• Writing Paper. I have been raked the deriVation and application of the term cap paper. ,Cap, as , applies to piper. is jof modern mse entirely,!at least in certain part s o f the United States. Not more Man thirty y ear ,, , s i nee I was .so familit with the phrase foolseari, that I distinctly recol lect how 'Tap," Ito abbreviation, grated on my ear upon first hearing it, as much so as "pike" for turnpike dock yet. The question is noir shifted to what is the origin of ' the phrase foolscap, as applied to writing paper, which has borne' this : name so long that its origin is lost to most permre:. i.The Kings of Engla'nd, from Edward 1., if not earlier, granted various monopo lies, either for the support of the Govern 'anent. or to enrich faihritea. One, of these was the eFelusive right to manu facture papey, {:anted by the first Charles. On the liner kinds was a ,-pecies of no tice of the monopoly, - the royal arms of England forming the water mark. Vast sums werti of c•ourse t undo front this ex clusive right try snantifteitire and vend an article in such general :use. • All these 1/1011.1)0111,S were swept away by the Parliament which brought Charles to the •scaiTold,' and, itt: this particular ease, by way of showing their contempt for the monarch, they ordered the royal arms to latitaken from the paper, as they had. already been from sign posts, public halls, &c., substiniune a fool, with his cap and bells, as the drip. This was done in 1649. MOst of the manuscripts written be tween that' period and IG6O bear, accord iegly, as a watermark, a fold tvearing the 'dress described as . his costume in the court ofthe British; monarchs. Crom well, when matte Lord Protector, chang ed the water-I-mirk by substioning a dra gon, grasffing irt his aura arrows of fire, end afterward putting his coat of arms in its place:. This still occasionally ap pears. Charles 11. attho Restoration replaced the royal arms, and enlarged the size of the - sheet, wach was much smaller than we see in modern darn. . In England, paper of the acid which The Rump Parliament ordered for their journals, bearing the foolscap effigy, is still in. 'existence, and the title, as in many other things, is still retained foi ordinary writing paper, Centuries after the .reason for it has ceased, and now serves, as it will serve for ages, to desig nate all writing paper in ordinary_ use, as distinguished front paper designed to be • folded in the form Of letters. This latter class of paper has been re duced -greatly in length, and ividened semowliat; to adapt it for a convenient shape in folding, and;still bears its origi nal name of post papp, applied to it kohl the mail or post by which letters were conveyed to their addre4s. So recently has the l United States made, its' own paper, that most of our early letters, written in the West even as late as .1800, bear the impress of :the royal arms ; St. clair's, Ilarmar's, Wit. linson's, and Wayne's letters, are all of this .description.Cist's ,Adverliser. It-is stated 41.1.4 t the forests of Assam, in British India, are capableof producing India Rubber sufficient to supply the, de mand of the 'civilized 'world, and that ii has already bbcotne an article of export from that province. How many a man hates his wighbot for no other teases: than because he knows he deserves himself to be hated by him. Life soap-bubbk that arises out of the abyss c)f nothing r -flutters a, moment upon the Margin of thp ghlf, and peri4hes' before the breath of death. . misctficAl)r4ous. . -TO ett.NTILKTOII.S. Variation 'of Adiartlartnent a Nor, .ver ., ,no lb. Tana of Buchan d 10 take play on the 19th of Ektralbtr t nt,t Gnaw roim, Otolr.l rrnrls:2, ()Mee a the said Gompsny. In 11.1t . hmon1,1Innl• Ib ILthi of De . . comber nest, tin - Lee Lon,reettatt of.two :ono: Dents Nerve Meer on eooer L3.l..orki.and three Ron, and for several antaher )0:.• on the fame Ranch ' between Lr rtenbaren am) Ihr flouts North River. 'One OPelle"Thros will be 3 5 re, ;arta. and 22 feet logh, r • and the inb•:r teet Imht end 14' fret high.' Thew tO ' • will be for r-penteuv r....ponalb:e bidder, • and relit pnyou2nta Will be uoni. thermor.'en menet ty entimatek of work actoally dour. with n ieermatma , I& per cent by war et ..ecror.,), the complenort cif the • work, taul the char- shall 1:r completed accenting no COntrart. Sealed Proposal: nal u!ln rereived. at the'slow place. WO the atone de:P. tie roattruhlion 0(000 . Connettton tithe Chrnp.roy ., ',3lW:et roe tide-water, of •farees leer, at Ithbramul, thro,,lt th e Riehmorat Deck. This NV rk %ether:DP..l of the three I,esks or 17 feet RA, Redone of 15 feet I,ui hmedrer Canals for an aggregate dietattre of about h alf a rode, with oudh Calvert(., We 114, Pee- as shnil be , tr!Oe' ,. .ar) . ; It-stone Rant ne)tte.,,hoo.,, River, in We Falls, at Richmond: the - fa,:ne of the Walls and Eta. bank meta of die present Itor It; the extension of the Dock a few hundred feet Fe, tlAhtnny. and itm coop:menon of an Onne.l. LOC k at the Inver red thereto:, ennoble of ad mitting the largest ve4o:ls comma tn.the Not of Rich road. This work wilt let pin form bonds of the Coto party, So . : be isaued ender th e nutletrtty era Tetra: not Of the eiPlatafr of; Vlreann.) rualeen eS yea, nod bearing f , Per Cent. latere , t. payahle setnrahnually.— Besides the usual rtoervathm en 20 percent. nn jtre Monthly cadre:me a. the Contra:. or or rearactors will 1r Secialred Repro umpie secs I I y, sallsetory to the Roe d Of Directors, for the enotple Lon of the work at the thee and in the ntannerspre3ted in the cataracts Plans of the above Works will be ckhilritcd„ and see. Clieations thereof neutered to Contractors, or dm tie- pany , a °thee. in Richmond. icy the Ist of December next. After the' recti,p, of the `pirote.,als, time well be . taken Or the consaferhe.en thereof until the 11th n( the same m“th,on wh id:A day tut case the proposals should be satisfactory) the several Ed, et seet,onn a hove ' ad. veribied will be let , • .• o t.TE Jur.G.YKNN Chhtfl7rlDetr h ' th e R k b . aieb > ozl.Dee.2,-19 rl3 . . SELLERS' envy b tokq. and h e;:ityfi ... L.9 , V io ß u U . l`. i , Jett, March to. p-47. Arr.lll.E eottr,: like other, hove bee subject to troubl crome 'gong ha undit avlng eyed clarren • remedies to very little patpore, l mar endured odlerriirecricet about the rough iyorp e to give it trio It gave it to ttvo of ley het)+, and also to nil daughter several 'different times.,and it Lod never faded to to eo ' I etbia recommended it to my ncighloorr, and do Inns cabemlentioterly behove that it is the Lest cough mcdi eine that has ever Leen olfetcs! to the Vobl.c. Atrounv Atuterango. Pamela eLcuthl net get mit tho'r chtltben to ' , oder fro • cough • when they may 1m goo d 1.7 d t coot [mole 0, W. syrup. d. , • Pretardd and Loh! by IL E 'Wood st., betrre ]rd and 4th de.. :doh; {dl rd: D. hi. Eurm. Allechcor 4 'ov.' dry D"TOWNSEIItiIYS Se SSA 14/(ll.Ln.—tat doze /Mit received of Or, Town; end's Sarsaparilla: th . most emevirdameg,methedne in th e, world: This Ite tract ik put up lo; , sEartlwllet. It is sir times cheaper. ; pleasanter, and reartanted auper.or m anyinlil.• it cares itiaesse without geohdie.g, parting, sickening or debilitating thaputient. • • • , • Look ourfae imitarionsal-Ungrtheipled peisens have copied oar talmlsoind map thedie.lnnie the mime she. yid kettles. Sea that east nett:eh. the written Moine Sweet S Townsend. E SELLERS,'Dniec:nt. No 57.Wood_ra. between 3nl and 4th ram. is Dr lown,nd's only wholesale; rad Malt oral for Fdtsbutgla i nf whom the genuine article' -tan be had. irl M y - e C it7,Vw " ht ' at ' re ' tje ' n " u " tf i rt th ar7lo. e '' OW ' fie " r • Y'29 . n • 1 B—Thl. labor pnl 1tth,1513, erhtch In view nvine of plan great tt rObtlny, eheate. twos wtd etkelearta oimph. oPenantruetton,ood • the than and facility with whlch it ia-tised`by tfitter Boy. or adalts;'io incoitatoy dottncd to topereerle al; Other Corn :Mellen for getterol ore. It. In fart •orplici Ades:dormant which bar look been wanted throughout IM.Weal<llllll3llt 33, for wh 11C01 3 one-moan, of the price °LILO rotary 1113:1:01. 0110 Aaron canlohelf • ewe with a s fast as with any. 'For tole ant A:tete:v.l - store, corner of Wend and nth 114. ' Dells• N WICIOHLSIL . 1)111130111.—Canon Seed: .; Adhesive plotter; • Blue Inge*, • I. 4 poni.lt whore. • loyhee'm Eel eetwanti • Jayaeo lialr Toni, • French Lear; ' - Boort Fluter: • • • Mow Cowt.c, .. • Lunar Courno, pore, )not rectimviand for wile hy 11 A 1A11:41 , ..e.T0C11 CO rot 11.1,1 c wood •111301:1ACCO-11.5 het DJ Woronoff, 5.; 1 110bho John t ieucr, • 50 in GO. R d, 3 • 5.; . 33 " Henry A Jam,. ZI 0 J 51 Naomi, 13 d 'A D Read; 5.; •12 t Henry On . 1 / 9 1111, • Li D.l Warwick, 70 ^ R D Warge;ea, fine, is; 40" John Nerved, le; .7 4, jW4 rmcl, rartior, .1 of • • A " John Ruck,, 1r; Eatitignment Own mono:imp , of. Lynel.bork.F.l., In awe, ' I. S WA'fERhIAN• nip 31 Newer A fr 2 (Tr I . t Duiess ootoDs—vv,, love 'tt weeired 67 ea prem. a rcty handrabco,lat ,Ladwo', Drro 4110.d5,, contorting or— ' Bartettetbroldered Farb/nen Red ey; • .•• -Do .11nwabe onerihn -dor Fax plain Cashmere. ; a beach:id article; • • .0.10 and Caohowro plaldo. • •. • ALEJANDII. DAY . 7SAurketatror theilitarTA • - . , Cs~c ;7 3 ISCELLAI4US. lOE— pROSI a published MP car D d of SI Ate CZ Callrnom to Bond, of Philadelphia,thapoblie would be led to believe that we have been claim.ng a privilege' we bad no right M. Tha • t :they Lase abandoned nor.. the ...yds,- agency Pystern.'' and Mal.W.o hate T/0 righk to y I.llre • rkemeive pnyalrgen with their mae.': I never memo. thid nen Mt tr. of M. erittrown miner', bow herm keninglhe teas of the New York Pekin Tea Co for the Lint Men yearn Me politic are nivare, bet, hero in New York'four Pines in that ton, and. never Infanta this new concern until Lately hut , .. wool les Tea hostile. of fileCallmont nand i. about h months old, and their aasomptints tithe Pekin Tea Com. pony ht home in bromic a is en tor noy man ht firm to .90 , 11 f, ton the fart intendedm impl thereby, that key have toy eonnection with the . i slled and welt known Pekin Teo CompanY or New ark in can ripely tater. they hay.ng been denied even s hat gent-ran la ving for the New Co, k Company, t Comp. by having refaced even u rn far to confide in them. I know not what kind of WON they keep nor what kind TeaN .31 only ecrtain they keep or obtain none of Me Pekin Tea Company'. of New York. Any.p. h . mon reaoyieg their card will Pee the Kr 11.5 de ception they wink to manic° on the public, and to the :ivory of my businens. hlcent:loiont h bond ni t wont dealera woolp and have sent an agent atot here to pull wool the eyes of some of our good czens Look out fora slack sheep. - ALEX. JA NES iivlthlivetf • 72.1 , 0urdi st nos. Lia.crzy, formerly of Beatty, M'Kenve . • • •••• eine:anal., O. Igo. A. Ilaarry ••••• • • • ....... • • .... • Zanemolle, Cum.. G. Corm Near Orleans, BRATTY, BROTHER. & CO , General Gnmenle•lon llereliant• rile THE !ALE AND TOMW•RDINO OF WKS*I.I4I2N PRODVCIi, -No. 31 Poyetras Street, Now Orlerou. • Berea TO Mrs,. Martin & Co. 'Ranker, 1 I onn,a fd . riregor &e.o, 5 N . "Laval Whim & Co. Nladt.on, `• Ulm & Morton. Bahlrere r i " 110Ft1 Framer, Coeinnai. 2 A hPKenzte, 11 N Kearney, Eaq, Banker. Zanesmlle, 0. Il hllMnald & Co, Wellmille,O. Reed, Park. tr. Co, Beaver, Pa, JW O n Erg, Wheeling, V. S NPClorkan & Co. t ri n g mrzh, A Alligheltree, $ 0016.61 n ..coag from Great Ilettaln and Ireland to New York and Pittsburgh. KR.SoNs wishing to engage pavarge fortheir friends r can sec ate convenable aceontroonattons dam low est rates on Loma of splendid racket :atop., cotter to the Cabin. Second Cobra, or theerage; lasting weekly iron, Liverpool, Glnsgow, Belfast. de., to New York. and the subseritxr wall .relic coodtherths tor those who recd eut a d stance, co ng •ny the above ports. • Tickets furnished which will brute oassertgers frau, Inverpootro Iltuslmstrht and utLthetr urrtval at N. Vora, they oral be forwarded immediately by 'Leech A. Co.'s Daily Ilan Line," thcrelty storing much trouble and expense. Grad trellis will also be engaged 16 and (ram Lives pool no toned the New 'York, and Boston Steamers. Refer to.kiesart. IL Leech fr. Co. Panther - eh. . AY 51. B. WIL—'ON o E 6 Ced. Pt, Neve York Walt obtainid on all the prweipalßankAln,l-:nglang„ Ireland and Sesnland, tire Mo. Tr...suable term, to:, mtno suit those wothlng to remit. ell Letters p. ; paid. nvIS Type Foundry. fi9..Galu earn. v. of ditn sheet, New York. , I , lllEsubtenWr is prepared to lumtsh band east Type 1. and Printer's Materials 01011 kinds, at short none and on reasonable terms.. . . Proprietors of newspapers, who here not edventacd for ilto .abscriber. who trey nubby!. this. notice for three menthe will he entitled to rreelve pay in type, neva chacung five times the amount of their WIN far adverib Ohl Type taken in exchange for new el 9 cents per lb. natal ROBERT TA Y LOH Lard On. lIE undersigned are now prepared to threi•lt their customers and the public generally. until an excel lent uncle of Lard Oil of their owrn manufacture, winch they Will sell on aceammostaung terms. Them Oil they mayhe to be as good as any offered in the imartet, and may he returned if not sansfactory. J /ORDAN k. SON IS liberty sh opposite smithgeld P. S.—Lard and Grease suitable for machmeiy, on hand; for dale above. ILIA.VINGI CREARlE—Ferrat's cream sapsnicoi Rouseil's sharing cow:ound; Ilaule's ruse and almond cream; Rall Gt S012 . :1 do doi Tailor's abavin compo d; un IVnght`e cote an g d almond cream; Etrieg's Liquid compound. These aagdard prepo ndionsfor shavinc may be had wholesale or moil of nett R E SELLERS, dr mood st MEDICAL; QEVERAL REASONS wn Y DR. LEI— DY'S SARSAPARILLA BL 0 0 D PILLS are becoming so universally popular First, Because they are prepared by Dr N ft Lei* dy himaelf, a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physi cian of Philadelphia; who knows the nature, the finality and character of the Medicines used in los pill. and their adaptation to disease. Second, Because the public can take them with greater confidence than moot other eilli which are prepared by persons ignorant both co methane and diseases. Third, Because 01 their coniiined elects, pniper; beer not contained in any other pills; namely, pang-- it tram the stoniach . and basic!. all unhealthy rub- Mance, and at the name tune purl() oil: the blood and fluids of the toady. Because they are the cheapest and hod medicine knowno—a single boo coning but th• rents, and contatuing 40 pills, saying to persons as many dollars nit times in Doctor's bills, and numerous medicines bought & tried on the rectsitmendation of other., JJI 4a • :WHOLE:" ME ADVICEI, Whenever you haveoccusinY ••• take any medi cine, do not be trifling ....or • - constitution by trying all kinds art pia. , . . an d you seo puali.hed nod memos. and another but take at ones Dr. Lddy's St f7parilki Blom), Pills nod you will not I,lou oeetteiellt to take .any thing • else. Thee will .. , /w. 's be foundgood in almo-t all mortal :1 th.nase, onabourif the atomach, boas C 1.,, Itsir and 11:1,,, Es; cramps of the stomach; colic, Watettirash. in ward ovens, foul breath, bad tusto m the mouth, Sour ...tattoos and acidity of the stomach, costivenis s and i cdtgeitson. want of appetite, billious aflecttons, diseases of the, spleen nod kidneys, &otos. tbc skin, scaly eruptiond, dry and watery pimples or blotches of the MCC auu body, teller, rash, prickle heat and salt rhnect, head audio, giddiness, leittness, pains ores the heart, ul the breast, sides, along the hack and spine, rheum• tism and gout, fevers id au kind., unroll poi, rano, zneasels, scrofula,erysipelas, and in short they are good in all diseases having their origin in the stoma, liver, and intestines, and impurity of the blood LlTsrenty.flve cents a Bor. Sold Wholesale -and Retail by B. A..Fabneatock & Co., corner of flat and Wood,. also corner of Sixth and Wood street., . sc 02:9 1 1114 JAYNE'S FAMILY 111/CDICINEts. LI It is oor prineiple in the manor/emelt tof this paper jto nouee nnything winch we hod out, from personal in. Iventgaeon, to be or ottrity - to the public. Some of Dr. ilitynels medicines we have toms! incur family for loony years. Pet instance the PA PEI:MIRAN 1 . , the CA R fiIIISIATIVII, and VERAIIPPRE, which we know to lc' gourd fos the coniplaints they profess to cure.. We 141 lre.. ke Ontario the past summer, when ..vveral of oars - Iling companions. from having, in Western 'New V drunk, for many days, the limestone water of that re . inn, were badly attacked with violent WU , flra, an Dysentery. Mr. U. bad provided blinselt, Jrrviens to /easing home, with - The Carminative of Dr 'Jayne," and us all eases of its use, among five gentle -0.1,41, it was fuceePoful in electing a .pertly emu. i 'flie Expectorant we have known used among ot intimate friends with equal success; and we feel tha u t is, shall no a good act tr.:families (especially thine 'w anted SO they cannot have access to immediate medics! ehtil,J to advise them to keep on hand both the Eipecto tont and Connioutive. The FApectorent is believed by good physics..ns to be the best recipe foe Pulmonary' Consumptive Complaint., that has ever yet been veto pounded. The reason is, Dr. Jayne IS not a quack, but a regular, scientific, and ableniedical piactihoorr him self. His medicines are used by the best physiciona EZRA HOLDEN Editor of the Phil. 2 4 0.0.1tti1y Courier ' For sale in Pittsburgh as the PERIN TEA r3TORF-72 Faunh at, near Wood, . ' Bp= ' - OR. JA YNE'S CAMIIINATI YR BALSAM I,' ROM the Rev ASA•SHINN, a well known and pop .I' altar Clergyman oldie Protestant Alethodiit Church • The undersigned basing been afflicted during Menton winter with a disease oldie stomach, sometimes pro• ducing great Min In the stomach (oven or twelve hours without intern:union, and after having tried various remedies with tilde effect . , was thrnished with a bottle of Dr DJayne'a Carrainauve Balsam. This he axed ac cording to the direction!, and found invariably tbst this medicare caused the pain to shale in three or four min amt, and in fifteen or twenty mimtes every un y sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wan af terwardse used whenever indications of the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed • lie volumed to Ilse the medicine every evening and sometimes lit the morning, and In a few weeks health was so far restored, th at the sufferer was :elle, ell from a large Ammon of oppressive pain. Fiqin en• piirience, therefore, he can confidently recommeed Or o!Jayne's Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medicine for diseases ofth e stomach Hid bowels. y A SIIINN For sale in Pittsburgh at th e P A PVN h' EA ci'' .4l ;l Ol l l ,. th. Fourth street,near {Wed, and also at the Drug Store of 11 P SCHWARTZ. Federal greet. Allegheny OVLBIONARY BALSAM. , / 1 hlewralteed & Coder—l feel it a duty I owe to my fellow creatures to mate domethng more respechne ,year Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. SILICC I first aced the Balsam: about eleven years ago, th e happy erect of which I then gave an aceottnt of, I have had several se sere wiroplauns and attacks at my lungs-one a few days since—th d in every instance I have used the Bal sam alone with complete and perfect success. It has effected relief profeme to a very few days. It is ter imply a safe ruedisine. Ido not know th at it will earn a lied consuespnen, btu I believe it will be in many 711 ''. 111 .. c i r ' ilro7e n , for 'tl'ut n d , P .171,`,'";-:17. i ..".` ',.' `.`, th .°V.,`ll: f . res able the are of th is Balsam. in all pulmonary co pia ht. lam conCdent mat it Las been the means of reserving my life to thus day. iIIINLIAMIR N.M.. ns ..1! in, ikt, 72%1 rl., ' I II A FAIINIISTOCIC A tllt., comi c r of Pc an{ Wood: also corner of 6th and Wood sin. ossnyl' $' CROFULA AM) SCROFULOUS • SWP:I.I. Il\US.—Serntula in all its multiplied forme rUmher in that of King's EMI, enlargements o th Weds or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Gnrom, rheumatism, Censer, diseases of the Skin or Spine rof Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from on, nd the same cause, which is a poisonous- lore or lean inherent in the human system. There ire, unless this principle can be destroyed, no ran 11 cure can be elected, but if the principle spot which the disease depends, 'is removed, a cure must of necessity follow, en matterunder what torn the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why.JaTta ALMATI VIE is soon vernally successful in removing so many maligns.. diseases. ft destroys the virus or principle Iron whieo those diseases.have their origin, by entering intolthe circulation, and with the blood is conveyer to the minutest fibre, removing every particle 01 disease from the system. Prepared and sold at no, t`South Third.Sfreet. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, no. 72 Fourth Pittabargh mch.3l YOU PUSILLANIMOUS SCOUNDNEL WUPSE natannces can equal . yours Look at yam • •A. Ydung wife, sank her bright sunny lacer Loak M poor own, pmed with eruptions and blotetirm! et yoa ate too mean an give hay cent. far a cake of the great Italian Chasid:kat Posy, which mould entirely flee yin (ma thew, and make your yellow. shin clear and healthy. Co atnnee MJackaoa's Worn, tai Liberty at Fatah matt, and get a cue. . N Jachtsma istbetyMy nitwit in rittabargh where the GM VINE is to boobtamerL' Beware of Osanter• UK. " •• ozOBBERVE the Big Boot viands's the doorray bIi6CELLP,.INEOES. PILES. DIriI . IOLDSBY , E, Pg. iitierral rem • cectuu .d,radical cure, w . hether uktertmj, erten. bleed.; or bliud,.u, fur irritation OS the kidney. and b:‘ , l der, ;alas in Cu Luck aud cur. epeu,, crup flout, A:4. • Females before aad after ena(raurnt arc ultra troubled with conespatioa of the tefivieli or et...taro, as sell 114 the pile. to all such ate, Ute Specific tau be ttliht with per feet safety. uuti ill 2 certain remedy. The Sririfie riot, purgative..l ie tut eutirely ergeteble remedy, wit:tout a per uric ofrenalin,e,eoloestaecor abree—peuaut to tale:tad pat) Petty harmless the most deltrete cues. • ' to certify that I know Dr. Ingolilsbyh. Pile tileviri.; to be a remain core and remedy. Hari og se, it. rgre' in wreral ewe', amongst my , ram I . ly curate in se-vet-11,m Ithaca and wren raw. fif the pits where it Made am co , cure ioarmy awe Nevi York, !it ay, 141: 31.4 Sitth unit, I cheerfully glee my teirtimony u to the certain and aiton ishing edeeti of Dr. fopildshy's Pile. Spe,Ge, as I know it from my cum ettericrice Otto olihriratcou, rohillible; having i•vit used with kUnt.. of Da", male and female. .:Yew Took, May, LADIE3' CFIRTIFICATF.S • Nw Yoh, May, M. Beale—Dear 112•• the e p homure to my lhlt., dl.a: 'your medicine, Dr. luso!dikes riles Slat eiLe, itte nude • ptr, feet cure in the cat, of my miter, and I now yon my tined that I have been iurprieed et it, tie eme in my op,. im pouible tiveure her. 'Hwever, I can ma to,li, to ihr Med- ICILIt as being iClibl and do aktie ell other. who um al; flit.d in the hke manner, in re the hretele, to they my depend on a G<11111.12 mire • • Ihines with rrspert. West Cheater, IV. Y., May 1.5, IM:.. Dr. larold,by—Dcar Sir—That , may benefit other, who ma Coos y be sneering, as well. to exprru my platitude. for the imullt I lured rnt cal frisat Ilse use of yottraaluabir I.romply with your regtiest,.d now do girt toy trot annoy in savor of t, Isavtng,betn currd of a srvert atmett s 1 the Piles after having othrr remedii• without •11[11,4. wstli revisrd Sold wholemb. and remit by Whl J.4l:h SON, at Isis rat rut Medicota ‘Varthouse, Mot Ilmv mid-Shoe store, No. Liberty street, head of Wood s Pittsburgh. Prim, per box ' Jan 14-..dly Uittrl:Allll3 PATIGVIT 11 - KUSTCI}: - A - D. ' • TIIIS Nu. Ultra uninovemen ha...pon• been 111 We 1600: tr. 0,1 t). aa.l wherrver kaa,,,,retertrit to all nth, itend..teml.. For theopy, ..ttenelli and coovemenee it, MI nod romuot be utiU2lied; fin it I• dtrl.,,friy the hiv eheope.t and ton.l conyery,i,tltll.:ll,tetai m tt,e, and per. levity moo( asalllPt 110 g.: The protein:ll Cainnet makers and Tartlet, in /Cie- Chen} , and in Ihttsburgh. ave +centred It eh,. to tnanuntenti . c and the arto.le A^. there Me u mete. and toopptleyr noitoton. in the mat Let..,,eh• •ern would do well In examine it.. rai, I t plat. , on wiloeb in the genuine 01,10 — the natne or nn dee pmet.ze... F.. F.l3•2l..lo.l..l`llovarnildy en, A.n proot - of :dint .t Is ela;med for C,Tatn'. Ilethleads, the follow., re rldi rate from Calonel maker.. well known to I . ..hutch and We We.t, In submitted 0, ihe rythhe, We, the attl...eribern. prarnent cabinet m , lirot and nedstead tnanaaetur•r4 of the 1100. of Ihttnlottgli and Allegheny, 1 . n., do hereby eerttly flint ere hare bought the reght to Manufacture bedstead. will, Gor r , i.rot.. ent Faqettotp. and enn,lder the ' , .arne Forma. on :.tIY fastr•aio.. 0•1111 CV hiC b WO are hen Ramo, Jame. Lemon John rtl't;rew ITIt Yonng C linhert Fatrlnan IT R 'Hartley Jame, II Harr 'John Liggett, Jr. Jos. Lowry k Soh Lowrie tr. atlon Hold', k Drear.ad 'hem ride, D Nei 1.0 et Rwn,y S M'Cletland ?annex thirmek lEZEZEZI WEIMI J. W Woodwril amtJ :rM np.er. Naves tie Lan, tVm IlEvilrtt . , For RiAht., o Make ,nul sell the above Betl,eads apply to I.;IIENEZER F CiAZZA.3I. • AG.ENCV FOR PATENTS. 'Vas/zinglon, D. C. • ZF,NAt‘ C. Meellunical Fatiineer and Agent for procuring Patents, will prepare the ne m cessary Drawaa and' Mama for Appheatits for Pat andn, transact all otins husineni at the lure of his profession at the l'atent Odle, Ile can lie consulted on all question. relating to the Patent Laws and ttra, crone in the Vetted :hates or Europe. Pe sopa at a durance desirous of havtua exammtmons made, at the Patent °Mee. prior to making applicanon for Patent, may forward [port pan!. encluimg a Inc of five dhltarr, a cleat - statement of the, cave, when immediate atten tion wall tie given to It. and ull the information dint couhl Lec h:tutted by a visit al the applicant In promptly co:mm.l4:4rd. All letters on La cues. unit he post paid, and coht4ol a .11.2b/e I'm where a written op ion AS rnotired, Odice on P. street. oppoade the Patem Office. Ile has the honer of referring, lay permunion. to . lion. Edmund Burke, Catanno.:oner of Yawata; lioth U L Ellsworth. Ice ea, do de; li Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Cranch, Wasl,ozon. C, lion. ft Chnate, Niusathu.em, V Senate; lion. W Allen, Oh, lion. J 11 Llowlin,lll C, 3 , ll,rwori; lion. Nen. York - , lion. Robon Smith, Hi,. Eon. S Errc•e, U F•Sorare; lion. J If Rel , e, AI C. :11,scour Capt. 11 ill Shreve. livmni Erusto• Ernott, Eni:. l'ato.,unth. forinre—swlde on the mom approved I.w.ttro plan. andll..t fakblonnble Ptif nod rolnra. A rue d ll.4l . ROW, or 11, r oN 0 1 , 1 N I) , b, J or mak. nitler of slim,. awl 11:sprIcerf Country Sicrchante and att.,. arc invited IWO I J eraawne the above 144 tikOarl a• all win be • o reNo.-sle or re Lad. and a - Nowa! &Amnon 311,7 o wl,o.r•al, pow - Lain, : A 'V V.,riltVEL'T AI , Ik:4IICAN Alt'r-IN LON E I . NUW YORE. Ameti^nn An.rnort iv:coolly - waled rot t*, J. prantot.. or F 0... Arlo in the Untied Stet, 1,01 sabocooor of Fire 1.1020ra i! a Molot.or for one yoor Tim fund, urn applied: lot, to the pt....faction of Janie and racly enoralongt of which overy no.rtit.or roor,o, a top.: and nen, in tio parrhase ...moot] Pa.n,no% and other work* or nrt. Oy• native or relodont artt.o., Wive, are di,ruoned, by lot “L. 11.1 me zeinur: z. Last year wrr., y.. 3, theyw.:zmore .roop 2.114 , val.,.lc—more M. arc .I'rf ,d:.:1 011 .rte w .1 be medals cp; , V 3..1.3z or. A 114- , now :110 ta-ollwr rurc., 101 , , Fl3l.lb.at ant? 1:.r4- ~a~n: and•t ,yt./1...11., ur,t,rrlg. d hovzil4 oppo Itoncoar, v. for P..i.,rurgb rind v in,l re cv:ve ..ort.venrtronv. Tr.a.r w ! Avag zo I.cenaa , t.Ol (urtrn thr nt ty do.og :14 won a+ may 1,, et.ttven,nt. S CALDIV " 3rd ...red. niop,;:, Pr. Vom • G / NE:41101i nvtf . 'rot rron.t Ca, It I'LltIA L. IV I: I r.. 1 I . —Ft . olo tv K floden. ..1 Clcrk of the Coutt Qom,' ion.. of Reur, roomy Mt, 11. KSome Cane hi tf, - rioter nor Tlvtc wai vnivl and hr ring of your verc toy.l outrun vd a Ivrt, front S T. Trout le, l q , en and nits lithing a portion of It Iv" or goe% I yrn:ag• nr going to hell, she Wood tutor-dime end. have 1...e•ure1.“,,1 reViVe notrol I ant there• tole putlolied that ti a ...Mr mei valloa.fe unc.l•eton, nml would MCIMIO,II , I to in who ni3V t, ...v.lll Irsere rought :god ruld, K Alurelt I-I . • • 'rise Syrup i• rut ?serril that mai Lr bought by Mr proir a. iv... 1 ilernrL Prrpariallal].l .4a1,1 bi It F. t; wocil err, 1.n 7 al, rale I) Dr, lln,r I. r,ll/ awl 1) 74 ; 'wry, iity HOPS—Fur :al a r 1,41ra We•ir rti .pa l• to Al, kla.la, I ., ,irrn :sr 1 . , early pir yrar7a gr.vll, Prime 0:1:o do. Belmont county. The gentrul Eastern mop of Btu Acuson is now Leine received. Brewers andothcra using Bop, will hod much to thuir advantage to obtain tlonr suppip irn MI unslned4 as tile) mead to Atli [Moog:mot Weer.non at Now I'm. priecs. bill. o • .Puneurgis Bfeerry. • I MAGIC if:ILAN! VIC, SOAP — For reeno: J. vingGrejue .porn, siam., or larks from elcdin, tVoollcno r Cierpco, &c.. and rsodenn, Ipatt Where ppned el car, br/ght7ncsv. 'end npmlroo, ' Sold ww. 11111 d, reenono. Prtc. , is er nu n enkt. . . • . ,WM.JACK`. 4 ON, e 9 Liberty, orcri, br.,l J, ats i Ltoot and Shoe morc, •Tn of it, 13 Atturnr;h Legislature, r,or ' such alteranon of II:CU . Chntter us win gtve Wen" ,llanking privilege., or , t cipedlenl. will oak to ho Incorporated as a tern BAnk. Lip order of board Irtreenoru. le2o:lnsv6m TllllNll!Stiti BELL. t'a.liter 'giro Vin 'PATTkLiLIIIS'POIt SA LK Ithister, Pattern Maker, Mir chnly cttyl.l hog the ne•tecti patterns for Stoves to baud roll., to wood or iron. Mill Gearing and all' paverno.t.oade to order. aollnc PHILAPA. ADVERTISEMENTS - • . NASItIY/4113 PATENT DIRE•CT.ACTION STEANI HAMMER. Lir Ilan hter4 utsltscnl: s nvrr all er,o,wi ; h L ,l Ire Alanagettblene-Theramddity and far( blow may be controlled with dic greatest mod, whdc lite hamtnet is in operation. and Mr hammer may in in armor:dia.! suspended at arty height. Its Universality, or capacity to execute wark of all kinds. Wan the largest to the •mt,l.,t. imddr the some tamale,. Its Simplicity, Compagniers and Cleanness Its Aceembiloyupon all mite, b.. Ike work Inen: All thehamnirrs are triode SelfrAettne. The subscribers continue tcant_ ate tdders ter iht,te hammers, or alt Axes. upon reasonable terms. -For further partieulars, inquire of MERRICK a. TrOVNE, .AasignceS of the Patent truths United States. lecl6-11, Otiuthwark flacdry, Plated's. „ • IDEKRY 6c NICKERSON, • AtanuPtodurert of AWNINGS, SACKING INITIO9B, ACON COVERS AND GRAIN IrAIiS . OF ALI. DC/tIPTIONS No. 3141 South Proof. Street, Back . of 7 A. Nl,ron's Cabind Wire Muyesfy PHILADELPHIA. AL with S S. MOOll ache care oche L If I 1 ; 11.1ellui . ch: will be prosolfll atteng7t cb'n" n. Tllf/ht DERItY ..,..o . PLIS.4Iv A. C. NICKFIFISIITII ' CAILICIAGIdS. 51.7f.L.1.111.1 OOLE, CO.l CI I af,YD „di - 11.1.1LVE.59 •n, PAandaphio, tale of the Arm of Odle ,c• v.ta..t:s Wos seem:orally informs hi, friends and aloe pohbe, Inks he has and will keep ronetantly on hand , and far sole, a handsome amortusesel of +Atonable Caeriadee, Vehteles of all style* and de - script... made to orders° the shorted pomade mdse.., and eeeeood he Ter; holt mamma . , of eeketed materod febakly FURS': FURS!: FORS::: 'ndelphn,ofld ,n want Or I AM'Y ”T:iul4; Siva uon 4,111 !want enrchas Gad it to them advaritade and hustka, Al) o rd ers recmaed eholl be Ilothfo.ly mtended In at No In NOlth Thud et, above Arch, 110 , 0..11.11in. JAMES fixisgy Oz7-noffaln finhee Alamo/ems heed PASCA JICON m KST, - PHILADELPHIA. Welded Wroargist drss PI nes. VITAIILIi for Loennunove.3lnrieoe.ated otb. e.sim Rnaine Boilers, Rant!! In 5 inchrr flhoneter., N., for Our. Swam end ollmpurlpronee Tube for•Hydrenlic Pretere, Inflow rmon•exit. for Pumps of Strafe Engtece. hc. Manufactured and for sale by MORRIS, TASRER & MORRIS, Watetrauao 8. E. earner Third and Walnut street 2'77' DR. iHoWNSEND7 SA .. RSAPARILLA .. extruhrdthary tllettithrte itt the Work rt,„ ~,,,„, m pot up in genet bolt,: it ti sit axes clumi. t, p rwomirr anti v.anintril superior to n aoLsold. h corm damn witlimit . (onotnim, pursing, o s w or d o biliMting ' tbsp.. _sits ' , GREAT APRIAG AND SURLIER IiEDICINE TI r grant [Aunty and supotiority of this Sarsaparilla mar all on Alrilicnis is, I,llllst if Eradicates Disease it Intisor, atm the Ludy. It it one of the eery het SPRING AND SCA 1118.1 b AIEVICINk:.,S rice lm no, it not owly porific the whom .)Dem sod stmosiliens Um person but it emotri Nem Pt". Imd fort nen.d , a 1.w ,, Pow-abed by fin ••mr stlm And in this heaths stand secret of as w dello oni 'd li... ". lt ha. littLirsnod within he tw years " i re l thatit'fillfill cures of Severn Coon of Di..., ; ° at leas;',:7oo of 0 wor re muoadered intorshle ,More 0.0, J4to cos, of Chronic Itheminattsm ; .lAlli awes of Dyspepsia. 41.1,1 tile. of General Debility and Want of flow i 4111 mass of ahtfrimit FrinkleComplainni; Ifilifiti rams of arena ; I INIM sum of Om Liver Complaint , • , ; ....• iit Ili. or of We iisdney and Drops, ' ~, w ~..,,,,.. of Coomumpoora. kii.l '1,...70,ih tft maw* of Lnooss of the Mood, wii: l l.llerrs, Lep Al.aly t.ll itht LIM. Pitripiet 01l the Ince, 1.e., An. T0.,,,firl 0,,,, uumerous c. 0.., of Sick Headache, Cain m the side a el Cll., Oncost A u'., ton., hr., Sr. , Illy we am...mists, lillift appsar incredible, hot we have Ist... mom plichiciaus wid our sgrial• from all inirts of tiir Llniirid ,iair., tukirming u ~, ~, trourdmary cute.. D. Van, Dusk k, kw,. o w 4.1 tlis moo respromhir druggist. in New. ark, N. J., mfoisnAiis that he can irk. to mem Man Ifillcu-: 1 ses in hat plume. alotir. Three are thiiumlids of ruses in the. City .f Next York, 'which we 0111 refer to with plra.unk and t i men of character. 11 it the belt bacalicitue 1, - . We , l'irytti,.. ol dire..., known. It infifinitnedly s•stil Ur Ins,. .1 no r ilith ".. .s,i ltstni tAntarx i i ,T 5.11 . /00,1i As I mooned thr cso w w tif disea .. se, and pi spared them Gi,,. Ihr 1 , miturr ...wow 'C• , .0. AN U Nl ' o n jusi ° 81t7talir.".rtste°1Jrriir'IrktNr•Tts Noses,: mid iambs, of the New Jemey Legislature, has kindly no I . mi, Del Ifillouriug ermilicatr. It w i lt i , 1ii w 0 4 • 4 11 .., 0 4,, ,ir . y 0.„, 1,47. A )il.ai Our+ I was taken with the Ingurima, and zny whole .).I.iii len it, a drhilit•ted wane. 1 wk. induccd to try Ur. Toetufend's Samalwrills, and Digit:skins two or Dins bot Dm, I ;was trey much 'rimmed, and' itt.ibule it entirely intim maid Abre•parilla, IWs eiwitinood taking it tad find that 1 imprlmis everyday. I beLave it aired my life, Rod would r asly emidarat U. W. /1a.., bit U.N. N. Slcsont.• Costs. sertifirst, roarhsoVely ppm, lllaithi• San:spar:ll Get coutrol over Om moll ol..lisatc dllelyta of th '111fr• one hoax tutproLvdrstrz) nimEr Gunt.neex. ownstmv—Urge Sir:l hove Ile pl.arr to info... I levr amy child r e v have be... curt.. of Sem. Um oar of your rxrellrut mrshe.or. .41fry II r.ry ....re), rd... bad pore.. faur took ll,eseb awl, velltelt I feel ',spell under dlyativm Yuva , norbelful luaa ly, . lAA in,105 Woo., st, York, Mud, I, lIKI. ; (MEAT FENIALIL lINDICIPIY T Dr. ownsend's :Wieser:mile is • sure and rperdy rum nee nominent lorasumption, Barremesa, Leturorrbm,or Wint e r, obus-red or ditTrult Alen:Armm U. luemisnuenee or Va .- s, or ortolimmry Jr-charge thereof, and for the g ees end prlntratiou of tir q;tcm—.o melte, whether the result ol • tub+, nnt canwoor mussy prntlated by rrygularily, alums • mela Noilloic in ran be inhm surprising than im imimmung eC. ' frets od the human reams,' Peowns, all weakness md Imo tole, nein, mknig it, at wrote became robust Led Milo( emery ooh, to indumwo It tirmssilietely mementos. the mite . I -whew of the female [mine, which is the greet cause of bar! rem.. It w;..1 not be mitected of us, ih casts of a° delicate • na il tare, t exhibit certificate of curse performed, but ore cm ems, t m aill icted, that hre undd• of cases hate been reported , to ur. teem' caws where litertilies Isnelwen -Without child ren, aft r using a Cow bottles of this menlinible medicine hare LeSci bloat with health y offlrriog. , 11, Torcustorir Tly fe being greedy distressed by wtMetis md gmerl debility, mad wafering eohuritrally wooand • somas= of Leering dawn, telling of the had with other ditficultim, md besot known imam Mitre 'Mr medicine has effected greet mires; tad elm hear im it rekommeuded for such commas I hare desenbed,lobtain- ad • bottle of your Extract of j ab tad followed the dnehtions you Bare me Ite • short ywrk.l it yen:weed her codiplamte arid restored her health. Whig graleful for We benr.ite Me hes-coed, I hako pleasure io thus acknowledg mg it, atid recommending it the public. :IL I/. Moo., Albmy, km.l7, Inti. Cor of lirand met Lydim sm. .6orescem, Err, M n , 1154.1. Dr Tornarnoel: To whom this may ommet—This is to certify Mat trey wife need one Irottle'of your Senaportle previa. to her monument molt, 4.he cum alarnamg delicate mremastrumm, being troubled with Me dropsy, steel. ling of Me feet, nervous tuTectiame, end vex, much debihm teal , with my prsuasion, and the recommcndatmo of tlume who had wed i, slas a m, induced to My With ht or 110 Guth, end suffice it to ar,"the o f homy and dreamt elltect,not only ill the hours of noninement, but eller • tho espitetion of am week of its um the dropsy end erem arctic= gem tray to e h utouirl Jr` re, ond bet hultb now better than it ad been .o • long time do y ht. th l.:tc ,... 12f any tom, to you or any oo* who f tho usaitcOa, you on sutrtrly to It. I satracreall crpcif Jour aunt obaieat bd oblirytr• twat 6 6 JAI.. TO SIOTIt ELLS AND htAItRIELI LADIES. T.... Fluract el hitrulurilhL hu turn rarrruly tottorld't to ref...core ht fru:ale rompLatrOt. No lienalc who hub rrui to. to torprun riot tratproactoust Out trottal peon!, t• not turn or tt/L . 'nbontd orglert to tabr it, as it • certain prryruttre uy Om wnt-root atol huo ttivottrot at. It hit... are utbyret at that uton er Itr.. ode au, he Utah,' tor met rral ,car. by out, thornudtrior Shr I or t thi., •ho nrt. apt.ri+ol.toz hootanto.d, so otowl isottutt .vocktroht, tbr blood I .1.1 tot 14oratto, tt tt.to trulo Ulf U.• 41- orb •ur ..1 .lettrbte .I.nutrs uhtelt I,u:oh tor. It brave. .We vyalen rata,. parmaaenill Ile Al 4. rAi by PrEttl. tn; the icaretaus or the hady , ...1101 lar .taulair, the 5)...m u. prodera a eubatylaent layaiam, whleh t. the e.< taltau kr Tamale 'teak time bud el”reae raki,; Ilgetil 11113, Tun who holt p,.. nonfat glen, 4ollejon, ill:ere:lw ow 0.0 for, co4l. eke., or In.ok kr, nod an “Gla of Artfili,. A In.lo. two ,11k Towne...on fortrainnlik. re.ll Oran, f. woos Oro !rockier Ayad I' S. •Ild F i+r run olotoosno. roorllng or, foto troll% on.l torunfol urnrtmt.....— or, sue of ontnouw. vu. tu noeurr,, rmi . , . 3 No Soul or usedosl etgr bet. disronrrect ,toch Do rsrl) rormtors gubc Imor wo.• eu dicionpoom; ;food mot otztopl.e Ln; Om 4,(21 . 1,1, as ciki, peepa, noon of AA AAA Alleme,Nluy Dr Toter. , lute. then almted fur trveral .1 yea. hut, dy, rata it, 8,, aural fa rm. attehthl vrith he, me. of ohume, luu ems-tie Imuthurs.,•,,,l vgat kerma., to .1: km as lee!, mut I,f heek. 04/.1 duuld ut,, I hue taro undid. tu rehtua but • haftll petua uu my imam,. I tried uhml trlakcii/e3, but they hed hm la..- m• ram it, renuuu , gtumihuh I ha doted.. 21... tat 11 . 1.1 a, ekl4, Ikk 1 'the Et maet 1•tr01m,,,,d I ....l uoh lath. e.t.a!, ids, but Alnr using , .rly two Lik.ll,. I i.mud apiertsie reothred, nod the leartburu ueuvvrely ammed. Wad / kO l llll.ll ednehly . eyed mend they ht it m ihue who hue lard sill ctrl m I Ibut ‘V. V., Zanier Stalr I viand* Ar.NItI.ST d NIIII.ACLE • • thead the fullur, lug, and duuth if 18u huh that huntump two a wohabuyt roc•ti, I lop uouty hue of the urteralh , mdred , ~ tl,vt - T•hvituthlh, Sueihett L by cure', ill Tommie,(--Dear SM. takeu. a litlk veer e.e ago, dt, a severe and potin in my' ault in. created hn elm ref) tut, mdeval I villa pronounced by iMy em.. iu thor me gum), enll.kkllikelilti tvithd !doge gum, O a , bud matter, had neght sheath, and viaklng vary I.vat: my doctor mut he could du vadlnng i•d• me I wud duo the h.nlumllu he, ut being Lenefitted,but o roar.. ed /htne av lucurable I was sine greatly eta:grated at the thugs and could hardly theathe , I bk/kkil t.kl.r.alC eubmial and expected to di, ha. uddimul 11, 17 bed. and rain, obi l,ave wauchue indeed I tammt ger you any drenipti.m non do just., to my h•vm I ha. suppmed by my hermit tu la put recovery , I had Mud ;mai number of 1et11,111., unJ scored lk.k to pufwar I ermluf throe mu, et tr uth. .I•ArOar, 1111.2 herthrmht by 3r turdicine, and id tell vu Muth, I euspeeird Mem nut,e humbug in them. but vras tu My 11, I iltd mul • vet, &Lava ful I dui Ica mbet uty that lam rut/rely well, but um au lir re•••vhhel m tote Amid, my buvenevv, k i d hope le Le rutme. I) hell In a few .ream. My matgl, and put, iu the yule, du4 tught sheets have kit mB-, and 11111 Tr, little. bunt arn Cut gallllll, ulual strength. I felt it • duty to give phi vtaormem 11l my ewe, poblult yuu plume, leteut Unhurt, 47 hulk at, I. l rmdtlyn. Opinions of Physicians. Dr Turrushecul le almmt daily remuriug °niers from FM,: mem. lo MEI - recut ivutr uf the Datum Thu it to certif, that me, the hodersigurd, Phyoiriam of the Daly or Altarly, have m uumcrum prearribrd Dr. Torun-adv. Smuquellla,:and behme it tube our et the mutt valuable ineparatuau of the Samar...DU iu the market. II P Pruaa , x u, K It II Albany, April I, I' El.. mime. KO. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, practicing Thom..deli Physical. of We City of Albay, hate fnequent ly preteribed Ur TonastraPs Coropoliod Eatraer,of Satz& stein., and from to. known qualities, would recommend kJ` tht roadie Cr mercurial, crofulotio,sel °there near:Leona wo eses, us preference to any or the advertised remedies inuct, • A W Ilertaard.,T r, Albany April 2, hell. Wm 11 STANTIII, T r. Priaespaliaher, 14 Fulton sr, SUP N 1'; fled ,ding Co State st Boston' Dr Divot 4. hon., Ltd. N Sec ond st S natter, druggiat, Ilallimore; and by , principal drugguts generally throughout the United Shdrif, West Indies end the Canada s Nous g.miticondess put op in the large square bottles, which contain a quart mid 5ip..1 . 051, Ulf written signature of S P TO lVfisEN U,and hisnarne blown oat the Wilts. From the New hark Daily Etpress7of April A peen, thiog.appeared so the •treete yesterela7. It WU 11. e thernet', cab, or Sarrapartlla Keret.. of Ur foot - wend. The whole thing it got up ni good taste : same of the orna mental Iltidtrao,6,l3ilill4gllaft betutifu winch, together with the scroll work, o gold, glisteuing the pun, made a shim rarely etroalltd Lletradway. We lake Oats uppurttmity ray vie behest). tatieet of the Sarsaparilla deserver the r. ry great pep. arity st has acquired. Nervous Debility. Pion YSI arch 97 Dr. Townsend ;—I hare been afflicteolm,d 31/111',or leer for 3 viol . , f . O si p f i ti brought doubt ey the continual heat and cold to which lam , subject to to my holiness ao • dyer. !hare taken other medicines, too ousacrous to meotion, but with little or no wir ers+. was induced by what I saw in the paper to try. bottle' sincer Sanoparilbs, frOm whiell I Mond great relief. I hays taken several more bottle., and I . C l .ll.licsitatingly tay it is the best medicine 1 hate ever Wien—the pun tic chest n gone, .d l•feel quite • differcut man alustrether shirr y Inn taken your SsosparilLa 1 haws now. Inner appetstc than ever! hod. My wtfe hos taken it with the sane belief,. .ctal revolts I would reeousseed .1 as • tonily ,medieine generally, mid I feel conviuced that if so tint! there would not half the tickness there is, and consequently not many ' Doctor'. bills, for while it restores appetite, it also gins to the illoonseb .d bowel their leg War Dent it keep. the blood so • healthy state,. that disco. is not solikely attak the try And ladshiliose sibs, an not o a healthy r oay try Dr Townsend', Sarsaparilla. rt 10,11 •11KTri!, 71) Offen st. Canker In the in slat h. &low an atom :11a another child ...I'M Dr Toomscndh. Sorscoorilla hat sawed the lives oTth•u c oid s c o Th ce e ivail iluovrnning ee cersoficate is selScted frost, • great nunaser rek.. New VOR, 15,17. Pr Tnwatervii Dear eir—One of any el X eitilren er as sor, rick with the Cancer in the moutli and throat. attended wi d e gent k ease near Aiddb I obtained wine of your eerelleut tureit raetly, for' titch ran 'mitre you I kid sera }our. reapeetfully, kidaserrn y Fowl., ill Desbr.neos st. F or rata E Noril: cod A, between and 41h eta, who has been app,,,,,t a d by Dr TOWNSEND sots Agent [or Allegheny : go. jiand.liwlyr . „ Husband's Criebrated Fluid Ilaunesia. rymlu.s it a mild safe aid e legant anti arid and aperient: be :l Lig a perfect dolutio a chemically . punt carbonate of 1a yanaresto lite raedseal,ipialine r 011ie Guest pre• parationa of Magni:eta. wahout !temp lublo tit form conere 110119 in the I.etwele,or to act itijuriondy npon the Melo(' the elonoteh Ole table epounfolof the Fluid blarlinia ;senior Went is strength Olin:fa teatpirinful of Stapes's. Foe rile by A EMINEbbTOCK A. CO, rorner ill and Woo. and Wood and Ma • -- • Ur. MrLane's Worm SperUll. " IA Q 3 certify that, l.}' taY mg nhe awl of Ilorior I ,lll Mol.nne's Worm I. 4 per.fir, a 010 W of Jame, Shaw's .mward.. of 70 worm., aml by Mr u•r 11:,110 inn 0111110 f MY own 14 lora. worm,— r• truly the mniti rurproong worm Medirine I veer •crn. 1111.164,e Iwo ex, vials. lV 51 GILMI)R,: WilkioiTownolai? Fo t r .. r . olo Ly J k C., No S. Wood metttolat,.. 110TELk.__ FOONTATS HOTEL, LIGHT STREET, RAILTJMORE, FOGG k THURSTON; Prokietors• Istfi nod widely kntrin ar Itetne °tie of lite 'awn connoodows in lie city of Ittlitonote, hap recently undergone eery extentrere :literati°. and Improvements. An enure] new mail, has been molded, zurannung nomeroas and eery sleeping apneunctue, and extemiee homing rooms. , The Ladica'departincnctias atm been completely re olnnixed and fined up in it moat unique and twautirul sty le. In, fact the whole aerandemencof the (look has been reniodeled, with a single eye on the - )lam of the proprielors upward, the conyfort.and pleaause of their Utwais, and which they ccinfidently eaten will chal lenge comparison with nnyi hotel Mille Union: Theii little will always t he aupplii , d with every anly manna; and luxury which.the ntattelalfoida: nerved up . .uperior style, while: in the Way of Winea, they will not be FOrpatwil.; . . In fOltelu I ion the gropriethrt beg to nag, that nothing erld he left undone on their 'port, and un the part of their r‘Kistantl, to thro ,Ilotel worthy the continued mtmnnge Of qaci frtendn phd th e publle gene:ally. IThe prince for cold been also been reduced to the olleolng oaths:— Ladd , Ordatary,• •• •• • .61 75 per dor: Gentlemene u •.. .. 50 N 11.—The Baggage Wigaon of the *louse will al ways he found at the Carand Steamboat Landings, whirliadl convey baggaidto and from the Hotel, tree of shame. : i mydlif L) EARL STREET Cllnelnnatl, OHlO—Thebseribeill having purchased the en ure interesrof Co su l. 0 r Williummin, late of this well known establishment. beg leave In emit to their friends and rile public generally, Him they have taken silts commodious Hotel for term of years and wilt exert their bent energies to mak ed a desirable home for Trav ellers nod Boarder.. The lloterie spacious and admlrably planned for min evident', Light and air, hivin a number of parlors add:ening chambers, preseniing unusual ,XlirliCllouS The present proprietors hiving had the!experienee of Years in this city no elsewhere, harm they will be able to give general reinfection; being determined to give undivided attention to the bduse alone. Thelocauna of the Pearl Street !louse n uneoLanonly eligible, having Donis on Prbri, Walnut and Third.ia, so that It is equally desirable in view of the conveni ence of business men o r retirement for dn...e boarders. k rear by MC Bunks, the Post Office, the hlnsoure Fellows Ilea, and burette Stirlen, distant from Main nrcet and two squarer from the chi - . Wharf, thus oncreig the greatest inducer:limos, especially to country neb-rehants and generally to all persons visiting Cumin. et. ' I JOIIN NOBLE inch 27 JOHN A D 11131.1.: 't JONICIP 110TICL. . ern. Prabanxbedut. eutwerthers, under Mb firm of Iltundes k Weer, bare purchased Mr. Jonda'reterest in tills establish ment, nod hope by the 'lnman attervion to [Le wants mid condone adieu' pe., lo merit a conumance of 'Mpr e lend parronage hendndire. received by it. former odriee 'I he house Lae been thorouibly renovated, and repair ed; we therefore. feel assured we con welcome our f, tends and the public to accommodations equal to any In the city of Philadelphia. N W BRIDGES . , " LNG WEST. Sloth A Corner. Molsx andWe a tt. , Clochensth plus establishment Is no* in the best order inn die .1 reception rit the Traveling Path, Having under- VIII. a thorough repair, dorttue the past wailer, and having the most experienced Weil in the weal, in the deparnitentic, I flatter myself that all will be 'plea/did who roll. The location cenwil, commodious add pleased,' Fare SI per day. Cineinnati, March EL 1P47, W MARII N. IL—Although not exactly a new Broom, it is the some—u nevi Must on the old handle. opal( 211 1 4DIFION lIOTELr MADISON, INDIANA. loniteanhii.hed house, respert -1 fully oil n huserTrees la [beeline]. of Pittsburgh, and will exec{ honed( to tender condonable all who 'Mar favor him with their company. This point Which has long been a favorite one with the Pi - ovation' Do .leis or Pittsburgh, will, the corning searon,.premit • larger field for ilteir operations than 'heretofore.. from the completion of the Rail Road to Indianapolis, 30 miles farther inhathe hog raising region. spEredSra D FITZHUGH, Proprietor : TILLIOCKMORTONIS GALT UOVS.U, Lon',tripe, Ky. ' 3 l n f i ri ', 72. l. l l ll4 ° l C lie K ° Tg ß a i ntle N ese " e P 2f ° ge " Z i l t t4 11 , 0 USE, Lonle - Elc. 'he Napes in meet en no old friende, assuring_lhela and the public, that no non `bell be 'P.M] to make ill controllable who favor horn with th.ete pawnor. • • joulldly AMERICAN HOTEL, Oppatite.the Itaif rt.,/ Depot, Pratt at, Balt. lIENItY 211 . AMITIII. Proterletor. Atm of the ehange,and S. Charles ! MEDICAL. jjll 113ERTIS CIFIENIC A L W 11l ITING HI FLUID —ln ittlic.ltug the patronage of the public far nil crock, it is but right and proper th, al Fa raerite. snitch the clam fur - support Is based should be fully and &it' ly eet booth and el. mine guaraa tees be given that We cum munity .11 not be imp.. up. by wing . In the first place n u well knmen Met the generality of %deck Inks" arlOdeipand of a prec . pitate, held together U. gum Arabi and when Me water entire in addle or part or the gum ,Imo precipitate an left as • pasty masa to the pea or an k.tuud which nOita ins it It is also comm. to add vinegar tei the!lnk an sture . make it twee Mild, whoh incre. the era hy wt., on the pen, if a wed., 1 torrelteg it 0..0 iwineey Mort taut New thew Wei. her /Aunt" Macre fnutllfies• weenier, in every reaped,. I It t, ~ d,ru.r.,,1 1,.-,a im:riqui tn rg ho rod matter re kohl 11 hmether,rienCire wid oder gerthick, and btu% errs thud 4..arge tcuaullty lltivrs firm ti. pre intern gro. apace Lactic. • ti., 4 dryer into the . fibre of ,t, paper maktng • 00r p e oc. ennead ne boa. easily mond by ettrimenlitan ifs as s , on y pledered ma the ital.., It ner cuntaiminomattee that has . affinity Co istetd..nart, thenfore will out eorreef s ilst•l p 1.0.-11 will not lINUTd. d althou,h it untie of a 41... h green tutor %elm a! to Po Lun aZ n n known a loop black wh.ck *ll.unit/re no aa. It ts warranted rip er. to the floe, aide w loran by the wren. of . leoe,d'e %Vetting 1 Flulfl," and mu—then! aw mire.far the am< prod.. As e eue.asttee uguind flue of atty kmd being ultemptud the aill.wrior rerimomendstmos era race, as all wort ti, sinee, that the num, Jun ono Mittel n e t bare beet. ob. to tod by any 1111.141 fir an unworthy puma.. c recommend t• Ilibberet Chemical Writlet Fluid" the paicatage of the pudlic,esa lira rate arttcle. to al era lett, zt flow. Ore ILL the pen without clogging it up and la the cuune of a few hoed, bccoakuta deep br.glit black. B k Salop+® h Cu. %Vick and .NlcCaadltat Robert !Boort I John Parker, Wet I,ipt:iocmt h. Soo ti Wighttade [Fru,. sellers C A IcAttelly h Co. • km by by Wallace, /malt. Ito Mew Mills, Aug 01,1E41. klr Thor K.llibber.—lleal S.: 1 have been wing your Chemical We.log Kiwi, and find it • lied rue crcreek e. kw Ilre•thn„ .t thwee freely icrom the pro and becomes j., black A few houer. • Y.wn fee, ea- T 11 TUTTLE. AAA-keeper for 131ue 14 he Sem pl e . hbu's, Au g 2A. •• , Mr T K Ilibbert—llrar Sir B om alm, rg pastured bo lS a E leo yoor lA . ritiog Shad, mom* thret seeks •go, troomoler it IY 'quo/ if Impertor .Acooldlt or gal Aber ask now to n, I know of. RespectfuLy, STRIVART, Book-keeper for Arthur Pilch/11mo* Bo Pittsburgh, Sept ILIAC'. I MrT K Bibbed—Do. Str I am uslog your Chemical Writing I lout, ~J fool a to be a most resale. ankle for atrel ie.... 1. elag them liplike the generality of other mks, d her and treumemm deep blaek it a . hours. a Yours, Remprelfully. WILLIAM CARR, Book.kreper foe-lobo Parker. Prepared and .Id Wltobrale by Thom. K Hibbs-el, Druggist and Chemist; outlier of Ldberty Imd Suallaieb/ street, Pat,tieugh, pa Orartalio • ••• - • slikll.lllAN'9 TOOTH PAISTIG. a ettlatieln Vane Wring fruin hem Artiule knOWII for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, elrengthellint the gums, sweeten:4lll.e breath, hr. It .hould ti.rd every night wan 'u .d 1,n1.11, and the'lectli and 'down ortil only requrrc a oligh wn.dotte in the morning.. Wet the Windt with warm water, or raid will answer, ntntrub it a raw to oil lbo pane, when enough will adhere for e.caning the teeth. Weave,. dellOiou4 lane ur he inuath, and on part. a mem delightful fragrant, to [hi: breath. It.tands unrivalled not a pleasant,' rlheacions, convenient. and mile dentriftee. Ilip warranted Hal ID /NOM the teeth, but to pro •e them. 11l r"lthil.ll% will (mow. the tartar and prevent its accumulation--preve l it the toodache strengthen the nun., and pm/entail diseases •of toem Chemists. physimans. undlthe clergy reconamend it a Decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in use.— Ask for Sherman', Compound Orris Tooth Paste, and otiserve ht• signature m attached to each pot. Recommended by It,. Castle, VI Broadway, one of by.lillort of the old established ou ' ones in the United States, end even xlcimively used by the Nobility of Englandand Fro, es A large pmportion of the dISCIII4% t hat odliet mankind arise (dna 601. derangement:oldie •tamach or bowels, which a timely use of the Cad. tie Lozenge. would entirely obviate. Persons of bilious habits should itl• ways no a box at Wand, and take a dose whenever they (eel the least derangement in their health. Aim]i. cairn of Mete Lozenges would prevent thoutands of C... Female at {VIII. JACKSON'S, earner of Wood and Lilarty sts demer • L A DIES Who .Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often not aware bow frightfully injurioun A Is to the shin! how cetric, how rough, bow sallow, yellow,' and unhealthy the elm appears after wring prepared chalk! lksiden, it to injurious, containing alarge naafi -of lead. We have prepared aibrandful vegetable article. which we call JONE.'t4 SPANISII LILY wiirm It in perfectly innocent. beingpurificd of all Meter.us qualities; and it imparts to 'the skirt a natu re!, healthy, alabaster, clear, living whitp, at the same notes tin th g an u cosmetic. on the skin, r d an aking it nOOO. Dr. James Anderson! Practical Chemist of Massa. ellusmus rays: "After analysing•Jones`a Smmish Lilly White, I find it possess. the most beautiful and natu re!, et the same time innocent white I lever saw. certainly Can connientionaly recommend i lts use to 'whose akin requireabeautifying.n• - 13Price ZS cents a boa. 80111 by W AI. JACKSON, at hlnagiot and Sin Store Si Liberty mum, head of Wood, at the sign the Big Koal. • lathes, Pot asionialted, When you know that yoo are pfamised A natural, bfe-like, snowy while. That you will mill use common chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright, The theme of Infighter and of talk If"'Jo would are a boa of JONES Lilly would give your akin an alabamor yet natural and at the same Woe clear and implove it. J. JACKSON'S, 10 Liberty Bt. Price Oh eente pert _ y 8 SCRATCH. SCRATCH. t , I , ErIT.R, acti, SALT RHEUM, Ac—Wh o 4oul, L for a magic, day peratch, orb,n aLtl.eted volth Wi Truer, bet, or °Wel ththasea of the shut, Ei they 1;1thvl wt . 22 , mthuld True ve and cure them • • . horrible to be obliged in rub and scratch - when alone. but more horrible to abaiatn from it, /Mr dcohney oked when In company. Lot it be rernemis red 'Ant L.EtIO'S zrrEtt and ITCH OINTSIEdiT th the mo.t cfficeeioup of •ny pmparation in,egmenen tit curing the l'ener, Heti. and other difea.“ of the /km A. all doed.es of the don mll.l ureic from the impurity Of Wood and fluids of the boily, and where eaen'ths ira, be of long standing. arid the einontution afreird ilieteliy, J (Jr Letdy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills he toed with the Ointment, they wilt our. any edge whencver, and if they do not. the money w.ll be returned by Dr. Leidy. Moot coos, however, will lie effectually eared by Do Leidy'. Tem.? and Itch Ointmen4 utile., the w h o l a syst e m is - impregnated by the doeaseal hurnoto, wLich w dl be eomplria ly card,s off from the syetern by Or I.e.idy`s Vinod Ms, and the •urface of the et in brat. td try the 011.11.1 L. Prime Orolollllelll cents. For .alo rip, LI A. FAIINEITOCK it. CO,, 0,20 ear wood k. Boot its l~lClairt II SN'RUP —lt prored to be me tweet Punocco of coring my child's distressing oaßh Prom the Temperance Bonner, Nov. 3, 'Ve( p„,ron 8, acr.—Poe. am not in thy habit hi puffing, mach hers tektite Patent hied:eines, bat are feeldtspowd to rerorninend alorgarisPyrop m those who.are allbemd with u cough. After having tried the usual rentediei to rumor a minstant and distrecring cough, that had if or severatdays oilheted one of our children, withant sim cess, we were induced to try Alengan'ts Cough My No, and by archer was of , nee d in h a few hours. it ploved to ho the panacea in this ease tot least., Prepared wholesale trod retail by thy proprietor, • JOHN B /dOgNAJULDTAITIP.Ii eel wood at, I door below aleemod ey ' t" RELIANCE PORTABLIO BOAT LINE. 184 7" IicOgiEWIR CITIES, tf.ll HSp2 Tar , SSHIPSIEN T. T HE ,111 proved method of carrying used this long hatablahcal Lute, it now wk;weil iL11014 . 11 .that de scription Is annecessaryi bloods are not Murligd on the route, thus all transhipment or extra handling is twocd. The Boats are of light , raught and perform their trips in from sin to seven Theneamrony of oar arehonws enable's , as in tore any consignment, made bons. Receisinglbtoring, s and— Misnames free of chargei. 'Being fully prepared make •ales of Prodare, respectially solicit conligranctita of werwrii tin t , isord, Ltutmr, WOOLF - CA(l3er, andotber orders for sale, wch Ii horn odic-wes 'wig be made and other usual fa line. afforildd i pledging onr selvee that any basines entrusted to no shall ire an promptly executed and lion as fair torn, nr by any other house. NO 111eFADDEN & Co Canal Itnain, Piliaburgh AS 111 ' , AVIS&Co and till Barker ar, Mirada PITTSHORGII P TILTAIILIC, lagNEs IS,, 7. Z.,MgfiA v Olt rhe transponatton l ofEreght hetet,. Pitiaburch and the Atlantic Cruel., avoiding transhirenhins on the way, and the eantergusot risk of delay, damage, breakage and separation pi' goods. Proprietors. BORBRIDISE k CARR • No SZEi Market street. Philadelphia TAAFFE A O'CONNOR • Cor Penn and Wayne els, Pouroirgh O'CONNOR k Co, North angel, Baltimore Agent W b.! T TAPSCOTT, 75 South at, N. V. $ Encouraged lip increarted business the Proprietors have added to Uterr stock.d extended their arrange arcing during the wintcr, and are now prepared to los ward freigot wort regaltiory and dispatch unsurpassed h r any-colrer line. Their long experience Or carriers, hc palpable euperiority It' the Portable. Boat System, and the great caporoy d conventence of the.ware hoosee-to each end or the line, Are peeuliarly calcula ted to enable tbeproprieti•ra to fulfil theirrngagemenie And accommodate their customer.—confidently etre-ram he past an a guaranty for the teture they trapredully soiled a continuance of an at patronage which they new gratelolly acknowledge. All eanstennaents ar Tat and torwanied. Steataho Lading transtiritied frre.of advancing or -lama,. lit indirect!ly in etearnboata.i must necessarily lie tlici west, and they pledge diet consigned-to :hem prompt gems. terms nathe owncra March I. & [)'Connor will be reed I ...gas paid and Bala of any clarge for Conaili.ston. Tina nu Merril, di rreily or foferert of the concirouis pronary mares In noprong yrye. fonvoril oil aooda and on lar moat adcanta- TO Tini. TL,T,L';', 4 l:mm''r:l+72 l. portnerrhip under the nun and like wir.e - agreed in r number of Sours for the 'though to (non six to eng Gel eneoaraged by hr In age, to mote more extrorn • owing yea, We would tberr fryer anon of our former parrunn to there We have done nee MUM 181' lo on. C pony twit* d L n. yin tynot into art tele.. of Co e or th. - ikrouneo'N fit the Monk no as to tore n porpole of cartyron good', days, srah eertotnty--stntl / rainy of !ant year's it nrrangetnentn for Joe en- per tiblly .ouch a ro6tillu mite/yr ell lunv 17. IS' LIMY, ' portahon .1/01X, TO AM, EROS Now Von, •. Bonori. WIENTAIAN A, En, dtd CaOat Boom, Pdsburgh. A L GERHART & Co, Mac: meet, Phdadeipip& 2LSYCIN & Cn, Agents. altrmore, REFERENCES. I3 PPITSBURGII—Jas. hicenHy, Geo. Morgan & Co. W McCully & Co, B A Sampan & Co, M Allen & Co, PIIILADELPHIA—Morris Patterson & Co, Reynolds McFarland A Co, Flemmig A Busby, Yetei Wr:pht A Son, .1 Bonaham, Jooeph Unto. NEW I ORK--Goodhoe A Co, Theo. Perry A Co. . BOSTON—Reed, Hunt &.Co. CINCIN N ATI—Adams A Creagh, W T 4 sc.t!,or 44 rP. PLEASANT, VA—P A Koehler. NAStIVILLE—F Fleming. Norn—All merchandise from New York and Illosion, cons4gued to A L Gotham A Co. Philadelphia, veal he promptly foravtarded fru of commoution.l feblti IJOATIIA For 1.130 tra et. rirPr or ElLitC Putz-turunnA, Bata:man BAMU Corner Liberty street No .ISII ELDER,CiEI INDEpExpErrr PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 18 17. agaii s 4ll FOR ANBPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND AIERCBANDISE TO, AND FROM- NITS BURGH, PILILADELPH/A. AND BALT1)110RE. 137 . Wi th out Txixtishipment...al Goode consigned to timecard wall be forwarded with. out delay, at the lowest current Tates. Mlle of Ledlng tred, and all instrueeens promptly attended' to, free from any extra cheep for:comp or mammon address, of apptY A XeANuvry Cn ' nal Basin, Binsbusgh M 11353 . . , . Hoeing a very large and •commodious warchouie, we arc prepared to receive In addition to (retard for shipment) a large =want of Produce, A.c., on Storage at a rates. Imam) C A MeANULTY A.CO PICKWOILTII dt. CO'S LINE. InkiMa 1,8 4 - r 7 ..23iM .x_cy.,... 7. 1v±: 1 .1" for the I . l•anvration of %h Al' t -" ovol F ,llo F i r litl ' ;:liT,7lN - . P ,T, ','", - ,`!,..,,"p1'J.!„T„ - ,.:,°'' u t - n, i ... -ill Intel hive., ie place.. One Dom , Rim., the warele of C A MeAttuit , y A. Co.. Pitt.l rah, every day, [except Sundayq nod shipper.c. (way. depend an hriv,ng their goods for , warded with ut delay and at km rote, Tht. Line ' formed for the ....p , cial accommodation of the way b cine.a, and the proprietors respectfully volica a liher tralinre of patronage. Proprietor,. JOHN PIERWORTH JOHN KILLER DAN% if BARNEN. RoItERT WOODS' • WILLIAM FULTT, i JOHN MILLER, elolIi•lay-tiurgli 1 ' ! 111 II CA NAN. Johiv•mwo . Agr•ror. • C A TiIcANWE A Co, Eittrburrh 1 J McDevitt, JohdTarker, Robert Moore, Manley inurf fr. vomit. Pimbilarell. . LAKKEKII3 AND BjICUI69IY LINE. • I 847. put, Line' lofting nrnon.ed of S•evntoor. Lake Ittrie and Br and AllehJoan, r 11111 l ved do.iv Net -.ere I..faL era o aver, nd ire tent evt r • Canal: Ba* Minutia Oct. 'en I:c.v.:or and I r•Illrj..71:11 C Perd's I r ,ne of ozearnbeat l'inaell en and Ve g. ,vels °attic Ivaiev,lordl 1., prepnrrot open the. cart ...I open. tng of Naelga . tavn In cony Freight and l'aysengery to all po.ntson 1 e Hirer, Canal and Lake, 'laving eve S far tiny Inr convey., freight and you. re Ad a•iio .ounptoe,s and divollen. amp, and .an ateniv opectodly rolled front the. friend, and hoputrlte gen rally their paironagc. 1.7 M REED. Eno, Prnonetor fiS &Co, Beaver, /tors JO/IN A CAUGfIEY, I•lit..l,•gh do Cdr. ttintihrtel and Water atv. commie the Monona, Rebel. House. irrrit to , wheeler, Crocker & Co, New York • Geo Dave, fluaklo N & Co, Cleveland ,Jos A Irm=trnng & Co. Detroit 'McClure /e. Mdwank,e DinettartlO'orter,Chteogo - Win Po Veer., l'owerstown, rrt,o. • ' 11;ro 312, helmyre. EvonAlnergh, l'con• j0)111 M e,Arthur. II unnnown, do Wirt klAcker, Greenville, do 'ruryr b• : =l ° ., °° 4:r ' o n . r et: ° ;l: ' , ° l'. • do \ V C N lin, e , hurno, it W C nninghern. Ne . w Cool., do tnars Plll'Bllll it3H & CLEVELAND LINL. 1S 16. 11. Clarke. II. hoop.. ,T. It ehmon.l A Co. CLARKE 4 CO., Porwardin & Con:misslcon &Lerch...La o _BEAVER.. PA. T ll a t ly Ann o t; . n in d , 1 1 :r e o p o , r , i i c d td c r , s , w or a ta. p l4e ar rz o ra n e earliest opetuog of ritual navigation to receive prop arty at on and Beaver, owl' al s o the same at any point on tde Ohio canal., and also on Lakes Erie' cablehigan, wall the greateit despedeh and at reas on rale. The proprietor. of lbie line ..licit the businexa or their former cis tamers wall conadence, knowing tharl their facilides a e second to none. - • . • Apply 10 or dress G hIHARTON, Aar, Pittsburgh. ~.' ' CLARKE A Co, Drover. Jest 2 6 WICSTJE TRANSPORTATibtI CO. • 1847. Min . RICOH & Cteli. OLD ESTABLI BEV TRANSPORTATION LINE, • . BF. %VEEN PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPH • BALTIMORE AND NEW YGRK..' T ia: 'took o this line eonstsm 'or a doubleDatly Line or Itonand Cara, reiviied by Ilscruselres,l winch are in goo order. • The euhseribere ore ;wry., red to forward lrge' qtdmtlty of Mcrehondixe.ol Produce with ce hay and dispotehi _,: Produce or M rchandisa rotiergned to lary or the on dersigned. is forwarded free or any charge Inc commis sion or surege. Bills Idaho& to mined and all instruct lona proem tIY wended to. i The toniinen r this Line is conducted on striedy RebbethAreprng rineiples. Addreis. or apply to :. LF.ECII.Se Co, Proprietor., Canal Resin. Pittsburgh • HARRIS & LEECII, Proprietor, Nq Id South Third street, Philadelphia 'DOS. TAYLOR & SONS. &gems, Noll 4 North Howenl street, Balumore W B WILSON, Sgenl, N o 2 %Yew arrees. New York lab,* VIGIL AR/LEN d CLEVELAND LINK 1F CANAL PACKETS. AND STAGES. 1847, . c#,AARKTs TELEI, APIU.6. SWALLOW LEAVE Delver daily at o'clock, r Mier the arrival of the ateamtioat BEAVER from Pooburgh, and arrive at IVaragn 111 M morning inPeason for the Singe. which reach Clemiland before night. l'oen nem, will be reve thintigh.oicuring berth* the Puekeis,and seam in dm Stage, on nrailicalion• board steamboat Heave,. Ilettmg Paniliargh .n lova ,•. ai.:lor to the amino : /11 CARTON to Co, Pitinburgli CLARKE Co, Seaver K JCSSk: BALDWIN, Younrownrn ht lii TA YLOR. Warren 1847 TO TOO BHT BY lIIONONBAIIELA ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLE: k CIENIIIERLANII. MBEundeiligned are now prepared to forward pro 1. duce, Ac., to the Ea•tern Market+ dump the cata- Eog Winter, on the 11104 t favorable term., 1. y tbht exp. , itious route. All property convigned tooe will be forwarded at the to .et rote% and with dc , tpatch. JMrchandise received by hue TOWm prOMNIr worded. J C BIDWELL, Aet Pittahoreh • C kV CA,t• Itroweaville. • oEo.V...floral riTTSBULECIII AND OILICEENVILLB: .• am i d 1847. PAGREW AND FREIGHT LINE. • lIIS Line consiming of freight and paint:neer Peek 1, et, will tun tegialatly dwing We mason neiniven !knives and Greenville, Pb., by Whieh freight and, tengersticivieen the two pointv,wlll be earned pntrtip:ly and at the ntwit) saw& W ICH & ARCHER,Greenvllle, CRAIG & FRAMPTON, Clatkvvil do; MeFARLAND A RING, 13Ig Dead, I do; HAYS& PLUMB. Pbarpsbergh, do; W C MALAN. Sharon, .do dn; WM. ItIATITEWS, Pulasai, i I itin REED, PARKS &Co, Itearer. ; JOHN A CAUCHEY, corner Water and thatibliold sts, aptilly Opposite tha Monongahela Hutto; Pittsburgh ~.....1 REUULAR MORNING FOR 13.13AVJELR::7 . IsiEzziThe new and ~ ,i, , , , , , 1,, 1 , K ramer , • nE yi,n, • •. Card.et,trlea 11.,0. on•ame“,.., 1., r'' terninr 1 7 0 ir, , rtal-. ien,,, P;th , burgh at 9 &elm,. A. 3,..aaa Ileater#l,l 2 o'clt , ea.r 0....' con:weting wgh Pitt.hurch and C . ...yet:1, 9 1 Liar of Cad , 1 Roa daily to Cleveland. O.; Burt, 1 Wee ern nail' Cleveland 'Mlle Ot C.lnal Parke. iLel .t,a,,e Covens:' daily 10 %V airen na:l CA•velar:d. (7-'4nlPaeb,l L.leAlo I New Ca•olnand 6,ren,:le. 1'o; EnelLrlenglon Line to ' Meadville err] Ent: Ne:l. \l,+:m k Co . A Lea of Nage Conehe for Cievel.:ei and Wisc,=tc r. Ic Linea nvelkn- . 1 vet drill, on th, nrrmil of tqviard , oat Leaver Tina Pili4urgh.. Apilty In (1 M lIARTON,4 Cf., Pig...1....kk.„ • i Aoki . . CLARKS S. Co,`,3:caver 147.1 TIO: r Kr. SatLynNlA A! , 11 tltrin CA liti I'WEEN 17:4115116H A CLEVELAN ' I). N PA ft Clevoland,p. It (; 1 .- ARK.!, Beaver. ra. ; Pmnrtetori.. w T MATBER., Pdn.nurKL, PO.. MBE nhoi, lane o, now (any pr4arfll 10 Irrin.pori Egorgni um] l'a. , en,!ch. from 1 . 4.1•;tr0 and Cleve land, to any.point on rho I'vnn , ylvanF.l.l.. 1 , 110 a.ncl Ohio . anal, The IneDities or .1.1 err 1111:titzalted by nnr on nid rwtni.. in numbers .und es pnegy of 11.at..521 , 5. ri a Caplan:, and pronglinc.. 4.4 Arent...&e. 0,15 &AU and Cl.S . cland duly, mn• ning 111 conneehon wnli the St.tnnert liehigun and 1,.0, oetwegn Pitteborgh Lle_over, and n Ihne of firlll Ch.s Salami...,Propel itt/A5 und Schooner.. on .I..al.evillne, <him. and Ontario Property. forlanle.flo an; ' , art of the Union .with despatch, E n PARES m Co,gheveland, AIII REED. PARES & 1:4-ar,r, A:35 W MATIIEjt. l'lttninngtt, Agt , 20.1 Cor Water and Sinitldiel.l street+ TO tt - a - E. N. In: WARREN. ZSC,Pr "... .1847. T 111101441 IN 24 Wit IDS. nAeliliT Dont. t`IVRADIV 1 1 / 1 ,1 leleKrtpti leave Dea l" ger daily. nt &skirt r 0, rater the arrival of the nrorillng from.Pith-loorgh, and nrOr. Warr en rime fin the Mail Line of Stage., Pace oinnedi ugly thereafter, nd'urrive'w Cie vela:;nd at:4l'ol,k, r. • .. • • I' Tryk route is the meet expedltion. *TA romrymial 13C 10 the: Laken. .. te LEFFIN . GWEI,L, J O VN l TEZAVe.:::;NS ' a v t ' r;tlWi;hrmi,i .„, .lAy i/pporAtc Alommgrtli eta 114, Pittsburgh CITIZENS PORTAULE BOAT LINK. aigitMl 1847 . Se!? WE TOO VIE TILAMRPor,Thgq,, KINDS OF MERtiIiANPISRTO NNI) FROM Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nese York and BONtOII. Fr encnuragentent this line haareceivid since tta Commencement, has indoeciiT the proprie, tondo lucre:lac the amok by adding a number .1 fir claret...de; end iaslead nrgivinft reckiipts as hereto fore ay agents, we will give our mire receipts for frelghtshipped by this line. ; • 'the bons nee all portable, consequently height is taken the whole ilotanre without; transhipment, thereby preventing damage Iron] Irequentliandliug on the mute, and an each host in ; , wed by the Captain who runs them, which is a Sufficient guar anise that there will be no delay ought mute. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undcreigned will be forwarded FREE OR OM fII44SION, for sdvancing and fbrwariling, and will be shipped without delay at the loweat .rate's of freight. • - .. . . We respectfully eolieit a eh.° of, public palm WALLIM4 ORD& Co., Canal Ram; Pittahurgh CRAIG, BELLAS de Cn.. Agt. • Broad Street, Vbiladelphia.• - F hILLLER, A2b.th • noraleybi Whail; Baltrmore. Pith:burgh, Feb. RI, lII.G, •. 846 AND .: 1847 WILMM- ra'" ,• TO 'TUE EAST DT BALTIMORE., AND OHIO RAILRO,Vb. • rpm: anhjerihers w,ll reolcipi for dir of Pro. 1 .duce m 1311 Inmate by ihr Alobionganala Sii.kwaler at !hr. following wires.— Ashes, ,Lid coo, Ileitcr i Lead, Lan!, WhieseT. ',and Glass-4.7j ets.Pr IW%, TotAccrllevip, Firm and NV heal--04inis per 100 Itis. . /Wins, (tot) Apple, Cheese, Filitz.Segd, Wass, and Loather-1000N (0,100 lbs Od,, Skins.Seeils. Wool-110 ets per be lbs. I.leesnraz,Fcathers, Furs, Ginseng, •nd enate.Root —l..g/ cuper 10011,. All property consigned to rubes of. Igo andersiped will be forwarded w,thaut drlav, free #l,CnininissiOn, at above rules. WII CLA fliawnsville. • nriatvilif lIANNA & WATEILIE4S, • ~ DR. SW A V.:li E'S .1 - COM MUNI/ :Slit 1,1.' OF WILD r, 11 , .Ftitl'. A certon and safe cure Ire cough.; Mild., a4leina, liver roreplamt, spitting blood, ;hind in the Ode ' or Meant, nervous debility. toping - cough ro bken connoation, C AlsIIIIIC• s, TlClit or any disease it the brags, lireaa. any an pie itillerirg with a cold or ei-carte of Lim • lungy, try thus remedy,;; t ' ' - • you will not per..l r,, . : ' hapa regriet it. l ' . It will arrest all thine dingreeableyyMptems r 1 bleb strike such 'terror to the mind, & prolong your 112 m Beware of :all preparations purporting to co jlain Wild Clieriy,eacept that bearing the signature &Dr Fl Sec Seen nn the outside . wrappqr to each ' Itle, Cu they arc rpm liken droatuti on tI4 tiller/rent which they • borrios, nitine. Read vilori it hay dopc' 1 • • to 10X) :DEATHS' BY CONIniIiIPTION W ould perhaps be a email rttine kr, the railagea 01 this dreadful disease roil singe tear; Merl add lb. Madill rnitalope, of Mom ett oil by Intima tion 01 the langs. Heinorthaue. Asthma. Ctrs Infl auenz 1 1 / 1 101.111/15, and other dineases o the :Longs miff Liver. ' r i And the list would present an appaling proofel the nanny ei iliero tworlarses of de .a,n• Hut it li 18,i .Itat.t,to 1,,..v th a hhady ut mil this /rad wmete of Ina.n •l.le tinglit lid.eibt,WpreXodiled by a time!, use of lie SW Al NE'S t10A11..0 NU MIMI' lib' Wit:lit:llElM 1. 1.l •Li , 'Phut medicine has null been Irdilte the ptiblic some eight ieam, nod .. die origiti..l, prcparitical from thc•Wild Cherry Tree. Ina temp:amid iris a remedy for Coughs. (told, Itionebiliv. mid Ceti gumption ol: the Lungs ba-ed entionly Upon 114 in trinue merits, oven 11112 little to miten:o newkplper pulls. Those who give it o teal. lien bent'filtenl by it,recottimend it to thew neighbor, ondln. Ifrailifii/ 1 7 ' , on '''' 4 ' l l hib'll *lined al enviable I' Ile I pa :taboo and worked Its way into general use. 1 'bottle never fn. to cure a recent egit or lin ) - tile with strict attention to thedtr i ei iii niens thatme temples eani buttledts mac in pill d ' utiiiry dinc4e, of long standing aid of the inert a 1 arming eltatue ter, has always girlie rebel, mid int ve r y ii ,,,,,, nista nees hat elneted complete aiiirperniatiet; cur.. • '' ' ' I . & Yr, SIVA RAE'S Celebrated Cuagiatind Sin, tiyof Wild Cherry.; e ! ' Brad the Most remarkable cure l t:lorrenmil or ever placed upon record— • l In Swayne.—l 'ear Sil. I Mel ii a dnbief grail dr disc to you—and a duty to the, al:belled tctierall to eller my Bumble testimony in !astir; of your Pi ms pound syrup;ol Wild Chcrry. so,p o ;,. ,!, ,A,„ tiller, I was poleetly attar:lied Willt‘l, , ,a and 'rill!, mationol the lenge. trhieb.tvnii ace rufranise arth a very distressing collet', pain in tkclornlst and baad —a ver cumiidemble discharge rinlnfeescre rotl4. m fro the y lungs, especially upon clorraget rd (yea sr however shget. At lint I toll enal. ref about toy Condition, but wan pretty soon minim ceil that I teas rapidly gulag: io into consuniptn. I g Iv daily weak. ), 1 or, and at Innen was scarcely able to walk ebonies., speak about a wrorpnr, such w. time mcceslitg weakness Of 114.1 u op. During this bum I had tra various preparations and pr.cryttoril, hit found En relief—growlng an the time won. Jbstihero I 4a ad used and persuaded by a dear (detail is Vkihnings ton to make atrial 01 your Syrup of l,"ild (nicety. ' I must entirent that previously I had been preterite ; cd against patent medicines, and I ath — slirl agaldet those coming out of the hands of crapirim,libt understanding your claims to the p ulessinn isid pract4eor medicine, and haring intylicite faith lii the raying el my friendi, I lorthwillt ,pterchaseill Dr Shaw, ono of your agents, afe lion!. at commenced its use. My disease at MS limo w s 01 twenty. or twenty fire tnontlis' sea cu 6 1 dE. quently was deeply scaled. I found, however:leo • 1 11 szderable relief from the beet lour or livebiClilcs.l.• But being it public speaker I frequeell-ile,tenalitep to preach with my increasing 6treiq,Usatiiii titers b ruptured those vessels that hail really,al Liegan t heal; in this way. doubtless, my cure l woo, great) retarded. In consequence 1,1 acing; Inns Inipref, dent!) I bad to use l'sl or 1.5 bottles lrh)r* I ;way perfectly restored. I have no cp. sto 10, , a Mod! smaller number orbotilen would hav • iiiad e l m t round, but Mr the ahore armiscretion.l .elic S;rug allayed the nieces:lt habil; did assay 114 distres rig cough, put a atop to the diacharge ofmatter tuna :be lungs l ~ :and gave them and trio entire, 'atom gla d j , health. have delerrerierteeng trus c ruEcaie tin now, fur the purpose of being perPcitly; satisfie . wirb rho permanency of the cure, 'nnd claw that • feel perfectly well, I tiger It with pleasure: I REY. I. P. JORDAN. ' Dublin County, N. C. -.....--. . CAUTION'. CAUTION Avoid all spurious preparations or MI6. frtic such as Bataan., Hitters. Syrups' el ' Wlldi Che Pills purpertilig to contain Wild Chen , A.c,, as they are all Octal°. and counterfeit, and con none of the virtues of the original and genuine partition av prepared by Dr. Sway ne, and ;the 1 inveriireparc-noel in this cbuntre. Doctor liwayi Cetimound Syrup of WILD Wilde Ill' ik Mamma lof vbgetable ingredrents, the herty;bnd e er Medical subatances molly as rflicacioni, it [mom on; the whole are 60 I:00013311y ceneinntrak 'as le render it beyond all doubt the meal (brie..; r(rOg(hening. and °fleet.' remedy ever ill Cd ler the cure of Pulmonary conallitiptiod, and ; 'diseases el the Lens and Breast. The I very lat freer its harpy 1.11 4 train el spurious, eletultil (rand I'l erprovit its great curallve peipertielt , n...,„..,..tirra1t0., Inquire for Ilut nng.nal peep int nil, each bon!. of . bib in enveloped aria loyi e , Mel wrapper, with a Irk." 111,41 ..I . Willl-lin Penn em i gravell thereon, alrolw.sring the aignaturi t of Dr IL -•• Swayi, the counterfeiting of Isbell will (in non- (Incwhet) as forgery. Vicpartnl only by Dr. H. Swathe, N' W . comer I' l 'o' or FA. boll. and NA Cr Streets, l'hilwlelphii.- For sale in I'lll6l.llTh wholesale and recall by WM. THoRN,za Market street, cu; rn.:N .t. :•NOWl , FlN.rprner Tod .k Wrind•re, U, A. F AIf:SUSI le '/V & Co.. metier in Ist add IS I 11116(/) and Weilitherrects. I 5..10 A Es s ' I al Liberty sheet i : • .1011 N Nlll'l'llEl.l, Allfglicny city. And by 11l remertable Droggirei and ;dealers in dl . Inenietne,nh i renshout the lin:Ceti Statcrand I%M ".... a ' • ,4---- ~.2. E.L.{.Eltr. V/AlLtl r bill-. 4 . I ono•iyer } , 10r,..1u 1 l La al I other.," . I . . ma:noog.4.4lkgheug Eo • ' Egli. , I Llebibor noI,JSL7. ~ Mr. R. E Seller. :—M y F0u1...A mdp.h . lold,lbrido, or,y .resllool at bight, and bating lunch react allbruco.l coo eluded be bad warm., und'having board: m xra,it deal obout your Vgrubruge. I. bought A via) and gaol, bim dom. orlnch ozgellegl '4 ggrY large I'M:RIK. I (7°,04.. boila Vormituge belie, than all other, i I EurONlPlblgoort. i Prepared and Fold by R. E.SELLF.tI24; 37 - Nvoc4 .1 . Sold by Dr. ICarial p sth ward; and D. SL Cimry, A 110. *tarty *hp. f •aGtdß r: . .... . Da. SIG.E.RDIAN'S • MEDICATED LOZENGas, AND Molt m a... .,,,. , PLASTER- ' ' . i • • n R. SHERMAN by discos-end a way to netke' .1 road _., tyloamt,. that children will take it readtly mat tr) o-me a.. See laud hisfor sisnue is around each Loa of /..0,44 gas, • Pot of Tooth hsfe ...Am back of each Pieter, and . . ./... each Bill or vi,itt..... • / ; i • SHERMAN'S COUCH LOZENGES. ' 1 These Lmeogas are the safest, roost surattel efectri a l te e ; 1 edy tor cuhs, ealela, colniumplions, whooping - iaausha, as. ors, tightens of the tamp or chest, atc„ etc. theitefirriclor ha. use sr kraal - a an is who.' dig did nut gnu tatty Net 1 sed,fartion. Serval thousand boa. hee beco.ll. anti. ithe tut year,restoriug id health pen.. it, Almost eyes) .Ic. c..a.TE-mnt.d Ehotte 'sharing ander tho mustaltstraway g colds .YI coughs. They do Iva cheek .41 delup thetyseg, ~,. • but reader it easy, pron.. caiwtonttion, alb) the tkklin g ue • ; , irnMtbsti, and remote the ...dim. or eveinng tati... • •,, , They are made from a ea...anon of.a oast calttable cepa:. , • tyrant, or carugh int.:Jena., and ire undjobledly sofa...E s I ta th.g. owe r...r thote tont:lai. I knelled., oiad, ht. ~ deeds of stetted - 4as ha. Ewen Gfertd or tla ie ea ...let h. lair Ess, fru. Sto ., *b. Fdaj o .yared frdta en auttatet, ; aad 1 and re. Est all lo perfect health I , ).ing them. ' . here there is much no tn the bnuot de eide:tmc of Scher' e . roar - Alan's Made. ipriee 0n1y,114 erni,,l'sho..l,l Its 1 applieil dyer the part, .a,d wo. tali relayed. .lf aitod,..l • , w tih costiveness, a few e.thart,e or bmitos. bdelgey, ~t en mild cathartic soy dieine, ahould ho used ice flora.. rt,a tree . . SHEIIM A N'S Ivonst I.OZENtIE. , The. worm - lumpy, harm hero prof cc! in move [b. I, Dv • OM emelt wby intalltlite; the only cermlo A orto elestiuy.g , rustler:lye ever amours red- .M.) dimmers seises from w onas a at nd .radon hhumr ..a i. , .....,trvin g , and eryn death, with o tbeir ever t% at,roied; crown persons are eery oaks aldscieJ .1111 Wt., smilax dorrured for varijos comidaints ~ a Alai — rot any bene fi t; when we dual. of these Lozenge!. would . t tidily cure them.. . ! Syrup/onus/ Iforemarraini in the joints or limb., .llfin I i I•eire het a., picking at the mare, grinding of the lealli daring .1 sleep, end et uses a Faience..our the Liao°. {ulled cheek% • Kati tug at the lane a gnawing +caution at the Womack., /lath ',e• of hest over the .ovte or the Kid), alight skills...lily • , eriu, Itead.eltc, deo vt , iness, rertsgo, torpor, eltiiurt,J i orestns, suthltu smeting in Sleep, with fright and scraciig etiuxt trantlahaonit cough, feverishness, third, calud ' huc, Oa, !rad mate tu th e moo., iliticult breathing, taw in the stun:Laub ur bowels, fatigue; nauxi, otemnieto..., sues; • ctuoy aptatite, teauttee., blestard - storaxh ur limb, r , •tg. ' . i slttaittug pains to ...us Nets of the bityl3,-a-senic at wane • i.O.ing flying in the 111 rual, itching of Stoat/us Edwantsto,ht, s i 1 fre. p ucut desire . pees Jumethin g from the bowel.; al,I. rota lanes diteha Yrs or slime and mucus. • SHERSIA PPS CANIPIIOR I.OZENCIE.S.'o Tlw,aire immediate relief us urrrou ur sick he adacha !papitation of the heart tdauear the spirit, ileepan-Vency liettemoratory or putrid ' sore ihrtifl, 111) WeLt .. .1111MItr' cum !Orinl,faintang, oppremion or a wax o f stllllPinf therbest '2l7rt.s and'a.7l"fereet'irtre. s.'d'ev'veri'iaehthb-Y:!tr'tli day, nod waliciiilurse Ihniugh the night; eled rho ere n. :r.eltolj ene diarrtima r Lireitude or . a emu...or-fatigue. ler ar u m , artendie l large , parties, fmd thie Let . et, ift7tierr'.e'lli"!".al'erallre'ytTlrrratti'.4°lli'oete7thlYyrt'v."3 • really, mid renaer all die unpleasant aysoptirtus too tree living.. remiss who bare been too .0 'abandoned their dissiputed labile, will find thew Lorca, ad; sittrable.einapown of the times. SIIERNIAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER. !„ The beet airsucheoing platter In the world, and a so,mip lremedy . fur pain, or weikness in the - bock. loica , side , neck, imbe r mime, rheueratimo, lumbago, /kr. Sr. One million I supply Try require • tilde mum l ugot' ll 9 ".:2','t og Iko n, e ' pow Outer in the world. It elea oo ed * srelkef in a (ow m end undies adonis/dug ' • In hoer ownplaint tool dppepsia, it should be worn over region of the liver or stomach, mel it-will affonl great • astonishing, In cunt., colds, &Alum, ditriculty w herathing,.oppreniou of the chest or roach, the_y will hit Mediate!, sooth and greatly . beter6t the minute Panama. maleetary habits, or those obligedto stead much, watt dceided support from me o ft hew Wuly sttrogthenzeg eh. ter. pliyucums genettLy mai:amend them, in preference to allothers„ because they stick or adhere betterotodadordgmt. ir la their operation, they... Smoked, loran, and inotlyhr. They us ;mimed cd . eatirely different iumsdi meta from any other, mid known from 11. eapericoca .1 mil Dom whin hare need them, m m rho an ter timony of ill the celebrated and diaturguird r ed elergy end physician., to he the mon osefp mid highly medicated ..ter • 11 &Terri perm. ha. tailed n ett ed the wardhome caps their surprise &ad thanks, at the ahnort mirectdour cum me • philtre hare ed Directions Eire arson the Sark of each plaster, !girl • fac '.mile of Dr. hermau strum /t it impottant,ou okra!! • alum,. iak for Slierrum'is Poor Nan'.Plaster, and ae. duo you get the gendine, es there awe army worthi e s. imitations hawked about and sold Air the true Sherman'. fluters by twpribefpkd de ela, I Sold wholand renitl by XV. JACKSON at Kr Pet.' M.D.!. %I - ardour., Pio. PS' ,Liberty etscat, Sri of th 1110 BOOT. ."5 _ —sr= POUND IT."—Estredrs. • f iorisumeTtoN CAN DE COILED DT USING DIL 2 DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REbtEDT. j. • • • Cincinnati, blaiwh 24; 1647. — lDear Sir:—This' is Miceli() to the pabli4pirticubtrly to tlf).x afflicted wnh • dist., of:the Lange s or Coaramption Mat its the Spring of 18E11 win attacked with • severe cold stlich mon beau. wated upon my lungs, showing ey'Mptotna of . approaching Cmtmunplicer My. cough watt light .d troublesome; atundedtorith copiona night meats; • spit up daily • considerable auanlity of blood, mixed will hick dark matter. lly situation became amines and harm. rag.' During toot time I was attended by two of menu. sit4fUl the did the beet' they could for osa,.wbes at length they gave up all'heparof.my_recorery,infermitig . noi, that nothing more court be doge—that my lap won a taily din-vent, mattlielond remedy. I was then persuaded by aft:wad of mine to make • trial of De. Desncon's keparter rahr Remedy, which my - Physicians persisted ppinit,clying 114 t this medicine would do no good, tad would Op add more to my suffering. I told them it was my lart and and that if I most die of the due., (which eraser.. dent to toed there would be nothing lost. 50,1 motto the Cidei.ati Office and obtained 5 bottles of this 'truly' Value; bleNledicine, and commenced using no ordin to the dime tions, which, instead of adding to my suffering;inunediarely. gate rue relief, al.once arresting the treads:tome c.ga ,vin, the pain and tightnew in my Chug glaing sae a now Jia.:2.l strength, whirl; are, enabled Enure be .bon. again. This medicine motinued its •good wa.k, which iron nobly come:word, mail Iwm made a sound man. I havcihses been; attend:ng ti. my business, (upwards of It yeara)ind feel as timidly o 5 I wish. I lane recommended Dr. Duncatt'e Er pectorant I:candy in ine4 iusiankcs loth°ere sisaiLtrly afflicted and b. 21117.ys proved auccessful *OAT. ask have witnened its cad, 51y : fitter is using don media'. al preacot, Lae • • Dewased Liner and an Affediow J 14 Lunge, which the had suffered with for some lime; she has nearly rieorerad by the ere of this mrdkinr, nod 1 am confident the 5 beak, all. me to-day will entirely cure lose, l tussorry o know that thorn are thotiondf of Notable &mow vristhig way with this dreadful destroyee—CONSUllPTlON. Weir it only possible for those to procure this medicine in , 1.1.4,,1K•f0re it be .t. Lte,m.yNrsight be prolonged and their: Gmilin and relations ague Ned - happy. This medicine volt giro instant an ds e same time arr. the bard end math iCotigh, remove the I ightnen in the Chem gieet!stren g th to the enfeebled and emaciated frame, .7,4 in nm‘qaws, I am certain, will perloim • pert..ire. • ANDREW PELTED.. hlnntgoniery,R.til., County, Ohio.' C.—ThLwe 'chutney not be aMplaintedwlth roe I eeke to the underoited, eiteens of Mania:nee, Hamilton coun ty, 0,0. e) wsll at soy time sebstardeatethelbovvelYzmeuta, Neuman Itanweett., • Dn.IJUNCA N'S WESTF,M Co T n FFICE M ,L . Syei ers ate. el, %herr this taluebte Medicioe cut always be Ataiutd: Sold' Von.hurelt, by WM. JACKSON, rooter of Wei,.Land (Ahern at • mull-taw 1 lift M POR rAave,..ro THE LADIES—Coin,. Vrcara, n , rayettle.. erode for the Growth, Bea u ty and Reereru then oldie Itatir. Tht.Creum, when Qnne:known. wal eupureede older ottielen of the 1 110 W used. Wkerc the haiete dead,bareb.thaiGun. healthyfuming d grey, u (nee' lutipheatiorts will mile, pe the half .111 ark, and give 'td beautiful lively aparacee; 1211(1 Will alga make it retato nu liveliness null healthy eoloiAl4loo .1(01g 11111 all the preporattona . whirl, aro generelly e.ed. livery Indy and getalcom n.ho ye in the obo of Inlut oiled on etc hurr,limuld at onee ourehaee h a ledtlenf the ClAttese th Halt Crean,. .1 i. conspo.ed thy rt tanl not Ware the hair like the other preparation., but will beautify it, rood mve I race( saneluebon to every iurtubee. . • • Fut te.tinamy to 111 very ettpciitir n 0.., the follow:2e letier from Rev. Mi. Caldwell. to Megets I e eeWest lrder.liottn amts. Stned., Na.hydle, General Agrety fp. . ter, . - I.rorr front the Rev. R. Caldwell, poor the Pre. lrywrian Clit . ch, Pulaski. - • • • Alsssrs fl aden:boot mmtcl—Gentlernent •. pismoren adding my testimony in favor ofd ie c trot-preparationa culled M. Purnsli's chine, Cream—tar about two years ago my burr was vet pi lititily, nod dispomd•to come out: but Laving procure mbottie Of the Cream, and Heed it according ustlie pre. seripLon, my Lair st nowelas t applied shah Iric nnit Dna to the head., Many balsomiand Oils.werc a- Inn,: my burr inn worm mate than before. Thi.ty,e am 110er eVer, has met my expeetations. • As on article for the Toilet, my wan gives it ;niter. once over all °diets, beitirdclicumly perfumed, and nor disposed to rancidity. The ladies especially will dud the Ci.ine, Cream to be a desideratum to their prey.- " man ads for the todeL Riespeentally, to.. • Paluaki. Jon'y.7, SP•I7. R CALDWELL Errillold Wholesale and entail, In Pitiaborgh John Al. Townsend, ,To 05 Market liceL and Joel Mohler cotter of Wood and Fiiib ats. /MCI 1211 E PEREMPIEILY.=. • , Croon del Antatold Amine', for abasing; . Crettm n Rose, for shaving; / Alnolnite Cream, - do; Puperfinn Rouge, on Porcelain stank term lickEl t scent liana, perfumed with Lamoder, Angle- Bcalitiful powder pmM, of all,patternr; • • E/nrio.cd nounscontanang fragrant eitrarta• , • for Me ItandAemlnef; u scent bug, and loiter Rion., suit able ton presents. • • Penman. oft:Meese powder; lotion iregriWele hair bent's oil, in fancy or common wrapper, leery aeedt ed); • ,nap;, Nymph Soapi lime Lip valve; Cold ram , elegantly par up; • • Pure palm POS p. in bars and rakes; , Frorpri toariber with gfeal fine perfumery; ;art rectived; for rate Lv B A FAIII CEMCK A. CO - ref 6.h & wond. PITTSBURGH G AZETTE, .U104111:0 DAILY, TRI . WEEKLY'b..WEDgi,T Al.m.kirmeti; Emmen; 311.0, near 4. Ml 0ff.... Vt.* TES OF A OVIRIVIT . VVINii. Ie .eVe rtini.of la lines, or It.. so f,/} Mir atone without alterations 01'5 ••.. ...... lOU .. .. I f/0 .. .. 50 3IA • ..... 4 111 tp. 7 Limiter advertisement s In =me proportion. SA on equate, ti months, without alteratiOn,:.. 10\ 1510 Earh aildttio l. nail square forli months, 5 le) •i" • " . 11l Ur e rip re, 0 months, renewal/le at leaeure, 1510 •.+• • 12 •• ' Ot II additional sepiare for 12 m0nih5;,....... 111 IA airfares. 6 routine, re'wattle at pleasure. Lfo Each additional equate, 0 moot hi, aitioi OR In BAIL/ I Onc sem:rte.:3 insertions, $1 50 each additional insertion,....:... 1 BOXIX/541 Canon. Five line!, Or, leer, one year, • f• 6 00 f• '' six month. 500 one ye*, daily dr, weekly, 10 00 .nix months :« . •ft •—c go ADYLUTIfirrXT+I IN' WRLLLS ' , APIA. • For GU li req Or less, One insertion, .. .. .. SO 50 Two, " .... 0 '75 " r+ Three, .• 100 . 1• " Three months' ' 350 „ s4, 4, " • ...... .. 603 Twelve . -,10 00 IY7s4AsitltitneurnllVTptrtrochentahtnatrlec•llltheh"u'a' • I! thount .4 advertising eicei,la 50 . 1 5 ' 111.7. w pe e r re year e f UtillftBl . CARDS. ' • _. Five lice. 1e5e.0.14 Icar. .. .. OD Sh InOnUnr ieivemeeliioeNsei $ . _ • • .-.; f , 1 - 1 ! , . ~...) I. v ~ j
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