SUADIUMII-4so bag; prime grten Rto CaTee; 27 bags black Pepperi 15 1 ' Alrpiee; 25 bbla c7upgv u rils . ..r,il; , , , ko3 Co, hhdAIV . L - 'lfaf,P;rwVgT , - - WRITE LEAD-1000 key, pore, in store; Co Nide dell FollrildTH CO C11: 1 11A11.-40 hit& bevy crop N received ; • fey yaiy by AlaVall/D,SONEN Co`. dell • aster dt fmnt lee T p m cco_.kege NoAtif,,niD.,rzA;grztby te°end: foivale by cuscasim--4;0 b.. n P‘1 11( R McCUTCIIEON ide liberty •t dell sFrt j a—to hbdr prime o t O r. V A eby —Ara k co 1) I 6 'METAL —l34Aorig i o i rat , bL - IFy &co aons7 wall, PI TALLOW —M bb reeetye . 4 l ; ,( Sl i zn sou 10 liberty nre SALT -300 bble received and for del I JORDAN te SON SOAP -.00 b.ra :lama .4.; ;attired this day; far sale by F SELLERS dela 17.1tbs.rty at LARD—IOO keg, Nol,landiog rfraz mar Penn.) , for 'ale I>y del 0 PSI'LLERI Pon v itt „ —zs,w4 n,s d ogoorted bulk pork, In nere;Gar JORDAN &SO, A/OLASSES—fl'bbl. N O, luedlog from suer Cyli• ferule.; for male by JAN DALZELL del2l water Ft . OL041.11.111(0-1tito °peling at C/ Iliatiat itlo superior Prenchplatd Cloakinos. P • do 7 A A 51A.41% it CO QYIIPP —IA 10 , 14 Gulden 14517 p; %t -1.. 10 17 lir bids Oco I,tl ten gal Idn'kegot l'oceirod / er memo t Cambria; for ride by L LlTcolaos aco del° ' Unwell A GENERAL aseintment or Artist'. Colort,•lo tube• Aiea, reerivi•d-cd far role by delb BRiUS & arsrEß VTARNISII- . -}lamic end Yebitepooal Varnish; rop V Pd and Nut on,, recciyadt' for salt by • • dclo BRAUN A REITER ;-_ PERUVIAN Durk iQuiii) jut; .reed •nd forrarer i delo /BRAUN&REI IE 1A71? , 0D Pill (large hixesi, lent recd; (or sale !BRAUN h dell' cos et dale hliberts ete SARI TAJITIEL=3 bble , oriunle tip dolo BRAUN tr. REITFR A gusTeurt—tiopeiior Kentisckylitustatd (in al.) for 'ale by ,de to . BRAUN &fl El rEg CIIRESE—{OO has / lost received and for sale hy ; _dell . IV GREER ,e- . 1 - MID-36 kegs jest received; for e a by. ; AA dell '' ' W GREER MODACCO— , AS tees Ala I 6 iilol,Gedge brasid 1 landing from elan (bedew; ler sibe by dell /All DALZELL .• Nitizs-1)°t" reertt;.l7,bY deft r J An LZELT ILK SERGE-7 pee ucw style, fancy figured and serge P . '"",i )4" "Pen;lirilgTET4 rw, ITE . dell Itels/Nll , — o r te . ge n Szy nt rfistale:e i reed per S ddr4h4.44 4° '4 CARtION & FILIBIGHS—A large inabice of 2.13, :b and q j ai . ch Silt Eallwu Fringea,jutt reed: far 'ale by bIIiACKLETT A WHITE ,•rIANTON FLA NBIELII-6 bales unbleached and • %...Icolored Doe Slim and Canton Flanne ylng: lor male by ' • oc7 EZ=I BIIIIDII4GB-33 gross ran' hair sod lair Over co, bindiolgvi Just received py deb iiIIACKLEer do ‘{'11111.: APLE*--1.0 bids ehwee green apples, lending rom MAT Wellsville. for sale hy dell WILLIAMS & DILWORTH, 27 woo , W ! R AISINS —:&O Ors Bane. bbi• N C Tan reaei. Ith day; for BAtiALEY & SMITH IS & 70lircal& 1 " 1-4 8.4LTILIC11.4-4.400 Ib. m stare: for 241.7 by %El ISAIAH DILIKEY4 tXt dee - ...Jett front sis ..ICEIAISOZIIILE FLOWERS-1 mk Irmo tut ' received; for . salc by . , /3 A FAIIIVESTOCK R. CO doe ,_ wrist and wood its BKr. t...igvoatoic—i ease Eniiith just reed' , for sale by FAIINESTOCK & CO SOAP,-19easYS Castile soap last ree'd; for tile by dd IrA FAIINk.rUCC tr. co FLOVR-75 blitz Mariana mills family Baur; for see by 11TOIL!, BUSIIFIELD HOE dee 191 libeny sl I AIIIPS—A, mall lot of Coach and Buggy • new etylee,just reed; (bell-ale by de4 , R T LEECH, Jr SALT.IaiITI.III-6 bbLI 6n : nala by 1 PP VON 40:INHORST & CO del • 35 front sr - - • bble pans Limited Olt; for sale by , del BF VON LIONNIIOK3T,t CO MADDEB_I eat fu see or da n F VON BONN HORST & CO IMLICEIYE—Ittbss Isrgecream cheese; by 8F VON BONNIIO HST a CO OL All3-11A0 las ass' • sizes for vale by • de S FiiO:4I:IONNIIORST &CO St.:T:l-3 y 0 Wu - primes t4 , s v nstmn i l; for sor smitaeld 3 wales As Emoas-J.g. oet consignment; for We low low. by CO W (REE WlirrE LEAD-100 kegs far sale by Eel W GREFR DICAOHEJS-ICO bri dried, a prime article; for sale by de7 W ----- • onsarnicaniz6-10 forsale tr• - • WICK & AIe.CANDLEKS dc7 cor wood & wntrr pp. SAL KFLAT (119-30esks aud 10 bbl. for sale by 00 • WICK it 1110CANDLIS PUTTY -7vo the In bladder.; for sale by . JICIDuktO do 7 • - mH he vrocial sur ARTY'COLORS, `round in tube.—:s dog, to. a snains AI different colors; Jun recd K tOD k en O bbl. Linsevl Oil non intt e ng x l.7 . = Pa r‘...,,scre, tor sale by i nano' & from vi. BIOIIIDE POTASH-100.0.Jan received and _Sitar sale by . de • B A FAIINESTOCX Y. CO OIL --d bbl. Inver stakined Lard MI; Jim rceeived mad foi. ialc by F SELLER 24 - d:7 17 lib,zty st TLANARLS-7.1 pieces' red and broom Flonnet; A' Wreak low to close ronignrnent. by : • aril; GRO COCHRAN. VI wood et STRAB BOAT COOILABO !ITEM ER &i allie byWM B SCAIFE, ..--+l5 -- "Ant et bereft. mane & wood' MililliTAKEl—Superior Kentucky—la ti eatte—ef whole, half utdqaa r iewaildWat z re Ei c:tv , d for ado by Getty ' East side Dimond EIMILEY—nOO bu just reed consignment:lo. sale by Re CUNNINOIII.SI urell 14S hben at "DYE PLOUIt—I 0 bbls for rale er c- • nyZio tl Y VON BM:MD:MIST*" CO HOPB-1000 lbs Velment moray nor, in time; fo sale by I n, .OROS BERRY GLOVES -t 5 din •ory heavy real DoekokidGisvet Jost teed by SIJACKLETS JO Wllllll nr.i9 I • 99 woad Os Cl'ar; for /al by wed) Cialt:011111.McKNIGIIIT Puß&l,loft reed; kr Bale by ATOOD, JONE. k CO nv.49 " I W ender& (mit fto S 9•8170 bap white Dr.:el • 4045. while Ilaraans nags,: ja.l recti Ted; tot salePy. BAGALEY.k.SMITII deg 19 h. 40'wo it MVILASS ER —6 , 3 bble new crap N Eh now lending flow swan deb BAGALEY & SMITH rrIZA-31ilbf dims Y ll Tear, • 1 ' 70, ally bra Imperial Tea: Jan reedLforeale by deb BAGALKY re IGNAILB-41 bbd. newerop N 0, prime quality, now S kutdiakt fot enk by BAUALEY k SMITH Lib'rt;pro — rttrb'''y' G ' l `7' l ".itlLFC°l 4 4ilT'6o"' des , : 3U water st frOBACCO-4U khds Ky. leaf wrappers and fillers; A. for 'Wei . l deg FOKS . 4,20 - T lit LICAD—ICOD kegs kssieby I'l' deD . FOHINTII &CO • Q,CORCIIIB.42S-6 eska jest reed, !or sale by KEYNOLDS dcB ! ' cot penn irwatsta VL0178..-90 las superfine, landing, lorsalob writ° i . fiFX) 111:11ItY 19 viand st bbls superior crab eider.jusr 'red; for VI we by pyro *GEO A BERRY SOAP-1001tia Cincinnati Soap, in store; 6r wale by GEO A BERRY bblp Largo No 3, fon ree'd; for L nr49 .ATIVOOD, JONES &CO good artle'le, teesiyed 7 &riS : ,0 & W lIARIIAVGII DRUMS DRUMS!! DRUMS! ! E/Ln aesortinent of Dew and Tenor DnErseauel reed direct tom the manafoeuroiri for salt low by /OLIN SIELLUR 13.13 I 0 *.11,1( 1 / 1 B1111.11t..15 1 - 4 : tb . l . sa c an r.. be e: lrd .i. by • lift / EMI tor rogibfield water sur PleACQß9—JOLo]u.i.ire'd; ( or .ale bY„ ova • • ILA CUNNI NG R deY OTTEN sTONE H: ' FAiINI~TUKt CO ef'op N pea reed; *mimic QVGAILi-13•bba."t! • fe.OIIUNIIT ft- SHIM ON nKIPe3 kw,bY 1133 kl3.s••rwoelfw .1 - - , . . SALTS 2bW. pl ligl., t: ,:a1z..., !or aLle Ly i . W (MEER arlt , eat nonkfielllA. Water SI. Bii.A3lll:4bblehatal I white, for hale by wall I W GREER TOBACCO-2. pr ime Ss; for snle on consign wrjjj_ W Gkg 11011111nr—qa) b. prime, in role . ; fairs f;147 'ANIII4NIg DRAVO, 4.041 • • eorbth sta. nlSfirl AY QCONLOLUMUS:—IZIests rc'd and for sale by 4.) 11,13 . •Wd 11 AIeCUTCHEON well; tot sile 4bl' 4?l 7V d er o l j tre i gl F A/12:0N 11,12 • l liberty DOT/LSO— 4 eats landior, for Ws by -- J. urn ' R OAK FORD &CO F&MUM:Ia—I! inks Keranckr Femticrs: ree'd •Pt Mar Taglkonr; for Jule by • Ll:Wid OUTIIISON ie. CO (100111X,R. Pm AB-5Q .cks, in stinni tor sale by IDALZELL OT.ILT9ES—IDO bbla red. for pnle lir ( • A:PP!..UfS-10 6 1 316 golden pTpias; 20 bellllolret, 5 Eng. 5 " Eng red larcet; 6 Y. l'enocks; 10 " Rho& Island greenc las't r eedhr n sale by Wk R 116CUTCREON 152 I..brny rf awwwwww DEIVUS—SuIph ?mach: wwa Sal Tamar 'Martial Flowers; te=l,l4i= Tanur Emetic French, C BC jun received and for rule LI A. FAIINESMCK & CO defi car let & wood no Ys I ICCING,WO .b 4 of V01f.:2C4 /m it ho übwer .Leect goeking for poems of etootn cogtnee,;not ree'd. width Ihomll yds wide down to WS inches w. he Ind. KObber Depoy 5 wocel aL nehl SVOIAR.AND #IIOLASSES -17 Mt& prone NO sog,r; . , ;: k..i .s= o ;l4lllloLusts., in good order; for omle r4' 11.4.. 31 MITCIIELTREE IGO liberty sure OOBEEL PEAS-26 reks my landing from G Rio Grande; for mile by 'Carla BELLS, dozens and eerapped,'reud) for use; for sale by del . LitUtriS 808 11Adi urge let rm ' usti .I.) r r rteri•cd and fin sale by de4 R T 1.14 EC 11. Jr 'DEACIIES.-17 wk. new atop drlert Prather, In; core; for We by LS WATERMAN • delu 31 rater & 62 fnoo sin IM=M Tinurnhy iced; in atom sad for auk by L S. W ATE:II/11A N Di YE-14 .eke in .torn and km salt by delo L WATERMAN . . APPLES —3O Gbh green; in store and for. rale by dein WATERMAN OLD PAPERS—A law goanfly of n ge llpape Cll be bad at this office for ;tootle ent epr ee. deloif ED-400 tu jun ree'Ll; for sale by R MeCUTgliEliN —lO ha small what, asr W &A Mee TCHEON APPLES—LI bu dry upplesjam ree'd. for .11 e by dell, & R McCUTUISON P EACHES—IS be peered jai , t &mkt; forsake by delo . . W& R bIeCUTCHEOS SEER3(Ibu prime elm:el - seed for ease by dell/ W & R McCUTCREON dell) 152 hbert) EXT. LEMON-12 dos Presion* just reed; for male LT delo B A FIONESTOCK &CO r AIM OIL artualcetile and retail by delo JJORDAN k SON FEATlFlER— ,‘ii landing from mmoner d Sfy I vodiu or uii by L 1.0011.-50 bbls supenor family Floor, rust re 17 vett rot sole by ORU:11, illeGßElV,es CO de9 - 6 eronettereisbrow, lam ty DRACIIEitT-1:0 bbl. 16 „ . 7 , ! , ; i 3tr r a-e!vri N t; 1 rale by deg ' 16 liberty .1 011 , ; , — . i 10 Gbh Lard Oil for 'sale by soN tiAISINS-41) ias Al It, ree'd, for sale by d•3O ' F SELLER? ASOLASSI-3' —II bids hut received; (or smile by deld LECAO—IWO tialwa Lead, received per ourir .1 Cribendeni fbr vale by • delo L HUTCHISON A.,CO FEAT,LIERS-20 bap probe.iciat iCe;l for gvle by dela l. iiu rcifisoN h. CO LARD' OIL-5 bble teheener te Co'e,' for thle to ...',..".4tanalenr by J etC11100:4111AKER er. CO dela 24 water rt CORN-I,3:l•eks norel, fur en° by tk7 J DA LZF:IA, TRO MK NAILS—A large 'marooned sizes,a ne aniete and ben to the market; non reed by dee R T I.F.Etnl. Jr DIAA/116-2AIO pea lene,.Bloolas, roaoofac lure, IO •trice per aleaurboata Palo Alto and BM waatiel for sale by FORSlrril & CO dcl 1 a.) rawer Street coßcillNue-2 cake for sale by dell . J dr. R FLOYD 11A1111EL 8-115 stelerres barrels.oo consierurie U ler sale by MILLER & RICKETSON de3. or irerin & liberty elm 8110038-1 00 do: cora brooms far File by dell R PLO% D O.CIAPCObzs Cincinnati fate; —_--- tUD has In' Spanlsh Cigars, Kentucky Ire, Spanish Alien for sale by dc2 WILLIAMS & DILWOFITII Lic.noss—m bx• tec'd per sour St Cloud, in 6 d ,f r_ sale In by DT 610RctiSi it CO de2103 wood ft 00/161-61/ bu shelled corn; I ,k ' 2 15-"i' U N ' S ' 4i I, I7P,6IB7, ' LItfVORTII 27 svoal st OUILLILANTS-3 asks Zama cans.% Aar sale dc2 WILLIAMS Ir. DILWORTII BARIcELs — ' 37 —VgcBMV4LINI del c .rout k. wale, sts pEARLS-19 crks Pearls:, l 9 bbls do: for axle by de2 'WICK & dIeCAIDLF.S.S. S CORCIIINGS-18 bbl. for sale by . WICK & bIe.CANDLES po c usu—s esks tor sale liv WICK & MeCiNDLESS APPLES -75 Man green apples; fol v ete 1:77 .a cor:sminifield & water*. FLoun--E 0 bbk,But reed; (or sale by del W GREF.R bys,just s lee'd; for bal.. by dry CHEER pcTATCER—TSIibI• Permems Ilk bbl. Negiameoekii • prime am del W GREER MM= C FILL . FSE-4LO bls, on to,llllgumeutivtrarr= 40LASSE3-113 bbls 11;r Y b W GREER BE 4 A , l73—Mtni whiteNfot sale by W GRERR COTTOIf=74 bales for gl t l E t . y . D, Riirir a co del l co w,i.r la Q VOILR-45 hbd. 0 Ragas, eld env; , 69 bbl. Noa 5, 6 and 7 Loaf Sagan for sale to close eolsiasaeno, by . del . FRIEND, RIIEY & CO 17: ni c6 E xt E rz b b y b Is good eider .ice's, jam ri c e 3 VEATIIIGIIII-28 scks Fond:Aryl 3 . 0313.e11ir .2: " 3a . Goober Pear; • • . Ila woolen sacks: so arrist by sur Palo Alio. for rale by dcB AC KELM L-250 bblo Lame No 3 for rile by 009 —• BAUALKY t tlMffN Ia6IIKETS-25 pat: . large Domeree'lllanket just received an exersagninenb far axle by are CrieLl COallIKAN.ti areal at ULASTIGIL PAILITC-6anabie for Land, Ar... al C ways en hand and for tale at No 244 Liberty avert clear Canal. m inn. W W WALLACE.: s ORN-100 as yellow* Corn for sale by occil xV E-6 1 / bo old Rye kir male by odd° SAM% M BIER Baruans Fon SALJZ-1 Lfo argo Barge* r sal. by - WMB JAI FE n• 4 7 • lots; near mood ILIEESX--200bxe nod M coke W R for anlo by tW27 CARSON & MoKNIGHT BnES—Bakratos, Pearlash, Potash, Scorching. La. acal Black Salts, (or sale ha -0•27 CARRON &MoKNIGHT .12stnre; for sale by ne27 bbls grease Lard; sr sale by r 27 CARSON & Me/CNIGIIT ICADIS-03 Lbls small whit..., jou reed{ for sate by WILLIAM!. a DILWORTH v 27 ZI wt.) .t OPS-10 bales vrestem hops, joss rec d ; for sale by OM WILLIA MS fr. DILWORTM • - IG IfLOM-150 tons .Mer,e; (mule by rivYT WILLIAMS& DILWORTH LOU/L—M, bola Imidingfrom aimr America; ia sale by IOW I DICKEY & CO LIZATIIEM9-36 mks to arriie by stmr Countess farsakby torn I DICKEY ft. Ca ps,A.NUTB-100 bap mst reed; for We by --- ATWOOD. JONES& OD Le/CATERERS-8.0 ren'a for sale by ne97 ATWOOD, JONES & CO iraITWO — PAWIL—DaI reams ins soled SDI I lost reach sdi for sale_by nv9 REYNOLDS & 'MEE OPLAR LUMBER, and Pine /wee, (or sale by jyeed W W WALLACE. V liCO beadles SC. M and D C rraw Paper; 1.11.0 0 Medial . ..Ku, Is D Mecham Ilardwaro• (Sr .ale by oetlB REYNOLDS tr. SURE RIC/. —5O hlf bbl. No 3 large, 20 bale No ; for male by jyYt • E 11F.AZIMTON, coat side doimond klialfillittEle-100 bids No 3 Lune; for sale by EDWARD REAZELTON JelB East ads of Diamond I.—Pro 1 and 2' Lard od nonstranly on band, for not oale by JJORDAN & SON EitIONSI-10 Lis fresh Dialogs Lemons: In fine order; for ehle by C MARTIN ort6 . cot stnititheld front ots OAP-3001a Basin Soap; tor sale by .11,11 BUSIIII ELLA. ROE ARD—For .ale by to% _ 11eCILL,DIItl WIELD dc ROE •/112.-3 task Linseed oil for 14_ pole by •O 0r.% • JOH D 011.:AN. Mi wood ATEI BRICK-4 ease superior tor sale by J D MORtIAN GV2I-1 cues= Cot* for sale by I D MORGAN StrAP-1 ba pare Wound reap for rale by , 131 , 23'J D AIORGAN Lee Norfolk Cecalave; " Dales Nol do; 10 ^ eakdr's End. recei th* day; 1."'"e ' ll DIGALF.Y ft-SMITH lb nAXIIIT-30 bbbi roperior old Pcarb Brandy id ' for laic by 11114i,Rl baa in suns; for bale by dna • I DICERV n• oAllillMEHlL— , Reecived per express er A A V MASON & 0C1P8,02 Auxtrot let, I eSee of esperlor Prendh nrilled Carhateres. de? H W ., 00L SAP'S. for min ty • 111111:W11V LPL' FLANNIELS—IS P. Welsh Flannels now open innuGlmarketat tomprhing every goal . ' A A hIASON & CO EMUN zi Ertpa iLemarai for sale by CREEK EMS COMMERCIAL RECORD. I IBMI Sun I Sun DECEMBER. rises.l sets 1 - 6 l'hursday 717 4 .35 1 5 17 [Friday 7 IS 435 2 14 IS ,Saturday 7 IS 435 923 19:Sunday 7 19 436 4 31. 211 Monday 7 19 436 537 , 111 Tuesday l I 7 20 I 4 37 rises Full moo. 22 %VedneE - day 1721 14 371 r. 5.", Movement, of the Omen Steamers. Sleamer, Captains. Leaic Amer. Leave Europe Warh'ton. (Am) /lerett. Nov 1 , Oct 24 N•tv York. (Fr) Farrand; Nor. ii Oct 0.4 Brltann:a. (Br) Damson, Dee I • . Nov 40 Union. (Fr) ((yr.., Dcc u Nov 19 Iliberma, (Itr) Ilyre, Dec la Nov I M" .. .0., (Fr) Morin, Der 21 Nov .tI Cambria, (13r) Jutiklos, Nov 1 Dec - 4 Caledonia, (WI Lou, Nov 11l 11, 15 Proladelphm.lFrillerron; Nov 9 Ilvc 2,1 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE. FOR DECEMBER. 301111I1A FIANNA. IV. R. ußery r. JAS. MAY lU,)..wii MEM OFFME PITTIISIVROH G•ZETTE, ( Thursday Morning;, December 16. The general condition of the, market presents no important variation from: nos yesterday'. report. The lanoline has grown cold, and is quite unplea cant for out door buminem, and, a a consequence the market is quite inactive in every particular. Flour—The market retains the sameness of the past week, and prices retriaXn.tion, with, no synip: two of change either way. We note rqgular sales twins utnre, by dray load, at 30tt5,124; and to a mail extent at -1$) bbl. We notice no reeei •la ex- optiOg in a limited way by wagon Cornmeal—Our market is alm.t entirely bare of his article, and sales to n retail Way only are quoted t 50416 . 2 e to be. - Rje Flour is scarce, and in fair request at 5350 o 3.62 bbl. Buckwheat Flour—Receipts continue light; and ruppltes limited. Regulartraler occur at sBx.,l_'l V 100 lba. Bacon—Very little is doing in the market. The demand in limited and very little brought in. Price; however. prevent no material change, ranging learn • 65 to ge t , 16. . Butter—We find no change in this article, and may still quote good 1:011 at WO I k—and keg at 94 to 10c, nt which figures we hear or sales amounting so some I:500 lbs. • Lard—The market is quite inactive, and moderate .les only occur at 7A.76c—retailing at to V. lb. Chce.--We hear of further sales el 2.50 bus kV it at fie, and of Goshen at 10c kr lb. Crariberrirs are in.good demand, and sales freely made M $1,73A2 V. bu. a,„,ii,—Market quiet, with no change in prices.— filodernte salvo transacted M the l a lloson,e, usual rates—W'hiat •100 c; Barley 480 , 501 . Rye •Caef4Eci Corn. , 37‘4bc, and'Oats at '2sfir.ic 6 4 bu. GrOceries—The market is without change. I Tut Gras fhis !splendid steamer, no der! command of Capt W. Force, lelt our wltarf on Tuesda y the tier destined trade-, between Cincinnati and Ne n Orleans. As we gave a full description of One staunchly built steamer some time since, we deeni a repetition out of place. Suffice it to ray however, for the informatiou of our down the rive friend,,; hat in point of ataunchnein of built, and pi FkMalaliko execution of all her part., the 6 Jesup is worthy the most unplict confidence of ku trade in which she is toluo. Particularly,when w hear in mind that the in under the control of purl Men as Capt Wm Forse. nod Mr 1 K Moody, wk. fills the calico of first clerk. I=M=l St Louis, Dec 4. The n i pper riven are all falling, and a great des of ice id running. The weather was quite raw yes terday, and became freesing cold towards night. We !ham from the officers of the Herald that there is good deal of lee to the Illinois river above Peoria. The weather ha. been very cold, and avow has lane to a comiderable depth. The Nashville Republican dancer, of Dec 8, says the Cotri i beri.d river is rising slowly: l r SPIRIi OF' THE DOMESTIC MARKETS., i Itissuir mac; Dec B—Cotton—There are a few srders to fill for manufacturers in the ne;ghborhood; f:ur which from 3j to Gc way be given ; INO to g to the qsantay otterant . m the market. For large lots ~. . .. it•ls not probable that more would be given Oa from 3 t.J.5.4e. Tbere appears to be no dispositio, on the pin of We planters to sell at present prices — [Kepi • St Lobes, Dec 3—Weather cloudy and cool. and butlitfle produce arriving. Country e l , flour is firm at $.5,' SW sto day lOU bbls Nashville, 2% do Watts and hlac maw, and two or three small lots at ,93, and 60 CI Perseverwce, a choico brood, at 83,124. Sale 16, X/ bu inferior to good wheat, from store. yealorda evesing, at prices ranging from CO t, :17c; and , abou 4800 bu from levee to llay as follows; iof. spring,good mud. 75 to :13e; fair to good, 93 to 98 cents; c oleo 100 c I. tin, Salo 113 Sacks barley in two lots at 33 to 40c. Sale o 13 bbls No 1 lard et 54e; of 16 lAN infer. tallow atise, and 6 bbl. No I at 74c. Sile of 91 bbl. Commo Whiskey, at 17,/c specie. 'We hear of 1200 Hoge' being taken from the pens, for packing t s2,3o.—[ftep. , , . . 111.1P6ILTS BY ILtVhl[. ST fAllf Gerniantown-2 pkg. mdse, Forsyth & co-12.sks feathers. King—SO big cotton Kennedy, Child. & eo-10 bbls worakey, Watson &co —32bo. shit, !Md. do, &I bbl. do, M Allen & co-1 im tobacco.liobermon & Reppert-17 bbl. wrap iro Grad, Lindsey & co-2 hydmlic pUenes. 9 W. acrlrp iron Lorenz & Sterlfirg--5 bola, 1 bag beeswax, y McClorlont & co-2 IA& sugar, 2 kegx lard, 1 ea Aroot,s bbla corn, , 4 do rye, AlcKce—if, aka 0atx,..5 Lg. lard,l bll bbl do,, b.. !min, 20 bbls beans, do copper, Park & co. WELI4WILLE,—Per Caleb Cope-17 kgf lard. Smith &ISlnclair-4 bra flax nerd, 1 jar butter, 77, six br peaches, S & W Harbaugh-26 eke potatoes, owner. _of Colnsuabaas—/Ista Tame—To the 'Bald and Gre y—lf you wish • nch, luxuriant head or hair, free Bose dandruff and scurf. do not Mil to Immure the go twine balm of Columbia. In cases of baldness it will more than exceed your expectations, Many who have lost their hair for Br years have had it restored to ite tate iginal yet ( e lion by the am of this balm. Axe, s or or c ondition appear to be no obstacle whatever It also causes the fluid to flow with which th e ileliealetLi tube is filled. by which means thous...(whose hair was pop es the Asiactic Eagle) have hod their hair re stored to its natural color by the use of this invaluable remedy. In all eases tif fever it will be bided the moat pleasant wash that can be used . A few applications only are necessary to keep the bale Imm (albog out. It Wlenglbens the roots, it never foils to impart a rich gloscy appearsimm and as a perfume Mr the toilet miss unequalled; It holds three times as much •s other called Lair restoratives and is more effeclual. Thc genoine manufactured by Comstock A. Co, It Counland at, New York. Sold to Pinshursh, only xenuine, by WM JACK*ON, Liberty st, head of I% ood; in Washintion, Pu , by Sweeny & Pen; In Brownsville, by Bennett & Crocker; n Canonetilash ; by Or. Vouch also, by our agents In every Wan L in Pa , Ohio and Md. nylliithwtheT To A. Editor, of the Pittsburgh Ga.reue. W e take pleasure in recommending to the einaens Pittsburgh, the name of JOHN LAUGHLIN for the Mayoralty. On t• a gentleman 10 every way alialifled 10 fill Me offieo—mild,gentlentanly,.d temperate; and at We same bine inflexible when duty requires. As a populdr Innineirs man, he could have no higher recommendation than the fact of his being sent to the City Council from a ward that hag in general grycn the opposition a majority. Mr.l,aughlrn bas also been, for theists nine years, on We different Uuminittees of Streets, wooden buildings, iviscaltnellta and appeals; the zinc and nine cOsaniMed in the saran bas been very great, and joetly entitles hire to the regard and influence of the Whig party. de7tG • Ma. Patanos. 07=1Wo Corot Igo Pay 1 Piles( Piles I Dr ,lacksonbi Embrocation is the only medicine that will cure thisKO very common and troublesome dtpeasc. I not only immedintely allays pain and inlbe nos all bloodingotabdues thatintalerable itch• og, bat cficetually rare; in a very short time persona whose live. bare been rendered miserable for years.— Its application proAneca no pain, but rather an agreea ble and pleasant actuation. If persona afflicted %TM call and bear of the great number of eases that bane been cored; they will be amonfehed. A gentleman of this city, who had been enderthe knife of the surgeon for two or three times 'without being cured, has by w ine/ bottles orthe Embrocation, been eradically cured. It yells beyond precedentS--irha. Saturday Courier. W'• For sal . i Pittaburgh at the PEKIN TEA 11 STORE, unh street, neer wood,' and also at the Drag Store of II P Schwartz, Federal at Allegheny ci abidaw GAZETT > JOB PAINTING OFFICE, TOM, STlttir, CORPfili OP ran OPVICT. ALLCS. are now prepared to execute ill ts superior and expethtio manner, nil kinds of Joe Vaderota, such a. large itosters,lateumbout Ddlr, Dills of Laddig, Letter Sheet Card, ac., act. BOOK !AND 1,,Kri1L1.2 IMINTIKO to arty extant 'executed to the boat manner, and all kinds of l'ontrag donc with ateuracy and at urn lowa. to AdVellll.lll.—Tho lialleet tinemenv,wbigh appear in the Deily Morning Gazett al. appearin the Tn-Weekly. thew reeesethe the 'ben efit of the eirehlatinn of all, without oily eulditounal charge. Thie Gho advannegc tooter tPlvertiet re, without any extra ex periese. • AtiVeni....llB are al. inserted :n Dub country paper upon reasonable lermS. • Wl-Done yea , hair fall all', dean your hair turn gray; !tilt harvha It dry, or dirty. I pray? ji It 'ux Ova, yo eon make it snit. silky and fine, .Lark and ben thy, and he - antenna nis :lila hair ermine. And in have 1110, you hove but three shillings in give For is !mule a , Jonas' Hair R•friorative. • ' • Itender ; lr y... 1 have bad hair you would really be as• inn/abed at Me lovely effeet a three shilling bon , " "f .Jove,' Cottat. Ily a R.TOLTIVIS has on ii, it needs but one trial. -bold it CO Liberty at. mita/awl y 137 . P11 see, &a—The Pentane Heys , Lini• mg. la an ankle mare, ustly celebrated as a cure far e above. than ally or all wham. Its mires are annest numerable. lelcad by WAI.JAI Agent for rut. arab. nale/lkw . GtaT • (15F - Doo . t hay • yellow dork Teeth—ey can be rriat.o pearly whoa by ne Wan urlng a Lot or /opaa' 'lntl= PAMc Jr hardens the gams, sweeten, the breath, ae. told at Yl liberty at nv19.14.1.: , a Feel Itreath—lf you have. otn a 2 oes' Amber Teeth retie, That will tweet, whiten your teeth. te. Sold hellhhlwly fri"Donl heel skoling Wide of ). auk/ year breath at Ell Übeny PORT OF PITTSBURGH DEPAItTELL Consul, Bowman, Brestnsville. LouisLanc. Bennett, Brownsvili , Dispatch', Nelson, Brownsville. -. Cainden,.lieedrinkson, Brownsville. • Suntan, Con. ltmwot viii., Danube, Cock, 'Brownsville. Wellsville. Barnes. • Beaver. Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie. Hemphill. Beaver. Michigan No :..Gilson Beaver Caleb Cope.l%loore, Beaker anifWeLlsvil le Monterey. hi ormon, Brownkville. •New England Nu 2, Diem. Cincinnati. BOATS LBAVING Tills DAY. BROWNRVILLE PACKETS Al 8 A. H. and 4 CINCINNATI PACKET, ID A. M. BEAVER PACKETS at and ISA Al and 3 r MONONGAHELA CITY. PACKETS, S r. n. DISPATCR,NeIuon. Brownsvdte. GLASGOW PACKET, Glaagoar,4 r. P. - IVELLSVILLE, Weißvill, S A. M. AMERICAN EAGLE. N Orleans. J J CRITTENDE.N. St ' Lools. - /.0111 , or At* OHL... PASSENGER A RRANiiEPIENTS FOR 1547. Steam Boat l'.cket Line: leases doily ro,'Cin cinnati. 10 A... Passenger Parket via Brownville to Baltimore and -- P hiladelphia, 8 A.. 0 and ii r. a. Mad Cinch Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 e. and 111 e. IVestern and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6.. e. NorthlWestern via Cleveland, daily. RI s. M. Erie and Western New Yank. daily, 9 A. M. North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, iscept Su. days, 4 A. 0. ARRIVAL AND DEpAirruifF.s OF MAILS. Eastern Mail via Me, i A. 11„ clone 1"M. Westein Mail, Cincinnati and Louisville, due, C P 111. closes 5 A. Southern via Baltimore and Washington, due 8 P. at., closes 5 A. M. North V4stern via Cleveland, due ICI A. M., ninny. 9 A. M. Erie and Western New York; due II P. NI., closes B A. M. PEACIECI PEACEIS NOl' IN MEXICO, Bat In Every Mother. Homestead. TIIE uniMrstmuni has long been convinced of the necessity for some niedimne adapted to the use of Children and Infants to supereerd the use of all M 0.,. medici d nes which ennui °p.m. and bas al length nut. neede in preparing and offering to the public a eine fully an•weriue Corry ;impose frir nn disoases of the towel., without the ore of that delmerniu• drop. or Ray other calculated to Inuit, In the least •The Infant Punnet, hens beer. full y tested and tried. the lair Pistil, Months, by numerous persons. and timedto ho the extraordinary ninnies, and 10 produce all tho Orion, e tyre ts as set forth on the hill of dircetion. Mar? rhea, Vomiting, (lode, Griping Pam, Pinkness and Diseases arising from Teething, timing immedtarely without disturbing any of the functions of the body, the happiest nod most pleasant II a.olon from the viole nt e s nt pain toer. tranquil and joyous mate of Inning in luffer To be bad wholesale and retail of the Proprietor. Dr. JOHN SARI:ANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John Panchen, FAIOn A fleck - ham, and moot other Druggins in Allegheny and Pittrhurghi dela D A. FA)INE"TIICK'S PNEUMONIC, or Cough .Ll.llaltion, bar a great advantage over many other veld with a. or plea•reit farm peruntait to he used without ineonventence. lint re value as a Saloon, consists in the speedirlf (A of. lir v., We have known NSA< of the =inn desperate cou Anne of which had bean running on tor ti considerade length of time, yield almost immedfately to its power.• In such weather as we have hod donutg_ae-past winter every one in liable to take cold, unless grecipt, caution: are tired. Wet feet and utdue exporure in the inclemency of the weather anon lays tire foundation of u hacking cough which needs quick remedy to prevent !rem.wroltr We bave nutticroto cernfteater of curer it Orr performed, many of which ore from peraoarlint city and the neighborhood, and they are n rufficien: wet mice witnnut raying another word in itsfavor. . • - . • . Frrparrd mid for sale oho:rook and Fetal! I, 0 A IFAHNE..STOCK A: CO, corner of IVood and I.‘ a n d Wood and 611, nu. Pcl3, . • • :0/ eorry dcrermt.on promptly executed in a 6lipcnor manner. by , N. L F; A N :3 . - . . . . TonN. E. Cornrr of Third and Dock lap ,uxml Philadriphsa lIERF. ran alwayr he had at,arl notsee— • • V /lark Ithdals, or all kmdei and Plated 11r,r Plate, t‘eals for Rao ka.Soei^t , e,Corporat:nn., he. Prnfo,nonal vomtlnF card., eneraved nral prlnted . Sorirl,t, in %mint of :,eals for office, arelnraed to call and ciaMine Spectrdea, and Dealgn, ot the an r out or- den of 31seoos,thld Fellow s, t l / 4 ry, of Temprrance.kc. nto.-.4,ta KECK 4s, DAVENPORT, Car But!dere, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1.1 FACTURES murder l'aemneer and ;freight tor of the most apprgveddmertelmant 11141tIll ble p-ices. By means elthep i rhals, Railroad and Riv er, they are enabled to ip ape. reamnanle terms to all {v.. at to the Them mark will he warranted equal in all respect ta anytwain ii• toe (nand &me, All orders paiittaaity a rd kg,:ki h. DA V EN rificr. nv9.2in . irorinerls ni Ilmano feOlt. BALK. , • . . . . 0 ECOND HAND CM - lON AI ACIIINI6IY, hr.— 0 t! pan, Ladd mu!, 3P., .pmdles ,act.„ 7Dtpperx,for2.l mels c.......i . . t Cards, 21inc!to. wide, . Ml.4noca., for wenrlnz 1-4 .I:retu.g.: ... I ..Srrew Prr•A for Wing , beetmc, . • Taunton !Tertian, drawls, !ram , . reel, he; 5 .ac Old hand eylinder . liotlers, Mini wa.ah wall 1 , ... 5n'd.10...r.. t nourc of BLACK: , TOCK, BELL A: CO oat:Mt/nal Put efutnn 'Ml. : Pi...hare,. Pa. n 11. Ll. 'W. 11101U116. II y drop& .1.1.1, would 11 revectfully Worm hit frJen , lA and thr. cOilrits 01 rtu.liur# and Altegliany th..‘ he has drenled la remain . . in the city during the winter, and in prepared to treat patients, them elves under hi. earn, iiccording to the eyiitent ai procured at all {Voter Cure 11.talit.o. menu, far either Acute or Chronic diemien. 'nose w,taing to ava:lthronclora of hie servmcc w:II .:.II at Itln. Allf-r..r.P.'e, corner of Lih,rty and EV3136 a:I,. Dr. it. boa trcatod .vcral avert co-.n of dilca,o . , this gay wrtrt great racers., • whleh he 41. pcnantc . , : . 1t.3 '11:;; ThlD-31.11,1X, Lt. good elc. uge. wati(cd V alga, elmvan, iltie rape, gran lore. tmgglng, he. .Be.. for which the high. , P. ice tUje b( • oellCl wayne oi brtseren reer4k hh,rtV FLOOR OIL CLIJTIIS— ' • 151 e, yrli 4-4 Oil Cloth.; 500 "76 yards wok, heavy article; 7 a o " I " border, of cartons pot trs.jol reed front the Phithpavtl:o Factory, tor role at our wore rcerro, 5 wood KI nal J fr. II Fllll I IF. 5 wood at , - • i MILD IjA.Gidb: T Lira' reeetved,tbe largret, the finest. and best xelvel a ed lot of Bird Oases ever offered in this market°, nil sedit or v./theta &as,. Cull and ace them at the Fittsburtglt ...Jeed Store. 132 weal •t. , • 1 , 11v3 'SN WlCl:idliSllVil Srre.rndn . DRUGS—Cumins.‘eed; Adheetve planter; - BlUe mass • eathon; Jayne's 1 , ...v ectoralt. Jayno's Bair Tonle, French Leaf; • '. Coon Plaster . .. Lunar Causnr, winning; Lunar Cousin lour,. Just received and for pale by B A FAIINESTOC6 kCO 4 drib nor 151 & wood nlb riroAft f.: o C . l j ti n Vi ß tm!)/ Wore:we ; :::; Eel 1 , " do • do, 5.; '..t '''' 1 1 . 1 7 :1 " rrtet!r " ' 13 " A 1./ Dyad, 12 • Henry & Jninvm, e.-1; • 12 " D 1 Worwkok, 5.; 70 " If B Vincent One, 11, 40 " John Nowell, -1e; 7 " DJ Warnock, suporior, le; 4 " John Rucker, Jr Consignment from roonufacturN;:,,f t kpagilll 4 . V", in eon, lot .ale by nOO9 31 router & 52 front , DRY.DS GOODS—We have J reneived Fire. a very bandvome loi Ladies* Dreav,Divide, coninning of— lVeper rogiroldered Conhmere Rohe.;' ' Do Ifrovade mein. do; Fine plain Covhmereso lienatiful anielm Unto and CaliLmere'plaidv. A EX ANDER 22 DA nvg • 75 marketer. roe of the diamond F RESII FRUIT, &e-4u bye new crop bunch Merl.. WOO Allllllllll Oranges; Rails Dales, 5 cases Citron; 2 bids Adler' Aloarinde; • Filtienc; 10bee A Tie I Reek Candy; SO riew pealed I letting: received. pCr rime Corieui; for rate by" LANICERT A SIIIPTUN, nvls ITIA weed et ANUFACTUILEU TOUACCO— • 35 bzs Cubannessoi 35 • Clutranclin ss, ivc's 25 11 5: Itol..loccistoc 20 . Itruitche'v v; 30 •• Daw , ote. 12'; On t onviclunrnt Void GORDON 'Water vt It.UGS—limn Myrrh. Turkey; _______. Do 6:111114X, Orr Nino True; Do Ovum, rew crop; Do Gra:l.a. mama, V. 11; /alai); Do Dandelion; On Elc;lnmtentsa: jam ; rce!rol and for D AFAR ill-YrUCii & CO con I.t& wood arr. 0 /7.9—luq ge , !: .. 7 , Ln, bleached Whale CU; pi!mr 5 bble 'TnunerA 011; 5 etude 410; In roar, far Fate by 0 11,ACK1117R:s: t3l vt.lrr nen! t berry ay _non A edit —.Ati mike, aye /aging CI per ceni;e-a eXp ed early in Deerinbir. viii New Orleans. IP taiga of tame earned/ from one of the best Eneliali Manufacturer., from whom we expect bereatter, I eettine' supplie, and con egret inatiolactuters of Glaes nod enh. cis en lbw ma, kit sonic irducenients to 'parehases of nsi nee POINDEXTER ix CO 'PO fuat wrought 1 Iron water heel t‘haits with Maid.; danced oil. low blocks and tinoixes, complete, will he sold at a liar. (tun 'Apply In WM 11 IiCAIFE o la m i ncer Wiind ILD 1.413111 1141116/eIC-120.110.0 the old India %.J Shoe,. de. of the old inlet .wented. for wkiW thi,ighest price Will he paid in er coodi, when delivered at We India Railer Derm. I wood at nvIJ , J& D DJILLII'S • lIMMINI 17 Irify 0 'sent, W MAT., ARR Consul. Holman. Bro lV wns ED. it - de. Michigan Nu. - 2, Etlron, Beaver. .Swatato, Cox. Brinnsvnie. Beaver, Ciori, Wellw tile, Monterey. Morrtron, Brnwnsvtile. Danube, Coen, Brownsville. 1.00. Mel,ne. Bennett. licinvasvtlls Despatch. Nelson. Mom 1 'ity. Camden, lier.drlcLon. hmwnsnile I,lke Rise, Hemphill, Bey .r. Gernlantw, n. Ml aclean, N. Orleans. A tnersca, 11, ,n, Wheeling Pennsylvania. my Cm. MISCELLANEOUS, HOLTSES. LOTS,. FARMS, &c, Foot ooy foal Sao o! II F. lame and err:l-Loth Factory, erected. Rebee. 1 i t Anerpreq ery, fry R S esollatt. reofered 1 . ..ra1e al a baraturi. and on.pav; terms The lot on ano.rh the Tanana ...eretad t foiollaffeet no Rebecenat, and rdna bock 110 tent n. Ink Therm. of Li.k..zed..tor:e4 hi, h. and On feetiolag it wide. The Engl. rlou . .e t Int* and commodious, with an eugme, boxier , atnek..a.e., al: In emuplere order. The preper.a vint t.e.o'd low, or lenand rdr term of )ears aavamnano. troJ, A prnene.ct 1 , u11,1.0n na. fora pr.aute rt s:dence is alto. on. l for ao.. It ...a lfaf Ireton Yiqk 4.1L0 - extends 6ark T ,0 1.E ,, tn an &le . , hannar Tref...treat for leatUr na Eon., Inntodnr,:. Tht• property Jr covered wah anideo fruit tree 4 atid abrotWery, au.; front it there, .+ a fine v Inv of the' river, any, Sc TOL. In: uriaun, ar ult. from the bourn of the ray. and amore ilehalotai root for a prwrue real, ec. la cy Le Mu.. It Le sada tow, nod ion; resin yen. 1,000 :or the w payment of the loan of roe purchase looney. This let ill Le divided into 0 e qu a l p,th4, al.ould a purcirtserdearre it. Ertgliirc of the automobea, who can Le scan at the CREee of the Gazette, every forenoon ...ea the hours of Pond 10, and ninth er a ne. ntl, , rooms AI Urn. flay 'a Loardint, hot., Ro b:nom, .w Row, federal at Atleghttly eny. .0 N. WHITE. .Aat for the owner. - - Grann nTower Iron Ore. sd sertheltr idlens for role 21s0 acre. of land L the mmed:the netalthorhood of the Grand TowelOn OM AlW. i issippt rtver, henry enemy, No The ore t of the: brawn hen:acme, (or, or Dr King calls et, the by anted brown .tide.) It. has all been chimed Since Itn leant. daynfi,nly last. expressly to seed, the ore Tho whole heerrotu hang; one and a half miles from 0, river band, and • good rock shore landing. The quart thy is M ll ll l l/01eil to be immense. Stun*. of the on itl to be re 1 . 11 lit the et.oun a Magrum o the entries, I teal sell the whole together, or in lots i t tuit per hirers If sold ingellw. I nboilti have no oh tertian to thke an more, in the menufacture or the , ore. prov,dod he efeele ele.l by practical men. Timber lot entre.' im . ntnindant A further description le .I,lll[ll'9loU er.sary. leeenteell Re I presume no pre en • purchaAa wlittnul first having exam. • ined the rernnes. lies from 2in 31nilem north al the nest I sold. the St Louis and Birmingham Don main, far litsmg company, last June. ignlN SCUDDED ORPIIAAPS COURT SALE, Of Coal Lands. ~ pur.nce of rio ll ter ot the Orphan's Coun el f Al !entirety na ' count , we be earned m nn the prent...e.. y Elturetlay, the rt 211 day piddle ni December, leri. at to o'clestk. A All the Stone Coal contained nott under the statute of 42 onset and, 01 ether of land elitelle 10 Township, AneellCeY county; 1411.g'pan of the estate of 'Witham IV allaee, late of etntl townslap, deed. The purchaser rte have an and every nestitsury privilege ortmober from the surface, air boles. and all other tacihties for mining and tempt...lg th,, , soul coal The Coal contained in tholabove premitea is ea excel. lent quaiity,. and t• aituale near th e route'of th e Central Rail Road. as at prescnt located. Teram'ensh. citlocit&?ltil. r ROBERT C A ROT/llntn. A dm'r. FOE SALE. THEibree story dwelling flousOunl Lut, now oceup , ed by IL V. Cehterppe, EN', on Penn or Irmal. The Lot k id by lilt feet, and la pleasantly imitated. FOr terms apply to the subserlovr, who boo al n • Fl/R RENT—The three Moly home aquas reran, o I.ll , eriY st 4nd lismn's alley, nnseoccapied as whale. sale nd retail revery mow, by 11. F. Scfisseppr. Pos. rasslon l iven tenredastely, applirmma, at the viral-t -hn,a of Jolla Irwin & Ifium,.&M 11 Water street by dcll,lin 101 IN IRWIN .• Form for tient. T 'irr.,..".F . le 4 7.l.o'l' l " C2r n tl e er f. ' r m ' Pree h ;, J 4 a l r l3:tl 4 l P rOm il rars: Imre& nn the rnrubenyille Turnpike; it ,contain. 10a screl, nil ander cultivation. Tbrre are on the place 2 excellent AppleOrchanl•, n first roletwo story H¢., Barn, Coss Ilan,. Ice floes& &c &E, It m admirably "a" Fhrm.. For term. aPPIy to drlld&wn'T a! Murphy. Wilson & Co, 48 venal at FOR lIRNT. _ Lit liandkomrly limPbcd Room on Market mreel, a .Daguerreotype establish. hy Aloraad & Co. . . A 1.0,n well ttombed and aell lurniehel Room. nod. nide :or w. Lee, admanng the 11011 or the Itleretwtile Unary Aeb.ridtatton. Entrance atfhilo •E.: D riAZZANI nerd: _ol6er, omelet et. lodween 3rd & 4th FOR RENT. TI14: tam, and Cantle/Urn( dwelling !more on Fededil At., Allegheny. formerly °denoted by Mn Ann Gozmite.. Rent low. kroasession green 00 the let af April next' E D GAZZ A5l. Immediate rolression or the above boost can be ale tamed by applying to M. Creighton, at the canal ware house of Clu7,ke & Thaw. . - Co.! . Land for S . Q EVEN Retell Gnat Land for inde, Pil.te In bend of 011ie Monongahela Eirriaboyeßrownnille, Pa, hav inc veinof 'rinet Conberhich will be sofd in exchange for nooim. Edr panic: wars apply to • o c m-, W II A RDA UG awd TO LET —A forge,, enedinodioini, and %realm .: 14bed. ihive steny brick dwelling, on Fenn mi., half nay between Gartintin nifty and Wayne l'imie‘eion given immbdiately. For parteulanenquire at the.oihee of W WALLACE. 1.44 librny n, CILDIRG LOT Ii NIA SCHESTER, FOR SALE:— Rove foe .eje a 11,1.ful Ilutldtng Lot In 4 Rwirneetrr.near. the Ferry, f nom 4 la/ fret deer, II will be gold love, and ort'neentnatudattng term. rennet unexcptionable. rnelo JAMES !ILA K EI.Y. Real BlueAxent EflEt.tett 1..1./R RENT. ➢rick W.- Bio, N0..54 etr -,0t..,11d,1 No 105 r From Wr lim la ord o,, ane ponse W Goo lt o gmo—aprly Or: the ALEXANDER GORDON (AWN TRY ItESlp/CieN. • S.ll ILA VIM.: removed no the city. for convemenre profe , coral buomera, 1 will rent the Alattc:on I loa.•. and :I.ltutned cnclo,ure.•:tunte on the or the NIononolle:a, or, mile sthoce Pa.burgik. Jassl4,i,:vt:; JAMI't It CRAM' FFOLL RES T. SMOKE tIOL:'3E. stunted on Plumb Atlrv r for iarcot. Inquire of 'ROBERT DALZELL Ci) den liberty. - - - - - - - - w-11 fit7th a etl i rt:re, on Matkel street, h,tweea art? and Fat streets, at prestrn tom:pied by r , tr. Turner. Posttest.° Pisan on the Ist of Apr, t•ext • fort.fl F.: I) tiAZZ FOR RENT. A handsome offlee over Y6rio~llall. nv.l Ft tl GAZAhI BOOKS. MUSIC RECEIVED ATM A MINER'S—The Lias of .J Juiun. Melhoree, born u slave to Major Jabot., of Nnitn o..roltun, I:10i, eold m Mrs 111-lbourn, (widow of I'.'•ur Melbourne of the Drintb Navy) at the ice of 3 eat•, Door whom he as. Pia name mad obtained treedion To which rsadded sketches of the-Lases or Tanta. John Q Adam., Jahn Randolph and ,00101 other CtjElo,ol Americao Statet.en, nearing on the Cuba, of Muse r), produced Octr per.o.l niter 0 icsr wall the mleeci of an. memoir; edited by a late Alernbrr of Cougre.... The euri,Colon of Man, considered io relation to Ex , ernei "meals; by George Cana.. The - Mariosei Ring, by John Angell James. A Campaign in New Megan. with Colo., Doniphan; by honk Edwards, a Volunteer . The ilriterie. of ma Three CitieN by Augustine. Toe Pirat,', paughter r or the Rovers of the Admire; by J II Damien< Adventures of a Strolling Platter; first AmencanEdi• j t"%itae. ei tee I.t Bartle of the Onowa Chat, by Os goAl !Danbury. ' I. , vinje Arr. No 1102. Dot.. A Son, No 14. 3ay o rb Coonterfea Iktector, for December. Magazine, Qputobian alogaaine All too 31agasines A large and volved I...intent of Juvenile Doak. Also, a beautiful seice•mti of ,11.1111613, such as Aloes Rote. Forget me Not, Leaflets of Memory, Lady's AI. bum, etc ete. • A new and largesupply of stationary, blank books for common im ist eve description. A large lot Pictorial Jry onathan. and Couriers for the Holiday. • For sale at 11 'A MINER'S, Smithfield street, ad door from hod. de? D 77 . 14111 . A .!. 1 —Greek, Engliabl:Cia‘a. • Anilion'ollaxemal Dictionary; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antigenic/I. ~ • M'Cullougles Commercial Dictionary; lire'. Dictionary cod Supplement' art., roanufae:Eres and 111111 CF: Web.ter's °move Dictionary, revised edition, Toild'elJohnsou's and Walker's Dicnonary, Worec.ter's Dalton.), Liddell and Sc ott'. Greek Lexicon; Gesenio's Hebiew Lexicon; Holan.on'. Greek Lexicon of New Testament; Leveret. lutat Lexicon; Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary; Punting nod Tiblon's French Dictionary; (tuck's Theological Dictionary: Union Bible Dicaonary; Rohm.. Colour. Dictionary, Ac. The 01..0 with 1, general 1.1 , 011111011 l of Theological, ClameahAliseellaiirous and Sunday School Books, al ways on hand and for tale lour. ELLIOTT Q ENGLISH dig Sd market st, between 3,12‘ 41/1 • _ N, TlVSlC—Wba'a .'the e steer Roomer, I come Inun a happy land, Horn in the Weal of estate; Would 1 were with 'thee; What encli.tment, by Madln Picot; Quern of op; • - 0100 P'ela I dreant'd bye. Tan Rainy Day; On give me home if to a forein land; Blow gentle gales, duce by .Loder Forgive:but don't mg.; p Good bye. Noir; Como twine ficoti Ras. M ray hair, Palmetto wal s; Co nutlet sha ow from thy brow; The fratiltain tit pearls; The moonlight waltz, May queen; 'Received and for sale by • J II nIELLOII, 81 Wood street I' S.' Several Plan. of Chlckgring's and a nd man Vector, ore new. the way (root 1. coat and will be See in a ft.ldays. I den -NICNV Priblllentlonal, • r IFF:of.Generail B Taylor, with notice. of the war in Californta and Southern Mexico, and bin• graphical sketch. of Officers who have distinguished themselves in theism. with Mexico; by ] Frost. L L D swung Idle, or stem.. of American Painters; by llerav T Tuckeinion. ' A Reply in Milner's End of ROO.. Controversy, so Dr th e church. of the Engl.h comm.:on are concerned. Just ree'd; for .ar o by ' LiIEAD 0025 __ 0 _ • , 4th sh near Market 7----- i i bilitigrr — Putbios TIP:NRT 1,F4110t, 13,117 eastern Piano Atones, 11 at J W Woottwell's, No. 83 Third Btreet. Tho I'j...lnymy be examined at all boom, and the taper,. bor will ht. there how 11. to ,1.11., and (iota 4 105, P. 51, ouct, day. 1110% October 'X, bit" • We, the undersigned, would Inform the citizen. at Pittsburgh and vicinity that we hove appointed Mr. bleb,' role Agent for Western l'enmsylvania.• for the stile of our Finn° thinee, from Whom they oh mined ut our owniNcw New York. Sept Itlntd-oethltUf NND k CLARK • A SPLI:NDID orsonmeet of Rorewoon and Mehra's fi Ty. andzy, g m ra d tor sand aquae Piano., with reetalk" • ntsbele. Also. two splendal Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman's ccieltratial Naiad attachment, finished in thermal mod iste style, and ter hale at F ItlitlAlE'S leun 112 wood street it doors above 211, ANE: %V 1 1 114DICAL DICTIONARY—ton. t.ning un eaiiluniainn of all•the terms in Anatomy. Pl:systoles:T. he. del snub the formulas of tee prit.mpal l'halinneopeceitmthand Naloable'rrocueal articles on the treatments of dist.e, on the huts of Hooper &Drain. Am, by D Pereira Gardner, AI D.. Jur, reed; for rule by esti L READ ILWJ3l.ltitf:A:—F. aahington mei; hie - Den - ends. 111 by J T Headley.Napoleon and his Mateltels; by 7 T Headley. For sale by I r.t.Lunv eell marker id between IN &Eh _ IN - /.. ,, I, , VEf vrt , 1T1070,v ff.. SA LAT .ur . rust, tb. Future: by X. Geo Czoly, 11 volt. rano. doting Jam publulitd by j A & u 60. • • '7' -- --'-f.:•-'-'7- klcLrk.K"' . CumasaU. 11. DRY & VARIETY GOODS. 'Wholesale Dry Goode. • yesT RECFJVED at the srnat,...l, D r y G n od. LI Hoont4, 62 Market surer. and nary— en:er new 'lst: ppm, to tthteLnd orange prints: a do °reedy ;daunt, new idyl, • . 4 do mixed and .taped ea's:merest 0 luny., white. red And yellow lannetr; 2 Care. gtnghanaat do ntriped and pinto alpacem; I do Kentucky jean,; do or tek:nrl ila Canton Janne ,: Atm sarttite wltne goods of every de.crannna. hood, carnts, glance. hn , ery, Inces, de. dee w an extentyve :toga or !troy., au./ ' , lynched munt, ton ey {trim, sr elt:ant. vltyc k. , tonal nbands. French plume, tte filer: thud, Arc rt , pccllully Ins ited to roll and train roe our atty - utinern, tot we are confident our Kock Ix ally compare ' , emit h:actern houses boil in variety and peter. nvaa PRINTS ONLY 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK LEE SE BREWSTER Establtehed • is arehotn, in. the yen'r ISO. tor the ph pow of i.upplying the City and interim Trade with PRINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at low prtees—and exhibiting, at all seawalls . of the year, the Lergrat A.ortment THE wORLD. They are now opening Several ll.dred Packag, roan g every new wile of Foreign and Domes, produeonn, tunny of winch are nor in he found el where. and which have jour been purchased, and a. offered for sale far Cast, and phint ends, of PRICES lIERUCED Mom ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the prices of Aped and (lay, as pe prin ted ['Analogues, oluch are corrected daily, for Or inlormannn noyera PRINT WAREHOUSE, Noe York, Ju ne,lq7. 5 jvi:distr -• Shelling Blois line. po goods, lately receivod, including Plainfield oheettngs,lf yd . wtrh; 't of hhnv Wahine sheeting , and we Hamilton shemaigs, ° s4 oudd-4 Wallh•m iydg lam non a 24 and 3 Pillow case marring, fltderenlotres Aloo f flaw style (unman, prat, white and colored .untirponoo, china for curtain,. Lord print, for do, supertor blant-ts. &mettlo do, low priced print, tor somfor. hr. There good. hating heed bought mem!) , Inmate an or iSetr agents. cah be sold at the /oWtfl pricer—at northeast cam, 4th and market . , Gentlemen's Furnishing Gosh& H& t. _TODD have this dry received direct from . the manufacturer+, and offer for talc at New York prices— case of those Extra Superfine Shirts manulactored expiessly for nor own sales and warranted well =de. I rue of Saxony and Merino under Shins, wrappers ' and Drawers, some very fine. I rase Dom= and Collars, including Bosoms with Col lars attached. 1 case patent swivel joint Suspender., wish Other Goods no numerous to mention, including blk and fancy adjusting Stocks Satin Wow nnd plain Smits Stocks. Bombe.= boar and plain Bombazine Stocks, Silk and Satin Ties, rich silk andsaim Cravats, with one can of low priced Shins which tee are sure in quality have never been surptased in ein this city. We intend to close the algae Goods od" pric by the package and would mill the attention of Purchasers to nue stock of Goods, knowing that low prices will corer them 'r speedy sale. H & E TODD octo2 26 wood st, up mane, 2 door, below 2dst Additional Supply of New Goods. A T NO. 75 MARKKI STREET, North West cornm /1 of the Diamond, where we Lava received lie addi two to our large and well assorted moon.) a large lot o lowlow d e and very desirable goods, among which rimy be found— Super black and mode cold French Merinos; . 2nd room= De Laines, 101 l wool,) Wide black mantilla sills; French Terkerre shawls, Mack French cloaking cloths.of a beautttal grainy; Heavy blue and olive French cloths, (or winter 'sacks and OVC,ORIC All wool Hrocha Shawls, very large; Week silk bonnet velvets. Emr handsome gala4k. dela 1.51 X ANDF.R &ILMY• n. MURPHY' invites attention to hat excellen ..stock of Winter Hosiery, curb as— Black and colored cashmere hose; /flack ribbed do; Drab do, very henry; ' White and rtno , d merino do; Slack &Tom do; Black Alone.= do; • It= k TM= do; thank Lams wool do, very superior; Fleecy Pp= silk do, See. Ac. _JO at the lowest porl•ible once, - RI axarixte Mae gitiorls. IV R. LiLL/RPILY invites the attention of wanting persons V blazon. Were Cathmerm - IA with anon stripe: Do mmrlin de Mine, • Do dress milks; Do bonnet vetemst Do bonnet Parrot; Do• French a, and parole:ma; , Ito French m - T. the excellent msortm erin en o t s; uf.aboao goods now on hand. 4010 CL auge able Satin, ace. Vu" 311.11LY11 Yepened yesterday fevapieces of V V Changeable Torn !Satins„for drer<st Bleck silk, for vArres nod cardrnat, Cherry colored Florence,: Scarlet Mau enure,: Cherry saunt Shaded sans Ribbon,: Tarkerl shawls; rh:t,t s hawk. Or. Ice. f.L , At north-east goner of (lb and Market sin • del S 111 , 11 J, h . 71 3.„ 111 . 1.1 6 ? i ts . tr , 1 4... ! 111 . U .p ft= above goods, lately tired, inchtfing some of. the beat make, and unusually 3.4. Alen, 3Lheetrug 3luslins,' from I to 3 yd, wide: Pilaw case muslin., common and rim., licking, common nod superior, Furndure , isnot ng to Goa. Also, raw of Mose barol•oom comm on Counrrr. panel &Terror rotors; red sommon of super. tine, d.c.A.e. I RIS, LINENS, ho —A antler supply of above JL goods, or approscd manufacture, mil reed. These good, bring purcha,ed from Ira agent di the' nonunion. torer•, to large quantrms, ran he : old at very low per ces. Am, Idnen table Manors; Superror damask Do table cloth, of different...les, Iluckabud and other be. ,Resides a large aa , ornunot of Linen Cambric Raud kcrch:eu.eoototonuidsuperlor. lV R 31111t?11V La•LVtrolera:e Rooms up emus, entrance on 4th sr. nalo • We!girl — Flannels, da. T a r R. MURVIII' h. lately received a full assort , •naeut of above desirable rge . goods. warranted not to ahrink in waatitag. Also. a laupply of rear I-t and red Fl l / 1 13Ci1,01/101013 and fine, wrote New England tbwr.elat brown domestic flannel, yallow do do; green do do;.ai Trice. by the ed and gof Mt., bole sale , Nonm, up [ta irs. Prn entrane- o gill at 002.1 J NewArrl. us r Received Ibr bal es e t of t oo a r ;It geode ofINIRA al RUHR/sit GOODS. the fallow - mg kinds: India Rubber. Lona . ..croon.. rack °osmoss. short 'overcoaw ea* wthen , sieeves rapes wo, sie s . o " . pone., l eggi n gs . buoi, camp blanket, horse cove s , travelling hag...addle )33.1., gun cover, pro bum amain boat locket., air pales, a:r cusloons wick we haVe a complete aloornonll that we oder wholesale or wool on ice lows:sipssr bin ternis,al our India Rubber rk pol, b wood sweet. nr.3l i A II PHII.LIPS COILK SOLES— Warranted Water. L' proof—lt:ably recommended by Pbysattans as Deals. a sure preventive against Cadc or •Inconlparoblr VIC° In ithennialle ant! Cnn•unvEzre baba, b o a, to ronstracred as io resat Cold an.: nn.:•lurc: they are Or a durable texture. oral., ligla utal ran to the met. blanaiarofied dui said wholesale by Lit/xi. dr. Pty. lour. %Valoonrbura, L.. 1. • A full automata of Lo herd sixes for sole by 009 l IlEAT(01, ad market st JUT RECEIVED per F:xprrat at ZEBULON.RIN SEI"S New Pitney torn, I 7 Market atreet— doz Corda and Taste!, iloltada,ClCloaksi " " Oen.' " pea Scarlet Stilt tinge, 2t melt wale; " blur. -I , lneh {Vial a large arroriment of other color, U...RECEIVED-6y Adams& Ce's Express— . J Soper super English Drab Clonln Do do do Pearl Drab Cloth; for over. bes • sines. and each coats; which will be made loonier, al. was the Shortest notice and most reamnahle term by cal, ANCKER & AIAYER dell 11) mood at, 5 Jowl above Idt VUESCII TURKICARI 511 AWLS— We haverest received a large oddstioesl sanely °feu. French Tarkerrn shawls. /14 these goods are very Pearce, we-would respectfully inite the ladies te call .nyl end examme our stork, ao we see selling them very As! low. ALEXANDER & DAY rem nvss 2, vr 75 market et. N W ear diamond abo Goods. A. N .; I I F. r tiO 4,o s2;kl . a , rlr ju New st rec amnn 'd ; which may he found ea cave/naive neck of Shawls of 4.4. every variety. dresaguedsuf themo rash kind,, mink sniffs, fancy ennclea, boom keeping good., feat mine, liner, rlbbon!, &n.&.e. Al TOM EN'S Gee vivant earn zephyr dam, Koh color. VI for eh Wen; childreahn mphyr ivonl)ackets; wit I 7 be offered' low to the en. trade. nvo4 Oun lIAMITON.SSIITIId.CCL aimed st lisKlNLS—Purer, all awl, Droeha Shawls; rust opened and selling at a great ?Mecum, ALXXANDIIII • DAV L Q 1111 l TS—lteeeived ttlis thre—LO denEne and toe dlom Jpiallty Tray Shin.. mare and narrow plats, with Byron and siandins colts's; for sale y . neld • II tr. eTOI/11 'IOLA! NELS—Rcd, Brown and barred Flannels. An additional supply whined hoot the znantitac• timers. Also, allow ;neses low pic red Coostheur los sale by GEO COCII RA Nl' aptl_3, 5 l 6 laded at SILETI./8-4 caookaoperftno and modally. black imd colored Enghob cncrm.. mo race iced tlitcm from Importers byChLETT E' WHIT data 99 wood at Plain 11Ign Colored De Amines. A A. MASON k C 0,62 marks( n , haver set received A per express au 314h0IllMot of thd above very rush. mashie rm.!. (no ch , lAr.F.'• sera, few very npelp;rl dI wool p Brodie S ling Shawl', ( etch we are idling gre4tly bdaw the !rival price. r • LIAOCLNDEIL do DLY Long and Bqoamit Shawls. A ...e...M?tSON V. 0,61 arket lo,haeolan reesiord aloTig ' ll7=ll:iS:l=l7. rr "ch D ARRED CLOAKINGS—Dast reed en ~.ginl iment of abort. maids, suitable for cloak Ratans; e 1.., • large rdpilly of cloths, of Clilahle colors and qaslity for Ladies' and Gendertlen's cloaks at dry raids house ofhvsl lv RhMIIRPIIY • northeast tor sth & market sts N HAND—A Imre and I;plmdid 'stock of Cloths, O Cashmeres and Vesting', which will be made In ruder the latest syle and co the mostable terms, by ANCKER & MA reason YER dell) . • 71) wood a Anon above Ilth LIVOLISIi MERINOS —W e harchat reteterA a large . asaortment of black end colored Eugli.h l'ilerinos, m which we invite the anention of person. needing the article, as we are setting die.e. a great bar gain. deb ALEXANDER &DAX SHIELTS.IO doe One merino nnd"LnenTis Wrini Mini and Drawer.: just received by Kennet. Line fonds by 1611ACKLETT & WHITE dal ........99-froo4 it • RATES OF DISCOUi\'I', BATES OF • Ns "IRILMES tt ,,— „SON, Farb:sage Brqkdr, No. 53 Market street,.nern CM et Pennayllinttless Indiana.., Bank of Pntsburgh • • -•Par B"k & I t:ii•hauge Bank •••-•-Par, , , , ake&e. tin • • .. Mekch. & Man. Bank •pard Ilkoso(Philadelptia • • •Paritachange Bk, of Ve.• • I Girard Bank pariFarnaers Bk.'of Va• , s • • Ltink of Gennantown •pariLlk. of the " , Thes‘er Osadt)'• • •Par, , Bk. of Vrginia.••••i•• lk.lawaro Co.• • •pariMA M. Bk., Wheeling I My/agog:le, Co • •pari • • '• : Nonnornber ' lnod• •par N. W. Bonk' I Co; dintna lkYidge Co.• • par do Wellsborg... s ....•- 1 Doylestown Bank• • • • par do Parkesiburr..l-• Fannie' Bk. Readip;•par' i Tenn easee.'j • Farriers' Bk. Backs CO. par . B&. of Tennessee. •-e • 3 Fddnier* Lamems'r.parTar. & Merch•te Bk-l•- Laheastrr Co: 8k.,•• •par!Plkoters' Bk.• •• • ' 3 U. , *ater Bank •kal 211asaarl . Ur Ilk. c h. , {,..n.,,,1.,, ___. ..... , • par:'State Bk of liliamari•;• l • 1 WO 4 riolVon Ilk- - t i Noel la Carolhati. Be tryst, ugh 1.1 k..— . • 4 'Bk. of Cape Fenr••• j• • 1 Chrunbersburg• • • • • • • • ° 'March's Bk”Nessibero• 1. Saillnehannu Co. Ilk.. iState Bank ' '1 , Lehigh Co 1.1u.k, ' sEsouth caroilika. Aliddlerown •.•• • • - • • " Bk. of Charleston.• • 4 • lj Cniliste ........ . . • • . "'. ok. Cnuere sal lik ••, ~ II Firiell3k. .. ~. • • ••• - " . of Georcc touin• • • - ,..1 j Farmers' and Drovers , 'Bice( liambarg•••. •,i 11 1100 k, Waynesburg.. o `.3lerchants Ilk ii 11 Ilarnsburc . . . ...... ...• '' .I . lenter• ik hleclies Illi• 11 Honesdale ." :Bk. of Snub CaroliniCi• 11 Lebanon " . Mrland. Pourulle 0 !Baltimore Ilks.•• • -• • .',. par Wydruing •• • .• • • • • " illaltaiie 8.0 R o f. Bc r Itl Vori; Ilk. " ;Cumber/and Bk. a Oh- West Branch L'k. a i ch.., ........ .. ..'.. 1 Ratidf Now. ...... •-• 0 ;Fa, Ica. of Maryland .i- II fi, Milk. I . IIIA do. . 0 ;Farmers` Ss hlecharties " City &County ircrip• •-• 0 ' Ilk. Frederick ' 01110.. Fraocriek Co. 11k.• • •;i " Sturell4 . and Branches I I+,lo WI, ID ..... i. Slount Pleas., •• -• • • " Mineral 11l 4tealeenville " Yarapreo Ilk. 0. Chin - scale ' " ;Washington Ilk • !Barak. " iln•of Si, estin in... r • • .", ° New Lialion• "j Michigan. !, Cineinnatt Burks. • ..... " !Ilk. of Ss Clair ••- • • •• j Colurdhus 4,6 0 Bk. of kr ye r Bar ss•hr• •• : Circleivills° • • vs. -. • • • " ; 511cbigno Ins. C0.....i 5 Zanesville ' " ;Var.& Mach's 11k '' 5 Putnam . IWl•conaln Territ , y. Wooster •••••• • -• • -. . " Marla Ihrelll.CO.M ihei I MILIIIIIO/1 “ Canada.. 1 , Sandukky ....... ••.• " sol of Ilariks••• •• .'', IS Geatga •• • • • • • • •• • • 0 . Bank of Enalurid Noise --Ist 70 t 0 1 Pit r. Cleveland - " IGold &Specie Value. leons ILIVIMI , • .... . " ' Dacus ' 2 t5O 2 ill Wesrern Reserve, " ;Reale, old • •• - 10 60 Franklin B'k Cohnnbus " ;Eogle. us' u •• • • - 10 00 ChilliCothe 0 ;Doubloons, Spanish. 16 00 LakeP•rie• • • " ID°. of 15 yin Seiotai• • " ;Sovereigns ..... • • 4VI L.,,,,,,, ..... ~....• .10 Rinineas Ilainilain 13 ,Fradericksd'ors sf.r Granville• • • •.• • ..... 50 ;Ten Thalera • • •C• • 7511 Yoll4'lllll Centrati• • —3O Men Dodders •-• • 350 Diana 50 L.onis,Pors•• •• • • .l pr, Kentucky. ; . Exchange. :, Ilk of lieritucky ' 1 New York }era Bk.of Louisville " ;Philadelphia I PM Norte Ilk. Ken ky• " 'Baltimore • I Pl. New Vork—Cny Bank.; par. Intenor ins• •••-• EXCHANGE BROKERS, HUSSEY, lIASNA CO., HANKERS, EXCHANGE. EtROECERI , i . ,' 'AND DEALERS IN FOREIN AND DOMESTIC EXCIIANUE. CERTIFICATES OF DE. POSITS, DANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; . Fourth at, nearly opposite An Dank tor Pittsberah. , CURRENT MONEY receimil en Del...n—S4bl Cbeckelfor sale. and volleettond made on neatly all the pnneipal palms in the UnitedlStatea 4 The bigheitpremiampaid for En reign and American Gold. ! Advances madeoneonsinnments or Produce, shipped East on liberal leant. _ Copartstrerahlatv; ' ' • yosigpn la. lIILL. Ilxm ot th firm of Wm. -k• & Co.,lstad WM. C. CURRY, tisk. of Etie, Pa.) have entered into Copartnership, under the 11.1 e PI HILL & CURRY. for the purpose of carrying on die Ranlink and Exchange business in Milts branches, a) Na S 5 Food meet three doors below Fourth,. weir aide—where they solicit the custom of their friends arid the public generally. JOSEPH II lIILLr neet)ls WM. C CURRY .10sirki H, HILL. WU. C. CCE47. k LIWIG BANKERS A EXCHANGHILL E CUI BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND 903IESTIC TINE & SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICASEA OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN, No de Wood street, third door below Found!, RCP{ Slaq. 3El_4 R Fonda and Currency received op Depocite, and 1 colleition made on an the principal Cdies in Sir United Stow. • Sight Exchange on litaltienere, Philadelphia, Now York,r Bost. and Clucinnoti constantly for sale. Ohm, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia nod Pennsylvania Bank Notes, bonFht arid .Id on favorable tern.. e -Eketiangeon Englwld, Ireland, Germany and Flake procured, eke .2.. , rochla ._, • N.l-kOLPI.gii S. ROM - I, — 7--- 7, Bitetke” add Dealers Ir. Exchange, Coln - and Baal Notes, . NO, 55. MARKET STREET, R/TTSEURGII. Bollix, Rates. Errhanre. ' buying Rater. t new York, pr. Calcimine, 1 die; Philadelphia, ,I do Louisville, I do;; Baltimore, do Sr. Lexie, . . I do , Baying Rates. BANK NOTEM. - .,, Duylng Rates., Ohio, ' die. Co. fr. Soap Orders, I dia. InCiisna. I do Relief Not., "-do: do Pen Kentucky, nsy loon in Cy. " do; Viretniti: do New York do, "do i . ' do 'Wheeling, do New Orleans, Tennessee, . do Maryland, , "do det Otf 3, . • WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., B AID ICE 8.8 r EXCRANOE 13110.1LE815 FOREOGN AND NlTl:niain CERTIFICATES OF D l ' • •TP., BANK NOTENHE AND (E. 1'0.54 Wood Snarl, one -re Foursk, - EnstAida Orr-)Pltiabu, • . Pa, rd&lrl Au.rai znam.n. LIO/Aall KAHN KAA7IE.73. & ANKERS AND EXCHANGE lIROKERS, dealers 11In Forilign and Dennestie DiPcif Eackange, c<•nifi ell. of Dep.:igen Bank Notre and Rain, corner of 3d and wend cheer, directly e;ipaeitellt. Quits Hotel. • Foreign Exchange. • ILLSD .; y England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to 1) any mutat al :Le Cumin Hates at Kreaturige. A150,.0 P. pu)ablc in any part of the Oat Countries. from 1411040, at the rate of SS , to the L Sterlmg, without abrduetion or &wenn, by JOSHUA ROBIN.: SON, Eurnpean.and General Agent, Otbee,sth nt .nne door wont'!" wood ovlnd VITfitiVKII , VENTLP— Indiana I Onto Kentucky, Alnaouri LILA Notes; purchased at the Inareskrales, by delo2 N HOLM P 3 & SON I.—FiLLS EXCLIANGS.—h.sht Cheeks on - View York. Philadelphia, and • . .Hultimorr. Const.HlJ-for sale by N HOLMES & SON dell) • .33 market lit LOLIAMITIZ.otet. mud Accepts., ces. 0i) able in any part en the Homo, collected co the most lalrorable terms. N HOLMES SON dell/ merket or E. . I CCI;ANG/5...0n New ork, Yhtladelphtit, and liatuntore. al sight, msums to sun purchasers, cott ony foe/talc by . HILL do CURRY, cal I • wood street below fourth, JLEtTiEJI3I I IIWIIINDS—The notes of tbo. Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky Banks purchased at low qttes of dticount, at the office of • : . HILL 4.t. CI'RRY, . bell I 1 Nors.Ml wood ft below founb rfOL I :IC - OTiONISO7Ii - 1 art the prillclpMitlehtn dz • N._/ libiod.'mado by 1111.1, .b.. CUltItY. b betll 1, wood 1.1 brio,. iour.l. HATS,; CAPS AND BOKMTS A l . VISIIIOI FOR AIIIVIIV. 1 1847. M'CORD & KIM G r; lIATTLMS. ' , __Coiner of Wood and Fifth Strretm, - Hit'i' ' r:toce .67 ( 4 Ln ' i h ;:o r ‘t u oT:::te l oii o on " o l i ' l:rr7L!! istrei od Oalzenv.genersdly. riel lif I E t ry slip i tad Citizens._ rids i : Fall fitylw Elates • I MeGALLAM has Just received wbeafitiful stack f Beebe & Costar's Fall style Hats, which for iha a and lustre censor be surpassed. Call at the :Ha at Wm, klannaugahrla lipase, Smithfield at.. and 5..'!_b.5.._ 1 i ..... _ . 00115 • i . Pi fin 'Ycl — lniVtetititTCiS; ' f"7! — _ PATENT Alit "CIRCULATF:R . AN ILI itt•PROTECTOR.—The subscriber wiDIR i moiler on Saturday, Oct. . Gentlemen law g altar tried with this desirable article will please al a d eztamine:. ALFRED KEEN/IL; Practical Hatter. own i 152, brad of weed at 11. ' i• ' PALL FASHION. . Ihf RE des received from Now York, the rico Rani which he will in trodne a this day, Famrday, atl. h. i All those in Want of a neat and wiperior ha,. sold a well to call at No IA Wood Street, 3.1 door' Ise th. i - . artS 111 I 1 I. •• Fall Fashion, 11147. BEM!: & COSTAR'S Style Getttlemen's flats willbeintrodoced •at KEE.Vllsius on Thursday. a . August 27th. Gentlemen wishing &cheap, fash ionable 11 su of Pittsburgh manufacture ahead of iou able Ilattrimported ad advertised by sommof , c a trase. please call at KEPWIL &Co's 152. head of Wood at. a 8 LI el r E e V ' e e if es l v 1 1% ° rtr I ft i atitt I nf i k - - I . . Ikon. 74:1.,'" d'47o,nrgN i C.'nfin,",....7."4, with Yenta ra. Thorn in manor a beautifulaight Hat me respect ullyinvited to rail. 13 MOORE ray2h. ..1 - .. ..... _ 75 wood et, °doors above 4th . . ditWILLIAM DOUGLAS has Just reeeWed a esti sualy of Ringgold and Buena Volta Silk (. . I P..twa a hi p te ' Pt ! e w neh Y dlo ‘ lesk in HALF, et sculpts pneeis i . jell No 79 wood street int.,o 'WILLIAM DOUGLAS, ~.. iCONTIN U ES to manufacture, end keep constantly on hand, every •ancly Of Hala l % sad sof the latest style, and prices very law at T Wood street.Pastslde. ivoT CA StCAPS!—Fore Otter, Seal and MuskC a pps, itt t tit-hind at McCALLAM'S Fashiouable /lin flaro, T t/t i nt i tl , alh i j e cr lit t: / , :a use. octla . IiOC ordtat eitagreat . angry of style a A lgett fi llt.,,...n - , thloneinislida Mow, _ oettO . . Pitts argh eittalConnellevllle A: nos dOo NOTICE - 10 tONTBACTOILS: , IN pt mance of a Resolution of th e Board of Direct; ors ( the Yunnn-oh and Coartalltaille Rail Road °mop ny, Notice is hereby given that Ocitled Prosavals *it hreceive) as she office of the Company, (Frantl. DKR) Pitobargh, between she hours of nand Insicloch, A. 11., nntil the 2.4 day of December, tact, fdr tho CS.- masionivton tour, miles of the Pittsburgh ead Conner -Re - Rail Road,extending op the Youthaighany m cla, loin 1110 village of -Pleficesponon the chanty of, Alight y. Plana 11.111 i apecificationd of the workreatt be seen o g. ter thi WM not, at Me Mime of We Company between the at 'FL named boars. WhL LAILIMELL,3r., , del I d N OTICE TO sro r c i fjlV...o ,, E ,... R.S f —ln pursuance . of oronotgoedo w g n o n ;le RiorkhOlders o st=o " flo nei h e! 3 i , la Na' igatiori Company, will Le histd , on "Monday, she yd d o o f jartaary,l6la, (briar the firs/Monday of Me Munk at the alms of the.tesd Orsonnuay, in- Breed's _Nadi gsroards str..4 in theedlyLlTPAtabusgb, for the pa of electing theollote, far th e ermaiag year. , dol ., ; . Whi RAKEWELL:Pottratarv. 1016—An Elrcuan for oneptziett,,tv= '..1.11'1DT?4er.4 ThlM". Wr ''' Av o tll be be% ilk" I'mP" Road C."4 V , bei eat tee Daum of 1 Deirember titbit w lind r , •JEWEET,yronsurcr. ~-Eradld•F , \1 i MEDICAL. TRAURIP/lANT SITCOI4II, tonnimpliirr;•runernbcr ihrti•il Thompscrec Compomd Sy . rup.of Tcr. and Wood Nap tha trhiCA is daily effecting' such re= markable runs in • PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! Asthma. Mancha* Spitting ate B.ond, rata in the &demi • Lima. Son, 7 arose, blooisenese, Palpitstiou of th• • Hoer; Whooping,. Croup, Him!, NeiToll6 Tronaors Leer Cconaaut Lune Diwawd Kutner, eta ' T lllR .r te:Oj i !.,treare o. of alx .,, fleJushalftures of Tar or. S.. I'. Thottwan—lleer litr—The estaniehin have experienced from the even! your Compound Syrupor liar end Nepal. rciadere it ray duty to inf Orsa you of it. I beta b re a s t, uced with • very bad eough,eausing severe jvht La the of with great opptcwoo. dculty ot bread.- .. .4 hue of appetite.. Iling aunt...dies without effek I became alarmed, 150034 of your inedicine, but' be , . log iteerse to using runt tub ertised meditines. I . thought 1 Would adhere to what .1 had boon usink Fitolinuarell rtting won, • triend penut2e4 we to 19; a boUle of your - prepatutioo, sayitig.he owe4hie life tgiy virtues I usa nuediate:y procured abottle toil eCannienteet using it. bw. tore h. taken•two bottles, wae completely restored to Solely Rir the benefit of others I make the abom luief statement. Any furtheeinquiries eats be mad, at sty tau drone, lid Cathardse Alma. Respectfully yours, Fat 1.4C1e Pe.WOW. another • Rem izrkabk Curt ' • , • , • • Carlisle, Pa., Noe. M, 184 d, !About , sit yeers aiiire, in consequence of the wedettem7 masore of my business, I was attacked with meet,in the br ea st. palpitation of tlw heart inel shortness o f peke breath. albeit were .n o t followed by the &Jure of appetite, extreme obbefulness at night and partial piire'ysits of my limbo—thine symptoms of a deratiged system being frequently entailed ith 'pilling . of blood. For alms! two years I was a-make sly thrown Into io uvulspa, which . left 1 enter able state of feebleness and begait to adiet any mind. From time I tome my soffentigs were more or less senere,unta they inmeased to such a dtgree, and the v iolence olt • symptoms were en augmented, that for • whole year I was unable 'O/Abend to any business. Durirg this time :I coasull...' rd'ime abl'ephysiCians end attended to their preeemptims,, but all their' skill-ems • at-ending to prylare me reltecand at length they regarded my reeorru as mtittly In - ' this condition I Yias informed or the salutary elfeete of 'rhea:noun's Coressitand Syrup of ass and Wood Naptha, in a • ease somewhat ,itutL“. to mute, me( though I had given,uyi capectat.ons of a recovery of my former heath by human yet beim strongly ealwised to try this medicine, I no it length prer athiippoo in do'so, md I hare nor. M. sty, that by therein. of sit-tattlet toy he4th has been restdreilosael Ilan stow: ati:e to attend to Inatome with oe much lima, • sual. HENRY hIYERS. • • Of Dickinson Tovnasbip. Prernerpared only by ANONEY DICK,ON at the ' , e.g. coof Falb and Spruce streets Sold by L., Sb ILCOX, Jr. Pimbur,k, and rripectobio Droggi. crocroliy. ,Price 50 etc, or One dolor per bate. OAUTIOOL-42oware of irdibelku.s, and portbon Timm Poe, Gisopo.d Syrup of Tor Onto roue boo speeds, or of ' throe ,bore the eusp,cion of deahog io coat drellamo . SiII.LTMELrf3 GINSENG PANACEA! T O L L UNGS. — Tae E- TnSeU.galdNGL,o%V.l.Tccif D eu IM?. emended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA • In sill the various forest *hick lunation of the lungs se sames, Lent induced the proprietor again to tall ante tom to this . WONDERFUL PREPARATION..' The tharigeable wouber *lnch marks our fall ar4 wiotortnitottis, s always it fruitful rooter of • COLDS_ AND COUGHS. Tbef, if rieglCoted, are e. but the ;ft! cunao of that tel denosyor,s CONSUMPTION. • The quest:on, then, llow Mall we nip tbe deEnhyer in be hod? how shall we, get clear of our enghs'and cold 4? is of vital importance to the public. • THE GREAT AND ONLY REMETPC win be found is the Ginseng Panacea. In pionf of this .we have from lime to time published the cm:tamales o dozens of our hest known citimes,whe bare experience curative podgy. These, with a man of tesehrmY from all parts of the country,—fein MEDICAL MEN OF TILE FIRST STANDING, Minteters of the`Gospel, be., together watt eopionno . • • flees from the • JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet bon; and. may he had goons of any of 'ear ngents throughout the country. • lIUNDREDS OF BOITLES have been used Is this eilS. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United imams and Canada, and we thole lenge nay mat t 6 pint out a • • SINGLE INSTNE in which, when taken accot;;is A toll rections sod bee fare the lungs had become f ly divermalzed, it ha. e,rfanid to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE- Why, then, need the afilictol hesitate? Why resort to the miserable nostrms, gotten up by ten vid; uals under the &seamed name of someMakno helehrated' indi pbyre smart, and puffdd into notoriety by cortincaleiof per-' sons Nanny unknown? IPhilet a nap.dicinnef UNPARALLELED EFF/CACY, is to be had, whom vouchers are atlumei—our neigh. Lou,—many;of whom it has SNATLIIED FROM THE GRAVE In order thm this invalnbie mediclnentay ho placed ithin the reach of the poor as well as the rich, we hive put the pace at ONLY 'FUMY CENTS,. is,t one half the usual cost of cough medicines. It ii for sale by oar agent* in nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to sire fall Information relative to a. SALTER, Proprietor, I . Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. HIMICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE; 1.0. 65 Dlii MOND./AL LSY, a few doom below • ..akApl,, Wood et sweet, towards that .1 mark •.• , DR. BROWN, II monk been regularly ed.' neatto the medteal pro .e.••••• Imam and een a - time i n . turret practice tolhe treatment of those A private, and delicate conal , X !.? plesiots for which kos eppot _ A +warn* reertax ' Blevie years mimeos It ...led le the ~ may and treatment of•those eomplv nts, S ero us which lime he has had more practice and, tam eared more patents than can ever fall to thelot of aly PfordiePreettliorter)sol ply qualifies blot to oil raloarnmes of weedy, perma nentpind satisfactory aro mall afilimed waistless. Mammy, and all dist.. arising therefrom _ De. Brown would mform those Mted with pima It:waste which Lave become chronic by ume or aggro's& led by the e, use al not of the common nowares of the day, thatthr COMOILOOLL era he redienny and dor , ought), eared, he haythg to anintlonto the treatment of intuit eases, andauceeeilal in hunthuda 01" iastunces in curing parlous ofiudamanon of he ascii of the bladder, sod kindled dole.. .1:who:leo resell tom those cases where others have Zontogned them LO LtOrte<3ldcvair. Ile path totally invites 'aches have bettaltloA nod unsureewfully trehted by others moon.._ salt him, when every minivan:lon will be 4iven int ern 4131d,f their. [Mei treated m a neutral. Momughknd intelligent pointod eat by Inns experieuna, OLUdy and vesugaten, which n impossible be them cmgaged ceueml practice of medietne to anv elms 6 lwease • • 0 - 11cm.ta Rupture—Dr. grown twodim. persons altheted Item. to call, whe ha s pa. I;,iineul, attain on this &cue •• • •• - - . , . ' sky serramialm Pdes. alok, me speed, caret ,tChn esverylose. • - • • N. .—VoneotOrt tinter .0; tlawir ta • aa.a.n iy 111110 g their Macaw in writing , grams all dre spas, toms, can obtain medicine, With dimness tor um. r• addressing T BROWN, M. D. post po.I and efm! , sing tithe. . ~• ~,_, Of f ice No. en lhamend -4114 y; ° y r.., ge, .„ . . x'4o nam 0..' ,1•••• ~., aa .04i.hillhIPTION Alt lIEET/CD- Tu the ;e rtlilleted with Diseases of the Lusts.. is to CC. isfy to Wow aS,a.tcd wi'l4 die litot pio- WOLLiut) owl/lams oi eons...peon, Mail hear o co p. 'lenweing lot second ) ran war. a hroncin ouitlieso of jWe l'lrnatn,id hosirionc». I woo) mod...* Oal ...awl no Whet in .14, pr,porution of rum/C.llw UAW I ...le vise of Dn. DUNCA , . EXPECTORANT , RE.SIEDV. I hove In.en using valuable medicine lot several,)ears. and elwm ti find ino relieve when. ever I make use 01 It My occupation as an Auction.. :car which keeps me almost constantly enno i ,d i cnn . nn lay'discam, at tunes, if, become very alarming. when at once proeure this medicine. I therefore take pica 'fan, looking this public statement, that enters affect -ed with ' o duseasoof.the lungs and expectorant omens 'May know the voices of this 'animating remedy," aild may be cared. I have reeetnmended Dr. Duncan's .Expectorout Remedy to many of my friendsoserne oy - whom owe their lien to this medicine • ir,,,,,,nunr,Ohio i Oat 13, IR& JAMES HEWIT The proprietor! of the above medicine would, also otter In the undersigned percent, wk. retbdo In gerry county. on whom any person may call upon and be convinced that there are virtues found in the. shove medicine thatcannot be excelled: David Culbertson, T3ornersen Dr. D.Stane,do; Pram. cis Gol iher, laclrfon tp; hlr.Lanmer, dm Goo. Polbat i Ealtlick tp; Jeered Devuen, Hopewell tp. DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN MICE, 150 Bye-. 1110fc street, Cincinnati, Ohm. Pold In Pittsburgh by Whl. JAOXSON, 9 Llbeny head of Wood sdeet. atiladharT A STOMA, OR DIFFICULTY OF DREATIIINO.— Lrl. This &setae is canted by a . parogynnal*Mliallie- • lion or the air cells; tt Is very deb dinning, almost can. ,to . suffocado. IDR. eWLEISER'S PANACEA la 'the only certain care. . • ' !Hoarseness entirely eared by a free use of. Dr sweelser's 4=ot-ca. ' • Catarrh, or et/am:ton cold. sr ieh , if neglected, wal • terminate in consumption, Is effectually reheved rod _ , gored by Dr Sweetsees Panacea. . ltronchitis, uncheckedi.will effectually lead to • - Rronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr Swim- '• ScrtsPanaces, will et/dually core . o • _ Infiationanon of the TousiLs or Sore Thmat—Thur 'Clauselonen leads to serimm consetmenees Sinn or.. gleet, sec has ulceration of the throat "On the first .• - army:ems. Dr Sacetsees - Panacea ohould be proeured • and used freely .- ' • Coughs end Colds find a rovetorgn remedy. to Dr. pvrettspetratancea. Pnerneonia Notba.—A• very fatal disease, reseal:4r from e violent cough and cold on a debilitated otbreken down constitution; aged persons are subject to it •••11,, - 4 4 Ponaceit ehouid be mad on the &sin imSe • totes, which are a cough or cold. Nigbt!Uweats*--Thisdebilitatingoomplaintorilllnaelt ivith a timely check, by using Dr.Sweetsat'a Panacea,,.;. Consumpuon.—lCon th e first appearance k•i no ~,,,,ptems, whack,. are a pato ap pearance the side Whom* resetor spittingof bked. Di bweetsent Fonseca Is t,cely Wed.. deZitet need I•et oppretended.• • • ! . he Lanes, the W.dpipe, or the t o • Tubes be - drine °bilged up with phlegm 16 ei to itopede - nereetstnil PUlaeel,galek pnwerfblEtpectatant,thottld be taken rteecrdimg: Innocent.—This distrossmg gidemir, so prevatgatia . our climate speedily cured by /It Swee woes z Price el per bottle, or sla bottles !be SA - For tale by wAr, JAcKSON,Eg•Liceny st.;sign of Ile iq • • - rnadsl 7 Consumptivos Cr Oo=rotation. I:Mee oiekoesit weigh upon Tear hum./ Or pains hEirt your Wren; .T Adit will ent. 1 It cleanaway the. misty elord • Disease spreads o'er the soot, ' - And whispers throogtt tho gloomy abrolgt, !'four healthway yet La whole.• See 'Gilder rocs of lovely hoot Priv vtitheziag vrohdeeay . It scarcely sips ihe MnfOilljratl.l. lieforo it fade. away. • . The Worm of Death woo 111 lb* atom,;; , stmnat And when at bloomed, la lovely ivere,l It eloped Utmost nod throolth• That Worm of Death inigla bedefieir, If Dr,Poile.AA's ott Ivo. , wed: . 1 And emoy lovely damsels saved • IL.awak.n untimely *- • rcp.DILDUNCAPOS IVEr.US.II4 , (OryWir,Ai ly ed more otieet, efIle:121112. Ohla; where his vat:oU. W Sold lo Yi b tta rty ber on by WX. JACYJs" _ _ . • . , • - . - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers