A • I so nwfe 4;l•The'' • S on/PL.:4O las Cincinnati Skim" I :00 bis 61' Secnnli n6lB k" DOTATOILI—m bbls Die last recelred by • • - AGAIIIA-2 cues'eirboast.e4,Ja;'vee.d• fin .I.TI see by :_ QA BA PMITIPSIOCY.a.i:Xi ALA P-1 "'" P"nII NN t VAOI =r J, nibic.mslreeld: Gyr'saie by A.FAIINEST. ical -1161bsOnm • It .. L ARD -9) NA., FLOCK—no bias Imeyivrd; &rule by J JORDAN & SON Met • IS Men, at • 1-,Xlmigii—m bra es' . •l pet stsul t S rm,g llna • 1 ;4 w. d .t .., dt 4011:10 Ls *belled earn; • 1 •• C• otos nom for sate by , '' . WILLIAMS & OIL% ORTII •• 4E,' • •, 1. ''...llwood at I nliAti6m4 &lON VILHANTS-1 etk Kew carranii.Ger ..le oe.j/ f t • ' WILLIAMS& VILWOBTII ..P 2 dtr i T 4 d ' 4""2 Wia.T. ' hitglnisgs eake . pe, ne; for Rale lit - WICK B.llleeANpl.F s3 rOIPLCR7I jw reedi : Y ; AF11124,4ng t n' col , les di wood de . TOIELAN D. MOSS— 1/41i.jixt Iced: for oak by 1 del B A VAIINPitII.OKA, CO vrAnin A-2 caseossull ItAirjAst!reeA2lor ode by AVA del 11 A FAIINI2M/CIC &CO JUJu BE PASTE-3 b? deg : It A FAH NESTOCSC & VO • itOl2 2 N-60 bbls,!int_te.Zi l i t r o ut;ll; rit. ', s , fr. co QUO ALL—VO khdi r ptinee new N Oansr received; &r i . itJ We by..: • - ,ATtINAILI,AteNIin & ...1001LEIMICLII-137iitaatats Ilbrreto; k,r'ult by ' • W1t.16 BIOCANDLESS tor wood& wow.' Its :61",. 14 ,I; " V ' 1 L= a IVECK So r•I C bill* far sale..ll . Wick a. !VW:ANT/LE:4S • MeCANDLES! APPLY! -75 hdlg wen xppleN raf s titoi th Act "' • ear mitbe.l4l.. wait r t.t• MOVE L-811 bbli' W JUR rrefil eale he r e. 2 GREER C-- OW ' L• /•-• E-- 150 Lin, ju s t reed; 4#-- nde b y - R des 1 \ U .POTATO*I-11bbls r — on 1lbbb1• Nraberaort,tpru n - FeX- ar te atubs by — del , I 'W IIREIM . - - essz—u.o Ex., eanalvvient; for., 4,,by. GH an •. • • ! W lIKEEK oraisints—te tads S 11; Gunk by dc! .•, W ORYIER ZIgiZEM2iIrEM • nOTT ,: 1:1A7-7,1 b 15,174 f0rg747 4 4, am. .... y act, • SOGAIL- . -45 hbd. ,40.°1`1 clip; O bbl. Nos 5,6 aid 7 ;e ar "" i ll' u !r rn '. WORND, 6 ilEl k. CO ri GUS-4 bbls toperior wine, jl..i .. ! ... rtobLfaz ta? by 4.1. • ' del • ebrist and wood Its 121C1111.010 ACIII-7Sobjait moil. for sore by JIJ del.. B A entop:srocicit.x) AATT o— l h..kger.M . tut reed; Gsr sale by del • A IItiIESSTOCK & 1.`9 011/111DRULW—X1 csk. Att4 1120 br.Tio L'•'' • ''' . .4,o•l4lllicrentrce, Mt eee'd re , . 1 . dew Eagle; fur able by 3CIIN AVM' 11721ibethr,1 8T.. , „e, LY °Ul:l4osAb:OUP*lole.o".ge:;Uletra:l4), by. VeoLt.raw • • .. LOTII2—Aa invoice of very topenot Web Frenek C Velvet Maio!. Moho, or some of i tbe beat 'otanufae tareo.iostopene.l; sol Oby areil . SlACKLYilk wiirrß stILIIIPAGNE Betts tar sale ai Ake 'Animate. 0•10 JACOB WEAVIIR 5 0ir,41.0-totflit. l i fiaetati Esap; • bxs dipped CANdies; for role s by - , , CAILSOPI k bIeKNIIT Sh VISIStO bbl. *massed ad; soca. Mackerel; . ,•• .•qp 1 Ilatumors Iletrav for sale by by%) CARSON & bIegNIGHT,6I6 MCM6=irrr:"k"W ..br .C am IYIt k. R BIeCIiTCIIII I4 N • Tarrat.— . h _ . 15 UAI lm 00101cep rine sorul ' N aclltllselltellEON irri P TV "'n 7" ul Vt i rtVglVgiVoN T , 811001113-100 doz eurallpritille.trAN — SODA ASII-18 esks, ; TIE r . Z y b s. T. non . 1.12 ---- D. , n E, 41 43,111i11-1 . 0 b . b 4, ree!S t iZ2. v . lyiwzrr M== W ' wicg IrtCANUI.R4`? lln3~Y—~otivrk safn ~.•,. k.~f<CANDI.r'~.R SU43/11 bbehl rube ber4444 , p; reed by ;44.12 44 AU•CIiCIII Eatlei 1424,1 , by webn AI ALLEN A C0:42 vrater'4t bbls Lcn q for rile by n J SCLIOONISI AKER h. 0 , ~u&KKg•S lIICIIBS—A It rte inv..r of freil2 '' TgliOoNßlr , ER ft CO AMP aIrACIC--' hblr for rile hY nvio • ! •/I SCIMONMAKFIC TIOUtAti CANDY-40 graks l!ri.e , ll ,l cou ou g h. h tu es ) ndi , ‘Ji.st re"; • for 4d. J Ja XTRAz rlittle• EXII2tI D!) aort00)01 teed; for elle by • • oVio L JKI (A "NT 0114-60 bsTrstir pea ains: tree ired dor; for IA able by ' - TASSEY 13E.edt Qc 118PEN0EMS-4 00 dot pat sarpendern )o. reed; .. irr tale LP arta ,t 1 ARIAUT/INwIl 10117;JIIP-411tleaprritederrrased:Ips received pe: .11 aunr TA gliq!4 fur sale by • • 1•10 •.. • • LEWIS HUTCHISON & Cr) Couvu"' — ' 4 "'""' t) • , Asawriorr - .70M510—A fresh Lel of Ladies' Catpet and . AJ relboolß.E. :lust receiied; Waste; aye • • ' F II F.ATO N • . . • BOXIii,II of msone:d nim r s,l n uit i s t4 b4n morn. kt; Trimming stoM 11V1MA ebrming tobacco 1 1 °BUM 7.1e61W.W a c9_ . goal' -Kg • o lrreetairml on nanmorn owoHAN • bllAMT.ilMll.—miliabin ferri.±. 11 , 11, ..! Wsys oa Mind mill for gale M. • emn fN BM. kI M Ina . - file—suerrai Ay. «ea .4 _sAvf, sip_rgut __—_ 416 TaucTs PeaALF.2 Ram. " • - .11 rlSlllMild—ombieand 25 eat R tot wale . r c...440,*.wv,war resrlub; roust!, Outranks; and Mask einlin; fer sate tor I CAKSON 81.1delICNIGliT EELTUZILI I- 4 0 , 610 lb. piffle Figut . itiri , , in X mire; - (0. xale by - • a ysy . - • - C•RS6N bIeICNIGUT T y CARSON k g icrylult rt Pa II hid; rrnail wkiw. jam reed: for ..litby .yviu.sataki & im.wowni • , OPS-11.1bales wremeni tee% safe by . WILLI AMR k DILWORTH 11111011—.150 ton. liter•ei , ; for sale by 1 EMI DILWORT II .LOVEL- 7 U tdds landing foni sune Alatrici; for a~M by . • avT7 I DICICF:Y (Xi • Y~TBYIIS-ail~.~ w ar~~r ~ ~~~F ~ ~ Ot s4n4 6~ • pLA NWT ii6-10U bap yest D. tied; kw *ale by • ATWOO J0N1(.4 k _ I. MErITtIU - F 9-8 Kb ATW .y D ONE S & CO • ,---iwnivesses,rAegiA.-mAireu!.i. tzled Cap, IT issitcceited; furBo! .44 p pint- • ' • Wittelar2s. artd D C EnD. r•F , D;! "• -'1""IlY. ds•nrc for sali!br D soars AIME elllll hi( bbi,r4,3,l24>LY • mEACKICA26— M I I O I • No 31" g ItIVA " Pal %PA ID 112 Eau of ipumd I and 1 lArd rile br Lu L117,12=1,1 . • '"'" lorM 0•111 -44 h •ti " 661E1 :1.11 I E , MIMI . , 1 . . ABU —Far salt. by. . '.. . ...1.Aj4,V211,12e.pn.1r, pusirirtuktni.: • • ,C 111.4 Was I.:Limed oil fbr ute by , ----- 7 7—. '1.." . torn . .Jolint L) Wilt : AN. 91l Omen, st ATIllittICK - 1 ease mipctior for solo Ly J FJOILLI AN_ • SliaL -- lia ram Ow mial:l4 1.1.0; joRGAN white 61.0 by • • J .D MO • ( sal B ILOOMM,Iuoi do l cam bows. , in I.onkto. Clill.lll°3-177/StrarldlgC.lll GILD-11, miles Taribrie asta,p4t reed; for wale b arX tbFAUNESIOCEIC CO •"- ~ ~~.. - • 'DM Walt prleeetratiaid for all ihe d Jere i 1 11,1'1 ! "1"4"1"1"1 traliParfr d f.k, • 9ld arirehdase, ear Labeny st toad Ceetl'a 'rat 91d1b•UP r - • LADDS , Plumei and Fea th ers—Now. opv...v.±:t A DIASOU C 0.300 of ah'ealoG ..+34 Oatherk - ree'd thi• der per ezpr : IebANA IGLti-7.s..reerg red and brodrd rium L for cafe low to close corWrn , o ,, G. bY . GEO COCOS ADi .; RG woo Ltarsinrs eves of - beautiful brixhi colored Oa LinsepeiMt teed by .10 SIIACKLVT O & WH4llli, (ILOAKINUS-2 cbdes good fo CP, plaid. boo on c o 'LA b I by SIIACK LETT dc Wlfl n*l9 . 93 wood qt RID FLANNELS bales km priced red wool , flantiels: jest reertved, for sale by AVM SI lACKLE:Tf W D COTTON—Ito tlisstssipPi Cotton. tt , etej i 0 arrive; fut.'s , by AT W OOD, & 11109 inter A front tta Sltt y il BOAT COOKING STON F. for WATIt SCAM; s.tl3 Prst 4 Lettre. market & VISTAItIP-4twpcitor Keepteky—ln litt.elans—of LVIwLsIe; half add qunrier pseuds; teat reed end (id. Yale, by EIJW 4HI) HVAZELMN .115, , __ , ____Yset sede„lhamontl. Donner-:.ou toe josL reed onconel rumen; for D .a!e by R A CUNNINCIIAM nriv 141 ninvlT Rit PLoun,in bhp. . . orsl* s 1 , VON lioNNitortsT tr co OIIIeU—AII.II klo-ca,t Pin 11.4 10111 Ia )estent,y. The owner eon titter it by rafLnc nn SIIIIOON Al A biElt k.OO ny . 3o • .t tiIItAPPING PAPER—ISO tram: Jaa 3 t u rt ‘c :tl Vl' for role br ( ~OPi-00 : 0 lieliturat cow:kV u, ll ,.. T . ., A th e , F. to i l lt r. y lo " le Ly f '•. 4 tio •vy revll:llc4;kinlOove •lT,iuft reed by, .4" lACKLEIr do \YIII'II: irAitr-'lST•l7l;gt — Tatt, hy . CAIIV.OIsI &.1110041111111. U 0 kli.-19 tit I lagan elm Nupar, put tee`, filr ATWOOD, JONED rtCo rD , Di wort ALT m!!.21,. B UTTER—lb b tl K s , pv i t . r: , l , l , ll , u r it , c , t , i v., (ram um coieb Cop,: for imr DA.ZEt.t. rivt9 1.4 %raw it (jliK •'Sit.',lsol,3[llprlmP, rerepripg or Reed, k h r eh Liurf tor [OP by VANCV PIIINTI4-7 c+.1.4 of new .tric. .1' fall pairmi,just tried; far .0e by T' lt. I.y 0, TT .v vliNtl t eu t:INNIIO ICS r OTTON-80 Wars corsonno cotton, etaitalde to V Batting; Or. vale IoW to plow. by ATWOOD. JONES A CO 011.-12balt prime flaxseed just yr jue'di for .1 • br F SELLERS nvla , „ jtOny Jet lag minr, br se!n by ban? P& erno.l CIRANBEIMIES.-11 bbl.&ranbetoes: IJW bxx Cher,: lan.linx; BAG/Ih:l2s 'Mliii MI.)LABBES--9 bblejest we'd awl tor ehy • .15 3A WHAUBAIIaII -• • ' CIIEEInt --100 Rime W fur silt. Li' "SF' VON lIONNOONST k CO 25 hoot st •- . SUN DitIEF -- 3 . ktgl Ini: landing KEY rmat mu , New- AIAII Illc A (70 Willer A froty. ark; for aide by `CAP -3u las Slip, 'lrrtd ' ATWOOD, JUNKS A: Co pgAIILAIIII-9 c 4.• tee 'd 7 - ' • Si vronil s in store{ for I IRST cc IliAlaTB=lo bbll, reed, for %lie 147 • 11.1. 11,21 , TAr3SEN DAUB land Fe...abets; reactants; nom orain I. It Michigan; lot sale by ncin • .1 ftScHkr. co nO 7 on Land; t fievAtit pLutru4p3,l4ll9 S Flour for rely by I 11A1.7E1.1 nvt, 2__. - rvonAcco-ild keg.. 6 lariat Tobaeca: jam rcer3ved for sile by _alb ' &W II AftitAttal F LOj r R-96 bbla superfine, laral . iv6. &lassie by , Cir/0 MANI .16 lacßal OIDX:11-73 febts euperior crab cider. just rer'd; ute bY , : GEO n i Milt KY SOAP -100 bisanrimati Valp, in more; for .ate GEt IIEHRI. srt BARRELS Rea Po osose .; LY SOO bsTernipic for sale by nr.25 • . Si IV lIARRAIM yellow lust reeeored by b 8r\{IIARIIAM:11 - . L i IC ATIIXII-5 dux e. , f 01.; '. 5 - cpper Leather,re'd; for - . We by (nie.s) S A W HARR/111M S££D -W bbl• Timothy ...I. ~e,s by Ca le b ..r ,, , fur male by, ' I.r.WSJ , SA W IIAittIAUGS MACKiCILIGL-49 lib!, llArge No 3. Jost reed; fo sale by veva ATWIAM.JOIN ES &CO 1)RIDOXI) , -30 doi • rooms, a good anielq reccivrd JJ by Caleb COyei for sale by • nYYS B&W llANltArnit 1 ICU MS URIINIS!!!—Ait ...amen! JJ .er Itass and Sen. Ibuccoolou reeJ ,b4rt.ct ham thr isamaeutoret.' for , sale low by /MIN II arstll wood At CHAN Et MIMI blolg Cranbernrs; , • 140 bi. Chen, far sal. by W tiREFIR , , •mllbbeldk arnr7 r ACllSll44obolort reed; for ule by sra • : K A 171INNINGII ANI F LOVIL—Obb, fte,th Arotin4 Aoor: for tv.or 4v GIIEEN ter.24 cor ttrstithrtelJ h moo, rt. 131.13 E BLANIELYTIII—A Lot of very Goe' 41 .1) tolstokets,stotaLle for overeontrje.l ree'd • ALEXAND RA DAV nvßS7.Stnatitet nL N W ror dsairtood CIOGAIt —I3 6 1 / 4 th new crop N rend; for ea 1 / 4 7 love Ly . LAAIIkERT A Sill rtON otett 1 . 211... I toyort et S ALTS -2 We prove 1..:221013 (or enkr „. .l.z err. , R. .11.1 • erir serah Geld A writer 'IS LLIs mall white, tor etrie Ly II .23 W GIMER SOBACCO —.Li u itrtsce Lc; for salti4 i tr t tt2a . I'meta, by I [mt . !) ILIONICY—/S 0 hi/ prime, at yore; for calr by 11 c , AratioNv IMA VO. Jr, nv..nc/t corbtle .1 /c suarkruly SCOISCIIINGI/-13e et s reed andfor .arc I.! v o . w k ri MrialTeliD/N i,,- ------------ - 4J 111..—111 bblc pare da.c.recil oiltlccb..rlcclllfo/ I. by W /c IR Al/CUT/NO , / tN 3t•tt I . IV. 'stem/ At _ HUMP PELTIS-1 balAle now landinr: fin 13 r by - I DICKEY a. et • wow.. de boru C uggmu. " .4mb '''''''''''' ( " I'VIA ) 1.:5" k co virt...i .i • AUD OIL-56515, tow londlng (tom abor Moon L itabelo, for We by sty 23 ,t I DICKEY k CI CI 0 Pll-4 boles, poor goohly, ot o low bleu,(.,. Ll by 11•Zi 1 DICK I. N k. C. DICAILLLASII-14 eilLs for oate front by & __ , 35 511 , VW* BON S:IIORST lb CO I, 'yr= VHIII-31 bblehrepeeted while 4.11, jolt re pale by P VON BoNNIl9lt.s7& CO (111E10 KOZg R Car sale by ll nyZ3 OIP VON DONNIIOI &CO DOTAIIIII—Pc&kr land inr, for We by 1 • oirti 114PAKFOTDA CA UMATIIEUS —l9 Rao Xenturly I'c•lhere: re C . per Incur Teem.; for male nrl6 LEWIS 1111T1IISON & iX VIACKERILL—M bids barge Nut in in nab, by • TEAD an 1 StlOT—Vw p Uni•na 30 kro 0.C.1 0bo1; for stle by 1..E.W13 1111/1.314,4104 Cil 04. MCACIIIO7-130 ba dried, ilsw,lest res'6l; for sa l 4 by • alra VIsOUR-11 0 bbls W k W brawl L` !m sale by k W lIARUA :assess! st )°TATOMI-4110,J0n radeillttlAYUGl w"ci T lM n r , p o lY .4 Clover Beed.,ll:l.v:v.reitritg37 if IlfilCAG—Small lot for fate by %V GREER _aim enrilidie4l/t2r.f 1:9!, IDIEEL-41: 1 bids crab tide; for •rle ky GREER ICA A Itt—to,ooo War Spatial of 001: 5 Nfa t i . sale by NittAr...zi6lllsrrrm, ii;l.l.ncf nyr cwn,i,.. JAS n aziasz—wob..p,ime; for .1 .1 47 vA12 ,, n,23 AYPb.v.l.l-Itll ittois Applcriitv s t t k aa , consittur.o.4 Wltt nve —rUmil Allegheny Iron Wr snie k. R Flo' rp — lILUIT-2U bbisdf 24. ks AP Pi"; 6r "" 7 1 / 4 pm• J & k IiI.OVII, Ifni t , • ' • lot vaii by pra __. ....,,, t 3,. 1 in .... , A 6 9 FLAY , 0,,71) -- -Ttnk., ... __ ... lo svint _______---•-- _ W tul4lkellourtalitlyao—njhl.nTTtk ,igtnf: nit porch:acts by ttti A Itt•nt for manor.] • 4cAtr i frriald, h r. I Jolt AN *.S(IN "A.L.III4ATtIY7-37 cat .i-C-MnlToTtretteantrfOr b 7 701 IN LlCat7 & 7 commercial tow, lawny et - - 171241 coon CHOWIa L 7 N PAPIAIt-In;Norl iscorr ct,vote ?mon...ita mart lacal• et ening.; reclti and Int tole 1., • 10 It A 171717171Na111A111,1411 lie•rty et '9l---111 famile door sor mile by ; J JOKlttit & Id re LusLio jolt edi fir •le liY.; ‘...7 rivet " It II ream cheese lor C7lnlan - 7 , b.? _lyyly!&7•7:3_ - 1 .- ei - t1 i4;LnArr"D—c•lthr 'VON naNN11011,7•& 0 1 1:; )"-4°'''4 33 moat et next .4 Li . - f . 111111 0 V.R-5 nice poir'll Jamaic. t ni141.- A . ii., 11-21"-1-----i— t lY j • 1 . " ' LAIII—W iodine Maio, •Il • i Nis, in lino , fin oil ~ G by nn7 CARSON b. Alc IC Nlli li r [-WOO 771-1.41,1er11.V07 LEL; 'rift -13trriv's - BuitG Argo RATES OF *sites • p rear! , • • • • *.ieralu.•••• 19c --11 o bii' • Arles --If I Amcntiko . =2=l 210 13 illOomss—•l7 iss i. i mom • 1.501.41 1 , 01 , lisronitisu—V IrTehalltal,le• • • •h-7 0115 Isaker 1.7501,5 ILIArk4-4, liesnit I I /Jt ••• •-0 5 - 0 Huck S: Cusgstl:ZsO 4.1 Irfuturk 41213,541 Co —IP Mlttver . ... , 05 ,/ l'ingn war.. Cot tun—V It , 1 Teptiee, and MAIO • G 4 Chiseolaise — it' 0.100 pr•par,d -• OM II rh TOttx •E law. • • •30,1 o • • 12,-al Casting. — II W21,1.11,-01 e s krs ° tle4 orb , • o,l+l V Va,44.1/ , C 11i...... —tal 40 A dT r r :, 4 , In. 0.1. 410 5 Cotton lintiltit— 'bon o.rl--P lb r - 4 ......... -• • • —:‘,/ grartng .Icflrent Ir 11. In :au ref—fiifo ea 9 5119 Gig! ............ —GI 7 9041, 1 POO- • • 6plt vlll.ll , • •-•— 2.1 xt .—W 1. copper- 7 f 11 , ,C.rf 11.4 ye, to .Cera:Are—tr, cudm. Mum.- ...... "-•"1 -2 1 7 ... 7 .. • •• ;71,11 . 7 41 0 ME= =ll2=ii 0:4% ecomvm,• ----- • • ' — ' 2lX. elotlgh Line. 00. ninon Ite.l litordr-1. do. x. ) Jr,thtentl:. -• • • 0:06 • ... . Jo Plough me._ • QM. oomistlee,4e7.o. n. ' .10 ?r, kraueek• 1.11010 enAllr .41a'rs 'NO 1.. 0rt.g . ..., P. Iln.nn Mill —0 0 Nona took 1 . .. en MilL• •--0 lk tkleennc 1 . 4 t 24111 1.1r,10t 4-4 blown - • 11,11,01 C JLtirlFall.sloll 404-1.- • • .r. 101.5 1...L144 Ilmuant4heng-13— iteklllrl Methuen. —Oll xtufewl•t•-•••-• , ~,,,,,,,,,,, Roehrwtr Wettt Brsocht••• ~ t .. — 427 i Brown tlrdis 8-:011/ Bwarbeta. 114012 aommml • ... • . • •• • •510 31adier.• • ••••• • V 015 MerTrk.F.l riy..r Di's 101814 11 . 01: IL Au n x. r .. trgo—Orr 31041 Aluor iir2s Arrow Roo .. .... •• •• —Oll A ri rrororo. ••••••• • •10011 Borax, rrfinerl•••• •-22. 0115 COMMERCIAL RECORD._ 111 . 177 — 1 Sun Sun r. tiimn I Moons 4CE51134:11.. I rises sets risen I phase. . Thulday 7 .7 . . 7 1.1 $ I . 57 3 Froluy 4 naturday 77 4 31.,1 5 Sunclay 7 C 436 .4 46 6 MonJuy 7 9 421 543. Tnendayl 7. 10 11 :13 nets New 61. n Wralnesdny I 7 It 433 Le-4 1 . • e Calcite (Mee t 777 /Lf,n/ny , vie re* !sa±nc Iran". =MEM day drisinc Areerain , e. ...._viewing the basinem of the put week, see bare no water:Al change to nopee in any department of trade, 'The weather, for the most part, Ink bsysti pleasant, and hut:intim, :n a general way, quite or 'The river riSotalues in fine yarigable girder, lore being tow :.'ledt in the clisnitel; but busineiss in that quarter mnt:Dues imite Consillerstilb quantities el Froth:ice are nWI pan ing to the East, irm the Monnogahela route toltalti naore„and viiChambersburgli tit Ph i ladelphian The rates 01 height are the more as last quoted. ASIIt.:C-,The demand for all kinds cnottnues ' and the WWI . / renown firm. Tim recerptl tl3m not been booty, and the supplies are not more than suf. gerrnt to the demand We'uoties sales of numb ltO tons st the following tutees,. vta.—Saleratus, 71; pearls, 7.j; pots and lnirroto ego sir&lo. ALE- Wwltare no change to notice in the arti cle. Oar titanuld i eturest Goa oady talc fur all they can make at r bbl. ,IPPLES—The tecripts hone linen quite toll. and the market at retool ciirw'r lobe well supplied with a good ortiele. S/1113 are 'eget., at StAbri ,54 • • IC4..X—The market is (mite honied. both in sesiply and, tlenaarel. 11losletate sales bare occurred ate the IMO Tali.. Sides 71; l i Shoulder. at f.rvele it db. A antill lot of new smoked, ShmideM were sold irt`64c lb. iltrrrEit—The ceenitne of the past week have been partial, and in advance hay occurred in the market. Sales of IMO lb. doll, its lable. at Ila ll fir. mad hill lb. ksg at • Illarliqe k. lb, a. In quality.— Fret.h prints ark selling at lIKESWAX—The market is dull, with moderate eller at 224,33 e p lb. BRAN—Very little is coming in at present. The 'supply la limited,Vrail moderato sales from since at I lc Y bar.' First hand lien occur at lathe. • 111.11:1071'S—Ssleai of it) 'dm Patent Seaver at st,tscezpo p Ma. 10.00111S—Sala of 33 dm at 5141.57, al to „ m a y. fIucK%VIIIKATFLOIIIt—SupPIins Ime beconm somewhat limited, and the market ie lively, With regular sales (ride store at Stait,l74 p lOU lb./ I:HdiElik:—The receipts of the market continuo full, and the supplies gate sufficient to the demand. The week'. tramactiom. ai 'far m we could learn, amount to MOO boon IV It at GA a fife kt. lb Lin• led eupphm of (Mallen are 'held with moderate sake it Ilk. . , COTTON & COTTON YARNS—See correct • priced M general table above. CORDAGE-14n change has occurred in the mat• ket. Sake are regular at the lulloaring corrected 'rater. planilla 4ipe, by c0i1,........... I7c p lb h i I t White Rape, by coil ' 1M cut ..... " 'Parrot rope, by coil ' llw Uncut • in . Parking yarn, fine .... ... " Uncommon " ilk:W . IIUTCHISON kC9 .. . 8L1,C0111.. Manilla • --4-L----61•---V aloe. Do per cull lb flatly .... .... , . .Ifi-1,4a2,3103,1.'y I. dem. 'Do per 641 _ lle V lb ?LOUGH Manilla none Hemp.... 51 I` doe COPPER —Bale. are reported as I allows: Sheath ing V.76tt.13e. Bra:fats tile, and old at (3 to the r ( p *AN uktc tu Are in lair demand, with - teg• ular ales at 51,75U1,87 ki• ha, as n quality. CRACKERS —Sales . are regular at the usual Water cracker. 54,00 bbl. tt Buer .do 4,75 „. Pilet Bread 50 , Sugar &Soda trackers7c ka CANDLES—We hare reported sales of 1.0 f) bee dippeflipped at Iniullc kr Ili. Starr handles are selling at d kr lb. Viii.,) FKlil V—The markst. it fairly applied .Ireaclins and sales are readily effected from Mere at 5101ie , l !it kr be. Dried Apples are in late demand at 50 , 414 c ka tfu. ktOklll—We rod the market.at present about where we left at a week since. Itcempfn have been and the market presents no marked variation L the prices. The sales ,cif the week have been confined mainly to the home trade. Transactions have °emitted to the estent of some NV bids from store at svori.:ol4 bbl. Sales at the river of 300 Ws at 5 I.llltl 4,q pr t• Era [li:its —The receipts el the week have Isprn partial. and the supplies in morn ere rather limited. Moderate Cake haat! OCCUrrati at =V, 3.3 c 4 """ ';;AtPEov C. ILI. Fltill—Salfc • of 20 Ltd. Salmon at $2O and of 15 cln Mackerel. NO 3. at $7 !0l, Salon of r l•had at 39 to or lake risk at $2 , ./8,50, 0114 rl Ilerring at.50,117 , 4G,50 V Md. (IttAiN—Very hale is doingia Ilia markeL Wn notice regular hauled tilts at till, following ralrea— Wliaat. terrellone; Itarley, 45449 i aye. 4k; Cure, 40 in 49, and t).4. at tie h ha. • obeeme no materiel theng• hi the-Merkel. Tim the week hami in quite 'brisk it tbe corrected rate. quoted in tb etuirigemarel tibin. • • FREIGHTS—The market is without change— We quota tho present Ent= sues u follaww—To •• - • - -- - --- 0075 u 0r ith 0 5 ~•••• ----- 2.01 , 05 . ... • ... Cr Turd. , . • ............. 6 013 ,m 034 Gal,. • ••••• .......... - Go•;:6:' 00:10,001..1.T:725:1 ........ •. • 1 v r.: ? . I..oleme.r• • ..... I.l.vore• 011 " , 11 t........ 1 Imc 114< ... .... vdJrr,: 1 . ..4 I r 1 1 Oll ~ ... r,y. . , I • ("actor ....... • •1:11111101 • • - • .114004.110 111Ovra•-• - • - •• 11,5°01^ '?1‘41• • • ),C .,1°32 1 . ,. I l epB Bll ^ '.• .4-50541,1 Or. ii n, rull. y • • • lba 8. • • • 1 Klue,url., toot 50 o'l, gal 000 Allll/1101 . ........ ••• 4 1 05 0 :rem, 610 Tarm.ir Ar id--•- .40 OfAl• V' Blur • • • •..... 11 1 0111 11.1yel 'Wood--11 1 lb. Calowroll• 510 • • 1 101 J. Foloo• I clopiwel •• .11. 0 1,,,y0 t tera --ill '2l 032 Krosumk °Kw & I.,tuAyiennir , l l l Fruit - A1ma1t,1,.4411,1 015 r l / 4 41•••• ••• ....... 17 01P , 11a,1 .• ..... 13014 ' ll Olll./11*.7.1 1 11 - " • . 14 "05 .... ....• • • • o firm/n(111We 1,:/101.: 5 Tuikey 12014 111016 If I l r* in i t!11t;••col I...snafu. SIO 3,000450 Otanges 110 •• • ."- LTg i l."'" ry,,lbu. •1501.17 k .4111.1.4, • 4.,050 ,rernl,l•l 1.10J1,1.„ • Fir. O. l.k-I' 11411i,,5, ........ . ,t II -• . • 11,00 0 15.00 , (. • • NA. 10002.-- - Supr . rho'” KYI WA, • 118,lts•bra. , ;lb• • to. 1,1,14 ..... Reed-48. 1 • 81 • 10011 Gran -.11015 81.ort. ' 51 ,1, ° C e j i A t i 'n ,bl.B.-• - 6 * -- 1 , 7.1;. " / No; • • • • • 118/..., Not No.l Sal rt, No. 1. old 1601650 NO.1•• • . ......... v Shad 010 ........ Rvra n ° •Nol ••••••0 .. .... . 374 110.rrst ...... .. • • .•100 Rarronn . . * !1; .. .. r Eio I ..... IS . t uu 7. .0 Glo gal• 9.00' Clarit,f . .lo•s• • 9,00' Witi,lonrl/1. 5 .,, boo - Cdy brand+. 8111 , 10.11 11103. . ..... • • pat0..11,a., 10.14 to '16:14 . Country bonds. 11t10.- 0;1 03501000/ ' 04,00 • Gunpowder -4 8 , k5,.. FEIN; 4,7 a 0550 111 .• • • • • 03 " FFFG. . 1)0.11.1 lb coalmen , - 07.011,' ..... - 04.10 11..18 do, 8 , 1 1 .P 8 ..' -- 15 °•;: , 1,11,ek povedrr• , • •• 31103,0 t/ralla-Pbh-h<l• R.l"e • ..... Go.• • • • • sif Zi —• 471 534 7U1.09.00 Jon — 'J" =MB Cut 05 I* 04M) —paw MIMS GA ZETTE- - PRIGE MARINE` INSURANCE, FREIGH -......— rrin - Ock. - rsb ". . •l ,. it *l3 N. o Founds' , • —1075,90, Loney- `• Fora ••• --.' 4 4 ,---- $•• Cub* - 4. •• • ....... -0- • Tommvs.. ' • 01 esssto ennah.oll,• 10 &ZS Tsenesses-,-•••• - • -- 0 30 . 00 tans essg-f lb. ?dour Co. Gins+ 05 _,..-04 ' Wundty, Pig -. -•--• t 1 ' ..9...0u , 51 .7 --• "In of !aim lbs. FoSSO . 1 - "•*" ''— ° 1 Tll,ll. f • • •• •• • 0.,51410 9.00 - 11114614ftinft Co. O. . 1 • 1 1110.-0 lb. ' 4 Fomdiy rlg •• -• 21,000]32;0 0 11 ' 3lissanl. ' "0 9 !Fates 'do••• ; 0 Sps4,ishs - 14 OIG 1 Plaster Parls-T-o }on. ,: Do. +l4l4ed• ... •••• • - 0- ,Yln.trr Piris••••-10,10p12,00 :: 1.0 iiposts thin-1.0001. 0 2 , Provisions- : Ors.e . ; •• .. • ......... - 0 4 !Herr n-11144&••• ..... hi 00 Ilensp-0 lb. I . Shoulders 610 9 51....5c In ~IZIIIIIO ' s , Sides • ••• ..... 7149 7 1 : 5102111 a ....... •••• •• • 0- 1 llogrourst thy curs. • 111.11 9 I lions- & lb. " founts) . do• 710 71 1 1 f',-1 • N •4 0 1210,- ' Lan!, No . I. In•kegs• 7 071 [ 444dIgn -hp oarless. 1 - -: 2- iti legs--O - 11engal,Tb.• - ..... 1.:011.r.a . " .I. Babb's • - 4 -0 61 2°;''. 1 .;.._. .. ..!:=1,1:,', "T'` `4' 1 1 . . 1 :,,,k1r.*: tr6gl,."` Iron .ip . 3.. , Cheese: W. li-• - • 6 1 d 61 Itar.len ma 310 4 r -11.144114 n - , -0 IS -.. 44 • •1•52 ::1 • Crackers Pitiburgh Ws 5hre1........ ....... 510 :1 1 ler- ebb , . 4-414 • °° Soars r 5ir5...... • • .... ••6 .0 6/ I D 0.12111110 -'04,7 5 r,,,i,... .... . .. .510 0 ; Pollistoss-r bushel, Pk arth +snit, 410 5 Ithsonnuolteds • ••• • •y 0 ]5 •• MO 4 0 41 Neshssnorks 12501111 S Suomi, Shse• -0 15 ' Itugs- lb. • 1' Lead--14 111. i t'outary rro 0111,• ••• 310 01 44 Moo .11• Is 410- Ito. spoil whtte;••• ••440 5 Stir • I . - 0 4 1. 1. 131 e.-. iri: •, Du ere. • P•14,444 1 (1 •• • • 61012 ' Ctrs . • • • 610 Cl Dims-....... ••• •-0 6,1 I , t4....b.L......b.. 1 . 1 • . Leather-4 4 111, 0,,,..,. . .....- 400'0425 stole, 1144140n0n- •• • • 200 22; TooolhY i76:ar 2,14/ New I . o+o •• • - • . 1. 0 :01, Flusssud .... ~ ... -.0110 05 Darnags 1 WO 15, 1510.41 aid• - ..... 209 Irs 309 Slauslort ••• •• • 4,0 20 1 Spices-4r 11,. . Sklrl4os 290 t 0... Chlses 31 oan llerorss. blark • ----10021 Callus, in Ms ts• •-•••& 020 Whin, Mark, perdu+ Ganget• • • O9 0 10 s . e.O 30100343,00 NututSgs 1,500196 Russet do. 4,9.00042,00 i l'eryst 1010 II [,,pet Coushed.•• .T 100022 00 1 Aloodss.. .. . ... ... Id 0 14 Kip., finolod• • - .24000 4 601' SU Coil •411.1.10 • • 13,1100%,610. I VI111111• • 4-0 II lore loslllef • • 'IMMO 4/- Sessra 74- 44 --• N. EnKt.pJSeallog, . 1 5104p--1/ lb. I No. I. Ip , dot. 45,900- l'lbiligh No. 1 •••••••-1105 .. 4 4. ........ 950140- (C u sootan " '• • • -4-414041 1 do• • • ••••• .2.5,040- , Idol -0 lb. Forrign. Sher p +lons• •••• -•• 410 5 I Ite.?tr. Shrsr• I. • • •;1 r,' 017 Lumber-From-101s, ' Do 'mgt. , - •• •••• - T &Id I' ts IMO ion. •: 14 , 1 Inmost, 0 -0 I 1 11 Puss; sirs+, is& Ovn,oo ; - Ihser•-• .. 4 .. -..fl loop Ilwp ttlssr, IV d3u.no! l'lnsiongh Menuissiuso. C le ar, ,•• • •- 015.511,Ge11116/11,4001••.' -0 111 Clear, 2 '-' •••••-0411,uoltghtd• blonss• •••• • -1 - 0 Itti: C . ....n 1 " .... • .--4120.00 • anerosan lamer 0 41 Flour e.'s I to. do•-0 LSO norms ' 510 51 Im.o .. now •• • •-0-..- 14pIrlts-f fallonj 0.414 do do • • ..... -01n.00 114•01411"711.14 ,11 's . ‘h* ~,,,,A . StneSl4ogles, 114+1 2,5009-00 ioshe•lls • •• .2,04 02,50 1.000, sowed. 100.1,2501,50 Ito ;s0 ra CI; pf. 1,511 01,75 1.1v4 14tock--p 1.11.,,vt. - -A., , .... ....... s ; 01 ., A. 114.esse• •• • • • ;351104,50 '• N. e•••,- ••• •44 050 Ilora ..... - 61.1.0.. Gin•Llollond ‘•• •I, •I 01,50 V ow s tr. esters.- -6,01101h,011 , ir Nu 44 -4 5 tb• ', .-. N i :l47prente„ lair, hh.1•••—• H0e..., white, U..— lIRP 93 Ora ' lb.-1010 II Phtlad• • V-0 tad. • I No. I. aflosi• • -• tnahrre• • 'ruble, dor_ Los • Shot itp.tre — e lu Rahyeve 910 lOS Tribair ea—fib - 4 39 or for eish for wapufactie nett Tobacco.) Mgni Leaf.• •• I_ ...... .40 6 anufsetured•Olo 9 0 7 Ladtes"rwt st ........ tt• 0 10 Plug in kegs. .... 0 Plug in bases ...... •19 30 15 31 6 Twa vendish t ' 61 •-0 5 0 7 Ca It. Lamp to Lax•• • •Il 0 15 11 Stowe snuff - Ralf , ( 3 , 2 . : I 1 • ..... .•• o°4o 1 25 11 , T • Imperial . • ..... •• .65 0 9D • Gowes • •• -• 30 0 70. Young Hyson••• . 0 10 1 1 o .Tx u n c r l ; . w • pu n l a , ; b 0. . a eo g m l• - 5 ,Taliosto—e I Itenifered ..... ;• •• ;9 .9 fr on h .... ..• •••±-40 51 .Soso.Greise••• ... 9 Vlce•--16 lb. ; ISol it lwars••• • • •••i WlOrt•—e Won; IL -I hlsderla- , •••110 03,00 It 'Vomits— ••100 01.50 1 11.1 on .7301,30 ' Ors hlalar,a OF 6/ 70 42 0 45 1Z751.i11en ... . ;0-0 73 . .... 05,10 I'Calsbria ....... 0 70 Sheep• •• • 11/00/1/0 Viola —V' Pd. Sovarbouse 37 0 IR6 N. Stele:ma 31 0131 Naval Stores— Flown, ir bld. ' 2 . .:403,60 Pitch • • • • - • •• ..... 36003,5 P 'Far, Allegheny. • • - 601•03:0 •• N.Catolina 5.1.4415.ba turpenune.q.l 51 0 b• Yorntab,l !opal ..... 1.7140:hh0 IValls—f keit. Itallbs, len - , sant nails I cent advanre per lb.l , 1 10020.0.1un1ate••••3, 6 00,T 3 caP Oa • • •• --.3.7504,011 l 60 741 "• • .4,8504.N.1 • NI 4.1 010 3d -• 7,0,...* Spikes p lb 00 51 Pressed 610 7 Iloiler 'lts,. 0 7 I Claitwell—P lb. ..• Pitteltutah —0 0 1111s-1. arkl. Linseed 50 0 ' GO I Last], Cay . 1 075 °llse • • 1.35 01.50 I Spetna. bleached —01,V3 I l •• unbleached. •-010 • Whale•••••• ....... • 700 7.7 t Tanners. IP bld. • •17,01070,60 i l. IN.P•••9;tue !•,.• .b.... • I'D 0 Al ' Lampblack 510 7 a- '''' i - "c'.'T.s . • - • Pt', !'f'en... \o1:71 0 15 ." No2lo 0 I IlrunswicßGreen• • • IV 0 20 ; What, Lame. deY .... ..6/0 GI 1 s oil.pum, keg . 1•11 0 04• 0 '; No. I • • • • ..... —01.33 . RedLcad• •••• 610 9 Yellow Ochsc•••• ••010 3 Van. Red Verdierw• • • 440 5 3o 0 3, plc 31.tal—IP :on; 6 mu , daevieny. No .1. Voandry• . 0:.3.00 I .. Forge• • ..31,00031.,00 , Baltimore, via Brow..lle, 90 to 100 e. ,Phtladela 14th. ; Thn shipmeet Of coin hes ceased to he a phis, ma Chambenburgo, laic VUM lba. , • prominent topic, and lire rush seems to be over. .F. , co"<' , '"‘' ~ s w'",''''''..l. see general table ' ' In lour local money market, there ban been no above. FLINT GIASS—Thero has been no change in i tki'ti, new. T h . 11 . 4 .• by their ...tau. system, price. ranee onrlaat report. . therm! Out fall one halt the offeriegs, leaving eatery Main Tronli!en 4.pt, from 5 to 10 or. each, v ally It largo amount todie negotiated an the Mreet , ilea, net, 31 2 6 ' 2 rimy clam paper in tbe street cannot be sold tinder Pressed do }and a pint from ti to 11l flute. J ~ • ' , . r r , 4 ., ; _.. i onet i per cent a month, which la also the rate for i . inenntni . n Jo , rit, tight at ring. en," strapper, •1 i i .. 5 shot:l4mm: While the money market is in it prm do _do heavy . .. do cork. 3 .• 5 sentstite. the'olferinge are much larger Ulan tba do do do plate do, ...,51.1 , • . real ample, set !bat the dieeOuntliten of beak. told. do do do pillar do, U. 1.11, - , Wine glmses, plain. ,' i•gr a 7s bankers are IS extended La is to be desired. „ r , I ' -, a L. do do prraserl, ~ - 1,-5 Stocks me dull, and ltd.:oo'2l.3one Of last week Vachon, tit, plain . ' 47.1,75 unchanged. . do In pillar and ribbed. , . :Al t • i ni,New 1 ork,• do apt or Creams, Molasses Lies, pt plain, • ',its eon Treamr.y Note. . 991 ah do do do ribbed: igo l's , I 1 ~.atli ' Pates, 6 in, premed and do, :5 - Oleo& • a uu t 'arbor 11.10 es, noted, b.! EXCIIII'S4I3: ALAI:kik:T. - . i ~,,,,, }gall, Latitiert.,l rover. ' . ...Ns i , i , a jai; mien:nee to the usual table will show the ido gal do do llKNlV—l.imittd caliph. are field iil 11000, with i 501d` 4„, ": . ....: r . th 1. ° 5 .. d . ... k . " - ( -. ^ . 1 I."InfIl ".rn", b.c l'oialerate saleu at the role of SD. t- ton. . HAY—Commies in fair demand, eta, regular flirter. odr fork • 114b1 l •• • I.'lllo eaks 01 sti,lo,olll v too. 1 • 4 tmel today, . . 110NEV-1. rather ae•rre in she market, with 1 ,i,„ regular sales from store in ban at In a tno V lb. 11111ing r em d ) , s). IKON 3r- NAlLS— , des coatis.e brisk at the ate. • : following usual naive: 5o ,im a Flat Bar, rom 4to 44 inch 3 4. lb do Dorn ri to 1 by 4to 1 inch , 34 do Dandy Tire, Mtlerent arm. 34 dod IliorM shoe AM 4 Room' and agnate brow Ito 14 inch 11" do do groin 14 to 14 3.4 do do do i: to 1 1v44 do do do .1 to 34 b do I do do al to 4 31 do I. d D o do 4 toy "Band on 31.6 do gal • do i Steel, American, Muter 4 do .riitt do og . ri do i IHoop I t oil :11 ..t, do 1:S341,11,10,11, 16, a. pas P kg -'..in 1! mid 11d Val do I do fi 74 4Zil 4.0 do 501 4,7:. do do 4.1 5001 po do 3d Ii.OU do KILLED 110Gli—uut Butchers *to mail; 53.75 to 101 l lbs. Market doll. LUMBEII—The ta a correct table or [mesa: line, clear Common Cherry & Walnut Hoards Poplar acanthag, boards Mon/Vert. 5-N 00 N M 10.01) do Ib 00 do ..10,0U do scwllu ...lithe! I LEATIIER—The demand tot all limudneontinurs good, with sales ni the Motioning rates: Baltimore. role NMI: tle P lb. New York d o lad].) do Slaughter 8i01../ do thinning r .I t oti do Upper ' drittiN p do, __cdirsioro, mum , tin Black hansom Illtotl P lb . It do Moll; do • • . . In the New market, the mien. qualities of .In Leatheconsinue at tho following rater Oak Heavy o•' all .• Middling - '' Light , w. ....ti Hemlock, heavy 15 ais.l. Middling 16 .164 .' Light ls.ialfia '' G. damaged . 1144151" "i Y. damiged..... . . ..... .9 all LEAD—We notice aka of =OD lbs rig at 41— Bp at ilials te lb. I.V.AD PI YE—The following are the prices of the ildlerent aim: r i inch aqueduct, Nn 1 lead pipe G4O p loot, • ido do do du ;le do do do - 'do - do do edo do do do do do .I . cdo do MEAL—'There is vary little inquify in the market —oupplim ars limited, and min moderate at the usual rates, r be. OILS—We uniiCe regular salmi of Taener'iat 5139r20 w bbl. Of Lard at 10c, :end of Linseed at 5:3c g. gal.. SOAP—Sales of thl M. Pittsburgh No I Koala at 41W5c; and 150 Cincinnati, do eic P SALT-IVe notice sales ol t!Oirbbli No,l at Sf.,S5 bb`; which, owing to tha prevng searcitvin the market, is an iidiance.pl 10c on the bbl since our last general report. • SEEDS—For correct prices or ,tho market, ate table. • TAIL—la very scarce, and moderato nice ate eleMed at Pk. ZOO bid. WHISKEY—SaIes el 101 Okla rectified at to • '2le, and of 61 bbls Raw at ICe p WINDOW GI.ASS-111e sales of the week hsire been quite Brisk at llia usual quotations. Sea gcri- eral table. • WOOL—The market is without change. 0 . . Dealers are paying the weal rims. Nu change h 4.ecurred in the FAatete market. Sales are mode cite at Incliner nice: . !MINI", MOCKS AND IttISIN PISS. Since our [art weekly report, the Money Market Loth in our own city mod at the East, has been hoe. ran tlf inte!eat. to Aliecaatere Markets the stria. Kelley confine., mid the rate of good paper in the street at New York, neg. (rain noe to two per cent Et month, In Philadelphia. the market is lire. I relented as very tight, and at one to one mid a guar. ter per cent. • lifler all tee contradictory medics about specie shipluents by the steamer from linaton,ohe ban gone w t h S41:04)00. with aimed as tdoch mot by the New Stott seillog ships for the west ending On the: MENEM CURR-ENT TS, ' 4p. i vr • oda—elb.. • wi blvd • • , -•CSt ewwood ood . • • tr. & d' blood a coobnoi —0 Tab•wtobed-•—• NO 25 wbl Ifaltua SetaitCol.lo d.•• Good rye kil ..... • •• Zlnc—f',lb. • Sheet . . Slob reef g Ilea r DX/ lbs . To Gott nod. Ileavy • ,• •• • lb Lovistido• •• _Finn Lo#Oritatot IA; 013 • e- Deft Haadvl•• Heavy • • • F. et Levu Dry Goodi•••-•••• ...... •L lad awl Pie, ..71ossadfross Bromuoilla. Dry , Goodeplown) Poduce,a< (up). Marhuilts. To A%ltodo.g. Dry Goods - tirary .• - -0 9 Wl= O r y Good* r.; Ware i — 7l , tirsa Orisam read . . 0d Glued, /re:. -.- 0 RAW of Fre igla on Ihr Posordiloadio CO. nal and Railroad. • To PAILADVADDIA AND assodiud. :Apples ond gi ern bait per 110 Ms 60 CI. Asked, Pol and NATI, 51.1 1101101 andtlacon, 60 40 70 . 7: l : e : :: . Pe : ea.laa a Bagging do ei tle.swer., do 76,; (Ironies, do 00 Mana, du 1,75 do Lb 11'0111, do 50 i P elAilnßoilete; Drags and.bledictned, do le) I OFT good* do 7 51 . do 1 00 !Dcled tivii, do 05. ' Floor, . per bbl- 07 1 00 00 Furs and Palms, per 100 lbs 173 Peddlers, do 145 Farndare, do I 01) Glatrware, do 75 , Glass, Window per Lir 5001411 l I/indent, - 700100 lbd 75 . . W0e..., do uo Nardi/tarry do 87/1 lows, . do el limp, . do 64 Ilidea,(raor 754; dry fl) do oao Lecher, do 103 Load, do 40 Lard and Lard Oil, do 60 Oil, ed . do 75 Oils, led. Lard and rdslar) do 75 Pork, per bbl —0 137 nlre, per Ice Ibteli Hoped and Cordage, do 0 00 !erode, do • 75 Skin., Deer and Ballo, do 100 do 000 Z11;:d.,, . do GI Tobacco, Lraf, . do .011 do Manufactured, do et 7 Wheal,. do 50 Wool, . !do— •146 Muskeg, . perbbl. 100 • 71) as Baal ria Atelactigahtia ..Vackwater. Claes No I—Adbee, Ball Phil. 04. V • Bneon,Mo Lard, • Cheese, Pork:Tabs , o, Tallow, W. Glass. Clet & .N o WI 2-111esu ske r, Flaxy icp lb., in bal, Class N ao I.l—Errk.d Fruit. Leather, Oil, Raga, SkinyheedWool, Clanrso. 4—Beemas, Feathers,FaraGinseng , llops,Ndse, lonic MLA! .22 21arhaelbssuratateiss Ross .f !asuman on cloves of Steam and eel Onatt • - From Pitoldogh to Wheeling, Va. le— " 1 "m & &btu Cineinnan, 0 gag " Louisville, ky• •OP " 21 Loon, Mo.• • I 11/14 Boonvilleolo •• 111d lndepel.denee••4/Ng "" Galena. ••••1411114 . " Memphis, Ten.. 1/111 • " Orleans- - • .1 i From N; Orleans av Pittsburgh.•••l l o34 Chargesbg goad null.. AP s NevrOrleane . FIIST RECEIfiED BY ADAMS & CO'S EXPRESS-- al Soper super tag drab Cloth for neer eon.; Super wiper Eng. solver illo , do black 2 froth and drias coats; Do I French Cloths for trod and dress mato Do l ' do plain, old - (mop Cuaairucier, for l Pantaloon& Do , do eat acivets; cashmeres, plain ai l td ha i d silks. cassimer., tr.o. &c. or Vamings. In adon to tho Move...we have the roost se4at stock of teloths, musician . . sad ',vamp In tar Wes ro coantry.hdar good. being boogbt of !meaner , only. The above goods will be made- In order at Me .hootnotice and most reuottable trestle. by AISCKEIa & DAV ED, (.ate N. Looker & Co.,] Clothier& and Tail ors, 701 1 71 .4 5 doors above Ith. ooh 1)17 Goods et Wholesale. ---- MU HPIIV, Nooh-elaieorner Of ate and mar. - Vi ir shut Into invites the meniibn of dealer. to his very fall supplv, jot ree'd,Wf seasonable goods, such as— ' Woolen Floneels,*ll.colors; •• . Casibin do; ' Smuttily and .Icans da b.. wee ,,nim and .ti filo n st4e . t 2 9 C i ..lir. dsselcs: risoh lemma; 1.• . • . loves; as; . llooda, Combats; he. h e . Drier low. Wholesale Rooms on 24 emu, entrance an 4th t. Mr& fall aupply of. California plaid. and other d elm good., oleo on hand, otitlotered vary cheap. nal? .---------- --- , parliaments Iruirertshlrsig Good*. LT lc ..ThIll.) hare this du, re crred thrett dom i/ : t Manufacturers, nod offer forCalt st New look price I case f those Elva Superfine Rhins manufartured cutrossly for our own sales and warranted well I rare Of Ralnny and Marino under Shorts, wrappers and Drawer* some very fine. I eau ms and Collars. tocluding Bosoms with Col . la attached. I eas e „het . a w o . i v t e o l j . O 4: , 0 , t S . o u n s . p n e m it 1 tx, n o g r Oka t end ivory . 0. ad ostlng Smells Sato float at/ plain Salto Stocks. • !Inn .1,1110 b.l. and plain ltdomdaine Shoots. Sill nd Satin Ties. rich silk and snott Cravats, with' 1 oar eine of low priced Shirts 461101 rre we sum In I ouldild', have never been surpt.seed 10 price io tlfie ceiy par Op pre.. We. Mend .1, close the above Goods rd by Ole parks,. mil *ads! rail We ammo,. of oureassere to oaf si.n.k I . • riorals, - konering thin low pores .i,II .110011 0 them n r&t. & (Salt. red ) sale. II & ETDIILI mull 'Pi squid 0, sop orlair , o, 0 drrs het," o , ls I .. ' %V 001440,1 a Dry - alorals: --- 1 --- CPicicii.ii 'O, RECEIVED at the Wholemln Dry ltmdr Itt ma, CI. hl raker street, and ttotp— eases new styli orwt, a t• , . do blue and orange (rite, , do Iltripos plaza, flew lisle'' do , atited and striped eoestinf•fee; • bales white, re mid oelhow flannels, CATTI.I-: Al SHEET. 4 ' 117 ' rt7rfl ' fin " d •n ytTfro ' ffacrati ALLicessr, Doe. B • I do Kenna kr /ean , linnets —We ,no chimp, to notice in the marked: 2 do mMtl 2 j 222 ' 22 ; • It do Canton ,dannot.l • 400;head were at the ys•fl ea hloaday, which Mete A 1 e . , white li nen, white soads of every di-sole. , • eel- 0 at . ILO I M hood , rapes, gloves, hofusry. Inc., tr. to Ann ha readily tattoo at 55 7.010 4.0 . ' age alloys . stook of hrown sod loseehed ItIOSIIIIi, I fogs.-she medial 1$ dull, with a slight docile; ey: p tots, potharns, eteeke, hornier oltands Fre in twice., bnOtead were at the yard, which wits Plunit st 2 2 5i2r2b201s are toefrirlfullY mu nod l 2 sod lam inc our assortment, as we are confident P"io7 talon •I 83 • 1 ' ) P " 1 ih."l cote will favorably rowpare with reveal e4.,ri • Sheep—A landed number were to marker, nod tole fey end Tot°"va sold et 5 I ,till p bead, - ,ri 2 Plldadalphia ILO par Of prate ~,,, off at gt pulp - ap to eeeen off I v. ct I 0 int atel et Om I d tot oil Oipm. =ll t4t0t1:411‘....11.ng at ' ,1;1 . 1 L " • " GU doles BOATS LICAVINU THU DAT• 11ROWNSVtLE PACKETS at H a. Y. and 4 • eIhrINNATI PACKET, 10 H. N. KEAVEK PACKETS 319 AM Iu • 13 itild 3 r ■ liIUNOI46AIIELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. r. DISPATCII. Nebula, O LASGOVV. PACKET, Olaapow,4 t•. Pa:I3,SY 11,1. E, Wrllsvollr, 9 a. ■. til/KTII RIVER, loai4illa. Zaarinllo. 'PORT OF PUITSBURGII. /LET 0 INCISES WATIR--raLLI. AKKIVF U. mogul. Bowman. Brownsville. Michigan No, I,Dilson. Beaver. swain., Cot. Brownsville. Monierey, Morrison; Brownville. Danube, Cock, Brownsville 61 Loma McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Despatch, Nelson. Mon. City. Camden, :Hendrickson. Brownville Beaver : nava, Beaver. Lake k.rin. ftewphill. Beaver. Cambria, Forsyth, St Lapis. New Enitlainl Nu Dein, Cincinnati Wisconam, Grace. Cie. Pacific, Campbell, Cie. DEPARTED. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Dispatch, Nelson. Brownssille. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. swatars, Con. Brownsville. Danube, Cock, Brownsville. • Wellsville, Barnes. Wellsville, . Beaver, Hoar, Beaver. • Lake Erie Hemphill, Beaver. Michigan Ilion • linear Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville Monterey. Morrison, Brownsville.' Hibernia Nol, Elinefeßer. New England. Ebbert, Wheeling. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 16117. Steam Boat Packet Line % leauei daily for Cio. einnati•lo A. M. 4, Parsonger Pa cket via Brownaville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, B'A. it and 6 F. r. Mail Coath Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a. N antfill or. . Weatern ami Southern Moil Coach Line, NorthlWestera via Cleveland, dilly, WA. N. Brie and Wootern New. Yark, daily, 9 A. N. North Raatern to Philadelphia, daily, except Sop , days, 4'41. N. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. ' Mail via Philadelphia, the, 3 A. M 0 cloaca 12 M. im Mail, Cincinnati and Louisville due B , P M., cloaca 5 A. M. • earn Mail via Baltivore and Washtettnni doe 0 P. M., climes 5 A. M. hi Western ant Cleveland, due 10 A: M., closes A. Al. and Weakens New York, doe B P. 51, closes A.lll, • • EACIII4 UNIVERSAL EX YANSIVE SHELLER —This later saving Machine, was Peteuted, Alma lishilKl4 whirl, in mew of its meat ditrabilnYt new mid ofteiertcy, ha samplierty of construction, and the 'ease tint Nethly with which it a used by eater lkiys or adulte in ineritatity destined to superceda all other Cern Shelters for newel are. It in fuel supplies a desideratum which has long been wanted throughout the Wesbrn Mimes, forerlidellr,... lass than ettettenth of the prtee of the rotary shellerstone person can alien earn with of tam as with any, For sal. la 11. tleed Mote, gamer of Wood and dal tetra I ft N WICKP.RSHAII DO TAIIIII— 404 lb, Egis A • tolit r eght% ta i D O MI MEM WS, CAPS AND_BONligeg— all Style Ilala6_ 4Mei:ALUM has Jest renaltal• beallilid sack of Deem 2c Cc' otafs Fall et 5,1,, Ilits.J abate far imencei and lustre cannot be sarpaseed ,Call Rt the flat Bare, Llannongabela, iloaa; Smitaf.ld at. and see them. . - '• • oedd A ==.7 . 7 .— l . .iiir ILAREAI4IWitI E 7 • . ATENT AlrE CIRCULATE& AN AHAT PROTECTWL—Tbe oubzenl.er win Rm.:ince on EnnaAny - , Oct. int. On n4tnen woniong o harmed nrukthOdesiroW anti-6o WIII phase . call and esonnind. AL • ' j REL/ K&ETIL, ErnnWO,llonn , , .._ ____ - ____ LW- bend of wool $4, . _ ' ALL FASHION. : , • • ••_•L •v:., York. 604 iceeived from Niw York, the ve styleorllata lti It be will introduce thieday,truvrilav, Aug 25111. All those i o want du nett atid ruperier bat would do ',elite .ttLI at No 73, Wood :'trees; ad door above gitt. 1 g 25 111 Pal Fialictin o lll4744 AtBEFIIM Ir. CeITA ICS Style Gentlelden , s klaM will he introduced at KELVILTS on Thursday August .I.7th. Gentlemen snaking &cheap, fash ionable Mat of Pittsburgh manufacture ahead of fashionoble Ifals imported od advertised by tune of the trade. pleawa call at KEEVIL &Co's atwAllf 1 ... _ • Ikl. head of Wood at ASII/11111MR FASHION FOR IliffAit JUSTreCeived (rota New York, the Sum r • tors Styli , for flaw. cousiGniff of White !leaver, Fels! 41 Whim French Cassinwre Ilatv, wail Ventilators. Tire in 'lrma of a bvatioA buhtllat are cespectlally ow led to call'. Dlt/ORE ' somll3 Fa wood st, adou salvo.. 4111 'WILLIAM POUGLAti has jam received • Ands cu e ly of Ringgold nod Marna Vista S ilk (awed I p., new Xtylea. ' - Elltla SIC Pwarh Moleskin 1111, at very low prices'. A tje'N 73 : 1"'" WllLlf77oltiA l4 , CONr ruGIS ii: . c e ..dk ; e. .ayo. l l,4tTl),fil and Caps of the latest of 10, mot 00.'0...0' Inv' kt To Wood sweet kkialside . Wl' . CAPS! CAPS ,' •dm °Mr. Sail and Musk Capr, jam to ban , at .I.dcP A LLA !WS Ettallionable Slave, Noannga ; °M WTI/ AN (ILAZ!A O a:AV:3,A oplend. V went and g at 4111itlY . of et& Pdanangahrka I , T' VARIETY GOODS. ' • StWI.SIiSIIIAWI. I4 . '.: ALEX& N la , & D Mantel AY,TS Mael sh, N. W. earner of the Dor , have now received Gem the large unction gales of New York mad rtnladelyibleolie largest and moot aplerand 4,011.111 of Shawl., which they bare offeleil inltlits city. oroong ighteli may lie found— Firlendid Reach Terkerri,ot iNe bandaeonen style. and Leen qvalthes imported. . . i Splendid ileaelm,iall I.o°lo some of the born gush. Iles, and most beautiful designs ever orfeterl in alio ruar• krt. • j I Ssilendid Ta n French Plaid, fall woal,) a new and beautrfal ante) . . Superfine CI lb, plain and embroidered Mark and mode voting, w b heavy bullion fringes, a superb as tale. , . Thibet Men ' Nam and embraiderl black and 'cede colors, with lie/Ty .0k fringes 7 So . _ per Farm anieleon Silk, very hexer , . and ...-r parsed ter rieb of mile and qtality. ..-, Soper black (Iltiomart Silk, rich article for plain - pro. 6 1 . : • I A Mr. at.onment of cheat beairy woolen Shawls, plaid., plain auf esulablderod, adapted on eonotrY aritlen A large portion of the above gooit• have beeo reeeng pgmbiaxed in th e large peremptory Auction Sales in N. York awl Fhiladelpeia, at remarkably low prices, and will trove be sold Cl opera reduction for reenter price.. The attune:r of wholesale_ buyer. tit invited. • - — 7 • Vanity Ugrodai j • AT Z. ICINSFIT'S new sore.-6: Market'. .a. 45 pain chine vane, various Kyles; 6 Coo 1101100 Accordion+, from {ld to 11110 etch; 4 dos per plain and shafted velvet ribbon; - • II " the black do; I terrestial end celestial globes, seed; 4 . leer, ouronntednen tannin; 4 " i cur velvet pocket hooks and card ease.. 4 " I horn oboe tomb., imitation of shell, S " liter -man silver tea bell.; • , t • TRIMMINGS. • A largii lot gimp headed black fringe.; A goal; inaortment drab and mode colon; Do : do pew , to much; Dv : do ' wide black: Do I Jo gradaaird boon.; With a great-variety of otiseellinewn gond., aliwgst w hir hre extra large via. Emery Dace coral loan. ased mind., writing Jerks all racy; lautrerr work bare ken, ken, .11.9.1,; backgammon tionnls, gold spectacles, all ogee; blatk mon galloon. 11l the - abtree good. will be rola low • nell A A Nl4.N_Jr4_,, Cbaurgarsblisalms, Arc 11 II Id It Pllki osienedhit a tow ptee ithangeoldr Tice 5.111.,14, &vise.; Mari silk, tor volt, and estittnals; Cherry colored Iltorenees; Man taierr y sailor • Shaded ratio Ribbons; Torten •hawri,; • , Thaw , chisels, A.. Ar. ar At north wit korner of nth and Market et, del M MALIN P s da —W. IL hIU Itt'll Sinvites the attention of lisyrzel lame as ay at abode *width lately reek!, titeltutias onto , of Loot mate,, an... Dag low. Also, . 11 lath.; front I to 3 yd. wide: Pillow ease niushosonson and fine; • • eonanon and eopertor, Faro iture.pritos. train at to boa. Also, a fears/roe of those handsome totaled Cop etre , panes different' cola's, red .11Inkric. common of roper! fine, itc.Ac. arat 7 1111 l AC—A grottier supply of ahore goods, of app r ise d manufacture,* .-t wed. rhaae goods being purchased limn the agent of the Ina irate tater., to large quintiles, can I. cold at very pro nes. Albin tattle lii.nerN • thopeftor d labiaaet aschlota. I li e s• and other biaperhe. Derides • large ieeOltlllecti of Moen flambee Iland• Icreltiefs,eornmoltand superior.blUll lIV lolanda lino.. Up itil C., entrance on Ott ntrAlt . • Welsh WR. mußeity has bade received a fellawon- YY of above desirablegoods, wareanted not to shook in 'Whist. Mao. a large eupply of sentlet and red Flannels, common and fine, wade. New Eauland flanneist brown domestic fisfineist Tallow okidd; green do do; at low prices by the piece and yard. iljelt% sale (woos up hairs, entrance from 4th it, mai firer Arrival. adUST Received the balance dour fall alock o INDIA RUDDER GOODS, comprising the follow:or' kinds: India Robber, Long overcome, cart overcoat., abort overcoat., canta without rlreves. cape* weltrect., ut ponchos, legging*, b, oamp blankets,bor w ora. , travailing bags. saddle bees, gun curets , prorenen bag, mem boat bucket., air- in etudziona beda hag euelra, for the ladles, and caOtiocskall or dhoti we bare trollop.te assortment that we oder wbolflale or rotation the lowest mail , . terms, at our lethal Rubber Depot, 6 mad Erect nadi VILICAOII Tivnicicatti numiiik— We A 7 have Jost received • lame •dditional at eves French Tlllkeffi elowl• As theta lewd. are very .oreet we would terpectrullr Invite 111 .lathes on call and eremitic our SlDek,•• we MO felling diem very lowl ALEXANDER te DAY . .117r.77. 73 ole , •et N W car diamond 0 °ed.: A. MASON A £0,47 Markel at. have Jen reed, A, 30 comes sod package. of New Goods, !moo Whirl may be found as even.oloo stock of Maeda of 00001 society. Om.* goods of do mon lii.leooored., cloak muffs, ( r ano , erticks. loupe keeping so WO. joyar, Isms, ribbone, - . wwiii Nquare Shawls.{ ikk, MASONA I:0,U Platkm.t. hstrmk per mm 0.1,13001 them VII 114 %hull firslooto• bin lons sae NM= If !bowl.. . del d,I).O,74IOIO'O7IAPAINiNOW—oet ree'd l in 'nte: Dowel of above goods, suitable for cleat licloof :also, * Imo a ono!) , of clothe, of suitable colnrapqaolity for tad.' an • dUr ndcmco's cloaks drY 4ousei of Ft KPIW porf? . citst eta ask sti • IV Ohlit'll'S fine woeVdit.v: zephyr' ditto, Pigh colon ry for eh.tdren;.eldate.Vo uptlyr wools icket.; evil be eilered low to 0.• oh: trade. , • nre• IiaMPTON. I ,MITO& CO wood st 'CIULIALII—DopeftnB wool, moon*. p opened and selliim et M great reduction. \ et%. --- • ALE XANIWO' • S ‘ .i aim qu!IIIITTwiaa Avkr."Ppp wiW .urrou ,ig lor!Ta . ,ro. iMAIIIVICLA—Ped. Drown and batted rikrimq Ad addstioital.uppty Irrrivrd ttrvn 114 . 10•1111.• turen..'A lit, fen pi luw rierd CVIM•11:3 utle by • • tiEti COCHRAN • Vli•o•nud UL W ne—A kw terry 1.11.010 r, wuwl,lllvrbet O Pasts Clhawelo.wlh . ch We rwilirkg greeolly laclo.ew tlwe ;MCC, riCa . ' ALEXANDER A DAY ISSIIII SAIILY V.ICADY for DUIDLICATIOS. I byl AS. I JAMES,Cncinticti,ltre folloyong wet: end ealohble Works , - ' • ' " l . Doniphan , .. Expedition,-Containing a tketekt et Sni life of COI A V Ihiniphan;• the Continent of New Pdeli. e,e Gen Kearney'. Overhand Expedition to Califinno, Donlphan,iCatopmen agelnht the M. 0.. and hit an parlited;blarcb upon Chttmehas and Darango; Noddle Operations of Gen Price at Santo Fe: with a Map sad Enerneinereby John T Ildghes, A II of the let peel of Niemen Om try. Digo,* oflientnekr Its Atatqattleo and i'intural ro- Witki;CsAbarrliphiCal,rotholeal and Geotogielt deaeripi Lions; with anecdotes of Pioneers Lite. 1041 more than one hundrxil Etottravhical Sketches of niatinguieted Pioneeny Seldiera, stainsuten, Jurists. Lawyer.; DO vine.; Zee:, illaintited with forty, engravings; by. Layne Collin., y vol octavo. . , 111. The twelve Month's Volunteer, or Journal of al PHs . tile in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, id the Campaign of Mexico, during ISIS-7, containing an ac count of the Maresiof the Regiment to Vera Ct.; • description of the Country paced over; manners. Co. 4=l o , he. of the people; aheiches of. camp life: ilecountx f all the actions of other Volunteer emments; and a full History of tee Mexican War; Lisra of the Silted and It Wounded.hc; illustrated lira lassie umber ofhorteet. Views and Plans; by Geo C FOIP•f, 1,1 , 01 oG4lfo. I • del • ti . i . . • New Peeks, New Books. - IE CONVICT, or dry hype lie Hawaawkoi; hi T P R Same., rawb' Jack Ashore, by E Hayward, author of .R.lUi 110 Reefer. ' The Star tit 'the Fallen; by turns, atathar of Week Plumed. iflemen, . - , The hf male Fniare Ilead.or the fatly of Green an d Blue' bytlhatley Rarey,of the Vlt.N. The lAandlt'eltride, or the Menlo( Saxony; bile:mama Sidney. • Stanhope, author of 'Stratus lakentmen,f I.cuffs lorstmore, and Ale and blot WofelloOldel bF Mina Pantile. . • . • LondOu (Suss Its ly Reviser. , . Union Manaus: for Ikeessber. • ' .. • , Lire .04i/sepia Tllato--1. large supply. 1 be Illsuseuvenng Mother; by the asuhur of ' Usury' of a Flirt!" The SViltallneso a Woman'. hrumsl• Commodore; by V. Ilooratd. Jeanette Mb oil or We •Yrwor !Strawberry Gard-. Ho, or you nal:l96mi by Ingtohani. or Dash/09.a ',Tie tale; by el Rau. .! Tic Boatload e.t.a, 9 yob; by Lady C lona'. Toe Splendors of Versailles, and the Posit of Louis the XIV: - - Plower* Perecalfied•Nos9 and ID . Hort; Cerncuieh of America, port 9 Neloopspers rte. Lamina Plinth sod Pictorial Timro,per last oto losers ' ' llroib,e Jonathon. Philadr Iphia Courier, and I untie Doodle Pictorials. For sale be , • WM S CALDWELL clot ' 311 rt, opposite the Past Dike. EW BlVAlG—Whotht a' the steer GhomeG ' 1 I hate come fmm • happy . 1 • 4 4 . 1- Dorn tit the tool of n :mile; 1 Wortd 1 were with thee: . • Whit rodstniment.lg blatrm Picot; . • L. , I Quenu of my rani; ; • !trotting I doomed love. i Tbe!ltamy Day; • tn. Rim, me homed in a foreino land; . . Mow gentle soles, duet; by Loder, . roniivn but don't lorgrt; . . • Good bye, sonic; time moo froth Rotes In my hair: Palmetto waft.; ... 1 Cart Mot thodow from thy brim, Then:mono.. of pools; . •Themoonlight waive; May Queen; Resound and for gale by J II MELLOR, el wood Gmet • P. S. Govern% rialltln of Chic ket ing's sod Golo's man ',mum, ate moron the way (IL. toe oast and will be' 'Wel/ in akw day.. . : dog Tit 'I'llkOI•OGIlVd., w.. • ... ATIC TIIkOLOGICAL HOOKS— • La Attraction. of the Cross, by U Spring, D I);.hle moirsof•Mrs Fr lithe Preiltdamite Eanh,contrlbutiows to Theological Scienee; by John Harris, DD. I Bridgli Vxposition of Provaissi Life of &meow Hiss tory of the Presbyterian Church in Koniooli T. Sketches of North Candi., historical sad biographil calingllastratlve of the principles of a ponlon et her early eettlenu by Rev Wm. Henry Foote; M l Cherne's Life, Letter. and Lectures; IWCheynel Sermonsribe Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, N.e. &e. • The fel:tilting uniform arab 'Cane r's Cabinet Library: , Tales of Seßtush Peuantry, by Rev Henry Darman, II D, and Miters, ElearantTales by Old Humphrey; Thank. fulness and other Essays, by Hamilum; Life of Tennerni Loss of Die /malefic Peace Delieing. The above with a general awonment of Theological, Classical. Medical, and School Books; for sale at low prices, wholesale or ELLIOTT & ENGLISH! - 0.10 • 56 market et, between 3d & New Publlealosq. IFE of Deneirli T.ybr vio notdca of the war in 4-/ Merv+ I..!ifOrnia nod Eouthem Mexico; and bier graphical ehetehas of, Chllcee• who hove distinguished themselves - At the war with Mexico; bid nosh 'Artisgs Lirivogriketetter of Atomic. Painters; by Henry T TR.CROTIRSZI. A Reply, to Thiner's Rind of Religions Controveßtyi so rat RS the churches'of the English communion, an concerned. Jost ree'd; '6,r sale by JLi READ enP5 . ith It. near market =--------. ' PIANOS. - i CNICKERINO—One spiendol Pew. ood six ”d si hal(oetage Piano Pane; made by Chiekering, HOW.. I HERA—Ono nerni•grand Piano Page, from the menu.' le ry letx.-Paris,ll octave. I f' brAU: r I 6CII-4/ne carved Rogetrocd,flocteve.exadci by Geo /Geo. N York. - ~ One ditto mahogany elnetavA , S PIMA RT, New York-r-One elegant Piano, nix. e c .. toter, hoe been axed abealono year; pries S. , s [COM , IllliD rl.Ol. ' , , An excellent second bend Piano, made by Load 1, k. 13 ritthe rx; in goal onler• •.. • ..... • ... •...... Man One se con d band Piano 8 en, For rain by JOHN ii MELLO.. nve '. 81 wads Airousa sky: , n00K5. 7 51.p..c.0r.4.4 iv.i. sew or try C o p R inner; Price 6 crote. i Xoriffa, or the TriV T of lalloerty. , , Cbrlatopher Todpolo,, Albert Smi th . i Commander of Moltool votrood. • ; Counleo. of Marlon. by I , '. e, FA. ' , Legend. of Nem.: bY (I , - ' LIPP.di f'‘ . ^ TOT"' Mack nose Grr October. . .- Moo e - put reeetwooly V.' .1. 6. CALDWELL, wry] alool rt. - opposite post <Ake. PIANOS I PIANOSI I HENRX KLb:BER, Dealer in easiere Piano Eases, J W Oroodwelra,No SS Third Street. The Nitwit rosy be examined at hours, and the 116iNeri• her will be there (remit to 11. 'A:hi., and front to .11. P. id., sath.d ay. October !46 Ww;the melee tined, would inform the eititena of Pittsburgh nod vie try OW we love appointed Mr. 11. glehet sole :tont for Wesient Pennsylvania for the - of our Piano FOliCa.from whom they maybe isti• ' minim own (New Pothipriero. Vi t ro CLARK 1.1P46-orelftf MT= Metallic Frame Plana. - % SPLENDID i•pairnrrt Ita.eviond and Mahog.. aa v. grand action Ploanu a with metalin FDlant,lFl and lor salo. A 1.4. Iwo mtlendlit liaarmod oriillealrienN. cleldated A4diao lquirlduent,lni.lard the nand mod. ,ta lag %air at , V BLUME'S wes. . wand Alreet 2 done. a1...:1541i IItIEDICAI6 DICTIONARY—Ctn. tatting an ex Wean,. of oil the tenon in thnstoant, ttltystolity, he. fie: with the tenantu of the pvittipal rho tatarnoctemob entl..elonble praetient anieles on the trentint ton of di*. WV', on the tants of Itt,petoft. (trim, tte; ity Vf f fig& 001,1.01. hi D. Juni ree'tlt tor ante Ity orns • 11.1114 A IVILCW 111.)111CS—Wutottitton hie General. 17 , 14 J T Itentllby.: Napoleon end hie Mort hitt"; by 1 T ItenAlev. Forsate ' & 131,1511 nen . tertrkr t•t ItettreEenlll 2c lth tqlcitimai No% PIANON---4 of the altitte %,•eriebrete.l Piano*. ton.rred; hr • 1 :aryl ..lttllN It 001.1.114.elventni It OlikS,. LOTS, FARMS, •&,;, A Chance for Dyne!thugs. r two very deseable on 11•410. ea st, in Allegheny ray, ore or whreb is nose plea by Itiihart t. Faq.. eachermtatrung eight Nero:and a line garret. Cll &rushed. rash...hid Mod ern sty le, •Ild orimprehc rubor every eourremenee, 'me offered for sale at peace and on terms reedreng them .I,argain wonhy or attention Each house will be ield withprafeerof amend a. trout, morning bark lID feet Path it, for only Vi'Arstarrir 'ham Ibe truildirm emu the owner; ny the purchamr may take it Amur and 40 feet of grouud,at a agree s7oo,less than the banding root. abrothlrly throwing. the an foot lot into the bargain There are the trio brimaner now offered to the prairie, coil am dearmong the attention of those daairous or se. caning cheap and kergerl dwellings. The *awe are in prior order. Enquire of the aormenter, who ran be seen at 'the Mien of the Gazette. enemy forenoon Menace the home pf right rod ten, and moth. er it Del a amble roomi at Mr.. Ilay`almardlog boast., Ito. burette. new, Hose, federal al. Allegheny city. II N. WIIITE, dein' - Art. *m the nearer. ORPOAPPS COURT SALE, Of Coal Laud. penance of as order of the Orphan's Caen of AI- L lectieny county. will be exprwed to public sal, en he incenses, no Thursday, the tal day of Ikeerobes,.: lel", at 11l o'clock, A. M. All the *one Coal eontained I in and under the suriSce of 42 octet and Unwell. of land. onoate In Widnes Tountchip, Allegheuy county, being pan of the ektate of Will ani IN entice, late of sand mwn.hiP, der l d , The purchaser to have all and every necrisary privilege ol timber flute the corium; air helms, and.all other facilities fotruining and renuk-' ving the avid The (anal contained in the above premise. is of eyed.- lent quality, ant is shame near the route Male Central Rail at present located. Tercel, cub. -- Weddalkanlwr RtIItERTVARMTIIBRS,AdeI I r. ' LONORI3 DANK FOR RALE—Aboutiltoo creep( Land near the corneas of Fleming ang Car. o.eenmtleNlinnway,whichwnsetelMmoWlta tract of Land, on amount of a Inc bed of IRON U land L a& Coal which we noon it. I - The and ot well timherALand Loa shoat 9.0 miles from the Ohio Rieet,at Vancebogh. and aliont 13 odes by good toad to Fleminphor/ The property will he sold low, and oalihenal tete:mon appltration to GEO hIILNEE.CO, noll4w of A J BROWN. FOR. lIIKIII7. A ItattOtootely finished Itocoa qt Market meet, " I ".. , lately.encapied RS n Daguerreotypetotabloh.. to!set ra by Moild Cc, c • • welt fioithed one 'seal femtthea Room-nit ewe fir wcvura, adjoiningtho Ilan of the Mercantile Ltbituy Auunntda 4 1 . r... et Philo hall; • • -KO 13AZZ AM • peen . Whoa, omelet oh between 3,1 k ith J PIII.tIPB tee • FOR RENTo . • TIIE large ,FOIL coovern . rwellingi.eu,o oo Federal at., Allegheoyfor iii.ttlClll,l cd by hire Arm Game, Beat low: emit en Veil as um it of April [mgt . ' .. E I.IAZZAtit. • Immediate, pasynion of the atom:, boa. caul./ • tatted by applying to 11l •Otelgh.on, at the canal ware houec of Clarko4 Till., - • .'—_. l, • Coil Lied for 11.10. . SRV EN tern Coal Land for sole , shoals la gland or the Monona:Lb.:dm Blvet.allowe arownovllle, Pa, ban. km • vein of 7feet Coal, which la 41 be ..old in ogebonge (or good.. For partrgala”aPair to.. oetl3, XI woods{ TO LET,—A large, ioonnodious, .d will Go.. shed, ikircenioik brick dwelling, on boon et:, ball arfy.between llartzion alley and Wayne .1. roaieLatougt!ersimrriod_iatal 31. I~'WALLACR, _7.. attic offibbbj if-Nd 'BUILDING 'LOT TN NTANCIIF , TEK TOW HALE— lbave . fur +•le • lbeautiful ENDOW: lAA lu Allot Attier t nent the Fctty, IN I' et( by 1p Get drrp. It will be wild low. and t r:yl • .J ?Nt' terms. Itne'•ll.s.?t'ail'e"irtle%l FOIL ItIGNIte • - • THE.n 51746- .Briek .%V.arrehoo4, N 0.54 Water 465 Front Wllaeduttepolw,siont prep—apply theleutiarta. • . - tataltr A LES ANTIIM. IZORIO'N TllF:nreni - i nC e n r oht i l i ttn. 111Olict rtrer,. on gtvoo the I rt of Vl3 zz A At A hadistao GlecolrerPl44l,ll.ll. - A snim.3.2alt MEE ESSE ',,,- ....., •• ..11088SIG 11431/1/0.1004 1t.tP18.449 0411 4 • AND =ALMA IN FOREIGiZtr AND DOMESIIC EEC/LOWE. CEEMCNIVE OE ME-. • POSTE . ROM NO7IM,'AiNaSPECIA r'nlh a 4 .2tulYorp.rite!he Ditilk of Pitta'alik CURRENT MONEY received!, ein: IMPWe -4 A! Cheeks for sale. and eoileelK , a• c a ,, f 4e l thfin6pal I:waste the United :We& • . , The hi eheatpremlarg pant for Foieirl" rr. Gold. ' • • . Advances tandeoetonakenMoiOC(Prs 4le • Earl.= liberal wale- • • •, I ise i n., Capartnerialip. - '• • i :. - fosErn. H. ii m i ,. ( late or ,he Am offir •A. e" Ilia & te ndl WV. C. CURRY,tisteof Erie r od have entered to. Copartnership.% under the, 01 iiILL & CURRY, for th e parpotio of vlgar& . 11° Ranking and tizekstago basines. isi all its Mune at No 65 Wood street; th ee, door, treats Fourth, 6 sigegshere th ey solicit the custom of their friend Inst.; the public generally. • menls" t JOSEPH 1111.4 ' • .. 'WIC. C C OCEitr MO= M=IM - lima. A clatiLy, BANKIS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, ?MALMO IN FOREIGN AND DONlEStirmis A SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE. CEHT/FICAIES' DF.POSITE,BANE NOTES AND COIN. • , ' No eSProodwreet.tlard door below Foonli,westaide , United LPL., o no mule on nll the P PP - ' • Sight Eabhange on Ualtiptore,i Pilla4elphia, Nn York„Bonan and Cow lanai, ronalantly foralle. • • Ohm, Indiana, Kentooky,•V•teiaiiaand Pennsylvania . Hank Nexes,boapt and mold on filaOrabli Keelung° on England, I 'viand, freimany .and Fronier moored. ' • iv. noLnuri .5..40N. •• I • Urraskars mid Dealers I. diexelatiatdoe, Cola and Sank , Notes, • 'No. 5.5, Winitre.3YßEKT;TirriaOhnle: •-• • Saltine Rates:. ' Ezebanr. ! fraying Rates. New York, „: • tor. Lineinnati, f Peibthelphis, . . do ' • •I do Ila Harare, . • do Fa. . ' d do Raying Boles.. BANK NOTkla. . Rom& Rayes. OA*, dot; Co. A Beep Orders, d die. radian., - Ido Relief Notes,. !t do Kentucky,' • . do Pennsylvania Cy. "do' Viraion, • • ddo No, 'ors do, ado Jo • Wkee li ng,; New Orleans, - odo -Tennessee, '. • ado Maryland, - "do =-WI:LLIAM BA Pi K . ir, RS EXCIIIANOt. OROS WAS • • • • ••• ANN 11.1.11 RR IN ' ' • FOREIGN AND . DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, • CERTIFICATES. OF DEPOSTTE, DANK NOM, AND SPECIE , • • _..• IFIL.Wrof Sea;oss F. 4OI .V.F.S"SIIH Pltbdrargb, Pa. • • idkwe ucaZ 2DINAIID IKKAMECIL £ nnANKERS'AND EICiIANGEBI4OKERS; deniers' 11 in Foreign and Domeinie Milt of Fsekange, COMA. eaten of Depoone, Rank -Notre , sod Coin, comer of 36 ..a Wood .testa, dirrollY Ch "" ll°l ' L r0y9661y • - : " B ILIS mi r'il'nd.'"hma elingitre or &retinue nay ensoont at th e Corr rt or the Alto, plod. in "r P ° th e &Moth, w "n aho l o t t '4. de i delrarr or ib Leotto rme .1 t 3S111:1A ROBIg .SON, Earopeau awl General 4hgent,thlio4sth oc n uar .orth door west of wood. ATAW 'ORIN Ohio, tams, ' • , • Bank Notes; pawhne tilte !mot nieM bT.. otttss ii nvl7 •-• B ILLS OIT.P.XCIIANGE —Sight Chceks rhiladeldl t ri NttotAt &SOW: Iniuket Contently far sale by .i coat payable eillieltluran the moat favorable tents. NIIOI.MEI SON 23 marketer VlCOH_lNfilill. an New Park, Plladelpbta,,and .121 flalumere, at eight, ta same to sottpurehnvenvon steay for sale by. ..11114..&CUlint; aetll I , : strooeatreet below fearth-... WESTRJ/11 , 1fUNDS—The notes of tbe..Ohio, lamas and Gentneky Bulks purchased at kite mu of disco:on, at the obey of • • • HILL & CILIUM', • • N 053 wo o d it below fonnh • , ati the p cities mhe ItlrinCtpLL k-CURRY.t wood fft beta.* lottnit ritoiLLMAr nada b io • V y ■ ail' • MISCELLANEVIIS, INIIIRJLN' AINAiNsT FIRM; Tllll AMERICAN VILE INkURANCE COMPAI ' .NY—Olitee, No 72 ivel.or.eireet, l'hil.tpli•k* • Incorporated A. D. IMO—Charter perpetnal. - ' Inoue Buildings. Vornlmre, Merehandlle, and pm.- party generally, either in the etty or toontry, venter lime or damage by fire, eerPetnatlY orßr thni tea Period., oniltverable tetra,• • • ninzerb - as - : - John Sergeant. • Patanel C MOM* , ' Willi= Lynch, , Periesi• • - • Thomas Alnbonei . ' Ceorge.Abbot, 'John Weleb,Jl ?lune* Brady,: ; : SAMUEL. C. ItalrsTo.l, Preeiden. raancte deertnarY. , - - • Ord ra for bagaraner by the above Company anti I,e • .. received by use underaignted, agent lb, Piusbargh. • • nvl7 arne • 4.1E0 CLICRRAN,Yeenead at • -• • . Of everi.dermiption promptly excented In a 1 . 1431Kri01 - . Sufi Bedldints, N. B. Comer q./ Third and /kick tooit, I Orr/stain,' Pkinatorphia. ' • WERE ean always kad al abort nation— Macrae Moir Nodair,Of kindE Bram and Plated Door Plate', • SesOforll•Mta,VeeietbriammviOnar,AC.f' l " -- ". ProresUCCIII 'Anon earth, engraved and printed.— - ; Sienna* in 'ram or neals br Wane, are invited to, . and elllrlalle Specimens and Darla,, , or tbeoarknoior. de M mo( N. Crild Falkarrs,9ons.of Tempetarmeote. -Car Buihiers, 'Cuneinnati, AsAN V FACTIMI 4 to order Pnapeoge, rend Brain - i - Call Of the most approved desenpeozat icasona liVe prices. -By means of the ewe's, Bellichid andltie cr. they are enabled he a blyAtpon reasonable germ. to. ithittla in the We4t. Their work Grill be wall:tutted equal in all respects to any rustle iq the United Sates. All ohdere penclnally executed, KKKAtiAvErirolfr. (Vereierle isfltooten..6l au) • - • Fourth Sfral, betwan Wood and hfaricet. nearly Louimer's .Exelionge Offit. • sudietihrt has made the most ampk arran6e 1, moat* for the comfort of those, ',betroth the funny of hednog derive the winter seam, SUM:s of entitle ilimeirtiotth bade been Nara in the rooter of the Bath HHowe- (wild), II VAS/BON • 1- - ECONII TIAN D et.lfirN AIAtIIINERV i . pain band mules, 212 apinillea.eisebi 2 Dapper. for 24 ineb card.; encils',ll4 inches wide: . , Lawns for weaving 1-4 abertinp; 1 Screw New for biding Hienings; - Taunton speeders. drawing (runes, recls,Ael 5 an ONi bend cylinder Iloilen; all or which will be sold low. Voquire of lIEW. BCU fill Cotton 1 1 1311..Atalibr22. PA Pin. EL W w lloHlllB:llyilsopsitlatatoroahl spect hilly iittotta his surd} and the emus* Of Ihttsbalgh and Allegheny that he has derided to remain in the city Miring the water s hed; la prepared to neat patients; plasma themselves. under Ina rare, according to the system as priettreal lit all Water Cote Ihoablish nients, far either Acton or Chionic diseases. Thole swishing to avail themselves awitia servers will eall at Altu.nalt, earner or Liberty stand Evans alley. 14.:11I. kap rotted several severe eases of Abeam In lbw. city wail great Palle., to which he in permit:ell tb rafer•l • • Witt , Type V ===== ye , • ~ SO Gold, wean ei Awn wrier, Ntv. - Yor.k. • 'l , ll . lakiberi. prep ,etlm feraleh hawtratiTy,pe. J. eiel =red Notenals a4lende,2l4 'short a i u o nowePaPece, sa ; ll4' have a& G. the, eebaisbec, who way pobLehthisjuoice for threw • mot, willibe entitled ay receive pose io type, on put— dwing fieelluoce woWeet of ttwa: kw . Advert/. - . Ph ifi•l'rype {Awl in exchange foinew at !teenier:4U, _ newt • 'ItOIIEhT TAYLOR' • Laird OIL., 'iff& undersigned are nom prepared toCifiriiSh their . I,gslamerot and the ;labile generally, with an enroll Tent article or Lard Oil of ttortrovrn onanufnetare,i whisk they will sell on asearornodatnar tenna Oa they. brim se to bn ao rod as any offered in the market, and may ho retutand if nut onsfietory. JORDAN & SON 19 liberty st, apposite romillofield P. s.—Lad and Ortaie suitable LacniaCtenery. On. hand; diaaale above. • • ortS Flrool2ll l T,TE . s°L9;rhytimoilvbtz a „ ate ,prelentive auantrt Culdo; of incomptuable PC, ince Itttrumatic and enniamii&re being.m. • cotatructedo roust cold aAd mulnurri they ate Of durable tuatara. moldt and eari the recta Manufactured and ardcattteny the & Pita war,' Williantubura• 1. • ' ' ' -,•.• • A full Ram:mental La de's' Cu, forint&by n. 9! -1 • • •rttl4lTOft. MI marital& 1 IATABITN:11-40,000 lbs !pima clean Raga *anted: . L Y .,fa t a l Wanni t' st e assMiffre n arbtra -i n.ti a bV I i W ClIAIMI01: - ..• wall ' { +myna at. beton,tn amok libritT . • FLOOR OIL CLOTIIS -130Q ydft 4-1 Oil Clothii - SIXO aIrt:tholo: 30.1 P. I 6 rads wido, wi t h rder,or"rarßnio pal lerna,jop. real Gorr the PhillirOirille . rooioir, for 4.aln at our wars SOWN S wood.[. • nA J rfinxtrs. is4.ast BIRD OAGESt : • TUST received , tho-largeut, the finest i. soit but Natoli- • .ott lot Of Bird egos ever otretsd-la tuts agar - knot with or without ewe. - Call ttad sea tlbten'at ril.biltittificed *ore., 13Iwood St. • uu3 RN WlCYaßSlANl:qeodinsioit: 011!1.11±1y:* galls •Mnl• J iblesihed What ti Oa; pilule . •telontil ' iis'Oi ' [. • 7 ('rude do o r iL li c t 3 ;grzy IRS • • , ROatas Ebert) • QOUA!AbIt rceayespee to cd cull In December, New ()Wads,' :fleas of sumo strength front ander 14e bekt . r.rseildt tsanniaclarcrhfrom arhoumeespeaktrelfter‘tendst, tnrpheyand can carennartarsitsvers CC abiinfitad ch. tutu the market some Inducements to #stteldisitS of is: nett' • • POIISIDF=ER 021 BvrzAlll3olll` BIEN-2 tint Tile .I.Btrai . :, imtr heti :Welts, mull ensatuoi J144.0 1 / 4 .0' io - n. block. and brume, coal* tp, be .04.1 aow APPIY.. • -• : /3.SCAIPE nriS • lotie(*.Www,L. OLD INDIA 1/IOIAAII-120.001,1be old India , Rubber CLhocs, Ac, alike did*yl!, warted, which the highest price will when delvered ladANabbert Dcro4s • D AC1K.1313-4001bi Lg.= Y.e.king (oT )01101,Pfpx•121 engtrmsjostvett: width frosali Ida viiac down T.G lichts; at 110141 . P/lILLIPS axle T too4.;c;a labeitfat lakivreem Rind la and ibeCanol,ilArpGold 1 1 / 4 004 will • Yellow 1..(7.0i 0 . 00 .0R ,0,0,1 stde. The fin kbr r libersklf imorardcd•by trprint its' the Mole of .1 Junl.lb-EkM, AjboMol, y.t.rr; by Ilev lire Clwit g-rj" 4 . l* ". . JllMpubliAml by , 11E' 4 • ts;b,to! veryoupeirior4ikietittioA, ;P tblieri! 14 , .. , c.P. , t 4do VP: 41. 1Petttlkiair: ybo, for alt . bY,ltra;"° , PM7lt i rttg fe r": •.„ , ;;4' T i l e ; ;la e i r i 1 . ,ac I' wr a se • lead 13=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers