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' .!''';':' l 1 ''.;,3 , : z. : ,, i;.* .-. ^ 1 1 1,1,*1: •t .. ~ • 4 , 1•. ,1 ' I ~ ,6:-.'!', 4 14 ; : • 4 4 %- e : '' l'• i';',lK'"'.:;% ,-1 :: :1,4 , \ 41. 4.1 .t• ",:tt'!•1" '''.',. • : ,;'::"):',",:k;i:,,,::: - +;;: ...1,., :: , •11i!;• 4 ' ; ..'-gtkis .. t - v , -...?:.. ,, ...;,.. , r :;:,t't::.l.7, , 1 ... 1:4 1. 'L , 4,' , i.:,;;;‘• e-.! , : :1.' 1- 1* ':' il:' , ' : i?i: , •1,4•,-...-.-.. , ..4),-.. t. 1 •:. r ~ • 1 ~ . 4. 0 , 1 ; , ?-- :-., ;4. ',. .' t:i 1 41L, $t - ',:, v -• -, 5;;Q:44; .•- :' '.!iiVOtiKi l , 4 . : ;•1:.11.* ~,, ~ ,..,,...-4...,,,, ~.,. il.---.1, n ,, ~. .4. 44 4T' , 47, 44 ,,.-::' 7:.• > ;." 4 r*: '.;.'•.. , .1' ..„ • .... • , . ,',' , t ......, ,`.., ..t.. .. 0 :: !„. i :•,...,.:", •,_ .. , : %. OLuinany' if LlnrjOlkee ..a TIN e4o•Gnus aid 7Jalitilr.l.4 eout6 aide; Pinzbuip, Pi. Milt alga suinaL,pngainly to o ttrts • stile - • - • • e =ME 111 SOL D 50114lio.6 6 l 7 siltetstrer ' se xi. 0 °bade& how tamer of Veartk - Delden , Dskktitiribils at Exa ms; Certilestes of ad!'peci, • • ' Bank Noft-o Casetiinsimaaferia att 71et011.4W i C 0... pleoloete. Foreword. ‘l." log and Cotlnderton Marekonex, commercial Boy, Libeler street Pitudeent. - optrY W Poindexter. 413nUterunn. C II (+root 1114:11111DDITER.:k.i Cs.. , . wne t weiti (renter. rod Comalairm 'led Mime dtox merehontet Na 41 RCUABD VXMICH, J, Importer' 'add beak,l"areEta uoikrinpefta &4d41..f Lb.!. intryarONDuiliageirlemtirop,or 01l dasenptions, No I fteoriNniett 1661111L1C , , 01: 1 1111141143144AX, Wb01 u e4•141t 00. 144, 1 • :iv Pim.. sad itlithefge. • 4, • • • 1 (AV, pj, .f `. ;`'...i .'E::'. ~.: ~. t -: '} ._ 't:.-'. 4 ' Jr ~.1 . m=,a, PRICE SEVENDOLLARS : SINESS caw. 1 1. ZIA. uylt Golf )( Commaaua. and .All. 10 • Tir llerckaai,C4 Water and 103 P Al F A TWO orm • Wand, W. Iy,!JUNICS N; Conmeselori amt efdTge h t:47 . l= Wi t i f3; 4l dk-aralli,jde: Wholesale mut Retarl mesa a Liberty sad fk. OW, strews, • , - ' msyli va.rovic £ CO. wb,&;dii: comer Wood and Gilt oto. ~~ .roof 6.110 A ar.4 fa V .11:/11 1 111TaiWbeleiitle lirocem 18 Yocidaircel,P • SNIT . C 0.4 Vibekoala GA. goof alorkloglooodeidtrO, N. 2:3 Midget street. be •sreetV.ltsluitith.Siarik •dr Neilute. ta."l • • scat • steAisULTY ar. CO., Tirranttair l/•Colmstoinshierr..ktuns, Caao /RlM,llsbiltich, Pa., , @ea , l';', 8er50n 1t 0131.11.151341, Amomek, LOW. of. ' ID. lt wee 1,10.••• ...Inuthfield••• • . • • 171 Wm. Culemm. :Joliet Y. Jennino. - Jas. W. Hsi!man. 1041i/IIAiIIityLILMAIII 2c CU, Elaoofaem e' T,..2 Of Carnage .Iptingsmad Axles, A. IL sod 2 1 pring &eel, siedilesiers Coaeh Trimmings of every del.- 4rtipttoo. martufaiKk.lif än St Mir tt: Woohonse 43 Wm, dst ot=u2Si srl,r,Lioyl. • S..= Jaar:er• , lti ANIMA di. luviazawr, (useeestors m, H. ccaner,4-I.o4,oltholrealn Grotecs=2 . l2 - and Varwaramg M . en.hvs, Waters la - YhtSburgls 111.toufswiircr. gi.ub ifs", bogerit. Woxi • and . Libeni; rittiburily Pa: " • ' ' •tx - 1)4 ' iticittir.tt,i.npinietr and ishOleiallo and s . aa.denier fn Fancy and fesipte Variety WWI • be Gal Comb, 10e1 Marker street, sate latiatv, mulb:PL ' ociu. Jam. Duu • J. Ilattlea Dwell: , UNLOp.III, BLAII,ALL, •Attorms • w Law, 11 Othees. on .2ftiihfield, beivrteA 3i owl 4111 sw. welnr..l • , • L'DW&RD 11E4ZhCliTelli, Wicolccolotflrocer, 'A con side of. ilosAituamdoutisezi frior ;me Dia. aimurville rlitelthr h._ • ' ' co 1 INVIrAI.T, /i QEXIILILUM, Wl:Hoak • 14m. 10311. dealara ;a pralkico aid PoitantrO 11111241.- , togres,couneri*Lawny awl Hand U. firtalatrO, Pa in 'a"Lis r t u rsiit. L et . or . 3 tla N trEal I. 7 "1" roh, Gs) Groi l er , e ; Cos= c ol: and Fotw end PutsbrlZltact . otes, No ' A c Tlnoettreet betweco SlSigrikel wurrbkid iie,.. • Octl Fosavaum t swAnTzwaLuEn, Attor my% at Law, aya =owed thaw awe la the matt Sac otYaattli sweet, a awn.. Chatty Allay asaLGEzat Wwat. loaf P R Erma& • Geo. „ Junes Woua. FIL-Jat i atilC ni allC CO at t . ybalest Grocers, 4 Omcta No% 57 al= ICSAFTZtre;EtVrt: BLIIIIEj Pinno Fono Idanufaetarer and deaJ- K er in Mtullead Instnmeniz,tl2 Wood snag's.= ORSIETEI Etc Co, and Form:day/ .14eteb .• :11o.so Water Ping. Am, 14 : E ut i g h cnu t. ..BELL e y ft ti kl rocer. Coirwsiariaa "es, N 0.17 Lilvilf M. WAY alsal e sdll, " u. Chaim. ..kladt, 'Maxilla Wyse, /se, always au Hosiery:4ml rut, r: i‘ trYtiti r. ple k Tl i r . ' us . tgi ' iTrerifor,teisi ALI:/10111C114'. LOA& is - M1.1.1E111 Bed and Wait Foonderi and tiMFluen,lo9 From, be tween Wood ■nd roxithfiehtint.t.tx. Fanner/ok, Va. • er Highest nriee - Orem for.old Copper and Braga. ,-Oio. 101 VAL WALTIIIIaX nix , le. CIEORGIEMOROMIF A. CO., Wholesale Gm, eeraaedies,icta iderehalne, 105 Wood street rillabaral. . . • . metal. A., , ,IDICRIVIr. Whiteside. Orsocar.andOom , lX miasma liferettata, and Dealer la: Predate-and orittabar Ittawilieeteres. :No 10 Wood., Pittsburgh; Um, Mt.• AL EL Bun.: • -(11C0.• W SMITH & Ifinws Bte,wer.Alaba.l 3 l and dealer. /a Hop*, Pit!thrkrit ms.l Pawn Brew triel,rena and Piu Meets; , ZO • 00011R/136 'Cat iad - For Y ;Itragar - WWOOB, Brietmalr ,er• Abslongulml. Slur." All OniCllPOlCiaiily Adams by elms though the Pan Ode. • ; uJYYiifE ".". A . Dealt ra ifIVY LTILL A t wirawri se; Jweeeneon'w t nold Wall Lip: Itrowiralsoporters and mannfacoureta of r•P5 , ,...i.4 (lemma! Viper Warellrisgato: £T Woad arteq.Piwbarglu. : , • leg) !.fiIILARICOILISDOT, %V' lIITE BED LEAD. llasralhetarcr. Paw% dOil AfirtrAAAl,AoiterrAlLD. — writ AAA '.'13107010 V10KE77:".; , 114701111 . toletil, 31. • TPA USW IMICILIMY t Go..Whole.ale Grocers, ".11. Costortission Men/lute and dealers in Produce, N. ;IS Water and 107 rcont streels i pindJurgk. , • noel . BLACIEr 4 Merchant Tailor; Kgehatips aims, to Clair surer, Pittsburg], jelOtf Tosiariticarox,-Auemay at Law,' Pmsborgk, has resumed the practioeof kis rofess{on m Olize. No nltalgts!sl7l no, Grant street v* l . l dor.* bis 'stomata. by T. J. klighook and J; Clutstlescoon. l29dessnlF J- D::/1060A9,boietaie lloadaila, and ./.1 dealer us - Dye Sotto , ranw, tals,!lfametale,lte, No ali Wood slrcei,YlSt.dbOt South of pimood'Alley, 14111/1141. 111XLLOFL, Wholesale end Itetalidenl. tt Ia Mamie and lluained Inurement; School Boaz, Paper, dicey &De/ Pena. Quills, Primers' Cant., awl Ilianonety generally, • N. id- Weed ts - P itnbargh. apnMge fenny erten.. trade: •. • liitii;Wholeaaka Gwen', Per dateainit_and Alerebniku,Dralets in Pro- Sawa and Paribeigit Id 7 Coannetelal Saw, Liberty am die Cana/, - Palabao, Pa. nett ICUCHI3 llikEß4r, CO. grioleeskie' Drvg 10111APH'JORDA.11 k SON, Giasiniiutiok and Foriraidittg !denial., No 18 Libeny oh toppo!le ryo PAMPA. AUCTIOEER, Cortrrt. LILL Wood Giseets PittstmrgL • omit 10/LISTON STOCKTON,. lloakselleu PillUelf l'ApetnOLeactur.% N. 44 N.L. G.•.11.111.11IPS !Boot Attars, 04 - new Marie{ aci sP. Cletel ' Historical Hetaiolddiscel• W. poosarsoll k Co.. 'Baskets and Ez came. ihollmtai caner et Wood and Tkird streets yambani's Had Baildogs,) Pimbentk, P. ' - io Penvaintearellakd at Ilan awl row. -. teat 103 X 4184R1N Wbolcsakt Gnseq,dealtr on Pro: GY 41404PiittUash osiu4faetarer, Tat Plug, ke. tikillM2 Liberty n,. Piusbas jaa 11 , 4k. R.. "LOYD, Rata Fkryd k Wholeale. 4',Gliceino:No • 3ll.ll.Atertr rtreci; “" • sod 411,111/1:11 AVAlLLl4,Wholtunleiltorer Como . *Ott T , gIWIII.-D lA. Ceellianatkenue .Lasins of Boiler, fawn, Lin-Iron mull Nies atlie ben guilt,' Orden 'term the wartheese WI/alsell & Q !Wow st.erkti Winiinilinorater sr. will twelve plusytt anemias. • - • -.-••• •• - • ilk:. .9. - WATEARIASA 'W,bolmala Groe.r, • ,iranf lei .caataissin. Marcham, Dealer ja itestripb nactafaentea nodisee, Nua. at Wailer sau •111.12.Ci1110N. s , CO,r aIOCCIN, FO/Waalng and Comatiodan Metaltaatd and &leers is Piaimanid !laudanum:a, &a., H di Livit;a 7 . ' ' . ' ' • Jolm Nuptao. • LANIIMIRT k SUlPTONl,WlteloslaGrotent, roman! ,_itent Comatisiloalderdistsu; Deska ti %laugh .lasrpifar vre,e, Nos 13 MI , wk.:, ...ELL; • • • 0. sclunn,Lo, WALTER C,21:1/,', liAreargais OOIITIEW 3 '11,411L - 1170•0••ao• JXL 11mm Itn4. Comais•ooo rekatlL• No 104 lib any it Pittsburg!, • ~,•• • IT!! M ' Wm: K Maack Cs 4 ebonmirrin Ika&Pbrininfof 171: Merelinau. Walm suyi fit9Mul,bMwcaiMimd- Ir"ili Co • ' 4 74l4 t Ti gn a{ y MaA 816 3dTlOl 16.irty,ann.e h aand ala aulaa Meretania N , 170 lbe nrntaaa hadll-.. ecoMT, WINO, irtkalesala and .nwl'ibit capasaaafastortte. mut 'areas "Panay Pan. tweet of Wood and Fillb ms. .. • ': as., 41d,a, SLOAN, Wholeddle Greer , . Xiddiad Me' rllll6lo.liti **IL and F• , Wing sad Candeid. diddslaudadds,Nis 871. Taad 29 Woad sumo, laVQßy{P , psr.wt fosx co, Wbokiale: LTIL - OsodaLhadah X**. ft Woad sum, Puldnulb ouggiseil 'en In_ CininlOnnmnelwy na gado:oW • _ 4,.. ICIUMILD MAUD ;AWbiakiaisle:and retail ecalbr 1 11 14asfar:Suroino:abeesuiktry , Toole aud Find . Viseev sodelinial 1 Toole, and ToustorsiNi, No. Awn. aminsoii:'=7:-,, suei. a. lioNisoir. Le..aolllllllloN,o o.:,,•Wbelculle Groteri, pr. - *ma and Comniqvioe Mershenutoal Dealer. in hialitr,4rp.l , lB.l6t, Liberty Wee!, Pau BUSINESS CMIDS. ID °BERT at 00111 G. Wnolrane Grocer, Keenly H Iraller, dealer no Trainee, Patinwt. M. • . au] Liquor", N• IL Lobertytr street, Pinsitret: , ,t N. B. ,On hand u very line "uu:k of 111,pe L. O. Reynolds. ; L. Ng Rirrsotais sums:, Forsvarthng and talsslon Meretwits, for the Allegheny Riser' deniers k Croceries.Prodnee, Pittsburgh tame sad Chloride of Lime. The highest pnees, cash. paid '" Coluttly Rap. Camel ff==MMl ,4014ILLVO . R.D Co., Comm./Do tderghtms. a;ntri=:Viltlrutrri,rai'&l".ar L D abaskleit.• : . • , -- Thos. R QUAGICLICTT. t WAITE, - Wholesale Dra t) less an. Foreign and Donsetne • Dry Goods, No 99 Wood weal, riusbargh - fetslNF st W. FIRILEIAVOIIa Wool Merchants, deal ass an Door asidnodace.ganendly and Forward- I and Comma/Woo tdereasais, No 3.1 Wood sweet, Yfitsbarala • i junl • Cl - 1 P. VON BOANIIOELST ye:, Mammale Or. thomar vorwardkng 4 ComenisconMerchmor, Dealer. P.ltomortg la.u . fgaureiriut Western Pe. , dove, ban removed to'their new waretkobse, (old eland) No ?3 , ,_ corner of From nand Chaneery Lone. nov7 SAMIEUEL 111. ECIE/4 Forynirding•and Comm •sion Merchant, Dealer in Salt, Produce mull' I burgh manufactured males, Cartal Basin, near :}h it. • ... 1 1' , .11 7 / 1 3EZEILIIIIAJkli Dealer in Zerd 5, Flow 1 1 .4. w zr .n u m itjrg t s , ,.t.d r, kupieTenya, No • . led! rrABISZY dr. DEST—Whidesaler Graceis .L Commission Iderdlisnis, and dealers in Pnadnee.-. Dio 3 S.Wood.sareet. yea . F P.HP:icEN„n23l7ar.,Lookixg 'Glass Manessas 441 Z 4 = 17 0:12:1i:at=s7 a '!''.71747 Errg h i r ;.C.,'Commissi lt ou j irT 1 4, .dealen in Salt,Letenber,Grocetie., Frog% n .Pittaburaldanafacture., Cana Buia, Liberty sum. Piutburgh. clad • m McCiatcht. : VETEtcol:lTCHEONi er l ' a c r u nal ' e br tt ..! . !.. u r i nt.. Zgera Produee, I ron. Nai le, lass and ;=., mettqet, gencrally,ls2,L•berty-frree4. M 9 JOUR D. WICK. .DAVID X CANDLISS UU7/Car.. lIIICANnuess, (seccoseors L & TVJD Wick ' ) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. dealers In Iron, Nails, Wane, Cotton Varna and rinsbargb hlnnofactures genendly, 'corner of. Wood and Wat/r vs, Pitudarch. melds, WORMY Mynas the ladirioo can- and exuaime his mock of Freash Worked Collars, some as low as 23 emus. , mchl3 Vi. GiltE tta to W fil t rre i tat , a an n r F* lrklifr d e and Pittsburgh Idatiatiemeee, corner of Water and Smithfield cis. Pius-harsh, Pa.. • & - - opls lIITEIORTS . t WOLIPP, ImportersW nd \ V hole.sle DeLLerrin Hardware, Cutlery, 9+ol - &a, main Liberty Pins- _ • WILLIAMSi DLLAVOILTII,Iewe YY Grocer, Prod.:a .odecioloisinon Merchams.l7 wood et WW. wezzikoz,34ll stone and =II fosuish• ..17 log es , optima...in, N0.%1 Libern /14 21. TOIIELTRILIC,AyboteutIe Gra! VP and 'Wan, •ndLagnot dlerchabn, ho. 160 aat.cnY meet, loppolna Sixth sa,) Pittsburgh. , enaM-41L . TA O. U. 110111HION. Attorney at Lava. has . . 5. 71 .,, , , r ir xd .c h °Mr 111 . e. Exchange d man Johns. uple W. 11 D;7 6 0200d5, No 71AVI D LV:f s i t n re l er, Ritt a rg B h. twvl3-dt • INT w. WILSON, Dealer to IVorebes, Jewelry, V V • Silver Were, Military .00041, se , No. 57 Met. ket skeet. ' aciv7 111111ErIIY, wholesale and recall dealer La T Foreign and Domaine Dry Uooda,nortbealteon. tiernt.lduket and Fourth ask .411 • WIL F. IRWIN r Jr, hior neparebared th e Drag Sion , of Edgar Thorn, earner of Peon and Hand mecca, will seep a ennatant supply of the beat medwirwa, perumery, to. Paraietan'a presenpnona carefully eorapotuded.— Medicines ean be had n all hones of the alien.. • febladlr• " O. AVGIIINHAVGIII, Attorney al L. VV Fifth meet, near Smithfield. Coltheung, age. ies and other beetzteso attended to moth insuetualtty. Mechlin & Sum . . hhrtsh C.lthmn ' & Fahnestoek & Co, John Herm, Eng; Graii, I Julia? tel John Wrgghh E.q, 3 kenl l ro Etlt MV. wiDum Lanmer. - ..T.LusTAR. 'RECTIFYING DISTILLER, I . - • I.llrD wiatizsp.ia /MALIN IN FOREIGN & DOSlErrle WINES &LIQUORS, tio. 114 Liberty at, and 53 Dianumfl alley, • PrITSBURGII, PA. WA.RILICK MARTIN & liarsiont; Degarra Ezdassto, Bath Note el.! Cola Gamer or Third end Wted meets, • . t0.1114/11r rutsburnk. P.. W Witham. Wm. AI 'Shiba. Sblanumb Lowrie* Wi11i...7U WILILIADIS ATTORNEYS ANu COLYAIrI.ELLOItS AT LAW. arptoMec rim..A*lEla orromth m, Above Sim M.Geld.-00 . Mbl7dAyri yr ' • Blackburn. ' George B. Jones. • 0. BLACKBURN At CO:, IiATHOLESALE Granata and Dealers in Oiln.litea • a YY store/nand Piltabaugh klannlacicired arucles,ban • hand ,at lanes a fall and general assortment a Md P. ll . 4:lbeir . Waler meet, near Cherry . illtlek P San" • Sand W. Boa. Algernon S. IkIL 50 DW. & A. L BELL. Attar.: yo a Lawn Cdrire in Siew.'s Building. Fourth street, oetoOd door above wood ay fiusborgh. Pa. • Bell, ONstolowsosaer w take DepwiLione. Ac knowledgments of Ikeda, and o th er irmsodwiaLs of wri ting lobe al.ed art fii1•001111,' " 11911401., . Ms Ws NORM% illyilrepit lb ratillkonid Icapetaaary inform hls fnends and th e einsena of ?Austin:oh end Allegheny don he bee derided to rearnin the oily Orden the winter, aid in ;impaled to nest patients, placing theniretTor ander hth vac, aceording to the 'yd.= as practised at all Water Care Establoils. meats, for either -Arnie or Climnie Aiwa... Thee, wiriness to avast theoreelyee of hie aernees will call at Ma. Mains% corner or Liberty et. and Draw alley. Dr. IL has treated several seem eases of direare In this city T a r great recces; tiiertueh be is pertain./ to 'fhe in and Apt.. M. rAlark N e i t s E i„thiee " shove Third xi., Pittsburgh:will base eaturantly hand a wnl ne lent ed asaatuaeritor the belt .d freshest Aledicider, which he will sea on the most reasonabie. tem.. lirysicia. '<Mina orders will be promptly 'Handed to SINI Sup plied with articles they way rely open ILA genuine. ligVhystoians , ereser:ptionslatil actertnely and neatly prepared Gam the hest materials, at any boar or the day or night. Also kir sale, a large 'tack of fresh and good Perfa.. .1.1 W. Wir... o Ni 'Watch Maker A. Jeweller, , goner dih and !darker ats. A large and wel l wleesed•lrwek of welched,' Jewelry, Pilver.ware and 2dilstary,Ooode. Always on band and at reviler eas. 'tens prwediGold Paula-Lever, fell Jewelled erateLes, 'ea low as IFE4 &Ivor do arasellea,aa low as MEL • ' Gamine Cover, rade., Joloseorissed other approved snakier witches may be Bad at. email a4runee and • jl7 -Pee watch wort &We iri ibe eery beet meaner. • , , J—B.-BWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAM o . ffles 4.1 It, opposite 'OK. Charieelletel, ITITSOURt.aII; WILL olea attend promptly to Calleetiooa,m Wed flgubiP.yette and i arcan , Cooraies, . flTlNaekssoek, Bell ,, At f • March alt irosoillerf • Piurbargh, impaszta _TNAL STORM - '---- , • No. 22 FnanJesoves, war W. 1D All *lndian+ of Gm.. and Mack Tess( Oocie tip 12 punster. bill; and one powd packages, ma king froin„29ei• per poind to 121;80. A JAYN CY jy2 • Agent for rekAaTez Co' f .' • , DIL'DAVID 110Wri Denim, havinishaaie such eriftunrent i nto in his 111tar•.a 'My whole getio&: ' ‘,llf, " = idononar be seen h, his eirtee, comer or 4th .d P Deca• tot streets, between htsaket and Fotry sts; at en) boar 4 0tt. 6 1' the day. tnnn 8 A. IC till 6 2,11. Jrttly .. Ingmar, -• • ?warms , aua u w, rtotno. caleelaum =Southern Ohm and in lodinna and in RoolookY. Promptly and emetolly nwud ed to. ComEn pti iamonor theibtate of Peonsytosols; taksot Di sinons, noltnowledimmento,d‘c. axing& ra;--11on : Wro 801 l & fkm,Coris t Munn & Cruntberii, Ram Eon" Willock Dn• . sZ• • .EA CI L C OTTO N WOR KS .• pvvranvu.oli. . d 1 MANUFACTURE arries - rept, Cilmailln&lVlck. mating. Virtue. Crorortng.' TARN, CARPET CRAIN, WARPS, &e., &E., • • KINU, PENNOCK &C. • t. . • .02neemonorArnekles&Army,) Mr • • Propnetor• . • • , A. ZrEDOUX & NO CANAL STREET, NEW 0/MEANS. - Ak GENTS far Anersoi's Ezieneiva Stearn Sag . itafinery, Always en ludaloe lona at of LAV, A Po dared; emabcd.: Clarified and Llavrard Sugars, In Tierces and Barrels. Alen, taper llama litalassea. . PrieerfiLeraland• Sdr allowance made on ail ales al;ar above; 50,barrela. • • meld/ MOO. W. SMITH rOa, -• CREWE/IS.' MaLSTEILS AND HOP DEALERS PITTSBURGH AND POINT . DBEWEBIES. Comm Harken allay and Fannin, sad Cana P1)1 St, - - ' _ Pll.ltabaurtai, Pa. si r. sumo's. • wit.sers . & - S. !WILLSON & . tArANUPACTUREas4 MIND,NI ilbovess sod al Spades, Sloes, 'lsland sLadass, Forks, as., ste. Ws,,,,l,ssiset, NDArI Street,Piusbmnsis. stun Wimp, nitresery Megan, can . 4 ,, be famed AS bb ibblelslloelog Coablisttetesi, var the M . OW Meet BryiyentSeft men; Wm 7.04 by lidessn, tin ibfwisad. nr2dllai V., IL" JAATO6I. riVALEßialtiouviogsandltarletyGloo.N.Tonone 1 , Then, broil imd Hors cosatro,Woolleo Yarns and . Worsteds. Nouonr,ko, No 63 Matta% at: laelortom Nand street. !Alamo:to. , , . • netSdly lICKLIZ9 AND PILICILES.VSI4-+ , 244xes Underwood's aguacm:di 4 , " Doestitt; • Peach rtevelvel: " 1.919910.C"WiGr r sl e J I D WILLI/JIB M=E=l=2 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. It Drinesdroiser • J Kenatau earth. COIARLIES DAPIONIIOWEIL. as 00 C TOBACO' COMMIBBIIIII lin CAIN? 8, • No. dO.Soath Wheivea, and No 10aouth Water pt PIIILADELP/IIA: ,ntci to inform tire erode and : dealers geoenilly o JJ Pittsburgh, that they baya made such arrangements with the Vo m manufacureers awl the Growers h the.Weat, West Indies, and other placer a. wi iaaa. , one constant supply of the gollowingrlescrqi lions. of Tobacco which will be sold upon. as lacunas modeling terms is tang other homee m this cap or else where, and all 'goodie order.,l Irons diem p.m be war. nulled equal In repesedtatto m l. arg ) .•! frtco!lt„A, pked at To lk !gum; • ! 'and Fbridp,l • baggo; ALSO—Brancles celebrated Aroutatio Stag Caven dish, with a taro saw:Meat otothar popular brands, and qualitiea bf pouridi, ell 12s Ids and :Ns lisunp, fis Gatti and Ici • PluiW . ltarlies , Twiat; Virmiste Twiab • Sce, :sweet:and plain; In whole and half boxed,. wt.d and tin, togetlier with eyery varieljrof article belong. log to ilte trade.. : : • I• 'J. 8. DICkLEY, & COMMISSION MERCHANT, • eat Bearer l'arint and Bridgetiater , SZAViiii:Cathlir, • Proprietor and Ageal of steamer. . . 112raiiC • - • LANE BALM AND • MICHIGAI.I,. barLY 1121.WiFIN 1 irrrsloaall AND 81411231, WI" Pe PaPal'af on earliest opening of tanal bay. •laniala reee ve kopeny at hit whaltilontor is warehouse, for all points on Erie Exten.roo,`Cresio Cal, Onia Cana Oar all pans ea Lake Erie 'tea upper Lakes, es also to torward produce, ao.by peen'. tmprovereeraa. Apply to or address • • • • leoBl-dtt Las FAMES% Heaver 7.13. W. Lodyneh. .1 'W. C. ...J.' C. W. LEFTWICH . 4 CO.' - RECEIVING, FOR%VARDINII, • , . And Commission ffilsenhants, PIiAQUEMIIRE, La. 1114ART/CULORJ alumna paid lo COMigulactits of I,orer:MlN, Eminer;br calm miens for Opeloasse sad Allakams, 1 • • REFER. TO—Kenn Sheffield it Liedidow, Thtl. ECM Limerick; New Orleans. /demi. Limon A Ilintenon, hlr.2. AC Shelley; LAM • hlattra 1.411 L Specs.: . AV. O'Lastr, Robert Armstrong &N Pil.r icholson: Pittsburgh. Mesas. Karim, Todd co. ; Catetnnull. Mum. Ilyass tr. Craighead, • l'ilessrs. &basal & IFhimlilh.llm. Zr nob . Labaure, Hun. John Dutton: Pluithautme. La. • • MAIO, BELLAi t .Co., - 11 W _FOUR FACTOAND.PRdDUCECOM. AUBBION MRRCIIANTS. I ERA4gbeb ladvauee, mole on reeeilit o( voii eignments. 'Moe< shipping moat eddreeS will be role. Ihree•founbo value W advance An Cus,by apply ng ,o our Mende, 1 :.... Pittrbargls. ' Mew.. Thos. MU &Oa ,UndgeporkOhin. Philadelphia, May 5, ISO. mayl/4 N. C. All produgeconaigned to D. al insured when W in the wasehaaae di allingford & 'riving rittabaugh t or to our more an l'lnladelphia. C. h..a. co, NEW . SADDLEIIT HAED VAIKI BTORB. Ft,. T. LEECH, JR. • O. 113 WOOD ST, PITTSILIIII/0/1. no re in an a uncing commiers apd ;realms that I aro ;mamma te i'graletl It walla all goad; an my lane on milt baker tenni than heretofore.. ' recallienhaideading.'exelatively” an Sad alert Hardware and Catraage Trimming., I obratio thereby advantage.; that !Made me deiy competing.. Call, rev ;mad nadge lot yaurgrlves. • nal FRESH 21OFORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. 606111 4 KRINEDY, IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DKALERR IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Er" 'No. CY Wood , Street, •- . P 'I A - HE ewer in the course of reeetvtog large &Unions . to their extenatre stock of Hardware, Cutlery. :Mot .levy, k., odneh baying been yoreheilmn on Mk . meets' advantageou• Items in &milted, and dtre.et (mat the ManufaMtutem in his country, enahte• them to of. lertemmsurpamed by none and equalled by few Purekweit we .at Mt feqwetteill Melted Mean. GEORGIC COCJjHAIf COMISSION & FORWAREIeiII MERCHANT, •N 0.2.4 Woo, ST near, PITTURIKOII, • CONTINUES to mullet a general Crumniciio• Burnes., especially in the purchase and sale of American Alannlacties• and Produce. add i• reeciring and forwarding Iloals consigned to hoi care. As Agent for the Alannfactsrers, be will be constßitlylinipplied with the principal article. 01 PittaburghlManufaeture St the lowest wholesale prices. Olden and cohnignmenis an respectfully solicited. ; ilr7 Prodwzo.Cesta&nisedlon Meuse. • LiDWA/41/ ct.Altrori. late 1.1 Clarion & Pone,ICS Lombard wee; Wholesale Denter.to Bauer, ad Comminalon 'tierces I llavalig for the LIM 10 yeant devoted luallattednaneselanrely to the sale of Batter, will now *etre Btater, Lard, sod o&er prods,. far Isle on eogniliesionl and flattery hant.elf that hotel. espeneace Ind noneaoas snappier callomera he will be able to glee eatianuDoes lo all who toffy tonic, pro• dace to hit& Beier lo Aleuts:4% IV Brune &Soo, :Wet ?dim & kkia . a :Witniseloo & Faxslan, W & Napkin; And the ilerebants generally IL Bonier Lave. C, V. Banta ' B. B. ileinvort. LOVE, MARTIN &..."CO., reonecvm coMMISSION, t Z Ei FOR 'WA IIDINO FACIIA NTS, ...No. 61Spialla 'Wharf. Baltimore. Ilse= to-: Allea& Bey litimpton, !iamb &Co Puntarßl. Derlmo,'eltentlefe & Co, ' loM B Bendati, mill Beth leMiste, diretlyF J. D. • • C.... A.IOt.SOI. LAW of PnDborgb,Dl.. Late a( Na rale, Tema.. DELEHROMOIE tir4 r A .; NDERS NOli N A ND M N 32AION RA rm UD s, tr, r .errrjr,a r rir. Bionderay, Cawrin nat., ate. Refer lo blirebanin. Kenning v. in Pinsk, - - WALTER II; CO.. Axis OY•IN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ~tf11) DELIILFAIS IY ratimicv. ocavtasua, ,19 mai ;Haward,st , blow Marko, 11•111 more. aura 11.4 . - U Sprig*, Egg', Costae, 1' C.!kler..lLindidacta. Sop, !User t Ddigbeny, lame Itat Fasey,,W a S r‘Vywial,Siluglolft La•se,.. s9l- Gm. g 4 Owertn A.,/{ICELIXI2I. (seeettsom a•r) °animus & 111.411111,) Awning, FottoawdOti, Coionixriew Minham, and - Coven EpArr.' Main.., I door South of Mime.' Clank,.lllemplals Rens Allen & Co, Icing, Penunek t eh ICal F Conway. • E Tvanineen. IS. V. CONWAY it CO., DORTFITOUTII,ohio, Coreminion acniconirerding 1. Merchant; and Prodece Dealem—ef 40 atiendto the Vueehase, Kee end de.iperteni of Pig 1t0...0M!, tee. • &ern,. lro, • Aiwooil,looes & Brown, Boiler & re lorens,Sierling &Co . ; Ifeery Graf Graf{Liudaey &Co ' 11 Lace!, Co WoodSttorlac Co Clarke eftlaar morn:ldly &lam, 4911003 JOll2ll V. PERRY. • ILite of the fire of Aladeolor benelik Co I ' Wholoselo Groear, Comnalfirsii tt Visor TIZAZIERin all kinds of I:Wang Pnldnee, bop. X/ per, Tin, Tin Plster,•Tin.r."l'ople, Zanc Lead, nano lacer Inn; Iron sad Naile , lif bile Le • Dye swPa, Canon Taw. Soli, fie, and - PlusLorgir Illonufwareo general'', coati!' of Lir's' end Inv..- inreele, l'imborgh,N.• I: • (ffi-Liberal oefr.ees,m Vntle or Goodi, mode on ebn• 'alignment. of Produce, kn. • : • • onyn• • AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION - MERCHANTS ALEXANDER LEV If & BROR. • ;CINCINNATI 4;i:;11T. LOUIS OFFER to wit at Jokier estaldishinenl, all kind, of Merchandise Al the boreal' rate. „of Comoriintiorta and are always prropatod to mate advances. no beet of efrrentes gtoon, if required: Loper addressed 10 eiibeellouse will be promptly.idwittled to, jy3rolly /MOO 1110111.11. • 174114.6.7 THOMPSOIII k CABIPIIELL, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS sad llanlataatrater•ef Llauedi WI, • Na: 20 Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. OVA'S PAID POI: PLAIIIIIIID,CD PepZ-I M=M= • • Forwarding Merchant, Brownsville, Pa. • A Roods panicolatly 1u We Fniffir . ordrng of Produce, Ike; For out (usher Inbonatioo apply to FORSYTH & DUNCAN, sloe: •. ovtle n..w. mATif *vs. • I ISMS MATHEWS dr.:PATCH [ COMMIX81011! .111111C11/ . 11711, N. 49 Ws!" er kt • LOUIS MO. • tVtll givi ponteoloa attention tothe telling of Pro duce, and woofers for parebumg. Rm. .rotocirgo Almon &Q r.; Pitiestgb, Pa. • sowll John M'Callongh. J 111`Keehnn, C DCulbeavon. .70111$ JO'CVLieOI74IIII CO. Col:milldam and` Pertoaiding Merchants, NOS. 03 &95 SOUTH HT. ' 1na271,* WII4RF. Oa*timers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - Nao. 8 and 9 Lt'ht St, PAL . 9IIIIOIRE. te Eryabove cad ad, ail r•n drenvce, veal be made 9.1 enohlynnient to. by jarnt ty CARSON k19c9.N.19 irr; Sixth 9: LICA. lIONICICO CO.. FLOUR FACTDICi t AND DRAIN AND PRODUCE • Commission llaiehanear • ' 71 SOUTH -WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now prepared b.reeerve Pirerard all klada npf MerebandteetoAnylwrdiregrat the Juniata, North rind Weal Drench. nen Weenie, Dena!, ad a. DIACWTOSI JOBNIS ' STEAMBOAT AGENT , AND 'II4)AIMPSION El MAO If ANT,; MONONIiAIiEIiA , HOUSE, Pittsburgh. Pg. p.ognlOX TOPACCO—GO Lila CALA Havanna r and Venn Rico Wrapper sAI Rller leaf Tobabes; for 8010 by . A GORDON Ade snit, st A rinoslA-10 11. Non 141 be Granville La - ion; Lott ienclied and knr vale lyr I : 22 , 3 •' El, A PAGN /ken ii:FATONAitallarteaseiveil a itew supply orse44 Lb. 1, 4 c h 4t a,u,a oder tugh adwierailk rear tea tonneui and dm/is. . , Elg==ll PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEPEM - 134, 29 1847.1' - • • 3118CELLANEOUS: • - " JAMES W.-WOODWILLL, PITTMULTRULI I.CRNITOR2 •vrAne•Noons, Ni) lita THIRD sTREET, • A LARGEmulsp!ylidid atlonment et Pu 11..., • " suitsblo far. kteeettboats, lintels:and nodepursuedt. Haas, rionsuntly on hand and d Monter. The p resent mock on bond eapmit h o excel excelled by any manufactory . in the weetern cannily. Pena.. ce.i.l t ing parch.: oval tie gleuct scull:m:l2ft determined my p please. Part me slack Masi. 30 Sa(en mPlank and coven: 'l4 air DIVA.; 2 doz Mahrarany Name Chaim; p 12 doi fine mahogany Chars; 12 Inutogiony Wart Smndt: 3 dot mahogany Rocking Chum; 15 marble top Dressing ffureaue; e pair 01.16 Taps; Smarbletcp Work Stands; tAeberrpilyotlictaands; 81.h0g..y, Maple. Cherry and Poplar lledsicads :all dlecriptionta and a large Ravi - mutat of Can F rni p and Chaim, tpo nuMerMis In mention: markt' 1 ,7- 1 - IAkIYWA It F. • 11 JOS PH - WOODS , • IV ad and 8 , •ith raven fe ri f N h: 2rH•AHOW A HV.• HOUSE. JOS P H IiVOODWELL, • Carnet of W ad and 2d eta , Oltralmargh, HAVING with ream from the old &rut of %Calker & Wonlwell, n the In of J.morry, ISG, I take pleasure In annntmeing to toy friends in the city nail country, that I have opened my now snore at the above ',anted pints, lilting purchased 'my goon. for cash, prol.mada anima mean' with mannfactulers in this ,/, country and le En ore in bn Collattliq cuppbod, I am hilly prepared to I riled, Hardware in all MeV, on as r ued terms and a low as any howe East ei l lVen .---, d , Merchants lido • e respectfolly 1111,11 t to cal , lid; examine my ruck,before purchasing el...where, The following non rhea s purt of my stohk. , Ptearbboat and &fiery Hardware. Gall TritnatinCc 'Filen:Naylor', lit . I, Calleiy, Ilega 'fads, A nrill, Vs• - ces, ,Locks. Latch si Sickle; Heythea, Batt Hinges,: Screws, Union Vac ry Planes,flawchlahoganr, boards mil veneers, and other anicleacpaneeted unit tile!, -re - Itirdwarebusiners , . nichllif , . _ __ _ - ATIiTINT ERN , Y/LICK,. MAC DIA Tt e subeerilier havingablidiod a patent. May 10' 1818,1, ra Pleat Eric Mecham, and having since then. "...";11 10 •7 1 G.iGG plability. are now prepared to sell righta'ano contract 10 deliver machine& to any part of theAr sited Stare* Th. machine designed to make . Udet Do. rude clay, and will make EDE good' smear' firm brick pe -do y, sarEciently hard ta E lac up A the kiln; thus aye ding the expense and labor aline pp • rfiitt'AleTi7JZfPrt!,!=g::.YotTtealt'it'nkg=t cola:o 'repair, mid in constructed that t I can be taken to pieces and pat wee, .her "Gib great (set Ittyda h i reader. tag It portable.. We Are now building - machines, meal cmilarnmhtliam no rhorPtuntee. For a full detthriptton wear old refer to • niachine now an tracccustid opera %oar a Mill creek bourne, near the Wert end of Lla,14:11 Greet, wliete Guilt be,lmppy to explain everything cocaroethd with it tot all who mai call. We ho v e at present no rtallioni7l Agent. All letters toner address will be promptly at ailed to - .CUL:TSON, ADMILLEN Zr. Co.. • . OINCISINATE. rk7 EAV rot? 11 CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, ordi open on 'loudly, A pot dW, Dar door. from Wood et, and next door to A Jayneis Pekin Teo Store. A splendid aGortment of Fano Cuke,Cenfecuonary, Fruit, &c. (testi °tithe counter every day; anode which are the , . klacatrions, ;Nina - Cake; Lemon Ibteuis; Pastry; . , • limner do; Pepper NA, Jelly Cake; Almond do, klolussug P. Cake; (hoar Hats; • Ilraler Jamb lee; DrAngellAcink Federal Cake; A. 1"s; Sugar ' e, ; Orders far lee CI C. 03,, Jelly, Dodo, Cak Fenn" C.nfectlithary, be., be.,executed in• a manner one quelled A qualt,Y and beauty by any other eetabliete trier. to flu. city. Fret?, Dread. Twist. Ira.. &c . manaftientred tolcl from White 1V beat Flour. and free 0111 I. I Idrup. , ,cr y mornint. ap" ANDREWS • BOS TON MODE Ole 'LEGATING 110111- SES-111t. G. Dexter,of Wawa, ha, arranged ni,d patented a plait for b cairns hnaacti which has !Ara ran- . fullyrid in Rotate, New Yark, A., and wherever applied. ha, received the decal./, Kelm - Ewe oiler Sloven, Furnaces, Act. Its advantages nee - In. Great regularity of Temper:tufo. . Pod. Freedom from Smoke. Urd. No unpleasant Dryoevo 4th. Easily attended to, and not liable to get out Of order. ' ash Great Durahillty. • A Moder•ad triereiLcation may be ne e n,.,,,, the ap . pawls obtained at the Capp er and Tinware factory 01 WM. SCAIM First Great, myentf • het. %Mod andy.l•rkri rte Hardware Cut ~ te• • JP .ott 111!!..WM•11•Fig• ruporrEa and Comere tie Hardware, would teepectfuliy tnUoto hu friends and she public gesweally. that he ie nowreeeeeing 14 Spriagaunily of Hardware. at the old clad:lel %Valker lc Wood well. No ea Wood street.wwch he will dopeeke td . uo Ihe n oretrestwohle Serone-.. • . • /le .11 be eanun.ll lrelbnoropfieedliert front the it/anal...iv., to E•ape thit counir,, wli,e/. enable Iwo br canape., mrl:a any email... enter I:stal.r. %Veal. I;i5:fEES=l Coparlisenthly.. ILATE. th e underrianed. ha, entered We Copartner• I"1 , stop for the purpose of trs uncung a Crodeer Cormalassan and Forwardiaebennsisa,-oneer the atrit:" or ouvitg, IlletilLE W At CO., drays taken the warehnure, Nth Conuneieia! Row, Liberty street. faraway ace pi by Mr. If' Parer— ' where all business entusted to oar Charge will4e pnmaptly and (solitary attewiled to. NORMS °HUM, Curnerl y. of. Philadelphia TllOB 47 MeGRF.VC, " Ohio - FINDLEY II McGREW," Pittabauh, Much W.. IS4. intchr3 TIIO.IIAIS arsIaNNEISY s an., - /1F the law bras of Gillespie h Kennedy. looking MOlass Alanatartarer 'sad deal, in Clocts, Combs, and Nanny Goo!,, beeps o...tautly an band. of los own manta:wine., erar• deacriniwa ne Gdt. blahoganY and Cornwon Lookiwr Owe,/ a I, / I 4. m3tl 3 all.wet Toilets; plain annortinnsontal pun, nt frames Al! kinds of Trays, a o d kv bows, ta wft• or d.osens; Goost.s.Tlorads. and general assoronsot at Fancy Goods, whdlcsale, at a all advance ozr can Pedlar/ and odwts %applied wok Fbelp's Charts, Var nee. Prints, and ID by II frames At New York pners. nty2oll , fir. coy <mod and Ith AlOraiongyalt•la Livery Stable. LaSM~itowi• IL tunh rAITEILSON44, at utirdie stable all pe rning larg through loSetund ,briollefl3 ‘Ve41 , 41 and eindhfield ...liens, in die rear sif the Monongahela Monte, with an eel/renew roe k of Ilni.es and ins is age , if the t...r quit, y and 1.14 r 41 kept al livery in the hest manner - T. Jame.. Italy ail Cheinal.al , Mow 1: , OR all kinds id eruptions and di stain, of if e V oath us Rheum Veal vy. Ifeat 'lm,atutPG‘A ut er.icked S k in, and (craft ether disra. ol Me Sun, which retinue etiernal remedies. this heap stand. unpa, ailed. It atm di.p. Is - Frne k Sen. burn. alorphow. Tan, and changes the color at dark. yellow, or diefigored skin, Ina fine. heulthy, learneet. A fresh supply, warren...l genuine, and kr sale &lite reduced price of fallier rake. bus fn.. het n metiv,a, otreted for .ak 1y.1: A FA 1111.:ES rock A Co ~ corner lit and wand and lien at the torn., of sstilt and weard I==l — gisairing end flair Dressing - I)LACKSOii.e. FOUNTAIN Toseeini Prnfet.ort, hns mpalottrd *MI fined P t Shaving, Hair brewing aud !Shampooing &Iwo in Ilse stook. sty le, and are prepored to omit on polka:U. atm., wtthe•lt, comfort and politeness They are pergra+l to wail on MI that oral .11 wtlhoot deter. Thankful for past favors, aro otheit • contAmmust of the same, al our Ss4mos..dilff, of llama Memetand the thamood, (back Akssairler Day'a . lley Goods Mom) oP •illislisrer Drieiss." XPERIENCELI /edge% oh a mint of one and • half osier 1,45, pronounce a,. sends on•ur palmed for durdialltu In the renstroettnn of all kpplds ant EnrosiWa. riles 5T1,73 rash for boot howls stir Al, guaranteed robe months umr. Orders liar a reentA jollity Halltrar. Mira, will beet are uterl at per Al t tr., de aired. without guarantee A stork or the first qualtlf Is now rtmeivam and for sole no the warehouse, ',noun. %V hart'," Canal U..., Imp • J eIIAW ALACLAREN xplitt( lienringion Iron Woikit CAUTION TO VilE P1101.116 7 -Tio subseri her. by wow. connect will, rxxiv ru ha* the exclusive right In sell then 'I eas. in l'atbureli .0 Allegheny clues Any person ntleutiiiiine to tell lheir Teas, eneent procured thiongli nue, is InnOtitnla n deeeptinniind ti (mud upon the public—and their mate. mews are wt to be relied on. rpt2t KJAVNEd F. oree 'IAN, AND CattN rrhit,- U Jaot received from the thitah Ilovoyfr straw' cutler, Pinelso eihndica I cutter. a very roperior artir le, Land the Uhliipte c 011.., all ur TIM of n vel r superior Win sale at the ratsliurek Seed and Iddileuidht warehouse, terrier of %Votut and Silt up, oell tl N 3y . ICKF:RSIA • IIDRUUs, DR Mg, Jrt)El. 1410111. ER, INwealgi and ApoMacau, N, W *leaner of Wood and Nit .1l Kiwlnnah, will kerr ronNanily on hand, DiuirK, T Palau, 011,..,:Dye.5ta1f,.. N prewription• carefully cowman& ed front the bear materiel., ar any hour an< Joy or bight. Alm, en eworunent of Perfumery; lino Tooth, Raw, and Cloth Brothee, de. die, w 1.1.11 hr. Will. low Mt oneh.• „ may I rhISSOLIRTION—The et.pownerrhip lieretotore 11 ./rant between the utiterde re, looter the T11;0 ex of J Wlllllllll & Cn, la that rimy &evolved lri• mama ransom. The hummer. will be tontinited laf J 11. Wit. hark. who in duly I laboured to telt!. the 1,000011 of the lore finn. II WILLIAMS, 1110,5 MILLER eprttl Pdlaherfh, Scpl 1.1E37. UTIACILLY —A choice eclreicoi y in C Pt - oiling and Huthling Hl,.e. r veruiu• pal m•• eullahhi In, 11.1411 Y men pi/acorn, AI., Icrga sitiorsincol of pea and pot keg 1 , 11 ,,, .• • 1111 Peroir 1111, ie• Jail teceived and for tale 1110/ 01 nor Seed ciod Agticohocia Wetebrom , No 131 Wood •i, runlet of 1311, -, ocifid w N WICK hill,llAlll - COMIIIHRIONEN, OF' DEEDS A T CI NCIN NATl—lnne author.'" it, the Cavern! liar Petunia.o in lake or knuovalvnentlo of all tn. gruments of avriiintr t ol e on.rata'tt , anJ 4, 2tntiti.a. .1 PrIPAIII• in Obinonbe nerd or north/ad in l'ennst lye. 0/1 . 1.4 2 don,. Kaar of the Alavor'n Ofttry, Con• einnall, Mon. ' El/WARD CRANCII • y • r Atinrnry at Lave RAGS WA D • '— k u 100,000 r paid. Always an hand, err ry. ilaterMilon at Writing and %Popping Paper and ['blond. Lima. RIV s Cattier Penn .11 4.40 ats -Adt..ontoa VINING ROSES, Monthly Atone. and Leos. greens Er., suitable for planting In Centric'', CIA he'hitnished en application it he seed elat, tram Numerics ar Jet War t Mancheeicr. SN WICKERSHAM • Nn 13t cob venni it Vol nth GOLD AND W/ITCII9S--Iteeni wed en addition to toy large Gott or Gold and Silver Pat on, beer Watcher, suitable fnr Ludier and Geinlenien —of the faint and hendiarricatpatternhand artier hart inannfaeturr—svartanted and lay sale it acre low ;ti c" W W WN..901 , ANloll99lf.itkn and Fourdh nrilirionatatea,eisti•rain ly on hand. and Ler axle at redneed priers, Mullis Pittsburgh Herd Store, No. 131 Wood streeGeorneerd 6111Amato Jr! N WICKEItSfadI ICE CREAM FREEZERS—I., I mentetf Johmon'a excel/rill Patent lee Crean, Pre.- Unable for I fina.llimbnal3 and private anti - . , JOHN DUNLAP. motkplio• ['TOIL/lOW—The Pabeer'her having kited the lotge °copied by Or, O.O.llusee)lNa. VCaar ngercW Row, are. Paw prepireil to etore:on fa vershlo , , teterti. poodo stored with thew ere ennetontly rovered 'by itwortßOC. • ,• JORDAN !Wide litlibortf had of nauthield LITERARY• PITTSBURGH FEISAbE INSTITUTE. rpitis institution: underline ease of Rev. I. PI 1 GO!110. win Loot, in :which all the whit and or namenial branches at n fintsl.d niter:anon are taughtis now open for the recepttod of 'multi at . 15 i SX, Irkeigna How, Liberty Street, between ad and ittlintreets. The Sneand. Session will commence otyltiondny the !00th 01 August, and it in Important that any who design entering should resent an Int a., ntactieuhleby thai time. 11 () T a y i n '" le r n a c t l toenr'ogf n th e c l ' he o f. i P a i ' matTOU who it too well known to ncedr,eeommendatioriA com petent Fieneh teacher will ba.einployed Pro rEIN ti I lASI wall:mon charge of the Department got Vocal Slime. I Pror..SUNINSEI will have direction of the Artlinic Dcpurtment, and will give lemon; In drawing, aketch : nig. and panning, both in oil 'and orator colors. Prof. S is' n competent teacher, and boa recommendation,Rom the first men hi Europe indshe United Suites. Ile has also been a teacher in the tent zip.o,oljol,l, of the country. FoL rle_i_siipLaty to thi, IitiNC3LittIIES. SI6JIINAJLI e . CITY: 3111E1 Institution underthe direction of hi. W. J. - AIERVALF, w open for the reimpsionhf Popils I 'lathe Corner or Saadi:LlM, and Strawberry 11.•• 1:3111. The Second Eession will commence 011 hl commence Those Outdoing to eater will find n to thew interest to do ea as near the opening of the sem,. as possibl e ; Ilaulth pupils will be :rerinyed at, any time during the Seaman. • IlThe services of competent Teachers will be neeured i . .classes that now wish to receive .mstruesiona. in Teton, Fainting'und • For particulars telative to the course of instruction, lerms, consultencularar apply to the Instructor. if Allegbrny. July t 3, IIiTAKG.I.IILE 111.1101illoopubliahed be .1 A dr. U P James, Walnut meet, between Fourth end Fifth, Cincinnati. I (Intones Gibbon—The hiatorylof the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Eq. A now Edition, ea insedaad corrected throngh• qut,preceded by a preface, sad accompanied by gores critical and historical, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity: b y M. F. Genial, Minister of Public Irnitruction for the kingdom al Prance. The preface, notes marten:laminas, trans tired loom the French contritely Inc this edition. With a notice ol the Lac and cliaracter of Gibbon, and. Wa t son's Reply to Gib bo n. In- vols. imp. oho, 1073 page.. Plapior's Penianda War—Lomplate. I voL imp. tro, bOO peg.. e illallann's Middle Agel, Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertann's Virginia and Now England, Rumell's French and English War in America, and Flannery's American Revolution. I eel 4to: Librarysil American tilitory—Containing seine- Vila from the beat name on, American History, 'Biography, Travels, Conunerce; Statianca,lisdiatis, Revolutionary Bottle., &c. &c. &c. Also, Anne , dotes, Poetry and Al incellancoua urn cie Moans Ind with more than 500 ongravingv. L aval, imp Oro' 640 page.. Universal Pictorial Library.-containing valuable papers no various subjecta. comprising Natural History, Natural Sole tient, Agricdlture,Rural Econ. only, Biography. Fine Arta, die Orientals, Travels, Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous reading, &e. der. I sal imp /No 640 pp. fall sheep.] The Family Medical .Litirary—A Trenue on the Prevention and cure of Diseas6, by regimen and simple medicines: New edition, Tamed gad enlar ged with the addition of a t'eghtable Malaria Med. tea, pointing out the virtues, ordinations and tiatea rorntir mat valuable native medical plants, and an oalline of Anatomy and Physiology. Illestrated with.e hundred Engravings, Mt of which are colored. By .1 G Norwood, Al D-4.rel pages Bro. American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the United Stater, by Edward Sayer.. Landscape and Ornameutal tiarsitio, 1: mo, third edition, rented. enlarged and illustrated. Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Aloontain•,&c. 6e. Family 'Testament; octavo, with and without Polyglot aotes,and Paula. in metre. Rice and Pingree's Debate. Horn's Work.. Lady of the Lake. Lally Rmkb. Morsel. Prorate Devo tion. Juvenile 'look. editing of van.. works in pamphlet form. meld!) I Valuable Madan' !Works. na..N DE.3 ENCYCLOPI3OIa,s D enamoy of Or, ras,loterattr. and art .nag the Imam", tleteripoor pnoor ego( rlery brisheita Lonna knogrktle, ton* thr dealt.. and dents.. a all , the tow .0 traa oval doled lty lh"l'Brandr,F R Illottratad by, earn° inariag. on col. orMors. orth Aom. contaahlog latant.ratfr r .4 tarps . a North Mama, euuda.East. Canada Ire Non ' , tn., Brunstatek, Northern Tram, Nr* M 4 tros'Flortda. 'Trzas, California. kleuv , Carnital Ass. I w ma.inn W. IQ. Islands all tnr Emus and Turn ith U.. . . . Plisp.P... Ponta. Dcrn Ine Do. /..317, P< rwroi,,ou of tiwir prloripte,, ['nose' hoal, AI b!Joha 0 Chatty, ll D *Ai mule poni.oa Asti; la 'aeon . • - - thy Body is re10t4,41 tolh. hl Occirie D, ,aLat.,r.r thehlyal . Ilelareiks. 7t,l,:th and :I " ,th . VI whirl, mak. 11..• •••, • ot7 pop. uLoo do work. l'srito of S. Sis, being sercesieg esrfatiestr of sh. ponstirt, Sr liter—The Jurcnil. tomprkeier rhasmes.ey russ 14%1 elTrlloe doclinssir, • Jec sten of press fa practice, by Fang'is T Resscll,lastrussar •MrSike St rrisestatt., Tfir game WM lE. rerris.•ti sad 4n. sal.. by JOHNSTON ISTOCKTOY •1 • Ilsubsell.n, car insrltat sad ard *ls Ltlll , of?! lllra h ; .Pane't Smote, et Mr.i.c the, • /10riter's ei natant'. l'eteota . v3liderin Xlddievi Mailer's bleu r..1..r.? lilbotwon'e Practice, Wonsan, da • then lie's dit, Exteriie use rental, • extuper on Hernia Ranttha•litero'• Praiii,ce of Pettuntnn, Human dm Stomach; . l'ondir on Otwaxev m lielde en, Mesiteat Dieboolfr, I...ln4ernn l'll2l,lS•atra Ibrpentatnry—nevredxion. 'XI, at m,: With n usvottntrini of xlimealnnd MixecHaneour Honk, ionweivaig•and for vale It w t •,ELLUME & _ non., • 54 mike!, tw .1 bv,vn 3td and , 11 . £l/01109.. falleiCERINO— One gplra..l4 Roe 'T*MO alt and ahaltortave Pomo Feorie, Eitooltertna, Lush.. HER R—One Ventegrand roine f• ne, from the mama, faclory of Ilenry Parii. I X owls , HALE CO—One rarve4 fintewwd.ii octave, mak. LT &Hos N Yin& Our illtto mhocany twin,. • S I'ODA HT. New Enrk—lthe efeJrant Pomo, six oe ave., has Leen used aboutepc yeart prove 03001 , 11, II AND MAROS. An excellent vecend haudtiano, mode lit loud • - .11 an gorni urder• • .... - • ••••• • • • CI. the ' , recent hcitd Diann Xs no Fel tale by i JOON II 31E1.1.0. nvo , vt maul meet O ra tom; Sane., w We •frhnoybr of Liters.' irtoiltioploer TacipAe, by Albert aus i th. l'uniamoder of Malta:odwlrced. 14,001ws of tone.try P aoulv i &ail. • Leclnds of Mezir, by Ow.tioppoied; fwd. sappy. Alsawnw for October. New Mut e. just mewed hy WAL wl , l Woad id; olpinsitt post skirt J A1C1P4311..4. tllliVlCS'ElitiNw . Wet:mere l 1 / 1 /131 , 6114• geonnin, an.llltrekerevin,, Murdoch'. Alc..lc3m. an I `ride'. Octet and Enillsh Lemon. Itraper're Nalueel Philovnilt y onellet 'n flentnetey. /nwed ...I nit saleby etounip MeDONALO 0. UEP.SON, market et ar the Ore. Hews, 1:0 Atom, and of the vent! and entni.igns among iruni tHei maul.. 3d the thr.A. Pnliietv tn HaMtrlPll win tbdtX rotor,Y truth the Total/lb loke—to two vol. -91 redid rOpy wllli ituntenaue rump. find cope- Letter,' illustrative of the Man W 'Wolbain 111, limn ICsto INX—WIth Lou worm, i i• vrole. ". Conn. - mom to the •tudv df the 1101( empturen Hulot Mowbray, 1.1•111,, ' , rob .1W recta. sel l st o is. , ui rn tie Holy Lend, Ercheh Stave, and /Amin. di Chum Juin tce'd and for Pale by. Me 00NOLEI.t. HFIESON 3102 olarkroweet 7 Na,,, litoell of Plano.. 01IN IL MELLOR. el now tee 11, J'an excellein ai.rinlenl of Tamil send New York l'in nob arrived In-day and new procaine vale. Ttvo splendid Itteiewwxd Pianos, octave., H.&10 One iiiHrodid carved linwa end, nil eetueee, ;((XI lune, xploxidid mahogany rbuno nit and a linlf oc- IP , grand Paton Vane mode at th e facto 350 ry' of Wino' Herr Pali,. fin d fully equal, to the one used by lion nt Lr. t:onrnets,' OLh One mahogany mond hang Plano, laildc by No. don, Wererefer k Luolon,New York, 2•45 A futther supply tetlp be reeclved donna lain week. eti3O: ;; New Lot of Elegant Pianos. KLECCR has nor received no 11 which will be bold !Over than can be bocighs lorbeoot. Vnr rieggrit mahogany, 6 oetave. Riede by Monne & CI k, New York, or oral pokier cad ark... of goo--evoi-m-ily low priced. Ore 'el , knin rroeworid Piano, made by ebb:kering, Mom! and *elected try him Pie bent inorurnent of the: elute ifi b,. factory—pier very uoitlerate. Ikvideiya number of whoa nip all twinymid soles, fickuung the moo extensive selerlion ever of litre, !No Woodwelh. . • nuke , Orkiion anti New York Pianos. PAIN 11. EIELLOR, No 61 Wood at, received and °guru for sale— ffl9ll Oue cbiendidlionewowl Piano Forty, tenth e‘ act•yee, irort frame Intl new 'Made by Chic:kering, of llostoii. One elegant Rovewood Piano Forte, with Some. snit iron frame : Made by iChiekrringi (line elegant MahoolnY Pinup Pone—made by thrta te Co, New York. the iVewe will he roll in trienufeettiteVe pricey. - • •kl•fi:for hale lie eleire, • around hand Piano Pont, *cilia Octavo* join _ LIINTOILY Ott NIENICO—JaiI published, by J&& P Jon., Cinciountb THE Y OF .CIEXICO: her: Civil Warn and :Colonial and Revolutionary Annul., from the perioil of it•palont In the present nine,le•Pt including an account of the War...lithe United:Woe, Altht.ry Aehievelinnly try Philip 'Young. pi,/ With two Copperplate Alnico, and .even Row eying. of Pimlico( Bode Grounds, at. octovp, of five bundrid and esziplone . jolt • • AH OV III EXICILO—Mapa de los &tub* Ver. / 1 .1 drs do Mei ico r Peron b um:reload° y Actinide par conPio eon.. rierao del Cementer de: dicks Republica: y u , ao Kr In ample, aumoldades.! A fesi triples received; fire mole 61 • JIJIINSION fzeiTOCKTON,lleakoelieso •.0 • °or laract A rid oto 1. OIk:PRINCIPLI.s OP NATURE:, her Divine Hey. •elarions, and a Pelee to Alankrad;'hy and Ohreogli Andrcoelaeknon Davie. •: g „ Another let or theta Wandeigul nook. too been mail loediej .-• 11” 1, 1 , 14. ' GincitzassioTiriii A eio IP-a- Of We 'ite . te calclowei fianos,l.eltled; /Of Mar bY or. JOHN H DLELLOR thread it ItittiltTOßlEB. 8- It E- . SP ING,. IRON-WORKS: .11MULAN,,&411a. t . having completed, their New woraa, am nistryiaparett to twatusfai. tare) every deseriptton of COWL : and, Male print. Iroo ., l u szlea, &meek. Blister, spemicaillt Steel, and talus of email. square sad,n th -which' they offer for sale on liberal tonna, inikett, aralasss Ng. 43 Wood street; whew tier keet . ol4 complete and 6.4sosne. smarm:tem W WA, ming., Carriage hardwaie, 'malleable ci.O . and iron, & Co have made arnangementi e ! . , Sp Davi & tainafactorer, 'Shovels Forks, &v., and will keep constantly on .handee &thole Made by them: Ikalert ere cespertfa!ty kW` cited to cs In priies and soma will s made irad-dTsv , PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, I Prousuran. l JOHN 'WRIGHT t 00. A FIE prepared to build roman an . d . %Voollanyaekt. chtnA l ßp o inn o i v n a gUrrg. T SK•e 'i4 de ' ra, usa Drai..tHrWarn i" Hallway rleads,Warpora Twillanpoovi.,Lan4 Prune., Loamy Card Grinder., Sc., %Brought Iron ahafdng turned all tiles of Can Iron, Pal tea a ha nd Hangers, onhe boort pattern., arida and hand Lathes,. and took oPallkinda Calling. of eirery derenption fdmiiihed on abort Patterns made tinter for Hill °eating , ha. railing, Sr. Simon 'Pipe for heating 'Factorial., - Hap Iron Window Sorb, and fancy Outings generslly. Ordeal fl at the Warehouu]of J. Palmer & Cu, Lib any,elmet, will have prompt attention. • Reran ro- • Blailetack, Bell & Co., K hloorboall &Co., E .Warner John Irwin & Poo; Pittsbargh. tl. H Varner, Sta.b.a.lll.. Hata ICO-PARTNERSHIP E. ter of Jonaln and J. A.lllluaus at Pittsburgh, have t I. d2y entered into co.partnerskigi under sty and fi r m of Stephen_n Shoculieggef Co, at the 'Adshdr Iroo Wnths, Wheeling Va., foe LW rapped of manufattoring iron and natl. of averydaan , Pinsn: - 1 'E. W. Prrinsons. F F Sitotrtagtort. I. A. Snocuni, . .„ 11T8PliEN8, 8110EN111,18111 k CO,, ANCOOR IRON IWORLIN. 1 wig, Va. Manufacture all kinds of boded', ditch Winn stnd natty A Llmeet et hnic sprtugs and Oleo. Belnd cow tied.] insh Slinenbenrces 014 Joniao Weeks, we cab offer an article ofJuntatniton (branded Elboenberaerl equal to any made in th e country. - All of ulaschtntl be' Id at the Pittsburghprices . Warehouse of the Works contnrnf Mourne and Water stirets. s royll Jas. Lippestran John D. Wick. L. E. Morgan. LIPPENCOTT 4 CO., IiffANUFACTURERS of HAMMERED and CAST M. a YEE!. Shovel. and Spades, Anna and Hatchets, Milehe Cat, Circal. and Hon saws; Hay and Meant Torts, Hoeg, hl Kumla. Picks, &e. ing comple mac hi neryr arrangements id the ead function of new ry, and In securing the hem stickmen final the moat ealstitated establishments of the ELM. err now manufacturink and will keep coo etantlyn a hand and for sale all the above articles, hav ing mowed themselves of t h e Weal intro ovemente and are determined that on workmanship and Malarial they mil not be elrelled. They promise to prod aeosultekh equnl, if nataftperlar. to any that can ballad la the East. They matte the aticiaton of dealers tom examination of their clock before percharing elsewhere, as they are canvinced that they wilt be able to Ell all orders in their line to the entire attleel'ac nun Of /matt awes; Warehouse, Water et. doom Wald Monongahela Hoesch Mahar/at, Per . S A Persons Itsving bastoess swots Lippeasa fr. Son, wi ll hleaee soli on Uppensott It Co. oes9d I y! ALLEGHENY TESITIAN BLIND FACTORIr. I JOHN A. DROWN TAKES dna method m infona his (tuna -_ ~ I ant the pabhc at loge that in. Factor] , . 2;171ra n'n n ' it ee 7A7s7n;, th hw e E'a re Zn i i Mutt sanely of Blom. et cartons colon constantly kepton hand, also at No. 5 AVotal at, BittaborkKat ).t •11. Pitaive oil cloth wale room. Vf,usimn Shane. made to order in the best style. klltnds repoirsd at the densest entice. • N. B. Ilia IBMs will be pet Lip, without any addl. 1 101161 erepme so that they eaaki:i t en d so iy e a ml: nth a t t7 mid in ease of Lre or lor washtng, and sealant the aid of • clew dr e A. POLTON, Bell and Brava Found. t -t et as tebtult and commenced Mimeo at h Id stand. where he will be pleased to MP/ ius old c attend rr. and Blends. Church, Steamboat, and Debtor every size room to to mow rent fro. , patterns of the most approved and warranted to be of the best material. Almerat Willer PUMA, COVISIICM'awImg, tee ogether with every variety of Muss Castings, deemol ett turned and finished to the neate.stmoner. PA F. I. the .tole propector of BIDET'. Amt justly Mos, Justly crlelinned for the 'adora tion df Awn. in machinery. The Boos and Comm ./1.9 /•111 be bade( am atoll pine, jantilY I • V. W. MI ALLACEs PITTsBUROII STIKA,II MARIILR WORKS, N,,, 211 an! Litarty ...W, row , I LR':a nn hand and made order, a large nrie re •.•Tototi Sams., Mcnionients, /se t all Which, tali*m and id e of the thoirest marble, and marnanetortid nmehinery, w ill he told low for casts. N. It. Perm. "robing to purchase Mantels, arp informed that lianceintth unneemmary for them SO Fait, al I ran Minisli them with an anion in all respects. good. mid (Reightonaamnee, /se, consider ed,' . cheap as tbey can garehaae theta for in the Kam Cali and ma. , jell/ SIIEZT 1110E4 AND TIIII . ! WARE ALAN USACTORk' Ne S Market street, einetutrgh, Puma: . THE tuageriberi haven mule greet imprieutenta to nee enelltroCriall of their COOKING OVM, tespeCtfully tionte persons buildinuSternb' to call and exanune before purchasing.. .seen IL..Arab= with Dark Forges r end every other knid of etViter.V.n and Sheet Iron work necessary in tarlatan.. 'nit a boa We alg awake to enter on dial shortest notice Sal Tines and Charubcr. Capper work for Stearn Engine./ and every variety ni wort in 01.11 tine. feta SHERIFF & SHIRK 31;aiELY Manafactutern of Vials, Boltlts and W. Min, na 1:17 11'000 STH:LEY. A M; factories' berm; now in fall operation, we are prepared io.rnecune orders in lour line. promptly. None . the lag yammer ellsvc adapted. new nhauni door rang Window Glaos, (Mc owl rappinved plan now arid m INS caw.) by which we tom supenor rk. lileSndinnned on atm plonm enact.) revel and nue. nrah very firm lustre Lannon and neater, gen era/IY, ern retinc.rd nil •nd . j‘nintlic lay Mem aclve.a. awn • 1 1 BENNETT 4 BROTKER, I.III3I:‘WARF.: ;MANUFACTURERS - l nirmi.11 , ...., Decals Pltestsurpgt t iPa. l Bar*muse, No. 137, Wood sti•cd, rataburgh. WW ILL - constantly keep on hand • good Almon= men, or Ware, of oar own' m.aliteturs, and supetcherniality.' Wholesale and country MGT' chant. arnrespeetrally maned to call mai cri Maine. for thentsclvet as we ate ii , determined in sell cheaper thpn has ever . before Lena dared to the pubs oe. Ilps- Orders rent by mail, accompitkied by thecash or city referent, wal to promptly &vended to. MM.% ----- —' . Great Ilicatern Butt Iliagel - MalUfactoty, 1 1 CINCINNATI. 0. k. t e it y ß o D , Ni e l , ; ,,, R w ie ,n r i fo n;i wo .,, el g uttnir b t . th , rayl i e b t . h;t: eye; tondo in the United Stoics. .1.14 ads is oar pkiciti, pie home., we intend to wind oar On complete an on/ nelr Its tan gorecilly he made. Those eueased to tho lemeu. trade, we think. will Moll It to Melt interest to fr,:oor Duns API orders promptly attended to. mys A GARDNER AL... enrol tee ... male tIR JOHN MURALS'S' & Co u No. Ott and9l front ins; Bas, Focal:m.lround riga FIV. Ku; BILLS of all sues east trow the latex unproved par 4, terns and warranted rpm to any Steil, Wu. CallllllgSl fiollhod If ordered, Cu krol trap put up promptly ind uo fril6ollllbiC novlUdly iSt EEL WORXBANDDPRIND , AND AXLE FACTORY, mot mac J0N16411 141111166 • ANtIF AC TUREFts of Opting and Phew gcrel; ....Nei: Sigel (lough Wings, Coach .A Moue : 4 gortnir. Honour rod hon Axles, and /sailers in Majlephie Caillnes, Fire Cosi. Lagos and coarb: rally corner 01 Doss WSJ Front strosto, LIPPIN(.7 OTT 'non watuul.. RON: amt . Nail., tithnvela, Ere. Car we at oar new IVarrhoere, No. 53 Water street. near Wood, ran. ng w hunt. , Also, an a.anrunevn at th e old n and, Alehtasterht tnv, Liberty airget.. • Hornig made gre a t addgiona to the Rolling Miry all dery can ke filled proattlitl. lauwe, LINDSAV & Q,. -. BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY:* cartraELL i CHESS, mintiraereases or FINISHING NAH,S, HOOK .11HAD Iron and Copper trineka s IRON AND OOMII SHOE,NAII.B, MID rattan Makes.' Points, of tasty description. Of6ce No. 2 St. Charles Hotel, Third:ore.,, 6.64 Pittsburgh. ' P. GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. 114.LILVAN & L.HOLIE saittsufacinre and keep Min, unintly On hood Cut, !doubled and Plain feJint Glassware in all Its reticules, at Oleic Warehouse COO= ner uf Maiket and G,iater Simms, Fittsbnrebi Our Works continne in full operation, and we are eaertanily 'Odin g to bur sleek, which enables us to fill onions with promptness. Porchasera are respectfully solieited mull and gamins prices and terms. _my10•11)i T.k10,9. kr. Jr, mote,,,,k Variety Store and Looking Glam. Manufacturer, . Cannik of Wood Ind rninih ; Piiish nrgh. eunnu•nl of Variety Uebdr, .drono, liont Caps. Hook, 'and Aye. ; e;„y Pointii,-0-rvery pattern inid Wc.c..en Mere hauls a !Hi c ninre to Call and aiamtne k.-rote parahasala altataller...;Or going /*dun: All kinds of(lilt, klabbkany and unman Loa n:eta.; e. ninnnikninind Ind kkld al Klaaito Otlee.. octal ' COACH N ;;FROM the very liberal eneoaragsl em the enbeent er hat received A lle g h eny, ;el; b bat located himself la Allegheny, has !educed him to tare a lease, for a tens of yeah on the property hems sesames, In Beaver treet, Immediately beads the sbymelan s Chumh. 'From the long OZpOTIOLLOO IR, the Gene beentem hnd t dcdrefla it please, be hopes to MET. ond rettive I Mimeo( public patronage. blow en hand end Iteuthlngra order, itoekaaray Msg. mos, open and top Boggles, and every dampness of Carnage. made to' MO e. fro m aoreatpllve dollen aighthunemr ' 4sep3vltfl t- JOHN SOUTH, ' . 'ZiOLIVAIVIFIRE natim.• i .37 . on, r pi HE Ilftlieliimaaaltlecand by' James utialover, Bolivar, I. a warranted a sap , Oar iniele, in Mil; Mr ante by . 11V. Al KIUI ' ..,,,, '.! ,' 'calm a. aear Th et rro . e'rekatitokr A..1.t00 waltir & D. I*.bcoballE ersaltag ties 'low hi:mks - at:4 brasvelll,lootoplewtaith will hot .o du l,l at i pin Apply to • Whl D SCAIFE ar4S . • IW aywitar woo 4 E D J t•~L'L ' 'a-' - RAISING. BLOOD' : ' 1 aar,„,.., ; And Comema_ ption, Pain to the Side ind .I'll wht AQUI. ' Wboappg Cough, Palpitation elate Heart, LlverClamplent,.ltroothitts, amy ell difines of . .;thwthrom, Items and liver e b =yt.ther. , . mates All•HeaSeg { ...:_,, ilthigegtood and CpssainiNiOre: i: • A/F4.1414 1 1 , h4, o =l , a r r c gete d " rt , ;kly ,, t , 4t h ls i =k t tl i abic, an all, the meal lye plitenet moisampllop f _ . l/c, =Send were 'of the best fihrtr i eNote t v ..!, L r ...- g: 7l 6o ` i ' L vtarwtder CO Yal cores per/Wined blithely.' 'man'. InSh*he' ant se ID r' lark sit night to' Mr..' I,44Stoneerg ' tNeedrai t tr e n , A _._ 4 linl d flt S ons bottle he nu able tote aonthis Work. had adhlteD.HlS LIFE His dimmevi residhtt IV' AN*, Call aunt it, ' . -,. , .i'i '.• . , . ' Anit Zdameasof ,Willimosborsh; hying id t nth nastilloon kinclitwrawl—Tliat the bad been treated with itinolciagnonst ; pin ;tube cheatifor o t 1...1 time, mil: WID.ML M A:k OW that ne - tras ligeo to Mae ale - sehnlYnnon than a' year:. Ski then coenerteenkintheAll.ficallog Batumi-wink soon alleviated ber',Viti.'? - . She it now fastreentrieg, add Pau ruumatbu •HtßortrtsPoOnaanu•ch.r: II 1 - HAIRS.'" " - "I'L.SLL" . • ~ .. .• - Air. l obe CPN!Akiii..witaitie int iln .c ma With a cough, roniqyamout nod - pain in 14 side. He could get NO ItHLW , Shiba trietithe All Headier Helene, which time dwiVabia.o., ali. r4 °,o° ...irk end 'brottelc diet oino - thweettlet, and below he bad tokell Mtn bo , Was IndyNy at Pkirray and ..- . Mrs. Basin, • lativntraidier*Yesillng tie, r, ,er, ke. Inc yews bees ethical' to altaisksot el. Rattle* of Blood, severe Cbtegie, S howmen. of D ~ Pain In beg Head and mien_ part. of liartedy, Hee friends believed her PAST . R E COV E RY. '..-7Yse All-, Healing Baleen monad her at once of all Felt Pa - tog tymptosmand the is iow able is attend tons h., ' Asthma tied Whvii*C4/.. •:-..,., ; I. byres Lien:Se-Welk, 113 011ospree-mt 7, S 'lNta l it. Delancey-m, Win H Yon Walcabm,btoj OD'. th e yen of th is Seen tune ify ..- I I Ask for Shernmes All.li ening Balsam, and t hat muu his written sittre is on each bottle. ''• t [ Pecan cents and Si per bottle. Dr.Sherecan's Worm an cough Lamers ml as "I.ri' Soldatihnlt 4' "Scat' i 0 tail l 4" by ". 'itt. N J;A le'' ,Ll l his l Yitnt Medians Wierehonsmind Beata Rhos Stort,'No Ifailies , 1 5,6.1., !mad of Wood stient,lrench, Ran ,%eribot jr-11 tf .1 7 1WattHROfrlirrolicitInfinilMV OP . I TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA ...TII,r Penland (Me Adveniter Says :—"Tha remedy hall beer(olore soceestfal than any medicine we have ever k far An osegfereu. cameo GAP =PRO.. /kitting Bloo d, .in • in the bide and Breast. Broachies, Asthma. OM ~,A Cough*, _Hoarseness; Sore Thom; Palpitation of the /lean, Whooping though. Croap,NersonTmmont• twl Indivithods of this highest respeembility loafs city r ample tnemocy te its power a.a efficacy in thfs!c . of " di m ."". Aongthe teatime' . o r iels to theval coo ftheMeo4 We l ' d- Witte, mo nveml from dittionished pktaietans lentil. adelphia. Read the f o i l from y Young, I' Pauktutsittn, Jent.lB,lSlJ. daring need in raY• practice; MI wel l as in my Mut family ; 'mpeorebe Commineillyrup of Tat mod Wood Naphtha:l bare no lansitation ile laying dal it is the best prepare/lona the kid -to ite for persona suffering fawn Consumption, Mamba, Colds, and all atiectionstof the Throat, Brent, the, it. entree= at this seasord'of the yen. - Wei ; Yorks. 1a.., Liel home 4 I We hear...en within a few dayathapersaawhow a de fallowing <artificial.' He remains tivelkbeinty pkr- fectly cared of hia dime. s - huilshiLlmia,Janutry MIME/ From a sense of graded°, and • dank that the Hike: 'tad may have reaseree to II truly inraleable, meo.enic, I weed mate ant Ile,bencit 1 have experienced /man y the use of Tbonomon's Componnd Syrup of Tor abd Weed Naphtha. 'Forseyeral years I hare foae•.9 , :- bed with a dinreasior rruktug coaxh,,accommeinied len th ' great uPPremion and difficolty of breathing, with nse , =re CenTm"ho'helnirbc'ehrMitehßreareaciil7l. methane, t ime to fry IL I did ao, sail in 4 verysleort time eve•y Harming symptom dump ea I my expectoration became free all oppresaion left toy cough ceased, and inn Ow days 1 sensible la I to out and aneud to my basinese a well min. Ally furth r tub ing wi ll Ito cheeriblly given Me Maimed, y calling et my reemlefice, No. Front at., l i J ul. OS: McMANAhIY i I This invaluable Medicine H prepared only ky 'AN - NEV A DICKSON, ENE renter of Fifth and Spred& ta, Philadelphia. Sold In Fitutiorgli by L A : VILMit , Jr. Price 50 cents or SI per battle. • CAUTION—Reis-am of the many counleifetle ell I are now admit. "The mmfrepulons are eye./ ready dee...iv e the maims, i ' ' ir7sMbn i g 'lila hilthr , AIIITUIIISDIfiti alleettee • 1 ZRY—A Bleating"! A !Miracle P.! A Wender: —To curt. Masiont end J'Asilkeerementa of the Ski ,-: Sierplim /freckles, Sun barn, Snit abeam, kitater, Heads, Re., ke. .. Pr . . Four years likit lout logo , the capitate! Fran c ' was astonished in consequence of a diacovery made • an Judean Chemin.. Weeny doubted—it wonted n i an impossibility then anything madaby the hands f man, could have ruell ningular, powers to IRS! chimed by Ansonia- resprini Or hisymition. Many elated.' him and his inveneinis as a bonbon, land. alas! many foolish nersems without omelet do the ramp! nom - Jai lngih, ter testing it in Me hospitals, the Medical** ele Iyof Paw (Me bmicherrums in thd worldj deliver...ll ' the followingoreponto Signer Veryinnie : l i. • °We bare now =Lintel) and earehally eremined•th ' gamely mvention of -Vesprini. We hire mialyseeti• component pans—we have used tin several emen, an . m e heeihma not te: pronounce n i the lerdien.Chereica/ F0.p.1 ... gee;, blesmog, and .: till wonderful semi ldy mir any SUISIRCORS ;mum. , des figiamment of the to skin. Itionvenr me console-. il • me pitiOntleropial ore alferlemmankitOL. .• ' ' i Milluedi Lfre_it'OLD DUMMY " ' President. I . - Fmetfthe urronfror !limpet, to tkepeesent Prieepnetai. . 4 4 , , tam, , Nrs, IMO • In Consideration of Ilin min of IRMO I hive dinette Red to Mn T. Jones, median Mlles city of New York' N. A., the whole processtof suannfacturing,l togeshef with • statement of the ingredients 'composing my Ital lan Chemical Map. Ile es to utanifuseure It for sale i 7 'the United State. only trod to hark thepmellege of on Ellin( a i'Vonex' halouvOuunsal ✓ Soup.. • . i . Witness: Henry J. Ifteldmrorth. ftllgned) ' if ' ANTONIA VESSIRTNI" Of - End by W JAMESON, ate his' Patent. Medieln Warehouse, 80 Liberty street, bend of Wood, ...1 l Hp of the His Boob.l I • . . i ylre The only piece is Pittsbergh wherethe GENUIN coo be obtained All othirs ere ementericit. I AGREAT - Cr/RE, perfumed by the minimal and only eras aad genuine; Liver Pill, menaced Mid and by RAE SEL LUIS. Moues' FACTOR; Weettneitimet CMil, l's., l ' ' i • hay 1ik1i,1847, Mr. R. E. Seilens—A name °Maly my email the ailliceed induces em Inedd my tunable testi...my la Cams of yOurjustly celebneed Limy Pdho., / have &Mimi doing so Zs ye adhering to Dam Crockett's maim, ebe sure you an right thee go ahead' Most of Mammy preparations of mot,. and snacks, landed in the skies, have sank into Militia. your User Pile hate been orprd to the pohle, and. indeed • I bairn they will.-omeimi than aquas they'nee just what yon tepreteat them IS be.: I Web*. alined wale Litt Complaint ham my . youth; have suffered mach;; implored many eminent physicians, to whom I poet mach minity; ham kw much blood; been yomitedmd physicked slalom in death; landed Lad t.lO-7 was beidemed to try year Liter Fills,mal SOON GOT WELL. Out Ws of which it beer sullicierit to keepms clear of paha in ih. aide. and all Ma other aymptimm. far la 1..4 ilt wenn. Your Selo am mho the besyeatb•mie I veer used: being mild, not griping or giving much* eieke.• et the mom mh,-but pm me much relief I Lase kept Omani My stem for tl 'or 7 years; sold hueulreds of ham, and have never hewed • stogie comphient nettled by any out who has mod theta. They ham superceded alesal every other yell irthis meeker-hood, and in • short Hate min bmish theta ell. I earnestly recommend them IS all permute neediag, physic, whether far Lime Ceniplaint or Bielime A/reclines! I con sider Meat far superior euCafreael or gis Blue SO L. , Respect (alell.lNTAN—As Item are other Sills be elL ° 7l:lle CA1.1204.1. Polk perwerwhowanethetlENUlNEObuonld sele be and take 60 ether Mae theme prepared and :Ad by II E SELLERS, No 57 Woke bows. Third and' Fourth , tenet.. ' - . , Sold by Dr,Citamb, MIlli" Ward D!1 COOOO, .118egiusay i ags DR. JAYNE'S "ALTEHATIVE. We bane been informed by dint Ease of a mire formed on her by Dr. Jayese , a Alterative s which proves iU ognioritforcr every miter remedy, of the • kind. Abe ha s been &Atlee! (or be lan sixteen .years, with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended wok ulcerations and eafoliation of varloosbones,du-: ring which time teeny pieces have been d 'tether/0d from the inmost bone of the minium, from both her aims, wrists and baud., and from both legr, and from the. left formal - Woo, and from the eget knen,.besidospainfel ulcers on other ports of her person, which have beast the skill of a number of the mon eminent physicians of Oar,tits —during NMI Of, the 01me her unflectnum hare been excreta:mg nod deplornbltt. Abseil three months since .he Was Induced lo try Dr. Jayne'r Attentive which bee bad in astonishingly happy erect upon her, h y removing all porn and - mentors, and calming th e Mom 41 heal, walle dielamt POW bee generalluenlth has beimme completely restored, so Om she now wolfs rd 1b...MR.11 she dad betbre .be commented Ow one Of this truly yulFepecynuou.--lbal Eve. Pen. Fo r fothertl non, Of Mrs. Rose, No. 12n` FilbOtt on, Plall ohm. , Formate in Pittsburgh, it the PEICIN . TEA . STORE, 7i Pounhst. mac Wood. . Jy3 V ea; whose lour tad - 4 Yoe; ho se itidork still sallow— youmhose halmerth b and witty, - Ruaty,ddif red or fiery— Too, whose Tile offensive breath ' s • lbw:imam:l as pptrtddemh— Tee cookl bere—boy,rolut or . Teuh oswhiseds pmwrpr pearl. Breath a spicy tweet, and eurticle Pare and whveatulsumottend enrol, • nod hth.thh.ulky,dhlig 4481 .0,. • • By reading what is Mid 'below • . ' ' • READERSi any of you tan has gthe uho ug h,( 4 , 4 t 0 d this,. nothing bat truth.) ti/ing a 3s bottle ofJohei's Co rsi flair Restorative—a.ft boa of JoeetaAmber Tooth Vette-rued de cake of the genuine - Jonete • Italtan Chemical Soap. The articles cost but little, and 'you are assured that trim llatnng are Melt real qoutbutai, The tooth. paste the brealha .wret odor, white . teeth. and -ptesenreo the teeth, Ike; .The shut all: know to he the mon extumite thing emir made for dee. mar, beartufyhnn nmi catmint Me grOwthst hie; and' the soopi (get th e peals. Jones's Sup, mind) wi II cote all eruption., •fte i ci . k r les,.. , ltd4 and , Mike dark' yellow white, Zl.ll°ll4l' d = Medic melltarehoese tit Liam, let " •ft Dr—Teriamel Palm .11C4remstan Nmerl'irthl WHERE are few djaaneemorecammon or cren. blesome Pdes, and ,yet. notwithatal* Mmat darts hate been Male to core by.the use Ilk• electetaies, Hallows; ere, all were futile, Andel little bcnelit. Now the Ittribrocati6Os the inty medicine Wed: A penon *hobs* beau Offer?, mg with the Pales of the -Wont kind came front Se. ipm New jeney, almost on pupae to 161111M11 hie raffinate for the speedy cure that this medicine bad effected in hie cam-I'll4'SM. Poet 1121" For sale in Pattsbongh at the PEKE 'TEA STORE. 72 Foothill., mad also al the Drag Store H P. Schwartz, Feeeralm. Allagheray Cie ' IA fra elle TONlL.—Altsr J trial, vre-itawnitatiney poetn. Labe chat it prole" •—iie tat snide, 'rollou t..r exasp*xx, is am, *eau restoratiod sad prenrandee of Ms brenu Vl tom at 1511041[4114 Mumma Whenitoit .hst Met notated takes& *lsiehltar.ieca bald tat amd a. 'tick wememoig a ,. eneurAinor dim erneorametto lit ate readers vrtil se qawn ldira ll'.o""l!'7#l**ludishar on ip Rabin% ad Om Ankle lea &ark HAM Powell And, me Woad _ TUE MOOninn. 191VULD311.-I,br perim ontly• w ay z rir, .. rjt I , l k i wo trow 9 6411 .f0r it irregold by mu/Amon, ou hisPialmt Mellen* Llbitry RION tad at WOO4l al the ! • • - VOL. XV:.-:--NO '12:1.- I N SU.RA Ai-CE! ' • aorticrintimir,,sze., ' • DELAWARE 'MUTUAL ? Saber Inauranee Compeni - etIP IRE , RISES apart balldiatte and F of oven dcoenpUont ad MARIE 4 upon - bull. or entrea of veauela taken opt% the Ore is the Wasolutaaa of W. EL Halete• & Era, No. 37 Water, neat Market street. Otto • lirli-tntr.e. E ......vv-zif,t Ft, rine: am enet.=iritel. winch cocaTete=*eat' Ate has been adatated.AOl vtartanttra 4 sautaillsa- - ;ening the eoultdenee and pLunuageaf Min& and the natentandr.ob Wee to *a Itataararaht.:3.lase. . ranee Company, while hai the additional 11111.413agra as an tastleatlop atooag tar sort 'near:sheet to • Philad'ia—air ham:lean =pie paid in capkial,leieb bytheoeriatiOn - ofittetertrxmeouttutatlytauasuian • •_..L tra yteltfingtheabh'pamoit taitandltii dyn e Bhutto' that pmftts of the company, without _hearten:4. to any reirponaibility "ltterer; and Menlo:et as passable tha Emit 'pane:pia - divested' of every qbnoiloy( featorr, ant baits moat attnetivefens.' briertLF:woHoßage.E.lgnsu.rzfr:thumtullitAillype....ou.tem,:innoriEy.LNeAge.: S d N U j ort lua r h te t.d. A . in C iban. e . E ri v. .cle, '- , , 1_ ;., lace on property, tel this city end its vicinity, asill on shipments by the Camel :net Romps. .. , ' I DIRECTORS.., ~ leihn C. Smith Pres't., Sarnia' MIAs: Al= Homy, - • t pearles:Tsjler, , ^r . ~L•l' • .. Ssest..W. doses,. Sauni..k. Smith, -, [. EdermAl Smith, ' Ambrose White, John - Aatrcors, ' Jacob M. Throw, ; John White, .. Jobs R. Sea s fj, 10 •s f;iThoicp., walibi -- c014, -- t .. Richard Wood * ~,,::, Wu. ".,.. -• , . Anis? O.Clein,pite. k's I Tide is Dr. oldest .lassrence tkmpeat Its - Ike • '. Oak! Sb m. e l itlatirtd bees chartered lOWA, ..Ite . t -.- Shaw , * tosl, end ficent'llnidith stoselits.L - ~,.. lon, re, *smirk msess‘).And tteroitise all - _ - I risks or an seam luscu:doullissacutr,,,o7t ctrosliterepd itil4lering omp h l t s seettsi US ro At Counting Eto;si cer Atitoosi' Co '..., -, ,L . ..t. . Water sad Fret strOVAL PittAieintt, - •', --.... ..T. 1 trKiwcaTrOAtarr . .ip ...,. , `,-. ,--'" • r - 2 1318 • • . 11 '" -' •'', .1 ' N Y±lgel, Liarvir.,t-, .ide,c4 ::..., locarprsted A. D. I& ." . 2.... 4 1 , :zl 2.: . V.; - 1 , lawn Baddlsas, Worths's, : Me "and'imp*,k4,,,-$ peny generally,snleer in Mr .eny ry, ,-., ~. t• ism ore:mass by nra,PerpsussilY artgPaanilPr on (storable terms , :::, .. ..,:, , „... ' „ ,IBlterofta: ~'.ll':,.''', _A . • Jobe !swam Wild= I,yeeh, ' '.4 l delOu C l'etiesilMol%4l(,, •,' Treonms din bone, Eirstrie7btot, ~ ..V,,, ~ , • John Weldt,Jr., Patna Brady, ; -., 1-22, , Jahn T. tcoo. tr:"......',..r. ,SeAliall. C. bloß E TOil,Presidsin ti . 11l tiCt. D/a . mass, &smeary. . Orden dsa xfor losaranee Obya Me above nimmt., •.1,3-.-'4 rosl7y on. ondermsed t am terP b Z-'i4tls.7.r g . . 4 t.dectlltAlV,42o Ismail . 'T.: ' •—____;_,________-___________________ INDEMNITY— Ag oold Loss hykint—The FRANKLIN Firit l ue. • • rimer Company pf Philadelphia, • WILL ma i Insurance, permantudandlietiitid. V ,•011 eiry duo-Option of prbperty, in ping . B URG H and the SURROUNDIiati COUNTRY, on favorable term*. This company has • peapetaal • charter. CAPITAL'........ ...... 5400 . „800 paid CONTLIGIENT AMU. -,egeopeo Office corner of Third arid Market sth; fitodegb, up tB --if ' . WARRICK MARTIN, Aids:. "•! • 11, Oilman Paarrnra INSURANCE j, a. ' Cenral. $211,000 ram tn. irsrPhilarklijklaj Al. 72 Rdinut' Wed. C liAvin" ' •J:ttlS ad and nalh.tab Company ennunranytto Imre thuldusgs, blerchar.disc, Fealutoaelad prop eny nolo( an myna e. assantona character, against !mot Applleatiompfai hunirsaces 'ID Pittabarati and no nta nebottakel, will he received , and risks ant= either peryetzurity or for limed periods, on favitrable toms by 111StELLANEOUS.... j)UI./CION nkx.- r Meat,,. freed & feel ii a daryl own WI my follow eremarna m mate pitiettl ) s.O V et T,V120111 respet u t sk.ilos Pulmonary I.lsliarn. dm aboatnmseit yawn ago, the nippy effoetwf chu ha b / uteri gave , a/rascal& of, 1 hams had actual severs. complaua•Mad wiadas al my iongw-mmiafew I:ny"ainee—m d JO every trim mind dm Bal. saw alone , with somplco sod perfest mweas. has arrested other and sine m a n o t yfowdata-k i t net, moll, • safe medklns Ido o know mai fr, wiam, py..o eammapoori, burl delkese it arid many e..... 1 •f , sere:native and o f my bate/ Lk. MIL Ida mmefore, los base of my (Wow men, eamestly • SecOmmend-thmman of Mia,babusto.iti sic palmeetuy boinibb “aralelat that it Ulf beim dm maims of iimsorsiagi/fy life to dim day. • Ib.mh,Jnneam, 1610. 23Mad/UW ransom., Pool by 1$ A FA ONEISTOCK & CO...barber of Fins ado Wad; afro. comer of OM and Wood am. om.ld . ALA/SAD/0X b. SUNS. - OFFIN M AKERSANDPUUNISISINU UNDER= . A...TAKEK,S, earner of knn, and awes% ey.posnettrc Esilianao lintel; outman en 'Yetut strfty oispeetfahy inWrau. their frirnda and WO public, dui u,a,v are prtpnred i.. furnish 000 011.1 a 10 Cyofylllll4lll 01 11 11 0 0WASts. • Alwaylion'hand a large- UMW:tit re.dy wade Cotfuls covered, lined and dar. alma ni Om brililmanner, ' all fOtti rind suits racy wade nroude of dannekeruntalrandmaslans &Mall swiss:lade In ippinrfici styles. We ig an a hum as wininent of whiw arid Wawa, totrow ankand tidal www whin for pall hearers and 0100111013, Crape., cips..l - and..tryiWlog nooessr.ry for diesanw the 'dead; anden reatonuble term; as we parriliun all our goods 10 the Erwiern mow. Also, clear gir the 00105 and ago. Welwyn asplendid new hearse u d . horsee t and any nurabw of die own carriages,' Enary. thOn t lwendw it.llmhrlil.,and Punctual, ' a ttar - Ivh"olenale Dreg WerebooneS El TILE CITY_ eV .. 9 / 1 /IW 14 1 / 4 ./1. UA: FA HNESTOCK 4r. C 0.4.40. 49, Joao-at. sk. New York,elfer tor sale a Lugo aad genera'. assortment of Weis and 4lediemes, Dye Star nods and Oils of every description, which they . am prepared and detenntand to sell low. " • Country fderelniists and Druggists aro requested. N call aad erualge their articles. Orders eaecntedr nab" faithfulness and despatch, Fallitennek's Veinkiluge constantly on nand. , VanuestoeS, ' - • B.L. Fattnestock, Pittstrargbi!' W. Pshnestock, • A. II:Half, New 'York, • tines PAPER WAREHOUSE. SO. U.Sillaitritlifti I 'AYR Un FIELD otietti nti sale arate RMS.! klanufseturers , prices, a very extensive atutorto;, mentor . PAPER , enutprising. every poisible.lllinern• ad4ted to the wants or consente, mall sections of thrs. counnote try. Paper (trail kinds nude to order at Shan' the tractor PRINTING PAPRII insmusually /arra o " Virkis a ra i altlrAYMMWetabrai. -- • of every dsciption, inipot ten oat Lkept onstrunly' on hen..., vie t'Felithett, Niltre Cloth, loantrinthr w tree Rlesetang k'owder, Blue lintthrasisueiTwine, ' COESlVis.,Ltater Sick Wass nope...Riningi Rei,4r.e4 .portiltheed, ter wlttett She highest price et Gesh .tent paid New :Vert. Jrtrial& ffinsmis snore ,sass ofi:ibtriyt'd.V7`....T:lreZ,lir:;7o 10- moo s YY treet, three doors above,nt Churls re Rotel s woukl respectfully ark' attention of buyers to thetisnocla d'A OWn RE, CUTLERY stud SADDIAIRY,rankI per ships . Saruunk, ,Alooonglittela and ltass teim itt, dints [COM trth thanutactiners of England and Also, supplies e finincriesnitaidware, R'a tbepiin: cipat manutacturent et the Eastern time, It ell ' , leek being enurely yew, and pm-CW.I 40,tt We best terms they feel marten:tide-aro 111 4ung sucvessiullY tomeet iorwe compeution ham t 'ttpstether,' Toe Wardwell, batlnies tic ioniimeed lathe old mg . . , irsk & re U. iuumal RJohn acll It.tetns diipo.cd Ofnut !An ta mien-etre it sit testrattn , -t me natterw of the latetirth Will basittled by ft Wigan, Cur Um p syluni aryout:s stathenied to use the name orbs late erns WGHT/KA speNtylw ; Daly II rO J.' J DAILZELL N • THE SubSiribei lanoitr"pi s plied to cruarini...,, 431 , ktude or Cotton and Woolen machinery at the anosinsf Wince.' Orders left si R W tshunan's Lasuoitop,ear,,.., ner La betty. and. Vater Uric. will Wad With p ro mpt..." . tendon. • 11AVItilatslakt_ti., La.kst between Federal and bandies/ryas rptVddly - • New Paten t Stock aipri.g Triaa. • i 1" INVNTLD—For the reheiand edam:teat •J Clue of 41E,ItNIA or. Hurellm --- (Sailed to all ' sues 1` . :rho 'superior claims of Vita Trim e:Onefil'in the corns banally. no., WW2 pnooll it Moir be WOW • not Val wood being neatly balaneut on epriogs, yields. PII ... swr ort.any part of It, and tbaroauhry , adapts Itself 10 • narysow:tomtit nook by Ina wrap. 11 Coq bp WM:4 r 4 without intenstivitoo, tout Euro Is effected., The sub. setibers have mule a rrangement. Kr W. • of tines* valuable Trutoes, to a supenor sryle, delphat, and hoc theta now for sum cAlleirnikevi: 77 , , enaltItettl at. new . Oixtb, bnisborgb. , turrhTA : . ZI ' ERAL FE; l'..1'1"::171:1):Latit named on a" Fora or Plaphilmo, and otay b a , PrePaneig C • by e mir, num/ I .lnd,or horse power, andartlA do Am , '.umtk . web groat rapidny sad perfeetioloettiamg halal - I up ono kept in Deter 13 almost say kruatt, ied (14>e, Mel 'in anne,.arell utapknile the .um o of every Farmer and Claw eriand swoop tolly qi peat bibraVer arab,' bl the PbbliO, • TWO niacin. tic rem OIopeOOPOI In UM - Pawl seed.aott inninemeni warehouse, imrner of yiood sad p . an a.; • on 4 f SALERATUSANDtaLUIdkit7I Oftr FOR it...1.V • odn — f f a Th f l fg .44"ll . l ... 4lk ru akoin' '"c f j'k nitinno ."F i ' r Nin " l b fil .11 " I . sonnefly, eloped by bun, in Inn time, &leis! tan %an :Ohm oonsfy..The works ore In oanoono often (ocean) ingon The basing...o.lof 6 .tifes,/coiand spv I fnr cooltnelfreing a: any than. A Hhotai,creatt gronhvad • 11 •Tanieniank mndn known tol nai/As As .1 other of the' outletaenen...JAAlM RLAKELY.• • - JOHN AUTCHFILA4 -'•, ,4 . ll4 :4 „b ."P;ir , 7ll`, k ,c 4 =4P`''''':t .5 , 118.11191CAII•80.1.2%' s: ""/ oitTAIII-E-10ittig,2,4. very evevettiectmdek t ..,: , • Bellew. end en derriere thus athriettzujitiowy.i, ' 1: c 1 1 )17 ("4"171"''.14444B 4 7Y. ' et all threes be • upptied 'rase:thy 0 0040 $O,lOlO Eleor treadle iteldvris I n e r -09dg P 4l / 1 8 7 MWO9I ~ f ~ .. -, '''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers