7 :,4117141111RC111 raufrutvatoorak4.h'=l, -. PITTSB,URGH:;.- • - , E . i/EDNESDAIr.MORNINCI, DEC. low. 111.. w.• WE . rms. Mir Dinar Mum listAmea 14 - .. o Dady, laid Weekly.—The Duly is iNivesi Donators aiinsau Vivi! Dollarsper enetmi ilsOyeakiy . ss Dfliassr! 111,11,3..1wi5er . 65rAlliZITOW ale a.4kenly. reAlitellt•d to Had Ili thou favors beim sp. , iad u duly is Ike day ad practicable ' • • : For LUDT Coesearnal Dixitesue Mat -24m News, Wont% Money Motet, te.; see Nei Orniallotormint.—nWaihnorton "Mar sijathattho Post Mostar Gantoilwill'Amotrionmat in his annualrope, that all' !ottani from Cheat • Eltittii kw& IS this country by r the Cunard ", fins, be charged as mrich extra portage as the Commimionars of thuel'masury of Great Britain 'thins an Winona to Ene6a:l6y am dimmers. :RIVINIRS'!;111D 11&10100. Now that. Conran ha. aremhka, aid ( 4 0 crition settled, that in lb. popahir bunch lb. 84116 of internal" National" 4optomatit. bass me power; we hops them will he no lack of lnelination shown to bring this vital question promptly and idly into notice. Th i e daisy in a t., tending to the hoproveroent of our riven, and the pvdteetion of our coast, has alreadj sadly injured the 14p1s,and is DO longer to be borne quietly. We are to have from the Adeninistration, calk for a ;huge amount of treasure, to be expended in the =Meet of .new territory, including fine TllOll and karbors. Let this represeutatires of the pee. plc. who do badness upon our Timm, and who have property exposed upon the Atlantic and the GUI( ettoree r be peremptory in a demand that jos. timbre done to oar home rivers. in an fili proper. .than, if not with greater liberality,than is shown the expersditate of %matey to extend one pow. a Over foreign riven, 1 The:time for ccuortittekmal bah splitting ins pawed, and the Execitilte moat be . med• to jive -..blieCeMent to laws passed for the general good. The pretence that the Constitution does not re. cognise the tight of the 'erupt:mint to improve our rivers, mks harhare, and protect oar seamen oo the - l A lll° and Claninvie dishonest and false es Is shown by the Condom of the betide of the government, when they have err internal or ex . isinal,improvement 00 foot . It.. it row to this, that the Loco' Foco admin. latratoisof the gover n ment can persuade our nn chants, that in the letter and spirit of the Con -11,60100 6040 found full authority for an erpen .sive exploration of Oregon, en extended survey and voyage of diet a r my in the Pacific, by Cept Wilkes, or. the more recent expedition to the Deed &a, 'under Lieut. Lyncbd la it a fact, that the Constitution, fuMed in the lot century, we. • , more 'explicit in relation to our power of /semi. nation into the habit: of the Indians of 'Oregon, end the quality im soil, the trimmers and coon. • try of the South Bra Islanders! I:Me specific gray. ity of the waters of the Dead Sea of more value than the discovery and removal 'of amp and base', (=riven and bike!? According to our ac.' :count the other day;:it appears ihit there is eome', - 'difference cd opinion as to the specific gravity of - -thelike;between 7#mittte and a Dr. Darbin.-7 The Roman Eames /Vetrobte, sccording to the Jointer authority, Weed muds' pawns to telt • : thrown bite the Deed Bea, tied hand and foot, but none of diem sank. Whereas Dr. Durbin wire able 'to walk into the'Water, withoutl floating, until the water cowed, itis armpit.! o Are remora like thew to be accepted by. tie upon the ri c er', as an crease tar kimer neglect of car reghtirlOr we not repudiate them, as well :as the doctrine that the Coustilmion give author. •-• Flty tinUiplore theikad Sea of ?tier. forbidding the itemovement of the living lakita on our Northern . ..::.{meaner, the Caren Coast on tbei East and South. - the rims that are ere/ Where in. cat midst /s' charnels of communal. The tizei for reform hie tome, and the Repro. :./sanistwat of the West mow, bribmir voteeonake • !ths::Eiicatiro: fail that the usimpottatioo of a • go ad of tobacio tic? Nashville, by the river. y 4/1• much wxoniereen so the removal of the Wiretems to Lenders ecoldnewert ass be W r chow hist dirt Mariit a the '1046640 of goodie Wooten the ;erns' te. parts of the woe ... emu!: as well an between oureetres and foreign nation.. • We must Ow that soft water doe. not •• , Maim commenw, tat that a million of dollars W. ; vested on the lab* end river 4, is se much entitled to the Feb:dicta of theigovenuneit, as though it • . 1 we. Wetted iniLondon or Diane packet ships. 4 We of the West are an ereimatly practical and • • Progenitive people, and in the active purer& 'of business, are unable to , give ttie Conatitation that . . minute attention' that abate can enable on to dia.._ cover the hidden meaning that: .action >foreign explaration, while at deniesl i protection , l al home, Lat mr be cnottailiegire.a commonsense canitioe, • Sion to the fundareental law, and demand limn. am rulers, that honest legislation, which is - so ne. aiwary to give mieestieulteral produce a safe out let to_market, and enable our resources to devel. cape ttuumahres in all their levied extent, to the j utmost Omit of which they aere itspabbi. TWA PAST AMP TUE PILESENT. ' The great ad , cementl of m g co untry hee boon '-a matter of ' ' to l ell the world, almost -from the motnent,it was dorms upon its menu— ,sectroes ea the i 'termination of the war of the' . 11evolatkon. Then, enfeelledi and waded by a -,mutest began with smaller norarces, and carried em longer than any similar strife had previously bun, the world looked forward with certainty to _the 'midi arrival of tut eppith when Great Brit eincither would, fathom het eoventignty, or some I other power grasp at the divedansembra of whet' - slog e 1• might see, were this constituents of a al , ,guttle Empire.ll Since than, more than belt a century be. rolled round The confederacy of f thirteen Bates be. added star by star to its con ',"utelletiot;, until the number of the unitise! the ITOTet u been More than Itloubled, and the area arsenic . alai the proUtetion of oar flog in. tensuid ten.for ships; se one of the greet men of the nation haerw:diorest on the buena of ; ovetibillow, anti the helitteof the oppressed in diary laud turn;m qur star M`res ..., l a promise of better days to them." But thin is notqtilt—our ' heppioess dace not dapendon the opinioni-of the rusted the world. We hive not striven andinil ad for. their fatiuity, but for ourselves; end we a f look not to mere territorial extension for a mew me of prospect . ' • - The Jolting bard-handed laborer now enjoys . ;Worts ,boy the grUp of the largest lend- holder fifty yeti . ? ago, end our common ethoolt, I open all, th e l a advaatagas far beyond the each , th e : th icet of those days. Hopis then • forbiddeth foal, are now in the reach" of sway oar, and .the erts!which contribute to the of lift/ flue peet rate! farther than their /lauds drained, of. - Burnt bee opened ism ezdstince. Iwe do not kindle out tt Me hinielatutts ef human peifeetabllity, ty at lead stand In itte . effulgence of its Such being ommoadßloo, haring poor's. I pnc a ,to a pris'oinent position nations; war on any account, is the great -4,1101 that can !befell no, rod should by *le Mena be avoided. , t a for, .r.. • . on : xOOl • lamp I WI at I .• sari • zu • k t musA.—',Tbo-l'allobsoo dint ia of T. Orel an =mot of 6. organisation of do ilhto of Idiot Mats! In tiko 1 t 4. lifetoisi.:of Walton. *II 1 - 4ini i ' I . 1 - tio '4OlllO, Hon. ifosepti B. ' LI slotted 4E,.solpt. MI , —me, we Y.' MP- r. • • " 71011 iriP/1. //TALL Ratp—TillilL•ll.l44o( the contrizia st Lewistown for ¬ing toaaorui. in • c ow r niountabotto, alb& Ila to to Ws tban oro rt . DA& On its* work lot last Jammer innii is soinqy .00inelital Bair oar - smitir .Hs ,rioblingb {sin all eats of For. ''''', trOolizsiroscanto of ennioninlinthal on No t: - , ,tilbtO won your iingtotl Vito , ,1,-, #l,lLlO2‘ Povaas th, Sad eau*, in the Spflii 841'• ! ' ' ,~:..~ -~ _~ . 11= i Wi'tentr.teliTitawth : 1 9•191 , sPeneasee Y Illusbargli TiviClpilismumwrs *0 hid Intended to keep iteir paper beck for - the enee Manage coke, but acerteinini that a breech of - 1t origin.] contract with as will make the delay toe long, we have:availed our• selves of a full abstract, received in connection with the..Diepetrh." For the general reader the • abstract will malice, mail we can In the course of • the forenoon give the document in exten.o. It ocinpitie slaves columns in the Union::" • ' The President(after returning thank. to Provi-:1 duce, for hisiudy mercies) sayer no change hes taken place ' our relations with Mexico, since the adjournment of the lut Congress.. The VV . ,er into wtuch the United tittles were forced to in.. gage with the government of that country still continue* I t is suf fi cient on the present ocra. I shin bay that the wanton violation of the right. I of [the persons and property of our citizen' corny I mind by Mexico, and repeated act' or bad faith through • long series of years, and her dieregaid oil solemn treatioe mit:lodating for indemnities , to , 1 our injured citizens, not only constituted ample came for war on our part, hut were of such an nag- I grunted character ea would have justified on be. fore the whole would in reediting to this extreme I remedy. . • With en umioni desire to avoid a rupture be. , tuna the two: countries, we forbore for years to assert our clear tights by force, and continued to seek redress for the wrongs we had infrared by ainksble meditation, in the hope that Mexico might yield to pacific councils and the demands I of justice. In this hope we were disappointed— l our Minister of Peace sent to Mexico was hunk- 1 ugly rejected. The Mexican GuMmtoent refused I even to bear the terms of adjustment which he 1 'Unauthorised to propose, and under wholly on. juntiflebte pretence' involved the two countries is I war, invading the territory of the State of Tatar striking the' first blow, and shedding the Wood of our citizens on our own soirThough the United States werethe aggrieved nation, Men. *to 'commenced the we, and we were compelled, to repel the invaders end to vimii. Cate the national honor and interest by prosecu ting it with vigor, until we could obtain • jut and honorable peace. I• The existeace of the war haring been declared by Congress, it became. my duty under the Comb.. 'bitten; and the laws, to conduct and proeccutb it. This duty has been performed, and through every !siege of rte tenures. 1 have manifuted a tuition- Wes to terminate tt by a put pear.'. - Memo has ;refused to accede to a. 7 terms whit co uld .. uld be ac !cepted by the United States, consiate tly with the ; Indiana honor and interest, while every patriotic heart Inuit exult at the national pride \ aunnating , every bosom by the high proof of courage and ha. t molly to the vanqaiatted enemy exhibited by our gallant army. The nation it called to moue over many brave officers and soldiers; the pare teal care of the government they loved sod see nr dodo:Odd be extended to their unwiring fatuities. Shortly alter the ediournment of the I session of Congress, the gratifying intidligence wee re• coined of the rage.] victory of Baena Arista, and the fall of the city of Vera Cm* and with it the strong auto of San Juan D'Ullos, by which it was defended; believing the period was propitious to afford her another opportunity to enter into negotiatione for puce, a Commissioner =melt' pointed to proceed to the heed quarters of oar ••• army, with full powers to conclude a just honorable treaty of peace; and care was taken . • give no instructions to the commissioner, valid could in any way interfere with our military opi;.•• redone, or relax our energies in the prosecution d , the wnr. Ho possessed no authority in any-eau: • ,:: nor to control these operationr, he we authorize} .:.- to exhibit his instructions to the ienend in cord;., - . mud of the ,envy. end in the event of the trest! , t . Icing cencluded and ratified on the part of Maxi co, he wu directed lo give him notice of that fact - The commissioner did not mach the Head Quer, tors of the army until shad another brilliant vicuf, ry hid crowned ow rime at Cerro Gordo. Er,: presence with the army, - and his diplomatic chart acts/ were made known to the Mexican Govern : mew, from ,Piesble, on the 12th of Jane, by the trensmiesion oflheLTdemslithes from thi s. Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign AG ; fain at Meiico. Many =leis elapsed alter receipt, and no overtures wens made, nor wee desire expressed by the Mexican government tre:. 'voter into =iodations for piste. The Commissioner of the. United Steles with him the project of a treaty prepared, by the term. of which the indemnity criviroil by the United States was a ousimiof territory. It is well known that the only indemnity which is in the power of Mexico to make to satisfaction,' at the just and long - deferred claims ai our estinenr. spinet her; and the only mum by which she can'..: reimburse the United States' for the expenses of •the;.;' war. is a cue= =the United Steles of a pert bet territory. Menial ban no money to pay, and an other Mani of meting the required imienunty; we room this we saehi on else; to reject I indemnity by rehrsieg t. •as curios of -• um, woald.be b abautoe—i jest dearsods,and, ; to wage the esarifeatirs eitits expels= woks= porpoao or a• deGaal ottiett.• A treaty of p=ee: • which "add terminstetbet existing war without, • profoliag for bridentaityoueld ruble Idelicci relieve bonalf ream her jest lubtlitier by mach tasty one citizen. who hold just demands rigsibser her, would' her, so remedy either against tdemeo or, 'their own.' governmeat Our duty to the citizens most forever prevent eachia peace, and no treat.Y. , which does not provide ample means or discharging these latitude can =mule my mutton That , Congress contemplated the!numition of territorial indemnity ; when that body ; e provaioos for tho. wit to obviate. Congress could not have meant that no indemnity wu to beobtalaed from Alcamo; . at the concloston of the swat, and yet listas cattalo '- ttut If no Mexican larritory!was *colored to Intlem' ; nay could be obtained. It es farther manifest that - congress contemplatedterritorialMien:may from: the tact diet at thou lutlaessioa. an act mud upon the executive recommeedation appropn sting three mdloons of defiers with that empress object, elthoughl the failure to cooclede each treaty rendered it nOnetennaty to axe any part of the 53,0)0,000 appropriated by that act, and the satire earn remain in the Treasury. It is dill epplimhle to that object. 'rho doctrine of Ito territory is the doctrine of no tiatemeity, and it, unction would ben public et. trancledgemeet teat oar c..tintry was wrong, and that the war deelared by C egress with estrsordi• nary unanimity, wee tiniest nd should be abandon. td. This would, be as admiration unfounded in laa, and degrading to the national character. The .Pouts of the treat; proposed by the Uni ted I3salon, wore not only just to Mexico, hot were daunts' to be of the most liberal character. The Commissioner of the United States we stub= had to ,ogres to the establishment of the Rio Grande lo the boundary, end to obisitr accession. tothe United Stales oftheiprotinece of New Mex• Ice and;. the California., end the privilege of the right of ;way through the isthmus of Tehuante pec. This comnitated an'ultimanim that it might , be manifest not only to Maxim, bat to all other I undone, that the United Suites were not disposed to take aduntage of a feeble power, end our Com , missioner was enthmisedito stipnlete for the pay , aunt of such additional pecuniary considerations mere' deemed reasonable. • The term of the treat , proposed by the Mex. icon Comadesionen were wholly nude:Useable; I they negotiated an if Mexico were the victorious and not,the vanquished Party. They must tare known :that their uli alum could never he = inlet]. The amnion to the 11T it'd ! States of the mar. iDeall of New Mexico, the California, as proposed by the Com iesioners of the United Suite* l war baliived would he more in accord- area 4ith the .convenience anti interests of both netions,ithan other meek= of territory which it wai =Amble Mexico could be induced to make-, .• The Shove comprises . . mud of the impotent -parts of the Menage. FROM MEXICO. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Ricnnorre, Nov. 7, 3,r. M. Gen. Taylor eirived at Matamoree on the 17th -or Nov. en route to the United Slates. Gab. Santa Anna hen reeetitly i. made en at . tempt to esmtme the Government of Me Ono, not by force of time, but under the pteleit that Oa Presidential authority had not. legally =pull from him, as his resignation hid not been Wog. nixed by Congress. lie not meek" only a restore• don of civil end military power—that which be long. to the Chief Mazistrate of Maim . Icasocii or 11l Gorsesszorr.—The *mount , of the Ttelinif Note debt on the tst of Dwaine ber, wu $14,863,639 31. The amount of public mono) Cu deposit by I the MIMI, RO:lln of Nriv.29, war - • $9,253,133 64 ' Drefbr drown, 4,349,752 79 Nov. .1. doh we, , 113,102,380 85 -Two Millions we hundred ea roar tboomod doliorO ba:i been ordered to New Orkano. ••• • • ate, lion. - 4 - i - loctini ?tool. 801 Taiaaoar 01/111411TON ,— The any in St. Louts, wee repludebed on the 24th Oily by the reception 'of about 1990.000 from the SubTremury et Chicago. 'lt is a very pretty mot. and required only eight or tan persons to guard if on the mate. Of coarse, it art them nothing to pay them for the time employed—nothing for transportation-and DO risk was incurred of lose •by land or 'atm.—Re/Mb/keel. • • ' Lawirrows 13015.—. The Journal. Editors wets thaw° a Telegraphic Despatch on Monday front'. reeprctahle source, prejudicial to the Leivire town Bank; and expecte soon to 'gook for some developments" with, regard lathe Book. • . Exmonoar.—A Telegraphic. despekb froth Medan nye • Wee from Cepa Hayden to the 14th ir. 4 4101 been received. Bennett-war hark bee . to thatliommmuct had been Wolin tip In the harbor of 'tort as Mao Wag Obey par. Eim To a large mum. at dull pribLidi ttangt. r -warns to this from dm Crnol-, Va.`\....`,y ' atin REWNORIX.I . 'tattesitoaftesee or is rinstonik Gazette. ! New Yeas, Thic. 4, 1847:'. !le t s t el e el W Me"' , Thef approach et the Stumm 'mid the nearness '`,. thiht° 4 e d i .• h°e" ' of the Be nd ott Cooing. muse. a &Alone in 're* Monall ri!'t °lF`n the wiee. kletkdis end Stocks. The sales of the latter have low abutters. The drawers Were ill marshal, and been to a large exteetat lower rates and Train:fry I°_thhil. in fr the = h ie , L . ldeb , L be e _ e lL t al note. close et 9914, white the !undid debt of tee " h etet ', tt. Aug lere b 368 'sells et par:divide:id dr. Merits little in. d° " fre e! the te" de end n 3,40 their exit th at d i n e s h own to b u y government wick; gqii. Mr. Mee. had been in the oiewtant practice of wi de pre f err i ng to welt til.repent of the p r ... sleeping in Weston. up to Saturday evening last ury department, and the action 6f Congress.' In He thinks therefore the breaking of his premiss Ohio and Kentucky stocks: Ix; change to no• ma effect' ed, by persons who knew that he had tics. abandoned the room as a Beeping .apenatenb Astairr.-,On Tuestley, Olgeer Fox, of the Independent Pones, arrested a convict who had escaped from St Clabeville, Ohio, recently. The prisoner was dispatched down the River. Tuxes were sit ram before the Mayor, on Tuesday morning—three paid there!flries and wore &charged—the remainder were disposed of se . carding to law. _ , • A good pine iiiielation'to "river omnilusee" Is &goat here. It is now ,proposed to run stesmdzata round the ci t y lunching ! at the piers for paseengem This plan is now in use'in London and the charge one penny .for: any distance. The "Cricket" steamboat, one of this clam, exploded on' the Thames meetly, and titled a' large number of e. peopl Oar English stesmboat people are still. in trouble. .4 nue .difficedty has been experienced by the contractors for the Conan] 'team life duct, at Jersey City by the piers settling and Milt con tinuing to do ad, creating a loss to the contractois of several thousand Acute:. • The froa of ,the warehouse - has stinted and the whole' lose must be full fifteen 'homed dollars. • All eking our docks the &dimes of winter is men, and no goods are shipped except to Albaro4 It 'is said that ths season of navigation just ended has been the shortest ever known, 4rhile the in , mewed receipt. are none one million of dollar. in excess Own fait yest. Quito an interesting incident occurred." the I Tabernicle, on Tuesday while the letter f the Hon. Edward. EveWtt was being wad. here Mr. Everett gently hinted towards the close I his, ! remake, how inconsistent it .would be to out I and applaud the rising - republican spirit of gottal. lie Italy, while we were crushing by the bayonet I the emancipated colonist. of Catholic Spain. on I this continent, the stillness and silence that pre veiled throughout - the house elioWed,that the ion- plied reproof, so delicately and appropriately eon- I voyed, we. very well understood. The letter con lained other good entomb, of a telling character. Capt l . IC B. Forbes of Itosten received by the Acadia.; • present from the prank of Cork, a large and beautiful vibe( salvor. The size of the piece is thirty by twenty inches, and the whole Isla enc. cimenbf exquisite workmanship, valued at £l6O. ' Our last educes frond Ireland make it quite proba ble Melt more iopplies will. be needed, giving chart. for soother , presentation of plate. Mr. Clay has written a letter to Merton McMi chael, EN.. one of the editors of the IPhiladelphia North American, in which he refers to the aketit Mat made of his speech in opporition to bra will. a• , •rulizingoome of the vory.rohictigf_which ,defowt ' • voruqus By the Parket ship New York. we hare date& from flitire to the 3,1 of Novembdr.--The French Steamer Tanners hu Amen ordirid to transport 15;000 ;band of arras from the 'yawn! at Toylon, to rupply the N ational Guard of the Papal State. it is oho propmed to furnish the . Pope with a number of cannon. BWIII.ZILLKO.—Tho attempts at toneilia tinn Mae all tailed. The Sonnabend is resolute. ty determined fot war. Tb. Austrian Minister has demanded his pasvoits. In ; his letter to di Vorort he Mates that his departure' is not meant to 'convey the idea that Austria intends to interten • in Saila atllirs.7 • Ther ?di:inner of RusWa has left liwitsarland. The Ainbarodor of Ample ha. received the . o,- du of hi. government to quit. Znrich. A lettir Irom Ferrite mete. Oast the iobabitsou had resigacd to parehaae4,4oomitaketa. A corn. patty Was funned there to &tame a certain quantity in' addition, which would make, up a tote! gunny sf 40,00 mualrnis pedalled by the town, without' the govrarnmeni being "vitalist., to go to any expeniet The Prince do /ulna Ile left tleutla on t h e 23.1 for Sprazie.efter hewing! anted the King of Bar. dine at Turin. , M. Pulley', Ambassador of Spain 'to the Holy' See, arrived at Rome on the 211th. The cholera mahea fifth pleat.. on the two direatioom, which it is followitig ill Xining,. • Ennoritaar Roast. he Emperor of Aus leis hai fallen Into colnpleM airsility, or rather accond childhood, if the anecdotes tnld of him mo true. Eugene Guitar. a diatinguiabed French writer, in a late number'. of Ins' Revue de Ppie. relates the following: 068 day this moriareh mat, Keats romp whim, whicn must be sand - Mil et once, for he displays the inert puerile inimatince. He , wiener) to have.the othe i r day, to ride whir, in the garden., • mall ear Mgr., like that of TOM Thumb, and which tbe drawe r byion dwarf horses. The nest day; dome itigairtant paper gm presented for his signaller. -.Where's my little carriage)" demanded' Ma Emperor. ii The ears flags mantificitnei la tucking it." nki ell, when I have it I willkign thew, pistil', but not before." They Informed bin) that any delay enipt be at. waled ; with my various conacqnsooes. The Em. potor wan immosablei . end would only sign it s few day!, sitar, whati they showed Willis Our-marine. , • • RIIIIITVIIIIIVZSIICT..-..A COMMA Inquoet AU held at Toronto on the 4th ultimo on the body of William Peri. Vincent, who died maidenly of delirium tratbecut. ••The Jury. rendered the fol lowing ierdia:— • . ' "That the sue W. Peru Vincent, on the 3d day of November, day:arced tide life by delirium Isumem, induced by hebits of,excearive drinking; a nd:: they [the Jury]; cousider Mr. Natberlind highly blameable In supplying him with wines in large quantitice within the lot ten day s , he know log - the young ma ns precious habite."l , ' Conn ctiOr •Min UaITiDSTATTA—Ttie cons crop of Ibis you is estimated It 600,000,000 bush els; in 1845, it was 417,897,000 boattela—The yearly exports hoot 1791 to ' lBl6, several times rue ;above a million kushals,emostlroos over two milliOns, but from 1819. to 1835, they did not lily!io one Jeer *Mount t one million. In 1846, the exports wore 1,826,068 bushels spry, and 398,786 bbls. .5011 Lena. In 1847, the, ex port! have arisen to the onorrocnte quantity of 17,- ' 272,81 5 bawls opt., and 945,049 bblisi meal. SWir• Doriotoo.-LTbi Cleveland Plitituiesicr publishat a !La of Sestets built in tbo Cuyshogs District: during theyesr, 1847, with their denomi• rabbit. torlosS 6 sokoslus, The number 'Wen is so Collown--two 'wizen, dune proponent; Gus briis;twetitynis 'abut:meta,.tad (out wawa— whole nutobsi The gongs tonnw e,nl . l9.*sod do wit 041,000. I I'l GitY Aaron .4--Thoreas Leggett, of this city has been appointed Club of thO Distiiet Court of the United States for the western Diatsict of Pennaylvania. • Ten Dssili of James B. McDowell, of the Duquesne Greys, is announced as having taken place it Percte on the 14th of Sept. • _Poo l s. Pea7aa, Of New York, is to &liver Locutre at Philo 401 this evening, on the subjeci of Arethmetle. Ike lectured in this city someukto ago 11 Is probably known to many of our citi zens. We refer to his card in'Onother column. . • Union or Tin C 011.111.1113 or ilia hiliacr iforrrrat--The Committee of the Brotherhood of St. Joseph, to whom was intrusted the isuper. intendant:a of the Mercy Hospital.' under 'the chorgo of the Sisters of Mercy, rerpectfully.offer to the Perrino of the Inatitution, end to the public ~ generally, the following statement of !the number of wields admitted, discharged, dee., more their hat report Recalsed from Oct lei to Dec l.t 71 Discharged, cored or convaimicent, • 411 .Died„ i . 1 1 6 'Remaining in Hospital, ! . Of the abort., there were: I • ales, . 66 males, ll , Colored patients. / In submitting the above. the Committee cannot • . allow the present opportunity to pate, without re. turtng their sincere mid grateful acknowledge... 'Mei Leto those who have so kindly wined them ?in Flarry lag out the beneralent!easair of its loan& ..: ...- err, end in the nsme, and on half of the destitute ;kick, would reepecttully, bu't earnestly, ant the . ! ' '',erecipe'ration of their (chow eitisrus, in extending the usefulneee of an innitutich, which, during the WM period-of its eilMentv,l ha., been the means : 'pf alleviating • great amount: of suffering, and re storing (through the .kill of ihe eminent medical *gentlemen' intending the fibipital; and the kind ! ;care and attention of those having charge of it.) • ' , many to hbalth alui to aocienr, who might other ' ,wise bare been beet. 1 1". 1 The number of patientsi admitted doing the ` . :Twat testy drys, in a eetteon Itemarkebly healthy. r c! - Xlernonetiatee rood couchu6ely the ticeenity of sun loan ution of this chsraCter, where all are re. ! ••'• •yrrlived, sin/ obtain that aminsuce which the sick and homeless so Cinch require. 1 A M ES BLAKELY, Praet. • . A Hoootsa Coe vvvvv Ua.---il farmer of Bt. 'Altuns, Vermont, recentlt,mado k grapd anus. Soto that place, mounted on a small car drawn by tout lark. bop. He entart.l the town at • brisk . ' .trof. amidst the acclernations of:hundred. who - were sotto dawn together t.? witness this uncout . Mck epectaelet. After metro( - the tour of the esl kin place three or frac time., he went into the -:. bpack yud had his swinish cattle unhurt:owed .in taken into a etch!, togither, where they were . ' led with • trough full, of beans and wash.— rhrremaintodtabout two hours,whde hie despatch id i. busmen; se natal at the market when they rare put ta t end - Asieen tidal. again; multitude. :ibeenng bloc This coalqit is gala. hew only had' . .:heaeaninsalaboder training six mouth'. A guar -9411 on the spot tailored him SUO for the concern . .is it sto.c.l, but it war indignently minted. Tae Han. Anibroso tikeneor; late CAW Air: ',its of Nair Yotk. b tusisiitood to be at the pint if death. His ago lanais! ninety Ism. By the Eastern MaY,letie Telegraph - 1 onrsepooderiee of th — ollVtl6bsigts Guam. ItALTIMORO MARKET. Basorticass.Dee..7, 3 a. it; Elloria—The =hat /tidal'. enika.dwortiliant ! 1 aderi_ • . ' FlOUr—The mutat Is quit with 'madams . sales at previous prkes. i - • ' 1 Wheat-84es al Pi*a whim 5a1,45 Per W. Prima Red is selling at 137 per bu,-. --- . tiorn—Modsrata salmi of Provo ' Whit* at Mk ; per b0.,0f Prima Yellow, at 57658 e pat bu. Oabe , -1161.661at 38641ePar bu. ' ~ - . 1 Rye-16 aellioir to • .i.darma enema it-MKS .; rents. Whiskey—Sales at *poi gall. Bumf I.;anle-8ale• dt , 1000 head at $2.60 'par . 10n nu gross. I Killed • !hugs—Made • tali* Id $6,45•5 • 43ie per Hit/Jim.• [. • The pmeision indict arid:Lind change. • fircuairies—There is • '4lighttlirelina in tb• OUP I • . Corr/openSettee or the Pittsburgh Garen!, NKW YORK MARKETS. No York, Dec. 7,3 P. M. Floc4 7 Salea of 560 t bhla fieneese.brainda $6,25a50,43jc. Crain.:.—The minket (.r Wheat ha. (n impeoo4 Itendeney. I ;OM and °Saar pains are in fair Ike I wand. In Corn lbws te a gond ikel doing. Provisions—sales ate ooh, for the supplg of the rcetikr trade demand. Dealers am krOltifik off for the foreign news -1 Cotten—Nettling: do ng. By the Western iagnitie Telegrith I.*.rrseette Crirtereetideuee of tie PinetnincOliasene CINCINNATI MARKETS.: Cincinnati, Dee. P. M. Flour—Bales of 1500 bbk at $5 per , h Wheat—Moderate silts atjsl,oo pe. btf. Molaesc•—Sales at hsin, epe pas gel. ; threr—Prime N. W I In selling at fr par lb. Killed lidas—Salei l of 4000 heel at.sl,l3fle gohe7c pee Cal Its, • decline.: Lard—galas of Prime at ge per lb PITTRIMIGH %) , FOSELCLIZET,TE. December 9—c an tied*. ; The Metriage contiect—W id death:id—NO Yolk Coneepoodencei-The Mdi axial to Pope _ . ...dtheey of the Deed , lElea. , ..Alhat Gelatin' sod 1 the *lei with Mexice....finuage of. the United Stetee—R oil Road Aliethig are and liatb,are—lteoni—Oortign Neme4let cy licopayat--eßitracta Domed. WyokooVekater —Close of the FiMal year d the Pe. Icopicne. manta—Boer) of Trade=lllseting of We Pits burgh Dutra! of .Trade—UeOral. Alandset&ios Law—luternal Imprevemenie—Rai Road Sidle. tiec—Plank Road.—tlesitiees of .Pitteburee.-7 Exteruien of kliripird 4 -Wteik of the.Teliihnehr, Protest—hatter Irmo RohinainiEffillYi • ' t a e—Deenei Rail RJedDelegatei ira.Meseilma Latest 'Telegraphic vete. Fe'retgar Lilimgitic.; Commercial-a cdrefully :complied. fluvial! el the elarkete lot the Ott week—The prides local e• markets,-The Cattle Markel—The pawed .01 rose Produce Ott minion; parte of the Dime, —Pi oust •of Floor, Wheat, Cure &c. recelred sine We *peeing of the eartalCanal brie . trusteed' moadmeitta of produce—Market lo Londuii. !; City News—'....prit tbethene-copieue lirtneu flout the leading ieumels cid the Istortutiog tt+ito el the day. . Fin oats at the dad, aioglj Or to wrapperi Pilo G moot siniktiopy. , toctiitlocia two dolluu a Jest in atop"! wr. Cdr• I 'Ma • Pap! Piles! PI114.1. 1 — ; De Jackeetea Panbemattha th; the. only ntediethathai will! core Ude to very common and noubleanalt -theeime. It not only immediately allaya pam dope alibleeding,nthdoesthatintalenthlettch.7 ing,thmeaccutally cam, in a ety, wain time parenn erLdse lives , have been rendered onacretdo for yents.7 It application produce m pan,bat. lather %Wagner.- ble and pleasant mamma pent.. waived mill cell and bear of the great another of emee.that have heti. cased, they witt.be antoolehed.regent. of trail city, who bed be el. under the talk of - toe tarpon lot tether three braes aviUmei being uredilthe k)at iogil bottlesof the Embrocation. been crotheally oared. It Mlle beyond prreedat!!---lrhil. Saunday Comea Op Foe tale rn Pathan!. at the PhILIN ;TEA' sTuliP..,7g Fourth imeet, neat wood, and &WS l } ie Dreg thore of 11 1 1 Schwan:, Federal !Ole/theta el ty. n • Sa'tees Gll.iseaj,Paliateadtorelt. T.lll.l , ll—We tire leave to . ctill patilte a:tenant to We fonowing,from Dr. Wen.; Doan of WIMILMOVIIie Ointment Cuqand one of the very tint practitioner. In We comity In which he resides, and hue &ardor to the them Legislattne. It to cheering the. to Ka the lead lee nee of the prtifescon.torsuag the Londe Of wonal prriodice,and siring went it. Otte: . 1".41r: I have in toy practice been wing some your linsens.Panaces, and, so for. unwell fenced tin 'tut eWadgeeta no Gotarrliel rind Bronchi.' Oottiplalids..fleae. ote half a dozen bottle iitit thew ar le no oe opt; al I expect if It eontinuen to reader as g en eral ize i.faction as it has heretofore. to keep connentlyart hand. RetipeetfoUy.' apt . ] , W ee; Dp.p.. p . . . • lirlosportant es-Adverumwse-Til itiver tleco.4ltßwhich appear in the Daily Morning 112 also appear ie the Tn=4V eiek ly, thus reeeivtercthe base eft of th e circalation a nu, without any agnitionil charge. This hiantittntnielletnharativentaars arithiinn any ern expanao. Adahrtisigicala are atte ' laincled lathe maul' pepar gem r!abludds urns. MEE _ . ..,_ . . . . SAW= • OPColtanalliaw-tlYt. iktiriolkitha ens omy— lf ias wake nek, lemmata beg of kaki bee flea Mental and surf. esi nos hallo Fromm the mains Saha of Cotentbla. la eases of baldness It Iwamoto than anceeff won expeetamons.', Many silo haws loss:heir berth...3l years have had it testate! la ite ongtaal pes feetiors by Ow use of this balm. • Ar, 0.1... condi/am opprocro be no 0b...C1,..b..1101 It also maims theA WO to cow with winch the dedicate bat lobe is filled, by vrhte h means thoosandstwhose heir I. as 'ref Lathe Miami.: Eagle) have had their hair re. was to its natural rotor by the me of b i=nd valuab reniedv4 to all rases of fever it will be the mug only ,ip west, that C. be omd. A few applications only necemary. le beep the hair from falling out..• It suing , ens the roots, it never fails to impart a Ma glossy pearau&e, wad as a perfamefor the toilet uis ur t ee4 ed; it holds three times as =mat as other T h e eml e d hair restoratives. and is mere effectual. The semi manufactured by Comstock & Co, It Coartland at, Pic .Yotk. , Soit Pittsburst,tmly seneine, by Wet JACKSON, op ny st , head of Wood; in Washington,_ Fa .bY me yi& tion,• ta Brownsville. My Bennett & Crocker; ju doubt br.lla . Vottelt also, by our agents In every Bo le Ito:, Ohio and Md. ovltldkorttraT W-Ttrhe C1i..."0-4..trarrt.elY destructive to the human cuticle, (or eta.) .he sudden ebbbge Op. beat to cold s and the smoke causes Yellow, Desk, Coarse • Comp. aims. Thee it is requisite that the poets of the skin should L. kept open—that the. =oats should be. freed fronesimpurity—'mres thus the a nelent Rom. Phi l...peen cured all diseases—they computed that mote dimwits and untlealdy espies lett through the pores of the ik io.than any other outlet of the body It is nem.. sary, thereto., to keep the pores open—ell hero.. ere dispelled tromtbe atm from the pores, when they , wash with Sono Italian Chemical Wryp. I have seen itcares the worst and add= cams of Pall Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Vorps, Barbar , .. , Itch,: ore Head Ringworm, when every other internal and external remedy had tailed— i is effect rendering the skin white, clear and soft, though it be yellow side omae,. wonderfol—it removes Free s les,'l'an, donbion,lilorphew, =I disfigurement of the skin—but persons most be particular mad ask for Joan' Itoep—to be bad k Plusbursh at kV td.JACKSON, mg o of the Hig Boot, -Eit.tty M. Price 50 eons. nylaltswly R,/Ts filaasaboat /dm and •13thers—Con, nell's Migical Pain Extractor—lt is now conceded by medical that Councl'a magical Pain. Extmetor, rasnufaclitred by of ,91. el N. Y • in greatesiwooder of Re 19th century. Ira ects ore truly nai•idtlous. AII painsat e metope/ Number., maids. ke. and all extents' sorm, in a low minutes M. mr its "polies eon, healing the Tattle on the most delicate shirt, Maytag no tone. It is equally beneficial in all kinds of milassumatory dimasee, such as sore Nipples .0 syea, .'point, Rheumatism, While Swelfing nod INutses. Rams, Otilblaing Erysipelas, aiieN Tie Doloreaux, kr. We might add as prool to all we my, the names at many eminent plimemans who use it in their prismiee,and huudreds of Me clergy who praise a to mem people. Kiwi' parenticepocaostanilyon Jnnd, I tan. of Meldetll by fire, life nosy he lost without it, but by Ito use all bums are subject to its control,unigee the !Mode are destroyed. Reiman—Remember and nob foe Connell's Masten! Pain Extractor, roanafactured by CoMmock k Cd„ N. Y.. and no other. 4ibeSold by WM:JACKSON, Agent foe Pittsburgh, fl? et, 'wader wood. nvled&wllioT IpaThe Como tame itteoof Vigilance for th e City of • Fikehoogit, will wow at thejlo4 Cott. Hoak, in the Cow- Council Chswattr, eta gedorrdey, the wh i t. ot 61` oelt, m odopt Inraauree'pfeperelorylo the approaching electima for City Officers Th. Llloning are the Awes of the' Dikraka to the Car radios of lek year, khoJcootiane the Cananittos.of Vqi lotca for thia year: First Ward-Hrory FArl John Sheriff, Allen Cordell, Jewry Ornery, Mikis. bkokhour. bocond Ward-J. W. Barter, Ales IL Milks, Devil Ilk novas Ainusente, Jolui F Quip Third Ward-James Moutootb, Jamey& Leask, Hasid Sink, Thos. tkok, Jos McCulkotigh. Fourth Ward -F Loreto, John Mohlitchted, M Alien, H Stetting, John Fib!, Ward-Win bllCully,Thottias J Deaner Danial Taylor, J 11 Ralaton. Sixth Woo Scott, John Little, Junes Lowry, James Macao, John Harr. - rewash Ward-OR Oallaghor, John Ford, jr L Childs Hrivy Eig W i t'a tk V• A rd F.4"' ,Jotto ki tallen, A 6 Botegiur,ssiaL Casio Ts John Aiken, Oasine Arita. Ninth Want- :Thomas Simpson, Robert Hill, 1 Lightner Wm Black, H lissornood 76 CU ElOen PiasSurge Casette. NVe sake pleasure lu recommend og to she elute= of Pistoburgh, the name of JOHN .LAIJOHLIN for the glagoralsy; Ile it a gentleman in or etp way mtalLfied to fill she °fere—mild, gentletamilniend temperate; and at Lta, same that inflexible whsa duty .511.i1C.. Al• popular basintras man, he nould hate no higher reesimmendatiou than the fact of los being meal to the . Cot Coursed from a ward that Wu in general ores the operation a majority, hit Liaghlin has also been, for the last nine Teen, on the !dilatant Communes of Sums, woudsa waldingsi asseastannth and appeal.; the labor and 111110 eciamsed in the Mop hay been COOT great r and justly enthles him to the regain and indectiee of the Whip patty. • iieTte I Maui Maven' mr-Pallological Imillnano.—The Tenant* Annieesany of Pllllelogleal Imitate will hi erslabrucd In plow Hall, on linoMy evening, December 9,k, &cluck. The eamnary addretawill be delivered by &Yon Penman, Eng. The palate are reopecsfally sited ie alt.d. WAIIII EHINN, DI aouiroori • THOS M HOME. fend • ' Committee un the *memory. ?I'M. TOM' War fall otf,fetaaaTottr half UM , Itbri s 1, Ikarth. tv a thy, or dirty..l pray , If Its temp, ) eta csatolte it mit; slit) and ant, Dusk sad scabby, a nd beitaeoutt thin hair of came. And bay c.d... yea base bat Ibtattattithoga to glen Yoe a book al Josue Hair gen/Mitre. Reader 'you Wombat! aalt Iniiiroald really fie as toutalud at tin lovely effect • area shilling Witte la outettbmtas. flats RIOZORMWS WU on tI treed% but Die 1.1. tiold 811,1ben; ustattklolY 11171`aIlaw'recthAvaitsand reath, apaagy isoss roUra daub. Is repriure anal disgusting. AU euahl 1.1.• O toritorbao al Noe, :low( lacatie—AsAl goso—mOO or ea. Why allas!—lacy, sweaty bow Aad sea bald Joey' [Oath Paima. oti W yseals, sad is really_ a bessahl oracle. tarialsragae . assiao.-bold , is Prusbareh rysti aye 03 6 1mitei votgi aikejapseerinistg WIT Wkite, qwp~ Got' .tin. alio • tnal "hIW . 6 4:1.=1 I , atbate. me* UK • oviihawly 2 • [1:71.1.6, fi64l/1111. OrotOne Hays' Lin OrLeal, tom stool. (owe (ugly celebrated •• a cure the ( Si.er Wu ail or all otLets. It. corn ale at • • 4uutratiblo. !NMI by WM. AS bomb: .1•181.twOroT 1170oal knee 2 rao Brorah—lf you have, lOW 9 9 alloy buko( l 0000• Amber TootirfAste. oral 'mole yarn bread +weer, ortolan yoir reoth ke. Bahl }adUbenY oriAlkarly AOF "To the Halt and lase•—eatetteeles Nerve eel doer Littman and IndtanYcitetable Ebnit; It the' iron areetneleute foe fibeentabAnt. sold by WAS. JittiLteliN, Anon for Ytttsbupth. =.ltytedkyrfenT' _____-__ • ~ 11:7 0 Deel have yellow dna TertV-thry tee be oreje peatty lebee by oue time using • box or Azet TOMO r4lllll. It harden* the geese, atreeteei the bteeth tiotti et ft& LibertY et. - etetalately AT • MEETING OF ininitto ;fief Itittetergh and tatnneitsville ithtl: Remit Com. piny bold this day at c of the Compitay,thd et W. Robinson, sem e lec ted Prevalent; .W1 , d1.1 Tteasater; Jrue Cambers. Secretary; it atter the tratmetion of other hotlines; on motion of P. flake. well, Fp., the tolleartnit rerolatioa was' adopted .and ordeted to be pibbehied— Revolved, thst se soon as pretticable4M• Company veillemplor a temeetent Fag nest to make the en/levee mr•cys and mnimates preparatory to the Construction of e Rail Rood; together with thesequisite Madera+, An. rommencing it some manilla point, either in the let Oa Mb mar& el Wm crt ue lettpteatteg for the peceout al the /tastes Rata t i the Beaver River; the viaduct over the Rilegheny Ritter tot. tee constreeted ea hot la Im pede the navigattoo of the Hirer by steam boats at an o • dinary Mae of navigation. : , • Retthet letheates. • • dee -1V 1110.lt,Secrelairt pro Mo. - 'eIPHE DIRECTORS of the Pitt/Month sod Coo l. nallesitle Rail Road Compaq bate elected, W Latimer, Jr. heading: John Gebbut, Trent:rot Walter Rryaut, - Seemlary,_ Ptlttirrirntrilmr tgre—tteAAb.eoftitut*lan'seramnlealtons' were adopted: Resolsed,Thot ell percent eon:toted with the city Prom be redeemed to meet on Thursday evening, the Ilthin the hank loom of the Mayor's Mee, 00ler the penuore et taking cue •CllOOl l / 1 the M. U . Or 1001/ op • ellpp.l OT lo pormuee of the above rewlation a meeting will be held at the time and the plate mentioned, where it to hoped Mere arils 'general attendance. de, - SOBIETIII/10 Pr•eL , DROMSOR• PORTER, of the Cu . ). of New York. woeld respectfully runtime,' to the Idtdiet nod lien. Oman of Pinthurgh that he will deliver a Lecture on • • new Ryon. or Arithmetic and Mathetaanmit nt this tWedterday)evtalog, Dec. Mb, at Philo Hall, over dm Pon Mc, oustmencing paned/tally or ?o'clock. • By Ills Sy.m all editor button. cal... Loons an ptrionted , by 'Me Rule Oolt, and.thereby making • spring of 1.4 four-has ot.the filmic* nod time wo olly required Irbinaineuesieulatioca. P..ard solve Problenta on Um blackboard oiler tho varmattats awl ; klerestuly and hl retinal u.....mtboasobehpy erottiling the &cantata 0/ add. cd Ile merits. For pattieullts and reti gg y t waik i i. i i , ..L.iim postal in the nliscni, heeed.'nenigthing , The public gerwrillg lutanined to stood. doll It* =l=l yr sr:MURPHY temiedie etteatioa of deltic's end . how teep e e id id dL o gteueiv a mediae% of abere v moth. uaim = rl 4B.4 . Healded ahretinge 4 vb. ahem • • yi A dillow ease edisihteoldren mos. Alm, neer etyle dardarei Pd. ...him and colored coatterpeoceomerdt chintz tor earti.„b or d.riu do, insperior bientereolomeede ddeenced prime far comrade. de. These garde deving ben b on .k, Comae Manefeeduem or their liderdei..l. so ld it the lowest lirieee—in porthole teethe lt end Tr W. dce FRIATEIZRII- 18 sets' Veathers; -• • 36 " , Goebel . has; ' lest . I ta wco .tetra 16'„i y a by attar Palo Alto. for tale by da .! • I 111010:1,to S QUIdAI4-.170 begs Late Blo.zel saw; ! bxe vrtglie , He Yee= sedate., fed; fo r by IBAIMIARIS 'qr & & 5/ ik A 0 LASSES-0 obis hew crop 4.11. glom ".; to by ti &LEY I SUITH ' friCA.•—•3lBb( chats Y II Tea; . bid kapelial Tea: just ree'd; Apr b • - - des LIAUM.XY MAT.I" B " -- ?'°""iilrA°4 l . 4,t4A OUP--bibbdinear trot? N U. prises qmstur, qmir . for .ale by ! •fic • • BiliALF:llk le pigs Galena, Waling Ilea be* lee sale by FORSYTH Co., dee ' 30 KIM TOXAcy-40 ly..lesivnizEtrgt it& atlaT - _ Willjelt LEAD-100 leo For sale bt " YT Q. 01.1112.0111111 ON-6tste nisi wee, for Wile by - it.EYNOL.Cin I doe XIM a . j ,Of pene a'..1,1r13: C iTh tdpi ile3l Ole L bowed Oil now landiSo? Car Pe, SO • Hetet •No ellq let ea/e - Di 8:1.=. SO Dm" ,rate 11.19ALICT 1101iTli ztzt , _ tanddatuiyairanikia, lick CAinis aid tile:, ' 4d an Weis resis. LinterfttAc: DEITZ,.DeoTHER & cov4 . .w-s , ?r:r°l 6 „algt.me„,7.,„,Er-r - A R • gli-d tr..l /kick ttrev willxllu tortiolesale or Wadi ''for nob:. - rs--gilt, bronzed !ad silvered, an great cs.. &script:was, w at kw prices, Poles Limp. - - • net Lpe,yd.g solar LampaArat and bronird. Bracket do do do. Side . • Solar okandeliare. do do do • d0.2,d, oda 4ht. Carephese i3arpending Lamp!, gilt and bronzed. Do •• Bracket do do • do. Do • Chandelier do do • do" 2,3, 4 ands zilwered and. bronzed, various pat. terns. Candelabras— gilt, silvered sad bronzed, various pat China 1 rues and linhernlan Glass• Vases, rani. pat tern.. Hall Lanterns, a large assortment, plain and cut. Do with mined /Lad bohemian gla. Lamp wick, Iniatnegnand shsoes of all kinds. Paper shades, &large assertroeutof new patterns and styles. I OILS —Sperm, Whale and Lani, of therbastAttalaY. Ba r ran . amphena and Ilarrnitt Flat& DlCTlol9.allialil--Oraiipri Sulilitto • anal, gee Anthem'. (gassiest Dictionary; • Dictionary of Went and Itoman'Antiquida; Wthillough's Commercial Dictionary; • lire's Dictionary and Supplement; arta,miniefaetcres and mines;, {Vebster's Detaco Diethonary, teemed addl... Todd's,dohnsou's and Walker's ractionarY • Wateeflar'il DICt10111KY; Liddell acid Scon's thank Lexicon: . Gesenin's Hannay Lexicon; Creek Lealeun of New Teatatnallit • Lever.% Latin Lexicon; Ainsworth's faun Dictionary; Fleming and Tilibin'a French Dictionary; Duct's Tboologinal Llielionary; • Union Bible Dictionary; • Itolnimon Calmer, Die tummy, kn. tee. _ The above pith &genera! amotiment of 71m010g1../ Clusimd; !dike Ilaiss-oLi&And timid ay School limas, al ways On hand and lon rain low. ELmotr F.NGLISII ace MI market lit,licmsicea 3d Pe ath _ _ _ SFILMS . IMPERIALis cheap, easy totake and highly etGeaclous. Au , moitan Levi, March 3,1E47. Mr. R. R Sellers: kW child ten,l‘kc tubers, have been subject to trounl.otne coughe..dnawinuilieddliferent remedies to very pelpose, I was induced by an adventiereent about th• cough syrup, VI give It a trial. I gale it to tw to my boys,.d •ato My dauslare, teem.' differe 05. and 11 has prier latleeto alt I have recenuaend lid it to nietacighlana, and do melt csnseieittioesly belieTe that it is toe best cough osedi. core that hss over been offered iodic public. ; • • ANDIMIN ARWIrt.O. Patents should net permit weir ctuldzers to sulks ft.% coughs, when they may be curukby a 2:f cent Louie ef this syrup. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS,S7 Wood st„ between aid and edr to. Sold by. Or. Cae.al,Sth Ward, 11. 111 Curry. /knelt...no City.• • doe --- . natior—liotpk . Potub; JJ • SalTatyir; !denial FlOwerM . . HipoMph Soda, Spermaceti; Mace; Erup libibararis. liyd Poniab; • . Tames Emetic Preach, • i iSI ECaihetarm Wm received ined.for mile by fil • P•tilSiF.STOcili • CO dee . - pot Ist & wood me • BII.OEIIDE POTASLI—WO of. jun reeeived itad lot sale by • 4 deb 13 A FAHNESTOCII k. CO MIIAM ELIAIOI—A dye r N th.)6l market • met. have I usl receidores*. kovoice of French Merinos, all of the mat fathomable colors. C - - - MOANING—Now opining at m Mariet n, to pc superior French plaid Cloaking. de7 • .1s A MASON kOO I.AIU litecerisdl ezpress at A - A k) MASON k mrS,es masketat,l case et super.. Franca tarilledCa•timetea. FiLABINICLII-113 Km Welib Fluackcli 1.11/ ape . In 0.1 motet et,cocaprising every quit ly. • c 7 , A,L2IArON &CO AIL -0 bble inner irtaina'Laid Oa; Nu received cud wr sale Dy., V SELLAMS 17 Itbeny go kAOLASIIIII bbls N Olaadlnf Mims stun Csi 11l MOW for Sala by • JAI DALZELL dc? mu.sr ac -130 soki in Won; for sale by J DALZELL rICKIBMS bet., In mom kw We by kr del • J DALZELL Q.IIIOIGRATIIIII- 6 bbls kr ale by • 13 F VON OONNHOBST t 00 1 kt • IL-10 6bl. pure Linsad Od; fu sale'by 8 F YON SIONNHOWI lc 00 M AI P7 Ma-' " WaNIONNHORSr fr. CO C'LTIL - ""l l ;Tdgrotalffili c A!v . o" GLASS-400D tas iss'd sites for Sala br U' del B I, VON RONNHORST &AV 0 mare tg7 aka prune! aalla.aa .4.i t g . t at e 4e7 • • ear waur Ma_ L]SNOWS - 2S b. an consignaent; fat We low alma. v de? Vi" GREER INT MTN ILJULD-100 trip Jai sale by T dal • . %V G R.E.FR prUiw VhfgAtale plEtAßlillr.RßPlCll774 w agaltitsale aiceArruLESS tar wood k water sat s . L . f .. T v."k tv , rkl a xi m D MARLS-14 efts and It btds Cot see by WWI & iIeCANDIAISS .11m..11.11 tiefir=maiiii,r it tag a ,' co.. TOWS' alibP -Mb Cb;try Cow pbOso, realm; % Coup; &abate, kb—Odes W by . lda? 2 . 2. . • & CO A RT , 1:41;? grl . rtd 111.1.1-75 . do:, co. cl " 11" , • t", 6 4"' "" J VIDD CO 14. tap), bago prime green Ru 3 Coffee; 0 • • ' . 17 Sapkblitek Pepper; IS `e Altpiesv.'• ti bbl. shipped •Goorood: juls reed; CARSON A, ALcKNIIIIIT *Ude sone sale by 4.4 . 13 begs Smyrna Itolsino, teed pet St Aattony, on eousignasent; , tor solo by deo • • CARSON A bicHNIGIIT. vaszaati-A arse iavotee of 4,2,3. aniZi loch r Silk Whoa Fringe., jou roc% for rola •W deaSIIACKLETT • WHITE CAIZTON PLAINNIGLII—SbaIes unbleached abd eoicyftl Lbe end Canton • ts!a: we sale by B _ 111111110/1-1/0 gross mohair .Oa Elk over eo btodings; bent vereered by .et. • deb SIILCELETT k WHITE APLArts—ISO 'bltls • choice peen apples, landlott fromslaw Wellsville. for sale by dell WILLI/1W te DILWOrIt, 97 wool st bia Rune% bLI• N C reterr . ed thi• day RAG ALFASMITH 18 Sc %wood_ --- VIICATIllill•-45 1 /0 Ha so riorr; for sale by r - ISAIAH DICI2EY et CO dr6 ' , Inierk. hour _ _. .....—. 11MICSIC-480 bye idelore; for le by ace I sa DICKIN f. Co • , - FLOWEELS-1 talc fresh jo 'for tale by ti A FAIINESTOCK ACO . deS or lo had wood l!ta R - - - 1C.P../.111130111C11-1 cue F.niliah Just fee' loy sal, by - • A PAUNESTOCK & CO - - a n t le v by S ° Ve '—'9"".C"'a' UT P Alll:= l ;t e t b z 1 LOVII.-13 bb. Marietta iillls hazily &lir, for solo L by • tdeGIILL, 11119HFIELD ROE • al ' 191 Illreft! .1 small lot of sktaab and puffy Lamps, blYlakiasi Medi 10 bY t T LEECH, lr UO&R , -4I bbla Ns 8 Loaf Pagan • • 711 •": ' • rted pet ta .• Cmobtii; Cot flak by , L HOTCHIIION &CO loaf Agentlt Load Sugar Refinsty DARR{ .C/RENN-13 ism vpurey. jut' r2icieve.i for gala by , u a ramtspace a to. GOOIBCHL PE/Zile Inas maw ;aiding Gan Rio Grand.; for mils by del dca R T LEECH. 7r B .1108•11ANDI--i larr Yu, maned /Iftel•Pfld and fur sale by ATI LISECIkk landing , ltoto war Watt r roam : :or solo.by • I lIILKEY Co dol wow a from sot MOLASSEII, Ma —lO bats Motions. • 10 acts Feilberg mw landing _ from law . geos.l" , b ' t "bi b b ' I DICKEY kco • de{ AINTICID—Rap, canvas, bale reps, grin mite, W haning,tetten waste, add old totwonattwlt Jet which the 'Drum pries cash will be paid by J .W CHADWICK CZ!=IMM r r d i g UkS and doaddr-1 ?la ity co- L" 14 '1"1111,... • • se e. (UMW . landinF from Mum' Rio Onwde, for sale by del . .. . JD D . °Rex by -4 cever 0 A Enzb FAtill/afrOCK fr. CO red.o.a. jou reed,lio Yale . ov3ll wrist k. wood sti . . DLOKICII2L.I3 yr bbls extra No I alsekesel, .IN/ designed tot tanaly use; for sale by des , • I INCK Ja EY CtS CLOTH— T Figured and plailandligulact Cloth; to aleb) • dal ! - • it T tamer!, Jr I'Mr WESTUNISTER. REVIEW,--Johnsion & Stoekuia havejuslieeelved the .Westatuthter Re view, No H 2 Onoter, del MYO*H—Q bb4 Rood cider:Thurso. Pm I. - teived; tut solo by /6314.651. RIC6.EIIFJP7 • 1R *1 107. - .2 o b b y bt...-, !f prit,„ „ d cwt• e 3 , • Wixtt!,:iticiTtsori • DARKLll—USiosiuse.bestelikoame m acct!: , r ask Py. MILLER & RIC • . • . t eat teeny xis v - - ^~Cißlr" ' SUM, DEILIOUNI3,of all Rini, fin. sale at the *44 nom • • JACOB WEAVER M+Q~ ~YA-bo B~At~7tt IMMEMENIM • • 4;1 andiatqls‘ y r elm D. Dark. . Positive Pala sfrz , Mitalads. • 5 oN Ty ay morning , ibelnk inkt. at lb the canannetat Sales Rows, dinner et:Wood and Flab nu extreddre assortment bt seasonable — in/ Goods tn., among Witten area 3 pea swerprinta.3l pea beams muslins,2l pea plaid and wipe &palm., Macs red and yellow flannels, superfine cloths, Beaver C■ 44. Ole I . eS, awned., black silk and blink satie, shawl., bdtts, patent 'Mead, cambric reaWaa. ' • .• • •At 3 OVlock, P. - • 1 qt. eek'Prench Brandy. . 12 buiaNO'Suµr - Bica.3 nags.Cotteel _ ' 3 hr ;kw YR and Black Pow A ;tawdry of glassware. quenswain,Spitniskt swam. tobacco, !Idea abosel,lo nests bandboxes,* pyramid stoves, 131 Swindon Judea , • • large Omuta/ or new and aettlea hand boaseltold and kitchen turnitare, wawa widen aro .bandainao plash seatsmom. wring seat soaking chair, wwlsodanY hureatts,:tables, bedsteas, fancy and common chairs, Wetted glissealparlor arid boll lamps, carpeting, fault• er beds, An. l• At 61 O'Cok, T. m. • . ' Boots, does, atan shoes, ready made elegising; weal , fine French style Mina, Geo 'table and pocket eutlery,• gold and silver watches, 1 sopenor post born and caw, doable boa violins, variety prods, he. ' Celebtated Rorie John Marshall, at AFuon. ON Wedneeday owning, the 9th inshat Ili&loch, in fronted ibti I y =table of Rody Panenott, on Fourth street, will be sold the celebrated llorse. which was par chased (role the CbietJauce when two years oK one thousand dollars. Terms at sale. dee JOHN D Ann. AT Davie Commercial Sales Room, corner of Weed and Midi arena,. adjourned sale of desirable Ilmkb int Lou, it Manchester, wall be held on Wednesday evening, the tbh lam, at 7rdeleek. Diagrams of the Im pels) to be offend, can be had at the Norden Store Persona wishing toimitehase,nre waited in visit.the :ground,orbme therwill the lota al marled by make. and with nanabeas b or e-respond with the plan. Terms laberal—Title del JUIIN DDAVIA,Aoct. ON Wnineedzy evening., the gnd list, al7 o'clock.the Centrnetetal Sates Itoent,'corner W.I an :M ass will mild. 'l'm.. Venable Building Linvitame. on Me north eide o(Pem a 4 in the comer of CemPs alky; corner Lath. , ins a front of si4 feel, and the adjoining than Immo:orb MI feet S indict on Penn n, and extend back 1.40 feet'. an alky.lo feet , TeromOne Win onkh, maiden in two equal animal paymenvi intmeloo bc.micomd by hand and morigage. Title de4 ! . • JOHN /I DAWNAna. TO GOA TRACTORS., DM.lotion of Advertisement. Lettint of the 20 mike: of the James Irtverind I Kanawha Company'. Canal; along /amen - Woeful Virgihis,'hewein the theath of 'North' Wirer and th e To aor biot t artan, berelofore adverturd to tut, plane on the 106 of December nett, if Iwatpoaed ahnittather Sealed Proposals wal be received at the Office ef the saidCorapany,tin Richmond, mail the 15th of. De cember nett, fur the construction of two Stone VMS with River Locks, four Stone Litt Leathered three Mee- lams, end for eeeee I tenallerjobs on thee.Denali between Lynchbargh and the mouth ef •Nonh•llierr. One of the Dams will be Slit feet long and 22 feet both, and the other ieet lung nod II tent high. Thereto will be let seperniety to toe lowest reap:edible bidder,. and ewe payments wet ho made therefor, trimonthly estimates of troth tretnally,done, with urerermthat of .20 per coat by way of eeturity ter the completten of the wort, until the came Mall. be. completed according Watt • • • Sealed Proposals will atm be reedved, at the time plaecormil the moue date, bribe aurstruetion.of the Constriction theCompavy's Canal with the tide-wane, f Jams Room at 'lichened,' thrtatee Diehm 2ol Mock. ,This wort wilt mown of the_ three ietelth of 17 feet lift;andeoe of 15 feet lift; Interaediele.Caards br m aggregate distance of about half .a' mob Cale 0000 0 Walls, Wastes,threet Bridges, frei, sis tkalt , neetheary; stone Dam morose joßell {Viet ill the • atehmeltd, the.raisieg of - AM Walk and, Rro. bulk mint of the preeentDock ;the extensional* Welt. *few heaved teat b:asteraelly. and the constractlew of nu Outlet Look .t the lower end thereof, mpable of ed minimal the Immo yeasela eomiag to the port of Melo mood. ;Tide work will be paid Mein handsel' the Dont tr.MY fie bet timed ender thentathority trf. a recent set of the Lest.latote of 0910154 Taming 75 years, and bearing 0 per coot interest. payable semationally.— &aides the mall reservation of 20 per cent on the monthly estimates, the Contractor or DetractOtarrill be lcq redmpre mplesecsiiiyouataisetory tothelioanl of lihreetors, mate completion ante wet at the them and in the mannermeeded to the contraen.[ - Nam of the atom wort. wilt be ealabited, and ape. cii.cation• thereof delieeted to eattlif..., no the 4r¢ pears Office, in Rich/mood, by the tai of December neat. After the reeelptor the pratmente, time will he taken for the conaideration thereof anal the Dither( the rime Month, on Melee dn7(incau the proposals Mould be fetid/Amory) the several job. or sections above ad., ierusetl wal be let. • . WALTER OW YNOI - Chief Ihmineer of the J. LA 1L0... Ilichmead, We.; ISO Weel3 . . . - - (UST RECEIVED ATJiI rdIFIEWS—The Weal' er Jelin, Meßome, horns elevate Al JOhnelcdr. Non! Carotin, 11110,aeld to Mrs Melboantaeridevr of Lleat Melbourne of VA British. Navy) as Use. Age of 6 yams, hoes whoa. he took hie =WO and obtained We freedom To which is added eketettet of thi; Liens of Thomas Jefferson John Q Adams, John' IhavhaPh and leveret other eminent Americus &Masan, Deering - on the *enact of Klemm, prodaced petunia! Inter view :with the mabieet'es this ISICOOPit; edited by sr We Member of Congtes t. The Constitelon of Man, considered in relation External Übjectu by George Casaba. TIM Marriage Ring, by Jahn Angell Jame. Bernpaign In New - Mexico. with Colonel Doniplebn by Frank ressialsßofenteer.; • -• •• • ;;; ' The telptendi of the Three Cale.; by Awakes. The pirate's Desghter, or abe;Rovere ler RA Atlantie, Advennuet at a Snelling Plum; bolt DstepesuFati‘. Pontme, or 64 Inat Battle of the Ottenri Chief; by 'M. , pad v tor, Ale, No , Dombey I.t Kam No 14. TtjtorlDeasterktt Detector, fee December.- I cobabdu myah'. • $4 , 1 Nukitywed Amligt.irtiiPti..o l7ll Ar" /lbws wetland achredoe of ntnalds; lade - as Afore' gots Fottet Ate Not, L.Miters of Aleatory, Lady' ;At bars, cm. cm. of alk; A oats , and lamalnstianntr, for ammo" lre ervrrydrseription. ' A One lut neteriat I on:labium end Column for the Honda's. For sale at 111 A ItllN.Eß'rl, Ettaithfichl sucet,7l door froodod. Oiriad TOWIIII. Iran Ore. „ . , Tltt: Subscriber:eters for sale 'MO semi M. landin the immediete mighlmtbeed e( GrandTomett , on the Mississippi Meer, Perry.enatay, M t..:Tka ote Is • of the brown betmetne, (er, a* Dr King calls It, tinhy- Mated Mown orate.) It has MI been emend .111ce Marth day of /My lam, eapraalym seems the ore. The lobate besides • half tonne and a half =ilea froin the rivet been, wag • good mock Mora landing. The:newt , tity is *apposed to be Immoa. Samples of the of may be men at the Miatleari Hotel...MN • by the entties. tedl sell the whole together, or in lola ID' gait purchase*. 'it mild together, I shoed bate tot Mr paned .to lake an totem.' in the maaafaetare .f the in provided it shalt be condoned by grace.' men. Timber Mt ehmeal lo almtlint. A limber dcteription . deemed immeeiaaty: Ma mach as 1 pretianne no per • oroattt wish b parchaaevritboat firm baring exam. •ad thr. iemiles. It Ilea (matte 2 miliM north or the ant 1 sold to the St Laois and lliitstingitam fraa Slum ooling company t lid Jane. • , ' detrbr ' • • . • .1011 N SCUDDER_ A FORM FOR ARIA N. M'CORD K EfsE.Gl . . Coma Wood and "Oh . LTA V Kketeived their Alumna Eye, onleti, la wiirh II they Inspeettelly {onto the minutiae Metter cute. tame end enucac ceemMlY• fr41;11: 1 74:k7 . 23 !khan, 29 o J lhanattl, • r • ty; 12 Ilearr&Jaines, • . . 15 " DJ. Warwick, 11 Warwica, lino, 49 o Jahn Norwell, Is; • . 7. 11J Wanoick, aaperlar,.. ls• 4 " John Hacker, • CanWinawatfrara aulaofa Warm of Lyneblmiloy, Va., ip nor.; tor oaleby— • • WK4ERMAN • • • • • • • 21 armlet 2. 22 float at . EWIB HUTCHIB4II:4 avtl;tio:46 Wa84 , 864 Fran ins, Agents ior.the Lo4B VIZIUU So pa, 11 .=.7: have l A, Min... . • el bnn R ge Loaf &lot,' 13bb1s No I uskall , . 13084N84 . • • 363 bide 818 4 " "' 186 " 6 " " • 151 " 6: -• • . . to ^ • ie ." Diterosbed r , pornierod " • GO " ."6".crwheill Far sib. at reduced prise.. • ; I ' •••• •,• " " • 30 "; i • • • tall " double' rrilardil •,• 30bb4 crushed " . ' io • " ' " • - • - • • - ".: • I.l' - , • , " 70 • pot ! *4.it ! it.aiea • • • aco Arnie for '3l I,,ottio 618•121 !Ws", It*try I DICKEY & CO ILESII FRUIT, See . -49 inary e poje beech Aiisias bbls +belled Ainiende;..• 2. " rftbertsi - • fibre A Not Week . _ th.besilsw mated 'knish!: ireeived 'per emu , Coetelt'hir We 4T" LASIBERt 2Eitrwri, Avis . , 133 et U 5 woad el ylassis ao91111:-We hive peetsr p eteed br e 2• A" pew A:eery hichleome got Ladkee [elle -", cowwinjn~ p. r. ,,, 42 , l l l l :t l e l rf. ashazere'Ro l e i n:, • Floe Clahmetes.ii bian!ifal anicle; Cell end Cashmett pisida. ALEXANDER! DAT.. die 75 mullet sa.eoc a the diamond I DICKEY ! CO NOTICE 70 - 9tOCICIIOLPIII union. of 'As promises of the olarte ensempustios; the annul amebae of the Smith.. Men of the aleougshee la Navigation lbomao7, MII ho bed. on hletedan the a. r au euer , isie, (being As get Honda of At nosh) at the saes 01 the este Curpaay, tolhu t r. /Aildlu, comb wee(' isYttec cif o!PlocOotsb. for the P . Zrs 01""Z glehllTXlrEtt,llB7e=y. VfOTICZ-41:n Eke?... Coe die Preindent. nacrwand Traducer br me Pitabargh. and oal Dodd Companr, bald LI id the C Toll limas an Deccan... Rh, IN!, benrcen lie Imam of ..g.hdor Trensarer • xigignies-,We Itavojut reeeiiod 1.1 anotastot of block' sod colorottEogliA hl erioos, to witigh"we ,inrite Out ,autottogt. of pertain oordingOloallicleiao wean selliag these a aroot bar --drd' •AU-LINDER lILELTS-40 dos roma° us% Larab's W IZ Skirts .ad Driven: jot received by Zap** Lis (sr ads by : •; • ,1311ACK1.Iery &WHITE, IRN "Y:l,2a a AND 1 4. 1 L : .....=es a f r io V v i 7=7 , *walla.* cousia be .A.u.kizt=.94, tip:, ~~ ~ ~ y ~.<~, INNATI Dri o'4o DAILY PAC: owes of the tl77toery fon that money can procure. )00 engers. Its We hotbeds , —lsere earned a =Mgt M." to *deletions ,he Wood streetß day piedoe• uon Genial and *a dor" of as ter In all eases tbe.patane ' MONDAY' PAC) l, . The IOONONOMIELA',Oipt. burgh every Monday InoisOpijo every Diondnyevoung mu. r. ;! . , - . . • L Tilggliiiirlii wr..... ,_: T h.. mBFBNIA., No. M e Ca t. _./.. Iliad lenve-ntobnigh every Tesday - morning 10 Wooer, Wheeling eveg_Tneigni.tvening_t.Ol P. M. , . • -,'NV IL Milliliiii AVP AG liil l lC.' , The NEW 'ENGLAND,_NO.2, eigt. S. Onns.,. l Wl, lenie Pnlibargb.every AV,lsllllCl4lll.llloaplla __ Le o'clock; liitheehns every Oediongsrevening igg P. i =,.-, Tiliiilll:l—Aii PACIIIENT.. • . ..1 ... The WISCONSV. Opt: N.J. Groc!,,yr#l . le.a_ve.!'i'Fr. allikelyine z.,_0h,,- rr-'l•Wyifte-ricia—yssaratatt tate. _ every Thursday events/ at 10 r. 14. •FIIIDAY rAtmotic - The 1 1.11 0 1 0 1 , 34 NO.II, CapLerrelnovillteive Pitts harry even , Platay avonstag at Itits'elsett3T,lestats/ every, Pr stay analog - • 0 rss MM & EN o G dal.aCrsav p a t - DeCal egoetvlt leMave e i d t tiale s iurgh every m yever eri PAS..o• r every Patenta agat SO 'BOND* T PACISKT. • The itti.AC NKWTON. Ott& lbuk to peuhergh exg . Esstaday WWII( Id 111Y-ve!yek W bootleg every y eyelets/ at la P. P Afar itdz~ .M. • • iACKETS.—NEW AitRANtiESIESIIII CALSB COPE, still Isaac far Beam, alawaw sad Weltivill, as Tizebaay,ltai*T.' tad Saiiiidiyof each watt, at I o'ekitt, - a rataisiat oa b.tosday,lVadatatay-lin*Plidat. , hat a- lost tielaudiag Di meta • Wocat attest l adse Dihrapari• 6 ,. ‘Bl s '" ;.. 't ‘Td' a . ;Aim • . . . mat, 11''''''" " elfiVEft, ' ':- . "-,.'"i wilt ka46 for, liszver r tisse=s,sad Wellsville. = fldividel.'W=slviip; imod Friday or each week, mil p'eksrir, a ist, rersrawg an Taecday,That.day arid Saa~ -Flar Was s• =it of the laridlag Wilma Wara-ureet 1..4.%46 =Jo prepaid to rateiva freialds et say time: -- . O Al 11/11ITOW. a. PACIET-FOR Mar! AT!.: " • The. now and tut nuossog pa:OOW : ..lcubet PENNSYLVANIA-Copt. C. M. 5 mill leave for UOICOIMIVfory lituroloy loorpOw, aEIO **look. a; and IV tier ev-ity Ttnantlity eVening. or. For (might ar panage appl . i on tguad,int wit?. , • JNEW fONJON, The rinangi , • FOn muter,ythmuter, wdl laav t i as ilo•re Truuedty µ plo , clock: Forisitat or yiumgc opyly on board: • • " -. •.• &O. FOB CINcINNASI AND LAUISVILLEraIII34 I I I 'Tim tau Toming mailer hOR 111 I.alvvaeags ,;ww Deis, ender willas , sig/ AI CrNI bosonf.t JOocock. Far .t or - • -- 'FOR MAP ORIXAVS.: " Ssce • • UENERAt. =SSD?, '"i .mait t ione,sauter,Wllllesve 48 Atoka& • - 44-44,4,4ay Ith4.lo4tinst )",* 4 o'clock P. M., For 6414 otimiage . FOR rutraviux,' " . • jatitle fut roOsuiuset lltallones, martar,will lease abois N01=401,4 , 13 . 0 . 671, •,' o r rrg 4 "PA' a f! a w'usetumae FOX NEW OBLEANS , -REXIULAK PACIIIET. .• 1 ' Tim near aad taas CI teadar ." • . AMERICAN FALE, — Alkill*M6ll.llef,yrili,leivre Be alien lairimediata Pura ads day, at , NI a .111 , : . c , 1g . .. : ya y yltg o or t rig i mgra z r... , 1.... etaiuLAH rectEr aervit Rea:lll#Bll.ftytt • • erayszowrosvillt• • . The Ins bow Mar Geo: LI:Cook. towtor,loill loallo‘oo - arm TatodaY, %totals Y . sad Soot aynoon aga at o'cloOk; 'tad Bronnuratan ovary ' , Monday, Wednerday and Friday roOrabtgo stika*Ook. Foi freight or pastagoapply on board, or to 4 r. • ocreir • J NEMO:4 JONES, Mrt .YOR FILMIIIIIN—REOUGAN r 4 .9 ( Erv. a9LO delock. : for , N:1 -The nevriodfinsissieort Ll=llPoe, .mailer, ...I.•uips -and wilt Inavar as above lire every . Thimitay .410111111 Pet• r0!,f...04:tr1=0.440 boant,*.bi- ..D , _ „ _ „ . . AND : , - .: 11~.xcITY-eAceer ' 7 ff needs) . ind ak . .und bent Litycceyy.Tnenday - ,Tlin r 15 clock, A. At -For lke.ght or pnnande Aptly minim l wad cant 7dl9ll•LagreklP.= • , . , kekulcoltt v , • Hard inskinrenk the For . trt , 3llat esiau.V4ll Wept aszuusir. - LowSviimmeltire, ' •Tea new, nitlit ddankknand Am tin nlogntemer. • EUREKA,' - Cramer, 'induct; red rank* reodir . et between - !Willard* and law ' wi,eosin the OCIULT eat Icsve4 Eri4N , 94,lf6er fr.ght or paciage . avoly an . bo , ra 2„,deld • EXPRESS LINEKS4O.' acesioisaAr*sak - geTrs.: , ,- - - • . • . • - rdanton AND' prot,Anpirma.-.! • . • 110 'a tl. B • Keil iltieseetth= te lie Lions 1.. witara, are- wow tasting Joeble.lhollt Ale be tween Pi n burgh end Brownewillo::Thlo we e 0 0 01 4 1 , Jerome daltri s . 6'eleek, pteekeel2;',.the Weertmif at a From Penobergh to beimFire 810. F 01,41 leinsbureti to Phoisdelphin.4o hotere, l -FtuelllB • Hy the Forenoon beat rawiennetnerfltbetieeol.lweeta. etwatenible tyate Rooms- Ono. Ilennhtlerrenew doe merennaine on daplight. end sap nod WO 40 Order land ohe thl night; thee sweditg onght travel ehoinebet.. l'hmehmiehaneted to Rome. to metre! as 411ry atal a.- 034.4ata ye.r torten at the elbee,lletonipkbe lima*, Wow et., oint.Cheitlee Llotel..Wood .' MeV enistake the UMee. •• tr7Tr7Trl:frrrMrrr 7 rrn - errl 46 11 11 1 13 t , v ." ‘ • 110AWNSV/LLI: ANh.CI S / 1 11.101.1dhlak ~- Tlk:oubaeribot*or,e roly prefaredisrerylptgarta for all Enereharnbso and maned 40.11114 . 1 &ratan •eitLea, by 100 ro Dvrniallier antl.ll • nidynen and Other* will have tieir. kildiffardrararal, by Ilko proprirana rotilidro Inman dirloarenji= eal ...mune.. Dille ot.l.adirte tagoakiand red treo or charge forrenassionos..: •.• The pitronag• of rir s o yobtr! 411aofwb10., For tic prnptiotari, : WAVI CIALF I .; . . 1 ' 1 : . art ~ • Monorail: F 04.0- 7 7 , 0 ILIUM la di . hrs. . - . Maas. MEM I." ''...{ iz o k Csoiderkuul. aatt - ::iiritiuksew.: . . . phia, &to York. f kW" .4 0 .d. 0 1Ia. "' A Rani awn Ana iximi imadiii MOW"' WI ad *III 1112 I. the. (mash aa, sailariaele peel lie. Lew ries Feetzettokeet#ll VA. #.!!'?..!***. Cl Klan*. duty, at Bateman . . . - ~_ Thmath maim.. will bailee* atalll ae. hear gaol. =az. hletehaaelessaa punt.. P(O7 i!}.ol7oo{ E XPT. 09 .' 1484 . 0 ovlctraliof mi. -. Stanley/I , BOW Balkhaet. wort it • A BAIDIVII S CO'{ • DAMAGE AND IDDDITANCIL OSTIDie. riamoNs %rim .11:►7141rer t rTn: !"4.0c 11 • lielliddwleoliorld.L l aM 'iambs Ships saly.:YoreigA Irma circle ,Driialeeavoineyardi have Go, -- erraly es,ex.id Emigrant* at llama iMir Puede in America, aplos b. basis thel am casco ally praetieed epos Met sod hove Kiwi)" MiNlml 40 ' dwe wvell Swan Rase 'of It s 'IC Co; Me wild slue for all to apply, if ibe f wished lo be-wised wits poses. alio and "Mdse.. • ,• -• r • _ ranies who advertise is Swla Assam for th* Black Dell LIMA Into eelwas is Wive, salivi Memi mews the public.. .le orefeu Wbe Ageme Mira who Blue Bail V bol oIiSTY OYMS dmwtt Lias• . 0 4 " i Cansad's MM. Liam. - • Sight Dtasibts to any isemet any orwils branch. el We Pmiumial or Natemet Dankw al land lbasleiwai &mind, an it/a„ draw. sed wee Es clamp, we do =take =MO asil onfill OVID 23 4 to set ease ace else tri Maul, tbeterry e a s t ... and delay. Lathe Brokim, co- ealr maw , aceommodate than at New flak Pow. - - I 70 2 1 1UA RODINCON,Neriwris Aden; _ "vdear eed fl 61.,T0 WNSENIPSI3IfISA PAlttuA, ,, dmi 1-1 just received of IN , Tawluautre elgiuparpic , th e mast estutotdauul mestalue la the YerN! Mite' P.A. met is pot up Jetport beaks. It is sit slops asap., playmate', sue "rammed taperar se any sal/ earns disease witliput Ted. , 64gr P.M! Tit Orkelital at debilitatiatt shares , : ' , pi e d lo . for witeisess : —Uopnautpled_pattetta have mi,es,mti pet ap taedieistr. la a, aaate.aba. haute& yea Jut earl tattle has the 11.1411, KIR SELLF" NAV N a Fr Weer ukaatippe.. IN and 4th sts, js Dr Te or. d's aity aritaaiale aa4 rw !!' 4l6 ?' ,k°. I I; pa Carry lee ken appataial the dhe eity s a whoa 405repnin4 , 414.),..1161. ' rrgoxic IPAIPIEne.A swat • A.terus,just nto'dp for salts L E nitirhiad - m. pier de4 • • r T LECH 1 3r.131.14 at' int jastramvai it4l • as veryte7 lush. 4 ' order, funk tiELTREe- . J lawny . street . , VAIVINAZIGIV,AisqgoIot • taaw• ele and taillAtitisiJil•.!tatjpa a • I,: • • . • . '-... . . ~~ - j "tr:rWUy toe Dow ea Ss I. l'!""Ptirktut pie withers. the Wm rjXlll, a. Jo hoOot * •Il; Wheeol.ioalro Onto • o'clockB ' lidui••• Mae.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers