lj:' ~~ ~ :~ Deilun ts .• .., Pacer ...I • • London =dera riAid ;• • • Fella Przepo I.a Jana Puts Eagle Pfioeip d 0 7IMI R•cp.,sa.) ' Chr.Avu: me, by deTo , • , •• P C MARTIN ROLIDAY PZCRE y N . T I—Ppleda Pelfam ery he7:et b : s '' Wb°r " ."11311Vrltdthipescr1 i j "". moOk, every . 1 .1 1 1'..4c1. • • For br ; . . Chae .litumlied Dollar, licareitt. 12 BT—Lesteiesdag.a DbursondßßOOCNlalth joie chase and eltvp auselted. ?he abeee amaze tell, be paki for the Taro eery . of the.same by' the 'tabu:A:el' tw.P. WINCIIEBTRA, dame ttlomaaehelt Item. OVERCOAT HOTT.OSS—Au fa or. num. 011terereon n Bakkln , • P ' sfa i r:ll;3isair - • Alimeca • " • Plain Ikedar * : Jot rbednet by Ore k Co's Express, from PhilidelpYks: for We by . . • acia . BIIACKLEIT SFADM , Y=.4l7:easkt '7 •••— • . f gets DCLZW2.I: Jon reenvid. tor ntie by • • ISAIA If • Dial/EV& CO de24 • •• •; 'alter .4107 Don n out/An-00 bJa white Havana Sognr; 30 Obis H If MoLsots; " /4.1" HogltH aJald Nos Han 4. to 6; JOHN HHIEIL 21 : 11ibeny civet IrrOOLZN Weofen V V floods, Cloak., Tippets,' Stocking., nod Ge4err; Lid& Opera or eatly Cape Clap= 11004, ea:gripes,' Ste., cut be found et 1 , 47 , 01('S Trimming Store, blu. bet . dettl RUITS/ tip . =Oeagf s, large wet &Al. • ' • 5 kegs Uttar, _ AU Its good Order, Jestceived on consignmeriu for wale at the Imo mor re e. JACOB Wk.AVER . .---- • • ' . 'cor =act & hien wig 111. ST ARRIVAi, Hy k-KP.r , Indii Ra te bbar Letzmir, olrlrOut.'Rubb De er xi raimLiwinza. LOG a EIILLIECI4L' DeII `l." and Onus Foooders aad tio. Fawn, I V 9 Front, be tween Wood and `Anktigeld Nowts. liddocogh. An. ~pritigteat price given fervid Copper and Bran. '` NZW na,coar—wo ii..i.N... .. ', , • , , Xo,t•lde...t . ' • t • • • - ' =l4bottldeix joisi retel•big horn Stitoke . /love; for site by dela J JOR2AN d: HON . . 18 liberty sazp, route smilkfielal SU.Spalgli•-' 2 :A I boa's prime Breen it , o cbr - .. ; • • 20 begs 'black Pepper, 1 ." Anpiee. • • .. 1 $ bbls stopped ' Coeoreclk Jost ree , ,l; for • VARBO.2I a Mc K2:1211T sixth street' 55att1,1, 8 2. - kmlith.i.;,°. - 4",..„ 1.- 4,1 I`,fti,, - „i tpukllna..nda sun. Imputed under Tula of 1646, iv W lad ft, sale low of the wine Mors. . • delb .• . JACOB WEAVER ~ • 1•. _ V081C.11311 TOBACCII63 bales Cahn, l!avauta .V and Porto Rico serapper . ead bike leaf Tobabee; for sale br - A GOSH)?! dele ; r , : waterer. °3l'7'7lleslbb; Llgmr Au monia; ton Jut received . end for tale tr • • dcm • •• A FAUN EST° re CO OT/-6 talei Alcooodri. • 10b6:6156eliedi I' V bagreress6 Nnt . 6 bags Pen Masi tar ludo Ur „ D WILLIAMS QtrIIDELIZEF,7IIbs..33 Lump Tobacco, Ob. i lb Lamp , Nectar ' • kegs <I nnst "d,4 • 7 11000 hl epitar.ab Cagan; - COPP man.A. , Citittriot ree'd, ••• -• • - •- It ROBISON - 7c CO UG,A.TI—eO 14a N Ems; : . 10 h b l. N 0 Wilmer,. • •: - I bbislit Load. II Holm:nen ;fait lecil; , for salaby . R. ROBISON tg..00 •• Tiors-4 baks to store; for rale kpar to' elOse cen JJL .deLS • ' - oLconsent by• ' I DICkEY CO" .; , ,t'44:+.: DAL/MS—JO bra and 117. W R !be bi del6 • • JP WILLIAMS. 110 wood n Fl.OllB-1,13 bblo extra family hour, lest risetoed; loc lode by • 1 , 0110 Id, MefillSW kW- ••• del6 r 6 Com. Row, liberty st IfFUJIJILISGS—Are now awed u re JJ Maned prim • .• , II lomb EATON R&M H. EATON. bilabial nceired bum sipply of ie.:, V. elezry,and other Milli color rd hewing gat Ens. g for bonnet. vind detrark'• <' ' . • • dem • . , 141 - • • q,l O A It -Nb •P° 4 " i- a :- g'"'7 l 'NV;i i .tuals VLOIII3-03 bbheboleilliatids,lsmith him 'slaw det PlvrEatbusd; Car solectrr, ,- • J DAL,ZEILL ICATISSIL-8000 lba Spanish' Sole Lea Sheri for 1.1 dels by rfornrsz—tasbip Rio, Jart reed; tor pain y kl deli A aumsori 4r. co (,(♦C eeve "bbl. Unto No 3. ree'd;'.43r gale A'l• delb , • ,„ :.: by • R RONSON CO 1 APLTIF"? bbl P"' I" lYgit fi gg * r CO mg.. , 13Mw's CLIVZ4ZEIdIg ClOBl-6.5 bat reeNti for tale by dattl ' ft BOBISONA CO Tonaccio htilsiCy. Leaf, watipers and Eaten tie eale'br ' • FORSYTIt!c CO .i0i.1,::!...:i•ii:. P... ..-..:1. , ::::. viiiA:. :-..!..--,•-:.:: txrarrn LEAD:— . IOGO kegs pure. In'store; Co . irlr sale • . • •delt• .FORSTIII*CO QIIGA.II-4014“L'occr crop' IV 0, renoiond: kreaic AT WOOD, JONk. tc CO 7 • • • • looter h front Its •••.N;•, \ q -, ;, , - A. • ' - ! 1 •":••, 1.-,•:. k• • :t;. ' . .!'•:.,;,` 1 1 : I • 4:;;f; f "4.: : : • . , ,*. ,i);, : .',. ' - : - .4::7.4 . ; 4 l'`I'PZ:i•:•*::. ,V,' 4 ' :.le, / ~42,, 1 1 %.; c.41 , i7 1 1: - , . :.• . - i ',. <' ti ,.. ..i .' izl i 4 , ; -, • .3 '' - ,4;4., q ..;- - ti+-110 . 1 ii4,;.: .; ..,1, - ':...,,‘...,:.; i ' . ... l ;•'N , 1 ,;:. 'Pel.`,,•••-0.; 11 , :1 ';'•':: ; Z. 4.: .• :" ,--• h •.,•:4 •.• •,:l. , '•;•4•:•-•;:e: . ; ' ' § ] •:,::41 . ;-',.:'.:., 1 ,;:i;;,'. , ':l l: :: : ''''''''4q. -. 1 .. ' , • -., frOBICCO-00 et. No I. 6 milt:reed; tiir web I. . . • ATWoOD,JONES gCO pria'3e,on Fruvt' or smte by • W ft McCUTCIiEON SOCIAIL-10 bblherZie OWN 0; for =debt dell' . . ]NO sccrLT,t. co DIG ElCT.lLL—.llburna far ..k*. . 1. VRIEND~ lIEY do CA „l, doll T A.L.T......bblsreeevied; for Wm by - JORDAN tr.§olll deft, ' . 18 Lbcrty,atrext SALT-7Wbbie recalled tidier sale by del ' J JORDAN fr. NM CJP," b e x .4 / N - o c • hieltad del 17 lben, a t _: AlLD—iuo b y No I,laading from Fa Peansyl rank: formal,' by, . 4410 • tilibLEfly SvavP-111:,1:1.0' • 1 • 15egalkm.kra. receive per ,steatmei Caadni* arr sale 'by 1lb • 4 1 YTCHLSON•& C ° dela • •. • • . • 45 water at , ILGENSItAL .10•TIMICZIOf Artist's Colors,. tam! AGl,Jast masa!ad for sale by • • .. data .1 . , BRAUN REITER. VAlUMR—OutleutdlrbliethpalVaroistis Pop ri ' o,4loxtrz istueol!td; formic br a .:vrraaerrE °mu VIALN Birk (C/kill)ikri ree sad oalet - by' A -, deW ::BRALIN Jr.l4El RkR Ptl re . xes (Laze , tx ß e A sk y lAre t taA rt t Mae 4clo „ ' cor st Elair libcrty CaIICA TARTAJI-3 tibia !or Rae by • 4410 • . • ;BRAUN &REITER luirlllllTAUll—Eaperier Kuitecky blutinl (in cans) .13.1 kw ,ale - .- ,sus UN 4V. SRI r 't.• , 4 ';1:•"; 4? - 44' • 1 4r% REIZSE—Wa bza retelved fineceirtari' rpoumscoa keys Ner 1& to Gear& brairdr lan/id[ from stow Mika; her sale by . dell , SAS DALZELL:. Ala t ,s-330 kegs Nail% ein-nited —• I to) • While Lead; for Fele by • . . •: IDALZELT • • 1 . OLLIE. elltsl3lC-7 pc. new stylgfaacy fi cared , la masa pattern; bat opeard and formic by • .• dell • 1411ACKLIT. VantTE • S—age kegs !Soma Swam*, reed , per tl Ambanry coalurnmeeu fortkrby_,•' • del • ' ' CARSON k IIIeENIGUY BIXDL7IGIR- 9 ) !linage% Jan receive APPLiis—ERI bbl. choice green speles, landing fres sear Wellsville . for ale . a.sr :WILLIAMS k DILWORTIL^a wen In wasnix—rmuta. BeseN Raisins; • ; - • IL • Ohio!. N 0 Tan received this day: 631 . BAGALEY &NNM • - Mt NI wed st f r `f, FIIIATEIIbe In stow fm ..le by : • • 18A 411 DICKEY 4,40 •. • dd • • writ, & front sio 0 1 =WW4 I.llnro now lonOinn front •tniTfii; die. fin Salt . I DICKEY,k IX/ dc! ! Wirer t, front nor Bzwitaz romas-400 oz lort rte.irtg 188 " 8 .' &Co 0 1-16-4 Md. *vies ai4+nea lard lir treeivtd _ - - • J must •VLANNSIXIC-75piaers tarend lama r3aanc for uleloorioektbeconignazeakby brig (lEtl C0C11RAN.26. 1 •944 of A4 V .:ll:l6,balig94arte;Po "'U 37ll 4 saki by 1- EDWARD IIEAZY.I.TON ixtl6 , I .F.astaido.thasoaq_ DABI•EY—Mba Juu rec r 'd, on epiits Kam en Pr. Li ate by • A CUNNIfiIIIiANI • • %am 1 • .• 1441-11, Q114A71-11 bzb 'Lianas pyitar, lot ry:7•V;Yor sale lig by . ..• ATWOOD, JONES &CO ' c • .Witer k. front Ks ' MI-17h frage.while Braze! gegen, '. 4 r • . Yr hi. white Ileum. seven Jun reees - .ThUirie ship by L'ACJLEY thS3ll/1.1 ~~, ;:. t,~:: i , ~:.,, r~' ~;;~: ~,. ~, MOLASSES— bltiwaure N mmtmUng I*" &LET& SHIM .4.751t111 70 " T 11' ,FY ; k 'SMITH'. -'8131441" tilld ' --- ,ggirdbc fot r: ”r!t!;:, Olprime quatty irow irize m . r .;;;; • -... - • ‘ • D I, Atid.I.F.Y &SMITH iter.fAireal, p l y ' ud''''tli.duts fr.. si.s. Zilll 1 . .'3O sever st - VI2,IIITX LgAD—lLOO'i.evi for .sle ate ' • • Fussing:ken 0rT777 J.im* / 'R IF STOIIIE-Ictt bon' reed; f t, A t • • II A IraiINESTUCKAt c 0 T .6 1 161-43012 1.16) Lasi t imasee%:lor salh hY 16 Alt 644 „ -; 0170 y. 4.4.11,11/01011_, ' * ' . . . side, solo LerolicT A lust reo'd; for .cala . . ROBItON /r. CO kha...143, winopers . —4Oll ,!!, ,FOlitsy 11 Alt ==l • . R . • sZUGIAIL AND 2110LASSICS-- - . ' , .. •"- O • 176hda rime N ae3onr•,. -: . id 4',., • g aal. N 011igLusuc, fn gupd order, . ors ucomaodating tom bp . , • " - , v, k.nparrclig.u. - • ,,- 6eits ' ' ' . liag abets,' sueeL —_.— AATlCE—Persons having bills apinst Steam host ''Tslisittnoin preseat Mem for settlement me mediate!), al the store of Jitel. KtJiß, Ir, it Co wales q MUNK PAPER—A scull :Aga laad'oate delm, pm reed; be eel* by R T LEECH . : Jr, 133 vroal et p!UPP CA . SSMEitE4 awl Wbite Mumlles, for evc .11 tan You; J.t . lteeived by - dell ANCAER &MAYER 100 10 elm Yll Ten; 1Z P Ten: forest by J PALZELL dell - • P 4 water al I) ICE-20 tres now ergo Carolina Rice, landing llom LI , rum Diadem, for Wetly J & R FLOYD doll - 12.1 libeny HANDKERCIIIEFS-50 doz fine end media= lArke Cambric lidabi,rardrd and plain harden: fa... Paned by bitecKLErr dell , ' CO vocal at BEGS -2 csks prima dried bre, in mom; For sale by„ - • :, INC/ SCOTT &CO 0,11 ' cOmmorthil row,litrany et IXrEI/THlCil—bb bbl. for We by Y debt • BRAUN & REITER SyPTA. TURPENTINE-l 0 bbl. forms& b y dcl4 . W , : DRA & REITER 1100T-31X1 lb. genuine Ikrusuds. Arrow Rem, ju.t 11. received and for We by dol4 & REITER nyoun-Y;3 ree'di for nolo by L. NV GREER dell • cor j ornitbfield & water or. LEAD-100 keg@ iu storOkii sele by Y V deb{ f GREEK d tp 4 B-25 7 , 11i , t , a [pine, just ree4ilig i rle a by .r 1 0 I.DIEN 5YR..131:7 1 1 4 0 , 14/1.1 jun reizd a . nrr tale Iyy, P °r ! '"— rft I' l i t:lt b i=r k tnd for s ae by de. W. c IIARU A bon dol3 31 wood et —•— A PPLFI3 . — ::A LIAt owned winiel keeping nppiee, • -eontlKune of winter grew., bell 11010er., spakcnber ger4, nunanitts, gates, an &c. in store ifor nate by 4013. , t.O & lV 11ARBAU1Y11 lxracn—to bble sweet elder, reeldj car sal,. by dell W CA?iDLES—II mould) biz mould candles, Alltebell's brand, lett MCC med by tdolbenpahele; fervede by dell . S W SALE atT 12d--14 ak. a, tale by •+— CeW • . WICK a. MeCAN DLESS - - SDO AR-20 hhds Prime, landing nroin stair Diadem for sale IT • • - •Id ALLEN tr. 1.X.) PEfiCIISEION CAPP—bOO M, nasorted;J. .. Ivcd anti fmule by Arl3 , ' It A F•III4F.STOCK & CO VLO Vl4-75 bb. Al . nriett-splll4 419417,4:04aa1e .L by :119141L14,LU..11FILLIJ it KO ' • 194 liberty.et LA DIPIkt—A ,moll lot of Coach and llnggrLamp,, new atylett,jou reed; (want., nY dot RT Lccqu,l, ; ALE KATI/S-0 Ibis for ink 14 F VON BONNIIORST & CO del ' • • 15 frofit at 01/..-10 bbls pare Linseed Od; for snle by • da SF VON.DONNIIOit6T & CO / 7 3E11.— ... cstfir;ad!_l7 NNOORST a. CO C C FE , 13. 1 :412. 7 18 tar s Vr o ptql!sse; wee by It to i!s - r lU WGLAS,IIBO Las 13Jed olzta for tabs by . IV del . BF VON lIONNHORST &CO SALT/5— , W mks prime s salts, disconsisoment; for vale by • • • W de? • - me middle' a k water els •r EXOIII3-23 bxs °o d a; for ` r, ,ignment; fo . sa u f E ly 10 . 1 1 10, .11.LsImmg. by tXTUITE v LEAD-tOO kegs 63 . 1 .. salalbyji. I)SCACEIES-100 ba dried, a prime artielG far sale! 1" by • - del " 'W (MEER bblY bir sale by I‘./ • • WICX & McCANEILFSS del • " COT .wood waver It. QAVEJELATtII9-20eilis and 10 bbis for sale by deb WICK I hIrCANDLESS POTTY -7ro link in bladder; 17,11 , 0 3 , , ,k. co cot 4 lid wood us • dc7 ARTISTS CO LO RS, ground in p4bes—; 7 i dos; con. prising 20 differect colors; jut lec'd by 1 del 7 KIDD & CO 7 - 111Fig.;LiE-200 lass in prime Inarriiiir.• int axle la. by • HOBERT UALLI:4. tr. CO Aeln vic i n.A . 6.l l - .; b 6 = 77. p; . 1...ain4 .. 1 . ;;., -- nir,.. . dela ' M ALLEN & ,Ivrater et ' .VINILOAD.-2 bbl. eider vinegar. in stoic; i for_ sate dels . by . . I DICEEI &CO CRAD CaDE R -49 bbls gond qualityliit store; for sale by I PlClatl, A CP dCIS Vr2.l . 7110111 et: II I DGA. OV LEAD-1 !!! lounlit it ......—..— S BRAUN A WRITER dei4 srsl3ir t lie DAISES/I-33 bxs new for sZeby ..1.16 . W REF:R ltegsjul received; for sale . 14 • Il aelr• W REER 2 b'"'7"P'ti l ;iring;Tlo SLEIGH BELLS, io dosens.d sttappeo, Toady locus; forsaker 1 Oe4 • - • R TIIBECff. It UtILASS HUB JCSAJNIM—A -large lot asserted LP sites, reeeired and (or We by. . T LAMM'. Jr PE...tv!r.tly"k."-I:l?WthAVArliti; in dela • 31 avatar If _:front sir —• SEEDS -7 lias Clover reed; ' I ltl " Timothy read;; in stoni and far rain ricV3 by Li 8 WATERMAN D YE-14.k. in tuna adle by dclo L 8 WATERSIAti APPLES—M bbl. peen; albre and byi .alc by LS WATERMAN LO. PAPERS—A large quitiatty of,eachanae papers am be had at this once or a otahatate mice. .1001 . i tiLAZSEPD-460 61:Linn =V; loraaleb den t• W& R Mee ITHEON DE ANN-16 bagman white; far tale by delo W&R Meet+ [LEON APPLICS-2,5ba dry applesjost rani, for by delD 1V t R MeCUT.NEON tos , iale P r • iumEs-u '"P`lY`Vral.i.ivrcilEON A. delo ZIED-30 be Fame eldverseed for se e 1.7 dell) • ' Wa ft bIcCUTCHEON .BUTTER—SCOIiks in Vila: , d zo kre vai n e t t r b i r ado I c 1.5211b01y bbla Impersor family Floor, tau mei •e d , for mJc. by °KUM, hIcOREW CO , 6 commercial row, libmly s: -IDICACILES-1/1/ WA/ an 10 0010 , ,Skst recemed; .L sale by J JORDAN &EON dc9 - ! •. IB4berp et o p- No Care! Payl Plleaf Facia— Dr Jacksons Embrocation is the only medieine that will curt this, so very' common sad troublesome disease. It not only innsethately allays pointed lan motion, stops all bleeding, subdues that intolerable Itch . ng, but element , cares, in a very short time ;tenons whose lives have been rendered miserable for years.— Ite application prod:l;es no pain, but lather an careen bit and pleasant , sensation. If persehi litiliewd will cull nod hens of the great namberof eases that have been cured, they arid be itatenishen.", Ayer:den:an of this city, who had been under the knife of the surgeon for two or does times without being, cored, has by cia. ingg bottles of the Embrocation, been eradically cored. It sells beyond precedent 2-4 Phil. fratardsy Conner. Oa- For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 71 Fourth tweet, near wood; and also no the Drag Stare of /I P Schwan:, Federalist Allegheny ci ty. .14dIkw • CORT-1:1)sek• La sum; ule •I 1k at: Erfitsrs of as/ilk/bates o=4 , I DALZELL • (111-10 !Ads Lard Oil for ude by deg • JORDAN b. SON .• - pp AISINB7-50 bx. al B, reed; tor geld by I 1%. de:o F SELLERS' 11 dOLdtSI'3-11 bbla S %jun reccve;cl; eale J.V.I. del° P SELLERS; I ZAD—IIM pf p Gapc. Lead, roceqed pc:JAM: 'LA J J Crittenden: for ale dell) L HUTCHISON tc CO VEATIEZUS-16 bap prima.ion reed for ale by del° . L Hurcitiso:v &co . LARD OIL-7 bbli.`Cheiner it, _ Co's; foi. tato low Li to close eotoognment by , • r . , • - ' . J OCIIOOI , IMAICER &CP • • delo . ' . - ~ : 24 moor it fTIEWAS. 1161 LS—A largo lotinorted kizes,a ans 'I. snide and best ht then:Mae; Jan ree'd by • . de. • . T Jr 13=3,1r11=4:MtrAr: 1 ;: ''" end Ala *amide; for sale by: - - FORSYTH CO : deft • ' • . • • • 20 Waller Street IX :17 . . 11!:g bi i ;7 & IR FLOYD stelarnes bansli.on6insiicnrocni; anle by .24ILLRR & RICKY:F.ON ao3. -" Car Irwin & •. - 1100818-100 do: torn dell boool•iligjntfLoyi, 1 • dOAP- 1 4 t: b bVs C iiV ' pan il atalrS; E.U.SkY Ica; Itpani.h Mier; im sale by deg: • WimiAms avLivoitrif L otolig i ror +L c . Ltf•7; " I; T ' rlail2g u kg) dC2 He ward al • 11LANIL8T6-25 pur lam Domestic: Illaucts Mimi received oa con.sicroenti &or by F 820 GEO 031:1IRAN.E1 wood st , DLASTER PARIS -- Suable for Lan!. t.c., ' L. ways on tarot and for Ws at No OH Liberty street, soar Canal. • . elO. • W W WALI.Atig _C0n.3 7 100 bu yelow , Cora Fir by ooIBM KIER Tis-6u b. o:d Ityo fordo by oet2D SA3PL 31 Xl= I)IIAIidgSVISIL 11/114/E-2 Large Bargei . for - sice ;1111 by . . Wall SCAB% • non , • • Jet at, rinEKIO4 2 .2GO Ims a es nd E 5 kir %V R tor indal; ,- 1) Wen • •CA F.SUN . Mettal'lf 11 I' A litll.loS—b le P h ainick"sZt; do by . trAttltOrs &MeIt:MINT [pie• • i• store; for sala by " __ —' 'err/ CA R S ON hiesspitt tiv27 . CA abort &momarr 8E .2 ` 5- '°b";=rel g pt IPNVvt'''''.-,var,PliwrDll,44l)7llPr pflrbelt Auld ruictZ.Vae6l - KtiPlca— IttY: buadlu M andp Craw Coperi, • " Medium nag , . • ' • . , " D Meal= il'ardwatig far gale La 4.0,1 REYNOLW &DEE!: mavis.x!,mcy,,,,,•obN,tod r iLtic t ; •, E . 11PAZACTOV east oido doononii WlLOLC.F r llBl.—lto gi bp i l v ollz i l ia n f r ir i a v a4 b y A IELLO side of DiaMosoi WtX.n.: MCP% for iale !oar ty I.%mrIFUk..UC , iwalZytiV VLAIIINELS—te pea Webb - Flanftelv COw area I: log it 1531 . 8.4ket !lA, comprising every anal 'r. ..• .07 • - • - •.:01 MMON re.CIE Littr-- ,, 43 , P . sefrat, Leman n tv k k R ..,., -, • , -.Arr.., ~ , rr7".,'", - .', : r%- i -,1-,,,....- 5 , , ,- . 21tp, , ,,, . .„, . ,„,,.... v .,..,,,,„ , ~- • _.„,-,,,,...., , ,,,,.....,,,,, , ,,..0.i,..,,,,v-,..,,,. •-,•• .... . ~ .. , , , ... .... .., _ . .. ._ • .•.....:. • „ . _., . _ - . . . . . • COMMERCIAL IS San Sint Moog Moon 46 - p ri ses 'l7 en iets I - rises 'l• phut, " - 17 Fridiy , 718 43.5 1 18 Satarday 7 18 4.55 'l9 Sunday 7 19 4.36 Mosday z 719 436 21: Tuesday • I'7 57 4.37 Wednesday 17 21 '4 37 13 214 323 431 5 37 . rises` 5c52 Movements of the Ocean Steamers. • To arrive at New York. To toil from N. York. SAV.Z. ' • nirso. • Union. Herbert, Nob 12 Uniina i Herber . ; Dee RI bliwoori, Morin. Dee 211 /down, Joh 32 Ftniade.. flesson lan Pbilad• Demo, Feb 21 N:York.Fewand, Feb 21 N. York, Finned, la, 31 LITIRPOOL. 1.11130001... Combrix,JoeUuns ; Jan I lithernil, Dtria. Tao Febt Cambria. Jodkinn. Jon _ • . socnuottrrott an. • Waslt'Ort .sorra, m Jo m hnom &e. Homan.bolmsoa, De IS Wssh‘to son, Jan = ,Chitee, • Mar IS Ilersosn.ersbue_ ,e Feb - To To arrive at Boston. To sill from Boston. o,Jtn oot.. I • LIVIMOL: Decfliberniq 4 I:lrina:Lin, H4+6.01,1)44 IS • Catedosta, Lou, Bea lb l Csiedonls, Lott, 1.15 •PITTSIICIIOII 13061ELD OF TRADE. . COMMITTEE FOIL DECEMBER: Fosuoi DARN, 1 N. H. 111ORPFIY. , 'JA3. NAT CIFYIer. r17.00ft6111 GAZETTE, . Tuesday hlorning, Deiember YI. ( Our market generally la with Ont Change. The continuous snow storm of yesteniny, had a tender, Cr to render the market much duller than it would otherwise have been, and Imiineis was only done Oirin a restricted scale. I:*lpur—The market itill maintains it. astral quiet. nen, with no variation in prices. We notice regular transactions from store at .34,90.b.4.1.:A4P bbl, as in quality. The receipt. have not been more than eifficient to keep the market firm. • (Bacon—We have no change to notice in theeriar bet.- Moderate sale. are effected it the laurel rate., mating Irons ia loge t' lb. Lard—le the absencia of any irpteulatpre demendr thequarket is quite dall,lith moderateaales only Si fitelc 4.• lb. Cheese—. Tho market Lotinate quiet and . the prices steady. Regular sale. occur at 666.1 c. Ratter is in brisk demand at foil ports. Receipts, torah:lee very light, and. good •lota , of roll would meet quite tales at 11...1 to 14c 10 , lb, for gOod to prime. Crain;—The market is 'without change. The de• mead is limited, with moderate ankle at previous prices, vir—Wheat 95 to 13De; Barle 0t0,.*, Rye .13 to 48; Corn 10c, and Oats= to 30c p biLtires Feathers hue become quite scarce, and are held generally at St to Mc h lb. 's Ilya Flour—Very little is coming in . at parent, .d supplies are limited. We notice moderate rale. at 53,75 a 3g7 P bbl. Buckwheat Flour—Limited sales occur Item atom at $2€2,1211. BB lb.. . Lead—Sales of 30) pigs at 44c. ➢tderate asks of kW at lie li. lb. Fon New ORLICA:IIII.—The fine sterner Ameri can Eagle, Copt Atkinson, has been unavoidably deiatned, bot will leave, Positively, this day at two o'clock. All who may he going that 'way will act wisely in availing themselves of this opportunity.— The A k: i• • a fine haat, and Capt ,, A and crew are Jed the men to give ter a sole and :easy Wert to .the sunny South. Z.,. Oar thank. are doe to Mr bleCullorigh, passe., ger on the Hibernia No Y , also to Mr Allen, or the Eighth Word, for lute Cincinisa • tiriapeni in ad : ranee of the mail. • Suntr.—.on e morning o the .l the absamer Lightfoot, lying op at the'.St 4oria wharf, woo stink nearly to her boiler deck'fron, a leak, and within almost o font of her cabin aft. There was a man on board or her for the purpose oltaking tare of her, but the knot knowledge he had of her eon. dltion, the hell was nearly tall of r, and the hall on the eve of milking. The Lightfood was built lest spring . at a code! 810,000,arasol SOO tons barthen, and Moored by her owner.. Copt Phelps and Wm Primus, for $7,000. Mr Ttio. Nichol. bat contracted with the nuance officers' to nine her for 81000s—tele Com. Hear.—There by reee ally LIMA decline in the New York market 0f5 . 1) per ton la the price of Western Dew rotted, 500 hales haring been wild at $l2O prr ton. Mantle has also declined 33.1 per cent.—[Bait Cam J. 1 ..." : ; BALTIMORE Cattle Market, Dec 48—The of renege at the yard on Monday, comprised about 15f/0 head, 01 which, owing to the unfavorable wen.. ther for packing. only 5.50 held were taken, et Uri. en ranging from St to 3.1%, grossiequal to 8456 V. 100 It. net.. Hogs Live were again in good supply, but on account of the weather buyen were slow about operating. Sale. are quoted at 505,55, as in quality. ' In regard to the present of an abundant npply or the Pork, Bahian:vie need bars little fear. Let ten have been received from a friend lho left here • few day. since for the West, station that he had passed, on hie route, through drive ,of hogs, on their 'ray to this city,amounting to some 000 head. - HANGING HOCK—Per blagoet-144 bble goer, Nilliams & Dilworth--4sks dr apples, I do . peaches 2 do rags. I Jo w00t,4 applce,ls do corn, G do benne, bb le flour, Smith & ijeclair-424 btl, dour, Hingham-152 4. do, I keg butter, Berry .6 . 2. stn beans, blcblehao—ll bble Hoar, J D lYdlioou. CINCINNATI—Per li4ceseager7.loo bls cottoo r , dil. consignee.. . 157 . 13a11ek. or Colmstabsa-41uut Tomo—To thy Bahl and Grey—l( yen wish a melt, It:mamma bead Ot hair, free from d and red tmd scarf. AO fail top rocure the genuine Balm of Columbia.. to cases of baldnesa n will more than exceed roar expectations. Many who have lost their hair for 1.11 years have hid it restored id no original perfection by the use of 'this balm. Age: rate or epediuon appear to be r. obstacle whatever it also tusks the told to now with which the delicate hot stake is tiled, by which moans thoosauds twhoie hair sou grey se the lt•inetic Eagle) have' had their hair re' stored to its natural. color by the am of thls.invaluable remedy. In oil eases of fever it will be Wand the most pleasant wash that eon be used: A - fmc application; only ore nem awry to keep the hair from Molt oat. It sttengthees the nuns, it never fails 'ID impama tick gtossyappearance, and as a perfume for the toilet n s to unequalled; it holds three times as moth as ether mast tolled and is mare effectual. TiaC . k " c i;;;;i1;;:ii;;117i;r7i1 c yua, ''''''' l " ° ' 2lc "" n a Sold in Piitsburgh,only genuine, by WM JACKSON, fir Liberty at, head of IV mid; fa ‘Vishlngion, Pa..by Swam% A Son; in flrowindYille, by Bennett dr Crocker: in Canonobnrdn, by Or. Valid: also, by our 'agents In every istvn in Pa , Ohio and !dd. l arlSdAwdnT • We take pleasure In recommending ho the pitmans of Pittsburgh, the name. of 101 IN LAUGHLIN for the &Worelty. He I. a gentleman In every way gmalifted io All the office—mild,gentleetanlY, and temperate; and at the same time Inflexible what duty requires. Asa Popalar btu:nese maa, he could have no higher recommendation than the fist of hie bring sent to the City Conned from a ward that has in general eyea.the oppoamo a majority. • , r Mr. Imagitba ken also been, for the last nine yeah, on the different Committees of t3l.rcetrywoodea buildings. aseesetneaMeted appeals; the labor Sod: pme consumed In the acme has been very great, andjastly entitles him to the regard and Ingamme of the Whig party. de7IC ; Meta Fighent. • . . • G - „$ alter's Mewing . PaYasseea.--tdantcal Tannease,-Wa.beg leave Le call public attention to the following, from Dr. Wo. Pea. of Wilhamsnlle Ciermant Co., and one of thavcry d:ltirsnlitioners to the county In which he resides, sad land Penator in the Stale Leal - slat:ire. It la cheering Meal° secilielead lag moo of the proftssiaa, buratto/ this handset profes• canal pretadiat , ,and giving merit Its d do: 'lir: 'I have in my prepuce been asingsarneer your' Ginieng Panacea, and, ski far, ant *ell atoned in its effects:a Catarrhal and llionehlalboomptainta• send on hair a dozen bottles—put them as law as, you can; cal ei . mt if it continues tp render is general tat jafaction as be. heretofore , 16 keep it constantly on .hand. Respeetraily. apt e Wpf,l/oart, a.a • 011(1.Doc• your her fall off, does pier hair hut gray{ Is It harsh, dry, or dirty. I pray? If 'tis thus, you 6an stoke ktOlt, siLltY. and fine, Dark and healthy, and beauteous as Ms hair of one. And to knee this, you have but three shillings to give Porn kende of Jolene Hair Restorailfe. - • • Floadcrof yon boon bad noir yen }maid loniahed lovely effect 'a three nulling bottle or Jona , fon.AL Ilsla R.IDAVIITZ WIN Oki!, it need* bre one trial. Sold at lb Liberty at: : yptd/<wly . . L.7"YellearTerth sou putrid biestb, pansy guns like roues death,: • Is repulsive and disgusting. • • All sapid hlssia teeth while as pearl, Sweet reath—herd gums—man or chi. why dela“.—Play, ipitekly,ltsste . • And use a box of Jonah' booth Nang: h eons hat ZS oents, and is really, a beasitifbi sedate. It gyres Me teeth aline nulled. Sold ip, Pittsbalgt at al Liberty . • - natedkult irDee.' have yellow dark Teedt—the) tan be made dearly whae by temente ating a box of Jodie` AIMS Tatra PAM: It barde.the auras, sweeten. thobratelb Sold et te` Liberty st a w nviad&, • UTTo the Ilan. semi Lame—deinsteek's seA Mae LIIIiI9OIII and Indeta Veketable the e'en cfleetnat cure for Rheemaiate. scgd t ry mkt JACILIpa:, Arta for Pittsburgh. nelediertaar , ork.Luyilen Iva use Janes' epan Lityts'k6e, bare always . arkite trangatent akin. Of Ibis a final Willa u.ty one. en,l•l only In rinskana.al En Lib. anlu • t • !' lalfalkarly - ln..llenri. EditOrsow eme threitith your ,taw ablo p.per to sagest to the :Whip, name of 011/18 LL SCULLI, Esq the notalazu?a of bistro!. dela • ' - ; FIRST wAREL • • elle.floaßbaid a Foul Ffreolb— , lf jwe ban, aye blade bold er Jones' Amber Tomb Mho. • Tlial will =luver Indailt . wwdat,wuteurir lq!ete Bole pllLiborpr • • - PITTSBURGH. ' ARRIVED. COltrili• Bowman. Brownsville. Michigan N 0.2; tillaoo , Beaver. Swears, Cos. Brownsville. Beaver, Clark, Weller'lle, Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. .. Danube, CockrOcrownsville Louis McLane:Bennett, Brownsville Despatch, Nelson. Moo. City. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville Lake- E rie. Hemphill; Bener. Hibernia No_. Klinefelter. Magnet, qrotherv, Hinging Rock. MEM UEPARTED. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Louie McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Dispatch, Nelson; Brownsville.. Camden; Hendrickson,Drownsville. Swatara, Cos, Browumille. Danube, Cock, Brownsville. .. Wellmille. Bunn, Wellaville. Beaver. Clark, Wellsville. Lake' Elie, Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan No. Q, Gilson Beaver Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellnille Mooterey, Morrison, Brownsville, New England. Ebbert, Wheeling. Germantown, Maelr.an, St Louis. " BOATS , Lzsvpso THIS DAY• BROWNSVILLE PACKETS it I ■. and 4 CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 a. xi. BEAVER PACKETS at 3 and 10 in and 3 r MONONGAHELA CITY PACKET .5,3 r. r. DISPATCH, Nelson. Brownsville. . GLASGOW PACKET, Clasgow,4 r. r. WELLSVILLE,WeIIsviIIe, 9 A. N. AMERICAN EAGLE, N Orleans. PASSENGER ABR. FOR 160. Staled Boat 'Puke daily for Cie . einnati,.lo A. --. Passenger Packet vie grewnsvitle to Baltimore and Philadelphia, R a. NI mod 6 r. r. Mail Coach Lion eerers a. ti.ilaielphia, 9 a. and I! r. Western and Southern Mail Coors Line, North)Weatena via Isoridand, doily, 10A. A. Erie and Western New York, daily, 9 A. n. North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, except Sun days, 4 A. 11. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Phoadelphia,due,3 A. 61„ Moses ISM. Western Mail, Cincinnati and Lonieville, doe 8 close. S A. M. Sontliern Mail via Baltimore and Washington,. dne 8 P. M., closes 5 A.. 61. .Nort.l Wattle m Cleveland, due 10 A.,M., does 9 A. M. Erie and Weateni New Yorls doe 8 P. M., doses . 8 A.M. ~~11(►Y11 ~ 111► hi ~lli~~ • • COsPARTNERSEGI P. Tllßtahseriber having recently entered into partner shtp wow the no no of Gallagher, Long fr. Miller, gsr the vulvae of carrying on tlie pa!, a Brass f•onntt. log, and Hu Fitting bootless in all its branches, have taco the stand formerly. occupied by H Gallagher, No. MAP Front, between Wood and • :+miiltfield sts , 'there they are prepared to exceuie all orders for Bent, lbws Gsaings of every description, and Gat Pinion, with nestuess and despatch Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. ' II GALL AMIER, S A LONG. . P II MILLER. le B—The *Gentian of Machinists wd Engineers iv invited to our anti attrition metpl, fora reduced price, othlett has Leen prosunced isperlor to Babbios, by numbers who have wed both. tEltetunboat Ladders and the Pnbliegenetally , are also Militl.ll io call*and co. amuse. our inspector double adoo* force pumps for steamboat and domene ow. deM7dly GALLAGHEILILONG is MILLER. DaMinor. Prodisace. Cispeon'salon lions. EDWARD CLAYTON, 1408 Clayton Sono, ICI Loptbard sue" Wholesale. Dealer in Bauer, and Comnsitaior' Merchant Ilavinr Or the lan 10 years daeoVis InerltiOn cache:lively. to the sale of Butter, Will W.V., Cutter, Lard, and other produce for oak op bonicalasion, and flutters lame!! that from his experience anAnowwww• ahipiina ttaUmarra he will to be &bid riae satisfaction to a who may wawan pro. dare td him. Refer to— Maras. F. IV Benne &Son, • V.r& & . Winengton Easunan, ,T W 0 Hopkins, And unatterclasulle generally. dr17:101 '-T--CIRCULAR. Wasmoorno, O. C, Dee. CM, IEI7. Osarr D. Thompson, Erg., Punbnogh, Po.— IR: 1 hue read your advertisement in one of the S Pittithargh papers with not a little surprise I Cod tom yon have copied my business Circular enure, aod• appropriated it to yourself. I will she qte . ll/ , erly to Itiformyoa that my bonne. Circular is my own eon, position nod is not common propeny. shall not wi sassyconvent to be placed in a position that will iodate perusal who'd. not know me to nape., that I ate not capable of composing my own business earth or that I sun capable of pilfering and opptopriwing the card of another to my own use. I em; therefore, undrr the re. ce.thity of noticing and eiyoam(j 01:1r plagiarim in this manner Z C ROBBINS, .• -77 Attorney for Patenw, %Tirragitatnr;.. 01-Al.l newspapers that bave published * Mr. Thomp son,. advertisement, Will please insert the above. dell o(' 031E0 I GRING'S TERBESTIAL GLOBES, containing all the Ws Carlsson., and Geogrspbonal atoprownwnte, also the tracks of the mot celebrated etramanavigetars Coo piled from South's new Englult (Poie, with &Solana. and unpementents by Amin & Helmet! by R.ortil Park. LORING'S CELESTIAL GLOBES. custaining all the known .G nebulae, &c. Compiled from the works of Wollaston, Flamwed, Be La exile. harems, bleyer. Brad ley; Herschel, hlaskslyne, the transactions of the Astronom ical &defy of London, is, fro. From Smith's New Eng lish GlObe. • Johntton & &peke. ho•e jnatreccirrd a few Vain of the .tors globes, Taiying itt n• follows • II! tor-ben in duanyttr, 1 41 1 " a " semi globes 6 " Amu *a; Qui=de, and Journsl copy. &al ENGRAVISO Of every description promptly executed In a superior manner, by 31. L N 8, fhtn.Duadings, H.R. Corner I/ Third and Desk Struts, Otpstairs,lllldisidpilia IX7111:RE can ys be had &tabors tactica— -1 V htassede Mark Naas, of all kinds; Dem and Plated Door Plates, Beal, for Dank., Ettieictles,Corporat ions, de. Profesasonal 'waning cards, 'soared sod printed Sosietids in want of 2.eala kir office, are invited to call and examine Speeiniena and Designs of the vazionsor t den of hdations,Odd Felloars, Eons of Temperance, ttai atddilm !• NOTICE-Taz Coll - enlist and other city °therm are motet;rested to have their respeative accounts in a prep.-anon to be audited by Monday evening, the filth Ina, MIS o'clock, at which time the undcwwwd Committee of Emma ild, appointed for that purpose; will racer at the Mayor's Office,-' Tax Collectors PartteularlY are twineked to have their duplicatra and aceptints on hand ready for settlement at the time. .. • • IS C HILL. .. AO REINHART, t . A FRANKLIN, delOid- ______ ' Motions Committee.... LITERS Testamentary baying been molded to the L subscribers, Executors of the last mill and tests? mint of Thome Linford, lam of the city of . Pittsburgh. deceased. Al! persons intlebted to the =tam of said decedent, wiU please make immediate payment; and those bump claims against said estate will present them for settle:nen teriihout delay. JAS W lIAILMAN,i' AM BRYAN, delltIor! Executors. kfLECK la DAV/MI.OBT. Car Euirderi; COeinntrti, Ohio, _AilliNk:iiil:UftE mol, S n m p o ro rl:r d Ltse ri amr and Freight ble flgteeans of the Canals, Rffroatt a r' erfte * : -erthy are enabled to akin upon reasonable terms to elf ponatain the West. Their work will be warranted ezlaLr er li p l.gg i .. ly .,....i c ,z . .th the United Slates. KECKtr. DAVENFoRT. netaans IFonperly of llostoo4MlEJ irOltlaitrile: . - 7 . . SECOND 11214 P COLTON MACIIINEBT ; &e.— pair band Mies, 411IshIndle cod; 2 I. 2 Pscrst far Sid hub eazds; e Ca 90 bodies wide: 30 Loom for wearitol4 sheeting}; 1 Screw Press for biding theetings; Tacittoo Ppeeders,drawithr frames,rdids, /Lei 5 oc and band eykilder Boilers; ilia whichwill he told low. LILMBCSTOCK, HELL & CO oettraml Pitt Como MilL.Plitshorchi. S ELLERS' FAMILY MRDICINF.i. 1,1 ' _ illmalhua:Mat' ,0 , Dre 1, Icl7. M. E. E. &hem: /loving dammed or the Verna fare sent me. I vvivhfoo to forward a wooly soon, ray 02 doi. Wherever your median. have bew used, they readesco;i , " saaersetion. For Van:mirage ~e aceed Ingly pollute, al 'kit Axxxg , i , Yours, a.. ,_ J. Darla • f l repated alai sold wholesale and retort, by a E SE!, LERW, 67 Ward street. Sold by Dr. Carmel, fah ward;.. arid D M Cony, Alleaheny iity. dcle WANTED -30,6:0 . 0 rent pleas PP vented lso, metes, bale rope, green tope, bangutg, Ac, kg., far rata the blitheelptke IP cub will be paid by J CHADWICK' • acne 'myna it between peen It Itbenr • • Plaits High Colored De Lotsseli. A A.lll OWN k CO, 62 made et sr, have l it received w lt b =tr r Al k i i lut re so n r the above very 1...1.6- clnAwLs-A feei sup:rinr, all woof lknells 1.7 Prng dhawls, which we aro selling greedy Below the wail price. deb ALES ANDFit k DAY WAII.GISCP PLOAKIRILIS—Jast an otroi; memo( above goods, suitable for elpst haloes' aim, a large supply of elodue;nf *nimble colors and mtalisy for Ladies aod Gentlemen's cloaks at dry _goods holm, of . W R M URPHY no2ll nombrost eOr 516 . 8. marker sts 11/IND—A lame'', and rplendi4 Ptoti;f C4l. 4-4 . Casitimeies and yeiamp *itch pill be 0 p 14144 offle inat reawn:l4 ' ANCKERA MAYER deib :7d yrrol st. 3 door. above Ith 111EU1/1014- 41 re hp , . just r0,...;,;1 w a trr ent i black tad cowed EagliAti ar4 d e d le a l we iVar t is C i. i ctl x :sll7 : " Zgr i eTt e" l; k UAF CfliagTo=-Ili dim ride lentould Lamb's %Vivi la Shins ddd Dr6PICT.; ijt received by Eelipsa Lino !oink! by • I.IIOELF.Tr AVIIITE deg ' P 3 wood re ' O DA AAII , -.71 est', Orleans. Per , •mlicsPect • ed earls In December,ll. New Orleans. 7treske of, some strenarh from one of the best Eatlish manufse timers; from whom we expect hereafter, resider supplies, and caw Olfer manpfacturen of Ulan and wh en m this market some ioducemente m parch...s of us. non POINDF.XTER & CO rj7o lITZA.O2BOAT 11EN-2 drat rate Wrought J. kw water Wheel dbana. with amigo; danger, pd• low blocks and bursa, creaplele, and be wad at a bar gam. Apply to. Wel UdCAIFK nr22 In 'lomat weal . t; 'WOOL, WOOLS all T f lll . bit . est P. 4.."l,Votiiilbi I • r .10" i. I.IEIIEIIY & LEE. • CIIT Old wool warewuphaw.. b n . " 4 Cb 4"" .Fle.a.„°A,lge - git."„ ( rth'! Swr.lk . " " 1 " . JAS lIA IDMAB, or • •• ; .* 'A PI BiIYAN, • HOUSES,_TS, i' l&; , .for Sale or Lease & • • huge and bbu Ili Factory, erected sin Rebees st, Afleglaenystity, hyR Car sar-Esci c io offered for eats at a hairminiand on eIISY fermi The Ica onwhich the Factory is erected, (root, lOD lent on Rebecca in, said runs back 110 feet to Park meet. The mainhuildumis of brick, three StetteS blob, and 60 feel long by V 7 wade. The Engine {loom is largo and commodious, with on engine, boater, stack, he., all In complete order. The property will rie low, or leased tor a term of yrani on edrruitaccetir teems; • • Ade ,ayes building lot. for &private residence is alm s offered for rile It fronts lOU Ireton Park it, and extends back gill fret to an alley, having Tremont *treat for its whole length on its Eastern boundary. This propeny is coveted with thia:climeest fruit trees and shrubbery, Toffsfrom it there is a fine view of the rivers, c ity, oislol it only About 20 minutes walk from the bean of the ettyi and a more delightful spot for a private rests dense, can scarcely be found: It wVI be sold low, and a long term of years glvea Fee the payment of the moat of the pumhern °hooey. Thu lot will be Melded tato 2 equal parts, should a purchaser desire it: Ennuire of the mbecriber, who can be seen at the Officeof the Ganeue, every forenoon between the boars ofg and to, and Muth' er u nes at his reams at lira II &re - boarding house, Ro binson's new Row,feiteral at. Adel - bear Citr i ITE Agt. for the -owner. VALUABLE' EARN/ AND LANDS, Fo Sale or 17,1131g.j subacnbCr ill acid or leave alarmori the Alle; gbeny river, in 'ltun Township, : consisting of age • hundred and fire ae es, aikty acres of which' S cleared and now under full ultivatton with a goal bouse,,barn said other convenient desirlible iraprovementa, with a young orchard, an shunted within twelve miles of Pittsburgh. lichee also adjoining the sime, Body of fide fanning land, known as the' White Oak Level, conaisting of ONE TIIO US AND ACRES, which he will sell orlease in nom:idea as desired. There are On this land ten or eleven dwelling houses, several of which arc new and all comfortable dwelling. and occupied by &milieu— There are alto about nix hundred am.. of the whole Wet, cleared, (cored, andun ter probable' cultivation. The land, will be sold entire or leased as desired by purehtsers °tether., • The tuna of Ink acres will be cold or leased and pos 'culotte des:red can be given immediately. This:Chyle bodyof Lam/show: offered, embrace arrant on rho Allegheny river of two and a half mile.. An in • diaputable title will be given to purchase., For Winker information persona wwhing topurelitise ' or lease will apply tri the subscriber, at 49 (docket at, Pingbargh. [4JEhI/gmr3lTl CALEB LEE. Orson Tower IFOn Ore. THE subscriber offers, for saS 2DO acres of Nod in the immediate neighlwittoo of the Grand Tower, on the Missisipppi firer, Perry only, Mo. The ore 11l of the b ro wn hermetite, (or, or Dr Kate mills o, the by , dated brown oxide.) It hat all been enteretCsinee the earth day afluly tub expressly to secure the ore. The whole lies from o halm one and a half mile. from the ' riverbank, and a good rock shore landing. The goon' City n mgmosed to be immeam. Bungles of the or Mot be seen nettle Missouri Hotel—also, a Mamma of the entries. I will sell the whole together, or in tow In halt purchasen,llf sold together, I shouldsbare no ob.' Jection to take Interest in the manafaCtum or the ore, provided itsdhall be conducted, bypractical men. .Timber ter charcoal is abundant. A farther description is deemed unnecessary. inasmuch as I presume no per would with to purchase 'without first having Emma; filed Met remises— lilies from 2 to 3 miles north of the tract I sold to the Pt I,ou is and Birmingham.fron mann. facmfing company, last Jane. • de7rter 301 IN SCUDDER ORPIIARMIS COURT SALE,' Of Ceill Lauda. porsockee of an order of the Orphan'.Conn of At.. legheny county. will be exposed to publin sale, on !be presumes, on Thursday. the All day or December,: lEV. at IP o'clock, A. M. All the Plane Coal ci contained, In d under the surface of 42 acme and Di parch.. of': land ,snuate, In Wilkins Township, Allegheny roomy; being art of the otte of Witham %Wilco, late of said to p wnship, dee' n ll. a The parehuer to have all end every necemao pnvileteof umber from hr sorfitee. air holes, and all other Della/cm for Chung and raft,. 'rink the said coal. ' The Coal contained In the above prunifts is of excel. lent quaky, and ir slinatetnear the route of the Central Rail Road, as at portent rotated.. Terms, rash. irsCtitnAdtdsr- IMSBEIRT CAROTIIP3III. Ado*. Valuable Farm for 11.10. ' Tite. mbroriber drill sell on aecommodadrig terms, that valuable fano...named on the Oluo river, about 02 miles below riushargh, to what is called Crows bed. 100, &Mamma the properly of Mr. Omega Ebiraa— VI, re M about 116 antes of Land, Oil acres of vehtoll is river bottom; the balance la amored bottom, lles beta ti May, and aboabdain good coal limestone sad timber. There are from GO tottl acres cleared. There is a good two story brick Dw4llioa House, a frame barn and oth er out Murcia a large Orchard of choice froth and a good spring of water in every field on the place. The greater part of the farm is ander good fence. Title indomitable, • For term, apply to WM. BOYD, Attorney at Law, Office on Ith a,, above emithfield. ileatidlrott.ortlF . 11 THE three total dnnlling Homo and Lot. now .oceomed by 11. k. fiehareppe, Eaq on Fenn near Iland. The LiMis 02 by Mu aad is pleasantly stunted. For term] apply to the sabscriosr, who has lm FOR RENT—The three story honor on the corner of Liberty st nod It seiti's alley, nosiroethipied sok whole. sale and tetad grocCry store, by ll.F.Schweppe. Pos session given ithreethatety, on applthatioa at th e wort , house of Cohn henna Pons, No it Water street by dolt dm . JOIN IRWIN FOlt AL A littn&otitcly numbed Item al/Dello tweet, lately oceopied no a Daguerreotype estabba& meat. hy Morund &Co. Alto, • well finiuhed and well fuenilhed Room. suit able for await:ea, adjoining the Del/ of the Mercantile Library Anon:Won. Entrance at Philo Hall. • • Z . GAZASI .Other, market .t. between era A 4M__ f t gA i Ti4I2.III.EATe TlIF: largriantheantrement dwelling booth on 4. ' LL Federal , gllegCcay. formerly wet/alai oy Atm Ann Gemeatn. Rent low. theaceestou given on the 11l *f April neat . , E D CIAZZ Immethate pasesaion of the above boom can be ob• twined by opplytiag co Al. Creighton, at the canal ware boom of Clarke /elbow. • aey FOR HALE. Iti . A FINE two sato brick Goose,. Main street, ' ArllOtltkuY 2, W...0n the upper Bridge, The Lot Is 21 feet in front bylloo deep FO4 1411. enquire of &VIII • A WAdIIINGTON.4th at , FOR RENT. • • il THE large am ping warrhanise.2l feet front by !V feet deep.on 2nd st, nenr Wood—Rent mod e:ate, Enquiry of i J . SeIIoUNMAKER Zs CO de16....,; - 21 woad at .Cook. , La — attic Male. • C 2 EVEN acres Coal Land for sole, situate In bend isy Odle Monongahela River.sbove Esownitathe,Ps, ha g= a vein of 7 feet coal, which will be sald to exchange for yco}ii. Coe ai r Ca: on • stets., GA. A' 11ARGA EG11,32 Wool et 11. TO LF:T i 4 'tore, commodious, and ) well fin. mied, three Flory brick dwelling, on lean st., half way betirecn Garrison alley and Wayne G. Potsessiangiven inthafdiately, Forpanieulorsenquire at the nifies of , . I W W WALLACE. • 73'21tf — • 244 liberty at. --.-..--. .--- BUILDING /LTV hi A NCllEkilßit FOR UAW,— Bow efir rale a J.beantiful Building Lot in Marmarster,ncar 'be Ferry, X 3 Gm tinnt by Ira feet deepb It =II be sold low, and on'neemmumislating terms. Terms unexceptionable. mato JA F.iS BLAKELY. Real Estate:Agent 40015 tt/551ti THE 3 Story Brick Wrborc, N 0.54 Wator =sort and N 04105 Front et t. pare/mon giro—apply on aid proroires. A I.F.XANDER GORDON =:I3M . . ASSIOKF. fIOUSF, s;11/...1 on Plumblry, for rtnr Inquire or 'ROBERT PALZELLI CO deli ' • Lamy et roe ute 7116. — vrell fantithed ßo thore, On Maact between 11rd and 9m strata, at prePent occupied by Barrows t.TutrOr. Ditheasion nison on the I.r of April nett. plat' F. D GAZZ A 61 Ahnnolwme4venver.PMWMßL nv . -RdfIAfIZAM MISCELIANEOUS. Mt/8 ILLITC/11SON & CO., NO. 45 Water and 61 Front its, &Reins for the St Lonii.Stejort Sugar Refinery, have in torte— .-31 tan Jilt Larte Loaf Sugar, 13 filar No 2 groan r 15 tar No 4. ^•. 163 bbts-No 4 W 151 ' 4 0 lan 7-s n • 1 50 "DR crushed 45 " powdered " I GO " ern/hel d For sale at •edueed rove. delont FR E S H FRUIT, &c.--4d nyanew crop bunch' Raisins 1 RICO Masson Oranges; 5 Owls Dates ; 5 mom I .3ttani 1 IMO shelled Alonds; ' 0 " Filberts; . 10 ban A Yin I Rook Candy; ; . 30 ban new scaled Bening, received per rime Comul; oriole by ' LAMBERT & E 11111.1•012, nvls ~ . • _,,, ITI & 123 lanai at A 4 APINFACTUDLED TOIDACOO— I LE& 35 ars Cabana/ 13w Ai " Chapman's Sr, . . 1."1 ' u lye • 3s; 25 " RIMM.II4 Rolifinam's St; , I 20 " lirdnela's Is; I • 20 " Ittomon's 12s; on consignment and for salcay A (IORDLIBE dell . ' ' water st Lg/111011.1g12:25," MIL Playing Cods; •—; 13 II bsko, Olive Oil; 10 tam fins, c bewing Tobacco; j ID Mils powdord Dimas; , . a dna Ymnaln Caning; ' a " Wistmil do; ' 10 1 ' Brandy Finito; RJ " Miters; , 1' . . ' 21/ " Peppertning a " Lemon Syrup; for sale by . ' _dcaM TX ItIARTIN - -- . DRUGS—Gum Blyreh, Turkey; , JJ. :• Do Gemboirl; DO Nino Toe; no uprom, new crop: . Do Galbswooketramed; -. . Ext. Jalain . ler Dendellea; Do Ilellorbana; job received and be Ale by , LI AFA IINLYITOCK ACO doll env let k bond ete ( JILIN-Thar yiei , i , t , ;n 4l ierei bleached Whale Cal; plum 5 bore Triers Oil; A " l 4 e do; to bore. ' for vale by . 0 OLACKOURN k CO net bleier It, aver cherry ay 1, - vitiiii'iltii : O=Zlseii - iciigrr C big (Downie; .! - . 4 '.' Hey Apple% . ' l hot dell . 1 cet tleerbat; • I rot liceserai; It arrive; (or solo by ;1051 DICK I.:V a DO . _______________— SU/1/011111:2— . 0 Obit toA roll Douce 11 bble Cleiver bed; to veto Peactet; • • I bale Ilepe . . 2 ireirLard: received per emir haver; far vale I. te WATl•lfthlaN • _ dels - 31 Inlet aO2 front elm AAIL tiarlifiA irlfsl. Ibt thdoliTel, A meneanT— '• :V Ws Calomel, reiglLA, . .. 50 l' red Pfeelpila r; ' ill . Coroben Sublimely; lust received and for eale by ' II A Ell lINIDI. TACK .t1;11 dell enber of lat lc venallttr ...-..------- --..--- SUNDRIES -au cake Sochi AL: 60 tale clear koala; So bbleTari • „ •.. Dflu aides mil heather; , • 1 MO hags Rlo tkffee; • -, 1 ~. • trthags l'aripel: pat rehired per stmrskllau Stephens and Be WI Ch au,, for rile br ..' • . deal:. JOHN OSIER :.--;. Old Moil. Rya Illhlakey. : , ' " , lO Un/ ' P n. " o ld MacOatahals Rye Whcider, the lad I kayak, offer kir sale, ?demo claims of PrlXldblr cl Manioc old arfiele,eow hare attopporteoh: . .1.-.-. , .. • ~• IlpiRY F. ftRWEPPE, 1 delklw ' ' ' Lilted? et, oPlataltowook.,: --• I'OSEL .BIIISCAIth hock wine. neaten' k 00. " laxportialloa,br ail •by the can orhadlo at tha Irina store, ; 'dela • t JACO/LW:AVE/4' , 1 ~::;- TOOLS,'MISIC, &c, ATlMitit Alfa!!! rff an FORT THE Annual fort MB; edited by ReynellCootes. SI D. • The Charm, a aeries of creedal and elegant colored Groups, designed eget - ugly for this work. The otydr,:lg at Ben•ty, a present for WI seuons,em- - bell:shed with eleven engravings. milted by Amelia W Lawrence. Friendship's Ofering; a Christens, New Year and lifirthday present. • The land, or n Token of Friendship; • Clirthtmas and New Year's Present for LESS. The QS of Friendship; n token of Remembrance for ISIS. • , The Geis 6el-91S, edited by Father Frank. . Christmas Blossom - . and. New Years Wresth for ISIS. Thoropkon's Seasons, illustrated Harper's edition. Boudoir Botany, or the Parlor Book of Flowers,corm Prising the hi/dory, description end colored Engrayiryth of u(Exotic 'Flower.;2l Wild Flowers of America, and It trete with Sul ; illustrated with Ida engravings. The Task, and other Poems, by Wm Cowper, rya numerou illustrations; Turkey morocco. Campbell's Poetical Works; illustthred, So. &r. Together with a large and splendid assonment of la. rehire Books, with colored engravings, minty of which are just publish.. For sale et the Bookstore of .ELLIOTT & ENGLISH dc?.o Si market at, between ad Allk Magazines for Jeinuarys REcTIVED AT M A ISllNER3l4"thlinm's Slagatipe for January, comprieing .3 embellishments,. moth than usual fine; the ad a beautiful ideritefint Portrait of General W C Notional klogarinefor.January l Union Godey's Lady's Rook " -Fashionplate. The Lovers of Parrs. ' hyl John WllsoiLltries. be Heads of the tiaailless; by Frederick Soul.. The Fon uncap( ForloehO'Brien, odale of the Wars of King James, with filastranou liy'Phis; , complete is me volume. The Dram. Pokerville and other Stories, by 'Ere r. paint witn eight illustrations. Roland De Wee, or the Knight of the Block Plum by F. Curtiss Rine, U S N. The Farmer's Sen i or the Deserted - Children; a inlet( deep intest. Afloat a re nd Ashore, or a Sailor's Life. . • Esther De Medina; or the Cnines of Londencom• plea. A splendid usertment of Annuals; prix Smell up te S.S. Ain, a lame and vaned anotuner9 of Picture or Toy Boobs the Children. For sale et Ilt. A. SUNS:MS. Smithfield street, slaw dye from Second. deco , • Kew 800 kas rIVHE CON SUCT, or rho Bvirerenr e vhusnalred; byG ../.. P James Sock Ashore: by E Howard, matte of Ratlin the Reefer. • • The Star of the Parlour yC 81 mhos of Black Plumed Riflemen. The Magic Figure Head, or the I,aly of Green and Blue; by Charley Carey, of the U S N. The Ltudit's Bride, Or the alaidof Saxony; by Loam. Sidney. Stanhope. amber of 'Striking Liken meat &e. , • Lentils Lyomore, and his sod Mn IVoodbngde; by Mist Leslie. - London Quarterly Review. Unreel Magazine for December. Life of Jouph Tliare—¢ large The Maneertheriog Nether; by the mother of 'History of a Flirt.' The Wilfullness of Woman; by same. The Old Commodore; by H Harald. Jenamte Aileen or the •Yoong Strawberry Gml—a tale of Sea and Share; by loyal:am. ' • - _ Ream, or Davlsgbt. a mac tale; by J S Ifobb. Sir Rowland 'Ashuini2 volts by Lady.o Long. T . Splendors of Versailles, and the Conn of Louis the XIV. Flowers Personified. Norrf and to Horn Cemeu ies of Anierthe, part S. Maguirics, Newspapers London Punch and Pictorial per last steamers. Brother Jonathan. Phila4l4 v tla Couthr, and Yankee Doodle Preionals. For sale 1 MS CALDWELL del ad in, opposite du Post Odlee KW BOOKS—A ppleton's Rail Road nod Steam k Boat Companion, being a Travellers Guide through the New•Enitland and Middle States, wrib mates in the Southern and Wearers, SM., and also in Canada; d. !minced with numerous maps end engravinga. The Poetical Works or Fitz... Green lialleck, now first cedlecled; illustrated with steel enrravings, • The Rose, or Affection's Gill, for 181& i edited by Emily Marshall—Bummed with ten elegant keel engravums, superbly bouild In morocco gih. The FaraLles of our Lund; a most erquisiteli finished Look emery page:richly arid,variously colored, bound in wooden bunt, carved and colored. Eon sale by J READ dcl4 • 4d4 st, near market IV.EW the - ateer iimmer; /11 I have come from a happy limd; Dom In the soul df a Mlle; Would I were Ira thee: What enchantment, l y Idad'm neon Queen of ray molt pleeping I drencit'd love. The Rainy Day; • Oh give me beau if m n foreign land, Glow gentle gales, deed' by Loder; Forgive trot don't forge 6 Good bye, song; entagmnne fresh Hoses in my bait - , Palmetto vette; Cast that shadow from thy brow; The fountain of {mails; The moonlight welts; Clay glifT_ln Itecetredmud for sale by .1 11 MELLOR, II wood street P. 8. Seven] Pianos of Chicke ring's and Gale's mum afacture, lee newton the way from tee east and will be received io a few days. dc6 01111.114T11M1 PRESENTS—A choice 'elm- V non or Holland Hyacinthe, winch am rowing in ater. aditalde Mr holiday prceenm, can be had on ap• plteatinn at the Pittsburgh Seed elate, Wood etrect,eor ner of 6th. 1331=rEl NNW PIANO PO NO . AL ... ree w et n nm . an F eZre , nr.w r a tot- T k E of New York from the celebrated wow. • - . . . . . . ufiretortes or Oat, d. Co. , F. Y., Red Lldakeriet,of Bow Wn. The patterns are entirely new, and have all the We improver:wets. For sale as_Factory prices by dell JOON it AIELLO R, Si wood st . . . A SPLENMD ansont . neut Rottarood and Idahog• 1 - ; ‘ , ..l..gx4ortan Wllllwelaimf!rar,jo+l Alma. ton.aplendld Rotetrood Pianoa,withColeman'a celebrated ian attach ment, Gal thed ill the most mod. , em atyle, and for talc at F BLUME'S 1<•15 112 wood tweed doom shove, 4th NEW DISCOID/IL DIDN'IONJILY—Cott tuning tmeoplanalian of a/1 the terms •„rt Anwar:MY, PhTaatlobli.itc. , &e, with the formulas or the priocipal Pliarosaeopiretss, eel valunble practical etudes on the treunurnia of Crease, on the ha-ra of Hooper S. Grant, de: by D Ferrara Gardner, MIL Just reed; for sale by ovej, • J L RF.ATI TATEW EDITION ON SALA.TIIIEL,Wan- II daring Jets,—A story of the Pash to Prevent, and Plumy by Rev Geo Croly, volt, 12mo, price On tents. Just published tri • J A h U P JAMES, del Cincinnati. DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Whole 1. Dor Goods. TUT RECEIVED at the Wholesale Dry Dlymig. Room., 62 Market sneer, 2nd miry— dell/et new prime, 2 do bloc and ornriao pm% 2 do Oicgon pl.tidc , 00.0 4 do mixed and strved musimerec bilks alma, red sod yellow Darinel.; 2 cams dommme gingham.; 4 do atripod and plaid avaema; I do Dertivehyjamia; do -.opener titditith; do Canton flannels. Also, white lateral, white Ro nda of every desorithrea, hoods, capes, gloves, hosiery, laces, de. de. On Irked, an evens:ye sloe _k of brown sod bleached fan ay prints, gurglam", cheek", bonnet' ribanda Franc Ir plumes, &a klerebants are mrpeetfolly incited to call and examine oitr assoruxeru, arr we are confident oar Mock will favorably compare watt Eastern houses both In variety and once'. - nr.N A A MASON k CO Gantlacheat's lilueratsittraik Gloods. HHer K. TODD have this day recetved direct from , the otanaracturers, lad offer for sale at Dice York prices— t case of *how Extra Baperhas !vitro Inatiaractored ezpiessls for our ova sales and warvanted well cue of Saxony and Med. ender :ibis', wrappon • ' and Drawers, some very fine. came ➢wow and Callan, including Doman will Col lan attached. " ' 1 ,caee p toon ale m n , t . swivel w joint .n , S o u n o T i e n n e tr r d s , , , w s !I k e* r and ? .. ct o ti n adjusting Mocks cy • Satin Sow and plain &Ma Stocks. lionihasine bow and pkuu Bombazine Stocks. Silk and Satin Twit. rich alt andanon Cravats, wob non 'cam of IoW priced Shins whlch we ore 41.14 in quality balm never Ircen'surpi ssed in price n this city. We latent) to close the above (Mods off by the package and would call the attention of Purchasers to our stork of Ocala, knowing that low prices will in.., them apeedyrale. ' ' 11TODD • oct2o 20 wood at. opyairs, II doors below Odor • Wholesale Dry Coodir. NOW opening at Me Wholesale Dry Goods titans% 62 Market street, 01 story, I W pea of Alpaca., 20 pesEnallab Mariam:: ear. of Oregon j'lrods nad Cash mere., 10 pcs Frenab Broadcloth, 44 pee fancy coati mere,o eases oaseinett,lo hales red, white and yellow llanruds„ 000 pea blankets, new styles eidieoes,dorneatie Ygloves and Loden', lage th er 'with a general ...liniment of goods. Merchant* are invited to lI•1111110 oar mock,. we see eonfitiOnt it will favorably compare with Fitment sloe s.ln soles and prices. dell A A MAOON b. CO MN* Arrival. TUNT Received the balanbe of Wirral! stock of INDIA sl RUBBER tiOOL*, comprising the following kinds: ' India Rubber. Long overcools, seek overcoats, short overcoats, emirs without sleeves. capes with unveil; ponchos, leggings, bats, camp blankets, Lome covers, travelling Nihilism:ldle bats, Mill Cover., Provision bags, Mews boat buckets, air pillows, air cushions, Ms beds, •bag rucks. for the ladles. mid eatables; all of which we have • complete assornueht that we offier wholesale or remit on We lowest possible lours,at our India Rubber Drpot.s wood - street. n,14 I fr., II PHILLIPS - - - - • Iflrriff/A istaltigN,W — v - ranted Water '. proof—highly recononOnded by Physic..as being pure preventive againto'Colde. of incomparable see. • vice in Alteumeilie arid Continopisen hobo., being so carol:tweed on to roast cold and rooirinre: they are of o durable texture, warm, light and nary to ibe feet. firanafactured and cold wholemale by fintatit & Pue bow, Willitinebunr, G. I, ' A full annulment of Ladle.' tint. for sale by . net T HEATON, Al market et Übt It FCEI VED per Espana al ZFOULON KIN SEVII New Fancy Vlore. 67 6larter &trent -0 don Cod and Towel.; for Idadietleloutai • • • 6 " Ciente " 6 pea flenrlel 8111 L incli Wide, t blue , I inch • " Wird a large &aro:meet of caber colors, dap. -- JUST RECEIVED—byrab Dhabi Adarna & thtda Ilapreaa—. . • ''" gU r E4di" D 1 Pearl Drab Dlndg for over, ba yonets and wink contr.:which will be made to orrice at Ide ebarwo untrce .tad moat a;s l , 47a l t i r k. t ., l , ega lit dcll meal er. 3 won above 41b pauElaja G OOD S—Wa bass just rictivod by llca press a yet) , liandsouto lot Upbeat Grasa Ooady cottoning of— 'daps r embroidered Cambosect Robes: Ito Ilsonatle merino do; Fine plain Casluneresi a beautiful ankle; Gai• and Quaintest plaids. • • ALEXANER 75 =Wm sitar D of the dioDAYtoon I.OI.IkIINELS-11.1, grown aild'harreiTannelc. .1: An additional supply received from tho anutce• term. Aloe, a few ' , moil, low priced Cowl mai 4x saki by 403.aa ILETIA6-4 eases sops rEuei and 'medians, black .I.7and colored Entrlnhtiletios,lost recolveddirect from Importers by 1711ACKLETT.& I.V4ITN _ • OS wood st • AA. & CO, ei o lre Bb‘Wl.4 bio ror o r th ," k "" 9u rived W. ihideb ar .. rr nek -and minima de4 • anee k Col in 2. Oafs from ..tio.delpfus or rale 11) , §ILACKILEIT 17,1 lIEMEZM RATES OF 11 CLCORRMTED 131 t tr. oft :SON,' • .5114 et stmt. Otir 4ta /LiTk. OF DISCOUI , 110LEIP Exchange Brokers, Nu. 51 .-Pemsasylvanlia.. Bank ofPittsburgh —Par, Bickel:lms Bank ... Par' Merck'.' t Man. Bank •Parl i BkaorPhilarle Iphia.- —par, Girard Bank Beak Gernmerown • P Pn Chester County. • .par 4, Dela Ware Co.. 7 • . par " Montgomery Cm • •pwr " Nonhumbet hunt—par Columbia Bridge Co.. • par Dareslown Bank par Farmer. , Bk. Reading•PM Fames' Bk. Bucki Co. par Farmers B'k Lancalr•par Lancaster 00. Ble.. • • •par Lin - easter Bk•-• • • • • • • pal Wa.UStruer Bank•• • —4O ntsville Bk. shmmon Ilk. par . Gcnystmrgh 8k:... • I Charelwrsburg.• • ...... 61 Lclu Sum gh uchanna Co. 8k..• Co Bank, Lewistown •• • • —' hliElletown ••• —••-•• " Carlisle ,Sistio tollronehee•• t-. V j Ezeb.ger [-of Ve, • 1 Fanners Bk. of Va Bk. of the " Bk. of Ar.& Bk., tVheoling do - Morgaidoan••• • 1 N. W.' Bank do • Wellsburg' 1 do Parkenthurt•—• Tennessee. Bk.of Tionookee• •• • t • 3 Fhe. hlerehls }kr ••• Platoon , 8k..• •.t •• • !• 3 ilinion 1 3 . Jilloormol • ?Sado Ilk of Alligmoori.•••• 1 North Corosti, BIG of Ca l e - Fear'l Mereliellk.,N,evsbc.rn• 1 titate &ink 4.--• I South Carolina. Camden Bk ... •.. •• • • I B&W' Chiolcalon••• 11; iCommercial Ilk 1 ! Bk. of Georreitywri 1: Bk.of Ilemberi.•• • • • 1; IMerchuns Bk. 11 !Pitmen & hlreher Bk• 11 - Bk. of - South Coolin••• 11 ilryl!md. Baltimore Bkr.—••• BaltoVe &O d B .of •10 Comb Bk.of glum) , ..... •••• • • 1 Fn. Bk. or Meiyland• Farmers & Meehnnics " Bk. Frederick Frederick C. Bk tit Beircretreirußk Mineral Bk. Ena Bk. ...... ••-• •—• Furman' and Drover.' Bank, Waynesburg— " Harnsbing ........ a Floneadale Lebanon a Ponavitic • Wertßranch Bk. Relief Notes ••• • 1211== City itCoiLitricrip . • Ohio. *ate Bk.sind Branches 1 MownPleasant; .... • • • " Stenbenulle St. Clairavi ...... 't4 11.tap!co Bk Wailnutoußlt • " Bk. ottve.tatinff tar • • • • '• Madan. ' New Lisbon. Cincinnati Banks Coliiinteu do , •••• • • " Circleville • • •• • " Zanesville • • • ... .... • -- Mic gan. Bk. of Si. hi -- Bk. of River Raisers... ._ Mulligan Ins..Co••• • • 5 Var.& Elech's Ilk 6 Wisconsin Alin.reFirelo.CoMilWe 6 Canada,. rolveotßankr• •• •• • 5 Burk of. EngLond Notes • Sazdu•ky ••• Gewaw alk , — Cletelane— ••••—••-•-•14 70 P Quid& Spec leValuee Napoleons ... • . •• 3 80 Ducats 215 0 0 ItO • Eagle, old • 10 60 Eagle, new •• 10 00 Doubloons, flpainsh. 16 00 Do. Patriot - 1550 &Wareing, • Guineas ' 500 Fredeneks•ropi,.....p7 80 Ten Tlw.lers • •• •• 780 Ton Ouildewl .` 3 00 Leaisd'ors• •-•••-• • Xso_' Ziehallice• ( New York '' /pros Pluladelpnia • peen Baltimore • . .par- Lew par ,Wke••• .• Dar= Wnnem Franklin irk Columbn• " Chillicothe Lake Eric••• Hamilton 18 Grenville- •••••• ..... 50 Fona're B'k Canton••-•ao Urban fL a 50 • : eraknoty, Bk of Keulacky• • ..... 1 Bk.ar Louieißle ...... Norkern Bk. Kentlekp:u New York Cit y Bank., EXCIINGE BROKERS,' &c. HUSSEY, wings k.co ANKEns, •.xxosAlgoE • urt,i3x.ras, • .AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN D °mimic EXCHANGE. CERTIFICAT A ES N OF DE POSIT; HANK NOTES, AND 'SPECIE; PonCarsCneillic7pneriielne Deny of Fins CURRENT MONEY received on Denoettelipt Checks for sale, and collections made on neatly all th gette l = i tualkat e I dlergrspe ' an l ri Atacrlcan Gold. , • Adaances :unclean ea:sigma . nta of Paudiet,ahipped East, on liberal terms. -atealn TOSZPII 11.5TWIate of the finn of Was A. lh Co,) and WM. C. CURRY,tlaeof Erie, Pa.) have-entered into Copartnership. under the name of HILL tr. CORRY, Wr We n e t. of catalog en /tanking and Exchange business in all Iu branches, o n No S 5 Wood street three door. below Fourth, west hrde—where they solicit the “stont of Weir friends and the pablic generally. JOSEPH II HALL. melill3 WIL . O CURRY .IMILPEP H, HILL. ' WK. C CURRY.. BANKERS & EXCHANGE BRORP.RS, , _ HEALERS N FOREIGN AND DOSILVTIC TI M t SIGHT • BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CERTIFICAId OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. Nord Wood motet, tlord door below Fotta, west stdc. DAR Foods and Corrency.reecleed on Deposita oral eollection. rondo on natle principal pines. In tie United Banes. Sight Exchange on Flalnnarre, Philadelphia, New York, Donne .d Cincinnati constantly tot sale. Ohin,lndlano,.K.tucky, Virginia and Pe.rylvsala Bank Notes,boght and wild on favornble; terms. Ea , h..B.SiaZds I re many and France • -" - procured. air. ta. . .14.110LIIIICS & BOX, Bankers wassillealers ia ID:obis:me, Cobs mad Basal Notes, !- PO. 55, WaRIST irlaare, tircsatichair,, Veiling la es Esehance. • Buying :Laws New York, ' } pr. Cisicinsui, i - Ydia. Philadelphia -- i i do Louisville,' ; Ido BalthnOre. • do St. Louie, • ! Ido Buying /lowa. BA K NOTM, • - liyy mg Rates OWN • I dia. Cq. iit Skop Orders, I die. Indiana, ! Ido kelief Notes - , • do Kentucky, 1 or , Penosylvtinin Cy. "do I' do New York i do, - "do % Vi on., Tennexace, 3 do Maryland, -do dalOir • WILLIAM HANNIGAN, EXCHANGE Nacnurdas . 3 Vrt 11.3314 171 FOREIGN AND DOIIMSTIC ractierwz, CERTIFICATES OF DE'" ,, IT_E, DANK NOTES, AND• No. 64 Wood SrresA one or• FewnA, E'en =., octSl pinata, Pa. *` LIiA)4EI. xnwasiii KRANIE.II. & MAIM: DANKEF.SN AD MCI LANG E BROX.EB-4,4eal m JJ m Ford...a and , Domentie Bine or Exchange, Cernft. .te4 Demme, Bank Ede: and Coin ',eoracr of-ad and Wood creels, dirndl). nil ponile agl les EloicL MrAdll s FOrtigna Exchange, , DILLS on Eng;and, Irelasnd. awl Stiotlatid bought to Li any amount at the Current Rates of FL:.101.0. Alto, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old Countries, from -LI to 14000, at din me of &I to the I. Sterling, without deduetion,or discount. by JOSIICA 110111b1- SON, European situ General Agent, Otheg; nth st . one door wenn( wood. • ' ' txtlfor . VVILIPrgaIrITUKDB • ; Obba ' ,lndiana, • ; Kentucky, ' , Minoan. C.:' El • parehanen 21 the lowest rates, by delO • N MUMS'S tt SON BILLS 00 InXCIIANGIE—tagERIpteks on New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Constantly for ante by N HOLUM Zr. SON • dot° _ market sr C 9 ee L t . t, payable inlratt7 O i N 1 7i r ile o l.r%rn, 4 Ne ' r e ar l at: the tarot lavorabla termsf ' N 1101.111 SA SON - delft 'al market kt 10ICRANGE, on New York; Philadelphia, and 17.4 Baltimore, at sight, in sums to suit part hewn,. con. malady Mr sato by lIILL CURRY, omit wood street below fourth. ' WESTERN VENDS—The notes Of she. Ohio, Indiana. and Kentucky Banks purchased at' low rams of diatom, at the oKicei of , . .. . .. , ' • HILL & CURRY, °cal . N 045 wow et below founh • nOLLACtritifill,Tnritil lie-p - ii,Tcpijaiire7ia,i, 1.../ Union,ma . de by • RILL &CURRY. ball uNlod et btlow locnb HATS, CAPS ANI) BONNETS. FOB AUTUMN.' • 1847. - • • M i.O CI FL D & K I:NEG HATTERS. • Corner of Wood and Fifth Strrete,• • HAVE received they Autumn atyleof Rhis, to witch Li they avaptetfully invite the attention of Mesa cos.. roars and CADMIC generally.. rata • cli Fall Style lists. fiIeCALLA id du Inn received a betinniftil stock of Beebe & .Costaris Fall ntyle 'Mao, which for Ti neva sad lustre emminot be surpassed Cali at die list &ore, Monnonasheln Gonne, SmithGed et, and. . oritu :''7l.".- —.l liitlViiiie kit ariii(l 7— . PATENT AIR CIRCULATER 'AM AIIAT PROTECTOR.The ”bseriber wil l , introdnee on Saturday, Oct. tab. Gentlemen. waiting labia tried with this desirable article mill please Call and cammine. ALFRED NEEVG., Practical natter, out 3.. ____._ lltelg4 l. ._ss'S.rni. li Tt EI - F4LLL FASIIION. , S. WORE hal received from New Yei . , the 4 F style of lime which he will introduce this day, Mtamrday, Atig MA. All those in want ofa neat and soperior bat would do ',elite call at No 7.1, Wont 111101.1, ad door above 4th. i *girt til I P.:4===l IIEFJ3E Cc COSTAR'S Style Gentlemen's Haw will be introduced at HEEVIL'S on Theredoy A cairn 27tto Gentlemen walling aoheap,.fastr. Double Hata( Pittsburgh mono facture ahead of faahlononte Hato imported nil advertised hy manor the wade. plum tall at & Cots • ampltf AFAMIIION Flat 111/ETI JUST received from New Tort, the5....4 mer Style for How. conaistinfrof White Deaver, pearl dhd White French Casalmera harrywith Ventitotare. Thom in want of a.besatillal.lightllot ore reopeetfolly Invited m call. ' 8 1 . 40088. copin VS wood Bt. 3doontaittove Ith' WILLIA/lI'DOUGLiS by lust ,reeetvedi fresh supply of Airtimeld and Baena; Yuma Bilk „ .Gleledeaps, new styles: Elms 4ne French Moleskin lists, eery loss priers. Jell , :No 713 wind street • That Wo-,mor Death might be dere*: /CDT. Duncan's an weep tried: . Add many lovely V wed nl e fate of as 90-OR . DUNCAN'S W ARN OFFICE,NtabIi. Syc.uaore. street, Cinellinan, Oh+ol when bh,,rahabi s nutmeat a told. Bold in Pittsburgh. by WS/. JACKSON.eerier Wood and Lawny sot sgtba w r FE A C lt NOT IN MEXICO, Oat In lever* blather's Ilarttettsg.d.. , s rtmtE endetugned. tea to Imes • consumed of the • .1 veer:nay for some' ruediPinet adapted by Ise yeof. - Children and Infant.h eepemeed th in s aD that, • , dodlrivins erhich coata , n opium , and h at lel:wham. seeded in preparing and oferhm to' the p at a matt. eine full( :two:orl o n ever/ Demme he ell demagog of - tr b.:171 4;c!tlfaetdtht:lnint?lflrtt2lerna:r• '''' Tha jr Vt • P u Licea pair heal losivd rtadtiod. lit• last y l ire ' h,„,nhe, by numennit Demon& add hand alp , ememialr extreerdmarr Masa, asulto or all Da Meath Ming elyec as wet bath La the bill of aireetiog. is boa, V ral t ltr i Nt i tra, g PiU* ayyug. B l, k r . adapts dmaroing any of o.e. (imam, or ut: ! ,1 41 C PmdasisalbnhaPPLeet tmd meat pleasant Itardlikb , tin lino embed phut , a !tamp:Alma Maas Jams ehaSille' To be had whole • teep holeett i tt xel retell et lielhebacteitEtr4l JOHN BARGANT, and Apothe • lIiJ Umbel', lilliat3 lietlibarn, sad meet ether PI: In iillegiedy and Pir.ahurgti. • .qet•11,,,, 111. vv7sionais, nageelfally taken Idar g eutl amtllgt elltsmit of 74, V yttlitarth shein Ar/sheep th.hkqhtut Ls fantific trAy Awg the unater. lied heat pa Ahem( thealtelsas elder) ardta eysrcpt ov brsebealta all Water cexe tbs a idida. manta Et 'either Aram et Chiliad tt, , mbiliebblana altladebtse el hal 'Mtge* wi4s v mk. mtm.km., aonk.Pr Wan,' el• Sad gnarl ' • Dr. wad,. AIM rbatati iie,;±...b 1) ,.., "141 ,1 w e11 i Mire" % V , 3 4 4 b 64av , - - I tr-/Ton ' = • AwzmiAnur)ol,laLes• - ,coNTINUES to manufatture, and keepilit dyuleantly on hand, every var . lety of lints and Caput' the 1a...111.41e, arid prices very tow at 711 Wood sweet tUtstatde.. I •. , tivr • CILOrtPS4 —Flee Otter, eteal end kamt Caps; to hand 0 MCALLAO.9 F 4410104.1 Hat trore.o2noniahrla More. •.; emir, CLOtti AND GLAY,'D CAPS—A- opleodid aston mem gad great variety of style at bIeCALLAIWS, Olortonnholollo.o.' eetla • PI ttalnitrigh and cdaa eldailla It. Road od jNUTIOE.3O CiUNTRAVrOBS. ,, .. IN intretiance Of Revolution of the :Mord of :Direr*: aro of the .Yirroltureb and _Commits - vino 10.. d "VorieV. Notice la hereby pyre *hot Scaled Propo.oie Anil be received at the °Mee tithe Cocriphay,ll , rantiin I,tPlabutetretn the.hone erg sod It o'clock, A. goy ofikeernber, test. teethe ero ding and. ntenont7 on tear nice of the.Pittibergh and. ConneJlrhille Rail Read,extending tip the Youghlognou9 rieo g r i Er the onion* of illelicespon, nio.-eounly of All Pions and opecleenzious the *Mr can noon af ter the tOth tan, rit the ace of the Cortinneiy between. the aluire Dareed hours. WM. LA1315110, Jr.. .. 'dot tut Pro.ident I'. ond L 1V071CF..10 STOCICHOLDERg—In pnromojee of .1.3 the pensions of the Obarter of meorporotion, lbe aeonal meeting of toe Stoekb,lderiaf lie Alonengehe , la Navigation Company, wileibe .014 - 0,1 , ?deaden the . .. 3d day of .finutrAloB liming ate ittetPoil.dorof .ttro , mouth) at the ate Of Ino mot Compannin Broody'. Building, north store*, in the city kttlahouh.fijr ton purpose of eleitnne Iliooffmossinsingggo,,g, .. • &Old RIJDESIIIIIMER` HElR l3 ; lB,l *.leelicliOarreet haponahoh IchlthieUhliedianitcht Aepel4 mue, trhualle Lad WlNSwarlais %V "sturotOs um Caehe.of .le . liiiht.ti for sale bi the iile , ht they: de et the veridirlOwa " ~- l aco yretvee.4 . dali • • . ' . 4 " - -` " '• hik/elihhhitt'eteisl. . • . , . • . • .... .•erre.3 er..! et ei.e4zueen t'.3 aqi :r...,,, , .., . . ZW, gEDICAL isaLT GINSENG- PANACEA! _ - - frO. THOSE SUFFERING . - WITH.'DIELASED. - J. LUNGS—Theunpmecrientml Weems arliMh tala • aueided the use Of the • . • ' •• • •:."•; •": GINSENG PANACEA' ' . • to all the varlets forms which triitmlon of tho luhsi v romes, hu induced the yhoptielor again to ',Stat..: / uoamthlo. I. WONDERFUL: EREPAILiTION. ' ; Tae changeable *Amer swivel' marks our, winter tatesha a always a ftuitful soarceof • • COPS AND COUGHS: if of:gleam:4, am but the OM-mama of thou fog' deiwnyer : . - - • • CONSUMPTION. The cillealoll, then, How shall we blvd. Mkgroper im he bud? how Mall we ket elMtr of our coaghs and • colder Is cif Vital littposanee to the yabhc. • • ' ' - THE GRRAT'AND ORLY REMEDY • will be forme Mike Ginseng Panacealn prooeof thle .we hamrfroin ome to time published the conificatis o domosofour beet knownekixtms,who hare experienee as curative powets. Those, with a mans of testaitamy from all parts of the cow:am—Dom ' . MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRSTETANK, 0, Mittman of the GOspel,Ae.,ispether wolt 0:14 aces from the' r JOURNALS OF 111 E DAY • we have Mabodiad pamphlet form, and ma y patio of soy of ear, agents iLtoughoot the coo. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have beer', tued in lids city. • • • TIIOUSANDS AND TENS or THOUS ' throughout the United rota end Canada., end. ledge any man to paint oat • n SIMILE INSTANCE - in srhieh, erheit tails accenting to d i gections • fore the longs had become faudlyAscrgents • ever failed E:oil A PERFECT CCRE.• . • • Why, then, need the afflicted kaitate? 1913 the ensemble nostrares, gotten pp by unknoon ails under, the assailed came of mote Coon, enifnaffed Imo notoriety by conificat so equaffy mknottm? Min a - medicine cif ; . is to be hid, Snitchers am a LLFLED t horrie,7-0 tors,—many of wbota it bee • ... • .. . . . /SNATCHED FROM TOE GRAVE Ja corer that this invelcable medicine may b ' within. the reach of: the poor as swell as the have pat the puce at I . ONLY JIPIPTY VEXTIII, • ' - Pmt one half the anal cost of cough mullein • . for sale by oar agent's in nearly every lowa itat, " ."*. wept _ V over the we, arks ant prepared to give full 11: ~''' t ",• relative to U. .. ! 'X SAVIER,I'vopr —.,-- . ' . I ' Elroadway,Ciamanasf met ~. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE. No. OS DLAMOND-' .11Ke• • LEY, a few dociortiffon' . Wood Erect, moot, Lail D. lIROS% I . Ravine been regulWed.,__ . • .• , nested to the mambos! pro. . Jetsam, and bees Grr Mew • lak i time In geneml plastics, . wwie now confines hisattentiore to the . treatment of those ••ter \ private and delicate coral • plaints for which his Opp. 1 orswii. and experiume i pc cohntly qualtry ' Greven years wiriness y devoted to the study „and treatment Of those oomphatli Noting winch time he has hadroore practice and tag erred =we Potion. thaw I can ever Oil to the lot of L.; amvolc raconottm/ ant- ply outlines him to og tr as orances of speedy, perms nentiand satisfsmory ore affiicted wlth &Wiwi diseases, and MI diseases arisittathereted. Dr. Brown would inform those meted with pelosts diseases which have become chronic by time or sggrava ted by the of any of the common minnow of the ' day, Mat their complaints can be smile-ally and dm, ouch! y cured, he having given his cutlet mammon to, the treatment of such eases, and succeeded in handreds • [diastase. in caring persons or Inthunathim Mite set'. ofthe bladder, and kindred diseases which once result root those casts where others have consigned them to hopeleserdespair. Ile partmalarly invites such as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to eon Wt him, when every sansfacuonwil , e giVett theca:and that mows treatedut careful, thorr.gh,and mtethgenS", manner, peiotcd oat by long cape...end°, Illtdy and In summation, which it a impossible forlhose engaged in general practice of medicine to vve any one class* •- - .. 11:7" llama or Raitin,,lir, brown • am M., perannemAlicted with ;Dena ta to call, as he has pat particular attention 1114'd:was. • . - • MACharge kin Ar ver eas.; lo ts. also Piles, Palsy, etc- speedily eared N. B. I . . , s c Pasents of hic; sex lisp* at a distant.- hy among their disease In writios;aiving ill the amp I tows, can obtain osedieines with erections for nse, by addressata T BROWN, AL IL post pil and end°, . "' =l . m 40..A.S ihmeoa'd •liiiy, orpodii 'ho w. , • Tit nsew • , , 11:3•• No co s.. a payt dalf _.— STIIMA, OR DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING.— SL Thls disease Is dazed by a paroxysmal eenestnie.... non or the air cells; ye. nosilas ", deb, almost eau itg !Hawaiian. DR: PWLETSER'R FANACRS. is the only certain erne. Hoarseness cm be entirtlyesied by di flea use of Dr Ssweelser.s Panacea. Catena, or comer= cold. wind, if neglected, terminate in-coneamprlon. fe eireernallp relmved and eur•d by Dr Screamer's Panacea. - - . brooch:6s, If unchecked, will adectually lead to. , Bronchial Consomption, bat a timely nu of Dr Sweat scr's Panacea wilt efretually care it • - . Influcumaioti of the Tonsils or dons Throat—TMs disease ollat leads to striae. tonsequenece from- ne glut. nett as aleeratiem of Won Un -the fns, syrspcoms, Dr Harectscds Panacea Manddlre procured and used freely . ; • : • • Coughs; unit Colds Cod o severe:Bn remedy to Di -Sweemedsranasea ; •' Pneumonia Nothi.—A very fatal due.; resulting -... front a violent cough eisil cold on a debilitated or broken down emissitutioni oged persons are subject .to it! . SweessVs Panacea hhonid be used on the fiiµiymp. • torus, which are a cough ot cold. highs Sereitts —Ties debilitaing coropfainiaienteel with • timely cheek, bY using Dr dweewr's•Panacsu. Constimpuon—lf 011 the first appearance of counting. live symptoms, which are u pun l i the title bud Meanly, cough or; spitting of blood. Dr narecuees Panacea t. • - r (sea, no danger' need be' appresended. „- When she Lungs, Me or the Binschlat Tubes become ekinged op with phlegm coos to impede mega-aligner breathing, Dr nweaseearanacesionneh is a powerful Eisectuant, should bo taken accenting • to dirdepona, Itribleozn.l7ThiSdistresting epidende, soprevsleatin 'our elevate speedily eared by Dr nweessnes Panacea, ' Pnee Si perbetne,orsta bottles for 111. ' For sale by WAI JACKSON, ED Lleerly st s sign oC the big biome: , 1 0 580111PTIOMAGLILESTED-To those Is ll atlficked with Erlashwais of the Lemons. —Tins Is 'to certify m:Usee omitted arab the. km pre- - Monitory nyminoner of OCMdmPa... that I It!tee' been laboring for netrcrel yeah With a brallentt abrenes&o f the throat and, lioarstmeas. I randomly medierme, but • fond no ieller io ass, pprepp ation of medicirte wet 1 made bf DUNCANOS EXPECTI/RAUT, REMEDY. I have been using this Nimble nradleme for several year., and olwala find it to relieve!when.. ever I makease of lei fly occupation as an VOtteLten. am% nritic4 keeps me almostconsumtly euraged, - caasee my disease, it times,•to become very alarming, when •1 at once procure Ihir niddicine. I therefore take pteta , awe no =teeing tete public statement, that when affect ed with Of the lanes end expectorant maw mae know the virtue. of this .a.lllreallog remedy," and may be bored. I haveracommended Dr. Danca&', Expectorant Remedy Ito many of my friends, some of whom owe their es te medicine, • ' - Somerset,Ohiol,Oivet• this IMS- JAMII3 AMU The proprietor or the above medicine would - aloe refer to the onderslaacd persons, who resident Perry county, on whom my porton may call open and be tonvinced that there ere vitt...found in the ...Wee medicine that mania be excelled: ' David Culberumn. Dr. p.m.,. d ot F A .. cis Golilier,beekson , p; Mr. Latimer, do; Geo. roam?, tralthek ra; Jerrod Davisen, Ilensewell tee -- • DR. DUNCAN'S W•T'STEI}N OFFICE, 150 Spa. • more Street, Cinciwanti, Ohio. bold in ?nutter-eh by WM. JACKSON ; eh Liberty bead or nod &veer. aPtedkeaT JATNE.II PAYILLY lELEDICLILIGE*-, LX It Isola principle Mile mmagementof thispoper to nonce anything which we hod oat,fseita personal irn• • - vestication, to be of codify to the pablie. Somo.or Dr. Jaynes Medici Ilea we have used in our family for many' years. For Instance the EXPECTORANT, the CAR h IINATIVE, ,md. TER-PA:UDE, mhich we km* to be gMal for the eompinints they profess to elite.. We • were on Lake Oman° 'the poor summer. when several • of our travailing romp MMus, foam having, ist.Weatern N0.4 . 7 .. 0e(4areak, for many daysobe limestone water of that region, were bidlc attacked with volmt Diar rhoea, And Dysentery, Mr. It. bad provided himself, ' previous te. 'toning beim, witlf*The Cuminana(e of Dr' Jar.? and in ail mimed' Its um, among fi ve men, it lam mecessfollineffeeting a .peedy eure. • • Ths Expectormtwo have known used among our • intimate friends with equal suceest; and we (eel that . .haft do a good.aet !to families (especially those sit uated so they cannot hare aciess to immediate medianl skilla to advised's= 45 keep unhand bath the Expect/a- ' runt and Carminative. The hapeetorant is believed by. good physielma, be!the best recipe for Palmanary • Consumptive Complainte, that has ever yet been Com i pounded. •The mama is,' Dr. Jayne is seta onaek.bat a regular, scientific-, and able medical psactitioner , self. Ills medicines are used bye z e i tortatiga t sun . - ' ' Editor of the Phil. Fanwday Courier i• For mein Pittsburgh. at Mei PEEIN TEL 9TONETII Fourth st. near Wood, Consumptives Consolation. Does sickness ueighspos your bean? Orp tiastlo4ryour btoM t Try Or. Shwas'. ilesibor en. Sad it will glut you rent. • It elms away the misfy cloud ' Disettsespreetiso'er the pool, .. • ' taut whispers through the gloomy Arend. Miottr health they yet be whole.''. See yonder teue!of lovely hie venherinr , decay Inmate!). alp& the rooming dew, . Before it fedes'aveny. The ‘Vorm of Denth was Iq the ad.. And strengthened an I; And when it bloocr - ,d,in beefy low.) It nipped throb:;ti and iltronsh. gtdligi:Uta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers