, at ao’eloek, r- B n after jibe arrival of the roaroJncJßoM from. Pittsburgh and arrive at Warns m time for the Mail Line ol Pages, which leave jmmeoi* ete)fihereafter,aAdarrlvaatCleTelandBt3ofelocC|r. **"Thls rpßte Is the ; most expeditions! aid comfortable one to the Cakes. .. . I I COTES ALEFFIKG WELL, Warns, Propr* - KEEP, PARKS A JOHN A CABGHEY,comer Watrtaad Smitbfield sts, | Opporita the Moaoagshcla House. Pimbnrgh j “CIfTIKSB 1 • • fOtt TDZ TBARIPORTAVtOS OF . I ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM phUidtlphU, BriilAw«t .lew York } - aiad Bestow, j; . • - { THE encotnagementth'a line lit*received since ita.coHunefieemantj has induced the proprie I tow to'inerease the stock by addinfe a number is fir class boats; and instead fore as agents, we will giro' our pirn receipts lor j frelzhtampped.by this line... . I . 1 The boats era alt portable, cohraqoeotly freight is takes tbowbolc distance. withhoL transhipment, I thereby preventing damage from frequent handling I on the- roots/ odd as each .boat, is owned- by, the] Captain who rafts them, which -is s sufficient gear, antes that there will be ncrdelaytaotha roots. All Produce dr Merchandise (consigned to the undersized will be forwarded FREE OK COM-,1 MISSION , for advancing and forwarding, and will bethipped without delay at tbo, lowest rotes ofl freight../ : .7/ \ ' We respectfully solicit a share of public patro. I nage. WALLINGFORD ACi, • 'Canal Bans, Pittsburgh . ' CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. Agt Broad Street, Philadelphia. , . F MILLER Agent j , : ■ Wharf,'Baltimore. Pittsburgh, Feb, 18,18*7, • • • } - 1846 - *» p |;, 1847/| J gggjj, aSt3ae3E*r| TO TOR BAST BY BAIItIDOBS AJfB OHIO , RAILROAD. : THE subscribers will receipt forme delivery of Pro* I dace to Baltimore by the Moaodgabela Slackwater at the following pneea.— . • ' ' Ashes, Bacon, Butter, Lead, Lard, Fork, Tallow, atd Glass—67l ts per 100 lbs. Tobneoa.nMp, Flax and Wheal—»4 ets per 100 lbs. I Ashes, (Pot) Apples,Cheese, Flax-Seed, Glass, and Leaiber—tOOptsperlOO tbs- , • . OiU, SkJni. Seeds, Wool—llo eu per 100 lbs. -Beetwax,Feathers, Fan, Ginseng, and Snake-Hoot 1 —rWetsperJOOlhs.- « ; :, , Allrpropenyrconsignvdtoeithec of the undersigned will Le forwarded withont delay, free, of Commission, at above rates. W H CLAnK,Browniville . .1 HANNA A WATERMAN, Pittsburgh. .! nnvgldtf-| ■ I' ■ i DB. SWAYffB’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. A certain, and safe core lor coughs, coW#, asthma, I : liver complaint, spitting bloody pains in the side I or breast.nerrous debility, whooping cough 1 •broken ..constitution, CONSUMP- • . 1 TIION oraDydiscaaeoflthelnogsor • j brcasL Reader are you.suffering IwHb a cold ordueade of the : 1 -.lungs, try this rerbedy, : you will not pdr. * ■ baps'regretitl It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which strike such terror to the mind, A. prolongyoor days.! Beware of. all preparaUona pdrpflrtljig to contain Wild Cherry,except tbatheving the signature ofDr 11 Swayke on.tbo oolside wrapper ol each bottle, as they are quito likely destitute o! the article from which they borrow a name. JUadiefiaJ it ha»3one/ i : SOJBO DEATHS UV CO.NSUMPTION Would perhaps be a small-estimat© for tiie-ravages of this drcadfel disease in a single year; then add the feirfalcatajogue' of those cat off by luflima tioo of the Langs, Hemorrhage, Aitinna; Cough* Inflscnxa, Bronchilifl,and.-other diseases of the Lungs and. Liver. I . M And tho list would present so appalling proof of the fatality ot these two classes off disease*. But it is t important to know that all of this dread waste of human- life might nave been ‘prevented by a timely o*o of Dr.-SWA VNt'S COMKOUWD j SYRUP OK WILD CHERRY] n ; » This medicine has row bees beforethe public iotao eight years, snd t* .the (original preparation from the AVild Cherry Tree. [lts-reputation, ns a 'remedy forCoogbs, Colds, Bronchius. and Can*, -snoption of the Lungs based entirety upon its in 'trinsic merit* ,'owas but little to inflated newspaper Eo fl*. Those whogive it s trial, v it, recommend u iotheir (neighbors, and' thus gradually sod surely hasit gained, an enviable renuy tation and worked it* way inti general ;use. One botlle never fails to core a recent'cough or cold, while with sfrict attention to indirections that sc-, company esrfrbottle,its use in pulmooanr diseases of long standing and of the Most ajarmtog charac ter, has always given reUefJand in very many instanees.hu effected complete and permanent WA YAPS Celebrated Cojnpound Syr* tipof Vitld Cherry. j;. j I Read the most remarkable-cure of Consumption ever plncmi upon record—. j. . if: :• | : Dr Swayno—Dear Sir. Ifeul fta debt of gratitude due to vou—and a doty to theafflicted generally to oiler my humble testimony in favor ofydar Com* pound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. Borne three leal*! since, I was violently attacked with cold'and infls* ! nation of the lungs, winch was accompanied - with : r very distressing cough, pain in the breast and head —a. very-considerable discharge of offensive, macsn from tho lungs, espeeiailyuponchanges'of weather, however alight. At first Uell.fio.alartu about .my condition, but was pretty »oon convinced that I was rapidly going into consumption.' 1 grew daily weak* cr,and at length.waa scarcely able to.waik about or speak above a whisper, such' waa the exceeding weakness ormy lungs, Dunng tfm tioe i bad tried various preparations nod prescriptions, .but found no reliui—growing all the time worse. .Just; here t wos advised ami punuadr.d by a dear friend in YYilmiag* ton to make,atrial of your Syrop of Wild; Cbeny, 1 muvt confess that previously-1 had been prejudic ed against patent medicines, and 1 -am still against those coming out of the hands oF empirics, bnt understanding voor claims to the profession-and. □racticn of medicine, and baying implirita faith in the saying ot my friends, l lortlitrith .purchased or Dr Sliaw, one of yout agents, a. fcwi tioulcs and j commenced iU use. My: dises*e at this time was 01 twenty or twenty five months* standing, esnse cuenily was deeply seated. 1 found, however, con* iidcrublo refier from the bnt tour or five bottles.— But being a public speaker 1 attempted, to preach with my increasing strength and; thereby j ruptured those vessels that -toad already began to heal; in tins way. doubtless, my cure was greatly retarded.. Inconsequence of acting'|thitsimpru dently 1 had to nte 12 or IS,bottles before 1 wsa perfcctiy restoted. 1 have nb question, :a much smaller number of bottles would hard made me sonnd, but for tho above' indiscretion.'! Tho Syrup ■ aluVcd tho leveriih habit, did away theiiistreuieg' cough, put a stop to the discharge of matte* from, the lungs, and gave them and the entire system-good health. I have deferred offeringthie certificate till now, for the purpose oK-being perfectly ] satisfied with the permanency of tire care,' aadTrQw that -1* (eel perfectly well, 1 offer it with pleasure. ; 1 REV. J. /. JORDAN. Dublin county, $L C. l ij : ; ciMJTIONr CAimORI Avoid nil apariosi preparation* of Wild Cherry, such as Balcoi, Bitter*, Syrups or Wild Cherry, rilU purporting to contain Wild •Cberrjvlw,-dtc l an they are oil BctiUoes and counterfeit,,and contain none of the virtoesof the original and genbine fc>re« paragon, as prepared by Dr. Sijrajne, and the drat ever prepared tn thla cbontm*.-Doctor Swayne’a Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY'i* composed of vegetable ingredients*,(be Wild Cherrj/ana oih» er medical anbstancea cqally as efficacious,U; not .more eo; the whole are so cflectoally concentrated as to render it beydnd alt doubt 1 the moctpleusnt, strengthening,bodeffectualremedy erier discover*: ed lor the eore of.Pulmonaiy coniumptinfi.andall diseasee of the Longa and Breast. The very tact from its having such a train oi tpuribu- imitators’ stands to prove its greatcuralive properties’ - ■ > Therefore, invalioa, inquire for the original prep* : ration, each bottleof which is enveloped in i bean*= tiful wripper, with a likeness of Wimam Pcncea graved thereon; alao bearing-tfae signalers of Dr U' Swavne, the counterfeiting of which will-bo pun ished as forgery. r ! Tiepared only by Dr. W corner or Liouth sod Rack SMeets, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail hv •! WW. THORW,63Mark«tatrect, 7 - i pGDENdt. SNOWDEN, comer !ind& Wood .ts B. A. PAHNESTOCE &Co..cor»ef otm aid Wa»odand6ihnndWoodaireete7 i . •" - JONES, «0 Libert? at****' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PCIJLWIfEft DAILY, TRI-WEEKLV WEE£LIr "•'jJ AtQaxduS'uitdingt, tita fftlQfflet. . nATBS OP JVDVKIITISXSO’ , l>i>in*«rtiOM»HhontaJteraUoQ8 1 ..... Two Week* . Jog . •Three-. **: I ' f y “ »•••••••■• 4 gg OneMoßto,) •* , ; . $ gg ?& >■ “■ 7 *> o“. Longer ediertuementa m P*5 ort, °io no Use *q«axe,£ month*, without 15 gg K*ch ; jo Oni*qo*W|6Bioßtix*,rene«U** t^^ I,rtt, og :l ': ilC*l**» C**D*. ’ A I « o»e year, daily*, weekly, 10 00' I ‘ air month* " r;, .*• _JJS 00 • i'liininonn* » ««« ?"«u -.rwMHwwitfiiig r.v:" s 2f» ■ - i ■ r ; - j- -j ••Mr,K.E.Sellcr*>~My l ’fonBliioiihsol^beiatvery ■*< •**l ** Sik- 1..•■•••••,. 600 reiikwiuniffei,andb*nn* mockfeTeraturae*,leon-| .* . «i " TweWe >.. < W..... 10 00; eladed bo had worm*, and h&vi4g;h*art agreat deal b-i>ail lobeehargcdMthewraare. ■, l Qix«sP.Bsvm. WWil» ;■ aoM! byR. jUBLLEBS,£ WaodaC lW»o.«*y.:ilw.«at S. JONe~,l&OLibert?*treet j JOHN MITCHELL, AitegWcHt '‘i j I And |>r all mpMMMUronm,.-wid'aMton la •Medicine, tfaroogbout IbeUmicd Suit* iod Cana* MFPICAL •» - DA, bOBBOAa*S UtDICATED LOZRNOES, A^D.TOOILMa:^ ( ;. r ' KjiSTEUi'.. 1 Dp-ap«tMA?f fc»di»omtd* WTtewfiH nifjp«» plnn»ti» tbit childrca«itt talc* it Mlily^ac V ( <(r Borco.Bw/uatlu»/ac*tauirit amad ««cb of L«« a ra, • T<A ofTootb hwU oa *i* W u «*d» Bill of pii*ctiuu< : 1 - • • , COUCH LOZENGES. . TfceMLomswu«tb«afc«l'»KtMU»tt4cSktttl'aa edj (of cjwrku, coldt,ecsHunpUow, whoepmjreosqjlit, ’ aa,tkhtaenof the lunrtor cbcet,elevate. a«* prapriior bat Mterkao wean iauwKewbenlhey jlidnot |tte peart . {Severe) tbonaanl bew*«n b**» tlx buitv.ntlsriiiK to health ftiMuta iwWihij itga those laboring wader the notldittreuj.j, ■eoUi'todcoujtu. . They <k» not cheek and dry botTesdet itmjriinaMtaeiFKtaitiMSt |lb) U»ycuia{OT irritation, and ratton-lbe pratinßte-or'eeenißj ran* They erenadclranicombiaation ofanoetTkbiulenpc Lcrent,oe wjt» nedieiae*; and an imdoabtedlytßferior.o eten thing cent fertbattcoinAUioU.Huadnilt t>pn> hin_ dnu oferrlificiU* bate beta offered of tbei|,w«H»fnl v»- tu**, (roes Urate who hart bem tend froaaa eati***,' nn, I endratortd; to prefect health by oingtheu. V/’ t~~ : 'WbentaentfnachptlitßibebraatbriU^flßtorsbet nan’s Poor Mao’tPlxuei (price abpuld'a ; ajylied om tlx and wwn tiU relieved. . Jfatteodti •' | mb cottimets, a Crw eeiWrtra or hntjvt tarings*,“ nildnShartie aKdiriat,'should fes used mmwn reqwre* . ; SREiUIAN*S WORM LOZENGES • 'Tbriewomk«rngc«hmbecttproicdiawxethin!,4te • OOQc«tetto:be:ia&lJibk;ibe onlycertain worn detlrejing laedxmcTcrdacovereA. Mini dtfcaicaeriies (hamnu. mad ngantm long and iattamnlfcruw, rad even death, with . •oaltheir.eTer being inspected; gran penora innncllu afflicted with U>«n, ecd ere doctored far verion* eoatuirau wilhttrtiay-beaefft; when om dan of these Lc*care» would • M ipeedily curt then. < • S+Btft*ms*f ITsma—Pain* in' the tobt* or linbs, oflto slthe Bote,grinding gflht mthduring- ?.■ tinea ■ palenea about tbc Upt,wilh flatbed cheek*• bfreAingat the Botejegsiwingxotrtiottet ih* tksn»di,ffiih, , . • etofheatwrer the ecriaceolihn bod), slight chill* cr ahif ]_ crop,. b&daebe, drowMscar,. vertigo, torpor, distorted . r“ dmnt, sodden starting in sleep, with fright end xreemieg . rant tin 4 traablnone cough, "imrishiKat, itiret, pallid hat, fils, bad taste: ia tbe month, tlilficnit breathing, pda ia the stomach or bowels, Atigori nausea, sqcajaJsbncs*, wnj ‘ eioo* appetite,) Iranacts, Woatad aiosueb or limbs, griping* ebootay Pains tnvsrions pertsof the body. max of eam thing rtsing! in tba throat, itching «f tba sans towards night, a (request d*rin to pet* something fron thsbowtls. emit mm tunas discharges ottliaKasdnucsis. ‘ I SHERMAN* CkItTHOR LOZEKOEB. t They {Hr batnediats relief in nervous of tick bcedach* mlpitattao loflht heart, lowneat of the spirits, despondency tnfiasuaalory or putrid eon' throat, bowel or tanner com frjpting,opiifinn anmtafrinkjngofdhe chest «pjM, ennp of (be stoaaeb.br bovelfc bpttnal adeeUo&*,and tU atrrota'dueani, droweiaeo tanngh the day,land -wake/olßett tbreejb the o%bti cbofan or cbolj ‘ eremorto*. dianfana, lanitideor aeeateof&tyne. hr ; tom tmeDuf - or tttend inf large jartiet, will find tbe Lou ret really mrriay.aad iayarting tb«booy»oey>»fjrootbj«ted —. after diuip«tios,uey wHlraUre tbe tone of tbe iyitea g«o| mDr, anafeaamill U»«napfcannt»y»pton»aru«y Iran too fret lirng. Fenon who bare been 100 hiftr Um*, aa| »,it nizilde coinpotm of tbe Berm. ! SUUUdAXf’S roOB. HJJTO PLASTEK. . ThabeetrirnigthenituplMteria the world, aada wrmaa reaedy £oj pains, or wcaknen ia. the baeb, Uu, tide, aecb, Uabsjidntt,rbeoßatwa, isabeni BcT *l. plb.iiilHob a KarwiUßbtiapplrthadcnaad. Theyreqoinaliubwarn tag before ijpbcaiMß. Wamatcdnpatorto'atlnban,ad (brnaaenarterthijaal " tbaebcapeat pbetlria tbe world. It a&rdi nUef is a Sn* boon.andßetketastcßahinf earn. ' ■ •/*• la UTorjcoophret and dyepepata, U w hi won over Iba reneeof the Ueer or and il will aßbrd mat aad -asteßMUßg-reUeC ln coegtu, coldl, eilbaa, dinrally of r 1 brcaibinf,!oppnauoa of tbe cbeet or etoMeb, (bey will bn nodiately booth and maUy braeftttba mtieat. .FoMt rf etdeatary or tboec obliged to etaad nneb, wB) rteetre deckledtnjyort from oaa ofineta truly etragtbcniaf Plat ter.'.Fbytxasi rcamOy reeannead crehrentt le aliqUMnubecueatbry Hick oradben better,«adl®ardrmt*' er rtbefc- la theiropeatiOß. they nw niaalaat, toax,and ~ anodyne, in eompoead.of enuetydiftSmat iomdi ant* from anrjlber, sad known frnatba upcricace of ail Ikni wbohfrt u«d-tb«», - a*weDaa tba tutted lettiaooyol all tbaeeltbnftdnd dbt««abed eicrgyMd'iibyveant, U be tbe Btoet ttttfiil tnd hirbnr ntdinted patter. C _• Serml perHs*,hira railed af tbo wvtbouM to «tr» tbeir eorenn and! thank*, tt tbe ilaott alnenlMi carat U oa rinra ban efieidtd. - . • DineUntt'fer.uca an oa tba baekofneb a" -&ettailt nfDr. Ghcrmaemuxx. Übinperwstyootbnld alwtye «A Sir Skernm's Poor Man's PlaHar. and en that yon ret tbaxeaniae,M ihinaniaiy wnrtbwn faiutwot bawfcedabootaadaoU tot tba trna Bbanaa*s PBtUre,by * imprint frit) dealtzv. ■. . , Boldwbolualaandntail by'W./ACMOllit bitPatra Mediebc' WareLoor, Ho. V 3 Liberty, itrtat, Bin of tb 810 BOOT. ; • ~irt M ,dly.; . «*I BATS FOUW> ' CONSUMPTION CAN B£ CUBED BY, USING DR. . DUNCAN’S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. •- | 06icWi»«l,-o,Mt«i?d; IM7. • Dear Sir—Thi* i* to certify to (ha pnhlfti pcrtieolarty t# 1 them afflicted with a disease of Uss Lungs, or Ccnscjapticn ■ that in iIU Spring of ISO 1 wia attacked rnthßtmra cold '' which ao|» haemne mated spaa By hags, shewing all tht symptom* ol tn tpfrcarhingCoosgtnplka. i My, cosgh was. j. tight mi troablreooa, sltaidedwithoopioßS night sweater epftsp (Ufly a eonsidcyable gaastlty of blood, mixed with | I hick dark Batter. ,My aitoatiaa beeaaoaarios* and alarm* J' bg. During this .lima i was sitendad by two of our meet j ! skilful riij*idazLs; they did lb* beat they conldfcr me, wfcea i aikagtk they gate spall hope* of my reeoray,infrraiag / . Be that Bathing more could be donor that By long* were It- | I tally diietfed, and beyood reatdy.' 1 wis thea |tnaa4<d by \ I i friend of mint to sake a trill of. Dr. Zhmean't Nzpaett* ! i rint'NoniKf)r,ithid>ByPb) , tidia*penutt ; d«|B»i t *ayiog > I that thu median*-woold do so good, eai Wonld still ' I more tony enfTericg. -I told them it ires mf lilt'and only I hope,.end that if I nut die of the disease, (which on eri- I deatto me,)_ there would bei nothing |qrt» Bo i mat to the Icinaoniti Offieerad obtained 5 boUfeed/.thk (jnily Valna I ble Medieam,and commenced Being according tolhe dirte l tkau,whkb,instead of,addtng.toa'yreJftriagjimßodaUi) I give bo relief alone* arresting; the Coeg ' j easing the pels and tightnem ht By Chest; firing bo 1 B*w I life indstrength^which saoa'jenabled mr.to belpboatifaiß. I This median# eoatiened iu good work,'wtie4, it ao nobly ; j 1 hare since I atteading to ay busmen, (upwards of 3 ytarsjsnd feel a*. _ j beailbjr at l wyh._.l hare ncai&sitsded Dr.lhiDcsn’s Ei- I pec imam Remedy in Banymstxacre toll wceiiinjln'ljefflirttd 1 aad itkaaslwaya proved sacctarfol eo fart* I h*je wit&cseed ;; itec&et*. My sister sensing this medicine alprtatnljfer a 1 1 DUtaui Ztrer lad an Affttilon sf (kaLinigsj which tba I ksd s&fiercd with for aome time; the baa nearly recovered j by the nee of this medicior, aad lam confident the 6 bottles . I that 1 take wilhme to-day willentinlycim he-.> lam wary ! I o know tint there an Utosnad* of saleable piemans wastiug > way with thie dnadfol destroyer—CONSUMPTION.— I Were it oely poeeihis tor tbaee toprocarethis’medicine la 1 1 time, before it be too bite, away ime might and ■ 11 their fraiiTfes acid relations again rendered, happy. Thi* I medicine wOlgmiaatißt relief and at tire-ssia* , [ the hard and paiafti I Cough," remora the thtChca • Lgire strength td the enfeebled and frame, and ia IT mote cues, 1 ani.Mrtiin, wIQ [crfarmaper&ct nre. !■!.■ I • I . ANDREW 1. FELTEK. ■I * I * 1 j* rVw|Wfy, Ohio.. ! | N. B.—Those who may sot be acquainted with taa 1 refer 1 1. to the Bade reigned, citizens of Ucaitgomery, Hamilton eaun j ty, o,.ihey will at any that sshstaatiate the abort statements, [. j - r Nobjub BeoWuia, ;.!.!■ J ' • Catt-J.Sirbix. A ! DRi DUNCAN’S WESTERN OFFIC ES'Sycamore . I street,'who* thiireloatfa Mcdirtaecan alwaya ba dotaaned. 1 : Bold in .Kuaborgh, by \VM. ; JACKBON, corner of - -1 »» - - • : aprl4-dAw IttPOETAHT TO THE LADISi-Cuneu Hair'Cream, a mtlchless article far the Giowth, Beaatrtadßesionutooof thejiaic TbuChcaaswfaca; eoee known, iwill supersede >U other anielesof the' Wad-now wed. Where the hair I* dcsd.barrb.tbm, tw •healthy orurnlngrrey, sfctar'application* wilt make the h»ir soft'aan dark. and give it a bcaetifal lively appearance; and will also make it retain tw liveliness and healthy color twice as long avail the' preparations : which are generally need. Every lady ub gentleman who are in the habit of atiag oils en thetraalr, sinald 'at purchase a bottle or the Chinese Half Cream, as ;it is *0 composed thatit will not ifijnre the hair like the other'preparaiions, bat will beaatliy it, and give perfect [sati*racUon in every Iwianee.” . ' : i . Fo* testimony to its very sapdrior'caaliUts, see the* followlag letter-fmm Rer.hir. Caldwell, to Messrs Mendersnou It Stretch, AuhviUe,.General Agetufo' ithe Western States: . * from the ** >«TP V ! Leiurfroathe ReVi.R.Caldwelt,pa*tofofthe Pres ibyterttnCheieh. PnJa*fcL--“"'.... "• hl«*n.HendertbouJt:®imch—Gentlemen: t a ileasbre in addisf mtr testimony in favor of ties c ent tr«pa*ailon_ called Di. Parrish 1 * * Chinese I' i Ciena— for abcutiwo yean ago my hair was veryJ ibtlnly, and disposed u> encad out: bmhatirfg procare a bottle of the Cream, and oaed It according to the pre • Ktiption, my, hairU Qowaoflfelitstteaiui'finaiotb* beadi- Many-baJsamiandotls.wcmappUedcachJea* ■ vtag iny hair in a worse* tute than before.' This Cream however, hw mei my crMctatiansi . A*hnaniele.for the Toilet, my wiftgive* it ptefer* ; enee=ovei all others, befordelicaiely perihmed, and wot : disposed to raecidhy. Thslhdlea.etpfcialiy wilt find the Chinese Cream to be a desideratum td meirpreps rationi for the tulcx. . ■ Respectfully, te. ■ V- Patashl. Jan’y. 7,1817. . ?- fi CALDWELL f - • wholesale and retail, In Pittspatph by John No<3-M«rkettcreet«and Joelwohlei coraerof Wood and Fifihni*.. JaHtf. PUS'VKRVQOSRT^ Sr Cream de* Amanda A mere', for «i»ru® Crenmala-Bow,torahsein« ...••■'<! ; • Almonds Cream, do; ' - Superfine Hooge.on Porcelain citato ' 1 . , temfEfej .* Ctnl “**» P eri^*eil v^r> la™* ef » Aoile* Btoniifel powder onto of all paotiwi • . - Embostedteilci boxes, eontslafoi extracts for the handhe-chiel’; a went baf,and toilet so*p«i mil" able!for pretests. /.V .:■■■ . Persian, or Chinese pow Jen ) InJlan Tfffgtt*>kl hair«ll,|' .'.’.’i'— i.r ' Bear*aoil ( la fhfley_M.«oaai»awrareerM»« Kent* Jones* Soap; Nymph Soap; Bret Lip stive, • CoMeretm^elegandypaiap; V ' Pdrepeltnwap.inbartandcwe*,; l^ Shell soap; Sods soap; tofethei && \ftfiU nnttr ofto p-Wr* fcCO . • n Vj5 ■ .■ . - :•. carCth X wood •*»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers