.-+•••••••, : ' • MISCELLANY. . Cormo,endeaeeor4. Christian Advocate. - -- Sketches. -from:Arkams. • - PANTUER tridNi., The morning 0( was keep anti bra cing, es,,Well.. mounted, with trusty rifle in hind, and keen edged knife in belt, I, with two:othe r etarted• in pursuit of one of therm anim le—an old 'offender, well skilled .in g eniba warfare, and on is whose head t price of vengeance was already set. - is haunt lay in one of • these - old hurriCabes which so frequently intersect, this country—a jungle not to be peneweted - on: horseback—a wild and desperate spot, where hugeries lie Misted and torn, and.athwart ea other ; ' wherethe green-briar andthe t blanket base _ woven a : thorny net, and here ev ery species of obstruction lie, grow and spread theMselves into barrie of inter teticulated.intriAcy. , 1,. ? Gilloping across a prairie in Indian : ' .file, followed by our dogs i the same order, the vapory breath iss'ui g from our holies' nostrils, and a quick rk or two from the dogs as they crease some re cent deer trail, we began to eel the ex cttement, arising, from our approach to the enemy's ground. ' , Arriving at the hurricane, t he chosen lair of his Panther highness, we dis motinted; choosing each a select sapling. to which we fastened our steeds, and then with a meaning whistle calling up the ,main : leading dog, we gave htm to understand what we wanted him to do. •• Old... Car was a famous - dog, and bore on-hie body the scars of manyAl despe rate encounter. Twine in the, grasp of a • furious bear, and once in a teeth-to-teeth battle with a huge wolf, he not only sur vived his wounds, but; seemed endued with i double hatred to these ;races, and a superior sagacity in following in their : trail. No sooner was' the word given, than off went old Cap, directly into the deep ; thicket, the rest of the dogs following as fiatikers, while •we cautiously advanced as best we could, in ihe midst of many impediments. • From the difficulty of keeping togeth er, we soon parted : coinpany, and ley companions being better weedsmen than myself, soon gained the 'advance, with ' 1 all the , dogs . ; their yelping and barking increasing, and their speed becoming greater, as they became more heated, or as if sensible important Ores was ahead. I could 'also: bear their /encouraging • cheers to' he dogs; but every moment be coming fainter _arid fainter. They had also taken a course more to the south, while I, nothing. aunted, kept on in an ' easterly - direetion, consoling myself 'with the reflection that perhaps whilst they were fruitlessly pursuing larger game, I would knack over a deer, or some small er animal, as a proof of my woodsman skill.' • I had also gained a more open ground,' arid. being relieved from climbing over the trees. prostrated by the hurricane;, • 1 caehl advance more rapidly; keeping e t sharp look out, howeeor, for something or other, and now and then pausing 'e l • hear some stoned from my eager corn; 1 ,tadeal An hour Or so may have elapsed; 1 • '. and 'coming rather tired with the some-I I what . unadventurous sameness of my I - walk; I eat down to rest at the bqttom of a branching oak, but had not rested long' , when the 'crack of a rifle, faintly heard, I. -.. far of( to my right, made me jump to my, _ feet, and hurry qff in the direction of thel i - sound. , - I had , no' proceeded far *hen my at• r = ` , tendon was arrested by a pile of leaves, recently scra . ehed up, as if for the put , peso of concealing some object ,undei•- : heath; ; ;; Knowing that panthers thus hid the remnant o their feasts, reserving iit • for a feriae meat, I uncovered the. rub blab, and found theremains of a recently . : • killettdeer, more than half eaten. "The old eillain must, be somewhere about," 1 was the first half-suppressed murmur Of - ,my lips; ; at the same time,' I candidly :::,•. -;confess, a certain undefinable feeling stole over me—a certain "ye vie sacs gvei" .sensation, , anything but comfortable or !• agreeable. Far out of sound or bail, and I not being exceedingly desirous of a pri rate and confidential interview with his feline highnese, I inwardly wished. my .. • self safe with my travelling companions and our canine allies. Continuick my .....7-., - adrince towards the spot . from whence issued the rifle sound, I had scarcely • . : gained two Inindrell yards, when, utier - pectedly and suddenly, with a prodigious • ~, .. - --yet graceful bound, a large and formida -- ' ble looking panther leaped from :the ground into a tree close by. Now, had I been a cool and practised marksman, I would have shot him through the head with as much indifference as I would 00 fired at a target. But I was just f dm ithen particularly nervous -,fur there' the „ .1 .....1L?; animal lay, crouched in the fork of: the tree--bis huge paws expanded, his terri- I•r• - f•-• ble claws ripping up the bark, his eye • -: fixed upon me with a watchful yet un s'.- r easy glare, and . his long' tail vibrating • with a quick and restless motion. Conrinced that no time was to be;lost,. I raised my rifle and fired. With 'a frightful scream, he plunged t headlong from, the tree; wounded and bleeding, his right shoulder broken, and now ferocious -1; frotn the pain. Crippled i.e he was, ha. broke right upon me, his hi n d feet tear ' ing a great &SUM in the earth, and leat;•, tering the dry leaves far behind him. Not having lime to reload, I bad birely time to spring behind a tree, and draw my bright and keen edged heating knife, when he made a pass at me with his other paw around the tree, at the same time uttering such frightful yells RS made • my rely hair stand on end. • It was a -moment of thrilling danger. If ever he taught mein those merciless talons, he would have torn me to pieces; and I, .breathlese, yet watchful, waited for a lucky moment to plunge my blade into his heart's blood. • lie - "Waa evidently becoming weaker from lose of blood, but stain a state of terrible energy and ex. chement - ' In the meantime l- com menced reloading, but in the eagerness of My haste my ball unluckily choked in • the gun; and while silently endeavoring to extricate myself, by a fierce and 'angry lunge at me, lie, caught hold of my left arm, and w ould have pulled me down, had I not 'thrust my knife with's quick and forward motion right into his mouth, at the imminent risk of cutting myself ' Smug by the p#in i he shrunk back, hie , eyes gist* with a red and revengeful fury, and crouched down, uttering a pe cater and distressing moan. I was fearful that Some of his comrades' would come to his - succor, but determined pot to lose the adveniages of my pesition,my rifle lying useless OR the ground, my arm ' . smarting from the gashes of his teeth, I a 'till dresded to attack him openlY, fear ing that in ihe last efforts of his frantic rage, I might be more fatally injured. Thus we remained eyeing each other, Ile as if couch:els the death struggle was yet to come, lend I nerving myself into all c o olness and self-possession' of -iny-oatnre•.l . . -. . , Al that . Moment there broke upon nay :ears the • gladdest and •most welcome :Sound I ever heard, With a thrill of joy - never to be forgotten, I beheld "old Cap," with noellils to the ground, and bristles all erect, rash tiger up, and with a growl of.dnfying scorn, leap boldly. to the res cue. The contest was over. For thrice in that deadly grapple did I blare .111 3' keen-blade in his warm blood; and as be Witched out in his dying throes, I felt # 1 hitiateven the. sennation of. triuin conq eror of many a mOre bloOdylaattle field might envy. Here, too, came on in hot haste, the whole team, every one of whoth took the most satisfactory revenge , on the body of the -now lifeless anim&l- Theti my two companions, with breath less inquiries, hastened up, at once abu-• sing and congratulating me. It seems immediately on parting from me a young bear cub was started, who at oncii l betook himself to the most inglori ous, ight.:, he was soon treed. and shot, whiCh was the sound I heard. That fearful of my being lost, they had already 'turned to rejoin me, when the sountl iF of my ride added fresh vigor to their speed. We remounted our horses, and sped blithely home, repeating and re-repeating to e l ch other the events of the day, with that zest and freshness which only hun ters know. .We brought home with us the, panther's skin. How long it mea sured ftom the tip of the nose to the end Iv 1., of. the tail, I cannot no sat , with accu : rani ; but this I know, for a long - time it hung about my hOuse, ,a memorable tro phY of my first Panther Hunt. % C. L. Arkansas, Nov. 22, 1847 MISCELLANEOUS =TM= pilOhl a publiebed card of ItleCallrtiont gr. Bond, of r .rtillndelpioa,the pablio would be led to believe that we have been claiming privilege we - hod no right in. Thet uMey have abandon6l some time 'Me the ceche InVi ag , system. , told grit hsve do right to eta int erielasive privileges with their wan." never preten ded to tell the tens of ens sp ew eoncern. have been sellout the teas of the New York Pektn Tea Co. for:the tart two year, se the public ars nsiare, and hove been to New York four time% an that time. and never beard of this new coemern until lately b m set wool deilers. i?'he Tea'bosiness of klegitllinont Pond it about fi months old , o their astitroption of the Pekin Tim Com pany's name is bemuse a name is mon for my men in firm to asmme, hot the fart iMended at imply thereby, that they have asfyrsonneetion with the PO milled and well known Pekin Tea Company of New Volk is en. liirly false, they No been demedeven an agency in Philadelphia for the Near Yolk Com Pant • that Comp.• knowhaving rotated Men dim farm confide in th rill. I know not what hind of wool they keep nor what kind Tom; I am only ceition they keep or obtain none of the pet in Tea Company's of Now Turk. ilia) . person reading their eanl will me the 1.M.1 do. orphan they with topraenco nn the potille, and in the ,yWdury of my bminoss. ItleCallinant 'fond are - denlero in Philadelphia and have sent an me oat hi to pall wool over the oyes pf some of MAT retid m Olin foot out for a blmti. sheep. ALFA. JOYNIN rivflidharif :d.Fourth • 'uos.llxerrs,formerly or Beatty, Nei:ens. , & co.. •• ••-• einmonao,o '..fro. A. Burr( anesville, e . O.& (i. Cos, Neer 00enn, 0 - BE:Aryl% BROTHER. 6r. CO , o &&&&& 1, , Comloall••iOn 811 ore halal FOR nig FALL •RO roftwauslese or I WI:STURM Peoritck., 1 No. 31 Page/rat Street, New Drkarer. IMIRR TO Mania & Co, Booker., N p . limes ADDregne & Co, • .Ihival W 6 ice & Alaenatn, I. Ellis& Mecum. Henke:, Bocce & Frazer, Camona A :11`Kenzie, Cr • It N Kearney, Lay, Banker, Zanesville, 0. I) & Co, Wellsville,(). Deed, Parks & Co. Deaver, Pe, - J SW Wbeellna, Va. WClark. & Co, 2 PrDs L ar6 h , Fr. W 2c U Itlacheltree, G-Gro Passage frOm Great Britain and Ireland to Few Veer and Pittsburgh. 110 FAISON:3 wi.long to engage passage for diet r friend. can etcate corevotable steconinentation. at the low. est tate; on board of ettlendtd PatiictLthcf the Cabin. Eccund Cabal. or Steerage; aort:r Isom Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast. ate..., to New York,. and the sotweriber will smart to alw eth•for those who rettide eit.a AlWance, going to any of the above nor;.. Tickets famished whiat will brute passearcra direct from Liverpool to Ilitenturch; and en thetearrival at N $l - prk. they will be forwarded nbaielY Ly Leech Co'.it Catty Fast LIDO, ' thereby savitrg,thut tottottle ithdespense. Good berth. will also be engaged to and from Liver pool to lotted the New York and Coma Steamety. Refer to kleetr. U. Leech tr. co. Catabaratt. NV )1' It 'Ult.:et/N. Id Cedar it ,INcer Yotk - Drab. obtained on all the prtneipnl Bent. at Knelatid imlala: and aeodairl, or. the mMt rc.,onable wros , qrs. to .an thote wishing to resew. $ Asl Leuert ay 15 tan Type . Gol4. none/. of Ir." itlva, tine I".;rk. . 4 111 , 41,1 4 14 114rpn I .1 rl.ll, 2LI t. ~.• st of ncvrrp.tper, Tv:al tor, ”ni op • '•oi...cr. , er. who mt.,' i.u1.1,1‘11 , . , ono, tot :hr., OA will he eptitled to S C (CITf pay 1n me: the tananatat ot .11ca “:I,rctt.. ' • Ind Type teken tpezehano neelf • 1 Lard Oil. • • f 'II E underCdovi arc now prr , reil to (=id , MOO .L enwoovr• •od dm pothr n• ily. with . ding nwl. of I.nrd Cld of In. • .owann.re,rttick ta- y wail Wilms nersminol. . Tboly Otl [trey M left w b,. 2 . rn.ld n• 5n,.... ... .• Li, wukr. • ... way b• yew reed .. not gd. _Lain •¢d G I•.tn r S I:L , A VISUCII.I4 • d %du poodle, ta r . c • , 'loll & do do. ehav Co • Wr.ghC+ro4 wad nIL Crt3ll. liriget Liquid coospee.ol Thee standard prep' .ret,ont ter ebreeng may be had vrholreel , ret3tler oreed MEDICAL till'. V FIRA.L lI EASORIt WIIY DH- LEI hT SARSAPARILLA 81,0 1) PILLS are becoming so entversally popular Ete.me they are prepared by Dr N L' Lei dy himself,* regular Dolgstst, Chemist and I•ltyio man of Phdadelphia, who knows the nature. the quality and character of the Medicines used in Ins pills and their adaptatian to disease. Second, Because the public cos take them anti greater confidence than most other pills written are prepared by persons ignorant both of medicine and • dimises. Third, Because of their combined elect., proper: tics not contained is any other pills; namely, marg ins Isom the stomach and bowels - all unhealthy sub- stances, and at the same lame purifying the blood ' sad fluids of the body. Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and best medicine know u—a single hoe vasuog bet t 5 cents. and containing 40 pills, raring to peewits as many dollars olt time. in Lioctor's bills, and numerous medicine. hougfit & tried on the returnmendotion of others. • • WHOLESOME ADVICE. Whenever you have mouton to take any medi cine, do ont,be.trifling with VOtir constitution by • trying all kinds bi pills or other medicines you see enolished and recommended by one and another hut talcs at once _ • Dr. Leidy's Seoloparillo Blood Pills and you will not have occasion to take anything else. They will always be foiled go - Pd in almmt all worms of disease, Inflatcration of the stomach, bon• els, liver and intratioesi cramp• of the stomach;colic, Waterbrashr inward levers, foul breath, bad taste to the Mouth, Sear : eructations and acidity al the stooatteh;eostirenees and Indigestion. want of appetite, billions adecUons, diseases of the spleen and kidenyitdueasesSif the skin, scaly eruptiond dry and watery pimples or blotches or the lace ann •,body, letter, rish,prickle beat sod salt charm, head. ache, giddineist lemtnem, pains over the bean, of the bread, sides, along the back and spine, rhcarni. awn and gout, levers of all kinds, small pos. Carlo. lout. toes:telt!, serofola,erysipelas, and in short they are good in all diseases hams their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestin., amt impurtly of the blood : . „ t • EFTwenty,fire cents a Bon. Sold Whfilesale and Bead by B. A. Fahnestoel & Co.,corner of First and. V. also corner 01 • Sada and Wend street.. • ' septr..9 ----- In. JAYRIEVIJ AMLLY ICS.— La It is niaprample inthe management of this paper to nonce orlytiong which we hod out, from pereoncil csugatton, to be of unlit} to the rotate of Ur. Jo ) .es teed ,tines we have used in our family tot Otto) • you, For insitnee the EXPEI'IV RANT, the CAR- muinTivr. and VERIIIIFIJOE, which we know to he good for the complaints they profess to core. e Were on Lake Ontario the past summer, When several of ithr travelling c0mp.1.,.,,i ,frons having, in Wecern New York ,drank, for massy days, the hieenine wares of that region, were badly attacked with violent Dins aces, and Dysentery. libr. B. had Provided Moab, P.c. , to leaving home,with be Calinurateee of Dr Jayne," •nd to all eases of its use, among five gentle men, i was successful to effectors a speedy cute The Eopcntornnt we have koown used among 001 tabulate friends with equal caeca., and we act that we shall do &good tat to reunites (especially those sated so they cennothave access to immediate medical to advise them Lo keep on hand Loth the Expecto rant and Com um., The 1...at0m , a Leh cited la good physicians to he the Lest recipe for Pulmonary Contain.. Complam, that has ever yet lieu' n com pounded The wallop Is, Dr. Jayne to not a quack,lial a regular, liewntihe..and able medical praentioner him self Ills Jaw:times is. axed Ly the best physicians EZRA HOLDEN Fddot of the Phil. -meads) Courier . For sale fat Plustipb el the rt..KIN TEAL STORE 72 Foallth arieetalV , - OR.JAV CAUBIINATIVK BALSA L , ROM the Rrr ARA toll'uri,.. ,ll known and p o p r aloe Cleric man of the Pralcebint Churn The an•lemmed bassos been afflicted daring the past Wallet , 01 a disemie slake sumach, sometimes ro ducing!. et pate hi the stomach (or tenor twelve ho p urs withoet tniusSon, nod after having tried vers.. id, lode ed U eci, was futesshed W , . a bona. of Dr ft I:•3 ore Cattemative Saloon, This he used se . t ordlawii pie direasons, and Wised itaciably thetthw Meidlellip ceased tho pate to afiato in three or tour min• ova, !lid in fifteen or twenty.[MOW. /vet, c cociiipia wee e 001 el)• (Meted Tho medicine was nib tersestd(usetf when.. Indscattons of spronel, of ain ors pe Salved, and 411040 its thereby prevent e pd Ile eentinited to ale tire medietne every reroute and yam/etas. In the tnotnlng. said in a nd Ira... far restored, that the carerer was rd..e petanceed from a large amines Of oppresove pain. From ex. herefore. he Ha ltom, dlijy frcomme , J Ilr _ D Jai nee ?Lattimore al a ealdtary Medicine for di... , of ate stomach and bowels A SIIINN Allegheny city ,yal For sale in 711 Pittstait gt the PEKIN TEK STOR Finical racer, ne• Wood, end 1.11.0 at th e Dra tytoreaf II P SAWA TX, Federal creel. Allegheny TOD PUBILLABILIIIOUS ICOUNDILEL I meanoesaean equal poor.! Look no our V V fait younustife, with hltbrightsunny face! Look al your Om, otted with eniptia. aod blotch.' Yet you ate 100 mean 10 vii , Vi sem+ kk , • Poke of dal Real halloo Glleuu“l map winch would ceatel e free yes rem them, old roakellUlf yellow skin ele. and bealthy.l Go of mice to Jackson's :Moro, EY LibenY n. Paiaborthand get * ooke N D Jaeloonl 'att. oulTplace Plitsburab where Lie GENUINE La to baobialooL Beware. of Camille r• ISA EITOBSF.V.VE 13oot suumb la the boorwoy. iIISCEWA,OrEOLTS. PILES. INGOLDSBVS Piles Specific,. inter.' rem DR, a certain and radial rare, whether uiternal, karat bleeding or btaid,al., foe irritation of the kidneys and kW der, puns to kite back and Side, habitual restistuesei Boas de. Fe ' rualeabefirre and alter ceefinement ace o p en troubled wid, ...lotion of die bowels pr cogivenrw, 31J Well as the ree k t .. .G•t n y, ' . " r! a ecAit h i e n "'eViry. as L'kpelnob per T and is. entirely vegetable wino/ye..et ape, tads of s:educe, colaryuce or alaw—pleastait to take an d pul .feetly hurintsia is the N adel... exact. • Tlais is to certify tha t *new Dr. Irisoldsby's Pile Sporifij he • certain cure and are remedy. ' flaring sera its ace. .wee t -aleaseit, loweaget my family comalions, in several eye finru.l and beset.. eases of the piles; whin it made en cunt; cure ID ew every car- HY.NRY WHITEHEAD. N York, May, ISLh. Nit Sixth street. I chafelly give my fa-alimony as to the vermin and .ten Whine edketa of Dr. logoldsby's Pik, Specific, as I L know it frees my no aspen.. and ahicrvation, to be infallible: bluing weu it uwil with success in several emeenfoilits male and kande. • OKO. MILLER, New Tar k,'slay, 1545. 3.Blfilisthrtniet. . LADIES' CERTIFICATES New Vint, Mar, lit:,. Mr. Beale—Dr. Sir —I have the pleaaure to may, that your rixdierse, Dr. Irivildsloy'a Piles Specific, has ramie • pr• Get cure inflames at my easier, wad 1 uowgive yittinay word Hial 1 have born surprised at it, w, a sew snarly Opinion in, possible to.m her. lia ttttt I ran now testify to the mod wt. as being infallible, end do advise all ahem who an al; Bitted in the like manner, to precuts the article,. they may depend no a certain cure Yours with napes, - West Chester, N. Y., May 15,1815. Dr- lophlaby—Dcar Sin—That y. & may bow i.en who may he suffering, as well at to repreas my gratitude the the benefit I liaT. doer cd from the use of year saleable epee cifie, I comply with our ropiest, mad now do nos my Leah my in mar of it, aving.been and of • revert iturk Cl the Pile s afier hat i toed ether remedies withdet seam. Year* wintsuspeel. ' 'MIJw n retail by Wkl . JACKSON, itt his Pali ant Medicine W a re! nee, and San and Shoe Store, No. ea 14 Literty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. F ier.9lnuts Fatten yen ueizM I A 144 - 1111'.131.:1314T • THIS N. Plus Ultra improvement levee veto beta in ow about two years• and wherever iH it known, preferred to all other Beadswads. For cheapite., attroglis end tiOnacnienCe it has not and cannot lie equalled, as it is decidedly the beat, Cheareat and Moat convenient Bedstead in nee, and per feelly proof against Hug. The principal Cabinet makeer and Turners in Alle, sheny cite smil in. Pinehangh, have accused' Right. to manufaciale and yell-the arttele a _AS there are spurious articles and imperfect %adenines in a.' attket, pa par set* woe. do well in lent ta artneth le half% teaspoonful of Itlapoott b o.. b y 0 A WAIINEsTOCK & CO, comer Ist mud Woo. and Woad end 6U_ • all Or. Mc Lane's {V coat' /pee-Ines. Ills is to certify that, by taloolf pose and of Desttor P hie Lane's WWII] Spaeth, • child of Joiner Shaw's upw . yd , o f 7. wo rms, and by the OP< of Paid medicine • child of sly own is only the most sororities worm medicine I roar semi I must have two moor el Iti %Val GILMORE Mims Townsbio . For sole by J KIDD KC., No C.KWood erect, Msw h. ractli Ml=Mi fIOTELS. • . FOUNTAIN INOTNI..: LIGHT STREET, 'BALTIMORE. FOGG di .TIIGIISTO!f, Proprietors'. nent long end widely known. being S. one.. toe mrstereartiontous in the cigar Ualumme., has recently undergone very atensive alterations and improvements. An entire new wing hes been added, containing numerous end airy sleeping apartments, and eztelisive benzines... • The Lathes' departrnent lore all. been completely re organized and fitted up in. a most unique end treenaill style. to fact the Whole erranerment of the Ilouse has been remodeled. with a rinele eye the part of the proprietors tower. the meat. and pleasure of their 6.010, and mitt. the Y rattlidently A ssert w ill c h.'. lenee eornpasson with e 4 110101 in the Union. Shen . table will always lie supplied with .ely sea steatial and Zuzuly which limper h et +Nerds, 'rested op si a superior while in the of ilr,oe% they will not be so rptiloled. conga.. the irroorielera tri say, that nothln will he len undone on thew oar% nod on the part of Met r 10 'Ander this /fowl washy that continued patronage us' thew fr./cnds'and the'outrhe generally: The prices for board hoer also linen reduced to the ODOIllg 1..., I /slam y,• ••• •• fl Viper day: Ur tablet:es • •• • r ••-•—• I no N. IL—The UMW.. Won or Itle 110.0 ways be found at the Por Steamboat landtnesr which will 0000 y I•mti•Ke Is N 4141 from Wq BUIrl, tree of charge ntynfif =OLD= 0010--The subseriliet• putehased sheen. bre Inlrremi of. Cot. fl P late of oft well known rotalitrylintent.bettliinve ro tante to their friends Ood the Pohl. , Renolnlic, ilim May have taken 11119 commodson. Motel at n l. no CI year. mut will c.aert their bem eitergtel. 10111111111 it ilestml.le homeitaiTmv eller" and City Itoindet• ( 1„,,.1,. opnetim.mtdrultutrably planned for eon venience, light awl me, turfing number of 114110, a di g tn,pg pry...ninon iintiwal attractiona to f. The present Plow ti do.. haring had the erpenenee of year , in thiiiiirry tittlsewliera . .liope they will be able tat r tumor a one. The locsunti 01 till• tatteet tsuncolainnaly eligible, having itonts on Pratt, Walnut AM/ Thad MS so dint it is enbelly (loanable in grew of the convent• Itof butane, meow retirement for privain hoarders. It Is near by the Banks, Mr Proa Oflire, the hlnunite Ilull,Odd Fellow.. Mall. and but one !opiate dictum' irom Main met et nod two vitiates from the City What f. offering then reatest milucements, especially AO country . rebinds and penetally to all per.. vistong einem. ' .101 IN NOBLE 1011, • JOIIN A DU81.13. ' JONIM HOTEL. 151 marmot ono, Putma:MO. Min: :Subscribers, anther the firm of thunaus Woof h. , ' purchased Mr. jams , wrest M tins establish menu and bore by the strictest attention to the prom and comforts of Weir auema; Jo moot acantinuance o the liberal paironate itertvothre received by. US thane 993 1Cbo '" u ' ir has tiara dmroughly rennvated,and repair cd; the therethre feel neared we can welcome ou friends and the public In accommodation. equal in an no the toor,op radadelphm. ' N N ORIDGES. I NO WWI% OALT MOUSE, Corner Oman end Meth MA, .CIALCII3IIaII. TV,p7i:VoTT:T.t.74 P.A',°..b`ril:;l l rs . LonnL b r"' gene a thorough repair; the pall winter, and haying lie much cayerlenecd men in the weal, in the 006.0 department.. 1911101 myeelf ,tot all wall be pleated wile call. The lormion centigT,counnodioel and plctwant. Faro el per day. ..Cincitutati, Much 13.1E47. W MAIM' N. ti.—Although not exactly a new Broken, h the 11L1110-IMIVI Whine:. the old handle. apiat - • AIADISON ItIADISON, INDIANA. TIDE prop ric toroftht. lo ng eltatilislted bouee,resPer , fully Germ hi. service. to the Ci 111.1,06 oflhtetti erg h. and will eXert hon.elf to render comfortable ail whit man favor Tint with their company. man paiit which has long berm a•favorim one widt the Proel%rin De •1 eel at Pittelooth, will, the cooling smooth prosent a larger field for the it operatio. them hercefore,F from the completion of the Rail Road to Indianapitdi., 30 mitt" farther into the ling raising veginit. Spetaila • U D FITZIIUUII Proprietor " • TIIILOCIEMORTON'N GALT .1110U9E, L0na...4110, Ky. 0 scrotum'. A R IZ tTtl i d i !ta t ! e h i rf (LlR..tro t he G null Lowavtile, Ky.,where hope. to meet 111 his old frVods, t o them unit the Wale, that tw effort •hall be Rotted to shale alt coottortuble who fis tor hist arithdhcir patronage. AMERICAN HOTEL , .Oppoutite thi Ran Road Depot, Pratt at., Ball: HENRY M. !HUTH. Proprlator. Ilatie oldie F..actutite and St. Ch.ittcs ,totem, I'.luh'R oet2tklly MEDIC-AL B ear thtt •rttetr, tt ta but r'ght and p pert tat OA otertmma what:it...enemas Ate mpyrarte•tamord •hould pe luuy eml en. ty let 4. tl. atul a.. norm guaraettem be gm. that the cum mud, •rthrttotim ausnufil urna utfit, I. the tun OM. ars Ithoom thut the onnaley black ••Ifili• - •••• coutpmnt of • prat Wald'. 1..14 fits..., by gum rer•bse ant • Mu Me 111/0 4 ,, either ...bole .r part m aymtiatnt the gm prcrtp•Mt• are hu as; k r torte ram tad latt ttr Ifilmtmul winch ommiam tt, 11. lako tkink•kO to add • .per to MY ette. et atom atab• ...try fitted, samtt th• reel by ',mg ofi pm, tf • mrleur. mo'n•trug thrtmett ah•ry Item httat the IWag eld.l" tltn• ts rtmo in. GOGalf • GO r•ny ntpert.•• Ittta • 11.4G6GroG k• oG •••• ntp.t.my, •• •nrut mattn hdld . un:t tter•er get ttnek,tatd bet, nry Mud t•rtpr qaint, dd.. I t m. Om pd. G4GIO Vfoll •Ibk • put.tra umy amp, mut Jim fibre Om imp. Alma te, • more aria enht•Matmi oar Ina rant, sudyed by altntudt thant d ••• es'y plaMend mare., It ahm noutiam emauttne that ha alfauty motalad thartfid• fide ant commie sts-I pen •M 1 tme enuntah •••• etbough ...mt. •• • beimb pre. aohr , ,trt toe. Pm huun Forams • t in.? black otsYtt mit ill" *art...tad mparne I,ltor rt (Si artlck nom by tbr tamp Anttedh 14•11," and :tad Ontd n•r• Gt. lb. mum p arr• 1 • pualmtre Itgartnt tartyntitmool •sy tad ton% ttra,nd bdltm, r, t hmsammtat.mi• vitt ntra,•• all halt La atntr., %het IGoOntuater Lion gore. r.phd ly b um . Wyk kla • unl by my era. uutamhy pitr,•••• • • lt 0 , ,41.,•• a 4.1 rt. art.k trt rata. 0..1. 4 (ram 0. c ga a kw ..6...aa Jecp..4r.4l. 14. - 4 • H 4 Swarm • NV. awl Nlrlaa4H. Mb,. IL.. /a. Yul.•, W. 1.44....mh H 4, .4 NV. 0 ...4 4. V., Sleg.rnmalk 14.041 141 i 0 ...Tall. 0.40,11. ASh 5..U111 h 4.%V C. NV •NN' }WI., A .4 • M• Thus K 0••1 Str . I "L•s• ~..g lut Wraw, VI.J, uJ 4.1 g. • brill ro• In.,•th•., .1 4... th• 1.• ber..tyt tA.I, e • imo 1••••. , T II F TIITTL . bar tri.rll•■Sloplo. • EettelFwVe, Aog Air T. X ILEA. et-,l,ar Ser. Haven proctored twAlsof Tour W rad% Flotd.wor there're-4e d.r ti tut ly exeut of oed wide... to Aree.des dr adyedlerr alb a-4w. w. I kw , . of. ,V11.12-A , l STEM A RT,lkeek bore*, We Arthur N:rhells.. * Cn lettubdrxl4 Sept 11.1-:. T l Ilelldre -Dear Si, lam et-m; ,”or Chwom - s1 Wrltateg hod, and Lod it bra moot tat-aryl ortette tent prox **dd....Wad than teplel• grurrokty of caw tulte, A dude Owe owl brevsnrset derp bloat to w bowl, lroarx, Ilrer ctfitely. WIIJAAII CA &Oriel-Orr Fervor. Ttyparrel arid all ‘%'ltddtowld, and Re i; by ThEenw X dde.rt, lettexpst and Inotoirtt Mriaer: of LArrty awl fienethfield eqrrew rdeaborgh, le-tdoldtte , 811YRDIANIN TOOTH PASTY.. A r trauma niterturn. ' /rit e :ben Miele known for eleartiog end sishltrnins 1 te Teeth. •trenethrning the autrois sweetening the :breath, ti.e. It should he used every neglit :with a sufl :brush, mil the teeth and mouth wil I only comma shit ;washing in the morning. Wet the brush wile warm water. or cold will storms, and rub tr • few times en 'the paste, when enough will adhere for ceanisig the' Scotts * It leaves* del:toms taste at the mouth, and on parts* most deli/Milo! fragrance to thri breath. Itstands. unravelled as a pleasant, efficacious, convenient. ard safe deals:lee. It re warranted nut lb mium We teeth, butto.firesarmthern. using it regularly, It will remove the tartar and prevent. its d arcamulanon--preveut the toothache mrengthen the pros, and prevent all diseases n ot them Cheemett, phymcians. and thr clergy recommeit a , dersledly sufmnor to every thing of the lilnd in uses— Ash for Shenambi Compound Orr... Tooth Pure, and otoerve Ills signature is attached to each pat. Recap:Mend. d by Dr. Cast/e, ICI ttroadway, one in oar best Dentists, and by naost of the old established ones in the United States, and even •Mnslyely used by the Nobility of England and Frei e• A large proportion of Me disease. t afflict mankind arise AVM Foote derangement of thi a mooch or Imam is, which • bmelv use of the. Cad. tie Lozenges Would entirely obviate. Persons of habits should al b ove a bog at hand, and take a am heneAre they feel the least derangementin their health. A roods i ds oAe of these Lozenges Mould proven thinom of caret. rorsale at WM. JACKSON'S, cornerof.Wood and lirbetto 1 A IMIKA Who Use Connuott Prepared Chalk, ate IA noon not aware bow frightfully ovate. 1 us to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how hallow, )ellow, and Unhealthy the skin appears after ustng prepared .d i ikt i Besides; It is tnjuttous, eontaining alotgiqurot lily of lead. We have, prepared a bountiful vegetable which we call JONES'S SPAY:ISIS LILY KIIITU It l• perfectly innocent, being purified of all delnterulus quaint.; and it imparts to the skin a natu ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, hying white, swathe emus , too t aeons an ia cuameLe GU the skin, utaltUla it son and smooth. Dr. Jaincit Anneison, Practical Citemtsvof Massa humus.says: . After analysing Jones'aSpanish LillO White, I had it reosesse• the wort beautiful and natu ral, at the .stilir bate nnnrml i whim I ever saw. I etch/tots can consmentmusly terrinid its tire to all whom shin remits. beauttfy ißre-I;s'Z'h2.Y..IIIII.I.VIZSION, at Ina Boot and Sian; Sloce,tal Lihertt street, brad of Wrmd, at the sign o the Uig Boot- Ladies. ladies, I'm astonished, When you know thalyou are promised A natural, life-like, snowy That you will .11 tow cOollooll chalk, And look n deathly yellow tright,.. The theme of laughter and of ilk. If you would use hoz of JONEIS would give your alto an alabaster yet natural white and et the sane t ime clear mid imam , ii. Sold JACK:SOW:I,th Liberty M. Price IS cents tier I•as. =TB •. . • NC {LATCH. NC ILATOII. /V EMIR, 11 . 1:11. SAl:l' RHEUM, ac—Who would for • suselb day scratch, when afflicted . with the Teller, Itch, or other duces. or the skin, if they knew who would relieve and cure them horrible to lie obliged to rub and watch when ate., but more horrible to obstam nom it, [fur decency cared when stkomoy. Lot it be remounts red th at Ur. I.FII /VS IKITE on R and lull caNTrat,lT is the ttrn•t carrot:tn. of ally other pre paratHill In existence in curing the - fetter, Itch. and other diaereses of the akrn So all dr..ehl of the skin meat arise from the turpority of thabli.l.4 Rattle of the helr6 nod where each drr ea.e be of tang standing. and ehen cow...rots affected dreichjr if Or ;ierblY'S Sarsaparilla Ulu. Pills be wad with the Ointment, they will card any mate.whaiever. .d a they 00 1101, the enoney . will be returned t.y Dr. Leid. Mort Cos., house., will be ton enmity Cured try Ito betty's Tetley and Leh Ittiontent, unless the w h o hyllpo[lll impregnated try the drsetwed g o o ds will bat 'eampletely carrier. oil limn the 1101001 by leterrol 1 dL.snd the •urmee of der skin heal. ed by the enclinentr PROs ofOrittment fr:i cents. • For Bate by 1 It A FAIINRYTOCK re_ lit .Rl.l cut w.ulla horn ate MORGAN'S COUtiO SY R UP —lt proved to be the gryar Pan.. In curare toy Huhn. dwrreeeing Coug h Fri. tßer Temperance Raoner, Nov. 1...17. Cocoa e of in the haltf of pit., much lees taken, Patent Madiclont, bat WCl,ldiaioaed to reemursend organ's Syrup to thaw w m ho e tilnLetest wit h nought bl Alter having tried the usual remedies to remove a conclant and disunesirdaeoUgh, that had for several days atteted our of oar, thildten, without our. eels , we mem induced to try blorgonbt Coirch .11YruP, and °relief was obtained.a few hours; at pier. to It, the panacea in this ease . 'Prepared wNHeeitei and relailby the proprietor, I JOHN D MOROAN,Urogglet, wood wei dooi below dtamand ay, ANSPOIITATION LINES. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT, 'LINE 154 7 . igligWVß FOR TRANSPORTING :111.-t.:riANI/it . . TWEEN errystßawli AND TOE • CITIES, IVIIHDUT.TRANaIIIPSII TBE improtcd method of coming uaed 'tl lit' long Established Line,' is now so well konw that de- sctiptton to ann,ecoffity. Goods arc not touched ontiot tattle, thus all transhipment or extra handing I. saved. The Hoare arc of l'ght draught awl perform taut trips in.from ox to sevenday, aparity of our 'Warehouses enabler up to •stnre any mist gnments made to us. RceC/vtag..lorine, /..d lalvances free of charges • Bmgfully prepary to mak? sales or Prodnee. waytt eully steinn consignments es wertern Plour. Beam, Lard, Rutter. CheYtc, W ool,Feathers. and mher aelieles for see, on which lib,m adv.ote es will: be outdo and other usual facilities afforded, pledging Our selves that any lA.-loess ctitrurted to us shall hit As promptly executed tool upon as 'fair term. an by any mho house. JITO U r FA UDEN A. Co Canal Hawn. Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIS 11, Co mehltf PAO and st, P ITTSIBURGII PORTABLE O. LI.PI 1847.1+ and tl.e All &AIME the wfty. and t c Cruel. he consequent rtsk of delay, damage, the and Sepat'ation_ol gond, Propfwtort. • 1101thIlIDGE & mall NO Tie . filar Let stmt. / . 11/;411e1011:3 TA A ITT t. OhIt)NNOR Car Penn awl Wayne so, Pittsburgh OICIINNOR A. do, North site., Haltimere IV .t. TTA PSCWIT, 75 South 10. N. T. "^' "' .I•locourogrd by increased business the Proprror• have added, to the...stock and exicinled Ilene nge. melds during the winter, and am now prepart d In 100 ward treig.st with reeuhriay and diePateh unsurpassed .atry other line. Theirapertence Ilr Carr unsurpas sed the palpable superiority of the Portably 11001,Syetetst, and the great cup.") and conveeienee of the ware. i 11111 ,4 L11[(1/II end Of the line. tore 01,10111.r1y led In enable the proprietors to fulfil dn. en.talremettu and • Acrommodate the. emonmer.--rontidentlyodepag he past its u guaranty te n te More they rerpertfully polled a roam:nonce amy l palennav which they now patently oeknowledge. ••All ennsignnienig 'ramie A. (Wenn., w,ll be we'd and forwarded. Stray:llmo charges panl and hills of Lacling trYquitied-frco of any charge for Comentwon, tidy:owing or storey. Marts 110 interest directly Or indlrretly nn otramtro., t h e ..ntereet at ton et Must lieerinlneily be their prilnary ornert et onfrping weal, and they pledge themselves! to forward all goods consigned to thent promptly nod on.the 00051 edvanta geoin,lenTl4 m lile nwnerv. 0001_ Mnreh 1,1[47. === TO TILE' eurnao. TILE lloanne . n's Portable Goat Company. bring drab solved, the Company again Sent ono articles of Co partnership ander the name. - of of the ''Lloartneu's Liner^ nd jikel4l3 agreed to refit the :Stock +o to no hese a number. of Goma for 'file purposie of carrying Send". through in front nix to erred dupe, orrth certainty—end feel encouraged by the !liberality of !art year', pursuer age, to snake snore ealcarsive arrangements for the en suing y en ou r. We would therefore respectfully when a enetrom on totheeose of eur fa me forme done b r putro" ond n fo it r.er all nese rammer. we rae Meal 18 aau 4'L • 110ATTIANS' LI N E, • For the iratteportatron of ALL .1.11,A OY I.IF.ItCHAMOIAE, TO AND Enc. Putbabm.rina, Ilabrraroan, New Voltz. erg. !talon. WIGIITMAN ha Co, Corner, Liberty want Aud Canal Marg. Pittsburgh. A I. GERIIART k Cu No Nh Atoll, street, Phrtarleipara. 'ELDEII, Ii Ei.sToN Ifaltra.orr, REFER.F.NCES. PITNBURGII—Ja, McCully. tiro. Morosn W McCully & Co, U A Sompott & Co, -M P 1111.AUEILI'l II A—M otos Pooctton & CA, It McForlorol & Co, Firming k. fluzby, Petor Wrap :on. J Ettgrhoon, Jooopb (nom NEW VORK—fiuodhoo & Co, Theo. Pony & Co. BUNT , IN—Rood, hold & Co. CINCINNATI—AtIeono &Crongli, W Soart-or -Pi. PLEASANT, VA—P A bl;teltlet. NASIIVILLE—F Femme. NOTE—AII merelleml,e from New York nd Ilokton, coneltted to A L Po. Plailadelrlvo, , oral be promptly forwarded fi rue of commw,on, re 1.13. • INDEPENDYNT PORTABLY: BOAT LINE N . 1847. 414 01ONSPONTATION OF I'IIODUCE AND NIERCIIANDISII TO AND FROM DORM, INIIISDELI'aI-A AND IIALT151011L: 117•DrstI0ot TrAttOkiprocM.—al Goo& con,gnetl moor cArr Iv II tic forvranfriliNsali. oat deluy.al the lowrot corrrot rap , . 11:11. Ilnclmg tr.anemtned. and 11l 11..11[11M31. promptly tact. Der from Any extra r lour for norerr, or ~.momnp...l. Adilwas, or api.ty to I, AMnAN p y l'atstm 4, ell .1 De,u.rgh s'lllll , 11,,4 o very large and ammo/vim, avar.Nott , . , ere r,r,. po.pared to mre,v. rot ortJ,non to fi,tht Mammon) o mfr. mato 0: Ae ace a tow rara Pa „•t C A N. NUI:r1" A.'4l • • • & CO'S 1 4511. x chtiqV ELY for hit 01 ;IVA i rtulmfr I.etesern I., , mrsl'lth •.tnei al. .0.0te.1. I On , 11.10.01 leo , int r,arrl.m. , c ain ti . p,n.noirm, t,ery .raz VlOO , rit•tvr` , l am , h,pp..r.r an ILiiioo),,rrzuf hay:, ,r gotel,tor • word., hest d.iay am, t.or rvie. vv. tor tie-ti the -arrematiolat.on 1 1, ot the tva,. hr,orts, und , the potor,rior• re•ti.e. iron y M,e,su shire nI oretnenage Per. , JOHN PICKWriRTII JOAN N 111.14 11 DAN'L 11 lIA R NE , Kt itt:Kr 011...i.t AM El!1,1'. 'lt/iiN ), K II CANAN. John•tr,v Aor taa, C A Sle,AN!!!;r: A Co. I'on+l , urab 11.0.11/110111 , 1 0. 1.1 Mrlir• loan roo,r, Mteire4llaoaley A 0.0.11, • • 1110 Al . LAKE EKIE AID 311E111E11 LEIF... I S'i a: NI tr. proi. „Lita An the wilt ptepar.,l.ll.lll rare ..•, opt's, 0/110 Fr,hl a,, , 1 at! poott• 00 Me 11 , 001, 1; ~f 0114 1.01. c• avers Met , / mr n..! .encert with prompt... , and yr,,p1,10. urentn nol.ro iron, n ,r . ' .11 1(1.11'. Er,. I • loilife.itlif 1•1• joliN A CA UI.IIEI. i!Cot 1,0,1,6,1,1 And ate r •il I 4-t. oppo. , te ,Aln.innea ;',O tN Wh0...1, 1. '4 0, k , A CO. New roil eo Doc, ItoilAtu Parns A Co, CI. si.init Je• A AMS. , to' , .‘ Airi'itllr W roam., Nl.llvaSta, • Itnina A Porter, rtnaro • Wm rower, Povieratrown. Penns giro Marhelmy le, Ilson.t , utet, Penni John Mc A rthur, IlitoP•town,, tact & Acker, Greenville, do Knit & Frampton. Clarks still, do floy,k Plumb, 3barpoltorga, Pa. C Moto, Shalom do W Cooninaloots • Neve Castle, do mar. PITTSBURGH & 1846. H. Clarke. D. Iltylps. T. A combos & co. CLARKS & C 0.,: v....raw,' A R EAV ER 00030111111i011 . abet' kno ts w r hm, artist of,ntng of coned novigutton to receive prop arty at Pittoiliorgle and Waver and deliver Me 00111 i. at any mint on the OhMeatual ' s, and'alvortie Eric 'and Arrehigart, arith the greatest devateli and at teas onable-ratea The .propriotor• of dna late tonliJr solicit 01..1 liumers of their former eustninrrs wslh ntr, knoarlig that their ineiltucY ore great,/ to'nollo. Apply to or sdilreys tiniVroN, Alts , Pillsbury!, CLARKE A. Co, 13cu0er. ' pnA T RICHMOND A Cr C aveland WitileTE•tlft TRANSPOILTATiIki lepT 18 , 17. OLD EST . AIIItIgIVA I N I SI I XTATIUN !LINE. • III:MY:EN I'IPTAIUIIIIII. PHILADEI.PHIA.DALTIMHHE AND NEW YORK,, rpm': stock Lof con..iLts of a double doily Line ol Menlo and Cor, !owned by therrwive•.) which are in good order. The •ol , .eribeen are pr•o: rod Ire forward a large quantity of Merchandist. and Purdue° with certainty Qua thvirtiett: Produce or Alrrehandow impugned to any ot the me derargond. forava”led free or' any charge 101 . tonna, Ann or mail,(.r traumata and all ,ostruenrtit.MantinlY attended to. 'roe business of ihia Lino is conducted on *Mealy Sablinalt.keeping prtoriolos. Addre, os• apply to I) 1.1a:C11 A Co. PropWrlinrs. Catml Danin. palsbargh 11A RRIS LE., Proprietor, No la:tooth Third eves Philadelphia /On. TAYLOR & SUNS. A4eltha, No 11.1 North I toward airect,,ltaltanore yt W11,!(IN, Agent, I on 1,15 N o 7 We, Vlreet.NPW York Lig&V&ll7 WAILIiK ' it oLEinc.i:Ariu LINE HE CANAL PACKETS AND :, - TA.11.10., 14'17. gi ft dl,ol4sl6 i AN at, t•AtaiS d 'rEi.r..• HwAI,LoW Lily rout urn, lit Warp.. neat meriong nt .o.t•on itor the Stave, Mitch reach Cle.veland benne night. ' I ite.r. 61. re 6-pled thnueir,seuringl.ertha on Me &earls, ortil ae.rt. to the Am,. uti tom on board 'wombat Itlaver Pihhar,.th dt reeloek,•. at',l or to the agent , : ri Al lIARTON A Co, Pdtlhore.h . • CI.A Co, Have , 1.11 W 1 N, l trong , tri‘vr •plf, M It TA Vl.teli. ~arrert, 1546 ANN) 1147 __ • .... , . • TO THE EAST .. BY MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA lIHOWNSVILI , E. A 011 II ItERI.r, ND. ri l t, ' , l •ri a V •' nf the ;Ts nrlta r ;fr i I I L ' i i ' l . g ' l ‘. l . ll7c "l c re; • toe, Wsoter, on the moat Cruel able sem!, I.y 1145 expel . i . dOAllnels route. 1 plOpertr con.trneat to Ile will he forgeft - ititil at the 1.1 . c. [IV, and with deepUtelt. ' hle.rhuielite ',rely , ' by Itil• mute .rd wooled. J 0 I:1111V ELI, .10.14,4.w/0. IV at CASS. Itrown.yi tn. nnYl7 II 1:01IRT‘IN A en, Cu lirrlnnil PIT'VELIVIIIIII AND (/lIIIIiti hilirlrii &alai 1847. LE - 1,„„ - -- - -L° . . PACKET AND EIIIEIGHT LINE •, .. IrIIIS Line conriatito; of Height:lnd parwn ere Sa r i, et", will tan Mpilatly during Sir Ar .1311 between, Dower and Greenville, Pa n by which Height and pis, wager, between the two • points, will br r pi rip! prolliplly and at the It v dr i e e rates:t rate A ARCHER, G 0,,,,,,,, A ,,, CRAIG &FRAMPTON, Clatter dre, 'do; MeFAHLAND A. 111 NO, B ig ;I t , d, • II AVS d.,PLIIMB , Sheep burittt, a VI 0 lIIALAN , Sham, .1 In; WIII, MATHEWS, Palmist, I Jo; REED; PARES A. Co, Deaver. , do; JOl IN A CAUOIIEY, carnet Water andSnOthGeld ate, nally Opposite ttka Jlouougahol a Howl Yguaburgit .. . ~.„ . , i - ;. ~ _ TRANSPOIt ATION - , 1&—Gbi.11,111. MORNING eAGIS.I.IT 1 , 011. 1 ri t Tao oei , F mby j n2Vlll:ttrim o,p-t.intor,oa Mop.. entrum,. lire regator e , Mot lenv,og Pdtv bargi , :09 d'elock. a- .and lieaver at o'clock, evan-onn,,lvotth Pooloo'gh and ooveland of Cad at Boat. daily to Clevc:ond. 04 Bearer, Warren and Cleveland re of Candi Poekeia and:Mane Coacher dal iy V,' men and tneveland, Canal Ponta Liner an new tta,l and Urvenaille; Po; Brie Barerlatan Irene; MeMtiilk and Er. , sloare & CesiOne. of, rook , Cnntiliea.for Clevelar.dland VaoAct. leave Ben, vet on We arnvol- or atenduboat Beaver holm l'inalmreh Apply I • BARTON t Co, Pinnburgh ano CI,A KKK & CO. Roivor UNItiN LINE, iRtrE4-A 'i'. 1847 J .131•W ' F'1'; ' PriV; I VR ' G n It AA' • F\ I'ARES.t Co..C;ovol G PARKS. Bearer, la. Poo.burnh . , bt pod land lo an • y position Ile yennvylv L- • • nil The famlitiev of raid lone nee r said I.Cnini:v, n, tiondo - la and ea, ICaPront, rod,PrOtoptne One Bon, inaven Pda-norrn amt. node mcOnheraon with 11,0 !tram Nlilltrin and Lake) Erie, boll Beaver, dnA n Una of 1,44 eboor leta,-.llrtiv and .I. , el,nonsra; on 1.42 elnean and Ontario I Proper-G. forwarded m in; ef the Cairn with dosondokiz eAuNs. Co, Cleveland, AM. REED, PA 100 , & Co. Bearer :4 0 • I tilATHEß.Ptltabargh, Ag , ap2l I Car %Voter and Yin:Wield meets - TO ;0.; y 6CW MUTES: l 2 1847. iffESM. , 7111:01t1111 IN 2 , DAINFT Boors Stvallotv sit 1 ven alaily, 012 o'clock r 1110mItile, Boor from PitGaurcli, ILI the Mad Lave ; 0! Sine imo afely taireoner. nod ar/vent 2 • Thi%nottrambe mart erne r. at of REKI),PARKS & Co, I/ JOIIN A CAW:BEV:6 O mm opAly Oppovac MOnonga 011,T1ZF.1519 POICTAB MOM 184- =Mln . „ . D CI.F.VELAINQ. ,O. Proprietor , i! Pn TCp.2lO 10 tran.port ittzbargh alad CI eye Ohm and Olin eitrall Pomp.nY on it.; of expr of A &r- Clctvoland vett, l'atiburch and Steamboats, eropel r4 Eric,dluroh, Ml- OR.. 'telegraph leave Hea lth, hi v e afivnl of the a nt Warren in which leave anneal:- evelatal ea:Airlock, r. =3== 1.1.. Warren, Propea • I hver, Agents river tsU nod Stnitbnehl ts, llaute. Pit.lti±rgh_ E BOAT LINE. fort site TRLAite ALI,JONDS OF AIIOtCIIA Philadelphia; Baits wad P. rIIBL encouragement lb _llrte chinuiencement, h tom to increase the stock b class boats; and instead or , fora os agents, we will gi freight shipped by this Ito.' The boors sie an perta•th, consequently Night to taken the whole Menne without transhipment, thereby preventingdimag from frequent handling on the route, endue each •boat, is "owned by the I Captain wits runs them, w deb iS a sufficient gear unite that there will be n delay on the route. All Produce or hlerchboilise consigned to the undeisigred will . he forwarded FREE. OF. COM -111 kiljlON, for advancing nd forwarding, and will be shipped is all4fdela at the lowest rules of Ireient. • reopeetthilysolicits share of patine patro sage. WALLNGFORD de. Co., Canal' Resin. Pittsburgh CRAM, BLiLLAS & On., AO; Bread Street, Philadelphia. F hl 4.1. ER, Agent , Rowley's Wharf, Baltiinore. • Pittsburgh, Feld 184-67 AND • 1847 'DISE:TO AND FROM • tea. New York (On.. line has received duce • induced the proprie • dding a number or fir ing receipts as hereto our orn receipts for TO TDE EAST DV OALTIDOIVE AND 011'10: RAILROAD. rFll oplarer , beni vi,llrreelpi for the deliver; of Pro.. Ilatamnhy the klopongallela Sloekwater at ihr. lolirionag A , hen, lraeon, llativr, tread. Lard, Park. Tallow, Wht.kri. Glann— , 7l els per ILO lb.. Toiwerr It evvik Fin: and Wlivai-91 eV per 100 lbs. (Pot, nod 1.1,,her-105 rio phrloo lb. per lhe lbs. Ilen , war,Fenthelo. Furs. tnoveng, and .Ilake4loot per • AI , property robAnined tor,rher of the undersigned forwwderl ~ V.lll,init delay, l'lne of Chnonms.no i , "at abovr ram, 11F II Cl..k Ilonvo , ville. • IIANN.I AV rovl,,bf . • DR. k4W ' AICI I IIIC . IS . 4,1011 . 01: ;N: I'/ ' :I \ 'IMP OF WILD CHF:U.IIV , certain and .:a. m.. , IF ern.tgtis, colds, a.thmm, ht t c.mild.mtspitiln, bl,,nd, pal mitin the cide I, ilfettni.n MIS dni;ility,sliosrptitgeongh 1...4 en rni,ttlitmn. CCINNILIM P. .1107.:• ii . hn. C.. 1 -rr ..1 Or limp ~ r "Th•• IA ,' 1:e...1cr 3fC ,1111 i.utlCrie g .sib 1ijc.,1.1 or .11......, • ‘.l tlic . I . „ • Wing, In this ,einedy, ' )mt u r ill not per. • 1 .. lops regret it. ... It will nr.e‘t :,Ilitii.lle dicagreral/te sy mtantra which e I Ma . ouch tetruc to the need, t tmulong ymirdal. PO . W.Iff . nil all rict•paratieina initycnticg to contain ' %V cd I 'berry. except that treating the •ignature of 1/i it .. , ....,....v•,i: 'on 11 c mihncle wrappet 4.1 each bettln I I a... Ihr r •i, frut4,1 , ..1 . .I..titotr o: th e 3ii , CIC from key 0. , ,ci1w .. mon., I:,' , Fd what a hat done! • tigi . Mi I :STUN Ill` CONSUMPTION Would iierlianellie ;mall estimate for the ravages ~t drratqftldiseave to a single sea, then add the lesrfnlr Alttlogne of Ow, cat Off toy Inflsstas bon ot tee Lungs, Iltnnorrhne, Asthma, Coughs It:Vora" flionchatn,and other diseases of the Lungs and layer. 1,-, ts ,foftl•pre,ent an appall Lng proof of the lanv ra their. tsar, claiscr of 111,7174 , 5. lint it is t.• kbrsw lOat nearly all 01 Rua dread a..te f0t0.% tilt tuffflth hare been preventeM l on macif i n d aof Dr. SW t CONVOLfDiII S . l'lllll'lll VVILI I:11E1MA% 'Fltt inedlctnc has now Been hcloro the public se right years, and Is the original preparatian lim om n the 'berry Tree lto reputation as a remedy for Cinighs. Ilroncliitia, and Com ; somptlon of Chi , Lunenhraned entirety upon its in torn., 0W.,1 but little 10 Ilonaleti newspaper Iputle, 'Thinestflot give the trial, being benelitted thy it, recommend it to their nenglannv, and thus ratio:lllv and ttordy horn gillePti an enviable typal ; and woried Its' Way IMO general um. reps-, ; Made ecaer fatly cure a recent cough or cold, f watt strict attention to We d treelloos that ac• company earn liettle.itv vise to Pulmonary diseases of lion! standing and of the most alarming cl4raci bet, h. always glean relief, and . Set). many t n•tnners has ellertml• complete and pertnallEut ettrell. • Dr. sWA VIVIrS Celdirided Canpinind Syr. opal Wild Cherry. Hind the most rentarkable CUSS of Cehasentiption ever piaied upon record.— . Dr Swayne—Dear Sin I feel It a debt'of gratitude due to you—and a duty to the alllitted genereltrto otter my hatable testimony In favor of :vela Corns pond Syrup at Wild Cherry. Santa Aired years some, 1 was violently nautili with cold nod inlet motion or the lungs, winch was accompanied with a very distresstng cough, pain in the Wrist and head —a very considerable discharge of offensive mucus front the lance t lapccirilly open changes of weather hot...ter :eight. At first I lett no alarm 'Await my condition, but was.pretty soon convinced that I wan raptly going into consumption. 1 grew daily we.. or, and at length was scarcely able to walk about or spell, above, a whisper, such was the exceeding e ihacss clay Wogs, Dermg Doe lime I bad tried vrioua preOratious sad pteUcuptions, but lotted no. relief—grown all the time mdse. Just here I ... advised and Persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmingy ton to mate n trial 01 your ; Syrup of Wild Cherry., I Meet contelis that prevent ty I had of, prejudic en against pXtent medicoee and I am stilt those comitig out .of the hands of empiric.. but understanding your claims to the profession and practice of 'emilleine, and laving implicit faith in the septic ol my ['needs, I forthwith purchased' of' Or Sims, One of your a g ents, u few 'bottles and commence 4 Ile Use. My 41iSCIISS . at this time 1131 of twenty OF twenty five n endue! cunding, eeuto (Neatly way deeply seated. t found, hitivercr, eon y.literafile relief from the fast four or Gin. bottle.— ' Rut being O public speaker t l frequently attempted to preach with toy tnereasieg strength and thereby • ruptured thOse vessels tat had alrezdy began to • heal; to thili way, doubdess,J my cum was greatly retarded. 11l consequence of acting thus tiepin'. &idly I had to use la or Di bottles before I was .perlertly rdstered. I have no .question, a much . • smaller naibber of boldes would have made. ma round, but loir the shore indiscretion. The ?pup • • allayed thd,feverish habit, did away the ihsticsaing cough, put 'a stop to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave there and the entity, syatem good henith. I have deferred offering this certificate till new, tar the purpose el being perfectly satisfied with the l'Ounssnoneyot the cure, and now that 1 feel pettedly well, I otter tt with pleasure, REV. J. P. JORDAN. Dublin doubt), N. C. . • . • CAUTION! CAUTION!. - _ Avoid MI spurin.s preparations of Wild (Theory,, itch as lialtsium, [litters. Syrups of Wild Cherry; ills joirporting to contain Wild Cherry, &e, Sc, um they are all lottitious anti counterfeit, ;mil contutn nnue 4,1 the 'Minim of the original ana genuine pro-' natation unprepared by Dr, Sway ne, nod the tiryt! ever ['repair.] to this country. Ifindor SwityneV n'ornpouoil Syrup orhVlLit CI l El:K>j it compoyeti, 01 vegetatile iogredients,the Wild !berry, and "". Cr Inedicalaubstancen civilly or elrieSennir, it hot. more no; lila: whOlo are no elleclually'eoncentrateif as to ri•nder M beyond all stoat the anott pleas Ont,. strengthebiiii,t, and effectual remedy' ever diccover•:,, ell tor tlic, cure al Pulmonary xonsumption, and dire:urea the Lungs and Breast. The very tact, from its. hailing such a train of spurious ininfitOrel,. manila improve its great curative properties. 'literature. invalids, inquire tor the original prepnli cotton, wish 'bottle 01 ts envelope. , in a Iman.',l blot wrapper with a [Menem If William Penn ele.". graved thereon; sleo bearing the signature of tti . Swntne ;the counterfeiting when will In purii; When as forgery. rinpaind only by Dr. li. Strcent.fil W cornet'. of Era fieit and fixer. Streety, tor sale ,in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by W 11. TLlOltili, 53 Market street, 01 IM:fil SNOW corner & W0041{4..q IL A. CA II N ESTOC,fii as. cis., corner of list ',and Winwranit hilt : and Womfoimem. S. JONES, 1710 Liberty ousel JOHN Allegheny Oily. And lig all respectable Druggwts and dealers in Medicine, throughout the Coiled States unillSani•• la. I I septitt VT. - et - aft CY uthi•rs.” - Afiltrrtrilie, AlkgAeny Cp. Pa.,l , • October taii ; l6l7, S Mr. tr. Sellems—My MlWl'mondtrold,belitgreiy teonleSn'n'l night, and having mach fever at Inner,' con cluded, be hod worms; and having heard a (roil chill aboard.. Vennifuge, I knight a vial not gure uhol,t doter. rly tiled &tray largewor 11..1 Oonsoltr yeti Vrituduct hcurr thuti allothers. • • . Sintos.P.Sannen , SELLRIISi a 7 IV u.d sow by', Dr. Cure, Cith ; thud; and D. U. Curry. AIM, D MC r. LOZENGES, AN DLOOK MA" r t SIIRRNIAN hat dimorema a araf make am/wet • ..11 s.j that thalami will tale it re -L ad4 and cry tot '• • Set dm! hisfar rima is g -arousal rich Rsboa of tenets , r , 'Leath Casts od L ho bud of each Mader; asal 10 • c.is 'Bill of 1.111001.10111. SIW.RMAN , S CORR'S LOZEXIARS. Them Lode ugts am the ,afar, moat sure and'etrectual rem ea.) 1 4, e‘otths,-colda,rimantottliony Oloroying vonghs, ,0110 . • teas tightness of the lungs tir chmt, tie, Vt. Th. nrur . teloe LW WA. knows. an itotante tolsers emptlid not gat rotten Naistartiort. tomenst Ilsoutrad bozos ham been sold writ to the tot year, reltocuag to health pemsdis in almost terry day; frou_sumidw,a.att done laboring ender ex mod distre.log curds amtroughs. ' They dknot cheek and dry op thr but render itmoy, promote • spertaration, talay the trebling - or irritation, and remote the tooth-nate or .citing .u+• , • 11ay an med• Yom a entuleinAlna of a mod rd,able uy k .• 1.011101 Of cuolll ~diner., and are nadouldtol ertor every ihirg riay tl u re I I..disesls upon huo ands °Frannie - ales Ima Wen °tiered attn. 'rootlet l ttro , Li h eir irmo thare Lam kin sated lions nation-S. r and reshectl In perfect hrahlt by isting.them. - , • Where them is moth rain la the breast . , ride,lle , Ther - mas 31. - s Mager. (price msly erntsiit,yhould . applird or. the part, tool nom hit mire-iv!. .I% , atnaide. l o seen a, a ksv cathartic or I.m.stite hirers aa 111111/ratlarbe tar dicier, should hr used 'as tegasion reo.tms tiIIERNIA IC'S WORM LORI:RIM-4 These nerrsit icamgm hare-Lem proeisl in more th.1,10 , 1i Mad easel lobe tribal/Isle; the Only a ertalti worm amtroting turihrtue met iltsmered. Many di:mat:arms nous Murcia, L ana stimasion long and to troar staterusgond tern drab, .1011 out their cgs, being tuvertra: grotto rens.. are 'my ollen afllitted with them ‘ and are doctored far various numrlaintt r t thottlanybestad; rhra ewe datr of them Lotalqrs could Speedily cure them. • ' • sv.ri.nie irn.ts. -- roitt s : .lbe joints, limb, earns siM Irmath, picking at the. nom, grinding of tto• tetib doting sIMp, and at timm paßnmar about the lips,w ills gushed climb!, Fhlirdtog at die now, gnawing musatimat the stomach, Ilatb, st d ir . Eacz i nt die hotly, slight or t o drealo.; sodden ingßAtirth W flg= st d rst . titi, sninetinsea a troublesome cough, fiterislimas, thirst, td • hue, tits, taste in the madly difllculr brestbitcg, iota tu the stomach or bowels, Eltigl4l / 1/001.00, Nrallllllbloo., sure, tiosti . uppetiy, tramcar, bloated stsiimeh or limbs, grtpiar, par 111 various °Clair body, a team of moot thingrtstug in the throat, itching of the mans' moan!. nighty,. frequent desire lo polo comethiug (rum thc tuorch., um!, oue. hiluccdOchorgoo ors , SU a UL They Ai' itoinadiate Mir( in /Ad , hesslarlirs . palpitation °Alm heart, loosen of the spirits, dripoodersey intholunatury or putrid sore throat, bowel or snowier rota faintsng, oppression or sense of sinking of the chest balk,x thd. nerrons diseases, droossioass thh lop, usedlaskefuhleas through the '04111.; choler nsiga or cholj era ousels., dihrrhira, lassitude or • sonar of fatigue. Per, soul tratolln or attroalln, urge partirs,.wilt find lite Lete/1 gar eallYrovaring,ausl impartuag the buoyancy of roads; toad .for diaaipsnoo, they willreseare the toss of thssiletessi seri erally, and minors all unpleasant es to o Kraig, InUtt too tem tiring, Prelim Who lure bees too bigh livers, ssi4 alsaudosei din" dissipate/habits, will Gaul dim Lerorns s Wl S lAN'S roan. istAws iLAErrEn. • The bostativegtheuineplaster in the world, ted a rowels rimed,: for jades, or Wilkens is the back, lob* side, sank, limbs,yobga, rheumatism, lumbago, Ike. Ilte.•• erne miOlon • • year will not supply the deemed. - They retrain • little um"r tag before epplication. Warruated .ferias to all othulroml • for on gnawer the usual prior, asekang not oely the beet, toot ' the cheapest jaaaer by the world. It adorda relief le • few - 'boon, nod makes astonishing maw. • It liter comptaigt and' dyspepsia, it Ayala be wire over the region oldie liver cri stomach, and it mat era sztonWring wild In coughs, colds, asthma,' difficulty ot breathing, opprtith,l, of the chest or stomach, - they wit uo mediatelf tooth wad greatly benefit the potion. rert.VD rdrattuty habits, or those obliged to wand much, will rewre i decided from one of them truly streagthening Flu ter. Physicians generealy recommend them, in preference to all othnn, haulm they wicker tolherelietter,andatfordreat cr relief. In theli Opera/We, they are stiroulent, torge,and anodyne.. They ire Op eration or entirely different. imaredi cots tram any other, and Inown from the experience a mil lions who haw used them, is well as the muted terimun at a..thecalcbreedivad distingluishat clergy and pbysichus, be the cunt useful ani highly medicated phater • • Screed penow Imre nned at Um rutabagas to we -their surF:se and thanksial the almost miraculans tl use plasters, hwe effected. , - t • Directions fort use argoo 'the ka - of rd. vilb Gm simile of Ille.Bbennen sum. Its ireportyou shard 3 sloop ask for fihermon's Pair Mates Plaster ma ees that you get the gennine,se there are may w ations harked about sad sold for. the tr. aberseares Neaten, 14 wiprimeipted '• • bold whelesala mad Wall eyW, JAcKsort at-e Palm Medici,. Wareloan, fict. aid Liberty great, Siza ttt J. H dly. "1:11AVE CSIPTION CA* BE BRED BY Imm YOUN i t ITiP—Eirrtka. 1,0100 Dit DONSAWB EXPECTORANT REMEDY. • • • g Cirgginmad. lil,rcb IBM Drab a, to certify to tba public, porticalarip la I . l,umelllieted *vile a disease of tbaTaarghar Genstecepeitee that is the Spiag of 11743 I Ins attacked with a entre aibt • whicksoare beeeme seated npat my ions, shewiely all the ' •rymptimm . el an approaching Conatimptimaa My sough woo ligbt :and troublevome, attended with copiononighi tante; • slit .4 daily a cosulderthle, eimantitY bloo4 - Mised with hick Mark matter, My situation becasseWe, impend deem ,Doring this time two attended by two of our moth skufuYPhysseimv; they did the Mat theY conlatthr mievrtiese at loth they gavg op all bopre of my mowery,infernaing me Urat airing moretwild be dom--thid my Imp were fa tally diseased, and beyond remedy.' I was then perthaded by . • a riiind of ft.( tt make a trial of Dr. Dunconle ErPecld eon 'which my Physicians penithed against, thythg . • Uutjbia undicin . e l . l truth' do 'DO good, and would 11,11 aild . muslin my joilemay. I told Wtm it woo my hat ao4 beg Loin; and tll3 if smut die 0:11. disease, (abith was Lei dent]. me,) there would be malting snit— So I tent to am • CiarinthtiOthce and obtaised 5 bottles of lhm tody . • hie lleasriae, and empuitmed using arnording to the direr • wbith, instg-th elf adding to my mitfthiseg,l.6 ,4 4k l 3 , A. , relief s of thee arresting the trothysthe co% 'using the 'pain thd tightneas m sty Chest; giv tug me a bele life and at ength, , whica 1.0 . 1X1 enabled me to be about ayain. Thiisuedieva. Continued iM gcrad work, whith it tO nobly, tothenceol, until was" made a sumul Man. l i bace dace Ines athribl mg : to isty,busibm., (upends of 3 year.) mid feel as hoSithy sai I wi.h. 1 Wye remarnmeaded Dr. Datout's Ez: psciviraut litethily bmay thitances tu thole Weatherly athii-ted and, it has al sayy proved Immured rir far as I bate wltnemed • Mater is wain ~hr Medicine at present, pea kti;eniertLicer:aral an Ape-lien of ths Lunge, which she' had antlered with fur Some`tiene; eh* has nearly recovered 62' Ise ase• a 04. rto..lieilo — cTiod I ow ethEdant the C ballet that" I min' with ine to-day wig entirely mire her. lam wry • o heat shot them WV 0.0114t1d, of valuable permits sooting way with this dreadful ilestrojer•CONSUMPTifi:i:— • L. Were it only pooible for ibow to, procure thit medicise iy lime, be fun it be tow lam, Deasy lives might be pruloogesi aud • lhiifr families end relathrth igain rendered , ham. Thia trilseene will give instant rehe f. Oodol the.WlLOr4iae sore. the bard and peinfu I Contiaaentove tholie,,AJ.ialerhv. • Eire otrength 4 the eufaabled mad 'eMaristbal Creole. asnl [2.1,,, I ant certain, will perform a per feet com. • t ANDREW J. FELTER. Nloulgonirry,llantiltou County, sdbiis • , N.ll.—Thour whcithay not be sego-Misted with.. I. reg..' scribe ed, Cadmus of Moutgunsety, Iletwltot, mum- tyi U., they valet my time solotantithe We abort alathmatdas • •• Notaaa U/011W)11[1.1 , Can' J . g Booo+{ L.• DR. RUI`Ve, A N!4•WESTRItIi 01 , FIC4.1.511.0"yeamora. etthet, where this ealuatde Medicine can alone bat obtained.' "Svlth Pit*burgh, by WM. JACKM a ttd, corner of Wood and I.thcris an n0r14.4g.m (SI POE:TAB/1 TO TlLliri LADlES—Laine*s. .1 flair Creain, a masenlesa article. for the', SWSiwths Brainy Ind litistaraiientof the Elk. Tits Cream, Whim, - otiee known; will I sanerseds sill other aiticles ef thir •liind now aced. Where' the hair is dead, harsii,thin, healthy or misting grey, • few applications wilt make • the hair ro ill and dark, and give a a beautiful lively • Oppearacce: and will also make it retain as liveliness and healthy Color twice as long as all the preparations which are generally used. Every lady. and gmillemtut . sisho are in the habit of using Oaf on their hair, sloodd silence purchase nbeinle of me-Chinese Hair Csedin, as it is to composed that it will not injure the hale, like the other preptuntioni, but:will beautify it, and glee Yerthet Cansfamion in every instance.' t . for testi oiony tr.t . ts very tie lbw( • figlovrisg leiter from Rev. 3lr. al ,fo Messrs. Ilendershott I & Stretch; Nashville, Ucneral ravels lb. the Wevtern Stater . • Letter from the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of Mr Pros hymnal% Church, Pulaslm. Ale.esm. Ilimderabon L.Streith—Gentleraem I a ileumrc in adding nay terumnny in favor of the 11 . . tour preparabon called Pt. Parriala's (Nacre t • Ceram—lor about two yaw ago my batr was veryd lon4, mad aispostd to come oat: but having procure.. a honk of the Cream, and toed iraceording to the prd• veription.•trty bait Is now sofl, 'elem. and finn tothes Mdny . baMome and oin, were applied roe!, Itvo gmy 'l2ll. an rtS4l.l.lle then before. Tbis Cre JJJJJ bode,. er, has metray expectabens 4 Aran smelt for the TO3lcl, my.wife givea it prefer. Tw . n over all Whets, being debeately perfumed, nod ~et .pitrpooal to Youth/by. The ladles erp. molly tollbod 'Me Chinevel Cream tu be a desideratum rn the:, preps- f , Yalion. for the toilet: Rospectfully, Ac. Pulaski, 4an'y. 7, 1517.- _ R CALDWELL tp-slold wholesale and' retail, iu Pitmbuteh by Jo. IM. Townsend, No Id Market Wool. and Jucl Mol , d r. '.mer or Wood and Fifth Jolln F... 111 EC PERFUMERY- Creanvdol Amanda Mame, for Mwing; I Cream a r ia Rose, for shoving; Almonde. Cream, do; ,Superfule Ruage,on Porcelain stands Evn, A.gre lerre !MG,. - • . Ileautital powder puffy, of all patter,: Embossed tonet boxer, containang fragrant eiTrarM for the handkeochief; a petal ba,Land toilet &lap, rtob able for prerenta. , Persian. or Chinese. Powder; Indian vrgetri,lo. hair oil, _ . , VOIC Seent• Boara oil, in fancy or couiroonarrappera , cd);_ _, 1 .I°.c''.,,PaPi. Nymph Soap; Bore Lip rnive; . : • Cola cirant,eleFantly up; • Pura "I"}oip in "" , and ia a arca( vatic:) , IIIrl d ! for vale or brie per unary; (PM.: • . , ear Una A Paa.A ,a! , • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 01.101,10 ED DAILY, TRIAVEIEKLY k WEEICE.:O“ Atthi 64z ButtLi:4o,343R, raw the Post NO. Qf 11.001`.16.8 , 01E Otiu 00,Stion or IStinco' Of lOU !-,f) 0t Two esirlionsßstiholitalterstiat4o.o. ...... 0 '7s' Three". :I •‘ 10 O WOi4 . 1 • , :4l Two o.l+ekt " Three, Ont• 11-4011, 4 10 10 Two , 11 " p "tire° ' ,y. Mr., '" •"• - - .7 ~t 0 1G" L'inger 'ad ertisements In tame proportion. one s iimr,B onthe, without alteratiew,.:. CO 00 i - w. Lath ulditionsal equare for 6 months, Zr IX) I„ , I ~ .. ir, Ig . a 10 00 One sdare, 6 Months, renewable at pleasuic, Ca rti • " 1 lel ~ • ~ ~ ~, to 0 , li Each Ilditinailtqe4re for It months I 10 t. 11, ., Two !lunges. 6 monthn, re'srable at pleasure, 30• kr:) , Each ',ltlitiortal eimare,B monthi, ..i . 8 03; arr. Li aa ITZI-erytita IN uses. ' TAPII/9.• One ..quare. 3 tnierlions, , 5 1 .50 each additional insertion . • : 37 • ' i 1 arartprea Coins. 1 ... :• . . Fire Rees or less, one year. . ' .ii , 1 • : sli months ' 8 00 , ii if • ' r'• , , mi n year, daily &•.', weekly, 10105 ir sic months " . ".. • 800 , . nermiitriturreis tw — artmcer •F/Vol. FoT ati noes, or lessiOne insertion; ...-..., .. $ 75. 0 5d .., ' 0 ..., , ~ .0, : Three, ',, ' ,l .... .... ito •" % : " , - . 0 ,' Three Months, .. ... ~.. 350 ' "I ' " '. !‘' • •'SL ' " ... , 4; eu 1•] ~ . " ' ".. • Irrelie *-; ;. - 10 DO ` - 0" All advertisements lobe chimed hithe square; lilt a ilisewintor2 s per cent to lie , girou where the Mt, tent oridreitimog eseeede a/ill:diem per Jew.; -scrim= Ciete: . Eir ellen.; Or lON, PAOyear ';'' , ; ' ' PA* .. f-; a -I . 31A110303iim'ee:n'nen.••••••• - I DO, 1 1 i .: : -- ;, • ; , -- 1 , "- I .1 F ~~~: f" fw ..~~R, - I