The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 13, 1847, Image 2

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    • •
PP.Tsix Frrresriss 11&111 Clisrms se published
, Dri4,26sWeekly; and Weekly.—ilie Dhil_7 "us &ma
• . Douai' Fermatas; *WIN-Weekly is Five Dollars per
misimm; the Week? Is Two Dollars per aannin !mirth,
• 1 - gresmanft are earnestly regions:lto hand la
thsar fate's bane 6P. 11., sad as early the day a.
~ retainer. Comae IntelhgentAtaaanne Ma .%
Rata, Ilya Om, Ivan., Noon key an, see
So •• !Moth Page tar X •isamilliusseas Newt.
Edstocial Coneepciatkace of the Pittsburgh Gazians
?HZ VLOVIL.-4110NAMS-.-111C111140i—
t • ' V1A311,-MAMAIIDIVIr t te. to.
; . • Washington, Dec. 6, . 18 4 47.
The orpnizatlon of the Souse of Seinesents.
' has been Ito far completed as . to make choke
I st cillaii,—end Se Whig nominees beTe all been
'limed, with the exception of kr. McCositcx.
f. for the office of rotates*: of Ss
Honor, an ace from whkh hi! waintmenrily
'`l.elecitedteto geode mince. to make room EN the pne•
• ent locambent.. Some of the Whigs, more kind
teem& opponents than just to their friends, voted
for the present Poinnaster. Their names an,
Argo: Palfrey ? of aim, gollo!on of Do L, too
Yendlettp, of .
The'wilit of Orpointiott will oternii the flea
*foe may. part of out Week, and in both
•Iltiosit, the , Coonalttess will he wituniacod on.
the Howe, the Chilrmen will be . .of
the dot:thane perry,
o wl lo the Scuts the ttner's
of thl4: The elect H of this orginivOlon will pro
bably' bi to kelp 'ha chock "If party roissaree,
csfshittlog lowitber. house. The Senate iambs.
Wend a "sewn" sahibs again 'educing
wry than one the oumlsir of ht.:eases co
;ding yogienlei, and thess extra numbers were
ordeted, as to the Boon, tusWxonnt of the so
' wispinying dceilowats. It is a Dew Wog, Ibo
*we. that the Presiden t tshoul d u be ao fu neglect
. ..
d es to receive,no special cotipliment to his an
nnal Ilfeenge. :But 113 It is, end thenninion toren
::to raid it ttinxigh in the SeisetionTuesday, whir
sedan notice Ind the Hottai,sfront a friend of
tilExvoutivs,' ands some ordain:ill evidence of
the Vent of respect for the decinnent itself.
The Executive preen- and the tongressional
Piholent, though all Administration men, are Mtn
ly to heist keennheads. The :President declined
— to give a copy of the Mango to the Printers of
Winn, bat ins& the Editori of the Union his
cortfidente.' and allowed them to monopolize the
!P# ll 4ls_ : whicitwo i, both:lß lot of partiality
end a Source of great rent. The Printers main
Complaint of the matter in the Senate to.
.thy, with sourer' reflections' open the Execothe
for the oadnion of .thevommon courtesies, which
hive *brays been to furnish tie Public Printers
with the Mewsgeln advance of any favorite.
Reflection Upon the Menage, and a more care.
pennei . of its °imitate, .objects the Executive
to n simit, 04iciscHs. Mr. Polk. friends feel bow
wok kb , 411 4 la one reTats how inconsistent
itself; with his preview menages , and with
.; troth. ' ecotribbred Cent will be made, to bar-
• ,
inewidant In lib acts of bad faith and 'bed Free.
tla , The Entienihre'will Wm, at kat front tte
•' • Willy In 'Coc*ret.,, that ha b not all in all, and
that be Minna snonesefolii blsiffhilterT. by at. .
king eadiiiiiisthttior troth what in point of fiat,
( is shalom:4la Fahricathirsi like those in tbe
- humble to thej:Wai otiMay..lB46, stand
• - • . e .•- •
rhea by;the
rarathre, end mended now, will
tundligiidoWn with IM People.—Tile President
'Bibs - 463; ma', o,s4:ui'Priniiplo he claim.
% a coow the isthmus of Tebeien.
tepees, while denying tho right oi war to Mi.
7 --
own Onrs and inybom. He will be
;sited upon also to suits what,Coteltutloo,i pow.
• ;at be bidfoe ehe Sfysiy,of the . Dead Pas, while
44 1 41# 4 C 4 lx' t i t ° 6 # 6l wit", th e
`:- . .40P1* .14 4* 1ii i" 11446wd
of, end ttupset for de' 1!** 4 i!*,14 1 :1" 4642
2 0 4 4 d. OS Ibis* Ninth win to be seemed to
• lllWAth .ol 4°We:tiidi 4-1;#1.0444;r0d the Scuit.
, ,
• by nensemee All thoiste vase questions,—
' end AO Stet those width . Miiptwo the open innuort
idity wilsing tom Isbell, not our own, order
the *Wise if we are not robbers, some others
will be beforidtandWithne In the work of theft
- Of oldf the Angle 8112001 wers called the; rob.
'me; 'end with reason, if upon anything Ike
ran Exsattise authority May promulgated the
• ' doctrine theS, Power wee right, or that good old
rols,' as It has teen called ;
• the airople plus .
Thu they ;dwell take *who have the you.; ••
fad they should keePerfie
Theilp YKS !la we are Mania your modem' My.
- ere Chat,tenter demands dud Mexico should he
iondito feel the effects of Wit in her vital pans.
To testi 'out Oui boundary; and to keep It, is
not honumblei otiattding trOdr. Nis is
it honorable to treads step from the admen
we bassi made. We Most my, bum, lark, de.
.stray, notil ;the -Mexicans. feel how reasonable
ITS, while demanding the surrender, not on.
ly of all the !wintry eest/Uf the Rio Grande,
tat ad* Nearlifexteo, end all of California;
and the tight of way aerom:toTebttentepee, end
consideraket of yaw +tinacy, *bays as
much Mom;
Aeceefteig to the President, the war lout go
oo 'l 4 tie ten nrginents oCnieders," the' mow.:
ed nihuattte of Dregooni and Riflemen, the
ingoetl doubling of the rank and Ale Of the
Army_ d Piet, are not onough,--tiot the filly
thousand troltuderrs toted under the set of Hey,
imfi, and exhausted with many re•enlisiments
out the'skeleton: Shea regimmts. Them
-must be mon maanfr-moie sinews of mar,—
ascii sietime of disease, and More sacrifices lutist
gnat dinsisinf war.- Oar /tenor domande it,. end
'Shit nation ill be degraded, if it does not whip
Mile; oat of ;sistene• altogether, of within an
loch of her life! Alter this; who can doubetiat
In ea as Mi. Palk: relnesenle, 's Vest =Wry:
Of that Mr. Pith is a great men?
kin Pol4lrises a tax on tea end coffee to aid
him In .his war, and calls for $15,000,000 tot the
banes of the present decal year (ending JULIO
40, 1848) aid for twenty millione and a half fur
the next fiend yen, -been[ thirtitiaht millions
ina • half beyond the receipts front eostonui and
tbo uls of ;public land.. All tltia la to be added
to tba net debt deitedy seeliintdaled and amount
ing now the stun d 1t40,e59,658 stated, and
whin thri debt Ineutrakiepaid, to mica this
litigmt •
Na t io.= delightrawith n null ■ dab
he ;mailer men, stiteit; nor understands the
Joel isteieintoi the Pubrie Debt, not the mai-nitwits
:est clue 47eilof lieln j oponAotra'wed capital, to the
easie of mightaen and fieenti millions of dollars a
yfier. The; sauna! Barri, of the filecorieu of
eba Totem* la licked for with gm's lancet, in
oak, to into the tree state Of the Treasury. M
II i t . I 144 Dam bee compered hie Pitts.
hash Meleetette of the Retrains received cinder
the Tariff ci 1646, with the'statenteras of the Ex.
hlateeLf. The Vice' Praddent matt 'now
lam wit his own eetitronse, which never bed pn
eleironienetion to truth, end which were nada at
random; to deceive the people, or he out take
Moe with the Executive and tbeiticetary of the
Tummy, tipm a ciestioti of fact. I tatn Mr,
°Maw owei to hie ardor dam, to =writ nog
. nee, WI the Freddeat and the Heed of the Thu.
D O litmei ? t • ! g.
. ,
ee rt.e Sicisieur• or rata Tani.
mar.-4 Wasithititao isuei of the kb an:
The Bilamisq of that Slimly: who heat bleu
laboring tuersisaly, eisht sad day, for route thou
WU aloud with a violent attack of vestige,
Thopattluert, today., sod would have Gam
lbst for surbesnee. wet Owed lu
.and. conveyed km!), end a considered
'math thlo ening.
Mawr, Iloyd,of Batimorr &din Ph).
diilo6 beta tb• VOW readied bf the sodded. ,
*a ardor.. bis fagot oa sandal die 4dul
<:~~ F
' ^F _ . . .: ..:.
egt=s .
R q
/VIT . 4 0 5PIP20 13 ''fDAP.01 SUABIT.. I
' ThilAriskwargeint u ha Not Matter Geo!
tal eelltehkiee4 tethfile4reetasrin the ei•
tiro atca'of 'the Chespl,Poss.systens,.!ek
- limonstrailng Ow ,
last that tha . PeParimenC rl !o l
it., • still further'. redraw; of Post•ge. The
Report shows that the receipts of the past year
have been, ' 53,340 3
Excess weariest yew;
or 13:15.100 per tent.
Espenditnreslsat year,
Postage re.e'd on lettere,
Emu OVevlasryear on
No. of Post routes, 1
-4 n 4 ',4,11,11,0112:11,341 miles, 88,8 8 7.8 8 8
(moms& of routes but year, ' • 9,878
Additimiia cost. 942,948
NombM'Post Mutter thanged, 3,450
Nomberymeldasters, 15,146
DelloqueM Past Maters, 164
Reyenuonm yean $7,380,000
keens in two year*, ' 21,948
Panne Letterepaendni thro. country, 52,173,480
Free tenant do •do •I do 5,000,000
Newspapers ln the pat, 55,000,000
Pamphlets, - 72,000,000
Dead letters, 1,800,000
Cori, fee- Tee Wea.—The New Orleans pal
lain elite, calculates the cost of ihiwer 'up tti the
peewee time not Including thejvelue end cerise•
sequeat! lose to the ea ion, of the . Libor of 15 or
30,000!Cithens for eighteen months, which, evert
et • loii rate of dej wages which Would be some
12 or 18,000,009 of dollies.'
The increase of pplic debt, agree.
ably to the Union ho been $27,933,624 91
The error in stating the mown of
the loan of 1847,
The earthly lo the Tnnstsry at the
inisunienannemt of hostilities, . 12,000,000 00
The additional unplug that would •
have' aeannulsted up to this '
tints:under a peo expenditure, 12,000,000 00
Ths further astrastuilus under the
°position of the Tariff of 1846,
agreeably to ate! Union, of at
The binuity - lands of the Volun-
The arreartges for leg dee the Ar
my and Volunteer
. supplies, eon
trams andidamagee, ate.
To teplanish our Arsenal',
The pension hat, estimated an the
average duration of twenty yews
of hie to the wounded and fem.
thee of the dead, two millions
per annum,
Making a btalnt
WAN DIBT.—Tho receipts of the fiscal
year 'Min' g June X3O, were exclusive of louts,
as follows:
Oa hand, Juno 30, '46, 9,126,439
Expel:wee game time, • 59,451,177
It "ill be noticed that we have vim iv debt an
amount greater than the whole receipt! under the
Terittfor. the year. The' "pay man Salt,' and
'tnee'sliahut: the 'plaited needlos,!'Eat irons!
and Tremens kenles' of oar fanners' erVes,,mon
be taxed for many a day, to pay for the war, nor
can their tea and sugar ewape.
The British and,NorthAmericao steamers' will
dnns to can faitnightly during the @rioter on.
ell the new vesseli shell bendy, when the spring
Matatamcs ' with a - Weekly, mar; the new ar
iangiments will take effect on tioa be of January,
on whienday the' Umbria will trail from Liver.
pool for New York.
Liu of the Pedal Ship . Stephen !Whitney.—
We dnd 'no additional particulars of the -lon of
the Btepbaa Whitney In the New York papers.—
The Walston Is a fist of paswingent—
Chivies W • Popham, master, Irishmen; Holt
Gill, gi mete, Englishman; Thomas Bills, George
Raymond and Won Broproe;New Haven; Charles
Brownedacce Crawford, end Robt. Hope, N Y.;
WilllanilWriggs, Bath, U. 8; Cistary, Baltimore;
Win.'Heeks, Mow; Benjamin Ems, abo s native
of A ,-leat'JOMl Williams, Oarnarvon, Wales;
Andrew Denmark; and Row McCaig - mink.
and Elba Miller: Eltarwaniew. • •
A nitre fine-arallie-n(h",'lAiiiiiiileb.
ed, comprising Dr. Gr • • Ork;Olmtv
D D roadyce, R40tbv....; Robinson, Liverpool ,
Thar McClave, 0 .ica Mrs Thom, Peteraburgb;
Jamea Mtn leeko y. Cantor, Lobelia Quinn '
David Meth-aural, Martba.Thunkfre sod Mhers. '
The 'lights. n who wire timelotre Thov Allen,
let Mau; Jim. B Martay, toots; JosArdlert
Wseardt; Wm libristoo, (hog:, John- Halintroy,
David Fergtema, , WMEltulth,lletul Hmoe Dana
Grooves, Thom - Alamo. John Pearson, George
Prince, Adolphislacksen, and Jew* ealimes
Saunders (seaccultr,) Edw'o Ekin Petrick Patter.
eon, Jr, inciJos Butlen'immempus.
8o complete Wes the doeraction of the doomed
Alp, that the only seals. of her' to be found,
aro WWI ptecee of timber, not more than i foot Or
[The Stephen Whitney belonged to floWtKitr,:
midi line of NeW York end Liverpool packet. —.2.
She was aboat.B years old, measured 850 tans
berths°, and yea valued, together with her cargo
at t60,000;ou which amen; we understand, an
insenuserhad been Affected in Vali street. She
elk 4 front chic port on the ; nth October, =der
the command of. Crept.:, Popitsm.]•—Nno York
IFnian FaiicL god . Ikolltee. Cirattar 1
18th - Nov., 1847
.W• have had few failures of importance since
car hat claims of the ad 'latent, and this dr.
entostatthe alone has gian more tone to minim•
dal affairs. 'The minimum rata of interest char.
ged -by the Bank of. Eagliad will probably re
=hi et 8 pet '
,rant, ontil Ina the meeting of
Parliament; but .discoant
. in other quarters is
already to be had on diaper tams, end so the
general .liabilities have now become so . couch
reduced. there is a growing impression that money
in the natural MONO of things, tangle beeonse
The funds hare *deuced considerably; consols
doming this afternoon at 54 *for money, And ex
chequer tills at . a discount to par The French
three per cent. loan fore , two.hur:dred and fifty
millions frana, has been)aken at fea 75,25, equiv.
ilentorith discount; to a ash price of far. 73,30.
In foreign and colonial produce there hag been
rather more disposition dawn Co operate, but we
regret to ray that In the manalactoring districts
trade Mill continues in a my' deprased state.
There Is little doing, though • slightly impro.
end emmutand humutfeeted itself in mine of the
Continental *intuits. The Coro Market has been
better !applied with fanner'. wheat since our !net
pilot_ liiver declined, in ainsequenee, aloe'
3s peg United &Mee wheat is aim rather'
cheaper Wale barrel dour continue. difficalt •of
de, as the, quality here is generally indifferent.
Indian Cora has silitanced in Ireland, and bilders
are firmer here in conirequence,--The following
are the newest quotations of. the day, wiz: •
United' States red Wheat 38s el 46. per insp.
quarter; white, 47si51it per imp. in Flour, 26e to
28e•per bbl. Inferior entliniur Indian core, 30. to
84s per 488114. 'Barley 20. to 22s per imp. 'qr.
Bate 18. to 20s per Imp .qr. Indian corn meal,
16s to 161 per bbl. Cotten—the advice" pa steam.
er Gambits, bees not improved the Liverpool mat
kst.whicti yesterday was dun. '
The bee trade. I. much &Teemed, and prices
ham. declined good deal, with still a downward
tandeney, and the makers have already deteniln
' ed to resort to redaction of wages. Common bet,
in Wales, cut he bought at .£ll 5., with one pet
ant. discount; and rail. at DI per ton cash.—
Scotch pig aunt be quoted aver 50s. on the
Clyde. Bweedish nominally LI l, end Archangel
£lB lOs peir rem Lead—Englisb pig II i(pre
sot fiat, but 110 sellers ander £lB. Thereare acs;
erel parcels of floinlah in the marker, which
might Imbed at zif ss.
• Ameriein abocksicontinue without Change, but
'are to 'enema wall held. Theme bare been some
Irannetion; in Pcittleyisenia Fives et 85 per cent.
No6few York State &mkt to bo'hail.
seo.—lt appears that', a *sitarist goverment
We already been org4tized in the now addition
to out essuntej. The 1340u1s Reptilian copyist'
from the Brwasricker Say&
"That Copt, Angn4 fame, • Tottelllmyer
of /drawn City, and who commanded an Infant.
ry iompany it Suds Fe Jut year, bas been elect
ed a member of the tegiekdure of Neui Mezieo.
It was our bops on; Wet the Prodding of the
(Wad Sistrsibid sip/early disavowed so much
of du acts WU= Kearney as went to atablish
a permanent civil end Awaken government in
New Mai* end with it, W d .that th e
lat . ' . Le s Ld attuei was "anemone& Is the
ifrauseickee ewe that such en election has hien
held 44 New Nalco,"
Zoier eth
N Glide Pe. Gout
sited hero of :the Ron
'Wen Smith, who died
.ry &Wier Coner--The
-records tits death of to
picnic:fury -records.
it lb. adenoid ego of nine'
Um - Jovial& He at linty
the: most prig:am:at tattles
puticipaad la alrof
of the war of
CI/f N.W .
voicwa aims' puma soczETT UP
This, celelineed its 30th enztiee
in theComberland Pietsbyteriut church en Mcit.
SDI timing the agth alt. •
The I=oll FlTlO . ftill ware read, after which ei•
cellint oddment were delinred by Mee: Mr Atkin,
agent of the Panpaylninia Bible Bcdety, and
Rae. N West.'
The Rev. Mews Weit and Bryan Were mile
Life Direeicri of the Society by the voluntary
riontribatlonn of their friends present amounting
to $40,00.. •
AnothergenUemen subscribed $lO,OO to become
a Life member..
A knew Board ofmanstrere wu elected in which ehrtrehee'lk eleven denominations me
represented. •
The 'following is 'a lid of member■ from the
different dnde%
lit Prekterian chinch, Samuel Bally and W R
2 Prell,lanaijit web, Samuel ldellastme
and R C Loomis.. .
' 3 d Pumbrorian church, El W Samplaand L
4th Presbytgrita dittreh, J H Ralstan and J
A Irvin.
6th` Pteabytarian 'church, B Pieston and J P
Cumberland Prerbyterian church, Banco A
Berry and J Boatman. •
lit Retinned Pli,leriallehnrclnll Matsu•
.ten and I Occumill.,
Id Reformed Presbyterian church,/ Robb and
W W McGregor.
let Associste.Refortned Presbyterian church?
James W BrOwne'and Wm: Getty.
2d Associate Rearmed Presbyterian church W
Tindle end J.Montootb.
9,115,750 00
Associate Preshyterian church, R A Cusmings
ham and J Rqd.
, St Andraws Episcopal church, Philip Wilson
R id Elliott. ,
English L 'theism church, Edward Abaco and
Thomas H-Lane.
I Methoilst Espiseopal choral on Liberty street
R E Sellers end 8 bi Kler.
ISethodlst pplicoikal chinch Smithfield street
Vex Bingham and Alec. Bradley..
5,000,000 00
Watley Chef,hi Mu. Coady . end E C Blak-
AsbasyCliapel, /one Young and G Lambour n
Protestant methodist church nth street, W J
Troth and .1 j Bennett:
Methodist church Birmingham, T H Dunn
B 8 Dturesn. '
V 000,000 00
4,000,000 00
Presideni—R 58ELLERS.
Vic .1 3
.reaidtiall FI ROLSTON and MINA
♦0,000,000 00
$129.949.374 31
Correvonding Serretary—J Buchanan.
Remrding Suretary—Wm. Bony.
Treasisre;•—lao:xls.W Brown. .
Librarian —R • A Cunningham.
Executive Cominittee—Geovge A Berry, 8 W
Blimple, 8 MeMaaten, R C Loomis, Samna
Bailey. ,
• Life Directorahriduel Allen, Jahn Orabam
/atom Willoo, W W W allxa, Dl. Robert Welly
Alexander Wallace, Rte. A at uryan,end Re*
;N West.
The Society call the attention of the public to
the following Report:
The Board of Moaners of the Young Men's
Bible Society of Pittsburgh, in presenting . this,
their 30th animal report, deem it pupa to revert
to the design of its organization, which. according
to the Rd article of the emanation, "Chill: be to
distribute the &cud Scripture., wititoue i note or
ointment, in Pittsburgh, and in such co unties of
the Western porthat of the Suds an ire unoble to
Stupid, themselne with the Word of God, and to
aid the Pennsylvaida . Bible Society With. Its our.
plus fends." This object—than which none can
be more worthy,--hu been the constant sine lof
this Society for the last 30 years.. That all has
been accomplished, during, this long period, that
might here been, we dare not ref; but, thank God.
we can my, that'throngh the inttrumentality of
the Young Men's:Bible Society, thomends have
kernedlicasith's name: The Word of God not
only Mar* bat demands its distribution, so long.
at the egswd tisrMae of groat jot, which shall be to
an people," remrins unheard by any' portico of
oar race. To whom is thin greet and all import.
ant work committed? The answer Is
to all oho enjoy the blearing. of tholGrimet, and
, especially to such ae have MUM to know that it
"is the power of God unto ths salvation of Maio
that betters." • '
Whilst Tratestanta agree to difGr upon soma
points, they ars of one mind es to the duty and
obligations noting upon them, of supplying with
tit Bible, on far as in their power, thomeritobave
it me... - -Youtßerialiart -11showspent..gaeisenleit
hare beta harmoniously engeged during the pest
-year, ineodeavormgto Weil the object of thrill.
Opp:donne* . , . s I
The Librarian rep** a disposition by ode sal
*nation, of nee votumes, J ireafering from soles
`ttgignamont of ;let al cents. The diminution
inehe .mount from bookend& cannwred with
otter years, mime froni a remlotion passed at the
commencement or the year, sio sell no books lei
any person. to retail out again for putt," Pmf.r.
onißoards the revenue f ro m sties 1:4*.1
posing of. books to boakeallsro this yew Boar;
declined doing, sa it gives, hobble, ultbriotodnini.
ring the object of oat , orprirsttni.
For some years pool, the Managers Of. this So.
city have been in the habit of appointing eotai
minus" quarterly, for the purpose ef eupplying .
each steamboat leering oar wharf (did might be
without) with a c o py of the Bible. •M. Cuthbert
(at his own temoest) his teen periulltd by the
committee to dischins this duty for the, lot 20
mouths. Mr. ,Clitlated reports Iberian supplied
LSS atessoboata with BMWs, and distrUrated to
deck testae inafiabia boy. and *migrant pest.
sengers„ 300Testinnecan Fruit frac* the breed
of life, thus coot 'upon the wane, we In*, and
hive a right to believe, will be glared after me
This report brew.the pleasing Intelligence,
that though our efforts, end show of kindred asso
ciations, the etimunbass us pretty generally sup.
Plied, and whit Mast bolt souree of *feigned
pleasure to every'Clifilthlll s we may now Nes the
sacred volume occupying a prominent piers upon
the tables or In the - libraries of these boots, and
read by a portion it lout of persons navigating
the Westem.wairin , •
Anode 3d of the constitatioo. ' and 6th of the
by taw, indicate the soarers from whence means
are to be derived to carry on the work la hand.—
Actor dm to the article of the Constitution referr
ed' to every pans contributing annually to the
fonds of the Society, Mail be. :clamber, and
every person Cantribnling at. one tints
Mall be a life! !member, and tersely dollars
shall boa life director. The bye laws look to the
collection of fends in the different:churches rep.
resented in tho Board, end from the numbere of
the eame„by the personal efforts of the manager.
A. we bare but very seldom the pleasure of ad.
ding to the present exceedingly limited number of
life membem, or life directors, the revenue of your
Board depends upon the number end liberality of
annual contributions and church collections.
$ . 497Z949
. .
Prom thee° MUMS you will find byrabienci
to the Treasurer', Report theyhe Want 075 / 3
has been placed in the Treasury, exceeding the
amount of last year $7857.
The amount relied this year would have bete,
much larger, but: for the financial emberrammect,
existing ins number of the churches repreeented
in the Board, inducing the manager. from them,
to forego all efforts to contribute to the treasury,;
either by church'collection or personal epplicatlon
loth° member, diereof.
From the conatitational mode devised for poi-
Tiding funds; year alter yeu, it la manifest that
the 1u:oolong collected will depend, find. upon the
proper compwiticie of the Board of Managers.—
If the Manager. ere efficient, hot only believers
of the Bible tbenteelyes, but ardently desiring that
all whew, may Kenos it, in order to believe. • Do.
lighting in the :work, deeming it a pleasure u
wall as a duty, to work for God. in endeavoting, to
promote the present and eMmal welfare of their
fellow Whigs, the ; owns Meta' Bible Society of
Pittsburgh must and will prosper beyond ill dqubt.
For Ile that would not have one tanner die, will
bless and crown their eflints with Menem The
putore of the &Sint thutchat an very material•
ly attest the society in the seleotkin of 'good ton
and true,' for they ; of ail others are best acquaint
ad with the reliable persons in the membership of
their churches. : •
In the second Plate the amount collected VII
depend upon the li ality of our' ehumbeeited
place the
citizens. A s urely the Bible assn —the
'salvation of death! spfrite,—the deplorable pee.
eny of thou wbri know not that to them, u well
as to us, !a dal la bonva Saviour given; will
awaken .and heap' awake, a fellow feeling in the
bosom of feisty, bier of his rau, and Wareing
necessary iseatte ki furnish them the tenth u It
is In Jesus Ckrlst: '
la eurrendcring the butt committed to our
axe, WC!, can la' exprcia .our regret that the
duty 'enjoined his not bun more faithfully dir
changer!. goping'tbat tho Hosed to 'succeed as
may he conipowil nf working metals' toady and
willing to cultivate the vineyard of their 'Lord,
acitlng a' greater; interest Jo the' community In
behalf of the aoehity, titling the believer@ of the
Bible, •
"Now thou mayort give
The 'lmbibed toU4,,the privouov liberty,
Light to the dariOned mind the loot soul
place io f eaaee. Tato thou the privilege
With eoilmo goilitudo. Spoilt to thou art
Upon oath'. surface—gloriouoly eauit
To be co•worl44 with tbe Slog of Slap."
Is jolt miUt 09114emog Mma , 9 RiV4.9004% a Pia.
Dem 1, To BeLiec'd frooribrmer Tremeer, VI 93
R!, " JaMeihlandiall theitira
&oh roll. • • PO 13
- -i L COMingLim, L3initi4m do 94 47 1 , 15
Is Preston. C 661141 15001
• ~ 91 do do 0000
°7d do do- 3000
.• 45 do 10 00 --
Comber Mod do
5 100
1•Imly Methodist do , 150
• " Boli6l do do 4300
91e0mii0 ?roc do 1500
Er 4193 Lo th erso do 1500
• • , Oodrems,Epfr. do 25 03
lel Amomate Reformed do 0200
" 0 24 do do do 1300
" ReLarmed Prestrjteriaa do 1075
" Asomiele Reformed do 19 CO 57513
Nat 47 By Raw . iitlo sit
Bal of Bibles imees-
Mamma 67 Z 6 .
6 By remittance to Perch.•ott .
ible Society ea melt 640
By B
remittoce to mow
&roast& these wall. 60 00 72000' •
" By dircomte advertis4ko 755
Ity Balmer cash us bred 4742 41222
*This Larch raised besides 80466, which was waited
direct to the AM.*. Bible Society. Total I ' 451 Jo
..The ring mm of lb. English Lutheran Mouth ram
beside. their eoattibunom b lb.. society, about gm per . ...
nsus. which they trod in distributing tildes md religsoas
pabLicatioas thronhatt area in their own
Repoli of the •Librunian of Use Young Men's
- ' Bible Soddy .f Pittsburgh.
Amount of Bailee and Tertemente received, donated wadi
mid foion December Mh1.8412 to Nommber 1547.
Railnd.._noo♦4a Ir. &IL 0u hand
kTI. r d it.
6 6
6 65 1: 4 4
German do r 234 . 166 '
fag Teelameats . • 1156 141
Gerona*. do 6'S -275 . 4e. '127
AmPt o( Cash reed at Saud ry limn 696 111
do do do km O. W. Taylor. to
Colporto. • ' 37 61
do do do from Roir.Pmartot (or
du Colpostear • 96
Contra. . .
Paid 9.Cathbert ix pram ' $ 5 CO
T. W: °disc. far books ' • 593
" O. W. Tarlac (Wain) GO. 1/0
" , in. hi• &gyn. Trdanise, Idt or
1L5223 . •
• .
Balmer oubsall' ' .- . : ~ - 492 9
• Ropect/414 nbaitted,
_ L : ROBV A. CM:f rinicatisr,
PitAborth, N0v.99,047. - ' 11..t.r.• ''•
Dvauiszi Oazzr.—The following is said to
be a coned lbw of the killed, wounded, deaths
from .home, and daserthins;in and from the Do.
gunnel Greys, since they embilkad at this port
f.,r the fields of Mexico. Tito list is taken from
the Jounialz—
List of ) dcaas in Company K. Da Quesne
Greys, Captain John Herron, lot Rig't Penn'a
1/keg's. Latvia Olitiblonn, on hi. isay home;
Privates, Joseph Spencer, Jalapa; Ju Noble, May
24d Pcrote; Win. Meredith, do, .25th do.-James
[lobbies., July 28th do previously discharged; Hee.
ty Bates ‘ do plat do David Mitchell, August Bth
do preciously discharged; Andretir Morgrace, do
7th. do do do Jeremiah M'Mim, do Bth do, Thom.
as Owens, do Bth do; Jamul' McDowell, Septemt
.ber lath, Puebla; Jonathan Downs, Oct. Q, do;
Thigh B. Alward, do 25th do. . .
../Nlied at Puebla, °dada, 12/A, 1847.
Corporal Edward H. Jonas Private., hut. H.
Herod,. Henry Krutslemon, William A Philips,
Wm. Bmvilv, David 8 Veltsoi, John C Gilchrist,
Frensis IR Johns, Jams Phillips, Bamoel D &well
/Ismael Troyer, Francis B Van Dyke, Joseph
. Wounded Busing - the siege of
Oct. 12th, Captain John Helton, slightly; do do
Plantes. Wm 0 Wtoebiddle, do; do do -Robert
Rea. do; do do Samoa I Rloop, buity,do do Chicks
W Blakatcao, do; do- 1111 nos MP:lame:l OF
• Discharged arra Cruz. ,
Corporals, It celalland Kin kead; Privates, John
Baker, Rletaird C Dram Wm Phillips, hl9OO
Gray, Isaac Eleymour,rilentlns Knipp, H J Nair
4; %amp Kovno, diecharged at Peron; Rotion
Collins, Richard. Cunningham, Jahn Dead I,
Jamas Kaarna,B P Mario; Drummer, Even e..
mum Private, Beth Loomis. •
Al Puckla,
Save John C Wpm!: Privates, .Ctiarle; W
Blakeman, Sloop, Corporal Jonathan El
liott. Davit's, Jos .W Park, Thos Thomburgb,
Job CI Wbelanil, tranifinall from the Now York
Regimen, Robert Ravi trandanid from Company
D tat Penn. Vol.
88monl C Smith, Ghat* Smith
rioos.—The moat was tsentitotir feet hi the
channel, on &today musing—higher than lt hu
bon for some 'tam .Sinte of the inhandants at
losnr_pectotAllashenr shy:eine* . .
kr:the second um. thtolou, to abandon their
drellings oti =omit of the WO water. solloth
ors men timed to past from the gamete to theli ,
haws In bum 'The dump haa ban:
peat to periocud and real property. We hos
board !whiz:g r an yet, from the %pier county.
MUTSU lathe, of UMW
fell at Erie on Saturday night the dtti inst.
• ..:Tho Lake Mahon are nfil open aid mai:stmt.
ed* leo, ind Once : lea weiie when the wiuther
dgna remise kir, a etestoboar shoves out for a
ishote .voyage. The Edainpion coma up trona
Itiffeloa.few nisetus since with a fell freight and
lots of peastingenn and of • short atop proceed
ed up the Lake. ,
- .The Game' earyn—The little Stunner Mon
pica, bound up, took fire off Dunkirk on Monday
night last., - under her boiler dock, and elms very
near sharing the fete of thevinfortonate Phoenix.
It WU with least difficulty the fire ruettingnish•
Ma, Ctit's ferment= a.—A Washington
lettswinghe New Yoek commercial AdvintMer
MiClay has engaged' lodgings here kV
the winter,. He will active o tho'23d or Doom-
. Ere has two causes totry In the Supremo Court,
and it is uncertain when they will crane on. One
of his Kentucky friends says he will =main here
till after the adjonnwneni of the Court Hie visit
"to this city Is preceded by, the =condition that
he is ,rot and will not be a candidate for the Pram,•
decoy. •
Inman Coon Caor.—Estimate hue been
made that the Indian Corn mint' the United
States (exam present year amnunte to six hun
dred millions of buthelewhich it about one-third
more than it was in 1845. The expts in 1847
hare amounted to /747015 tombola of Corn
and 845,049 blkti. of Meal. This bran mammon.
,amount when we recollect that from 179110 1819
the exports Deem mach exceeded two millisins,
and that from 1812 to 1045 they never amounted
to one million in any year. It 1846, they wen
a little over two millions
Teuna.-Bince the iurival of Oen Tq•
lor, at New Orleans, every thing is of interest
which relates to his reception at the different
points. As wu some weeks since annotsuad in
our 'Telegraphic despatches at Circle° be war
received with' salute and waited upon by the
officers of the PlIti060; it Mier, earmugo and
Mamoru, like honors were conferred upon him.
LAMIIIII• 4711 Priamies.—This anniversary
is to be celebieted at Cincinnati by the New
England Society, on the 22d Mob As it is in
contemplation. to form . similar sacisty here, thet
thy it has bean suggested would be moat proper
fur the orgenisation of a Neer EoglanA Society.
ANOTNiII death i■ announced In the Duquesne
Greys. H B Altwerd , of this aid U erutenherid
es having died In the city of Puebla, aci the 16th
at October lest. He resigned thefts:habit, of this
United Butes District Court, to Batt the hanks
of hie cottony. The Whole tonna," of Mexico
in not worth the life of such eitokUer.
Ghtol. CalliLZIO/SOIL—The Gloucester Tele
graph mates that the man who has the charge of
the draw of the railroad, bridge in Manchester,
wont lowly and left It open on Wednesday, when
he knear,ahe train wu doe. The engineer barely
discoeoled the danger in time to *aye the whole
train from plunging into the water at high tide.
TanoenriCeuss the ennouncenent of
the death of the Hai. Timothy. Childs, brother
of Col. Childs, of Puebla, god Retifeeenteuee of
blerhstrict for eartmil tonne in Conran, the mem.
w/o of the Her of Rochester belle meeting on
Monday let end passed 'resologone expressive of
their regret for bindle:ems. .
riecz .
I onatic—There ate now two Telegraphic
woes ( New Yolk lei Buffalo, ben the Grit
double nary.
MTDOn't 11laire " ul .4 1 readt—If yea barn. use • 2
.billing Wild of Jana,. Amber Tooth
! nue. That will
mike your tqe•Ill meet. Whiten your taellt, * r. B°l4
like La4n7 .t. nv 11k4twly .
(p•gfaun. 'Winn:—Albw ate through your r alt•
able piper to auggen the' Whigs 'of Pittsburgh, the
oast,* of GRAS' U. RCULLY, Reg, as • candidata for
the nomination of Mayor
den • EMIT WARD.
, • liA11.1111013:
A t to, fpgio...plbe rietting of the 714 h inn, by tho
New. Mr. C.aperi Mr../01IN HAMILTON, of Hue•
laugh, to !dim ELlZAHETll..ltoop,.rmunoi..
o n B ow l., foemleff,7lbe VA inn.. ANNIE, daughter
fibetearotheri, aged 7,Agyais.7.,
H of hnenlw,4 mkt place Ws afternoon er2o , elook..
The Oleo is of.the boil) ON respeortellg Itkrois4 bat-
,'"""..- -r.; ~..-,..~..--",.ice.-f
Citimilpo3ldeste of Plita?:•arati. Gasitt*.
:iConeiPptideitee of the PittSbergb Gazette.
Philagelpbis,*ez, It, 4.r. sr.
- The New Orleans papers of the id December
hais been recei.ed. Greet CIAILIILISZOprrtaiIi in
reference to the reception of deo 'Taylor. The
Grind procezzion in banniof ',the old hero hoe
been postponed ontal' tosmonow, when it is es.
peeled he . will appear , in ranbo mounted on his
war horse in fall uniform. A Grand' gala dap
antleipited. -
col. Wynkoop of the lst Pennsylvanian Heal.
spent has beed appointed civil Ocreemor of Jalips.
Philadelphia; Dee... 12, a P. Mt
Theyreparatiotut for the reception of Galant
Taylor, on the 3d inn., et ,New Orleans, was
magaifiuttet, and the people were enilinsiastie:
The proeellefen wee the lagest ever, witnessed
in the Crement citi,t and attracted great notice
on iti way to the Cathedral. The Hero of Mon.
tam and Bctehe Yin., mounted on his war horse,
was cot:tapiocas; In the 'lola.
' Bishop Blum nada a very appropriate addrese
on behalf of the oily, to Gen:Veylor, who replied
in a shoo end eloquent manner.
On the following day, Ode. Johnson presented
the sword voted by the last iegislature of Louie;
t an e, seeerepenytog it with eel:each, in which he
alluded to theta:lg Basica of 1 4 11 Gerneral,in the
Army of the Otilted Statat—fn his brilliant victo
ries, and to his great mote - worth rts a eltilene—
Oen. Taylor, made a very ehort and appropriate
• 'Oa the 7th, Gan. Taylor eft New Orleans on
the steamer Missouri, for iteinpitis.Tennesitie.
Eichalve COrteApOrldellet of tho• l'Otoborgla Gauge
, Patsanstratil, Dec. 11,3 p
The general saki bite ea inlefered with businesa,
tat the market. Gym whine,, are stag
ning, and Matting, is doing Wrath reporting.
Corromondeeeo of the PittShsrfgh GaltlV,
New York, Dec. 11.
Flour—The market le quiet with no change in
vices. Receipt. ire on the inciesse.
Corn Meat—The market Is firm but quiet.
Rye Fluor tautly*, with sales al ttasUssGie; a
decline. -
Buckwbeit Flout is soiling ■t $3,2513,75 pe
Graio—Vikhest is firm: but nottdn g is do
• born—S.lea of Yellow at 78e per be. Oats
ale Whitt al 43+44c pet be. •
Bales of Routh Flaxseed have been made at
$1,25 par bu of 56. lb.
The market for Whiskey linnet, with talcs of
stabs prison it 26/e cash.
Deceit:Met 11=-cortiar. ew coo?.
The President's Mitssege,Proceedings of Long.
reas--Orgenlittion of the House-Elitorial
respondenceloy meeting in Philadcipbre=
Giest Central Ratite-Letter from Puebla-News
hy - the
-The Muilege contract-,Mar Meeting-New
York Cornispondente--Theltletootiel to the Pope
4-Bcuvey of. the Dead Sea-Albert : Gillatin and
the War with Mexico-011am= f the United
States-Rall Road Meeting :o
eye and Hezbers-Items-Foreign Neare-hier•
cy If ospitiatracts Wynkoop'e letter
Latem Telegraphic news,' amigo and Domertic.
Commercial-A carefully complied Remew of
the Market; tor the past week-71m pricey in the
focal city markets-The Cattle Market-The Prices
of American Prodoce in nations parts of the Union
:-Ammust of Flour, Wheat, Rom' Am., received
i,ince the opening, ot the Csalty-Canal business and
movements of produce-Mathet to Losidoh.
city PieWS-::Spint ol thePresS-Copiona Estrycia
frees the leading journals or the intereatmg topics
of the slag. ,
i For saiiiit thirdeek, singly or In wrappers.
Price 6 cents ONO'
.Bntectiptions two dollati a year in Wawa.
00" Pussiienaoi--"tlsotcan
sosittnany—We bet ienoe la call public attention to
the foliowing, from of Witbetnerdle
ieletasont Co., and one of theoefy brat anent:otters in
the county or winch he reside*, and late Senator in th e
State - Legislators. : It a elosertna th an to are the lead
ing men of :he prokation, barsthakthei bonds of sinsfes
coma prejudice; and Imago:in/a as due:
'Sr. I gate to pypr•ollft'tsisis tang stotsrof - ritt*
gneeeff Pampas. tad,a...W. tOnartill pleased - 1s Its
oftelisa Camila( Wei B ronchial CompLathu. Please
;mediae half adown Lottle.74 . aol them as low es en.
Wan; ae I apart if it conuntrsto reader as renefaloot
la/actionas a has hetetokiref tolasep anonstantly
'head. ResPerifoil)t azo Wa. Doan,
112.1 L. Clll2llKle—ls attaniccf7.o,a,yacyv,i o v,e
ttsman uncle,. for skin ' ) •he Odd. change Poe, be V O.
to Mild, ud the make ceases Yellow. Dark, Coarse
Cuiple Moms. %%UMW tawantio thud e pores of the
*kin sbutd be heat omit—dal their wood...should be
treed trom:impulty—hwu thu the ueiont Boma
Dampness eared'alltbseues—they computed that more •
lumen and aohealthy value lett throzwEshe pore. qf
tho Okin,Ukan any VIC , outlet ef lnly , " . IL is netts ,
therefore, to keep the Tore. opea—elt banana ark
dispelled front the elm kcal tie pores. when they wash
, • with Jones' Chemical temp- I hare men o cure
the simnel and olden CaXlof,Salt Menu Erysipelas,
'Old Sores, Earhar's Itch. ore Head Bldg worm, when
amen' other inmmal and external remedy had fatted—
a elect rendering the atm whne, clear ud soft,
.11 be yellow and emote. tausaderfalult remove,b i te;
h - lea,Tmt,talmt.arn, hlorpheu, ud thorium meat of th
Wain—bat perm= mut be pilliallar nod aat for 3oxse
be bul In Ptltsbamth al WALJACIESON.aidn
red Libeny st.r Price SW moms.
Wu Ars Nara No Miry PHanf Piles 1—
Pr Jaekson's Embrocation is the:ndy .edbpjew that
Will gate thisso very common .. and troubluotee
&gen... wont inuirdiately allays gam and inn.•
amine, stops all blceeing,OUbdues that Inteieruble itch
but effectually cures, ins very 111011 time persona
30.0•45 lives have been rendered nuserable for year,—
Jut application produces no pile, but mixer an agrees.
bloisnd pleasant sensauon. If perwaryLatlliesed Will
ball and hear of the great number of eases that have
been cored, Mervyn! be asandaheu. A:gentlernan of
this city, who had been under the bulk of the zutgeon
km tumor three times without being cored, has by tea..
dog@ bottler: of the Embrocation, been cradle ally eared.
It sell. beyond precedent !!—:Yttil. Samrday
OP. For sale en Parabrugh at the PLAIN TEA
MORE,I7S Fourth street, near wood, and also at the
Drug Store of It P Schwar* Peden/ st Allegheny ci
• LIII7 Yellow Teeth alla paint/ breath,
Spongy runs hke nattm death,
la repulsive asul diquellug.
; . All Cook base teeth white ma inintl,
. ; Enireei Omar—bard garna— sawn or yid.
Why delalit—Nby, quick I} brow
And urea loloi or Joso' rank Pastes.
. !roosts but VS nen*,and srcally • beautiful article.
:Itglres ute tenth a lEl6.m:tame. Sold In Pitubutult at
F PI LibeflY si astbd/cmsly
- roc. Voir bolo fi,fi
fall of your halo MB ray;
it bomb, JO it dry, or dirrY. I pray?
I( 'Us thin, you can make it son, silky and fine,
Dark end healthy, and licaincous an alio bait of unner
And Ur have this, you have but three chilliur in give
rot a borne or JONG' Ilalrlierorative.
- fithader,rf you have bad non you would really be ar•
lloolirbed of Um lovely effect a dime chilling tattle of
-hare Maid. Dora RocrOartiva baron it, it•necds but
trial. Sold at CO Llbenyl at. ovDdfiwly
I •
; cirLailies who one Linesimpani.h Lily WOite:hare
ran is One while iransiniloeni. skin. Of thin a trial
xtisfy any ann. :iota illy in Pliwbiwoh.alel Lib
I:7P/les, Sore* •r—The Genol. Hare Liui
Meet, le aulatiele more NCO , celebrated ea i eon, fo`
lie above than say or all others. Its cores are IlilVol.
Mammale. Fold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for hlts
,b 11.041 nvlrldkoullooT.
poo'l tome yellow dark Teeth—they non be made
pearly orlon, by one Onto miag • box of Joan' Anunnt
room Pan. It hordcantho guntsooncetenntlos breath,
.?no, tklkatbsi.Linonr ..L9d6Arl7
T e olh: 'tall and Lam.—Comstack'sNer
r Eitlir, Is lb.
tz eleou
ik w . m.3ApKSOClT,. hg e '
nTlbr Pittsburgh.
40Vise Farm and Cant Land,
%MR subscriber alters foe sale a Parna, situate
I Union township. Wmtdropun county, Pa., ue
contanung germ, Under goal eulne
non. Thls ' lmnd ol the best onality, no all tillubt
end also adapted for gravng porpesc, About DO am
are cleared. There are two Dwelling liaises. a Bar
mad other neemaery building*, nlw,a good Orchard
The whole Form also lies on la splendid spate, of fir
quality Cold, of a deep rein. and may of seems, and
the neighbor hood of an extensive narked. The Cbtal
mins worth more than tsaelnett for the Pam,.
1 If 110 t add ell together, it will br divided 'into late
*tit pathos.* stoutest au excellent opportunity
acute valoablo Coal Lam
Tb. teem. of Sale and•eon nsontor payment. will b.
Mode known either by tho vubtotther t reindict( six toile
from Plitsbongto on the old Wathinnton eta g e Rood. o
I'y Lo+lli Inoley,Esq,lkluleyrilld, in the vietnity of tit
prentlyon. ' JAMES I LOCEMAIIT .
eport that 2 persons have
during the past month.
I Femme,
Female, J`
it of other pursuits.
PANT, of Philadelphia, r
been insured it their °Mee
7 IR•rehanre,
8 Ole, ks stid'iCee'leo is,
3 Attorney. et law,
9 Alannfitetnrers,
Of thew Octave 199artal L
84000 and ever. 8
31 , 00 and ender, 7
lOC/Eland ender, 10--25
O( abate there are ironed far I year !Indorser 0
8 7 years, 12
•2 . Banle 7-23
. .
en{ for Pittslmargh, Grant .1
NOTICE In hereby given Met Lettets of Administra.
tons upon the FAtate of limlth Thorn, of Franklin
towashlp, Allegheny county, deed, wore granted to the
subscribers ea the 30th day at Namaber. A. D. 1E47.
All porpoise having claims or demands against the K.
tate of the eipresaid deceased, are requested u, make
known• the same to Om sabacnbers; and all persona
Indebted to mad °Mate are matted to mate Immediate
Plea Township.
NAIL/—A large lot eriartea ilsoo,• ue
title aag tuali matteg jot meld
I Jr
-~-. _... ~ t `~ ~ _.....
'.ssewstei7 for Sate or Isairse;S7l
T rll Te .. " /14404..10 0. eieeteden &bee , '
mut,' n ay hV RH CartulD. Ems, isogered
for rehear a bargaiMandmt cur ferias Melia on welch
the Faebry Demirel. fronts 100 feet on Rebecca Nand
Tons back..llo feet to Dark street. • The ma ,a haVding fa
of brick, three Movies kid h, and GO feet ;entry 07 wide.
The E.ogirie Home is large and - comenalades,' Wid, an
'eagles...Nader, meek. ate, all' n complete order. The.
propatierty vermager artll ' be m aid low, or lensed tor a Tana of) ears
eas tenet
'sole-nabasting4 b lot. for a private residence is also,
offeied sale It Daus 130 feet on Park arLand extends
back OD feet to an alley, having Tremont street for Its
who/e length on its Eastern •bonedary. This property
is covered with the choicest lean uses and ehrubbery,
,form It there is a Ina view of the rivers, easy,!
Tells lot IS cal) about 20 minutes wall from the bean dr
the any, awl a more delightful Mau for a private DAD.
.denee, can scarcely be knatd. 110.41 be sold law, and
• long term of rears given for the payment of the roes,
of the purchase mosey. This lot will be divided utto
equal pans, should a purcleser desire it. 1.14.1,.. of the
robsenber. who can be seen et the mei of the Queue,
every foramen between the hours of 8 and 10, ,1 meth
er Dues' at hie mina at hire. Hay's boarding haute, Ro
binon's•new Bow, federal et Allegheny Qty. •
Agt for the owner.
: la levary Mother's Homestead.
rpm: underatatted hu long been consumed of th e
for mac medicine adapted to the me of
Children and Infanta to supercrted the use of a/l those
maid.s which mutant' option, and has at lengths.,
seeded In preparingand offering to the public a ate&
eine (oily answering every purpose for all diseases of
the boarelsi without the moot that deleterious drug, or
any, othereelenlated m Ware In the lean. The Infant
Panacea bag been fatly tested and tried, thalast twelve
month., by, rum:terms nemesis, and Mind to possess all
.the extramdimry simes, and to pmlacts all the amen.
Wens effeeta asset &eh on the bill of dimcuou Dine.
Tonliting, Cholie, Griping /am; Sickness and
Diseases arising root Teething, tatting inunedtately
anWont diaturbing any of the functions of the body,
erode/sing Wn happiest end toeMpleasant neaten:ln from
violent pain to a umgail and bayou state of koala to
Molten sufferer.
To be tad wholesale and retail of the Propnctor. Dr.
JOHN SAROANT, Druggist and A ootheearel Jahn'
Mitchell,Efiou & tleekluten, and most other Druggists
is Allegheny and Pittsburgh: dell
. .D.Balmtm, has a .greal advantage over many other
Cough prepataliona, as its plearant taste permits it to
tried without inconvenience. Bet ore valve sea Balsam,.
Miasma in the timeliness of ita cere..We have known
some of the moat desperate coughs, amen of which had_
been terming on for • considerable length of time, yield .
almost immediately to Its power. , • , ,
mach welsher as we have hod during the. past
Winter every one is liable teethe cold, anima , great pro.
cautions am used.
Wet feet tad melee eyes:suite to the Unclog:mac) of the
Weather often lay, the soundation of hacking cough
which needs I muck remedy to prevent serious results.
We have numerous certificates of mares which it hea
penformea; any of which are from persons in this city
and the neighborhood, end they are a sulEcient refor
m."witoom aging another word in Its favor.'
Prepared and for sale wholnale and reMil
FAIINESTOCK & OD, corner of Wood and Ist mid ,
Wood militia us. • dein.
- 7
Additional 'Supply or New Greets. •:
A: r of MAnd,Kl;bere lat;ollreerleehiXlo':°•egf;
tinn looaflarge and wall avaorted snoe..) a large lot of
scarce wld very dealrable goods, among whist may be
Superbleek and 'bode cohl French bleriorek •
krul snout:lick De Leiner., (all wool,)
Wlde Week manhhe
French Terkerri rimer's:
Mack French chink tn; e bibs, of abeamicut quably;
Heatl bile and olive French chkke, (or rainier
esets and ever teats;
AU gruel Mocha ehncrle. very Jamey,
Black silk bonnet grelreter. • •
hindeonze keliphride
LsLITERS Testamentary mere granted on th e nth day .
of December. to the ststmetihem, Pseoutors of the
11.1 wilt and testament of James Rom,late of the coty of
IlenbcnY. deceased. All tperaosm having claims or
dementia against ins estate oT the said decedent, Sro re-
Smarted to mate known rho sametenthcat deleyt odu
flossy Jr.. at th e ale R. 1.., Or thevstittor, In the ci
ty of Allegheny. JAME.ity ROBS, Jr
C of Al
WILLIAM H. ADDlSOletbN,etty.
Penn stem. city of Pittabergb...
ROOEI-4/nia 11fyrrhjAnkerk
lJ Do Oloolhoge;
Do Klno True;
Do Colon; near goo;
Do Galbutazo, strained;
1:t. Inlay;
Do Dandelion;
Do Belladonna; Jan ;revived nod [or
rorl at t. wood au
• A SMOICg .110013 F., t eat. . Plomb fo
.are of °BENT 061-ZELL &
4 c l3 lsberty
. .
bbl. kahti n nez r k:,... d
8 & W 11A RH A feri a
d. 13 33 wood n
APPLF:B-230 bbl yenned winter , beepitra apples,
sobstalas of sinter gresna . bell Dlr.., spasenber
asssates, gale, , Ae ke. lb stare ;for sale by
Ima—io bbi. aweeedider, reed; for Bile h
C._ dell S k, W IIA RBA UGH
CANDaS3-50 bra mould candle., MitchelPs brand,
Just free lead by Monongahela; for sale by
dent . ti tr. IV MARA unlit
L• L 0 ULL-160 hit le,• intper tor article (or funny tote,
reee;eed on eonnignmenn for •ale
deli W I 1 RUAUGti
_ _
L •
MATIIIIEEL-IW3 lbc.flansna Leather, resolved
en ettougnolsat; for We by
_del3 5 a. W. lIARBA UGH
A•PPLII,•-tO fibtrgreirn:' fo.nle L 7 'e
44 7 - - • WICK It IdeCADT.VA-47
dew _ elm wood 2.. grater
.% - oIIEF- 4 E—YOO boy for role by
la deLT .. WICK & bIeCaNDLYYIS
0 &LER/ATVS-1f cot. tor yarlelly '
4.7 dolb .. WICK & broCAN DUBS
0 for rAle by
Was prime, lAutiog trims tair
'sum. m
PERCUS: 4 ION CAPS-100 al, assorted/ ia•L , < ,,, d , .d
and Or eale by_
- Lamm meet
b r. b , 11 . 1157 crop, bidding hold
dcl3 ILL EN k. CO, water bl
1 17 3 1 . 11—Itehr ems V II Tea; 1.#13 I Tea; lor role
dell 14 water st.
RIC% rii .d tr ... eat Il i er
b, Carolinin t ßi k e;, l i andiv o rrem
PRODUCE-1 rt.optic JJ-42 sets dry• Ap plc.;
. RI mire Barley;
Linke Erie; I L L A b Z. P i.y 7 "" n d ri alr. - 11 .- AfriTATF
fIUTTER iiid Lard, In kepi for oak by '
dell 'J R FIJOIi'D
• ....
DILOOMS—IIin doe corn brooms for &
sale 11 , ,
JJ doll . .1 , 12
SCOReII IN UE-9 can for sale by
dell _ - 2i. RFIAIYD\
BLOOMS -3(00 pes Ten. Bkozes, Kelp'. &abase
0110, m ODIIIO per etempboesee Pala Alto and 1U
vkie;:(or sale bp FORSYTH & CO
dell 30 lever street
1 11:AD-2000 pls Galena Lead, to store; for sale by
dolt FORSYII rk. CO
TopAc 00-40 W., Ky. Leaf, wrappers and Um,
for solo by , dell FOKKKIII CO
S 1 7 HILTIO Lk&D—IOW kerw i rfat r Aleg.
T 1 sale by . de II
5110A.11.--In blab new trap N received; fer ante
terooD, SON CO..
dell 'rare & front PM
T OI Vi I i CCO-90 kegs NoAkifirati:i.Viarnroby
Cilia Wllrt—Seo las mime, on band; fee sale by
dell ' ISt basely st
LTA NDKIDECOIIIICFS-40 do: *no and melt..
Linen ems/brie lidtfe,corded end plain border%
ilmit oreucd by eIHACKLETT e. WHITE:
jell lin wood el
IQ EEP - 2 calm prime 4601 beef, in Morel far mit
Al by JAI 9 sCOT rk. CO
dell. 7 commercial row, liberty et
bads mime old N 0; Gm. Rale hT
A 7 Jell '.INO SOOT S. CO
pII2•XI4TAL —l3O too} ro t 44 lo b
doll.. • . - 47 water 41
F LOUR-275 bbh, fresh around; Gar
‘ 71 , 0 3 11. -
dell cor "mitt& eld & Inter au
It4rANS-30 by new for tale by
POTATOES—W 3 bblc tea for Alia by
dcll . . W GREER
T EMUIB-23 tan flea Lemansilor .aale - •
.14 dell W GREER
'kE-400 big Jen received and to vide by '
dell , w VREEIE
r AILD-60 kegs Just Yeeetredi for .ale by
Li del l W OREM
- -
1 on&cbo-23 . .kega No I 6 teroO, aedge bnuof
lad6mg from sum Diadem; for pale by
NALL,. '17:firl:`::;:i by
dell_ . l Da LZELI.
SILIC , SERGE-7 per .w etyle, Caney figured and
sergepastern; but openeaund for sale b
dell PIIACKLF7I7 a y t4IuITE
S vauP-10 •
16 ten gallon kern received per ntem.
Catubriat fur. sera by L IIUTC/11:1061 & CO
•XiiiNEItTAL uantment or A rthit's Colon, m übn
"dI"b ~BW&UN a.R Erma
VARNII4II-11astioaodrbile Copia] Varnish; Pop
vkl'a owl NW Odirost received; for role hr
:13 Er d VAlt . Bark r(4l . 4ll)jrist rudglaf.ogralai
AAToon lall Mies (large I,ixes , ,just reed; for sale
FY by , • 'HRA 1f 411 KITER
del& mar& catir &&beny
numAn TAR T AR-34 AI, ade by
%_? 4WD . • BRAUN & REITER
MUSTARD-s.parlot Kentack7lllnstattl (in eans)
for ntie: Dj dalo • LIKAUNA NEI fER
ip ALLOW—CI bble reeeleredi fermate by •
, • „I - Jpager & 841h1
elelo . 18 liberty me
sALT—aotrbble reeelved and_ cietzel'AbiN D ON
SOAP—et; bsa o t Cilie LIMA seep, we wed .thi
day; for sale by • 1 , 1311.1.11R5
dolo. 17 Itazrev
Lkegs Ott Waitaki; horn simr rennoyi
ya.i.; ' O(0• F SELLERS
PO.ICO-o,lXlO'lbs simmer! bulk parkin nom; for
otlll .. ._dkil • •
._./JORDAN fr,sori
ik x 0LA5.11.2-21 bbl. NO, landing. from ounTerit ,
.131. d.ol (or okle by •J A 3 DAI,2 ELL
do ; t; - - , ••. . I .- • Oi 'rater at
Q—N om *prolog at 02 Martin 11110 pc..
dalr plaid elookukto•
'. . ' . ' - .11 'A MASON A 01.)
—__ -..._ __
ra PILIL.-A oriapl. lots( band okif i....
, ~, ° ! d t i nt 11.ZE CH, Jt• / 33 " 04 i' •
. 4'244
.i.',:',,2littion• . •!-Sdi*:..
C ,ifetiFi D. n..u. ; i•otu*w
. . . .. . .
ON mon*: cumin the ISM; al 10 oili ' irl. MD
sold an saunas. omen.** of W ige. nod Dommek i
Goods, among,wbiele am mperelne,c ad*, caesimmm,
emus, maims, maim, leidi fts. Spred and plain 7
...,........tes. fee .wasSagu block ..grenf. aille ram
fismitureonerino, dan ar ur, Mattilli
z , , L ,:_ r .
, r r.,
A quantity of good quality, N . . gager, Young Hyena
Tea, Aire, Tobbemo, Sp nosh a elatelm, Munn
Auks, shovels, bind 101 writiag and wrapping parr,
qemeoearo, gliwownea, ,.isd. Aimed Cmerla
amortmeat of ' boupeleold aod Kith Wai*. Pyramid
and ant cod stores. aeimh.leateten la, *oral twee.,
8 day at 30 lemerbraas elocka, hall mantel elect's In..
At 6f (raped, . Al. •.,
An voice of ready made avero4l..B sollB
furs arts, umbrellay Issits..hoesalb..tatth.M., neelseniteme, gold =A m e w atch* IMITaI ma
dirim, peri and 'paeket Moen, spef:/... ....?'t.t.'
of Fxr . fancy goods mutable for Fara.. ..-
American co* "e.
* .
• dtdmimatratotto litsde ef-Tbeisli
t -. ; —•• =1
•• Book.. .• •
ON Wednesday evenud, th e 1 Mae at 6 eclair, at
the I::73amerrial sides Room, corner of Wood and Fifth
via:will be sold:
A largo collection of valuable.'"lfeelogidel and NW
erßanotes Bade, from the prised, library of the
Rev. Ruben Dunlap, deceased. .1
Also, an extensive asiorement Of new BOokis, amend
luo► are Ennyelopoidia Awarimina,l4 votes Ned
folio - sod spasm bibles, mace beaks that veriel7l
blank booss, lea- /91,11 N D 'DAVI%
deli • - '• - Mdtiolder.
Penn Shred Property, at Bidden.
ON Wednesday evening, the 14d inn, at 7 o'clock,
the Cismenemial Sales .Roem, earner of Wimil,mat BA
sts, will be sea:7 .
Four Valeable Building Lets, silent° on &inertia iide
of Penn a, at the comer deeeiredleyl adios 1,011 .',7'
ing a front of nd feet, and the edit: w et - three lebidda.
It 3 feet !Dawson Penn se i ands baisk 140 feel
an alley 10 feet wide. • .
Terms—One third club, residua lii two equal alultnal
payment, with interest, to be teased b. bond and
men Title inoieptpabte • •• •
de /01 le D DAPIR Beet: •
- • ' TRUIFIPSANT 'accuse. ''
Conluniptiotte, ftlnall . ki /Mt it is I.lonspmea
•• earipoinid , Sirup of Tar a n .IVOcl loop.
Ma ;Aids i s . dait eff . nog staffs, rei
4 " A ' i rt m,A I k " =a 4 1,V..... f," ' • 1 rS ' ,U .. 914 , ' i d
Haut, Whoopee conhi ennly Ilivg,
Narrow lemon L4geraptaikl . .
I . llERY.FORV , ,bewarttotaltriceis fait.... of w: I Myths as baobab:ea sze
I. S. P. Thcosois—Dar girl: astooliththe betel! I,
hr... avoianoad froth . the the of oar Ca* iatual Syrup of
Tar ma itapthaveaters it my du to Wroth' lowa It. •I.
bad beau keg sailed with "cry
path fit the bathe, with great opprepiar
no hod low of appe ti te.. Ukeir - various trout
etkoti tbotarse lime.d, I beta dr year tewlieht . , Ilth
tn. smtne to =Mg sew adth rt arial oardiethas. I thoighl I
would idlers to what I. Mil been mtg. Partin *plat
getting wone a Woad persuaded rah to try a loathe of run
toedratioa, yin ohs owed kb life to its *tow ..1 oth
a letaiy procurQ a bottle awl mithssed thilsw it, said her
tore I had taken two bottles,' loess cthiphribly r.Wor to
Babaly far the 1,...nt a oil.. t maitt. l
ta.i. l trit, r
statement. Any. further inquiries r ba made at ay lawm
aker/4118 Gathar?se streak , r. .- i.
-. t' rtirct i ,='- . Re.."bie x cur.t. 7 . 1
!---- -. !• • • cte1k,r...,11(0 , 10.19115.
11.0 st. sis years doer, iv, easuelpreage or the kadettosy,
.1... of .1 .1.411. as ayeksd will norm pa* to
the thew. palpitation of the WOW alawbrewi of breath,
which were woo Allowed by the Wand appatite. extreme
waktfulneto sleight and partial the
el thy limbs— th eir
w ith
of * d..ed aysthun impend, .loaded,
with *petting af itio. For shoat wo. yaws I gni oreetioat..
ally thrown into' eansisious, *thnk lob math a
all m
wow of • ficl&ber and began to thy .cod . F=e : ,
to Ilthanty seibripp warornoes or ATM, =Ail *thriven
.hay inmeatid lay owls. at dogma, end the eietwthaVitha
,aysoptouta ware an augmented; 'the a wholi year km*,
unable to attaid Len) , busiona. thLib r at
ad seam able phyriothua andertandird to Wet • '
bet a/I tluir 1 aill awl unseatiagl to moue ow rare; .
at length lasi regarded thy mown so eathrely bark* la
dal wealth* I was lathithad oF du milting' aid. of
n“.....c..d Syrup of Tar and Warid fdapthi, Ina
cole sasoiwatatt ilitr ta onse,aad' I had sty. lop al
sipectakaus of a keorrtry of my throoni heath. Li Amman
mem yat Wag iitnotgly adviaed try this Wediiithe o l 'wag
al Week wil to de ott, I hair now toilli
that by du men atoW.Lb thy hobos autorW
lama solvable to Wald la how= th aa oneh the. ty a.
usual. . , , Walla& .
cora P" „ P :r F l ig i an ' l zw-r iC l i tt r Ztq C L 'i A " h. .. . T..
Sold. by L. I%ILCOX. Jr Pit , one resieethliii•
D=107"1. 'Pn . ,..". 6 ' i iiif debar parbettle.
&wary - ..—owkera, and parththe Thow
malt; Cisuittortad P" t :bid awarded
neath.... or
..• w e W 0011•
wrfilts. deelldlo,_
pose of o
r Lea po
,^ 7ta l . l4 '
4 ELYrE '
n=t inip4
. : i .1.,t,k
. 1 1 . 2 7 1:32.0..... r .,z. P..*Nukalla *IV
o e tor isle- IlsrCuh and etedi_tita • • .
• 1. ." iltiots itpuciED 1 1
PROA • r; - . , i
_.: OIiE,.TO Fl :CENTS .*::iii
ryarrt belowrthe Orlus.of Tit .120 41INT - as per
p inted-Cawirs,m- ,orktell are comma* daily foe rho
ralat O 4Oraggisu i:, L'.-",
L2ltartek,Asor,l . $ .. ..',
_. \ Vomit= .D. C.. Des. 6th , IEI7. ~
•D. ri4.9..., Erg.. Piroosugh, p0,,-... I .. 1 .
§l5: I have read' your Ms rtlsement imam -of the
Pittsburgh punenwlth trot a Dula surprise 'I I led
u t you have copied my bush ess circular enure, s o d
appropriated it t. yourself. I will take the Itbstry to
worm yea that my business %molar n My own tom.
portion. and is not tomtoomp party. :I shall loot wil
l:ugly °amens us be placed in strain= that will iattata
persons who donor know me suppose that .I am not
capable of toraposion• my *MO bususes, s:cml; or that I
nor capable of pllfe rung and unpropnalow the! cunt of
another to s 7 own use. I smi therefore, ondsl the US+,
easily of . notien and expmutg poor Oars:eva in this
tanner ; , ' - ' Z - 4,1t DEWS'S,
; 'Anon, 'patents, Wastdr — ,1D.C.. ,
ts, 'Washington
published Kr.
i rt tbe 'ahem
_ Avy for
(112-AlltWwwetpefit that law
• . 3 3 advertisement, will plow
OTICE—Tax Collectors 4 otherihy o siii
requered to have their • - thee: /wee •ts in a
or,preparatts• or be an , •ad by Moratareveniog.
,m2 /p.ah LIM, et 6 o'clock at ar •eh tune Ilia andetwoll
iace of Commits, appoinked for that. porpose; wid
,41, the Mayor's Offtee. - .
I• Tax Collectors putertlarly renneeted h Iris their
anolleatra and accounts on hard ready for istatmen!iis
}he rune. . SC HILL. ' '
Al 3 REllalfi r r, •
A PRAPtilta4
&IC d j
IS: 1101. DE & BON
_,. '1
laiikets wad Dealers la Mzelisais, Calm
\ •.• .
and Bank lfaiesi! , , I 1
,?,", it 0,65, STAN ET, parrasvaga. :.,.
5%1.1 0 i1 , f Ralc4. Exebsere.. Barior lake. il
11 0 . 1slolphtt, ..
I P r
do Irsiarlll4, . noav :i le
Bellisoore, • 1 " ' de ES. Losie,;, ' • rj ' do
Borkor Rotes 1•• BA K NcrrEs. Bumf Sum
Ohm, . % • .11 die do.# &rip Orders, I dis
India., ''• Al: d te• ref,„News; . ~. dO
Katmai, - ••• do esuilsanis Cy. i o do •
Yirrase,:._ :1: do ew York. • dp, -udo ,
do . Whoel!es, l o No* Orldeiv, , 'do'
7eanossoo, •• 1 7 do, Maryland, • .1 Cad •
1 delft! % r . • N • , •,, .... ,
Xs'l6 ,
ibtak NOI
I Penthasell et the lotr-st r:ales,l
l by N itotartm
MLA OIY K 0 • A Gli
' New York.
, Pkibraclpthroked
• • : Dahlman.. -
Vousraorly for sale by - lIOLNES &ANN
LIiCIGU doter ont sunped, ready
U ttwaa /1011 t AINDIL—A taTe 5 sssarte :
,k eele,!ccelved and l'or . L}:„.=ar
it mom
1:112 crop dated Foibles 41
mom for mirk by 1.8 WATERMAN
drab : , . -- 7i3.1 wart 11l front SLB !
1 0,15E05-7 bap Clover iced;
i 0 1 ! 18 • " Tlmoilty rad; in kiln!, Slid for mkt
de:10 , by L 5 WATERMAN
RYE—#4 Klein attirvonak.riale 1
I dein, • , L S WATERMAN
PP/JCS-30 6L4 green; more and On
des°. • t LIINVAT
• imintizy or eimargis,
• as frt. ioxdaraseprka,
Opn puma:as-A_
papers ell% be . had at this'
delOtt :
I.:AXEWY.D-40 bo ton *rortif for 011ie
roloo Wb@ NoCUTCII ON
o LAI —lOba
;miles I
dry wovirobt,,-
•Pt 6 AOH~I-IbDYpeuniiJ ngrtetl'for'.a:e b'
.leeloi N3AINrtI7 ATI Irt~Y
104.13440 Lap ims close ?or laic '
1410 • *, tiIcCUTLHEON
g Kt.. In all, a f t t ul m tuNtr il ltgy
tlelo . A 134 liberty •
ZT.•LIBIBI011-42 4ft etsseitei.": pst, reed; !or
de 0 14b !
, ' r l .A i_ kIUNEarOCI aCO
n ,
RD OIL wholesale an ,
FFFYBI7IYR6 • oclr luldb4 - from steamer
WA. Bbpenor Flom% ma reovi.
lied, far sale by ORUPI, bIeGREW &
dc, ! Ow, liberty et •
'ACII/C3-120 6b1a.1, 1
Isle by
.k., fist reectvediAxt
zlO bbe st
IL -10 bb/. Lap! Oil Cot qleby t.
.1/01itiAN EON
A. 1111113-0 On kb, reid; km sale by
dela: wzi LABS
MOLASSFS—II. bbls 911, J
recenmd• &rade by
dote Cs i f u . endmi byl .iuTc _ _limo,
44 "1!' - ! , , ftl P. auOr
-40 bap pien -Q t i ced for ate by
I.llen, N co
_ .
.y AIID - 11;14d —4 tb/s Vlitt„tb . Ci , , i,t , 0 , , .. - 1,7j,
IL, etolo constmoent by
d°l .. , , .
I to
° ' • ' •:it 44 'calor e
D .*
!V'::_ f 4:: ,- ;STEAIBOIiTB.'., I,
rl/3see humans, of spleinhd
1 , 7 ,1 LT & of OA !firm. nn, Ur'
Or the l? ‘Voltre ubi ll ,"" *sr
ion that soone cu gnome has been prosSisa forros
111Lhos ha tree; imewitunr . a..l ?tin
-boot earned o of people t the keit
loom to then Oman. ,The boats mill Di at the lan el
Wood strut the da posies,. so susnisosi Sr the a t
too of freight sod the cony P.SOMers". lc.
3er. in all bitch the 'haunt , MOM soft be ion
1 .1110IIDAY - PACEXT.
_-' ' •
, The MONONOMIELA,Caph gamy willing, Pro.
b just emer7 Moeda). seamlurn to lerl*eli IN hee!tell
'arm hloisday maw( all* r. AV , ':.
Thelingtg . lfsnHt i rgr La rriSaiste; '
Bette Pittsburgh every Tuesday =rale $1
la 411!ai
'Wheeling evesp Tuesday avowing es I", A,
d • _ lanallbingralDAT
leave ?ambits% env liVeduzipdat vortuar . 11
leektmk; Wheerang alert Wednemlay evening art* P.
• ' viatinsbiLT raocrar.' -
: PILe
LVAtirre.Capt.Oree, will kayo
every ...11 11 +. 4 1”evereel 111MY:ieellr:W heeling
every Tharsdarevsnos at • . • - •
varDair4Ficiai. • t
1343 CUPPER4 Walls Lereeircwill Wive arts .•'-
'breyh every Frld!* morning as - goiminion: Whoolinli •
every Friday evenwr atIOP.AL• . • • •-•-• - •
. .
1171. kiESSILIGEB.C.pti Do Cog, via leave natitt;
'b ot h .yerf Saturday mantuagsa e'elack;Wetaliala
ryeve Swarthy, tumor al 111 P, N.
MAO NEWTON, Capt. A. o,lGurria;
l am pitubarak eery Sualay atorning t atilk
- -
• Ito arr . • - ' •
16 We nI lli d l 24 ; au l twunal" 434l 4=lStt
end Saturday of eaeh week. at &tan, sane Marian
au idaturay, WedaeadayArad 'Shy. hau_a pat
tut the !mutiny betanteat v. , cod mug and um /re
pared to receive fretalr a st i r r i= t ' 6. A
• -'
knee 51 :Denver, illemevi;ibiell• I.
Weibel*, en bliniday, Weinienbir,
And Friday of enehlreek, alt o'eleek, in, calla:
an newly, "raandiry and Banaday, Eke Irmo'
sr the. !endue between Woad streerie4We
preparedro receive freights it may . •
„ ,bl. ;LUTON, Abli
iri tLrn :o 1 1 2rw sad fail Munn( immegrat
.1C:1m mill kawilbrßublial ;
ay menunp, It II cOkklek,'Alle . I
ona Wltee .erirni Monday •• • •Alem It P aticelf.ll'
W' ar F tr• ll • t . °!P " * TN7vatt i N i s. . 12 ! :
• -121ZAVER, *ND ,WELLBVILLE tthroll3l'4;-;
Chathte IC Clarke, seathanthrill o thipt
ithe oath* with
sthethel, thake dad,
tops to Bearer cadltelbrinlle.leoalcs Pluithelklmmy
mooing at 0 o'cock, and Wchthille th 3 O'clock, th 114
dl° ' 11l nAwron I&
Mfil priori NAI Agz
1.11174 k 111 & I
mt. lo Ohnor.l
. 1: Filifjonlbl
pomace spy you board. • .
• - • • Mt elartils4llll canner . .. 1.. -.
j ia m J.l CIUFFENUEN, .-.
. magus, will leave as atom
this day at 10 staled. , Far t
• held: or
P u n ° NW/1r 01410 . • • • isid
ne. flutnmlng swim •
dzy, likee kill kek "or Gtitht: nen
num apply ea laud - - dab
TIM =WSW MN =Lau .
• AMismint.maluatoffill Maw he MINI,
ialennediam perm RE? ,1 ay la El
?rt. For frelJgetrdo m mlia=koMol t -or to .
.laY. c
'OR .
REGULAR PACKET BEM' TEN' rnls t fitlicul
D. Ork. - master, arl.kets.
bulk eveiT Tuohy. Thandar Gad
ay ...amp. at *black; sal Arsardeville avery
lasulay,yredaeoday alut Feds 7 o'Ork•
• FOT !retell Or passage . spill Cal DOSal l / 4 0, la
YWI EILALI•tJa—KLUVLA.K. raCitalro ,
Mak; ilium p kous u almfetln.
" 4 1 ; M° Cl,4 475 Wide a...--
• .
Pt", scroarr:haa toaroarld Yac
. • War visa oad oss,
aa abase emery Thooday
day rah &cloak, P. N. :For linishyor posraaltY
3: e ...sproir,. tAlllZrll AND SletitiM
The our
• Mahlon mono', witless aaablifittal
Pirabargh ever y hloodoy WWI
oroday and Friday, at 91 &clock; A.ll.,ldad alma a.
bola City ereryTneaday, Thursday and Batardaysi 8
o'clock, A. N. For frorgirCOr storage applysliboar d
• .
, fite = iiitimdrowor sad. Saws; Ws.
• I TriEMbt ,7
if= Iddrr
Ihrd,PlACT,Wilinlakt mealy Odd,
the Mute. pot% dean she ee r a!os,
Fbr freight . 111we n wlies hohrd
, ... Tne nenra bed 4 ,an ik k ".. 4 ' M.' 6 ' .
sing wanner Hy ELIA, .
enxier, JUJUS, Win ran ow resales
iiaket between Yittebnillk nwllwWw
ville,dnril w aine seven. She Imes PAM, Oewber 111.
',. Fer &wetter— .• . .i . . ~ bb.a. .r. - . 1',..t9 ' .
%Ramat:ism AND PiNLADELPNIA..... t
DAtly 73111 die
11 = 1 .0• 1'
MHZ V. S. ADD r intearaersi . • &Idaho
.Mae new math* &obis Daily Dim he
mpen Pitubergh and Ilsoinsollaa: TM awning Mat
lima daily at 13 &cloak, prealaalr, the IRMA,
o , eleei, Swigs exer , -
Fenn Panatugh .13ahltanet.•-411 —Fut /110.
From lPimb tt Inuladelidda..4oletuadl;Fanelll2.
Ely the kvanuar Mat Parmesan mill haldese Wald,
.Itdettable fame Rams dm ina•dalm—enie the
monntaWa to dn'iirm,ascl sap moil-Mge trtllthes.
land the Id ulnan tlau avaidiad weld Dave' ahadtilier.
Calcium chanted le Panes w temers• 0 1 .5.7 Mar do.
We%care >roar ttekrta setae 11)16ea; Diasaeplala
House, Water ea, ar Quirks Hotel. Wave a. Dent
mistake the 914. .. MESIWIEN:
• Mal= Is As 2 •
Ilsowzornme AND VIADDIUAND: g
rrHE subscribers are Day pgyparettgingeelptilmbqdi
A. for a merchandise cad protocol denoted-11W U.
~Eames eines, by Ore ,linnistuville•and.A.gignlangt
nnippm and erthervirdl bate heir snob
, ' the prepriebts tom nsugstdioprielt. at the kg , .
C try ut current num . Lsrlict talt
fed Erec of charge for annaillingug. : '-
--Inepaitottem .
of the yublut p_rersegeglgOr
:;For the propretors, tyng NV.=
• •
rultsl7ll - 4DUngang
nvt. • - lIIMIt. US*
o .Aims .oa
Ergiffin - r°R
Al fa
IVA, Dodge. and dm,
le:u the "b"."'"l rormeas avec
"", itta. Laanvat 11.4.!1d.L! 00,
Ealpa acea
,„ tie , ' jays
huraladiseoopularui' k ""
"le" dmn‘l37" riihi;
nvaoir, st maw . I Baltdisp. var. et
- brenr io lt , liter
aim tektSbit's=l:".;c
conesmc&•cic mat mato of OM Vika. Cleve
e fo e narly named Pcsirtanes az Bane
nds ft, mortice; egiunettlie hands UN 010000.
pmti.ed theekand ban &MO. refaragni 10
the well known bone or Hence 4 , ON a.. tic cliths
Vane fa atlw I g i abeL•o4ed lteela4
Pathe nes cdremse thenwelrloie Aram r w Se •
Black Ben Line, mate whll 1 Mune, and tow deceive •
pnblie. as we Ma e . go be Arms ant only et tict
inuc ncit Una inn every other good 1.104.6 1 aim
thDtaqbts tow imam 14744. st. 1 .70 4
!maxim or *ePteftliCial Nauonai Baas.
I.4.Easland.ftgotland, ilte.• draorwo.4 l _.
elhallge,w• do abut. money ad seed 10 ad P..
10 get Kam one old 1.3 wen, thong., eassilig bvemkes. •
and delays. Let the liptkenk, te. call ann. ebbs. we
will evionnwatate them at New. York nnea•
raiNy t. w. a lyl vt , ab
iit arat •
0 RIING4 'frailltiallAL GLOBES.. easbiallar
. 11
1.1 Our 64 a.m.., and
alaa lb. &mks of &a ma& eakbiaisa awasomPplao .Car.
piled' 3... s.o.w. Epp!, MM. Mk &MP.
I mammas by Amt. & Sml. UMW IMMI
' Loiciricm CU. EMIL OLOSEktmla uj
loloma 'Mara rebdos,..lllx.• et
1 7 1 = 1 . Ilerhe t0.Z.Q.17 xr:s7=
ylikry at Ipioei&e.
" krb " . • •
Jolgvatoe & diselt Paa 9 ... r 0 a..
'abate. Glob" ravaig ia &Pow , •
I psi, =dm le
,disookire • r • . •
7 16:74C2
• I. •
Dn.,News; lad 'Jleitptaa
. pen oaf Uri Minor castled es
nom NHL 111,11131,41004,1
4.0 es,psymbla
te• sou bumble u
Dana exalt
~ , ,, , ,..., .. - , ., : it,•4'.- : -'-_-_, . ..-..,:- , Q.