affSßUltiiit GAZETTE lIY ERMSTUI3 - 1[12001.14 t Co. P rrT B BURGH: FRIDAY IfORNIIEG, DEC. to; 1847 • . _ Twa Prriatr!unt DOLT GAUT= pubilsked Dalin Tri-WreklnAnd DailylsSaama Dol4zrper annum the Tri-Wc tly is Flee Dollars per an anoon:;• the Wealt.Yis Two Dollars per aaasost aria!, • .- , . r ErAninistuas an aunt...te reqeened t I o hand in . doer Avon; before I e. • , esti as early in the deY .... pneskeble . r . '.:- For ins?? Commercial %mil:pica, Minnie. ?di kits, Rini , Num, Importi; Moody gait; ht. Vsliftnarth Paw Var *MeeWaxes vim Arum Editorial Conerponiaaca of lb. PinsOarth Gaoatta, OFICIANIZATIOM Or :THE 11017111 E. . • . Wasbingtv; Dec. 'V, 1047. k , The equnHation of the Moues was attended With on nodes outward excitement, bat an In.: tense Areline was . appaunt among thelcoembers i neceithatanding. :Tim number of =maws su pitied, all with the trial tenure by which a hope May be suspended, when the object in expectation L office A good Many hours after I Felt Pitts. lintgly—sixteen at tenet, -a party of members same galloping ante the moontair.s, and mind at Cumberlend just fifteen minutes before the cars Wt. They had paid the driven tome faun dol. Iwo for this hicry, sod taken at least this amennt, out alto horses, fmwhich the Stage rroprietor mart coffer. I MitiMna,however,bta =Ram the *devoticet of Atte MeMbeie to the great virtue of pociannity, one of the noblest In the world.— But notwithstanditlg' all this bard au of hone. flesh, end the loud call for members to be early upon the ground, 'eight members were opara;— end watis than thee, If possible, three .from the Pena:an:a Waged to vote for the Whig nominee "fOr. Spe'aksr. .These were Mr. Paltry, from Mu. Warkineetoe, Mr. Gidelinp, of Ohio, end Mr. Tack, '', of New Hatofs'at i o 1 When tps House mat, suchl opposition was hardly dreamed of. In cane',' ' , Mr. Vinton hid declined the honor due both to • iFres State and tttir greet 'West. By general vaunt of the WUP, Robert C. Winthrop was 'named u the nominee, end' the ft= ballot* gave hi&101 votes, the second 109. and theihini 110 -.lust the necessary to to race his election.l , To be remanded the house of a !nand,' as Mr. Winthrop was by Kr.' Palfry'e eme,—to be Mabb ed by each lows is these from Mr. Giddinp end Mr. Tuck, was a 'species of folly, if not of fanati cism,-,The ground of opposition wu Mat Mr. Winthrop's Abolition eentiments were not in lea, mony With their& i •Tlungli an out and otitAnti- Blavety,ma*-thotigh ea Wihnot Provieo' mu.— though opposed to 'the extension of Slaveryjn.apy and every form, it did not Misty thesexintleinen. It was he who tank . such strong ground against the =tension of Blum; both in Mexico and Ore- , goo; end Who, 4.0 every Mussehrisetts man, I would rid the country at once of the evil. Hit could, be done, but it pleased not this trio tobe satisfied ' . with such en opposition. - 14. Winthrop, too, is a Prod friend of the lUoi l on - , heartily devoted to its prosperity and its greatest good. His langur., to-dey, was; after innhing the blessings of the ' Almighty upon ite eiiilence, that not a stain . might rest upon its eseracheou, nor a Star hi . Shuck trio the conikeliation of Stare • • It yam commorteonotry and a common. cc= • elatation ;winch we ell entryed, andone establish. 1 ad to form • more gerfect union r. to establish jilt' tine, to provide tar the common defence, to pro! 'mote dotheatie nuMimiity, dm. af. The Mill. mend of the Speaker's Address war eminently ' national. end stiel: se bccanie the man elected in personify the will not M i s s Stet; care party, nor • 4etior4 nor even! any .MO section of. country. Knowing Mr. Wintluip it I do to be able; digni isti. fled, imputiel, and Wail a man of real moral =rage, and deco de 'MI the hest good 'of ' 04 . I rejoice in ilia llieoPPention to ' - sluel b Its and 1 iinhatif: but his love of the • Dote,, will not primpt him to ataiuloo the because °thins bale wronged the Union and lib err, .by nuking IM4vatione open he interests. The election -of " Speaker formed the principal ' business ofthe dart!' the Rome of Represents- i 'lfni. - Mr. - Whdhirp was conducted to the chair' -.. by Mr. Yarrow, of . Ohm and Mr. kfcßair, of N. 4:4 and the oath to =pi on the Constitution was' r• . - ; received, ancerdiag to N ew Eirglend custom, with i ".` - opMted hinds from 5:. Qmscr Ans.)!s. I. ....,...., 1 ,4 kiacmeiand saiteii, t tivassivbraight to see &securable ex•Presid tt, himself older than the Comititat'on, impart the oath of office U his Jo' Dior and' colleague, airsachmetis arm highly -, • iionoted, Most in the ve entail siren who admin., .. ' Jawed tbo oath, and 1 ; ilea dim:cadent of the memorable' Winthrop .; It is but eassiabilly . such bonds of Ma= weer the put and Prei. run t , ant age of oar histOry yresent thmselses; end -•- they deserte to iii ' :d is "a green spot in . lawmory's waste," - 1 ais hot Just In the city, and ' Marfae net yet ej newentengiti. Judge. Gil& liaised to-dey, end Mr. Win our late minister to , Decusteth. Is In town.. !. Hampton I observed early In his Place today with every merehte 41 the Pennajlienla piles lies a a. a. Cargpoodem of th,' 1 Putanugth Gixecte. . Vireadogtoa, Dec. 8. £itereza...-The ISma&mg Committees trill t* _ . inflicted on the 131teloit.. , .11 movement_ ... w." is favor of cheep poet. iirou ego by Mi prnentatl of memorial; ordered 'open tbotable: • , 1. li bill mai pined f the relief of the beim of, POI Jghis, ami the :: noel of 1%000 non- I . 1 4,...:fe1fp mm of giber , ' . . .1 liferias.: , —Nothlog do `lest balloting KO - seem by thipakiembenk:.....,, . _ - CUT /1130 Piii.MaDlLllll4.7 ,Nortb itrignitan sisisi the gathering on Monday night, was we of the largest most enituuiastre;erscr. het& In the nity. Tiro 'tion of Mr. Clay : was [any aust - eined. Should a gegaisition of territory beknetsted apon by the t as Wise,* misting took .' the - Ipond that "bates r put of California be ~ l inlisit:desirable to this catty, in the aspens' us I*. 4.l•l4oiula•res as • crt slime poser, should be st*ered,rf at all, not by he iobber-rAti eon , ;Oat, but bottle fair des og and cation,that ewes, far 'all \ received; j end r? quitable erlaisalent, • That the policy of the palled Bratsk :/ . 5' Or' tin Fru'irr: the. aoara 61 Director, of Uplaa Hack at Ifunillon Ohio waa duly or: paiaad. Dr. baac £4eaa waa chosen hide, tridDabutiari Brainerd, 'Caster. • - Gams wan? indebted oa Wed Denby rdigtt, far Neur Yolk mind philaddpids pa, sb4d °f the mail. Tn. Cineoinati Daly Bi *if paper will eine to it, bat will ire comainced • Tag'Tel fi g n o Cdambli and tea. , ok , ch —l O4 um. Amanu I 'pea me!, tor , the Z I - . .• lj . I i 1 i ;, _-. -;;~' TU OBJCALT ONZSITILALL aouTz. !dlte first Anotial Itopm of the . f!annuivonia RatcHwid ttompar4,Waitipide orriimullY of wigai we - Mika the following sitilract. repart,te, that on the 'Juniata Bsetion .terentyktrti , - ; miles were la in fitly, 'Which Cie nojr progressing towards conipistion.. „- Fo f ty, further ia Lewistown will be lig on dui-tn. th cod it u beliived'ittat of gamete= division, to the base of theimon. Was, Will be put under contract early . in the'. _ .;:,..; spring . , The surveys and location of the wanerza ion cannot he completed until nest -turbroer...-z,;' . .: - Length of raid from Hortsburgh to Robinson'sK, -- ' "'. ridge, fmtof the Alleghany.l3stuilci—with tending grades of from ten to twenti.osta feet per .2, 11 • _ _ 1 From Robitsorie ridge; divides the 111.1 de Juniata from the Frankslinen Emrich. north o Brush Mountain, the asnentnf Allegheny to own merited, and overcome, (with the gee of Immo. tins power) by itgradient of about eighty feet per mile In thirteen miles, without emenntering any exissorainary difEicultim. This wash will be left fora felon petted. and ,in the meantime a limn don will be h;rmed with the Allegheny portage by a branch line, six milep In length; front Aobiii. son's ridge to Holldayaburgb, or some point fur ther west. From the summit of the Allegheny to Pittsburgh, the line will pus over an uneven conntiy. mulling maximum gradients of fifty feet per mile In both direethins. The whole length of the rood from Robinson!. ridge to Pittsburgh will fall somewhere between one hundred 'and tun to one hundred and twenty:miles,_ . The Board anticipate being 'able to run their ears from Hurisbargh In Lewistown before the close of the winter in 18419.:—'49: The Company has contracted lot fifteen thou.. sand toms of Iron for the ; autism division, at s6oi per ton, with David Reeser., at ten dollars less than the ntszkei price on the scat;osid, at the time of the contract: Of the twenty.siz hundred eribecriptious oaths the book', eigta i taksurdred are far fire, abatis and ender. The d recommend the emit efficient promeritistf of the wat, and are coefident that the three 'minibus now auberib l ed is eufflcierit to put the road in operation to thi cast of the shay, end connect it with the State Portage. Tna Company Will ask furthir Legielitirs aid In amending the Chatter requiring the Company, to pay eerni-iantudly sa interest equal tamper cant. per annum ripen all be:ailments as Milled for, (a charge of one per cent. a Month, being now provided upon detteguencim,) which interest is to be charged to cost of eonetrucilon, andio SM. it the moms account with ill cueing' until they amount annually to a sow of sufßelent.te pay di widen& to that amount. - This is the plan that haa built the best i ,roada in othar Stabs, end the Central Road mast be great ly benafitted by the adoption of the rule. The Treasurer repines that be has received thy far for Stock d 1 ,0 17.725,00, suldexpendets64 • 421,14 leering-on deposit d 9,53.303,80. The prospects of the road ate of the mast flittering Met and give renewed Issuance that we shall !Man have within our own State an eery ices. - to our commercial capital. =I=EMI NerviYork,l)ec. 6, 1847.. 149 stearair yet . to give activity to connucCial affairs, nor any thing from' 11raihingten to itelp oar money market. The seder! of Stocks,. ire samii, acid Treasury notes May Iro quoted at par to 11. preminm, Illinois bonds clam at 38, and Remi. Mg at 7031 cub. Om Banks !since the 'specie panic has armed, have counted out their coin, and Sad they have six &Crone la It; that they have lost the anoint they At first ealenlamd upon, on. 2 Millions. Fear liMdepetru6; and me looklor good, news by steanier. 1 • , . . The Legisletare hag. paned - the law requiring the hanks to Mika a quartetly report rd their con. dition, upon a day named by the Comptroller.. 'A bank fidthig to report, is, fined •11100, the semind Offeuee, works a forfeiture' of its charter; when a fa!aa , return to anapecttd, tho ecroptroller order: another at the expense of the heck. redivide.' hanki an in be taxed on the full amount of apt aitually pad in; or eseured to be paid in, as such l'eaphal by thus severally, at the actual mar ket seine of each securities,. to be eatimited by the Comptroller, withoit any dednetien for the debti of. snub individual' beaker or banking luso. The capital in nor , • be estimated eta loga sum than the cvnau.., o. 1.113 riecchliag AtOle• delivered by the CL.mptroller, and latat. tett:tried. id biro. ' . . The CILIUM the =Am Ham bete Saidse,d 11001..!,.1:418d it is niprottai that. - i I , The surepte .101p,0* fat iwalre months end. lag Nov 80 bars lx.r.: , • ; - - 1647. 1046. Ll ' o6 goods 79,534,070 - 27,567,006 Fteecoodt • • 8,180 652 11.136,124 total mticluindise 87,714,722 6 8 ,705.128 B Pecie 8,783,382 782,879 --'--- Total 98,447.104 69.487,908 Aferahandiao mai:housed 2 , 759 A 28 • • Total 94.708,539 c , Via be:rained duty paid upon three bairns has been $3,918,464. Tbe.autount oft free goods bi ported bag decreased about $3,900.000, We liable 'Etude have icatise l i $22,000,009. not In , chaffing the quantity in everybody! $2359,008 more.' Tttit ariports for the urns period at this port . D0i,449e estrelliad is. '' • 47,960.696 1 ' 10,1971,121 Foreo imshaadioe, 94. , :69.121 7e9 741 Foregm saerha4l44, 4149•144 - 1,576,497 , 2,24:64 . . Taal seerclandii• _ Spee-14: 93 1.514 - 44 MVS:t 6 0 , 3,2645 DJ. t„see,bot Taal 53,4,901 . '31,224646 An increase of about 60 per cent. The 10CtPai of imports is shoot 3$ per ant. The increase of &Minnie Merchandise is $17,600,000, emit of width has been field for Europe. • . • • Same benevolent gentlemen have made done.; tine of ssoo•and 0200, to the Aioetican Tract, Boelej, to aid 111 supporting in Mexico, Coition. Mars. ' A large quantity of Theta have been ant to Teri Oro* by the Tract Bociety,lat the request of some of the American offwere.! .8o mutat; indeed;- have hum little publicaticrea become in Vera Crus. Mal the Catholle Bishop bse not ontj, approved of them. but ordered one' to be printed i for genial circulation. i , The Eut India .hip Helena, which attired here on Sattirdsy.. was Waged by , a enema party of Maley Pirate., some where near Jose Meed..Tbey were gallantly repulsed by Copt, Eyre and his ae. it tire crew, wi the ton ,only of die cook'. ear; which, i how w, wee owing to 04 conepicuous part•thet di tety 'assumed in the fteke. 0110 LiGlSlATOßS , • :l llll , o.l,tll 4 getlinsl on Monday', at Columbur Tho fkii.inq Iwe the 0 1- Omni of the Legislature: In 'the iltettate— Hon' Chic B. Goddard, of bigskinguro, Speaker; In the House of Repreeentativps Hon: Jo seph 8. Hawklis, of Prible,epeakm. , • The urcerago' of .Gov.. Hebb ur brief. The Etude Journal in noticing it says "there is no por. torn ' : of it to which we yield the cheerful, core-' served, and hearty assent of on Minds more frog ly than that which, in the authoritative niece •of the tlisais er Ottao. Gov, Buil ,decluea for nal neeention of lerrinny forcible dismemberment of the Republic or Meric,*-atid thwirbitairer tanitory - may be'addod to oue re public, Wheihu by purchase or tY notion it shall be eacredly. dada:steno Freedom for all to coma: . If there. be any one quilt= oleo which the people of Ohio us tinily and is.dhssolably united, it is upon that, and we Hite theYratzt and notilittak . able team In which ., the Governor her, on this appropriate occasion, given Whinnies to Met sentiment." nue. reined 'e, bete . I of hi eberaet, r which people, tiri, et the both ph.' ter to :rt the ille on Rini', TO Ma. Coat.--The meeting in con. tradistincdon to that bell cosier the auspices of Mi.' may, came off se annbanced at . Le zington. Ky., on fitamniay week lest Robert M. Wick liffe snot* in connoverefen of Mr, Clay's pceltion4 and icke Staled that - be RIO , courteous and kind bwaids . Mr: Clay througtout.( The rased titiolla take the lima demomallegtound in ndation to the war. exprese confidence in Mr. Polk, and favor a loco fimilnationel in:Teraina for tha nomination. , of a funtre candidata. PITTSIOII2III Voszawssoun—We !tun that m u t. Diakinnar, of the. Dommum• Crays, is 1,. ingot the 'Hospital in' New Orleana sugaring from • seine sabre wound In hla aim, which will in all probability ; made, amputation tummy. _Thomas Thombtulh, of the alma Company, and lain ,VeCntaltectn, of the - Blur, wettienpenual anise :Emu Yen-Ores on the 46th OIL .The yt m eb ',already Hai* Cap• How*, Jeff New Oriesna ost itt• mown( of, the 141 b.' 00 'h., 4 . 01 ' ei Fakhract 'fik TPA Cnig.lh7tpdtba - . , • • suss! innusuests that • • published u a def. c a 3Eiiiiii NCK Passzims;-41.sasy• ad. to saintly kaolin thstiridoini .1410 oteetha4 Noy 1" 4 4414i24 Olt Minh . , 1844, omit of which timid an thsasy ot,Bl4eizgyer tut are entitlal la tetiorilat,tboir purloin for trve .y ears, zu3- &tan aciplarid at itiolitimmilip 11 Csoreas. ICosiidien, . . New Xorktistimik • . . y ., .ffiIEMM '>~• ~~~'nai.v"'T~. PEON NEW :Y0131E: • PailuiFixotu; At.c...9, 4p. m. font—The steinierPeliewe has produeml no ma , twill change.. The markets are nominally as be. fore. •Salcs of Western brands of 0.50 per bhl, - Cornmeal—The market has increased an Ilimneet and the anklets held • $0.35 per Dbl. ". Corn;. - --alea of pogo bu Prime Yellow at 41n pei Noah., What—Sales of ,prime Red at 140 e• • Whishey—Litniied sale. at Die per gal. • Pork—There m lets movement in the Rork Mir, let: *Oaten...Nothing Is doing, the market being very, quiet. . . . . btocke—plc market IS dull, with i downward tendency. r • • r Pn • web Cozen., NEW YORK MARKETS. ' Now York, Dee. 9,3 P. M.' . 3totkit—Trozoory Note. ore down-I.lBp° cen dieceunt. - ••• Flour—Tba foreign now. has failed to pinti4n ,aty material change in themarket, whrch canticles , . Grain.;-I%.'market is eta itand. Prime Tallow 'Corn is velcing at 80,c per bog prime White la held : Pt 1.1a78c per bet. • ' Oatiw-hfoderate sites hire transpired. at 49.58 e. - per bet. , -- k7e—Prima it inhir damned; and erica. u last quoted continue nerdy. 'The market. ur gale, and nosier. awaiting the receipt of printa letter.. • Correthmideare of the Pittsburgh Ussatte.. BALTIMORE MARKET. HALTIZORS, Dec. 9, 3 P.M. Floor—Tbe Foreign news has productsl no marked change. .The market Is nominally u Le; lore. Howard . 134 brands:ars held at 99,26 per bbl, and tity mills brands at 96,37 per bbl. ; Oraint-There Is a fair inguiryfor good samples of Wheat, brit poOr lots are doll. Coin I. In steady demand, mid there Is 'staid deal doing in the article, with sales of prleenFellow at 70e per , 011.0 ITS in better 'demand, with isles it 381410 Provisions.r-Thar 'market is .dartb, Pork, and- Beef. The oaks of piker sztichipresent littlo or no change!. Whlaksy—lifodarato nhaa tVlB} per gall. No !notarial chanooln &b rains article, not: , eortespondentay the Pntabargh Gazette.- .' LOUISVILLE MARKET. 9, 10 P.m. Flout—The mar* is quiet with moderato giant' E 6 pet FAIL Molasses arid Suger--Tradeintyinglpstibily; mirliselishiliag. Care. ' , Motif:atoll.. Riesft-Lusretiles or Rico at violations—pl., Whatit-A larga ijaantity la being shipped. • Tlie Logrkel venially le withal:it cheap,. I ~~ V '.:l':.'~: EINEM • . , -:• Gtr P sow titliVit"-;:tainas".477l3. —The hums ditcher dal after all' write or agree to this lacioni letter. The New Orleans Pica,. rum sips oTbat the original tosnuruipa. whit amenditions, interlineatima And marginal notes, bilmfallen info the bends of General Bcrtt. production will demrnstrite the agency of Gen. Pillow - ;in its compoeition-tit will more than yes. ,tain vein ill that 1413 have *aid. and show' that when the . people deemed !Minis Earning down the enemies of his country, this modern Gideon wig backing his Sword into the cemMamlitenta of Gal."; The above -statement of the Picayune a not canlY confirmed bat with the 'addition, that Quoin. tarlineaticins 1 1 1341111/013111110tes are In the band. writing of G. Pillow." It epposusAhat the fair copy of. the feller; which wee pnifinhed - was fcinwudisi by the Brit.' iilt courier. end got sofa through, bat the brat draft, with lion. Pillow's emendations. [net with a mishap on iti route. and fell into Chong* Scott's hands. . . BAD Aectexter.-7.1n J. bfeJlepry Boyd of Baltimore, who attired at Philadelphia on the 4th itb hie bride, 'having been married that taming, met . with a sad 'accident at the Baited Men tea, where he tee polar* ap. He went to hie trunk and was taking ihepatebstien rap ell a pistol, when it:was dumitarilbd, and the bullet en tend his body near the groltraind lodged war dm spine, Dr. King U. 8, A. who wu at the Hotel, was seubmotied. and : extract,* the bog, but M. Boyd still remains in a very !Critical eitostion— The egoajof the young wile tan bird!) , be pie. fared. Mr. Boyd, it is said, wilt remover.. • - _ A Norm. Srecrecs.C.-eiTile New Haven (conn.)-l'elledleim states that during the trial of a case in that 'city, the other. ; day, the intermit leg sight was Oesented of en ei-Geremet. off,- ciatieg as judge on the bench; and another ex- Governor maneging the plaintiff e _cut, white lA..present Chef rifagistniie of the thate - ,was counsel for the defendant. The xiiniplicity of oar repoblican habits and bintltutionsrwu per hapsneyer more forcibly exemplified. • The Cumberland Monniainier says that the Lena Iron Furnace near thatplao, which ressolll pawed into 'nevi, hand., is in toseesefal operation under the traparintendenee of it. President, Oda.' mute Beall, Eel: A loan of $1,100.000 Ise been recently mach to the Michigan Central Railroad 'by ita stock holder,, pro rani. The rate of inteieet was B peg cent and it Raab a million extra could haws been 7eisitteblained. 'The stock argils road, we benne, it principally owned is Neer :York city. The Washington corrispondeuit a the i'hila delphia New. has a report that the Cabinet hate it under consideration to appoint Mr: Crittenden and two dirtinoished persons of the democratic party;to zone Commissioners to MMticoto make peace. The wOter states that he understands Bishop flugherhas been considted on the sub- - jecf, - drIA, Costsor---Werinesiay was the Ent day -geed open by tbo • Directors for reeei•iog applicitions for the sdmission of options into the College, and ire anderettOd thit a very large number Were preemenied. The Diatetors will meet on the .16th hub to ,eleet a President. Matron, Stimuli and reisehers of the huniintion ; sod the _College sable opened on the In dentist, for the reception of orphan., under this piovioiono of Mr. Girard'a Tftior By the Elutefa lesietle Telegraph ===l=fMl ==na . -_, oC IPlttsburicte=U. jti ',Correeopodetse off Atm Piustuueb Gum. • PUILtDs.,CCC.§, ".No 'toads hose an, south of IPilluisgs tau, K e.,—nothiog, therefore, from the mit of ARRIVAL OF THE . . STE/11.18111f! • BRITANNLI. • ; •-• O!iresporidiale . e of the Pinsborgh' °Moe. Borrow, December 9.-anon. '• The vteumex Britannia, Copt. Harrison. has jolt -- si.Mbetl her dock,,haviag left Liverpool on the 19th Making her Outrage in 20 dopier very rough news is, decidedly favorable; not; so . omen advance Its any article bought of Os, but icaawithe Money market ha. become settled: S 4 it panic subsiding. iThe'Bink Englead maintains the la l ts of in.. :rest at 9 per, coot, while private ,capitelim are . .grid in their deineed for 9 per eent.r; The certainty being able to get limey at 'there estortiori le ties, gives more confidence than the shuffling OW ar•lower raM, and i , uncertainty of getting MO. 4 in Breadstuffthore lint been no advance, but the . eased, espeChrily (or Corti; has increased, sod jre •, hay reasonably l ook for soothe.. demand Upon as at • hoe peeing tit navigation; perhaps! before.. • ! yarliafecnt met on the 19th of Ncmember, teethe impatch of &wines. j • „ Another and most heartrending accident u sea ?u 0 00 erred, and•ther lees of the elegant filrlN York ,Ind Liferpool packet Ohio, Stephen Wh!teti.C.Pl. - ..•Phonipson, has to be amounted. She mistook the )ght ofr,Cepe Clear, on!the 190. of ProveMaar,sa. • "yentaittore broUlaide,on going to pieces in ten mils One or a 'eompui,T . of 110 or UNA creiw and Sausage's, &I were drowned. Mate, `let i single rust or • !teeond passenger aMed al tee • Passenger , drowned wu Mr; friccnied, al Ohio. The ship is owned and teamed in New lork." • From Ireland we hale the most harrowing iconnte. , Thrdighout thOwhole extent of this roost unhippv count:in:um! making-rapid work among ; her poverty str icken peOple. TA. Midler& hive been sot upon, and the knife of the areassin has been doing its fetal mid silent! work. No bureau power ran pretreat the re -enaction or. tbe and scenes of last year, and the charity of America Will again find a wide field for its ezere ire. la brief it ma t be said that general trade an 1 monetary 'again hare sensibly itariMved, though people' are somewhat datepened by the baton of • Mestra.Trnman & Cook ,the emineni London bra. 1 1e1s,..rhose *Wes are placed at £330,000,nr sixopoo..•Th panichis been arreirted, aid the Merl are brighte , al is shown by the, price or the &ads, Web are'higher. IPROPI,I TOE • OONTINNST. The French xteMer Unien,Capt. Moron, will net sail soul conaeqeence of the la Sleaded . repairs .he neediislter the &rouble on her homeward a ; Switzsatsrrti. 7 'rhe fianderband have enacted 'their perpore, and plunged thin country in a civil War. Stake.—Comit Prentiss. the /unbundle of 'Prance at the (mire of hirfilsiesty of the two filct bee, his committed suicide. blendohlson,ine ear Wiest compares., is dead. • Lissimom7l4eraw Riggs., Nov. 10.—Noe bile, ordinary to middling:4lB4f; fair to good fair 4141: 'toad w fun, Slab IC O. aid. to mid. 3ga. 4 t; Mina good, good to any 61a6i; Ten. nellsee,,Prdinary to nuddlihrs, 4.41. The market advanced Id preilorts to the wrival of she Cams ; brie, when a fell again, afid elan languid. LIVIEPOOL PiOVllllOl NELIS.Zr..No.. 19. New NOM Maii Beef 94.20, for 100 Ibr; ordi.` nary 70120; fair : 4o646a for 200 Ibr, 30.42. for Prima. Prime Men Pork, new 55.64., old 402 " 30 Per fitd of SO lb , : niers 62a685; prime 40a 43; old ham., ditty paid, awaked and deed. 3 IM I 40, per cwt; middles, salted, 311a58i per can Motadas 20a3Ori camel* bane, duty pad. 3 0 a 37 s; dry 5a1ted4 . 254.7.5•. Lard, duly: free, fine kirk, 65529 a per met, per cwt, 62656 w, bbls, onlinuy Sir , 4800 r; inferior ind'greue. 191324 mewl. I • I LIT/AMR. Mires hiLOT. Nov. 19—AuMr lean pig lead £l5 toe tc.El7 per ton. Bar lon £9 per ton; %web fig £3 10n.C1 121 per tap. Ltrea.Sooe Tcisicen Maher , Nov. 107—Leaf to stem ,Ijasd per, Ili. Lvrtiaioar. His* MIAMI. Now. 19-4Ptize dew 'rotted kis bstinitakci at .47a28 per t o o: I.7larook Coisr kin Fume Risser, Nov. 10.—Fimr, American Westeibi Canal is held in bond mi 298.3011 per bbl, Richmond and Phi. U. 6 4. sorCC*.lo 665271-per-3bl. Tedirai Corn 33s for 420 lbn meal 13144416 6d Per CI. Iwhest. 7. Od let irbste, aid 6s fir SW red:. per 70 lb.. The markets an without poeitimi tdvauev, but thee is • finer demand, Width is on the in crease. Coen Is Farriculaity wtive. I F rom tell. Clfrja 014errer E CIIILEREN. Speak geatle i to the !ittreichild, . gollelma and w free, Wh o , with a ittoatrat, Itingheart; Pete confidence lei thee. Speak not th l p cold and cirelem though Which time.has hiaggt thee wa 11 , Hor breathe ai word Whose bitter unce, Metres: alight seem to tell. If op his braw l there nem a Hoed, I ' However b i ght it be, Speak loving !words and let him feel, He lea friend in Hem And do not send him from thy . eidei Till on his fate Waal] rest The joyous beck and penny smile I That mark the happy breast. teach bine, air should be his elm • To cheer the ethics. heart, To drive where thickest darknatie reign. _ Some rediii4ce to impart. Te spread a peaceful, Antal calm • Where disSeSe the nein of strife . Thus 'doing:ea:id and blew Legal! • . To spend the whole l et life. • I To love with pore ifteetion deep, All erentoreegrrat and email, - And atilt yalyger lava to bear • For luo3 *ha made.them all. I Remember, 1 ii no common tack. • 'TA tat thielo thee to given, . rumor a spirit! fit to be - s fi t:, Tim habitant of !minion. MA SSIL LOX CONVENTION, Liacht DeTqatcs appointed is attend: Ms Gan seotiod in Miswillon 'cm tho 13th lost., with p . :iwer to.add to Ito number, and fill : , aitnciew I • Wm[ Robinson, ie., Tholnki Bakewall, J X Moorhead, Frederick Lorene, Owego Weynisn, Geo Dania au Woods, Alex Gordan, Jahns:ono Salomon Splmier t IVehord Edward; .Roberts Me Knight, Jedin , Bblpion, hisjaC Win. Lailener4o, Alexander Wallies; Dr. W H. Gooch 4+osl Gumboil, John A. Foraitho; 'James A.. flutchl March Del &Tates will Was this Sunlit,/ or Fr iel morning, via Welimbs, whom convsym ico can behml to IdasalUon. CIAZIETTBi JOlllpaulinvo _I III OfrOVIZIZT,CONIaIIf Of rdn 0/71C1 A1.1.11 . f. IQ Ws are tigr pieplited to dreeate In gpesior and expediting mama', all kinds or Jo. ruffian, gob" as large Puaters,theartilatat Hill s, 111114 of Lading, Lettit Sheet Ciretilart, , liand6lll4, Cards, he., hr. poom #Nn rixonisT itlolloo' to any extent executed la Abe Iteginanner, and all kludge( Znaling done. tirldt accuracy and at the losses fates.. fi7lseportant fe AdIMIXIAN.I.—Tne 'dyer tisentents which appear In the Daily Morning Oarelm aloe appear In the Tri-Weekly, this mealy tag the ben. eflt of the erreplatioo of all, without any additional charge. Thislannadsantagetooarivlvenisera ' without ,any extra expense. Advertisecortna are also Inserted s n the cunntry paper aped reasonable aeons. , W-Doe, your dalr fall of, doe. inor half tan inky; le it ha rstioi it dry, or dirty.l Nay? • y"e. Wolfe 6014 CM: tk and sod tieauteepsas hare this, you base btu three For a bottle of Join , Italy Restored Ir ban amine billing. to gl 'lleader,f you bora had nalt you would really be as. tontthed al the lovely oder: a Unto shah*/ bottle • f loaaa•Coaati MIA Rearalrwrx has on 14 It needs 'b • I ano trilL Sold at 19 Libeny at- orindawly •IVll"Don't have • Foul !heath-I('huip,r•,,,4 lolling Mule of Jona , AmUrr Tooth Fact.. Tt DI Ake you breath meet, whiten your ~ %oath, he: sow , - ut/Lbert 7 ' ' url9dkrly • ' • 111 . D.1.% hove yelloorduX terib—L . lbeY eon bo oaf - yearly whoa by coo to= 'slog box of J0y . .. , AMR • • foam Pllllll. ot bardouttbo gums, siooolooo he. 11.41 slip LlboltY rirlikliwty • . PlttstlMrabi December N,1844. :.TOG Wh4 and dri-matonir.dinve - Mtee of Bees for the els 7 of nneMMeg, met in the Commni COMriell &mime, the iresidoem JoBM i cia . ir The Seeremry betty [ ibsent, V V 7 Cede,. Iroilip I ennt. On nmeon I n Moe II • :Itesofved, thaf the Ulnas and Atiti-masons of tho ievetal Wards, Met( CO Petard:y.lh/, tech Mat, at oleloe,,at the meal ptheesofhelning munary,meedmeat 'thr the game. of elevate five Delegates fret each et the several "aria !who shall meet in convention CIO Wednesday, the gig. Just, in the Comeau Conned Cham ber, at R o'clock, p. nt. to nominate 'a eandidaat thr the Mayoralty. ' Resolved, That me emir adpann -and predeed se a Comminee ande Mernegthela Wharf for the purpose ; e xpected welcoming those of oar citizen. who mt to arrive ibis evening, en baud the reamer Clipper No ft, on thew setatn from Mexico., • 11 JOHN BHEILIFF, President. Tat—fr W. Caszer,Seereiney. N. D. Tle Whigs and ADOMMOCIS or the Bib ward Will mem attheofftee of Thaw • Dad, Esq. delta( • - ; 117"Balan of Oblunabla—lian TodleO Bald and Grey:-.lf yea von a nth, luxuriant bead of hair, free from dandruff Mad scarf. :Moot fail to memo the maim Liles ofrnalumbid In cases of baldnen It will more than exceed your expectations. Many who 'have lost their bale kw WI years have had it restored to ite onginal perfection by - theruse of tide balm. ;Aga, rata or reetbuen appear in be he obstacle whatever; it ,also canna the Raid to flow with which the delicate/We lobe is filled. by which mean thoesands (wheedle:lr was grey . . the Asiertie Eagle) ban had the, hair te etered to as muural color by the use of this invaliable ;records. In all cane of fryer it will be friend the men pleasant wash that can be and A few applications only are necesaary to keep the hair from falling Oat. it 'atrenothen, the it• none fails In impart a; rich Rap appearance, and an a perfume for the toilet-la is - unequalled; it holds throe times as mach aa other mis called hair restoradves 'and is more effectual. ;The s ge r, New Tort. nuine manalletured by Coantock & Co, 21 Cornliand . • Bold in illtaurgi,onlygenvine, by WM JACKSON, Libeny head of Mood; In Washington, PA ,by Sweeny A &so; in Brownsville, by Howlett Croeken In Csnonshoteb, by lir. Panel; Men, in our Wm. In every lawn Jul, Ohio and Md. ' nvbilkossainT It r To Ifteastabciat Men. and °there—Con. nelPe blagical Pain Extractor—lt Is now conceded by medical men that Cannel'. magical Pain Extractor. Manufactemd by Comstock k Ca , dt Courtland st. N.Y, is the greaten wonder•of the 19th centitry It. efecte are truly mi. melee.: All pains are removed from berm, maids, Sta. and all external sores, m a few spleens af ter as application, heal* the rams on the mondellene dna, le'anag no Mali It is equally beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, each as sore Nipple. and Eyeu torah., Blimentism, White Bevelling and Ulcers, Inane.. /fern; Chitbluns Erysipelas, Mice, Tin a.L. , We might add as peso( to all we my, the names of many eminemphrdemas who me jt in their practice, and hundred, of the clergy who pndse it to their s peoptc. gird parent keep iteonetatulyea hand, in caves of accident by fire, life may be lost without bat by Its are all barns singable/it to Its cannot, unless the yin's are destroyed. Caution—litememberandask for Connell's Eagles, Pain Eznacior, otanufactered by Gomstsek & Co., m other. .. • told by W.ll. JACKSOPv, Agent for Pitubb*, W I.lberty at, head of wood. • . • neledderT humanl . o-The Climate—ls strangely dolmen." Id Se n entiele, (or sklnd the sudden chinse how heat to cold, 0114 the smolt. causes Yellow, Dark, Coarse Completions. Than his mulatto that the pores of, the shut thou ld he kept open—that tbeis swims should he freed frum:imparity—hwas rhos the sweleun Rem* Phb hnopuers eared ah dweires—they competed that atom Jove,. and anbealthyaapers left through the pores trf the skis, hnz any other outlet tithe body. It is aches 'oo,7l therefore, to kerp, the poresnpen— all hernontere pp. lied from the skin bout the Porte, when they Wash watt loses' helmet Che mic al Veep. hate seen Aden the worst and eland eases of ban abeam, Erysiplas, ld O roh., Outsets Itch, t ore Head . ea every other tntemal and external remedy-had felled , . Its effect rendering the Out white, Clear utd soft, dough it be yellow and coatrei ts - vrenderfulkt restores Free . Ides, Tan, &taunt, Morphrw, and ear" rement of, the atar—but persons must he particular end ask for Jaen' Poop-intro bad in vattsburghp JACKetON,stin of the Mg Boot, FA Men, Si. Price SO Center leirlAtawly Wel!to Cure I Xer - Pay Plloal Pllnal DrJactson's laihnacatban is the only medicine that will cure thin .0.- very common troableterric &sem. It not only immediately allays punaind was: mane% atop, all bleediugolubdues thnt intolerable I teh • py, bat effectually cares, ins very lawn now enure lien hare been rendered miserable for yearb.— Its application prod..nn pain, but nther Ilirten. bit sod plcaraet wawa. If perms afflicted Will ball and bear of the great number of case. that hare ean cured, they veal be satonished. et gentleman of thin coy, who had been under the knife of the surgeon be tamer three times without being cured, bail by,Lar lag 3 boultrof are been ersdieally mated. It Della beyond precedientl!—eYbiL Sartudareourteb Oa , FOT sale la lbasberych Pk.filN 'TEA Founh atreet, near s nood and also at the Wee gam of II I . ,Schwana, Federal at Alleglaentel • •irldkw Salter. Olsson; Passiteetae--31wat Tammosnr—We beg ;leave to call pablie attention to nie following, from Ur. Wm. Doan, of •Waltamsvllle elan:tont Co.. and one of the very foist mac titionere in Me county w which be resides, and late Senator in the Stale Legislature. IS to elWerilmthas w ace the lead ing men of We profession, banning the bonds of posMs. sitowl prejudice, and aisles went ils duet • I "Sir: I have in am practice been inoing some or Miff Ginsenguranocea, and to far, am well pleased in tits effects to Catarrh at sod Ittonchlal Canptaints: Plea s send me halt doten bottles—pat them as. low . . 1* On; ant eipent If II enettnneelo render. general lal isfaetion as st has heretofore. to beep It constantly 'on heed. Respect:MlT apl7 War. Door, r. d i rr-T. the Halt rind Lauss—Corsstosk's Pr Pons Lirtimpt and bt= pcgrusblo it •Ist tarGIOIII cure for Pktvar.&lAA. ".fogg a tti.IACKPOSS, Agent for Pittsburgh. 13791Teastre. Edam t—AISAr me through you! halm hhte "paper to soma to the Whigs, of rituborgh,Sso mime of CiIAS IL SCULLY, Est; ,as iesodidshs Ihd noistmototi of raTor fide FIRST WARD li EN On Wednesday eve•ind, 111 les JANE CUDDY,. the ard year of pee U. , The amend will take piece en Flimsy momma, the iihrtutst.ei I I o'cMckddrom per tall, ufantt 1.2 AUASSerty Cdr. COMA of Last Common and water alley. Oa Tiered ay raming, the 9,h inet,TOFIN latest lam at Amities. and Mary Lacalt.eged* yea. add 9 enenths- Thy friends of Me taamy ememmed AO aimed bey isms:o imen the , ersidence er Bic Father deader' :v..erter., Alnakeay else. at 2 Wendt this d XialTlCg—Taz Coll.. .ire and eller my officers SIM LI rms.n.4 to have .ifici• mptCY.e ACCA.64IA in a sum el ;impedance to to; audited by Monday eveairm. the Vhblinst at 6 ev't. whieh time the nadvergeo d Ceasminee Of {named, stemmed for thee sags:We; vr I Meet at the rdayet`e .ffice Ttz wk... Psnrsteaddarereyeenred to have their dapileaute wad aceonats oh band ready Gm sett-team. t the time. SCIIIL.L - I AU REINHART. A FRANKLIN, Az.ldipoq Dallas—Cam. Seed; ddaesive Maine, lthre mast; I Spant4 raffiron: Jayne'. rxt eciarali; Jayne'. 111 m l -fear, . I , ,eneb IreaCl CO.( • !anat . CAMIt,fI3OIII/Oni Lahar Caeltlf., pare; /art receivedand for eare by dela FAIINESTOCK & CO ' , car let 1/. wood MUM= • lARLEA SHALE& a 9.4 EDWIN NI STANTOi G hare , witiociated Liu:mires In the procure of La* in the city of Pit Mike, Foonh at, Ixteree& filiffiret and Wood xis, forroeriy occupied by &haler sad Spron. •ddress Ehalei & Sionioo,Pittrborgt. VOLIECION TOLIAOLOi-60 be , * Cabe, Darwin V and Porto RICO wrapper a filler loaf Tohobeo, fo m A OUNDON ale br S TU 'P— grbl? " .4. l le ten ' allon kr Combriai for .ale by g dciu ir«< , r