U.::~Mi:6 i:Fa; :~,r .. MEDICAL. Ira • a INSE.N rir t . _ .1 ur_ aiteaded the:ine of T1611..111 PANACEA! 11121 Hr WITH, DItEASED meilied wee. wheit hu PANACEA I • kb 111144.13 or the longs es •lopeiter man to call eite. LI ell the nuiono forms sem*, ha* in/aeed the . I.le thie . WOSIDERPU Rho cheep:A/1e iire.tt • - 1 "Feuer neretlet, a aleray IX)L113 Thae, If tnleeked, as! • deeineyeii • ( I PRETARATION:. I •rh , 4- marks aa: fa 4 iad •(nil:till sounusir , ND cOUGLI3. but the precurours of etaael • CON ttl . ll, he Dad? lam aj ii .a• colds? ii!of vits4po • • THE MAT DAIMON. • w glok.R;we l n4 flosuoyer in rer 0...1ar of out coughs owl • Co w the {lndic. ND ONLY REMEDY will be frond Ire Wore fro, ,g Pozen.. In Proof of. fhb • a • tatted tha teratclaes 7'n eitm+i,l•ll4l hare experience )4eee, With a tease o! tem.:ly . nntry,i-ticen • 113 C. 31 VC from all par !lEDICA !Comoro of tee. (Om NEN OP THE FIRST STANDING, ie,Otoper dc., iciether wah . copions i • . we have 'eMbj4l RNAL4 . 9F 4 , THE DAY, 'en inungthiti form,ind zany he had gmtio of anyi - - . (iota agents thpaaabout the country: .. j.. 5. ONDREDS OP :BOTTLES •in this eh, i i DS AND "s OP THOUSANDS nlied ' , state dad Canada, and wa dial. tio paint oat 1 I . ' SINGLE: I 'STANCE ,lin.ta directions, and be flidly di*organired, it ham i 1 ' I.ve been.. THOUgA. ' throughout th kap any ma So sehlelt,lrbe fore the longs FECT CURE. • LE3llloie Why mon i. by naluinpin Sndivid of home elebraied phy iqy by ceracates of !xi mydielne of • 'l3 EFFICACY FF F.Cl' A Pfl Why, thep, need the nffbet a the nosernkie nortrnota. got Irak under the wuumul n ! idea.% and puffed into no ' sons equalle unknown. W , att RALLEL into be had, wbene voaehe non,—many of whom !thus fittnTellk 1.) FRU • In order that this within the reach of the . • • hoopla theONL price a Y t ' jun one half the Waal • /kmrale by Mr Arno in n 'GIRT the wear, who litre prep ; relative to rt. . 'T CENTS,. .of cough recelletnee. It I irly every awn and•rdlogi , red to give full Informsuol SALTER, Proprietor, edwer.Ctoetnetal.Obto. • A BLOODLE lITANTONII HUNT'S L NINIENT, TS intstanung n notoriet ,upequalled by any similar I . remedy. It requires b tiuffiag Lomae it a repu taboo; it hoe been for so. e time, attend) , andante!, 'securing it, sod on woe its beneficial efiects Ingo been esperiencedoby so many, the CllpresSiOns Ol grautOde arc 'ie.:dile:malty eppenong, and those who bare been to ?de whole,? t • Means, are demooa that the afilicted ahoold o lioness . remahl innoran of its inv.duable and into hble efficacy. Mr. Geo E. Stanton, t e Propnetsw, is constantly Yentivlag testlmonials of • befits received from it use, and mane of the cu 'a effected almost einem.. belie!. In one case a chi d ad been a cripple for t years, having; renched t rapine when at the age sr 2 year', by a tall from a hate M. dicel treatment faded, hat lair batt , es or he Liniment restored bin ,to strength, abd he now otos with his playmates in thelr yOmtetut gambols. a robustas the heattntest o them, and olika a small b top on bit, back to reiront him of his early sullen, A. cue of RHEUMA 'IC GOUT entirely mated by the onphcitiou or this wonderful' meditate: , Now Vom. Mayl7, 1E46 C. E. Stantati—Str: I have odes attacked sr/unite. within a few yeah with o devote polo. attended witt i minion lamp (...a l and grear toe, and bay, fern ' laid from 4to 6 "tree sat each time, not being a b le ~,,,,,,,,,sny weight upon my foot. On the 27hri o. April, I tell New V IA for Danbury, Cl. when I aurae, as attache t with this complaint for three success's, slays and welds I goold notch=e my eyes for own. ..A. the sum:shoe of acme person in the house I sent to Dr Stevens for a bottle of your liana's Liniment I spplie, it ~,,a a g A ite d cloth, and in p mums. I was rowel, relieved and tree from pain, and had •goad niches rest 1 sass enabled to a teed to .7. li th biome. the next day and have not been troubled • nee, sithoege cam,. of any business is such as ke,.9 me on Iny feel all day heroindor ti nmest valuablecalcine and wood not be • without n.— ;keen, At. I Steutwoon Ossollan, I. i ltd orchard at Reniemher that this Liniergoatis cold at the entaaordi nary low mice of 23 cents 'per bottle. Who would her mite when cerinte relief OM be bad form small a one Said by every respeetab:d Druggist and hlerehani throughout the country. I I . Sind a rne. E W S L i The " ste N r ' e P osin ' ty ri ; e N '"; . V. AGE,DITS: 11010 k. Ttalckairay Lilteris . at, J II Cave!, peen and widow; J A lone', pens and hand; W Henderson, Ma Ltherty an t., wacox, .14 0. , k - e , ; .1 G Smith, Deming , hem, D hlegiey, EMI ' Marty; J gargant, A AI Marshall Alleghenyeziy,Ps; I Smith. Bridgewater. Pa: Alekan der Gene, obenbenctio,o. P 0 Falrehild, wheeling. Va, JO Johnston, St qairgrdle,O, crt amain nod ream agents,/ KIDD it Co,4th mid wood Es, Ptutiburgli. REDICAI. AND, ISCRGICAJJ OFFICE ~ • ' .. ,, N . o. 0 DIAMOND AL ....,V ArEY, a few doors below P ., lif maxima, awards :Is ~...!0, ,,,. ., .ii I pa. paowar, , = , ;.?lit::: : ii t,4l L.., `' .7==p e , d ,... , , , , , ~.. [ [heate rs, and been far tome , ...::,b . 11."A' ~ A lime In maeral practice, • -,r.,: ~,,, ; ',..i-,,;'.e . ) , r , en e, his wenn. ~,.,a t.C.5.... - ,.. . the treatment of those .. d:.%,„ , ,,,,, et private and delieme coin , e ri pleat, for which has oppm / ...,,,„ • maim, and eccentric. 1 . + - NEP' 0... l .ly %reify him— .lDevea y eau assiditous y devoted to e study end '\ treatm e nt of thee. compl , rite, (daring which time he has badmen, proems antktals coreemore patient,. them can ever fall to the the ofa y Otivem Pineitioner) ant ply anglifies him to el it ia is..es or eDemir, porton neat And satisfamory tare i. 1 .11 et/heed with /shear, ,disenste, and gal disease! arir.mf therefrom. 1 Dr. Brown wonld Inform those antkzed with pries. diemmee whleh Lave become chlorite hytime or avereva ted by the we of any of the if.alilol3 of the day, that their complaints con be radically and th ee oared, cored, be having meet lkll cat. fal attention to the Il2llllaelit of such cathaand itatherded to 111111d1Vdt Of Inmates In estrong perpoon of infunstiala of neck of the bladder, and kindred decries wind min resell nth those cues where whets have consigned them t o .. _ Iropelmrs drape,. Ito partmearly Invites meift, have been Weigand casacecastall treated by o th ers to eon y, soltthrt, when every eathdactiors willtzpven them and their cam nt s treated a care-fat, there And intelligent manner, pointed out by lons experience, randy, and io vemtvdory which it is impossible for those engaged ir A eriesal practice la' medkine to gave tiny one cim, e [l7 . Berrun or Rupture— r. Brown WM inn persons *aliened with Derma to call, so be boa ca. sianicalar anent/ea this dmeire. Bkm Due asuratse Neu, Paler, etc- eueedilf cured MI RT...- ' Palren i Tof either trio liras at a distunee by statues their diocese to vertur.g.c.ring MI thn snap • tooth, eon obtain medicine, web directions Partite, I+) addreaung T 131lOWN,' N. D. post f re-. 1 and eerie %alio. J a.moad I I l, oPPOshe 'he ''''aellil a i l [ • Irr No cure. it Carl I dela . . dr 10thillIIPTION iffi.E.ICOTED—To Shots; M./ al:Dieted with Dlweases of Use Lunge. • , .-Allett• to certify w thoie atilieleo with the first pre , • monitory syMptoma of CriaNimption, that I have been - laboring for meet's! years'b a broitebii soreness or • she throat and hoarseness', . fusedm.my medic:nee, bat . ': • found novelle(' In any preparation of medicine. (until I made am of DR, DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT . -4 . MEmP..OI7. I keen been unit this valuable medietn , , lot several year., and alwaf • find it to relieve *hey. • •:etter I make ace of it. My occupation •as an Amcor.. I Cif, which beeps Inc almosteminantly engaged. eaust a • My alnico.; al timei, to berme Very alarming. when Lot cote procure thia,medieine I therefore lake plea awe in making this ambito out,itnent; that other. effect rid with i disease of, the leap and expebtonon organ may knew the, virmen ei , fla 'all healing remedy, ' • • sad may be cared. !have re ormainded Dr Duncan', • • Expectorant Remedy to ' eof my friendrovime of , • ; wheat owe their lives to Mi. Medielne . I • • Somenet,Ohio,Oet 13.145 . JAMES lIEWIT • . The' proprietor of the Mote medicine would, Ow ; • • refer to the uridemlirnmj Prtretti satt•te• de .la P , n, . cOunty. on whem tuty person mayleell upon and he • eansineed that there nrel Totem rotted in the above . . • • mediel.w that mem he ekeelled r --- ' ' • David Culbensonlaernerse4; Dr. 13.• Shine, do: Fran. ale gsedi yr; Dickson tpi Mr. Latimer. dm Gee. Wilbert. • ••••• Medic* ifir Jetted Devisee; Hopewell tp • I • ,Dll.. DUNCAN'S iWFSTE N OFFICE, 150 Sye.• more onset, Cincinnati, Ohm. , 1 • • • Sold in Pluthargit; by WM: JACKSON, Ell Liberty Dead of Wood atreet.•• ,' , ;• . •tioted&WT ""id - iik — A, 00 DIP elltalfrY .ulle nettawn7ll , - ...M Tlea thrown Is cowed bi t e paroxysmal marque; aka of the air cells; it is very elolitating, almost enc. •,' • • wiagraffocation DR. ortAirselos PANACEA la r . she only eerteitt cure. j • floarsenna can be entirely rioted by a free ale of Dr sweeteee•Potmen - I j • Catarrh, or common add. setueb,'lf neglected, will ' . • tetminate la oonstimpfart, Is ifeetaally relieved One - cured be Do Sweetserta P • anseha , . . • Damehills, If unchecked, will eillectually.lead to . , ig,.....ekint oonaroptlon, but a lustily t 4 aor De s.,et. . er r. Panmeal-wil , efentally rpm It • . • Infinotautuott of e :Amelia or Fore Throat—This . diocese 0.. 1... e. o sermon leonsequences from ne • • . glectotach ,ftr;t o c.% aMe threat. tre the I first ' • • hrttYthitte. Dr ff wee r' s Psnabea Mould be proeuted and toted Daly, • .. • 1 . , ' Coughs and Coldt 15rid. vemign remedy in Vs i • SeeeeteeSePaniteef.• fats: , • • p.,,,...i. No -Ch. C M.G.!. reetileng • from a volent cough cold o &debilitated or broken .." ' down constitution; aged pet ~art satinet ug il i : Dr ' Sweitsra Pongee& sheet/ tiered on Me first nem. toms, which ire a carigh or, col • I • Night Symms —Tls deb ilitating , complaint will Mee • With • uotoly check, y rising .14weetaar's Panacea . . Consamptsattlf the first armee of e01111111egt• tire symptoms, which •ren. pa 0 4,., Ws ride • ~ catea 0 cr ,„ 4 .,...d ii Dit .. 7 1, is ritem. . r nee le pre. ended. ed. ' • When the Unit, the w i th pip. or Me Bronchial • • Tribes becomeekteged up with legin ea as to impede : • • respinmon or breath.eg. Ur • Cheeemer's Panacea, watch '1 , lea • powerful Expectorant. shed be token mewling 11 Infiaerma—This dilate . ..hie identiede•Prevaleat in. . ' Aar elimate speedily cared by I r toolSs:ts patiir, i t. - . Price el per bottle, or six bottles OG. Fee sale by WM JAPKON, V Larry n i niti or - - 'oho big boot. . • , ne.li,sly . ~---- Conansatillvas Consolation. Pots intuits womb . opo your bran' el Or i gele‘ Wats yoai br gait wj Aut.!' Vial give SIT it AAA sway the edit, d l loud Duteneeepnewbe o'er the wet, And e..P.A through the gloomy abroad, < m,You health omy yet Le whale reader See me of i11. , . 1 71b1.c 1 y Ms wulauel bnads , -aY . IA wareels Fp* Aw ay. al, dew,. ' M. pekes it raOs aw , „ ..' ,Tite Wrina of Math "(VI the MO., itlrle.slb= l I rde(f7 o'7 , re.h) • . j .n.t - ivitlaar Dale =lel be deied. -.lll::6lrettisy%2eleltigilti; ' ~ :', ,-, ,• ne Ate of an anibllejy k r i m , . , ' (04)11. DUNCAN'S Warr . 0FF19.,N0 fall • • Systisors tote, Ciatinisil,fliss i i .brro valuable tr vaible !natural, by VOL i. 1 lACP opl. Orie,cw e 0 reefrandlebeekeyli ' '-Aft.l i ,L, '4 , '''g..`•,V‘',;;;-,jf-,•:---;4.__::::",-4. , - .1 r!ff:=lMiNE=M MMlla/MOllB. E , ROII a publiskei end of IdeCalluninf k Bearl.of r Pluladelphts,the pads° woold be led to believe that we have been elttlebtla • aria:lege we had no right 10. That" lbey ham aliannaned tome nose since the seclu sive agency symentwhod Mauls. have no tight turf/tan 'heehaw., pnviieges with tlFir teat?: lowver preen. ded to tell the teas of this spurious reticent. I have been telling the teas, of the New York Pekin Tee Co. for the last Iwo years, as the public are imam, and have hero to New York four time, in that time, and tweet heard adds new concern emil lately but as wool dealers ! The TEA Liminess of INMPallmont k. Bond is taboo% 8 manths old, and their assumption of thePekin Tea Ikon pan yM name is because a name :a open for maY man or firm to emote, but the fact intended to imply thereby. Wet they, have any connection with the no raked and well kintmen Pekin Tea Company of New Volt la en tirely 14., they having been denied even an Recast,' m Ptuladelshia for the New Toth Company, that Compa ny baring refined eien then far to confide in them. I know not what kindtof wool they keep nor what kind Tm.% I am only certain they keep or obtain none of the Pekin Tea thmapany'a of New York. Ally pagan readitut their card will ace the grois de ception they wish preen. on the public, and to the Injury of my became' s. Methallateint tr. Bend are wool dealers in Philadelphia end have mat art agent oat here to pall wool over the eyes ofyiame of ook good data tens! book airfare black sheep: OLEIC! J AYNFS ' nvllklawtf - i 7k.Fourth si Wuhlnjten Branch Agency, ' For 'mooring Fauns. and ?mending Raimi at AA; ?kn.., Department; as Waskingum. eras, tatisrei_gned having astheisted hunself with lthnge t"..Tmas, of Washington city, and exult: lishrd basself in the the city of Pittsburgh, Is prepared w procure . patents,Proseente claims, and execute all b0d.101,0 COROCEIed with the Deparunente at Washing ton. Permits at a distance desirous of having examina tional:nee at the Patent Office, prior mouthing applica tion for a patent, may forward `post paid, to this city, enclosing • ken( five dollars, a c le sr state atm of the case, when immediate attention will be given to it, and all the laGitruation that eadd be obtained by a visit of the applicant in perste) promptly communicated. Ile will plepore the necessary Drawinp and Papers OJT Applicants for Patents, and masa= all other ba llets., In the line of his professing at the Patent Ofhee. lie can be consulted on all questions a elating to the Pa. tent Law. and decisions in the United OICAR DTIIONIPSON °See 1d door in littaamhi boildituth. wel7tf Market et between ad & eitt sts room. ArATtr,formerly of tietay,lll'Kenolo & ..... ............ ••• •... einelnaoti 3 0. iffo. A. 11/MITT are at beate,—our neigh rill E GRAVE,. e anedicine may be placed r 'na well as the rich, we C. " New 00Z2111111• BRAITY, BROTHER & CO , . 1 C•mmt•oloa !Merchants • TOR TOP PALE AID lottirARDING OE WESTERN PRODUCE, Na 31, Roydrrsa Shed; "New Wean,. Rarraro— :dews Marthr & Co, Banker; j 0 Jan..* hl`G rearm & Co, S • • Daakt While Jr Co, Maoiron,la. Ellis &Manna Bankers,' Horea & Frazer, Csneirmati. A hrlienrie, F:rq. H N Kearney, Esq. Banker, Zanesville.; 0. D ht , Dnnald & Co, Wellarille,O. Reed, Park. &Co, Bearer, Pa, J W CB. CAI, Wheeling, V. • 8 ErClarkan & Cn. • j W & Nitehehrei, Pnjiu g h ' nrlB-62, , 'VICTORY ! az AL REMEDY, • . _ Passage from Great Britain and Ireland to New York mad Pluaborgh. PERSONs wistona to engage paamtga for their friends cad loCille comiortable accommodations at the low -et rates an bond of splendid racket Shtpe, colter in ne Cabin, Second Cabot, or Steerage; toiling we!kly 'nom Liverpool, ti:aspor, Belfast. ae.. to New . ..irk. toe the subscriber will secure good sberths for those who :code at a &stance, going to env of the above port.. Tickets furnished arbletrwill bung passeugers direct rout Liverpool to Pittsburgh; and on their arnval at N. Vast, they will be forwarded immediately by • Leech a Co.'. Daily Fast Line," thereby saving mach trouble gexpense. ood berths will also be engaged to and from Liver pool on booed the New York and Boston :Steamers. Refer to hlessrs. D. Leech dr. Co, Putsbarth. • WM. B. tt ILSON, NS Cedar an. New Y.Stk , Drafts obtained on all the principal Banks in England Ireland and Scotland, on thevorm reasonable terms. In sums to suit those wishing to remit: All tenets poet paid: oat* 6m EPERAL REASONS WHY DR. LEI DP'S SARSAPARILLA D LOO D PILLS are becoming ire Universally popular First, Because they ore prepared by Dr N 13 Lei /y hinmelr, a regular Druggist, C:bemist and Physi cian of Philadelphia, who knows the nature, the psality and character or the Medicines used in his pills and their adkptatian to diem., Second, Bennitnn the public on take thew with greater confidence thad most other pills which are prepared by pennons igeorint both of medicine and disease.. Third, Becanse of their combined dines, proper; ties not contained in any other pills; namely, purg ing from the stomach and bosses all unhealthy nib stance., and at the same Ume purifying the blood and fluid. of the body. lourtb,.f.teutrise they are the cheapest and hist medicine known—a single box coating but 2.5 cents, and containing 40 pill., using to peraons as many dollars 01l time. in Docbir'a bills, and numenaus medicines bought & tried on the roc. tuniendation of others. " Whencrerjou hare ocenion to take any medi cine; do not bo tri9mg pith your corutitunon by trying all kinds of pills or other medicates yoi,see pooh:bed and recommended by one and another but take at once Dr. Lsidy's SardepOliila Blood Pills and you will net have occasion to take anything else- They will always In rt.. 11 good ja almo.t oft wetland disease, lollar, ..• •atornach,boire els, liver and e,j the -colic, Wateibrash: .inr•ani 'trot!, foul breath, bad taste to the month, eructations and acidity of the ste.ich, eudisenom and indigestion, want of appetites hilliest. Alecto's., diseases of the spleen aurekidneya i diteasee or the skits, scaly eruptioad des nd watery pimples or blotches of the lace ana body, tetter,mh,prickle heat sod salt cheese, head. ache, giddiness, lemtnecs, pains over the heart, of the bream, aide., along she back and spine, rheuma tism and gout, fevers ol all kinds, mall roe, rano. Imd. 'tease's, acrofula, erysipelas, and to short they are good all diseases having their origin in the stomach, liver, and intestine., and impurity of the blood [l:rrarentysave cent. a Box, Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fabneatock & Co., corner or First and Wood, also comer of Sixty and Woodsueets: aept.!..9 nu. JAYNE'S FAttlfiLY dIMDICINIC...- 1/. It is our principle in tho munagentantof thtspapu to notes ..Wing winch vie find out, frontpersonal ,n. vesugation, to be of utility to the public. pf Dr. hytiebt medicines we have used in one Cassidy for many years. Pot instancy the bOLDEVTOILANT, the CAR MINATIVE, and VERIIIIFUCIE, which we know to he pool for the complaints they profess to cure. •We were on Lake Omar. Itte past sutitner, when of of eartra•alLiog companion. from having, in W lay rate 1, v. nn m ,, t,c Truer, Hell, of on et 0113.1.4 f I I ic 41,1, a they knew who would relieve and cure ill* . . . . . horrible to are obliged to 'rub and wrench When alone; but snort hen - into to mint,. from a, (for decency snke,l when an continany. het it I.e remotes led that Dr. LEDV'S E ['m< unit. ITU! otNnt ENT ie we .InOti efflenenniS al any oilier prep tration in eats:owe in coma the 'retterl m M teh,enal other disenew of the akin. Ai daseuses of iie +k el Orion from the annuity Mt. , n blood and 1/ ids of the body, and satiate each die cane be of long aumding. and the coostitunon enacted . thetelly, if Dr. Leidy's g'anwparilla Blood rill 4 beilsed with the Ointment, they will rule any cage whatever, and if they do nota the. money vgll be retuned by Dr. S 6 ''' conga, however, will be effectually cured by Dr Letoo Teeter and Itch thneuent, wkro the whole pymern is impregnated by the disenwal Innnote, winch will he completely crane a °Tamil the 'system by Ire Leidy's !lined Pilll. and abs torface of the ssin heal ed lay the Ointment. Pone °Mattawan Ti cent,. For sale. ny DA FAHNEeTOCK N. CO nate/ ! rue 'mod k (1001 Ora • • a lOWAN'S COUGII.SSIIUP —lt proved to trah a 1 groat retraces an scaring my child's distressing cough." I I Pro= the Temperance Danner, Nor. 3, - lomat nor' In the habit of mane, much less ta lona Patent Pledichies, but we feel diorama to recommend Morgan's byre p to those who are afflicted with a raoah. Allerhadtng tried. g thenstral museums to lax s , consult and I distre.sin cough, that had ut for seyesel days ed one Or our ehlldran„witho stk. te/111. WO were in Deed ho try Alorgrahr Cough Syrup, unit by a relief woo chkked to a fear hours. It moved is be the panacea M thlapasa at kast. I. - • Prepared wholesale and retail by the r roprietor, 301111 1./ MORGA ,thuggist, nal • wood 51,1 dont beloWdlarthend ay, 02:1=1%= 1 ' i 1 ff=l===M ;TRANSPORTATION LOOS. ILIALWICE PORTABLE NOAT LINE. 1847- Fon In...SPORTING MEtt,,,:sott... T.reEEN PiTT:iIILTR(iIIANI) THE KA.,TERN PIITHOOT TRANSHIPMENT. Tit F. inspro wed reeled of earning used by th if. long Pktablcshed Line, is 'cow so well known that dif setiption is erinceeacsary. ' Goods are not touched on the tonic, thus all transhipment or extra handling is saved. • Tice Boats are of light draught ROY Dorton, they top, in from six to seven days,' The capacity of our Wed..ns enables it, to Core any conslgnments made to os. Reeeiring,sterMg. and Bring free of charges: fully prepared to Seats *ales of Produce, ee respecoulty Cheese, of west e rn tlaeoaLLard. Batter, Cheese, Wool,Peather,A,w,,thu arlfefes for role, on which liberal advances will be modo and other usual facilities elfordeL pledging nur ser. that any beefless entreated to us shall en of pro pti_y executed and upon as fair terms as by any oda " ; JINO VcFADItGN &uio Canal Beim. Potaburgh JAS PI DAVIS te Co mehltf 20 and 251 Market at, l'hilada PITTSBURGH PORTABLE B. LINE. Macia 1 8 4 7 . ;. EigE4o_ F OR be 7,l'.7=XnFrolgibngb'ZigipPm"e"inb and n the way, and the canaegoent risk of delay, damage, breakage and sepannmtof goods. BORlrlta & CASH • . . - • - • . No aid Market street. Philadelphia TAAFFE.2c O'CONNOR Car Penn and Wuyne etc. Plarborgh O'CONNOR St Co, Nonh Streets / 3 1461M0M & J T TA PSCOTT, 7 . 3 South st, N. Y. .- nts Rocouraged by increased business the Proprietors halo added to their stock and extended their arrange- Men!, during the winter, and. are now prepared to tor .. md rre , g4 vial reenlant, and dispatch unsurpassed by any otner line, Their long experience as carriers, the palpablextmeriarity of the Portable Boat System, and the great enormity and convenience of the ware. houses' in each end of We line, are pecaliarly calcula ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements and accommodate then eartoment—conadentlyolering . he past as a guaranty for the future they respectfully solicit n tOl3llllll3llCe Of tnat patforidge which they now gratefully acknowledge. '• • All consign menu to Tuffs .h.. O'Connor will be recd and forwarded. /Steamboat charge/paid and Bills al Lading transmitted free agony charge for,Commismoar advancing or storage. Having no Interest directly or Indirectly to mammas, the interest of the cousisnors most necessarily he their litilltaly owe. 313 snipping west. and they pledge themselensto forward all goods ttinsigned to theta promptly and on the most admmta gebtill tell. in the MUM,. hltterh 1,1E47 more TO THE PUEILON rpm Cloadrienis Portable Flom Company I,in, d,a• solved, the Company again went into articles of Co partnership, under the name of the ../tommen's Liner and likewise agreed to refit the Stock so as to have a member of Mao for the pyre of carrying goods thtnagh In from six to eight d , with certainty—aid fool encouraged by the libe 4of last year% patron age, to mats more extensive arrangements far the en suing yea, We *maid therefore fespectfolly solicit a continu ance/of oar former patron. and oiler all new Callan:MS to .hose we have done ha. nets Jar. l igliaaa 1847. alai= - 110ATOA1119' LINZ, For the tiansportation of ALL 11.15011 OF iILOCHANDIbt, TO ARD 11105 B.rthaOak, New VDU. ant, Boston. ' SAAIUM WIGIITMAN & Co, Corner Liberty Weal and Canal Ruin. Pin/beret. A L LiEIIIIART &Co, No $l5 Market street, Pcilatielpid* eigtkriON A C., Quilmture, ?dd. REFERENCES.• PITTSBURGII—Jas. McCully, Geo. filmed & Co. W MnLLIIY & Co, 11 A Sampeonh.CM, ht Allen &G, FNMA DELPHIA—Morns Prittereon &Co, Reynolds McFarland & Co, Fleming & Booby, Peter Wright A Son. .1 aleph.), Joseph tardy.. NEW TORlE—Goodhoe & Co, Theo. Perry tr. Co. I.loSTONe—Reell, Mad & Co. CINCLNNATI—Adema & Creagb, W W &arbor PLSA NT, Inge bladder. NASHVILLE—F Flein Nova—All merchandise from New York and Boston, conugned to A 1., Gerhart & Co, Pidiridelplua, will be promptly forwarded fres of commiesion. fehls INDEPENDENT PORTABLY. BOAT LINE. 18 47. t imisib I PAPPINSPORTATION OF PRODUGE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. lErWtthout ranshipment...a Goods consigned loon, en,, von be forwarded with out delay, at the lowest current ratio. Villa of Lading 'van mined, and alltestructione promptly attended to, hen from any entre clooße for storage or f 0 1111111.181011. Addters,orapply lo_ L , ` A MeANULTY &Co • . Cult Betio, Prusborgh Having n, eery large, and eornmahoos wroyetoure, IVA. to preturred to reCtive In n-lchtion to (might for ablpinern) largo totront of Praluce, on Storage al love rutee. (mom) C A hIeANULTY &Co 1 8 47, Eibilf PICLAIFIV ELY for the bane too of %V AY X., Fitl II:I IT beta,. Prttsborg b. tllui err Jobtor own, lloildluvdmrals. Water Forel, l'eter.burrh ird 01l dderinrdintcidter One v lttrat will led,. toe altrelior re of AMe A tinily fr. Co., Pittsburgh, every day, [errept S.day olopper4out alway 4 expend nn boring their 'c.d.! for. warded without delay and at lair ram, Thor Idnewas formed for the opetrial'artornmodaeon of the way Wawa, and the iiroprmtori. reeperoully erdielt a liberal abate of !patroduge. PAIN PICKVORI P AT " .101 IN MILLER DAN% Il BARNES. ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTV. 701 IN C 0111.1106.0 It 11 CANAN, Joh.towsl .1 sent C A NlcANuvry a Co. nusburgh rarzttricrEe. • .14 hlolVolit, John Palter, Robon Morne, Degoley tctrinith, - .Painbotsh. ' ma& ILE ERIE AND AICIIICiN LINE. • 1847.1 vr IV daily zmwbo„it, and 'Mayer, ai Mi m neight and ,u anger Canal ltotiv,• running basset. Beaverand Erie, and connecting with: C Road's Line of Steamboat Propellers and VCIRCiII on the Lakes, will be. prepared upon th e. earhest opens: ing of Navigation to carry Freight and Pamicagets nil points on rho River, Canal and ( s akes. Baying every facility for convoying freight and pat.', singers with promptness and dispatch, tlm propiistor, 'and agents respectfully solicit from their friends and, he pablie geaerally their panenagei • C CED, Ewe. Proprietor ' REEDS, PARKS & Co, Beaver. kg* AMIN A CAUGII Pittstitgh do Cor.Finlfield and %Fitter Au. opposite the Itlonoagni: gahola House. • Kerr n To Whenlei, Crocker & Co, New York ' Gen Dams, Itattitin G Parks & Co, Cleo etnn d ' Jag A Armstrong & Co. Detroit McClure tc•Williains, Bristol & Porter. Chtengo 'Wrti Powers, PCIAIreIIIO , XO, Penna Gen Id nettelmyre. Emumburgn, P e n.. - .Totto Ale +alba. llantrmwn, do Wick S Acker, Greenville, do Craig & Frampton, Clarksillie. do Days &, !lamb, Sharristmegh, Pa. W C Malan, Sharon, do W Cunningham. New Castle, do niar:i PITTSUUROH de. CLEVPLAND jfigieL i 1846:. _ pound Syr. upof Wild Cherrgr.• Bead the most remarkable care of Consumption ever placed upon record—, Dr Swayne— Dear Sul 1 feel it a debief gratitude due to you—and a duty to the amiciedL-genarally to oiler my humble testimopy in fiche of, pose Comm pound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Some three years since, I was violently attack.] pith cold and Inds, matiohof the Wogs, which woe accooMmied with a very distressing cough, pain in the breast andhead —a very considerable discharge of otreniive enemas from the begs, especially-upon changewof weather however alight. At Brit I Matte utiuou shoot" my condition, but was pretty anontonvinced that &wee rapidly going into cousuropuon..lgrevi daily weaky er, and at length was scarcely ablate Walkabout or` speak above, a whisper, such toe the exceeding Weaktiers army During this iima 1.68 d tried various preparations and prescription., bit bound on rebid'—growing all the time stoma. Just here 1, was admired and persuaded by a dear bleed itiOdmings tan to make atrial of your tiyrim 'Of Wild Cherry. 1 moat confess that previously 1 bad been preyullic ed against patent medicine., end I , a10•:itell ?pipit those coming out of the banjo , of empiric. , hot understanding your claims to the profession and -practice or medicine, and having Implicit', faith in. the saying pl my friends, 1 Mahwah purchased Dr Shaw, ono of your agents, 11, few bottles and commerical its use. My disease at this time woe ol twenty or twenty fun menthe' Wending, cense quenlly was decptyseated. 1 found, lioiraver,coo• iderable relief front the brat 'loot or tine bottlei. - But being a publicspeaker crequeetly; ettemptee to preach with my initeasing strength and thereby" ruptured those Seam!. mat trad. alruidy, began to heal; in thin Way, doubtless,' my core was. greatly retarded. In consequence of meting , thris troprl. daddy 1 bad to use Id or 13 bold& before! 1: wan perfectlY restored. I have no questiob,. r Mach smaller num ber of bottles would:have Made toe eound, bet for the about indiscretion. Syron allayed the levetish habit, did away , DiMdistressing cough, put a atop to the discharge of Mutter from the tongs, and gave them and the entire irYstez good health. I live deferred offering thu cothficate till now, for the permit, al Ming petfectly aatialed with the permanency of the cure linemen that 1 feel perfectly well, I ellerit with;(ileanini, REV. J. : JORDAN, - - I Dublin carroty, N. -• • ' unA •Y k ''".?YP!! - !S ‘.+KV-I—U../1-4-6 .11. Clarke. H. Hoop, 2. lk almond & Co. ' CLARKE & CO., porwarding & Commbastork herchaiatar BEAVER. PA. . . Agents and Proprietors of this Lino (my favor.' ably known to the.pubbel, will be prepared* the' earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop MY .1 Pnlebergh and Beaver, end deliver the same nt •ny Point no the Ohio canals, and also hakes Erie' and Michigan, With the greatest despatch and at reILS... nshla MCII. . . The proprietors a dos line licit the buniness-of thew former curwaters with confidence, kuorrinit that Weir feeiliues are second to none. Apply us or address ' N lIARTON, Alit, Pittsburgh:l CLARKS & Co, Bearer. lan7l T RICHMOND k Cr ' "eland.! ' 1.11 - IdIStiIifiNVICANSPORTATTiOO - 007 .• LE 'l l S' C l l 7 l . l VMS. . 4*. OLD t.TABLISIII ED TRANdPORTATION . DEM EEL PIIITSIMHOII. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND EW YORK. crick of this him console of a amble daily .L Line of lloate and Carr. (owned by ilhoutschroul I which are in good order. The oubrenbemare potoa• rod to forward a loge •qoantity of l'ilerehandire and Produce took ccrtaluty and diapatch; Produce or Merchandise rroneigned m any u 1 One ders,goed.le forwarded free of any charge for commis , con ountorage. Bills Lading transmitted and all inetructionsproluptly %tended to. The business' of this' Line is eonduded on strictly Fabbatheliceptius principles. •Atdress, or apply to k Cu, Propriestra, Canal llasin, Pittsburgh HARRIS & LEECll,Propnetors, No 13 South Third street, Philadelphia /OP. TAYLOR& SONS &gems, No 114 North Howard street, Calthrthre W 11 WILSON, Agent, No 7 West At reet.New York LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES. 1847. &Mad CANAL pAtiKIITS TELEG APII & SWALLOW EAVE Deaver daily at on/ock, P. 34.. after the oftig.arrival h steamboat Ilea vrn fro ttsburgh, nod arrive at Warro next morning in 'canto Me Stain which tench Cleveland before night . ' l'anisngers will ire receibnedthrimalhnecutmg berths on the Pnekets, and seat. In the Stage, on application on board eicanittoat Beaver, Ileaving Entalmsgh at D o'clock, a. 1/1 - .7 - 44 10 the agents: O Al GARTON & Co, Muslin rig b . CLACKED:Co, Beaver Jessr. BALnm N, Youngsmssin Nlt Ta VI.OR. Warren . fsq r 4 g M TO TOO EAST BY DEMIREL! ROUTE VIA lIROWNSVILI;E: AL ULIAILIk:HLAND. . • . . andergigited are aim prep:arra to forward pro• kr., to the Eastern alarkrtarloring the twin ing Winter, on the alma favorable terms, by this espy damns route. . . . All propertyetnetiKneil to oil iII forwerded at the lateen row* und with despatrh. • .• tilercbaudire received by thi. route promptly for warded. . 3 1: W. 13 011 Cdtt 11 i1, lt,lELlioi, tteoville. noien l3 fit3ERTON tete' ,Cumlierjend PITTSBURGH AND GamEarvlLLE ga g a 1847. pAcKEr AND LINE. TIN'S Lille consisting of freight sad passenger Pack. ets, roa reaoharly, during the season between Beaver and Greenrilto, which freight awl 113. sengem batmen ammo points, will be carried promptly and at the lowest rates. WICK & ARCH ER. Greenville, Ara • CRAIG & FRAMPTON, Clortsville, do, IdeFARLA ND & RING, Dig Bend, do; DAYS & PLIJAID, Stiarp.burgh, , do. W C.MALANSheron, do;' MATIIEWB, Pulneaf, do; REED, PARED & Co, Deaver. do; 701 IN d, CA UGHEY, dome, Water ondElmlihfir Id sus, opGly Oppoolta the Diedid.Phtl• Milo. P 426070 ==gffil TRANSPORTATION LINES. AEGOLAR DIOIMING PAC2GIiT.FOR , , . . ... . : p ol I:he at, nni t rAnfU v e , arati. • , : Caphrls - lloopa. i•ntiorgnens her treater a nd U. dal , . leafing_ Phu burgh id 0 o'clock.. aS, and Beaver ay.! o'clock. P. a.,-. connecting with l'iltsbhrgh and Cleveland Line of Cad nal Boa. daily to Cleveland. 0.; Beiver, Wei ten ann.; Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and !Rage Coaches_ daity to Warren and Cieveland; Canal Pacact Line. lo New exotic and Silicenville. Pa.; Erse Extension Line to Meadville kind Erie. NelL Nlehre & Co's Lines of Stage Puncher for Cleveland and Wroster. leave Ben der daily on the arrival or tleamt.oat Beaver RNA' Pittsburgh. App , s' In • a; M BARTON & Co. Pittsburgh.. Pell' CLARICE& Co, Beaver • - - • 1.1 - 1 l; 10 ii I.IN : 1847. rENNATLVA:CIA *VD OHIO CANAL!, BETWEEN rirrsqunGit AND CLEVELAND. E N PARKS & Cv,Cieveland, 0.•• , )1 U PARKS, Beaver, Ps.} ) Proprietor*. if T MATHER, Pine:nigh, l'a.- • , • Milli above Line is now fulty prepare to transport 'l.•tireight and Passengers from Plitsbarah and Cleve. lend, to any point on the Pennsylvania & Ohio and Ohio Canals. , . The facilities of mild Line nre noteartalied by any on said CIIIIOC siornbers and capacity of floats. cape, fie n e of Contains, nod promptness of . Agents, he. One War leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, sun arm in connection with lie krteamers,•. • ' Michigan arid !Lake Erie. between Pittsburgh and Ucaver; and n Line tit bra class stearnimar*, Propel lets, Drip and *almoners, on Lakes Erie, /lama Mi chigan and Ontario ' Property forwarded to an: paroof the Union with despuch. E N & Co,Clevelaird, Agm ; REED. PARES & Co, Deaver,.Agts T MATHER,Timbtagh, Agt sp2l.. Car Water lard iimithbeld street+ • TO OLICVIdLAND tifir.77 1847 - .:NWM THROUGH IN S.SAIOCS:f... IDAORET Donis :wallow end Tilegripb leave Ben vcr doily, at 3 o'clock P.m, after the arrival of the morning Boar from Pittsburgh. and arrive in Warren in time for the Mail Line al .:tame, which leave immedi ately thereslier.and arrive at Cleveland at 3 o'clock, P. Icr This roots hrthe most' expediticiu and eoliarenetble One to the Later. COTES ir:LEppING WELL, Warren, Propel REED, PARKP Si Co, Deaver, Agents • gOIIN A CAUGHEY.eornerWaterand Benithficidsta ytlly Opposite tho Monongal ela Haase. Pittsburgh_ . CITIZENS FOILTADLE, lIOA . T LINE.; • .• 184 MI +fit TB•fOPORT&TUGS Or 'ALL KINDS OF hIERCIIANDISETti AND . FROM . Pbtladelploa, Baltimore, Nsw.York • .11111 E encouragement th , s line by received eioee 1 its commencenient, him induced the prhprie 100 to ieciease the said: by adding snumberstt fir :clam boats; and instead — pi:sizing ' , cerium am hereto fore as agents, we will gip! der OWL receipts for , frelght ithipped' by this • 'l'he boats are all portable, consequently freight in taken the whole distance without. transhipment, thereby preventing damage from Irequent handling , on the route, sod as eaCh•• boat is owned by , the. Captain who rune them, which is a sufficient guar ;ante., that there will es no delay on the - route. All Produce or Alerchandise consigned to the 'undersigned will be forwarded FLEE OF. COM. ,MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will !be shipped without delay at the lowest rates of freight. We respectfully solicit c share o 1 p ublic pa te r aage. WALLINGFORD& Co.; , • • Canal Beale, Pittsburgh CRAIG, BELLAS do Att. ' Broad Street, Philadelphia. • F. MILLER, Agent - •• Llowley'a Whtuf, Baltimore. • Pittsburgh, Feb. 14,1641, . . • 1846 ' •Alln . .1847 TO Tll EAST DT BALTIMORE ABM Miiio RAILROAD. E oubwribers wtil rectipt for the delivery of Pro -1 dune to Baltimore by the Monongahela fillaotwater ache foilinving . . AAtien, Liaron, Ifuntr,' Lend, Lard, Pork. Tallow, Whiskey, and filaw—h7l els per lIMEM. • ' Tohnerv,fleotp, Flan and Wheat-91 Is pet 1001 be. Ashes, (Pot) ApplossEheese,llax•Ueed, Slaw, and Leather-100 eta per 100 lbe Ode, Stine. Serds, Wool-110 ete per lott Iht. • Bretwon.Feothers, Pore, Smell& end Snake-Root —l9O cu per 100 Me. AU properly coat lenid to either of the undersigned will be forevandod without deloy. free of Commiseion, at above rater. W 11 . • SAMNA tr: wATEammi, Pittsburgh. nor?, tf . =MMnt3 'COM l'OtiNt; i Ea.6P WWI) COBB It Y. - A certain mid safe cure ler. coughs, adds , asthma, liner con:plaint, spitting blood, pains in the ride • or breast, nervous debility.whoopiti g cough • broken constitution, CONSURP." 'LION or any disease ot the lungs or . bro.iiii. finder are you sollertrg • with a cold or ili.ease of MO - Naga, try this remedy, ; - • . you will not per_ haps regret it. ~ . . • • It will 222123 all those disagreeable symptomonehich Beware such terror to the trued, S: prolong your dale:: Beware of all preparations, purporting to - contain Wild Cherry.eacept that bearing the signature:oDi 1 II S WASKE on the outside Wrapper 01 , e ach bottle, ta as they ate smite likely destitute l, the mtielefrom „, 1 which they borrow a 1411110., , ~ , Read what it has done! gO,OOO DEATHS 115 COISSU. MON Would perhaps ho assnall - celibate for;the ravages of this dreadful disease in a single year; then add the fearfuleatalegue of those cut oft; by Intlamaz bon of the Lungs,.Hemotthage. Asthma, Coughs Innuenm. Brinachitic,and other diieases el the• Longs and Liver. . li . 1 And the list would present an appalling'prool of the, fatality ci three two classes of diseases.. But it is Important to finow that neariy all 01, this dread Waste of 'human •life" might have - been prevented be a timely urn of Dr. SWA Vl`i F.'S Lcomeou.ND. :Nitta' OF WILD CHERRY. 1; Thus medicine has now been before the public sorne'eight years, undo. the, original 'preparation from the Wild Cherryarce." Its reputation 23 a 1 ' remedy foe Coughs, Colds,' Dronchit,is and Can + 1 souiption of the Lungs based entirel y its in trinsic merits, owes but !inlet° inflated newspaiter pulls. Tonne who glee It or trial, beieg bcnefitted by it, recommend -it to. their neighbors,..and thui • gradually and surely hasit gained an enviable repu tation and worked its way iota generil',use. • Ore' ' bottle never fails to cure a recent , cotigh or cold, while with strict attention to the directions that ac company each bottlents use in pulmonary &lactates ' of long standing and of the mast alarining char..: ter, has always given relief, and lei: very many [ 1022212C32 has erected complete and . permanent cure. , i Dr. SWAYNE'S . Cdetraltd Comp^-rauf '' • CAUTION! CAUTION!. . • Avoid nit spurious preparations' of Wild' Clingy, such at: Balsams, Bitters, Syrups of Wild • Cherry, Filly pi marring to enema Wild Cherry, bre, d‘c, as they are all notifies. and counterfeit, nad contain none of the virtues of the original sod gennioe pre paration as prepared by Dr. Swayne,•and the brat ever, prepared to this country. Doctol . .. Swayne'• Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY is eorhposed of vegetable Ingredients, the Wild I:herie, and otln, or reediest aubstances egad) as eificae , ous, it not more so; -the whole are so effectually c4ncentrated as to render it beyond doubt the au t pleasant, strengthening, and edema at remedy ever discover ed for the cure of Pulmonary consumption, end oil diseases of the Lungs and Brost., ,The very' tact, loom its havingsuch a train of spatriouS imitation stands to prove its great curative propertiea, ' • 'Pherefore, invalids, impure for Itittongtual preps ration, each bottle of which is enveloped. in a bean. tiful wrapper, with a likeness of Wiiharh Penn en `graved thereon; also bearing the signaturia of Dr H. bwayne, tine counterfeiting of which Aral b e pun. abed as forgery. • Pl' - -td only by D. H. Swetec,l W cor s' teparet. ly by D. , rner .or CIO lITII and tact: ' Far sale in Pstisbureh wholesale and ret.ail by ',1136. TIIOIt IV, 53 Market street,. OGDEN & I/EN, e nraer t!nd & Wand his.. , 11. A. FAIINF:S'2OI:E & en.. corner 4Y Int - aao • Wood and 6th and Wood streets., .; ... • JONES, tat Liberty street, JOHN Allegheny city, And by Ail lezpectable Druggists Rad 'dealers ie Ittedicine, throughout the United Statta and:Cana. t.:l... u L oi E t ltt.. , ,,ej Vc.3llloUGE, causider batter Utin Alumni/1r ..fileghMlf Co; oictober rlid t Idl7. 1 ' 1 161,,, y:.gellerst—llly taa2l months aid, being very 101 , 41G0, at night, and baying much fewer at times, 1 con eluded he had ' , sorra., and having heard a great deal about your Ye - mit - etc, I , boaght h vial and gays , hint Y. dosercarbieh expelled Si very him !roans.- considet oar Veradfults ttcacelkukallotficrs. 444.2‘4R. Paparediuul sOld by R. R: St.I.RHS, t 004141. Paid by Dr, Cassel, 6th ward; . 14 , 41 D. !L - Ca rl , An s . Shcr l 7 99140 --, : .,, '::...: , ' , ...:: , .••• - • ,, : -. .. 7 '; - :`:f..i71 . A, , . 7,-,, ::'. , . , ;7'4:-; : .•',}fi;-; 1 :I'.-i' ,. ! ',2,;,1!•,i. ~ a 9 _} ti +~f »:u , LS -- - _ ~ .._ i BEM rr DICAL hIiDIaLTED 41=0ES arra IVOR • • • DFC:SLIERSIAN Lai dhoootte4 me l ee pliamotoo that chiles. visit Wu it nate) ant eel h,e, toote. fete that hiifeesistile n aretext each his at Loma• m elte ot,Tooth rests on the book of tack Phehe, 4,4 • • .111EILMAiti'g ( . .XILTIULOZEIVOkh. • ff • Mai Lean. are dueled, endows. and eitheitialnei edy hie coughs, thihile,cossetopaces, whiropeetosetta, that t4htons of dieseepor chea s the, Mei The repilestar has ether kola. the Wrath* where doer o,4 t * Menieet • caisfeetiocc. Retard thceicead baud lath bees wad Ala. • ' the but giar,notoring td health presses. throe they segge orawsumptwooad thaw hihoriug under the thoettlitirtheicg odds thileought. They do wet check and dry up theywegh, encode a nor,weeds cspectundow, eitsythe tick pre tatioru, and moan the,prosimete or chute al. • 'flay en male him reenbreadow of mod relothlthaper ttheot, thew& aeedirthes, wad the uudoutitally ear Tarte aaen thin ia mein. thine eneephista. Hundreds vat last deeds ofthrtifirthes have tem offered of their initiator* lei,. , tars, froth those who haw hem wend from ea uttahth..:fhhs - end maim( health hyping them. , •". - ' Whore there ethouchhein is th e brewer eirle s eree(Stow Ice's Youritleit's !laden (price way" ISt chute s ) stassklta ended Pk , the Ithe,' and won, tall Morelli itthiceded . with eithipiothe, • hw vadourhe er aced. lititeures, or staid othartie readicisteolaudd be used se cossitharerod/s . EHIJAMAH 41 _worm...yin:Noes ---- Thee wore ww., ave be proved Wilson duel^ MO cues Os be iobalible; the clog sped worm 4naingin{- mann= averthicotered. Shiny direases throes thies wale Lod occutiou lost wad letreethraferleg; . th ed ma death, wieh out thew ever heat soprani; grown path. the eery often egieted with them, aradoetored Tat*. eusaOthita Wont u s , berm!; w4awr die • sped!. hotth • Spell.* 9 Iroins:—Palas in it; • jiiiies . or MAY otli sive thriall,pakirt With theedriodsog,of th e teeth during sieep s .d anima...kph:thew about the lipodeitli &shed cheek% hi:servo; el die Yale, a poled% ettialkeith thestotheith, th of heat, over the mortice of the lady, dight ettiW bidder beada:else, drowintae,.rtetv, ware, didttebita _ drum, =hien thereat deep, with . frtht end fcritheitti . xioietiosts troithkocese c^ % 6 " fteenelthees, thsthr, petlid • hoe, file s bed Wive in the tame,didkult bewaktre s •pow eh' • the donna or bowels, fatigue, eausth, stpasideltheasoranj • ds,..uppetits, Ith..ces, bloated stototahor lindsh peppy.. ehoottet pins la verioue pens of the bad); mom bf ilaWie • .thlegrout faa throat, itchlog of We anus towards sigh"; • . frequthCdrai lb re to paw eausetbseg how the /dank ads ear" - SHERAIgN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES. • - • They . give toweeditha relief he tames or side herb/ ft , paplpitation of thy.beart, Icemen of the spirits sleeposilthey lsruouitorg oe-putrid on throat, bowel or thaw. thee I . Jihad, hinting, oppiession or same siuldigelf the Ant d o ak, epee., eresep._of the thothech or howett o yeteritel affectithe, au/ ell ocnciew digging desolations the 'they, sod" enkefuleesi through the aighh chokes Or elolr morbus, diarrhea, hailude Or • AMC OM/CO, ter sons l'aßnarr'afasodrog /up pokywill ged the Lies • vernally mteategil *lazing{ the banana yawn eller thwart:ton, Iti/lrealare the Woe ofd systen enan, and remote the andententnineene main • too Gee nein.. rano. who has. hen toe Hurl. fibaridcwed theirdisdrated hada will Grid th!sul.o”htwe ;Ey thimble orother_of the oath.. • ' 'rht (1 , 9 POOR MAN'S YLLSM.. The beduargthevaittplaster is the worii,thei Item:rein remedy elle pasta, or weak er. he the back, Ic odss boas • limbe,rien, rheumatism kr. kr. 0 .. 'year oot sopply thedleasid. requithelittlei= fee Wore *yob:calico. Witeruted threw coact fee ath quarter du weal price, askew othady beth s lat the cheapest 'pithier al hive wthld. It elfordandlaf is, •kg . liouthowd mt.k ashalah4 - Le Etar etanhdat and ay ....4 It &odd hemont one the of the lather stomethosid it mid uSord 4 Sead eahniel4 Mitt In coughs, odds, asthma, of • bretedsiogsapprmiou of the &wit or suwed, Asp ha 'mediate/7 seat( wed greatly bewegt troth Parisi er nein -setholary Lehi/0,1/mo obt. derided support ham CCM of thole truly . =it phe • ter. rhp - fialLl6. gtheralty ertheaseeted thou, ow per.fratho to ,thl when, blame the? Wei ovudltmtetturdmilalhirgosh er he! le their oyenallay are stowikalS tc%arnb nodyne. They ere CM et entieely,itiorent ow tram any othth, sad from thetiv9eriths ' hoes -.Warble,* owed ther swedes tbretutetttestioreet WI the cekbreted and dielfhed dm wad . bit thilioollllall ‘124 ethilieeted ten• , Severe! pasoca here ed et the ersedutose cep • their themes dischs,at the elsocutettirecolewa our hi so • plasteis ban effected- • • - . Diratioth Car the 'the ise a. trek cieede far *ode of Dr.lithenues enema. It himpad yea sishdd I elver ask" for Shertheu's rear )(sate Heaths ad welter ' =the g..tai i ea i e Iter , Lan nta tau Lieli==teu Maude sad Med by w...reciioliu bas lien • htediciste .Warehouss, o.: ES Warty atlidi rqii of th vela ;odds: H 'UV . keinin AT.la,Ersste. (107011761PT10N CAN nr. CURED BY Visual 'DA DUNCA N'S EXPECTORANT REMZDY. Obsciansati, 0., Mud 3011 e• Dear &i:—This ls to notify to du insblie, patienladi to those atßicted only 1: dismowast the Latip,or Cossamptioa that in the Spring of 16171 I was 'attscksd with • mai* cob! whireb maw became maul apsa my tangy thaw* alldm symptom: of an appcoicabig ConsaMption. • MT 6:4 woo tight and Mei:Mamie, Waded withloopioste Maki mats; • .tit up deAT *Ed ,#ith hi. Auk malt.' My sitaatica stow od alms iny. Dm:MLA. lima I was by two of bur isms • aara hysitins; Coy did 6.14 is 0.7 ia.Mfor stint al lends they give op all boPes of 'my sinemMeiAa.mtaitty ma that nothing more =saki b. thato—lthat nay how In. a, tally dimmed, aad beyowl remedy; 1 was thstiVoltis b 7 a Meal of t 0... make Will of Ne. Danion's Eiliscaw mat ..Ecesedy, which my Physielas penLted armattempti that this owilicins• weisild• do no good.ind iroola cal/ add to toy messing. I told . them 4 was my ha MI6 oily, bop., and , that if 7 m4a die of.tha drasse,(whicla was mi- • dent I. sor,) there wooll be walling lost. So l vent to the CiosionatiON:witA obtain. 61.11. of Dits hi. Medicine, od Maimenced a.ieg seconding Mabee dim ationstetricli,i3atind of adding m my milliy,lassitcabily pen Me relief, at maw arresting thi• troabitsoMisiCestot , OW pain and tigislaas ia my Cbsem Ilelpeaa4 aaw lit. ad stroogth, wiiich soon email. Me tolia Omit apia. This tronlicine cosainsed its good mciels,Pia4l.o,..o4 .1111 wined. a sorsa! mu. hao dthbsen ottentliag to lay laminas, (oparv. of 3. yatel)Aall Aral to 1 bialthy as I Isiah. 1 b.. recommeMbot lhamMis . Ea- W 1 ..4 sad itbas alwayaproend .treats so Ar ail/tan nitjrwd ercets.,_Pay sitter ktd ihn n.dicta.al prink liFit 'Dtraared Liter wol 'tot Affatios of Ms pystsortiel! had tulles:A with for so= ti.o ,the. hui.o4/= by the twe of thin towlkhaa, sad I ant roaddiottibore that I talawithw to-414 willsotinlyenra tom o honor that Rote ara tkonsiado of valiancy:anus Waiting way this 4,...wrd destroYer..DORSUMDTION.— Www it only patible for thaw to int:wore/grime:pot its time, bans it he hie hte,roany yriobrogoe and their Riau mad nations ogaiit riaderid - tidy. 'Thla maid. Will griwinotiott talk& nail( thotaina tiww 4 arrea Dahanlia4 painful Cough, reirrwathe Ushtarrs la Ow Chi.* gtre'syagtb to dot enfeebled. and