. _ : 4 , •'',. ,••,-- 1, . : - I) - . . •, • - • . . .. '' • 1 i . . ' 1 - I *' : \ . , . • • 1 - - 1 '-1 ' . • w wry - e;' 4 "..; -. ! - .P; - 5 9 f , k . „„. - 4,t0„10i-A.-,7-4-,. ,-, --- c:" - _: - f'7f --- , --- - - _ ,4 ,,- - ---- , -,.- , --,.-g--,- - - - 47. -57- -,-,--- .7 -2 7.4 - 7 , r -- - - r - -- -- 7vT --;,..*-,-.-:?, F , '-' ',7 '''' ' ; ,', , • ':.1;,- , ,, ,:,,q, 5 , ,, ....,, , ,i.w...,! 5t,, -, i;:,,, ,.:i , , ,- . ...,, , , z.:&e5r, ......,. :44 ~, ~.,i ttow, , ~ _ et. i;,.7- _. .. , ,,,1 1 1 ....,,, ~---'-; - :,,-- , --,,,,,- s•-, . ', --` '-'- '`f ''.",'-'-'7:'''' ' '' ' ' jr 4...:;:l7;7i' .!. l-7.-- ' ~..' -T-'"- ,' -: ;I ' , '.- ',,-,-- ' :‘ A 1 .'' ': ''' * -^' - ' '7 : 4. 'l' " -2 ` ' TT - .:' 2' ''-' '. • -- - . - -i, ' ' ',''-''''''.! ';,.1-.7• F i :':: =,, cf , ,'..,: -- , -,-- - - , - - -, .t . r.c , ,,rV;:,,,,, 5' , : , , _ ~ , ,, , ,- ..:,,, , c,_,., :, , 4- 7. -, - - -- , , F:-.-- - . '..-' :i ' - . . - , ' , -= ' ' - I '' :' : _ _-'_' _ _ _ ___,.. i__' . ,. ,L„ . :',,,,,,,,,,_ , ~; ~_,.. , ~. ' ~___,...„_. „,„„....,,,...... ~.„.....„...i...—...,,a--;r4 ' '-- : - 1 '''. -- • s '''• - .• - • ..,-- ' -'.44 " -; '''' ,. ' - ',?'„e„ ; - ' • -:,. ..'; I - • • • .. , .•-: ' ' ' - 1.- ... . i - - • ' " ' '• ' , - . ` ; • A ~..or ;:-.4% 4 • -'-,,,, 1 - _ ,-," ' , . - - ' [ 1 , ---,.. F a; ,- • • i , - i' . • 1 v . 1 • . ', ~ '• • 1 ' 6 '-'' '' ' ' I ~/ .. i' i "' '', • ' itlta[ilD~F.'f w 1. r— -- i BIIBINESS (ARDSI WYK. tillikLOON, ICE bleretaint,S4 and 41 4 4 Let.la i 1 - 1- Fortro t Putamislt. 1- • "W DI •INI , '..! .I.q. =--,--- - ALPPWIWONIMS 8., Co., Co iwion aad . r , hierelanus, Law return lathe,' old stiond2.lnir and Flom streeWPltts _ war, iTincoWees autos, R 1 ' ,• OW It 111TILI. ,8U1L1141.4 amm o ~ t,y ri l l..g4:. .L.l . ll re ezl , ' • plAs l 4. 4.,. , : - 1 1 ...y44_ u *.iiiiitisavrocri:i - CO., Iniesale .k. Y. Wail InVen• comer Woad and 44 a jyd , , w-w---- IllaGa tda ,..Y" a 5211,, Ur Wholeisla Grocers, 19 • sad 2. A ood Erre,. P ashonch. • • ----_--___ .. _ _____,----- ---- . • 111111T11. MACIALET( 4 :COw*Wi. issuls Gr.- skew and nada., dealer., No. 'Si Mar k creel, be. wean Yth and Gs, . North iL. rhinsdelphni. nor d• 4 . ' iris: ale AN OLT Y as, CO., Furr.", 4 '" LI 1; • sComuns n Merelmats, CSnal pas 4, pinsaurfh, CP : OIMA Do Loomis, Attorney 'Maar, Of : .1,1: gee au 4 sow I. at. , to nozithfield. *Mkt_ .0... i W. &coos Jolla F..let Mogi. Jai. . lianwan. f 101.1MILANG• ItAIINA" 4. CO, a afotarert -.L. Ad uremia", Sptioga and Agles, 4' IL Spring ~ .441044 dealers ant:each. Trlinashiga nu. 7 d.c miption, manufactory , ou Ft Clair sti i Soh... 42 ffl , . , l l . , L,ster:. ils , I 5h. , "_ , ),--._J . .L a '.' i , Jou ...ass". _L . : i 'O. , a. 'salaam. ~./'I AMNON 4 IiaItNIGILT, (sae to N. ...a *Amass os, ay.; Wholdale% - sad w. Forwarding Merchants,' Milers La And Pittsburgh Manufacturen•Saith masat,- Wood 0 .saltiberw, PittsburghjPa. !, • ' "th .. C'lra'aGgarbstParter and Isla. and retail .dotter in Fancy and :knits. "aka GolOo .tan gy of i ll* Oih - COatb, lib Ilarte, wow!, ualititaTv , • vasat,Pa. • = . , _ .. —... Jaws Deelop.. - J. liareyee Nt .t 11 . 11TNLOP elth 11ZWELL,', totorrr7l4 j ar Law, JLP O. an picithSeld, betteeen 4th am UMW ARD-11LEAZEIL.T0111, Wholteele Grocer: J:cl caw tide or the thatuotel, aeon! bag Craw IDuc • amood Poolowso. • wy4 t 11. • MALT. 4 ralarccar. ViligrALT. Or.llllAll.l.,,Mrladosalo • Gt. was, &e'en to reduce an/nags:o isanaloc .• • parec, co rsonor Liberty and 11.0.1 sta..,Peteltergh, Pa . feta' • ..Emazasta & zewsrasrevr, Oaks En! uglier & Co.) Enta:eiaJos ti rocre, C 0.... Forwardog hictchant.l, and Milers w P Pladrarisb Manufaciares, Pia Ll 7 Woodi aue t . ..lllseand sad sts..l ,• I eaet -lexelity64miDwr, ht . r .V Tearda zwgi C iT magrli T to r la t of Foutth arm, OFI iril:Pnend,' lien Rimy. J •• I Wood. Cial-AGND;IIILILY & Wholes:is Grocers,' .1: and Communion MO - rebut; and Apar. r Ilrigaton Conon Y 1468, Noe A Wager aid II It mai cola rim ba • I fr•b 6 • EL131.1711.E, ram Idamitnetarat =4l dcs.l.. .a.r Basizal intinucent4l.l% Vi'pod stres=ar : . - • ma roemte. 011.111TT114 Co; 0001111i1111100'.and Forwarding Fiorentino:No. 3U Water it,Tinohnood. 1.04 F231/11,. •Gmcer j~, w ,~,m.m~iaiia t fic o ; : aberty s sad t r i:iau r CUtrltilrx Fau th* af . • . FiwiS Naulia ll.Mlite:altraTalt • t • I • tom Ue .. ller piore.s, Hosiery, and ad T 6313Taittl Kme • • L 111111111136WATNILICaltftWr . CIEOU.6S 111001.0il &CO • Wholesale ilelf-cers ant Coeoeeioou Muchaluo..los Wood meet: Piumbarsb PL I • Wit_ •C2ZO. 'Whili•skl,...oo.Cer sad Coni.i I ;Ai mason Merckani, And-Wile/ tg. Prods= tad ; ,;Plusba higundiaiurs. NLID.Wood Pinsbut smid, i t• . .120 go. 1121ITII 00., Ittelyers, Widmer"; rAttOlugh and Paint Brew- Penn and Pro bUtP... i .lane rIZORONS COOBUAN, Cbswavisan lista nu warling Mereb anti No. 93 W. ad nier;Pittsburgh. irraialf WOODII! LViekloaker; u. Y . T r/Wm otdte pulsaugalli ,A44ress tty ',eau illsooglabe Etat Otheu .. I I .30-tr ab,l .1!'"k HIM• _' • • tico. , U. - Brosonse. & • BROWIIIIC, [successors to lloldship iß i stroorne,llouporters and 'manual:toren of Wad Paper anJtiemnral Paper Warstiptoe, No. 67 Wool ouzo. Prusturrot. - • i ./o-S1 Wes: filgthCKW AY. thuggish., Nu. It Com. W: Row, bettr,the canal bum, Pittsburgh LILAItY ILIIUNOTOVIIVIE fr. ISED..I..EA__D ' AUL Manufacturer. Paltrier Oa Merchant, come r Ate- . ' awl Minn W..nuolukrAtt. i ULU& DICLZT. . 1011411.? DICKIIT, 7n.. , UAIAII DICKEY Ec Cskiltirbefeud. Gsbeers, -C"`2. Comon.ion Merchants oonidett:ers in Produce, No. "M Water nod LIT Front met., Pntihn • ' '.neon ik , atm, lit Clair meet, Pltubtk b. tier Law Pautaagh, ba l u i resuaLtW IL pmetlee;of bw Law, m tamable. Na 7, Bake wall'a 13M1bass, (ism streeLoe capica tunas' Ms abbe... by T. 7. Piths= and i. Camas. aWlm; - • • Slibd&onfr o . nlor D. 'MORGAN, Wholesale; Drawn, .1 Dye Smite, Yamte,Gi7., v, p No ia zt rgh.. str , ee,uui &at SoaLh of Dieg-amlAll ARLES KELM, [successors to Joseph' • G. Oasis] Ithip Cii.dlers.3B . .Waterst. oral .Towg U. MELLOR, Wbelcsale deal er in Mane mid linden! butramenti,Priaml Cooks, Paper,Slater,Steel Peas.Q 7U Printers' Card., and 6latlonet7 generally, No. La food at Qaßs lambi or taken in trasie. • nepis 10111111001.1" 4; warding and Co Pon aP _ranaitsintird ereltaine, Dealers In Per darn and riusborgh Ilainfactares, NO 7 Commercial • Lim Libor!) , n, near the Curs!, riuib.rei, ocni •I'4' o.wholesale N& u 4 % 1 • 1 Pt. b To. sopa • To'Era Joaxxx h sox, 0. aP 'orwardlng . Itlerdaina, Tio Lib SaLleld m.l amtpernf. Roo, I • , -- ; TORN CIAZI.A.TES, Arlon 'YAM et a between grant mod Sam_ ,Pittsbarit, Pa. Will alto mead prom) -- Tirjthe mfmlili!Ahrsolies . I TORN D. DAVIS.' AUCTIONEER, comer Pia 4. 4 Istlyeod s treak PiuskiaTt. - • oev3 TOILBSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers Pii/d414 and Polies mansdacta.rers No. 44 Alaska ".• 'lst, Pi:tabula— 7 sea T alTairs 13.34 Sum, near :t.torkt Claul.shThwlogioa,ilistorical,'Selscol, 614081 la meibodul Books Stwanny. , 'V. W. ROBILILTSON Y CO., Cankers and Ex .elswke Etroltecs, comer of Wood and lltird streets, . I Merchants Hotel Ilaild4all Pity/egret, Pa. • Ba•Camtney pareltss,4 sd the 1011111 m.. oral 1011 A °O MR,' Wholesale Gracie, dealer in Pro. al duo, Pdtsbargla roanetfactateS, Tin Flaw, Yu. &e, Pk, Ott ilberrtyst, rah. John Floyd. ; • Richard Floyd. 7 k II: PLOY)", Pate Y. Floyd li. wbec.at Orne.u.N...uN (~Lent encl. wrs. . - • niian.ZaidiTATWardiaate Gower, Commie. Jam Ifferebt, add dea.er . Prod e and Piderargh Inenadretares. No 11 Water at, Pittabargh. jul6 Or7manta Leon Werke: • T DALZZLI. i Oa—Mannfaetor% ate „Lubin or ikikr, thee ch . i, t ll. I gm ?Jr i t If bu ttA. tilijitfrf°'iseon; Watenuan,!vralc e r e st: will reeiTetive IiVATIIEEIRLII3 I ,• -Wholesale (hewer, For a ,wardient and Cosastussloa!Metchant, Meier In alb Slanafsetares and Pxoduce, Nos. 31 Water 'Ladled I , •""ts , s- ' I • jai EINIS lIUTOMBON 'Wholenle Grocers, Forwanting and Conuniiolion lletchnn% and L des'eni IA Pinsbolsh •hianorosions, te.,4.) Water and WI REAM W. '• I aaOl Lni,Lett. • • '.• , John Alupion. iarroar, Wholuala G mien, 16111211Foirarlirful; an a llanOmaisrloO Morchanu, Dealer. pminoet a ritubmh Na h a 3 nod Wont M.-P rn.ho •.• : , t ila*x . , tx Mm.. sad ). G Cxtuaailaaa Biaibalas, N 0194 170. arty •• • I • irvt M dna,. 11,,ex,.1 . 4 . i1atek.1 Wm. Nimiek 'bM irtgehifPr and Ana Gm mgrz..zu.* iticuwreoti . Asioi exTs sod Commivoioa M.reZtoutto, Ho 170 W., • - - - . CCOBD &I' 1111°. " 1 ""Ider i el - 6711 . '1'an i o n y i CLP f ttrigrat':**. • A* 2 Fll l ..C.ra nnnen ' • M t"PttioleLearcl-ti. and PtifarsrditiLatlJCo6.cds• • ' No trll.AenT aad7sF4 Pltaltmniti. • • nr. iiTuscow Wbolval Do. • • r Lk rw N . . 6 is, o * area, . rat***Eth • 1"24 P7l ti6;'63Marketetn 47 ,ee• Dl, ll 2ll l eL l t:. s4o " '°iS° ' "b ' tip and DomoAtio "Bal. of Ffloinge, Dreit. Rosa No/ss And Sper at i , ColLertimr netts on a/I rw, Urincri..„ go; OIL"; jigeG!"lWAlll.=l.• • And Controtsoion _ n rr e . r no r. tow. Liberty mrv1. 1 :..!!!---'"°' r --r -- Fifor - W o .Gforcrs OIN . ' zng AlcreLsl3 . . N. 41 ' • .L. Leal sAwn n, ~nnn '• • Wal.r rCel r /013EQTlt 111 IZZPPIART,' Produce D,,,f„ en •n Commission nercliims, No !Mi iScson4 qnsborob—: Vi/---'--7-I—AilClldl'lLD' T... ICO mtriw ld, ~J r. . ,6 l d l inri e,t er r m e nt. nd DI Denier in Fotinan)ind r , .. . „,,,,,p .., 1,. ware. and elating , . Trimming+, Or. all d. . I . : .. io. !.... Weed street l'itt.bdtd , - ' i , • ...____,-....1... 4 ..--,.. ICIIIARD DAUM, litheinndc, r en tet d d rth esle d r . 4,,, In lotAilmt, Mown°, eltnenta rill Tools an d . 7 Thuserrardaureolloati, and Teutnetsud. he. .1 md st.l • .nbunth , i ' ! ' . • f ly. --- -- . . . . amay,lioangos. 114:36 I. toszsti. 41LsoSisort 4i, co., Wbolotato,Urocors: P. &leo and,comuaimoon DI crchoots, and Dealers i2l' ittlibtrel lasnolettotes, No. ISa LibertY wecliriw , - ,NIMAL.Pa. ~ • ; . - i . - Ivan Wholesale liro v'oszva.DaxanciLL ce, • am - Commis.. nal Forwantinit lldrcha „ dw ue,„ ,: tuni Prate. and riusbinh renn.nc . lr'S lnd. Puutostn.P.- • ! • '• --"It0IIPT A. CUNNIAGUASI, 'Whotwat! aro.er, Doak? is Prostec. sad Tittaquitt AidslPer.l 1 1 ,1 4 1- 4 .." . • • ;.•;, DOLLAIS BUSINESS CARDS. 111. HAWKINs, Attorney at Law, Wont ft. Bakevrella Bedding.; be.ly oppo.ite the (new Coen lloe.e. &Madame won and 1/5 Frontas, I . niht! . . (?"R‘''Z' A 013.11.8,. Wholesale (honer, Rieuty ing DisuPer, dealer in Produce,. Pittsburgh Mut. fumres. wld all bads of Foreign and k•umestic dui Liquors,No 11 Liberty greet, Pinsuarth. (ON. 8. , On hand • very Into stock of superior Old Alouonsahela Whiskey, which Will herald low for cash. . wayt.•ly • L. O. fteymnds. RICINOLDP t SEIZE, Foriiarding and COM mission Memnon, for the Allegheny Rorer Trade, dealers iu Groceries. Produce, Pitisborgh Manufactures and Chloride of Lime. . The highest price& in cash, paid at elf times for Country Rage. Corner or Penn and Irwin sm. iatal OAILIPOIIII & Co., thunnitssioa Merchants. R. Liberty at.,opposite Smahaeld, Dealers in Plat. Grain sad Seeds; also. Baum, Lard, /sc. spt4: ly II C Abacklett. ' Thos. Dr White. 0 BACKLETT E TVIiITE, Wholesale Dea• 10 leri in Foreign and DOMPIIC Dry Moods, No On Wood itreet Pittsburgh • .febl7if k, W. IiIAILDADaIf, Wool Merchants. deal. 0. era in Flour and Produce generally. and Forward ing and COUUttilifilll3 Merchants, No: MI Wood street, PitUbargh.jatil A.IIIIIEL PALMER, Attorney at Law. ()Mee S buathog, No na Founh street, between Wood and tinaithgeld. • 1 tiorldharly . SY. 1701X — BliNNMORST. tr.' Co.,Whosalo s Cream/ ;Forwarding and Cosnadrason hlerehanis, Dealorsin FatshargEt Mannfacturra and Weiner. Pro. doer, hien removed to their new warehouse, (old stand) No ZIS, cornet of Front eland Chancery Lane. nov7 .011.141DZL E. B.I.IMTL, Forwarding and Comets sion Merchant Dealer in Salt, Produce and Pius berth ateriaramme ' d Canal Dunn, near 7th E. N. tV IcKEEtIS lIA 111, Dealer in Seeds Ftnt• 1.7.• er a , rrult Tree.,and Agneultntil Implement...No I.ti , Vood'ureet rarshamb. ' feb2 .1111111111111 d ., 1311.11T—:•Wttolentle Grove. dr .1. Conuniadon Mere barna, aad dealers in Piodnee.— Pau 33 Wood meet. Vltirdiargh. 111,1109. Jr.;aoki;tz Gfari Manufaent Ter, and pcaler in ClOtk (*Ms. and ,Vdnell' aneals,eineeof Wo o l Fount enema' • jIY P Forsyth. 113 Forsyth. P. vousvrn & co, Connutasion Merchants, 1 dealers la Pali, Lumber, Grocenes, Produco and Pntsbarsh Manufactures, Canal Etwen„ Liberty tract, Pittsburgh. t ebll3 Knout filinnuctilion tV & meouTonzols, Gm. • . tem/kle° in Produee, Iron, fiaila,thasa and Pitioburin Alsnaaeuuts, ge.nesiiiiy,l34Liberty-itreat; Pinsbn Y. , • - vl9 30.ir D. IltiVC. .11/TID ICL.DLL2 . Vl l AVltkr‘TM l :t i tt li otir ''' ,V; a t ilt monnunina Merhants. Maims in Inn, NMI., dnn, Conan tiains and Platburgh hianufaMan generally, eameroCllMal rinaltu h. ...his. 11 H. 3113111.PHY lolntes the ladirito a ll and TT . elarolints kis *lock of Fre9 , ll• • Worked soma w. km as 25 cents. • . me. 613 and a c.. as ; Ei . IVtolesalaGronta,faiarazdi and and ii..4441,14./1rh..4 Weida ,Ploce 2...uhum pi... a i mea, , tor , , ar Warr and ===nl IUITYII.OII3II A. WOLFF, importer. and TV Wboleiale Deakin in - llardorarn,Codet7:§nd• . dlety.2e corker Libdrix and at. Clair iunets, bare, 111 11.1.11&1111 & DILWORTH. Wholever V V Gruceri, Yrodars and Merchant...fa Ircal ht. •pl.lO W.WALLACC. Mal sort md N0..614 Lawny earl, near the tom& UT & a. , zumoustertuam, Wboleule . cen. liteculying Distitlenoted Wine sod Liquor Merchant., NP .110 Ldbeny enyet, , loppecae Sicsb et,) 0 . ... 1 4 g h y . 813 . 1112314 Attor we ay.tv S t Claw ctecti next 00000 .111.Iennact Juba.. N. CIAMILARD. Dealer in Fancy and Staple 9' I •Dry Worts, No 711 Market street, Pittsburgh. nosl34ly • • • • WW. WiLiONipeder us Watches, deten!ry; .Sileer Ware, Military Goods. to, No. 57 Mar ta streeO I nur7 R. VIDUPEIY, wholesale and reutkrialer In TV aForeign:and Dornestie Dry Goods, nonh mat car uenalrart_.en. (ATM. P. IRWLN. Jr.. hay iv:purchased /he VV Drag Ma+e or Edgar 9lem, corner of Tenn and Iland.airerm, will aeon • constant supply ot the be•t modiemos, perfumery / kn. Tbycolisn's Oresenphons carefully eon/pounded.— Nedieine• ea. be had at all Loom of the Men. feblOtilv• w . uf la i n v . lt i titt id A . uar i ar .im a , t , tg L:: !.Jad ' 4ytho Loos. Snook& to With poncsnahly. Elutes It &mph., Wsn. Croghan, Esq., II A Fahnerslook & Co, John I lexto,,Es4 Gra, Lindiay & Co, John Weiht, Es 4, Imes McCann Esq, M.J. Witham Lasahosr. ' j • . 1. BUY AR, ERECT FYINCI DISTILLER, AND WHOIZMILLI bzuss If FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINCE 1s LlOOOBB, Al, 114 Liberty st, and 53 Maasond Wks', ' PIiTSBURGIL PA. , • SEM I WAIIRICK MARTIN dc. Co., , snirri, Den in ZeeAging., Dest No b s awl Cain, Denier of Thrd Wand ilanWslly 4 Plittigbargh, Pa. W Willmcs. Wm. M Mudd. Pio:ow& Loirri44,• WUAsott,l 'WILLIAMS & •lIINN. .ITORNEIS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. • Ice Nor side of Foeßh it, ttlaveSmillAeld,oo fe!.l7d&wl Oliver Blackburn. lieotsy IL./ones. C=Milß .WlLO r t. t ES o l3 4 l..f. ,i atoc .g er=2:33aleg i f.11? ;.4. D.:4t (411 hand v rea an. ral onnrl of in Weir .47w" 1 il 3 y, rar6. I .1 ".. Algerrov t 3. B.U. . pW. a. A. S. 'BELL, Ammo . . at Lay.: (Mice .1u Stetain's noildius. Founh &twat, secoad don Ito arood'il, riti.burgh. Pa. i 1i , ...11. 1 g ~1 . 2 . e .1 ' tn Co o m_ na_ ...mar to tale Depoeitions, Ac. Weeds, and other ia.tramettu of wri ting to be vied tzt" latoottri. . oatiam• ..••..ien and at Law. °tato ht,' oatth side, dy to boamen 0c29-19 TOII/5 TOWNSEIIID, Druggist and Apethe n, nary, No 4$ Market at, three dorms above Third st., Pituburgh, will have constantly on hand • well select d nom unentii f the best and fresheit lledieides,ssh ich he wilt sell with., most Seasonable terms. Phy./0i1,12 rid in IL mderf will be ptomMly ane•ded to, sod sup ,lied wit articles they may rely upon as genuine. Ilyrhymeilaue , Prescriptions will he accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any boor of the day or night. Alm for !We, a huge atork of fresh and good Perfu mery. Janl TXT W. WILSON, Watch linker k. Jeweller, corner 4th and Market ats. A large and well leleeted stock of watches, Jewelry, Vilver.warn and tilitary Goods. Always on hand and at regular els. 'tern pones, Gold Patera Lever, fall Jewelled watches, as low as /40i Silver do watches, as low 00 SIP. Genuine Claimer, rat., Johnson und other approved meteor watches may be had at • small advance and warranted. ! wry muck work done in the very best mane 47 r. .!r_ 1. B. BWEI'rZER, ATTORNEY' AT LAW tune. - it, opposite lt. gbarles it Arsl. .11priLL alio anted promptly toColno l l i lion %Vast, T and lir . tt ee l. Cosnues, lln Er Mach:oak, 801 l tr. Ca Much Larnthet• Plitibursh. D. T. Morgan , Deftly gl• P.ICALIN TIAL STORE. • 113 Atq 7 4.l j rilea al Useen. owNw ; near rillatk Tear, tie spin quarter, Dalt, aad one petted packags, racp tint (rum Was per pound In CPU. A JAYNE'S Awn far Pekin Tea Co I isl. " DR. DAVID HUNT. Dewitt; haying male kick 'arrangements in Ms fla g .. a who l eue that he can devote tot time to the dudes of hi. votes *ion, easy he soon la hi. office, corner of Its and Wea rer atteete, beivreen Market and Feny nu, at any hoar ionng the day, trent 80. hll6 r. . • /YAM/ E..s.wratar, A TTORNEV and Coanaelloras Law, CINCINNATI, zkotito. Collecuona in finethern Oho and in Indiana and In gensocky. promptly Ilia carefupy attendant to Commlutorlet for the Roue of reansylramai for tato; Oeonainona, acknowledgements/Le. Rae.* so—llon Ma: Dell t Hon, Canes Ch!raet: & Carothers, Wan Rays, %Video & Dacia. ' aV. EAGLE PITTKII COTTO N Itoll WORKS. V. bIANUFACITRE COTTON 'YARN, Candi... Wick. Oastlsm. Town§o.' ilovorlot •YAIIN, CARPET AIN, WARPS, / & co ac., • LONG, PENNOCK • lawman of Arbuckl est Ave 0%) _4.2 Proprietor§ A. LACDOTACk NO IT CANAL cram p, NEW ORLEANS., OEYerld for J R AwasoPs Estenstre Sown Sagas Rednery. Always on hand, a large abet of Powdered, Cris:led, CLarldeo awl Renard Sugais, in Tv wed Murals. Alto, Nagar !loose Molass e s. Prices and a (Mr .illowandsl =Wawa all sales ,or above...SO barrel.. • petal & co, BREWERS. -AIALSTERS AND 110Y DEALF:RS PITTSBURGH VIP POINT BILEIVERIES. Corner Dart e r. Alley and TV l Z i ted ...s loo b 4 , of t. P . i . :t 9.1 t -- ; W. Lkmbriot.. J.B. Sol:bright. • . . W. lIONDIXIG/IT, MANUVA CT U 111163•0 11 ARAI Bel, wuIAF reippsal, if pot surtor:to nor made Uwted dispose of atbw p, „z„.1 IO . BNTIN, Pa II P. X•Leci.e. • 1.11 , 0/1 Torti.ii. 1. P. tc NELSON to CO.. VfANI:FACTUILER:. 4 of , Ilatomeied Mamma and- VA. Ootoles. Hots,ltar and ,blanare, ratio, Ite., he Vatabouae.plo 11 Wood street.l'otaboral , Paris • • . T. 11. IllslioyWriderinarylhosons , W h o at Cl air y Eatablishomat, m e it tba 13t. street linage, lately melt o_ pied bylleaara. Carr dl ttowla d. orklOot • •t ,V. d 11AT036, • • riEALER In Trimmings and Variety Goods:rename 1,4 Thell, Ivory and Horn enalbs,litoollen Yarns suat Ware's, Baton*, Needles, Pips; Tapes; Weida 40., Ne 63 Harker St between Mamond end 116 sweat! Pitistisrele. MICN.LJAII AND PILIDIMILLVD • Scants Dada...pod'. al/rolled; • g '! ?Douro pump; Ni - PO . • - PW1;414U5 FOR ARDING: az COMMISSION. Ult I eNhowi,r, J hetAitto SALA. , CDARNES 11. DAN ENDOWED As. CO TOBACCO CORMISBION 1111IRTIIANTS, No. Sr &nth Witires. and No li: south , Wolcott i I'll LADELPHIA: BEF?nribtirs":7lli:The7ht aTuld d erue le fs f ru ' Vg 6' e tutt with tlaeltargttinacnannitteturers and the Growers of the. West, Mae. lathes, and other places as will ineure a large and coastant supply of the following desenp. 4 Owls of Tharacco' ieh will be Sold upon as arrow annalsting. thrum as y otner house an this city or • else where, and nil . ordered Iron, them will Lae wdo rAllled egosl to repr Mahon:— linvans; . St. Deintrigtir ' 'Conn:. i Yerin Porto ißicorr Pelill'A;, SeedLenr So f o Cuba;, .Igtunt` and Florida, 3 bunco; - ALSO—Branch , ' elebrated Aromatic Slag Caven dish, RI lii a large n =lent of other popular brands, and qualities of ponds, Ss Fs Ins 350 and VA Lamp; to its m and Ins Nu r . Ladies` 'twist; Virginia Twin, Ste, sweet and plan an whole nod half hon.,' woad anal tin, together wi • evers,veriety Of article belong-. rue to the trade.a • .• .jelti-dly , J. 14. ICKEY, • ' • • FORWARDING • COMMISSION MERCILMIT, Nee Bearcr Point and Bridgetorder, sza an tinnrrr, Promote and Aleut of at.men LAKE E E AND EICISIGAN, DAILY DITREINI FITTYDVIDD ADD r IIZATZI, TTILL be plepat • • on earliest orrynlnFof canal nay. madam to roe sae properiy at Lis wharf boator in warebonte, for al nouns onlErie Evanston, Cross Cut, and Onto Can le; for all ports on Lake Erin and upper Lakes, as aiso o forward prodatc, Ac.by Itnprovensonm Ap•ty to ar whim= fel.2fdtf JAN .INCNEY, Beaver J. V. W. Lo.twteL.,' , . l,, j ll — l - If. C. Wrisott. — J. C. W.I.I.EFT, ICH 4 CO., , RECIVPIO, FORWARDINIJ, • Asid comeoi.sionl Itlerettasto. DAR n T a VLPA L ' qvi i c n at pINdE , La o . n signment. Suialllll., Eng urn, or nthlr of. article. for 0pe1... and Atutkttpas. , •'. REFER I'll—Mo, ara.tqleifteld in Lightlow, Mr. Tho m. Limerick; No unlearn. .. !Orman. EttflOnk: enanon, Mr. Z. M. :tarries; Loa. inutile. , ; I Munirs.lll.ll A . peer, Mr.] Wm." 61.eary, !DUD IV ightmatt.'Arnatro ty; & Ninholtutn; Dinsburch. Alumna. Reran, T Id & 15.;,CinotnuntI. . !Unarm' Dynes J, Craighead, alarsrs. Edwards k. - Whitcall.,ll.on. - Ze • n Lak•auve, Mon. Joni, Dutton; ri , “ .. _i .. La. , l' , reli.ll • , lINT/13/Clll & 'CA/ALS FLOUR,rnonuor, AND IiENBRAL COMSIIS , :SION MERC•IINNTS. No. If 3, Mml ICI NI llairl i - Iliiltloloro. r i FFKR their v a lees in Steirhanta mid Former , Althe Sala Of , Flcut . Gram rot Y12 , 411.1fe generally, in 51,0 Idulthining klarkyi.toid frOin their es lexigiveieto min- Iltiler among purehwera /cid ' , loupe ro i -eart safely Vitir- T.it ..i.*CllaY .li'il• Correaroudeuta will moalantly in., kepi whim& ofte mate, Of Ake Markets, kg. Rillltit ip—Ole. . Win Wilyon &Sono, Iwor neve Wit ild. & So& Iddvidvon ili enuidgw, kteynolds S. "'with. lila Corey: Bantwore !' !: • I' ing Ivy, Co'dw II & klrigliiith BhiliolelOblo • Iluggerfy, Pear /mei; Nev Turk. Baltimore • Julie • ,1147 '• • . IN kwhin C.R.ii . BIfILL'AS ..k. Co., FLOUR PACT .110.1 ANIJ PRODUCE COM. :MF.SBI N MERCHANTS, . T MCRAE. rmO varwee Made on receipt of eon -1-4 mparipeut. • Tlvive .hipping to our addgen will be' min threcifouilho v Om" In IaIIVAIICe in Coon, by apply ing to our friend', Mew.. Wallingford d. Taylor. Pihribargh. Mn,..e The. Bea it Co. Bridonivirt. 0140. / Thiludelyht& 11 yr.. k• - • ' wayl74( N. B. Allyirodu e eonaignM lo lia isinwred when in the worrlwnw ' Wallingford k. Taylor, Titudiorigh, or ea Oil .Ore , lit I' hladelphla. • C. It. /k Co. NEW SIDDL RI IISiDLIRE . STORE. R. T. 1-EE'CrH, 'FR. NO. 133 Mr /13 ST.. PITTSBURGH. Litt i ti ‘ d 6 o ''' s Ire ' n ' ilt ma o le i . yr t . :re 'phi' InA"'""'"' t o fume to eons ...and ilealervlbat I ' ag r ifrelici o r n e • to fume& them art dill grimly in my tow nn soli Laces ierow than hereto/I, • •• • IhiyeraNirlli recolle Idiot drallnregelorirel:, 4 se .Sad alert' Hardware 1 Cut-loge Trownwou, I 01d... reby 845m:haws Oar enable roe to defy romyetlor. Call. we . and lodge d.e ym riud yea rpt: ,• FRESH 12,1P01C ATIOSS OF - H A R DWARE. toue, & 6 1041143DV, INPoRTERS OF Asn wHoLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTIL•NONV. La., ====l3l • • , l i. '• 'PT . TSUMGII. A FIF: nor. in the co rtse of reeew:ne, law:, middle:on, IA to their eiteaw, i .1 ..we.: ,of Ilarderece, Cutlety Cutlery{. , gad .levy. de.. wlte,l havlng ion purclaaPed On th e anis t adeniwageww rtne an .Engiand. and direct from the Nlanufhetuten Pi is WW9WY. e'aill , a them to ger dodo ola termssUriwy.wd by none and equalled by few. Purehaeew ati telpec tinily anviird to call. "al .! 08.011.011 C CCICIIRANs • 1L:051'1.5510N FOIVO'ATACING MERCHANT, A 10 . :% Wean !Salt Ley, PITTIIIIRCH, • CONTIIVUES to tronnet a general Coremiaainn eusiaen, spec ally in the purchase and ale of American Macul•ctinciLand Produce. and in receivieg and, forWahling deeds consigned to his cue. As:Al:eat let, he Manufacturers, be will be constantly suppliedleith the principal articles of Piteabtugh Manedettire at' . th e lowest wholesale prices. Orders and Conaignicents are reapectillly I , [ 11.ilirraestLose.. al•rusi -B.b 'mouton. LOVE, M'edITIN & Co., PIIODUCK.6I-;Nlilt. ANo Eon- WARM. G NH , lICiIANTS. No. 0 n'p.... , ,Wharf Baltimore. Run TO— ',-S1 Allen kl l''. CO, 1 Pittsburhh. - `Hampton, El ~ ah h : l !hymn; . - under§ 0 Cu, ' : Jelly IL it • 1011, : , 1 Calumet. oetll 4', 1 Hugh hn en., : : . diwITF, L.. ni Pi*lintalii P. • Lite of Nashville, Tenn. LEH4M IV ' ER; . ANDEASON „ 1 ., DCALED• 'IN ON. Vi /RN ADDING AND • COMSlittc4l N MEW:HANTS, Ns. 8 Dent mitt, g( tray, Cincinnati, OM.. Refer in Merchanti. rally: in Plitstiotob. spa .° ',, W A L' ER: et CO., === COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEM.EIIS op l'atutUCE fiErsi ERA L.LV, No. 29ooiith Awn r.1.4i ,Idolo Illarka, Bali Imeret. Rugg eis—D 1 4 gorigg, EN:Cushier, T Creme, EN; Curhier,J Landetreet 10 Sou, Inter& Dougherty, Shag. hark Care,, Wti ot LYymmi, Ittlgrutt,lk Duenee, eat• Y . EDWIAA. KEELING, V Toop r Aix do II•2111,) &eel" , 077131±11071 Myra:A{ end ti.o Am , ineuteit,' Bank, Memphis. avi • krICR TO, Atwood, toner A. Co. Brown. Bailey & Co Lorenz. Eteelina & Co .11ertry Graff Graf; Lindsey & Co . D Leah & Co I.yon.Bhorb.l Co , Clarke & Thaw o— araelOdly, 'd6mor Mao . _ Joll*' F. PEURY. Mete of the Gnia 0( Malcolm Lerch & Co 1. Wholesale Grocer: COesmlslon & 'Flour Merchxsat. DiCALICR in •Il kta4s oI Gauntry- Produce, CK. . per, Tib, Tot clef., 'ribber.' Tools, Zinc, Lena, Itibtat Sheet Iron,;:i'r slid I 'Nall., IV Lead, Dye cot., 21.4, &e, - Pobbatrsh SlasuAN.elums, gene ly, corner of loleity and Isms street., Pssoberfb, Pa. ' : (o.Liberslad”nees, m Csisb bet:oak, made on eon. us...also( ProdurEote • • barb AUCTIONEERS commiis!oN'AiRCHANTS ALEXAM:It LEVY & 11110 e. CINCINNATI 81, ST. LOUIS °VIVI wife!, nt onher etoil,liohnienl, ail kin& Of Merchandise at the 'citron tat, of Oman...can. and ore alorvigooveparril Malcativneert. The hest of leforeneen given, it; required. Leifer+ addresxil to either Hansa wit/ be,ponlinilv , ntlenileil to, jygildly 41,11L1P It. THOMPiiOk COMMISSI,CYN MFRCHANTS And il.lllYraeAsgrears Of Linseed No. Ri.i• Odumibia CINCINNATI, OHIO. • (1:1C AIN ruin 1/0/1 icAxtian.4l) • - SAM' C"JONES,. , , JR.i (Late Tallee Aerate. Co., of Rahintote.) - GROCERS', CIAINIPSIGN AND fIIRWARDING PIE.IIOIIANT, - • ' • 'ko. 45 Pak fret: Wrett, Neu; Orle6A,v. arp•Partzealar •tteatiun paid lo the iforwardphibrti. neve W. 11. CLARKE, Forwarding Merchant, Browritville; APenda panictilat I y to the l'ormarditip of Traduce, ke. -For anplarthrt ;wormed.. apply to FORSYTH k .water at oedtl o. W• I. laic's. MATHIGWR PATOIS, • quxmiss lON 11°•18w14°I' , Will give pzniettliar attention to the of Pro doe., and to orders fur purettaion.• - (ma go—treaty, hlorgao a, Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. avail • • . . Jul t u ACCallouigh. ,/ Al'Kechan. ODIAIDIenToTc: .1 011 N - At• - 'CO.' • . Constiaission- , and Furwardir4 -Merchants ? ' 08. U 3. do 95 %OVER Err. jantinyl, BOWIjNIFS %VOA Rl , 43altLetsole._ a ricoir..l. - cAtuury — . ACV " 7- 7 epmMlselON MEM/HAAS, / Nos. 11 M7-Cash adnntl•a..l he sandman consige.'t. be iti , ove addrcas.l•7 . • ly ONR,ONA-NeKNIO , DT.SA,,? • FLOUR FAOToRS,•AND GRAIN AND Runcen Corsonslssion Xlersbasits.,.' 7f SOUTH WHARVES, PHH.AHbrn.t 4 M W ehT r = n gf Vss d , ai lln. ael nc atagrdro •Onno stt , ?or l Mah.ateTdor•r 7 fr 9 ., . 4 THOS. O. LARKIN; - IVV•akg4.IT,ENGo ROE AND 4) ti4 11 1 8 2t% ster • Rehr to: -Lyss. and incharif , dein, Esq.. Picts''s:O.. Ps. , ; oleo reigurroluaonigli BTNANDDAT AGENT- A NoriX)N/Xlmol , . • ...111SCACIIANti • 111.4)/M0H1J,AlleLA il(01.186. 4risisibtale4 • • -.0 J. 1; =SIM URGH, WEDNESDAY MITTS _MI SCE . LLAIAEOUS. • • wooDwbud., •PI 3Vror YCElPrtraio ;Warm ions; NI, SO 111IRD STREKT, , • yMFr A LARD F. ,i m i ll .u sli n torlid •A ::11%bi:10 1 1 . Iluie/s. and privateDvela - nasally on band and anadero order. esent stock on hand cannot ho excelled by any tory to Me 'rumor° country. Pets.• wishing. use Irani° do well Lv gin.o ma a eall. as lam •pay prima Ahab plea.. Part of ths sloth iza= Sofa. with Plush and Ilaipt Dili covers; ' doz Mahogany Nurse Chairs; pair Divans; dos fine mahogany Maim op dos Work bbondsi) dori mahogany Rucking Chairs; marble top Dressing ' pair Ottomans; marl. Me Work :Rands; • . , cherry_ Work Stands: an/lin/Plc. Cherry andi Poplar liledsi[lai . of ripbans; and a large ...armour of Common e and Chaim, too numeraua in mention. ----- N 'iii — H A K DAV A ta: , DOUSE.- JOSEPH WOODWELL, 'Coln, of Wood and d 41' ate, Pittiburgh, HAVING withdrawn from thenld Gnu of Walker & W.:indwell, on the 'lst of "January" IMO inks i pleastire In announcing to my friends in th• eity nod counrry, hat I have opened my newstore at the above named p nee. Ilivlnig porth.oted ray goods for cash, and ma e arrangements with manunseturent in this country ind in Serena to be constantly supplied, I ata fatly prepared to Inrush Hardware of all kinds, on as good terms •nd Wow as any /mum East or Wen.— Merchants and calling are respectfully invited to eat and contains my stock, before purchasing elsewhere: The folloWin cOmpritel a H ard pny Gov& Steamboatsnd Saddleq y-Inv - 7f. inn Trustminvs, Files. Nay lar's Steel; ttlery, Edge Tools. Anvils, Vi ces, 'Locks, LatchcsOftekles; Scythes, Dun Mega" Screws, Dolan Factory Slinee,Saws glahoganv boards and veneers, and all other articles connoted with the . Hardware hnsinem. 1. media -, .1 )ATE.dT Plliiii LIDAIDIL EIACIILDE . .0 e subscribers havlngobtantol a patent. hlay.lll 1818,1_ ra l' t eta Dark Mitchum, and hoeing since then. thorn: ghly tested its abiltty,ore noire_prepared to sell ghts and contract to deliver ¢ll laprs to ably part Of the v lord States. The rasehincim'ateigutd to deka Mick front crude clay, nod wiliSurdtke =AO pit wont'fires brink per day, saffwiently bard to star up in the kiln; thus avoiding-die expentennd labor ofpro p.ion the elay,dryieg and handling the brick odes' being nouldol. It is Simple,Vlrorar, not Veleta getout mum repair, end is conatmeted that it can be Viten io' pieces and pat together with treat Mei hty.ilin• render ing it ;tenable.' We ore now bedding machines, and can turnishtliont on than notice'. 'Fara full description sew: old tefor to artmelline tin., in scenes:fa] °pent. war Mill creek bottom, near the Westend of Eighth atre,el where we shall be happy tit explain everything tonne ted with it lo all It tatty call. Vt'c have at Vestal:no authorized A gen I, Atl lettere tO Oar add rev wilt he promptly _attended to 1 • CULBERTSON, BIekIILLEN & Co.. s ......Mq _„-_,, • VINCINNATL ru lc Iv VOuLLTAII STEEII4I. ILAILIDeIr, 11 t;O.NFEUTILINARIi AND FRUIT STORE, will optrt on Monday, Apo, Alb, fear doors from Wood*, swig nest door to A.,,layne's Pekin Ten Suite. --, • 1 A splendid itnnortment of Fancylhikr,Confeetiomery: ' Fran, do, (reskonike counter every day; anon:which are the following:— hlacaroonsi Pound Cake ; •Lennin !linen; ' Pastry; Sponge drit. ' Tepper Nato; Jelly Coke; - -Almond do; • : Molasses P. Cake; • • Ginger Nets; Wafer dumb les;:edionge &mein O Fede raoCekei t A e Fs , Jelly: , St' rSuega C ak do F ncy . Cenfeedimay, &c., the., exeruted in a moaner. eve. quailed in epmlity and beauty b) any other establish. men; 111 thin tiny. Fresh Bread. Twist, Rack. foe ,linenafae tared solely from Mute Wheat Flour. and fret teem all drugs. every morning.spd 1 1 AND R EWS 13 OS TON liioOXol/ . .IIIEATINO lIIOV MISES—AI, 1.7. Derder,of Doman, has arranged sod; patented a idiot tar hcaung houses, whierillas been suc cessfully used in Baton. New rorlb.te , and whcrove) applied. has meowed the deealed, preference Over Stoves, Furnaces. as. Its ail”ntages are— . . Ist. Great regularity of Tetenerantre. rii7. Freedom nom Smoke. 3rd. No annteasant Drynno. 4th. Easily attended to, and not liablo to get o • .• - order. , San West Durability. A Modeliand Epeellieltion maybe been. and the ap• pairatos obtained at the Hopper and rall•ltte laciet'Af WM. LI FienlFE, Earn Miter. en ' 1 riente bet. Wind and Musket I. Ilardwrart, Cutlery, N - a — dalery-, it — r; JOHN WALliall, - IIIPORTF:R AND DEALER in Fatale and Dan wee tie Hardware, would respectfully intone ha friends and the Nadir generally, taet be iu new receiving bia Vpringsupplyof Hardware-at the old stand of Walker Woodwell. No na Wood strect,which he will dispose . oe *tithe. most ressonenle terms., Ile will no continually rescuing freillienplier ditch from tbA Ma uufacturerr ruriepir and tht• rnuntry. venire ta)!I coaltie bisn ar.cranpee with wty mein. either El., or Wst. . • Weacto 51crchanw we invanil to cad und minting hi. Atock neforc pun:basing eliwseacrc, en=r3 Copartnerships WE. the undersigned. Mom milked int* Wilmrtnet , shlp los the pa mom el trammeling a Prodaed, Commusion and Forarterdlnahminem, .11 inlet the style of °RIJN, 111166211.16 W and have taken the mambos.% No 6 c6,6666,,,6i 1101 th Liberty +Wet, formerly beton:oily Mr. W D rusey— where all business entreated to oar ',charge wilt be promptly and fartlifell attended iv. MORRIS ORL M. formed, of Philadelphia. TIE'S E Me6RW. shoittificid i Ohio FINDLEY El ktefIREIW, - Pittsburgh. March I hit]. esehtil - - THORNS KILNNEDI:, OLP ' . 1 21ftlfgi l lia:e r. r li an i 4r=r 4' etV1:4,1 1 11m k' g and Variety tieods..keeps xnastatnly on ha ad.of ins own mwutfnciore, every desenptiOn oi nLtshogony' and . C.1..114111 Yantis* Glenne; 1,1 41 tank :it/taw.. Totleo: pleat and ornamental podia:l intuits All kind. at Trays. and t'L anew, in atm. or dana.; Combs, Tfirrads, and a ',intral 'assortment of Fanny Good., whalualm n adoalte on noel. Prdlare and anent sort, with Phelp's'Lherwheur rives Pont., and LU by 14 frame's et New Yerk prrce. mr.Nitt No et. rorwritet an 4 sib its. Monongahela Livery Stable. , as, ROltr di. VA'FFERIN • ga •e. toia opened Me large stable h a g . on tint or, ninnlng throoth Igo=l7 to Second at ,beeneen Wood . ^L . • and Smithfield creep, to the real .4 the Manergebela I teem, with an enure new imekrd norms and Carp ems el the hest quality and latest Myles. Hone kept at livery in the hest manner. , 1 11Y. . / T.Aeteiea. Italian Chaiietal — ltreaSe F 0 R all kinds of eruptions and alma:Pee of eta kin ; nub as klimplee,EllotebeitSalt Rheum. Scurry. l eat Spots, chapped or cracked data, and thrall ether dom. f o e ed-the Skin, which 'N rn 'Notre ealeal remerhu. hie • ap nand. unpamlled. It also diepels :Freckle., Sat urn, Morphow, Tan, and changes , the eolor of:dah, ~ ellen, or didgured akin, te-a fine, bealdly, yeuthfa lilearneea. A (tech eupply, warranted arcuate, and Ir ale at the reduced price of 371 per rake. ires)net been emewed. ts offered far P2lO by It A FAIINSMIVICK.a Co. earner Wand wood and ado at the tenterel , alrh and woodata , • tgct andOmuta` • won. TILA KSON a SOUNTAllY,Tousdrust ./ . .estissoTs, Imo repatetail and Owed.p ththeir o thawing, Lbur browny and Elbasepossaing Saloon io tin modem rye, odder prep ureed to • wan oa gunk's., stoner, with oaf, wonfort sod voLtrossa. Ibrygre peoprred to loiit ea all that may nil! within:C.lday Thankful for put favors, we solicit • euariauance of the soariegoar Sabo% cores of Ultimo/Icl awl the Mowed, (bath of A Waldo Day , . Dry ()orb Sleet.) a 9 at iri CO rs - RXPICRIENCED Jodi/etyma a ulster Ode and .101 f Millions, since 1 919, pronounce this •rtiele p!ts.cd for durability la the Consonsetion of all kip& of twritadea. Price 11-A,73 cash 6r boot loads of 10 Al. guardniked nine months ear. Orders for asecond quality Boning. Bricks will be exec eted at SO per 91.11 to des ritheat guarantee. A stock of the ant quality is row forsivlnis and for sale at the warehouse...l...Olin's Wharf," Can.! Ilaain, by I SHAW ATACLAREN' FOR( Kensington Ison - %%lola C - SEVTATIUTTIOriIEPLIBLICZTIie Bobsled 'b er, by writien contract with the Pinto Igo Co boa did exclusive right to Fell &be ir its Pit Ilium% and' Allegheny ewes. Any person snooping to aril their Ten, except pestered tlinioigh toe, is radioing d deception r Ind • fiend span the public—end their Sine w.. are not to'be relied on. N. • Pennock:a Ca dCm 111 •t & cu., • •1011 awl Fomenting 'vitro's—also mined to the if l`tg Iron. Cool, &e. '•••• • • " • sop A JAYNESlyzlFourth str!ei_ f it - Alf7tEcf. IiTA Cl-: 1.1 Jost received Nom She gash ilavey's sirs. Cotter. Sitnristris Pylindiealcillttr, a 'very nunertor ariSlc rind Ito 1.0 :Wise rioter, all of which aid of • very intricrin, quality; lot vile at the Pittsburgh Steed and liiinew or warebourc, comic of Wood and rali sic N WICAFIRIIAM ..., -- . DIVILIOII, DRUGS, 1 TIVII/ AIOIII,F.R, Drum. atoS.Apotherarl. Nr W, d comer of Wood and 3th a, • IluMot.h, .. ,11 kel`P constantly on hand, Drop, Pa.., Oibir Die-Mars dte, N.ll-l e heiars preserig,intacarrfolly commend • ed from th best materially. sup boor of the day or night, Also, an assoriencjor Perfumery; One Tooth, HMG and Cloth Idnultes.//e. ate r which ha will aek low for cll.. / . . ' may I Dl x gsVOLVIIIMS the erepannershi tterctuftel . raining brow, e sub.. .bets. order the NV le. aj II Williams k , la Ibisl y day disanleed mutual cont.. The bus' rs will be continued by J D Wit. hams, so. le duly Wonted to Collo the •erounti of the late Arm. / 1 D wiLuAnis, / TIIOS WILLER. Pittsburgh, Fog 42437. I , : spent/ Ctrt,Eutti elesiee se o( solder, , v.O er d elng u traddillg 1(11111., o f VIM.% pettetro; suitable Inc loner) turn and -pinker.; al., a large ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, o pts and pocket Irnterir,u superior artiele, l oot ~,,t7 o uni for tale low at the . l'lllslallall lined no d Apt, o.llW•rehoure, No In Wood m, coiner of oth. l"'" S N WICKEIRriIIA 111 1 - • RIBIIIIIIIONNIt UP DMEDD 1 J.T • INNIS/al—l am minimized by Met Governot f Potntlynnia to tate aelnnteiedgmmts of all in. el M ts or writitin, alto qffidneafirand dmasitien.i of De in Ohio, to he need or recorded In iienteit a ion" rams, 2 doom Eon of the Nneorts (Mire, Oin• Ma nia. Ohio. EDWARD P CRANCII — 444/c wi )•F . Slummy 21 taw , 7 -- _ , • RAGS WANTED; ~ -- 00,000 1.00 COUNTRY 1111XIKEI RAGS wanted, for which the Memel prie in CA1311.11 be - aid Always ow hand, every deacriptihn ofWe egaMS ill Wtapplug Paper and Chloride Lime. •1. REYNOLDS &MIER , De tt . Delmer Penn and Irwin ete. Pltteborch- VINING ROSFS, Monthly 'Hoses and Evein greens. no, naitable for phoning In Ceinethes eau be (unlinked on.appiiennion lathe tied Mote, from Numeric* of .1“. Wardrop. Alnnebenter.: $ N WICK GREIGIAM roehMtt _No I3V. not wood and gilt no GOLD AND SILVER — ltre. an JJinon to my Wee clock of Gold cad !Slyer Pot. en , L ee , watche., tunable (or Ladies and tlunlumen .—or the laical and bandsmen rutty nth •nd of the hest malsotheturr—warranted and for solo at very lowpsi. , tea. jelb W W WILSON. B _ IRD CAGES andl'Oun is of varlooolses,eonsuust .IY on hand. and for sale. at reduced price!, tithe Pittsburgh Seed Store, No 131 Wood Greet.'einnor of Gib cm.l. jey wicicimmtAss 10E.CREAM FREEZERS—Just rye d. loge as.ortr went or Johnson'. excellent. Patent lee Cream Free. zers, suitable lot Motels Steamboats and prism., fano. Bea, at r JOHN DONLAP mV/ , • • No Iv wools , ' et STORAGIC-11e salseril , er bar leavedn th e largo searehonao oempled by Dr. C. o:HusteT,N.lCoss • martial How. dre vow prepared to swore en Overall. terms. Goody stored with-Wm are constantly covered by Intatatee. • .1 JORDAN Ai SON " iebbart, s‘opix,!ft• Mcligiubithletd • - - MORNING. DECE LITERARY. • .PITT3BUR6U FENIX INSTITUTE. • • lnstitution, ander the care of Rev. J. At no us men Lamy. in which all the solid and or semental ilfloinehes of a finidiell education ore taught is now onertfur the receptionist - Tapas at Ka. 511, ltow, Liberty Street. between Stl and 4tb streets. The Second Session w ilt commence on Monday the Alkh sif August. and It is Important that eiy who maY design entering should bc_prceent as far au practicahleby that time. •I • t• They have secured the scnrsces of Professor RHO DOCK as teacher of Alusie on the Plano and Gelmr, wile to too well known to reesiraconstnendatimi.A com petent French teacher will briemployed Prof. lIINGIIAAI will b svo ebarge of the Department of Voce! Muse. Pent SLIMINSKI will have direction of the Artistic Department, and will give lesSoos, in drawing', sketch- . ing, old patoting, beds in oil and wait.. colors. Prof. S. to a competent teacher. and 6.1.1 recommendations from the Arm men in Europe and the Veiled States Ile has also been • leacher in the first institutions of the country. For terms nerdy to the Pnncipal. . n2ll f SIRS. LAMB'S BOARDING SCIIIOOL. 1Ne.193 Aid. Strut rebore Thew.lt, Saari Ode, • • Philadelphia. 1u111: planpursued in this ',radii... embraces all the J. higher branches of an English Education, with instevc dank. the French, Italian endiatin Languages. The services of the mold eminent Professors are per neatly secured, and every facility given pupils for acquiring the different Languages, together wan other complishments. n, The year is divided in two ten. of five months each, colummming on the lit of :September, and ending on the Stlth of June. The charge for the Scholastic Year of ten months, is payable half:yearly In advance; without extras, 'olcept Music and Dancing. which are at Penfesmea !prices.. Those commencing any lane within the, torn, will lie charged ...Jingly. If it is thought desirable by parents or guardians of tpuplls from a distance, they e. remain daring the Summer vacation, when all due attention will be paid. naraoawcn. thigh Ethan. Esei. Ile Ii 11l Patter... Dell bletlellan, Aloft: Itcorga W Toland, Philadelphia—A 11 - Morgan, Faq, Pt Louis, lion Jul Belk, Win Thompson, St Louis, Mo. Thos Inekman Esq, Florinee..Ala—Wash Jacks 'son Esq. N o—Caleb C Norvelf Ems, Nashville, Tette— Bon Richard K Call, Tubithasse Florida—Dr Thomas Legate, Chaelestoni—J A Pbi(oe hq, N C—Thomas C :Nesbi t l Nesb Eau, Parantih, Ceo—Ree Dr bu terlO dges, Newint YOUNG Lai:plies , sicatui - Anr, , ALLFACIENY CITY. ,pms Institution under the direction of hid:: N. W. & METCALF, a still open for the reception Of Pupils at the Corner of Sandusky and SteaWlatiiwy Sta. The Second Session will consistence oa Manday,Sept Those designing to enter will find rob the - 10 do 60 11.11 Deal the opening of the session • though pupils will be received al any tune am. The services of competent Tdachers will ti ,Lt classes that may wish to metre 1.611 , ..- • • pravr.ng, palntmontl Foe p•m z reglan Igilve to the 0091 , 41. Of . It,. news. Sc, consult cirealaror apply to the Allegheny. July 13. 11117. la If BLE BOOKS•4 - 7,17111 - a -L- 10;:_;11., V &11 P JaMes, Walnut Street, betwe.^z .:-... - 1' t; lot • Gibbon—The history of the l; fall or the Roman Empire. , By Edwar.d::77.4q, E.q. A new Edition, reamed and eorreetcf , ...:•••-lt nut, receded by • preface, And 11CC0111,.' , , : .', P critical and hi.torical. ifilating thd propagation of Chrlatianny: by M. a•-•,; ! ?.1f2-•. /11 inister of 'Public Instructßin for the le France. The prclace;notes end correcli 'lased Nona the French espresaly la thir With a notice of the Lite and character! With • W.uon's Reply to Gibbon. In hen, lOTJ pages. ? Napi V er's Peninsula Wu—Complete. To, N pages. Hallam's Middle Ages, Chamber's ScoUend i Robertson'. Virginia : and Rtiniclra French and Euglislt War in Ramsay's American Revolution. I tot . Linrary of American twos from the best authors on :America* . • Biography, Travels, eosnerce,litittisti4, ,. *: - .-•„4: Revolutionary Battles, ax. &e. &e. dot.. Poetry and hliscellaneons tied with more than WU engrarap. 6410 pages. • • Uniroyal Pictorial Library. , -Containie:;... _ Paper. - on *minim subjects„.comprisiw: . .f, History, Natural Sciences,Agneulture,R.s-5.. , ,i . -- :- • Biography. gine A 11.2, the Onentala n !....', ,, ,:i, Geography, Botany, Itliacellincous•reajV • di.e. I vat imp Oro 6to pp, fall sheep. ••; The Family Medical Libra 7 —A Prca Prca and Curenf di i se by re irnple mecines. New edit bn revised I• • i gird with the addition at a Vcieiable • of oar toast valuable native medical ! • • ••! • ••• outline of Anatomy rod • • •• with one hundred Engravinfs six of • ' J Norwood, D-1.A.4' • • • . Atnancon Flower Garden Cowman. 2 ° • ' - , rind Ore.:neut.! Gardener. lt tan, rewired, <Wafted and illustrated. . „ Falmer'o Oregon, Reeky blountannaot • I , • - Family Testament,Ottawa/ with ore . • 44 ". - Todyglot ootuoutelroadoU to metre. ' • Rice and hntree's Debate. Burn'. Wt 44 , 4 t • ' • ton. Juvenile Beek.. Cheap editions - !arta in pamphlet farm.' I Valuable Standard Work{ • -- ow. the dentateen aod r-tg• lyco Nt eo ll 'l' wood. U VII 11, 4 , • • rep p. Yonh a' ar A uln . : l ;e7wl ß , ' Aran, = , ,t, Yucatan, Wool toes Idme. and all the deg.. r , , I „ • ors in the Copall ,t.. In too to =ors wore, 31 D, wJLerof rh l. or . fPh J ;Vold, nod t ohr Jownila 'nubbywork , . 4 . 4 . 4 • t •-4 : t •tl 'nbor s - ! ' - nun ' The above wotbs rsceittdud for oak ot UMMIO. dad by • JOIINSTOO, &STOCKTON eupetiorqua(oy ‘Vholcsalc nod countr) Y t• all lyeebeett e e,e, market 4 cb , a 6 nt e steo , e4:s . pf . c . tf ,m ully Lz u cheaper thou has CTC( beforo been er ere de red to toe the put,- ' Alt.°4t..",fc tic Vitae'. Itrebtetes Medico dby thc cult or Namur'. Anatom), e i l i t?7,7;,/ e „ r ::. ' , VVb! ' . ' n , ' ,!;,:;„ ` ,/, '.° V , ::,, , ,, to. fcbts Yeomen Almeria Alddtee; Plolle Elea rote of Itt Hatton's Pewter, Von'e do, bribe',br do, 1 he...11e on Female.; 4 4 %coon Hernia, Rensbolheuee Proetlce of I . anunono, Pluton the Stomach, Cothe on D 1104.4.1101 Cli Idreo; Hatt/tea DICI1011111r)1. 1 Clytor on Vetoer.. Unild &we !en emyDtapens—new edition hoer with It mlwortmeni Vtnqueal and .. °S t '. l lqt t v ..... I LLICIIT a Ir.:i "PFa bill market st. liuseeen:bil and t:LI:311 4111 HAlablifebb'eb . PeillrlCATlOiala- Wehrthes I) 10,0 k Beeithitly and tiouselirep.nb. blordoei's Moiteirll. - . ! I.l.ldelt imt Etooll'it Creek Ind knirlish Irebienn.- DrapertNntursl ahitosopbp. I . r loc keel trac/eye Geometry. • I and for sale by L ._ 'P' O 111cDONAl.b k 11111 , -balb.,!b marlin et I, Palau rsooKs-Illstory of the Grrolt Rev .C/ Welton, slut of the wars slid enmpnienr arising atm the tangles of the Greet 'Nairn , in ainsuripn beg their rosary front the l'utkith Yoke-in turn soh itineis-spleretd copy with nuther l eus snaps Rod enKrs• rings.. 1 ,' Letters' illuitrative of the tersiJ of IVilliscri 111, from I'¢6 to 171.8.stith 6ne porirnits, in :I 0610. Conthan lunar the study of the Holy rreriptures Hurry Motet...on baiting riyurinee, with at reent ris ; :lour in Ito lkily, tan& French beige, and Sketches IP With. 1,1 , 1 reed and for ralrf by mouoNALD 31. EIEON - I ! p te2 . . 00 mark...tree% ----- ' ,-7 4117 - 1.? at t ~ is iaJnoo. IN H. MiILIOR. Waal vt now receiving an eacelleln , •.ronctlent 011slan 00.1 New Yore itiancsoirrive.l , end now pen for rale. Two splendid Row:wand Piano. hi; aelaren, fiat Una opiendid carved Rooowood. it eelaves, CVO One opiendlO mahogany Piano, o z an.la bid( at , tare, One grand Piano Forte, made t the foolery of • I Henri Hers, Part.. sad wily titan! to the one used by him or hi. Concerts.j 600 One mahogany second band Piano, made by Rm. gart, Worcester& Usubina,NOw Yothi 2 05 A further supply will be revelled during this week. • , • -- -I. - hoes Lot et Eismant Planes. HKLINIRR hat Owl rect. - lead the following new . Psalm*, which %nil be sold lower than co a t be bought in the poet. " ' One elegant mahogany, 6 otter. Made; Isgsfilnena k tilarlr, Near York, of great. pato, aralwWgetneto of , , nine—extremely low priced. • s • .-" • One elegant voftwood - PlanwOmode by Otiekering,.' notion, and 'elected by two Op ilt l ll3n.ullmi4rol I the clasi in his roc toty,prlc4 phis/crate. 1 'toddle, a number of other. of Pll pricee - tutootylte." (onning the Mast extensive, selcetion ever offercSite re; • KI. Ird-.t.'atJ IV Wombwell*: gag( 1, thwton and New ilu;k plat...'.• ;• 4 1 +11 0 .)01IN 11.•MELLOIC, No el %Vootiabi has received and!otfer. for sole— One splendid Rooewood mice Pone, A-Uoe 11 10 7-111 with 04 oetave.;, on frame and bow Wale. 'Made by Chleketing, of demon. One elegant Roocwood piarmi Rowe, with Comae. andiron Sonia blade by Cluciering. vl ( giatt•Alahogany PianolPotte—made by Gile, ACP., New /erg.- Ibe above will be told at coanOfertaierNi price.. Also. for sale 11.11 above, • weenie hand Pia n o Forte, with 0 octave.. „ L LL IISTORY Op ORXICO—Jest publlshral, by JAkUPJansw THRIIIMORI OP , (itillt,so her Civil Wars and Odonial and Revolutionary Annals, from the peing the On.iell Comprest. 16.51/ to (he piewin time. 1 SHI b. 1.1 to arwountof We War loath tl,e Llailet•Sintec ito Canoes and Military AchieVemento. JOY Philip I:conc./14.D. ~ Watt ti.l.Lblyperplitte Clap., and revel. Litimavlngs of Plant of Mille U toned., Or. One not. tune Octavo:of Ave himdred and .11ty-four page.. PHU kAP UR SLIAXICO—Mama do loi Ilistadotr Vol. Made Mi Uien, eaten lo emeantada y deGardo par, lea vat's, seta. delCongrecti rid doh. Rgicibh(iti iontrago per lu uejoera auloridenell. A &weenies receoved; An sale by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, Realwellets reor metier 34 no - - HK PRINCIPLES OF NAT PRE, her Dlrme Iter• etumoti use V.iee a Alenkm4; by sat Wasp* 07 . A= lois( it:ifiTZierWilatici has beei teo`d • WWI • 77,11141Q4WiYal 8: 1347. ANUFACTORIES, . ' • DUQUESNE. SPRING, AXLE, & IRON WORKS rtaLE3I AN, HAILMAN,Ur. Co., having complete d_ t..l their New works, are stow prep red to manufac ture every description of 'Coach rod Rhode springs: Iron axles, MIMIC. Blinar,sprinK end plough Swot, nod n lnitoo . of small: square and round leen, which they offer for sale on liberal terms, at their Warshaw. N 0.43 Wood Cuter; ;robe, they a i m keepp on band w complete and handsome otwortralentfof Coach vise. minks, Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Naili and Iron, ' • . C. H.& Co, have made arrangements with Messrs ; Day , & Crone. manufactsrers of Shovels, Spades, Yorks, ?cc., end will keep constantly on hand evert • uncle made by them. Denkrs are respectfally sof Cited to miens and terme will be u,adelibersl. 1r..4411* PITT MACHINE WORKS tND.FOUNDRY, Prrriscrson. PA. . • -. • . • JOIIA WRIGHT E. CO. t my of ion, sorb aa—Cnedlax Ma- Railway Spinning real nr ties. Oner. , . Dr.'+' , lFfatan.ef, Railway tirade, WILMGrI, T ilers, Dressing Frames, Loamy Card (hinders, Er.c.. Wrought lion. Shafting turoed all sizes of !Cast Iron, Follies and I Ilangem, of the bout patterns, slide and hand Lab* land toots of all kinds. Castinga cf.efery desenption famished on altars no. tier. Pattern. made to order for Mill Gearing, Ir4t, ratling,&e. • Steam Pipe for peating Factories, Co lb at Don Window Sash, and fanny Catania generally.— Grileest eft at the Warehouse of J.Pahner & 'nay Street, will have prompt attention. , Rosa *et • Blackshark, Dell in Co.. K Moorhiad & Co., 6F, Warner, John Irwin & Sons; Pittsburgh. " GC & J Warner, Steabenedlc• P.M CO-PARTNERPUIP NOTICE. ' - iN.s - 1Ep111 , ...NS of Wheelieg, K. F. Shoenber .Ld' ger of,3uniata and 3:A.' Swett/la of Pittnburgb, bane thin day entered into co,..pa rtnersh ip under style tutd...firat .of Stephens, Shomdierger k Co, at the Anchor Iron Works, Wheeling Va., for dm purpose of manufacturing iron and nods of emery description. -ElVlT.Sysymans. E. F J. A. Brom.. STEPIIENS,:BIIOENBBRGER t 1 •CO, ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Wheeling, , Va. Manufacture all - kinds of taller. itiw, bar iron .d nails, A B .reel eliptte rprings and axles: Ilelny eon nemeil with thoenbernat'a Old Juniata Works, 'mean oder as Wire le of Juniata Iran tbranded Shoonberaerl equal to any made In the country. All of 'flab Ira Ihe told at the Fittrha,gh price.. Wareham,' of the Work. Corecr of Menton and Water syeeta. Jac Uppoorou. John D. Wiek. -L. E Morgan. LIPPENCOTT & - 14 ,1 m A . c .: ru r ,,.`,7;',Tai11t1 1 x . 3 2: ) .:,11 1 a11. ."7 1 .Monnte , • • MEM `'? ENE= Great Western Butt Bingo illaiufactory, CHICINDIAIrit O. A GARTPIKH /r. Co" would tlifonn .he tr e that rt. they are now•wanufactornin the hest that flogs essennada to the United Wales. Al this is our u, plc business, we intend to send net as sampler,• an m in. ode as can poschly be wade. Those cults 'din the hmilWare trade, we think, will find it to we wrens to see oar How All orders promptly attend ,d to. non A DATIDNIER & Co. cor_of Pth A.'grain ne JOUR SIIERIVIP Co., Nos. 113 and 1.4 Pima ow, DUOS Formic. and tiriartx , _ _ • mu; 13nu of all sins cant (mm the , Wes unpins.] pat terns and warranted equal to . " • top. Brass Comings, finished if enacted, Gas Fib tints pal op promptly and. 't'sawwwww— reasonable terms, nartlbily 11I1S11 URnySINLL F. ll;:rg it leD SP Rfirili ISAAC JOSIT. ' JOII r. goisa. JONES & QUIOG. 11 g u o n , nd aL llasll7 , :di ... ro g n in tsr. and da ' a t j h r a: i n Trimmings generally comer o Ito,. n ' l n gPra7o d o i c r * A . c h , Piusborgh Ye cm: . . rrtoN 'and Nada, t‘horele, an. far me taus new X Warehouse, No, 69 %Vain. orvei, near Wood, ran ulna Front. Also, an arsonment at the old stand, bleAlasier's Bow, Übe ny street: !laving mods (real additions to the flolhog Mill, nit orders eau he Mind promptlyv. norm trItAFF, LIINIIIAV—A BIRMINUtIAIII TACK PACTOIII. omitpuELL £ CHESS, MANOFACTUItR of . . . FINIBIIINO NAILS, 1100A ' 4EA: IRONMarCOPL I NISHZ WAILS, ' AND :Pattern Idahers POOlit, of nay description. !gum No. 2 St. Charles Howl, Third meet. 1. (.121 Py.tobtarigh. FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. LVA N V. A L KIRA E sun noble tare 3.1 keel, can. , amity on band Cut, Moulded and Plam Amara In all its varieties, at their Warehouse tor. tiara AltiAtt and Water sire-is, Fatshurgh. Oft Work* 001A1110e, an orefAlLOn anal we ate vionnita ly adding to our meek winch enables itt , teafil , l i ' iVerte P a r l . rn " NreTsmlL " Vlc . c " *l ' d ' t e enri n. s P" hi" i_aS l6 9 -- -.1 IIPTION. KENNEDY, Jr., -Makrale Variety Store and Looking Glass Co,^ • . Manufacturer. rner ff Wend and Fourth F., Fi tahorgn, ILA S r oohedIv o( . f i r r o the . !tsf:t d ti c ; t d denro, Pine, Needle gun. Cans. nook. „„,,, Ey e , Cutlery and Combs., of every natant rind quality Western Ale reliant* and others arc requasted to tallied examine ti fore pureinuriug elmiwheni, or going Pa AR kinda of Hilt, Mahogany and ermintou Looking Glair men.f.m.r4 and sold at Pontoon prim. no 111 CO AC HE MAKING.. FROM this very liberal intoning,. moms the subscrilarhu recenredsinen • be hog lowed himself In Allegheny, has Induced hint to lake a lease, fora Irral of years, oath. property be now occupies, la Seaver street, immediately beside the Frerbytenanelturch. Frolla the long export...oln the above business lad a &skate plasm, be bop. tia met a and rocalVe • share or public patronage, Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Sag. airs, open and top Iluggirea and every desenpdon of tannage, made to order. from seventykre dollar. ill eighlhunant tken3-ilifj JOHN lioLivntiimar. 3'T nor article, to atom for ate o r SA AFL Pi KIER net... • vir,„,%., scar Till st TURTLE SOUP. - - 'TURTLE SOUP. will be served up at Beale% Isle A U Banal* every doe atll o'clock. The lover. Of Turtle Soap are • artimilarly itivued,as UMW , . 11 %4E7 Salfildk AO ca,lySt MEDICAI 1tA115.1110 131000 ~ . And Conseinplion,Enin in the Side an Night Sireats, Achena,Whooptng thumb. Patin ' of the/lean, Liver Complamt..Hronchitim and al disease. of , • the throat, longs and liver e ared E T :pi.... i . tune. All.llealing Sal : .. - ' - " Raising.Ntoad arid Consuaritria. , • Side '.lde a . aM m p LoaTn with dh t d ail o i ' NE the - banal 4 " ' " , n h,. . .. 1 ::: ° : m . I p l p o h 70: : : D u r d ioi: j ' e Y t i r . , a 41 „ 7 ;: d . p P i a tt " i h t th e t , t d- • good, and mid him he CX) HIM NOT LEI' P. i Hearing of ibe wontrfal Cores per man's Balsam. he. soy 'at lei o'clock a Hayea-lati lithon-m.., d got a bottle; a charm. stopped the. 41m:dim...Mil cot had taken one bottle lii'vras able to be It bad SAVED HIS LIFE. 111, dangle , Menlo Avenue, can anis. it. ... , . . ; /Miss Ann Maiton,oilWilllicsbargh, ring in Tenth near Saudi Foorth-sr. oftie.Thit atm ha been nodded 1 with a hacking cough; and•piln in , the e estjoe ale ng .1 time, which at last became so badthaf e eras obliged to give op her, rehool fee mare than a yin., . She then commenced raking the Allfllcaling Bolt 'which aeon' 'alleviated her synipurnis. She is now st recovering, lIYEA RS. and bar resumed her MN:felons occupai tun teaeher, Itlm Jahn O'Neal, 10th avenue and 7.1 Vat, angered with si tenet raising of phlegm •and. pion in 1.1. Wm , Hek ould get NO EINIJILF.IO be tried Oh All. Ilcalieg Balsam, which drove alto pain from hi.si allayed the cough', and 'bron.ht Media...in open so, urface' and. before he hod taken th ree bottles,wan en WI, cured ' .f. ' . Pkuria' y and Consumpl . n...- . . • blea. Baggily, a lady apwairdi of 7u, rcrldb.g SS Sher d. has for year. been ant, eel. to ottoe7 . ol•Plenrioy; Raising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortn of Hensel, Pain in her Head and various parts of. h e body. Iler friends believed. bee PAST. RECOV Y. The An nealing bloom relieved het' at mien of It her alarm ing trymptems. hug 'rlit in row able to all Ito her work. 1 Asthma mad Whoopirw . o h.. Idea. Lacretia. Walla: oh Ehrisbevu S Iteah4lo Delancey...4 Weir ll lounge, Tri Wattle .t, know the the Value of this great remedy. Aide for Sharman's All-Healing Dal , and tree that hi. trwitteir nignature in on each bottle. , 1.. . . • Price 23 cent. and SI per bottle. Dr Shermants -Worm and Cough Lit , eget, sold at abode. • - . . . . Principal Office US Nassatbvt..lß,Y c j' Sold wholesale end retail by Win Jukow at his ?Seat bledieine Wareham. wed Boot wad Shea S No 16 hibes nevt,lead of Wood Arwe, rittll9l. t, el prober i -- - OMPSOS 031 K lID dF ;TAB AND WOOD NAB/ITIIA,The rortlabd Me) Attvertiter !aye erd,STlartßemedy been 1130 re nn e) than any, medicine we have ever known for its numereas erne, Consusuption,,Spittiag in the Side and Breast. Bronchitis, Antoine, Manatee Cutlets, lloatsenesvi Sae Throat, ralpilatloa of the Heart, AS beeping Cough Clea,Nervotußlesseroke. Indivaluals of the reabcetabil Je thio city bear ,anare testimony to power and erre. , et this Class • Among the testimonials to the Vehicle( abbve teed .leine, ate several from distlagaished play lam of Phil , . adefehls. Reed the followltqf front Dr Young the eminent oculist. • ' „..... , . . . - - . Plnuaist.robt,J .18, IBC. . H - m aving used iny pinnate, as well a in my own -'family,..Thompson's Compound Byropof • rand Wood 41aphtlia: I have no hesitation in sepia, that it is Ma "...bear preparation of the kind In ate for pe •os coffering '''frono Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and all alferaltins of Lobe 'throat, Breast, ice io prevalent at as rea..son of ;,Ts, u jca h r i e e - wi Liett e . f l ee :n a n e a y , w ii : OW Posttest. ~R ielly eared te e n within Ille remtins7re 13.:inro,t;e7r -.Rielly eared 01 Ids disease: , Pnuanc...Pada, January 3, ;Ir. ~..,, From a sense of gratitade,and &doubt that the slate. ''..., led may have resource to a truly mosaics lc mea.eine, " , ..-I would state that the benefit I have cape enced from •I- - the Use of Thompson's Compound Byre of Tar and 'i"I'llrood Naphtha. A'or several roan I has linen &Wk. :kited with a distresoing reeking cough, ace° panied with -great uPPlusi.lon and Jac tiny of bleat/ea ~ with ascii. , i/satlon of tightness at the chest. Beco lag greatly It, , clanned, a (send who had been mach ben fined thin ',-ImedMint, recommended me to try It, 1 did so, end in a . llveryi short tithe cony alaiming symphora M a left i .. my expuennation becamelfree, all oppr Ma left me, "!, niv cough ceased, and in a lbw days .1 w a able to go Zoog rind attend tamp business a well man. I Any farther ,11 - ii, iitibrniation wilt be ebeenally given Mel abase, too - o calling at my restdenco, Np.1%.1, &Fraud M. • ~ JOS. AIcALANAMT. I This Invaluable medicine la proposed only by ANSI.. ....f NEir k DICK:3O:4 at NE manes of Fifth and Spruce ...I en, Philadelphia. Sold In Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, .1 Jr. Price 30 cents ar SI per bottle. I , ' CAU TION of Itheutje, many .counterfetta dim. I'' are dew aanst. Tao anscropahlas an evet_teady to 7 deceive the unwary. . I : ,--r-A-13,6. 1 r I villf.. d OST ANTLIUNDINU A 11111:. b. l L ipwr-;.% Blessing!. - A Miracle!! ; A Weible r i ! ' —Ito; cure Eruptione • and Illefigoretnentsiof the PArples. Frock Ica, Pun barri v 'theit Rheam, &Vey; :kite /leads, Ae,,,ke, ; ,; ; ; Four' years ago ; list Anguet: the xspiiiil ' of 'Preece wee utotutbed in eonvequenee of a 'disco erY mad e by an Italian Chrmief. .blany!doubted--It tedmed ainsoat •et Impossibility Chat .ything 'made by ;he kende of men:could have mush singt r power. ea vb a claimed tto by, Anit Vesprini for hi invention. Slaty elitism! loin sod his inventiot as huttibug, (mai. thiel.tonny foolish permute without (yr JO the raiLe..rioar,j at length, eller meant it in th haapitals. the 31edical es. tielyaf Parielthe best ehei sts in the worldjaelivered Med - ollowing report toAignoir Vesprini: ' "We have now minutely dad carefully egamined the shuttles macutionol,Vespriui. -We have;mustyked its eompbnent pans—krehave dyed/tin several cases,and - we hesitate not to pcnnothnee it (the Italian Chemical' Soup] to a great biasing, and o :duly wonderful come. dy tor any entaneote erupt" d.• itsfigiareitent of the skin. i Its invvolor.vve coni..'.: ' ''.... trite philanthropist of entering mankind. - . . ' (Signed) 1.. .. h/LD 9 PRAY '. • REAMtIiI.I n'd" :;I Fro m the Inranor tal!trelent ipre. '' • lams; Nov. di IND 1 In Co ' nsideration Wflln mein , et sit, direly led to Mr. T. Jones,dwalding is ono city New York: N. A ; the whola process. of 'manatee .g. together with a saltines:tor he ingrediettwicastlPS tat mid •ttl-.. ; Inn Chemimell :Soup. Ile it tamaaufaccote it for sale it . L ru ng Phi led skates only, and to have he psi deco of nit. I i It ..I onro' I lei ran Cho:meet Soap: • ' Minces: Henry J. Iloldaseersh., - - ' . ; ' 48lgned) - ' • ANTONIA PRIM ' IglhiSol, II by W JACKSON, at his Pa t bleditine• ' Warellosise to. . Liberty street, head of arid,. tithe sift of the p i e ce k. - . ..,., 120 .F.l, i nisi outs p In ot h e rs trials the; GP-NUJ:SE tea be obtvimJ. All others are tle' 'subedit; - A CllllllATcurti,pertsimed by tke origi bed °idyls... nand gmnite Lint nu, poplin! sad NMI R E BEL; LEM. . Monis! FACTORY; Weshaniebted hi.. Pk, j `. July 1941; 847. • 5 11.Tr.k. R. Sellessi—Awisae , ofdatysoson theallicted Wm:mem to add my humble talinavny(u Giv of yourjusily eelebnited Liner Pills. I liar e'dvistred doi so fa , yeah, adhering to [key Crockett's maxim, !gm sun ors m rishhi sheit gp ahead." Alost of the away preparn ' iif empi ice wd quacke; laded to tie stir, Imre sunk hit ildivirie elate yovirLiverri h hive biwitoffered tethe puha ; mid, indeed, ' Ethers they will “oirsive them ath" us they joss what ri a s p eaziri f, t then oa ray to r t h I L im : . le .ut er i, la i lict . ~..., i tii, t y t gz =soy <seismal phyuehts., to whom; paid eon wont,! hare lon much blowL bud, s,enatted and phyawkid motto I n Worsted d vr ti tubes, and fioallygoeti op as eumble. In INIST I was induced to I is. yow Lots Pilb, 300 N 110 T WELL. '• (dee boi of which iv tow Sut3alert keep or clear. of polo in the aide. and all the other simple pm at town le mcnulm Tway Pike are Mao timbale-alb- ' Imes taw& beinV;ll.l..not griping vir giving utwh Wile% ' or the. ihro (h 't jive [pentad. edict . I Lase kept tht. In my stun or 'I; or 1 pars; soh; bundreda.of haves, have raver heard a since complaint uttered )y amp ow his Imo toed them. ; 1 hey ham teparerded alum every el s pill is this neighborhood, and m a choir bias sill. bard. s heaf W. I samettly recommitted Ulan to ell per. n disc phie, whether for Lithe 9ompleitt or Billie. A te tea. I gait -4.lcr thrrafer superior to Calomel or dm Blue ill. • Rilp4l - there am odors ; Pills be re L ! Ift: : pit a 6lie c•hunLimr Pills permw ram wmathetill. UlNEshould ask (or and talc soother than thole prepared • • said Jsy 11 1; SELLERS, Na 37 11 - 4.01.5 t betweee'Thi 4 and Fourth tit Sal by pc t .QM, Fifth Ward, D 51 Cc Da. JAYNE'S ALTINVATIIik, ' . - We have been Informed by Alrsi Rose f • cure per feinted on her by Dr. Joyat'a Alto tiveinbicli prone Its eupetiority over every other randy of the kind. : She has been elllleted for the law _armee years with NECROSES or WHITE SW Et.LINGS, attended with. alceratiens and enfolimion of variomi bones, de• nng which time Many pieces have been diacharged from' the metal bone of toe cranial - 4h from Minh her awns. wristi end band., and treat both legs, a nollfrom the In It tc r. (word brine. and Isom the right Miro, b tdes paint - al - ulcers on other parts of her-person, which have bilked the still of it number of the mart eminent hysitians of over cite—iluntig mon of the time her to onogo have been exeruuning and deplorable. • Aboutiree months outer rho war injured to try Dr. Jayne' Alterative, which ha: hod an asiouirhinlly poppy elfern open her, by rem oving all pain sae warrlltakr, an . evotnuk. .the by to heal, while et the same mar heal, her a Focal health has become completely teetered, so that 'lt now weighs CI the more than Ike did before she rornineneed the ow of this leafy erlicpwßanott.—{Sat Nve.l'ust. For further n. ation, mem re of Allk. ileum, No. 15 Filbett et, Phil . Ma. For rale at Prtnhargh, at the PENI,N-T1 111 Fourth *L. cear . Wood. . • . 1 -- TiruTtiltore - itiretli itt - dittliridTrilt You, nlopo 'kin I. dark and sallow, You, whose Ilan no illArlikt and wirry, ItaslY,ditly red or fiery-- You, whale vile rrTertmve breath Unpleasant is 111 putt id death— You could have —boy, man or giri- • Teeth ;marline as NIX, or pearl, Ilwaiti• rptkyowert, nod cortiete Pure and white and swathe:lid beset ' And hair. oft. vil kY, dark as 4, • 4 1 By reading what is raid below. • READERS. any of you can have tke oh this IA nothifig hot trwitd aving a Mt bode. ral hair Restorative—a 21 box of Jones's Pane—and 4a eake•of the arimme 'Jo Chemical Soap. The arlieles cost but I, T assured•thal the followinp, ore their , Tim tooth•paste gives the breaill a marry teeth. and preserves the troth ) trk . The know to be the most exquisite thing ever t sing. beautifying: and coining`the growt the reapiliert the gettoine /onev's :Asap, m . all eruptions, freckles, 'Ae,"and make I white, clear and fait, e AIL Olt. i hings . a q l t W. JACKBON'ii Coot and :Aloe Slot Medicine Warrieshao 40 Li hertt at. _time, elo Bays • Pri. Jammu . , Pita Sinbroraiioi,"N Faiik WHERE ore few diseases more eons on rtr trot• kdesome than the PAM. mad ..yet, eldwithe tend inLereat efforts have been 'Made to eut me nt pilli:eleetuarien,lillolllll3ll, ate., were futile tteuelit. Now the Igmbwmattos•islhe., only medicine used. , A person who been sefferi inpvitn the Plies of the worst kind ca)ritif Sa- Imo; Now Jersey,' almost es perpose Idle wilds gratitude for the speedy core that thie A e had effected ie hie ease...Phila. Sat. Post.i irrf of axle ni Psttobut Ifokkhe .PICKEN - STOKE, 7. Poo riff and aloo at the [Diug•titbre IN P. Sch or 4 rig, Federal 411cybany CI; • , fehIPP '• Ji ITN giving nen , trial., we uctiesilaleilly proomince. al' hi be what it morels es—the . but withoot U. except:moo, 6 .6 , ookrili offorgioo prcscrratiuu As Yew. We. ' Loy. 1311111 f insuoonlrtioro hoittal been reskwed which lam beta Welter rm{ and ece chid, miitet ewe ilia• to recotexanail b all our rail:loft Men ex . {wing their hair, te waken trial of WU Tani. leeteccliaklyi-1 Far .1. in Pit 4l .lh nt lb. Vf.k6 Ti. hi. :Li VOYK6 street, ow_ I% oaf •• --• r • • Aian. BIB ! TgtlY 61LT' ile.;',/htraTt: "r*" lernii~elLblaurstolikaio *f. 015191,449M.:'4- '~ XV.-- N(j 104 - I U ANCE!' • .• • ... ion mi zsz now, 11111 , 1.161( ron ~'0 E ILAIIVOIt.4 - MUTUAL; • Safety liaserasseepempesty og•Plillndenet . 7' -VIRE ktsxs4on.baildia g . and, aseiehanAlie •of every deteliption, '3 net INE Rtsics upon hallioreargnewefirebiels; tikca tiport_ftte, • -:•t,! • most fesorabli term.. • : ' ".. '• L • ire Office In the Walehouse of W , 11,. - 1101eleit & lino., Pio. 37 Water; 'Ater Market sdree . 4l`itts si thl• 11.. The meceisof tits Prm - piny since the eatab- I ishinento' the Agency to this city; wish tite.prompeus - , -•_'. Audi...eery troth- which every claim span - them Om- '- loots has been adjoined, Nay warrant N. agent* -' Tiling - the confidence and puronage of his friendsatut. the commend/ tat large to the L.tewate fres. • • ranee Company, while a h as ibe nfrUtion a I advintagoe IS. an institution among toe 'meal dousish o Oug In- Ph ilad'asi—as hisang an ample paid m capital fehieb ":-, Ss. by thioperatien Ofitscharte coestantlyintrenimg- -: ::.," 'as yielding to each penion insured hie dneatuttirol,. the proffts or tee company,tetthoyti tatulviaglehe in any neigdinsibility whataver; and therefore u po uNt i ag the let tonal !principles diiested • of entry obitoriotts -feature ; net in iterated ettractiatiforne: - !,s, • FIRE"AND - MARINE IIaSIIRANCE: --* innocence Compuny or Korth rAmetice, S. through ip dulyautborieed,Agent, the anbiter.,;.. her. (dem to make ' permanent and'ibeiteif lua. ,: once on property, in this clip aid its vietuity, tad-: • I on shipattints,by the Canal and Rrvelia. • • • . DIRECTORS. john - Samnef Brooks;' AletLfienty,', ; ' Semi. W. Jones,, Edward • •• Ambroel White _ John it.'Brown, • Jacob M. 'Thessee,,,, • : John White, _ John N. ...rho.; P. Cope, Richard Weed; • WEL Welsh,. - - Arthur U. Clti,See. • 'Phials the, oldest Inv:donee Culayanp:-fe ehe United States, having been chartered to It* charter is perpetual, and front its higtimatett, • long . eiperreace ample: means And entitles ' risks of an eaten huardOtis ehirnitet, it may bar considered u dilating unpin .enemy to that bijg. ' • MOSES.WOOD' • . At Counting Room of AtWocid, Jones Cur , • Water and Flynt itreets: Pittaffigh• •L • •igi-tr .- , •'•• • I rmed by Sher• DIM to Mu. operated like &Gate be I al tits rnak. I reading at IV • 'IN DEMNITY Air dastLoaa tiyipire—llia FRANKLIN Fining* • . . _ ranee Company or PhiLtdelphia,. • W ILL arakiloauranar;piermariant and HURBI-14.ZfritidewcSUritill°0D UI P UTL 1 10 1 1 11. N I TR 113- 'l, on ravarable Thieiumpany iparpatial. :CAPITAL, - 1-11:0,C00 'paid 10. CONTLNC.P.PI' FUND,:..:S.SOOpdh . °thee - carter of Third aad Markct di" , ap . WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. - INSURANCE.; American Vire' linearanciyamil . ari7 •OY PHILADSLPIII • • Cnateral Petreveak., Curran OW reit; In office in Phslodelphia, Na 72 •Jitil.nui !Urea. W. S (.I)AVIDSCiri, Pres:. • ' T ire eldieh,nit 7111eutniela C 0 . 11 ;r 1 1 1 0 - 1:4;II/2111;tpl 211 any note( en exuataSaiii c ees cliaree ' ro n ire s lnrlnse or dahtsge by,fire.. • ' ppluanons far Iniaranees Pittebargh • and no netrhborhood, will he received, .11 rnko taken either pOrpetaelly or for linnted . periods- on favoieble tenna trf r nen; " MISCEILAVEOUS;. 1 1. 1e ' l&Terlt • . 11t i s d i lt p r , actilly:elr i : is rat y • pleld.eapr sonlo-genertma God 2 7.tie ' ra fi l . • ed'a *dire at the harem atarlet price. It to wee blows 10 part /layers the edge :grey( pectin alit. peamMhe ?amber of Hop betrayals to th e pint will be lugs, end of the retest qaelity. evrem le • lb. ea en craps 10 dus maga, the rims will "Lc veey lame and fat. Baykal who i nt o Oeca•ng to the wen weeht do well to tau at Mg pug before lees. nes elsewhere. I will oleo pact oa emeteumga for Farmer. or Moreau or Irani of theta wall to peek. their Dern aceomt 1 willeecomnadatelhera mil every . moan. Tome ought to be •g llme peeked at lets polat this wean, m the (realer portion of the /lege wadi he too nap tad fall te env , any diarancnianly at tect greed a macrame to the own.. I then be prepated Eta1?.1.17.."7:1nd.=;: ba Yd, o the r boot, oar river Omen foe Wtate. . JOHN H TAYLOR • W. urVIN NARICHts AND PUBN/SIONG-PNDER TAIIitst, minter .of Penn .n 4 Pi. ClairMee.. c.paslis the Erearme Ogg, warremeren Pena gme th t, respecdelly mares th eir farads and the petite, Mat ey let Prepared Up famish sad greed to everything. Lbe Lama Undaralers. Always sac band itarge sartraelli at er ile ready Made Collies, •- ees, rot ern{ read end In lobed utMO hest taattneri alhoorta end oar* en.zy wade Rimed. e( fie sae ) , Catabstek and mi.., cod al else, wade m mirrored aryl.. We keep a tart. segment afield amid Wont, capon, silk and ball.lares, , h fin pal I hearer. and goemers, enme. We era. leneladiegay Igegneeesstryfor dnomos do, dead, lad Oft.sraillailmalalk terms,. we pareaare ad our pad.* la Igsheelseetetaws. :4 1 ilabtalvetplaiet tor eagra•kag the Met itultd ea. We have aperalid need Imam oaf homes, god may eagber'of it. best carnage. Every them athaneed nat2unlythddynacthlly:_ Del:elf I • 111(balesele D Warehouse., , ' IR TIM CITY O rug P MEW TOUR. B• • • A I:e 1 ; A l li o N t korZer e lo K r ta Pe 6 : 11 6.4 mega . 9 d; r etell ' ata.talent of Drays and Meal..., AT! Bruntrail:, and Oil. of every description, *etch 'they , anareparted end daternenwal to sell low. 1 ".. , -• Loantry tderehaeta and Dreamt, ore Irdaedladi in Call sod Cahouet, that, articles. Order. mocuted I WILD faithfulness and despatch. PL A. Palateaseh'e l i en allyge constantly pa hand. . • ' R. A. Patiteratoch, R. L:. rahneelock, Tittahumb, G. W. Faheeatoch, • . . • A. S. II•11, Now rook, a pes • •P WAREHOUSE, • 20 APER . ..ninth' it./ ISLIP. STAY Etyltig. y I THUS W. P1E5..1 Deem in, sale et• burg hleadfactersra prices, a.. very extensive a.lori• rAriat, eteemnstug every peastble vermin adopted Lam wants 01 egentment ells...is of Om anwry. Paper of a/1 kinds mad* is order at *lon not Y.. lee meek of PRINTING PAPER le smusetitily laza • port of welch is ref v_e_ Cagan steehty, • PA.Y S / 1 . MLA ILATKRIAI.I of rtaperted Lad kept constantly an •• hatt., via: Pelona*, Wire Chub, Pogdrinter t are 1116.10.4 /owder, Slue UltruaaratdTerine, L., AD , • Casing, llelc Raipa G.:. • 1100., Batli.4, at, purchased, (or white, alte . higtteg price an past will be y New Yea. Jelellf4B. T-. • * I • i'Vev i" r r larof I n VOLVT . hereg "named frine the Woad M..; ••=v. ". gt.'t=it:Li: ‘ ,,l " l o 4 !'" telpectfally ask it. &landau of buyers to Mee matt et II A RuWARE. CUTLEILY alatt RADDLERY.ree'd per. Maps 31Irabat, Monongahela neul Rawly greet • my Pao temereeterms of Eagtand end Romany, oplme im ra Er a oefn Aemeth rm e aPaan pdu eM.n Seple. • nem melt /Meg gamely new, at pereltetted' overt the be gems Mey feel great eonfidgme le being ante inem.ll.ll, ow lien beinj.l4.oll hem any goarter, whethrmeinet Wen. ' 'The Ilerewere besieges will lee ceetlnced el the old mend. Tlllao/ADYVOR-Thw rmotne 1J leg ander the style anditra of Wiegman ag ree is this day a 150... by vegetal mama. John aellhay.os cola. Melva to /1 Wryjugan 'Pk bemires alt e late lag WI by.w„.., la 40, ea th ormed to see the :war of Ike Isai ah ter MU Nang. n WISOITAIAN etallaiw (joy IV J DALZELL • THE demur purl to atenfserent ell kelp ef It and Wooled notehutcry as the Moneta mgt. Oak. left lb :Omuta`, Lumina Pargoor- Liteny 0.41 Weal gam. teal meg with peril et- . - lialdalse • 11 w itar. MAN • • ' Wort et between Tacna and v....ay u. Allegheny City • : lfprluß • Tream s M IEW ErYINV I LNTP.I.-Per the relegated Pennaneg • 111 Care 11( nuame iniertrui, leaftect te weal au Theyelperles debase: the Tress eensist is do tr... weed OMNI'S OW wllh I• Welt at rely be worn. The pad ef lades eaatlyhatiatell Da manes, pet& lo 141111.1111aar part of it, and thoroughly Wars awe to smy. llllll Tegeuthaarle by Um • welts. It ran I.e . trarla Imam haterminset, sable rah c& pea, The cu. Macre have made arsaagements ~lope the mesa Me tare Oaken vim& Tame., in @opener styg..ln 1.0,10 I • Tyg &lA., Dud have them now tor..;, at their otter. he, dateltle at near tint, ?emerge. OEM %ATT. VITZGERALIPIS PATIENT EP TO/INILLM X ler 'nudey Wheat and tarn, or any bug Nara. railed on a F are. or Nagano. and Duty be pawned • ay 'valor, Mena. weed, or 1.. pew..., ...wind. its woo& w sib great rapidity and penestam, gad ath4 Witt. • into kept in enter by angel me' fl is • Pm- • Neelet tine, 3/111 et an d Welt tufeeted Metwedm 'er) . render end Placer, and is egtoderdly Ow • cheapen and bra Reeves attend to lb. Penh. Tale laaeallae aes be wee in eftemdbal . 0 . 02 1 rt l Wog 'S. deed alma LaryleaseaVariuchodee, career et %Vaud esus lit ets. " fect3L N 11 1 1 011hICROAhl Q ALERATUS AND GLAit.: FACTUR FOR pa LAI Adtalatareac. of t. Xletee ReLeoghats. • dm tor Mg tae eemelmtunent Swam N AM, • esemerly earned nu by him, ,his time ,me mo ,e. la s s and ante Pieter. The make •re itt raa/p kie eater • ate.e..p sutia . th e basittess,lng tatems,heote ready a. my alma. ete.l wag tot peso,•nd ea "singular* made levers by .ellree m either of ten ander septet !Mil PR ULAN ESA. • . • 'JOHN 11111 . 01 ELL, • . • Admintsmnore !RI, Allogh my i 'l, ki, STORE, 10 bYlmind • done., Co. miter Toad) holm) ! . 11e, and )oo col qudlolos. odor, whoa lo) r sluff nil ado tar ar ea. of r, and ad) will Cult ,dork }allow re gold only) nod Patent coPIAZIONIt'S..I4/LI CS .- ainimtritifired,per prack2t 4,eitski.itir.4so”l:4.l St., roles, soespnlipg • very gelictarasoartmrilL_ 14e atteatmn of Machinist,' soultonstitaintgeirfallY '; • • LOGALti KELM ' I PDX STEAM BOALTS. • vcryisonv . enieht 13:4 , c16. • dis:by umoVa lle l ;.:Xt e .l=o3 " lll,-ii;; Y iAti " 7 oda ~ .0 , • WA( B. SCA IFF: 1) 1 . 71121- VIP:tbiltai (or AlrUipy pur.o.7*-4,?n,•8.: J. deita;Zilal4y incll4lle,ti. ATell'Utepsukty of iiirerwint.d. ----- ' D &Yip! EXFih PANIII.N i JI .UUkcrate t piVe ies t .tlZerflu.liZa 4ir;lZ,.,=JPtr.at= .6 r , , . - ',Lay( tliN l DA al&raWooith.l, ialiiiiiidintiiiihuvr riitcriiiiti l ii,•• . • I -•• ria+'ittiviia hen lam East sorripplyil eaciiitikerliarely •:. ~.:,/, • . i . 1 p "I°' q.'n*"" the 'k°4 ', 4 °l4' . ,ll:4lAget w!d; ,, i . ' lc Levu.- lea Nil, ikamalkat(764,,,. :-,--" '.../ .A. I . Ptli i iMnlil i teiat plutly tott. dvFirliatio-466 , ::•,1. • --', 5' tit ia An 1114er.at Vamilyiimii /is ewe iikg-b.,-.,,'4'2,_f,. • .i ,j „.„ 4- . , ... ....' , k/k/.OF/1.) Ilifxr,';' , ' , 4"..'.„o - .... maim... _./' ...11Ceinimatii/ R<Por - _..'F' ,... i . '.. 1 '''ittd.4jell. il-illitlilairriiiiiNtililoiiiii I .-Mf!iiri i,/,14 1 1. iga4L•• - -., ',; , Wyk% . 1'i'e; , .,._ , .. ,:',/ : ;, ‘ ,1 .1, / • 7: : : , . , . , ! ";: , '.''.. , ',:,.:.i i.i r .:43` . t '... , !;1'1.5:,..". - ,11 . ,...i.; i * i. -.. •. 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