i i I I i 6 . , ,1, , • r 1 1 ' •i f ~. PI • I-: , • 1 !4,4, .'. 1 .•,: , ...4:,',k,- . -• t , .it'l..., .. -'.'' ' ; : 1 ' Jtj , ,l:•l: , ,:: !:; ', 5 ,: : 11 "i;Pi'" , : , :". ':&.: 4 • ' ':. : ~ ;.I ‘ . " :' .. -...4,.... -i'l':.l. A BTUDIA, Oa DIFFICULTY ' 43 7 Thradracaki idaanctd by a puma). amalconstrue. • MA of lbe unreels; it le tern detninancig, alma' ea.- Olaf vallmation. . DR. BWL.ETSER'S PANACEA ja the only certain cam . • . ' Itemseness catrbeentirely cured by aline doe of ' - Sereetaceill'ntacca = Catarrh,' or. common cold, whielt, it neglected, lent ;Mule= conturoptlon, is effectually relieved and cured by Dr Btroetteed tf r nachecked r will ellectually lead to Bronchial Constraption, bet a timely ace of llt th.r4t ac:ea-Peaccoa.crill-egetaidtreare - ' lialasontatunt of. to Tampa or Sore Tkmar...—This often_ sea is to scribed contemtr.aces from ne glect:arch ca ateervaion ,of the threat. Uri the first aymptat%te Sareetaer'c Panacea Mould be procured Coug ct'tL' ba-aind Colds and a sovereign remedy m Pacamonita (very fatal rimataC, 'Bonet trioleareimaltindeold on • debllnated or broken ' "dons antantation• eyed knees are mibject m it. Dr Streets ?la ranamia aboard e mud on Me first amp. .• totos,arlalth area moth or cold. _ 7774Ptt1i b it . ....y . • • using Dr Sweeter's Panama.' • • glaitanespuma—dtan tbe Arm appearance of consomp rile symplom, which are pain to the aide nad Mew . , congtrerlintrica of blcaur. Drlaremactl Panacea la ; ,areely.peedoto auger need h • dappre..ended. : What the Lungs, th e Mratdpipe, or the Bronchial I Talict become charged op !with phlegm so aim impede ..reirstranotror brembunr, Or dome retie l'attiorsortuth :10 a powerful Eraectormatothonid be taken accenting • ,to the glutenous. Induccia--This diatitemna epidemic, us prevalently, ts.poodit}aoeea by. De SweeraWa Puce.: • • Price.sl per betue,or eirbonlor for - - • Poe tale by Wat JACKSON,/ali-Licerty _ et ` sign' of . aiary 1: 1 i .."r: - ..: 1 :44;;Ife,:l •i t tot • .•=4,4 , ::,, ..?. 7 ,"'!: * •.' ; ).: IP 1, , c:-..: :'.::L " 4. , '•:[ . . ? :'Y../,:..:: , :. , 1 1- • .11':',''1';:; '1:4:...!::;:L4t• 1 / 1:: t. : : :: -. 1 '4 ‘\:4' :;'' ' 1 1 1:1 1:. ;, 4ii :' .:: i ': :4 ,, . , 414.,•4. :, •,,; :' 4 9 • ` .`• u'l.4. •,, i4 - " , '' 1'.,.,,.,1t 1 . 41%. i'..4 .:.:, `,. :,1.::;h - g i' ''ll . 4 V 4. 1 %' 1 ,.. - 1 ,' ,!.:. i• ,-')'-': -. r . ''‘, 3:* .I' . .i • •:z."l-:;i : ::11.:, :•A -4,-; 4 ,-.1 , ; • - , A,...;-: ; .'..; .1-, :. ...-; .1. ,- .-1 4- . ; • " -. ' '.: •,•:- •:: .-'4 , e!,;;:.;.. ' .: 1 ';'`:'1" 1, '•': : ,r' 4 2. - .'F: ii . ..;' , .v.::ii: . ...:,t iiix,p,\!? Ag :. z• 1 , 1 .,I1 / 443 : , el ,;i: . •.' ; t :.;. 4' .;:; Vi....'e 4 'r, '-. ..tp ~,..: '1 ,4 :•e:4 '''.' • : lifs ' ,, Vlj2 ':l- 4 1 ,: ,'' ~. 41.g l i:`..'`ot •W;-. 4 4: 4 ' ''t- •.. • .;.: .-4 ......,`,I .'• ie4.•,&„ , .. 1 ! I'7 ~, > "''4 - iir:;k !,- i".' , 4,, • t' A - k .' dr `,.; =4 ' A- 4• 1 : 4 '; 1: , :' ,,,- •41‹..., t ifl 2 ..',3:;i103;:t50,1.1 '," 't 5•45 Z '5 '.5 ' 5 'n n t 5 .5 "5,55, 55 5 54 45.5' s 5 5 : !1,:r15 1 'hl , S. .T4LICX ILiectLit, RI EDICINEIih LP it Maar pri s cathe mansmensantof au paper to mince aria t i.,,, w ch we find out, fro personal tn• wantaaottoci he of utility. o the public. 'Be of Dr. „Samoa awbeines are have psed in oast...lly for satiny years. Poe instance the VAPECTORANY,,tha CAB ' I.I.I2fATIVE, =id VERMIFINAhI, winch we know to be teed for the complaints they poste. to mire. We lance on LakeOnane aleph= =tweet. when sclera] , sar earttavelling colopillieng Com baying, in. Wetness 'rim York, drank , for many days, the he:teatime water of MU region. were bluWantrelted with Violent ' Mar. rhata„,:and Dyientary. Ydr,sll. had provided himself, „preT 10. to leaving bemoan& 'The Carmlnanecaf Dr Jaynee and In au cermet no ow - amens Ave senile. ates,.it was *amoeba indenting a spowly care. • The EXPeelorantite knee knows and among oar Intimate friends Milli egad sweettw and We feel that ere atall do a good set to families !especially those sit uated a they mutat hams wens to imme.dlate _medical 01141 to adshellw.at to keeplon hand both the Strisegio rant 4.0 Cwarientive. The Lipectorant latiedieved by * Li Plasiclans to be - tba best recipe Mr Palmistry. ms Codlphdads Ibm Ms *weir yet been coot .Tooreason Is, 111,J twee is not • attack, but npdar,Seicarific, and able mutant practitioner him. en?!. His wediednosara area by the best I,ltlrcierus - , ... Edam of rho Phil. twunley Courier ' In g Wein Pittsburgh tore MIN TE:h. STORE 72 Fourth sr. near ]Teen . i_ .. - - ~ oiningspenves conseinenens. ' :Mee sickness weigh apoo year bean?' ,';`... • • i Or•pains saki year breast 1 - . • ' ; Try Dr. Doweaa's Haaing Art, . • • • • • r ', • And It will ems you rest. .. . ' 'ill deem Sway the mtst i vioad . Ara whispers throtais the 10=4 ahnsod: • • "Year isealthalay yef be whole!" -, .• • • . . -. . ,Deer ,2 ;yoodrir rose pllovely bur. , • . . diseuredy gaps dis mining de'w, .rI '- • •isnillto It fa 4 . l - .w.74 , - • ~ • • • . _ . • . •' ' •' "The Wiliiant Detadiiis Witte sum-. .. And==. l .l4, l .WlrveTY Seta) : -, . - ...,. -f- It Pipped IbtaWl and threngh--- • • - .7 put ii'orin of Death stabil,. didle ' di ~,., / "---- • • - f: Dr. Museum's art were tried; . •., .. ',l : • -Mad csany heel] damsels mired . 4 • ',- The Ota of an untimely grave. .• - • . /i _ --cyplyst,pyrh.'CAllll IV inT.LEN OMCY , ,Nalthili Spaaora stne4Pachuou, Taco; where hi% VO.I;All iedinnie in sold. so .i.A.b.44, by V7III,,JACICSON. tomtit o • Yi' toe 4 'and Marts iits '..- - i .• entalkWl . • -.. ,•• ', P.ICAMItt - PINACISti' . .-"-"''-'""'-'--`-_,.--. NOT iN tilf,XiCO. • - • ._- - ~ amen 11.101Cvsa7 Illosheers,noca 00000 a. TIM. ited.r.iDed Bas ha * bad -so4itoced of the • ',mama, Sr ware seedietne.ndaptall to the ma of ' Clillarea and Infanta to ramerneed Wave ar an Inane insbannes linkh oinna , a opaing, and has at [twit •Re .4ealed:in preynnipt and aoangt. Ow pane n mode.- nelae,Ml nanrenng erforporpow,fin aII dietaries of ms, bowels, without/so ase of um nelanzioni ding, et •,,.., other so Ware In. the least - 'Tut Infant Peaseelthas been fogy tested and tried. ate last =Seise Mfotray;liyavonevoas perms. and (warble paws! all 66,,strapettinary Writers, and w pros pee an the anon lintsg Olken or art gob on f ilte.lnn or aireann. --Dian Amy trooldny;Cholfe,LOrtylny Pems,Dlehnees ad Immo* snort- iroar•Tectninyr...ilinatdwoly leboat dicta At' Oro 1..a.,n. I. . body, ...d.inyikawlo en.ad pagn'illtananunnitJon hum %Mesa pain to htrnagail mind loyani !nate of feeling in ,-..' . 6 01 1 4 :4 586 trw" . * ' 1: - ' d f the Preprfeterr:Dil -• • - . To no bat widen en Te ton.. • + .401iN.SAZGANT, ililladq...t4.AP.the...rb, 'Sim • . wiehnitrElliotta.• Ilankbanh and an, nanr-thao non! , -.-• I.; y and Drthlkoliki ." I ' ' . _ste la - ' IL - n(01201Es :- ....4.,...! . , '.*vaio. o ; Me IMF+ 04,,,,uaTingdlOos,edof.the Vcrelf..gre , teat mg: Mlglidi yda - 10 brword ; CurrY 1, , , , , ,, ..= hadicines tne Oe•ft , way!. 1" ....-aarl=ls=.3.. Tbi.Vmur.liAA,4 , ~.. VilrgeOP*4l . *Col ai Ti ./tRa"‘,V— . iii%7 64 A 4441* W - :',-', • witent•-!' bl'Ar• Caln... , , ... .....•'. rt . p . , , qlsnye ~Iy, p rolreil..:::,,- ; ;;- ..:. - f , ,::,.. : ..,-- :::',..i : .: t.' .- - , •: ,- - ,1, , L' .. ' '., .• . „ ~..-.. 4:':':":':': ::',;•:';r,';,.±:.!:.--;:'.':,. .cif,--~~~~~~ ~~~. EMBE ,!,c=irc===, •i .1' •,, - 71'" 10. 4 1cAL;r;,= PANACEA! I. , irgmtose , strrivurra wrrar MEM]) LiffiuSe—Tbs anrekkGetne4 sweat wlkek hat ' i kneaded the sea , OlNPE kmakwhielinfrliakoa of the Der as yagae i1..1.4.! t ha; ppyp Om: &pip to, call amen •L •• • • WONDERFUL. PREPARATION. Irlkek,otarks :ant sad ^.mist' nkrietc lOkfl7a A ffatifol, murk of • •-•-• y • • '•COLDS AND couptus.. • tlteried, are hat 16e precursors of that fk- The 41**4611; thety leaw sh,livre tip dos dea:Ter. in * bidl h.w shalt jori (et: elpit• of nir cough. tall !coLla.Lalif • • : 7116 GREAT- AND ONLY. ILVdEDY..- rouid Pipe Cupeag Pommes. In pm( of ire brio Ifinia ' , time in ism* pu*thell the etruficateit figrzeasaf oar Om kaolin chlEctiswho kans aspericace IntY &pin eautiorly from all porton( tin ' . . • 'MEDICAL - HEN OF TOE FIRST STANtINO; Of ilia dopelf Ac., vvthi,..utt eopiiiiu, no • • • ' • • 3OURNALS OF TILE DAY, -. • ,t we hare esithedied ittiattaphtet Dim and' may be had l.'lsztiaofsay of oat agents thniaglann the cassis.. .• 1• • • • nuxumps.or norytm Use lean wed In thia eity. . . • ..I • ;3110USANDS AND TEA :4 OF TDODSARDS Daltarqates and Canada, and ere . . 'arca any me to point [min • I . • ~ • ISINULE , in , orhiett„ when taken itconliaa m,- dietitians ainl we :gore the tags had become fatally notgartize4 it has • - • ETTECT It PERFECT' CURE.• • than. need the tOlicted heralue? Wel retort • themitatable nog:rents; gotten op by onknoin tndloid :nate ander eke nniluaned : Zll.o di: acm e .el.b.ted PhY - • paded . imo , noteriety by emiftentesof pee !Neatly_ anknosrOT I Whilst nacekh g a . •;- OPTARALLELED E.FFICACT, • • 'fit to be had, oristoe'voacheis are at.ktome,—cntrlneigli. - .o>ora,-.Stiany of whose ithas • • ,t' N ATCItAD ROA' TILE GRAVE r ". fa arks That thin I:minable medicine mayre'placed `Arabia - the retch of the pot an watt_ as sbe rah, we '.haerp . M..tbe l socein 1 F,cole, • Lone ilk 4: half the anent, cod of magi, sotilic int!. It Is : 4 Or salttgaitt sirons in Pearly every gyro an, asthma over the weal, whales prepared tkatve (all ituormanon `Taionivit to tt.: • 'l' SALTER, IYoprietni: -. • • - - EMadwa ',attest:loath Ohm . . I DIC iIIIrIdGICALI: OFP , OIO .• , . . No. ..,65'1)1AIIIOND , W mavet, tovntrfs ,40ti`, , ua :QPIr - a.nMalarle at . At; (IT -" , f:raton, w agroe= "*"' ik Sort -v to the treatment of dusc • private and delicate emu \ plaints far which his ceps mee mal& eaperience • '•'•;- • •:".. peenliatty ualify hint.— lves-jean vaianoes • devoted to ge Rod, and of Mose awl. ate, Oaring match time he imamate Onkel:ice and Las cured more patterns that eel ewer fall ta the lot of •y Prim= Potentiates) am pry gealifies ahem off tr ma tsencea of speedy. perm. • - Learnt old tatlafuennty Otte vial - adlloted with Micah ' Mamma. rmd W divares arising thentfrrea • Dr. Brown would safe= these adlicted irlth viva Jlmeues eitich have become chronic by time °eager.. • tea by the ase Of any of the common manna, of the darrekaa their complaints mur. be radically end rho: • eugaly eared, be 1...V0W kill cereal attenuen the treatment of aucheares, and aeocooded to hundred, of inplaacee la eaams proms of iadantailea of he nee, the. bladder, and kindred h a v endema,stach Ortert recall . 10112 those Callas Rae. ',abate aeeirealgued them la hopelesedespas. Ile pal titularly invites vet t u have - -been hmpaad amaacomsfelly Arcata by others to ten uth........eareatteraetum e itilreataene and lit mseful,thor r ;Vadrandiss• et Meatus pointed oat by :load elm, Mal/ +Ma Its •which It la impomitd• or tbeee ensued l e seneral practice of modicum at give any one Mau • .. , -- Te7" l bleat. er Rapta , re..-Dri BM. . 1 30 42+1 • ' 111414•111011101t4Cli Wilk lierni•lD Cel, WI be las pa, plinieslar auentlem this disease. . ' • , flkia Diseases; also piles. Palsy, etc, speedily cured N. .—Patents of either set lialay at a' dbaaaaa: by mar* their disease 111 writing, giving all the sy=p talakean obtataraaiiclace with directions brave, by / Ishatesssitis T-BROWI hi- la poll pa:land . each,' -'2WerAls rite l ."Siiihtiesod Winn i11....b* 'h. W1. .. 4 • . lar NO clown 0.711.:. : , . .., del,' .C3OIII4IIIIIIPITIOIR AIhrIIESTYLV-To shoos . ' ll .,4ll:llCtid 'Wilk Diseases et.the-Lamms. —pus se to certify as Mast artiftted erne' the Got pre. Monitary umpteen elf Cramemptien., that! knee . been . rvhivilM Me..event! yacht with' a bronchi, rorenevenf the, thmarind Imam:nem used rtioymediettea; but ..fotuut no relief In any preparation Pmerucine. anti! l• erode Are .of ',Dtt.•DUNCAN^J EXPECTORANT REMEDY. !lace been awash this valuable Medicate for several Team, and aliray•And its relined when• - evert snake tweet it My, oceepatten as an Auction 4err, Wbielikeeplmealmovr atastantly eneemd, ere.. my disease, weans, to beim= very alarming, when atones procanathis medicine-I I -therefore take plea , Annette nuking thtspabbe katement,that other) effect, • -ad-with a disarm of the. lungs tad expeetoranz.:omess May heron 'the MM. of this `ILIUM:Ming remedy,", . , and may be eared. I hate reconmeended Dr. Dormant,' ' Eipecutrant Remedy to many of•rsy friends, atone or twitousawre Mete Hem to Mir medicine • . • • Somerset,Ohie.Oetl2„. Isl 3. .. JAMES lIE'VIT Tbeninopneuer of. the above. Medicine woutd,..dro, ere the uderalened Peron, who reside io Perry • ..emsterf.ne wrbornany person may colt mom and to , ,tetstvineal thaf.there nre lota. Mond teethe above medicine mat' comet be excelled t- •r: . • . David; Calbertson, Somerset; Dr. D, Some, din , Prin. _4l• Caliber, Jackson IK Mr, yammer, do; Gee.pidbert. Haltbek lall e ar'S D TZ , }M - ATMEI6I 'awe street. Coe/Wit Ohm. - • - ••• mad in pinahrozh' by Wpf. Nf Lib B eyrte y • , head of Wood street. —' • aelOdersT. IEI est/14434 youttErnia. owEris . , Ur law dummies sad ispeeeesnetiti AlMoiletrsettof tiremeteeleteded oineanist kern one-- piled front aew Telpflele Grebe, nth edditnes idd nepternmenteby Amin Relived Roneell Pah. LOILENG'S .CELESTIO. -GLOBES, ecnnell iht Annorit.hint totterbei &. . Oneoiled • Imes the , mats ef Flarteint. ps Wk. liinelins,'3lloyer, Br ad !ey,,Hernthel, Iklesiteryne jibe treasserions of the AMMO.. sol Scatty of Leke, 4-e. • Smith's Nest Erg , liela Johns:km k litaektai Leis ,itOt reminds few pain- of Be Owe Diebgentyieg in eine, at Wows: , Ipart wiles En dOrtiestee, ,•. 1 .0 • 0 " . J.... 1 . 4 . 7„ : a w l Ritaiert,kotnerly- of Beatty, R lCentie i Co- ......... -•- Cinennorti 3 O. Zattertille„o. Cu... O. Con' • ' • • BEATTY, BROTHER At C 0 . ,, • 0. 1 Commals•ton M•rohants /OR SAL MALE 1111:M11iKNIARDISO liiilOll.llCRN PELOODOE, . • 'No. 31 .raydrce Street, New Orkors. Us. io— aleters. Marlin le'en, Rankers, j -u• Jatnet hitiretor Co„ *"" • ,- , .David 'White tr. Co,hoditon, lan ' .1 - .Menno, - Bintest,/ 41oes Fruer, N.WKonsie,lol, . • i II N Reamer, Isq,Banki Zan e sville; .r. Zasville; D. ' ' M'Deneld lc Co, L- Reed, Parke & Co,Desiver. Pa, . J W Wheelolg, ,te CM 2 tl`itul. 11' .• • wA It hilleheluee, . • ; Kite/Ca naltne.spoßT. r Car. Bulletn, .ConCirinati r Ohio: ' 1,1" AINIUPACCURES to orer l'amencer and ririgla /11. tiara of the trout eppra ~ cd deecripuors sot erste.. Lie prices; r , II, means of the Panels, Railroad end Riv or, they aro contd.' to gain Japan reasonable terms to all pointa nt the W.l..llte{r work will be morranmod eV ual lu all respects to any ado in the United elottt, all onion panctitallyonrc od. ; [FormeIc.DAVENYIJIIT: rly of Bottom Mem] • Type' Voimdry. • soca!, rams RI dary street, N4lO Lek, T. HE subscriber prepared minuet* band cern Type 1.. and Palmer'. illustrate of all kinds, at short bones and on teuonable serum Piopricionor sewspapers,'arl o have not e aowed for die .abseriber. who may publish this norte for there 112001411 artrl be entitled us reserve pay la rspe. pus chasms five tunes Use ausnesVor their bill. !di- advent. Id Type taken reesehringfte i r4;s7ogfiS L lz ' rdb. •tiveS. • no 011. • undersiencil are o*urepared to fornitmtheir enatencr. and the pabhe Oxus rally. with au ex eel lent snick of Lath Oil of thew own want:theta re t which they will action rthecnucndanise tem.. Their 0:1 thus' believe to bets prod as any °dared In the thartsd, mid may be schussed d not satisfar.sors ._,..-7.74.1610:UN EON . • Me? apposue smilhfield P. yt.-1,, • sense a liable Inc machinery, on • 414ive. • nr.r. --- A s am now engaged in Wb Irtinormtion of Wandler. Wtneo riOdGinoike.. eaelnasely. nod having mode arrangements in diferent part. of Europe end ithe hi and. with well known bootie. for toy fame supply of Foreign Lig.ra..whiek I will be able to cell, delivered in the Cowan !looms of New York or New Weeny or at this any, at the lowest market price for rash or op- War.' Doper. I hove m store and cellar st very large sleek of very ropenor Wines and Liguors on imposed of the moot celebrated brands and vmhoges furl we on plug ten. by P C MARTIN dekil roe letk omithfield eta 11.1\VING CRlCADl— Ferro ' s cream capinnae; 0 IfouleVo sharing compound; licoln l / 4 loon and almond cream;Hall.b.Sonie dodo; TaJiort sbaufba compound; • Wrictit's race aad almond cream; I Ibieg's Liquid compolung. Than aturulard prep.• ration• for sbaculamay be hod nobolomte or robot; of 004 - R arrAd S VC i g l a.tr 'b 4 . P ' '' ' 30 bna .1 Z ells W RCheen: ' I i 0,0 1 .0 lba prune Fembers; NFkOl.lO ems Yotivh; 10 " pure venrehed SOLI; -, • 10. " 'Llacki , aliP, . • [ .. 10 " Soderalus: meowed .0.1 for call by' 4016 . , CARSON te McKNIGIIT,II:O st SODA. Aralli—oo coks,avers*invldnececnt,c.cpeet cd noel, lilleconber. ens New Orleans. 1' • trakozi. same-stracoilh from one of the ben Enclich tutnafactoccrral front Admen we expect hereafter,feculat sohpher. and can nice istanufieloteo of atta oat en ibis meartet some inducements to purchases of us. U.S . • •• POINDEXTER ft CO OLD INDIA ROINIIICR—MAXI Ito old India Robber .Sboes; &c. or the old style Asouited, Tor which the highest price will be paid in cosh or goods, Eon delivered of the India Robber Depot.s vroodsL I 0013 . J h II PHILLIPS 13 13 4%1 Es °I or E 2.17:=1"...1" 1 4:T.111,: wiae nom of JACOU WEAVER car market k flobt at., MEDICAL. • . _ EVERAL REASONS WHY DIL , LEI— SARSAPARILLA• B L 0 0 0 .PILLS al, 6ecomleg eo naiveraelly , papular • • East, Ikeasze they aro prepared by Dr N Et Im.i.• dy himself, a regulii Druggist, Chemist end-rhysi elan of Philadelphi6; who know. the nature, the quality and character of the hiedicinea tised in his pill. and tbeiradaptatian• to disease,. Second, Secant the public can Mks; them wilh greater confidence than most other pills which are prepared by persons ignorant /KO of medicine and Third, B..uiew efeet n, proper; ties not Contained in any 0..,,0r plilm ti ok i hrE, ! stances. end Ut y thti ittoitte time perifyin the blood mad fluids of the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest sad best medicine known.a single boo costing bat ;15 Cents, and coutainicig 40 pills, caving to persons as . many dollen olt•times in' Doctor's bills, and, al:melons medieineebenghlt & tried on the rec , mmendation cat others. WII0LES0111k: 'ADVICE. WlnineverYott hare occasion to take . anymedi.. cOM, do not be lulling malt year, conatitation by trying all kinds of bills or other inedicinei you see pabliatted and recommended by one and another but take at Mee • . • D. Leidys Sorsopitailkt Blood. Pilh • nail ytav will not hate occazion to take anything Thee will always be found good gondit,almo.t all ',normal disease, Inflamation of the stomach, bairn 'eta; beer and intestines; cramps of the stomach; ° colic, Waterbrash: inward lovers, foal :breath, bad lute is the mouth, Soar eructations and neiditv of the atnnischiveners and indigesticin. won't of appetite, billions atlectOMß. diseases of , the nidece and kidneys;diseases of the skin, scaly emptied dry afid watery pimple, or blotches of the lace son body, lettir,rnalt,prickle Mat and salt anima, head ache, giddiness, leintness, pains ore, the heart, ol the breast, sides, along the back and spine. rhenma rim and gout, fevers of an kinds, small pos. rano, lied. weasels, scrofola,erysipelas, and in short they, are good in nil diseases having their midi n in the genteel), beer, and intestines, and impurity of the blood Cr7•TweitY4Sleceitte a Boa. Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. .'idinc'etock• In Co., corner of First 'anal Wood,. also corner of Sixth and Wood Create. septlt9 CROFULA AND. SCROFULOUS:: SWELL, MOS.—Scrofula in all its multiplied forma. whether in that of King's' Evil, enlargements 0 the glandsar bones, Goitre, White Swellings. Caroni,. It henntatism,Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine, :urn! Pulfitonary Comumption, Leutanatp from one' and the sanactuse, which is a poi:senora principle more or lees inherent in the human spinet. 'f here. fore, unless this principle can be destrojeal, no radi.• catesii eau be effected, bet if the prinelpfe . upon which tha discaie demands, is removed, cure mato( necessity follow, no matter andel. what form the disease should manifest itself. 'Ma therefore as the reason why Javan's ALlcrinstin is tooth vaisally sueceaful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroy. the• viral or principle from wines those dif.4lllles have their origin, by entering into the eirenlation, end with the blood is conveyed to the' minutest fibre, Semoiing aim; particle of disease from the system. Piepared and sold at No. n South Third Street. Philadelphia. • • Sold Bathe Pekin Tea Store, No. W.Fourth stmt. mch9l DR. TOWNSEN epee A ERA PA RI C.I.A.—IN dem teat received of.Dr.•Townsend'aSawspatilla: the suit extraordinary snedielne la the stetrld I Thin Ex tract is pot tntin quart honks. It is 11l times eheeper, pleasanter. and warranted sopenor to any told, It enrol disease without restueltg, purging. tuellentag or 4obailaSiog The onligot. -; ' Leek - ardfar Ledrerfinat —ll/npnnetpled pewees have copied out labelt,n.nd pot ap snedieine In the same sha ped Miles. See that each bottle has the written eigna. twee( S r Townsend. ' • .s R E SELLERS, Donggln No 57 Wood 'ettbetween 3rd and nth ar, is Dr Tearnsend'a 'only wholesale and retail wearer Piusbargh,or whom the genotee article earths had. M Co rrihae been appointed the role age i nt for Alle gheny eity,rof whom the geaoino article can be had. •J 1 : - TAYMIE111 CARMINATIVE BALSAM 'DRUM the Rev ARA ERIN N, a well known andpop slat Clergyman of the Protestaatkleabodist Church Tin andersigned henna been alMeted durisor *lepton winter with a disease of the santoach, malaise. pro. &ming great pain itt the sumach fattener. twelve hear. without tateratisilon, and after haslet tried various reused:es with lade effect, was famished with' • bottle OfDr D isynel_Earrainauve Salmon. This he used ae ...reins to the directions, sod found Invariably that this modicum caused the polo to abate in three or four nen. otes, and In Meat or twenty ' , Meta every, uneasy vensation was entirely quieted. The medictue was of• terwards osed whenever indications of the tipploach of pain wete perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent. ed. Ile continued to W. th e- medkine every evening . I and istmethaes to die morning, and in .• . few • k health was so far restored, tha t sufferer was re lie s, ee spot from a large moan of oppressive pain. , , Frow ea riettee, the redne.confident ly econmaend 1) D Jayne's Carminative Balsam, as a salautry atedirin for &masc. ofthestomach and bowels, 4 !MINN For UleinPiusbure, ItilaleVEVYffia - .Fourth Street„ near Woad,- and ale al the Dr a Rave of II PSEIEWARTZ. Yederal street. 'A Ilechsry SELLERS' IMPERIAL WU RH SYRUP-11 Ix cheap, easy to take, and Meal efficacious.., • it Pellet.: ehddren, the others, hare been MtWeetta nuablenalle °MIA and having mod ilitereut nmedied 4eryllide patpok., I was induced hy ao advenieement thong coog4 srup, ha eve a triaL f VIVO. it SO twei of soy ola', and Was to atst duhter, severaldiffierent limes, and it has never !ilea t. do m. I have recommended it to goighbon, sad do test ea t believe aryls to the brae . oigh Mat Mat •has ever been offered to the "abbe Ammar Allirraosa. ravage rhoed bell:twill their chi/dr= to safer from eoogba,rebea abet may ba,cared by.a SS cent barrio. o •- Prepared and mkt by D. SELLERS, 57 Wood s harareaa 2ed arid ark sea. Sold by Dr. Ca.4l,Stbi Ward; :rarer. All•gbern , am: . deb YOU' PUSILLANIMOUS s cot* mr. vuuthss meanneseun' equal yettri!- Look at jletr you/ vriteorithher erightsaeoyfiect:- Look ea:year emu; pitted with eraptions.and bit:Nelms: Yet 701, ate too mean to OTC Mgr cents for • cake of ttatc coat Italeua Chemical Yap, *t o eb vroold entirely free Mdfmcg , ataat wr=loke epee yeJlow ilear nod thy. 'comp:ince Jaelpoya Store, 1:9 Liberty a. It .Esttabatal.kual get faeake , . Atessoces WOG only Owe in'Tinstugh:teitere agiwnvirlig i0i0,964r00. gmre or costatt ! .17013800 E thil Big &Clain& At thilloonny. I f P I CE . S. . I Da.l MO2ll w Y . lll rd n ardik .tb , W6rrv.a.t... bk:c2:rg or ht.!, go, for irritative of the kidney. mul lihd dm, yams ba the boa mei eide helutual mernomet, mop, Females before ~.4 eller otormoorrot ar....a., i.194.14id wiIL noodipetatts cd the bowel. or coetinnes.,m erdl es the tele. la 41 aunt non the 'honk east be Minn with per wet safery', and lee certain ruined . The Specific is non. porptive, sod imo entirely remedy. Middy= a per tide Vsstehoge,cologyme or t to lake load pee: feetry harmless io the bog dAademostah 1.• I Thiel. to ..e* that pram Dr. Legoidebyta hie ilp.in„; lo bloe ey e ,u,. tod La remedy. li ning sem its seen. rr . 1 , 1 aeonnenom,i s sere& coo fumed Lod cm alba Vibert et Anode an mlire mare in eme. • • Y WIIITEMELD. Newt kdelly, MIS. M 4 Sixth stn.. • I cheerfl gree my testi.7l m to the rennin Lod Won i'hin dr or Dr. bffolds a Pike Specific, es I know it tr.! y =prince amnia., to be loffalltblet met mei with soccum ha went ewe of ita ,male Mmegy May, 1845. ,' 2154 Binh threat. ' . i tamer CERTIFICATES • i - • • Mew ffork,Mty,lBLS. Mr. D ear Bin. l hem th e picas.. to iey, that r...owtff • Dr. legolildryle Pike 3iwofie, bee made a per fect can in mato( say rimer, and 1 new gm you?, word that I hum eurprioad et It, as it eras in my °puma itn remade to hen 11m ever, I ran mar testily to then:ma im. as Windy and do advi s e at o th er. who me ell e d ited in e woomer, to procure the arncle, us they ~y depriad cm alumina cure Your.with respect. • ' Wert Chafer, N. Y., May 15, let Ls. .. • P. logoldem—Deer Sin-, r. Tbat you may benefit othe who may be !offering, as well to to mprins my gratitude for the bencidl hare denied from the um of your reinehle Sim eifir., 1 comply with your regent, and now do give my Lan wey 'in' herdr of it, haring heca cued of a mere attack of the Pity eller harieg toed other nmedic. without .mean. .1) ' You wont milted. . t Sold whotenle end mail by WM. JACKSON, et is Ni na tee Warchutoe, end Lout and tilum Stare No. LI &berry street, brad of Wood, Pitarburgh. hue, •ji Ta ute per bon pre 14 ly —__—_. • ---_,...- ..- .. _..-- I.IAZZARL'S PATMINVDEDSTIL/LO. '., C'. . o*). . kat Okra impnivemen has no l W . Lee'll in use idiom tiv art. and wherever I. is linoWn:Preferted to nil other s Q Iteadweedv. Pop ehcapdeas, strength and uneven/race ii ham not and ennent Ate equalled, al it is 'aleeidedly. din hen T cb.ap,., at convenient Iledalend in one, and per reedy Ana adult Duda The pr im • al Cabinet makerm and Turned , fn. Al' iihnny env id in Pittsburea nave welded. Itighlr tannufacun and eellthe amen . An there see hpitr sticks and top e feet I windier. in thl =watt. pv tern wonld well to [S.M.! tbc:enst iron phi which in th ' . . . ' , ... • t. gtMoute article the name of the patentee, I ,talnvornably cans An a pronf of ill th it li . Garrato'sDednionle, the &booting certtG • met mike. will &Ingrain I l lttsburghand nhmitte to the p. bile: v been .practical cabinet makers and •i afact tern of the citing of Possliurgh and :,d hereby ter Of). that nee hove lumen .tufp elute heiloteadit milt Gassamht Pat. ..iconsido the tame mperior to any lb Nyhk4h we are acquainted. • mon John Stlairenv • •nsk.c Robert Fairman Ic eL James It Barr , Jr. Jan. Lowry & Son arbin • . Riddle & Drennan arley Ramsey & fil'Clolland • ker kb:men Reliant 1 Dace Robenn k Kane • which in I. I; F. Os= Is claimed fr este front-go trreht, ts We, the et tredstestl Alice:eon the n ht eat Fa len a fitalevaYlnsp James 1 T It No J It Ile John LI Into Thomas Meld }lash W J yr. ' : % In lie- 3 Jan W Woodned • - Geovaa :nyder • • ett J AleMnaders deo • Atexander• Lammn w make and eel! me above Cedviead j FLICIIEZER F GAZZA, Pate M niee r For Wei apply to °CZ. :NOE FOR PATENTS. Wpahineon, D. C. , RODUINS, Ainebaning Engineer and matron Polders, rill prepare the Re tort and Papers tor. Applicants for Pot. set all , other beanies in she line of his he Patent (nee. tin non be nOtrailted striating lathe Patent Laws and dee, fitted taint Or lifflOpC. Pc eons v.: us of having eStIOD/Al*ll3 mule at the • nillf . i...AiliPif application for a men; or paid, enclosing a fee of See dollar, eat of their ease, schen immediate. IlEttlf. iota to IL and *lithe infonnatinn dint ed by a vitt of the applicant in prison] ainated. ~... business 571(fr tor pool paid. and contain ...hate a "MOOR opmion it ',lured, ranch oppositethr patentOlAnd.' rof ,reforieg; by prrmnsion, In . • and Burke, CmunlasionerAr Parnu; Ellstrorilt. has '. do ._ _do do; r7ENAS C. Assent fo , nexus -, sem and Iran profusion at on all guano , ' slour In the tissumee don Pat[l.ll Office.. ana)•forward . a eiear tate bon will be meld be ob comedy co All!otos • a suitable lee Osfiee on F MA. the Hoe. Ed nos.ll I 11 KnowlE3, NoeLim, Patcnt Judge Branch, Waaltinglon. D Ron. B Mown, blwonehoneu., 1113 Senate; Don. WOlan. do; Mon.! B c,13114.611; lion. Willi. linV. NEU' lion; Boa. ROI.n 1ir11111.14 C, Dimon.; Don. B Bri•CMI V S Senate; 1i0n..1 B Sclk, N q Alnln,nlrii 5 . apt.1118 - 'r rt l e=itilTo - a ihTt T4 - O -. lk;;;;;; . ; Ik "Y and most fashionelple ste r n Easten patterns and colois. ' A THE CHEAPI /LOLL, or ROI VON oa heal ormade border.' all sixes. luid at all price*. Country Meta... and others are matted il l cll and elcamine the above for thenwelVes, as all wil be iohl wholesale or and a 1.e.! deduction . wholesale porehwen. coldly L A WESTERVELT MUM:ELM:Is_, • l• . •• I • iW n.sruswin. D S. C:. Dee. Gilt, Dime D. Thomp i ron, Pittstfavd,Pa. 7 at in one r.f the uatpeu hoer rained My bunions. Curator entire. and npproprialed it to yourself. Twill tale the inherit to into= you , Lat h: business Cite - Our ti own com motion an N common pmperty. thud tot pee wit, oiwent la be Mucci! in a p•rindo ihm will intern pee who do no; know ine to rtiopow. that , ' am not capohleof •ntopoting rrir own hntits earthier stint I om ear of .pilfering cad upproprianna the runtiof another to my own toie.. m; th i erefote.undir the tiet Of.nmicinT and expomoKyour plagia r I irin Mans mat Mer . Z C ROHM Attey for Valenta, Wazlnn,eton, IX O p neorep o e rn pera that have pcbliTtnel D. Thorny too'a advertnirnent, wall please:l(l,En' tire al.ne.. del I i . . 11 .1. 1? .)13 ritiEttll:ONlC, or flotigh .11.11 . aleatn, has a greet aduaninge - over many other Couakpreperatiout, as It. pleasant taste ',eyed. it tabu ward without inclinecniencr. value. at a consists in the speediness of its ante. We have known ems of the mama desperate cough., some of which hint hee u d rdrining oaths a considerable length of time, veld uiladstitnettediidely to its power. lullsoch weather at we hare had during the . pSst wt ter every one is liable toasts cold, unless grrat pce. _cautions ue wad- - We; feet and Wine espoittre to tht inclrarney Or dan weather alien Jaya the soundatiOn of a hooky/a-counts which nerd. a wont remedy to prevent stoorus resell;. havunameruus (VI li4clkies of c.va which it Lou :eaperthrmed, many of which ate foam perfuths this city , the neighbotbnod, dnd they arn a sufficient lettir rate wituont cluing another ward inns favor. _Prepared and Me to nth ,rerad by 11 'A FAIINEKTOCK; LK), earner of Wood and 1411. altd. Wood tad folt so. dela, OELLEILT IMPERIAL STRUP.—Proth W C K Roden, Eri s Clerk of the Coon of !Fustier Ses sions of nearer county. ' ' • Al. IL E. Sawran—Sire. Portly Irate in the winter my Ede was afflicted with a revere and di:arc's - 1c; count, . and hearing or pair invaluable Cough :Syrup. I purchh• sed a thane front ii T. Trimble,.E,q iaflindgewutei, and after taking a ponion of it two or three evenings ' going toted, non thund iranidoltati whet as alu.s sent] il friends have beta rcloverf la severe case. .1 loather, fore salisited thrall Is ovate and valuable mrFclician. and votold recommend ft in those who may be afflicted with sevens colnisa and cold,. • W. IC route.; March 25,151 The Syrup 11 pot up in 25 cent bouts', so that It may he bought by the poor as well an the rich Prepared and Atrld by R E SELLERS, 57 wood flee, ALo, for sale by Dr, CROW, Sur ward, and P. ht. Curry, llegheny city. • ovl3 1Q RAMPS UNIVERSAL. EXPANSIVE SHELLER .IJ —Tills labor having Alueitte. was Patented, April Ithh: e4lt; whiviyin view of its 'veal dor/16day r hoop -11.4 ad efflCiedy, nlmplirity of eunstreetion, end the ens* end futility wiih which It is used by either Hoyt or adults,. lb Inrvnanly dr.ined W supereede oil OdICI Corn Sheller. for general use. ft - in fact .pplits a deuideratern which btu looK been wanted throughout the Wutcrii States, forwhile it colts lesaihnn 0m•-tenth ofthe price of the weary shelleraJone person een shell com'orith tr. aa fuse.. with any. 'For sale at the eced Store, corner of Wood and flth sub _ 00115 fl o gr ,s—fr a stl ae • fewit.i i. le l s4V . e.te . sm New Vat Also, Farxm and Western N Y, early picked, Om yeatss growth.. 'Prime Ohio do. Delmont county.' The general Pattern clop of lbe season is nowt tieing received. Brewers and others using Hops, will find it much to their advantage to obtain their supply from tho underslgitcd, as they intend to sell do oughou t dm reason at New Pork prMer. titiO. W. &malt & ocOdgei Pittsburgh. liremery, FriFIE MAGIC ILILASIVIE ROAP—For rend. .L Xing Greallo spots, Etaine,or alerts from (*dots, Woollens, Cope% Ac t , and rendering the spore , where It le nipped elenr, bright, new, andipotters. ecad with fail direction, Price 24 cent a rake. Sold try Wht, .IACINON, P. 9 meet, bend' Waldoal hit Door and Shoe more, inn of 'lei NOTICE.. riult:SitickhoWeis of the' Fanneto' Deport! [Ant of .L Pittsburgh, intend nuking 'inattention to die next' Legitlatote our ouch alleratitinpi their Chatter at gi Duni 'honking privilege, or It dreamed expedient,' ve ank Paha Incorporated ao a new Dank._ By order of hoard Direetore. .-103dilaardirs THOXIPA)N lIELT., Qualm .1 TO VS paaysnars WOW KALE,- Cale! h, !Aisle r, Pattern hlakkr;Alierghenr oily hl W. ha the IICIVCICOULIII• for SIMMS Mt hand enh, in W.n or iron. Min Clearing and' all parttnor made Jo order CtTleAlC OkC rale hy,.. • • WWII SCAIFE, mrdl3 fiitt d botafeen market b;.. word PHILMNI, -OVERTISEMENTS • DERRY_ &•NICKER/ION; • Manufsr.turers or AWNIROS, SACllfill BOTTOMS, 1 • webopt COVETISANH, (GAIN DMA or ALL orrefttrribre - No. 314 South Vtoiii Street, Back of .7.4. Hilton's Cabinet 'Ware Maitif y PHILADELPIII/L: ALL *Men left with B. li.ridoen,••ot the ofrao Drib* Morchont's Hotel; fforboth, 'will be prOo , PtIY attended to. „ TADS. 0. DERRY A z C. meta:am:sr WILLIAM Ry__l4,,*, littliNEdd :Ole Chewier et., Peiresmie, hoe otthe ern or .ocle . reetweiledly.terme. hie foetid, zed the public, ea ha Ws • ee will krep ecestestiv pa heivi reek, %ammo eeivosetat of vilitmodle Carriagre. vehicle Oyler end aim/ igloos node le enleral tits shortest Feeble notke, mod eeteuted is es very beet reezuwerierlelected aktuy . 1E1131 . 1P17111 :1: FURS ::1 • THE eultscriher rr.ll . rpctfulliin vita Lodiei end Deroletien atroirviailnig Philadelpilia,tiod in wont or FANCY PUIO3I, emelt is.AfiaG. Bose. Tippitik.,}e,,,, give me toll beriire'perteteveliewliere.a. thee will rand it to their volvantemand on Volrlakit:'All ordere ' received 441'4 fieterelly artentinl at No Set /Viytt, Thin! lei Ogee Ateb; Pktiddelphle. : : • • • 'toms igraerr w!Yagaie pobfi awsisia um: • mut DB. TOWNPERD'S SAR,SAR Amt. caraordinary 4, 4;eine -in 140 World. _TWA mina n pot up an quart bentleint resin tunes cheap. er, pleamoter, and warrantot superior we ,urea • dsc/MO without nomititel porzingruclams or de 1 • blntatint User.. S&L • GREAT - SPEI?iG ArD 8021NER , 0iSDICINS , . The &zit beauty roil Mtperiority of . this fMnesparilla oar all ...the' Medicine foist Eradicates Dalt/ft gt Irt• 10, aka theßucy. It Oat or the eery boot BPUING AND , BLIMME-11 MDDICIII era &sown ,it tot only pond. the whole system send strangtlons the person ' bat it Geoff. Arm, Pure and BMA ptfood i.apowerpossessed by onother Medicine. 'And in Mi. Bodo vandxerst slits wonderful • morns. It bias performed will. thi east two rim's, more than 85,000 cures of Sever; Cases of Dows on lost 3,000 oC. them-iron considered incumble; Moralism.. BAB ores of Clucmie Bletunatios',; • 2,110 u easessof Dyspepsia; 400 ease of General Debility - od Want of Enirwaj 7AO mos of different Female Complaints; 2,600 moo of. Scrollita; !Ark, coo uftlir-Licer Complaint AND rases of Diseaseof tloßiLailney and Drew, IMU 3, cots of Coosumption, • And Th./Mods of rases off/ix:aim of ,L Blood, ':Dicers Drys/pelm, Salt Blom, !Moles on did Face, &c. o .'s, .Th•-• pith, with numerous mesa of Sick Dmdahs Nom the so:Maud Limo, Spinal Affections em arc aware, must appear stormlible, but ore has Mtn,. from physieians soil our agents 'front ell parts of Me Milted States, smarming us of estrmrdiory or, D. Yu Dinhirls fiery. fad, of the mot respectable drmegists ia No in.h N. J. nitimins us that he eau refer to moo tbanlM ra intlot plot. elms, 'floe ore Mona-oda of moo in the city of Noe Fork, which we will refer to ottb pleasures and to men' of character. It is the boot medicine for the Preventive of disease known. I t'undoubtedly eared fictive, of more WM. nafen Teo rAri,611.{.11.1: A• it resumed coo of distao,a6d reposed them fo flu Stonntei wain. R=MI . . . CAM 0. W. nld.'isa .orrne Utvinioß , rares and totuaber. the :Yew Jen,' Legia/ettire, La kindly sent ta. the followiur certineatu It tells its Orli story. RAJIWA r, Jae. !Set car silcc I was telt. will. the ledlimusa, widely whale .;stem leG w o debilitated state. I was iudo,d to try Dr. lowloesd's ,lsaregiaritle, wad eau taking two or three bot- Itei, l ow very moth relieved, and Ottrilmte it tidied' , lathe ,:aid Sarsepirilta, I have coot:moat I,lltiog it, and God that I capture every day. I believe it tared my dile, nod would let be without it wider any eatieiderstiuo. 1=21:=121 SCIROIr COIND. , This certificate ~ m elmeely proves that UM Elsnaparille laipi lett warnl over the umt o6umate diem*, of the Hood. Three perm cum% it, me ho em uspeemdeuted. ToMe• Dt.:TomiemO—Drat ham the pkasum to inkrm ?ou Mat thrre of my elvldne, ham Mips uted of Me See. foe by the use of )our meeliem melleim. They Imre ItZieted eery amply with bedew., Lim .017 tam tem Mule.; It took tow., amy. Ale erh,eb 1 feel myselimdm d,ep obliretim. Yonn e mmoelfully, leeati W. auto, Ioslgroomie it Raw York, Mardi 1, K.A. 1R V....1T FENIALIf..IIEDiCIMG. I pr. Tornkad'A'Sarsapartlla Is • anotresgu not rperdy orfor inciOicut consumption, CArroscom. Lcuiartbroor obrtrorltd or ealGeolL Aleratrizationj•cocuounct of Urine, or i.oln•ttry dixhanr• toe and for she gra. oral prodratiou of the symeto—co natur wurther the result el ioll.reai earlm er catuet, produtal by irrerearity, ilmm or • • Noising am be ware mrprleitta• than its .. ittrigerahvg le a oalh 1111=14 limn. Yet,oos, weak ca and Ws.- tea, from taking. at, at once !gentle rohtat mil full of energy =der t 4 itallvetwc. It immediately erountereste the erne leamesa of the (Musk Cram, tehith ta the great mom of bar emote. It will not expected of of m CUws of so &Unto • na ture, to calibit certificate of mum performed, but we can name the calked, tint hmdrrde of mom hare been repotted ta w. lirrenid caws where families hare been without child ren, eller oung a few bottles of MU invaluable medicine, hare born bleat with healthy ulLerusg, Dr. Totnnowl: lily role being greatly dis(reseed by wraltorsa and general debility,. mid • soffering continually by pain and • eentation bearing down, Idling, of the womb, wd with other difficultico, and lasing known mum where your medicine has effected mat cures ; andstho hem log it recommended Par ouch mamas I lame describe:l,l obtado rd a battle of aour. Extract or Barley:villa, and' followed Me directions you gare me In • short prnod it bee complainta and eminent her health. reins grateful , for the bezel. atm rectired, I bske phardre Ikea ocknowlidg lug it, and recotonsendirg irt be public. M.P. Moon., Albany, Aig. 17, leis Cor. of Ormd md Lyilitte COTIL.C47r, Sept. pel, Itt4s. Dr rewound: To all Whom this may cresorte—Tbisia to derttly that tar wife or.cd ot» book of your Sarsarordla prnetuot td her etaiGnemene, raider the mutt &arson and delicate ctreastatances, &bo troubled with the dropty, send, of dm fest, nenedu illectiane, and with iamb dsbilita led with lay persoaain, sad Um reeatomeoplatiote of &ow who bad wed 1, shs vr. ivd oeed to try Lie. with htde oe fadh; sad starter A to say, the euedieine Lod the happy Mel dean-ell sffeet, not oily to der hear. uf enadoesoecie, but allee dto elfraiion of' tine week of its ose, da- dropsy aehl per otitia ed c rive vrav 41 sa polontili44: degree, a. 3 Ler he'attli s 0001 4,14, then it 4.4 d /Well tot a Lon Lim pre. orßt i lle ' enrr " ta:rr • I •eb:ertie myself Tau tout etreduretuAl otaigmll S S JOS TO MOTHERS. A f4D MARRIED LADIES. This Eatrect of Sampanlla . has been taptsuly prepared in niter., to female &napin.. No fatale who has MI Sial la manatee sLc u vowel:nag dad causal paned,. " Tat turn of lye." ehould itegliet to take d, as it is • certain peelers.. e for amp of gm InleittOUG and4bindiarves lu ab fentaies are subject*, thia tune or tan, , Thin period y he delayed far *tetra! years by wang thstimeditint. Sur is 4 let, t•lmble 1,. ,lone. who are approaching womantornaH, wit w sa:eubf ..3 L. sort valise. I. guidisunv the [dotal m: snrigarstum the ryste en Insiewl, thus nrideatme Is itreal usble tor all iti Lb. delicate thwarts to mLiele !tom. ere Object. It Learn the *thole tystem. norms pennatten nalto • UP ha val energies—by outuatag , beimposibesof tlea t laidy—not so far stuatilalaig the system nt to prods. • leammotal re- Lentina, which is the cam of meal medicine* balmit fur female weakness and disease. 0104 s READ THI3. You who have imdecomplazione, dull .y.,, Ways., on the face, nrsgh thin, use Deckers, .4 an m net of "pinta," use • bottle or tent If Dr Toenossul'a Surtarentla. It will cleanse your tAirod, remote the Treckks and, bloches, and cit t tau no....e....yrrebling eyea„ kna•tunis t mos ....... wmpletinio—all of whrsh arm Wawa iMI valtaMto unnsar, rit4 ladies. DESSEPIDA. '' No Amid or medicine has rem been din-meted whitb to nearly rentables gm ramie juke or Leays is cletwmposing Noland ottengthening the organs of digesmas t mlthis pool; ranon uf Sarsaparilla. xi, rotrnatv 's if . U SlF, '''''' l Illit '' Lettl' An4' all '' l ,sl ted .' I fa Ill ; I .3 lW eial . Srail With i . isid i dla ill it/ want k. mv;attendral math sanri. env of stemneh. Les of apretitr, et Irene heartburn, smil a gent ase/sun. to WV kmd. of Lod, and for weeks (what I cbuld .4,11 I Imm kin unable to rim. hot 1 Antall porticos on my mounds I tried the usual remedies, hit they had 1 nut little , or noel:feet in ermaring the nimpland. I area in duted, akin: two mcatim since. 10 lay }our ilstrwt of Bum ming:s, atil I mud say.with little confidence, bet alter sating al t tau bon:. a. I found my appetite re, and thr Leattmiris entirely remnted, and I wwuld mamma ma,: mewl the use nf it to tlwre who Int arra idilidid l• 1 hart Lira. Poon a 4-e., . W. W. Vad Zane, Nos 'At, In4n. Lita.o Istansl.2 ALSIOST .4 MIRACLE Re n d the f Sowing, and doubt if you can, that contain?. ,i4.l.4nunnt he cereal. 'I his is only noel the several hamlet d mare that Townwud's Fareq.ei,Lt hat cured: 1 . Dr TowaseettC , -Ilcue ,14. r. I was take.) a li do. o a ic,r Itgo, riith • seven tungh and pedt hi my tide. It w orms. on use very test, indeed. I was prunotneed by ph>. tinans to hal/m.l.e quiet counoispilow I n oel y essali• Win of had matter, bad night saes., cud mini tray . Gum .7 d.b.a. said lie could do nothing for ow. Iwe mto the hospital in lime of hen, beltiStled. bilis. p ed there rm , ~,,,,,,,,,hte, j tea, WM dr.11.11 distermed at thel have and n., 1 oath! Itardly benthe 1 I soon benne. einsniadril oast eapected to die, was confined to, my led, and Iya• blips to Lase wmcbers . indeed I ca gin pais au y demription that mould Unlimber to lay man. I arm auppust4 by ray friends babe mall rem.etly L I Led tried a gnat number of 800th,., and ag termed In mto no oilmen I read of wean meat es. traordinary nor. prfonar4 by ymir medicine, and to tell yam tha trsdli,- I simpectal flee t tearoom. humbug in them. 1 4 ,4 was Ilialattai la it) it k 1 did my, .4 WM .11,7 1 ilva n yc n i I did.. I cannot .07 that 1 nn merely well, but too m for recovered e. tole atmatiny liminess and hope to le entire ly well lea kw rreelty sly entigis' •ad gam me Ilir•sule, and ninht sweats hare left use, and mix but eery Intic, oa f ma hot gaiising tny tisualatrength. I 1611 it a duty tu give you a statement of any raw, to publish If you ytlascy P. 0,, [Nom., 47 Little et, Brooklyn. . ' Opinions of Physicians. Dr Townsheitd'it alsoostdeily receiving orders phy; cians in different parte of th e Osman. Thiess toe/truly that we, the undersigned, Ph 'lsiesens of the lily of Albany, have ID vu rule caste preseribed Dr. Tnertisendls Serseparilla, and believe it Woe one of the Dist valuable peeped - about of tta Sarsaparilla in Ilse market. It P ?tuna, a ti J %Plunk, • o, It B Samoa, a s, P LEs,atax.aa.mo. This is to certify that awe, the ttederlipea, pnletuitg Thorns mews Physics*. of Ns Gltyof st /boozy bare f seat a prescribed Dr Tuuninsid'a Compound Cattail of Suss ,rtila, and from it• laity smut.' remota d lid lie intecur.el, scrofelaus, and otherc stun oi caws, /IS prefc resat u any of the advertised remedies is A W Dnaatl o i te, Albany April R,1544. %Val B STswroa r. Pnneipeluesce OS Fulton at. Susi Dnildiug. lal ' Y; Red ding* Go Stalest nation; Dr Lyolt 4stSoiß /4 Nost Sec mid et S Ilmee, druggist, Oaltimore,• and by pmewitaldraggists gmemlly throughout Um United 4yen, /Vest ludimand. the Comdas None genuine, unless put up it; the large *mare bottles, whith conisio a quart Ned rei gn ed with the written signature of TOIVAIr3P.ND, and hie Datal bLowas lb. Rim ' From the New Ybrk Daily Empress of April/4147. thPmi: a t 7 X, PP' r ' I rirla " ;2:7pre ' The whole Ring is ve op in amid sestet some of the! orna mental Isoidlespe paintings are brautiful,whieh,togitliiir with the smell i Lewis, made P Shure rarely equalled in Droselasy. We take this manually to a s e we believe this estract of the Narleparalle demise the seasysireat popularity it lois acquired, Alkul, April I, 1t,15. Nervous Debility. New Yonx,lllarch27, Or. Tosthsentli—l hart beta afflicted mire or less ho 3 year., with v dreadful sinking th. chnW e giddiness in the end, low of amble, path the nadir, autil genera/ tithing, bronght on no doubt by the .00hing bent and Fold tii)whieh subjoet bin my Inkiness as dyne. I hare taken other medicine!, too numerous to titedthAt, but with Melt or nerve ern, I weituntheed by eilvat I saw in the paper to leyalbuttie f your Saraspartlea, (non which I &widgets! relief. I bare vine. taken streralsoore bottles, and I tau vinhevilatingly say it i. the Lea razdich. I Item tee, talmo—th e p en . en en , chest it rut, end I kel quits %di ff erent nun altogether shwa iliac Liken your Nersaiwrillei I Lave nen, better appetite, they e'er I bad. hey wt has taken it with th e eons beret. eith result. I would scennunend 41 as a. Gamily I= dicia• ,ueritly.and feel toorineed that If eoustelthere would nut be haffl the skeins, there b, and eausetinctitly nut at way V e nvimis for whlk it restores appetit,,, it also ems to the stomach tune boatels them regidaz tow it keeps the g blovd a healthy gate, so that duwase is not Nolikely to attack the • germ. And alto ire trot in a healthystate, I say try Dr Townsend'. thmeeperilla. • • " " Twines Priers", 70 Allen rt. h. the Month.' . ltdow its. ...sets( neither ebild sated. lir Towered ' Kamp...HU I. aimed the lives or thooskods of children. The 1011clving ...Hike.. re srlectrd Irma • trattlititsbe received this serrk. , /I • NN Yon, April 7,1847. Tinemand; Dear Dreier-On e of my children leas rag ek witlithariater in lb. mouth and throat, attended with grentibilig, Drama one dying; 'obtained some of your meal t medeine, and It cured it direetly,fur whichrnea assure on I teal very grateful, 'Yuan reepreifally, kur.alsrni Fame., iglitahruseas sL For tale by It 'E tfELLFIIS Druggid, A'os7 tvoc4 better. 11 and atlr oaf who has been appointed by D . goWNLEND sole Agent Le Allegheny en jetid*lyler Ilnsband's Celebrated Fluid ingneala. ,TH. is a mild,, sa ft and elegant anthaeid end aperieu4 be ing a perfect *Annum of clietoundiy pure mirbouate of Flegneala, mon. all the medicalquaLdra of the llama pro paretic= of 114E4161,wdhont. being Lab Lk form tonere- Mau in the baurels,or !Gael inpriontlY upon the manta of the ntinanch ' Ooe table apnoea)°, the Mid hi", ilent ia stsmoglh to hal re tempoutifulut alegarssa--• Flu ale lry It A l'Allditr,TOClL rt.. CO,Lama Lt , Woo and Wend and Mlll - all tx P p yfS ,ftleLlitio's Worms Spec,lnp. terfify tbal, try taking..., vial .of Doctor Wonngpectlie, . child of Jamey Mum'. nredupyralds of 7O Worm., and. by Ma use o( said ocomino a char] of my owa roved 14 large looms.— It M truly rho-most Furprilmg worm medicine I ever en. • 1 mutt have two mole , • ,4411.1110/IR , • • Trowtmllio rot ia I: by J KIDD le Co, No CO Wood greet, Pia. • mob!. , , WEiM ;. .• • , FOUNTAIN lICITIA% LIG.HT.•STREET.: BALT MORE,. s , . • FOGG k THURSTON,L - Froptft ' ft. • - • , Tee long aadlndely kni4.l. as been ` one of the magi commodious inXiig ally . linitininia, lis recently •nderyrone very extensive as 'micas a aa teprigrenients- „„An entire new wing has m en added, anualninc tuartMnotmd airy Wee mevfirenier an nu, and : I t . mL e ed 4. leV a d fi e t partro .p e i rt i th a os m aJz . be i e ct n . comletely . r i ti style.t. In (net the whole,arrangeriten t cr e che House hes bend remodeled, with a single eye en the pan of the no:brie:OM towards the comfort and plea.= of their _GMena,,and whlch_theY confidently assert will ch..: legozot " ntartso e n with any Hamill the Union. ~ , .. 1.11a...tie be sapplted angteverysolo• stage, and luxury whlch the market affords, eemd op in t 'Onperior style, While in the tray of Whoa, Ear..., they w il l not be sarpuseL . ' .• lo conelaslon the propnetors big to say, Mat mann will lie left undone on their part, wed ou the Oanof their ...Mtge, to .render dus Hoist'worthy the continued paosnage of their (nends and the pahlle . lnerally. Tt,,, , priaas Ina inaranagro *lan been' seed m the olio tale.:— tales:— ..,•• teat Ontinary,....-" ' SI =po i day! toilentrOu` - --‘-t; 1 .10 0" •• N. ft•T/o BoNage Waggon 'or the Ilona will al. Ways; be found m fit Car and Stnuaboal Landing, gatiTAII convey baggage to and (torn th Hote4rree rziall. sTREET ' HOUSE. Callielnalltl, , OtltO—The•subeeribers having purchased the eo ns inlerest of Col. Ci."l. Willramson,lmer Of this well 1,,.. ., gown Mali liahment,beg taiga to to their friends sil. the, public gerterallyi that they hared taken .this named was Hotel fora thou of years and will exert ',best energies to nuke It adestrable halite for Traw lers and City Boarders.'l , . ... - 11 Tit frlotel in spacious and admilably plumed Gig eon. recnience, light and ate, haying ,a neunber of parlor. aJjoinrig chambers, presentinalanasual attracuous to randier, , ,': . . . The Ipresent proprietors h aving bad the expenenceof yin,n fo this city end eLsewhore, hope. they will be able to giv l e. general satisfaction, being determined tir glee ualistded auention to the donee alone. Thelocruion of the Pearl Street House is tutees...only ellgibre, having fronts on Pearl, Wrdnut and Third Ws, .4 that it is equally desirable in view of ihtermseel errs a bini nen.. Ines or retirement for privatetters. Ills near by the Banks, Ihe PottOffice, the Masonic 'Wt. OddFelialor• /fall, and hut am square.distant boat Akin Street and two squares from , the City Wharf, thin oferi rig the !Neatest inducements, especially to country. merchants and generally to all peratius visiting Cinetn arti. . JOHN NOBLE .. brehW JOHN A DuaLt 4. JOBllielesllOTElls, go. 132 ernarnorr mom Pmgatturnit. r 1118 gabseeibers, under the G/131 of Hama. k. Win', have purchased Mr-Joneatinterest to Wig estatdish. alai, Inui hope by i the slirlelest attention to the =UM tn l r cqmGalin ol Weil guests, to merit a 'conslonance of 1 114 re! priu nage heti/Wore remand by its themes. Pti.pneter.' . . . , , g behousela beentheroughly retanratedould repair. egaretherethr feel assured, 'On t can welcome oar hhedi and the üblle to acernanuidations alma to any inthe City of P iladellikua. ' I N W BRIDGEH, M.''' . i JNO WEBT:_:- GALT 110170 E. • Carrier M. el and Mirth 60, Clinelintel. 'NILS establretent now. ln •the best order forth° .1 redeption thefreasellng Pnbite. Having order nape thoyoush - Tepalrolaritnt. the past piney, and holnd the most aapetieneed men 'in the wort, ill the ramur departments. 1 antler myself that all Inaba &need who Tho leentioniseentra4metandieiy: alit pleasant. Pare II per day. " ' Cincinnati, March 13,1612. • pl. 11.-kAltbooltb noLexaetly a Pei.. Broom. It Ii Ilia rnmelanestr hist onahe old handle. apf/if _ H VIA . IRON. novicLj, i ' ; hiADlßOftli INDIANA. Milt proprientrof this loot established Ito se, respect- J.' fatly 'offers Ins temp to the clowns onPittabOrgb, asp will exert nisneelf to ;cider Comfortable all who UrAV (Xxor him With their company. I - I Thiapniat which Imo long hoed o favorite , one with the Proration Rnitert ot Pittsburgh, will, the coming venial present h largerheld far their Operetions than Intstolitre,4froni- the completion of the Rail Road to Isdianarmin,3obillestarther into the hog 'ranting region. sptaryttm • G D FITZHUGH, Itroprietor Tnnots ORTON'S GALT . BIOUSE, Loalatrille. Ky. .A RI:4 Tll R CK al ORT 0 N begs In acquaint hoe 1.1. frihnda Ma he Is again lumen of Me 041 LT 110 U 8 1..; t , Lonitiville, Ky., hero he hopeurta meet oil h. old:friend., imams Went and.the pulf: that cm on shniebe ppared in make all contrarian! seta faint lum wilt tli.r patronage. 11114. AMERICAN HOTE Opplisile the Ruu Road Depot Pisaft., Batt. 11EXIXT M. ANITII. Proprietor. Lem of Iht, F x ehang, Bt. Chitin Miele:lNV...6'g oct2Wl MEDICAL j TILII4PIEIANT SOCCKSII. Canaan'',lass, Scnismbels that it is Thompson! ,i. Compound S' sup ofl7ar and Wood Nap- ' htia,whita 's daily rffedinir =4 'FF- . . i . atkabtal cum an I • PLILVION RY - CONSUMPTIO,NM . Asthma:W.64 ' bpdthag of Bleeds NM MM. Seen mul • Breed, Sore ' t, lloaricomm fldpiratiernof the • ;Mean, W oL Cdabh, crdoth Hir t .,. : . 1 Pherson lemon- Lever Comptautt , , aud.D.rned Kidneys, .11M Ititt Ertl R K, beware 011 spurious sideburn of Tit w I Nain. as imitations am abroad ' • hi &IF. , FLondrol—Dear Bor—gbe esuchhileg benefit I have spent need ban ti!• MC or )twr . Computti.d . tayreps4 tar aiel ,nefnba 7 .1 . ..11 eV, dot thr dans y lA . . cd„11. I bad hu. hog affix enth a wry bed cough, needing' metre .5 E ., • . 0, . i. tlae bread, great ty.preicekOdiculty of hrnetb i sod ..Inss of n lite. Usug.eariaus ramose. mahout effect hherame , I howl of your medlars., but be. , bi g . ere to using mod advertised toirdkiemi,' Xiihmighl I would adhere to 1 barb hen. wag. VW., opal( ' retail Moore • trig , . prnuaded,me to try. bot. Wr)tha• preps/wine, al uag fr•beelemil his life ... its widen.° l im ' otediatelY procur nbottte and coesmencal Mai It, and be ! rose I bad taken b y botd.,:l ve,earhybrudy retort...b. • Solely, gar the fit of alba. el' Ma t s the Owe brief dateratot. Any f d e inquire. cas bri made elt ms nab duce, 14.9 Collar ent i , Brnpectfully roan, 1 FiI•FCI. runtilrt. - I SIM kw .Rensarkable CUP,. casiaL4ss, N ay. ta0.11343, ' . About! Ms data ix., la consequence of tha n oedestarY .... of my , I was aback. ,with emus paWr re the beemh palpitation-of dm louse eithe diartno.... th, wioch were mu rt Wowed by the fah.< of • &pleb... imam. ...heroines. at night and partial pint ylbot my lieobe—this. p.m. m of a deranged 'um. being fr equently attended sedh tipatriug of blood. For thane two years I ems recesion lily thrown auto coomlslons, which WI 'me is . miserable 61.1111 of feebleness rnd Lem to 0S my Mind. From hmi whew ray ezfferinge mere mum or leas sem., unth/ at bcogth Soy increased to such e &gine mid Om Moles u of th e srbp , ones were romagerrented, that Lbw. mholeYoulmas tuable i 4 atund to hey loreincss, . Dem., tlehetisre l coned, eil Wont 01,00 pliybpans odd attended to. aim preempt..., bat all 011 . 11; labs. Unarnilll4 tocprocurs no• releg awl .1.41064 regarded my recovery. enthely hopelem Is thih erodition I tarn it&rmed of die . ..Ornery ,effeeto elf Timms.% Dempoond Ityrepof 'hairnet Wood Nsilm,isl cere mrnehdi miler to mi., and ileough I Idol grern span eepecrnblaii. nf • recovery-of my rushee health by hems euran, yet beam sboogly adersed to try this model., I Me al !meth prornled oisio ho do are, aW I ban user te'es y . that by the ear a six Wolfs my health beau motored, ad I are lau.ribie to attend to Lemon with es much 4.1124 • usual, I HENRY MYERS. ~. " - A Of Dick bum T Friyered soli by .ILIVIIIVEY. Jr. D/C/C.bOli airt=ll. corner of Fifth turd Spews diode . , '• Shhirt by L. W ILCOX, Jr. Piltsbiirgb, and remeateible Dronia. generally. Price 50 ets , 4.4611 w pulled:4C CdUXlON.—Beerare of haindions!end puribme limo me'. Csiopouoil Prop of l'ay, from acem fret Omelet V. 1.. M. of those *bore the ...pith. of dealing in IMO terkits. • • • SIigH , BILICIONVO - 0 - VirkAST/se • router mintsnct T. beet aniele known eleaningarla tor bitMallj J.. the Teeth, etrengthenteg the grans„ .w eCiall.l4 the breath, •.e. JI Abould be rued. every night trith• ,stia b rapt, apd the teeth and north will only regoirettahgh "titer. Of cold will answer,nd nib ii. e fwmagnet the patte, when encash will adhere for e.canteg the teeth. II leaver adelictons taw In the otenth,twit utt norms Woo delightful fragrance to the Intath. hounds antic/010 en IL plentarit, efficacies* convenient, sad cafe dentofice. It is 'recreated not to Injure the teeth, - hatm prevervethent. . . Ur opiiog it reguterty, it will relieve the lanky and prevent! its tweumulation—i-prewar the toothache strengthint the gem., and preventall diseases o teem es : knolls, plkyvirieris, and the clergy moo...wend it a decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in wie.— .Ask for ehennan's Compoond:Orris flood 'Paste, and obverse bis signature in attached to each pot. . • Recoil...lnward by Ur. Cortle,n'tt Broadway, one Of our best Dentists, and by matd the old established onto the United Slot., and :even: Atenvively and by the Nobility of England sod A (nice proportion of the disease. t kat alllict mankind ative from wow derangetnent alibi atorsach or bowels, which • n tinsels. 13•41 of the Cads tie Lounges would entirely obviate. Persona of bilious haling shoold all ways hies a boa at band; and take • dove whenever they feet the least derangement in their health. Ajodi• etasa will of then Lozenges would prevent thousands of ewes; Forsole at WIC JACKSON , S, comer of Wood and Libetts vt. • :der= • r*DIM Who Use Common Prepareq Malt, ate offeb not iturem bow frightfully! tejanotis is to the skin: how coarse, how roisith, bow lianas', fellow, sod unhealthy. Me Mtn appears Met Wing prepared chalk: Besides, it is inprions, 'Containing aline goon tity offend. We have prepered la bimatifel vegetable article, *chick we . call ..lONEZ.TI SPANISH LILY WItITP 4ie perfectly innocent.liMittporilled of elk deletenolis qwlities and it imparts m the akin a BUD healthy, alabaster, clear, Wing white, &Mho same UMW acting. • cosembe on the Ohio,') mating Itself and stioniti. Dr. Jwea Andersen, Practical Chemist of Musa. chusencl says cAller amuyaing Jortesseapanieh LJly ‘Vinte, 1 Cod it possetwe die mom beautiful and natu ral, Si Me tame Moe innocent while I over law. I certainly' can conscientiously recommend Its use to all whom Win minims beastifyine, fp•Pilee =cents a box. Ifolry-tlold by WhI.JACKHON,aI hie Bag end Shoe inore,Eo IL.Meny meet. brad .11 Wood, 'et the sin of ladies, the Mem I isdles,Pmitsionished, Ant When you know Marvels on promised ' A natural,life.ddreoutowy while, . Thiamin will gull use contemn chalk , ,': And twit a deathly yellow night, ; The theme of ugh.- and MI MM. If you lorould we a boo of JUNE'S Lilly-wharf it would give l amekin an alabaiter ,i,alusal_whotr, end at the time clear and unplove it. bold al JACFCSOI'i tO 1.1 rerty Si. Pnec't.s even per We. SCIAA CIII. .ACYLATCII. r ' , ETTER, ITCH, HALT 1111EUM, Ac—Who world tor. single da scratch, when iddritestiwitte the liels,or ebbe diwase• of the akin, I f . they know who would relieve d erne theta: • I ! ills horrible to b . obliged to rah and scratch when alone ' , aliment horrible to abstain front MO: deeeney snkgl when HI eanp ny Lot it be remesuis lad that Ur. I. :DVS 'I EITErt and ITCH OINTMENT is the 111.1 OHniieiour of any other prtplautlon In existent, in curing the Tinter, Itch, and °Mee diseases of the aide. As all diseases of the skin snail arise frotAlhe °enmity or the blood and !raids at the body, and where sack di.. ease be of long standing. and. the constitution affected thetehy, Dr. Leirly's Sarsaparilla Blood kilts be keel! w ilt the Ointment, they will careany tied." whaMil, and if they do not, the money will be retanled by Dv bLye i U dy , Le id y '. c a T s e ed n ; oa w n e d v e l r t r c w h i o llbe t a n u une , s s e , a e th d whole spin= Is imtireanated by the dishes./ benisons which will be emu! Icily cassia* !mei the gamin by Dr Leidy' Mood Pita, andithe se is of Mettle bealy ed by Me Ointment. !'ripe of Oin mem OA nerd*. Per sale by ! A PAIIPIESTUCK6.IIO acrid • ear wood A fleet ale MORGAN'S Coq rtf n corm* my 6110 dtateentok , !lowa Burger, N0t , .3, 47. atG not in; Cho bait of paling iritltlacticinoa, bat waked/raw! ~::,74ap thoao who VC to dia=14 4. :,..t0r 4 h, "'"di" i•oa of oar =Hum. w thot " 4". •4 t* t , 7 Moriarty 6 0 . 1 e, s t ,,,M . IDW Arm howri; It pored Is cam" at !cut, N ria . ta il l toll:Wig dolor, • don two, jia=7,; _ great ,Panacea tgh." Frei the Teen , Oman 5y5er......11 , -Audi less isking Role W reateuttOtil Merge with scosith. Alter remove u constant several days •111,eted veer, we were intim ; and by archer wait tab to b., the panacea in tll Prepared!wholosate • ,17:: 1 l , „ ' t, , RELLAIIIO* POILTAULE BOAT Llaiss. 1847. - TWEEN - PrITS BURGH AND 7111: EASTEIIN •.. canes, Wl2 ROUT TILaNNIIII , ILNS. /Tilt Imptnved Method of carmine used by . tbis long 3..bistablabed Ltoe, is now so well mown that de. aetiptimis mameseary. (tooth are not touched no the male, thee all transhipment °realm handling la saved. . The - Board are of light draught and perform Own - trips In from six to amen cc -1 1 • . The capacity of our W arehouses enable., as to store any'emuitgamente made taus. Receiving wring, and . ailvences free of-charges. '..Being fully. prepared to make solm df Produe,e we respeCnally soling ameignmenu of western Fleur, Baca‘Lerd,Battet, Cheese, Wool,Fatibere, and other • and*. for sale, so which ribcral advances will be made and other intualfacilines afforded; pledging car mine that any business .2=sta to us Mail be se promptly"executed and upon as fair terms as by any other house. . JNO McFlabbkibi & CO • Canal Munn, Pittsburgh ?1p and `PITT/Woman PORTABLE: EITIaNE. • &gimp F 221 tir,t:!,TTed!,°Tgilibni g b tt„-„1! the-way, and the consequent risk - of 414., d " nro L Ve ' , - ,brethsge and separate:ln of . goods. . :BO= A. CASH . . . . • No 27iltlarket street. Philadelphia TAAFFE & O'CONNOR . • • ' Cot Perm and Wpyneati, Pittsburgh ?VT:II I 4 R A tt711411.7.1* tAgeau Encouraged by:inereared business the Proprietors have added to their mock and extended their to meals during tho winter, and are nal prepared to for ward (reign. sea regularity and diepatch unsurpassed by any, other tine. Their long expenefice as carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat System , and list great eapaeity au cAntlycnieuer at the ware houses'at each end of the line, are peculiarly calculi: it'd to enable the.protirimors to fulfil their etmagemento .and accommodate their costomers,Fonfidantlyeircri rut he past as a guaranty for the future they reepectrolly solicit a eonunuance or Mat palrunagewhich they now ,gratefolly acknowledge. , All consignments to rough 21. O'Connor will be reed and fonvarded. Steumborit phases, paid and Rills of Ladgisyluumined free of any charge for Commission, .advancong or storage. - Haring no interest directly or indirectly in steamboats, die interest or the courtroom must necessarily be their primary Dome, in snipping west and they pledge theMselreS to forward all goods consigned to theta ProuiptlY am/ on the meet advise.: geous terms io the owners. !dank 1,11,47 '. • mtre •Tb TILE PUBLIC.' - Tar, ; , k , zlV:o r . og y in . b s l titw it . C fl in ng a ztic t l. rin ogit ne o. partnemblß ender the name of the "fomen'e Line; and likeense agreed •w relit-We Stock so as to hove a nominee( Maw for the papaw or relaying go.da thmagn in from to mitt daya, with netWinly—and feel eaeoaraged by the I i eralny of ,art year% patron age, to make 010,0 extrusive arrangemenn for the en - We would therefore nempeetfolty • cootino Loco of our Onotet palm:M.2nd refer all new faidtarf In UMW we have.donetacnees for. litoilMlB47.akaa Fat thamtnepommon of . 'Am:4obn or mcnatasms,e, .to , son =WM ‘..itaz...).... [ir c ris.v.4,4 , Nrle.You, a. 1 . 1.0 x. ,•-• • ~ —..:,..-•!,- 43..SYWEI, WI 14.ITIYAN .t. il.o, —. Conifialaltettyltreet and Canal Bum: Pate..u.rgb. :- - No , AL. Ok.I2HART 8.. (A - . __ _-,... 363 Alareetweet, Phllade.:phia. - ' ELDEIA, GFAATON & Cn, Arens, . , _ Baltimore., !dd. , .. .. . . prrrsuunait—us. AitCaHy, Gco, Mora. t. Co. W McGolly & Co, B A Sampson& Co, Al Alien& Co, PIIICADELIIIA—Morris Patterson Pe lt Itcynolde McFarland to Cri, Fleming to Baby, Peter Weight& Son, J- napalm, Joseph Leos. NEW It Ogg —tioodltua to Co, Theo. Perry & Co. IlOSTON—Beedtliard & Co. CINCINNATI— Adams & Crank W W Starbor PLEASANT, VA—P A Martier. NASILVILLS—F Flaming. Nome—All manhandle< from New Volk and Damn, iroaaitmed to A L Gerhart & Co, Plinadelplati, owl; to promptly Pnwarded /Woof earonnesioto , rchtli INDEPkISDIZAI'I POLLTAISLE BOAT LINE. , • 8 4 7, FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PRoDUCE AND:MERCRANBISK VO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PIILLADELPHIA• AND BALTIMORE. • MlD . Wlthoot Transhipmenh.4l Goats coitilgtied monreato win he forwarded wab onlachtY.m lenceat current rates. i lls of Lading tranmaitted, and mune:tons comptlyentended top flee from any cams charge Or storago commission. Addreathor apply to C A WAN DLIT Co Canal Boris, Pittsburgh • • 120:123 . Hiving a yell large and controodtoor warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in uddnion to fielght for elvpatentl a hallearolllllli 3 Or PrOdllee ' 41.r..011S{0101ge nr 10111rit., . [main] C — A-ltiled NULTY & Co PICKIMORT/I.4i,COILLIarw. - 1 8 4 L. ialeMi VICLUSIVELV for th e transpgitalint WAY .12, FREIGHT between Pillshurgh, Binirstrllle, Johns lowa, llotlldaylburgh, Water Street, rennburch all intanuedineplaces Ong Ballwin lens, the warehouse of C A nir Anna). A Fo., Pirtabargit t carry day, le Seeps Sunds.),hlanti l[pperlcinahnlysdepend an Inrrtng their goals for. mantled widsoat delay and et faucideth This Wan was formed for the special aceniunsidstion of the Way business, and the mariners yeaperthilly solicits liberal share of patronage. . • , * . - 10UN JOHN PICKWOHT DAN% U HAHNE'S N RODENT WOODS WILLIAM' ULTY. MeDevat, L sniW. Pinsbr eiTllla tone bele. gown's:our Lithe Erie 1. and Aliebigan, tanning daily ,lietween Po:rhumb and Beaver, and freight nod l'utsseueer Canal Runes, racing between Brat/creed Loe and emoiretmg wIII3 G Itsied's Line of Sieamboat Propellers and Vek!a4 on eye Lakes, will be prepared upon the earliest open ing ef Nis/torten to carry Freight and l'arketigmare all poiettea the Meer, Canal and Lakes. hoeing every facility for conveying fr e i g ht rind f~ae eem took protoptuess and dispatch, the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends and ko pubite generally their_ pa . !toriago. . •jiatitirre, gi U l . lt r k ' rt/L P GTllet r er, lets -JOHN A CAI/GIIFY, r. Piitslitgls do. Smidtkald Ca Water ins. opposite dm /denting sahebs House. • . creek TO • , - I Wheeler, Clocker A Co, Now yoit. Geo Dana ,ktutfala N Perk; & Co, ClevylAnd ..las A Armstrong*. Co, Detroit ItteClorek. Williams, Altiwaukte ,Uriatot h Porter, Cetroto Wm Posirent,Powennown, t een. . • Geo 7,1 nebelesyre, Keansburg!), Peon. kleArtliar, liontstown, "do ! 'Wick Jr doker,Greenville, 410 r . • Creig A Frampton. Clarkrrille, do Gays a. Plunk ribarpsbritch, Pa. %V C Nolan, Sharon, ' • de It' W GtiliplitAfrin.Atneestic, do imar) PITTSBURGH & OLEVPLAND jaiLl 1846.. Namisi H. Hoops. T. R rhuomi • • • • -•• ''CLARKE & CO., . iPorwardlair & COMMiIIIO/1 Alarellll/114 T HE Agents and Proprietor, of this Line fro favor. or Mmarn td the publieLwill be prepared on the earliest opening of tonal navigation to racefee prop groat Pittsburgh and Dearer, mol deliver 'hesitate al any point on the . Ohio canals, and also on LakeoFtrie lad Michigan, with the greatest despatch and ,at rota finable rates. The proprietor, of this linewhen the In:Sine's - 4 of thew former customers with confidence, knowing that Mel; facilities are Mama to none. Apply to OF address 13 M lIARTON, Agt, Pinsborah. CLARKE & Co, Heaver. leaf T. RICHMOND & Cr c neeland. WESTERN STILANSPOILTATIOitrt—O7' alligqi 18 0 42 • c., 4 . M . OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE, BETWEEN PITTSOCIROIL PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW;YORti.' %MIR Stock. of 'Ma erinsisui of a double doily & Line of Boats and Cara (owne d by4licetsolveat which are in good. order. The sober nhers isto preps. red - to forward a large quantity of Merchandtio nod Prentice with censkity and dispatch;-. i. , Prodiee or Merchandise consigned to any orate an- donned. is forwarded free of any charge for commis sion or storage. •' • Bills Lading transmitted and all Instructions promptly attended to: The businem of this Line is conducted on atnetly Sabbathaceping,principles. Address, or apply to DCq PfOrtiOOFO. Omni Basie, Pittsburgh HARRIS & LEECH,Proprietons, No la South Third oret t. Philadelphia, JON. TAYLOR A SONS, A gpnts, No 411 Minh Rewind greet, Baltimore W 0 WILSON, Agent, No 1 West street. New York. ILA Id WANKEL% A. CL(dyy;LAND LINE OP ' CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES. • 1847 * 'Maid CA A At, riTS TELEU API! SWALLOW L EAVE Rea•erdailp at tocloeY, 1. r., aferthe nod arrive it Warrot neat mbrninginPen.on lor Ma Stages which reach Cleveland before nialit. Pwrialtarra will secetpted throng/4 te caring berths on the ParketiLind teat, in the, Soar, on application on board treantboallk . , (Leitrim( Pittnbaratt at k o'clock, a. re or to the agent.: • O 6t CAKTUN a. Co, Pittabargh CLARKE'AIki, Waver • ' IFS.SE lIALDWIN, Ynanytown fills 'M lITAYLOR, Warren • 1846. • A" 1847 TO . THE EMIT BY MONONGAHELA ROUTE, • VIA BROWNSVILLE Or CUMBERLAND: , lIR underslgnedare now prepared to forward pro. does, tre.•,to the•Earyern Markets daring the ems •, out the Won favorable DM., by OD espe: • All property earwynerl•to as will beknworded 'sib!! lowest yaws and with despawb..- 1 • . • Marelandwe received: by ibis tomb preen:illy. Ayr ; o niuweLL, AK% .Pinsebrali. O. W. CABS Brownsville. E 'MERTON A. Co;Curaborlebd rlTTimvasokmw ao v aye -iit-,i.i.. . 1847., tii=t . 02110,1111 Er.44DFD.Guri..LINE.. : . . rpius Lin e t.,,,d,ldarrofrneiabt andpassroger Paik-, I'm, will tali' retPdMir daTIMS tho mono boiwion Bum and Granville, Pa.. by midair freight and pis:: aanamrabeircoa tbol,ftpMaMiarillbooarriod prompdy 1411{1 at the lowest MO. • L ,WICK k ARCi_ ..,._ ,tBR eville r rein A. • : . %CRAM& FRAMPTON, Clarksville, dn: . •- ' , ' , MaFABI,ANDa NINO; Cia pond,. , ilOi •.. . , HAYS& eLlikte.,, Shaglobargil,7 , .f_ do; . W C MALAN, Soltintil, --, dtgr, '.., ~',;.4,7;y147111,-MATHESVS, P01finni r .,:,,,,.4 . ;,,,.. 4 ;!... iCfit.i"";i'aiMi tai '' '? (E li:S e itg . . i ag'ibiii i r::; ‘ , i - ' aptily ' Cppatata licrZnaritataidallaatei'fl.q44ll44 1 I . .1. ,I, :"''' I . . MBSPWAirIOitt"LNE IthilGULAft. MORNING' frACIEUT Fl3ll. It • IC A • The ne . w 04 volcodid II lIKALIT=4 „ . ' Capt..rbark. Hob" coannencepAhOr regular tops thls day; ktvArig.ritta • burgh at D o'clock, A. 4., in.( Meavor dottc.l4-lr. catmectlng with. Pittsburgh and Clevoland . Lice of Cad. 112/ 1.30....thu1y Cleieland, Iltearcr, Warren and Creveland Line, of Canal Packets and.swie Coaches, daily to Warren and Cfeveldner,,Ontal Paeset Linea to, New Castle and 'Cretrovillej Pa..; rrieEztension.Line. to Meadville and Edo r Ware Cols Uses Of Stage Coaches for Cle veland had Wooator,•,leavei Oka.. ver daily on rho arrival atoarabdai,..ikover :from . Plusburch. Apply " CCM 11ABTON*C4r-Pitraharillt sold ' CLARKS: & Co,,tcaver — are ,:. , tirviaZ ON THE ►LRIIi!LT ARiA •512, MUD CAnkl.3, BETWEENN PITTSBURGH AD-CLEVE:I:Ai , E N PARKS 2cCo, - Cieveltutd,O l ' G PARKS, Beaver,Pal, Propeleithi. W T MATHER,Pitniborghi pa: = , TF RE rtiglial Paare . ere from Pi land, to any point on the ' Peruarylentna & Manama Ohio Canals: • - t • • The facilities of said Line are not equalled by any= amuse.anal; m o mnabers and tapacaymf Dams, eat of Criptnins. and prompinew of A.genta,'&e. - One Dant leases ?Mahn rah and Cleynland ran. ningin connection with the *Mutters. • filichigms and Lake Erie; hetween.Pittsbureh ate . Deaver; and a Line of first class t±reamhoaa r Me' le 13, Drip. and Schooners, on.Lakthr Meansod Ontario. ,/ • • I r roperty -fanrarded b an 7 part Of the Union with despatch. E N PARKS& C 6, Cleveland; Ants; REED. PARKS & Co, Beaver, Asts W T .hIATNER. pttlabary,h, -Agt I loft Cor , Water and Smithfield sonata • TO OtaillYELAtiEreifia.liVadifilir• 18 47•13fielaa Tlll4tßi IN $41,0URf... • .PACs , l lew ecr.dniy,nt3oelork . - anCaed 1; morning Boar from Ptolborgh. andarrArra et Warren ii time for the 'Mall tone a( Stn, leave thostedi stely therealler.and arrive ClesellndatAteebseh. te This mute is the most bleyditimes sad comfortable one to the takes. • I. • ctrI'Es&LEPPIIIOCCEI.U . 'epuren,rroprin HEED, PARKS d: Co .1011 N A CAI:6BM% warm, WWw. e , te d g m agki,,,,,,, 90 sly • Otipositethegloriengabers House. Pittsburgh . - 01 , i17.1a8p PDXlMAgtilia ,PittiAll , LINE. nitilaill;.l.B47,.', :',.." " 94 , , i 1 _.. , ,.. , ; ,, . . • , .. . • . ~ . rtoteTllE , 111111111 PORTatelt Or " . . ' - ALL KINDS OP , hIII.IttIHANDIS TO ANIPP7IO3I intlladelptitia, Battlement', New Il'oik' ' wad Bostortli! l 'miff his E encouragement thin line ' iticeived siuml J. Be rionamencemenchis induced the piopnel tom to incmase the stock by nddi s number of Ur ; clans brialcMind instead otgiving iptinaberetol r.... ...; a nt., wOwill'cK. our . W 4 4e. r li P t. ' 6 1 rrelght shipped by th is line. 'i ir • lhe.bostinre al l . ridable, co quently-Yreigh is taken the whole distance aqth ut transhipment;' thereby pmrentagdanange f r om regent handling on the route, and as 'each bniti m weed 6y! the Captain who runs them, which iniginffielent par.; antee that there will be no delkjen the route. - i All-Producer or !Beni - althea .consigned tothe undersigned will hi lei-warded :FREE, orcom, At ISSION, for advancing od fOiWarding, and • will be shiliped without delay , at .. th , ttilpwrist: paten , Wtj • %s'e respietrolly soiled o share of public. patio nage. • ,WALLIINGFOBD.de C 0.,: .1 I Cknal Barre, Pitbstunli l _: ._ 'CRA 10, .BELJoAS do Co...A.gt. .. . 1 Broad Street, Philadelphia F.miLLEft,:Ageld - , . i llowley'allfharr, B r altmeltre Pittsburgh; Pee F!, l'aPy, 'l' '-' .' 1846 AN , 1 .1847 , _ . A: - i J TO TU EAST nvnektoilitonicANii, OHIO HAII.ROAD., , 11 I riluE autuenbera will Feb tot for the deltuery al Pro t daeo to ni‘lblwwo by they blonoophola filaokwater at the followung prices,-1 L , Arbor:, flacon, fluto-r, Lend , bent, Pork, Tallow, Whi eke), ard Glasii—E7l cts pIeTIOWIbI , Totweau,lfesiop, -, Viait and Wheor—b4 ota per 100 lb. Ashee, (Poi) Apple's. Moore, Flog-Seed, Glfue, and Leather-100e. prr tat lb.. (lily , Oils Sk in. s, , eck,w.i—no MN; 100 Ha, ' Ileerwax,Feathers, Fan, Giocong, rod Snake Hoot —llO Cu per 100 lka All P.ParlY eonaigned to calor of the ondentigned will be forwarded without dela), free of Cd1.31/111p0, at above mica. Wli CLARK, Drowneville. HANNA A WATAIIMAN, l'auborgh nowtrAlf ' , i DR. COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD;CIIF.TCRY. A certain and sale core lor coughs, colda,,asihrea, hvercomplainc•pi ping blood;palitiln the side 'orbrcast,nenousdaoiliq,whouprnFeeegb broken coustitution,• TION - orasy disease of the Mora or brrall..; Reader ate you iutfeeng with a cold or disease Of the • ' - - longs, try Etin remedy;.__you will not per.' , haps regret rt4 It will arrest all thointditiarecablerrymptoms which shike mach terror to the nund,/k:prolong your doge. Beware of nil prepsiorlonipinputtlng to,contain Wild Cherry; except that bearing the signature of Dr II SWAT", k en the outside-wrapper -et- cackiertUe a. thy a.. quire likely deStisetc . 01 the artiste: a - n. 4 which they borrow a name. :1 • , Read what ii has done! 50p00 Dffakifigff Y .coNsusirnoic ' : Would perhaps he a small , e s timate for the kappa of this dreadful disearein iliegle year; then add the fearful eatalogvie of these eat off hy ledarna, boa of the Lungs; Hemorrhage; Asthma, Crnighti Influent", Brenchilia,and other Inseam." of the . Loop and Liver.. , ' I •; ' . Aid the liatornald presen no palling-proofapiol the minks of these two claases . ofMies. Hut' it it impatient to knew feet neari,Y ail I thin dread ...mato of human_ life might hareen prevented by 0 timely. ere of Dr.' SW AI NkS IM POUN D SYRUP OF WILD (MERRY, J. 'i . . , 'thin medicine has now b. n belore the publid some eight years, and is the niginal preparation from the Wild Cherry. Tree. Lis ;reputation ; 25'a' remedy fife Coughs, Colds, U enclaitie, and c.a. runlet:on of the Lungs based o ninety hien if" i s : trineic emote, owes hot ki sawed n e i„ e i., e ,,,,. P.M , Th" . .. 11 " Von lt c t- , al, .bring .beachtted by it, recuininend it to their , neighbor - 2;snd', nes" gradually sed,Surely hasit gained' no thiriable retie= triton and worked to f way into general lire; :: tine bottle neverfaila to cure it recent. , cough Or 7alil while with strict attention to the directinua that se- 'company each bottle,ne use'in pelieonarydlitimiet, of long standing and of the moat atarmtenrcharae: :ter, hes always elven relief, and. in very many initancem lean effected complete and permanent ures. Dr. oV WA VAIL** Celebrated, Compound - §sri I upAf Wild C&rry. , . .. P• ~:' Bead the-moot remarkable cake fhf Coraniteptibit ever placed upon teen/d.— . r . _: • .., sl Dr Swayne—Deal Sir,l feel it a debt of gratitude due - to you--and a duty, to the afflieted generally la offer any humbleMinion:My in. Cairn. at youtqcer.. i maned Syrup el Wild Cherry., HOme three yeas since, I was violminy attacked With cold and lath. motionof the lunge, which was a..e.eompsmeg., with 1 a very duitremieg cough,.pain in the breast and head —a very emmidetabla discharge of alfeniivei mace. from the lungs, especially upon chiagim of weather however slight. At first I lelt go alarai giant my condition, but wart pretty soon convinced that Is's' I rapidly going into coneramptiein. I grewdally Weak.' er, and at lengthvraa scarcely able to walk about or. orient above a whisper, each -an the exceed - leg I weakness filmy longs, Daring thee time I hid tiled ' . "nines preparations and pirnicripterna, hat wail relief- 7 1.70'ring all the time wonte,'Just bete advised and persuaded by a dear friend in %Villain.: ton to Make a trial pilau Syrup of Wild • Chem,' "man confess that preview/1y I had been Prejudic • ed.agains/ patent medicines, and• I: am. still against. these coming , out of :the hood. .:of empiric', hot understandlog your claims to the: prefessiorif end. practice of medicitieinad 'having implkite faith in . the Baying vii my friend. I forthwith .perchamid of Dr'Show,, one of : your agents, a few tiottleil aid commenced in nee.. My dim's* 4t tide time was of twenty or twentyfive stionths'atanding, 6040.. gently was deeply seated. I found, however, con siderabh/ relief from . the first lour in . fire bettlea. Bob W sphig a public inier I frcyaketlY 'attenuated to preach with my increasing strength and theriby ruptured those Newels toot - had already hem- to beat; India vany,. dad:44M, my mite 'wee linWly fetarded. MN cons, in actig thealrei dently I had to uni l equo nce. ff. or lb bottles n before I,:w prit as perfectly restored. I have lie queetielk o reach smallerhumber. of bottle. would hose mode- g , : ig nomad, bat for the above indiscretion. The Symp .. allayed the leveriob habit, dii laivaitheSfunithrieg I cough, put- a step to the discharge in - i* e ri er, k o the lungs wades . . thereat:id the entiteeyetect good health. I have deterred offering thui eartificaiOill now, for the pUrpuee . ol' being prniently . satiOlid with the permanency of the Cure,: and now. that / feel perfectly well,' offer it Witikpleastito. ..i.,... • HEN: J .' l'.l JORDAN.: ' Dublin 'county, N. C. • '' - - -i • - • CAUTIQNI CAUTlOliti Avoid nit spurious preperseoes of Wild Chigrj, such as Balsams, Bitters. Syrup. on Wild Chain, Pills purporting to contain Waal Cherry; &c, es they are all tittitioosaud cod Merfeit, amneentsin none, of, the virtues ofAisierimnal mid ging. pre. paration as prepared by: Dr. Sway., end! the and over prepared id this eountry. Doctor Stogies Compound Sirup of WILD CliKkOtris Cooposed,' of vegetable ingredienla,the Wild Cherry, and olli. er medical sulnitinees eqally as. efficacious, it hoe morose; the weoleltre s 0 eflectualtfeoneentrateti as to render it beyond all doubt the:Most pleasant, •ttrtnilheralag, anti effectual remedy sever discover. ed for the cure of Pulmonary consumption, andaln diseases of thoLungs — duti Breast. .The very kg, front Its havlogeogi a train •ol *Mari. Imagine, stands to prove its great curative piMpertict. Therefore,invalidt;impine for the ormilialwrepa ration, each Maths or wheel. is enveloped inn bean. tiful wrapper, with a likeness of WiltiagPeen , graied thereon; also bearing the signature of Ur H . ....Dm, the counterfeitingef which ; will' be ished as forgery. rieparee only try Or. H. w ; of Emitted and Rees Streets, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh 'Motorail: and rail bj WM. THORN, .5.3 Market street; OGDEN & SNOWDEN. center gad 'IL A. IA !Mk:STOCK Au Cr...corner, id Dtt 'pad . . Wood and 6th and Wood streets. • I V S.JONES, I VOLlttegy street JOHN MllVBELl,Aliegbeny ctly. . i. And by all respectable D ruggists old de • . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; - _ PUULIEtIIED DAILY, TRIAVEEKLY & Al ma Gorda ar_A, • ItATE6 Op muVISRTIIII6IO. One inrenion or 10 noel, or .. sit -Two ioserGou rial?ut alterations 75 Two IVeelm•••1 Three " " - Two .Thres (41 tenger, advertiseinents le same propoolL Ono square, wilhont 00,„ . 12 " 15 1.0 Hach add .1 are I'ol'6 mouth,.... • . • ~-( 5 4 AI 14 12 ''fr 1 • One 6 month., renewable at P I T S° re ' sa (h m " • " Ear h tinoliquan/ ro•12 mamba - 10 Two aquarer,6 months, re'slablent Osmium; 70 • Each additional square, 6 roolitbs, .. . 0 - IXI wor.n.LF on Sll-1r1411.1.1r 11 11,11111, !olt/411.) 4 One square. 3 inrerooor - 3 .1 7r . .„ " each additloonl i0rerti0n,..„.7,4 - Z 71 - 11Oninian Caen.,. ' Five linu or few., elm year. - 606 I mrpethe- Otr,: " " . 7°2 4' 44 21 4 k wee744,1000t, " Piz Neontbs • , " B.OO Arcarrsmirrn wzitcsar then, or len, One insertion; . . .. . Two, .. .. 0 76i Thme " • 100 ThreelmonOm, 3. 60 7 . " • i" Sit Twelve ed . _ vermsemeets lobe eta*4l,l4WipPli and clisconetqlkenteest to be view 1/61031.. iMssint o 1 mivenieng iseeethfedollarsier anions 0, 11.1111.”' - - - fin lane. ice. 0y 'pr . alga lmbh•ipitwieet9 9l ,epii • '•„! • , , • —W 4I . as Alidielno,,ttiroughont tho United Stattz "indallknliii, .1 co.ider winniern". - .1 • ( MLR. E. &ets :--Idrson p..nnold iesilornt.night, and Mining eaten.' ref nt 1 eluded ballad rnarnn!...nd nnsinn ward I ,onntywr Venninnte,l - beuglan sat pod C . r i oler l !"V l, 4 d 1 T ., 74 4 X. , nnn4, Jour nuke ttierihon ellennn< • I:l " Prepared and lold 'by A. E.9EI LEn av 13,.4 Wood at. 'Send by.Un Ankunknth:rnini and D.,11. Cony, /LIU: . lam Insainnre , _ suinqrp tozurors i Jab roust flax's ISELICELMAINT hot etiesonet toe hereto tool ' JJ phew, to that ehildros nein eudisya W solcs= :me. _. Owe tiellifiterignik is errionsimmonto M a it t , s p oll p latecoAc j i l lek.af.. . ll eeet i mS . „ beyiTostgevi ofigaswps - 0011C8 lozsziorts. /SW Liant. In the Salta, moron ud .160Ctiaaj,..” • 4.1 y furmckh mes beam. of Me !mteor agog, _LP venew. • bee here neon en mete oboe they did. gne Vote; • seisfaellom ' &mei Ahmed Uses hang hes sold mum istrarmooring beek perm. ist Mee eery gog,, ts : 'cola moot teem at e g gi t e the Most droesssz cola Me amend Thy do not mad dry vp the orgsit pert , bat node tte, promos. sopeessootOmallsy Ito tickPO, se • g 1.64 proximate ear moods; etas. They nor poke thset ealtietie of eluanteeire ." tormgfor cough etedieseynogi seetdotty epees' is met:tinge unix Mode otgetylaiatO HlMlntvis Ikem hos deedt afeertifeus hose leo candor their enteerehleir-, tues,ermattgoosolo tonoloto sand Gesso Wiese, me, g oneotitondenterfeethelthbroingepti: g : Vihme tllollll.llill pthl thelsreessorsisleAseolaner t 'mini - hot Dlan's nag.. (prim rody,l4 teltuj should be %/and one the. We, lad the tiff Mired. *Weeded 'soh itostingoseq • the. eathartio or bathe nmege, gir odd, etleminsondieionottoei Wised* mottle 211i8Aldaril WORN .41TY(136111 •gg ' Thee emostotossges leeteperest woe COO mos to he teronele:l4 ;say eaten morblimotrusan wdumemoaners's:4.- hima i rs ir eene idea thesnims - • tad mesket long nod inter " einem dee, oath 'oat their combust; mem* groan !posse aft mesae Mflieted goith themoord are donned fqr seriemseamOonta without soy beef.: ostedd es dem of dlsogo Losnagm meld g. Ter '"ll"Ti'sseie.—Paiso Ileums = fa otS; fat ,i,,,"=,7etki4at Me nom, grneding *Pea tatt Len • %Immolating:la peiseseakenthefimerntaleded eheikn 14,614ne the umeogymosing mewed aylte tsols, es of hest ono the maraca *ll4 body, Olgto ntgas tusk,. de{ loodstelte, iirerteseq. romp, taw. Mamba these s sonde starting in Weep s th 00111.1111.. troublesome nees; fererishoms, tore, Wiled este hi the anouth p uitlimat dew itemsin - shs Mese , so hooey &Otto, ensee,- mentidesto q tqre: ;dohs stypoSitri leinnese betted moomenor tds,tusies . pate to seems pule athe body, e seem( some those nee. the Wet, Ochre erase sum talsoringest, • - frequent dein torn something from Ins torah, - neWsere • .enEamiuvs CASIMOR. Lozeriazs. 11.4' give immediate relierivezitie leek hetelerhe e =tor= oet• l'"*" throet, boet=V o i &eat, diothgVoOrredoe or a smear orektairof the eleiet cbolie, vasty romp of the etoeseel or. boettb, Ityskeird erreefeoneond t,ll nemo, di.euey drooliotet thrimgh • hhe 'deb Ned iealeGilorts.throoter the cith4 ehoirre - eh.* 'era iambus . diatrleaty laatitude an 11 P.M eaglet., -,?4, 'mos troche% re,auro-liar tarp Forties, eeill hal Ate 1.6ri0 i FigtrUnth•birlh.7o49ol4l wed oiler threw., voltredote the tome'e dye syncm goal reee.e. the • . '''''' VII' txl* mqdeaolan I 5p144. 0 ,. ; ..; axis' Mkik ilaa' dotted their dissipated belay. will Sal thew h o al nimble eettoplear of the mem, 1111flualAlPS POOR ALAN'S PLASTRIV ' The bsetarengamizior plaster io the weed, sad enwrap remedy Go puns, or weekeete ha Oa' leek, labs: slie, lark ficohyytinty rheumatism, lumlaro , to kr: Ono outlaw. , lest soll *comply &cassava& require& latls m.. imy before spplsftwon. Wuyauthalm•prreicloalathemead kr me gamut- the cod e prsoi, cooltiag oat may the-W.1,4M the ekelpsst • p6Mer to the roil.. It armee niter IDA 1. • i f r otimdciot °root he woman/ 1 1 .1= Zia • • la • emmks,'ealli, uthosikt'lldiMara,ll bretaluerompressiow of lbe abort or stramely they wilt iso • mediatcly Imo& mod gamily tomcat the pttlest. mdattiry balky. those ohlmed to sd morly-antl nuke Li decided smart tram owe optkeee Imily leretrialg PIM /sr. Physleleasgtorrally mad them, mkt o . ellotherybamme kley mickartelbembetarreadellodyrse& or reht.L la llearopc,' Pogue etkeelent, MU eitodyne. • They era of eatirely dinkratt,ioyralit - - eats from may other, =I In from Om experiaws of Si lt who - Imre mod thesiy wi iiithe muted ladiehtlfet -- til ths celebrated and dird day lad physishas, l. be th e mattetstfel oat higit owdhaeledplemer .. . • Recent persotts here al' the warehouse to cep Oak atrprwe end iltsoksol the akeeetssireatkonrcorwrOteks PhStol h.!! ofaeled• • •' • - ifirceacca Cu a.. anon the beck clinch Asteroid. • Ales/mile of Dr•Sherena maw It is imposieetpm should alwele elk yon Shertmots - Poor Idea's Pleacy, .ads. Ikl/ mr4t the mominee d tere thi ent vrorthVi r Wiee,tto blabLObbleblie sad rand by W. JACICSIONeI hie Peici. bledleitar Warehouse, No. BS Liberty send, Ski oCA 910 SOOT. .• , Ito ah• - a RAVE euvan l'En."—Xweitsr , porrswarrioN emir BE CUBA. DE USING DU ir DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. Ciarinnud i . 04iittnele 3k, MA Dear Rat—This le lo itatify La the paler, partiesdarif tie Dem eullieted with • dirwe or the Lawry or Cowneaptioa that in the Sprint& .113431 was attacked with • green cold which.... beanie sated epee my hugs, diarrifgitta Pi . q.v.= . 1 .. qv...1j%. c.....01.i. ,My 0.0...1.1 A r a t arid trade:ma% an.ded wit h capitate eight inneateL... opit co day a coweberable iseatily of bleak died Wl4 hack roa maii, My tinted= beam. mna; Cod &tic- Log. During this time I was ailendal by pietiof oft awed eladd rcy....6 they did the lint they oxhide Lerntill ill. klith Li., gym op ell hopes of my namry,rairrauny me that waking own coal be dime—that my heap v.rei tally dessasedoad beEood rsoNy. 1 was these panned. bg o coaaor odor to make • triarif Dr. Dupe,,,} Brined! rend Neteuid which' my Physicians per ofpnaWs"i"6, dal this weediriee would do . good, utd would 'dill all more so ny. starring. I told than a wen miller get owir liupt, .4 th. it I t 4.1 do of the duns, (whirls was evi• d.t to sia,)tiene ..da be mtaiat Wit. Be I seat to thin c.d... ardo .4 ..buha s boos" of tee twy ir ‘ .l.4 - lie Medicine, and eitionnaseal lad: asteordiefg to the Wens tion which. cc...tor whdieg way sorning,hstannrrinyit owe 'ine.swilef,wt once rental the tresedd*.e, Cpws ening the pain and tightness is ny Chef, gieing me • war Lie tea eenegue,..ltiete woo e vaded me La he shoot age., 1 rifle oesdkiwe ...tied iis goc:1 tro;k, 'which itawneblE cootatened, nohl I r ina made • sound mae. Ilia. sapahten, "1".34 to my "tit.", ("wee" er 3 r..) ...d ad •i healthy es I side, -I bare •retwanacoded Dr. Dana.% ra pe...wad flenedyin niwayisatances to tboraintdoly afflicted' and it los elven.. peened sateen/el so fir ae I ban widened' its effects. My mister Leming Ihn waddirie at pesamt, for a D "." I .‘"f "d ee ,feting al ske z.p.0. , ,bia.'40 had lettered with for some Boar, she has early rewarmed by the via of this mnikaw, and I am ...dd.! die 8 *cot ad I ca. cia....co 'au widely ...nil, roma.* o Alum that them am thataweL of rated& perrae neting, way with 114 s deredfol dettergw•—CONSuldrOM--' W"" , "11P 3 .3" tie 'S.." 4." 3 " 41 a, --- .. " - "i"""1 time, bed. Übe tonlafroorey W. enightbeprokeged end r (heir istinlin nod sultaiotHsvia reentered4spn. i Pt, atedieins . will giarittetatot :0ar...4 ot tht cam. .A.l. .c.do coa roioro I anc,..... tab Dodo* thi Ch., We _strength to the catch? ma< i 3, cane, I waceetain, anti perform • packetvas,,,, t 1 a . ANDREW I. rsimma: ? - Monte...hit...Uwe tawax.ooll.., N. It —Tl!usit who troy lux De squinted milt mis r reqr ) 0 de woderapied„ dawns of Mattgoneery, liroultoo co.- 7,0., tbey Willa .. 7 lime labstantsa. the abotestafebtaate4 - DD. DUNBAR% EiLBEEILIN OPII B CEi LP !di ' ren, whine dB refillehi Medici. tax always be A: 83, 4 1 3 . tddbOrdh, by WM. JACKSON. "mgr. , * Tod and tjhord we ' . araidurkerf r • •It MLPORTAIIIT Tint L - 41 , 111Mtlsrinunera . , 1 !lairs *emu, & matchlesa article Mr the Glowtici ' //mealy ant Restoration of the flair. Tina Cremn, when °nee towels, will oupootede all othernitklea of the kind noussed." Wherekhe bair ta dead; hanb.f6ted ats-$ healthy or turning:grey, a few applications will make , hair sag: had dark. - 444 - glad It a Iseustlifol . ' appearances and will-atm Man it retain Its llvelinhes . , mtijhealthy Color twice as long Mall the preparation it ch are generally used. .Every lady and genactulta who are in 'the habit at the oa thew bath, shoals' at once Purchase a bottle or the Chineoe /leir•Crests. rurt •It is so composed that It wtll hot Istjunsthe hair the the ;other preparations, bat will beaatifyst; and gerepetieej $ sonsfactiou in every asume. - For tetruniony to sts very superior qoalides, ere' Gollowing letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, IWileyst 1 r I dlcodertholt & Stanch, Nashville,"GenereAgents folt the,Western States: Letter from t h e. Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Pert - ',whoa Camels. rolaski. • , , Mesars..lllendembett & Stretch—Gentlemen: I pleasure in adding my testimony In fawn of Mel Seca' preparation called Dr. Parrish'. Chine:m - 1 Cream—Mr about Mro years ago coy hatt•mat veryd r and disposed to come outs but having procure.: kbottle of theCrman, sad numdit neon/log to Menge. '.- ernption, .ay• hair !Anew son, elatuto sad gßemulitu.ho . bead. Many balsams sad were applied each. vtng soy Mar in a wove note than before. This et however, has met my expeeMtiono.• ; • ; • As an artrelefpr. rhotodeh tuy lode glee. it peter s , iltet <Aye{ all others, beingdelicately perfonted,asding disposed to viscidity. The ladies especially will Mal • the LidnesisCreus to he a desiderata= se Melt preps.; ration. for she 101 iet. . • Pralaski,'.linVy.7,lBl7. It CALDWEa'' mr ^ . - id wholesale and retail, is 1148611 Th by.l4* Tewnseud, Nods Market street, and,loef Mahler 1 corner of Woad and Fifth trts:' ' 1,1114 1111RI'PICILIPORLICRY-:: • , • • . 41 i . Cte1611 de , Annuals Amer at,: Are: uz.aFrup' A Cream - a la - Rose, for shawl*. r lamonde Cream, i ihirt ' -I 17 Ckoat e • • Neperfiu Rotsge,or Porcelain maw* ' bad's, Itarranted *int Lavender,' t Beale/NI powder Piga, of all Waterer rib : -kr the Embossed woes torcs,valndain bandke•eakftnacent kag, end t artPyL•vad - Penthen, or Qtinettetinviie.47.• . ' ) •, Tutu vegetable htireiti t Bear'. oil in fancy Gramm= wrappers, (roenae . e ones' Boa;. Nymph font; p; Lip alvat Cold cream; elegantly pat up; Pure palm rev, pi llama.] cakes. . • • - , Yhetl aosal Sant anon; together wiii a great variety/ *.r t"' F. k CO tc9 • tmarteti eta can: tmat deid vet aye I ichnskel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers