-. - .:,Azr., - .7.- - ;.'- : :. ; ; , ..- ; - 1 .•. '.,. ..•.•-.--4.-.:-.;.--.....::::::-.7.---,; nlio ma mid or Twai . 1 .1111.741%:11..er sa. Fit 'VIM! ' CosaohAt , p . V.. N 0.17 L.:Lefty ay11:;Ir CAREW Chimes' Y. Bops, &o, always sul Y al. • ..;: :„? i~.. . . L % ,4 Band: u. Ni L - I • U. Browne. • & (mamma to flaidatdp & Unman.) Imparter. and tannafaetarera of lend PaperandUeural• raper Warehouse, No. ID Wizid *.'44:41 ,., .. (.-; '.14,• 4 ) 1, 1.: 4 4",... 1 1i:,... ,-, *. - ;',;1`11.-;*.t.'i '',?::: : ;,*4i'fii„il' -. :• - ' ' -.1 . ,i,c:i.,-.1'',•..:i1;14% 4...,..: , :.i::::: ,p,4:7c . :,•.ir,4 , --i-1 ......„..,.,..c.:-.;., -,,, f-i',.:::;: -. ..?..14:1.1-":, - :•". ' . !..ii:!_•3 ,: ; i l if:', - , l':! 1 :.i . .,;!-: !... , R..;:'i'i 4 - .-::,1 : :::/ ; ;..;f : -,'.::• ;-:!. ~......,:'-. •. - ~. '::-; 4;' , :•v--, - 4:. • = i;:Li '' , -,:•i9 , 4ti-i.:1..r.i...•4 ..1... , ,f:i1:•K:::;'1 . %. 1 %3 1 , ;!i'1i . V3'...':; .4 . ,,,i':!;.• • i t . 1 .....44. , :::4..:.:(4q1: V f l tt:i-,_ :t.,:..'10 , -.... '....„;'1 , .. f . , . 4 , ;.1 z_ .. t ,_ 44.4 4...„,z;.1)!" .. : ::'',1141:', 4 .,!1:. 41f.4::;.1 . f: - .-:' , .. k,-,...:- . •: - 5.4'..i:i.., , :,-, t . .V.,-.1 t ,:i4Z.1., c ti.i7.Vii..Nl:•,-,::! 4; ! '-'-fe ,, ,:in : k•,:,,,•, 1 1.; .? 1 1 1. ;;;;;,01•.` , N . 1 , 1''';'. , ! i *•.: 4 144.i11::•'Zi,: - ..:::v ..)...,a4;\f 4 f,* -I,Ar.T.--1.,•,-,; , ,-;.:•:' , - .',...- - ~4..,!! ~I , 4.11 ,, • —qv— ~.1.44::4.:"..;•44 ,-.....,..: ! .. 1 .0.:.,..-r.t.? rt !"-'''''9,:t; i . .:".4-11':'.. • •: - .4 , 5. Aiplk , „4: -, - 1! , 71 ( "A:c i al i 0 1. .1.,!; ; ; ; ;3 , ... , •........ : %-1, -1414.ib' •- ',glf ,i. , 1, •.:t .4%"-v.l-':•::;:- .--m...:- , 7 5 0 70* 7/701670. :newsy. /IL . 1111ALIU , 'J. Commission Ilorchitoto and dealers is Prodoeo, Nos N Warr sod 107 FronL•trecwrattsborgh. :nave • JTOSIC.P/A It.NOXi.Ationsoi 11.ano,Pitubitrgh,' Pa, b.. teamed the prattioo of his profrania Ws oleo. No 7,ltaka soles Band e rols; Grant knot. oe copied dornift 111.% Longo , by , T.. J. High.= mod Chnotle,riairs..v.• 729dikartfr . TOEUIF XOIIGABF, .1.!•.1/ I/ dealer. Uye thous, romw,oll,l, V kC-2 /No 931 Wood 'street, one door South of Diamond Alloy, , taltralit =CHIC a Co:, Piieecsiors firoaepli o.Davis Skip Cttlidilaii.,aoVater , 'ac3l Oak/I• litlELLOPL.Winerale mil naiad &M a/ et In7diiiinandlifusiesl Inanimate, Schaal Hooka, Paper, Slme;Sioa noralll .Cnistsi and Biationeryley, , No. Pe Wood at, Pntibuigh. ..__ioinsirio_riaksai in vide. reolL TOON. SCOTT e Gnieers, -For a wastiskir aid Omani non Merchant; Dealorsln Pro. due and Pitninirgh mullein's; No:P Commercial • Now, Liberty at, mar Canal, Pimbargb, Pa. mit • CP:iitialesale Drug-, • KisiNtionl Wood o Pinakunich. ao#ls Jovicpir JORD . Formudio Mettitzt arri 1 2 1 1 4 i Pitabarb, VI. _Will n she adic_indspet Toesr wit Avis, AM Wood wrw..., Pi TOUJOITOA f : • r X rXa tc naiad rime ea, Piculnagh. • lIIICAXPS !took -• • asalleibodut • . w:Rosza.trso,' .clypgißtelkemt, earsto' .Ifaelatt • I. web • TO•lig 0 1 1 rfal;AVE. U•doeiriitarantb mane No al sh Pi J.risOTTI . Utairra; No: ANI= DAwaseLL; a am. Merchant, and dot saaafaedtres. No !Maier I 19;AVATIERIWAS )14. grardtng ion! ltingni Paul:wig Manufaciaren • .. LIC Wig OUT 00141 Uroe!tny Foraiunliog W 4wiers in ritirtnimh atet lu4llll pout _ . lola T/ 4 111114 RT tr. Bill ' • It, Wb 0 k...1.6,.„,„, m, Forward lug and Comsaiion. Merchants, Deoler. •ix !reduce. nd Pitt.horgh =marinates. Nos land L73Wood Rm.bnreh. Us-D:l4%w • Imam= I • Ketl.9l%.lll.sllllllli'lin•nutEri,--- - M AleS•lagivdr•_ k ALLSX LARlkelgesolkilis aell'enorattak t2k.t.mbalgs. tsalPl inialtiNt , ca Wood • s ;,; :s f . ti;.: ':..2;" • •- • •LS .. . 1 :1' ' ,. - .F . i.... 1 . .'i: : s':..' . 1 t ::'....i.: .%_.:.ti:'•::'• .. %Revell& & ICllle rm ineleale - vet end eat sea ee one re sad .'eve le nee Ftni. maw •I'Weell t • • Ja, a J. 111.0.11 N. Gresem•Disaloni al M. Polders sad SO. SeessidisglusiCerels• idea IdarehLahNes SI Liken/ sad lISS W• 0 1 .1 11•10. Plabanth. • . r.vm.soir Sr. 004 N•. , .• WW 11118Ct4' NL wits A. sin . cod dam 01,131 00.111 ti sign gag DomecZa Ilevesit. Heat NotCli &Ad e &Wm • a ' • . IQIIIOII4IAD T. LIM • In. Nal,/ In Forcsrn and ...v.v.. earflap 7iirosni • - 'lrl•nd Wart. n.hu ' Rio ILIAD BAWD; Leennn;hionma - • M'. . I.riplari r tintl:nmena WA 7 OR M, NeCHISW sal Cimelrice X Lam,' sem* rim* 'reloiesier. A 01/111MXTE11. 00i0 Camel gins • . WI ItOt 0 • • us us Csumivas. &ROBISON & date •44 Commilnion Yeti • liaiiesowea.NirObs ROZW DALlClasit aft Md=4PittaLgh At .. . . Boirrtvunta i nim .U.tespe. 4 ~., .:.. ,:„.. 2.... , ..,... .. .. ~..... ■ ; jPRIC 'ESS 'CARDS; ; aWm..bn and A..i3Y.at/,OIL I uOIIDoS, Fonankrobag Neff Lula, 31 Walet and 103 Fromm, A 'MOOD, '30.11E11.1E Cs4, -- Cpitallasian and. .rx - yeh.trdlrg dlcrehants, 6aie retnotal to - their old watt. -Wort and 1,003 stremt7istsbo9oL. Tt 6 AU 2 F . ASTA,'Ens Ediman. end ,Untad rrtt.4 !"ibeilr (1.4 mecca, ' • _ Afklat IT l6 D t 4IAL 7, mr.s.rocK & co., whawie isuo, tomes Wool 4.04 Gam., , EaM;;= ...GALETt. 4—004 Whol.s.ae uee dealer; N. I= Market sweet, be. ' 17.5 ft.i.. - 7.71 Fry weep rill sod 1 F .,41' . IS UUTT CO sind .13 bleteltotsVcinalliLslN Filtsbwd; 14. !ORLANDO_ mioatiu,' - mbir6i is Law, of, 1_42_1e,0 CA__!ectillyolt!raLtArild: Win, Coleman. 4otTli ' W..llnitzsso. lOLAIDAN, I/Al IRAN fr. CO, Mannfamurera la of Camay, limritial and aid Aiwialt 11:eol, mad ar=lhns CTriamithiga 'Of evert de. tilpiion, maim foanny• pal. Clair a Warshaw D. Woo , IJErappiajt.r2:lCtineleo • • r• - - ionD loan cataon. a, 3. Main our. s." iuy.euns, t nrcu.ulaut. To U. ve:luter Wholesale, Clanalsaion' Mal I. orniordnor Merchants, DeaierAila ee and - Pius/ninth klmofamorea. sa,, WWI; kar*.P. Wood sad Li berry, Pin,[l.llo Pa.... —: • t • ...1.14 :iB4:rdsin .dealer is Famy and sum, v....ty=m i t 6e Oilt Comb,.-14 flake, greet, sou Dmiko, • " oa va D I..ltaillaan &we.. • .gtrw-ca hh4,04. o[tveea 4 21 - sm. FDillot RD Ilia/S2IIIhTON; Wholesale Glower, •aamide of the Dahoad, Meal Com Dab. allasodAlley.ll_2litossti. Guimwri rvioiHT - a — , dick .I:4lHCtit. dealers is Nodalce arld rittsbatils =mantas , farce corimr.i 4 11 .. 1 1 . 4 14. 3 tha mci niPmemh, ea . .. x 131.1111 kIIIiCINNICOTT, (lte Room, Gil. E G r zs r ., Calusumon Auld P=Tlllaimfairuii:No 'wee.”nd MI&VVARU&SIVAUTZWIIC&DIZE. - Auos . roe', SAllljtontt rola:wed them office to the wadi lido of Poona iaTertibaitatati.Cherry Alkp add Waal alley.. • Wood. FII-Vailli RICKY 4 1, ..C42. - iirheinaleGroeeta, and Cooauseaton Ataraltaaa4 add Aaouro ,l36 fh , .. COMM runs, fioss7Wiucruld Vroal strew 'au. F ULUilldi Piano Ponninanufacanier J: .ecin ISariaal ilAnnilMellitS, fit WOO 4 1r0n.11,12 U. RATON, Mater, In ' Glovet Mallory, end • Fancy sad Staple Trim:dugs, 03 Alfasketstrect, UELAunun, Lonc.a - Ittirsaacs, BeII t.riv ß eli " Jrztl=l.lm l gh:,r. Lr• ”Ittest price Oen for old Coppr.r and Dram dad es. lira:mous rsur fIEDISOXI. nouaaas CO * Whelessle sus mad Coccusin!on hiezehams, IDS Woodstreet •G"' 9 n 4 ~-I=r, Pits/most tionefoe tont • No V a a Wllee nio ss, Vr 41 Gai. W. Smith . . . • • 151. 'D. Mown.. lima., W., 11/111TEI Etretress, blotesors, and 4solers in Bops, Pio/Motet and PeiFt MCI_ ; erlei, ?Oa stat'lltt Qom: ' ' ..111111" eI_MORGIII COCILERII4, Colitis/24mi sad •fludislitun,N. Ted.!treqtlPbub.ll,6 ckatat_ Ma • a as !Una; • • ALI olden pancpsalty dditese I John D. BalleT7 .H ATIF AY/BAILEY, Dryßoads, Oro. aliev,Vmta, Piusbargb manafactured ani. fiGADOSbMY a t, Plitsblagh. - ' ATN.II. peruaatxAskantor, worrE 'RED LEAD aLi IdainTactarer.Patoit MI Merchant, comer of Lib. • env .11.1 (Mara% Pittsbar &MS egMMMM;SM te BON,:Coasmissins and s, 18 Men,. (oppou to _. _ .v. lll4ll4lll,ThydzepathlatlwoWd a... l 4especttrilb , /Warta ble facade and the einem if 'Pi arab anadneglany that be ha. decided to remelt. 'in t city dariag the meter, and in prepared to treat piti n t u, pluine themselves . under hie care, according . IQ arum... practised at all - Water Cure Establish. nun , for either Acute or Chromic dlacales. no* w' oe to avail themselves of his semen will ea Ir at Ma. ratea's, corner af Liberty st. and gnu, alley. i,L Dr.' has treated several Mere eases el &mat i n ' that city with great traeccsa, to which he la permitted to ro llVlhl 1/ 9 0 1 1 ' tt '' Lli w .rtNtif, D*- linwr.i.d a l th sf . .., raw , Mk. will kn., apputly oa hand awe well select ed foment° 1 the hest andfreshestiledieales,whieh - be wi self on the meat masnayie terms.. Physicians sendl conk:ay:di be preanwly articled tcy . aud sup plied With articles they way rely upon as re name. . i. 1[1:r getelansTreaeriptionawtll he accurately' and sea prepared from the best nuttcriale, at any boo of the de • or mhr ~.. . .Ala foe sale, • large Nock of f rea k and good Pert. wee janl , • -' r IlAeltard Floyd.. w I. Valid& PaD iVb./... /16 4iFigeTy *1 , 1.1w, Wise Ashibewhfield, sank eide, xuemi paulptlrto bobineas VEIT lONM.R.; earner FM • • . OVILTOX, .BookistUe ulituthierl, N. 44 Alark. litore;tk, neat ?Julia in. .511.neel- Inland Sinuoiry. apS • 00'., Bankers and ot Wood Led Titbit streets; rittsblaiis, Pa. (Liam asasl Tales. ilelll%. Itale GteecT, dealer in P Ivrea, J7ini l Eve, Lct h. • pinS sn Yrodne t ean4 —' il=4:7l ja. Pius urigh. jwto • " Guyana. DALZIKL sizes oflroileAncei, lity.,Onfera kit libefityttor.l.-SWaW, prks. Ctin t t - d.W.vr.l l . WArtboa or R pahell k. ovaltr at. till reeeive• WA9l.4ilft..Guieer; Far low Umlaut: neater in Proilneef N., 31 Water X Whole:4& Ceamisman MeTaXIII!, •onficterey ke No 43 f. No. 65 Mar met, see. o( roam , Dealers in Tee l( Eschattge, Certificates giZ;UM rued.... Femur& Woo, XL I ClMMlncia . t. . .h. 110tast I. %V Went° Gtoners film{ Verellant.. No4l 4,24 Produce Dent. chum. Si. lig &coed f 4, .Importer and tam gerliago, No wan inter noisgsda Tied. • Oil Ka. I • - • • mibl 11011111 MM Omni; Poo sal lm ia 4ftea.line• Ororer, 1 fit c'tv.. ,' . • .. . . • . . . .. • . .. .. - .. , . . , _ , . . .. - ' ... . . _ . ~.,,,-,-_-,..,---_„-:„.:T....r:p.,T,---:_t,-,_r_:-,.,;.,-::-.,,,.._.,:-.::._-.-5,......._,,o„.„.,_„,,.--7,.,.._.r..._--.--.,.7,•,,-,,,„._,,::i_.,:_-,...:„___:_.-,.i-.-_--.,_...-. ,—..„7-. -„,...--- -,,.. i7 ,. 4 .,. 7 -.,~. .... . .. .. _ , __. ~ 1.. .. • . r' : -- -----:- .:.' -" '.. 'l-- ,;"--' '-' 4- ::,' -w ''' . . -- .' ` 4..4. " - '•r . ' -. ' . . ; '1•' .-..-- ..7..,! - • - , '—" -- ;,7 - • r " .. - ",: ,^- .. 5. 7.. -- ''-.....,--.' ' ..'," - _,". --. .'i --- ..-; .-- '-' '- - - - .7 - ' - '' ' .."-- '--..- -- t r -- T "--- ,2 . .„ , . 1 , -.a ."..., %V.:!.--, 3, ....,:- --. .... .--1 - • -- • ... . . . . I '" ' - . i .-,..ii ,_ - . 1 ~ ~, _:,:. .! ~,„,),. ;...,...,. -.-,.,, ~.. ~. .:, .''''' • - -'' • - 1 - ... ~. . . . . . .. . . . , 4 . ” VEN 1 ' DOL. 1.-'' LARS. BUSINESS ,"C: DR , 11100iftc Wbolilrwetfitrzufty‘.. fiwWwW,lWdwiflinds of Foreign: and Wawa ma] NA: h tl i wnt: wre ery 1 . 1. 6, 1./=;h r operior OFfaxu4akela l a ylujey„witich 1.9:a1d low fur cash. war 4-17 Co. iternalds. • G h ee. DWYNOLDP a Buzz . , nmirding , and. Cow minor Meretoms, 6r the Alletheny River Trade, dente. inGwennol,Produen, Piusberghldianufeentres and Chloride ufLiine. , - I . Therhighest prices, In cash, Paid at WI tines for On.drt gip,. Ginner of Penn and Irwin Gs., Jan= lex../fiFOL,RD ColFiirdourr.Mtetiltz' Clain end Seca,; Tien, Ler, Lent i rte• spMily Clibrektett.•'.ll Thos OEIACICLICTT & NITVITTE, Wholeuede Dea l? Inn to Foreign .4 Domes. rg Goods, No 09 Wood sin., Pinebiergit I feblitf, §• eel Flner and Produce generilly and Forward: lug end COMIIIIII.OII Merchants, No 7d Wond•oriset,. S EIPT*6I-I— i i dgiffelliii7ttraTWWiDd .Vtooor orwarding and•GorMoini on Merchnous I)ealer. in Pat'dtret Manntlittords ond Weitorn Pro. duce, hove removed to their odor mare. 400.03 (old Ido ro, comes of Front at mod Chan c ery' .Lone. , oov7 eARIITICIL.7I. EMIR, Fbrwitnlineaind,Cammts aiou dlerehant,'Dealer to Solt Prodice iod Pitt* burgh manOlitetorr4 aluelov,Canal . Blisin:, vent Ith. Q. PG IgArsza. talTreemattuJ A ri' • --. —on 0 . -- buret I'moburxtt ri1A061.904t 11 E 11 1 . —Wholmile Groeets fot Wolf stree7.74= turg d"!'64l 4 t t' rllllO9. I:ENNEDV, Jr., looking Mans Idansfarta• J. rah. sad Dealer io Cloaks, Alman, and Variety (Weds, canter or,Wand and Yaw.* swam • • ~' ,• . . . ii , il; I' Ponlytio. - . , .1% YOUBVTII it.o Comm' ' Rj}.° . 7 ..-T ... kwer. i. 0041,.. Op _ __!anon Ne 1.2_04.111gh1k.M... . 11 ,etaires , ,Cinal o' finar'NLZi a y . + Meg, .. .aus U l l7 & SIeOIITCFIZON, iPL " lerolp. •ern, DeVers Prodnen,lmn, NaJlt,Glaiisand i'.=_lll . /ilin Imam renienlly,lss4l.thertyrtracq ' 01.11 • iodic' b. ',ma. , • canntnal .W 1 CK WeA 2 CM.:MIX. Intecmon L Alr• D Wick,) Who/eaalc (boort* Fpa , ard wd Coluntilaian &Umlaute deafen in Dna, NAN. G in.., Outou Yams and Plibbitrek Illanalanana gauun; caner of Wood _tad Wow am, Pinabatuh... . racial 11. •nz coma au kan at 23 teat, mat; YY VtlibleiaileGtot+4 • •'• ) 4. 4 d lll4 P eld 1 4 2 4 . P t=r":' wmor q[ . •• . sap I 3 • , rim_ .171711T11110111r,,It'WOLPD., Importers.: an( LF ,IF yt,alosnin_ Penlers. in Ilardorn!ri t4tlery, Fad , .7, aa,allnar Lthenr and R. Clan 4ixeeta, 11711 , .t.Luts.ajlItLWORTII, Who TV Grixers, Produce and C. 61216116101.1 retchaists. read g:. VI r W.WALIaIn CY,N.OI -.• V istg eiriablilhatent, Nit .24( Libm ifif7cir• ttgar;iyhpie•li.o.l .7. • eers. Rectifying , %milers, and Wine abl , lLlgoor ltharandio. ILO Liberty µmet, loppoatto blatkot.,) b nth• _ I U P.,n . AVL r 0. IL _ Attorney • removed biz oftc to the Exchange Buildiop; Siam stscei;nezt dog,: to lildee MIA Jobb.. W Ills - .OAILHARD Dealer In Foxier and ...Staple narl34lDry Goods, 11,,..79 Merkel meet, Pdsbargls - 1y • • viurW. WlLSON,'Neater to Watch., Jewelry.' 131 2 7 hl.huo7 0004 No. 67 Mor:' VVrt. 111711 PHYorbolesale reuil ica.lerta . rbreign and Doemeitic Dry Goods j eau ear nereidartetmd Ranh sts. - • . rit• s• • .1)(731..P.' IRWIN. Jr., haw steparehased the Tr Drag Btore at Edgar Them, comes 0' Penn and tlaad aireeta, amp st constant supply of the best medicines, perfaesery; e: Yhysiciart'a preseripunea eared esmhpeanded..— Medici/zee east be had at all beano( the might- -.(ebtddlr• fl 0. A r ttlarßALloll. Attorney at law ;Fifth uncut, near Smithfield. Colleenng, sigerlt cies and other hustuats attended to with punctuality. Dimwits & Semple, -Wm: Croesan,. II A Pahnestoek & JohnHerron, Lab. • • - Gin!, Lindsay &Co, • • John Wright,raq, James :Utensil, Esti, Msj. Witham Unmet. J. ItIITAIL.: RECTIFYING DISTILLER, 0RE1GAA.891,133110 kkilitlollll,- No. 114 Libaly at., and 5; Diansaitd alley, 1741 PrrtSBURGII,TA. WARRICK MARTIN & lassien, Main:. in ,Exigg Sisk ]Rota pa( Cwii, nor I II 11( ;Arroxli v rltt ttiM i trt,ElBll4 l l. l .l. LAW. ga-Otrace Norlt side of lion* at, above apichfield.-00 felotAttmlyy : - - thiverinacilmin. " eieorre O. Jon.. Ii°LF.tL n F L I . tr CI T U ald Ur col 0 ' dr, 174..5' r • stores, and Pittsburgh /dasurfacurnl:rsticles,base oh. hand at all nun a full and [e.0 , 1.1 .. 011 IIC.t.r ritt.Pgh, " 4' W n4 U Mft.i• BC.I , Cherry . . raal3 • Draiitl 4 .4% Bell. Alseinon 6. &lg. Ja. 8.: fl r f L .. , Attorneys at La . Stearart's o.4danr. Fourth; street, seebad door, above Oval re, rittsborgh. • Bell, COMJltilslol2[l . b . take • Depotitiarm Ac knowledgement of DeCdS,\lll4otiltri/1111.13GRIS of wri, Oil: be re!! nvl9-ent,r; T. • BoY • W. 1 NILSON, Watch Maker ./k, Jeweller, - ?corner ow h and Market sts. A largo'and well lehteteil stock f atches, Jewelry, Silver - s ome and Military Goods. Al ways. on hand and at regales cas• tern pnces,Gold Patent Lover, toll Jewelled wilehes, as low ses SR Silver do watches, as low so SI& • Germane Cooper, robiatiJohnson and other approved' woken,' vouches okay he bad at a small advance' sad warranted. • • QT✓Nlne winch work done in the very best Edwin . =row Ir. SWEITZE,R, TTORNEY - ATiAWS 2d rle, - oppoilla It. Charles halal .I"erai Prrrs ft), W .411'th= ay..tr,ql7to it Pa a r-Yr. ° l.l.l;z7 ll'" ns eiF.anst TEA STORM, Na. 7: Pounkstrat,nessitreed. . Der quolitics of Ole. ind Mak Tow rclsTe b g a dV7rg J MA r a 113 at - _Agent for Pekin Teat DAVID 111711 T, Denim, Oeal f h fl" Whale Mae lea. dgties or his prorM- Meo, may be men lo alm, , eerner 418 And Dr - Mr meet, torimeta Market sod Ferry 'mon arm a. mmmir the day; trom 8 A. r 17+klY • X. J. assn:. . ATTORNEY. and Manaellor atLaw,CINaNNATI, 1 - 1.011110. Collothons In Nankeen Oho and in /alga. sod la, Sentoeky; prompUy and earefelly . . attended Cannalsooner tbe State of Peansylvanin; for ulnae Derialoaly Iw eekenarledgernents,ke. Dna rs—lllon Wee Sell ♦ tka, March k UMW; Wo Shim W & Davit. ItZ EAGLE COTTON WORKS. rairrestvalt. • • MANUPACCURR, COTTON YARN, Caadt.Wielie a.tunnlß Twine, Comoviet, YARN, CARACI CHAIN, WARPS, • ; • •• JONG, PENNOCX.CCe • Asa CallemoonofArbectlima.A..ry,) • Psnanion • A. LOIIOI7X A CO., • No'll CANAL iITREF:I", .NEW ORLEANS, A • ' A GENTS for D Armant's Lzlencre Swazi yea s Pfr.fincri. •AhrT handl lane TA ol io( ti P Zet VA. 2to, "' r Howe mr01.7.... • Pracis WAN I and • fair lalOWlbee made et a~.ea, all sales .K . 2 . 1 , 1j0rc,50 barrels. • =MI • GIGO.' W. 51111T11 111 , 146., BRI:WEILS, MALITERS AND HOP 10RALtiall. • PITIABOBSII AND POINT BIBWEIISIL . ,.. Comerßeika•loo and re. &, Ina loose PHIS, e is awes. • • • mom • maw roma: • ••A. P.t R. alltl,lloX 004.• - • • MAVUEACTURERS 40 Hammered Ilbirrea Sol •Posties.,llopyllar Odlo blarture Forth Aff,/kg, W avelmfte, No 11 Wo.ll•lreettratAtiurg4: win • • T.II: pub.?, rderimui 3 .'itgok tat elacclog Y.stabiLik near b" irl hi ct.i k ; rtmet B.er, .= • LIP • Cart.L TFaI.ER la Trlmaings and VarldlyGooNTomm e •JJ 7b41,1v07 and Horn caphyWoollen Yam and `lVOrsaeds. Bomar , Nee , 41 Weald ea"' 'Nn. Marla *ln belvinned Olankend and . 'DICKS'S, ASP SS,- . 1 - g P .. "" - • • • 3 TOM% IDwiwAms - ..7za .:Alowita.K.A" • FORWARDING k Milt I SSION C U Dancuboteer. • r T ' Ji licialdo sant. LI CAI4Es g. - ' DANtIiIIIOWE,IL do CO. • . • ' ~ TO a ke C . . 00 11111851 , .0ft. MAK 11111? 1, - No. 50 South Wittredi,atid No In nth Weber ia P/ULADELPJILA: . p Ea to he res the - trade and dea rs generally of c t r i,h P t t e tsbAr i ct, that they s hardnusde n str&tarr c an . v r atentl lito. West..‘4 " st ' lndies7a " rero r rh7r p a laees ' as willinrstr . o a itsigaatut constant supply or the foUovring descrrp. tutus, or.l'obaceo which stint e sold ars= as. a.m. modsa. iog terms as any other &nue in this city or else.. unborn, and's! l goods ordered trom . them Will be mu, Havana: St. oungo;, !COna.;„l , _ • ••.. Yam; • • Porto Biel?: L Pewits, ,Ssiedkal!ro . Cuba; ,' !ga ti uss; . .rld Florida, ~„ bacco.•..; . •LSO—liranch's celebrated 'Aromatic Said Cavesi d.tpWith t huge uskosteatoT other popularbrarais, qualities ofpoundsis 54 12a Us and.ThLusstrq .5. GI I. and to Flog; Ladies , Troist.; Virginia Tw,t. 'as, sireet.dplalo, in Whole anChalf bonesossaod and tin together srithevery,raricig, n( art:Ago belong. • . J. rzincticir,.. FORWARDING .CONNINSION AIERCRAN?, Ease .Beavr • Point ,l'iSuller i u4owid er , - suvaa Covarzw, PrOprietor and Agent of aleaml tal t r. A:l m i AND "DAUM • ISTIRItIe FlTTslitrjl2lll lUYII peptepare4l on earlieit opettigi4ill4 . llls. ! : lo 4 rafertrtsVglrt:olC Pc n r 7rfe :on 134 " Cat,' and Onto Ca o ntda; Gm- • pontoon LaZeidie aZi; tippet. Lakes, is also to forirard4todnce, kn.pk Peon. 1!'471151174‘... Apply tour ; sevei J. G. W. LEFTWICH & " itecKnrirto,ToßwAgulNG, • Co.. And CCIIS2I3II.IOII Merchant*. v i,RAMOLIICEILNI4Ia,.nARTIC i , *ktm.. "fi t= " c==mg Ned Aneke*.e. REFER To.:Arm.. Sheffield k Th. *cm Limerick; New Orleans. „tn. Lined kettersonldr. Z. M.ffilickleyj Lee- Mosul Lel k M. Watt ib ilk bt , t Mem. Ilya. , Craighead, Means! k Zenon Demure Ho*. deka Dour Plamemiee. Le.. L • celalk •. • laWsgatt&lii Ali Cow • . , FLOM FAMOUS AND PRODITDE COL - 1118 SION1dERCELANTS., LIBERAL cash tukranccsi toad&on. receipt, of .con •wgrunents.--; Than ;dumps so nog addrcsironl na runs thien•kionhi:ialisii in ads&nce is Cum, hr apply ing to our.ndends , _ • • 4- Idesset•Thoo. BellAddo .11ndgeport,Onjo. Phildtielphia; Mug 5. int& midl7-tf N. N. MI produce consigned to as .1s domed whoa in the warehouse or Wallingford &Taglor.gitLibtolbs tumour sone Bltilistpnia., ..C. & CO.. NEW SiDaLitia: HARDWIRE 1111611. R. V..:L,E,E,0a;.• 2110.43-3. wouirrsii4; ivrTsstracriih' - .T.Tastm; inplroisbcd togstonk &oat die beinsoutueld AA both domestic and romp I toke,-plcusuredo ao• nouncing MlSPllleflt Mad 'Lk Mien IMU proparrt to In misti -thew with sill 800 L ott soll ,netter [ems ihmi httecio&ire. • Bogen:win ricolleettlist 'cielisiiirelg7in San . tilrr Hardware „and Carrotge Trionitosic oliao•O advaniagen this triable ion to.derg comKtiotr 1.711, see . indludgei forgoorseleia d en I I farnistr WI, near the , REPOWFATIONS Oh' 'HARDWARE. , LOGN..K.I3IIB ; D_,_. 11111 . t/RTERS OF AND WIIOLMALE•SoieLECRS IN LIAELUWAttIEi CUTLEILIfi !Se., No. l Wood Street. • • P TTSHIIROU. .CX ARE nose in the /worse of reeeming largo : eMitiens to their extensive .shleklof llardrrarei'.Cittlern wex., which !baring 'been perchance or the =At advanuwou. canoe in Prig] d; and direct firth the i l2 llll2fileittrtiA ;his eourarr, :" eubles them to!' fer ...cods on ter* sorptuved lir none and equalled by fere. Porehaserinrerespeethillyinvitea Wool!. • . •Gr.oll.oli. coonnam, cottilssioN & FORWARDING IVIERCTIAN'A 'No. 7.6 Woon..4Trree.Tij"-trawim3B.B; CONTINUES to trinnict a general Commission. Bosisess;wspetesny in thelparchaie and sale Ametitan dlanniactrwes and Prcideite; nod In receiving and forwarding Goads Consigned to hie care. An Aient for the ManufacturerslM will be 'constantly supplied rich the pnacipalinetieles of Yin:shush Itlanorirmare at the lowest wholorale prices. Orders cad cOnsigements ore riMpectfally salient& - ailltientore Pied** Camuirdsslasi Lew. "ICSDWARD CLAYTON, nue' 8 Clayton k• 10n5,169 Xs Lombard street. Wholesale Deities in / 3 elter. and •Commissfon Merchant., Having for the lam injeais devoted Ms sums= extinsivedy the.sale of Batter, Milljans .recedve flatten Lsnisned adstvlaedllec Ac :Moon knginissinri,"nrol Stile. Wowed Mdt from his osperiame and toonsroai slurping rammer* he win Le aLle b sire SiatiAlibtiO, mab tvhei mry d'S.m , gd Pro duce ro lam Refer . 1 • ?tun. Wen P. IV Brune S Hoo t • withimr ax Mama lkw4i " im.34., .T W & ti Ombra,' Pad Illerckarns geneowny. Wm 21 Shia. Home LOTE. G- V. Ma/14. -,•LOVE, MARTIN'S& . 11,0DUCK,St:SEItaf. efJFI4I/SSION;AND FOAL . ‘l , ASUINO lilkttella nNa. S Spear's Wharf, Oalelosase. Rues To— . • • At Allen . ; ilubcgk ; ; ' S ' Tet • • John R. Mandan, sett* Seel Jet:kind, . • ddalyi, i. 73. LZ131112113. ! : n. W. •133731311311011, lafrof Pitlaborgh, P. lam of Nashville, Tem. LEHMER'4'ANDEttSON - .. DNA LERS IN COTTON..FORW A DINO AND" •COMMISSION MERCIIA NTS, • N.. 8 Prom street, tabor. , Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohi. Refer eft Merchant, generally. in l'insbantle. .aprlO • WALTER arCO rzovi Alm omit* COMMISSION MERCHANTS' AND DEALERS I N PRODUCE ERALLY, Ns. 2.3 artetl Arseantst,imierr Mew* HaMaier*: I'M. SPdar Cushier, FAN Cushier, T Cows, EN, Cashier,' I.andrireel &IS go,l l / 4 41&Doagberty, Ring, NE& Ensey, W & SAVyman, 13113410'h. Denie& , 2DIiVARD IiCILICLIING, • I(nlce coon TO a oonx•if dc xaccca,) - Reditasar, Conmaiii..Merchiest, auf Tininzyl-door,Sooth p tantcns' Rcrzz ro—Al &OCII & Cq ituygi Penuosi . ch. An- • Cooway. • L N Totalutam. B. OIMOUTH, CONWAY CioVnAna.l; t'4ion ao 'ForwardingnNortham; and nodoeo Dealers—also attend to tho' Vorehaae, Sale and Saipownt elPi6 Item Coal, de. . agrxrt_To; Ailta44Jonea 4Co • BraWo, Bailey t Co . Lorene. Swirling ft Co Hoary Graff Graf, !Amboy &Co D Lee e ch kCo :Lyon.herh tr. Ce , Clark k Thaw mazION, • • demo !. • • • JOllle V . PICILRY.' • ILatiof the firos OC/dab:alai Leech & Co.!. Wholesale Grocer,' CommGloms as rimer Merchant, TIEALER In all tide (limitary Prodoee;,eoP. .IJ,per, Plaies; Titioers , Tools, Zee, Leda% Hama Meet Iron. Iron Land Nails, W hite brad. Dye Suaeo; Cohon;Yarai,Sala. Jko. and Pialabarea hishafaehares generally, earner of Laberty end Irwin streetNlquabtrilt,ra.:_ 04 - /d basal rasieeta, art gash erl3 made., 4,33- 31g3tuents of Produce aa: • •L, • 3 AycTIONEERS ComMISSI ON MERCHANTS. • •: 'AII.>MANDER JAW & BROS. - CINCINNATI;& g a t at. enhor estaltbolunenl, MI Mods Of Merchandise at th e Lomeli sates of Commissions and arc alwayiptcpared to sotto adsmone, The best of refinsones gime% If requited.' Lotters addressed 40 either llousa mill be prominly attended to, jrAldly am:meson. W. U. CASL/20.2. .1411:411‘110111 L COMMISSION' MFRCHANTS And Misentaotarer.ot Luesesi Oil, - . No. 20 Columbia bTnef , - • 0E10: • • etrew /Aso von Tussle:6.4m: ' r W. It. CLAILER, Porwarding Aferdant. Bniunivilk, Allende paitlcalasly t. the Parorardineg Prodore,Ar. Par any further utformatiou apply to FOLIVIII k ' 4.119 • Ira mut maim : • stimonews 'a. PATcu • • . . .001111111111011. 11811C.111'11714 . 1/4111 Wt. tor St root, • • , 8?. LOW?, MO. .. W 11l givo Funnier Molina lo 14a arllmir of Pro; dace, and to orderalanposolsoop. Rama to—Gesorinotipall& Plttabarirb, Pa. • mill . . JOYe i/PC.11.113. • J 74'kerbut. C D Colbatsa. • Jona - arovad,ovon.a. Co. uminsiukas and Forwarding Merekants; . • .1508. D 3 & 95 8011TH ST. in3vi!!.Wian . 4 . Ay) IrA RP. Llallimen. • • TllO5. J. CALIIXON, & Co. COMMISBION MERCHANTS, *. We. II !Lod X Light XL, BLLTI no . CM"' edeaneee melee mode ma egnedgement se e rehem4.Y.-- lily,,.it BkonoirT,Mxth eto . ,CA.iewe I _ LCA Ii er fi Catl.co ~- TIAUR PACIO.ANDRAIIAN_a FIOpUe n usworaea l ...... Initvps,PHILADELPDIA. it i.. rl t Wer &Int. r Canals. -r9rr irentsmusr Atl AND OLDIADEDION II DRUM A.NT HOMING A !MLA' HOUND, - rosmoa TosikccoAp.bak•Fabajlartosa. .rod rens Rico Wroppeglall r leaf Tabm. N=b!X pp1i0314 7 .4011 .qsK Ol . niamilyal IMNTIII I;. aµ • • • • FAZIREftoci &OD - " WON Ms lan inimitiorgenc: 17, : b11 . .41 stir INZ MECEI , IMEOVS. . . ~.,,---- JAM , . ZI AV,WOODWISpL,, - PrrtsitflaiLnoicernin twani'.aoOirs, NO-SS THUM irraskv.• .. -- -:- 'I ZA LARGEend splendid • 1 atmmnent at 'Purrifturc,' .1 • writable kw Steamboat; ,I , lbotelt.sad private Noel . , 1 - . , • " , i linit.constantlyen hand and made to order.. ,' , The prim sleeken hand rennet be excelled by tutt: manntactory would well country. PerOte. re:Wine ? to purchase do N. Melee me neall.na I Jut determtned my 'prlces autll Please. Pan of, Inc alooh • ...50.8orkaurnAl Flub ant! Ilainekatt et:mem . Sdon Itintupanay Ittur,p Chrup.p : - VtiltfiDine=totrU;r 1 1 . „ tnaltooey Workettadi, 4 . doe mahogany Booking Chaim ! • 15 marble top Detain` &mins; fl pair Omuta;- • Vrr7 4 :,trogetrlcl 4 t•Ple,herrfruld Porto uritatends deuerip e.t.a Imp. irsaertatent C on. oconut Furniture Inad mural' • t NEV ,— ItDWA EL' MOUSE . I ' • • • JOIIIiPaINOODWELL: Corner et Wool, mere ShCata., , Plateburghts LTAYINO withdrawn from the old dna of Walker & AR. Wooderell, 'ea the In of January, 1.547; I take pleases', in• enneeneing to ley friends m the city and I eetteßY. that.' have opened lay new store strike above nudenulld place. Rasing purehasedywntoody ferreshr made arreogrownts -wit& reentesstuters in tam r and in Elaropethee, I ltet. ! fitiPnOrtnke falotAk i ALW‘reslCall - kietkk tto ten. how* F:4 or West.— ' ereltentsantkeithers- in cal and,eaundste 0.61"."*. I lette li to wi4g as IS P allrelr r y lan Fnnsnaings,. Qi 4wile Mulls Vi• reg, il Vl l Vatt e4 the -161 t Serears„Utint Estri4 Pirreanawahlaisagastr.boalds and veneers, - and all other alleles connected the illtortlware business. — p111.311-VT7IifiLWIIRLIOIL PIAO-MMir: Tf esel s serib enhavabtentedpale/L:011R le 1848,k ra Press Erick Afoeinew, and Parisi Nate thaw' slily tested Ira ability; lint now pybpsuittl to sell rights and eentrett to deliver , iaaeldnes lo any pan of die TI Wed Wares. Tim machine is &Opted so Worke thick front. trade eley, 0/111,11Vill make 00,00 n good sasoort. Sens brick per day, slacked', bawl testae k lip in the kiln; thus, avoiding the expense and laborefpre- • panne die elay,drying.aud.handling she2.l.diek after eaten nodded. It ...Mo, moue, not liable togsient mot repair, and Is erelsinteted that can be takes to pieces anal pat together with great facility,thes rends. Ind It portable. We ere row bedding uh=-, and cart fonnshthent Rion notice, 'Fora fell description we wr aid refer los machine now in sueeessfel opera. lien r o Alin creek bottom, near tho West end of L7glith weal, where we shall be happy to explain everything -connected with it to all who may call. e " have ni present as nothebtsed - Agebt - litt testetwto ear address yen promptly attended b - • 4 , CULBERTRON; kIehTILLEN & Co., stepßief • ' CITSCINNATIs • I%IFOLTIATII CONFECTIONARY ANTI FRUIT /FIORE, will, open on Monday, Apr. 60 , four doors from Weal sr, and nen door to A Jalcie:* Pekin Ten/Nem. ' A splendid assortment of Fancy Cale, Confectionary. Fred; &e., freshen the Owner eve/ day; among which .re the following . Ponruleake; Lemon Inse. Pnary; Sponge do; ' Pepper, Noe; Jellythrker. -Alinonddo; aledernes P. Cali Oiaxee Nuts; Wader lamb les; Sponge a:mania Federal Cake; A. re; Sugar do; Orders for fee Creme, Jelly; linden'Cake , raney Cinpypepp,pypi, At., executed in It number arm qardkd in quahly and beauty by any edict establish• stentin thin city. _ Freah Bread. Hasa; ronnurneltirca snlely from Man Wheal Flour. and free froanalldrags,erery np3 - ASIDREWA BOSTON 110040 OP MISCATINO nou- SE , - —Mr. 0. Deztar,of Boaonehar ranged und, , PMenledtt plan Dsr heating boosts; whieb ta-eitaue oessfolly arid In Boiona;NoW Vork,lr.e.mtd wben•ver ppbed.' bar nomad the, decided prekreore over .friurres...Fonsacer, &c.. Its advantages ar&-. (heat regularity of Temperature. Pad. PreedanSfrota Smoke. . • Md. Na anpleasant/17. • Ith. Easily anerlded try notllable bagel oat of order. • " ' Sth.Oreat.Daribllity. • Model Ind Specification may in; teen, and tbil;op- paYalas obtained at the Copper and Tinware tastory of WM. USCAIFEinner. . Wood arraharkes rt. _ • ' IlArdlmre, Cutlery, Sadlibiry, JOEIN WALICZJI , FAIIVORtER :AND DEALER ie rereatu arid Doane J. tie liardware, would respectfully inform/ankles:Os aid the ;labile generally, that be :1 aow reeelsieg bia Springsepply of Hardware, at Use old he VValker Woodwell:Die 81Wood strcel,which he will dispose of on the mast reasonable terms. .• - . • •• • Ile will be continErany receiving" nab InaPPlien direct hew thy, Maanfactwers is Ranalkann lion coant, which 'will - enable him to competelarneriny catabli4: mem, either Fauna/ Virtatem Merchantman invited' to Call AO examine In. mock before pnrcharinr Innewhern • • 1.75 ciparta•Estap. ..1 1176.1 M anderaikeed. bare entered into Copartner- . VV dila kr the Repose of Era aueilniva Ptodeee, Cotaneaston • and Forivardlea busmen, node, the %Vie of • • 01113111, Mean/LW & CO4 , • and hive taken the warehouse. Ne a ceennerebki Libott West, finverly orettpiedo , ld 1 . 3 p); roe,— `where attlateraestreavaap-to.otu charge Will - be Pennielp_ and Calthfull minded to. - • . • • NORRIS 081751, foraterie or Philadelphia THUS B IieGREW. “-; StaithSeid,Ohle FINDLEY EI'IIeGREW,"- 0 • • Pittabargh. &lush ft . . 18117:: • mal4o TIIDILLII sZi E.uz , J/L. /IP Am lao trot of Glllespm lfmnaedy, Ldoknof Glass hfaattfactarer and &aler In Clocks, Combs, and elariety Goods, keep. cos.. anti op Imad, of Ws ors shameaetura,.evay doseripuon or Gat, Alaimo:any and C Glassom aodb dtawer Todetm plain and onmmemal portrait 012111.. All hinds Of locka.Trays. and Iva:item, to fens or dostas; Combs; Masada, and a general assortment of Fumy Gads, wbritesale, at a small advance oo east. Pedlars and o th ers sappbed . web Paelp'• Charm Car rier's PIIIIZN and 10 by 14 frames at Now York prices. orrat . Not:Leos Wood and Mb sts., flemongsthete: Iltabler '• 21 t t .4 • . • ROW!' 11. PAWN . RISON lota opened the largirstable on Firm st..ronum through u, lotteeondst ; In streets, In the vent of toe es Howe, with an entire new stock of Horses and Cure. ages of de best quality and latest styles. Horse. kept at livery in the best manner. • ' iOdlY ; • ones. Chcsallead Soaps • rES OR all kinds of enrptions and diseases of kilt Skin; I` mains PintpleallUnches,Sa/r Rbennt.Sairvy;tlcal se mi s chopped or tracked Skin.and brad o th er dista. ata or the nab; which )toilextern tessedlts,;tbis Soap stand. Impugned.dive la Frpckles,f3s. ,born, tditplarst, Tan, and amnia the cola of dark, ,yelles• or diagnosed skla, In • fine , healthy, youthful, tlsatniolt : A freak supply, warranted Rename, and for naletat the sedated alto of 371 per cake. baspon been received, bled:mad for sale by II A SAIINESTOCK Co. torntrtst and woodland sae attlie tomer °falai!, and sroodata. lon Shaving and Hale Drosslag Saloon. 'MADISON & FOUNTAIN. IkimielPrVeisew, ban AP updated sod fitted up their Shaving, Hair Inswing and - Sharapooning Saloon intha modern style, =dare prepared to wait no patkmm Mom, with esse, comfort and politenew: .They we mimed to vrenee &Atha* may nil:without delay. Thankfegfor last heentom olleit eastiamee of Me now, at oarAdow,conwrof Unica atuetaid ilis Demand, (beck of Ale:ander * Day% Dry hoods lincev) . an, • .1641 Z .tIXPERIENCED hidges,on a trial of one and &half millions, since INA pronounce this article user. mud far dorabilnylo the maim non of all hods of Payouts. Price StiTtireasty lby Mt leads oflo N, manatted motorman our. Orders kr teem,/ quality Bolivar Bricks will be executed at SVC petit, if so de, sired, wi,thout guarantee. ,A mock of Maims tonditY la now deceiving and for gale at the *outmost, "Sloon's Wharf," Canal UIN4I, by • ' „ J SHAW NAOLARFN : soda Kensington Iron Works •ATCKUT/ON TO — THE POBLIC:=The substki dill ber, by written contract with the' Patti Too Co. bag the exclusive right to sell their Teas in -Pitmhorgh and Allegheny cities. Avy perste attempting le evll 'their Teas, cartel procured prst thrush e, iP aising tetrotion And a fraud upon the pub ro lic—nod their stole. mem. *yowl to be relied on. • . . . Rm.!' - A SAYNKA.7lPeenhetreet'' (LITHAW, HAY, Apar CORN -sAI.Kr - cutrEics; received front the EAR, lbeeeytaetravr cutter, Slician'eCylindient Cutter, o eery eoperinr arfiele;und the ilt•lique toner, on of which ore of a 'err roPeriai' rittalitVi tor sate al We l'inrbargit Peed and Iroplernean vratebouee, corner of Wood and Silt str. • . • WI! KN WICRERKIIAM• , JOEL • MONL ER DRUGS; , Dolgpst D Ap AVOS odmenry, N, W, pont, of Wood imd nth on, Pinalntrgh, keip eint surraly on 113.1, Drum Laird*, Ones, N. II —Mb yvtrian'y pmeriptions rarefulfy reopened elf from the brat materials, of MAy hearer the day or - tight. Al my he 4.l.oFlotent el I4riLl23efy; Gue Taw*. Hair, end Cloth !loathes, A, Ac, yrhiclt,he will sell law b as rash. may I.. 11 - jIIIIII9OLILITSOIe Tirperiti - tri 7 l4 het . ..torero JJ lmer between the otbeetilers, ender tile etyle of J UW116.1212 thl• 43J diwolywil by mould olisent. The Woe.. will lie tieetineed by J D Dews, vb. Is doh sathented to '<We the areoonts of the law Gnu. J D WILLJAhI4: 111045 MILLER. etnatf, Pi 11 .1 11 1 ,1114 &3/11,1F03. fIUTIMILT—A e/solee Teleeuen of Cutlery, ke Pruning- and Daddies Knives, of3ranaas paiterns: witnido ter ouraary mro and pr IeIICIN Bib,■ lam assonaseen or pee and pocket korres,• superior an'eln Jasr reaeorod and roe sale In. at the Plusborat Need and Atrieultaral SVarebouee, No 131 Wood al.oonter ol etl. cede • N WICKEL4IIAM ACOMIIIIIIIIIIOIIKt OP D A T CINCINNATI-I.m oratkom iCICDSod Lytle, flour., of renrssylusna I uke orkussoldosnus of all in ulusueoli elwriumg, oleo aftdosits add &puffiest, of ponsono In Ohio, so be used or reeonfed In reanalyse slob Orrlea, a doors Rag of th. Mayors Mee, (o; tinned, niftb. EDWARD P CRANCR asylUdkgrly•P • Atiaracy atlaw •• - RAGI *AND. • nnit 1.113 Go WIRY MIXED TE RAGE granted, 11,1%1R/11 [...bleb as Wilma pries in 1111e11.,11 be. plod. iVlarn . s . P n aitTa i gaZga l t inial.f Wnd'g REVNULDRk sitex. c.nr_q_mltna ln.leaa Pumbms 110111*lisgtho grecs.. ie . ...liable kg 'O sating n Ccare,,r. frog pi er:2 ,: rt i ' de .. . 4 l:7 . 7llliesigra as iha seed stem! • Irk Wl.Cgmajulag • ; 13f. ear word •ni alb : GOLD AND SILVER IVATCllM—lteelven an addition so my /area stack GaIJ aad Yam Par; eat Lever Wawbea. suitable far Ladies sad Gentlemen: —or the laiesesni Intedaomest pauerna sad of the beet titanufseume—rtnamml awl for aslant neer !mean. etc • . • W W WILSON! Fbtud Fora — -ply on band:ltna iat sale so acc 4 l. a* Isaborea Bead Sion, No 121 Wood onset , earner or Kb aim t. le7 . • . ' 8 N WICIER8381811!' _ ICSRAM PitC}..2Elll4—/ B E up.* L wes C itrJattaarm's eicelle hit I Pee cream Plus mum, valtabis far II.mel• IlltaaboZ privain asal• las; it • • • JOHN DUNLAP uro • u aTOßdWlL:—Thasiloodrtbeolouted leased theism. .I,,orandlere deutpkol led Dalt 11, Hu*. v, Cotr oadtea 'Coeds ud cow pawed in sore on Covetable MEM. *bond utld Odra aro ...nay ...out ttie budospee. 4401tiutre doo BoN , ! andmilloppeatd) WO of nallald '-'=";`" MORNING; DECEM LITE It A RI. , PITTSBURGH IFEHILE INSTITUTE. rviqs ander the me 'or Her. J. hi GOCIOILT ANIVI T. in whirled th e solid and or man:want branches St daubed edernlion are taeght js i rnims e z r i ir Gae l r aa' ! i t 4 i 3 on of zi=s at between il t and 4th strets:Pvihe flocelfigasioneWill rommence Moeda) , the alth o f At;Keeti important that arty who may deugu Cr.lerlng amen. toefiresent as feJas•pmetiembleby thin date. /lag have, secured the services of Professor RI/0- EOM xi neither Of hlasie on the Piano and Goner, Who is moire!' gnomic , emetlrycommendanon. A now petent French, teacher sal be employed Prof.lllN(3llAhl will hare charge°, the Department Prof. SUMINEEI haie direetion of die Artistic , e ' e Pentneneed enif gote , laniton, draW l / 1 146keteb• .1i end panting, both in oil sad Maier rirc. Prof. S. is a coropment,tencherr , end lum woo de li mit from the first men in Edrope and the Patted lama. Ile has also been • teadjvr in the Ent mutations of the . Perering aptly to the Principal. 801 if —•• Tt..L i ttr:l l ll! CITY.. N • .1111iS Institution under the dine don of Kr. • N: W. IdETC4LV, to epee utr the retwpibm tithe • Comer of Banda aky wad - Straurbstrry atm , The deeend Sewianwill eaulinenee onbonday,dept ThmetlesidaioN to elder will'fiad nI their ftitereat • do so es near the 'epettolp of Ale session as possible; thooph pupils will be reoeivml: at soy man daring the aessien,.. • . .1- , • • • Th 6 sermeen of eampbtent Teaehent will be*eared, dw classes that may wish to reword madded..a ins trlraw mg, Pufotiug and Neale.: Par partlealant nitride io the coarse of hatraetloa, limas, km., consult eireular or appl74o the Imanseior. A I legit y, July id, 164.7. ' • • a' 11rFALUAIILE • BO ON4o.Publlshed by .1 A & P Jemes,•Walant street, between Dearth Wd Filth, Clocinwatf. . ; thriem's Gibboo— The histery Of the decline - mid 1 ! fall of the Roman- Empire.: By: Edward Gibbtin i ) A new Edition, revised end anent tad through rilutt,preeeded by preface, and' accompanied' bj ) litotes critical and:bstdriesl, relating pinneipally to )00 propagation :of Chriltianityt by M. F. Cinteati iniiter of Instruction for thOitingdbut of Cringe. •The prelace,ootes and corrections, Woo hated from the French 'expreeely fur thin editioni • With a notice of the Lilo and character of Gibbon, and: :Watson'. Reply to ).Gib ti oto• In .T vokoleip. I ibre,lol3 papa. ',Nspier's irin 'imp, 21 'otaoPellee-' ''• ' !•, -'; Hidlam'a Middle Agei, Chamber's fiebellitin in,' ) Sioßaelf,`Robettion'silirginia and New Englend, Remelt'. French 11011 English War in Anieries,'and Omura Auterioan Revolution. CI eel Ato. . , Libraryol American Himory,—Containini selet tines from the best anthem on Ainericaw Illetery;! Biography, Travel., Commerce, Stelistirs,indians„ Revolutionary Rattles, Ate, &e, &c. Also , Agee-' dtifs*, Poetryand Ativcellaneniatottieles. Illnetra•• teM with more th3p..NIU engravinge. I nal, imp lint PNie. tUnivereal rietotiat I..ibtery—iContairung nimble paperi tearien, atijeett, .eoniptising telaNat ural History fe , atured NamenetAgnßultitne, RuralLeon onty.Birwraphy. Fine Arta, the; °neater., hard., ticograpcy, Botany, Al tecellaimoui• reading, &e. &e.' 1 vial imp Oro. WO pp; Bill Sheep: , • • The Family Aladicall Libraryi—A Treatise on the, prevention.and :Cure of Diseanita, by regiriten and ) imedicine,.• New oditineirevised mid enlar-' 1 simplegd Frith the addition al a yegetable Alateria bled. ! tea, pointing out the virtues, polurations and dose. uftuar moat valuable native medical plants, and an j ontline•of Anatimy and , Physiology. Illastrateti with one hundred Enveringe, nu of which are I colored. kly J G Norwood, M 11-41f4 page tiro. American Flower Garden Coinpanron..-Aticpted to the United Settee; byiEdward•Rayenr,Landscape l and Oincmental Gardener: Itt too; third edition, retired, enlarged and illustrated: , , ~ ) Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Moe ntaine,tko. Ile. ,Family 'Testament. octavo, with and withotit ) Polyglot notcsdund Psalms Ito metre. • 1 Rice and Pie P ee'. Debate. Burn's Worka. Lady of the Lake. ' Tolle Rooth. Mom'. Private Devito tine. , Inveialle Books.'. Chap. edition. of varioni works in pamphlet form. • ' riach !• j . Valuable:Standard Works. iaIgANDEM ENCYCLOPAiDIA— A. Wetionedy or Li. 11 mooe,literanuenodarteeeneepresingtheldaory,doerlytioe ten t fetrnufie r ifr P t d r ereila k ::r ettt "'" te• Jer k!' ... 4 f-11 by'W Tlirand,, YR 8,4, Iti= " Blotto- memo reerevings on wend. leforee's North ameeitan , Iduienatalainebeantireelly eel ood mare of .Notth America, lateen Edo, Canada West, r I' If Scotia, New B Oka, *Werra Tem, New MI.- , ten, Eloride, Tees, California, Meek., Genteel hoer., Ymtaa,Went lii; bands end ell the Blau nod Terra. resin the Union. • - • • Nfat'o Foriause—The history of the Bohan. /Iva% i t reformation in LSI; to the rorolation of ITOO, aetonettor their probeipice, /m e at, by Daniel Nod: reviled by Men G Choate, MD, lode nine pooralte on a Intwe '4. e.e or sody t. thOsind;;9 . Moue, D, umber of tie mai eidefeerrhysleung, de. Juvenile aid Word et via& ntabts flume, • my pop I'ZFD er=ide Jeirolk apriker, enzielind slemenbliyi tad exurb. in duneediee, win • unc domintion i peen nibietou fie panne, by Funds T Reueil,buniebie o at • . Thit Oak witts.retriveriland ketialeby • • , JOHNSTON & STOCKTON 1.111. • • Bookaellers, rot market .I.7rd INl. lljr. tonDigleison".se°°llnmaairten—fik; '• • • Pe ine's titillates of :Sentient's; • Boraces A nagger. - Percira's Moran Iliddies; Moller's Unapt. of Plitstatogri Ellbstaari's Practice, • • Wasen'is do; . Florin on FerAPlck; . • Ildperbellortia; • • itainsbakurSitrntetice of Partuniarli 'n . NOIII on dm Stomach; Camber. Unmans of oi , ldren; , . Ilettper'shledical Dichrenry; , Clyater Fevers; • • - 'l' • United Slates Ihspensainry—new edition. • Thy abate with • general atootreant of iLlanical and Alinellaecout Hook A j AAA rveciaiug and.for male law: • ELLltrl'r varD • markel at. between ard and 4th CIIICKERING—One Spientld Ran. wood Ms and a hal foveae-Pluto Pone; made by Chickening, Goston., 14ERRII/no natt.grand Plana Forto,fittat mane. a Wery Of Mary Hon. Pula, A/ octave: •1 GALE is CO—Ono carved Hoiersod,6 sciatic, mode by Gale &Ca; N ifbrk. One ditto mahogany 61 octave- , SPODART, New York—Ona elegant Plana an at. laveti,haa been vied eloOptojto year; price 1110. An , • 51COND 111011 FUNGI. caikelkint nand bond Pninisonade by Loud & Graben; in good order. glOO One second hand Piano ittl For kite by ' JOHN II AIELLO. woke • 111 shod street 7‘I(OII:IC—WaGW BOOki:=klergani Graham, ANA no Dowel by O P IL imam Prin 6 seas. Narita; a lb. Triumph of t.iberty. • ' Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith. Commander of.Maltlitillostrated. ' Carnal; of Norimi. by II Soot., Eaq. • Legeads of Alecco;,' by the. B..Lippardt frail sopyly. blagmaiss" Foe October. New filar e ramrod by ! . • • WM.& CAL rot I:MILLI, artal . Wad at, opoconte post agcy. uAtemnia - t.trarre - vrioast:. Economy and Iloackeeplog. Mardneh's blatant. • Liddell and Scants Greek and English Leoicon. Draper's Natant Philosophy. ; I inkley's Grametry. Just lea'd and or sale by .. spear AIeDONALO , & FIESSON,RI market st Entiprogif nobkcs-1111Lory.o ca li Tthare c k altillon, and of the nen and rtipagns uug Gam We struggles of b y (kerb Patriots in It:inanely. tag their country from Ik,, Turkish Vote-In' Iwo vol. lams—eplandid copy with comenni, maps and engra. IMlters" illustrative er the reign of Williiui 111,. Iron MO to Loa portrait., in 2 vole. • • Co panion in m the Imlay of the Ito! y Itertriturcz. mre. Harry Itlortiony, 14,451 romance, ...nth 50 Alma I ' . , Tour is the Ilaly Land, French Inner, a nd Sketch China. Jua reed anal (needle. by t.] fiIeInYNALD.4 lISESON I , N. Novo Meek W Ploases. I . J OAN ti. .3113.L031. r 1 Wood .yre itoir :teeedrlott an' xcellent asmoyintrroi of limos sod Wow 'Volk etott.ittrdy..d re.drry end how cpellawsek: Two ..plentlid Itorreerno4frannerstoettlres: Iftla One. pfto.lid careeillbee/rood, elt snowie r ,. 300 Oen •pirquittl elaboymy Pro, auda lhal(oett t. .; 330 Line me nd Preen Van,. ,Vpade so the otOrr o f Mori Puri. 111.11fLilly tong le the 01ne teed by Liner= fkreeeru. Ono toottoiwoo td bend Nem, mode Ly Sto. dem wontouorit, lloramm, Net York. tenhor apply Mill Le fereirrekl deristritkis week.. . • NSW Labia 21.11•12, Menne. HUHLER has Jon secb.c.l the iollarosi any . b a Timm, Yrldeb rnU 4e sold lower Cue goo, W. boagila den'. ' • One Alen enelatgesnel octave, mile by Natty& Clark, Mne gedrot great lone power and sweifteassa. et. —ealresiellylew priced. Cho elegant meowed Piano • made by Cbteketinig,, Damn, and selected by low IBSI-011 bOl4 IZunramestrif thr elan no Ilia gleany•—pace very toonerase.. Derides &bomber of cnb,!gb or all prleen Sad map fbrevogibe watodextenive ackeiate ens olgered Na CO, 1•4-14.ati Wbodylelre. newtenitane inn Tenn egewiLlen4 d eenge .,.. • Oue :ELLO .de.,R. Nr: le•Wewritit On:embed and Wien tee ealp— • retie. blade bY innekaring, = Amon. • One elegant flatetwand Diane Forte, witnessing= andiron flame Meet. by Queiering. .• • One elegant Mahogany Pam riata—sanden Gain & Ca, New York. the =ova will be gold at ninealligiareed ,dem Abe, Ger . .ale Ka angel, a awn= load Vasa Fine, walla soma% ' of wszi 'J OP/sots. Oseleast' • • • • i"UR OF MEXICO: bet CirotWets and rkidal 'And Reillbdimuciliallf. Awe lbe =wad ed :as apaelia Commun. I is dm pee.ent ume.ll/47; taandiny Deane= orate small the United Linn as Casa= and Military nelnitenentr: .BY Pbtip Young. ii.•D Web two Coppery late Alen, and =deb Vaips , iet• Or Mlle Ginn+. at.. On Col• saw octave. or Gee bandied. an Oilly.,4s.pagla, 3. 0 cure, Jae Part - , • Dr. Ariatatrata Aeltroctaion Wow lat: ... ~...,... Tv, ER. ~,n,,,h i tz t a ir,a7 6,,, zl . l: , L -.., r ig a! eatpliorts bare made teicoro by MS ami;:, , ' , ;:.. - .. ~ ~ ,:t:lifzuew,..4l:rts t utic . z.-.!pig.„ robly mad:vine Used: - A parish 616taila.,:n a qtreri 1 lar mita th e 4tai ottltoimmer kiwi tame fllotia:- -.,.. --:: 7:i r' r tom rem Jemmy, almost on parpooe tskaspreal Ali ~ •:.' ,' .: 1 ..,. gmtitode fordo opetslicom that tlia m dl.Wel had -: : : :::- : - affected in AM case.-414...5.4. Yost - • .: ~.',t .3 , i;.:.:. , .'.,': ..___Mor sale Pittabasa Vat tho PEKKri TEA, , ;-.., , ... , 1,: wroltr..7lFlurtkirv,;alldilso of the • DM( 8 lore r r rrrr. , , , r : :::_, .:r . - . , • Ai kt Schwirass,nurrit 0-',,u cc : 1ir" . ..? r,.. ,, ,?,. . ; rr,. ::. : . rr tria,...e......bri 'a ho 4 i' ..1 . 11. 7 , .", -.;',..,.---•'''- '.- -'' ''..',..', . .is:, ..,41. , legbintllPY . ..l , Pli.4o6 , ..lll.th, , i - .7"'' ' . ;: - .l:'±.: '. . .',. r , .::-- .r. 7 :: - . 1 '.: , ` , ' .-- f: , . , ' , 0...,' , .a ad 'or a. km. )... v. !0i....1. -,.'.-.='...,;.--,. - -:.:. ...- - : 5iv.., , ... 4 : . -..A.5g....`.C...:-.4.,%........-..-:-.:, of =ai. teartralaisi ntaarred to kratti . - , *,.. , :.,..,:i',.:. '• , --. .:Z'...' - ', , ,, - ....; , E, attic% baatimbilligeralra twilit liisk.vannien6l'de =ithi sf rkt .: r ,T.4if,,d1.:,. 4.7:1=r%:.Fi,.i- 'f I -- t '-' 7 ', ;: ',- ': '..1 '' ....' '' .::, ; ., ; :‘ ; '..,: : 1, ; , ' ' . ,.f .1 :-.T' ,§ ;.:'4.... i .*'f g ,:.;F i :: r :.7 .:':'.& ':' 4`. ..-."'4z;.- -ii..;l:'4 romaWl" 6'ii.,.Pi -:1ff:; 1' 4 ; tt . 4i 5 g . 8 ) 1:#1.4,gr ;. 4 ris g , t4* oe 1 ? V 7il l '4.illtnk 412 " .1 '*t.twIll i t-',0*',.,..,.,,4 1 '5x•.; -. 1,;,4 , z.;•:a3,51-:.) ne''''Y..twr-,4,,,.- - 4 , 1 thr Tse;AW , "- - 9f'1 ,,, x: , a . :- , ieit , .::..4:0,t . ...: , ,„t_...z.z -, . , :: - *F,,d....-rtvboq-t. ni....1w,_.,...-inbilt#,i s . gliff,44,-.4.,,e11r•*).'1-....-4"?,r-,..6,;"rThr-r—ir`r7rlcrrs-'4l nb m otil___ r • T -7' . . T r• '''.•,4,1,- 't.%Z.,`,.-r-ri,:t:'..:ES:-:',="::4::".'-',,'-11...''.'-,M44igrP,10-Tr.e, ,4 ,palabY Wit:lacsogimottAilDorntler•r;srfr',.',..,l?-.7.,-•:-:-.:..".-IN•r:';.5',:ir,i-.;yrr~r--Warvr.tr,iftir ratubsewd enti r .4,„4 o f rw o c, 'r .2.VTr[Vi'f T'i:',', . ' ePtAg4.' 'C''''.4,*'4'_..,..'46'...'''''' itila. :11,10411..f...; C...,‘''. %, ......q., , 1 ...':. F . 4 .':•. T . ' Z ' ':lll -''''''''{.-'!''';4WO-Vl'-'"VS.'"s'" . , -1..: -.'.. ; -., F: J . . , - & ,1 ! 4. ... -, T . ' ....e .,, :C . Z. ,. 'i .. 1 , ;e445 ... 41 '.*1ti ...... .4,44 . ; .• , . • , • 1 • . • . . . ... ~ rr.; ....:,....,.......aV,7e?,'e,- ..r , ... - 41f •r]..,... .6.1 ,II , „. , fps, , ,=.5... ,. ..:1 , ..4..4* '. '''' ~ T 4 ' 4,1 .i ' . 4. :Z1 , A , ... 0 4. , k,.,...V.e..;;;;:.:• • ••••' - •••''' . "'. , `' - '''' . -- '' '... "•`•'.'""T. ' 4 .-1 • •,j . ~ ] .., , . "7 . . - . . . INAPOP 1 110001-1114 pi de lei Estedpi dokda 1 1 .1n.Ca: Veva 1 1.VISMday . 11 E190 Pht Ise .nID new ,del.Copsypea Itgpahliar y maim& por lalatclerra • A raw copies rederied; for sale by • ~. . UUNSKIN a wrocnoN, tbskaatai , ear =Malin lop .• IRINCIFI,EB OF NATI/10; bar../11vas !ay. elaboaaaiul a Vole° io Afiatiadi by sadltraash AsamoJartma Dawia. • ' ' • • 4asabia la of them Made - dal Ppokitm bees meld • i .Isne.m. • • . w.IIMCM.DW424, r nurticaumMili hN 7hotratbiti44.l, . -276/N..• R 23, 1847 MANUFACTORIES, -.- .SPIZiA% • &XLE: , 3174:1, 'IRON • Nreleas OUL,k,W&N, DALLII4II,,k Co., kiatog peapktod' V their New works, ire DOW plepated =Wiz, toe evert.deser!Peloa of Caul and P2lptto 41Z boa salvo, Sloane= Motel, ep ri tar and' plonk 4 , red all aloes of mall square : &ad. round lron.. eh. they offer for silo on liberal tenas, 7soaoos. N. 43 Wood ateett arbenit they also &cep on handl complete and handsome , aarronalent..f .00•Mh tfia Carriate hardwut, not!le,l4l. 0&t00P,./4,811 • C. , hate diode ariingebtehts tritk *aura Day & Crotto* azanafactozerO ed.: &Matta, DP odaa - Forks and will keep eonotantly ee•eeed eras, article Node by them. Dealeta aro ,reepeetfally aol cited tO ea 11,as pekes and tot= Wig bb taadalitemL I _ _ tr1541.1r PITT lIACIIINE. WORKS AND F.OUNDILY 6 . I , WIL aux ' . A RE prepared la Imild'paticeranieWeolkit*ltehlii 7 .sty emery eleeeriplawyMielt Io Catdieg Mar, ehlnee,Spi4iaa_Frame.. Railway Deeds, Wawa, TardlerCtiptmeera, term.ll FraMee, &wo r t Card' (binders; &a.: Wroughi'llon! Shitfthm: tamed all...ilea DulaM, P.M"- sod Hangers, of Ae.larest pattorpi, slide and hand,,LAßtev, and tadta.bf kl '• • • • • • . Daminat eirevery daiontitidel &enigma , an short :no. Dattarde. made scarper for: Mill Gearing, Wm_ radmik&e.. Otram Pipe for heinew. Pamorlea, Cant . Iran. Window Farb; !LID Taney Chunks Ordersl the Wateboawrof J. Pa4aerL Ow, lib- . inr !nil 1 1 .C.PraTPitaterigiatt.-, , REM is Dlaekiniel:, Dal •ie co4l'l(..moftweitA (kw° p Warner; Jahn -Irwin Gellaar, Pißmbash,:. • R %Vara,: Stembeavilk.„„ , 113¢PAIITNICESUI1R AZIMDE• W. trrAtilE,NB of Wbeoliii. K ger or.loolopt ein4l. 114seltkikof . Piqsbutoll, have this day motored ialn C.Tontimissla =ler axle sod eon of*Lepbe ns Sboonberser Y Co, at .be Antbor Iron ,W . orks,Whieliog Va., Gn aro purpose of monoroctorini mot and nal* of averideorspuoe. • - - ' 1 F... W. Braemina .R F., Snoinnozoca. J.A. Broerina. BrIENNIDOKIIIIKIISER 6 CO.; , ',4t, , lctios. IRON Won% • • WhaNgsg, Va. , • . . . , , . . , Manufaetaie ill iindier bear, aikeel.!loar iron and nails, A H Meet eliptic *primp ana alas:* 'Balm ean neeged with Bbnenberget's Old diadem Wilk., we am oder anAree In ofJamatalresi threaded Mrenbergerf equal in any Made in Um eouna7.. All of winch wil I be. sold al the Plttaborgh price.. Wowlonae ephaWorta earner of Mourne and Water mem.. , • my 11 . , J.lipcscott. Jahn D. Wick. 4 R Meirgai;. LIPPENCOTT : • 11,VINUPA i nTlIftr11/3 IiAMMERED and ,CA/17 J.V.I. Sao% Shorcls and Spades, Axes and llitchetr, Mill„ Cot,Orkirliu. and GiOttsws; flay and, Minium Pork a lloes,lnattocka - ricke, ' • ' „flowing Completed ill their arrangemente In the 'eon:, intention illness. niachiriery,-and'in teeming the beat workman' feint the most celebrated 'establishments of the Ilan, are now manufacturing and will keep cots steady° a hand and fir mle WI the Mame articles, has.: ing awaited theme] yea of the Mien itapterrementa,'ind are determined' that in workmanship and =tenet' they will net ben teelled. They leonine to produce unfelt'., ' Theg, not sane rier. to any thatnan belied in the East,' y mine the .11elittad of dealers' to ttll examinatien of their Mock benre'purchaslng elsewhere:, as Meyer& con Vipeed ihanbcy will be able to (II all ardent In their line to tie entire Fetish:coon of purshaserN'Werehoure i AVater se. 4 deals Wut Munonimbela House, Pittsburgh, I • . N42."Prx.oht hrelnK Cosiness tenth Wm, Lippezrott k eon; vrill Notre eit II on I.lppeneott & CO. Aucunp.Nl: VENITIAN-SLINDITiCrORY: .. - . . . ... . . . . 1 JOHN A. BROWN " • ' TAKES Mis method to inform hls friends .and the paidie at torte that his factor/ Vnow in full oparatio. on the Emit side of i nrs p us i ' pro It i n ' ts hc oVi s : tr. :all sAd qualise.., are eihmirmtlykepton hand, also at No. a Wood sh rittatamilhalT.; ' IL Philliparoil cloth oraterooth. - Vaunt. Ehuitari.made' to order in the, boil style. Illiads repaired to MT shortest Armee. • . • . AY. /1- Ms Ilhads will be vatup. witteunazy ad4l- liana asepsie no that they eon ha removed Ina mot men:.to ease afire or tororathiag, and 'sifted the aid . 5 . _:. .17'7_ dilfi _ 2. . .—. ° .t'Y_i_YAl__"__ l .2l2._ . _,. ' • .A. FULTo2ll,4tell and Brass Pout& • , t 4," rchailt and commenced bantam to . • hhaeld *sand, whme he will be pleased to settles aid contemers and friends. • . • 'Z.'. •• • Church, Boca: Owe. and IkUs Artery • sit° from 10 to to,OXO peandereast•frem patterns of the oft apeourmi models, and anted to ix of the best materials.. • Mitten! Water Pomp., Coantema Balllag, *e••• oplhor with °eery MIITIEIy of Bram Castings,ttommte mblunted and Snished in the nealestmannem •• • • a. F. re the sole propene:sr •lisesn's .Amman Metst,-se }emir celelanued ~ for the redo.. tort orkirtion in machinery. , -The Bases and Campo. anion eon he had of.hise at all times_; • - -latoMY • . • W. W. WAIf.T.ACI6a . • •• i PIrrnInTRGII STEAM -MAROLE.vvosics,• Apr.' fl 4 en 4 NO: Lately Jews, A LWAYS an hand and made te order, lamm.aario. 11 ty, of Mantle blaluala Pier,Ctaira Table., and Doman TeOl , ,,Tothl, Emote% Ac; whidh beingahade hat the choicest niarldcomd Mnaufneturcol Princt.lirlre maehlne7, will be mold lewafor•cossb.- Per..4[lll ill/Ishimg to poombase : Mates, ate in/homed that it is brncetortti annceessaty Southern to .g.. 1 *4 .0_1=11..95914- ISM IVEIVCII4.I. inn ma Tat, insurance, me, cartmem eol ehenft as .they can rarebits° them for the F.ash lull .I*. 1. • jai COPPER., ISILEKT LUMPY, MID TIN WARE.3I.LNDVACTORY, • • • •Ne S lefa . rket street; Pittalmtgb, Penns: b *VithrlWiet t liTt.'"Erro:v4 reapeetfolly invne pera,onsAalldint ,I.eanaboAne l R "d bak , rd PaPP,IY .haR. vatth Deck Stow* yorgya„astd,everya th er amt. o,toper,Tin aip4SbeetlYcnkyrookaFaeastyyla famish., .atie iite,mboal.. Tube.alon maim 'to notePot and Ch#aber; COpvivierk ier and every vatteiy rt *Trig. tn pur _ • . -• . ivit;.asoctrzair .• Manufacturen Vias;Balthiand,W.'Class; INte, lan WOOD 13TREP:a% •• - • • • • • (nun hielerieslimaig now ia lull opera' we prep:veil la execute we in mar:line, ly. Derine ill.ll summer we have adopted new Man of Ilneenienlyindotialhens, (he maitippiteree pi l e now mail In the enc.) by which we 'mania a serener an/, ele. CBaw annened Miami plan is pertvoly level and •Ime. wiina may Ann IWdm, reinter, and dealers gen• molly, ma reemoledva- mill Mid examine kie helve, . ,BEN.NET,T4'.I3ROTHEFU, ~ • ' QFFXNSWARE I'd ANUFACTURgIiId, • Innulothsaa, [Mar PlttairtarfebtlTrht. Ware/sou:4 , Na '137, Wood strati . Pittsbugh , WM14E431%1411? keep. hand afood'amort meat nt iWare, of our oven mamma= and aapertorquality: Wholeaale and enuntrihreP • amine are respectfully arvitetto call and ex amine for theantelvetr, ax are are determined to sell , elteaper.lll6llhaiever.4efora been peered to the pdh. Ile. . . • rij. Orders sent by tarot, Steam panted by the cash or coy retarcote. 'sal be promptly attended to, febdti Great 'Wale n Bolt - Ilingt.Naninctdm, . CINCINNATI. O. AGARDNER k Co., sessuld turotus the trade that . they NM 1100 manufacturing the best Bute Ilinge esteemed.. in the United roams. As this is our pried pie business, we intend to send out as complete en ar ticle as mtn, pororoly Le made. 'those engaged in the hardware teade s we think, and And it to Omit uttemet to see nor Putts. All order. promptly attended to. egys_ AI/ A MINER &Co. tore aro main ma r • .4011131, 8111C1111F9 & ~.Coy Nna.93 and 94 Feast ata, ..• Unit Poona= and liA*Fut• • Tits; Ilthmt of all sine our from the lams Improved pot te out and trammed 'equell la • 11 4 111 ' s ' ll ed . A i I ra= Jimpt VOL up promptly uOn retomouble tome.- • -. - sad „ PITTSBURG!, STEEL MILIRICS ANDSPHINti • . AND 'AXLE PACPURY. • , •uuC iOitU ; ' 101t1 C. Unica. JONES & QU,lfit4. • . M , • A NOFACrtIItEItS of Naing and Maier titeal, Pkriuto r tent,' Steel Plough. IV tors •Coach and Etiptir Spring,' inane . trtl trnu Attica, and &Alain is Malleuble..Castla,, }NM Engine. Ltunps, and Ceara Ttitatuin go guntatally earner at it,.. F runt streeti, 'Pluolarab' Pa. I 14,127 ==El LIPP/111COTT IRON WOILN.II. IKON .oil Neils, Shards, to. for me at ovr so. Wootboose, No. Is Wpgeg Wt., 1NUY , 30.1, MA. • • • ! •11.1.!•8113110.11{ a 114 MCNAIR, Mellinotrrh itn*, Liberty slgel.. • . Mae chmtaddblemits IYC WIU. II Mill, all Vas rsuy be filial .al p . I, I = I 4AFPLINIMALY• .11111111111U1.TICI-PICTORT. C•11 . 10.•• • LI. • C•X•I4. - 1 1 ;;;;;ACTIIIimar or FINISHING NAHA - MOM -lIF.AD DRAW, Iron iLsua Capper .Mactri, • .. JEON AND COI'PEIt OfIOE NAILS, Patrem Nakere Pbints, •of every deseriptice. Oiler No. ZSI. cbarlcr Uo cl , Teurd men, Pittsburg/b. hlchlteut:. • " Jaime; 1•:. lacuut, • ' :FLINT GLASS F.STAIMISHBIENT. I'ArULVANT naluerneurre end keep eau. Ithsul•Cat, Melaka . ..A mu! Melo Flint Walagme, au all its TV $e at 'dart r {Vat re bouriticw• and Ofirukeisnd :Winer uroebt, rutarbusxb. • • Oar Worke.huntiohe ra.lou operation, end we aro theastla•ly editing to amuse!. wkleh calk. ea to MI Were with prowl/teem Purchaser* are rtspertfolly 'larked Localism! exam*. julep and terrua,. I IlTiOdly • • IDOL ICZNSICII4. . • 15'hulnale Variety Slam and looking okay, : Manufasfunr, iott c 't• ' nl r e Heeled ra m . dr IP ta i ; t tn , a we d , was, larludianaseanc i , nor: &am, Pt., Needle., (ions, Cloak limns and kies, ' t '!"? • r".7 4 ` • iria;;;Aiiierch - ani;aml eit.eis ire reqa;eled b vl alla esamine iirrone madames eireerhere, or toing Ear: All hods orGmh. Al•bograT uld common Laddog Wm. ee facired and sad al Kaalllo DROOL gain . • at, AoTH , , m KiikatioN,..q., MOM the hay Mew Ogru, the saksoliberiu thee yam' ha Mu loeued Macaw se ku .iadscal te , take a leeleklet a n, le ve nsc r of ye nel,=pur rationla, reZterlit Cbanb.. Pranillts keg etperiesee l ie absu.bon... us, ataltellepleue, ke hopes le laps hal receive Akare 14111110istropme IWlbw eh buat add Ramapo/oer zoikateirtii. w.. .PC sad tapir ahothipky, detuiskqe of.. teado 0,1 14 hohkauta e do ;ha: laiktbutuot ~; .• • • , tIOLIVAII SPUME BRICK. fb FIRE BRIM enautactired .37 ( N)LIGIoni, Ueb.as. winlu.q.• • "PP' siatri lor ‘ uie by RA M% rd :.• "WI • ~ - • eanepPm,sear 7ts .t . . rriroussuis;r ,1111.111-11 Mit raw 'nevoid . . Inuer'W heel Aorta, orliki events elangovigi: low Nod+ and 'true..a, oseepivis, will bn void at 5414. Apply to • worpisciurs 14 - 4, war vroOd GA L. And ' ,rsao InTher Side Lad Nigel _Dome s Anima oeptOg Cough. Palpitalien of the tthan, Lim Complaide limachina sad all &mum of " them la and beer eared by Sher ''!.be'''mmei-m AIL ' Rasing tlkal awe aidqe nod all ilke zrb.4 %. 11...41 M ::ok bl.ol.3rEs i gow. y .o : ‘, l7 :2,:iw an4ok uthen. e: gmerietld tObllosa Me NOT LIVE. , Beano' of the vronderfel cues perfnmed by Sher. orea'a , Bellearte be at &elect at night to Mn. = l3b ' Vett a blV l COsa it hnlV. fa i t: bed take;r b enne ba de h b e was able to be Omst bi.vwrk. it ised SAVEDMIS HI Moane, reanding..l.7 Mies Ana Manga' of WillimetbarOdsving in Tenth near Booth Foarth-o. says—lluu *Maid been troOled with a luschegemgh. And pattain the deem gm a looti I the;orhiels =last been:dim th bad that e was ob liged IL imam her school for more shad a leter.Jilm em metemi takii=Reallng Balsam; whirls mon alleviated. hee , She is now :Mt reeovertag, Slid has resom he! tameless oreepanou ma teacher, id YEARS. Mr. Juba VllFatdl4t AVegm and Met se - Maned hvith emah, Meth; of pitman .nd path in his ode. 110 amid get NO RaLIEF till he Weddle Alt-Hestiag entlelitirme the pant there elleyed the codgh, nod bargain the disease upon' the smfare; ant hermetic; bad teems three bookstores entirely cured , Playa* and Conamplion. , !drib Mania a lady upwards of YO, melding lb Simi. IR, bee.for Imre beenermeet to 'wk. of Pleurisy, Raising of Snood, serene Weigh. Shona.; of Breath, Path tabor tread and oadoets_mute of berledy. Be t friends believed her PANT ItieD4VERY. The All- Dealing Batman relieved her nonce of all tier- iegmaststorma u ndahre mormalehmes mend whet work. . atall Witaf CalteL , Me.. ma and Chthath mg att Neale, ID Dermeepst, Wm 1T05,"4 Weleasbn, Ismer the the velem this - remedy.'. ' _ 4shthrSksenetente AlaileaSeg liairetaaand Me that bits mitten eigmare laoatub MUM. — PoN f .% grata and.lll per bottle. ID Shaman% Nom a and Ostigh Prompt' Wiese lid NaMee-ea,, N. Y. 1 1 • Sold armhole.% sad Man by W. Jeekera at his Pant Meaner Warshaw aaillosti load Moraire SP Lan a4"•vel!‘ w °"lr l "; ll ° 4 9°-, r."; 41 ,M.1!. , FillllV - 431MeNtstar --- m4 ' L TAR AND OO9IOI WOOD NAPIITUA i .—Tee Penland (Me) Advertlear 'lrma f—.Thm tweedy boa been more temente than Kay mails/no we ham ever known for Its austeneas corestelconsesuptiou,Nontliatatleod,pain in the Side and Drexel. Branclulla Asa, N.Obsetatte Coqats,lloaverteve Sore Thmed:Palpirman of the irdryttliOde or alcatt4b=ttrUdy to ti rvou l il=ar amiletallersom to Arta and eXesey the etas of the testimonials tithe Talmo( the above sad: . t.r.ritelseventlinelt deems' , shed physicians of Ytul. adelphia. Read the following from Dr. Young, the Mean octant, HaiWeined .1217-sleVerffig'eliirLY,l7ll. Cutely, silents:e t ls amp:and rynporrara Wood Naphtha,' I have no hesdadon m calleg N ode dm best prepanuno alike kind in au for manta suge ' vtog from Consusepeoo, Osughs, Colds, and ell stern/no of Ike Theme Breast, lut a so prevalent at s hell memo of ' 4 l,T h e • • W/L at. dpuce et , seen arithle t ans ' days the person oho gave no following centheate, Ti e mama well, Laing per fectly cured of his disease r • • ' Pnuanseletth s .lanstary 3,12111. From a mom of gretilork, end a doubt that the gee led may have resourm tat only Invaluable laca.aloa, I grad./ ante that abe banal I have oxperiesteed from the ore of Thetttflane• Con/stand Syrup of Tax and Wood Naphtha. Poe roveml years I have bees allbe ted with a Mammon nsetiageough,necompanled with greet opmessioa and defteultyof breathing, nib a me anion ef eighteen to Om chest Bemoung greatly alarmed, a fnenterbo had teen= e beacfned bythm aatalielar, reemaleaded me to try It, did so, andi n a very Manama every Warman attune= dd appeave4 mT expeetsnation beerme free, of mon:Mon kit toe, my cough ceased, tied in a th eir days 1 ams ablerla go oat end annul Lamy b minesee 'lantana. deviating informalae will be eheerhdly lane the alAteted, by cantos at toy assukrae,filalila, da Yenta., Thret loveduable raedierm is prepared oaly by ANG NEI' DICKSON - , at Ng cornet Of Fifth and Spruce J r. Phtlarletplua• Nold Pittebargliby 1 W ILCOX Jr. blade emus orittnew bona, •• • • • CaUTlON—lieware of the army coMterfene diet - are nom alknef. The amenepuloas are ever ready to deceive the unwary. ILill Oiiiferirdfliiiits Illtart117: .L MlLY—A.Bleratnat A Ramie II• A W.oderit To eve Eroplarm and Disfiguremenu of the Sinn, Yucplea. Freckles, Banbnpv, Salt &berm, SchrTh roar yam ado 101 l .liaglistalte eapitalaf Frame astoomited to mnsemence of a discovery mode by en I taltan Cheraw. Many dodged—lt seemed almost on mposslbilay that anything made by the hand. of ....could hare each invent parent as thet clamed by Amount Resonate !orlon Idereetisql. Many classed' him ad his savenlion ay a handing, tend. arcs: molly . thaltsh permute wahoet trying deem same -Mara et tftah, ale sating it Jule hoapitala, Ova Mama! So- elm) of Pane [the hatandaturts mem weghadalivered the following repon NOW Vespamt , • • utale have non miapailvdndcasafally ealateieed the ahigahn mullionef Vmprim We have seal=ed its mmponeol parts—we Imre aonl tt in mental mom, and we innate noo to pteadwase it flha Italtaa Channel ,Floapj as a graaablesautg, Mai adady.inaderfal setae. dy f Nor any event:no. Ovation v ,- thafentremerui of the JWltt erreting Mankiath hammer ave 7 • • ' taiald,r tn. phdarnhanda of . (Signed) . uttettim DupaEr ' F lsoesmixaqnkimftgunr.imubnmmem,, . • *lila N1n.1,1180 antaiderstion of the gice of WOE Irene dorolc lied to Ida T.7ews resortg ma in the city of New York. N. A., the- whole yermofmecr member with a Matemeatof theiagnetierms esemosing my Dal len Chemical Soap.' lid istomants ( acture n for sale in the United taates only, and to have the onetime of m antle i t 'Uone e . itabanclaatatal..tallp a . , *queens: Leery Jr • _ • ( S ot _ ANTONIA vssegmt frj/vOo by W JAW.SOPL'at his Patent Metheme cuthater, RI Liberty st=et, Arad of Wood, =the 'C lbe f llirlt g aL b l e n t 'PnshMth „!etoLl.a.a. All otheepere Goaaterfele • - A DREWTeirlir, ..Dread hlawartgmalaadaa l my Jima gamin Lane /111, palmed mad sold by IC SRI; Monate' Yeovil,Wessesinci Gs, P.,1 Mr. R. 8. rani pfdely ossauditheefflated helms es Wadi my hustle tesbaney at boon of yourjunly stklnated Line tills. I hart &lama scr ag to Cm , mt.; adheraaj la Daly Condoles mono, 4. sort you ere naist, .tin go &Inman him of the many peeperatmes °famous and 41_ uselodarabot rots. stiealsam sesklato oltheireminee yoar Law. Plll. bare beraollrqed to the publk,, j ol t a, aed, I Wove they will ...anise theureß," es they re jt abet pa mutest them to W. I her been Mend Inns Lot Eompleht hoes ethLorth; Pre barer., MK* employed mem earnest Ph to Mose pile mods mean hoe lost .such blond: vomited and phyocked almoatto dente advrated sor e bum, end finallygoen up es lentreldr: 'le 15:6-7 I eremadoced tryymeLsrer rills, mad *SON GOT WELL.. Ouch. of which ithow soffnient tolteep sector of pain is Ito debt, sod all the thee embalm brat - idt IS manha Year Pllil ascalr the tatcaanrlie 1.0, end: bona ea gnpiag or chew met skit". at laa atiOul gin sae lama relief 1 hays kept theta aom (or er 7 men; nth Modred. of bom;and Arm aanar hem! a staglr complaint attlaaaa., by my abe Ma has used them. They hodomereeekd Weems eery other tall la lila igtbwsn,d, sad ott, Aid lute ..dr t read shoo le all poem wading physic, whether Liver Complaitit at Billions Atativan eider them fireepenorne Calomel or Um Elm PAR, Rep it, WI/ www, L Maaatv LAIITION—is there ars aka HU bears' Um peldie Causal-seer Villa poems ohomettheOENUlNlG thmed oak ad lake walker than dime prmared and a:44- hy it e OOlO. ZELLER/9,Na '57 Word -st between Third and Fourth 501 d by . Dr•Sonte, Filth . ' Det. JAYAL7II ALTERAiIi/E. We Mere been i4Sonateil bY Jim Raft el •mate pea, Omni an her by Dr. Jayiata Alternative, 'ninth pm... its .eabwiedity over every, oda e mismdr . um ; hind. She has Leen •rebeted far the hes al mean years with NECKOSMS or WIIITUWF.L.Lt!IittR, blended with ukeratinte and carolling. otstarteasbormada. eintbekh Tiettaltree been a leekarged Oetie lb. tronial hone ot that emblem. rinmbelei be sr weans and }matte, and from both legs, a nd( oot the left F. • !sawed bone, and Om the ek:lit lees !nee, be.demp i nfla ad tt theau other porta or whkh have the of a wabe the mean moinoot me t eye eke—daring awn of We me be; eaderumatab • t * ** - been exeraiati . na and detraltlo. Ahem three mother' , • Wesh.lkia'a ar4Vall.;llll7lytratigrilfic,pw"TM's.ht-..: by ft..... 124 .11 pion and rarelliagiyand cabin* die"' shoes loheal,whUe alai, same tkao herimatera.theLab . , hant kabala eaMletelf rieetoerd. to Mat she now weighe tS men thbe ehodtd hebabahe emimenewildia • or dale truly el i kreaton.- ee -lbat. Eve. rest. nab., . • 4 1 % 11 Mee • ' '• rer este he It the rEutt TEA errintiq • 711 Ponr_ltill.MeWebetii ..f.' Ytn4.1,161•8 ihtleellme-- • • • Ye a y.dot. red er Gers.. Yoe teal have— , moot itirl-L • hafte s a w p het eezow .• . 2 . Parie and wbite and bawl and lieveuktl, : • And halrrort. aillry,darat as aye" reading what te wed belaw. DT RHADICIthe i any of yew Call hare Milibeat bytnaint M w Mb le nothing but UM.) awa.% lableof.lobea'a Cer ..• tal if Itestoradve—a b bah orJoiteeit Amber 'lame : : Chem: ruwe—end lotet Or the idsmune. bare. - • alteseteetlim little, and • are as:arenielat Ow (ve nds atr. ihe6 teal gettlete - . • The tooth pawm gift/ the btraie's a...wieder, what l'•• . teeth, and preserves the teeth, i.e. The hate star al to- , • know be them:wet e !Quirt te Ong ever made tor diet: : eiNt• lemearleth htte cantles' therveveth "he hesn'atte ' . the al sc. .4= til m e k s t i : . ... , l neJoneeZ i lletzna . )wille n z e r claariod Or: 41 41 1 ;ebalamare ire 2 hitten/;l'.-i it W JACKSON'{ atut heat dhere lour teal Yadietm Warshatme LlhenT .Y 7 I 14 XV.t..47iNC1:..'...iri.:::..7''' I'N''. - o,tuit4*.;'o't JOlllif DELAWARE MUTUAL , ' , I 1 . 1 &Way, izammasee Gazspeuag j ag Menials IRE RISKS Upon Illingy and. increhandise. of °eery destnptidd; aedthIAMINE RISKS' upois hulls oreargoes of vette* Ohl*. nPna *.- 3. mostlavorable term+. - •• irr office in tba ivalehocieer,wi H tiotmi. " & Itro., No. 37 Water; . - hearlthilmOureet, Pitts . R. The aueemsaf thts Genipanslueethentath •• steel thq Agency in tide ter want tke preequtenkr end/Zen/lug 'nth which every this opoe•them" tor_ Jun bas been adjusted, fells' z , zosnl litentam In M.'. - *Menthe confide:me and pun:inane of hut ends nal Ike panestuady al large 10 the pdalsare M. fri S.M. k ranee Company, while n has ilarabilpolestailemates '5ll an institution among, the mon- tlondaleng ta' Philadla—ses handgun ample paid In _ . by the operation Windom ISM MmorlazillinzTensaltg as yielding to each person inured nevus at, 4 the profits or the company nithoct Jetroldag lint; in any responsibility OrtuderreeL end themlote'as, Owning An Mama! PcScriPC s ,.!lll'eslud *rho, a re, pbaotione featu bills moat atinctive tons. , S PIRE aori; AND iItAILIN& ItIBIIRAINCE ,7 leaunuice Company of Plinth AmereM, A throne' Its duly authorized Agent;the enbscra. be . ", awn to mate pefinizent and limited imeas; 'i ante on P.PerlY, In thin city and On onialtallesti • - on shipments by the Canal and limas. , • AjCthleen.elle'Sna4,th kt i r D arle.' B ra r rlo ka 'r ;• • howl. Am*, " • •• ; Sala F. ' Edward Smiths Andumi Whitt, • John A. Brown, 'Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John It. Thtte...P EOfte,• Richard Weal, _ • • ; Wm. Welsh, - Arthur G. C ad, 'This is the oldest Insbilece Company la ' United States, haring been chartered in IDdi, 11. 'e clatter lc perpetual, And from . itt.hitilt long expemuee ample means ' a d. aeo=2l . rink. of no one: hasardoes ch ancier, itlsFhil* considered u Ofien.g ample security to lb. p., 4 JAt Coupling Room of Atwood, Jones 41a• ' CO4 Water and Front street*, Yittahmgh. spllg.tf • Alli O tlc eltlOAN /IRE al h I INSUR T: r ANCE 0711 Wati " A NY- , -Office, No 72 Walton surets nawkipaukt., Ny f r i m twpmumul.D.lBlo—Ohniter peupetual Insole Random VentititreMelr-huottM : genenally,enkor the Otty or measly. egamt • oVia7o du bre g hw ' w4 P.o.i"s'" 7 1" lake O • .1!)11 &warn; • , Emmet II Nona; - 4,l4lst o u x iirc ,, , ,, Ad n:ph D.als I • ' - 67711.ittlrole, President: ' 7 um:a Jan nn, Seeman,. Orders for leautance by the above drill ' ' reeweed by the endennned,.POS PAubmib• a _wort 130 szsclißAN,Ntweed, Ag slat Lem by Yue—The FHA LEN Fin I mince Company of yhilastelphia, . WILL auks leummee,pedtment andlimited, " on nosy description of property, in PITTS. , BURGH arid the SURRUNDING, COUNTRY, on favorable tarns. This company has a perpeteal . CAPITAL, . ... . ..54 0 0,000 pai dire;" corermaxiir .. RbODYTO Ciffice corner of Third and Market sts„Pittab'gh, ap 23-4 f WARRICK hIARIIN, Agent. Nr — UFLA — NCE.: •!- Asaerfeas Mew Inlets:nee Clibmepasy.:i.• 05 PHILADELPHIA: Ctiewise PEinenreL. Cemer: =OM rim Tx" ; Office in ..P4tae.o4k . i, Na' nailuta-Qra:t.„;:i • . . . s...WILDAr!DSObi! rIIIO3 e1d . e...4 A/6 1 7 ; 7=T H i . h....11 , ,1zz.4ezd a+m 4val..tiom fiif 1213172.fiti1. 41111analth C.' ' ZlLlthbOrtlol:4, will be received , and lids, taken eilbet," • t !wrpetnallyorkw Heisted periods; on favorable termi by. 91.4). ' eg r Al it; • MISCELLANE .. Olean: Bead Ostler—l feel It cidtitY thy fel/my mamma ortate.statethiagotor• mose iow< hativ • Peltneentry ashnim.. Since I Erit nett the silieTlM °""kr-sr " -T. ' ° " :a momimPar<grozer" an neat= or, 1 Lave lad • -voter. eelepWrts and at it tey hinge.-bee ysnee--tatl in every Inshince I have used the//s/ sien alone with' lute rterfict It h a s stied& relief us{ etas ta 2. eery W., , toady We titedieine: Ida not fan Ur'"a.'" tv It wall cure • a fixed mammies; bat Iselteve It will • • easei prorate/tee, sailpreventian betteth?thrk • I theteket e ktr the love of my (dim et aig ettyea'!'..' etstopla my. 'I sat eenSeent Wb: that It It th e a" ' BeittaiNite 1., •••PP5.97!1-!', • &de by FaIiESTOCK • CO. ie.,. v a rillrst • and Won& D el a m artier 6thand Woad ,'• I, Aim A t x Th - ------------ astnenlvaints,- .. coFFinvmakzazi.ArinFlaglii&lKO UNDEII. I , TAREgS corner of 'Penn and 111. Clve streets., esposiortlalia' :ohmage Dotel,inthee On Penn - street; ' '-' respoOdalig thin= their M ga ends slid tha , m 1,11 0 .4141 _,,...;,,_ they age prepaid io furnish and Knead la everythingla I' - the lino of Undertakers. Always on Iliad a tams ass: tz , •.,', • 54.1110efil of reads , made Cothns, covered, lined and . dri- i I isbed in the very ben atatrieri, salaam &advises nody 'I:I- , I. 'pada Ohraideof flannel, grusdrriek a n danillutraadatt, - ^ , ^f• stheamade mappreted styles.: - Ve keep'n largn a. - L '`' - t Nlrttilll Of Why. MI black. tottoXl,4* And kid Ilikres. , ',.:il I. nybki Joe pall beuers si-1141 mounters, crape, eaps j Ztr, , '. tars, and e acershing_neeesatly for thressurrditrl ' I_ ' III '. and on reagonable loran, . vre purchase ad.ortagootts;';',.; h, As Eastern eases. -Also; miter Phd.. (.. .engraving that - mine aid age. We have n spiv eilidstuaraewarma • - ,i , hon.{ anTany !weber of the bell camsaFt. ' Every_ ~ thing headedheadedto promptlyand I panetsally• .- 'oeFitY-I' ! I 4 ~' 1.1 • I Aillsalssrat 0 Devi lAtas i elioiia.,l —l:i : - , II!_ IN T/IP. CATS( Dr Xit.l,V :If 01f4,...,, 7 . ..,i . .; 'VP: A. FA UNa l l 4 oDti In Co :; No;l•ii4l.lids-nt. ~ ..... -' - .1-P•i New Vork, offer (or siTo alarge nsidgeittia:. - -'... 4 . annelthent of ,Dritga and Aledicines,•o2o, Start:, , Ig, Pnintg and Oil. og eve 4 thirieription, - wait!, ihiry , ," ... peprcpuki arid detanisinad to aeltIlow; ~ ." •11. . ' , II. , 'Guidry dlerebanta,and Druggists arergeanestasUl.i i .to taAsruleinmilie their aitietra.• Orloni naiteratedi •,-: igitOTartlitalnessand despatch. B. A.Pahnesterlers •: :.i.+ , . • 11. A, l e nlniestoek, • -, . . 11 II i Ir,lir I: I I It 4 IdlalenCrar, " I -I • • Pitdigt4i. -' '- •;- ' !I • • m. w..Eah,peuock - , , - ::...e , ... '.. r . e., , .. . . - , • • - , . . . . . . ... . z r 11; , •,;•:_:. , ;•4.:,-; , , , . 1 - - ..' f,.•'. '. • - .: - .114 , .,v,.E•, , :. , .:'-.: , . -- ,...tii,:...,f - :' , ' 4 . •i'A . 1;64.C. - '1 . • , • : • . .. : i - :; . ;;." - .;::; • : •.. i,ri?"'-';',...4:t.',.:1:,5Zk'.-ii.:,-.•: ;414 .1. - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers