The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 16, 1847, Image 1
PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS BUSINESS CARDS A 11./KNASOKIt 4.01:POIC „ l:omwiwou and A Men haat, A Weiel um] liG.lrrvnt>l., Ihneburgli. me LI I A Twoi,w,'-it•llNuzs -ar , Co. Ce,mmi..•inn And Forwratdlngller:G:.o,,,liase Triufttml the°. oh, nand. \v . :per un,l Fr.‘l , . •g , 11,131: 111333.4. BILAUN & trlmhlsal. and y comer , . I.:le•rty un•l Yt. 3.441 * A• Y . & II hi CPCK• co., tvh,,,k.,,.4,Fg • W.rel .md Gth ••••. Jv I VAG/11.13V C SI 1711.•Rie: coree., fln:I NVocel etrert ',..burrlr. • - • 8741T118. IfC.LGA :!i & CO.. 1V ho/..1. No. = NlaiGet Cfrel. Inc ” 'teen tuned N0r... , • 111.1u.te!phla & CS, Co,...iding nod AJ,Coulan..MKNl.rull 11•• try, Ihn.bargh, tneh3 •• . • 01ir.47 3 110 11715,._&,14eirry !it 1.4w0r. Al. Ger on ittert. oe . Wm. I,dnP , n4 John I'.. mainr....Jar. W. fl. dm.. tloi;,torAN, ILA 11.. its 4 , co, k/Carri.:ce A... 11. and :•prit , purl OrAel-64,1 'CA.-% of aver). do.- atipnon. o.winGirtalv .n. ,Wambouye 41 WooJ ChA33. , lirgrl • 301,1 0A0.3 , 3 N. 3. 13i33373113131. irCkluJON & 22.1 - i21:101111 r. (wurcemat. to 11. V ...caner a. la, ‘33.n.r4!.. Gartert, timjlmieezon nd l'orwaraqm 1/ralers PMdave 1 atchure3, MemeC•e.l , l,, .alb anYml, balmtma Wo.! and I.hyr,, • mtli • . . :11C.JKAGI.;11, in.;,:v.r sold witolessia wad retail Sop«. OtedN xn of Ilictis..t Cam!, Atztri. , l ourgit.r., .011_ Jamek thwElop. J. Itaras.. Sewell. • IriONLOP SSI.INV E.LI; AuostrLa at Law, 4.11W4.. 441 I.ciacwi 34 awl .131 ew• • • • Eim t;.iu Grocer, ca. N•ic of din Men D..- ..m.4101 , , 1,Z1,44,h my4 DVIrALT, de- GIF;DILAILT, Vrtsdastle tiro Xs tem drairr•n rdodut4 and Pillsbarsia manufae tana.xtam.Fot Lawny and !land Kb, l'lishergh, Pa febl.7. Wll. , a 1/..‘1/LIFII. .14. I. 111itigt, VINGLI-1311 J= IMN.N.Fairr (lam En{lirti, tro d , roe.o.)NVliti!mair tinvorrieninini^lion and Formatting liiicrolisitis,nod DoOloro n Litociime and Fliirburgb tiloriordottirre, Nn :Tr Wood' envoi Leo:moil Second and Third OCII VORWARD . 6AILTZIV ELVER, A ttnr retre at Low, remised their office to the $OllOl side of Fourth street. bergretet Cherry Alley unidGrernt •ueecl 1 .rtlf P R Friend. I Thin Jones Woes. itiver wholcoi.ovcrr,, and Centre WWI Merchantsundrkedniefor Urighion Cotton rams, Nunn Water ati'd lllS Freurinrcets Pitte. burgh. Fn. .6 8 t i VUI Fifth . . non Edam Manufacturer and dont )1151.11.1CIIIS, In Wood arca, nem . mcica imam •. roar - .u., //i.t CO, CUSUITROUOII and Forwarding aii• letr st, , i: '.' litS'Y';', ..., "ilrrrharil Grocer: Conuaission msd denier In Produce,, Cardsge, Ods, Liber, si, neartlaaalllasla, m, rden, !Laps., ste, always on rar4 Mere ILAFNtI, o :! N k _ - - TON, tresler In tiluses,llnsiery, and 1.1 truti.:e. Trirrulusa, C 3 Afsrke{ street, F, 1!:‘,"' Plar )k. r usb •31. NCATRII.II.:I PALK' 1.. L itoccAO & CO.. Whplesele Grn- Cestatutt , sttt &re:chants, IttSlVontl street GM YOU GEORGIC cer and Irstlatokralt IdO,A. Patel urn . G eo, . C. W d deal crle 'Penn IitEItILYII/I:4le3slaGrocer, and Own alernlonn, and dialer in Yrodriati 'and faciti-e. No In Wood aii•Pitistinral!. HaIEITII it Co.. Ihewet., Annum, i irs in Ilopi..l"iiiiininaa aad rant Pm. - ind Pia mire, , i i. ' , Jan/ ik- • - - COCILITALIC, COULIZIF.O . ..11111 You. No. OG 14 odftreeL,Pitmlargli. • IIEOIIGI wani nig mayl7 %1/(111:ffil, 1/ricktanker. blononanbeln • II ordear punctually filled:. 'Addreen by the Pon Once.' - ramf crier throag • Wars. B. II ys. ' .IZdtti - fiTitalley... liAlria • ' BAILEY/ floaters is Dry Goods, (bro. ..1..1. eerier, am, Mum", Pat-burgh manufactured min cles,/m,t.., N a.A. linear at, httsburgh. , lyl6-tf Sant.... ll 11. , Geo. G. liroarne. 'l3 - ILL tr. 1111.0'WIller,Isimcessnrs to lloldrhip 1:1 & Ilmno st,] ho stem and Inaltaxelartr. of Wall rapes and Ge oral Paper' Wan-Lowe, No. b 7 Wood Woe, ritt , b tch. , ' Jci..l. . AUDI .11 A Tte . ittt K W, rier; ille WA c t a - ;l i t 'u a l .7„ " : li°. - . 2 b....-0," '... - alictD-dly • 11:11LAILI lIILIUSOT, .WIIITE & RED LEAD JL blatati'ne cirsT.l`imit &.I.l.ll‘leraulnLeoriiier of Lib •rty Rani IPII ra ets-,l'lll.l.orgti. ' . kid!: 11010 II GLEE. IioPT.ILT AicLET, 3a. lAIAI` '''' , CIELILT . & Co, Vainiessie Grocer., Couni‘••iiial . .. and &nice, in Pioiltice., N. 16 Watt .111.frel, l'avig...,h now , _ J..itt, lerrhant•Tallnr, Exchliagc 8ui1..,i, ..,i, I . n.bbrelL • . , i , •lotr _,— ..11';'..E,': ~ A.,„,..,. no I,a,v,'Pitt•bumh, I the. pintiice of his proccmati in kis other ..well , Iluilding...,6l,lll',etreeLOri , ' tipid Cbriliii '.i.cnre. I.y T. J. liiglimin and I, _l.ll , *.rrif F TWIN Wlrolemle Druecto, and dealer us Dye V , EI nt-hcs. !Lc , Nollll Woo. sure:, one door:hut:lt nl 11..t.34.nd Miry, Pittstntlelt.: • • rard JTA. Olms7ictuut,Je.d. CO., f ureessars to JoKeplo (i.llactsk Ship Chaudlert,Ml Warer at. • ondl • 101 i 61 — fif 31 tileolesisle H.ct all dent al er la' Ala .eund mical Instruments. School Tstolch• Paper, Slater, Steel /h., Quills, Printers` Cards, and litattorery. generally, Nact \ 1140 d Parsburgh. Lfrr !tags Imaginer , taken ILI , scpl3 JUAN SCOTT CC; Wholetaln Lrrsons. Port wording and Qat/seises:sr tilercbsati,Dea;ert•in Pro duce and Pittsburgh InanaGeturcs;No 7 Commercial /tow, Liberty at, near the Canal, Pattlorryb, Pa. neer TSC ii 005131 A 'SER. & CO. wholeUtle Drag .' gists. No. 91 Worel rt. Ir.usbut ch. : repld 311:41cdPi1 JORDAN 7t. SON, COMM:RCM; and Forwardong Alerehants, No In Lii)l3l, ' (oppnata r field stletampson's Ross • sad • 10111% cuLzaviN, Attorney at Low. Ctilftee O 400 et, between Grant and Southfield, south mde, I.litsb.rFliaa. Witi alsownend promptly to business _ JOIN D. D.A.VISr AUCTIONEER, tamer Fifth ipd_Wood street.. P.usloarght. auto JOIINSTOir Jr. teIVOILTOX. ponksellers PlilltCo-1114.1 Paper rannufammers, No. 44 Marke at, Pittaborshr red READS nook Store, 4W, ncar Tame[ FL JJ ..12assital.neological, Ilinorical. School, Manch!, alncaan and ISlnbodm Marta and Stationery. ' andll W. I.IOIIEALTBON tc. CO., Banker, raid Kai •thange'Llroketl, rorlier or IVood and Third stied, enchard'a Hotel Iluildings.) Patthurgh, ItrCarreney onchand at the un,al rains. 'lllll 0 , Wholtbale {Ancor, in I'mi el dune. l'inoliciren inananniture!, Tin Plate, &c. &c, fora John Floyd. ' it IL. FLOYD, Vine J. Floyd & C 0.2 %Vinilesale J Nn. 1112 Liberty Wt<t. -- TAMES DiLLZELL, Wholoale Grocer, Comma ait aLerehaitt,uatt dca_cr in Produce .d Pittsburgh Manuriimareg.,No Witter st. Picot h. Putlb Works. T WWI% DALZELL C0..-111Anufacture all _Lim tee of Boiler, Sheet, Ilar oldi Leo Quality: Orders lett at the wurehome of It Ilattelt In, liberty It. or L. S Waterman, tut ter a. wlll receive prompt attention. Ott e • L11:-WATIKRMAN, "Ilinn,aln Mater, For . a•ardinn and Comno+van Menannt, Dean!, in I'ualtarg6 71nnufacturcnand Panlnce, Wmct and 6R l'rnnt.k. • • Pa EWIS lICTCfISOS 4. Co., Whole,a:e Groecrr, and ConnaiKetan Merrhana,, and dca'ar. in I'dadp,argla alandianareg, hc., No, 4,7, Water MS PI FrOnt $l, aurftl, hl na. I, SIIIPTON, naiSe , thararardtng and Commtasinn hlcrehLtr, t l7ealc " nr n rrndoecs rid Pitt-burgh , mrtnufacturts, Nos 13 and 137J,n_,„,a74 t (roam and C o mmission Merchants, 2%191 to e_ny }l' 21 -., atitior. ialrmeils. %Var. l ihrimick 11A" ALLEN a: Co., Commission rind rnmserdint itlcrehanta, Witter and Frunlart,trattemen Wand and hT•riirt. I=lo fl Xll.1.1:11 C. vv. PtCttlimn RICIE.R.TSON, Wbokr.o.le sera and Commission Merchants, No 170 biberty. nrraLP.C...1.1,1141.1.5. • innl4 & JUNG, wholr , ale and plad !Int IYI and .Ccp 11211111n1OUPA. •ml &airs, in Fancy /An . ..tomer of Wood an/frith mR. 2. •1 hole , sin Gr ;le Orr, rti M L .Etth i l l e L e ° •stlt , eli. NV sod Forsrariolisr ers, Gomm. elan Alerclmeu,'Nos e 3 Li bor)' and 213 Wood """s • lIIIPIIT, WILSON k.. 00.. Wholexate. Dry M fronds Dealer, ji Wood street, Pateburgh - _ 1110LINIES & _SON, No. G. 5 hlnri. et titrret... , J.I • bad door from Canter of Fourlb, Deal, f • in rot. :0 ign autl Deimestir WI. of F:xchange, Ceftlficalef or Dr i 4 Donk Now. and t.pect, "Mr Callgtion , VIM. on afithef,lglirri thnr../A. w 1 4e Ifoilol &nit. drel7 OnltUll, MCGREW & Co., Prrwluer Forsrard. .rn~cand Commi‘sion MeTthan , l, No.i.Cownolerend ;tow, Libetty P. " rptl7_ BW — roia ,,,, r. (4, f P , e 'Orr eta. ott, No4l DOICIEUTSON eff.lCT, luce ern an Cuniontmon.incrtlannl,.l , ;wlt29 tcei , nd .2, Piltstiorth. - •Ltpiti litllCHAlto 'V. Ll4l6loll,'Jr.ilmporter. nod AA /yulell rcrei - tool Ihne-tm Sn.l.siery Ilard- Vom. at rot Cams.;o f at) 0„..1, No •" , r“. 41 atmrL : R. 141 1 ICCI; It &CI) , 0:C01 . 1 1111, rla; I dr alor lIAI hi 1.21.15cr, MOPN)CI.I. r lw 104 t . 1.. 1 . 00: Pol: 14r,'raourroord Curve, Toota,:oid Oil, N. , V,ra/d pod?. 11041.31. • .111.11 . L• D. nciedaoo. .• 'nonisos Co., WL.o!rsttl , 1:r0r..1., Pr0..11.1• ..11.1• duce and Cocotood,on and In ket•Largl, Idanooottarra, ;40.1,0 tolco,V “rcid, o noett:Ple. • 13041C11T I)A.T•iaLL & \ AL Ctrs. Qmonoodon 01.11 Forwardlog Alerchant, deo, • ere zo - Prridere and I'dt•burgh Al a nufacturow, Idlorrly mareet.dhitamigb,ll.a.. ' 44,21 loa n . A.CUNPUIPiti Di, Whole:Cc Grocer, JA Dealer In; Produce end Pincluerglc tiaeuegeturcu. ; 44 Li P t • I JY/2 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . •.,. , . . • . . . • • I ' • .. . . . . ' • . ' . . .. . . , . • . . . . . . . . . • . •.. . : . . 1 • • .... „ • • ' • ~ - .• ' • • - . . . . - I . , • . • • . . .• •. • 1 • • , 1 , . . - •" • , . • • • ' •. ~ - . . . , . . . • • •••• : . . ' ~ . ~ . . _ . • ' . 7 .• 1 , ' • . • , - 111 &. . T ,-ts I • .. . . • 1 ' 1 -d:' s t- . V -..• .. • • . , . . m ' . ) ; '- . • : . . , . . . . . . , 1 AI : . .., . . r . . . . „ • . ~. ..• . . .. .., ... . I. •. . .. •.... , .... .., ...., . . • . .. .... 13118INES4 cARIN. El O. 11.11VKI:1 14 , Anorite, Law, brupet 11. 11,11"rwrIl'A n,riy tlw Court ! m ap um. t,• 13 OBEILT 1110011.1:. Wholl-ralr Gror+r,r , rtify It ing4l,,ller, driller :II I'lroduce, I'.4l,lmigl, Slams ,tutr, +nil tend. a ustil 1.111U0r1:, NO 11 141,crty Pat.:burl. i` fry'e Ml. On hand n eery' largt. etarli •1tr.,0 Old llirittnnrahrl3 well I.r -014% low io J. io SOO, . . . jf r EieNol.lJe .k. SIIIIIF:F., Forwarding owl . . Cont i • 11,1.1011 :11,,113. at-, 10, the Alleah,ilF RI vrr root, dralerAlulFrctrer:c•.Preiducc. Piti.lough :11.inutarittr; .1101 1:1110641 . 01 Lo 00•. rh n highrst pr . it..., In , ra.h, ponl at all now . , For Gaiony inF. Lam... 01 IN,/ nod Irwin tv. 'al.) R0A1411 , 011.D'& Cer.;Conimt ,, lon MerchatlE, . Lilwriy ...oppoirte stroithßetd. ern 111 Finn, Brain and Honln; al..n. lid - are, Lard.. ft,. nn.1:11 II It nbaeken. : 'rho,. It Wln c . Q UACK 11:TT & WHITE, Wit hoirAa. N., t. k) IV. 111 - ore , go and DOuteltle Dry (:rani-, Nn 09 Wood tome; l'so,burgli . . •fehl:11 SO. le W. IjAIt.LIACUII. Wonl Nerelni, del. . cr. in Floor and Produce grot:ralll and Forward kg and Conl64.ton hlrrchani., No :II Wood .tn , t, I'm/burgh. and . • - .1.7111 , 114). 0211.14tE1t, Ailiorti..) nt Law. Wire Sni lireed'.litiild/ng. No 04 Fourth Wei , . bwn. .`ten Wood and rsunibb..lll. novll.4wltl 8 .-- p. VON 111/MX.IIOII.ST & ale Co, Wholt, ' .trotere I"orwarding and Coniini,non Mrrehrun•L DC3111 . 1% in Pot=htirgh Manufacture+ , and e'estrnt Pro duce, has, Irronyrd to their new warehoin, (obi mood), No 33, tomer of From st nod Qtaneery LIME'. nov7 . • .. . ..__ (ZAALUEL 77. KzEn, Forwarding and Column 1.3 on 111errhont, Dea:er is Sail, l'rridure and I . ttut burgh a/motif:minted atttelen, Canal Bann, twat 7th a. 441 Q N. W !CELE KS LIAM, D. aim. Seed s, Flo; S • ors. fruit Troe, nod Agrlrolturnt Implements. No 11.2 Woodtreet I'm•hurch. febO IIASSIVe..6 DElST— Grout, h. • Alerrhauh, and rlealeya in Produce.— Noll 3 Wood EIICGI. Paubur.. TLooking (awnManufarta -L ter, WW Denier to Clrothr, Combs, .4 Variety Goode, corner:at Wood. u 4 Fourth otrects 113) P ForeTtli. R F rp P. FOItSYTII &Co, Commeisi n I ornythl o .dealers in Salt. Lumber. (Stuccoes. 14m1.° and Pittsburgh Manufamuier, Canal Ilusin, Liberty street, Pntrburgh. — Win Met:owner. Itntiori McCown...tin %AT & MeCIITCIIRON, Who:e.le lira- V V errs. Denier. in Prodoec. Iron. Nailr,(ilinia and l'ind:sitrgli Manufacturer, got:orally, 152.Libriri)--truth JOHN. O. VerCk. trAvrti II eadrllLi-r1 NiNl C D l Vtk,l l TrtfTal L e SB e ' r?. ' o ' rs " , - Tr r i ' li.; L ot! ' Corninisinom Bonito dealt. in Iron. Nail, axiiinr, Canon lairs nod Piiviliorgh slnnanctores genernilr, corner nf Wood Kid Wat,rniP, V 'me hi. nook Of F:erch Worked nom, at loan cent, an*Rs. , WholeratcUrinier,Forinanling J V V . Merelianynnd Dealer di Produr, nod MO./II:nil Manufactures, corner of Wairr and lnuarfirilti- riot Dn. 11.1.14 IXTIIITMORE .& WOLFF, importers mud • Vl' Wholt,ule Dealer" to I lurdware, Cuticry. Sad dlery, &e,coruer Liberty stud tit. Oa, atreets, burgh. att. tATILLIAIIS rt. DILAVOLLT/I • Wholeas, 1 ttrocers, Produce and Cotomesswn Mnrchanna.27 wood W. rpt2o • I . — NT 3,v. WALLACE ? AIM same and nail Cornish !' I 121; establishment, N 0.214 Ltbetty •stet, near ttte canal. ' ANT 6 , 111. 3111TCIIELTMCE, Wholesale Grot T V • errs. ItectsfytnF Disidlew, and 'Vine and Lignor Merchants, No. 1121 Ltlterty anent, (oppoatte Sixth st.,) Pntsborath. moylo-dly IN . • ° ,:mi l a:eid i linallS°lD s lLAti l 2.l724.‘ t eal t h t e ' a * , DAC/air rornt, e door to A Met man Johns. aptl3. AUL I OAIDIA ILO, Dealer lit Fancy and merle V V.. Dry Goodn, No In Market street, l'amMoratt. norMati y WILSON, Dealer rn Watetie, • kdrer Ware, Ilditary Goodt, &e. No. ST MA, ket ttrret. • 111147 NI CRP li V. sr - huh:sale and retail dealer in V V •Forogn mud Dousemn Dry Goods,nurn, n ss. eor . nerof Mark n.I Fourth sts. 11001 street., ss:II er , prn.nalant eurnly a the Loc.l l'hyr , enan's prass,r4onn,est - clay ernonnum!ed.— Slethcnten‘nan be hnd st all hours of the n.ght, Cetiltally• AAT o wIcIII D.lUlai. Attorzmy at Law V V .Vitth street, Collenung. are, C . 0 ., and other lolunr.A stlvniied to oroh poneteal.ty. It trtsiArci— &&SArnole, loin Crophao, BA Fahno , ,k & Co, John Ilerrod, Gra.l; I.:ndLay & Co, John %V r.ght. Jarr.t4 E.', 311 j. IV,ICAIo jet.. 1.17 R., RECTIFYING DISTILLER, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINES k, LIQUORS, All Liberty et. and 51 Diamond ailey , ' PITTStiI; itta I, PA. irl7-dey M Arrrix h Co., /74ovirrl, Pr I:erl 1,-.sun,e, /:Ink Ns.", ao.l Can, •nt Jo, iVowt 411. • rl•l•4: , •4:iir I , lll•Aurgla, Pa. U W Wen. AI . . . (Suerrturte Lowniz frahara,l •IVILLIA3II4 & ATT(IRNr.VS ANII.COLINAa.I.OI{S Al LAW. l;yv lorl.i.E.iluarthq,aboveNtnnlttc4L-DC I 01,..r/Bactlnfr . . George A. Johe, • 0. II ACKIITION & CO,, lITIIIII.IISALE :rovers and Veal,. in Oil., Ulna, , t Y, and t•ii Mannfactur , l art.,,,havr. on hand nt all 1.3 , full and g,nqal n>snrlnnit of goods in .their lin , , W.:el. street, near I:htnry A!1: , ..y, Point...h. innin ... .. , . ...______ David W Bell. Algrnion r‘ 14..1.5 7' W. & A. S. HELL, Attnrnev, ut I..nw: , itin e .1.../.. InSiewan'• Fonrili stn.., Eceond door above %wood • .1, rit,n.urgb. ra.. D. W. Bell, Umlaut...2er to take Pronon.nii. A, knowledgemetint Drifted+, and other innruinefillt ni w,.- ling to he torn In nn.souti. , nyln-n,o+ J OIIN 111 TOW call . N."' 0 Alai rittalnirgli. will ha, ed assonment of the he wilt sell on the to I . NSEND. Margin and Apothe tat al, three doer, al.ove Th:ra et., condtantiy on hand a ,a-Plloeleet err and freAltert Medsilded:wh,eh , I reasonable metals. Ptly•:eten. prnmptli atten,l.l tn, and sup y Ina; rely uponl be aaz genalne icriptions wilccuratrly and i the beet materialc, at any hour or wading orders will I plied watt ankle! ID - Physicians' Pi orally prepared fro •1 the day or area Alto for Aale,•a lei Re eteck of (region/id good Yerfu • rdel • !ON. Wash Maker & Jeweller 9 1,1 Market ate. A large and wed neltes,„Jewelry, !milt . ..ware and en ays , !mild and' nt weal. ea. cat Lever, kill Jcweibvi watch., d, watches, . love . Bth. , obis., loh.onand other approved 1 y be had ate eniall advance and • tk V • oelemed 'wok Allloury Gomk. A tem pnees.44ml at lose sm !Uri Fy< . Genuine tlooper, make of watch. In. kvorromed. 1.,..1'tne watch . irk done in the very• best Ennanrr. ap-27 sWEITZEII, -- NEY.AT LAM posits St. Charles Motel, • promptly toenllection,in Wurt• Green CouLuc%, 1:13,: :ell Co otiscre i rate:ugh, or 11.11 y ATTO Office. ad St, o ILVILL ralen 1 ••• togton,Fuyette • Irr Illackmock, Church lc en D. T. Morrar Irt Fourtit '1,4, mar Ircest ri p PEILIN • No n - J -- All dunk vp in quarter, ging from .50e. per IY2 I. uamice of (imen and Black TE. , alf. and one pound packages. MI oand to E 3,50. A JAYNr,3 • Al,l•^lfOr Pek.n Tn. en 11. DAVID HUNT. Ikon., ngmet4c each arm/growl., in Ito, I iftmorAn Ilion he can dovote to. Ip ,i :; o nte to the their. of hi. For,- . .tif : cle r : y Or .. .ltb a n , rial Deco. hlaesO. 'ct m 1111'er. anY 'OOO y h a , o:nn, t inny nnlhil Oaring Ilan &ay, Ina A IworlNEr an ,Cl.OlllO Co:lcm p Coun.ellor at Law, CINCI N NATI, 1 rug 7n tlol.thin Ohm and ill Im.haa rnmptly and carefully a mmtled to c State Of Nonaylvalus; a . laklnll •ledvment•,'lr.c. Win Hell & Sun. Curti*, Church le . a, EN., Wtllerel, h Davie a 2 , OTTON WORKS. ,I • ITTSBLIII.6II. and m Kentucky, Coduni”toort Dein:ammo, nekr.o fficrxr. to—lion CadointrA, Wm 11.1 EAGLE liIANUFA l iAltN, CARP MIMMIMI! flatting. Twine, Coverlet :1* CI I AI N, WARPS, Ax., Le 4 KING, PENNOCK & Co ecefori of AT hue kl ec &Avery,/ Proproloiv • PIDOUX & CO., flali 71 C.ViI,I,;TFILICI', NEW IMILPAN. tl' i v A j:ENP- , for J 1 A mantle EI.II.IVC Maim lini . or J 1 finfinery. Al ay.. an hand, it haw +lock of laml Powdered, Cru.hc I, Clarifies. and Bastard tlagals, ia Tiefres and Barrel . Alen, Sumac. lion, 31a1n,..aj Inter WWI.: M. u fair allowance made on nil vale. nf,ot shore, Su lino ef*. mehll 7 1 Giao. IW. lifliTll & Co. rigwEit..s. MAN - rumsMAN - rumsrl. AND 1101 - DEALERS. PITTSUUDGII AND POINT EIIEWEDIE& Cot' yr barkers All .y and Penn St, and faoi of Pal : n . i, PIC tsburgh. Pa. J. . tl' -.4 . 1 I . I%'.li iid.ricia. i J. M. 4 W. BONISTIIGIIT, '1 VA (:TURSILSqIF STA &van, .ANUFA CRAM" r. aqua], le nal raperlor, ar.y ta lac al the filmed Slater. whlals they w/ II ofnt low Pflet/ and 011 good Tern, alt Heaver, Pm N 41,10 I,lstL[l- 11. P. k N 1,1440 N CO.. 7.1 At 'VI 1-.10 4 of 1,0nt0... and .Itor -, 31111 Al.toure tie FN .— T. li. Tllhatop, Veterinary SitfK.4.l, C3ll I woodlll bil• I lor , S!‘be In, Er.b11. 1,,, . , b . gy the 'CI, Clair Arrri linc!gl, lairly oerb. _ 7...,1 by Mr , m,l'arr .l: Itn.lau.l. br.blbut EiKEIMINM ,t , ' L or..tedl.Butiont,Nec,ll.•,.l••no, Tope, Itrook, o dll Mute% St betlaceo Dumont, owl Ch meet, PlOsburgla. DICKLES AND ' Undyroroors 4 Wrigialy; 1 .• Ihestrra.., • MMEISIMI!!!I FORIVARDINII & COAIAIKSION IL It 1, 1 1 10i41100, t, J 1:ri1a1.1.,.,,,1. 'eft Altl.141: IL, DA NENHOWKIL i. CO. TOBACCO 0 0 MMil SSION 111 HRCHA Pi I' S, No 50 No th 017;iiiv. nod 1., 117 emitli Wool 01 1./111-1 .-i. 1/1:1.P.111A: Ir . :: in inlorh. 110. ..,1.14. tot.! 0 , 01 , r. generally ill' J 1 ,1,1 •orl . .;.. that the, 1,1 v.: itin.l,. ~, ,I . guth the V:t.g.,ga annna.,.inr..l , ..nd the i:rowihr.. 01 10 0 WI,. T.,1 I ml'e, 0101 0111, 1.1ne...... w.. 11 theure n Inr,e awl ento.lilli I , lllMIly 01 the t&lowmg de•ertp- ItelllA 01 To! argy.wl.l.-1. will he .01.1, 11(010 01 urront. ....hog teth, h , n ny other hou.e 111 0, , go,. nr e,.... ...h.., and nll g0,..h , 0010001 fon° them wtll be war ran tea rl,lllf to rrpro-eftionoit . 1100.0,1; I : - .4.1} - ...p.; 0000 . , / 1,,,, , 1 l'orth Itleu; Penn`a., S.eedl.eaf To c.v., , 10,1411: 0101 Elmtda. 1.00001 A 1,411-11 I . allele,. eelehratc.l Annu.ttle Stag Coven. .1,1., u. , 11.. - 1 nrgr .......arnneat of 0010 r popular bron.h. nod ipthhno of pontt.h..s.. ft. 1,1,' 117. and 321 Lump, 5.. 11.,.. and It. Plug, 1.0,1100 , Tw:.‘; Virginia' Tuned; .oe..weel niol plan,. .0 whole and half 10,0.11, wood an nu, Inglher wah gvery variety ; of arnele belong ing in 1.11,1rn 0. 040011, 1 .1 . . S. DICK Hli, • - NORIVARDING N. CUMMISSIHN MERCHANT, Lad hearer Point and Pridgetrater, • if E•VIR COUNTY: rA., 1 . 1 . p r ' and Agent 01 /011 01011 t. • 1 .• LAICH, ERIJC AND MICHIGAN, milt, EINTIWEr.t. rlTTslturinil •1111 110•025, W ill . .. ‘, o o e n : , 70re.le ‘ T earlirt openntgror i e7f ginv in war ' e lou 140 0 071 ' 0 ' 0 ' 1:r, ' .: .- .1 " 11.... ‘ t 1 1 ' ..;te ‘r iXon! '" CTOT , Cut, 00 ' 0,, a C.lOOl, for ill porhi 00 Loh.. Et, and upp, 1. .',...L. ...:.n to iorward produce, Ac shy rennhs. Imr:ovg en . t.pply in or address ..., (eh:A.lll ' JAS 1.110RI:Y Braver • J. G. 1 . I g.meli. 00. C. ((bloom,. J. G.,, , LEFTWICH & CO., 411.cElvING„FORWA ainN“, &Unl i t. Comm - W.lnm, Plerchnnts, PLAILDEMINK, Ln. DARTICII AR o.l.nhon pant to ron..gnmentr of 1 Sugar .((((:,Engines, or other wog les fur t /pelon,s sad An.. 10. 0.. 1 11EITJZ —Nlc,rs..s.;hellii.ld .1. UsYitlogr. :11,. Thu.- mlp 1,.....nerxk Now Orient: c. Lu writ. Be.tcceon, Fir. Z. NI. Sheller, I.x.n• .5,,,1e. k. Spoor. Mr. IVm.!(lLeary. Robert A4nsoroug & Nicholson; .I . .lPborth. ....ran. Rc Mr, Todd& Co.;.C:tonona. . & W Crat,tead, : dos. Ze:.on I..i.:ativc. lion. John,an; Pl,,eminr. m. rei~ic IAYDEN G I:ADALE, ' , Duel", AND •GENENAL COMMIS:- lON MYlitclUA\'l'.. lEBEE 16, n I th kt} • . 1 e 0 the I%,Ln onFmnn rn r• Ir. lri , ILgrx en n S. 'on, e nre - " Smith'. Ulmer, Deratimore. • rvi,r3 to Mvrt. , ntnl, nod ktartort• I.l=tonr. Gram and vne,,allF. it MarLet.and ttt, ezlrnirc,:tcqu...n -urchn,eri and rat safely war. In: ewe,. Co,reqoa,srrfcwill .1 of die •Tate of th, Market., :ix . , :van, 11,u, Rry. 1 1.4,1..un A. t , aut;,lcrs, 11,y no:d3 dwell Zr.l*-17.1,111, Drikper Juitc.i m. AIG. & IffoßS .INIJ PRODUCE: CUM IssION MERCHANTb. FLOUR F f ll3l-.HAL J-JI rill., AID r e tis to our fr 31eA•r. I fad .1p N A p it n thy vr-treh Or n •. MEW ALI .101 advuorr, mad, on of ran- Tt.o..e.thiporg :o our cold MPS mil tit' nha value kt: ady.oace or aplity utu, "ulbuglool &Taylor. Pon.burtet. I:erl & t'o . ltroleport, OJI:o • s. 1,41 ..0n•,..0rd tou. ...ruvrol when of Want Oufont Ta tor. rn i•to:ortrl:.. C .11. a. Co. DLERY NTURE. T. LEECH, JR. ' NO. 133 litl I ‘' ; ' . to .h th v. thoo h I. J et- rril • ht. , . i 1,, n • a WOOD ST., riTTsuunuit.. pk.,hrd I Imm the 4'l! olio new mr,ma I take pi!awr , :n att Iletlepttt• am prrp”, my 6u^ ott • 4 eit; iv! witt ttaretel, rttietttitil,. I ett 0111 Cote. iltal t it •ttt: lit :el j ' l l TFII I% lIAIi ri , HT.VrioNS II xiiiolvAiti - Al & ti NNED I, ot - AVD Witt/LE . ,ItLE DEALER: 4 DWARF:, CCTLICII.I - , !cc_. I==EMMM =1:1 , r CuCorp, I.vme to•vt, puvedo, •rml• cua ft,•cu :111, lamry. th.rm nl rno• , tly , t. r•stmrtml: to ran. Ciltifll.ll,l N, NicatlikNT, In tri,,act a 4,11,ral lON rrsi Vu Afrprican ,gn Ihe porch... and silk Manol,c . tg.c,,nd Preulace. 11.1.1 n coni,,ned 110 fit I,rr the , :ut.lngsl winters. hr I,lllm swath Itsc prtlictpal arttcic.ed at 'the wholc.ale re and c..Fognown,,,,r, rrsprcifnlly rol. c .Nt ntl • ' u,elwit l• V !tl - 4Vit It. liantitratit. '4. MARiIN & CO. Atil , l‘l. Nit itt'll NN. Hrurs t{plarf, LOV t.. It rI . ~ .11 A Co, h ''•• flu I,ok ~•. t,„„„r 1 . .... . ~,.. W. I .1.0c . 11,0 , 11 ;.nrpt, l'a. I.n, ni N0.v.,,. Tette ER 4 ANDERSON II NI 011'111N 1 , 1.10‘ .1111 , 1\I.',SR , 11N11,51, , N MI;I:3:11.1 NTS, LEHM ss Pr' Fr. '- al •r If 1/1 Fltrrt ntvcr Bfand,ny. Mrs. l'itL•turth vALTER .4 CO., COMMI 1 . 5 II OE -- aealLA I:Fi•a Ltd 5. 1-s 0,5 ISSION, gr NERCHANTS, I,LKS IN l'Olith;F:GENEftAl.l.l", JbErant-a ANTS, T , ,Y b K IY, mate.:3,tliclud ttn• IVARD A. Kt:ELING, ion To 000101,41 & r.” 111,) heard t:sg. Con.yrivoi.), Mt , thara, and • Couon bloke, Stuth 11rmilhis I il.n S Co; Ktro. l'ennorL er Co. dla n 1,1 th Mrs, ro— ,- I. F • 011% l'Atell c • . _ I. 71.01111,1:11. coNwNT & co., T, ecomos:• , anti l'indt,c Lle ti,ri—nt.oat:ei,lllo liar JUdentrawnt of I v. 1,1. r. 4.1,11 . A ,V(I0J, lc ar...k. I,l:arra., .1 - Co (sniff, I,inJ v en Prow, A. Co lfrAry Gr.,11 Il Clatkr -11,a..• JOIEV P. PERRY. rl..e o no finis co 31.alcoint totech 2c Co Wholesale Grocer, COMMIIIII3I. & Flour Merchant, EALER in on k,ndnnf Cournry Prodorr, Coi 1] per, Tin. Tn. lin,. Toolr. nnnn .51n.c.t Imo, nOd Wiwe Lend, Stuirs,-i ono° Vara, n.O. he. nod I'M ni nrgl. !Innnlncruren gcrTrall), cornrr 1,t1...,1;ynnd rwan Irtnisw, n..b.trg!., 1,4-I.ll.cral advance.. inXnelk or 6°,1, made on nm tnlsoi •rnduce. hr iny3 A JCTIOINEERS . • COMMiSSION ),,tP .MERCHANTS. ALEXANDER LEVY & BRIM. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to at caller r.e:2le,+lbrol. nil keek ol ties , hand.. at tile 10w..., rat, . CM111111..1101, 11.21/i are elwoyw preoarr..l enake mtiv.uer% The of r ob e , ,Ovro, e required. Letter. sldre. , ett to r obe, !Lou, sv:11 prenrely intended to, jy3llll y Ttiouroel. THOMPSON h COMMr SSION NIFRCHANTS And DI nufeeturera of Linseed Oil, o. 20 Cohikibia Street, ciNcipiptiou, omo I.g. run /OR lIILALZSCED.,O) JONES, JR., 101 l cs & Co.. of 11 , 11Onoor.Y - AND CUR WA Itin NI nle ;R0( EAV, EIICU.I NT. Poydrax Orkin, ar 4101[1011 111111 i I forwunltl,g, 14.1• W. 11. eIiAILII.F.:,` (ing Mr-rcharel, Brott.ntrilk, - ulariv KO, for wardnig or I'olNi , , Ac. ithrr 11111.1. I lippiy 10 Ft21C.,1711 a:rr cv•LI.I Tar n 11l :WV. ai . • r. 'VAT. lATIIHWS lISS I 0 N MERCHANTS, 1 0.4 c Watt, rect. T. 1,01/ IS, :1111. n.rulnt n 5 on %clfing of I'm fo,r iunrchn!”ng ~urge P.l.rgan.t Co., I'inrbur,ll, Pa IV .:I g _p i ur•• n 11 b. fter, Tr, ouvl I t;aefos. l Nl`Keeliun. C ~,, N 111 . C1O•LOIAJO & CO lon mid "f"orwordi ;kg 41Irrehantt, 93 & 95 N(11;7'11 ST. liitVi3NG•s t1•IIA It V. lißitimore (I - Atom:V. &. Co. - • . . • MltisioN (:I L an.l 9 Light HI HAITI MORM. I vancett m 1/ t,e made 0 VOll.. 1:M1 , 1IN 57..1NIfi1rr.s,.Ln .1. • 14/1,13111 4 1;11CFat et CO., 7 4 11t5, ANDIMAIN .0:1114:1 1 1)1 , C1 mmilionlays Atertlowists. MO! II I A. 71 15111 T 1 WHAIIVF;S, PITILADEI.I•IIIA. Plorrtl od forward nII konlv 0.4,. In nt' Ino.ling h no tiro it..., opt... :too r Vow., t ..90t riles. It. LA.R.K.3 Y 4— t , A I.E. A NI) COAINIKQION. ANT, n9U ‘Vtltor Korot t - T.I.OUIY , ..yorty - ItThort. 4 Co. and Anthony 111.4. , en, Irlh-fon• ir,vaA! MO it. r rlat NEWTON JUNE,: AGF:NT ANDUX , MIIIIS , IoN DitinCIIANT, • rittsbourgb, P. PITTSBURGH, THUINDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16. 1847 MNCEI,I,ANI , AItiS ' JAPIES I,iiiiirniVKL-11., rirrirsni•ann 1 , 1 HA 1 1,111: 10 1 . , 1r, '• icell.ook ..0.1 tsn .and mini 'l 1. , ir. 0 plirei.. o. %mild .It, ,„, doe nammi •ari 0005 0,. olrvis :001 rtivr, 14 pair Divan.: dor Inir It: "iv ori V0+0•4.11,'113.,. pa.r ioo .110100, , marldti t . iirrr) Saud, hlabo .4 , 111 T.tidionail.. a) all dei•r a•-ortaiiii 1 C 0141111 0 ,1 1111111111 re .0011 1 110 . fv. too n. 1110110ot, NEW 11 ARIIIV \li IC ,E 0f; - JOOIEI , II W I )(iDWELL. Corn., of Won,' n.. 41 2d s 1 Pirt.burgh. 6110 rll .. .lorntid,/,, to my fr. , A - nn nd I ha w.nnict. . ii:1101 . 11 pl.. 1 1 17111 Z, pii• gins. ca.), And nmdr ntrainniannit, with 10: 1 01113clure, ell• 0101 tr and 1,1 1t1 , 111“tiV euppt , •-d. I am inily prim ar i l ruri•ls I lardware of all Lod, 011 nv good aril 1 1. ,, ,, , any limra Intro %V,...t. Metichaiii• arid are resprrtfulli . , rill Thend rz n aiiiiiir Fa) 10.(00. parnliaNna foowitin ttsmpliiniii a pan of •atek! T . 2.. , !ennlhon, and Saddlrry Ilardwarr. Gan 'Truman,. Naylor' , ..nuirt:utiery.irdge Tools. A tivin., Vi en.. Lock,. Latrili,, vrklra, Sryllita. 14011 /1111:10, Screw, Anon Illctin y Plane... Saws slnlioganv and othert 11, I flanlwurmrlllll IYATENT PREISH T r rut...craw icgobtained a print. ;Slay In ra 11nrk Machin, liav 'linen thorn Oily are nosy d priliacti+l 41 5011 eiallis and tiontrari to dr , imiiih.isi to any port 01 ilit. nird TO.• r:E.01.1 11, 1 . and Bowl: from crude r .10 , 1":11 pond imp. , firm nnnlt ner hap., ,cl, MIL. 1. in.. nvoidizin(br par:, dry.n4 and 10 , 00,-; thr • er. bcing • 10 , 1 1 .7.1:011:43.:.A . 10 get can onto: rcipr..r. ..,,rm•trd tin, .1 ca., i•ii Iltert • L1 . 1:1 nut tlinreir r aiith nn.n I ' .111 a, G a ...1., ram 0270, 0 r 1 ;,[10 'll,i- rr .31 wi i inr .01 rr re, : . 1 %Yr C.2 1 ..11.1; ann Or, iirrt e di oin. no ei iii• .111:01, caber , we emu , nr 0 1 1 : 0 r rrr n ii '' ti c' it ‘ eri r, .04 1 1 will rini.nntlN arpiXlif CiNciNNATt. IV K NTitEE'r ILA • 1' CONFECTMNA It I . AND Fla 11 SWF: t: npet 31n.isda, 1.; r Inn): Wianl A airm3d , ..l, , art Fro, , . 11 mrc ILA Olow,, ra,ry, /env li•rweg Ft`tl,l' At, rit,3l :L • • .J . ~1~ ...ui. :.s ~..: 0....,. ~ Fr.t, .n.l %Vt.,. V. 4.. 7) 4 ( , / , S T „ I . ! St, ll t 1 01 , HEATINt: cz F it o I sln 4.1 ~.,,.._...,..n. ~ .. EETITEEI C I . 114 Ch's I, h I V. T., f , a 11 1: s! snernlz4p. ISE CtlvOlt XVI" a to. .d 1 , 11,01‘ h . StUl!it. , OH NI. kstm Till ' s I' Mr , i!{FAl . 1`0.1+41,1:, 7113 r. h 12. TIIO3IAIL KENN JIL, Itlossang• If raeln. I.lsery Stnble. t.I I. • J..sora• Ithllnts Ch.osjcal F OR .It unzni nn• nrrt 7.1 4 n I. r. tie:sr:lt.. A 1r..0 t • Al N 117.1.-1,,.. h .A Ct. ratn.rl•i 4114 i :It ,1 4 41 cn,' n• - - - Shoving .11oir Ilresalha Onihoht h 13 rt.,./ts.: he, ftoolg. 00 0 Gn 7'lol he jut iroetta ot .tt -110ito t-itr Ft:, a tot 110.toar 4.,,r1rett.' , 1! at S. 0 - I,tho. Rua A •'l4.r. 1.1 rlufil,ree,n, aht: 5v....b0u,.. • 7 0:7.. 11'Larf, '.IACLAREN eptr,f A UTiil24 . 'i't) PI:111.1C--11...,..01. ,y coon:to vro:4 t••,. TRA and .5:,-,;:,,y or ntely :Pon, , the etp t. , tier.p•.nit ' rt• ..nit , E IC Qll<lll'.ll.ll. is : 1 : I/ `r ^I dl.nt 11E1, • L 7 izzaz ozar•vol lona 11, a, lovz, • ••r.v.v zzuzz , Z 1,1 1 ,1, 1, Z)1 , 11.14 , a1 o, vary ,zoz— z. zor azi.ea Oat I.) , izziazz coOrr. nIZ uzo 11 wroz.ll /Z.. or n very ...par, llal tY t nor •ola az tit , Sot, clad my Irma avarazzooaa. co ro, ol ood mot rzzit 1111'g1!Itz111.1 Nlolll.Elt. N, W, vouirr IVom,l und t I`, enliatantly I)rug , , A,. N. It - ptr.rtspt , or, ,, eel flymn mat, at• y to', ut thr , I.s) novbt an .. l'er/1•111,); hat, Iln,untt o , olk Ittutb , ., • hr low for curb • ."',Y 1)11450411T10N.—T1,.. ext+line, r Tir , . no J IV , lfiamp A Cu. Ir th.• ennscla. 'ft". ,nn , munt Iry WI,•• nOttlnructi In 4,tr).• 11,n ua•.? the .. J I) 1t'11,1,1,01 . .5. • TIOJS:1111.1.1 , .I1 Sri. I, imn OUTLEItY— rani, re,. ‘,11;r,.7T 11111. i er' pu, led tor wag. fy in, vt Tniel Clirglellrr, a n ...dlmedtt pen rid ,ro v. •, ..;•,r.or :tr. r jk. re , r, ved and for - nlo 0., I,"•l•ae,,th d am! GrtculLutr I V.' ttnrhon. , Idi 1V....1 vor ro•r o lab . S N i 1111 CONIIIIIsSION Ell. (o LIKIKEIS A T I toovf Jaw" Porrruryivrrir,.. Ito tar, nekr:Drrl4tigroworrro ori Air ,yrornolltor wrrring,Erl-ro orra rioprtrrrrrrrr permorr, or Ohm., Ir. tr, uter: or trrortorol, :or b r o,-, ivrrr Li., , 4 In(., OW clntrrolr. , ror V.4)1V21.1W CRANCII uor-nrrlecwl) • l' .Itirken., RAGS WANTC-D ...I : Ili:NM) . Xl',ll ,E 471,1, Itny/UU i;• ' 1 . ;• iiiro the !u.p.i,,t• ,t 1 4 .:- . 0•11 will i.L . Paid. • Alvv,, i i• on ei•l.•••••:•? . i . lr‘e i rr,,on of I Vritir.r . rc :•14t I t M.klltiv rtgr. , . eon Ike d :INlt.t.lrnti S N ,14)1.0 AND e.11,V1:1( ~.,,, In non lore, 1,41. 4.1 14.4.41 Ike lan. , :owl 1.3.141•644,d4 - nI 11.. innunfunntrr an,l re er.• I' AV IV /N T31)11/ nnd n 1111114.11.1 vornot.-4nre..4,114.1.4., Jnlv nn Itnn.l. nntl tnr pr Itti r e ,t, nt tttt 411• h Seed :store 13! •wculd • rnrner •te nth •144.4.4 • uS N • ter. VI:EA N ert of iottcxoe'x excellent l'ait I/1 i , Cr zer9, fin llntclx Ctcllntroda• xll.l prc:xtclant, hcx. nt /MIN It I' I,watrboo, nerup I . trier:l.l 0n. , . a, unw psrp,m.l 1;00,1• store,' w,IL art by Ln.tirance• • • J JORDAN A. 60N ocl2S 18 bberly at, opr+sito head of smitlilied LITERARY FE.IIILE - rIYSTII'UTE. 111.1.111,,1. the , ea. of Rev. J M l. 1,• AND i.,0,111 wtorb,llth.: .4,11,1 and ro 01 letlaratlon are tauol ,• o.ov opoo for 11, cot pOrdl, nt No. 51, Zr,.!,,. Itaw. LlPerty S eeeee . ..... Add :tu , l4tft Tho I rood A.. 1! eootrt,oloo loiolay the :Alio!' Augu.t. arid it moornoo LAO !ow who only ole,ngn entering Claruld Iso on, ~t n. tar Oa to aoilealllO loyobtit time. hov urott Ilse 2.rtvtr4 Prolet,or Inn t, nt" Mue,e no di! INatto and Guitar, to, lo,,,wt,tooord rect....Mal:on. A com p, too. l,eentplnyed roi I! I N A . M1,11 01,00 charge of the Depart...l V00.,1 1•,..1 11NSKI,iill have darttion of the A Mori , 1 ,, p1.1.11., or, nod lemmona, in dravrine. aketeli 1”.1. AIL:1 1,11 oil and vral,r coloro. Prot ..pipe;,.' I.or. awl Ewa r.-eoronroinltition 14.1 mon 11, Europo and rho United Sinio, 11, r..:lclirr in tiro lily) to•ultatong of IL Fort, mud.: to the Prtrit:tpitl. 16011ilt , LADIES' SEIII I / 1 1Altt, A1.1.1•:1.111.:NI. in...110/1 undo, th..illiectiou of Mr. N. W .t:i I open for the reerpOon of I -4a. .; fif Corner of.Sondooky and Strawberry -Ala coalmen, on MonLitty,Sep , Lho:,, coler Will Gad It the, intern: +.3 wr 'war lhe opung of thj rig posxlhle; 1LQ1143 p,;:11:, Will he ut any Lane .lring the Theopovjer• roottiotynt Tracler• will be Peeved for a.1a.4,0.4 thin hay rrtelve InPoruetiou4n Draw Out.. Pa , woo; tutd MuAte rot looticulars to Intivi. to thr enutoe of tostrartatu.. ht...,nrult for,. ulnr or apply to the Instructor. Ju.v i.t, 1 , 1.7 tf VA 1.1/:11ILE 11001/04..Publiehed by J A & (.1 p James, Walnut street, between Fourth and Fibb,Eineiunati. fiticiois Gibbon—The history of .he decline and Pill of the Rote. Empire. By Edward Gibbon, E.g. Anew Edition, revived and corrected tbrongbl out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied by noire eritieal and hiArarica I, relating principally to the priinagatniii cf Ctirirtianity, by M. F. Gmtot, ininieter rdi Public Inst.:won for the kingdom of France. The prehtee, holes and cokrectione, trana lared frrpn the French espresaly lor this edition. With a erd ten of the late and character of Gibbon, and Watreite to Gitlboa in ri vol.. 1(1111. ffvo, 1073 titer. f Napiera l'eniarula War—Complete. 1 eel. ithp. 37,h.fifujea. I Muddle Ages, I'hambcr's Rebellion in 'roa=m,. flehertana'a Vozinia rod Neff , England, KU, 14,ncil natal 1:11,111N11 Wit Id MIMICS, and .., American Heffolutifftf, I viol -Ito. • , . .. . . 1 , -r. , evi AmCrEtan If istnry—eontniniO; welet• 1,1. i , ... mlli. ur,t annhont on A inencno 141 . 10, 7, 1;70,n:11:I.:. , l'lmrcl.. t'oltm , erre . : 4 tat:slies. 1 nthan, I:.y.lui/o4ary Battlel, kr. ,n. &r. AIIPO, Anec. II ~ ,try a r.d All,ckl.s.eni. nriaclea. Illuntra 11.,1 ..,•:i I7i Or F• tit, ::+; I I.lTrat inv. I vol., inip Lisa lag,rrail Lthrary—Contatmog valuabit. . ya o . , p-mt.,: NaiNaturall laAory,:,,,:agSroenro.. ram 'tern: Eenn. om 1.5,14.7-phy • Fmk: tett. 11th Oro•mads, Trarelz ............... gotany. Ntlece'Linnona 'caning, &C. fir. 4:1 pn. fail tbecp. Trnatme °nth,. Ur.. 4.: I /r.ri , re. b, regimen ann Naa. odga 'en. rrvood and r r 414, obton, .dt l egatabit Materla,;Nled. the pr..g and Iron of nor mo.rvo lalge I,t,rjneEital pl ar,t:ona.l.. and on r .1 . , 1 tn.t Itzth Lngraatago. c.a of mucharr Enlorod. .1 pap, inn ESE ~,,, k an, ompanon—Adapied In 111 , I by I.J. an/ rt.. tAud..,,, AI., 1.101 rano, r. 12ran. rn. nt. agrll Ar lr F • h and, FF•ahantt 1'1,1", a lALwr rt Work... Lady L.:34 • Lf.11., 116 1, , 0k4 In prnp'let •-••-- - • • • Valuablt Maui lard links, ~lri al byE, 14 - c , ..114, 1 41:st, I; I!l,exatr4 Ire er fttU,,l tte bt I it, tr - at::: 4;ft, „ F•7p ~, • -Tk. =MM=TI nT(.4 . 1,71,1 ...I 2,4.4 1,11.1CA1. it(1)1(S-, •t 11Vr• zt 31.1 :thcl llh P 1,150, , plead,.! Qn Vinnti For, tu..,111 , ,, ' , ITT \un. Poor,(/or, ihr Innnu P -1.•••• • r,retnrr, made a Oa a ' a N.. 5.2 ima• L•r I Vara a.raCc \ll F. fa ...V. Itol/hti, Nl:;rcArt I, • ; f `.l.r leo. i.t pj..ttl; h.. 1. ugly Ty. 3:.<\rl.:( trt4r .rd br J h t.Ll'i4 PELSLIC A TltEllso I 1 Opt.. ~.•• MEIDIM=I MEM • DU , A 1.11 A. BEESON.. , n3 "kr, •1 1, , St:Z.l !al 1/()111ih-11,41, 1., , a HE, v . , ..Oil i•li ur . 11ti IPlrtra,ll lirrrr r tlrtrd Mir/111011S rap. of W,lllant 111, from Tvol, , tl,c -hut ripmres !!,,,vt ray, 101110/1C O, With 1 " . engra I o :noe II• , , Stage, 411,14,11e11s tk.-t a .1,0 rot -alel,, ME•VONALI)k BEEFON Hl tuarkgt•trect vr SI t;g‘k•ctr jiWN 11. 11I:1.0,11,1 tVmni -t, in now reeetving ,ll ~.worttitrtlt ItoNm NJ Now 10[1( ,11,11 open is ralg, -g • 1t0.... ta 11. SIX ocve,. 300 • l'umn era AM] 3 filth . OK -1000 " , I.J 1 . . I male at the hritlry 111-3 - $.1 . ,,,•. awl tolly equal to out t., ~/11..C.oncert, URI Is.. WO°, .11) 1111111 I.tunn. mad., by Sin- Dnitiretn, New 1 nik. 0 intik, ..pgr , ty 10(11 I, Juoing th a tt,e, N • ••• ot or EtegralltPlomo• fa. 1,11 g..ii ,urt /crew. ti liollnwmg new • P.n.., t• sillnuld lower On can. be In 3,1 r. I,T ti... 1,11.•05,..thn05y,11 nr,uvc liinde I, Nunn. A. N.,. Volk, runt powrr and sweetne.s of. I !,11 , i, low prwrd. 'us u.t Wlllhi mile by Chickcring, thn.u.n •c:ccuth by Inth un the bcnithintrutunin ur .•. t vuuur> — ery mutieruth. q.t.., of °theta p er 1,111.1.8 nui nn • cu Lew.. vu' nciccunn r VC, offered here, I, J IV ‘‘'ennlvrethn. nug4 =MIMMEM! .11 , 11 N 11. .11ELL011, No al \7'c.1.1, f --C7 ,l(M ", ;n r e 'r ;Z: l,ll 7l l :o l ;7•:E: ' .l 3 !. l .l r atTForne, wah °olives, iron Irrume and no r , :;,10:enng, of llo•Inn. . .. -, coa•..wvi 1..0n Pont, ern!: 11 ocmre• ...I i1t.:1"1r..,. '.1.,.!.. J•y , lx,ern. i 1,,, r , 1 , a 11.La , ,,tif I.m. l'ulte— mule 11 Oulu rar:,. t/I,' 1V::11,^ . 11:d 1 1 .1 Inltnafarturrev • above, a 1 , C0,1/ . halal l'atnu Form, jrn , IS'.1 . 4)11.1" OP 51E XICII—j., pub4g)l,d, by 1 n x. I. I' .1410, }: 111$ 1 Olt 1 OF Lit:All:I,: bvt C.vil War. uud k , ion.:hard - 11cyrtintiomaq Annal., In. the prFml 13Ar, to the pir-em umr. 1147; 10...r00m0t the woh the Utord 11'11' Ar 1...•........1.. 11l 1%1, u% z .C,lll .... 1 11 , 11 1 114 117 1 11 11,,,f 11.11. 4.r .. vo!. 11111 - 01,11..01 1111,11111“1.1.11:1111i ... 01: NAA . !: 1 . , ; 1 : 1 , ! .. 11.:0--Nleapli Un-- :;111„, ilrl pnr wv: lt.r qnie by • /I , IISSII IN ,ToCkToN,ll4wlorlle‘n ran mirlet - NATU RI, In, Ihrioe, Nev i r.1..t.t.•, Vow,: no Alstok”.l, . I,l d wrot.gli A in , rt,v A.,:ltro lon of lloin'lVondrrfal goolc , lna.l.cen ret - Wa , ,•41.1tturid. II Elttrift'S In the ebove etletaatett nano, itt %teed; for sale by net ; JOAN H ILLELLOkt,elltteitt It DUQUESNE SPRING, & IRON %WORKS h..‘rne. onnirrOnert Ow, 14,tv or, manorer. evrry de , ripoon aq.l Iron ur le, Aso,..taßli.o,,,onnz oot , nod a:I -17 r• sowlt ,oionr.. mot found 4-4ot. which tio,} offer 1 f , t!1 . 011 1 , 11.ral Teem.. 110 .is Iforebovg. No 4.1%V00d rtrret; whr... they naro Luc,' nll hand e ra:npl , o• all . .lond•ono . , ~, ',rot oi C0,.11 In. wog.. Carr,agn loordwate, N.:IA and Iron, C . II . . love. made sarranKr awns , Day & Crow, al Sitna,i. Spade Ftilltr.,Ae,tusl 15111 keep t, handr.ver a rnele mude them. D,911,1 wsarr • n nol cit., to rail., prscre. aml lello4 al 111 iliOrrpt• PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, 1 . 11,1.1,P011. ) . A. • 'JO II N Ilia Itill T i CO., • • ,ARE prenaFecl Infoohl Ono. and Wooll.l Machin ery of every 110,111.110, such n.-4:noloitNln. elone.,l 4 pomour Pram, prng Cr Hallway I 1t..1, Wurio• a-n Prep , ll[ Framr, Outl he., lVrntigloi.bon Shoo., 10r.41 ..zr. ol Ca.i Iron. and I lan,r, file pnorrn, nodluvol Lailses, and nkas of kllk.4ls. Caqtnts of o.crry aleFertraion forni‘lo,l nn=horn no. uer. Pattern. , n.d.• ordrr for M:11 Grnring. Iron radro,, r 01, , a1n P.p.- for 1,010 I , :t4orie., Iron \ nod fancy fn. ,t 6 . . ,1 . 11 1". Ordergl nt the Warrhow.• of J. lana-r C0.,1.114- , rly weal, will 11,00 pr47,6atamnon. . Iltrknork. Bel/ & J K &Co., G K Worm, lt,lo, A :Nan; C & l II lVarzo.r. Strut,,,nv,ll , . iaom CO-PAIt'VNEIVIIIIP NOTICE. STEISIENS of Woeslistr. I. P. Shoed,- rni Amato and J A Stockton of Pis•hursh, have S4ty cnterrd 11110 es.pnrtare.tsp Under style nnJ rot of :goyim!, Shoettl•erser & Co, the Aterbor Ir. Works, , for the purpose of tontolfactunns iron nod Irlca of every script:cos. r.y AjENIINR.4. rte STEPIIIWSIIO CO.,lcrton. • - • Wheeling, Va. Manortotnirrtll k .nilf of trailer. Otort, betr iron and 14,1., A II prool,,,wir orr'ro, And uzlno 13,ng non• Works. we ten IT, an Arnt 1.• of Jom.trn Iron ,•iroodod Srarntwrcer] coal in :toy mode ,o rho r , ooary. All of whirtt I 11, 041 al thr pre.. Wit rollotoo of the WO! k, myl I • ae .1.11 It •A",rk r L Mow.m. LIPPEN.COTT & CO., NIANU rA,-rußrit, of II I]tIIISI2 Eli awl "CA RT 1 Cue. Clorv . ar and Ila y Fork, , • .. .Ifuvam campt,tal a.; Ita,r art-ans./anent+ in tha cod. Iturt,on..tati,t ~mama av iaao.ll,rry, and :rt,l Ihc heal orkoderr final 1110 pro.l cale`aala ~ , nt, , Fart. ma , . 110 W trPartar,, Irap rod. tad,:ya• hart,limf ata, a., It, ava taTforinad:a.alut flttrrnlniffd flaff cont1ooto•ton nod tn....t00l they ..3 too ott; 1.“.11-, prortaor, .t not to :tot ';1 tt.o r ot r o . • at,t too Oneoev •or o rt po o tno•to • hot! olotter y • O t tt o c to a •t r tlott .Itli; rttor nrich ,IVoreto V l oter t 4dome 41,1 Motott... rit-loptoh, Nw.:th ‘Vm. Arvrn ". 0 I len- , fC oegt.lir ALLI- , IIEN V ‘I.NI'ISA.7. lil.IN I) FACreAI. JoinN A. I.IItOWN ''"--. '...—:..'.... i '" - , TA KF_ t:,•• 1, ',arta li, frian't , aa- --4- - - _ an,l tha •,,...,• It ,tra ..,41 !.:a rartorY atnat •urra. a: 11'..1.1. ~ ,ar .ou- rn:Drs tal.,u.t. „,......a ~,,, ,rtil% \ ar0..3 hand, I ,=- - - -- a t m , ANo f ., il, A, an..1 . ..-lurgla. at J. 4 v ....,,, ~..1..,• ,A, Li, ~,,, . U , ”,., .Y; . • 11! , nt1.. rapa...l n , :1L...h0el aotca 11. iha th,,1...,/1 la. ,ut up artihnui any sld, ..,... a troa , r ... :ha, ifia , att., !...: ,rar , v,l. at a no, Mr. ill 1 . 11.0 01 lirr 01 POI w.-ti r.g. alat sycla. Ott .01 of a afew .1,- a ea..i.11, a ta-larala, • A. •n<; [lean• Found' ininoli rind •nierinerri...l Intalarva at •on.l. win rr N p:c aired 10 innvirie n'il co •tonn r• • anir lrenit• elaireh, Sirnintiort- arid Ettil:• i•nry, ..,.4,- 4 ,..r.yrre' s le.iati potion'. en t Irani praiser, an tar nal, moiler, and inrir4 O. 'lie 'war earria•rlalit nt..,nlSN VC, 1'[11,11,7 ' ,.; ' ll: . :riJ A:71! I• N. ALI—ICI: 1 . 1 i - T^7:! 1. 4 .11 I (,g 0v1.... . . ... /1. :‘ NI A Nj 1,1,1,k4 .1••• ,O. !Lir •• •'•-• .•21, , •11 0,10 IRON. AND TIN . W rnr. •uttnno.....rn fn.., rni.a ,,,, r^'t' I rAtor 14,4 .K1k1 . 1.4, rni.nntrults ..n.l.ltrc ead I I[lt.t.` Itelorn par. In,nr nrtrAttan tAnor arta 11. , .turrn-At !ttri Tut,..• and lArantr.rr, r vent inn Itnintrat. art I . yr, vanni, ni .. Mir ntili.l:llT A :linty Ilanufutiurrrs GI lials, Batiks add B. Glass, No. I .10 0 1'1 . 1 . 1.trtnr...... l.r. fo, 11,-r ,111 nr• r Wrnnl nr rrrtor .rr•let• .1r nor 1 Pur ro , rnEnr ur it.tve.a,liqord n ol.rn ol lia:tritsng ;;:lr /110.1 n, p 311 , Vt •,. 't • • • b, ar, Itur tv , :lp Ct., row , we:. ••• - 4, f.r.• ally, rr.p.r•ird .1i at.d 1.1‘1140 . t:c...11• BENNETT & BROTHER, • 1. , 1-:KN,W ARE MANN F.k , 'ITRI:hS, 13Irmlughnui. U.S! r Pltt.borgll.lpa. /14rrhznof, No. 1:17, IV.,:i .!ru t, Pittrhurgn. a ir . 1.,,-1,, b.:t.l 1,.t,- air. of l'i-, o.r 0.,.. mirus...tun.. and xvp,,,orqua,t,,mr) 31r.i. cilahl! ar. rr.p,t,',..... ~, ,I tl• 1.,:l “Itil rx Int ~• far thAt., , , Iv., l• ~- a•_r dewm.r.e.' to Frll eitcaper than hat , ever . ..stn.: I, n 901.,:,.., tae , pal.. onlrr. rrnt 0, arrt0n,j3.,..1 r. 1.1.3 • tr N. 145 Great Wrsleru Bull 111,11;5: NaAnlattury, 11 . ..dc . . t ,„. 1 ., i1r . 0 . , ~.../ • 1. ' orr ,•rut zrp,ll. ,1 dro.; NI:, .r<,r. : t rrr r nri ie “ Ilie 111 4 4 ..4 ,41.1 ... A. I . - ''' t- " It, 41,41.( 4 ••• 'Ai .4, 44 ~„ ...,„ , ": '. ""r " I''' . 1.4,/ , 14 4 . it 1,1 ,14.144• t }4 . g 4.,,.. r: ''' '''''' '' '''''''". W.., 41. ,nl'A ,s A RD\ ric , c . - :,•. - i. • JOHN SIIXIIIPP 4. k.--.."------4.'''. co., No- tr 3 i, " 1 , , „LAA . W,.. "" V 4 ' 1 1.....:• — :•; - -;. ; 1 -., 1r”.., .. :ate. It.plovvd pal-• , i . i 7, , ~, 1 4 1 . 12 1 warri . tnted repal to . ,C...., r", . , A ' . " . I.. '''. "A“.t4 ,, , ~,,..r...- , • ~..;4. - ....i . y,,,,,. .. 0,41,,,.‘ G a . ~,. Ayg,..s .s i.,, !, ~.. j•t!n . AP Promptly aq 0 ,, ili tt l''.11) IDECIEZENTE t•TEEL. WORK: , A U AND A XIX I'AL:D.II(v. o•Ac lONVI QL7I,III. JONES k OrIGG,O:I3 • Itaratra,...l I /011 ,tralt.rn ea w, Incra ,g! Lamp, um! Cour!, Ttionanar, rt... tally cnrnor al Ito., and raustnagh, ht. lAPPINCOTT 11[0:51 WORIS.S. 110 NI :and Nal!,&.• for p..ic at tilt new IV.trehmt,c., No. UA Watt.iltrce,, t ar.,.. Wood, r.. d•dg rrom. I.n, an 'tot.orttnrat nt the old nand, Megaitcr's Row. I.lld Fly 'tr...., • I I nvlng made cr..:ti rall.litlnnE to we 31,11, mi otchl, mipe 111161 pinap:lN BIRMINUHAM TACK FACTORY CAMPBELL & Cf 8E:.., 311N11,11,141.1, FINISHING NAILS, 11005 111-7 A II BRADS, Iron and Comser Tack., IRON AND COPPER 8110 E ,NAILS, •rg. Pattcrn Alaktne Poials, of .cery dorriptio. OM, No. I St. Charle 1101F1, Tllll,l I ...... nkrgh... P. AI 1.m.... I: 4.1.:0t.ia FLINT GLASS ESTA r ‘ t . n I lt 1 r;:::1 111 1' 1 „ 1 1 ' . "' Zu ' :r:I "' :. - .; ‘ .; " 1 . tTl i t ' IYat GUl:unto, lit . to All (1. cor• tier of Mltticet inn 1 501e1 Our Work, COILIMIIII andore 011.1.1/1 In 10 our u, to Itl3 ordt, Wilh 1,111,11/11 . ... I'u ttr , ,,,tio; I, a.1., , 11,1 to curl .11.1 tt nu , . olylnHy _ Vt . /iv/oak Veirirly Store and Lr.king GirzA3 31armiqatircr, , ornot ni Votsri,.• .I'. 111 , 1,0. H men 1.., •z. (II of • C.t11,.1) .• pao., 1.111 WI,. 'W.\ E. fl ilti• 14ki .•.Iv•r• .nili and el.•••W •, or ...rl.l Alf 1..11.1.. 3na 1.....//k.n4 ti w§ -• _ COACH MAKING. Film,. Oro arry tonnournne 11,111thr looo e, 0 „ lat io -:" tin 13. I• lonloonsl lonn,ell Allnglanny, Wimilko o t ho. .onlner.l loom inlno Torn Inrnt on yen, nt,.... prop,-no In. now noconnn.. 11,1ns, mreot. .linetvol.ntrly tlon Por•loyosori.too Ilniroqo n . Ollllll , - 11111,1•Xper,v 3 rep in Ow .tobano. buxom.. awl tlo.o4onna plco,n. In. horn. in.on,o -i Dint reootive so "u nhurt otuloln. pnoson..o, Now on band nod tionglung on nnlr r. Noel away BIM. no.oll nod lop Ilugzon, and r,ery tkonnpotnn pl O./orrlngrs mde. aln order. Iron; •otn.onty.rovn oloolurn In en(lollontonott .. - BOLIVAR FIRM 3 7 1 0()( arfick, , n ' sl ' Is I 07: 0(.12 TURTI.I, SOUP. rpURTI.I-: SOI I,` ~t 1 Lr Iri,ll or nt 11 S :tt II The , !oven, 0 (li. to Soup - ate . arneularly latter Ito that my *oewa not be 40, =MI ransimmt MEDICAL And ti.ivonopt•no. r:11111:1 It, Side nod Nathrl4ivealti Whaaping ranch. ralpitatlan thr Heart. lever Complathi. Ilroarlone. nod all di.r.t•e. Of the throat. loth,* atial 1, et', eared by Shrr. w'. lini.vinn Blood and Conaumplion. 1 1 wild •nl athl .11 theme, ivinploth• of eongammion, 110 ,10.. rd the he-) plo) nirizinN they did him ad g ' oo. " 1, and told ban Ilt• 1:0111.1, NOT LIVE.. Ile true of dm 11-.0111.,11 curt, mirtormed hOlter than, Ital.:an, he .00) 1,1 111 o'elork at 10 - 31 r.. ,rt :111,1 01,1 1 , 11111 , 1, II operated like ehamo, •topped Mental, and eoegb! Ilefme he h ol taken one bottle 001.1 , , 4141110 he abuot Atak ! It loal VEI , dangler, reading wur Motile Avenue. (1.111 0110) 11. :.ra.~nn. of Willlaiseihnegh,living in Tenth': near Fotirth-io. via Abe linA been unaided: with a hat:king rough, and pain in the elicia,for long; onte, laia beentru. e.n.bad dint ,he wa, givelup lair...him:l for more than a year. She , then', mana:o,ll idking tint A 11-lleoling Oak., sehiel, oo n• oliv n viateii her ',Joplin.. She in now mint hailTe•uillvd hi •r iaborionii occupation . o taatheir,' I'EARS. . : 1 Ilr John I lah avenue and t!lat at, Itattrred with a Cottch;ral.ine or phlegm and pain in Ida tat, lie mule eci Nct RELIEF all he toed the Ilaltatinovltich drove the pain nomlnit.:tie. ullnytTtl the renal, and Itrottalit the etm•a•t• Upon the surf:tart nod hetore he had taken three I.etle4,veirp entirely cured Pleurity mid Coneumptinn. 111 n. floggas, a lady upward,t of 70, residing F 59 Iff. h. for Ve.ara been st., nttuck• al Pleuriry, Ramog of blood, Re re re eourlt.t.thortor.o of Etrpath, Pain In her Head awl VRT/Olis part• of her body...lller friends loebny4 her PAST RE VERY. The4All - Radom rrtterrti her at nnee of on her al4rin- Log .ylnp and shaiitot of, Alf to a flea In her work. . . . . • • . • Asthma and Whooping Cough. Mrs. Lucretia WrAl., 9.5 Chrtotte-at; I. 23 Beal, io Delanc,, Wm II 1"0.rt5,7.5 Walnut.el, leave, the - ~.. the value of 61. Frrea , remedy. „ .tek for Sherman's All-lleel:nr Beleam, and seq, his written AlM:attire IT on each battle. ' t - . Pr. eerS. and $1 per bottle.. Dr Slier:lllW* Worm and Coosh Lozenge* sold as aL oae Prme. pal Othee lOtt m._ N. V. Sold seltalerale and retail by Wm. Jackvon, at his hint NledicineWarehouse and Soot and Shoe Store, No SS Llber- FLt - icet, head of Wood Itrect,Pittraugh. Pore SI peeten C,cirlpOrnargieltut , bF TAR AND WOOD NAPIITIIA.--l'ite Prirßand I Mr.l Adveruser says: .• Thin remedy box beep ranee sorces.rut than nay medicine. see have ever ands* for Ft. rammer:atSiti •come at Consumption, Spitting IlhatiLtratet toughs, the o and Breast Bronchitis, Asthma. (hat'pate Boughs, ilmoteneas, !Sex Vitroat,•ra:p.tatmja_oft the Ite.trt, Whooptna Copalt Croup, Narenuo Trernon,A.e.: littl.vitittats of th, h_greeet respectability in Wes ea)' hear ompie tr stanony to its power and efficacy - 1n -thus clans of thseneas. • Amongthe teeemotenit to the yalac of the above Med let no_ ars 'parer:Ll immilrs,neu:tlicd 01yr:rata+ of Shit. adeS.!ria. , Head the tot:oaring front Dr. YoOng,illit , m,nent otrthrt. Jan.lE;ltl7. Ilaytnelo,r,l in rny as all in my riurn fa onl}, .11ntospoon, Como...sad Syrup or Tar on.lllViso.l Na;)!..t.,t,'.1. lin, no h-R.toCon .aylng.thal 1114.11 W vre-ratar,on of :h., kind an Lt., pt,r..nri: from Llo;,On.rgh.., Cold.. and all alfcrtlalt of zur nroal, prevalent m tin,. r_,two of Laecar. 1,12 tr.pruce lV c hare 'rot salmi a frw dap: rho 1 ,,, r.0n.b. lip following yr noliemtv. In ecranint nocll, boini, per fectly curi.d of II:. • Pm.Lapat.ifira. January 3, rrnn, a 'irnt, or crntamin and a'boob! Mar the AT,. L.. 41 may Oboe reauuree tun wo,uld , 111$. that ter 1,,eG1 I haveexper, en,dlr,ln fo , or Tanrap!orif Compound Syrup of Tar am' Wfx , •l:7:ll.phfha year. I I.noe I.ecn =Jai, o d ,V,ll rat ennea, accompamed va:to racat Orpfe,./1 and , I,6ruity, of 13loors1 0100. llt•runting grrally ,armed. file . l.l who had toceri much brnrlttted bypua rt.emam r emln! mf , to tf. I d,d and in a vory +fool tone oro alarimne ,Mpl(1111 tlsmtmeareA my eir-eforal:on immune oil upple,/on 101 l in, cough cen.ed. and' in o (la--da)nk I 7ao ableri to our and attend runty tm,111..11 a welt man. Any rurt)frr mfarandmn Alit Ito ehr.trully given the alleted;by eJlitng at my rp.nlenre, Nu, IVI. S. Franz at. • • • JOS 111eMANA,31V. m4almahlr medfrnte pn.parnlinly. by ANG, NECA DICKSON, al-NE earn,' LI CIA aad Spi - Yee .I.,l . li,tade!phia. Sok! In Pmsbarlita l,y L. WILCOX. Jr Pl.44,.ernri nr p,r bottle CA UTION— Warare of Me 'natty rounterfeti, (hetAr.- MIR 3 at.: The. uro , cr . opulom , evcr ready 10 •0 1• LIE Eli--S A Nltruc, : A %% ouder!! rafr Erupt‘oof 1 1 ,,nturcramw of 111,:lqi,n, P.rt idr• Frc..lE:rs, Suntan, Sail Rheum. tr'eurvy,:e.ore ,2ru . . Four yea:A Aucurt, Ow . cuprm: or Fruper rrair 4,....abraittroinr. - queoce I.: 4.Ncesvery ain Curm.aL. Mau, d x r.2..r•0.a:,) 111,, au , • ilirtr j11.1 . )..1,' the hand:. of Eau%.lul r. , ..41 Cu, •..trs.a.r • .r• r1 , 01(; ,. .1 e.l 4,1 14: 11 lo•M “") try:, tr.r . ay.rsa.,l r..tvr eu.Ly of I%a, I c .1 Inc jdtla ezral L.or hits, mm,1.11.101, 11.1.1r . artu , :r egurnt..“l i ii Lwrya-on or—V r .1k MI. tcc nay., aurJr.irr ri•r.l r ecry,jrrr , t.t.r (0,1: tu rrrortt•l.larr,:: /mum., ful rr . me d, /yl, .Leary cur, to :12tr . rurfc . rd.e tn.salun•l. dl •LD DIiNtEV • Preaulcut" I=l - • Frvm the nvrninr Inso- , 11 to lb , r , ro.ot Propnettir. Nov 4,1,10 Ir.ross•id..rnf.on of th , ,sso. • I la,. 11 to llr .10Itr, rrno , ox vLry new hrh tor tvfott.. innote-, ot.too•ocistri..g, 6nitt.ll,llt Of I rfge.stktea• ,or snieol soossl :• to moo.; ...t,rr mr l!orsoT awl to pa. , ot ha. to., 'Jr ^.'l Cto-orell 1..n.v J . If:lJrvullh. VI.:S1 . 121:41 NV JACKSON_ of ANT< Patent Mrtflr,jne tt'oo-Louir. -f1•rty atres.t, head of V. hod, :ii lye .:fin of tio: It.a I:oot JJi r, to.' I . 4t,i•ttret lo:srr” the GENUINE Zo. of, ont. Ai. .11.1.1. g ill EAT I' VW:, riforti:“l h, i6e rr ""P"'"'"‘ 6:; :hrhd . ' lortat , Far 3 - nr.3. We.tmovelutoll'u., 1/3„ 'y July 11.11., 1,17. i - Mr R. 11. 5..1iv0l • P ~ ..N.c. 01, 1 1 0}1.011.apdy.rain.f.,,d ' a.lucramr 1.....),t m, 1../..1., iutimuny . 0 fitorul y ourjtl Ity u le totyted Ltur rriN 1 luau. /1/trupol doilur so Plr )/1 rv, 3.llutly, to 11,v? C.v.-kelt, mama., •'1.... uur you use ri 1., them , wheul.• Ale.vt of /he many puler...Pa/sof v rulu, us pool it..Au:tau:led p. the .Luc, btu 1..1/ itati ol.livem lure your Lure Vs Is hut too u otrere/1 to the NIIU. and, uplyed, 1 I,elle3e pia, will, , ,tativt them ph." tu they are yust lhat )ntl Ireptrmut lioln 4.. r I, 1 lune Peru mllliett I 14 1111 I ver Lumpixtul (sore toy youth. limre attllerul much . , empl. yed i , many euu:r lit h). outs to idiom 1 valt! much money; yve lout murh Llpul. !wen v0n0te..141 , .i.4cd almtut to / 1 llil ulutte,l 5 ur // t me, pod livallyrytten up sta ncinable. lu I rill . , I mull tmltuuol tot.) year Liner rdi,,..! SOON'Is.OT 3'l F:LL. flue boit.l7/ 1 / 1 1 / 1 /11., 213t5eiesit to ketp trif dear of por in VIII /try. and all the /oiler symptoms. for tit !Yap( 111. ant!, i Vow: l`slrs areal,. the ;rut 03.31....t/c 1 erne t.L. , !: Lr1,...511.1. 401 cripirg ur quiug much 11ic1u...3 pl. the '27-,Lat gut . much r/ I II I have kept them 1/1 my tore tor tr. or ;years. 1.1.1 i1,,:41,11 of 11.111.. d have 111 heaul y am; /, ro/t/111/1/1 uttetiv! 37 eysy et, vim lus urvl / bun. 11111!....., vurereedeaulnunr. every /Alter 1/111 iu Vim, ~1.`,/rhoipl, Land in a short Wray nil/ hanull tium Pl• 1 •Pruutly mom/3p.m! them to WI tu-rplus nvedu, pl. vie, Artlo r for Lurr fomluut or tllliv , ll. 4 tret/olly. 1, pu s/der/hem fur superior 111 Calomel or the Ulu/ rill. 11ut P-el- Cully 3ur., , ' J L Atonal .1 Al rioN —.l. there Ire other- Pills heron. the Hblie r . Lou. rill. per.. mho maul IheilKNUlNFipht3l/1.1 ot. Po. nuJ : tuLe . other Ihun tho..e prrpaipvl and /41 tic It F. St.LLEIPS, No Pr Iroodut betuteu Till aud V.iurth ,Itt by lie. Caren, I , lllh Ward, 1) M:CeEutY, eny 'DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. We Inkve teen at:or:fled by Mrr. 1t0..e orm cure er. fotnted I.y Dr. Jwylaes Al terati Ve, w rh d for wan NEER , IsEri or WIIITE SWELIJ Mitt, al year. attended wdh 1th,6111111. Uhd eutol of van., bell,/ du nirg Whit' Ei time mnaNt.r,. shay e b.., t t,eharged kn. /rontal. bone Cl tad.erandundtrnm tell, her aka, wrdi. and hund., and trbuth iron, the„!.,lell fed oral b.., odd trout dti Ince, he. ales patat'Al a:ertu on rah, ',armor her I.u. , wl.telt have tadllr:d ukdlol a number of mead. 11.11C111 physietuAtkot our ed —during uto.t ot the Late her uuderinge. have larda e.erttud.un t unddeplordble About three Months ,tned rho todtterul w try Sr. Jayne!! Alterntjvc, whirl, ha, ha.un nmoad.langly happy elfeet upottd . ter, 1.. y removing 01 ram otta v.vellutu., add chtt•duic the wet.. to heal,wld le at the robe her generaktdalth Itar•lpdvordeeodtpktedyrootored,..o !JIM Rilellt•W*4ol, 15 lb. mord: that, Ed.:. did before elte rutnnduteed or thd truly vlk; k t.prri.htaut.-1..'-dt Eve. Solt. ror fuck., aunt, impure 0, Mr. It o r, N O ,O 1:11101. Ear Ittld dt al.t.urgh, at the PEKIN TEA ETOiIE, For rill 4 , Or WO.I• JY S 4110 , Nntit rthcv— You. whr,:e.k.n d. dark nu r d Yokt. whoue lour it harsh and true), Ea w,duay red or fier You, otrenutve Ideadt nolea.ant 14 tamed drallt— y., could have—buy, n,ao at girl— Tcallln . or pr, '' 1.11.N1 11 .pleysm..t..litil curucle Pure and wnatl and:moot/1 And 1.a,r,0).11104) . . dark :az elve r read ttL, bcluw. READER'. lay of you can I.laYell".!;al , oye Loy itnital Wre „„„, t,u,troat.) umng a 33 twit. ofJoacs . , :Co , rat IL:: z.,rwooL—a 2.5 not ot Joac.'a Atiiher rOoth culitt . of th., genunitt Janet's Italinn Soup. The urllcl, spat but anutdott are a.-ured that 11, followtag teal qualto, The moth pa-la,, we gives it the btrallr a itwi•ci ti3or,Arlttic 1..e1h awl otes,,e rifi. ktt 'rhc ull know to Ire the moat r intwite thing eve, Iliad,. nu' tire! heauutytog. and cuto.oig tot ciowth ue the ooap (0,1 the grand, Jone.s. ' , oaf, mind! j•ute all cruptron+,',ca, he nil make dark yeilot‘ white. ticur nod fa., All Wire 'hdlg. are nolti tg'ply) at NY JACK:4N'S Boat and thou titoic dad Patent birthrate W archon. CJ Utterly $l. toy: No Cure, Nu Po yt .fariot o' pc ia Emarorariao Amer F2.:,.< ril I EilE are few ilocuscu'inore C1)11111100 or Bea -1 blcsaine than the ilea. acid act, notes lut thud. log neat ellorta tiara been tithdu to cure by thotoe • electuarics. liniments, 4:e...1i I \ hirdc and all little Llanelli. Now the tirnlaiiiiabon it Or only medic lie toed. A peroino 110 hina been caPeri log clack the filed al the Werra loud cacao IrantS.o. At i o . itrbey, on pa il io n e to ;rut inolh tor the speedy cure that Old intilitune;lied elfeeted'in 14'e:i.e.—Hula. Sat. Not. TT For sale in Vtituourgli at the EN Tl'A , TORE. 7: rourth•nt ..nott vlro nt the Drug 4icric H P. Sr,liwarix, N1.1•, 4 1111 If TONlC.—Aticr tr, .1 xv 1.0,1 El prkekl rn— Mllllloul nny 1ar..1,-.awn..l the I We know ilinknit.• h.. 1. (E , Wre..l 4.1/11 nhirld. , l , el3l/.11.11 ,- ',lac, ‘.‘ r.mitilli.ll.l In all rar tr lum .4.4 tr,al tl,“ I owe atioatthately 11.4i0n car,. Pag.burni. a ghe Prxisa Tot Sinn:, IV* • 1.1000.13/1 11Alli DY}C—ra, gn,rynn Lirbt, Wgt iliqy Ilnir rt3v , n, ritael eolnr, re.honi dyeing,lmurtrig thr in. wait aliter tkpn. +tie. , e , .. 1 11 ,, L1 , 1 . !T e. 171 , 1 - ACfNO:r.l;st hi. Palen I Medirin, .knot the 94.41keheiri hoed of Wood, tho VOL. XV.I---40., INSURANCE! JOll N VINNE'T, JR. , ' VI •v.rirosenan enk TOO DELAWARE MUTUAL Sorely Insurance Compray of phtladesia • BE RISKS upon buildings mid merchandise of every description,' and MARIA R RISKS upon hulk or cargoes of tench!, taken upon the . mosi lavorahle terms. • [l•7' Office. in the Warehouse ol W. B. Holmes ' S Bro., No. Si Water, near Market street, Fitts' burgh. r The successor this Company since the nub. l isiunrilio , Mc Agency in IMP city; iciihtheroeminese and I.4,nthly with which every claim upon them foe loef has liven admitted, folly warrant the oatm in in. Vuoie ihe confidence and• pidronage of his !needs sod Mal community at large to the Delaware M.S. Inane are Company, while d has the additional advanusgee - as lan institution among the writ 1/PUtilihing to Philad'ia-Lam having an ample paid in capital, which, - , by the operationofitschartems constantlyincreaiing - ' 2.lYieldiog to each person induced his doe share of . tit': profits of the company without involving him, - au any. responsibility whatever . ; 'and therefore as posseeing the Mutual principle divested of every ohne:ions feature, an I in its most attractive form. nod • FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. • insurance Company of North America, through its duly authorized Agent, the anhocri. hoc, Miele to make permanent and limited lasur. acre on property, id this city undid vicinity; and ' on shipments bythe Canal and Rats. • DIRECTORS. John C. Smith Preal., Simnel Brooks s Al.. Henry, ICharla Taylor ' • • Saud. W. Jones, Saml. F. Smith, • Edward Smith, .Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Nei, Thos. P: Cope, Richard Woodi Wm. Welsh, . Arthur G. ' Thin is the oldest Insurance Company is Ike: • United States, having been chartered in biSt.. • it/ charter is Perpetual, and from its high long ezpenencs ' ample means, and avoilil l g i t • risk, of an extra hazardous- character, it may be"` tonaidered as alining ample security to the public. ' MOSES ATWOOD, • • At .Counting Boom of Atwood, Joneal & Co., ater.and Front sane{, Pittaburgh. - INStlll,ll.hreln Aditinitier - FIBJEC -- DE AMERICAN F,RE INSWIANCE cOnIPAz T N V-Offme, No 12• Walnut street, Philadelphia: taco Tamed A. D. 16111-Charter peoletual.- ' Insure /loadings. Furniture,lileichinthve, nod pro-- • 'lcily generally', either in the city or country against ewe or damage by fire, perpetually . or loi limited periods, on favorable Imam DIRECTO/16: John Sdrgcant Earnael C , Morion; ,• • Woman Lynch, Adolphus Peri., 'Thomas Aintione, George Abbol, Jelin Webb,Jr.„: ' Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis. SAMUEL C. MORTON, Preaident. FRAINCIS D.. 1,141102, &emery. ' Ordere for Insurance by the above Company will be . revs: red by tee underaigned, agent for Pittsburgh. iiv 17 ;an`__ ..._. (AEI, taJCIIRANad wand at • INDEMNITY A: Lora by Firc.—T NDEMN her FRANKLIPI Fite lima. ranee Company or Pkiladelphia, • I!ATILL make Insurance, permanent andlimited; V . ori every description of property, in PITTS BURGH and the' SURROUNDING COUNTRY,, on favorable terms. Thii company has a perpctnif charter. CAPITAL:, .. . ....... 5:100:000 i paid n. CONTINGENT FUNI; 5501.),CC0 • (Alice corner of Third andhlaskot Eitbdfth: ap ..:3—tr WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. • INSURANCE. • American Fire leraisrassese Company 01 , l'111LADELI•111A. CIE•KYLI NIMPCICAL.. Caruac NehtrUO MID o.6rtre in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut Street: o * W.M.DAVIIMM)N, Preen Fcrairerree • 1 1 111:44 old and well-catablislied Conipeiry continues to ibourr Itoildings, Merchandise, Furniture anti grog. c o y norm-by fire. extra huardous charareter, against loos or merge . ' Applications forlasuranees in Pittsburgh and its neiglionstionci. will be trceiren, and risks taken ciaosr Peq.uially or for bmitedpernuts ' 'on iavonsbte terms by , GEO. . en , is ' . . . N. Pb Wood et. • .-- MISCELLINEUII:3 York itcurclotowat. • j E Pork 'l'amilid; . ited approactimg. .1" lie .repaica so pack pu.k elidorti tie llogs terra—onrr,'.kess :ILO ta li tiieemiti• /owe, ...kid price: Ii is wed 1. to jade pitic. die idivaddige paeksag Jill pviiii—tae :ie.:ober of lisp. I.:cog:mg to too pidoi a ill . ue ilau.oall) of the find y ualuy . siJibp ro lecanadietw edra atop. to this isecuua. hi s hogs will lame wid tat who upend me West atiold do wed to call at•th. pupa titiore er el.ewnere. I ',id ad../ packtiic on comm.:am tor fitirecritot Viewer.; er if ay us ia wi..a to hack Sit' tae acroilid I WiliaceuMuralate_ient w.:u evert ditiere odeill turn tome packed-11015 prom eh. wadr r. ate greaier Vanden.' the slogs will ' and (al at drive any silly at too yr: aeon u ot , Q r e to the owner. ebul he prepared to pall: any, and recommend buyers to held thin eld io u.t inne r and make arningemoida for packing. heidic oat river elver for winter. OG.toher 1E47-1 1IN t'.2.4l"°E. . ALEXANDER A. JOSE., idAKEItS AND FUI:NISIEINAS UNDER— . et TAtir..clts., cornet' of Peon and St. Ciatd streets, .puette the Iluchange Hotel, elardneean Penn street s it tnoettulty odor. their fr . rrnil, and Inc public, that they are 'iterated to turntsh and alletirl 10 evcryllunnin 4 the Ititr isdertaters.. A1w.13., an hand a./arge as. .11r1. ll{ tif ready made Coffins. covered, lined:and fin- Idled in the "cry heat manner: all sorts andsiics ready made studotls of Illannel,Caluttrtck anti manful, and Pit r..l . e.imatlr!. lit approved taylei. Ira keep a hole as otrunenthf n r and Mark, colon, silk and kid sattle tor pa w l I totarcrs and ennuturr, Crape, caps, cot . ler., and ',very thine ficertmAT tor dressing the' dead, and on re a•onnhk term., as we purchase ail oar goods in MG kiistero cads. Aim, tart, piste) hsr eisqraelnu me anta.?antl ago. We 'mode splendid nun , hearse aatt Lar-i, and any number or the iteq.entrolgen. EVery ili , lientiemird to promptly and punctuoily. oettNiy . Wholesale Drug 'Warehouse. IN TILE CITY NEW YOKIL.. F . AHNESTOCK , N0.:49, John-st. • . 1.11. New York, Wei for aleo larzoq and genera.% a.ortment or Drugs and Alcdicines, Dye Stuff • l'ainti and Oils of every destription, which they are Prepared nod determined to sell low. Country Alcrehanta and Droggidis are requested to call and examine their articles. • Order. executed with lattliltd nes. and despatch, B.A.Falncsteck'n Vermituge constuntly,On hand. B. A. Fahneotock, • B. L. Fahhcateck, • il'ittiburgh. - G. W. lalmmeock, A. B. Hull, NOW York, aprs. RAPER WAREHOUSE.• NO. U.BUILLINU eiLLP. NEW YORK. , VIC 15;• :, W. FIELD, adore for sale en the lowest • „Llimufacturcre prices, a very evens.. aime. • In Id I'APEIt. comprising every 'feasible variety, ad, pled to the wmna of commuters In all sections of the motiitry. ,Toper of all kinds made. to order at than itot .t • cstoek of PRINTING PAPER thunesuaily . lalla ' a parlor which is of very superior quality. PAPER DA/LEILA lIATICHIALS • ' f uVery deLeripbon, 10.poilvd and kept consLettly ort ' han • vr.t: Pelona,. Vire' Clods, Fourdrinier Wins Bleaching Powder, Blue Illiminmene, Twine, de:, lte. Clitlrwm,llale. Rope,tfroms Rope, ',Bagging, pun:imbed, for which the highest mice C.h will be paol, ire New York. Jelyi IVOLFF having , removed from the VV .:osier of laberty and St Clam teems, to No BO WPM: alum slaws alrova Et Charles 'time, would morpectfully .k the IllttaliUn of buyers to them suet ' at tIAItDIVARE, CUTLER Vaud SADDLERY', reed • per eitpis barattak, Monongahela and Russia, direct Ir., toe mannfileturers of m England and Germ.Y. • wiriupplies et Amore. Hardware, from Mope's- . eqtal manometers.. of Btu Eastern Elates. • Oleothick being rourely new, mid parchased `pen. the twit term. they Mel great confidence in beingble•• io meet computmon Boni any quarter,'; whether .510( Weal. Toe ilamlwore, business will bc continued at the old rood. ISSOLUTIOIII--11. partnere. Malerm wiles -LI lots ender the ',tyM and lino of Leigh...a/tali • • zee't, Li::s day dissolved by mutual content, John Dal sell ketone ilmfm•ed twi ll st lo ft Wmhtm. bosom.. the late firm be settled by nue,. outhatmed to obc the home ate,: late .. . o tor :lintpurposc. ' It IVICHITAIAN. ..ppabljtv [Oily 1 4' J BALL cul..riber is now metered to matmf.iniu alt L of Ikttmiltml %Voelcil 111.101 , 11C+). kt the etorree • nom,lLnleka itllll Wzgnlmatt,, Cumin SLoP, ear ner L•berty Jitil Water street, will meet Protapla l/1 IVIGI/T.3/A/S LatOtk between Federal .d ql.volubky sea !P ele‘llY. Alle ghauy Coy Spring Tr - uss, • , Toe ioper.aCclaans of this Truss .nsist in the coo. • Pato., eaaa with which it w, be worn. The pof woad .16g neywy itamoced ylcidela peer. ~ of oho ads,. Emil • mi al ute tircure.r. It can Lc wars.. ve.uttoit totermOioul, unbt corr oft:med. Ile ititv lel.ol, :I.IVC acme al I.!. ;be . wr Oleic voloofite b ea,cl.ol tr, Lit Putt. IllartPiw e peer or.e, Aa: Jun LI iimol id scar • r. ,011. • ttr.btlyt,t Wheat an., uhy MN. • FArii or Yiattutoo,s, cud be •prte ..t.lO, or Pacer .ttt•• W • .ot yvtib grrtu ruptct“) UP twol ra uer 0100µu4 ful, yenta, to le and Litt. ?I ttt 000 Faros. attil 111.11.1 ti / lillUOliteall) ((IC brat Alio ever ortererlto tad ' tac , vnc cab IX sera operauou at .Le rata: a Lati troptetaent veadelattaae, tanner rd . C S • ta. 04 ' 1 Lai it, 10e6L, S %I/it:tat o.ti . A.Lk:tr.ll AND GLUE F.rl - 6 . 1UH1 ilLttt ear. dolattulatratorsof to.c Jarrara hteLtansow. oder iL4 1110 eblubli.D.6l.ll ...a. ..rgx lofilkcrly 001 on by htitt ht. tie bar, as a .tlesa• tor sad wee Factory. ' lnc nor:e aorta coaryiete trout t.,..a.r3 tap:mike 111120:144, irll7l fallitcs,AX, and ready tor mom:cotton . wty 1 - tai. A 1/1.,,11 cr... win bu toe. It, and alt n. made known t by . ettlbtt6 ctitt<'t ot. the tooloss.gqctl. JA3Ii..S IJLAKELY,: JOHN ISFiettl:l4. Adatltuttratora - hales.F -4 Z•e7l, -- pe earooat k k :4 ' 4 4` , lakal eqaci rde4. Leaaprolete a seri lean. , " "W" ....1 then utaeon Mactuoliw :Led cooluttlerl Acoerally I. LOA. A\ tr. fiENNEDV wet : lb) wood sweet DORT/dn.!: a n coavpaent Illowa and all therilaye tan be yarned by the hti• O by taro... A iOalust recbi and larsSCA ale by ire . th vc , Xfivp.etiotquilatqr : of fivoll groti Flow nom th e Hardlhe fttligrbr /WI! j JOHN D DAVitycor wool 4, kt, ; .