The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1847, Image 4

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    AttSL~T~L~iI~ l
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Ceerespeedenee of the Christjan'AdiceaW.
II Sketches from Arkansas: r
W ttling in tie Earthpuske Swamps of
111 4 , *autos.. ' I
In north-shatethlpart of Arkansas
there is . an extensive region of country
known as the Stink; Lends, or the: Eirth
quak . e Swamps or Arkansas . It its a
lonely and unfrequented districtbroken
and :cut up with riumherless sloughe and
stagnant pools of water: vast deathtitn:
bar lakes, over whose dark and ablleti
stuface. no joyful' bird ever flaps. Ids
, wings, nor no fresh 'flower' ever. Illooms
into: verdure. Tr ..s of, dedd trees.
standing up in thei rmi dst like the glunts
of the departed for st, without: limits or
leaves, conveying to the mind a glliomy
sennation of decay, desolation, and, death.
In that terrible convulsion of 1811. whole
?tracts of camel . ): were depressed or; sunk
many feet •below the natural level'—the
earth was rent in lieg fissures—many a
lordly cypress being rent in two, one
half leaning on this ide, the other half
on that, some i dozen yards apart—rivers
last: their old channels, and new; ones
• were formed;—and,a sea of water was
turned wild and loose, and, as' itlvrere,
loaf to seek. for itself some new (outlet;
or some unknown resting-place.
' But as it is a dreary picture where the
Aide is nor reliered tip n,gleam of "light,
so even in this 'forsaken and overflowed
region belts of high land may be !found,
covered .with thi.t kind of undergrowth
and timber Which denotes uesurpasied
fertility of soil. Hither a few buffaloes,
the Jest remnants of that " numero us and
noble race of enimalii, which onee.over
spread the whole country,, have resorted:
and here, too, may be found many an ,
antlered deer, proud of-his. freedre, and,
wioicing in a temponiry security root his
great tyrant and 'persecutor - man. !tithe
hollows, also; of ninny a lofty trunk or
limb, the industrious bee lodges his lusci
oils store, ming it . many a mile over
?Ypres' sw ap and brake, vainly, imagin
."lug to hide hie eweetness from the grasp
of the marauding bear.
~ But mark I see that long, and slender
cism(- 7 . siommiiig over that lake=then in;
•,, ( : t
to ~,, a aatr.ove . has,ou thick set with
• osedianatilg ;sash--iieliCe out again into
some huge .tupelo 'gain pond,; and so
. ' IMiseleasly, but sorely, meandering along
wherever game is to be found. i Solitary
.• in one end sits a man, a single paddle in ,
' his hand; dipping now this aide, now or
that, while With keen and scrutinizing i i i
glance Ito eyes all around bite. I' A. long, ivi
black, rusty looking rifle lays b y his side, , c ; ( ,
and a abort handled axe at the bottom , of se
his dug-out ; while, • with, as lieen,.and it ,
. .
quick,“ and piercing an eye as Ihis mas- of
ter's, there flits in the front a lean, Min- .„
dle-colored 'dog.: Pitching hie camp in t .
one of those high and dry belts of land, _
ihe'covers it over, with bark, and quietly
contents hithself with the fascinations
;and perils el .&
hunter's life. ; Such are
' the men who' firsr break the silence of
• -I these solitudes by the rifle's crack, and
-., • who, discorpring these inhabitable oases!
. in the desert swamp, lead die way .to
their' final dottlemebt by others. Their
narrow trails intersect the country, iii . or
. ery directidn , leading you to this fond,
' . around the head' ; of that impassable
•j "brittke,” through that tangled green-briar
swamp, gad thee across that
i tch spice
wood ridge, 1
But I am y foigening tn.: thle. I sat
' down to tell you of a weileine—a priori:
, •
tire, unsophisticated wedding,;where nei
ther civil,ghooly,lnor legal functionary
officiated—a wedding unattended by any
of the sacred or featly° accoMpaniments
of such occasions,! but one which, if not
7 ,) " recognized in the courts 'of law, is at
t ;
least firmly ratified in the courts of love.
It was November, and had been one
- .
of November's coldest days. I 'rho wind'
northwarde . with a point or so towards
the west, blow its cold and' dreary an
' . thems through, the forest, making the
grand old trees iitgh and creak in unwil
ling homage to the blast.
Hard, rough and toilsnine had been
our work 'that day, and right •glad were
jwe to hear, thoug h faint and far off, the
4 ,
.i.. ; ..cactip born calling ns to co' me to our
.(humble resting place. I .
Untying our buckskin leggins, taking
off our wet mciecesins, and throwing our;
. • eaves down Wore the blazing fire, each
one for himself prepared to 'rest from his
' We had seen in the course of the day,
. i ' as we peuetraieffithe wilds,'end swamps,
I and cane ridges of the century, several
"clearings, ^• situ a ted on spot& where the
. extreme richness of the soil tempted the
. ! . unlaborious hinter to openthe fertile bp
i 80131 to the ann. Few, indeed, and at
I long intervils, yet them they were, posi
tive I evidence oft the nomadic disposition
t of the Western race. • i ' - •
As I before said, we were resting from
our fatigues, and had already commenced;
1. blowing a few deeds (rent. the fragrant!
weed, when a distant "ahoy" "was faintly,
beard,* seemingly a' great way off.—
' "Listen, boys, what was that !" but just
.;; . then the angry Wind whirled the crisped
.- . leaves round and round, bent down the
tops of the 'tall elms ` ar( l d moaned SO
; 1 cheerlessly thatlno other "
noise could be
, .heard. " rhat Was a panther:" said the
'.camptheeper .; 'ii have beard, it several
' times to-day, an ti have kept already rifle'
I to receive him.' I ease his track on the . , ,
•. I - edge of the bay ou ss I wept after water.
You'd better not; answer, as you know in
; t these swamps hey are very numerous,
• I . • and no 'ways particular.”l Awful tradi
lions were then about to be told of pan
" • they fierceness, when a more lengthened
.. ' and more unmistakeable(' -• hoy-ahoy"
reached our ears. Same •ono lost in
t ..,
these dreadful I wilds--who can 'it be !
,'. • Not satisfied• With an answering whoop,
I jumped to My feet, mid seizing the
horn, blew a long and loud resounding
blast, rememthe'ring that. no one lost in
this place was';ver found !again, and that
perhips lifertn death depended on that
- ' - sound being Itha t rd. '
All. hands were now up, and eagerly
. , peeringinto thb thick darkness. A few
minutes more, pod we could hear the un
dergrowth crack under :the foot of a
: horse, then voices,und presently up rode
e .. the panther right into camp! .
Wewere never more surprised than to
see a till, strapping young fellow quickly
, . jump down, and lifting a young woman
off the horse. hand her to ' the fire.
.., .
"Well, Cap Min," were his first words,
' t "we have been hunting you all day long,
and for three mortal hops have been
lott. We beard You were in these dig
', gins, started out to find you, but took the
wrong chute, and been on a COM trail till
' . just ii while agnil ihoUghtll would try the
. .; virtue of a scary...halloo. !Monstrous glad
was I to hear ; that ere cone of youen.
Sally and I had just determined to make
. : a fire and sit, up all night. Well, I a ,
"downright glad to see you. How do yo
I . . ao, mister r and shaking' hands with my
i . self and the rest, he came, like a tru
l ' :soldier, right to the business in hand.
t . "Captain, I never could keep. anythin
I". ::,eery on my mind. ' We come to be mar
.i_: iied! You . lee we live away down i
.:'.nliese. swanips, out of the reach of folks
I . the preacher has gone( to Conferene ,
'';...-. ', and old daddy Kiinber's nick a-bed wit i
.7 ' . ',.-' • . :the'every day ague, and I must get o t
,my.vaft soon mtd be oft , to Orleans,
, .•
a• . - the water is rming,smrtity. So tterm
neve , c r; Sally before
t at:LOT; I thong t
I'd cottin'th' yea, as you're one hi' Utcs
'',.; • '.. Sam's officers anyhow.7l ' loyairt I- (u t
!... ' .........seethir thy legal ' inabilitY to _perfume
~ 4 % i e r•r==f,
marriage liter. but no, he overruled all
my objectiOns, and roundly swore as he'd
Home to be mama - , married heWould be.
During our colloquy, Sally stood hy the
fire, enjoying the waraiit•.g blaze. Though
her character might be oestioned in the
face Ilf such glaring citeurnstances, yet
she did not look bold or immodest. Her
I dress, if not of the latest fashion, was
clean, and the unsophisticated calico
shone forth in all the freshness of its
newly ironed beauty_ Bonnets are• of
nu use in that country. Her. hair was
compactly ; put up in, a knot, andvliound
her flushed and rosy' cheeks a small red
barred handkerchief was tied. She told
me her mother lived aimed cabin
some six miles otT; that heVointing to
our hero) had been acquainted with her
for two years. and owing to seine recent
occurrence of rival jealousy, had become
unmanageable, and at last forced her off,
though slie was now, willing to be mar
k tied, if I Would do it.', -
I shreWdly suspected some,Wild fel
lows along with me had some time pre
vious beetiezpatiatieg - rather larp,ely on
the,eatent of my legal poweis; but as I,
WW3 authUrized by law to administer an
;oath to each of -my assistants, the thought
;struck me thm they .really believed I
could excreise the ;Ministerial functioi
So making them. join hands, in presence
of my company, before a blazing fire, and
under the clouded 'canopy of heaven, I
joined the hands of these strangers, and
pronounced ,Item man and wife. Loud
was the mirth that then arose, and three
hearty cheers bomkt off on the wings of
the sighing !wind, served as a fitting
opithalamium to the happy , pair. The
boys, at first quieted by the novelty of the
'scene, but still eager for it t now roused
themselves into all the buStle of supper
getting. Coals of fire weregtoaped upon
the heads of a comfortable pile of:yams
--a. luckless possum, caught :that day,
was skinned in a trice--euildry, frag
menta of venison were spitted peed the
fire •-• and i several substantial looking
dodgers flourished conspicuous in the
banquet ! r
We peiilter slumbered nor slept that
pight. Merry song and laugh went echo
to. far intt the dark woods ; nor was the
festive .seene broken up until the star.
n f
._em ed field of heaven was fast -fading
helot tho lightNsf the dappled morn,
wise other duties imperatively demanded
our a tendert •
T ough this happened years ago, yet
is inique wedding is still fresh in. my
e ry ; and f have since learned that
in ouple thus united brie proved faith.;
il o . each other, and several little
ou I gate rs bearing the family name are
Lill forthcoming to attest the truth of my
de and to furnish incontestible evidence
in wedding in the woods. C. L. '
PI LS are becoming so univerully popular ,
I. re., Because dial are prepared by Dr N B Lei
dy irnsef,a regular Druggist, Chemist and Vbyst
ma of Philadelphia, who knows the nature, the
eu , lay and character of the bledieines used in his
pill and their adaptatian to disease.
econd, Because the public can tate them with
ater conGdence than moat other pills which . ate
pr, pared by persons ignorant both of medicine and
di. aims.
bird, Because of their combined eficets,proper;
ti- not contained In any other pills; namely. pm.-
in Dom the stomach and bowels all unhealthy soh
s noes, and at the same time purifying th e blood
an I fluids of the body. •
'ninth, Because they are the ,cheapest and hest
m Melee known—a single tins costing buts cesbi,
an t c,ntsicims, 4U, .M. 4 to persons as many
do fart alt bluest n Itor.tor's bills, and manor° ,
au ilicin. bought & trial on the ree.mmendatui
01 others.
Vhcnever you have occasion to take any snrdi
, e, do not he trifling with your constitution by
y og all kind, of pills or other medicates sou see
inked and recommended by one and anoints but
Leirly'a Senor..." . 71.1 Pills
n you will not :have take anything
Is . They will alway. all
of disease, Inllmmaron of the stomach,bowo
1, liver and inteso , es; Cramp. of the stomach;
Watnfttrintin inward freer', foul breath, bad
o is is the mouth, Sour eructation. and acidity ol
I,costmenwor sad indigestion, want or
•p • tag, hallo. adectoov, diseases of the spleen
kidneys, diseases of .tno skin, scaly eruptiond
and watery picric'es or blotches of the lone Inn
• Iy. letter, rash,pricklx. heat and salt charm, bead..
e ie, giddiness, leintneas, pains oven the heart, pi
th breast, sides, along the back arid spine, rheum,
ti in and gout, 'evers of all kinds, small Pos. Carlo.
In d. weasel., scrofula,eryaipelas, tnd in short they
a . goodon al diseases having their origin in the
et mach, liver, and maestro., and impurity of the
n'Tmenty•Sse cents a Bob.
Sold Wbolesaileand ftetail by B. A. Fahnesteck
• cornerof First and Wood, also dbmerl or
S sth and Wood streets.. senr.N
It Is our p raiciple intim managemen t f ib,s pager
notes anything which we find out, from reoove un
'gallon, to IPC Or Maio , tie the public. Rome or Dr. .
• yte's medicines We have used le our Ruddy faro:any
ars. • For instance the EXPE:CFURANT, the CAR
ipienyr., and VER-11IFUGE, which we know to
. good for the complaint• they profess to COM. We
re on Lake Ontano the past summer, when several
" Par tradelling compinion , from berme, in Western
ew York,drauk, for many day., the Roseville water
mat region, wore badly atackal with violent Diar
isa, Ind Dysentery. hlr. R. had provided himself',
rcvioos to leaving home, with -The Carmimiuve of Dr
ty ind in all cause( its me. among five gen
n_ ,n it was SOdCeesfal LP eaceirrig a speedy cure.
The Expectorant we have known used among our
bionic friendrwith crust success; and we reel that
shallrlo a good act cif families (especially tboire'lit•
sled so they emput ve e pha cs and mmediate medical
011E1 to advt. Meru to kep on han both the Er pens,-
ant and Canninance. The.Especiorent ia believed by
cod physicians to be the beat recipe for Pulmonary
mpbee Cumplairits, that hits ever yet been Corn
• ended, The reason is Dr. Jayne Is not a qua
regular, se ienti ke, fineable medical prattiboureloro
lIIS mediguies arc used by the best
I thri . ,ie i lr4l*.
• • !
! ' Editor of the Phiiiestirr RA i da o y Lei(
For sale in riitsborgh at the'PEKllki TEAR'S./ RH:I
Foarth weir Weed ! • stow
DJttJyl cAnmis AT we l V
js ct
The Meter-igned havang been afflicted daring the past
winter ri; disease of tae stonesch, somet pro
darin re. pain In the storriach for tenor twelve,vo
uaMerl:taint.. and alter having tried 'rations
remedies with little effect; wet fernlike,' teni bottle
OD, DJayne's,Carrnlnative!Ltalsant. This !tensed le,
pordieg kha dirretion, and found invariably_thril this !
eduseillke pain to Shiro i n three or icier Min
eted, end in! fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy
sensation veal , entirely qn/eted. The MediCitte was
airwards wed whenever the of Me agpmach of
pabovete perceived, and the pain wasthereby prevent
ed Ile'couinoed louse the medicine every pareeimr.
nod sometimeem We morninz• and in a tow Weak!
health wasp far restored, that We e sufferer waseßlies ,
err from is large' amount of oppressiv pain. Frysti es,
perienre, therefore. be can confileutly me d ict Dr
I) Jayne'ri CarNinativo Balsam, in anlntary meicine
for disease , of die stomach and bowels. • A SHINN
Alletrbony . city.ssl
llattel.urgh at the WAIN TEA *TORE
fedi, Ittoe Wod, and also at thr , Drog
.kiti(IWAR'EZ. Federal street.'
S= or till_ _, i , _
h 3 • INGS.--Serolala in •all as multiplied Tome
whether in thil of King's Evil, enlargementin , the
glands Otbonis, Goitre, White Swelliogs, Oliver
theutratiste,Canser, diseases of the Skin or'Sphae,
OVOE P/IjEvIDAII CoMumption, emanate from one
and the mice cause, which is a poisonous princip:e
more or Inas tuberculin the imolai eystem. Thema
fore. oaken 04 principle con be deatmed, no radi•
cal cure eon be eget. tcd, but if the principle upoo
which f the d lease depends;ls removed, a cure
waste ticiesOly Collets, no matter under what form
the di awfaLeuld manifest heel'. This. therefore
is th e reason by JAVEE'S ALTERATIVE. Is SO Uni
VtrpART Net slot In rconving mligt , .. ,
disease/4! ft ' CARO,. the them 01: , pIIIICipIe from
alnico Mine RCIEVA boon their 6E4,1,1,4 entering
into the circu lion, and with the blood is conveyed
to th e 1I mina at fibre, removing every particle of
n f
disease, from e Ere.. , Prepared sod sold at No.
_^South 'Phi Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Irekin Ton Store, No. 72,Fourth shoe.
Pittsburgh • I__._ _ —.. _ (meal—
Steam.. rd fi, Cotter-1 feel it a dory! owe to
my fellotir ere urn. to nate tooordh of mare respeenne
your VegJetnbl Polmonarr 1111nam. Since I finn• wed
l t,„ sonars, .lout racvan yearn aeo, We nappy denial
which' gave an account .41 kayo had several
eonrare. cueoplanto avern banner my have
a few
r. rtnea7erA Il o rs y I have and the Sal
alone wilt. cplete and peace' /Jaycees. It has
effeeted relief snd auto to a very few days. It is car
tautly a ask , Aloft. Ido not know that It will aura
u t,sed ann.,. otawm. bill 1-beneve it Will be In many
pr Miter, and p reventlon is netter Montero.
IAo dicta tiara for One love of my fellow. men, tam
nar y
reconnn d t ean of this Batmen. in all pulmonary
compla ma. 1 inn e.fidOnt Itll. IL blikben 11..,,,,,,,
of or...ruing ray IA to dos day.
j lit •Ocnikian Niles..
Iloston ; fune • SOSO.
Said 14 le 'A rn II N ESITICK Is CO., corner of Parsl
and Woo, ; and corner of nib and Mewl ma oat%
. VI gi4 E olfrtrw ' r.h c ill7 Lirti)Jl‘tldurfmATektl" your
at your own, pitted tomb c.f.:ions and blotches!' Vol
you ate r mean to glee filly cent. fora rake of the
great Ital ari Chemie al Sloop, Isaiah srottld NnUrely Noe
you foam hen.; and make your yellow akin clear and •
LL army- too at noes to/admen's Sloreill3 !Astray at.
Pi.bhtirk, and get s cake. •• •
N 11 hiellson's Is thoonlyplate is rilltiburgt. erbare
We GENUINE..SO trei awned. Salm., of Counter.
I ~jsj.OI3SERVE the Mg Boot stands an rho doorway
lE l --
EXPROTIMANT—Tbe yin.. of
ications and then. medicine for. the cam el
,noon and oiler dimarce cannot be ton well
.IVmy many lema hare been need by it.-111..
4.Atlas.. • •
topitnitargb at the PEEIN TEA STORE,
;street; nest Wend, and Kilo at Der Et
Tacna al, Alighracty Coy. 4019
~ L - .v:..1.~-.
P I L E -.S . ,
Dll.. IMGOLDSBYM P il ei Speemc en internal men
certain and redial en. mbetlice 'atm.!, <Hes*
bleederor blind, alas, far initiate, of the kidneys arid Mad
der,r pa im in Hs tack and shle, baba.' Madman., sing I
lima, fix• H, k , ,• dm.
Yeinaka Doke, and after MCA... are o
with martipation of the lamisia, or eustivenees, is Aell as the
prier. ' to all sock tam. the Spetifie out be taken with pee,
feet safety, and is a cortairemesedy. The Speeide le mat,
purgative, and Is . manly v •• •le
_remedy, Mahouts per,
tick of gumbo', coke.. or.—pimant to taka end peel
Dolly h i safer in the coostdelicate cam.
.., - ~L
Thia is to madly that I knoiryDr. Ingoldibra Pile Sporiki
to be a certain owe and safe liesifelly. Haring seen its eifect,
rat came, among. my onaMmica, in several eon
famed and serero cams of the pi nn,, whore it smile an entire
earths emry t 0... SHY WHITEHEAD.
Feu York, May, IMS. ' I . 354 Shah cunt.
• I au:madly give say tertiMiny as to lb. certain S. wank
Wang elfmts of Dr. Ingoldsbre Mb Bpotti6o, ae I Imam' it
from my. awn mpevicreswad oboenamon, to be infallible;
hating Pem it wed ...meta in literal aims of piles male
and female. DEO. IdILLEIL, •
• liiir York, M. DNA ' I
, Mil Math street. I
P.M York, May, lillSi
Mr. Dcala—Dear Sir —1 bare tbe 1 plum. to any, that
your medicine, Dr. logoldsbye Eiles Spetabc, has made a yer.
feet cure in dm case of my latltu,aud 1 turvigiva you my med
diat 1 tam he. =erring at a, as it :arm m my SPA's's im
passible to cure bee. Honer., Ima nem mality to the mid
moo as bring Infallible, mid do odrimell ahem who are A
die ted he the like manner, to prmaro the artiele, is airy Mg
depend on a cum in on..
West Chan, N. Y.. Mg IS, 1845.
D. Legolleby —Dear Sim—Tha jou mg buteSt others
•ho may be eulterieg, as Well at to t ans my gratitude f.
the beuetit I tare derived the me of your callable Spe
ode, I comply with your roomy end now d o . pee my testi
moo, in tame of it, Main boot eurad of e wore attack of
Pifoolbe en. hexing used alb...remedies without success.
Youn with respect
Sold wholtiate end WO by W5l. JACKSON, al bis Pat
ent Medicine Ware Boot mid Shoe Store, No. tO
Libert7 street, head of Wood, Pitaburgh.Prim, SO is
per tow lau 14—Aly
ue,ZZA.Dra Pairiatirr iltauSTEll37
/ifs Plus Wen himmveMes
has now been in niestlioat two years, and Wherever 1
is known, prderrell la all other Beadsteads;
Foe ei t ,apness, strength sad convenience it has not
and cannot ho....egindnyled,os It Is decidedly the best,
cheapest and enortcoeum e nt Bedstead use, and per
fectly proof against Bugs.
The. princlpul Cidnuet make. had Tomito in Alle
gheny city mid in Pittsburgh. have tenured Rights to
nomufainice and sell the etude. As there nrempunous
articles nod imperfect tenicitioni in the mruketpurcha
of walla do well r egountne the east iron plates on
which in the genuine article the name of the patentee,
E. Et:at:ow to tr&ortahly east' An • proof of all th
claimed tor Gamed.. Bedsteads, the fallout ing ecrhfc
onto (mat Calnnet mater•well known in Pittsburgh and
the West,ts submitted to the is
t We, the subscriber. practical cabinet, 'nutters and
Bedstead manufacturers of the cities of Riusbargh and
Allegheny, Po, 00 hereby certify that we have bought
the right to marittfactitte bedsteads withainionCs Pat
km Fastonogs, and consider the same superior a any
fassemlusa with which we are neormutted.
lazes Leaman leen OVEreer
T B - Young & C Robert ''airman
R Ilanley James B Bart
John Ligmeth Jr. Jas. Lowry & Bon
loans & whin Riddle lc Deenti.
Than. Farley . Ramsey & ht`Clelland
, David . Moses BalMet
Mash Wallace ' ' Roberts & Kane .
3Mayers Jr. W Waidwell
"icehouse Coerce:Mgt!.
Wm Basica! I t I We...Kamm &Co
logander Lawson
Fat Biota it mate, and sell the ,bees
triply to , EBENER F GAZZAM,
'Me& 1 Patentee
/tutu C
,: wcllrwgtun~ n.-c.
"7E:BAS C. HIIBIIINH, Mechanical Engineer and
In Agent B.llBloCatintg Patents, will propose the w
ee ..... Hi tiwings and Papers far Applicants (or Pal
-Irtmand Weii..l all other business in the line of ton
prof...on at tilt Pawn OlSce. Ile eat be consulted
on all questinimbelating to the Patent Lithos and deer
OM the tlitted' SUMS or Europe.: Pe sons at a
distanee dcoirops of having examinants. made at the
Petrol Office, pros to malting appl leation fora patent,
may forward Won patd, enclostrig a fee of five dollars,
clear coition nt of their t o when iisuntoliatc anon.
non will be given'. IL •Skd all the infoonalton thw
could be ohtninrd iight 'Mild the applicant jape:two
prtrinptly diassounicated.
All Hues od business omits lis post paid. and mutat
*amble feel "these a written opinion is maned.
Office on F. etreet,opponite the Patent Office. '
lie his the of referring, * . peratiseinn, to
lion. Edmond Make, Colguisnones or Patents;
lion. it I:lslswtoth, Its do sith do;
II Snow:es. blachinist,'Pattot Oleo'
Judge Cs”ch, Wanhingunt,r )
Hon. H Choate, blaasachasetts, Senate;
Ho n. W Allen, Ohio, do;
Hon../ C,Ellssoari;
Hon. Willis Hall, NewiVork;
fLoberrhlinith , M
Hon. 8 Ilto•e.e , E 8 &nein:
Hon. J M C. Missouri;
- • • •• - -c. gleams,
r,THlEgreatestaiat. , eared in Miserly
J. before—mule on Mr most approved EaStem
TlLEmoat faxhionable Eastern eatata. Also
made warder of all time. sad at vißroces.
ntry hterelhanis and others are invited to ran sod
examine thri abovetall. for themselves.. alt will be sold
wholesalewholesale or re%nd a liberal deduction mad , . to
Wholesale Weimar.. -
t' i r HE !meet , .
to imcorporated far the
promotioa of Foto AVM in the United ` r Ranh
volocriner of Fi. Dallaer n hlember for one year.
The fonds are applied: !Hato the production of large
and rosily eclair amnicaof Whieh every memler mammies
a i'isnY; and next. to the purchase of moon. Parnunga,
and other worts of art. by native oe.resolent artsts.
whirb are divirtbured, try tut:among. Rio members,
lest Tar 1115 palniinO were distroloced. year
tiny Wilt le more numerous Ann valoalilo--more ibmi
ISO are already Purcbasb I; and In addition here vr•l
I.e tbitriboted statt bronag modals of %Washington All—
an, bow to progress. and rarb surtabirt rereme
two co:Jamas—The John Plat -Broz Men,. after Rings
hang and •L bytal,' after Ituatington
The undersigned, having beeh "°°°""
Secrets des for Pittsburgh and vicinity ie preintred to re
ceive subscriptiops.
Thom "muting to become imetibtVs torward the)
Intents. of Mc society by doing so 'soon An may be
convenient.. ; %Vb.S CALDWELL
3rd Street, oppwar the Post 011 k
, ' cor
T 1 : sulfserlher has lonrinenced to the city of PI
Irilegh. the manufacture of rrieters Idk,m all
Varied , . branches. I!
Printers thtougliont the reentry Who ere, tit want of
Inks, would do well bYcalleig on Mt subserMer reels
ea. kapplying therti..l.oii,asnter.vrtil 12'moid at eons
sidemble redrferon from eastern prices. They cannel
be excelled in point ol yieriaty, richness. 001 the excel
hence of matertal (torn which they . are manufactured.
The solimriber: cannot: but believe where a superior
article is offered for • Icaprice,thapasulEttent imbue
silent is adrancetE le Meow , the of tionagt of all who
ime Printing lot a. ,Ile is also satisfied Mat Ills Inks open
trial will correspond With the abor4 reptekentation,and
would_ therefore the to of thitse who feel
dilposed, to encourage ths connufacillfing Of the
in this coy.
Orilers riii4cted to DIRD, no %V righties•Colirlion.
I/tit:tem. eemer Iliassiond mid Masks t *Sect, will be
punctually ..11schargid,• . ". Oct,l-41
C 011.1(/
Madam, Doi, Clerk of the Gnat of flustlef Bee .
simmer fhlasergounti.
It. R. 6131.31.15-Sit: Some rime in the winter my
wile was afflieleiliwilk SI severe and tillOirliOng cough,
and hearing of yes,. Mialueble Cough Syrup. I maths-
Scd a bottle from S T. Trininie, itsq ,in Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it t•Vo OrtlaCO e'en inK4 oa
going IA) heal, she fount/ immediate relief/ as'also sever al
friends have beearalrived 100000n:eases. , I am them..
Mee mlished Was hi is a sans and valuable medicine. and
would recommend h lo Mose who May be afflicts./ with
severe Coilslss and colds. ~ W. Maws
March L4'151 ;
The Eytup it put up in 43 rent ' Wilts, so Chit it may
be hotiglitl.y the poor sis well so the rich '
reparcti and .1.1 by H SI-11.4,-ERS, 07 vroril sr.
also. for sale by Dr, Caws], Silt word, and II l'or,y,
n. growth of.
a n d /to la
Ales, Entre. and
Cs,V, early picked, this
year's grworth. ;
Prime Ohio In . Ltelcr out county:. .
The general Ewen' ei op of Ma se &soh Is now hole
eeeeived.. Brewers and otters sling llops,W.ll had II
much to Melt advantage to obtain' their supply from the
ondenograiti, de therits.nd to e.ririhrooghout the name
at N eV' lock prices, 610. W. 1011111 is Co..
rietZdain . • ' - Pitlsborgh Breweep r .
,Pll - 0/OAtitirgifiriOV li:kidA
4 .. o vri r ig , Gtea c x . r a r . g:fl a tts , : n r d 'M r ,a u r k4 r f re ng ra t h t ; 'hi s t p . h.: ,, ii:
where it is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless.. :
&rid with full direhtions. gnat 2.50011 u a cake
D- - Sold by WIU.:JACKSIONiiri Liberty street,
11 Boat! and the: store, sign of the
. . . •
Cfifire - iTql-414-ifft-Srs ltr-71-40L---Ttiirel;
labirter, I attain Mao. Ilegfieny city Oil Pllll, has
he newest protons; far Purses tod Pand'enher ht mond
crime Geariag and nil patterns insde _idea•
STEAD Mk/431ER. TIENT 13111.14GT.ACT1, 031
Ills Hammed. pessedes many advantages over elk
Tothers-looting bhtehmny 40 mootioned,
Its Managenbkoenr-i-Theispiditity and famed blow
may be controllesfi with the greatest mute, while the
hemmer is in opeyation, and Itte hammer may be hi.
dandy arrested, and distended:dotty execut e
Ito Universality; or capacity to execute work of ND
kinds, from the laygrt in the smallest, under the name
hammer. j ,
Its Simplicity,,COmpuetaras and Cheapned.
fix Acedstbangimon all sides, by the workmen.
All t;l3 hunruer" ere
made Solf-Actiu.
ant,seiihowt 'continue to eaccute o rder. for Mew
hammerv•of Ali iisce,:rourrtntbl. tem.. •
For further particalani, mon:- ok _ ow
• , mEntc& & .
of , the Patent [dam IfitilVd Notes,
Southwark Fousdry,Fittlad deoifLl7 ds_
• tinfiiiirTei r •NiiiKeitijiiN; •
Idainfactureis of ' •
or ILL ekeeltirtlows
Na. 3k Sough .3 , 111:11111, Btrtttr
Back of A. Wilson' Cabinet Ware Manuh
• 1 • Pllll .
AI , 11 . ,,°,tir:‘ , ."ith., lolrg h, md l Mel°
"atth b e pro
*IF' '
P rib*
encoded to. TIIO9. 6: DERRY -
scp10.411 c
WILLIAM norAjcoicii .ern
ILMLIy4.IS INAK.m,24J chnevt
poiledripkia, l i tre of the foalkif Ogle
. 4 • Amur Widow. wspeelfolly inform hie Din da
end die public, that be her and will keep
midday,. tokid awl far tale," handsome woodmen* Of
whliaaltk Conliager. : Yelweld of all styld and descriptions
sod. border al the shortest pootibleadid, end eddied to
tur sefglsest mausei,of &Wicked material._ ether)
EBBS! Fints:t
res elfolty i
of 4AN CY. FkIRB, sods.. Mid. Elod, p tu t , a w ct
pims us a call beim* plfighavol eoewbefv,ex
•Iled it to their advsninge ended mideske. ordere
reeolved shall ho enithrally nended to at No 93 tiara,
Third d i al/owe Alch, rtuadepiti.
• OrB10011441070:14!ta pods
. _
. i~
Rost extraordinary Marten= in toe iyorict.
Thu mine is palm to (boort bottles: Ais mace dump
ar, plemanterotad warranted superior to:ay solth
dinesse without meniting, Fuming, - n . or els
biiimtneg the p ,
The groat Lenuty . and roperionty of this etinwirtilla our
all Wet Medicos while[ it Eradionthe Disease A Int izer
' atm the Body. It ismoe of NO teryhmt SPRING AND
SIM:4ER fILEDICtri ES mei thew, , a .at oaly para..
the Whole spume sod esenthests 110 pares, but II Creates
Nets, Pane earl Rids Elrod , • power powssed b I.ooy oo 00
bled/rise. And be this the grand *east of its Imam lei
sueeiss. It has perforated width the past two years, more
thnti :COLO corm of Serer. Coen of Disease; at least 5,1100
of [hue were emaiderrile. More th at
apUU eases of Qin:ante Rheumatism ;
2,UW mums of ..en Dyspepeia; .
' etel ease. of Crent - Debility and Want of knew/
• :NW or different Female Complaints;
2.A.00 sumo of Scrofula •
1,50 u awes of the Lint ' Complaint ;
%WO man of Diaraw. of the Kidth.l and Donny
U,Plal caws of Ccosumption,
Mad Thousands of cora of Due. , of the Blood, Tit. Meth,
Erysipel Salt Rheum.
.o , on the Face, tan., de, Zy
gotic, w ith epunwrous cots of Sick Ileadaelse, Pain in the
wde and Chot, , ,Spinal .Aff ectons, fm.„ ke.
are aware, ono appear incredible, but we hive
letters wont physicians .4 our none from all pots oi the
United States, informing us of ow...denary cures. It, If..
yiokiryr Es.i. one of the must ropectahledriiggists in :few
srls N. J., thforms us that be mu mkt to mare than 1.50 ce
ses In that place alone. There are thousands of tars in the
Cit(of News Yore, which we will referlo with pleasures
to men 'of character. It is the best medicine fo, the
e.tive of disease known. It undoubtedly scrod the lire,
of. more
• 5,100 Litu.namt Tilt Peer Bassin
'Az it roomed the cause of disease, and ',sewed them foe
the Sumner wee..
Verna Sens. Ocelots.
Can. 0. W.MCCLEAN, 0 81,17.5 V 4,
.d member Of the New Jersey Legialature, has kindly smut
sta Wa followiniortifwate. It Wife its owe obey.
ILOtwer, J.. 2.5, 047.
- A year elute I was taken with the Inatiena, and my whole
ey stem loft in a debilitonl Wale. I was induced to try Dr.
Toetswend's Sareaparilia, mad odor taking two or three ha
da, I was very mu - ch relieved, aold attributh itctirely to the
eve I wastnned taking it mut find that
imprwre ry day. 1 belling it nod aud could
NO be without at under .y wresidaratmo. •
0. W. IllcLoal tate U. S. N.
Bono/via Como.
This certificate combatively proem that Ws Saresperills
to perfect control over the most .otetatate d 1 of Mr
1,1%01. Three pumas cured in me Mots is naptccedtatcd.
Torso CusLow.
Let, TOMES.° —Dem tlir : I hem the pleasure In ioforto
pllll that three of my children ham broot cored Of the Sem
hat by Ms est of your escrllent andicins. Thiry were
Oboe{ very sorority with bad sortsi ham onlyitaken four
bottlra ; It took them away, Or whirls 1 het tagoilf omit
deep obliption. Vows, ouretrully, ,
Iwo W. Cuu, at.
New York, Mardi I, Mr.
Dr. Toonerrid`s Sarsaparilla is a' onsvervga and rpr.4l
Go incip:ost Commotion, Darreuncoy Laucurrtca,br
Whits., abstracted or difficult bleastruatidu, tuottuthiarnrs
of Unto, or involuntary discharge thereo4 and for the gen
eral mound= of the .yarn—tio mortar whether the meal
of Odorant Claind or sasses, produced by irrgrularity,
or widens.
Notbintan to moo surprolog than its invigorating an.
facts on thy human frame. Paeans, all 'robins and Imo
turn, inin - Inking it, at comber.= robust and tonal.otot y
odder its balm*. It ininsediattly counoracts the wove
lemma the tonal* Eno., whirh is the gond cause of bad
• ~.
lt will not he expected of us, 113' Old a tio delicate • ra
tun, to achibit CelithClWO of cures `performed, hat we inte
moil the aimed, thlt handreda of ens. hare been repotted,
to os. general cute where (undies hare heed without child ,
reit,after:wing • few bottles of thie stmakiable towitteiai,
have been blest Intl healthy ofhprieg.
Dientead: My Info being "sexily dills:wed by
weakans and general debility, and sisliertag nientiontily
by pada and • sada* ef basin down, of the
wank, snit with other digaeoltiu, tail baring kaolin CLICJ
eaten your taiel.ine too effected grad cons and shah.,
hog it reetaxianded for such mesas 1 hare ebocnbeild obtain
ed • to o
l, of your Extext of damp...lila and followed
the directime rio pee ine la • goat period jt 14i:tuned
the wiletpkists end restored her health. bang &maul for
the ben/its she recetwid, l take pkasare in thin eeknowledg
int iL, and reevaintending it the petal. Ilk Mooed,
Allan, gag. 17,1E44. Cos of Grand and Lydius
Goftecm, Sepia 29,11545.
nontolual: To e 9 athot• thio may concern—nab is
to certify that my wife ova am Wale of leer Sarmaparitta
F+ta. to her 001.6112...“, under the moot alarnaeg and
delicate ciecuteafaLect, V w tro t tabled troth th
To e i
t ie=
hoWawa a, Ai. was isdurelto tey it,'. . W tittle efe tot
bedi, and setae a to my , the oedicira hod Ito; ham and
deleted elfeet o notaetly ia the tafdia of coeltnenseet,
' bo o t after
thy= o f
, olie . eret o w. f tom Leol i ea ;
ILIA 9 DOW ettar " Yun it tail Ho • re s t;listo
If dos ea to of any weds taw you or ay Goo wito
doubts the mem o( the leakizo, Toe entinfasefy
ontonalo slyestf pna• mad °
ai J•r. A.
celled tt.
Vas Extract Mrsoporilla hae LAD )
to rolerence Semi cosokaas. A o Wank wbo too rro.
eon to oopr 0.• opprootong that Mild perord, `. Tar
rum of AA Mould weed to Me 4, so it .11 o'llllll
prornalet low aey Id the omeroto horoble •it to
which km 0 an wheel at Ms um of Me. Tb,. [wrio4
my be delojed for sweenl ran by Wm; Mewed:me. Nur
te a kw Minh* to tt•mr wt..< noo.aAleee.l.
al ts Mcukted to azus more by goetkomg the
owl ha yo tot th e rleten Indeed, am seetome 'meal-.
webir for .1101 the &Isms dmasee to whirb wooer* we
brscws the wbok oistews, mom peramehtly the hato
na corr Om-by rttwoo th• Mow sma of Owl:My-1M
to fa stmobaso; lbw rywes •• to peceloce • outreKora tee wbsch se du me Om. medium. Mtn for Moak
.011.0 and dwraws
Too who hem pale cousMsh.., doll ems, blotcceo letithe
fur, rbtlb oln, frecikh, are ota..of emits," tw
• Mole or two .of Dr Town...nes SarmaMla If will
Mom por blood, rettem the ',freckle. 04 Mulch, ml
,ive you Mumma. mrkbog bow ipirits. awl brachial
toosidemoo—oll of wbsch are of mom.. taloa tooom;
riod Mlies
rio fluid or medicine has ever km Mamma which
marly resembles ms gatsse juinor soli. to dreanposing
rood aud,Aneog th eaing the arra m of digestion; ea WI Iles,
ration of Sarsaparilla.
Rana Merattratawr. Albany May 10, S.
Dr r0ma...4 , o.r-1 hate in.. ataneed for ea . )
mate with dyspepsia go tow sorst b. aft,tated sett mr, j
f'54+31..42, los of amble, esteeme heurtbuna.„
g ee. ar eom to .11 kinds of Mod, and tut week. (*bat
could caf e ) I have ben, un.Mts In return b.. small Swami
on my Mornarla I tn.d the matt ntrods.„ but thee bad
1,212 1+2215 +lO eff++.2,s2f 2 reawv234 the complasol. I ra•
doted, itmui two mon th s sown. to try 7+.211 Emmet 110.-
yarille e mul I most say with lull. nmudeme, but aver own;
Mort] rtwu bottise, 1 Enrud my *halite maimed, end nu
heartburn ontsrely removed. and I wOuld earontlY. racm..
mend th e me of It to thom who bare been O.lllwWl et. bar ,
been. t ours, te., w. w. VAR Zl2lrrr.
' Staten laland..„
Red the folkoring, mal.doubt if hoes mu, that classonsp
tim memo he eared. Thu, lately our of ate mend lossolnd
mass that Townwoults Sanapenda lot cured:
Tometratd— [ .r Ssr. I was Mama, • 'lathe over a
year nu, watt • severe eunh sod pain In my midi. It us.
ermard on nes very foi, mdeed 1 was pronounced by ph,.
amens to bar. the gawk euenumpoun . I mod taiga quo,
title of bad matter, bad night e•rets,, sod ',akin vary fast:
my donor sa i l he mull sto Who% lot me. I vend :•I0 the
hospital in bops of hung headfirst, but wat'pnatthere
ancureble. I Ina now greatly distr.sed atTle lunge and
could hardly breathe I moo Lew. emaciated, nett patted
to c0n64.1 to my bed, Was Ls I bis
woolen Mama I cannot give. pc any descsipiMo' that
W d0j0... to toy mew. Iwe 1071.52,1 by ay frirod•
lobe put more. , had tried a grad number of remedim,
&MIMI seemed to be to no pus paw rmd of muutimost rs
traardsuary tuna performed by your medicine, and to tell
you th e truth, I suspected Uwe war 200:25i humbug in them
klut • was induced to try 11,1 Jai so, ud am eery th ankful
I dol. I rumor say that am entirely well, Wean, m Ise
ties,end as tube about my basin.% and hope W Ile entire
ly welt Me few weeks. 1117 couktt end'yout the si4e,
and night swats ha. lake., end raise but very •u 4
0 ,, 6. 4 am., my usual thrength. I felt it a del, to iite,
70230 012125.122+223 tog;;Clattill 4 ::
7 if i r.
o . plntans of Physlciuko.
Tirwinhead is Oro. daily mestere, order. from Irby:
merino in different plum of thnUotna.
Timis recertify mate, the undmetned, rhysirierm of
Ibe et Albany, ham in 3113114313.../ prescribed D.
.Tormieure Brimareerlia,buid believe it lobe amid Um moat
relrable preparammen of the Sariaperilla in Me ratelmt.
J Witmr, X 3,
B Burma, ■ n,
Eriummoonn, ars.
Altami,Aprtfl, IMS
This I* mrti tat we, the uuderelped, ireitictr
Timeasonian Phyla-um h of the City of Albany have frequen g
ly presenbed De Tommend's Composted. retract of .Sate.e•
partite, and from its known qualities, sensld maimed it to
the ;addle for merturial, wrofelous, d athercutancom die
eases, in preference to snot the advertised remedies Doer in
ans„ A W ilcalatt,T r e
Albany 4prit 2,1E44. Wit 13 *Tango,' 4 . v.
rrentipalurfwe, 07 Values et, thin Bandies, N ;
N oe 4. find.; Dr Dye.. 4%50er5.141 North See
onirm Muladelphim s IS game demod, Deltheans; tad by
wmcipai demob pacrally th roughout the Vested States,
We. India end the Canada*
Norse genutheionlese put up In the tarp square bottled,
wpieta mouths r quart and signed with the writtes,tpature
of S TOlVNeth:ND,and thee.. blown cm the epee.
From the New York Duly Kahn. of Aril 90,47,
Aprrity thing appeared intim Wort* yesterday. 11 . Ina
the edeertwirq; cab, ur SanaparilLt Esprem of Dr Townsend
Th. whole Mug is
. got up in gad Wit 2,000 of the onto.
samtal landscape patottogram heatdifol, winch, teptliei with
the wndi work, in gold, glistening to the enu, tnult • show
ante, equalled is Broadway. W. take tab opportunity to
my we bdieee this eattact of the Sarsaparilla - demnee die
very.great popularity Atm acquirers.
Nervous Debility.
flaw Yuma, 6itueb.27,D47
Dr. Townsend rl tam been •fflicted mote or tong for 3
yews, with • Mead ful sinking to the chest, giddiness in , the
h en u;tow of eppelite, pain ta the Ilmbe, end general ditbihty,
brought on nod be by the cootional brat and cold to which'
Ino subject to in nay mmew a • dyer. I here taken other
medicines, too numerous tO nation, but with little °coo Mc'
cult J was Indwell by what! mw In the paper to try • batik
your tierespoilb, Item which !found great relief. •
I have
*inertial.= wend more bottles, and I tun unhcsititiotly my.
.it Is the Lest medmitm I has ever taken—um pm to my.
eiccet is pee, sod I bet quid a different man ithogstrier sitter
I ta e taken your tiaimparittii. I ham tow a better appetite
than ever) had. My Infe has talto it with thit onus hene6-
dal mate I wmdd recommend it aa • faMill modicum
getwreilys and I feel toortimed Mat iron mud them won't' out
Go half We Wetness there is, and awastestently nit sa nuoy
,Th t emets br what it restores appetite, tt .lush tires to
dm tomb and towels their regular tons; it kieps the Maud
• healthy *tam, so that disease is not lik . ely attach the
il,, to all those who are not iwabeettirty state, I say
try Dr TonstemPs &remittal. ' 1
Tootles Herre s 73 Aliso at. .
Canker's lb. Month .
Below is an am:oozier mother child amen Dr 'Costumed , *
gamparill has eared the lira of thousands of ehlidrem—
,rm tajlowiot .ectii6catet h. sektted ham a great number
remitted thlerreek.
Nan Tong, April 2,10047. .
Dr Toinnead: flair sir,—thse of my clubfoot au it',
:sick pith Owl:sow in the mouth nod threat, attroded with
great debility. !luau mardilog; obse,o,o ox „, or four
6,aku.,..[A It mord it dircetlycfor which I. ous
'An.. you I boiler, grateful, Yours resputfully,
EYeußa Fosebsa, 27 De sbrussos '
For tale by RE FELLERS Druggist, No 57 and st, ,
between ad nod 4th aim ha beta aprioted - by Dr ,
ffpsband'i Celebrate - Fluid Magneita.
T 11 1 ,6 ion!i elerot ardbaeid and operlent; be.
„ o r efroe oolotson so thermal/ of
n o .
AshMy the medical goat, ie.°, (L.
erdlsout being lialdo id forgo COUCf.•
llama bll* Womb,. to set ledurioosty Nem Wm costs Of the;
Aptuar-1i.,---Oos table opooufsdof Fluid ' biagtoide le NWT
ident vs ilreaglk balfa teaspoouful of blaguesiu.
'Fat tale by D iftsIINE , FOCE tr. CD,roc .r be no d
W.lm and Wood sad kb
Pr. illolora's Worm eip<cine, ;
to comfy that, by inking one viol of Doctor :
hud IcLancla Worm Specific, n erold of J0.61t/ttharato
oporon fo of yo arocott, and by ilor oaeof raid
medicine a child of myocc.P. o e , 1030wonott.- -,
It it tridyllar Moat mrprina6.r'srmmedleine l rued
t • !
Sean. I must h." !" re voila.
„ Ivnt taLmuRE •
Wpatne ToonMio
For .2 le by J KIDD it Co No a? Wood
'o i Al 5 HOTiEL,
.1, Proprietoii.!'
TrYe. 4 long and widely known 4 be...
n il ' ' ''b
the en ' ne ' t r eclonact iota in Me city - of no itimote ' ;
has recently undergqns very Omeneive altered:one cod
improirementa. An entire new wing hrtobeen added,.
etintainingrainwroacand air; steeping apatuaertw,tmd
oSteinfire bOtoint maths.
The Lather' departnacnt Imo alro becircompldtely re
cto... Med and fitted up in a moat
say le. infect the ve tole arrongement of the!HPLIEC has
been remodeled, w th a single eye an the pan of the
proprietors towards the comfort and pleasurrs'of their
Guereol and w hich hey confidently astor; toOt chat
len-e c ompare - gm wnh an; lintel mg. Union.
ionicontt to ways - be ropplied to:ll:every tab.
mut luxury witch the mortal tined., served up
to a supertor etyla, while in the way of Wines, 0.e.,
they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the poor:ewe beg to say, that nothing
will beleft undone on thew pan, and'unitpartofthmr
51.13.15, mremit? this lintel worthy the chnfihned
patronage of their timed. , and the public. gen Orally.
The mems for board have also been rednyed to the
N —The
ups I e foul
• b eh .11 eoi
f ehnege
rßagg 2 Se Waggon of the Ihmee will al
at the Carom! Steamboat -Landings,
ley baggage m and Lobo the 'iota!, free
r 0111 G—The suluteribers having purchased the en
ure interest of Col. G r late of tuts well
knosni estabiiiment.beg leave to nate to their friends
and the
. palik—ueneraliy, that they have when th is
contmodwur nowt tot a term of yews and mill! exert
their beat ent i rgies to make it a dettrable home for Tray
chew and C 1 ' y Boarders.
The Hotel Ispacious and admirably planned for con
'returnee, light nod air, having a number of parlors
adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to
facrolies.i •
The present proprietors having had theciiienence of
yeArrint this city nue cise‘where, hype they will be able
to give general sisti•faebon. being determined to give
undivided attention to the house alone.
The location orthe Pearl Street Howe is oriero...arriall
eligible, haying fronts on Pend, Walnut and Thinl WX,•
so that it in equally desirable in view of the Conveni
ence of business men or retirement for private boarder..
It lis•nea by the Banks, the Post ()Glee, Ow - Masonic
Ilall,Gdd Fellows butonesquare distant from
Main street and two square. from the City Wharf, thus
oft nag the'greasestlnducements, especially. to country
„,, c 4oocoood generally to all'persons Wray Qaern•
, 1011:1
ho.lslerlamoir irrar.rr.
lillJJo,oo.cpbors,underthe ll= of Drowns a. Wsn,
boot pernhared ?dr. Jithen`mthrest latlan enlablinh.
renal, nod hope by the naletest anention to the wants
the liberal
their peon, to merit a rani - It-mance of
the liberal patronage hereariore teemed by Its home ,
The bonne ban been thoroughly yenovered. nod repro
ed; We:therefore /cont....wad we can welcome as
.friends and the public to necornsuoniatiotrn equal to ire
td the coy eV Philealelplua. N W
WALT WOUttg, j
Carstor'llain sad Sloth at., Clnetnnath
rillil:‘ eitetntshmerlt 14 now In the hest onler Inc the
J. reeepon or ‘u. Traveller Pail.. !liming under
•goni a ttlnrough repats,der,g the pastlwinter, ani
bei Ptng 'ritost expetienectl men in the Went, in'the
vg...Cdi,platmcnts. I !Latter myself
le that all will be
pleased lel enli. The Wmeno iseentral ! commodious
and pletunnt. Ease El per day.
esnetnnati, Match 13,1 , 47. W I MAIM
N. 11.-41thoui5h not essetly a aril. Broom„ 1t is the
arae—a n'es. Whist on the old bundle. ' apdtc
IititADIMON 1107.1i01.5s
mien prouielor of ilt4 loogestablisbed house, respect
1. fully darts his ureic. to the eluzette of rittelittifth,
ond will oleo himittlf to render comfortable all who
ma.v.revoi him with their company.
Tole pot 1 which hat long bOa a frenetic one with
the Pray , dm Do lets of Pat u i. booth, will, the cording
season, pr feint a larger Geld t r Me it operatic°. Chan
'he moron , 'Vont the contrite ' it of the fled Rood to
Intlianar;te,ZOmiles i it rther into the bog r =elm region.
epiteel i Ii D 1117.111.1011, rroprienrt
LoinKvilly, Ky.
II ROW:SIO4LTrs oil. to acquoutit too
o that hU Is & halo
letoev o( the .to LT
y.,where be tiopoo to meet
undo, uvounng show und the huhhe. that tuo
I be spared to mate oh coutfortublv who vo
, hett pammt.go.
A RI ,
HOU , :
rztart -ha
Oppo 4. the Boil Rood Depot. Peat! et., Balt.
11 NIILT Bl• plliTll, Proprietor.
( of Etris.use wt.t Hotels. rttialOg.
i ll 1 l A T
Li FULT 10 —la 'die tior the patroasge of the pallier
fur this ativek, it Ir but rtgitt sod iroptr th a t iv* merits.
orhiohth Oldie. fur support inured elsouldbr fill and fair
ly roti Ext and & leo *eine guaranteea to grentitat th e ma
enmity LI trot Cs tutpx?sed up.. by lump it. •
In the List place it ce well h.+. That .tlo• re...TOY of
black '1 lea" are cumivatel td • pne•pitale, held Together
hj,gul .,
m ioltie.tuol when the voratee,eitlsei in uhole or part
is rem. isd the r.lindpreclpitatc are till Rea pasty roses
ai p ',tultilostood taluth roataius tt It is but...Rl.
'bothadd . cepa , to the 114 no sture ut mike it more thitd..
Ott tor,. the coil t•j rot, . the pon., if a retie.,
etute.tir a t theott:h .•• err shtet time ' Nove Ili- Writ
tiau Plot ,• dat e. co. Ilteo , tattoos atus vtery eeopeet, as
it as+ eht 1,41 t torrettuirior tot •isrol motier to hold it i beet L. Opt never get thick, agd being very Mud
a ttirge aity dove Coma the tan into a given quer
lms dee r ehtt, the Mery of thepaper ...imp more prom
teat ro t 4me ks• roily oure .add by ai..t Mai. th .1 was
on y p gyred. the surfart. It a.. erentsiorao matter that
ILlyll attuity for oteiatte um, therefore win I. corroder
ke! pros --zt toi3 not pottOd, and stilonigh it emirs of a
truoli graeolvdoe yet ita few hotter it heronre a deep block
.4 eh or II cod .rat!. It ”•*•,.." th,..oi. ' . th .
ft. p Igoe • knZon'tirtheof totrizzo.ll trntin
iltottv , , ad unooltad more given fur
oa ne, rtre. As
etal:rev two imiuteitioa of et. kor be tor attempted
tbs. follow tw o tat. 1/.0 *tarn, ar - all 'mutt be
wear*, thot the pataii Nero gireo ruin
1 lea have hertz oh .
elated by any mac.. fur an tour .tatr Porroo • "
we veroremtnd 4. 113bberemelwrnicalb''Ttling Fluid" to
1.,b• patmo..v of lb< publie...b• Ent rat. article .12 a4l re
;vets. it f.nvr. hi,. frt. the pen leallunt.elograg it .i. boa
in the Ourve d. rev, hours brcogoss a dlep br kht black.
, . 11 A Suer. ft CS rick mod .I.lci-Ludiu•
Ibibrrt John rube,
'AV., & Son S ,V.,nitaan 4- Co. .
Tlrb),....tost. lb.nglali Friu.c . • bell.,
' IIs.AA It MeTall, Llol.op'r I.: A .11eAnu4y .1.. ,Co.
; . for w W lb' alLue ,
, -
'Josiah 14 , 11 n: llill., Aug VOW'.
' Thot I !ave. bets, ustag your
Clapatic,ol Wrsiszr-,, Fluid &oil am: st a (trot rate arbele Car
fivvga tron: 11se rpm and Wean. j,rt black .
ti a Lew:lours. Yost+ be. •
T TUTTLEi B.k.k.ep.r
for D4..q..
Pitiehargh, Aug =h 1617,
alt T x nibs4ll—Trar Pm. Ilarong procured a bottleof
yaw Wriimc tome there errehe 1,1, Im. Jer
it tc4
If rood a not tormar so arnold'e anlother Ink to
h.,/ now of. Iteernellnl y,
WILL'-a-N1 STEtI.• NT, Book .keeper
4.r A rthilr irholeou *Co
Plicebumh, Sept 110-47.
Mr Nibble'—Drat Sir lem ki•ing your Chemical
Wrap g Fluid and find it to he • mon creel rot mimic for
6.o.:el'ai ike ‘ raS n' in " 4 •11
" h " Rrs, ttiolty
boon WILLII/01 CAR R, Rook hrrPar
for John Parker.
Prepared and mold Üboimals cod Rtl r t,LTlras
)liblortt. Dtn[Pet Ch.... 4 " 4. "
Smithfield ..teeris Pa.
1311}111111AN'S TOOTH' P,
ne the
breath. hr. ,It shOnad he ac
n evely
brush, and Mr teeth and tinouiliwill
istashintr, in the' mornincl Wet the hi
watri. or cold wilt ansWer, and "fib il
the:ci. e
Pane. when enough will adittre.
went I it leaves• delicious tatty in: the
noton moot delightfulfragrance to the
unrivalled na n pleasant, ytlicaeinhs,
Safe dentnlice. It is warranted not to ,
tutus prkserveth •
ititig it rtigiilulT, it will tram... She lone., and
prevent no aecinanlatton—preeent the toothache
strengthen the glints, and prevent:ill t h.ensh-• et went
1.1-nusts,' physicians, and the nicely recOmomnd it 0
decidedly rune/int 10 every thing of !bitted in We.—
Act rot Shenniz's Compound Orrio Tooth Paste, and
observe his stgituture is ankchatu vita's - it;
Reernum'enoCit by Dr. Castle, :LW litnadwity, one of
out bent Demos, and by nun t °Oho old elilabligbeid
Ones in United Vildies, and even atensively need
by the t o of Enrannd and Fri. co
A large proportion of rho diseasei t /Milano t mankind
gr i s eAsna some omensderane nt 114 • toniac b orho wets,
w hich h tin:loV Ilse fthe Canal'. lairenges would
entirkly obviate. Persons of Winds 'titbits nhould ol•
ways have a boa,itt Wad, and take a Owls whenever
th, r .fret the least derangement m ltealth. udi•
of Oman Lotenges would prevent thclusands
of wince.
• Elk rale.: Whl, JACKSDICht, 'corner of Wn.,-.1 and
.—.... '
...._. I. ] dertl
I AIDIE'N Who Han Common Ttepdied . Challt, me
La !often not aware hoW frightfully Injprlnus 't is ao
the Win! how comae, how tough, how tallow, a eltnw.
and unhealthy the
i n animate lillel lontle prep."
chalk! Mender, it ivinjurnew, coutatit ally niaege et taut
~,, a ko d. , ot;.. beam prepared 0 tqmniiful veLgotalile
WHITE! It at pyrfectly innocent. brit punted of nil
g y kyr t ourqualitters and impart% it, e sklt,
rat. healthy, alaharter, clear, livid: whew, mitt...,
nma tang
as a coklllol.o on the Ala, maklite awls
and ismooth.
IR. Um, Anderooll, Pllkelie il Chitaintt of M 3.11,
lffipt: "Atter analysing donm . rytitpunirhlally
White, I find It powsewer the raort headliful and maw
ral,tal•the fame time innocent white 1 ever dam. I
menially can conscientinway recommend Its ~,e ,„.0
wlewe skin require! bentattring.?
Irt . :ricer:s Matra WI. I
ID.Seild by He M. IAtHiSON,ut bleedhopt amt Sher
th,,,,i, pp Wheat. Mom, lend of Wood, et the segn of
the Dig daot, 21 3 6
limber. !Adler, I'm artonithed, !
When yon know that You nth Pmthlthd
A natural, ItfrAste, rem./ white,
That yau well 011115. common ehdlk,
.1 1
'sod lank lade:ably yellow Hight,
The theme of laughter and of talk. '
If ypa would aro n bat of Jolllt. i . leelly-wlnte, it'
woold give your skin 1111 alahusien ye natutul white,.
and: Al' the tame time clear and imp re It. Sold at.
3/O.:KSOINPS, El I.ll , crjy rt. Tilde MS tardter bor.
1, torn single day wretch, whoa altheted wab the
Toler, Imh, or othet direasca of the rida, if they knety'
who would relieve amt cure theta I
Illa handle to he obliged to Cuban!, thratch when
atone, but tuorelerrileletto tamale fmat a, (Mr decency
ralde,l wheel to company, Let ii be 11 neloo Led that
1/0.1.E11/VM TEITTeIt and [Tell OINTMENT Is the
taort alleaclous of any oilier pa paradda in extra:nee in
raring die Teller, Itch, and Dante direqien of the skew
At atidtat-oes of the rkinerfturt Mire tram the Impurity
slate leatellatial gala of the Malt, andlloNeene rum dm
raw 100 of long stemtling, and th eon!V i llUon •treot•tt
I theichy, if r e. beldyhe t+armparilla Illi Pali he wed
with the I/ nundim they well moth anYi aro Pitapat'',
and if they do net, dm moiler vfill beruroinl by Ilr.
Leldy. hlort rams, however, Will be ffectually,euted
by Dr Leitl3'. Teller and Itelt,'Oenti e fir , onleto the
whole ryrtem is' Impregnated by the !rms.{ bumper,
whz will be cot let, ly .atria I odtin ts the sj ste in by
' Heleettly's Ilmoil 11110. and Ow •prince i the skin heed.
eel by me Oir.intrmt. Priee of Ointment ill cope For
55M , P? .:- LI A.FAllNttiq't)Cat a. CO
OM) ' r. . ' cot wiw.s: fond si. '
to 0 FiGAI'l Sna , t;Gli SS It U I..—livowed to be the
.IY.I grtat Panacea in cueing nay child's dottreilling
eoa;h .I. ' • • I
. . from tha.Tetopetpnen Balmer, Nov. 3 .-- It - ' •
, iroyeti ili net.—W• ate not in the'llabit t par...,
note - leis Minna Patentltledteloet.bolnoa Imp tinmsed
to ;amend hiorgan'a Syrup to name ion° and taxied
too 'cough: After barsng tried the Sploal teraeotei ti
t a t. ye a .eoisttant and distooding 'eotigh, that had f
aaygyal dap. Intli.eted one of oat ebildrett, vtiiinaat SP
diouosve orate induced to Iry alorytan's Cough. Syr
anti 4y trailer mu...obtained an a ft, boar, 1 i rint ,
tt . 1,4 dot panteen in this c nee al limit. ,
l'itpard Otholeinio and mitt by the proprietor.
I JilliN:ll 1110RUAN t D a oispita,
ti ill wood ay 1 door WO* • . 441, r
I '
1847- liiiiitMgE
„„„, ie.smapollTlNG 31 .20...C•101.1,1 ,
,••• • crests, HIT ROUT TRANSHIPMENT. .
ieription unriceemerrY , Gond. are not to OD the
mare, thus'all immtuprarnt or extra handling is saved.
Toe Boats of bglia draught sad perform the a• trips
in fmm to seven days.
The enpaeltY of
our Wm amuses enable.% us in sm.
.7 CariMpunelllll MAO WES. Roceivinc,morittg, Rua
RlVttiee9 Me of 'charges.
'Being . felly prepared - 1n aust's sales of Prodilee,
respectfully _wheat consignments of western: Floor,
Bu.l..ard,ltatiel, Cheese, Word,F.the rs,
areel for sale,l.•which ad.necs mill be
.made and oilthr anal faeillues afforded, pledging oar.
Selves that any bmiums .trasted. to as shall lie as
promptly executed and upon as talc terms as by any
other honer. IN° 31cPADDES Co
• . %Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
*la and 451 Market at, Philada
1 847 :*
VON the transportation of Freight between klusburgb
and thelallantic Cutes t avoiding transhipments an
the way, .and the consequent risk of delay, damage,,
breakage and separatton °Carina • -
Bo=rg & CASH
No TM Market street. Phl:adelplats
• Cor Penn and %Vague Ms, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOR &Co, North inu•et:ldalatnnre
&J r TarsCAYIT,I3 South st. V-
Encoumged by inerealLed business the Proprietors
have added to their curet and extended their arrange
ments during the.winter, prettarkd
ward frets.a with regularity and dispatch unsulpassed
by any other line. Their long experience Os carriers,
the palpable superiority of the Portable Boas Sy menu
and the rest capacity and convettienco of the ware
houses at each end of the line, are peculiarly calm!.
ted to enable the proprietors to falfil their engagements
and accommodate their cusunners—confidentlyogenng
h lici t as - lt guaranty for the future they reaptelfelly
aconititumme Of Mit patronige which they Dow
Kr.e.lrY UktiOstiedge.
All Colls3o.:lll. , loTaati. a O'Connor will be reed
and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid nod BIW o'
:Lading !Maw:titled fres of any charge far Cantansaton,
advancing or swage. !laving no interest directly or
indirectly 111 lilleatobo6l. ll , the interest Or the C 012131.1011
mast necessarily tie their primary outset in snipping .
West, and they pledge themselves to forward, all goods
consentd to them promptly sad on the [OWE solVanta.
roan terms to the owner..
March -1.1E47
, .
riME Boatmen's Poitahle
. Ileat tAlrepany dicing die
ji solved, the Company agilla 'MAMA artiCkg Of AD
e.m.utup strider the name of the ..'lloatmen'a Liner
and likewise agreed to refit the Stock so ea to.have'a
number, of Boats for the porlhme of corning good.
through in from sin 05(10 daya, with .cerminri—sail
feet encouraged by the liberality of fast year's patron
age, to make more extensive arrangement) foe them,
suing Sear.
We 'would therefore respectfully solicit continu
ance a our former patron's. and refer all new customers
-to theme we have done business for. .
Fertile usempottarion of •
LL 111113 OF tottneltasnisc, TO MID LOOM
PHILA. u, BoLTnmxq New Volta, arm Boman.
Corner Liberty street and Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
N 0.733 Market street, Philadelphia.
'ELDER, GELRTON & Co, Agents,
• • Baltimore, hid.
PITISBUROII—Jan Idellediy, Geo. Morgan & Co.
W Wm:any & Co, B A Stunpicin &Co, hi Allen&Co.
Pll ILA DELPLlLA—filorris Patterson &Co, Reynolds
McFarland &Co, Fleming & iltubyr Perot Wright &
Son. J BUJ/ham, Joseph loam.
NEW S ORli—Ginathue & Co, Theo. Perry &
BOSTON—Reed, Ilard'A CO.
CINCINNATI—Adams & Creagh, W &arbor
cosh. . .
Nine—All merchandise helm New Tork and Bosun,
camped to A L Seibert & Co, Philadelphia, will be!
promptly forwarded frse orcomanrition. fair.;
131510 184 7,
111- Vinland Transhipment...a
Goal,. <moaned boar care will Lc fooranlcdrat4
at delay, at the lowan current Mt.. Mils Or Ladtng
nanonnted, and all Instructiona wavily attonded to,
her (Malan; extra ahem, for .10rare Or cOrlOrti.oll.
Abet.,Orapply tO C A McAIaULTY Pa Co
Canal Limon, Paurnargh
Gering nery tally, and rotranodtoru•searelkoos ,
are prrpared receive ho addition to (might I.
Wpsne nq a tarp 1.01. t of NaivetAt.. on Storoke
law nt,.4 (nolVl
i. O A 111eANUIrTT kLo'
& CO'S JANE.' .
akitiM 1 8 47 . tiV62O4
XCLESIVELV for' the tiaarpnation of WA
I`, FEEltillT. between I . .litagh, Det.rsville, lobe—
Ilollidayst.e•gli, Water tlireeti Eeleretraglt and
all into weilirte places.
. Chic Rent will leave the warehouse of C A 'Mc/int:lw
it. Co.. Pittsburgh. every day, (except Sandays.l end
shlppersian always depend on having their goods for
werded without delay and at fair rates:
This Lute was farmed for the *pedal accommodittnW
of the Way. busmen, and the, proprietors respectfulll
kitssol Initial share of patronage. !
11,5 FUZTY — -
/Olt N MILLER, lielokristerrsh'
R 11 CAPLAN. Jobuslown 1 ?agents,
C A AE.ANULTI &Co, rxiburgh
J I Mc, John Parker, Robert Moore, Ragalei
&awn Prriabarsb. _ • war ,
1847.nd hi lnabliff
and lesser,. ur !retain and newesser Canal Rot&
run :anti between /tessera:id bane and connecting web
C AI Feed's/awl of Nelallltroat Propellers and Vessels
on the Lakes, will be prepared upon the earlleatopeta
of non 10 rant Freteld and Passengers rat
sit pennant, rite River, Canal and Lakes .
U.vin4 weer tardily fur ennen tog freight and pet.
s s y with promptness and chapatti, the purply...tor
. n ~petlitlll) inked .11114 then fnends I Ithd
he bl.c themep ron
FT;. Pre w
REE. 13.4, PAR lie Cor Berner,
JOHN A CAI:GREY. Vittab'sh do
Car SmaGeld and Water etc. opposite the Monenii
I. valeta lion.
Wheeler, Crocker r Co, Nevi. Vitrk
Gio Parrs, Garrido
C iN Parks& Co, Cleveland,' LI
Srist Armatronger CO,Detroict
SirClina &
Bristol Jr. /'army, Flarago
Win rowan, Prolreratoarn, Penult
Gra PlarLdnirro,ETatrattarga, retina •
Johri.nle Iluaistosen,
. Wick &Acker, Greenville. do •
Craig Ir. Frampton, Clarksville, do
Hays & Plumb. naarnsbor err Pa.
W_C Malan, Sharon,da
rl•W Conlinttlanr. Nave Caatle„_dir rarl
PlrritiliVEGii CLEVrLOI) LINs;
c iakt i " 1846.
athl while=
he rOng the
1•1112 a aie
retiottel(l , ltGla
Wilk vrStm
11. Clarke. lloow. T. &almond P. Co.
Forwarding & Comodaalon Marobanbi
Icor time o 0
tcraning the
• {roach,and Itti
lat. and
~tiare the Irrlh,
T --
OE Agtsen and Ptoorletors of Otis. Line Ocifax,o
ably known to the pablte hrin bo prepared •
t•rliert OpOOIOR or COMM pavtgation to receive prop
etty at Pittsburgh and, Beaver, and denser the same
any point art the Ohio canals, and also on Lakes •
and Michigan, with the greatest despatch and urea.-
Duthie rates, .
The proprietors of this line &Wet the hasincsi
Weir (owner cuelnmere 'with confidence, knowing that
• their lamb tics tee emend to noon, • t.. . • t
Apply to or address
Li DI DARTON, &Sir FißsbuLth; •
• CLARKE& Ca Beaver'. '
Jan% T RICHMOND r & Cc C I •
"Viziffi - 4 Errifiiiieti
alitiEp t 1 .847.
rill: stank of thin line <wince of n doulde daily
Line of • Boats and Can, [owned by themselvesd
winch are in good coder. 'fie sabrenbera. antippe
red W•ferward &large quantity of klerebooden. end
Venture with cenalmy and divalent -• •
Produce or Merchandise consigned to any W toe an
dcrimmed, ie forvmnled free of any charge for earniate
con nesteruge.
Rills Lading transmitted and all lastmottono promptly
tweeds& tn.
The , busiortim of this Line Is eqndaeled on- etrtedy
Sabbath-keeping ponciplen: Address, or apply to
D LEECIt & Co, Proprietors.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
• HARRISI A Lt.:Eel', Preprint...,
No 19 South Third ttrcet, Pleladelpbia
No 11l North I toward street, Baltimore
W it WILSON, Agent,
No; Wen smeet.New York
i t tWiiiiiiiil. - 19041oilislftif "VS Mk •
1847., . itiastfi
CAN AL rA,kfrrs. TELliu .1.11 & SWALLOW
IRAVE Bracer daily at 2 o'clock, lbw.. after the
L.s artitral of the smoothen BEA YEN Crum
nit arr ive et Wirkimn neat morning in 'cum. for the
:holt,r which reach Cleveland Wine night. - •
Itie.inte re wilt be iirCelptc4 thmlehi scenting lintithe
nit Me Packets, and aeon, in the Stage, on applic non
on beard steamboat Beaver, Ilmertng Ibitsburgb at it
e'e lock, •. ,) or to the agent.
0 TI lIARTON & CO, l'iliSbU
MARRY:Ic - Co. Beaver
. /EMS ISAI.I/WIN, Youngs Iva
el B TAYLOR,' Warren.
fur wipii;s*a
MIMI undersigned am now pieperml to forward pro..
J. dace, te., to the Pistern Markers during Ihe ensu
ing NVinter, on the mart favorable terms, by th 4 cape
divots, routta.
All property comitgard to us will be forwarded 'at the
losses t rates and with despatch:
Merchandise teemed b y thts two promptly tor
. warded.. I C BIDWELL; Agi., Pittsburgh
• G W CABS:Brewnsvllle.
_gup F.Eqtaro:l CoCumherland
1847, i tpriaiZ:
c imagining of tlikkt andpasaenfter Pack
, eu, will ran regularlU. bwh bciwrlnt
I "F4 IsengYrs r ti l lartg a ;:n . point.,WilibacqfnVovrly
‘9‘° '"I4I* WIZIerfaCCID:I4 - Arcsnr.Dle;Ars .
, CRAIG & acc
IdePADLA.ND K1NC7,14 Dnd,‘• do;
• iimrs
biAl, zekvrptu,.sti,.rpourgh, •
PARKSA Co; Ituavet i L, dol
AiJA ifEY, corner Water and thleld ni;
sOly Opposhettio Wipairatela apyr, Piuslamigt
_______r.._..._7_l..:—•_ - -__ :l2" - - - f
iLIt:GULAit. 11101110 NO YACFLIST. FOIL '
pp I'h mete and splendid "It suttee . - .... l
-- 1 . , LIKAVEItr - • • j
Capt. Charles Coops, 1,41 . 1121C11 of.. her;
regales trips this day, Zeal-trig Mott
burgh at Dreeioet, Arta ant Beaver at ll o'clock rtl
estateeties watt 2 ittildrill and Cleveland Line of
nal Boats daily to Cleveland. 0.; Beaver, Warren an
Cleveland Line of CatlAi rackets and Gage. co.a.i
daily to \Careen and Clovelmar, Canal recut Lutes to
Nell Castle and Greenville. P.: Erie- Extension Lind
to Meadville and Etle- a tieil, Moore ft We Lintsi.of
nage Coaches for Cleveland nod Wooster. leave flak
vet- daily on the arrival of:steamboat Beaver floes
nusbursh , Applyvo . - '
. . .G 31 BARTON A Col PiMettoret i'
ante •t . . CLARKE icCo i ileave- . 3 - -t•-.- - .. -
Maga 1847:
,E N ?ARES & Co, Cleveland,O, ) . .1
It G PARES. Beaver, Pa,' - Prspricton. Li
W T NATTIER , Pillsburgh,P. ,i'
MILE alaava Line is now (oily prepared to Manipott
.I. Freight and Pateengera from Pittsburgh and Ma&
bind, to any pointorttlei Pearisylvannt & Ohio and Ohio
The facilities ot .ia use ire couluiel.dby .NT en
said Canals,. ro number. and capaetty of at
rience of Captains, and
a ndspronWt of , Agenta,i,ta. .
Una Boat leaves Pittsburgh ndCleveland datly,,ml::,
ninein connection With the Steamers. . • ,
hlrehigan and Lake Erie, between Phitsbntgh and
Stovall end a Line of first Mass Steamboats, 'Pro
lets. Brigs and fehrioners, co Lahes Erie, llaron,..t i r ,
• petty forwarded tonal pan of the Onion with .
dee•melt. E N .PARLS it Co. Cleve land, Agin:. ;
lIPED,PARKS & Co;.Beiver, Agra'
W T AIATHER, Pittsburgh', Aftt. , I
• it Coo Water and Smithfield strata
7 r . IWA/Utlfilif.7
.-. m.
~ ACKET li
Beats svanow and Ulegtvph leave Via ,
• err daily, at 3 o'clock v. It, after the arrival of the
ruing Bold from Pittsburgh, and arrive at WC.rrea,m
tilde fiit the Mall Line et Stages, which !care sauna-di
.., , thereafter,and arrive at Cleveland at Tb'elocki r.
. .
This mote is the most eXpeddidaa and comfortable
one to the Lates. i - - i
?Mr , IttlYlffi&NN,To/e r 7ar,,,T. 4 r ' P r !:,
ne w CGBET,eornerWater and Smithfield its,
sadly Oi the Monongahela Bonee:Pittsbara
aillign - 1E341, NMI
LA... RINDS, jr . figg i z gr - t - Ti t,,, ig . i.,71 .
p... 4 . 4 ,.b..., 1 51t1at0ze. Now Yoe
. .
HE oncooragement Ws lima has received /Wei
.•tiol.t.T.Trell'oet t'.7:f a h: g 7 d .. th mt.r:eite .
toss boats; and instead of giving receiputaiherate
ore as agnate we will give our owe, recelpta'Aot
freight chippe d by this line.
'Wm boats are all portable, consequently freight
is taken the whole distance pvithont transhiputtat,
thereby preventing damage from Irequenkbandiing
on the roote, find as each boat is owned by the
Captain who rube them which is • su ffi cient ghat ,
antee that there will be!no delay on the route.t.
All Product:llot Merchandise consigned to lthe
undendgr.ed wlllbe forwarded FF.F-E OF COht.
MISSION, for advancing end forwarding, end 'Will
Ibe *hipped without delay at the lowest tette of
' height.. 1 - • • - • •
to respectfolly solicit a share of -piddle patro
Canal: Buie; Pittsburgh' -
CRAW, BELLA'S & Co.. Agt.
' -Brood Street; Phtla&lphis.
F MILLER; Agent -
Bowley's Wharf, Baltimitte."(
, ett. 18,1841, " - . :. i
iPittsburgh, 1
01110 sItAVLROAD:
TliEsebserthers wdrreskipvt for she delieerrof Pro;
dace to Baltimore by the klenensothelo dleekleaber.
et the fallowing pores.—
Ashes, Oscan, Hebei, rond. Du I
Lard, Pork, Pillow,
Whiskey,. s.,aed Oloss—edi ets weld:lllmi
Tobaceo,lTesso, Flex sod Wheat—K et* per 100 Lbs..
Ashea,,(Pot) Apples. chmoc, Flax-Etee4 ! elPA. and
Le.h..siogs cu. per HO lbs. - ..• I
f m r too lbs.
Oils, Skins. Seeds. Wool-110 ets
Beesorar, Feathers, Pdre,themeoe, end Bstaktr•Bxot
—l2uets perloolb.s. . _
All property consigned to eoher - of tlie r vark , ssigried
VIII lot fororanled without delay, free of Coclassalon,
aid:ne rates. Wol..ARK.Hroveniesille...,
A certain and safe cure lot'coughs,- colds, airtime,
liver complaint, spitting blood, pains in the thide . --
or breast,nerveux &DUO, whonping coo b
broken constitution; OUNSIOXP.
TIM or any disease Mite laugh or '
breaht. Reader are roo ..rr.ono, - i
with a Cold or disease of the I
. lung., 1: this remedy, j . .
you will oat per.baps regretig ‘.
i l .. , .
It will arreat all those disagreeable quintet:alto/filch .
strike such terror to the turd, at-prolong yell days.
Beware of till preparations uurpoiting to cositaiti
Wild Cheny,except that bearing the airman,' ofDr
II aiwnetre.on the outside wrapper of each bottle,
as they arc quite likely ovatitam of the article from
which they .narrow a mum. . .. . ! -
. ' Read what it has done!
Would perhaps be a small estimate for the ravages
of this dreadful disease in a single yeali then add
the fearfutcatalegue of these eat off hen by Inilama.
uori of the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Aaen,,Coaghs
influenza. Bronchitis, and other diseases of the
Lungs and Liver.
And the list would present an ap lling proof n 1 the
fatality ut these two Weems. of diseases. that it is
important to know that OClrif all of this dread
waster of human" life might hare been prevented
by a timely use of Dr. SWA YNE'S' COMPOUND
This medicine has now been below the public
some eight year.. sod Is the;mibiY. l '1 44 P. 01 0
from the Wild Cherry Tree. lts reputation . as a
remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis; and Can
gumption of the Lange bared entirely upob its iii;
truism merits, oasis but little to inflated newspaper
pulls: Thule who give it e trial, being benclitted
by it, recommend it to their neighbor., hail thee
gradually aid sorely bait gained an envirtile.repu.
t nine and worked its way into. general nee:, Om
bottle never fads to core a rectal or cold,
while with strict , attention to the directionn that ac
company °aria bottle,its use in pulmonary diseases
of long standing
. and of thiesamt alaimmit charac
ter, boa always given relief; .and in aery;many
instance. has curried: complete and perantient
On s W. 4 y NE. s Cel.l4.altd coroposna Syr.
opolWild Cluny. • it
Read life most remarkable Mae of ConaudiptiOn
everplaced upon record - - 1,1
Dr Sway:le—Dear Sirr I feel it a debt of 'Matltude
due you—and a daty to the of generally to
oiler my humble testimony la favor of year Coma ,
ou Syrup of Wild Chaos. • Some three years
iiitiCe d ,l eta, Siolcally attacked with cold Stu:Pitifil
matiosof the longs, which was accompanied with
a very disarming cough, pais is the bread arnibend
—.a very Considerable discharge of olreaderallidest
from the lune, especially epee changes of 'thaw',
however alight., At first I felt do alarm thong. my
coaditiob, but vow pretty ono convinced that !was
rapidly going tato eennunption.• I grew daily weak.
cd, and at length was gooey able to. Walk Shoat or.
speak chore a whisper, such was the exceeding
!Omni of lunge, Dating this time I had tried
sakdiss preparations and prosylptleas, bat found no
relief—growing all the time sensa. Just here I was
advised and ponuaded by a defy friend in Wiltaisup
ton to mike a trial of your. Syrup of Wild : Cherry,
I mast minima that previously,l had been prejuthe
ed - ageinitpatentmedietnes,and I am stirtnialiust
thosecoming cot of the hands of empiric., bat
,undereasuling your claim to' the profession and
Fled= Sitmedicine, and baring implicite Halo
thifsaying of my *wads, y forthwith parchaaed.ot
Dr . Shaw, one of year agent'', a few bottim and
conamenceditautie. bay disease, at this time was
of twenty' r twenty five ermetheotanding, cause.
spindly was deeply sealed.- I found; however, am
aWe ratite relief from the lot lour or five bidlin
But being a public speaker I frilifeally attempted
to preach with nay inCreasillii atrehlitll and thenby
ruptured those vessels that bad Already began to
kelt - l e than way; driebtlesa,, My cute was greatly
retarded. la cotmequence of acing - Alive ttoprt•
d o . t iy r b a t t o use IS - or' lb bottler berode - 1 was
,perthetlf restored. I have no question, a meat
smaller number of bottles would have . matte .me
soinid, : bat fur the about indiscretion. Too syrup
' allayed the feverish habit, did away the distreasiag
cough, put o atop to the diimmige of manor fi•om
the lungs andtrave them and the cobras ayste et good
health. I have deferred offering this certificate till
now, teethe : purpose el being perfectly satisfied
with the permanency of the cure, and now that I
teal perfectly well, I oflerlt withilifeasure... -' ItEV. J,
Dublin comaty, N. C.. . .- . . . .' ,
Avoid all spurious prepaniumus of. Wild Cbstry; ..
such art.lialreims, Bitten. Emma or Wild Cherty;'
Pills purporting to contain IViIJ Chevsli'arri .6 chi
is they arc bet/floes and eounterfeit, and contain
gone or the virtue, of the original and genuine prg..
iteration as preened by - Dr.lSwaYee, nad
ever prepared an this cosintry. Doetor .Seraymeir
Crimpound SyropOlWlLD.PtiTrillY is CoMposed:
of vegetable ingroiliordsthd wild Cherry, and oths
er medical substa ddes equity is rellicseious, if - not.
ninre..q the whore are so edecresilY coricestrated.
is to render it beyond all doubt the most pitman!,
etreoelhertieg. and effectual; iimndy ever oissoser
ed for the cure of Pulmonary minsuciption, and all
! diseases of the Lungs and Brous.. - The Very reel;
from its having such a trails ci spurious imitators,
stands to prove its great curative properties. • ....
Thereirozo,invalids. inquire for the orminal preps
ration, each bottle or which is enveloped inn beau.
tifulkirapper„With a likeness of lVilliase Perron
graved thereon; also bearing the signature of Dr H.
syoe, tie cosiotodeiting of which will. be :pub.
hided as forgery . : ' - '
Prepared only by Dr:H.. Swanee, N - W corner
of Et owni and Roes. Streets, Philadelphia.
For isle in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
WM. 11101tri,h3 Market street, - • .
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner :hid & Wood Mi.
B. A. PADNESTOCK do CO...corner 'el Ist and
Wood and Gib nod World st reets, • _
S.JON ES. 100 Liberty otrbet ' •
And - .by nllompectable Druggists and - •dielersin
Medicine, Ann:about the United Sites nod Ca
ELL MS' VtALDIIIIIID., .1 considerbetter Zhu
Kamera y Co, Pa,
dabber Imd
t ,1817.-
• Mr. R. F. - Sellers Sellers :— My mmiukot,b.ingven•
trsdcN at ni g ht, and having Mock Toyer at times,/ eon•
eluded, he hod worm., and hawing beard • grea t dee
abnut your Venalfage, I bought • Irlar Wad save alns
d 0.... watch expelled al very husewonas. r
}Ng Venzahute
' ' Prep•rd• ' •d sodiiyTi - k•SELL "ll3m lLßEl, l• A es W 7 uorl m rt. '
Bold by. Dr. paits.lol4 *mai sat D, AL 'yr:, J. 1 4 •1 0 04 c h 7t • •
DR. al hT . l.rt h r . s; =lst to e:, osier s
sews • frie Ben g t
Inswe retails is send eels. of [ ' gr .
ism, Pot of To
taste ist asks k of ach . herr; wiel is
coucyt Lo'L6ff(UEs . r•.• ••,
These Erodes sale etas, nionsues •llstel -
sly Senses, eels easuropioss,nth
es, tightness of die Wipe see, styes. The paSpeipip
has ewer knows en issesswe Wee they ded not tie peed
antsarahoa. ' nesse thousand hes Ise ben sold sent
the Wiper, nestle to heetk pines beast eery saki
ofeonsurpossond thews beset neer seeds ditnesse,
eolde and coughs They do el ewe and 47 up tbesesb,
be render itery, peseta esposoistion, shay lle lickikkg or.•
letteion, nod resew the' preinee or nein; nee_
sew sue fen s sehissilion es sod lesestds aspic s
torte, newougli aedieioerudsn iseetedly spree to •
envy aegis We gaf Lbw asseleuts liedres ups he
dreds *fantasists han besotted of ten , waceribl ens
tuts, Len thoseen lose beeserre f ro m am semi,
. restored so perfeettendth . by wise. them. : .
..When than is esse psis usksshrestarsidesents of Sher .
SushltiW NaeO PWtae(pin nay In iens,) sbell
spplied ore en pee, yNix, LW - yr...d.4"
web costiresen, • Ler et t a dh -hobs Money eras
.4404setio medicine, shobe toed as anode SzArtlM
• Thee worm Iserpshein ban petered In morebsial,l26
coo eery lo be InfsliStr.: only sees sioneidesnoyise,
Sehese risressererod. Wen neellieinee
sod exados lonise inteneemesev est ! ". d ss eb, sus s
slither esq berg nespected; sews pees are senile
saisted withers, and arie ease fee wisp eases&
without any beefs; melees doe of See Loons well
,is Sl h= s l4 .' iltie ."7"" grinder= l teseh ".' d "
Ants and Se noseepktesen deaths lie& tubed eras
bleeding st es now," geeing unustionat thenesseh, tisk ;
is of hie ear the mike alibi ball, sliest-ebb or Ade
.sep, hoodsebe, . 'wsisens,, , erseo,. torpor; diesel .
dem. , .44 o p,
with (nett sal renianief
sometime s troublesene toops,.lnresisinies; shine, pent . '
hoe, Us bad We lideonS, breaddei r gain
sdamels hersbasehess, name, Spatoishnessunij
ainuespente, nun,
Nosed . stoma or bees, griptop..
seedier pale os vireo pets brew body, Imes of some
thing snug ss the tbronfouildst sffhe tennis sigt,
finned dais yom smell* lkos . te hese, els on*,
times diseesisi of skein ondlerserZ,„ •
They gin Wit'' reliant Amoco o. seek Pualr.ate
yett wing *Oho bnit; lemon. Of the glint; deneeideory
or putrid yen dont, bond or anon mai
&hit,felatteg, oppreaket ar a nue of eialtiegiar tie :dash
chatty spawn, crimp ,of the molseh or tawar d.. l , l ms_h ysterioal
efieeteie, awl all ItITO. OMNI* Anon:Laos tide
day, ant wakeful... Woo& the eigh4 eholera ar..o4j.
11111112arbtay dlarrhoe, !attitude or • non of like. •ter
oneaog wrcii., Oa thoLosen
ges rally reenogidleopotiog leterganTorytekhotsed
,atkr diedintioo, artilsootore the koe the glom
ent . n! , .o.i.e. the tLLWILmehI oLliog hem
too hkag. Orrodot tido; hoe beco too high levenomeil
.etuadoeed their Counted habits, will lied theee Omega rig
MOB MA/T 'EI esasrsa.4
The beat etreogileratieg pbaterot kostdo,otor,
remedy go , pain, or RUED.. is the beak, kno, lade,
Mold, Enke, husbegg . dit. Jae. Co. =Aka el
year. al eatsapply the dam.. They requin•little werzi
g before appLeatko. Wernated superior Loa/I °do"
'Go an ettarter the and prise, easklog toe cab , bnt,
AIIC dawn.. praetorix the woad. leafy& ra' he etleor, j
•Ja templaint eat dyspeptle, iL ehould be koni not
=ir[ld &nor , ••••••k, sod it wI2 alford - goidi et*
. is tenth., cohla, asthma, d of
breathing, argentin of the chat o, storaoh Lig willitoj 1
. .ekajetely kali god= bealit the piker. reredos ,
kd,ary batik,. to em
only =reo&
kr. Physician ;nevelt" rleaossarai them, ha Fe to,
119441. rd. 21..r.1147 gidt.orsithen befta, axarrrle ..l
:'Tip vs dy Tare Or eerier% y 'ab' ittfrtesaMcal
eats Itateiel att., int Ira froat itar evanon of nil
Lion oho hue toed thus ' s& u the exam! tedloyety
the etletaved end ehen etai
be etott metal ea& hit mat..
fieven3 ream hate et the areteketre Cle
p alsies:mar. Welch , thee.. ettteradeta ear.
• Direction Le toe are e ar e
Le knole of Dr.'Sbermsn, It ieimportadytonhasthi
dove oak for '. Poor Mates Picea ead leo that
yin ret Ra
nd then en wan
lesteE. coo
rbd l and6r tier ten Ilterrets glasters,ly
p 9hoo f tl o ad c libledtaod need by W. JACKSON at hie Pa p
Medicine Ward:owe, fro. BD bleary' tenet, Mr of th:
111411t1C POUND IT"—Essatka.
Cistessoli, WM. 31; 180. • •
"hi?Bs.—Ttlio u tatertify t. Us isabileAsslic.l6.4
thommAalietad pith i dims.. of Abe
ASO tbe-Spiiigst ISO I as. sta.J.ed with arms .sa
which /mai Wow mosta n.a, soy limn obowbv * . •
+/....41 444 4 af -
tight wnd era/1416m0, •nodkd with sopiwoollght
opit Op dilly • wwwideroile gisuatity of wid.
hick dark osilior.. fdy salaam beam. wwiaw d siortio-
tog, poring thie .tishe I agehdoilir boo et oormdg .
~net rtoant4 114 aid the big ibey .44 et,,otOot
atkoph theypni hp a ll boleti Orgy tiogrty, .ufeeriers.,
as ttiaY - hoggegiagrewia lot iker.,.ibit my losie lg.
tglilpsered 6 ~ lett ura iorotti. woo lhoi ttnoiapoi
t 66.1.1 to to make atrial of Dr. bogeogir RM.."
root Fano*, Irbil Pltisidgo porgstedeiratagoigleis ,
ing gai medicine wool' do no goat; sod vagg.egt ift3
ewe tom I told egg it ooe t.oy
bope, and lioa I. Or tto. a...04(wL0 ins en ,
gostio,me,) titze , eoh4 be =thin 3 .1"• 3
CiaggatiOfEor and obtained 5 bogloot Ugs
ble-bloakko„logg ooe>mmo ii 'meal; We 6,6
glakh, iogad et wilier. to my ogibries, •
pre mg reliz4
,at gum, oneging, the teak • Pt•lt
agog ihe pea mg tight:alio giOtgee, • .
tiro and .tr.ophoobia, .0000mbha too to
moatoota it. good wady orb . .it =Mr -
eouggioed, ant it I wit sugirigoeiod gab. Hangar* in*
0r...b. , 3 T• 3,•
biddy es 1 with. I ben recommendint Dr. Decimals FS,
pseteriatibuoly Moon Whams to deesejuilesissalmea
shil Übe; drop prodd mewled es Err I hinawileassek•
hasthets Sly sister L omas We ...aki.e.vesst, Arse.
Dimond Lirscener Affectime." tleg trairtothidi ski
had suffered with Ow some limit .be lee needy more 's&
by theme of this wadichui and eenfaell the 6 *tar'
that I take with wield) willooirelican ihilr. I ics weir_
o know Ilea dere are.tkoatode of nbiou
enty' with die doodad antar.-!•c' oar
Were it molt possillh for dew, to *emu Weasitteie
(*Oohs). it the tai lethotenyrlhousitha please/ tut
to. • Tide`
wilkine will she Wesel esibil, email the a dee wria
die hord eadjsiefia I Coulk, esstiadoi
stee etrusth to the isfeetikil• wet . ' .e h.,
• ) 1. -
_ alaelsomerhHotailti Comity, Ohba
B. — Til'ee.he....4 oet ualettlatiewitl el
iew!•feT::.• = i
eweeweekeesseis of blutssuerhilwamusio,
ay, 0,, en wino my Ow subetuesite the due suleaute.- - -
DE- Dillf•CAN a g WESTREN.OFFICEeIatiSpoisWe
Wed, where din *oath Mediate ese ihrele ha eitabott.'. :
Sold' in Futettegli, by '
, Wood and Linens eta - - ' '..opelaHthw
. IEISKIILEIT TO Tlllll - 14DITSr—ratnese ':-
Hair Came.. minealess ankle Or de Oceiertb,c•-•
. Dewily andlresma a tlesof the Bair...TUsCreaw,orhell
once Atlo.ll. will sapwood', all edge sniclrs of det •
:kind now need. Maude hair 1. desiLharsh. Mira or.. •
knobby ar Wein(....PPUri
the hair soft sod our, and - glee A hentlfal lively
optiesuocee;. and wallah* make It DA
In liveliness , •
I.sod buddy color tericres long a. a/1 the peepers/Wu
which are grandly seed. .fiveryfittlygentlemen'.:.who ale in the habit of toms oils toothea wd r
heir, shoal&
at once perdue a bottle of too ChltteseMelr Cr...1:14as
iris so ,ecorposed thse irwdinot Were the hair like too
Wier peeporwons, bat willheastlf), 4i:oAm*ci"r , e7,
saw faction in retry Musette: _
- For testimony to its eery tier q o eiitles. eta the "
.thilawiim , letter 'fres, Rte . . bar. Caldwell, to Messrs; •
fr. Stretch, Nulorilley . General /tient* lot
. Letter IMO 11.0 lies. R. Calihrell,p4MvUthe Pen-
Alesere. - Henearebou Streteh—Genileneele , I. • a
r s ' 7,f , f 7 rkirin a46l .T.riralt , r r el f ae , : 2,
- uterm—art abort two years ego my heir arm
brittly, nod diet:4l24 to cow e a t , pinhead/4' PraCrtr,
bottle of the Crewe; nod natal secording
ecriptton, my hair is now soll,..elasne see fires to this
heel : Mug beJessee nod sole were oppLied.riett PA:
• wins my hair In a worse stste dui before. Thie,C, „ ow ,.
however, humps ray espectations. - •
As so Intestate . the Toilet, topsails sleet'l , - ref e r:
•, mice peer all when, beiogilellimielyperfer A g, ;wed not -
distio4d,to ninehillY.. Th e held. e*Pee.elle. sea atail..'",
de Chineu Cream to be o deelderatur..",,, , ,ieteo
essieeth fordo toilet.. .liespeetfalls: ye ; - - • ••
_ Folukt,Jarey.7,lBFr ' -i.. a CdLDWELL !'
and tett.'l, rthsbeq4o.. l # l4 .
a. No t OSalon ii * ee t. rod Sect Vatter
corne i.
tof Wood and FiCat a rm. r:l
- -
11,aia,rxxxcruniurs.: •-C
retrade .11ounda - emeros,fotAm../11„..,4- '„ •
Core4l ala Rosa, for ohaung; . . , ; •.
'Poperfico &aim tore Isle 90 , 35' • .
• 13egsnl scoot 4,5, palfame4 oral. Lorgoulet,Aoste7
Arno ~, .•
licoutlio) poorder tioni or all Ponessq •
Embosood todef boioo, cotuoloWS ftorw .2 1 3AOLts
&Übe hood.keTablef; a sent bag;,,tet oo+1;40.m!, ;, •
llama mge tables . , . • • -
~dll"''' In fancy opolorn rF.PPmAr°!! s ir t e,
(oleo! &is% tiyiph SOW; Sam Lip oalr
- ow a.eavi,eterpoly paw:- • •t:
. Pore paha Foop.tu bat. mit cokto. . . • .. • •
' 4helloosp; 2oda map; solrolier
pt Lon pe!rufoory: lost itrA s eo
• 13 A 01,BLot
';:note • < car Lwanl SW'
:PITTrs a ulta IN :: 43 AZ TtE,l'v
Print:ism! Den,yersammax k..WEPLLY: t.
‘.: .41ArOsetrur Brulfinsrwtld IL, Mir Pori Ali.":
'lt ATXS OFADVICE" ,1ai0..,,,..,
One irmertiori of 151 ii li
es, or less,..: - - i so 30 t
Two insertion Withoatalterstiosts,.. ~ .. ..,. 015
;Three -"-. - - " . .. .t .. ... ~ JO) •.
One Week - • " .',
' . 130
Two'Weeke '' ' . ':,.. - .: . :,'. .. . . ....230 ...'..
Three 0 . " . "... ':,ti ... ~. . 3 t.O „P'
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