40 . vxDatz R-00 b./. Wine treetilho Coffee; ip•p 7U Wog black PeyyefiLF, 73 bbl. clopped Looproomb jut eec,d; for ditie by • CARSON bIeANIG4III DAISIBS-40 keiralksymu reed per St JUL , AlPhoin, Pit coraiguagat: kw We - 6:03 . CARSON 6.4lTe6:pil6nT large InVale.,ar 21,j. and 3e Inch r tilt Ninon rsinges,jaw reed; (anal. by • - EIII/LCKLP:I7 &WHITE ,etazo i trzrvgarar.s-s bales bibleacled red and 'Mr Sat sale by C ' "" !' / 71. ° 4 e/iiaet arri. . ,13f1ACXLETT t WiIITE Ont, COM bI di }apt reeelsed.b► *1 l3ll/LCICLEI7 & WRITE itiILS-190 Mlle. choice green epplesilearling on oar WellAriiir for We by del WIU.IANSt DILWORTIL V woo st • VIIAISiB . IMS BOW , IllaCtg; bbis . received din day; to bi b, b y • •• 4 DA VJEATniF4S-41.500 lbs a core; Tot We by x 10.1. Li DIIXEY tc CO deb_ •_ nltp. front ids ask WWI Js en ilA tested; kt sale by . . St A FAHNEB7iCoCK k CO . tisk • an IsX and wooden 1.1400119C1G—1 caw English 4 94 1 49.9 ' 41 801r . -1 . fatata_ . le ß ordziwg+ ( 9 , aleg FLOlW7;bilarizitan ai s f=llll9l- i toksale 447.' ;Ste a l 14 " B 194 111.9,49 .1 /1111P111—R swan ict of Mach Rad Buggy Lamp!, 4. 1 ISW NY k reed; fur .ale by , get R? LF.EC ,Jr 0/I. I IFRATO6-614b1• for sale by • • '6P VON lIONNIIORSPt CO n IL-10 bbl, pare Linseed Oil; for ule by deT ` _B r VON BONNLIOUT &CO MAIDDra—I el e by k fir vale de7 6P VON LIONNIIORST CO • " z • la,e , dreuo chet•e; for sale. by de7.... • SE , VIM BONNIIORST &CO UT bxs aged leen for nle V V ` de7 .R Fl VON RONNI go lam cO o cons/p...; to. SALT/I-30 sap Primr-4, n taiEER. & Irate? al 1./ S e 14' s' der lg'"'4 (Vtiltalt* WHLTES !cr . for sakivV6REER— pvoinics—ico vried, prime r t l v i (rulea ratAstesaluss--io bids jozaat r z tEss IL, • ' • • WICK ear wood A water us SALIKILITOS--30ess and IU bbl. (x Ws IT de> WICK & McCANDLF.IS p17171C-71 , 0 ILi,ta Madden; t0rn,11 1 17 ,, co • de - 7 . ' • ear 4 It tirond mut A/Mgt% COLORS,Innand in tabes-75 din, nom .uranns)q . 0 dl b eretn colon; /n.l ree'dbl inD sk for valet ad Oil now landing from mar a . 1 DICKEY.te water & fano it. w ROJOIDEI parresn—leo jug received wad I &male by /' dog i . • It A FAIINESTOCZ &CO ' bbla.i•MICT unlined Lan! oil; Jut metered %X and Grestne b 7 F SELL.6B6 17 litter* at i rAitIIEB Plumes ma Feathers—Now opening at A A. KAMM A C0.3000f mermen listtlenunde plumes cad feathers ree'd thin da • re • rem. f nein 1. 4 73 plems lad sad of lOr We low to claw conignmeta, by one GEO COOBRAN.26 vropi et Lyria:zi—Sear d s b olbeauttful brigAt r colotkil plaid avta - sitAcrterr & WHITE elf►t y sllso . ST2 c7 s e i s u rtrk pri , V l Mpen AO wood lit RED 'BMA DINELIF-4 bales low priced red wool. Ibutoolia last reecived; for rale by eel* I 1111ACIUMT• k. WHITE sutfrio - AT - c?caraTsji ii 17 6 0 c VE fir inpUS id betfintes market a. lam! INIISTA.RD-51verior lientaekt=in uti Guts—Of . LTA whole, h&( and quarter pounds; hat reed and far sae b • ; -EDWARD fIEAZELTON.,_ patio' . ' East aide Diamond. jr / 414 (1 .t i ry7 -4° . emora_ 6 r Ara 141 Ithe st R Y ':wuß — 'r l 7l., Vrlo4o;.oigr & co' SD—A watt Breast Pin was focced to ard sL yesterday. The agree, can haven by ratite* aI2 • JB; 30 . . *4 weed it UnZAPP/NG PAPIZ6-150 reams Inn ree't TIF far Wei by . trreP 'GEO A AMR V- Pll-11:00, lbs Bebocaqcionuty Bop; in lam: for b bra GEO A BERRY Glart . LOVNI-1S dos rely le.y real Backnkin Gloves reed by ELIACELETT & WHITE AO noon n - • 501614111-40 big Havanna Satar, ree'd; Gar We br • I • 'ATWOOD. JONES k. CO t venter front um .DUSTER—If bbl. yrima mil Dalian i bags Flaxseed, reeenmg from am Web Cape: 6r sails by JA*DAIZELL. f •••- • sa wawa Cirlirile—tso bar prime, teeming pt Reed, Pitt Ciea Lis= for sale by ! arlSl , DALZELL. • FANCYIIIIITII-7 eases Woe", mks dark f. pattr.rnx,J..t reed: !or gale by . ant, • '; .SIIIiCKIMIT Irlin•K SiiD bbl. Tounthy 5i..4 for by trY29 : • 1;8 I' SCIN RONNIIIRST & CO Covrox—co been common cotton, sortable for DattinE tor role low to ewe, by nqIATWOOD, JOrikA CO . O 6619 prime flaxseed , of frill:lfa s ' al. avid ' - '1 , l7 If ben, It .• 2V112.011-204 tas Fox% On. Flisce per-W2o— or sat. by . BACiALEYI4B2II72I urle! 121420 wood at CIRAMMICKSIII4S,III,III4 CranVern..: GO 'fr i la irebr wet!! BAG =c lkArOLseaLS—e bbisjust reek! ind formic by 1718. xmlf . 88 W ILARLIAUGB ir.-200 a CO nna,• • • I 33 lion et liiriAn.LAß 11 1-9aL rer,.'d • s dati . GF W t • TASSLI nOTJ4IIII-10 ei . "l“, in wain roman ..91, • TASSEIt t llO7 vaivrair, its- 38 uks nom diog i • stmr Wm I! Pam for sole . ' , IDICRZY is CO doi . meter khan! .. NOVIO sad gouda— kit tar rate det • c...• I DICCEY 400 VLOV/8--1110 Ws Flo& • We by nvIS I DAL% F 7.1. V l:24.ll ‘ ,llz i t t bbLs rood eider . vineglif, Just ra .C 3 -• 7 Wit= Se RICI6II TON • sets Peahen; : 30 ."` Goober Pew bz waoien make: to. ■Mee by deB • , by SIIO/111-1: r a t . inwhitc Britzei mar; btu, Iteranni sag-antW e4°l mi; fel b 7 • BAUALEY 13101111 18t 90,mA at MULASIES-03 bbls no* crop N no. r Issiding • fier m I (":.4 .. *br • •13A0A1..EY k..:1041TH . j ,>aA-uehf elms Y II Te.i; gory bIA Imperial Teciart teed• for solo ' deg I.II , IOAbEY & SMITH 4LIC . ERE.L-Y5O bhds trop N %rim outlay, vas biadissd for sate by ' . • • dee t BAUALET 5511111 MAD' SIGN pip Galenadiallar (r raw Clua bes; for sal. by FOESyllla CO . dtr ! • ' 21) water et 11:110:1-40 II day. leaf Irrlltrtglall&e:s; 11111111T.111, L/CILD-1000 Yen Saf sale_ rb FORSYTH t CIO 0 00$0111A05-6 easJitit we'd, (Or sale 67. UEYNOLDS & dlikE • de/! • ear penn & /ma xis Ul t -4° fluioit—so bblsaaperior'emb cideriJosireed; for %, We by wr.9 . • OBOE BERRY OAP-10 1 sa a a Cweim s soap, in Mtn; forsale bp GDP A DEBBY Bit—sebbfe L*nr« N* r«Hl;fcr nr» ATWOOD, JONES k. CO nooats-ao dee Unman, • gaol Arylsla. received 6 7 Caleb Cope; for vale by •k W _ • I et saorawawr; kn.'s km , by JUAN 11 MELLOR . nrES • .• el wood w cutairog4tmes l - 4 :tv : c c t r , ..et:r r. ; .l.by 'e l e o USEER " 13 tor smltheeld t yruerr.s nmacuss-aob.last ret' , 4for 641 . . bY nvtl ' • R CUNNINGiIdIit ' r 'DOW= STONIL-1 c.t lanor.aale by, Uolcil B YMINESTOCR 0/1, N", ti rend; for we tsii I Prollr • 133 1 133 woods 5;.11YUA11.-12 LW. h. ►J low by " Ada SILLTS-2 bble prim E 6 ,, EF ..I: I .,b , 6 ILERa trel3 eor rerithAald & Inter en 13/IGAIII-4 bbl. iatellTrbfle, for We by . • fur on Tallliga Tolucco-z sale w clitEF4 prime,ja 1142.; (or.alo 4y ii - mimY-IM," ANTHONY DHAYO L Ik _ • * 0,6tt !,..!. - !-"-- QCORO/11.NOS--13 , rt0 na aro I & H MC O OT CUEDN 6611 pm Mimed reeciveat.;AW;k. , : k m"uarne FMILIMEIIIII.II-1.11 sets Kentseirp-Vesacr —: w tee per Oat ?view; SR sale pr /MIS k LEWIS HUTHISONJit CO . ciooll.lllB. 1 1 9.4 4 . 1 * bY • • ~~.; :~! A A .Priizs--io b.* golien pippins; . tic] flowsr, S . vandsnrs;,J 5 . Eng. red street; 6 . Penoc 10 Rhode ks; Island greens: last reed;km.ale bY a, It mcurreileom wen • ‘). , 150 f.,iberty si JD Ryas-M.lO Barran:sr; Monist Flowers; Hipo Satoh Bala. Spereastett; )[ace; Plop Birborests, Bytt Potash; Tani, Emetic French.it O E Catheters: Just received and for sole by B ♦ PAIINESTOCK k CO dee t sot. Ist & wood sow rIDFOI.IIIIII 312810%06—We' have Josl received .124 a large sacra.. of black and colored English Merin., la whleh we Divan the attention or pen.* needing the snide, aA we art selling these a grow bar. gain. • ded ALLICANDER k. DAY QIIIIITS-10 dos bee menno and Lamb's W • 1.3 Shield and Drawers: just nseeived by Eclipse Mu for saleby . , &HAMMETT & WHITE dee ' DO woad al . QUGAN. AND DOLAIISIGIS— s, .17 bads prime NO Sugar, .TA bbls N Molasses, in . good order; for sal on a scommodating se rms.by W kM lIITCIIIELTBEE All.RlKLR—lLSioougieun s bk.= consignoenti B, for sale by, MILLER & RICKIITSON de3 , eta Irwin & liberty SOAPl:bbannreinatiaMq.,., Kcniaeky k. PpanDth filler; for sale by deg . &MS & DILWORTH p l;Vatl ' Ava, " IDs sod et VOWS —6olm shelled corn; V • 15 bees Ohio Mops, for sole by del WILLIAMS a. BILAWORTII _27 wood CIORMANTB-3 esti; Zama ornults;;;;;I:1, deS - WILLIAMS & DILWORTH B Ana "s 7- ` 3l- . l al - milfBl%%/34141 1 1.14 de? . ear wood& woier piCARLS-10 ceks Peadsi 10 bbla do: Cot oak by WICK ieIdeCANDLESS CORCnINGS—IS bbla for calk by fr 3 MeCANOLFSS DOTA6II--3 cake lor wale by WICK & me.cirititrss APPLIZS-73,bblx green •prile,. NrVIfEZER del: car Emi*ekl 'raw ,ts Flatab—FA blll2, esc'd; fur BaleThr w ' GREER c11,./.iCr 6 ESE:—.ISO tor.,jam reed; for sale bdc9y I %V Ul pOTATURII—E73 bbis P.511110C11 - , 1113 bbla:Nesharatocks, a Erinza aru • A c t . WOR KER M=M am -4N bra, on eonairninaatu,bLlaz MOUSSES -18 bb/s II; ZMi=liMffl C OTTON-741We* for det al eic ,ll o r any k co , 3E.rvern 0 DOA It —l3 Olds 0 S' Tar, old crop; 0 611bble NctS, 6 and 7 Loaf Sum; 6,r sale close consignment., by dcl FRIEND, RIIE - Va CO GLO/C—y Ude eoperior whne,jnet reed: for .le by del A FA II e4EntdOIC & OD cor lit and wood ste LIZA ZOPD AC/D-73 oh just reed, ior ' rak by Li L DA FA' INEcIfICK tr. CO A • MATTO-211km • T re an,' But e'd; dm sale by del UA PA lINFWEOCK & CO SUBIDRIES—nO esti. Soda Ash; 120 la, Tin Plates ix; . Mil mg. Rio Coffee. mst recla per str American Psi;lej far sale by .10/IN GRIA.P. . ._.mall. i. liiii MEI liberty et blck French C r i Cl :tet l4 / 7 1; 1 7f 0N 7,2=0t..,... !nres.Just opened: for We by or% EMACKLICTI k SOAP. to—do bla No 1 Cla:watt Soap; ha maid Candles, ' 90 bra dipped (Sales; for role by sto2d • _ CARSON SleKNItilIT t. t "••a 'o I Imam-. a•; 30 " 3 south Blackeralt, '.•" I Baltimore Berner for sale by CARSON k MeleilGliT,Mbst _____ • /181C8E-190 his and 5 eats large %V R Cheese, Prime quality; for sale by -17 C & R Matt/W/IEON BUTTER - 15 bbls and 10 kep p for tale by n ekolad Bauer; W&RMc UIVIIEON 1170P11-0 bales country liombuttr .e'd; 6r sale by :IA 'EWA) W 111•CI3TCHEON F p •Pi - i ,• 1 1.. •oicom brooms; fo aeo by ire 29 VF it CUTCHEON _SA OD elks, reed; for a e —s. by 3107 TAS• EY & BEST PTGACHES-10 bb:s, reed; to sole by tmr: TA ~ :y_lk_BEXT I , ll3Ctil 8.-160 b a je t : to i kelea L Ess .HOMY -40 lin for %la_ VOAII.-40 Md. prune neer clop; teed by steamer American Eagle; for We by 1 , n•l9 ALLEN & 49 mum in 'Ol/i-40 bblo best giaolity; for rahi ov3o . SCHOONNAKRR b i „. CO QILA*I4II.II 11141161--A large ralre,ee (regh hertht,just recta; tor gale bt n.lO . r 81.1100NMAliF.R &CO LAMP BLAOK-30 bbla Or We by by)) I BCHOONRIAKER O CO 0008 CATIEIY-1.0 gross Pri cough eandy Na just zsed; rot sale by 3 , DD &CO srJo rot & 'stud n. VXTRACT-6 dos Preston's Es act Loosin. just fnr.uie by 0.30 J KIDD &co N UT—:A boTcuebt_ sum_ tel;;I• . . _ OM dust tat ask 1.1 V.A..v. , N.V a. 8E,...T avIS 3:. 'mod st -- -- - S t er r ere r b 'E y "-.3W rit ' S g"'''' B7 " .lfl r aratX 4 ' ' 0 Entr-43bo.pgarse dew:our& tart seceived per 11 suur regnant; far gale by -.-.JuvICI LEWIS II sIIISON & CO. 00111FuRTS-150 doe woolen condo esdTt i r 7.. N:J.A. . avidC ARBUTNOT ..--,--,--- -- DASIS—A Irv& Lel of Lathe. C. pet and Mines l./.tlebool Bap J nal received; tor sale ay . nY9 LL F II EATONP- , --- - APE BOXES of assorted ' gttable for .arcs, te; just toed at' bATON3 . nt rricamsne stare . ,TOBAOCO-21 ban prison eltegvild robaccu Just i emetic/di fur sale by nit . CRUM, fillebßEW &CO jilallified - V-167File - Tir - Fs:Mniab;• -6 ' . - I=ll. received on C01171i1...• • - OLAISTRIS. PARI `I. ways on band add fo near Canal, jeldes CO2I-100 ins yellow Gam far sato by a ti KIER !gvr.nvst ItY/L—ae ba old aye tor sale by oct9l) BAWL MKiEic - . B /Ln4 b, ITOEL Large Barges To - i tile WM 1.1 Seta YE Int • pear weed CHEESE —ao bn and 25 aliks W It far salnbr n. 47 CARSON & AIeKNIGIi • 111111ES—Saleratut, Pearlamb, Piaui, Scorching+ , Aand Black Salty; for ea% by 1n97 CARBON fr. Mai/NIGHT VRATUlfiallt-10,000 Ib. •pnmo Ky. Peahen, la pore; hr Nth by men • CARSONitc MOCNIGIIIT L ARD--20 bbl. green Lard; for mak by b 127 CARSON & MeRNIGIIT roiness—o) bbl moan white. red: Wtby : WILLIAMS & DILWORTH • 0i27 :la wood at org—io bales ',atom boom jou reed; for gale by H ovirr wuziems a DILWORTH PIG Isos_l6olnn. ss r ,we ...a.- bT 'tl+97 WIWAMB&DIL OWCII LOU Am. cc kr L'IIL—YO ld ,din; from rEI CHEi ji &W F BCC by 0.27 FEiTHERS-1d sets lo arrival' c rawnrs J: hlysal_eLky nri7 BUTS-100 b.f. jut reed; by sate by .r , ATWOOD. JONEi CO. FICATLIERS-0 sets reed; for see by ATWOLM, JONES &CO VVILIPirca AP • YOO reams ruled Cap }outgo:4110W; in we by _REYNOLDS P 116: POPLAII.LUAIB73II, - oAd Piro:Jo:re, for rale by boArf - • W W WALLACE WRAPPIIIIO . DADZR—_ .mw . • u 150 0 bundles 9 COI and D u r :150 DUrfe„l/..1...4 _•lorsate.bv• " 'CI REYNOLD:S9I39ED DI. ho Vane, SP-P 2,10, irn "AZ TOD, east 5. MAOKYRaL bbl. No hiarego t Al r l by Ull. --No 1 *Ad Lad W conamtly en hmt, for m7sale by I JORDAN & SON r EIIONS-10 bxe fresh Malmo Lemmas la Abe ender; ferule by Ptl Mt /MN • • ear emitbEeld &front ins • SOAP-40 toz, Resin toap; tor ale by . - .hicOILL,,BUISI4FIELD & Roe ~Ti mur—For see by 1.4• nr2l IiteGILL,MISTIFIELD & ROE 0 IL -7 bblal .illoood oil lot Mk, by or2t JOIPO'D MOSIAN, Iropd at T 31A1 WIWI" ew """r in A tv CIUX..-11. camp," alb. we by syg , J D MORGAN stf - ALR-... pan alms ad mop lot. ale by - nvil • D MORGAN Rbbl who bugle by ' eat J D MORGAN GLASS—WIndo - ilnso, el sines, In store; for sale by ova CARSON & MeNNIGHT DAISIAS-30 bzs fresh N R Raisins, inst reo'dLfo. itwb de3 AILLERk R ICK EDON l i llilthlt h oi al wavy for *ale at the *inn awe. D . ;k ; . J A.:OH WEAVER MA„°,l• c if • CULAVIS-100 Into Noifolk ebnealle 50 n Baker', Nat 001 kluker'a Bream reed. 1)119 A LEY t SMITH Ted this day; for ...IF by dc4 .1013tANDT-30 bltdsrn periar old Pbeat Brandy,la 4.2 more; far rale by da3 P4ILLF33/r.nicerreos • 011111i8C-4te las in mese; for sale Sq , de6 1 DICKEY & CO CAIHfI per esp... et A A MASON cove, of casket et, I case or superior nonce twilledCaeheseree. ' FLAAINELA—IA pee %VOA Flennels otis• open lug ilea =del it,6oopriSing critly Aiwa ay; ers? - A ArrIAKON &CO WOOL PAC/ fa r who law ty n l uumiu t mummy Lics COMMERCIAL RECORD. • 1847 Sun .Surt Moon I DECEMBER. rises I seta I rise. 9 Thursday Itll4 33 1 637 10 F'riday 7 12 433 737 1.1 Saturday 713 434 839 12 Suruiay 7 141.4 34 9 41. 13 Monday .• 7 151 434 10 54 li - Tueaday 1 7 16.14 34 11 57 1 15 %Wednesday 17 16 434 morn I _ _ .. PITTSBUR I=! Movements of the Oceamallteinners. Steamers. Captains. Lease Amer. Leave F.arooe Washhon. (Am) Haven, : 0e1,14. Neer York. (Fri Farrand, Nov 24 Oct al Britannia. Ilk) . klarrieon, • Dee 1 Noe 40 Union, Wm Ilerbert, Dee 9 Nov 19 Iliberata,lor) Ririe, . Dee 16 Nov I Sit.mert. (Fr) Morin, - Dec 21 Note 4 Cambria, alr) Jodk ins, Nov 1 Dec 21 C.l.acnic. (II,) I.ec, . Nov Irt Dee 12 Fhitede ( Pata,lFr)oesson; . Nov' 9 Dee ===3l orrice Furrsounow iIa2ETTC't Monday Moro{ng, December 13. For the past few dap the weather has been rainy and unusually waren ; Mr:the season. The general character of the market presents little or no traria. lion. Trade is confiried 'mainly to regular tranne. u nd price. generally aro without change. F'loo'r—There is still a lair demand in the market at full prices. Sales to the:ritent al some It 0 bb,s were transacted ori Saturday, from store at S.s,oGra 5,124 V bbl. Retail salea at $5;5415,31 bhl. Grain—The market presents no change from last quotations. Limited sales occur at the usual rates, via—Wheat 95ti100e; Barley 50; Rye 45 , 550; Corn 37*340e, and fiats at je. Ma. Provisions--Ttni market is quiet, with to change in the prices. 'flacon is dull at lormer quotation. Lard is steadY, with niiiderate nalea'at laW7j. Butter is in good ;tertian** 10ail le for roll, and 9 to 103 for keg,, at which figures we notice isles rf 200165. flops—S.le. of 500 the '.at 1.2/. - Cheeee—The receipts continue lull, and the mar. kel'is well supplied. We notice further rales of till by at • • feathrre—Sales of 500',Ibs at 32c r lb. Cranberries—We notice ao canner, in the mar ket, 52 being the preaeoeruling price., Groceries—The market ii .abandaritly supplied, particularly with eugais'and 'poleaxes. N 0 Sugar is selling at .siiis4e, and Molatees are rather dil l , at. .ti..4[le p gal. ~. Seeds—Closer 54.174(144?-, Timothy $202,115. Flax at.9oe p be. hlariet Tin IVE alpl Lit aep Sai a RI*IIR —During ye, terday nod last night, ire Wen, seated with (lather heavy rain.. The river, !alter having Keen to the height of '24 feel, (higher than the prerfoo. rice) is falling slowly, but if the rain continue. es at the present writing, them will . probably be a 'aull ha, Aber rice. Cosnecackor eucersinaer.—We see in the late Cincinnati papers, a coniparative statement of trade daring the months of Ser+erher, October and No: vembev in'lB46 and 1817. Asa sample of the growing : commerce of that city, we extract a list o some of the leading articles of trade: 1847- , 1646 Apples, labls 16.2.19 11,991 Hotter, 1,617 1,574 Bagging. pm 5.586 117 Barley, bar - • 63,167 12,123 Coro, '.80,168 52,146 Cornmeal, . 3,639 4,077 Cheese, be. 71,715 59=8 Flour, bbl. . • .37,068 56,275 Hemp, bales 4937 2,483 Hogs, head 19,472 6.709 Rye, be .5,871 1,011 Rite, tes . = 77 }lassoed, labia 15,231 3 898 IVhiskey, 43,345 49,530 LXPORTN. Apple. hbls Alcohol, Heel. ' Boner, 13 .8114 , 11. . 4.645 - 391 Corn, .k. , . 24,181 3,987 'Cornmeal, bble 3,139 472 Cheese, bu :7,358 74,373 Candles, 8,89 • 5,118 Eat, bbls 1,076 800 Flour, 51,659 92,670 Festbers, scks . 1,342 ' 1,610 Lard, bees 48,763 13 164 Hemp, bales • 1.636 6-45 Sean@ is Onto.-From the mouth of the Miami, for several miles doWnteard, there are now morn snap than have.beeti known in that part of the river or many years. Jun at the mouth they an quite thick—there being eight or ten within the firm mile; and further down they are ireattered at ghost interval.. Wd=ire happy to °Mene t however that lew, perhaps mine, are in the chanuel.—f Con AtJaa. • SPIRIT OF THE DONIESTIC , MARKETS. Sr Louts. Dee 9—Floor—Two lots in the mar. het, &U:Mating to 368 btds, Were sold - at gs, and RU buts Globe mina, city. second limed, was sold at 5,10. To day, the what .was bare. consequently nothieg was done, but we qinate 4.8 7 / 4 2.5 r bbl. a. the limits for common and choice country' brands. Whmt—Oo Monday, the ilidr,ent qualities, in cludlog inferior to choice, ranged from i 5 to I 00.:, and yeatenlay the name descriptions sold at 111.1131 85 to 100 c. bay for spring and mad 85 . to h3 - M fair to prime; 95 to 100 e r bu. ithmr.i....Two or three loth tore, are held at 3UO t o 111 hare receded in their view. the Ingbett otter we beat' 111 Lead—The receipts amount to 22323 pigs. 'fol ders ore milting $4 to 4,1.16-1, as in rated loth, which were the limits of the last 'sales reported.—(Rep. ,Loussett.t.s, Dec ham, and rope we hear of light std. to day 141443.15 c for the for. mer, and blele for the latter.. In cotton we hear of oshei of WI bales of infer-• or to middling old, at 51i640, 4 months; also a tale of 37 bales fan new cotton at 7e, cash. - . Salim of Flour continue'at Siin 1at11,0421110g on 5,42. Wheat see quote at SS to 90e p toe. The sale. of groceries "idea easier rate., and the teceipts vaividirably enhanced. We quote Rio coffee in lute at 716 g; reAmling at Light aales N . O Sugar is Wide at 4iiki..s.le lon fair to prime, re. tailing by the bbl at Ge. 'Melaka. continue. at to !6c. Rice by the tierce SlaGe. Cheese in lots at Gic.—.[JOur, ll= BEAVER—Par Michigan No 2-1500 hoop poles Bold-26 hdls printing paper, Loornia-9 bbl. flow, Wilson. • BROWNSVILLE—Per 'L:ouia McLane-57 half boo glan, Forayth & Duns. Per Conaul-1 be mdse. Mclntosh-2i do do, Me, Cord, & Loomis—!pkgs!do, Bidareil-15 bbl. whtskey, Phillips. V — Balin of Columbus—lima Tome—To the Bald and Gay—lf you samba.' nob, lacuna= head or hair, free from dandruff and mast do not foil in procure ltieiteMliZte Harm of Columbia! In eases of baldness it will more than cloned poor impectations. Many who have lost their hairier kti yean hove had it restored to he 'anginal peMention by the 00 of this ba/m. Age, state or rend ion appear to be no obstacle whatever; it also ceases the Auld to flow siithwhieh the delicate his tube is Ailed, by which means. thomorids (whose Moe was grey as the Astamie Eagle 4 have had their hair eared to to Its natural color by the use of this invaluable remedy. to all eases of fever It will he Mend the most plesuant wash that can be Med. A few applieationa only are neeesoory to keep ne the hair (tom falling on. It strengthens' the roma it vet fails to Import a rich glossy appearance. and as a perfume for the toUct at to unequalled; holds three times as moth as other mils. . , . • . callcd hair remoranses and is main effectual. Tau genuine Y manufactured by Comstock is C0 ; .21 Courtland at, blear ork. Sold in PittstsfralhonlYacniatite.ty WM JACKSON, F 9 Liberty at., bead of V, ood; In Washington, Pa. by Sweeny k Son; is Dfostrimvilla; by Bennett k. Crocker; in Cananstiorak, by Or. Yodel; also, by oar .agents In eery town In Pa , Ohio and Mil. nvlSltarGaT 117.T0 Steamboat Mess and °there—Con ner. Magical Pa iirEstractor-,41 a now conceded by medical men that Cannel's magical. Pain F.:tractor, manufactured by Commack & Co . , it Counland st. N.Y., It 1110 Veg.( wonder of the WM century. Its effects are truly ml IMMO.. •II paiaeera remoyed from burns, scalds, /M, and all external sores, in a few minutes al. ter its application. healing Metairie on the mint delicate skin. Maytag no sear. It is Fin:ally beneficial In all kind. of inflammatory diseases, such as amts Nipples and Eyes, Sprain". Itheutnauset White Swelling and Ulcers, Braises. Buena, Chilblains Erysipslag, Biles, 7,e Dolmens, to. We might Odes pent' an all we say, .the names Or runny eminent physicians orbs We it In their practice, and hundreds of the clergy who praise it to their poOple. Kira parent keep itconstanilyon hand, in eases of accident by fire, lira um , be lost without it, bat by Its use all barns are subject to Its eontrol,inlese the vitals aro destroyed. Cannon—Remember and ask for Connell , . Magical Pain Ex tremor, manufactured by Comstock & Co., it Y.. and ao Mbar. Bold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh, Hi Limy st, head of wood. ' ! walk/teflon' siJe o! Diamond lh as SAWn ql the Pittsburgh Gazets. We take pleasure In recommending to the citizen. at Pittsburgh, tie name of JOHH LAUMILIN tar the Mayanity Ho is a gentleman In every .ssy unstilted to Ell the orEce—thild,gentlemauly, and temperatet end 'at the mu time inflexible when duty require.. Asa popular buslitesa man, he could have no higher recommendation than the facto{ his being met to the City Council from gy.ranl that has in general given the opposinoo a majority . Mr. Lmmthlln harsh been, for the last nine vears,on * the diitetent CoMatinees of Streets, wooden buildings maessments'and appeal.; the blur and time consumed in the same has been • iry mat; and) ustly entitles hint to the regantAnd indite neeo( bet Whig pan) , dh7tC ' r MAW, rNM 4. • . , 1:17 - Mcusis. Editors: Penn me through We columns of your invaluable paper, to suggest the tame ofJOIIN KIND, sa • cultaLle candidate lei We Mayoralty. MY King Ist C gentleman every:arty-competent to MI We °Mee. For Integrity, wirdotit, and good 1.4.. 1, he hat tear aupcnory Ilia nomination is e•raertly wired by the Whigs of . tlt'U litard, anti particularly about the Edell] BOUND CHURCH. . , ETA. the time is approaching when we Own be car ted upon l 0 elect a new Mayoy would - wspectlally, 110KACtt 43 the ci glens of rinshargh, the name of L. It, LIVINGSTON as a saleable pyirn to 111 Wm office. ' ' A CET/ZEN AI. A ARRIVED. ..._ .., Consul. 'lEtnorman. Brnimsrille. Michigan No.!, Gilson, Beaver. Swatara, Coo, Brewoorville. ' Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. ' BPS‘itc, Coek, Brownsville. Louis McLane. Bennett. 80m:ionlie . Detpatch, Nelson, Moo. City. . ' Capdeo Hendrickson, Brownsville Beaver,Hoops, Beaver. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Isaac Newton, Maion. Cincinnati. Monongahela, Stone. Cincinnati. Jirooklynißoies. Con. ... ?Gondolier, Lyons. St Louis. Frit ttdship, Davis, Cin. DEPARTED. , Consul. Bewman„ Brownsville. Louis MuLane, Bennett, Brownsville Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, ktrowni'ville. or , Swatsra, Cos. Bniwnsville. ' Danube, Cock, Brownsville. . • Ti Wells Ville. arum. Wellsville. Beaver. H ps, Bearer. Lake Erie. Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan 'o. 2.,GUs-n Beaver Caleb Cope Moore,' Beaver and Wellsville Monterey. Monterey. !orris., Brownsville. Diadem. St wart, N Orleans , Union, Ore lee, St Louis. 0" ego. --, M. lonia lat quarter OP TRADE. MEMBER. MOINSII:IM! BOATS 'LEAVING TIIIS DAY* BROWNSVILLE PACEETs at U •. N. and 0 CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 •. r. BEAVER PACKETS al9 and IDA N and 3 re MONONGAHELA CITY PAI:KETS,3 r. e. DISPATCH. Nelson, Brovrarsille. GLASGOW PACKET, l;lasgne•,d r. r. WELLSVILLE, IVellaville, S A. r. PILOT No S. Nashville.. AMEBICA, Wheeling. PASSENGER Steam Root Pa cinna l d; 10 Passenger Packet Philadelphi Mail Coach' Li and 124 is. Western and Sou NortblWestern Erie and Western North Eastern to 6)4,4 A. x ARftiVAL AN• :astern Mall eta I" Western Nail. Cin AI., closes 5 Southern Mail via 8 I'. N., cl North Western na 9 A. M. Erie and Westent 8 A. 91. GAZETTE J TLLItO !Mau?, CO • 0,17-{l7z noor and expeditious inch as large Ander Letter Sheet Cucuta •ny enent sae. kindest Prattled do rates Irrlsa ant men:woo. orb h orp too appearn n the Pr St of she eircolat, harke. This, aan ad y extra expense. n the enelttrY paper HOUSES; I! Gland TilE sub•er:har. the ;immediate Cti=tM or tba brown b <lnlet drawd brown oxide.) fourth doy orlorysl. , whole Imo brow Who! ver bank, and ll ' . • ty a +opposed tb I 4.058 5.647 "?,;11 6,618 411 .• rase be seen at the . the entries. I will a. roll purchasers. if don to lake an ere. pronded it *ha Thal., for charcoal is deemed coerce Icedwould with p lned i remises: I tram I meld to the SI Mc I W ing company, I deThly. . nrcannee of an legheny county. V 1 the.piennief. Thl 1.0 o'cLaeL.A.. in and under the AIM I. 13.1..g113141e being part of the e tool toornattip, deed ercrx mcca.. ec air blc, and an env ruin the .2.4 coal Co. Toe l cotaxitt • leolq Rat) Road, as at pre .1 artpval&citd" Foi II burgh, oo Wn ~`?Letth •.rrs Ili rod, cull: ex..Afrrit Apr , ll Orel 113rn:row MOP, Ir I Ittlepte.! tar a Itaary I===l IRON OR BA lotere• of Laud ore ter rountieo. Kcootett Iran of Land,. att , Jod Stone Coat ortuett fair and g0a.1.0 Kin 18 Co ton; bat buyers 'a regard to price, and 5110 for prune II The 1.141 I. vett fnnm %he roam RI wpod road ID Fl W bs, and fido lam A Haar/sonic lately twee,. wnt, by Nomad t' Alto, a well finish. able ier sockeyes, ad, Library Aasuoation. 13 . TI IF. large • Federal st , All Ann Qaxsan. gent) or April lICZI . Immediate perireirs' lalued Iry applpinp Loose of Clarke An' . Coal Q EVEN acre. Coal .I.3the Monongahela ine a tun or 7feet Co for gaols. 'Far puma oct23 TO LET.,--A. isbed, time e • half way betiv• • Possemion given imm at*: office at 4' iv-St( ' EMI L ) TN-ATANCITESITE lbeautiful !loading 23 teto.l4l)2loJ fee on needminodating,lCT mylAi JA:IIU4 THE a Mary etreetaad No. IC k peen—apply on the pi ii2thr . . - COIIATI HAVING, f gala afore... Weal House, and as imtned of the Monona - abets, 4.14 3tawtf tk, THE well lir, bstween nrd And) by Barrow. I Tem.. APO it'A handsome of 11•18 . F , RFs it rfturr,r. a gas new crop bunch B.llla. 1000 Miasmal .. =gee; • 5 ire. Dame, - , 5 eases Citron; I , 2 bMl.loeheilea Almond.; [ '. 2 yFllhatio; • 10 bto A No I hook Candy; . • 50 boo new sealed Herring: received per SIMS Consul: One solo by .. . • . .... luf ANIIFACT "'RED TOBACCO -11.1. Cabmagb sf: • ' NOTlol3—A4Eleetton for one Premdent, ata 3fac- Nrerz, and Treasurer for (SePlasbunrh and Curl EMI Turnp i I e RI Csrupany, snit be boa o r the Toll House on Deeerub r arts, 41,47. between the bows of 1 arid 3 P. AL 3 EtVERT,' aesdur•P • Treasurer. *•Plain High colored rletAliasa. ht ON C2,...G1 na n, :re o t u _s!,:x . re v i c reeei,rd ttlf:,=`;o7:Zd..`4 , —ir. h b " IN' T , IIE higher prica ca.la paid for all ihe differ* grade. of clewsWashrd Wool, by MURPHY k LEE, Old amid arorellocao, car Liberty si said C,cirg alley ~,7t9aNvro VOIRICIGN i•OLIACCO—:+IO Aalementab Ilayant I" end Pomp II ty* wrapper awl Mb, leaf Tobabco; for axle by A GORDON SILETIAS- 4 ant, superfine. and neelli/ nue, black aild Lughsle SeiGllll3,lo, t renew d et sec t hum Inane rrrrr LKIT et. WRITE elelo 171; woad st ATOTICE havmg bills mg - newt:Ream post •Tulesutnne" well present them tenr milkmen& int mediveryy at the store uf JAS. KERR, Jr. water suers. dole S VOA 111-24 hbl. No B ins( " y" Averred per stmr Canrlirns; friend.' by L IIUTCHINON & CO Anent Si Lents Suns, Refinery BUPI' CASSIAIRRES . and White rilat.ctile., for eve ping Venn put renewed by' dell • &ZUCKER &MAVEN r, 11 AVISiSYM - Che rry br BreanCom- —lsdosfot sale 07 " haw& oo p 4.40, . PITTSBUIIGA PORT 0 rt[l.6 IFCIIV WATLETALLING RRANGEaiL7ITai Fort 1E47. ft Line, leaves daily for Cin la Brownsville to Baltimore sod .1.1 1. Kllll C P.ll. =IIILI ern Mail Coach Line, G er. Cleveland, daily. 10, w Yark, daily, 9 ♦. m. 'llilndelphia, daily, except Sun r yadelphia, due, S A. AI„ elwee innati and Louieedle, dun 8 P alitniarn and WalLinton, doe 5 A. . leveland, due 10 A. Al.,cloeee hew York, doe BP. M., close II FEINTING OFFICE, !111 or parr °Met •LLEt• reparrd to execute In &superior lacr, all kind, of Joe Plurruna, ,Incaratoat 0,11., Elliot Lading, I, Handbill*, Card,, Or., Or: eV so she t4st 1.12f111(U, and with accuracy any et the logrce es Advert adver ar in the orntr Gazette Week'', thus Dat treeirtaAl gut the ben• of all.•settenat any additionitl aniege to our atlerrtt.ers, without daertiemeitts are a:t.o atuerted pon reuonal.le. terms. OTS, FARMS, Sc, ...., ower iron Ore. - I ,l.e , r: bo to , r hr it ,o ar o ,fe r, o , :e4r tn. sof land in 1 Cr. Perry roomy, Mo. aon- ' :ii o l o b r es ' a . lPLe k e ' d 'l n r oll' d ".• the I' y. • ' 2 PnnIIIIIY In eac ' uZ .r t r heo ' r n e ce •Pre to one and a lia:f notes from the I rock shore lauding. Tie gotta. numense Parnplea th me , twos lintel— at.. a dpipacn of !Il Me 4rOole mieiher, or In loc.. to I .1d together. 1 skoold have no On, :!1. .!1 I 'he Unreal a , J. .. e un s .1 in a t: conducted'.. A , " :1 a u: rt:" k g r e:: ' l ' d: : e n 7 s 4 :e :r o i o p mr ... II o: the y. inasmuch aal presume. per igee from 2 to a '...34.. north of the loins and IPrlcougnalais Iron mono. JOH 74 g.nlnnrn COURTStLI Coal Lands: rder of the UrphAl'eCoorforAt dl he ea pored io public blik,ort. reilay. Me . .34 clay of December, N. All * Done Coal continued eof 4 aeleiinnd o.l'peiMam. of Torniittip, Allegheny canine; ate of Willmaa Iballnre, Imo of The porelemee to have all and dear of tornief Aom the surface, r tar:l.Lee and tgoilY In the afore preruires i• of ezu,,j ung near the of ibr CC/1 . • g nt lirentert. enn., erL•h. ! /BERT C &ROT!! Adi la ii , Ise s of Aped 'm ~v ati : o , h..ster's Creel,;oliks Indi oval,. Turtlptke, it nom. anno There s .. on the Ird, a lir.t rate tu, awry 11,,,,, he he, It t• y•lr roc For tcroor appl, to N GRAITA 1 AlVitl.l ' drolly, Wils . m.h Ili, 1, r IC FOR fiALE. —Alauls.ooo (Ow ,Irtters of Alendon and Cdr , ..hill sr. ad air in, .” Inr, 1414. or • fid" lied of 1/lilN 4.1116 Ire ibond uoti It. . da, Ic i nV c i. T r i g ti t, I 5 .., a ,d o n to o rlT s lit:: ,11tI n %arli n n n.r • . ! , proper, wall he cik.u. hilSriTi!7). • 1 • OrIA J DROWN 'OR RUNIT,I p finished Roongoo hlrultrt Street, as . D.lgnet7o . tyre o•taldinh• and dell theni,thed Ream. ell. ming Ike: et the i^ • CALM le F.lllrallet betee.ee .111A4,_ OR RE..117 . : • - Icl onfontoo dtehlinot ho.e no Way. formerly,oCcup.l by Mrs roalcrohnstocco INS the In liAr% A 51. n of the abovebalm can be 010 AI Cmgfron, ifte canal WhIC • w. rtc2 5255E1 I..nd for sole, iiinale on Lend of Over, aleive will Ile, ze Pa, hav• winch woll Lamle! on e Isonzo 'Mod at large, commod too a, and well fn. y lorick demagog,on Fenn et.,. n Garment alley and Wayne at. 'Lately. For pdrllc[l:2lSGLlY.re W tV.AI.L.ILE. 211 liberty at. • I DING LOT; R FOR RALE— !basic for chic •tin ManchesteS, near the Ferry, 'e • deep. It will be gold low, and e t.g. Term unCtreptionable. IiARKLY. Real Flom, Arcot OR RENT. /set Werebooda, N 0.51 Water Fromm. losandtatopoggeggion tenses. • A Lb:RANI:WM GORDON RESIDENCE: veil to the eity.Tor convenience I cline., I will tent the hlangton td teeuclwure. sintate onthe bled C mole above (list Arch. JAMFN S CRAFT •r norm, I Cu dolled :bine, oil Markel street, nd Went, Cl preg-nt occopird Foggeggion dirtin on the Int of ( g2l) ttA7.ZI,II OIL o cc Over,,PhilaMial. E It GAZZAM LAMBERT tr. SIIIPTON, 1:15 woad •t 115 Miaan pm's Ss, I'mlse , s 5.; 25 ! Russell & Robinson's Ls; 50 g Manche'. I.; • " ; Lawson's ISs; on erat i arn atm cn; and water at Boma MUSIC, /co. Pier RECEFIVED AT AL A 31INMfte3-•-The Life of meals MeThome, born a gave to Major Johnston, of North Canaille, 17110, sold to Mrs Melbourn, (widow of Limn' Melbourne °tithe Midair Nary) at the ap of 3 .y 6015 from whom •be took his llama and obtained Lie freedom To whielris added sketched, of the Lives in Thomas Jefferion. John 4 Adonis, John Randolph and several other eminent American Staielatee, bearing on the setheei oflavers, eleven . . produced from personal Inter. view wink the subject of this memoir; edited by a late Member of Congreet. The Constitataln of Man( esoildenul in 'elation to External ()Nee.; by George Cambs.( • The Ramage Ring, by John Atwell James. • A Campaign in New Ilex ieo,with colonel Doulphan; by Frank Edward., • Volunteer. ThG yatenes of the Three Citing by Augustine. TheTirate'll Dlittahler,or the Rovers of the Atimilfg bJ De e. •' .'- Adventures m of i Strolling Player; Scot American Edi tion. Yontiac,er the last Basle of me praises Chat by 114- good Bradbury. I LI ue ll's Living Age, No 1111: • Dorabey Son, Na 14. Taylor's Counterfeit Demeter, for DCeember. Upton Magarine, _Colembnits Mogul., ' Ap De Magazines fsl • A large and varied aseortment of Juvenile &mks Also. a beuttral eelectlon M Aaaalla. Oath as AM Hose, Fos,. me Not, Leatleis of Memory, Lady'. Al.' boo, .etc. t 1 • A new and large supply or stationery, blank book. for common use of every deserlation. 1! .. Alarge lot rietori4l Johatbau anCCourlera for the , ' 1 For este at kl A MINER'S; Smithfield street, Stl door (remand. • ; !I • MEARLY READY. for PUMLICIAITICiI s II by,/ A k. U P J 4 stES, Ci nei math die following now and valuable Works— I , S 1 .. Doniplaan's Expidnian—ContaininC* sketch of Ike hle 01 Col A W Doniphan; the Conquest."( New Mori. t•o; Gen Kearney'." Overland :Krttedition to'California. '"'"n'Ph.t.''' es. Porn olalann the Nardi", and hi , . no paraild.l March Equal Ch.huskva and Durango; and the Operation. of Gen Pdee at Sesta Ent sridt • Map and Lao - aviary; by John ',/' Ilughdr, .• B' of the IO Reel or kimono Cavalry. , I liatorT of lientnekv—ltiAnnquniebaiot Natural en denials as nir& patent ,Statiaucal and Getoktigteul derutiltv trusts; troth anecdotes of lloneers Lire, and &ore than one hundred UtouraphietU Sketches of allalliguished EntneeVa, atoldiers. Stateamen, Jurteri., Latiyon, Di one., ilhoorated with fort) , entrrbVing*/ by Lbwta eptlina, 1 vol octave. . . , • The twelve Month's Volonmer,orOlAiti of • Pri vate tn, the Tenuesma Regiment of„Cavalry, In the Catpairm of Aleziro,Auringlelg-romntaining Art dcount of Me March of the RiMintent Le .Yer• Cruz, a ,seription of the Country paned over; manners, &C. of the people; skhes of coop life; 0CC0001.2 of all Mo actions of other V etc ailanteeLßestreent. and • full IliatorY of Me Weaken Wog List o{the Killed and Waundril.bc; illtcormod by a large number of commit Views and Plans; Ly Coo C Earber, I soloctavo. del • -- New DiMiTit.M i— aw Nook.. rgsll E CONVICT, or •the II yhrite %unasked; by G P Ii Jutted, En: • Jack 'A•hurc;'My Pc/toward, autitne of Bailin the Reefer. • ; The Star of the Felten; by Canis, Mallnir of Black Plumrd 'Riflemen The Mimic Figure Read, orl i the tail} of Green and Mee; JO Cherie) , Cneey,of th 4 V'B Ni [ The IJandiCsliride, or the Maid of Saxony; by Lorna Sidney. •- :henbane. author of 'SUM in . krikenasica,' /he. dl Lena Lyamore, and Mr Mrs Woodbngde; by Mina Leslie tondop Queenly Renew. Union Maclaine for December. Life of Joseph T Itare-ea large milli), The filet:wavering Aladin; by the unbar of 'lllatory of • Flab' The W Highness of Women; by sama. , i ' The OM Comenedoreihy E Howard. Jeanette Alli on or the- Toting Strawberry tale or Sea and Shore; by Ingrahem. Riram,,or Darlight.•pnmitale; by./ 8 Robb. Oir Rowland Ashton,* sots; a nd y C Long. • T e Splendors of Versailles, the Coen of Louis the XIV., Flowers Personified. Nose aid lb Karel Gown lei of Antsne,A pang • Slogsmines. Newspapers ete. I London, Punch and Pictorial Times, par lam steamers. Brother Jonathan. Phil•delphia Cattrter, and Yankee Omidle Pietarials Forsade by • WM S CALDWELL • del 3d sr, op site that Poet Mee Books of Americas:terms ay School Valens FIVE cheep Librar7., No 1 ofyobs, r 51000 1. Po do 2 do "00 The Cabinet Library, vole, ~0 (160 A good supply of Id brat,' Books of ensile., from 0 ce si op to Me lamest class of sookeUn. • incoestion Fools from v I tole, Do Lanwestivo gaesztons n Matthew. SeriPltire•Questione. Union Hymn Cooks, 10 rent • New Sinday School Ilymn Rook, Ole; 7 he New Sunday School 11101st Book, 2e; Sunday School:Tickets, Reward Rooks, Maps, etc. cte . • For sole at the EZUM ertalogne pelceal catalogue& famished genus, on application it the Deposttory. Also, a general assortment of school hooks, writing P Caentry Merchants "applied at lowest pm. for cash, or In Ear range for Rags, st cast prices. ELL OCT • ENGLISH dcowF marker 54 between 3d _A 4th ICisW BOOK S—A ppleion Rail Road and Mown I Boat Companion, being a Tian/len Goias throogh S the New England and Middle tea, woh coolest in the Southern and Western Staten, and Moo to Canada; tl• lammed with numerous map. and engravings. . The Poet-eat Works of Fite-Green 1/ k, now first co;leved, ildostrated with weal ar.inorc 'I he Rose,. Affeciam'sUlrt fo, 161,t edited by Emily blambsil—tliustrated with ten elgant simsiengravings, supertily houild in moniceo ch. The Potables of our Lord; • twat esquialte/f finished hook, every I'a ;richly sod variously eolorcd, booed to wooden back, carved and colon For sale by J L READ .5E9 th 54 Wens market lITIrCAIIIIIICS—GririoIOLa g q•Ia, D - ' ln Antiemirtee ; e naryt . arta, asanufacteros r • a Classical Diction). tamely of Greerand Rni eliCallotislits Commercial Diet . Crete Dicuortaty ..d aturpleinet. wad 11.1(C SV.ebtitere Octavo Dictionary, Jell 3 edition, Tothi t s.Jakiwatitts Rea Walketi !het mall Worreetett• DiebonerY; I LiLlefl aid Scottte Greek Lexicon; Geserduts Ilebiew Lexicon; Rob...tits Greek Lexicon of New Testament; Leverente Laun Lexicon; .tinswoMitte Latta Dictiottery; ri..llllflf Tibbnits Frenarlbetionaryli Hecht. litrolociral iketionartt, t'n an Ilia It etiabervi Itiminatai Coloiri. Mebane ry. tee Ike. • Tbe above wan et genteel %Palmate., of lbeologlea/, tlimititialtldiereltancees and benday &WM &mks, al ways no band ant for ewe low. I • L e •! tlia mLkeir & aeeio34k .1 IGav SI VNlE—Whar's a' the Wm, Ninuna+i I have come imam happy landi lima in the soul alas smile; Would:I were with thee; . What enchantment, by:de/So Paw.; Clueen of my voshr . tsiceping I dmanidilove. The Rarny Ray; • 011 mvs we &woe if in a lamas land; Stow gentle sales, Mich by Loden Forgave but don 4 target, llond bye, wing; . 431 he twine fresh Roam in ray half,. Palinem, warm; Cast that shadow faun IhY.hintmel The fouotain m pew's; The mooollght well,, . • Slay gores, Accented ond or sole by J 11l *Sod street P.S. Sevhral Pianos of M MELLOR ichelins , aed Gals'. man elector, nee hoopoe the way from the earßand will be. received in& few day.. del GATE . *IIIICOLOCIIOAL7IIOOK Attractions of the Cross, - by O Sprlne,D Ih Me n:mime( athis Pry; the Pre.A.lmatts Earth, enow ibaions to Theological debar.- by John limns, D D. Brolg4 Esposmon of Proverbs; Life of Sitnecint lltr tory of the Pthsbyterian Church to Kentocky. Sheichm jaf North Carolina, hretorical arid biographi cal. illustrative of the principles of a portion wf her early settlers by Rev Wm Henry Foolat'M . Cheyer.4. Life, Gotten arid Lemur.; SUCtieynes Seim 0.; Tree of the Knowledge of rod and evil, 3e,/M. The following uniform wah 4.4uter's Cabinet Library:' Tales of Ssnuish Peasantry, by Hay Henry Duncan, D D. and °then, PleasantTatea by Old Ilemphrer.Thank. fathers end 'other EX. .ass, by lloanillon; Ltfe M Tcaneng Loss of the ltesthtliat Peace in Relining. The above with a general assortment of Tlmolthlical, Clanton!. Stedical, and School Books; for We at law prites, wholesale or re4il. a ELucirr & E. „ l LIBII nail) &Sumac% at, betweea lid & 4th • new Plinileatiwy: --- -1 • I IFE of . .. General E Taylor, with ixoticeagf ihe warm. La 11Iex.co A California *ad Southern Mambo, and Li.' graphical 'hatcher of Odieers aria* have dlanngenahed thenuelves in the war with Mexioo; J Frose,L L D anistis Wa x er skate/ma of Athancan Painters; by Henry T Toetarrnan. • A Reply to altltter's End of Religions Controversy. PO far Si the ekorchea of the Engbakt commutate as. concerned. IJuatlee'd; for sale by I J EREAD ern ,4111 at. near market • PIANIOI6. fiqpilill CHICKERING-I-One splend,d Rase ' . woad sir and a half octave Piano Forte; , niads by Chicketiny. Boated. lIERR—One cemiljrand Piano Forte, from the mann- Tinter) of Henry lien . Paris Of octave. GALE & CO—One earve6 Hosevrocd, Wei nom, made by Usle &Co, N Pork. One ditto mahogany 61 Mal& I . . • SgODART, Near Torh—One elegant nine, lig oc taves, has bCca mod about one year; price &SOO. .100001., liAilD rOlllO3. ! ' An eyvetionb Frond band Piano, made by Load & Brother.; in cool onlerq • •• . • •• • • •• • • • *lOO •, " , one second hand Piano 5 60 For talc by ' JOHN II MELLO. , nal. c I—, 81 wood stereo lq olLit. NNW 11001611.qd argon t iratisea, new novel by C P It Dunea; Pries 6 mats. Tariffs, es the Toil of Liberty. Christopher Tadpile, Albert Send.. 1 7 _ Commaa&r.of Maim; It esloavaL I Count., or Marion. by F 16aube, Esq. Legends of Nevem by Oct. 8. Lipped; FricalOwnly Magmata fur October. New Mace; just recaoM • by ' • Wlll. 5. CALDWELL; ,-- .14/ _ Iturd:at, °Haile past adllos. PIANO/II PE/1180in ITENAT KLEFIES, Dealer in enemies Piano Fo rt es, Li at J W Woodwell's,No. 88 Third Street. The Pianos may be eganatned at all hours and the subscri ber will be there from 1.1 to It A. he, and frimi 4 tob, P. M., each day. Pfttab'g. October 00, '46 I • I Ws. the - undersigned, am i d inform thejeltigenu of Pitoburgh and vicinity that web nee Ilppithaled Mr. H. ..leber sole Agent for Western Penney estate, for the sale of our Piano Forms, from whom they may be oh. mineil IitOIIIOV.IIE New York es. • • York] & CLARK New York. Sen.l.lslC-oendel Melallo A SPLENDID awortvent of licrweccmcid 1: eci - zu'af.Tenod, ""? " 4 "`" ,""` •, Also, muot4' tenth,' Rosewood Pisnoe,withColernsnia celebrated lima enrichment, finished n the maumit en for sale at P.BLIJMVS lea In wood street 2 doors above sth --- A 'NEW DIOTIONARY—Coa (Lublin& •11 explanation of all die ten= in &natant , . an. e, with the formulas of the principal Phsnurspreelas, and valuable planet, alleles on the treptirenn of; disease, on the basis of Hooper & Grant.. &e. by JJ Perrna Gardner, D. J oat red'difor sale by N, J I, READ EW IMPORS—Waahnvon and his General. by J •r• Headley. Napoleon and his Manhols; b I T Head le For sale by ELLIOTT & ENfil t ityl ant . Pp e=g==l JACKISO—nou lb. of Vale=lled India Vic/W. Stram.Pnekiil for join& of mem ertgineiLbtit Med: width fnnn 11 yd. wide dui/re to 20 Incites, & Lc India Rubber Dep.'', 3 mond .3 • foil , & H PRIMPS 4-2 01111 12.12,111AGPS •PGANOOF-2 I qua above 2.1 atlehrn,d PllllOl., ju,t rorq . , for Bale 1.7 • ." JOHN II GIELLOR.I4wood ej Eill*TON - OfF SaLATILIZIGL—Was, il•r mg 3m—A mory dm .Fa ure; by :Hes 13. Ciol y, 2 vol.. Moo . ptiOo GO emu Just published by. al At UP lAbLES, 111/ I HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. A . F/8111021 FOB itTUVI. 1847. • M' CORD & G HATTERS, Corner of Wood and Fifth Stafds, LT reeelved their Autumn style of ill. to lib 1./ they respectfull invite the attention oft eters and eltisenv. generally ry% Pall Style Hats. bIeCALLAM hasjast reeereed a beastiful smelt Hof Beebe '& Comar's Fall style lbw, which (di nettneas and Hume enlace be surpassed_ Call at the Hat Store, Idotinongabela Home, Smithfield at, and me them. oetle 1 911VEISTV HA P T AT rHOTH ENT G.THAIR A.E_IRTA,CULAsu...iRbetDm Into:dace:on Satarday,Det. 9th. fileatht arts ing a bat mad yeah this dexitable artielp will please mill and examine. • nein . ALFRED KEEVIL, Praeneal linnet, • 161, head of 'rood at FALL FASHION. MOORE has received nom New York , th F utyle of Sao which he will introduce this day, &Lie', Aus Mi. All ihiyon in want oh neat and caponor hat would do well to tall in No 73, Wood Street, 3d 'door &boo! 4th. acts ul • Pall PasPao* 194 P. irBEIME COSTAIPS yle entlemen's Rata will be intniduced Cl KEEVII.I3 on Thursday tusest 117th. Gentlemen wishing a cheap, (ash - 'enable Gat of Pittsbargtrmanufactare ahead of fuhionahle Flats inifoned red advertised by rotae of the trade. pleue call at KEKVIL & Co's isaganf lO, head of Wood et ASUMMER FASHION FOR [war /UST ireceived from New York, the Sum mer Style M Mat t r Ga, consisting of When Beaver, Pearl end White French Cassime re flats, with Ventilators. Those in wanfof n benutiful, light Iltiare respectfully invited to call. 13 MOOll/31 on9te3 • ' 7.3 wood - et, Tdoors above /W 4 WILLIAM DOUGLAS has Just recetved •• ar . lt e s d ualzf e r rd . and Dusan ilsta Silk Ewa fins Frenclt nroltskin Nats,Atirery tow Jell No 78 wood sum AWILLIAM DOUGLAS, ' .111 CONTINUES to alanufactoos, and keit, constantly on band, every •srety Haut rtsd Caps at the latest style, and prices very low at 78 Wood creel. Edmund., .19T C APII! CAPII!—Pine 01_ ,ier Seal and Mask Caps, jou to band at IUeCALLAM'S Fultianapla Hu Stole, Alonanaaluda House ould LOrANDG'D CAPS—A opldidaor : n mo to2dsxttety of s,.tcuALi,lvsll.....t Data DRY & VARIETY GOODS. MiIAWLIL ANiXANDER DAY, 75 Market at., N. IV. corner of the Diamond, have now received from thelarge auction salesat New York and Philadelphia, the largest and most splendid assortment of Phenyls, which they have offered in this city, among rob may be! ad— Tetkerri, of e handsomest styles and Wiest Qualiiiestmponed. Splendid Enlehni tall wool,) some of We firmelquili nes, awl roost beautiful designs ever offend in Wismar. het. Splendid Tanen French Plaid, (all woill,) a new and beautiful snide. Superfine Cloth, plain and embroidered blank and od mode motors, with heavy ( tinge., • superb as; . Tbibet Menne, plain and embroided black and mode colors, vnth heavy clk frlnges. Super Pans Puneleen Silk, very heavy, and unsur passed ko richness, of style and quality. Super blaekOtrousaufielk, neh aiuele for plain pen- A large assortment of c buy heavy woolen Shawls, plaids, plain sod embroidery!, tulspted m country Wee. A large portion qj the above goods bay, been recently pe '<hued at the large peremptory Auction Bales in N. York and Philadelpeie, at remarkably low prices, and will now be mild at open reductieo for ryodut pncea. Tbe_ausubon of wholesale buyers is invited. • Gentlemen's Vitralehlag Goods, I.lt E..TODD have thie day reeetved direct from the eaanifaetartra, and offer for cede at New York priee•—• I ease of throe Extra &imam Shirts. Manufactured expressly for our . : own sales and warranted well suede. I care of Saxony and Merino under Shirts, wrapper. and Drawers, +nein very: fine. I ease Ihrouns and Collar., including Bozo= with Col lan anached. case patent swiseljoint Suspenders, with other Goode on nanurons to ment•on, !minding blk and fancy Satin Stocks Satin How and plain Satin Rocks. Bombazine bow and plain Bombazine Sacks. Silk and Satin Tree, nth talk and non Cravau, with one cal. of lOW (WILCO Shins which we are sun in quainy have never been enrsensed in price MUD. city. We intend to close abon Goads or by the stackade and would call the allenthm of Yorchuers to stir stock of Goode, knowing that low prices will insure them a mwedy rale. II t E TODD ommil 26 woMI st; up StaltS, 2 doors below Pd st Whoirsalo Dry Goody. TUST RECEIVED al the Wholesak Dry_ Geed. if Rooms, Al Market Street. and story— • 3 eases now auk. minis, It• do blue and orange prints: • S do Out*. plaids, new stylein 4 . do mixed and sloped cassimereM - D bales white, red and initiate denude; • Semen don:lmM! gingham% ' 4 do striped and plain Mauna's I ' do Kaninckyjems; 2 do' superior tickuldi S do CROWLI Also, white linens, orbital moods of every dteeriononl fnPf-lb rkr.e. , hosier', lance, ac. ke. On hand, an extensive meek of Droved and bleached tombs., m cr print!. lftnAllems, checks, bonnet Obande French plumes, an merebants an respectfully inched tO OM! and •ZONIOW WIT 61•0111WW14 so WO are confident one mock will fasorably compare with Eastern hives both in varier/ and poem. MASON & CO SO•41111 of tautens. 117 R. MURPHY 10Y11.011.119 aiteati. of dealentand I/ V bailie keepers to tut alterative aceottnet a above roods, lately reneived,lnelading Waked elleetinga,:ild _tar.; Wallhani sheeting,. I and Idcride; • Ilawiloin ducting% and 6-4 “ %Veldt.= Ileoulien " 21 and 3 n ?Monceau matins, %lacteal mos. new.ingle feta:tare prone. whin. 'and craned eounterpanecowneet ebinte. for Canaan, bordering for de.eepetow binnacle, durrw sue au, low priced pt late Log euen t ini t . ne. ce guitilnlie tags hero bought end trident. oninufacluters tbeit nt,. Co, nag al the 'invent prim—at nortbeatt comer Ca and Hitt G • Is /alias. to I • Ur. N. MURI'IIY opened yeTtrrday a Q. Needs of TT Changiabla Taro acing, Cat drciiesr Stack nib, tot smites and nardisralr Clerry colored Floreates ; Snarler ht•rcnihner; CARary'sann;! Shaded sanahltibbour: .. . • 'NAPO skaldic ! i Thibct /b., hi, an. ke. (Mal nortacant corner at id! and Markel 9 , 13 dell ' ' ' § 3 lllll,llBili Dunstan's, a.—Av. IL AlllHkillY a l E aloVilLS the auention of buyer. I his lame supply of andmake,no ve ds, tionally low. 1110. reed, AP°, inch:Witty some of the hear 'tihecimo Muslin.; from I to 9 On wide; Pillow ease muslin, rarlidl. nod fine; Dialog., common and cope nor; Furniture prints, from fins. ' 'Moo, to few more of rhos handsome eolored fowler panes different colors', red alattkets, common of roper. Poe, Lk. kc. n Ladles' Winter lloolary, him excellint Black and colored cashmere bait; Illack ribbed du; Dinh do, very heavy; White and mixtd lumina do; Brack &gam dot Block Alpacco dm • Black Thihet dot Black Lama wool In, very superior; opun silk do, he. he. All at the lowest possible price, de 11 11111 H ito—A further supply of aboy'ro . A goods of approved utanufacture,jurt rvo'd. Throe goods being purchased from the agent'of the manual.- mem, mlarge guanutes, can be sold sr very low pp cog Also, LlllOO %Ole Disperse ....uten table Diapean Superior dentate do; Do 'table ninths, of different sires, fluckabad and other Diapers, an. t o. ..Besides • Imo Iwo runent of Linen Cambric Ilar kerchiefs, common and superior. W R liEr.WitolesaleHAOlan op stake, entrance on 4th es _ ne2o • Walsh !limners, Ica. TAT . R. MURPHY has lately reeelved a fall • V V meal of above desirable goods, warranted =Ow . shnek ilawaablog. Also,. large supply of mallet d .red Flannels , common and fine whim New Engl and flannels; brown domestic fianneis; yellow dodo; green do dot at bur pries by the piece and 'dud. D.-Whole, sale Rooms on noire. emnum• from 4111 at. nada horsy. arrivals TURF Ftecelited the balance of our fall stock of INDIA al RUBBER GOODS, eixnprimng tbrafollowlng kinder India Rubber, Loop over oats, sack overcoats, abort overcoat., without sleeves. cape. with eleevas, ponchos, leggings, hats, camp blanket., horse corers, Imselltuir bag...addle bass, CM Corers, provision bags, steam boat bottom, air pillow., arrtembions, air Insist bag rucks, for the ladles. and gamine.; all of which de have a complete assortment that we oder_wholesole br retail on the lowest pose blo terms, at our India Rubber Dcpo . S 3 synod Elea. :MN • Jis /I PHILLIPS' TUFT RECEIVED phi Newts at ZESULON Illlt - al SEY'S New Fancy State, 67 Market Wren— r 6 dna Mills and Towel., for Ladies Cloaks;. I 0 Gynts' i 6 pee SC•Slin Silk Fringe, 21 inch wide; ti blue 6 " I inch 1 With a ithr , altoTll.olol 'other color.. dell. f UST RECEIVED—by Adams& Cs's Express— .elnper super H a l lit Drab Clot& lb 'do , Pearl Drab Cloth; for over, bi• Mena and sack coats; which will be made warder it the awnton mica and most reasonable terms by ANCKER& MAYER dell M wood at, d, doors above 4th, VILIGNICII TURKS/1M FIIAWLS .1,7 have jusoreeived a large additional supply creates French Turkerri shawls. A. these goods .re verd scerce, we would rerpectrullv.inelte the lidiee to c4l . ALEXANDER & DAY 1 73 market a, N Wno diamond' ------ — Mew- -- Ooode. : A. MASON A CO, 02 Market n. have jart ree' , t, • 30 ease. and packages of New Ocala, amo which may be found an .mean.. stock of Shawls' 'f every variety, dress 'pads of the meow fastoonable kindle, cloak Muffs, limey &moles. house keeping goods, t rig: =AA, laces, ribbons, te.ekt. d eg c ---- r — ske lusa Square Shawl& - A A. MASON A C 0,02 Mattel st,havejaw retell 11.. per Express, 130 of tile.* very nett and Cash ble long and Kum Raid Shawls. .k 4 _ g) /aRfAJZO OLIJAMRIIIIIII—Just renal an ..20Ti Unmet of above goody sortable for cloak Unman also, flarge supply of cloths, of mitabla colors and quality r Ladies. and Gandentents cloaks. at dry home of - •. W R MURPHY nv34 northeast ear Ellt imarketati _____........ _ AATOMEN'S fine wool exp.; zepbyr dittoodel colors 5 tor chldrearehaldreabt zettayr wool joeaey; w il be offered low to the car trade. torltt :yr - HAMPTON'S:IIITH A CO. wood at Qlll4llNLB—Saper, all wool, Mocha Shawls; lout LI WWI - god Ira qal great rellaettaa. ove3 ALEXANDFAA DAY QllLlLTB—Reeelred et. day-30 dos hue and m 1.3 du= qaahly Troy Shirts, wide and narrow plaits, with Byron and standing collat; for tab by . nytß 1, , LA91818L8-Red. Brown and barred Flannels. An additional etipply'reeeired. from the manufall toren. Alto,. few pleeci low priced Caultlatttsi Gu +ale ht . . • , BFA) COCIBIAN %wad. aptly : Q 11A WLS—A few very superior, W woo!, On, lb* anal is 7 bag & ice. awls, vstuch ye ace selling lineally Wow , pr OA • • AMAMI= It DAY. EXCHANGE BROKER kc. UUSS&Y, HANNA & CO. 11ANILIG17.5....EXCIIARGX BILDAUCELB,' l• AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. ciarrtneAns OF DE POSITS, BANK NOTES, AND SPECIE; Fourth or nearly oppoalta Rao Bank of Pinabargh. CURRENTI MONEY received !Ori.DaßO.le — *ide Cheeks for sale, and eolleclions 'nada on !nearly thtprineipal pomula the United State. 47 . Idgneatpremlron paid for Simian and ;American old. jAdvances made onconcgnmenlnof Produce:All.* East. on liberal terms. *chid .• ' JOIMPIII K. 111 LL, nate N , tho Sena of Wm. A. •/iii A Co,/ 66d ame CURRY" Pa.) have entered into CoparteeraW wader the name ot HILL CURRY, km We pe eq . earilioß on the Rankin, and Exchange bellaus all brimehea, al No 65 Wood meet, three doom bebi• rein* . 001 slde—where they solicit the mato:oat their Moo , and the public generally. - JOSEPH II HILL mettls • ma. CCURRY Jose/1144 nut.: rm. C. CORRY. ILL BANKERS & EXHCH HWIR ANGE BROXERS,DEA.LEES IN' FOREIGN AND DONESTHITEHE 1110112 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANE NOTES ANI/COINI. " • No LS We street, Ford door below Foonb, wool mde EAR Feed, and Currency rceelietl on Depnene, and eollections made on all An princlipai Cities in Ad UalAd Bute.. ' . .. • • • • . . . . , , .. Sighs Exchange on Baltimore , Philadelphia, New Took. Bowan and Csncimuni consandly for sal. Obto,lndiana.lientoeky Vsrginia and PcsoWylwnia Bank Note., bought and .o ld on favorable raids". Exchanr c ongland, Ireland, Germany . a nd Fiance scared.' 'mead - *Lill ZDWARII !AIM Hawnea & RABIN. BANICEIIit AND EXCHANGE DEMME.% dealers to Foreign and Dogientic Hills of Exchange, cues or Depointe ' Irani New. end Coin, canter of 3d and W - oodstreeu, directly opposite& Chat les Enna nty2B4l y Paralaw ifasturragger BILI-Son Eaglind,lreltand, and Scotland bought to any amount at the Carrenl Panes of. Heehaw., Alro, Grafts poyuhle in any part of Ihr Old Countries, from SI to .ElOOO, ti the rate of IS to the S Starling, without dedoetion or &womb by JOSHUA ROBI:ilf- SON, European and General Agent. Office; sth u, one dooriarestof wood octlbtf WILLIAM A. HILL B kdif EXCHANOE BROKER, • • ND DLL.. .FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE _ CERTIFICATWOP DEPOSITE, DANK NOTES, . AND SPECIE,. • • . N o. 64 !food SlrmA pas door Porwith, E.G 2MA octbr ' Iliburigh. Pa. id•Awr VXCUANGE, ott New York, Philadelphia, la Baltimore, at sight, in soma HlLLparehagerseue stantly for ode by /aCUJRAY, Wit . wood street below fourth.. WECIITERN FUNDS—The mt. ofthe "Ohio; •• 1nd..., and Kentucky Ranks purehased'it low met of disc.. •i the office of • HILL it CURRY, NoItS wood al below bun, COLLZOTIONR, on all the p rine chic . * in dry Union,modeby RILL & CURRY. ' aWC 1 woods berm iamb . MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC—The endereigned cant for 11 the Philadelphia and New York Pekin Teo Com- I pay, has observed with sorption an edvertieentent in ' the Deily Ditpatch, land other papers in this city, which concludes with the assertion; There Ls no such came. ay es the Philadelphia and New Pork Pekin Tee Com pany in Existence , ' Peng tea agent Le wholeisleing the mas of this Company whose climate is no plainly dented. I have toad it necessary totake this method or stating emphatacolly, that there Is sock a Compiny iM the Philadelphia and New York Pekin Teea Compay,. and tea the tea wild by them will conipere favorably e l s e se la aplenty ad prams wok any Id Pitta's or elsewhere, aa toe crelusma raghts,ll4., it is reimna. hie to appose die public hove 'an exelomve right to b ob from than who tarnish Them with the beat Teal, at the lowest price. I would refer to the folloanng amongothi crs who have pmehesed Teas from the 'above Company; Bum Dyer, John Berrett,Nelielty Peen, on Oth; ers, in Allegheny; ad Drama generally in Pinsbershr JACOB A BTOCKDALE. .12d3lawlm PkiPa and"Pf Y Pekin Tea Co Caution to e Public. ••- cINIE NE W YORK and PH th ILADELPHIA 'PEKIN • .1. CEA CO. having understoo/ that! certain penman/ in Patsbargh wereelunang the exclusive right to sell their in that erty,onould State that They have ;ban. cloned name torte since the exclusive till'ency system, sad that neither fartJaynen t Douglas' & Co. nee-an y other concern hat a right to claim any egeltdve print. sego With their Tens, The general Agent of the Corn; pany,Nr. J. IL :backdate, is new at 310,1fastet`i, Eagle Hotel, Liberty at, Plusborgh, , ready 10 receive orders. All Teas sold by Chit Cone any, are warranted canal to anysold in the United Statec'and no payment required anal buyers are entirely sanded ararthejaer. Principal Warchoose of the Coapattyy NO 33 North Front s treet, Philadelphia, net Iddtaw3m . IdeCALLMONT tr. BOND ' INSURANOIS AGAIISIT WIRE, 1 1111E!AMERICAN. FIRE INSURANCE 1 NY—Oftee, No 72 'Walnut meet, PhtladrlnblAt Incorporated A. D. ISlO—Charter perpetual. • Insure Haildimra. Furniture, Slerrhattdize, and m oony genentlly, either in-the city or reentry, against In t o damage by fire, perpetually or (Orlin:anon periods, on favorable termi. DIIIIZCT011•: lohh Sergeant. • Saunnel 0 Morton, William Lynch, . Adolphoi Perk% Timm. Atitbone, • George Abbot, lobo lira:42,Yr, Sum* ldrady,; John T. ',eyrie: I SAMUEL C. MORTON PreaWent. Found. D. Jammu, Secretary. Orden (or Insurance by me above Company be I received by the togeraistted, agent for Ihnebergh_ ~ nelY ... (iLIII.COCHRAN,SS wood sr CM' every deseriptiors torompi.l) , ;Zee Ota in • taiwior . . marrr. ~,.. .. M. ,b 1 ,... .. 8, ; . . . ' ' I dun Ervildinip, N. E. C.,...d , • nod and Doti Saar,, (a, anaaa.)l•-• • ~: pai• i ' • ' UV HERR ono ahrayo , bo h.: , -Abort [mice— , l' V itarasir Math If .., ' .o, all kink :. '',' : I B. road Plalkd Dam Pi.oesi .. ; . . , goals for 14oks,N.irtios,Coripr•ooro,••. . lrofemadal viikfinir gotrdo, .0, raved 4024.prinioa..— Sotieuo. in want el. ..ral• far ofr , ervareliarood to call and examine Special.. and I•ngas of ,ibe opricialfor. donor Marootto,o4.l - Felows,,:cut or TOmpersooeils: nitd2m 1 • • _ . ictr--- ronECK s DAVICAIDOIAT % • ' Car Buildtrs, oAio, • MFAIiVACTUKVS to order P asireog* and ' reight C of the mat approved deeeripuon at Turman: hisps. 8y 01Mill of the Canala, Railroad and Rtr% er r tley are tabled to slop upon reawpahle tenni to all points in the %Vest. 'noir work will be warranted" equal in all wespeen loony mode in "- ' ' - All ordms punctually ottenoted. KECK a D 1 won-3m Wormer ly a 1 61-'OND HAND COTTON MACI A. 3 rhuirs Land mulio r API apindka 71 Lapprra, for hl inch tafdli 8 Cardr,24 inches widet_ • 20 Looms for ...Mon 4-I.b.eling; *raw Press for baling Sheetingfi Taunton %freedom drawing frosseir, reels, Let 5 We °ad %mil eying*, Boilers; all of whish2 be sold Rm. Vag.. of HEACKSTOCK, It .1.4.1cC1V. , iteDut.hmli Pitt Conon Mill, Mower Pa.. W. norm's, 'll ~spretlVlly iutorm•his friends and:she cittsetts of Pinstietgli nod Allegheaythat he has decided to restrain in the city glaring the winter, end it prepared in trust pilnems, placing thentrelms under h ram scrunting to the system as prictised at all Water Cure Estatilirti• mentsoor either Acute or Chronic dikes.. Those washing to avail thrniwires of his serches will null at. hla. Mnisa's, emery( Libeny st.andpans Dr. U lies treated several scree caul of dimities 10 this city with grew success, 10 winch lid is permitted hi refer - mitt 'Type Veandry. I 39 Gold, corner cf Ann sera; New York ; TllEsubseriber is prepared to furnish hand cut Tyne and Proater's Itlatenals of ell kinds's.' Alton mode and on retmonable terms. - ProprieMrs or newspapers, who haves not tidrentird for the subscriber, who may pubbsk this notice for thine mood,. will he entitled to receive pay lu type, on port chasing fire woes the amount of their bills for adre i rtit J 4 d I Type taken to exchange the new ail 9 cens peril,. ova( RUDY= TAYLOR . . . - . vg , HE underlie.d are now prepared o Cornish their 1. customers and the publte generally, with on excel lent anielo of Lard Oil of theme's° manuinentre, which they wilLsell on RecaMlSlOdatam terms. (Iggir Oil they believe to be as good es any °resod in theasarket. and may be returned, If ant eatiefactory t J JORDAN dr. SON • le liberty at, oppostse smithfield • . P. P.—Lard and Grease nimble for machinery:on hand; for gale above. • . i • nr.1.1 VBX•HCIII CORAL SOLlCS,Warrantcd I. Proof—ittlthlY recommended by PLysiciartu as befog a sum preventive against ColdS.of.intsamputable ser vice an Rheumatic and Cionsumpuse helm, being's. constructed as to resist cold and moirturS: Mey art of a. durable texture. warm, lgth and' easy to the feet. Manufactured and sold wholesale by GITOXII Pp, saw, Wtlllstashors, A full arsortment of Ladies' siva for sale by turl F IlEATlM.Mtrousketss NOTICE 10 STOCKIIOLOCRE—In !penitence rif the previsions of the charter of incorporation, the annual meet:rigor the Suwkh , lders of the Moncingahe. la Navigation Companyl will beheld oft Menden the Oct dey of Jonuo , l, 1 8 11, Unica the that Monday of Om mouth) at the oaths of the said Cronpncy, in Breed'. Building, Fourth itmet, in the city of Putelingli, for the P.R.e of electing the am core for the omitting year. delta WM OAKEWELL, /keret. /IN It AND—A Imre and splendid k`of lJ Cassimeses and Vestings, which mill be made to eider in the latest style and on tbs.sooss reasonable terms, by Meta VEIC dole 7o wood st, doers above alte; W `D/TED-30,x00 lbo , good cleuo *ago 'rimed. .to.. for " :11 ` tAfitt n aig I ' l es rp ° l i pti k b k ;!. J W CIiAAIVICK a' -wayne at between oin.i.thbeity.. • - • LOOKOIL outwits- - IMO yd. 44 Oil Cloths; "' 6 yard. widq; heavy artelei • ! 300 • o . with border, of varioas pal ierasju.t reed from the PdllhpniUo Flietort;• wear Ware mom, 6 wood .t, &II P/lILLIk 5 11,04.1 t: asun OACIEIIt '• TWIT reeeivid the torgest,the Hoer, ind best seleet• a lot of Bird Cape alma:offered in thie market of all sixes. with or Without glum. Coll and *et them at the lrittsbnigh Seed Mom, Mt wood Rt. twit N WICKER:MA - • • O U.ll-1(w galls wader bleached h - v We MI; puma aillelej 5 bblit Turners Oil; • 1 5 ^ etude, do; 10 flora; 14, nrd - 0 IILACKBORN &CO water 11. neer cherry IT- S?tA .,, Ar m ltc , nilosks,av i e 4 rag . 64trr ccoi,expeat -79 oaks of vato4ra 'b n7liifnan one of Z n itai iniumfaelareis, Roos whom we expect deviant, fotalar atipplia and Min offer inarntfantarcrs of Ulnas and mb ar, in ilda mutat soma indacenionoi pdrehaw of ma. ore • • • POINDEXTER k rpo ITEAMIKIAT 1111C1-11 first rale wrought L Into wilier Wheel Resits, with eran4; flange., ink lowldooka audlntsoco, complete, will be,old at a hip lam Apply to • Wlil 14 SCAIPE" nein • lot artnear maul • UILD IN 1.1 , 1* ittailikitii:ulitcfsiViold Lill. N.. , Robber Atoms, Ac.• or the old Witt otraatett, in which Ike highest price will be paid in toash o to soulls, .hen deltraed at the India Rubber Depot. 5 st ,t 3 J & fly! MAPS • '''7o - P' • '- - - - • ' - 117 _l, I dn. each, or rcry •eupt lion Amino. uR 0 I Wine Bitter.' for nale nie trade with percent fp, yde by die gallon and /*COB mingle benne (tine wine • • it reEit dal ' l Nutat as' lOeB VINFO6II-43 bbls Vinegaronw ki,c ides. of 19ISon slam for We Olrole e•d remst • .; JACOB WEA muVER del* : • ' noelosolA l COTTOIII- , -3011 baler Iltlearnippi. •• arrive; frauds 1y • ,ATWOOD;JO. MEDICAL, 1111V19111 1t,!11 GINSENG! '..PANACEA! '• riw ToosE• sutstitirro ., MTH' DIELUZD• LILINGB.—Tbss nitpetredestied isseecisrsrheh. 1412 L atteaded the use of the et all the variouGlNSPliDs forms soilektentaelowoi-datlacars U. suatett, ho ittdoced to proprietor agata . to Asell Itztea• Be. ish4ls WONDERFUL PREE'AffiI7ON•I Tbe . e.haegetthle weather which' limas iierAll. oust wintspsont* 's alwaysa (maul source ef - , .] COLDS AND COUGHS. These,, if &elected, are but procatvOra . of !hat isl defamer, CONSUMPTION.' The Questa., then, Dew shall we nip Ass destroyer la . • be bed! bow shall... get clear of oar, eoasits sat colds!. is of vital hapertattee to the pubijC TIIrfiREAT AND'ONLY.II2IIIttIf will be feud in tbeGinsenquatem Ia pit*.rtai. vro hive Item time to time piblOked to eeinitues • doseni °foe/ Lem kneerneinsens;Otho kale aXiorienee ru moitive powers. ' .These, with o Kau of..eatimai . (mm ill pan, of Opa. cosatm—frona_ — .N d • MEDICAL, MEN Of'7llk FIRgiT 40111 . 0, Onnsiers of the &olio-I, Ao., toaster onth'eopli me no CersfOme the • ° • . JOURNXI.B OF ,TRE DAY, . • . we We enxbodipi io pm/Ohl form , and,wwnr tw bad gratis of any or ear agenu thrailibeintiregisitasig. • HUNDREDSortorrtE ... . , hare been toed in than ". • . VIOUSANDS. AND TENiOF,TItOUPIANDS theongtiont the United Pune.. and ( =newt.. ..4.'tnt dud. ienge any MR 10 *dig • • SINGLE ItiVriNCE • . in widely when taken nenottlini to 'dirietkitia, tro• fore the had become rata* divorginined; it Yak • . - - EFFECT d PERFECT • Why, then, need the adlieled beinate! Why neat to - the miserable nostrums, pike or, bitifikkown'lndlyht • ards under the 1•821211,41 niZie of some eebbnled Apr— sieme, and pared into. noionktylpy: candkatee of per eons equally unkeown? Whilsra mykeine of • UNPARALLELED EFFICACY I ' • is to be had; whene watchers are at home,--eas nei g h. . bon,—man)) of wham has ikNATCHED FROM 7 . 11E . 13712.V/L:' ordor that this intractable medicine maybe placed Within the reach of the pear as well sui the rich, In • ease put the • 1.. I ONLY NIFTY • OKNTy . , ion one" half tie unal cent of cough umbel:kw. i Its for sale tiy ear agents in nearly every lowa and;Villaga Over the to i e 'Weal, lOW as, prepared beim! fall inforeaka • • relativt. - T Proprieuri, BreedweY,Clucuanati.Ohie• • - BLOODLESS VICT011!-.. STABITOXIS E ETD/MAL 111118/EDTe cats= • • ' I • HUNT'S - LINIMENT; - aj p. suMaining a notoriety uneepulled remedy. lt requires no puflattgta "rye a raw taboo; if hoe been for come time, miens, 'and nary securing :it, and now trap, its nefteird elects tun beeo •amiaeced by so mil a ky, the ovalness of gratitude, are catioully"appeuing, otld'thou who nave bean mode whole, byte reams; are *ease • . that the afflicted Mould no tourer Venn , . Ignatent of ils invaluable Audi nallible Wife - sty. . Mr. Geo. E. Stanton, the Propriet o r, custantly receivltiteatimailla of Imeefts • neared from it Imo, and many of the , turns effected almost exceed belief. In one case a child had boa a cripple for 8 years, basing wrenched the spine atenallei age of • 2 yam. by a fill' from a chair., Medical trattomit Lulled, but four bottle" of the Liniment reamed an to strength, and he now joins with ha Fdaynattes la - their yoaftfol gambols;as rebates tairealthlest aby them, anifonly a small bomp on bin to naiad . him of hiseirly wafering'. • • , • • • A cue of RHELIbIArIe GOUT, Wifely caned by the applicationa this wonderful Mikan i . 11 . • New.Yoluarblayl7.2l.4B. G. E. Staatort—Fan I have beam/toted smut wit hdos • within few years with-a lanais paircaltended h great id of tufty fool and gentr.loo t wwd hate been laid op from 4 to 0 weeks at each me, at bear able to bear any weight upon% my GrocZOn - the ad, of April, lee Ncy Ynat 4n. Danery, et, when! aglin was allackoi with ditscomplata Par threesessesalve day. and Mika i meld um ckwanity eye !for pea At • the =wave° of some person 111 the house sem to Dr. Stevens fora beide of you flonVe Liniment: Ispplied,_ it with a aura cloth, ad in lb h a d i was erturely`. relieved and free (mm painjad had good night's rem. I was enabled to Wallet to my baleen. the coat diY. and'hare not been troubled atone, although. the nano of my hapset is sock as keep • moon lay feet all day. " counter de oat valuable otralataw. ad tumid aot be - without , Yeah lbst. liiumwooa Cl= I , Itentemba that this Liniment a sold utheanstall- • • wry tow price of 25 camper boar. -Wbo Imelda*. Mite when cereal reiterant be bad Car m small sear Sold by retry Da/gist/ad Mahal - - Ibm*gke." GEOESTADlDPl,Prepatal • • •, , SitiantgLWastehestrt, c00n95 ft ' AGE.TSt Jima B : 2l tormitura. 2.lLlberty m,/ If qtl4 pais' end wean; Zulet,pcna sad hand,' gee Liberty au L Watts lafearter; g Sr swan. haat blegley,Esa Ifaticatiablf=-1 Allegheny city Pat I Battik hndratei Pei Alma. der Cara Steaboasille, O. 2a, U Johnston, at tel wfomwlo Mad yeot , J KIDD aktti Aladr* g3/4 -,...owiricz • iniA3lONgt.,4l o low *aka __fat;:raasaa4* L. / Bao ' been rearnsebood • the osoma.. oso- . and keenfotaerea .chsv, Usaticialltof *Pe • • mots 'and . deliameasnj. .aistrafor ark'sl kissappos stal.;:imheatte.' • Atedyakii/ ust4 - Wilobtplobteltakmaats F.O.;kad more practice and bas•arid antrotateentatkas • can ever fall to the kn of any.Oriastorsettos. • ply qualifies kiln to opt. ••••tartetenet ipeedy,kensr, neat,land salisfaslofy atm attoll aNatted antkobiloat dmases, sae all da6asca =rims therefirosa.. Dr. Wawa: vaunt Inform dews niliclad Sahli ildona dretaseveolneb have become chronic by Umtata/mum Led by lbe sun Of any of dm cocaluelynontranks ofthe day, that their complaints etaw ha radically sandbar onchly enrcd;he havntaliven his earefidatteatima.to - the trcanoent. of sachosana sad 041.00.10:1411 UM:WWI Of instancos in hating plosansafinllamalion of ha mak of the bladder, and abutter thou.es artuelt anal neult • rota those CAWS totem whoa have consheoedabeek to, Impale. &soak. Ile panted...ly invito• mei as have beetling and:unsuelnostally treated by alba. mew, • =lt him, when Cony mat dam,. willbo pawl tbespnfl their ease* peasants • emend thoooraftand wallow% •ntanner,pointtal oat bp. lona oxperteneoattedy and in • resugathat, whleh ii i. inaanabla for those erased . • pi:mm.lllmile* of raedietne . .u. pi elka7 *seeing,— atieue, - Mr - Hermit or Rapine-Dr: Brown' gnarl tan persons al: fated with Manua to call, ow berkaread • • particalar gnomical ibis disease.' - Skin Dae•ON, - also Pile?, Palsy, ate- .1000 *OKI -'- illatarteiverykrer. • •-• • N. Bi-pouent• of attic? sex lion at • Ohne* • by matuta their disemeon gloma all the rroor • tome, eau obtain atedientes vont direetioas for ate, by • - addresaing T i BROWN, lOLD.'partlpe.l.aail anus • stn •fee. IRes No. XI Mammal alloy, opposao tb. WandaWandaus. 'I • iriONIIDIEPTION AIRRMIPPRID—To skim. illy • taßillitarl with Dille.llo. of the Inmegyij. -rills is to certify to thase maimed wnh.the firm pro monitory iyMpuxes of Censamption, that thiveibean laboring for emcee' Tema with • boutehl, sontscaset ,Me thrint reliefoarse I used many medienes, bat •• • idund no n any preparation of medicine; an4ll • mode use of DR. • DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT . REMEDY,. I have been units this va/üble media me. tor. several yews, and always find it tontine *hes , ever make moor My occopitlen an sea Amnon eer, which keep. Me elmosteenstantiymeassea ray dimaseon titan, le become very ,bee' • nt ofte pmere this medicine.' I'Mereore *Veg.. ' see. to m ute, Om public statement, thatedeme Meet; ed with a disease of the loop and expectonnt Mama may know the virtues-of this ball bealinglemody,l and may be eared. I haprecommended De. Doman.* Expectorant Remedy to many of my friendeimathat of . whom own their lima to this medicine: • - v goatemet,okdo,OM.l3,lls. • TAMER HEIVIT I The propnetor or the above medielnerWetild -ahui . . rater to the underaigned persona, who reattlet is Petry • epaty, on whom any emeriti sneyeallimen sad be: convinced that thee...lC vines Mond in - thei - above - 'medicine thaT cannot be ea.:ldled • David Whereon, Retnemen els Goliber, Jackson tx . Mr. Lanser,dm Cecalkagory. Saltlick itt; Jeered Da_ tr t eit:evirell tp. . • DR. DUNCAN'S trt. OFFICE; 150 *M..' • more street, Cincinnati, Ohm Sold in Pittsburgh by , Wht. JACWINdast head of Wood street. - - atiladiraT • ' AersIDIA,OR DIPFICULTY ORDREATIIMO.— Ws &ciao licensed b: a paroxysmal armatrne. • tam of the kiacells ti is veg•Aclittalins: anted Veal 'kW ellfrOCIlli014; DR. 8W EE I. the only. tenant ear. • " -•• , • - Ilearaeneoacan he entirely cured bj• Doe arm • Sweatacslittincea. • • ' • • ••$ • Catarrh, of 'carunton• sold, witieJt, if neglected. art terminate, in 'consumption, Is afeenudis reherroi and. eared by Dr tiarectier's Panaesa. - - • I. Dronehitis, , ll..illteletked. •eglicaaaltj lead te' Bronchial Cedattnaptlint, hut a thselysume of Dr Barecti • tees Panacea effertally cure It-. •••:, • • Inflammation of the Tonsils ee Dom Throat—Thie Manse ottani leads to serum. emu:qua:ices (min eaLl gleet, such as alcetation ed•rinto alma lila the anal symptoms. Di tlseeteer's Panacea aganiktdDlDweared °Mused Dos . * • ' • Caught and Colds find a sovereign restscag 9 D ai Wirontanhij NoOn.—A verrfatel - dontose,inielltnag from a violent tomb nod cold.onadtbilitisod orbbiltotej down roustitiolotrAtiod persons ate eableetro It. Dr Dorms Vs Pnnacca oboold 'be nord'oe th e . Am sm.- tome, which an a cough or eold.. • • Nlght-ftwens —Thlo dobilisertirouiddeatloill mot will • newly :blink, by maw Dt . 16Meeroner , Penaste.i Consompunn.—lf on the ergappetnineit of ocoutosp- , , tin oroptcons„wbiab area Vein DAM! side rillynow coogb or sibtong of blood.. Dr bleteinned% Venues lo glee II no danger need be orprei endeth' Whtm the 'Lhhan, the .Wlndpipo,rr dualmooklnt 'rabbi benne rimmed op with !wefts satriDpede'. r e.rretioe or breadonr, Dr Sorootteterrearomeirbleit Alt a powerfel Eznoctoranhabobld be inks. ativadka' !=!211 Infiueueu.--This distressluigddem/Oept our eltmete speedily clued by my 6or4enr4l74lldee Pries SI per bottle, or six bottles Ibt ' ' theFobir sale by Whl JACKSON, N/LJarY.,SCieita or g beet. , - - OrtsunansptlvelaCosuolallisais , c Does sickness weigb span Toe[ beset/ ts 0, pains Try Dr: Duncan nalk 's yoor 6 reast 4 . .ashint4r And it will pas y /f ou rest: • It altars away d.m =lily timid , ' l ' -. ^,..- : .• - Ellwaaa apreada e'asorbs soul: '..--' • ' I,: - , , • ad whimpers Omagh VW akgow .ywl::=,,_ I : • . : "Yoar.lwaltti wa .Y.TC t 4PA§, I II - -- .acl, . . .'. • - Pas rind ci raw OrlorieliEwl ~.; ' . ___:,. . • , Via 'anillerina wulld..*Y__. .......',"- • 7 " •- - . li scarcely ups the morawir.wow N ; . . I - , ' ~; • e Warm of Deathwaa la•ll.gait4.. nil .o, attr e. nyfr b ae h. d aN d :t t lwr.. i. ar.r,.. m" ..... ) : .....;: ... i .H, ,_ :-.........:.: , ._, • • alPlWl4,tra;b ..dl4 !"ef . :l •. ~ ' . ;:. : - 1.1, I - I . -,• 1 , . ". . : ( o n , D.,...0 / aw; yaw 'wed; -,. 7 •:14.. ''.l: 'al .‘iatia'"at Das • lk.lablitedellat, ; ,,-,•..' .. .1, - ''., ~', t lnr elf L" Zl .ll :4=Y h ir °' M a' • ' : 3 ?i) . ' , ' I. 1 0 - OGF: l !Llu a ricares WIESTFIiN . Cla/p64511 ... , i SY , 'waa , ..t.1.1.C.Wth.1 ,,,,, Ptifg WhaW . Mrallitabl&. - - . .' magic.. .14, ,^..,,,,z,,,,,,t0 - l • -!.s'•. • ' ol . .. f d - - .- ,'•.I AF••7;..,Pk... a. . ..'W--'...a.,,.:r-,. a:.-..!, w .'i • ,.. ;"b- .. • . fA . f• .. - .: :,V: . •-s .i I I -,.', L .!",•.‘._ ".r ~,.f,.,•:.,.,',,.,,,;:.:-,..:,:.,:.,-;:.,.,::::r:,2,.,.V,.,,-1..,•'--,•,4w,,40,i,4 aa :,.',....:--.,;•:.:l;' $,,;!•,.:,::•.•.,.'-:.,7; i, . 1...-..i.,,:„.qz .;.,. . .. _. _ .. 'Est co 1 &boasts
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers