The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1847, Image 2

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(17• The Pirtherie• Duis Ceserree to petetheed -
Tri4Vetely, end Weekly.—Tee Dailyinsesca.
Doi/Leper nem"; the Tri-Weekly is PAC Dotter. per
awe. the Weetqu Twa Dollars per =lnez rtri auy.
to Sammy are earoestib—st
ibtor favor. before 6 Y. it, aad as early la me day ea
AXLISIOI Commei,ila Inielheatesakumeirart
Rim A pws,lmpmg,•ol.aney maim; ge.; so'
flantem:" Page rev 11 .0seellasuisus Irmo.
Tat Pzeirezwree.--We have made
muggicaents to proud ithis 'document te oar
'madam In fall, in mai/aid of Wednesday. As
lb. Message: withlo Ambi to king, we mud beg
II be indulgence of our widen, for any :delay in
the reception of their . -
• . Albert Galilean endue/mar lowa ntextess.
„ .
From tide venerable Stature= wehave further
tottreen7. S any was needed spinet the
ions war freirexiating betiscen our country and
Mexico. Of thin distingith4led chit= who has fot
_ long a time been coarsened with the financial
and political history of the Country, and so honors
ht; too, it cannot be add, aer maid of Henry Clay,
• —.drat he uPites to tie- peediency, or &throe
ofilai,—end don we hope that our advenarira,
who dientst Mr: Clay, from manned ambition
imputed to him, will give i heed to Mr. Gallatin,
who not only sanction, all the forma's viewe, bat
goes much further. Indeed, all the eminent men I
of the country, overdid:, those whose brie have
. biome history, canna.; . It is the Matesurof the
, aged end venerable Patriarch and Patriot, to his
oonntry,--his &dela to tir, on the verge of the
greue—and happy It is for us, that be halt been
.recd to us., pound m body and In mind, toleath
it cash a *poi of •wiadom 'and toodenuion to his
sonntrymen.. 1 . •
Hr. Gallatin deenmencos by a reference to the
i'Law of Nations" and aye. eh asemathat Mexi.
co must ultimately 'submit to moth terms of peace
u the United than shelf:dictate locum each
an Inferior nee as Ude, with such en Irani&
government cannot compete 'with os, who are
physically their superior,.end governed with the
. • energy and onion that mikes &powerful' enemy * .
. "The question then occur= What are the tenia
which the United Btatha have a right to impose
on Mexico! All agree that it most be an honor.
able peace ;" but the true rtenuelng of this - word
• might In the first place be ascertained.
The notion, that any thing can be truly honor.
. able _which ls contrary to jutiee, will, u an ate.
shut proparition,.be repudiated by every citizen
of the United States. Wilt anyone dare to assert,
thane peace cur be honorable; which doom not
• ocean with justice!" I '
. Mr. Gallatin then goes on to argue, that jam _
• serithes that See should an upon
,the divine Isle
of iaThon shalt lola thy neighbor u thyself," end
you would that men should do to you, do yo
also to them likewbe." Otir suceasses have been
• greei; l ind :„the . power to niche terms mat be in
our bands; bat he sayer.
"To this holyrile we siondd inflexibly adhere
• when dictating the terms of, peace. The United
Mate, though they have the power, have no right
to impale ternei ioconeidast 'with junto. It would
be a thimafed dereliction of principle, on the Part
of thoes:who mere 'arena to the annexation of
'hug to countenance any ;attempt to claim en
acquisidnit of territory, or other advantage, on ac.
recant of the mown of our anal."
Ha nut insaneness the geoid= of indemnifi
cation to Americus citizen., and argues, that as
• ,
we kad'eatme prior to the war, =eh cid= are
*nu good; and must be enforced, so lir u, just
He antoesthat Congress hae repeatedly declared
the'refusal of Mexico to pay, no 'cm. for war,
and othatbefote the annexation of Texas, there
tau *eery Frown of seceliog the indemnityt
and thst these injuries, even if they had bear a
lost cans for war, were in DO shape whatever the
mese at that in which we are now ar,gaged."
•, Whether the United State! are entitled to in.
• deennty dependatipon the joeurees of the canna .
• „satinet;
• ffo next. goes on to speak ef the annexation of
'Tau, nuts that we'had the right to sites,
bat by the
law of nations,tee named her guar
eat with Mutat, ado had notntthandsed itor
riapaudance, and that the canes of the wee was the
lust fee tentthey drown in ern. duke to estatfith
the Tenses western bat:oder* never &Owed es
math by Mexico when Teen, wit a provinei---
. Mateo, he argues,: vu by
the . an Of the United
States in tide cue, greedy .insulted and injured.
• He next goes on to examine the poeiticn of oar
government ao far is l tregotiatiens era concerned,
'sad gine it as his opinion that after war had
been declared and the'official egnespondencedo.
- mod, we had no , right to Weld upon /desk° foals.
,fog a radniter with full powira when she bad I
only ameented to receive a snip!. COlitttlitdol2o7;
Out ppon 'certain gtom points to dispute be.
tweem govethmectte,' thus again luta
lag Maxim. • 1• , I
Mr. Cidletho then Imes into en elaborate inn.
Mot upon the boundary questlen a and establishes
brjund trnestko, fd it was doubted by any,) that
the neaten" of General Taylor, ordered by Mr.
• p e rk, wed of the Rio finunle;was an invasion of.
Mitniag•ithlch could not be Omitted to by her I
. without et total Jae of honor. Upon thie head of
imadaiihe'lltates largely -from °facial paper.
eireedy Metiers of Matey with ena readers. He
agues that therNmeces is the' legitimate and only
honorable boundary we can ask, and sajr.
aleon happen, that this boanderj Is a natural
on., and that, as,a measure of expediency, none
more eligible have been deviled. A desert
a amp hundred and twenty,mihis separates :the
• moat Ronk wasterly Tama settlements of Llamas
Christi end Ben Panicle, from these of the Maxi
. sale, On the left bank of the del None. than which
, no beentiaty amid have been deviled, better al
' adated to prevent collisions hereafter between the
• tuna nation". ' It will be nfficient, for that put.
pew to draw' , nominal line thrOugh the desert,
ell the waters that empty_inter the Bin '
New to Mateo, end ell thou that empty into
gbe Si. Notices to Tens., togethei with such nit
; or prosithicia'respecting fottficatians end
prig ao may to nosonary fin the'preurvation of
pews," 11, • •
I The noodle fitainurtan th en goes on to epoch
of the •Miedrne of the United Meths," bat how
Minot we hie teachlop from three of ourrnlers,
who have- cured the shedding of MDe of the
hit Hood of the llipubile tigratity their last of I
arTbs people of the United BMtes have been
;dewed by Punkin= in a position never baits
akioysti by apYother nation. They are possessed
ad • moat szhanim territory, withy a my fertile
mg. a variety, of elimams and productions, and a
ampacity of sustalabny a Population greater In pro
radon to ha Watt, than any other tenitory of
the mass ski on the face of the globe.
,; • By a concourse of various cinnuratan cee , they 1
tined thaineekA at the epoch of, their iodepend•
mice In ths foU &opposed of
,votigious, civil, and
pogand hberty,'entirely . Erse Than any henditary
mommoly of wealth or prier. -The people at
• hese warm in fall and quiet poweesion of all thoee
natural iiada;dsi which the people of coon
tries have for a Moir time contended', and still do
ambersi. 'They ware, and you Mill sup
rims sowmiglut, acknowledged &stitch by all.—
• rot tbsproaerexembra of thane uncontrolled pow.
ate end privileges, you ars respondide to postai.
ty, to the wield at tarp, and to the Al:nighty Be.
Jog who lute :poured "on ,ydu such unparalleled
diminga. 1: ;
Von mision if,' to improve the state of the
Morld; *the Repablin,? io show that
are are cipable of governing theaseelves, and
that thls and natural form of ip:Manta:Mt
is that also *lnch mama moat happiness on all,
Lprodne thva tiva ths graateet• development of the
faculthw, above that which is at
boded the highest standard of itrivate and
goateed Milos and morality."
Ades. nipeating deetaradcal, tut, n u ,
aisle by mmisktrtice, and by the abandonment, by
on mai, of the. tamed lojtutetket to vdo into
edam se we would that they'aboald do riotous,"
•At fi od. all' there princi;les would Meth to
bane been abandoned. The =Mt Jarit,purely
vratisiisti Mar. and no Other Is jtiitifiabbi, is netes.
:witty attsialtd with a train of gnat and mond&
able eviler What shall Wilsey of one,thiquitots
in Itf origiujindorrroluati by ourethns, or a wst
of sigreatthei, - whith - is' now pabhely;anatred
be one of compassl'• • •
If panietad in, tlc nicewety coneopmcsa will
"be. a pennanant inionase of oar Wilbur eitaddiah.
r,plat and of astanatkra patentor: its general tans
I , kiW. to nuke nuchr hits Man,' to evil= hie
wont gioneone, to' secure= him' to the tam. of
Mood. It hu shandy denettalizad no bocoMider
-1 tale portion . of the nation. .
, Your minion mu, to boa model for all govern-
! menu pod for all edict less favored =noon to
4,lhem to the moat Elevated priocip=of political
mom*, to apply all your f mattes to the arida.
al improvement of your own institutions-and so
end state, and, by your example, to exert a moral
intact= most beneficial to mankind at:largo. In ,
stead of this, an appeal bu been made to your
Isom pukka:is; to cupidity, to the thirst of uojust
aggramlixement by brutal force; ti- the love of.
,'military fame and of Me glory; and it hoe even
lit= hied to parr= the noblest feelings of your
tuft on,' The attempt ii ludo to make you don
don the lofty position Mb.= your fathers occupi
4d, to substitute for it the political morality and
heathen patikitin' n of the heroes and statesmen of
:In the total sheeoce of any argument that an
justify the war in which we as now involved, re.
sari has teen had to a mart eitriordinary user
rim: It is eel, that tha people of the limited
States have an hereditary superiority of race over
the Mexicans, which gives them the Fight to =h.
Mee and keep in bondage the inferior nation.—
'ma: it 1 .• also acrid, will be the means of en
lighteningobe degraded Mexicans, of improving
their social sate, and of ultimately increasing the
baptize= of the muses. •
Is it compatible with the principle of Dement
cy, which reject, eery hereditary claim of indi•
vidnile, to admit an henelitursuperiority of ra
ces, ~ You very properly denyi . thst the son can,
independent of his own isteritolerive any tighter
privilege whatever, from *remit or any other
social superiority of ithr Atha. Can you for a
moment support shat scary doubtful descent from
Men, who lived coats th ousand years atm heves
milted to you a stimaimity °sayer feliow menl"
The concluion of his address relates to the
terns of peace, Upon Whirl he morathe, that "the
cofounded-elder of .Texas to the territory between .
.the NUM and the Rio Norte, we the greater
impediment to peace. Of this there can bet no
doubt: For if, relinquishing the spirit of military
conquest, nothing shall be required bat the indent.
aides due to our ciffies, the United States have
only to accept the terms which have been offered
by the Marietta Oremment. It cements to yield
~territory fie degree of latitude, or near 3..)ir
miles in breadth, and extending from New Meal.
co to the Parille. Although the mister part of
this is quite worthies, yet the portion of Cilif4.
ole lying between'the Sierra Needs and the N.
chic, end including the port of San Francisco, is
certainly worth mach more: than the amount of
indemnities jiatiy dm to' our cliental. It is only
in order tosati afy those claim', that lo emend=
of territory' may become nicesaary."- - '
If we need. More territory, and a Purdue
to desirable, he contends "it would be far profane
ble to pootpone it for the present, among meer
irons, in order the it should not here the ap
pearance of being imposed on Mexico. At present
-the only object is Peace, immediate, peace, a just
peace, 'and no equitation of territory, but that
which may bo' absolutely necesouy for effecting
the great object in view. The most simple terns,
those which s will only provide for the adjustment
of the Texas be tindery and for the payment of the
indemnities duelo one eitisrms, end In every re
' met, restore thing, u they stood before the be.
giro:dog of betiluirs, appear to me the moat eli.
glide. For that purposel may be permitted to
with that the dismarion of the terms should not
be embargoed by e inirodaction of any o th er
matter. There other . consideratios. highly
important, and not ign to the great qreation of
an extension of territory, but which may, without
and inconnedense or commitmect, be postponed.
and should not ho permiued to impede the imme.
diat&termination of this lamentable war. It 6
aid that a rallying point Is wanted_by the friends
of peace. Let them unite, boldly express their i
opinions, and use their utmost endorsors in pro.
rooting on immediate tertalortioa of roe war. Fr
the Ps° . ?IN no other banner is necessary. But
their representatives in Cousins resembled are
alone *umlaut to sacertiia,alone;vrited with the,
legitimate poWer of deciding what course should
he punned at this momentous crisis, what are the
.for meteor into effect their ovm views
1411 °T" dtext skiyte• rimy wait with haPo
end Confidence the irbie . I , .•ssir. deliberation."
A Were &ram ElseTen.—lt will bo seen
br oar lboagnsaskirial .Report, that the Hon.
Boa ear•C. 'Wartime', of Maasschtuatta, tuut
been, sleeted Speaker of the House of Beprewo,
teases, upon • fall Tots. This result 4 a matter
ofodogratulation, and mast ramWti rad to the
county.. Hs is • man of And n talents, arid
as ttoausfu able.
CATINLIO iarrirm Liel . oll2.—Frpin an' 24-
irsrtileinellt is another platen 4 will be ecen.thst
the third ; Lecture before the Catholic Nam, I
will be delivered this evening by the Bev. Janie.
M. LI/manic, late o( K l autuckt. but now , reading
in this city. From the known talent end widely
celebrated eloquence of the Rev. Gentleman. we
are led to ailed a rich treat; and doubt not that
having shown much taste in the seketion, he
will treat hie subject eTereevrilb e great deal of
The Lea= will lakeplate In the Hail of the
lomitute, St. Paul's ect* Baildlop,Sch stivet. it
74 o'clock. • We recommend AU ceu'readars who
belie may literal, tatte,hi attend.
hititsear Mrstyars.—Aratang the arrivals at
the Monongahela . last evening, wa notice the
names of. Col. 4 kladasd, Col. Ward B. Bonnet;
M 4 Dyelanan, and Lts. Potter and Bweney of .
the New. York aegimani. CoLAseow., IT. 8. A.. 1
Dr. Edwards, of do. Capt. W. K. Irwin, of dce
Ltv: Thorn Mid Callender, U. B,A. ''
The gentleman are aortal* for the cut, and'
=bred at New Orleans a few days sista as we
noticed at thii - -
New 'Boou.—lfentre /ablator' and Stockton
have laid Gains Table, part fintith of qatt l ear - life
' of Hang Foirth," a very popular work, alai tie
.Westmineter Review" for Octane. The latter I
work Is well knowlito the reading community.
1 4 112 uYaning Buns."--This truly germs
print hu been laid upon our table. It is replete
with Intend mild ono of the bast Clultnam Fear
ants for children, yet printaL Mr. Caldwell
wakes good Wagons for the public.
- - -
Esustorts.-7Two boys was's:routed on Sunday
11•811iDir for disturbing I Oermaa religious emigre
getion. They were fined fire dollars sub, by ad
Mayor. Oas of theta paid his fine-the ather,
ht defsalt, wu sentaneed to five days imprison.
meet in the =am= Jail of the county. •
Surreza.—Thecass of Teesdale rsLos,whiet
his been on the;tipts for the lasesir or NMI daye
bake, the District Court, has been finally deter.
alined rOidiFt 0150 for Plantifi:
alann'of Fire on Babhatkevening,
was =Wooed by the burning of the oblins of Mr
Boyd,oo Founh Wrest. Thefesrsa extinguished,
bat not anal ifter onions dungy had been ens-
War; Lamina, 'Jr, entertained ids Mende,
lat eisaMt, to a aumptuo um repast, at the Morton.
gibes House. The §tepper was excellent, and
the Company tnje. ' ,
BToctor Gooss:—.Beversl How were tun from
imp ma Ma limnond. 4 . 11 m Polioo.on tfabboth
coning. The m(mon cm laio them by apply.
login:the Mums once ond identifying the
. poperty.
.Poucr.—Them ;;;M;foar casesloofare his boo
or, Om Mayor, no' .11,1m0ay. 1 3 :1Mitl g —Wee paid:
Moir fim01,....44 other' n ?Ol's ma to the bilL /
RAILIDADI II fisiuseze.—The Stele of Geo&
es hepromeated with vest rtredinees and en
terptise ter eyelet:do( relined, until now the t:nein
line from keine has needy reached the Ten..
Demme deer: The oonntzioa will penile teat
plied, and when finished, with otherweeke now
In proper, the ineartintemt of Geo9fia"iii nil.
made will wt short ot fifteen. redireens
a l ikrt •
E. K. Coweee Ecraoseel t
will be rensuoheted Qat en set wit posed nee the
clews of. the Isereelion of Cookiei, authorisi
the torenirtern, to eider Into e/aertract with M ng
LIB. Oahe 'Widen for en !additional line of
1430 CW Wile= Nevi Xadr,and,
pool. Yalteldq. devenentsiwere exchanged be;
mesa the fertilely and lifr,/Colliee will immedi.
eat 0111161111103 SPereri in building initabhi
!Wier-eCeeetenvid ddieltace !
....., _
„. "_ I .. .
' • .....rc - etoetr 7nermre.--We ere below the
correded ep:echee mule at the tnectiog of pe
cenabn 2J, end vaiick will!, found di cinch In.
Prof. Day, said that the Chisel:L.lml Pitta,
burgh Rai!rood company. bad bin nu. i
deta 'very kierilde charter, from the Legivlatnre
of Ohio, a Mailer free from all those restrictiodv
which it is now the policy of mazy in the Stoic' ,
to engraft on !Railroad ens rters, to protect 'State
coons„ and exempting the *lock front taxation, on. i
tit the Legiilature Mould enact a general late in
regard to all roads in tließutte, and in that ens's;
applicable to this road Only when the dividend*
exceed oil per, cent. This cluiiMr, aa revised io
1845,!required' the company to strike the Ohio
river by Melia:toot direct,: practicable nod least ex
pensive rate Under this charter, the company
had surveyed t he route, which bad Men proved to
be "for mute fivorablo then Was anticipated, hod
put leti crillealfrOM ‘Vellwille, under contract,
one third of the work On !which, was already per.
'Ruined. had . greyed for location, the route in
continuation as far as to Hudeoli, 72i mile. from
Welliville,..andl24 from Cleveland, which portion
would be offered to contractors in the course of a
few weeks; andihat raised means along the route
sufficient to construct the Road to the. point, in a
fit 'stale to Memo the auPetstructure. • The eon
, tract prices for the 183 milaa ahead' , let for grad.
nation, masonry and bridging, 'were lees than
$5OOO a male,—and this the meet expensive part
I`of the mite. The entire' mot of the road from
Wellsville to Cleveland. 97 miles, no estimated by
the engineer, met $1,333,400.
In selecting the beat route to Cleveland, the
company had been led to a mute further West
, than was originally anticipated, and ail a road
; West was now; an object of special intereit tattle
citizen of Pittsburgh, Peat Day said he would
invite, particulai attention' to the distance by this
route to Cantini,—a place which many eupposed
would be made l a peon on the Western road. The '
distanim from Pittsburgh to Welleville, by a goy.
ornmeni survey., is 47 miles; from Wellsville to
Hahids run, by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
- proposed mute, at surveyed, is 32 miler; from ilas
point to Cantoll, by a very feasible mute, ...Mr.
tained by partial surrey, and careful examination,
is lei miles, making the whole distance from
Pittsburgh to Canton; by, this motile, 953 miles.
Prof. Day had been inforicied, that route
'bad been proposed by tray of litalam. The route
from Brighton bridge, on; the Big Beaver, to Sa
lem, hid boon very hilly - examined by Dr.
Whippo, at the instadco; and. under to instruc
tions of gentlemen of Salem,. from which it ap
prated that the distance LI - Gael:o Wax 693 miles;
28 to 'the 'mouth of .Ilig 'Beaver; 3 to Brighton
bridge; 383 to Salem. 'rho distance hence to Can
ton by the travelled route, is 31 Miles,—.the whole'
distance from Pittsburgh to Canton, being 1002'
milciii, .
Prof. Day had been informed of a survey of
,another mate to Canton, up the Little Deaver, by
New,-Lirben, made by, hlr Mitchell, the distance
'being, he believed, 102 miles. He knew of no
'other -coat, to Canton in ecintemplatiOn. • i
- i Charters for both these! routes had been ear-l'
:newly labored (or In the Ohio Legislature, but,'
i hitherto without Wieceits, and the difficulties now
I ' in the way 'Of Obi
I lioing them, ware g rd .O.Y a nd .
. 4 61
The routs toleveland by this roadaras belies.'
i t
ed to be the be en the Whole, that could he
found. It is bu 07 miles from the Lake to the
river. at ' NYellreille: making the Whole dirtines .
frlotia Pittsburgh t, Cleveladd 144 miles.' -Anoth
er route hid been proposed up the Big Beater,
by way of Salmi: The distance, as estimated
from imperfect enemy.; Was' 1361 miles. It wa nk
extremely; deibtful. in hi. Mind, whether a rout e
in this direction, i l ho abort aS this, could be found,
on • locating survey; at all events, no Charter had
beim obtained, nor. was it piohable ono could be
obtained, A proposed connection with the Cleve
land and Pittsburgh read Weld of Salem, would
make the distance considerably greater then by
Of the importance of the early completion of
this mad, he need not speak.' He would only re.
mark that the present husinew done op the route
of to road, Would make it a profitable work to the
proprietors. There are now diem lines df stages
trout Cleveland to Pittsburgh; One of which pawed
through the place of hialesidence—lleditun.. On
this route, although very circuitous, from 20 to
25 palseerns were conveyed each way daily, to
say nothiug of the travel in privet. , conveyvnees,
which was considerably great,. He. had moo in '
the Gamao of this morning,' a datemoot ,by
a Mainachuselni gentleman; apparently well in-1
formed on the subject, that a rail road curing Alt
- oveills,ooo a mile, could bengaline,: Ott a route
supporting four deity taigas and tee baggage wag.;
ons each way, and pay large diiidends. Thie.road !
mats' !Lan $14,000 a mile, ads on a route I
even . rf w promisieg• a hessicx ffitsinew. But he
mac!:il Overtook to factthit this toi s ebtingin 3 4
the Lake at Cleveland in deem connection with:
Pittsburgh, Would determine' in this direction to
Philadelphia, aryl New York, travel and bait:.
nen from the whole lake wintry, with its 1200
miles of coat, intersected by . danabi sad rail roads,
and, increasing its population in a rapidity •uns
Puilieled.:, He concluded by soliciting of the cit.
Isms of Pittsburgb•a hearty And prompt co-opera.
ken tai'the 'completion of this Important work.
Serrault@ of Gee, Ili Eiehbaum Chief Ennis
near.;' ' . . .
At th e dile o f lil y pub oiled report to the Direc
tors or the Clamors! and.: Pittsburgh Railroad
compariyi-imar rurieys dateraded Maly from Welbs
rifle, to diel Motioning SuMmit, from that -point
I t o Cleveland, the Purveys and estimator Dade for.
ineely by cot. Dodge, were relied upon. Since
that date oqr torreye have been extended to Hod.
sone—within 214 miles of Cleveland.
The Mate Met morreyrid, divirgee from the far
mer route at a point about 21 wilco from Walla.;
vill nd a, a pairsee northwastwardly, into the valley
of the 4ilandy, about 11 mile.' Southwest' of the
viiiitte of fdeneyertodthencecontinning along the
.valley of the Sandy, the line 'Cruses the - Bondy
and Beaver Canal, near the village of Roche* . L't
and pump to the month Of litheis roe (a branch
of dan
cey,)÷the line thenc e legends the: valley of
ill -..-
11you, and after crowing the. Summit be.
tweed the Hahn '. run -end I
Motioning waters, is
connected near Freedom, with the line , formerly
surveyed, From Freedom , to.dfivison, the route j
generally does not vary materially from that of
the former survey.—From Madam to Cleveland,
. :
wo hare the 'fernier eurvey.
Upon the part of, the route recently surveyedj
the maximum grata wonld not, bi any eau exceed
• rata of 40 feet ter mile, an I the lout radio. of
ennrature behreen the work now tinder contract,
and Cleveland. is 15 90 feet. ' . ' 1
. The auxin= or steepest grab lipol2 any.plet
of the route from: Pittebrugh to Clevelatl,
doernot exceed the - rata! cf pp feet per taiie;' 1
The diatineathrough fiord Pittibargb to eleri.
land will he about the vania as eiated In my, ree
petal-vial 144 mike. A. the field:opmatlons of
the cave; 'arena jut now terminated l'ausnot
at Ibis moment proptred• to funilsh estimate. of
cost,—buti j korn the gettersicharicter of therm:Ma
from the end of the work now under contract to
Freedom, j • presume that the cast' f. the grading
of the lialire'. tun route, Will be found to be lee.
' thin that of the Georgetown route,
The =aimed distance is slightly increased, by
:tbe Hatuli tun route, but the amount of ucent
and &Merit, end of curvature is So much lees,
than upon the Georgetown rout., that the distance
could be paned in ae short time by the Rahn'.
ran recite, a. by the Georgeteam route, and with
dews injurylto the- road. The Hahn', ran route
by its more Western 'location, earthier , us to pea
so neat° Canton, Mai from the mouth of If ahem
nut, the dithance scum to Canton; would be a
boot 17 mites by a route crewing Hukills ran and
Little Sandie;.:and descending a britneh' of the
Nlmishellen,:to Qake. About 9: mike of the
distance betimen Canton and the ofl-1 ohn's
run was striviryed some years Mice, and found
precticablehe remainder hae.beeit represented
to. me fapor•bly by gentlenicn haring a thorough
knowledge of the, topography of that erection of
country. t The disance from Pittsburgh to Canton
would be no foliates viz:
From rittiuigh, via Welleville; to mouth of
Hahn'. run 74 maul, from the month of Hahn's
ran to Ggill4; by proposed eocito 17'r toilers; total,
Pittibtugh to Canton, 951.
RI: . I
Mr. Tilden remarked that the chins presented ,
by Prof, Day embraced the main fact.' which they
had deemed it propel- to present to the meeting.
It . was eery: true ai he had stated, the charter of
the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Roil Road Co. wee
a highly favorable mac, as would be poen from It.
pertuni,-more' Arorable -then
could now be Ob. -
Mined from the , Legistatere of theii. State. It
woe obtained at a limo when it woe the policy of
the State to encourage, by atnlge inducements,
/ fled Road ente r prise.: This, to some extent, has
changed, There'was now nnnen!,:ssitY for quick.
erring the epithet: Rail Raid inpnireinatiu, 'and
the consequence wax, their Leal:latere had bis
come more stifigent on this tobject and feu lib;
eral cenditioei j would be impend id greasing'
Rail Road chute..
He said there were a few will aireartained fit
whfch induced ' ! them to believe that the ranter
their road molt inivitably 'welire the confidence
of the citizens; elPitiaborgh, and under this per
suction they hid been induced' to visit them. In
the that piece they: . believed their'. wu the ahem,
calpreeticable Millet connecting the Mina Cleve.
land and Pittsburgh; in 'addition to this, it can-
biped the beat, and most practicable to& for a
road leadihg west IMM this city, making Cantida
a Point. The &tepee upon this route by way Of
Efahn's Bun tofGaiton is usi miles. -The routs
from' the notortih'nf fkivesby way of Salem. u
recently , untied •ty ;Donn Whippo,•ier 1001
jj ,
fru= biting jia -the city Mr. T. saM allied been
infaimod:Pi two very iontlenln. of a
Assn! rcults 'b/ the. Lit& *wet seamy,
.' . . . - ,..i'
.1 :.
- IA -
ed by Mr:lstibabrd,* gowesinievat Thinner, same
years ego.' Me bad not can the 'eepe c e aglig,i
Mitchel, but had been referred to Mr. Hanna for i
' i copy 'of the' report, who he believed wu present'
. and be would inquire cf that gehtlemen if he had
'. a • copy of tee .riport. (Mr. Hankie stunt he
had net a copy of the report. but believed the.
route by the Litho Rawer, as peeved by Mr.'
' Mitchel was 'one birdied end two miles froni
thusbeugh to Cantors] Mr. T. said it would be
obvious frost a glance at the.Mip tint this must
be a longer route thin that propeeed by them, se
in following the 2.aurse of the 'Little Bearer; thely
had to make five thilei in the outset without being
able to make ono Mile ; west. .
A di ffi culty he'd been suggested upon their
route, in paseing froth Hahn. Ron to Csatoni
but he bebered n no existed. .theilirdt She - trout&
had been surveyed, end a reconntoissonee had beet''
made of the othed half, which denominated theg
entire practicabtlit,y of the route; and stdirect, a
to make the distauee but theist Id miles.
It seemed to he clear, then, from the beat 'ao,t..
mation before or, ' I that the reuse proposed by the
friends of the Pitnhurgh and Clcrelend Road, , is
the moat feasible, both for connecting Cleveland
and Pittsburgh, and fors route leading West thorn
Pittsburgh. Biel belief Tres, that this route eom-, '
tined all that Pittsburgh decked by way of West.
ern Rail Rood iininovemente. Under this impress '
I non, they could of doubt of their cordial co.ope•
ration in this work. The road would be made; it
had'ao far progressed as to make din eient certali4,
The only question now, was • question of time.
The influence and support of Pittsburgh win ie.
dinionsibla to the early completion of the road.
Mr. Prosaic said he had not expected to ad.
drews the meeting. Messrs Day and -Tilden it was
undenitocd would present the intereet of our route:
He would, however, say, as he had been called on,
that he felt a deep interest in the completion of
the read. The friends of the contest-potion of
the road, hid oxincted that Pittsbnighyind Cleve.'
land,, the points most interested; would have moo
Ted..firsE In thislthey had teen dieeppointsd c —i
,They found Pittshurghddithly engaged in
_a cots`
iICCLIOiI with Bed ore, nod Clehdand all ohaorb.
ed in • connectioi with Cincinnati.: Under th ese
eirenmstances, the had orgimdzed; had pat shine
I nineteen miles un er contract, upon which the
i central:tort were a ' , rely engaged. They had run
a locating line fro Pin point let firltudeintt *I
dietence of 54 mi .; that the engineer -ewer° ac. ,
lively engaged in }preparing that' ortion of the
route forlotting; that lands have bete Weed along
the line to complete the road for the et:perianth.
hire; That we were hot, no hid been moulted to
him since he had then in town, Making -an et_: .
fort as • feint; we Winne in earnest; and that he i
had no doubt that the portion of work referred te I
would b completed; They felt deeply the need
of the countenance and aid of Pittsburgh, and
hoped they might men have it. It has:been said
there was a nearer route by Beaver, Darlington:l
and Salem. The 4istence upon that route was
made up in partby estimete; he believed the din.
knee would be ififinikeed by accurate emery,
There was no 'chatter far any portion of that
route within tho Stile of Ohio, and none, he be•
lieved, meld he obtained on the route north of
Belem, u it would run nearly parallel with the
line in the coarse cif constmetion. , Should libel
Western Road go by! Salem, tho connection moot
bo mode near fourteen miles west of thilem which
would incresso the distance to Cleveland over the
present room from fohr to gig milei.
Mr. Eekley said.. that the conneCtion between
Pittiburgli and Cleveland-. by Rail Goad, was no
'longer specidation: No one, who woo it all L. , miller with the situation find progress of the
work, doubted bat whin it would be completed._
but when was the nly.: queation now: It had
xis:rowed down to a question of time, end. if the
people of Pittsburgh could be properly enlisted,
that time would epeedby arrive. The -united co
'Operation of thin city, with the people of Ohio, will
soon templets, that great midertaking, Which must
pour into the boeinesti of Pittsburgh, the products
of the' richest agriculture" region of Ohio, alike
benefitting the city, r ' the country from which'
ii dal. ere intuited in dif-
krent States, our in rests are the' some, in any
improvement. from th s city west. We purcbase
For althea h we
your goads, and eau you our produce, ore your
money, mod in fact the UfiLlerlrof tie ciiy governs
the hunnea of all bort eastern Ohio. This idere
titles our interests:and any acheme ! of . improve.
manta that facilitator our bizaineow or baingi tee
closer together, ought to be chmiahed by all In.
The Road is Cow located, end ritthlr , rt Milee
under contract, and as has hew reorkted, mans
are raised to prepare fur the wiper etructore, tho
balance. with the exception of about twenty..
four milts; and all this without; the general
cesopenstion of this city. Wherever may ex.
amine tho soaps of the country through ,which
title Rood. posies; they mini be satisfied, from .
the. Important points cionneeted, and the bluer-ea
of the country through which it passes, that it will.
.1:0,0,-peofF4ble inwendithit of iinpay , ......; -, ", _.'-'
Thera is another hiiriaiet. titat
.shout] interist the people 'Of I , iitteliiirgli in - this
,toad; sod that is the fact that itconstitutes one
link Lithe great chain of Gait Road between thin
city and Cincinnati.. A. very. Slitirt time and
the Columbus, and Xenia Rely Road 'will beano.
pitted, which concrete Columbus and Cincinnati.
Tho Road is under contract from Mk Vernon. to
Newark, and will, io all probabiffiy,ocion be from
Newark to Columbus, and a letting will MOM take
plue that bringe the. Pittsburgh and. Cleve
land Rail Rend to a point within .16 miles.of Can
ton. Between that point and Mt. Vernon, is all
that recinim to be dime to make a ....hue of Rid
Road complete between Pittsburgh end eincin.
nati, and this has all been ache alitheqt the aid of
Pittsburgh. Another fact that feworithe idea of
the completion of that chitin of road, le that the
counties through which it panes, or iv expected to
pose, have, in anticipation of it, Misfiled special
acts of the Legialeture, sentorizingtheir commis.
limos to Althea° to the capital stock of Rail
Rood Campanica. •
The charter of this Roadie * fatinabki and lib
eral one, end he doubted whether such' as one
could be obtained, from the 'neaten:Rio of Ohio
now. A spirit append to ; ROI Ramie had found
r favor in . Ohio, until they were regarded with a
great deal of jealousy. At the last
r eesnotrof the
Ohio Legislature, a propention 1.,45 hied* by the
' litUe Miami Rail Road, for an'ameoldnient to their
charter, to enable them to make •a' doable track,
but it could only peas, with such reithictions mil
provision., as iu the opinion of the. company
reader, it unless. 'I the bill too bathe kik.
' once of the venerable, and moth edirileid Gover
nor Morrow, but even that Smuld•ner sive it,from
such Mentions as defeated it, for the pillpines in•
tended: When we have a clooneithat ;illiberal,
a comneny organised under it, epelt of the work,
uMM I COOIIIIO, a route that Is practicaldo and
passing thiough the 'roost . iptitiesithe paitiof Ohio.
to the basins of Pittsburgh, he submitted itheth•
..., i t a cht hot to be prosecuted with ersersiso a
speedy completion, • 1 -t
RAIL R1:1113 4 1 E17110:.-41:1 ac.Foriimim with
presiouS notice, a meeting of come ler titer Stock.
holders l of the Pineburgh . and COnoofrilllo Rail
Road com A. pany kook place at PratdOn gap, at
o'clock M., on Affonday. Dr..l.lll.Pciikmilogro
of o=Si/radio presided , tifpeacheit viliM -made
by Dr. Ciantm aud•Wm. Latimer, Este, in favoi
of preurving the dmiter of the Coo oelsiilb rood'
Mr. Denny, Mr. Robinuto, and othert-'nppoerd
this. _ The following- preamble anditorg&tigis
wore adopted: • .
norms, it I. understood, that certain elmrlatol'
dots in the Pittsburgh and Connoluilto Rail Road
Company, resident in Piteiburgh and iAlleghtuoy;
are willing to transfer their taut to the quopany,
upon reimbursement of so much of thelte pee
coot poid thereon as shill run:laic, aftSr a, dodue;
non pro rata of ell the costa and
.expenue " with
which the rands of the Company are now charge.
able: bo it therefore, .•
_, •
Retolred, 'Phu this Company will erptorchas . e
any Block that may be offered on thitbeteit itpocio
died tutu, and that the President of ttio,Ct;Ton.ny
bo .uttDriz2d to draw hie warrant. upon Maarten
orer for the several 0001144 winch may fie due
for Stock oepureliared, and deliver the Same to the
aticutolders, making that morels u stein is they
shall be duly tendered.
At 2 o'clock, P. AL, the meeting of nit, qtocio
holden again. mumbled and proceeded to an
election of a board of director. The loans - hog
porsone coolest q majority of am vates'ana were
declared duly elected:
• Joxepb - Marklo. Goorge J. Ashman, Alexander .
Hill,M. Thos. }lnkwell, John GebbartiEdsvanj
D. GSIZ/011, Willem Lorimer, Jr. Wolter Mr Pink
Geosgo Hoag, William J. Totten,
John C. Plumes'.
The following legal opinion wax'read by; Mr .. l
Entvaan D. Gauss: Sin-112 reply to yolar.
inquiry as to the legal Donor of the.Pittaburgh and
Connelerillioltailnesd Company tinappechase tuck
abetes of stock in said Company eamay tie offer.
ed for sale by 'the hohlent thereof. We have to
say that a neferenco to the RCM, SeCtiOel of the
'act of incorporation will wilily any one Whom!!
read. It • that the power of the compaciy, ' in , this
respect, is clear and unquestionable. ... •,,
• It declares that the subscribers 'shell h viper;
petual succession, and all theiptlitii*Dspehiscs
and immunities leellelli . to
,te GetleeeliD may,,
r orcbase,aceive, • hold and enjoy,:eco the . and
their SUCtieeleill anffueigns, Itadtbanem . to and
hereditament', goods, chitties, Sod ill Pitti4e;—real,
pentiuml and thixed, of what kind ly quat4ty;a o .
ever, and the same from time to titag to selkmert
liege, grant, ahem or diepose Of; stag siehe•divi.
donde pf,such podirM of
.the *hire! thoT may.
ham proper." • • .' ' '-f • • ,
The sixth section of the tan get Potodtko
what am directors. fires damn dun- brae a m
aws to etch sockhoida, fa Ati_ataba. of
... • -
leharee be eie ; Om shall wt. = La for t it bold in
said corporation. signed by the' • I,mointiets
lined by the . Tremont, and kics with the come
i min sib, subject however tolall e payments dos
or to grew due thereon, whiCh al. ek shell be trans
(enable, in ferson. or by a • .
.y" &,_.
The right of the StockholderJ is complete, on
the psyioent of the hist inn altaetrT M the time
of the subwription. We. do no ferceive . open
what ground the right of the Company to pur
chase Stock can be xjueetiened, and have no hesi
tation in
.Baying that it can he done to Eli avant,
at the Freon' of, the Cenipany. • With great
Beopect, Yount die..: - • .
Pittsburgh, Doe. eth 1847;!
The regular emitted metting'of the 'Pittsburgh
*and Conpelinrille Rail Road Comp' any took place
on Mociday at Philo Hall, at 2} O'clock, P.M.-•
The following retaliations were offered by . Wm.
• Robinson, jr., Erg., and adopttd by the meeting:.
Roofs:tit, Dy the /Stockholders of ilia Pitts.
burgh and Connellsville Rail Reed Contpany, in
' . general annual meeting convened, that' the mid
Company do hereby accept the • juovittiorie of the
act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania,
• paced . the 15th day of Abu& A. D. 1 547—enti.
led "a supplement to an actiio kiemperate the
tttsburah and Cannellavillo Rail Road Company
eased April ad, 1 557. ' • ,
Resolved, furtha-, Taal- the Director, of this
-Coinpany ClUlle public notice to be given of the
acceptanie of this company of the provisions of
the aforesaid elipplerecnt,•und that to Stockhold.
ere viitlidrawiim their anbaOriptions will bo refund- '
ed the amount of their instalareuts they may have
reepsctively paid in after deducting from each hie
pro rate share of the expeniaiimilready incurred.
The following gentlemerrivere elecred.diniotora
of the Company: 1 I
William Robinsori, Jr., lamer Wood, Wm
Ebbs, Humor Denny,' N. LI. Craig, Wm. M.
Lyon, ThoLllskbarell, 'Joseph 4 'ennoelr, J. 86.
sell, demo Carothers, J. Mbrchead, F.
- .
To VteErliteirs of the Putabuigh Gazelle.
We have noticed an *Miele in the Gazette of
yesterday, not only flagitious in itself, but
ted to Injure the Pa. Rail Road Company by en.
citing an unfounded prejudiee: and alarm in the
minds of the people of Mill community. Now
what ere the facts in reference to the survey nude
t.iy, this cenipanyl Is It not irell known: that ex.
.porimental lines have been run on various Routes
in and about this city--wu net a survey m ade
the soirtheide of the Monongahela River - down to
Birmingham:l—was not another made on the north
aids of ttio same River to P i ipetown, and is not
another now being made from Springfield down
Liberty al. to the; River and thletce ap in front of
all the warehouse. to tile Miniongahela Midge?
is it not perfectly &certain that; this 'lut route
will : be made for thir accoromardstim of the trade
and;.traiel of the city?--Why then cause needier.
alarm abont the experimental annoy in Alleiche
nylAre,vre not determined on a Road to Ohio
end is it not even right and proper for the Pa.
Company !to ascertain whether each a Road can
be connected with their Depots in that city or in
the 9,4 k ward.
COllllll •
or Pittsburgh Gasser
coNcaracs szonnoobiczionso k .
W.. ,— hingtoo,Dee. 6, 1847.
SE AAAA Senate was eta! , to order by
Vied Preaidenl Defies, road a pre er made by the
Rev. Dr. Bficer. '
Twelve now members' made' tfieir eppearanoi
and were qualified, and low of Ibis did ones wrre
I 1
The usual artier admitting the gentlemen of the
Facia to the'floor, was paseed, and Sao . Senate ad
House or R AAAAA rrrrrrrrrrrr r rrr rr rrrrrr
at 110.0% . Wait milled to order by hfr.!Freneh, when
119 Members were present, and answered to the
Call. Upon toenail of the Hon. )(Mu Q. Adams,
the House then went into theeLsctien.of Speaker.
The whole number east et Ito first hallot, was 220,
nom:stars toe a choice, 111. Tile vote stood
Rebart U: Winthrop,- 108
Linu Boyd,
R. Metollacd,.
Scatutring, 25
21ilailot. No choice effected, sled the vote col
1A 1 4 1 . 444. ,The lion:'Robtn C , yliiablitp was
iliet,C,l, 2lg Obers VOqIIJE. He recivid'llo
. .. .
fiocibe deintio Mini arose'relitinirio the tollty
arid a motion Made to adjourn, which was Mot.
The Hon: , L. C. Lavin then nominated It. B.
French for
.eirok, when a motioncwaa wadi to
adjourn, and.carried by a roto ofll2 Ayer, and
I fit Noyes. -
----____—.........., .
. Cerreepeadeace or the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Nimwei Faux TILE ARirr.
Cincinnati, Ddc!, 6, 5 - P. AL -
A teticr bu bean received at Lionville. Ky.,
ro.;:lay, dated 'Callao, ittexico, Iti . oi. 4th, which
states that IL awaiting pal, under the command
or ',lent. Got Webb, bud tillan in. With a Omit,
In band, headed by the 1 : 1 01OriOUll Chief, lltattines.
Tbelatter were defeated, and their commander'
killed in the engement. The Idea on the aide
of too lariat s, is said to base n
bean ry
c .7
Querilla parties Ito wild to be numerous in
the rieinity of Ceialso, but it, Wu hoped Webby
wunnand woj.ddlanceeed in dispemins them.
Clem Taylor. we. expected to arrive atCaralre
on the 10th of November, and preparithMe were
making to reeeto him with honota.
Ennor s Co rreipolldextoe of tho httaborgt. Gazette.
Pug.anatraza, Dan. 0, 4 p. m.
The Philadelphia and Baltimore !Marble are
perk.tly ninon; and'idealera generallyirralting the
arrival Of. the steamer. .., 7'
a. .
Dsoember, 6.
The south= mail ham mired, hot hrir;ha no
nawisoeth of Peteraliurgh.
cre lli o Vasuf l ikkekl . re t aig iu.
; New , York..Dec. 0,9, P. M.
FVor—Hoclerate sales of Genesee laud" at
$ 6 , 2 4 16 4 3
per 'II it , quality- Moderate blui
=nasty doing: all Khios are awaiting , the for.
Cerra—,-9ales of s mixed , quality, at 73a74e per
but. }Prime yellow is selling at 76c.per bush.
Oita—Limited !aloe reported at 4yaillite per
The matte! fur whae hu an uperanftendestell
corn and odwi gnaw arti in fair demand.
l'ineisions—The rates of the mutat ara only
the aupply df tho regulai tradw•dpaustsh Lard
howt i ser is dell, and tend' downward' ''.
1 Indent generally aro Without ehang in
apaporlantywn!cular. -
:ittn!M leatinthlor hi esdml ' 4;
remittal men Sinn Cannel's magical% Pain 'Xiamen.
manufactured by Cornstrireird.poi ColetSfUta ta. M. Y.:
is th e grealeat weeder of the Igth century, Its creels
so"VV OOIO ,VZ,It'II I z tZ III,-" 74 - 111- . 2°,l u gtre
appliCa ag. {Mating ;,telanicianihe Most del tette
skie trr r
leaving Da wilt. lilt. equally beneficial to all
kin/or Mummery ill eaAe.,l4le.ll as tarn i n
and 'Vey, Eheaaliant, • White Swelling and
prone., Boma, ecilltfains Erysipelas, /Nett,
Tic ;Worme; fro. Went/At add ;9 preprints!!
us e say,
the Santee of mrtny,Clutnentpkystelans who use it -NI
thelr'practice,and bandreds or the ofergy *ha praise it
‘othoirppopio. gird 'penal keep itconstentlysin hand,
onases of accidenly fire, tire may he lost without It,
bat jiy . arc all Li t
ton ate aubject liSconlral,pnlan,
foralulf art de.troyed. Gabby — Remensber and ask
ilittnellht Magteal Pain Eritstetur,manaractared by
-.....t.ekt,,W9'lllViliV3A7.l=t•-iOr Pi tu . h' r o Th L 69
fd - oesyet, =ado( Isnot . nrlbilawom a
ud:e4i Cr
enrol. Ka • Pawl .Pillea! rue. I—
DJackion's Embrocation'. is' the only ineilitiitie that
ssilitemie line so very Common tied trombleannie
dieeige.::ll not only iraoledin tidy ollayn pant and int:la
ntana., slops all blee dingiaohdoenthatintelentble nen
.ng, bot tilketuallT earns; in ivory abort time Vernon.
wholia lives nave bees renderod minendile for year..
Its applientlOn pm:Wens no pain, bat rather en sateen-
We and pleainint aentation. if permits nalieted
eel/and hear of the great Ortraher of eases that hare
t i ngly pitted, 'they rent aainainheit. A gentle's:lan of
this eityilliihe had been ander the knife of the Carron
' fur two sir three limes without helms eared, ham b iaßy y
bottles of the Fitnbre mica. been erad lordly cured.
It pelts beyond precribintii-iPhil. Satarday Courier.
31 p- For vale in Pitoiburth at the eraiN• PEA Foanh street, near wood, and also at the
Drug Store of II riSchrarta i Federal el Allegheny eb
: t r. •• 7 : alfdkw
; -Dose your hair fall oif, does 'verbal,. tamr gra
jiit lamb, is it dry, or dirty. pray? • , • .
yen can mete st bait. cliy add fine,
Dark and healthy, and beetle/nix as tWshair °fauna.
And to bare this, you have ibit three shillings to give
Far a bottle 01 JONYIe Ruhstetive.
yleader,,f. you have bad nal, you world really be as:
Welshed AA the lovely edeet a three shilhng beide of
John. Cow. Ikon Itarreaanis•hea on icit needs but
trial. *old at Ed Weeny it. • • nrllidivorly
1 Irr Yellow TedtAatni putnd breath,'
odoirr rams bite rotten death; •. 'I. .
.... reyenuleive and dteanittas. 1 '
,: .t . ' Atleould any!, teeth white as peazl, - , .
~. i Sweet breath—hard ition- , Ataneir ale, -
~'. Why. deleyr—Nay , qateklq haste ,
i . 1
And me a boa of Jones' 'both Nile_ I •
li;eosts Ind cent., and la many a I.antind ankle.
Itg ea the teeth • ditAdrttuneV Hold in - lPilublaritt at
6 0 1.4berrfrt,.. : . ~.: - -,: _uylV.lker/Y.
. ,
t trdiei who es* liiiten'ap
always • fine while InnEo•ten
u'ild. ,lo l••Ynne.l
• an i4n Lily %White, tiara
.t akin. Of this a tnal
'in ottsbatgb:4o.9 Lin.
•-•' . • •
.27P the E.& tirstirmgh'Grmisrer•
..' '
We take iklaamere pionniemeoinir to the einem if
Pittribargh,, Ma 'mon of JOHN LAUOIILIN for the
Mayoralty. He is al gaill l Cl3lill in every ray; smelled
to MI the often—miln,gratimunly,aod temperer,
at the I• 190 time intlexthle when dory yevares.
Aa • P•0• 177 i btairmai Men, be eon hi base rai high.
reirommtadainin than the feet of his being sent to the
City Cornea from a maxi that hat in general green th ,
emersion,. majority.
Mr. Laughlin:lra. altm bee., for the hut hi se Tem...
the darer:et Committee. of Streeb,svoialen
assammuts ahti appeals; The labor mut- ume coasammi
the . 411211 C hill been very great, andi lastly entitles biai
'e the regard and inflamme oldie Whig pony.
date • ' More Farm..
. .
rp•Pnuoiegicau Inalltute.—The Twentieth
damiresary of.Phibb al teatime will be celebrued
na nolo Mal, On Thursday evening, December OM, at
?o'clock The canomary midterm will be delivered by
Sateen Paratma;Ean, The pdblie reepectfiely
vitedroeb: ' , . WHIM 8111JNIC, e
de Committee on the Anniversary.
"80 - tgo Halt sand Lanno—Comsloers Nerve
and Bose Ll6lll2CIlt and Indian Vegetstde Elixir, is 11,0
wort eleelesl Ogee for Rheernertn.
Sold by IVAL-JACKSON, Agent for Pinsbargb.
=,,pylrod&olfroT • •
117 Don't him yellow dab Teeth—they can ba mule
pearly whnn by one time Of Jonas' Musa
7TOOIII P.c. It hardeps the gumi,aweeten• rbe bread.,
ate Liberty ah
blobs Aun.rne, bora • slave ho hlskir /Amu., of
North Corollas, /750.501 d to hlcs Alrbourn, (widow of
Lleur ATelboumnottny Dritisli.Navy) at the Ma of 5
years, Dori whom he -took hls name and obtained his
freedom To 'which is added sketches of the Lives of
Thomas Jefferson-John Q Aduns, Jahn Ihnifolyb and
IteVeral other eminent American Statesmen, Dearing on
the Subs., of Slavery, predated from personal Inter
view with
!Member of C thaneons, Matfett of this memoir; edited by a late
The-Constitution of Mao, considered in relation to
RaternelObjectsi . In , George Comb. •
The Marriage .toSt harJohnAngell,Jamel.
YCampll a n In New calm, wile Colonel Donipbotti.
b Fronk btorards, • Volomeer.
The Illynenen of the TM. Crafe>ti by Augustine. •
The Pirate's Daughter, or the Rovers of the Atlnhtlet -
by 1./1 Dogoode. • !
Adventures of &Strolling Player; Ent Ameneall
Pontine, or the last Battle : ciente Ottawa Chief; by Oa.
good• PfP1 -7 . • rerArireirolAL •
TlALlor7i;dCostaTe4feati Detector, for !team..
Colombian Atomise
All the Nagmlnes . • o •
lame sod vaned asserunent of Juvenile Books
Also, a beautiful selettion cd donna]. Seel on Moss
bum, e
Rose, Foram Ste Not, L=flets of Memory, Lady's Al.
tc. me.
A new an4large supply of sUnionruT, blank books
for common use of every description.
A huge lot.Pietorial Jonathan* and Carriers the the
Holiday. - ; • ; • •
For sale ei hi A MINER'S, Bothhneld street, 34 door
from Stod. • de7
_ _
. --
Grand To per Iron Ore.
T HE subscriber! oEcO for sale 200 acres of hod
W e ldornediste' neighborhood of the God Towel
on oriumpi river, Pony county, Mo. , Te one u
of the bittern benzene., reir, sis Dr King sells n, the hy
drated brows Oxide.) It ha. all been entered Woe. Me
fourth day ocittlylam:exPressly to secured., ore The
whole lies foto a half bane and a half ode+ from the
elver bookend a good Met shore landing. The goon.
Lily is opposed to be Immo.. Samples of the ore
may be wen al the hlisroati Hotel—also, a diagram of
the entriee. 1 Will oil the whale together or in lot. to
wit purchasere. IT told together, I .boold have oo
metion to take an intmot in the nonathecore of the
ore, provided it dull be conducted by pracuial men.
Timber foe chuireoal is abandua. A further d .Oeriptiem
is deemed unnecestory.lnarraucht as 1 pregame no per
son would wish to perchwo withoar first Navin exam
ined they reatima. it lies from 2to 3 miles no of the
tract I hold tattle dt Loki. and Birmingham I mane-
Team eg company, lam Jane. .
Catholloir •
..latliefte'lliaalltsteLobtutreas I
LECTURE, (bents the third of the course,l will be
A delivered by Welter. Jamas. H. Lane. a, tins
eveamx, at Moll of the hiltitllla, l Pan".
Reboot Builitaga,s4 meet, al Vsto'lack. '
fleamer—Taste. ,' .
Tickets of Admitom may Ile proenred fro irry of
the members, and at the door. - I ,
Biagio Ticketa, 2.$ cents; Tieksts admitting two ladies
with gentleman, 00 COWS.' : j
bie7ttt 1
- Ft, CAME to the mst ßAY dence of tlia subscriber
..., .Loci the ath of hem in Loarm e i r r Clots
lt. L.
Wfr a osenabip. 3 'miler west of P.usb rgb, on
h ~' althielrbta Road, a small bindle sr, wtitt
wite face, supposed to be 9, year. of age. The owner
Is requested to come fom std, prove poverty, pay char
ges and lake her away. or she will be disposed ofar.
Plain High Colored De.Lunee,
A A. AIASOiTt. CO, 62 mutat on; have ul O.i•ed
.11 .,... b cgattg i psor , tate . latorthe abo e reri tub.
I Wear.
MERINOL÷A A AIASAIN k W,O! market mon,
eavesa.r re eel VEd per expren. Int/Aber LITO/EC Of
de? ench Alenual, of the Awn feshionableu?lm.
d N b — bp ozr at enii.Tket .t, I p
A A hiASON co
r•A3117581t17. Received per oxides. al A A
V MASON A: MIT, OS maeket et. I cue of upend,.
Fennell twilled Canbiaerela ' : rde7
ILANIVICL6-1.9 pe e Welsh Flannels noWo pea . '
m", ty
minded:l pserkeal,noteydiun g envy gaol
1-114-6 bblejermeer eh:tided laud Oil; Inn tte iced
d n 7
sad for we by BELLER4
I 171ibert•
i/fOLAS9IM-4 . 1 bbls N %baking from etsoularit•
V/ tendon; for;sala by : /AS DALZELL
; • 21 water r
Gtori; -00 k W In More; for sale by
rioonen i!‘ core; for cote by
de; ! - DA LTELL
SA ERATVS-6 bbls for eale by .
bbls gore tanked Oil; for We 6
ii,farobEß-1 csk far We br
MON 1:1377=141V14"!
OIALS11, 1 10:10%. asedel for sale •
ApUllien ,
L 7.41.211-70 cikapeinos saf on
tllde ! W °REM .
L r yt i .,T 4.°6 dr i P"'; k fvt l e kre
wiz" s.k!A.pHicio kers for salep'
to:amaze—Am bo dried, • prises article; for
by der. ! OREV.&
GRANlkkkaktik://Ll . 11 bble &reale kr
~ scer ete
entizliAiros--70 eak__W bbis weal° by
c 7
.! • ! WICK. bIeCANDL. ,U 9
DEMILI-14 celne and 19 bbl. for sea by.
POTTY T 7OO lb§ In blii , dden;-for ;tag
• quarilti tr.wizd
DAVIS' Bytnp Chetri and Tar, fur Breast OnaL
by plaint., min* Croup, Asthma, ka—lldoator
A RT/21.12 .COLORS,Innund in inbes-75
2rnz 20 dilierent colon; reed b, •e"1
S CIMEII4 I 2 ;:t
A. rok P Arper e' R 4.
16 LAupice; '
5344( TgratutliraWat
Ith 411tet
DA/BINS—:o keis . Smyrna matt In.. et
Lib Anbony, an coquiyamem; for Ws by • ••'-
- 4 - i n ih
Bilk Bullion Frinutu,Juar ed• iarr
sfueic • •
I fIAATOINFLAIN JEL4- - sttitabi ea ;;Td•
1 Na colored Doe Skin* Owen mi.,
vini: for,RIA 4: ~ i • ' .'
.- 07 , - MUCK & Willik
D I XDING I B-01&ita. mohair '&0 'ilk' oixr"eost
bl.ciri.tan rmiici ar .4 • •'', . ,
dell • • • " '1,,...: ,-: illucKLirrr 1
_ . . &
vilii! •
A P . PLEILS , 00 bblir cial:re apples, !Wing
Wa V A i rrailLtraf .... , • • ; •
Roux - i—goo •Baa ' •
auk by . '. , ximiaLev kVA . ' t "
k.ito wrood .1_
FICAT1111;1111 - WZmaiarc; far male by
CHPir•SZ—log Oz. is atom rd. site
c .
_....._ r _________-
.- --_
.41.111 ILK F , LOW)IIIRS,I e.lefteed An
rod; for sat! by .
, , ow dal and wood aw
deo ' , B A FAHNiSTOCK 4.60
ROTTEN STONE-4 e.itJonseekl; for sale by
rAHNEs roc& & ,y) •
SOg-19ensaseastikilarijaqa; fore:B
VLOI7II-75.bbls Marietta ale le (may emir; far little
by • telefill..4 BUSIIFIELO lb RUE
'el liberty et
•R T I.r.r.ett. xt•
'SvP"-g in I " '1 4 1.; ,Gyed
Cambria; far sate I.llr L HUTCH IaON tc CO
nvld • Aged!! St bands Paver Refinery
P t r agiectrazzll-01 easestere,OJnet eneieved.
del DA FA ariEriOCl & Co
GOZBGEZMAnttereekedow l i dles7tre7 ete
del 1 DIOCLY fr. CO
OLIGIGLI MELLO. is • add- clipped r tidy
lar use: Or Yak
c 4 by, • '
d •
RTi.6FGU, Jr
11Q 1 1.A5t.:110.11- BAlLDlk—Aupnted
JJ Cu; rxtelvvd and fu said b y
• del - • • LET.CII,Jr
paaTitatut-49 acts zow.landing f i lial =or Wi
PM ; W r 22 " bY • I DICKEY kCo
. .
11 9L 4ls arit aMi—lGlbli hloluses: -
1 lb ftkle Fetthcr. aim tastdint
rtna qmr enage. for *, bi '
. de4 ' • , . . 11)1aKEY AVO -
UTA bag T , D eO 4 :4 g *M m i y abad
which the hig¢est Into* /a cub witl 1:e paid blyi.
• .
ONOWSS.ead eloatt4•77/ kil for ale 4 '
A, 4;4 - •
Dr Jahn D DtftSlat AltStlOlLsse, ; t •
J ialt . •
d ; • Pouf. liWe Of Dry Goals. ' •
•', Thannlay lie inns:, at 10 o'clock . ,
Cmsuezetai Sake Room, corner of Wood and Filth
wont!' be sold orahouresena— • I ' - . - ciarourNA.Ti 40 - 011TTiEraci •
extenalve assortment. of uamaeble Dry Goode • nar-p A cigr . .
he., emcee winch are rapes gaper printa.3l pee brunt :
muhua," afrpes ohne' and etnpo expecte., Up. red put . rus wen
oaed thdid pioneer gu s i..?
yedow laane),, to pe dale cloths, Beaver 'cloth. calm. Istgot4 , 'se
wenn, immune, black silk and'hlnek main, ahawb, ean
eheueeet poorer al
Stals,pl4otallusad, cambric maehns. , . wen, kedapd
'Dem sceolOSlOL.Stion
2 DChmk, P. AL ' ' burtillet money eat proestre.has beenprorlded Aueue'.
1 oreek French Brandy.' uagera, The Line has been lanyerataue fortes you
12 pt p d d , d , . roue earned e or people vision the lateo
Rice 3 e. g .
,-• , • .
• Imary to . their persona. Tbe Wahl will been the tote/
3hf elms Y and 111set•Teas; atardalft Are the Yugo,
f A enmity of glassware. quetorware, Spa rush Inure,. "*", -"Z"' and tka e."/ '"'"" P"
tOtacco. 6 dot atiorele, 2."0 rants bandboxes, 3 pyramid ter. *" •••• rum thF 'Amnia =awl matt '
storm, 83 window eltedes. • - advance,.
h large qaantity of new nod accord hand hostietai r ld
•• and • kitchen 'furniture, among which are., handsome
pluck sesEsSa, tyros scat luting eheir mahoga n y orosal:lables, bed steads, Wed' and SOMIOO. Cittirh
l t r bedss,Som distsos parlor and hall lamp, earpenait. Rath'
• • •At di CPC,nek, P. Al.. • , •
Edon, elmet, gem shoes. ready made eloileg, strati.
gee French etYle shirts; fine rule end wort emlery
grad and 3/leer watehm,l•Opertor pott knit sod ease:
double lined !Mlles, variety goods, he. '
' Celebrate:4oone John alatakall, Aneunn.
ON WednendaY•ronming, the Irt iuri, at If &ilia, in'
hunt of the Livery table of Body Patterson, on Foatttr
will be sold the celebrated flame. which was per-.
shared from ttn_Chlet /mute when two yean otJ, fin
one :homed dollars. Tenter at rat.
,nee . JOHN DDAYIS, Ansel,
Lau Fall Select Illanchwter LpU.
AT Dav(e~
and c......rciu5.," 14,0 m, Wood .11seween adjourned plc of desirable Sod&
tee Lots, an Manchester, will be held no Wednesday
sskihr. the ffilr last, nt 7 o'clock. - .Diagrarnief the .-
perry to &roffered, cut be had on the Amend. Store P
- wishing to purchase, we Invited II visit the
iroonffrwhene they , will find the lots a 1 sparked by
• .Tema and
nasebers so correspond whir the Pin"'
Gberal—Title hrdisparabie. • •
Btreethape - 7-7nr,at •
ON Wedneidayevening, th e 22d Inn, at 7 . 6'eloch. at
the Commercial tales Home, corner of Wood and Sth
ate, will be sold:
rota Unable Betiding Lotsiituateam the north aide
apeen et, at the earner et Cectl'a Alley; center Let haw,
Mg a front of 04 met, and the adjoining three Lots, eaeh
18 feet S inches on Penn at, and emend Lachlan feet in
annlley in feet wide.
Terms,One third each, re4lne in tero•dinal inmost
pay:trete, with interest, to be steered by bend and
mortgage. Title indi.pptable.
dee - . JOHN
coarrascroas., .•
' Varia4lo/1 Of Advert/gamma.
THE Lotung or the 20 miles of th e James -Rive
r and
d Kanawha Company's goal; aka', Jam. Myer la
Virginia, Bu chanan , e month of .IVorti River and th e
Town of heretofore adeentsrd to take place
on the 19th of December nem, peatponed
=nice. Bet,
Pons:eels onli be received al the Colice
the said Company, in Richmond, mail- the•lsth of De. tray for the memento° of two mime Dime
with River Locks, thew Stone LIR Lech, and three Bees
noes, and for severs! mallet Jobs on the math Cara,
between by nehbergh and the month of Nora. Rive,
One of the Damara! bp= feet long and 00 feet and the other 7e6 feet Meg and 14 feet blab: Murata..
will be lit scpcmtely t. the lowest nesporable bidder,'
and math payments will be made therefor, est monthly.
estimate. of work actually done, with k reservanon of
M per cent by way of reetwityler the translation of the
Wor k , rortd eke game shall be, completed. adW , !/bal . 10
n , • ..
Sealed Pronorrids will aim be received, e 1 :MC ram
plane, omit the swim dale, kw the cemstralen of the
Connection of the Company.. Kauai with the tidewater
_ ,
of lames Raver, of Richmond, Womb titer Richmond
Dock. This rack will casuist of the thre-elreeks of 17
feet lift, ..done of la feet lift; intermediate Can
an aggregate distance of about half a mile, with snob
Culverts, Walla, Wastes, Street Bridges,"'ke4 as Hall
be neceraryina stone Dam across 'James River; le the
Falls, et Rieransit the raising of the Walk- and Ras
baohmentof the present !lockjaw eaterteionof iltat Dock
a few hundred feet Featwerdly, and the conounctioe of
miChnlet Lock at the lower end thereof,eapable of ad;
milling the largeat retools enmiag to the port of Richt I
mond. This work will be paid form hoodoo( the Coo.-
may, (to be irsued ender the authority of a neent me'
of tee Legislature' of Virginia) running Ys years, and
bearing a per :ceoL Interest, payable
llesjdes the usual telenratiOn of 20
_per • eent.:', ea the
monthly earames, the Conlnl4l.2r or tutramora will be
reqUired angle,' stle seccrity, satiefectory to the Bonn!
, of trimmers, fOr thecompletion of the work 'at the times
and in the nuutnerspeeified to the Cerllncla • • •
Plans of the atone works will be eshitated, sad spe
cifications theteof dellected teContra thathean
peers Office; in Riebnamd, by the 1.1 amtember
next. After the receipt of the at oposals, time will be
taken for the ratsidennion thereof until the lath of th e
sense reronth,On Which Ms VIA cam the prom:eats sradd
be eettafecmly) the several jobs pr mama above ad
vertised will be let. WAL.TIOIOW ItNfi •
Chief Engineer of the J. R. Co.
Ri rid, Itee.2, 117 tDeci3'
1 1 8 ON
44_ _
ydw poi
of senorita, the Qiy and interior Tiede with
'low Prices—and enhibidag, at all seaman
of Me yew, the Largest Assortment in
THE- .
Thel are wits opening Several Hendren sawing.,
emnprising every new style of Foreign and Diamsstie
production. many. of which are not to he Lrso
witere./.1 welch tame Jest been parettasea,.7luxt—arnt
ogferea Mysale for Cash med altonffiredit - - •
011 : 14 ?llLEb
per yard brkw the prices 4Pfitai a. r
printed Cana:Tank whiett're carreetCd k gsr k the
fit FdBlllotl YOB AUTUEN.
m 1. 0, OR 9 r ft, s cri_c:
Cornerkf ar;11 'Fffik Skrets,'
H= l ::;=' ,l g 4,ll :Te"Yrtrnigi3;itZlthoh
mere sad ctusram sr-wrath.
frOßACOO— D J W 4 .4 145 5 4;
110 bisJobn Kocker, ' • :ss;
501" do do, • '
55:" & lames -
• 20. ". J M thatard, • cc:
11 " D Reid, •
15 • o 'Di Ws,wl4., • e 7 ii
. IVonsu.s,Este,.. • . . •
, 40 .I' :lobo Norvelli. • •
• 7 " _DJ Worwriet, superior, Is- in •
4". Joho Backer. • • ' •
Cartsivuosul frosarnasufssiorcrs Of Lynebbard,
In loom; for sale by LS IV.IVVERIIIAN
a te 3l smog. leg •
roni Pt.
r Ewts ilyTcuisonr.k. CO, N0:45 IVL7Ts
.5.4 From sis, Agents for.the St: 1.401.1 Stesoi . .ll!
51 Retlota 7. bavb gore— ' • •
ttl%to il trroVr l4 !CF 4*ri
' 163 tlds Nod " • • •'
165 • • '
55 1 " •is ! ! '
:5 • CO • '
59 "4 0 R ergabad
; • 45
60 powderad . • .
"; "4" cooled o
For we Otrodebed prises:
DEFINED' "WAD,: • ' •
. ; ICO bblit loafeosar No 1. .:I
. ; 1 173 , „ • „ 110 ;
&Li double refinediV
30 bbls ;rushed
417t0 . t, & [nay mu* Baku Renneii.
. LI RESlCFRUlT,&e—iitizasuretopbenet.iiisilia
.n.'. • IWO° Mass. Oramrt • . •. - . "
5 canal.Qtran; • . •.' '- '
. .:- - 4 Mae abetted A.6m4.; • • • •• .. - 1 '..: ' :' - . 1- ;: • . , •
*. P.'Filbert, ..-
• :
I. 10 tat X.llOl Rook Cap#7; : . :-. -.; .:
.lOU Commit : 1 2IqTy w ', 41 '7g'. .. eijr ` a . pt" .
• .3 • 11 - : ••' ;.. - • i ......i t
. 1 1 1 .1trj..:,/ , .7 .
Jag weeired ba
r00..1.1 peas o f
a.arat PaaPiiaa4 .1014.4i*P't
&par elaanciaa d i ebco re 6obcq . ' t
Gala acrd C Atep.r-74404.4. - .1 . ..• •
• .NCR
---1751144 , a. et. eor or the pi
Panaenee of
Inthe prortioas of tkuJibuter ottn isTsnm-;44
%antral eenna of the taorklaNdeta of the khnsongnhe:
la Navigation Company, Trill he held on. Monday, the
3d day or January, (being the first hronday of 11.2'
month) at the omrshr 7,e I.lopopally,
/WIWI% north street; w.htuz.rsh, ,
mann 4locting7h e lace. EN the canting yaw.
dcthd I•• • , ;Mfg. BeIa:WELL /Seeman.•
. _
NOTICit —A 6 foiesto Plea; ein6Afen-
Hill 1113Tairedaer&lerit':t1Mbhflel. 4,67121',
Mese on Deeembet *Li lON, between, Elwboon
6 6. 16 Al• I •-• • - • • J Etvigi
Ilf tßlNlOS4.ll,havelostre Pred
'mar; 4"Q'
,„„ th . P.-sapaC
mn. tvc. • aL ati r te* , •groar bins
Oeo nenoo.;atul Vuodea W
1 , 9!_•.911 oni Jon xeceived hy-Holipcs
•ogr. WHITE.
81 3 Q4EL AND
1736tInt IZZIrtrpc44.rticiziforeal t
"c"" f Ling 'n 7l ' 4
al •
L" 0-3 1ittati, --
Rkanndal ie,tr saretr "w
mem & co
8 011/LX-G CS K4l
11011 [• ' Tat", PAE 7l " A piesruc " ` 4 li&""cti' d -43'1
NAMOKERIGL-=l5 Mils extnr 1C . 6
ilooltned tor rarely ate; for sale by •5 I •
, • I • • 'I DICKEY ilk CO
CLOTH—FiEnred aDa plain InaLinubtorr tar
We by I . I, • HT . LBECH Jr
Lwot,' h,ve just geo,ed.tha 'Wentaziailtir
view:No 14, Ococer,lsl7:' - • . ;:ate .
-by pod bOcr..letasia l lava'
. ceiredi tor WO ' •
ea. 1
lINZABIDIC.-NV big* taphior k irt
JJ storevfin Gale by, efticasTsiox
B A SHELR=usolaan. n.n ~odoo - uq-m.
do 9 6y. ~ U ' t ' P ' B ~'AtC►tilEOw
_' mr Irwin Jc ItLenylu
Alinglner freak reed; le,
11E 11 11.1014NA'ot tlits 7 lbt oulks W. math.
41 '-'444-. • - • lAcoage,Ayr4c
lt-/c`'= k ` ~.. T ~*,.'i~i3.._r l it s :` leg ~ ~
- • 110ADAY PACragT:• — •-•
The td9NON6AHELA t raftalumorilllemre Pnw—
batsh aracty Monday utaraang at 10 delaekt . Wheillas•'':
every Aloaday erettiatat 10P. III: • - • - -
. . .
The •NIBERNLa; NO.. th e 00,4. - L dri Witt
.leave Pmet a / a h arery.Tanda)gareiear al 10 &Naar
NVh e eliogjereg Theedar teem* at NI P. -
ne NEW ENGLAND,NO.SI, - .Cape..E-Neme,ar
P 5.,.. ,
leave Panhargh ern) wedatemlay ziontiyis al -If
teeloeli WhetliareverylTadaaedaraveshog ai
The WlSCONSlN,Cept..!L.EoneaarElliarerithe. •
bare, every Thtusdaymorzung.upookok ;
evert T1.,14(ty erealag P. IL-.%
The CLIPPER, NO. 51. Copt Cnoh,wlD7earePm.
bergh even monsiag ar 101:V11N:1c; Wheettle
every Friday erenihig 4110P.M. - ' -
_ .
eimininaar . eAcazor... .•
DIESS=GI6II, Cere. ACarry will kave Pie*
burgh arm Saearday memo/ OM =heti Vlrkegfitlit
-- • 1 every Satenisy evermeg,v2 P. .
leave PfttdritlX=Saridi CS? ?pmui‘ L
Wheelifg evory.
XSY.-ty 160: *. , •
, .
- ,
vW !dre 6yr BerizriCitl ;
iaryirday oidankaree, at Ila'6lrick nrr=t
Mandar Wedninidayrand Firday,, alp b.. •-.10,
ay the linens brivr 6 .6 . Wand firerr 1 .1
pdred *rat:aril: fratgara
0414: " • - Vq• 33 7',4
• wur bare the AVM..
ellsnriila, Ink Monday: , W.rdnualtlati
and Friday or et ch week al t n'eldtk;
0. 1 . 0.1.1ty, Th.rsdo, Bad Etriardar, Ara Wu t
at.the *l l -b e". W=4 7=6W .3.l:th. !ob. :: •
prpsued raceive frce.lo it oily time: ,
' new end fax rali r
, p~a meeker rarmsnxiatiA. Capt. R.
C• = 7 =t r lTOVeTre
and Wbeelleg er•ry Thursday Illfealne,V Weftpx,r:
au For freighter pour vitUn beard 'or io •
. 77 TT I ARIV '
- Dean, maastei:l4l lean! &habeas tem aW;O:trorrr!
rplt NEW
,Fonitoinineronll leave 41 1 1"
, 044.14/4av mixer (the 10t4 d2r
o`cloct "WM) 41 4
4;ity }. -ofAlSta
7 - 11 , . ..... . ... .:.. .
, ..
. •
. • •
imago rosslatoollllloarmaiabrroiNa
Wortanday,al3 ■ olib.rk. ti!or frolgir
or P.4.9rF FPVI O. bQknil 0, tO. . ' '
4147,. ,- ea IV HARR/innit : .'.
FOR NEW onLEANs:L,stratgruc
-.Atklorta,mostor,will leirerforibONl ..-.
irod sarerroodlarepOrq iltis lily. At t• :' '
ANdmilocA. F or .ll s l o.LomrtrAriatpirty,sa boom!, or :A,
. tre.. it , jl ., ...
.'- •
Vim- RErt~Pi9 ? eBURyM
AND attOwileivazr....• ••••- • • -
ea- Wdook,tientwar, 11.1enorms.•vry .Tandav;Thiniday aai
' • •sy eiroa Nts At c'elooir; and Vanirstsvilla sum,
Ileaday, Westneriday aoiYridgmominpatßecleek.
Far flag!! or Oskar: applron beerdov
: F „LIN
le i rA:nboyett ::,
vuweSe•pplyna board.mi4l!"Ll!"; IrcfDt
lat. ku Termed her 4-1
leer uirs and W3H/Clin Pi ";
day suPo'clork,r4 l . *v glz a a, Wm*
m eam,.cnq
, dWaier-'
ila rgATH-ATI•u-A......-
t Ts}.•rUrl44', 'IKEA CiTT PACKET. ••j . • .-..".. !..' - • . i
jiallgijclpan.lasier, wiEstim_asalioiiO4.4 i rf%
iNtrivonrgiceyerrauesen.wial.- -
. 3 ..
nendAy and Friday, wee eolock,',V Nt.ouid Allecor.A.V. • - .i.
bet. Clip every Thesday,Thucfty ml Batarday.ta a,. .c •
o'clock, A. Al. kD s• fteight or passage alAPlYaVlarl d .. : .: 5
MIE) .
tli,above pen diniug Ihe
.!61!I tstum.ppipm base
, . Tae Dew 414 droved al:dn. - raj- . .
rang reamer, EU,REILN. - • ,
Crozier, MILSW,WiII ntti 'MI a nialir ,..'
nein between-Ph:M*4o iubt. Loafs- -,
villa, daring the .elpan: Fhele aves - flidayVetiobas tie ,
nrcr.aht. P*gel 4Ptfir ‘,.% *milt : ':', I,: 9itS ~" .-:-..
.." ig°1 01;211 1 6: • , ,
~... • 1 -- •
.• . .. ,
. • :: 1 1 41.7140216 AND ptiIf.ADELPHI b7ikWa al 1
Prim i. B Malt Eineaterri Louts littlimte. ,•- . •
.t s l tratare. ere now maklig dimide•Dail; trips pr. ' - ' • •
Careen Pimborgh mid Brovirs.o.." The rioro4ne boar,'
!cif Of dant at 0 Ohre.* t prthell: !he Tr !MMT lit. 41 -; .. '.,..•
nom Pitttba,Qh m Ph_ ;WI- AO hogn l3 bean
imy the Triium; brat ?swarm's wili."lB.°B S art .".,, 7;
ila;rbriabje t tple 111111:111
t alltag ,
,1.-zei =gr.,. i ,
laid th irt; tulgb4 4rddier; nigh; Oriel attug e th,,,. : •
Cerehrtirruutemil 0, . 1 1atrivert is ;hay aiarde... -• : , •
(Xj-Trirre your girt,. irtie thins. ldrimretig ic.
Beim, Wales nom". ChuriernetteTWord st,. Ditu'i : . . '
ui....,,,.. '
I, ' ',.1•7::::.4.1
t hat
' geowlaviraar Alm cumBE RLANic
TV. ri TlTlts":7l=l=a %I V- '-'''
Emma ;Orr br Ike, Pf°,19,74/e.,,1d •- :-. •
= W I pr ; e 6, id inhers Mill hartirke
.1; ToodiAni -.
'ly the pirreorrwl. the Wartir ...peek tit dra,loym• - .i'
ted en eurr
dfkatte fig eVileL , }PM ark
15 .$ ImaTMl,` i '
The Mtn( of the poblie ts_e_r_ipeettrtly rallelredT , •
For iierePrieunm
. ... . ,rOItEIYTEI a DUNCAN, .i.:,
- Wassrst reetMitetraral... ~ , •
ass us ac
unsay. •
Er/Mt t°3l
Cueithwdatatitiettei. 011.,
, New karkaks 0.41.01
' , Ettakroi Calk%
eiipAclAT3 eaa sluff temahqteoteiiiiV.
t et let qua le ele•leetesoftee ekn a
i: " Efe nigim itslV C V,A ="r be4l497; . .
WITANg eiP2lllOl4 .4/1441W: '
' •
!• 1 7.6004.?_41i1r 3 ri
"eat; senateA. le •
- . aIIItNORIT & 001 t. . - ~ .,.1.,,,..
i PAANEAND RESUTPANCE OrFlC6 , ..'t .' •-• ;
'' i • ..• ,PEN: l orflif t Sankt oat 61:041 siriarta.;.
, • .# ' t• i 4 iriN't :,PA71.4,'"/"47.1,',.P.V.Z.Z.),1
...., ,
tgralut,aud u Puoltrlnhigscatly:Ankultis'w,.....•
einul *' :i n • d'ften d=nattAtion==;?':
(moils innelrica, ago:0116n quads that oroictiountl-t
,-; ."'
g,172 = ... zgrAtur.:;m1.: . u,7,-44 -T - . '
place fr to titli lrattcy . .vvidad ft I* , iptaciiiuk
Parnisao lawman thconatives Polo 4.0,iy fori iii. , ••- •
Black 'Plana, gala 4641. uotrooiarrri l.s 'S deee me . •
int Pablo. wo pns(cailoS boinstisrus '631 Carp OS tko ".••
tast 1 Linp.
am ,tiot ever? cobra iptictLtnif'lana Alan IL:
•- siglits to any iniltantt PaPittibt at Sint or Uni -ii
broodier bond. F cc 1. likou Provincial or National .116:11ia or lro, • :
... ju t, a. •We Onto our tort Pnit-• • '
clianve, Coax takol ar i Oarandianit 4 to the EN;
to gat scone alto ioninall.ihotaby coating sastakat :
turd deli Lot the Sloster6, 64. call upon us, sod wo - -
will accasodate them at Now York muss- • '-. ' - ... • ..
Willa aouilvamt, khrogicaa
oct Arins• •': ••i" • • -
al(' : -, .biliations door below witoe , IS:
DOf..TontatxPs' Sers4.llrlbs--,
• n tlav ir*rld U. . IN
111, Ek.:4"l . ,
inn Is ipp qtrm battles: It uo*Dc Vaud thiaper/
• pieWlolll3a •-. O III7ILOONS tOOtteol tO
l'ilOt7 -'''",46.!"9"1...kir!44
..COOrtf:-CitotLpgi.LUOlONletiii4re 1.0114.t16-
.I.leo aabels,asict pof op,akedleinc to 10 •
ped tort Swam cub laimla has lb,' woken Liu* ,
A RE aLests, Devo... rt, *14.4.1:
3ri and au. ha Dr Tomnaserxre emir -wilakmale- 1 144:77 -
c are afar Putsb.righ, of won uw:sums-4000,-"
D hi4hna twin .apinDaf'd
6 a
ttirbf whosathe tenuinP M4Fle Can bac:' - •
l Cioc Us;
Lt. • r - so_ : uitee* so tdor- v- ": 7
trip* PAPILtA *paw.
igral rolti1! ,
111117011..itlge 5`.:
~~ ~,,~