The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 09, 1847, Image 1
• . • . . . , . .. .. .• „./ . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . , .. . . . . . . . . . .1 !•• -.. • ,• . • . . , • . . . . . . . .-......• • . . • . - .- - - • • . • - r..... . • IF , . - . . . • . . . . . .• . . . • • I ! • . . . . , . . . . . . ~„ . . .„ . . p. fr) , )- •., .... . . . ~ • . . . , . .. . , .•, • . . •,.. , . . • - . . 1. . . . . . , , . • . . • • • • . . . . . , .. . : . , . . ~.., . . !,. .r,„ -.....--- . 1 - ~- .• ::. '•',)--..--'-:!..,- . . . . • • ! I . .- . • 111 ).. - - . - • . . , • ;:. , , . . ! . 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'V,,inant.l" BDmv, l. oot.t • ny sa,.ie ky!,l a J . 2:_te4 Vingitirta, write* Wend %g raft eta. BAZAV4Lit:S4IIII, Wholhanie /211T116:1/AtiAllaCIT £ Witotpale.Occirr can r Pliddce_g_lenien..N2,_* s ": ll oet . ,f} ce y . hc . , wean rand hign din. Dinah • 4. ry.H.I.P.. As /IFOIUSUA;TYL•i,CO•i pr i 9kn il. 1; .". 4 1 “.4!•44•5'1 .1 ri‘ • ~ ft torualgoo LOIIMJI Alaitan , alLaw,of - Ma I. Icarta L ithittedlokl f ritc ;iiula 641 aptly_ Wt.. eAtuTati.: iattait.Jatunari.l J. W. lialkaa& e 101.10 4 1124 IWLIIt&S ik COI Mana C 6 ou'''' %./ of Catnap *ring...lAA:lo.. l A. J. nail Sprlnk Steel, and &ale. la Coaorb Triaatuag• al'a.t , ll , k. amptioSa, amaafaettaT ail 75t. Clait at. IVarahatan 43 i W** a . 1 .51M ... e 5 ' "..b. 1 4 6.1 _------ J. 6 .:_ - ' 1 HMI ti . llllo M. i ' '' ' , -=K 1. INZLlnatis. ft A.lttiON & 111&13.111011 baaciaters a. 11. ...0 I...aster , & 1..1 AV aolcsal. mop. Camattstion amt. Vetaratd.a; alert hasty. De sot it earatitee aud Putalkargh Alanahartales girth Wel* Mann Wood aad LAberta.rtusharos p.t... 114 CYEAtili.ll4 Imp; ft.r sal iaaktahl awl taw] ...fraler at Fancy uni StatikMaaOl i C=l i g' it :l. Gilt Cao4l, 111, Market a t tae Jame. Dunlop. , ' " J,lllianisid s,..en. DLOap 4. - 111LICILLL, lAlluturra, at Low, Offixas oa. kinatlfgeld, ixtrtsa 36 a" " ."". FI7I7I7ARD AZ1C100.1.q1,1.9%441.ti•; U de DC the Dmootoda a Hit him D.., atho.4 A:ey, • %v illa. • A . th 6loolWES., , Wliderge.A .. E aers,.lle.kra pr . thl.a end rtlOsigh gianqae. Omni, tom , of aloetty end I land Pettalnirglo.l. "LskOLUlli & Bir b tASTlY,Oato Sa lashox &Co., W elitakterriCommusiort and Forwarainejactchonis. arid' DeAdri Padree land r&tsbargb, Manufseumg, No 37 Wood *tat tetwee* 0cc0.4 • • 1, • ocll VOILWARD YISWAIRTZWZOLDEU.Auor r ney. ai-Lear, nave teirOPed 11.4 1 . 15 . 5 t0th . Akio of FoOlatiollt. Women qaqy Allay and Grant Ceet • Gen. , lanes , Woos. ND, wirst , £ Wholesale Grace's, r • •• *sign Mlreitasts,ltoil Aienisfor Urighton Y 4,14 Ciaa.G7 W tier ":“1108 Fttlat steet. rim. " '•'• • .• fete: . a -- HMVIitE: Plane COM' Blinufhetarer and &sl am WlMlisicti:LanranternajtLl Woad- mem. near ~no oftsvitu Co. C.:014w. Forwsidl4 Iderchahts; No. alt Water witioitair szt.Liens,Gtorer, • Cocaslerraa X Marekinriad dealer ia:Yeaderee, 4 ",bnpr= N e n r . apraillatHapa. kr, Names, Oa t 4 ;Glove.,llaiicß. and X . Fancy and Supte Trlatatur, MI Mutat onus, ittrketaa.' ItAttiataar War 3. COSPEICIP 111017.0 AN ioo...Whaksals olo- . 11 .. 1 .• end Casa Mstelltour 10311Notlarva Pimsbardi . _ 10411 f ame. 41. aralsor Wh.kwe 90r1t' dawn Idarchani ,, and Deal:r7md4i vi Geo, W. Smith. k Mow- J aiiiciferiraii;p7. Pm . . IFIAMTZ tCpailtaar, Cosonirooro sod For, DieseLookrio.Li Vi'mylorookhLoloolt , IrSAWlik—OODLlcLololosokoo, Alooootatkolo lthroLit Mni aas LooletooLFLUed... ll dotro so.b y etj,or *mirk aLi-tf . HAXlNelelgolTAdb friThardart= . I .4l7:7o2oll4Onjositillatok. ;'. 'ood nifixo - 71.1101: 4' '." `"- • 0.13r0vr00.... TILLL-L,111(114.7., iNfiftuare to' 1101.10 L i . m at c . x ..:tad.losotro oo sreraot o Nall alPeo 000lGOLond-Vaper IL , L,FOloosoo, No., yr. Wood", ffir s ilVA Oo,IIIPAKALWAY,DootoT . > I ?•O C4O-, • "" m . 4111 Sta'7 ..14 Pio Ow*, "mn.o. ".OL %11 my onrgtgrif;..:l44.4 l : sCL7l' . ..zolisax.mcpet. i TamAW ppeori, .1 CONUTIM 4 tlirelaigitit . madrakr, Pad.... Nos Waort‘Ond 497Froot , rroeoc; INnotoll.4. •• • to..oLio• , . 116 — ILLOlL,Lre_tfcaiit Tap., Xxciniogo Buil4 • oillogortiteksto strest,,ittobtrgb. • Sate OS/41 . 0 - Atior 0 ty .. it a i . oir ..P ~•' T.Pa., -Atioi.rtii 4*, u rts C a a ri r Vgi r s4 l .Vel. espied, &Kat klishattre. tryfTl.3,•Bigtzso. aid ckraticoragn,. r r 101/X :Ma *ii si dialer 'ls topitl tS:l'amuy (11% No tufty.. done *owlet Iliatuoad -------- - , AMES KEILII, /K. k Co!. rat...sons to /amp . 0.11:10141.10401..d1er...21i Wow ra. *eta WU PafitIMULOW Whoicsale +mad Woad dc.d., so sz ilawsica.4ldosteal lastrutetnt.,Mroal Boot% Paper, PernAtaills, Printers' Card+, .d Ihmkadry, iromfatty, • No. C[ IVtled 41; Pituburgb. —l6r__R A T Ab !!; l4 LA.A !A tl , A 4 A, - JOBJF.ArTTiIi CO; For, ialssicka iderritanie, Dealer m Pro da ,Idanarseurrys, No 1 Commercial Now, L4OO, Irt; Item. the Corsal k Pkrubmirls, Pa *erg • J. SCIAAIIONDIAKJEN Ai, CO:•,Oretralle Ding .1. Wk. Nl , Wwda4 PagbairgiC' "• ' 01111 XVI JOICDAN Jr SOS, CCITIOIiS6OI I "aild JEpromdisso Iderelunis, Nola Liteny lovvomus Hearikirkist.l tenspeore. /tow. , J.T4 TUBA fIA. GALL/lA . IIW tualay at Law, Utica 401' st, Pewees Grant andl enolkfita, wal .aide, eiu.bizµ, es: Will al. attelut pulsOly to I, isizieis auhe, • •, • , TOV. HAVVIT AVCTlONl:Elt,leirtiei' 0 'god Wood oreoe, extuporpe. . ~c ct ts J. Tiers fa, Ptimerssal Paper m. 1i ft .AlArke u.Pitisbnrrb- . . Jeti. L. . 111/Alrli Wok Sukie4 44,14 *.w.Matket 7. cwastabudesita. anew Qml.liettadlst Book. arar, W. 1WHICIIIIPBOBI•&: 00 :, ['sitters eadl.i -e/ ea.": nroktsts, turner or Wood wed Third streets, Herelunt's Hotel Ilaildings) Pitteberg, a. • ertsteresey parelLued at the toLual rates: 10•11111tVUXEM, Wbolcsaln Grocer, dnnler in Pro doto, . - Flibliofel , ainanflowoo,.,Tia NEE, &c. sl .• • . Joins •' .Inolbard Floyd. ." j • & 1X.117.01tD, pato VFloyd lL Co.] Mak.% oF • Groom Aro. IN LOAM' Stect.. 5013 l'AMMSDAlALlOLl4Wkadeitilelirocer;Conaaje -4aka Membeat. wed dea.erta Piadeceein; itatemMami". Re 14 Vial,wst,Pittchtegh. • - - jael7 h waetets 17.1011,1 N . MAI,ZILLL 4 C4—hisaaraelate all. 14itt:boibllet, llar Inca mad Halle Vibe best te left at the watchcase of R !Medi k VILA ot L'S Nacre:in; water 4 will re elf wATC;OJELINji Wholesale Ocoee', Peir • k.,.„,„,.4.,C0nu5u.inn Merchant, Dealer in bprA ideadaccae,;ntel„pciitterl,Noe.,3l Water sad a Freal as.. . - 117' 5W.841,3t1L1TC)14&43 i.%Tkolihile Li Grocery Pone ad; as' ly!4 YeT eltt l er=4:l r rol ". • 24 n' •tani ,, t.' •• ' • . John tialpl oo . Itit BUILT & IRIPTOS, WboletaleGmittCy F o n.cdlog and Coottelitiwe Merchant., Deatere' Ihrodalielod Pitts boralr-leamifeesare, Not £ ; aad I/Wood 4Patshetilt , 1.1; .. • thtal I. items a WI: lk WILLI 103111UPIIC&F),& HOS. Wholuodo OA. °metre and CceactirsleyAlerclutow, 'Rind lib. err, stlittAntigh. • t • . •- j, If AI Alex. Nitwit: X Monet Clotteeleast eel Forwerdots Alareltacts, Wider and Proatea,between Weed • andlifirket. . • MiIIULIGIt -BICIVICTSONOVhoIetaIa Q. . oti ur. w,, o ,,,sab'a"taTahaass, Nitn Liberty WWI. PM/MTh. • • M ILISIGN *eho owl . pawl oat manobtaarenh.;and delOers Pony Pan acme of Wood and Fait , , Si 2 / r. SUCAN kris , ale Gnicars, Dmilent beds. sod gait, d lonnFdingtnd O CGRW 40=4.", Kt Libe!ty a,5 . 1.1213 - Wcod Mrects,. . _ 101111vi081.1,4jc171L110151i.V04 Me . tomtle•Dr, Oval/ 'Mame. - AT ELOLNICS i BOArr Po. gl-Ustketstre!t, Pee. . sod dot tros tomer a /INN , P. 44 9. V" - eign .ae4 Dom Not emia Bdl. a( llxchange, Certigetteorot Codurians ma. oh elf.kopyincipaideles Ansa. IIIeORWW Co. Prodsee. roman/. lag sad Commies'.. Metetpuo, No. G SOW. Merl sure< Finsbanth. W YoindeiTer. TrGr.GI DOUGDZITZR C 0 4 ,. 84.1 Cam i.loG *ad ' 'ding Iferebnat... 74o4ll ! Wort Tea. -Ponnt . . . ipoilienTsos! 'arepriir.n.lo, Produce Death 111 ers Fa' Cazosa!usammuclutals,lio Awl Second 'I, .• . , • 1)10 D .7.. LESCIL J lmyarter awl LitakteiF.6 4 / 1 4.1 1 .04 /bmoatia Sadakly. Hata vnist. mit CsitiageTramadru,_, w at atrea‘Pia‘laalit4.'“aa'S _ _ _ _ _ ..1t /MPII WU 'MlD,'wleateseli , - artiVeris I ~ UteiltGl4....;'T.o Feel,. Mud% Tamp! . CorsieWllpoltois4lsissteraOil,l4o,, . tad il,ll,'„ , ebufgh. . 1 . ". -, ',- orpll - .. - ......1. 41.t.".......:4-,--,---..-..----:-.., .. start tsanBt , s. gosnios. 1/01Fai dirr ce,l Wholrma thuerts, Pr' Ptormisition hat, aral Abate r. I armilt ~,,,, Alive. I, Pit t'-' IDpointav nAi.zuza: a qa.,:lvhokiceumL J.Vseatiniinso ••• rorw•rding dos . ' la • • and Pittstnirgi Masufastiuresolrbeny, Mom rgh,Pa. 1.., , . ..- • fele.4 • .MOIPIINIL.CIIIII3IIIISCIIIAM, Wholetster 0 retvr, AllEodsial.i.v.,Wodas mad rayough itdadfl , smaL. "frigi*Tr.l}ll , ..; . . RENEE -BUSINESS C_ATIDS. • /Ving dosierip roduce;. Malts:lo Nano- Noniron uidsillkinds of Foreitpl and, lioinsotio Wincs l O t i o e e 11:iri "'L i q ... 'ar y ' f4:ii.. i rork g ii h i sup io los7fars ,t. 11/Ateynnlds. .• ~• . , , . .. I. I...tiLee. Itl.Y. N .,?, ` ,frcntt s ., '' , , l,t ,,F, Ft: ,`, T7E ,7 ; l• r t Z. - , data,. in Groeetirs:Prtillift, Plttst.nrh Manufactures ' tad 'Choride ollime. , • , , • . . , • . 71.• highest .ptiens, In tub, paiil at ill Link, for .gotoPtr itup,' Carnet of Penn and litvin . RV, l'inntl 13 pr.p . o . Iw o '.k . Co., Cchinnillon ltdit•lianilk, , i 1 , 1 1,.„ . i.l ~M, . t ril.ite lintillfield, Dealers In Moor nl,l 9 ...... 2_194_ 4 ;_i1eeit5, .11s, Batter, Lana, ice. -! : FP , li I Y (LC sbailkietC • - • • Thos.• N. W 4 Or.. riiod;OKLETT ot.WIIITE, Wholesale Me. Jets la Foreign and Doptestie Dry Noah, No V 9 lareel,'Pahlorgh ' fehl'hf 0- & Mereh cleil• tr i . = in Flour i sL o. dr lc rodc ao nAeir. „. 11 . 5 3 nVlYofr ,t 7 4 - 'S to A.M Yofe r d% P lotlding E - No :2 Fo2rritt u n i Xilet °l" Wood and Smithfield. • ' no,didkoly V P. VON BONNIIORST & Do.;lVtioleo.le S. Grocer. .Ormarding and Commission Merchant..., Dealers in Pinaborgb Manufactures and Wanera Pro dden, have Ono, new inarehouw,Aold nand) .NerA comer of Front it and Chapecry Lane; nov7 wapiti 66 S,olooMerchan ' t, Dealer It * ' an tonna Produce audPild burgh manufactured artmleaTC.u7a; Bann, Deng 7 ljt, . . N. iIaNifJ4IIIBIIAJN, Maier in 64.6v114 Aztom • err. ?nut Trees,mil Assieu4a . ralluiplefu , nv 4 N hEJ ? Wool'/tree[ Pitaburgb.• -- , 11.11.811EY BEST—Wholesale Grocers 4. 1... Cormidssion fitetehants, and dealers in Produce.— No IS Weed street, nusbargh.., aprd m/191:162;INEDY,Jr.,Lookinglainss Man (nem net, and Weiler in Ckynts, canto, .oil Yarie~y Cionit,norner of Wood and Fourth strecin 119. T P Forsyth. , • It 1 Forsyth. c Pittsboirlk 14%0:etc:es, grien ' t Ittasin '4 , street, Fittrbo 4.. el4ll at bleentet ' 11 . 01mc akos7M ciAlichcrft Produce, iron. Naihs k lts..:d rifixally,rer....gLtbrripitreeg may roQeli. w 104; • • : pawn) n ivrICB•L•IIIPCiANIfILIig9. Mei.... to L& V .11.11Viek,) Wholesale Grimm Forwonllng and Comalision Merchant., Iron, Cotton Vaster ana Manure, blanutketates genitally, t ter . m di Woad Wilt( MS, Pallbaryiqt. , bin , IXT.II..IIIIII.PtIY Mann the learn* to call and VI eZatnienn his stock of.Fisneh IV rlCd semen low as 15 ems.. ikflltt3"' Nitoarr4ovbaii.tearma,ran.iiiin &ad 'salon Merchant, and Dealer in Vr i o l d - s aa m t h t , s i a tub td antk pi tana . Via,norner or Man' TULIVIMOZUG • t -WOLFP, :Importers Ind TV illtolosaie Dealers in Ilartlwate,Cottery, Sa4., itle,y,a.,,etrt,er Liberty and . St. Clair .steels, Phu- lidliAlll6 DILWORTIII. Who!exile Groeen, Prodtice and Coaustiasion Merchants:27 UT W. iiirmAaoc.., 2C41 mow andualltim - 'II • bag estsb li stment, N 0.244 Liberty llet,ll.ll+inh- the ianres W . tie r., r.. Nee tug liilleis,,widWaze and [Awn kierchus, No. 1 Lawny 'WM, tpp..ite Si Xth Pittsliu . ir!syl••ll.7._ O. U. 110111.11010 N.• An al Las, has a • removed ilia oaten to the Exchange Ltaildingx, St Cla.ratreet, aexi door to tilde , man John.. , OA KIRA nix, Denim' In Fancy and 'Sonde W. Dry Goods, No 7S Market Street, rotstotrgil. teonuits byW. WILSON ..Deaker Walebee,Jeumlry, gilYer Wcre; Aladazy Good+, As; Pio. 57 515 r• kAtsltest. n 07 7- . W:!../!__*,11141!#1:: nr . bqe_sale and retad deal= In seta arkrnnZFrugr4l°`"°'°4""`the.g-1-`7 • IN . .IIIWLN, 41.4 has at:purchased the • VT Wag swoiref Edgar Them; comer of Penn and nand atesoti, gSep a constant simply of the he.% medicines, perGuasry . , k t eric i tVl p t:lff. ' rZlgZ,. ". ol l ,2..T,Z,! °'"l! •:findivi,... • • AUGUESBAQOII. Ataantek at Law TY_ wear 'Soil%acid. Call..g, /me. and older 6:oa~rsaetteaded o.witb punclanda ls/eßosnitle,.Nd reel , 4 „ Maj. with!. RECTIFYING OjpTILLE,R, Non woolookas DILILgO ~ FOREIGN k DOMOTIU WINESAppogs, No. 114 Li&oly st.,on‘llDiWtorkse, J 7 .17 2 411 WARRICK XI 4.11T111 & Co., Paniter, larattrs an Eartannirn, X./ink NW, an! Coto, Cona nt , of at rd and raotadnuzcat, _ novinta Ir 14 Platrbl±,U. , (soreasor to Zonerio Iraamto,) , AVILLIARIS•k. struirr., ..ATTONEYS.ANU COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 05 , 0fRee Norh side of Fount :t, alum, eiSoodaftehL.44 ferrEß.ku•lLF ' • r 0 MACHU Gni:a& B. Jones- ViTGOLG/ALI: G URN norer,aro ra zersnd 'Wale. Oilm, linat on.l.and Innen n ' hill an an trgt u inntl vgLiV . ltei! Water alfect Tea! Cherry -1114":. Algeriroo N. Botta DW. A. 0. fl LL. Attorney . at 'Ate: taco .1n nrewan's Priddirg, Fourth seer, ueeoed dma aberreteorel al;Pitraburgh. Pa. D. W. dell, Cossennarculer to take Armenian*, Ae kiroolednornent. of Ikeda, u.s4otheriustrumenteor ore. Ong robe need in MY., i. roitur Ix. Townsman. Nraelfla artd arehi , ' eery, No 43 packetu,threedooreaboveThirdse, Pittitrandb.seill have eatanindly ea Land a well select ed assoruheet of the. best asd fiesheat Ned:rate ,dvaic he will settee the move reasoasbie Lena. Phreielans' *gliding:orders will be promptly attended to, sod eel , - plant with ertieleithey may rely mien no seier,. MrPhyrdeianidPmeeriptions will Ire tiesorntely earl neatly prepared from the best materials, at ady boor of the day or eight. . :411so Gouty a lame nook of fresaad good Perta ined - W. WILSON,' Welch Maker & Jeweller, SW . corner 41b end Market rte.' A large anent well selected coed or waldes, Jewelry, t9hewwure vnd Minter, Goods. Al►ays on heel/nod at recular tsar sera pnces,Clold Patent Levu, fall Jewelled wnehe., so low ex s4u - , Sayer do watebes./1 tow as 81d. Oregano Cooper, Yobleor,Jahown.d other approved mane( watches easy Dejted smell advance sod wornerdell 63-.0 nainteh Weniedoro , In the very best manned ••' •• )3,;•B.IWEITZ•EII, • .AT.LAW; Ualia ad at, .91.0 . gate PIYTKUUBC II; ILL WoipeeJ ioiaptlyioCollretton.on W usb v! in:Dan:Fayette ¢dUree Bvn n Cotiatia, ' • Doßlacksoei, /1111k.Co .1 • • C Church lr. C2n*tors . Psugargh. v-P odamy erEILIIII TEA ISTORg. • . N 0.72 Fourth ninacaorr • 117. AU qualified of Gtern and Trani done done °pin quartc ballotad one pound pankanna, mu. ti*frona .s , Ue!d , Kt - pound 1/1,5n. JA YIN h , , I • • ' "Ann"( for Pekin Tra Co lA,IL DAVVD, lIIINT,Dentio, ' hams made each arrangements. au lus Ey ling •Wde U tirri "F ic: ge n !' u l teTo n f ; I Cl ' s7r; moo; may le see; fa Idsedree, teener of eth and P ure.- on *Erect., Moneta illafitel•nd Ferry ate, to any hour o=B the day, gram Ba. p. 4 1 .1 01. P. • SI r..IY • 'Tr • • 1111. J. 11E5R1r, , ; Alll2llll44llllAlla=OtorilidCnallinrit.aTini 'and In gantaca7, worldly and cam/ally, suendca tn. Cop.jminier .bo FLU. pr CF , I.k .gapoatunna,mkatmledgentaan.,/!.e. •.' • m,—.llon Wm gall Faa,Catus, Chumlsla Ca mows', Wm llsys, Log., %V k& U.MA, EAGLE C_OTTON WORKS: .. . 1,17 , 1 , 11 URCI'II. • • ' ' !MANUEACTII. SYrI . ON YARN; ' .• Candlii.Wick, Dott , Twine, Coverl e t YARN, CARPI.? CHA WARPS, kr. Etc., L . KIN ;PIINtioCK tCo • , , • -(titoeWoril of tabocklcs & 4.67.) • ..._ .. Propririool ' /Gramm% A co.,_ u • • NO it CANAL. esTREET, NI4W RLPANS." AA URNTriI for All2llllleit Ex tensira Mama thlgar Raaul.. Always en band, a large stock of 1.t.1 Powdered Luaaba,J, Clarifiad and Dastard Sop., in 71411,. and Parcels. Atwe. Sogor Deane Prices libFral end a NO allowance Soda an all silo ...04.60e,50 lure's. wadi • . - BRIIITII• it DRE:IVIRRN, MALI:MINS AND HOP DEALERS PITTaBOULAND POINT BRIIWEIIIIIN. Coktict Parton Alley end Sean St, and foot of Pilt Pittabarlia. Pa. I W. Bottlaigilt. DoNunicurr, DI INUFAC4UBBRIS.OUSTAI c j i, IA TA RRANTiai not Pupe . rlorolo lnd, toode V V to tno United &otos, nod whlntt tVvY po. will dirpo.c CST nt low .Yrices and on good. r fe novo • onr lyr aave, Rs , /74-141.117----• fIZIAOS ALLIC-POITLZI U. P. & and VIANtIFACTIIRItItta of Ilanonerra lthave;ft nay and Alvan Ruhr., 4.4 Why..houv,, Nn i II Wood tatect.l.ltutoi& inatt3. • T. U. litabetp, reterhaeiry Eiriritarg,rw r i r,•~~be bend et hieppooSheeiag Eanthllattect . ly , nut the Si. Quit +meet &mtge., lately erre; _ IPA hied by hleaate. Carr 8- Rowland. sivthlem - - • • • V. IL LIATOPL, . ! I.7.ALFAI In Trianninp and VnfintyGnodv.Torntnne Di'ter It, I vow* tnnd I lord corobsVonlfen Yarns and Worsted., Ammo, ' , kindles, ring, InpeL I.lf■ ids, Is., Ni W 11xtIbet lontrrn s en Linwood atul nircetv Pat.b.,ll, . • lyr+dir WICK LEM AMID' PRILNACILYES, . csoes thidetarote, stoned; i Torn= CAW% forfakM l L • - ~ -. PITTSBURGH, TIAJRSDATI MOANING, DE4dE1713411 9-1847. FOOVARDING 'k: COMMISSION tt thottallownr .1 Item%lda Rang. CIIAILLES It. DARIFINtIOWYCIt. ee •c O. • I TOB A ClO. • CoBlBilBBlol . ll.lillellAllTS, No. StYSoath'Whatvtv. and !Ottni] WatOr " *P1111:ARICRIIIA:' BMita Inform tae trade and (leaky* itetterally et l'ittiltargth that thoyhay.froadevaeh at magnum!. with the 11r:va:a tat at aatatorres cent the tfruvrarr nI the W ttvt, V. v.( Indlei and tali, I'tDDt ttTe wilrt.ino a tary tt .nnd goncnnt tadiply bribe OthrinYtlftiortit- Con. of 'Fototeco which will he nold. af )lareotn utodatiity trintv afi any tidier ii4ll/4 . intl. city or elm. whcrej and nil goods Ordorell Own them will tio war. =toil 'equal to reprowataaont— ' I laVtitrat ' Kt. llnattnfo; Conn.. Yarn,;, Porto Rico; Penn's., S.el.dLeaf To Cahn,- lcuti;' - : 'and Florida, . tattoo; A IRP,llranich's colt:lnland Art:matte Slag Cavo n duel, with a large tootorievent of taller impala r and ottalittes of ttouhdß, Ia (Gs and Ras Lamp; S. and lot l'torTwit; Virginia Tunic. sweet and plain in who'll and half Lorca„ wool and tint toge th er with Avery variety of artielnlndong. ing to the trod, MM=l . . FORWARDING & COMMISSION 111311ClIANT, , East Btaaar Point mid Bridgetc!da, ALATIIt Cotlig'', FA., ' Proprietor and Agent of ateamell Imaraa •• • LAKE ERIla AND DIICIRIUAN . , DAMS IlitTWiElt , ' •iITTISPUI/011: AND BKLYIKIV, W11.1.1 . 3e proposed ntoorliost openiyig of ennui nay ' O ,iy.on; ana ire pnAo,rty nt 100 Idiotf boot or in woroltoolo, for ntl•points on, !fro: Extottylon,.elooo Di;:oliti Dino Canals; for' all`port.: On Littr grin and nplyer Lakos, mauleo to forgrajd yaolitoo, ao.loy Penn's. bopronlliellll% • . ,Applrto or ntitirnni , i • i_ , rrti•ilt! • . • oiciant, Bryant W, Lyouch. . • C- J. G. W.. LEF..tvii)cH & • RECEIVING, FORSC 0., ' And Comrtrfirvlon' ' Plercliants, - • V ' Er•a T l P .11 EvEr. Moran!. F-IFTheld LL2torlki j7ca Or:rann. Maur, Lurtvu& Ilr,lterron,ltlr. Z. Sherley; Lau is,ll.e. Irlarrrs., Sker. Mr. Wm." CyLeary., I,tubels WIRICNoIa, Armstrong fc Nirholson; 11talrprg h. ' Mount. Reik-J, az Co 4 Intel 'intl. Noun. tryftes k Mein*. Elnardl• Whlsenll, Iron. Zenon 1.4.11tve, llon. Jut. Duttoili P;tametrano. La. FLOOR, PRODUCE' ANIOIENEOOI, C 0315115, , i', • SION Al 1411 C 11 ANT,. - iNO. 10, Sarlltltts 11 bort, 11•11.1morei. n ITER then scrricas to Minehanin and Fantle n litho Sale of Flour.l4rain and Produce I:ester:illy, in the flalimore Mari:Land Cana Weir extenelee Pro oni it. tar.cp, a along purchatara and shippers, can ..totel y war. n. 4.1 satinactory salts. . Correspion t e nts will constantly he kepi Inlcisteil of WC State °Mlle Markets, .le. .Rost co—hlessrs, , Wm. Wilson &Sons. Isaite Heir nOlda'a:Son, Laa„„,„,,,eaandera, Itrynolds &Omni, r `' 5 1 , '1,1.., 4 4.7 ( .'", 4. e " rirrA gl /71.3: Phladelphia. Iliggetty, Draper & Jones; Na, York. • _llalititiorc, June 11, 1547. . • . I GliAlGli lIELLAS ik Co., , .FLOVR. FAcroits AND PTIODUI;E COM -1 MISSION. MERCHANTS. IBERAL cash advances made. op recoipt of !on. Lsaininteno: Thoee, skipping moot tiddrcts will he urn tit e-faorths ratite in advance in C 0., ,, If apply. Ling to pt friends, . • . . ' • 31e sre. 'Wall in ;ford & Taylor, Ili atbargb. Mess al Thos. Itell &Po . Ilrol peport, Ohio. . • ' •• Philadelphia, May 6, 1,45. ' • •• ,tanyllof I , N. I.l:..kllprothice etinsitned to on is insured when In the ofarehouse of IVolli illittd. 4. Tayloi, risOkontk, ornit els rime lo Philadelphia. ' C. 11. '& Co. i NILIV:StDDLEIII,I(ABDIVIRE STOII3. . T 1 .. n6 . l• T. i Li._ 6 E a 14 y , ,J 11: • 1 • No:, 131 WOOD o'r, PITTSUVELGII. HAYOniti tophinisittel ply sunk no% the best rosters , kith dotnellic and'lnnrena'n , I 1‘ , .. J. ,,, .' , nnil in , nln , linnoneilletokorowneits and li e 11:A1/1 that I ant pre pa lel to anal h them er.41,-S-11 ;nods lnlay li ne on 0.14 Gene, lean 1 lan-he:m.lo6m .., . ' . . ' • . Hoyt; 'wilt rocollitetthat dralirko.caelosively" 1 n Sac f .1047 Y , laravearc and Carriage Traiamincs, I &stain theteLY, advardsteslthati emetic ace to defy <antivenin,. (7,111, i.eo.ltanpaJc.lfor yournelvien, ~,,,' ,;r1IESEI'll'11:01111:110N4n OF ,11A11111V11144:. •• .1j LOG ifi,oli-1.1331t) V,• - • • ir,Tr.litijus OF 1,24 N 4:1_,IY11!? L,....Ht. . . _ .. . - IN iIANDAVAILLI. CUTLXICV, La, t ' I 1 N0.1107.V00d 8 _:. ,' ,• 11 ' ' - 1 . P•TTSullitail. ' ,A t... In thit touion of rrh.ariviz,, , iar-r., . n4d4Oon. .. a Rt . .. a:en:sire ...41( of - I!ard ware. Cata4r t. &>,l .1414 ke., wlLott linvtog leen poear.o.od on. IL. mo.i 'adraningooa to on* in P05:044.1. and dd.' i from 1 the Inaufarturon n 114 4 41" On.); rlal , lrr th em as of fel tads on u4rtno urpoi.o4l,l , y one and elinafled by, i,.. enfcaa,4e” rc rtipeolltiliy inoned tor:III. - • '' PI: I i if T 1 11 • GICCiII.tati.•eOCEIILAN. ------ 1 I. 011r1S.SlO.N.& I li Olt,W Al'i l: I AU M 4:II(:HANT, ; , No. EG.Woriii bpi nen, 11 - r - riair It 011... i'll 0 N' CI A U I.:ti to iranßart a punnral rolonlirariOn 11../ dlusinen ti ,tviracially in n; nurchara 3211 onto American 111.ilinlactirca and Produce. and ia riraniiing and fur' L ivarding Siouda con.rinuil in Inn care., i As A;cut lur Life Atanniirturors. On oil W: consLintly supplied with 'the principal articles of 19"41-4,1a.A.l?rarxturat at t h e, lown.l wlatilaiadc , Pkiraiii. ° Orders Olil ciiiiiiiiliiiiiiirro'iin trepraralifully roficacd. ''. : •,... lc flirriir'elvve. - A.;,... nidlli /L. H. LI Ilataiia - iii: LOVE, M ARTIN ?,.. Co., rreitil:CF., GF.:11•:1{A 1: 4.4 ild,lla4+l , lN, AN 0. r$)11- i 4 • ll' A i1: . 1. - .N , ir , 'On: . 1711, , .. • Ilho: 13-14.1ralien Wharf', iiirlitroore. Iliriiii SO- , 1 ' -.3l Anen.... - en.' , I , ! '' , ii...i,pridi. Sill Idt at Cet, ; k. “ ttl ' r i lt. t • _ jn,a,,ti2vpA., 11, ~..' ). 1 1;::, k 1 - 1,,,:‘,,...,. • 1 lih..nlo_ ._ • d/4..1 ft' - ' - ' _ S. 11; 1.111.111111, C. W. AR ritll:o7f Late nG 1,11..1.urgh,P11. I.fllc fi n .b,Dl., L.E.H MER di: ANDERSON• IY CUT{ UV. YOD. A 111/IN(/ AND (.1';‘1:41:f:51(IN • No: S &tea , nic, Li road era y. C iso nnoti, 04 , e. Meier I, Merchant, Ru9vrQln. in Vi,lstwch sprln WALTER & CO., • cor l imisstorg MERCHANTS, AN DEM.Fatrt 1.1I0111141;I:ENEItnt.1,V, /041 silarka, Mlillamrt• Ettirec rn-1.1 , pr+l• E , " T I-17.11nie0 S S 0 r, i;" Sh . " 1:" !,.If 11( n wyman,:=;i,,zum L .I,OIWARD KICHLINO, • 1 (CUCcr.wd),..7o 11001 , MAX & 170rit in c. lurinardeng Alrrtbant. and . • - Cutto, Mun door Snstli of l'ku.t , M.A.:Memphis. Allro .4. Co. gong!. ref Co. dSn Sony.. • I; U. F. CON WAY & CO, 1)0121,O1OliT11,.*in. Coomil,on soot romardloz Mivrhallts.t e. teod Yon►are, halo 4.:.1:.'nip0n.111 of V.g Sc.• IST. ET, To, [ 1 Aximod, Yonr< kC. • I:rown, Bliley kCu Lniroz.Slcr!itii k Co ileml 4, ..ff . 6r,11; Linalrey fr. Co 1, Leerh A Co 1.40n.5b0r44 Co Clarkc 4. Thaw matitrlly , Moms Mines • , .1 . 01111 PEILILY. • Male of and arm or Malcolm Leech 31. C o Whbleanla Onreer, Cazzontlalon lelour , • Merchant. k UVRALlittin all kiwi.. of .'worry Produce, Coa l/ acr,llo, Tor nale.r. :I'innorg' Took, Zgor. /truria Vhtel Iran, Iron and Nod, 1V boo Lrod, Ur! e'unr., cot. , V.roo, Sa.t, &e, mot Pluguorgh Aloorrfactorra goner:olr ,'6rner or 1./I.orty owl Joann irstothargh,l'o. 211,11m:rig, o C2.lh or Good., To tvle on eon. •rgrarau of Prtotoce , Arr. tny:a AUCTIONEERS COMMI S SION MEROHANTS. ni.uxNDEillawv CINCINNATI 4. ST. LOUIS • 014:It Iu enll at eilLct catalilisliraral, all kinds of Merchandise at the lowest rater; of Conitirmairma and are; tithirayS prerminil In Make ail vairees. The hest oi reyemorms gaol, a minim!. imtmrs addressed to either 110110, will be promptly attended to, II 100!1; • Di. Dien, y ! TOSIPSON: A CAPIPISICLI.. 'COMMISSION • NIFRCHANTS Imo elanuesetsren of Llomeed NS. 20 Columbia Street.. I ' • CINCINNATI, 01110. acToisi P119 , 70it ZZZZZ a s p reterkAy ' • ,i SANI , L (Late ;Nl.' Jogci h Co. of Iliddrnote.) COMM IiON .A!‘i I) FuSWASBING NESICIIANT, • , to. ,PosdraoStriet; Qrleanr. (0-PaitMular amintiois paid to the forwoidinghlwi rmt.G ' ors ' CLARICE, Porwardiiik Merchant, Broumerille, Pa., ..fiti6ilWPArtid6lat H tn the Forsrat dingy( Produce, tr. Int anyfinther tnformation apply to tk. DUPie/LlV.,ramy • oetle D: W krATtynava. R. T. :11,4TCH. IiATMCAVS & PATCH, iEOIEMUS.IUA DIRILGIIANTR, • .',; 1 (P•1 91 ""r arVins .1110. . • gtvepkrtienlny all... Minn to the 'riling . of Drn- Aulm, and to ordors for patellasing. _ kgraa 111—li gorge MorKantr. Co., rittnhnDrlir Pa.. 0,11. .1 11 - Dtketiermon, ImrcuLLolaii..4, CO. Coplrni.,,,ion and k'orwording, Meichants, NO:4. 97 & 801.ITIt ST. . .0...70r , :110WL1NGD% WI i A RP. lialilynora -I .. THOS. CcIMMiSSiO, 1411KRIIIIANTS, Nos. Sand 9 Light St., LEALTINOIIO. • rt7CH,i, r, ,, * will h. rn an on eonsiyimmat to he above addri:sir, liy danS ty CikßisiliV IsIoNSIG HT, Diith sl ; 1.14 A. MINKS:It FLOUR rA.-Niuts. AND.AIN AND PSoDUCS . • CORI Mk MIMI Herr:banloo, . , , 71( 801711 1 V11A111111$:1'111LA1/131,1111A. A/II: now 'pm ter oove rorworot all hind% tor rolexigOoa.: to od moor 10 cod I Sig 0 II nd Julaa, Noah viol WV go, THIN. 11. I. A Ittli L li:t3 Alo ROCER. AND INIMMISSION, DIMCIIANT, No 50 Water 'omen. *T. lA/Lll3 • • Lyou arid Ando ' Fro,. t - J; NJAVOTON JUNIOR EITF.AAIDOAI'UNT' AND OONMISSION WA Ii T,:-. - ] Pi9N.Ohilqisll l. : l, l. 110 USE,- • - , Pithboribo Pc I 1 1 i ! I IMSCELLANEOUS, JA_MES w. WOODWr.L,L, Yrrrso Corm FURNISIVIS Vetlle .. N I ti . 111111,1) Apr._ I.ARGII:caId gplendol • noublo t Oloomboat%, • hart.. prmate Dwol litliok-roffeloolly tot bond and mad,. to order. • • Tho pre,ent .loclonOwol coon.' lie o'se..i lnd ky y matzooletory in Om wr , lorti rouury. •uk poteh.oewould Ao well kr pr . ...A u.s o out sI ow 4lOtrtoned ply Klee* .hall or! mork C 011,0.1419— • 50 Fele a with Mull and Ilair.clozVenrei, 2.10 t M7holany Maze Ull2/t.; 11 pair Divione 12 010, fine snahngany. Ciaurs; 12Inabeeang realbec Jdoe nbiloelany Rock.or, 15 marble 11:11/ Ilereab.; F.pair Ononzairc ; e arbLe top Work Stand.; • m ' • IS cherry Nhnrg ettlihe Mahogany. Maple, Chrrry bad Poolar.lled.egadr.of all ile.Gription, and a leF.o. a......0nneel I'o.oolo, l Furniture and Chaas, too :lumen.. In wbatle{l. • maraf NI iV "Ij.n.R. Dw A ft E .11 0 • JOSW•PiI woonwans., , Corm.r of What and . 2,l HIT N?:,!'' L M lrnrc:P7.,',l,.. i Lm r i°`,,W,t`,.`kt • plcaeurc op ened; annalitng tri toy fritabs'intlot city and country, that I have o ay nwx Floc. at thouWvei mimed place- Roving pairliAlled my vmds tin .0,4, and made, arran t ternents. avid, tatinalavtdiers in country .frof to Europe to be otMslatilly Plippltml, I tool folly prepared lona:int, IlardWarc nll imakb , ems.] term. and as low as any houvo Ed., or Wst.— Alm-clamor and others are respsctfully Invited' id cal and nrtaallie my stock, before !torah:nine eletsehere. Thr fallovong euenpr(scso portal . ion nook.' • Stea.tilmat and 'Saddlery flardwam.bitti Trim:lt/bey, Nuy)or's Slrel, Cutlery, like Tnnli.:4nvi l li, Cet, Lack.. 10in)..,,, Sirk acylhes,lfltillt hao.nry l'lnnes,Sawablitbretany hoards end vettvers, and all other .nhl,, eaaa4cled the -Hardware Int.m...A. • • 11101111 f . . 1) A'rklNT PRESS 113VJGCC ieracittN.V. sta,cribers haviasabltneed a Path., / 1 1 , T 1 6 1:1 Press Prick Mamba:et and Archie Fonre thou' thorn gSly tested Ito a/nifty, 1113 110 W . ittcpared to. WI rtglas and contrasttri deliver tour/lint , to any port al fire lard Stateit. Thtt en:eh/tie it deffikatorto make !hint from etude rimy, And eAI mato , lftlathlt tool sa ane: . firm brink per day. onthttlentiv hard tnfotark up ta the kiln; tlath avoiding the ex pod 1.4 0 , o r m . path,* davelay,dryitth -and handling the !flirt after enth nnaltknl. It te onaple, along. not tioldn to get eat °riot r,psa . , nut' /smarm...4 Li , " e. Le Ink nu to more. and pat lotto they :frith eirat theility,clato render ing it :ssashle Ws. err now lto:ltling erterLineo. and tin tht ftliftrt Ira r a Cull roolon wen-aid nkylnn 311tOdurItt auto umnuccm-v•ffal opera tion r n Mill creek bottom, our 1.! mei. whereon, shall las 114 , 77 to' elt.lnin r-lerytt,og sozaterted witha to NI Into oats coll. ;We. Ives's at present no malformed Av.. All letters toot...Um:sit 19111 Ike promptly attended to CULIZE:RTSON, McSIII.I.R.V.& co. ternt ' NII W F011.111TII! STRILK IS T AKERV , CONFECIIONA INV AND u.urr '611)11...wt11 open on Monday, Apm fgh. Coq, Wood xi, and Pe 3N .Ifor to A Joy te , Tetra Tcn Stare. AIT le mmrimentof rent.). k tonne), Fruit. cell. tt the e.terevery dal;a moll s , ,vehteh Are theSalloaringt— ' • • • • - Maramons; round Cale; lemon 11,coi, • • , 1, ...1"; • :wog.. dm Pepprr rstqr,• Jol'y c,,k,; Al.otui do: -111,,Itt,ra CAkel i ay. r N mc; Wairr. lut.ll,levil.lll/11p. Frdrra I Cake; A .1" , •1 t•!•19;nr•• • OrdrrA for. ler errata, Bride,' Cake, ' , an', Confectionary. hr., hr.!. , :rnu.,..1 iy a iniumrr.tin, gunIII4 in qualidi and tin.iirty by an ! meet din city. ' fir matt, fo,turett from White Wbeoi-1110ur.....-.1 fres Iramatl ittnne.fii ver) mornin/. . TON MODE OP II EATING 1110U SF.i....—IiIr. llnstor, of Ilinian; im urrant...,;..l...tid patenteil a plan for heating whir+ ba. Nina HI, cinsofalty taiml in Ncia• Vork,h.r .o.nd velerover • npplicd. hne reenived the deebled pri!Crrenne over Storta.llarnnne, kr. In ad rantan are , ,7Sati Great relsalarity . of Tetnicrstara ~,'thlot Freedoth trona :mok, -`"" thtE. No tinplearent Ilr a stesa. CIS Easily sitesZedto, arA not halth, to get 031 et • • order. . . - Sth. fireut lharabii:ty. . , . A 11* el and Sperifteabon may be area . ; and the spa furatua attuned at thsthaprer and Tinwarr taetery or • 15. 51. 11 tii:AlFth Meat attrrt. --' stTElf II rdwa ItrVi . ..Y, t.s:A&ia, niI4:TER A . ^lll f , ou:cn ood Pomo, R lard warc,:wont,r,rpertfu'l) °mrn ho fik4olo and d01 , " , ' .of no tOS moot rC.tAo . t t ie terlsat. .• • - • . He hr ennt:tuo..Py re, eiv.a7. rn-,b , Croin•tY , , altafarturo.r. r. , •,•re ••1.1.1.n., him a. rosy, menl. richer ,We•terts,n, nee nu 11...! el ea:: Si, •,:tte 1114 stneletw , ere p.irehrasv., re 001).• tit nershir. IVl. F inp„l"o " nr " 7o " ; d t;nt h ...; Okausrattcon sod M, 3100 1 btrune• , .4.1.1 , 1 the isk of 011.VM, 3100111t1V & CO.. and taro Oka ft . tba vsn•tomai. Nn 6 Coss , o••• - ei , tt ..a. •,totwerly oac:rae•l by tt , Ig I'ey— erimte a I t r w:u..-.. autr,ted ta our cirarra 141 , 1, Ortoruptla and luttiCalla 1 ,11. t Olt KIS , slttAl,forroarlF of I%l!adalo`,l I 'l' KW It rt ov, NI/1.1".Y IS McGREW,.. • PAW. , Mb, March V., itria I 1 : n I owl., a, _ s cal ot,rs l's• L., sr,' to I.r It tra,e4 No r , .2. :or ononFaheln 11.1vrry , Stablt. 1:011 . 1' 11.,PATITIt , i r p,wd thr eta P • •trecia.lo thr •• r of t;• Itn,,,v,th an aware Ilotrea and Curl. , ng, eft!, brst oc.a s car 1.111,1 1 1 . 1,t 1 1, 11. , -.• er: at beery ln 01w key, manoar. T. Jane,' Ittallargs•Cthladial V011..11 rf 111. L. soot no rteuit:c.l.ntotebta.....a:t a r. Ilrnt p Si d or ,r>,ll.,.l,ton,altLl otter ~ . ..•n. .es of thr Skin, whet [ll . e.ritai Snap ramtl , unpwai:cd. burn, Molpht vv. Tao. sad altangra the cola, Inllow, ..ILurc.t o Vn!.hy. C 1.. ., .1 forth aoppty , orarrals,l,Ao.w. nn , l Orr 4411 , it the ra4uce.l polar of XI per ta•an 1••eela 040, 6 °Jar 4 a , .14,1 e - II A l'AllNFA , ltAlli ih tlo,rtimr Int 8214 16 - 1104 ono a, Wa 00.1,00 w 0,,h piromA6.....icsmr.lvr, lath, Erin of t:',:t.-ipte.% IC,lllr, Lookn.c Alnunlaelnror ty krrot onftanily I:11 J/.4:11. (.IE, Gletzro, ernr7 (.I,Mahn.lvit non Lont me GI ..... ; :1.1 3 -I !Old 5 dr.,r, .la , n Ind ()El; 1.1 Vat own ffl4l ear . I kt , 1 ~, 0.1 , ' 6,, wha1ry,..,..6 etna:l Joivant, on 113 , 1 oi,rs ..2pplre.l sr.S C.artNCAtt rl , e• rs.l I. ,y IA a • r.v ork , *hayUm nail Tlnlr Ilfe,atnsSetlooMt DI,ACKttON A VOUNTA ICY. Torimmm. 14,•('" 1) rtiontuital stid fitted up their 7 -toning, Ham tool Shang....ottyr tisk, to the lluni,D •lyie, and are rt. vsrot u. watt,gentlettmo 11 otter, vane...c0m1....n.1 n0...n..1 Tbeyart feecestd to watt tot all a hat nmy wittomt &by Thankful for yft.ol noeor, err admit • rottintmort. or me outinc. AM out :61. - tou, corm r Doi. Mtert nod the Itiomodt. (bark of . Alevander Da) . . Dr) Ct....J. altme.) t , F tt XPELIII , NCED lunar., an a Mot or one and s hair p . rot a s ortolle won, [mooted fu n d hralodliv to Ito. rotatrunboti of all kt2d• Foriumws. Price. rit,rl,7s etvit for bout bet& Nt. gnardotrod none month, ow. ()Orr.. tor it .t oron.l golf is,' It,ek • WA: be ea.:coo:dial &Atom M, it to Jr.' Kited. without asuman., A it met. of vit. •,1 now hang and b,,t!r a! the retmehno.t, ,o ottor , %Vttair .Nana. Dimon, by J eIIAW MACLA DEN spl6 . f , Kontong , tta :ton Wolk, lOW • TiliiN I , IIIIII.IiLC-TV;.11, , i by wroten entotra'et wtlh Ow. Pratt: PI so has 11. n raelasivo rtgbi 0..11 1A,,, inTti t.l.urgh and Al:, ghroy v.., Any pro , on attempting at rill Mem tts, raven°. tommumettlmurtt uto. o og drerpthoto r nd n (land upon the p0tt10.... nod lbrirt , Mir. monis am not to Lc rot:v.lms. .!Itl2 A IA 7'; 17,,0rh,1,r1 Sifitik %V:IIAI,AN I , lljit r: til'Ar. f. (11 r ri: 1t7 ,, - Aim 1i,,i,t1.111 from ill, l's4P, linvoy , r.trriss , coif,. Ille%`llo..o)ltniltrul coitr, ft $.-cry ..nywnnr :Mel, and Ole U-I , lllie , uit..r. 411 of which,tr rq n very .41PrI/t, qunliiy: lOr ...I, nt Ow l' , lt.hvgl3 St.v.l amlltnplum , ..l, irn,ekilt4/..,.rnrr of V, nod and :1111 111. . . otql , S N , C IeIZEIVIIANI - ' 1 DRUGS, DUILIWS. . TOE!. A10111.1 , .g. Drugl/41 ntn! Arthreary,. N. W. o/ c.orlr of Woo& and ,11. mt , I . ;ll4l.tugh. will k.e..t. consul tly of band, Mug, l'nnp, . On, Dr. -Fug', ar. , N. 7.—Phyoleinte. pu..rni.t.nno eniernily cnll`^nt , a' eft fro the hevi 111.1, ,. lai 4, nt 1 , ,y 1.0,1,14 the any cr night. A 1,..,! on n.,nrunr to of l'ernitn,y; fan, TOOlll, lintr, anti (Moth Lanvin., .h.. . ko' i whleb he w,,1l ~ell • low la en.b. 't o rt' I 111130;01.1WkiON-'11te vo.pariltert.hlPltrtetoltite _IA rloMair lortwrea illr +Ow raw Oh tooter the Ply le ofd 11,{ 11'.Iltnnot a. C 0.41 Ilan day sit:volved by doulard I' OLIAr bt: Tim Ito.inent 00)11 la. continued by J D.V. th ItenohJotho I. duly outflow.. to .ettlo tho oar..rt of the lade lino. J it NV11.1.1.315, , ' • ITliCha MILLER rilliburith, 0011, IS; .l on( fIUTLIT.IIV -A ehnst, nr!,,,,,,,t - a ,t.r,r3, 1,, ‘,. Notting and fluddln., Rlnvel , , of rano. patiern, anitahlt. Int nontery turn und; Olao. a lame a...333tent of pen end pt. ket l i t Anvers. uteri. nil rdertred and for sole iota' lit Ale Vill,b(llgh acrd and A doulturtn Wurchotoo, No 11l Weed 0. corner of Oth . paean di N W111:CEllell.. NI i coazinistaltmEts oFenr.,i}ms ...- AT EINCIN isiA'fl - I um a almond b I i y tho nvernnt of Pronnylannia to take thri,note:olpotot. of all in• gnomon. of writaatOthot ointkrna and , flta'hia' , " of yr t. 1103 in Ohm, to be nerd ur reatoded in' l'enn.ylva• ida. I tencr.o3 dam , 1-I,t , t of the Motor'. OM., OW • rinnali..ollln. • F:D WARD I . t'tANell mytahlt. ad 3 •tf , Attorney et haw • . ... WAGS WANTEb: ~ n biin 1.115 epIINTRY 111134:01d411:4 ?gots., ID I / 3 1111 aa, l "Aloh. 1.11111 p I rice n t t ASI I total be put3l r , , AI ay. ettiL broth...cry description of IWrltine, and %Via lung Viper and Chloildelditte. , REYNOLDS: I ,F. SI10.1t: _ 3 . 3 ,1 I (torn. Penn tool 1137111erte,:dtto.ltarell VI NI hr. l:lls l ,.s, Montilly 110 , 41. amt Rvrr. r Teen , 'unable tor plautoot a, 1.',..,, , n . .. con be 1•11 rd en .1;11,11e:won no the .41 3 1 .thre, Dom arterieal:l,s of Jon. Watator , Manclat , tter• - . _ $ N' WICK.EItSII AM. India:id No 121_ ear wood andel!, .te 10 UAND $11..i'1:11 VeltTlflift,Z--Hrertvea ati A Jai 4110 1, la 113 , / large .100:01 . fiold and ?Over l'a, rat 11.4 P Waleliel, anhatdd for 1,,.1a , lend tienthannn -of I ta 11004 ond Ittooltonte, patt ett ou nod of the beta MIMI ncture-warmird and for .111.1 very lowqi- A f i Rs' and Fthlitt• of a.m ~ ttee.rott.than 'Bi ri ly' ll t On ' hond, ad.roloale n 3 tedured prire., at the l'itiolturgh&ed Store, No ill. Wtabd .airort. corner of , lh "Dt'ct•- . du 7 —'t - kl N - %VICK liftdllllsl ..._ .....- - ..- ICE CREAM FUNEZEItS-Jant tend. 0 loge , ' 1 mentor Johnenten excellnni I'lavoL Ida elvilltl Err, 7...1 . % . tillable rot Nelda' Stranan , MY and private Gin.' hen. nt . • - -JOAN DUNLAP, m•7Tin , rnsirle•f .1 .. -_-.-..... ......--.,- .. --. QTORMIIIs-Tht,ewrofr,llaritialeroed the large 1,./erurrhousnocean'ted Icy Dr. C. o.llntoo y, ft. 913 act - ent flaw. are noun preparrd to Wee on favotohlat, trona, Carols .toreli with limo ar0 . ..0n. , i.1y , ar-rre I . . hp intarone , . J JORDAN & AIN- I. odl' : ,sharty a, appoolo head or nallhOCl4. LITERARY tiinsuutuil TlllB Institution, ender the ease of kt!e. GostinnArian Lony. in winch -WI the itottil and ds nt naent Idanelsee of a blushed ed.:atm. .ase taught ig neen for the reception of innate at • , f No: 52. irprlns Itols.!Llbercy : Street, between:3J WA 4th itreeu. The }wend Seesion will eidvinence Uri Mo:iday the Wall ol Augud. and it ii. udpotiont that any echo etay ideviten catering %haunt lie3irexnt as 'far al p11111(1e101C hi that tune. • I ``They have seaurcd the ner*ei•or Profeettor 11110. Nlir as oisielies of Mario on Use Piano and Guitar, who is WO NVOli kh0 ( 1. In 'mkt ri,omm6ndalion. A cot ;ietent Fleneh' loather will he employed ' lIINti/lAril will havo einitac of the lianas... II od Voehl :Prot rIUMINSHI, will hare distrait:in the Artistii lh . parintool, and will. 4.40 IC.(11., In drawitie.olpitel, Ufa, und painting, kth andwater 'color.. Itrot is a CO11111,1C(11 teacher, evil hasri•ensintendation twin the brat men in Europe ashram United Entire ik lit...been a teaches us the hut nirtnutiona of Ihr el/tints), , ' term: orate to tho Pnrci ‘ bal. ellf i iGlli N. LAMB'S BOARDING SC110()L• 0'0.1 , 0 Arch &Tref, , Over gliders/Lk, Philadelphia. pnr.plunpurvutti to ilasinsaintion.vnkrocesalltli, J. hlghcr hrdnelies of mi Filigash Eacmoon, with Tktreetion in the lirrneh,llalidi and idingungcs. OO FerVICeC Of the -most <muesli Profes,prs are eri manetitly secolvd. and every Mainly given pupils p los aeguirlac the .1 lb Luaguagcr, amailier With 016,1 rri !Mc yeor is dived into rev terms of Arc inontid c/vb, commencing Oil theist of hicpteinhcs, oad . vialmii o the %labor Juno. • d'ho charge far the f l / 4 1301.tie shier o f ten months, ti Pirdl, pit/able wlvoneci without vahnel. advent Alas/wind Dancing, %clads are at prwrs clomneistaw fiat tme within the loath will his chargedsemact) . it ix thoug ht dasitahlts by pasentsior splanlion• or I pupils. front chstatiev, they lan re no tho lidnourr vas: faun, when due;atientions will be pews., '7. !! ! ' lignitecc/in. Pugh JOlinti. r..f. Ur khl l'aitCrioe..Dr ihrelnedinti. “ , argn /V 'rotund; ilhilaitelphials II Morgan, ildq,.2 l lLemil, lit,, Javßolic, Wm i llomidordlit 71104 Nrkol2ls li.dhric.renee, Ala—Wock Jack. ed.l Vivi, N o—. Cali I. Noreen thot, Itpn Ilmaard'Mantas sor,lntarleston—J l'hiWr Nee—'llmains Out—n,* llr Ciao/It:sassy! Nc'd. .11,1.1:1;11ENYxtrv. • • • - Cnrsrr Snndnaky Knd Strerevberry Se p t • !rho t; a•notl Won row:newt.. on Non•lay,Sept Vitt. - rrho, J....inning to rnmer mil fnJ it to Weir imerrs.l in do , 04111,11. the orknonnot•th,•semon i•n,file; diourh pupil nnti I•elmec,•-•1 nt any tuna damn nt. oki•mon. ' • . , . iTtgogrrvires of colt relent Teitel:!,, sr H 1.0 .oeured for pla,.pec thot otoy voi6h ireelve le,truetlons iif Druoone, l'o.oene and Mos, .:For part.culor. o,lateeo to the reweef inoHneeon, euto:or or 'Ky lo Hos losouetor.. : VI% !ley 13, lon. 17A BOOHN ' ..-Poblistled fir J A w &It [...honN, Walnut effect; between Pourd. :OA Ft ft h, GI netnonti. ft:4 i7.111:4 Mims—The history of the der !loess (Sit ,al' the 'finnan Euxplrm kiwi. A new Edition; tensed nit.] corrected flint :Tit ont,precedorl by et preface, and accompanied. b). Pelee critical and lihtorical, relating principally the propagationtok tihrtslianity: by M. I. (intent inister of Public fostsisetiott for the kingdom Franco. pistaco,noteks,lcurrectirms, trans{ Cited from the French c •serkly for this edition/ With a nntiCe of the f 'erecter of Cilitinn, Warnels Reply 2tu, 107. i pa • re 1312 gvn,Dlpages. • • . iHallam'. Middle Az. teUzed, Reber:eon's V' ussell's Vrenelt and kl• qateczyls Aelerieeri R• MZEME2 inen Rebellion i nd New Englandj r in Ainrrins,:nd 1 not .1to: i Liemorybl ,M h aerient •ntalniury eelec tin/retie= the best at .011Crif.A.11 I Ilutury Ililkiapti, Travel., et ....three, Ntanytica, Indians Merolotionayy Battles, it,t...i.e. Also, Aacc thylea, Poetry and Mincellane Un articles. niacin • tnl. letth aure than WO engrivings. I col, trip :.,:yr WO 6;1 , ' , itherenial Pintonai Libraryrenntruning valsablii ;riper. on 1114.111 thlieday , corhpnsing Nara. tlisthry, Natural lielebeen,i,itculttue„ltcrat Lim, Onty, liiivaphy, Fine Arty, t it Orieutnla, Tra . vel Lim, (liegraphy. Botlny, hliiice' =aeon. re.iding, &cl 4.. e. I not ,my ten 6 , 10 pp. it cheep. The Family htetheal Line ry—A Treatise on the rr, , vratton ind Cure td th.entter, by ',preen and vimple 0ter,1161.1.. NC ., elition,ievined and erlir i . ...,d e, a% ti , , ,, ,:.:.ri0n of .1 \. egethhie hlntee, Tded• ion, p.4Gur.t-sort the virtn=, irep,ri,th,n,,nd d eir idioni =int =Jeanie notice ineiteal plants, and or hotline of Art...l and Phyeitilozr. Illa4rate,.. Yith one loandrnd I:neyn..t.-1, ina t•erliela on, ',.. eoriired. ny J(i Norrii,ed:, 7 th—t.',o4 payen tiv. I . Amerman Vienne. ii,enien—Adaptsdri ll to the enund Stair.; by ede: rd : 4 .:,er., landr,,tei , and Ornamental cianlener. : mu, third eii,tiul,, thrtied, enthrged and ;Dash, ..d. T=imers Ores .1, Itooby hi urdathi,,Fc. Are. I Family Teltateer.t, neta•d, With sad 141111011 l rehrolot note., and Paalrhg • in ley tre. thee and iTaveed Debate.: Horn'. Worl:a WY ,diho Lake.L.alla Eturdikhi,l l l,o l e . . lien. , tnin,....36.,M 1tne,,r4,,, , '4112 ni, iten id vatio ionlii Ir. parordet'form. ni4hf9 ---- V i 11'iiFIV -- 1, -- ' auu e Nina ar or - 4, 1 - )ll,&,Nor.•l i i:sCycLor.rt,i,t—A Rio vary or e - 3). . 0 e, , dl , ol c r ,r 1 p 1?” t, ~:," r,tri cam p iTot , , I i•ter,4 - n ,.. r 1, t,r...,Fr . i , , .11 ,. . 1 . , . .al, t, 1 ...1,1.. and Z•i;t, , l., •e.:..-...1.,..• Jr. 1.1r,0. ".. !..1 iy ',l" ,1 .., - .....f .. F I: 1•,.f - •• 11,,,r.,,,11, tvr. M..r..%1!‘cDf . .. A iirrx,r. b•An!.frah mrcll tr.spA 4.1 NtAda Awort,..Catzl.l. temla ID/At. M,71. I , < :>I A • ' 1 4,1•1. 11 , :t ou the Umf-In liDtor7 D.• DAIL.= (mot IS,/ re4414,4.3t. to I 1LeD,.14:./`.,R1% 1`411 . /..m. Ac . ..le, M A, !tett./.111.,C JA M.-1 ChA, M D,n111.,11C, .111•1,:istrtl; I , e r ti.e Mr! y ry Lital . to Ose 11Ind, by 51.-orge D, zlo r 61' I . Juvetal I, 'W nr):.a. ' • 11" , 1::a. 3,4 (V.v..... Yr rsaitrh r,. tre, lb. cr.ot a .47 rop tlar hvernile leurk Enlin=l itlvaker—Tke Jusca, le Plvaker r coatri,i.,; elermaltary ar.J et. 'tuxv in rlattaattu, arltla sc., two a 1...et0 row.t.t pra r I ire, 5, T Itaar. ta,tax.t.t 4a riacatal. at Pa Tle alpne Iva; Im ;we; irr , t,mlG' .”)1-1;;;; . i . ATt;i7KTIJN tIl tnirtal J.,J 34.1 0.. , T:DIC A L nt,ol.<s-- Putichq , !tr 'mo'a In- nu. Muth,. ; Ih,;"•I'a etatorny, .• 1.111,:non, e, AVou , on'. do, I , ,eri:e Irmn:e•;• 11,ire.tmilsoqs` , I',ikri:ro Cotpl.e e,s CI,• lloorre. fsl4d,eariltetmal,v;• elviver na Itry..4; Ili•vnpainry—nrsr 1,1 , 1;on _ 7'l«•nhoy , wab gr•n.rn I a.artaa-la of 4 . 1ng.,,v1.2nd Nlt•cann,iis harks pot rcte "I tog ar,.l ff. rtl 1.1.1,r11' E 1 ;". N 4.1 .1 !In I.r.v-en a,Pnidl IJI • TA ILVti:ini Pi! II 1.11(3 T lONS -- c . ,t4. - 1 1/onacltit , lkonowv 111mdneli. . etas “teck niiltrnllloo , :•by. J reed asul 4n skin by . -llrl ALD h 111'.1 1 , 11 11 , 4. • 0 1,1,1 rt •1 NI/I.ISIII 111101‘S li,n It .101010 11.1.ria 01..1 ,001.11,0. 10:11OI the Avetxle. 01 Grrel. I'mvoli 1 :/11 00, T 10 oullt ,:ry,rrom (Ago S'ol. 110 , —111:1,0,111,;,) , 10400 - 0.04 map. I.,tee illortrat,e of U - '017,1 or W ,,1111111 10 0 1 11,11 to 110,—w1/11 fioo 00rtrn it., vo!•:. C..rup.Lolnot Ow ot ty 110. y I.orplltre" Hun. y 1 , 10.41,tay, itrJlllll tomnso.r. srilb uu rn,r, Fin- un,i Strtrh , • , , I,LVAI Rlil ON tu.kf itut,l our in it c n %pal Intsos. . . TWIN 11. MI.. 1., 1+ 'gm. rrtrciviao ./ int excritent A Altlii AM Neat lurk Ilustor.nritretlin.ti. .nen for italc. Iwn or.:odd! Itnrent _ , ~0 A. °mart, .S. :nit irar rid. tititti carved Btrrnst and. :is . CPUIVrm . :;W1 Aoll4.iptegitlid inalariany Inkno raisrad a haft ye t, :150 (k W r gintnl Piano Filrleyiltdc. at the 'factory 0( art lien, Panic and t il)• Inland W Ildt one trrnd by Idin rat bit c,,uNt., no om.ot.hor,a,* , 54:vont! ban I Piano, mad.: by SW. duct. % Vitter•ter &Dugan In,iNctx link. n 25 A furtitrr nutply mill b rreervdd during thir WVIA. Ntor Lot of fylegont Plom.a. • Naught in OW met. that elegont itelliorany, Solace. mode by Mom , a( Clerk, New York, tai power mid ...come,' 1.11 mot—erarcattly Wm pawed, Von a w, 55 ,2 rwewooal Vann°, ovule try Cads kering, llotion, nod awkward tarlont the lowa 'lmmanent of the r law. to law Newry—price very nawleraw. INaialaa, at nomber of Water. of tall pa Naas wad ,t) forever the roe. etenPave erleralwar e e, eared Nate, Na, h:l.lrd.rt. or J SY Ilmion toil New York Pianos. . . Reil.l4lol It. MELLOR, At; bi WrOLI al. h.m yet - m. 4 pm! Wren (of •ille— Oile eptee.lM Rememmi.l Pismo nine, milli hi °Omer, 'toil frame mid nen ..eale. Stmlu lie CM, hei tite, 01 KM., Men elmoul Ihimcm.l Vitou l'une, with. f. fichwei :mil i n ham, .MREI, by ileciterinn. thin ningiiM Shilingmly ihano Folic—mad,' by Gale S. Cm. NeM York. • l'hdalinve wine raid at nianainetureee ulcer. . Alto. ( or oath Ur ' u recant! band Piano None, with ti.tieres. • ,leln • Li 'STORY OF 111.EXICO—Jutt published, by, 113 A y U P Jamas. Untairdiatl. 'l , lll-1111KIOILY UF.AICI.I, bun Civil War, and Coloulal and Rove nutty rirrind Oil :'Pablld. Quiquoa. 15111, to NO,l. tl/11,1,17; UCCOIIOIoi tun. War wnh the United •• 1 . 411,4V11 add • Military Schnwuineow , Voutig,hl.o With two Copperplate hlapx, wul Euhataings orPlanirof 'Ludo thoubilm, ?re. lbw Yob ulna ordaro, aVti Ituadred nod a izif•linit pmx , - . tk AP OP DIEXICO- 4 —MapaAe Ino Felnitqi Uni• AI dos de Mrjleo , Oh ion Ith inaaniandit y debnida par la. rattan neuni del Cungrndo an aid. Itrlibliliaa.” colarnald par WO niriora. A taw r pi free tv.d; On' nY dOIINaCTOM I h olllCKTOPl,llnalirelk,a; ,nho • • 1 . cot matkotn . 34 MO IC NATI HE, her Die; no Rev. L endows, and o Voirc in :drodonol .4 and Intro:TO AnOteteJneks,on urn, • , • Another knot them Wondered Ronk. hap Wen we'd 0 7 • i 901 7 1, • • -W5l 5 SAGIJIVPILI: • • MA NAT 17 AC T °RFD, : • :ID U Q U . E. S WE • fiPKI.NG, ABiLE, r.:11'.4.1. ~.v. IRON WOI:KS 1,, NOLE:11.m.:::, 11.k11..11 A N.A. CZ.. ts, : it.; c , ml"l ,3 ed t...., ;I,', N,w'ssorLi..o,. ',tow oiejorod to mntilac; ote ovory doseripoun of Co:o.I. noda'.liono. I.nogn . ronaxl, ,%oicriono lll.oor,ipr, . I 1.,,:0.t.04 ad alloqr. ~`merit, soma ~ taro toOl r.,11.1 Is., vvb.c.h Imy 01T,.: for ,11e on 10i tonio.. go-I,lr Worth... I Nn 11 %Vona WI, ; W:1, 1 ,. the y41:014, lour. - oo b. 41 a ( omploto !Ma- haud,., ,e... Of 9.1,J, iOno 'Ik:A, Conia;c hard,Lre, mi.! ca'.4a..i.,,1,;:, :ix:r, i nd l:: Ir ll..ft. , Co,Co , have made ormo ',rano. :loth NI 0., , , ~,, ,ay &., t:', nainut:ltturetP I. ,hoyeix,. SOzolot , k..... .„c. tux will kerp ctouitantly on. h.n.l , L 'or ei.. ra:1:1,.. by :brit. I,llc, we :f,r,5:.110F‘ .I het! to outl,ru..pricegund 1e,.t . 51: 01, F.,lliinr6_ . i_ c -1.,4 1.. ._ _ 1 Pll' 33ACGINE W6RKS VOUNDKV, - 1'.1,61.,11G11, I JOHN WILIGILT ARE prepared to build Criono Wrteßen A ary Of every. ile.enoton, n•—Carthoe Ms, eloneeFronnole Frames Sproleir, Draveng. Cramer, Railway laud, { - Voters,. Teridert,Ryootoe,Dre+ , :ter, Frames, Loom-, Cool Crioder , (At, Wenoditt . lont SO:thing lordto of Cart IPSO. •and Ilaogerf.Of the Intria patterns, shild Lola band Lather, p oi mho( C.AIitIIZS of cwry dafer; pl;no frrrdshoil 'co thoft Coo, - Pinned trad'• to radar for Mill (caring ; Iron °niers( eft to :h ave reltodhe of 3: Polluer fa Co., Lib erty street, wdl have Kampf utooltion. 'Be 11 ft Co., J 1; Moorhead A - , Co., G E Warntr, _John Irtvitt... Soot: Ifdtdbureth O C J .11 Warner, Steu:•elef,:le. ' innT 9 • CO-FAILTINEILCIIIP T - 4 . W. eTEPIIENS of Whcatior, rCr a Janette 00,1 J. A. atdekton of Pitttriori,, havo it day enoded into eiep,traierddd under raylo rod &no of Steele:id, Shoe:11. her ft. Co. ::t Ike Annhw iron Woo", tale: , llw; Va., for die pray:eve of ware!. tonne :eon nod oath: of dam de copoon. E. W. STEP." , It: I' : , .110,..N.iGn. I . A:Prof.:LT°. STEPHENS,.SHOENBPSEkt CD., NCIPJ.II I itoN • • Whecling, Manltt"! al :Inas of imtler. shoo, lott iron rnC ok, Al 3 slcrl rlipnr *r. , 1.4. , Ira ofl , . t*ol wnh if.liot.nnercc Os Old Junia.,Wpr) , .• Wo T are nnnftit lo of J nnuu INA [brankft Z! , Ooobetixf! eqtral In any rnml , in roe country.. Alf;; fzji: ch •oid tad,' hprire42 s , " ot corn, ra Monn.,mt ater Jf • ' Jot,li',rkls. /ZnprGan. . LIPPENCOTV & CO., . i 11. SA N t , rA‘rru R MIS or,II . ,kSINIERI:iI 01111 c. ,, ,,5r . i.VL NI F.I.A. ,e.orla nail :,:patl.-...._,Ax tn. atrel tlante,. Mill 11 Cat, Curl:lar awl (Ito -.174; ituy n: il Menai., Forka r I kw., Manor:Li. i tAr,f,r. - :.t.. : llnving ,inqr , l,ted n 0 10 0 1 r arrurkementh in thr , en. itruchati 01 tow nm,:hholl, 01,1 iii ,rttrirt, tlir. 1,,..rt rorl.trien li)m the ,rno.i rele:antld e..t I:ilirlin.,tr or r . e. ram, are izow m inn fact and will ke..t, eo • landyn • linnil and for ~te ' , AI the n!in.renr..;........, tine. , t, avnoed theni.:el re, of nw.latet ,toploventent.,lll , l : h. 4rtertuthed 110110 004:0010.141 .11 oily. ,01l ..5. will n."1.1.e rt.:elicit. They•tooinr'n to N ,, lnec ~ ! er, !, %toll. II tint Aeperior. In tiny' that elin i,l , hail in fer. 1 , a.... lir y !r,v,tr the ntlenoret of ,lealet.. 1,, A/1 C2OllllOllllOll lil n•• thr,i,ork twtorr p• el ,wlies ~. a All , "V. V , 1• e ortneed tint th., wrli In iil,,. to flu nit till'. •v. 3/IL4ir ' en folk eau to r.lissfevi•onoi ',arch /....err; ttikrtlteture, 'it:, at..tdoar• IV c,, Itni,r.gAlte:la lloe,,rhylitll4l, N it ~...., 17..10.... ~.I..ltinrt- r : w-...n, wrln,L-A iip.rott 1. ' . Son, will plover rell'un to in Cp.' thhtll.7 •,-. --.,--- Sll,lArlii(EN I' VI;NITIAN I:I.INILFaCTOW4 . . JOON A. 131.:011.N7 . 7 r..... L...%:: T.:1.11.1 , ...1 the mchhhi loirliurni hes Crie ' tdk awd OW pa , ..1, 'et iroiw that 1,111 Fni,nrY i , :1 'ennwr in t'uti nrelr4t:rt.. on tl,c.V.a,t..iole ~,....4i , , o , r . t n hs Diamond, A!', , ,;1,1 ry..vei!cre n can: t mnirly or. filaidr. a wiron, coln . ' and ewt.tarr,ctreAvertly kept Ili kind, ' al.a ' l4l'NIS:5.l5lKO et, l , o.tur.zts, at 1.3... -• . l.l...t.Elailiv , thl riot's sea I rTfral.. . % v111:120 • f. , ltttlirrAsilaihsho order klt theij , ClFl hi •ie. 111 .. ., rvphinhl ht Ilir hbet.,lhrhiCC. .N.. 11. lli , 111..14.vA1t LE4 put up,_wikkoct arty teld s .- Venal e.....p,,, .1 ttsty eau be t,•wr,e,r ill a en, lt , ,Fnt IO ca . . , Off at Griot "wa..lntg, and . w.fairain the al& °' .51.7 N., ...., ' ' ori4illy&wknont I , A. i'lli.lol9 , Pell and 1,;h101 . FOllllll. arl. 0.1111,1, 1 .111111. ind1101011:0101 . N1 bu•ir.P., al 5.....1 . .,,,' 1,, , A1d nrind, Where hewilll, plt aced to • 4 l.l ...... tit all ereqomerx ar.d ft' a.. • : ' .V. 7,1 , Car.!th,:tteritn!•at. and Bel! , of every .. -, 43sizo. train lit La 114nkar round, t art Irons clt- , :- . ..7 . i.itri. pail-nil. oI I Ini lIIIV4IIII,VOVVI 4001le:s. :old : , . wat ranted La to of the 14,4 rnaterial.. Kiwal W w er Punk , . Count.., 80`.11,.,...A... Ar. acome swith Vie., yarier, , of litnr , C.Lit:nr.::.,,f fetraw -01, turned and fini;tle,l in the. 'nettle-I M.lnnt.r. , . C:rit. F. ia 11 , e ' ,On iworwar of 'F•xlerr."• ..4,..,. A11210 . }.4.5 11.11./11., 116 . 11 , 11): ~.1.1........ruhra fir. the 0.1.00-- 0013 0(1 . V 1000:i.10 0,11 ',V, q. rw Hon, “vii erei,po-. et:,tel riit 1-e had..; i, ot at 4 , 1 i;e".1 , .. ~.z....1, • V.:. I.V. V. , ,11. L. , CS.. Pt ):C:II No. t.l I un-! .20 2.t±..,,, ~,, 01, 11..! 0e...d. A LAV.,,r.i, ol 000.01:0 nwd, to or,:cr, .11.,,,, , w.,- - .tl.. tS or a ~1:11Itie 3lan:e.:l 1 . ,er.1 . 4,110 Tde".-.... ~.i , ja Boreae Top-1. , Mc.., .h , nr, hr.; .I'l wt,,, he. re,,, inaile or Itiorhore•l'msr:.:e..y.el tr. , ,,,tineturt . d ' , i ,alts rt? 0C .."37111ogp rx :I(01:e 1i1lr ; 1,“ _ 01 r,, , i it , 1.1n,.4 , :1 1i,1,., , rare for r `,, ~i .a ~lo TO Kl , e, a. I flys ,hrhi..:: ~,, ill 0,111 an hrhelt , ia 'III n vertr a. re.ol, 111011.(1,1F,1 1. .1,1111110,, e:.v, VV,'ll,- ~1 n_e efw.i• 'I. they nah 1,0 13, 10111 for :n l'ir nir L. 1,%+!.j n:,t r..... f..-'MI • cDp.i...tat, tao.N. AND 19N . . • wA v. • ' • Nat,, , rrr 111,:o Or 1 ,0,, e , c0r• • 1; , . I ra vttawr !ref on: 1.. rd. 11,177,- nt! tr.,z Tut n, Co; 0 tltlyvely =UZI 4 1anufarturris OC Cfiats. Hattie. tont 6a25.. Dual r ~ ~ l,«e, rrvoll.., pr" •.1.1 'Jae, tV.trE a r-.ry F. , %• oria • . EENNEI'T G. BROTHER / • ••••• • •••••••• it' rta:llgbri tn. ,ef.: 1-ittNLargh,ll. • a. iiCrchortic^. 2V.,. i 37, IV:L:1 ,!,14; 1':;:54.,!.7h. It (1 .i .i ,;! '' , '. .. ' ,. ‘ ,. ' . " :;; L t:, " ' ' ' '' ~.' '' . . .:•:,,.•;,,' : :t i .14 ,, ' , .1 4“. , .; V• 'r. ,:,, , , 3...;.1C1/117,r, 11:• I . (...p.,, , Ule. r •;,, t ,I, ••,i.., I', ~.,r aita , 1 0n,,,., li,t 0, , ,,! , ..... . 1 , ~.. ~ drle . r.. , -rd to .• U thmiper soon Isi•mot Ivi•tv 1.::a onwled U. the I.* Ire iin.l;greorsrm..-1 hq ih.l gih e.w wt.! plnnun'• tn. Ctiat Butt Beulactury, A. prerls..le is Shy Any, V. W. I. oat p nu, Se We la le at. ve rn•l stipte. Igoe, 111..• hanl6... le:•151.3 . la •Ires A•lenenl!lwlptl7l.nrmed Irv" A USl:liNipt MU • mit:es ma JOIIN Pi! W:StIPP £ 0... .4 VI OM .1' Lbw. roect.m.und..• n... usu.w el at: ••1 fiwas Ise I Itri duptor Itina....lwa-ggpoe4 r O. AI:o. Ln'.lle•! extl.r..l. Ilse- ral i ttztr y leten. . l'ICT*111:111114 sTKEL WONKS AND;ITI: ANIS AXI•E !ACl..tli. lAA IV WWI. JOINI3Cq a QVIGC..":" JON:- . QUIG.. aaiptz'e $pmana.11.4...r.11 41.4.1 ra :5 ainahlahie ilaaanna. Ear •15.,•te I va a. cora Vtantaana.....alta ewer • P 4-. 1:7 . . reINCOTT WOlt WON and Nall, Shteal.:•. at. 1 . 5.5 Vs cot slew I Nv. Wawa 555.5, ran. ...a N l'nu.t. Al..,ll as ;he .44 alaMsaletee II r.xe Naar, aowel. wa•le at eat I.3aatana the p3i!,„6 Mal, all ear. e. he al:. rilint.rl4. GitAcr. LIND:4 V 61b. BURNINGLY* TACk FACTORY • 0/1?tP0141.14 & MESH. 1111 , 1•COACTO.Cf 0V •• Iron aNAHAnd ~ -CaperC. JJJ 11.1.111/ IMAM . • MOP; AND COPPC:I2 SHOD NAILS, • !Watt, err* elesn4rtiett Mae Nos: $l. Clary 11.40. 'Mann.% 41.1" • saanrch. P. ilctii,v; • • ptaNT 111. A Nil RSTAIILIMIX 14 00/ANY . 1.:1:1011.11i lattoontooto Owl /Orr rot. , vtOol.p an Wool Posost:rl 14,41 tilOtAttatt-itt Rd d. , :t., oithrit W4tlbontottot- Oretit allitiolll4l %Valor talre3t. riorltidgu. Oar WOrll. andiron In 191.:nativs ottl wean ad..., ler Our .:..ti. wn.. S coJ•te. It. N all 0g0t..• wok plomplar • hoth.. .r.. zor onlirited 16. esti end excisa.:l.• %Meet...and Ivry., mglAlp - _ I[l4NNKlllit Jr., • Inaltsale . rarida a 1.,. and loading Wass • MoAelfachorr, • lyunrraf • • Wool owl /swot:. wt. Nish 0f01... I/ZatiV4JrO4. l :l4Ml:l!74:V. fIoAN llooka rind liArg. offi, slid lAnkief of car/! mod VIWWCr. 11 , ,1a'/o Atrichasis ao4 oedo • am. Amov.te4 on vallaskl 1141.010 1011101119.14 . 11 . /.4 . Rt.'s ar glihß All Mod, of1:111. alokopote owl cootooto Moksoftillo, e..0100."..... 4 .-"!!"fi.. 01 1..7!11?..!* • 'l?!ti :CO kc tA A IC. k • . • . rXoPP. the eery: 144inii ene9o , Bol . worm iV4 1111.• ierrivcd !Mae h- ha. lonlia it hen alleilh.nl7. linn•iimhited !a:11110'Mb, a taaao.l6,ll rnmaf il )Iratt. ie pserny • VP , * oiyeniej, in Bennet Arces, in Ale iiie Meshy : mien Clerrh: **tontine in.q cheer:oleo in the abaeo ItyltaNtall and "ottsitot•ple*e. ho COIN. n MCI. 11..1 mein a FIUME of public pasienegr. • . tins on Weil laud Snlshinv m wiler, gent...yap Mv ogre an 4 sap.ltod6itn. end errs". ile.rilption of •ilirriages made In Of deran , ol evelttrnila dalbri to alchilmuret t . 1aio1:40 Juitll 80U111... MMen: • • it . I It ICU .o.o.o:Aeliardlf lags Rodie,r, watuisoir .1 a balm. itotArtie‘gos slaw; .ab, by ..v.‘ taut • ,ten , :7tl *I • • • • - • Tait!".Loa sniqr. tURTL rilt F• 41111. vein igen,...d.up Iltmatekl.l. • II 41.:F.v.,11 slay et It iteclont. • .11.. 1.1..4. me • a nuaatj .lltutei mt., llAtilly *Ma s "om b • +. • Id 041. MEDICAL. M=E= • Ana l'Lt topoisotlort, rain LakiLc and INT,hI tscoVsL, stallion. I% ottoptocgolt. l'alpttaton orthe Lsocr s'ornpltOi. llnysokiisl. and all dounssos of . • 'tin' Oran:, I dogs nod nvo i t. sacred lay :Lot-. • Losn's•AlclleaLin . llalsasa. ' • • &bang Mod Wa r "' • tlethier. Ln. IlronkLyr., watt ittneked 10. with caLsar4bl.d.tal!osveLl by a conyltspn'tn in ShO :Ids.. and all tie nett's] syplommi cor consumption- Ito empLlLseLl L•No ciliaLaLyLic:nus; thr.y did, Lim no cist-L, old Loki hms he COILISNISSI'.I.Istr. • ' Iltartnc of ter Lsoodertal cures posit:swot! by Sher an't, h/IN:Kii. sont to la o'clock Cl 1/41 to Mts. I Via I'LLlmo•,•to nit , / Oil tont:e; it operated like charm. •Lnpri - sol - Lbc itlveLlint446.l cookh! liciot c ite ILLI inkon on, bozzlc h' way aklo In hn abolit Ins weak..., had SAVED 11110 LIFE: 111. eau,er.FrAlNG atIV Aston,. ran ancscit. • . Ma, Ana :dug:a-spa: VfiittatraiturgllittaUtr; taTatit luau *float Ft - rta/4a artys—Thy Fke hat' been ucal.ted with a hat. kat,. t Goat, and paint thv chum, fora tong taut, whaat ta Irat tUcatne an bad that aLtu was al:1;a to !VW, ite r !tout for :aux than yeai. She then couttnenceut All•llealtuNffalaarut which stun at:ex - intuit her i uutuptiura, title is punt latatecuvertug, to I.apaustucti :.or faltartout ccutopal:na :tau teacher, II YEARS. Mr Joli O'Sc.,!l, lath nvenue d 'lll'' lT,7ricil d P the'An-akm,„ "'IP 41'1N° hich n"LI4 onu ,an 'the ktrial,; mid Echo 1x liaApkiU efith ,r,:!oo!!It. ===2ll Ilre; name ~ a 1.111 utivrteedm of N. Ins for y,tatte been roWret to eel:twits of I.leutiey, ter,ihrt.l, e.rverettjott;tlt, L.:Ler:noes of Breath, Poin nt hrr lead :Ind ',mon part. of hrr body. Her friends hcr nrcovEßY. ttalnunt irticrotl beret ones ofoil Itete nlnnre int,. te.pto -..1 - 4d nahlr wood to ' " . A.t.lano and Whooping Cough. • Nrs. Lucretia Well?. lls Chrimm-st: 1.• fleals;l9 Delance>mt, 11. Yeango,:s I':alaut.4, know We the Valk of.Tld s gem remedy. ' Ark for IMlxani, and rim that hir ?mitt:h.:mm.lyr, Jr pi ends b-oule. Pr.:et:skm? and $1 per hordn: - id Slnarnan't Worm and Clut,ll Lozenge? idld a? n!mee. Princ.palCl/rieri s n N. V. - • - Seld nlkokmln an.l rtlaa. by WM. Jattdam, or Pateul. Mrdi.eine Wunlmuse-andlleat an.lBlnmStdr?'No el/ Liter ly' of Wood Prier 51 peeled lir. ? y • nom cs - NNYs' colotioNii -- i.'vniurr 1 . .? It AND WOOD. NAPIITIIA:-..The edmend Nil Ad FR} .:- " T11,1 remedy I. ken ineee ?neersginl than try rakininewe Lave ever known for rya •• cure? In Con•ordpiian. i tiMg Ilhod,Lpain in WO Yale - and Dread? 11:ondlolm;AsItnna.1./.nrkat? Mkt,. flow , Il4ent, rAlnitre.on. of We ;lent?. W l'nedls Crone, NOT,V O I, Tr, mor.i, e. !Joh: , s thL recpm r hear annde n m,dony ton? pe-u? r effmoey elne? _ . . • . , Amalie the leftiainalei. to die.wilue of t!vit above fined' i.te. nt• ,overa) dem ..iineithhe 41 pliyr ier. of Phil adelphia. ifead' the following ierlo Dr. Ion.; the eniddithoculizi. •,:if.4l.' dievio- Laval in my grarre, vt en in my ven .1114,mpf.otN thanpoand e'yrdpnfl a, nod Wod. Nonhilia,' I Love ,nn saying that it i tin pewee-an vf hoel at t o: . inr p,,n. Rafter:lig loon flodioniiiine,rengh-,Cohivevrid aTet-erie, of, Ihened, to Rio prevahait RI did ...on of 1110 Wie. 1 n., tr. Sprece no Live with. it fete day, ihe enve the if...leen:le it rennin.; well, lia.htf aer ta lavildende: • P/111/I.I".LPIIIA,JnimaIy r oot , annul, nue doubt that the :the. led inßy have ve...ireh Ina ugly ravalußldo cnno.t.te, wondi .1:e in. the betafit I boor, experienced from tlm tee el Thineevonn Compeuin: S'Yfer of Weed ' For seems year, I hove iired MTh,' tad with d th•de'vne• i.brovah.nevoinpainedieidi ate. oppreet.iiii sNite . .a!lyul hicathiag, widi ' Rene. • of i eidini. 00 thi• nceolLing rvenq alartheil.n 'Dead Wla had tvenednieb benefitieti r,re[ll.llellded me to try 11,1 did ...and vriy 02011 pant: eve y ahifenue ...loin ...prated; ray expo etorntion becauv• opp,,,clon '7,, y tc•ugh rerieed..d i•oi day, 1 way arde ib go oat and inland :glop lii.dinrßn wollvdan., Any inether, aifermahoit will he ebeerfaily gwnal the by call.; . iny :evidence:NO.l9l. v.. Frain Rt.' ' AIe.M.A - NAlllfa • TA, in:alive:do inv.:vine is prepared Only 43 At0l nt If. corn. of .d Spry, Rt., Pot In Pieshnvtdi by WILCO.X . ? Jr IRt re On ceniser..l per half,. CAUTIONe-Uvware. of :he- loony Naniegfeita Oat Rey ovir idlnia. r.115cry:1!4 . ,,.. !tee reay deei , ue the unwary. • • , 111•1 ASTSJ ' iit.N Atd Lteia.. • rat —.l 21,0traele A Wander!! - Ci.fe Ehuptin. 'Rod lii,figaierid,ei of Cie Paraide.Trdeb rem, Seiwarn,',.l:butioi;:karry,tFore ifrad.,:ce., ice. • • • , .sir yea. age inet Aug 1., We capitaiofßrinnee • n•iinieheddi cetnn,aeave of AiinflverSnindr,:4 011 lla':nn hlany &aided—it ?..4.77,11 . .11...4 0 :1 .4,o"..d•nne that par:hale Landf oi ma, fors.= •., as aVa.ay , :y.y-1 .03 1:10 -Ord, . „ vr au:, the Alr.simai .•1, catl.l,i'. wrwitif ',Mt • ha...t ca4equ::Y tuurna.: the mvc...on 4. - V o Ox lyzo urt,l k.v, 74 ; hi ont Y. plnnowa, (1.1,e tzt,•rit ,•ssly avtoilicritc: t•dfivy.-1,,,At0r the 1,,..,1v,•,w0r O aa. • . r•-•:;dl , lcaarirpirt 014(5111,ti. • tr,,uttl) - LD Di;i'DF.X ..• • • . T r .. 11 ti 17.441110 r4tvf, 4o Lr enc,:d.,,,nn cfLn,v‘• red 10 ..0 nr N. S. I,Le raleVit . r, tv.e1,...1 ' or , !Ln . in 1!, n J. tio:11,•,101. • • 4 • '•' • • - t.y ;1•P' . 11,•, 1.1..t.ty cn, ..f iN oat, tpc . , rato • ottrat• o.'•rrr et:MEM:MI: rott.h. totruor • Attno-tra teem:lo.44 rittme by Me miromlpaholytror. 'I. toot meetly Liter p‘ red owl et4•l 4f R irMll.5. • Mohte /orlon, tframoototd er o Pit's • Jo ) MC. • I Mi R. E. toMotr—A teree4.l4 Or ;ea smi Mesai./ saki. *ow madtt to/ hamt:r ono/ in lour r ofyouttlf .r. f 1 horWomtsod tkiti.e.44 :my Atom: 1:11ovy Cr... Amer =ha. •Mr .an pm ',re ;ISt, ttaa Moo oft/. mom fmg tn qtrarlu, hodel Id the dim ion oast hew wleirew was eeni.eer r. I. ea pftry.ll.l we pea. am1.;0“.4. *arm On MR IZep all. ll ea tees are joetledme lee wp.rwal fiesta ) Loh bets &Mimi voli Poor toseroott tom 111.)tooL; hofmod ithrls; atolopt: non rmittrot p4orthoo to whim Irt.i/ Lomb mort); loor ;ott eaw:t Muse; tow. kmpo Lot alaiewlwa frith: ...hands or et teree,Wel Cully etww .e iwwwakle. h Ira:4l oat slum! ton J./4er. 1 . 111, awl stioN tan M' luotle. of ettlek badge lee:eient 4wpelie:war !Wm is Ow We .1101 the axe r spetenie. fir et twee rehwaraloulhe Wwwweeweie Steele on& Snot oda, hmirst l / 4 ; or gistor meth Webe."4. it Vet wwa• aelOrpt per we wee 4 eel ef '1 base Ur is la my Mors rr• S 7 or, o U blowhole w• West eed Los WHIT ward a Wag e ewevewntw eat ohm ha/ mod. tlovo '11.3 hots sArtralol Moira t•tlor ion lo this iettoelsool, end re a 4:ort lime oat ttotitit 'Com ott. rorthrty riromooml term to ax fo rm. otioltod .1.0..;Cr Limr I:sweieelal of fli.heraelfeelhow era- J.lt4.w la turn. to.c.Learl or the blue 701. • J lON/km. / 41 . •• CAVTIuX.—k. Dm are *DKr eiDo dw }utak *awro t.n.7 rah pr. es ato mutt:•• %it:NUNN 74:4014 ....4.15.• awl to am.. 15.• than rrteret esd .:4•1 is It is IkLLi:I:A• No 57 Ira* 61.1. state% ma row* ' ll . l7Ue,lance.Fillit D5l Crux, Ailigher 3 q 7 '.41. • _ V• .I"—T.NS q:4 1..• Mt. M.•e of sew yet • Its up. Jayne , . All4iallve,Whirk Naar. Ws., karst) ei•tbe 11 Nile 11.....eM0d1.....i5ur Mr Lea Ititer.a*Caff at WI 11'11:1% VeII.LIAGS. mer..ted awermian• vp.l of vacintotone...Cm no • .ralrit shanl pet., hnva lawn 4 , ••••l3arrf team et: L.,s• al lua cm:east:from hu g. kermess., kin!.. gra Mauls-W. 1010,Istal Irani tar tell Ira and b00t.....1 tinn .1t• nen tar r.,t•rriar“ It et. - ao aikravolla as he; •alit pi a nuadori 14 tae ows4CAUle.ctt ball nor rel.—ple,t , ..< onb•t a Vit. I•nly 16-c stdoottg bare Ivtn r1ent1513.5.v..:.1.T4rn.t.h.. 19111. • .. toter e Lc , V.• .durrel 1.•• 111 . il, .14.... Ahr I : .. h h. LW nu h . ..44py eirect 0414.4.1 . , by ZrZ4l.l:!::nlVt l fa 7 . l l=‘;:li 4 rel7. Is. her.. emspleirly re.r...1. >it th..h. 01.e1.4.1.4 2 I fa 1 .e, W.7 611.1 eh. sIUI 1 . 1 .... 4 ..C.......i11 . ihr Mr . 0 10 04 Il*lit,r . lo.l.—iNA t:rt:P..lir ' .0 1/01, 11 .1. 01, 11,111110.1*N1, REM; Na. H. r. . 1J:r. lon. ... - - ' . ... , , .• st.lite PIKKIN TEA Silin 7.l.l"ourth fro -- N155Zi.....;%;;41.Vi1t0r.:17re1i:;.r... VZ; xslt nsal . warn bug a luri awl Wren flu...a:ay red t: &en who.; otirrlP•ire torte* I:nzhi ~,,, In a. porta drule,i - • Veil amid hare.-bny:tarator girl-• ~" • "!'.•• • i Teed. ni Andra. show songful, .. 1....:,.. ...., Owed& a rarryawro. mid ruined I Pun and whew and , aleollt and braaiirali` . .• :Out huirall.raltnidietas stir, .. • •• ~ .• . .. • 1 Ity rrndiug Mat:. raid./..biur. ~• . • ~...1 .. .. • Althallillik an, ur Ina can Larethe al-are 14 (=no Al. viand...a Wit truth.) value Kik Nardi of isakai CO , Ml ? I la r Ileiwituvu-nt fa htandinsna•a Malsir Torah I. et.-.rid 4a aid.r•di . ilia 'raring Juneen, lialoa Weal San. The ertwlifi clot bat . Ingle. nuJ low 1 ihi•erill wat die' Ilinessin ace their 7.1 , 1.0ni111.4e a ta z a wane 4inga.ihe brandy. rnrrernalve...bile hsa.hal pin , • ;she winkle. Tun Withal' all taw a Italia.: .../Jkl.c.:43...hitts en, mid., I, ago • }g. I.enetto dui,iitaleaushei Use powd: tr , ' haw and it ......,,, ,r th6,„„ F : ! ..,..e., i n...,... , ..,„0.,...,.: f y,,,,, !.., - ~.a1......1.t1:!:,'", . A?Ilti.:11 tr.:ll' 4 . At ' 41:17371 W JAI ICYOWit . thnit awl r•lrre i , nno midi 1'31.1 , 84.1. Wareham.; ralainriik 14.• - : royl: • • .- • . iae7ai i' , I.Jalob , Pilo Sidiail:ei Failit • •31111:14F. are rdw dineasel• Aare ennmon,nr taw • digbleamir than Om l'ilwAsid let. nuirrilhatandr gig trait elm ta hien been midi t.: en,e 11:the a t e Irpsfic Weds:mire; Fiments, IS 't• .411 welli table ad •4•11111 e bine:it. . Wow, the Kat.ruentluit la chi 1 I ly nrillC lie owndi A i•e6wo ohs hal been men* ,t itoit4 the I'llentd the *oat hod raisin from Sa- A11..%;.ir 4nrsay,atour.t ..ii plum, tv tapps pia, ffr 1 raidude lid the nyead7 OM that o ,ll *. l 4 l .lkhiLd. elrdla.Lia ea , a... 'tidal it it. nail. . • . lETVar 631 i. in Pillsbarld, at Oft - lI:KEN 'TEA rogl:ll P inarlh at .. and enlist the' Piaj;libii. II . b.ra : . raltral M. AllgAeroje Ci . t f• . - , f • . j nadirr . • ,_. • i .: , • '',," ' • --"-•••..; Viciworiiiiigortvig : - .. kitnii....iuiiiiia4' 2 .7 t ell 11111 Lit SI. lo Ile wkat 0 rote 49 '..tio 6..Wiiii•le sati...el nay. tun Wan. in .514., A. 114 T• 4414.11.9.1 pg. fraii.l•ll . thrbrilailr UM WA • • ~.......,,, i.....,....h. a kw 1... Obet mired is 1..4 7,40, i.... Inn LW inr i n non welkin% }repinig ii. ".„14.....t 0 n . treninnond in sli • nurleadres:l.l4 L. ;, '1.4 6.4 stresklea anslitdiarraiiebamlida, L.. • Far oak in/it:44 , 0 se 9•10:44.,:1ta„,; 7i Amu. 0ri.4,, one 1% 44 ' • - •:. • usii,d r r it i.,.. Isllti MUUMUU, UAlik.,RXE6er... jrninily dyeing' WM. itti or .4.lhkirliiPart: hem.... , . 6 . 1 1. 1, lor• wilbal.fdAlog et iplorriag We . 4111.. Sold Vitt P I dhectispir - rim: 40 .1.,1541•11t. ~. i ! tread., i•FAl3.l.l2o4oB;ialffiaTlitioi*Reilit : I IIeteIo:PrOJIPLD4OI , 6I .. yjkiLKWebd t si lb, 'Old 601 01 11 1 Y 0 ii t '''”: • '" • " 1' r ' 0" - f .., "-!• :..."...: .ilit,t:ti , US.. r.t..nap...... ncl: . ' :.. ""ii:4•7..t;•••.- ff==Egi VOL. XV:---410. __l:o4 INSURANCE! JOLiNPINNEY, J wr nrr<Et`it4.ll 3.14 „ , DELAWARE :MUTUAL—"'` .; s+..r.iy./4aur:ariFalCompany orPhavaavla , T - I_, IRE ItlSKypon building and merchardixo or every degcri L ption,:a nit MARINE upon h uN or cal:cow taken upon the mo,thvorable term, - .0.5 . 01Lee in the IVarchouen of \V. ,11; ifoltnea • .via Bro., Pio. 37 Water, near Alailia . ntenet, Vitt. • burgh. - .; ; ; . j so The.nueecuf ihtidempiniseiW t le, the iefeb.. • liflunautoe the Agency in ttlino7;irnht.h. Prn.rtlatrrat" a ,, 4.1 ractalied .vet' canal every clam upon .then, .for lan hat been adjusted, (oily warrant thr afoot in m yin nc thn confitjcunn and jearona de of his fiends anti' the noriminity it Large 'to the Peteentre Id. B. ranee Company, , while n Lai theuedhiomit udemihigeir WI- an institution among We 11:1' Philadla—an hateng an ample paid in capital, which., bythe operationnfinichatterisconmantlyinereasing, as yielding to rack, person insured.his,d 0 111b2111 01 the profitnof the•eorapany 'without involving him . ; ' ot. any. respenribility whatever; and therefore es post,esing theAlutual piincipie 'divested of every obnoxious feature, aril in tin meet attractive form. _ • '.71 , 11t1 , 1 AND lIIARINE INSURANCE. ,, ir" fg`HR Insurance Company , of. America,,, ..IL through itn,duly authorised Agent, the sabscri, begetters to. make .pernianent and ,linelted lunar then on propetly, in thin 'city and its vicinity, and:, onshipments bythe Canal and•Rivcirtt .• • Jnhn C:Stnitb • Preet.„. •Santocl Brooks, 'Ales- 'hurl, • , , ,Charles Taylor ' ;. —.Sand:Or-Jones, SamL F'.l3ruith,• 4 , ;. • EdwSrd Smith, , Ambrose White, • John A..Broirn, -Jabot,' M. 'Photons, . ..,rJohnWhitt, . John R.; tieg, • ' Thos. P: Cope, • Richard Wood; .-•• Wm, Welsh, , • Arthur G. Cotßet,Seet:' it the olden insurance 'Company is United:States, having been chartered in 1736 , • i - . -charter is Terpetunl,, and from high.atandin, long expertencit, 'ample nicins,, and avoiding au nabs of an eel!, Itarardnus* , character, it roar be, • • ': contidered as oncringamplesecurity to tho pettlie. • . MOSES ATIVOOD, At: CoMiting Ronm of Atwood, Jones do. Water and moot Strums, • • . N DEM NI TY • Ag,inat ky PHARR LIN rim lea, mute Company eT,Pkitadetpltia, •-• v 47 ILL make Insuran,e,permauent and limited, , - UV uxscrydarripPti a u of preperty,ln P1'1•1"6- t. liltittlti and the 3t1111:01,INDINti IttyLINTI;:„P„,: z - • • on favdraLle tern.. I'M. company has a pctycluni.; CAPITAL • ' • - 'B4oo,ooG•paitifio I.'O , IICI'INGENI' FUND; - 550(1,(CO • •'-; • • Office corner al Tided and Matkot •• at, - IVA RUICK ItlATTuri Agent • INSURANCE... I , ..tre litristaranee Censtuhat • •, Ft/ I LADELY/11.71. • ••• Querns Fhttrltrirt. sanxal 'rt., Gyfite:in'PANaddiiitio, - No. '72 lidnat Simi ? Paaactec 1 m.II)AVIIMN, It Mkt old unit Chnripanyetialinien • runt re }read tett, Merchandise, ' , urn. re awl prop y not of ad extra linear:llea! elfirarnii, ant nrFroen et , '..hrelitatonr (or iniiiirnnees in Pittrbergh r . Dd gni neettilierhetid. will he ref:tired':and note teken either pertietate Ix or ler !hailed pernelr, en fueoratil e , rmi , by , XX 3 FII etN; Ageht. Nq, Waxer IiMitSCELLANEOII&.:..• • . . • fr'l`E leak I • notiru•sonalui 411 last'appioachint: " 'L; Per...101l P‘rel• pork clod slaggk eci logic ....I,ott „own toran-elarrelsikerp and tall •i: cd nt !be li t market pried, *eV kniaxs to pork L ayrdalior ad onatose af parkingat this , potnl-the 11.7111e1.pi 1143. InkllVagla.tkuspouiloall;'We • i.e unusually larce;und atihatinal quality, analog to. , • !.' • L al. , ,,inconno 'earn tropo'in this tretkill, the lloia - ..crtimacatudial. Boyars who intend 'paexaight Mats k Ncuald do Wall to tall at n, is yunnt befayp (rag .olnewhere, I 'will alto pack ou caimilicam (Or Fara:tenor ldmretc,. or if ridy_of 'nada w is h Be • we accouter / Will tif.COlarttadate Ill= wall every L.. •'• ruedlallo. Tnere . ounte. to tonns,6od /lime paelnedalthla , inure winter,as lac grOaleryarual ofdbu Hoag will `•., re toolwBe and far to 01105.111iy diSIRPC6i Only r. , gt. Lat t "•ncrltion ;a the owner__ I then' 'be prepasoa to -r, ,:ank tin 7 quanbif, aid rreornideno Gaye. to an tao . is Wad talie and laUtti- arratiffeV.ettitUr"paeltiZt , JC)/IX-B TAI - Lork••-•• • ilacT•or •' • • At.I4I.AADY.H. HOISIOn. i(of.iv LIA/; (I TAK. , 4I_,N cantor a Yeah 'alai nepi•eiie Llicd.R-.-stp /jogai, olurionna. rill Plc!. rttan' , ;,• n...;;ortfullv nhinr-frimrle inv.',llalullO, 1 . 1, 4, • o,oy amp ie.pared ru furnish Ad naind'lo everytinan • . Ladertanert,' %Also/Iva ein•knal a large . of recaay.tela.loP4L/Olar,iotred. Anti road Ea, ; ohcd.llll4e ono- bowl nnardn'r, W dwrh,uill Edina drall. • ; • made on roues of faia•ariolc n/lekall AK na t /nLtsa 4 :0 41C M ippod AVe'lrel tam,.aanon:d enok.conaoadc•aaakidiia ot- ~-/. ,•„ er rOarlirrn roe.rogrp,lycrp%capo,onl,.4.'.rL every O dresans dOn4,„ ,L,. , du:t .0 Lk terms ti aa a/elate/rale alt B.oa. oi Ate YanaLro.Cit/[4:. platen far tograv aly, le aod ago, • Welinve nploutiid noaeliearre learn., and any llama," of fik'nent earringra. ' Every tiring ..urruled•to aad nansulallv. 'ournly , • Wlnolesale Drus•Alfriietioirie,!.,l ' Tus caTir ••usw-vuliu:-;•• .„, • • • -ty. A. FAIINEaUTCAIIi S Co., HQ. 49, Johnrat..: York, oar ler udla luta and 'gamma,. of and Alne.inities,' bye Shall . , . l•anl,1 oOdlUils ol'cVery thacrlption, ore olopa/nd and delefeuand to roll ' Alerehnuly.natl I /ru,, , ,,fid10-Ore to oallandosarranc,tneir Ondetorsocatell r 1.5 i 21tli hal r,r43 Lad dc.patch. IL A. Fal.citiot Vcroa ilLua cdardantly on•nand. _ L. H. A. Fallacsteck, ' ) • , • " Fahnestock; -,%Vittabdrgli. -• (I. Faluicatock ) .A. 11 . Hull New 'Viet PA -EFL WAREHOust:. - -.• . . . NIL Ikkinfllla tits SLIP, 17/£.I IV li 4.0111;. .. svney 11:. PlELU:odets kir side sto thii lettreie • • i Ss o,islethmfactontre' prievre• IC very exterthavo. meth - • ' • .r,itsorT.l semismpy every posethe sanely... • oth.Rteol et thy of conroomi 1t all mato. of the '.,.. Moen, Pimet of MI lira. ande to order at shed" 1. t...ioc k of PRINTING PAPER is suremoßy.liegrs .' . ~ ar.1.14.1 lorb , c). to V V•rl P.M, ibt 1 1.1111. . . PAPER. RIAU-Zit -s IKATE.RILLS "• - -, ui•esery itetertplevn, myth tad .ua kept eoestatilly. se' hoe .. vas Veltiogr, wire Coat, rotifer:suer Mitres .... i themeths Poynter, Woe Ultritesareth Twice, M., Re KAGY.4 . . i INtevers. Gale Roth . . Gthrs Slope, GMTied. a.; &i., p*l•Chi.ed, Mr WWI. sae 4therra It. ire to Coo 'oral to .f. ;mu: •. • b•rt. y• . - New l'ork . ..lstlFJPthl. • -"'ilftis6,:il-14:Welairaviz-----r .. ‘,V,".12.7VV.L.?,;".L.:!;VT1"."7.".—..,.;",:r..: it.. • 0 , ...4.1.4rct 0 1tiett doors ranee ee Charle s . r lot e ,wool ..,.... . IsstlereOPY •tisti the ammo* of Layer, so their elute •'. : or aA k 0114144 CUTI.LIIV sled els DDIthIIY, reed per steps Pormak, Ylomogotrela oar 3 Reetior meter 7•. flag tee eseoulathoters of /theism! lint Germany. . . , this.s. tterithets or Atherethrthlteilothro, keel Itor Rein. • • N a smoothest:Sere of the Mete,. teethe . .. . 1 . • them sleet Muth entirety entirety Of MI, ens IMMO/Ned lIIIIIIft . • . • 11,-, be/ Mew they reel great etorfoteltee-le king athe fvereltellt to Pete ethopeutioe stOth my quarter, .. ••• setholter e.o. Of WO: . • • . • s 1 u ita1C . 1424..1,C tun'e 'r lilt to . 0 01.P0Cd of the chi . . 1 1 ReleOlaikelthIll—lost.yeulatharet. elm... ere., . i eel t g esetSlajj. ) . l l= l :4 hi trorn e ‘ ollets,Jte k it t o ot. . . tellistmelllorpotithOlblacsthrs: itge rept 10 II Wigifttsatl • leo baresthe iliac lab Mtn still tet Willed 11.11 WW.I- •'.: .. mare ego WM11%11141100 loAtll. Mete Or Ihr. Lahr Ina • • • iva tore plityoth... . • .II WIIGIITMAN .. . eiseelsther • anly.i • 47 1. .. - .11 lIALZELL, .. • , • THE Ack•criber /a sou... rated so raamatiate 80.: Cud- t•l' Comm 0.4 Wavle. ..anchwery. suite sikbarm enitiv. Orden. lekst II Wo6tharfe have. Illiethea ,o '• no.. I.lbeny awl WOK Matt wawa will. prommel• " • 1 *maws. .. . , hi WIwillIAN ' ~..• . I.llcatt t 4 littera . Mel sal ea0.2.•:ki.4•• . '. • !lIVIlly . „I< ... ' •' ' ALlct...79y__ - ... -- • Piragintleollt iii•logTnaa; 4.d ~XiII:WLY IT. V i.NI Ett—lF•ls the retirees./ Itemuseets . .• .. ..I.Neerto of AIt:RM.% es NG 1./1 RR. loosed wall heNosetste clay;..! Soirees. eroutist Is rite cob>. fulltbbOre two with in turb n uhf I.e IWO.' Ito psi it Owl ••• g nrallr bubo...EV*4 up. int, yid& guru., bolo pat tut, pupal 11,41u1 luoluualy .Milt. Walesa. Us.). tuortibuntluOdo by Mb warn. /11 CM be; a Itlarlut biltnumtutp, 00:4 a tun: tOttltd.. VlObelli . h•VC 1•014 r ossoofierneret kr the peuotartere et thit,t raleeta.Treaser, in • topTioe ASKO* IrSuls ,letoo, mid hare them now for Rait weber...rase, tio. Southfield sr: ocuf xis*.• 1 : 11 ; .ICAU1414 . •,:• [2 ll2 atillithlrrli•AEYl , llV.ltil sTOXI,;3III..Ls ••••• ' Wbe., en 11..nove anT be WOotot4t • o.:duo n Mom. ae Ylontobon, nod ton 'ujW.Y.• 4 Ptellisry or lo , no ;ow,: t, siolw: Soo , vinsvelogip.dof am) ferriectOu,lietl b. 97 be put '+ nnO La,.t .14bei.e . y alwasi a5l P.,..•••AL eat ei5i....%1 ninnOff, wan ...pign In 1 nnVLIO l• of einiry Y.: flit , : toul Couo r..:00t t, oaskolotdly . .aLe iuovsks4 l::0 twat .Nl4 eV,: ad, trtl w the Yore mooloac Cat ooloco oio•ounku ft, the l'tunb'o • . ood bnp:rlntin R.nsb,...,lMlGef of 0,14, febttS).. IVICIiKIL,4I;kIII' 1.1 LEILATI:SAN D 14.13.: VA4.30R11 SALL, Adid,•,...1104, of .‘ /lakes MeLoniglaw. °eel lotoolt tata.i...botrOt simmo lialth onto•ay yorroy: en by 10n... Ot hot :It: • tkaeno • 2 too loot two: to :tory. Ito viYoka pry. in ensoplele onlet ••••:: Corr on the Ooesoomok &a, an d :not?, ti .. eosbOwn:4l; ob. rot er e r.-,n were :n.l peepeelble•ll.l4. Ikcawu by linty on c,.L'.l u: IL., 114. 1 e,AgoOd. M ' :JA LS lita.hlo-1,.. • • • . ":11411:N; MiretiEt.l; • • A ttalalmra,e, . : t tottlad t per • • pi haat Pkir tatallaa.4 .Log. Sic; ouvr.Auso tatlartati mam ra al.. • .. • , i'a"` mama. etalartuall• ovka a tualtrirtmtalli . • . • : • 41* llama, A last teedhal• . ; W.% '•ih hi U fa .. .." . ,piv ,... Z a ztEmuq ui= 4 9.0'4* pm, et a aat t ' f."..4 D tl iZV: i a l giatis r egrawry= hl .olll4 . : l: -. fn , lignayakl loursme•tha • groat Haat. im im1i1,24. AteLt•litga r, ).*.NTIL lama hiiall41406011111.400hir) Maar lira ma Fara Vitra' ri A./MVO tint tti areiryned bworqtrrAr i hAlr o Z . 1411? j!rt" viA)VE.-iuew •• • - • .. ... • • • I)ASTILY lea% tem i 007." fflt:676: ranarymala • • Ati ;;. ,ashl, • aprO