... , Froth the Weston Chriatha 0,.. .. • '. • ' A Colored.. ; .iffues 'History. 1 '-.... : Mr. Editor—A few days since. an aged ::colored Win, belonging to the Methodi s t Epi s copal Church, calla to des -intr.— !, . Having listened .with interest to (tome ..-. . facts which he related in clase•meetings , • , and love.feasis, 1. felt desirous to hear I . '. his history Boni nimself. Accordingly 1 • made the . rummy - and he, - becomitig M ."• • ted in • • ~.. tenni Lis own atory, related-it with the feeling and effect peculiar to the Aim ', . ph4ity of the !'child of nature "I The '•.' -. a tenon contains illusions and veflec dons which, on account of their original ity and pertinency, cannot fail to be nee , fut. While ho wars talking I Was (us. • • kticrivn to him) writing ,down the sub '. of his remarks. I have written it . . . f in. his I - omi language, believing that it • , would rob it of half its interest to your rteaderi were it rendered to them anictly - ' . ; correct by "nicer rules ' rules ' of art." I ..• "In de fall of —;-- I leas part of Judge ..,-- r fare, up on de 'river. More up dar : I ' - ' •, rid,my famly, an work hard for sevrel , year. Judge cony good to me, low me I. many liberties; an 1 uthke moutryi der.— Bet I thought I meat 'du better down in de Indian country. 'So I starts dclwn der • , _solaria do country, an (rand a mity good I ~ • ' , place: - its' I, thought,' an tuck a teas for - ,••• ; . five year: •Den I Cum up an finch my family down der ; and I bib hos'ses. an, • cows, an s*calts, an. 95 head of i hog.— Well, I-put up, my cabin, 'an hire hang, . • an clue out 15 acres for to put nib kawn; . ; Dar . war mity geed pander • ou l t.,•in de. woods, an pea-vine, 0 man! Well, I didn't knoW,nuthin bout de country, an .•`• tuck arc 'turn out My bosses an eowa to . f e ed. Well, two or three-day atter dat, . , 'dey cum bout di houso,in walk noun, an i „walk tom, an nimble, an one, arter de • ; udder fall down an die—bosses too. De . . -: • ' • eses 'for' dat - wai day bin edit! trimlin weed;,but I didn't know pothini bout it. ; • Dat same day tie young man what bb : • wail . toe die; an : de: next - day 'a young : . • .'1..... man wharf hire, : he din wid de itrtmbles • too. Deiflidn't eat de trimble : weed do ',. . —onlj , day drink divmailk what de cows - : -give what. die. _My wifel war nick wid it . . ~ • . too, buttroo,mercy she war spared. • One , • - day dat wcek,,in de,nromin, I was &min on ,a; fence_rail„ by'de kawn field—felt very bad an glo omy. - Jes' deni mammy cum by. She stop an pity, , Sam, what de matter wid you?' I tole her . I feel' • - ; . very bid—don't -know-what I ,ehall do.: . - She say; 't.), Sam, all din is foi l best. I You bin careless'. bout your soul, an -, • ' now ihoin you de folly, of de weal, an it • . may lin de - casion 'of . your gettin ligun ; •,-, an den you will'bay yourself din it war , de best - thinCav - ever happeni to you. So she pus on _ •to de spring. She war i • .... : • Zany . good worisa ~fale Christian, carry 1 . da mutest' in heV.hreast. 0 yes, mem- - .... nry war good woman, ebery body . low dat. -• Well as I was sityin,:l. war eitun on de I fence-rail, an jes hefore'me dzi: war 'rite, =art bill rise bp, and swell off to de - ' left . ; an it-wal'envared wid oak trees; , au my hags warder . 1 Dey hadn't eat no trimblin weed . ; an\ I notice. data' de hogs .. .! . go from tree - to tree, an eat akawn, an neber look up onci,to see .whar day mini . froth. • Thinks I, dit jes de way wid me. ' I wetly like bag. God bin smilin on me - . from my yout up, n'tt porein:idawn.bless --... sins on me, and I, j'ea.like de hog, neber -, look up to tick whar all cum from,-pr. to ' tank God for dem 1 . Din tonght rite tom my , heart like deg er, an I dump down, i • and weep Ind 'ora . Bout din time I i opened deaugar Ma p, ao tap bout one ' • . hundred lea, an I pray at ebery tree I tap.. As ,turn de. auger I piny almost ; . ebery turn.- So On I went , day arter day ' - -• —eat little' ' or nottin. Ma i i nmy say, . Sam, why don't yo eat notti 1' I say I don't want i ,nottin, .bas form tesolushtha 5 :saber te snip iffl I git ligun. Some time arter dirt I 'heard der war gelyin to be - ' praar nimbi tree mileis off--Metodis. So, ' Sunday mornin I starts for olefin. From whar 1 den live dar. war high bill to • climb, mitt' st e ep. i I start up it. .Dar i. morn - had. bin 'snow, storm. Snow war • shoe-month deep.' I climb, I climb. I hpar mice' dat ,Moses went up in moan• tin, an Gad meet bun and talkito him der. Sa i Went on, en when I got up to de top 'I bresht awev d 4 snow, end pray, and - tole God dat I form resolushuo neber to go back'tomiy house till be convert my mei: Feel eartnesvltat coureged dar„and wanton toPraar metin, which war held ' at de Masi leader's housO,l Hear .dar war gwgin .to be' prechin at de metro -... , house 'b' de' lumen - preaoher. At de ' • earth leuler's house war de, elus leider :- -- 'au de , old.prafassors talkie: bout .that . farms, in Crape, an basses, in, CpWS, an • oder . critters—en Sandy, toe, an not a word drain bout ligun. Thinks I, die no ' . place,.for Ma ;so I starts on 'to; de . mean house. - lea •as I boss my head to enter, de hckile, pecuspdy Mmethin struck me. •'' Howasever, I takes my seat priv back. .'. Metin begin, dey Bing, dey pray; ale tears .... . ion: down My !cheek io streams, an I hang my head idOwn i away one Bide so ; "nobody slant lee intl. Ant when dey -; - ste4.l - down den •I 1 gices way : , an cry an . • pray i bad: jei before do przer closed I wipe my eye; dry so nobody stunt know, . it. Aster while I feel so i bad dat I couldn'tetand up no longer, an fell down - on my face in de floor, and :cry to Gor . for thaity.' Den de wanderitga of my mine: kep cumin in, cumin ill, cumin in, cuarin bi,, jealika nate, from' ills way an ' dat, cumin in', cumin in. ; felt dat I war wortty to ...41dam'd for my sine, an felt• , ' • dat if, I war, paved it would be ram great I . • mercy., • hien (irk dat I wart jes able to .do nottiti; ari'l tell de blessed Jesus, dat - if atiyfing vier.done in my case he would • have to do , it hieself. Jos den sometbin 'rise up in . are, an swell, an; swell, and; • cum up in my throat. 1 colild'nt speak sword, no nor whisper neither. All at • oace, pearently, it , broke, an': I felt each liberty, emplace, an joy, did , I belie out,! • 'Glory to God!' an arter praisin him • .wid do people for some time, I went en • •my way home rejoicin. Atter det, I felt as if I ware cut baose front ray toes to !toy bead; toe wbar de Spiritaf de Lord ' ts; dse is, liberty. -; 0 do guest joy an peace dai is in believin ! an -,I am Mill on ..;-• de way ;an mine , I - tell you, whoever si gets to beeyen, or Whoever . don't, Sant is ,ode road. : Glorito God !" In reviewing the i sbore I think but one • witeiment will prevail, viz.,: "How true to' stare; and bow (true to grace !" - Yours. &c., :i 1 M 'May_•46, 11137. '; 'I =MEI ':~,.. :442 • • Sikt* :5' 1 0 .-1 , •. 4 • A f.. 414 4~ * I - I . .. . ... •:,,;.: v ''' , l - •'.;„4,...,. '.,•,... :*": -,,, i;,. ..: ;-',.: .zi;ii .:•' , ..q.: j;, ';: 1.-,4 ::* ,',.. • i';io,- - •:,..-.'; , t,• .':,•,,`,. ": :':, ~ ' ... 4.'' ' 1 : - c 't . ~..,:. • , „, , Alit.44.cti 1,..,• ..,;fll], I.: . • ,f , - T% ' , c., :!I •,,,,..-,. ~ ~ii%tl : 4 ' : ~1$'41;1 : ".fi'il:', :1 1 ," :" .; ii+.,..:,.,....4 1 1:'' , : il' '4 , ' , i'.)i - : T . 1i.:::,:' , .. i 14 . ::.:,:,•,i ••, 1 :,44.,.., ,-, ,:.,...,i‘.=', -, ,,lnt•; , ;islii,.z. 1c5 , :.:.. , ...„.;•,• •:. ,1-:..)';,.4'•-•:,•Yt'''• ..t:•.,,' ,- , - • ,- ;6.' , 5 4'1:',4. - -...' i,. ‘ ,' - .. 44,:,,,..:;, , i., , .. , --, • •4„..),..,.. tiiti. ;et eNji,... , - . :- '...:Z ilk cam 4 t . -e .• .'' ,• ' i ... ;,.:*•l4.ogy j.:f...'i1i r 511°,42 6 :,,e•T0 , "4. 1 f: • •,:', • -=',^:' ..` ,•, ,:3 4 . • 1 ' :T s , *.PC•A.,4;. ,- ;-..,z4,:,",' , '..''. ' . ~:: -, • t" . .: , IC 1 ' .. ''', .!."...:, .: -• ' - abionaq 2, ,,riplr. a .rn," t.fewsupws. 'er;c:e== ; ' P*!. ->~~:' mtsamot ANGIVA . IIOIAN PRTIATES:=Ii 'lt eon . templet:ea 'to sivply the: principle. or act , ' division, which had recently , been ,made in the dicieete Australia, to India, the whole of••which enormous territally un der tho.eeclesitstieal jurisdiction of the r oar Bishops; of Calcutta, Bombay, Ma- Arts Colombo. These fotir sees are to be ditided;.ond • six 'new sees formed, `no thit-fOt tho'present, there will be ten • Indian-144;6pH instead of four.—Globs.' the hope OP happiness ia a bridge aroseirr*sief annbeams.and ihe colors of the tainhow,.w.hich carries us over the' frightful Chains a aidil oti • Clioosethat-e ree e w ..illost*eigkiii „ and custom till mako iC X 1600.5.4,00.111;.. mm=Anws • ROM a published dad lifeCelletiont road. of - EP Plidadelphte,the public ,waild he led xi be that , we ha 'Oxen claiming a in:bo b-de we had no 'Sett le ,. .That "they have abandoned some time since Ike eselit. late 11gt116 . 1 system," and that we have ma right tee.tami "exelasive privileges eters." I never foam% did to sell theta. of doe 'patinae concern. I hero been 'telling the time of .the New York Pekin Tea Co. for Ikei last two your, as the' public are aware, and have been to'New York four times in 'that time, and never beardof thin new concern emit lately bet all wool denten. The Tea batineas or Mega Emma k . !tend is Moat 8 Month WO, and then esminption of the Pekin Tea Com pany L name to bemuse a motels open for soy man or . inn to ermine, Mt the facrtniended to haply thereby, that they have soy comer.tion with the so tatted and reU known Pekin Tea Compiny of New York it en tirely false, they having been denied eyed m wrier In Philadelphia for the New Yolk Coltman), that Conipa= ny bailee refuted remains far to confide In them. I know not whet kiwi of wool they keep one what kind Tear; I am only centm they keep or Obtain nonce(' the . Pekin Tmll'eommyla of New %ark. • Aity,permn readvar their card wiU"fee the mon de-, eeptiett they with to pmenee on thlFblte, and to the liyinYn( nit besmeas. NeCalhan Bond are ere m In ehiladolphia and have set an airent outtere to poll wool over the eyes of some of our good Mame Look eat for a black sheep, , ALEX. JAYNES nottilkwif ' • Trefotinkt at. OMIT] . . L°RING'S TERIMATIAL uconxs, containing all the .late dummies gad tleadeephiegt igtiewszeguts; also the darks sif the nag eekbrevti eireamerigatere pled term ttesidth bed Eggfish Glebe, - with addable. god garraggsgesa by Again Pc Wad. Itetiged by Itoggrell Ned LOKI NU'S cuurrim. GLOBES...de igiat U.. I,goetd stun whets, de. Caup, , ed from tie mark. of waisted Floated: D. Una litteehety ItieYeTt nrdd ley, tdaskelyae, tie lggegebes, of the Mamma. int Kriel of Lauda, de, 4.e. Shoat elegahte Nrg Egg limb Gbbe: • Jelanten k Stockton havejeetrocalwod • Ser phi of the *here CSokto,eeritag• sine,es Colima • llnk • • 12 maltsle dennoter, . ' •" I "noniglatAttl A ngolans, Chromed., and Journal eopy. dell -, - . T. ttnnetT.L.Mntly oflkany t APKetona ' in C 0.,. ...... ~ ......... - .... Cincuannti. 0. dno. A. Bw-reZ•neiville,O. Cans. G. Conn . New Wean& . iIk:ATTY. BROTHER & CO., 0 Coonsain•i•aa FOR TUC aaLt•AND !FORWARDER° OP • IiVICIITV.RN PRODUCE, No.- 31- Posktnis Street, Now Orleema. Etna vo— *easn" Martin & Gantera,/ " Janina artiregor ACN) " David White /a. Co,Pladtaan, la. ". Mortal:l.l4am., • " Hosea A Enter, , Cincinnati. A argon:in, , • II N EttlllaGY, EN, Ranter. Zanciailla, C. DVliinnahl & Co, WclLoville,C. Mond, Put Co,Beancr, W Gill, EN, Wheeling, Ya. 31 , Clurtait & Co, IV at Alacheltree " •". nalarron • . Type Ponada7. . . • 5 Gold, corner s/ Ann anon, Min, York. rpII E substtiber is prepared to finnan nand onnaxpo 1. .d . rnntor'nMatennlt'or all kind!, 411 {lean nonce and on ream:outdo tenno. , . i • . : ' • , , Proprleltab of nowspapera; whir have not advertised Gir Me macerator, who may publishitas notice tor three months will ho entaled 10 rtC<INC pay in Int, OA po oh:wag bre limes the amount of thew bills Mr eavorie ' . . .R. i • old Type taken in exchange uir new at IX cents per lb Ivrea . ' . HOBERT TAYLOR p'rrr c~}4 . . 'POE: undersigned a re w p repared - to tionlM their_ easterners and the public generally, with an excel lent article of gaud Oil of there own manufnettite,ssihnth dm, aeratiarnodiamg terms. Their Ott they believe to he as lone as any offered in the matte:, and may be retnraed•if not aaratnetory. • • 'JORDAN& SON / 9 Woppo.le walthfieLl P. 3—Lard and GlVase.Sitahle far maeleneryort bamt; the We abase. neis uartNa CREAM—Formes cream sapontasi S Rottaer's inaving carapannd; Itanlo's rose and annattd cream;lloll&Sonts do do; Tartar's abasing 'compound; Wriirta's nue and Idnunid cream; Mixes Ligakt componna. Tbr.o standard PraPa rations tar Om le. ni map had Isnot...sale or retail of nvti - R 'rood st..: SUNOItIICR—i) kW" Pitch; 25be1s NCTer, . • 21:0 his and 13 esks W R Cheese. . 10,0e0 lbs pram Fembees; 10 csks Ist sorts Potash; 10 ..' pereocosehed salts; . . 10 " black Salts, • .. -10_," Soleness; retel•td and Corsair. by dela . ' CARSON 4t.I4eICNIGIIT, Och .1 QOll4 Abli--aleaksokveraginatilpereeso,etpeet -0 a early in Deem..., via 'New Orleans. ' 79 eats of soma strength from one of tba best English baanufsenarers, from 'shame espeethertalter, molar MOrplses, and e. Mier manufseussers of Olus and Mis ers m this market some Inducements to pa bask of U. . tisai - POINDEXTER kCO O 1.1) INDIA ILIIIIIIIILIX-4.Viioo !be old India Rubber Shoes, &e. of the old style wasted, for which the highest price will be paid in cub or roods. when delivered at the India Rubber Depot.* wood W. , ' Jk H ?IMAM'S • ?lEDI.CAL. QEVERAL REASONS WHY DR. LEI BY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS aro becoming so utuversally popular • • First, Because they are prepared by Dr B B Lei dy himself, a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physi cian of Philadelphia;who • knows the - nature, the quality and character of BM hiedieine&twed is big pills and their adaritatian to discuw • Second, Became the public sae take! them with greeter confidence than moat other pills which ere prepared by s perroas ignorant both of medicine and . diseases. • • Third, Beanie of theila,uLined tiled.", proper; Lies net amtsmed in any other pinaj oamely, ourr mg trine the stomach-and bestir allunbealthy nub. stances, and at 'the' same 'toxic purifying the blood and lipids of the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and best medicine known—a single box costing bulb cent., 20.1. containing 411 pills, saving. to ormolu. as 'many dollars olt-timen in D octors 11., and numerous medicines bought & tried 0111 the teriglll.lltiniun of others. I . WIJOLESOME ADVICE: Whenever you hays occasion 10 IA! . any mrdi nine, du oat L. triding with your craUtiturion. by kind,trying ohiill or other iC ee pawli a nrcumencd one aiaaut take at once I v• Dr. Leidys Sarsaparilla Blond Pills and you will not, bare meanies to take anything ohm. They will always be toned good in alrna.t all worms of dutease,lndaniation Of the ateinach, bow. I el+, liner 004 intestirea; cramps ol the .ritomach; ! Waterbruln . ineirdi foul 'breath, bad taste in the mouth, Soar eructations sod acidity of the stomach, costiveness and ladigeatiOn, want of !appetite, billions adeeheini,diaeasco of the spl ems and kidneys,duesms of the skin, scaly eruptiond dry and watery pimples or Notelet of the lace anti body. tette:, rash prickle beat and Balt rbnem, head ache, giddinesir, Wittiest, pains over the heart, of the breast, sides, along the hack and spine, rheuma tism and rut, fevers of all kinds, small per, sari.. laid. tnemela,scrofulaierysipelaa, and in short they are good in ail thescue baring their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestine!, and impurity of the blood , - , ErTeatdysfive cents a Box. :sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fahnestoek as orner of Find and Wood, also corner of Sixth Co., Lad Wood streets. • . , repM • CROFULA AND SeftOrtILOUS SWELL, 1.7 INGS.—Serolela in all- its • meltipliefforms• whether in that of King'. Evil' enlargements n the glands or boon, Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism, Canser, disease.: of the Skin or Spine, or of Pilmonary consomptioe, emanate from one and the eame canoe, which is a poisonous principle more or less inberhnt in the human system. There. fore, sinless this principle can be destroyed, orandi• cal cure ran be efiected, but if the principle epon which the disease depends, is removed, a etire must al neeessityrollow, on Matter under what term the disease should manileat itoell. This; therefore is the reason why J•exects Aivinaerva in in nail venally eoccenfal in reinoviag in many nialitanant disease. 'lt destroys - the mat or principle from whien those diseases have theirerigin,hy catering into the cireala lion, and with the,ldood is conveyed to the tomulest fibre, removing every pxrticle cd dinar from the system. Prepared and sold at Na. Ll South Third Street; Philadelphia. ' Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. T_ north mitred. PillAhamb inch3l TOW feSF.N WS SA USA PAR/ Lf.A.—l 04 done D jest received of Dr. Tweaked's Sersaparillat the ma extraordinary medicine is the world I 'Ma Ex tract is pat op In quart bottles. It is sir. times cheaper. pleasanter, sod wawa:sled . stipenor Imp told. It carer disewe withoin vomitu.g, purging. =hewn! or debilitating the patient. Leh eta for beitations —tionaccipled petrorisleve copied cur labels, and put up medicine In the same ahaf ped bottles. See that each bottle has the Written siva• tire of S Y Thwesend. IL E SELLERS, Denglat. No LI Wood at, between and sad ash as. Is Dr Townsterre only wholesale and retail ageolfor Pijtaborgh,of whew the gamma article can be bed. . I D el Curry kw been appointed the sole execs for Alla. ebony city, el who:ado, {engine ankle can be had. !1 twee • DR. JAYNE'S' C AILISINATIVE BALSAM VEDA' the Ilev - ADA.IIINIe, a well known and pop F aloe Clayman of the ProtestantMethodiet Churels •Tbe unders*ned LIMA/ been gritted daring the past winter with a disease Mae sumach, sennelitnee pro. dude: great pain in the etontaeli for ten of twelve hours without intermission, and elkF tiering tried - variant remedies with little etfeet, was furnished 'with a hook of Dr DJayriela Carminative Balsam. Thisho used ac• centimeters/le directions and found invariably that this medicine enured dm pain weeny: in three or hair rain. awe, and in fifteen or twenty'. minutes every enemy sensation was enurelyneleted4 Thetnedielne was af• teriardsused whenever indicatior.p of the approach . of pan were perceived, and the pain brae thereby prevent. d.' ila costumed mCM the reedleine carry evening • and sometimes in 'ha roorninal mile a fere weeks health war so far restored, (hat lthe matter was miler. ed from a large axonal of oppressive pahr. Fran ex perienee,thenfore. be C11.13./4"13L17• , remomond Jaynes Canninatire fialsarn. as a salutary...Da/a far diseitaes of thestemaelt and bowels. A 0111514 Allegheny Its. ' c m E r sali In Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA - PTOR 74 FT.; and Oahe In the OM , • A Ile nbary Q:ELPIREP IMPERIAL COUGH 61/ItUp.—.l, Is 1.7 cheap, eitai to Who, and hlghly edianelo.. ALiteknant Ors, March P,1817, ide. It. F. Pellets: Elyellidren, lice others, ha. h ee ,, saliett to trontolesean'cosighs. and Ilavlppised different ce ased'. to eery hint pailewej Wba Ittatlcell qy " veni gesra oboe the Baugh elreps trcgive It a trial. I gave it to two soy boys, and al.to nirestaughter, vateldilletent 546.114441 has me t o to do in. I bore recommended i+ta toy 4ha damost eenselentiosely believe leaf it is t' Y. he e l, ;edge teede, eine dm b. ever been nenti4 to the V.wie. - • - AItDICKIV Altprllaße.• , l'artntot OboVI4l PM pond+ 0144' elabben to Ma" front eouglisorhoi they stay be eaftil by a lit cent leittle of thia eyrup. • ' • ' • Prepared and sold by R. P. sEuxas, wittl braireca 3rd and Silo pd.. Sold by Dr. eetwaL3sli W W ard; 13:Ieglarry.:Alieul•eur , pir. . .'SOU IPCIIIII.GANI2IIO.IIII 80001111111164 I 1717110:11: ske.Megiotpreqsal!youri t leek . at yorti Vi7ir fair Tong teireiveabiaerprightvanaglace! Leaa At year oars, paced *744 eraptagis awl -yea ang 01.111 give Eilly . earisOv► agike. o l . , ll . great I legal. Mania rap, winch woo IJ to= .17 1 rilib u r , ! re l e P ,1 1 1= : 4 1 4 1 :17e, " Nl i lAbear in :t Pittstairgaggetamge.i. N .Jaelases Whe osly place in Phisbert vie* the GENUINE!' ub be otftlaed.Demcm otematet ' 174DM.PAPTOP-.140°,1**11 to Ike ikin'gri7; • • • . _ ' • 100Emwous• • . . PALES_: :•••• . PILES'," -• , .• ,Da.' 0, t 0 2 58i .1rad. , 8 ca11rr., 5r,...i,,.. 7 . ~ Mega% or . blioddio,' fat irritating. of tba kiglogls Ina blasi. rueraa dor, puns ... the Imeto .01 34111, igabi.=l a...mos, erg/. a .. lorealei before. and; oiler coofecnigal sr* pica ta....6411 isti - egoolipraoo of Ikeliooel. or roitirrnen a:smell L. th e pin. ilk all pad. nice um Specific: cork be t;li.rs will. per . -act safety, sod it a gertain manly. The S toil& ii iota.. purgative, sod ii so <windy grig. !vainly, without 0r?... tide of gamboge. rolocjore oragora—gd.anot to tolgeoulsol fealy Lumina io the food delicate curi. . •, I . iiwn ta certify Mat I knew Dr. la!goldatres rye Sperik; babe a :amain care ind safe comedy.. Hann enmity nitro. mweezl calm wmonist m 7 famileionnexiona, Armed knd were am of the ' , whets it made enure Sew *mynas.. 1 II nrrEtiETD: New York, hlay, X 4 Si sweat. , I ebeerfilly pre anY testimony as to the wertain sad' ulna May c&cta Dr4scoldabea PilteByeelfm. is I lennei km my 0•11 eipmewm and obseirettoa, to be laPdliidt; laving lentil mei wit) macaw in neural eves of pil.weolla Rrank: My. Yak, May. 1845. • 11 ' l l she, d,at. 1..01E1D CERTIFICATES • ' • Ph. Yark, Mar, 1845. ' Bealr—ihear ham thd pleasure to my, that par medicine, Dr. lodoldtbraPriet repeosfec t lam nude en nel en. 10 the inkia or my weer, madicompre you my nerd that 1 tan been myriad et It, as it ( Om no ray opinion ha road& hemeriber. I Elowner,l el[l4l6nlestity tu the mad man ns being infalliLle, and do dram all other* oho am uri flictad in the like manner, to pomace the article, as they may • &pint me a certain Mee. I Youne with mirth • Weft Cheater, N. Ir., Ally 15,154 5. w. loptialey—Diner Sir.—Shat yooderey bank others aria} may Ire sufferiag, an wall as. to mires say &adieu& for thentret I bare dented from the ne of your. Walden Spa curet, 1 comply min your request, and non do gin my Inn molly in ono of it., hating been mend Or a mere Muck al the'ledes dear baring and odor remedics Witir.illlllCM6l. Yuan with Foga, • Sold olueksalt ind retail by WM. JACKSON, at hie Pe et 414dieine Wareham, and Boot and lihMettiene,lein-05 liberty Mort, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price : 50 men • - hot : • • ; 14—dly GAMMA'S PATSJIT BICDSTEAD. ' '' .4:3? :. 1 42 135M2gE' I • —-- , THIS Ns Bar Ultra improvement has Dow been In rum about two yearli, and wherever it is known, preferred to all other Beabteado. • For cheapness,`strength and convOtienee it has not and Cannot be equalled, as; it 'ls decidedly the best, chews , and most convenient Holstead in one, and per fectly.ploof again. Bata. - I ;' • Tho pnucipal (hamar waken and Tamers in AlM ahmay coy and hi Pittsburgh, bagel seemed niglm to rountfacture and'se II the mutt& Anthem arcrpo nous articles and Mmerfeet Imiaationa in the matte!, parcha men world do well to examine! the chat iron plate. on which its the &canine article We name Of he patentee, K. F. Osszsat. Ts invariably meet. Ann pinof of all thst Is claimed for Gaircun's Bedsteads, the following certifi cate from Cabinet make r swell known in Pita urgta and the Wes 4 ta autntitted M the geld. Wei the subeeribempmelleal cabinet Makers and Bedstead manufacturer. of Mori:ion of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we bane taught the 'right to manufahture bedneadlt with Hassam's Pat. ent Fastenings, and consider the same laperisr to any fismantriessinth which we are atquarnted. James Lemon ' John artirew T B Young & C "Hebert Faitutan . ' 3 B Bartley, • ' James' LI Ban . • John 1./tacit, Jr. Lorene & add. Riddle Lowry & Son ~ Riddle & Drennin g e......,..„ Thomas Parte . • Ramsey & sPCleliknit David Leiter • •• Moses Dalbeck Haab Wallach . ; Roberts dr. Kano ..1 Meyers j ' Jan iv llgoodwell J Meehan., t . Goorgeßnydsr Wm Barlett • j J McMaster. aCo Alegander Lawson For, nights to make and sell the above Bedstead. twply to 1 - EJEIR,NrgEIt £ MAZZA St, ekneXl 1 , ' 1 . Patentee_ ACIR.NCY VOlll' PATENTS.. • ,Washiatglon, D. C. , ZF2lns C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer and : Agent bar procuring l'atents, will prepare the ...wary. Draw:rigs and Papers lee Applicants for Pat ents, and transact all other business in she line, of his profession at the Patent Odice. Ile cut be consulted en all questions:relating ne this Patent Laws and deci •sions in the United 'Sates or Eamon. Patents at a distance desirous of having exannuaurms made at the Pliant use., prior to making appbcalion for a patent ; may forward (post paid,euelsoing a fed of Ate dollars, &Clear stiteptelit thet ea.v. When] cernedlett lion veil be given to it. and all the information that could be obtained by a visit of the.appileant :to person promptly communicated... Alt letters on business must I. post paid. and cornetaid. A suitable fee. Where a written opinion a relstred. Other on F. street, opposite the Patent Office. lie has the be= of referring, by permission, to • • Ilea Edmund Berke, Commissioner oF Patents; Hon. Ii L. Ellsworth. lam •do • do do; Knowles, Machinist, Patent °Lee; dodge Crunch, Wosldoglon.D Hon. R Cheese, blussehnietts, 9 Senate; , • ' Hon. NV Allen, Olne, , do; • Hort.] IM Ha C, Missouri; ' Bon. IV BIM Hall, New York; Hoa Rolcert Smith, Si C. Moots; p . 1 . 1.”< s Tnfore=;7lii;l;;TiPprooali fa d mast fashionable Eastiin patterns and colors. Aim TUE CIIEAIh ROLL, Or sus rot+ cuNIN an hand or wade to ottler of all d at all fdfroth Coulon . Meichants Iliad others are matted to call and exatalde the above Ad% thetriach'ec, as all will ha soh' label/reale or toad, and a liberal dednetion erode wholesak Voehnicrs. avidly_; A WESTERVELT -- ARLEHICAII A.RTAJIIIO2II. NbW YORK. Tilli Kinertean. Art• Union is isearponned for Sr prosnanou of Flan AI. bathe United Stares. kaeb sultenttherof FresZars is a Toleather throne year:— llte firculs ate and' dr lats dthe of large and costly ethos. of which every member Tauter' a copy; and eras, lite purchase of nneesonol Vanning, awl o her \ vokkg of rt. by 'nonce or rlent nthoth ate disrcthott by let among thsvmernhers, Dreembrt. I.st yraftl46 paintings were distrthuled. This pax they wan I. more numerous and dr--war than 130 are already purehltet; and na additanz tbrte be dastributisd'ef. bronze medals of Washington All.. tran'ortar prove.. And rich Tere.Vo two enzrartngs— 'll . /aly hlthst Siva,' after ging. ;tam. nud• eyhil, aller Ilantinchan Theiaderr/Kned havrne ,been appointed Ilesurcarr, thecretarreafar Pdrcburib and V.Ci arty I. prepared to re.. eercevabstriptins. nose ariOnng to heroine o theruben will forward the. Intereets of moiety by doill4l.Z s l pari5e. Z . T . : 1 7,,,7 1. ...ar Le ronvertient. , tar vund & WLsn 11 A. FAllbibisTOCK'S PNEUMONIC, or Cough 13.1 J. a great advantage over Man/ abet Cough preparations,. its pleasant taste penal. It mph, Uswitholtinconventence. /tut i a value a. a Palmm, to the speediness of its ruts. Webs ve known *one of the mask desperate caught', mane eit which bad co been nntageln Tor nsiderable length of time, yield sinlCl3lmiintamdtately to as power. in such weather as we have had dating the past unmet evecy one is liable testate .Id, mikes great pm• cautions are used: Wet feet and ladle eXpotire In the inclemency of the weather ofien Jaya the Mundial. of a hacking con. whkb needs.* noickkentedy to prevent serlouvresuhs. W. have numerous emlifiestes of cures wtbeh it Itaa parionned, many of which tire frt. persons in this city an& the neighbotbond, and they ate a sufficient veer. name wan.. saytog'unother word In its favor. Prepared and for role wholesale and retell by 11 A FAtisusToch: & tbnt, corner of Wood and Ist and -Wood end lilt Ilk del3 . - L.ELLSItn'I2dPERIAL COIIIIIII Slat UP.—Frorn 0 K Iloden; Emil e Mesh of the Moult of gamier 60E11 or Beams county. • s Ma- E. E. nesmartlin Some Lam in winter nay wale was afllmied with a se Vere and di Me sal an . bust, arid Lemming of your insatiable Cough SYMP. Palnhil aed a bottle from S T. Trimble, Itm Sarin and altar sidling a pennon Of it two or three evenings rot going Mbed,sl.o Mend lamed mie rehei; Sr also savri•l frienda have twee relamed in severe eases lam 111Pre. fore pazii.fumf dal 11 Na safe and valuable medicine. and would tormonsend il la those sabo may Im alrleitml with ...arse Snug... and care. . IV. K. Bonn, • 1.1, 0. rt. Oat up in 122; cent banter, on ILot it may Le Ima d bosh.: man us well or Mr. seta • Prepared and raid by It E 5121,13-31%, flamed sire also, lot sale by I)r, Cassel, 5.h ward, and IL S. Catty, Allegheny city. nvl3 'MICA VNIVERSAI,EXPANSIVE .13 =This labor raving Machine. was Patented, April ACM, PO, which in View of its great detraining, cheap. nese and efficiency, Its MM..) of ...moo...and the ease and facility with which it as used by either lloys or adolm; is inevitably destined to tonere... all other Com Shellen for general ure. It in feet supplies de.lderatura which has long been ormited throuebaut theWesmat States, for while it eolith lees than hue-tenth of the price Of the rotary :Mellen' une person con Steil corn with tbote hut at with any. I'm sale At the Steil Store, cornet of Wood nod Gilt eis. • S N WICKERSHAM J -c0 t.1 " T. 5 IS—For sale k few belesW comic New York 11 growth of Ibl6— t ram sto 10 emits. Fusion and Western N; Y, early ricked, Sus year's growth: Primo Ohio dm Belmont wildly. • The general Eastern crop of U. sewwn is now being received. /3renen and other* using Hon will flail it moth to their aav*sge to obtain their supply from the undersigned, as they intent:lto sett thmochout the moron at New York primp. GEO. W. SMITH M. Co., ectaddoi „ Pittsburgh Brewer y. frilit,'lleAClll4.EßMlrrr. Nose—For temp. 1 'ring Ofeaio s ta r ntalos.or Narks now Clothes,. Woolleos,C4apeth he.,hc, nal' Icodurine the spots where a is applied blear, briehh new, oud spotters. • 101 l woh full di Ouija.. rf ICE YS«nv u nab e. U•Sold by Whl , JACKSON, Ett Lltteity avert, held Wood. at his Doti and Shoe store, men of the Big I/ OTOVIG P PATTIGE SS FOIZA:IIILE—.CaIett 1.7 Isbistef, attern blob er,tnlle gheny,e ity Oil It: Rh/las the newest patteruifor :nova on hat} either wood or lra I!! /II Gees og and all patterns made to order. QT/FOIr PIM C9011.1111W • fiT0V.16..11 for 0 W I rust uSCAIFE, wage 1' • _ foal benrseu wurbet own/ PIIILADA; 'ADVERTISEMENTS DERRY & NItaiERB O .N. htattrimirer. oc AWNINGS, SACKING BOTTOMS, WAGON COyElt.t3 AND GIIAIN BAIA OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS . No. 30* South Frollt.S ttttt Back of Catrinel Ware Manufg . PIIILADELPICIA: A 14 tt .ordela Igtl Ith S. -hlopn, thn ogre A the INlcieJtatlt's Pittst.urgb, nth Le promPCII mott-nded 111165. Dr.Bll.l' ftepto-411v • 111:1Cill'ICI.Stttillit; • :41 11 : 11IN Ia4n; fr. th 7p j , A M I: L... - 47 C L 4 1 jr, :t ' i tL e ir C h z.( 14 :70S .A ., I N ::: i 4. D. SI2IW and the Wait, tlanw Ism ray will kerp wyryilh. da j,11.1 831410 . S1911•OL ItandAnia mi.:emend of ..ik.ia. .11. V•h•clui oral! gyks audArseriplAws eAdA to M. v.* poildsoolice, .4 ezreolsd le tul . 1.7 best Aunstrofaaldiel!A ...Af'yhl_____ f . ..11A3 1 1, . FUR S 2018::, ITEM! T`X. l °Z."':' ~t,d-}Z74:fraip"lT,Llit"'"' of. EANCY Flniti. emeA in, Mors. I.lo.,Tippou, ike :‘,l ,j'yo as 4 cal) . befog* pa:chasing el..attere ,as thsv will ja. it to Oct, "Aviumge And od whisk. 'All order, rerAtlVAd /hall .4 , Withwuy..nwadad w aa No 10 /Toni IWO Ft, above ArFb,lllladilAW. .• , . ' ..... .- : • ..ti..' • , " - AIEDICAL. DII:,TOR'NSEND's itS A.' P A.R. I t I. A . dlrut izirauriiinter3f Alediiine in the. World.' This <sine! Is put lip la r.L.rart kitties: It is sit We. chimp sr, phrouuter, and , warrantrO superior to any sold. hi caris discsac without sintritieg L purziog,' sickness or do tnl etp- Gstlf arum .07). BURNER-MEDICINE Tb.: g rial Windy , and superiority bf this Sursigeuilla tell W war Idedwine . s.„ whilst it Erailicihts Misuse it !wipe rrtes the 80i1y..• It is our of the tet7 bar. ISPILING Anil) NUNIAIEIL MEDIC INF-4 cur known, it nut only piudie thi whole ',Wein and stricagobrass tiscpcnoa, hnt it .Cantu Neon , Pate and/Nth Blood a lamer poweasett by no other hlrdnitie. And ill this best]. grand secretor its wonderful meccas. It Las perfornaii. the _put two` ars, more 'thaw :o,oon eta. of Suter. Caws of Dina. alran s,lliii of these wary einoidered incurable : Marc thin. • me of I,frunie altoosoftlina ; ,01i) ems of Dyspep s ia; •Wl, oleo of Gotten! Debility and Wart of Emmy ; :MU CU. of difirfout Female Compla;.o ; • li s tsCO easea of Santini • I,sollcoes of the bieer ' Comidaisal ; • :1,501/ inmea of H of the kidney and Dropty cases of ptien. AhJ Thostmods of ocean( Dunn of the Eloo0„ yin titan, Erysipelas, Salt abet., neoplasm the Fact kr, An. To gether malt manna cams of Sick Ileadarle, Pain tu the sideaull Chad, Spihal Affection% ter" Tl4l, INd in aware, mug appear locredible, bat we hat< letters awn phyakiawaal our Kane Isom all parts of the United Stags, lalralin us crests-mediation.. It. Y Boakirh, Ea+ coe ant moat mayeetZledroairta i . n NC, ark, N. S., lofty us that be an nfet'an wore than IW ca tes to Dal place aline. •There art thotisana of cues in the cdy of Now York, which re mill Infer to with pleasure. andto men of nuance. It is the hag medicine fn. the fn. of divan kicolan. It muloolgegly anti' the En, of mon Man AAMllLmatant roc PAST Stl11011! .b.t. mmorml the came_ of d i rms ., mni psciarml them to the tememer Winn. tkerms Orrmmt. • • . cam. o..W.filceesiiii or SIM Unman STAT. NAinfr, and member of the New Jersey Legiastnie, has kindly sent us die fdllowitig certificate. h tells its own owl, NaletrAT, J. :23,1E47.. yearssuce 11113 lA. tb. Influenza, andsay whose e;,lam kit in A debilitated Stila. I litia jeljblred to try Dr. Townsend's fianaparilta, and idler Wing kik or three Lot. eras ney much related, and Attribute it entirely lathe *kJ lekesapanils. I hare twain./ taking it, and God that inesikee every day. I klieg. it and my lilt, and would net be be Mouth under any goadlerstioe; 0: W. ycLkaw,Ws U. S. N. Scum cc. Carob. Thsi verb/ode rooshoirely proses that this Sampan lb hoe pets et enoool OH" the•lessO obltheste guess of the bleed. Three per:Kw ea rol au one house te oopreeetlesed. Turn Gasman. R. Toarosoot..—DekSir : I hare the pleasure to inform ye. that three of my eElldreo have been toted of the Sera ruse by :he use of yoar excellent .o o . They ewe &Mined eery seventy with bad sum: hare tedy tiled fear 1.4.; Itlook rhea be... 1. be which I bet aapellooder deep oblicatica. Teen, needfully, Iwo W. Clua,lolCroftur Now Task, fllareh 1. IW. • . • ODEA'D FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townwnd's Ituroyarilla Is • *omega ml speedy rare der Incipient Cetutunption,'Harivaltaa, Laueurrion,or Whit., obstructed or ddheult Itlenstrwlinu, lawationenct of Urow, or int olustary discharge thereof, and for the gen- oral petwestion of Use !lints—lto ensiter . whethegthc !tacit of„wherent cause or reuses, produced by I rregultrity, Wane sr w Nothinghhott ran be noire collie/I.lg than 'its torignuting facts ea the human Gams. l'oraoot, all weakness and law fade. frum taltaar it, at ca. heehaw Wiwi and full of were under lit ititaudiratel7 counteract. 110 PAItT. kiwim of the (mils fescue, which te the great cause of bail nmese %Nal wit be .preted of us, In rave. of tic , dad's. inn tn., to eshibit ..decd u of sures perforined, hut we ran •asacre the edlieted, that hundrals °feat. hive been repotted to tot Werra] ewes where famitirs have teed withient child ren, alter win • few . botties of this totaluahlt toetheitte, have been Ile. withitesilthy offipring. 2lttnnsina: :11y wife brill pee n distrtsged by veakoew general debility, dad engem; riinunstally by paw and • tea of bearing dowu, falba, of the womb, end with other diSenhici, mad belong known ewes hen your medicine has effe.nlidtiat ewes ;laid also hear ing it rtesunairoded for such ameba I bore dewfribed,l obtain ed • bottle of your Elm. of ISarsaperilla, and followed the direr... ) .. pre toe In • short pseud it removed her complaints restored b. brilth. Being gndeful Cie the b.rtits the received, I tette ph... in Cans it s M.D. Moots, Albany, hag. 17, It4L C.. of Urand and Lydita its. Coesecan,larpt. Telanned: To oil ed.. this nay coacern—Tlith as certify that my with urn one bottle of your Seraperida prerina to her conantnet, under the most al...in sad delicate tircanscancvytreind noutdird nth the dropry, rwdl - dun. ett , d t r i s t s:lld eery sny . ti doefber ..ilid had nod Ft: As Ind induced to try it, with thtle or 00 thith awl same it to my, the modicum th e happy and desired elect, cud only in the, kn. of Toothiennt, boo idles 0 00 0 0 . 0= of:, eretlf of its,st i se thl. the !ropey end ver boo health is now etier vr gan it t: then ' 4 ' t ' &W:4 If thiswill be of any- sm. to you or ny onc eno doubts then som. the niediene r yn ore entirety nacos. to o. I subscribe opal( yearned obedicatand &WY-a tenni; . • TO NIOTI - 1.01.9 pi) hIAKUIED _Thu. Estractha.l been espreely prepared la stk...< se female complints. IVo a=ae who has rya sou to soppol:she is apg.iachiug Wat.eritidprw, r.. MIT of lu`s, ' 41.14 meat to, lake it, as it u a certain r em? , for any of the aamerdos and hoesible diawasts to .which males an subject at th is time of Ilk. This period easy be cloyed 10 .algal pars by usimg thismedicine. ter b• ieti talu.•lo,o m those oho are approach.; wecteub.st, la it is calculated to assist :atom br *la blood end instgor......; the ty.s.a. Indeed, Wumedia.. is insat iable for all of the ilethats dm.. to shish worm. are subjs.. braces the whole system, rthows pentabestfy .roesgres.—bytreacnthg th e imputtherof the boll—out lo fir stowalatiog the system asto prods., avalaryovutro.. lavitios, which is the arse of most asclicusaa tab. for female weakness and dia... lid BEAU Till!. Too who have We complexions, dull eras, blotehrs maths Gee', rOugli skim, or freckle., and are .. out of ....hp to. a bottle dr two of Ile Tow ..MN ber.p.stla. It will elem. yaor bbd, soma. the freaks lolotthes, sual you sulmatiou. *pariah,. rys4 Cue gurus, tool Isetwatfor complection—alt of tel.'s& are of salue la rwd'holiea.• . . No Zuni cir medic.e las ever been tineurtred teloch nearly reteoSbles the garlic juice or's:shun, io thteaupeeinb 6414 Loa utrength6ing the orplut of digolcou, as thin pram rabbbit Setsaperilla. • Mann laneArranglrt, Stay 1n,11543. 11 , Townsend:: hit-1 later been albeted ice .recent year with clispepsia halt* wont hi. en, atletnieJ will near. cies. of etionech, hes of app. Ira, •bh. toe Lamborn, atut wa'L..... to an Itunta ef Inet, L/t sataka v.l .0 1 n asal ....I 3 Lara• berg ocable to return but a .341 pottiest on ap Weinceli 1 treed t6 ohm! retorcliely but thsy Lad lIIIt Itttlc or lei effect hte ectiopteiol. .1 wu in eient two Duluth. O.e to leyTour !It tenet of SAO. pan lig, and I tutu. link cootitirsec t but lifter min bearly two hate.. I Ununi ache.. restored, end Me lecurtbuto entirely rem.. cut, no.l I would carnettly mewl the utt. of ot a. tbo.a 1..1,•• Merl afflicted at I Lays I j Gen. V.lrt, I Na. IV, lean W. W. Van 7.a10n. • hand. - • ILud til•twain, end dtmbt if to min, Um V 411111191. LUAU'SIBI.Im fill ea Thi•is only mica the semsal hu ad trd cam , " that Tow.. .cars &nowt,la ham cured Ih Toirwsrud—Dur Sir. I tus takm, a hide Yftt cur ego, wish • sums tough sad foie s my We. meeeryLat, indeed. I max pnumauseal by ph,- .irians to hate the quack saisnd Ii in hf bad mattc.r„ hat sight a.m., and' .4.kb% tory fut: sty doctor said kt acould daubing for Obi; .1 arum UM the loopital in bore of bring bourfinnt, but yrs, prounonerd to mentally. I urn nom , groltly disarmed U the lungs mid oushl hardly 'breath. , V•ooti Wow. sumuistod, soul @mooted In , aro mudincd to my bed. and war oblivd to Isms uniahria indeed I cannot gin you aridurrtptiou that moutd do }mitre in my use. Imu sopped by my Bands ho Ist mummy I bad In. -k a rt...umber of torardies, anJ ail ...scud wtmto au posy... I mast of some mint u trasmdmary, rums prrfonord by par sordici r m, and to WI you tho ttilth i I map:clod Mere sus tome humbug it thus. Illut I siss adored In try it I did so, mid ion mu tbmkfol I did. I .1041 1 say Ih l ll lam ouhrelfamll, but mu so Su ! b• stout my Lotions, and hoym b• entire vssll nkm 'milt...! ply r nigh and rum in the oda, sad nigla smuts 1.1.0 C left ear, Mal raise but v.''' . little, entry 11171 Gut gaioing toy usual sttisegth'. I Wt it • eluty - lo giro you • sMtrinsa of my rsie, to viltdoli if you attar., FnanSllno•rx, 47 IA& it, Brooklyn. Opits of Phil,Miami Dr Tonashcad is •Innnl dulyrecrtring order. froze ran ... .u digrrcut puts of the Union. inerritfy innl or s usadenkoril, l'hysiciant Ckty of Albany, Iwo in outotffnuo rrrr ywrn•rtbeil Ur. Tow/trues Sarunerilla,;lonliorloita it - tot...me of ther wet walnut& in cinrationa oi. w. SanaPrilla lotto mnrieL It ernlAno, r o It B 10100., N FALIIOOOOII2, Allrmy, p'dl INIS This 31 In arid', that we She undersigned, proetinng Thomann.. l'isymehou of She I.lly Of Albs., hare revenant 13sserstords.1 Ur Towastsore Comp...sod Is:strati of Musa Anil+, and fr.m tb koowu qualilvr, would recommend std the puhlm Asr memos-S.ll, scrotolont, sand oihrecUlnoroa wo ewe, sts rein re to any of the mitertiwd remedies WMI4 A W A lhaoJApril2,lHl. Wm O n .0r s.,T e. Printisoloftice, OWs Volta. id, Sun N Y; Bed 'ding 4. Cass Mate st Boston; Dr LP,. f tdam.dddd Math tters. moist Philadelphia: dd B liond'or dengLidts U.WM.deS tmd principal dm:Ws generally throughout U.. United Ithaca, West ladies msd 'the Commis," lions penutereonleaa put op in the large Naar* ,bottln, whis contain quart and signed with ths 'written signature of 8 Is TOAVZISEND, against... bk." on the Ulase. From the New Yea Daily 'Express of April tP,1,1, A pretty that; appeanul in the weals yesterday. It gra, the edvertisinp nab, or Sarsaparilla Fapress of Dr TosnassiaL Tits whole thsupis pot up iu goad testes none of the hone. tuentel lendseapo . paustings are beautitui, which, together rah the scroll laisrls, in gold, glistening in t o sun, made a .how rarely equillsd in Ilmadosty. {Ye tare this opportunity to say webelseve ads sattiet of the Sergpardla deserres the very great popularity alms aequirrA. Nervous Debility. Near 'rout, b1u51121,1547 Dr. TO M.O.' —I have bees .misted mote or less for 3 y with. drawl MI siabia, its the chest, giddiness' 111 the head,ears, low of eppetim, peon in the limb., and general brotight on to doubt by the mutinied beat and told to w lath Iws subject to in "my badness w a dyer. I ham Wien other medicines, ton numerous to mentim,lnit with little or WI um o. I was induced 117 what"w to the paper to trya bottle of your ItersapariPa, A m which I found greatellier. [bah. .face taken *mend more LOA, and I ran mhesitatinely say it is the best medicine I lAse ewer talten—the rum to chest is guile, and I feel quit< a different man alto:ether onset I as. Watt your eramunna. .1 ham nova Miter appetite than emel had. My anti has taken it with thmune timed- eial msults I would recommend' It as family medicine gm - Ally, awl feel coorineed that if so uwd there would mat be ludr Me Whams there it, and cousemmatly sot so Many Dodos , . bills gar while Amstar. slesite, It elm Orate the stomach and bowels lhnr regular tone; it keep the blood an • healthy Weiss° that disease la not solikal to attack iho system And le &lithos. who gm not in • healthy state,/ toy tq Dr TOWssesd's Sanapoilla. „ Tnotrio Fenn, 7U ingest. Canker he the Month. . ic account of itoothcr child cared. Dr totroaccd'a tiarsaricills hos cold the lives Gf itineassofia of childrcot.— The 4110... in certificate is .elected from• great nu mber reecired this week. • .• Nam Yana, April 4,11347. Or rosnueudi• Dear sin—Oui of my childran eras very sick - with the Comer in We mouth amd throat. altraded with groat ability. limn. near dyiogi 1 chlithatil some of your mensal modish., .14 limed 11. direct'', for which 1 mw sours you liselvery grateful, Yount respectfully, Etna teal Yowlak,27 Desbrossos N. Warle by 11 E DEIXERS Druggui, Do 57 -Wood st between sa ad mid 441 Oa, who has luso apputulA by D. TOWNI 3 END sole ageot Alleahroy co , jethld.wlyFr mil 14.23 ;a pit& suf. equal sail perket mints:in ot Omni Ilbeband's Celebrated 1/1 rp n. the susilient pillTions"';or=. Without balm lions in At broody or In mi Mita-low damxh Ons I.bl. spoonful of Ow I *lll ii stmagth inlaid. teaspoonful We salons 11 VAIINESTOCK Wm.ioinl .ad SO .. lin McLane's Won pins r.einlytut: by lob J McLane's Wilms tipecinci • pained upgraids d 7m warms, • mafielnc n dul I of OF Orin pu.~ It Is Only the most stopromgs .em.roan Miss Imo mom yid Fm fait by y MAU t Co, Not Ml= HOTELS. • • VOUNTAIN EILOTILL,' LIGHT STRE .•, ISALTIgkiItE, FOGG 4, THURSTON, Proprielanr. rliliiSee7'24l...sb'tenorat toet 6g ru ' o d A l!n ie:i d h e e ly ei lth'i tyof lia " lii 6 :traTe g t has recently undergone yery extensive alterations. spd improvements: An entire eonnwing hen bciti added, eentainingo onerous and al, slecpiug opanmems, and extensive hathingroorus. The Ladies`departmcntisat alm been completely ye. organised and, up pigs a most Onions anit beautiful ic.. the whole arrangement of the Ileum has Intl remolded, with a single eye as the Part of the. proprieuirs inwards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, aud,.Which they, confidently' asserr,will chal lenge tempOyison with any Hotel in the Union. Thor table Will always be supplied irolt every sub. manual and !usury which the m or keingords, Mewed np s ppedoe style, while in the way of IV.lnea, de., they will not be surname& ' .In conclusion the propnetoo beg to any, dint notiong will be left undone on their part and on the part of their assistants, roi render this lintel wonby the continued patronage Cl their friends and Me public generally. • The once+ for board have also been reduced to the °flowing rates:— Cenlle Lathes , Ordiaary,••• ..... .. I 50 75 per day: N.-B.—The Baggage Waggon of the liriuM will al way. he found at the Car and Steamboat :Landings, which will convey baggage to and (tote the Hotel, tree of change .EnThltf 111.8.A.0.1J STREET -1101:78E, I subscribers having purchased the en• tire fattiest of Col.(' P WHlmenton, late of that well known ertabllsbment.beg leave to flats to their friends L od gm !pnblis generally, that they. have: taken this comedians ltritel ho a le= or yestra aid will earn their best engrain to make it a destrublehosne for Tray tilersd Cif Hoarders. , I.po lintel is spacious and admirably planned for con venience, light VAlti ant baying • 0116114 r of patlorg adjoilting .timber, presetting unusual attractions trt familire. The presentgraprietori having bad the egyie niece of yea. in this city anti elitewhere, bee they; will be able le give general satisfaction, beteg determined to give undiseted attention to the Team alone. Tllelcmaticia of the Pearl Street liaise is itheotahouty eligible, having Manta on Pearl, Walnut and Third MI co that it is equally Osairable in view of tee conveni ence of business men or retirement for priyhte board... It Is neat by the Hanks, th e Post Catee:the Masonic 11•11,0dd ninety. Hall, and bat one square distant from Main street lend two *Owes from the City What(, thus °e'en my the greatest innutements, espeeially s to country merchants mid generally to all persons viiittna JOHN NOBLE , tnelnl7 , . JOHN A DUHLE .1 • i JOBIZIP HOTEL. •!, No. la: ciiirrN92 sla*Ct. PLEZIAMPULS. ' ' rpm Mabicriban s under th e finit of Bowan & Wm, A 41.. c piircbtoe Mr.Jonee' Internet% ;blesstablieb• men:, and hope by die I triciert Ittieritlon loathe emus and comfano of their iroeste, lo merit • ehntinlionre of :the liberal plauonage herobofece .reeelied:hy Ito feebler p liVtoi r li. 4 hoe been thorounhly renovutl; and repair-. Blends we and fret snared we can Vrcleople our (tined. and ihe public to aceanurodationt equal In any in the city of Philadelphia. N WiRRIDOk.T., Jytnif , ---I-- ~...,_. . , GALT nou M t%! • Corner alta Arad Clihstatnirarth eIiMS eatibfishenent la now In ilia et order Tor the 1. reception of the Traveling Puhlm.. Melo/ under eon, a thorough repagrolurnor the put "Inter, and having the 'most experienced wen in the weal, to the Vannes dep•nsnenEs, I Batter ingaell abet nil will no pleated who coll• The location't4 centred, tOrnmodsous and pleasant. hoer gl per de! , einelnann,lderrh 13,1[47.WiFt MARII , . N..11.-11thongh not e nutty a new Blo om, 'n Is the se—a new %Vlorton Omani handle. •spllsf MADISON MADISON, INDIANA. Yt • Tut: proptimat thm long established jutese, Teepee I. fully oFer * his verse!. m the camerae of Pambttsigh, and will exert himself to 'render comionable all tab° May tarot ltim Whit them company. Thu plant which has Walt been a 4•lnilet Me with the Ptimmion Dc •lets of Mutsbuteb, will, the eaming simian, present n larger held for their ape-rations than he s cofore4 from the, complitioa of the; Rail. to Indiartapolte,somileifenbet tom the bog raising region. tp~G DElTZllttlilliTntlaWtot iniutopiutonTows GALT GOMM, Lot IV.IUo Ky. A Rl§ TO ROChet. ORT N begsvo amptalut biz fnemis that acorn lessee a ;Lta U A LT 110 U be tropes to meet all his old friends, assuring theca and the pbblie,vbat no effort shelf lie spared to make all comfortable arta; favor hue their path:lesiva. . . 1 Paolldly AMERICAN HOTEL, Oppoeite the Rail Road Depot, Pratt at., Bait. akar ity M. pewrit, Proprietor. (Late of the Extliange and St; Mattee tptels, rawg MEDICAL: TarrairuiNT streczise. con.;ree. remembrr that u Thompson's Cool n 4 Syrup of Tar and Wood 'Arap- Ma l tchich is daily ;Acting! inch. re -1 makable cures in! I PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! Asthma, Riorickitit, Spitting of %ord. Pain' in the Wale end Breast Son Throat,Harrernee, ralpltatioo of thlt Heart; Mao:opal Gough, Croup, Hirer, Nem.. 71 moors Ltror Carlota and Discoed Kimsey., etc. TIIER EFOFRE, berme .7 .0 *porous etiateres of To re ~pt„, ar isostalains are .breed Tl.D.Thomson—De. Sir he ardralshiat lireadd I hare exe_yienred Rota theow of your Chogootted Syrepot lar and Naptba reader. ft ruy duty to intl. Toe of a. 1 had beta loot dieted with* eery bad moth, eaturei slam pais in shah reast, with groat 'orpressioo, 4 , lficrdly Diktat/. eirrcr i l k" liecoare ." =.lll:a ' ri o 'n'4"' t roar Aired - 71T t h."' l, 'utg awry to Dant roost areertmed Dehres, 110.01 I would adhere to *tat I bad leen coat. }lodise remit Artting webs friend persuaded ins to try • lade of yoari , pratontlitat, ray Din owed ha life to it. vetoes ire arid NU it procured a bottle awl raessoced Dale. is, and he win I hS toast ton bottles, I ors oreeplinety rester.* Ye. health. Solely !,Fir the Ceuta of others I make the above brief etrantrenti Any further inquiries ran britnote et ay res. Gann. Cat harm 'rued. IterprDtfoliy yours, FiasCl.:PltaTort. • 'AtiU another Remarkable Clues. ' Gastric. r 4, 181.5, About Aim years shore. in emesitterce of the terlestars Duque atm! busmen, I was aUarited with -Doyen perm Dr the brrart. palpitatioo of the heart ad eh...torte of breath, which w e re woo intb+lttilq the fa lent .ifippetite. eatreree wakeful/ern atoight lord lotus/ faro - pia al riay lorde=tlere yeeptoari of • deverged moue beteg frinorally atiesured with opals% of blest For about too rare I orait ocranotr. aily throat. DA. now tlrseer, which kft 'ire oe • taimaldr, root of Crabtree= andliageo to erect my resod. Fro he. to !mem . cittertor Tyre awn or lm entire, sold al tom* they itmeareel• degree, 30.1 the clean of Os • mryairtovea Derr . to • oersted, Rai forge . h oley ore low iambi.. missed toulf Daririthis bite 1 ecentil, ' .1 Des. able phy.kleas and attended or their prescriptions. hot all their skill lei. tag roe.. relor{ rid It thi s Nirth der re..? 11111 fee epitely huyelse In this mod.. I , b ra) “bElPlrbed of de !military elfoela of ! Nyevof ler sad WaserNaftlijm • cae materrhat sum* mow, end though. I had gore op .Y ref...Oat:um of a ...wry' of soy fever' With hero meant yet 1.4%410741y adetsell to try thie oedema. I eft ot knob preratird upoo tO do tor, red 1 teen atisl Y AY! Rat by die use Of bottler toy health ha hem andond,••• lain mote able to eared to barmien with or tooth fealty .• usual. 'I t HENRY hacks. . Of niacin... Township. PrctiaNd only try tiNONEY k Dick,oN h. IL Dow 11bei of K4lO and Sp eta Spot.. rre geldhy 1.. W I LAOS, Jr Putsburth, and rerpostalde Urania, I,4ire cts , One dollar per beetle. CAUTION —Bevrini of inatateos, ad perches, Thin roe* Compound Syrup of Tv Goer eoao hot advert/rod "geol.: or of thowe atriAb the sorption of &Alia' in awn. ~~ sn¢ttH " AN'N TouiiTrwrr~. I • 111M11011 Dine /RC. A. tr;losaaniclei known for cleating and whitening tin Teeth, strehgthening the MUM, breath, dm. It should be used every. night with • mill brush . , and the teeth and mouth willonly require a sltgh wastimq in the mornmg, Wet she; brush with armor water...sr - cold %nil answer. and rab it • (ear times no the loton, when enough will adhere far *.eanuire the teeth. It reeve. delirious taints the risouth,stee tin ham • most deligkint I fragrance, to the breath. ItsrAnds unrivalled as •pleaant, effmainous, conienieut, and set? dreuitive. It warranted not to iniiire the teeth, hallo preserve:therm try °Ma it regularly, it will remove the tabor and Kellar de areenteletillet—ptevent the toothache strengthen the maw, and prevent all disease. of them fibrous's, physicians, and Om elergy reeoelluellit it • decidedly Noptivior to every thing ei( the kind In ow.- Ask Minion...es Compound OrrieTooth Pate, and observe!. Sl gnatute Is attached to each pot. our by Dr. Castle, 3,1 Roadway, one Of our I.e.it Itentista. and by mast of the old-established oh , . ;tithe Boned 51u1 , 3, tint ever. .E.nalvriy toed by the Mihaly of England and Freiea , . • A lags , proportion of Widow...l bitarbiet tanklnd arise from some derangement of do a tounehor bowel*, which 'a timely sa of the Cala one Lowers would entire' eltriate. • Primes of toilete habit. should al ways are a boa ant band, and take a dose whenever 'they feel the least derannetern im their health. Alai. chola use of these Loaenges would prevent thousand. of caret . • Formtle at WM. JACKSON'S,- corner of Weed-and l.,itretsts • dens *PIES Who Use Common Piepawd mot, em LA often not aware how frightflally injuriou. 't la In the skin! how coarse, how rough, how allow, yellow and 'unhealthy the skin smears after, wing -prepared chalk; ' t Besides, it Niobium., conosteing stage qua. tity of lead. We have prepared • beautiful vegetable antelei which see JONPS'S SPA:NISEI LILY WIIITE! It is perfecny innocent, being purified of all deleterious gala.% and it impans.to the akin • nat.' fill, healthy, alabaster, elm., living, white, o ut the name time •Mingi al a etinutelm on the skin, making Boon end Moods. • Dr, 4amess,Andemon, PmetleirCheiniat of Matta ethos-Rs. aayat• .After the Ong Jones'eSpania LBW While; I MO it poaacase. the most beautiful and natu ral, al the acme time innocent white I ever saw. I et:mainly can conatentiously recommend it. two tool! whom ikin regatta beatifying.. _ • r 0 - fdrice 25 cents a hon. , Thu- sold by WM. JACKSOhi, at his limit and Shim Store,E9 Liberty street, head Of Wood, at the Bien of the Bi• Boot. pin ladfet,l'm eatenished, When yen know that you are promitid A enteral, life-like, snowy white, • That you will still use common chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright,i Top theme of laughter and of talk. If you would use a beg of JONK'S Ldlywkne, It would kiyo your skin alt alahaagr yet oilers! white , and at the ante time clear and totproye it. Sold at JACKSON'S, by Liberty at. Fp co !Means per box. smyil SCRATCH. SCRATCH. liTell, SALT RHEUM, Aci-Who would tor a Mottle day acniteli,,when, athicted with the Tetteci Itch, of elitist diseases of the akin if they knew Who would relieve ad eurs'therm teria Itotrible te be obliged to rub and scratch when alone, but more horrible to abstain from it, (nor decency aked company. Let it be rcntemht led that Dr. LEIDY'S 'I ki ITER mid ITCH OINVIENT is the most el/Meek/UM any other preparation in eiimettee In eutingthe Tetfer, Itch, and other dl•eascit of the akin: 4, all dtsessen of tbS stkinriutat aria frail the impurity of tbs blood and Bolds of the Duly, add *lieu, pans din• cute he of king Mending, and 'the ettnatilation atfeeterl tbetelty, if Br.LeWyta Saraparille,Blood Pills be and thith the Ointment,' they wdl nue any cash whataers and ithey do not. the money *dr be retained by pr. Mat cases, however, will Mt of noted w yl le r Irid. s i To im ne p r eg a o n a d eldtc b h y ° h mme s n s e u d n l h e o ss m e t ., which will be completely carried off from the system by lye LetdyN Blood Pills. and the agape of I:beanie heal ed by gm (Baldwin. Priced Ointment OS cents. Poe ale by PI AFAIINESI'OCK & tO Ito ' "cot wood A boot sts hid Magnetia. it. add and apyriant; • aaally ;am nano. of tuba. of tfoo folcatpro ..kW& emoro y opoo toed of the Fluid Magoestalmonn - 1 1 M (Ma hi and t rittlUANiS,Coilliti Stall/'Wowed to he the peat Punicaa in curing my lelnld'a ittire i talod R.• the Temperance limer, Ntiv.; qt. ri s aap,—Mie are not lir the liebiter paring , (se ph kw tattoo( Palma Modiciom, init r Co remannoend Mot gan'aPprop to Mote who la • Mien with lecoasit. Aner having tried the initial ietnettieeto remora a vew.% antr disarming tough, Mat .bad wren! days afflicted One of our athiren i arithbut t, ore rrire'ladoed to try MonrattlaCngb' Syrup, and by, relief vat obtained ta nevi hoar.; Dote:leen 10 be tim walk& la this 'care al leaat." .; I • PraPared a#loltwale and retail by:the ptopriruir, 301111 D MOROANDimier, - nel j • wood i 4 door below aimuil plFoae •ial of Dottoi ihtid or, meg Nhitw'm V:72;;;;14 Mena mc.ic Ina I GIMP yet 011111 ORR 1 W Towphio 60 Wood stren;p7.• matt-, TitANSIORTATION ,111CUIANOld • PORTABLE BOAT. M MI T IM A 1.- TWEEN rirrssultuil AND TIA: EASTEBN Le, yvrt Hoer TlLAlstatir Refr. • TIIF. improit d stledont of carrying useß by this long Ertubt•shed. , Linc, is now rt. well known that de scription is annecemary. G au ls are not wooled °nine ronte„thus all transhipment orestru handling ireaeed. The Bc.ts arc of light &even and perform tkeir tbps in from fig ro raven days.. The capacity of our , Warehouscs enable. us do store cinlilpfelnlents entelo loos. Recce:ins, storing, and . deaucce free of charges. • Umugfully prepared to make sales of Produce, we respectfully , solicit conxistunenia of testern Floury USW% Lass.l,DoUer, Chcene, Wool,Feather.,..e l st ether +oxides far sale, oluterbien libre,a artodnees will - be modeled other Imoi facilities afforded, pledging our . selyest that any Wiriness entrumcd to us Shalt be as promptly , executed and upon as fair wow as-by any Mbar house. J NO McPADDUN istdo Canal.Dasin, Pittsburgh ' JAS M DAVIS &C,o mehttf 919 and Et Market si,Thilada PITTSBURG'', PORTABLE B. LINE. alga 1847. - Fillte`Tat':td:latineZraFgl:l l g bi itrlgghltrOo k the way,•and the eonsequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and separation ojgooda CASII No Market street. PhGadelphu • • • TAAVIE & O'CONNOR Cor Perin and Wayne Ms, l'iblbargh O'CONNOR & Co, North street, 'Johnson, • Agents W&JT TA CSCOTT, 73 South at, if .1' • Encouraged b y . inemased liaainam.the Proprietors boVe'ltdded to lbw" stork and extended their arrangee. meats daringdin winter, and, are now prepared to for ward freisit with regularity Ind dispatch onsuritarscd by any other line. Their long experience as carriers, the palpatile superiority of the Portable Iktst Spann, houses great capacity and co peculiarly 'e ware. at each cadet' the line, ore celesta. ten I. enable the proprieties to fetid their engagements and accommodate their eurtonters—confidenil y offering be poet as a guaranty for the flame thee respectfully solicit acanunoancenflast patroaago which•diegorm gratefully acknowledge., All conengments Tao& & &Canna ir will amd be re o f t d di f ti o g r"r sar d ittetree of amho ' an " y h eTarg " e p a d Comm i l i ss i lon ni , edemaelag or egollige. Having no Interest directly or 'inbreed y to steamboats, the Interest of the conitimears sins necessarily be their primary einem.. snipping west, and they pledge themselves to forward all goods consigned to them promptly and on Ws moan miasma. goons Icons to the burners. . Minch LIMY • • mar" 'T"iilo ,atmen'a Portable Boat Company, being, dire poled, the Cowpony anwent in into owlet. of Co. partneralup under the [MOM of the "Dona.'. Liner. and likewise agreed to refit the Mock to aerie hove a nexiber of BOOM fief the purnee of reeding good. feelg lint sin te k eent days, with re rteetety—ated no:enraged by the leberalay of leis year'. patron age, to ante =IT C51G0.14.0 orniegemente for the en suing year. We hrould thecoGere wineetfoley •'obeli a C 01114112. WOWS Or out Conner paironoted refer all new eurtomen ece Ilene W bare dope bob nets for. • 110401911•211 1 ' crarz, .For dee transpwattenu of . • • ALL 111101 OF MILOCUANDIII, TO APO 00011 Pwuotolml, BALTOKORL, NOW VND Miami.. SAMUEL & , Comer Liberty street mid Canal Damn. Pittsburgh. • A L GERHART & No SM Market street, Plidadelpliia. ELDER, GELSTON &Co, Agents, Baltimore, Md. RF.FF.RENCES. • PITTSDURGII—Jar. McCully, Geo. Mora. &Co. W McCully & Co, II A Sumps:int C0, , b1 Allen/kVb, PIIILADELPHIA—Idonis Patterson &Co, Reynolds MeParloid & Os, Fleming & Booby, Peter Wright & J Dirytians,Josepktitall. NEOSTON 010I —R W I—G cd oodb tie &Co kr , Theo. Perry & Co. He, Mad & I. CINCINNATIAdams & Canna, W W &arbor °II4 -- . PLEASANT, —P A Madder. NAPIIVILLE—F Fleming. Noss—All aseremilise from Neva York and Boston, cenaigned to A L Gerhart &Co, Phibidelplils, will be promptly forwarded/raver commission. feblS INDR . PRNDZINT PORTABLY. • BOAT LINE. • 18.4 7. Maga 1 11 41 1 0ga SPOKTAT lON OF PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPIIIA AND BALTLMORY.. ItrWithord TrunskipmerinvEo Goods eoongoedto ostr“re writ be forwarded mai m delay, at die /rower. ..ant rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and-all instrontions promptly attended to, free Dam any extra charge for storage_ or conmaiwims. Address, or apply to C A bIeANULTY &Co • • • Canal Bastu,Pittsburgh . Having a very large and eoramattou• Warehoure, we ate prepaied.to receive (in addition to (might for elopment) a Large mown of Produce, Zee., on Siorlio at Lour rat.. [mart] C A AIcANULTV AL. PICKWORTII fa CO% LINE. 11112aNk ; 847. algal town, liolldaysbargb, Water Street, Yeterabargh and Oilmen:mediate. places One Boat will leave the warehouse of C A Natality Co., Pawburgh, every' day, [except Sundays,l and ahipperile an always depend on having their goods for warded without delay and at fair noes. This Ltne lona firmed for the special accommodation of the way business, and Die proprietors respeetfally ...licit a blend share of patronage. JOHN PICRWO RTIi MILLER DAN'L II BARNES .... ROBERT WOODS MIM:O=62 • .TOIIN MILLER, Ilolirdayaburgb R ft metANNAult,TJlhmitse.to7nriu.b.mh 11 . gri. C A J J McDevitt, Joke Parker, Robert Moore, Dagaley & Scarthe Pittsburei. ' marl/ LIKE ERIE IND 1111CHIGAII LINE. lari . z 1847. . T.I1.1: lii.neidneln.g,e.einn.fze.l:ifirt3i=o,:a2lll,lltl4: mud Deaver, and 'fright. and s ower Cann' Roam, mining between Ltenrcrand Erie odvinricatin with sy ay peed.. Line of Sic aintioat ropeller. and Venal. nn the Lakes, then lac pre pitted upon earliest open ingot Navigation to carry Freight and Parrencevido all point... the'lltiver, Octal and Lakes. Oaring retry: facility for conveying (mien and pas ...ng,re an kh prennputeth and dispineti, the proptiertor anif anent, respectfully . ..lien from tried friends trod be peddle generally their pattonsge. C REED, Erie, Proprietor RECOS, PARKS &Co, Denver, kiss JOHN A CARLOW-Y. P i iieldgk do Cad Fruillinsid and Weter its. oppentv tee Manning.. nakela Ileum • REFER to Wheeler, Csnek er & Co, Nem y o ,t • • • Geo pm., Hallo N /larks. Co, Cleveland Jae& Atinsuonal& Co, Detroit eCluee Milwnak,e Dim k room Chmago Wm tloarers,Povreral•avn, Yen. IJrn nlachelmyre, Eannahargh, Penns - Jahn Ms Minor, Hinumrn, W‘ek & Acker, Greenville, • da Calk & Frartnnou, Clartaellle. do Haaa & Plumb, nbarpebmth, P. W C Malan, nnamp, do H W tAmolontimn. New Comte, do awn PrITBBURGIii &CLEVPLAND LINT. F.. 1846. -• " 11. Clarke. It. Door.. T. K chmond & Co. CLARKE • CO., Parma&lag &BEAV ComallszlAoaa ER. P. otnown ilt ho pro earliert opening of ranal navigation to receive prop the arty at Pittatiorgh and Beaver, awl deliver the antra at any mut on thy Ohio canals, and Almon Lakes Erie end Michigan, with the greatest de;pateli and at Mem ble ratea. 'rho proprietna of thla line aolicit the tminem of their former taier, with midden, knowing that their facilities a wn re "rend to none. " Apply' to or addi•ea li BI DAWPON, Agt,Pulabarkh • CLARKE A Co, Beaver . long T aIeIIAIOND A Cc C svtland . VW IdSTbIIIkiTIRANSPOItTATION CO. 1817. 61111, OLD F.STAULISIIED TRANSPORTATION LINE., BETWhjEN PFITSIDIII6II, • PHILADELPHIA, DA I,,TIMIIRE AND NEW FORK. (VIM stock of this hoe consist' , of a double daily 1 Line of 00./1 and Cam townie] by themselscs,i which are In good order The subscribers are preys. red to forward a tarp...quantity of bletithandite land Produce With certainty and dispatch; Produce, ar Merchandise consigned to any of the on dersigned,ls forwarded free of any charge for COSOlOnl lion or storage. Dills Lading tram/mined and all instrocuone promptly elteadesPlo. 'no business of this Line is conducted on strictly Sabbath-keeping principles Address, or apply to D LEtiCli tc Cht, Peopnetors. Canal Basin, Plitsborgh lIARRIS &LEECll,Proprictors, No 113 South Third street, Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SONS Atoms, No 111 North Howard street, Ualtanoro W B WILSON, Agent, tochla No 7 Street. NOV' York It'arac — efar. via "[W LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES rits . .tfilga 1847. ot; • CAN .ALILLTS TELEO 'APB & SWALLOW I NAVE Maser daily at J o'clock, after the rnval e th os steamboat DEAVER from Pittsburgh, Sieges arrive at Warren next morning in reason for • which rtacitCloweland before night. ripsaw,ra trill I. "emoted through, se e bCIIIIII on the Packets, and { eau in the Stage, On application on board steamboallleaver. Deuutbk ratulitirlh 94 9 o'cle4, 4. 11 d aria ihe sputa: G BARTON & Co, Pittsburgh CLARKE & CO, Beaver JINIE BALDWIN, Youngstown a IS • Id B TAYLOR. Warren 1846 AID 1847 TO . TRE-EUT BY•MONOROIHELI ROUTE, VIA BROWOStILLE CUSIBERLAND. MBE undersigned re now'minted to forward pro .l. ducs;(tc.',nythe Astern Mar ate during the ens.. rlivoyebl terms, by ibis eTpe damns 'Meld. • All property Minsigried to is will be forwarded oldie .krivest MU, a and with demur-kr. Itlerebandom received by this routo promptly for . C BIDWELL, Ag't, • . W CASS, Brownsville.tsbereb. 0 0 t.17 t E EGERTON leCo,Cointierland LlTffiw l Vii; , 1847.. Lri iik Z • • PAUKIKi AND FREIIT LINE. rpm" Una eansion M ogqf (inkrtn and passoncor Pack- A MA, will'ton regultriganni the nelson beisoon Heaver and (Avowal's,' whtol, (mi g ht utJ p., ~,,,,,, , ob,,SonnoSuMnoiMisno,wHlOnciLlrtedcnaundy and al the livornst sues. . WICK & ARCHER Gioenvilk, An* ca&tu va&mrion, ~ ~, mcv A &L A ND& HMO, Dig Ilend, do; • HAYS& PLUMH.Shorpsbutgb, , -dot. S • W C MALAN,nagon, . WM. MATHEWS, ruttish "- do; REED, PAREEIIOe, Sooner, /OHM A CAUGHBY; culler Wald' nntltierrlkfield sta. 14411 j 1,. Opposite **Monongahela Howe, Pi TRANSPORTATION_ 11011-01N0 reACKI DNA VEIL. The ru:w and ,1nn.11.1 vie. • BEAVER Capt. Charles Coop., trips vbo dy. burgh st So'cloek. Ikater at 2 o connecting with Tttsbarel. and Cleveland natllears dully to Cleveland; 0.; Braver; Clello4llll 'Line of Canal Tnekers and et daily,. Warren and Cleaelaran .Cona Pa New•Castie and lircenvide Pa.;iEne to bliindville and Erie. bien. Moore& ' Singe ColCbe.• ow Cleveland and Woos., nor daily •on the arrival. of steamboat Pittsburgh! Apply ro' 11 bl BARTON de so, mill - CLARKE lc 10. fle,v . ONION LINE. 120= 1 1 7 ON THE reneger:Fawn Ann OHIO BETWEEN PITT.M3UBCII AND C K.N e PARES A Co, Cleveland, 0, :PARKE. Deaver, Pa., . Vittsburh,Ta. 'T Val etan v ' o l k l .l o :se to n ' s °, 7l( ', . " . lPl7 irsru ' l land, to any point on the Pennsylvania AC Canals. 1 Thefaci lines of said Line are not equal said Canals, in numbenr and capacity of rienee of Triptaini. pad 00111jItIlth , of Agr Une•lkat leaves Prnsburgh and iClevela nine id connectionwith the Sunnier. Michigan and Ulm Erie, betireen Maven and a Line of first elassfSicamb leis, Brigs and Echooners, on Wes chigan and Ontario ; Trapani, forwarded le wirry parlor the despltehl E N PARKS A Co, Cler ', • RF.ED, TAKES& Co, BW 'l' alATHElt,Rittslat ap2l • Cor Waie - elord ' — OIIiVELCBDWCW rte; .1847 THELOI.I6II.IIN eat 11011 PACKET Duo flwallaw add Weirgre erdaily, at 3 obdock e altar tee morning Boar from rinabarge, and arrive time for the Mall Lin uri n eragesrb awly there afterottel at Cleveland , - • • This Malt is she cost - aziteastleas • ass to the Lakes. r.. CMTES ‘LEFFINGWEII. REED L _PARKS es Os, Berver.A • .JOHN CAUL:HEW, eaten Wesel set stalk Opposite the Mosespirlalloss- - vvrizEiss pouwear.B. Bo thisEla 1847., . . . , . 1. Volt Tilt .72 , 11111POELT4VO Or ALL KINDS OF MF.II4:IIANDISETO AND rRd.l.l • Ptillade!plata, Baltimore. N ar York and.llostim. . F HF. encouragement this line bas ~ceived since .1. its commencement, has Induced( the proprie tors to increase the etackly adding a °Umber of GT clawiluMtsi and instead orgiving receipts as hereto fore unseats, we will give our owl receipts for frelzln Shipped by thistle. , lee /oats are ell portable,lennaeq really freight ii Liked the whole distance without rambipmenl, thereby presenting damage 'from 1 requent handling . , on the route, soda each beat is ; owned , by the. Captain who runs them, which is a sufficient guar antee that there wilt be no delay on re route. • All l!roduce or blerchandire con igned to the endersigced will be forwarded Fr E. OF COM. MISSION, for ads - arming and 'foram ins, and u:ill be ship red without, delay adds knits; rates of Ireishti . We respectfully solicit a Aire' of nage. I WALLINGFORD Canal Rauh: CRAIG, BF:I.LA , . . 'Broad Street, l' F MILL:F.IR, As Howley'i Wharf . Pittaburgh, Feb. 11, 1847. .. ' ' . 18441. . , AND i . , , t Nat TO TUN EAST. BT DALTI OHIO RAMBO TFIE subscribers will reeeipi far The duce to Ilaltimore by the hlriongsh. at the following prices.— Ashes, Paean, Ruler, Lead, Lard, Whiskey, t, and Glsw—E , 7l cis p. 'Tobsecrs.llownr Flat. lat Wbsla —, Ashes. (Pot) Apples. Cheese:, Flax. loather-106 el s per ICO lbs eibaSkins.Seeds, Wool-110 els per Beeswax, Fealhers, Furs, Ginseng, • —/I0 eta per 103 lbs. . All be consigned to entice or will be forwarded wirrot delay, free 'at above rues. W II CLARK.Ero EANNA & WATEI noraslil me. sweirsz , COMPOUND SYRUP OP W 11.1.1 A certain and sal - ovum for eoughld liver complaint, apittibg blood, pal or breast,nenouN debility 4 vrhoo I broken constitution,' CON • I TION or any disease of the' • breast. Reader arc: you Nu with cold or ditcue of! lungs, try this; reined • Jon will net per.. ' hapa regret it. It will arrest all these disagreeable strike such terror tolhe mind; St. pr Beware of all preparations puma Wild Cherry,except that !miring tb 'ry Sway nt on the outside wtappe as they are quite likely - draioutc of Ana they borrow a same." : Emil what it:has do so,coo DEATHS BY: CON Would perhaps be a small - estimate of this dreadful diaease in a singi this fearful catalogue of these el pie 01 the Longs, Hetnorrbage, Influenza, Bronchilis,and other Longs and Liver. A/4th° list would present ye appal fatality of these two classes of,drs Important to know that-nearly al waste of bo.n life might have bye timely use of Dr. SWAVNE' s'incupor WILD CllElitt V. This medicine has now; beee . some eight years,land is the ring from the Wild Cherry Tree. Its remedy for Coughs, Colds,: Beane retention of the Lungs based each trinkie merita, owes but little to Int Those who give it.i trral, by it, mewl:mead it to their nei gradually and rarely hurt gained a tatlon and worked Its way ante ge brittle never falls to Cure a; recent while with strict attentim to Mod company each bettle,its use in pub of long standing sod of the moat ter,' has always given relief, and instances has elected complete ) l ien. Dr. SWAY - 20'S Crleberded 1171.f.Chtirsi upaf Wilif.L.ner, . Read the most remarkable cure Of Comm ever placed upon record—; . i Ur Swone—L/eir Su: I reel it a d ebt alga due to you—and a duty to the ailli led gener idler my humble testimony in Ca rr.. of your i. pulled Syrup at Wild Cherry. • , me three I since, I wan violently attacked wi a cold and a oration or the lungs, which was a Coinpaitied i a Very digressing cough. Pain in e breast.an h —it very considerable discharge a offensive . iii fnim the lungs, especially Mem e antes orvi ad, hoWever slight. At Gretl Jell no Mem a condition, but wan pretty man con irked That w. rapidly going into consumption. !grew daily OA er, and at length was :namely ablator walk eh etri spell: above a whisper, such was [the exec hag weaknesa of raylunga. During thus time I I tried vinous preparation , sad prescripti Ms, bat toned no relief—growing all the time worse Just here I was adriaed and persuaded by ~dear fr end in Wilming. ton to make a trialul your: Syrup of Wild Cherry, 1 int/steal:lre. that previously 1 Inal been presdic ed aoinsipatentenedicines, and ant still against those coming out .of the hand. or empiric:, but Understanding your claims to It :profession• and practice or medicine, and 1 having ruplicite Ihlth In the.saying ul my friend), I lerthw It parchaired el It, Sham, one or your agents, a few .bottle• and commenced its use. My :disease at We bide was ul twenty or twenty fiverriontlia' landing, .miuse• qiiently was deeply seated. I foe d, however', con. 1 siderable relief tram the first lou Aar hie bottles.— Rut being a public speakei I Imq coily. attempted . to preach with my increaslog atrangthAnd thcrsby 1 ruptured those vessels Mat; had already began to heal; in Qui way. doubtless; my. Cure was greatly retarded. In Conseraenee; of acting thus trope dently I had to ore 12 nri).s bottles before I was perfectly restored. I hare, no qbestinn,_a. Much smaller number of botticiT,wOuld tare made me attend, but tee the above irldlscretion. i The Syrup allayed the larcrish habit,!did away the distreming ebugh, pat a atop to the, diseherge. of matter from the Jeep =eta , . them and {h entire ayateci good health. I have deterred otferiag this certificate till I now for the portion el being' perfectly 'alleged -with the permarieney of the. curd,' and now that! :eel perfectly well,lolkrit with pica,,,,, ; „It‘ r .l. If. JORDA N . • Dubu. cogrity,..t• ‘....,. z • • 1 .i • . _ CAUTION! CAUTION!' , • Avoid all aperiou prepantiona bf Wild Chum each a. Balsams, fintere,Syrups of Wild Cherry, Villa purporting to contaiit.Wild Cherry, &c; &e, 4s they are all tictitionaapircounterfeit, and:contain none of the virtues of the 'original: and genuine pre paration as prepared by Dr. Swayrre, and the tint ever prepared to this country. Doctor Sivayne's Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY ip compelled of YeactlNA tngrediept., tale Wild Cherry, and lath. Cr medical substance. civilly as officamoui, ii not , more so; the whelp are xi effectually concentrated a. to render it beyond all doubt the most piquant, strengthening, and etiecJenl remedy ever ditherer• ed for the core of Pulmonary consumption, and all disenes of the Lung. add. Breast The very, fact, from its having such a train et spurious Manama, Stands to prove its graaticieratiie properties 1 Therefore, invelids,thythro for thoortgioal preps ,ration, each bottle of whinh a enrelbped tiful wrapper, with a likeness of William Penn en• fussed thereon; also bearing the signature of De fl: dfaoyne, the couniencitiag of which will bei • !shed aa forgery'. I'mpared may by Dr. H. Swania,lS W corner of EIoOTH and f Race Streets, Philadelphia. ' For sale in Pitulthigh'Wholesale and retort THORN, 83 Market street. • • 1 . OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner Mad & Wood abr. IL A. FAHNESTOCK & Co.; corner ol fit and Wood nod fah and Watid street.. S. JONES, ISOLiberlY anent JOHN MITCHELL, Alfegheny city. , i• And by all - respectable Dmegists and dealers iu• Medicine. throughout She?, United Stales nod timia..! 4.. Lee oh:LLCMs , couthler Leiter • nimbus." . • X4int,7ts,Alhalsey C 1 • Malaer 2134,1ar2. MLR. FeF.ellen I—My mall month. old, beijut very leaden et night, and tenni mach frier at Ltgalj,l can laded hei had worms, and *awing beard u great deal about pair Vennifage; I bought a vial and pva,latal 2 doses, which capelicd fkl vety largepams. irmiaidar year Venainige beater Martell Mien, • i . • . Prepared and rota 07:1113.19F1.LED5, dr. Woodn' Sold by Dr. COW,gtl !rrardiand D. AL Cary; Jtio~ ellIIWIRIT• • ; • _ ' 1 1 101f1C AL DLL. 81.1.13131A11 , 3 • iIi•EDIDATE.D LOZENGES. AND tool' ways .- PLASTER. DSII ERNI N lus iiiicortrtit• Wmaim thia chilli,. will ,talic it midi)) sly he( th. 46.1,416ni• 6 aroattil coot aro of 'Lit...Si 1 . .. WI lLc tuck •, nee. ha lock l• ' M'- I tame ot Cod rotten an 4 e Coact! • eel LIM{ to enema Idle 6 Lire ot 1 Ave Ike kits et flout Ilti.l4lln `S LOZENGES. - • - TheseLwge.ars the atilt, mod are tad effolual rem ell, foramen,, nal% eanumpueas, whooping toludln; fightutsi of dm tonha or eltestle,str. psopmfor has never Llanelli/ samara' where they did not.ist pernet san.hation. &Seal thou.:lid bass hate bou sold : • die la ycar,rattOing to Leda natm-in anis. ats7 of sousolophou,sind those tsar*, under ast nod dal-oast% olds and entreat. ' Ths,ralo not check dry up tioreoste, butsualsr roy,posoonnespotoratiort, all the ' rritation, a l rename the proximant or sae - an easush - t 'rat' as dale rams • ambistatioa of a ant rahmair apse. . • twat, or cash reolicines, and art undoubtedly oven. to ewes, thing in us. far thole complaints. Hundreds ispon tau • deeds at et-0i1...t0 love brie odered of their wooderfbl I use,, fro taw who hare am andfrom an altutei. rate,. at remora to perfect health by using Unto. , . • - Where there ts each pain in as breast °teas' one of Plot mart'S Poor Ma's Plasters OM. catty 124auti,) should a applied oar the 'lure, ad won ull.rehoted.i If attcoled!. ith catirenat, a forOadtanie a bandies loontges, or a.l mild cathartic mania, should be and as manna revokes , 1t11E113141.1ti914011/11 LOZE.NPES t That wen Images harm been ported to mote tan '1,10) .. , r. ODD eats to dr infaUsldel the tidy taut. won donning - Sadsend eardtatusera. May dinues mime lanatrocon ad suasion hag tad inane suffering, ad nen datli, with out their seer besug mpteted; grown m00., .ae oft afllidol With thrarsaasi &Moot sauna plums. banal; tea ode dose of these Lineages would 'I apodily p are home.-rain, in the joints too Undo, • breath, pinking at tbe now, grinding of the teeth during slap,aad attars a palms. about do limwith dashed cheeks.. landiagal thd notte,• gnawing sonatina at the WISI2II4Ij final, aof ad Mai the amfaa ottha boly, died thills shot bate, houlabe, .drowSinen, restart, torpor, distabsd ' dream, suddla starling rest with inght and se! smantitues a Ova Isaac ceno ft...rake.: third, p.slhd - - I hue, Ws, bad Wk. iL the south: difdeult kneaded, non is the. stomach a bowels, (ague, names seinatnialmess, vontj ' Lions appetite, kolas., bloated .t oooo o b or bola, at . , shooting - pains an mans parts of the body, a• mos of woe •,7 • •.• tblbg roe% 10 as throat, stains of the anus awards night s % frolund dolts to pass sonething fiat the bosultondt tioto discharges of abase ad 1110[113., ICAPIt , VELA ND. ro netors. m tramp/I . c h and Cleve• hko and Oho 1 ea by art, .r. i Ikons. expe• nu, ite. id .ally, ran ttaboTth And m,. nopet Hurre4 Ml' Um= era 1.14 Ae. aver Ants Ant, dA me et: REmmeet:• itl:tenve Bra -111.1 Of the at Virarren In ye menell adelnek e PIIIIOIAPOR CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They gin immediate relief to nernitut or SO headache,. • palpitates °fele hotit-f, lowans of the .pint, despondency • " mammas, or p eon Corot, bowel or moan .eata , • . ,pleityleittuop,opprewitut or a motor ainkiag of the Suet . 3 engin, spoons, cramp of the.Sonmeh or_ bomb., hysterieol iffattno,ond oil Mints dinars, Moscone (Monk the -.• day, end orate futon through , the night: tholera•or eta sumbur, Idiarrhan lamturle or. . sloe of Wipe. Per . 3 tam cannot; ea alinldlog tarp ponies, sill Sad the Lome • gee really meeting and 1211peroug the Leulateruf youth; mon, • dnopotion, they wittrotore doe tom ofthe mom poi " • s rally, eta nature 0/1 the unpleoent symptom, or nitc• tom too tree Venous who hare been too holt lion, oat , • atatilmal thardieCleted habits, will slud dm. Looe!Ztt odd • ,•• OttEIMTN . OVIOKtIi MAN 4 PLASTER. 3 The hestslienailinting plaster in the world, oda nincitiss • • lam s, fa' pus, or weaken. in the book, IS., side, lock, . • liodn,ynitili, rheumatism, km SA, Re. Our minim year notrupply the-demand. - 1 3 My rapine lt& warn. tog Of.. epplontreab Warranted mortar to allothere,OS • tar um quarter the Coal prim, amino oa oily the beeti boa the closest *Mr in the mond. It affords rellitiow few,' - horn, and maker so tura. , In liver complaint end dyspepei4 it should boom.rent • • ~ the rea*tuil of theliver or stomach, and it will agml pro t. sa4 ertmeishing MM. In coughs, colds, asthma, diCootty ol opprresiou of the rnot or ettemeb, they lOU itat— mediality moth outl gicatly hem& the patina: Proms et sedentary ltahili;or those <IMO to Nod mach, will remits • decoded supiort from me of thoe truly atroithesiop Pio • ' • Plinanans prnerelly renntosod than, to prefer.. , all othere,lnnuo they etiekoodberebrtleryand atoll great er mint to theiri4oratket thoy are otioulect, tocirond - mudyce. They ore comaril of entirely ail/Smut mnedi ram from otry ether and on front the notion itf , „ lions oho blended e then, es well so the muted tratiamy of • . oil the celebrated od distroptithed• clap and phydelont, ' ' •-. be the mar meal ail e d ) h/ mediated plaster ' •_ • • *rent persons ho ied al the Werebouse to nor ,lb.. Grprse and thanks, at the elemetutireentois mote tier • , • pitmen Lilt carted. Hint-time for use an en the book of each *ster,, , ak facsimile of Dr:Sheinau • othe. It ia isatnot skaultl Sways ask. For Simms:Ps Poor Manta nester, and Mk lhat i.t you net Ito coons, as theorem loam worthies iron:gime hawked about and oAd lb. true Sheromee photo, by niprioeipled dealers. • Hold 'Outloo end retell by W. - JAGS/WSJ at his PittO •• Medicine War k ehouse, lb. bit Liberty slim!, Mooof Itt . _ • i O, • ". comfortable: Da(Meld ins, Pateburgh .k=U! public palm & Co., Pittsburgh & Cu:. Agt. dadelphia. at ORN. AND D. It err of. Pro. to Slaekwater • . X1A.17.16 FOUND IT."—Esueles. .l ONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED BY USING ,DR • DUNCAN% EXPECTORANT RIMED • • . • Dui Sin—Thithis tourtify to the public, particultuiyto those siftici,d with a dimes of the Loap,or Cosaumptin• lhas in the XPringtef 1643 I was attaeksel with • 111r1311 , 11.111 ' 2 wbich Kati be.soe scaled opals my lonsioldesiseg all ,tho.. - • • .7 6 Pi0t0,.0.!.LPP... 4 .4 - 90-TwOOott• My ST4 , tight wed tioubliscue; attended with oopieme night swentO e. • e apit up daily a catenderside quantity of hissed, milted with hick dark'scatter, Sty sitution beam. minas ma Oxon, . .log. • Dui this time. I was alluded by two of our newt Physidanw they did the but they entadd Or at when' ; length .they "np all hope of nay recoep,DaD wain - me that nothing twig could kw done—that my loop Wen - O. tallydiseased, beyond remedy: • I was awn perocdedby • friend of mime to ask. • trial of Dr. lisencon's Arpactoe,„ rant RolUdy, which ney Physicians parileted against, 'Capp; that this medicine mould. do no good, mud mould still add owe to my sassing. I told .thimis it ma My tut and deli I hope, and that if I must die of the dWease, (retitle waswete„ L e • dent there would be nothinglost. So .licni to this ' L Ciachwitibifwe aid obtained 5 bottles of this truly blediciue,Mid Cornmeimmi using sensing to the dime Omit, which, imbued of skiing to my suffering, Immediately gam me ireliec 00 one Smiting this troublesome eon essirqg oho , polo ~-t lighttids in my Chest , giving Mt a heel lib sad strength; which ems enabled ,tea to basbout agnies. This medicine continued it. good work, welch it so redly' : , . : .. , comunemd;suit4 I was nelderasousidia.u. , I hair- Woes been: •'• wending . to my badness. (upwards af X, rain) and fret 'as healthy-as I with: I ha. recosincended Dr.' Denali'. pecterani Remedy in many is Eices to thosesioulmly guided. ' • • it hat dons proved ''pfd so Ea as I bare witimisied .. . - 2 i awe. fly enter is twin Ow ate-dieing at primes% far• • , Divensrel firer and an &action of tha'Lxwis,widdi . slur bad suffered with for eama tune she has newlyeve: r oused • by Dec use of this medicine, add I am confident the 6 beettin, that I tale with ma to-gay se ill entirely cure tier. lam mow - • o hewn. that there au tluossanehe of valuable yersoniwastiog way rich this dreadful destroyer—CONSUMPTlON.•—' Were if: only Possible for 1b... to procure this medicine is limy bebirgit beta isle, teensy lives might be prokinged end their GmilG, wod relations egoist 'macre+) hippy: Thu, - soidieinewill gil, bloom relief, India lb. ..ante timm arms .' the had and gainfis I Cough, remove the tighthoalo the Ches ghee otreogth to the Weft-dela and emaciated Inane, Utia most cu.., I sec refute:4rd! pertiwne a perfect cure. , • Pork Tolto* r 1.00 100 11. ad ..nate-Roo 4e.andervgned Ot C 01111211.21011, vn vsl . MOE= lERR f o u iotbc ping coug SLIMP. Hog. or Vomit J the triptom Which !ling yeti, d3Ti. r Ling' le COLlthill etenetureelDt el ccch bottle, the article from . e l'' VMPTION for the verges year; then add off by Inflame. drea ' iseir e' t?l ' Ve . ing proof of the .alev. flat it iv id Ude dread been prevented • COMPOUND I •I ' ! 1 elute the public ; nal preparatinn eputation ias a ;pa, :and tom .ly upon lite i , area newspap er log beautifie d blimp, and '_. than n enviehluirepti moral ore,l One cPugh or koid, rectiuns that ae. ninety diiCaseip alarming ebaree in very li many and" permanent 'a - pound Syr. amption , . ANDREW J. FF.LTER.. MootAmorry,liamilim County, Ohio. N. 11.—Those mho may hot be segosisted with trot I,eaks:l to the uhilersigunl, ritiseas of Alco.goesery, namiltua no., ty,o ,they reit/ at my time sub,Mtitiete the oboes staieomAlS, ZiOlllllllW Itootootu., ' ' ' -. Corr J. Smoot. - DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, I.llSytattoors. arm, Where this nimbi% Medicine tion ahoy" 4 ol,Misitst i . . Soktbn D.thibohrhi by WM. JACKSON, comer of • Woollto.ll.ihonv sun.! . , optl4l•Akto . ... IMP T . lORTAN TO THE LADlES— (' mews Ilale Cream, a rautchlecv article for tit, Gtowth; Beauty PrOftestoration of the flair. ilea Cream, when tree. known, will taperreile oil other tirtietev of the l• kiad now need. Where the hems dend, be4ll.yi•or owning grog, a few uppfientions will make • the hair soft nod dirk, mud give aba beautiful livel y ,uppeuraree . , and afro wile it retain hi livelizieci nod 'healthy color twice ns Into; 1111 all the preparutiona • which Um generally aped. Every Indy Bud flehtirmaa who arilitt the habit of n=ips oils on their hair, ahlittild at once!, purl:hose a lodide of the Chinese If airCredoi, as •itis AO romprord thuds Will hot inure th e hair like th e ''• other pireparultoni. but will beautify it, brid givg petfout nutoditifiliiihm every hdunee. • You teatimotly tort. very sufierior qualitioa, toil the' , following letter from Rqr.• Alt. Caldwell, to blesars IfroileiaLott A Etreteh, Na hville, General Agiattafo , the Itietlent Mateo , • • . . Lenin from die Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Prea loyirnim Clonca• Puliott. a • • •. • Moen+, Rondonia:in . Pl.:astir. , in adding iny.reininumy in favor of the , lent preparation caned Ds • Parnehis - Chlnene about two yearn ago my hair was very,' digprPrd IQ come pal: but bacMg procafe, U. book of the Crean?, 411.1,u:wit it according la the pre," setiptllin, my hair is.Timv won, elastic and firm lathe brad. !Many lialanni. and oils viaito applied sob lean, vibe toy ins in a mine mate than berate. This Creasit ' ' ' however, tins mei ray expectalinns. • • - As an article foh•the'roil, my Sae giver it 'wrier. mire over another:, beingdarately parfamed, and nal ili.powd to runrldity. The ladies eepecially will find • the Chinese Cream babin a desideratum in their prepa— •raiione for the nab, • Renpectrully. • Pulaski, Jatity. 7, 1 8 17. • It •• Talleilit wholesale and retail, - In Pittsburgh by loan ' M. Tan:wend, •Slo 45 Market s treat. and dial Nobler " corner of Wood unil.Filih sta. • }anti . • 1,11211E1 PERFUIRILRY— • •-ltriuu de , Amairda'Amci,f, for "Mitring; Cream a la Itore, tar shoving; SUprtiiic RnitgeiOn.Poreellin Stals; • ~,,,, l egr:l ? Farit pertained with Lavender, lleautilisl powder port, of all patient , ' Embossed Toilet bogey containing fragrant extracts for Aidtl,d Gandterehieft a scent bag.andtoilei Poops, suit. - " able skir . presents. 1. • • n, or Chinese powder, .• • : • lain vegetanle hair oil; • • • .' Rea 'a oil, lu fancy or comment...tappers, (rose .erns oneat;ktrrap; Nymph Soap; Rare VP salelfik .oo.lctetra,Clegtraly pai up; • Dirt{ palm soap, la hats and cakes; Shell soap; Soda soap; togcther with a resat yarit or 6Lie'perfulutry: just, temed; for to br • • • - • • i DA FAIISiFbTOCK le Co it nal , ' ear wood ma • :.PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ' Pl:lltilstlk. - D DAILY, TRI.WF.EICLY &WEEKLY • . d& the Goethe 8ui4060, ad u., new tie Awe co* 1141.V.6 Ot. ADVERTISING. One insertion - of 15 nee or tees 30 50 ' Two inzortinswiebouteiterations,...4. .. .. . 075 . Th.d . , - " " ' Ile Ono Wont - " ' " , 7INro Weeks " ''.' ' ` 30 Throe " " " 300 One blonth, . " Two " .. Tine " ° f . ..... .... ox Longer nileerthietuents je name proportion. One ihoure„6 nrnithe, without atterntion,... - 10 . 1.10 - .. 1 .. it e e " .... 15 10 Each aedttionael sq.= Ow 6 months 5 50 - • 130 00 One . nare, 6 months, rianeweble eh pleasure, 15 GO /3 . k , . ta 03,:l: Each deitionalsgearoror 12 months. .... .'. IP 14), ii Two qesret, 6 month., re'webient pleauure, a! oC i Each hdditionel equare6 month..b V° ''' ALLIES op iItI.WIEN.I.2 In DOILY 4•Arras. Oen square. 7 Ineertien., ... ''.sl r.,0 " : each edcliti,seet ineertion, .... .:.. 37' ` 1110.1111Elikl onatia. Fite linos or lot., one year. 6OO mix month., I. a oo , ' , ,, One yonr,eooly es 'weekly, 10 Oa I" , " eis menthe " , 00 AVVEIITISEIIIIMTM IN 3/1ti1.2 airto. , FOr 13.1 line's, or lose, One itlieo.loll, :5000. f . . 'I . . . . Two, I' 07b 'niece, ". ... .. ... /OD . '- " •" " , Throe tnontb• 3'60' . . 0 ' 0 0 Sin " ..1.... 600:. 4 .. " Twelve " • , :.."...'..701/0 . .II TALI advertizemente to be enargedbi the nuaro, and i discount or:s per tenhtel be green %dimmable mouth'. Of ad rertispig metes 20 dollar per ear. ~ , - , artatirm .cassiv. I , rice Boort or limp 011 1 4019144 .... ...in...46 CO' i '.l. 5 4 ag a lluitontesoloteoninmpi ic9 Effin
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