The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 16, 1847, Image 2

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    TEIE (4AZE•.rrE
frY. Tea rarrmaritan Darr, Gammas m publodem
Daily, Tri-15 . .44, and Weekly —The tsbevart
Odiamperannum, the Tri-tVer kiy a Five Dollars per
annum; the WenEy imTaro.Dollaro per annum arnedy
Go .4—. ,
ItrAlntscrtreas are caractaly requerted m band at
tour ratan before 5 ;wad as early .n the day as
For UMW Co=erual Inte/Nrencc,lkrmeitte Mar
'kr..ll,Rivar News, imports, Money .111arkct, ac, 1-. x
gee [Oath Page for Dlbccllan News
TnE .102t1k: TRADE
. Secretary the Treasury ; in his Annual
Report unwitt, ly demonstrates the extent and
Tales of our do esne z trade, over that of the for.
sign coricrteree ' W - Mch we are I engaged: The
rguset We l e helot* shows the's:weevilly of do.
, log something promote the prosperity of "Cam
mono among States" as well as with foreign
nations. -We o not plate exact reliance upon
Mr. Walker's gate. 'and ratimilea, though we
have no alive superior value
.which f ornes tic trade.
In my , 1840 1 it was shown
that- th our proilMite exceeds
three ll dollar.; Our popular
tion do '3 yeaei, and our pro
'duets i no period 7 . - -thst being
the tim m cotopCninding itself
quarter ' rut. ',nitereat will be
quadm d here r by the actual
results. sand Millions of dol
lars, on was exported abroad,
leaving used 'at home, of
which i 10 ie annually inter
changed between um several Wiates of the Union.
Under third system, the !Meer the •aree, and the
greater thottriety of climate, i„Ar, and product..
the toontl•extensive I. the commerce which meat
exist between the States, and the greater the val
ue of the Union, We see then here, under the
slitetn of Imo trade among the !tinkles of the
Union,im interchange of product4of the annual
value of at least $300,000,000 anions our 21
„millions of people; whiles Our total exchange., in.
eluding imports and exports, with all the woad
,beside., containing a population 'of a thousand
Millions, wee hat year $305.194,360, being an tee
creme ainee the now tarilr over ; the preceding
year of 870,014,647. Yet the exchange. - be -,
tween our States, entwining of a population of 21
o illiona; being of the yearly value of $ 300 ,00 0 ;
000 exchanged, make ouch exchtuige in our own
e amity 'equal to $3361 per individual annually
of our own and fixeren products, - (our imports
end exports,) eensidered us $31.10,030,000 with all
the new of tho world, to the annualvalue of thirty
ants to each Individust. — That is,-one person of
the Union receives : and exchange. annually of
oar own products as much as 79 persons of other
With dm Theory hero liid downVro have notte
Lot to de, whimore ,here put suchlheories to the
test or fact and eipeniance we have found them to
ail in the reit - tits whiOhero presumed, rather than
proved, by such a state of act. Eqully- diswns
'factory is the following, which might be aeon et
by that other if. viatica werehorres, beggars
might tide."
Were this exchange with foreign countries ex.
tended to ninety ,tents each, it would bring our
imports rip t 0.5900,000,000 per annum, and calse
our annual revenue from duties to a sum exec.:l.'
ing $90,000,000. 'An addition of thirty cent,
each to the consumption of our products exChang.
ad from State to State. by our own people, would
furnish an increased market of the;valne only of
$6,300,000; whereas an increase of thirty cert.
etsch, by a rystein of liberal exchanges with the
people cf all the world, would give -us a market
for an. additiottif fated of $300,000,000 per an.
num of our experts: Stich an addition cannot
• occur by refusing to receive in exchange the pr.,.
duct-lief other nations, and demanding the $300,. -
000,000 perineum •in specie, which could never
be supplied. But, by receiving foreign products
allow duties in exchange for our eiporta, such an
segmentation might take place. The only olive.
• olds to such exchanges are tho deities and the
freight.: But the freight from New Orleans to
Boston differs but little from that between Liver.
- .
pool and Baton; and the freight front Many points,
in the interioria greater than from England to the
[Pelted States. r Thus the' average freight from
the Ohio river to Baltimore is greater. than from
the same place to Liverpool; yet the annual E.:-
chimps of products between the Ohio and Saki
more exceed by many millioes that loctovern
- Baltimore and Liverpool. - The Caned.. and al
' jaunt provinces upon oar bordersOsth • Andel , o
lent than two millions, exchange imports ander
ports with as less in amount than the State
of Connecticut, with a population •of 300,000;
ehowingthat if these provinces were united with
to by free trade, our annual exchanges with them
would rive to $40,000,000. It is not the freight,
Ilion, that creates the chief obstacle to interchanges
of product. between our/elves and foreign coon
&i.., but the duties.,
, This argument like thebandlo of just is all
on one side, and if flanada were to abate it, it
be entirely reversed. As it u , howay,,
we are not to refute it, amt quote the paregrajla
in eilenso simplyie show,ihe jut Anima which
the Iniernab - commerce of the =miry ho. updi
the Government.. Timed claims cannot. with
honesty b loogor overlooked. The Inland dodo
with itufblui increase in value, and theyopulation
morallian keeping pace with it, have( righte and
InterWiv which mud not longer be:neglected. A •
Cu, man the peitplefof the Misidaeippi valley and
along the Lakes ought to rim up In their defence
indepectiee of party or It:rattily. When this is
done with becoming energy, perieverance and
public spirit, the intoreeto of the west will receive
,heir due attention, and not before.
Ektorfal Corscipo . odence of the Pinsiwitt GAMOW.
Doe: 13;I 847.
'Bstior'Huoata, the Catholic Bishop of \New
York H
proathed, th e Hall of the onse of •
tettantatives ieaterday, 'upon the.. lniltation of
Aim gosici Anmm, and several of tbo m
distinguished mandus of the Hausa. The Audi.
~. ease was one of the largest - titer essonabled in'-the
Hall ails House,- 7 eecry nook and coiner of the
I. chamber being filled, and a 'multitude compelled to
stand through the services.' The acumen was in
excellent taste, and appropriate throughout,L-in
the spirit of the true tmlversal Catholic Clarisisn
'Cbalch. whieh admowledges love to God and
ambentes to Iberiariot as the his of all 'creedr.
Itwerinextempetenecesdiscourse.fotuaded epee
the tett:"Hitis.thatla greatest among you, let him
be your Afirliter.7 The design wu teas. the
social, tallgions end political Improvement remits
log from the teachings ustosissiost of roe gavior,—
• and the Rulers of the Nation were psniculailk
adrooniehed to partake latgely of this via It is
'almas • new thing for a Catholic to preside in the
desk at the capitol. Many year, since Roe. Co..
truirrnie Pisa was Cheplain of the HOWx for
one seulon, bat since then, not ?meet' this faith
•". r bas bean placed there, either_ by order of the Hous.
; or by Invitation of any of the mutbera. The
House, will prai . ably make choice of Its Chiplain
today. • The rake of the two Hogue are, thu
r "then atoll be two Chaplain; of different &nom.
i 6 a 4 otto."
• r . Rutland 1:11T011, asairted by Mr. Rowe, whe
deligtde4 se many in Pittabonsh last summer with
• theiillue =sic, have tirestwo concerts here, to
may Wry and fashionable audience. , Their mu. •
sic gave, patirodir pleasure to the I . :earl:trod.
dents, who are Leta, mainly connected ,with the
Diplomatic corpt• The number of Minbters end 1
Atfordses anemia be more than usual this winter,—
sad theseis every inditedan of a gay aeasoo,.—gay
encagitto sagely thou devoted to pleasure. Most
' • at the member, are here wiffetheir families,—end
hundreds not connected with Coignes for these..
elm Weabingtoci is all sorts of a place daring
a 0 0 6 ill , " of Coogutes,seteer; gay, sad, froI•
kk.olo o , eluchegottg, plusgolng, bill•going,
Coogrest.goingr-)vet sbalyou will it to, be, in
yentown sphere of aetion,7—every thing, indeed,
I ; xFrom pave to gay—from &oily to sutra' ,
It Is dehtlialled. too, "the city of nu f ,,,g,,,, n g
dishustote l etokoeY Coalman," and xPaste.
Beard,"' It is • mile end thren.quartets from the
President's Maas to tie Capitol, and many live
beyond these ears* The coaches mete some
antenda for this, bat with !keep drafts upon yt iu
purse, if you parasite: theta misit. The Paste
*; Baud often Ames the place of tt peptone! and '
:COOnaililaglry and in no loader off the
Haat lathes* ram* visiting done by card as
bens at the capitol. , t.
Rev. NAGzuri,:ru in Cincinnati %I &atm,
- _
, ,
' ' , ir'• • • ,
ic k 4 ;*.rrif.)!lr OF G.kaIiALAL TAI - Luit
••.• • •
ar mr.w/OliZAjr, r
Tha papers are filled with accounts of the
grand pageant priscrited at 'Orleans on the .occr.
.ion of ILMWelcome/of Gen. Taylor. t requires
too much ‘spjace to.ituldoth a detailed account.
On the 3,3 intit ' obe Mary Kingsland left the
wharf actual:past 9, with the Committee of . Ar
rangemenis'inci Lehman 's brass band, and pro
ceeded drain the river to the barrack... A con.
siderable number of steamboats followed in her
wake. (lnithe arrival of the Committee at the
limPatsrellundence of General Taylor, they Good
him at theidoor, when the usual reciprocation of
warm sentiments took place. Ho intimated hi.
desire,M leave the city for home on Smithy, in.
tending... we learn, to make a fii4.houra' ritzy at
The Embarkation.—The city'. Guest Moray
after embarked for the city on the Mary Kings
fond,-amid Moots that seemed to rend the , ky,
the band giving, in their nrualfule style, the Na ,
'tonal air, "HAI Columbia."
The. Lending.—A hula after twelve, the rem
tinny landed in front of the Place' d'Armes amid
a salvo of artillery, strain. of patriotic mimic
from the handir,"ind 'bouts of welcome again -and
again reiterated; so that the air-seemed
vibration with the echo of vocal mond.
Triomphe/ Arch.—The Committee of Ar
nagemeots, had encased to be constructed, in bon
or of the odcasion. a Triumphal Arch in the mid
dle of the Place d'Armm, seemingly oh the model
of them hir.famed Arches of Antiquity. and of
dimensions, as we judge, equal tr the colossal
structure of the same kind atrTeris. The aum•
mit was crowned with en Hagle, richly min in
front and rear, just under the entablature, extend.
hog the whole length, was the word ll'cicome!"
and, on the other parts, the names of the great
battle. which Gen. Taylor had won, from the
opening of Me prevent war. The American Flag,
of course, lotted from the summit. 'Through
the central arch, the Hero we. mnveyed to the
Cathedral, modeetly expressing his deep sense
of the attachment of bid fell...enemy, thus
CO COIIIIpIePOLIfif evinced.
Mt City Address.—lmmediately beneath the
Arch. Mayor Grossman, with the other city au
thorities, was in attendance to receive the General;
and, on the appearance of the latter, he was wet
corned in a brief and appropriate .perch on be
half, of the city. to which he made the following
Mr:.l/o3i.foc:—The welcome which I meet this
day from-shit peoplb cf New °clean., announc
ed by you,..stheir honored representative, over.
whedrns mo with feelings which no words can
....Pe have been pleased to qual.fy, with term,
*44 highest approbation, the service, of the so-
mg...hien I had the honor to command in
•Mettico. Could those brave officer. and soldiers,
svh - nse gallintry achieved the enemas. to which
you refer, be preaent WI this occaston..and vett
arm the grand outpouring of gratitude which
their devotion loan elicited, the measure of my
aatialection would becomplete. For them, and
fur myself, I thank, Ifrom 'my heart. the penplc
of New °thank and accept, Mr. Mayor, the of.
!ler of their 'hospitality.
The procession named from, the Church to the
BC-Chula. Mal; where • dinner hid been pro-
Tided, and where, altar the cloth was removed,
toifits Were drank, speeches made, dee, In the
-evening, Cen. Taylor and Staff visited the Then
tre. The St. Chailes Hotel was illuminated,
and a grand exhibition of Gm works came otT,
which attracted large crowds.
The fhllowing is a sketch of the reply of Gen.
Taylor to a toast complimenting him fol. his mil-
itory services:
_ The' old man rose with an appearance of diffi.
deuce and timidity, which all knew he never felt
in the presence of Mar enemies, and replied per.
tinently and appropriately. He said it was dull.
colt for him to express his sense of the honors
which were showered upt.n him by theiciticens at
See, Orleans; but of all the trophies ho received,
the approving miles and waving handkerchiefs of
the fur daughters ni lohuisiaua , atizeted him the
most, and were dearer than' a thousand victolies
on the battle field. They were triumphs peco•
liarly gratifying to him, ter they were unalloyed
by ,pain; and lift so cling .bcbind—he , inew not
how others felt; but foi himself, hew: much a3ev
er ha might forget, in Ihe'hour of battle, the sad
consequences or strife; they always rusted upj
on hie mind ihrivrards—making art to_
sod Causing' him to feel like a child Ile had
hoped to have done more for his country then, he
did—ho thought he Might have been enabled t o
accomplish a speedy and honorable peace—an ,
event essential to the Welfare of twth.countrics.
and particularly ox tot cur own—but though be
did' not accomplish aa' much al le diktat ha
always endeavored: tot p- form his duty, and he
was mere than gratifi , • •ti, I.nple of I. I
Luis, with whom-he', ht c;=. if
were continted with 1.. ~wiener.
fu raferet.ce to
Leptics of lion. l'sykr,
•), I , :e. 4th, th r i • the sward V. 3
tor: to General Tbyl, . 7 the Legislature of Lou
isiana, was made, cc ...4:panial by meat lute:eat
ing eretemohira T. weapon area presented by
Gov. Johnson, in long and most eloquent 4nri
entlatnliastic speech., The reply of the General
wu brief, but et the *rime time Very apprepriate
and quent:
Corn...puce:coca of Ihe ratbborolt (arne.
Now Years, Dec. IX, 1847.
The Money market, Fine the reception of the
Mr sage and the accompanyiog documents, ha.
been in a ilepiceaml condition, and capitalists are
mure than usually cau4us. Tito large demand
for war purposes has made the boklere of United
States loans, and atockS, anxious to routine, and
there is &lag., amount 'prewing on the market, at
rate : below par. Brokere boor orders4u a large
amount to sell et par, a price not likely to be paid
in the (ace of a loan of $lB to $25,000,000. The
failure. in Europe have affected some of oar trsi.
net. people. Two hardware houses, a druggist,
and a house con n ected with one of the Liverpool
failures, hive stopped. j
Henry W. a
tranelatur, an • Mr. Valentine, fought
Herbert, :t &A nom literary
of no literary
fame as
• duel near Newark, Jon Thitiiday
Three shots were exclianead, without injury to
either party. and then a reconciliatidn wee effect
A rend at Boston brings • reporrof privateers
or CroWn. on the north iota of Cuba, which acre
seen on the 20th of AOveraber by the Boston
!lanyard, the painter, is in town with his famous
panorama *of the Mississiippi, and ham patrons to
as full an extent to he 4uld wish. To my that
it Is ■ magnifiCent piece Of work, la not sufficient:
it is - undoubtedly the most surprising work 01 art
on record: Just fancy a panorama showing a Tier.
of 1200 mile of country! and that not merely a
superficial stew, but a most truthful and correct
delineation of every little town and bend of the
..Great Father of Walter.," tho Mississippi riser.
Our French Catholic population Ate in a fer
ment about the snypension, by Bishop Hughes, or
the clogeent French preacher, Abbe de Margin,
who crested • great sensation by his sumons in
the French language. The reason• are not given,
but an orplanstionjs, promised by the suspended
The at/spongier. of triml has had a fatal elf
upon amusement., and flip houses am on the Os
of closing. The; Part will hardly go by the no •
year, and the 'headway has not paying.. boon •
Ttio minor house. 'do
the' ' usual small business.
The Italian Opera house i . .putred as hard so th
town will bear, but it, h n found already tha
fashion cannot support it, ad the public general
ly beano taco forthe di+e art of music. Th.
project of an oiterchouaelwas an ambitious oor
but the town is not ripe far this just now„
Braun Pear Osnc•J—We have numerous
complaints thq the mail. are delayed at this
Pont effme. Vrhao not atißioso that thin
tional and have no doubt that the delay will -be
remedied, now that we hatr i S'atated itlioxistemcs to
the proper source to cermet it..
r A
B,3WILL W. Pe aeon, sq. of Womersetnoun
ty, wo understantl,le highl.4 l spoken of in connee•
non i*hlbe Clelship of the Semite. A bitter
selec , ioll; in our op nion, co hi not ho nude by the
%Virg party of Pentaylvan
3 bill I. before the Legislature of South CaM.
Imo ..T.a prevent the. marital rights of the Hu.
band from astaehido upon the estates of Married
Women." The BMA Ceadinan says it has the
good ariahes of thelwhole Stats, eml if w, it con
hardly fail to become • law.
Taw society of virtuous and intelligent females
anemia." a inishly jolluance on the character of
man. Withoitt tail/sling in such society, moo
becomes little better' than the buitca.
Wain Tamien rx SAVAINAEP-T4l. WI.
achieved hus Monday by the elaction of Dr. H
Burroughs for Mayor, by an Increase over lut
yards vela. "
'Lasser...a T z zzzz ,Who was hung at Eat.
ton for die', alleged murder of his wife, presided
mule! the gallows 601,_ in declaring his entire in
nouncoof !he . ;feed. • •
The number of deaths in Bowan, fur the week
•nlingen the 1/tl4 wu 68.
CorreepoodeLmor the PmAl.rg4
The following letter. have been addreised
me with some others of like character, inicon e
queues t..f the interest which the Gogstte hen
ken (or a ySmote Preventive" at Pit4urgh.
trmsmit them fat publication in the hopo drat t.
City Council will give alma attention to the
ject. Surely with web evidence at
, htuad, ea •
hle of practical demonstration, there to no eg
far Jniscir.g to introduce Ilia improvenient--d ea
knees, economy, comfort, health, mercy to ou
howl...trivet,, respect for . ourselves, and public im
provement demand that-garly attention ahould b•
lg . van to this aulject.
Sir—An advertioement haring 'appeared in
your paper, offering a reward of $lOO for "the
best 1 method of consnmirg smoke in ordinary
hoar hold stones and cooking apparatus," and
sulisiluently "Gold Medals of Filly Dollarspach
to anch no should within three months mese& the
most satisfactory results in their Application of a
smoke provectere or masks consuming aptiaralu•
in a furs:ace or factory, and inn steam boat," which
lattei appeared in a letter dated 13th Attires', and
signed "Victor." I took, in eonseiluence'of these
advritis'emcnts, the liberty of addressing you a
communication uu the subject, enclosing a formal
application, in conjunction with Mr. Jethro Cole,
for permission to compete for the.prims, and at
the some time requesting ' you to hand the docu
milt! to the proper person in your city.
In reply to this communication, I received a
letter, dated Pittsburgh, &litentlier 251 h, 1077,
and signed Geo. IV Laing, in which the esti-
Ace enters lamely into the subject and requesting
to be informed whether 1 Should wish to exhibit
my plan in thin city or PittsbUrgh • and requesting
my aryfaior iininedrately. To this! forwarded the'
following reply—,
.•42 Beach st St. John square. N.Y.
, . 9th October, 1817. $
1 , " 7 .i—1n relay to your communication of the
22th !Mt. I beg to say that I am ready et any time,
in copjunction with Ab. , .. denies Colo, to submit
t o bo o st of rigid explarinunt, in prrsondwof com
nult scientific judiCs, the mode we have ills.
cot - slit for the consumption of smoke iii (maces,
m bar Liven s and such other Modes of generating
and airily ing heat.
W are prepared to dpi so either here or at
Pitbilluigh, as your auttoriires may conclude heat.
On Marty accounts, however, Pittsburgh seems the
prefeblo plate—miore especially as !wing the
' great eat of fire operations in relation to ores and
„Menu aciures,—with an enterprising and rapidly
'torte sing population, mere Interested
n perhaps
than ny other in the Con.] States , in the sue
ressfu application of a remedy against the rails
of at zspherei densely imprcalsted with smoky
Sh uld your Council therefore so instruct, we
.61111 mixed forthwith le Pittsburgh for 'the mir.
,f practically testing our principles in the
presence of such parties as you may select; ex
pectinii of course that the espenses necessarily in eurr by the journey shall be borne by your
city authorities.
As wo are anxious that our discovery should be
thoroughly tested, we should . be glad if Mr. C.
Keller Esq., were at the same time requested to
attendJ Ihate tho honor to remain.
Sir, your ob't aenant,
Ismail Sal [Loa."
In another leiter Irma Mr. sbi e ldo, there is the
following cantle':
••In telatin to my dwearery. I should per*s
hsay, t I can now speak of it with even much
greater! confidence than r could 'when I just ad
dressed you, and that Lcomoder mystlf in prate,
.ion all one el the :nes . impotent practical applis
cations of ets:iencit of the present day.
I bare introduced the name of Mr. Keller, in
consequence of bin boding held the appointment.
of Chi.l Examiner of Patents, in the Patent of.
lieu at Washingirm, for a period'of 27 years, and
is, therefore, to be"prignmed us Icing intimately
acquair tell with such matters. 115 now reside
in Near I.llk, having rtsgned the Mice, and may
be whiter se4 131 Broaderay. His engagements,
however. areas multitudinous. that I greatly fear
his attendance at Pittsburgh ',Mid be totally is,.
pasible. Should your city authorities. howeyer,
conclude upon tenting the expuimenia here, Mr.
Kellers i ssrvicca wtll,.in that cams,. be made readi.
ly available.
In else an immediate' reply be not given to this
per so tit co-einu II it, i n in, 1 . ,ha1i,,f ee“.;• c include
tbet the matlcr haii c aim to an end. 1 comas,
your Oft:lent 'errant, . : I,arry, :roll"...
Faoeah Ward, Allggleny.
To tic .klitori if the Pilt.d.urgi Ca.Ttltr.
An atirbunt of a Ward meeting to your paper
0f Tues.lay, cell fora passing notice. 'lt par
-arts re '.e a it:mice of .nhe ritinensa the, Fourth
War I, tI I. gherry ray." f r the purls., 'of num.
ninutra candidates 1,4 the various ward htrices, and
on looking over tto carats of the nominee,, I bad
a majority of them are prominent and bitter Lone
Focos;--men whago all length for Mr. Polk and
big unhallowed war. The whalo thing is a Loco
Firs trek, gotten up for the purpose , of securing
& Loa, eocu ascendancy in a iS'hig ward of a
Whig ci y. We can hardly believe the few Whigs
nordirran d ligroin:ed their name. t., to two! in
such a on: ruction; if they did. airy are utterly
unworlti rof Whig support. It surely cannot la
just:trio ,hat the gallant Whigs of the 4th Ward
of Allegheny. at this mow, just' no the ale et a
Pretddrinlill crlepon, suit nr a time, too, when it
betroaves,every good citizen t i use all this powers
which (4 1 d na
and rho Goritutic4; give. horn, to ut
ter his - so coon protest against the wicked and high
hantlcX of the National Administration,
intend bailor:be hands reitlf the ', r at Fero party,
aorTgive hem the Iron's 'Ave of the ritEurrit It
the Israeli had rho power in that ward, they would
not permit s..Wbig to fill the cocaneot ultlee in the
gift - of the people. .
I ant satisfied, that had you understood this
matter, you would not 6, permitted the column.
of your nate bbnored and faithful Whig journal.
to base bp polluted with tho announcement of
the roue mmation of each an unhallowed com
pleb err; as an advethsernent, without denouri•
cing it in its inception. as treason to the Whig
party: I are no doubt you will soon lis petal,.
led, by-that true Wein. of that ward, to [AMA the
names of nominees who will light under tbo Whig
banner, aril that alone. A WM 0.
hl•utse ingeninus inechsnie of St.
Lou:. 11 ablint getting oat a patrol lot an inlren
lion by wl ch.a flfur mill may be,placeil, with
safety imilj , eennonny, on: board • steamboat sod
propelied 'tli the engine of the veirsel. Hereto.
lore the cedar ditimilty in attempt. to introduce
mills up in litesinhosta, hat been, br . give stability
to the mochtetwiy of dm mill, during the rolling
of the !silt., It is suppoSed Mat ibis difficulty is
entirely obvisted by the invention in question.—
It W arrangial on the principle of the Mariner's
Compass, tlr stories ermstantly maintaining (heir
level positio no matter what may ho the more.
meet of thei.boat.
Derouaairoa or .-rs.Setrii—An unusually
large number of movers hive passed through this
village within the past two or three: weeks. On
one day of last work upwards nf;thirty wagon.
and other vehicles belonging to emigrant!, mostly
from (foJrg4 end South t lorolina, passed through
on their way, meet of theta • bound to Texas and
Arkensaa—tf reenstiornergl i (Ala,) 'ILLICIT,.
LoreiC vaun Usarairrost.—The steameltip
Yacht, troni - fialvastottav arrived at New Or.
leans, bringu l ig dates to the 2,1, on which day she
left. A linitf . jetets wax to be eetablished on the
Texas hot& r. emending from the Red Meer to
the Rio Grade, in °Mit-Tit protect the inhabitant.,
Gnus incuraio a by tho Indiana.
the I lertnon
been defeata
AO nits t , •
electoral vote
law 01Con:
iota es Eateide• —The bill to g ig,
df Preiidentist eleeito the peindo
11 P 1, 0 4 0 we of So nth' Carolina, fa
in thirtitlonto. This will coinpe
• ion of the Legislaturo to cast .n.
• I upon the air day appointed by tb,
A atrtkin•
marriage ws
Ring's count
ried in the m.
the earplug, t
!, example of •an improvident Mph
lately crihildted at Moneygall; in
. A happy couple who were man.
•rning were caught steeling hey in
',make their nuptial couch.
A German. boy wan killed at ■
y in Cincinnati on Friday lent
ed in cleaning a wheel, when. the
donly starting.drove a Semi through
• fig inatant death. •
Cotton Facto'
Ho wan euga •
his bead, calla
Te c ccti
down asi a t:E h r.
bla pill.. as w
al's lTilishnry has as many tvia
re days in the year,
as many mar
c., and as many doors as mamba
rgh Gszettes4 the Gth state. that a
II inks piste in a few days in the
The Augab
Intel charge a .
Pope 'a cabinet'
The tots! Ir .
the Welt date
We learn th
in the Method
K 7., Rea. 1. 1
7G Iyo been a
iptaof Coal at Philadelphia, at
Wag 2,965,1162 'tons.
t,ti groat revisal is LION ;Oing nu
t Episcopal A.:hutch,.Covington,
fill, minr. During this raTival
Ida] to the church
Wises for die mg left Baldtars!,
M00d 4 9 !silt ro Art Brig Otha!ls
s'aiptrotit of horses within si
fur Vera Cruz,
being the reg. ,
• Tax Richmor
jug botwean Gei
Wu; b:en explfilit
nd Whivaiv All filhoinJerstsod.
:11. &army nod Com. litockron,
food p34.lpctiled:
. A FAT Oink
York Eveoing
tho yearly toCra:
city is over IS4dr
correvondent of the New
Post tloctonstrates in f;gures that
rme of the County 'Clark of that
Tho German pros of Cintin
e Praddenea Menage and palm
1p with in* odut monk
nati unalateal
UAW it +Lima!
Wui-..eareer, Dec. 9.
Jtfovusiatrr.—We tee by the Newt Haven
CenOer that the Committee of the original Tro-
Fitton, of that town have received • Dropout by
letter from John J. Diswell, tog, of Bosfon—•
descendant of tbeiobn who was ono of theJudgee
and vignet,of the death warrant of King Charfe•
the Fast—stating that he and hie brother will
erect • volveantial and elegant monument over
the grave of hi. atm InOr now interred in thexoblie
Nome of New Haven provided that the city will
pretest thoutne by • suitable fence of iron. The
Mayor way ti call • city meeting to act upon lh•
Toc PLITATO.—A Liwerpool letter la the New
Yosk Cooties, under date of Nov. 19. say.. ../ tb•
gret to mai, that the potato lot has appeared with
graver vircleraca_tbao ewer. within the week
kind. which base atter before been.
affected. baying been now attacked. to fact Mei
central opinien araottast our brat earlcultorlata
is that-tits root Is hoeing it, altogether!" . The
secouota from Ireland are most ttightfuLaad the
atarvattort will be much worse this pear that last.
Tua Natceas paper. give - glowing secnanta
of the reception of Afaj Gem Quitman. by the
citizens I that place. The Mexican guns pre
serried t, the General by Com. Perry. as trophies
Weir empb,led nn the ixecitilii in tiring salutes.
A loolz procession area formed. congratalstoiy
addre;seri acre made, and then all peruse partook
cf • aumptuoue collatian.
Nets- (7 ..nar - rmaiste.—Fifiy dollar bills on the
Farmers Bank of Virginia—Vignette a reaper
sleepini under • tree, and a female figure at nob
end holding a sickle, .1 (3 Blair, Caahier; Wm.
McFarland, President.
A man nainml Painter was blown up in a py
rotechnie estabLishment in Moron. on Priday
and killed. Two others were severely wiinteded
Ma. 54121.5.u.aen, of - Michigan, who received
25 loco foto vette for ripestsgr of the House of
Itspresentative., Is vapposed to represent tho
eueugth of his patty on the Wilmot Proviso.
. .
B F BUTLF a, of Lowell, has been chosen Dale•
gate to the !National Convention, bthe locos of
w of
t e
' the Third Congoional District chosen..
CapL Maness—A resolution bu n intro.
duced to the Georgia Legt tattoo for the prelim
ninon of • sword to this dietieguishod officer of
Few, Con nn—At Sr, Louie, Maj. Wright
and Col. A I' ['odd, counsel on opposite rides,
relieved tho monotony of • grief, by • liztindr
, Ar 1110 late food in tho'Kmawha Rim, , the
oyster rose 90 frot in thitiy—houre. Tho•demege
Lee been immenaa to property along the Rivet.
l'ho census of Now °rheum, just zomplatod.
gives 1110 noel population of •tho city at 79,990, a
decease° of 10100 since last year, and 23,000
eines 1010.
Gen. Quitman hex been invited to vigil C,
lambi& by the [Awl.Wore of South Carolina,
the guar of the. Itate.
or SANS. 11111.00111.1,0011, 1.. L.
A yonthful stranger walled alone
In s great carob...test place,—
lie heard not one familtar time,
saw lot ono familiar laie
iio trod that long .nd weary street,
Till day's la.t bean, wand faint and dim,
Rat .. , me were nigh to cheer or greet,—
,Not one was there to amile on hits.
He saw Were him dankly preen
The rode, the beautiful, the proud, •
And I elt that strange deep Inelineaa
chills on in the selfish crowd.—
Ay: though his heart was atom and - • Wong
And scoffed each WI and wailing mood,
lie fall as sere and saddening throng
Of double and wasting canes intrude.
While yet he mused In hitter thodght,
A messenger appear'd at hand,
Who to that mourning pilgrim brought
A letter from M. own fair land:_
Eager as d it searcli'd a mine,
lii. eye 'that weicnme page eoptor'd,
And as he read each glowing line,
Hope. gladness, life—were all reater'd.
Yet mightier than the vole. from home.
Which nerv'd that drooping dtile's breast,
Phew words of thine, Redeemer! mono •
To ratio our tears, nod give us rest:—
When, in some and and runless hour,
We pine for smiles and tones ol , luve,
'they hid its look, through storm aid shower,
'Yu "Yhee our light and lifo shrive.,
k'aom If keeer..—Th o New York paper. ham)
Gleo to the let inst.
Mr." Doyle, Minister Plenipotentiary from the
Dritieti4o the Mexican government, arrived at Ha•
cans on tho 24th November; ho 'would proceed
from thence, by - the fird opportunity, to — Yera
Tho weather wu cool and bracing,the north.
only breezes having set in.
Than au gaits a large tiro at Mayaguez Pars
to Rico, on tho •1I th Nos. The sufferings and
terror of (Ito pooplo there, were Increased by
the occurrence of an earthquake at the same l/me.
The damage amounted to over s l3ooo —quite a
sum for a small pleat.
• •
ED" o the Halt and Lam—cocoeksN
and /lone L.insent and Indian V . egetaLle E/inir, is
is lit edema l cure for Rheurnatain.
Sold Ly WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pillalintga.
103-1.4.1ies lobo use Janaerpanit Lily Whitt, b.
„Tway,..• Gras white lrateparea! ail . O( [hal a ,
ltsaa.l) , .7 one. :oh l only in PI laugh.attil J
any IL - avliklawl'
New Books..
.4:helmet's klisc.llaniev; Review., Erupt," &e.,
from the prom of Robert-Cuter, Now York,—
Ellion'& English, Pittyborgh, 66 Market street,
between Third_ and Rough eta.
This valuable book contain. a largo amount
of the works of tho Rai. Dr. Chiliner's over
Suitable, but made still more.), u am legacy of
a divine who has impreued the Christian world
with hie character. . The work got tip in ■
Idyl." that corresponds with its Internet merits.
and will be highly !rained by the reading corn
oCharnock's Choice Works," edited by the
Rev. Wee. Symington, from Elliott iflaEogkiai
Tide work, like the previous one, needs no
recommendation at the heads of the prep. The
author is widely known as among the moat
prominent of Preabyierians in England, and one
who followed hie Matta?. commands through
trouble:, 11. well as plaimant places.
"Martyrs' and Casenantara of Scotand" being
one of Carter's Cabinet Library, Elliott &
Enghalt, Market street
- -• •
opinion's sake, ever interesting, is now given in •
shape that makes it extremely well adapted for a
gift at the coming holiday..
"My Youthful Companions," Elliptt & English,
Market street.
This is a valuable work for the juvenile mew.
bens of families, uniting, es it does, Inetruction with
amusement, Its internal value and ninon] ap
pearance, will wake it a prominent holiday gift.
From the c leapl l ublicationlilffice and News
Depot of W. H. Caldwell, we knee the Ind num-,
t.ers of This Statesman, -at the last
advice., wit. replying to Lord John Russell's
questionas to •what his opinion was of matters
in general; and intimates that Sir Robert will
show him the way.
ACCIDINT.-.1 boy on Harker street, who was
running rapidly towards the river, on Wednesday
afternoon, stumbled sod fell, striking his aboidder
against a stone on tho corner of Second, street, by
which he was seriously injured. We did not learn
Ras Ose.—A horse attached to a small wagon,
brake loos* and ran up Market street on Wednea.
day morning. 7 The shafts became detached from
the wagon,.hroka, and a piece of one of them pan
ed through the side of the horse. It was thought
he could not survive the wound. He was owned
by Mr. Pattersen.;,
Novae on the Susquehanna - County Bank are
bought as other currency,-at the office of W. Mar..
tin de Co. ep this city. A rumor prevailed on
Monday and Tuesday prejudicial to. its solvency.
Ceptafos McComb., and Baker. of the Maripell
Captains Rowe, and Palmer, Lieut. Palmer, and
Col. *untield, of the corps of engineers, Unita'
Suites Army passed through this city on Wednee.
day, en finite for Washing., They tool'
ings st the Monongahela House while here.
8. D. Sawer.x.—The Daybook ny Capt. R.
B. Bailer has been 'elected to reamed to Mexico
and bring borne the remain. of 8. D:Sewell. The
funda bare been mired and the Captain will rapt
next week. •
A N OLD Orcianta.—nn Tuesday Ina officer
Hague of the Independent Police unwed a man
named Mown, at the tinned Nudes Rendezvout
in this city, who was concerned in • heavy rubbery
at Cleveland lut summer, and Who M said to be
recognized as an old offender.
Clirreipoaderica of Pittsburib °axone
anEwr rtooD
Fire Thousand families rendered homeless
Correspondence olfthe Pittsburgh Gazette.
Cincinnati4Der... 15-9 r. x.
The water is now us high as it was it the great
Howl of 1832. The whole of the lower part of
the city is inundated.
'All the stcrei of Satith Peal Street are flooded
with water, and even the Broadway Hotel, is par
tially filled. :
Five thousand families have been rendered
Lionselds by this calamity, and are in a very sal.
feting condition.
There has lisUm a public mending, and measures
adopted by our citizen.' to afraid what present re.
lief the actual want. if our ;unfortunate neigh
bors may require, Mot t lI oar 'effcrts will not, we
fear, be adequate to reich half of those now with.
our abetter.
All business is suspended,—Miami and Mill
Creek bottcims are covered with Water, and half
the lumber of the city bi afloat. It is unless to
commence to -compote the damage to personal
property—it is ifomenw. Beeta have been carried
from the stocks in the ship-yard, and . we much
fear the water icon the riao.
- Send us a report of th'e atlige of water at.Pitte
burgh every two . houreJ
The gram Is now 18 iumhei 'deep. anti it is yet
This render the condition of the howler .
legs much worse than it would otherwise have
The Telegraph West ena South of Cincinnati
bring. us no news-this
Correreoodeoce of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
IVashin i fflon, Pee. 15, 9 P. M.
Mr. Calhoun offared the . following Resolutions
io the Beriete:—lßeaolviid that to conquer Mexico
audio hold it, either as tt province, or to incorpc.
rate it in our Ooioo , would be inconsistent with
the avowed objct (or which the War hae been
prosecuted—a departure, from the settled policy of
the Government- 1 7 .in conflict with Its character
and yentod , and in the end, subvetsive of our flee
popular inalltutiOne."'
Resolved, That no line of policy in the further
prosecution of the war should be adopted which
me, lead to co'nveguencei n diaastroue.
Liid over for ftirther
Messrs. Sturetarn, Dis;. Dickenson and others
presented petition,. I -
The Monne of Itypeeantatlree have teen ein•
gaged all day in the diseastlon of the bill to
~ i
tent Home omrnene.
Tho debits In L'..ommittee of thO Whole'was
impended to ewe I've a Mierage from the Nevi.
dent, giving his yeaiona for vetoing the, River
and Haiku bill Of; last setnion.
Alter comiderable debate., motion wee mode to
ailjoutn, but was vitived to bear the resolutions of
Mr. Holmrs read.4:TheY authorized the felieTTS.
tion of the right to I make toads through Mexico,
when . the conquered tetriw q I. ceded to the U.
Correspol/41rocel of the Ytsa
firgli Gazelle.
Philadelphia Lice. 15, 6, p. m..
Ths city is In Lame excitement in consequence
the announcerneot of two heavy failures among
the grocers.
Report* ate .Iso ..rery ; current ilesizio filo •
aia cow) try backs. Ivilose eo/v:oncy. to sq Ibe In
is docibtlaL
The elouthein mail has failed beyond Augusts
Get, •nd we are without hews lion, the army o
any remote Southettt point,
('urre•,roodeec of the Pottathzrigh Gazette
• Philiilelphis, Dec. 15. :1 F. M.
The eouthcrn Tchiniph iE out or orch
which accounU foe the lack of Congrewio•
nil,* by Toles -mph:
Ikeive,carreapondente of llst7lTl;tsburib Gazo
PRILAIM.PII”; Dee. 15. 4 p. tn.
Plaur—Tbe insiliet is nen t with sale. of West
ern at $6,51.i ptr bbl. '
Cornmeal is selling at 0,25 pet bbL '
Rya Flout--,Salrs - at $5,25 per bhL
Clain—The market has 6 downeianl tendency,
bit corn is Weedy, with moiletate wiles of Mixed
at 60e. per titi; and of Prim new Yellow at 56c
per Mt.,
Oats Moderate at 140 per be. •
Pros btions--Tee market withoot changr; and
eales •ro only for dig sup p y of • regular trade
demand. Lard, however is ell, with a downward
tendency, 'We .quote moderate tales at 91a I 0,1
per lb. ' I
Cotton—tdamo icgoiry la manifested in the
market and there is esplentli • better feeling.
Wool is steady.
Co,l(l . pood•nr< ot Me Pittsburgh Garen.,
NEW r 0111: MARKET.
New York, Dee. 15, 3. s: s.
Flou4—Tbe market is quint. with moderate
slim at priors rangimg (rum Ka! to 6,87 per 551
I which figurea there see more seller. than buy.
ere. There is 1/•1 Marked change from yesterday,
but the Market is if anything duller.
Orlin 7 —The market in without chance, and
rattler dull. Oats ire quoted at 49 per bar. Very
hale is doing today. Harley is.atesey, with • (air
demand. , , .
Whiskey--Sslas are.regular at 27c . per villein;
held higher.
'Lard—,The market ik dull arithmoderate sales
et Bic per lb. •
Butler+—Sales of Westernal 14c per lb.
oc l lZZa . g . 'l B er P.,,, kt.: i amba t ;
. 71 . 0e ; ' —i1 " 114 4 40 ° 1.1 i c h 071.7:4;57;
medical own that COSIDCPO l'auo Extractor,
n,coataet t ,j e d by Cortutoek &Co , Coat Smut it, Y
I . the amities woods, of the 19111 century. ILi effects
ate t r u iy minbeu tons. All pains arc remoyed from burns,
welds, , and all external sore,. in • flew antnutes
xe r teapollea lAA healing' the rani.. on the nest delicate
.kin, leaving no rear, It in equally beneficial /.. all
Mode 01 thtlatuntatury disetue.,,tieh an'sore Nipplid
and Somme, Rheum:wen, %%line Swelling nod
Ulcer,, Itrauca. Burns, Chittnania Eryripalas,-Ililea,
Tic Doloreaux, de. We might add as ;muerte all we bay,
the .111.10/ many enrinentpliymman b who um it in
their prachee, and bandreds of the clergy whu pram, it
tri their pen Ole. Kird parent keep neonatatuly on band,
in rater of acculent by fire, life may be lust without it,
bin by Ira use all barna are Subject ha its control, unMss
the vitals site dezunyed. thumen—llemembe r and ask
ConeelPi klagtearPatn.Kgalrelar, inanufartated by
Commack Med., AL T., and mother.
Sold by Whl. JACILMOA, Ageot for Pittsburgh, 99
Liberty n, head of wood. etvledlrwitraT
o'l%o'6'turtle—ls strangely i i estructere to the
human ,uncle, for stela the rudden change boas heat
to cola, and the smoke CROMA Vcllow , ilark, Coarse
Cwoplexims. Than it is requisite that the pores of the
age, .hoold be kept open—tnati their sonars +hada be
fired from:enpurity—Nertia that the ancient Roman Phi.
lorophen cured all dewy:ern—they con:melee that More
Jercaar and'unhealtlty valor. het ;through thepores of
the skin : than any who, outlet of the'body it no neer.-
wary, therefore, to keep the
open— all
on ate
thrpelled from We satin troth the rioter, When wash
with Joan' Chemical Vottp. have keen ileum
the wove and older, can+ of traleilltenut, Fryripelas,
Old Sores, Barber'. Itch,: ore limed flingivoret, when
every other internal and external remedy had. [clea—
ns effect rendering the skin white, clear and sorb though
it be yellow' and MMII.e. WOneerfilk-11 removes Few,
ilea Tan, &whom, Alorphew, and disfigurement of We
akin—but persons must be particular and aril for Janie
Soap—to be had in nest:arch at %V if. .1
of the fitg Boob ha Liberty Priei SO cent,.
nvilidawl y
17714p0w Teeth noir putrid breath,
sflisigY ems bee mien death,
Is ropulsive isgoson.
An could hinre teeth white 4.1 pen (I,
Seven breath—hind linura—snan or gal.
Why Oelnyl—Nny i onickly, haute
And use box of doses' ninth Pastel. •
It colleen, US centa, and it reallyia beautiful anicl
It gives the teeth s'Anc camel. Sold tel Pittelungli
SJ Liberty et nvl9Ja.valv
Orl - bleatta.lEditors I—Allow. me ihrea . gb y our vale
able paperin suggest to the Wbege or, riltaburgh, th
name 61 CHAS I.I 2 .SCULLY, Esq.:as a candidate fo
the nenunabon: of Mayor. .• I
RICEEN FL ANNICL—Ono bale beerry rwtllN
green flannel, bright mine runt reed by
by D. skins
L red and bl , 4<; iced by
.11L:-Doe Skies, just reetneed by
IITIX:LT11LICil envy twille d
S LIT .k
dale eval el
fitidENOEIMER hook eriee,llenkell .t Co's Mune
tresportenon, for sanity die caner bottle et the wine
store. dela JACOB WEAVER
HOCKHF:IMBII book wine, Wolfeh& Co, osponryo
So din Voiffid Wtoter; for .10 by ill.: cora or bottle
the wino mare. delo, JACOB W b:AVN.R
•OILANNItHERGER few;case• of this c al.
J'ablated nrinni for nolo by the caw' or bottle t the
wine wore. dela JACOHyV RAVER
TIOCKHEIhIER leanr,P A Alumni& Co, direct ca.
Al purulent tolhe United nudes; we, .ale by the case
or bottleat the glee .tore: , ;
DEA Etrr4BoO los bawling (mu/stmt Polo Alldi;
for solo by , JAMES DAL.ZIL.L
del6 i .iroot
• N(U PAGILINOII—Hecome, per taproom
6% Sl.rkrt 11, another Invoice 'RIO pot French
(nos, choice Colms
Cutam., of e7cry quality !Rad price dole
ISOW Usso&da:f
rIHALM E RISMISCELL ANIES,cathrecingrarteirs
c andlL LD. sitays.gadaiddressek: by the late Thomas Chalmers
The Free Cauca Palon, consisting of dicourses b roost
land, in 3 vols.. eminent Divides oh Flee are h
The choice werli• of the flee ti t leee Cline, neb, t:
D; with his life and character; by the Rev Wittone
Symington, D . D author of — The Doi:canton of Christ,"
Atonement," rte.
The Life of David: a series of Di scourse bY the Rev
CM TletoY, 111, Chaplain to the Molyneu s; x
Peter at, Dublin.
WateyDropai by Mrs L Ilahgourney.
Manyrs and Corennmers of Scotland.
My It °initial Companions; by the authorof 'my School
Boy Days..
Pleasant Thirster Young People; by Old Ilum ph reY.
Pleasantness of a Religious Lite, opened and proved
by Matthew Henry.
Instill/110 Thealogiere Eleneticx; swore. Tranciseo
j t u n i r.:::, i ores mi len i t i D e re ' sso a cr.r. emia
Pletea, Prof. Bente., °ratio de vita et clan notboris.
market st,bet*cen gd & Oth .
_11;;- root copy.
01V reedring an entire new stock of Now York
and Boston Piano Fortes from the celebrated manl.
ttractoncs of Cale .4. Co.. N.Y. and Chlckering, of Boa ,
ton. The patterns are entirely new, and have all the
late improvements. For sale at Factory price, by
dela • Jultni II hIELLOR, el wood or
M'Co.vccuarmue. 0. Dee 1,1547. 1
Mr. R. R ffejlers: flaying disposed of the Vermifuge
seat me. 1-wish you to forward n supply rootii say Id.
dot. Wherever Your reed , olues have been used, they .
readerentireisatisfortion. The Verritifpge is 'exceed.:
iegiy popular to dot community. Yours4p. _
J. Garra.
Prepared adirsold wholesale and relq/i • by R
LEHR. 57 Wdod surer Sold by De. Cusxel r Ltb ey!ie.,4
and D5l Curry, Alleebeny city. dela i
fr lIE Ca.p arine 'Kb/ p hereioforeegifting between the
.1 ml
& b. Co. ictliis erlbeu,unddoy oh.elvcd er We kinie /by •old
10.11. ,l 1
eon.ezyle of LEN•.
The Books aml 4ecoonts will be fetilrd by L. C. L
delSal , LEWIS C.L:von.E.
SUNDRiES-20 libls Piteh7 .
NC Tar,
, Las Ma1:5(440 IV Rehm.:
10dal prose Frame.;
YU tons /'mar L;
tO pure
lo Mark Saloscorched Salm;
Solenoid, teemed awl for ~ .ro Ly
delG CARSON a- AIrK NltillT . Cab r
Fry r
A FINK: two %to tel iloot, on Maio cue,
Allegheny eev. mar the upper Bridge. The Lui
IS feet tn fronl by Int/deep For ternso enquire of
delft( A WA MINGTON, 411 s et
THE large Ma proof Wareholute.M feet ' from
4 11. 0 y SU feet deep. on Vod at, near lVood—ltem mod.
er., Erni.. of J S CIIOON3iAKER A(0
2 , woral .1
Old Mon. Rye WMOor. -
1 0 BIILS prime old Alononanhela Rye Whitler, the
lad I have to offer for vale. Perond &moos of
posennog e Kier ior pld antrle, now have an opportun
ty HENRY F. Of
Idtertyin. Oppellite wood
L) La, 'ES/11.:1A1F:H REIM, 1 , 04, •
tenportotton /on the United :Ns ,
Mum., If of
the I.nie of the
Inc e•blie of Jiihsnitl,bets), fora::
tis St Me swine store. JA(!
Jr 16
CASEB Hock or 171 ore Wtnee--.1 dor each. em•
abibeactng anoet rholte and popuhr :Jrande ol
ere. kilns( and ann. Iroponed Oni,r 'fond of 1e.401, ;0
cellar and for vale low at the none rture.
&Id • .1 0111%1:I.:AVER
exim family lon ' , rived,
F pot gale ' °RUM, MeGIIEW A. Co
dell/ C COM Roar, 1.1 erty gt
DLIND 9'RIMMINDM—Are now offered at re.
LP &seed prtres by r II EATON
laarket at
_ .
. _ .
17 11. EATON loaajuFt receterd a near *apply of rear,
f. lei, cherry, and mher high colored Acwing oak Fr.-
get for bonnet. and dein
111[001.114111 11000 S, dto—rbildron'a Waden
rniel,/ng.. and Gailri;
Lathes' Ope ra or party Chaim 11004, Prlerlites,
Ae , o - an laanol at r,tore,3lnr•
Yr. at.
and FRINI,P-S—h large eat at broad
VI 61.4 mantilla onnp., Gaup headmantilla, Jenny
lAnd. Bullion, mad omen Pr kugeN for sale.,
BAIiLYY—SIat 1.0 la sin, far .alr by
woad at
of llemkbelat for .ale t/)-. the
I,7case ar 1 the wick
SPARKLING 310 , 31.1.. LE Hock 11' inc; for ~‘ le by
mec..teorbwrkkllbe mone
delta JACOrt WE i VER
jr%'SVATEL hock .3. L . 'I.
4 . 4 . ...P.M...., 1. , see by the cot, or hoitl, hr
.._ • -
. .
LARD—tabtar Nol Lanl.l4st !Tr %I. for .31e by
deli - ' & lIMID 111.:11
SUADRII{I9 bbls frP2.IA roil Volier;
11 kbl4 Clovrryerd;
1 .rt. Peach,:
bah, llopr; •
I rer s:lnr ilmver!jl
r pale
I."c' f l
vrtner &Olt - tram 0.
X4/ { RCURlALli—lifillatiVotorl, Abv.rtran,
t.O los Caloa.j.i,ngl,6/b
• •, eblrredip,ta.e;
%V 4 Coleus. Sablimatc, Jon An
sale by 11 A FAIINt-sTOCK co
del Sy rrrx., k yrnewi n.
JREIGN TO DA bales ftur.ul
.4 Porto 114,1eu wrapper ue4 411rr iraf Tnhakrek fur.
sic I , y.
soarer 41
A lva OkIL.I-10 ILs Liquor A sonlorka,, eon d-
: 15
/a.. rerelied for lta b. e
by GrAu stile Lokon, ]•
dela . B X FA SINE:4I4CW A CO
I %IUTX-5 bales Absonds;
0 bss Slkrilevir
hag...Crean Nor,
:I bar. Pea Nuts, r Ea., by
Jr,lw M4
4,2 1 17N111(111C71-76 kx• 5-s Lump - Pub:wee,
' , SO tits 1 il , Lamp Nrctor do;
25 trgs 6 me,. thy •
, MAO to etgars;
tor 'ale
H itultlSON & CO.
SI:GAR-50 blkko N .Su,gar,
. . , •
5 bbl. :4t LOMA $ It Mols•te, jti,i teed,
fin sale by It Itt/111: 4 0NOLEO
14) army at
. _.. . _ .. ...
HOPS -4 bale. in more,, for sale low to close , re,
deli__ •Mlawnt t.y I VICkEV kCO -
R ALS , INS-31 by. and I b . g., Al II for gele by
D ‘l,, 110 urngri
11 , 1 A JliftL, KS —2O bxt Slearinr Cantlle•. fur sale by
1 -1 10 d 1 , 1-1 h, er ‘re•A CaNging, forme< by • -
MAILS-100 kegs yg.ned sale by
nott by
OAM-1"."'"' %141.1.1. „IS
Wile, At
RATTLER-20M 11,4 Spst.h *dr. Leather: Err
f r
4g04• by J DALZELL.
IvIAnKREL--'2,;!'" "itllt''ol=‘;:rjlf'
Ir EATIIER— WO fli!eig olt. , Leather, Just re.eil; for
4 del.S .ale ~ y It ROlll,t+NA. CO
APPLES-40Ibls Ore* jusuer'd; (or axle . br
del.% It I:di/11:4,N & CO
( 3 e !!7S —"
for' y olllS„N d.Ct/
ILOVEltlik: ED —I bulu•l melt; fnr .. 1 " ITT
Iv del./ It It6lllS , IN A CI)
A'Ut`"l—'''"' w.""inlMltt;4;t.'
Cby lt —V 1 , 14 orri quality,
.105 Water h Irnnt rte
INRUAHL—UI,6I. rsdrr in Co, for
dcls I DICXEV .t: Ct
S UGAR 01 , 1.14A13-1 c , :11 I ra' r by
lilt ZUNa i k
ror Hair •
W"l,T.' N k MT E
..OT-300 lb, genuine Bermuda Arrow Root,
ii treelyvtl and lor .11, by •
FLOUR -27.5 bbl. reed; for folt; i N ß
'rtgr Flnabfirld vrat,r
11,7",E7 LAD
dlite be3lds juv teed; Ly
((I OLDEN III:VILLIP—Itt bbls just teee2vell turd far
VI !title by do., • lb tillVElt
p OTA*lolW—l il bltts
ReJ: In .lore and for
doI3 al weal at
her,rontanlicw, &Mel, Or &c. iscatcre ;for %ale
dcl3_ . , & W
iiirr — iob ...- - - ":47;e4111(A"RITUblc11
f"1 ANDLEI , —ZO 1.1.1 mould candies, Alltchrli's brand,
a received by Monoilpilirlii; Inr ga , cl , Y
deld :sa IV II kith/WI:II
ULOUIt. —lGUnltts,tt +ulterir article tor Intnily tow,
/:recent.] on consignment; for sale lin
lel3 S W lIARIiA Ii l:11
I ill ATSI/Cll-1011U Its halm... ' , utter, rcneincil
on consignment; (or !Oil. by
dent S W
'``` r f,l'lCA LINS
dell woad y 1,1101,1,1
II EESK-200 has far sale by
Q ALEIIATU*-14 coils for sale by
13 del&
SUOAR-20 bads prune, landing Irvin +nut Diadellsl
far sale by ALLEY it CO
ERCUrbSION CAPS—COO 51, orrorkodimtrocclvrtl
1. nod for pale by
,lIIEESE—tAiII lass :n prime shipplog abler. for
deli libritytrrrt
• LAIOLASSEII.-44 bbie [Law crop, banding from malt
31 Ise. Newton; for nib by
d l 3 At ALLEN A. CO, weir .1
pRODUCE-4$ mks dry Applee;
redockg Barley;
n rails prime rbll Butlrr landing brinv l rtinr
Lak, F.!!! j . & 1 , 1,1
'end Lard,l u
~ kegs. for rale
j bl
ILAD-ALL Cl.,:ena Lead, in nor, ; for 1 , 21.• by
dell A. CO
vr i l e g 8-00 beo new ter bait: by
R w
~,t ~:~~..~ :,_t;.
Mutsu Saks:
By Joaim' D. Davis, A.;zetlOiseer
• Building iditt in Birmingham, at Auction..
• •
(IN Wednesday afternoon, Elemt`2.l.iit? o'clock, wtill
ti..l be sold on the premises. Mt very bhOsontelLem
((mend. irons on Centre mt. Perry at and Harmony
lane, near the free Works of - Wood, EassiarJerk Mc
/C/ImM, and other extensive manatee toriea to that deur"
~hog borough. A plan of which .ntayi be hadj at the
Auction atom. or on application te Samuel W Care
Theabove property being in a highly Improved neigh.
borhood, and near the centre bf business, I. mating the
bucot desirable for In purposes pnvate
ss nom (create.
erms.oncsficat cash, residue m two, tune, (Sur and
cm.yeara, mita :Merest, parable Ban balty,lo be stemmed
by bond and mortgage. Title indtspotablit
Woolen Hoods, Net Coal% Le ,at duelied.
TSIPS /naming, at 10 O'clock, oral be sedrd le lbestale
or Dry Goods, at the.Comosercial Sales Rann,comer or
Weal and Fifth streeis
-17,d0s double highland heads; I
'‘ honey comb;lined do,
161 sing:e hoods, venous sixes;
G " new style COOlkirtn
, .7 'children's confonables;
'et keen stun collars; E.
OS super needle stork coats.
delG JOHN D 4 uot.
N. 0. Sugar and Largo Iron Soro , afAnctron.
ON Thunder afternoon. the Iddr luau , eta o'clock,
the Corninerrial Saks Room, corner of Wokid and Frit
coots, will be sold without reserve for account' toiho
it may concern: d hhde promo N 0 Sugari3 large eie.
Countrogliatteo Safe. JOHN D DAVIS,
(010 Auctioneer.
ON Thursday morning, the IGIII 'net.. at 10 o'elaek nt
❑re Commercial gales Room. eotnerof 11'ohal s t Yolk
streets, will be sold without reserve to,ekuse neveral
euacgaments— • r
4% Pieces u , "ortcd priors, l 4 pcs plain aueplaidalpae.
ens. IS nes red and yellow flannels, IS pee My. leans,
superfine cloths, satinetts, Cashmere, Cloth and silk
shawls, bib Thibet shawls. with heavy silk (tiny; blue.
black and green ea velvet; Lynne, Ana dm , ss wits; n
fait's (milk !Anises and skirts; filk sulk net, kW '
'Oficial Cabers, hosiery. glover;paiwitthreash lob
Luinieffh a variety of Lowy goads,
- - -
Al 0 (Moak, P. hl.
la pair Gem/an vasce,P4ox fancy German mug.;, 110
toy castles and 'collages, engravings, looking
day and 30 hour mantle clocks, klassorare.gagenstvatel
confeetiounryj German loyeruld fanny mmalsfor holiday
re•rnt4. A large quantity or . nesr and second; hand
hoosehOld and kitchen furninne„ among which are ma.
nogang spring /eat taf., rocking chairs, harenus, bed.
stead., tables, fancy and common chairs, yry bhle good
nuaMy N 0 Auger; 4br chain -V 11 Ten; 4 1. to
2(MapsnoM r , gals.l3/ reams:l2 by 32 priming froper,
mauve's, manure forks, bandboxeti,earpeurrt 10.1:
At 0/ O'Cloek, P. 51.
• _
Bendy made tiverwatto p•ntaloone, vcalr.. , firte chi
Ba wer',
and nth', clothing, gold and MIN,/ waggle
e and rtonkor cutlery, nupertor mince, 'rd •
orretpo, rTtertantott, fancy,toVet and glaring fortapa,t
logo+ water, variety gnotli, kc. de&
Penn Street Property, at Auction.' •
ON VS - cline,Jiy evening, the inet, at :O'clock
the Cotoracretol ,calee Poem, Corner of Wood will
etc, wal be 'old;
Four 1/.llualdo [kidding 11.41 A. situate Olt theponlyaidi
at Penn to, et the corner of Centre alley; ratinnr /at bay
lay a from of t 4 reel. and the adjoining linceLine,goe
feet ineheit nn Penn at, and extend bank 2Y feet I.
an alley JO feet wide.
Inch vrtn ,. .4li;;;;
Pewr Arnold
tn 17,11sarioands
bi the cave
1,t21: mark, via
, Tern„—llne bird rent!, retinue in two entli
payinentl, With interett, to be Retired by
inortgoee. Tele intitepotable
.101 IN D DAVIS, Ai
, Neut trooko, New BooX.
rj , HE CON VIC?, or ihe r Ift potrite Utirror3ltedi..hrG
P Itjatnett, Erg. -
kick Ablioje; pp E Howard, author of katiin the
The Star of the Fallen; by : Tn - de, •Mlloi , :ar Bk.
Planted Riflemen.
The ovte F.kun, Head, or th e Lady or tirten: l
Blom by Charley Carey, or the U S N.
The Bardst'allnde, or the Moults( lia.gonyclryLdnit
.Fraishope. Bather of 'Simi. mg Li too rettea..
Leonia Lynmore, and Mr and Mn ll'Oodbltgdel lif
Mote lend: •
. •,
London quarterly Review. •
Unton 31agwaine for December..
bile of Joseph T Hare—a large ropfily. ,
; The blameavertng Mother; by the llutlinr
Ottf . a Hirt!
TIV ilrallnem of Woman: by tame. t'
Tar O,d Commodore; bye Howard: j
I Jenrette Rfiroa or the Pounclltrawherrg Ctrl—a
:tole of :lea and :Rowe; by Ingraham.
Kann], or DaVI i4O. a prue tale; by S Robb: tKr Rowland Aehron,2 vole; by Lady C Lone
we Splendor. of I/crawl:es, and the Connor' LOnia
Flowers Pencinifted, Not 9 and
Rural Comm tea of America, part R.
• slng f a zf fir+, Neverpapers etc. ; • f f f
London Punch and Pleb rill Timea. per lOU steaMen.
Hoer. r Jonathan, Philadelphia limner, and; earkee
11.wdle Ptclormle. For oath by
del ad at opposite the Pall.Otre
'IV Aetna."... D. C.. Dee. eilf,l6l.
Offer D. Thompson, Esq., N neph, Pa.— y .
CIA. I have read your adverownlent In ode of the
Pittsbuneh papers with not a hale surprise,' I End
[(mayeu have copied my busincaa Circular Claire, and
appropriated m yourself. I will take the lilwyly to
lutona•ttion oa that my business Circular is my °WA con,
ria and v. not common properly. I shall pot wil
-1 ugly rower.' to le placed in pmition that wit) iodece
to,ptl• who do nut know me to they ham pin
capabluni reimposing my own !minim, card; of that I
ant rapistale of mitering And appropriating thc•eard of
another to any own me. I am; therefore. undrf.the nt
cessity ofmcnictog and exposing your plagiatitda men.
"ulatitter- Z C
Attorney far Patents.:Washinutom D.C.
nn neyrortalsett Mat have putilltawl alr.rhoMP.
a,. • o•tr-oo.nmen. r., , ease inmerl the atiouel. dap(
_ naarytltdotLlS I.!
i l : ! ' st l jl&C ' e c i t7f 11!'eK2Ibta'st'alt."63"r}Inrit Aunpbb the
plete 1.011.4 Or subvelencd at the UTS. Render:Vous' to
this eitydoduch quantal!. au may be required fool yeat,
farm the I
of SanunG neat, the ragout to erdtstse of
tin following ro/oponent-da 0., viz: It lb. of fmali beef,
r flb of welted pork orsn; lb 000000 of goer. or
broad, and at die rate of 6 quarts of beam, or ld lb. of
Tree; Ips of coffee. 12 lb. of *Our, 4 qui of vinVgarsli
Oil of candles. 4 did of goad, and 7 tra of sad to every
ItUrations. The rdion of (mob beef will be ttgoired
atleast deice in eachrweek, and' salted park do lean
half the time on other,
All of the artteet /vein
thrsi teem ice of the trot quality. ,
itetdd 11 DO V. Caut. dd In 1/verrillice.!
L oams.
GRINGS LOFIRR o E.2II4L GLOBES, containing all
the lateduceserier, ud Geographical improvements;
alba the tracks of the nod celebrate.eirceoattaetard Gan-
Ord. duo Smi th 's utir krolish Globe, wit igs
h aildiutins and
ontnoveablitd by A oohs* Smith: Reviled by Roswell Park.
koorro der, nebula,
.toe Catnyded data the wards of
blEnton,'Fbansted, e'La ('stile. llarelitueMayeii Bead-,
Is), denote!, Steskelyue, the tratow.bous of the asiewassO.
loh a lob.
ital 0.660170 f London, Se, ¢e. Id.ont Utaith's New Eng
& • Steck too hove juts ivesised a few podia( lb!
atone hie in woe, no hdlows:
I . pair lotneheeio dioartre,
• 7r
6 "
I! 4 . setneglobes d . I'
, Ameritan, Chrervele, and looroal copy. _
F:TTERS Tmthmentery were it ranftd on the 6lh a;1
LW( Deesmber, to the stdoterthers, Ewecutors ( d i
tam:will and testament of James Row, late of the any PI
Allegheny, deceawat. All ;person. having charts or
dentends guins. the estate of the.sald decedent, ale re.
cornett to make, known th e Paine, without debar, to Jo,
Rosa, Jr., at the late rendcnre of the testator, in the et
.) of Allegheny. JAMES
. of Aliatn
ADDISOent y.
pen. west, city o(Pinaborteh.
A l ( l. ,, Y o er t ;x i
. k n i gh v e o tt:
j 7 I e d e , s c i , nd e
oithfital to rah and Fettle their
pi le,o and thoce,ilar
tog <late. acusuk the Estate, will ecert there :dal
uothinitented rettlentont to the enbarrther, th.
andtow, of John Irwin - le Pour, Noll Water a
th7thlot JOHN 11tH' IN, Executer,
EWIS 111.11t7111t4.' 7N .a CO., No 45 Water sued 9
I J FrOIII PIA , Arno tot the Ea Look :loom Cheri
tchtterY• have to stre—
al has D R Lateu Loaf Sugar,.
17 belt No •J outhlt
15 Les No 4 "
114 •
bean Noe " •
751 " "
Bdo " 8" • ^
" 9 "
ti n it crtritle4l
45 " " ronted”red
Folsale • ,luced
A PPLICATIQN be made to the Prekdent, Naha.
Om and Giro ring, for erecting a Bridge neer :the
Myer Monongehellk Oppoirile Pitiehu rsh. in the eouni4.(
AU~elrnny; !m ilia renewal tit three eertitentee, oa
tie, 1.11.I:5, in .h? naive of John limiter, each for ten
taiarrs.of melt in Fold l'ompan. Said cettifittaie• be
tag lost or lONIA RD FLOYD ',i
tiorney 1 . 0 the Eat...atom of John tinnier, dee'd
QUITO:4:Oth have been Intro by Ilii.ikke. on Mot
1.3 doy,.the Elib ton., title of Bacon, marked pi
of thr eaten of the meant, hirvenget. 1
illfoltn.on of the ntherembooin of a gill no thintfOl
ly threireil Ind liberally re. , ,nrileil by • ' 1
ithonneihi.ln .n,,n,
tine linetated Dollars Iteward.
evenlng.a DitaiteaTDßOuCii, with gild
o , p'eueehol. 'The above reward will
be prettier the recovery of the Reele 1 , 7 the subterlbii
delfeth• htnennembel• 11,,
von NALE-thle.eiKkt . th at the Steam boat h+
.1: seuger, for asle. ExTure or
JAS N 11/11.51AN, or
A 4e--aa asks Foadirrsi
wks f bravos;
I box d
o; Appian. •
I ask Deem.;
I reirpeeswaa: to arrive; for sale by
arm Ilyac which are growitte
eena, Nuanble Inc halide). Neu . .., ens I.e
11111,1111111 nt the l'otsbalah Seed Saae,'Weoll street, ea
uer di.
dcls . _ _
amhta t price iu caab paid for all AG ditfere
graut3ol clean Wa,bed 11 .1, by
Mt/111 . 11v a 1.F.F.,
lid wool vrarellaune, on, luberty 311 and Ceeil'a allay
0f 1 6111 , -YJtheth hoeing talus ogenthi Meath yin
"Titidenand', proem them for eettleivent fell
reediotely al tled *wry of lite , . XF:1111, Jr. le Cif
PAPICRA meal! .61 bf hand Dine pat4l
Jl le rem, mm ree'd; for elle by
del , R T LtiE
u--• ,•--
Fa; c . ,, , , F,•:1AW111.:•4 Ind 'Mute Sletysetbee,lbreve.
" flog Vst.; J.,,lseteiyed by
-Jell •
, Axeicrk &NTAYER.
TEA—NOV chats V II Tea; 12ill P 'Teat for aaltt
114111 aal avatar at
I . C . E;ilttr u it T r w . ..l7 c op ,
deli . 1911:berry Al
jA 2l ytEßCilliPi—St dox fine di,nlsbricl4Lkfi,roltd2ndplam b t n,
n,s;rn,dt. , .
ks prime dyled beer, in-atoli;.-ror ease
newsporr e.•co •
commercial rosr,liL!lty al
FLOUR - -.l7bh , !! . (resh Fro' uml; for ..k by •
. ' 1 - IV GREII
doll , • gormubsa& wine:
, i' ~/..:
.. • • ,
f 7 - ,
. •
cuscizeruiiriAND PITT/1810RO
"--- - - - -
Twell known line of splendid passenger Semi
ets new etimpoied of the largest, sse testi -
Loished rind tarnished, and most power el boats mathu
waters Of the West. livery aceetarao..abon. and must.
fon Chit money can proeurei has been provided &epee. •
*c her,. The Line has been in operation for five year*
—barb earned h =Winn of people without the least
ituory to their persons. The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street theatm• previous to starting; for the rt r ?.•
ben or freight and th e entry of passengers on the •
ter. In. all eases the •passage coney mesa be pte
i • i
The. MONONGA lIELA, Capt. Stone, will leave PM.
burgh every Monday MOlllitlC at 10 eelock;.Whepling
ever. Monday evemap At 10 Y. M. •, . .
The HWIEIINIs, NO. 2, Capt. J. liliarfeArr, mill
leave Pittabargh every Tuesday !morning ellOreeloet
Wheeling' every Tzeoliv evening at ia P. Al: 7:
• The NEW ENGLAND, NO. As Capt. S. Dews, Wt.
leave rthsburah every %Puree.. ray morning .t 10.
o'clock• Wheeling cam y Wealeeaday - ering at 10. P.
L •
rnunanwr PACKET:
The PENNSYLVANIA.. Capt:Gray,Mlll leave Pin.-
burgh everyThonalaymormeg at PnVoloek; Wheeling--
Thamday evetong at 10 P.M..
1 1
CLIPP Eli!, NO. 2. Cap t. &main leave Pin.
beret Oviry Friday rooming at 10 o'cle k; Wheeling
every Friday evening •I 10 P.M. , •
IThe Al '.IIENGER, Copt : De Camp, min
burgh every Paterdey morning at Week,: k; Wheeling
every Payrday evening at 10 P. M.
mg, The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. 4. U. Maven, will
leave Pitirborgh every Panday morning at .10 'clock .
Wheeling every Moodily cyclone at 10 P.lll. --
' g1ev . k190 . 047. • 1.
aMil 714
- . will 'save for Bower, Olaagow utd
.• .Wellsville, Loa Tuesday; hursday, •
and Saturday or each week, at Vo'clock. a nt, retuning -
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Shelia. a hoot
'at the 1 03.1 tort L. ,,,,. 11 , ood street and the bridge pro, to r.cive troglits at any time.- I
' 3it W HARBAUGH, Agra.' .---
oetl2 -
• ' i
The Ana steamboat : . • , ,
• REAYER,7 • ' :
Char'ett E Clarke, mastek, wilt, doing • '
toe ceming.vonter wools ; rotate daily
tops to aver and Wilthwile,leaving Pituthurghcaol
looming at 9 o'clock, and Wellaville at 3 o'clock, A m,:
r d
. Ur M HARTON fr. CO, Ag ents,
• .
------- —___ ~ - .-___. • „
The new and In miming IL...ender
reamer . 0 ray,will leave for Cincinnati every
b o rt o o3 ...ang, at le o'clock. a. W.
nod Wheeling Corry Thursday evening, at St oclock,' .
31. For freight or passage applyon board. or to
tivt'7 • , J NEWTON JON ...,Agelti4 .
The new and Ate swathes' -_, •
Atkinron, matter, will leave for &hoes
and intatothliate pons his day, at 10
''Preti L ''"
' inn Tit 7 r ll p h l ll4;tlVlll. T ßll ' E b e rd, or " ..
m alt
_ Agent.
. , .
a I , ' The flat rGONDO L unning steainer ' • . - .
, ' • -
Lyons, Amster, wilt tenon as theta . _
this day 014 o'clock. Ear freight or -
passage apply on Ward - • '. stag
' - FOR sr, Lout?, -- . •
. The Sca steamer - . ' •
Ilacs, master, crdl leave •s aloe this
day al to o'clock. For freig h t or pas. apply co card.'. : . cleft .
. FOR ST. LOUIS. . r
- r •r r The fast running steamer"
will Lsi
' ishall, master leave ,
is abora
this day at 10 o'clock. For freight or
passage apply act board. r dell
poi!. lir. Louis. . •
..Tho rtoth:..l t idaskiun o le4rateasaar -
itAri MM. illarttr, will i,1176_ . RS abo4
Saturdy, at 4 olclock. For (taiga
-- -- ' ou board. , • [ dela
or natnt. snit'
• , The fusgrunoing steamer- __ . I NORTH RIVER, ' _
• ~&.tT)...3.3ZA... Dearionnster will leave is above thls ' .
... inoratug, at 10 o'clock. For freight Or • ,
Passage apply ow board. • ' •, ' deft • .'-
• The fine tam stror j..
, • i," DANUBE, i •
riataSik...T.' Geo. D. Cock, mister, millet:tie r 111111.• ' •
,g '10..j.1.,, burgh eyery Tuesday, Thursday and . .
y eVnr.nri. Mt 2 o'clockt arid Brownsville every •
llonday;AVednesil ay and Friday J
rountings at/o'clock. . . ./
For freight or pauago apply on board, rto .'
Fuji Fitialegt.tro—BElSlJEAß FACEET.
' .
. • .
: h 3 rller,estaster:w7llYea r vls' s ' e tht '
raing at ID o'clock. For freight or
R. , ..-. ` D 0 : 22 ..TE71._.' , 11 4 ......Lce1g ..
. • The new and a. 'learner
'mate v. , 'JUDSON, . .
Yoe; master, hae restarted Lei. reg.. ' i .
ular trips and will leave .rinstkurati ... I ' •
as share every. Thursday and Boric.. '.- ' : •
day at 3 o'clock, P. BE For freight or passage. tapir .
on beard,or as • . . D WILKINS . .-• ..._,.
' ~.... The new strainer ---• ' -_ - . •
*- Nelson master, will run as abovv.leal •
ing Pittaburgh every Monday, Wedl .- • 0
'g l ad . a c y i
t an d 1-' ,3 rlttgrj 7 oiciLoenti.A,..hnl. n e rg . tl d o 3 no . izai . •
o'cloek, r ;.7l.: For fre!iht or passage. apply on Lard . ;1- --
, • •
• he gila.j. - ty tta bar ch and inateas 1 . 4 a.
• TOL I.'
oatHuai, Mes M lP ab l e r weekly utpt
to the above port doting tbecear
or to anir freight 1 . 1 I'VTIMV, I I.Ite"n" .4
nia/The LIES•, beta - draught and fast ma
itmer z. lu
packet octoreett's-attbergalL'aottal
wille,,lttring the Huron. She leave. Fridoy, October i 6,
at 10 o'clolk. .„
For freight or nonrageanoly on board. -I—)ctS
YS"teoroll".cre, tooLgis:l,"Loait
Suratatz, arc.noor tasking double Datly tape bar A
Paean Panda:nab and Brownsville. Tbe month,' boat
leaves daily at 9 o'clock, precisely; the ceetring at 4
o'clock. Satlays ezeepted
From Pittsburgh In Baltimore 21 hourz,csFare 410.
F,nat Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. iStrbours,Fato
By the peening taut Passengers brill thane on board, ,
in comfortable State Itoamtthe first nigth.—crozs the ' •
mountains tit daylight. hod sop and lodge nl ethanitrz• •
land the IN/ night; thus avoiding night travel altogether: •
Coaches Chajle red to Pontes to travel as they may do
sirc. •
(#5 , -Seeere year asekeie a ibe Office. Monaugabela
owe, Water aS, or Si. Cherleelkeel , Wood In. Mat
ioueke Office. " I hik.KlllS7:ll.-
mnns- sent.
to [he Easter-is
T I L E , :,n; byu e = fili n ly d pr . ' s /re c d . d
denmrd itror
Vitera cities, by the Brownsville and. emberland
yawn. j -
BidnPers and others will bevel their - goeilr forwarded
by the proprietors iviikthe utmost dirpateli, et the las- -
est current nues. •Bill. of Lading taken and Inma n...
kid free of charge for commission.
The patronagE of the pubic dr rerpeethil , shafted. For the proprietors, • WAI CLARKS,
' Brownsville,.
Water street, Pinshargh.
cipre 1,,.14.1i1 7 :1 - - •
aIaPRE • F6ll • •
CurObarkrart Baltimore, Washington. r e
phis, Nebo York, Boehm, and od the- ,• .
Beaton Cif ics. •
kirk:Re' isorl eed tom rewlipg goods'ari infant.. • •
ah.....!d that this it the flalest,,afeal, arid neat wrpeollr,
Lin sairg Rag;
. e Reams with •lielats Cot „
duly, at Balt Marc
r l ss;wth receipts will tie gives to any of the above
places. hlerchiandize and pact
Yeaofaay sirs or weight -~
Exrreesekrre i s daily at 3 fit L v c i ßT,Ax , •
I Pt Chula/Bowl Baildinas.
!Lireutzeogras a tort!
PE/LIONS broiled oral by this maul
A!, upon Me moat reasemable tom Rom coy
'id 3 Ne • B • pert of England, Ireland, baptised,
...v {Paler, and in rooter tiMps only. t °reign
itt *Pennants {Pal er, and - agents. of the Bluish Government .•
have begnenyy cautioned Emigrants at Home and their .
(woods' io Amerien , ndanimllie 'made diet are mettle.-
dily practised anon them, and hive always referred to •
elle well known Idiom of IiAZDIN & CO, as - Me right
place for all to apply,' if they ',JAW • .
P a ncleelnY and kindness,
Panics who lidventac themeelveo BoisrAgents for ilia.
Black Ball Line, statevs hat is verinc,Wite Mot :cerise ••,-
! Ili fi o 2 llllrlic ii tt i vie „, p . roi . est to he Agents. cot only of Ms • •
b t ry other good Line, Oi lin. •
Ciinanlks eCleanLino. ' •
dight.Dmag hts to any ammant 'payable at any of ho• •
branches of die Provincial or •Natamoi. Banks of ha
Lead. Englartd. Semlad,• ht. We. dtow moron,.
chance, we do not take money andicnd it to Ole Fart
td get some one elle to remit, thereby musing P.:Mikes •
and derma, lit the Brokers, he call Yr. , •
Wig accommodatethem at New York met. •
nth st, Lam's:lcor below wood_
11,TOTICE—Tax CoNeetor, itul oilier city °Seen aro . .
.bli.resprested to hare their respective account. in 11.
link. of reparation to be aotliled by Monday evening, • e k
the Mso
I 6 u, at ilo . clock, at which mettle oudenignsd • e
Cosmonoo or Coined ., arroattett for that purpose; wi I
Meet at die Mayor'. Cfico. ~
Tat Collectors panieularly are requeried to hone their • i •
dopliecus cut accounts on band ready air actlletacut al -
the ante. , ' 8 C HILL. • •
' I . • Ali REINIIART,. .
4- •• .A FRANKLIN,
delOtd. " ' Audlung Coalmine,
LETTEICS Testamentary haviarbeen granted b the
subserilsern, Executors of the last wilrand testa.
meri e t of Timm. Li iiford, late of the elly of 1 . /Oolongs,
destssed. All penons inrelred a the estate of said.
.fermosint,nrill pse make immediate payment; and
Moro hoeing. claim ies s against /said 'estate p i ll preterit
them for settlement withecrnelay. •
_ _i