The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 11, 1847, Image 3
"/"ZOTICID;- - AnSeems Mfona Prepdent,Mx nem, and Trememr Pftm , Vb C "'" 3 " 1 ILa Timmibe ;load Coalmen ionti be ,e c . ' l'6,l_l HOOBO on Deeember Ith lbe.betmees the bmts 01 and& p.m. EWERT, Plods VIOL Cellerid De Ls.lnes. A A. II AWN • CO, 6lmartet r st,bave fen mewed tot....s&nt=nl=rricat::. the above very dr- • WOOl4, WOOl. TIIE high eat !nice in cub Paid for all the diCcre imam of eleska WiLdoed Old woolararehaaat, rot [aborts ' al L t e, l4l.l7, i' &TliekvnfF T AIIIEF9 Plumegrand gerather..,-11.. ~,,e Ami, m A -Li A MASON A co. uoo of the mon Ca. - Womble plumes .I.feathers: reel Ibic day Der sem... Airl9 riVANNIttli -44 picees fed and brown Ylumelo for salelm to ck. eons ecorteat. by '11,16 GP.O COCHR.AN.2B wood In LIN3IIIT 0.4 cares f colored plaid Lingeyn Ton rce'd by brig .811ACKLETT t WHITE (MOANING'S-2 cases good stv la plaids jun aped a I 111 Bit/WEL L -CT & W MITE. 09 wood St R%D l.nm l Ally te L o tl i ttes Ir red moo . ; I c 1 - v ;llAattli &WRITE COTTON—]OO tales ill;mrsippi Gown, Oevr) to arrivoi for %%le t..}. ATWOOAJOMPI &CO aTIO water fr.,front .111 . • STRAIIL 'BOAT COOKLISO ITOVEM ral• try• . WM M . 4 1 05 Ant. 4 between miter! woad lifllllT . AßD—Soperior Regnaeky . -18 tans—of IYlwhe,e; kali' mud qua MT pound*: f" rale by EDWARD HE/MELTON •I I __L. • Ea!!iibleltaneend •DARLIVIr—WS bo 188 , &'d - e eensisuownB for sal* by R A CUNNINGHAM °" 2 L l4i liberty at YE FLO U R-1d bblx for rale e y AA WA y. N P VON IRINNHOREM &CO n smell Bros Pia vas Wand in3rd.t• yealentay._ ape owner out bass it by Canine OD I • / • riCiIOONMAX ER 400 •30 . • / - • 24 wood TAVILAPPIOIO PArlilt , -450 reams Jam rte'd; V • far sal e by argil: GEO A 1161RRY OPS-1000 th Helmont,toonty Hops, In en= 633. sale by - arl9 GEO• BERRY • . GLOVEII-254bnvirg bi•anrel Ble?lkAL9.l?7e , jou :sea by Z 4 07. 221-3 7 -4— " CT.4 avoVesutNiattr < vaIIIMIC-19 bir flannnii tu_or.fetst reed; for sale 1,7 . r a • ArVOUD, /072 CO !rant eta "PUTT/ill-1s bele prime roll Batten , JD beta Flaxseed, men ial[ from atm? Caleb Copei fat aria by JAS DA I.ZELL. 8Y29 .1 24 Inner et. rrnsEss—Lso ars prime, reeereirg pr Reel, Park I.J & Co's Lae: for silo bj~ iren . DALZELL FANOT PRIGT_S-7.eseei or Eger ikyles dal • fall panems, lot he'd: for sale by - mow • SIIACKUITT &WHITE SEED -8 blob Timoth y used R silo by`. rivt9 . BF YON BONMIORST it CO OTTON—GO Wes =mum eououi !gamble Ibr Baubar, tor able low AT ow, ' • AWOOD,IONES i CO IL-1266144m. damseed od: just teed; for pia •19 ' . .17 libeny 0„..T&111C11-100 bx Foeii Cin. Stitch: per Wy• 4a min& Saudi, bi !BAGALEY & Dili ~title.l B fr.Y.O +sod st fIIikNIBILBRUCIS-11bblseranbemes: - • • GO bzr Cbeem lanai:lc fa minim . nvIP i H4OAIRY&SMITH. M°",..,7' " 1 * 0 CILEESE—MO prime W It for sale by SF VONJIONNUORS? &CO 35 bout ot Alill-9 csks I:ced 16i. as for We bY • TASSEY &BUM • as wood 6TAHII-40 e:ka, ill darn forgale by • • mon TASSEV & BOST O n tl , L 2 7l!F- , 10 bb reVd, for V As e t t , Y ey Bwr. F . IILT :A y = sets rer titrit i f x rg & tmj o ss • .dc4 • water &frau su ONGDF3 end Soutniellkit . for , ri t i cy „co FLO4LIELTItt. I bI!IISFIda . nr for ■an by, iuLZF.I•L ATIZIEGAR=23 bbLt goad cLd A'"d; by , MILLER & RICKETSON igE/SVllEggge—V3 seig Feather"; - , :.. 3 " i .Girmenv ::.. • .' !.... .= .g i Goober Pea.: : Ibx bowleg to arrive by iiir Palo Alto." rat alio by • CI trOAB,L47O bags ashiie Masa Bowl 10 bss white Haman. sugar: just reed Ttd; Oda untiALEN t+. MITI! 19 t 9 sera9l et - M 01145114-0 3 Obis' new cro p NU. nun landum from ram sale by 'ec9 • I DAI:ALEY& 814IT11 /111147.118 hi:chola Y H TC.4 JL 79. arty bzi Imperial Tem Pat ree'd: brine by• - - . de9 BAGALEV JF. S5lllll M A fer Ea ;` l '" 1N17,411,1g1g1i -gOl3l/183-BthNts nearer= r+ 0, prime goabty, now 81e6a0 On sale by ice DMIALSY & SMITH T liCAD—stcg pip Galena landing from mar Cam 1.1 b.* fikt oak by !fllfi>lYTH &CO .den_ • 30 weter at 111011ACCP74a Mats Ky. Lea wreopen and Oen for sale IFO dISVTH & CO WOIT/L ZEAPHICOO kegs kr rode b FORSYTH k CC B""l'CiWt"--4 eat~luer reed, for ate by LOVIILOO btlx sop.e,Grre, landing. col uk o bj • wrsr.' • • • .4vo 1.18.111 0 IP ••• PI 4 , :r r zrr , e . stic7 ra/ e4dg i jr =ay. gw!M=E;SOMI AILCIWEV-44)DbIlk Lair No 3, jar ree'd; for Isla by airi9 A.T WOOD, JONES CO 1114)6Xli'"W d..6.3,13:0,:ri.?. la good rtiele,roxived ePe k NV lIAR9AIIOI.I illiUMlo. for see law by JOHN MELLOR 1 DRUMS!: DRUMS! !!--1J: assoraero. Of TUN barlTutor Dnams,on leek: J.. reel from the araneGurairr isits -; . al wood rt rticurugniuss-t Dbl. is I Ilia bx. Om< sA . tars EEß al. by W UR __IS nalibfield k wsler mut iTIOACIFISIbr .3O bs Jot oe'd;:r ordebY "NNINGHAbf 11POTTEX 111T030-4.lvb Jon reed; for sate by deo -B A MONO:MOCK &CO sva , trp tb,. ! .. 7 . l ,ls i ii c i s t i ejV i Vati nom , '153 k. 13$ 'nod at ' S" .ll " bbiPthii ' Eft ,I"I A ,btS REER • tor amitbfield it water atm 0113 . 131e:151.1 . bbl! !mad! white, brads by W GREER 4111:2=7-25 f l r s al NEE( nu f wET7u° bl` 7 4 ffifiga Zrb , nen4t car 4th tat =trim al COMM lIGS-13eas ree'd abd for sale by v 93 1 W B AfeCITTCHEON IL—le 1.44.1 putt Tiirt Teethed; for sok oby -- Wit IL iIeCUTCREON null -I st swim ORD & F.RATBERS-184ck. Stanek) Fentiterc reel star 'l'aponui for sale by 1 r LEWIS OUTIIIRO , 3 &CO Mtextrzir—i' bbi! hugn' t !'in In more for .haILENPII3 nurrcmsoN & co ttl SHOT—Ste piss till Lead. • LE 2 Imp nsiaIbes IIIITCSIAOPI for sale by Ct) P tl•V°0 bod` VA"AWN FLOU F 4-110 bbbiWt W Whites. bnudjoauoe'd tot solo!), 6t W ileauAVOH nola 0i.4 st MOTA.TpEII.-4kbbLs,but ree* for sals by wilto . . • slb N4.41.1,11.8AUG1i Seed, In wort; ir.,W kIARBADU II ipIIIOTIIY 50.20 GIISSENO—SIooI lot for s 4 Iv GREER sou Iluld wwet enb cider far Kip by v, OREER CiIECMU 4.1 Wet by lu,ooo ta v l Spariskaa cootAlreljaP, il go . Lexass—o tibls (nevi rop). PI 0; lat!ding trout M .% tmr l r c. P . l ' r7r‘ rr i " ! " . 111.8 DALZELL Lakkxsprimc, of,.milbeinkizrj rP . r.ags , t y bi t su. Appwrk r A r l i A laaa water eu tons •Ilegnca]lroJ PLOZn FaULT — r., : bb!. lbe+; Pea Apple.; for ak t 7 iw rl s & 4.9Cata—Tdsday,tood mode; corpte a tio norD - araVIZEL. 1:1101r----it-Conallog VW, W IR Jotin Jr on hand is . 4 aaaddes to ". • Unit pareaaserw b F SELLERS y • oto:.1 1 - A ,-. ora cum' . , • is; rions and for JOHN bean a. co 1 .7 dotninerdial row.lit,ty sl `~nuuw'rLs -. ' y 7 •.I. by . c f l o n. ve r h b l y !X•ll.. 00 .1 unt. .A 1 4 .1 2 1? izrAioria 7 commercial II betty " .11111:11re.G. iLLE la Pearls; , i• Santa:mar; c'd aid br tato b, 102 FVA CUNKI ti i! /00.,11% alorly cares Tum i d Jaliacti a ra J U. ORtleilli Wu 3'll'4'6'a:ll4r .•DOTAIIIII-;•400,1ba Fawn.' PAPS.II—A lota band ace OA 1r.151 Baud it IaSkINOS-LiA A felAffilti (Mel MOM ara. Woe jut liceived tot LOothef loVotoo of 1FY00414,40.1.001,8110f theme*. ftationable cOlots. A L PM"' PlialPbad 014.41. • . . . I • • • • APPLE i ; •. 36 bbbi ner1den13.33 13 .; • 36 .be 3 Bever, '^ vandener 3 g En red ;Innen 6 " Penoekle, " Rb :131Mg 1'''' for na:e by} tct 7 nenewt. • in:: 1./berm ; DallOS—tenipli Potash; Sal Taim, ?dallied Flonwerg iiipo Salon Y.. 11. tipermusui !dace; imp lobo=s~, Ilyil roineh; Tante Emetic French. d end 0,3 E E Cashes= Jost receive for inie by 0 A FAWN kIiTOCE. & CO eer Ist& wean am E' .e . 2 6 alr i g li acrortm Eirj tat 2 OP:lfgerc .7.,O' V E7 g licit al,riercr, w winch we invite the anenuort per.ra needing the article, as 'wean selling these a great bar gain. 1 dc6 Aumtriuza fr. LAY ;)thine Car Able biertna I.butbN Wool I:l_l3bin. bad Drawers: just receietl by Eebput for bit, by 61:1ACKL tr EITA WIIITE as dG 1 99 wood et SIIOAR AND MOLASSES— 1 17 Itbds prime NO Sugar, on ... M o b:4N: Mrd 6 rs, in good order; for sale %V A At MITVIIELTIISS EL'S , . 160 libert7 street AIIRELS-113 molneu.barrelconeonsimunenr I MILLER fr. RICKETIKIN tor irwin & SOAP -40 bis Ctneinnat: Soap; :U0 bss 6l lqnseuslt Clgars, Kentucky ks•, Spanish Alter; for sale by WILLIAMS k MILWII,III j &MONS-40 Woe reed per strut St .Cl. - antler, for sale Um by ,, LVT tuottoe C °111" 16 tte nb slZo d c agi Gm sale by wiLuaids a DuAvowrit 262 27 wbod'st UnnAINTS-3 es]. Zama mama& for!.ale by C del WILLIAMS & DILWORTH B BLS- 37 molars. Barrels; for sale by WICK & aIoCANDLEaa del car wood & water rts PE A Lslztig tni„ • 1 e b j : WICK k zucCANDLMS CORCUINGS-18 bhls far sale by , deg WICK & bIeCANDIJE:g3 OTAIIII-3 ales tot ula bY • ara WICK fr-IdeCANDLESS APPLILS-73 tibia greeriariple% r by GREER deft ° oar smitbfield k. water nil I:==2iM MESE-ISO brsOnat reed; "IVaREF.R POTATOES -Yl5 blas Potato.; 119 bblaaliest•atootkao Wive I=l C• • ll- • EXIITC—ILO la., on consignmerit; w fo acEl. B a la V del OLASIES-18 ta U formic bz v .6 REER de4 ME=ElffM COTI .)3-74 bales for N t ila , A D. co 6G vnter 110A11.—13 o sow, • crop; 69 bbls Noe 3, 0 and 7 Loaf Baser; for sale to close eonvignments, by do • FRIEND, @REV & CO G LII/C—Ybblsittperior white; Jan for sale by B FAIINESTOCK &CO car lat and wcwa ro DE AZ9IO "AOID-74 Jun med. fo , ink C 7 _ o . dtl B A FAHIVLSCOCK k.1:01 A 11. d e l M TTO-2 bakts 'PaR A n; FA HN inn reedEK; lia CK tr-Lso fain by SO CIVIIIDIIIB4I—XI est* Soda Ash; • 121 las Tin Plates is; • IVO •ags RioCaffee.test reed `er st American Eagle; for sale by .10/I'S GRIER main =liberty et CLOTFIS—Asi inookee of Tory mapenor Welt Frrneb Velvet finish Clotho, or tome of the but-r.s.oloo tures.hist opened; for sale by niO9 I BO/LaRLETT witrrn SOAP, oto-50 &is No I CI etansui boapl bal. mold audios, ' 30 bn dipped ibLaillea; far isle by ' 12,21! CARSON &' bIeKNIiiHT U-50 bbla No 1 trammed &tio; • • 30 " 3 .oath Mackerel; 30 1 011t+1.211, Herring: for role by wr.V CARSON /c AIcKNIOHT, eth At (10155(16 IR-190 bas and 5 virtu, quality; for sate bv Vir R MeCUTCIIFIOri BITTTEIL— Ie byls bbl . and ID kegs prime for sa osel HT3-9 biles eopsuy lloos,jestsei'affn sale by av 29 W er. H bIeCUTOIL.O:4 [LOOMS-100 dos cam ` broums; far I.a . e tirZi a R Meet:MT:IIEON As ii-2* D. ib* rre' Nd: for sTI nvYl ~ k 13F-St iN4EIi6I/S-160 bas and 33 asks for resale V/ • 11•19 . W IC4 CLESS . HP-%Y-4°".ft.".M...t.cArna.Ess lIOAII-41) Ws prune new <rep; tad by iteaieer American Eagle; tor sale by • nct9 M ALLEV it CO. 12 water et • O ' w—SO bblA best qualify:Vat fal e. by SCHOONSIARZTZ et. CO IIitILBS—A large _itera.c , cr herb.,lAst rec'd; for by nv7o J 13CILOONAI1.1irall & CO 131. AO IL-30 IpZigzar AzEn co CIVGH CANDY-1 0 gross Pried cough &sfdy ri j.t teed; An rele by tor 4'u ee wood us VITILACT-11 doz Preaton'a Extract glint& Lemon, Jac 'red: .1... r n.lO I buTcusliot roonorrtl thie des ea nl3 :IS IlEof . tth vrond et USPENDEILS-303 dos gum sasnd a e B n u : S Gar sale by avls • .• IiDIP-43 Wee lime dew laded:jest teem. er LA beer Taisboldi far We by bete - LEWIS HUTCHISON J C OIIFoRT6-Ip o dm. wooden AU!—A fresh lit if Ladles Camel and fdis . 1.1 Seim:4l3pp join received; for sale uy • 09, - EATON APRIL OOZES of workyl Oise., 'rumble lb/ notes, lei jam, reed ri EATON'S , Trimming store .01M1.000-0 Or.. priors choormg robaeeo pat: ' c ' si ' ea; r °" " ' " ORUM, ideGitEW &CO VpLWICKSTII-23 pp. largo Votoptraltautou LP just received Oa) COO/IRAN.xb woods - Leda for Land, ax.. ways en handwad for Ws at No 441 LiLow meet. r Canal. laWn W. W WALLACE ,WrE t —r be old aye Of sae bY sAmmlti raILICKIII4-1:0 Us and 25 was WRTor bale by ATV CARSON & A ettlCH—Saleratas, Paula* puutt, Scorching*, •-CA. and Black Bo for sale 1 , 7_, nvl7 CAKsuN & MagNICUT GMATIZERS-10,(00 lb. pnme 145, embers, In sum: Or sale by . nTI7 CARSON iteKNimri L'IR'"oa""•O7,II:4VILKNIGHT BRIARS -2g bbls . small jot '<ear , for . 0 .1 •WILLIASIRR DILWORTH wood et U. O ba waiter,: Dor, las. rt.. •;or ga e V • . Pllrrg-1 wV.WrSIATIMORTii kbls . l: it z ir lding hoz!: nanrcfrfri:Nfor ...____ • pca . .t i n e E.,Ets—as odor conzn jeN6b.l:l.llo FE;S.JLIZIIS—tacke AT s D al by WOOD,, ;ONES b*CO VrraltErG-i #710103.--740/1. oir up 1 IT putrcscivcd,• for yue by " srrO REYNOIMS DOPLAR uut Pine.%lce, for sale by L ty`2,4tf POPLAR - LUNRER , %V IV A [LACE, --------- WRAPPING PAPER— leNkbastales SC, lubf-DC craw Paper, 130 ",Medium Rag,: . 23 D Medium Hardware; fo k.r rale by REYNOLDS FREI: N 2 :eas 1721 ETIEJATJ t side.domond WO.EVELLEL —loo . lor 3 , frolvtgt, , y jas . - Dot side of 1.1, V nva - BIAZ U EPIONS-10 !as (sash Means n tral , lll4 la Use 1:1 ordcri far salt by PTAKTIN asla <arias:lll4od ,4.210.i.L5is . 01 TT ARM—For.. l e b b reG . ll.l,litEll Pimp I ROS 011.4-3 Wile Laaseed ad for 0.i.. !y nNli JOHN DMO¢:AN.VIamaM "" 4 mintiqorD Thi A'ol BRICK--t cast super:or.7.l 7 va:e b 7,1 y [ nv-ZI .1 I , .101t1. 6 11VIL-1 eue gum aloes for isle u . y_ _ A _ ROSIN -9 bbl rWu fOraabi . by J D sioluoar Gb6B—Window Glass, all site% sane.• for ulo it rif CARSMI & )(Vila • ' RAIEb is flesh fl ising, R ler del lla AI( D ' M U" 1,01, toy IVA AG n oll"" C" FAIIIVItt-ToeK &Lt. /10C 0.1 xi Nor Cult Uhoe BsYer's No 1.0 o; 21F Baker'a Brit. Tem ed this daY; f.ale b, rtIIANDIr bbls superior old Pmh LP aim; for We by dc3 CntEsf-L4CO bx • In,ain,te;.forVetilkx k LASILNICELE— Rec,cd per express • A 1 HAWN r,ccra,ss mak( 41,1 ease of carrtio/ Preach • FLASIIIIIIMS-18 pea Welsh Plagl+nom fag al 67 market In,e6topAamiB .xtry 6.111 16A7 A A A 606: A J WOOL SLOP% fa sae FT pq maw/ E=IN A.L.VA.21 , 1 , c ;__ 18n ; 'sun 1'40121 111? on 1 Moons 131:CEMB811, '1 riuuu i.e.' rim i phaars --_—_ _ 633 7 S 7 8 39 9 44. 10 54 11 91 1 1:11131.0 i 9 Thursday ',, 7 ICI 433 10 Friday .'" 7 I°. 4XS ' 11 Saturday . . 7 13 431 13Sondaj . 714 434 13.51enc1.1 L. 7.15 434 I.lJ'rueaday: 17 1414 31 1 15' Wedne,..dayL 1 7 16 14 31 1 PITTSISCRODL nOA.RD OF TRADE. COLNIrITEE' FOR DECEMBER. • JnIAUA Fungi. A. A. pfpe.rili. JAL MAT hlnvenicrits of the Ocean Steamers. Sweater." , Captains. LeerclAcuer. Leese Emory Wt.lita. (Ann , newtt, Norp . Oct A. New 't ort.(Frf, Fernand, Nov 91 Oct m tintatunn(Dr) Cannon, Dec I Nova Union Voll , Dec 9 Nov 19 ilittemte,(Bo Dyne, Dee It Nor I Slinont,lFO Mono, Dec 24 Nov 4 Careens, (Bt) audtim, Noir 1 Dec Ey Catedonta. flan Nor la Dec te NOT 9 Dee Ilntielplee,[Paltesector, ttt , 'll . r PilriaaCßON Gazer Tr., • Saturday Morning, December IL The marltet,lin a geeeral way, . if very quiet, heal nem transactions being confined mainly to regular or read ialee'to the trade. We.huve had frequent heavy fain{ which have rendered it quite aisagreable for out door business. Flour— T.he ieeeipts continue quite limited, being net more lb. itatfreient to keep up the sapply, aud to render prices stable. We notice saki from store in small quintliies, to the extent of about WO bbls, at 85,06tab,14, as in quality; and sales of 21.1:1bbla et the wharf, A $4,15a4,C0 N bbl. - . heat—The supplies aro quite limited. and prices merely noMitiej. %Ye hear of moderate sale. Iron, atori. at 1000 tt be; and sales from first hand 75e ir bushel. • Rye—Very little is coming in, and 'applies are light; moderate Bales at 45850 e. Barley—Safes to a moderate extent at Eoc. Gore—ls in lair „tauten, with sales at 57 to 40e P. bu. Oats—Sales; of 41) .aelre at 7.6.21 c p ba—as in quality. 0 Proßiaiens—eWith but kw slight exceptions, the market present. no change from ear last reporg— Mean is dell,with limited sales at, for Hams 86 to 9c; Sides 9.1, and Shoulders st 6107 c 1p lb. Lard is quiet, with moderato sales at nelic. Butter is in brisk demadd, with sales amounting to some MU) lbs roll, ittbbli, at loieliac—..d 700 lbe keg, at 91 to 10.1 e. Cheese is in fair request, with regular sates of W Rat Gjetgie, and of Goshen at 10c ka lb. Cranbeniu—Sale. of 10 bbla at j4,15;15 p bbl, u in quality. Beeswax—The demand is moderate, with (me i n. sioeusl sales at 2.1e23a p lb. E p NV GREER Honeyl - livi become quite suuree io the market, and a good 00114 Sada ready mileat 18 to Z3e poood. Hop.-1 rii - market is quiet, and We. or a re. . . strieted charicter-14e is the ruling figure. Feathers eta scarce and is good demand. Sal of some 15 0, lba at 5.1 e, • Ashe s , 'continuo in brask demand, with regular' sales at the fallowing rates—Pcarla 7a, SalantuaN; Pot/rand Seotchings 5a51. and Soda Ash at wazi to 5e p Ib, al io maanuty and qua:ity. Chemnta—,Sales of 15 bbis the riser at 52,50 Apples--Stles at the riser of 100 tibia green et $1,1841,115 y bbl; sod of 130 bia dried of 6010700 be. Tug WEasrf ea MID illt days paid we'lare had tlCeisiro rains. and the; river at dusk hull crcning, stood nt about 10 feet In eban. net, and Sisitig rapidly. During the rain, tho weather h;s been estfemely warm for the season; so much ao indeed as. - almost to rendar fire yousee:sary to comfort. The fine etea,. er tielvcr, Cmrk, Master, has en tercd as a regular Wedarillo Packet, leaving Pau burgh oVery"moraing at 10 o'clock, and WVellanll• every evocifig at 4 o'clock.. , The milers of Cineinnuti are paying SI per 'bit for good Wheat, and do not receive very large nap. plies ntthat. The Indianapolis! Sentinel of the Jib trot saye:—.fEighty fine cents N bu ha. been freely paid foe vsheiii in this city during the peat meet.; and the fa seen are rushing it an a. last all they Can." A branch of tbn State Hank of Ohio toe been esOhltsbed; at Mount Vernon, celled the Knot c,, Bank. H B Corti., Preccent, and-J C P.amaey, late of the Belmont Back, Caehier. There in . conelderable flung:ere In Freithte— Sorne Co'• kit has been englged at 3-16 d, and Floor at 2, hot this la tithe, above' the mane- Henry frenht ii taken at Zan. Tbele is no thange to note in the Money market. The Panel 'ale disco:amen only too limited nitwit, and feat tiara paper Fell. in the street at I.lilj per cent. Leone on the best stocks are 7 per cent, and on Fantle, 7 per cent, and a brokenge for a teal kink—EN Y Trib, BRIGHTON Cattle Market, Dec 6.—About YWO were .old St prices tagging Irom 5 3 , 50 to 6.50 lot commie to prime. Cows end Calves to Sheep. , -061. SIe.LSO to inr prtine Hews aro doll—wninesaling at $4 ..2.5 to per lOC/ NEW YORE Cottle Matimt. Dec G—A lair Mi. sine= 'bis been done at 5587,50. a. in qualay.— Com:.-818. nod 41,50.. Sheep—rangutz from 11,15 to 3po, and Lambs at 2,53. , NEW ORLEANS—Per Diadem—ll carboys, I bbl, 1 bg, 32 bblo, I Mks, 111/1d & co—ls carboys, 1 kg, 1 bnl, Tahnealock carboys, Braun & Railet—M bbla sugar, & co—bo bbla molas ses, II .bads sonar Reno-10 do d 0,30 bbla masses MeClorkin-34 Ads mgar, Bagaley & Santb- 4 AI eskerice, J& R Floyd-7 bhls tar, odo Batman, E Bessellom-25 kgs tobaceo.J bblo balsa 17 do flaxseed, 1 bdl leather, Ferry-2 bbls, 1 chest, RESSI I bog, Fuller. . CINCINNATI—Per Clipper No 2-10 cults sledgei, walltngford 6s eo—:0 hhds sugar, Atwood 'Juries & bhd sogsr,V.l bbls motorises, Hesse!. ton-3ts6rrrodse, Wilann & bp coffee. 15 baskets 00.2 mks currents, It bbls mackerel, I la do do, Holmes & cp- 1 -19 cats sods, McCully-2 csks mdse, Poindexter& co-10 mks oil, 10 baskets do. It ed. Miller& iticketson-8 carboys ;side, K A Fabriestock & co-7 bbl. mdse, Kidd & co-2 , 9 kg. lard, Smits & mks bacon, 116 kg. lord, Jordan' & Son-3 Arks, ginseng, 33 bbls sundries, Poiodester & co. , Per Messenger—l, sky feathers 100 kg+, 25 bbls bird, 7 bbl. linseed nil, Kidd 5c co—lb do whiskey, Parker-200 kg. lard, Oakford-2 buts hominy, bbls grosse,4 do lard, Yooog &Ibmsen —lll3 bid soap, Wilson A, co—lll So do, George & co-8 bbl. potash. McCully & co-25 do lard, Spasm & co-9 blf boa tobacco, owner. BROWNSVILLE—Per mdse. Bidwellll7 do, Vickery-283 hll boa glass, aostin —l2 pkgs mdse, dd consignees--35 empty tile bbls, Per Laois McLane-tb6b I 611 do butter, Lam bert & Shipton—= pbg.. Vickery-21 boo, I bank, Hays &Blark-70 shit topper, 10 pm tio, Holmes & Brr , 4 has olds*, Dickey /4 co-- bells sheet iron. 295 bars Irma, kg. nails, Evans-41 bbls floor, Cope-1l do do, filet ea. BEAVER-Per LaCs brie bbls salts, Byer,- 3 sits Wool, Bidwell-5 bbls, 1 las butter, Edo lard, 45 bydr opplev, I & It Floyd—ls bbls rye floor - , Oyer-30 tics oats, Donaldson- 7 i at. rags, Ksynolds & Shee-5 , 2 bo. cheese, Dickey—Z) sksdrpeaches, nur cheese. Wick dr. McCandless-7 ..Is, I boo asp b lei, I lot brooms, Pickett,-69 hos c , sue, Cau,. chair-12, do broOcas,J &It Vloyd-29 burnoose 'Y SMKIER 8 14—g Large B&W-1141r .ala Wall BCAIVE Ltegt 1•004 lb the /if:Mrs vane Pitukurgh Ga.ef , e: We take pleasure in rersimmendin - ihe tinuns of Pittsburgh, the name of .101 IN LACOIILIN for the Mayoralty Ile is a gentleman in every may qinstifiest to hit ides othee—mild,gi ntlemanly, and temperate; and yt the gismo time indniiirle when duty Inquires. Asa tropuisr bunneet man, hr could have no higher reetrimieudation than the filet of his being sent to the City Connell from a ward that tee in general given the oppoaluon a minority. Mr. Loughlin has alto been, for Molest nine Vrara,on the,different Committees of Stteets, wooden buildings. itsserinents and appeal.; the labor and um° consumed to the same has been very greet, and justly gradate hum m the regard and h./twine of the Whig putty. Mass ripens.. irrk. the time is approaching when arc shall be cal led grin to elect a new Maser, I would, re ipectfuLy suggerito the tiny,. of Pittsburgh, the rime of t.. R. it.WISOSTON ns a suitable poison to fill that office. 1 CITIZEN. _ . [l:i'ldesats. I:ddote ° :—Allote me thtough year raid able paper 4 Fact:eat M .he Whig. of Pitts'targh, the damn of 4 :1113H 11. SCULI.V ea a cardid3te for 41. 11011111.111011 of I'dityot BAG ALE T S MILLER &11 I o P.TP • • .I,3"Plles, Sore*, ae—The Genuine Hays' 4101 . mst, is M article more loetlr celCbrWed ILS a trite tar en above then as or all others. I. cam ate almost intliesesabla. Told by WM. JACKSON. Aaeat for PM. . , -" `~ T . . . IMPORTM B RIVER FIRST WARD . lloor'reesh aau pearte breath, :poppy sums like ftlitCll ! I z Is repulsive end Oisgusuna. could hsvo welt. when' as pearl, Emu t breath—hasd aeota—men or girl. i N'Aby delay!—Nap,quwkly baste ! Any Ise a hex of JoNts,rscn • "It cost , buttvents. and is really a 'MIIIIIIIO arnele. t kit • Lot teeth a fine enamel.' hold In r butg aish a 0 Likens et . • , Fsisrfrunt your Lair 1.11 off, doss your bolt tarn amyl it hdrsh, to n dry, or boll I pout! If ltlart,tur, you can Intake it mat, silky and fine, Palk end healthy, nod oenutrotto,us thli hair of mine. And to have this, )ou have but three sltillatas to give rot a hold, al Jona' Ilan . Itrotornove: Reader, •f you. have bud stair you would reap) tonwbod at the lovely effect a throe shilling tattle of Costar. Ilata Rurremoltva Imo On it, It needs but Otto aril.. Sold at &I Liberty st. not Wh.Rl.9 07•Lilidleo who me Jones , snow Ish Lily White, bare nlrrisy• a fine while transpatent skin. Ut ibis a trial will..illy any one. Sold only in ritteniegh.alt9l Lib. erty.ia uvlldkvely • RT4I.P /0 FEET 0 te , CHEs waTzit—RIINO AKillii BIL, . Constil..Bomaian..Brownsville. Michigan No. it, Gilson. Beaver. , Bwatar a, Cos. Brownsville. . ' - Monterey. Monition, Brownsville. .• , Danube., Cock, Brownville. - Louis McLane. Bennett. Brownville Despatch, Nelson: Moo. City_ I : Camden, Hendrickson. Brownville i . Beater. Have. Beaver. Lake Eric. Hemphill. Ms.., c I • lave Newton. Mason, Cis cispals. /:laden', biewarl, N Orleans. America. Calhoun, Whes:ing Clipper No ..Crooks. Can. • 1 DEPARTED. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Lowe ItlcLarie; Bennett, Brownsville Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. Swatam, Cos. Brownville.. • Danube, Cock, Brownsville. Wellsville. Barnes. Wellsville. - Beaver. Hoops, Beaver. Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver. Michigan• No 4.. Gilson Beaver Caleb Cope. Moore, Beaver and Wellsville Monterey. Morrison, Brownsville. Cambria, Forsyth, St Louie. Oswego. St Louis. lIGILTA LEAVING TIIIB DAY. BRO"SVILLE PACKETS 'at 8 A. N. mid CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 BEAVER PACKETS nt 9 mid 10A 111 end 3 rat MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 P. Ps, DISPATCH. Nelson, Brownsville.- GLASGOW PACKET, Glanow,4 p. a. WELLSVILLE, Welltsille, 9 k. N. UNION, St Louin. N Orleans. PILOT No 2, NentiPilln. LEA.VIND SUNDAY. BEAVER PACKETS at 9 A. M. and 3 P.M. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 A. M. and P.M. ISAAC NEWTON, Cincinnati, 10 A. Al. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 147. Steam Boat Packet Line, leave. daily for CM ,einnei, 10 a. U. Passedger Packet via Browavville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 0 a. 1111 and 6 v. N. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 ♦. is and 114 s. IVestern aria Southern Mail Coach Line, G... s. NorthlWestern via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. A. Erie an 1 Western New Yark,,daily, 9 a , North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, except Son den, 4 a. M. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES OF NAILS. EaOcra MID via PhilAclptkli, duo, 3 A. Ni„ closes • It M. Ye:stern Mail,Cinelenati aid Louumille, duo 8 P - M. ' closes 3 A. M. • Southern Mail vie Baltimore and Washingtor,doe S P. 31., closes 5 A. M. North Western as Cleveland, due 10 A. M., closes 9A. M. • Erie and Western New York, dee 8 I'. M., eliwes 84. rd. MISCELLANEOUS. TO CONTRACTORS:. Variation of Advartlamonent4• THE Lening of th e so mina Of the Junes Riser and lianiwba Co copany'a Canal, 'sung James Inset in Yagoda. between the month of North t. Mkt and the To of Buchanan, bereinintemdserused to takeplace on the Ifrat of December nekt,ut postponed until further notie. Bet— Semis! Proposals will be rice:red at the Olßre of the mid Company, in Richmond, noel' the t e nof lie. eembeeneat, Mr the cumquat.. of two stone Cams won River Locks, four Crone Lift Lockcand three See. tons, and for several smailet tots fall the 'erne Canal, between L.) nebburgh and the month-of Seta, Inver. One of the Dem• will be ftM feet long and 20 feet high, and the other AA teet long and 14 feet high. Thee-ems will be let seperately to the octet responsible bidder, and cash payments will be tandeßtarciat, ea moonily estimates of work actually door, wish a resersauon of SD per cent byway of security for the completion of the week, until the Fume shall he oomplcud according to contract Sealed Froposeli wilt elm be received. at the same place, until tr.c same date, for the coot:ran= of th e ..onueetionofthe Compney's retie] win the tide mnier, of tames timer, at Itichmood, throurh tie Richmond Dock. Thm rt will consist or the three leeks of 17 feet lift, and one of IS feet lo f t; intermediate Corals fur an aggregate invtance of about. huff a mdtS, with Stich Culverts, Wall., SY lutes. Street Ittidgem he. as shut be resets: ley; • mono Dam acmes lens's. c• Rarer, in Me • Falls, at %chewed; the donut of the Vt ells and Ens bun kgriera of the present Dockahe extensional' the Cheek a few hundred rem Eastwardi y, and the couttruction to Oodet Lock at the insect end thereof, espable of ad. mating the larg. , t veunels tooting to the port of filch: mad Thir croft/ witl be paid for tn.bend lOf the. Com ' PM**. (mlie issued under the authority of a recent art of rue Legnintate of Virginia.) tanning yours, and hearing 6 per rent interest payable mamaramaliy.— Resides the wool relemance of Viler cent. oil the hly estimate., the Crontlarlor ot,Gotraeton will he retired to giv mp lersepolmeiot y,susfacmy mine wooed o'mMeer, teethe wind tithe tin's rod in the manners:ma to she eiar.triete• • Plans tf she above works will be uktd.aletl, sps elfientees thereof delivered to Os:Imam:1, ra Coli nany's erases; ov liftthmoind. by th e Ist of lbeeranim next in'er Me receipt of the ploposals.tinie stall be .ken Mr the considerhaon thereof tmtil thelOth of the mine menthon which dsy (In ease the proposals Shoe Id be rativinctory) the screml Jobs or trectituss &Imre ad vertised mill be let WALTER GWYNN chie Engineer of t h e J, K. CO. Richmond.Deo.t, 1917 Week: . • IMPERIAL COUGH 5144 UP.—h is S ELLERS' cocap, easy to take, and highly efficacious. CRT, Mitch SW 1547. Mr. IL F. Sellers: My eluldron.l.ks *Rom haaebeen nuNcello troublcsoots cough t. ohd ha slog itald cdrereat thmedtett to v si t ^ Itulc W En.laced be oil adverowaseut about tough sstop, ei .0 give tt a'inaL I gave it to two of my bat s, and, alas to ma daughter, sal different times. and it kw never tulle, to do ro, I hive recommended It to bly neighbor, and do 0051 etnscleatioasly believe that it is tne brat cough teeth woo tabu has este been offetrd to the subtle • Rom ame Atbstasna. Parrins should not rit110:1 thew children to aubst how. l coughs. when they may bo on by a 23 ecot bottle of E Pus syrup. ' Prepared tad sold by IL E. SELLERS.raIVob , 4 1 , I between 3rd and lth ate. Sold by Ur. (Iowa!, Oth Ward; deb - - R. 'TOWNSEND:3 RAGS • PARE:LA.-1N dozed .IJ just received of Dr. Towneend's Sarsaparilla: Me moot extraprdinory mediene the world: This Ex tract is put up in quart bond. w ens time. cheaper. pleasanter, and warranted iniperiev to aily sold. cans disease without veuniax, purging. ucketung or debilitating the riagena Look suttee beiluriew —Unprincipled parsons have copied our labelr, and pots p-medicine Mille saw slit. ped Scetlea. eke that each bottle has the writien aria. tareof S P Tee:se:A, bo ttle E SIiLLERE Druggirt. Din A Wood ar between zed and 4th ill. la Dr Townsend'. only yetholcsaie and I retail wont foriPittsburga of wheal the genuine article can be bad fiLL'arry hue been appointed the solo agent far alio gheny city, of Whom the gehaiao article can be had. sara EACIPITUNIVERSAI. EXPANSIVE SHELLER B—Tine ligrorsaving hinch,newas Patented. April whichin view of Its great . n l nn and <Memory, i.s simpheity of civartraction, he rase end facility ar ib which it IS tie , ' by e.t.d . ' 80. a or adults; is WWl:ably destiecil to •upereede il eii e, ether Corn sliellers fur general use. lire Wet snip a degdwatund which ham long been taunted ...Choc% the Western Slates, for while /I coma less thanone-te-oh e! the priee of the rotary slielicw,olio peewit, eon Weil ecru with it. as fest as with any. For sale at the seed Store, corner of Wood and netlS 6th eta WICEFESII•II DUVDS—Cacatn Fo4di Adneeove fotaales; 11lae lbw; Sp.ini.lo saffron; Jayne. t . z• c , .(OrMI I ; . Jai nnbi hair Tonic; Pencil 1,4 f; CYUII MU.; - 1 Lunar Caustic, e mom: Lunar Ransom, pyre, 1041 received and for in . liy.Aii NIO_,LO 0. co dela .0"r 141 A wood ota ' ------------- ToN,%..,voiSmbui,/:.1.),../ Warwick, .. t..1. OA j" do do, nr; ril " Henry & Innore, So; 1. " JNI Steriard, O D 13 " A D Bead. . 5o; lie ' Henry A Jaw., Ft; 13 0 D 1 %%Outwork, 0 " It B %Famine, fine, ls. * 4O " John Norvell, . . In 7 0 131 Warwign, anylerioe; Is; 4 " Jahn Ratko'. 11, Corognment Omni innonfactorers of l o ynthborwtia., in store, int solo by 1, 0 WA °F.R4I AN nviSO 31 ....ler 1.e..2 Iron, q —.-- ----------- 1.4 EIVISDUTtittIeON & CO, c 0 .43 %Vain , nod 9. LI Front 11., Arno' low ibe Ft. LG. :Dean% rrusal Ramo), bay. io wore— -31 bro D R Law LArof Sugar, 13 bloN Nn 3 mall 131.4 No 4 " 153 tobl• No 4 " IF, " 5 o' 111 " 0 " IVO. 0 . 4 75 " 0 " Do '''" . pßCroilled 45 ^ . " p0rt4 , 444 ^ 60 ,' "e" vu,ltel ,' F., R "l" , i lSrb:ci• U tt A l, : it t;:vty , double tr6ocd; 30 1.. 50 nwhed 20 A 45 " 40 " " C• 24 " area 50/bIo refinedi 10 " " FL LEWIS IIUTUIIISON 5/1,1 ...Arno /Lunn r r NJ5 , 11 FR UIT. Ac.-10new my baneb NOuins r • 1000 51.#50 Oranres 5 Rath , Laces, O • cases.eitrvni bhlsehnlled Almonds., • -k n nibatia; 1U ass A Nal Rock Candi; :al Uza new scaled IlernuQl teca,c per .r Conra : i r" "1"y urTUN LAMBENT • • 125.1xxl al foxy 00006—Wis /titre Just reed7dV., g _ '. Fels n very handsome lot . Leulls Die nus, pf.‘ :roper elahrol dered Cashmere Fid`esj 110 Brocade merino Fine plain Cashmeres, a benalifal artley; Cal. and Cashmere plaids. At &DAY. dia • 75 market FL. cot alio diamond - - VOTICE TO BFOCKHOLDERB-dn.yout onnee t ali tho Charter of-momPtFoio n tl he 1.1 mooting or 'the fabillh. , ldeta et lila la flyi.rigallon Companyrwill he hold on Monday, the :id day of 'Janus yy, 18 le, (*log,* hot Monday ofdbe. month) the, °Oleo at The stud Company, m Orson , Boiktim,, Fourth street, trt the city of rittabatgb, or the purpose of cleating the officara fir he an, ur tan' • • delta : 'WM BM:EWELL. SeeretorW • • ON tilWn—A.lntret end spinet:od ntoik of 0 , 0 0 ., enniinteres end Vosungs.nthack Will 'he nude to older in the:4ton ityle and on tit!, tics , ren!lnnttle Nelila Mall LK w' d m elV T " • - 70 wood it, 6 dzor# above Ith. XTBABLT ILBADT for PUBLICATION. .01byj A a. 13 puotEA,Oncinrati, the follow:13g nev. and valuable • Doniphan`o . Eggatittion--Containing a sketch of the life of Col A W Donipham the Congoestof Neer co; Gra Kearney's Overland Expedition to Califoistia, Ironiphints Campaign alcohol the IN tattoo. mid his na p:trailed March upon Chitamhns and Durango; and the Operations of Get E tice at Santa Fet with • !lisp aart linsravitigs, :oho T Hashes, AII of the lot Beg.% of Missouri Cavalry Hi %tory' Werdoeky—lrs 2021:34tUtiell and Naland ra o,it,er regrephierd Aran. nerd and GeologieW den Lunn with wleedotes or Pioneers Ike, and more thou nr.e hundred Ileecraphierrl of' diatingulthed Pionrerei &knew, Summar., nDe vine., lammed with forfy engravings; by Lc ww (*Ulna', I "al dew , ' • • • In. The twelve Month'. Volunteer, or Jimmal of a PmM e in the Tennessee Regiment of Carob - Y. in' the Campaign of Illemeo, during 1.616-7, containing an m ount of die I.llare of the Regiment to ,Vera n dist... Mien of the Country gamed over mune., ea. tnme of rho people; aketcheaof maim life/ Wean% of oil Me anions of other Volunteer Regiment. and a full Illmory of Me Mexican War; List of the Killed and Wounded.Kc; illustratitd by • lame number of eerrect Views and Plane; by Geo C Forbor, 1 vol Oct.. del . , • New Books, New Book. i.B CT E CONVI, or, the IlYpeerite Ilausgsked; by 0 P R James. Yse - Jack Ashore; by S Howard, author of Raffle the Reefer T • ire Star of the Fallen; by Pura., author of Club Plumed linkmen. • / • The Bute Figure Bead. or the Lady of Green anal Blue; by Charley Carey,of the lj 8 N. . The BandiVsliride, or the Molder Saxony; by LOsusa S;doey. b.anhopti, author of 'Sinking Liken taste &e.. Lenin& Lymnore, end 1.10 and Mn Woodbrirder by Niro London Quarterly Review. Omen Magazine for December. . Life of Joseph :T Bare—a large mePIY. The alkirsorming Nathan by the author of 'History of a Film , : The WHal Ines. of ;Weenie; hymen.. • I The 0 14 Co mmodore; by E Bower d. • Jeneetie Ala ea. or the Young Strawberry Gul—• tale of &a and Shore; by Ingraham. Rum, or. Dat hold;. pose tale; by .1 ti Robb. &r Rowland A.hum, vole; by Lady C Long. T e Splendor. of yersillica and the Comer Louie the XIV. i • Prowirs Personified. Not 0 and IS Rowel COmett im of America;partg blogariees. Newspapers me. Londoe Punch sod Pictorial Thee., per Lau steamers Brother : Jonathan. Philadelphia Comfier, Rod Yankee Doodle Pretonals. For sale by WM s teaxwEu. del 3il o. • one the Post Office EW 1111110=Whade it• Me nage J. , 1 I have came from • haypY hmdt Born In the soul of o saute; Would I were with thee; . What'. nehantmiat; by htairrn Picot; Qneeli of my melt I tneiping I dreatea love. .The Rainy Pay: Oh give n e Woe if too foreign lead; Buyn gentle knee, dont br Loder. Forgiyd Ina don't forget; Good bye, mom I Colpti twine trunk - Maws ia my hair,, Pain/rue want", .Can that shadow' from thy brow; The nontain of peat* The moonlight waltz; May Queen; Receiven and carnal,/ j J MELLOR, SI runt street P. P. Seve r al Piano. of Chieloningta and Gales am eueture; are now on the warfront We east and will be • f w dal, de6 J. A.TIC.TLIKkITAIGICOAIs HOOKS.— • LA Amami°. of Me Gnaw. by Spring, D Nee il• of Mrs Fry. the Pro-Or/nod tu Earth; contributong ' to Th. ologiralleMegeo by irdin Ifarrir.D D. Drobevilspositioil of Proverlisi Life. of Simeon. HI. Tory of rho l'reabyieritin Cherub in Kentucky. Oketeliev of North Carolina. Sono tical rind Wogratihi cal illustrolive of the nnociplm ,of a portion of her early settle, by Rev Wm Ikory Foota.MDChsyny's UM, Loners and Lecturer, kl'Chryne's Sennonti the Tree of the Knowledge of good end El' 61, AC. An. Tb 4 iinitorso wit& 'Carter's Cabinet Library' Talc. of scoal.b Pi...try, by Reg Henry Dorian. D Hood pikers. PleaseptEsltiby Old II ompbrey; Th.& fulticssiond other Essays. by llamii tom Life of Terincon Lois of the Aosnaliq Peace In Bell, Of. r . To: Weave with n general osoormieut of Theological aleamal. r and School Dooks; for We priccv.'wholcoale or ELLIOTT & ENGLISH 11,11 ! SI market pi, between 3.1 &41h_ New PO.blielllolll l . IFFof General E. Taylor, with noises of }he PI L ble r in edvel'itlinrasadPouthemMeneo,and bio. graphical iketehes of Otteer. who have disungiushed User-tee:lies in the war Mexico; J Frost, L Artist's Life, or litetebeii of Ameticau Palatersi bT Hems T Tuckerrrian. ; A Reilly to Milner's Fad Of Religious Controversy.: so for as the churches of the: English comuianion are conreened. lust reed; for µle by READ nallth q rway market PIAIIOI3. ?fiIoCHICRERING—One srleini.d Rose; snard six and a half °claire Piano Porten midi; by•Chdditerinx, Homan. P Eftß—One verni•grind Piano Pone; mal , • 'factory of Henry liens. Paris, Cl octave. . . HALE i CO—One carved Rotenrood,6oClaTe, made by G•bi & Co, N York : • Madan) innboCanY Ctddlin• • ; 8 PODART ar . Ne Yor —.One Herrin; Piano. Ca oo tares, has been toed about ode year; pries 11101 100011.1 Ill*/ trawl. • 'An CSC! iiett , seSond band Piano, wade by Load Se Brothers; 1, good order ; • 6101:I One sEcond !mad Piano - sco F , ... rale by 1_ JOHN / 8 % M w. EL a tO st L nave; ... ve; ; ; Mote ft ii.W 1100ELS.—Margtry t Graham, .tr natal bf Ur 1' It lima Price 6 wet. Tarja.6, or the Triumph of Lthaty. (Air; eophcr Tufpoit, Ay -Merl Beth. , . Commtader of Alsltgillustriesd. , Creates. of F Soul., Esq. • . . ii Lave? , a( Ntrieu; by O. B. Lippo.-ds . fresh runty. " 'l 'i'" r''' I C" : 'kr. N Vrhi.V..&ls)Vau # , b ! tepll i I . ' third at, appotitt poet ars. 1 PIABICHIIt ' PIANOIII 1110ENILY Kl.Filkin, Dealer in eattere Plane Fattea. Cl at J W Woodwell . .,No. B 5 Third Stree- The I Planet emir beAt amazed as all boars, and the tabled. be swill he there (ram 11 to It A. 61, and hoes 4 us 6. P. 61i, each day: ' I , Prase*, October las '46 : S., the underCened, would inform the citizens 61 Pittsburgh -.hd vicinay t h at we hone nppoirded Mr. 11. Agent for for the vale of oar Place *dies, (to mwho m they may be Mc mined at our awn [New York] prlces. • . ' I NUMMI k. &ARIL New York'. Elms 1.1M114 , 42dif li " s;nso Plane_ . A SPLENDID assotuseitt of.Rosehrodd and Melo* ~.g. t d a lso d accost Faiths, with metals, Frameoust ' Also. two opl , endid Romyi cod Pianos, with Coleman's eslettrzted Aiolian attachment, finished in the meat mod. -na style, mitt for mlr nc P BLUME'S set 2 deers nheivtiath •!r• v. i 2 wPoa .re A NEW PLEIDIC&L DICTIODIATLY rs. Id 1111 11 if an explanation of all the tame in Ananias,. Phyaology. toe; &e. teoh.the formulas of the ptiacipal rhannatopetxlas, and •altetble practice articles on the treatments of *stria, en the tome of Hooper &Great, &e: by I) Pettus thodaOr,lM D. Jost ree'd,• foe sale by 141. jLHEAD 'MEWBUOICIL,Wexhinigton and Int Generale 111 ny J T Medal. Napoleon 111,1 hie Marshal& by J T Headley. Fee 'We by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH . market at between led & eth • VIIICKEitISIOII PIANOS-3 of Use abase ctlebraled, Yjaiwo. recd; tor sale by 0,4 i ' JOHN 'I MF.1,11,11g. Slimed at HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, A Chillers for Dacialignite. DR MO very desirable Dwelling !leeward Bellp :T.l ea i t. in Allegheny ally , er eef whiett d now Mfg. plod; by Bidet. O. fdaaalt, Erq.. each containing eight Cods and a five garret; ad finished in friatuanabhe mod. I ern rifle. and'emprehending every convenienie, are °tined for sate at pc.res and on term, • .doog air., tiargitag wordy of atter,l.on Each hour, will he pin with lot feel dl goatindifn front.ionning. back DO led to Cara tn. facially 0209 Inori,iban the lidding earttl a eon.; or the:purchase', ntartaho a timid and 40 feet I of ginand,aa. price WWI. lass than he livi.dlng cost ah.o . aiely direvring the 40 font lot Into the hatipatl— , Thevaare ttiobast elated Id qt. P 401, 4, and arodesarving the ottentinn of .h o ed d i 0' ad curing cheap aid gond. dwellings. The houses are in prin. anier. Voquire of the subscriber. who can be *red sir the I Moo of the Bantu, eveta ioTeneen bele; ern the hours of el/bland ten. and slaith er It ye, Si It. room. pit Aid Here hoarding horde, y.- 01.4 4 11'8 new Roo, federal it. Allegheny City D al. %V lIITE, rI dillf r• I . . Act for the owner. o-- ORPD ANDS COURT SALE, ia . . 4.1 f B a a l Land.. i r otjal(4eler'of de Orlhan , . emir( af Ali I legilany codify dill be exposed to public rile, on LI, ptiniaeii on Inuiaday. the all day or Decern!... I add Si ID o'clock. Addil. All thelione Coil coninded in anti undirdhe •11.11[C of El aer. and 0/ perches of land ,situate 'in Wilk!. Tovininip.•llestiony county. baing lan of the es' ia of William lii ads., late of raid toorichip, deed! The purchaser to have an and. every ,seer) 'privilege or timber from the carfare. dr hole ner s, and all-oder ficilded liarrodning nod taeea• 'deft:is cod (mai j LThe Coal captioned In ll.e. }have pircalaes Is of excel. I.,ivality,atll it 'nano. UM' the route culla. Central Rai n ad; op at plait . . ioaadd. 'ferret, dodo tirClsraigni.lar !toot: itT CARO rif,Ad..l. 0110: ItiOIK POS. BALE—AboutO,LO3 I are, or Lund near the mot.. of Fleming and Car ter tonntler; tirathelty, which wcaret off from a lam mart of Land, on neeount or a ano bail of 113 UN UFLJa. and Sure Coal whir+ wart found ...ill. The Lend.' welt rinv.erad. and lie. about2o the °Molitor,. Vnneehatth, and shout 1 3 raftr by good sad to FlornlogrOarg. The property will be sole low, and on libeial tenor. on &nolo cant to - ...fiEtPhrILNE Cl7l, . 411919:n_ . FOR RENT. A Handsomely finished flown en Market Creels , IClL iniely occupied as a Laguireatype Morrud &Co. Alto, a well numbed and well famished Moe.' knit . Mile or nocriPtly.o. htitutttit.iy the 11211 of the Mercantile Library Association. F.tiauee. At thin lull. ' . 04 ego AM oct27 • market C. lanween3l.l &ft FOR REIST. VIP largd end L.:thorn dwelling b.., 00 idVis Federal Alteght hy. for icilyhY Mr. in'n Rout low, ' Posse sign 'given.. the lel of April ileac ' I) lidlZo M. Innualaidpasseolon et then. 're Oise eon he qb. voted by a 45.10 In hi' Cletititt • n, at lye canal wait • linden of Clarke Alden. 'al La Co ad to I:, , F.VMN aorta Coil for Lillie Monongahela ftiver.alov ie a vein of 7tect Cool, gnuls. Fok palticolm. uppl kulttl I SA Vs' kiA 111 . T D LET, thre. half vroy.b • Ep•seszlorfigiven i oUho of of A lam to • MIT b iwern Uarn - menediately. UILDING ER Fa. ng Lot W OR EI iter dreQ, VITEARV IC NA.NciT'.5 POll. Inry Bret V o. 165hont theprerritzr.. txFae tbtet tbd tvert. , -nrpNy'n! hrldtr V. For lie' ell fungthed • nl and Oh 1 , 17 °ever Pme nv2 beiorein 3 tll3.7o eL' dr.hors T , lipnl D !MZ Amos ~,., EASSEII • xis. lacCiAlittild bedfast received a beastifal stock' of Beebe IL Comae. Fell style Nast, which Mr mimeos and Inane mold.* be slimmed Call at she flat Storejdonnomeabela Mame, Smithfieldst.. and Ste them. Deaf. . NUM 18 VENTION a,_ 1 1 6 ,t -NT Alit I CIRCULATER AN fiiHAT PFLOTECTOR..—Tne aunetriber sill ntrodaee_un Saturday, Oct kb.' Gendeaten ag a Isla mad yrult tau desirable Article taillplesie call and. examine. I • . - ---..--_ _ i.FiILION FOR Ilk il T rit I Trout New York, tbe Soo i tris tg re " och . Gilliac or re W l l l i a l rs, with ViiiiiinicT 'Soso to 4runt of a beautifuLliuht Rat are respectful! Invited to /... 8 MOORE - loy:19 73 wood at, 3ilootsubotre 411 t.— ' WILLIAM DOOGLASMii — Josiirecemed is i t lel • od 74l7 ., Of e llinfl i eltand Baena Vona Silk Eittrit fiats Preile% fifoleskin Ilats, at treryloor prices I jet I No 78 wood sire, wiLia . M DOUGLii6 ttiTIPILLE.I3 matelantate, and keepl4 1 " . constantly en hand, CV!ry vaeety of lints and Cepa of the latest style, and prizes very low at 78 Wood creet.East aide. Aesi CAPC—Fine.O ttr,SsaljuldMnskCap:,nJan bowl McOALLANN Yashlonab mt a2 dyne, Ilongakela Hotse.. 1.0111 t u:Ct tL d ""r i C re t iiar lt bl IdonartOttla Haase. , DR ' & VARIETY GOODS. BRAWLS, 1111/LWLS. ANDER & DAY, 70 Market N. W. cornerrDiamond, hue now received from lbe large EX of um auction not New York IMO Phtiadelptua,the in d an rue .splendid assonment or Phawls, which they have off tett tn this city. among 'hick may be found— Pyle!. Plench Milani, of the handsomest styles and en t qualities unmated. bpi. id Brochs, wooljsome of the finest gash.. ties, and stimantifal designs ever °Poled in this mar • ket. Bolen td Tenon French Plaid, (all wool,) a new sad human uncle. Pups e Cloth, plain and embroidered black and mode c ens, with heavy bullion fringes, a superb ar. ucle. Thibe Menne, plain and 'embrolded bleak and mode calms,ith heave silk frtagta • tsuper Parts Callieleon bilk, very berm end uunsur passedqtr richness of sty.< ?nil qualify. Soper lack Ottoman Bilk; rub article complain peo- Pio. • • A is !a assonantnt elegy Imayy woolen Shawls: Min and embrolderiA, teemed to corourr sales Se abate goose lave been recently to peremptory Auction Sales In N. ia, at remarkably low prices, and Aram redaction for regalaypnces. legate boyars is invitcd: 432c2rfassOds. new Cole, 47 Market ' mes, ea, ions stiles' ecordemis, Irons CS to Metal; and shooed 'elect ribbon; Clack do; anJ d celestial celestial globes, asa'dj =madam mbnqa: • , t pocket hooks and card oaks; e combs, imitation of shell, less leibol:s; • S6IIIIIIIIIOS. • ' owed black Ginger' .drab And mode colon: flops to matell; .gimp. so ....-. widerslacki • • [traduced Lotion.: Ay of misrallanotas spode, unorspi isms lITS4 Emery WS•4 coral rears. es deskr atl rum.; Ladies' went bar lammontmards, gold spectacles, all ,Moon • BY ADAMS & CO'S EXPR.F.ZS— Arab clot& for °Ter tWallj vtt Ant ° frock and dress coat& • ClotbS for Crook and &via coats, plain .and fancy Cansuolres, Gar P. 41130611; • - out velvets; cutlasses, plain and &s, essmmeres, &e. ate for Yestings 'tho atanre, we hlllrp, the wool Witel good and yeatinp in tlw WewsUs goods beingbOogin af Intrwrwss, so 7._ goods will be tuade to Order lit 'Pa soonest noon •reasonslne terms, by ANCZER to M • Attpket & Co4Clothien and Tait , d st 5 doors above Ch. 0,30 • •ry Goods W Ortlesalee IV R. MURPHY, Noah. east cornerot SUN sod msr• V • ter sts, ineites the euestion of Beaten 113 his very fall suppledust eel, of. Ili . .. noble F ol., such ss— Woolen Flancell, ell color.; Carlton de; Ssonca• and Jeek • T•ye•Osoad Monterey Cassimeror, Fbeeunek• shining oussaux • jr&:easi . _ H ayes, tikstery, I • Comfon4 Ste. ka: Yrices • er. Who/rule . Rooms on etory.entrsoca 4U tr.jr/L halt sspory of Cehlanits OHM ind other 3 ete toode,•also on haad,ard. offered eery cheap. v•-1 G .farlannerds Varnishing' Upodst Hes _TODD Imo this am mestere &Svc% Tam. s the aseutafaeterers, saddler for sale at New lark prices— t oast of those Extra saperfaie lealaa Imanufaetured uiy 171.1711;1701rn Inlet and warmated well Enos,: and Marino order %ins, wrappara Jrawen, wan Cary fine. - -" - wow and Callan, Inending Bantu with CPl ttnebed. : I • tent variant Jointlaapenden dt ,with other Goods naternol to menlno t tnelnad blk and 1 ..1" :40 , A. • ow end plain Patin Sinn: ante bow and plain Bombellibe Stan, Bann Ttes, nett ank and nun Conn., wok of low priced Ehirts winch we are new in ire Myer been sunned In price inthiaCry " ~ t 1 to eine the above Goods of by the patent,* d eall thennention of Parana,* to oar stork knowing that tow place. will 'ammo them a II fa ETOOD a. Wltirood st, tip mint, 2 door. below clot - • tietle — ltillsrliii - Giiints. ' RECEIVED at On Wholesale• Dry Goods aideGO Market sueet, 21.017 I w tgl, prints, do blue and orange prints . I do Gleans plaid., new stiles; I do. mixed and stnped cavemen , : I hales *line, red and yellow !Mims* mos donnoue gingham.; ' do striped Ord plain alpaccas; do Keelltielly Jetta% Ito upcnor tiektam ' do Canton flannels; slate lineal, white Made of !Very detail:War. ve.s, gloves. bosiao, lace; Etc. tn. On band, ve snob of brown and blesonedeauslins,Ma• Va_gbants , cheeks, bonnet I ibands. Freak Merchants are ocepectbely invited to eon oar assortment, as we am midden* our wabbr cougars with Eastern aeries bosh ortocs. • To 1 Roo 3 2 4 1 airsygoablo . Satins, at. I flPlit oprowl,yestaday la fair piece, of 4 , ,shie To IC Saar, for dream; • oeh r. 11., fa visite and earoinsio; .2terry cotortri narrow.; ffeirlet Ma rain.; Cherry sawn. • noard rode Halton Tirafi rhowl.• - a Th.. Aral ke. he. tlj'At noneseencernet of 4th Market de4 QIIMITING RIUSLIASs 11.—W R MURPHY a n 4 :,,,, ttteitt,,Lt.bionyai.,, the iipplool‘ make, nd unsus7y i.e. Attli. :e.t.a blurit... from I to 3 yds .rides Pillow cue murk.. common sal d a m ; Tiering!. comm. cbd .Prraici • r mita. print...OM di to Rue. dlr , a tele mote of shore handsome colored Counter panes different color., red Malabar. common...sorer ane, e de. naßt moo LINENS. Ile—A intlher aisppif eo• Rood.. of applovid tnanufseatro.lo4 frf.d. Tire* goolajlrindpurehaved.fiem the silent of the manatee. 1p largo volatile., can be sold at eery, low pt. coo. ' Also, • Laden-table Dinner% • Filperiardeana.k do; tie table clothe. of differenteirea, Ilackabud•and other Diapers, a.e. do. Beside. • ;wan as.oriment of Linen Cadtbrie Ilan& teregiefa. common andeupefine. .W R OIRRNIV crWhalt.P4CE6o6l.lup ertIVICO oa ltl - at. nelAl Webb Fiaansie. la. VET R. MU lag' I boa lately recelsid4 faY anon- I' V strisot or abase desirable doods,waisaraed not to shnnk in orasulda. Aln.a largo supply' of eeall t and I. !annals, common sod • One, sonde Now England. den/Lobs Immo domestic Asnnels; yellow dodo; rcon duller at 16,* prices by die piece and yeird.AlZryl bolo to up rtams. entrance f out th ii.. DVIII • TUB r Race; ve4l the . Maltloco( our fall stock of INDIA J RUBBER 00003.eomprisuag the following 1IIMS: India Rubber, Long overcools, sack overcoat, short overcoats, es. es wittiest sleeves. capes with slemges. Ivgghtlts , huts, camp blankets, horse covers, navel hog bage,mddio tuna, ass covers, provision bats, •cam boat btirbetit, air pillohs, sir embroils air beds. have,for the ladles. sod ensttneM all or vetoth we Complete atropmrat thit Or wholesale t Neil lowest poet ble Mina, o r India Rubbi pot .h wood street. neat 71.11AKICRIA1 - 4DAIA/LlS—%ve V have last neoived • large adOlOrdoel eupoly °resin Franck 'tortoni shawl.. Al there, pod. are to war et, wo would terpecirolor halm the ladles to eel and esenuno oor a• we ore rolling theta very low. ALla DKR & DAY nerd , 73 morkEt *UN W nor dilemma inn= • , . . A. M ARON R.' AV, 62 Marker at. knia jug ,ted, A kts caws and packlges of New Gonda, amour w Pink 'any ba (nand ca ellensive stock of Mirada oL everyltiety, dress goods of the num tasnoriable kinds, ekaak stings, Canty ankles. hon. keeping 'goods, trios. laces, bons. ac. &a. deg eon( asqvr --. li —.-- r...lfharsrla. A. kIASON Mtn Martel st,kaverunwneived A.. per &arcs'', ISO er erste very rich and faskreaa. Ole tang and square Raid Mayas.. ApiCirliraiik—OLOA.kilWlJen cloak an anon. Usreat af above goads, an table Err cloak Dwain all, luge or cloths, of. writable colors and-cmattry f r6ll.llios ° and Gentlemenraeloaka. at %foods bow of • nv2l • . • northeast nor Ikk a Marken at! • at. emu, in bend of Orovriok.lle, rhb.v- O bo sold In exchange Lmo uldliniz,' iant,l6u eo nd Weln Bt, fin , ', nr ' n nod Waype at or partielilatsenguire W WALLACh.. Pt: 01 — 1, -- ,Std, DOI; woo I aophir ditto, lo high colon to4hilareareb tldtaa a sexily aaval palms; wit b o otrorcd Iva to iltaolt. trada.. • 014 ttar , itamyTortentrrite.oo.lrood at ILOT , W:— niece for sale a ahr.Ort,llo•7 the Petty, It will be sold lave, and unexceptionable. • , Real Monate Aient CIIITA*LII-11spey, Drocba shawlcr a , , YrlM l" Arilid Dili .1: narrow plow gaaptrTz; mosso:me am .7 .Ith Etyma gp4 lag for ale bY. TODD ••• . 4 II tc.l?. EXT. , rebpusp, No. 54 Water .t. Immediate poesthion IXANDEII‘.OOItO64 - I t , LANRICI4 , 4ed. Brown nod pored Flannel, ••-Art additional mpply received from the mumfarr• :Wren. -- Also, a few piece. , low priced Canine:lN for brl 6W COCHRAN , Pe triad et .; . ore, op Maraca ostep, cu, at prawn; ocoaPied Atm Kim an ilia tail( Ett6l27.teat' S1:1AWL11-11: few very sapenarc , itipitalsf hog ekawlo, winch re R.? Uki MUT .. 7 prtooi , • Alaimimiii.o4: iiwi s D GIAZZAM '"ry•„., CHANGE BROKERS, inissEnr, seaxims, ar.xouititow:kinaKana, AND DEALERS IN.FOREION AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES OF DE; POSTS, RANK NOTES, AND, SPECIE Fourth' at, nearilr oeoeshe the Batik of Piuseattra. • CURRENT MONEY received ore Depot:le—Silk, Cheeks Or sale, and collection. Made en nearly all the priAcipal points Li ihe United Stites. The hishestpremeare paid fotEorelgn and American Advances =de cocongentents c#rodsce..h/Pea Tatman liberal Gnus: i.. • - MS 'netell. ~ ILelvl of wool st • . ...Colosortsserntapi TOSEPII IL HILL. (We of the Pm or Wm.:A. al Hill & C 0.,) and IVES te U RR's% tate of Hie, Pa.) here ordered ono Copartnership, Soler the .113.10 !JILL A- CURRY, for 0z..: gaup!. nn7ing on the Ra Ranking and ehan le bourses to 41 its brooches, No Ed Wood street. alarm 'doors debt Fourth, West ride--Where they solicit the custom or their friends ind the public neeorally. . •JOHRPH H HILL • WM C CURRY fork, tho4F bi. day, Saturday, and auperior hat Sura, 3a door ar2Sl4. • ST. :Uandesueresrlats IL6on O on Thursdaysh heap, Ca Ifacture ahead of ertised by same of , REEVIL h Coh 152, bead of. Woad E;;M mu. • Ival• C. S CRILT. • HILL & 0111.1111' BANKERS 4... EXCHANGE- BROXERE , 9E/alms ' IN FOREIGN AND Coga , TICITIME i SIGHT - BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CERIIFICAIIi4 OF DEPO:4E, BANE NOTES AND COIN. Ng 55W • street, third door below :Fourth, weetaide PAR Funds and Conniney received on Deposits, and col ection. made on all the ptindipal Cinc• in the. United Malec . • Sight Exchange on Baltfmote., Fbiladelpkia, New, York. Boman and Cincinnati erorenantly for see. Oino t lndiarie. Kentrielry; Virginia pad Perinsylnnia Dank Noted,boupht and sold on favorable terms. Exchange onlaglacul, Ireland, Gooey and Fran s ce pmeured. &a Av. mehl zaanza. , NHS ARS SAM DANVERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers LA m Foreign and Domestic BUD of Exchange, Octal. curs of Dooms., Bank Now oalicalo. corns otkd and %Vood sueeLL, directly opposite SL os ChsHHoteL mySidly • • Foreign Inzaknaire. BILLS= Englandaritand, and Qnntand bought any annumt at the Current Ratio or Rechangu.— Aho, theta payable. In any pan of the Old Coon.nen from AI to !JIRO, at the rate of 113 to the 1. Sterling. without deduction Or diaeount. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. Etropean and General Birentipßee.Stb at :one door aviator wood . octlatf ; • WI).LIAM A. HILL n•aszus, SICTIANGE BIIOIIXB.II Ann ruin. ' FORKION AND DOMBSTIO FaCHANDA. CERTLFICATEB OF DEPOSITEi , DANK N • " AND SPECIE . : 64, Wood Bow; ono door Fro A, Bootaido uteiPittsburgh, Pg. . Mawr TSOFIANOII4. on Nnw p orlE.-Fhanacipron *ad Haßimnrc, at .4bl in man to son parona•eny con stoutly for ale by OWL. CURRV. anal , woad moot bolo., fourth. WSsTSSfI drZE.DeTELhek:!ptV,"le.nO:' me, of, &moony az Umodue of _." or,UU. RILL k CURRY, " Non • • .n below iamb, 6 ° Uniot . .m . ade by t - 31ECELLINEOUS. To THE PUBLIC—The onderwiturd &rent roe tho Philad-Ipbia aothriew York Pekin To, Cam pony, has observed with surprise ad advertisement in the Dail, Duipateetnoo other papere in tide city, eritteh conclodes with the minor-a... There fano ere% comeh or an the Phi adelp_bia arid New Path Peke, Tea Coin py iti Cllatence iT Icing dm aecei tor edmiesalhing the was of des Company whose astwance is so DI dented. I have raged It this 1p tete' thle method at wat rt e ensphaueally, that there ts eueb a Company as the Philmietputa add Dew York Pekiii Tea Company and that the tau sold by them will &totem favorably bOth i 1 resell to quality aud price Watt any in Paled , ' or eiteerhere. as fig OlCilarta rigtitt Le , it is regrind ble to itappse thwpabiic have an ettelustve right td!eity from those .rho famish them with tha bosh 'retts; etkiln lowest price. I would refer to . „Pie hideinne amMigoth ere who bate paralleled Tele wont thew. , Company Dyer, debt therreu, leKetvg & anu ern, LL'AllegbCrly; had Oroeeri gedeedly iu Pittsburgh JACOB R SITOCKDAI,E. • .uvlediltaerlut Al" PMl's and NNYeitin Co • eaution to also -• 'PEE NEW Isekts and PHILADELPHIA PEKIN PEA CO. having undes.l.o . . that ceneln protons in Pittsburgh wen, ciauaing the ogetustre right to sell their Teas In this city, would , sate dist they bare ehn doned acme toe since the Cacti:sive niteneY Owen and that nrithce Mr. Jaynes, Menefee & Co. nor dui other concern has a riht es claim tiny...lesiva pitiyte Inge* with their Tue. g Thogeners tAgent of the Co. pan'', Mr . J. R. Rockdale, W cow atbrellnster e, Hotel, Liberty it., Pittsburgh, ready. mere order,. All Tess sold by Oda Company, 11111 warranted egos; to any sold in the United Slatesoind no payment requited until buyers are entirely satisfied as le die feet.. - Principal Warehouse of the Contgacy,Nnab North nont street, Philedelphia. t (Ma'am bIeCALLMONTte BOND • 1118VELAINVE , AGAIIIIIP FIRM. 'PHE AblEitlCA:e P.EE INntIitANCE tX/51..k NY—Ontee, No Za Walnut ii/tOl Ineorponned Aq D IBld—Cuaner *paint!. Inners Etai , diaga. b'ennuare, blerebendme, .d'lnn perty generally, enter In the tar , tof eountry, agVeat toss cremate by tre,perpeuially oe for lizanedperleds, an favorable term Otttz.erole“ • Theritast4.'l3AlFionel.b'l tes!'fig44.lC.bP4Plg'444". John Vt'ehyrPataek Brady, ; John T. L•rt.(-% BAMU El. C. MORTON, President. FlAllreP D /emu, Brtretar7. I , Orders fin Insunsnee• by the nixie Company wall be =sired by the andasigned. annaar Pittsburgh. • Deg Sm• • F.O WOMAN, se weed st. VINO, • • -. • 7 7. - mass -Or every deSCripISOII pmnaptij exelated in a Kneeler, W. 1.. E A NS," Sun Duadinr4 . . ;It l crib j/xi 5h114.. 01 maw •: ., •,?': 1 0 4, NVIIFiI.F. eau aierays Amnia Mark Wets. a , d!N 4 BIT. and Plated rime • • Seals for Banta, Seekties,Ceppenniona, O. , Professment 'rennet cards, aneraved and printed.—, *mimes in want of ftala fur of6yfe r am inwited w call and etaml;e Sncennens al,ll4cyea of tlita.NatoSPor den of Masons. OdtlFellaw, • & DAV ieDsrutl. , p;sA • CciY auildert; Cvteinhali. 04uo, VSt/FAClORESte . order Pnarenger and Peeililn DI. Cars etheldoeiapproveddereripuon at lessor. ble prices. Di paeans of the Railroad and Ur. er, they aro enabled to .hip upon - reasonable terms to print. 1211110 West Their wropc will be watr•nte.l equal In alt respects Mazy maCeic the Unapt States. All orders punetuadli exeente.l. 4 ' KEVI( kTIAVEZIPORT. IFOMPItror gOVOII Ma•ai • ITLISISIIIII , ; ------ Fourth Street,' Maras lived and Market, wady ajwileaariaier's Erik ange Ogee. 'ME subeeatier ha mile themost maple arrange mums for ihs comfbn of those orbs gran the lumoy ot belhielf doliet the winter scoot.. Stone:of ample Idlmensions hare been pitmen in the rooms of the limb 'Home. teetl6l ; If , cc ECONM NAND WITCH MACHINERY, &a.— , A ttilrtnla loro for M runlet, oan eldndic.A.M4 inch to; !Car 24 wide: !... 30 Looms for +wino 44 al,eedogo; 1 Soren Ems for i fl Mumma specdow drowns trim., nolo, Ae, 6 see. lowa orliortor &along allot *foie will be sod lon ! , •114vJ re of , BLACEETOCE. HELL &CO oet3minAl , PH, C0r10a...10. Mrionov., Po. no_ g, w.normas 9ydr.parmn.woo resreethdly ie•oru his (Methane the eiltiens Pittsburgh end Allegheny Ono be has decided Pommel. la the city during the wader, and is prepared no tree patients, piecing Ihem•elves raster his care, • cosellui nir the system as prKh•ed al all ,W Met Cale Faictlab meats. fur cipher Attie cc Chitral° diseases ..The' Wishing to avail themselves of his ZerateeS will end a Ma ident.sos, corner of Liheni st. and Even* oiler Dr Id his treated several severe ease, et diwaro it this thy with great success, to which be is pertained • refer ri=rEil • rouodry. • • MOM. now of Asa shwa Piny Dd. TOlEPatutertne I I. en-paged to tarnish Penn cast Tyr,. ill' and Pmt.'s Manned , of all kinds, at statePnic: and on reasonable terms_' -Propriebars of newspapers...he hare not savanna , for the sibsenber, who may publish this notice tor Ur, mouth. will be entitled to receive pay' In type. on per chasing hen tunas the amount of .bur bids for advert. - I.ll . Tri taken in coalman Tor new at 0 eeittsper ti , , :RttlipytPTAVl OR • Laid oil, •HE indendaned are at.. re to Poni ,, tt the, 1 elastomers and the pabltdiCnerutle wnh an exert lent atneli of Lard al of Morose main &cure, wane hey williBllod wen oneodeune terms. al the behave to bees good le any offered In the market an , may be returned tf not ;want:tory. • • ;•.,1 ,ORD&N I. lUtertifat, pupae us res..htleld P. P.—Lird and Grease eatable for =cautery, bandi,Cor este anus , • ' need uftaricutuc iouiLias %yaw V prtiof—kably renommeaded by Physic...a bele* a sore ply/cense roam onid.. at inoonveg able set toee injahmtmatre and Otosionyova babas, bleat is constructed as to mutt cold and naninstm they an of,a datable tense tratarb, lira ask easy to the tem. L • Manufactured teed told erhei . ceni. by =lbs& hy tow, Wllliturtsbere, L. 1., - A foll assortment Of Wien` siva for a^l by bilKAostkl Its market al VAAATICD-70. 00 lbs 10,0 a Mum Hap wanted a . lso, canvass, bale sops; grate tope, baggme, . he.. for wbuch the blahest pride In cash will be paid by • . I W CHADWICK it °end leave, at between mint k liberty a - ~ FtiOinvott. oLcrri— • • - ISM s 44 Oil Cleibilj • ' • -id/ .4 yards wide, beery anklet • .- 3 po • wilh border,of iiatienews , tern. Just reetl hole the Philliferitle 'Lowry; for oa k pour tem, toore, e wood st • • • et • Ji II PHILLIM • . • _ r _ IUfT reeelvedolw iar6es493nlneit, and best West. J sent lot ofilhd Cassa ere c offard in thin waste' anti sines, with es without glows: GAL and see them atilt* rittsbatfh2ned !Sum et. .' • nef • , . SS N Iseednnen. 03/TIMEM 0 1 11-000 saikazger , bieackwa..oll.3 v.q yr 1 • I bids Tannetstiiii • . • Clada Ack; In Mrs; fOr by ,q BL ACKBURN . kg • nye 7 , 1•11[1 . ft mg,' Che 11.7 to ODA. A o u-ter nom, seamless!' Ert par can t expect.. ed early in December, oft Na w Orleans. ffiL eakant. ram strength from ope or the bear Xrugl:sh launntensreta tram wham are , es pect !moaner, sootier smiles, and can ogee roantrliclasera et Ohms end DM ers in this market SOMA Malettc,A6n. to b"" *f "nag MIND TFR - FFmifir - WEKATIIOAT Afiffffif-ri filet rate wrought J. Iran water Wheel Shafte wish cranks &sopa, pd. low blocb and bream% complete, will be sold eta by g.n. Apply . SCAIFE mad to st.lrat weed Rubber Shoes. be. of.the old style treated, tor which the highest price will tso plod is car!, 0 . . , 1 „.. rd5, when detracted at Mc IndiAffiabber ll lDept. 5 at • p. 03 .s • , '3 A. I ,IIIIJ.IP S -1110" ---/-`oNrlessnlert India Itutour wi Steam Pactlng Ontegun ctigint.,lllllfeChn widthfrom si yds wlde Instals to VA ism at he India. Robber Depo t . . wood. " u .; PIIILLTP9 Libtar-gan"dlar'sdd Us ' t T.larce.:4 ..„„„A0.t..„.0;.. Gaines engraved an Me adle. The finder writhe ILberally rewarded brleartng 'it !lithest of r Jordan fa.. Son, Liberty st, at at th,„ 'office of t h eta eOmit, • ar274lw. tarifitergOlTlON 7 oVirsisitifiLit daring lea - A.414.y 4( liWrlllUtis. PlAelat, 0.1141 . Future; Or See Ore etelYi 3 Ydetffitoenerice fineents. Justrab .Jbmited by JU r muza, - • , II clean aim the tWerf dead Biome speeds o'er hke Ind. And ',Wpm th.o. Ike zimArr,tiblost, .roarieslthms7 per he y , holn• t ii, n 4.,,,,„.....n.:617 im ! i nz i ggivt.w. tai flew. The *elm or, tenth ergs +hostas ! - Ai'd wr4 lrbi " i :Z1%th.. ,, / (Bind ,- . -- : - 77va‘frtz,f. , en WeA toed : . - . . - I'm teta , ,,,valliltome.runs_ -q-0.8.E.v, i del *debtor nr , . " 4 . 44 AM44 t t ^ 0141V-11 .,m,,, UN etneleoldr /. Ilern /4 41 4 1140 :: - 1 4 3.1 j 1 W lee aieeto forscva tbsu vn th ST 04 .`:' , S Y OO '9, - ; i4E. . ..., . ~ -, ‘- ~ - ', abet Ad' nald 614° , 01 / 2 4324 T A ad rirSrgi, ' " la ilt a ti7PlCA*;l l, ol , 7 * Pi a."15°7'4 ,,, t 9 a ,.." 4 - , fad - s -, ' Oh IMM - h 4 OF ' W• 94 I F4 ilibtoi I t lo- -: . . - 2 TA.4. , ' 11 * - "". "'- -, .•lt, .4.....40,410. ~_• •' • 4446.,06 .6N; .. ~,•• , - 4 00: 1114,446 , 1 , ---1 , --- 1, .- ''' -"- - ' - v . ",z,..., .(,,, 4,4 ig ... ~‘,..4-i. ,: 1e.: : %P4- ' ''' . %,;. 1- - ...•,-: , i...' ..- -,,,- - -...., '.5-1 - '''''''`' - '''' - "4.7:,{,,,,,ti°,42,,2.:-...7.34' SALTX.R••-.7,-.: • 'GINSENG PANACEA! mo Tooss SUFFERING WITH DI.E.ANED l e llNGlL—Tbeiwree o6s4 Vr ed , wit " GINSENG PANiCHA ~n all . the vatic= form HMO uriatioa at We tangatm caned, bas Indiced the psoprietw spin m al, aISoW "WONpERFUL. .PREE' • , .The a o a chliairks anzt fall sal ,o ;maaa.atabs, 'a ahnlys a crilitral sairiaad ' I • 'COLDS AND COUGHS: r These if rAgleeted, umb th el e • cossintrnoN. -- ' • - The interne, then; Hair slim)!.retitp lFa anelnT lll2.. . be bid? bow shell we net clear of ant ed.libl _?_„ noble, le of Thal banana.e to the pubUe. • . THE GREAT AND ONLY REMECT . Y.', • will be towed in the Giineing Penmen; Inirnol of -we Lime Mice tune to me pa:dal:id the innifiCants dneerief oar best knowneineenv,whe bevel expetienee tit 6111111. a Tbese, orbit amass Of • stimasst • paid of the tonewy,—Gem - • r • MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIitTr*ANDING.. • Mane. oFtlie Gospel', Re., - ingether wab copious on . JOURNAL?? OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet fem. and 'nay lit Mir grans l af any *Coinage:am thmegtouttlikeonnuy. , • I - • HUNDREDS Ot bOTTLEI biro 14ca aced in ibis eity. •- • • . THOUSANDS AND Tetis OF THOUSANDS w o .it t oitihe united welt wad Cana we dal•. ktige any man to palm on a . • ' Innutz ifisterica • - I - -••.•-'• ityrhich, when taken aneettling to dinieißeol; fore the I=Bll bI4 bM'il3l2o fames* i1ii.11.0.224 II 41_ • Why, th en, need the italeted neon* the sdeereble neetrome, groan op !Ay s4thseme todthre We oder the ,named eethe of mom .letinned aletari, and pored'ioso awl+, ty br Cora:etas ofpor, eoneannally.kaosiet •• WbOrt eof untaitALLikLEtt • Is to be had, Mlle,. markers &met tssOnS....ear nekghs thy al rebels Oh. •"' to 41 THE DIA VL • In eider that teas Inrsleetae medicine they be lint/: enthla the reoeb of the poor ot well a. the tisk wh latropoltto pica ot • • - • • - l. ONLY WITTY CRAW% ope half the wand eat coo4o m;MOO& It 11 for oats by oar was In steady every owe and willed* ner tee west, woo en ' , reponse, oleo fen tratotolldltr nthniteSo r OUZO, Trapdoor, ' I .. • • Proadaroy.olltonnoti. tee*. • / BLOOD/B/6 viorosi! al • . . 7 - 111 , , TOWS S.XTZAILS•L, O.IMISTTi HUNT ' S • LINIMENT, • - .... 5„„...,"..,,6. 1 orivneattsd by say riddled . - LJOINS, • It ft:9IIMS DO pandit jogolo it a. wpm , [Aim; 0 km been tor some tom, sliced!, endears°, swoons it t aid ems when as bsuiltisi edema bawl , been ',esperteneed 0 so many, lb. ileums:ate .1' • rallied, aro coalmoally appeertag, end dime wt m : nave beet. m de Whale. b... •.1 ana, are dostrottl . -- teat u laces d 'senora :06 r 0.•.. ...• vin taeorant of 1 i be neatesble Mei *Mailable tehmej. • ' Air. Geo. K. Siaatne. the re °nom. ta celesta:lU* retelling testimonials Of bent 110 received arum It me, and main olithwearn elleeten altuoir cicalae beliel. lo min.:lm a churl had been a cripple fort' tears, hasieg wrenched the solne*hee at thefts of !years, by a late Iron n'ibeir: . lll Meal treatment . MOO, hit bar tenths of the Lad heat restored bins 4,•l4Odili'br and its 0.6 a , .incyrkib Ms play:hates in theiryottelal gamboli.ets Minutes tbe bpattacetot.! , them, and only aaeatli bump on his bites L 6 mould :' bile or bialasiy mdierinp. _ . I ... • • . ....1 N ham of ItHLUAin i IC GOUT eatireli tired by the application an tam toonitetiel - medicine: - . ,• , : , , Now Yeah, Ida) VII 1 4 1 • Cl E.Staamo...Mo I havel4CLl alateltecesevataidatel within a dew yesre with is memo min- stunoted with VC= bldworeeeee Irims two sod prof toe, eon a,,,,, , 1 teen laid op (mutated evo irs at evaSh:flUO, not be able to lyelf Shy Weight lima .1 toot • ••Inn its. WO Of hptil t i left heavy dr or illablity. , Cf worn I moon sou Emcee - with thhicomptaint tot Mee Michaele* .. 110LO/A rOghts I could lon chew my etes ter pans. theadagrmon et some pets= In the boom I mat to Lt. Stevens fora brute to four It mit'. Liniment I spatial, it vothhilthand cloth, and in 16°Opetes 1 wee malady relieved and tree from pain, anti had erred 11 , 00.1.1. I was enabled me ore to my' linstmea - the next day,. 'sod hare not been °Ambled °nee entiosalt.ehe paws-. of my Mamma to aneh as keen . .. mu, (emelt day., ;welder It SUM valeabh =Mei , . ette woo 4 =X Isi , wabost it. • -If cm, Ina -- - paaawacai thaolas, . • . , . • - " • _ - , Clorthantst • - e pr perppi clues 111 It RILL 6 CURRY: wane irt • el •w ,nonh Reouroiberibet tb I,aalmeat le roll sr the caused!. nark love prim or SS cerre per bottle:" Wile vroakl b. certain relief biro be bad for.o small ri osier, sild by every tevecuibm DniegivOresi idessmat tbroa{6bm the • 1140 E STANTON, Proprieurri r Slopiinc We4relibetrr manly, N.' Y. ir • Dips kftoOborny; Liberty ',I 61,44pe dn ant walskal; J•A Jones, pen. and hand. W tleaboson,aoS su L WM.." maw; I 0.8=d,, &taw hum; D hlsisley,Kgm 1 . Only,/ eirgsati AVM klor.loJll A I rsheny sJoiy, Pa; Scnithi p ßersoragnr, 'Alma. der Coal, 91.nbensille,.0, 0 Fairchild, v., J I. feamaton. St 11M.,,m14,0,-sitololalo and toga aitennr,J KIDD it CO,Do and wood ail, Vitdduan." sicoicet AND -sitauwAL. uvrtus No. O. DIAMOVD • • . - UM; a dew, doers bal." • • ' • Wind ursnt,. untsuditeM ." martiet. . • . • • att.atrawar, A Ilansigheriti imiscxy - sd. ucale° tt Ihe costlipa • • '- • Rtsionlnd been for tome 1 Liar. Mimeos! Mains. 0 i now hit suarssum, ". to Um ussument of. chase • ptiwnw sad dallessmanst •• : platsrs for which kis !ppm • 112.1t1t :Taal. gamma. r elOred o q madr,••• • - • treatment of thOso wept. all; ((Mane whieh rim he has hutobste paetidc and., cared mere plleabotito.;; - •. cop rote (4110 the. IrilAt - a Prirot 6 Tmutx= l ) l .l• - •.•- ply whiles binto-ca a us ....fzet of speedy, smidautoty rut a..timed with dtibmts : diseases, sod all diseases arisnomerentan DT: Dawn would tanned.. Miens! with rim. -• diseases whiCh !Aire th elncom chmute time ovimpsys • led by the use bt tow of e; voratooli , with= Of US ' d. 7 ,11,•1 that counitairean be radiet.lly and that ayt eured,he !minas ten his cutefal mien= Os the trauma. of such cases, and enameled in handredli °Clamor. in tarns prnOiro of lolloporooLof he tuntlC .-• eine bladder, sad kind,. diseases +ruche - mu wade ".,•, rem those casts whom Me. Lase amp. Mao ta • napalm despair. Ile patoculuty sault isst be... • beeolosty anatmetsfully Issarcala i MUM, when every alignment be givert than and thisir, eases nested us a careba.shotrombAnd anciated =mot s pointed oat by taw capericsmo to.? in .tesugatian, which am umposasble Mi. tamed Lc ral prmaira of medicine to' Ova any ono - elm • klemu or itiptere—Dr; Bios. atsoroar , persons sanded Fiat Ilerum to call, in be has pal particalia sitentiOn this disease : • . , ; fan (Mem% also Piles atl~essabsmw. _ , ,'Palaf,cts.. rpendlly sand . N. —Pabstu of either sox loan at • Mastics statnig tleir disease ta wan - manna Lithe •yam toms, cm obtain andtemes ilincoaut ass, by sddmong atilt/Vint, L.. pest p•.l tad onsio• dica N 0.04 Diamond aasti. minas. stia Was./ tioase,_ • " V. Name 'pair deli .OMOIMIPTIO3 AIIIIMSTS:D- T. Mom abblcheet Willa Di.w.• 1 the Luati. • • .ocittly to Woos alltieivo Iraqi die trot pito, 'asoittrary worms.. Cliiiiea•VtiVoth Ott I beim oral years vvith•V broneol somas. oi AM 0.001094 nesziettbm 10.0 A many atediementiell vend Su roues to any poipantocia vi medico. netil ionic use \ Di Da; DUNCAbibt FIX PECIIIRANT • 4b;b1131.1Y. 1 0100 been . 904 tle• • •alosble edam*" toiieerel yea" sod I wa,• hid :it to erlieveArieso seer I make eldiOf-il Mr occunitivn so on • sib... • w hi t !, e rc ps ma nliniviteoii.litinly r elnitvd• d Vivien oy,st Woes. to lerome very Siorminl. Oliva ~,„„„p m. a m do Medicine, therefor. , take[ pkt. ore to cable, 0.111 P9OllO MAW tDIt. !hal other* 4(( [ 5- • d with iiitoemie of the- lungs MA eeneetoreini Orion. • iol know the 01•1000 at ails ..e11,11•slito• old may be eared. 1 boorti-centatentied lle Done.* s MGM/ISt 11.0447 w mnp i al4l .fyi•e4S wee of oot ow, their bees to this to•dietos - ' 53 wiS •;•I SOWS itIFWM. The propnotor of , ho . above redin.y...0.14. orp mter to the endetsigeed per4inkootv. re. AV is Perri' ! open on whoa val per.. soy sail open and be toy 4.tblr. ate me eitt.ose.tbood ordieiee that - einnot be obe•tled • • !hood Colbert.** ;I!oteersen pr. Ft Stone, den , Prehb. Clobber. Je ‘ t i o u p . .btr. Lorimer srn, 11 i de; Geo P r obtfoo; ~ D& DRNCaMa K'bOtrK OFFICE, Iso more 1191.11, itinned, Ohio. • , • ' Sold Pittabengh by' JACKSON, Egt k ,.,,e.ef Wood • • *soots", rubiA,oll. Int t t .t. , E 1•11,..5S iiIrNJ •••• ' , . A Thl•dneasolosurod IM •" parray0mat....0,...„„,. try se doming •larooreart. • , `, L i "."'Ll b i,:trL ee o. " 74- I. 44EKTA . EIL'a PANACEA 111 .- -, to may cartaio Otle. L..: • i ... N • 7 ~r . Iloartee•Foeor•••• Is eatirolYslDOA 0 a Dos •rs et De • , . e s . t o•qaor.A --- .• , Catottb, Sr imam= COS . : IrNali. If orgfeen.4,..,•rifl - e roisolosto Ia conaudtptio.. o.efee Dully teltovba Batt. ood Ar Dr B•rectut's 1 . 611 . 41 . C. ',. , .BrorteaDS:. 1.1 .armatoked,, soil oficonally Ira ooL ..:., . • er ,„.. c him cormospOn, but • tamely aso. of Di DonSof. , , •er4 Panacea ortl , eff totally tore 11, InlygoolAtoo. 0 .Dosloo3Da4r rote ThnraThls 1 a Gana Na 10, scrldoi conatquonte• friss net . ' ' • o,ik o k. alosrauon..of AD Anal. tra Um' And '• r. .v.purao! I , ....ettoor'd 2•3 , tato," .altould be kroaarett ; .;• aus win) Ciiall -- ;;• ~.. • Osorl. sod 1'44 1•4 • ••••p•,•• , rano to It'• _.'. . - leseamrearoiaa. • , ' Poolmoova twos& —A .tery font Mortise, violet et .• .-.-. hoot • volsot coopard cokl on a Obtfliated or Motes . , - 4 .....,,,,dadA5i aged' personsme moo ect to le % Dr. • • Sweets: 1N Pliairea stssld b• 004 °apt, Arai orayr. , -, ~...t o N au wrtti. dob . Oltiisr *Nokia iiDI mist L' 1 ' Sith• flatly ebeek,lN amog pi rtoottoarl• Pilalleall..; .. 40,,,,,.m0m.-11' Gotha Ars appeltniate of caimatO,' Ora syropass,shNlitart_A. pita lathe ,ida isd Smut. -, • 000 tit ci oP , r , ..Sat altas,• Of O•reS wee ?nits. Is - - ~,,,,, •••4 so (MINI oaf , ' irs oPPie mka. -. _.. '' . . w t.tru. • L.Ani Ow .Wicidnia, or. tba Dramatist •.: . . Tot.% b.e.r; , •10.g.... 3 ie_._ l 47, WWI 5e1..., to, Impede:. ' • rospultlon or bnaultorg. , OterlSCOMe• it'artaoss wards , • ' • i„ipserfal v0i•• 1 47.4 1 4 1 4•[4a• ma.. Itclor ,6o B - • I•llaerns—t aNdidireotris csfatrole., n o pi.,...i nt , h i ..< ~,,,,kspoi,dlly Cqredlor IN Rata, PLUM& ... , . i vrricgAll psr bottle, or *lx bottle* for 113. ,'.. • ' .' '. • For lain oy WA% JACIONX/M•Lt.,O7 s o *, 4 .. . . , • r ... . . . . . . . ~. 'quukaumiptivei Paaaotatles. Doer n ad eknus mciatt •poroar bunt , - Or_posalfliet your b rd.*? Asnatit's , 'La!' VC* yen tem-, • AGENTy ts.