The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 11, 1847, Image 1
.`, BUSINESS CADS. Altrartir niigaillerea"aUnt,drAtter=trCarority:, Pingo:oak. A-7 1 "'"' J "" " lorseardres Merchants, have returned to old ,d Front streets, Ptusburgh,____oeoll_ and. .veer pmma unca. irjmit.. "' Ss. REITER, Wltoksale and Reual jo - Lww .t., earner of Libeny and S. CIAA 69. 4 1 A, 13 A. FAIONASTOCK,& 00.4 holesale tr. tomer W mod sat dth sts. IT' Drußxu BAGALIZT 41. Whotual MT*, ro. & ems and Produee Beaten, No ....3 . J!tas t al .trees. he sth and Gr. '7i—A:/114•Tir a. CO.Fors m " kl•Comartalon Alercha.rts, Cada Nsmd. .4 patc7r ORLANDO LAOINIes Attemelt _V.! , . Geo on 4th urea t often no_ . Wm le man. man. John P. Jenntars. coi.r.nisar. linual&N &csuye&L.7l7,7i or Caruso Borings and Axles, A ._ Steel, and dealers : Coach. Ti.amv. .I...err/ .9 . : trnotan, manufactory on ta, Oak,. ,Varwrms tt. Woo d Ft • oppo.lie .51 Charles tuna cawoa: caFo s . 7ox i il i n e T c pio and. Forwarding alerhiants, Doalrng iattid*PA,'"2"; rittabargn Maniaracturen. Kith Arip!, Wien Mid Pivabutsh,l4. _ • -Ir EAGER, IMponer and 'end .reta , l , i i dank ia FMK,' ma Supla Variety awn, gig Abe Gdt , Onab, Alutot auto., Daar Lamor. • It. owith. . °an J. Harden I le leir!lL.r.. "rt SEZlGia,Ll.ll......AuogirPat JJ Office* • on tica. mel34y OINA.ZO.IIIV.A.Z.StroGroiruf,:: F whalxa :CeVirALT, GEIIILLISTast eers, dealer. ul lorde. , and PA Urres,eornerof Liberty and Mad eea.,,P00.010., Pa wx. ^ . Sallart. BIGNISILTT,Gate .12.4 Giber tr Co.) Wholesale Goners, Garnatoaton and • Forerardorg_Slereanta, and Dealer. m' Produce and • ringer:rib alandadtarca, p . Wood . &vet baron= Greond and tal i ; p ° i f MI L Z & W err !Ile " t i lt aou 'un d? aldo m ourda atA,betereen Pi Cherry Alley and Grant • 4,1 L-Send.S end. • tieo.'Rbey. Jam. Wawa. fitit-SnA De VAS Y & bolus& Grace* ah 'ltidrolf=?L'eannrt'Vt"r :rirlilAX:rt • ILN 8L11111174 Piano Forte Id&afatuer and dal. ~,V .7 04. .t.;/4 Wood streew UMW TOLLII2% MN L. Marra Commission and Forprardlta FOtteYTH Co} Merabants, No: SI Watt i suTinith ma 14 a m= 6.1 91 ....nipiisELLERSI,Z%`; amiss% t_t itope 4,4o,llrzY_Lp t 0.% " Fitch: It.". • N. B. Oakum , .11.'kULTOS, Lealpr inPloveh e 0! t 4 N • Yowl and Staple Trlo.lllop. MAr.. LW aro. MOMIAIf. Gtomir mor Caami ntr e = l 3s . ' o N y t a le r :i Pittstmn_ aad Cam, G,ls U M I"In e T M V !l .l =, wv_ in Prod.e and liec.AV Smith. • • .„,t' i f 6 1 01 ' 4 W_ SEUTII d. gts.rcn • AX deiderx in I lops; Fiusbano snu Ptt Vies, Petal and Pitt elects. Wnna mem and For- I Cr - Waidiiirtac C lora , No• SS NY ad .4c. 4PiW"nh ' i • mlivl7 . ~ 1 •aaa a3utf live!. Ait order*P ' 00,1%1.04h tkoloot oot jot. D. mato: I.ltY DeelOn Vain?' UAW* & UAI _ Db..,itt& L., , , 6 11 Wh. d asonnforforers of WZ "11"7'" No. tc , Woo. rape.' tieueral creel. Pdisho::. , 4, g.42A : -I Wren! ttoorottsgt Ate-eallal pustmagh • UMALRIF ana BILUNOTs WHITE & *Fa of 1 . 1 .'9 JUL llansfastatti.}. &Oil gerehant, corner Lab. tebts (Pllsrn c u ,P ISAMU IMSTMI 314 LA/AIIDICILZIP Ir. Cif, Wholioisie Grocer., Ocatunissien Meiehants and denler4 in Vcoatne, No. 116 Wm.' noef fhb .r Longo M VodinlEL 108gPrl KNOX. AUDI." Plaq,Urgil, • a Ps-, h.* res=d the pmeuto of his ptoresslos 'moth° , No 7, claret's Buildinp, If rant .I.thes.oe• copied duruhc his ab.eueo by T. Bigharn and it?dltwtfF • Chnsti=.. - Z. 4 • • TODD D. ➢IUAUA3 Wholesale Doanlay and Jdealer m Dye Mae, P3llO, Ws, Varno.hes, Holt Wood street, out divr ...7 , 0ui1l 0(1)13e:end Alley, 'aol MIES ILIUM J. & Co., rsoce — ors to ! le aph (.1.1:N0_23 Ship Co 1 WS s. IA) holesale and Hand deal al% in Mode end Maslen! Instruments, &boot Paper, Slaier.,steel Pena Raul. Printers , Cardn, flunionery generally, No. *7. Wood s4 ittsburgh. Rw t.4414 ,, j tam in_trside. Tann 4, Co, in [For d warding and Caramissiou' aleithaan, Dealers day, and Patsbargh blanorseturesi No 7Commercial aas.rLaher,V• near wo Can oet2 TCIIOO3III,ISZIL •tr..CO. wholesale Drag J • gists, No. a.l, Woad s , st.,Plttal... TOSS PII JORDAN tr. 130Ns Commission and Forwardlig 31erchatne, No 0 Liberty et, toonte ISntrthSeld,,,,"ditow JCALLATITIN itstqae_y id, 016..c4 al 4th bewces rant .4 Batalat. rigabl at , t43 , 4 prim. 3, the • . . Car 3 n. ''A''Vlg'/LIICTIONEEIi, coma Fab land Wood Amu. husUu3Oxt3_ ATOC..---LE.TON, Booksellers . fers s.n4 Piper monfootorers, No. 44 Narita J tuttlArlotiLd*a.;l.l;Vollgx: J .W. UODELLTSON, CO., 11.kers and Pa Ex . •; amt. Brokeu, comezjfWood and Thini gmets +!* 11142.ehant's Bailding Pituburgti, T*, w e of die sm.! noes. °cal crail Grocer, ant. in Pro tiec, Ptitstough mamsfactares, Tin Plate, ar- L,ll. lark_ John Floyd: - : !Laud iloyd. T & 17..FL0T 13, pate J. Flori t What..l. TAMES DALZELLi Wholesale Grocer. ercluni, Commis ..l slat &A.m. Produce and Pinstraran Maniac Mnual YS ancti. , jaitin JihNVI?? I n ts or raettrre b :l . l lathes Of goutiittheei, U. atrlnt t - Ord., lea at the warehee_ 1 7,11 - caty et ; ea. 5 Waterman, mate at. wu, j.„. t V~~~ auentloo. id: WATEIVIVIA, Wholesale G , or- nielf F ' ' . warding and Coramession Mereltam. Dealer ia Igh Manafactoree and PrOOCC, Non .5t Water f ...... . 62 F 2.1. 1 f KW'S 111JTCHISOS & Me!os Wholesale 1,,1 Grocers. Forwarding and Cootensmon Merchams, and des'eroln Pittsburgh: Idannractares, em.,.No. 45 Water and 91Front ets. ; • ur3l • Henry Linien. John Salmon. y ... Is .11 EMT & SEElPTON,WicanaleGroeen4 /LI Forwarding and Commission Merchant!, Dealers 7106.15% nd Pluebuigh manofactores, Nes 0 and gldWood M. Pondont ' _ reltirl 11.1(1111.9, • C "ILA--toib vrw IirriAUVICLD a, RE, Wbalesale •Orseers and Conannion Merchant", No 104 lia• Jl Ol k A URA. b 41,14=krniaakm .nitronwims s M. 4 ,4,,,,hant5, Water and front sta,betweest Wood . and lilarketlft s "IR ruciorrsoN, rlolesale Gro- Commi.sioa 31crchants, tie 173 RICOELD do ICING, wholesale and Taal Bat and Co ousaufkonwors,aaO draws In Panel i.V.pd au:Wirth as. jut 2 - Grocer. Dealer m.l‘Ptdoßee sodond.Forwardi or and Commit. oion Widow's. Nos Sl , Laretty, and RIO Wood r% f. - ILEUELPIIIf. WILPON k CO.. Wholesale Drp .01 .(kods Pealem No 6 Waal stmt. riusborgh 61,4 '.! HOGIDRe & SOX.Ito. 0 Martel Wen. tee. N. pod dvm (pm eimner of 'roan), Dealers m For clip and Dornertir. n111,:f rach...150. C.6.54Uns I VC l jV 24 :Zeola nt. r i.ireed.a...4 deer; Vet tir ! 'GRUA. MC GUIGIN & Cow Praise, Forwsrar I.F.GGGResneniss.on Mods.% G Csistrerseeisl ibsers..tberty street. flues_ Rb IrVirfTrs aeiler77;9, If Gleini •Doismorryst Whslissle Grocers *PG rr'srs'... len • rfe. g Mere/. sloe. ?Go 41 ' 'woe bIOII.ILII.D' T.llarJr.,Cll, Jr., Imparter and Dealer in Foreign and Demesne &dainty Hard . wank end Carriage 7rinenting.,of all d,}Gliptloos, Weft Pitte l s.urell.! • alad, TUCHARD AU, otrholendi and rend dalt. Ali in Lordherildioneo, alibi...ln...ll"foot* and rind taOliaztry...r.dLary.iersT,uols,..and Tanners 1341 , ,A0 W . 1011116011 ii.. a. sosismr. ir130131103' G U r, Wholcsale.nacers, Pr, ania and Cavannasiaa Iderebanw, and Dealers lilsneactares:Pio. l n Liberty streq, P. • 083:1121 . =Li—ZELL }Cory Wholesale On. R cer.Coannliston and Poro*.ling bl.r.b4Do..dnn on m Nod.< and Pinaborgb ?danufaeturca, Lawny , ionom Funboto, Pa. • , fetal MEE TIOD'T A.Coa ni puo LI 111, wholevaie Groter, , Al. Dater i..noddco and .11asbArglt liyutafatiorcsi Lai,errpoi. • • . our ; • . . v.s • , . _. • 1 . . . - • . . . . . . . .-• • ,r, . • ' . . . . , . I . ~ . . .. ~ • . . . . . ..... . . .. . . ' . - .. . . „ . . --- ' ' • i . . . ~ . . ... . . , r . .. . .. • .- ' 1 *. ', '. " : '.-. I ....* ' " f . : 4 .' -..' .., -. ' ' '.--. .1 7 - , . T ... . E ... ......,,..._.- _.. i. o . . , .... 7 .1 .,..t i ~..... . ' ;. .. '. I AI .. 1., ~ • .. • , .. . .. , . . , . . _ . . ... •, VOL. XV:--.. 2 .N . U - : :. ., 1.w` v7 ,.. .... * l' : I . • . • • .--- • •• . BUSINESS C w jak aa . m il e Byadmr, nearly InTioutae fto BERT 5100ELE, Wholesale °nem Reedy Ins Dirtiller, dealer ut Pr?ddea, Pimibur4h 11421u acmes, sad nil taut,. of Foreign and I?Grocaue Winaa • saperie via awandtaktela Whairey, which boboki law Co: mural L. O. Reynold. . J. L. nate. ISTBIOLDP rh RECCE, Forwarding and Cau lk unman Ileretania, far Ilia Allegheny River Trade, dealer. httronerie.Prodnee,Plualirgb hlanafaetares and thlaride of Llme. . • The highest prl.l,' in sub, paid at all times Alt Connery Rao. Corner of Penn and Irwin am • nual RO/01.1708.D & Ca" Osountraws Merehanu. . Liberty se,opposito Smithfield, Demers in Floor Grain and Seeds; also. BMW', Lard, &o.J spttly C &seldom • .!! Thos. R Whtto. UAID/KLETT k VI/UTE, 'Wholesale Dos. S rots to Foreign end Domestic Dry Goods, No 99 Wood most, FaUsbl,gh febl'hf a; W. Wool Membsets." deal • la en us neer end Predate eets . erall d - mina COClLtilldiOn Dlexchanu,33 cod }a street, • nt AMU . PA.1.11101., Amy at Lave. Office S to Breed's btrildusg, No 61Foutth street, between Wood sad Smithfield:,- aoldatert• P. iO3l -801INUOILAT & Oo.s W bolesila 4.7.l3reerm Forsrazdiste and Committees Merchants, Dealers in P.ttstmgh Matuditeurnes md West= Pro dam, have rimmed to then new warehonse, (old stand) .No 35, mem of.Frootst art4lOtartmr. retvl I Salt, Sap,Prat " m d an C gT` ma Wel=am:}te=lasteelre 'I C.. Basin sent 7th st. dal _ ; 6. Nl9l33llllllyDemlor in Veed s, flow VQ4; Q .Fl::Trc.tdteollrlbilp lemensgo ~r.r t T&SLIMY & &ELIT-;WhoLciale *Morels & Oonamtsaloo Merchants, and deniers In Produce.— No SS Wood ettee 'Nue, h rpm& lEF.NNISDY,Jr.,Looking Moo llamas= rer, and Dcala. in Clocks, • Cooritit, and Variety liooda,oornar of Wood and Fourth Meet* & Fonyth.i , : . -R Fong*. P./PoB.lllrTill Co, Gammis4ion derehano , , J. .desdars irJalt, Lan:4l,o m erle., Prsdoce. Pitts!nugh Mannfiitutreii, Canal Ruin, Liberty wet, Pit ebll9 Wm McCant:au Kober; bleCtushcce W 11, XL, 111001:1TO1116015, Whet:cep G n ro: a er lo Produce, hem Mai ,tii PlustWatanufacturer, leuerall,l2l,Llbrdipetreeti 'th*b"---• Pile lOWA D. , • DaTIO =CaCDIW lITIOK & WOh3Dg.CIS, Weer...ors to L T DWick,) Wholesale Grocers. Fororalting and Vonnission Merchants. dealers u Iron, Nalls,Glaos. i Cotton Yana ort Plusbergh Mitoesetares gonemlly; esrooroand ostinorb. whit. VWg. Virgarilrif lovaw Ne I w rs a toc co all li sto .,: d V . exassicrie his stock of French oa some ss tossssl lactizza; pgdautg gad ilitsbusgriCullAkuroi,.' and of Water and likuntideld en. Pittsburgh. P. _ Old WITLTKOS!. & WOLJTV, Importers an• lesale Dealers in Ilardware,thniery, Sad diernt.e,eornar Liberty and 81. Clair streets, Pins ate. VILLILMIIII Whotesate V V .Gnseen, Pieatace and Commisslcat Merch ants st 7 .sod cc l7oo ----+ wAuraolc, mu mono androall furolstr: I • thig efttblistosent, N 0.914 Libeny aulineu the' caoaL • saaZ VET i..EL.R..114T013.141,T1ME, Wholesate.Gm4 brarcimaT,Ne. u.'lV.T.r:top";:sftetzl:4 ftitubn . . ma 19-41 • H. 11.01131ASON. Anorney Law, tin • removed tus awe to the Exotatuto &Alain% St 01•6 r atteetottit door to Atdoe man /otitis. .ao2d.los 11..0AUDJUID, Dealer w Fr..Y ood IRoPlo Dry Grads. No II idarkct olyee!, Par.sbollh ooil3-dty WW. WILSON, Dealer in Water..., Jewelry . Silver Ware, Military Goode, /at ria. ar Nor Set street. . nor 7.. - ,n. MURPHY. wholesale and mad dealt, I . V Forelgo and Domenic Dry Goods, pmth caste° rot' rket and Founts an. augal. _ _ UM IlltWulf. Jr. hay er pmehmed the V Drug Hereof Vdrar 'Uwe. meats of renh and Hued streets, slltacep a ....stunt supply ^. • .••••• me: e•:•e•,pculumety, re. rhy..4.1..11'11 preperphor.s emetully eou.peu: hirlleme.C. he heel at •I• DIJIM of the tugh. fehltellt. IV' C. AUGUILBIZIAIIOI I , Attorney V lf .Fißh sweet, tent Btal4.field. Col'cern , des and other bosoms attended to with pule , . - •• • i Bissaltsb Bemdo. Wm. °mem, E.q., B A Fattnevnck .Tabo Homo, hog, Cant, Lindsay & - C4o, John Wflght, EM, James McCully, Esc, Mu). William Lamer. jc2l-1 ' J. IBUTAIL, REWarg=I:LOISTILLER, qmaies la voilliem & BOSEETIC Waal k mimes, No. 114 Liberty rt., and 53 Diamond alky, , PITTSBURGH, A.A. _ITI7-61 WARRICK M ARTIN h Cod. Bastian, Dealers in Eanlanga, Bank Notes ea Ceil•, Comer of Tinra and Wood mac., novlakSta Pitt.burh, 'Nu U VI Wlltrmt., Shun, (Salem.. to Lewis* WO : WILLIAIIII & SHINN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNhELLUKS AT LAW. Fry-Office North side of Fourth ut,ubovesmithaeld.-60 • febl7.l3mrtyr Oliaerßlackbarn. George B. Jones. •O. BLACKBURN & CO, an ba th e ir! times a fall and general auorunent of . .11 in line, Water street, anat . Cherry 1.13 David W. Den. • Algenwo S. Bed. SI r, w. fr. A. S. HELL. Attorneys at Lave Office Si Stewart's Building. Faulk •4•eL seeped door above wood st, Ifiusburgh. Pa ... D. W. SAM, Commiswoner I take Depesidons, Ae knowledsweents of Deeds, ma othtriastrumeets of wri ting te be owed ip ?amoral. neleAne JOHN D. TOWNSEND. Ditiegist and Spathe. call, No 43 Markel It, Ores doors above Third st., Piustihrgh.will have constantly on hand a well sclict cd 14.C/ILIECIII of the best sad freshest Medic idee.schich he wilt MIL Olathe moot reasonable M.S. Physicians oendinuorden la promptly attended to, and aop plied with anules they may rely upon as genuine. 117Physicitios'Preueripuotts will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hoer of the day or night. Alto for sale, a large meek of fresh and good peril, W. south s alPd i llage=. l" A v ierge jattd *elected stock of watches, Jewelry. thlver.waro and Millar, Goode Always on hand and at regular ens. tern prlces,thed Patent Lever, fall Jewelled watcher. an law aa111411; Silver do low sail& Genuine Cooper, Yobias,Johnson and otherapproved =leaf watches may be hod at a small advance and warranted. 7 .'Fine watch work done in the very best manner. apt? J. B. BWEITZER, ATTORNEY acAW . °free 34 11. °Nadi* MGles P 1 7RURaII; • ILT, also anend promptly taColl . ectionson Waal, TVington,Fayo. andliMau 10 reen Coonu a, Pa. • 112. itaskr.oek, Dell k Co ' • Church it CarothersPlosbargh. D. T. hlorlPsn oct3dlr "ms .01:LKIN TZA STOFIZI ' ' . Ai. 72 Fourth strut, low Wia„ u:r All qualities of listen and Black Tex.; dotas lip in qsaner, half, and ono pound paeltaires,i•or ging from ducts per po u nd to 111,50. A JAYNE:a irg • Ase - i for Pekin Tea en DEI. DAVID UDA[T, Denton, .haeins male tuck arrange t inen e te m, in 1 . 1 Co w al linime to the nt tha Mt he alesor aa hole ltine hiv ; si , may be seen in hie °Mee, corner of lm and Dee.. tar final, bC11,1,40 Market and Ferry 5111.0L1 any hour unto[ the day, from 8 A. Y till 6 a. S. i. nzaray, /s . i i TTORN P.Y 1/4 CostelloSoros Low,CINCINNATI, OHIO Colleetsoo• in Wensthern,Phso I n tended Indiana and in Kenteky, promptly and easefolly n to. Conseil...toner fos the state of Peons) leansa; (or salting Desoto ornaoteknowledgernent ., Mina so—line Wm tion,Cortts, Church & Cisothero. Wm Hart, Eq., ! KMOC& Ulgis._ •• _ EAGLE COTTON WORKS. • • PITTRBUIROG. , • MANUFACTURE COTTON YARN, Cndle:OMß, RlAtilog, Twine, Cow ..... YARN, CARPET CRAIN, WARII3, KING, PENNOCK & . (Umtata. of A.tbiteklu&Arary lote ,) I Prarle A. LEDOUX & 40 77 C ANAL sTHErs, blibyt ORLEANS. oordered, Cru.hed, Cilltifitil and ba.•tre engar.. In Tst.tex• Ba nds enst, half afo I r'cro , ',bank and • km allommec nada no •. of,Or above, totl barrels. 111611. W. BALITE! IL Cs, LAVERY, tIAISFERS AND IMP DEAL PITTSBURGH RAD POINT BREHM! Cornar Baskets Alley and Tann at, and r.ot of • Pittsbnrgh P. a 7.81;0.10,1.. W. nommio ; l 4 . lloncrtght. IIIiNUFICTUttERS OF STAEICII, :wAßzeurfrx;irt.:::?:o,Alpedoroo .„.4c a whith they will dimpoye of at low Prices nod on gad Term*, oCEI lit , . ~..." Dancer P. MAI. MT., H. P. AL S. PIICLSON at CO. • • N f on:FAA:runt-RS of Ilationcrod t0 0 ,e,, . n , llyl ~,,,0,., Noes Hey and filwiure Fork., he.. ex Worehooee, No It W004104tVe1.i.41.4141(44. 41403 ..--- - --------------------- ... T. D. Illsteciln Petelinory Burton, ea 4 7 :, ~ be mood h4..110445e444ittig Kates imbue.; fif;o 'n'Tdt,',?lt.l.°lZ.:ll,`="l,47.; '' V. it LA"' ' `. Tortom IDEALER In Trimmings and ViarteggioA ,n,... ' Thenjwory and llomeconbs,Weal..._V _ . .d VVorstedo,Bittlotte,Ncedleo, Pspza.T.,:d.,,,,r, .....44 r Nn 63 Ildarko Su between th liidav Pnisbalit Vir4— if 5 K .,.. 1.131 u t 1:1 F . 13-1/2 . 12 m4 E, 4 * DouleAL , . 2 * Peach .rt Y Tom C42r2Ps .ar I,qlLAJAkva ' tr.l2 FORWARDING k COMMISSION Clt Danenbower, ' 11 -• genaida *ant. CHARLESrt: OLIIENISOWELL dls CO. TO•B AC 00' .C,0611(881.0N meadldrag, No. 59 So. %Char...and No 11l a... Water at PHILADELPHIA; BEG DO infer. the trade and dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they hats made seeb arrangements with the Virginia manufacturers. ad:sh e Growers of the Wen, est Indica; and oilier One. as will insure a large and constant simply of the thllowing desenp. tons of Tobacco srhieli will he .1d upon at accom modating tan. as any other house In tti.a 60 1 or 1111.- where, and all goods ordered Irom them we be sax. 'Anted &pal m represeatationr-- , Havana; Nr-Dosniogoi Tara; Po. Rico; Tenn's.; SeedLetf To Cuba; • Igumit and Florida,' bee.; • ALSO:.-Braneh l s celebrated Monts. Etna Cavan. dith, with qu ana alarge assortment of other popular 5s Gs brand.. and antallls *of pog; Es Twin lileginia Twist. unils. As Ws Its, and TN Lamp, Pluo &a, sweet and plat, In Ws.. and half buses wood and tin, together sent eau', variety. of article belong. lag to the trade. ;. leltOdlY J. 8. DiCKEY,t FORWARDING & cumnssiuri inaseturd • Paint. and Bridgrtr, courrr, ftoprictor and Agent of otemers 3garta LAWN. ERIE AND INItoUIDAN, pa= iITWELI rtTitstrnau ,AND BEATER, ' prepay On sorriest Openngof canal nay , traiou to resolve property . ps his arbarfhout or ih warehoose, for all pair, on Erie Eotrn , ion, Crow. Cot, and Polo CahSIC for all pampa Lake Erie pod upper Lakes, as also le lororsrd produce, Pena's. Improvements. Apply toOr address fel24-dtf JAc NICSEY, Erasner— J. O. W;- W. C. Wilson. RE J. G. ~LE.:FtW RW ICH NG, & CO., CRIVING, FO A RDI Anil Comm! oil on Plainchants,. . PIActUEININE,, pARTICZia% nno anon poll to !eonsi ‘ griments - Stigarsllll•, enginoo, or other articles for Opelonsia ud AnakOpas. '• • REFER TO—Messrs. Eiltetrield & I.4shilow, Mr. Thn. my Llserlek; Nese Orleans. Mean. Lmotrn& gettersoD, Zlr. Z Zbenoy; Menlo. a aosert Wif.htinzn, Roll Axmetrong& N iehol ton; :Pinsbnign. • Means. Reran, Todd 7k Co.; Cincinnati. Mersa. Ilynes & Cnlgeeul. Messrs. Edwards &. Whitson!, Ilan. Zenon Lobanve, lion. John 001100; PI .nactine. La. .! re 115.1 • 11/IYDEN & COALEt FLOE!, PRODUCE, AND GENERA L COMMIS SION thiBRCHANTS , Net. 16, Smith's W IvirT,,DaltlmareS OBRER their ...ices to Merchants and Farmer! the sale of Floor; Grain and Produce generitily,.in Mei Baltimore hlorkebuidfronitheiregienspre acquasn =re vtaonk purchner,stoppers, can .fely war nun ...factory sates, Cotreopondents will constantly be kept advised.' the state of the Markets, Bun go—Meame. W. Will.. &Sons,ltaite Rey notch & Son, David... &thunders, Reynolds & Penn& Bin Carey; iimumma r • • ingley, Ca diarelPtc : Fingl is. Philadelphia. Bowen', Den per &Jou.; New York. Bultimore./ anh 21,1547 ' . %nerd. ORAId; HELLAS & CaT, FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM . MISSION!MERCMANTS. LCORRAL cash lidatutoos motion to4lal of eon signotents. Thiwe shipping tenor address will/. ram three..foortim vane in advance in Caw, by apply ing to oar friends,. 1 , Messrs. Wallingford &Taylor, Pittabangh. Mess. Thos. Bell & Co - Bridgeport, Ohlo. Philadelphia, May 3,150. mar.M.lf N. B. All produce consigned to os• is ...era when in the warehouse of Wallingford &Taylor.Piitshargh , aria oar more in Philadelyana. C. B. ft Co, NEW SADDLERY DARDWARE STORE R. T.I;LEECH3JR. NO. t 33 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. I HtTdl.7, 0 .1:111,„nr-',V to consumers and ' dealer, that lam prepare to faro . .. theta with all goons la nip line on mu bete 1,1,1 S than berctokre • Bayers'ailli recollect.. deaiing .'exclutirelye in Sat here tlardware and , Carriage Trinini.nia, I ootai • hereby in aneadvanis that enable roe to defy compel.. II !al, roe end ane re: Toots-loos toI7 . , - FRESH' IVIIVISTATIUNS OF 10111 r e. KENNEDY, - • Port ISTESS HI'WIIOAI-t: DEALER. , IN II SHOW KBE, CUTLI.E4 ERY, to., Nul: 1; INOoti S . P TTSBUItOII. RE now in thOL'oone of reeemuq. large Idq•on. . to their extunelve coek of Hardware, Cutkry. . ?t I .1,7. Sr., ',Sob harts; b e en parclowad on on advantageous arms in F:ugland, and direct from Jo' !I a nutheturert la dna cannily, c•.‘ble• them to of fo: ternuasarpasaed P by tunicnon oti equalled by fe' • urchasers roe respettfuliy s torsli• • et 26 GEORGE COOTS RAN, cosrissioN & FORWANCING MERCHANT, No 26 Mono STREIT, PrTIESUROH, . CONTINUES Ia : VW/SEEL a general Commission Busmen ,specially in the purchase and sale of American Busmen, and Produce, and in receiving and 'forebnling Coeds consigned to his , care. Al Agent for the Mautilactarers. he wilt be conslamtlysupsilicd. with the pritscipil artlelCE al Pittsburgh' Manufacture at• the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and COEsignateral are respectfully Memo LOVE' MARTIN. &' CO PRODUCT., 91,,ii . T..Tt r it I AND ',,i v iiiii:ii - .ii , :':.ii:N . ni . " --- gi..e. IN hat(' naltimeiTe. RUS./i4a.•l • • . Il l at l ll ' ln n n k . , . , efi niah ' 1 , . ~,,,' . 4 ( Pin'b'"6. DISIWI.,Aundei. 4! l LO,l John It MandiVl. Dolman, Gall' lluno Jenno,n, , _ont.lyF ...----. .. .1. n. 1C1011.4 C W. AIIDIMSCW, Late of POlttiarea, Pa. Late at N.hatlle, Teem. LEHMER & ANDERSON DEAL,Ettti IN lIOTTON, FlAt. ItINO ASP CNtlsllaStfra NI Plittl IA 'TS., AV. S Front Strut; B,otutteay, C.tacivanall, °Va. Refer Mereloant• get:m.lloly. :a •p,lO • _ WALTER &CO., rEaCa •1 , 111 GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Aral DKAI,EHN VitimUtl.l No. x.. 5. sowA HotriarMit . 0./11more. Run ,Prig[ r C. 0.., Calimr.J LarlOsiet ,Soa. 111. I k. Dateglierly,S:tig• 101k:rim, & Wyman, Similar & 6Es• jur.... 4 EDWARD A. KICIAI.ING. • ( CCIASOA To 000031.. 1 & Nitkl.,) . . , FinTrordine. Commissio4 LArrAent, and' . t CotAos broktr. A7amAt.,l door Smith ut Naomi,' flank, Dca.phis. itzstr. pt to— Alit. k Co, Kinn Pennock k ...A. dam aV Lauren) t. E 'I Innl,nrun. H. F. CON WAY L CO., fyIIITSIIOUTr I, Inno, Comm:when and Forward.nd Aletetrant4, seri Yrentuee Dente re--atonal...linen me Purchase, Fale and e1.1,110E01 Of P , g l &c. krzn TO, Atwood, Joney Brown' Bailey Ir. Co Lorenz-Swell:lr Co Itey God Wel; Lon4rey Ic Co my I) LeerMl A Co Lysro.Fkorll in CO Clarke .111 aw arnstollik i. , deans dfaw 1. SWIM PERRY. (Late OF the tom of (Osiris'. Leech k Col Whetlesale Grocer, Coast:Liston a &lour Plerehent, p i Esx.Enin oil kinds oi CountrY P l ,rirlare• CoP . g.rehr4;' Tre'nfitro"ll' Ta'Z'"l::;ars, Dye Stuff., Genoa= Yarns. Salt, 22._, sag nitsintrge Alacrufaciorea genes:illy, Corner Of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, Pa . 10• Liberal agranees. n Cash or Gcods, made on eo 3 n. stguntents al Produce. ter nty AUCTIONEERS l' ' AND • ' COMMISSION MEROMANTS. ALEXANDER LEVY 6c, EROS. CINCINNATI di. ST. LO UIS OFFER *sail at either eatabliiihrtienb • kind. of Maebandir it Rio lowest rotes ,of Commit...3ns and ire lOgarapFepoOd to male advances. The twat oi refereneca given,. if molted. 1d: en add:coed to ebbe, 'loofa "nil be protrptly attended to. _)77 dl7 . SANAS ilinatriaql. W. n. C• 11.1.3•11. TIILOBIPI9O III & PARIPDELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS Awl dlonalactarer• of Llasecd Oil, - /T0720 Folts;Ta; :S T ir7cl, CINCINNATI, OHIO, (rirCllie PAID Pox naipzia,C)) sep23-1)^, • SAWL JONES, JR., 11,tieTAIliot Jon. I Co., or 1531111DOIE.) onocaty, CIONSINION ANL , FORWARDING • FIERCIIA NT. roydras Streei,New Orkans. o(7•Pttileiliar illranoo 1.1.1 b tib forwardoo, bry Aril3dlve W. 0. CLARKE, Foqiiarciing Meidiant, Brownsville. Pa., PMlimilasly to Ike roma:dingy( P &Woe ci ie. any farther Information apply to runny& DI. :Wit f 4 ., antler °MIS _ D. W:./KATIIkWii. T. MATIIEWS t PATCH. CORRISSION ItlEleolNT B , N 0.48 Water Street. Sr. LW: to, mo. 4" ,f 1 give parttcular attention to the selling of Prof tktlif a. ordets for harassing RcscallO—George Morgan 31.0., Pittsburgh, Pa. sir I J ArKerban. C I/Culbertson. ' JOHN DI'CULLOILIOII & co. dam'admian and Forwarding Merchants, &,95 SOUTH ST. lan27ler BOWLING'S wilAar.unlt.insore COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • Nos. 8 nod 9 Light. 81.: 131ApTIDI0R 8 . 0'640 latent:co , yrdlbe made en eensimunenl to hr brave ad fflt sia, by lan* r 7 CA lb‘ON & MeKNI DT, Siath Cl. LICA. LUNIf.EIt & PCOUD PAeTOIIS, AADOIIA ID AND PRODUCE Commission •Plert 71 SOUTH WHARVE A , PHILADELPHIA. AREnow P.Parrd to reerive and forward as kinds n(%lerebende em v'lmbling on the Juniata. Mani] and Wi•al nrnnrh. xnl7,l,•,sonle. 1e31,( THOS. IL LARKIN. I, GROA:EII ANDCOM&IISSION, ItIERCIIAIST, No 59 Water tweet.. T. LOUIS Hefei . Lyon, &boy& & Co, and Anthony Bee , ent Fn. rirtmhorgb;ra leifklltne J. NEWTON JONES ISTfiAMBOAL N:l*.r&E . I,s; n COMMISSION ...... II K It C II fiIONONO AIIEL P A ta HUUSF:, itbursb, MISCELL4NEOIIS. JAMEII.I3r: WOOtrelafittel .1,1 RlTruatmette illaxlmenn Wan/ 1001, 1 5 Nil THIRD !STREET; ZA LAW:Wand splendid uswinment of Furniture., suetable for-Steamboaub h otels. and salaam revel- ' • ': lines. constantly on band and madam order. The p reacot *loc an nape cannot he excelled any !manufactory la the treatersteounla. Per r lo purchase would do Mk give! gmo.k ill. as am determined my prices ratan please. Pan of me' a , oca cattailu en -50 tofu with Flash sad goverq• • I '2 dor. Mabogani Nanw Churls; It pair Divans; t • It don fine mahoganY Mawr: 12 mahogany 11 ork binds; - 3 dos mateeemany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top Dressing bureaus; b peter Omen its; ' • 6 marble top ork Randal Itt cherry 13 ork - Searedst Mahogany. Maple. Cherry and Poplar .fiedste iof eseriplions; and a large a of C*61:10 .Fa rneto re and Rime is. vio name rote to mention.' - I marthi i'dt.:W HAKL7WAItt!---a) nkl. JOREPti WOODWELL. . Corner of Wood'and 2d gas ,Ilsinonca gb, HAVING wittidaten from the a:dr. - to of ...111cent Woodall, on the let of January, 1i47, Itke piens. ini ° in annocimit to my friends in We eit nod cllnlltgithlit I have opened my new store at the , re named place. tinting purchased to) goods for itsiato and made noranernedit with manuMetuicrs id this country and ot Forme m lie constantly supplied. I ant fully preptited in' fitrunth illardware of ell kind. pod leers •od .. Moe at ani blare tan or West.— Merchant. and other,. are re tpiterfally invited td gal The examine my stock, before purehnnitut elmmbern rl The following compriret a part of my nort,_ I. Ftenmhe at and entddlery llantmare, Gan Tam nos, Files. Saylor , . irel, Cutlery, Fide Tools, Mail ~ Vt. ees, Lack.. Latches,. Sickle., Scy. Mahoganyl get, Hereem,,Union taetnry Pitmen/3.m I ludo and veneer., .andall other articles eostnteded wi.l. the li Hintminess. ... tachll if P/tESS OFLICK FLAG I X 1 , e eubscrihen hovaugobisined a patent. M y tU 4€44gt. ft Ile.. Brick Machine, and basalt; slo, th e n Moro ishlytested its ability, are now prepared t sell rights nod clnitract to deliver machines to any pgit el the I! aced tmtca. The Machine is designed to lainte ''Jack from credo clay, and. will make. 30,500 ad =se firm brick per d ay. mac lenity bard to stank op in th e bile; thus avoiding the expense and labor gf pre. • p the elan drying and handling the litickl after wattled. Itu simple, strong. not liable to gm oat maul repair, and is constructed that ;scan be to to pieces and put toyetber with great fiseility,thes lends:s ing it unable. We are now buildg mactimmis, and can term shthem on abort notice, Fora fall stesceiption wow - old refer to machine now in earcessful Opera. eiont whir - creek creek bottom, near the Weet end of Eighth meat, where we shall lie whinyh io explain everkthing connected with it to all ay call. We bale at present no aullsonsed Agent, AO letters to our addmss soil hrp"Zg.a.%Vii'ovedit.LfiNl & 4, a.. 111( CENOINNAWL • fhl EMI FOURTH BTU/ANT BAKERY. VI CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STOAr_, will open on Monday, Apn Pe i 3th. four floor. (row W' at, A and neat door to Jaynes kin Tea Store. rs 'd A splendid assortmentof Fumy Ca ke, Confect/imam Frau, Re, fresh an the counter every day; antaaiwldah are the following : Macaroons; Poand Cabe; LemonDmc t; Pantry, !pone dc, Pepper Nate; jelly Cake; Almond do. Malawi. Pi Cake; Ginger Now; Wafer /ambles; Sponge litsdain Federal Cake; A. P'•; Sugar de; Orders for Ice Creams, Jelly, Drides' Cake,francy Confectionary, etc., to., executed to a mannift one. quailed In qualEy and be.mty by any otbelasuilbltsh• meat in this any. Frethtilread. Twist, a.k.a.. to. ntallaraCtatetinolely Poor lYlina Wheat Flom. and free from all drugry morning. • spa ANDREWS . DORTON! MODE OP 11/LATINOROU ~)dE~Mr. D. Dester.of Boma, bps arratnipd nod patented a plan forbenting houses, sateen has :teen suc cessfully used to Boston, New Tort, , and wherever applied. has race yen 'the decided ',referent:le over Stoma, Furnace , to • Ito edvantages are— , lot. Great reaulunty or Tecupetatitre. - Cott. Freedom from Stroke. .1 , .M 1 No unpleasant Ilfynem. 4th. Emily attended to, and not lioble to getout's: order • lab Great Durability. A Model and flpreincation may be seen :and the ap paratus obtained at We thinner and Ttoware tictory of WM. it SCAIFE, Firm navel, my^.slf her. W taut and Marto at: flarderare Clattery, Saddlery,eee. .10119'WALKER,1 IMPORTER AND DEALER in Foreign andiktmem / tic 118rd:rare, would respectfolt) intounlDS friends mid the public generally, that be Is now recet4ing taw spring oupply of Dant vrarr, at the old standoff A siker I t Woottwell No en Wood street, whith be will dispose of on the imal reasons ble'terms. • f le will he ourinnually reottinny frcch •anplteetlireel (ott thr Slaunfuctsruts in VAJYOr , end IL,itetuntry• It,,sit ,nahle ant to compete with any It ontl.h atcnh.eithcc I Ain or Wen. ' •Nesteto klerchantnare invimd 10 can aadlsstamioe his stock bu.fore numbering el...where 'earn . .. • 717 . NT T----':‘....1. enderCv*getritnaLrehobere'd• Into ci•Varme... i V ship for 1110 pripoge of ovivveuve n ;PMtnlitert, Conurtusion•nd Forsvordlrmbastomm auder the awe of ' OILVIII. lieolllE‘V & CO., 1 - and have taken the warvbease., No thnomertial Rove, w he re street. formerly ...rented by Mr. W 4 prey— he all ho•inesa entrusted tu oar chart, will be' promptly and fanitfully attended to. MORRIS °RUM, formerly of ?tailed Iphii TI1(413 •l 1 bIiAiREW • " GnuthG 14,0h10 FIND LEY ti Mer3REW,". 3 . lij V PilMbargh, March "1.3.1e47. ',, j ; hanb2.3 TIIOIII3III . KIIGNN &Calf . Jl.t. ((IF the late titas 'of (,Ile. f.. a Kenneek i hooktrg h/011.• Manataetuter and dealer in telor ..Comen and V.v.,. Itoos. leen; 00,1E103 on 11 nd, to hot oOn menuf.tentre, rent , drsertottoo ut 33•1 t. l ohOran3, mud Cotn,L,ll, Ixtolv ne G... , ; 1 .11 . 1 4..13 illawr 1 rte:cts ' , lam nod olomeneal port • i;t frame Al: k o , sl. et Co?;. 1 rap,. to 4,.., n sea. nr . 34 , ene; Connta. Totted.. and n genera I as tomcat of F, ar. Good, arhoTe rs us sa , e a: a .cuan (Inched on to., IZed , end oth•-ppl, l will; Pm re'• Chd•rtv., Co. vNer , Pro., and _tll Iy r _ 14 , 111. 6 .erip , ::' , 1 i , ..w ., .1 . 11k .. 1 , .1ifc• ~,,,, , IN, —.....------ k. ii0ne.,....... L....., 6,.,.. • llOlt Oil. 'All I F:R,I.IV , • i* San ni , ...nrd the larT.e .110,:e .....,71.1p • on 1'1,41 A., Tkillfrfilt , 1 ,,, gt , . sji i itt to settood it, brtw,,ViArel r and -*Truitt...l nirrata, in the rear • f the Nrat,o,kahe le How, v.!, an .ont.rr now sfo.l. of llorecni And Cm,: aer• Cl the i en, quaL, and latent etylr. . {lot •r 1 1 %rin 1v 7 1 7 . I"o''7ll:not'':::• j.,',, C It . r• WI /t ;I ''W;i - w is. COR all Imo, of rrapt.on• tn.! d10r.n..... , ..f , . t e• 'Alm P sorb , Ihmotesithrehea.thlf Rheum . curvy, Heal !fro., atiapr ea or erack , l ,ant. und for sfar mer•l d1...n 1 ...• of the Stitt. semen ',van eau d.., ihin ~,,a P o. ¢h It hl.:, dl.pi.ts F rata.. Sun. burn. Slotpbew. Tnn. und chnnres the e for of. d.arl, )c o:v. or doficuted kM, to e tnr.ornlt Outhitif. e.earite.. Afrealt 'apply, marlantrd art' t tan, and fer aa•e. at the reAueed rice of VI per cll.. as me. heen r , cc,vcd 1, .A.-red for ..alc by 11 A FAII. I.:Art/14C A tro . corner In and wood And go r lo at ttwerimcr or • t.llll lend ern , . eta. 'l , , It Illtavlitsa'and Ilait eiresslng !Lotman, R L ta l r " at '', . ' nfan . 1 KZ ; I : te t i . r l •4 7 t a ' a n nt ~ ,° : lf tr. d',.'-',',: it: Slum...n:l.n nal.mmln tat mud stoats.: 6...1i0r y enair r ed to o r gruttemen et, with hum, caelf , o , Ind in.P...te . . Tory an greatprr t wait en all that may cal i without ffeh.y Thattit fat ,ast , fvoellaaieit a etatauna uf thr same, ur Saloum, iumer of Union eAreat.tal 11. P•aaamd, (Weft af a r leaulder 4. Day, Dry liouds Stoll.l ~.._ an 0•161.•1 ••Iliolinror ili•ein.. P X i'O,RII.•,,CF) a tr.: or ne tad a balf A II 11.10.11, b111,',1 IP. ill polymer INa araede on ri,ar A fur , iforahait, 1111115 r.'olljlll/C , ^lll , i :1:1 1tt,•41, ill Furnace* Prfee,ll,4l:lra.:ll for boat Ir..fal• of lh %I ~lour ton.. wood , . a., Irrarr• thr • rood gnat., 11.1 . .v0r IWO, will be elrcot...l n , Fit , rr NI, o .., . +ire , . witlwnO gw.rrafnet• .A ot•wa of thfir.l4. , al.l , . W re.retellw and fin 'ale 1111 the were 041., , 1.fe1i Whetf,' 'Canal I.lahin. by 1 ~‘ ~I SI I A %V !•ICI.AIIF.Pi .--.1—,:.- 1 oi Iron Works 0 AUTION 1. oir ti , PUBLI —The oubncri 1.,/ ber, by varittin contract with Ilie 'rare ',IA CO. ban lit exclusive risht to ell thetrles , in rthaburab and Al:rgbany antra Any! yet.on Par farina to sett thew Teaa, except procard'ahndata lA•ff fa ftraetia'fat ft. decf•pdurtt nd a (rood upon the enblic and their state. men. arc not to be tetted on. . an , / t ' A IAVNIFA 74 Vozrh etreet gillit ir,TIAVTASi liZJit NI e. rn a :1,,11 r 1 Eti:- , Jun reeeived from the Far. Mee 's atraar CUllef.' ainelotr f a Cy tottlieal culler, n 'or)" .otort‘d • 00 . 1. . 1 " the U hque cotter all of . wtuch nte of .• very• oupertor quality; in, sa,e at the rittaltatsh See and IMpleu . nt w ord corner of 1% cod and Mk at oett 6 fd 11 C1(1'.1151 . 1A31_ . 011l1:011,'DILUGII: TOEI. 111011I.ER, 1/ruggiel and ApuilicctrY. N, W. J comer of %Vood and CtlrAts , l'ittdiurgh. will eep .apt l y on band, Droloq,Plinte, pd., Dye-indef.; ar.e. • N. II —Playticitudo prooetiptions tomNione ed from Droi ben inaleriolo, at any hour of the day or welt. uiporiment of 'Willowy; boa Toolli, oud Cloth•Llrtirlies, low for etre. may _ nnoobuTiorg:4l,.. co.rlirloorobip lierenifino all, wider Do of J illfumo it Duo ei.iy.dtioolved comient. boo.. 'rot D boom who duly outlorrised b ocuie die oerOonio the late Goa. 11 1•1111.1.1,01 6 , TIIOS MILLER Pasha rob, Sept I, 11137. COTL.EII V —A choice sylectien of mike, v. Prin.* and Balding ii 0I•C11. 0 'maim r.,... vu tab'. fnr nutter,' men and yardmen.; 11 . b, Ili Wye arsortment of pea and pocket anivrai• anPmdlo n " tart received and for rale ken at Mr Vidalia. en ~r ed and Ayriettturid Warehouse, No 111 Wood st,ttantr of OM ~. fft! , t I' , '' M YIS I I----- ‘"" -- ---ZioNilistp.siorEett. Dv .Dr.r.vs ', A T MCI N N Al I-, um .tritorwed ny he tie term , A nf Pcneaylvania id take nenrirmirdommrs otvall an viroracnie of writing, mint <Addeo, and deposition. of ' reform in [Min, tone 5t1 .. 0 , r , recorded i , 11 .. r1ti:!1 c ! . .. , en'i'ennol,l(Vor;. 9 00 " 1.11)I4 e RT) ';'' C it ( I ) , rie 1 t o. ' „twiy•F Aw...y at LAW I - - 1 ' RAGS WANTED..,.. 'OOlOOO l'or...:::t;',Zelg'h.M.lp",7-cp..1„114,%.,:„T ba • r Alwar. no p bend, every descripti l on of Writing and Wgarring Party and ni o cet,, u m , It CY rnithEPY k SIICE Corn, Penn and I rntin Mt. Pilt.hurvb mrh VINING 'ROBES, blonthiy Notes and Eget erect', ,!ke etutable for ploNtittg in Cemetry'r a. be foroirbed nn mote:woo et the reed otore, from Ner.ertesof Joe. Watdrop, Illahemer. N N VVI nc CNERSIIAN •No tat ratswo melOtr G OLD AND SILVER WATCllES—llveetteo en lora! , Flock or Troll end Sliver Pas I mlevr W ettnelde i•or Lndire and Gentlemen --of the' latent and 111L/114.:1111con pent. Yll3 and of the teat Inunnfacture—warranted :and for sale at eerr lo ‘v Po• era )110 W WILSON 'I3IIID CAllE.S . and Frio - nto( earioueeiree , constant JJ ly on hand. and for sale . al•redoerd POeeN . I ‘h. Ptnetengh Seed Store:No VII Wood tweet. corner of Cab litre.. • jet •• S OrIFFILIi,RS!IAIII ICI CREAYI FRF.F-7.ElIS—Joet reed. a loge floors 1 trent of Joborotee eac' Patent lee Cream Free zers, eattablz for Houle SteantleLity and private 14 nu lie., at •JOHN DUNLAP . I Nn I, m.rkn at 0 TOR AGE—Tbe ththoe r thee linci no leased the throe iDira rir.eopied ny Cr. C. C. bto they, No 9Con.. ,9etr..l,,re on prepared Co store nn No Irmo. Cools atom/. conk Coon ore consonny c by nthothance. J JORDLII /r. SO Kg' le liberty n, oppopto bead of smakield - 1 1 MORNING. Y. L'lTit AIRY. PITTSBURGH -FEMALE 111611TUTI. TIS institution, nadir the train of Rev. J. Id Cessions Ann Lao,. in whir)" all the solid and or pantental branches Of a finishedledseation are taught 7; w oi o r:l4tr,. "he a.7,: c a; ° ,7 , l=Ty Stiaens between ad and Churn.. Thd Sinned Seaton will tornmence en Monday the MIA Augitst, and it is important that any who may design entering should' tn. present as rotas practicable hythst ume. ; They have accarrd the. eel-vices: or Proresior RHO ROCK so 'teacher of Music on the Piano and Caltar, who, is too well known to deed recommendation. A nom - prices French teacher will be_employed Prnt.HlNC , llAfil will bare cbargeof the Depvtmeni or Vorn s -I Prof SU:iII:ISM will bare din:46m of the Artiwie Department, and wilt glee in drawing. sketch tug, and painting. beth in oil ma water colors. Prof. fi is a nompeteni teacl4r, and it recommendations from the first men in Parope end the United Bute lie 1n...a150 been. a teacher a thefrit ussittutiona of the country. For terms entity m ibfi Princi al. els( MILS. LAMB% ROA bING SCHOOL.. iNe. HO Ards sm.:, otter rentensa, Rona Thigher , branches of an Ennb Fduaaann, with ettrection trt the Freceb.halien g and untie Langwrce. ILe *emcee of the mdat eminent Protestant are per. manenity secured, and emery facility given pupils for i1ey6,127. the different Languages, facil ity 1•Ilk other accomphaLmenta The year it thatded tato two arms of her Nana* each, commencirg on the IntofEepamber, and ending on di. neta of fore.a The charge for the Scholastic Year of ten months Is payable half yeatly In advance; Willtoul enter, tICEPt Merle and Dwaine. whine , ere •, 1 prices Time commencing say Leto WOW We term will be charged accordlugly. tr It ts thought dea•rable brprellt• or guerdiane of poplin from a d, , Rna,hey can rime n during the dimmer vacetlon when nil due attention will he pa.. itigHtarleta. Hu-h ElhotLEsq. Dr R 51 Patterson,l)r II McClellan. Ilan..ocorge kV actual, Phitadelphia—F H Morgan, Sun, of Loots+ lion Jos Haifa, Wm Thom:moos, et Lau* Mo. Mot Mauna Esq. Florence. Ala—What itch . ton GO., N o—Caleb d: Morrell Erg, Nashvillejeua— Ilan Rachard IC Call, Taltahasso, Florida—Dr arias. Lenoir. Marleana-4 F Pallet Ent, Li o—'Thomas C Nesbit Esq, davanah, Goo—Rer Dr Bricalgnact. New, York. TOON° LA. slaw, 117 , .11 • , • • :, ALLEGIIENY CITY. "VIM Institution andel the dlreedon of Ili: N. W. J. ha:relit:l', to stillopeo for. le reeeptitui of Tuella at the : . . . 4 • , Corner at Sandusky and Strawberry sta. The 3ceond Session will commence on ideedity,tlept 12th Those designing to e.itter Will find ago their Interest to &sons ten the ab taunt of Ike Settliall Ito posaltdr; though pupils will received et aly tune dorm[ the session. II The Services of c potent Tescheri will be secured for classes that , r.tay wish le receive Instreethres In Drawing, Palatine and Music. For panic slant alcove to, nit. coarse of hastractiot .terwi. At. consult eirenlar et , apply te the Inionseter A Ilegh.ny. Jul. t, 1017. .1_ , VVALUABLEBOOKSsuPubIiabed by 3 A dr 11. P James, Walnut eireet, between Fourth and FifM,Cluelnimill. I. Claimer, Gibbon—Tee bietory of Me decline and fall of the Reiman Empire By Edward Gibbous, Esq. Anew Editioe,remeed sod corrected through. ont,pmcerled by a preface, and accompanied by notes enticil and historical, relatinipprincipally to the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Owlet, blunder of Public Instreetion for the kingdom of France. The prelacis,notea and correction., trans , hued 'from the French - erprenly tor.thia edition. With a notice of the Lae and characterof Gibbon, and Watson'. Reply to fthbon. In S vols. imp. Sao, 1075 page.. • NapierS'Pettinsula War;—Complete. l vol. imp. q,..800 page's, Hallam's Middle Age. Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson's Viiginia and New England' Russell's French and English War in Amenca, and Remaly'. American Revolution. 'I vol 4m. Li4rary ot American History--Containing nice; holm from the beat auttiliWon 'American Hl.tory, Biography, Tinsel., Cornieeree, litatiatim,lndans, Revolutionary Battle., drei &e. Aro. Also, Anec dote., Poetry mad Mircellannoes articles. Wears toil with more than 500 einitivinp.., I rol,unp Biro. 640 pages. tlniversal Pictorial Library—Contalmng valuable 'poems on critics subjects, comprising Natural kliitory,'Notoral Sciences, Agriceluire,Rural Econ omy, itography. Fine Arts,!the Orientals, Travel., 'Geography,. Botany, Plike'laneon. reading, &e. I rot imp Ova 6411 Pp. f Ii aheep. The Family Medical library—A 'Preati.e on the t6,..ventlzo end Ghee of IDiseroes, by regiMen and rimple innimices. New,editioo,reVited And eclat :rd o itb the add.tion pi a I:tamable hlaterla Mod, m i , poinung.ccit the virtues, preratiens ed..l4osos of war most volcanle nstria medical plasitsJand en w ill 'of Anatomy and :Physiology. Illestrated wiib was hundred Enivivings. six of which are ' colored. By .1 G Norwood, M 17-664 roger See. Autericvn Flower Garden Rompzerso—Adapted In the United dt,temby ; Esiwant bayers.L4pds4Ve and Ornameotal Gardener,. IS mo,.third edition, revised, enlar g ed end illitetrated. Piro Oregon, Rocky Mountain., &c. Teamment, Oetavo, with and without Polyglot twin, end Psalm* to Tette. Rice nod Pingroe's Dibate. Banes Works 1.‘ 1 7 tithe f.oko. Lana Wrath. krioro's Private Davo• too- 4.0"•olto Bah!.; Cheep editioos of van.. works is parriphlot faro - tad= • Valuable Standard corks. I Dft/INLIt'S ENCYCLI:IP,EDIA-.A_llttiortary LI r4e,lntrrauge and srl yroKoroolog th e hisloryStoec:ption and prthrip to of co ry Orunrh of Ithoyink Yrooviledie, woh thy. ofortruhos nod drait3ott of 01 U. 4 too la ersocral we, ordotni by o. rlirtodi,y ft s,4e. to mr.. tw-roop 00 wout \ orth b.ob rod, ort4 n4ro Of Nor th ArroFtool,Cototolt Ea. Cypsda West, Nona Scotia, Nes Orunroorb, N. dam Yew, Net 4 lie, Florida Ton, Califart , i3, C,Lal America, Yoaritin. frest lola 1.14+ *l.l all the `rover red Torn sits in the llootoo , It?.yzwy..of the Ploritteto from tba relonnottion In IS 7, In theieSols , dn me...P.4V Le aroonut nr ttetr priciptn; ke, e, 07 Dowel ries4 A, remc4 by John 0 cheutee, 31D, nth woe portratlallaiteel; 10/A V ' . The or the Body in eilation to theooote dlonro, NI I>, ineotbot of ebe.ioyal solkee [hpiesso...e. Wo.ks. Wealth and froitk ot •hish main Ns maa, • •erl P•i^ ortenile vreot Alt of the SeN beta; nititting human:a of sh ; •i Roaorl;'s elmentary led rtmitc. to dttIiKAINO, laid. se or tom a 0 ... G. ! floento, by nanelsT Roassit, tr., torn erincAos Th. lab,* voi,ks reee It . 1 . 4 kr .1. II uMINEITON k STOCKTIri 134ohmIlere,our omit. wad pfd .to ‘ . 4 EDICAL , 0001.C8— Oil loonolmon , otonZio,ll.l..b , Comm'. I otta-te.s of >144.4 he; i 'proofs A notooly, , I ... P00...4 iti,er.laild!oi plan 'a I.lrn ent. of rai,ioioty, 11.4....... N. I'M 1.40; Wolom's i do; I Ebe..lls n Fr.dO.. 1 I...eree Oefl roof. , on I Irma, : F1av01....... V. 44. of Parlual4,... Plow on the *Di...4of . 1....1.r W111,4 . 441' a c 1031.4 , ii. re. hl .4.4l.lllilithanvii -Cis'., Pere.. ( 4 S ••• •• in. 4.4lnry—now ed... The • 41% , With 9 , 4eral ....rm. , of C NI moan:leo. Book joyt rere...g and for ....lo I to if ELIA k . cr Ir. F.Nfi1.1:4.• ...19 , he t00.k0f.... hell.. and .4 4.11 [IA tIPRIVS 1, ÜBLICATIONS Welsor*. i L Econatios and a...harping. Stlutdoch'e 'Molts... • Liddell en, torn p! tend Eogllsh Legit.. -Dritinc . • Notate! ,ittlowpir. , setirf(iomo.ll Juot rim d awl fin lisle by • • opts% Ofc DON tt I.D tr. BEESON. to market tit lllVNlDlLTllll—Buiiffri—ins oti of the Gm* Rai. sl:d °Whim, Imo ofithe wore end campaigns arg lIIIM o , he struggtes ra•the Bieck i . OlOOlO in Ernancipo. tilos uteir costim from the ruttish later. Dad col cines,splencid copy with name.. R1N18.7. 1 call.l . 61101. .. . Lhilersi illosirattle of the telgn of Willem !IL from laid In Tani—wills Jim portrel, • ,b in st cols ' Companion to the smelt of dm Hely ceriptarie Derry blonbra) tithing romance, with Dr engta• sti lour is the lloly l L.A.-French Siege, and Sketch. in China. Just hell aiiclinr selc by • hie ill:i ALB tk BEFSON ..N2' __,,_ , to market street 20, - 01toolin of Photos. 11.0 , 11 11. MELLDR. el Weed st le sour receiving J en excellent attainment of Boston sod New Verk tlenes,•rrived to•Diland fon eale. I 1•,%-. , 0. mild 80:41.°d fol.os. V.% tiro4•6 4 , 6 2 V 1 .I , lle splendid carved Hosea - mat sin octaves, DM ',Cue splendid mahogany kism six ands half... • 3.50 - • • • more Übe grand Piano 'Forte, mode al the factory' of Own tiers, Parim and rally equal u the one hoed by him at his Concerts. goo one 'mahogany iscond han I Po., made by SM. A eaten' h Denims', New York. VS A further supiily will be received dosing that week. New Lot of Eiespasst Plano. j Xl ‘ l ' h ' e ' so ". l7 lo th' r r°1,T.11..",7, hough' in toe east,, 1 hie elegant motionany,6 octave. made * try Minns & Clark, New lork,ol genet pourer and area... o or tone—evremely Ono priced. One elegant toreentod Piano, made by Checkering . Gorton, and selected to Gm as the best increment to the claw in la is fitewo Pore very moderate. Dewitt* r a nantber a *idol s ot all prices and styles. romans the most eawnsiVe or!cetiot. eve, °feted here, No , tel,lltd-stAtt J W Cr onnwonw wogs BoatoWeind NOW %rock Plano.. fffli i .ll.)llPS 11.,bik 1,1.05 G, NU el Wood at, 1 ties reeeivwl ann offers for sale— I One splendid Itwevrood Piano Folio, WWI 61 octaves, iron frame .11 new sc•le. Med , brichieleriny, of Groton. One elegant not,wood Plano Forte,l7/Iti crellivat omlirontnme .;Mode by Chieirering. One elegant l'ilaltigany Plane Porte—made by Gale & Co, New York . , the snore will ha fold at remurfeeterer l e prices. Also. far tale is above, i amend band' Piano Forte s stub 5 oetaven ; i , Yi 'STORY OP 111153LIGO—Jest published, hy Li JA&UP ;Giles Cincinnati, h THE utsions UP riP,ZICO r her ej•il Wars and i' Colonial arid ReliolUrrunary Annuls, from she panel lie eritiowtt Cojnpiest. to the piewni time. liel, incliolota ant ne aunt dam War woe rherOniled Mates.: In. cUlttt undi Military Achievements. Ity Young 51. 1.1 With wroCopperplete Maps, and Wont Flugiavings of Plano at Battle Grounds, &e. One soli aloe lir:taro, fivn hundred and erstyifenr pagea. inl4 , . Ual- MAP d 0 , 11; d 4t14 ,, 2 , 1C0-51a g pld . e v Iv I Er fi d e i : cot Valirlf:0601: 4i.Crll(tClollo'de dieha Rep:titre : TN commute par lit 'heroics amoridades. A few eopiei tenoned; for solo by JOHI4STON >OCKT--- ON, Gootirellaw mato& 3d Gs rIEIIII /1100111111 1 -HAM !DVI/1 • Fi.r intro.: i . _..ogy Avoid, .• 1.404 NW or . limy Hsi o Wrt ( k tato, otit)pot dOn out ri ------ ''rlitkitAkt SOUP.- - -- 7 ""141 1. Tl . l+ fall di ' . tok •Ai IC I " tht rkoliE I' OINUIPLCS OP NATUZIK. I. M.,. R., . • i h. it ... 41. . . . .re , CI , s . by. LW ce is, inll L obb, and 0, o t t.t.oit, to blaultib4 by int 'womb irr , biItTLE SOUP will be ...Relit -grit . Ik . ii , l ji . bath .;• • • _t t ,... , , •.•+ 7.• • , ~. • • -Amara* looksito P4`,,,•• „ . ; .1. Ukt Dant .4di at.; every dao till &elm .-, ... - • aorntold by WK. JACKSON, at his Patent sdkint_ 1 Aninher loi of twig Wonderful Hogan has Wen rebid The I °.'n of So m' ini..* lol 7•h“ mina.uasa. fit LlbetyrislOysiLin k iLsioywkw ,•6,. : bill' L ivi ri •. WM lil eAmovirigA, -•- *Met PPG .11 . 1=W ei0.9 0 I PC . "...- ••• ', - .40/Italt . ',4oPt .'f . ,' ' ' ' ' .'''' 7 7 1 1, ... ,:[ • .A . . . .. ~ , . . • . : .. ~...,......-. .; ~..• il 5, .1, t , • .., .., . . R 11. 1847 EMI MANUFACTOItIES. Dti ESNE SPRING, AXLE.,' - STEEL & -WORR: COLEN lIAILMAN,*. Co., hawing completed their New works, are now preyarexi to ats=nrae- Mai every description of Coach and Eliptic Wings Imo gal., Amermanßruner, apriug and plough dtsol, ',and all sized of small square and round Iton, which they offer for sale on liberal term, at theiI.W6TOAMSO N 0.43 Wood mreet • whomthey , aim ke ep' n head a oamplete and. e uaorunent Coach rm. 1..9- .! ,g1 /""r"e' 1"11"b, I..,su?igst d roe, * C. H.& Co , ha= made, arrangements with ?desist Day & Cram, me of Shovels,' Spades Forks, do., and will keep commantly no hand =or, trticle made by theta. Dealers am respectfully soh cited to ce pricesand terms will be madeg d-ST liberal. tv. PITT MACHINE WOWED AND FOUNDRY, Pineal:len. Ps. JOhNN - WRIGHT 4 00. • P. RE prepared to build potion and Wootlen.alachin. A cry of every desenplion, stab erc-Carding,/ila chines. Spinning Prattles Speeder., Dram . ag Frames. Raftway 'leads, W rapers, Twillers,Spom• Dressime Prunes. Looms, Card I.:trader, &n., Wrought Inn Scaldng ton ed all tares or Cut Iron. Pathos and H Inerrant the' latest patterns, slide and band Lathes, • and tools of Mated. •Castimos or every desenption ferniabier o short orc tics. Patterns made to order for Mill Gracing. Iron ratling,km . Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Cast Iron Mends , Cash, and fancy Camara generally. — Orderst en at the Watchome or Ji Manner & Co., Lib. eny street, wtil have prompt Mennen: • iDlackstoch. Dell & Co. J R ?daddies , ' RUtas G Warner, John Irwin It Bonet Pitalber[b• .113Ctr.311 Warner; Dtenbettaille. Nal/ --- CO-PAILTSICHSUIP ,ISOTZCE. W. STEPHENS of Wheedled. F Sbnentier E. ger of Juniata and J. /L. Satekton of Siusbures have tete efly dieted LUSO eolsilletship ander style and Gnu of Stephens, Shoenhenger A. Co, at the Aerhor Iron W orker Wheelica Va.,for the papaw pi , eitatufsetariag - .den SAS coil. Of. enrylie*Cilp ooll . E. W. Einsarom. S F isnernsaarria. J. A. sTeertot STEPHENS, ISHOINBSBORE'Ii CO, • ANCHOR IRON WORKS..., • • • Mailing. Va. Matalketate all Medea( bode.. shee r bar iron end ntily A w l' steel caste springs and asles Beteg can ted Shnenbenyees Old J. 11411 Wort.. ma ea., offer an article of Jam:Halton (braided Sheenberger) equal to any made in the country. • 'Alter whichwill be sold at the Pittsburgh price:. Ws:donator the Works re L fn , .r mere end W ter . fuel koppenr...a. John D. %Via • L. P.. Meted. LIPPENCOTT•di ,CO., • MANUFACTGRERS of HAMMERER and CAST St F.EI. it ovemend ffpades. Ases and Hatchets. Mill pg Ca Circular and Gin rases; Hey and Menu, Fork., Hoes Mattocks. Sid, be, be. Having completed all their arrangements in the eon. streetion of new machinery. and in creating the boot workmen: from the most ealebtatal e•tahlnhaettu el Me EMI. WO pow seenufectartag and wtn keep con inanity e s heed sod for sale all the above erne rs. hoe • Mt availed themselves of the latest imp.oseasents.and are determined that In workman IP andJ l .3 will not bet d They promise to pe r lateles, equal, riot superior. to any Coo had to th e Eat. They triode the aureole Or dealer. to an or eciefainabe of their mak before purchasing elsewhere. n, they e to Meths) will be Sloe SO ell orders in their lee to Ibie entire at of purchasers{ Watchcase, , Water ss'4 &ors Weld blosemplitsta Hasa, Pittsburgh, I Pa N • • . B. Person, hiring twines& vnth Wm. Lipp men r. Son, will please call on Uppeneou &Co. prindi 7 ALLFAIIIENV VENITIAN VIAN BROWN D FACTOR% JORN A. 1111 TAKES tbm method us inform his (tends . and the innate it lame that his Eery en. , in fell opernooM on the East ..0 . el the lhadmed, Allegheny. when a cool ' stant supply or Blinds. el emit's* mlots ' smdenalittes,ereeanstudly keptoti hand, else at No.ll Wood et, Pinslettalt,at J. 4 11. Phillips'eil eledi envenom emnau lettatten made to order in the hest etyle. Wilds repatred at ties shortest ocalea. N.. 11. lig Blinds will be put up, widget% miy addi tional exrpuse .0 that they enn be removed in a e, meet In ease of fire or tor washlng, and with.' the nid of • ems de n oei4dl yesslandr • iIL. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found. - . e?.. numbed% and commenced basinem at aid r mend. matte be woll be pictured to C__.; e his old mummers and (panda 'l7 , obarett; Steamboat. and Bells of every pa7t.m bo sTof tt? ' "'CI° PW ,P . orTs " :7 ,', e most appoirst m e -•. - iwarrauted to be of the 6. 131 lam:els. 'ltem! lt 'met Pump , Counters. Railing, be. be nantbef en even - sattet7 of Bras* Castings, a feilitts ed. tamed ithd finished in the rienlcl4l2l3lllllcf. , Lt 7 -4. F.! is the sole ammeter -et Samuts Ada. ATTLITION Mtli,L, $0 if stly cclabfatati fox tbe sedan. non of Sittig:a in tannin:al. 'Ole Cal. .1 CO.P O eden canl.e bade( bite at ail :Anna ient-ti -_-_-....------- - - W. W. W 9STbeE,Oll.lllll,kl WOK an, No . t 4 anti 1$ Liity 311 [IL lam Ms rano. ALW AY don hand and madr tinter, • :aye rot ty; of Marble Mantels, Pier, Centre Amend Tapijomb Smoot, M al ti .&e; who being made of t),, career ratable. and azahanrator priitmralai be minbinery, wallet trold low tor cash N.reowns wishing to purchase Mantel. of. • informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for theta to go East, as I can furnish timm with an alma in all ranee... good, and (freight, iris mance, an. eionsidor. ed.) as cheap as they can pair-hose tt,(...0 ititintar East. Call and see. coprzu, inEET IRON. AND TIN . WARE MANUInCTORr. • No B Market street Pittsburgh, Penny PNE subsesibers haying mile great laannusearents I in Me construction of them Ctttri RIG' MVP S, respectfully I.,va persons hu",iding etemnboats Le call no it t ...mine Ware em supply them Anti Drat Stove., reeve, and every o•hre kind or Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron wort necessary in furnish mgae also e mke to order on tba shortest 111101 ICC Sal Tubes and Matal watt for Alen tAinbv^ and every vnrsitr of WW ,n ti" ".e frit) ntIVAIIFF & SHIRK 4 WRII. EIIeCULLT • o• Rannfarturerz of V tali, Ballet Gins- - no. d roat'a UUR fa mein tieing no by full operation , we are prepared to eteeole Onleit in, OW lint promptly Dorms the last Sommer we hart adopted a stew Mau tied u. tobit meow Glow,. (ilte to rn app ova_plan now In Wt. ram.) by v. bleb we torn out ..ipettur Int t.low &melted on toy plan is perteetly into one, aye watts a very Em lustre Paints.. awl ot alts den ei.liy are reqatoled to eon and ram:sine for Meat wives. ! - R BEN N TT 4 BROTHER, unii-AsivARE NI alaurAcTuße.. Birmingham. linear Pittsburgh') Pa. Nardi/,at, No. 137, Wood Oriel, rillsburgh •W ILL corsslantly ikeep oo hand a good gluon en rm of M are, of muli olio manomemee, , toe mpeoor goaloy. • WboMeale and country Met - aroma are reepeethpy kawited to call and ex •none for theenableoa as ere ake deternhoctY he Sell ebea r Y ::.'sa Ma ever Infest been offered to the pole e. (Cr Orden seat by mail, aecompamed il the rasa , i , coy eefeienee er.o be otemrolY aMaaed M. Mid , -- `treat I , h:item. Butt Binge i' , :eilifittOrYt DINGIADIAA'I, Ot ' • A Ch. would infurte ihe made t R. they et c owninnufnewiting the Utol he eeerensde In ate Unnedettnies. As tkie to our prince t i oeirtew. we intend to send out as complete 41 ar n ele ee can pownily iro 'made. Mho.enlisted in in 0.. hordwoie inide, we thins. will find it ineir ter. to )or Dune All order. Co in te nded tuss A fIARUNKR ACo go.o. ot, • ormin • •• •I JOHN sill IghltfY t 'Co., Nos. W•Saits V 4 Instil st... • i A _ _ Buss autt W.* Eta ,vevs. 644.1.4 of- 41i stew. yaw /I . from the tete, nsposed psi terns aoo ventenated equal any Also, Ms. Cavell [withal if (veered, UV. Fit --- Wig. (Al Op promptly vn.ltv ' a••• tee-eramie teems . . eve IV4II 1 errnatumb,..lKEL AND erktlNto AND AY,LS PACTURV. . • MAC .10:110. gp " . 4011 , C11 ANUFAtI NEAT • of eves Le Ulutot.ffieet MSOO Steel. Steel klougb a, Coach •Eliplle Swells IlsAuStereel Imp Axles issel dealt ts Ssilealne Cotten., el.e ruglor tan p 4. end tore comer al amass From meets Phisburgb. Po , spea - LIPPINCOTT IRON WOlLlial. 1110 S .0 Naas, Shovel., a.. (or we at ear not I. Wareboase, No. 54 Water street, rm. Weed, ,On tong a, Fran, • AIN, Fran` at Lae old mad, DlrNaster Oak Ltbertl street. Oaring made great skattaryag to Or. Rohm[ BUIL a orders cap be E.SeIl - morel CHUFF, LINDSAY a DS • - .vuricwArrontans of FINISHIN“ NAILt,Cap _HWY ITacks W.Alr BRADS, aud per . . IRON AND COPPER:I:mop NAILS, Pa.. Makera r ...Points, of =tow description Wilco No. 2 21; Charica Bowl, rd *true. ' Pitubumgh. P. 4..7E7UR: FLINT GLASS ESTABLISOLGUNT.. NIULWANI & LEDI.I2III.LLISCILIIe sod kodp unii sieiuuy on band Cul: alonaledand Parisi FLn in all its varienSs, at their Warabouo, em nof Marino. wad Water Orsers , On, Works continuo in full opernrion and ;//e a ,idlotan ly adding to mattock, orniztt conlrles Into fi I orn,rs sorb ',garniture. Pureliaiico. arc revocUoil itrd .11 cod dgamitio prices aid trona. baylUday TUNS. K KAM ED Y. Jr.,• IVltaleiale Variety ore and Larking Glass Manufacturer, Comer of Wood and Fourth , Piiub argh. lis A on j m u e t a " t tr v u ' r d i e ` t g y o :Is, :nal :I ' m% Cloc pe ' t g. , n '4, dem., Pins, Needles, Cutts. Caps. Cooks and' M,e Cutlery and Comb* of Prier" pattern and psalm - Western Merchants and othe rs are req.:wed to call an•l examne tt fare purchasiag •lecaher , or anion All k i nd. of Nth. Mahotanv.and common Lkok,nj Was es nianatamared and mod at lantern prices octal ' - - FROM the very liberal'ettioarage e . mem the subscribes has meeired since has located himself - Ix Allegheny. vreangmo.s has indseed him to take a tease, for s wren of years, on the properly helium occupies,. in Beaver street, immediately beside the Prerhytenan Church. Fromibelopg experience in the above business and • desire tay.Mine, he Awes to mar. hand refieive a since of:public patronage. Nor on band and finishing t oder; Buchan:my Beg s-ins, open and top Buggies, and pray • deieription at ("Arrives madam order. from seventy Ave ,dollars 10 tughtlumareL 1011,14 MOUTH._ , 'BOLIVAR' Fill*. g 4LgiK. • •• 37 PlltW ßßlCK , maputaemmd by-time' saw artlele,M store; for sale Itt g alL coed - • • ean :lAA,. • Itn ' • SIAISING•DLOOD And Consumption. Yam m the Side and ,Ntakt Brows; Anhui., %Vitamins Cough. Palpitation of the Sean, '• Liver CoMplarist. Smurfit:a, and all diseases of • • ' tin:shrew-Over end liver nand h7Mier- • an's All.lieiliarg_Balsmn , Raisiiig Blued .CoitetirtsfiMuS. LIB. MILNE. Budder. Smoklyn, wan ettiried IYI. with raising blowl.followed by a „vitgls4ain in the side. sod the usual grammar of conatimption , He employed two of the beet physicists; they did him tut ge ld and told hint he CO t WINDT LI Vt , arles of the steederfal toren acre rern‘dhy Sher,. stanre'Llalsam. he item. at 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes. ID Felton aL, and east, • Watt it operated ltke etiona. =Toed the bleedin, aed couerl hr . had taken ate boule he ass tole to be about hi , mutt It had RSV HD MIA LIFE. .11la datimer.tmining at IV Mt nle Avenue: cm hums it ' ••' tiara 4 n Tenth Mm Ann 'dawn or Williamsbergh s i bear Math Fourth-moray w—Tion she Isabella tl with a backlog cough, and pain in it. chest, for • lon eer g nese. which et last became so bad that Silt Msa obliged to give up oer oehuol ha men than'. year, commenced taking the Alt-Seabee Salaam Watchman alleviated her "prisms Ike ia ribs raw Iterneung • dud bee resumed her isboriouseacoaaum ay a Wither re YEARS. ' • Mr .John O'Neal. 10.1. avenue and Slat It. andered with kecalit• raising of phlegm end • pain ill his at& , tie mind rt NO.REI he tried the All Hearn g Balesestot bleb drove Me' pain hoe, hot Ade, /Waged the: emote. and oroimat the diware. upon the eitnere. and Orebro he had rakes three heettre,wm calmly cured • Pleurisy end Consumptive! Mel_ Haggai, a lad) alma da of 7u 'witting Mare, Wing Yu tor Blood, *Opel Sinnott. oratleurley. ! Musing of Blood, mem tease, otionudattaf Breath' Fein in het Mad and canon. passer her,tettly lier friends betievrd bar rAsr RtAXWERY, We Alt , Sealing Beam re resod her at enee a all her alarm leg tin mottoes and .here Mil side to atte nd sr her worn.: Aifrintat wad Snooping ctergA. Lacretia,Wells. 90 Cy r tie.sti E. b D 41% le Delsneeyat, 'WM H Wanes, anew the the 'Sue et tide great remedy • Ask err' termares ,Balsage, ant see that his written eiguature Don each boWe.. •J, ',- Priced:teems and Slyer bottle. r • • - Dr Sherames Wets and Cough Loneugee mid a* above. Prine•pa open WI NeLsii.e 4 t- N Y • • sous wholwak and retail by Ws. Jeckem, at. ble TAW Medicine Wertheim Ind loot mithhea IlletreMo SS Moe , ' ruse, amil of Weed Mee% PBBNIS IL . Fner fliSto 77174 — lll, Omesois DIPO r • n ofr 1 TAR AND WOOD NAPS'S , A , -The FortlaM .IMe) Advenmer saym—u.Tamicettvl7 has been were meeessfat than any medicine we have ever knowd for its numetost cares to Couriseption, Spitting Blimdiparin in the Sole mid Siegel Ortmehitts.AsthmkUbsuitete Coughs, Iteratreness; Sore 'threat, 'Menthee of the Ileurt, Whooping Cough Creep,NertouttreMons, Re, Individuals of the highest nespectebtlitr iellfth a n y but ample tseummy tic power and edam) m maha of dimmed . , Among De Omunenialslathe value of tlislicere Med: mine, au several firamdisunimished physicians of Phil-', adelpbra. Read the mllowLug from Dr.noeng, eminent i • FlMAnsamiu..l4.l B,lB47 . , Saving media my practice. a. malt wt is my oetre family.qtaillieran's Cempousd Sy repo( Tat. and Si ..00 Naphtha. I have no hesnation in myragitlint it is the. beet preparation of the k tad to loose for penotossurferaig fetes Conatterman,Coogris Colds, arid all alf-tbone oh the Tama; Brew, tic , so prevalent at this neon of the year. Wst. taem.n c,lsatprue st . , We harem., widen • few dors the passim while tile the ibliewilig centime, Ito mamma well, hem; tier. cured of Ms iherat igen.. of grUltn= j ertti rd may hire resource to a truls daviamig I Woeld state that the ouneht kmen experienced mho the; are of was. tampound Syrup of .Tar and Weed Rapine*. Per several /Tun" heeu base alt.' led with a dteuessing reeling countotecenetmated TV 4 . mem oppremirre and thilleolty of breathing, w;rili • son, anion of tightness at the ebeAt.. Bechartun greatly slarentel. a mend wed had been pack 'tenanted hy this mememe, recommended me miry ti, did en; and ID u• irril Mort time eve hi alarming mruromidirappeured; toy espemoratien beam. Iva. all ague led Me. my cough mood and re a row dm s I met able to go ore cud attend homy besness a manj Any locker 0i.0131.11.1 will NI given tits aP¢md. Ls udling may reodencs,j4.lB.l.l. Frontal JOS. MOJA/. AMY. - This resaleable medicine is prepared Only by ANC NEY =WI S., at NE corner of FAD ta d Bernie t., Ph.tadrl y ern . : bid In Vinyl:nob by:Li WILCOX. Jr Frit, .59 mete of it per bottle r cAUlloN—Rewere of the many coarderfens it., new The onscrupulatis aro , Pver med 7 to BI63INGIAN TALI FACTIII. CAMPOIC&L £ CUESS, COACH'M A K I N. 43 MEDICAL. ai.4013 ' ASTI.II)IN Satin Ussa j BHT —A Ilit A Niamdr. !! d V.on.lrr! —la sac Eruptions mad Didsurastala of , Sa Pare., Fseat ;es, Slaabus., aht.A. ScurvY. So llrSd-BSc eso Four yeas ajp loot &111114.1,1 he C 41111.1 Or Frll.ll avow 'bed in sanity *Sae at a times: ay ar,as: sr lisl:•nellemiat. Many saunas—li jscrnare s t. laaassiaihry that saythias say, y C.; atn. los e +sal, !laws+ P , wr 7 V4. 4 Antsa:a Vseynalbe CifiV • n and hid indcri inn t tan; mets, i nita slag! am .db denktuturn do the 1.1121 t drew } dner toning Lin ibe bospanin Alediesi v Pdr.s (the batsbernisid the norealecliderec ollowrandrepait to Legato, Vespr nn Lye have nanr npjely and eant4.o4 cZdotr 6 ithr 11011 de V o%44.hnee dna:vied it. ..oinnondnt anna—dieti naandtsadl it tin se tas• CUNIAIIad ticanade di* la pdanannen Inie. Ititli.Chennaal -anal IA 4 peat and d y IrouderNi to . 1 aid at uiy . natant:au tantn.4.a.. Its medal. are candid._ wad pkilanthropist At Wrenn mankind. . Vdidtedi L EO:, READ VIM: Ihr the Inventor bimetal lo theinesein PA:yr:eon • AsAi. Nov 4, in4o to boitsideiation'orAte awn ICSAA, I have dtvalt ocAutler.tA Jane., reaidius tattle city of Noir TOIL V. /i.,,,,the .whole promos of otanutaeturiny, lopther with a sNlementof the Ingredients comity...WA) - n Chethical neap, lie is totoonufsetare i for Mir iu the United ewes ont), and to have the,pnytlebe of . an , ' TA "lr ;" (Alined) AN ruNIA VTAPitiNt aroid 47 W JACKeeiN. al his Patent alehouse FA Liberty otnNii, bean of K eatd, ot the 4tyof thi jfia Hoot. h ' jla plnc in Ptitsbu irherb the OEN U A eaotfe ' otined Ail others, sre Counterfeit , ~ . - A GEEel' CURE, pule mod by the o ifhial .od oity inn LI and potato Lim Tih, told byr 15 E BE. Lf.Ks. - klosnie' Fannon We.. flood Co.. 'nu i . . ... . July Ilith,lB4:. ,_ { Mr R. R. 84ko: - home of Oa) to . - au so theaEured induct. out roadd eanlitootho lotiaoiey infirm, of youspiatly eekbrated Lion Pdb .1 hoe dam red poop s.. be year, Whew( to Dairy Eruckitt's moo, 'be ear! you eue nght, Olen go shod!' Mort Odle many prep.} arous ofetrapil ins ,oil euseJta, lasdod .o the *hies, hoc toll isou otihntai saucy . yamPi Is hasitosoftritd to Ote Pub le oil huh odt . 41.. %hi . , 11111 i . 1..r1i•• heist ah '' at th. y are jou what yep tato theta to b.- Owe bum Oho. d limb Lao Comp. Or fco rap yineli:li it sat id ourel4 itiolityta noisy etouittgaytteuin,to wbuint I p id' ouch lobo ; i het* Let moth b boo toon urd and Letystinul shoo it duokO lot Toad Sor il , km., sod !lolly woo Gip at into able: la 106.7 I otabisdoeediti i ) y00r.1., Pi9s t and SUO 8 UOT 18 ELL. lobo of • hieteltoote subluitat to herriaa em of p Lie the; ode sod a.I the ow, . pow. 6! '6 1161161. 9 mobs Your Ptla or • tithe hot noi -1k In. rued. Wail nali, to (rioter or ghoulh teen.. o • at tut soon. Oeb, bat rite sat molt rtl or i t h muc are kept them ley toot foe IS or 7 yoart, told hundiioit of boo and bars Om' heard a slug 6.06606i61 ittliied by soy ow who has wad Ilona Iby hoe supireedidointet to., oho pall in tin otighborhood, and in a short dna •ill'iboott ti no ti I earonly retool:Died than to all pervies otedioht physic, whether for Liter t oinplang o• Bi flout illfotioos I e a side, thew far superior to Cahoot or the Blot Sill L Erne et -1 " liittl t 'n)ll . --As thin are: - other Itiibt beiort Utt 'L pttbe eannotiLirer Pills forum who wealth/F(IEN UlNEthould we fi t and hke no other than avow pripundnud told by a a: BEI4EIIB N• Si WoUult bout. Tat d and Borth S,Ad CJ Dr.Caust, Yig !nod D . .,%1 Coral, Like., Lin JAt NEM ALTeeidall • We have bees inOrar d by AlrviLlo.r. at • eat pet aimed ocher by Ur. Jayne 's 211111.1r•al , ea.n110 1. Indhe Mmeriority aver every , tiler rraleny g e ar. n She hie been atiLeted tor the fact *teen I euro NeCtIOSINS or W 111 LK riWiy LW she. &amid. alp Meeration• and erikd alienS20 s 2.e. e. Cu • which ILL , many Meets have b , aMebltrictu.Bma A be ,routal tuna re the arart . ura.l umb :ace ar yams and heed., and .02 MLb AM/ Sr i a the 4 . , e oral bone: and from b. NMI late besi h. pc I o Mee t s au other pirte et her helm.; watch hive balls . Me shill at a manber Of tile ottaelpitt - dia phy atria,. la .mr alt -Minna ra..l at the time him ...atriums hart and depharable About thme month. •Ihr‘a elle was ladyted it try Dr,.. Ja)n.'s Allerellte a/Web 200180 en solos Anialy happy erect %am bell l.yr meaty., all pain tan and eiteiteg 110 ulcer. at peal, arena ailito•ante tihre berlenerel health Car liaeollioearteplettly reval23.4. 412151 elle now 11.1 ie morn Matt .be dad helves alit fiventencell Man, or hi. truly'aeliiePtelavant.-ieat Bye, rms. lar further a. vam,inquirept 31m. Beet fee tea Fleell t st,J'lm kia. • 7 e sale P211 , -aurge, at the rE,IN TEA STORY I VI Farah st near Wood -17itrir,VerETV.rualitiTrilGvv boa-take-a at . a is dark, am/ lallevl- S"uuwhose hair Is berth 104 w‘.•v, Rusty.dirly toil or her . - Yes. shy, vile Uffethriee bleat. ynpteaaaolia a pateddraM.... Vat could have- bey, mow tat gin- • ; Troth .Awhile a. same or pearl. • Hewlett a Prey tweet Una eertiele Pere and white and eae2ol22oed bellanfel, And hut t aft.ellitY. dark By madieg what a said bei;or. READERA. any of yea ten have tteal•eva br imin Jae a amichi bat trinity acing I able of Jane.* I:tair ativ 0-1 k b bos or Donee. Amber ',roc pane-arc 12 lelate 42( die atantinc /Ones'. 12.2112 ' tire ertlel2o gust hat little, I an! mooted Mai We faikitring ere their real qh har Toe math p:atte perei the brehib • mama odor, 'verb. and preverma the teedt. , ke 'the heir .10 1, inept 20'ne 21,e Marl eiyallitalliing ever made hit dr, becultiring, end caving , 11,1 prraml. os Mar a he •oap, tse , Ste ennui de Sorle3s,Su.p. nand) mrliat dud m ike dark. ye /hire, clear and fate All theic.buig. are ion 1W I , OkriOtti t er Bent and rettoa Mute und ediattm Werehaate ea latteftY l No Core, No Pa); •. Or.Jaskno , Pike SwoMs.,.ilLnan. Niro pa' •1 ERE arc few nizaaseilunre eomnioa or trot. .tenotne than tho.Ptles,hod yet. o.4*.the OW. rest &torts hale been elide to cure by the u.t.. Ills, elm:Mertes, liniments, dts all stern Whir it little twiteht. Now . flee Knahrocation is thi medicine used. A pure who his beeosutfer?. og wits the Piles .1 the went% kind tame from itie New Jersey, almost perpose to caper hi , ;Maude for the speedy-Care that this medicine had elfeeted in his ea•e.—Phtlai:Stt. Post. , • lia'ror sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKEPITEA I ,TllitE; 72 Foirth murals°. On_ Dra g Stun 11 P Schwartz, Fesletilat.,Allogheny Cit r.hiRT • ern.," W . Matairrl mg is , J- mohtnwthniip prom.. it to to what it pro. cw—the ton artiale, outlast P gleftp az ans Roth. inma Laew prawnwatiom hut. p hi 11.111.10411.1.11 where h. has been watortm wo Isieli km.. Wad ptatm:W.wa ihisk vv oyster filTef dam ia nemeawnitio kno. twa.. ,ph,„ their hair t to mak. fnajniiiimTowitimaimaialtly immalmitrie st. the NV. tb esia., rt. 1,. wrrhaleeer, star. A% maJ2 . arrimilt EEO lIASUKANC E! - . . 'Jour: runs • DELAWARE PAUTDA4 - .irPhiladla--; • VIREAISILSepen bandelca ace witiehatelse f;teler3 derenption, and .74AktlleE Rlsea opes-hollaor Were efeterale, takes epee the -.. mostlvoroble teens. • • • -. 117,0 1 Ece in the Wanthorni el W.' Sri Hermea & 6 7 .; .Yo: 37 Water, nearldarket street. ate =The saceeSaor tilts Comp.) loner tethe, In thrash} witnthenremonarr. • *sof tiiosoLify vela watch oven clam apes taste ase foss has bees othested searnon LW easel m icts riting Wr meleesee and la...ate of IS,. moods aa4 the comma:on at egre'to the to 'meats r. oleo ratscoFecomon, I. has the 40! . .... 0u advauttyps a la Iplutnuun btoeua we rr , tt dnertablan n . Philad'al— , eehailoganpuldipi...: Ic rept al;*luett.. tibeinyeratnneurdatlierte•nbernenantt)snezereurc peneingin 'ace possum Mascot Si. altare"ets tn. profits a. thi moupany tlh.l ibieletag kcal *itn , ,rapetosibiltsj n enterer, an: schaseios,.. posSetering the Warier pridfMie do* me el rows obnolLn. rattan, tal l to unit au...ewe ' , FIRE AND IN AitlN P. irillUDAriCE. lemma& ulr•A.Lb Aseere-s, ,-1 DUO IDltllutlieD Agelll. ws 41611•1.1. t. Def,Fl make ionnene:oi eamiei Deer ace pflID DIV, ID ilns wt) ~as :MODeleill +Do es pampas by tee t-esiu alio Divers. DI NEC Kinn": • Jells C. nonce PnWL, &fees., • • Also. Hoary. Qum& IDylor.l • &till. W. Junes, . Yawl. •••. • amp. - Fara& Smith, . • Autonose...*ens• : Jobs A. dams, ' . Jamb sl.dfa awls, Jolla Whits; , Jona N. ; - TO.. P. Cope, • • Weal:N.4 a•II • Wen. Weise, . &tout:X(411101u • . Tit& u, the oldest losanuice. Is le United Stl/011.1111111111 bees charier& u ft - NA lM charter is, perpetetl., and Dem i.t•• biz, • long experience, ample mosnsi•sitil out= rake of an extra tittudod. tentselsi, it mop be conaideredu aerial ample &leerily to ter public. '• eIUSES AT a 00D, At Coliiitisa Nod& of Atwieel, - Jciies & Co., iveterud front One* Pillstough.-: 8024 As Art Lon by Ede— t Fl,. lan& niece , •:oespney VII/ ILL =As trowel:mai, permineet asoliml44,, y ,in . PfITS• DUNG a g :ltte SUra.7l\tirpOUNTlt Y. °stowable tonna This company has a purple - 41 CAPITAI; • • • S4ODAIDO CONTINGLPIT. FUND ONee corner of TM& &Aida/kat sla„ ap Ss—tr. . WAgitICK. M Alvan, Age.t. inf . INSURAN:L. - - inlaAram,. o f . Igo=pulp' • rt , 1L.e4,:n•44 . /11A.1 ' . CUALII4 rzFITo;,.• t1y.14911 rms. U. OltCe in Phdadataio, No. 72 %Mut Sired. I WM. DAVINKIN , 110 old tad well•osoth:uOtod tkaapaoy evallnesi te runatare sodprog. orty color LII o .- - Vas Mairdgas ettoractot.pgatoot ot amours by ' • • ' - ' • "Appoeouoas • otol no4l3orhood 00 recoitod, sad ruts odlen olter P'rt""'°''""'""" 4 ll=L'arat":.',4,l7.." l 1418CLUANEOUb. •• us /a rattataatiy as attaattatya at. • tql[E'Eara6..aeuil is .tt tiltall 0e ptepai. to poet prl4 D.ldr talith at Hosa. 44... Y. tat BUOY trua—bataraa,k..yst ea 4 ital. laratealr.. Z.t. ' ' ppe "' :I * .Ytt Ml k t:l4 ' 2;ll7; t Fraud.- the mantic, D("11\(: . . p“,n, 04.14 ittal oti the haw. qatatay •ortuir so - lo riltMenti Corn Cl* l& moat*. etat t ,otte e,Lty tame *O6 1. 1 buyer. woo 4..04 Ira rt I mail rarotarl do 1.1110 Dan 01 tam Arita tra ate .orra. el."l6,Ciln. I tral abe irtelt'ou eataatrat•oia 401 yr LI toy 02 1/0/31 J 02.001104 11.41.CoilanoOdLi c du= +all. every r• s2l..l..'Mate outa be calk pane. sirtita -201 - .1U4 i•10!.1,6 .14100;re a am), bat catir.> •{l , tat a.' obi, at emy at a iacl ea .11e .a 4: r.trat:' preor atl *.tat any rtaatiuty aut.! IS.L 1 1 1 }1.1 , ;b11,yell Ut v IV. in arm 51c,..h1 weal. p. 411,4 t e r.Yer • MIMMMME marl. h /I.X.XA Dlr. It '1 801415, OFFIP• j t, it ~TAl:Zeitin cut,. ui a can Oa, .sett., Lpaa‘atae Eatlaular saata., ta.raaso'uu rain - .mei, our than •aa ptaale, laqt ) lin pity.. .lu t. au. au alkali, evor)l.u.lij Tao line al udeliakus.: Oa Maud a nude- t.raehiot Mao tuaab Coffin, snarls h.. *WI ha hed in inn ill) ties a:wart, We ware. and oinis. MO , wade nticonini oi anal,....aalialta ant Mal., 4.4.1111 • ie. 64.40 . 11.1aippr0t yll.1)1. MAI linen a huge •a , ..Mama of ark...464a5. hove% subli nir_pall bearer, and cram cup, eun, tare, nun cum thing uccusauy • or Unuailig .ha, bead, 'and uu resiousule lame nu se purciviee wi tier eon* im Ina Ewer eate. haw, Males ler ltie num. said Sue_ nave a spwaoia do. s tart and Las.. &W..) UlWla oa Ue lasst unnenucianed.i.inseaual) and «iniunialii • Whoi<sal• DOI( .14 azeltes.A. 111 THIS. w•l1 SW A au, luuH. . . ja A. e AWN e a r• Tut• e,.la. , :ii Au &V avert se. , ieut Tuck, antler or ea aI. tiro as 10.41a_ ‘lear,aatifielat'ell. bartge eau - eat alle,'eca,,Lje a I relate anal lAN el eery: ta...1114...e: •1.1311 U 3 ...prepuce YUCL LLUtillill- ti t• • re‘l• 11.41, re•tutry elereiaauLe .Yu i.hugast. , to are gealiatakaa. to rani ateatialeeka 4:r, aitataosa..irreeta cavt.11.441 avee Ai tlituleaaa our klei,,..dela. al. n.• aleatataer. a •Venutia,e eduaeur!.l .n 1 nue. • A . n. A IAI. 0at..., • s.l B. L. I U. W. tiaamdtmck, A. [S. ttw., 4%=. b... • PAPt.ti WAKEN bUb u bildiaL•lll4 Ma.Jlr, 4. 1 . , ...101!0ft1f• s t a.m. Lot WI.: .kat Am". • .max.iumaters yntw .• vei3, tralwatim k • Ar •Juswrualm ay.) J. &NJ W Weihra4ll. y. P.,11a .4 •• • • • eary• eaper Di ....Ca [Mald NI Yr,.lil • o. ,e• .a....azliot VP.% kkw r a ......... * • r ..t... *awls mat di' atopyrous yawn) + • k•Arbas 11141 ' a 4.1 a a....aa • , .w.•er) acacuptaas. 3 tru auu at; L ~......a. 41111 , CI. kCitjugb, .. tit. 144411, gu s t , • 1//0343.14 raarder,•Ltkic . lillaht.llllF, • Voipt,.. , . '. ..1 Ilt.a.ttN . S., Ullllllll. bait illol.nk, t.m..,...,,, •a.A.,,,..., ',.... pnrcausal.lar r .ba lamard{ v...., .... -.... . IL2Z=====e r4~~NON,: • 11 1 t 6•11,04 Ituotott... 11 4e4 Ul "YAM ,4114 4•.N1, ou re•pcitiqt4 •eli g 44t1t1414.44 441 .4.4 a Iv 4.414 . 11 moon.' 1641,(..•,‘ /113....‘;‘'S 41.4.,a..• Lll.l ht% •Wini 1 . 1 , 144.i.v4..... alas. 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