: g : Tab Y! 1`1)U • t; il7iErf E. =2ll PITTSBURGH: 1 -- TUESDAY M(JRNINU, DEC. 14,4847 r;y7ltx aatl OM. Gs [l7i IR pulol.erd Tt-IVr•ly; and Weekly.—The lhily IN Sevun ITo:4111per annum, I,,e'rri-LVet:t ly five boilars per is two llolLaz per annum ...jelly 4. adranre. • A t.VICGit•a. ore e.ltneltly rr.w.trd to ;sand to ard. la r. ,tad a* early rt the day as practwaLlo kk ken Cossiteermal lorelkene, M t , kelt. (Leer •Ne,er, IreporrA, Motley Market, rig., tee t'Led pa ;e, See fourth Page far Alt.celtanoons News Erlitrnial Corre•ppadea, of 11 , 1•11mourch auctic 00IIIMEICCE. OF TILE COUNTEY. 0117CE11130 FOR CONYITTELII-1.1.02T 6, 2111 • • CZCILLTART or Tree TILLASCIIIT, . C. I Wastungton, Decomber,lo, 1847. • ~ I am happy to inform you that a Westerril . mom . box of tho Homo of Iteprosentativel, (Mr. Vin -1 . ton, ofo011ia.) ha already made • proposition to divide the tonally attending Committee on Com prime into two parto,—the ono to tako charge 'of Foreiin Commerce, and the other of ytha Com merce among the Slat.," es expreisal an the . . word. of the Constitution, The reasons.for such a divirion of action are olitious enough-to One en• , I quainted with the tonal labors of thisCoramittee. The'export. of the country for the }fist amok year, ' exceed $150,000.000, and the impede are Nikko be. '.. • yond this amount. Every day / new svelte's. of ' trade are opening with foreign nations, rind the ', . President, in his kfeasane,,asko th e specitl Mien. tion of Congress to the Cohnuerce of China, South 1 .. America, andthe 17,--:, stnt,%: One Commit. . WI Ci r '..3 this external t i rade,— and ; • the lobor was cMstrued at of . establish the Internal 3erco amongthe States.' Of c inn member was the cb. ' jmto 'arse been expected, be pram person of that old Mar ' plot enil disunionist, Mr. Ellett. In order to stir up th'e bleed of Ins Southern allies to mutiny, he reminded them; while delaying that CengMss hod .fewer to regulate Commerce enioog the I States, thtt under this alleged power, a claim hial bean net np albs North to regulate the-Internal Slave ' trade of the country. Moreover, smiling to . ' . Mr. khan, it smacked of Ilamiltonian Federate n, and he feared this division of power a ;Id in . " -- ereaso the power,an absurd amumption which I - , was very well answered by Mr. Holmes, of S. C , - . . !who, - speaking from experience, showed;' first, that the labor ought to M divided,-.and thrit n di. Tided power could not increase au origins power. The debate continued at some length, end. was . participated in by seared members. The argu. 8- matt of the principal opponent of [he propoeitron convinced me.that a remark from Mr. Vinton was . too trne,—thai we knew nothing. of rho extent ind empathy of our internal trade. In Caimers, foreign commerce is alwaYsBthe abaorbingisubj ct . . whenever commercial matter's ore named. ISouth. ' era men either deny the power outright l though so plainly written that lie who runs may read or, deretandingly, or they TIM over it in suet a slip shed manner, as to make it of no practical import whatever. It is, therefore, high limo that the friends of Internal 'Commerce should vindicate the right. of the Interior, and at tho . Iseme time demenatrate the value add cxtet the internal . Commerce of the-country, Com er o aniong the States clubmen cur coasting, Lake and river trade • which is vastly more hi amount and *vale° than the Foreign Commerce of the country,. magnifi . . cent on this is, end yet a clam of- politichine, in the Middle of the 19th century, end in the Cengrec. . ' of the Baited States, deny that the pearer has :my exintence whatever. Iflho.West is true to herself, ; the wane! long be in'the minority upon a gam tion ea. much affecting her present and, fateue There ie but hula ofinterost tarring in the city Willey.. King Coop? has been paring4io way fot the bostorruicottif the. Chairmen of fith Com. isaittem iii the SAitir``The mijSrity Mire, yhts • !mow, iteltreely Dreereretie, mid some 'lr , a epar lion is deemed met-swag in the award oft ocors. The caucus ill. not full, and nothing wps done - beyond the appointment of a Committeef when ditty it is to report tomorrow the names of Sm. ,store butt fitted to preside 'oier the Committers. • The Work of carving "trill commence on Monday, atone o'clock. The Whigs will be 'dirtied tut ono Senator on each Committee of fire Members, MC majority claiming four. The Committees in - the Senate are usually, chows by 'ballot, and in the House hytte Speaker, whit Usually ;Grid,. the Committees of nine.into fire of the f Mai in the majority, and four et the party iu the riinotity. . As the House ie a very able one, therew good material Gem which to select competent persons . for all department. of the public service. The Speaker, however, with err few Committee of an many members, Will hardly hi able to satisfy, alb .however good his intentions, or wise his eeiettiona The Locd Ferns aro holding the aubordinateeffi• .• cars in the Senate over those of the lio4se," and threaten reciprocal vengeance. 'Mr. Moth is 'pushed for the office of Secretary of thelSenate, worth three thousand dollars a yelif, WI mai the 'office he left, but it is now held by !tripod a -Democrat as himself. The tam:easeful party do not bear their misfortunes gracefully. They he ' &WS the oretically in the doctrine of rotationi. Offine,,bat when in cffice they cling to ill th like so ' many , leeches, and seem to hold a life estate in it. .' Thus every maw about the House now thok the place of mime good Whig and some g offieir, tool and yet, , when this doctrine of turn about comes, there i.ts general grumblig and my for r 'cog°. ' • The Report of the Seerctary of the *away has midst its appearance, -'and 4 even fillonger idocitment thee the Mesesse,—monstrously long aS that Is. Mr. Walker'. Report, hovrevr, is a much abler document than 'the Message j of Mr. - Polk, but there are soma th ings in it dese ring 11 .. .. . overhauling, of which MOTO anon. 1 We are having Spring Weather herei-green . gran, April showers, and occasionally bright, blue and sunny skies: We •pablish, to day, a reply to an ale in the Gazette of Saturday; in reference' , to the claims of Ro n rival road organizations, to: the mo ney paid by ra l bscribera to the Gonnellsrilla Road. That article was admitted with the greatest re• lactance, which extends equally to the present one, which we cannot; however, refuse in justice to the - - puttee to give. We have now fulfilled all just claim. columns, and must decline further inter. (arena, in this matter. Thu friends of either road must, ih future, be content to, appear uti• der the held of 'Communications,' and be read 113 their true light. The Gsztteis ever open . to the discussion ofall.' uestions connected with Rail goad.,but hi'aderiSting them, we neither ar prove; condemn, or in the emallest degree endorse the poriticina taken by their writers, • ;. 'Tex Costumier or Atilt°, so the Executive • has declared; that the war is ono of conqUest,' it is ,• ,trot inopportaric iCguire into the practicability -of this Rheum. The _New 'Orleans, Bulletin io noticing the subject;roym 'Wo hare reason .to litlitto that the opinion of the gonad othcor, with the army, as well u those who have recently returned, is that, et least, for, the present, no' funkier ec!iro or more extended °paradigm abopld be,' attrmpieZ; that the ,cepital, with in incrtaceitganicoo.ithouLl ho retained, rind the towns between it and Vera Cruz, be occupied with imitable garrisons, and-that the coma:Medea. tied should not oulybe kept-open, but hindered safe even for trarahr%arties, which .2,4 done by bodies of tA by, stationed/at ; proper ,Intervela • _ I • That 'them arrangements being immpleted, and the Intense! revenue,se far as practicable, regularly abided, we should wait the dune of, scents, without attempting to di ff mio otheelses oats a east ,stint of wild and uncultivated country; which an brintero,:fsitirable; and night be attended with unfitimiate 4 . , . Coxesiersss rer.r-a citleelia 'of Laiington, „ lEy., have resolved ro vo Capt. Glar• 4 . innar, eu klirstara from .Mszieo.• The militafy ,have 'Ogee:dual upon the ems course. 8.1514. .4115430' of the *Risque/nuns cow ',Bank. (Ps.) tie refused discount at resiiit, in 4- --- REPOUT er Tax SacalTaav or Wae.—The Limon of Wednesday night contains the above report, of which we make th:e following abstract -The President has'told how extended have been our conquints, and the war report: enable. us to. show how gallantly our army has borne itself in this war, Which Abe., disapprove as men, but fight so bravely at the command of the government. The records of the department are confused, but the number of men now in the field is placed at - , forty. three thousand five hundred and thirty tit. of which twenty4one thousand five hundred end nine are regular troops, and the remainder voluaeem. The distribution of tin. force is so follows: With M.j. Gen. Scott, and belonging to his col umn, including the troops as route at Tampico, at and about Vera Crux, and on' the line thence to hi. headquarters, the aggregate force it estimated at 32456,- With Maj. Gni. Taylor, at the several post. tinder his immediate command, it is about 6,727. In Senta Fe, and on the Oregon mid Santa Fe routes, and it. the Indian country, there are'about 3,630. The force in California isybout 1019, including .2f 0 now on the way to that country. There are no mans in the department of cal culating the deductions which ought to be made for aickness, disabtlity, and other casualties; but the entire force is coratiderably helms the foregoing estimates." The Secretary then goes on to gi4a tory of all our military operation. which have, as they occurred been detailed in the I Gazette. In .peaking of tho force in California, he says : "Under almost any circumstances, this force cab hardly be regarded as aufficient to answer the pur pose for which the troops are required in that country. Though all is now quiet there, and no serious apprehension is entertained of disturb. ante, yet the country in our occupation is exten sive, embracing many position. which ahnuld be gartisoned, and the Indian race lathers numerous, with the propensity and habit of depredating. In cue of a threatened disturbance, it is not doubted that t,conrriderahle augmentation at our force could be derived from the inhabitant. of the noun• try; still I think it advisable to increase the num• her of troops now there." In speaking of the prosecution of the war he goes on to say :-- vOur further operations must, in my Opinion,lre conducted in ono of the threefollowing modes . ,fiat, to take and hold an indemnity line; to re. cede from all places and positions now occupied in . advance of it, and cease from all agirminve opec. albae beyond that line; second, to! overrun the whole country, and hold all the principal places in it by permanent garrison.; and, third, to retain ,what we now possess, open the linee!of communi cation into the interior,-and extend our operations to other imrortant placei, as our Means and the prospect of advantages shall indicat l ekeeping a disposable force always ready, within approacha ble *Re to annoy the enemy, to adze supplies, enforce contributions, and frustrate 1 4 * efforts to collect means and assemble troops for the purpose of protracting the war."' The merits of the three plans are then dismiss. ed, closing by a remadc'thatt— I ' I ' “The third mode presented is, in my judgment preferable to the others. Beyond rutin limits, it admits of expaiiion and rentractio ; but, as a fix ed condition, all now held be to be netirmed, and no part surrendered, bat in compliane 'Stith treaty stipulations. This plan also cone opiate, further acquisitions extending to other imoortant points, more or lea numerous, as circumstances may warrant." • • • • • 1 I " "In addition to the troop. required 1 to gsrrienn pieces to be retained, it is propowd l to; have in the field a competent force for agreuive operations— to strike the enemy whenever he4l4y present . a vulnerable point; to open avenueu from the porta in our possession into the enemy'. citoritry, and to covet. and subject to our control aeme of his rich mining districts and productive agricultural re gion.. It is not deemed proper to point out in more detail the movements and objecis contempla ted in tfie further. prosecution of the war upon this plan." He next goes on to .peak of the ! difficulty of obtaining recruits and volunteers and ea).:— . • "Attempt. have been made, under the act pew ed at the last cession of Congress to en gage ,vol unteer to fill cip _the companies in as re, end-df ficer. have been detached from their commands for that purple. These cfrato have riot been sue cessfal; only 821 have been proemOrte of the disadvantages attending these attem to has bet n the went of authority to place them on Ma earns footing in respect to compensation recruits far 'the regular army. As the avian** I engage for the saute term as the recruit. for the a regiments them can bane renwn for not hokli gout to them* c A,, the slime inducements to r ' rthe p blielerCiCe. ft is, therefore New • -ecom lied that Congress be toted to a ..•-: _. a l a bounty to volunteer MClllitS. I also suggest that thaw nisei the came State to corwoh.ll , d temporarily, d the super numerary cflicers •• at home to obi recruits for (taw wspsctive CGlnpiniLl. Should! this attempt prove uccocceefel, th. a I recommend that the oansilidetien be made ; ermanent, and that entire companies of colon: ten be .accepted, to takethe place of the vs-Andes in regiments and battalions which may be occasioned by the consolidation. The forcer now in service, sugmmted by re- . emits to the extent which it is reasonable to er red, will not in my opinion, be *lade* far oti contempleted military- operatione.l I therefore submit for your consideration and \ approval the proposition to rake ten additional regiments of regular forces for the war. It islimpottent that authority should-be given for Ihis n' mow at an early period in the approaching ion of Con gran' • • , • • t • • ~, b -Tbe exingenciee of the war may require a larger farce than can be brought into the fild, including the proposed new regiments. It is herefore erg. .ed that authority ehottld also be giien to wept . the services of more veto:deem It slooeld sot be restricted to a number less than 2d,000, With the increase of our pruent force by the ten new regiment., it is not probable that there will be occasion to exercise this authority; et in eMer prey may arise when a resort to it! would be of great importance to the public interest. He recommend, that the offiona and soldier.' widow. de children,have pensions granted,& makes numerous suggestions for the management of the Indira' and the Sermon le:eines; tint the main part of the report is of war. It *ill he noticed that the war department has made iti estimates for another and more extended campaign, invoicing the expend -item of much treasure and more valua ble lives. It also uks for money to pay for the deficienciee:of last year, thriugh We were told enough had been granted then, nay more, that there waren excess. The demand, of the Sec nitary for men and money are re very imperative that we shall soon have in the disci:oaken upon the "Bill of Supplies," a developernant of what . Congreu mean, to do upon Wm vital question. Sorra CAZOLINI ow rnmv.--The following resoluticms.were before the LigisWare of the Pat motto State at the last .deice., with s fair propoet of being adopted by 1. Resolved, That the General Assembly of the letitto of South Carolina have seen, - with profound regret, the settled spirit of hostility Manifested by the Free States toward the inatinitions T 1 the South; a spirit which, if pereisted In; must inevi tably lead to the most disastroor comicquences to this confederacy. '2. Itemised, met the recent developments in the Free States, and especially the attempt known as the "Wilmot Proviso," to prohibit the Southern States from enjoying the common 7 ,, itory of the Union, raise an bone of startlin g importance, which requirco, on the part of the Bo th, firm en. ergetic. Ind nutted action. 3. Resolved, 'That this State is willing and anx ious to bury all minor differences of opinion, and make common ruse with the other Southern States in the most energetic mnnner pomible to maintain their common rights. Rceofted, That the Mato of South Caroli• nit will regard the pamage of any act by the Gen. oral Government upon the subject 'of Slavery, In violation of the rights of the South, u annulling the obligations of the Federal Compact; and upon the message of each act , she will consider halsolf at liberty to form a new, separate, cud • distinct Government. , 5. Resolved, That the Governer be requested to forward copies of these Reatilations to the Goya mews and Legislatures of the lifirrebolding &atm; and enter into correspondence with, and send eye. cis! martyr, if necessary, to them, to bring about COUCen of action among such state. in the present .. .edits of our affairs. . - South Caroline, by ber semaitivenen open this subjent, looks u ridiculous u a jealous, doubtfull puke in Society, or business. The doubtful state or person keep talking aboufrank, but their poll lion should be mistaken, forgetting shat rook or clunactu which has to be buoyed up by selfirst. tdation, is 4ektom If ern much at bottom, or of much concern to those they wbh to propitiate, as in this eau. MILITAIT.-40 Bee AM 1/21:101104119 11 12t In the Louisville Journal of the arrival at that place of Cols. , Mansfield and Croshan, and Capt. C. M . Clay, direct from Medea . Taizatim—The line of Taieigraph from Pa. Istibwsb, Va., to Columbia, 8.0. wi l be in %rink• inn agar amyl* Ans of January.. Al -;-. EISMEN We ha.; been requeded to.Ppy (be following bum the Journal of Moods,: We are authorized to state to those interested , that the Directors of the Pithsburgh'and Cannella. I villa Rall Road Company D O •feel at liberty to c arry apt the Resolutions of rile Stockholders, pas.. ed at the meeting of the 6th snot., whereby the Stockholder. 'llia desire to get rid of. their Stock; and obtain their pm rate of what remains of thii fonds unexpended by the farmer Boned, can be relieved from farther reeposibllity; but owing to the. refusal of CoL Rubinson, W. M. Lyon, and oth ers, to comply with.the - lawful requisitions of the . Stockholder. and their Board of Directors, the President of the Company will probably not be able to fulfil the wishes of the Board, until Col. Robinsou,sand the WI called Directem of the pa. tended Pennsylvania and Ohio Rail Road Cam. pony, surrender the bookie papers, money and property of the Pittsburgh and Coniiellmille Ha l Road Company, into the hand. of the lawfully elected Board, of which Mr. Lorimer was chosen President by i unanimous vote. Let Col. Robinson, Mr. Lyon, and others, here. tojore representing a small minority of the Stock. holders, but who now take a wrongful position againstthe whole company itself "comply at once with the law, and surrender the monies, bake, &c , of the Company, to the President and. Directors of rte Company, and we can pledge that Mr. Lar inaer Will at once comely with the Resolution. of the Stoeleholdare, and the requsition of the Boa-d. In the Gazette and Journal ofSaturday, there is an article assuming to epoch the sentiments of the Board of Director., which never was seen nur authorized by them, and which contains several errors and miestatementrthat faproper to correct. As, for instance, it states that at the Stockholders Meeting, there were but 800 charm of stock voted. where'. the official retort, show that upwards of 2400 shires of stock were voted by 258 Stock holden,' in person, or by'prozy, whereas, at the meeting of tho disorganizing majority, at Philo Hall, oily about Ninety or One.lluldred Stock. holdera voted in person and by pnisi. Derides the wrong that. Col. Robinson & Co.. inflict upon innocent Stockholders, their position is one of extrema, absurdity. Col, ,Larimer, and the litiful Board, knowing their position to be cor- Tee; aro willing to 'Oct the moment the money•, books and papers, come into their hands, but the factioni minority, who, under Col. Robinson's ad. •iaemeu, (not Mr. Binney'e) claim to be the com peny-4efuso to act (now mark their reason) be cause th . ey are afraid of personal responeibility: and' a, simple notim from Wm. Latimer, Jr., though not sufficient to induce them to yield the property and books of the Company. into the legal custodj of the legal Board, has had the effect-to tie oohs hand. of the efficient Mr. Robinson, end alarcrahe very men who affect to consider the arts of Mr. Latimer and the aunt over which he so ably and !maid) , presides as nugatory.— Does not the present conduct of Menem. Robin son & Co.:show conclusively that they do not themselres believe what they themselves .islet! While Mr. Latimer and tho legitimatq Board ere ready to act . as,soon as they obtain the books and m >cloy of the Coriopany, are find MOSEYS. Robinson & Co, are, notwithstanding their possession of these prima facia mutton, afraid to move one step. Aro there no lavry ere in Pittsburgh won• thy of the confidence of .Iffesne. Robinson, & Co,! or are they waiting for another Telegraph opinion against theta from Mr. qinney. Belies ing themselves to be wrung. as their conduct shows they do, the sooner those gentlemen re here themselv. from , personal responsibility' to the Is.ors and a much injoted public, the better,— by quietly, end with calm dignity. yielding the books and property to the Board of Directors of the Pittsburgh and L'onnellsville Rail Road Company witho Lilo vevgious aid expensive deleya of law, they will entitto , tbecesetvis to some censideiation, end the Board of Direetcrs will be:disposed rather to attribute their past er rors to mistaken notions of policy; than to n ail fat porpesso for wrong individuals and injure the ' • • PHILOLOGICAL nysTtTeirri. To the Editors of Me Pitiburgh Gazette: I attended, an Thursday'evening. the 9th inst., the celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Philological Inditute. The vinous servicel were conducted with much propriety. From the youthful appearance of Mr. Palmer, hie incompe tency ie perform acceptably the task imposed epee him, might very naturally hese been inferretl. If inch a thought, however, occupied the mind of any one . present, it must hive yielded to the eon victim., 'that in the eelection of a speaker, there was "no mistake" on the part of the intelligent and liteiary gentlemen whom he represented. Mr. Palmer'. voice it well modulated and mu. *iced though naturally vary feeble; a defect, how ever, for which he ii not eccountable, and which time and training will materially remedy. The theme chosen by Mr. Palmer, was the ad -vantages of the peace policy to the muses of our .population. It the composition hada fault, it was an exuberince of fancy. Its extraordinary ;Allah may, toe limited extent, have [Duelled its fares. It abounded, however, with beautiful imagery, and contained numerous passages of peculiar excel. lence. That he in a young man of much promise, and will, if true to himself, be a awful and Prom ' ineut member of society, may be safely affirmed The question, whether the election of the Ju. dietary directly by the people, - would not be pref erable to lthe present mode of appointment, for a term of years, by the State Esecutiye, was ther• °eighty discussed by Mr. Bingham, in the ,affuma• tire; and Sadden, in the negative. New Books Wass-m. Dierrrnesar Ussiemnoin, Revised and enlaiged, by Chauncey A. Goodrich, Pro. lessor in Yale College. with Pronouncing Va. cabularies of Scripture, Classical and Geograph. ical Names." George and Charles Merriam, ' Springfield, Maas.; Publishers. Wo have from the agent in Pittsburgh, J. 1.. Read, of, the Methodist Book Concern, the above work, which is, indeed, complete in all that can interest the scholar, or one who needs such a work for casual reference. This book comprise. thir. teen hundred pages, and is the histery of the Rag• fish language, as written by the great lexicirapher. himself, without any atteriapts at improvement by the modern custom of condensing the vitality from valuable works. In tho words of Dr. Olin, "it is beyond all question, the best English Die., denary extant, hero or in Briuda." Dr. Webster was an .erdhusiast in his calling, and has achieved (or himself a name that meet survive as long as the language of which be was indeed the master. All that good taste t patient research, and a happy faculty of discrimination between the good end bail; could effect,has been done, and bin work McogniSed asetandard author ity throughout the world, where the English guar, is spoken. Modern Minrovemeats in print ing have placed Mi. work within the reach of all and made it as cheap as valuable, a merit which should be , appreciated by an extended male. Gonstr's Lane's Boos.—We have from the publishers; the Januery number of Chili work. Thu present number commences a now ioluine, arid now is the proper time for newsubscribers to ply,, and old ones to renew. The boa promises to sustain its old reputation. Amanita Now Poem—We observe lust Mrs. Ssrissbelm has issued proposals for pub lishing • weekly. paper, in this city, to be called the .Salurtfay Eeening Valli. r." It Will take the place of the Alhatross."—Post. Tat UNION Maoaztza, publialre4 by feral Post, a alp out with its claim. to public notice. It I. editOd orith ability by Mrs. C. M, Ragland, and worthy of paining°. • Pun Hintz Journal corritnoncrs itsl with tho New Year, and puts forth' al to those who are doolrous of a paper Prorrasor 'Risley and hi. two .on.. gymnaats, are soon to appeu at (be in this city. For grace and agility, once' are cuiaurpaascrl. Twaszeoicid.—A Unitarian C' Maine, orh&was called upod to pr , giving dermon, without notice or. a congregatiiii, opened the Bible and 1 book of LdOwniatioru; without cu.. ergyroan in • a Tbaniu. logy to his w ed the whole Wl* Tide. Water Canal wiu Lojared b tholes high watiti BO bed. ed. It will be repaired ready, fa n weak MEE PROM FEW TORR. Correspondence or the Pdlnburith 'Goethe. Now Yeti, Dec. 16,4847 The corzipuatively favorabla advices from Eng land by the ‘Brituinia" have had no very marked Effort Urm their transacions at the . §tfick Er. change. Treasury nom. are still held'at 991 and but few tranaactions. Caen at that. Penneylsania s's are f per cent higher. Reading bold. &din. at }do, Mortgage do I. TIM news has had a fa vorable effort on Cotton; the holden of woich, fact that it has tonchid the loarrst point of de. preemie°, .and that prices would recover. The market is firm arid improving for Cotton..and an :advance of three cents is asked. Flour amt Bien& MAIL generally are all better. A detachment of 230 troop. embarked cin Wed: newlay, the Bth Mat t from Port Coluthbue, in thin bedew, on board the tranaport.whip Oceae, bound It Vera Cruz, Mexico. Under the conicoand of Cap'. W S 3.1 Infantry. .-The papers of to-day have a and tale to tell of the death of Dr Arnold Wainwright 'Orte of the Prefeasdrs in the Crosby street Medical College, who Was bitten by • rattlesnake mint to his wife as • present. It tied escaped from a bar,_and, while putting it no, he received a severe bito on the middle finger of his hand. . In on incredible short time, the wounded part was excised and caustic applied to the adjacent punt; but notwithstanding these precautionary measures, the virus reached the ayatim. The( hand, then the um, and finally the dodo?, side, swelled and became blink. lie was removed so quickly aa possible home, and died in coVvulaions, just six hours and a half ;after he recoiled the bite. THE WEELING lIEBIBUH ,To the Editors of the Pittsburgh Garrite: There probably never was a more glees piece of humbuggery practiced than in the recent at tempt to impose upon the world the belief, that Wheeling is a favorable point for the cOncentrav don of Railroads. Confined as it is by lofty hills on ono side, and the river on the other; it really pommies no advantages over any other point.— There is, however, no misting thy momentum of piece of humbaggery, when it is boldly uttered, and perseveringly reiterated. What evidence la thele, then, against the eligi. bility of Wheeling as a terminus! Louis McLane, the present petronixer of the Wheeling, hoax, fought long and earnestly enigma it, and de.ired the privilege of stopping at Fishing Creek, de nab. Creek, or tiny other place on the river below. lenatheri Knight has for many yeani been in tho pay of ,Wheeling, and advocated a!terminu. these. Lately ho was appointed tot:male surrey west from Wheeling, and instead of going direct., ly mat bubo that plac-,lte ran; down along Itte Ohio fire miles to McMahon to get an ail.ants teaus route through the mountains which giro the name to Bell:mint county. Now M. Knight may talk till ho is tired about the advantage. of Wheeling, but oats epeak- more eloquently man words. Let nolo,* et this matter. To get to Wheel. ing with the rail road from Cumberland, they mast run up along, or near the bank. of the Ohio, abont therity-four or five miles, and then when the mad crone. the Ohio, it must run right down again and run along iti bank. five miles, to tlx, month of AteMahon'e creek, and daring the entire die wince, the rail road going up, and that going down, would never be one thousand yards apart. Now we would ask, what good reason can be assigned for running from the paint on the East side of the Ohio opposite to the mouth of Metlation's creek five miles up to Wheeling nod theit running down on the West side, five miles more to the mouth of that creek. If the object is really to reach Zaneaville and Cincinnati, by the shortest and brat note, why go up to Wheeling on oho video( the river, and down froni there on the other. Why: not crop the river at lifeWaton's creek, and thew save ten mile. of railroad! Why play the silly, game of the Duke of York, who . 4 ,1E11.161:d rep a bill with forty thourand men, and then turned about spd marched down again." Senoualy we would Alt, does not Joanna. Knight's recent report prove conclusively, that Wheeling is not on the nattfral route b any place. • I Suppose the Ohio river was a long narrow m00n.... tufo, not wader than the Ohio, many Engineers,' would rather make • tunnel through it,.than run a sad road five miles Nortirtiud, along the west aide of it. especially, if the tunnel must at all so rents Cr made..,.Novr. a viaduct is just as nee,_ tarp at Wheeling, as it would be at Itlealaban's creek; so nisi the five miles of rail road, on both I sides of the river below Wheeling. seem* to ho a mere piece of drapery, a kind of heavy fifth wheel • to a Wagon: If there was a practicable route up Indian , Wheeling Creek, over the inOuntaina of Delmont county, there would seem to -tie some reels m to roe unsti`,Wheelitor, but ati Ittr.ifitight rim down the riser to McMahan% Creek, we mina • that the direct route from %Chaotic; to Columbus near the Nauucal read, is not pradicittk, Gr at least not a Lksirabla one. M• MI L.LOS. EXPLOSION —As the steam Ferry Boat here, the Island Parket, was about leaving the Island shore, she burst her boiler, by which one young man, tom ed John Clark, 17 years old, MP, blown everbeird and drowsed. Ills body has not yet been recovered. Ills brother, Thou., Chak. aged 13 ydare was severely wounded in the head, but is an s lan way of recovery. TW‘l Ucrwiuns were adightly injured, .nd will re A young man by the name al Rhode*, a brink pedlar, rm. very barfly scalded. Thome. Watkins, slightly injured. The Odot, Mr Walker Hunter, Ina isbe pilot house. and Was thrown back several feel. If is mju. ries iro comfderable, to the' back, sides, and leg, but he appeal" in a lair ray of racovery. Ile, how ever, a very vet - lonely brutsed.—(Wheeling Argim. , Strotrt.sa Cast —A Landlord nen Detroit, a few evenings since lost $6,00. He ituspocted rev. end of his neighbors for the theft, and.had them i arrested. 011 the following day, ides.' e contested to the taking of the money, but all ed, it wa. her own. This declaration din* th court into considerable perplexity, and forced •. m to dis charged ail held in custody: She had hi money, and intended to keep it. R mut • .—Accordir g to the latest ;;telligence from Moscow, tho number of cholera 'patient. in that city..en the 'morning of the 16th of Plovembr, amounted to 105. In the evening of: the 17th of October, the number of pqentit arts" .135, which is coneidereli an insignificant proportion foe 300.. 000 inhabittints. Great uneaainew presaged in the mercantile circle. 'tit tat. Petersburg, eying to, the scarcity of money. TALIOI2IIOI AT I l irecanz.—ThelittON of Natchez tom had a meeting, and have resolved to take Stock in a Telegraph Line to . cenuect that city tech Louisville and Near Wean.. The late beery table blob caused conatlerabl , damage to property in Cincinnati,, the In Iliccotua of which is not yet publiand,--prohably riot consitted. ' ) . ANOTHSII Lan I.lotax..,—The Queesi!of i'ore toga! teas del i•° 1.1 of a Prince, on the 4th ult.— Her majesty at laded the Italian Opera the pre •ions night. . Mona-race .1, reedy mode, are announced as being kept for sale at the Alder Opera Home, N. V. It ie fashionable for thole who viaif the Opp; en to hoer the upper lip clothed with hair:: Ano mats at St. Lome. on the 31 of .Deeeme ber: l;11. Harney, Cept.. Kearney, espb.luttee•LL flneketi, and bl.j. Bannerol, pauctigers 'in the ateanate Illinois. Hou.--Thirteen thouund head harebeen trans ported by Mal Ro.d to Baltimore, during the lut two waekr, and twelve thousand more era now on the way. , To tho Ethan f the rotrourch qa-reqs— • Gentlemen. My none 1, presented to the Pild through your peg., as a cendldwe (or "Mayor." It Sae been done without my know/edge or consent, as I have no desire file oakc. I input reepectrully decline the . "Honor" • citizen would confer epee we - Von Will pleaw . wandlsw 'awl name from the het at erroltdatee * • L.HH. LIVINGS YON. deltlt • U..7 .s lcursi Finer.: Kermit spc through Me columns of your invalunlila paper, to suggest the name tidJOIIN SING, as n susiaLte eandidete.tit the Mai orsliy. Mr. King Ina centime rn every way eirtnrwteut In MI Par office. Kor integrity, wisdom, and good Judgntrnt• he has fear superset, Ills minimalun is earnestly urged by the Whist of the 3nl Wird, and petwieularlY about the Wilt 'ROUND CHURN!. • ow volume • • g chums of its kind . ID - hiesars. Editora Allm. 4ie through 7 0 .1 abLo. paper to suggest to die Whigs of Pittsburgh, the stame of CHAS D. SCULLY', Cog trs - a candidate for thti 110111i6It1011 of Mayor ' the femme Atheneum, ea peffyrm• BZW . Darth twee yelloweasfe Teeth—they can be made pearly whoa by One Dolt own!, Whoa of Joan , AMISS DV= P.n.. It hardenathe germ, s wee Wiry the twes , h, At. told at W Llberr7 as nylkttihief y pT.Do .O t hsyo • , 2 shithogboio of Jon.' AroberlcothrosihroYthaaronll mate your breith meet, whited your reedy, he. BoIJ Si SI Lanny st. 10/9Jterfly • InorTo Malian and Ladk.—con.ww.y.unv and Bone Liniment and IndtainVrgetable Elizfr, Is the man aeons] tare for Itheummilm. !fold by WM. JACKEfOItr, Agent for Pittsburgh. nvlfidfroilluir BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH Vorrospondoinco of Pl4tobarth Ghatatto;: COAGItkSS. Correspoodence of the Pauburgh Gazette. . . Washington, Dec. 13, 1847. liori . Jobat Bell, Senator from Tenneasee, has arrived at Washington. Thera is a greet atrife,between the old officers and those who are now , applying for aitualions, In the Hall of the Houma of Representatives. • CHAIRMAN or COMMITTNIIR rN THI RENATE Foreign 'Relations—Sevier. . fincmcetAtherton. Commerce—Dix. Manufactures—Dickenson. Agriculture—Sturgeon. Military :Affairs—Cue. Naval Afaire—FairfialcL Judiciary—tastily. Post Offices--Niles. Road, and Canda—Hannegan. District of Columbia—Cameron. CHAIRMEN Or COXXITTIES IN TEL MOVIE OE liqi:yr and Ahem—Vinton, . Judiciary—Joseph Ingersoll, _ Manufactures—Andrew Stewart, Foreign 4,fair—Turman Smith Military Affairs—Bolt. Senator lio4well pronounced a eulogy to-day an the lire and character of the late Senator Hun tingdon,,of Connecticut. The Senators were deeply affected by the relation of fact, connected with the life of the deemed, him private virtues, iad his.publiri worth. _ _ GREAT MOOD. Corresporidenee of the httsburith Gazette. Dieeinnetl. Dec. 13-6 e. x The Ohio iirer is riving very rapidly, at leas , 4 istchea per hoar. lt is row within eight fee. of being as high as tho great flood of 1832. The Wastein Telegraph Is not working, owing ton trio injury the line has received by reason of the flood. ,The freshet f ace= to be general, pervading the whole country. The damage done to personal and resr.property, cannot at this time be computed, but it is immense; and, should the water continue to rise, ea there is now every probability it will, the good will be tar greater than was everexperi enced on the Ohio. ilteletive Correspondence of the rittsbanth GUM, PHILADELPHLA MARKET. Paraezzarari, Dec. 13,4 p. m. Flour—Western brand. aro eelling at $6,50 per Cornmeal—Sala at 113,25 per bbl. Wheat—Sales of liftzed at 1401150 e per ba— bel,' higher. ' Corn—New prime White Southern is selling, ta.s moderato extent, it 53e per ho, and of old at 73e per bar. , . Cotton—The market is firm, and some inquiry is msniferted. C orte.poodence or the Poutoarth Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET. • 13,,,vromta, Dec. 13, 3 r. . . Floar—Sales of 500 bbl, Genesee brands at $6,37a0,43 per hbl, at which figures there are more reline than buyers." ttornansd—Moderate gales at $3,37it. Per bbl. Grain—The market is abundantly aupplied-- Prime White Wheat is selling at 144a147e per but and prime Red at 130a135e per bu. Corn—Prime White is *eking at 55c per bu— prime Yellow.63e per ha. ' Oats are selling at 381141 e per be. • • Whiskey—Moderate sales at 'attic per btr. The amtharn Telegraph is out of order. Corte` ondenceor the Peeningh (incite, NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Dec. 13, 3. r. Flpur—ln consequence of the continuou• rain to-day, is eery quiet.. Prism are tending down. sends; nod there is an indisposition to operate we 41 the letter mail is liCei•Cti. Small sales, hoer eTrr, 4 Genesee are ifikcied at $.6,18,46.25; and of Western at 51,6101,18 i per bal. Grain—The market for Wheat ha • dowomaid tendeney; mob no sales, butlbere I. a steady dte• mend for Corn and Oats. Sales of prime White Corn are reported at 74c per bu. Sales of Oats at 46.48 e. Provisione—The market is bear, for Pork, .t 8• 37j Wished, but I hear of no sale.; Lower cram wsuld.lses.cepicil.. Lust Is dhlt, with moderate . iileiat 9.4ir Greeeries=4.3..ff.se and Sugar have a downward tendency, though without change, Molasses also without change, with moderate sake at 27.28 c per grill. Treutuy note. are miring eta discount of per ct. Corr,rmJcaer ul Ut Pitt-burgt. Gnat, CINCINNATI MARKErS. • _CIGCIIIII26,' Dm 13,6 P.M. Killed Hogs are selling, to a moderate,extent, • $3 per 100 lbs. Chem—dales of W R aro effected. at 847. per lb. The market generally is without 'change. PUILADIMPIIIA CATTLE MARKET Philadelphia Dec. 9, 1847. Dease.--Show I. slight variation, and sales generally Ira at 8516,50 per 100 lb.. Sheep are selling at 151,25884 cult, a* in quali ty. Hogs ars within thol tango of $5,75025 ke 100 CV- Salter's GlnsiPast Panacea...--rilretca TL•IIMONT—We beg leave to call public attention the following, from Dr. Wen. Dean, of Withamiaill Clermont Co., and one of the very first practitioners the county to which he resides. and late &moan in lb. Male Lamslature. 'lt is cheating thus to see the lead ing men of the professmn, burning the bonds of proms veinal preJud ire, and arcing merit 11. due: .71e, 1 have in my pear tier been using ammo( you Gieseng Panacea, and, we far. am well pleased In it edema in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complatuts. Please send me half, doer:amulet—put them as low as Yoe Lap.; an 1 expect if it . cooltattes to reader am general ant isfantion as it has heretofore. to keep It constantly CA hand. Respectfully, l apl7 Wa. Doan, o ED-Th. Climate-Is strangely eesll9.l.a to the human °uncle, for skinj 'hr sudden change limn heat to cold, and the awoke caugies Yellow. Dark, Coarse Complexions. Then it la requisite that the pores of the akin should be kept open,-that then mouths should be freed fronfirepority-liiras thus the ancient Houma Phi k.yptiers cared all dueuses-they computed that more .liscases and unhealthy valsors kir through Ma pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body. It is mice. dary, therefore, to keep dui pores open- all hansom are ispelled Mont the skin from the pores, when they mash with JON.' Italian Chemical goat, I here *cell acute the worst and oldest cans. of Patti Rheum; Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, t ore !fetid Ringworm, when every other internal and external remedy had faded am effect rendering the Man white, clear and loft, ibsinoth IL be yellow and civilise, as wonderful.-it remorse Free. hies, Tan, Sun Lem, !Bombes,, end diabgaremVut of the skin-hot persons must be particular and ask, for Josmal Soap-to be bad In cauhergh at WA!. JACKSON. sign of the Big floor, ED Liberty at. Price Su rents' • pp-No Cora! No Payl Plleat Plteai— Dr Jaekranhl Embrocation . tho only medicine that will cure this so vent ronmern and troableiome dism.c. It not only Immediately allays pain and illdam minion, stop. all bleeding, subdue. that intolerable itch ng, but eflecierilly cures, in a rely short Yale emote, whore live. have been rendered miserable for peace— ]o appneating produces no pain, btu rather In agre Me and pleasant .enenoon. perms. affliCted e. call end het. of the great [ember of caws that pave been cud, they aeionieliml. A gentleman of th. oily, re who had been under the knife of the surgeon two or three times without being cured. has by infra bottles of the Embrucation, been crudically cured. It rielleheyond precederee—lPlel. blittemey coon, R} For sale in Pittsburah at th e PEKIN TEA SPORE, PI Plumb merit, near wood, and also at the tong Store of II P Schwan., Federal et AllegheeY pi ty. alldtoor ' 117Yelialv Teeth non putnd breath, spongy gums lite mien death, • Is repulsive and nrrguiding. All could have teeth white ea pearl, _. Sweet breuth—hard gums—man or girl. delnyt—Nay, quickly haste And use a box of Joord Torah P.lO. II casts but emits, and is really beautiful lands haste. the; teeth a fine enamel. Sold in Pittsburgh at ES Lthetty st naiad/mall W.Docs your halt tali, off, does your hair turn gntyt Ic It hanaul. a dry, or cliny. I pray? • If Its thug, you can mike n tort, anky and fine. . Dark and ncaltby, and beauteous as thtuhatr of mine. And to have Um, you have fit three chinunps to giro For a book of Jona' Ilnifficstorntive. Hoader,tf you bane rinair you would Featly be as• tottisbed at the lovelt.clfeet a three 'tolling bottle of !atm' Cow. Itant Itatactaama boa an it, ji need* but ono tool. Buhl at El/ Liberty at. ;ntivd&wly fig - pile., Sores, ac—The Genetne Went, is an article more molly celebrated as a cure for say .r all others. lie eines Ale aindost innumetable: field by WM. JACEISON,Idt.t for Pitt. bomb.nellild&wieuT • MARRIED. Oat. Stli id., by th o Ho.. Dr. Upfold. JOHN WHT: SCILALPH, to Ali. CHRISTIANA GUILDENFEN• NV, La. of Philadelphia. • • ME123231 • DL D. Rev. JOHN HAY, sigeli 30 years. The funeral ger. vice will cammeacc mete. Church, this morning, o'clock. uoen. OP LICAD‘.I e t for le b y y__ AMIN & RFITER dell __ rn ebeir & been, as IXTIOTI bbl. for tale by VT: deli • lIR&UN &REITER' PT& TURPENTINE-10 bbl. by S _ dcl4 , BRAUN & REITER ROOT -300 lbs rename Bermuda Arrow Roor,lnst toadied and for ..la Ly deli ' BRAUN& REITER pUHSUAS T to public nonce, be cinuens of tic lat Want, Allegheny W. meta the boom ofJ C Gor don in said Ward, for the porpose of nominating ono Select Councilman, four men:Mentor the Common Coen three persons for School Directors, Wit J udge of Seel:Ms. onolnsgector, and Constable. Select Council —J K. Mao - bead. 50 cotes. CoMmen Csurtml—.l S Gray, bc; G A Kurtz flt It Walters, 51; A Hoyt (11. School Directors—w S Copeland, 53; Staff 7ArKi.:r 161 W'lthvidson,S3 , Judge,Blchard Gray, 42. Inspector—hot Heown,ll. . Constable—A alontgomery, lg. A mentor—Wm Dn.dson,4o_. After counting the notes, we End the above gentlemen dn47benofmoitina..tc.dgasccoan..di.la„euss.s eforreth.epm.almj,ed7,ll.c.,csoni,.., with the delegates fmm the other wards, for the purpose Of nominating a notable p erc o n for blayor— • • A Gaya Jon Ktown, • • y o k“, might, ' A Semen., . Leonard Walter, PA Behan,. - . Resolved, nod the proceedings of this meeting be etblisbed m the Gazette, Post and Divpatch. P. A. DEIIAM, Chairman. mega. Kznary S. Wala., GM3=321:1 WILL be received by Re subsoil..., through Me Post Office, anal Me 20 iostent, for furnishing on. plate rauons of subststence st the U. S. Renders°. in this city,tnlmeh quanuties as may be required for I year,. from the In of January next, the Canons to consist Al the fallowing component part', Oa: If lbs of fresh beef. or f lb of aOted pork or bacon: IS ounces of floor or bread, and at the rate of 8 guns of berms. or lb nor of rice; 4 lbs of colke, 19 lbs of sugar, 4 qts of irinegar,ll, Ms of candles. Pb.l of soup, Midi! qt. of . 1 400 ever) , let rations. The nvion of fresh beef will belreqatred at lean twice in each week, and salted pork to least half the time On other day. All of the asides speco fled mat be of the firs! quality. del/:0t H DAY, Capt. Pittsburgh and Conoelleville R. Road Oo . • NOTICE 10 CONTRACTORS. IN purru.ce of a Resolution of th e Board of Direct ors of the Pittiburgh and Counellsrille Rail Road Company, Notice la hereby given that Sealed Proposals will he received at the armee( the Company, (Yrellkiln Hall.) Pittsburgh, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock. A.M., until the Rd day of Lk-camber, nut, for the Ira ding end masonry on tour mile. of the Piushargh and Counelbuille Rallflo.,exiending up the Youghiogheny river, from the village of Ategeesport, in the, county of ALlgheny. Ilan. and specification of the work can be seen of ter the 19th lust, at the office of the Company between Mel above named hours. WA!. LARIhIEII, Jr.. diastd President of P. and C.A. R. Co. FOR RAZE. __ THE three mory dwelling House and Lot, non , ocealliald by • Schstroc, and on Penn at, near deed The Lot is 22 by l otfeet, is pleasandy situated. . For terms apply to the subseriner, who has also FOR RENT—The three story hone an the corner of Liberty st. and Ir win's alley, now occupied as a wholes sale and, cull grocery store, by H. F. Schweppe. Poo session Fi ve.n ienwed lew st rely on appliewo at the ware house o John Irwin &Sons, No tl Water street. by JOIN IRWIN =NOTICE. 1 ETTERSTestamentany having been granted to the 1.4 subscriber' Executers of the law will and testa ment of Thom asLanford ; late of the coy of Ihrtsburkit t donned. All persons toletsed to . the estain of said decedent, toed please make immediate payment; and MOW haring eleime ekninet amd estate will' present them for settlement without delay. • JAS kV HAIL3IRN, AM BRYAN, : I Executors. LL Persons knowing thumelver indebted to tho Re. /1. are of the lam A.Dravo. Jr, deceased. are hereby notified to call and settle their aceortnts, and these bay ing claims against the Estate, will fires cot them duly authenticated •orsettlement. to the rubscriber, nt the wariboure of John Irwin &Sons, Noll Water at. dellifirn JOtIN IRWIN. Faecal., ItEFINICD BIIOAII.—, ----- 100 bb la Loaf Storni.. No I; 100 " " o 5, 100 " " ", ; 30 bx• .... " doable refilled. 30 tibia croon ed . SO ," O A. " " r ued, double termed 10 " LEWIS IIIriCOISON.,& CO &rote 6:0 St Loom wadi Sagai'Reficieri. vonsAL E—On e-e igh I It e WA foal M I banger, far sale. E nqu ire t JAS W MAILMAN, o A M BRYAN, Rrectsom aloltIm• FLOUR -275 1.4,14)..1,ed; '""d'titP.GREER dcl4 cor =Afield &orator • A 7 lIITIE , LEAD-00 kcgs in store; for ,LeLy V &PI lV GRF:EU BliCANSzbbl wbtte be•nsouet ice'd; for We by den W KERR ( 'OLDEN ISNUUP-10 bide Jog received and f. 7 sultiby del.! W UHEER p OTATUtk-2.5 bras :Veehannoeke, - kV Red: to core and for S & IV HARLIe UGH ; del3 3i grand et spplq APPLEtS7-21A bble assorted wine., keepingeonstseng ofsetnter greens, bell drovers, spit:sneer gam reseanttes, gnes, ge g.e. in store ;for sele by dein S VI II ',RBA VMS CIDER—W bbls sweet cidar,rec'd; r;rsale by $ %V lIA RBALT(iI A NULL:F-30 Lie andle..xmOntu•, timed just receirrd by Monon4ahetv, larokela I.Y dela W 111,A11111 VLOVII-150 bbl, a vaperior article for rair4 uae, rreelved conalgaroc-at; ler b • del3 S& W lIARDAL,GtI LEATHER—IMO' lbs Maur. Leather. re , on con. omen; rot .ale ity • del3 • & !TARSAL APPLES—I 9 bb/s green; for gale by WICK & nIeCANDL , lel3 r soul et wit •ri 1:1-:_sE—itlX3 oz. for rateLY , WICR &MoCANDLESB Q.ALERATILI-14 etas far sale lj a., den WICK ft SIeCANDLESS SOGAR-20 hbds prime , landlng Inort sow Diode (or Role by hl ALLEN & deli PCAPS-200 M, jurqeceived and f,,r••aln by del3 13111=MIE= / in prune rb:ppnrg ordet, fOr;a • b RoLIERTIIILLELL& CO dell 01045.4 F-11-50 bbin new env, lending from an .11 . 1 Isaac Newton, far Laln by del]_ M ALLEY .1 CO. wait, st rlia.-1001E( chg. H Te a ; Gl' Tea: J. by J UALZE °"1 ICE— A) tie. new crop ciiivltne Rice. I.di steor Veulem, roe vale b) • J & R FLO ! 19/ l!be DRODUCE--45 sek. dry Apple.; • all sob. Ltarley, • 5 Lida prone roll Dauer leading fr `Lake En, for. sale by dell 1 lc BUTTER and Lard , In k ear, for sale by dell I&RF , T RAD—MO . Oga Galena Lead, 01 nom fo Yr dell FORST II (POD A CCO-40 hhda Ky. Leaf, orrappe rs a 1 for URIC by dell FORalYni ‘VHIME LEAD-1000 kegs pure. 10 B • • •Fle - 4 dell FORM - 11 UOAR-41) biles new crop N 0, reectFcdl 10 In. ATO °VD, JONES •• dell water & riponAcco—o9 k,em No I, e mist, rcc'd; to! dcll ATWOOD, JON C nEEsE-;w ".P rilM. .ntuVc7,ll dell 152 . litte D ettn E m i tV i llt7. B ro — rer d " :m a l n . ;lrtn d it . .ntr " s; Jew opened by bliecKLErr. win ki, • dell BEEIT-2 eel. prtmc dried beef, in wore; for rale by J?: o scorn k CO 'dell ' T commeretal row, liberty et -- • UcA AR-10 his& pllme ?kiN P:I3 I.' Ut i f'l4% U dell 11 ~C 0 , . FICI METAL-136 tons fot se to by . FRIEND, RIMY &CO dr7l 67 wit. et • F LOUR -.1711 bblt fresh ground; for tale by ABLER dell cor tothbfield water tat 1)11 . A181315-3) b,. new Weser by — W GREF.R OTATOUR 4L4 tats for sale by P6dt W GREER LE mr s-r. tar frosh Lemons; for ..le!r. GREEK bas poor received and for , r ZigER LARD—so keg, Jun received; for role by •; dell . • AV OREF.It . _ . ke,m No 1 II mkt, Gedgy brawd laultog from Mmt Diadem; tor WC by doll JAS DAI.2.IiLL N AILS -3w kegs Nods, assorted •Mes; M;U " hue Lead; far mle by EC= SILK SERGE-7 yes new sly le, fancy 61ureil and P. , ern; I ml opened and fur uhi hy dell & WIFE_ , (omen bbl (omen Sy tap; WU I • bbls do; le ten gallon kegs: reeeiros per Sienmes Canabrls; for rile by • I. litITC111.541:11 & t.,13 •dclo 45 wales et Art.N ,e b c lbl ir A . L . ..zlr r . en E, t ,. otArtistle Colors, o. tubes del° • by lIRAUN & FIRITER V Allllll5ll-11asticand orhoe Copal Varoodb Pop. d a / 1 1,Am received; for sale U. URA UN h. Rb.ITC.R 111.1VIAN Hat Q 1311031,10 ree'd and for 'ogle by delo - HltkllN REYIb It V u O b ul Pll ne. Aurae e n we ju sere<d; lo e y '•ithbr del° or n elair & liberty xts GTARTAR -3 bbl.Vor Fide by lj del° BRAUN &It EITER MUSTAUD—aupes.or Reliant y Mustard on can.) for .a.e Ity dell lIn&UN & ri . IALLOW—U bbi. recetv s d i 6o r r tgN ebi del° 19 thertY meet SALT -300 bbls reteived and car sale by del J JORDAN Ic SON SOAP—au has day; for sale by amo F SELLERS . " 17 Ilbartv LARD—no Imp No laud.* Iran Irma soar Penns)] rani.. for sale by -del° F SELLER PORK -45000 Prr orrorted bulk pork, in rune, ror sale by . dr 9 J.JORDAN &SON MOLASSES—III bbl. N (eluding born nut Crn .tendau for sal. by • .lAg DALZELIy . ni *mint al CILOLICIIII o—Now openingAt Cl Alukat n, WPC. la Alpert. Fnmeh plaid Clotlungs. • • do/ A A MASA.k CO rpauvrtz PAPER—A rmalt :at or bandlmo pat %cum, pm reed; for solo by del•• R T LEECH.), 133 wond et SUGA.I9{ bbi No B.Loaf bugar; p " " reamed er s Cambria; for mac by 9 L UUTCIIIC.ObI CO um orlo Agent eol Louis Sam 9000orY R UFF CAStithIERES awl White hlareettlehjese etre- Malt V.Mi hut ieeeitreel.bl Ncgra dell auction ' Ba!,ts By John D. DOytt. Anctioneor • -. ----l a - -7 ----4 _ Building Las is Biipingham, Aegetion. • /IN Wednesday edema:tit, nee_ 22d. a 2 o'cloeh. veil!. V be. soh on the pretences, 20 'very ha nitrites Lati of Groped, rrosung on Centre et Perry it and trantsont lane, near the Iron. WolkS'oti Wood, ...Utile hie- Knight, and other eitennve nutenfamorSes In that dour tihtug borough: A plan or vroicit,sitayilto Wadi...the A rerun store. hr on f pp , :ciuot to Earn el W Carr. The above property hung in,a highly improved neigh. bedrood, and near the eenhy of busineve, m. awing the wit desirable! for lituanerV purposes of Omni:duet lines now far We. t'. ! l Tenni, oneifitth nab. mitre. ' , chi three, ill Id .11 casts reiiitnr. In trro t ithree, lbor ens five years, with interest, payable annually, to be tiecurerl by bond and turntinge. Title ndonsisitlet deft ' JOHN II DAVIS, ikuct. ON Thursday morning,the 16th met., 11l air ock, at the Commercial Sales 'corner of tVood and Fif thstreets, streets, will be sold ti 2 do t reserve tb close 'several consignments— !: , 47 pieces snorted prints .44 pee plain end plaid ethic. cosi, 19 pee red and pellet* flannel., 13bpet NY, leans. euperfine cloths, suithettsy'envtimere, Moth and e Ilk blk Thibet shastrle,yrith heavy silk trine"; blue, blecte and green silk sicivett thinner and dress - Allis; in fant!. frock bodice and salting; !ilk silk net, (or veils, ar tifitard Bosvers,,boidery,ploties;patent thread, umbrellas, bonnets, • earthly of =ripens, be. At 2 COCleck P. ht. : 19 Pair German voles, 6 dor.l fancy Germ. Mugs, 20 toy castles and:cottages, engravings, looking glasses, 6 day and 30 hour inm a te clocks, giamsraft,queensmare, confennonan; German toyd and fancy goods ford holiday premnts. A largeri.ntityi,.orl new and second hand ti hold and kitchen furulture, among, which 'are ma-. hoga. spring um sofas, rocking chairs, Laming, bed steads, tables, fanny and etimni. chairs. Id bids good quality N 0 Nagar; 4hf elms Y Teat 4 bids Wee. 2003 Spanish angora, Al mains My 12 printing pop. abovelkedanute forks, band boies, ear.. g, At Of CPCiticf, P. M. Ready made over eoats= pttnialoous, vests, fine shier drawers,and adzes clothing, gold and silver watelm Ire table and pocket cutlery,superior razors, raa• strops, spectacles, fancy tenet and shaving snaps, e. Mine water, variety goods,lbet dcld Admilastratorla Sale of TbealOgienl and l Miscellaneous Books v • ON - Wednesday evening,lbe 15th 'wird° o , clock, at the Commercial sales Room, earner of Wood and Falb ri A m, will bold i . , 1 large collection of valiMble Theological and Mir, ,celleacous Books, from thagalaele Library of the late Rev. Robert Dunlop, deceased. l I Also,. extensive assortment of ne*Booka among which arc Encyclopredia Amerirana,l4 voliO rpletuird folio and qaarto bibles, mace badrs all great variety, blank boot., tee .- li :- JOIIND DAVIS, dell ' , - Auctioneer. Li:, American eapy, t - - I Penh Street Prslyest), at daetlaa.• ON Wednesdayevening. die 2d at. Wood 7 a', clock, at the Cosnmeresal Sales Seem, earner of ood and sts, will be sold your Valuable Be" loan Valuable Bo ildingtobi, situate on the north side of Penn st, at the corner of Cecil , . alley; earner Lot hay.' Mr a front of 24 feet, and the arlf oini or :lace Ems, each 12 fret fir inches on Penn sto and cries:ill.. 100 Met to an &Heti° feat wide. • I Terms--Onethird cash,:yesldue in Ink equal mutual payments, 0.115 interen, to be, scenre4 hi bend and mortgare. Title indisputable. • de4 , I! JOIIN DMAVIS,AtteI- Facsiory for-pale or Lg.!. 1 go en . well-built Factory, erected Sleben- TR O. E. d I I e g b en y city, S Cassatt. Esq, IS offered for sale at a barkaiq,.anda u,y tan. The let oa siaic6 the Factory in emeted, frofttis 1,0 feet on Reber. st, and rune hack 110 feet to EntkVirem. - The exam Li:Odour's of brick, three Stories his b r an2oo feet long by U 7 wide: The Engine House is large, and commodmn,„wilL as ' 'curiae, boiler , stuck. Re., all In complete :order. The property will be so 'd low, fir leased lor a leant:2 . )min on adramageous terms- A splendid building lot for a Private residence is also, oSend for sale. It fronts 130 test on York it, and emends bark2lo feet to . alley. hiving Tremont street for Its wade length on its Eastern bounden , This property is covered sr. the shorted fruit trees and shrubfiery, .4 from it there is a fine- View of the rlrenceity,, fie. To is lot is only about 20 minutes walk front the bean of the city, and a 'exam delightfn7 spot for private Iresei 'dente, eon scarcely be found. It will b rrold low, and a long sena of yearn given for the psym nr or the most of th°l lo,4 h o ho This lot will be thrided. into 2 equal pans, should a purehlser desire it , Enquire of the subscriber, whd can be seen attire (Med of !Mr Gazette, crew forenoon bets.. thehoms of 8.4 Itt .0 at sub er tr uesin hi. nutras at Iff r!, baat o, ^2 ht l h*ft R°' binssm's new Row, federal at Aare:tent Cityr • D N. WHITE, ' Agt for PitAciii:rzAcit.tr-r t 'UT IShIEXCO. I But In Eve ß ry Blothee' l s Homestead. MBE undersigned has tong , been convsneed of the necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of 'Child and infant., to vitpereeed the nee of all those medicines which contain ,orre to , and had at length suer ceesteiktn pep p eringng and o eting the public a meth gne fun) auswering ere mina:oft for ell diseases of the bowel., without the arbor that deleterinen dreg. or any other calculated to injure In the lean. The Infant Panacesbas been fatly tented anditied, the [Antal-nye Month., by numema, petits.. and found to possess all the a mrstonlinitry virities, and to pm: rce all the what, bitting effects 26 en fnh nn the 1,01 of direetiorQ Dino rhcia, Vomiting. Cholic, Griping Dams, Sic k nn, and Dwane, attsing IWm Ttiethinm stungimmeolintely • without diiturbing any of ;the Unctions of the holy. prodwing the happiest and most pleasant Imniition'frer •iolent pain to it tranquil apd Myron Mate of rechng the lint e mane, To be had whole... "---- to be had vrhole•ale andietail of the Pmfrittor. Of 3011 N Prugii. and Apanhocity; job, 4oohcll,Elion k. &vitamin, and molt olhei in tilingheny 01.4 lhonhorith drain FriIINC,TOCK`.S PNEUMONIC. 'or Could „Usltalsent, hav a great , advaittege over tinny other Cough preparation; as it. pleasant tette pent. a to lie used without inconvenience_ Rat is valet emir Balsam. consist. in the greediness of its care. We hive known cane of the most despemt(edighsoonto of Which had been manioc maw • convidertiele length of lime, yield nhnost innowliedly to Its *omit, • Ire each weather e et hsive had during the paa i winter everyone i. halite total", cold, Cal., greet pre cool°. are urea: „ I ,„ •, Wet Ceti and undue rapt.. to the inclemeney of the weather often lays the rourulation of a heeding eolith ...lo eh needs a Turk remedy to preirentdertaus !Mai. We have numerous eel tiGeates of cures e, it has performed, many of 'tableland from pert°. In Wit city and the neightiorhowk an& they are a suLtieteut Infer epee wanout roylog num.,. Word in its fend. Prepared and for sale n holesale •nd revel by 11 FAIINEPPOCK co, carnet of WoOd And let end Wood end eth del3,. PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST., 7 I4EW ,YORK LEE & IfitgWSTER Foust,!grad a sin/abortse it the year 14h. for the on p* A k lr tog the and atilrlrTEtt, with 1019 paces— ealObithwat all seasons of thO year, the Larsql A ssorunent to THE W ORLD), They •re now opearng rivearal Ilundreatraehage , nmpoung every new 'tile or FOrCIFIIf and Demean produerton, manyof which ate not to he 'found el-e where, and ~which have dust heed purclutidd, and or attired for sale for Cash and aldirt credit all PRICES REDUCED ONE TO FIVE CENTS • r Iprinic yard below the prices o int an ay, as per iveleorrectid daily, for the mformanon of buyera • . PRINT WAIIIIHOUSE,i • -. , , ' Nor York, June, TE47 I Jythlistf -- CIRCeULAR. Wasuntrt, on. D. C. Dee. Bth, 1817. Oscar D. 77. - mpron, ~ Piu4segh, Pa.— CIA; r hose read your - rulvertisement . one of the SIR. Pittsburgh paperr waanot a la be anthrax, I End 'that you have copied my baithese Clreular eaura, and .BPPthprtated it to your.111 . :1 latell take the liberty to inform you that my lerelnexaCirealar is my own com paction, and isnot common propeny: '7 shall norwil• tingly consent to he placed ionlrwitten that will lainde persons who do not know the m suppose thrill am not capable of ronthowng my own besinws card; or that I am capable of pilfering and 4thproprithing rho card of another to pay own ore. I dm; therefore, trader the cc rummy of noticing and expoetrg our plagiarism in this manner Z C BOBUiNS Jotothey for Percale, Washibitok, U. C. OT-All newspapera that tepee, published Mr. Thonip• son'. rulventimahm will pleas, insert the above. dcll,f Additional Sopplir og New GOolln A T N 0.75 NIA RKITTSTEL - r, North 11,'est confer A. of the Diamond, where dye tiara received lin midi.. bon ha our large and well asininia thoevjal4rge lot of scarce and very desirable gods, among which tuay he found, i• _ • Sum black and mode c‘l4l French latertbol and claming Dc.Laincal f.ll wool,/ Wide black . . • \ French Terkerri Amer's :7: ~ . Block French clout ini e laths of A blqiu It fu I q•re4ty; Henry blue nod ohs , French elorta., for onnte t . sackt arid over coo ;:. 1 1 All ervorllroe. "• F:xix handsoc ==9 IE/RING'S containing a:I 4 the me dia.:aeries, sad improvements:, also the tracks of tkrowt celelwaterl ' cirionanatigstor• Caw piled t Sin,llt's new }lnglis/C.0,0t., with additions and improrements by Attain & Smith, Revised by RoSwell LORING'S CELESTIAL PLODES, rontainingall the known etan, rabuls, An Comp Ted Inuct tlis, works of D.'olhwhes, Fla:awed. De La Caijles: blare, Dead (y, Herschel, Ataskelyne, the trusnetiona or the'Astrommt iral Society of London, lcc,From Smith's New Eng fish Globs. • Johnston& Stockton hart just rervired a few pairs or Ow alive rEober, varying in eke, as (olkiws: I I pair 1-9wichciin diameter, 9j 0 . 'I " semi globes 6 American, Chromcle, and Jonin>l cop). i NOTIin. 1 r ETrEns Testatneataiy eri'tr granted an the dth day L of Itecsmber, to the subscribers, Krehaters of the hon will and testament of Janwi Roan, latent ILe city of Allegheny, deceased. All ,p5!,1101111 hatr•Og Claims or dernends against the estate of ine said tiecanit, are re. Totaled to mate known the Pease, without delay, to / d e, Itow, Jr., at the late resaleneof the tratalor; in du, ci. ty of . Allegheny. • /AMEN HOso City o 1 Allegheny. • WILLIAM 11. ADDISON, reap eren, City of rilksbargh. NI OTICE—Tex Colleers , other city ofice,d, re to requested to have their rgnltetlVe i a a state et preparation to be iiudliod liy ItlolidelY, evening, the tinhinst. tit 6 o'clock, at which time thoodersignod Countriluctooi CouneilsrappOinted for that teepees, I meet at the 11114oe's (titre. •. 1 Tax Collectors particularly nee tiqnsaiedto Roc their duplicator and neeeaute on hurjd readrkw the tune. . C HILL • SAO REIN/IA ?. FRANKLIN, • •Ardinnill c,oirunittee. Do TT— . Do Rico True; Do Ornm, new'crop; Do Colbourn, ottorndi Cu. Jalop; , Do Dandebon; i 4 Do veceilled,! and . far le by., & CQ del3 • - cot let rCirnad sts L Front :I"4,"„LTIA*I2It.I Vf,al7 Re Seery. ban la more— " • , 21 bla D R Large Loaf Sugar; 1 . •13 bbli No small 13basNo4 " 1771 Ws No 73 " 9 " • " D 1!e robed -- P Isnsdered • s so. o "en corthad • .* i. For We at rodseed priers. . . STEAMBOATS. iifEt. 161., CINCINNATI AND PITTETEIVRO Dna-moult LINE Tll.lB well known line of splendid paMenem a ea sa • now compoont of the !arm., svr ten, b.- finished and 'brandied, and most power ul bum oaths waters of the. West. Every aecedtdomattion arol cow ion that money can ' , rotate, has beau provided foto. senr-re. Toe Line has been to operant. for Ave yoom —have corned a million of peoplc:waboat the lean injury in them persons. The boats will he alike foot of Wood direct the day previca• 10 Iflarting, for the mirk lino of freielit and the entry of pnasengers on me res.. ter. In 1.11 east, the passage Money men be sta.. advance. . . . 1110NDLY PACKET. .Tbc 510 1V0N6.1.11EL.A., Gain. Stant, trillicava Rut. burgh catry. Monday morning at 10 tittock; %Catania even. aluttday taatang .10 P. U. , , • • • TILIEgiIAY PACKET. - The NO.l i .Criph J. Mint/tke, will lened Piti,hhigh every Taeginy morning or 700. c 1 " 0 ; Wheeling every Trierilne eveinint at 10 r. N. IarIICEINESDAT PACKET. The NEW ENULAND, P• 0.51, Capt. S—Peos, leave I' burgh every Wednesclay wonting al 10 o'clock; Whetting every Wednetatay evening at 10 P. Tillman/LT: PACKIDT.. '• • ' The PENN , YLPANik:Capt. Gray, lOava Pitta‘ burgh every Thursday mamma at 10 delocky Wheeling twery Thursday evening at_lo N.r. • FRIDAY PACRXT e : The CLIPPFX,.O:O. S e Capt. Chrob, will leave FAA • burgh every Friday triordiag at IV o'clock; Wbeebbi every Friday evening .010 P.M. • SATURDAY PACKET. , 'De M MiENUFJI, Capt. De Camp; will km burgh every Saturday toorninggit lOrdelock;.WhetitO/1 oatavday everting nt tO P. ht. • SUArDAY PACKET The ISAAC NEU - TON, Capt. A. U. Jr.., gill leave p,ttsaatgli every Sunday morning at If , eIOCk Whochvg every Sunday eveatua at 10 AL • • BEAVER PACKETS.-NEW ARRAN - 47 EMENT3 • The steer CALIII COPE, • will leave for BCWItT, tilasgeng am! ellsville. cm aeirday,llturaday, and Saturday!orettehweek,&t So'elock, nti returnees , on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.' She has a ,Leat at the landing betweetY , Woodenert and the bridgapee• pared to recetee heights at any tinte.: • r • •S & IV - MA=l7olf, Agt& • to SI noel at, octl2 • The steer trill leave for &aver, ' , Glasgow, and Wellsville; on Monday,Wontiesday, Md Friday of each-week, at o'clock, a m; on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. She Mo a 'boat in the landlng between Wood surer and. the bride* Kr-Pared to receive freight. at any time. 0 At ItAirrorg, A i er, octl ' . liimsc. THURSDAY PACKET—FUR CINCINNATI. passenger ... T atr7F.Tl:l4lf-L7VI. C . Gray,vrill leave for Catelanntleverj iattley morma, nt 0 o'clock. A. N. stud Wheels/1g eV•ty Tburaday evening, at For,freight or passege - upply on.botird.ee natl . , J NLW lON It/NES, Amt. BEAVER AND WEILLOVILLET . /64if: — : N. The tine stel i =r aß, . amenslE Clarke, master, will, doing Me coming winter season, make duly trips in one d Weliavalc.icaving Pirrsharphasery morning at o'clock, and Welimiile at 3 o'climk, P. 1114 field _ 6 hi BARTON & CO, &Awns. FOR CINCINNATI .on LOUISVILLE—Rm. - 411AR. • Ttl • ft't NONA g TIPIE73, • DUrnmaster will Mare avatars this a passage apply on board. - TOR LOUISVILLE t i a, The tanning aka:err .GUNDI . OLIER, " Lyon., roaster; will lend ' doe d4y,nt 4.o'clock,' For 'freight or reseege nem on board dell FOR. ST. LOWS. . • • Salt! The fine iteamee BROOKLYN,, , Tto.es, muter, will leave ne Owen this day at .10 o'clock. For.frelAlu pa. ei ee Ppply on lward • deli FOR TT. LOUIS ' The fain rennin steamer_ AWL J J CRITTENDEN, areliall, master, arilHeaye aaabcer• this day sit 10 oNleek.' Fur freig htor P.aage auly board: &DI FOB NEW ORLEANS.. The fast mmlng neuter ' GENERAL. JESSUP., 'makPaise.auster. on!l leave asiiittiVe Wit &T. at Is o'clock For freight or Pate ease apply on.beard. - dela FOR NEW ORLEANS—REGULAR. PACKET. „. The new and fine steamier '. . AMERICAN EAGLE, ti=vr,;,t, Atkinson. master, will leave ree above • — .6.- and intermediate ports this day, at 10 dill E"'t*thg.it 'I47LVEVEIRVEbre:Adi[eZM ictinndat rAcKor ItEVW•F.Eii Y/TISBURVII • .AND BROWNSVILLE. •• The Sue ocsosuns I E, Goo. B. Cock, m aster, a led! leave Pro - • burgh every Tuesday, Thursday end Satura my To'sugs. u = o'c lock; and Brownsville awry Zlondey,Wedileftlerf and Friday wowing, at Ro'akr.R. -For rm . /Odor passage te Iyon Word, or us: - • • octRAI • - • •.1 NEWTON dONLE.Rits • FUtt Frierr I.4lv—itt.Guidat Pm:o+ • 71..'f° 11EIIIMPL ' irtE,. • : muter, will lure nail:dire Lbw roins. et 10,,, at loek. For freight' or plunge-44 , Pb' on 0cr1.2 MlaMo= . . -. .. • . ' . The neve nod fine steratter HUDSON, - 4'3 ' Poe ' master, has resumed her :t L I u ar - my* and. will leave Flush its above every . Thursday . and,hions. day 'at 3 o'eteek, P. LI. ,For Crelght or o pm u ltoly on board,or to. spat] .agent ---- ---- - - -- - -- ' .4...1.3-,',,ruitr, iIL; ZADE.T/L AND. BIDNDVDA• VELA CITY PACKET. . The-new Steamer ' - ~ DESPATCIII, • Nelson. master, mill run as abooM lea 1.,.„ Mug PI osbargh-every Alonday, Wed l nestle's- sad Prulay, as kf o'clock, A. al , an,l Illollorts se bele City every Tuesday, Thursday arelllatutday.al a o'clock, A.M. Por freight or passage apply 4m boet d /525 ' ;Regular P Ins bruriglr and-gamma ILle. THE light drew ht . ; .111;rdj Master, rail i make wee* tnpi to the aborie port daring the seat on.— For _ freightar passage apply onboard or - to ap7 ; ,D WITA./NS A • -.----- . REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKFT ~,,,.. The new, liiht dranght at:ol=S ran- Zin g... EUREKA, CroGer, master, will ran as a Tvola, • , aetet between ittsburgh - and Lorna- ville, derma the season. :he leave. Friday, Oetdber di, at II) o'clock.. • s - ' • , For Weseh I. or passage arely on board. .- -'road EXPRESS LINES, "&o. mosoacutalcut aowria, BALTIRORE AND PIIILADES.I/11.A. [Only 72 Ilddra eaglet r pliE N. Nail Steamers, Consul, LOW% • 1 1eLaae A SWlllattl, are now making doable Doily trips be- Moen Pitt.burgh and Brownsville. .The morning boat leaves daily at ti o'clock, precisely; the *mooing ea 4 o'clock. Saonyr excepted. .• Fever Pataburgh to Baltimore ' 2 . l hourr,F4st $ lO . From Paisbakeh•ut, Phtladelphia..4o boon.,—Fare By the Evening beat Pausengcrawlll lodge orElaußdr • in comfortable State Rooms the Int 111gh1...-.C(014 the mount.. in day.light; and sup and lodge in Cgarber. lend illt kld night; thus avoidnag meta marl altogether. Coaches chartered to Parties to travel at' they say aire. . (terSecuie yeut hekets at the Mice, Buiamigoo l s , MUG, Wetter st.or St. Merles „__ reittakeUte Office. • .1 DIE:$1.1111EN, oet3o . rzantoortation to the ligation& Gilles. • BiIOWNSVILLE.A3iD CUMBEICI4NP. erllle.sonatibets wWfallytpsepwelleloWerptlairoagh foralYmerehendixonad produce dimmed for the Eastern cities, by the Drowns - rifle sod F‘fel.. l -.‘d route. Shoppers and others will bare their goitiJs'foranaded by the Proprietors wit the coma dittratcS,lft - ttle eft current rater. Dina of Lading taken Nfld.:re/limit, tea free of charge fori COMfOi.PIOO.' • • 71 .P.t.m.F., of the pone reepeet folly solicited. For the proprietors, CLAM?, e. FORSTTIIk'IItiNCAN, 051 - Water suer b Pittabargh. affig4A FOR Cumberland, Baltimore. Trwhblron. phut, New York, Burton, and all the • • Eastern Cities., • • . , -- . • ftl E ertla i t A tTir r a 'fa n g Tartell',ll7. =Cif= teript Ivne going Fast; conneeeng with Adams •/. Ea/its,. deny, at 11.11C030,4 .Thostieh receipts will be giverciciaey'of the - above Mote, hiercbanditeondpackagda uty site or weight forwarded.. ,PArtus easee daily E 3 P.M. vickeltr; A*da , CAarlea' lintel [Wilda... ma i ood at II AI[DI N PASSAGE ANG EM3I . ITIANCE OFFICE. PEllsiONE:brooghl oat by this agency 471ctli 'rtneiror'T-r°•bil-.-d2„0,1,0.-.. od - Cones,...wag mid agents of the British Goveramant eiShipsonly. Foreign have streMently cautioned Emigrants at llown and Moir (muds in Arne rlea, amorist um rands that arc Coming all> upon um., and have always refemed Me well known &one- of Hsu. dthee right pint. tarsal to apply, if they withed to be treated with pancto alloy and Madam , . Parties who advertise Menisci's. Sole Agents the Black 801 l Lin. mate what is untrue, arid thosi'dreeive • the publir, Linproless to be Agents Li n, ny of ltee' • Moen Bell ~ b ut every other good n s o 4 Canted'. Sieam Lute., , • • alw Iligio•Draughtt to any amount payable at any or el. branches of the Priiiineial or National Bmtkil . land. England, Scotland. dr, We draw ourearo Ey. eb.'ee,e, are di MX take money and nerd lt to the East to get Sane one else ta remit, thereby canting mietakn and delays. Let the 1 , ok 4th er .i. d o e n. . cal d. l asutZ,lgnid tea will eam:MI(4I2W them at New York i n to • J(K 4 tIVA ROBINSON, Eskokwao Ago oetittf DA VI& klynty Wiltl , Cherly and Tar, fu'r brinixt Cox, plaint., Marl, Croup, Asthma, ix—titian sale by • eT J HIUDtCO 97 eAszs, do n eitehof very 'intention Ai...mi. Wine inner.' for Ante to their - Ade with per en, o( shin, • for min by the itionand magic haute. at the Inns mbICOB WEAVEJit - inin Int& mutat AL'. C 1 %. tr.', =Mt": ;21 4 4„Ittar, AILCOB WEA.Via, 04 , xCrest autos sui • 1"- . e i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers