PRICE SEVE DOLLARS IitiSIESS . ( 41t1j8.: . , j. *Ak LLOYANI.Itatt. lA01.1.1301,N; Copounaanan'ind A Farm - .singr lilerrlort,t, bl Wolof and 114 Frontal", Pnlstour, , ,l. , . Trial TWOr11), J o la et. :iit Co., eoonnissaln oud lug DT 01'4 an., It.uve racontrd to Weir old an,,,0. t 1 awl and Fozol novels, Villroolnil— -onat GIItt.iILIITER. DRAIN .1. IItICITILIt, %Vb.,lomale Rind Retail B D,,,,,,,,c0n1et of Lawny n . nd N. Ca.. wire.. ta, • uslyll 1), A. VA.11.1.1.:5.11)C1C Vhole.ale .4.p.,,,...11truggi.,..ta1ter Wood .of 611.1 DAG ALEV 6. %Vialenale. Groceti, r 21.1 :51 Wdsul surf-Li' I.l.borgiv ILAGAI.ETi & GO.. Wh^ , .. 4 ".. - te. mad Nadu, dn, XI Als , ) ,, . r<. , . 0. wren awl C. 1.. Not-1h 41. P1,11.1.41 , •100.._ /eAN Forw.nimi .nd j.l;mnmoxmn calla! Puoburev C•ILI. A DO I.OIIIIIS, N.! • fier str,il.4l, tqlfield. 1C01.1'...,1,r1ian F.J..1111111,1: . Jas. W.lll:ltnitn. lOLIZAL 21 N, 11 A ILM %ti S CO; Manatetti re rt Jot r , pt,5t1....1 A %leo, A. B. apd Spnag tied, and f. :o. It :Fr tim jugs of every dr•- •r 5 1 ,6.4 ttaatitala Clan' it. Wittahrouse ____, zud•Nrnrood. .s. 1. itr-csndirt. rtiIICSON Mr (suceasevta to 11. ‘.la timer a pd \'haN-Rd!e , 000d , rdd. nd trainsPrtdatd F r intlddyla naid - an't , fre, t+t.[Lh street, be. 19141. Wood 6011 mai • C in:4(;.Eln, 111..,10111, azl.l wi,01...14 .11 yetail •al,alerin Vutnety Wed'. n ot X. 1" Alastet pear utosny, Pa. ecal - Jmue, Dunlop. J. Ilarrit. Derrell. trNI.OP Si:WILLI, Anon' 11 : 151ros on ..fsnktafothl, I.l7ocen aa.l menus _ ; 1,,111•V A 116 1 LIKA 'A Pi 1. TOISI, WY/COM:a (inner, J 4 of Ilnel,pistouil, serothl S k it Iran 1)1a. amald Alky. • mya r=warr. V, ALT, a ai:teitanT , reit, d,-al , r , vo , dtire woxnufae tklre*,r.,lnerof Libroly. und 11.41,1 sts.,Paldatrgh,Y4 .1•1116 t. !VOMIT. & DPINIVETTi. (late nightly Gal. & co.) let:e.ale G roecre,tlonnentaton and Formatdt Alan hunt',and Peale. 1.1 Produce and. , Paute AludufactLeet, Wood greet between &rend and Plant : cull • FOILWAILD SIV.AILTZ't,TZLOV.I4 Aunt - re•I• Idav, been tenoned tart, °dim to the Knuth side t,t Pent W ewes, frozween Cheiry Alley and (least FR Prienr l lien. !they. ;Ilene* -Wood. EO/1-1.11.111i 11.11I:7C. CIYA Wholesale Gmeeru, A: and Connnet.on Mlleteironts. and Auentsfot Colleir. :Ater and 109 rtont fleet la • ' tale FFosse Manufacturer avidcal- Cf tn Mumnal 11.1.rcmclito,li2 Wood 'Vett, arcs .1.74. ;V01011:11:: ;: IMO A. rellerre. OR.SICFIB. de Co, Cemrairtion one Ferran:ling F TI Weiorr:Pineborgh. morn RANCIS SElrlatati. Grocer, Corona/Won F Mcreheni nd denier j, Pr odccel Cordage, Oils, tn. &c. No. 11 Llbenict.nearennel Basin, Parebraglo N 11. Oakum, Vac', Manilla Rope, toe, & s tony. on *not • eirN '(,• N. amru Y, Dedier clovesAasicry, and . raacy aad,SwidaTglaualaga, CAI Market arced rideburah. era . 0r.6,10110AN. WATEILIS.A.3I 1.115 Y. r/Y-.01COI: 7101tGAII 0. CO., Wholesale Coro corA nod Cooludeoiom Merchants, 105 Wood Clett aucll (1._12.0. A. aldlclL Y W lialvamic Groner and Coin. nitan,on :Bentham. . wad !malaria Produce and Manufaciurca. No IV Vlrood • Gm., Slllllll. • B. Boman. ( - IMO. W. SnIVPII k Cr.., Biewer# Mahon, 11 -nod dealers in Ilona, Pinaburgh #nd Point Brew eriestPenn and iin _need". . • jaw! COCURAN, I.latinniscon end F0r %..1 %eat „hag Merchant, No. ti W. od atect,Phtsbergie may 17 Brieldstater, Mouteddeheld All ozde rs punctually filled. Address by the Peat Office. • ze.t-tf _ — Wm. D. Day.: ' John D. Cadry. H BAILF.7, Dealers in. Dry Goods, tiro. cenec, Dueee, :rum, l'atenurgn manufactured nr.t. Was, Lc., No. 546`.. 114 r n y 1.4 ter.but%L. 4164 — Band, tie°. U. Browne.. T_i_ll6l. - rt. ISIVOLVNE. (nuecesons to lloldelop ittownej funnaters And inuoufuroarer. %Vail l'opor urollicooral l'oper, Worchou.Te, No. O2' Wood . Flin t, l'illetagb. Jot/ lAj 24 IC BR KW OCAY 0 ,40,111- 'aaerciel Itoug,ocar the calsal riti.lough =dal -illy . BRUNOT, LIED LEAD J.l. Alazinfacntrer. Nterchant, corncr of La. eny +lnd (Pliant kis., l'/Ust.toTAh. • feblS 115•11.11 DICIEST. i. Rosily IsICSCIT, - PAULI( DICKEY a On. IVholefald tiredd,e, 11. Ddrunwinu 1111,i I'soduc d, No, Wairr and IK,Frontd‘recdF, Pdtgourd,tt. IL. CLACK, Merchant - I'.llldr, Exclangd Padburgli. l O O .l dr.d. rt , ba , kb, all'd., WAR re.111 ,, 1 prdud rr of to prolusion s odic, Poo 7, Bake wed, fluildings, ,tre.oc cupitti doom i, absence-by T., .I;ll,Kisam and Clifddir, J . -dtcwtf}' ,101 IN D. MAMAS, Widdefnle Druddift, and JJ ddnicr.ln Vgrnl,l-i. fie, Nu 41 , .‘ or Mamond Pinildatth. dint KEMAL ; Jr- a, C... Intlcenors to .Ipreph iihsp IX. Mon 4.3 J " • 011 N O. In/dl.l.ol.r.sule and Retail dad , er in Musk" nod bluairal•Lpotroluent, sehoot Ilools. Paper, Slater, SlEel Pens. Quips, Printers' Cardr," l and SlZSonery neutrally.. Nu. El Wood et, Pno-burgh. o • Ltrilubourht or taken In trade„ . R-05 roux SCOTT di. Co, Wholesale rinureiti, For d warning and Conanturion Merchants, Dca1 , .14 in Pro duce siul Pittsburgh Manufacturer, No 7 Cornmeretal ROW, Liberly.,t, nFar the Canal, PitoSurell, Pa. om 2 —.— fjr . , 11 . C . 1110 . 1.11A... , 1J11.... , 1/I.. , & ,,,,, C . O x Lsholesale .c D p r .—.._ l'l° ,lOSSIIPII J 01.114,114 A SON, Con,lll/Bfickp and J Cons-arding biro-ham, No le Lailerty ~IIIPIEII'IO SrattEfirld et. i Summon'4 Rom. ~ . , L ._ laid. , eT°4ltir:l}t7cla'teLottlaTnNu!-Vrt2N, irto'n'til°4l7, .P,ltsburillt, PanV 01 also amnia proMptly to Intone:l 11 _o Mild' eelloUrs 0c2.--Iy 7 01-::11 D. OAV/S, AUCTIONEER, Monier Filth .)___vny.nuefreete. Pittsburgh_ nab JOIINSTON 21. , STOCIETOfi, Bookeellen Printers nod Paper nurnalleturem, No. 44 :Rorke , ,}Nautignel• EI , look Store, Ik, near Al.kci . dehool, alas°. and Arrild.yl,sl lk.nko /11111 Sianonery. op'd; 1 W. RODEILTSON it CO., lankerl and Es dnd:Third Merchant'. Hotel lilisfeJ Pattintaf, Pp. IL-roarrenry narehnted,ot the tonal ratro. oefll a j(1"1:i GLUED., Wholesale Grover, dealer in Pro d,tee, ranbureit maaufaettnes, Tau Plate, &e. dc, N. 71.2 !,ibeny or, Fattentreh. rata Jahn Floyd. Richard Floyd. j a li , . 41 . , 1 ... , rt , , ,:, 0 I : :I: t ) . LET 4 .. t,J. , Floyd , . & Co.] Who . lesale ettas 7.„ l TA. 1: D title ,VI plat f G er,Con ../ 2i n 2rett A an i t. 7. antl dete l r ta Prolu ' ee ' a ' ndPitnba u" r:ti' sasnanntares. Ntrrl Water at. Pinthargh. imal 4 -----; -(inyanetta Iron Works. w - us DAT RNLI. & Cos—al.afneture all' ' .L" • • • - .- Ce:ne Bar Iron and Nail of the bra qualny. Orden left at the war-hoax of R Dalrall tr. Co..,ltheny at, or L et Waterman, Wok, al. win receive: , : . ' peornatatterpn, 3,.1 .- . . T 13. WATZIIIILN. Wholesale Greeter, Fore J. 4., ward.; and Comm.. !denim. Dealer In rith anlith Aan.ll,ll.ttircll and Produce, Nos. 31 Water ' .1.21' .St K'lnit32.—,..:. — le7 r,IIIWIS lIUTIGIISCI.N . & Co, Wholventle 141 Gruerts, l'arlardme anal Commtsama Dent." . • awl des en 1 a ritttlfurris hlananeurret, &a., No. 44 Water andlOrroia vs. ..., .hl • ilrold u 130 11,1!. John Mow. nmr k SIIIPTON, Wholesale Grocers. Epessard ale and Commtition Derehunta, Dealers li n Frodoet and Pittsburgh manofontarea, Nock and 13sy,Loevlet221,1 4, fte0. -- __ al_ 0, .... ~, v o w. titi t.U./1 1 / 3 C1.11, 14,1. T. C car. , . c lk 1 DILL littitllNlF-LD & DOE, Aholvtale ' J.V.l.Grocers .3 COMID:fs.OII :Gateman, Na tilt ISL. CM' ill Pillollllo. ' h . 21 If Allen:I Alrr,. Dittmar.. , Win. K. lam. , lkiT ALI.DIR & Ca, Common. and Forwardmr ' Jls Mer,lamts, Water and FronlalsOletareen Wood • , and NarP2.l.______________ ),,,2_6 • rttJsa c, w. INCEMT. M IL.' g a t in a rl. C .MlT [S C C hTA ‘ e l;rlll = . core and C stn., Potolamh. Par j. 11.1 • Se CORD h. u. 12214 wholesale and mewl n h e eSql euid Cep monsiGeturete, Rod dealers m Fancy Fers.seorner of Wood aeldnalle eta. jaw 2 & 6LOAI!, Wholesale Grocers, Dealer...l ' Produce and and Porwardme end Commew won Morchenes, Nor h 3 Liberty and 222 Wood Wre, rolshernh. (2 DryMunriLY. k CO ,Wholmale k Goods Dealershi e. 13 Wood insects ihstebargh 10' 3201.81 ES & EON, No xi llariget etre,. 14T- Onii door Isom rooms of rounh, Wakes in PM. sin and Drenee.he Ruh of Enamor., Cri - Ohnesers ot ihnonen flank nod ...41.nrie. . o la eta the t riouipal thief Shroud. aW to Mom , ' Sur.. (11111.111, Pict;lt & Co., loch inn and Congrrn•ingn Merelgngne, Pr.-A (Anal/trete! Row. t.ggbery PlTt•l•l.!'iar•gur,h. Pn. •Tnl7 A•On. C/I Gum A and Conant stun r. a. " • 41117. Algggcle. nag, g , • rgg •••• •- • • 110111SIITSfati • • Ertl:: Pralate Deal. .0 era an Couon;trmu mrtchaats, Z., 1 1 / 2 Second • Pingthurgh. scpl6_ ii - ICIIAILD LEECII, Jr., Imparter and ' Maier rn I , orPian and llonteatt6 Sashilcty yw, and Ca rrin rana 't fi A, of Jc.tripuena No a a..144.0a stray t, - • I)icuMw 11 . 110.1), Ir. and mail drnler Leber.. no, rian•eun In an` roadm and Find ilMl,Tnnnern and 'nor, ',Tools, and Tanner* 014 No. ' Wontl o l Enuf . • nepla . . 2.0 . 6119,1 f: ' 1102111101 e. Im IL. PititbOrittillionokrroirni, No. Poi !Away evrey I , h, - nonto • 10001187/T DAT:ZELL tr. Ca, 1%;I term ri (Iniountori 0011 Furl...aiding Itlrrchtintrolea , criih Prato, :and hit:tin/eh tilitotiforturra, Liberty tnmel.PtOstarrett, No, • . • feb74 TDowv 4. CON`,SI NG il rod;, Ikaler 11. Pinduen and rinnbargn Monalletuns, rO 4 t.Lkbri7. - E. - 01$ ' . • . .' \ .. . . - . - .... 'i., i : ~..:: :: '. : :,_._ : : '-•' 7 .- -„-.' • i - 1 •••• .• ' i •, . - .‘ '.. •..i • • .. ,I:•••• .- , •-•- ~ ' . • . , . . . . • , . , . • • • . . ' • I ' ' % ' 1 . . , ' • , ; • •• • • -- , - ,, ,-- , :--' ,,, -.,,--=',t , • -,, :".!: , •z0... , r•--...,.-7 _-..: , .... , &t,47 ... . . ' '-'• . . " . . . i . I • ' . : 1 . , . ••••,•• ~: i .. •-,. -. , • i; •, i , • .. ~• , . . . .. ... . . . . „ • ._ . . •.• . . . . , I • ' . 4, -' '•1 - . . ~. _. . .. ~..... _.... , - . • . . . - ' • . , • ' ' •'''' : i' -,.17' , i -7- . • : •-" ~ ... L.. - . - .... I i .-'' ~,,,...T _ . .._ ._..,...........„ . . 4' .i ' ' ' '': • •• I ' -,„ .., •-,. - . . " f r.T. ~,,, .:. , 4 ~, . - 1 ; . ' ', '•, . . , , .. _ .e. 07,.,. .•...7,..j,.;' 4, . • - - • . , - 1 --. . . .., • - ".. _. . 11 . • . , s ,. 1 . : .. ... ...i : . , . . •., 4 • , — RUMNESS CARDS. Il• AL. - inlay at Law, brunt •L. 1{ ILAkewell's lluddiug., nearly appobite toe: Naw• Coon HOUK.. apilll-911/. fig,,yrrt, and all loads of Forrign and Ilolorolie Wnlea 141,110r5, No II Lawny Moo, ID- N. rt. On hand a wry large totk auperior Old Monongahela Whokey, 'which gill he val.l low for cash. marZtly 1.. V.V. Reynolds. , J. 13 VNOL 11P II EN. Forwarding and Com. ininsion lOnt e nun ts. tor Re A l leghenylb v r Trpde, dealers in fin s. Prnidure, Pittsburgh hi anutantures and Chloride or Lunn. TLe higheyt price.. in moll, paid at. all times for cOuttoy Dogs Comet of Penn and loam to. alai • I 3 onowon° yd., Vornmo.ina Merchant... L. Liberty AI, 0pP0,114 . SuothGcld, Dealer./ In 11.k.ur Drain anal:lced/I, aim. Bowe. Lard', ha. /utty D e Shael, lett. Thos. K White. k Wholesale I.ea. 1.1 ler, in Fore.git and Doniett/c Dry Good.. No IM Wood atmei, fel.l7if I IklerclT it I I S. & „A v ,.o l l A „r it a n n,lVM l A,l‘n oo nnisit, mg and ConnuDiion Merchant., Nt.:ll WOatl etreet, l l MMurgh. mot SAOriTUlPlt':iun'ori:7 UlGee breed's I hlruur ar;r;C\e Wood and i,onhlivld. novlttlamil v s c.; P. VON BONNOORSTCo., WhOno./O t 'orwardina and eonlinia/..0n Itlerehnno, -in Mminineturea and. Western free dote, have removed in them new awn i•elton.e, fold enad) NO srornet of Front nt and ehanoloy Lane. nov7 CIAMIDML M. KIER, Forveardeng nod (o n o mo /..3 aim, Merchant, Dealer i n Salt, , Yroduee and eau burg) manufactured antcles, Canal item fib d`2l Q. N. WIcILKICHISAItI, De:Jet In :Nord Som.: .. : 4 1 , sunTEces,and Agfrultural LarplesoraWo laY l% nut, roPaburcL. - -- linssisr 4r, 6 EST—W Iml esalc G roe,' a ,I, Conirrii,inn Alincnanti, and denier* in Product... No SS %Y awl Farm, l'intlingh. -' : .• ?1 ,, . _ quips. i:ENNE:ny,lr.,Looknig htuntifurtu lrer, and Dealer in Clock., Comb., mind Vortrt) Itiooils,corner of Waal and Fourth Atreus 312 T P Foo , ylll. I Foraytit. P. POILSYTII & Co, Corninkaion Marrhanot, J. . dealer, to Salt, Lumbar, Groceries, Ponbox and ,Pittaltargh Manufactures, Cant MLitt, Litterty I'ittrhargh. ald9 Wm 51cl:wetly. , Hatter% llicetuniarli— W & DitCII7TCREON, holcsale Gro . cur., Denier. in Produce. loin. Naill,Gineu nal Pitirburgh Munufirciuricr, generally, 152,1dbcriy-rucci: Puicburrh. join JOHN D. VIOL. 11•3 . 111 X C•51X.611.1 vv- I C JF ., 4l. 3 l ll, , ,, tritt 6 o B s ( z u ;.o e m enso .u. to g C.ommisrion Merriman, dealers to iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and Pittsburgh alavofattnius igenemlly, corner of Wood and Wrarr ats, Pinahuruh, nrehla Invitee ludirs to anti and Vi r .lia 3i rarm a r ri ' s a ste i k n o s Fre Lh iteh Worked Collars, some as hum as 25 emus. nteap (]BEER, WholcsaleGroner,Fortrarding and • Commission Merchant, and Dralrr in Produce and Pittsburgh Martufartures, corner of Water and Smithfield ins, Posliiirrh. Pa. entS and WOLFF . , Imparters, V V IVlrolesale Dealers Ilardieure, Cutlery, Sad dlery, 2.,eclmek LiVerty .d St. - Clair streets, Pate l. b. • . 1 Utr., 1 IL , DVIti2ITII, ‘VbaleAnte goduce and Coamoviszon Merelka t o p r th Z 7 wood lAT w. IiVALLACr., Mill Millstone ilt-unto-O canalr it N oy establishment, 0.114 Libeni: stet, new the mamba & M. EILIVOLIMJ,TFLEi, Wholesale Gm! V VY . cent, Recta - mg Lhaullers, and St toe utd Liquor mamas, No. 100 Lamm street, (opposite Sloth et.,) tmburrh. • - maiiltbaly I v \ ' o ,t e 11. ROIIINSON, Auorhey or Law, has to the Fzchan•c DuJdiuo`, Ft Clair street, .11 door to :Sideman /Min,. up tables VV -Z . l l3;; ? =attr e l l t;: . of s e t, 1 W . . WILSON, Dealer to Watches, Jewelry, 1V.17" . Silver Ware,Vitary Goods, ke, No. 37 Mar. km meet. nos7 • Wlt. JII7II.PIIT, wholesale and retail dealer In Foreign and In:memo Dry Goods, northeast cote nerof 31arket and Fourth an. _ aural lUM: F. Itt.W IN, Jr.. hourly:purchased the Ir V Drug Store of Edgar' om coiner of l'eno tool Hand streets, will seep n C4IsSOiOt !supply of th e beet Medicine., perfumer:, o-r• rhyenelan'. pm-prowler, carefully compounded.- 51mia-ine• can be tad at alt boars of the,nisht. - C. AUGICINISAUGIII, Anorney at Law .Vittls meet, near Satittl,field.'Worm wo und other berme. attended to with punctuality. Wean— ee t Rgrs.. li, /3 / br Jar Esq IV:h lon 'Sb n, n to+l, rid, Lindsay &Co, John Wright, E.q, • 'nod hieConr, Esq, Maj. Winona Lama... J. 81.111(Alt. • ECTIFYING .DISTILLER, • AND INDOI4,ALZ DNALIIL IN RIO Ir, DOMESTIC WINES k LIQUORS, 114 Liberty at., and t 4 Diamond aiky, PH - NBC RGH, FA. WARRICK IRA RTIN dr. Co., P+nk cont. .4sad Woo.] , Irret, 1.411, -Pitta.busgla. PA. _ . _ la virSriin tverie 4. wraii....W7. ~ 1 1. nu. r O c ß e :l . l.: s'i A Nu, L IT OUNtII. I I.I4II N .VP L ewe Foust4 Sluttl6clrl.44) iver Inn< Moira. • Geom. D. /ow:n.- 0. BLACICHURN &-CO, 110LE-ALI: Grot on, and Dealer. to 0.1%, Dont ATOM el, vadl'ilto4uP Ni 41:nna , . od .otoMielo*.bn , ve and at all MO. fall and geheral worriment of in the. line, Wafer street, neat Cliotty Alley, booth. I 10013 Ind W. Ball. - A Igrrnon S. Wt.?! W.i-tv A. S. 8E1r.:1.. Anontrys •i Laa: °Arc in.Snart4 Pailddig. Fourth ',OW door le wnnd Pt, Pitvhorgh. Vn I W. Bell, Commi,•nmer to take Tlepe,Ritions, A. !-tedgmnents of Wed, and other in.trutocani of at. !to bc tutd nvl2-te 11.5 DI. TOVVSSICNO, polligist and Apothe• i•ry. No 43 :•Variall at, three door+ above Tinnl st„ burgh. will , haan conrtantlx on hand a well ...ger, nor intent of the hill and fr,thest 51eAlicide., winch ili son on the meat Itia..onahlo .Play•nians ling order. will In promptly attended to, •nd lap '.with artocics thcy may rely upon_ as genuine. VPhysician,' I' • punts will acentairly and ly Fdepared , flout Inc best 0311tAl jai; at any hour of 'lay or night. for sale, a loge auack of fres!, sud good 1',112 ion! 1 W. W/LSON, Watch Mulct k. Jeweller, i. 1,, . corner 4d, and Markel W.. a 1.5 e and welt " ted stock of watches, Jewelry Chlve..ware and itary Goods. Always on hand ard at regular tac t. priers, Gold Patent Lever, fell revelled watches, .w 540; diver to warehes,aslow as WI h. aurae Cooper, rabie Johanna and other approved err( match...iv be s. had at n matt advance and rutted. • !, ittne watch k done in the very beat manner. J. B. SWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAWi co 3d ' Et, appealed BL Ch TABURlm arles Htel, PIT; ILL also attend promptly to Collderious, Wasb ington; Fayette and Greta Counties, Pa. Bursa so Claskstoek j & Co I Church & Csostliei• Pittsburgh. D. T. Morgan ' PEKIN TWA STORE, N. 7d Fourth street, mar Wood. 117- All qualitiem of (Steen and Black Teas; up in-genwer.,half, and one pound packages, ran from talc. per pound to 61,50. - . Agent tot Pekin l's• Co 2 VIZ; DAVID 1.1 DDT, Dentist, having made such arrangements in his Coal 1.111/Ibo4 that he can devote his whole WOO to the duties of hi• proles may he peen in his office. earner a( 4th and Deca tur lute., beiween Martel and Ferry sts, at any hour raring the day, tram a.. as. 1111 6 V. se Anil ly A TTORNYW awl Coumellar al Luac,CNCN NATI, 1101110. Canceslon• ta licarthem Ohm and in Iralioau I, . ll uakY, Wampily and carefully urroadad to Comrtuesimter for Me Stare of l'causylvama, for lakaalt Dammam., acknowledgement., &c. Itartt 20-11 on Wm Le/I & Sou, Cum., Chorea & Carothers, Wm hay., k Day.. 3M.i. EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBUGH. MANUFACTURE. CUITHN YARN, Camdle*lNlek, Ilatalsg, Twine. Ca ...... YARN, clef CHAIN, WARPS, ke., Ac" KING, PCNNOCK tr. Co (SdeCestort of Arbuckleedtavery,) jant! , PI - apneas* A. LEDILIUX & 1.1041 NO 77 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. A GENTS for J /Haunt,* Falemire'Stemn Sugar A Refinery. Always on land, a larce'ntock of hind Powdered, Cradled, Clarified and Ranurd Sugar*, In Twice* and Barrel*. Alm, Ropar Howie Sloltusel. Przers liberal and a fair allowance made on all fele* otos 11,01 e, SO barrel*. Orbit ' 01 0..1it..14M1T,11 t Co, BREWERS. AIAL:KI•ERS AND 110)' DEALERS PITTSBURGLI AND POINT BREWERIES. Comer Barkers Alley and 1 . 411111• St. and in. of Piti Plttalsorrigts Pa • Y. - R. Ikiraigt.k W. Itool , orini. J. S. A. W. HOSIMItiOiI[T, MANUFACTURERS OF STARED, WA RR ANTED equal, if not superior, In nny mad,. In Ins. Iltute..l Stains. and which ib,y will di ppor4 at low Prices and on good Terms, . no:Clyr Stayer, Pa o. r. Nor's • r0....Z" 'Atxx. foetezei 11. P. k 8: NIELSON k C 0... p n.. 1 of llonnuen , l e. 4 and I 'lay and Molter< I qrk*, AS %V N.. I "40 ' , UPC,. l'ot.baolit• toottll • - T. 11. Bishop, riterinary 'Burgeon;can be loutol't his I lefee the !Ili. Clair street linage, lately uses.; ,j7i ell by Melloti. cuff k Itovelsod. oielflfloa C2IEMEM EA LEA vi Tnlllllllnge and Variety ioo.Nb Tonowe D Thell,l very a. Ilorn crnba,Wonnen Yarns .d Worrtedr,Battanr, Needles, Pow, No 63 Mar k et et: between Diamond and Mb enema Pandaoth. iv.erne nICICL F:t4 AND PD.U.IIOIIVES— r CIL,. llndervinotl's aiwana; • 4 ^ Duagsty: 2 " PeacM'Pre.eiverti • 2 " Tomaw Cateop; .ale by ovl3 J D WILLIAM 4' I I FORWARDING & COMIIVSION. re It DanenttiOW.,.., J Kt:slaidoNtok. CUMIILI - 11S, 14 ..DANESIIOII7EaL& CO TOBACCO commtssion muitcuArtcs, No. 39 :Fowl Wlini-ves. and No II: booth Water At . PHILADELPHIA: BEr! idon. the trade and droll to generally t o rub, they hay.: mode web umang..n•on. wail the Vig:to toaaufacturent and din lin - owc,of the Wen, tVcct and other plar.. as W"'""" large ecno.tanl vapply adr following dranni.- I.nna of r eharrn whio, will Lc pond 011011 31,n111- 1 .4b1111 broil. at ally ash, boa. , in Ilta , .:ay or whe and all good. order,d Dow thrin will he voor ralliedre, ge equal to trprentaliatn— Havana; St.. Dunonvi Coalta Vora; Porto Kloo; Peolt`it.,/ •SeedLeiti To 1' nil; .awl Plotkin, ' ALSO —llronelem celebrated A rumour Stag Coven. di.ll, watt a large ossortnient of mile/ popular brood,. and nualno, of 0 and Lump, and Twiat; Virineni 'Peen.t. e, & ,weet and plain, ia whole ond Isall Loses, wood and ua. tegethc: toot) vori , l3, o art.el , I.elong tug to lin. tend, ieln.dly EN3111122153 FO6WAIIDIN(I b'COMMISNIUN 1111i1{ClIAliT e .1:a 1 1 Bear:r and Bridgewrarr, COUNIT;, Prpulrtor luta 4 4 rot cor Sleltotet• LAKE RULE AND 111101LWAN, siermr.. •rITTAI.CI4IIII APP PZAVLB ill TIP, lre pt epared on enttyal open inKutrit un l oar gt to ~ protwrty at In. wi,: War ri for all poiwA 1.1 Erie. Cot, and Onto Cattail; ITN' all port; on 1.1. r I.:rte `am GPPer Lake, an It lut lorw,nl produ,r, .by I . c on'a haptovelm,ol. App4 to Of tutilre...ot _leb2.l-I.lty JAS WM:EV, l!cuerr J. G. W. Lett1,0.32 W C W . h.ot • ' • J. G. W. 0-EFTWICH & Co, RECEIVING, FORWARDING. And Commlotolon Plercit,nt•, .PLAAOII4III.INE, I. and Attakapatr, RFFER7I.I—,Pht Sheffield & ma+ hinterlA; Neat oilcans. , Metirs. I.o.trion lichrrrou Mr. 7. M. .3hrrlcr, Lou rai,:rs. Iran & Speer. Mr. WrtLyCYLeary, Sokrt , VISC:Joan, Armfttrong & N,eholwo; riesira./levro,l'o,LlA Co.; C 111,111.411,. &. Craighead,Jarards Wthenfl, Ilan. Zennlii I.elq,uve, non. John ll000n; Plaquemine., : IZETIZEMOIS ESEM=I MISENCUI . . Eft!. 10, Smith's hart', CAltintorc. niTF:R Merrliants and Fanners We air of Flour. Grain and Prroure generally, an W^_ Penman. Marietand froin Ih.nrttcn.ivv argue realamong pore:laser,. and rtiipprra, eau salelY war'. ra , t.'.ctrirFaales. Correapondefits wall en... 14 be kept advised of the aline of the Harker., isms l'ueag\l'mr.Wawa &Somalia. Rey a!da & Son, Davidron &Stornders, Reynolds & Smith. King k rarer,.Baalmore Csidverll & Engl sh, Philadelphia. Ilaggray, Draper & New N'irek. Pal:more June , 547. ' al 2tavram 011./110 HELLAS & C 0... FLOUR FACTORS ' A - 16 I . I2OUWE COM T 1/31:IZAL nu an made . . receipt of van _L• slancoeniv Thove' to our addtesa vcdtbe p.sta r tlerec-Pouths vnbt^ inadvance .n Ca., by app . .): tvg to oar farads. Mr eysr.. Wallingford & Taylor, Pat.trurgh. Itlessis.'no3.llrll rt. Co on", Pholudtlphat. hlay 5, 1!...15 sayl7.lf N. .1.4 con s .lenind to n. into's,' when in the warehouse of Wit Ihqrk, rrt S Taylor, r:th.lourgb or in our store In Phrla,ln:nnia. DEW SADDLERY HARDWARE STORE. R. T. LEECH, JR. NO. 133 WOOD ST:. PITTSBURGH. rj•VING repteulaLed aysurpt,o d , Oes' s 'tste" . both dinneetic 'and (MVP, I take plesente to an toeing to consumers and dea!era that I ant prepares rntsh,thent eetth all goods to nay One ou sal better terms than heretotb,, Iteres 69r ravollectthnidcAlznt rtio , ;vely - in S., IlarJwaretd l.lastidgr Trimmuiß4 therrby advanute that enn'Oe tri, to defy comprt , ... and wagt fn. FRESH IMPORT:VFW:SS OF HARDMTAIIE. & KENNEDY, IMPOIITERS OF' AND . NVHOLF.SAIX DEALERS IN HAILDWARII, CUTLERY,./.c., • N 0.11.../ Wadi, Street. (P TT6IIOIIC.D. • I . A RE non- in the roar, of reeriv.a; late, ald,i , on• ia',4a theirttaahr 21e.. been ,aurrlia.ed on the intrt advaniugron• o tin* a d',l:in,, , aud• ueul fmm the :,Innoractuxera in etas sables them to a( fir 00415011tcnnr surliaancii•by none and equalled 1,3 ar, Purchaser. arerniprettall y the fled 10 call. set 4D GROIIGFI COl:Tilt A N. COMISSION ~, AlF:11(.11ANT, No. J. IVinll Srunar. fitaionrat, arIONI'INUES to transact 3 eerier:ll t7itinntirsion lJ Business, eapcf.tally In the porch:tee and of American Mannlactu.ett Lad Produce, and to reccising and forwarding t;oorts conrogued to lot care. As .rl;,cot for the slituitheturerc3e Will be constantly supplied with the prtnetp.d,siticles nl Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest velarrlceale prier, °niers and consignment. are respectfully solicited. ===ilMlE=M LOVE; MARTIN & A:sp run A 11"1 An. 0 Spear'. Wharf, Baltimore Rur.a ro• 0 • M Alien oi• f 7,0, ) 1,,,,,,,,„, t h N r o. , P.l'AbonAll. . no ......., ~.......r. A to, ) ' J.llll II II 6/11,01, ' 1 ItAlntuoto rl oI I !turn J.-ni t,. ) . J. ,tl. C. 1,01 [1.0., Lea, Plltst..4ls, L.' ni Trnn. LEHMER & ANDERSON mmlomm!;4=2=mi . . . CI.I4XII: , SION %I V.llll I A Vrtt, . - No, II Front t ~,, t, at., R. - wawa, etrtritatietti (M.." !i.e., In Mt• re,r.t:iv ... 1,11•:•ar.11 tr....nt IV A Tr: . ri.nun •no GRAIN ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A:VD DEALER,. 1.1-_ti ERAIA.Y. • t T eth i t r r ar r J,4,4: li,h . I A4ughefty, I.:Drey, tV ylll.ll, ..,01tglud S. IN, neA. • Gen' FLOW Alll.l' A. HAL FAA N(3, (Aver ts.soft Ta riampt & X I:4Ne,) llfffirenc. ForwardAng, Corr,n.rilia;n AterrAunf, and MEI= :11.1'n.41., I Souti, IllerreplHs I( to—NI K an Crx .111 in F• oto,ray I. F. • H. P. CON W AY Jr. CO., j)1 , 11TSMIll, T6l, cotro,,,,nu and rlirVO2Nlipt I) Mr•chwlts,both r•—alsomtwoillo thr Peuchasr, c aml 1.. g I ruu. Vox% 11:Vcr. TO, Alomod, /come& Co ' lltown. !J.:oy &Co I:orenz, Net kno &Co !Icor) ma" Grafi, Lold.ey b. Co I) Leech & Co Lyon.tthorb& Co • Clarke & noarlOdiv .Voroa doroos JOILN F. PERILY.. Mate tho filolof Ala 'collo Loech &ea j Whol eeeee Grorer,•9l:nmtulalou 41, Flour Dlerehuisit, .I)IICAVILy r o 11 .1 kinag:pf Coc , Ty Jn PrTioce, ror oilr'',,br'etn• Iron, 'n Dye rroau, C.on VA,o, Ir.t o oud Piolootrul, Alanufaciures gener . ulty, confer of L ' ihroy 'nod Irv,. a'r jA i t:Crltl ' uTven i e ' es,lrn Ca..b or Goods, finder,. con. rtgaments of Produce, &o. mys AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ALEXANDER LEVY & DIMS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER. m .etl at either e , Ml.ll.lnent. 101 l kind. of Merriam.too et the rate , ')f root are alaray‘prepared to make radvattref. The best,nl riveo, if required. I.elier,uddres.ed to rather llou.e. 1,11 be yrnonpay aoloded jy3Odly • /AM..•• eaatra..l. • . . . TIIOMi"SON k CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Manoracturers ora.lnseed 011, • No. 20 Columbia Street, CirittlNNA'll, • (o . "cAril flip 10tt...1/[l.lmtn J..lfin SAM'L JONES, JR ., D.o.T. Talbot 'coma& Co., of 1341:Inono:) GROCERY, COMMISS.ION AND YODAYARDINC NIERCIRST. No. 45 roydro.t Street., Xew Orleans.; 00—Yorticular otarmmn pod to tlic forwo`ollog:to•ti nettkllm NV. 11. CLAILKII, • Forwarding ikrchant, Brotonznillr, Pa., Atlends porsiculas)y to the FOrtrard:ng of Plodnr”., Ar. For any (unbar 111i11e11141.1 Opply to l'lntSri'll L 1)1.11 , 11:A N. v.., rt. Orli,. _ 11. MATIICWS. W. T. ',1.. MATIIEWN L PATC4i, C 0 PIM I ri JEKCUANTN, No. 44 Wstyr Pr; ST. LOUIS, MO. Rive poroettlot Attention to the netting duce, mid to toile, tor purelea.inF Ilurn TO—Grorgn l'ltOboryh, Pa. melt /olio hl'Cul JNI 'Ket•toot. C . u. JOIIN & CO Com mil.. and .Porieartling Alerrhanls, NOS. 93 & 3 95 SOUTH ST. stottllN , Itt/W1.1N11 . 14 WHARF. • 1 . 1108..). CARSON. & `a• COMMISSION Al} H(SIIANTF, Nos. 9 and U Light Rt., RALTIMOMG. rro4l. advaSere•will beneide ott con,gotiont tO Jh ho, e addet c.t. am! 15 CA It SON A-. 31n11tilG 'IT. Sit lb .t. UUNKF.R. & AO., FACT , OLS. AN lot S.s IN AND puma; er Comml.slnn Me.rch Ann , , 71 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. ARE nnw p h.t repereol reeri,e tool ',word All kind, of Meirlmotr nue•ltootittp tot it,; ittootta.,..fitoth end Itroneh„ntorTt.letrotrt,...., j.. 9.1 ".. • TIIOK. RTILARKI S. • Wrt. ESA I. 011tf , Crlt. AND COMMISSION, DI ESCOANT, No SD W•ter'Srect. ST. LOUIS MO. Harr to: Lyon, Shoal k Co, owl Anthony flet•Trn, Em ISfon• • J. NNWTOOI JON/Cl STEAMDOAT , Af:ENT AND UOMMISSON MERCHANT, • MONONOAIIELA HOUSE, • Piltelnizighp Pa. • Gll, - WEDNESPAY ,MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 547 PITTS tsegLLANEous .T.4.11k.ti W. W lila 5 Vir Eta., e1T,111.711011 1 4711 1, 117,11V..W.... Nth". /15 A I.ARUE:ffifl•ff,f.ndffl df , ftfruntnA of rurAfftrt., koinahlo for tia1e.14.n5,1 !ann.. vm,klll.llr of, liund nittl mole warl l'he tar,. 4tork nnisAn.le.znnot ..,,,11,k1 by 4111 DIZIMI.CIIIIy 111 tile wc,tern mantel temwnukl wrll 1 drwrin 11.k1 my la lII,' `lOi.L . Cllll.l+g • SO l'ln‘h 0.111 /Ina .... co 2.1u2 Nlabons.l, Nur.. 1 . 11,,, 1 l pair 1..; 111/1 hnr innho,any ork doz ,u.,bogany 15 mahlr top Lac,sin, tua I, we Itak ir mit Stn.]. Slnhogkn!. Slaple iwrry.s,l 1 . 111 , a 14 . 1 . ,, nd• tEI .ad turfa. kntl .;lime, ton norfalim • marsLl N E II AR I , %{' AI; E li 0 (I, 1. JOS Pll WOO %V Corner of WOOd 01.11 tScl, at•, l'ltitehorgh, Li A V . INII w ti Lot ram. IlLe",ttd :Men .t oodu , nll, ,ns she pl.-asuste• m announcing in my n.tni . Ow nity-ms.l , °usury, 0101 I hay, °pound sny n• shn I,s•t: named wag,. Iluvum gsumL. for no•In and made arrangement. wult onoollonsurirro 'us sh COLOOIy.I.II 0, EOM,' 101,0 ren.nnoly • I nal luny pulustrol Iting..ll of oil Lind, nu 1,0 goo,' WWI, am! an 1101 on 00) honne LaHror We•S Alerelossa. sul °liter, Ire imm ,11111ly s and , and onaron. my. .sneh. heron , parelz.n.,, nl,when, 101 l crag rosson,en a patio,. to) •nrk Stemnfmt and Saddtery .I.l', '1 smintne, Nu, strel. Cutlery. Edge Tian, Aolits, V,. ! re, Locks. tott be, Strklr, tl,rs. Buttl 1 , 1e,5 , ; Sererrot Union Factory I'lo,r. Paws Alahogant l•rmt And vrneerm•and all utbrr arto Mr; Hardware lomotem. melillif . , ATENT PILESS 12ILICIE 11 r aoh•rrthem I,,tv tog obtain...l,o patent, May la 1.44.1 ra Prm• Alnelone. and Stml Moro 1;W to rid il, aloncy, ate now ps•pred to m ,I mains and COOil O. to ,tivrr tom•lon, to on, part ni air stied manhan. 41Opi,plill to make Ilr,rk front crude r tool. ' 30,600 gond army: firm toork per mil. . ••Inird ty clock up V. , - kilo; taus avoiding thr erpeit GG and labor of pre-. par. I• the clay ,drying and handtmo, the tit,c% otter heme, noulded. m tlmple.mring,tirg I,uble to getout outo . l repair. and is rutottroried drat at ran lie to, ;ore, and put tolrther with great far ,Inr.ilins rend:r ot, it mrtahle. We ore nosy unnlimn., tto,t ran turus.htl!em'uts ohort noneo For u den nintOci r Re old to:or to mocOsse bow ist gunrcn.ful. one rn.- runt Mill creek bottom, near thr Of ret to! of Etslith street• where we shall linpPy x:,;:un everything' connected with it to all who may call_ We liavn present no nu:homed Agri.. Al! totters to tnuaddresn. trill bmprnmptly attended to FULLIERTSON, M e MTIA,EN up:Alf 01.NCINIVAT . L. NK W VOVRTII N. STILEET LIAIEWIE . CONFECTIONARY AND IDIOT STORE, wdl . open On Monday, Apo, Stlt, four doom from Wood at, and nest door aA Jayne , rel., Tea Store, A splendid a...tom:rut of Finley Coke, Confernonary.. Fruit, tem, fresh ortihe counterovery µAy, ummog which nre site following Macaroon, Pound Cake; I.•-• mon ' Pastry; Spoor' do, P , OPer.l:iut.._• Jelly Cake; Almond do: Moia,,art P. Cae; Glnger Nuts; %fa fir JUrnblr., Sponge litscan; Federal Coke; A. l . 's ' riiilgar 1 do; Orden for ler Creams. drily, Eaueo' Confeettnuary, An exccu:rd tu rnmener um, t tlud!lrd 111 unah.y and foully by nny meat in thm Frmh Mend_ Tyr,.•4l.a.k, Ar , NAti,ly front Mote Wheaalour. and Sre Irma a e• f%imy marnitte. : nett AND!? ElfS 13 USTON DIODE OF HEATING 11011:- I.I:.:S—M , 1/extor,or Va.°, hn• ariartned nrni patented Wan for tuume... !..-rn kat.. ated vr VOl.l. &e. appl4rd. ha. ree.c.vcd the dectdt-d pre.r.r,,ec over ZAI.II. Furnace., &c.adva...,v. ate-- 1., Great regularay orl'cinprrdlcre- Vad. Frecdam from 511.4.! ]rd. tin unpleasant Dry...,az • 41. Eaßtly attended it an,. netta get cut n 1 older• • lth Great Durabily. A 31odel and Spre:Gcairon may 1.r . .r,r.. and the ap paratus obta,ned at the Cupp, and T aware iactory of WM. 13 SCA IFII. mr2sl( Wood and 31,arket • liardWaie: etallery, Saddlery, 4.. e. , JOHN INALKIII, rMIIPORTER AND DEALER th end Domvth 1 .e !lard wain, would thapermthy 1:1101112 110. trivado and the polthe,g,therallr. that he n th , I. , pring supply ol Hardware. a; nth old sin Id ‘t er Wothlweli. Wood qrret.wthrit w! , l of on he moot reathlththe thou, ' lie verli 11.0 ratillrtml/y frrriVlnt fre.h •IL rrrl Copartnership. VE.thle ond,"..g,,ed. have. r tni,'4l;.. nr, gh,r . !tor Ihr ' , wt., of tranß3s.ttir l`rtxtuc, C11.111.111(tal and rorer-tr.i.n1....e0e, .1.,1q, 11, et), DRUM. DicOltlKW di. CO., • /tact have taken the warehologe.. No 61,am/credal /low. la , rtyret. lOTIIICfiV rtl,..rii I, Mr. I% l'u•,•j— wlu le 0u,./te•• rairnmrd to nor el/nrm. 'will he proruptly and NaLltil , aatadcol In M/ Mil NI. hauler, of d'hddil,ptda 'l / llr eS n m..“nyv. oh FINDLEY •Rl'.lV, //.1,1/arpjl, . rar I THOMAS ICENNIII7.I)Y. Jlt., (IF ilia late firm .1 lil lle.p.r Pt 4:v./red , Loak/aR hlaantartarer and deal., it / Vage / hd, and Variety Ydela. rn nllt en I.aad. of h. own /al/a/dacha, ever 11....rraaddo at t: Matd , anS e t 1.01,v d I. m.d Aar dot.. •a•Ak, i ont.hmid. bad grardal I.•••azia,,kl Id Vatic y widliera.e. el I a ..a. , 41 vntl ,, . and ~m-,•app,ll r,..0..1 . ,11•, and 101. y • md-lato Dionoirgazhel" 1.1,y, moo Ill)li -II d•,t , ~,, T. Josiesk''lTl . s; 1 4 , 11 Ft •11 Sind+ at ~, I. rt5up,....1%.,,,,,.t MEEEMM • , 1. rlearol,.. Cm., ,r(ri,..,1 . al Roe Tr.:R.(IN., or .r.l re. tr. 1,,• 1.• •,, rrvr(cr , l. o• or , ltt.l,•sr •••:.• I.; 11 A FAH \ 11, 1 11 Ill( A Co • rnr,,rr 1.1 and wood .3(s(1 at.r, rs: e . 0(11 ~ dl, 11 wood .1•. Shaw lug Hair I Jre.. SRIOaIII DLA. ASON A FOIiNTAI?. D and 141.1 uy tl,rir rotozonpoonnit Sol., nlb Theyare prr,reol eeeD .11th.) we, rrl. xeloott .!.F.. Tleapleful for in enlo ee terore... , oo nor fat., , cone, •,f I fri.n...ittrl and Do (Welt of Alrearolrr Day'. Dr, re.) MOM= F X PFRIENCTO Jurlgo, on Irr or or tow 00:1 Iroli I 0"0:00.. trot, 1 , 13, p nottrano or Orr: Anil onora• d (r drirr.lolo, in Oro r °norm: t or: of nil 1, 614 0 01 rurnnero l'r,Er 5e.1.75 ra.t. wr Loon 101.1% co 10 'al. g, mar trlntaltA orr. iotr ~r r..! Wirt. %ad! eticelltr.l 1(1 ao ~ ird. witts.ut rtsamiqree A own, th, fir.: .4 aa.ti 6 roarrrrFing altd 101 ,Lau at tt, artbvu..., • 11.10, UAW MACI—kNCN trom PUBLIC—TN, V be, byrouttari w.ll 1 . ,A,11/1 Las the exclewve right to ~11 mr, Tr....:. marA I leglmny An) rrr.o.r Tra, rrTrp , i prok-urrti 11....,¢1t in., n up.m me rut,Cc- J,re la I, ter:!un A IA (~tilAW, ilak ;A\711:.:10. Ct I I 13 Jum treerfrd Ihr iioVU the rJurr, v,ry ar.r.r,unl thc 0 canes. 01 of Iva:ll,e at a very qualia); tot al ilir riclsburgli .S.rd 4,3 ilk.,selit wurrhause,rornyr of Woad aad . , „01 wiegilitr,llol Jr.ner OEL 14.41,1 and hp..,heene, W, / of %Vood awl ,'lilt nts , I'et.l,ergh keel' ennetnntly on Itnntl, Drnv, l'aien, I.yehntil• N pre..erlralowtenrefl.y . rfeeronnd. rol (mu 1.e.1 mol.riet!n, at Lour got: Ow nr 1.811.• no n...rim f in of l'erfemery, bee Tooth nn.lll7;nth Bruellem, ht.. he, W.:1,1 be 1,11 :ew Inr eu.n. In.y I nlNSOLVtlf)lli—The reg,oltrref bp IRA 11 ra, betwern the raw, aggdrr rho gd J Wlliragg• l:n • io fLay ii.•.ggi•ggl 11111 , 11111. • lor I•tg,•• a•, br coollinuegl by p o. • hafrls.wlin dUly, volhogstcd the 1;1'17 Ill1T1,1%; It V —.A rltca:retrallol2 - 01 - 1,4,0, • I l ratang andal s anaaa pal,rra•l aal.l. for narrelv Inen aNtl . ai•orncill 01 pre. atid p.. k, anpl.rrot and Plan wral aulr, low at Too Arrlvallural No I'll ,V 0,41 'kr 1.1 N %VIVI:1,11.11/.11 Ct)311111J45111)N1.:It. (IF'DICEDS inl •iru.rnt. nf' wroto af/r/nra. an,/ ofrpooianra 111 0h00,..0 lor orr recta.a on ( 1 00 tr.) la a. (JVVICV, V lon 1:,•• ANN., 011aor, 11,1V.1.111, =Elm RAGS WANTED. blIXP:11 wr,flied. 1.0(),1111l , to, which Imre M CAS!, will I3C paid Away• nn 10r...1,,rry drneriplmn of 15' rain, rtn , l ll'mtppmg and Ct.:orate Lime 41:VN111,11S.1, o,nter 1 , -nn and Tr, in I . in-Iml rt. NI NI: Hi tilonM:y Evt rern, msomblr kyr plane n. ..nn Inm•ht.d rpi.c.ttin ni Moir irom rs uncnciol ‘Vull/reop„ . danam,.. N mcidraf Nol3l. COI 11l ilia and thl, I . 11! NO I, Ter 1V uurl.e, •sitablv fen nml thr h.d!OrlIC11/ ,aalle,l4lllli Ike Ips , 6 nianufacture—v•Jrratlted and for ~J 1!. I , lw W W WILSON 1011111 CAUF... and Found of vareon**......cooF,,ol If on bond. nod for .11, o rodurvii ;aloes, lit th 4 l'itotoogh 6redtilorr, No 131 W,.tl • eonter on titrect. S ti jl3l'. CREAM FREIZ.7.I.:II*-.J us I mental !oilman . .. icrilrof l'tae fornor., e ra 18 et..amtmats and Psi rat , (a.m. lie, at ' J(Mti DUNLAP sny , tn.yllit _ . cTORAGIC-11.• nalo.enhey I.vtokle/y•rd the le yr; r pyrarefinnse nectspird loy Dr. IJ. II t oDr y, Nn Ol'on m. 0 ., now. IL. , prepared to sown on Doloat , ly IttntA. Goodr timed Iwo thorn nr, - /•Anqhntly cooome by in.Arineo• J JORDAN A. 2IIIN DORM Ithbeny n r oppotito bead of toutikficid LITERARY PITTSUMEGII FEMALE INSTITUTE. minis Itzdatt,iits, under the east 'of Rev. 'J. 'IN 1 6 0 , 1.1,4 AND 1,41,. to which .N 1 the nod or tmtne/dal nianeht, on a Nitirlt,d ed.rtiiott are worm ,a No n ter the reeeptoot or pawl?, at :ha. 53. Irwln• I.llberly S beet. and .Ith -wee, The e,cond VerFaidilL will eiinnoritre oa Morday the NOW i l l Aogied, nud it important that ;my who tiny dexiga entering %Mould Nr, preveni fai.l• by Ned time. hove ereon9 1111.ol,Profei.rir AllO. INN 1: waelier of hlteor orb NI , Posen and rhotor. who:. rm. lolown tiemrreminmendation Aeoin p.,teitt F poet.. ari, t 01l be eniploYed , 31 will have ell:3nel.! the Deportment lr SitillNSFil will have dared. of the di•tte Cl , arNomit, and wilt vire letwant, in NrawiOn. Ore, rh •:4. nod roomn g. both mon and W.-r moor, Prof. reirOpt,..lll teneber nod h ie enutosendutinn% rllllll in rumpe nod the United Suites Ile tira. o hero trrielier thi• 11"tiottion% of the ten., nprik. in the Printionl. n•!1 LAninN noAit Duct.: scitot,L. 14i 41rii Nir,t,n4ore Th,.rmLi, South rielr, PlilladelpWA. ' • 9 , itKplan iinsiii.hrs of mi with min in Vre;Taiilinliiinunil Latin Ltinguligi.iii. iLiwv iv... in do. I•ton.*•.orii up. piw. and err. y givenapr the oihil • T., y.-n. Is div 0,1 into two liVie month. comm. irig on 11,1-1.4 and ending rh oi Imo-. Tin. har, ior thy Sohn a. Vent. oh n.n innoth, ply nlo.. V./WV ., 111 adi nor, a nhinn t d 0.4 Olu.m. anllelll sninen nee Iln.len•nr'.. pciil .n , n.•, aril' l.lllt. the. Won. el .I nreorilingly. If n / 11 ..“011,kle,rabli . 1,. parrot. or ./Elt , :han. , of ptniik:Will a Ij.laarn. Oily ran rental, dortor the avalma, 10 altennon • ttnPnntlytEll; • • EN. lir Al 11;8 7.irtlellan /Ini,.(irorgr %V olmml, l'loil,6•ltlrlnn—F Mow., ,11,0 r... lcm Thmol.soit,i Lawn Mu, Itakm33: EN, Flor.ene..lla--Wash Jnrk Nurvell Fa Nn.hcilllj r 'fr~n T. ,,, ilmet , e,l"lorida—UrrTlm m, J I' 1 . 1,11 . e.r N O—'l"lmme• I NrAbil. Earl, Sur.amh, Gro—nrr Sfludgrag... Nr York. kiodm • YOUNO LADIICS' ALLEI.III;tiY 1;111'. • . . , rllllrl Inrutpron dirrctinn of Mr. N. W :211,71T,U.P. kaloper (or recrption of Pcpil at tho , Cattatr Sendasby and Strawberry site I . l.c.Freord St , ,ion A:01 routet pre on 12111, Thy, tt.ttter apt' ft al it thilr interes In ttit 14/ sit ;war it, itittm.nit titlle”. an .l posstble titttu •ttitt th r pitpits will b.. rem vrJ at any pt daring Ift• ttra Tie vcreni, nf-ompeteititTca,lirri will Lc.ororrd forctar.r. char nt.iy inr, CIVC insirocuons in Drniv and Mugu. Fair p , iri,eiihint b the num. of nuttitelion, inrcnp , y Sc lustrutior. if Jo:y 13, 1,,i7 - VALUABLE BOOKS..rubhuhed by J A V SUP James, IVainut street, between Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati. bistro-1 of :he decline and fall pl. the Boman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, I:.+y, A new Edition, revised andcorretted through. rint,pretedril by a preface, and accompanied by udtea critical and hodorical, relating principally to t in t.r.'l,,agation of M. F. (initot, Miniater of Public: Inatruction for the kingdom of France. The prelate, notes anA corrcetions, tram. toted rola the French expreerly for thin rilltion. Wilb a not., ol The Life .and thkrzeter of Gibbon, tind •IV.ib•on's Iloply to Gibbon; In rola. inv. o,10:3 pages. l'eninaula Vl'ar—Compltle. I vol. imp. kso.fell pave. ' • linilara's &fiddle Agra, Chamber's Itebeliinn in iientiamt, Robertson'. Virginia and Now England, Rut:wins French and Engiisn %nil. in America, and Itamnay's A.:nay licrelcboni, I Cid 4te. Litrary Am&ican Flivtory—Containing . seise ! toms from the best authors an American History, Bingvaphy,Tmvrils. Commerce. blatiaties. Indians, Itavoluilonary Battles. the. &c. Also, Ani,c doted, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. Illustra tea bath more thAn fAfil engravings. I veil, imp tivo G 10 pages.-, • Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable papers tin v.iniiv subjects. comprising Natural llocOry, Naturalt , etenees, Agricalture, Dural Econ. orny,llloography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travels, Geogrkphy, Botany. Alnico:lmmo. reading, Vol imp bro 410 . pp, fall sheep. TlMlFamily vdical ,Library.A 'I realise on the Prettlitiort and Cure el Disease;v, by regimen and sanpte. knedieines. teed tad rd the addition el a Legetatde :Hater. Med. olea. milting out the vatnee. preparations amt dose. of our most valuable native irieM;cal plants, and an outline 01 Ainitomy_and Ilysinlogv. Illustrated with imc hundred 'Keg-ravings. sitof nhich are colored. By Nnrwnod.B4 1),-lolk pages , vv , Meriean Flower Hanlon Companion—Adapted to HIS li need :Hates; by Edward Sayers. Landscape and ikrivonetaal Hardrio.r. 111 mo, third edition, revised. vnlarged and illustrated_ Paliaer't Oi ego, Mucky Moontains.der. the. Fatally Testainert. ortaVo. with and without l'olvglrot noir:, and l'ashns iil touter. • Rice and Pingree's Debate. thirn's Works Lady L 41... Latta Itookli. 1 , 1.0 c 's Privaie Devo.. liOel Juvenile ' Cheap calltiom of various n,lO to pamphlet form. nichtn • Valuable Standard Works. DRAND.I.I,4 ENG CLOP.EIJIA—A etwn.AAry of iq litero urn and nnt, comprl33; AAA—Juror,. nor, tiAtion 3, ro. IttAjr,ArArAr, • • afrtrry oronnh 43.1.1Ai0 LunnAl. 4.fmtum, .1 41 AI, trAnl. An gout rat J A . I• Itrou, s, 11133Arstod by n " turrrir-u. enhtainmc tKau eol ..rett n , P 1 Atro,, , :aadx 1-tsl Canada West, Nem ltrui.outel,..N.rthern Tel., New Me, , 14...`r. Am. nea. India Kn.{ Ole niers and Tern.. 11.• Unwn TL. Intton Puntal. from IA• I,r/.! Nral, A, I!1 , , mut 1.•n..,14„u...ri: a:tatro t meat:tar of II o nt‘at collo, of PltyArtaitt. Jove,"le IA nrka. oh u 44..• 111. mart. a very latta to Il.i ,t/I, Mlur Orrtlor, t rrrrr Ilona of •A pat,trlts, Juvru./t I. utary um! •••• I, ..... u. uull a uir 7i MIMES „1",!!! I lor, IN cow,. .11.. 00., nII 4q/.111111 . nf r "I.ljlnno, 1 . .4.1 on 1, o. fuer.]: Fev,.r•. 1/..1...n..1 , 0ry—0ry0 rda.nn stl.ove 0.1 I Boal,jtawl EL1.11117 EN1.1.1511 541 ir..t, Let •1 hr.:44,c.n and .1.11 U 111.1 C A TI)3I c!,tr. r/0111 , 0 1.1 . Erownwarld p”, I.,aldrls nn 1 ,r•tql.• I:r.rk and r.,411•h 1,1.c0n. Na:u•nl • ti , .4l.l'.llroote:ry • rr,`,l:,,t,l(nt ' • , 2 , Ilc DON 1.1 ttit Innrkel t3IiIIICS-11Tstor, of att. vire, it Bet, altn.ttn, ni ,11(4 1111 it mligii• utt,ag :tt t tlt the ttr..egte.”( 11, tt l'urnntot in FAnattevt. 'fro. Tntkith Yttittt—m Iwo vol. mar,- •tt:t rtio xlitt nustictent• map. and cm:tr. .1!11.0 of 111, It•ilt11 of VV,llidgo 111, from 1 , 6 11, —v. Ili •n t 011111,, 111! liolV ,er1,111,. Monla3y, 11.n.,1%; 1011111111 . C. ulnh env', • la fly. In Land, rrrtal, Irr'd alai !or .air hlcl/CONALD h tIEr.FON apt ru mark , talrerl stork of Plowoot itIN II NI 1'.1.1.0/l `I .10 . 4 Tee wing .1 aisclrell..l.l a-m , trll , nl of Homo en.l 'New. lork oodon Nliti ;ono ottroE to, anon. !ydodod I , ,mood►otnog, +IX nootvc, 1 , 21 n ow No. totA en•rd Itio , owpol, .1g oeta :XV t t o o .4i.lrodol ailing:toy Piano FIN P-11.1 n 1.11/t laVo 3;0 tlvo krood Plano l'ortr.,matk , nt llv fnclory I let. Uri,. Pao.. nod InOy cno Ito lito one teord 1114 Concoro, I 600 no, •ro mu, Lan I 1 111D13, inn& by SID• dori. woo•ler„. 4 Nowil ort. 'S:sltwOot guttply will lin tecolvel thirOlg Om week. OMM • .titor Lot of Elegant Plank's, II . C ' h ' N 1 1 o d. ,:e i r 'i t l :l7o 'n etri ne l, " e too:oot Or: ch - guitt mahogany,. netave. , nll.le tiv Nutt. h Ymk, o, gr gat lowed and r,i . cclncv4 01 pr.vrd. I ~garit flans, elide iTha . tr - tong. I,od by h. as dlr.', hem initruniem n. rlt r'u 1.,. env ery InitlrTute. ul 1,-;:de., N.:lumber of to ilt . f7. pt.., nod cyles, ,lolr4 t 0... ve , L 1,1 . 011 e v,l here, . 411 WooclwrlPO nog I lio 44444 New York Plagioz. . • /MIN IL MELLON. Nu kIL Woo.' lb Mi. beryl:a-a anal antra in fa, Yule— , afar attataataat I{o4Wo44ll'aaalo Fong, isath l'a; uutuyes, lion arum, meal maw v4l, Maul,. laaa , Tbiglagrug, gat 11—ataatt. iffiElli °tab aq,butat Itaurawegal Eau." blutr a lvalla Ca neta , ... ntaal iron °tom, a Nls,a, by cb.“..vbg• 100, o'l , • o, , ant Mahogany Plano Eiatta• —.bade by Gala. A Va. Neu. 1 awl:. Elul WWI I! Will lOC .61.1 ut innnatiaoateral pabygy A Eta, tor . .aila . 0,01, n auarboot [tonal • l'aulau rime, watt A 1.4714.V.0. '. 11 , iSTOIILVAII, 111 FOLICOa-11, tut islllll,bited, hi 1. JANU l' .111.04. U1.w.n.1 THE ilia° OM Or I:EXIT°, her - Civil 'Warr and ruintoal au.] ikvatkaientwy Atanasla.; 11,1,1 the penal an lb. , ' , rub, la rolagu, 11:40, op. Ili ol 111,1,111:11rIto, IN:; attaahaduag nal ugeOa .at of the Witt walla thy Utaltual SIRICA. 1,• (IPOo‘r.• • a. Mafat ay Arrhausaaauteto... Hy Plathit V..itng Al. I, Wath luatai , lgagerriluis klu:a.,utail ucyral Etaganvang‘ of Plans cal Kittle °lolanda, he. °nu yob ... ,,,, in‘o• tai livelaunal,ed and ,:xtrafuni pug.. 101 l --- 1 .. % 4 4 I' 010 111EXICO-31q9dc • lacEatualos Una. n Ill° de Myjarrb Kagun in augunabasto y allaranado liontaa• a..tar Ilea. 1,1 Tougra,.. oboldabarlan ittOpLlblietl: y crantrnadn ao r k, IA taaqaue. antortaluabes A iglu °Tar. yrruavual, for yulfbby . .101INUTON gobaTOCKTON, lintikanialms . r . n , ad Yin ' § ,l °: l; ibl - Nr " 4" - 1.6;i1i. : :574 iiiiTi :I, ~ r lihnne He; i ebibm,s, unai n Va.,: to 111altakyada by and Ihruagt 41.141,vJackoom Doom 1 I • • I ••I , AnD ,l, O 10, 0 1 111 , bi Wunolvrfallool.hitYbocn m c'd by • ..orryl, WM 6 CALDWELL DUQUE'SNE SPRING, AXLE. ~,TFIEL do IRON WORKS & havmq their New work, .111 i now to-roan-II lo to:molar ruin rvrry dr•ctipoon or r,4F-h and klopor 9rings Iron nth, American Moor. Nnoir prooni. and on.iros of small -nano, and rouo,l Iron, which thry odor for I,torrni won, En :hen Worclavrt N.. 48 %Voonl inrcor., whe, !hey dna koro on hood n complete and hand , omekoortrorwot or Coarh 111111, Carnage hordwure, mnnenhir rarrnir, Nn,lp nod Iron, C. IL& . kayo mode nyrnott oottottr Moo,. Dar h. Crotty. rrr•ot Ott otlo• Folk, ko., unit will k..p tton.tnntly on howl coot, article. nook by them. Wolof y oh, re.ot•ottotly coed to coll.o, vote:a-awl trtmt PEI t.- t5...t5-11Tte. • par MACHINE: WORKS AND FOUNDfty, • I'll,XllPoll, . • JOIIA WHIGIIT AL CO., E prepred to 1..11 , 1 C intrut and Woollen .Nlarlon ery nt evrry aleeenpl,no, eurtt Nla chimtnlatt FratneeDroeva, Rum:ray Head, Wurpere.l'vedlete,Spout..•, F",.tote, Loomv, Card Ilrituler-• A , • Wleuttt)tt Iton tinntitna turved all mzen Ca , t Iron. Pull,. and - Ha l nger, of the tale, panern., elide and ?mud I,attir, an toole of all F, rut. • ini evwv nn •Innt no. V ilI er. Pnern. adn! tor 51111 Stranr-P,pl. 1.1 11 . 0/1 111(10yr ..2•11 d Inn , ) Order%le (I al, 11, W.lrrlnnn, of .1 I'..lni .rx C..., thy :acct, will bay. prompt attention • Illack•wlC. 141/ A Co, J h Alonrh. • =lMll=== ('A-PA IL'r N EICS 11 .. 1 P NOTICF.. 1 - ,1 NV. STEI'II ENS of Wheelie, E. E. //11 ......... -EA. ger oi Jutonta and J A Stie/klon I , ,lJurnb. hove not /IA) . enterrt) into eJeonnore.lop node,/ vo. tind . firm of Stroben,. Slownit•orner Co. Jet Ihr Ane lon r Iran %V WOrelJon Olt purr ot snanura/ turtng it a an.l on,, of /Ann Jl.Jnenonon. E. W. Seglnfr N.. r J A. en.reemi. _STEPHENS, SIIOEIBERGER & CO., AN.:IIOR IVOINS. • Manntarotre oil kande or benler. olteel, bar .eon not) • .All •terl ViliN . Fr • with Shoen , eree ,, J Work , sy , n. oiler nn arkele of JuinAla Iron Iberunlea Slinent.ef err] ntont In any made to the country. All of crlora nnll • al the l'itl.l , urKls [awes Watelionffe of the Work, rower if Moor.. nod Wnter •neee, myl I Jo , Lippe.... John I) (fork I. F. Tlnigan. LIPPENCOTT CO. • r l . l;i:‘ , l . &LH Cut, Cirtular t:ll,aw, tiny a..d `home Mairocis.Ay. v. Having romple,l tsar arra & ngementa in the con atinguntt Cl new nmehatery, unit in ',curing . the scot workmen from thenOO reletnated cst.,4llshmmuts of aft Earl. car now want:rattans, and keep CO. tantlyo a band and for male al: the at.ove ilft,4, hoe aree thernotlvea of Mr laic-, onmuvernenti. am! ae &tenanted that in woiknannMAn and material they will not be, prot - aim. to prrklneellttiCif mlorth if not mtparmr. In any that can be had in the Tim) Incite the attent , o,t ni dealer. to nn riunn.tlon nt their mock Wore Purch ,, ng :hey are gonvn:ccd that the. will toe able to &I all order. in their Inta in the cow , . ittitf..choa parekt,rs Warehouv. Water at I doors Writ 3lottongabela [Waft, Ptnsburab, N'11: Per.nn. hav:ng lott.mea. with Wm. Lippetteon & Son. will Oen.• call on I.ipprncort S. Co. act9tll y ALI.V.:GIII . .NY vEsiTiAN (STAND FASI OR'l. JOHN A. DROWN shutters this method to inform his frifild • and the pirl r at Inr,le that hi. Factor/ 'enow ut furl op..tailon. Int the East •,de al' the Ihnolottil Allrelt, hy.waere a C 011: suds supply of /11111lk. C., variou4 colors and quu,nr, arc constantly keplon liana s al,ro an No 1i \ rood .t. Pittsburgh, at J. k EL P:011,p,'0,1i,0,1i - Mio-pt. othnan Shutters urea, to order in the test rtyle . Rhoda repaired at th, .horte.t notice. N. LI. Ili' , Blinds will he .put up, without any add.- t,me al crape, e on that they eall ..< ~1 ,71 a ato. at in MOW of fire or for, and vents,. rrov the a:,l of a serve :1! .. e ' oet4,lly&wlailt I V A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found. 4 •,Irrote, rebuilt and cerrnmencoil business at . Itishrtld stand, whore he w,ll he Pp nand. to sershir old en nomer; and friends. thumb, Stramboai, and Bells Of every vtre, from litto wpm pound., cart front ._., patterns at the town approved model, and warrantsd to be of the Lear tnaterrals. Mineral Wate r ramps. Counter, hauling, Sc. Ste agether W alth every vartely of Ltra., Cast:ago, ttrequir ed. tamed and Einsheil in the neatest manncr. , ip - A.' F. or the .ole propnetor of Da-aser's Ayr-- herrarrtol floral.. AO pritly celebrated for the redur• non of it,a,n ,n ,tinned . Thin Dome and Comp, ~thso rand , ,,ltn,lo n,: l horn ni nil ~t.:,. jani-ly NV. IV. WALLACE, PrI7SIO'RGN ,TEANI!.IAR:O.I-, WORKS, . . Nees: 214 novi 24tinox. `i`iY IluiPau Top, Tomb • Monument... Ac; .11 ss nug 11l the marble, and roart,forgiireil lociptdl) 1,, 31.214d:wry 1:11 hr low-for 3-11. N. 1.1. hut, 14 p0rt.1u,.,. 'Nlano.k. are nrorno,l 113.1 :• h,nr. v05,e,....0y for tI•to o 0. I 1 , 0-m .1111 a., am. , 1.9,1(10 pn011.001101 , 12,it, , 11.11,21/1, eso,der• 4 1 .).4 rhenp limy. ran p0r..1.....e 11..10 for, ihr C.atJ nod Ace. • • ' COPPER, NIIEET IRON, AND T 1 . WAKE .11(ANUI,Glallt.1", No Bliarket rr/lEsuhscribrn ItavltrA Mattecreat I, in them nstruction of 111,/ 1.011 1“..W 1 respectfully ilvitel , t rs.ot,s 71(.1111,01,1,11 1 ,. oral ciornittel,,Auterllr-hamng.a. , ,y, van .uppi) lln to Dwrth ilrra ,trosoc.,, foof and r vela oar r ktooot lot arr, Ton and loon %rota nro.---too) a lo.a rt t - tramina:. %V. colotr. otsaar it. r - .1 ralreo. and l'itand...N I:dapoor atm.. tor antottoto data•.•tro. and err,. variety of aura Jzt out .•to -1,19 ,111.:Itil•F Manufacturrrs of lials,9lattlrs and IV. Glass; i( I , ." " it• ~ 1.1 u.. fl ~ rd r . 1... . 1.. r 4.r 1•.~., _ ~F, ~~I , H rr r~~ur~ r.l i~. curl .~~~ r . ~. ~. ~.. .. BENNETT & BROTHER, ~......1:1- . ..,- ; ..1:1::%,. Birmingham. ,Ifect I'lllo. rgls.! I.S. Itardmuxr,' N.. I:17, 1c0,4 ntre , l, ritteol4".z.i. tiV%V 11.1.c0100001y I. oep ~ aaaa a Caaa ..,., t meat et V: ar, 0! .0. awn 000,0.0 me,. 0.01 410.1.0, 0 0,00, W10.. , ...1 .i.0,..0000-, 10,• chant , . an. n-T....0y :0,0 ,1 zo rod arol et 31.11, Int ito-In•ilvv.. a. nv. an. dr,.-nOOO,l 10 ...-11 cheuper than I. pu, 1.11 N. ST( Vc:s, ATIII•KTON rLr ~rd".,roto t.r•omron hy the ott-It Carat 1$ rilern Butt ILinuc lialaractoty, CINCINNATI. O. GARDNI:II Co . tIlf:1:111 1.14 . than thr, arr 110,, Ihr ..-t Mug , v..e made the I T11..,•11 "Alf th.- ,• our pr . ., it 1.1”onr•r mcertti to r••11 , 1 ,- 1,31 1 . 1,1111...1. ur sirdwa, Ir., fitl 111 In eyed e-I rre our Ilut. r• privol,tl, rt.rr sdrd my , . AiA RDNI:11 , Ct. co: •111 nriin .5. JOIE% SHERIFF' d ::,...4 4, ,: . COl, NO., VI Illld O'l Fropt rt., ','l 17. 7 , 111., Ft•C,,,,,`. nsl.ll•A* ril .. _ —. , TI,C,. IMLI! of a:: .1,••• vnaL 1 .. • ..• lona the, implored pm, r., mom moo ..‘ or rommi rgnoll Iti . ...- .. tray .41• o Itlmot I , o , tomr. i: -. 7;. . tiooMml 11 01,4,1,1, lillll ca. ~ i ,„:. ..... ,......, tomi put Ur promptly nod VII -..'.,r ..... r..3.M.:'`'.1.11. v i -• 110,M11,, STEEL ‘toicks A \ 1).,..1 , 1/INu AND AXLE PACTORY. .I.•AC roan. room r. 4m4d. JON & {A NUFACIT and lllA•ter Steel. 111 Plon,h "1,1. so.r; l'tour.b %V mg, Couch and F:ltpm•Voring.. I Inionirl,,t Imo A Ile, mid dealr nt Ca.ttnr., lor ['N.:,, and Coach grln :all) comer or l'rnat •tret.l , , I•nur.urph, IS ,pr,? LIPPINCOTI' IRON and Shore Sr for ' , ale at our new Warrltou So. 09 Writ, .tenet, near Wood, run ning $o Front. .Alen, an a•re,lrornt •t the oid , evaltd, liieMnsthre Rom, I,llthrth' e‘erth. Ileving moat. Trent addl.." w thr all ord., ran be Gllrd promptly. "II&Fr. 1151104 V A to • BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY. CAMPUELL oir. (MUSS, .110... o. FINISHING NAILS, HOOK 'LIUML.r, Iron awl Copi. r Tacks, IRON AND COPPER SHOR NAILkt, .1011, Pattern Makers' Pointy, of every deteriplion. Mee No. ISt. Chart. Howl. Th,,d 111,4 PlLl•lptargh. I'. MULVANY. FLINT GLANS ESTATILISIIMUNT. mIILVA N\ LEDLIE manogarture waf till , con rlcgiy on lenml Ainuidra nn,l Pint rita,lvrarr, In all it.. varlet...., 4il AVarthool,c cor ner of , Nlarket and W Frrr..l.. Our Work.: coal:nor o lull op..oatua.rac are conoian•ly addlog 3.1 our ft... k. sfitel. fix to fill order+ wlllt r.roourolaia. I•u:eha.-cr• nrarF•lir dull/' aolalted to cal I na.l es mato. Ntr, 211 d olykOdl y • TllllO. ICIC Ti.ailitll 1 t Jr., - - Whtriorrir Fork, I/ NI", ond I.. , ottin, , fihtss ,Thuaufaclrtrer. 1 ..... Cray, of Wood mid l'lntrii. •Ir , rr,,,,,,, , ,T A TA. jII.I reevivtl Iro•rt 1/11.1:11, , i a i:11,r• rtt , Oronli rrr. - .I /a:rette at Nanny 1i0,1.r,16,11,1in,in 0 r, t:•; Ar rot. 1..„., N..—u• ..., rm,. i•eq, 11.....1.• :OW Ey,. ..1, ~,,, r L. „never. 1..1,11 Ind rrllit,.— them.", ril,relvrorri royl..iirr, aryl...ol,rd lo rid (awl C 1.111111.1 1, tor , p....12,0ng cl-kvbrr., or *rot.r Fn.{ All klort- ellrilt,.ll,l,rrar, gurartr.1111,111111.4.01111g,"1. .... nrrowirremer..ll.l..l -oil! en F.alrlera orty:•• or.Prl ' COACH MAKINCi..I 1 ANfrl'ltlo/. the orty IdtneLinealenrontrore meet the euhretilter has treelved quer he lam located hatted( in Alle4ltetty .- ; 101, 11111.ICed hint to mite,, leme, far 11, reran of year,. . Vie property he nos , ,cppm., in Beaver Ntreel, Immediately beyttle 0 he Ittethmen.Cltuteh From the long este:ranee:m.lhr chore Iturateratand a drake to plmtee, he hopes In me, it and receive a thare of italthe Tatman,. , s ' :rowan hood and dandling ta torter,'Hueimpray Bug, ,gine, mom end toT, ilticgies, and eve] y• deteripilatt ai . G. ,, nnnas madivaandnr. 11.00f,•nv,,ay.nv e danan.,:o' andahlattn!, ......1 itimsdni • JOIIN 41131'11. . • 'IIOI4VAR rillit nitwit. • [ , 37.0( if i ylitt: 111:Itlk, manatee toted . hy Jono,l , IA. 'Waver, Ilaimot, Ito., tv.tertottetl aJoitte-, nor II nide, in onte; fist rale ITT' SA MI, NI hint's an! e.ma4 rm. , tent 7us sr • TURTLE SOUP& 1 ruwrix sou 1. 1... ....tit,' op at Trelalel, iste U 8 Hank, 4U• : every ,1.1• ai - tt o`ctcick. The lover,. of 'Pi r le Soap an. !anicultirly ; • gattir. raro9 thnztny ttoopa. not L ri ,jiSt MANUFACYORtES. .Ipt =ME MEDICAL. I Nreht 'eente, II the lean, II di.e:ge, ei 4rkett ICA ISI NO BLOOD And Canatunattan, run tit the Side alid AHhma. Wtioapitig Ittatat Carnal:atm Itnatehitta, and ill the throat, latssaitdiyar,.!..l,l ittnn'Ali I relic it Raising 111093'4;nd 'Cunstiniption. 5111.NE.'6utiticri to. firlokl}4t, was a %int mi.. h , bk.!, toilowed hr a t.otnOt. pa. and all rile tmal ityntotfila. of ennutanotir enzployed . two oi , the ph,te,all•; thLy did good, and fold lion h. ce,rtm mrr Hearn, ufthe Wontlenlll cure. Pe ItTined 11,11.411.1. rent ril 111 n'elnek.nt night yp UN)", ilaa Fili1011,l.;2110 it LolllB, it nnerst . harm, ~opped Idrt!dtitt and r, ugh: 1k had taken tam Ivile he watt nu to hlatlt hi lt had 8 1V1i1.11/.. , datv r. te , idta Myrtle Avenue. coil nil 511.• Ann 7.llE•inn, of Wullato.burg ncar South Fl/11...., .1> —l'l,ltl •fle I with a hack... mat pay n.lhr tiur. wllvto al la. tFernin, .1.11 that In Flat up arr.,' boon . , lUnre Than a ~ .111111t11Cell Ink istg me 19 1::11 alll , llllelt hrr *11111.11.03, 14 110. .lltl ha, re•Kutued.ber 11 YEAfts. Nr John Init , avvrinr andi with o ro w, rphahnG ml phirm bud NO I[l,l q he me , whaqt drove rho r m ~,, rougn. owl brought th.: noon ' I,orr In had Ink hr:. •.. • l'lruriv nog can3ring :Qr. Pukka., n I<ny urn: e,rdatk ha., Ingo toil,vet aurelif ol I Ra!,ng of Ithuld; Slow oesrCor Vahi tie her Oral and' ,Irma- purl.° her wad+ behevrd o r TOST RIKPOV TI 11 , .1fidg Halsor. wa , ved Ilex ut wire ir log syorprour. , and ; OM. aVr.u l rot, ARlhnue and Whooping cough. 31r1. Luerm.t-Wclbi. I, lelogrey.•l, IVIn II rothts,:s tValhut,c, ka , Ow value or Oil+ traied y , .8,.k tor i•helinag's Alkilerilinalian, and x w let, re." xon each g 'lt Prier . 25 ern,. and 41 ph hottl,.j, I llr ,litnuan's Worn: lad Cough tioxcnFrA above. Pr ,. ~ P., ID: No N. V. Sold .< ra tadtk and rtrxil by Wt. Jseld,oci al Ili/ Sled Witlf Warthogs and Stint tad nog Woe; No K I, latad Wood arht,llttsbugh.lrreell . J. L 1 1 10.1 1 1PSON'S - CUDIPbUNDTAVILUJ 1 TAR AND WOODINAPI7II . IIAHTA 101 , 1 Atluernocr says remrdy ha, hem ...ireer.fol hllll eVer:k,,1,111 N MnMI llllllrdium,Sprtrink 131ra in Fade and Break: Boom hint, A inlitha 0 Cookho, I luotrertee.; Von,: Throat, Phlpigudyn I kart. II hoopaik .Cough 'Croup, Netvi,LlF Inch voluals of Lb. 11.,:111,S1 y ,apeetaldltki in th:i ci arnpe lt,oznony power and efficacy in (hi dineuKcA . Amouv m yo the 7alaely the Oro., _ f .„ me trsomnial di 'Me. no, Rvell! froom sbimmehediPliTsfeinn, ,Ifiploa. Brad the follinvlng from lift. You :content ocialst. 'l i n ithM-Firlit, Jan. IS, Berms used to my pracuee sni well us in family,: ttanupsonhi ComPoutia'Syrup Of Ta r and Naphtha,' I have no ho,ntilloa-ot strylng then Lent prviparatfon ache Stlit/ loose for perrons front Consumption, Coup,* Colds, anti Inn ntfer. the Throat, Breast, le, sli prevalent at this v the year. Wit: 1 ooao,ra. of, la! sp. We have seta within a 'fivV e .daystheTersouve the following henifietite," Ile remains riven, Lei feetly cured of hcc disease if PrtMehothrist/p-.74nuary.3, From a singe of gratin ahce and n floubt that th led may have recource to in truly ritvatcribie our I would elate that the loco Lt I hove cipericnee Ile the of Thou:lron', Compound Syfrop of 'r Wovi Naphtha. For seatru/ yeara I Anne beesttll ted w4tla a diiitre, ing ran Log couel,ldC2lnronle 'grr,t oppyr,..oo arid ildlle}flty of fireathilig, with .11. 01 tglolte.,. at 164. elo, t. ItcPottong alarroeft. a !fiend who ha been Mad. Ilencfitted co modt no. reetnntllentred I o to try It, lilid seyan :Very %hurt 1,1111, C.,' y alermq e., !up: at thimpp iota espeetotutant 1,(1. 11/111 :roe,few ail no, waving ltt I , y M cough reared. and in flays II sees al ,i.ll and aurae filmy louvitlV, a wen tattn. AO I cum /whoa will be ther),ihily grain }Lt tat., re,Cling at my residence, N 0.19.3. S. Front et. ' I . I JOS: :. eNIANA VT. Thin Invaluable inctheOfc iv prepare — only. by .11Nit - • Y: EV k DICK:SON„ot jillearner of I' ah anti htfruee ins, Philaclelpbta. .V.fold 11Plitshurgh by L WILCoX, Jr. Price NI cents or SI For lion!, i CAUTION—Beware 'of th,e many itionntrifettlf that 'Are 110,. afloat. The rum roma.. ri ever truly to l e 1;11 , 1 . lie ' O n :T rY. A SLOU moil ' .. ' l.llt.ll' 3l —A 11 . 1essing; IA Mintier .11 1j Ittn C a t' er! " I .--To.eure F.raptlons. 'and l! f idourelne 11 , 5 ofith y e , hikin Pio plc, Fre c k le s , Sunbur Salt Itheo Scut, hart I Brad, k,e , , Four years ago fart A goct, the ev nolo( ,Fran r. val. a-font/fled in etinsequf nee of alai: overyfmade by tot 1ta.1..t0 Cheri . ... Mail' douhted—it fierionicl alrho•I on that ant horn mita, y not i hand- of ma,,,, e hi f t ,. e ,ash s,inchih r pofiet• • at:Lief:timed by Antonia Vef prim Pi/ h v 111.'11111. A 1.114 cia,,4l Iliat and him tovfini ton a., a humbug, ii od. alai. runny foolish pcpion. without trot, do the came. moved at length, :ter tenting 11111111, i,...,',1:11,, in Pimitcal StP rnity of Pans (the hi, elle Mi.,. at Met orlaJilelivereil IL,: tollowing rototo to S , lll rl Vcaprittif -We tome note minute!) and earefo It ,neular :Ore.. Of o Oli. We Ita iiiimponeot pArt•--we have 11,1111111,, sr ne•itale riot - to 1 , 2011011 m0..1 i the 11 f,loopl an II Vent 1,11 , •:/,,,. fl'l 1 , Or lif/ 1111',' 11 , 11,11,1,,111, r4l. t Ain. It; Inventor we criffl or - so:Terme, rualikind. i.v(Signntlf rzromrJ We • fa roze I rr. Hi WI. o ea! n roi ten.. t uff rn it I hr lb tt th opt t ILEA 1 111,. I From lilt envsenot han.<ll tot, nrc,c' .. 4—.1-„, , ' In cau•tdern.on on It,- ~, n ., r. , -, /.,,,, nen lo 51 r I. "yeti ....Q c nxi !!.. A., the who, procr, ne lUtiOlUir , :. At U .1:1/011 , 111u1 Mr UN, UtilcuLn , mu: n Pr c I n t—t—ut ot • Is% It t k,•,, ~J 0,!•••• . y ! J .. 1.l t ha• ,•a !,6... Wet:re, lieu l. ,lereetl IS peed) A.Vltell. ' CV—Speel ley IV JACE.4.. dt %, eenettnees, eel le.l.cety e: tere.'l.l , ted 0 of the li:ee lbw.. Th. , reetly te. mt. ,t. r.og•iireh e'el.r.e, I nth • .r. fl , •I \ Mt. AD .b : h;"*. nr.• e:olle :e• t_ 1 Itln , , t I e .1 i ifi. IC AT I:l:ll.E.perfortaid hy thr ort,ii •,:ithol gre:itth Ltire hr. iiiilpo rod the! ~, i 4 LElts. t i . Alitbra , Fat {.{{ll tr.....,,,i;c6a I „.: 1 ,., t •''' lui, 1:44, IP17: % ,11. /: ,F 7 S.:Ao , • A oh . oi Otet) let plati,ltlionelhotro ni hottoo . tor to odd up lopol. r I Pine toy to ir or of yeturyiptly Plrhreleol Lei, Itelk I Ito dot, n d thi, of for yertt, tolh•rturt to Cot? Crt•ehrithi teththen, *he out, ,in ntr tight, ihr u c., uhroro,• , Mo. ol the they periortilion. arm, tr) tool nitrtelp. leutlrd to elp.ter , letpi omit into ithlit tot, 41,cr lot, Ltretr 1 IS CP, loot, ad. rJ to the petit). 4.4..J,...d, I lobar, they wet! - •ot ant It i crt ulr.'• ot Illy one juoi ohm: cot eeproett Ppm to tn. I ute u..e ninf , “l with Lire.' t, i .1111,1211.11 Cool tee} youth, li,n. Craw €' poployad tete, raiment plepecst. WU] 1,....1 payee Win.); ht.. hol monk Itloirtl. L.C1“....10 , i1 MI Ikllpil 4 4 A 1114.“ drall, toil...Pith:tor I. i'Mt, and fithilly cep, up al torninblr, In 1,1,7 I woo enelori .1 to try you% Lep, IMIL tILJ SCAM): GOT %CELL. i it& Ito% of which i Intro rettilepterlokreyttotelvar If pellt Itt the' side noel all Pelona r s} bap, pr. fac ea Irrtst I noodle, A oth reh. :err ul e the PP ethl, torte I a:ter tenreh Peog meld, nut grip.; or glee et notch torki:t ill %lir rho, ha It, bat get no nett, le so lel . il litho kept I tont pC py then for d o 7 par); odd leetudr el. of both+. ol liter tertre hi-erti anion r r . o . s niispuut ltir ird by rty , p , ip who la. up thetn. 111ityha terothrdlntith cpllter pill I. then ut,hborhoiol, tool ite a .1.11111. p well Lthille than .11 I ',rano rtly , maul them l/ till prom, rredeei pip), wharlerr Lm Lathy thunplrtni it , : 111.1 ion. .1 l'ori, - 410 . 1 now odre-tliren tOr thprior.tre Colo al or the Mu" Pell. ltr)pe rt. folly) . I -J I...llortras I.Al• TION —A. Ilerrr urriellirr NIL h fire Iler pehlic report. Liver Cello 'tenon. wpiwrtillihrtliENUlNF.)houtd ALA for thil eole.r ptirtlerc their loon prepprd and told by It . 1.: SELLEILi, No :O7 Iflod-• hetwthrt rio ..,:i Fourth A ' Sold by Or.Crtenth, Fifth 1 'aril, 1) M Cif.," ' city. dr.Csastl.., F.I. "an!, I) rtl etry,ar,4lleglirny ag . .5 DM- JAI Nrh ktI,TERA LINE. • We haveinformed by Niroe. Rot< thr a ellte-pci formed on her by Dr. Jayr remedy s Alt erktive, which proves As ovt r v ery other remedy or the 'lend. She has lwco 111 , ete. for the Iwo Aialcon. years with NI-X,ltt 1,..tE.S or IV 111'4: SWI.:1.1.1:11;:t, attended u:errations nod coloration 'of ear ton bnn,,,e. du rOlg tone many piece have ho iqt itltdtarged loan the non.' to.tot of tee crahtue.L. f:ont her 2111/., Wrtal* .111 hand., nod Irma 0. 101 l oral Nan, and mut thr fight Loft, !tide, patoinl . r.. 011 nth, I par, of her . Irrrod, wheel havaLttuffled the 51.111 ol a illlllo , l, Or the that ettonent) , ltyaletans of oar cit, —during moat of dot lime het cartroing have lwen exeroiat ng and de:dot - 1(4:e Abouttn t re4 rnon t b s 'men she tram indoced to It 7 Dr. Jayne}. Alterative who.h ha. uStoualtiottly happy err* t,t tipon her, tetnarioe rain ROI etrelhog., andOuaidng the Mena to heal, what it the tame time her t Atoctai health nay bcerancroenplrtely re , dordd, teat atiY now wr,gl,. 1.5 Ibe more then she dal Iterate she emanaMecti Abe tt,e of ilo• truly v prepattda,..—i,,,r E,4.. For further in noon, not Ilts. 13one; No. 12, rilbett .1, l'hlla , 0,„ in Itionhargh, at the I'IWN TEA STORE, Foorth 5r roar Wood. j Its wlttme tort h Is .1161 and Yeti. who, 011111 is dart vial k • \ 00, 01 , 1,0.00 11:110 f 0 harsh And wlrry, Remy ' thrtv red or' ftcrv—l ... . . . Von. ',Lepel ante oden..vcilorne t ' Coolen.oot orputrid demi.— t` l'ou could have oe —boy, wait or girl— t , • Tern, au .rune a. noon or pearl, il : tier e d, a eeey sweet. andeurucle . k . Pure and White and ernonthand hr. 4y ' And hao , ort.clkyrdark ie. ere, i By reeding tel.:a es said bitovr. 1 at:An:xi, uoy or you OM have the rrhoi, by ldednd dot 1. nothing but truth.) ...ore 3. hooka' one... Co ral I leo Remora:kr—a Or Nato( in/11 , 104 i bits Thoth I . :we—end da eel,: - er the geom. Jan e'r. Itedron Chemical hloop. Theo nwed,. end but lin , nod you ere u..ured the: ioe follow mg are their re I tjuiultne, ‘ The tooth pe.te alien the Idettih a street +lot, while wenn. and preierves the.teenr. he. Thu blur 'null' all know., he the toilet e nohow think ever mad ier drek mg. beotatilylng. and cicala.; ill: . Cloalli li , 1,01 r; and Ike .illVdrket thew:A.4lolone,', Soap, srena) evdtru re all erupbork, broker, /re, ned near ddre ye 11... odete,clear and (ea, All Poore Ilhoge artt,eld only! et IV JACKS.INIS Mot. nod :gum Store ind Patera Medicine Warehou.e P,lt Idherliv ns , t .. so), 7 .. - No i , Oic - , -- NOi - ii ---- . 10. Jorklen . Far Rearreerrien Nem 'Fiil.l rilitEttE era reta dire:axes [bore eoulottntsr Imo. I blekonte Nem the l'ilee, Ond )0., notelidlo tend. rug e real ellorte have hero lohde to cure by the tom rd rill., electuaries,linoriente, Re:, hit Were lutdr tied of little treneht. Poor the k.linhnovgrot is Ile only 11.1111 - i tie tired. A per.en ode. has been dulled. mg with the Plied ol the wend kind edond from ha. Lem. New Jerre v, oltnort oot pulp., to ekprek. Jot gratitudO for the rimed , . cure that Ili,. roolteine had effected in bid ea. c..—f•hde. Sat. Pont. • i ":-. U'Vtar Bale to l'illxburgir ht the 'PEA ' 7?. Fowl it .1. end alr.o .11 the • Ittarg :store H P Sehwatti, Ferrer:oAL Ape;heny Vtt lee vette, .tofeeettly earepeee, been ,a 1‘ neve id en; Lembo{ heir. 11{.., k w ,,„ er muerte - A.. iseuaret vb. re btu. 44. been M{.44 to heed* I %loch bale Imre Wittier yea, etlet thlatit Ye 4 4. e rratEr Leer thau teceinue ad le 411 nor rte.left :who' el Leib; üb, e tneber!hit TerteCeretiebirdsliee; M.. Xs, d. et lmborgh at dot rowel erect, near %Vend , . TIIN B[0(1114,411 „end)' Light. Hod of limy .nolf Mown or tillick rigor, wohOinilyolog to the s o ld wµ.6 COL di/WI/Oil, Price &o eeßie , o iOld biz PoiciZ4leili6ine %%oxbow., SO Li iietillkcoti bead of Wolkl, o, the' Wino( iliotft ROMs Ai • VOL. IfiSURANCFA- JOIIN FINSEY, • • AoTTI At PITTITVINII 701 • DELAWARE MUTUAL Inmaranee Company of Philladega IRE RISKS Upon buildings and merchandise of every.delimimion, and MARINE. RISKS upon hulk or cargoca of yenel a , tai a o p o n 0 4 , molt lavorahle terms. _ 'fl Office in the I%'arehntime of %V. B. Holmes Urn., No. 57 Water, near Market street, ritt. burgh. X. I:. The suet,. of dm:Company sinee the ester.. the AKcitcy ill shiery, with theprannytoess with which every claim upon them for kw. has linen adjusted. fully Warrant ths agiustia tn. ' the confidence and oilman ge of his friends and die community nthargh ta the I.tagrare U. S. /111.11. onice•Coinpany,Arldle a has the neetitionallidsrunkszn as - institution among toe wan donsinhing Philana—as having an ample paid in capital, which . byihe open:ion ofinschartei liegthitaltaiyielClVESlllg -' as yielding in each person Omitted his due share of lb.. profit. of the company ssithoat biro in uny responsibility whatever, and therefore as possesing the Mutual prinCiple divested of -every obnorious feature, ah I iu its most attractive form. IVO AND MARINE INSURANCE. 11l K. Insurance Company or. North America,' s .11. through its duly buthorizedAgent, the subscri ber, otters to make permanent and Hestia Inner ance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the tlaistil and Raven. • . • LI:RECTORS.; ' John C. Smith T'rea't., Samuel Wonky, Alex: Henry, - ,Charles Tayloi Saud. W. Jones,' • Semi. F. Smith, dolts-aril timith, , Ambrose White, ' John A. Brown,. .Joeub M. Thomas, John While, John R. Ned„. 'rhos. P. Cope, • Richard Wood, Wm. Welsh, • Arthur G. Thin is tho oldest Insurance.' Company is On United States, haring been chartered on 1791. ha -- charter is perpetual, and from its, long ezpe_rience, ample menni,'.und avan risks of•an earn hazardous character,' it may be 'considered 12 offering ample security to thepublic. MOSES'ATVItOD, _ At Counting" Roomof Atwood,-Jonen O At Co.,' Water and'Front ntrects, Pittsburgh. INDEMNITY, -, Ag linst i... 311 by Fire—TherFRANKLIN Fire lase ranee. Ciiespa . ny of Philadelphia, Insuranoe,pennarient g' V on every dexriptson of property ; in PITS- . BURGH and the .SURROUPWING COUNTRY, on fArbrable terms. This company has a perpetual charter. CAPITAL' 5400,000 paid in. CONTINUENT FUND SbC10,(1"0 r Office corner of Third and Market eta, Yittsb'gh; arltll-41 WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. lieinq .1 I tu el I•ok.f Ise vr ea~ am IL .41,r INSURANCE, . Anzerleas; Insurance, Company . 07 YIIILAUk:LP/11A.. Crux - raj PartezZora.. Carruz. &MAW Palls Office in Philaddpkia, No. 72 linintsi Street. i Whi..DAVlL*Criareel. .FAzawltlet FllaGaz, Seer r t " ic t i S s u a r i e d lltdi7ga l 711, trehtilise,CTran'are antliffrOj... any, note's. n calm hazardous chancier, agiGnar low or dainooe k- bee. A opt, enlwas for insurances In Yitiabarnh' and its nr . ghborhood, will be received. and With, when either. perpetually or ferbmned permit, on favorable berme by GEO. CUCH-RAN• Abeor o Vt`ac vviv . No MISCELLANEOUS. • • 'iitt rl nq sin ia .7 ° l e p 6i TI c k pork at ulf, fast m g ' r a h it, ululat i on good I .4m—barrels, kegs and salt rune mill desired, at the lowest market priee. If IS well Llano. S 'pork buyers to advantage of packing at this pee:—the number of INV liclanging to the point Is tll be eamtually large, and of the finest . qualify, awing to theism:tense corn crops in this section, thollogs will tte very large and fat. Buyers who intend pacting in the men would do well to call at this ppm before lona: see elsewhere. II will aim pork ma tow:II/Wor t for fanner. o r DrOV,.nai pr if any of Mere wiiit to pack 00 tbeirown accent acconenglate them with every . teatime. There ova to be t.,trUil Ibiza packed at ilea point this welter Ins st greater ponion of lhE Hogs will tint large and ' fat to onve anydistanceomly At to gnat a sacrifice to the owner. a Omit be prepared to' pima any' quantify...Ll recommend buy., tO be in the kohl in ate nanir end make tarnumements for paekum Pmeie our rivet - elides tor winter. It c JOIIN.Lt TAYLOR erilt2niiie. (It t nther.l3, 1,517trA0 __ W e ALIb'XA/O 41. SONS. isOPPIN A iI LA KERN AN ND D FUIt R NISIIINti UNDER- %...: YaliElid, esimer of Penn and Pt. Clair meets. n.spenie the Exchange liothl, entranee on Penn Sreei, _ ~,,...11y ithorni .their frinuls arid the ,public, t 111 a. they are prepared :to ittrnlgi and attend to eve:yr:undid ine line ef Undertake:4. Aiwnys ou hand u larke aa• eurunent of ready movie Gab., cover, lined and fin- . t-hed in the vet} hell wanner, all so reand razes ready - made dkrundsin dais,!, thunbr,ck And art:and, and all 11,A made in approved styles. We keep a largo as 4arrittent orient e dud bluer:, co:n:0,11,k and kid bloves,, sable tar pall hearths and mourners crape, eupd, cob. wed every thou: neceaacry tor tires:hug the n er d , and en reasouebis (cr... we purchase Attune goods al the E:lster.. ,Itlea, A:tro, ,i Yet piste., iod entthenig---- a , ,a,,,,,„',,,,i dale. vv e tsar tliilaiiitin ' , toothily and panclual/v. inaly 1 4'ho/ciaile Dr.& liharobouee. 4N TICE CITY tie Aucw vtllifi. ,-,...,,, A. 1 . ..1ij. La/ OCh. di, Co., No. 49, June .. L.. Nen. Val:, a:Lc. tor na:e /Lisa, and geoer4t— ulaorunont kW Drage and Ma/Lions, Dye • Stoll • l'atut. a r e Olij of every d eaerytton„wrdeft tl• . are prepared and uLu.oanote I.tieell.luw. _ " . Coonlry Alercharda aed Druggietu are tequnideu lo cud and exanoue thed• article. Order. a...attd • with lade:lda:La and de4patc.L. B.A.falu..quiit'. Verideue coonlautiy unhand. f . . li. :V. Fatit,...toci; I - . • Li. L. i•ahmkaooli, _ 11••act.orgiy. I Li. ',V. l'unneaLuek, '.., A. B. llnii, Now hire, . -aroa. =DM Al ,I u3e, La, It k .11. L. PAPER WAREHOUSE. " tile;l1/ Vlt FIKLIY oirets tor ?ale at the Jawcal 111.11!81.41,73 . Ktcca, a vet) caw/Is/Ire .alaatrt.. na •.‘ of ctapr,ae, aNcry possltilc vatcty, all..ptol to tac watitv 01 Mcll6. WO etaatry. Paper of all kinds tuatla Ia order at abon • ic of PRI:ST.INI: is unusually large • p aro f whir is'al very superior quality. IL 111AUXIL 61.5.,16111A1.5 •••1 . , licaepet/011, totpot led anickept.constnatly on hon., Cie: %Vire Cloth, Foordrtnier IV tees II eo,thiug Powder, (Hue Ultramarine, Twine; 11 .44.61 • Ithrlll4 ears, Hale Rope, I.; rasa Rope, Da re ping, R & pitlia.e : % Mr which the higlne.t prier Cook e., will be O., pannl.• . • jrtly New York. Je11,11616.. aura ware Stara. 13.e - ini Clair u and reel, there door, tabovc et Charles Hotel, would, riy the attention of banyen to their moat on ti h LAVA 111;•• • C OMER I' mid seADDLI.4IIY, teed r slue. car t, ftlonottgohela and Russia, direct men we hianitiaeturers of England aid Genv,py, A pplieb pi As:teman llarnlwa re, !Mr. pritii e'R‘l/ovoloacturers of the Eastern Statel n• eh. stork 'being cnnsely new, olpd pmehnsell opens • the heat tenon they feel Aural confacti,n ee j,, bein g io,k, aucae•sfully to inert compehnor. yrote, any w I:ether 1,01 or west. The 1, .. 1 w..e. hon... Mil Conti:Med Orate old ape .1) InSgS°tol;naeVrTthleijif!:ran-7------'jPtl'a"'f''l',Pgtun"'an"' i I ' IS this day dissolved by mutual con ' seet,Job 't n Dai ren mug disposed oflnts enure interest to 11 Wightman 'Li business coigne late Grin wilt Lowden! 6)11 Wight." may, wee uuttnott.d to use We name of the late born tam purpose. • lI_WIgiIIIIAN ipnablaw holy / 4, 1 J DAL.LL/Ann • Sab.esiber It now piepared to maattliq _Ts a all tuts of Connau and Vu Ingebisterynat thenthertest mance. Orders tenet H Wiglamanes /stelae :Shop, ore. nut Liberty and iiYates street, will meet with prompt at. . trona.. II WIG/gIIIAN • • • Lacenk st between Federal mud Sandusky sprhnli y ' • Alligtieny City Traass, ;10 EIVLY IN.Vitir‘TED—ror Ole reliefs., Permanent 1.11 gate of 111114rN121 or Rut-ruap. '(Salted to all !). The ruprr.or claims of tins Truss consist in the com p:tree,: taco Watt yrtneh it map be were. The pad of wobfl being neatly balanced on springs, yittidain tnre on any part of it, and thotonghly adapts itecif to .y lbov , ivelqirt.te 1151 h, wearer. II ca n be warn n, ten?. cure., rdec:cd.. The rot , . a'tibCta ha • it artaneeinents for the Manutacture nt the, vainattle 'Dmsycs, rupertor style, in halo delpb n ra. and [menthol, no w Alt 1441 e at their orrtce,:do, .tuttef.chl ht. Dear. eta thitkatentrigh. D, KADFIRSIAN. 14,Itzt.ER.a IslrdP.4l2iT If 1.71 i aTONEniaLLs o. far grmaling Waco: um lean, or my' kinds of Glare daaell 00 a Farm Or Plamatdon, and may Da MdPollsd by water, sienra,,aradd, or Mtn: ymacr, and will do im work re Memin ruptdayanir peneer don,IMI only be put-- up arta Loy: n, coder by &urn/ my pendon. Ilshis per met tress, XIII du Inulaame, ned adopted la y•••mana: sd a tJety Farmer atd l'lstat es, mai is undoubtmlly We ‘, elteap, al aHI best 1111/1 cse r orterrdia Me Publit-- la,. miasmas eu• be sera In dyemma at Iberia:tub!, ;4,4 uO4 naiddedmiut rearebouda, co:acre( %Vend ana • Gm n... ~tOC.I ,' ir ~S IVIQ/CF.RallAbt - QAIaIIIL9:EI,44 ~1•Iioldl.111: FACTORY MR tEALE, • i. 7 —ll,e Admindt acorsof I c late Jatataidelatdab, Ida oder' .1. N.M. to imldladarland nicate M Pidalb Mud, 1011.14 - I 4 [AM. ot by•bass, sa lawace. i0ne,',, , ,,,5,m t ,,,,. us II an 1.1w.7 I , a..dd ry.: The works are in dm:up:tie order Oar:girl macadam Imsiness,wall kiturido,&e, and ruder aa . edemeamag A' .4 ..o. A' Ilbers! arena will be 4 „..,, , „,,, 00 Pol,,l•olarg rondo karma by, rallias••-ca dead: ui de: umerbed. ) A,1111L3 Vd,„/Kba,,N, • ~101 IN MITCHELL; • I • Adraluittrulosa . • Chit Ss 1 ILfisfi"—Jual fcceived s per 7l'ss , i.s.i Susi, saissack s 4 cusloc--Spcncezhof,(.... lissg a very general suk , mrSent. • isss si Alschisiztaissul coosusuctsilicsetally I s ssy,s4. 1 Ls:IA:SA K41,0,4E:DV D ORTA.1.11,11: Ftrtailt.`tr-' vcry'enneetneerlittele. Dellowa atm al i the force can be es:ILI - ten by Ile bin. Des by two Jun: recd and ter .k - by' 14114 D SCAIFE • UIW imr 1/cillca I. papcdes—tvin Minn:Ty...tad Vynte.ns may rnty oa aped tic Ferny hl Atnxe Itecedvod and kdogj. seri.: It I SELL HO. 111 tV at/lts EXTl: l a i t:lllvLrVt,lal .. V O er Uß.—Fuales can 1! 1b buutplpliPtLeals:wi7sipzOLy4llll'. 01 . 11 w0¢0411 tunl Uu Ntl:s. by, ‘• D 1/Al7O, rtu'ustusl At tit st._ PLOValt.c.i.;lyst r aalVta (runt kust a supply di' Ploughs of a vet) tsuputoss quaLty a tiln 'A:cc...l:Note, turves et boa . lek-Pblltik Olds firauniont tloki • r j,,,warth, OC:'• pinny dog", a icrir et/N.llor itelo. C,r I.taXce.l . ol . Family core! faCMlt by • Lowniercitfß4W, kficl —21.1 Haig?. tor - --"Wirjk 11 .Z . v. , ;11.1ttet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers