GAZNITE. PITTSBURGH: •THIIRSDAY MORNING. DEC. 23,4818: Wriv=afar (WATT= 10 Siabllfted therti•WeetryllAllaarlrai ISClEWeikkWeiti7.4-Tr. 'l4.llmPermasna Maw& , rag i o . y , coneepondspre of Abe MATO cum. 111121134/1T Ow Tan i tgamAsony DIMPARTEMII2% -1, -• , i Athwg the cathodes referred to the CoMmittee ,•, :le, WIT and Mawr tali art, 'thnlay, I miles the % WrMridtb:h may bel ltherstring in their dot 1 - " wilg;wi ahowlog woe of in, plicau ixploa. t - amid the Genetral : , ' hilly proper, imd solo:them for the ••.-, seat theldrim.intie SO, 49 to .11- 1 ttxy ja i 6 ,11 , „1446 7611 , ' - Warr 1 n 147 741 ',- Tettillestkok uo:soo •weatka. , 141,472 iLied gem% Sams, - 46 6 . 828. 1 ' 14b1 Boma eatabilettinent, 477,154 flerraye of AMU Ltard4 t 1189,240 ' ladliddel supwreseoli Omenunenr, 649,800 l'ontimt bga • I', 313,800 r . I It is not erail to too notch reliance ripen «dews intimitud commis: trb.. W. reoun t. rid Mr, nevi'ileamae, but it. often largely mob. ' tlptieb, • Thus the Becretw7 of Um Themull. ler *malted by lak, saes he his estimator, prepared • • kr the mows of Congess, for ri pedal of time, oensmoodng eig months after the bributhor of the geed= of Congress (the thud year beta' from Jule to the bst of Inns) Ay co nc h es Congress Is fahty . at "wk. the , tiemetary erode in new estl• mates, not to the Home of Representaiisee, nor 10 tbsebulatar bat lathe.Cumulitbuta of Congress He says, in thew private Inure, what ooglit to be 1131411,r4ri1e. that Ogirkall of addhlopal approprl. . gloom namonsey, and at the'end of Compels, the Secretary _ and Admitrithatain, proclaim “It is t-, • notise, iror, the Passim; who we narimrsible, bat Compass. rAire mut you oar esdandes 7 mid you Inhered stioa them millions of dollars" The • Departments shodd not be pertained to mot ht this satoterfage: 'Mistime estimates ern made, tumid be imbed*, not to Committees, but to . Congress, 'The Becretery sake Cooper, :maw ''' &Is of Nov. 74 „'47. Cr $153,644,041 for Monett Mal year, sad to show whet names Is to be - , ireard apse en estimate Ulm lids, he tells opon Omer= to mei* a loon ot Duly sixteen mil. lime of dollars, 'tab ate regained to meet deft - cleueim dim berme ialy,lB4ll. If the anti:ea:Ma of the War end wit genies, I MO pad twinr,this i . swa wocdd boo aseetisay. Milt is, the public es thane ete to beproved down to the lowest pas. able omoant,widle Mimes ie to be repeatedly °aka upon to swell the Wedge of @lymph.- MEM i - ':3' . ''" :',l:, Ai'::;: , -,','...T;:..... - ii:-'•V-' , :- . - . 4 '04- 't ... ‘iit ? e•;;' . 4 .- 4(.' : ' : ' a , '-; - ••:::;- . .-? , v.,:.;•!--. , ;,:.: 1 1, , :......T:,, T. .,...: 7 ,. : _,..t,:....:-. 4 , -- • • . - .. , .!. 4, t.i': ,, ::;; • WASNIIITOII. Dec. SO., The, third Week: of the &Mon commences ten day. It with the aadordaratai that th!reibili b. tioai*a .. up34 thicingetite4 MMus morel. tat Nearlsers: It seams to be the munsi dentending AM - there will Mamma Mode 'Mint the war, and pmenthuli In ,refertm to its orMini deign and penthdati compliment Me amieety • - sit:lonte: IL« was more eonelmat4immro. or, that. '4 121 / F 141 42114. WM roar - sais earths Wind bito the ishigature and E 2% MOO' Diparinrents of :the Gemming, end it thittio laimide to act fa harimxty. , 'Let . Coigns dealer, that it doM not mean to prom. este emliiirdieMotte -fiat lt is reedy to aloof the yogi= of Bat** nad td rooneoblenican -;Maritory 'in - gegneemt for the *kw Indemnity doe Amid= dtiami,rand Paw could nabs era bi-, Tim Teem pert _wo uld at ooze premill , In: gilt le the _wo uld of these bed *TOM with''the : Mixt= PooPlev who havemeided longest Midas the glizieene. The polioy norm:itarimi out Mr , the driminimaltkna Maldives : ad 'of such men ea Admire; and MA of them sulatototm mom: els-'da If d ieditenr, aid in- the jodgmini 'of mr.,Cal. bean Mid • Malmity of the met intshigelis ear - .pelmet the Adisdnistrition; as Well as that of PeoelohlTlON'• l3 4 11634 tr - 0/ 144 pew«. c1i4 4 4 1 . 4 Wm. the 444 44 4, and ha - form a Onowniont , Milltary MIAMI • end Nino ti Wenn, by Wiernizawins upon the Tongan ft wore 'gonna to draw Thai, friss aim bah% or M infuse the Meath of life' into li' y Mut; rhan to aspect smart by Imposing any oalrere tundras* upon such a - people. The whole miumm a famine! one, -is thi:oknel aavt. . riouttha.«.l - ,1 em • toldthat: (be kap** «la hie Cohinet sting,iisttikbi the small Whig majority - Congrinnr%witieb. in Mr, IN no working major. hy at .al, -and thin Ens ought to be known at tioea~with:4MM* the Complete ,ancian of all their whip, trim the quer lion of Intoinar commute. 1 The President feels the power of the wag= gran him by inrolgart the Halloo In War: One man can destroy the mi t t 0 1 : ag". and . porthole fibs will of ■ whole people. It to nothing that an patriotic - end pod' sn Wong the mistance of. war, nothing . that. such emarialed men Se ,thdfatin end'Frott„ cloy . - - : •' • 4 : ll : s* .*- i. 4. :; ', :t. ' 1 ' :. • ''''; 5Li1Z.11',,, 74,..-iiN , :tV ..' ~,,, , ,, ,i •AF,..- ...:,,,; ~.: .L, ,, ::).:« , ..3, , ,,1-1f.....-- , :e. , • I ;, Iri:lifizk,,,:iv.,f 4 . , i - -;:.' 0 -..4•,.:. : ,,, i *: ...0 , 14 - . - .7.!.. , tv i -i-. •( , ,hl;fqiirt• - ,!::tist. ' 1 :i" ,1 - , :i4 ) .tc--.:-!...m t ;.,.: ..,-:; - ; :.,;::,01 1 .T. , .,..- I 41,;+,; -; .....:;•:, -'••,:,,,-. ;`' 11 , i;i?:]: 4 ..ti l 1 , ;. , ,:: .:•. , '.4 * 4 . ! t.,..1 :1`.' . :',1 ;Q.: +4 ~. .: 7::: .;A::1 , 3 , :!;:i:;41`.- ,i' , l•?!4:*_:' , ': : ',•••4 - ..ifT.:.. „,„: ~.„..,... , 3 . .4.4 .. f is . :g.t:?:.-A ,. 4 41* 4.l ti 4: F: ,:iq.' ,. ; : e. , ... 7 ~1 : : ::,....:. ~..,,,,,...*:. 1.:,.....4.. . .4..n•e. , r - -z.:.*:., ~, i,il!il.:i-14:::::::.. ..%= , j4„ ~.....: i u1gt:A•1•.:.4"3 i, , h't.', l ;:: - ,ift - i... •:',:i',' :,;i' ~;. . .:floir4',4;lr'44. t :',.;:f,' .-. , i'' , .... i '11i:,Zi•..if.i.0.1. •-. ',;.. , ;;,:;:i*.q , ,.k!:;;.:.;5 , „1 34 : : ~ ..1, : 4,V...f ..t. ' -;:; - ',! - :..,.•-:4"1-:-.. 4 5.7*F:, -1 .., ,iQ.— , , , 2•.. t,....4 - Et. 4 .v ' , t-- -. ,A ~.:.,.,,.;.i.i.. .; ',.t1 . :-,Fr.W5i , ..0; ,1 4.1,W c' 1. ' .:; r: • , ..*iPr.,: 1 j '''!:*'':i ,,, ;4l , ;si .:•,„..,,,,,,.,,,, 4 . l ~ ik,-; , ;.„,.- i.,: ,, , ,,,,,, , !..7.. I ~,::k. ...4-' ,, 5,'' • ' ' 4.•%' . . ' ' ;.: : ..'''' +tr. in 14 "112144;h0hal ,-_--,;- '• k.; ..''' 7 ,• - • if. - i,, z.-;', :" '-' i- ' '' ^ .-.'''''' .'-',l ''' , S t' ' '- : .-- :' ' - :2; 1 ,:i' ' ,:. 1 ; -i . j : f :.;: . , - -' • P,IA - • qc > -..-1,. ',l° .`: .: •Z . j.,!: , ..-, ' . ' 4 ;;1".-::::c;` ....,; y•r -:::-.• • . • ••• ... - ''..:',..‘...' , ;:' .. .'..: : :i'..,'.':: , :':'':':::'.'''';'.:'. ?. , - :'''.:.' . {• : -;'': . :' . .•:...' - ii , ',''' . .:''4' 7:1 t• j : • 4.1 } • :'i~=~=: ~:~_;:.. :, • . •'4 =. -• e . , • _.. ~;" Vs; ii== ~..,. =ME :,: -: ~_ m2=7=l VITT Nzwi. cilineitos-o , o4lweialk, inastOmati Pilii,witi.assi albs E.notdi. maim eOusbeil at s o'clock P.lll.Arabbijoeiras mace. Cli =don ot: Mho litetanaking was appointed Prridu'int, ana larid M Jame P Many wars appointed Socridadds..„ • On motion the Delegates from ths amend wards was . allied upon ta pmemet their credendelsr— whew the follaadas, gardirewen,,wgs admitad to sesta in tint *conviction: !Pine Ward.—lliairitensini Satrh, Brigs. Cowie% rued Van Boahent: , kkama Wase--Masing Viewer, Warr, Wit. soo, limy and. Cook. - TXir WardTiro state of delegates chanted Isar the first eel reeentid ertidentisto sr* pto• noted Writ by the seoiod. „Mb iintit b rite wis polaroid for the present. Fouith War/L-14/1s: MeCeraddre, /sok, enduanalindatteco end firlemer.' Fifth Wari.--Mturs. Yestor; FFiroson, Ca lOU. and Butch. six Ward—Bamislanng. Bann, Canaior tam, Ban, and Brash— , Beneath Warl—Bfisser Amhara, Rad, RI& ardsmr, *Haim, Franklin. Ward—Masni Misr, Alba, Halo, Mos . and &its. . • Nin liatd—lbors Fox, Robb, RBI, Wimp sou sad Riau:ion& : Aar a eaziej or lathes, and emulate& ditemeion, Which malted tot no dirict action on the sob** of tha Miceli in the 3d Wird, MG Mellathwa tubed la, on ben& of the 41491[1. GM from Milli Ward, to,atteraw their Widen ties, which Wea imolai by ohs Carnation. Oa motion of Kr. Wester, it watt: &wad, That hoth,delenatione taThlld Watt, &alai maw In tido Cotteentioo, be ne. feted bask to a wow of the eitituni for tholi cam on Fliday evening am, and that laws. Mire and Manta& be a comminao to dx the Mau and niatte 'of meeting; end, that whin' this mating adjourn, it adjourn to - -meat gain Wedowday nszt, at 1 eektek.a.. , Wass Cassvairior.—The L44tp and Anti mama at thiacity of Allegisszy last itattaToviii Haar, siirseitably to revival notice. and apixiniav Dobai Davis; f!ssoislaat„ sad Jams Tasey;Bicsio . . Tbs delegates koto the anaral Wards prorat ed ihidi aedsollels, and took disk seats as mam• ban of the Convention., . . Honor Cam= woo nominated sate Mfg es Wats for Mayo:. Oreisars of At Posr--Jaeob Wier, for 3 years; W B .Oopehual, E.g, 2 rim Di.- . lllily Hanna, I year.. Alert tha asloYtiaa al mural resolutions of pis 113 r import, the Cosmmtiaa slimmed. • New IkKdcs. efhe wridap of Elierie Wallington, by Jared aras," Gam the premed Harper & Brothers, Novara. J Lldeed.sgeot, 4&. strut. Fitt& This .dams contains the carespotulecce, ed. dresses; utesiiger, and other mare, officfal end Orate, with a Ale of the statue. The work ' is one of interest to ill, and no Ebner= be celled complete without It. ' • .W• here also hoot the sem publishing hones ' thenagb their agent in this city. .1 L Read, .Caim• peiia Itielchee, No. V! By Capt. W 8 limey' d. 8.A.,4150 putt 4 and Sot the “Life the Fcenth." by 0 P Jentor also No. 33 of t he &Pictorial Meaty at Enslatia," , all wake of which Ire here before :Spoken at length. 'ghat Ws of David. a win of dimwits, by tia Raw. C. M. Fly. A. M, of Dahlia, from E. &at & Eogliab, Mark o, Bt., Pittgargb, ha, tam; 311 and 4th 81&". This its& sostunasels gulf to the support of the Milian of all dooming' tioas. who ca n not tit from W putSsal. except with win that it. =slog= biitteeti niched. ' eThe Kinglet:liar ChM and tha sward Roma. ninst;by the arr.', lath Blai" Vitus*, of Daben. , .FsoonElllets & tiatbor . aad the bite:Motown in itis eabkct of why!' iut treats; caono Cal to gin IWO work lt. pwrifilue of attontiaot orhotibleintipato' ths Gipaga ot Spin. From & English. 12as is imprint or asap lkitiviv.*nning Mort Oro Iles Hib. In,Spshi. • The suttuarmse lag sa spot Of ths-BrIAM Bible Soddy. Hie admatioss sniSrassmout end amply beiusstis& Mul lose nothing of theft chum from loss 'nuns Oat 'Tbe Deis Drop, by kiss L.H. Eigeozney.— FrontElliottand English, MerkM at... Thia Utile 'walk has ell the maim for which its glliedpathor is sa well known. It is vary 'Ppm. Mistui for the holideye. • The mond of the poetry will be ranambered long au lidabook perishes. rekbiegers Phlheopby of Life and Philosophy of • Langaege. YIDS the hem OfHerper & Broth. OM Johnston & Modena, Mutat end Third Tut drib.' in &Min Phlieuvby, km in thl a trut ,. • bi the'Eev. A'..J. W. Mpabon, the choice tessoninp of one who has a repabdion eel. dam ailed. . ' • We also ham MaisM. Johnson I Black toa .the reirtlid of •Elseltemerfor Havember. It contains another ' attici. um Mmitican . Copy. Wright', by eGodfrey; and written hi Nini York. Ftom I llo4ll_ in the reprint, we Wel that the let ter his not been coppithled this time.' The Edinburgh Review sod the lemdon Quer. trul;, heti els) been famished us by the sum hones.. The, old masts of thew threshltsardnee " need mulj to e told that they hue arrived, to ws are from them an esoly call. . : • , . Ti. sus esenireturnal atamloadoos hen beat going on in the 110 trend , dna. Monday; and ban dna bled, intersaing. They give proof of the salsas end carageteory of the isacties, end of the prams of the mita On Monday; tb" dross of Profeear Stephan' wen acentinod on Yethelosace Oluseelary, &c. On Tomeisy, the class in Moist ,Philosophy, sad also thaw =geed in eadying ain cod Gnat, went examined. We sews highly vended with the Ara of these a eperially , who han been en. dot the direction ef the President. The than who lay bow some" In tam kcal tabs wilt Professor Ellioi„ gars eathfaenon to those who were prewar. On liVedoeeday, the deem lo the Ant Wan of Latin, }pillory sad throvapby, wire swathed, sod Wapalfal . throaredres welt. The medal* ef this day will be of the Preparstay Eliatuteseat, sesta by Mr. nos*, taq lo which we would sell the ellentlaa, eve. Sally of threw who propose sandlot their ma to the. institotitia. We regret tha ar few ere will. Jag to staid dies exercise, whom proems would essoaraie au teacher. and Wm aisle the IPcal• • •Off astath.Y. Ina Z6tb last. a Bible will bap* allekd to the Pisioniallos Division of this Boos of Tassperaossi, at the Teowerssios Ask, Allseisay nay. ! Tbs. ainistany will tab place at f o'clock ' x.. • .41iat*ais.-00 Tam iay minim ca.. Bel. Bang, sad Vidallmam Rips grin id IDA& city ad pal op at WI Roma: They as ca 2 theft any b Walißil* • 1414,1t#A. ioung man named Kricight, draosiWd kraualing num (z the tIIJ all thelbsdrevii,s. TIOSII We tour caws !via. du Major am ilerting tar vagrancy and drookez. Wis.! 711/7 intro all oat to JAIL CapL Palm, a the Irbil Groin, has rsrived boo ircuixdy locerd lx EN•ll;litmlela jAgishhre, kilt kr J IMAM , gr. 1 3. is a tabmss Lod vita ask* ■ oak! swaths The YVI:4,p al at; 4mailing . Ism dar I eke, et Chi fa licdaa. A the mynas of t it. .5 K^.x scaron ILLIM4P REPOgT The eseettthe committee of the &Mt &lief rand, fe el /hat ineuntbanf %at them to "*" Air their gratefolicknowledgaments to - thow who Alva seconded to duels all, is WA as ta famish jafirisatfoitioftlui roomy and yirdocereceived— It was dot a fate period in :the seam' that the knee for the relied Scotland was made. and yet in attire bisievolenee ailed birth the Offerings of nand aftoogh they hedlyrerioasty eentrb• meet, Pieta/sly to alleviate die diatom of Ireland ; .• The synipathy !masked hi OM Allo" citl • •• onthis subject has pleamitanatica before the eyes of the Brig* public so susceptible of kindly fitarmpotnd his Aimed . bilk to hind the two nations together on tenni of mated flies:6l4 and good will. • . , ,i - : i : , , • The protium , :u'ptinapany Mailed from Wellehargh, Vs, Columbiana county, Ohio, and frouf.the counties of Allegheny, SalimmWashinp ton; repute, Vetoing°, Westaxasiandlimosf. Butler, Anartroos and Clarion, in Permit lazda , by W Willem, and ,by' hint tweed our to the Shipping Committee, and the money received by him paid over to Me Tressimsr.' • Them Ins • rut to Philidelphie from May to August !es_t, Produce the 'mono of : C • to parches Commeal. 94 . 44 ' 09 I Ina The Cocominsewonid den mew &it thinks a Meuse: Luella Co,' Graff do Co, and A liCAtinlty & Co, far forwarding to Philadelphia, hes ordure, micas portioni of the podnea and, to the Mears. Jones, of the' Parry, far liberty of passing over the &try withEendoee, free of toll. It will be perceived bj the report below, that there la will in the bands of Mr. Ellackstock, Ten ant a bahunce of $428 94, the tOommittse not feeling aT Beni to &Met 'fey. of th• rands SP- Wired to thank frnaa &rip:now for which it was «lewdly intended. elthetib they have bard there it a larp . amount Of fends intishandsof .the Relief Committees in Glasgow end Edinbar ongh not yet disposed of. They have written to Scotland to intidrein whit meaner they can be beet expended, so as beet to carry oat the bertevo. lent designs of the doom. _ _ • k. D. CANtans, ,•• Chomp lhat!F, . T6OllU4'. Ifutz. • JOfftll OiLSAIrf. JOIN toldariirrmi, JANza . ROlllll.l . SWAN. • TI,. 6aataidia appeastal to assinesta lui mamas of tha .reasoner af die 9catek Italicf Toad, beg Itaire . 67 lewd 1.1,9 fallowing wan pal to th• . . • aaMeuse,Domuld uoiDe &as 34 sinft•tiab's•• ••, .... .414 fts , .1 O . • ' 151 WeJobadoe, *a yard Atlqheiy '0 83 4974 ,Salt 4.lel4,4l7laarcai 1704 415 ated Allagteal ' 353 55 A• 444 Beard'ai..• ; • . 950 IteAl•W Bbek's Caogiegadaii. ittleatray . , 47 57 Lariaier.Trov'rgliab Relief Faaal 145 95 Wile.Larvirr ud J W a an , cid, Laraimille • —l2l le 14re. Geo Mardiall. Baldwin tp 95 50 Jotto Chtahlfah sard.Pin 51 It Sestinas:a 34 ward Alkibcoy; 4133 52 Jl49Calsd,elnaatibask ' 2 I) 07 Bev Goo MIL liairrestla 13 00 an II H, Mort cohort Oho : 300 C 81 Recd. W arm ash , mtm Ps 13100 Ikddiese4dkeraitUsburgh, : —4 - ! ! 1 4 0 03 MeMsemrsu. ki jdo , t 455 D a ' W W Watisee.ltk do ' .... ' 147 re/ . Minos it Colfarlkh - dre ' " ' 1M 00 0 Milke Sth do au'' . ! '2O Sti Wackt4hues ts mil costverou . l3O. W Wsieefor lissapronk Setleststd Walbee- • 4007 Mrs Stevensott, 4 CI J Hawsrth, i 100 Rev AO PO t0thi.110.'F..4...*.pc,...t0 On Res J Carothers. 01118. l'orry , , do.. • •t. 31 IT Rotel Elsnts, ems Willnurbon Clarion co Ps - 10 37 Bee Cialknotth, Cawood contrnstion• •• • , .... .... • 505 Win Ilatei i C Church, Dociittdespke citogromeinn. .. . . . . ••••••• •• . 0 20 00 . 8 15 hattL i P Ws Fhna ' 51P ReeJ Fiersderks,o%de Rau ciele , -• • .1. ......... 600 Ree.l M'Culdy,cherry run do ; ' 1875 1 k. J McFadden Co.clock kr 147 bbls now! . ' 507 25 1 oit W Wallace, dowdiest front est - coontry D3BOO ! Hwy Drum, /11n1ungton co Mt ,- Mr aejtl 8 Hotel 01 500 ' Wm Lamar, Graf k Liotherr herb, .... 45000 8 Nirke,Fast Lanny : ! ..z, ...._ . '2_. 2 11 2/w ite013.111,30r0 ante Crookodloo Pa• • • • 23 CO Itoo John Dick, Armstrong co • - , 100 Mr Thomson a. 100 Roo Johi Bmly Toltdani 900 Droll to#ll. Pitt, ...... .... :.. ..... M== let *Lauer. anagootts ' • Dr Fairdolk, thaithliell tong s*We Miebaal Patz.- • Jacob Cat. lituourthoto DrCourtney, Illarpolvv•• •-•• • ....... Mrs Wilocon Pitt 0 Y Coolter, WWI., Fa oon re tp• ..con .•. • . • the • • • country Kir A IrßlankAth word Pitt= . :•• • - • HDomerWd Pi~et~~h Drthroam,Pitt KKK do • 0 Clark, Di iirr J Core— D illoelbtock.4 "Ind illrgbeoy Jibs W Blair,lso LEscar,ThasarerOreea CD PA. • • • WE: Lnee,Pitt• • •-••••••• ....... i• • • • ihrr.D Kern do . • • • J Ithaddes far aaaslga4caa from New Li.Lm. ... 42 IS S Doaglwa, Ead Liberty ' c............ 775 W W Wawa, dawatioa fro, IS* cam* 123 03 Saha Chlb sth ward Pitt ' 300 D Campbell, bilaelmater ,:• • • ••••': ..... .... ; . 23 S 0 Coked mama pea Dr Kam - I 00 dzg Ile Caamitis -UE ciamina varlikeskoithe By N dratai lurid :is Elmore P WWI Ert42ketai Jblier Committer ?had% to pad,. eareasesk• • -40,100 Hy coil ',Add telegraplk ..••.. . 611. Jaw kleradten'itrroll .14444 91745 ViruLariskr.O. do 'do,•• • • • 441 54 Dizoont " 4 56 Ey eash paid Habvt erchria*, bbl: .e nd .ridio~cv~nmW .... 1 .412,7 • " do do do ' 51 .14 N eash a tVtiaeoso 18!tob1s 11 0 ) ..... •.... 1 4 18 . Bzett r i t c 8= ‘, 18 . 114 .. 14 . ¢;:nd . •• •- 8 1 4 0 74 01531 Laming in the luedsaf W DlsrArtawk,reak eU wt a. 13 napeetfollysobaltud. • • THIYA HIND. . . JAMES LAIIBIAAN. 1:12. Plpi.ia WW•os Pa . plan THE FLOOD Oaths netting of thee rZth, the Kentt:teky ww higher than it his been for theism 20 yeari The kids and dam war the mouth - were entirely steered, es that weamboati Gould pass near them in safety. The water wan higher at the months of the Making= aid Kanawha than it msesset known before. r The flood of '32 was mostly on:Waned by the helm rains, and the melting of the ,now and ice in the mountains's the heed waters of the Alin &my and Monoogshila than. but the present seems to base been (NOS the rain of the valley of the Ohio and its tractiriei, below Pittabargb. Amoral buildings were toppling dawn In W. I. neat, Cincinnati on Saturday last: Sevent ferar iliea were Imprisoned in the twain:eke of their dreading* for three dye without fire or fat—they have been relieved, howentr. The Queen City, In the Unitarian thumb; night before bed, a Is. dy geee birth to a fine peli Or table. Fabler that thinks they ebould be named "flood" exell•Treeh. 111.7 A. &no in Cincinnati okned Ludt the rook& of the odes of cough candy, on Friday last in the samara of the ..Abora as many will take cold end suffer from esposare ht obtaining it, se will be cared by the virtue of the awlichis. on. Tanon.—WeSs mien a Ovate latter ricently, mitten., Tsyloe; , thanking his "Whig friends" at Waynnabozn, for the meeting held and the, Emolations adlipted In his behalf.-- In his letter Osumi tayiai aye to hisifriend, a Whig member of Campine, from . the Western part of this BMW hue n 8 wish or litigation of changing the punkin in which I stand ;to the People of the United BMWs in reference to the Prinidenci, or Me mums whichl tutu felt It my duty to pursue," Iscothir words, Gem Tayitir muds himself u eicididate far the Presideicy, with or without ■ nomination rum allational Convection. Till MS I.IT Dssa2rulT bee sobtoltted ilitinstes fa Charge des Afars" to the Papal Natio, sad Canvass without objection, will grant the outfit: Thai is great Larnut felt la l the RM. cam of the Adlistanaration of the now Popo, but the friends of Italy In tI. Papal flutes, entreat the him:deaf Italy here, not to nuke any pohlie dettoosttefloa la *hair behalf, a• it will spoil tho goodefficts of Worm at home. Onto Govserea.—Tha name of Hinz Otis. wok!, le mentioned moat prominently as Me prob.! . aids Whig candidata. A Cincinnati papa says i Hit Mega mid proketional dignity, eminent fit blm for the office for which be is propene as a candidata. • MS skill as a debate:, and we know kis ardent &lotion to the Whig canoe, will tea.. dm him a snooweal champion In the greet contra, ecoald Iv be coccanatad lb• Con. mike. ke rated that the r'. hollow of Nine do Ca of Dunkirk, Iva uattagleed to armorial era the gorammaot of tha tapublic of Vent4lolll, for hha itruzadoctlato d EIDACM tomt/graute, ohledg from Giro:any. dleltiheollepd and Belgium. The ccestractom am to melte a pant of 812,000 even maw with melom riellegas, sad ant. pry at. C 171111861 Of the •0711 VI it= &MPG. Fame rra.--Tbe Western haul Indshting bottom" hes ceased for the maw, not to coim . mow Kent Aprl.l, l • Krim! of 'ban' foot tooafbe. 2111dther the gpacity of the Cud, nor the deerehosta end oinet Nils tyre' been 11918. clad to brine . the prance to market. It r doubt. ad .tether nth the erne endue of toti s tto s 4 tool Ilgs *nix, there will b• a etitllthrat nutty. i s r this Itoinat to inset 110 rrorb4 LW, of crood.7.- Asp • - • , wen The gab coatt7, • - : • . • i BY UGNETIG TELEGRHIL entsbuzim 4iett.. Centieroadesice of the Pliabargh Gazette. , WLtatieros, Der. 9--8 '"The Senate was called to order at the usual hour by the Speaker, and prayer was;offaid by Rot. Gudey, Chaplain. • Petitions intrusemoriale being in cede; intim; _ bar were prose nted on vedette subjecds.*4 red to the'apPrepriate committees. ' Mr. Hale, of. New Hampshire, pritsedted a me. modal from sundry citizens of hid Bate, puling fol. the aboliden of Masai' In the District of Co• amber. A question was raised as to the propriety of re• arising the petition by Mr. Berrien, of Georgia: r, Mr Hale defended hie:coons in urging that the memorial be received and referred. He said hie course was dictated alone from a sense of duty, and not from a desire to promote dleateion on this perplexing question. A motion was made to lay the memorial U the table, s and on this question the Yens and Mays went demanded, and atood-99 to 9, The bill inundatory of the act relating to the appellant jurisdiction of the 'Supreme Cone, was reed a thlid lime and pawod.• • Mr Cass, from the Committee on Military . Al.. fain, reported a bill relating to the organisation of additional troop for the vigorous prowastion the hiuken war. ' The Senate then went into Executive Session, alter which it adjourned. . 'ln the House of Representatives, Mr -Henley. of Indiana; offered a .reeoluiion, authorising the Speaker to appoint a Committer on Printing,whicb was taken up and putted. A number of petitions were presented, sod re' fatal, after which the Standing Committer were alts i upon for reports. ' Mr Lint:olli; of Illinois, offered • solution on the subject of the Merkur war, which lays over till tomorrow, under a rule of the House. Mr Vintoo's resolntions or. the subject of fila. my - coming sip in order, quite an animated dew inaion arose. $8,171 09 Mr Clippie:, of North Carolina, spoke for en hour on . the question. end diacented at learpla upon the isitation.of the question of Manny. both in the l!foith and the South. He le a doent and an eloquent speaker, and' conumuide the its tentiOn iseell who baulk* and Memnon? wee wenn end iternest on this occasion. • . The Homo, _after riga, from the Committee of the Whole, adjourned without tranamin any funher butinme. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. Coniopeadesse of the Pittsbargh Guatte. Richmond, Dec. 29-11 v. x. By Orleans ptpas of the 12th, we hare dims from• Yera Crux to the lit of December. The miry that Bata Anna was at the head of 16,000 fie had threatened Queretaro—that Oat. Worth fuel been derpatched'oa protect Con. trees, an. irtall.rmooludirte." Gen. Anaya was elected President of Mexico on the I Ith WA and kis tam expires on the nth of January ted. Hess known to be infavot of peace. Pena Y. Pena is his Secretry of Stun— One of the first ads of his administration' was to send Commissioners to Mexico. to reopen ergo flak= of Peace. The Commissioners ante Ss. non Canton, Atristsin, Darras end General-Rio. Gen. Worth, Gen. Pub. and Limit Got Don con are reported under arrest by ceder of (ha. fleott,for letters stilt= by them reflecting on the &mita or the eonsmander.inehlef. Letters from Mexico es late ea the Uth Make no men-. Cost of this !natter and It Is to be hoped it is alto. nether online. • It is highly probable the Mexican Congress Ma been &alma tri the withdrawal of the imam. so that no mon= can be obtained. On . tlia 18th ult., 36 wagoas left Puebla for , Mexico Inlen with merchandlea, end on reaching Ban Manua they were attacked by a guerrilla par ty who captured the mgorts and the good', end stated 'for Quantize. Gm Lone, as 'soon se be recideed Infonnation, Started la made and 'cum up with the many at takesta. Capt MA ME obeming a disposition int the pen of the manias to withdraw the .wqoas, charged upon them kil'ad anantesta, and took thirteen of6am prisoner:. A portion of the wagons had been eel on fire and all of them were destroyed. 1440 '3lOO 11460 • 606 439 41 - 360 600 Correspondence et Ina Pinstrorin Popo.. - PROM SANTA WE. • More Batiks to be foaght in New Marko. Cincinnati, Dee. 22- . -.12 ac Eighteen day. later noes . has been received from Buns Fe and Chilenattna. Fourteen mm• path= and two battalions bad left Banta.Fe for the South, end it is expected they will pees the winter at El Pew. • Five tunalted troop remain it Banta Fe, for the purpose of bokiing the fortifications end pro• twang . the inhabitants. • Cola Newby and Bodine have gone to TAO& The Banti Fe &publican my the mops now on their way South, are griiity of many acts of •iolence and outrage upon the inhabitants of the lowa country, through which they are marching. A war party of the Apache. recently chmeed into the town of Rio and drove off tiro. hundred bead of earth. Three nen were killed in thet akirmiah with the lodine, and several seventy wounded. All the.wegons bolo:mite to our troops *at that plain were distroyed. . Maj. Spudding, Pay Muter, who b d recently returned ITC= the South, reported 3,500 Mexicans at Chihuahua, actively aniployed in eansmucting (arta:l . loone, outing cutout, and equipirm for a aunpaims. They are determined to make Chihua hua • *rang bold from-whence they can sally forth In opportunity dein dim, and prey opon our troops, or the inhabitants of the .mounding nom. try. • PROF Correspondence of tie Pita'Ogit Gnome Vim:lsmail, DO. 22—1 x An extra estsion of. the Leehistare of lowa ha been called by t the Governor, to convene on the adnf Jannery 'next. The Seats of three of the Locafoce ma niere will be contested. The rim at BaudetatAllinnie, is frown ova. . PHILADEI,PRIA MARKET. • Prugaimenta, Dee. 23, 4 p. m. Flour—ln the Phila.lielphia and Baltimore mar kits, lumina, is alsoat entirely suspended, and awaiting the, foreign. news-. Moderate gales only we erected . at parlous plies. The, Oriin olukst is 'withont change In Provision; Mai lan° activity—pastime ale steady. The steamer had not artiVed at noon. correepoodrace of the Ptuabargb Enola NEW YORK MARKET. New York, Dec. 12, 4 r. rt. Plow—The mann to quiet, oath node f eto sale. at previous prink 131mness Limon entirely ertinroded, waiting far for e ign news. (Ink—Holden, of Wheat are very grat, and trayen do not meet than. Can andottew rain in ha steady demand, with a lug atilpping in. , a fr i , for can, of which we notice Wee of prim ihits at 77478 e pa ho, and of prima Yellow at 99e pet ba, an edema= Sales of Ono et We par bo. Hatay to In fair demand and toady: Proviiiono—Thu matket la gain, with ninon lira that apply of the mgolar nada demand, • Cotton—The =act continua.. Int quota. P.xclasive Corteryoudeeee Of the Vatabenth (MUM Bari %burgh Oust:. ha. Th PIMMOLI. 11111 ilzaussoar Acctaart.—The Steamer e thdo e tut weak, as Ate wu having the whit el Cincinnati buns btu stand pips by which nand four prow wane scalded. The name. of thioas injured am—Dishick Bunko, dock pumper. "sanely; Wm Wiesll,2d cook an the boa{, mum ty; Robot EMIL dank plummier, hands and Ace severely; Collin Ping, cabin puropr, badly.— They woo taken into the cabin of the boat and poly speotion paid by Captain &Who and his otimu that the ettaatioa of the onlinas demand. id The items, Ddisnos, Wog skept6s, took uir Ills remainder of bar pasaißarai ~Y%~,}r`7~.'.N.'!i":-=•;=%ate'•:' COMMITION Or ni 01110 rbi . Boltilie of Ohki'axmaistetif Matnembers;Of whin 16 are fittime4lo WITS; 4.marehents; i. ptititarsi2;p*A=sum...lpfrrgror. 'Wog; anorl-hobie eupemter. . Tim 61 them only yet Buduryea by birth. Father Minas kith° 'oldest Etenatoi bens 68; and Frank: Ckirerki, a nephew of Seneca Corwin, the ImmitS. betai The House conks' aof A O O l O as many min. bus u rbettSanate;Or 72. Thirty.four are farm ere, Irk lawyers, 10 mechanics; 5 merehants.• 5 pbuicleniai end i 2 hnirejors; dß' ari Satires of and Speaker Ilawkittaime f ftb's (hotherri,of •Taietri, is Ms oldest m e m ber if the . Hum bog 93; and Smith ofßrawmtheloomprat. Ming now but 23 Years of huts, I Gm Plasm—The New Gams Gala. filth. sato disposed to take op the defence of Gin. Pik low has left him to hie tete. ha an study on Oen. Persia timlttes admirable Anders at Contrasia. the Delta, slim Owing Bodth the Imehisive Medit of the conception and analwasta of the bole 4 deer, ridiculous claim - set up by ' thy of. dicer, whose' insufferable vanity sad self-coricsit bays disgusted • thole who bari bi Maid bbn 40dEst =just antscii atid ' istusurs, rewind it nocuouty that ws idt bi !thus ex plicit in a tostUtr on which dna ' 34 , .!" bs DO diffasucc ot ; opinion." 1 , ; ; Ten Canaz.-4/ednesday, the ldih, wee the wood pay day with the connectors. Sway thing went off well. The may eni readynt hand— Each witkeentrector received Me does; end went he way rejoicing. We understand thei Mr. Mr , col la, holy engaged on the ii , ' supply Boston with water, will wry -!te counnepee on the tunneL I Thiele the most bportant work on die and, but one which. commenced, can be carried on day and night, erinter . or ,summer. Cumberland Cieirtem. .1 Men Hies:—An antralei and deb bad of Ina OM b i leCel2l7 been &Mined on Vogt Creek, Condon county, MisseeirL narrowed. so so flanging, that ammgemenb its on Mot to commence working it immediately on an ellen. live, scale. ; Soul quantitki ;ban ansady been raised mid melted, mitiek - yielded fop gaper cent. , Ti Lna Yunnan...TM/Ott• end day we hew the blast Of *la Forare;. showing that Its flew proptiatore we determined to go. ibead. If they tan the mows thef unit. and. We doubt it ma, the Lou. will prove a mow impOrtapt wares of wealth and proaparity aowo,—Cuaidia. . , . EISIGNATION SZNATO*. COTAIDITi.-41111 Wil•taop4 COMINXIOderat!OI ths Hallman Wan writes that many Southern biembws bass retain ed twins to gond the &Adair's, among whom is Senator Colquitt, of Gsargia, who willnot mum, bat radio . Mont. Tun larirruert Leglatature 1 bon nfjourned To =ft on 0111 first lionday Fohntiai, through fear of the 'anal pox, ribleb by of tba nunatmiro.. .-- . • . Patitair Marnsa.--ThajWhig in4Anlims• lonia voter" of the Third Ward at its" city of littabunth, ars hereby reloseiad to attend In pri mary meeting; at 2 o'clock r..a.. on Friday tha 24th Lost, it the Public Scheid Hoar, on Cherry allay, for ths. porpoise of electing fire 'Delegate' to npreeent said -Ward in the Whigiod Antimaaon. Ic Conflation, to •bs bold In the COlilololl Conn cil Chamber, at 2 o'clock r. a. on !Wedooodry, the 29112 imt, for the purpose clfnamiOaling a can. didate fa the Mayoralty, to led rappelled by said party on thrt2d Tuesday of January MOIL As this is • mattes which Woos, delusively to the Whig and Anticoasorth',rotethof the Third_ wild, 1.1 is thspectlay :equated that all o th ers will abstain from interfering with their proceedinta to any manner. - Meeting to Mena at 6 o'clock. I Jain Motrreerro, Conthaines appointed by' the Coarrention. Pittebtargh, Dee, 22,18471, ca.Paixtaa'a Borgia,—The Printen of the elf, will putake of a sapper abbe pzehanse Hotel on rrlday i nimbi; the Roth Mat. Ample prepares Ikies, we are inforMod, bare been made for the accommodation of all who may wish to partldpate. Dec. 2.9,12 t.. • W.lgo j Cure Ha Part PUY! Piles I— lk Jackson's Embrocation la the only' Medicine that will ease.: this -so very comma aad I unablesente &soma It am only Immediately allays pima and ha.. =day Mops aU bleeding,mbdada that inielerable Itch =lielecilalluzeanwlanlng short l :b f ne m7 psmons hs aeon:Tien plodisees no pain; bat mbar en agreea bk and ills:meat scanned.. if penes, 'Vitiated .will ball and beat of the great nantlmrof cases' that bare been eined.;.. they orb! be astanistied. A gentleman of this airy, Who had been ander Me knife of the magma the tamer three times 'without being eared, au by as. role bottles of the Embrocation, been medically cured. It vela beytmd preerdentll—lPKl. tiabaday Coarter. For :wee to Pittabwah n the Phg/N 'TEA MIMI! Pearth Mrect, ty. /hag Blom P Schwartz, Palatal at alleahetry I , , i alAdas. Ernie 011eaale , 4s strangely destreetten to the beaten amide, (Or skin,)the spines china. 01.1,,,,t to cold, and the smite intents Yaws; Dart, Coarse Cereptenialts. Then it Is reptlsine het the poles Of the . Skirt should be kept opent--that ttteis mouths *Wald be freed lice*apanty—'twos Wu the ancient 11.tanut knoptters anted all &onset—they computed that there diseases arnl unhealthy mote left thrtetat the pores of the aktehth , ...ny other runlet el the body. It te nem. her,, theretre,'to he./ the pons teen—en hunters ate dispelled from the ohm nem the pares, when they 'yeah with /once kaftan Cheesiest Poop, I hare seen hears the went and oldest cans of Oslo Rheum, Erysipelas, 1 Soresatarbarts•lteh,tere Read Ringworm, when leer, other internal and external remedy. had ratled—.. he effort rtnadering the slue white, clear and sottohnosti tt he yellow sod cause, ts wenderfal.-it remora Free' ales Tan,Rarthurn, Morph., end dthfiptrethezu of the skinLbal persons must be panteelar and ask for Joan` 0 E71;1 g be b ta i d o l o a L P .i tr n b; su r lif , /tioltatt . ON, mjn nvladkarly atonrallsorTetok sort pland bomb, e" *row , pats like mum death, Ia rapists* aad disgusting. All eaold Pan teeth alute as part, Sweet breath—hard peot—mart or girl. Why delayt—Nay, slackly haste; • Atoll aso a box of Jeep' /oath Pasta It adts 0111 ^3 Pat; sad is 'tally a boanetal steel. It gores tap teeth a fioa enameL told to , Pittabatat at LabetW u. YorledlttetY . • 117D•ort have ',rib,. dark Teeth—ther een be wade dearly 'dole by one time ...Ind • boz of jam' Mal Tom PASTS. 11 h udene the ennui, sweetens the breath, de.- 13old,at IV Liberty at , , weldidw:y 017 -Ladies who use Joan' 'vanish Illy have always a ILI white it:situps:out skin. Ur gas a trial will lesh.slY nay oaa. tsoli only in Pitubartb,aiFD Lab. sny at. - • orlndkvsty • Ppa_M" A rt;: ! ?,,, s t: tVerf ur,ir ."nam'e of -P cileas tx. SCULLY, Esq P ., on eamlidate for the maintops of Mayer. deli M.Daah have a Foal Bruth-1( voli have use shilling battle of JortaeAmber Tooth rum • Tia 4 wW make 'oar breath meet, whiten you teeth, kr—• Solb at EIP piF•Dods your belt fall od; does-Your hilt tern gray; 61tbinb, It dry, or dirty. I pray! • If 'nether, you eau mete a sett, silky and fine,; Dark u.d healthy, and brash:ono as this brat of mine. • And to have WS, yon have bat threkehiihnp - ;to 'lvo • For • bottle of Jesse Hair Reiroruiva. • • Reader; Illott Gave bad halt yrs would many be ss..- tonlsted 01 We krrely effect • Area khans bottle's( /ma. Cam Hem Rirroantrys has or it. It nooda bat one via/.' bold et -BP Liberty . . st.l watodterly • U"Vethe Flail iii.dlamas—Comnick , sNarre and Bonelanintru a. Indian Vegetable Kai?, I. _We most eff=strifor , . • • Said b WAL JACKSON , Arent We ntiabsullt. .1 r _,„__ . . 117 . P11.., ier.ll, tC—The Gelatine flare Llrti• meat, to ac article moreJ lately celebrated as a care for the above thaavtay or all othe Its cam ore alma maamerable. fold by WM. JACrs. a KSON, agent far Pio iled/04dr Ca -Lagoa CATI.I.I. or Booaa—Tbose wields( to parelmaa i splendid annuals and ha/Woman!united woilts Poe Holiday preeents, as well as :tuna who may dean! Theology, PoeuY, History, and standard blaeonlOpoks, aro invited to attend the salathla evening 'at DaviVi.anetioo Store, deT.I I.rnao4 arruWartne—Profereer Risley, (we understand,' Memo fot the South a Friday awning, and Owes his tee/comet wut, a benc4 . l,tkla coming, en which nee. Won Ida .1)1A John =I new, eat, es dance tire Palk. is lutetium to other prribrneanera 7 We donot &whittle worthy bane/Minks will helmeted with an overflow. ind hectic, and ouly regret that them any cannot be Pro• lewd. beyond talsevotang. • DIED. , • MEI * PARath FRANKLIN: mead ioyea.. Her (wend I late Owe ClEuillay)allemoaa,e42 .7419ek. • Os Wedecrthy allerido.thelE law.aks. WEIN NA &LIED, age/ 73 yean6 The funeral aa take plate:thla allethase, et E Oath, , Dow the midgets acher sag Mr. &and Baird.. Earket. beeves* Id and 3thl sta. The Meade of the 'Pauly thE thipeenilli Welted se Load. • ' • isell this On far We IT TASSEY & SPAT : 1 - Cp d l7.ll,7llif Nap megh . kgystiljurr ',CI P. M. killed hop padid ihkr IP des' • ."" . Trait' airr soLp—loob/a Clarlasuul 't3L omb! Candle.= In tfor W.. by . • ?ASSET & BEST o_l_ • •.• • 23 weedareet mann Ifinm slos EgSMOM=SMN iIii;MM2MM • liar, 110410 ais'el .I=l4_ it ore; Er W. • v .111 . ' ' 0.33 - TASegir &DES, , ;, r' 7 , uga 41g,'" 'hi 47- • wy' giI""PVIVi d , reirniumm ITTBRIROH Masallnetuas,m. f it, hlWlea: P to on#sr a inumfenarerr. dmOW IifoOUTCUBON C i 6 ; 4 . 1 , 1 11"19 raltal.*:ll.UM PMF - 1 To?Ai • -xti• AnuPg 2 Wike -- • ' uld rut yap ; • • Al*Etr ,iNt) ••. • ...'2-?.tfairiffilEifiling. Dec. 43. McnEs., Allen which; AIIAL PLIGHT AND CLASSIC Iy.ISYCH, Int :parts, by FaaF f lL and So= To beleivred M DONSASTHEI FURIOSO: 'To •eraerrelAurith La — Puria AravDaaia , by Marerri Jobb and Henry Balky. „Fatigue= and lot Ruse , 5O Celan Bak.: C=! • In tl 'TIRE substance will did Mlle cid Form, gloated Oa slippery Iteek•Cieet; - Beaver county,me miles/tom New,Caidlo and g mike hewn Portetwe P., ille. Improvements AOVAISt of a Grill ?dill with 2 pair of inin i negone of "Alen 'aro Dots; nteellent SAW milli sad l set of Cording lilaehhus: , all In good repair. The Ferri abandon &Niel LSO neresowith eliont,gs cleated and to good to*r, anon ernieh thaw •lo • doda new frame dwelling boon: ialugafireene bun, With abundance a( good stabling otteraW fin tames, eo, rite; braider onmeroon other out bonding*: dlea,ogo enchant of miens kaide of lbsh. Arnie . . . . . The Undo contain coal,Mormono, lion ore. AC. Also,wholning the above, I will sell ISt acres with a Good water power oflo fat Wl, s soma Implommezts The wills ire di"iag on eiterwire bnamou, haring a. sultmeney of power for all wawa% ornieh maybe farther loon:mad; mdtrdentto ran a 'swollen factory or other seaelaneryln adding!' to IhoM already w oPerw• The ebooo plots*lo located in dos widrt it gm whom and woolarowm<;eomuy,io the Tiwnlty of a good marker,andl2o7l7oltrill a aortal, Intelhgent and usdontions neighborhood, mod sold low, either all together, or. oePowtolr+' For lenkr partloolars addresslM sobverlber. Pos. Baloreowny, Pa, or ailplo personally on the -• • • WM CARUTIMIt3 UT "'I i Wag t &Miler copy 3 twee and -send eg. • to vortoor. DcooKs 'Om THE HOLIDATS—IN TIE OAST ...131APHIO3—Thoodor Bouoy.or Herod:a book of flovrets ! : • The Rage, Oireelpea Glf, It glee . I eaeravkip. Amerieak W ti 6 Floral:1N la their native kunte. The Sear Flake. Myrthr aadother - .• The Fantod Works. of Fitz Green Llalleskonner Ent adleourd; Maraud with noel enzr mango.:,Pori The Seamoss; by Ise Thompson,with enzramrd Unions. -A - new and most oylodld *Wood; Turkey =cameo aid other Madam. The coorpletel.,ondonFdidim ofßobat Soma' WorkM eattaining his poems, mono. and correseondenem.illso trawdoto-ke. Virtue's cdleon,l vo. The complete Poetical Forks of James Monaca:mu, Moore,. Um.. nom !Debar Cooper , Camobill, Peat, :Amu, Tam, Henna, and other various antic= and to ear lima bloduza BMWs iltoarated Elhakepeore, hob oplondid volt, ' The above *Mahan, itada!atme simply of Juvenile . For gala by J KISAII. ' ' , . Ida our market VICOCMCKIt To gnu. Damn') Marusfacturei, and Importer of Paper Honipngs i• • • No. 87 .Woosi PLTIIII3 tau, ri.4 • HMS LLwpi oa had • ism, assortment of Me 12,4- est dondne ofiAmetioan mid Plumb satin. glazed and common paper handlnme fold; velvet, and tmlla tea borders; sues. adman. Pubh sod enembee pepmei I sadsupe, 61%-bond PISLO4 de; miaow and Woes WIWI of ettrunzt , paper; Kt inches wide. .All of which Inn be sold on the most nameable terms, whole sale end retell. • ' , . . Country marabasiU invited to call. 671120 and Thlas'Serglare luau in crawled • NOTICE, • CLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE- E Th. feeptieteen dilate Gee - the Lila km changed the .neyenty Cantberhand flew the lunue o Mertop k Ne g.., to that of lAtteles t'Co. Petenteph end totems sclerebnota art naii6e4 Ilkstj an• ty Solutunn. 91 Boa Celestes erect, Etnltietten, m the °sly ainhorired gee of thin Lin in de Eastern cltlee • •J C 100WELL,Pitttburgit, • 0 W CAPS Itecnonuville, . .LOOB STOji ft Co Cottettatel, SNOW J - S BOOINSION,BidiIson. CGlpDo3 reply to e old ef Maier k Stipule, in yesterday'. A PFM.I reit tett• Wet lOW' W. Maguire vete mere menu of SW Wipe Temp...ltalian/Iw, sad prated them- Wren lay inefficient andineonertin thatespetty. Tye/ de• not oven • dollar of stork in old Line. . . • L C &ohm, Eni,oone inhthorcoploy as printip .t elakh but noor of Int fires al Edgooton loCo, Las ewer Coco the or &no:aka of Ms Line, bons dm Presideat of the imps, .no eaninoutto tome woo& The roonnonley as noolity powivo th e smoky between the =duct of oz-agoon Mo e ro*, In Maga" that .fn nory, &mammon Cork who web tocoovoy thoidea dui leis Oki principal- h Tbeireityrofenhono.o.fortoosentsiven,diodaim oaf is tenni. of eadoni.l - xUnirstotonhenn • • dorollif h.• h . h ••- : -J C SIDWF.LL. Emma NyOTICE u herebY given k, ail erhootit may concern J. that Lettersof-A dokinistranon hems bees grantee by the ltegittet of Allegheny county to the undersigned_ co the Estate otNallan AlcPberoon, late of (Ado tow. stop, deO , d. All 1111.5 hams eLsinse *garnet tbe estate, +rift present them dab' nattentioeud An payment; and aq those Imooring thentseleee indebted uuld collate will call On the'undemsned. • • • JOHN hIeNIERSON, BEIIitENAtePAIERSON, Ban no.d z!rik.usig rpm I...ectultm of Tim Baird of Tlitte, animal cit .'. Imes friendly ta a %Yeutter Hall t ad, ate request ed to attend a meeting to be held a the OUEON,e, P rldevennarl at 7 <Amer; for a rpm of heating the Repute( the Delepttes to the late Convention; at hlasalliam 0; and to adopt each measures u may be deemed necessary teammate the contemplated ob)ea, Hy order of the Pteuleat of the Board of Trade. : JOHNHARPER delY.2q . Clerk at the Director,. • MHO CAGES: Chris:Mu presetu— e!, &Maud c ommon Cages; also, Panay buds an of lac giamage d ,by the pair m tingle IMO muebasers, cam be Mimed at thiPitsborghSeed dime. Weed stsoeL QtraII.TNILLY STOCKTON km, laid received— I. • ~ 4t‘0 r m5ta,m?:4 1. 1 47.= „1.7.1,t IlackwmrsEdiargdapzine for november • , 1817. • II" - CrIkromele, Journal arid American bon, • CAUTION—AU P. 1.324. PT' g any Mr.*. pirrllNVilln Jacob la. Mel. &id, as he 1$ a ol.4l.o o ^. .. l . r agkilk y! • & • • • ,•3lcCi delSt 351.10n6 Fn mt 1313 - D . •ateli lasitaal - "'"dluk/Fibt• TOIM—A good issoitozern of loThlimy ankles and -,Christmuaotioive.jost ir.o.di for gala kw by dd3 , 7110NA 9 ICENNEDY. Jr rtLOVIEI,IO c Omits; au hulk and.for .ale k".'" ate tact, or lirigitti KENNEDY, Jr I tar : car wood t. 4111 B B.AINDIIif all - disetiptione sad pnceit for Wa wholesele :or 'multi is wood and slaws: th e , wise elate of • • JACOB WEAVn. cot market & Inuit eta • WI EN de rqtai ea Mackin& Sherries, Teneilffe w" ,boa '""d ll7 l ;ol7l , r2AV-1i.3 at . de93 'rims more WADOINGL-100 dos=re l , K aia black 'glazed waddipg icaNd fin ule by., dal SHACKLETT.e VirIIITE LABUSZLII—Too bale: b to7 and med Hem pnced F i'"F" alleimerr WHITE deg ' ' 1 • 99 moo street : VLOI7B-510 bids Sad to wile Flour; • • • X' • .. ^ .Eoe Flow in store; to r We by. • R OAKFOR k. IXI tawny u• A LIEIELASPIABrIVANTED—At die,..Voong enht Illelenntile Lsleery Aurreiano . n." P t llaisure of ' ROBERT FINNMf dc22:1.• - • ' • Mike( et . • ILIS-50 LEO Linseed Oil; 0 • 15 ^ Lard (wisterj on consignmen4 (or rale by , •F SELLSKS SOAP-150 - bn No! Soap': 120 o mould Candler, 10 o Star Candlei, oo conrigoment; for rale by &SI FSKLLERS I=l OTAILD 1111/121101f-23 hf 9H and eighilt Opel Otani Brandy, dark and pale, tin ages from 1E33 to ION; for 'ale um:posted by BILILADY-41 ix and qr *pia &acne ihazdy,pala, lay's *oda art 414, for sale by • • , den . • P MARTIN D —6 hf pipes A hawses tinsedyi 'fnisale iJPdcd by • 'P C hIAItTIN HA DYEhf papas Waxen). arsedr, Lew.. MO color, vintage a vi,to arsami , for saJe • P C MARTIN rtz a i wm.sum . p...l.orpnitatkri .P,Midtt•Tb'rn" - dWdwi.W . LtrieN.. tIOLLAND Ins-a pipes Eiwan sad BLacirllora /1 CI In; far sal• b dsl7l PC MARTIN • CILA h tZAONF.. Wpi d ter bats bra, IP 0 MAR riNi" ,T OPTION PORTER - S cik~ to 0 1. eV " biaaad SO hf tiza tarn& by 1., &eV •• • P C MARTIN ALLOW-2i bbl. . primb annle.aa inasign.Meal; 4. for aala . by . . . F SELLERS data • 171ibetty SOI.S6—A new !supply of fiends and Ladle* Cork un for sale bah wholesale and rem! by deT2 • ' F H EATON CLOAK Cord. and Tasaala—A tarp moment at deal EATON , d. tricaraln , liana 1771111T64—A Gra , Win' Merino Year, Co ode at Ir '<dined prices at • EATON'S dot, • • market at • btstarte ?se; • 10 c. ;8 ;7 1 den .a . 113 P v i k EPPFI3-10 luttneVe cc iro, sU rf del* 162 tae Com. WAITED— Pm maIs will IA reeerood at this odleo fir a aopply et Coal daring the mann. dealt( bb superfine, Mmm net; tbr'sale by MLLIADS k. DILWORTH ad! •r Wood street 6 Twurz—altegg for .&e by - deslo WICK & tioCANDLESS -• eCA DAM eor wood & Water Ms 00A.P-8P biljustieeelved by .I Robert. ranee. .13 to , wle by • • & 4 / 4 , 33 yea d• COZVIBU -4 !X* -- 6 - 0110 - das CMUY neonneek. (j - 7 , !, b1i!.fir . ,.. 12,t on, on corgiazz o Tp uo — itigit—aouse4 torsoom_ L b• Cos We by 1 7 3 m s /JL dc2o , . ICK & btsCAN .CIDEBe.3 , bbLi tin: r ikt , 401 . mo'7' Sat.PA Tu 'f'v; , Mbti 4 .Bli6l.°Zus CallllllllE—lfttzi elltsyriaki for gale by , deal • • ' WICK &WeI:UM/LESS sCOAkayokbbls maple wjfkr ky saki by _ • WICK k. tdoCANDL.kka . .1 - 14113011K:=11111.0,110 Kos batik. Kibuthes. inek, Gina, le;' kw sale by/. • m • iT :DLACra AVAIDDIX6I—It r al, JD SSA 11.444.114 .s.sgL e k L E n Ts Warm doll/ M2MMI •' - P. MEM auction SOs Jala D. Pavia. iosathasamur vu.e. Oily adelersaaadToheeceet aeetloi. *lll be added to the sale of Groceries, Aen', harsby abenamo the 13d Whet nil deistkod the Co Sdlae lam, maser of wood sad 6th steeds. . Laurel. Teams Oil. I de SoprEloan tda'assea balfiadarboli Aege liftwatietand Taa, With A variety of goo:le Gots SVASaUfstare. • ' . dee9:l • JOHDI p DAVI!, Alserr. Fllka,l3alin,Seion, Alispeeas;ae: ON Tkarstaj me•mbe, Sktakiss-sale e'siaek, at. the Comma alai Sales woo, ranee ,Wood sad Falk saws, ariU baaoid without esserre: ' .: Oac ease of bliekObse black Nfet Plied silk., block satin; plata and Erne black urges, silk saripe, plaia and plaid , Opaceas, black tembasksaollk veNak gather with a grass wrist,' of Outcry peas. Apo. • general asaanaseatefssayle Dry Goads, anadea. taxis; sienna work ono, asabrallas, sal .• Mk 14 0 Bogor. good qa4llty; • duds Yew 'Hymn - T4s. • 4 Obis Woo; WiiOno.. - vorappoto uol priatiorpoi,o4 bond bases, 1 " 8 " 401,14 .P , pp. eePre, quolonotrogtoooraro, t 0244 missy, gaup =Wiwi? free...looking Olen is gout variety; (Other limes, Wain& outummeh tsre yery samerior throe ply !main eogpets, 'Lod Tioo 4 1 ;D:=; . ala sad rge . 4 0 . .1 T . , lg of rotor and won . . 4 . . . - . . TAt o , Cloek, Catalodon Bale Or Boob. gagman tag" staadaed warns oiltloin, poetry and wee-61141mm eplarl did arisaala, mane for die piano aod aline urFnunealei Cataliaroes are now ready kr delivery.. den.. HU AND BEEP PACIIIIG, os colunastod; Ti.& swdemiPed, hamagyarehased the lamp Pack,. me Eitablishmetti et Mears: John ea diesi• Woad, recently eeeopied by Mr. John llasteld and Ideals. J. & H. Idelanebergh, are UeparedAs peek Perk, Butt Lard and Tallow, to salt the honed or Sumo Mat ken. They hatr.:47l experienced Irish Werktneliftme Beirut Wa Ilit s and ntake long,shonotett• and boneless Ude es, prima r eakterk...lPFtest and mount, Fetglish Navy Pork, ant India do; !tau and Itala Beet; te. ie. &beeputkanl !ad Tallow to snit any =Actin the World. •, • - The advantages reread-legal thispoint are nanterou, viz t • I. This is the Teruel Pork and ;Ileef disniet In the State or United Sams, or patens the world This tufty is the Imperil Hog colony 14 the United Mates, and always cheaper thee Queued and many other plum. , . tome in, fine order—Mot Caserta, comes . red and enhauted by loot driving; they am slughteted tad puked io tha acme concent, end ut ataese after I. In ninestablinment there ii me drawn, bent Pee few on Cue d [ ela bout us lad stooge. Mum work is d ee p better and chum than Cinetnalln--litit NOnenen intinee.lnn neneledwifil more care. . Genutee Itsttsnlit dintlildlitatel chestier then Carlotta er atm ante Money Medlin are put' f l oc id Banks treble 45 miles. • . • - , O. Propetty eon be shipped direet from this Howe, lilt the Lakes, in Now Yore or to Philadelphia pr lialnintom Pingemeht of to the Fast otateath mildew Or 11C/ZRZOCIL ; Messrs RG bens, John IlEalli,lisiob *then & Co, tialtintom; T& W Bawler, Eating Mends!, phis; Th eodore Purr & Co,Goodhae & Co, New York; J Jordan & ten, Mutant; Hurter Menu &ChM er. tin & estakwelt,lllew Otlnum 'Junk lautenes; Es% Besieger & Whiteman, J C 114 & Co, Cincinnati; For sin & Baku, Wbeeling and Brestass il lt; I EN, P end t DConatiulll3 Alice& Eel, CultieriA Spenser Nye, EU, h H Idolandbenta t caihostne. JOIPBELL4 BROWN hnle tr. eth MO . • Ces lIIPORTIIIT TO BACON DEALERS. • J.I JORDAN ttellON, • : DEALEIttbla Giletakette Lard, manaCteisrese ollard ethane Getters' Commistoe Alert/meta 18 Mel • ty meet, op idelleuthbeld, PstsbargiSPa Pattiadar anemias to the sale of Baro n . • • J. 1.& have taste erraotrestests hersto(ore, for sacking and pseltlag bulk meat and tare. the Dreamt lesson; sad thee long expeneocoes ttuebisioes. gives the saunas. orttrtrer .01/Itetbs to done entsertteg such buena...masa este. • A • .Then ue advanusgeo to be dewed from melt In Pa:absinth, wiiis 'Mich *limey ems be sequalm. .It be dapped knee fnan any pow Lelew with ,i injetr, and after hwrinatreen smoked here, eau be for werda.. to the camera cluck either by ertreettor by et. L i t=ittat mto ttar . r io e:L. ,. :/ m bete i m t iron .nwerast e . . , !oaken !market pnees. By tins •rtrt dement there IS se=f casks:and freight On the inla which are nns le expenses where Moon itted for eastern markets le wonted et points below not midair into Weeetun the fed thee it et'. ricerin mach better order thakeerhen peeked in cute. It will able be borne in mind that riunkaup le awn( the beet points la the Unio z n to, main Bacon. azr . • . . , E.ansk or-in,,L, , • Teesdale 4k..Maloaa.s3t Louie. me. . deflate • rpm FOLLOWING NetrAZ INES and. Nemo.- pen as received at the Roadie; Room of Zroat M.o Mermaids Danny Aronetiee that's hterelaro's Ilagasana• Suttees do: Ifeleker: Locker; Sorabron Literary hammer. Florticalteriee Grit Lao .dad Areroteeta.loareak alining jour nal; American: Sol row; Democraee do; Slaelnerod'a Maguire., Edinburgh. Sevens; Load= Qoarterty; Westralaietcr,LSorth Blitista+ Littell'a Living Ate; Eclectic Magarano; Sillrolan's Jen,. L • • Dany Patera Gem the follorriag Cairo: flosioa,Neto Took. Philadelphia. Saltunere; Providence, Buffalo, Cleveland, Wartangtro, O.i . Oineinoati; St Louie, Almada*, fraroville,Ne w Orleans, Pittshargh Daily Papers. - The*.anoeiation bat • Libra of over Moor hatairod roisates, which increuing da h• , • Moues aro 10110 is tall cantina the toilet- two of books trod pededwals. sad those droiroas of ho. epeoind ineathevrili leave their tromp with the tabs. nag Irbo • e say timber ittformatioa which aerl tin reqtrited. dame on. Third street, wad to Prot The attendedit( arocroeis es aalled to the following .toy member any thhiedvilete of lotrodadie a friend. oat a resideat of oho eity, whore name shall marooned, bo py the Littman, an a book provided for that p and who relit receive • ticket or &deuteron to the at Ham for the term Of four weeks. • -17s.lial mug Ornsappatal GUts. A FINE warmaciti a( fanny articles, anioag witch L - Agre Handsome Croellei Banc, left!, and without alleys; Bead and French silk bags, Eiti posrer,otar • " = , Ivory ta l bleta; pearl asoroor4dai • " rinaaial ad and ivory papetcanerav apaaan portable wit; Cgar names, anti comb lodging and mentornadata Tootkplek plain ' ' rankling pocket boob.; • 1 Papietorela needle bookr Farley boxel4 Berlin iron baskets; ' r IV 'Boar basiet•Olte. ace. Now Open and ror acid by • FH EATON de:23 . market street PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR - BT., NEW YORK - 'LEE & BIOSTEIt Fetebhabed.• warehouse In LOC year 1 far the iaR th o • Pult pose LICOVI VX.V.ZIZIP,M th hoe prises—and exhibiting, at all. KUM= o -T the year th,e_Largeu. W ORLD Amortieent • HE• Tiler ore ono;"opeang 6Cropt LlOOodd Paeleares,! ;canna even n o e r io . tyl of Fore o u g&anc=tie when:, oridAf bora not been ponhtted, and offend for cab for Caoh and short credit, at I - PRICES Rpe , IICED • 1 'ONE TO, FIVE CENTS' pt 7 yud below the price], a:April lad mar, is pa; pnota OrAalegfts, yrtuth areconeet . ed for *al informaiton of team!, 5 • • PRINT WAH.51113176Z,l N. Ilorkdinsiktett. AS t wrsi eansared in the larporlation of Iyandlea , Wutes and Giran.he v eaelltsivety, ud ammo:Bor arrangemenw in diluent pans of Enrope and lb. le: andawith well known buseaF. my (ware supply r f Foreign !Aura width will ablate sell. delivered in the Cutout BOOM of New 'era or New Orleans or /II this awn at the lemma raarlies wive far OW of eP 4 proved paper. -lbs.. in awre and• cellar a very large' stock of very sapenor Wines and !Amu as hepatica of the most celebrated brsuids and Wawa. for sale. on ;drawn wan by vo lszEwnithael MARTIN delin cid as NOTICE. • • EWERS tewstmestery weregniated °fettle/Ihr, Ls Of Denote; to. tha ettbseribus, Hoecators of - the lest will snd tortemeat of haw,. Sass, hoe onto city of Alleiheiy, deceased.,All yentas hieing chime* demands again. . icetete of tie told dewilent r ent edested to mate know* the setaiiwatbota delay, to Jae: 'Sou, h, at the late model:moor the testator, 121 the tt of!Allegberty. .; JAMES DOS AII S ,Jr., i! City of acheiy. WILLIAM H. ADDISON, Peon tow. city of Pluslouglt. me bere t Eieattto tbe tut volt wd to teem ef Thomas !Maud, me Of Me hp of Fluxional; deeeantmL All pemona mietged in the estate teed said demeaent, pieem,Mtake hatmediate payment; and Mae Imam, CM= ahmihel put estalth will might them foe eettlett.WitbOth delay. ' . W DAMMAM L AI BRYAN, Rumen' I ALL Perinea hnetneß lbemielvca Indebted lo the Es: tate of the We A. dry deceased, are hereby . notified to call and settle Weir unseals, and those has. vaunt the — Estate, will plum them duly mobenveated roe mulement rabserlbet, at the aratehoase of John loin l Mona, Noll Waters. • VeltSes • JOHN IRWIN, !facelift. 1 0141 .4”"..1 TBB'abreact Ulalt inefolag ir,,.,e11.1• of 1l Adopt New YorkKld 4ather, at chnienticatopri together with a general aidortnient oC Leather in his line of busi,nera, amines tante, al,alr. All or whinh he trill pallor *atom returnable terms, ulna bel, ty stmt. (opparlta Rh rt.) ;• • • •• • • Li• dattm • JOHN BAYARD • Atisiv*-* - , irghrgi:Witr °7-.. Y"'• . V '-do; • To anlys-a New OAKUM the tau this month oi, b9l l Okaoi OW, pot 'tap Wirooriy,Tlnnosocoooater, dtroWnon- Cone; In yak by tbo - qk only by W 'ARMS - A NIT lATIO AS BOIIIC. IfEEPRIL 'A Hook keeper of sescral years prse. tleal experience in thts city. enll, be dutenentred ahem the first of innesty , Address A. 13.-M - D. La 111113.4—iiirisolinfolied;striped, figures m a ptesd cent idifetriatnnipixdpet penned. 7 delx .* ' ...ALEXANDER &DAY aIiAINLFWa have Jail' received a laraa.tot 4 Lie =Madam& alma shwa* aloha lOW lot . •do 7, . • 2 .ALMCANIIERk DAY- DL9031111-3000 Dos Term.. Bloom, X II y', for se! by Togsvia7Z,Cegcra- L ll7 °' 30 water in ..0-1000 pip Uedons, alanvfor .41. b; 7 ..,,,Ltl7-•• • •• • FORSYTH & COI!, tropiALoFp-4 tair 7,a1r7.. for " E7 [ . ) eI! ZSZ-100 baptism. lativida C run. et n0;41 ., T0/011-1.10 bap Narbarumaka, ree'd by au less* *a , C 4.6 ArCIANitUDIA : car %read& • . . , "DIG pmp,Galeas Lead. ha store'astd,r, sal. . 1!%14011CITElti. c 0 STSAMBOATS. joit l • jai L ciNCIIINATI AND PITTSBURG 'I:7,IIAILY PACKET, LINE terk , . MB welllknovin line Of sPlendid passenger Sums" • sis cos somed : or Me' largest, as' int, bus sal and larma• ed, and most poser al , team as the Interior tbe West. /Wary deememo,..allmt .. I ,__tsm, . fors that stoney elm proems, Ims beenprovmen wipes , sent-M. — Tim Line hen been di opetationtbr ire Yiranri =base curled a mallkm of people ..liihma the kms'. [Mary to their penes. The hams erill be at thy Motor Wood crest the day previeso in starting, istibe i r:e 2 T tier of freight and the entry of passengers on the ter. . In all eases the passage money mast he isi' . , . . ~ .. 1 • ' 4102IDAY, PA.CNIGT.: • The MONONGANELA,C4t. Mem, hes. • ' bomb every', Newby teaming et lb e•c,locti Whe_elies • every Monday N eedy sill P.M.' • ' -- • • The fIrBENNIe, NO. 0, Capt. J. war -. leave Piesteugh every Tdesday morning at 100eloeM. 'Wheelies evely Tnenlav eveving at le Pi M., •-• ••:.]; .--_--_ - WEDNESDAY PACKET. ... 1 The NEW ENGLAND, NO. Se Capt. . S. Dun; -1. • leave PAPaat'sh every WltaaatadaY ANNAN at .0 edeleek; Wh e e.mi ovety yledaeaday evesing at le - • 7: NtRISDAY.P.ILONET. .• The PENN VAN . I:4. ra p - • - /Piga eve ryThorsday allOe‘abeC.WAvaPlS every Thlandlr 01e111111rtt OT. M. FRIDAY EACISFAT. li e , clip : ITT, NO. S e VapaCnlaborill lima Pdia - liana every Fri Saul. it la adejaeln.wheaes every Friday catmint at IS ; : ' SATURDAY PACKZ ' ' EPESENGER,CIIP-E. Da Caapt.'vrill leaVi Pitts, - Apia army t3aranlayarralag Ittedeleekl• Wieeng every apientay tvelllbj at ad P.m. r ' SUNDAY PACIRILT. I - Eke ISAAC NEWTON' , Rapt. , A. Hari% !save Pinsbarak swap Sa e lada7 alara i lat lb , , rievar .•• wp, r u gl , 74 ,7 . ,." F „T f rg at o DP I AVEE ;PACHETS.NEW AncularaigNTa will isf ya fte4=rrastow Out! Stttordtl2?" e elt;oatonijit`clook, a l e oo Monday', wed and iqrmar. She• ltio " fr 4 loar t at Itutohlt Unreel. Wood osseet and tlto bate To, rued to room. Imoits a itt say_tOoe. • ' ' . 7. , • kIIII.IIAIIO/14otti. oedk.- • -•• . • I HEAVED. AND W P! .r PACKET: :• ." •• • • _,chrii*g ghar,Gaster, will, , magas' Eater seldom, =km ' mpr m bea.or and Weihrorgicleuing Ititusbargimirerr- .- toonilreat obLacki tad Warrille at 3 ot/oet t r. , 4 dela 4. 4" OH GARTON &VG. *pant, I - THMODAY. pencer4vß CINCINNATI- *- ,, Me tow tad fen ijain h ate.met TEDINISYLTVEr34 4 % -; ::'. ' i GruroeriLl kart for Crodartrill ere*: ' may Margin, at 111.2VA/et: /: - X. ; , . - i sad WirsOlog envy: Tharsday, cruplarg. at 9 otioo ki .. 't ar. Tor ruled or aipply War - error •• ! , l . ' lite 1 • 1 " ' - "L TNEWIIPN JCPNS, Amt. - •,. Fo ft CINCINNATI LOUISVILLE—REGULAR Dean, master will . tl V leave mob:meth!' ter ~at I 0 o'clock. , For,4 - Gen 'L 7 1 , NEW OELEANS--REGULAR PACKEL The sod ,AA si ArtEGLE,,I EHIC A - I • l m z m i a, will I.ave or &b ap! Cawmae purls dO, 10;; o s.d. i—Lowarely.. For freight 01 , 911U111,0 IWO/ -dm?! f. GEO •• . FOR. NEW 0/MEAN& Tae tart mining nuncr • . Jacobs, master, Inn leave arklarioa 10 o'clock. For . 4 / 3 01,1' . toralopply on board. ; Oak junqtruat-recKET BETW EEN YIITSIII.I t. • I • • Arlo unowNwin.r..E.' - • • - DANUBE, - t•l ' I co. D. Cock, master, will Nose ECM. tough ,osery Torsdni Tkaoskr astL; 'll4nanlayennlait. 11l 2 o'cloC/C. and HlVllttrfille every, *Katy, Wednesday and Fraloy.toontioas at II Orkoolo. For height or passage apply oo board, or to • , - JNEWT0N•1024103,44N.: 1 ' FOR FRANILIN—REGULAIL. billlor,initoo, will leave asobOyo thoo • taitg nt 10 otloolo. For peoght. 0411 ' • , The heir 'Edda, slimmer BUD Poe, sooner,. hail- rtsoloot War nips sad rns P as above OTely Thursday - and ages. day at 3 ON:Reck, P.lll. For freight or pans& nogg *pa? • 114AFRAVORT, .ZLIZABETH AND NIONONDA.'.' _ DZINPATOU, r • Nelsosausterwillnissabolngeal. • 1g Patsbursh every Monday; Wed aesdariend delock, - A. EC, and Nononi.. hell City creri Tuesday,Ttrasday and Bauudery.l4ll • &cloc • k, A. N. Fat ftespht Ar passw app!lAborrd: I !'!O ik ' r Pitubi g h fa 4 Pg!".e4.1 11 ,;:: - • , he ! , t stoma': • . Hod, Zdastorooll I maks weekly yolk ; to Ike above part daring the soot our ; Por tn . Ig . 11 , 13 2 f. mriariplixAbprl. • • 'REGULAR LOUISVILLE SACJCET -.The mar, loght. &aegis - tad ram ram, sing steamer - EURF.KA, . • • Crozier, muter, mill atieas a rephm aeket betweee Pitnburei told Lodi. ale, deringthe seams. She leaves Friday, OeWhai 8,,' .For fiembtor • saraxaseoly on beard:' WS' - EXPRESS LINES, Ike, • • . j ELONONGAIULA. ROUTE,. • • ' • • ••• • - ' 13ALT1RORE AND PHILADELPHIA. •.- • ' i tOulyl3lllslaa Stagtogl - • • • rilllEi U. 9 Mail them:tars. CotuaL Loom MeLava Swatamara magi mating doable May trips b. mean Pirt.bargh mkt Brownsville: Tlarsooralog boar • leaver daily , at a ogoar. Mee i relDtho: 444 4 l 4lL 4 ! 4. ot , aloalt:StMays atarata; , • • _ From hurborgh to lialdmore 32 boars .- Pare PmetPlasbarga la Plladalphia..4o boom—Pam - • Dy the Vetoing boat Passengers will lodge on basal, in maaantabia Hata Ronal lba Ant aightreima •; =mains to day-light. and sap and lodge In Camber !matte 21 nighh . dkaa avoldiag main travel altogether. Catalina chattered Parses to navel asHory ratty dm. • (p•9aara you 'octets at ilia 011en.,_Nhatattaluda •••; Hoare, Weer mom r St Chatter Hotel. Waal at Orm!l• annaktilhe Mac. • • • J MESKIMEN. Tr.aa.portataelia to this Eadaorwbotog rta IItrOWNSVIIIE AND - CllllBEwljahr Tus subscribes''. folly imposed to rieeipt for;sdklactchandizo and . prodooa. defined for tt~~ee Ewen, •eitios, by rho Brownsville and f-Inidatriand Shippers wadi:diem will have thou goody for iatdcd lavabo proptietamanth the unmet dispatch, at &viols, est curfew 1.011. • Bile of I.adias tarn and honflan." - red iveir of chuge for commissioa. 2 ' Thop.voria,p of the pob.Le yertially moricuird. -• • • For tie Pfoloioio., • W LI CLAIMS, • • • - B/RlVlMlriile, r ORSlriifit DIJNON• • . " Wafer ••. . ograartie a. VOIS IEXP : alitgli am m ..., cu,,ibe,kmd, adriingiev.wasAinvom • ; elk . 4410 : York.noitori, and all tie:.. mtF i tr . 7:k i n i l o l ijogra sending good. ito tm mod rptikii:., Goon Line going Carl; pils7t i o n eti=ith AdlookaC!.. , ErYpteti dwly, at illdyntote. ..: . - . - •.• . Throo.h receipts will bo given to aoy ot dte.__,_,obco• •_•., ideeesadevolmodire and pnekige.ofaaysinn. vv•.- , n... E xPlu•dOe•Ottni in 3F. AL - • ' ':—'. , . 4 . 2,4' • .. li 3 ;ebatleill G oull i ßoi ir. ..1,:8 8 .. '•: ICOLIPIII/ TRANSPORTATION 'WHO. ilighla . .. . . , To ♦xo Moll THE EASTERN CTIMS4 liitolitsinthp 011tYPER8 and others Illayrely ij alts t ' all use ' me ! n awkitz i mt . ueelwill hogerorerdedsh d sadkom ;ereelitlormyeTg7's ""' lb a' the JOHNcLuaKy„Amt N..Soik• . -BU u Tl K 6ll N t B l 4 Wor t. iiitht . f!,Ykohtdoipltia._ hie KARI t MeGUIRth Cumberland. , 11 _ - :__POlithlYTtieh DUNCAN Thlsborsh" - - • tissupt* Tramspertattwa A N idTertimement Appear. In the PittaboUthi papas, - 11.thrned by .1 Cthdleell nutd.otbem,ertsweltues us be, • . nay Suns or the rut Lana, stanni th at th e propnetore of that line eh the :genes. at Gm. .. henunt from the hone of hte fr /a Mersin, to that of . . - ?..dgenconi Co. This matenseth in tab: -The eturiaeW EetiPsci Tthrupentittion Live to In • WV- and eternal • , eheratinn. and the —sedeolgnedorha wen the wins person: la getting up the Lit ei mill continue so be Stint. at Oreumanu emb tetes required that - A.oes in Kuala .ageneies should be made, and .1 C - 'adored widen . stem seaweed. In Endttmere C Koons eras mppokoot- Orson; in 0 113f015131% 1 . 1 : 44 benslN:raidi P rit u nnean were ev er Vi ed In C The sake of the proptimess and germs of the Una man mppost by an exnatinthemed tee and bonnet the thompany new In the pomaded et the nadershuthd, andwhleb:wfil othlbit the mablia a bold anel Impudent :velum on the part ofj C BMue.l . 34 hie aweelates,te wiong the m Ilse L epnethr orby c l ". l .lLlte title, end then rot nail mining them, bet dt i e V e et refer t e public' to the • adennwentent d .2 5, Vnt o aventent then it tal. ever been berroOre. We refer the citizens of Pituturratt theu 4lleew ttiwnsteen. Stoup Graff Cake it 'OW. llVOstty Ca r Eisen , k I.ll.labason &ON ,D T So. John D Ce.D. T . iteerde /I_7 l 4te kerryet:SitithSon„ Win; .sates sour • W. X. Ci Roskete r. Niondo,rminr.z7. lad redi.p.vat . l3 =4 uon of IneunnW&laAn... - - nab WorukAil PROMeUIt US= It !On, Wilms iintommim Mu Mai dm ycsaa at a Nal , . sild Rat !tam., 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers