... , Froth the Weston Chriatha 0,.. .. • '. • ' A Colored.. ; .iffues 'History. 1 '-.... : Mr. Editor—A few days since. an aged ::colored Win, belonging to the Methodi s t Epi s copal Church, calla to des -intr.— !, . Having listened .with interest to (tome ..-. . facts which he related in clase•meetings , • , and love.feasis, 1. felt desirous to hear I . '. his history Boni nimself. Accordingly 1 • made the . rummy - and he, - becomitig M ."• • ted in • • ~.. tenni Lis own atory, related-it with the feeling and effect peculiar to the Aim ', . ph4ity of the !'child of nature "I The '•.' -. a tenon contains illusions and veflec dons which, on account of their original ity and pertinency, cannot fail to be nee , fut. While ho wars talking I Was (us. • • kticrivn to him) writing ,down the sub '. of his remarks. I have written it . . . f in. his I - omi language, believing that it • , would rob it of half its interest to your rteaderi were it rendered to them anictly - ' . ; correct by "nicer rules ' rules ' of art." I ..• "In de fall of —;-- I leas part of Judge ..,-- r fare, up on de 'river. More up dar : I ' - ' •, rid,my famly, an work hard for sevrel , year. Judge cony good to me, low me I. many liberties; an 1 uthke moutryi der.— Bet I thought I meat 'du better down in de Indian country. 'So I starts dclwn der • , _solaria do country, an (rand a mity good I ~ • ' , place: - its' I, thought,' an tuck a teas for - ,••• ; . five year: •Den I Cum up an finch my family down der ; and I bib hos'ses. an, • cows, an s*calts, an. 95 head of i hog.— Well, I-put up, my cabin, 'an hire hang, . • an clue out 15 acres for to put nib kawn; . ; Dar . war mity geed pander • ou l t.,•in de. woods, an pea-vine, 0 man! Well, I didn't knoW,nuthin bout de country, an .•`• tuck arc 'turn out My bosses an eowa to . f e ed. Well, two or three-day atter dat, . , 'dey cum bout di houso,in walk noun, an i „walk tom, an nimble, an one, arter de • ; udder fall down an die—bosses too. De . . -: • ' • eses 'for' dat - wai day bin edit! trimlin weed;,but I didn't know pothini bout it. ; • Dat same day tie young man what bb : • wail . toe die; an : de: next - day 'a young : . • .'1..... man wharf hire, : he din wid de itrtmbles • too. Deiflidn't eat de trimble : weed do ',. . —onlj , day drink divmailk what de cows - : -give what. die. _My wifel war nick wid it . . ~ • . too, buttroo,mercy she war spared. • One , • - day dat wcek,,in de,nromin, I was &min on ,a; fence_rail„ by'de kawn field—felt very bad an glo omy. - Jes' deni mammy cum by. She stop an pity, , Sam, what de matter wid you?' I tole her . I feel' • - ; . very bid—don't -know-what I ,ehall do.: . - She say; 't.), Sam, all din is foi l best. I You bin careless'. bout your soul, an -, • ' now ihoin you de folly, of de weal, an it • . may lin de - casion 'of . your gettin ligun ; •,-, an den you will'bay yourself din it war , de best - thinCav - ever happeni to you. So she pus on _ •to de spring. She war i • .... : • Zany . good worisa ~fale Christian, carry 1 . da mutest' in heV.hreast. 0 yes, mem- - .... nry war good woman, ebery body . low dat. -• Well as I was sityin,:l. war eitun on de I fence-rail, an jes hefore'me dzi: war 'rite, =art bill rise bp, and swell off to de - ' left . ; an it-wal'envared wid oak trees; , au my hags warder . 1 Dey hadn't eat no trimblin weed . ; an\ I notice. data' de hogs .. .! . go from tree - to tree, an eat akawn, an neber look up onci,to see .whar day mini . froth. • Thinks I, dit jes de way wid me. ' I wetly like bag. God bin smilin on me - . from my yout up, n'tt porein:idawn.bless --... sins on me, and I, j'ea.like de hog, neber -, look up to tick whar all cum from,-pr. to ' tank God for dem 1 . Din tonght rite tom my , heart like deg er, an I dump down, i • and weep Ind 'ora . Bout din time I i opened deaugar Ma p, ao tap bout one ' • . hundred lea, an I pray at ebery tree I tap.. As ,turn de. auger I piny almost ; . ebery turn.- So On I went , day arter day ' - -• —eat little' ' or nottin. Ma i i nmy say, . Sam, why don't yo eat notti 1' I say I don't want i ,nottin, .bas form tesolushtha 5 :saber te snip iffl I git ligun. Some time arter dirt I 'heard der war gelyin to be - ' praar nimbi tree mileis off--Metodis. So, ' Sunday mornin I starts for olefin. From whar 1 den live dar. war high bill to • climb, mitt' st e ep. i I start up it. .Dar i. morn - had. bin 'snow, storm. Snow war • shoe-month deep.' I climb, I climb. I hpar mice' dat ,Moses went up in moan• tin, an Gad meet bun and talkito him der. Sa i Went on, en when I got up to de top 'I bresht awev d 4 snow, end pray, and - tole God dat I form resolushuo neber to go back'tomiy house till be convert my mei: Feel eartnesvltat coureged dar„and wanton toPraar metin, which war held ' at de Masi leader's housO,l Hear .dar war gwgin .to be' prechin at de metro -... , house 'b' de' lumen - preaoher. At de ' • earth leuler's house war de, elus leider :- -- 'au de , old.prafassors talkie: bout .that . farms, in Crape, an basses, in, CpWS, an • oder . critters—en Sandy, toe, an not a word drain bout ligun. Thinks I, die no ' . place,.for Ma ;so I starts on 'to; de . mean house. - lea •as I boss my head to enter, de hckile, pecuspdy Mmethin struck me. •'' Howasever, I takes my seat priv back. .'. Metin begin, dey Bing, dey pray; ale tears .... . ion: down My !cheek io streams, an I hang my head idOwn i away one Bide so ; "nobody slant lee intl. Ant when dey -; - ste4.l - down den •I 1 gices way : , an cry an . • pray i bad: jei before do przer closed I wipe my eye; dry so nobody stunt know, . it. Aster while I feel so i bad dat I couldn'tetand up no longer, an fell down - on my face in de floor, and :cry to Gor . for thaity.' Den de wanderitga of my mine: kep cumin in, cumin ill, cumin in, cuarin bi,, jealika nate, from' ills way an ' dat, cumin in', cumin in. ; felt dat I war wortty to ...41dam'd for my sine, an felt• , ' • dat if, I war, paved it would be ram great I . • mercy., • hien (irk dat I wart jes able to .do nottiti; ari'l tell de blessed Jesus, dat - if atiyfing vier.done in my case he would • have to do , it hieself. Jos den sometbin 'rise up in . are, an swell, an; swell, and; • cum up in my throat. 1 colild'nt speak sword, no nor whisper neither. All at • oace, pearently, it , broke, an': I felt each liberty, emplace, an joy, did , I belie out,! • 'Glory to God!' an arter praisin him • .wid do people for some time, I went en • •my way home rejoicin. Atter det, I felt as if I ware cut baose front ray toes to !toy bead; toe wbar de Spiritaf de Lord ' ts; dse is, liberty. -; 0 do guest joy an peace dai is in believin ! an -,I am Mill on ..;-• de way ;an mine , I - tell you, whoever si gets to beeyen, or Whoever . don't, Sant is ,ode road. : Glorito God !" In reviewing the i sbore I think but one • witeiment will prevail, viz.,: "How true to' stare; and bow (true to grace !" - Yours. &c., :i 1 M 'May_•46, 11137. '; 'I =MEI ':~,.. :442 • • Sikt* :5' 1 0 .-1 , •. 4 • A f.. 414 4~ * I - I . .. . ... •:,,;.: v ''' , l - •'.;„4,...,. '.,•,... :*": -,,, i;,. ..: ;-',.: .zi;ii .:•' , ..q.: j;, ';: 1.-,4 ::* ,',.. • i';io,- - •:,..-.'; , t,• .':,•,,`,. ": :':, ~ ' ... 4.'' ' 1 : - c 't . ~..,:. • , „, , Alit.44.cti 1,..,• ..,;fll], I.: . • ,f , - T% ' , c., :!I •,,,,..-,. ~ ~ii%tl : 4 ' : ~1$'41;1 : ".fi'il:', :1 1 ," :" .; ii+.,..:,.,....4 1 1:'' , : il' '4 , ' , i'.)i - : T . 1i.:::,:' , .. i 14 . ::.:,:,•,i ••, 1 :,44.,.., ,-, ,:.,...,i‘.=', -, ,,lnt•; , ;islii,.z. 1c5 , :.:.. , ...„.;•,• •:. ,1-:..)';,.4'•-•:,•Yt'''• ..t:•.,,' ,- , - • ,- ;6.' , 5 4'1:',4. - -...' i,. ‘ ,' - .. 44,:,,,..:;, , i., , .. , --, • •4„..),..,.. tiiti. ;et eNji,... , - . :- '...:Z ilk cam 4 t . -e .• .'' ,• ' i ... ;,.:*•l4.ogy j.:f...'i1i r 511°,42 6 :,,e•T0 , "4. 1 f: • •,:', • -=',^:' ..` ,•, ,:3 4 . • 1 ' :T s , *.PC•A.,4;. ,- ;-..,z4,:,",' , '..''. ' . ~:: -, • t" . .: , IC 1 ' .. ''', .!."...:, .: -• ' - abionaq 2, ,,riplr. a .rn," t.fewsupws. 'er;c:e== ; ' P*!. ->~~:' mtsamot ANGIVA . IIOIAN PRTIATES:=Ii 'lt eon . templet:ea 'to sivply the: principle. or act , ' division, which had recently , been ,made in the dicieete Australia, to India, the whole of••which enormous territally un der tho.eeclesitstieal jurisdiction of the r oar Bishops; of Calcutta, Bombay, Ma- Arts Colombo. These fotir sees are to be ditided;.ond • six 'new sees formed, `no thit-fOt tho'present, there will be ten • Indian-144;6pH instead of four.—Globs.' the hope OP happiness ia a bridge aroseirr*sief annbeams.and ihe colors of the tainhow,.w.hich carries us over the' frightful Chains a aidil oti • Clioosethat-e ree e w ..illost*eigkiii „ and custom till mako iC X 1600.5.4,00.111;.. mm=Anws • ROM a published dad lifeCelletiont road. of - EP Plidadelphte,the public ,waild he led xi be that , we ha 'Oxen claiming a in:bo b-de we had no 'Sett le ,. .That "they have abandoned some time since Ike eselit. late 11gt116 . 1 system," and that we have ma right tee.tami "exelasive privileges eters." I never foam% did to sell theta. of doe 'patinae concern. I hero been 'telling the time of .the New York Pekin Tea Co. for Ikei last two your, as the' public are aware, and have been to'New York four times in 'that time, and never beardof thin new concern emit lately bet all wool denten. The Tea batineas or Mega Emma k . !tend is Moat 8 Month WO, and then esminption of the Pekin Tea Com pany L name to bemuse a motels open for soy man or . inn to ermine, Mt the facrtniended to haply thereby, that they have soy comer.tion with the so tatted and reU known Pekin Tea Compiny of New York it en tirely false, they having been denied eyed m wrier In Philadelphia for the New Yolk Coltman), that Conipa= ny bailee refuted remains far to confide In them. I know not whet kiwi of wool they keep one what kind Tear; I am only centm they keep or Obtain nonce(' the . Pekin Tmll'eommyla of New %ark. • Aity,permn readvar their card wiU"fee the mon de-, eeptiett they with to pmenee on thlFblte, and to the liyinYn( nit besmeas. NeCalhan Bond are ere m In ehiladolphia and have set an airent outtere to poll wool over the eyes of some of our good Mame Look eat for a black sheep, , ALEX. JAYNES nottilkwif ' • Trefotinkt at. OMIT] . . L°RING'S TERIMATIAL uconxs, containing all the .late dummies gad tleadeephiegt igtiewszeguts; also the darks sif the nag eekbrevti eireamerigatere pled term ttesidth bed Eggfish Glebe, - with addable. god garraggsgesa by Again Pc Wad. Itetiged by Itoggrell Ned LOKI NU'S cuurrim. GLOBES...de igiat U.. I,goetd stun whets, de. Caup, , ed from tie mark. of waisted Floated: D. Una litteehety ItieYeTt nrdd ley, tdaskelyae, tie lggegebes, of the Mamma. int Kriel of Lauda, de, 4.e. Shoat elegahte Nrg Egg limb Gbbe: • Jelanten k Stockton havejeetrocalwod • Ser phi of the *here CSokto,eeritag• sine,es Colima • llnk • • 12 maltsle dennoter, . ' •" I "noniglatAttl A ngolans, Chromed., and Journal eopy. dell -, - . T. ttnnetT.L.Mntly oflkany t APKetona ' in C 0.,. ...... ~ ......... - .... Cincuannti. 0. dno. A. Bw-reZ•neiville,O. Cans. G. Conn . New Wean& . iIk:ATTY. BROTHER & CO., 0 Coonsain•i•aa FOR TUC aaLt•AND !FORWARDER° OP • IiVICIITV.RN PRODUCE, No.- 31- Posktnis Street, Now Orleema. Etna vo— *easn" Martin & Gantera,/ " Janina artiregor ACN) " David White /a. Co,Pladtaan, la. ". Mortal:l.l4am., • " Hosea A Enter, , Cincinnati. A argon:in, , • II N EttlllaGY, EN, Ranter. Zanciailla, C. DVliinnahl & Co, WclLoville,C. Mond, Put Co,Beancr, W Gill, EN, Wheeling, Ya. 31 , Clurtait & Co, IV at Alacheltree " •". nalarron • . Type Ponada7. . . • 5 Gold, corner s/ Ann anon, Min, York. rpII E substtiber is prepared to finnan nand onnaxpo 1. .d . rnntor'nMatennlt'or all kind!, 411 {lean nonce and on ream:outdo tenno. , . i • . : ' • , , Proprleltab of nowspapera; whir have not advertised Gir Me macerator, who may publishitas notice tor three months will ho entaled 10 rtC