ia." l - . - le ( 4, oo obrant,-- 5 ' ' !'‘ i r C*ll " '"g . " udvz - -, ~ , • E.. 1 I. ' ei. . Au London d rel-140 ' , - • Fal De ls Prmeipe i L. neyndera • 'Coloado/. Ketch*, Caesdoro Jana Van Principe Eagle Principe' I."! Wiron Regahan • Cheroot.; Yu min W &PO • • . - re PIA.WrIN —___-- --- ROLIBIALS-521bs Calomel, !tourism, 3//1410 lbsCalecue.l,l,-aslieb. . WP . Ted Prempitre; - . • . , 'as a Coresive Sublimate; last received ea Si .I , - ' '.. II 4 FAiItiIMiTOCK b lb del* ' " • .'conicr of ist & vveceicas .... 7 .--- - SONDRIEII-00 eakstkda Ash: , • .. . _ . Co We ekar Seek; .. - . 60 bbis Tar: -. . .. Muskies red Leather; . . . MO bop liasOstrse; _ as bags Pe Per: met received pet stuns Mare Stephens and De Won Mame; for sale by - - dell JOHN Clitft 01VY11.01.141T BUT TONsi n ~ F OM grereoaVsmotts; - fittrojmo " her . . . Alp... r. Plain Lasalle ''st • • Jan received by Greene it Ce's Exple.., i,, 2 days from Pkiltulelybia; kw sale by d a s . • - sitecta.crr & 'Milli • susingtHl2sell• F citherp; -- ^,I Fran; • .din • ' . Beeswax: Join reeflyeil. jot oafs by i at 4kily 18M'12tralLytron CO ' -D7 OGAIL-20 bz. white Ilavu. pgar; • 1,3 • 30 bbls S II Mollusc.; :0 " Lon( 8.1.; aud Nos fkOrri 411 to tor sale by ; • JOHN GAHM IM3 libellYsucet W 0 0 .143, ELOODigs allo—Ckildreals Woolen Hoods, Cloaks, Tippets, Blackings, sod Oaken; Ladma'Chatact , Pany Clthon Moods. Pelerines, ka, can be find at . Y.ATOX.IS Trinatung Bala, Mu seradd') orangra, largo al toe; tarp o• ingood orderd•U remivei nn ronsenn filr Amile lomat tito wmc store.. JACOB WEAVER : dei/ ' - cor market *limn no paw ARRIVAL. By t3Y[ern tdoi pair India A.' /lubber I:,qtgLuititi reeear—s .1 9.e..13uba Rabbet VA I . NEW 'II3I,CON-31X1 Hutu; • ' 'SOU z4 , :ist _ , l - • DOD MAW , dery Piss socelring from Soak Haase; for tale - 4,10.R1L1N &BON deb) , ' IS liberty rt. op • • site ismidiSehl Q UNDRIE g-11.10 PPION prime gmar am Cot.; SJ. • „>UImo block Pepperi btd, clopped Gowprood: Jou reed; (cm :CAECVN IdeIiNIGHT . lick sum! opatkling and Imported undez Tanf 0f,16.16, cellar and fir .2.11 low at Ow Idlan stare. . deli , , JACOB WEAVER! QIINIIIIIES-4711 Look Ltunp7bb.coo; • • boil lb Loop Necior 4d: •• • TS hey tl lama taxi ht VOalmok aim; do, • • 00,003 comoo,C . Jgraso; too! rec d t for oat.: hT dels: • • R -Ord CO -- QUOAR—tObildi N 0 Sager; . . , • • , i., , -1111bbli.N 0 Molasseot : ' 3 bbtittt Usti S II Maslow: Jost rec'd; • ' • • , •II ROBIrtON &CO VA liberty it F ICEICEI NEll.llloB—Recekioit Express net. Market .1, awatei, lnvoke of 10 pas Emelt )I . l:iir, d. ol USE . NCH O A9RDIER/C—A A MASON d. CO, dilddttei et, hare reed more Mau 100 pea of French Cmhdreres.or every • cello dad price. dela • TitABLEY--600 ba La core; for isle by AJ am ••• St IV HA.II.I3AUGH • .21Ircod at .QPAR F LINO FLOCK, of tiockheisa, Salo by th e 43 cue of !mule. at the wino note. dell • JACOB WEAVER QPARKLING MOSELLE liteek Wise; for see by AA the tenor bottle at ibe wise awe. d. 44, 4.4 4 JACOB WEAVER • •••• • /I.TIMUIP—IS Pe p - Kenterky.Featbeng Pre/ per etsarTaylattp; for sale by • arl6 • . - , LEWIS IIUTHISON ILO) Gnr- PEAS-4o "k; "‘'/DraSie.l.by p'4,l• I.MIVIIMMinninVrITI:77TnM ninoAll-3 cake Ivry wrbtte for ale dal) WICCEIIeCANDLEB' OALSTOI3.OII,-5 pale pressed; for sale by a.. 1 Bela SCHOONMAXER k. CU L ARD be winter strained. sr the best dr/!I wood n qttekry; knells try J sceloontaxgak. cx) tnip - ol'ordc_,r• (or We by dab - SCHOONMAKER &CO ATILIPOOTFor sale b rr deg° 4. • CCIIOONUAKF.R t CO 0 , li go ubbh2.— '''''Afgfitx',llitixEß & • VLOVE-1001412,a superior amid° for family use Ateehred ea eaostgruaea4 for inlet ba , • • ZATHEIL-1630 IN Hamm Leather, received & w tuaßiuon tiors—t nom (or . Ws low to close so- L ell/ dell/ . si ent by I RICKEY is CO r. Ran . adfars. im,fik i nd u t v bsibl g Octal. by ILLIAMI3.IIO woad ELOUII-125 !ibis extra &silly_ Iloor,isee received; • for We by recO&EW & CO del@ - •• • • 6 Coes Raw, liberty et BBLIND TIUMMNOS—Are glair offered Ai to duced plied by ' • PE EATON Adele • Et market n ' 0 47-10 bogie", eilitaignmatt; 6isale by deli' - • - : •• J D WILLIAMS FLOCS -193 bb!ls oldie., brawls; laidEee from !CPU isNave Estglaad; for sale by JIIALZ,g;6I. I water et vx7- 1 71 - i*rnmrws,wfl CIFFSM -0 ° bal(R4, Jut ns% lor We by delA R ROBIEON & CO .4'"'""wiaaratrdo'" - T MLTHER-160 ago Leatiseijost recV - : -Li deli . sale by a ROLIIbON fr. CO A _ PPLzs—oo bbls Jut reedf !for sele br drib IL ROBISON kCO i .) , * m5+.0,1,73-Ttri,rmfi="74l77VlTZA C 4 M I S 11 1 01690 N b CO frOBACIXIO.—.O.6.hds Ey: Lea 4 wynrienand Iller J. kw nle by . dell • ' FO YTllit CO Wra l t74 , " AD VI C II " 'r* SllGlARkeldolis new amp N 0, received; far ;ale AT %V 00D, JOZIIES t CO dell waten fmni sts lualACl34l—,W kegs Net twist. reed; G>r .aie by dell ATWOOD, J9NES Ctr; Glaser. -61.0 bin prhw,on hand: An male by tV it it AtcCUTCHEON IL4 liberty II 5D 1 %11 7 111 bitchprima old N O • brute b p 111 11/11CTAL —.130 tbal „ fivvr ,,, , ,z ,..„. h co I 67 limier st T46.1.1c6W-64 bbls reeelyedi for s al e by b 1 JORDAN b SON I • Oa • . Lbesty area S teT d and Or We ioy .1 JORDAN & BON 00AP-00 bib No Cincinnati soalb. 7 17 dari 6r rale by F *SELLERS drib 17 liberty At LARD - -im kn. No lauding Gem Azar Peal yank: for sate by ' ftlo I,BI2.LERS QT/LOP-46 bbks la ob. Syysp; I ha IS bb 16 tea gallon keg.: received it, Unmet Cambria; ix sals by . L. ilinClildON CO tr. dclo 43 water et A 43F.31143L41.4.4derysenipt: ArtbP. ClOgra, m tube • 4-I ,4c j ir "a6"4 n'''''''l ßß/Li/N tr. REITER I y/LBSlSll—Aisalleoad rbnopal k V i rioN Pop , „„r1—....'...."---”Bieza. ;'t ErrER raau VlAll.llsrk (WWI) Jost reed sod fitr Bala by Jr ddo BIGON Jr, REITPII I 1 II el WU Hil Boxes Barge snesi,jostreebl; tor sale r by • - : ; BRAUN &REITER —.... .. 4,40 . . • •E. ear st el.'s' k. libeni .t. il .01111XAd[ TAILT4IIL-3 bbl. for Wept dalo BRAUN & REITER Mllro~rzr.ie~s4—swci ; c~"~ i i~r ° c~i ° ~ ie'~J 13 r."' rectlyed 6, 64. 4.7 M x 1T0111000.25 - 6666 . No 1 6 onst,6odp bruit. 4. l lr l r hta "°" l 4'"'; i"TV'T)ALTELL 144 1 / 4 -706iteg. Nail., assorted Flu dctl 760 • ' While f.ladi for oda by I DALZELL e dell ndic szataz-7 pes Dew Nile. anti figur , 4.3d lu 'Mt PLICTINIIIStopened and,for sale by .• • - RIIACJCLEIT & WMTr. ITT§ 111-1 , 11 imp bomb Burmr, 10 , 241 per . B . .4 1111 =1, bourguntent fbr Ws b • • CARSON & y _ Drernia9os.:9o- silt orri coat tilailLppqrt =hair cud de° --- A PP %DO bbl. ebrojoreep opoleo, 11[4lag from ace • .WILLIAMErtD[I,4I: I IIII,I7 wool ot A.lllXXlbis Darief _ • t& Mu. X CTan received tbi. d 2 X X;* ale by. ; • 8.104.1.XY & iOIITN F s ATincl9l;.:4 P 3 itiettrint WI? Z y co ' • • • . yule, & front *is 0 l ei A L- 4r " i tr' ‘ll lhtaow 411111FAINZ ' deg • yaw k itont sts )31110MIDII POT6.llll—lCkvz rrsern9a and ' Id! • 1141 FAIINESTOCV - it 00 al 1.•-•••• b wmet attoottol t • lost te.oe.W . • . pilfer obk, by , , . F ELL - ERS 171/bent'. tt ;w1 and y bro;iit tabdltir A oim'so ohne eons 'mutat. b I alie • OF:0 4=NR/ill. Rd wood tt .1 4 . 1 . 1 r ..4.oadt abdcgma " ED 4An D dtlAsit z reg i VrAd ter E fl.idolDiamond _ . BILET-300 be jot ree'd' an consignment; Or aA CUNNINGIIAII • . i 44 6Denf et r A i . 4.11.-49 biz Ltaranna 6/sgar. just reed; for sale __S 7 • Al7°°l"" Pr ftmlfisn Vi l/6470 bop vraiu, Unmet pagan I+7 big white Havana swift 1.1 nw- 1 1 bt ••41i 4 ado by HADAL.EY 4T4ALIU 6 -13 614, Ns 1 kutj_est womp *sisals by • 1 1 01 1 . p w • .- . • ~:~=~ 8 1 : 10 AltA11)• ; I014.1 ,L ' ,. . L . Mrslltra l i.!:Cra rl good ordei; torn!! 7' l l' ! l'' 9 3."- • It Y& Ai 3ITTCHIELTI6III Gee" . 1 , ; 1601Ibeny greet —_ _4_ NOTIr - JCIE—PersCoM haMmc hills Mriinstrheam Boat _ -_ — Taltunan," anal preheat ahem for bettlemem un ..e4MogY, hr the More of J. Jr. Jr-Co ;grater street. - ' • 4,10 Giu"4N iLANIEL— ova bale heavy milled d.a`e" °"°e"-m.ln'al.gg rwinr. LAM CLOAKINGS-1 ease panted D. skin x— red. and bloc; last rettived by l deli • dilAcgt.err-& ni ED CANTON FLANNEL— bale e lse BYina,/an received by dIIACZL ITk Winn; _ . . lAT LRAM—IOW kegs fa, sale b V .dole . FORSYTH &CO flu METAttidfd tete ivOd. by WICK & McCANDLEsS acid cor wood &woo, PIS H 1 .".:K111 - 1AIEK • J . , r 1 Alimnat lo,dircel o; bottle at POrt.ti o. the te the United atom tulles; for 41.1.2 bythe case w date PICA I , 7ll7Tll—tCO blt landing Dom war Palo Alto; forlnlebY JAMES DALZELL dais water Eszet BIITTER-12 kegs fresh, for sale by dela WICK & hIreANDLESS DIC.II}-1 tierce fresh Caroling for sale by . • &IS 3D WILLIAMS . , . NAJLS-100 kegs surortes/rdset; for rualiby del3 / D WILLIAMS QUO/In-0 'aids new erepli o landing nom !airy /Nephew; for sale by FORSYTH tCO - dole C - bn Yoegttiocbeny coal; formate by delft .8 F VON BONNIIORST & CO MAOHIQDIYL_ do bbis . No 3 tor tale -by der VON NON NOMA? & CO HOPB-13 bales Ist son Eastern Hop*: Or sale by eel? POINDEXTER & CO SU bnles prime, oliore:i for sale by deli,•. POINDEXTER d: (:O 50m , ..v11-60 ea. ni!, i;1 5 , 1 patb i r R co • •.. c•fs an calves rims, =Tow d e . 1 .7 r, Imperial iod . fou'rbabg Tess foe salt by room' rEft & CO OPPE.I7 bags pnme Rio; Iny mile by & . POINDEXTRA CO PPLES-41) bbis men; (tit 52.1:1 by WICK & Mee& N MINS Cot , rcnd & rrvlet ni tili& , Z-1017 Utter sale by,' del3 ' WICK & McCANDLESS - - , PRUNK PAPER—A malt At of baral•estie pat tcmsimt meld; tar sale by de( • •B TLIdEICII.3r.ITI rural st 1) t.:Pis CASEIAIEftt. and White blarmlles, (peeve 17 ainig Veatr, Jam necived by TEA -100 kr chats YII Tea: 123 G P Tea; for sale by DALZELL dell It enact at r clop Carolin J k e, FLOYD from R. dell 1931iberly et ITA NOKILIIGHINIPS—NI doe fine nod medi. 11 lanai Cambric Mete, corded and bonk Poo opened by •511ACKLM h. WRITE ' dell • • • 1,10 wood al 8 .T . r.,2 cots puma dtled is ssofsl for We deli commercial soy. liberty so W":34 1 " - s°" 4 "' - 14'1UN & REITE.R CIPTS. TIMPEKTINE-10 bbl for We by d 14 • BRAUN & REITER A A MASON A. CO Roar —3OO lbs genuine Bermuda Arrow I Root,ju received and day ule by • dell! BRAUN te REITER FLoIIIL—ws bblsjsua 'tea; fat sala m liy ußEEEi 4al eat tatithileld At water ma 1117 LEAD-41uu . kegs io siorei4Vira DicAirs—•z bids .bite bean; just ree'd; For aak by Jl9 de/4 ' • . W (MEER IIrRUP d, :iI 4 O bbts jsn ree l Vve and Coc pOTATOE,..—'es bbts bleshanoweks, - Red: lo more and for gore by Bt W HARBA UGH. del3 33 wood al .AM.I.EII-2517 bbie inserted winter keeping apples. wring of wintergreens, bell dower, ' spanenber gees, nsmantlea gates, te. kn. in sore ,Yorsale by dcl.7 8t %V HAILISAUGH' !'4IDEIX-10 libls sweet cider, ree'd; far sale by. 'Oak CANDLES—So h. babld candles, Mitchel. brand, — put reteived by hiabasgab.els; for sale by del3 t AV lIMISAUGYI QALERATUS-14 elk b forsale by • del] WICK& IffeCANDLES TIOAXL-40 hbAs prime, tending tram rim! Dude 111 , kor rate by M ALLEN & 013 DERCUWION CAPE-200 b l a , booned3jbor“..o ad for We by d 031 3 PANNESTOCK &CO Vi.1.1101.1.-7303.3ta gains Wady boar: for ore' X by fiIeGILL,BOHHFIELD & HOE deb 11l liberty .3 JAIS.P3-4. manail lot of Omni and Baggy Lazar!, 1 , DIM BryleN,j6.ll reed; for sale by deg T LEECH. Jr ,SA.L KIIA 11 TVs—bbly bar Nate by BF VON LIONNHORST k. CO de7. :Show rlll.--Itrbols paye Linseed Oil; for male by _de7 , SF VON /11)NNHOHirrlt CO MADDZIL-1 eat far .ale by . F VON BONNEIORST it CO VILYCEMING—IIIbss low crown thecae; for sale by 4t7 - BP VON'BONNHORSr & CO W. Gdt.4"°—'BVWX4l.ili7o7Xlrxi S/SLTS-30 cats primes salts, on coasSgament; Par We by .W ear satitliEeLl & water MI T £3110215,26 bzs o, akesigumeal; for We low el6ee. by URIEER. HITIC LEAD—ICO kep for Welly W GREER EAVIIES--lOTha dd&, a prime article: for oak by *7' • W GREER Cananzmuss-io Lb le ferule by WICK& bIeCANDLESS dc7 de? ereed & draw sts SEZIATI76-30 ed. mail 10 Ibis For sale by de7 • WICK & MeCANDLESS lb. In bladder.; for k co car 4 h & wood wn A Rrisrs PLlLORS,grniind in tubes-77i dos, cline del prising gil different eaters; Just ree' l by k CO I KIDD rtHZE—Stfl limn in prime shipping oilier, bar dale V by dell ...... ROVEHT DAL2E it CO LL Liberty urea[. & OLASSEZ-30 bbis cew cropjmutiog from sum 11. haat Newton; for sale by • dell LIMNI & CO. water or Vilbilra4ll-9 Obis elder • More: kW U. _ . ,• , •rielb • by ' I DICKEY &CO i RAD CIDE6-1/9 bhls quality. /12 stom; by DICKEY & CO clels • %MC, rfollt VOAR OT . LEAD-1 est (*rule by BRAUN & REITER • 14' • .rst clefs& 114erre Alllllls-30 his new Ear sale by -- - dell NI GREER Aft.ll-40 keg. ran received; for rale W y L . dell EER AGON—Ox V Mr. wagon, (twevr) tor said by 11011801 , 1 CO . - - .. _ . —._____—_- 0.1421611 BELLS, In dozens sad strapped, ready 1,3 for sae; ;nosh:by , - de4 BIA.IIB HUB . .11itnr a r : der —A Arse lot word 1" ' ' T LEECH, Jr 7)EACUES-17 mks new crop NW reAdm., in L corgi for sale by • . L 8 WATERMAN 'deIa 3l water ad} front sts • SigiDEl-7 bags Cloverneed; la • 19. .• Timothy send; in store and for sale de 03 by L. SAVATELMAN YE—ld seks in store sad fa APPLES. - v bbligreen; to Mora dad for Fite by dnio , I L 5 WATERMAN - • ii - E - DPAPSIEW-A. large isearelty of ezetsaege Weepers earl be helot this place for amoderale.prlee. della( • s LAXBEED 7 -400 ne'd; tlVe ct r ivilvoN delo ' W MANS-16 be tFill;while; fialiile 19 , dclo IV tE BieCUTCIIF.ON I Aar 'tied Gar R . ., by PP/447Z Nrt NeCII7I:II6ON del 0 . Dxasonxs—is bo peered lad reed: kri pie by L delo W k RMeCUTC/ILICIN ripLAAKETIS—Z pair large Domenic Illaaketa // DL received on col:wigwam; for sale by ISO • (MO COCHRAN 21 woad at PLASTICIL PARlS—Bailable for Land, Ai., al. 'roped broad and for We at N 01,4111 Li betty sager, 6GIII Canal. letOb W W WALLACE! EMilillffffl Y b o old Rya kw. .1.14 oet2o . RAWL AT BIER BMAr — Vas rLlye tge. Of y .WM WAIVE uie or 7 Ist ft, aeon 'Tod l!r6is>eis=Yoo a:: ones: %fit 6 - ; tre27 ' CARSON k MeKNIC 1 Asatlizb, PoLoolk, 11 Odd Bloc* Sobs; On solo by. • . CARSON JibIoENIGIOT AF. O I , IIEIIS-40,000 lb. onto. Jo- . • A. nom 6., _ - .41 1 .2.7AER5-40p0o it.. pnmeiKi:l i ii - dbe - gT,To inOre; for solo by nr27 - CARSON*. lifeliNlOHT b. argue A R RSON I MeRNIGHT MAlls-oxi bbl..mau wpit, lan an , a• kr. stale by . WILLIAMS k. DILWORTH t 27 TS wood in HOMS—III hales roresutm hops, platee'd; fur sale ca twin • WILLIAMS* DILWORTH tab —, -- IMMBl:i*Tionelffer.ert &ouths*/ ! , WILLIAMS & DILWORTH I. 13Wbundles8C.BI and D 0 straw ?open IGO , D Mi di umallrr, diditßa l, eMeum l E onYt NonOarLe for sale by °<llB R DS fr. MIRE Lei 7m 20 MIN No 2, for owe by ITSR 'E FIRAZUTON, costoide dlosnored NlACkkali.=io . ibb la No 3 1:1 — lbr male by EDWARD lIE ELTON I<l 2 East of Dumont VLANNIELS—te pee Welsh Plumela noWopen .1: , 142g "Lac; t,e l :maprisiniervr o l o ty i co -1 . w OREltti OiCliqtaso4lllo4ls beim meal Gar - .8 801.118 ON lUFFEL—IeO"bI rune Itto, lust melted: to e.le by. NY VON BON NROWST k . 048 1009 WOW . 1.1) ty ~ allakkkr. LAS CODDIERChIL RECORD. tynovementa et elm Oe.4au Moamar& . _ . ' To arrive at New York. riTo Ail tam N. York.' Union, Ilerbora. Nor 21 I iJnion, Ilerbevt, Dee 24 I Misbooti,lllorar. • Dee XI Allesoori, Morita Duo 23 Flolada.. Demon ran 22. `Pltilada diets., Feb 21 N.l oak. remand; Feb 21 N. York. Ferrand, Mar 31 - L 11212.1002.. ' ! ! LIVIIIPOOL. Cambria, lodkuu, lan 1 Iltbemia. DPI°. j " 1 ---.•'...—• Febl. Camboa, ladkon. 2.29 IMIIII•112702 2.1, ' 50PT21{112202, &C. - WaabTra Johnston, Dee IR Ilrybl'a.Joboolon, lan DI Horman,Cgosee. Moult H erman. Crabtree, Feb2o To stove at Dorton. , 1 ..T, oail 2 12 2 5141 . 1 .• „. arroyo°, I uroaroot.l HibarOY. Dyne, Dee 4 1 Ilnuaaiai ilarebroa., Dee II Caledonia, Lou, Duo lb i Codedory, LOU. J. 12 15 ' . _ PITTRBORGEI BOARD CIT TRADE. COMMITTEE FOE DECEMBER. • J041311A HANNA; W. K. *Minn'', ' JAS. MAT ARRIVAL' AND DEPARTURES UP MALLS. Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, doe, S A. M„ clam 12 M. Western Mail, Cincinnati and L.ookaille, doe 8 P • M., closes SA: 81. • • Southern Mail via Etalthnoie and Washington, doe 8 P. M., closes 5 A. M. North IVxatern na Cleveland, doe IS A. M., cloves 9 A. M. • Ede and Western New York, duo 8 P.M., cloves 8 A. M. '• I JACOB NVEAVF:R PASSENGER, ARRANGEMENTS TOR IM7. Steam Boat Packer Line , leases daily for Cia. cionati, 10 A.'S. ; • I Pawanger Packet Ina Browairdle Is Baltimore and Philadelphia, R a. as and 6 r. as .1 • • Mail Coach Liao . dtreet to' Philadelphia, 9 i. ' and 1° r. STestent o , ntbeso , nt ca ma l i me ! 6A. • a h l27Wee ' t n ero ' N ' etl: ; l e r n k d . ' d d aty ly , 9 l A . Sakti 11astern to, Pluladelphia • daily • except San. dams, 4 A. , I , OFFICE rITTIZEROti GAZETTE, Miamilay !Morning, pecember Oar local markets were unfortunately pied at a late hour tut nightorhich will:account for thiekb mace ties morning of the regular daily report. No change of importance has taken place, every thing remaining u Jul gaoled, The weather B er. rremely cold, and the markets present but little ant • . , The river, left e'vening at d esk. au falling sly*, with seven feet water In the ehaenel.' . . , Retell Pekes to the 'city oarleet., Wetbvadayldorninc, Dee. 02. m pek 0 0 i r ti. i ,0 5 Beer, Nat Mtv, fr lb 5 0 6/ CNN" h, .. I ... ...0% —11.1212.4 -- •• •4 0 4 kots, klr , fek• •• - 015 - , -Conted 60'6 Pudding Liter, Vlb 3 0 6 —Dried • ••• ~ .... .-2 010 Pcok. boxiesati - 30 6 --Hmrien 0- -'--1144 , .....! ...... - 0- fk..1., , e'boneft...• •• 03 80440/ kowd,• •2 0 3 Hover, 401. Do ,rith 00420 P0t....., tewo:be SO 08.1 Do Apptc.qt• l00:2 Teel p plc:. • 0 Z 050 Brato in boll." pk -0-- L. -n. , w, IP pl.. •• • -0- sbra gmeo,lBqt -0- Palm, pa.....,430- Cabbare, 2 1 -18•0• ••0 0 5 , Third, 28 qt. ••• 5 0 0 Ctwo.,lP' bunch ••9 0 3 it'ickln, f. do. 120/6 Cram, 4 41 6 1P444.i.4411,4Ppeb e -1 Chkkerls, bm, 0 pr 0 On iStibooti 3 O lb, ..,• • 9 010 -..,,,a,01 • U 2137 - -M.': • ""' 1, 2 ; Ghelan4oql 012 - --41001 0 w m/0.0040W, bt, 45 050 4' 0 0 0 , 310 48 1 1815 018 Cherries, tp. q t• •..-- 0- , --Driod 31!0 37 Coro ..... 10 OP ihilieys.limech. •0 - Cr - 06011e; 0. O• • 10 00 -• •020160 Duet, lire, to p.ir• 25031 11 .0.1000.8.1 P lb 0 a 6 ---41mool St 037 iWalntos,llpclt• • -.10 012 Eat, fl , d 0...-. • • ..C.. 01.0 i FI6H- • CI ... r . efran, ma,. 50040 'Perth, letwer-I.• ..52 031 Tormps• • • . • •- • • .88 I pk;Sabooo• 41.3 18 , -- kloms, 4noo, 48 lb• •7 0 6j,'Sucken , Fp r, ff.p1.,1 9 010 4.:e. 6.4 iim H bly.f. ql. ••• • • 6 0 8 ' FLOUR ., Comb. 0 lb• •15 01F2 Wheati 100 lb. 02 532 1en1204.28 0.48,020 Aye , 0175 d, no'd, P lb:. 8.00 11.ckobeal ... 015 Omen Corn odo -0.- Egg plum et - Fluelglehertin Pat -.0- Tomoloo,epek•.. • 40- Plan. t , g t •--.... -0- slello/00M -• • • 22.- BOATS 1./CAVING' THIS DAT• BROWNSVILLE'. PACKETS ate a. ta. an 4 4 • CINCINNATI PACK ET, 10 A. N. Hi:AVER' PACKETS At 9 And 10 A le And 3 PR 4 10 NONGAIIELA CITE PACEETS,3 r, N. DI PATCH. Nelson.' Brownsiille. GLASGOW PACKET, GIN‘NA , WELLSVILLE, Welliville, 9 A. N. POW!' OF PITTSBURGH. 7 ieve 0 INCHZTWATiIt/ILLISC , ARRIVED. Conn!, Bowman; Brownsville. Michigan No.:, Gilson, Beaver: Sentare; Cos. Brownsville. '1 Bearer, Clark, Wellssille, Monterey, Morrieon, Brownville Danube, Cock; Brownville:;„. Louie McLane. Beonett. Browsprsille Despatch, Nelson. Mon. City r Camden, Hendrickson, Brovensiolle Lake Erie. Hemphill. tearer: Pacific, Campbell, Co: Comet, Boyd„Cin. • • DEPARTED. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Lome bleLane, Bennett, Broienevill• Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. C•coden,.Hendrickson, Brownsville: Sinters, Cos. Browamitfe. • Danube, Cock, Brownsville. Wellnille, Barnet. Beaver. Clark, WeUrsine. !' Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver: Michigan Bearer Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver aixt Wellsville Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. America, Calhoun, Wheeling • A overiesn Eagle, Atkinson, New (Mean.. New Bastard. Merl, Wheeling. PITTSBURGH WMIIII4 GAZETTE. December 23-cows - errs sw rear. New questions before Congreaves7 and Foreign Territory-The 'Poor Nan's Salt-Rail Raid Meeting-Th. Cent;i4 Western Railroad- Chancellor Kent-Central I A merles-Flood in the Ohio-Late from Mezice-From the Western Coast of South America-440re Wien Troakees- Alabama Legifilatare-Conveseinnid Ners•-A National Convettios-New York Cornomondanes -The Wu Policy-Um-the One flour Rale President'. Message and the Idagoeeic Tele. graph-The Home Trade-Editodal "Cormspon dence-Pree Trade, Protectioo, eke.,•Reception of Gen Taylor at New Odeans-New York Cot. respOndonce-Smoke Preventlve-1 Improvements in. Casting Cy lyndriral Pipes-Fenn Harrinna The Flood-The remains of Col Robert-Pro atedings of 'tae Matteillon coneentionlirrres -meats el. the Ocean Siestocni—Tptasory Hewn - Fasts-Late now, from Santa Fe and Chihuahua Llama Telegraphic news, Foreage and Dogmatic. Commercial-A carefully Complied Review . of the hlarkcli Int the past week-The prim int the - local city markels-The Cattle Marker-Them:ea of American PrOdoce ia various parts of the -Amount of Floor, Wheat, Corn &c., receislW ainco the opening of the Canal-Cana business aid .mosemeite of produce-Market 1 4 11,,0ad0n. I City News- 7 .*Spirit of dp ioa Entrailn from the leading journal. on the interesting toplCs of the day. For sale at the desk, singly or In *nippers. Price C =eosin& copy. • Salrecriptinns two dollars. year in advance., MMMaI WA by , 1. WATERMAN • yrrllalso of Columbith-Mata Tonne—To the [kid mod Chey—lf yon wish a. rich; Insertion bead at hair, free from dead mil and•Ctlrf, dot* fail to proem the ac n ulth e halm of Ckilumbia.. croon ofieldriese it will more than exceed your cipectateme. Many who have hot their !miller YO yeenrhave had it lestored to de output pet Merlon by the ore of thin balm. Ate. rate or condition soma, to be no obetaele whatever; it ,a 150... ...the dine to how with which *delicate tithe in filled, by which means, thoevomle theism ban was grey no the color by have had their hair re. pored to natural eolor li et use of th is it:instead, remedy. In nil eases oYfever It will be fond the more pleasant wash that eon be used.A few application only aro necessary to keep the hair from tallingoat. It titrenathens Mu roots, it' never foil. to Impart a rich ninny snorer:Men and aen petrolme kr the toilet it Is Inet/rolled; it hold. three times on pinch es other min dled bate restoratives nod is more effectual. The genuine manufactured by Comstock & Co:111 Coortland at, New York. • • • • • Said in fitt;barrib,rinly gement, by WM. JACKSON, SO Liberty xt ,bead of Wood; in WennAwn, Pa., by Sweeny & Corn Drnernsvine. by Kennett & Crocker; la Canonsbends, by Dr.: Voile: Mao, by ow Bennet in every born in Pe., Minted Md. nvied&weldr • ID To llleaastburt Mena . nivarl Otbere—Coe. sell • filtigleal Plain Eat:actor—lt Is now 'conceded by medical man Mat ConeePs magical Palo Extractor manufactured byComstock d. Co, al Comtland at, Is the greatest wonder of the to century. Im erects are Holy Pli•Setllo¢4 All peen are renamed from bums, scalds. &e_ and all external sem, as foss minute. ,r. ter sus Application. healing the same on the most delicate skm, Jeanne no near. is equally beneficial In all • kinds, of Intlamorstory diseases, Garb an Kul niPulen , and Eyes, Sandal, Rbonmatluni White. Swelling and - Ulcers, !trusses, Hams, Chilblains, Eryeipelas, Sam, Tie Delaqmox,&c. We reighladd on pruritus all we nay, the names of many eminentphystsuani who are it In their practice, and hundreds of the clergy who praise it to their people. Hied parent keep Itchnstantlyon band, :to cares or sweater): by fire,ilifir may be kat widens{ it, 'hat by Its are all barna are sublet& to its eantrol, unless Ike vitals are destroyed. Caut. , -Remember and oak for Connell , . hlasncel Pain Extractor, manures:hued by Comstock & Co, N.Y. nod other. Sold by WM. JACILBOII, Aver for ' PaUthiemi., fa yLiberty at, bend of wood. n IfilimrftP Salteri Musing Pease Iktrotuz. Turncoat —Wei be leave to call nubile attention to the following, from Dr. Wet. Doan, of Wallows/11s Clermont Co., end one of the very first practitioner. in the county in which he resides, and lite &Dater In the „them Lapritlatare. • It is cheering the. In we the lead ing men of the orofemme, berating the bond. of profeli• !atonal prejudice, and giving merit Its doe; ; m my Inactme been using Meteor yore .winceng Yon.essi, and, eo far, ant well idealise ill its. erects In Catarrhal end Bronchial Complaints. New send me half a dozen bottler—pot them as. low as you . can; as I expect If 11=Inanimate render os geneialast !Mellon to it has heretofore. to keel, ll'eonwantly on hand. Respectfully. volt Altat.Doen, w. D . • OAZZTTE JOD PAIBITIND OVPIOIII Timm 'TIM.", COMMIT, 07 POST .01TION . 01 , WI are now prepared to exeittla In a ouperior and expeditious moaner, all kind. of Joe Plante., each as large Potters, Steamboat of Lading, Letter Sheet Ctroolare, Ilendhille. Card., ke.. • soot AND ralltwaLaT ralwriwn to any extant catenated an the beeiminnef. and all blade of Pruning dpna with emitter anti at the lawns MISCELLANEOUS. • • ILIIIIBERT 011if/JSC 1L !WRI! N ti I.I..PLIVID —La Raclin the p' ta.aas t T he Roblin tor thisml.? t ,it is bunriyht anitp.• /We &ALL menu en whichlinclawa for appal isbued easiabi be folly andide• beset firth sal Oa sane, tees be giyou the toe. coos; amity wiL INA be buss 4op= by win it. In Um ant place it la it karma that the genetalily of black wLais" are conspond of • preciPiate, held together by goal Arabic.ead whim the water, either is whole or part cesporated the run andprecipitais are leg es quilt:anal tot pen Inkstand which cootains it. It is also common .to add tiaras. 1. lie Ink asiatem L make it 6111,11 /WA i which messes She evil by acting cm ilia pen, if a steel one, corrodinp it through in aver bort time. Now the o Wei thij Flan" direr. from thes oitelineyl airy respec, at it is satanical solution regulriog no amid matter to hold it together, therefore will never get liiick,!and being eery guid taint tam rituality gows from the pen intoigieenpacepririetra ' • ti7= n osi th a let r. ag th. mor= Its i f) fia . treisll7= calt . phaitered serface. It also eMlielett no MEW that bas an affinity Air no t hew, therefore will not corrode meal till not mould, and alibibegh it writes of • bluish green coloryet in a far boo., it becomes a deep black which vr,ll endure for nee It m wiariuted superior to the Simian article known mere the nama _of Arnold% Writing Fluid," and math ird tie. Co. at 131611 price: Am a guarantee against hat of aoy him! being atesoptal the following rosommendaticms will intake, as ell must be aware, that the names there Mara could not lima beta ob• Land by any am= Sir as unworthy Forgot.. • We eetectue..S." Ilibbert'sCheas S eallWrithsg Fluid" to the petnatage ol eablic,..fira rata article 111 all 'as. pecks it Bow fr. Boas the pea without; cloning is op and tha roam of • kw boa. becumm a dlop bright Mack. B b Rua_ proa 111. SSA Wick aid hldeandla• Robert Mao* Joha Parker , Wm' Lippincott & Eke 8 Wight.. 4. Co: Mcqua wana Dont. Fran.. Bellers Ruht B & Book, C A hicAnolty & Co. 6r W W .11mial• Ro ll ing Mills, Aug : , IBM Mr 'hos IC Hibberl—Dearair I bare nor your Chemical Writing Fluid, mld find it • ergarticle kir Lba off; it goon frnly from dm poo and becomes.* Wark a a few boor. • You ke. T H TUTTLE. Book.k•eper for Vissells 'Semple. Pittrborgh, A ug EL., 1847,T Mr T Hibbert—Dear Serf Having moaned a bottleof your W Mtn Fluid, same three weeks ago, I consoler it u ly equal if sot toperior to A mid'. or any ether ink now in me, I blow of. Respectfully, WILLIAM STEW ART, Book-keeper for Aral. Nichols. IF Co Pittsburgh, Sept 11, ISM hie T Hibbert—Dear Sid lam meg 'your Chemical Writing Fluid, and fool it to be a mod esreEcut article for rtrel prom, as Game.. clog them nplike the gantrality of tuber inks, fl flows Gee udlicusenesacalp blaikio n keen. Yaws, Amp-Wally, %RR:• Dia-keeper dor ker. • !mimed and sold Moho& and l o by Th Par ema. K Rake, Druggist aid amain; comer of Liberty wad Smithield Streets, PlUsbaegls, Pa. °Mahn, , g NOXIII.I.IIIPTIOX Alt lllESTED—Twihoser lJ aglllletstst wills Dioceses of Cho Limos =Thus is tit certify us lkalae afflicted with the 'first pre , monitory symptom, of Cloaseimption, that I have been *honig for several run with' • bronchi, bareness of the *remand heirloom I omit:tiny otedie.nes, but *and no *lief In atypprnoyration at medicine. until 1 made trie of DZ. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I LISS been nalap this valuable modicum nit Several years, and always And it to relieve when ever I make use of It. My occupation a. N AUSUOn. ner ' whichhops se almosteosmantly engaged, causes urydiscase, at notes, to become eery alarming. when *once means this medicine. I itkerefore take plea safe in making tins public stmement, that others affect, ed with o disease of the leap and exPeetoriet ergo. may 'tom the virtues of this 4 111 healing and may be cored. I have recommended Dr. pannier Expo wait Remedy * many of my:frieudr, some of • wheel owe their hems to this InedieJne Eloniarset i OniasOet. 13, 1645. JAMS) lIEWIT The proprietor of the above medicine would, elm refer to the undersigned persona, sena evade in Perry county, on whom any person may call upon and he eoneMeed that there ate vine* found in the ahem medicine that con* tur excelled: . . . David Ca'booms; flomrset; Dr. B. flume, dm Frain els Golitterattekson tp; Mr. Lanmer, deg Geo. P 01.., Rabbet tp: Jetted Devisee, HarevrOl tp DR DUTICAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, too Syci• mote streetlemelsaatl, Ohm. Sold in Pi tsbargh by WM. JACESOII,, RP Liberty hdad of Wiest Kneel. ' aptellhwT Yr HE eab riber having reeently entered into panzer .g. shi g pl4, the as or of Gallagher, Long Miller, the the o(carrying an the Hall Brass Found, lug, sod. Its Pltueg bob.. in all Us branches, have taken the need formerly .copied by H Gallagher, NA HIP ' , rout, between Wood and VseithGehl am, Ahern they are pr4arsd to atrone an soder+ for 11411-5, Bran. Castings of!very dreeriptioa; and Oar Eden., sslth matte... and despatch. Steamboat jobbleg promo!, attended to. • II UALLAr•HER, 5 A LONG. P MILLYR. N B—The attention of Machinist* H and Engineets invited to our anti •1111609 metal, for • Ted/teed price, robber. as bens S t eamb o at Hebb., by, e wbo have toed both. builders and the poblie generally, ate nine reyiested to cell nod oz. ammo oar elven°, doable sense tore pumps for steamboat and bonnie toe. decl7dlr lIALLAGISF.R. LONG k MILLER. =CIMMMM PASSAGE AND REMITTANCE OFFICE. PERSONS brought out by Om agency upon Me wont reasonable ter we. from any tf VI part of Eneand. Ireland, Scotland, and Water. and in PaciatSbrp• only Forme Cottespozotent• and agnome: On Dab Governamm base trequentlf cams:mod FASIVIIIILI at Home and their (heads la Aromica„agamst the %ads that are ally practised upon them. and hate ninny. refrrtrd to the sell known, hoar of Itaanu t Cm , as be red place foe all ts a pply, AI they oriahed.to be treated oral panes, amy sa d lurolnerm. Psalea mkt *drawee Mementoes Polo AM:Allier the Black Sall Liam state what to unman, and thus dceeme the pablm, is we profess to b.. Agents not only of the Black Ball Line but every other prod Liao and also thanapPs rheas • sight•DranKim in any 14.TOUVL payable ist any of the breathes of the Paothanial or 111 portal Blusess a( 'lre• load, Ersersfin, liecoLopd, Lc. 1% • draw/ on Ow. El ithe sake muse, and eau so' in. Fax to eel mow eon else la throw, thereby eansios innate. and delays. Lot th e Brokers, tee. call uposiera, and arc wlllaeoesothodrae teeth at New Vote neen JUSliLlei Neo3l, Eraoloul• *rot oestkr oth atone door War lewd E=33373 Watrumorint. D. C. Dee. itth, 1;47. Oscar D. Tllesxpam, .E.of lintsbeisea 7..- 181 I Nye mad Nee advartiwinent to one of the Rsttabooth paper. with not • hole won. 1 And oat yo• kayo stored or bolo.* Cifeaiar COS, end ppropnatN U yourself. 1 will tate the Nerty to infoim yew that my Ruin., Circular to my earn com pensate, and is alat it 061•200 propoo. 1 shaLl AN i• I,llgly tanamto be planed Ina paetNa that iota iodine Noon. who do mat know roe. Napalm that am not nape:ilea eempoanig m 7 own Nauman cant; of that 1 ht. LWAnhlst 0 Plliestut uusi •PPROria i tnet ate rani of Meth.. 10 WWI Me. I M 11; therefore„ .ado the ne cessity of NOON and esysatinst 7eorphigiareitoßt toe .01W1tIrr C ROBBINS. r Attorney for Patents, Wastinte ton,D. C. OCy-All aerweparess that haat Ntlished 31,TIrestop- Nee ailrell , l4[MM, will pleNe insert the atter.. del I If T' -Cowllea do Om EE NEW 1(0111( and P/IILaDELPIII A PEKIN I'EA CO. hammy mradermood.thet nervon lo nom In Pinalwralt were clawing the enetromro right m sell their Tees sa that etty.worad4 rime that they bare Wan dined seam can mow the exelosive egeney system, and till neither M. l cyaer, Docile. A Co., me any other concern Isos • right to claim any exclusive port ieres] with their Team The general Agenrof the Colo; gamy, Mr. J.O. tlyekdale, is sow attleMomer's, Eagle lbw". LAMY sa. Pitlaravrgb, ready ito receive orders. AK Taw soM by this Craw any, are warranted equal le any sold la Ow Vaned Wales, and wow men, M2lllred null boyars an entirely satisfied as to tbe. fut. Principal Wareham], of the Company, N0..13 Non 0 ?noel street, Philadelphia. nelldratawka MeCALLMONT.t. BOND ENGRAVING -- Of every &sonatina promptly executed In . matelot manor, ba M. I.FS • SIM Dirildings, N.E. Canna af 'Ain and Don SM., nip nein,' PArmadtentis INT HERE cm always be had at awn noun— V V lisactia Nark M4aLl of all kinds; thus and Plated Door PleteN teals for Danko, fronnles,Corporat lons, de. barnstorm! sisinni! cant, engraved and primed &mica., 111111110 f lOW for OSte, ore inv ited call and examine Specimens and Dealing of the •R non 0, den of Mascao.Odd ?allows, Yons of Tomperaormdc. ATTLISZTTII, TWZICDII,4Iia—W R MGR. 0 PlrY in.ltn rho !mention of dealers and orbria.to h.* excellent isaortioentot shove good,, In his artole• tale room, ay gain, ea well VI in the retail dram - mem, Including— Deck mlz'd Patine -MR Blea and black do; • Invicible green do; Satin striped blk do; Gold orlx'd Jeans; blue nain'd Jeans; Gold retied Tweeds; .All of arklek will be sold low by the piece or yard; rd. ocs in hand, Clodifor cloaks, and bused Pillow do, rot I..ninge deso PAIICAL IRON WORKS, • PHILADELPHIA. S. Welded Wrought Irmo noes. CVUITAIILE tor Locomou ve. Marine, and other steam Engine Boilers, tom V m incheidistortet.. Also Pipes ha Uss, Steam. and othet eras strong Tithe for Hydtoulir Presses, Ilolkiw Pistons (or Pumps (1(1am/in Engiues, Alanitractured and (or sale lir MORRIS, TASIERR & MORRIS, Warehouse E. comer Thild and Nu/not stem hutdelolai•.- env?. Pleatatta,'Plough Coalinga. wagon ot o .. CI, 406 ' RUHFAT IJALL,of the old AIM OGR k El /1,11, to mannlacintlni bore quantine. of Ploodho Neagh Cartlago, Wlllffeft Bede.. Ake, with the Ire pro veinen ta on the Leaven Peacock, Minnie and whet pkwah el. of the late., and best patterns now In use. Watehontw. Indll Liberty or, nuOurxh. orpoute the Hay node; AikKhehr eity, n o the Cotton knetoty2( Mews litacknock, W deltll_ A__ 71071132. PPLICATION ; mII be made to the 1 1 to.ident, Mena. IL gets end Company, far erecting • 11ri•rn ovet.tho Meer Alommatholsoppo•in. Pittsburgh, in tin county et Allegheny. the' 11100•00( of throe certificate., Not 117.110.10,1 n I n em of John Harter, reel. for two 4/1113 of Monk I gold Company. rnod eorofienter. hr. Ins tom*, ornleld., , RICHARD FIAIV Attorney for rnerAecatets of John Hunter, deed dern ; ILZOK i'DAVENPOD.Tt Car Buiiderg, Cincinnati. - OM., MANUPACTIJRI:B to ordrr Passenger and Freight Cue of Bremen nd epprowd description at reasona ble price.. aof the Canals, Railroad and Rh, mr,theyere enabled to ship open reasonable lota. 10 all points is the West. Their work will be warranted egged in ell respects loony made In the United States. MI *Men peactaally eaccaied. RECK & DAVENPORT. • I ... "Formerly of Demon, ht...)_ RALE. ECOND RAND corroN MACIIINER V„ he.— V min band mules, 311 spindles each; rll4lneb duds; : Caig e ,7ll . Pitches wide: . , 30 Looms for tamales, 44 sheeting.; Screw Frew far ba/lrig Sheeting. Tanntoo.seders, draeriog frames, reels, im; 6 see , emi hood cylbiMer Boilers; all of whieb will be sold low. Fegoire of BLACESTOOK, REM e IXr oculoblont Eitt Cotton 111 ilyihthowth, Po. Ca3Mlll llEStoehbobtere of the Farmers' Deposit Bank of T Pittsburgh, Intend making application to the next - Legislature,_for such attention of their Chatter as will glee theta Banking privileges, or if deimedexpedient, pill ask to order incorporated as a new Bank. - • • By of hoard Directiere,_ Jaathiaareas THOMPSON BELL, flashier. SALM-04.elahth of the Steam Root Mu. ager, for tale. Eagaire.of • /AS W MAILMAN, or AM BRYAN. Rreoatora dellins• ITlVillfrO:nre - fiIOATION AMU Ellin inlet)- X DANCE COMPANY.—An Unction kir Moe Dinh tors of this Cerporsiion, to rem for the monism yea}, will he held at the Mee of the Company, on Monde?: the and day ofJasioatl neat, hotween the boon o(19 td. and tr. 4. gonEwr FINNEY, gerkft.! • ZeCtelaTh tooKa_m:rsic, WZARLY U PJAlliN,Orseffuni,theLaßownline and irUaggile Work.— ' Danlphan's Cipodnion—Contanting 'a iketeh of the Din arab! A lV Doniphan; the Couqueet of New Masi eta ti.4l:eamey's Overland Ziepeditiort to California , DoniphiaiN Campaign analost Abe einvi)...d hi* .- Opaean. March up. Chihuahua and Baratta: and the prennone or Gen Yriee at Banta Fe: with a May cad Euttrakringe, by John T Bughea, A H of the ht Iteiet of klimouti Cavalry. • 11. 1 ' . Minim or Bentucky—lts It nudditles and Natural Da osincigtreographical,Saional and Geological deattrits tionat! aritti'anecdote• of Sionegra Lite; and mote than err -hundred Biographical See lehee of diatinguished Pioneers, Soldiers, filatcomen, lutists, Luaryers, Di vine., Itc. illuatrated with 'Cony engraviags; by Levels Crillitot,lintl octavo. ' ' (, The twelve Month's Volunlll. teer; or Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment , of Cavalry, in the Campaign iiif Mexico, during 1E164, containing an 00. count of the Month of the llegiment to Nen Cruz, a dewriptiedef the Country paned over; maniere, cue tontr,Re. of the people; sketches of eeurflife; accounts f all the nht ions of other Vetoed.: Reanimate: and a full Illstory of lee Mexican Werileist of the Killed and Wounded,Rei illustrated b a Wire number of curtest Views mid Plans; by Gee C Farber, 1 voloetava I del . I. Ax"OALS notnrs won. THE 110LIDA1,2-uagets of nfemory. art Llvrdnaled Annual for 180.4, edited by Reynell Coates, M D. The Cherin, a series of graceful and elegant colored Groups, designed enormity for title work. , Tee Offering of Dettely;.a present fOr all Seasons, ern belbsked wth eleven engrairnap;indlted be Amelia W Lawrence. Friendship's Offering; • Christmas, New Year and Binhda,present. Thn Garland, or a Token of FrtentiihiP,S CloHsa. and New }ea r'. Procne for ISIS. i•• • I • . . The Gill or Forndship; a tokerint Remembrance bor ISIS. t- I 30 3 . l rt The Gem for ISIS, edited by Father h. ' ChnstonstrElossoots and New Years Wreath for 'qv. Thompion4 Seasons, Illustrated Ha ees edition. Hosslolr Botany, or the Parlor Boot Rawer., corn . twirling the history, description and not Engravings or 24 E 2 .4 4 .'Fiewers,llt Wild Flowe of America, and II trots With froi ; illustrated with ' in/Haring,. Thu Tusk, and other Poems, by, Wm Cowper, wtHI numinous illustrations; Turkey morocco I • Campbell's' Poetical Works; illustrate &h. &c. Together with a large and splendid assortment of .4a. rootlet Baal with rotated engravinas, many of which ire Jon puhl Hien. For sale at the Bookstore of ELLIOTT &ENGLISH ' .56 at, betwecia . 3d & 4th Magazines for January. DECEIVED ATM A bil:ZlFlL'l—Crablim'eMeguil for January, compr beau ti fulembelents, ma ban amid fine; die 3d a ldezaKtnt Portrait General W National blialprine for January. • • Union • Givley he Lady's Gook n Fashion plate.. ThThe Lovell, of Paris. bk John Wilson Ewa. e Heads qf the Sielsdless: by Ptederiek Kinges of Fo Gogh O'Brien, a tale or the War of Dnee, with illustradoo• by 'Phis: , ninepinte o one volume. j The Dramato Pokerville and other Stories, by 'Ever Pont,' Iva D n eight illunrations. • ' and r Vera. or the Knight of the Blaik Plaine by F. Canis. Klue,ll S N. The Fanner's Sou, or the Deserted (niddrein • tale or deep interest. Anoint and Ashore. or a Sailor's Life.. - Esther De Eadinsi of the Cruxes of lionice—com. plus. A •plendld•tioonsuctu Annual.; price from II op ao E. Also. a Ono and vaned Ueartmenlof Picture or Toy Books for Children. For ash, at M. A. AI/NCR'S. RolOSeld =OM, thud dear from Seemid. dclA) oo Books. 'POE CON VICT. or Oa livpoona• Unnookert by GI R June{ Esq. Jack Ashore; by R. Roland, arr ' . s oe of ReOw the Reefer. Tae Pw of :the Falcon, by Colt* author of Black Plumed Rifleman. The Meuse Flare Head, or the Lady of Omen and Blue: .by Cll.ley Caret the If BN. The llandiPs !bide, or the Maid of Sammy; by Locum Sidney. ' tkanhwe.mnbor of . Sink•auLsketiters,' &e. Loodia L'Aator . cokad .11d and klna Woolf.. .de: by Us. Lemke. 7 Lotslon Quartetly Review, Unun klapasine Gur Daceinber. life of lee rs., T Ilare—a Iwo supply. The Nunaluvering Nehru by the mhos a( 'Riflery of • FL.L . . Ttie WWl:linen. of 'Woman: by Jean... Obl Counnodure or ; th e ilowadd. Ala ma e Young Suawberry Gml—• We of Sea and &we; by Ingnstoma. Knurl., or LW bcht, • puce tale; by J S Robb. &Miamians! Astimit.o vol. by C T. Splendor* of Venni/km, and lb. Cyan of Lome the XIV. Flowers Pen9n:&d. No.l and Ker. Celan.. of Anterica i pane Ndosspnwe es ein. 7 Loudon Punelisad Ptetonsllimes.perlastiteamen. ilembet Jimazhati. Ph, • Coon..,and T ink ea [bad. Pieter:4lu. For wka GSS eat . pwELL del Al ...gunman UM PontOdkr - Rupert. Annual and Gift Dwells far 1545. 7 pi o CII !WI mienes of grays and melant coR red /maps, ari. dmerm.ye Islustramon ,by bln innent brand., wade.. silk and .Ple.du.4. .1.• Itrode. of Men:orb. w illuminated Unno. for Vsla: eilted ter Reynel) Corn, kt to; superbly bound, ekgsat its ilfinninated end illonnted.• Friendinip'd Llffetinr, for INdi elewadY Wind ..d filastrated splyed:denwaylaps by tiortam. Clui.tinn Keel..., and Shwassary Animal. for 131.: brand In nrobiats amee— and Plipitralrd Lyn ,ltati• enetaricks by Sartaitl. ' 'Ma kose af.Plamn, a Reiwous Sairren., for 18: 4,11 id by No. C C Etkarlort ?darn. The litiocindi.Mr A Ilectioq. UM; LlaSinnas, New Tele end Cbmkellay rtes.., for Infs..' The Gift of needstap; a ....at Remembrance for let?. • • Tho Mayßever; an Annul for leaf, 'coined by Du Oahe. Sante, houtul an to ;ream annum' coorn eo. and embeilitheol with - youth cornmeal, nun drum'. by the but arum. The lotese Lady's Ompenloo, and Toten of Agee. hon. Tire above,terthey with a forge sandy of Poro.ett Fiend. nod other Torts, bound on the moat Imparts and enl evy ny lea,4llt• le for CA and:Velt Tun Ciba; for ante by .I,OIINUTSPrit TTOCKT.toDi deftnor mayket & 3d at m,. staLehr•—r • AnohueaCleasoont Mammary; Iheuonary of Greek and Room allY111•11.; Unt'a Duman' and topple:lune asta,manufaranres and mat.. Webouer'a Or teen D, retaaul Todd'a,jUnton'a anaetunard %Tethyer's thehoutla • Worm:sea Doehonars Liddell and Kroh.. trek LontleUD Ocunan'a Ifeb•evr Lena; Itohnuon's Greek Let.eou of Naw Tutu:am: Leareoen'a Lat i no Aonstronh's D.rhonary; Fletuana end Tahtu's Franck DoctvautY • Dock's TheoLogoul Chetunout ; ['noon ItabOn Dort:angry, • flunnun CUtutfos Dat Tin Um re W. a or °Vat mug num of Th`ok'l'a'at- Comical; l'aloaaella'neou and t'anday &bud Book., 01 - way. of hand an/ lot Noe fl.;uurr a EZIGLISII doe fit mirk El btliNtel NOM/ Pi:Oak/U/0m; IFE of General 'L Toy tor. tun notieu of them, an L Alesvo eutatnan and thavolent Moven, and bin graph.eal tkeoehulof ()Doers who hove dathagitalavol thrmulau an thetier won Metro.; by J Won, L L D Anan's Lafe. or. laketebea of Antoosaue Mantua; by Henry 'T Tultmotro. A DaN' m lialrOt's fend of Rollmop Conneveny • Oar en the chart-nu of the Enelaah etannounana are mourned. Jut oat; lot see by' • J L oven Chet, 000/ "owlet - --; BOOK !elate* . Rail /load and Stem / apalliompaniva, being a Traveling Guido Ilnagh the Near Eag:and and Middle Elva; tglin atnnahlts the Pwalbrall Ilia! %Valiant Lan., and also la Canada; A. lactated arab abTiltrlla• maps and angramnp. ; The Poet Ta eal %nta of Fa... Green Ilalleek, nava brat collec-et4 Illastratad with heel anaramngse The Rote, tor A Gault/al. Odl e Cat edited by Emily Idaraltalt—alunrmed ten elcgant steel angraemp, ...paddy boada in tonmero rho Parables of oar Lord; • most eaqviaitely Azklaj•ed benktay.l7pata:rnpily an: VW MK; taigofet baland la woodenaea•ad cobied. Tor sale y • J L READ , . === IigTWAIDAITC—WItot's a' fie weer liimmeti: LI I have come fron , • sapy land; Do in the soul of a =lpir; • • 'Would 1 mesa .tub them What enebantment,:by hem,: Queen of my mini; • 'Steeping I theada love. • The Rainy Ti' Oh give me Mono if in 4 foreign land; Blow gentle gulf deed by batten • . Forgive bat don is forget, Goad bye, alum; Mime mono (milt Domain my half, • Palsoettioraltm Cow that shadow limo thy bra*, • The fountain of peat la; • The moonlight Watts; May Queen; i Received and for sale by P. J I Si. Reverslnianys I ChickMELLOR, el wood street , etintia and Gale's Man !languor, •re tam Olt the way Scoot ent sad will b reeeived In a few darn. deg P1A240111 PIAIOIII H . KLEDER, Dealer in eastern Piano Pones AA at J yt Woodwellin,No.ss Third Street. The Pianos may be examined at all hours, and the aubami• her will be therefrom II to-11, A. AL, and from 4 ton. P. M., each day. : Plitsb`g, October 41, flu • Ws, the anderalgeed, w ould intonn the citizens of l'iu+burgh and vieninytfist we have appointed MO. 11. Mehra- sole Agent for ,Wesiern pennuyjnaig, foi th e sale of our POMO Pinter,frosa whom tbeY may be ob. Mined it our own (New Veirk) price. 811.1818181 R. CLARY New York ,Sep.l,lBlC-ocfifidtl HOLIDAY PBfdlfilT,. JOIIN 11. 018:14.011, No 81 Wood meet, is pow open ing and for ante, Asple ndid amartment of 011111.coks in the richest bindings. • AIM. a new ...mount of Stounfand New York - Rosewood Plena Fatter; plariinla ISe Gout Guitars; • Rosewood Writing Desks, Am. Forsa eat the lowest cast±nees___ der_ OLIDA V Pliklllfilf Perrin:tory 11l rich and hrnatiMl boxes of Froook 'manulactuto. filled with choice perfumery, such as will be highly yel Sed Pre from Melot eed Odd Mach to c every lady's toilet. Price ea to sig. For sal. by K E BIa.LKREI 57 wood meet rtfIRMITMAII "'REIN/MTN—A iholeo nlec• ll tom of Holland Hyacinths, which off , growing to wauy noltoblo .nr bonds? pr.eenu, eon Inn hodon ,ap nlication 111.010 P1416b0/101.`ked Piero, Wood stroti,!•or et nf Otlo. • dein I RN %VICKERS AM BMW PIANO FORTE: NOIV riven ring agi l e/ ( en new coot or New Vol god Boston Plum Porte. from the rtlibrillivi 011111- avatar.). or (Sale it b., N.l', and Clangoring, of Bo.• ion. Tho patterns ore entirely new, god bane olEtho Iste Imprortaarrne • for salon Factory plats b y • tajd JtrllN II AIEI_LVN, NI weed et_' alalalla Prams Plana ASPLENDID assortment of Rolearuo l l and Maim. any, grand notion Pisses, with matµl6 Proatc,jast finished and (or oak,. 1 Alm lain sylenthd liocesrood Kaoter n whip Coleman's celeh rate 4 dnllan at otehmentAnisited In the meet mod. , ero - style, .d for .alert - : yy DI,DMEN Jet/ 119 *tied street doers *helve oth mining an eeplanatlon of ell the te11124 In.A num,. PhYstol.Y. ba• Ate, web the formal u or the - ipal Pharemeopmelea, and' valuable peace.' articles on the mama. I:4 ditmase.. the balls of Deeper le Glint, let by D Deretna DD. Jost reeMiter male by amle . t ' L ?HAD W.SW• EDITIOS lIALATSIA7W.: JA dining .I.vr--a saw/ of the foal.* .4 ". " F°U'' b) Re. a t. cmlr: *rrols,lttan'yrica Scents. Jtralbsbed by • ; I A.kll r•JANES,' • Cipelnzatl.. filltlll pn4l FigN9E.S.A . . fme a.bonment .I"broad nb....1z .. ..„..„,!,.Guap bead las:11114, /cagy 41 . 016: . 7 "I' . rn3 c" 7 kg 1410 2 ,,, k „, 6 • !- • • RUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ko. Votlnaba& PAM rI,IIF. subscriber will sell co accommodatiew terms, J. that valuable GLlTL'6l4llllblioa °maonset.; ab Yd ont miles below Pinobsegb,m what is called Crowe bov. unst, adjoining erty of blr. George Shires. Them lo about ;( e a ses or Lund ,60 acres or which is river bottom; the balance is secured bottom, Hes bean. tlfaAy, and abonods in good cosl:limmtrine and timber. There are from 60 to:p acres cleared. There is a good two story brick Dwolltira Muse, .frame barn and otb. er out Louses, a largo Orchard of choice (reit, and a good spring or muter to every field on the place. The grosser port or the fermis ander pod fence. Tide Indisputable For terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attorney at Law. Ogee oath sc. above smi Meld. denJoilmlewttF , - ORPI I / 1 11'8 COURT SALE, Of Coal TN pursuance of an order of the Olphan'• Court of Al. L legbuy county, will be exposed tp public bale, on the premises, on Tharsdathe tad d of Decembes, I bt7, at 10 tialsek,..4.. AL A ll the Son aye Coal contained • in and ender the surface of 42 acres and 02 perches of lud, situate to Wilkins Township, Allegheny nuttily; being part of the estate of William NV allue,late of raid lawns/de, deed. The pia chaser In have all and every necensary privilege of timber from the surface, air holes, and a ll o th er facilities for mining and um, -ring the said coal. The Coal contained In the abovepremius is of excel lent quality, and is initiate near the route of the Central Rail Hoed,. at present located. Terms,_ush. nvollw3nkilidvf ROBERT CAROTIIIIIIII.Adm'r. • • FOE BALE. • 2. THE NATIONAL 110TF.L t en Water street, above the Monongahela House, and the stshle on Front street, being a leasehold for the term of 21 years from the tat of *put. IRS, saltiest to the payment of whichr annum If desired. the . fee.aiimple m the lot, sdo feet tenet on water stree artending.through to Front st, can It. purchased. &make of WM PI DARLINGTON led sr, above maithfield • YOH THE three story dwelloling at . Hem and eut, new occupied by U. F. Schweppe, Y.,. Penn near ll.d. The Loll! ne by lee feet, and apics/Indy situated: For tenon apply to the ...riper, who haa alma_ FOR RENT—The three story hogu on the comer of Liberty arand I, win'. alley, wwirocenpied asa whole. aale awl retail grocery wore, by 11. F.Sehweppe. low sessionen jrnmediately, on application at the wow kolas of cii John Irwin& Sow, No It Water street by ' JOHN IRWIN WI" mom. • A liansLronsrly daubed Boom. Market street, mem, by ?do lately med &Co.occupied as a Dagaerreo7pe cambial/. Alas, a well finiabed and well formsbed Room; unit. aide for,oesenea, adjoining the Hal/ of the ?dementia Lamy Association. Enuanee at Philo HalL EZGAZZAbf oed37 °Mee, market W. between 3rd & Pros MUM TIIP: large and cooventem dwelling house au Irefla nt ., Allegheny), &smarty oenapted h Mn Ann Oasrant. Rent low. .P 01111.3.1021 given en e in of April next. D UAZZAM. Damediate'ponession of the above house can be ob. Weed by applying to M. Ctelghton, at the canal ware• bonne of Clarke Y. Thaw. POR BALE. A FINE two stogy brisk Ifoose,on 'Nein street, Allegheny ear. 13e/f the upper Bridge. The Lot is M fee: in from by 100 deep For temp enquire of WAtiIIINGTON.4th st • ON RENT. THE luge bre V prow warehouse, 2l , feet (ton by bl.l feet deep,on 2nd lab nenr Wood—Fleut mod Min. Enquire J SCHUONAtAKER /b. CO • 4e16 21 wood at lama Land r le, ran EVEN Retool:awl Land fo ra y o. to bend O( Sthe Llooonenbela River. above Bmwoleille, Pa, bow. too a Item of 7feet Ct.!, which will be 'old in esettango for gools. Foe partreotars apply to _ersO 8 W 114.1/11A LION, MI woods IaTO Lb:T.—A lame, eatornodams, and wall fin irbed. three story brink (twilling, on l- eon IL, ball 'way between Garman alley and Wayne rt. Prawarton given Immediately. For Itanienhavengorte at the office of • W W WALLACE. 211 liberty et BUILDING LOT . IN MANCIIWYER FOR SALE— lbase for sale a beaut tin! Budding lotto fdanchester.neartbererry. Li bet ham by I. feet deep. It will be sold low, sad on sewn:mandating terms. Terms otielteeptlon.bc. myla JAM BLAKELY. Real F.statet Agent VOA T. 2 THE 3.9tory thick Waretwww, N 0.31 Were, attect and 10. 103 Front rt. Potordiale pompom= deco—apply on the promisee. jdolif ALIRTA NIIRR CORDON COURTRYIikSIDERC/R. 11A VINO rezoneed to the city, for convetuence to protheeional bacrwrit, wi/i mottle, Mansion I lease. and llf itniwed.ate enc lau re, mutate on the blade or tee Monongahela, one Mae chore Pitlebuegh. 1.14 3taeirtr JAMFA A CRAFT AM 11 ORE 01.114 - atowde,/ on Phoub Alley, Igg .A..rr!nt. Inquire of ROBERT DALZR!...L. 4 ' do l 3 Omni Poe ILIIPC. THE well furnished. Site, on Markel weer, Il betureeti 3rd end 41k nreeu , In present occupied by Barrens k Tuner. Iroseceston pi eon on the In of April next. E rrAZZ• n•- itef./1 A lianiltorne °dice ireerybilollfall. • E nASIAP4 • TO LiGT. lOW Gaols IVlvr_bow,ONcodwest, wood do above Diamond allSy. Fliquirc of Jot: ' DT WOMAN &CO VARIETY GOODS. - • • Wholcsolo Dry Goods. • JUST 'RFC/3 VIII) at the, Wholuala D 4 Good. 6.46226, fig Darker story.- 3 sour new auk. frui t .. d do loltle nod *mode nts: odo Guru ne p w ri styles; 4 do mixed and .taped easvolerr.r. 6 bales v 0644722 and yellow datmaisi 0026 es dorsiuess anashamix 4 do wiped sod plain alpacesr; 1 do Ifentockyleasr oto ropenor Oclung; do ConlAo demotic Alm, while bums, white cOOD of every &scrim... hood., corr., gloves. lion icry i faro., he• kr. On hand cautiesso socket brown arts bloatitud maxima, fan- Cy truss.' guichasts, check., bonnet tlbands. Frost h rimer ho Merchants arc irt6pectiolly 2. 46410 <1.2 624 6.16.2223 oar nuortmant. am wc am maddest our stock will favorably compare with tissurs houses both to variety noil pace..n utX MEC= Gentleman'. INartaroklag Goods. k E. Jobb hate tio• Jay nreoLve4 dine , !roar ‘kri ikknoiartaren, aa.lo lir for male as New York pricer • I cue of glue Etna ailpelEate &one onnorauore4 expurely for oar awn Wes and It - unsaid sell I ease of Saxony and Merino ander. Mien, wrappers eat Drawer...rare very fine. 1 ewe Dean. and Cells., tat:Matt Bosoms with Col lar. attached. I elm patent swivellonnetwiretdcm,witla other Goode tee anaemiaa to ante tat, incladurg blk and fancy adjasungetoeks • Seem now and plain Pa. Stoelts. Bombast. bow and pbtin Untab.uine Meek. B.lk and Salm TIM nob *llk and mutt Cravats, with oar ewe of low ppeed :Slim which we am BUM in Ovality have never been mrpssecd in price lad. city. We intend to ehwe the above Goodyear by the package and would tall the anentlpa of Parch awn to oar stock of Goods, knowing Fow liners will lacuna them a speedy Ilk FITODD sal :a vrcqd mop 'mini, 11 dm. below ed.* ut Wkoleli . D i rt Gloodu 11,(0V7 opening at Wholesale Dry Oxide Room.: .1.1 Id Market cree 24 itery, 10e pes a! Alpaceas, pea English Merrites,llares otOregen Platdsaad Cash mem, ;,French French Bresdelot, 41 pea fanq• carat. .retm, 5 COM. easneett, 10 halm red, FA. and yellow Unite/a 300 pcs Manta ta ttew • tyles calicoes, dome.. groghaws, glove. and hewn', etcher with general antorusteot of pod, hlerthann are i owned to examine oar cock, a. WO WC ranfident it Will favornldy ownpare want Eastern swats, in styles a n d prices. dt.l7 K.M.A O ON &CO nn loud., India Rubber.. bong overcoats. tuck Daemons., shun overcoat., etre s without sleeves, copra with 'Were., poncho,, 'among., boo, camp blankets, bows wryer; travelling bogs, asddle buy, ton town, provision bag., mews twat buckets, air pillow., au ettahatea. au hoe, bag ruck, (eche ladle.. and enktines; all of afloat we hat,. enonplasa asisinwent that woofer wholesale or ratnn ma the loyal-atoms ble lenses, at oar Indus Rubber Depot 3 wood aueeb ne24 • ; • Jag It ALIILLIPB N - rckireu 0011 K an - plied Wire proof—highly renornabensful by Pkyalolaba as betog a nue preranout mason Cold., of ineomparable pee wee In nrstriatio ond Consumptivo baba., being so mammal la to roc SI cob/ d Otottlorti they aft at. durable leolute. mum, light an 4 only to tie feet. Manufactured bud told wiybitblib by Grrni.• d Pty now, Wtllisrmburir, 1. I. A full awortment of Loan,' Rion for sale by nen F HEATON. 43 markets • -•---- Vall4loll TUILI[KIIII.I /RAWER_ We havejaet weei red a large additional apply arms French Tusterri sh•wls. As thews good. .t very seater, eve vrt.ld reepeetfullria , oll Dia ladies to eon and etarusne our stook, as we OM '141144 IVA ISM ',LK/ANDER & AY - litenrkei n,N W ft.:diamond J u stlNtce"."..E..°,";,„E,:,q;t:Vi'lY,"..—"" "'N - S do. Cordo add for Ledies'Cllikkai 9 " " Gents' d pc+.blue Sckylei Silk Ftioge, hub 'wide " V " I [lOll Wiili a larr • ' 11=!ri=! ji LIST RECElVED—b6A a dsets Co's Espress 7 P do Pea b rl C D a rti Cloth; for over, bil• sines* and sack owns: which will be made loonier el the shrinest notice and moo reasonable tem. 4y_ A NeKtik& MAYER dell • .70 wood at, 5 doers above eta De gereiVid by ee 1, press e rety bandoarce lot Ladies` Dress Hoods. consisting of— Soper embroidered Cashmere Reber: Do Binned,. merino do; Flee plain Cashmeres, !maudlin ankle; Ulna and Ceidimere plaids. AIit:UNDER d A) . 75 mat het oh ror of the diamond • _ _ VLANNELX—Red. Brown ind barred Flannel.. An additinnol received from the minas.. priced Carsinet.; (or I A COCII RAN wnfrt u sale by entl3 STIGUTIAts-4 'cures superline arid went.", black and enlored Enxhitiiil led received ill I cert..= impniters by riIIAtIALETT& WHITE dela ID wood st autstl AA. At AbleN & CO, al Market received . per Expreea,l3o or thaw very neh u ft &obio. long and vinare Raid Shawl,. s del DINDING-12 man Spired inohalr and silk *Sat anon* L Co'. Ell:,mu, pi day. (am l'hiladelphilGe anle. Iry . SIIsCIILETIS. VIM% Pd woad st • ri.ANNICLII 1 PLAIIINLI.III • rl,4litfzltlawAsaati aba, a Itge Ia at lt a.. i taulleo , u4 rra ar.ale.tr chop._ k DAY ~ 73mSrkrla4f %V cot diamond del) plain filch Veteran De Lonna& . M rivOril dr. CO,OV carter iii, heir. j teeelved AA el . r L"r Ziree d°"l"th' e "n. is arc, tsettlftersi'"A tfatefi:r . ets7l:ll; m eit . a large supply of ninth; of sal tablpoulala and a.-. 1, r• for Ladles , and Gentlemen's el,inks•as drYAsssda band of •• • • AIURPHY • • naitheaileixbds &masks* all ON HAND—A lame rand splendid stock of.Cledu, Cassinseres and :,'ll.llUaga, rA(eb ydl be Potdo otder -141 Ha latest' ityje and an ihs won' reasonable lanos, by • A NCHER &HAVER • delo • - 70 wend ma dabs, snore 44 EZUARINO/I—wit Melon tooeired .174 a lute auenment oL black and colored, Eeatala aledinesoe addohlon Lards the eaentikt et pope= neadinic tho anfolooth we ecee;lbagthod•ldrdal ' Pla• deg _ 44KWIDtild - •. RATES OF DISCOUNT, RATES OF DiSCOUNT....CORRSUTEDI Bra: : A. IiAL.IIICIi !ala .505, - f. ~. • 4 Etthiagn Brokers, ro. 55 lEatkat street, swat ;to Plimaa3r/vaaillw. ,; Indiana. .. , . 1.13,4,. .. , BankolFittsbunrk • • • .Psa Stat. BR Jallnmehes, Et eh Bank par S•ateScrip - = •••• • • ' March- t M.. Sank •par :, Ittraklslai. JBkaofniladelphia.•• .par Exchange Bk. of Va:.• I Girard Bank , par Farpters Bk. of Va I Bank of Gertaaatown , .p Bk. of the Talky,. --- '' I r. " Chewer Co.ty• ••par of Virainat ..... —• , " Dt11../ . 0 Cox, • •pa 31. &AL Bk., Wheeling 1 " Montgomery Co.• par do Illaia.tooro• •• • I " Nonatonberlaad• "pa r N. W. 1.1. k Va•--7 , t Colombia Bridge Co.• • pox do Wellsbarg. , ..-• Doylestown Bank par do . Parkeralsg.-- , ' Tarraers'Bk. Pleading.par , Tonne... , Fusers' Bk. Books Co. par Bk. Of Tenuessee• •• • - 'Farman Bir Laiteaar.pas Fari ik. MorelOts Bk-.;••• ,L.easter Co. 8k.,• • •par Majors' Bk.— •• ••• • 7 , L.eoster 8k.., ..... par Union Bk . ;U. Stat. Bask. - —JO ,f 'fitlaaranal . • • Browns - v . 111.3 , 11C parißouo Bk ornsaouri• • • • 1 [Waal:oar. Bk. ' f 1 North Carol/no. OstrfaborPkßk ' • a IBk: Or coo Feat .1 Clmsabersborg• • ...... " Notch's klk.,Nowbern• I Soaqualt , anna Co. Illk.:, . 7 State Bank _ • 1 Lnk Coßank, OW.I/10,•31.. • • • • '''' end I Bank, Waynesburg— itarrubum ......... LOA.. Flonesdale 1,1 Equsrille ..... ;•••• " Sinttb Carolina. , Camden Sk ..... • ••• Bk. of Ch?trlesnon• •• • - I/ •Comiaereial St Bk. of Georretown••• • ••• iSk.of namburs— • •• 14 lderr.hama lik Planers &Mechem Bk. Bki of tlDath.Canlina• • >lllarylauad. 'aqUinore Bka.• p inalua'a &O iißerip.•lo ar Cumberland Bk.er&Ue. iFixt. k r . of 111ariland• '' Farman' & Mechanic* . Bk•Yredmiek " Fredetiek Co. Ilk.- • " Ilsiermown Ilk " Mineral Bk • • • ....-- ..... " tnteoßk... ..... ... :: Bk " .ofJP:tm l ' l la k '. .711 e lehlg:1: - : f Diver Raized••• .- :big. In& Co••• . • 5 .14kleell's Iseimmin Terell , y. r.&rireln.oo.3lilm'e 5 I. lll aalventDanka.- ••• 3 Bank of El i landNaies s!olde. Spec 1a Value. Napolalina ... ~. .. . 3 erl Mean' 5 150 2 20 E E nl n Mcaw •. • . lo so Maki:km4 Spanish: DOU Do. Pa triot 15 50 6overoleas ..... , 462 Guinea , / '. 5 00 Frederickallora 3780 Ten Thilari• • • • • 760 'Ten Guilder. •• • . • 300 iLooiad'int• .• -• .• 450 , • *xchaaajga. iNew Yark .• ..... ..1 p. ,Philadelphin lvne , P 'Baltimore • f at . . hilanor WM.'. . Wyoming _York Bk. West Branch Bk.• •• Kittle( Notes Mt Mitt. Pitto.do Pt/ k COnoty Scrip Oh. • Stale Bk.sad B io ramlum I .Mount Pleasant . Ss Clainville .. .. -• •• • Maneits-• New Lisbon. “ Cinelnltailßank . Colombtu do• • Bk. Bk. 1.111 Par IW Mat E=MEE Sandusky Xenia DXl=l' a Western Reset* a Franklin B'Y Colnabaa " Chillicothe Lake Erie . ..... . Lancaster . 10 I Hamilton ' 13 Granville 50 FunCrs B'k Ci 121011• • , .. 10 I Urbana ' 00 I I Kentucky. Ilk of Buttock' , .... Btof Louisville Norltem Bk. Kenneks• a lUrtivu York—Coy Banks, I EXCHANE BROKEN, &g, mummy, HANNA 75. Cu,, IBANNESta.. EXCHANGE; DIIOKNALS, , AND DEA , aIBS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCNANOE. CERTIFICATES OFDE POSITE, BANK NdrEB, AND SPECIE; • Fourth st, =sad °Mall. Oa Daldnt Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEY received op Depocle—gist Meeks /or sale, and collection. 'made on nearly all tho_prinelpal Is:Ayala the United Sts . * , The klghempresalom paul for Earemn and American Gold. Adsmoeca made DU 6 1)11[1IIIMILI 96 . 414ittohipped East, °llliberal Imam - .1 mania C~ayu TORIAPEIL . II..., Rate at the Gnu of *ld. A. ea HA t Co.,l•Ad WM. C. CU RRY,rdate of Erie, Pa./ bare meted mto Omar utership„ ander thecae= of CURRY, for the porpotedf carrying oft the Vaal andßzehanze In.afata branch., at .NO Wood otreTt. Uirre- doort;=l,o6w Fourth, wen side—where Pity salsa the eaetata th 6 rfe.n" end the public generally. .ICtiRPH RILL _Attu • WM. C CURRY PalerY H , HALL. WO. C. Carlal. AILL & CURRY HANKERS A EXCHANGE COBROKERS, HEALERS IN FOREIGN , AND DOMMIC TED 6: 6 SIGHT DILLS •OP EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, BANK NOTES gpiD CO No 65 Wood onsi,llurd douche/op . ftanb, wan asde. , PPARPanda aid clanoroy received op Dopothe, sod I collo-. 0:40 ..6 .6 - 4Dlfio Khulee cu. Sisal * hoar Daldenare, Philadelphia, New York.DonOn Lod Ctnoismali easaantly for sale. OtnO,lndiana. Kentucky, Virginia/awl Perinaylvania Bank Nolas,belakt and told on favorable tem, F.aehangoon Dogland, Ireland, Genoaky end France encored. t0 . .41,a. & WON, theaktral as Deaths la Exituisigs, Cola . wad Maui Noisy NO. 65, aaltatr STOOL?. PITTSBURGH. Rollins 6,, et. Eadianao- , Baying Rates. New York, re. .C.noinuall, I dia. Philadelphia, 'do Loolsoille, • Ido %Inmate. do Sc . Laois.; , do Baying Rama. DA IC NOTHS.• Buynorßates. Oho, Indiana; Ma Co. & Sonp Orden, I dia.. I . do Relief Not. , do Reennoky, tdo Penaylvinja C Virginia, . y. do -I dd Now Vail do, "do Co Whothal, do 'Now Orlanne, "do Tennewee, dead do Maryland am _ILLIAM A. HILL di CO., 'ealts.rats, lexonAzroz'onosz.as VIALII - 2 111 , FORE/ON AND DOMESTIC EXCIIANOE. CERTIFICATES OF DEPO.ITE, BANK NOTES, AND.Sre No. DR Wald Sow; vas •Mre Ftwg, Et/stride N O) PittAba ••• PA. ' Idk.wF as./.12 Leaitza. - IDWillts Juan KRAMER: Ai RAE*, 11,1 A NICEIIS AND EXCHANGE DROKERS, dealers Alm Foreign and Demedie Ellis of Ennbange, Certifi met of Demote, Bank Not. and Coro, omer of 3d sod Wood streets, &Teed) , opposite 84 &ales Hotel. • mylledly rereiga irscluoare,, . wails* Fneand,lrefund.iind Scot'thud bonen to sAyAutortat it the Cartent Rues tif F:selango.— Alto. Unite porta& in any port of thethd C04.1,ne14 froth 21 In ilf63,At the rue of 63 to the 1 therltng, without deflection or fiferoent.by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. EximpeAit and General Asetn, Ofee2; Sth u . one dooi,vresioferrod ; oetlthf 0. Uti pa:re da ttL a !Fed at die lowest ra 11' :e7 , 17 ' 31. 174.61N°1"; 4 HOLM t: 304 Near Valk. , • Pkiladelphia,and 11Otireurre: • N HOUMA &SON utarkrt GI Cn l na*ly Co. We by de VOLLY‘96l6:64rie—ileienin -1.7.01.....rpazt et the Sewn. centime en the toast Womble terms. N HOLMES& SON delo ' . al reeriget 33 E3CCIIASOIO6 ea New York, Philadelphia, lad :Baltimore ' at eight, tit sums to mitpareharens ; eoe y rot saleby . HILL &BURR% fettl weed street below /earth. WRATEMB PUNDB- - The two of the Ohio, teems, sad Reautehillanks purehmed a 1 kw ramie( iliseormt, at the etre or • • ' • HILL JYCLIRRY, • oil II Not 3 wood of below foonh tloltooolado by lIILL oetli wood at bekiw fourth HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FIRRION FOR 10TURN:,. A 1847. • '-: • M , CoRD-8‘ kof a , '. HATTKR3, , Corner of Wood and Fifth S hea. -' HAVE received th eir Minutia style of Haw, to wl la they topeeillally invite the notation of their rene wers end eittreeltt mend!), : rot '! A. Fall Style Hats. , MisCALLARI hulas& received a beastiful stuck ot Beebe .Ak. c...tae. Fall style Hits, which fts nehness and lustre ounces bo surpassed:, Call at the Hat P.m, Noutiougabeht House, Smi t hfi e ld ill, and pe..!!them... , . - 2. . ocilll 11121‘ , Vifirt VTIOII4I OTC It. ---- • PATENT MR CIRCULATER; AN Det A11213' PRAirECTOa.—Tm inibseriber will inttudare op Saturday, Oat. 011.. OellFtMen ; 7 4 7 1 0z15:1i1174 , t3 ',al this desirable a rtieleyetll please ' ALFRED KILEVIL, Practleil Littser, 1&21, hea2Cof weed a . TALL lialllllo2ll. • • 8 MOORE halleceived • from New Vcirk. tbo Fall styli of Nate vrioeh be will introduce this day. Sanardaf. Aug atalt. All to want ofa near andamperuur hat would do well to call er NO - . 75, Wood Smt., 9..1 door above 4th. Wall Waal:How, INIT. • 4 BEST corm RN Ntyle lienilemen's flats will be In °dated t KELVILIt. tm Thetraday Austen IN . Gentlemen Malting Al cheap, rash: 'amble Hato( Pnmbstrehmastafactere ahead of fashionable Mats Imported aid advenised by tome of the uado, please roll at , MEWL ft CoN wan/ t . 152: head of Wood at Al Elrir - Milft WASILIOSI NOR Illebtrr —s ' JUNI' reprised from New Vort.tka Sane jli • met. lityleVor nail, mmialris or ;White Brava, Pearl nail Whits French Gasslmere Mats; arid, Ventilators. These m want of a heaotifm,l hlHat are respectfally invited lus call. • 8 MOORE • LorER 73 ..0.1 n, Sdooriabove4lll 1 WILL.IeT4 - Ikilibl..AB MO d—a teems .e 4 flesh ikeeply of Rlngrold and -.Baena iftsmSilirl Glamdtaas, nese styes. Extra -,,- flleFreneb Moleskin Mats: at werylow 4 lell • • No ?Bytom! street WILLIAM 001/(44.111iii CONTINUE,/ to otaattfactlan, and keep constantly ott pansy, tem vorety of Flats and Cap of tbo I s t tost style, and petces ten' lOW at • Woo 4 street,Eastslde. • ;v97 Crs! CAVIII—FIor, Otter, Seal last to mitt McCALLAArd Fuhipanbie I al btorn„Afonotryst ell House. 0019 OfAirki ANDGLAWD CAPS—A epWadid n • ascot end rent variety of style at ItiepALIM so PS, Monnneahela Home.' . NOTICE TO srocknoLorais—i u pixontunee et the provision!, of the Choler oftecorporetion, the annual etatulag of ibe Btock lot/lets of the lilcre,ng,ah e . la elaylgatten adWpatty, will he held onhlondey, the 3dday of - Jaatetyy,lBlB, (being the Ben Slooday et the month) at the oft* of the said Company; In Breed's &adj.', roved( street, in the oityorYntsbnrah, Or tie pam o eecting i W e oifec D e A V the :W e E e L n L s . e t ß e t e e. a a r r . y,. YlronlEl!mlil. Vrinitiaw' 9 `9 ,4 *' k ,b' Peter Arn o ld Memo,lola the Lath gthte riehelont olden serrated* toe Casue of aohannYthergn tor rule by 1.14.1... or hot *. at • *Jul . JACOIJ WVAVEig est Ist ft anoint ma wlchu ac .4 6 2,7 b thre -1.7 Iran, ss. between pen% • W 0011,,, WOOL ' • I:1Sn hltbesuprlee askpaid kr: ap eAfSen usdeA of cllan WSslkal 74141 6 r. 7: SW um] :ravels/we, eor itScrtv Nii t ja • 111 AWL/F-A kw very gbamas„ *ask 'IN .00 tiklitififeady kelt". , • " ' ;'• ''' . llaarla**‘Ditif ' EMM!EM 4ROCERIE ke. NV I Il i "k ar ° Pe t" i 44 oTrosit • • Sor, 8 Bladelsa do; • . i ts "• L 430; I • pmington 'dcr, 107: .; T d to • " • Golden do -Palo Slirlryd cr.. • do; 1.0 - Brown do. do; ' Liaboo do; - - 15 7 • Dry Malaga do; Cur We is gnintiuca t 0174 den i sauthfield k LF.IVI4; H ISON lc CO, No. 45 Water and 92 Front os , Agents for the St Lour, 9.tesAs SWILL' Etelnery:heve in suor... 31 bsi, D R Large LoacSagar,, .... 13 hbts No 9 small ' 15 bzs No 4 • ~ • - e ~ 113 bbls No{. • 145 ,* 5 " • — n . 151 ", . O. ~ , . . • 129 ". , 9. ". • . . JA 1 , 9 ' "• • . 00 3 , "e"er 4s *: . po eshed . wdered . " ". . . • • - For sale eV:educed Drifts: - deka . • V REIM iFR UIT, itc-40 bis new crop bock irnieine • • AUX, lilasniwOringelq 5 &an/ Dal., 5 eases Citroen • ;9 bble enelled &Immune; • ,i. 9 Plibens; • bre A Rot Rock Can A- •' • ' SO bas new ecs.ted Hemet: received per, soar condi Or sale by MBEItT & SHIPTON, nein i• • !XI& LIS wood et mANTlF,Af,Limm4hto;BAcup— .."Chapmaoll.s., ••- :20 " I ve , ...iig• • • . IRS 4, &well & itobizmode• 20 -A—Brancbtft 1; • . . • '3O !. Darozes 12.; on ioy i gromen k sq water ct USDILIES-60 dos Playing Cards; - • ; . 4.3 ,In bate Ohre Oil; •' 10 bra line chewing Tobacco)-: ' ! - . - tii3) blscr=e o d , : x s; , •,, ~ .. 6 . Walnut do; : • • 7 10 '? Brandy Fruits; , . . • - ; • 90' 1 Bitters; . , 60 ~ Pepperminn,• - 6 ~ ' Lemon o ,yrentot sale by • del.V 1 • r c hisirrirr= ! DRUGB-:Gessadynti, Turkey; - 1 - • 1 . , • • Do Gamboge; • Do Bloo•Tree; ' I itS P : ''' i n Xismstnied; • r ~ T. • i Bat:Jahn; • • - ~ sale by . ,Lf)o Belladonna; juktEgged and.* 1 • • 11 A F.all Kft'CO• r i ela -, ' ' ' rot Lt & word Ws • , OLLB-1000 galls winter bleached Whale Oil; ammo • ' . . . aniele; 3 bbls Tanners Oil; ' ~ '. ~ . - •,' . " • Crude . 0 dIitPC7I2IMTNY . I I n,i, ,' ' viral ... St lia, near chew's,. ; , :LlEAT.nzna,se—,ssschrialhissai. • , •. • ,r 1 .L -. • . 6 mks Ginseng; Dry Apples; ' ' , 11;01_ • 1 csk Beeswax:. • . • • 1 liet Beeswax: le arrive; far Web y "• 1 dels --. • ' • ' . 1 DICKEY & 0:1 --;•• • ' IanDILIEB-9 bblo fred roll !Ulmer,- 1// 131*Cloyor seek sa lets Peach.; I talolfop% kegi Lard: received per am Eloi`wer . ar sole 4.8 wen:agent delS . .21:mu= &CI? fm eta - jk 408 EL aroscATEL hack wipe, Haskell & ezportation t for sale by the ease or bottle a th: Wine store. ; self ' ACOft WEAirklt MEDICAL MEDICAL ;AEU sunsid&L "ortryvit• LA._,ISS DIAMOND ./tls lf few doors tokrn ood Week, , IL fl , ; • . mei melee= regale* 0 . 2 . , ---to the mothearpre . feneon c and been lot mama Jfk nine in moral puttee,. • ' -- veeo now anasteo hissztentlest • .to the imminent .of tines •—• prirate and delleatetontj . .4 • plaints for whit\ bhioppot ; - 17=IP&MMItterri'r." Eleven yeare estadoemer ;resoled AO ute -Maly au treaunent of those mends seta, iderialt whieh nem ha has had more practice tad Lay eared toompaneole than einem. fall toilet lot of aly PM.I. runtime:l itea ply ;ambles him to Geer ae. enema of speedy, puma_ nentpseid satiateeterf .16,11 Sil atiCted with • MIMI trammel, and all deseasee ariseng there/Ms. • Dr. Brown Mould talk= thole &Minted with disease. which have bemonteehronich7liaie or aurora red by the ere Of any of the moment nonannex of the der. MU their I iminplaints eon be radially aut rat , 0.414 cured . ,he banes given his eared alleation to the rarara.r ouch east., aid amew.led to hmeiorde of instance. in'eming walla of 011amation ofho meek elite ;bladder, and kindred diseases winch orlon melt: ma those eases where odium have ernaMpted them to hopeless despair. Ile partmelarly invites sea u families/send anmeeessfolly weaned by others tC/ salt him, when ewer emisfsetion .o,a.beß,ind their eases untied in metal, Mar I , oll,and adamant =anen t painted • oat bj Man espurnee study mato summary to Itimpossible for lase engaged to general preen. oc °raid. g ra, soy ed. 0.. &k ale- • /13 - Iternis ' at Raptare-Da Brown • also - sten penises airiciedwilli Ilenna to ;call, as be Nu pal pat-Lied. attention Win disease. . 9tln Diseases; deo Piles, Ppur,eir- speedily eased .T.Chipesstryless.•., • N. ta-Passaus or eases ser living as • alai...lsar Os - among their diieasem with*, rising all the maw to, east obtain medicines mutt. vl4ations. kir axe, by addresses( NzoWli, N. A polii.paii and Gado, .Iflte . r : ' F He io.C.Sfiiticoad alloy , °Wales gia Wavasil ID- N.ear.. , * pint ,CSTlthin, DIPF/CULTP OP BREATHING.A This dteci.te Is rutted by a parneptmalconatrea teen of the Mr cells; it is .verTLAeltuntating, almost Iran. sing, eurocedon. R. VIN T BM.E.WS PANACEA Is the only certain cure. - • i Hoarseness can be entirely eared by a free nee of Dr SweetaerhPanecea. Catarrh, or common cold: which , if neglected, terminate is connomption, Is drove:telly tcheredann eared by Dr:ion:diet% Panacea , . • - Bronchitis, if nochecked, still efecatelly lend to - Bronchital Conauttption, but a timely use of or Sweet iter% rano.a will cranially cure it • Inflammation of the lontrits or Sore Thinet.—Tbie . disease. once kat& to scrims consequenees 'from air. Elect, such so ulceration of the Mani.. On" the firm symptoms, Dr Sweets.% Panacea, should be preeered mimed freely • ; • Coughs and .Colds find it' ser.r.ign remedy in Dr SweeisegsPanneea. • • • Pnetteimna Notha—A reef faril disease, teralturg from a rioted cough and celd on a deblltutied or huh., down connitotkuar aged persona are subject to tr. • De Sweet...l% Pelmet% abode be used on the .first Spur.. toms, which arcs tough or cold. • • NifeelL Sweats —This 4:l,4h:wing complaint win ism with • tinnily cheat, by win Dr Bar Peewee. Consumphea—lf on the first appearance.' consemp tivnepaptents, which are a pain to t e side Mal broad," tamb or vides of bleed.'. Dr traremeesTainseen Is eeny no clangereeed be ospratindoL_..., • . Wen the Lanes, the Windeme, or Me Drenehlat Tubes became clotted enerint phlegm mai to reaforatton or blem&na. Sweett.%Paateeiht= is• powernil Expeetennt,ihould be taken isseandlng ingetenza,This distrenteg concede, SO pierahrin our donate speedily clued by Dr 13weetiara Panacea,. Price Q. per beti/e,er six bon. fort& Pm sale by Wilt JACKSON, Ml'Lioarty it, Mee of the bed. • • . • grainy- IyJAYZINIS ,WAJILLT .guripautzeggs.,— t It lawn principle in the managementof thtspaper to pence anything which we futd out, from 'personal co vernention, to Int of tuiltir to Me public,. Some Do /apnea medicines we hair wed in oar flusaly far many years. For instance the RXPECTORANT, the CAR- , ALINATITE, and .VERNIIIUGE, winch We know tit be good fin the complaints they profess to cure. Wks', tame ea Lake CILILIIIIO the Demean:met, wheat seseml.- aartraveUteseempanious. from haring, in Western. New; sae 100. for Weer days, Ilmesione water of Suit region. ware bedly_ahaeked with radar de em and Dysentery; bk. B. had _provided hintmlf, • previous to tearing bonte,withnThe I..%l=mao , n o f.D a . Jayne," and in all eases of Haute. among Are mottle, men; n woo sweessfal in effecting a speedy eine. I. The Espemotarit we hare knoont used • MOM tea Intimate friends with equal move.; and wo feel that we shall do a good act to Amities fespecieLY Mom toned ret 04' CILILICOL have access bsionnedlate nwrisal skill,ito Odom them to keep on hand bothtbe Expect, rant end Canninatire.. The harpectonaa jab...tiered by good phylicians to be the becipe-far Pah masa Consumptive Complaida, tha his s ver yet 'been eon pounded... The ressonM, Dr. Ism la riots spack,bag remiss adenine, and able Medical preen:mon Wm. self. Hi s Medicines ere used tit she best °dean I• ' • ' Editor 'tithe Phil. Sanwa, moorne r , For sale in Pitudengleatthe nu= TEA ISTORE.77 Fair* IL, near Wood I , ,othasueoptiyes'.oimsetatiew. lkorn.rietneirs "Nigh ripa4.yorkT!,nl , • Or _pima adlica roar breutt_ • : TO M.. Dignorper Harlin AA 444 nu Fre. pea lest'. • • . II clean idnii 7 cii..doinl .- • , DieouespßvLdarWelout..•- And oidtpers th rough the gicanunan, And yet he-whole..' • • • • See. Mang manor' lonely keel rrtt limbering grub Cenay . • It namely nips ibe morning dee. Beim it burns away. -Tl4 Won= of Dell:A amain La afar, And ntrenatboned n vele— , And 'auto it tikamed, (a loTniT Saki lit:tipped 111,0 and tamaak t • • :Tait WOZZI . of N44=11(144. delledi: If Dr. Dencanigart :mere in.; And many lovely damsels Owed, The fete of an. entimely grave. gotit , Dßi DUNCAN'S ItitMTERN gra Sycamore mei, Cmln cnau, Ohio; IF! medicine. cold. ' I , ld in Ditightnabi JO.CXSObii Winter 0, - Wood end Giber. gm -1 sit • Nor INloratech.- . • Dal to Ir,e.7llltiitriaria mu& andennteed... hay - keg been . 'conginced or no .L neecegly t :goon medicine 'icepte4 ass : Children aild Wan. to gaperceed tha age ell Was • . medic.. VG.. °mate emu& and han at le a d. c emoted Iltpreptiring s saraing to. the public i - 11111 ' ;:1V emoted nnowering %Trey peist. the - bermalvorithost tha lite o rmute Air elit r rant deleterious d p eal I ' any other galenist. to Ware. Um team.: The ralluvr Pasujethee been folly tested and tried. the last t , welve the e~mo t dlel,,..irwa, wing Month% kr.zirrip. femme& aml.kland all Moos •• 1 . prate. the a.m. game asset &Akan the bill or direattoo.• DI.: Vpaildsm, Melte; Griping Pala, Stelae. amg • Dim.* !al4glng Mem ,Teethleib: acting loooodwoly . 117a4tt'i''HI th. ::ism two to•a iranciall and , joy km WY. (WWI., 70H 'Li whnlwie add tr Ml.f the Nhoa & Seeltr33l:reltor Mbar 24 ;r 6 . , ' Le All glut. and PitletiaraulL - - • S 7KincrutturOolosto., • _ . .0x4,6;ii0a1a;012:=41.40.7V4.45:3t. gent et, 1, mi. Tan go forwent a. eergir dog- , t time. remitted... hove been, rends, gmtlefecton-Theiltinagiforge iner el. In Git o9armiellog, :t.' rug , ti: - .-,:y. t ...D.Zrtt Pre rt.dipdgehr.lietervietnd niem *Sr LEV-Dletal sneer. -anaity . !alll,4nei6 i Pl, 77:*-; , ' _ . k4a;_. • ._ • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers