Tat ,rff,tBßUttli GAZETTE MEM ICT I. Tri-Weekly, Leal Weeklye-The Duly Is Seven DollassperAnams, Trl- Wert h is Five Dollars pet =UNadman: W.e.kl IS Twoi - Dpllzn pet aim= griar • ;_ , • : :41.4"i',;-; MEE , t'on 4 • e l -- -4 - 4t.;"t•-; 'b :..,.:.-,:- .• .! .. z ,. . . . , ,'.. 4i,,,„ : „ " ....„.., , ... i...„1....r.....1, .: :..,.. ~:1 .4. A 4.b•e' • , .2;;:44T - 4 ,,,,* • i . ,\• "4 1. t,t....• * " ' •.,e • tA i • kit' 4:,:4 !:.,,Y4, ~41,,,,, ,- .. .: ......;.= .'• e -.0;4= ,-4,.. ~.,••.. . . 1, •••i• • :,,, 1k 4,14.?.. , ' • • i.: '.'ilV4 ; :f• Y ;s•!: ''," 1h#.111 7 i L . 14 4: 1, )1,r.• •:•,: .1., i ~'• 1 / 2 ' '' 1 ,"1:•::`% ! ,:,:"'-::k , . l'q.':%-.•;:' : - .•*t• , -• '1m11:"4,:..41,. 4. % li 1F" :-1 4 S ; tN f45; ; I t - • 1 .4.1 - A , T--•• 1 ,4 t iv. c 4. . - 4 .:,.. 42 • Vi k-,' -11•'%.'t - '7 , ,, 14. :. " ''•- ,;', -1 :1,„,vit. ,, ..4• 1 ‘ , ' 1., .. •,: = , 3 4 :14:„ t s = , .==•=v4 04 ::=.:.:7.11 - , i ,- - 'l' , .•..,;,=,.;:, I 1E lfr:.y iam O f' 1514°. g an tiin Obio drew, hts been spp*uxf chain= of the dome igisit of Way' and Atesso l / 4 4;the ripineidepa• 44/ 1000 .• • & hen* of Ottip,is at shampi of the , CommUoeeoa Bade dad: - Gine* :Web leeekth residiglhei the TznaceigiCom• piuso. • Themoreellexedblotapschlttontie x•les ~:~'4.i! l .l'J_. A - '- • • • • 4' ;' 'C ' ~- 6,1 r SLOWS —Th 13131.4tq14:' FRIDAY moariuga, DEC. '-17,1847 Irraxisamastalad4 aarnenly reqaasted to Lead in tau favba,bdiore p and as tarty I . .fi'lbe day as Ear TATur OsSeasersiat lateihreseelkessrue Mery =River :team, Impotis . Itosey - Market, ac. cee •[•with Pam, fr Rl2reellauseous Pftip•MozaTs ziZeslaAtGL TiS le D Ta ! '" 31A0XETI0 TibLmossArn. - o W• ••••rto vs• by . thei Gazette of Saturday, that 4im'aitem be anyomelet; forpa Ibr C fe, ask ia: mud 14:o the reciript of the Premident'e XSllitge..: : The TelegraPhi,Company hare done Urn itejustioe to the Proprietors of the Ganitts sod to the • renlere of their bowel. The under thniti, after beolfielkal l ont, made a anoint for i ned SS Arackwis e copy of the Prselient'a lilesuge. find 4 , ii;‘ , . bed bra after it had been oi -1 gored at the office of the , afterwards TeCei. ... • keg it,,ntat where st was ' upon the terms istopeesdl The-contract ade with the %zone we tusk let the Fenn of Mesas. Clark and 13iidei,o;.41iieuigantiait.L. 4ttmouuie, . .. , rand Was as sateann, plahvindbinding an agree. ID wig ever muds nee= man Mild Mani earizig only that it wu ' t in the written form of a contract, —our ; belief thst,a,word was se good sea bond. The Pr i lLrieloii of the Gaze t te, ' , alrittuat4 • 'kelpie; *Fax, - toshield &twelves frotiontiaroutrage, will lookfor tedresi tether°. per'ullon,ila - They, hare pia . c0t4.,;.i*t.t..3, ald their paper blared, in the persoir Of the au - thenied - ,sotgcolts of the *egtaph'doecipany, and /bp istAn: toll* the qitettion in the proper gear terOshatl4r the Telegraphic Company is DUO tratopt, heiiq the 'aural. legal end odd obliga tions of Society and of Courts, than other panic*, wbouiliiiintlpiblic opinion hidd responsible for • ketch of trust. -- . ERASTUS BROOKS, SAMUEL lIAIGHT. . ' Washington, Dee.- 13, 1847. glitelialCatirpondexce illa Patabarg , FAXIB TRADZ—PAOTECITION—TDB - ; • UNION, ter' Pte. 13-Monday zdigt. The more Mr, Wsilter's Report is read, the more pperwse Ito . claktnientike become. 'Liars," aq. tbe Proverb, embanld halt good msontlea" Now, is not on: of these, he is wantingln a* g osd memory neeessavy far a pub. fie - man Who wand r iondeard with his own 481we;-... The Idea ni . totich elaborsted in the Rep rt',lbat low dudes 'bring the best welts, the /realist erooroot of revenge, or fiator our domestic is entirely lnecenistent with the true state of ram. Ueda . the .Comprosies Act, the dun'aritis doWn to paint mat* lowa than the Liitieiln the present Tariff, and yet, when dm low. Install of behiespirt ‘ ers of Breadstuffs,we isportedfetri milinotaief,briebefiof wheat from EsworAn., Kamm front the Baltie;the Black fa& 'wet ZS Modilearluteen,—and of enure under this privelintee of glow dada, we send not a dollars wotth oriltead to' England. During twelve .i"g*linder this Arbeinisnain,. we sent 'more chainto,Ettrope than for tarty years previously, and yet the Secretary would have attains, that , Sir; lAttit no dmiee, ars favorable to' lame Milani!! =au. All espetienee dememetniteathe contrary. to be ham Mr. Walk.; . _ gir w rinGala steports pro his present doctrina l . In be ate. ...Eiery man must sea that though the . loode:utey.lefe tax lion foreign itis in no respect a tax upon the - domestic 'haw of tits country.. How tilt ben aigued l horthitideeretaty oftba Tressny;ithen th e duty) elthenoegslbP prig of the forvie Preauel to 'the, eiMentitet....'When the priosa'of bur domestic pro:, i.;rti its high,jt is heads* the ..elsites of lebar are itedea#lo, to' the Eompean srir r d erdwind Uwe redadtion will lalUtipon the Curd liSOntivltat Kr, Wean - piutisilirly propene, to reduce ide weer of Atriaima lake to the E'urepeon slMui ard,—tes lop off ail Protection;--to inundate this country; with European gocda. And what G pas; !nit sd all this Is inconsistent ewes with Mr. Wallizes previous opinions. Tai duties, in fact. ma 6 low wage at home, road* as a :dishier of nett 'priniticts, end eoutribute'to enormous impels r. end antinpuding debt. . But. ell this Is argued tfiffeantlyby the Sanitary of the Tcruwy now, erho.iiidao eirefid to conical the truth in nisei inhateldters,before given bemuses they do art now Sittare with his new theorist. Ewtrydne reed in Steady history of the coon. : by mil Vansitatket, mast remember how slow the Collilditala States were to surrender thin power Of impost. to . the General Government„—and.it meet would have been surrendered, had it been :Itiipand that Congrem would M.o been called .190C16:1 abandon the Protective Policy. In the Cownrem of the Confederation, day after day, searato after eemiod, the States were labored wlih• 1 / 1 1 f99 02 . by Buell/61w. by. Perso nal doPola• dorm and 'Pennsylvania among: disked, to cur. Animist (hi. power to the Gia:tal Government.— Frsci . l7l32 tho Shin wee. '4l.sored with I*!'""leftlY.lnd with filial tureen, to Wominder power to theZencial Government, and ,Putieglulfthe .011 potent, the benerds of which . o,lllMminiettation would now take from the pct plaiiSenneybouna erns one of the last States to seqiiptilo Whid Cengress iftir. Convex, and RhureeoiBtets, deemed an imperative necessity. Ii woe Stet until the last Slay of the , week, and the list Worth of the year, and the last wotkiog (ley of-lb. *NOS. paw!' 20,- 1788, that Pennsylvania warterated io appoint ;Delegates to the National, eittireadea of Deputies, which oast it Pha:dsts . 14141H . 91Letlie"goilawing key; for the &plied ten. , diseing *did Federal Ilnuntution (oily idequite to • der tnsi de With. - Other States kohl ,ftitekloasei, and yieldediheli_pintral over Cm ma/CO, and trade, With the aware= tat the Geto• tovainiosat would' do milli , foe them, than they &add possibly do for theniselve:,—but it -Woroiticei the President's !decease and the Rep:id of ibitkereiary of the Trustuy, that it is after. :1 . 4 for the People to forget all past Pledges, and , all put experience, and to take up with every nos. tient wheds eni. political quack, setideptally in power, may chases to thrust down their throats. wog CoMulazzics or oostormss. • - _ • , -:---Wishinsten, Des:loB4T.. Ths4oohistment of tbe Standing Catalans, emelt la boopeat,..-6a been a n 4. /Memo, of, unusual Miami, at al.', opening .of .£N.f Ceivess- The chanitelkawe not many ; futile 0102146. sad there not dumb' Luaus, es. osptbsc she 4CI that Mere ie numb tees ability in : ahe-flomMittlss nine Shansi the tut wagon. Cll. beep and MSiolow„ the two ig grit tilOre of they Ad. suishustisit,..dsclios sit Committee 'shot, and A.thsitsio aqui to mediocrity, is 14Misfait,liWie - ad of t h e Committee ouFininsel. Couusluss - S, u will bs ',:futiptisi:Stty.tsush as at-the lut Cora: bilks Hetw ,with a rnessiCottarear' :oad liVhis Puts In the aaiondaum, item /meal tMig arr. The, Wert tom been pres.p-well beemMo '," Mewl Ist the tocs of the ,Conimittec--and the lEtpostst tus owe _appreciated oba camin ai e hd • `;Mimitafibi spa the ability of the - ;:fesissriustlss (10112 . Allegheny,' by placing' Mr. ;-!Melbrif" upon the Committee.= Commerce.- 11mitelean abundance of mark . for avers halo.. gioui maim sup:odd& Committee, wad ss Mr. H. he Mows, the Worth* mac of the day, I look so hli For.its eterif Dieelopseiesal of the just,clainse of ilia lolaut,Consmate.of au' country upon " J. R. In roof! the . bold the gt at lodkiary Committce,—of Mr. Truman Smith of Cum., over the Foreign Affairs,--of : John M. Roots over the Military Maim, of Mr. ring M GS , over the Navel Committee,--of 3f r. Cells" in of Vl, 4a the head of the Public Lends,—of tndrew Stewart at the head of the Committee on Ifinufacturce,-11 Committee, I believe. to which Mr. Clay at one time gave so much eclat by one of hi. masterly reports. • The subordinate members of the Couladtums have al. boon selected by the Speaker, with ex. uncut tuts arktjudgmant,—ond I remember of oa Souse of Representatives where their organi zation has been better suited to the capacity of members, or to their willingneuto take the labor ing oar upon themselves. Of coarse there see ateeptions, but ass whole the members them selves are well satisfied•with what was done. ,The Senate hue re.eleeled their old officesi,Li, came of whom have bean of long standing. The: Whig Senators generally voted for their reelection retherthan run any candidates of , their own. Mr. Morehead, of Westmoreland, wu preened for then Office . of Sergeant-la-Arms, and by some of the Onmatenas too, though a Whig, upon the ground that be would make a more stmeptable officer.— Ring Cancu, however, as a whole, - decided that the old incumbent should be re.;ieda, end that.' Mere should be no changes. lire Stamm, s Chaplain of the House some eight or nine years since, and the last year of the Senate, has been reelected to officiate in the Ben. Se is of the Methodist, order, aid au able man, somewhat tinged, however, with Party biu, and sot always able to keep politics out of places "hare most LUIS believe they have no business to enter. • Mr. Gidlang r t, of Ohio, who threw hi■ vote away upon a Speaker, and contrlbuted, with one other Whig, to retard the organissticin of the Hesse; is preparing a defence of his mune— What an he say in defence of a vote spinet Mr. Winthrop. Mr. .Campbell, the Clerk, When a member of the House, voted to nensure that may be season •ncugh for a "native vote their but surely Siete an be no good twos shown why a Whig front' a free State should vote spinet so able a roan, and.so true a Whig a. the present Speaker of the House of Representatives. PROCEEDING'S OF THE CENTRAL RAIL ROAD CONVENTION, Repotted for the Patsb lush Mae. 6r Robt. H.Faiger Foment to notice, the Delegates met at the Pins Baptist Church, at 11 o'clock; A. M., and erne caned to order by Hiram B Wellman, Esq.. Of Massillon, who moved, for the temporary or genital= of, - the Conveniini, that James Purdy, E E. of Mans eld, be appointed Chairman, which =WO pfinlied. On motion of Mr. Wellman, John It. Civil, Esq., of Massillon, was chosen Secretary pro tam. On motion of Oen. J Arne. of Maeadloo, it Or. Resolved, That a Committee of nine be ap pointed to report the mime of permanent of f icer. for the Convention. Mr. Carter, of Mmaidon, suggeared that the batons of the Convention woutd be:facilitated by receiving the credentials of the delegates, before appointing the Committee. The raaolnuoo having been adopted the Chairman appointed the following gentlemen said Commit. Meant. Jamie, Massillon, o: 7 l3akemell, Pitts bargh, IN N Toinsend.Beaver/-Pa; Ratans. New Liabon..okWifilanta, Salem, 0; Farmer, selan. Till% 0; Array, Mathfield, 0; Cullen, Minefield, 0, Dann, Cathodal:a, 0. Mr. Inane, of Pittsburgh, offered the follow-. lug etiolation. which Fes adopted: Ramlnd; That all reporter. mho may bop/. sent, be permitted bitaka,mate at the Secretary's table for the purpose of reporting the preceedin of thie umeention for their . terpective papers.— Wherptqaon Robert H. Falser, of Masellon, re. porter fa the Pittsburgh Daily Camette, and Jo. aleph R. Paintm, Erg, bne of the editors of the Museillon Daily Telegraph, took mats et theta• Mr. Cuter, of hheraillon, moved that lier deli" Estes . preseittinnishta the Sieretariee then:ere:den. tads, which motion prevailed. and the following sandmen presented their crpdentiali, and were named as delimit= ' : . El have not tints to fared& it—the Convention is huge, amdiria, I datibt nee, be pnahlettve of I much good.—Rep.) 'porte "' 7l ....tOwilbr'''''i r/ e 3.l s 44 V riiii e n. • .e. For President--SA' , .li t!. V. MERRIL:K . , Eq.. of Phiiadelphi e. . Vice Proxidads—lioa, !arena, Esq.. of Pitts. butgb;Dr Leisure, C. Pa; E W E r g. 8.-Jeter, 0; Ceti-NV Bolden, Erb Canton, 0; Km:obeli 'Porter, E.g. Wooster, 0; Johnson, Esq, Ashland, 0; James Findy,'Esq. Mansfield; W Sample, EN. Cmhor:tam; Cyr= Prentiss, E Peslage; Simon P.rkine. Eq., Summit county. Joshua Perkens Trumb ll county. - SecrifzriM—John If Civil, F.sq , Massillon, Joshua Hanna, Esq., Pittsburgh, Da-Hanna, New Lisbon, Cha's T Sherman, Esq.. Idatitfield. Which report on motion of -Mr. Carter, of Musilon wig reported aalatdopted., and thetnes- It being announced to the convention, that a Mr. Smith of Indiana county Pa., end Dr:Wl:tip ple el Mercer minty Pa., were in animisce as delegates to the anoventlon, Mr. Bakewell of Plus burgh, mond that they be added to the :'st of Vice Presidents, which motion prevailed. The Pnastdent 013 taking the chair addrewed the coo. vention briefly on the Llsportance of the subject for which the convention was assembled, in a suit. able end radical speech, and announced that the convention was ready to proceed to (ho tramp. tion of any bonnier that might come before it. Mr. Bigham, of Pittaburgh,moved.that a com mittee cf nip be appointed by the President of the convention to draft resolutions. and proper bualness for the convention which motion prevail ed. and the - following gentlemen were appointed raid committee. Mews. Bight.m, Pittsburgh; Haub, Canton; S Pease, Mani:Lim Johnson, Ashland; Brinker. hoff o Matifield; Sample, Coshocton; Thompam. , `Philadelphia; ?tenths. Basel:um Sloane, Wonstet. During the absence of the . Committee the Con. amnion was addresaltd . by Dr. Hanna, of, New Lisbon and Mr. Bekewell, of Pittsburgh , on the in#rtence of adopting some plan by which the east and *eat shall be contested. Mr Cann, of Massillon being celled on for his vinwsolealred to be excused, saying that they of the west should wait for their (fiend. of the east, and ratleri‘thuin forestall the action of the bewineas IDoormittee,lnimoved that the Convention take s recess anti! 1 , put one, p. tn., which motion pre.. ' railed. Botha Convention took a recess until d put one o'clock p. m.__ Ma. Wazusa.—The Union - of Monday night last, ogee Mr. Walker is better; but it will require several days to recover his ezrengtti, and restore jila capa city for undertaking the arduous dance of his of fice. Daring the indisposition of Secretary Walker. MG' Young, chief clerk of the Treesury Depart meat, will act as Secretary of this Treasury ad in. fcrum. Mr. Buchanan, the Seeretary of State, has consented to old Mr. Yong, whenever it may be neceesary, with his counsel and advice. • • P rosTsacs.—A fri6nd hujnet shown us a private Utter from the . Hon. Henn Clay, wherein oeeurs the following brief paragraph In reference to 64 late speech and the kaliaing war: •Tbe important part o f the speech was that which asserts the power of Congress to decide on the ob. ire' of any war; and eats upon it to proclaim what shall be then of a (rudy prosecution of the saistinr was. If Congress , will act, I cannot doubt that pence will peedily come. May God grant athis blessing! —New Yoik Ezprest. MOVVILVITI or Tilt STCAllaaa--The Mery nia was to alit from LiverpoOrcife the 4th of De ember, for Halifax and Lloirton. After landing ber mails and pmenkers At Baton, .he will pro ceed to New York, and sail from New York for Halifax and Liverpool, on Saturday the lit of January: on which dip the Cambria will sail from Lirrpool (or Hilifax and New York.' Tee Caledonia will sail from Liverpool for Bos ton un. the-.l9th of December; and retisint from Bolton mild,starday, 15th January. Tbe Combas will nil from New York on &f -unky, Y flerakL Now Tasiousa:—Anizeting hu luencalled in Baltimore for the paiwee of deritiog meuvra to eonetruct n tww Telegraph Line to the ; Wait, with additionalfocifitia fat tranweitting news. Au Behan nawipapei, awes that . Napoleon's widow. Mute LOCI4II. has been - married at View na to' the Count do Bonabellea, one of hei mini.. , -A lerie flambe:of New York teerehoute, out respect of. Oirty. Invited the Hoe. John Y. Masao, Beetatsty of tbeliaey, to visit New York, tied Frerteke of e put& dinner, which he, hes de. abed:: • SIO Indebted to Oreine skid OA, Mali fir blow Yolk ppm oflitoodiy in 'advanoo of •'.:::'zi.'',:=;,:-:lL.''.'" , ';'l-: .,-,-,,- : - .' ,, r . " : "'7 -, ..i:..k:',l:-.;:!'ii;.,':: , . Tit Russians: of Col. Roberts, of Fayette, -Capt. Caldwell. of Mifflin, sad .R C McGinley, of. Warbinoreland, arrived in this city, on the steacibotit Do Witt Clinton, on Thuraday alter. There was great delay, for some cause, ingett• ing the committee of reception, Marshal* tku, together, se that instead of the prow:aim moving from the beat at two o'clock, P. M. it did not start until half put three, and the crowd which ste !vire, bad in a meutun dispersed before that times Still the concourse was 'peat. The order of Procession was in accordance with the precious announcement in the morning papers, and aecom- panied the remains of Col. Roberts from the Ricer through Market street to Fourth, up the latter to Smithfield, and from thence to the Monongahela wharf, inhere thej were received by the Faience county Coniunitttee on board the Brownsville steamboat Packet, Louis McLane. The Flags of all the Staainboats in port were lowered to immediately on the arrival of the De Witt Clinton at the What 4 and remake ed le during the ,afternoon. Tbe U. &Flag farmed the Pall which andiron. ded the coffin of the deceased, and the music of the muffled drum from a military band accompa nicd.the pro:onion in its March. After the Brownsville 'steamer had &peke& the Procession repaired again to the De Witt Clio ton, and escorted the remains of Capt Caldwell to a store in Market st., and R C McGinley to the Exchange Hotel, there rorawail arrangements for tranSportation to their infective destination. The same war mournful, and a sad commentary upon the effects of war. Wo saw tears bedim the eyes of many who were preseit. Tie three cones Wore" brought from Mexico under the charge of Lieut. Kane, who arrived in the Steaneboib.' The following °theme also came np an the • De Witt Clinton, via: Captain. G Richards and C H Innis,_Lients Keifer, Hodges, , Dew olf, Brown, Cower, Filbert, Sweet, Hattioway, King, Dewey and Spelman. TUE OIIEAT FLOOD. By the politeness of Cept. Grey, of the Clain tt tti paiket Penney Ivania;which anived at this Port lost evening, we bac-father particulsrs of the disastroue lad of the list few days. He says at no time since the memorable flood of 1832, her the Ohio river been no high ul et praent. The de struction of property along thp river and the die.. Ma of theilatabitants in truly . appaling. 'ln the towns of GaYandotto, Poiet'Plessant, Pomeroy,Tfockingpott, Fukersburg, Point Hu. mar, Marietta and San Fish. many families were compelled to leave their dwellinp, and ; others re. moved to the upper stories. Most of the Leland. between Kanirami and Wheeling, ere entirely covered. Ferias. corn, wood aged property of all kinds have been mated away by the ; water. - All the people residing in the low lamb have abandoned their dwellings end taken retain on the hills, leering their property to the mercy cf the weer, being gadded to escape with their lives. When the Pennalvinia passed Portsmouth the river was riling at the ate of four aches per hour, and at !dep l ete tho kfurkingum river was found to have commenced rising the second time, acd more rapidly thai before. Fears were entertained flat the ships new on the socks et that port, would ta carried cll. The late rain* have been rem heavy in the Vall7 of the Makingum river. Ai diger. ant points on their way'np, they saw several house. -eat, en innumerable quantities of corn, bay:, stacks, & ,. On many of the farms, the people were &seri imitating their corn from the fields in flit booth. At 011lipolis the river lacked bet 5 fed of beau as high ar in '32 and woe riving rep idly. In mini ' , Meer it woe difrreillflAil I where the man ciaraul of the ricer wee, thy low ground (wing ove(tlrmied for ward office in width. The steamer paned arrow fields on her Way uE hilly thin) ; fat higher than the channel of the river at low water mark. Capt. Dees of the steamboat Mary nava re 'prte.dirriliarsa neeMiloued by thi flood:below Mariam, a being truly alarming. People demi ing their dwelling, en arch baste as to be campell.. ed to !care their property , others taking what they call PI b . .. Mend tea:pair% to thetas. Tits C l poon Council of Allegheny city at their late - ting paged eicsolution instructing • committee on OnfinanCAO to report an ordinance increasing ] the Mayor's Way for 1848, to the GUM of $5OO, lit . irl the City Regulators to $2OO while in actual mince. , . thi rm ls of a n3ll street - in Allegheny in proposed be changed from' Gabbers. to &teal, a ells) I . i `A resolution passed finally appropriating $ lOU. additional, for the pupae of procuring a este for the city 'l' reasureif. 1 Dirratavao.—A woman, shale husband *beam wu discovered in destitute circumstances .nn Tnurilai monain3. She wu delivered of a child °Oho evening previous, which wu found dead kliNef aide. :./V0 000 wu pre env CSCept her tlei attic children. Tho 0,0050014 of the Ivor had heYr alien cue of. Tea iktimasons and Whigs of the fifth ward will meat at the school limn. corner of Piko and Walnut Weida ,on dotards,' evening the 18411 inst at 7 o'clock for the purpoee of electing dele gates to the city Convention. . TRIAD Wain —The Whip end Antimasone of the 3d ward will meet et Meltlulu., no Libel, ly etvect, on Saturday evening, 18th. To elect delegeten;and nominee Coancilfir and office.. Pouts.--There were nine urea before tbo Mayer on Thursday morning. Three paid their dinal; one wu_disehasged tad Bra lent to Jail. Vagrancy and drunkezwis were the .principal clergya brought egainet them. ANZITA!..II.—The following, oilmen and _Mee Of the 2d Pennryliania Regiments of Volowleera arrived in Mi. dly lest everting, on board the Steamer Pinwaylvms la: A G Beebe, C D Mowery, John D Mahon, jr,.aod Mt Planet. C031,117.11/03AL Boniiime.—For 'he informs Hoop( one readers, who may have bathing at Washington, wo give • complete list of the Chair men of the Cominittess of the Senate and fleece of Reprasentetivcs, Tilt Swain taken it Cerro Gordo, and forward ed by Lieut. Dol. Black, to be presented to Daniel Smith, of Allsigheny city. *a are 'informed has arrived. Thi ceremony will came off in doe time. Busessaa.-7Tbe office of Mr. Booth, on Lib erty street, wu bioken open on Tuesday night, and the ante :blown open with powder. But lit tle money win obtained. DirPTI Matississt..--The Hon ! A. Plumes has splietoted R H Kerr, Esq, of this city, Depo. ty ',familial of the Western Deitriet. kfikouo or T's WAIRIXOTON The agent doclues that the Ana two telp. of the Waahinktoci, though attended by the roost unfa vorable cucuantancexaud extraordinary expense., Will yield a large Wet profit after the deduction of all outlay., the cold of insurance and ■ honey rwr centage for the rcterved fund. Alterman Worresartm Paris.--A Mr Wil liam Heaton of. New York, has invented a print. ing press, which it is said Ii Calculated to print off eight sheets I A a single revointion of the cylinders, taking an impression on. both sides of each ahem. The number of 'hens Willa it is estimated that it will print in an hour, Is p ot. lasi than twenty thousand: The we of the types is also likely to be diminished by the Invention. MADAXI Rerrs••.—The law presses herd upon W. woman, 'and site I. lobe bird upon an other criminal charge. The' Nei York Tribune says:—“Thi victim in this cite is, as we are in. farmed, a young and kwely girl of a highly res• portable family, In of the northern counties of this State." Mrurut COITILIBITTIOSIL- 4 .11 the evert of the Secretary of Wu, with retard 1 0 -11616 47 0 " 1 " tariest', It is represented that the total mount modest by the adieus of the ivory, is aittibited by the returns, f . ' 699,919 46. Of this Iwo 4446,72$ 33 hare been 'pet/ ores bile disbars. leg Owen Of the easy will navy. CONGKESS Poreigi I4laliarrs, Mk; Sevier; Finance, Me Atherton; Commerce, Wirt .Manufactures, Dick. sown Agriculture. etztgeon; Migiasy Affairs, Csse; Militia, Bask; Naval , Affairs, Fsufield; Public Lynda, Breese; Private Land Mints, Mr. Tales; Indian Affairs, Atchison; Claims, Hawn; ReVolutionary Ckeims.Bright; Judiciary, Ashloi; Pad oAccs, Nam Raads and Canals, Hamlet*: Pennons, Mr. Johnson, of La.; Die. grid of Colunibia,Csineton; Patera: and Pat ' eat Office. Vlcscott, Retrenchment, Tantay; Ter. Monts, Douglass; Public Buil:ling*, Mantel; Contingent expenses of Senate, Fetch:. Printing, Bradlinry; Library, Pearce. - CHAIIIIIIN 07 COMXITTOII IE rem Born or atermuisrraersvra: Corneal!tee of Etedion—Richard W Thomp son, War and Arrant —Samuel F 'radon, Of Ciaims—John A Rockwell. On Commerce— Washington. Rant. On Public Lands—Jacob Collamer, On the 'Poet:Office and Post Roads— Wee L Clomein, For the District of Colombia IGI Chapman, Judiriory—Joseph R Ingersoll, On Reoolutionm- y Claims—Daniel P King, On Public Expejfilitares—Thos L Clingman, On Pri vate Land Cams—JohnGayle, On Manufactires —Andrew Stewart, Oa Agriculture—Hugh White, On Indian Affairs—M P Gentry, On ?dd. dirty Affairi—john bl Botts, On the ' Militia-1 B Thompson; Oa Naval Affairk—Thos Batter King. On Foreign Affairs—Truman Smith, Oa the Territories--C D ilinath, On Revolutionary Pensions—Wm M Carle, On Invalid Pension— Henry Nes. On Roads and Canals. Robert C Schenck, On Patents.—John W Family, Oa Public Buildings and Grounds. ; —John W Houston; On Revisal and Unfinished OU1111(16 W Hornbeck. On Aceountse—Linn Boyd. •On - Mileage.—Hiram Belcher; OP Erigraviler.Lewis C Levin, On Rio Library of Canvas ori the Part of the Roma —John Q LISPROVIIIENTS ix CASTIIO CILIEMICAL rieur-MwD. Y. Stewart, of Montrose, has ta ken nit a patent for a new mode of curing iron water or gas pips,, or other Olindrical tribes, by which a fat morn superior material is produced, at a much Imicoat than by the usual method. The mould consists of a perpendicular cylindrical iron box, of the required sizo, with a abaft in the cen- . ire, longer than the mould, end commemicaling with machinery above, by which it ft kept royals hig, and, at it revolves, it gradually rises. At the bottom of this shaft is an instrument which may be termed a mpeassor,"or "rammer," consisting of an iron block booing Inclined tabular faces, of such sMaller diameter than the box, u to leave the sand of the required thickness for the mould. On feeding the sand at the top of the box, it is dislrib. wed towards the sides, and tho shaft and rammer gfidually revolving end rising, pies* it with great force against the sides of the box, leaving the mould Welled and perfectly cylindrical onus ar. hying at the top, ready roe the insertion of the core. The amount of pressum against the rand it regulated by . maans of a topmerpoles weight. The following are the adrantages :claimed by. the patentee: 1. A perfectly straight cylindrical pipe, of uniform thickness. u. No , pitting of any tied. 3. Drowsed at one half the ordinary cest. •4. Less nod used than in any other way. and, of course, mace dried if enquired. 5. The ' eating, and sand easier removed from the boxes' than in the ordinary way. 6. The flaky, or box,' es, better calculated to resist the prunes of the metal than any now In use. 7. This method is the beat for Luting pipes perpendicularly that kiss' hitherto been employed. s. The greatest TIMM, Mended= of all is, the simplicity of the apps- j which requiees the attention of a boy only.' who, with my machine, as at 'present working. tunas out racily six pipe. aix , itiebes bore per hour."' We understand • that two miles of Water pipets. haysbecn laid by the patentee at Montrose, and the Town Council posed biro a vote of thank,: —London elfininirJounnaL • • Isom Faacts.—lron wire is new wed In the conatinetion of fence., and the Westmineter Caroline:lin gins the folltrwinedisuiption of the manner in which it -is adapted tochia purpose:—i .Tho posts are about one half the ordinary . , nun, planted firmly at the airier= .cd ten feet apart, with nine wands of wire drawn tightly through a half inch auger hole, and tightly . plugi ged at each hole; the wire is of the cm. of that wed.for the handle of the Yankee Bucket, and to combine them more firm, wire of a fiend description ir wound through the middle, which prevents the haul from eeparating them and creWif ping through. The whole espeosn. of tine fence 1 ., dear not exceed twenty-fire cants" per panne! of I too fan; end for rreatzen and durability, cane not bo surpassed by anytbiltiln timber." I triSittss - Miu..—Mt ingelgaus inethanit of 8t Louis is about getting out a Went • for an ,Lnveti , tionly which • 1 : 0 = 1 e . idery and eironotnj. on baud% propelled with the engine of the eased. iamb fore the great dificalty In attempialetertrodoie; min. open meamboats, him been. to gin. gelidity to the maelidenory of the mill, during the miring or the boat. It is supposed Mst.tbie difsetilty is entirely obviated by the invention in cluer It is arrangedon the principle of the Mariner's Compaq. the %nu constantly maintaining their level position, all matter what may he the more. 'meat of the boat, A GOOD Luzern:rte.—The editor of the New York Tribune, wrifrbg from Woofrioktofr•mY. 1" "Poor member of the Howe weniin a Weania boat off the Southern coast some nkfEde sines ma. king all huts to be present at the orgirdsation-r The night wu a bed'one, and the wind blew fit. 'Jowly—sn one of them, who had some slat in nautical matter., went aloft to take to observe,. inn, there denim!' was the ontisina inguir7 of emitter member whet he returi4, there is danger,' we. fill reply—Treat dangitr, tut if we go down it w'l loakc no odds ingtont we stand'two nod tv. - 13:" • TAIINUAiI/. LICIVIILIMIL COI/AMU. —The Conuaitke of Miserably, of New Tor* towboat sundry memorials were presented Of this subjen, have reported Kathie iv:pains cif.. Unordinary taxes Oct the foreign flatmates akin. cies They eq that the city of New York hit{ mitered enough by the former prohibitory tau tam impriod upon such arthelea to show It/ IIIP• propriety, acd theintercala of the burin* community roping rather the encampment then !ho exclusion of Emig° agencies. , 1 Oloaera.—ibe Octinnittearto whoco . ,Wie feta. ea the alobjtct of the Wilmot Prol , llo. bawl ! =WU la Majority and Afinerityrepoili in the State Legit. !laicise. The fanner eschews the gatutioar, al pries Lot, of the Proviaio heal!. asserting the 4ishepf titIZOCI. to ! reside with his property; erevery alescription, within each territory as ms become the C3lllOlOO property of the confederariy. The • latter apecially apeak of the previa. prohibition of slavery intarritory hereafter to be acgaired,arloi bake sating grona against it. - - .• • Smear SLIM' NATIO ATION.-,Wil undengand !Slated a meeting of a law of the Stockholders 'of :the Schuylkill „Navigation Company, hold em 'Tuesday afierooms_him, It wee remind to pay off the fluting debt of thstinstimtion, lusd t6a em of $580.000, into peeped new loan, was forth with subscribed by parties whose name. will in!.. sure the Rican of this imported movernent.,- Philloq. . . Mr. Calhoun in his' speech lest FebruerY.in the Senate, held the following rarearkablit wordy I. as forbidden fruit. Tha dap of hp death would be almost the end of our poliditt existence. Her independence, her capacity, her ireatneee, should be esteemed by us xiitext importance to our own" • ELECTION IS LIBESIS.-A latter hobs Moq rosin or the lith of October &ea the smite( des election under the new order, of things In that country. The present Governor, Rabat., has been alectrit to that office by he people, and the Hon. N Bndon. Lieutenant Govan:tor. C RuLWa.-rDaring the twit two weeks,47o,ooo of subscriptions to the Outwit Raibond stock h.•e been'taken in the borough of. Hollidaysbarith alone. Isom. OIL.—An Ore .bed hae recently been discovered upon the lawn of General Levi Hartle. [ln, South Now Barlin..New Yolk, which, from experimente wade, wu found to yield from to 30 per cent.. of iron of •aupetier quality. ' Mairriarra re . Naw ?oat.—.The number c &mambas% week wino 225• DD. Velloiereeth anti potnd breath, ,ongy pone !lactate], death, .Is repolwee and dimming, Alt ...id he•e teekwkdo a pearl, Sweet breath—hard gams—nact ar Why delar—Noty qatekly haste J And neon box of oust' .rooth Paste. It eoete bola: cents, and terea4 a beautiful article It styes me ideth a Sao enamel.. Sold In Plitibirgli a Si Liberty at. creledtallY, !1?To ch. an and iaulio—Coalswekta •ne and Bose Liniment and I tubas Venerable F.h.b., the ft efeetnal cue for Rbenntal;am. ; • . POld by WM. JACKSON. Agent Patsburgt. ' • nalWk.wamT I Op•Lalllea wbo oso.f ones' Donnish Lily Whiett e hr" always a fine whim tretn,sparem skin. Of thin Pal will sanely sow one. Nold only In Piusbargh,atile Lint 1 . wpm. . - • .. . leslOdklalrt . . PlUndesam. &limn — Alba me through yea , r Yelp , age paper ue nnest the Whip of Pontoollhilen .name of CHAS 11. (SCULLY, E.g., as a eanellnamllll the nentinanon ot Mayer, 6543 Elan wAzi), l L. i . . I ~,f,, :..- ~.•:•..' ........'...:, ..,'.:'''' -...':-.':, ',l:-.,..:-...'?', BY MAGNETIC MGRAPH. AjAmilmo of ENitabla*Ch Cliimet4m. ILICEIEW4ILL OF KOSTILI- MPIRCH ON .O.KIHUAHUA Corresosidenee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Cinelefiati, Dee. 16, 8 p. at. St. Louis advice' to the 13th of December, bane bons reale in this city ; contkiiiiiit later new, Loot Sante eof a most interesting character and .1 to the effonithat hostilitiee are at once to be renews ed at Chili:l 6. lga in New', Mexico. Several re have reached 13L Louis from Banta Fe;there they idiots 40th of October.— They have icorne for the p i urpose Of recruiting, and 'commenced' operations at once, and continue until eight hundred men are obtained to fill the Tams. , cies in the Illinois regiment and the St. Louis bat taboo. A. !In the Illinois regimen t deatin i are aguteccao leg and the lanes were einem. '• The Bt. Louis Battalion won in rather a better emadidon bet had' suffered Much. I . ' Previons to the deputtire of the officer, from Santa Fe; it had been determined to mod fifteen bundred troops with thitteab pieces of artillery egainst Chihuahua, and ene detachment of three companies were already) on the reed, but had made a hall below Albsigurque, watlng to be re. kiforced before proceeding. Eto rumor ran at Banta I Fe. m i•, • • l The axiom force had been Concentrated at El Pair* in force, but ii was : thought they would re. _,_ ' 1 ... tire tele Chih uah ua, and MUD a determined stand the . _ 1 1 . Theo re and command that arrived at St. i Louie. owl the greatest hirdahips from cold and ram e. , ! I CoLflilpier had arrived at eanta Fe With his battalion ' i . Gen. rPrice'was met at Walnut Rills and ex. peetcd to reach Santa Fei, on the l let -of Decem ber.' • I . ___ . Correspondence of the Pittiborgh Gazette. diGhtwliEdie. Worthington, Dec. c. 17 5, P. hf. John M . Berrien, Senator elect from 'Georgia, was introieloced byhie colleague, and the customary oath adminietertd, after which Ibe took hi. seat ssa member of that Indy. • Hon:H 8 . Pore atiounced to the Senate, in a dew brief and sppropriatS remarks. the death of the Hon. Jere Speight. lite Setator, from Wail* sippj. • The ciiromeri resolettions were passed and the Senate adjonmed until • Motdiy: The Vice President insetted to the Senate of the prouedinp of the n Lets War. onating in Philadelphia. Mr. Dallas also preaented a um. munieation from the Secretary of the Trearnry relative to Mi. Emory's:Map of Califon:di togeth er with Cook's ?sport rhieir wu ordered ;to be pri ted for the use of t he Senate. Ii It the House nothinglof Importance has trans. pied to-day. n the HAIM the Veto menage relative to the Sneer and Harbor bill was tar consideration n the death of Senator Bright of ; Mlwisrippi w 4. suggested and the Home adjourned. Correspondenceof-the ptitsbargh Gazette. New; York Deo 16, 6p. m 'hencetier Kure died on ,. Monday LW, and sr interred yeaterday.l He was ono of the moat • ant ittrilt• and diStin . pasha civilians of the ag• ills funeral was one of the laws: ever at . steed In New York. 'elusive flonvwridenUe thel Pluslisugh puma PHILADELPHIA. MARKET. Pet 'I -anxious, Dec. 16, 4 p. m. Moluses—Moderate ssles.ol New Orleans at c ger call, 'Coin—Saks of Pritite Yellow 'Southern .1 6 0 e • • Flow—The weather bu been rainy all du . , • ict, buts checked outdoor operstictrie. The het rs steady, but not active. , I litain—The market dull, but without change. Provisions—Them Ii no activity is my artiolt °Wilms are steady. . cor.atplalenea oi*ritteteltirll Wan e, 's , oRat — Alffatarra Now York, Dec. 111,2:,.. iglour—ne motet 'is alsaidy. bat not active,— UMW sales of Bloebrock et 14 per bbl, to clots consionown. { I ' Grain—gaits of 3000 ton P. pl. Wheat ef 75c par bu. Prima Yellow is whin, sa t 79 c per bu•— l'bers i s lame denssita for Coen. for fulfilling orders, but oats are dull. Pntvisions—There is no activity in any article, quotations are wooly. ' Tbere Is no dump in the other snicks of the motet not quoted sboYe. Th• weather continue. eict. - carueoodenee of the Mobster, Gazelle. BALTIMORE MARKET. Bet.Trelose.. Dee. 16, 3 Flour—The mark.t is heavier than yesterday and the twiner dogrel is at s amaU eocureerion.— There are more 'buyers . than seller., and wa quote moditate salwroaly, of WS. 116.121 per bbl.— The receipt. at door are light. Rye Flour—Kupplins are limited and patina me tending upward.. Moderate sales are quoted at $5,75 per tbl. _ Cornmeal-841W to a limited a:tour at PAO. Cara—The receipt.. aro - liirstiiialea of . prime Whim al 50.02 c per 12,—prime - Y•lkrw it 67eGO. In Provision,, I heu of no Wrier today of any, trade worthy of repair. ' In Coffee and.Boax nothing of Importance is doing and I notice no situp In priors, the tame may ho mid of Molaairen Wheat—litalas of Olin. Red at 133a136. per Ern, Prime Whit. Walling at 1311a142. per bo. •EVI.To Steamboat Kea ated•Otherg—Con aolVe Useicol i• sow conceded by medical met. that Connell as Pain Extractor, atanutactured by Cenmock &go 21Coatilend st. Y. Y . is the greatest seceder of Ake Ittleentory. Its effects are nary col Berlin Allpsine tut reseoledrrom borne. ssehls, M. and all external amis, in a tow 0110taes ar• tor lu application. bad ins the same on the moat dcheate skin. leaving no soar. i It Is tumally beneficial in all tilde or 101511,001WOry, diseammomela aura Nipple* Eyes, Nprains. Rhenatlem, White Serelh nit nod * MON, Bruises. Darns, Chstits Erysipelas, altos, Tin Polosesax,tre. We might Odd as proof. to all ere 0 07, rho 'MIMI of many eminent phyalcians who use it in their peacticc,and - huretreds of the elSrgy who praise it to their people. Kled peseta keep itconstantly on bald, to 00.00 0( acculant by are, life (0117 be lost without it, but by ite use all barns are subject to us control, nate. the time are dearoyed. Cautioti—Eanember and ask Conotlll Magical pain Exmoor, rnanuraetared by Co Bold bykAreel-AIM'6, older. for Pittsburgh, 6" Liberty st, bead of weal • natediatiltriT • mrrwiellmati 7 l. stiangely oesireenve to the hams. outicle, (or skin,) he ittem..a change be. heal to cold, and the moils canna •Ifellow, Lark, Come' Coomksione. Than ais testeishe that the pores of the skin .hoard be kept epee—that Melt menthe should be 'freed frool:lreparlty—Voss Mos the ancient Katn.• Phi. lorophers cat.' all diseases—they commued that more ~h,etmes and unhealthy vapors lett through the pores of 'the skim Man any other matelot ttee body. It Is nears eery, Memel:re, to hoop the pares open—all Munn, are dispelled front the Manama the gores, when they wad with Mop' Joshua Qiernical Poop. I have seen It cure Oldwarn , W olden mummer Bah Rheum, tiyaiperaa, Old emirs, Suter% Itch, tore Mead Ringworm, when every other internal sod extetnal remedy had.failed— he egret relearning theskm white, clear and soft, though it be yellow and coat.; la woudarfol—it removes Free, kt...tyan,penbers, Members, and diallgurement of the skin—but {tenons must be particular and ask for Jonas , Roap—to be had In ratsborgh at WIS. JACKBON,eign of the 114 Boot, ea Liberty no. Price 60 emits.. . nyladhariy t ' pi• Salters 011tiseng Possnoone—Tdenteat. Tstertamte—We beetroot, to tall public attention to the fallowing, fromitti.. Wm; Doan, of Withernsettle Llano= Co., and one of the very bent prac tt tm uors in th 6 counis to which be. resides, and late Senator to the State _Leglslamro. It ts cheering thus to see the lead ing omit of the permute, busting the bonds of_profes. usual preJadice,and gleans Meru its doe: "Slit !have to my prattler been using some of poor tiihseng Panacea; and, so far, am Welt pleased iu Its effecni in Catarrhal sad Bronehlal Complaints. Please send ma" half a dowen bottles4.pet them as low as pro can; es I aspect if It eonunoes to reader on general mai Isfaction as It has heretofore, to keep It constantly on : speetfUlly,i • apt?; wW. Doan, la. , tOrboah havel a reel Brea th -11pm have, use a phi "le balk of Jena' Ambet Tooth Tam will make root breath :sweet, wham% your teeth, ah- ihsth at% Lawry ! ! evltat Thandly evemiHlg, Usti 16th inn., la 7 °block, JAMES JaXINARY, aged 77 year.. . Hb fiatusl will late place this aftsmoca at 3 o'clock from the nisliknce *this brother,Mauhew M'aear7; 00 Pets. limit cost Wajne. . - IM.PARTAMILIWIP. . . HE subsdtiber hßing recentlyentenid into pannei• T sitionnitor tho none of giallazinv, Long fh moss of earning oaths Dail& fintss roan& 6r the Oas Fining booms in ell its bnineheS, have Wren the otand,fanneny wooled b 7 II Gentian. No. gollfrool, between Wood and gvnithileld am, when Wof ore Menai* execute all coders An Bolls, Ittnon egotist! of etmgldfneription, awl Oss Fittings, whit na•urw and. deogottlit. • Fteambostrui %WU) LONG ' ' • U fiLILLF.IL ' attention of Machinists and Engisonts , Web* to oar anti , annetion super io r for Waned prise,' whad has 'bees .prosoonseC to Rahhins9 hr numbers sdio hove weed &Mil. Steamboat Dodders and the plait genemilf ate able gowned W call AM en. mow oar superior *labia tonoola row; km stetmtsiatiinddoenestegeo: • deolFigg taLLAGAER, LONG k. MILLER . I . . 11 . /r4. IS OWACIg H ITELEII2I , ARTICLEJIike* INA • 1111/dozen rower laomCiekersi -, . HO aides Bait Leather; .... um - do picker do: ' • aldszen.Lace do; . . ' 00 - do Rana do, calf and sheep; 25,1E0 Warp insd Fillips Bobbles; ' . I - MI cake Potll2l Starch: - 50 dos Shuttles, (assorted); • - I O lbs Rossialsinglas., (senuine): I 10000 Glass STEPS; • 41:0moss SMel Nails; -' :0 eats Emery, (assorted); I Together with other ankles tiled to Conon and Wool len Factories. Orders received or Caton and 'Worsted' Harness, Steel and Cana Heedm-Bobblos, or Stretchers , Speeders. Twisters, Dsofosh,Thsmule.,Ae. 0 0 Agentfor A Meneely's &INN' any size, for Munch - es,Factories, Bteamboats,_&e. Also, Alandramartre Machine Cards, of superior muddy. . , 1 JOHN Il ilesria., . dam.. , Eutaw st, near Baltimore. •• . , .i..— VJLLLIABLIC !STONE QUARRY LOTS, , FOR SALE. 1 TITILL be sold at the nankin Booms of JolorD. Da . V V . via comer of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, on the Ith day of Jimiary nett, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,'o 'Lots, numbered 1 1 und 11 in the sub.dieision of dm farm of the late SiMool Aloxander,lo lola= Town• ship, about ten miles from , Pittsburgti;ort the canal. No 1 containing II tunes, oe which Is • good stone miss MI No 2 containing Id acres, on which is n•dweihng bodge, exeellentrisk for quarry, and Locust umber th soeient forlsoo o lOW posts 1 The *opener qua ity of the Stone on this property is so well known asneed no -fanner commendatum.— Perseus desirons o examining said Lots maYI•PPIS 10 ni n James Alexander. diming the premises. _ ' JOHN G 88, • / Administrators or thnlate JOS COLTABT, I San% Alt:Wider. del:w2W.ll3dJaii, . - 'Areat Barg&1.11. TBR andmrsigne Is owner of a COTTON ;'ACTO: RY,Jest newly finished, on the White Water Canal, At Brookville, Indiana, d 0 tones from CmelanatLthe establiahment now contains 1000 epindles, with power from the Canal to propel theirs also, power , to ran 3 ran of Burr 3101 Stones; at night, if desired. The estab lishment is all new, and incomplete order, on which eon he mode from 450 to 310 Ins or yarns per day I • The proprier raise some ready molter; ...I for to tar pantoee proyosys. to sell the one hall of the atiove establishment at a peas sacrifice: Capitalists will find it greatly to their advantage to link Into the Metter, as invetyment can be made yielding a very heavy perch Althea& the eastoltla not onvixattle to Cincinnati, yet (rmrCeithridge4coltselle, n la in good'order (or all manolisefuring p • 00Lki. Brook - Mlle. Le e. 7, 11747,w3diT _ Ba~ ore. Pa%dote Comnauton Hone.LIDW4RD CL.AinON, late Clayton Al'Sona, 16 2 Lonuard street, Who lesale Dealer in Honer, :std nuenialen blerelthut. Having for the hist ilo_yests devotedP_s. anent/ excluaintly to the tale of Bonen ill novVieemse utter, Lard, and other pirsloce for 'gale on commlanoit, and flatters himself that from 'Lis experience and numerous shipping custom-rs tor will be able to inversatisfandorito all woo may consign priir• duce to him. Refer to—. blesars;WV7 Bmne& Sues BIAWA & Boa, ~ Wlthington A. Enema, ' W k • I And the Merchants generally. de _ Wholesale Dry Good. .1 NOW opening at the Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms. ao Market street, yd story, 100 pea of Alpsocas,lo pcs English Merinos. 2 oases of Oregon Fields and ems!, meres,lo poi French Breadeloth, pea fancyl mere, 3 oases cassinet4lo bales red, white and ye cau llow flannel:000 pea Mantels, now styles calleoci,domestie gmgharns, gloats and lankly, together with la general usonment of goods. Merchants are invited to examine our stock, to we pre confident It will favorably compare with YAWATA mocks. in myles and prices. dell A A A1A. , 0 , 4 fe•CO HAND STEET • BRIDGE STOG R—Ten shame of this stock, upon which n dividend dl soon be declared, Con be bad by application to 0. D. THOMI'OOI . 4, Market et, between 3rd and dtb, 1M=33:13= • VLANNELS 1 PLAANILL6I rp ED, white and yellow flarineli; also, a urge lot o Massy tanned dannols,tast sec% for sale very cheap ALEXANDER & DAY • del? 7.d marker st. R W ror d.amond 1311805-11andsome n6tdni,o.pcd,4lpred an: DAY SHAWLS—Wo have, jest received a large lot of fine embroidered cloth shave* oleo. a WTo lot of heavy plain do. del? ALEX ANDEB k. DAY '1 BLOOMS 'WO pea Team Blame, Rally's mann. facmrc; - thr late by FORSYTti*CO dell 30 water et L , AD,-110:0 pigs Galena, b> .re. for .1 . by del] FORSI7II tCO rroBACCO-40 hhds Ky. kat wrapperd and entre I itt non:, for We by de.l7 FORSIMI & CO C• Eel? "'" I*WAtzVLIL DOTILTOBII-110 bap N./am/was, iee'd VT str, PeanAylvania; fur sale by WICK & PeteCANDLESS I dell- cot wood& water sts DIG LIC AD —414 pip Galena Lead. la .one lindfor sode COINDEXTER & CO ' din , • 41 vratii. OPS-13 bales in sort gassers Ileac' far sale by oel7 ' POINDEXTER tt CO traiiic-;Y bales varae, Umbra; for sale by del7 • POINDEXTER CO SODAAin -40 est. error:ed. kr sale by deD PoINT/eXTLII & CO A-304 hf el= added elides Y II ysds,Coupo 1 der, Imperial and Paereboni Teas, fur mile by dell COl/IfiCIC-447 begs prow Rio; (oracle by del7 . POINDCililt kco - . 1 - 4Y — ..1.L- , ts , trbls green; (Of Vaal — • WICK & IdeCAIiDLESS del3 ' car woad k. water as .liuM'r 2 7!';-"i""%Pkacsitmit , bale be•• 7 imil ! d ' ateen ANNILL-4:t.ree'd by mt. agEN v -Li bnickico'or timerr w 311 A 0010 • ID LAID 0 LO AILIZOS—t case printid Doe skins' __ r red and blue; jut merited try I • . dole'' . rHACKLETT k . WHITE - _____— D ED CANTON V 1.411131145, 11 bate brigbt red; AL Doe Scars, Jost =saved by 2311AMETT kwnrrk NG /1141P106-1 bale biery twilled 1.7 Manners' I. , biturrs,jo s st seesi , ed by itAcKu-xr & del6 . : 640 wood st • GEI9ENIIEIUERhack erase, Ileakell CbWasinse er. , iat ; . •• ati ' dale JACOB 14AVER.on, for sale by the assess berde t the Wlne stare Hnu.v,v, Int the loth* lkiora. delo JAOIII3 WEAVFR: 1101(ANNIOBEXI:ER fete hole. of thjohek AY obtated wine; for acts by the a bottle at the wine store. 3 A COB WHAVES. - tfOCKIIEIMER War, P A Menuo.b. Co. direct porutiou to the United puttee; tor-tale by the caw. or bottle at the aim, nom - dell PEA EltOlNl—asa bu loodior tom stair Polo Allot tor solo by tAbItZ DA LZ eLL dab siater Wed) p per RES CU" lUl.lllNols—Reeeilld ss Expre FL . u c 4 Marker a another inzaice 1 0 pas French Plettees,'eltreee cokes del.! A J1 . 14/liioll re CO F=CINCH CASILIIISRIG—A A MASONCOI Di Martel st, have reed mom than 100 ors of French Cashmeres, of every quality and rrite. del6_ . BARLEY -4 e° b ir u'''''l l 47s.llANDACti, • dela 33 wttod at ' SPARELING Htce, of Hookheim, one or binge, at no wine more. dee 1.. JACOB WEAVER SPARKLING MOSELLE Mei wteei forsold tip the e:ue es battle at the wine mate. , r A1y ..., 11 JACOB IVEAVIIt OSEL MUSCATEL hook wine, Make! & Cc:a Mexportation, final me by th e eaae ar:boitle at the wine more. dole JACOB WEAVE T ARP-13 bols No I lard, ion reed; tin oak bye, dcl6 & W BARBA UG Li suivattms—* , Dbl. frals roll Buller; 0 hble Clines seed; YO .ks Psaeheal - I bale Hops; Lard: r.celresl per gnarlier • L q WATE al water A O. MICROEFRIAItiI—.3O lb. (itelomel, A ...Sean; 201ba Galamel, Englieh, . GO o.ted Pmelpitaut. -Cusuatva Sublimate; tint received and . ( Ws by - B A FAIINNSTOCK.& deli L, cerium ortiih wands. DOEMIGIN TOPACIVO.4.O bales Cahn, Itivronnt .1: and Pow. Leo 'moppet find fitter lasi' Tobabcc:L3r. sate by ' ' ' A GORDON • . A2019N1A.-10 lbe Liquor Airoonia,Cou'd; • ' 1.51bs Grarmlle Ution; Jain received and for safety del3 . EI A FAHNESTOCK !CO • MIITIII--a bales Aiwa' atlr,• ~... • -', •• , ' LI 'lO tits Mated; ' 'i ' *bag. Cream Num ' • 1 • a bags Pea Nuts; for sale by dcls , , 1 D IVILLIASI9.. SUNDRIES -7d Au 0s Lamp Tobacco, 10 b .I lb Lump Nectar do 0 kegs a tvr. do, .lopes Id Spanish Maass; 5,1 C9 , . 55 SP= last ree'd, rale fr. deli 1 • R R 0918051 Sr. C SUGAR'—SO hid. NO Stumm kV bbl. PI 0 Nolan.; • . 1 5 ISM, Si Louis S R hloluieS: Just recd; sale byl R ROBISON &CO dela I • IR) liben •'st IIaCIP/141 baler insae; for sale low td clot en. .1. ! 1 Ingmar,' by I DICkEY k DAMMI#M-3)bn and 1 bx. M R Co? sain by Et deli , J D WILLIAbIS,nt fIANDLEII--111buStearine Cand , Tsai.; deli D WILLIA 8 ICE—I three /reek Carolina; /or sake k y y kk:ILIJA .• ItrAILIO- 100 kep pearled silo; kaTeedikbyT delf• I 1 D W1L1.11046 11,t'S-10 bag. =consignment; fot,salebr Q, idol:: J DWILLIA FIAMILI9.S OW. chime btspds, laudinig itmt New If:stew:l4 rot We by J DALEII.4, &IS seatei.t r :I#3 -111C—R: 'EP" . h Lble D Le Ihet A r." C 0 EtZ bql IF:6111P77;;/%0 MiONXILICL-50 bbl. Large No 3. reed; for mile delb , ft 110318pN it:CO "lo M1LT 5 1615-30 bbl. green Just igti o lZeZv w 11011.11-43bujusirced; bi• sale by •••• &LS, R ROBISON d. CO I'LOVICIUMEID-16 baJwt riOdi fm rale b ga dote - • - • ' RUOIZON &CO ••••• wAvt*'- - N , '°iPtsl,rkr.b& CRAWCIDI6II-49 etod toi 44 :410 . Ipl ..Irl 17C.0 SUCIARCP LICULD. 4 I' est foriale.l4. !, BRAUN 4. *ITER " ' ..sssrsi stair ts - ilbetty us DAa3I I bnuewfo?U by fl WGASSR+ . i. 'Auction Saks By Jobs, 0. DivM. Alactiamie•r-z. Building J. in Birming nl9 - Wednuatay ormolu:Km, Pee.4sl. at 9 o'clockoiill be sold on the premieu,.Al very handsome Lens; of Ground. fronting on Ceram st. Perry stand Hannay. lime, near We Iron Works of Wood, Edwants & Mc- Knight, and other - emensive Maufeelories in that dour ichivy borough. A plars,of which may be had at the A scan More, c r onapplmanonto Pommel W Carr. .. 2 The abdee properly beton i improved arab. borhood, and Mar the centre of homers, unman the Most desirable for nuances purposes or private Orel. Imes now Mr male.. ! Terms, or...fifth cash, residue M uso, three, foot and hie yearmarittilmerest,„payable annually, la be mewed by bond and mortgage. Mule 'amenable. : &Ft . ' JOHN D DAVIPy Anat. • Dry (bode. • ON Monday morning, Me Lath mum, at 10 o'clock, a ,the Commercial Sales Hem, co:never Wood and Ftfin street., will ,be sold waltost reserve— An extensive assortment of seasonable, _staple and fancy Dry Gooda,fie, among whtca axe superfine cloths, flunnels. blankets, 'calmou, moiiny silks, velvet, alnacens; chintz robes, &Laing robes, Terkeri and Drool. SLUM it,llll<4 table cloths, ,Irjsh linens, warner., mcdans, Dimas. • • • ' At B o , Ckoels: N. • • 6 large Om gilt frame lookmg glasses; • 4 " mahogany ' do, IS small * gilt - do: 36 engravings, different subleetc ..• t • handsome spnor seat *DMA . 1 mahogany bureaus. manna hoasehold vent rocking chair, to. gat e her with a varity of (manure. A adan uty of good qua li ts . N.O Sugar, and cher glOCEfle% 5 .bbls Tanner , ' 04 glaisaraze, slasens.lut , e' 3 ° .eti " - 6, 31 German' and hoe; worlds for holiday presents. At . D'Cloak, T:5l. • " ReasAy made over eon% pantabans, met Ono shims; damson and other clothing; gold and 'silver 'niches, boo table and.pocket cutlery, Malan] lain/Wean/ a • largo assaruneut of Gamma fancy Somllh ' 14. . 1 0 .9 No importer: miscellaneous Cooke An.. , dcl7 Catalogue Sale or Books. ON Saturday; Dee 16,,at 6 o'clock.P hl, at the Commercial Sites RoO comer, Wood 'sod eifth stream, will be sold wanodt, reserve, a, large 'and extensive collection of theological, medical. goal historicil,ted• miscellaneous Books, among Inch are scarce Porislon editions and fine it Also, .1 Delelmo; I box Sea Shells; 4 splendid Hunting sane.. deer; JOHN D DAVIS. Penn Blau Properly. at Anati m. 074 Wedneada) 'ening. the inet, at 7 o'clock, at ides Commercial S al a Mein, Camera( Weed and nth lte. will be acid: - I,' Four - Valuable Baiktier Lou; situate on thenordt 4e of Penn at, at the corner of Clell'a alley; caner Lot bay. ing a front of 24 feet, and the adloining thtee Lots,eack ,V,3 feet inches on Penn et, and .e back 42.0 feet to !an alley 10 feet wide. , • • 'I Terme—Ono th ird cub, residue in two canalannual -paymenutorrith Outran, to be steered by bend, and mortgage. Thletadispatable. • de4 .101112 D DAVIS, Mitt: sarw r MERS.Testamentary were grantesioit the Gni day 14 of December, to the mibscribera, Executors of the last will and testament of James Loss, late of the city of Allegheny, deceased. All ;persons having elaleds or demcndo against the crate of the said decedent, re voestd to make knowashe same ' 'cahoot delay, uiJas. Ross, at the late' residence of the testator, to the ci ty of Allegheny. JAMES RDCII., Jr . City AorninlirsohnlY. Peensteel, city of Pittsbongli. NOTICE: AILL Fermate knowing tbemltelves indebted to the Es tate of the lam Dravo./r ;deemed, ate hereby moiled m call and male their ateoante, and 'taw hav ing elates against the Estate, Will presets U , Cm asthenttemee mr settlement to the enbieribel, at the tattrehottee Johlt Irwin & Sane, No II Water ettl delt3m ' JUIIN IRWIN, Recent,. LEWES 111A - CIII2ON & CO., No. 45 Water tad 92 Front au, Lirents for the Bt. Lords Erma Sogwr Le-fiLer7. have w. eve -31 Los D R Largo Loaf 64ar; 13 bbis No 2 small 15 b.ra No 4 163 bbla No 4 " - 153 5 " 151 0 " 8 75 9 58 .DR emohed • 45 "" " powdered " ' •• ' 09 " "o" embed " • For sale attedaredvieoa. • de2ul( A • • PPLICATION ortli be made - to th e Yresident,ilans sere end Oamplay, For ether Ong. a thidge over the freer Monoogoheth oyPoelte nusborgh,in the poolny . of texteny. for' do renewal of thtee eertifieotoo. roe 117, ler, 139, in the ante of John Hooter, each fot too shares of mock to sold Company. Dead eertifiertiee be• inlet= or onaloid. RICHARD FLOYD Attorney for the Euctoors of John Hooter, deed dcls • Q-UPPOSED a have'been lakfn by mistake, on Von -17 day, the 130 inn.; a cask of Bacon, limbed part of the carp of the steamer bleianoger. , Informatco of the mbereaboota of aril' go tbankfaV ly neer.' and liberally reloaded by J NEWTON JONES blononyahela noose' DISSOLDTIOIT • rp lIE Coisrstuerslog heretofore existing Lowers tiro subscrthets, under the .11U110 .W l . a b.... NOW. & Co, u dap dissolved by mensal entssutti The Books and stemmas will be settled by_lC. J. Noble. • CEO. A. BAIALO• del3f3 LEWIS C. J. NOBLE Old Mote. Ore liVldokoii. I 1 filltll.s omit old Mooongelkela Rye VOInkeY.I I 4 UlaSt l her to egret tor male: Eason* dolmas o Voinctivre alttalmaOrldrcoo t• ' -• • • ilklldltle F. OttIVVI= - - - D.IIDMIIELISER BERG, 1634, er.hoeli vote: dltret Import:ewe Ira the Gelled thatachy j'eter Ample Mamm, ((late the bate a the pleatetqa width salloaada . tee Cable of Johatutiabete); for We by the ease er bow tie at the wine mom . JACOB WEAVER • =:== r % CASES Hoek Or nine Wines—l'dos env ca. .....relbraning the ladtt choice and. *realer blabs of sparkling and Imparted ander Tariff of 10, to cellar and for sale law at the wine store: • . de,ls JACOIIt.WEAVER ELOI —123 bb cilia family .011X4•11recei twr.ale pr °gum, iteußEw tco • dela • . 6 Com. Row, libaly 011 ND TRUIZUSIGN—Are new orate& at re. La ;laced ptkca by • All EATON ,dei6 . I ' :al meatus: p 11. EATON haalcut received noes supplyilf sent: 1.1 cl. other 646 colored_seArg silk Frt. Rea foe bormeu and:dresscs. •.dela - . . TTO HOODS, '.Woolen• !Woo, Llnaks, 7ippeu, StockinpOnni-G44....; Lakca , Opera or patty C.spc Chnon I . lno4ganiannet, can bn (nand al .Triennungliteti, het et.. ( - AIMPS and FRING Wire araortni . eatat broad black mantilla . Gump he.:d elanugla, Jenny Laud, Ball: on, mad other Fringes for sale 111' de r 6 PH TON'S sirstinlica-40 bets Poch 41:0 I W 5... -. • ` • IWO 144 prime 20 c.ks 10 pwe.eatehOd • .; D4ratua: recana mot V a ults lir' _dela CARBON & T. 6ift at l ' i:l 4 Mta lsl° 6"1" •. 1M" M" , ' resly. T.MAN, on Imes dcliAm! - 11, • 0104. rATELlgliktes-31 sets Faaßairn a. Dry Apples; • . 1 sek Beeswax: to lake; Break hi CO rIkEIPIXTS..#4. cOwee !eke- _ .bk.b. aft vowing in non or lioatuni 14444" wsder, - pnitablo tor halidol.pfOloo be had on op PSOla, . plication at the PattsbarghM-Ndintol vooOO on'o , Int of IS kb. ii*thiatitsitam 8 WOOL. 'WOOL t , • PRE blew; r price in castuild fit ell Ike aitrero I I nlet of clean Washtfd W m o t al cl a y Ohl Imol Ira:misdate, cot tAberty sr and Creit's alley ()via id—Porzans berths hUleagammetteatie Boat N .rahmata,",wsll present them for eettlemeatet mediatedy, at the more of JAS. KERR, Jr. & Catiltiater r2rx.ra—e ;0 of hFdviges par Titd ror a del LIU:CH.3r. lir at DUFF CASIVIMERES Mid Whit s Mareedles,lbreve. LI :zing Wed; jest received Inv- R. dtlll ANCKER. &MAYER ICA--Ito . ltr chats Y 11 Tea; 123 0 P T et: /or sae T J PAOZELL Whoster I_F_Er RPWYD . lea libenr.t a tU n F i n i tr s —4' i ' A % y drdiuw linbc ti corderndpilhbbden jopeed by SuaACKLETT IA wood st ICEF. , I ed.. prime deka- J b NOSCOTTgec In itonn & .le sale CO dell cow:1mill roo,libeny si u7M.1.180,-60 !Ibis for We by . .1 , 44 1111A.UN.A. RF.ITER OPTS. TIIAPENTINIC-10 bbla fonalt by BRAUNtr. RbaTER. 111)60T-300 lbs 'genuine penbodOnow Root,* Lt c r i e 4 d celvc . and for baby FLOUR -273 bbLaialt rechli for pled}, • r eor &lister at. W 9 A . 11C_Xi_k , ilts_ in rotettl=i .Bl7nbbls white beni,Jrl'tto'd• rale by 1745 .m,L OLDEN STROP-10 bbls lees received and dm 1.7 f male by; del4 : ' W GaRER TtOTA'I , OI-1/3bb4 Neehammock., rk7;Arits',lttlirel?: A PLES,gSO bbd owned Viola Living , byptiti, lixotbusting of winzerirreens, bell lowers. aputeaber bmaniten,yelet, d.c in store an ..ale by dci3 • ' -S W.HARBAUH 10 1.1.1 s ',met clde i re a roe w Al A erz i alm i drIANDI reeehed b bi410:: „ 10 . 7 , 047,../RatIPI brand, 1,, ,j1jr Y 8k W Pratunn pllp A . T!6 , .14 , e4 . ,, 12ttertz . i. ; • Streeenvo for ale as k.OU pEZ I VRIZN:APB7-:(1 . 010, asairl*Jut nFelnd li f Cia..EBB,7r!..b."Va CO d e li • ' '''' . ~•... . , -&kr/ one • liii;& - i - .. vidLASSEIf-40 bblii *Rim . % ._ . \ & V - Ar/SZOAR-4 b lbble eider 'the wblow Is loom for soli ' y . y co. AEL CINCINNATI AND PITTISVIIII DAILY PACKET LINE- • 4plllB well known liar of .pkndia stem - 1. bt wow oared of the ban" wr inst, boo finished and fami ed, and most lwartglil beam oaths' - waters of , the West. EvWl beeoProeided b'o fort that money ten promo, 111. sensers. 'The Line has been inoPerataw Gir s' 4l 4 -have carried a cannon of ,periple withbut the kV m ro ne l b r 'IIIW , fit' tle kciel • de ed oof freight the entry lit pass.Arn tb• tee. all eases the Passage money =U be pow 111 advance. . • • , MONDAY.ACEINT;` , , - . The MONONGAHELA,papt. Sawa WllllO O 040. bosh every Monday morning at 10 dolliek; WWo B llskil every Monday !swans kllO P. AL f' TVEiDAY PADDEN The 1-1111FRNIA, NO. 2, Copt. J. Vine , Pi=bersh every Tuesday !awning k; Wheeling every Toesday cremes at. 0 P• . WIODNEIDAY The NEW ENGLAND N 0.2, Capt..E. D 14 _ leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday maraing VS I. o'clock; Wheeling every Wedeesilay swami!' el le F. • Tatnaspair PACILZT. The PENNBYLTANto.Capt. burgh every Thursday morning as 11/Weloeln Withenag every ThUrtday evening at 10 P. Id. The CLIPPER , NO-Se caplentektorill leave Pitp bargh every Friay morning at 100`elnek Winteling everyEciday evening m 1O PM . • +I . - NATODDAT : lm kIEWENGEIL Cape De Coorp.wlll kaws Pitt- bagh every Saturday socumng at lOoteleek; Wheenn, every Saturday_evenths at 10 P. M. , ' r The ISAAC'NEWTON, Capt..lL G. Mons, in teave - PitlsberatimcerY Pidalattlitnisg. at 0 'cloak • ' Wheelies every PandaY gv..und O E O P. M. May 0,-1947. • - u. Z BRAVER PeCRETR— NEW . ARR . 41 . 1 D .., Litiel;;111 MaveCorlie_ , C°l1 / 4 " l - -.'' •' ' . - • Welltwllletf era Toads% and Bs turdsfj.reich week, at 9 &clack. wicitata • , on blmolay. Wednesday:end Friday. abeAmt 11 .st the lending between Woad meet and the Wars , :paled to , receive Dmittin•St.4..t_ _.....• 42 . - -..--- -- ' 1 - '' . t • S 4t, W upii,,!ia,llGtf, Atm.. 1. - 00112 . , - ' .•SO 33 rod BEAVER AND WELLSIDDEP. PADERE; -.. . Tbelmt Wit' , Chutes E Make, muter, ant doca . -.. the combmaitimme cewon. memo dint tops 10 Belmar and .Wellemlle.lestrins•PittabarshitweW mo mice at • o'clock, and Dilellindlo at 3 - delock,r bbl ~ ' data • OSI DAIMON 3CO, Astatii._ : • • THURSDAY PACKET—FOR CINCINNATI. - : • - • ' . 0m PEVga r cilt.=l,l l4 = D.Gmy,will hasselorDscianati weary madly menus`. at 10 oklask.C. st. . , and Wbe f eZdr r y Thursday' anent, at a etyma, s : ! ' cl• l s; r . P"" f e NlMli bi Z t il&l, W . . . . . . 'FOR NEW ORLEANS—REGULAR PACKET,_ . The new and fine roamer - . , • ANF.RICAN &lOLA . "d a ,o. m dinte e n levee e ytt t In d 1:01 , 1 7 k. freillyleg t. tg !!! Et= 74e fan I.GON LIEB, • • -, Lyons..master, will lea. m 3 itoOmi • ' day at 4 °Abet Ppr Steles or puma .PPI 00 bout. . ' del? 808 ST. LORI& • • • BROOKLYN, - -7 • Nivea; mastet,irill leave xi Aire rids day aid o'clock.. For freixht. or as appi on' board. . r d rennin.. 1 4 'a' P' ZiaMANTOWAr ta 7,.: bla elese. master, will leave eS4I Sisardey, et o'elnek: For or passage apply on beard. , ' . , FOR CINCINNATI Axe LOULEIVILLE=HRGULAR The r"l l7o7g=" llww,=Witer law maims= M.S.Ags nt okicelc =L=:!MMX=7=I . - .. . , - . ... . _. . . • I AND BROWNSVILLE. . . -,' • ; .. The aria area sun . . - -. en. Da C m toaster !Heave Dm. bargb arm Taa.dia. Tiaridar all 8;:t3:: - ::%:, at d o'clock; and Braymnilla Orly Monay, Wednesday and Friday mammas-if *Weak. Far freight ar pillage saPIT °a bawd, at la octet i .1 NEWTON J0N611,110 Vllii elle. NUN—SW-MLA& tsfaxgr. e A OWIJICE, • ' 11 'lle, mtir, will Leave as above dusi wring will deldier. For fled& re - A. • -•'• oellll. Pangdan apt& I.'oll WiId:LUNG.; ! •, ! Trna am and line eteamac • . . "gait Poe, master . , has resontedAt 4 der trips and 101 l letve as above ever= Thursday mel MA, day at :O'clock; P. AL Pot fresitt et Daman apply ' °I b° 4l P - ...• ........ - . - DAnHIDES" ~.... Eva meturr, ZIA ZASETII AND PIOTIONSA. ,- a DELA CITY PACKET. % - ,' r . ' , r ii...L.A ' The new steamer - DESPATCH . - - Ethan. master, will mutas abyss ail ing . Pntsbergh eve Mon da y , Wed' nasd and ?tido, at ili . deloca A: LW Mimeos 0- bela City every Tuesday, Thursday StemeaTt ft a etteek, A.M. Fps frmghs or passage apply on and _ _ 11= iiiaillaiiiii E 1101 ht simnel I make...l rrxr above i. P9,,dwillppi mu. a fhiot irtarm or to - "7 - REGULAR. LOUISVILLE PACKY.T " - TAA new, Ilia druset ratinrii. tr,.master,_lyill nil.llll . lft Acker. b etween Paturbrash =4 " Vl i Tati c lf:g the Aftsolt . as leaves Etidiry,OdAbes - % . . . . _ .. _ - Fat frewhier • =ass apo an bored: • 'Ace - EXPRESS LINES, Sre: monosumisiA ROUTE, TOR ' .1341..T1R0RE AND.PIIIWiIIELPHIA. nay 73 lidos - puE Tilsit Stetuner, l Wiende 14440 e &wawa. ore nos making aortae 800 trIO he. tsraen Pittsburgh and Rteerneville. .The neorttleg bine leases duly u 8 o'clock, precisely; ate +ruing at 4 *Week. &days °recoils!. . • , ' • Trott Pittsburgh to 8i1dm0te.i...74 hoore,.-Tara SIR Prom Pittsburgh us Phasdelphla..4.o . borer da b SLR. - By-the Everting beat Paseenure'sin WO "in b"rds in eoufitrtable awe Rows the first stlght—ceose Übe numniainitan &plight, god sop end lodge us Quaber• lost the eight; thee molding night travel allegeaser. Coaches chartered to Puna to travel as they an !le an:. • • ra-Secare year mama the O Eganotiribilift . Hoe., Water a.. or Et. Charlet Hotel. Weed ti, Deal ■ae.portatloa•to . . na , "a BBOWNSVILLVAND 01331BEJWANIL I"ll:=74M 6 tidP=Wlntreg Ewers eines, by. the Browitanakt eatal Catabe!hallt Skippers and others will hams their goods foretailett by the pripttetata veldt the alma dispatch, tu the helet• eet cement num f ree Lading taken and trainate• red free or auto r crnamisarl ermet . The patronage a the rsibLe - Fat the - 11 ill -Poi., J.= Oft 14521/G i 00”/ Ming FOR ._ . 4111 Cuotherkaid,l3altinurre; Waskisegran.4 .. phia, New leek; Boston, end at!Ma : :::,,,, IiSERCEIANI'S and others main roods Imlrahtsr. 1.,./ ed that this is the fastest. WWI, sod rs. i' o2 /.4t• Coo We going East conceermp Ira Odeon ii. 01.1 Emmen dotty, at. BaltOorrte. ' Thtnesh receipts wilt e a , ee es say of ll} Oen p filers. Alerthsedire h a;bqes am, shoe 4 kr .. .O4la Express closes &Ili al 3 P. E. HO VICTEKIi - ~ Pt Clottletf Rotel Bailelorcs. tome it tiA.B.Diblela a CO PASSAGE AND REMITTANCE 'OPENS. PERSONS brlegat eal In *Otiosity 4; • pon the morale mint.ate . 4l l ..= .•.' cmg, PackaSliipooaly. Fine* omen. . em and agents a tan thbob Caw:newt tome neatly cannoned Eianoun at Home n.ht them. Atomic.. nal= U.' f n . " " X an nn n o4 rce ..j. t d meemand bane always referred an the moll known ammo of Haman & as tarr eight place Mr all to %pl=l lennai to be Maudwllt Partin ono Mean= Maireenim Silo Acri RN do Bracy Rol Woe, awe wheels mann, and deaden he goalie, aa we gram m bet Agates ran *oho( dm Black Dail Line Wt every aim poi Lit* and alaa Sight•Dranglito to any almost payable al- ang lao Drumlin of lbe Proirineial or Nation! Dung or Mot. d, Scotland, aer. We draw wawa 2Dwr clathea, we do nor take money and amul no gm Ant to get comene elso remit, thereby amiss aageba__,,, and delays. ' -Lea SA Broken, call on in o .; 'Li." - will accommodate them an New Yeah mat • JOSHUA HOWSON, Eanopeaa Alm ATOTICE—Tax Collectors aid she efty When' arar a. regatta:tad to hare their respective mama" IC RI atatonpxpm tbe andhed by MehraAthee ate Seth !cruet's o'clock, at aida me the n Contatinne et Coattails, appaiseed,k , r P.M" ilahhi meet at the Kayo , * Office. • Tut Gellecaers parvealarly an , reetta edmhhareMale duplicate+ and amazes on Wei Teal net,,aatat . tb°l". • IViaAnewr, FitAstunt, • momecomiluse. ' • Novice. EWERS Testhmuthry baying been mewl,. d ie L subOcribtroi Exceowns of M. lut wiltend *der mem et Thomas L.lnfind,late of the-city o r AU poses. indebted en the enteitTerea de .,,,,mg. cute 'lmmediAte..paren end . ion bairu sS tt! m intent ahem for retUcme Eseeverri. vLotra—Lso bbl4a emperior article - for fiusdry tie rsahad cogogesocir - fer sale by!', 7.IFATLIEII.-111;0 lb, finales. megfre{ iter3l-for n @ " titiV 11A1011411411C. -
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