The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 25, 1847, Image 2

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    - -
liVA:fr.,.•lpal;oll* ,, X o l l
jprll •
... -
i.: ".• ir. Trrrsa • a Dana Gum. Is published
4 Dady;Tri•Weekly. and Weekly—Tha Daily 1. 5.,..
: .- Dedlatspat annum' • eari-Weekly it Elva Dollars pet
. m .. 4 the weary • Two Dollats per Luau( snially
/ •
I trysLattansura aiearnestly requested to hand in
altelr Amts. before 5" a. and as early in the dry as
. .
rortillar_Comemallmellyitar.NDoccititLe Mar;
ILlnt icelrs t Yrirnig, ?Jolley A1a,1.,; 3c., 'Fa
„ .
In accords= with i `bld usages, them will be no
pornloined from this nffiea on Monday. ' Christ.
nun, will bo kopt Ina looNday by on: wodunen.—
Shank' -
nay-thing of Importance tranoplro an
Flu will be isourd on 11Ionday. '
‘Rinorial Cormtpoodcace <if the Plit,butll
Ain. Alla*, —War—lNammacce, Afit.
• Wspirrscrros, Doc. 21, Tuesday night.
The attempt made y rdej, in the Roues of .
.Itepreswitelives to doll a •• arch upon'this resin
, lists, will teed tore mue fuller attendance for
the remainder of iho •' a. In the ''toss di•
make of parties, end wr • soma variableness of
opitiion among i few
there. is ;tto swum of I
*win fall bows,
biro'llll e . stj zrmber
soy 'lbw Haring ilia whol'
Of doogniss: :its it is, th
goof , witowlance, which
*fleet up:ro legbloice.
Ur. Underwoo d ; of ICy.
jeer. of the escape of Sla
before the Baste, snd th.
prevent their ceptrue in !h i
elate, if posaible, of seen
dr. Underwood elated
many pievancd and icsulis roceived by his Cons
mituenti. ; The mob In tie Free State. had in
terposed to prevent the exelcotion of the law. of
the United' StaUso, wad th law for tho recovery
4 fugitive Slams, was who y diuegarded. Tim
memorial, 1 presented by Mr . Uodetwood, ie from
the, Ligialaturo of Kento y, and is referred to
WI CoMmittee on the Jo Misty.
Friato tbo organization of tho Committee on
the Judiciary, it,; its possib o nest a Law may be
funned. to enforce ; tho bettcr execution of the
law o0"193, -which prac ly has been so dd.
fluently connoeti iri'd . rot States. ' This sub
jeit will Prphabli be ; pm Mad by some of the
'AntiSlavety member. i ; a form of ; reaigance
both - to2 the letter and a spirit of the law ot
'93. , After th e. prqsant Speaker of tie House
was. ieleged by the Whi memhers of the House,
as the presiding officer f the body, be was vat •
cd open 6y 'Mr. Palfrey, to give some; pledges in
retard to' the organise on of
, the Committers,
the Judiciary Committ ee among the number, and
In refereed to the ame dment or mpeal of th is
Put of the Government.
f!o organ of i party and
Men, I may say, Mr.
•n no went pledges, of
very la:glare law. As
a country, as • ' gent
Winthrop exnl,l enter
Any twit. The fact, hiii - earer, that they were aek•
ed. and In reference to thie "sly. Skive law, is
'WY wish to comintinitate, as it ahem th . at this
subjecalito be one of the topics of, debate - in
-the present Congress.,
,Orthoinealrtoolulotts of Inquiry offered yeeter•
Ail Muria to the origin and incidente of the war,
1111, W,P , opposed by the friends of the Adminia.
nation, teen a copy of the hastmetione given
by the President to Mr. ISlidell in 1846. end the
Jaen to the . officers of the Army . ,
and which grew out of the free peas to Gen. Santa
Ann& to . return to Mexico, 'end a copy of. LSO
onhirs:riabliehing a Civil Government in Mexi•
• co, with partieulds in relation thereto, Were to
• ;fused. 'The 1.:0213311 is 'obvious. The wiling party
loao Mohnen rather than light, !meanie their
' . er7a ax eniL'
- A flood .of Resolutions Were poured upon the
House today,--end the Proceedings upon the
" whole, s ame more interesting than dating any.
day prenrione. Three subjects of public Mapco,
• tire wore voted upon. Mr gip—War—lnfo ,
intl Ctanratia. Mr. Giddings brought forward
the first in a memorial from the citizens of the
District of Columbia,. remonstrating against the
Blare Trade, and alleging Abu it is practiced to
a great extent in the District. - Mr. Giddings ask.
Ai a reference of the incroorial to the Committee
on the Judiciary, with initructians to report on
tho Constitutionality of these laws. This wag ob.
jeeted, toe, upon the •Administration side of the
Sire, and Mn Jour, of Teruiessee,-'-one of Mr,
Pelt's fuglemen moved to lay. the IResolatione
upon the table. - ThMe was doubt as to the remit,
as the yeas and rye wore slowly recorded,—and
the end hard a tin voto-97 to 97,--the first there
has been daring the Section. The Speeker said
with proroptoces, that when . upon the floor of the
House, he had voted uniformly to receive Petitions
• - respectful to ;the lioae3. He should, therefore•
vote for the reception of this petition, which de.
' tested the motion to he upon the tablii. This wes
the beginning of detente to those who had preach
. -ell the war upon this sot Joel
Mr. Underwood,. ef Illinois, throw -a firebrand
into the ranks of hie.own party, by a`eart of ern
.. :ter Into to the Dleusge of the Progidsnl.. It toek
admirably well, and is one of the moat pointed re
; bakers I have ever seen administered by the Rep•
emanative:l of the People to the Executive. The
Resolution dculared that Cormier' bad power to
axistretet Huber. and improve Rivera, whether;
for Naval or Commercial purposca. " The House
• mat the que , dien BY a direct vote under the' opera
'. • Min of the previous question,--mod the grand re•
snit mu that the Resolution was adopted, re
• lusstinsi awl thirty eight in the cf,ffirmarive to
fifty four in dre negative. So much for King
Veto. A more seasoneble, ompiudie, and proper
narrow to the Merge of the Exceptive, wino,
...somearily thrust upon Corium, and prepared do
. ring a nine month's recent. I have never serno.—
•The Weitern Admittration members generally,
did not regret the rebuke. Here, now, is more
• then a two thirds vote, defending Ithe right of
Congers to do it.t which the Executive, in the
= • very wantonness of his power, raturtes Congress
- Lae no, itgbt 'to do. No Congress hu over do.
mind this poste?. ; Whenever proper, bills have
' ken preps:ed4y the proper Committee', they
/awlpassed' the 'two Hogue of Congror—and
yet 'Berta arid - Herr, Sauer end people,—re
'forret sobjeMed to the tyrannical decision. of
Etch mull Cif authority ae thitof John Tyler
• James K. Polk. One of the terembets of the
Connate' on Commerce, Me. Grinnell, of Mau.,
lined to leant byirtud i - autherity. the Preddent,
.. who here.6 Many omatitutional scruple+, had dl..
'rimed • iiiwr and exploration of the Dead that
The [muds of Mr. Polk interposed to prevent an.
Wieder tor eosin:pieand proper as
The war was alluded to in so many Wale by
, . Broltsints in the House, that I and yen what in
tem form 4Mo - eater; is the Whig sentiment of
Mohler*. The Regolutions of Mi. Botts
• rens mins te 1106,8 per/01;X They may be un. ,
wfiiy Mafia for deliberation, as Congress de
'.,•iing the exidence of a . war; is expected to be
etwerwhat aiplerstie, bat in the sawed light of
they embody sentiments of right, which the
". - -'"Admidetrathin mop suitor at, but cornet shako
Montiof the other IhrbOtiona—that for example
from one of the Whig cumbers ofeeregia, rosy
-miff. mom; favor among the . All of them
iim 111 be disamcd, and -ere long the
them The Low F..,e0
will ooze open •
ta g ' 4** a / r i n d yesterday end to•da.Y, to ea'
tlccieember.;_u_ of r , 1 7"c' . th m i g h the How, daelar•
Tbi utl ieit °e odd not even nillY their
'lnt, the ,•••• ° what. Some of tba Heath
atm rat icz n ot ready fir the :
0 , 61 it. and the
• ehus w „„, tm l One dung.
Iteeofolol l In"
Of tig!iner
i6de certain bi the
en d 4 ,l 3 idl the
n°l po w er
t theft olio.
• itiLaihtittflOOnt t°! 11 " 3 ..
in the fat= abdrulP*
the letlette6 . tod,j4 t4s :
kootestr—h:i the'
MAN against the known . will of (hi majority:of
the people and the ensured sill of the National
Legislature: in Mr. Polk'. =duct, you 14 14
pattern epecimon of that thing, which calls Itself
Wodent Democracy." •
The Cumberland Road Bill, is already reported
to the House. That too, is doomed to the tit°, ir
. .
it pewee Gongrem. . . ...
The Home will go into Committee of the
- thole to-morrow, upon the Presidents dlessep•
If discussed 'at all, it will receive somo rearchislii
Mr. Webster will speak in the Seprismo Court
upon the Commercial tax we, of which I wrote
yestetiliy. Amon the remliiisceneU stated to
day of New York, wu a Fuer
notion of old GOYIM= MIMIN, of Pa.,- and.
'Driving r non-intercourse between Philadelphia
and New Fmk, at the time the Yellow fever rag;
ed so violently in the latter city, about Endre attr
troy since. The praitmt New York QttOrattliete
Law; Ware then paued,--iniwerei the - fruits of
the Interns of a Committee, of which The Witt Olin.
wee Chairman on the part of the ftenate and,
Aaron Harr, a member on the part of the 11ousa.
Old Winter hu dropped down among us it
kat; chid in his snowy vestment., and !baled with
hoar frost and icicles. ALL the atmospheric
seawni of the year; hue run into the . week pest,
but Winter ii monarch now. 1 a. s.
beta elscted u Whip.,
hallowing a ~,,,u4,
a ti.i ti. no probe
ill be in his belt at
I of 'dila lone Session
doubt may:imam a
trot produce a good
Nll O9 l NEW TORN.
cortuttudettee of the Pnutonsti, Oteitte
New York, Dec. 21, 11317.
The l greil event of thhtersek, haw been the Ureat
Olaf meeting, at the Tabernacle, which wee in.
deed ilexenster. To give a propir idea of the
mooting and its acdrit,lhe following is givon from a
a morning paper,the editor °Arnie' well exclaim..
.we were never present at a larger popular meet.
ing in 'thenity of New York. Tho body of the ire
haddinit, the trattoria, to their remotest
cowers, and the entire space around the or - gm,
seen the lobbies in front of the entrance, in feet,
array nook, and •coigne of vantage,: fmas which
au individual could hear or era the ; proceedings of
the eviming, were filled so a pelted crush; and so
it continued to did end. And it was °belting that
the seine mass was actuated by one (Mink. and
that of deep inkiest in, and strong eympathy with.
the objects of the meeting." Henry Clay stands
vindicsted auderipported by the Empire city.
I,has brought the glib..
Ica from Slave elates
open, interference to
. Free Steal, with a
Ana legistatien on the
WS are to havestill more steamers to run South.
The Savannah line before noticed has been con
tracted for and the keels of two are to he laid at
once and the third es soon ae may be. They are to
be likb the Northerner, u fine a boat unarm.
A rumor le current hetet front Washington that
the Committee of Ways and Mead has been rug
rod ti f the Secretary of the Treasury to report,
without delay. • Bill authorizing a loan of seven.
IcC6 Millions. The committee three sadreased in
quirk's to him ea to the specified purpose for which
the money is to be wed. The committee will re.
port the Bill, hut some gay they will add to it •
provision for le lug direct taxes, in order not to
run iq ccbt too far with the wan '
Mean Prime, Ward A Co. are' once more et
WV: much to the gratification of their numerous
friends. Chief. Justice Oakley gave a decision
this morning declaring the,commitment under the
Stillerilluarrant, to be invalid, it saying proceed
ings bad been held, 4-e. ouSlat Noverober,'which
was Sunday, and therefore not good.
The ;stmt.'s, of deaths last week was 200, a
icing liseuuly for the cold eczema.)
Tho late gale has swept the eaiteno coast with
dreadful violence. A despatch ham Boston noti
ces the loss of the brig Falconer, Of Belfast, Me
Cap Rolereon,fmm Sidney, bound'far Boston. She
was wrecked on Ipswich beach, two miles -from
the lighthouses inabe gide on Friday. night lut.
Eighteen of the bodies wine picked up on Said.
day and carried to the town of Ipswich. Of about
fifty persons on board, the captain, his wife, two
children, fifteen passenger. and some of the crew
perished before assistance could be rendered.-.
One of our fine packet. from Havre hed
row.ueape, but after the loss of spars and rudder,
she ie safe at Edgartown. A musirogar,puttshore
from the ship, steam that her cargo is valued et
6200.000; 164 steerage and 7 cabin passengeva
He Odra that the pump. barely kept her sfint.-
40 of the passenger+, including 2 ladies, base hec#
put . 013 b3ll/11 the Massachusetts.
The Money market it auier.' The banks are
not diseountink SO largely eJ tuna, in comequonee
of the more limited demand framable commercial
classes, and money is daddies more abundant in
consequence of the reduced wants. In Fancy
stock, as usual near the holidays, pot much doing.
There were some few ran' -diens in Treasury
Hetes this morning, !verde; .t 99/, and closing
at 99. Reeding Bonds unproved /,. Farmers'
Trust 1; Cant& i; Long Island 2/: and Reeding
Shares I j cm:yesterday's prieereliarlent decline
—The Poet of Friday cooteins a call for a Bu.
chanan meeting, to be held on the 28th inst. The
result of the meeting has some into:cif; u wo
shall know whether this "Northern man with
Southern principles" . is to be supported by the "de•
momneY!' of Pennsylvania, which, one And year
Imo, endorsed the "no slave' territory principle,"
by instructing the Pennsylvania Congressional
delegation, through out Legislature. Is the da
mocracy of Pittsburgh to stultify itself, by tecona
mending for the Presidency one who has gone soul
end body over to the Southern LOC7 Focus. Per.
haps the dough faces mean to say, what is the
fad, that Mr Ha:hens:l made his &chain= at
o time when his great point was to kill eft Hike
Wright, who, by a 'divot:cation of Providence,
wee removed horn busy fife almost simultancomly
with the publication of the disgraceful truckling
letter of- Mr Betthsnan r . Situ Wright, with a
spirit that does him infinite honor, held the prinek:
pie of "'walleye territory" above the gratification
of: his ambition, and Mr. Buchanan at mice bid
over him. ' We titian now see Whether:the drill ot
party is eqoil to that of making the faithful face
idiot, in to help Jerward kir. Buchanan's
ambition. Will they, like . him, oat their old dec.
Turin WAND 4fernso;4•A6resable tOnotice
of, the Committee appointed by the City Conisn
tion, the Whigs and Alltilao3•ol2s of the Third
Ward mot at the Poblic School flours of said
Ward, for the purpose of choosing five delegates
to l aepresent them In convention, to wildcate a
candidate. for the lisyoralty. Thomas Fairman
Wlll chosen Preaideh, and . WIZ Chapman and
W. W.•Fearts, Vice Presidents'. R. R. R. Gu
inan and Af t W.Lewie,Secietariee, Upon s emit
of the Sole given, the folLwiug wile the result:
Gabriel Adams, • 184
John Laughlin, • , • 69
The following &legato wile elided to reps.
sent dint ward in Conoention:—rioo bliceallock
Joe W Lewis, Thos Ham, JatneO Montootb, end
Androw MeMo'lltuo. • ,
. i i New Moeks.... . •
- I , "The Scientific Atherican," priblOdted at New
York weekly. 1 We are in the receipt of this
, 'cawpiper. , Each. number centaina from Hee
to sr!. t n
origins'! mechanical engravings of the
coosi ipo invontiour, a caialogaeof ?IP:seri.
can Patents, leaned from the Patent °EOM each
weein'heti . of the progreis.of ell new htschsn
icaf am alibi Licentious; Matroction in the
Imams arts and trades, with engraving; curious'
Philosophical and Chemical exprrimenuo making
it of much intermit to OM mechanic' and mann.
tatutrea We shall select for our columns what
li of local interest, Moon and Co, are plash;
mu , I err. ,
. , _
Roans tx Maxica—Maj. I.ooke, of the 2d
!heinous, in a report addressed to Cot. A lbert,
of the.Topographial Engineers; dated Washiog;
ton; Dec. 0, 1847, states that . ' a practicable wagon
road can be nude from. the Ifidley of the Rio
Grande to Elan Diego, on the Peak. Be posed
the whole distance with • train of wegotut This
is an bui.ortant discovery to ay. citizens of New
Mexico. . , ,
U. Saturaion.—The Hon, iii2oll H.. Lewis
hu been re•electei to the t3enate from Alabama
jar air year. from the 4th of March last. The
olUtion wu decided on the 18th ballot,' CoL
name hieing been withdrawn.'
'e would mitt. to ouperlor gawyt.
meat of .Tee. Jae( received Gout the Now York
cal Philadelptthi Pakia Tea do.; for which ha
sekrustoolt to this oily.
.1:!..r.2•14311 amnia Bira*vii,.:—The Telegr . mph
tZtqces ail bocci= ciz Cl*Mair =a le A. J 4
44r4 from _to ;6 P. IIL .•
;Vlflo iooo 4to priildi 'Ennio pr thM
411,104ripiki*Osiaanne• -of di* MAIL
xvee~ Ns=i - K~- ~:
. '~`ac ids '.
'~.._ ':i,
of the poorei of ONE
• The meeting at the Odeon shot night: though
not as: numercuely 'Sendai, (being the are of
Christmas)' as we hoped to see itotres marked by
• an miergy and unity of action that promieesabtua•
dant musk Upon motion of 31r .Bakewell,A,
W. Loomis, Esq. We. called to the chair, and
Mean. Carothers, Edwardi and haiper, appoint.
ed SecretarieL As soon eti the orgimisstion was
completed, Mr 114ms:re% as i chairman of the Pitts.
burgh delegation, made the 'following report:
The Conimittee appointed to attend the Rail
Road Convention, recently held at. Massillon res.-
Pbettnli/ report: ! !!:
That they anivediat MisSilion;Ft. l ° ol t° the
meeting allies convintion iced were received with
the most cordial wercome by the isaembled dole
! Pum
The attention of the chizens of Central Ohio
has recently been much directed to the importance
of a safe and speedy Rail! Road communication
with the Atlantic cities, by way of Pittiburgh and
Philadelphia, as who shown by the procm•dings of •
• convention a ahoS time since at Canton and tile
recent convention would mire been for - more mi..,
meronsly attended, bat - for:the inclement weathci
and bad roads; which led Many to fear that the
meeting would have been postponed to a more fa
'erotic: season, and on that account the attend
lode of your. committee, 'especially of Muse:
Meirick, Themnsen and Miller was considered as
affording strong evidence of theintercet 'taken by
.the citizens of Pennsylvania end- the object. 61:11-
braiod by the Conventiolt,
The proceedings' of thel . Convention herewith
presented willithow that their general oolitic:nem
favorable to the formation ;of a new company, to
be incorporated by the concurrent action of the
Ohio end Pennsylvania legislatures, 'a mode
similar to thaftadopted for the Pennsylvania and
Ohio Canal; which shonld be managedhy a board
of 13 directors, six of whom should to taken-from
the state of Ohio, six Noi r Western Pennsylvania
undone from Philadelphia; and should construct •
continues. Rail Road from Pittsburgh by the near
est and most favorable route to Mansfield, Ohio,
With'power to extend to the Wootern line of that
State and connecting at, suitable points. with
Cleveland on the North and Newark, Columbus
and Cincinnati on the Kish orest, , ,by means of
lateral road., which however, should be made by
distinct eoropenics. '
•A oammitteo wee appointed to proceed to Co-
Witham and obtain from the legielature now in
session a imitable charter, of the practicability of
which, but little doubt was entertained, which
hottld afterwards be presented tiraur own keit.
Islam for eonfilioation, or if their convent should
not be procured; which might be rendered avails•
ble under the aipplementnry charter of tho Pius
burgh and Gonne'loin° Rail, Road Co.
No atrious . eo cherwimis existed, in the opin
ion of, the conyention, with regard to the most
suitable route weitward, from• et point in the vb.
chitty of Canton; but from thence blithe Pennsjl
Tanis line, the deegates (rem Beaver Co, in this
'State, and Coltuittibrun county in 'thin, wero so
much excited, that it was thought but to omit any
mention of those 'counties!, in die proceedings of
the convention, loot It. Might he considered no II
committal in favor of any ono of the proposed
lines, but after a full and friendly dissuasion, a
general understanding preVailed that sltbough the
advocates, of none of the' propoied routes, with.
drew their claims, yet the details of, the lines should
be referred to the directoni of the 'company, to be
decided by an enginoer selecik for thetpur.
pose by the friend. of 'Milwork in Pittsburgh and
The delegates from Ohio, .believed that little
difficulty would be experenced in obtaining ro.
lease. from the ownwre (rid:m6nd through which
the road would pass.. Nino of the atreame on the
line will require exponiiio viaduits,
Allegheny and the Hig Hearer, and the face of the
country after the river hilt, are surmounted, pre
sents a series of moderate 'grades, nquiring comm
ode and very few deep cuttings and admitting of
curves of the most extended radios.
As evidence of the faverabto sentiments of the
citizen. on tho route, it was stated, that if the
Beaver route mu selected, a resident of that coon•
ty would complete four miles of the road as his
and that a citizen of "Portage county,
Ohio. bee undertaken to prepare. twenty miles of
the road for the superstructure, taking payment
(or the work in the etoek lof.the Cleveland compa
ny, which will be rendered' evailable,-.which .cvar
of the routes May be tinnily, adopted-
The prplciPid, ii not the only oistacle to the
sgecdy Completion of the;rosil. wh'en the requisite
c.bartera ere obtained, will edca from the difficulty
in procuring Pile (undo rquiritii,for its construc
tion. The delegates (rein (Jilin Me confident that
aironsiderable amount will the eubscrited by.the
citizens on -the fine; and dist the counties through
which It will psis will contributelargely in their
corporate capacity,—bof these sources eon mated
ly be celled upon for mein. greater then will be
required to prepare the road for the auperetructure,
and a considerable slim Will be necessary to cam
pleb, the work, which can only be procured from
the capitalists of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and
your r ,Committeet are happy to stale, that a. the
proposed plan - appears to meet the views of our
Eastern brethren, they have good reason to believe
that when the mean. foal completing the Central
Rail Road are provided, the 6117.203
- of Phil.dri
qehia will contribute libendly towerds the contem
plated work. I ,
The Committee do not consider it requisite at
present to enter into lhd minutia of its local de
tails, fir the purpose of item' the advantagesof
• the proposed connection,!by which we should he
united, at all 0:65013. of the year, by a secure and
rapid means of 'communication, with Columbus,
Cincinnati, Cleveland. Toledo, and 'She biteeme
diata towns, with a prospect of reaching the bank.
of the Mississippi and the interior of Michigan;
but would merely obirerro, that they believe few
dimaricto of equal fertility can be found a. well
milted to the construction of a Raktioatl, as the
table lands of Ohio. That by the Proposed Ma
an immense amount of trade and travel would be
directed to thii city. Which now finds an outlet by
the Lakes A or the Miniaiippi,—that the value of
the property of the inineeltoral districts of Ohio,
arising from thi unprecedented demands for their
produce, at once . proves the advantages of the pro
posed improvement, and provide. the Merit for
its construction,---shit a vast amount of freight
which is noP/ interrupted in its course by the froste
of winfir, but which would, by this Rail Road,
find itslway to market at all masons, would, by
placing the fanner and the manufacturer in con
etant chnneminii with each other, argely promote
the propperity :of both, and contribute efficiently
to sustgin the profits of the road at Maio SCUOtlf,
when the temporary cessation of travel on the
route Might diminish itsfprodactiveness.
Influenced by these COnlidaration., your Cum.
mithiw would recommend Loam earnest consider.
Mina r et" their fallow eitisene the importance and
advantage. of:itte proposed insprovement,&would
reapcptfully eulfgest, that ae mood as the necessary
chasten aro obtained, the requisite mean. .anal.]
be adopted to procure acetate surveys of the'ress
pective'routes, and imniadiate stop. taken to have
the stock subsctibed, 'and the work began during
the ensuing -summer. All which is respectfully
TwcI)IIICIMILLL, I minus 111PINA..
Ow. WSIIIII&X. Fik.nrours.Loaxsz
1V.r.Act,....1 T. W. iltoemit.
December 22, 1/14t.
The report was adopted without dissent. Mr.
Bights* then offered • st)ies of reSolotions dealers
ory of the intention. el, Pittsburgh in rllation to
tauquestion of a sleet m rut road connection.
The resolutions pledge the best efforts of our citia
sans to Stich ebelel/tel be obeli most speedily
secure to-es a western route to the heart of Ohio,
and ultimately of the more remota west. In the
course of the proceedings another series of resolu
tion., were Misted pledging the support of Ate.
gheny county to the Eaggro route, but after a
dismission between Mesirtnigham,llanna, Doke.
will, Judge Wilkins, Mr. McCandless and the
Chairman who took the tOor for that purpose.
they were withdrawn rw irrieleven t to the object.
of the meeting. Pitte.buigh has now met the West
upon equal tains, and Will. givo the aid she be
so often profencd her Willingness to do, but from
which she bur 'Haired herself to be diverted.
The proceedings of the meeting ate ordered to
be sent to Cicduchbrit, where the ,general . Churter
for the proposed reed is ready' for picric:mullion,
needing only the action of Pittsburgh, whickbas
now been takenwtast decidedly in is faiMr.
proceedings ate to be !published officially, but a
Welliefel road is so vitt!l to the interests of PPM
burgh, that we glee the facts et once. Wo give
the spirit of the Swindon. adopted, the exact
form In words being ofXmall importance, now that
Pittsburgh has taken her true position.
The U. P. Glitter Crawford, Capt. Gay Monte,
wu driven uhore on the East side of Gardener's
Point if, Long lidttnd Mound, on Wednesday'
night last." No lives wore leg; though two men
were drawn through 'the - surf, by ropes, their
only chance of elm -aping death: 'l'ho vessel hos
bilged and will prObbaly prove a total loss, or if
got citT be of little value. She has been stripped
of her sails and riggiut, which boon Wen 'avid;
together with ill bac armament, except the
Totairredorkkibursh Cotton:factory Irm to
hews commenced 'pp m - 6one on the 20th, in
The l!noduct of thht establishment fi mtimaied at
600 pounds of eon. on kont per day,. employing
about 90 opirstive6,
. .
• Diramanim or Bum mem Newburypon
Fieraklasys: Only two years ago, e coanufac
bUTlMlS WlOl reaping so rich a karrst, that they
intoned, asixoaperity (*bather imzidental or the
result of in4rtatry and good Management) often
calls down .npon itself, the envy, jealously and
enmity of numerous infthenillelasses in the mall
cruelty. Now the tables Me turned, and Moo
same manufacturers are Working with large invert.
ed capitals, in some instances at a serious loss On
1 their products, and ifialmost all urithoul any profit,l
obtaining barely enough to pay for the raw
terial and' labor, kering nothing for interest and
depreciation of property. LasZleat the carrying
trade wee the moat profitable barium lithe coun
try, and the 'hipping: iliterest generally realized
from 25 to 50 per cent fru their investment.
NoW this buairum haa been foi some time rap
idly nomad:ling a period of greatfiepression, du
ring which it will those interested, in
heavy (oases, and twat' months, sinless some on.
firrseen contingency sti•uld pompous the issue,
will reduce thh value o shipping full 40 per cent,
Theni,cbmgre era no greater in intensity than
are always happening, though they-have succeed
ed more rapidly . than usual, owing to the occur-
Vencenf adventitious circumattnes.
Tee .depresaioc; in 11::10113 at New Orleans,
whichwas looked ford Ug the past month, that
being the only port at hick anything has been
doing for Selena weeks j has new been reached:—
At the prevent time, thkie is ilia prospect of ono
of the dullest years ever - Imoien in the aiming
trade, if tho usual amount of foreign towage comes
over. It is probable that but teryiew ships will
receive this year enough freight money..l4 pay
their running expenses.
• _ .
AN IN/OETANT - tifiNTION.-..W. have. in
epceted th e model of improvement of the fire
box' of the Locomotive Mule., by which the
desired • end of burniel anthracite teal, with as
much, or greater hail aim in a 'stove, is to all
appearance folly attain . An endless grate pews
over tonere at each en of the fire box, and retch.
et wheels affixed to them, dribble the fireman 'to I
make the grate rovolve at will, either way. By
a simple arrangementelf a lever, 'owe end of the
grate may be raised or depressed, on as ito give
greater space and facili y for throwing the clinker
out upon the track. The idjustment of the parts
is very pimple and theY cannot be thrown out of
proper working order.
The great difficulty hitherto experienced in
kirametives, ije that the grcat,iviraft:lgnitee the
coal too tepidly and melts into a man of Clin
ker. on the grate, by which all the drill is soon ex
cluded. The intense heat is expended on the
aides of the fire box slid causes its speedy
destruction. By this inventior_ the coal maybe
distributed at will and hoed from clinker, while by
the forward movementlef the grab it has a ton.
dencj to throw the body of the coal into a trian
gular form, and parent the ! froth coal at the top to
finding way down toward the irate: The grate
bars, too mey be kepi comparatively cool by the
change of surface their rotary motion permits.
The Inventor. Mr. William G. Beanies, of Potts
ville, has submitted th b tifoilel to several scientific
gentlemen, and others connected with the practice'
operations of leeemotiVes, tied it hr. received their
commendations' and aPproVal.
The N. Y. correspondeht of the Philadelphia
'New., 'say,:
The captain of ;ha British barque "Reliance,"
arrived bore yesterday front Liverpool, tell. a et.:
riom atory about falling in Mrith an English bar no •
called the "Lady Kenneway," on the 16th Nov.
in let 25 45, lon 9 50. He says be supposed she
was from Bomliey, Mond! to London, and that,
when he boarded her, abodt free foot of water mu
found in the ho l d.. Her cargo consisted of auger,
cotton, Oka, glass—and was undoubtedly very
valuable one. The stern of the venal bore ample
marks of collision with another .creel—the rudder
wee gone and so also were the boats.
There was, moreover, i•large number of rims.
bets, swords, pistols, and ,ctitlatses strewn Man
deck, and things in the cabin' looked very much
condoned. Three 11litga Were found In the hold,
which, from their appearrace,rauld not have been
killed more than two dayi previously.- The rig
ging and coils of the bark Were in execllent order:
and there woe plenty of water and provisions on
board. This, on the whole', is a very oingular story
and We must infer that the Lady }tramway wee
the Mena of a desperate Mutiny, or what is more
probable, a iniecessfcil piratical attack, which the
saleable cargo of the veatiel might seem to have
tempted. • . - • • • -
, •
LOCOPOCUSTATir. I4DX V eartiosw—The "Demo.
erotic State. Central Coenittee," appointett at
the lath Convention of that party at Syraeara; haa
just called a State Coavebtion to meet at Albany
on Wedneaday, January 26th, to net in relation
to the appointment of doleimes to the National
Convention, the future mese of "the party," eta.
Meanwhile the Barobtirnere een atill'66o l ta
in the Atlas fora State Convention tobe hehlat
Utica, on Wednealay, the 16th of Fehmary.—
Nete Yodt paper. \
Draxcv Tax.--4 tho Infury of War is craved
and will not be denied, like othor 'luxuries, it,
should bo paid for 'by tine who enjoy thiglory
and excitement; and wo rust that the brat bill
that is repotted in emigre's making approprias
lice for the farther prosecdtion of the war, will be
1 1
accompanied by a bill to 1i143 the amount of such
appropriations by direct afatioft. Let the tax
gatherer accompany t a • mutating sergeant
Ihrotighout the length and breadth of the land
—Buffalo Commercial 4doerliscr. . .
The laboring classes will learn . something (tom
the Pfnidant's Mosssteithat is,' those who tow
lies, it—that they ere recreit hither wales then
tbey'eser did before! S i ery OW they will bei to
hew it.
Dot the l'resitlent ale 4 informs them that they
now receive more than Lest yen ha
said that labor was,ful/ Jewartleillept-neir be
says that wages are ,tat 'Atither.—Norrislown
litOwiY flas.ento IZ.:—The-City Arisenrora
have just completed they{ work of 'awning the
new property erected withip the city 'lhnits during
the preitent year.. Accdraing to • paragraph in
the Argue, their rehires 4.• that nineteen hun•
died and fifty•ninnnewhimeas have been erected
this year, the untied seine of which is upwards
of two million., tie hundred thousand dollars.
Kure. - 7 A meeting of the
of the uprerne Court of Ohio mei held on Tues.
day lott, sttolombus, atl which .resolutions was
passed expressive of .the high talent and esteem
in which the memory of Ale distinguished jell.'
i e held. The 00011 entered the proceedings upon
its Journal.
flow. Han a, of Ohio, ip a lantspecial Menage
to the firgial.tare, recornmando the omega of
ro.olutiort. adverse to tbolsiloption of Whitney'.
Pacific Ritiltoad project, and in floor of appropri
ation. by, Congresa in aid of a'. national ayatear
nf Railway ..Poat Roads", ouch co Voograss may
in its wisdom
MAIL 11.1081.12.-A matt named *ration, (wigs
driver) watt arrested low week near Palmnrille,
Olio for robbing the Math Three fifty dollar
bits were taken from bird at the time of hi. arrest
two of which trete conedated In the lining of his
coat sleeve.
Toe Algebral. Whig of Timothy, we the fir.
er. at thaqpisto was within 4 feet of the wires•
.redented rim of Mandl tart, and wan rising av the
rose of sir irirber FRI Merphille were re,
trtring their Salt end trugerfrant their wanebourr.
Messy families would to fermi to abandon their
Montetexer.—The Ohio Mato Journal aaja•
Line Starting, of Cotomtita halt made g do•
nation, to the medical coffee° of that city of $ 3OO
Ma. C. Irani Virginie. her
been inilirposed lot *wand day., and, though
MICA nr twice in him sett only able 10 remain for
a .hurt limo.—Naliunnflinld. •
RAIL ROAlL—Thero ,o now empiojed In the
construction al railwaye M England, no rawer
than 256,50 G men.
Os onion ADM IS, Eaq.,
Mayor of the Cit y.of Pillskergh,
Sir.—You aro re q uested to call 'general inert.
inn of the citizens; lo be 'held at the NOM of the
Court of Quarter Hessians in the new Court
House, on Monday the 27th fist, at 3 o'clocli a.
for the purpose of demising means to midribs
uto relief to crultof our fellow citizufs in Pour
mootli, Cincinnati, Loirissille, and other cities and
townrin their vicinity, that have been reduced tii
distress by the late unparalleled inundations, and
thereby testify-our gratitude for tbo relief. so be . ?
novolently afforded to our own citizen, Utter the
memorable iondaration of April, 1845. By dot
Mg so, you will much oblige your friends and (err
low citisens.
17erenz, diving & Co. Wm McCully, Wei
Alga°, John Sheriff, H L Itingwelt, Joehuanam
ns, ; Wm K Hart, John A Forsythe, MOTT6OIII.Ini
decrial, Charles Avery, It W Poindexter, Thai
Haltom% Lohn Anderson & Son, J Carotheriff
Alec Gordon. W H Denny; HEM P Baketrell;
Harmer Donny, iii :Manilla% him SOPioni
Allen, Wm-Wilkins, Thee Fainnan. _
hicroz's thrives, 2
Pitlahtltih. Dee. 23, 1847.
In aceardenee with the 'belt call, the citizens
ofPntaburgh. without diatittetion of party, will
toed tithe time and plates, end for the purpose,
specified therein. G. Amax.. /depot.
bornspoadeaee of
.ElllO4/urch oasette
Exd 4,„. Corre.poaaeaee , of me Irmiteeigh Gazette
; •
: ! • • 'Pettenstelirie,- - Dee; Si, S p.. to •
All the markets are eilMbarignd, Dealers genkm
hill are minding the arivel of, the Steamer, and
nettling is doing worth reporting..
Ora end Wheat are form, and Corn is active.'
, December 25—corrnme! fY e.wr
Estimates of the Treasury Repattment—The
Wir—Commeree—Supreme Court, ece—The
GM Centsal Westism-Rail Riad—Gen. Taylor
—Whig Consentiow—New Woks—Sturm Boat
liesident•—eeotsh Relief Repori—New England
Society—Still Later from Maxie:6-Bk* Making
FetSuary Interest—From RantitFe—Yrom lowa
Report of the Committee whb .ittended the Rail .
Road Convention 'at klansillon—Zlavery—War ,
&c.—Now York Conaipondeueo—News Items
Hew - libations before, Congtuss—K every and
Foreign -Territory--The . Poor Men's Balt . —Rail
Road Meeting The Central Western Rialto ad—
Chancellor Kea—Central America—Flood in the
Ohio—Late from hismiess—From . the Western
Coast of South A mericaldere Indian Troubles—
Alabama Legialature—Congrasionai News—A
National Convention—New York Correapondenen
—The Wax Policy—Rulestbe One Hour Rule
Lama Telemaptile new., Foreign lied Domestic.
Commercial—A carefully complied Review of
the Markets for toe past; week ; ' The prices in the
local city markets—The Cattle Market—The prices
of American Produce in varioui 'parts of the Union
—Amount of Flour, Wheat, Corn &c., received
since the opening of the Canal-41nal business and
movements of p roduce-Market in London.
City Pievrs—pirit of thel'resa—Copiona Eltracts
from the leading journal' on the interesting topics
Et e r d s:ird at the desk, singly or in wrappers.
Price 6 cents single copy. ; •
Eithicriptions two dollar. • year in. advance.
7b Oa Editors of tle Pinibur4ll Mi. re:
lA'e take pleasure in recommending to We citizen's' .
Pittsburgh, the name of JOHN fisAUCHLIN tor the
blayeftilly, He is a gentleman le every way qualified
to GH , the offiee-smild,gentlemaulk7and temperate, and
at We same time inflexible when duty requites. •
As a popular business Man; he could - have no higher
recommendation than thefaci ot his being sent to We
City Council from a ward that hails, general given the
opposition a mutably.
Mr. Laughlin has also been, for the last nine years, on
the ,different Committees of StretW, wooden bull dings,
assessment. and appeals; We !atilt-and time consumed
in the same has been very great, indjustly entitles him
to We regard and influeuee'of the Whig party.
dc7tC • ' Many Fawn's.
Df7;.7° do, only niedioino that
will cure this Kt very cotraiinn and troubleeome
disease.' It not only immediate! y . allays pun and bide}
slops all bleeditur,sabdues that i uteleralde telt
but eflectually cares, in a very chore Lime pe .011 s
whose lives have been rendered miserable for years.—
It. application predates no pain, but rather an agree.-
ble and pleasant eensation. if persons afflicted swill
call and heat of the great number of COMP that hove
been cured, they arid be 1111{(InahCO: A gentlemen of
141} city, or
had been under Me knife of the
b y
for tamer three times }cilium being eared, haa by re—
ingd bottles of the Embrocation, been cradically mired.
It sells beyond precedent
OSP- For sale in Pittsbargh af. the PLEIN TEA
STORE, 71 Founh street,- near Wood, and also at the
Drag Store of II P &lowans, Federal st Allegheny ci
ty. . sladAw
IrriThe Climate—ls etningely i'emmetwe to the
human cuticle, tor 'Mina the sudden change dem beat
to cold, and the smoke eau:wetted/we, Dark, Coerve
Completion. Than it is reguisii& that the pores of the
skin thould he kept open—Mar thiis mount. should be
freed from:somurity—hams thus the ancient Romas. Phi
los:minera cured alt dweases—theyenirmowd that mim
aaceases and unhealthy vapors teal doorigh pk rcr of
the sk to, than any other male of the body. It is o ecru.
snry, therefore, to keep the pores open—all homers are
'Magrelled re= the chin (Mai the pores, .abed they: wash
with Soots! Italian Chchaieal eon). I have seen it cure
ithp morel and olden case, of Sad Rhea., Rryzipelao:
Ind dores,parbeer Itch; bore !lead Ringworm: when
every other internal and oriental remedy had failed—
cried rendering the aim white, clear and sod, though
t be yellow and enutwor wonder/al—it remelts
kis., Tan, Sunburn, Murphey , and diaftguremenrot the
skin—but perm. must Ise plArcuthr and ask far :'onto'
• rlouple be had In iintabodth sib W AI. J.M.:Ro.ON,atun
of the Rig Boot, ED Liberty at. Price:it:feuds: '
(gyp- /altar!. aauleap Itinianta.-511.1cab
Ttazainsi-AVe beg Wave to Cull public anent,. to
the following, Irma /Pr. We,. Dodd. of Witham, villa
Clermont Co., and one Of the very first practilalle. in
the m which he ...oh od late.Senatarja the
ea.-Ilan a. le Ste dor ;e.t
.a; men of the profesawa, bar.og the beads or Ininnz.
tfoal przj ad ie.,and giving mem liz due: -
.Sirt bane-el my been osanz ranee Tour
Ginseng an .4, no far. ant well plc azed in its
clamant Catarrhal and Bronchial Camplainta.. Please
seed we kelt a dozen bottle...pinta.ta as low ne 10e
can; as I eigeet It teeth noes to reed er as general eat
Wean. n hat heretofore. to keep It ...tunny on
hind. ' apt? lb a. Doan, a. n
Ip—TrittowTeadt ann . /nand breath,
• . repertory. gum hte faillen death,
' • ' le rept:Wee end dinguittng.
All could bey. teeth white tut pearl,
• Sweet breath—ltarti gante—.to or girl.
- Why delayl—Nly, ottackly Inoue
And area box of Joan'. rwth Pnte. •
It earls but LIS teal, and senally benenfal °nide.
It gives the teeth a fine enamel. Elold in ?holm rgh at
Liberty ft. .. • nethdkwly
GAZETTE JOB Paiwriaru.orrlcs,
Lte-WE son prepared okaccso ~to is superior
nod enosddions wanner, nll kinds et den ?sorrow,
sada as large Koons., Steanstssad Odin, Ltills of Lading,
Lotter Shset Circulars, Hlndbdk.,Cards, ta., Le.
to, any •ozwat axecuied the ben mane., and all
kinds of rowing done with accaiacy and at the lowea
Q7 -Important to Adverusarls.—Te adeery
tiworients which appear in the Doily Ali:wen:lu Onset'.
abp appear in the Tit -Week ty, thus reeeivlng the bee
eat of. the eirealation of all, without •ny,additlonal
rbarte. Thi•isanadeantatetoeur advertisem, without
say nava 'expense. Adventaements are also inserted
Itlhet counts, piper anon seasonable
. .
lyrDnet have yellow dark Tee th —they cantle mule
dearly vihde by one time toting • box of Jon. , MOIR
'room ratrx It horde/tattle gum mrectenv the breath,
te., Sold at SD Liberty at ' ' srldJ/kvaly
Op-Ladies who tun Jones' epanish LEy %V kite. have
a 4 ways a fine white 11.11 parent akin. of this n tnal
wilt satisfy any one. eohl only in Ifittsbangti. al% Lib.
My avled.kwly
Etlitor•:—tAltutor me through lour tralo•
able paper towrgest au ate tang. of Rsuuhurgh, tho
name of CHAS It. SCIALLY,.Rsq ,ua a candidate for
Lite mmimroo ol Muyor.
del3 RIMS? WARD.
110-Doy't have a Foul Breath—lf sou have, are a
ahillung bottle e( loneo Amber 'footh Pratte. That will
make your breath sweet, wintry your teak, be. eoft.
at LO ',bent' at. . alrlYd
OG—To MO Halt and LAMO—Coosstack'q Nerve
and Halle Liniment ind Indian VYPubl. the
011.1 t eifectnel note for Rheunanclll3.
Yntd by IVAL 3.telLtVin, Arent for Paisbilryti.
Somas,—Lhxquesna Colored Brass Itand. The
Matthew of Wu band will give # Son« or Mob 'loll,
e # Monday «Eh commencing at 10 o'clock, and «e
-ntitling ihoraghoot she• day and;evening. the table
will be presided welt Oysters, Friths, Cake, and other
d#licacies. Admission, 1.l cents. . decelld
On Fndav evening 21th Ina.. Mr 3.IhIEIKU&
ttki.l, at the residence of hi. brrntscr, tkendooky street,
lih funeral wall take piece no Bunnlay afternoon a t
!O'clock, th friend. of the (otoi are ramp...felt? in•
'reed to enema.
THE thl t sertber will eel] hie MON and Farm, Stowed
on bhppiry Kock Creek, Beaver codety. Fa, nine
moles from New Comte and 2 011 r. Gnu, Sonenvllle.
The Improvements rootlet of •M rim Mill wish 2 pair of
Sin-crone of which ire hors; an excellent Saw Mill;
and I get of UMW,/ Machine.; all In good repair
The FOlll3 eOritattli about 150 acre., with about 75
cleared and in good repair, opohvehich there aro a good
new frame dwelling boalle; 01440 home barn, with
abundance of good mottling Kneeled for horres,eptva;
the; braider numerous °thereat beadlngs. Al'.,. good
orchard of 1.11011.. kind. el fortßees
The land, contain eon!, I tnlestetio, iron on% Ac.
t A t, nutittier the stove, I will tell 1:2 acre* with 4
good water power of 10 feet folks mane Improvement
, ;The Mille are doing an extensive humeri. l;l,ll4 0
ei t thoteney ol rower for ell seasons, winch may be still
farther Inercastil„solEcient to run a woollen facto:). or
other machinery addition to lbom already 113 opera•
The alone w e property it located in the adds of • Gee
Wheat andwool growing country. in the vicinity of a
pod market. and 'wiener in a masa; intelligent and
1101041/1011$ neighberlone, and erld be wad low, either
all together. or iteporatily. • •
'For further particulars uddlerit the eubscriber,
tenvillel Ilatler comely, ll'a., or apple personally on the
- :tleTlior3t•T .
trr Wallington Reporter copy It omen and wad to.
py to advertiser.
For Uale Bunt.
. • .
T/I F. subscriber wilt ern or lease a tone on the All,
gherty river. in Plum Township, consisting of one
Winded and hoe acres, eisty acres of which le cleared
and now under fall e ultir anon; with a good beete, barn.
Ind oilier convenient and desirable Improvements, watt
a young orchard, and situated Within twelve mice of
He has also Adjoining he eame,•body of Gee farming
lend i known as the While Oak Level, consisting. of
ON 0. fIIOUSAND ACRES, which he will Fell or Ital.,
I noontide., es desired. There are en this land ten or
eleven dwelling boners, several of which are new and
all comfortable dwellings and occupied by families—
There are also about els bandied sere., of the whole
tram, cleared, fended, and anger piefilable cultivation.
.Thnland• will be sold enure or leased ar desired
parchseenoreibers. • I
..The loin of 103 acres will be sold or leased nod poi•
session if desired can be given Immediately.
;The whole body of lands hero offered, embrace • front
on tha n Allegheny river of two and a half miles. An in•
disputable title will be given to purchuere.
,kor further information perxine wishing to purchase
at lease will apply to th e subscriber, at 40 Market n,
Pittsburgh. • I#ls.l,kwatT) CAlsEll
tIAISTON 'IOI:AAMITGLI-open this morning,
lJ one else unblesehed molten gennels;alsoon hunt
bias barred, and gesso des: ecellet and yellow wool de,
epperior plaid l i to r ys; hire blanketing: and a large IL4
senotent of w goods g ‘ enerti, R ae r. . u . p d i rr i ....
deekb • N cornet 4th ete
TYPE FOR SALL-41ic tiio oa wlnoli the Colette
le now priated,.ls for oak:debt ecablo oiler the
4,g or ponuoy. The tanns - "rid be' liberal, and the
e peopeaer negates papers Is ,elicited. .• deCtUW. •
rtontroisrron , WAIITSZ—A good Wambold.
V tor can haves pqmonent Rialtron et lb!. ',Mee.
~..., . . . ..
- pikinl4 : i . f .... c2m . eou ?ID SYRUP
to be the beit medicine now tee for the ears nf- d o e
cues of the Oast, Loop. Brtmelsitia fte, ice, wh il e Me
low price at ischieh if ts furnishd, bungs it wilhin the
mach 'of OIL Among . mazy flattering testionial. we
pablah the Gallewirin from a gendeman wed hnown'ist
Philadelphia, cogatal in th e dry •goods'lll
Market st. '
ohlessri L L B Biller—Gentlemen—Tour Co r m •
AmonSyrup of Tar and Wild Cheat', has eoted
a seam Catent. I was u, ho ar se I was en
able to speak distinctly, and greatly oppressed Mlle,
diesnibeeide having a terrible coach. The first dose
relieved mauled a single bottle cured MO entirely. I
Yours remedially M B STAHL ti
- This pleesant, safe and efficaeloris remedy is for sale ,
t the low price of 2B octets per bottle by clarn
teepereenerallyfin this and adjoining comties, and
wholesale by the proprietors.
L /co B I RITTER, Wholeitale deneetts 1
dee2SwfneT ' lto north 3d or Phil ad'a
Wil. P. ER.IIA.B.DT, • , I '
Na. 133 Nordrildst.abortliace, apposite Break's,'
11AS eonasantly on hand a large uameeem.
ofWs;tad To? m‘
DIA he invites the anaemia of the Trade;
and who b. for the last eight year. been engagett
dim pestle alar branch. and moms/ed. bnnging it to .
Inch perfeenon as will be seen by the following extract
Jesse the Report or,the Committee en the Exhibition of
the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.
He. PA. Men and Boys. Caps-by Wm P Ethard4
tp, Ranh 3d it. Philadho well and neatly made:
One of Mese raps deserve some notice on account of
Its convenience, one Fide is of clod:, and the etho• of
oiled vilk, and either can be worn outside at the
siren( the wearer. This, ea far as the Judges', k.ovr;
ts the first instance of snob an arrangement applied to
.caps". de.s43titme m
GIFT BOOKS, Be an, at eastern prices.
' Leaflets of memory and illasoinated annual for 1818:
Gems of tke season, for IMO. I ."
Flowers personiGed, do
Rose, mas Blossoms. or affection's gift do ! '
The Parables illominoled—bound in Lleslin iron..
Poems of Fa:Grecs lialleck—illominated.
Roust! and Ready almanac.
Thompson. serwant--aleirantly illustrated R. bound.
Goldsmith's poems do do,
Sunny how. of.ehildhood. -•
Monte's poetical works—splendidly Illustrated and
Byron's works do do
Pplendid port folios of cap, Jotter and note Sizes.
Elegantly bound pocket and faultily Bibles.
RnsewoodWritiog deists and work bozos.
Globes of 6,16 and IS Welts. diameter .
For sale by JOHN 11 MELLOR
der2S St wood st
[LAVING parebased the entire Moak of John Little.
Lk Ltr., and added it to soy already choice and very
exteiasiye variety of Foreign Wines and - Ladios In
wad and glass, I will be pleased w wait nyon my
friends by hhl.,gr casks, pipes sod had pipes, in Ida:
ems or boes.
P"'""" ttl
Imo store, ear market md from sm.
Having told tra above, my 6ne melt or fotrign wines
and liquors to Mr Jacob Weaver. I would raapectnally
recommend my Customer. to him Mr Mem rotate supply.
FR MU TEAR - Jost' received tram the
, ntlndelphia and New Volk Pekin Tea Company
a prink lot of fresh Green and Uteri Teas. wan assing
the following: Young Hylton, extra fine dn. Bitvec leaf
Ilyson; extra fine da; Na Plus Ultra; Ex ne Gun Skye
der; ex fine imperial; fine Onions; ex Gnit - da; Galan&
Socrelning; English Breakfast; Peek's Flowers; Bose
The above Teas have been selected with great cake
by one of the beet Judge.. the ea., and will be .Id
on as fair termsae can be bad at any other house is this
eny•SAnIE. HIJACK . .
. . .
camel of third and emittifield •a
CAME to the residence of Me subseri.
. 4 ' 4 1511 her in Versailles towitehM. Allegheny
-•; g gitZl county, a Brindle Cow, sappomd to be
met • shout eight or ten year, old; long horns;
wane on. the beat: no other marks percepuble.
roe sweet to • regnetted toe foritant, prom
propettic 1 ay chargea c ond take com her away, or she will
be <calmed of according to law.
dectsw3s/T TEO'S ,CENOIELL.
V I use, airwave ou hand al the Drug mune of
is a ser.Luns,
nas7 wood •t
.DI OTAK/1-3 cubs for safe b.
dee: WICK h
vilmAß-29 bbd fnr tile by
(TIMM& TDB SNUFF-2W bladders for tale EY
TEpieecs fo
OW UTNr eale
by -
Q - 11NDRIES-2 bbl. tallaw; 2 du grease; 2 do laa
IJ 6do grreo apple. in swe RIO (or sale by
t.S W ATE 411 IAN •
31 water end C.l (rout at.
QTA.B.CII3O boxes aopertor fumy march in store
and for sale by L SWATH/MAN
dee24l 31 water and 62 band its
QuESWAX-A small lot for sale by •
LJ decal • WICK lc 111n3ANDUSS
W •
HITIr. HVGANS-84 hbrrels forvale br
TMC (/-4:1 ter tersl o t, b r ae . en; NollCin.
. 4.1,60 trit2nlcirreilEON,
ISI liberty
1310 COVEWedIC-151 bake Au meld and Ibi• sale
D. by . Mr& 11;l1VC LITCLIIKON
dosed • Many st
DEMOVAL—GEO. W 8)11TII ir. a, . here ;O
il. worm! Men °Mee from Pain It, to Mote now !nem-
R XE-11
andfor gala by
EGGS, EGGS-14 Laies flesh eggs just reed and
for sato by Sft 11ARDA
decd) 33 woods
B ULK POIIK-Z,Uns:VirrAVviti,by
G l L E rr, l : l 4u P srrtetf —, endt b r b . l . 9 ,t apples au ex
S &IV Iby
Jet-21 at wood st
.BVCILJILTS ds o s. flen d ur ti.t4ketis.,;
tame and tar sale by
decal 3t water and Ge. Rant sts
.13. 1 .2,70,t1t - y" b ;;FAV.ZioTETi.C."
ALW—..a &ego seal ULM, Ord ad
Cope and Mr sale by
dso2{ XI woad at
M/GTAL-30 tone riff metal reed by meamer Beaz
J.V.L yes and for sale by - LS WArp:IOIAN
dec24 3( venter and 01 front sts
SZEDS—US bhle eloverseedite) bags ti undly seed
Item amd for ealeby L S WATER3IAN
3t water and Ge front
'DEM:MIES—M. sack, dried react, . in aloto and
i cot sale by LS WATERMAN
'deal3l wider and 01 front ti
FrpLAX SEED-3E4.0t, for sale by .1 -
.1, 1 1 . mei; & NI,CANDL,M9
miler, vintage
EV pipes HelirleSs f y Brandy,,Loßndon
r, vintage of NJ, to arrive; or side by
dell • PC MARTIN
RAIKUNS—New, rcelal tb to Jay; for oal . e by
COPIPE.M. —l5O bags weriving and fyy !alai by .
dry• TAnn+.l 'lll-- ` ,T
le by I
P UPPER—'3I"4"'-‘
4,1 • •
!J 15 ei n9'.""
inr oak by DENT
dela 3.5 wood wrist •
bblo serwebcd oalta, r .p:z4z,r s i. Egr k ,
1.7 M A ale by de
W .b G r LASE-1::r said alaxi.L.Nsvrvut....a.ial
kc , a n,
pEPPIKII-13 ler gnmn4 Pc
Ted: far .all Ly tVI fl hiceIITCHEON
.. ,172 Liberty et
B .
AG9-157 plumy bag. for hale by
den" W k fr ItIcCUIVIIEMN
Pldanufaentret, neurral,luntithmi
to order at manufacturer. rdtees
V VTLAI- inri - G-‘lOO dos mart lame all., black glued
Jar" II just meld tar ula by
FLOOR—an 661. flunk. mile Flour, '
10 " fine Flour: nunore, lot nabs by
d,i 'labeny
blarearitiic Library A irrotiation " 4bi9alia
&NA - 1 ',markt si
. ,
d od.
Ol 13 " Lard
W Ono
for Ly deM F SEIA.F.IO4
[.one-150 N°mo:,,,tr:ak,;
Stor Candle, on consignment: fo
role by deli
TAILD UIIANGIV-23 bf or, and eighth pipe
lltat)). Moody, dark land ink, nal sr. trout lea
to 1814; (break as imported by •••
tier/ e! ht RTIN
BR.,t7 g D.:(„ - .G.k4;t1;a7::,?. - ge
diott hIARTIN
usAnirry-411hf pipe. A Belgnette bratolY; Ihr rale
A.,/ deN • by PC MARTIN
fßllllll . Vinaigkle g pcucheonr; fu r n ein I.y
1 doll , P °MARTIN
TADIAICA ISPIRITS-2portebro.Ah ror_sAle
qadndilear.ituil, by der-t w
MAO " ; fd.rPiealctyN—'PZ°4' an
I , hiLcni,' es
G'IIAII ACNE b att. Crown brand (or
so! b . P CMA RTIN
:IN PORT clka rn ydn‘and Otrart
der; for sale by , dcY2 PC MARTIN
TilAirfsZaTiiiririf:Siiirbliidirolo by
MALLOW-1i; bbls piispe usiele, on consignment;
.11; ramie by F SELLERS
deft' 17 libortV sl
SOMICS—A stew supply of Slant's aid Ladies Co*
ttoleit; for sale both wholesale and mall by •
dal • 1 , 11 ktATOri
Cards and Tastela—A large uwnmealnt
dc2l 'EATON'e.frimalin. „tore
177.51.11—A lave Ladles' Marina Veto; ke sale at
V retlieed price. at ' - EATON'S
deft ' market It
FLOOR—Ha b k lemre rfiDe . o
Fl:up gb ; ,. b
dc72 • I , eia,LF.ns
OMPPEII.—IU bags Put MC< finale by
I *I,
J at thin office for a .apply Of Coal doting thomapon.
Odin' :
> DiOlitt.-44.4bIsaupartme, lataing from etmr
11111 I; .for sale by W DILWORTI I
dell if wood Stlttl
QTONIC PIPICS-13Obx• for ra6
WIL ~.1
• • IC t : ma
.41e4 ,
Liaboo pa& tale of auil
at ; lACOU WEA
~aN -~i
y ~~jr f? i f .l 5 - ~ rn
Be-Joba D; Dalris.4lartiosiar
. ,
On Idonday.montlogrDeeenMe Vat, at 10 oklackxt
th e Commerc ial gales Hum, Omer' of wood and dtb
era, wdl be sold soldarat resew - • i ' -
e general enema:nor utuottahle staple aod W./
Dry Omis, ke.,nauseg which ant superfloe'elods, sat
znetto, yellow nod :red flannels, Olanketrsistunleaelied
i t,
sheeting, valence, silks, bluk satin, sergee,Saids plain
and rp•U ,
. alpheeas. black born clue, green obit eel.
, erken and de lame antral nit and cotton hdkr,
double highland woollen hoods; needle work edits,
patur thread, , roollen comforts venlig', Lucy eta.
;At go'clock, x. .: • :' •
One crate china and guess are asobrted, N 0 su
gar, VII and 'deck teas, rice, moo, seem, coal
stores, Awe% mum, forks, I. - d hums, knives and
foots, Se. 1 '
_._ -_
__L„ - I ~_,,,,L .;' •
a lawre quntity of newand memo an.. oust/told
and kitchen famtrore, arnantehig mahogany
sofas, roekbor chum, ottoman., tablas, . bedsteads,
orork-stands,lorking•glasses, mantel clocks, eatlxt4
feather beds, de.
At 6 o'clock: ri, 0. • . 1
A qoanuty of army goods ut . o le for holiday res•
ems, ready made elottdog, gold d stleerrldeltM, rda
,pens, pen and pocket knives, • tales, 1 - to la treat
variety, tamsur'n's , fancyway.. lo 6.P'" '" . O ' -
eelleaeoue books,,ke. -dude
DS RANT BINDINGS—Boo& I:otany.oeSin Mier
book f Flowers. • -..' • . i .'
The o Rose, or Offering's Gifu I. steel esigraskig.
American Wild. Flowers, m ' irnatiro henna.
- The Snow P la t a-. : • -• _
ht pits and other Tales. . •
The Poeuest Works of 'Pita Green Halleek, mar
first collected; illmrated with Seel enymings• Jtat
. .
. Tbe Seasons; by Jae Thompson, with engraied Ilia.
mittens. A new and moat splendid edition; Turkey
' • '
morocco and other bLeding. • ' • '
The complete LonEditiort of ,Robert Mum' %WAN
catmint./ his poems. amp, endicarroaporoeeneM
&rated, k.c. Joe. Timm. edlbort,B 'ea. I
The compleM Poetical works af:JaiMes Mop nary,
Moore,, Byron, new edition j• Southe7;: u.°Pe't
Ninon, Campbell, Scala Derne.VTaso., fielll.., 0.04
other eating edtbans and m caelotoo btodixera.
Harper's illostrated Shakapeare, ie3 oplendkl vole,
The abare with others, and a limo oopply °fir/ende
d:elks; For sale byJ L BRAD •
de23 • Ch it, mar market
are received at the !Reading Room of "Tag
Young tire's Moo:mule larvey ;ld
llones:fifferelmet% Magazom!Hanker% do; Redeker
backer; Boutberri.Literary bleisenger, Horticulturist;
Civil Ea Riots Ps and Architects Journal; Milling doer
nal: American Review; Dentocrano dot BlaCkwood%
Meantime, Edinborgh Review; London griarterlyt
Westminster, North British; 'Lima's Lima Age;
Eclectic Magazine; tillinann's /Opmel. • ! •
Daily Papers from the - following Coin: Worm, New
York, Phisdelphle, Baltimore; Providence!, Buffalo,
Cleveland, Wastuncon, D. C.,!eincinniti, Loolvville
fft Lords, Memphis, Nashville, New Orleautbridebariff;
Daily Pepors. '
The Association has .a LaMar* of over four hundred
volumes; which is increuing
Citizen& ace invited to call and examine the ealleC.
non of books and periodicals. MIS of Le
coming members will leave their MMer with the Libre
rian,who will Rive any further Difonnation which May
be required.. Entrance !m. Third street, next to Port
Tto attention of members fillled to the Mthriorniir .
-AnyMcinber may hava the privilege of introducing
a friend, not a resident - of the city, whom seine shall be
registered by the ;Abram,. Ina took provided for that
porpoube, and who will receive a ticket of admission to
the Reading Room ler the term Of four week). ! •
ecthlw .
__l ; -
Vaatnl amad 61 7. 2411.10iCiai1l
AFINE assortment of fancy ninnies, Inarang wh'ich
Handsome. Crochet Bags, with and without clasps;
Sled Brad and French eat bap, .
Si in purees, VOW styles;
. .
Ivory tab.ets; pearl memoranda,
Enamelled andiron/ papeCceneral
Napoleon and pOrtableinkri
Cigar cares, welt comb an/glass and memorandma
Bad; • • ; •
Toothoiekc plain clear eases;
Vortiolms; posit. books;
Paptctoree: needle toots;
Fancy Berlin iron h ukets; • -
Willow basset., rte. Pa. Now open atti for aria
63 market weal
A Choillensfc In the ilificirl • . - ;
T ENT V- FIVE DOLLAIIB will be paid. to .r roe
who INIII produce afpot a 'paint, amen or dry, that
cannot be exuneted with Hull's Improved Chemical
Soap. 1 have the satisfaction of saYing. to rue people at
this place, that this article , by my, own miprovement on
14 DIM Funds unrivalled in lII* country for:extracting
grease, Mr, pitch, oil,•paint, °Comity other greasy 111.1 h.
tance, from alt kinds of gentlemen's or:adios , clothing,.
carpets r mble Moths, merlon 'shawls, ladiUs` bonnets,
he. without Waring anything that pore water wil toot
injure. Mom than one thousend persons to difetent
parts of the country bane cm. they would not be
without it; if it eon one dollar r cake. Intrytnit this.
Soap on more than Nkt attic i or light ailkti satins; at •
pacers, and calicoes, I have o ly found three mere. cc .
tillt. two of alpecen, and for of calico, on which it
changed the Mimi therefore lore patting It OD a tight
dress try a sample of the dress first. I state this because
I am detennieed not to retina "end itilny stronger than
I looms to be strictly tine. ' N II NOM. •
Pnee, 111 cis per cake. ld, wholesale and retail
by' . : it EJSEI.LERBii
• : armed et
We merits:ie. of the 'V e Polimonry Balssnr,—t_
llil U.liS that the Vegsmb • almonsiy &ham n ani
mal. medicine. Ithatheon use in thia plackwilb comp!.
memo tom Moth:ate complete* ( the lunge, attended with
aseuere entrgh,.thls of vence,a the caning ofd mach blood
stack had previoan'y resisted may approved prescriptions
knee ming the: Lateen ens week the pulent's vow remised,
and be was matikd to speak ithiThry. Th is ems manned
some time Mice, and then Is now. engsged cal only is m•-•
tim but in laborious Nubia. i Respectfully yews;
Concord, N.ll. Jan. T. liKli. .. 8. MORRILL, hl D.'
• Sold in Pittsburgh by 13.• a. F ••• - • •elr, .t, earner 4
first and wood, also car sltth It '• • • sta.;. . i amt'
' I II,r..III9RMIT is mom ;to all other los
Cougto, Consumption, Dosnehi • asthma, and omen Pulmo
nary etketiotte, is that the same • ••• who itottoomed the
use of it in their dimities 4nyftra ago :atilt piefer it to ittl
other remedies of Melded: end ehareao, hove,heen isottobed
to try other preparations they IZTV almost litariably, been
disappointed to reaming the bunk which gram rearorothly
anticipated from the hithprainvkiestveied by the propritton,
and h.. returned to the we of V p ATnst'EtrictoUrr, s. •
moody that hie oeyer rehabs Wu, mid whist,
probably never hid its equal le main pulateimy diatoms.
Prepared only by Dr D.. 1. •e, Philadelphia, aod sold
g`d77.11,1,..i.r JAvsts .
• 1c Banws,].
8.;0. •
[scaarlion To n
Manufaciurcr paid Jin • •
• : and B•
No. 87 Wow:. STREET I
HAS ell,•oirs hand a I
est dories Of Anterlut
and common Instscs
bunt n,
Don border.; 100000, lumn,~
intim style• of cultist' paper
which will be ol4s the mos
imee end mutil.
nesonateni:of the new
and French node. glued
!goldorelrey end m
V. dita-
or, and chamber
prints, ate; rainbow atfd
weber wide. All or
reasonable term', whole-
'caterty invned te.
panne aten
Cer.ntry merchants are p.
[p-Irus an.l.Tanners'Se
den Get •
LETTERS Testamenta ry
of Deermbei; to th e en.
Wit veal end teanitosene
Allegheny, deceased: All 1
deenends egale-,1 teeilliVe 0 I
vented to mate: knot. the
Boas, lr., at the late resalmj
ty of Allegheny " I
ere gratstedoit the Mk day
; eribersi Executors of the
et Rots,late of the city of
mono hung ehtiota or
tali decedent, aft re
•of the vatatar tha i.
• J.fttl i rt3 l i tfild3 e , Jr:, •
lAM 11 o ADDIV. T.
I !amt. city of Pittsbarah.
del.?.:iGie ' , Penn
. • ' NOT
LT TITERS Testameentry
cum of Thoosie Linton; la
deceased.. All persons lag .1
decedent, stroll 'please : make
those baying claims agents,
them for settlements/rah°.
acing been ousted to the
the hut swill and teeth
, Of the city of Pittsburgh.
Wed to 'the emote of: said
immediate payment; and
id estate will present
- . ' ROT
A LL Perron, thawing the
J 1 Isle of the fate A. bar
notified us call &Ltd settle the
Ingelitionti owns; the,
suthettitested Or iettleme i
trarebottstrot John Irwin & '
deltSts 1 J
• lee. indebted to the FA.
• .1r , deceased, are hereby
eaccoeuta, sad those has
•,. plena{ theta 'doll
t to the euttactihat, at the
.e,e, Noll Water at.:
French Papetertei, linedniting emboesed. Mart:lna
ted and fancy notepaper and envelopes, he. Ate These
eases are pliant in a Wile far papaw. , fo to/ burnt'
fore reeinved. CHINESE ;FORT•FOLIOSi:These
portibaboa are inpertily plastid, and inlaid with pearl.
For vate'by STOCION, • •
deed Stationers volutes of Klarketind ad ate_
BOOED, von. wila novieroir.e.• -
A LUC hlS—The , Fiona, o.,iraum4 Oniwit tent
SOL., nier, and many oiler kinds. In every varie
ty of bind ng. Bibles and ?rarer Huh. bound In
stye Is stumble for Holydav rats. For sale by
decal llooliselleri toner of linnet and Kt ate
`mericast Diell•Ty of tbo
P. Tv, outuinul all Mu the
nit/teed by ltnnuecy A.
The mom etimplets
crovwv guano. nee
: J - L , READ,
.Athnesimarket et ;
Dr. Webster's Dieu
Engbah Language, I(SAIIV. •
former oditionA committed;
Coodrich, Prof Yale Colige
Don ever pa ;tithed; one
SA.OO. For still by
ff .. i iii, GI
'DAT UODII am receiving a taw ad
ditionel . atipply of a ',Goods in my liar. ail,
waiekes,•cbaiim. and Item •1d people, peas, vest...
elev. &m. Fine ironic:Lin every e l ?,et,t i e r y: s lla si l c ; I ra.
J.7,1..,4,%, • !. • • .i..., ' market and 4th al. • '
CHELISTBIAS PRICIMA TS—A Vietiland ,p fie n l'
asaattnient :of tansy ad. and toys no*
suitable for Claimant and ear Years preuntli. . .
Come and boy at , • t TA 11ILLIEITS -
dee:H:3i - i ' .• 1 IN wood st nenehth '
Tim; vartir.itav • - ftialiiiiiiiiiiWiTeul
13. paid rot amid clean Odic, ...Yon, 4 16 cope,
area rope, bossing,
.1.011 ii ragY, eolmiii YiliaaJe, ao,
, i .. . h / CHAUW/CK
• dec2l - ! wanes a: teleran pmtn nod libeeiy
. • • 1 LEA tem i •
T.IIE aubeeeibor la mot , eelviag apnania of , 1103
Rideau( New Yorkßed Mot ehaidoMatainpry
togmber with a dented at. mem Or y hmather m•lils
tine of business, carrier's idola, 014 eto• All of which
he will roll on the anon renMnable Imam, at 108 hdben
ty lit .. 7 . et, loppoaito 611: M.) '',
d ..dim .
I. = ___
TEAS -101 pommel. olytea, ea (allows, , .
41 half chaste Y 11 Tea?
10 'do '' do 0 P do i
161t1b do V/I dos - •
• 11l 1314 . do I '
mp ,
I 8 0:b do , Yll ' Pi i i
litat yee'd fresh; allot wb oh we oiler lore and war
ramp:mai.. For,aala by V & RIII'CUTCIIEOII
dem . , i „ 16111ibeyw at ,
Q 05013186— J0n tee d at - ISO ',berry mom,
1.3 neeroona Indigo; i
" 1 east aopetior Medd ~ - ,
16 aloes - ' '-e black tog; . ;
.110 Win 1
. .
16 boas
deelii . FICII#IIY,ON,
yi — ,rane — yisti - Clesand
T(1,7,t -- ' Comae low by z '
dei..l %6 KHNNEDY, Jr
ocky,w-30 cape. o. kw en !mid for , subs
J low by the cww,ay h • •
, • ,
de= War wood ttlt
IiAIIIDIEB —0( an deitriatlono • aial (Musa, for
I) gala wholesale oi 'read, in woad and Vass, at %ha
wine morn of
.1 , i3ACOBIWk:AVER.
uumeirrs _moue • LI WRIT/NO .FLABD.—
Amortscl And bolda l Outunly. pia Mad (Ca
sa d B AHNOSTOLIC B. Oa. ,
, omit of Isimad woad go
CAIITION-All pout inicannonedardnit pa
ing ntonieson our otoont to Jacob R. Stook.
Rao, an he in no Wager in entromploy.
Notth .Front At, R
T. " L a 1r. , ‘!... , known line ° o f f re e en i d o id u rn n t r ger ea=
famished and fa ed, and most powerull boats o the
tenor the West. Eray aecooreotkandowendessu
fort that money can procure, ha. beta pramhaed fusee
seintera.: The Use hea heel inoperaUde fist Bra Tema
—hare ; carried a million of rtoPk? . 011 .." Tho
!Mary to their persons.. The boats .entl he tot the Shot ei
Wood Street the day pmenects to starting, isr *a pe
'don of freight and the entry of passenger. cm the
ter. In; all cases the passage money Furl be la "
The NO.NONGAHELA,Sapt.Ebouu, will lame lat.
burgh irrery blonds, morrong . az 10 .
o'clok:11; Wbecbag
euerg Monday °venal at 10 Y. M. .• ," • •
The BIDEENIA, NO. 9, CAN, J 12fieffeire, will
leave pittabugh every Tuesday raerning m10(90014
Wheeling every Tuereav evening at /11 F..DL
The NEW ENGLAND, N 0.9, Capt. &Dais; Vi.
leave Pittsburgh every , Wedneaday.gaOrsing at le
eclat; Wheelie{ every Wednesday eviaing al II P.
'Tie PENNSINNANLe.. Capt. finsv,wrilitiaVe Mts.
,bergh every Thenaey worm* 10deelu WieeAme,
y,,,,redey evening ea P. la.
)t zd
Tb. CLIPP ER,NO.S,St Ceekr,wli
leas Phb
burgh every Pr ey e
et lastleeki Wheels!
every Friday evetuog at la •
DESSENOER,Cept. De Cony, will km Ptkr
beryl every Saturday NOMlljatlOteclock; Urypet, •
everyßonds), evecuti at 40
The ISAAC NEWTON, Cept. A. 0. Mn.., inn
leave Piesbersh every Sunday males at le. 'FM*,
Wheetber every Sunday overuses 10 r. 04
will lame for Beaver, Glasgow and
Wellevilo, oa Taesday,7linelalr e
sat Baja:rag of awl weft, at 9 &abet, am. stelaeao Ihneday, Wednesday and Filday. SW Ma a boas
at the lending between' Wood amt. and We lip: . lgo hew
pared to receive Owens al any time. I
1 . 3 & W HARBAUGU,
oetl3 . No 33 wood W.
. • --
The pe stembeat • • - •
N auk% master ,w4ll, main
the manna winter 11C1110116 sake dally
mph to, and Wellwatllo.leadiagPillahluelattrY
looming st o'ekck, and Waling's 41.3 e'ckel,ek
delal. • .• oal BARTON & ClNAattotth
=7E% ri.,==
Otaymill Ibegincinnitteyery
undo worsung, at 10 reekoel.N..
and Wheeling away Thersdny evenhag, it 9 9 , opc p z r f . reight for pariar ri vaahml i r .
CINCLNNATI AND Loolsvulr: pAcKizr
Aff ik Tbo new and swift atoms; :
Cap% Clll,mpbell, wan /raid Ra bdaid-
Who kids day al 1.0 o'clock. Fer=at
Ay on board. 1
' The megniAteat steamer
• Airr. rcatgort- '
Cort goooto,orlll kiss Ito atocors,litio , .
u zr at loo'olook, For trap' or we-
4111‘1•91...The fit rating
Nowrit RIVER,
Deepmaster roll teats asgboi. tkla
=man, al o.r..lpek. - artr u cor
on Want.
-The new sod fins sower • :
. Atkinson, meter, will leave 04 abate
Bilaithed iteenArdiate pots this dry, It ID
Weloct—posiiirely. For (Meat or Itasugie 'llllqy
ele2l, - , GEbB MILT/MBA A
73e tut oninhlg Manor - •
Jacobs, Exactor, Intl leave as serape ea
aurday u 10 o'clock. ~FO/1 fogiStaft
age apply on board. ' • Res
REGULAR'. PACKET - BETW FEN P 1778,813,891(
4 4 (
Tbelna new atmr )
Carkonaster, w leave tab.
batik 'every' Toraday7katoday and
bate ay or at 9 o'clock; sad Bramante awry
Idoaday; Wednesday and Friday worainge atllintbink.
For Dalgetr palmy Tit on board, or la .',.
.FOR nuariurt-aeouLta
Iltller,otauct,will Rue assoo
r z i ts
ming ulO o'clock. For .0
I• i , tl - 171nEut,.....i._
, -, Poe, Xiuzen-bilMfflattr*
•- -121,,
.. , .. 4* ,
dlar•i3celock,r.X. For Cratit of
........,.. . •
on board,oria • ' • DYvklaun
, !-.. I --.-
• . : - DICAPATOIIa .1
alana.manar,drillnuk_ a4baileal
Pinatbarild a'redesa, Wad I
aesday and Fnday, az di ege
. e..t. iViradtai
beta City every assday,
debut, A.M. For freigtriayplyidi . id
• simpaar Pitts= and Zi,asst 11.1 s.
; . TILE llgladLapt_hjiteMan- . " "
matthud, /Sum rovill leakirmaeaw=
to the above put druing t/et sem
For trelghr or =Me bee rd
Jammu' untisva.,tancu-r_ ~.
IIi : EL Tao new. LOS Striaght and sat4an.
sdagsdassast EUREKA,
Crosier. mufti; 4 •111 ran as a relnllar
sena between Pittsburgh and Loin.
villa, daring museum . Him leaves Friday, Sktobvt Ili
alo.Veleek .• . •
For frelibl ' or Vassaaninel on board. ' . Aside
r .ri i n E g Estrl i i V'edil reMe i t: enk
John exll i tr . ,. Woo l f,
mend y recopied by ?dr.:John Waded sad Messrs. J.
1 H. Mcinnoberalt, atelimparedlo peek Park,SkeL.
Lard and Tellogroo sait the Bemes or Pmmgrlrketa.
They bore engaged
ma l e) experioned/isk Workaterthersa
Belfast, Waterford, Ite,and will loip,short. tierce
and tonelem middles, prime mem pork, andlalead
loess do; P.nalish Nary Pork, and bdtn.da; it end
Alai India Beef, ke. le. Poi pack Lard and se
sea any market in the Woad.. _ , . - . ~.:•-• • • . • .
The advanteroMrpackims at ilda paktm* till ;real,
tier • .
I; Thiele the lateast Pork and Et ' aif . 4iiiirilei it ate
Rats' or 'United State., or perhaps th e. amid, This
comity is th e largest Slog . cotudy.itt the .United Elites,
slid always cheaper than Cincinnati :and .nren7 paw/.
. . .
9... hose mane in, in fine order—not fevered, elitism..
• red and exhausted by long dosing; they ant al
pee ked in Me same concern, and ant no=r
they WV dregsed. • • . ‘: , ,
In this establishment Mere' is be r drips , eeciking
900 ket on Cane!, sir tenni can lead atoned4TiePoork
m owe betters:ld cheaper thanCmeinasti.sot mantel'
hunted. and handled with monster. . •. ~
• . . . aboarlfit, itodolmaper tau
C.,ipgask oramer points. Mooorfaeilitrior INFO;
Oar to Hank. within 45 miles. - . •
EroPortr out tor shipped 611.1 cnr. Ileosi, via
the lakes, to No ...Trot or to lititadelphia fl, Boliismor
ma Pittsburgh, or to
the East or Comb via Naar W
Nelms R O.rreti k Eau; John DEerl7,llOnli , ben
& Co, RaMown; TT & Docker, Ifbirs,• Plaadd-
Rockwell, ble — w - Ftleans; Umiak .Ikwirtreeißrli .
Springer & Mmes.; I , 0 Nall keo,•Cleelnego4r
erk k. Baker, Medoff and Browatrillei,,lr id,
Lsq,.l" and 8 D etzepbellitS Atwood, ElVCarliter,it
epeweet Nye, En, deal it NcLazdtmeiß,Cl
• CAMMIL, 811081N.a".
J. ,
JORDAN a .lA, ' •
DEALERS 1346321 . 2434 Ludosaistaitirm ottani
.L/ Oil, and General Ctantaistion pecWua IS Libor
IT atreet,Fogite Omuta:ld, Putellatell, rani" l ll ,
d the rate of Smog..
J. I.& have made asnieeemenuis hetelogone, for • '
'Meting and peeking belt meat end ham,. Welkeent
mason; and their long expenesieele this bachleire mnu
them assurance of gimes SallfilttiCa I. Uwe umoung
sack Cosiness to Med. eat. • •
These ate advernageslo be- &need Galt greefbing
meat in fambuntb,with which all marmot he armaainl- , '
es. • ". • • •
• limey be ehipaeilli . MiM fain uf paint below:iitdost
injury, and allet baving,been smoked hare, end he for.
en,,,kd to the genera rites, either by meson evil
nal, waboca treashipment, 'Mere it ahnosalaveradgy •
arrives la Cie enaditmailedaelrldlT eallommode rho
togaesl market pewee.. . —•
0 1 thie engagement dad is a males of easiCand- •
freight odthe mme, which gm' oaavoidable, capons.
when, Davao intended Mr einem ralukets le muted at
PMnte bekra , , sot diking boo account the feel Math as
nets in mach boner order tbeeterhen peeked ibiaalts.
I, not elwbe borne in mind dud %inhere, is ace of
Me Wm panda lathe Union for selling •
• . at ttttt en.
dime.& Swift,
I . . .
C & CoI '
,••• •
Teesdale & Moder, ge Loris, Mo. • CdCitee
Eatabliolted •to astobettee tie Te.t/ 848 . 51 r Ite peal
Pe rlagrael Cat
pneet—o.ti exhibiting, at all tempos.
. of the yeas,the laoteat Atom
The* . are now opening Seven' Itentbea s
. amottaige...
.ip•sie• every new 171. Fatteltu sad m osomode '
preettetienoutay _erlarat ere not_o be mod •.',.-
rrdsrlektok h ave
1 71 t th k ar ' et PuTet's.e ‘",
- rificEs m it.E4uviu3 4 :!.
per Tata below the prices ta. Arit-imull'' kin Os Pail
rimedman CetaleAlles t twitch We eanoteta• daily, tot Art
I PIUTr NZ I Tirk TW1E7171.,°
—.t.... 21. 4,'f;g9P
NV 3111111X.' ATLI: . :4 e gliieitxx l 1 1 P is .
lies' experienee in Oils obi., Will be dista l ,.
the Inn of /mew mit. -4411trxti A. 16 . D.
06:44PilUbLitie ..... '.. . -
. .
, ,
I ` ,
ft •
,: • •
. _1 1,•
,7 7fP , t;': .