MEM frAtie , /11 , lan& AIiD,THEI„PLAIN';or, JER- , - ;;• • •..:•.',„-Antiithorrietory was presently after full ity nand: a beatatifal Catheliclegend '''':•",whicb Wait:told. me ,tiyi'a berman friend America, whet I little dreamed of ever L'rravellinfover this spot. Our road now gradually astended the' high ridge from .Whic - h• werSreth seoiti 'to'Overlook the Plain of Jericho. :I'lM:track was so net and difficult as to make our' progress Tel - slow ; and the white rocke r under the mid•day inn, gave out such bear ind :glare sit made me inter More thoroughly into ihe story of: Peter and the cherries, than my readers .can perhaps do. And yet the many to whom I have told the legend in conversation have all felt its beauty. It to this: , '' • --, Jesus and two or three of his disciples .;went dowri,•One summer day, from Jeru -I;salein to Jericho.. Peter—the ardent and 'wager reter—wis, as naval, by .the -Teacheei side. On the road; on Olivet, lay altarse-shire, which the Teacher de eiredlPister to pick up, but which Peter letdia, as he did not think it worth the :trouble of stooping ffir. The Teacher stooped for it, and ..exchanged it in the sillagei for , a measure of cherries. These 'cherries he carried (ail eastern men now, carry Mich things) in i the - liosom-fold of bin 'dress.. When. they had to ascend ridge, and ,the road lay between heat ea rocka, and over rugged Atones, and among glaring whittadust, - Peter became lionneptedWith heat ,'sod thirst, and fell • behind. Then the Teacher, dropped "a ripe cherry every few steps, and Peter - eagerly stooped for rhem. When they were all done, Jesus turned to him and • said with . ' a: emile, "Ile who is above , stooping to small Ming, will have tq bend his back to Maay_lesser things..", From the ridge Wo bad a spjendid _View- of the plain oh.the jordan)--appa , . !many as fiat as amble to the very foot of the Moab' Mountain, while the Demi Sea lay, i'lllue and 'motionless expanse, to • lhe.right„, (the -Isouth,) anti barren mountains encloselhe whole. The near ' er mountains were 1 1 rocky,, brown, and desolate, iwith. here and there the re -1 mains an' aqueduct,or other ancient buildings,.marking 1 th sites of settle meets whicir;have !passed away. The 'diatom' mountains were clothed in „the sof a n d love l y hues' which can be seen' •. only' throgh' sou thern mosphere.— 'The plain was oncelas deliCiOUS 'a region as ever men lived in. Josephus _calls it a - "divine'region," and tells of its mill: of gardens and•palm grOveal and here grew the balsam which was worth' more • than its weight in silver, and was a tree. sure for. irlateh.:this kings of the East - made war: Jeneho called• in the Scriptures the , City of Palm Trees ; and Jericho riaabut,one of - I - hundred towns which peopled the',plail. Now;all near. was barren ; and equally bare wait the distant tract,at the Mosel the mountains: but in themidst was a strip of verdure— : • broad, sinuous and thickly wooded -. where we knew that the Jordan 'flowed. The palms, are gone, and the sycamores, and the honey„which the wild bees made in the hollows of their stems. The bid; sem which 'Queen Cleopatra so coveted • as to seta mesaengers from Egypt for' plants to grow at! Heliopolis, disap peered fioni thesface of the earth; and Instead of Mese, and the fruits and sugar canes which were renowned in fir coun tries, we' 'find now little bur tall reeds, • • 'thorny acacias, "and trees barren of blos sod) or fruit: .The verdant strip, howev er, looks beautiful from afar, and shows that the fertility of , the plain has not "de parted.:;There is eresugli for the support, - and luxury of man, were man bat there to wish'for and enjoy 'Mem • • ,• We descended, by , a road like an ir regular staircase,; the ateepest.hill I ever -rode down. The gentlemen dismounted, • ' bui the,heat was' o excessive Marl ven tured to keep my,seat.' Wheri I glanced tip from the bottom, and saw the last 'of the party, bbginning the descent, it looked • so fearfuj.tleu Iwas glad:to turn away._ We were now at the foot 'of the, Moan . tain called Qiiarantania, supposed by the monks to be the scene of the Temptation. A few pilgrims come' from afar, every year,lo spend ferty'days on this .moun tain, barely.supporting life during the• time, by the herb's they find there. I need hardly say that there can be no good reason; fer,fiiiirg on this Mountain an the place, and that the ehoice of it ie probably Owing to, its commanding_rha plain of, the Jordan and its cities—once no, unfelt Specimen of the "kingdoms of the earth end the glory of , them." The .1 • caverns . the' .face of this mountain, - once used \as dwellings or tombs; are • now the-abodes of robbers: • When some - , of our party showed a desire to reach the ones, the Arab Sheikh, who was responsible for the safety; of our party, drew his sword aeries his throat, to show the danger, and barred the way. It may be:rerirembered that the men of Jericho- complained to. Elis h a the pro - phist, that the water of their - spring was not good,. either to drink, or to water • their land''for_ tillage, (2 Kings.ii, 19;) . and that, though their city was pleasant, they "could not 'enjoy it for this reason.; • and that Elisha purified the spring, "so Mat the waters were healed' unto this day." ibis spring, - nowirealled 1 Ain Selma; we. encamped in the after men, and foandlits waters truly delicious.' Nothing:could be prettier than this en • , canape:met in aepot so forest-like as to. • contrast strongly with all we had seen for Many Weeks pist. Our .tant was cies* upon the brink of the clear rushing brook•; hat the heat) . wfs SO excessive that we could - Me ; endme ,the tent, and bad our dinner "table placed under a tree, whose roots were washed, by thastreare. • Broad lights glanced upon - the tippling waters, and deep green shadows lay upon its pools. Our horses were 'feedingin • the thicket beyond ; and the 'Arabs sat in groups near the tenta., Other parties of • ••. our company wore dining or lying on the • brink of theistrtisun. Every encampment of rravelleris in 'these places is beautiful.; but I never but once saw one so beautiful as this. After;a walk to "The remains of . . an: aqueduct, and other traces (mere tor ' see) "of former habitation in the days when Jericho.was a great :city; went w r, .. . nh mmeximpartion , to see the spring, which was, but a short way from our tents.' The water bubbled up from under some mi t sad 'spread itself, c l ear and shallow, ;long smite requared:'etones, which seemed.lto Mini' that 'the whiter, had once bean enclosedv. By this time it was 'tbrelrf, Me; Oreningl star:hung Aare • ' the Dearest- hill. All was silent about •us, except; the rustle and - dip Or: thia heeeurFwhiehl hulls gore the water. • ' My ComPairioniand -I found the tempts ' lion trillithe•qiiiiii . the atiadavt'of, large overhanging tree "•'• pool deep enough far the purpose'. • , - inif.tlinits We bathed, ;:rejoicing with theiteoplei Otleriehn in the sweet :'- T b e ,guter t , traveller feels a strong igdmayptitOlathe' in every. sacred sea, eirdtpg...._f., How groat the-inter :: *at ja - :# l ute that of- a new bap; etam F il al home may not be able:to St Jrnigitre4-,armiiittoksiay4esßive'the'tc -401094,:rtkiih• - handretlit4. ii3t`l!atiarnivto•nr*AilO IMI =ES MEM , :-, , , , „::: , . : ;:;-:-,4:5•.:. , . - .- -, -.1.:',•4 4..:;,:i - ,:; ( 7;17.7;t.1., !:IqT* l ):.' ; ...-.:,:::::',..;.:.-'.i.-....:::,.:1-:•-... ENE •h; • • 15 k , ,,.,146;: !.tv • $ , ...4j j ' 3011. ,+: 1 ;.. •r„..,' • ' l l ' • T.:. • . • • ti - 4 4 $(. : •• i ' : ' • 1 : • I V; $i•:. ; 45,z .1 1414% : :4P4: 41,. ,Ace, , el, ..! *f 1'; .c;=TM BENI MEE 'the - lordan,is there one; however far re mo:ied from Superstition; Who. is willing to : torn away without having bowed his head in its sacred waters There was - no - moon to-night; but the star; eere glorious when I cane out of 'ourtent to take ono more look before re- tiring to rest. Here and there the watch fires.cast yellow Omni on the trees and waiers, .but there were reaches of the brook, still, and cool, - where the stare glittered ,like fragments of moonlight. Thie day:stands in' my journal as one of the most delicious of our travels. - . .MISCELLANF,OUS. . LIMPVDENOS. . _ 'DHOW pablished cud of McCallmoni .1k Bond, of Plubmlelphm,the public would be led to believe that we have been wamu* a privilege we bad , . Mdbl to That.othey have abandoned some time since the exclu sive agency system," and Mu we have no tight te clam .eaelesive ',mike. With their teas-" I never Preten ded to sell the tea of this smuioas concern. I have been selling the tea of the New York Teltin Tea Co. for the last two years, as the peblie are .aware, mid have been to New Toot fear tunes In that. time, and never beard of this new coneemantil lately bet as wriol The Tea basfnesa of Ideldalhoont & Bond Is etiolate monthseld, and their assumption of the Pekin Teatken. pane. name Is beanie a name Is open for on, man or firm to assume, bat the fact Intended lb imply theret.y, than they hove my comer-don wnit the In cal mod well known Pettit Tea Company of New Yolk is en tirelyialve, they having been denied even an ageney Ploledelshia for the New Yak Corapa that Compa ny having rotated even that far to ene Ma on than .1. know not what kind of Imel they beep nor what kind Teas; I 411112 only certain they keep emobtain none of the Pekin Tea Company's of New York. Any person rending Melt nerd eriU see the gross de ception they moan to placate on the nubile, and to the tunny of my business. bleCallmont & Bond. am wool dealers In ftdedelphla and have semen agent not here peLl wool over the eye. of acme of oar good ettimns Look oat for a black sheep. ALES JAYNES tatalartf Ill.Foarth st no.. Uwarr, former') of litany, trl'Kerale • . BEATIT,.BROTHER & CO:, Oes•ral Cossualls•ies• Merchants FOR VIZ ULT. LCD TORWAILOIXO or WESTERN PRODUCE. - No. 31 ?Aydin, &red, New Orlegna. Romeo— , „ ?defers. MaNin & Co, Danker; / N. o. .... " James INVUreror &Co, - . " David Whine le. Co,tilsOiroa, la. . ' " Ellis& Morton, Banana,) . . . Unsex & Frau; . Camil:li I. A. lit'Kenste, Ee, , • • II N Kearney, Ely, Banker, Kumar Ile, 0. , . D bi'Donala & Co, Wellatille,O. : • geed, Parka & Co, Dearer; Pa, - . ..IW Oill, Fag, Wheeling, V. . . 8 &Mark. , , ~,,, & Co, / ~s h: Pa. • •IV & 11 ?Micheline, • $ ''"' nelKaar • • . .Passalge tram' Great Britain and Ireland to New York and Plif.sknarght =SONS wishing to came passage for their friends I eon secatononvertablo aceoramoclations melte low eM. rang on boat d of epleudid Packet Ships, either in :he Cabin, Second Catim,or Steerage; sailor weekly horn Liverpool, Glasgow, Beast, ae., to New York, and thesubseriber will secure rood iberths for these 'dor reside at a &stance, going to ally of the above porn. Tickets furnished which will bong passengers direct trem Lmerpool to Pittsburgh; and on their arrrral at N. Vent., they will be forwarded immediatel m o c k Leeds & Ca's Daily Fon Line.; thereby sarlus trouble and expanse. Goad benbs will also be engstod to and from Lirew pool en board the New Vert and Beano Steamers. Refer to Messrs. D. Leech &C. Punibarrh. 1.. wg.,...0N, • , NI Cedar st., Now .York Distils obtained on MI the sr - Meisel Books in England • Balked and Scotland, on the most reasonable anna is stuns la Mil those wishing o (GOCIL • All Leticni post paid. ' ' . sM&Gut Type Volonadrys SO Gold, cox r boa sass; Nni , Task. I , lgEsobsenner is radiated to larrnsb band east Type • and Pruder's MatenaLs of all Mnds, a< stare nedee and on reasonable terms. • Pl'enkietew of ..Panel's, who . Dave not adVanised or the subeeri . ber,'who may publlsh this Welee for three • • tubs will be entitled so num pay•in type. on par haling five tunes the sunooktref them bills for adveni . • . Old Type taken In exehange kW new in 0 eemper . nett(. : EWBFIITTAYLOg serzir.rn .• • • •• THE undenigueil are sow erepared•to furtlab tbelr • etrunatere and the pablie generally, with oh eatel:' km aniele of Lard Oil of thetrownmanotaetata, which they will ea seesmanadating teraw. , ' The:Odd:en believe habeas geodes any offered in the markm,and may.he rammed if not aabefaetory t " • IJORDAN &SON • 18 liberty at, opyoote amnbaeld P. S—Lard and Grease aaltable for machinery, on hand: kr gale above . • tar 4 4.2 • AMA •• 0a: • • —Venn 0 Rouser. sharing compcand; • Ilaule's mm and ahmoderemor Hail fr. Ban's do d 0 Tericri's snarl toropoitodt .• • . Wrighearose and nand ream; • Mtge° Liquid easpemi. Them traaind prepa rations tor Flavin may be had orb/Antal° or rota t of oral • • R Cr4II.I,FRU. P;uirual t•r • II MD al 85 , --20 bbla Y;tch; xs bbls C Ten On bre wid csks RChetsc: ' • 10,0 W lbs prune Feathers; csks In .sins Potash; . :10 pare scorched 82104 . - - 10:" black 5004 ~ 10 .•." 80.1eratan mouve/1 ond forsaki den; °LIMN L 30diNIGItT.ON i I LD RlThilllii/3.-120,044 . Shen, Ss. of the • ! tole •fra•••••••.. •••r 'orbida the bigbra priw loin 4 is oo4b when delivered at the Ind; -1 ,••• r DepoLli non I to II PHILLIPS ItIERICAL - kLIV.VERAL KEA st):. s WHY DR. LEI -0.7 DY'S SARSai•AuILLA B BLOOD PILLS are becoming so universally popular. First, Because they aro prepared by Dr N B dy himaelf,s regular Drn gist, Chemist and Phyli cian of Philadelphia, who knows the nature, the miality and character of the Medicines used in his pills and their adaptatian to dimue: . • • • • Second, Because the public can take them with greater consdence than mast other pills - which am .prepared by pencil. ignorant both of medicine and _ . Third, Beca u se of their combined elects, proper] dm contained In mother pills namely, parr tog from the stomach and bowels all anheiltby sob. staincew, and at the same time purifying the blond 'and fluids of the body. • • • • Youth; Ber-inse they ace the cheapest and bast medicine known—a single boa caging batl2s cents and containing hO s pills saving to persons Am many dollars olt.times Doctor's bills and nummous Medicines bought & tried on the nacummturdition ol others. • WHOLESOME.ADVICE. iyer you hare OCCI4OII to take any . maia oot be tnWeg with yoor constitotion by I kinds 01 pill. or other medicine. you see d and recommended by one and another bet row Dr. Leidy's &srsaparilla Blood Pills and ioa will not have orxasion to take anything elan. They will &bray.a be inand good in almod all marmot .disesse, Induration of the stomach, bows els, liver and totestines; crantps of the stomach,. Watertnnuth: inward lavers, fool breath, bad taste 10 the month, - Sour eractauons and. acidity of the aukmach, costiveness and indigestioni 'want of appetite, billions abet:ions, diseases of the apt ea sad kidneya;dislease• of the akin, scaly: cruptiond dry and watery pimples or blotchn or face ann body, tetter,rasti,prickle beatand salt rho est, bead ache, giddioeao, telethons, pains over the heart, of the breast, sides, along the back and epee, rheUZDV tiamand rut, revere of 'all kinds; small pin, redo. laid, measels, scrofida,mripelas, and to short they are good in all diseases having their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestines, and Impurity of the blood . reTweittp.fiva helots a Boa. • told Wholesale sad Read by IL A. Pabst:sock lc Co.,cOrster of First Sod Wood, also corner of biish and Wood streets. • sept:l9 OCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL. 1.7 INGS.—Scinlnla in all Rs multiplied forme whether in thnt ofKingM Evil,enlaraemeotar the glands or brines; Goitre, White Swelling.; Chronic Rhoomatinm, Canner, distemen of the Skin or Spine, or 01 Pnlaionary Consumption, emmute from one andthe same mine, Which in a poison°. principle more or less inherent in the human spaniel. There. fore, voles thin principle coo be destroyed, no radi• eel cm* eau be effected, but if the principle upon which Abe disease depend., is removed, ■ cure ao matter under what lona the disease:Ai:mid modem itself. Tbis, therefore nni to the manna -by Jeltelel ALTERJ-TIVL la no Vernally eneeeenfal in removing no many malignant diseases. Itdestroye the virtu or principle from whics thorn diseases have their origin,by entering Into the circulation, sod with the blood is conveyed to the mmutest Sbre,,aemoving evervpartiele ol climate Oom the eymem. ,Prepared wed sold at No. C South Third Street, Philadelphia.. " • Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,lio. 72 Fo m etre. stree. Pattsburgh • • , mch3l Dlit. JAYNE , / CARMINATIVE, BALIAJI FROhl th e Rev ARA SHINN, a well known end rom r ular Clergyman of the Protenanthlethedin Church The enderttgned have been aglieted derbtg the pan winter with a disease of the atemotb,Sometimea pro. dicing great pain In the Mooch for tenor twelve boors wahine nitermisahm, end after loving tried various remedies with little effect was fornithed with a tonic of Dr D Jayne. Cannibalise Deluxe. This he esed cordial; tei the direetions,ind found Invariably don this medicine oeoeed the putt to abate in time or Gnu mes, and in Anent or twenty =lama every on may sensation was endrely mtleted.. The medicine, was of. tennudsosed 'shelteree indications ergo approach of • pain were perceived,"and thermal was thereby proven .ed. -lie cenumied to use the- osedkine every *seeing trod' sometimesin the meeting, and in a fem weeks health wu so (*armored, that the offerer wu teller. ed hero a large amount of oppressive. pain. From es. p e rieeme, therefore, be eon confidently recommend Dr ()Jayne , . Carminative Esdam. as • salaam mediein for diseases of thestentacix and bowels. . A MUNN .Allenbeey eiry.ll3l 'For ale In Pinsbargh at the PERJN TEA AMOR `72Fardrstrect;.7_ftear'Wood,' end ode at the Dr. Dions of H ICHWAJDM. Federal meet. Allogbesy - Q ELL SYRUP.-•--11 11 IMPERIAL' COUGH SYRUP.II O'elteop, easy or tate, sod lughty eineaeloos. - - • Aux.= Cars Morel. eta M 4 7 .. Mr. R.E.I Sellers: IllycilldroAke others, have been S.*. to emits. eodaaviolasoddifenat reemskss to Tap Rule porpose,l•m. lodated by . advertEemem 00E1.mi. Tops ro Ovals a IS. I pee ro two of my boys, sod moo to am a . several Clamed limes. and bee sent foleß 1,6 I tau recommended it ml my neighbors; sod do most believe that It is the best etelgh ciao that has gyerbieli ofcred to the pe;,fic. . • ce . , , Pd.rola ad nreperuso Marchild= to safer frail; roottorarhart Oars may be' curd by a a mud tattle of ?mated sad sold by R. Ef.. SELLES:a Woid badoar_ Ird and Eh am Sold a.y Dr. CaraaLdth Wrd; arm. Allorbeat Ow. . dee ira o - Pinniaanninous scoolfriug - INTIIOSE lacunas emu cute Ta t a ra l ; Iz yy ok4 yoooxproNwlittberttlig tneDAYtelfy! Y. M"'"'P't.itk en'a" " fora aloof ,you Yu man tog ya cento groufmm ltaliasat.toci.r.. ov =Li i , e t. - =UV, 1 1 k 7gfittootteisisc r boo'p State, f9Lib:tt r y., .Irßtilertairaltilitoly tkoarilltrighltolol•Uelooti. Bemis of f *Nave., MISULLANEOUS. . . • PI LS S. ie./NCVIMSTI l e e , Specil S.. .intim nonn Cotsimd raial whherutatiti atom ' Wadingor tded,.lm, fr irrtiton • Mid; der, paws fo the back and Ate, habitual coMisoinii *rep, Chas, he. resialo Wye. and filer contmecorat tee atm tee ranatipium of the boerelvem metirroces, ea veil es t h e pea,, It all such cues the Sp cot be lab. wi th per Lee Marty, out is . certain remedy. The Speeibc ie tote reclaim, sad is au esairely reyetsble'remmiy, without I per Ode of gamboge, coleeynce or Mom—pkimat to take yea] tautly tandem'n the coom delicate M.o. • r MIL is So cimily that I heofr Dr. IntatiMes Yil. Sporici b• • mania can and ma tionedy. Hstany mon its dram; sessial num, astmogst my fnitionnadorn, to several east firmed ond! MI. ems of timid visas it mad* an maws cumin enflame. • HE 4f Y WitITF.READ. New 3 . 1 ./S iStS. I ;'• • au shth . Arch: I etmorfully mr• my testimony im to Om esolain and 'man! [Ming efforts of Dr. Inyolagyrs ran frac, on /mom it Gorr my mon Laing monk mei with MCCOII in moral amts of play mils and (male. GEO. MILLF.JI, New fork, May 104.5. , 364 Sixth Wren LADIES , CERTIFICATES New. York, 1815. M. Bens—Dear Sift-1 bam th. pleasure t wy, Ofts your usedieina, Dr.ts !Des Sporlac, has made a pe r feet may e the clue i' rMsterosad Inowsive pest my word that 1 hare hem so prised att It, as it was ass soy opinion A. poesible tome her. .Howerer, I efts now Measly to the =ca wing as be infainle, and do advise a/I others wtso an all dieted in thilOot manner, to proems-the article, u they may depend, on • tertala ran ; Yam with:respect. West Chester, N.T., May 15,1845. Dr. legoldsbp—Der Sift—That yen may, Mont others who may =tenet,GS inn GOO 10 Grp.. my 'rattans (C 0 the benefit I has de Wen Gm the me of your Mande Spa 'elk s I comply with r iosso releot, and now do gise my lestl P in mor of it, hems ban eared . of • men !amok of the Piles after hams n.M other reemethes without soma. • Pm= with mace. Sold wholesale end . retsil by WM. JACKSON, at his Fat-- eat Mediteme Warehouse, and Boot end Shoe Stowe, No. tO Melly' street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh . Price; 50 cents p er hog • - • pm 14- day _ GIAZZASIS PATENT BEDSTEAD. • 421Mggge' TRIG JW,R1.... Vitro improvement has now been In are about two t ears, and wherever it is known, pteferred to ether Bev/timed, Far eheapntn, strength and Convenience It has not and cannot be erfailled, as it la decidedly the beg, cheapest and most convenient Bedstead muse, and per fectly proof ageing Bags. The principal Cabinet makers and Tamers in Alla. ghway city and in •Pittsborgh, have secured manufacture and ilea the article. As there ere spurious artily. and imperfect imitetionsin the market. Puraa sera would do well to examine the can iron plates on which in the genuine ankle the name of the patentee, B. F. G..sma. ts Invariably cast. Aa a proof of all thid Is claimed for Gamin's Bedstead., the following certifi cate from Cabinet makera well anaemia Pittabiach end the West, ts .abmitted to the public: . We, the subscribers. practical cabinet makers dad Bedstead manufacture's - of the cities of Pittsburgh and ,Aile l cheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we have bmght the' right m manufactarelbedgeads with Gamtun's Pat. 'eat Fasteningik, and consider the same superior to any fastroinim with which we are acgtuunted. James Lemon • . Joh; Artirew .T 13 Veneta C ' Robert Fairman. • ' • 4 B Hanley • rames B Barr . John. Liggett, Jr. • Jr... Lowery & Eon Lennie &arbin Riddle & Drennan Thomas Farley Ramsey & WClelland David Laker Bose. Wreck Hugh Wallace • Roberta & Kane J Mayer. Jas m% Woodwell J Neeesnee ; • . George Eilyder _Wm Basica • J hicednaters t Co Alevander Lawson For Rights to Make -lad tell tee above Bedstead. apply 10 • EBENI2Fit F GAZII AM. Patett'ee •New O dom, ---- - AGENCY YOE PATENTS. Wagiagion, D. C. - .7ctids C. 11013BINgl . i- Mechanical -Engineer and LI Altera foe procetrini Patents, will prepare the' ne-- cessary Drawings an d. Papers fof Applicant. for Pat. eats, and tratuttht all other business In the line of his profession at the Patent Mee. He can be consulted an all questions relating to the Patent - Laws and deci sions in the Untied States Or Europe. Pe sen, at • distance desirous of having examinations made at the Patent Office. prior tn Oinking • application foraprimal, may forward bon paid;euelosing a fee of five dollar., a clear statement of their ease, when inonedi•te atten tion' grill .be given oil, and all the inforainuon that could beebtained by a visit of the applicant in peinonj promptly commanicated: . All !mien on business omit to post paid. and contain a suitable fee, where awrinen opinion ii revisited.. Ogee on F. sneet.opposite the Patent Office. , ' Ile has the honor of referring, py, permission. to . Don, Edmond butte, C011=1.021. of 'Paten% lion. 11 L Ellsworth. lam do do dig li Knowles, Machinist. Patent Orme; Judge Crunch, %Vashington, D g Hon. R Choate, IFllittaChOlett*, S Senat e ; Dm. W alien, Ohio, 11021..11111..iin,M linoC,Mrsioari; - Hon. Willis Hall, New Etna; Hon. Robert Smith, M C., Ilon: 9 Breese, U 9 Sens.; Doe. H Relfe, MC, Itsseurri; M Shreve; Missouri' cay I before—made on the Dot approved - Eastern plane— and mom feshiontble Eastern pante ros and colors. Alm .THE C4IEAP ROLL; or DOSCON ELIND, on hand 'be Made to order of allaitts, and at 01l prices. • Cemmrillerchants Ind others are melted to call and examine the above for theassehres, snail well be sold whOlerale or rentsl,and • liberal deduction made to nadir • • AIMISMICAM All.T.111110111; NEW YORK. THE Auterieen An-Union Is lacorperated Gar rise prornotioti of. Fine Ans lathe United Stuns- Eueb subse,riber of Fire lailkses is a Member for one year. The finds are applied: let. m the piodsction of large and catty engraves:mato:Mai every member receives • a copy; arid nuts, to the parctisse of original Painting*, • and oilier works of art. by native. or rcaids, anima, which are distributed, by let, aiming the members, in December- I; lunnyear lid paintings were distributed. This year they will tie 610(0 . 121.1.0Ull and valuable—more -than IN are already purehase4 and addition there will be distributed Ca brause medals of Washington All, toe, now in program:: And each member will receive two engravings—The Jolly Flat-Beat Men,s after Hier ham; and byblL . after Itentingion. The timdersigned•having been appointed Menorary Seeretanes for Pittsburgh and vicinity Is prepared to re ceive übseripuons... Those wielung to become members will forward the mtetems of the eociety by doing so as soon as may be convenient. Win CALDWELL ard street, oppwite TOCK the Post (lace lA' FAUNITEI -. n ' - car wood & • a A.. FAIINE4UCIVE PNEUMONIC, or Cough Alaimo., has a great advantage over many other Cough preparations, as its pleasant taste permits a to ne acid without incousernencE.But vs value as IL/Jetsam, motets in the speediness of its emu. We have known some of the roost desperate toughs, aortae of which had been muting on for a eonsiderable latith of time, yield 'almost immediately to is power. • In such weather.. we hose had during the peat winter every one is liable to take cold, unless great prayteen.. aro used. Wet fecnand undue capontre Si the inclemency of the weather often lays the foundation of a hauking cough which needs s quick remedy to present nouns resells We kale numerous violator. of euralwb.cli it he, notOrmed; many of which are front r • d the neighbothcOd, and they at once witnout saying another word Prepared and for sale wholesalt PEONESTOCK & CO, corner of Wood and 6th ausi {ZELLERS' COUGII kJ g Bodo., Lad., Clerk of dm Cot... Mona or Mater C.01111.y. . Ma. R.E. Sau.szo—Sll: Some One in the winter my wife was afflicted with a severe and dimresstnie sed helmet of your, invaluable Cone. Sy rap. I parchw d a bottle from B. T. TnnOle, Esq., in Bridgewater, and alter taking a portion of it moor three ennuosoc going to bed, Or found Immediate relief; a. also neve,' friends havobeen retired In severe eases, am there fore satisfied that it is a ofe and vsloble medieine,and would recommend 11-10 thanewho may be affbetrA with revere coughe and maids. . W, K. KODZe. MArthlo.lel. • The Syrup m pot up in 25 cent bottles, no that It may be bought by the poor as well as the rich. - Prepared and Wan by R E SELLERS, 57 wk.t t ree almo, for sale by Dr, Caksal,Sth ward, and D. 21 Curry, Allegheny city. nvl.7. ]IEACIPS UNIVERSAL. EXPANSIVE SIIELLEIt —This labor saving Machine. was Patented, 1461 1811, IFen, which le slew of its grew durability, cheap ness and efficiency, Is simplietty of con stroadon. and the ease and facility wait which it 8 need by either %Ts or adults; 8 inevitably destined to supercede all other Corn effielters for r neral use: It in fart supplies a desideratum which has long been wanted utroogliwat the Western Notes, for while ornate less than one-tenth of the prier of the rotary . shellerv,iie person <1.1.1811 corn with Mks fast as with any. For sale at the herd Store, corner of Wood and nth als. • • ' °can S N WICKERSIIAhI 7aoPit..-Vor mit it few bales Wemetts New Yotlt growth of 1646—from 8 to ID cents. Also. Bacem find Western N Y, tatty picked, lbw year's growth. . Prime Ohio do, Belmont county. ' • The ge octal Ea item mop of the name is now being noticed. Brewer. , and Others using /tope, wall find It mock to their adventage to obtain their supply from the undentigned, as they Wend tie sell throegboutehe name et New York penes. CEO. W. ;MITI! te Co., actildto • . Pittsburgh Bravery. r 1•1113 imAaic Eamgvir. SOAP-For renter I sing Gmase idats, Steinsor Mark. from Clothe., Woollens, Carpets, Ae., dc., and tendering the spots where It Is applied clear, bright, new, and Sold w full directions. Price 23 cent. a cake. Id by WM. JACKSIC2,6IILiberty creel, head Mi C erw rS' i. at hi* loot and S/30111 store, net of the Big QTOVIC, PATTKRN S FOR IlAllt—Caleb Olstdster,ranorn Makey, Allegheny oily 01)11111, Lao the utmost patients tor Halves on bond either in wind or iron. /dill Gearing and all patterns wade to order TEAK BOAT COOKING STOVBeI aleby U KAIFE, orpti6 st, balm. mark& A. wood, WifilMitiNijPlPlo(4 DERRY & NICKERSON,: hlonolhourers of • • AWNINGS; SICIING BOTIONS,, , WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN pAGS Or 'ALL DLICKIPTIONS Ilro. 384 South 'Front Street, BOok of T et: IS Cabins! Ware Manufy PIIILADfiILPIIIA. A A I.,!.., c tir4e . re .o, lo o or m ith S,S.._Moon,•nt the o ose: of 1 will Le ,liie. tit 1,11.1 ""t lTi ' B4.l U. DIRKS _ A. I.I.,NICKER,FON OtkII.ItIAGES. - IFILLIrtaI . ODLE, COACH AND - HADNEDS 230 hien. el , :Pltifiutelphia, Lehrer the firm or. 04Ie Allebost. rupeetrullp infirtus Lis Grads end the public, that be by mut will keep coosteet/pon bead erel fir file, Im/bows eseetterel of eilltooeble (arse. Itebrlee of ell.tzles and derriptioes keiedi to *arru lei eherteet paribleoettee eleetned to' be yeti best ornert,e6 selected orterioL tetra-IL .. FBBB :'10118:: FURS ring iotweribdtwoold c.pdtfußy invite Lalic. and 'decd.:ten dbodt vadivg - Phdadelphis:dad to WII/Ir FANCY FURS, inelidd Mats. Bdu, itc; W iT11.114 eIB bekd e.parebd.44 - clddwlrre, as they. drid is d Rio their advanuNde and-tar irdnake.. AR Orders ed,tved dual Idifeddra de addaded to at Mr! Non!, 11 . 111"4111 .• - 11 '.1"Lii6 go' oraithao ilebelislinue in band „ • , optsu 'M.EbICAL. DR. WNSENIPS S ARS AT Al I LI, A.. Asa cdraordsnAry Aleditisic in flte WorIL Th., z ,„a i s pot op io quart twttlea t• 0 a as Lusa ohms sr, plawanier,m. warranted superior to.) wild. l• num disease without adz:tieing; porniat, Mama 00. d• 0118 AT 'Epeasu AND suns& mnicom The gram beady .d superiority of this likarlaparilla or.r all other Medicine is whilst it Eroding= Disease it Isorigor• sin the Doily. It es am of the 'my best IS rit,uvo dt.5111 6tfhlMt MEDIC - DIES oash known, not only para. • 'the whole system and strentheas tha pantos, but it etallos Z(.00 Po. and Rids Blood s 'w power palmated by oo Mose Medici.. Md. this has tha gas. Secret of its woodstful scam. It has performed with= lb. post two ymrs, more 'than 35,000 earn of SMX• CMS of Disowi at least 5,00 n of them wen masidered ineunbi.. Mon nom - 3,000 coca of Chhmie Ilbsontatism i • 2,COOMscs of Dyspepsia; ; • 400 num of General Debility and 'Want of Lamy; • 3,000 mica of.diffcre..reniale Complaints •'.35.100 clam of Scrofula. 1,500 ones oldie Uste ' COmphip t ; des 61. Disease of the .d Dropsy, .„,;,pfhoum'ag of Mosea . nitiscard of the Mood, 'is; Ulcers, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Pimples na thence, fac., M. To gether with ammerons caws of B:cla Headache, Nth the sole and Chest, Spinal Arleen.; /e., Ike. This,ye are aware, Mot appear incredible, boo me th e Unit es iron: Physic' ians and our wets 'front all part. of the United Slams, Informing us of extraordinary cams. It. Van ilushirk,Esep 'am of the most rap:Liable druggist@ in New ark, It. J., :aromas to that In can rokr to more than 1.10 RS to that place alone. There ars thousands of cues in the City of Naar York, which we will refer to with pleasures and to mat of cheracter. 11. is the best medicine for the I...entire of disease know.. It suadombledlf sowed the lire, of more than • a,uoo t.errmaitx Tot PArr Suoox: As roomed the mom of dimaae, tnd io crated them 1,3 tl=. CArr. O. W. Mot:Lux, or rim Unman Ammo Sere, and member of the New Jersey I.egislatore, hes kindly sent us the following certificate.' Omits ice own story. • Sanwa', Jan. 25, 1647. A year Mom I was taken with the LOWE., satiny whole system left in • debilitated etakt. 1 •as induced to try U. Townsend% tilanaparilta x and afkr taking two or thze,bc ties, I was reef moth relieved, awl attribute it entirely to the said Saapantla. I have matinnefl taking it, and find that 14toramill ., I . blier=e ti d . soy fife, and would O. W. McLean, late U. B.W. This cartilicate conc:Maly proves that this Smapardla hat perfect contra! am the matt obstinahr diseaseof the bbottl. Thrkt pavans cured Limn ham is unprectdeated. ' • Tulsa Guttman. Tomtaxm—Dear Si,: I bar. Sot plover. to (arum you that rims of my children ham tam mad of the Scro fula by the ov. Of your medlrat mdieine. They were adlicted my termly with bad tom; have only Mau four bottles; It took Mu °mg, par which - I Ltl maalf mar Step obligation. Tom; nuptetrully, Wag W. Caas,los iToarar at. N.. Teak, Sland. I,IW. , GREAT I,X.SIALZ MEDICIFL Dr. Timmuumr• Damaparflia Is a warmly!: and rperdy wns f ar incipient Conantoptam, flo,rrennem Leurorrbm, or him., obstructed. glenatrssation, lorcetiourner of Urum or Mrolutilary dimbarge therauf, and for Ile gut. mat rostration of tbf syster.i-no matter another tbs mutt o( in emit mute or muses„produied by irregutarity, aorJdeur ffothing m be Imo.a surprising than its invigoraurg freti on she human frame. Persona, all wanes aud Tam, bid, from taking it, *A arum became rabtod and fall of energy swam ita idiom.. I.l3lMdillati, eoontsracia the nem basun of the bowl from., which ts iha gnat cane of, barti mune. , Weill sot be opened of as, in con of so &liens a ea ten, to exhibit entire:nes of earn performed, but we can sararc the ediend s that hundreds of awn hen brew repotted o. Seerrel caws where families lure bean without child ren, after using a Few bottles of the isnaluabis wordwine, hare been blare viith healthy offspring. D. linensend, 2,4 wife bring grestly dist:coed by similar:lw and pneral. debilit, and warring tretinnally by pun and a 'ovation of bnring down, fang of the womb, and Wlltrother difieutties, and luring kens. Caere where your istedieZe du effected gerd nor ; !n b lat b hter . e T fa i loUle ef %beet ailasZpari " Ila and ' followed the directions you rav me In a abort prnod remand the complaints and ordered her beahh. Bring grateful for 'the benefits she received, I take 'demure in tins aeknowkdge in, it, and recosediending it the public. !tinnier, Albony, Lug. 17,1044. Coco( Grand and Lydius , con. trtz,lsept. 29, I. Dr Toonottiod: To all torluiso this may room - a—This it revtify that my erip used we honk of your •Sersaparilla 'l7hi her esedinesemah ander the molt alanninc 11.1.1 Li i' folt=u= "W tl ith,th` V 74.17:: .• my format add tho nevon:OaLioti of dime *la: hod mod slot ens iadoord to try it, with hale or no Dias; and ear. it a, the tom bad ths happy sad. &and effect,not only b in the hoots of eafoeinent, but aller dui e 11.,..1111101 00• weak of itv ale; the dropq art ner vous favotray to an ortaaishing Fiqree, •ad •her health is arm been Una but been r • kag tuna pre. MOW. 11 duo b of tae NtITION to yeti or auy roe who ad* tkui awe= of the yoa entqqy adv.. to tt. I subscribe inpolf you most obedient cid diked t• trawl § S JAM. At TO 810T1.1111.9 . AND ALIKELIED LADIES. Thu Extract a . Su...FartUs has been expressly related lartfiricams to female eittoplattals. No female who Las ma am t 4 ettpr...C_ she is apiwoachuig diet critical " TA* mins of . ht.," ebould ` lre labs it, es it is. recta. preventive We soy of dm =term. and bon ible diens. to which females sr. subject at thie time of life. This period may be delayed far several years by gain thatinsdidne Nor is it leas rehab. to those sibs are appenechitig itoinsabaA es it is calcidated to emit nature by , quicken.; the blo t td and invizoniting the eyes.. ladeed, ihmosedicine u ineet nalge for all of One &luau dterares to which -semen an „..,.. . " rt bracts Use ashoissystsis, riiiews perseaseasly The Wa nd aassi repaving en lipariCies of Ills !air—riot as La shws.' thai mum as produce • sistioquent les lassiiiats, vslisai is tin are assail zasalkinsis lA. farfeasids . .. . . GIRLS HEAD 111111. You lobo lama pals4nOr . t d o, dullAyso, b_bddlrA loco, ',Nil to, or O rt re .... 7 'pot of elants j " noa II WS Or W 0 0 &,10p.711.4. 11. Audi clew... your blind, remW the [emblem ond blottheo, and rioo lots atdonotocat. garbling opal, foto sprits, ad beautiful ocourausion--all of which ara of iudoords-solut to luau; rind ladies!. • • DYSPEPSIA. A WP-STERVFJaT - - . No Said or medielw hae ever turn ifietwevred which ou nearly mumbles the ramie IWO, or talin, it decompose. lad and etrvagtherdog the organs of digestion,. this prep. ratan dI &tumid,. . But[ Intratoawr, Altway,May 10,1845. Dr Tewirmendi: .r—l have Isma edbetuf Coe several Tore with dyspeptia in 'I• wont foi cm, atm tuled with sour) oose of stomach, of appetite, carer. 1...nb0r0, moda great amnion to I triode of Lod, amt for weeks (what I . "'i ta d y . trateif. " l, • it.. k. w r' ,. ''''' b at .. l7,:ll. l :V i hri but I ale rife.. elYee io mmoviug the complaint. I War in ..c., abb. two dm ethee. to try your kistract of Sasso. parilia,.4 I most with little roundseme, but atter ming neasiy two tinily. foam' soy I p so restored, sad the 6.,thitro entirely mond: .o 4 I would I earnestly realm! moil the use of d to thews who hart bolo elided as I bare been. - Vo • ,Ite., W. W T.Zurrr. Nim A 1 . 446 . /Rama Island. A OST A MIRA Mk ..... i . Nmed e folkneua , sad doubt if you eau, that etwoomp t: . tbe .owed Tbie is wily of th e emend huadred cues Tosmiemill'a Sareapatta has cored t • Pr T msd—Oear Sir. I was tat., 0 little over a year ago', with • were eutsgh sod pain ii, my' tole. It Le -1 year no one ver) fast, indeed. I was prfroomeird by phy- I Mem.. have thee coosumptiora- I raised bop spi.• thin of hod matter, 6id sight meat; and sinking ern forte my doctor said be could do chilling for am. I went alto the hospital in hope of being broefoted, but was prverounnot th ere se tocoreble. I was now greatly distreered at the lungs and could hardly breaths ; k mos became mat Wad e s. expected to die; war moths. to -my bed, .d woo obliged ro bare watchers indeed I sums glee .you any desettptioo that would do jmtme to my ease. Iwo ,opposed by my &Sendai lobe put recovery ; I had tried a pet number of remedies, .4 sll ametad to be la oo purpom. I read of some most .- traordioary etiqs perforeaeLt your me . dtmis t sod to tell rul Nraa " Vd ' fice/ u tii try it , I did eo .4 , arneg to I did. I ea t that I w in e s etirely Well, but .1 es bar mover. at to be tbaut my bus a. bops to be main , ly well in e few week,. 61 y con I: .a 1 paw I. the side, .4 nightamuite have lell me mod - rates but very little, and am fast gaming my moat stsiyi;th. I ANA a to to give you a Mamma of mfg, to publish if you please, C BROWN, 47 Little st, Snootily. Opinions of Physteisass. Dr Towsuhend is alto°std.:Lily receiving orders from phy; newts in different Daum of the Union. This st.lo certify pal we, t.Le untlerfigned, fq,pki..., .1 . the City of A , tony,haTa in num.rote caws prescribrol Dr. Toynasend's gazainrdl., and btlicte it lobe one or the most nloWkperisrattod. of ttwe ganhamilla in the market. R P rIX.IXO, X IS R It USIGIUM, 1 D, Albs.), April I, Pr.r. P EE.Latunons. at n. ' .. This u to ready thatthe ...lumped, pracUeme Thoomosrian Phylacume of th wet e City of Albany hare Inujout y: crumbed Derotansetorr Cum n pound Future of Nana 'ulna, sod from im too,. goal/ti wookt recommend !hi lb. public for mercurial, acinfuloc..and Delve ammo. ova cuts, is m any of tho advertised I Mittilt. inu. A W 1455e1.1.,•P P, All.] elld'il 2,1 - Wu LI Sreurrou I . r. Principe/office, Fulton et, Bun Builduarb ft ' 1.% Red ing* Go State et to. Ur Uyou 4. hoo,ll/ North ... rt l'hiladelphi SIS Hance, druggist; DaltimOrr; nod bj C41.6.7...g,;41. !^ l, l. n... th.l On United State ,r ~ , • Now geikl2ll3COMlsad WIT in the large wptare bottle., contain a quart and egned with the waters airdare of El 1' TOWN:END, and lot mire blown ot, talan. From We New York Daily Ecorese of A prsl the A rllo th llab, or Saraa l' a 'l i ' l e la . raPrl:oTtl ' r V i . = The whole Hoag ir rut up In be taste: awe of the orna mental tandem pa panumga are beautiful, which, together with the scroll work, to gold, glistening in the sun, =do a. t o nowly micalled it, Broadway. We lake this opeortuatty to ..y we believe Mi s tattact of tha Saraarmillsi - arrerrra the wry gma popularity it Ems actiaired, Narcotic Debility. •• New Yona,Makehl77,lB4l Or. Tithrusend:-1 karakul Withed man en: lea far 3 years, with • dreadful athkins in the chest., giddina• is, the head, loss of appetite, pion in the baths, and gest& debility, braised., no doubt by the emainual that and cold to which lam subject to in my bunnies as • dyer. I ha. taken other medicines, too otimerons to:onention, but with little or en. sue nat. I war re dared 111 . bal I the paper to try& bottle a your Sarsaparilla, ram Which Ithund rent . relief . I bale Wars taken several mare bottle*, anol I ma unhesitatingly say it is tbe best medienw I him ere, taken—the pain in my ebest ia altogether in. I bare tam, your Sarmtpariila I have amen better amine than mer I had.. Illy 'nth Ink. it with then= bine& dalresulte I would rad it as • holly medicine generally, and I tool eon, that Una used there would um be half the tickets there i and comegematly not ao many Doctor'. bilbo to while it appetite, t also gives to the tweak and breath e regular tam: it keeps the blood' tea healthy stale, m that d la not ao likely to attack lb. system Atul to al those wth are we In a healthy Mate, limy my Dr Threariti's Teases Sens, Below is an aceoasit Tb. eanlaparilbk and lb. followin eertifcate 'mind WWI week. • Dr Tow:11.d: Dear son sick with the Cancer io Dal great debility. It came expand .3irine, and it =We you l lesl 'eat For tale by Ft ES between NI and 4th sir, TOWNSEND sole • Ilusband's Celeb ed Fluid Magnesia. anti, it • mild, maraud t and-acid and aperient; be ing a perfect soar • • • chemically pare carbonate of M.P..; lawmen all the.. • tad qv:alined' tha finest pre, paratiota or Magma, wi ••• t being liattlo to ram mar tines in the berwsls;or to oct ajuriondy !Ton the ands of the• tk. a , a.m. .0= Fbla alapesia hap& dad in drangtatobalfa fal or filadaesa. An:ado hpB aIY/slll4 t 'a CO,corner Id and Wool and WM and : - Ur. brumes• or= (18 is weernty Abet, by taking one end d l of Doctor McLane* Worm Speethe. aeWtd of James Shaer , s parsed erreedte of 70 worms, and by the ore of raid any/Jenne dead of Win it le Inch the most mrptleuld teem medicine I ever :dem / Sent have two mom rude. • WM 4311LMORE . Villtins.Tonensble - iffy ads II 4.;:top 4# Co. Ned. 'Flood street, PP/se • • -• • rotisTAini noTta., - . '- , •• •• • LIGHT STREET. ;BAIT/X.OHE, FOGG & TlllMETON;Protirietort. r u .• nts establi sh-neot lt, and widely keen.. Sul beteg J. one of memo:Acorn tout in the cave( Hale mote, h. ',Tenth , undcrgorte!very extensive alientions•od, improvements. An °afire new wing has been added,, -eentainingnamerens a A airy sleeping ttheth , en,p nod exteusthe bathing:atm . ' • 7 , The LAdica'departm villas oleo been completely Te- Organi zed And fitted up in a MOlt aniqati and beautiful style: in field. whet arrangemeul of the House hasp been remodeled, with single eye sin.the part of the proprietont toward. the comfort mid pleasure of their thiests, and which they confidently assert will-chal lenge companson withlany hotels the Union. . --Their table will always be supplied 37%11 every rub stentitteand luxury :dila them a rho affords, served op In a superior style, While in the way of 'Wines., tr.e., they will not be surpassed.' - : ~ „ in conclusion the proPrieinrs beg to up, that nothing will be left endone on their pan, and din the parte( their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy 7 the continued patronage of their (needs end the public generally. The prices for board hare also been endured to the *ll° lllftes l gdTn firY,L ...... ..• - • • 11l "i' . 1. • Gentlemens" . 1 ; • 1 fid ' l, 7. N. IL—The Baggage Weirton of the Hoare will al t's to found at the Car and Slealltbo6l. Landings, which will convey baggage le and from the lintel, free of charge. - • t ' mrtAtf ' k c , te HAIM STREET HOUSE, VineSaimaa, 01110—Tbe sabsenbers having purchased the en. ti interest of Cob olb William., late of dna well am establisinent.beg leave to nate to their friends and the public gernatally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel for a remof years and will exert lbw beat energies to matte it admirable home for Tray elltins end City Hoahleirs. : . The I tote! in spec loos and admi Wily planned for eon vedlened, light and sir, having a number of pall.* adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to families. 1 Thepresent proprie n having had the eXperteneo of years in this city and Isewhere, hope they . will be able to give general suds action, being deterrinned to give undivided attention to the boa. alone. • Thelocation of the ?earl Street Mason anew...MlT eligible, having fronoi on Penni, Wain. and Third sty so that it is equally desirable in view of the contrenb enre of business men Or retiMnient for pf i.te boarder, It Is near by' the banks, the Post Mee, the Masonic lialli Odd Fellows Iltill,.d butane... distant from Maio meet and two Mauves from the City Wharf, thus offering the gremest lilac:erectus, especially to country ne rein= and genet . yto all persons visiting anent ad. 1 - : 1 _JOHN' AMBLE - JOHN A DUIILE,ii. JOLIP 1173 Tit.. I no. 152 cigars Mite.. Pitrtsnihrms. • Ml= Nab.cribersoloder thy Inn of litamoss tr.Warth Mort purchased Sl,JoroVinterestlntlds establish. ment,:and hope by thb suietcyt attention w Iba wants and comforts of their guests, merit a continuance of the liberal patronar hertnifore received by Its Chimer proprietor: The house besbecn thoroughly ca n and &pair ed; getberelhite feel assured" we can welcome; our friends and the pobliX to accommodations equal id any in 4.1 coy of l'hiladdlpluo NW BRUN:F.B, I • JNO WEFT.' j)"Zhf GALT 110118 E, Corner Data and Sixth can: Cincinnati, rill !IS establislownt Is now in 'lllO. befit order Inc the J. reception of therscling Publie. Having onders gone ' it thorough re air. dirrug the past winter, and Inning the nowt erionced men in tamest, in the various departmcn4 i, 1 hatter myself that all will bo pleased who call. location or central,commodiouX and pleasant. Pare 61 per day. • - Cinemantl,Marchll3,l,47. W. E ' N.•ll.Although net exactly a near Bra.* it i• the tans:l.-a new ‘Vhist on the old handles spirt( • D 11 •RIADITROkIi HOTEL, ' hIADISON: INDIAN*. Tall proprietor of Dia lonic established bonze. sweet. copy ohms his services. of Pitieboigh, i t to and will exert Ms If rind. io comnahle all who mar % fay. hint widh them conronfir• This point which o long been a avorite one with the Provision De I s e r et Patroursh, will, the coining searim, present a la ger field tor thus operation. than Imrsdnfion, from thd completion of the Rail Road to Indianapolis, .t rni tea farther into Me hog raising region. sp.-slan i ti D ran UUII, Proprietor --c TGROCKSIOKTOWS 'GALT . HOUSE,„ Lentry 1111 l Ky. A RIP T it ROC KAI olt T UN: liege to acquaint his LI !friends that be is attain leased of % the el A I,T 111)U 8 E, Louisville, KT.:where:he hopes to meet all his old friends, rostinag hem.t and the NM., that. Cot shall be spaced to make all cronforiable who favor Wm With their patronage.)' janlf Dv AMERICAN HOTEL,. itt i TW•47 t a t eCa l " . .: B Late attic Exchange aad St. Charles taoieLeo - /usbi r , - . - TESUBIIIAifT SUCCESS. Con+un , Ptirm, r manbtr that it is Thompson a Compound syfisp pf Tar and Wood Nap! Mu whirls m 424 during such' r re marrkablei run, us PULMONARY CON UMPTIOIki!!! Asthisa Broorlitis, Spitting of Baal; r ain in the Side add 'Breast, t‘ore hie ll ~ oarseramb Palpititam of thy Demi, 8S broping Cough, Croup, limes, tiervoesri mouses Lace t:omplamt else Diseased lintraya me. TI L I I:BEFORE, birsrase of els spurious matures of Ter or • Napes. its tantalums are etmaid • .11. homsort—Demi'..b.r— Ihe astontshiag bemlit I ham esperiencra (man the of , your CompormdSpbpuf I ass and Sandia models amy duty Ll : inform ylna of It. I hod been tom aftlicted with a very td cough,musieg . metre peat its the breast, with great oppress:an, difficulty ut breath ... sad lose of appetite. Cana various renames wishes. ODA. .1 became a.tMed, I head of your medicine, but be . 4 *.4 t h ought • wtold adhere to abet 1 ha bee. Urn. pilfer 1/011* • 114114 peel:tufa.. Is ay a bade afloat . pmarstim s 'eying the owed his die to 31. 1 Ms mediate Iy procured bade .red commraced roam it and be lore I bed Ulan mro.bottleo, 1 vas complexly rettoreig for ' the benefit others 1 make tIM abom brief statement. any farther iormirim ima be made at my rem- Cothatati arms. • amm o :dolly boom, i • Faaacta P.V211, SW/. another Remarkable Cure.. . • Carlisle, Pa , Nov. tah ISIS, About sir jure sior-ri. In comegurnee of the sedentary velure of my busies., 1 orbs attsekeo with wrens poi.. xs th, brew.. palytimtino of the Mart sod Aortae= of'breath, which were emu follow rd-by the (alum of appetite extreme weltefulnem at night and nartml paa y 00 miliaria— them wyeaptome of • deranged pyuein tang frequently atiersded with 'gutting of biota. Far .boat two years 1 emercommer •ly throws onto mam:Pilau, whirl bell Me ia o soberable awe of frebleonsand began to et my mind. From oss eclat= my sufferings sem more or leis sevre, testi' atleoglie. they incteased to such a . drgrce and the TIJICSICS of .the .ympmpu wire so ougaented, that for a whole yor I was tumble to attend to any htisiness. Durirg this time I roma', ed moo .his physicians and attended to their presermtiome hot all their skill was unmet Mg to procure am reLef• red at length they rrgarded my. memo, o. entirety hololgoo 'ls this tradition 1 Sq. informed Of the minim effect* of eas em's Compote:el Syrupy( Tar Mad Word riaptha,lia • e some hat, imiter eat mine, and th ough had gmen upon espectitem of • recomy of coy fame, health by lowa woo., yet be iog Strongly' mimed to try this meilicibe, so et breath prevailed dpoo to do as, aad 1 hue ma to wry, that by the or of siltbottles health has been reatorokaad I am Isom able to attend tia business with es moth ( oclity • 0.0.1. ) RY VYCHS. ' ' I Of Dick - iamb Towasbip. ire -firmed only by Alia IiCY h DICKbO r N at the ff. It carom of Fifth end Spruce armee Bold by L. ILLOX.! Jr Pilau:o, rope ootpootailo ..Nanny. Prim Suet, or One Millar per bottla. D .75 i / o TlON.—Bewere of irritations, and pirclmat Pew. Son's Compound Syrop of ler from none but advertised isigente or of those above the empicion of dealing io ores ' skald." ' rerrxr, A I. .- • TIES hest a rt ieleiroown for cleaning and whitening the Testh, strengthening the gums, slowelening the bteath. he. It should be used every mg t with a add brush, and the teeth atdasorsitt'svillonly mpaire a sligh washoo in the 'morning. Wet the two. h will learns water. or cold will answer, and rub it a Yew times nu therote, when enough will. adhere for, exalting the teeth. It leavens dcliemos Taste in the renutb,•and lon part/ a most delightful fragrance to the breath. I ottooni undalled as a pleneam, efficacious, convenient. .4 safe lenttifiee. hi a warranted not to AnOrt the thcas, vitapreiervelhem. • l. : . . 13y usiug it regolarly, it will remove the tutu end -prevent los aceernolubon—prevent the toothache strengthen the gums, roll prevent all dithascs of Nem Chemists, AY.....0.3d th e [Ion: recommend it.a decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in itha— Ask for Shosoars's Comand Oros Tooth Faille, 'hod i to observe toasignamm is attached to each pot.. ROcommendf - d by Dr Castle, lit Utoadsray, one of our Iwo tamest, and' y moil ,of the old 'established ones in the United States, sod even g.tensively used by the Nobtlittof Futgland and FM , ca _ A large pltir.olllollof the disease, t kat afffiel mankind ith•e from mine derangement of ths stomach or trowels, which a timely use of the Collis Ito bogenges woold entirely obviate. Persons of bilicui habits should al- Ways save o box at bond, and take a drolowitenever they feel the least derangementin their health: A todi• emits ore of these Lozenges 'meld preventlthousandn embus. ' For sale at 1V51.• JACKSON'S, corner of Wood and Lihntv .1. ' : . dec2:l.' I ADIEU Who Use . Corninen Prepared chalk, are I.a often mit aware horrlnghtfully injurious •1 is to the skin! how coarse how rough, how yellow, tallow, and unhealthy the skin appears afire using prepared chalk! Ilesules, it Is injurious, containing .large olden lily of lead. We have prepared a bearnifol vegetable acadewhich we call /O:NIPS'S SPANISII. LILY • WHITE! It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deletermeaqualiticsi and it imparts to the skin a auro ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, bring white,-at the same time wan As a emu:tat. on-the akin, making it soft and smooth. In. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa ehusetts. says: "After analysing Jones's Spanish Lilly White,l find It pomesses the most beantiful and natu ral, at Me same time Innocent white I - ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use Mall !ihose akin requires beautifying." bold Ly iZII.I L ItIiSON, at his Door and Shoe thote,9 Liberty street, brad of Wood, at the sign of the L Elie that. /41 adiev, ladies,l'm astonished, When you know that you promised A natural, snowywhite, , 'nest you will still use common chalk, And look a deathly yellovr fright, The theme of [scattier and of talk. If )cu would use+ a /soxof JONE'A Lilly-white, it would give your skin art alabaster yet mare white, and at the same Ileac. clear and improve it. Sold at / ACK-90:PS, HI Latium at. Price :15 cents per boa. _ utVB . • . . ITCH, S A LT RHEUM, he-who areal L for a inutile day seratch, when afflicted with the Toler, Itch, or other diseases of the whin, if they knew Who would relieve and Care there. • I Tie horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when hot more horrible to abstain hare st, On decency sake, ) r.7ll e nd ITC7n Most el% oacieur of any oilier pop:notion in of istence in reline the Teller, Beta and other dieter,. of the Owe. ofoil do of the skin must trivet from Me Impurity allot blood mid fluids* the body, and where tech Ls tact be of tong steadier. aud the congitanon affected thereby, If Do L,eidyle FamaParllla Blued Fills be need with 110 Ointment, they will care any ease 'whatever, led If they do net, the enemy Will be retained by Dr. 1.,e11y. bloat cases, however, will be effectually cored hy . Dr Leidy's . Tatter and Itch Ountacrit, unless the' whole system is impremiated by Me discrete/I bunters, which will be completely earilet off lean the system by Ile loriditi Bleed Pills. and Ohs surface of the este heal ed by the Ointment. Price of Ointment :D . cent., For Idle try !ffi 4 FAIINEVTOCK &CO • olrol cor,wood A front re" A, , onoAN^s coucl $s tt aup.— proved in en the . . greet ALIVICINS i s caner my child's distressing Preeithe Temperance Benner, Nov.; dy. . , x 4 .,, G ,,.amer....—Dre are net in the habit of pedlar, Witch tea allot Patent filediebies, bet we feel =rased to recottoneed Illorrea'sffyrup to than who are afflicted with a cough, Afterhail erg tried the ascot rearettme a =gnat sad =nosier cough, that had for revved dale affheed one of oar =Dec, Without sac. art"ftywfi relfgrarrZiLTaMaefelerh=nttpl'e'Zi 10 the meaty. ut this ease at .leaat. • pro: " "4 lesil „,"Q u eN " 1:11 1 0 b aG i nal . mica, door Nagar 4.lllopag /. the Month. 91er child med. Di Tovrtueod , a ves of thoomods of ehildna— I oda.' flan • Feat Dumber I • Misr You" April 9,11117. , On r e of lay daildreo was rely mouth and throat, numbed wins n ; obtained num of your rad it directly, (o:which I can Ynors respectfully, Fe 1.... 07 Dad/roma sL IERS Mumble, Pio 57 Wood st o had been appaiated bl 0, AU- •p to. .. lelyFr __!!!!El Ml=ltM HOTELS.: I PO TABLE BOAT • LINE. 'Ba7: . : ' NSPO M' lii CAL. 113X1M31! =TM UjANSTORT/TION LINES. _ 1312232 a irlotElT.4 • F!ed by IF:tiqopg : not jo , i r ciatd7.l h.:ldling is daved. error= thea trier tables us tdstore ising,stating, and Prod • we . - V! , e- psidk - fiour, leathers, and other advances will he d i u o d 'es P s ie sne c , u ;S • terms ai - by any /URN tr. Co n:, Pinsbargh ?Id & Co deal st. L'hilad EMMI AseivaPitubargh tranahiOnems ort (delay. Ilnpage; :ASH PhEsslelphts rat, Pittsbargh. Almon: .! dgeotl ess ohe Proprietors tdellOheir arrowro ot prepared to (Gr ouch unsurpoued mope es curlers, ble Boat System, mei, of the ware ,3ecolintly their cogagementi .congdattlyoffering C theyeepecAllY gewhich they now -minor will De reed .rges paid ad Bills of Lodi as charge for Commission, advancing oi 110 Inlereat directly. or indirectly in steamboats,the interest of the eenSitllol, most necessarily 11 th eir primary univocal snipping, west, and they pleilg themselves to foranird all goods.. consigned to there pfmptly and ironic most" mistuna genus terms to the o March 1,1E47. • • TO e E PIIBLIC. • S a llr ;e 'r t r . g . s r, Co partnership under •is name of the .floatosen's Ling. and Mew= agre to refit th e Buick was to have a mber of - Boats fo the e mire*. of carrylng goods thrugh in titan six -• eiht days, with certainty—and feel encouraged by e liberality of laseyettes patrons age, toinake more e teritive arrattgettients,for the en suig year. • • No, woula these re rsspreablly a.contino• none f our fomierp troilailind refer all new caswmers to thole:va have do abeset. for. •-•,• • . 'NUMMI 1 - 847. iNSES ( MANS' LINN, • o tralnottavon of ,•• • ZACIIANDItr, TO MID ERDIIII . moots, Now You, AND ISMron., FUEL WIGHTIMAN ted, • eoland Quail Uorm. Emsburgh. A L GERHART A. C 4; 0305 Market Fano% Eliilmicfpliio. ,GELETON ?LC.. Agents, • BOA P6r t ALL' SINVII OF ., Prow.pnlm+, Do SA CAT6III . latnY too. bleColly, Cm Marron k6O. ...A•Sasupson & Co.ll Allen &Co, Mon's P 1111.4011 it Co, Reynolds lerrong & Booby, Peter Wright & ph Odroz. • Eve te Co, Theo. Perry &Ca. 'dad & Co. • - . , • thou. & crossly W W Bruno: NiVA.L-P A Moeller, ' PITIRBIRRGII— McCully 4 Co,' PIIII.RDELPLII Mcßae:sad & Co, I son, J 1314,n m, Jo 'NEW, YORK , '• 13.'3W:4—Reed, ' • ciNctNNATI-, _ . mercl tonstrwA b A I. prusniAly for.Arde dive from New York an , Beaton,' ettiart k. Co, Philadelphia, wilt bel fres of emarnimon. • febls . . _. D.ENT, PORTABLE AT LINE. . - .. 1 . 84 7'. &Sigma SPORTATION OF FRODUCR tISF. , TO AND - FROM PITTS rKLI'IItA AND B A LTIMORE: . TranLipmant.l:2 -,. • . : aureate Intl be forwarded RlM esteurcat ritos. , Dills of Lading immolations Oromptly. attended to, t??A'rbriViegre:•!'-'': • ' . o.llllioln, Patsborgh • FOR: 'illt.• 'I AND' Idelle A N ' I.lol4ifli Goads cool:good out de1.1,4 the 100 cruncntioteit - , Anth , (lei from any exit, Address, or apply' • STORAGE: •, nage and coannallotat warrhoon ' C A idIc.ANuI.TY tcCo iiltiring VrIT Ire are prrp4rcata i orklpmen;)aa large Low rate*• 1-0-1 I=2lX ]347.. r for the trarispormuari . or WAY ween Pitt•burgh, B1.1;411114., John. glt,.Watry Strrei,Tetnrburgh 2.11 I , XCLAIMVEL 11/ElfillT town. lkillolav4tt all one:a:cal., 1g • . ve4he moarehoore of ‘I!.N. IlleAnotty eocry troy, lescopt Satisio,l tool odepond otr.havog their goods for. '.. 07 tool tairiratea, tempi for the rpeetat krOoromodsoon and the proprietors rerpeetfully . . . One D ntsili to to On.; lhitiburgh shippott out nitro nrafdiramettiout non Lute war f• of tho way Lunine solicits In.retal re eslEree ORTI JOHN MILI.EFt NES ....ROBERT WOODS =;Mi 1).1WL•11 - 4 -*JOIIII Rfi cs. • CAM hVaIMM tILTY, &1:4, Pittiborpi =212102 nhu Paapr, Robert h. , . mar 6 J J Devitt, Wnh4.l•itt, 11611, EH E AND luqatcari, ;az.. • rrs,ltto Line bei g competed of STennobonts Lake Erie and litielnek running daily lie:nevalt•iliergh and Heaver, arid might and passenger Canal Sortie, 'runnnin richt-ran' reverend Lrle.andennnretnig man C Ir eau* Line of Steamboat•Prope Dery and Vessels on the Lakes, vii La prepared 1904 the earliest open.. ing of Navigialo to carry Freight and ueeeugerato alvpoints oil the •er, Ca - ual and Lakes, flaying every today rouse y &eight and pee stmt .& with pro mess and Rspateb, the proprietor. ,,n4 respectfully' ' Belt From their Merida and he poti lie geatrally their illtrosuge. C Mlt REED, Erie., Proprietor • L REEDS, DARKS &Co, liteavetdrats • ' 10111 V A CALIGIIEY, DittstOgh an.l Water sta. opposite the !Stepsons!, eahela IlOrssar • Tv l• arse • .Whielirdrocker, &Co, Near . York , ' Geo DaVI Rai& ' E N ruler & CO,CleVeland J.Arsastronglk Co, Detroit • r McClure& AVllEarna,Milwaykie Bristol &Darter, Cluesigo • • Wtn Dower., Poore rstoolr• Penn. . Gee Mach kilayre,Evanahurigh, Perna • John Mon thih, Huntsrovro, do • Wick & A el,Creeavillq, do - .Craig s&Fr moron, Clarksville. do • • • Ilays &TI • • h. Sharpsinligh, Ea. • W C not Sharon ; do . • - Cir. Ealtlt, do U'& CLEVPLAD!ID .184 G. IWO& 11. Clarke.. ! I 11. Hoops. T. Pt e.l!mand & Co • CLARKE di. CO., • trerwirninglit Canaanlake. • Merchant. BEAVER, PA. . rarrtn ' t i , St • Trr i t7f) ' ,•:i ' lree! it Li r:par ( t7Pri7h r e ' e arliest ope n • canal navigation to recciite prop e en)* at Pitt.ha , lta and Heaver, nod deliver the Fame al any point on' the Ohio rentahsned alto on takes Erie 'and Michigan, with theAreatettdeepatth and at lea. .onahle mica. The - - , etors of this line solicit th hueleces o flit pmpriei"~- thew fanner cuttomeio with conadence, knowing that W facilities ittwtoicond to none. ,• • Apply to ov slices* O M lIARTON. Aim Plusbors CLARIa: 4 Co, Heuer. SAILS T. lUCIIMOND C erclAnd. WEBTSRIf Milan 1847. ilega4lo%• • D. LICCII OLD ERTARLIMIEO TRANSPORTATION LINE • twrwEEN PITTSBURGH, . pilit,ADKl,pti Ltd, BA ttT43lO RE ANONEW YORK_ MOE meek of thia line eaniteta of a doubt& daily IL Line of floats and Can, (owned by themselveil which are in goodorder: The aubrenhere are promo Pd' to forwent larie quantity of. hletebandisr. oad rodoce with eertolo'W td dirpntcbr Produce or hlerehandi re conmined to any of the un dermined. is forwarded free of any charge for centrals sion or storage. • Rills lading transmitted and all instructions promptly nuended to. The busitiesiC of Ibis Lim is conducted on strictly Sidibath.beepingprinctples. Address, or apply to • D I,E.F.CH Co, roprietors.- • Canal Hann, Pittsburgh HARRIS k LEECH, Proprietore,• No 13 South Third street, Pblladelphls JOS:TAYLOR & SONS, Agents, N 0 .114 Ninth I loan rd street, Baltimore, W-15 WILSON, Agent, No 7 West street.Nalar Tod: •131HAV1911, WARREN & CLMVICLAND • LINE NF CANAL rACHLTS AND STAGES. P AN ga . 1847.1 A kcs.ttbETS I'ELEN APB & .SIVALLO W I HAVE Cleaver daily- at • J'n'cloelt. E. at.. after We A../ arrival a f tho steamboat lIHAVEIL front Pittsburgh, and' arrive at kV turn neat morning in learnt! for the States whirl reach Cleveland before night. pskaenne r• tat II In rec alined Hamm thaenarlag he rd.• on th e l'aeksi, and sent. in the; Shorn, On applicalson on boarestensuboal Beaver, (leaving Ptitsburgh at 9 o'clock, •. 10,A or to the , • ti hl BARTON Jk s Co, Pittsburgh CLAIREEA Co Beaver •, • . . , JESSE BALDWIN, Young-omen ably 'AI II TAYLOR. Wats. 1846 . A /CD ; 1847 Asa& LA. la:- - irtfrig Zt:t":- TO. THE' BAST ZY:OIONOI'iGAIIELI 11011TEi VIA BRoWNSVILLE do CUMBERLAND. THE undersigned aro nos _ prepared to forward prn duee, rte., to the Eastern Markey. during h o ens., .Ing Winter, on the most favorable worsts, by dna expe , dtuous Mad' • -All properly centupled re to Will he or - warded at the lateen rates and vridt deapateh. ! , . Morrebandres reserved by dna roarer promptlY for rentrited: .1 C. Ul DWELL. ARR. Yillsbug3l3. G IV CASS.. BrovensVille, EIGERTON & Co;Cumberband rriorsounou AND GILICENVILLE PACKET 1110 FREIGHT LINE. • Tel,,Line eo isting cif freight and possen r Peek. A. run r i ' egalarUlaring the sensetrbetrreett Beaver and Greenville, -by which freight and pas aengenrbetween thetvropoints,willbeearried prompdy and ar the lowest rates.. , WICK. & A.lolErt,Greenvdie, A gts • - CRAIG &FRAWTON, and sviLle,• do; • : • ideFARLAND & KING, Big Brad, . , HAYS I< PLUlREl.E.havilborgh, do, • - W C MALAN. Shama.dor Poland, • - • REED, PARED & Co, Heaver_ . dc, • CAUGUEY,oornerWater eadSonthfrekl eta, .4 41 1 • OPPOltite the Meneruhltabs Gams rideblMer _ ~, ~~, TRANSPORTATION _Ii!!!S, REGULAR .9101191911190. .0.1101C.19T lISA ak , -!i "' ' Menem and %rid =Amer.. , • ~:ili! . - I • Capt.. Charles Hoops. - commepcas boo .. . , • . senator mpie- - thls day.,.lsaising- •Pstio ! i9.llllsAl 9 o'clock. A. at., and Heaver At 1 o'clock, r. a.,- 'Elmareting ands Pittsburgh atid Ciesetand Llor of Cod nal Bows daily to Cleveland,' o.o.lcavarrkirsa terranif Cloieland •Llne of Csnal,Paelcts and Rata Casabas dralp to Warred and Clevelaink - Catud,Packei Linea to Near Castle and Grecovillmirmi , Esic EatenSiori Line to Pdeadvilla and EH?. Neil, . Moore &'Co'.UDC/ of 'S 7y . ' thi e f,rl2. ` cl.f - ;,'.! . .;:f. 'I. .'4,.."'Votrikl`aavyerol E" . • :outman. ' Appl(to • , --, . • • , • ,!„ , ',.. 0 •At HA RTONa. Co; Pittsbufgh - anl4 ' - ' 1847. • ..„ THE AND 00010 C40 61 -.7 • ' PITTSDURRII AND CLEVELAND., Y. N, PARKS & Co, Clevelited,O. • n B PARKS:Beaver, Proprimers. T AIATHER, Piusbergh, Pa. - • - ll , E,ataave la Kra. prepesedm , tranapon :L I nett and Pastengers from•Patrbergh and Cleve land, to any point on the Pennaylvannt & Ohio and Ohya Connie.- • The facilities of sold Line am not eqoalledby nnv oa mid Cartal.,, in numbers and eapactly of _Doate,-ezre rienee of praraptneu One Boat leaveiPmsburgh and Cleveland doll, me lting In connection with the 01..¢.11. Michigan and Lake Ene, letvretW 'Pittsburgh and , 100061 and a Line of Lrat clam : 4 :team:boats,- Propel lers, Rods nod Sehooners,.4n Lam Erie, Ilamtn, chigoe and Ontario.- ~ • Property forwarded to an 7 part of tee' Union 'write despatch.- -E N .PARKSte Co, Cleveland, Ante "BRED. PARKS & Co, Denver, Aid+ • W T MATHER,PittaberiA, Agt,.., • . apdl ' Con Weiler andSmlthfield Ricci% .TIIROUGR IN 914(1,10IIIS.. . Ptfr_gd7. morning rittlhinll3, , and arriv et Warren In Anne for the AlailLme of Stag.; which Lave trnmedi ately dinrencter,and arri•rint Clevelonden 3 &el.*, Thin roma la the moat lareddions • end cordortable one to the Lake , COTES &LEFFINCAVELL, Warren, prinpea , • DEED, PARKS& CI, DeeveL JOAN A CAliCillEY, master Winer , and Ilmitheeld eta, 'apnly• °planate the Identrervlteln,Hodse. Pittrbergh "tflizirss,ratWOr. 7 ii - fio A.v.zAtrit: ISL ►OO TEL TinailroltTettioll or. .l ALL KINDS. OF MERCHANDISE TO AN Di FROSI Philadelphia, Haitisaere. Now York and Covina. MMETE; encouragement th , s line haereceived since its commencement, hat induced the llreprie tors toincrease the stockily adding s number ol far-• class boats; .d instead'of giving receipts as hereto. fore us agents, we will tarn our own receipts for freight shipped by thin line: • • - . Tdeliostat are all - portable, consequently freight . is teken the whole dastance without .tmoshipment, thereby preventing denote from Irequent handling on Ore route, and as cieh boat in owned; by the Captain who runs them;:which is a - aufficient gusr nice that there will be ee delay' en Om . route., All ,Froduce'r;gcrelantlise . consigned to the undersigred will be forwarded• FREE OF COM-, MISSION. for adiancing and • Difwartling, and .r. ill be shipped without delay at the lowest rate..of treirht. Z. \'o respecrfti4 'solicit ishaie of public pay° nage. • • WALLINGFORD &,Cd.,- • 1 , . • Canal Baste, Pittsburgh ... CBAlti, BELLAS & C0.. - Agt: ' • , Broad"Streel,?htlatleltillia. , . • F- MILLER, Agent . • • Borders Wharf, Baltiortre. Pitteburgh, Feb. 10,1841,. L . : 1546 • AAD 1 i 847 TO .THIC MAST. B%! OHIO. RfAILROAIi. t r lP:olo n' l . 7t i t l y th . o 1 111 inn"nigkdet delivery or at the. 611019131gPlIret.-.1. • Ashes, Oscan, Dauer,iLead. Lard, Pork, 'Tallow, Whlskef, ' oul lasa—FM eis perloo lbs. • Toloseev,lteatn, Flax and Wbeski-14 du per ICO lbs. Ash, (Pot) Apples, Cheese, Flatt•Sced, Waco, and . Acattier-100 ctsper 100 lbs . ! • Oils, Sk in', Seeds, Wottlllo as per 1001.. Brasw..Feathers, Furs, Ginseng, and. Snitko-Root —l2O cla ro p. HO lbs. • • All pperly consigned 10 either kx the andersigned will be forwarded wdolit delay, hoe of Cmturtission, at above rates. WIL TLA RIE, Brownsville. lIANNA WATERMAN, Pittsloar b. Ott. SiVAYNEM .cOMPOUND-sYltUr 1.10 WILD CHERRY: A certain and safe cureifor coughs, colds, auth liver complattet, spitting blood,pains in the.. or breast,nerrous debility. whooping cough broken constitution,. CONSSUMPy , TION or any disease of the lungs Or ter,elat. - Reader are you! suffering . with a cold - 'or dew..e of the l e lungs, WV this remedy, you mill not per., • tempi regret it. . ' , j. Ilrwdl arrest all thou disagreeable symptrima which strike such 'error to the toed, & prolong yerof dirt. Beware of all preparations purpoeting to contain Weld Cherry,ezcept that bearing the signaterief Dr H 'SWSTWE on the outside wrapper of each bottle, arthey amquite IlkelYdestituttiol the article:from which they. burled, a fitarie. , , I • Read what it lull rionrr. '''••• • 50,Ct0 DEATHS. BY CONSUAIPTION . Would !scampi be a (Mall mtimate for the ravages ' of Hut dreadful disease in asingle yemy then add the. fearful 'catalogue of , Mercian off by . lntlama... Lon of the Lungs, lianierrhage,Astheta, , -Criughe Influenza. kireachitia,ind other el-the Lungs and Liver. ; r ' And the lief wdald,preaent an appalling prixdril the lot lily or 'dime two Musks of diseatos. Ritt rt hi important to know that heady 01 this dread Waste, of human life - might hare becte.„preiented by a timely use of Dr. SI ,. AVNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP Oh' WILD CHERRY. . '• ; This medicine has new been before therpublic some eight year., and Is:the riginal preparation from the Wild Cherry Tice. Ats reputation ,as a remedy for Cough., Colds, Bronchius„and Coo. ;umpteen of the Loop based entirely upon Ita in tetnrlemcrit, owes hilt little loludlated newspaper pulls. Thou .who'give itc trial, being- beatfitted by it, icconamend it to their neighbor., and thus. gradually and surely Ihmit.gainelf aricieviablie repu tation and worked its e way intolgencral use. One bottle 'never fads -to curturecent cough or cold, while with strict attention to ileedirections that no. company earhbottle,its use in pulmonary' disease. Of long standing and: of the most alarming charac: ter, has always given relief, and in very many_ instances has effected comp; 'etc and ;permanent Dr, S WAYNE'S &chiseled Cornpounii Syr.' upof ;Wild C1•1•0"-r,y.: • • j Read the Most remarkable cure of Consumption ever placed upon record. •• ler . , r• llr SeeraYne—Dear Stir: 1 feel it a debt of gialitede due to you—and a duti to the aftlictied gateway to oder my bumble iestiamity in havoc..ol your Com. p uuri d Syrup - et Wild Chatty.- '9onee three Years mace, I was vielentljatticked With cold.and ingas relation of the leer, which wad accompanied. with. a very &stressing coutte,l . pain ire the breast andlecail Very Considerable deschaign of orensive mama from the lungs, especial!y upon changes of weather however slight. At first) felt no alarm :Moot my conditioe, bed was Metty soon Convinced that. lwas • rapidly going iota coniumptioni •Lgrevr daily weak. cr, and at length maiscaircely able to walk shout or speak above a whisper, retch, was the exceedieg vveaknos of lung, During dull= I had,bied varioun preparations and Preuriptions;bat bound no relief—growing all the time vrOnie. Diet here I won advised and pumuided by a dear friend in Wilweing• toile make a trial of your Syrup of •Wild , iCheny, 1 must confess that previously t had been preindie against pateatmedicenes, and 1 am still against those - coming out or the hands. of cinpiries, but understanding' our Maims to the professore and practice of medicine, and having Implicite faith in the saying olmy friends I forthwith purchased ol . Dr Shaw, one of your Ingenbi, a few Muth. and , • commenced Muse.. My disease at this time was of twenty. or tvrerdi Bye months' Standing; eettse• seemly was deeply seated. I thread, however, con-.• ride r ahle relief froth the host lour or boo bottles..‘-: Rat being a public speaker I frequently attempted to preach with my increasing strength and .thereby - ruptured, those vesrela mat bad already began to . , heal; in Mtn way. doubtless, toy cure way greatly), ' retarded.' In eunst or ence of acting• there imprn..l; use tl dandy I had to uIS bottles before Teo.H perfectly restored. •I have no question; a much" smaller number of bottles Would have made mw , sound, but Inc the above indiscretion. the Syrup', allayed, the fertrish habit, did' away the'dlitresaingi cough, put e atop to the dischuge of matter thorn the longs, aorta:lTO them and the entire:novenae:good! health. I have deterred offering the eattEcate, now, for the purpoae hl being perfectly Satisfied': ' with the per:lmpedey of the cure, and now thatd leePperfectly well, Leifer it wHh'peleastire:'l REY. J. P., JORDAN.. Dahlia county, Ni C. t' • . . . . CAUTIONICA ION! '. ' s', - Avoid all spurious'. preparsti, ns of .Wilif,Chavyi such au Batmen, Ritter., Syn.. of . Wild Clierry Pill. purporting to contain W' d Cherry, &c, tei or they are all hetitious and en. fiterfeiandcontairs none of the 'inerrant' thivorig nal and genuine pre paration an prepared by Dr. S ayoe, ruid - itie.firsi ever prepared . in this count . Doctor Swaynest Compound. Syrup of , WILD C . TERRY is composed i of vegetable lortiliints,the % ild Chewy; and alb: er medical substance. molly m s etlicaods, it not more so; the whole are no a clually'concentrated as to render it beyond all doubt the most pleanuti strengthening, and effectual re ady ever discover: ed ed for the cure of Pulmonary. onausoption, andvill dike.. of the,Lungs and Brc at. Thu •• very fact ) tram lb, havingouch a train o spurious imitators, stands lenitive its gloat cum re properties. , , ; 'Therefore, invalid., inquire Of tonongioil"prepo i 'ration, each bottle of which le enveloped inn beau. liful wrapper, with a likeness f William Penn en. graved thereon; also . bearing nsignaturo Of Dr 11. Smayne, the comatMfeiting of which will .be pun= Island forgery. i I ' Piepared only bY Dr. H. 5 ales, N' W . corbel of Emairrn end Baca Streets` Philadelphia. F For wle rn Pittsbire wholesale and retail by 1 -WM. THORN . , 53 Market street,. , . , OC:DEN & SNOWDEN, corner and & Wood sts.. B. A. FAIINESTUCK & Col.'corner- . 131 lot end. Waal and &hood Wood :treat.:, .•! ._ .S,IONES, 150 Liberty atrecti :'.. .',. r JOHN bIITcfICLI., Allegh ey city. i ' And br all respectable.Druggista mad dialers in Medicine, throughoht the United stitte and Cana da. - . . ' I- . 4 -: - iert4l.l ....ladvElte o VeltallitAllii .1 consider benerOill - - weer aa3 1517 1 ... Mr. 11. elicrs,..bly ran 21 months ota. hewn' lot mules nighi, and Wing coach Arne al omeee,,lden , ,ud,a had and blvsn heard a greaLdenJ Moul your Venn:dugs; I boaght vigil and ono Wm - ti doses. which expelled 62 very lame moans.. [consider year Venni(age hetet thou nilmbers, - • " I P. mid by R. O. SELLEK/3,21 Weed Bald D.'fiL. ',Corry, AS,. ghargat • I I • scat, is MiMiFEIM I.F_DI.g - ith ' AIYSIIC.4T74)_ L0=4(49; 101:1 D IL sqii3l/411 Ariairire' d • _ mar l4 7:tati 1" 11 4 , simil# h ~ sa l9lf aract:ah 31. ].Ater 1.4 161 ct., • rot atrivth 41-oa I:bck of. each nuteroadj.'• - - - . .• . • • - - - • , • .- ' ' ilia/W.OM COIJULL LOWIGINA,..„ _. c •-- - • .. , Thee tetengestre do isfeakersesura end effectual reek dl y lecoughl, beds, essempusimonbcopiig. doge arc , h --.• • . sea, tightness bf the tears or' chest, ed ste, She respecter •-.. has serer kwm ari sine - ether...Ch , did ned. gin prefect r,:: •• instiefeti..: Edema teasend; bone han been sold *Atkin .. • the tin yd., esnehes% AP bee. perdue Isiesied seinen - 4 , , ::, ofeoveindeXisl end labsearcuider the eise diereses , , ~ Colds end tqughsi ;ley do hot elseched dry isp.the cough, . : . but render ewer s pied. eineetoresion;elley the tie.livg or. . leelket. 4 del neon the ' Felled vu , eseiliug tee.' TheY or fret a savehiseche .s k of t siostele d ttle n eq.. Wee,eneeth eefieet, grid are adouteetlypeor ts ''Pel nA.o..<oabiss ilendets nn hod •. defnu had ten earn of their eranderfulve. s has, froze tide veld lan bnest add frogs an moms:, sees:. end md. So perfect hedth by usin them - - : -_' ' r'• r ' '• ' . • W . Chess, cloche. is the besstor side, dee at /het - d d. robe nen% Plaiters (price nelylli, eats) amid be 1 1 6.. anithl Over pus ; and hoes tilfselieved. •If attended '. • • in. velem '4 tplr Clithlirtie Or 11.111(i," !doges ol , lll ~, ,gdspecectici , shade ewe as deem saysirrs - . . j5l Ali 1 WOI4.6I . LOZENCIES - -- r • . - . . , edscerni lesstuve been proved lames the! 41:10.•, tiM,,, - ;; ; ,e,, cic-inferede; the sedy druid Edit itsreillin L • deduens. rdeducervisd. Men sinned arida honsworeas eseeeseloith a 4 id . r.—‘,2 , ft,ae nat .. deub s er o th , aikta With theme ed 0 dcur=g; eu,,,,,,i,T4L.: . ~ ,d,,,,elesiy bend*, thee. &reef ems S ,.e l v e *met ~/ ./; Olwenrind_t s h n sten.lee,siense*b,b . pedity ese,thede , . , SVCFMWpiesrollddn. il th i e no e e.lets.. . . peep denies netbsedatese the lipyvith lush. cheeks. ':- at.. noes,a pawn dontion at die seaseb, gads, ei of lusit Lover the surface ofte body, eighteen,. ~,, ads --- e.tfiei h.heliee ' 4 ..... e l . t e Ceettir"ieb.'d .' d .1.~..- ,eudden meter m si s web fright yensesain -.' denetimes • trioutdesame oases hurried., thirst, pullsd hise., fits; hed ten in these., dilleult breathier, ram I. - - ' be. stood. or bowels, fend, nada, nnunishesa ; den; . . ides, appetite, kends, bloated do:wit 0r..., gnpenges•cr eldating.paid us serious pease( the Judy,- • add of saws thing nen In the thee, steer of the anus weds nigh• ,• - tees &hen. °felines end mes freepune desire° pessecuietising fros, m tha Indes, 444114nee • . . , ...... , . . • ' '6IIERMAPiII CI.MPROR Lousoes. • Th,y, gilt. immediate relief 'Outwit:ma or art headaetti, palpation of the Epare,'llimster.of the spirits, despbodersty. tudatuntataly poui4 sari throat, bawd or mouser emal ]pleint,Fsmitog, *nominees.* iota of,ankiagot the <bat 'pats, temp-of the soma* or bank s . !marital. ead el/ narom disease*, dansitime through Oa. ," day, th,;, t h the nighß cholas or do/14 ere menina, g ,diarelame, Imeitode or a tam at Wive. • i.e „ gea reetly . nrarogiel imputmg hammy of youth; Wed 'atter dau willeemore Me tow dd. - ova= got:, , , remora the noprt govt.:to angora= • VolTroi tiring. Person. Rho a been too ht6iirereqnog Ando* their (taijeted the bap, Rill gml thenslemmgenat „, ,, PO the OR *AIM wheniog ar..eta the wadi, made -rentedg gam, tie etat in the lark, Rim. side= _fiatbs,loitta, rheumatism, lombqu, Re. kre• On with* year eetu miteopply Redman& - They regoiate tilde ram . tug before apghtuatea. Werreirted tapator ellothersoml for ora quarter the groat grin, makteg noted, theboa, hal - Redo:area plaster in ittetrorkl, it arab eclat in el few - horde; etid 'makes • In liar otoophin== &mid isvora the region orate lam or *Loma{ end .in stoat pea end r. • estimithing In eitughao colds, wham, digleußy ear breathing, opprealort of ti. &throe stomach, they mill is tarehdei and ratty' Ireadlit the polka.. Perions . a... sedentary habit., or dame otiltAo and saheb, RIP mane " : ' decided tippet 4rosek an of truly streejibming , ar. .:Phyresans re...any nd Mina, in preference at • allothee they stick or adhere bettaromil afford/rot- ! to their ~..the t tury stintokst, tau., and enodyrie.. They man Of entirely difehmat aped' mak (mar say other, end Caen the err:ammo of mil , lions bate hare umot thart, as Rata the mated testintemy of slI the celebrated and chow end phyla . ; • be UM mat niefaktoettal - Oester • - ' • &rani p en= ha n d m reamhatne to ors theirs pL'Diu mosnd thanks, el Ilte elosietmasedleos corm tk Direction. Sar use dfeele aril cht the lark of eselegthater, RIM • ' • Resit:Ws of Dr. Sherman stale. , It isimporantrie sitaald • always ark km Strermasee Poar Monk Plaster sad see the[ med trzira 4:141...'" 4 7r1.1= ••- Said witoleade end Maul by W.JACTPION et hie Taiga Wershmoti, Na. RP latterly areat, dr of - ILAN* FOUND CONSUMPTION CAN BB CONED BY USING Dili I/UNCA EXPEG7ONANT MINDY. .. DOOO Sire--iltis it ea eartll) , to that pablie,parkktdarly tit. , -, th* afflicted arrth a 'anew iti tha Laap,or cesitatto/oa ,:' :-'1 L r . that la the Sprite' , ef iMllltraa attetited with • mere cold which war beeatoe tested go* * litip, thee* AI line; . : : , .ryni . phata oI an am/whin .0.-m . 2=om My eoligla or , . tight sad troablestetie, attend with militias ail& emir. ,_ • : , .. $ll4 up daily a eeatederable of Itkand,..Miett wit! :1.: - : Itlit- dark =Lia, My si • b•pau *tram and , taeria-l• , ' ',7 - `: _ - :et: • Iheritti this time I • attended by heti at our mat 1 skilful Physteirat; they did tart 11.4 ..4 . 1. Fsoit'o, at iregth they /me up alr • ' oh* tacavery,iareinaiag . -... ear:taiiethitte taareeautti b. — that* lane ;ear. fa , :' ,-,'; -. tally diseated, tad beyond y: 1 teas thee pi - rala - dell kit T.: " - • a fiituter adatt : to eatke,a ' oiDr. ituareisit'a Erytarra!:,;, ii . .. ntiti Saner: ithilt. '.ri lit :'Wild" .11i.tar".,1.4' .... ,• -„ - that tau medicate would do rodoad aroald Mill sad . --. . mar to my tenting. I tad beet ft , eras soy irtei aatt..atht Itti.e, - and lhat if I mate !lie o Om aterate,Aeltiek was mi. • - dent to me,) Then erietil I* • • Ion:. Ile lecitaltt'iller.J. , - ; CLICITIIIIIi tnue 004 . • stiau. of tau way V.i. ,z. h ' ale Mallehte,!and • - - asin oteeeitiag to tha dine ; ; :'1 ', ; *as, tithiA,, kattead of id he* safari*, ialoaetlidely.::, : ;-, •• art, este-relier, at sea the treakkareittSaart:t.7: , f ( • oaring (4.'1.a...a tlglieeto fay_ hat% 'ittkag ate a bra; -, .life oteftesiegthi which Amer • isi to hoe Itice r tttol*, ....: y This . M.akintr lentinsed its' erertz,,iettlelt ii ea itobly ::..:, **uttered, aithllattegyeade I - amt. - Akan elheeleea ; . . .11,..414 ..... 7 1..i....., 64...0, 4 3 itlihi lia ,f. 4 .. -- r. ttatathy at ktrish. - • I have - reeaduaended Dr. Dapeta's Es- .. ~,,, petterentiteriedy ia tinny isetaspiii Wiest iiitairtiail , l;f - ' audit has always preyed oseeeatel to fer - as I hava,vrltatia . rd'. : lit •t 6 trt-t. -- nik ii.4...1. wing tide tied/rine at pnreeat, toi it". piisased .a.i, .. - a .. Af fithae.a..l....„„hkk .i. , - . kli..and , willa far .am thig ohs has tisarliteeirerit . by the Itee of alit teedieitte;iad lam theafikatt the 6 botik ,;, that I take atilt ate te'-day will entire/icara ker.' '1 ante* iknow that there are th ii...uor elalnehle persaatet•attfas ,_ ,:, -...; -way with' this drtadfel, dertrayer+COPIBUMPTION,r,,t, t, , ,,- kit;eni It only peelitht for; Mato peonies Ude atedictaa in : !, • itioe, 1:4644'U b. tee') late, et* tires tat& be mAii.d..4:7.-.::,, thiii &wa s , and r011;vai....1,...4 *Ty: Thi. . ~...r thettieine twill lir. keitatit rebel: attdat tha mai til/Y7..... • ''. • the hard tied p#llllCang reams Lha tightwad:a titiChem.; ::,t •ihre itragth la . & vifr.e led aid etaaciated traeah sad it, - 1 ~; •_ Mi t t - attar., lam rertalit, at yerlorat a perfect ears::: ',;7' , ..:' h; 1 I'• - -_._. ' .moo ,Haatiltes Coe*, Ohio, '; -. • ' , Dr:B.—Thee abet* tbe *valeta lath me I rake- , I , F L • :41 Ow nadernerati„ei of Meolgoatery,-Eistaintia eau- ' •- • ty, o.,Lhay erillatitay' : eatetattiata aka abate statersepts, •,.:. t• j7;rl . Ceiln7el7lWiTtttlo of Chin - ins itir — Cleatetla is so comp:wed Mat k twill not Wale the hair into the :Mbar neetmosilona, bat will beautify it, andiron: kerfect leatiefaction in weary insionca • For testimony to na very . enperior qualitlett Aso ihet. ifollOwiat letter 1112.1,'11ec Dlr. Cr to Messrs. Ilenderthint Stteacla, Nashonle,.tteneral - Ageotafot • • the %Vesiont Butte.: : • • "--Letter from the RiVA pasioi ortherfri • • Irmenno Chetah, Pulaski.. • , • : Messrs. lleaderebout'Lliretek-Conilesitti.VlC , L,Plettattre o ni on dg my testimony ut fan* Of SS lent propo called Dr. l'arriahla Chinese .'t • Cscant—for stoat two years ago my harr was verydC. '".s • br nay, end ue isposed to mane oat: bet having procure. - a bottle ,the Cream, Ind toed itencording to the prer,t ea ription my hair [IOW i d au mid 'firm to the , head: Atany . balsanr. and oiht.wencapplied.ench l• •••. • ring my hair in a worse Mate than balite: This botsarar, tea root my expeemliants.' : ' . --, • AJ 4nicle far the Toilet, my e l yo it pret.t . • ; once over all others, being delicatelyowfamed, soot n ot '- pto rancidity. ne ladierespeeiaky lag -tire Chinere Cream to be a dmideratam merino?. "ration. for the toilet. Reayeetfally, no. • • Patina I, Jan'y. 7,1947. R CALDWELL - • ID—tlota wholesale. and retail, In Plastron!), Mohler, -".". Al. -Town lend, No td Market *keel. and Joel Mohler , ' corner of Wood and Filth eta. • ' • -.4altsl: ,• ~ VINE SRY 1. . Cream de , Amancla'Amere, (or Creme ts. Rom, tor shavisc. Ltoperfiae Itongems Poreelain Mar. • •• . Elert Went bags, perfumed with 1. - 7 9 ,, Neat:111(ml powderituffs.of lA/UM; Embos.' toilet boxes, ematitith4 fir fnr the birolkeohlef ; scoot Lamm./ tat ft ° OP . ' able for presents. ' . • " • Forsitle, or Chinese powder: , • . ~ w t p 4 111,1aut vegetable hair Mb llcar's col, In Caney or epolossowNDP. , ‘ ls l ... . Jones , Soap; Nymph SAN a" . /J P c. Cold cream, elegauSlY PII , M u . k r . ' erltlf. "*.l'bap Mar woh rtthir P. :WS soap, tope b .rfitse loot ‘" "4 &CO " • B A Fen male coo Sth wan.nefe.' • PITTSOUR • AZETTE ': POBLIfIIiEIiDAILYJII 4 VVE 6I LX b;VCE.EICLir at tks Ons.m Ban7siW, 3650, merge P& CAce. , RATS:M.Of .n.DVIIIIITISING4ii Ono intertion of ,I 5 heal; or 1et5,..4, so :a Two illaehtlOne dhoetalteratiom 075 Three • " . 100 Two%Ye - eke ' • " .50 Three " 9:00_ . Two r 6 00 Three ...! „ ... , ... . 7.0 ID — Longer edectlisecetinte time proportion, . One egunre,6 mon*, withoutalterteion„.. 10 CO to_ Each addition:el quit. (46 months .•• 500 .... . . 10 110 One square, o monthi,renewahle at pleasure, 45 00 2 .1 Each additional egenaafor Innonthe' ICI lA , Two agnaree,6 toonths, re'erable at pleasure, SO re Each ailditinnal squire, 6 months, 8 00 weixie on Tinc-nrer.r.l4 Pprams. One equare.3 insertions , SI . .50 " " each additional Insertion,.. - ...... . Fire lines or lege, one year. ..... . 6 00 eis months ' • - 505 . , one year, daily & weekly, 10. 00 " ' " lie menthe " 8 00 , 'Aimiarterxzeres err WZIPX - For or tete, Oee. ieseetioe;,, .. „.... so to . „ . TWO, ••••••••• 74 • grek ,' 4o4, '. - .3 W Silt; 6 - ' " '`• . to 00 p:trAn adyartires , nts to be ciairidfiy tea i dueoaet of 2.3 per cent WOG glees eibeeetthe - - emcees( er,*siveltiiriot Iließithi , 4o'o6lllll . l peryihr; -- r . • rive useorlogpse .. ... p • 41- ~acsm e .w.a- r j +,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers