IF I I • ... , - 1 4 :1" I , • Quisnaxg4-2:a bags PfPG green ltio COCCei 20 bags black Pepper; 15 Alepiee 23 bbl, elupped.lescress& jest reed; kir sale by. CARSON & bleliNlollT dr6 • stub street R A A2233 ,— , oreotar'TbrfeVi "" CARIION tc. nIeKNIGHT FINOKS-4 'mtg., invoice or 0, a 3. and 3 leek Silk Bulbul, Fringes, AS reed; for •kle by dip SIIAGIi LETT a mow, CAN TUN FL ABINBCIS-3 bales unbleached and colore4 Doe :lama and Carden Flannels, jum artl 'tnr. tor sale by .10 •DINDINGS—bt3 Was mohair sad silk over coat 1J bindingrk.jost received by deft' rittiCKLIMY Wi lITV • APPL •''st— t r h bbalt c o . :!exT o en apples, landlog der m g VILII,IIIS t/ woo ' st W NC Tor. tbi+ day; for ule by IIaGALEY & Sid rr & w wood F IGATIIEIL;-VAZllbatnaure; tor B. } lc Iy ISAIAH DICKEY .CO CO d t 6latuter & front •.• rl 11 AILOAIII.4. NIAI.Wrt RS I oak &cab sett tcetered; r t We by IS A FAIINESTOCK & CO doG - tor Ist and wood att.. lODEV. L141.1011.10E.—1 emu, Enllch itxt reed, S .11, for tale by . dcb B FAIINF-STOCK CO 1 SOAP—lncases Cubic soup jun reed; for tale bY dta FLOUR 75 bb, :11Anc. mill9fluntlyßoun for talc p 211c(i BURIIFIELD & ROE dcl3 191 Ii1 , 113 , 0 - LAMPS—A lot of Coach and Baggy Lataas t Dew stylea,jun reed; fat rale be dee S T LEECII, Jr SALERATV£I-4 bbl, eitin by F VON BON NOORST tr. CO de? 35 Root n' OIL -10 bbl. pure Lisweed (11; fofsale by del S F VUN &CO MALiDEIL-1 ask far rate by dc7, VON BONINIIORST &CO CIIEICHE—.I6 s cream cheese; for sale by de? S F VoN HoNritionsT & CO 3.11 d ,I for role by W. de? 1.4 F voN n0NT:11014,73: rD S ALTS -30 ctle pfane r salts, on wi t rltn : ni far del bY • jor smitUrld "rater us T EMo2llll—n Las On nscsigument; for rale low ,o bd, W GREER, VATHITE LICAD-100 krge, for tale by Ir V dr7 ' IV GREFR pif y, A . cnics-1W b d a o diictl, pri . mr VlJArEgit.le 4ten.!usnsaitifiS-10 bb . ls far sal by ' WICK McCANDLEES 40 , r -d cor wood tcwaler rte sktritATvs -3 °"",,i‘,1,11.b1V!;,1,t2g,s ' p IUTTY Iba in bladdrn; le: co deb car 4 /cereal xis RT . 131 4 11 CO L LOIS t ,AIIort I Ls , ,c ottb c f.?•7s dos, coos b) der 'nls3 d' , 1 KIM) h en (IL-3)6bls Linseed Oil now landing from mint Pa eific; 6r Bale by I DICKEY to CO •deb• water k fronts BROXIDE POTASU-100 In just received and for salo by .de9 0 1 .. /77 .3 ",..611 . a b n y arer taincd Lard Vili i i . fLaVvrd dr.7 17 I rb y ß • ADIES Plumes and Feathers—Now °petting al A MIA MASON & C 0.300 of the most thahionable planes ;and feathers: reed thin day per Flr. LANNKLS-7.5 pleeia red and brown Fla n : l :els JO for sale law to elate conignment. by 2 . ..tyyld • CE COCHRAN.% 'rood st INSZYIS —2 eneeN of beautiful bright colored plaid rust ree'd by nyl9 SIIACRLETT 4 - I' .— LOAKIJACiS-2ca t rAV L 2A . pr l / 4 /7 , VV‘r el by nvIP VJ wood Ft £D FI:ANNELS-4 bale. low priced Ted wool eo rim ICCtiVtti• for sale lot • evl9 SIIAdIiLETT & MITE SS.ADCBOS.T , 6OOBI/SCI STOVES La see by WM lI SCAIFEj vaplls first belvern =Art 2r. wand 'ittir ClllTARD—iditycrint Kentucky—in tin bana—s J.W.L whole, ball and quarter Fn de; lust reed and to sale by EDWARD IIEAZELTON octla East side Diamond . Bale b E y It —.'°° b° j"t t l ° l ° A t C ° l3alZW:ii r ? to attild . 144 !thirty st ___. TyrE•vi.ourt-10 bblp (or sale by 11 orS , F VON BON NIWRST a-CUI "VOUND—A malt Orem{ Pin we. found tn Ord peateeday. The owner can have it bielditill on SCHOONAIA KER & CO .nv3o n4wenl et RAPPING PAPRR—ISO mita. 111111 f•r lade by riv'S GEV A BVltlll* Ic y 1.0110 lb. Belmont coanir be -0 GFAI Ittit .‘ fiLOVES—,Z doz very beavr ,allluelrak i Glov J - last reed by 611ACKLF:rr tc. WHITE: . so Zobbis N C Tar; tor pale hy CARSON tr. MckNIGIIT 13UOLII-19 Baymann F.war, ree'4.6e oat • b 9 ATWOOD, JONES k. CO vrater l (rod P. B UTIg.II-12 at Caleb Cope; for Hale by ' /.a.4 DA I.ZELL 24 eras,' lfft;l:b'pr' rceuvinß pr C. reZet VANOY PRISTS-7 raft& of now dyke; dar\ ree'd, for rale by ortb • OBBD-4 bt,J. Fan2th r fvr. IJ ;nom B F YON BONN!! oft, , •r LIEN rIOTTOII-60 blci• omtnon cotton, .I Patting; (or see low To ricue, by d , (19 • ATWOOD, JONE.B & CO • 4 - 0 11.1.12 bbl `'/Ldazaced o/1: 17 Ilberly • nylli TABCII-100 bit Foes C. &arch: - p..r11 17 roing for rale by BAGALEV 1.18 19 k 20 wood CRANBERILIEII-11 tblaernnbrurs, " GO br• f• sail by nvIP BAGAIJ & SM)TiI OLAnvlb 55E...9 bbta jinn reed and W I for IARBAU rale by G _ C ESIL-2U4 prim W R for sale is F VON BON:if - 10MT fr. f 10WAHLASH-9 6k. reed da: far by • 7.1125 EV t BE.ST wood , DOTASH-10 c•ks, in store; for role be ne27 TAS.SI-11r BEST 10 SALTS-0 Ws, reed, foe"ale by 1 - 5.77. nr27 , TAME'S BM WEATEIE/18- 39 tk ACM landinir from tom, Perm; (or &Cc by I DICKEY CO • dc4 orator, Oa am TONGUES and Sounds-1 kit Gr rale b) dal : 1 DICKErII. CO PLOIIII—Str LW S Float :or tale by r. ! J p•L2FL 17/BIEGAIL-2:l' bele grorid cider rinegewritst ceired; tor .2:G by - ee3 MILLER k RICKIFIT9ON FICATIIEILS-7 1 0-cs 8 " Goober Peal; : Goober: . 3. TLC Palo Alto: for cal l e b b x y deb I DICKEY pc CO] SUGAR -110 begs white rase) surest . , 240. es while Ilitrunna'suguti just re , ved;lor sale tip BAGALLV h small 'deS c IB h. 20 wood MASSER-0 IN, new crop N 0: now landt from mmr, fm role by ' 4rB • DAGAI,EV a NA7 ITI • iI rA—th.fn Ti Y a Imperial Te. just rred,•' tor • by lcb IIAGALRY MALKEILE , "LLB Larne No 3 for Itiie b ItAtiALEV tIOAR—:4 Mule new Env N 9, prime qualny, pow 1.7 William Tor •ale by deB lIAOALEY LicAo—mo bidet:Akita, landing (bun Amy Cdto brie; tor male by. FORSYTH' h: CO deb 30 watt at - frOBACCO-4 0 ahem Ky. leaf 'ampere end fillers; 1 foe sale by dell FORS} TH a CO Wll3llTig LEAD—IWO keeelof bY M • deg FOIL...NTH .t CO sCOAL 051-4 rrct.i. for sale by ft E 01,03 rwdeEl o, Aran Ik. irscn sis LOUR-90 bbl* ouptcfin...ndit*: rot sale by GEO ItERAY. IV wend .t IciLec b it y -21 iscupe nor crab eg i i , o r. int i t t e; K il c!0 SOAP -100 bat Cincinnati Venn, siarri forridc by. GEO A BERRY --- XXA.Cls.slllEl6.—fdt bbir Large Ditaljustkrabit far .tinb9 niitl ATWOOD, if ONE + k 11117.0011111-3 U dot ktreortio,a good a nick;received blCalcb ti pc; for aide I.psVrllA 1 • 1, AUC: ll R a. U , xbuinfActarm for ttly km by nr23 C !/ANIIER U,I INACUES--Yrrorgart reed; for sale birj , grit) CUNN1:1.611)01 RUTTER STOZVIC,I c.t ju.l ree. lor by 1 dal t:A1:"11.>:Tt/4:,1( O r,GAIL—J: low by g,r2l SALTS— , .. bble rear E Eke.; for eale VI CAM, ..yev33 ' Yoe taeathliela &lame MS .VCANN-4 1.141 men ' , dale, (or sale 1 . . „RI En ~,° , 7._ rrOBACCO— , ‘• Ilae pleat ea; Ya 1. meat, by (awl] C"' ''''' , ' "e'%,1 ' 1,7...., ,r tele by, H.0.----50.b.. p -A- r :, , ..Ttar;, , 1., ,t AVO, /e l , ortl+sl ' , tor rah ex & ,*ark lay I. <ICORCIIINGS-13rekVIdrTI fr u en ,t 'e , ;iy oN .3 nv23 • - , au' • - POTABtI-6 c.k , llulanr, bar vale by lIMAKEORD VICAVLIF.RB , -18 'ramlgy relabb, CC pal Walt TorzilmigLfar isate by I ZITO' 10013103 IPAC4S-40 odd, to store. for e JEPAL, . / / APPLEs—io b,12 golden pipping, " bc.l tower, ,5 - vandvory .5 0 Itnjt.ted ;vett: • Pc:unto; 10 " 'Mode Is'.and stern.: Wu rte'd. & 51cCUTCHEON 151 1.0.,•rit• az Yeadsbi Hl Tema r, Memel Flowers; Ilipo Vtdiph essaln. lepetroaceu; Mice; Prop Rpborarts /11d PotuF, Tarter Emet,e G F: Catheters: Just received nod Cor %Ile by U FAIINESTOCK &CO 41 R ar Ist tr. wend sta. N0L1151.1 DIILILINOS—We have just rteolPOO a large •41.011[1.111 or black atta eo , ored Eng li-15 rim", to which we Layne the OOOFIOOII of pef4ollo .d;ng the a n,elr, ELI err ara set hag there a great bar- ALEXANDER A DAN' IMITS-10 dos frac tnermo land Lamb's Wr.! •0 Shirr+ er.d Druvrcrr: pat rrreiord by bleltpre .1! by • SHACKLETT Will'fb: drd wood SUO .. /LR;Nlifl NOLA SHES— LL'Is; seconartsdatutKlenn% (or ease W k M 111i11711ELTREI: 0ce. , 6 ISM lawny street GCV o LLII: m R ad rIetS-26 se Ica now l a n din gfrani str ; for sale by del BI LLS, in dozen % and stropped,scady Lore; for role by 1211.Ahri 11011 ILIANDS—A large let ...toed J.) 4,2 EN, recrlved and for sale by EACIIIES-17 wk.; new crop drw.l Peenbe., in ...ore; for twin by LY WATERMAN dein 31 water It bl from rt• EEDI-7 bag. Clover need; 14 ` Tmoby seed:, in nom end for sale daY) by L N WATERMAN • YE-14 licks in COIC and for vale by detn L Y V ATE RSIAN PPLES—CO Lbla green; m ewe end fur srt:e by aciß • L W ATERM AN OLD PAP ERS—A I nge quantity .of exahanae papcn, en he hud at dna office. for Rata:craw pnev. rLAXSEED-4uo lott just reed; tor tale to) - 12 Ll , lO W R McCU reitEoN Ng-16 Lc etnna white. dcW W &I . I4I E :C b LITCREON A IiPLES—Z bo dry appksja.t reed, (or _la eby Cl deto & R McCUTODI 4)., IKACIIES-15 Lu penreil Just recta: (or sale by del° W k R NicCUTC.IEON prune clournweJ for .le by s dclU aR MeCUTCHEON_ B UTTE.II.—:4O :nrv i td iu k , zri ri ir c olVtl6gy &ID 132 111.rq -^t LEMON-12 dor. Pres , on'A, juat reed; fur ale by F ARO OIL wholesale end remll h• delU J JORDAN & ON FEATIIERS-3a roko'now taring from warner ~ , , , romYlvoomi for sole by , LOCIL—t•U 1•1•1...,:f10, family Pear, PIAI reeei yeti, for sale by URDU, bIeCtIMW k CO • commercial role, liberty sr Pblab an 16 sekr,bast received; tos oak. by " .1 JORDAN k b10:11 deg . 16 liberty st (11.1.,-10 bbls Lazal Oil fog .ale by -. I.J dy9 J J t.RD V , : Yr ..fr.: _ • • . • ➢ I. AIINS-30 oz. Al it, reed; for .a/o by dolt LERS oLtassnf--- LblaS li, plat 'reamed; for .ale bi IN del° • I' SELL.: tts,.• "ED—ILCO plo lAtd, recrivcd per e mr rJ J Crittenden; for tale by • • • F• HERS—_9 bag.. pror.tust reed for W.., by r • deli) I. HUTCHISON & CO 1-4A1111. 4 01L-6 blgs .71.Iteener & Co's! for sale hmr lo close cousigroscot by .1 SCHCIONMAKF.R k Co del° 21 arm, at 00ELNI-120 Peke in nom; for pale by ne7 I DALZ ELL. Tani:lNK NAILS—A large lotaworted tISCS,a new adtrele and bear la the enartet Jo. wed by el.. R'l' Jr ',L....AL.—JEW per leaa, bloom., 3,:iy's auutac 13 tare, to arrive per rteamboata• Pato Ana Wad 5111 araukie; fur mare by . FOl.liTit tr. CO Aril 33 water rtrert . . QCORCOII , O,-2 est. for cOe. hy 1:1 dell 1 & R FLOYD ARRICLS—IIS pal Wrrel..nn eon,. cmcnt 1) for sale 17 311LLLR & RIO/CET:v:ON dc] cor resin & Idlers) . so 13 11 , 1:1/.115—ICU doz. corn [prom, for i, va a R. leLh o, D ""br OAP—(O brs Oneutnau tas hf Span.sh G6ers, kentuck r vpanlih filler for tale hSS ILLI SiS 3. DI LWORTII - I EBIONI3— , O bx. mt. d •linr C I. la film order, for .4 ID. by u T NI0111.:AN h. CO • r, wit..l`,. CORN—GO bo .heiled earn; 15 bales, Uh:o llop., for tale by . V \ ILLIAMS 11. DILWORTII e . .! d /7 tirga.d in ~ (111.11LRANTS-ti c k. Zantr rum., for &ale by l.j , dei. Wi1..1.1/61 h 011.WORT , I . _ . - WititE"7.-1 ,I,lur:rTZ,,',l=- , ear-„,., -,,..:,.. PEARLS -19,11 e, Yrarl, 10 bbla do: fur eel< by d" WICK a. N1cCAN1)1.1 , ... , .: 4 CORCIIIINGS-15 6414 for sal , .y 0 de. WICK R. AIrCA N MESS r POTASH:-sevkA for role by delt • WICK & McCANIII.ES. , '''W ' ' ' I I b: 4l ,:it I'l-It enr wt.! ! r a. 21 .1 , 11..—,0 Lbls, Just rec'tltfor . z.a)t . It v bisousk;cc'd; for dc2 w ti REF It pOTATOgliqt . bhic N h• :hack, a.plime W GREER • • CHEESE • • • bru, on conFignr, nt; (o air by' 6:1 • . GREEK MOLA,SSIES—IS•IrtrIe S II; for sa . lc Lzv GREEK' MaMi==llM fIOTTORI 71 WO, for F 1 IJ, Rimy a. co del 60 rater at tuna-451110i 0 Su ld pt. o el'oP; 0 49 blds Nor 5, 6 dud 7 1,421 Bo6ar, lot rul t°'l**° ""4"'"'." FRIEND, RIMY &CO G ILVIC-2 bbli Vdpergr A iwp , ze i i! , :t . r4..ed.:Krokr CO by dc cot lit tind wnod ils EN ZOlO ACID —:S ox ju4treed, for Fate ty del B A FAIINESTOCK It CO A _ NATTO-21,sktf Tara,' ;Fat reed; for sale by del B A I- AIINFSTOLh lc (:0_ R LAN TL — 'G Ralf largo VOLEIrAIIe -- I.lionkf 4 1., last re don cnnflgnmenn for no, by trdu GEO COLN 111AN...f. senor! or NU7if - ArNTE.II. PAlLlS—L 4 nauble for Lord woys on band and for . sale ut No 244 I.:be:ty str , ... nearranal. lelot, W W W ALI.ACI. p . 47nN-100 Au yellow Corn for sale by s RI gm, l.! , twutO D Id g—Ra bu GA Rye for ode Dy AM lA. 0e233 % M KIER DARCIER - F012. -- 12 AIaEL-#. Large arg, dr.'. JJ by WM lI:WAIF% n7:2? CHEESE -20010. and 23 asks %V R for aala by V Alai CARSON de MeKNIGII l' ABIIEI3-4aleratos, Pearia.h, Pottob, Scorch:on and Block 2olty; for onle by rd 7 CARSON tr. dIeICNIGRT VEATIIEIII3-10,0 0 0 y, puma Ky. Feather'', P ,surrci, for colt by ' na27 ARD-30 bbLs !mane hard; rnr std. by CARSON k MeI:NIGHT BEANS -10 btole vfl wood .t %.;11,11LIAhi51.'r.:11.1qt‘dV;OrliTticb jj Lek, western bops.Jost reed; for sale by 11 orl, WILLIAMS & DILtwIITII . P lO iR°N — L 5 ° - '4I7.T.::,'IsItzttiQRTII landing from mow America; (or F L ZTy 2° bb'2 n i v .V -- n I & C(/ FtAr:rallnibEyit3-6:Z. arrive Ly '`kra'`.';g';' PEA a UTS--100 'd: tor oal.• by V )0D ' JONEs a, C4l r: reed: for sa , e by AT WOOD, joNgs A, Co I A 711•11 TIN 6 'PAPA:H.—WO name fine tuiedVa V jtimt rceeirrd; for ro•e by • REYNOLD` , k fo I' LAR 1-121 DER, end I y 2411 M r C. :N . E a C 01111 W rape r; W 1.50 " rioraa, • 20 ' D Medium Ilarolware; for tale by 0;e119 REYNOLDS tr. SHEE ACKFIRES. -50 Al( bbIN No 3 large, 201,1 d. No 2, for male by E IIEAZELTON, east atde diamond' " EDW Eaat i l tbanuald Vastand 2 Lard otl constr.ntly on Lund, nvx sale by J I!.RIJAN ,ON 0 . ) . . bam llrll 2loletaa 1,1001, u, lit C MARTIN ear •taltfield A. Imo] st. , by ,J . :31:1,, ' 11D510 , 1i - A.D ROE nv,l4 41,14 LDl•eol tr lu.i.4 l tor DV!, _ NJ ..1 D NIOD.AN• ..)inairr msiikrro 133 a Ki.iIVN. CI 'UM-1 eft , c gum i'"'"" "' ('~IIUCULA'I'N:—IIbx~.I aria dnr, for sale by Mk() A I.EY t F?sfITI . It/INDY-30 pyperin.r old P,,lich Brandy str,,e, int eak • • - f‘IIEE4I/4-40 Itx• in sten, Gtr by I WI, h CI Clirce,ral per exprex. .r A ,11 Ar•ON A 0313,1;'1 nnokel les.e cf iruprn Kir nett. if N raT.lrrl9:l•larerea.: r, JET LA p pcWelsh Flonnels now opo • I' n. A .r 0.1 taarkct 10, pomprtottg ever, wally • A A raIAC - 0111 Cr) itcvt.73.iii63, to, wk kw t L.VVV mlfhitonf ,I4VAPHY, pr 4 COMMERCIAL RECORD. 16471 Sun iDECEMBEIL loes '9 l'hrcday -- 7 - 12 id Friday 7 It! II Fiaturday 1 713 12 Sundayl7 14 13 hloollay 17 15 14 Tuesday 17 16 IS Wed.:a:achy • 1 7 lii PITTALWRGII BOARD Or TRADE COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER. Movements or the Ocean Steamer.. Sleamorr. Coprom4.l.cost? Atom Lenve Huron??? Warblon.(Am? ilowat. Nov I' Oct 24 Now York II? r ) Forlorn'. Nov N trot it Bprannia. (Uri .11arrornn, Mx I Nov 411 1?r,:on. (Fr? 11006rrt, Dot ?? Nov 19 Riberlll2,tllo Ryne, Dee 16 Nov 1 Nl?r , ouri,(Frl Moro , /kr 21 Nov 4 Cornbria, (lit) Judi.. ? Nor I . Dec 2 4 enlerlooor, Mr) 1;.,, Nov 10 Dec In Pho.deipi..,iedik.,on; hob 9 I , " ~,, • WM!: rlitsßol l ol l Tuesday Morning, December 14. r. The weather yesterday was dark and. rainy, and business, Di a gemiral way, quite stagnant. 'Flour—The market still maintains its usual quiet ness, and prices continua without change. Very httle is coming in. though the supplies seem alto. gether suflicient.to the demand. Regular stlei from store at prices ranging Dion $t trtl to 5,12, as in quantity and quality. ME=l ==el Grain—The market is without change. Receipts Continue light, and sales moderate. Prosisions—We notice moderate Wales of Bacon at usual rates say. for hatas -eac, Bei Sides 74e9, sod Shoulders at: 6 i/i 70.i0f Lard, sales of tlit.o at Write. 01 Butter, the supply is light, with moderate sales of roll at . It lot le, and of Keg at 96q10{ as in quality. Chbeee—Salcs of 100 boa %V It at oc, and Itk at 6,10 - 61 c b. lb. ' GrOelleii-11,1e market is quiet, with an material chanie in the prices. - The current sales lor N 0 sugar is 5,10 Si, ['he - market is well supplied, and pric seem to be at a Lund. Moises. is rather dull, es with moderate sales at .ildirdlic V pl. Km Coder cuntinume in lair demand at 844161. Apples—The-market is lardy supplied, with reg. ular sates Balm from stare at 51,1tt.n . 1,37 according to quality. Dned roaches—We notice sales of hi/ bu at 12,0 to bu—detnaull good. Dricd,Applee—Are in lair request, with regular sales at CSm63c ybu.- Feathent—:Sales of lbs at 330 • blackerel—Salev of 19 bbla at $ . 7,37a 7,50 to Libl 16WIdnkey-IVe nolico sal. Ol 1 , 0 LW. raw at ISti lay f gal, and of bbls rectified at I.Thit:lc. Flasseed—Snles to a moderate extent at 9U.1.1.!." 'rhe lollowing are the receipts of some of th leading articled of produce, at St Louts for the 11 ntootbe coding Noj an • Tobacco.-111.b5 bhdd, tdt le: bat, .511 bales. Iletop--7I,ICPJ bales I.cad-719,11?. p:gs. k10ur—:1?...1,175 obi., bliti LIE do. Wbeat—t.37llll6ll On .Ilorn-1 1.113.1 . 41 Data-19J, n; bu. I.lariev-1 1 f,91 j bd. bo. Radon-14,363 eta, bad, ell 7 pea, :29.033 poonds. Batter-10:6 bqls. tlte.l3 pre, kegs and blf bbls. ;We saw in operation on the Martha! Ney, a small rotary engine. so arranged and applied as to raise freight and lower it tutu the had di the boat— While western on board, two hhd. tobacco, woigh• Ong 27375 pounds, were raised Nom the deck and lowered Otto the hold with the utmost facility and emu. This engine is exceedingly simple in U. con. struction, and is the intention of Mr Leonard N Nuts, 30 ingehinue mechanic of our city.— [St Lou.. Rep.' Miami Canal. —We understand WM •travntabon' on the Mitnu I 'anat. be..iond the lunediun, is nun pended,seeer.rt bohts in that reguen having been Hazen to • e Bodo, packet and line. are plying rego• lady between this 04111 . iqua, arid there is at present but but little danger id a freeze at this end ol the Itne.—lrda Cent. • Derm.llrer I Atitirc..l—.l . ::ie 1 . •. t1, 11 J,;s I ruin N. ark. SIJAp Lniccru, di dais Irnot December •/ Shy Allanl:c. I. cl,yr from New York. Ship Succhicarti. 1; clays trorn Berton. Shci• OiCVoi.l. Lc clays Crum New York. Bark Nlary - 25 act), icccat Hokum. R.crk Wm II ll t Wright. clap 1,0111 Baltic-more Error e Etkl.lit•art'rrk —Ttie following klawolienL etiolate the export{ ol hreadetuda from on lie, principal northern koaportio to foreign ports, during to past week, and also truce Nov I. Flour, Neal H r.our Corn, , 4,3 %Vim. '330 1 . 251.1 i3O 4t46 Etz,B:l 401.:3 VO./7 :361 takt - ;:s:9 171. i :;:90 New 1 or I, Ploladriphla Rail Iln e herluu.ly, Ltv.b7 '24s'lN 1415 11.01 - 391 1:3671 . Louisville. Dec 8. The rwte'r has fallen so funnily that there is 'now but about six tea water on the fah+, and large Ste:t ruer. cannot asceod the falls. The Veytona and James liewltt have gone one, the Mlle and are now lying at Stointingsport. T.c ground to frusen hard. Milsicetppt wag failing at St Lotus no Werla nenday. lee bus fleating to the Altasourt raver at Jefferson 1;:ty, on Tuesday last,—( Jour. tarietnnalt, Dee 10:. The, over at t h is port, dortng 11.14 hours ending tips evening, had risen about tu inches, and was swelling' more rapidly. A good deal at rain fell during this alleronou, ItCol,opaDled with thunder and llghtnii4.—[Cra% ST LOUIS—Per Clondolier—S bbl. 'oaf cigar, 4 do 0101335.1, Itolunron & co-10.5 dr Wes, I or, I bid tallow, Li bga leathers, S , cele & co-30 bairn cotton, King, Pennock & co-3 ask. gins, Alulrany & co—l store and litturer, Lane., Sterling & co —I br mdse, Atwood, Joono & cod rope, Blackburn. l'cr Bytyklyn—HX/ dr hidca, growl do, 7 bed do, IVtiryant—r.bbla gla., Cutting & Itobortaon -3Z do chalk, !Sennett & Bro—Gt.. beef - Wm Laugh lin-10 b. candles, 5 bbl. alum, Smith & Mac Oar 411 Ulla lard, Allen & co—ill bid, whitkity,J. Hutch ClNClNNATl—Pcrslonongahcla—l o lib!. chat oal, ö but candles. Knox & Duncan-5 dri. alcohol, Fahnostock A. co-41 bl• wool; Barker-1;bl mdoe, II Grafl—V bbl. lard, Lyon & Short-1 bbl. sugar, Potter & Son- 2 W. oil, 111111 ct & Rickets':m-50 do do, F Sullen-40 do whlskcy, ParlicC—J9 kepi tobacco, McCutchcon-41i bgx wo Ilarbaugh-3 bhdx Lobar* I Wales & alto wool, Wllliamx & Edworth-40 bhlx dour, F Sellont. BF:AVER—Per Caleb Cope-3 kgs butter, 43 dressed hogs,3 bbl. lard, I du butter, Ilarbaugh-2 do lard, I kg butter, II sits rags, I pkg bcessma, S hlcelutkan 4. co—l bbl dr peaches. I do-butter, .1 C Bidwell-16 ales rage, 1. do wool, 4 kg. lard, I do butter, Shoenberger—ls bbl. apples, S bss poultry, bbl. flour, sks corn, 1 bbl sundnes, 1%,1A30 tire bock., owner abotrd. CARSON & SIcINIGIIT 117 - 1:laIan of Colombia—litre Tonic—To the Bald 111.1 Urey—lf you vel.h a nob, Manna head or ha,y fret from dandruff Phil 4elltf ihlll t procure the gestalt:l)l , 4lM of Columbia. of ba o rdne.. a wlll more than creed your exp. - mutton., Many who bane lost their hair tor '2O year. have had it restored to /V Grapnel per amino by the Si bahn. Age, Vale or condition appear to he no obstacle whatever, n also mawe the fluid to flow with 'glue!. the delicate ha., tube ta filled. by which znean• thuarands (whose him mtl. grey as the A•atacrie Eagle) hove hod their hair re stored to tie natural color I.y are a.e or till. ,nvKluohlt , remedy, ln all eaten of lever it will be found the aura pleasant wa.lt that e.tu he aced A fear application+ only are item ciary to keep the hut, aunt Whoa out It streepalteno the MM, it never fads to the a rich gaaky apPearence. and a. u perfume lor the Mlle n unequallm% a hold. three lanes a. , much wi other mis , call, d butt restoratives and is more effectual The. ~e no manufactured by Consatoek C0,,21 Courtland itNew Init. ' Sold ty Pnt.burgh, utak genuine,by WM JACKSON, vJ Liberty at , head 01 l% nod; to Wa.hingnan, by Sweenr :on; to.Brownovi y lle. b A. o Kennett Pr. Crocker; too Canonkhureh, by Or. Vette!, also, by our agents In every wan to r• , Ohio and Md.. .nalk<ewthoT irrTo Steamboat Men and °there—Can aril's !tierce! Pato Faunaior—lt is ouar coated,' by 1.1111111111 me alai Conn< l's iungieul Pnin rnunalecuirerl lit Ciini.ioek & Co ,21 Coallland the green-el wonder of the Will ['PIMP . ) cal... dre tru,ylll: nrulotre. a irinoVed 1 and ail esteems I mire, 01 low 11111101. lmm . .1 appia, ton. liealine the •anie nn die delicale 11.1./. 111 sear. It 1.1 aaruAlly beneficial to al! th11.n....0ry kIL such AA AKIN N.pplr. nd li:yer, r•pialins, Itlieuma.m. White SorePieg and nicer.. - Bruises. Ilnno, Chlll.ltnls Ery..peles, 11110., Tie feilarraire, &c. We 0110111 told al ..Y , ‘l , 11111., 01 11,11.1 cllll.lll phy.nciiina who ii, an I.ll'llrectiiilc, and hundred , . ot tha ale .;y . 110 anther K:rdp.rte.m keep itcor.+liiirily on hand, ite•es of aiiriileat by Gre, hie may be lost widrout }b ui 14111111. F ere velvet to Its coati - el, utileto dor vliale are derirer Caution —ltiriormj , er end esk for CooraillN Nit..a-al Pion inecilitectured by Cooirinek & , V., mad riii WM. 1 Agent for l'ittshurela, sl, hoot of wood n irl'idtrAvOinT To th. Va..", if rh. Pia,..fets Gaza,. We take lde+.ate to roinettentiteg m the r al Pt. burgh, the rt.... of JOHN LAUtitiLIN fur the Mayottltry. He tv a y.rittlentan tit every way idaliaett to HO the. oilier —mtid.[eatiemattlY.end temperate, and at the emote ialteltble. when duty tegattes. A. a: kopu InrlAl.lnror man, hr ethiltl hove no higher rccopllnclulal , on th. Ott Intl of hie belug , clll 10 the Irwin a want dal Lei. In Ktnenal M11,1,1 , :a ILICKYTKEV oppityjnoit a majority Mr. Laughlin has tri..o heen, for the Irs.ta.ne vcar,,on the dacrent Curornatee. or - Street, wooden hurld.rtax: ;,,, e sitnents and appeal.; the labor urd 11111 , et.n.unted in die' , l.l. has been very'grent, and ,ustly entitles hasp the'regasdaerd inflame, of the %Shag party. derC MKT FRLINDs. PM OF PITTSBURGH I --Ls sisets I Moon 6 4336 . 3 7 433 737 434 839 I 4 341 9 44. 1. I 434 110 54 14 3<l II 57 1 Ist quarter I 4 34 morn • CM= CINCINNATIL'ACK.HP, 10 A.. M.. BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and ID A st and 3 r ItIONONGAHELA CITY P.\CKM:l's. 3 r. DISPATCH. Nelson. Brownsville. GLASGOW PADEF:I`, Glasgow,' r, vt. ‘VELLSVILLE,WeIIrviIIe, 9 A. M. Plan' No., Nashville. ' AIIIEBICAN EAGLE, N Odeons. GEN JESSUP, N Orleans J J CRITTENDEN, St Loins. PASSENGER ARRANGini ENTS Pon 1e47 Steam tioak•Packet Wne, lariat duly rut einnari, 10 A. al. Pacacneer Packet via klre-nsville to Baltimnre Philadelphia, 1 a. at and Mali Coach -Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A and I tr. Wevtern and Southern I%lad Coach Line, 6 NorthlWertern via Cleveland, daily, 106. n. Erie and Westcrn Nee . Vark, [Lilly, 9 •. North E-cutern to Philadelphia, daily, °lnept 5 do., 3 0. N. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUIIFIS OF MAILS Eastern Mail Trl Yhtradelpho, due, 3 A. 31., tin • 1.2 M. Western Mad, Cincinnati and Lnuinville, due M. closes 5 A. M. • Southern M., TE.I Baltnnorn and Washinton,4 .. • • . 3 I'. M., closes 5 A. 51. North %Vestern Ina Cleveland, due 10 A. M., elm • Erie 9 nd A. M. 6 'Ltem New York. due's I'. M., eloi 8 A. M. GAZETTE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, THIRD STRILT, DORM OY rot, ORYIDE aLLBT• arw. •r , now prrpared to ...gong. ,ea saperr and exped.L.ous rnanncr, all Ltnd. of Joe l'autv c., ..A a. haw. ruplrr....,trenV.oat 11:11., 0,11.01 Latin g, Latter Stu, Circular., I lendlull, Card.. &r . tie. , o:m. •arti rAiriurr rittwrimn •no rows.' oorentrat tho boat rnannot. and kinds of Printtna done with neeurney and at the Ipwca fl Important to Ativertolers.—Tla adver uscment. winch appear in the Duly 31nIn.nal , - ,,,,, a alma appear 11l the f,-Werk ly, thu. rere,v.ng the ben clreukthon of all, mahout any add:lmila' Ethane, Thlsip.an adv.:Lag. .001 withaa , any extra expen.e. Advertzreenen. are al.n ittserazcl eonally pup, upon reammable ECron.. • (0-Lamer who use Junes' nakinah Wt.".se, have Cwt. • fine while transparent thin 01 ahu• et mid ”.4 •nt any one. 101 l only in I'll,oer/ch. b. erty uviDtl3,o7 - Grand Tearer Iran Ora. ruharafatwr rathsra or wale IWO acris Lahti to lLe isonwelaw nr.ghbortwod of the lirawl Tower. on tior hlosrawipp. ro•cr, ferry rouroy. Mo. Tbe ow o. of the. brown brnoentr, (or. Dr hut, calk st. thr. by. 11(1041i brown oxide.) It he. all been....Hl-armee toe. wurth do) of .1.11, zo Trea the ow The hiles hes trona loon:. and a !a I moles 01011 ohe nvEr !mak. and h gOsarl Inch shore land:mg. Tbr Aiitan• uty is supposed U.. be 10111100.0 ,Intple• of the ore tw welt thr ftltrewuro flag:lwo At the 0101101. Pell rho win, toKethers or 01 WI, /0 rya VW(' tOlOOl, .101. i taw 01( , 0 .40,1 have H. iretun to luta. /1.01 0 •1 i/ Orr um. tarrturr tho SIC . pt •to he roaAwaroo lot Prw...est torn. rtouse...A ...t.....• lat , was roh • t.inL4ILE, t•/.101. t0..4 IL num ;I ',1., 1, ..r4 act I bld Iht SI Lou.. uml 11.rLu.ngt.e.in Itou mar.La• June. .1011% SCIIDDFR 10.068 :C{..lbl . S.tel 1556 ri '3'_6l FEET 0 Irma. \TaSZ6—STAND ARRIVED. Consul. Bowman. Browns Ville. Michigan No. Gilson, Beaver. Swam., Con. Brownsville. Monterey. Morrison, Brownsville. Danubc,Llock, Brow nsVille. Louis McLane. Bennett. Brewnsville Despatch, Nelson. Moo. City. Camden, Ilendriclreon, Brownsville Beaver, Sloops, Beater. Lake Erie. I lemphill. Bears, Hibernia No '2. hlinefelter.Cin. Loyal lianna,Jack. G Brookly u, Rotes. Cin. Gondolier, Lyons...l, Louis. DEVARTED. . Cenacili Bowman, lirawnsiville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Honiensvill• Dirriateh, Nelson, Brownsville: Camden, Ilendrick•on, Brownsville. Sivatam, Cos. Brownsville. Hinutie, honk, Brownsville. Wellsville. Barnes. Wellsville., Heaver, Hoops, Heaver. . • Lake,Erie. Hemphill, Beaver. •T Nimbi arNo. 'l_ tilloun Bearer Caleb 'ope. Moore, Heaver and Wellsville Mond ) .rry. Mormon, Brownsville.. filii ongalielm Stone. Cinrinnati. yierica, Calhoun, Wheeling I BOATS LEAVINitiTIIIIII4 DAV• BROWNSVILLE ;RACKETS al n •. iin an HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, k,c I.II(PISAN • S C(VIIT SALE, • Of Coall'Llosda. purrwaO, of :it orrle, of 'Le o-rhmn , r , Cou,rt Al -1 1... w .onow r , o rtvr.url, th 3.1 do ,0 or 1 1. r 1,17.0 ID AM. A! .‘,lol roto. o r tt . Co,l•nola.nrd t.. nua nod, 11.....iirtare or 41 /IA 02 pe•Teb...a of x.ol •loixo Ln Al l <o ,ll / 1 1 0111 1 , brmg part of %Ito ....tate nom,. 1.1 S. Orwrn..lop. dr0 , .1 71, ;turn ea. r. to 01," KJ] and rvery rotrez/orry pr 4,1 1 .5.• of tio/Orr man the ,r 101-..4n.1 Alt lq . trumlof - rind - rpm° ag the ~ l d coal rue Cord Came rd in i!te 311.0rr rremlort or or r lent qual , ty, •Ioos:r. ormtht, row< 01 tlmeroir3l Rlli i HOW!, A. al prc•r•nllncalr.l. Fr rm.. .-n.ll ovl.llw3rAdtd ll r ROll/1111 11 :011 11 rl ll'.lto, Ejrna for Itrgst It , ga.ett : teeil. Ttoitp l n, ra ltynton Terry ar cmth- , at , • i ellent App 1,14t1.. fir.t rat,: twotu" I/t-t , S irtt.entar Iltrunt. In Wt. , " Ac &C, It :• btleitte: for ti Polly 1 - .111 nu I,lnt appti Itt tilt Arl'AN delltl.lttaqtT at Murphy. Wttstmt S Co, I- t:tutl lICON Ult BANK FOlt Sik 14 , 025,01f.0 / acres of 1..00 y.e 11 neer Of , eorf• of LI fettOec ff.fd ear. fee V 01.1111 1 ,, Reffturify, winch wt. e-rt off mm n far, met land. aeffolott or a fine hed of IRON 011 k: and done Coal which were 1.41.1 utfooft The Land is -.ern ne , uer.d. and 11,. olenit 00 M.., hoof the Ihfo iff ver,nt anreffor,h. and A:i•nll If tu.b.• by v road fa Eleenne,noiffg Ike propene n-11l IM. Id low, and at liberal termSEo, off aooffr‘ffon to .5111.Nlid CO. or A J BROWN I, FOR ILENT. A [land...m . ly heelel Rrom an?dar\. nleet, lately occupied ea a Theucrecotype mem, by 11lorafel .1. Co Aeo, a well Gambol and well furn,ad 'Ream, •iel. able for 60 , 1 , 111, reljolteng the lint! Of the 51.errantile. Library Abi0,31 , 011. Entialtreat l'h.lo D GAZZAM ort27 Office, market at. I,..terece k 4th • - YOE. ILE NT• . 1 1 . 1 . 'l' II E: large and rnuarn +•n+ Jaelhng Federal Ai alleTheny:lnenserly ca . cupKtl by Mr. Ann Gazrarn. Rent love l'o.+c• , wn rye! , on the Ist of April Der, ' b:I GAY 4 ALM. loomtintle pn..evaan of the above knave ran he oh. trcned_ by applitna to NI CreTtroo, at the canal ware• house nt Clarke & 'flaw. • do! - - . Coal Land for Hale. Q EVEN rrrrr Coal Latitl lor no , . 3..m1e a brnd of L. Nlo,,nngaliela giver-above Brown , iillr,l'a, hay- In , . • v, .n of 7 ir, Conl4 wl,chatll ho cold tacit:barge 2 To LET,—A large, eoninoxtino, and :well Ow I ,, bed, three ~ y lona dwelling, on Fenn rd., half way balween I:arnson alley and Mayne ,o. PORACA3IIIII 'wren HU Mr d totrl y. For purocularperano IC al ike office of W W WALLACE. fy2lll 244 111.ofty . -- -- • --.-- - BUILDING LOT N MANCHESTER FOR SAI.I: Ilinve Oa *ale a I , •aan.ful Bedding Lot to ManchroOr,nraril , Ferry. I f twin 20 by 1 fret Jrcp. It will un d arcouttnnal.tosag terms. unexeritnnoottAr nivlo JAM VS BLAKELY. Bra! E-Intr Aont FULL RENT. T H IStory /I.urk NV rebb.e. N 0.51 r.truel n ut' Nu. lON Front rt. Imuterlmte Wnier given—apply on the pr.( rtur L uul A EX A NDER GORDON FA COUNTRY RESIDENCE.' HAVING reinoveit to the c try, (or convrolenre krtto pron....tonal Inonnen, I will rent :Morcott lion,. and Ili .nnoent are cuelor.arc, emu, on the WWI. of am Monongancla, one rude al,ovc Pat-hurgit. anl4 :haunt JANIPS s AFT • , :.I. — _ -- r FOIL RENT. • - ASMOKE HOUSE, pinated on Plumb Alley, for rt nt Immo: of ROBERT MAI:ZELL AOr del3,- libery 1.1 For Rent. t Tut.: well furnerhe.t k.Ot on etrert, between undillif ireeta, at pre , nl by Barrow. h. l'urner. Posu”lon thr I 4 of April err, Inne22) ~A/.Z A FOR RKNT. _ -- - RESII FRU IT, hc-4010,Prtovo crop bunch RittAlas IMlPNlasnon Orancr% 5 walla Mors, 2 Wilt Alutoruiri • • I•A• A NO i Rock Cindy; Liao rree;.vel pc nor Coro 0: .0 , LA Mll l'RTh SITIPTON. • 131 & r - 4 1,1111 N PACTUILND TOLIACCO-• - • IL • . Iva Runt II h. Ilmothe. •• Ihtu-toti's 12%; oti ,ull..gorm.nt A lill“IIIIN '4 rs I , lrcool for ow. rix Mut n antl l'rraturrr for Om and Ro.td Company, tvlll 1.0.1 on IY, eiber em, 1,47. brivv,en trio bon. of and P. NI. nv,11.1.1, Tre4vlrcr Pl►ln High Coloiicd De L►ln. A M &SON h Crktitlincrkel or. Itrive just receiver ?I. pr, err...an n.coritrivnt of rtin atrovc Vert insiroilv vinyl, int chniltroi , avec, di 7 .WOOL, W . Ite differ 1,11:111111' h 111.1 wc,nl warehoo , e, rut laberty at 4 001,11'1.1 ,, u yl wtt PORKION TOBACCO—to lino C 02,113.111 r nod l'orko filenvolapper rind fillor lekf To , ..brq vtle by A til,llt/ON .lelo • ,Slll, .1‘ S— ETI Al 4-4 rasee sur , ertion oncl medium,WArk orol colored En/,11 6 St ietomotot tore t yed ailed limn Importers by • tHAerd.ETT WIIITE doto • frg wood nt n; having ball ago... Steam go i Ma T mly, at Me more orr:ll'4.talt:ingtnr'aT. tweet at/0 BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. JusT RECEIVED AT * 'A MINER'S—Thai Llte of Jolois MeJborma i bom *slave to Major Johnston, of North Carolina, 1790, sold 10 'Ka ittelbourn, (widow of Litot Melbourne of the Benign Nary) at the age of 5 yea's, from. whom he took Ms name and obtained Lie freedom To winch as added drown. of the Linea of Troinar Jetterron John ,Q Adam., Jahn Randolph and' wveral other entioect AntenCan Stateszocu, bearing on the oulreet of. ,lave t ry, prodliced from pommel Inter• e with the sublet' of Ito/ memoir, witted by a late tiler of Cooper, The Conicout on of.. Man, conridered in relation to External Ohtecta; he' George Combs. The Mornage Ring, by Jelin Angell Joiner.' A Campaign in New %lexica, wan Colonel Doniphorn by Frank Edward.. a Volunteer. The Mystertes of the TiITCE Coors: by Augustin, The Pirate's Daughter, or the Kos,. of the Atlnoue; ho J It Ddganne. Adveut arci• of n Strolling Player, first Amens. Edi Pontia,er the last Battle of tae Ottoara Met; by Oa rood Bradbury. Las Irs Living AFe, No 11x5. ra Dulaney A Son, f.i_o 14. v•or's Counterfeit Detector, for December. Utniin Mar:acute, Columbian l'ilagetrine All thi 11 n 5 ' • ' 1 A large and varied assortment of Juvrtiolo Books— /cr., a beautiful selection of Annuals, loch as Noss Bose, roteet at, Not, Li:alien , of Memory, Lady's Al bum, sie.ric. . . A I,rw ..11,11nw eupply of stationary, blink books for comge mon u.e ol rvery dewripon. A , ar lot Pirtortul Jonotha. and Coutiers for the Holidays For pole et M A MINER'S StotthGeld street, 7d. door sroto 2rl. del VNAILLie READ V, for PUBLICATION. 11 ny U JAM Y.N, Coterratatt, the follow.na nevi' and vanottolo Worka 1. IN,n.phaoN Expeilwon—Contaonng • rketih of do! Iv. Col A• W Uniphtt; the Conqueptof New Alert , re, fire 6runu•)'n Overland Ex oedalon to Cato - mum, Don/phatt'. Campatgn aaalnst the Navy°, and Ms un para4,l arch noon Ch ou And Durngo: and the A. tAilitilS of Gen P,ttre a{ Santa Fe: with a Nap eel Eat rm.. by John T Ilughe.., A B th e 1•t Real of AlL.sourt Cavalry. . M==l ci.thet, Gene rapine it I „Stall laical and Geological deseriro Opine wenn anecdotes or Pinar,. Lite, and more than one bandied Bete nephical Sketehett of dietingnialted l'innvern, Soldterit, Statesmen, itlll.l. Lawyer., tlltettrated with forty engraving.; by Lewitt Collin!, I vu octavo. ; The twirled Momli's Volt Meer, or Journal of II Pro yam in the Tenitensce R rearm of Cavalry, in the Campaign of Mexico, den g condoning an ae eount of the Maros of the Regiment to Vera Crux, • I descriptan of the Country, pamed over: analmem. en.- tow, ae of• be peuple, sits...besot camp life; accounts of all the setions of other Volunteer Regiments end a full Maori . of Lee Mexican War; Liss"( the Killed and Wounded.h, illiparated by • large number of comet V terns and Plans; by Uco C Furber,l solomaya del New Illoolia - NeveSlllooki. , FILE CONVICT, or tic Hypocrite Unmasked; by 0 1 I . R Jantrn 110 Jock Ashore.; by El Howard, auditor of Ratlin the Strict. The Star of the Fallen; by Coals, author of Block Plumed Ridemen . L The MeeseFigure Stroll, or the Lady of Green and Dl by Cnsrlry Corey, of the US N. The Cando:all rude, or rtie Maid of Sammy; by LOWS Stall hope. author of 'Striking Liken rases,' Ac. Lamina Lynn:or, sod Mr and Mrs Woodbr,gdei, by Alias Leslie Landon quarterly Review. LI loon NI imagine for December. Th e of T g ore largo otipply. e Menteurering Alothor, by the author of `History or a Flirt.' The Wilfeliness of Woman; by a t d. Old c....dorr: bY E llawafd. Lento,. /till on or the Young Strawberry Grsl—a tale if :lea and Shore, by Ingraham Kunio, or Daylight. a pale talm by J S Robb. risr Rowland Ashion.2 not by Lady C Long. T e Splendors of Veismlles, and the Court of Louis due CI V. Flowers Peroanifted Nord and 10 Rural liemet.tes of Amenca, pan 9 armee, Newspapers me. London Punch and Pletonal Times, per last steamers Blather Jonathon. Philadelphia Courier, and honker Doodle Petorinte. For sale W be M S CALDWELL del 3,1 et, opposite the Peat Othee Books of American' Bowlay Settool Tilt: Aheap L d i o rary. ! . of Ibo d r o olo, for 10 10 The Child , Cabinet Libenry. 10e.1., 9A A fold .apply of Ltbnary Hooka of 011 .i.e., from 0 cent. , tarp,: dais of Boob.. ' ..linmoquention !look. from Vol I tol2. 1). Con.econee Qoesuone on Mallbew. CIO leo Scripture quesnons Union Fit on Books, 10 cents; - .New Sunday School Hymn Sock, 41c; lhe ble*Sunday Fohool Ilymn nook, sundoy Seim° , Ticket, Reornol Books, 51aps, 010. sa:e at thr Fan:ern Calmlnane prtces; eatakigues futa,..tred grab, nn amis..on at the Depotaary AAO. a general aasnrninent of achanl book., larinng MeV, tlf C:C Country Merehent..upplied at lavreol pnce. form& orl',...hange for c•.h to , e.• MA. "Tr & uNGI in•rtel at hetavt.en :Id Ith N!, ItOUKS—.lpplelou's Rail Road and Stem !Wm; Con.,p.ohon, berg a CI oven,. liuldn throne. :he Nate Fr,land and M Slitt, h inthe r.outinttn and Ws Kern taws, and alto in Canada, tl• oath natne..,.. o gat ... a d Tic WOrt• to( Fax-Green 1.1•Ileels, now fast ed, vto •o-el en, ravalaa. I tor 1,1`: ...bled by Eso.ly :ll,..l.l ,, —.Lv.truted AIM ien 'Pro: engravinv, rlds wurocro 'I be l'arat.t.. I.ord. a mr.d esrp.ateli linohed an.: variously eolotrd.l.und ',v.:len back, carved and colored. For saleby ' J L READ 4th n. mar may Yet JM., C ICTION AILLICS lesagllatis Ical, 4tert A .L 1.4 al Dtmsonaryi Darn , PM, of Gteek and Roman Annemoes, C4rumeretal Dtettormry. I: re's lbenonary and ,upplemenr tilt, mar.unseitres and nhes.. Wth.nee.Orm!nt Mrt.noarF. reamed ed:tmn. and Wallet's lbettormrY; Woree..tte. leurniary. o • I.nble:l and 1.-o , tirrrlt Lea.con: • Ors..lint's I leb+w brimno, Crr'el td New Testament; heverro , ban Lr na.ororth , Lann the tainary; 1 , 1.n.,na and TjtMtn , En..nel, lbenonan, t 1,...” I,itionai The mho... aro i a eentirai *swot tinetit a Th eological. ~,,, and ',lmlay School Hopis, al. .. hand and air •ale law I.tuarr t, ENGLISH ArS Si market ay laildreen 3d kith_ 11.;W MUSIC- -Wbat's a . the sleet littomer. PI I ha, rome'trum n happy land; • llotn 111 the .;oul of a •nult., W0u , ,1 I were with the, What enett•nonvith.t , y !.Itrm P,gol. ' true 01 my soul; en I dm'd [Ely,. • The Ita.ny rra, an [' , ye home il'at n foseln land; Mow gentle inlet. due. by L.,,kr. Vows . , I•ut Cool forge:, Good bye. mom Come tw,ne tre‘h floats at my hair, P.thnetto"mitt; Cast alias Altadow from thy I.row, The fountain of pewit, The moonlight watts . t Slay QUI,C, Fleur wrd and for Fait by 1 II 119:L1.0R.III weed elTeel I' S. S,erral Yuma , . of Chlckering:s and (laic nun wurtus, arc.lLie way from Me east a , and will he reel-laud wa f..w day, _dud ATE THEOLAMICAI. BOOKS— , Athaetions of Ma Corns, by O Spring, I) I); Me moil, of Mrs Fry:the Cre-Adamite Earth, rout ibubons to Thoolog.ral rfennice . . by Jahn Harris, D D. '- Bride's Expnanloo of Proverbgi hi& of Simeon: His. fiy ry of the Prmhyteroon Church in KentunkY. nirmehos_of Moth Camila, historical mad biograph , iilugraiine of Me, principles of • portion of her oarly mnslors, by Rev Wm Henry Foote, hl'ellegin '0 fare. I.cliors mid I.ortures; Nl'amynn's Sermoit,; the 'O . , the knowledge of good and e• 11, flte. The iolloanng 011/tonn with C abinet •Canerhia Library , ' Tons oFeleouish Veltman), by Rey oe.. I) D,conFoihrrs. PleamotTales by Old Humphrey; Thank fulness mid oiler F:..suri. by narwhal:lode of Thonenh Lou of Mr Ailment; Peace. Holies ng. The above vgith a general 11500.100 l of Theological, hled.col. nod School Books; for sate at low pr.cos, wholesale or remit, Eli-tIO7T & ENGLISH nvl4 50 matt,, st, between 3410 .11k i==== • • • LIFE of General Z 'Taylor, with notices of the ...r t. Davao Dalian°. Southern Mexico, and lito raptor,' sketches of Offices...rho !save disurigu sidled Inermielves the war with Mexico; by J Frost, L D Art.'s Lila. or sketches of American Painters; by ticary T 'locksmith A Reply to 11111,1'11 E ligiou End of Res Controsersy. tar a Me churches of We English communion aro concerned. lust tre'd; for gals by dth st, J ne L RD its a market PIANOS. CIIICKERING—One splentbd Rom. wood viz and IL halfoetave Po mo Forte; made by Chickering, Doman. HERR— One renti.graml !onto Forte. from the manor factory of Henry 1 lore. Form, Pi octave. 1. ALli b CO—One carved Resenoted, 6 center, made by Gale k en , :ll York. . - One dim mahosany OCIZTV. • srotmitr.New 'York—One elegankyokno, six or yco, bern tnnni about one year; price LW. .. . . Ati exeelletsl! 6( rend hand Pisan, made by Load & Boro a th n e d rr lt „ .lin r oo o doder r.. ... SIO One r, nd alo 8 al For ay, by n°6 JOIIN II MELLO. El wood weer N 1011.161 fifrli,V 11001L8.-111argaret (imbue, Dew poecl•lm le I R Jame, ?me 6 e,txts. Xartll4, or the Triumph of I...berty. Chr.,topiterTadpole, by Albert Stroh. . I. , ...nm.nder of Malla:illtt,trated. . Fouolees of-Munro. by F Legends of Mex.eo; to) Geo. S. I..prerd; , free!. guilty. Slog. pee fur ()motes.. New Moe,: just neelesved by M. S. CALDWELL, eele.9 thud et. oppuelbe pet odes. PIANOS! PIANOS' t riann Fortes, H • of J Dealer :n.e41,7% The Le at No n ;o s or 11, '' and - the .abeet!. """'"". -."'""d A. SI., and from 4 , 0 , r. her will be there from II to p .. /t4,4,,,, 2.; 4 , eneh any. fire onder,:gned.. would itllorm the fIIISI.II. of l'ltt , lowtth and yiettoty Mat we have empolnied Mr. Kletwr ~le. Agent for We.wrn l'erowylyon.n, for the .alr of our / . 1111111 from whom they may he ob. :wood moor own [New York] prices. NI/NNS A. CLARK New Vol 1,. Sep 1.1,M1-ootalif Framerlane. A tir.I.ENIIID ai.rott meat of Rosect:oCrnod &fabric. I 1. any, VI 011011 Piano, with meta he Framn i p.oit awl for sal, A twospletidid lioseccopl Pianos i aritheolcrnan's ericlaitiett .I:clian attachm finished attachment. finied in the roost rood. era ,t) le. and for vale at F lILEMF.q.% Ilk , wow, street 2 doors al., Sth A Al 11.1 %V I , IIIeLIICAIs 11310TIONARV—Von. /I.taining an explanation of all the terms in A 21212.2. &r. &e, with the ',mules of the pri.t.cipal rtiann,sropments, and vatic:hie practical entries on the Intimate. of daw.t.. ,on the la-is of Donner d. Want, tr.: D Term% tiardeer, tit D. Jest reed; for sale by • J L READ ``ll.W HOOKS—Waslocaton and his Ociterils by J r Headley. Napoleon ono hie Marshals, by J T Headley. For sale by ELLIOTT & null•i market st between 3rd d. Ith PACKIP lb, of Vulcanized India Rainier Steam Packing for mins of steam einitilea,just reed; width front I) phi wide dawn to t9l intim.. at he India Rubber Depot, 5 wood rt. nvl't, J It'll PHILLIPS above I ce i ,le C ti li ,l E rd li gul U trolirr i es'rl; ° lo ß r;lle o 4 'be nal , JOllal Elwood Nkw' gum - WPC OF d.fing j ew —A .1 0 , of - 11.. Ps.l,rhe Present, and FUttlre; ay Rev Geo Csoly, 2 vols. ream price 60 tents. Just pabluited by .1 A tr. U P JAMES, - del HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. A RAMON FOR AMIN M'CORD . & K G" Ile'rr Corner of Wood and Fifth Stints,: HA VI: receive) their Autumn styie of I lota, 411,11 th they re-vectfully tonne the attention of their Casio. men anti citizen.. generally. Fall Style nat.. MeI:ALTAIC has just receised a Icattiful sleek of Scribe Costhis, Fall myla 1101 s. sitter for richness and lustre mural be amassed Call at the Hut Smn. Alannougabela Ileum, Smithfield al. and see them. octl9 INVENTION I PATENT Alit CIRCULATER AN A nAT PRUTECTOII.—Tbc subscriber duce on Saturday, Oct. Mb. Crentleruci, wislong iricd srua ons desirable article wtll please call and examine.. . • ALFRED KEEVII„ Proencal Ratter, I:4v head of wood at FALL FASHION. 8 MOORE has reerired front Ness , York, the i lt style of It ate wtooll he w d 1 inlngluee thin day. Baturdag, Aug teuh. All those in want of a neat and superior hat would do well to coil at No 73, Wood tweet, ad door above 4th. og7B tti e=!:=MM LICE es. COSTA R'S Style Gentlemen's Ilea will b introduced et KELMS on Thursday August 27t1h. Gentlemen washing cheap, ftmh• ionuble Ilut of Pittsburgh manufacture ahead of fashionable Ilats imported ml advertised by some of the trade. please cull at• K EIW IL /s. Co's angtriStr 152. bend of Wood st • A61.75141K11. FASIIION 0011.LIATi5 J UST recetiersl Imin New York, the Suni •roet t'tyle for Ilats. CO7l•i•ilng of Whine Beaver, Pearl end White French eassindere lints. with Ventilators. Thaw. in want of n licanttful.light lint are reopertfully invitztl to call. S M(X)EE not.N 75 wood 01, 3dirro tactic 4th IVWILLIAM DOUGLAS Ms JusTre7rvCd • fresh siipply of Ringgold dad limn& is r ist Silk Glazed Caps, new styles. Extra -Gm French Moleskin lists, at very low prices Jell No 76 wood street _ . . AWILLIAM DOUGLAS, CONTINUES to manufacture, and keep constantly on hand, every varlety of Hat s sad Cape of the latest style, and pue' very by at 7E Wood street. Fist ~,de ._____........ APS! CAPS'—Fine Otter. Seal and Musk Caps, C to hand at hIcCALLAM'S Fashionable Rat Store, Idonoanahein HoUml Dead • CLOTH AND GIAZ'D llArti—A splendid assort em and rent enoety of of yle at AIoCALLAWS, Illononohnlo Doe., . .tIO DRY & VARIETY GOODS. _ _ . 1911AWLIS, SHAWLS. A LEXANDEK IMV, 71 Market ~ %V. corner -A. of the Diamond. have now received holm the lugs unction wtles at New York and Philadelphia, the'largest and most splendid assortment of Shawls, which they hove affeied in this city, amongleach may he found— Splendul French Ter bete, of hondenotesi ogles and hnew qoalt lie. imported. Splendid Brachia, 101 l wool,) some of the Anew quail .tirs, and MOM be atonal designs ever offered to this mar • ker. • Splendid tartraFrench Plaid, (all wool,) a new and, beautiful Wilde. — Soper6ne Cloth, plats and embroidered black and triode . color., with heavy bullion fringes, a superb niter Merino, plain and embroided black and mode colors, With heavy silk fringe.. Super 'Paris Camelean Sulk, very heart, and unsur passed fors ehnes• of style and quality. • . Super black thtthwth Silk, tiett article for plus pees Pl. A /an , assortment of cheay heasy, woolen Shawls. plaids, plain and kinbroldered, adapted to country ules. A lame portion of the above gsrods have been recently purchased at the large peremptory APetion Sale. in N. York and Philsdcipcia, at remarkably low prides, and Dori be sold at agreat red detiod for regular price& The attention of wholesale buyer, Goods H& ;MUD have thisl day received direct from :the 'rimulactureni, and'offer for sale at New York pricea•— , cam of those Eatra Superhne Stns. manufactured explemly for our own sales and warranted well made. I care of Sunny and Merino under Shins, wrappers andlDrawers, some very fine. I • I cam Bosoms and Collar...eluding ththwth , with Col lar. attached. I rare numerous ve )me at Suspenders, with other Gcods lad to on, including blk and fancy adjusting Stocks Sauu yin and plain Satin Mocks. 13omblmine boa , and plant Bombazine Stocks. Silk and Satin Ties rich silk and satin Cravats. with one case of low priced Shins which we a sore qualily have never bra sum; ssed price in re thus city We intend to close the above Goods oil by the outage and virodld roll the at of Purchasers to our covet of Doody. knowing that low price• will Inoue them a I speedy sale. H F. TODD - OCIT.I 26 wood st, op emirs, V doors below 24 Wholesale Dry Goods. RECF.!NFD at the_ Wholesale Dry Goods J Hon Ms. 6 2 Merkel street, 2nd story= 3icrotes nr.a. utylt. mots, 21 do., Moe and orange prints: " do Oregon plaids, new miles; . 4 do mixed mid striped casstmerem •Mhales white, red and yellow fimittela; Mem , . dotonunc ginchatn.i 41 tfo .tripod and p.m gloat cos; 11 do Kentucky eon., no eoperior ,In Clll.ll flannelot • Mr, what- linen, white Mem , . creeY du'urml'^u• !mods, tepee, glove, hosiery, Ince, de de On hand, tin extenstve stock of Grown and blotched mush" 'mi ry prints, pitchman, checks, Imonettthands. plumes do Merchant , are reapeetfollY irt , ited to nail and eserolor oar ausortment. ea we are confident our muck teal fnuoahly compare with Eastern homer both ne22yar.ery and uncut,. 1 ITEM= sheeting alltrallrsa. • VC T ro . a ' re U k l e P p i rr t t i na d ao clle ov! i i fooi d , IrrtrlLmedvc4l,i t ne , lading riga, If Ski wide, • Waltham ,heenngr, I f and 4 wale; II .ra:n.on sheetrogr,s4, and Eel •• Walther° " tade ' ! Itam]hon 21 ohd R " Vtllnar care muslin% dilderent mate.. Alan nee nyle firfridrire4ado , .. white and-colored costere pann, nearer ctn.:micr:rim, bordiring for do, oap -nor blonearg,homn-addra. law ',nerd l rm. for , 05 ( 00 e The.. goad, hvyect,K been bought manly' from theduantilarlorert or dietr Pena con be 'old at the froviest prtret —at northeast orange 4th and mallet dch Changeable Nails., Le. ' T R. M URPlll , opencil ye)Urniny n few peer.. of Ire Changeable Tore S'elius, for dr ease% • Black vleite6nd'eaidtnals, Cherry colored Fthreaderi Scarlet hlarrellmes; Cherry salmi Ntalded RIRAII4I TarkerL armada; Tb.brt /cc Kr. fErVkt norrtecart corner of 4jh and hlarkedars del SFLIRTING illUtildhiS,lke—W. R. NIURPIIIt invite, the aitenttoty of htlYees i.e e aaPPIY shove Roods. lately rec)l. Inc:tiding same of the beat aoke,land unusually . l oft. Alto, . ..ihrcurtir Mos!ors, 7rum I, to 3 yds olds' • - Pillow7oss rousfi . n.l . .corr;inan - rnd fine: . Tlekina, eocomon sod Rupert.: Furniture prints, Woo) Ge to fine. Alrp, few nwre of those handsome colored Counter. mord dtterent colors, red 31sokers. common of super. ine./cc.de. - oat.. ' - Ladles' Winter Hosiery. \IT :t. giII'WILY Invites of tentto t o his exceltent litat.r. ..lock of colo 'n rZtra Ifc ' t;e ' n , 7 -- • Black lobbed '''' do, 01. do, very heovf i White and dm do; Illock ticgoris dm I lack Alpaceo Ant Mod Thtbei do; Matt Lorn• wool do, very supoiort /nervy spun stlk dn. a c ite . Al at the omen possible p 114,5. _Jell - - . THOM LINENS, ke-A luither supply of above I.goodo, of opptosed inaindocture. lust reed. - Them goodi hong purchased front ohs agent of the' maronfoc taretY, in large gunntitcr, can he sold at veiny low Fn.. MI. Al.O, 0 Linen table Mayers; tioperior damask do, . Do table cloths, of different sizes, ' Iluckahoil and other Diapers. Ac. Ac. Rekider a lame osiortment 01 Linen Cambac Hand• 1 71117ttiTe n =R n ikot:Xp " s i rat r. i s, e1 ' 1 V „a " .: ',,u . " 12 1` ... • ~._.t-to . I Welsh Flannel., ere'. - , . 01.0 101 1 H a L i tt l e % trurtiTlVanod7, l l7at ' an lo te n d7rt ?,,; shri k m washme. Alcoa lame supply of Mallet and d 'n a nd ' ; 112 1 1 11 1 Tr w o' 'w' price. c d' e a LO 0 b : y 0" the 7: flannels; piece fi ol a so nd Y'''' ; : a h rd N . rd erf -'"11 : k 11l hole ; : air ttnam., norm., emmoce fionagth sL nirte4 1 New •rrii — 7 ----- 1 TLSr Received Me tollgate of oursl stork of INDIA J 011tlEtt GOOLki.oompomol , h ,, tallaYitna kindat Indio Rubber. Lang overcoats, sack overcoats. short °aeronaut, oases without sleeves. copes with alitores, ponflios, leggings,u/Sois, camp Wankets. horse covers, traVeling hogs. saddle boas, gun covers, prok ision hat., 111[1.311 hoot buckets, Sr polos, mr cusloodv, ad beds, loolucks. (or the ladles. and onion. all of Isibich we has it complete avortsorni that We offer orbolooCe or road on me lower pots moms, at our lad /k !blot., Di pot, 5 wood street. nVIII ' . Jlc II PHILLIPS . ____ _ ._ - . _ .1 O s tr r , I.Enyl:p,.el . E i z e rzl i a . l ,.. l - t :lt . l; , L c. f i lN KIN a :to't Cords oral Tas•ela, for Lit.c...eloakst al " 05!pal "kart. SOY Ft.nKe, 21 llmb aide; 1 blue .. I melt With a large aafortmeol ef other r.olor, ..lell JUT REcEIV . F.D 7 y Adams . lt l'olo Eiorm..— ' 1 " " r ' I'g O " " V; " la ' : Cod, for ov„,b , .on Ts. and n ark mats will 1... made mo I lder • '''''h°"''' n'n''' 'n't '" A '' ;i7 . lrl l Jl . s7;l " /ZI;II ,ell .0 wood .t. 5 doom above Ith - - , - L , RE A II TtIItICERRI SIIAWLS —We ,eeejved • Liraeaddamnal ..dirol arty occult. French 'furter. ohawl, As ibew , goods very source, we would revrelfuJiv invite the Indtr•t, call nd examine our stuck. a• we are •climq them very loW. • ALEXAN Min /r. PAY avt!.s • 75 market N cor diamond , - M:= .. . A. .-L'. 1 ...". - 1'..:1 - , C::',O4:.": , `We%•=arnn i ; winch nia) ter loured as Mtensere Flock of Shawls of erbry sanely, drera goorlebf the most fa.knomble klerls: ,1 g b t rod*. fsney anieles. house keeping goods, um ,_. do_ ' ny ' lL' lLTo . la r" ig 'b :Ll% Sc. mre Shawls. A A MASON A el r, ea Market st,havelart received /N.. per Express, lan nf there very Itch andlashiMat bllong and square Bard Klass's. . de{ ia I rai gli — c 'l.bn RA NOW— ho t retll m moils m e w of ahem goods. suitable far cloak-11/num alai, a large supply of elmhs, of suitable mlar* and qnality fur Ladle,' and Gentlemen', cloaks at dry good home o , W II MURPHY nr24 northeast ear sth &Market sts opLEN's zeEht , lilnot for tab lawn, ch il dren h rep yr wool rockete; offered low to the out !rode. 1111.T1 MN: SMITH it CO. oast st tl 11 /LW LS—Super, alf wool, Ilnanha Shand.: P.Li , ilopened and &end% at a great redeounn. tortd ALEXANDFR &DAY' HlRTB—Reerived Mt. day—SO doz . fine and ma dium qualm , Troy Nhiruovale and Munn.. pinda, int Byron and manila% tolltnr; for enlelby nvl9 lii E TODD. , I • - --- -- -- I •FrAAINIELS—Ited, Blown and barred Flannel. An additional supply 'I ccci red from Am manic ured.h Alwa, a few pieces low priced Cassinctut Mr ' It by . GM) COCHRAN . I MI wood - IyiIAWLS—A. few very cupervir. ell Brodie Ivaig 86avrls, which ere aro selling primly below uncial price. ALEXAVP" &DAT, EXCJIANGE BROKERS, nossr.r, usisaLk & co., ItANHICILE4•EXCUAFGE BROEXMAI AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN 'AND DOAITI.O EXCHANGE. CEIITIFICATER OF DE:, • POSITE. DANK NOTEe, AND SPECIE; • Fourth at, nearly oppocie We Dank of Pittmargle i CURRENT MONEY received:on Depoche—Sehi Cheek* for sale, and ralleelioas Made ma dearty all thr principal ponnain the United Seines.. . The higheetprerniam pardfor Edeign and American Gold .• Admteres made an eonstgrunente:olProduri.shipped Easi, on liberal terms. melt 5 ,Cop_srumershlts. TOSEPEI 11. TA L L. Owe of the Gem a Hill& Co,) and W3I. C. CURRY, itste of Erie. Pad have entered. into•Copartnership,i:under the name al liILL, & CURRY, for file parppAe of Cavlilllg On the idwtkLtund Exchange ides all branc4es, lit Na G 5 AVood street three doors below roared •keiit i c e—inhere they solicit the custom* of their friendsrand the public geuerally.JOSEPH II IlltL mchLS • 'WIII. .0 CURRY HILL A GIIILICV, BANKERS • & FIXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND TOMWFIC TIME /k SIGHT BILLS OF FACHANGE. • DEPOSITE. DANE NOTES AND GERTIFICA/ OF • No hA Wood time, third dooi bolo* Fouitli.irrot nide D AR Foods and Ctinincy lAccifcd on Der+iiitc, nrid rollectioni made An nit the principal Our.o in the United Soto. :u r n! Ezeimisio on Baltimore, ThilAdclpliia, Now Ifori, Boston rani Cincinnati consikintik for ka.c. • Knnmety. Virgin'. Dank Noter.,botriat and Mid on fitiaralde tartar. k:k change on gligland, I reinnd, tinordanyadd Franca, procured. /re :Erni__ i mcllsl ! . 'N. 110141E8 Clos, ; Bankers and Dania. In'lr.arhania, 0011 and Bank Nalco, FO. 35, MARKET STIIIMET, ;41 . 2511C11GH. Sail. Rams. gialanire. ::.Buying g 0t ,.... i Nem York, ' pr. Lincinhati, i 'I Jib. Philadelphia, do 'LohWolk, i IdO Belliniore. . do tit.Loitis, 1 Ido Buying Rote.. BA K NOTE*. Buyt3g Rama. Oh,o, ' I dia. Co. ZeSerip Order", I dig Indiana, Ido Relief Notes, .1 " di , Rennie ky, ' Ido rentutylyanis C. .. do Virginia, 1. do New York do, "do do i Wheeling, k do• New•Orleime, i "do Tenneesee, 3do Maryland, "do dunk( . Al4ll might. 4MARet itilLll. ir,aA laza i woun. • tp ANKERS AND F.XCIIAND E BIIOHERSS, dealsis Din Foreign and Domestic Bills Of Esebangs, Cettifi cares of Deposits, Flank Notes still Coin, corner of .711 and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Chalk/ llosel.; mytidlY Foreign XXCWIIIIgO. BILLS on England, Ireland, anittkotland honght to any amount at the Current Rates of Eaetninge.— 41ro..1)ralls payable ...y pan ft the 0 : 5 Cionaftiesi from LI to £loos.bat We rate of In to the 1 , Sterling, wittioitt dedoetioh or discount. bY:JOSItUAi ROBIN SON, Voropean and-General.AgetW Mee; sth st , one door 7restorairood Wife( WILLIAM A. HILL' & C 0.,. BANKERS, EXCRIARNE BROKERS I MO Dral4ll. Ft! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, DANK' NOTaq, AND SPECtE. No. 64 Wood SoW. Nu door aboie FevrtA, EaiS nds oethl Pittsburgh. P.. (d.tete WESTE c r io N FUNDS— , Indians, Kentucky:, • Musours, Bank Nues; pureasettl at.the ktwest rated, by • • • drIO N 110I.TOFS & sox ILLS 00 IkICIIAN9E,S:ibt Chrek. on Nov. York. ' 4 . • • Philadelphia, and ; Baltimote. ; Constantly for la by N 401.SIES in SON. dein ;5 market ,t TCOLSE - (5110N - ei—liriit — eaibiea, eeintit; cm payable In any part of tan Union, collecte d the moat favorable term. N 110L.MES.k. SON dein fi 31 market et EICIIANGE, on Near York, Phdadelplua, and Idalnmate, asnighs, In sumo lo Mill ptirdISMII.: con stantly for sale by - HILL & CURRY, Ocul' Wood itreet bele* fourth. WfiIiTERIC FUNDS—Tba acute of the • • :lofhema, and KentuckySauk. purrhaltu.l at low rater of dmoutt, .t the face a! MILL & CLRRV., 1 oCUI NoI5 Wood st belobr founh CIOLLECITONS, the7p - naegpal ties n * A• Ulllon, made by .• ILL /t. l/ ARV% oetll aroud a hal o , wants MISCELLANEOUS. T. TIIF. rualac= The Undersigned agentl for .1. the Proindelpttitt and Now Volt Pekin Tea Corte oly, has observed with surprise an advert x p xnent in he Batty Dispatch, end other papers in this sly, which coneludes with the ussenion..Thergis no stick romps. ny al the Philadelphia and NeseTark Pekin Tea Corn. rally in CZI/Sleflet " Belau the wilt for wholcsaleing the teas of this Compnay WiIOSC. o.lo*lotleg isino'platnly denied. I here . found it necelsaty to take this method tr sliding emphatically. that theta Is sue h a Company as he Philadelphia and New York Pekin Tee Company, and that the teas sold by them will compare favorably tette in Mood to quality end pc* Willi any m Pd4dll or elsewhere,as tor exclasme nutts,Ac , il s reasons• tie in support Ito publte. have unerelestve lett to buy hoot those who furnish theta with the hew cos, all the lo , ved Wee. I wonld refer to tile followtele Mongol& ers who have pure havd Teas (roughs ottoveCompany. :Pam. Oyer, Atm :Boren, hlcKtdry & Scott, and dm t. Aiieghelni 60 Glacier. onel - env in httalturth. JACOB. Ii STOCKDALE.", vellatawlen Ana Phdla and .!..: y Nitta Tea CO_ Cantle's, c r iatlsericitillos I 1 I.IE NEW VORA sod PHILADELPII/A PEKIN !rEA CO. having unilervintif. thus ceunla persons n Pirobargh were claunitin timexcluerve right to !sell their Teas m that Atly,vi' , SV" . Me that they hone 105 iit dnned some tune eincevl,"• !inns, *RefieY system, and . that neither My in • ..r.tiglas A CA., nor ony other concern has a righlie. in'any'eschisive print. legcs withtheir 'Peas. Ageul di the Caine pee p, Mr. J. R. SaßSilaii l tr, lent Mcblaalrea, Eiigle lloiel„Labertyirt., Pittsburgh. reeoly in receive orders. All Tees sold by this Cons any. are wananWdequil to any si - Rd in the United Ranee. a dno payment et. requited until layers are entirelysatieGe . .l no the (n I P.uncipai Wereboose dl to 11:utopany, No 35 North Front awe.. Philadelphia- !:. nvlldßawain ; McCAl;1110N14 • imsurt/iNcer. AG/kiss'' , Flftk. , • 911111 E AMERICAN FARE I•NilitirlANCE PAMPA 1 Nl-oKice, No PI Walnut !street, Fhiladciplea: Iheorporated A 0. ignO—Cbarter perpeiwiL 1 Insure Itaildizrs., Furniture, Altrehandire, and Ipme /Wm generally. ealter,4a the cay nr country, trireme toes °real:nage by fireolexpetnally isr for limited peetala, unfavorable terms. DIUZCTOCS: lulu, Sergeant :Mame! William Lynch, 4dcdpber berms, . I Thom. fOltone, ' fitting.. Abblir, John Welsh,Jr Body.; John'T. Lehnn. SAMUEL HeeMier Seereiety. Ordern for Insurance by the ! , ebore Coll:many netll b. ,etved by the undersign d, aria for Plarthurebd art 7 3m• GEO I?..PCIIRAN, '6 weeder • Of every description proinfulk ekenuted nuinnery' M . fhil4 11, Sun /Steadies., N. E. Co rn er f Ilird and Doak Strode lap essirs,l Philadelphia' rAT ir.tiE can always' be had aishort no fete— V V Maximie. Marl Medals.offafl kinds; draw and Plated poor Plates, " `Seale for Simko, &feieiles,Oorpornif ns, k,. Professional roaring cards,:srisrared d ponied.— Soeinues In want of "'anis foruffiee, are it *nod to cal, and examine Speennens and pesi g n• of id var.:fox or dere of klasons,Odd Felloorsisou of Te peranae,ae nuEdlp I f . . DAVIGNE"OIATt Car Builders, cinnati:• Okla, CV UFACTUR to order Passenge and Freight J.V.L. Curs of the mast approved dew riptio t at teeemini ble price.. Ely means of the iitnials,ltailcond and ; R.- cr. they are enabled to' ble dpoit reasonable te{nis to CI pr... in the West .Theiy work . will be warranted equal in all respects to any Made is the It:ailed :Rams. MI orders punctually eaccuied. i ' BECK &DAVENPORT. [Feltner!" of llogton. Masa) - ' SECOND BAND CUPTO34 MACIIINeAIT, plum band mules. 32.1}pludles e egtd s' I 30 Loom. for weaving 4.3 *beetle gmi • ' Screw TT. s for ballog"iheetings2 Taunton speeders, drawirm frames. redlsdbe; ire. end hood cylinder Boiler"; adof which will be 20 dlow. Enquire of BLACKSTOCK,BBLL k CO .oet3tnloril Pill CuAttat 14111.,Ptisloureb, Pa. D'—ri IDIKALTIOILidio p• respnetfully alarm hie friends and the cititens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny thit he has decidcat remain in the my during the to prepared to Gent patients, plating thecnrelyea.uneer bin care, aceonling to the nystem ere practised a; It Rater Chm Eslabl,:h. ments.for either Miele , Chronic diseases. These wishing to avail themselves ka • his services will mill sit 'Mk. PluAta's, earner of Libeny at. and Evans alley. ' Dr. Ii ligs treated seveYafteric ass or diocese in MI, city with great succeas; to which lie * permiited , ; ; . •oleAr 121.11411C11 CORIL.HOLIitt—Wav anted Water. C proof—nuttily reecittimended by Physicians is being' a rode preventive miainst Colds. of incornpatable mr. vice nlthenombe and CoOsumpove habits, being so I f ueledconstr an to resiM cold and Inciltur. they are of durable texture. warm, bent and easy in the tee:. Manufactured And .nld wholesul,Thy Clizanus: d. PtL Low, W I. I A full assortment of eivs for sple by nv9 KliyATtlf.i.L3lmnrlketst N 0 f ei,rot:Ket,ii,,t)Ekt,4—in I pursuance Tsi the prirmsions of the charier of ancbryardtion, the annual meeting of the tftechh.dders of 1116 alonet`ltthe• la finv.gation•Companyi will•be held oti Monday, the lid day of January,lete, (idles ns the heir M onday of the month) at the Ikea or , Mar said Veil •V, in dlr&l'a Broldma, roach street, in Me eity of Ptltilltrtrahr for th e prtrytisu• • of electing the btateralfor the eldruing y9ar. dritid WaIIdAKEWELtu :secretary. lt—A lame and eplendid stock of emtha, Cassinterea and Vesoligeovh,ch.wlll be blade to order in the and style and 'on the most rcinonnble term, by e ANCKER NIAVER. , • del° I 7nlerieul st; 5 Aniltnahrinc Oh' Arirriiu—liliiktrltts gbon eleaT:nralwant V V oleo, cartel's, hole rirporg , as..i , b agging. k • /Lc ~ for orhtch the tog heel 'print in oral, HI bo pukt b J W ChIADWICI: mitt woron:et bertiern On &lberto EI.OOR 0114 CLOT . I.IS • ' 1 - 7' 150. yde 44 0,1 ekribet' ! 500 " 6 garde aide; behey artier; 34D 3 0 6 " i " ! with border. of . yorions pa terns,joet recd from the Phillipordle ertorj; for on at oor wore roont,s &poesy. i non T& ft ptIILLIPS 5 vowel et illitu r ridAtififin I I JUEIT tcreirod.the leriont,itie kneel, and host select ed lot of Bird Cage• eVor uttered in jhlil market of ul s'acs, with or without glance. Call and ere hem Ili Pitteburgh Red NOR. 13.1vniai et. turd 24N Serldemen. ILLS-lUPti galls arkni:yrble.ac bed .3 [tale pritue 3 bola Tumer2o;l; 6 r v.d6 do; , rt3re, foryay. by 0 LIL.ACK BURN & CO 60;ter Fr. firm. (limy •v " etiireg ct.tit ezp IN ' e ' ve t' 'r a na,,j 70 cairn of I , June smnatla ham one of ide best Eqghell omevimhlrom arb‘,n arc expectsc 'react, !caulk,. aupp'...,, and can offer mknatactarcra Clay and nib. .n lhn eit .altlcatents tot parchasea Of us, aaa ,I'9INDEXTE R k CA) 4(lliilE:ickllll3A%!fimt ram wrounbi liron water IV boot . with cranks. fiances, riar low blocks and brasses, eotvblete , will bo .old arabar. gai n n. Apply to Wrikki eril lit's:meat wood *. Utai isliTKlll7llll 1142Dpuu rbTara - mai. Rubber !blocs, fir.,;of l tbe old Style "ma, .0 „hi c k hirothqn price be paid in canti wheel dalMbiTA slaw YaOlalitOtwr *pot. st wen ' I Idt II PHILLIPS OOTTO2II-3110 Miutuipp arrive; for.als bz ;'ATWOOD, PL. • I • • I I • I • • I i 1 _— ~:li::'-',dpi; ~~, Rai. .~ _— ...__ .. ~ . /MEDI(AL SECORMI: Coniumptfres, mumber that. it v Thoe ';'9ra I COrnynogand Syrup of T ar pit Woad 'hap. also h , duly 'Oiefing' suck re- • markable . c*res in - • • • ,11 PULMONARY' CONSUFIPTION .. • A.k.a., Bronchitis; Spitting or Brood, Patis in the Side and . Breast, Sore Throat, 11..mmemas. t?... • , Heart, Whooping Cough, Crouy limes; Nervous lemma "User Complaint • aut Poemed Eidoeys, ate.'` IIF.REFORE, beware oral. sporrans Boletuses of Tar or T Napthe as imitations are abroad M. S. P..Thotemo,Dear Sir —lb. asteMizting lamella , Mee eapeneueed ft= the cue , or yomCompOund Syrup of W Tar and Herbs modem it my dub to infirm you of it. 1.4 hen long eilk,4 with a mei Sad sonal rain in the bream, wills great oppreseme euEmulty of breath e and loss 'of appetite., then various 7.1541.1 without .frut. 1 became Waned, l head 0f love imediebte, but be- I Mg ...It to Bring mat ad.-et-WM med icines, Moue" ' would adhere to what I had looms umg. Findiffg myself .. getting. worse a triend , penuaded me to. try a battle of your • preparation, sayitsg obe owed his life to mlartnea im mediately procured &Palle ad commenced using it., and ter. tore I Leal Woo two bottler., 1 was completely restored - to '. Solely for 'the benefit of When P make the aliom brief Bolen Any further inquiries eon be made at my ream Mike, 148 Catharine Meet.: Respectfully yours, Fuxas •, JYill another Remarkable Cure. Pc, Dm. PO, IBIS, r --About sin yeari Mare, consequemee of the sedentary ca.uee of my busier., I ware anneked with W. n pins fa the breast. palpitation of the heart and shortness of Ismail.; : rtbkh were goon Adlowell by [the failure of appetite. extreme wakefulness at night and pertal parmysis ol my limbs—them symptom. of a demo:ell system Min frequantly attended mill spitting. of t blood. For rout twos ears I was 00C1Ilialk. aly thrown into coaubsions Lich loft me in a' usimalde sum of feebleness and began parcel coy mind. From lima to time my mlferine were mote or less ergot, uta at Meg hummed to such • degree, and ,the violence ' OM symptom were so augroenies, au for a whole year 10000 nimble to attend to any limitless. DuriegAtMs time 1 comalt. ad some nbk physicians and Ulundi.' to Mete prescription., _ bat all 'heir skill was unsealing to procure me relef and at 'curl; they regarded' my recd as entherly_hopelem. thin conditiou I was inMreded of the military effects ef • Thistmon's Commend Smoot Tee and Wood Oluptha, ii case minewhat t Mailer tmmur th ough Iliad gnat up ell expettat.one• of • reemery o my former hearth b 7 hums DM., yet being itrongly to d to try p a n wan at length pomaded ppm to do eel end now to sr, that by the use of sir bottles my health has been restared, KID now 110 to attend to busmen with es much &edify ei ' HENRY, MYERS. • r•Diek lawn Township. Prepared only by AN ON EY & al the Ph E. meter of Fir% and Speen s.meta Sold 'by L,. W ILCOX, Jr. Pitlaburgb, d remmtOla rum oge truly. Pr o i rifitTtlO: ° ln7p 4 ==: Compound Syrup of Tar from: 0000 but advertised or of those above the suspicion of dealing in mom deelld3m Nal SALTER' GINSENG PANACEA! frO. TUOSE, SUPPERING WITII DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented ruiceas which haa attended the WO of the • - . GINSENG PANACEA • • In all the owieus forma which irritation of the lungs an his induced the proprietor•easln to call attest• . non to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. • The changeable weather which marts oat. fall and wifiternontlis, a always a fruitful senor of - COLDS AND COUGHS. • These, if neglected, are hut the preculwil of that fel , ' =IMEI • CONSUMPTION. 1. ' The queston, ilea, How sholl'we nipilhe'dtwdelier Le hod? bow shall we get clear of put- media and , colds? is of Simi importune as the podia. TlO GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY ill be toped in the Gizmos.Pariacetzd In proof of this a have from time to time published the certificates so WO of our beat known rinzens,who 4veuipetiente curative poweis. These, with a Mom of WM:my ;Us all puts - of - the cmintry,—from MEDICAL MEN OF TIIE FIRST STANDING, filinizres of the Gospel, he., tegetliet with conk. no tines twat the JOD RNALS . OF. THE DAY, we hnifecintitdied in puniptilci finm; and may be had of any of our oyenis ihrouninut the country: lIUNIALLIS OF . DOTTLES have been need in Os oily. U., , THOUSANDS AND TENS OP THOUSANDS throughout the United Sums and Canada, mid Yre akal. lens any mgn to 'point out a - SINGLE INSTANCE . in which. when take. necordine to directions , and be • fore the Minya bad become fatally diiorguomed, it has ever failed to , EFFECT - A PERFECT CURE. WhPi - then, need the steltcled hesitate! Why resort to the ensemble nostrums, Innen op by unknown itidividi ' tall wider the ossumed o .aue of some celebrated phy .csen, and puffed Into notoriety by ...Arate e of per sons equally unknown} - Whilst a snediebe of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY i to be had, who•e'vouchers are at home,—cntr neirfh• born,—Onny of whom it hrts -- -SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. •' , In order that this medicine may be pla t ed within the reach of the poor . well as the nth, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CNANTEI, ju•t one Golf the usual eon of cough medicines. 'lt is Ihr .ale by our Were ttfite!trly every town and Tillers over the not, who am prepared goatee full informas s on relative to it. T SALTER, PrePileter, Broadway, Clncumari, Ohre. REDICAL AND SURGICAL DEVICE; No. '63 DIAMOND AL „. LET, a few doors below Wood meet, towards We, market.' jits W¢mf teem re - DR. BROWN rembeal ro- • W been for lama time in getters) pramiee, now Mitenes hisatlention h i t to the treatment of Mood A . yf • ~ v privates an delicate ecami , plainta fay which his oppos • r ninnies anq peetaltarly qualify him,— &even years mammas) devoted to the msdy sod treatment of those compls At, Id shag which time ha has mare practice and cm cured more panentsthati ean ever fall to the lot of Orb.= Limentioner) am• ply qualifies himto ras ,orme= of speedy, p.m. !, nent:and satisfactory sere to ell the r e wan 341apil diseases, an all diseases arising thereftom. . Dr. Bowen would inform those maimed with rivals— d imam. which have beiomechrunio by dine *remove td by the use of my of Mc common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be radically and Lbpr, oughly eured,he having given his easeful attention to , the treatment of such came, and soceeeded us hundreds • of instances in caring pen., of indentation of he neck,' of the bladder, md kindred diseases which often result min those caws where others navy consigned thesis to .hopeless despair. Ile pasocelarly inane-ass:wham have been &mg and msoceessfully treated by others to eat ve in h when l edery satisfacum will be given themmd the o nce s treaed in at areful, thorough.and intelligent i” manner, pointed out b y . lodge peneno, study and jo vesuptim, which it ta impossible .for those cl ean:engag general practice of medicine to Poe my one inO tilteate. tor Ilenu. or RDr. Brown euss teen persons emitted wit Hernia to call, as he hos pal • partimlar mention thin disease. Skip Diseases; also Piles, Palsy, eta.. speedily astral ZCbargcsveryloss. • N. B.—,Panents or either sex living at • disdain eiatnigAcir disease of writing, giving all the mop I toms, can Pixie medicines with direction. Mr use, by addrestum T BROWN, M. D. fast paa and melo sing Oz. offw. No. 6f 1N.M. 4 '.ll.li'oPirosiut Nu Wamiy. Llama, 12:==n1 lONSURIPTION ARILESTED—To Choi*. J afflicted With Diseases of the Lunge. t —'slits Is to certify to an,se labeled with the first pre monitory symptoms of Consumption, that I have been laboring for several years with a bronchi, aoreness afar the throat and hoarsenew. I awed many medieines, bat ' mend no relief in any preparatiort of medicine, until I ' mode twe of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been using this valuable medicine for event . years, and always find it to relieve when.. ever Intake esteof.ik My occupation as an Anent:n ecks:it:eh keeps me almosteonstantly engaged, Cause. • my disease, at Timex, to become very stunning , whelp, at once procure thin mediiine. I therefore take gel.- rd`m in making thin public matemcnt, that others :Meets a disease of the lungs and expectorant mane . May know the virtues of this i•all beating remedy," and may be eared. 1 have recommended Dr. Dunun's Expectorant Remedy to many of my friends, nine of *tom owe their lives to this medicine. Simersct,Ohio,Oot 13, 1043. JAMES lIEWIT • The proprietor of the shove medicine woold, also to the anderaigned persons, who reside Pert 7 eminty, on whom any peraon may roll open and be Convinced that there are virtues found In the above medicine that cannot be excelled: David Culbertson, Somemeti De.B. Mont, diu Peon car s Goliher,Jacktien to; Mr. Lorimer. do; Geo. Polbork, Soltlichm; Jeered Devotee, Hopewell iP DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, 150 SM. -na street. Cincinnati, Onto. sold id Emsburgh by %V 31. JAM:SOME! Liberty heed apl9d,twT A OR DIFFICULTY OF DIEthIATHINO.—• ' This diwise Is enured by a parouystnal construc tion of the air cell; ti is very debiluttrig, almost eat. .mg undocation. DR. SWEETSER'II PANACEA la the only certain corr. liOaliaNnr ,,, ..n be entirely cured by a free ass of Dr Catsrrh, or esrnmon , cold. which, if negleeted, terminate in consumption, Is tirCeiliall, reliercrl t and • mired by Dr Swertser • Panacea. • • Bronc hi,* ir unchecked, will effectually lead 10 • Dmnchial consomption, but a timely sue of Dr Sweet. Per'S Panacea wilt effetnally cure it' „ • Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Threat-72da. disease Often Iced• to serious consequences, from tit 6 leer eac h as oturinion of the threat. On the Ant symptoms. Pr NIrteIIIOI.IPILIMCCI should be prOgniresl and d freely c o , ic h,, and Colds find a sovereign remedy g Eweenter'sranuta. , • Pneumonia Notha—A very fatal disease, resulum from a violeut wash and told on a debilitated or brOkus wn constitution; aged persons tun subject to IL. Dr S we ets:lts Panacea should he teed on the first toms, which are a cough or cold. Night Sweat,—This debilitating coropistlnt Meet 'with a timely cheek, by using Dr Uorectuessi Consumption—lion the first appearance of consump tive symptoms, which are n pain In the sideatal brut*. • cough or spitting of blood. Dr Swectsera Panacea in I reWelhs, u s ed Ld auger ee eV nppretended. pipe, or the Chonehlal Tubes become clogged up with phlegm sou to ilintedis respinition or breathing. Dr Swectscs Paaaccaiwbrelt i s a powerful Eapectorant, should b e takin accenting • to the direction. Influenra.—Thiadistresring epidemic, go preyaln our climate speedily cared by Dr Sweets:ea Faucet. Price al per bottle, nears bottle. for SS. Ferule by Web JACKZ , ON, ED Literty st,sign of the big boot. . • • • oviulT ComisampilTie• Cansolanes!. Does sickness weigh upon yen bout! Or pains afflict you Orono? Try Dr. Dussms's ifdelityr Art, . A.ad it will rye you mt. It clears essay t h e misty elowl Disease spreads o'er the soul, - • And whispers through the gloomy Arout “Your health may yet be whole' Ems yonder rose of lovely hoe!: RSs wttherins mat decay Became - 01os the morning &sr. - . Before it fades away. The iNotas or Death aras in the sloal;; And strengthened as It grow— 7 And when it bloomed, In lovely gua,) It nipped through andthroogh. That Warta a( Deaah might be dafiedi If Dos';lll;Tel=l7.l"4.4. d 'ma of an rckzesuWaelaF. de•De ou Erkol - • , °FRCS., op{ anon..u:Oblarwhelis!do • E n id . i n • ritabarth. bi WM. WINK 45.6;iiii,"; Wipp4 andll.lborg • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers