. . . . . ... k". - - 1 --...-..% . WEDNEEMArmoaeurro,'Dka,'29,'lBA7 . . °Cr Tit -rniiarp.ii near 0 DIU!, Tri•Slfgestlt, tad Weekly= Pabilaso. Wilms T b r i r=o.lbertl-Wectiyis PlUgt. . 3 7 1 ! 1.6 abeam , , • P WI 'V e Pei ahnt arairr ,CM . O; Wan r.x.004., heed hi Itregm'*. ear the eisy -.:SYs i zorr rt_ poomenreal ;., sie7ratsbunkortett.. , Tam .111713-7.333/1111IIIIN. Dec. 21' wishing. 1ec....„-, . • • ot,o, iaitto.e.• untilday paopta w • this sheath saaarasi lb.! • oat to The to :-., ... tiral hp. b U n of kertletaoll. . ' . . 4 , kign. _ found k ii, for . 11/P4 TeselloY' " 'b" bee Inked "6' 1 ..-?." of the ...._,_,._ that he 1..- e t es ll ma the' i t .......y. ,m, it - famo :.Y.': ......; a .:obey ' It. eelseical ' ~ ..4..,- . -• . to fat. from being . og the sr ft i S:,' - . th e Beeks e° welded t° It hat, has ° ''`''••• ••• 'Oot '• "in tha DePotTelli , a dr oll 11.1 ..`.`,1.." : tit. 'Thee' - oft= whee l fee 13 _ .` i .. ..'.••••8,---,'"'• ' litgth.."6l endthilhismo&."'whollemyealle.ohl 4,,,2 .. &atm.. to to held by , ,•• ...t igg the acme, ~,,,ikee .......11 give ~.h. teen hell,' es, - c-:,,; -, 'l• lied 14' '-'-- to left th at : told le •.,,,,-- .? t•, wee OW -- ipecie, too, e....e1e i• 1 ''-...,-, ..".. c0P00n0,,,,,, de°. or fnee 7k. , l ''-' it ---• New ush leret: 2 z ', '' ,ehle hewn le Nob. the° .:.-".., ... ' finding li. be 120 domi. - . - thin which the • cid InslelTeto ',bah , 1 ji- - .44 . , • -' 1 ,''.. a ii. 4 4 1 . 2, for the iltlilekaloc......lEWlttcheslguthte ft -•:' abjection but; has elieed,_'..-7 th .9Peeltid wtoel, ••,:,',141_ : - - neat pan, Wait, ‘°. hs- ' il----0-f the Clo" 'l'l7.l9'a _SOW= • butoiolialkt" jialbett° hard INOOII7 . the dc, Cloak of . those 7 le. the ie in lief' - - '' lull ' rot a il " . the leer' ' 6=l ','„•-•••-.,••••.. .... ....._........ dtotoll• ! .0 pay `14'.4:••;:... .of ...r.......—eas the 'l:l7l'gZePeele. Ille v20,,,,,T2 hi fehdef.endtg tootmod. de Tmwq rod b ~r'-',/....';' .4. , , forty money ,in the y ot h . " rt,112 kt;"-k.,-.411.1.1t. is mulch paa New end eh"' --,1:k?-2„4,,,,....k!mi.i...i.dt0 for ;the Bsak‘hijown re` v&r,r,,,-...--,- too ' hi e bath , Clark oree le. ...kh ja his --,tr ~'„:-,•,Aitelaww• alai the . Aka to edict e Lack the 1,1'•;`....4411W,#01°-'..lre is euePll,___ yotb:end t tth c° ses, • 1 ,:_ef.,464-lete'' sO4slleelett,fottonanillr time that 2' , - . .r,,:r' , .... eillorhA ..due. * ihateend . _not. . . ,;,,,••• ''' ea,,,.. h 7. eddies literati le u . .. ,,,,,,1• .-•••,..,,, . tb;;;Wfßow .......---- *we bah loch • ~!-V- 4. ;• . 7lealfaaa..' Itiat4°=aciai`4.°° I! gee 000 is :.--t,-l-I--,.,y,y4.: t,..C.,..... -- a e hty, the ' ba y .11,..P": ..Aga* he ~"". 4ileich the capitol and P it t . • -,.. '•""tjedensnl/4 ob thiltallee e l. locks then e . ht.. York , X 0,-".,• ..g.....,....- found the the cfy fatale .;.-.t. ~,•<". ea --,7-.- o. it it a plating tliaa,o ,4Try closto4.: General, hea bra myt h for the g. -,t,'.,', , .• • ..„...__-, eight a•••• way of "dew --',,-- „,..,, oi r aaaa. r mint . In the thirty and -7 * - ... , etct....,,,......... .f the of between .t. in !,: , ....Lt:': pas • e"r•additiOlni tr°l . on A= to ~ 51. .-' -1; a" 1 ..o the Colnentleeeitted %von ..-.",,,t, • ......--dAis".- c4ogre" Inl-A I .1-:;itr --._'••••7 ''ll s 4 unseal " with the 1 •• ':',.,-'..- iibele° 10, to be een conceded The 4''. --- tale* elle • ~.. of a. law. a 1,„,, acldenn‘ „hh, e operW-D ...ogle inch. aim -1,2, . . "'T.° . Ole a Hied. If not' breech" •-.. • ' u IWO) Pe ore a l3l ....._hoz in hle . . p .` ~ . ~ ...mat:one , the a5...91 ,_._ o f a Pn1331. . - gd"- b an conks • the Tune" I think 'ecel. of beie.-4D fsneetkla t gi. batch additional owl .th for the e `root home hie., tee be ..d...4 eitherithttus hoald _ _-- nig , or - ' -11..4 thtl ig e w York, to for the dMig lowa m.,,.. td. fish! age •of the to ehyge )es by eeman yet to se, the ..0110e5d.0...b otot.totloct wo h... ,_Rho op. w '"7 ibect the-, eahttclec. Thu. theycony eed the mere ' ot the eta" i is in tar. Lei • ell '°Pl ndionaikl Cia"Ma rl i n the boriow of_ as cow, le ' • a when lb. 18°P 'al hoe.,.sn thee" money thy ! • FY *poesy ' papa„, aw -1 g Mien becatelee. try, and• , the scheme ' sprain” a. c°°' ...iv tegglher ...tom- ea a• ea . n , baton --- . It is olocs "' =ME .:..:.. ..;~'. MEI ' ••-•` • z it • • tit • tr:.444,4 wr•ismun: weactrows. Wablu Dec 24; •Cluktiiiss NW. This city is lii its lea 113 . 0.415 y: attn.attn. The kilacesteisui ars Gas now. end copy :some. It*of allaiunui Yon we theta veiny,, • , bake Iresitai; thaw end am. to' r ousiiiimi.,-iontoig., jamplog, and eititiylng their glibe like children d • ,joycoa age, and Uksetaldmi, trio; liorgstkig'all"carif and all tititught of the 'narrow: - It Isla otack at holiday toCautierii; whim mailer and Nave occupy . some. , ping lika.jusa rebukes toiraidi each other. The, fourth of Jury la a mareasui' upon that Niiional Jnialse 'day so it licalled, sod .; a ridge ' akin Cr* pointed to be tokratedbY teas Who hue fresh samemberancei of „it's Dedorsike "of "78 • aid' the Practices of •-, •All note the fib:WO= cooing Mistime par iahs moth of the Thanksgiving reitle! of New • . _ The: chttzehrs• are open half of the • • It a•tay of fiasting, giving and of re % dairinfigiftsikhoint , a - - • .'• •Cteleameasseis bot awe spar • : J•ollse vb.:, Items. it bra' v • anniversory dsy e ire these wadi opin 1/14f Ike heats of man, giving • freely, partaking freely, *Nisi krieli. and moan an. mime. - i t itatilg,tawant sa a mummer's sonstaivt, and the heart within- j4otte frith glad abundance. The Osir of all days in the year.. ninaliblesd u it is : •-• as the sidt of him who was all widows, all per. , - fiction, all wisdom, is nisi fittest day of all the year; insane of the blight's:ample' of the Trim» , • ; of, Potior who' remembered.;is thu There is beau . nay' this boner world of the heist, no • naller Attic' the mums *flop: • Bei ,wintw • . kiss'ltiv! natural braitlaii as wall es tiring and :Rummer: Riskily ship the pow of •the Seasons thooisked ; Pd. %deviator mend Treet white 'rkbegesmise sse th tbsw ou.t. -. ..27lV a iretZte:,7dtphi 7 = l 2 Is Imo Zaaling maw that bcria ride ;;' •Bet 6oatt brogan, end all the bettor for the kh og. of. he seen that: • "wfbe Mom of casaly lime . Abi Isoboom VOA% oax. LIE , TtOti4tiAii ; 4l4 :eking eeedegliopoil ill mob; "," Lyle my masts st bane ..`.... _l-: ... 1 2; . ? 1' ;;!:! 1 1,1: 4 ,1'.!:'* - ie . r: 4i 1 ";f1 - 0,4t i, 1 lO'+'' l g'; . 3 -',-....efi.1:::. , ;• 1.:::,.4:a'•• ';-.g..:,:n0tt,t_Yy.:..;•••..1.... !-A •,:,.,;, , :c,::o!:::'.'fi:', ,, ,:•; :•,, , ,:••-V:: •,. A ..: ,-.-.,.: , L 1 ; 1 , ~...., a s•*- ,..1,14*. :.=: ''..: '. 4 - . .'4. 1 ‘?•' : % , :':• - •:: 47 ‘V' - !'":,1 1 : 4 :: :: ::-. : ‘ : *; :.!• :%..t:.:::;.:::',i',!.%:..;;:i4 I lik•': . 4.§..-111.. 1 .4 15 - 1 4: 41€:;i 0 . , !/' - '.1.44%i: .:T1, , ;. 1 ' l 'l4 4 - -it"' .. N- , -,... -. .. , 7, - : Jr.-K. : C.13.1i.i...ig-'' .-'• r ' , : ,, !•:(. 0 %!z . .' 11f.' :::': -1 . • Ji41::,' 1, -..4:t;,:':' .:, ~.i..t? .1 il rentk:e: ..'• =`,:A.k: '''-: ... : likfil'tel.: 7 iYi• 4 .1: • : . •4 .. , ; , i,4 , 1 * .'5.: . :' : .*:'/' 1 Yi,41 . 1` ) ! . .II:.I . :7 1 ": ! . i• ' .4 44 ,•4'0.; , 14 - 4;'......ii: . ;i:' , .; , , - V :: Ple ; 11 : ' t ., ~- Is' 3a 4la t „, ~7 4,....,,.„,44.. -..1.2--4 , 4 40-.' .....• ' '''; ' 4 it. ' v As... ..... 41, tte '3 :k r :r.V._..'A,,,,•,, ---,W. 4 ;.....r..... , ,,, , ,,.....z;1471.ii,.., t,4..,....__,4....._.:_;ttri...:. ;:i,.t.,...,..,_.,,,......ii.v. 4•1:4: .'1. •1...( : ::.4 ; '';'• .;,, I V4 . -% ''''' . • t ..•'•• `;.: r f >,;.?! .1,: i , . 1 ,,'. u m a 0 • t 1 a:o 7 * * , , i .::. "' 4 .. . 1 I Ill G l ' 1 ,, .4 ii, "' ": fromr Ir . :: 1 1 1:4 9i 4 - .. . . a . p - a l aP mil * " ". d i : weed 4111:1 . 4 3, th .. l , c 1 1 d 1 1.: a 6 , * : "1":3 , . . . . i, , . 7. bi ch w: m P 1 :i I' . . . . . . . . .i: onu I 6" w 1 r . : haveta- k i. , I ._. f war il , .6 roes" 15 out , .battle D Pealed 72: w : *4 . i o 7 r f 'gul' , hi. e .. '"l l'e tt yrk x 4 6 u t . . ir lf a 12 n e I s i al: . w t i c : . .• . 2 .: 66w i m:dm T i lt e D : l° . ' 1 - 11,:asolistatievadid•Wsakx. flisaii.n;Wir."wonieolivergiCh.watlrLl 's'l: i:'':44"4 P g 4 ' I iCIS r 5 '1431" Nl.l I 1 I. W gi i a I*" i dial" i a I : : da 1 1::4 1 ; ''.41 7 1 I. ' 1115413 I i I°"s"4°P:" 1:111 4 c 2 u si D111:8 a e 14. i Ida E.l P 2 g 1 : 1 b. people I" N.:7IP 4 a i a" 1 e: : ° a 'II I ' 14' " ti n . . ::811i ri eh it °4: thef ums."l 111tt g 1 I "b 4.* 14 ithW:ild °""11:.'" repealedr " 1 ath I:4i n '1671 D a z I g el" dipli' 'Pi 1 iis his"111111lig g Bei ;'k4.°4liiPle %lei" I kPI:°I6 g I 1 a Chilen .7, thin westp • w 111 has du-inof i I ~"Fi~6 .: , •• 7 •A - s ullm° ,ll bia ,,, beg. : : ; l2ila i. bilr - ' :NI wingli"4 . ml"lll • ll7in ' 'T.. if C , •,-..Y -.:,• I .,; ~.• 4 .4 •-•• , i • • , •••!;1.4.:',.•••' , ''‘-' 1 ' . ' 4. •":;:: :.?; .i,c2, , ' t :• .;., n -,....;., • • •-•,., }~,_ -.~- AS; ~~; •:•••' - • • 41 • 7 . 1 • I ...; '' : 4l l=2± 6 ==b. • , - • prt.....ap;Ar iiiiii to aleph& hi"Caeimencehi leiliig Make ha!,ethe Um The Tete it lbw& la tto IMilii"iiaTos aFthifilmai 'xi t° P S P I Pk° * * 4° ' , holm i's Oni Mx° P°Ci at in the White Bana t or 'ids, hiei favors to ilk all, mai lot asrsditili, bat it is to be ,aped nis w ' - t h at no tan Rollsolott w 4 illlsw, iis 4 toostitaallta will let E1:1 latitipilaina et stmts. :Moss lion Welt as well Weil Tale $ &gam at ones, as to be purrd bi sorb a display of Them 4 • .104/41.Y0f Pnwident making at ao both sides. Mr. plea hinds hose hod omit 'singeing, end adjounsd to &militia arum of nowt. Is ar busy for the aims/Ms tdieldesti idenstor, and the Semstirry. M tlii Elide himself not idle. Two/modulates from Pennsylearils; bawls, are likely to destroy each otherr;and• both Me . Patutsylsturfans, therafoier rosy to by the booed. ,MG Peres few friends.— foe war did a maw in power 6,5.50 few, kW Tyler arospred,—do not despair :'/;f bis wood onutdrunkw, and took Ora thence:Minimum of tIM war to aid him is [sisals orwlemkm. War 44 often ecartinued to Me perpetuation of Mar,powei t pt the party Winer* it on, as indica the Ad., Minlitration t o, roue the' bigbesi,a) . of son* within sod as web as emensles atithcam, Mr.r.lkolk started tbi hoe and err of 'WM mdeomfaettothe enemy," and this bas arownionithe of treason surd Pitt;;lti Me camel way, was naffed i traitor at bortia t - arben he said, that elf he wersaibmericin,Wilri ism an Eng listuoist, he *odd ower,latdown his amines. 4rt, mule; ekeysfer Patilek limy, nearer ! ilOcsi him, when bui M• the name offlekim the Fourth. I do not think the sot* sislSe of the unsnarled tome of the nalloi libiMsdtki of being sedrieed byineh sp. pealar—tiekdo I think the nation houndlo suffer frosti . .tin of James H. Polk. The eritot4f MOM hardly foie wOrse. , - - ,.'..ithiothing as this Prititiesinal question ie, how. erey and with only ten months 'of Intervening ,time between this and the time of the election there is hardly anything more uncertain then the nominee of the Democratic party; ' - It is certain that political opinion, with the Whigs is matting Taylortrard, thoughlhe ides expressed by eome, that ho could be elected with out !nig suirit,--and 1 V!iil idd. a lionthratien in a Whig National Convention,ll preponerotia. That he may reale; ouch a nomination is proba ble, sad it nomin a ted, an election by the People folloirs almost us s meter of course. With the onkel that the measures of thii 'Administration is to paw through, sird the blow the country is receiving and is to maim, in consequence of this 1 1 war, and the new tariff, public oplttion will he. toms so concentrated splint the dominant party, that, with propel...pint on the part of the whole Whig Pony, soy good Whig could, be elected,= Henry Clay, Judge McLean, or John J.Crittea. den, as well u the brave and generous hero of Boena ., fhte. But the 'politic:WM do not all think thus, and the Mends of General Taylor are by far the most enthusiastic and anise, particularly from the South. though Northern Whigs will fell in; in the full belief, that General Taylor fe a tine Whig, and will seek to execute the laws of Con grew, rather thedtuake Congress tributary to his own wilt. "General," said one of Taylor'. officers, now in ZAN "mll me if you are a Whig or • Deanocrat:, Some lay you are the one, and some the miter, which I. yuer The tospanse was characteristic swish. "As an officer of the Ann, in the public...m.loll;lam neither. But wire the question le plumply pot time, is imam, / mos a full hboded Whig, and Mte partite over." The Loco Foals would jump to the support cf Cloneant Taylor, bat for Una, on their port, an. qtreWoned SVbiginn of his, bat as it, is, ha it as. . sailed in front and rear, far oft in Wilco, and here at the Capit4 end if nominated, will bring out the trtwomprotitialog end hitter *mid= of the great bodi of the Loco Foci, patty. As it has been treated mat unhendsomely by the Ere& atlas and ell whc; bold it to' obey the !smiles bet ea. . . Fluldneton, Da: Y 6." 1 Atinc - i in list ling the death of SainnorFill• 'tinsel Maine,. has been annotuced/At norm On Friday he wu in his usual health; and at early , ' . eveniog he was deed. The came of his death 1 hive not heard ants& An operation was per. inined on me of his knee?, a few hours lifore hie death, for something skinto in this hub, but his death it is said try rig phialchnw,had klropu no kontediata - Moneeticat this operation. „, Mr.” Fileteld Was en active number of the Hemate,sni Cluktian of the annuities on Naval ad* whkh place he OW filled dozing the hart Cowen. -Porrinesly he had served for two WM/ In qillll Mom of Representatives, and hetween the unless ln the .two Homes of CoVesi, he wu elected Governor of Maine where he {Resided daring the memorable border Madded between Maine and Newl6unewiek, end which hastened thitreety of 184 k mile 4 Ma. Wzeirsa, end i Lad Ashbanon.. • • . Hie death has amazed all here from its sudden• tessi The deuced was but in the =widow of life sod with the prorates of a good old age befori him, but who caniallarhat a day may may bring forth. This itaath will probablylead to a pOstpotaktosat of all Legislative baaines: for the next two day lihmorable mention Inn made of Mr. F. at the Units:Ma Chttrrhwlerehoworabippod. and act occuloadiscoorse 'Will be preached to day. .Borrow sr at Prooo.—ln the report of atureititers meetiog to afford relief to our neigh bors au the riser below; there lain *net which we huten to correct,. The resolution ai foruilbed to vs, wordd seem to Imply that the huodnod Qua. .14,4 fund. to OCT relief after the foe . wu alaoa to es pent time who hue lost their all by the ',foods.. The kind thought of trio routing wu to Send isoo, tasking of itii. rtind, n TOgOOT rem 'Soft that the re* destitute Squid be mlkrrad, Wham the ward COMMUTING Oct in talsher a contd. Wilco the: •hay be worthy of Metro:o.- 0u city Is sun ready to' elve L i cif her &blush= to relieve her, neighboring/riser , towns that hase.bast ruined by the waters;thso she wu to the old of those who sem to he assist. 'auto when euthed by foe: ( - The SF.IO Is but in smut of what she will A mar roe limns= —IA New York pa. per isys.—nThe eandays the Erie Road are vary nabiamory._ The ;ringer receipts are mealy doable what 'they sinel. last, year:at thli time •The extension toPcirt Jervis, 13 muse, It be b repotted, will open ed 'aestsrear.." We hope soon to My that the receipts= the Waters Cat: tail aid Eastern Ventral Radii are. satisfatoii. Let mi hays our .Weetarn d i tilutiir at Mt'once, no pay iota= spin Instrileamb,es the Erie, the Hodson Blew, and all well inanagal made am riso ing, mid lot as pmt assdily for the West. We want no viedeat ate= tat the =remitting Lidos. try that neer bib ta Bemire itaribjea: . . . , Asiirsio orbou..—Tio hot. °mimeo wilgoingt Lackawinna ind Lehigh` 46,01 of Iron .: 6,26 0,45: dr.e. 1,00 Alumni .. 42N I - . Taal • 100,00 I &Ida ,p , , 54,51 4 of 1100 • 3,45 Um- '. •••. 3,63 ' &v. 2,25 ,thusqo .••,. ,33,00 • • .. . . . , ' . • ) :Tad . ' 101,94 . . - • kiratcAxll9u.sE . locirrr,.--kriwcquiqmit In Onnistbna, Qua the Oxon - noble ismitntionbra iu 1 4 0 . ,:guiPtnani its 0 / 01 00,-. /P a " It Isla vitt tisidaffiikle, be!. I am 1110rApd by NA* teniiind ii"47. 6 xag"iatOild*Wsi , quit the mon Em cutolitioa fi ikainir,"iiiid that LI isioimg anes triad: -= ~PKA#ll:ris. . . . . Gavernai atds *sepeartbriimicm.4 • Ria =M==3= Wx•nar Osiriiut Rut Bun itanyela.— The following are tboniolutilma adopted care. aq:pigtd, and ofwbieli erllthubiftes vehement: ..:- Retelearl;That this costing tx annum orthelets of the MAUR= Conventhon)altd will take lot mediatesteu to obudn*Sm the PeltheYl` culla Ind Ohio Legielatores, • Nett charter, sad organize a joint Company, to antstrtictßillv mad from the city of Pnteborgh to Mensthith Ohio, to be called the •Pantryhuoia and Ohio Railroad Campanyr • " &robed, That thin meeting levareto the *sway construction of a bunch of said Railroad to the Norsk terminating at Ckvehttd, and another to the Southwest.' in t h e diletMait Newark' lutohns, and Cineionati; u imperatively demand. ed by the increwing . wade'or oar city, and the in. (stoats of the Railroads centering here. ,Resolved, That, as citizerth of Pittebtugh, we pledge ouretthrea to this extent of our slaty, to dettribute our, proportion of the means necessary to cinetniet the aid. Western road and branches, If lateral chatters &ill ha granted for the some. We were tuUtble to obtain a copy of the above it this time, toe Ebenretary objecting to wait while we could make a copy, giving as a reason. that he lived obit if town. He, however ruled, that he will make a copy, and 'apply the poem, as soon es powdble, when the importer of the Journal ag reed, that the vPost" cottM take the matter, and and proofs to - which we 'did not object. The slip's!" the Poet, however did not reach us, having been prevented. by an accident, not necessary to exploits. The omission Is a trifle, the resolutions were known its fat, to our reader* three days bo ; lora The Journal of Tuesday, stye Aller the adjournment of the meeting, an a. greernent wa made tetween the Secretary, Mr. Clark, of the Venue, and ourselves, that the Soc. rotary would hand copiea of the address utd MO. lotion, to all the papers at the eame time: We wore perfectly. "edified with this arrangement. Wo wore surpricd and annoyed, however, on Saturday, to prA that a morning paper: (the Ow nth) of course) had publithedl the address In vie. tattoo of theagreement with the Secretary. We applied to that officer for an explanation, which he was unaile In give; ss he had not given the copj to tka 9a:tun : We could not doubt, therefore, hag the Gaeta hid procured a copy of the addreis in advance of its being submitted to the meeting—red of coma it could not have done ea without the 01.111iVinCe of ttie gentleman who read the report, or of other members of the Committee:l. , • The Gun° made no arrangement whatever, with iny per'on, alma the Palmed proceedings , and any asartfen - that we - did so, is nothing bat an attempt to apologise for the ornissaion, to eve the proceedings of the meeting promptly, and be fore they, were matted" of binary. lf the Journal chooses to delay the, publication of manta of interest, we have no objection, for It is none of our mann. As for the Gonna, It. constant aim will be to give all these things its careful attention, and to eife - all them before our readers, as soon as possibte. The Gaeta did have the report before it was presented, and'regras to see the Journal and Pow insinuate that gentleinen of the Committee aided us unfairly. In justice to them we must In the fullest terms vindicate them from imputation' as false as unfounded. By our request,on were allow ed to copy the report to enable us to present it at au early period, as a imit6r of great public Inter. est. NO one uconnived,.! as the Journal awns, nor did any one "hand" . it to tie Bathe Post lays We sacartainedwho bed the report, asked for it. u a mere matter of behiness and got it, not think ing we bud accomplished Ilny wonderful feat, but that We had taken proper measure' to give our readers what they have aright to demand, en early account of all matters of interest. Had the Jour. nal been equally attentive, the amaranth would have been seen in its columns. • And now in regain to fatale meetings, we beg leave to ray, 'that spars no pains to keep oar readers promptly informed. We shell not keep back important matter' in order to appea r norultaneously• but shale:erase each attention to • the details : of buskers., that the pinta may as hernifore, tan cpthe Gamete r .sunned that they will turd a newspaper, and not a record of enema already 'tient to them by vont report. White we shall ever Fe reedy to extend to our arighbors the corntem doe tliem In the exchange of proofs of matter furnished by otEmers of public meetings we Khan be the last to allow them tea,. at what time we:shall print riowX, and give details abater. ed by our eon indentry; and wish it to be die tinetiitandentiod that 'Oar whole arenas will ba loan ':printing at the earliest period all proceed ings like them in question. The fat i d . r .punni itity," hope will ho tinned in coo freely as r4ttliness7 is pallisted in those of out neighbour who choose to elnieho snail an obsolete au' toe. Edilers.of,tde Rf*abwgh Ga-.ette. 1 'TAU ask patutiision through your columns, make a row suggastiora on the subject of pri -1'47 me6U°P. The object of. .there ,meeting. as le well known, is to enable the qualified voters of the re. rpectire patties, to aieertain the will of the major. ity in .electing candidates forth. different affirm. We believe the present intern, if carried oat ac cording to its original design would afford general satiffaction. The manner, however, in which those meetings have been , condaded for several years pad, evaders the neciessitY of a change in the oys ters. apparent to every. attentive observer.. It is well known to over* man who has been ice the habit of attending diem for the last two or three jean, especially Mat they Leen° morel aapressien of the opinion of the citizens of dre ward or din diet, than would be had by the toss of a copper. We have no allusion, is these remarks to any of the-present - candidates, or the manner in which Merin particular, were nominated, nor is this sr. tide intended to hare any political effect, other then to work change in the preeent system, which is * burlesque on the popular franchise, u well as a fraud upon the rights of our citizens. What MI the (=Win relation to the conduct of then meeting.? Why the whole proceedings of the meetings are arranged a week or two before hand by one of two trire workers in the ward or distlict, the-persons to bo nominated are fixed up. oa and the polls aro either to bo opened or cloned • before or, after the proper time as will 'hest awry their purpled!. The neat thing to be done, is to diag up every man in tho ward, who will vote to suit these pole• tidies—be he Whig er Democut; Allen or clot. ern—and should it be neccaury to the success of a patio:du candidate', hare these persons whether entitled to eons or not—mark two or duce date.. That this is the muner in which thew meetings are mauled, wilt tie admitted by every honed man, who hat ever attended one of them. • nes ills, that the'politleal trieltsters, , aud Wire oroaqrw, Of the attest eapocially, control, our nom. !illations—and then thity cell upon the people to 'support the marl of fircir choice—and the citizen who refugee .to be gulled in this way, is denoun ced as no whip. or ifereeent, as the cue may be. Many honest smen of both pines,haws become w disgusted with the meetings en refuse to sup. port the regular namlitated candidates of the par. ties; and unless the erysteen is reformed—the more honest and orderly pinion Ler our, citizen,, will cot loose front party nominations and vote for cit izens' or Volunteer candidate. ; That reform loners:lmeg . , cannot be denied, and 'unless we bare it soon, we will see the present System diecarded . altogether—and be subjected to another evil, 'Sams from too many candidate. in the field, rendering' it almost Impossible to bare 612jOrill of the votes Of either party, in favor tit' any.one of thorn, We- believe in the propriety of Primary meetinp;stad that the will, If the roe , Jollity ors party, should prevail in selecting can. didates.-but • abhor thevereent sydem—whieb ii callable to abuse: .Let ao have out meetiogi hateafter in the - afternoon instead of at night. Let us ham a board of lodges, who shill preside end receive the votes of none, but Mom entitled to vote at SioCtutating--soul I clerk or two, to take &inn. the natris of the voters--to. prevent this pernicious, praMice of voting two or three timer. lculbridnal: have been known ,to vote in the ISM evening, in wend Wards, for the Mlle per sons—others who are not entitled to vote at all, have voted in these meetings—and citizens who ere =titled, have beenpreveotef from marking by °then wbo crow ded around the I table, and . pre vented thetas fromproung, who they koew, or be• lieved—would vote against their man. .1 bays been induced to trouble you with thole iettisrlm--frour a desire to see "things-done de-, eently, and in order"—and as if le not unlikely that this article may be charged upon eome of the di appointed--f west, that it is not designed ss ea imputation °lithe unfairness of any Of the recent nominations-but Intended. to bring this subjetat before the citiuma, that wg may hareems' idiom as' soon aaj aceeible r . which will relieve no from the pnweot tryetem, which le-se oteetiona. . Crrustr.,- . Mitsist,34l Ed*om n ivore cariadatee *no th• Iw 4460014 $Di/ way ail Alicia, 4 j . _....~- f. _r. =ME I f T».'?" r • •• .• • • an. • • • • BY TELEGRAPH. Oniciiimienes tbo Pittabargla•Gasette CONGBASS. Washinigton, Dee.-27,1847 Hocai -Hatt, of New York, Imo notice that he stioatd uk lease to.iconow to offer a joint res. olcoloa of tlianks.to Geo. Scott wad hi, Offen. Mr Sawyer, or , Ohio, offered a resolution, red. matters of 'intercourse and trade between the whites and Indians. Petitions were announced in order, and after the praientation of a hese number, on voltam alb. jeets, 'Caleb B Smith, of Indians,: concluded his vomit on the inhjettof 'bantling Blarery in the Distikt of Columbia, and moved to refer the pe titions to the Conunittee on , thet District. . Mr dabell, of. Florida, moved to lay the pod. tinis on the table , The yeas and nays were call. ed on WA motion; and 'stood seventy.tix to sevens. ty. t A message was received from the Senate, rela- tive to the funeral of Mi Fsirfield, ilia on motion of Mr. Willianis, the Hen:is-adjourned. In the Bennie, a Ire...elution rat adopted to at. end-the funeral at Mi Felifield's lodaingi, end appointed Mr Clarke to escort the corpse to the reaidence of the deceased, in Maine. Adjourned witho'nt further action. Exam Ore Comm:modeme of thehtt.oorgh Guerre PHILADELPHIA MARKET. • PRILADZLIMIL, Dec. 29, 8 p. Floor—bales of Western at S 6 50.8,52 per bbl. The demand is entirely for East and home use. Rye Flout—Moderate salmat,t4,7s per bbl. Cornmeal—dales at 0,75 pe r hbl. Wheat—Prime - Red is held at 140 e per bush, without nice.. Corn-,Sales of prime Yellow et 60aG4e per bosh. • Provisious—There is tee. inquiry in the mass ket. Mem Pork—Western No. I is bold at $12',50 per bbl. Prime Pork—Moderate sales at $6,50.9 per bbl; From Om Plapar i pstraps upon the Litton - from Fort Mann Arkansas, published in the St Louis papers, of Dec. 16th, fully au. lain in its moat aspect, the account publish.] in our telegraphic despatch of last week; to refer. enact to the cold blooded outrage, lately commit• ted upon the lodises, at that military poet. Capt. Patten, the commander of the Fort at the time, was the principal actor in the butchery and the one who should be hold responsible for thin foul blot upon the Atherican'Escotchdon. The Indians approached the Fort with a dig of pence in their hands., The chief mid come of his men were met by Captain Pelfzer—cordial ealutatiens of (diode/tip passed between them-- the pipe of petite WU gawked by each patty, and the Captain tenicerained his visite' with • dis• play of the mins end thistrength of hii position. After a while, the whole party of Indian. were invited into the Fort —They entered it, end the dastardly design was then formed, of making these men pinnies! They glee no cure of offence, and we have seen no solitary reason to palliate the : perfidious conduct of Captain Pelt. ter. The Ineietruttsaw and watched the move • meals of the troops, and became alarmed. They attempted to make their earepe by flight, and were, by thi,orders of the commanding officer, shot down Sol Murdered in cold blood. tin. enlisting men, in his own quarters, and by the order of thin Capt Peltier, were deliberately murdered—that he the proper term_for it, and that is the,erune for which be is responsible. We are glad to say, that Cept. Koseleloseiki and Liam 'Fettle expressed their dioapprobation of this unmanly mode of warring upon unresist• ing men, even though they were Indienv, and we have no 'doubt that the same feelings anima ted the soldier.. Almarcur Awr Uslos.—Tbe Annual distri bertha or picture., encoring. , cad taddds, vu made at New York, on Fridiy night lut. As Pittsburgh, with the rest hie coma in for a sher e, we copy each or the report, as is of interim!. Distribution of picture,. • Christian mad the Cross, Pilgrim's Program, by Talbott. • H II Lights/. Ohio. 'La/Waage, ig Imes . , • Zanesville. m. g Hunteni Innehing—s One in Dotehree Ca. by Jewett—Dr E Dashath, Ohio. Menem Mill, Ilsekbuil Co b. • Y. by Wothe spoon i J B 'Cushing, Ohio.. :Scene in the Csunpegna, near Rome, by Waugh. Wm Raman, Ohio, Landscape by Aso.. !.. A.B Fraser. Ohio. Morning Offering, by Fuller A S Barry, Illinois. I The Novice, by Mount W B Lent, Indiana.' Bea shore scenery, by tan J C Atcheson, Wheeling Ye. The following named ',Owns drew •Ner Med. el.i—Dr J Brooks, Pittsburgh; W W Notion, Pittsburgh; I. C Clark, B 1 Louis; 0 Bell. Jr, 11l J McKnight, Pittsburgin—Bulow, Zanesvilk: H I Lawrence, Mich. Tho distribution was mode at the Tabernacle, ,which was crowded to excess. The President dated at the meeting, that the number of @abseil. bees for the year 1846, wail four thousand four limbed acid fifty, being an lacrosse on the list of The preceding year of one. third. When the books closed this year:lEBy exhibited a noble ag gregate of nine thousand nine hundred and eixty. "ix members. At a meeting of . the Whig• and Antimasonic, citizen. of the Second Ward, held on Mende. evening,' 27th Dec, 1847, et Murdock'. Hotel. James Gramm, Eng. ma. called to the chair, cod Jolla S. Coagreec appointed Secretary. On motion of James it Murray, Etig, the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Whige of the 2J Weld are not willing to pledge thcrosol•es to rapport the neminatirto of any undidete for the Mayoralty, who is afraid or unwilling to hare hie name pre.. anted alum. pritnasy meetings. The meeting then proceeded to select wadi don ■ for Ward officers, which retuned:as follows: Common Counci/Darid Alen°lland, John J Roggen, Isaac Jon... &hool Di:rectors—Mimi TiEdle, Janus W Baxter. Judze Elections—James Crown hapector—Robert Mackey. Anwar—John McKee. Constable—Robert Hague. Hocrtenoie WLICIIIT. see Massuaas —As all families are not provided.with males and weights referring to ingredient" in general use by every housewife, Dr. Browne imhjoins a lid—as follows: Weiner AND M Wheat flour, 1 pound is I gout, ledlan meal pound 2 mums is I quart, Butter, when soft, 1 pound f ounce is I quart, Leaf.sapr, broken. 1 pound is 1 quart, White eager, powdered, 1 lb. 1 ex. IN 1 quart, Best brown sugar, 1 pound,: ounce. is 1 quart, Egg., average wiz; 10 egg. am 1 pound. MILSORL. Sixteen large,table spoonful's, are a pint, Eight table.poinifulls are 1 gill, Four tableiepoonfulls are a gill. . A common-aizrd tumbler holds ¢ a pint, - Aco mmotrisized wino ilium holds 3 a gill. SAlitolll AVTAIN AT YAL. Coxxxos.--A seri• ous affair occurred on the 23d, between two to. tore and two students, resultiog in the stebbing of one of the tutors with a sword cane. The stab, however, is not likely to prove fatal. 'The other was knocked down with a bar of iron.. This cue it la feared, will prove fatal. The name of the tutor, are Enema and Goodrich, the latter anon of Professor Goodrich, of Yale. College. 'The names of the students ate Tower, of Philadelphia and Ewen. of Tennessee. The students were at. rested and held to bail in 84000 each. They found ball, sod were diecharged. ,The girth pro. duced a peat excitement. Goodrich is not et - peeled to surrive.—Nern 11;avai Courier. Exesonearreal.—A serious affray occurred on Tuesday night, between two yomg men named John Cochran and Alexander Kelly, in which the former received a intend the eld• front a knife, of which he died. Kelley ins anted at the stove in. the. Columbus House, when Cochran came up and made use of some severe remarks pertaining to an otd Bodge, and stepped Kelley two or three times kids face. Kenai got up and left ,the Mese, and had proceeded a short distance up Broadway, when he was Manakin try Cecia°, and by him attacked, wherraMori Kelley draw knife, and in the scuffle phinged it into the side of hie antsgonist.—Cin. Cram A Mauve Tue.—lt is prepared u a Anal tilt of the defamander Bahl (they having with stood every ; other ardent!) (hit ewe of Moro AEA be pot Ina foresee Ailed withthet adobtabeicombirs tilde described by the Argos as the ...Wilmot See braad." Edwin .Crourell sad John Van'llarea are to be eaciesed in the seht, sad if there i. sot a Mew up widdir tweaty-foor hours. the rah shell tie coasied • unite depWitory. for eue.e e tt en unties say degree's( heat recognised by th e thy. socaketer.--Nao Yarkailn' me. i~.. ._ _ .. n. . , tbs g tibia sheers tba n •,.• • lesr funs, braid bonnets, strait braid, [sawed In Efasseebniens Oudot the y nnber Ste bonnets and H o ts, :1,04 e 13 954 Vote, of Btriw Braid, Ps. Lod Hats, ' =All thin by famakmonostly finis? Worcester, Hampabbs and Franklin • em moot. Are not such indnatiroin gelnirang/1 Tex Pointinp of the Bettle: l lltenee irjr. Will attended art Tueett!,l6"al 44 and we uwieratan4 the tudiediee PITTABURGU-WREILTG ZETTI 1 il llse:ember SOciorssxve ix /RT._ player/ 024 m helve Congreis-Mere Troops. die. -Supreme Couch-Commerce, Idce.-Thi meek= War-Great Destruction of Life-Phil. 1 4 1 Phia Menuterh!--Meeting in ,be.ielf of the Cincinnati suffoners-Werd lifeethigrLlropross• meat in the English Money Maristi r News by;. the Hibeznia--The .War--ihe Prdent and President making-,43ab.,Tressery. , •Cbristroas at the Metropolis -- d ews Itzans--Frireari l y Meeting" -Estimates of the Tressuri.Depanthent-The War-Commerce--Repreme , Ccieutj: etc-The 11,13 • Great Central Western - Rill ' ethir. Taylor -Whig Convention-New ooki-litosam Boat AM:Meat-Scotch Reline i ' Nair England 'Ekiciety--Still Later from NI ' koe Making February Interest-From Manta 1 7 l e-Primp lowa Report of the Committee who, attended the Rail NW Convention at MasSillon..46llarcry-Wu, 614-Pirew York Correspondence.-fVews Items Latest Telegraphic newa, Foreign add Domestic. Commercial-A carefully complied! .p Review ol the Markets for the past weekTlierices in the local city markets -The Cattle Market-The prices orlAmeriearr Produce fa Tarim parts Of the union -Amount. of Flour, Wheat, Core die., received shier the opening of the C21121-.4 1 111111 btlaille. and m.lvemeots of produce-Market io London. City News-,.pmt of thePreni-Copious Extracts (rd . = the leading parathion the ieteresting topics ollthe day. ‘ . . .. li For sale at the desk, singly Or lit Wrappers. Price 6 eents single copy. ' Subscriptions two dollars is year in 11:7Thei Clinante —le sinter ely instructive ui the haFtho aatiele, for akte,) the soda. enufge new heat to cold, and. ho sad. canes Yellow, barb, Coarse CoMplerione. Thee it is remnsith that thli pores of the •kin thou Id be kept open—that then. Mouths should be freed foon:thiptuity—bwas thus the ancient. Rem. En lothpeets eared all dweasett—they,compatbd that am,. nod .thcalthY rapers lenshreagli the pores of the shut, than any ether outlet of the body I. It IN antes. safy, therefore, to keep the pores , open —all humors are dispelled from the oh infra= the Pores:en. , ther..h . with Joass'ltaliart Chemical Veep-1 hart m i .coo t care the worst and °Lang erns of ban glentii, Erysipelas, Old Eons, Banat's - Itch,tere Head krniworni whith every other internal and ementalrentednhad Pand— as elfeet rendensgrhe atm wrote, dear and soft, theme! the yellow sad snodertutoo d 4 3. etwes Fret. hies, Ten, Esteban', btorplurw, and at of the eklo—bat pennies mast be particular mad k for Jests' eteap—to be had in Pittsburgh at Whl.J.lhpfliON,mipt Grille Mg Boot, 91t!em Li at. Price 50 cams. pelf lowly • , fglo flatter.• Glemeng Pasurectis--Iligomat. Timmaionr—We Ueg team, to cell pabhg attention to I _ l, o following, front Dr. Wm. Doan of, ath...mile t.lentiont Co., and one of the eery hist p igslmoners in XX: counry m whidh he resides, and late' natio in the lit le Logielature.. It is cheering lhaa uMee die lead in• torn of the professma, harming the lids of.profes tronal prejudice, and giving amends doe ' PS.Ir: hare ma my pice hoe, using Amoco( your Ginseng Panacea; asod, to Oar, KM tlemeil its egeets m Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaint... Please rend me half a dozen bottles-pat them atlowieas you 'can; as I expeet if it coat:nue to reader general sat isfactine as it has heretofore. mimeo it onstalatly on hood. Respenfrally. sapl7 WIC .ax, X. D , , • jjl7.llalls 'of Colaseataa-Litia •mo—To the. Raid and'firet —lf yea wah a rielt , J.z.4'. l /.. 1. .' ham, freelrens dandruff and scatf, aim Mil tepreetta , the genuine balm of Womble. to cit. baldness it Mill more than eiceed your expectant's. Many who have lea Otani hair for 'daycare have had t Taunted to ,if °mune pet &mien by the use of thi b al& Ate, ante ei col:Ida:on appear to be utipbµ.l aigate:Fer, it alto ceases (befoul to tow with Which M &beak heir tithe in filled , by which mean. Mortemart tat bole hate Wm grey as the AMlttlie Estlelhave had air ban re stored to to natural mkt, by the bseef ' n invaluable remedy. .Itt all me* of fever it will be found the mai plesmant wash that can be mot' A fel/applications onl7 ate necessary to keep th e heir from Iling oat. It atesuphena the reels, it raver fads 'to impart a rich Blowy aPPearsttce.d on a peewee for E toilet trio nerpralled; it bolds three times as moth other mis called Into Incentives nod is more e teal. The genuine reanafectured by Commack & Cojnt Ca anland t, New York. . • • j 6.14 to ristsbargb,only ircnoini,b* Wl.l .I.ICIMON, b . ? bdtvir at ,headof Weed; in Nl4atiM. : llH2ta,Pti.., by _Jqat ,beid of Wind; id . Wathington, Pa, by Sweeny k non; in Brovensrlile: by Boman .Ik•Crockett in Canonabarsb, by Dr. Vostok also, by bar aarouts oing lawn , Okki and " itylpaklellraT MrPT. Staamabosat a... tad Ol&arra—Corsi neltrs Magical Pain kivacar-l[il nowiltatroeded by tardial info. that Caere!'. ,n eat Path Litracto!, thatitifssuned by Cm..mek IC. Y 1 Caanlind at, is the greatest wood. of the 10th contact Its otters d strut on.se alms*. All paittaare removed from barns .Raid..a.e.. and aU external errs., ta Inn =out.* as ter +u applicator,. healing the same on theasostdsteabi skin. learuni a. scar. It it. Nattily bensfietal L, all kinds of ina•eseirttory discuss. WA as 61011, !tipples L Kyr.; Ppraois. ithettnatiatis." - Wlsite Breton and Onuses. Barns, Lltilblaina • ElYstklaa, third Tio Delores., ae. !Petaled add at pang WWI we ray, the Dames of thug othinentphystennaniko ate it lit their practice, and hundreds of theology Übe pause n tit their ponple. third assent keep it onstatainly. band. lin oasts of accident by bre, lifa say be lota sethaat but by Its use Cu barbs are sablrat WI a eanuoloonans the vitals are destroyed. Csauon—Hcracabor and ask tot Connell'. Magical Pain Extractor, manilla coned by Comstock a Ca, ft. Y. sod in other. &de be WM. JACKSON, Agent. the Pitubotola fa 4,ibeny at, batid of wood nwpdaseicaT !WO.. your hair fall off; does roar hair usro ran . telt harsh,. it dry, or diny. I prayt . If It's thus, you out make It son, silky and toe, ' Dark and healthy, and beamootro thle alt of mane. , And to have this, you hove but!three • to give ! Fora bouts of loan' HE, Restorative. Readout( yen have bad nair you vroold ally bit as tonished at the lovely effect a Wee vitt ing bottle of lam' eau'. Hun Ramumabn on I It needs hot one trial. hold at E 9 Maul 1 - stfultwl y ITTY•llocoTeetlt east pittrat bee eneogy yews like men death, . Is repoleive end dlsgoinng.. . . All eeeld hose teeth whoa nape It Sweet Itteallt—hard Illffi.—mill left . Why delay?—flay, conekly bane t And lona bon or Jingle Tooth P te. I, no., bpi ZS Celli., and basalt l brieltlrld Brad h ft owes toe teeth a Lee enamel. 1,.. kiln 4.i,mb. m e , t o I , th cr.,.. , vIl L l / 1 1 ,1/ .robe' J see • 0 -D..% Writ yellow dark Teetb—thee oi an be reaJe dearly whoa by one tone using w,bor of sae Ammo 100 Porte lt Pude. the gems,sweete s the breaLb, !sc. Bold at to Liberty at. • Oritaltw:y tu•Pllau, ,Setes, 4c—Tfie. Gemini Hays , UM m m eet, Is an artmle mole Justly celebrated s a cure fo e above than say er all others: Its cu ire aintosl innumerable. & by WM. /ACK BON, A ant for Pills. nv adderdair (11.1..sidies who tow /once ammish Lily, have always a fine while t iansparent•salrb this a (nal will musty mayor.. hold only in Pittstm Lib. otty ea11.190.14y ' , . g —, fl i - Mane. Eatitorai—Alkier Inc ihinni poor vain. abTe met to nig g em to the Whigs of ntabanth the name at CHAS ll._ WELLY, Eiq I n. • dandidatc: Inc the nomination at Maya, ' del2 .PlitB i. lU•Don't nova a Fool Booth-I(3w. Aave, on • ehilhor bottle of Jona' Aribet Tooth Fow4 Thatwill noke jour breath meat, whituo your . tee th . ax. Bola It Eilf.abohY . Um Milt and Lasoie—Coruopek's Norte and llene Liniment and Indtart Vegetable Elixir, le the evnt efeetnal rem for Rheemat:are, ! Sold Sy %VAL JACKSON, turd for Patifiargh. • evl6d&wilmT . . • Of scarlet fever, on the Seth Ingtj, at ID'e , lock, A. II MARION GRAN, daughter ofßev. Thomas nproall, Rae 3J year of her age. TN the Coort of Coalman Piens or Allogieny Couto. :n the Commonweilth of Ponloyiranint Decca= perm, 1831, No 14. COMMONWEALTH OP PENN& . . „. co rel WM Xing, 1 Petition of vs • ; • somuuttee for Jane Eton la knobs.) disyllabic tr=L l' heotr now, pre cured to =tint of a. H. Esqr„ the court order that Js'a Shannon be di. charged as the committed of, the said 'Jae. King op the hip day of February, A DIH9, upon his paying over to his successor the balancti doe on hie Seeman4 and do also.ordev that nonce hi /leen melt powie itberesteth by publication the SYeekly 4 " g .ly G titr&L i g, re """ I' "ViR th A n glILTZ, dectihatP • ; Prothonotary. DIRSOLOTION. 1 • • . THE ptuthenhio eubsistieg betireen:the pubseribers, under the Nile of Poindexter 4 . C0., eras' dissolved c,,,,,,nce.1 consent, an the 15th lent end the, basiness of be coneem will be closed by IL Wi Poindexter and C 11 Grant. . ' R W 'POINDEXTER, deal . aF i Gait= t 1 N , ET232M CO.PAILTALEUMIP. THE subscribers will vontintie basinctsac We obi stand, No It water street, is usuni, under the style of oPolndexter k Co.^ ' I Ns , kfINDEETER, ded9 C GRANT. Journal COPY.. UOVIIIE FOR lIIILE-,The ;two sire Brick Ll. Hoare. ta, Liberty: Mtn', lin the held dl, of the clothing swat, next to the Them Big Doopt,.(the right rile. lot lolling dotal nig) occupied atiirellalla as a Cu. pot vratchouse, by the onbsenbor, Backlit!. panic. mare apply to Jehntbomp,en an the premises. decticlt B UTTER LARD -3 bats MAWS; ' " 42 kegs and l• bbl lard, Wading from su New England and for sale by JAMES EALZELL, elee i wawa et. nArri.mi FLANNYLL-Two 6alei heavy- un bleached—long p— received limiter Wetly f 11.HAWILEIT A WHITE, decO • weed id S lAl.Z i pt T 4 t aike fioda,jast meiv .I:esa Y " &infltft. I.IILATIC .ACID-3 carboys Jim iimeivad and for .ale by • . , • • . deeid - _ BRAUN k• REITER-. RUM -5 LlElea; (moil Carolina rite& more and for aaie or dove LOUIS HUTCHINSON O. SMAR HEMSKbiOLASHEIP'-u bbl. N H aialata7 as netivrol per au ?Cava and fin sale by • 4Oes2a 1.09113 HUTCHINVION t r7EPHYR WOUSTILD'CMPORTAFei gams ind , .7 , 5 Id. -lute do. 6risgeri—.mood be Oda at as B.n of • '.w IIUIPHY dose' coitk swisnektlttli • ~'.; IMIMI i ~~ 711AL.laliEJ AND DIV/IDENDIV • • 04. W.W. maned 'pehoo• Isibe-Bast at Prresnatgia. dm: kayo neither hummed al duips-' bleed ;oral" lan three you*. .. • • • • - .• • - 111$216• 1845: Valae. 1,057,899 102,367 480.337 Rota. :Rojelena: Due. Ammar. Ilmenos Alm*. 1031 Sept St 519 Co JamMAlWion, Bearer,l9ed nag 93 20 ' :Pa 'Andrews, Clevela nd, O. 7231. Feel, 14 72 71 'Martha Aiken, • 1644 Mar :XI 61 Dame] Benzins:neer,' • 1% . 7 Alg 16 17'201 JohnDirmin ham.. 1114 Sept 59 133 Benjamin Chew, Jr.„ , 1E47 Nov 27 0196 William Connelly, lel4 Nov 91 13171, John Connell; • • 12r4Jone 111 133 Coors aeon. Pleas, Allegh'y Co MS Moo 7 . 1231 Coostricy, Ade1:13141.4 Foster, • (Ohio sft=lnioners,) 1/41 Dm% 7593' Sohn Tliomae Cowan, 1214 M are 15 93. Christopher Cowan, ' 1&35 Feb 4 93 On , Cramer MAO, . Deb lone 17 IJ?.,' Daniel Conan, ' 1831.110 11 35 r Darlington eying asal,gnee of lan. Adonis, Jr. SonielDavia, Ralph Davis, John Dickey • Beaver, Wm B Foster, Henry Foolke, GabnelGuialsei, Assigoec, Gonnly &Bell, • A C Hamilton, T Hamilton, Armstrong co. Jas. flanultorn Carlisle, • John Hanceek, Aaron Hart, Limner, Jones, Johnltendemon, Alexander lien-or, Hyridnian &Mackey, John Johnium, (Peen Harter) Robert/ones, Joseph:Jankin,Sr.,. - John Kirkpatriek . H B Latrobe, Miehael Limber, Walter Lowrie, !linden... Ann Magoffin'a Exmoor:. James 54 , 0ahan, Somph M'Clonock, Jr. Joseph hl'Colloagh. Leada MoDennot, Joke McDonald's, Exits, D & W !denier., Anhui WWII, David Whielvy, David Miller, Westmoreland et lamer Morrison, • .JJ O'Brian's Adners, Joeob Painter, Patterson, Ingram& Co. Hervey 11 Peterson, Nathaniel Plenums' Jr. George Poe, Jr. John Ramage • - Junes Rannejr, feanalera George Bellamy, John litaritril's Mlecutorg, riampririsklMevart. Frederick Scherer, Johann. Schmidt, . George Belden, Henry Moppen, Richard Small, John Ceajth,• Rona Stephenson, Robes Riesiort, M Tian. J Trevor, Vll Watheld, • Obi.. A Wars Adsniniunrion, F Wetmore & Co. Ileac Wickersham, Charles Wilkim, HatmohWilliams, John P Wrenshall, hooch Wright, prrnpa.s P.TP.I NCO. f.t.. rinitinne. • S Pd. Jack le. le .1 Robbins, At Erma 0 Poe, Guardian, Balinnorn, Chat Avery, :Allegheny, 0 Schram:, Hew. %V Walton, ar. Lydia Canteen Meadvile, James Pbchinson, J C Hofer Ltras`uick. brekan i Joisa IlonasPn M JAlddletorars,l James Alli.uy Deaver, James Kaiak Spangler, . • 11 Mac Shane, el. Lows, John Deanne:on, Jaime &Mealy, Junes blagolim, Mercer, Jahn Norm, Wll3 Johnslon, Erma Ann Moran, Mercer I Zahinter.iruarnian Elias Wilton, taxtt r. .1 Graben, President, T M Howe,: atm). APDonald, • Mary MD Wesbii, • R Neal Co., 8 Pi:uterine', John Riddle, T Neal &CO., Chalice Fook, E Hankins, John Kelly Pnuibergb , W MeCallotign, • ar k lT . S.l4' Co. H la m. tue, John Pont,: Jane Poits, • Joseph Weliley, /sloeOshatne, Junes Homer, (kings limy, George Me th), Jacob Tinsman, emale) Nene, Allegheny co. Vbean• Algae, Rotas Reed, Elea. , McFall, John Winnakall, initA itrallatte, . 2 Y.I 41140 4 AO W Gay;. . AO t Ad 00 Pala Adentore g ' 3 : 1 AO EdiatolEnnell, Jr. Birmingham, . b 5 3. A k.l CAnseker t 4., 302 N Vnegdy,tir , Allegheny, . AI 30 P.lll•Corankk,Pittabersth, IS 31 sd I certify that the foregoing appears to be tralance, and dividends inc the persona named, and having re-, stained .in Bank enchanted on three years. There, are slew other Litigate. which have not been anibeientlyi exisainell Ita .publimP In the foregoisa list, and ate mu entente doubtful; bat st kanad Antra, grill be oottlitbed agegayti, • ! JOHN SNYDER Cashier. .. Sworn and sitbsentwd,Vre. kbh.lEl7, dembdeloadt • GFXlltlint WATSON. ' _ Alderman. TriDiArtillitlTS b DRAW Sp—Lamb's won/. me riort.commm and .ilk andarakilar, and drawers to be nd bad&M at dry goods , blare of R MURPHY ' a N E earners fdt h a market me BLACK PLAID ALPACCAS—BIack Plaid 7 Al7- eas of a splendid quality and hang/woe patiam Net reeeived by . ALEXANDER A DAY, eleceb ; • Martel N W ear cattle diamond SUPER.VELVEC - - MANTILLAS-A row eaum vel , ant!NantAlas of very-Madame atTio j...Pened • ALEXANDER b DAV 75 market eL N v nor of Me diamond - 12 ARRED I'ELISSE CLOTII--B4ok,Rottottol Blue Pollue Cloth ter children's drosses: . _ ALF-XANDER A DAY 73 isouket ot W tor of the Masnond UNDEILIC3-40 bbls N 0 Inv; I I hEMI N 0 mots.. - , ; • IW base. botch laisas; . • Louling from .101.111er faro H, for vile by E11,0,11.V.Y & 8317TH, dee:N la sad VD word $.l. Pa'PP/Onr - ZO b.f. P4per 'store and to tak by 11 /MALEY it R. MITI I dc26IP awl %Iwo.' se • RACO-1000 nts receiving from locazoloolt Co.. eel, and for salq by 'doc2E. FLOUR -190 bblo ino door, and 19 do Gne, rceeny. 199 from rte American, for Yak by dedYB /AMES DALZELL S O4 bys coo Palm amp In one aud for ule to cioio coomg mom, by droOs JANE DALZELL. POT; ABU-9 bblifor sale by dei.2l F1•221 2 1:-175 Lb!. goat fa/ utle by , W talEb.R 1 AILD—A mall lot at coinury lard in kilo for isle hYi (deei), W OREER. LARD - I 8 borsch No leaf !Gni for family ass, for safe try FRIEND, UMW d Co. dee:B, Nod water et (LlMEDll—tri b4l. eloverseed;23 bads tl meaty seed in 13 store and for sale by LS WATRRMAN dee24 N water and Of front sts 'DEA3OIIIEB-20 wake dried peaches in meta and (or male by. LS WATERAIA.N deal , water lied Oi (rant .1 FLAX lIIICED-3sack•kr.mle by deoll . , • • WICK k. INTANDLEB3 BRAPCDT-4-kf pipet liennenylkandy, Lando. color, vintage el +42,tovititve; tor vale by • dtV ` • • PC MARTIN re_ed th da.p.i,g,N.A COVPE-150 bolo receiving .114 for oak: by /D dcYB TASSEY &Elbbi-T UPPER-15 bap In mote.; for WeP bl . drel . : :TMISLY & BEST (2111AP-41)) Ono Cincinnati Sosin • TS " Amania Candles: in store; TASSET & BEST CS woad street for sahib). de:l t - SALTS-304,b1, scorched saltd:Si prime ankle:ST - as mid by dcl3 nseeSEY & Barr vv . ? L es e—t a so n t.,. aged ,i 1 plAPPII681: I, 1 1 (nrand yea; 144 Bsdc by. 01 ;eR dc2l I itArkw""' Nnert4cuTcHEoN ITTSBUROH Mumfacia., ger Pto order at mannfulasers poets by den I WL it bIeCUTCIIFIIN WADDING -400 dot more I cerise black gluon eraddins jou reel for gals by de23 13H&EAI.ETT & WHITE ON VON • PORTER-3 esko pint and — quart boa - L 11.3 1 , for sale by dent. • • . P °MARTIN' (Li ARMICE-1-50 bib sod 50 Of blo tor siletijr . ►7 dc92 . P 0 MARTIN TALLOW-93fibis prime le,on eauifnmenti for iale by F3R:LibRIS dclll I ' 17 libeny st 4 QULZS—A new *apply of Gel:s and Ladies Cork sktler :or ads both wholesale d retell b di • dat RATON r LAM[ Cosh aed Tesseis—A large assorunent at _ deft • . EATON , •frhomin. Store Vgspi—A tow irdoe prics4 VLOVR-145 Em V I 40 tic 22 P - 'er*p.-11) bore luttpseel .49 'WALL WA at ikul Wllee delltil FLUOR-. m 5 'be mile detl I sTOBIE P deati vall i ols= tA''Z'j,...:t..r..2.1•;!..,, ,' ~~x ` 2tiii.' , Outts....',..': - :'...L'j - Joiu• Dr Dwitii; Ametlesiior ' . . .. , ,_ , .. .. 1 - _,- -- , DO' - ~- ,: On Tasted ay monang Dec' kV* at 10 ea . k, at, ihe _,.., .., . _ • • • .. It.- - ----- - laG6 al , r . 6171menlia gOOMMOrPer 11“1.4 a o. US a will ee soLl whim% reserve, An secoant w is Wiry A c la ye Teal:mom of sealo4le foieise amd eloWei• va2 tie dultoode; An., arnongebich. are Lay sauna;aa• y'ZIO . ' pe 4 ' l; eloth7:taliACttll plaid, aand stripe alp Irian lute°, shims robes, t oes , coot and Mo cha shards, wit hdka, Sopa. pilot and beaver drabs double and tannin e..a Weda.coina, easforiarae- , - - At I o'clock,c. at. • !I _ barrallad 0 saga.; coed OmdttYl • ' 3 IX, cheats Young IfymaTea; I crate Oka and queenewara atiortod; i.• :10 ream po ne crier by SA . _ _ 12 &apt foal and.Deronshiro aboeels; . ' '. 7 d 6 bay and rnanare.Ork a; H A large Quantity of near and secondhand hourebold and alien= furndue, lame . and noddle sue Woking: alansesiBdav landau hour ciocks, .carocrind; 161 , 1 ae pener Stores of various kinds, to. At 6 o'ckek, S. • •' A _qo rally of shoe. and tibois. run oreraboe4 naps, fancy toilet and abasing sham, cologne Irate: 6 1.... b nears: anises, specaelesonaora,rasor %sopa. gold and alive& aratehes, German fancy good:, ready made cloth. tna. • peal satiety of books, twee; fork' deet3 1979 Den SP 51 33: 15419J0ne10 100 1 1813 Jan 15 15 30: 11136Jcne 8 10611 1618 Aug 31 89 33- I 1611594 e ft' 80 1534 May. 5 13093 121561,10, wee 1/36 Oct 3. .12 50 von Dec 6 1795, 1641 Oct 7 50 I 1841 Jan 99 21 10 1014 July 26 29 90 18171008 17 49 251- 1817 Nor 8- 221 501 1935 Mar 2 490 11E3' Feb 21 .10 ' 1914 July 13 7790 ' , lea ocl 3 4965 . 1111411aly 13" -16 • 1E33 Feb' 6 10: 1914 Aug .8 3744! 1644 /au le 60 1533 Jan 31 35 1938 Mar 16 69 IX 19 May 17 593 J, 1812 April 4 /99 I 181511ee 9 0901' 1804 4or 7 - 10186, • IEO7 May 6 100 180 May 1 67 371 4 1022 April 70 3407 1839081 7 1267 183.1./oly 18 495 05 1954 Oct 3-,14060 " . 1619 June 00 1155,, 1819 Oct 24 4539: 1614 March 2 10 Mr 1838 Jan - V 1637 Jane. 17 19 01 1617 Sept IS 5095 1859 Mar 31 MO 37, 1939 (rept 15 • 4021: 1810 Feb 10 IE3I Jan 6 . 50 . 1514 Oct 2 300 18 . 4 June 51 16939 le3l Feb 10 ID" 1E36 Jaly , 8 35 1641 D 613 -7131200 1431 Oct 27 11 46 18111 14 1795 , • 1542 Oet s 3 440:1I71' 118e5 nay IS 10 • 1845 Ap l l te9 35 1935 July 8 NO I 1932 Jan ^S 12014', 1830 Oct -16 11 111 161111ay /1 100 1843 June 7 156 0 1816 sept 3 • 10 1139 Jane 10' 18541 1918 May 7 23111 URI Nor 21 195 1831 Feb 27 35 07 1635 June 75 30 that Farnitare, Qseensware, Glassware, 41.6.,'1t On Wednesday Mining, Dee, 91, at to at . Oelock Outontereial Vales) Dooms, corner Of Wood and nth Ms, will be sold the entire stock of Combat:and knishes, forniture 0(41 c.otletnan who Intends rooming Itorn this elms:wog wkich are figured her clot! spring seat sofas, eons sou, fancy 1/141<061111bli chain, Coin(' breakfast and kitchen tables, superior Itigh sad tow post Hed.sleads, hods, bedding, nuntruses, mahogany bo restworasb stands, parlor, chambers:tut stair earpetant, looking glasses, willow eradles,Vertitian wradow Molds, =Ate' clocks, kitchen funitors, &a.' •; • ,' 1 ars.•csanttry of new furniture, queens...4m. ke. Bo o oz,fli. r i g i tg a irj notlrs4-tri!ELEL lan do r book of FL3, were. • ' , The Roe. or Offering's gift: iteel eneraelne. ; American Wild Flowers, re their rthdrertheme.': The fitiovr.Ylake: •' .Ments and other Tiles. • 1 , - ,The l'Ocueal Werke of Fitz Orem Hellock, , non Bret colleinal; illeatrated - whhnteet ealtavines, Jest pablished. ' • The Beaaonr, by Jae Thontrelm, arid, engraved .111 es: trations. eo most splendid editosa; Turkey morocco and oilier binding. .. The compkte LondoitEdition of Hoban Borne Worts; costaitorqg his poems, songs. and correspondence; hiss trated,ke, tee. .Virtue's edlnon,B so. , The complete Poetical works of Jeans Montecoment,' Moore, Byron,--nave edition; Southey, Cooper,' Campbell, Seen. Dante, Tun, Hentarts, Smut other various to and to serious bindiags. Harper's iliastrated dhaksocart,in 3splendld toes. Tbe abase with others, and Muth nipple of Juvenile books. 'Pot erde I I J 14t.E.htf . sea • deist, near inexact CIIHIHTAI&EVAND NEW TEAR'S &NINGa GIFT BOONS, .to ae. r at eastern 'Oaks; • 4 ! Landau of memory and dluminated anniaLforlll Gets. of ilm aeason, for /849. Flower. personiSed, ' do ' Rower direction , . gifr do Cbritunat Illossomr. The ' , ambits illaininalad—heard in Berlin iron... Tomo. of nu Liman Galled k—illorninme& Roush and Heady almanac.' Thompson' somoni.--alerrantly illostrattd & bosh , Goldsmith" poems Ao.. do, - Sonny house of aleldhood. • Moore" poetical works—splandhlly. ilhistrated Wand. Hyron't.works do Ido • - 4lendid port &Hot of cap, letter nod rune &sae: , Elesondy bound seeker and family Bible& Rosewood writing desks and, welt boxes. Globes of 0. le and Winches diameter.. . For tali by ' JOHN H MELL• OR dec4s 1 67 maxi at /1919.21. .41915 10 012 • 18 ' 22'1 52 x 550 ' 49 00 20 go ao 10 14 10 6 .20" 46 /1 24 ' 10 :0 6 no 1 , 3! O 112 90 1 4 40: 14 •24 1.15 1:0 5 • 2 1 tl 16 4. 20 120 0750 9 O - 9 10 • 75 14. ' 1115 7 5150 30 135 75 2750 122 204 JO 24 29 00 . 40 140 95 040 6 12 ID 14 6 - 960 4 040 O 4 , 10 9 2 1 CO 5 4 10 14 6 460 • 640 , • 010 Z 1 19 0 4 40 • 640 • 5 13 16 ID • 14 16 29 - ; 100 W ' • 2 2 . TOHITII6BiCOUATRYIERCHAATS. , W11..P.-EIIiIAILDT,i .' I 'bro. 123 iskrth 3 1st. above Race, vpodlatrafrlch. -,• —Phila.ldS: l, W 1 if rn 4: iL 11AS consuonly oe hand a large alto a t . of new and fashionable eapto(!al Rind., to artal..o be invites the suesuatt of the Trade. and who ban for the last maid yeers been engaged 1 , it this particular .bnumh. and sueceeded in bihigingli to mach perfection as will be seer, by the follroWing eaTt from the m Renae( th e noictetiuse on the -gatanition of the Franklin Imitate, Philadelphie. ..,• No. Pie . Men and Boys , Caps by WM P Phintudt, N0.133,M0n1i nd to. Pluinti`a;.wcil and neatly, mile. .One of these caps deserve some notice on accountiof its convenience; one sitle hot elotbr and the other or ' mind oak', and either teethe worn ounident the pi si• tare of the wearer. This, so far as the /edges , kneks, s the lira instance of such an anangemeni apshee ' Cape" • Useful &ad Orstanimatati GI A FINE ansoruacal of fancy articled, src— Bandon. Crochet Bap:l6ll,AM lel Stedßaad olld French adk 1.44 a, Bilk porter,navr styler. - Ivory tablets; pearl mernonsnit. Enamelled and ivory paper ;anti.; Napoleon and ponable Wm. entel, watt eotlab and klais and Boot; ' Tootbrickr, plain mow eaknal Portiollosi pocket kooks; Papistores; needle books; Fancy be:ea; Berlin iron baaketa; Willow basaktk, en. dc. Now Oin. 633 tat A tlballa wad ao tho Warp, 'TWENTY-FIVE DULL ARS will het pant m. 1,.. who will pr0d....90.31 . p0int, green or oirr,- moot be-Osemeted 'i with Ifon's Improved Chorale, Soap. I have the vatisfaction ofuyingta toe pinntilelot this place, that Otis anicle,by my own em,profeatent on; it, now stands main-idled is due coodtry for op r aftlitg rour,tarasternoilipaint, or may other' greasy note atone!, from all kinds ofgentlemen's or ladle,' clotfuns,' 4 em9aP table Oa th s, manna shawls: Imre.' Wane be, wititoto Analog anything that pate water will I. .iaiori. More that am tiontµod pgrokois , to dire I parmiof the citatory hove 'told aseflicy mold not : Anthoki it; if it cost one dollar per cake .. Is trpoit thin. Soap on more than .300 grimier of Slat sitke. a ltatMS,•r. pacoae. and clicoca, I have only Mood thtne planes o f ..illt,, two_of 'alparea, and four of entire, on which it changed the rotor; iltemfore beasts, paiugit Won rOii t dress try a sample of Inc do= fint. I mate Wes Peso damn:Mom:foot to recommeadit any stroniterl [know to be stria*, true. ' : N H Mini :Price, 11l et, per cake. Sold, wholesale 'OM retia by ~ , ' It E SI:LT:En:4 4 deli . * ' ' , 67 WOW ' Threes arsesi for Sili. •• 1 i i i i joh, !Tiff? sulacriber oXers G3r talc, in Peebles .Ea.trehatiP. Allegheny .county, those i Farius, , each one comets ing re merest axone of. thernithere'ts a good stone house, large home barn, two.nrchscds, ottite a number of other lorpowentents....7ltere .is so abut , Alsace of Coal. on the other mot** abaut tre Ames Of , Meadow Ou the, third _, ado:using th elsonsof gl ' Walter Foreword, and W. Stewart, there to • good,fs house and barn, and two of glom eyeholes. %The a se' firms will I. sold oar or about the Or,; of Fehr pelt- For limber particulars Inquire of the Zal F. bee AIARIa A ler...T FLE.IIIIIiO ~ dec2d3t Peebles township, Alleshear e "lognerr rt. etigrolte, . ' Late rely a ttbepard. - ''. -• . 1 11 SHEPAR it D DUNCAN. I AUCTION k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Aar the old stand of Stay a. hfopttwl,) ST Eire p i ttungllTltTlo s t ' Z ' tertthte ' tti the' • T T of Dry fkods,Oroterlm and Merchandse! . o. go? . Orally. The, feel prepind lo attend to all th e e , meats of their business efficiently and {dealing to goods( their owrisweoant)istpwrtiolly. 1:r , 1 • Ra.- to hi. Allen, h. Co. J. W. llettlei & Co., Pi VERSE • TEAS Just received__' hem Philadelphia rad New Tork,Pekin Tea Cecelia a prime lot of fresh Green a• d BlacltTesa, comps" , the followipai • . •• : Vona; Ilysoni. • Fine Oolorogi , Fir Vim. do. • Ex. Fintido I :Silver Leaf Ilyson, •Csidoing Soriebore, Extra fine da; EngtishAreakfast Faris& Fine Gunpowder, reeks. Fhsvmesi • Extra Fine levenalii i Haas Flavored; .Tye above Teas have beeg selected grit!, areal ea e by 000 of the best loaves in the east, and grill be d on as lair terms as can be had at any otherholise fA ' airy. n o • JAMIE 111.A CKlifil - da2s conies of third and sada held =MMEI IMEMZI . SMOKE • HOUSE: IHAVE rovided myself widen reed 0100110 lio 1. and curial hands. well acquainted with Mont* amd am mar prepared to smoke 0101010 tke satire Makin cf•tholie who may isme nut a call. Charges low as any house: lathe city. • PIUS. bELLEItti dean • • NoI7 liberty . NOTICE.- ADARREL of Lard masked U, arei4lng ibtatt ; ;4 los. turn by tens,ake how the Wens* F-- day last, Mk issa Raid Urals! balm's., so iho,me r Cambria. Any infirtenalioa given srbtre Assn La,:bu . • Will be laankfally reec Iv.] by die.subsenters.: , I I FgEttOrni Co Plueboegh, Urea ,11317. : . I - ; 'I ODA. ASII-42 casks (difeet front the mann* r• er in England via New Orleans; the aameauength as that which gave suet general asulafsetion) "put ie.- ,eeived pr 813Iarmnk, and tor sale on iieennuncelankw itelms by • IV & AI PIITCHELTREtiI - I AbOUICT thipmeat smite net math' and thencle l ibrarian! regular xopplies.. i • 1 I rwpc teahi,lft.t ,WDIE 111111lTlitT111 . 71 . mLi srtived per& 11424!nranak,Rud fir We bt W t AI IiIiTCHMTREt6 , • Wisatir aloaierys ! W ll ,, hl n, Ujirc by an band. excellent • - Ladle's/Alcoa° GLoveseVelesido;TA e dre=til d% Id< es do: hlen's Luted Berlin do. LadiearhiltheaboW. Segovia and Lamb's ss oot dO; aletinn . and 'Alpaca} %Woollen hoods for missile, enildren , s plaud wool hor wade merino do.lae: Al t , low • rice* ' d T' oREATEIrr-notik oFmilEl B EAsE s t, a , Dr. Web...a Greek.Ameriate Ea6hghlroage,l l 2l•Otnain;ecmtaintaullil WU de former edideps eantainea; rentatt.by chanter A. 'lloplrieh, Prof-Yale 9allAe. The aunt 'apoiplete don eier po , li•hed; bat veL , esimn quaric. Pe e FS M. For tale hp • L - C, READ; dee'S ' , -41. h neer aurae -1; in none . ' or r sale ASSEY 111E8. • lard.; Jest nem eQUTCLIEQN , ':'ls2Libcn • m CANTODI _PLAIIIIMIGII,Opea Wit osdniin, one caw anbloartte4 eahlatt fluntelialrood wool Ittae buied. 4 . l o4.4(4o;tcatist iutd yelltni woo op, sopestor pidid *Writ brio bidatcuog and &leash 6.. ...hheht of venuar rode gt..r.dt!t. al•the dr, El . Wale of ... • • R thtllll44 dd4S3 i• N E etintem 4th add thattet 414 vmmaira.:• T.V.l , l7 , PXCiltuh'itiOitaigtliotrV A s," together whit gegen& easortetent of Leather to! hug low of beeinesveturtierht tool*, ott,go: o f a ' du be will BC 00 the poet reetoriable terms, at 163 Übe • ty arm lOppOtite.o4l, et.y: : deYLln. - , JOHN II BAYARD rrEgl..r -101 paekaYerofTc.,arfalbai , viz if half pieta H.Teas • „ 1R da: .I* - :cir -do: YN do , . • 16131 b, do' ImA "• reed fresh; alio! 'Ouch we @Tor low slid rialto!. Far eller by W & M'CUTCHHONI 1511lberty I POH THI6 HOLTHAVS. ALIMAN—The - Floril, Scriptural, I.luOndl Soden' Sono mint, and mane other kinds. In entry vim ty of Mod ng. Dinh; and . Prayer .' bon . nrcla ?ft."! for 111 1 At i r p i st .ioAkin. 314, 1 :n g,„gi • Bonksillnia amoral/darnel 4and 7d in bAr z T smalls rawne-vstuuxscst !Fltddb!P.Peidliel, eiddli!mincenaldwitif. d and fancy n noldpaperadd_inveloped,ke, 4.. ri m dire r="! a elitrlMPWrot t eap ponAbfkkr .: e dapertiniainted.And wi: . For •ak-il •- .` -.lummox BTOC7O ,dead ! ! dliaidaetrednutrondartniadd.id lAO AIIIMOUSIG-71. Eaglieuxiiiee in call l t paid Az good CLOW “g 1; alms cum., lass rope, Wong,. Imilett pigs: conot.i...e,* y • -{y cHARWICKI e*, betWgeg pp Y i d liberty Onertim 'feu - - _" • - STEAMBOATS. :..lijy PACKET Till'l iau 6 —T"'"pspd .."srei=__ 4 "- ,„,..,...,jr[mii ad, sad soon tamer al boanowas wasentof the Waskf„..Every sonalnlak.anoa and own • fon that none, auprocure, Alaska. ptoaided ocagerol Thellno bat been to ollankanal‘n Tans —bane carried lit poOP: ii ttr a t , :k leas lar2lrtnerikle'd4lnenlicannnlTbe lanitlk, inn rce ko 4. l tioo of (taiga, awl llaa 008101 pk.socagoriaa , troaq, ter: 'ip all cams Um pwage moon t be. pild MONDAY RIMIEST. The 1110NONC.a BEL/1,1:0[620u, will leave Pnts• tiolakckcn9eloaday tooralaKaTlO o'clock; W ovonr Moacay circluag at 10 r.lf - • ' • . .. . . - —....---- T. TUESDAY PACSLET.I .- .._ •. The 11111W,RNIA,iNO. 9, COL . J. daufeitee, *ill leave:PAW:At/et every Toezday morning at In e/oak; Wheeling every Taco's, even' nunt lo P. It., ....-------.... . ' • WEDIVESDAT.PALIONETt, _ , The NEW ,ENGLAND. N 0.99 C•Pi. Y. ....., w " leave I'llll6lmb away . Wethaemisty notqi.g . al .111 &cinch; ilibetGai every Wedneadar ev , lnwl nt le P. . . .... . . . . . •, • . TAITMIDI.I( PiOIICMT.. Me PkNNSYLVANIih. Capt. rimy, will leave Pit. burgh everiTharsday mauling at lUo‘eleck: Wheeling .eery Thuriday emu's* at Mo P. M. . - •.. • • ... VILEPAT PACKET. The .CLIPPER NO. Capt. CroubOvill Teivu Pitts burgh every Friday, marsang at rip deEek; 11 huplin every Friday everniut .t 10 P.N.. • 1 -t• AIATORDAY, PACHICT. ! (The kiIEMENGER.Capt. - DD Camp, WU lava PM. burgh eve' Elamlay laming Whaeliag• .‘ e n. Saturday inning at p. m. • SUNDAY. P.lll.ohliT. - :Tte ISAAC NEWTONi Capt. L. O. Maim, will leave Piusbmigh every . Boaday. morning .110 Wheelies every &Laity everuxiallll.P.M. • 11E8.8E4. 'PACKETS. 7 NEW - ARIdB7OE2dENT/ CALIII cope., - will have her Beam, Gtaadaw and ati _Tmeaday. Tbareday e and Fdlarday of each weak, at o'clock "a an rearms on Monday" Wedneeday and Friday.' •Ma has a acts at the Imams between Woad lintel and *Mikado prw jared to receive fratalds at any awe. - . • 8 d W 11d.81 . 1-AUGIN, dr" - ,,,.4 . - ii • , . - . i: ; - No 23 mood at.: - . BEAVER AND WILLS - H rti.LE PACKET. ' The Lao steamboat •; - • BEAVER, - , -- cb. a cwt , ..taer,'seill., - derioS the coatiot minim—ileums, mace daily meet M. tie aaaaanal Wsilmelle.loaviog Yiuskstehelleei morning, alt o'clock, nod Welleville at 3 ceelak, r, It. :deco . : THURSDAY PACKET—FOR %NON ATL; ' • The acts and fare mnn/ pasactlarer • • steamer PENNISYLVaIi I Capt., C:Graymill lanya,far eadanad eTery r and Vbeclux row " Tha P n l ayaaag V k Y.rGeagta H%P,tgZ*l • TAGLIOIS`t, • • ••• . .1.3. Perry, tossw, leen ex the above port on hlcrtetay the 3d.• Pal !freight .Ponollo oPPIT mteam or to • : dells - , AI . ALLEN 2t. Co. • .; ..... ONONNATI - AIsID'I.OUIBVILLE PiClika%. ..• The .nCw pod swift Stillwa ' PA CI EC," . --,• • • • &in Catopbeil, will Imre for Leal. rite Ws day at 10 o'clock. Yorfreisla or piensie: ll+p 15 . in board - . . . • deall - • • • CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE PACKER' :The tougnigeent Reamer • • k - _ MT. VERNON, ...., :Capt. Reaatt;wol !saes. ithrms,this ag at ID o'clock. Foefreight or Pit. tap apply . board: , ' • .• deer{ . FOR CINCINNATI Ann Lotrusymva:-#EGyusa tiaThe fast running steamer - • • •., • NORTH RIVER,' ' • Dean, Romer RR' lens to oboes this toornumg, at 10 delooß,. For fregiot ' FOR NEW ORLEANS—REGULAR PACK.E74 • ' The new and lino acme, - . . • , AMERICAN 'EAGLE, .1" Atkinson, neuter; will leave for obese intennedlaie pons this day s 1110 'leek — Paadnor, For freight or puttno apply an board. or to - • de22 - GEO II ITILTENNERIAR, item. • FOB NW. ciaLEANa. • . The tau miming sleazier , siao.;rkistai, fravrraltabdanipa arday lag &Ova.' FerTragor, pans • •.1• on hoard. • 6KOULAB PACKET'BETW T2'N ••• , Iwo oeor MOT -• ' • DAN ÜBE, - .. St •• Gro D. Cock, ausexoodlleagicritlo . punk. Decolfiopoday sad • -WCIOCki W Etmutoillo go_od ay, Wanisday and Friday acorolegs atliotkak. .Fo2 t o„lgh . t or pos ago 0irat,T1V1611416:461-. ' 'F,OR - TRAZINLINREGULtat FACKET:' , ' : 11""I lifrgthiy, masurowill lane as abaraWs Wig JOlO dekike*:: EAT .fs night es • -. TOR WREI44NO.I' • l Thenew and GhoHeinfer• - Toe, atoeter,:itu- resumed her sloe trips and ertl)lorera Pnp sisaboyeerettiThersday sod d07e.t30 , 0100k,P.M. Par eretcht or Pw.unragP .IIegEFSPORT; ZABEIN AND NUNDNDA. .• Thel am steamer ' . • . I jaillLe:iant l gtaltrl27l4 141 Au,' over•yrdoodAY I id uesday and Friday i Nrao'cloOk. 4. Nl"and MOOOOO keliDity every Tuesday, Thursday mai eatorday.si 'o'clook,..A. AL. For ftraght or maragerapillyoetoOktil ..:A•llWhiie gilkes•weir k k • ani• lletwis• /iWkiiisiet, will ante eel 4 apt We above patidwitishimi wffle^ . jr , !nil& t v ent i iin v ita i leis ti. or m-i wua cEpu LOUISVILLE raelit7l.7H - ' - 7:i - - - The new, light dratiestwid euu etm 7 - Croziee,Wasier, will ran w • resole , etbetwee• Plutbiugh lad Las* i U g O dieing the mason:She leans 'Friday; October For iWithi or Penn maven board'. • MISCELLANEOUS: _ POBH AND ARK? PAGIINk Ottelaussiet• p FIE andendknesl, baring parela okn saVilta larga•Patli; ing Establishestrit of Mem* JAnd Ges:Weitd, recently neensie,l by BIT. Idatitki litmars.l.• H. AM Lanaburgh, are prepared .ack Pr" Hoeg: Lard and Tallow, to mat the Hama otimetma Markets. nay have t r a k led experinnerdititk Workzacattsma. Belfast, Watt &moan .I.llstutke lagg.stall. mem and heatless mind ea, panne amaapork, astd prime ma 010.14 do; .Englisb Navy ktirkr,and'lmila Navy a*: baba Deer, tn. hi. Almspask Lardaad Tal!mg• suit any. market in The advuttages Mrpariangitidaspekrtave anaemia,. . viz: . ; . - . Tbie is the largest Park sad &et dudi er iv tSb State nr:Unlted,Puttes. nu paten.' the , arethl,:-.11,31 . cm:4oy it the liog maw is the limited antra; :and tawny* cheaper then. Cincinnati . end autivither. ' • _• 51.Ageee ortm'Zee :ender—not rove red,entopi...,, red and exhumed by lon driving; they am sineetttered • end peeked in *near. cene,ene, end net &honed 'her 3.i In akir ertebli•hokent there I. drayoge,beipt 0441 feet on Cons!, sir bows can laid at cote. Throw% dolt. b 44, eci.d 44e*PetiltanCatirusati—ohi tomlek ,4 burned. cout haddlederith more care.. •.. I. .4.l.'ortpitroge is gerieyolly abtodastr, and eirrapertloa Cillemoad. or other pozols. ldeoey foeilities ouelokikll 4 E orio Honks within *miles: S.; Property can be skipped direct from tkiilborniols. the,Le.kes„tol4oor York or toYikiliiitietil or Billioasok 41a Ti o sbuorkor the Wolk' 444 Net0;,1.41.. 1. • ', &errancy& • ' • • Melon Galati& eons, Joins IlEolvlaotamert & Underage W Nueher, k)nirs - -Teigedak pain; •I'lgeodore Para & Co, Gooditao & Cal New Varier, J Jordan & Son, Plugterate Hearin. gloork&Co,Uar , ,in &Stoekorell,Blea Oilsans; Jolla Laarteneo. Springer &Whnensan, JU nail & .Co, Cincinnati; For' , silk& aster, Wheelmiand Enranurrair; J Lroi F and 8 D Ceanybella 9 Atwood. pir. CLOWN& Urancrt Nye, £44,410,1 &. It Mnlagrap. ClacaS.; . CABIPDSLA BROWN I CRltleHhr doSildtar I , • PORTIAT B/LON DEILEiI&r: 4ORDAI 21014:- nie.taitg in Batton and Lard, noloanklana , er LAM JL , Oil, and Oleattal Conotasitm bleto.taCitYldbei- ,, L ty street, op its thoultfield, Potsbogh, y.• rotating', attention paid to the sale of Mono r a • • • A ' J. in 8. have made' anangesseate a mm ekthd PnnhOttrolicottat and bacon the yrneetit.,. seamen; and their kog dayenenee to tbisbtOiness Plea, them essaranea of stung andantino to those toll natant weh'ho.ineu to t6i~r pare. -. • There Off advantage& to be skirled ftnal Ow la Ptusbnab, ago attack an stayont be aerinalovi It ine bit slopnll Woe inoni Orr it t =talbse lirrinf i r . o4took a tker b a y . berti,ent, be im.f cam malf addsoat e easbm transbirdand, ohne: alm osom ost •Is e 4lfili.y• ' . 500000 log = ont,dilial, and generally notamandstho BS thi k tgben s anangernent then ti lasing iteaatinine: • freed on the sone, oblebole aatsontablo etainsel 1111.0 DUO a intended for cavern out I. tooted amender _ Pninto below, not taking ka. Attain a (4:4,11.“...; rives in mob better older tbartesljan packed In toga .It will also bn borne in mind vat Plusbiugh otte the beta points to die Union an selling 11 4: 0 1 1 .L.- Esani tir; la; j „ Junes C a ca. • • - - • P Qmpbeuxukaho. - .1 • -• • •-• ",!•,, RH Halton & Co, New Albany, ind. Teasdalo Itailostalsy Load mo: deglane "` T. Teititheatary were araavedoe tho Oth w thq of Decebr, to U. saboaihers, linemen of the last will oral lellabeill of Jame* Boss. late of the thy er Al *deleted.' Ali pereene o r. Or 'deutends agafee •::eetrate or the safe erdet, aro re, ,e,theted to moss known the rroae,withpur delay, to , lloaa, Jr., at the late realer nee of the ealainf.lnnio iyof 411ighemr. _ 4Alke . t3 tux - • Car of illegkftm, I • AVIWAMIL ADDINIM, • roan treat cur of Piuthoark og be . Muted iii 1141' L . ; robre E ZTr, F.l " etto M e l s of TA ' e last meat of Thomas thritud t late of the eitrof. rittahhogh,:., dee-oared. AU perroovoideloed -to ormo-of..sid,d. r . deeedlutt, mill pleaaohe isno.diaie paysejw abote halm; cubits spina and mate them for retameot rritot delay. BRYAN, • , • LL Peliat*bmndj af.aaphrindakta w 4i . --.... Jrao.lll4 thr.11¢1.11R.100........41, ir. talici Wa i v e a. Drays. Ir, deemed, i 5 t ,,,wer.,,.--!. , ,16e5 lo eth sad settle their theothis, and meth "--• as e'sims eadniutie Siatetiwill piethirt am' I thestlitatedl,lardietthtemeatile the thibeththss.su 1 ithrelhiese of kith Inria J therm; Nest Wow ..24,, , . , a 1 listrasi - . ~ OHN UtßlNcs avavai .. . . . - - 44 . 4 . ‹ , ,,,g • 'x Win:=..-~„s ~~n:~;;, ;~"`;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers