The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 06, 1847, Image 4

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Tie i Holy
...tzmudAt.,pM—Tif/J, TEMPLE.
M.O room opened upon • little terrace
- '
.she dit' roof' of a loWer . apattinent in
Marina at lerusaltal ; 'and froth 'Whale
terrace l.was never id of gazing. •
considerable .. portion ofi the,. city, was
out below e .
net with -itst
streets laid open to vitiev, i , as it would be
ja vie of oar metes, but presenting a.cof
_- -leaden of fiat roofs, with small white cu
.. poles rising , from theni, iend , the minarets
of:the' mosques,"'springing; tall and' light,
— 134 'Abe. poplar from the long grass of the.
meadow- , -The nuroW,winding lines,
which are the 'streets of; eastern: cities ;
are 'scarcely' traceable +frimire height; but
there wmj, one - visible (rani our terrace,
• :with its r ough , pavement OE large
-. the-high inmate walls on !Oacheideonad
. Me arch: thrown over it, which is so _fa.
44*iar to all who ' have seen pictures of
- ..Jeinialem. This street, is called 'the,
Via.Doloroso, the Mournful:Way, from
s its being kupposed to ' ,Way . hy
which Jesus went from j the Judgment
Calvary ; bearing his 'cross.—
Many times in a day my eye followed
the windings of .this street,in which r
rarely.saw any one .walking;' and when
it was lost among the buildings near the
• walls, - I' looked, over to the hill which
botinded our prospect, and that hill.'was.
the Mount of, Olives. was then the
time of full moon, and evening after even.
Mg- I , ' used to lemitii - the parepit';,if r the
terrace, watching for the+, Corning tip of
the large yellow moon from behind - the
ridge of Olivet. By day; the alcipee of
the Mount were green with the springing
wheat, and dappled with the shade of the
Olive clamps. fly night those' clumps
-- - and lines:of trees were , dliik amidst Ate
lights and.shadows cast,by the , moon;
and they guided , the eye, in the absence
of daylight, to the moat interesting poinis
+=the descent to the bfook•Kedronmhe
road to Puttee'', 'and theiplace .whence
Jesus is believed to have looked over np.,
on the:noble. citY,'wheir.lid „pronetinted
its doom Suchwei the view from our
terrace 1
One of. our-first walks Was:along the
Via thslorisia. - There is a Snrange chum
in the stoma of Jeruaalem; from - the pic
turesque chatacter of the Walls and neck.:
ways. The. old walls of yellow stone
are so beautifully tufted with weeds, that
one longs to paint ovary angle and ,pro.,
jection, with 'their .'mellow coloring and
dangling and trailing weeds. And the
shadowy archways,' where the vaulted
roofs intersect each other till they are
last in) the dazzle of the +sunshine be
yond, are a perpetual treat to the eye
.The pavement is the worst ever walked
on—large, slippery stones, slanting, all
manner of way!: Passing such' weedy
walls and, daik archwaye as I have men
tioned we turned into the Via Dolorosa,
end followed it as far as the Goiernor's
House,,which ettuide where Fort Antonio
atood rWhen Pilate there tried hint in
whom found, as he declared, no guilt.
Here we obtained permissum to mount to
the roof_
• 'Why did we wish it!` . for reasons of
such force as I despair of making under
. stood by any but. these= to whom the
name of tbe Temple has been sacred
'from the earliest ages. Nene bet Mo-'
hammedans may ; enter, the ; encicieurel
• end;Christian, who repel each other in
Christian hods, are under the same ban
: here. They are alike excliiied from the
`place where &Dimon built and Christ.
. 'sanctified the temple of Jehovah ; and
they are alike mocked and insulted, if
they draw near ' gate. '•• Of coarse, we
' • were not satisfied without seeing:Mishit
• we could see of this pliee•=now °eau.:
pied by the Mosque of Omar-'-the : Most
• sacred spot to the Mohammedans, after
Mecca.' We could-sit ander.thm Golden
+ Gate, outside the walls t: we could rnea
' sure with the eye; from' the bed of the
-brook Kedzon, the height lof the, walls
' Which crowned Meriab, and from amidst
which once arose ,the temple courts.—
We could sit where Je'sui sat on the
' elope- of Olivet, and look :over to the
height whence the glorious Temple once
commanded the Valley' of: jelessaphat,
which ley between us and it; but this :
. . .
was; ot enough, if awe
could see more
' We +had gone to the threshUld of one of
the gates, as far as the Faithful permit`
the infidel Mr go even we had
insulting warningsot to . ' yeomen' further,
and were mocked by little boys. . From
this threshold we .had looked in, and
front the top Of 'the city we; had looked
. •
down, upon the enclosure, and seen the
external beauty of the buildings, and .the: .
pride end prosperity of the Mohammedan
"'usurpers. Bin we could see yet - mire
from the roof of the• Governor's. honed;
, and there we went accordingly. ,
- The enclosure was spre4l out a
map 'twiner us ; and very : beautiful was
the mosque, built of variegated marbles,
- and its vast domes, and its noble marble
platform, With its flights' of :steps and
light sticades,+ and the green lawn which
, • sloped away all around, and the •row of
cypress trees under.which a company of
worshipped Were at theizpriyers.. • •
But . ' bow could nt we, coming from a
Christina land, attend mtichrto.preseet
things, when the sacred' past seemed
spread' before our ayes I I WI/ hooking,:
almost 'all the while, to'.sete!where . the
Sheepgate wis, through which the lambs
for sacrifice were brought:; and the. Wa
tergate, through which the priest went
down to the spring of. Sikall3, for. water
• for the - ritual purification.., I 'saw where
the Temple itself 1111 1 / 1 1..1t1V0 Letond, and
planned how far the outer's:dints extend
ed-the court of the :Gentiles, the Cana
of the women, the inrasury,i'where the
chest stood on the right orthe entrance,
and the right hand might give williont
the left hand' knowing; and: the plaie
where the scribes sat:to teach; and where +
Christ taught in their jealous presenCe
as to make converts of Mosel who were'
seat to' apprehend him.- I saw wheree•
abouts the - altar must have 'Stood,
-. where arose, night'and morning, Lir limn
eenturies ; the smoke of the asiriftecir. I
saw where the: golden vine must haie
: ging its Clusters on the front &the Holy`
Place, and where; again, the !inbennast
chamber /mast have been; they Holy of
,Holies,, die dwelling-place of,',lehovah,
:where none ' but the
.high„prlirst might
enter,:and then only. once a year. Those
places have been familiar to - or mina's
eye from my,youth-up, Ante as familiar
as my fern house; and now I lliared •at
• the very grotted they had occupied, and
the very scenery they :had•eommanded,
. - with ademotion that the ignore& or eare
less'reader of the NeWTestatiient could
hardly conceive of. And thevieview
dme was 'hardly belie, interesting than
that of place. Mere my thoughts were
led back to the T early days when Darld
and Solomon chose the ground,end
taiga the summit of Mount Morieh, and
- begin the Temple or Jehovah. 'I
'see: the: lavishing of idolemont.i wealth
upon the edifice, and the fall Milts pomp
under invaders-who worshipped the sun ;
and Abe rebuilding . in: the days, of Netter'mirth,
mirth, when the, embeds worked at the
walls-with arms' delr girArif, and in
the fall 'glory, and "sentirity (utmost:: of
the Jews thought) kr distil' Tomple , while
;they . iiiidtribute to the!itomana,-
„the proud Mottammedane,4 o,4 i o F: 4l ,”l
Were, very like the'prOtitt'lrrn'S'ilkil
mocked et the -idea +that - their --Temple
hoold be,thrown down. I isw .. t i e
ea where - theratood in theirpqe, s .d
her); before a generation had pais 41
sway, no atone was left upon - anoth 4,
and-the plough was ttrought to tear p
he last .remains of the foundations:
tlbs hen.bre?igigh'lhe W ewsrerniihedfmat:a
ityaa were not evet.permitted toe e
haia-Zion-iaore_afar..ofLict.-the_ age of
onstamine . that.: were - allow/eft:lag: ' t:
mach Oci as to see the city frottO . e
urroundlervhills—i" =timid libit - l , ;
lika.that of perritittingaut exile • to lqw. • : - . 1
hada. shores from 'the sea, but ne es
.land. At lengtli the Jews were il ow d'
f ibia
m pureheie7oßimen ad I
dieri lea
to! nil
lo enter Jernsdetn• (mit, a year— 13 •e,
day when , the city fell before Ti . •'
t And what do I . Bow did they peal '
at ode day of, the year? . twill 11,1. r
;saw it...! ThO mournful custom bid 'a'
ithis day.. _ ... . .
te d ,. ... 1
I have said how proud and -p TO 4
oohed the mosque of Omar, witltiOi e --
le buildings, he green lawns, and , pi y
dressed - Ample - -‘-soroo. at, prayer und 4
Itke cypresses, some conversing . tuder.
lthe arcadcs,'famalti'.lferottael is white,
!aittingvm -ttte grass, and merry - dreg
!ranging oil the 'slopes-all these ready;
!aniftrager ro. stohe' to . death, on e in -t
natant, any IChristiai or- Jew who'dliould.
'dare to set. hie foot within the wills.—;
'This is what we saw within. Nast we
Went round the outside, till weosme, by .1
lattarrow,itooked.patutage, to a desolate
I spot, , orteuoed . by deadate'people.l: 'Un.
!del aqiigh; roueive,'tetd • rely ancient
1 wall, Was;ll4usty,ikarrow space, enclosed
on`the other the backs of Modern
1 lwellings,lif I remember right. - i l ‘., • '
I I; 110p?efeiti :Wall,- where the ee
I are springing from the crevices ' f 1
'stones, is the only part remaining f t
fold Temple wall; and twit/ .the Je ,
come every Friday to•their place wa
ing,'es it is calledeto mourn over f
*of their Tomple,,and pray for its st et
Lion.. Whi t a contrast did there'll ' bl
people presebt'foAbisprond hirdta ' me
an within ! ' The y ol o lo ' l / 1 10 entt
in - .die-'dust; topme,widling aloe; tion
1 repeating prayers with..moving lip , in
otherireadini them from books on thei
knees. - .A.' few children.. were at •play ot
the ground; and some aged men-sat si•
lent, their heads drooped on their breasts.
Several yOUnger 'Men wet•Oleaning op
gainst the wall, preasing their foreheads
against the' stones, resting their books on
their tele:Med hands in the crevices.—
With some, this wailing Is no fora]; for
I„saW tears en their cheeks. I longed
m.know if any had. hope in their' hearts,
that. they, or their-children, or any gene
ratiori,.should pass that wall, and should
help to swell the cry, " Lift up your
heads, 0 ye gales, that the King of Glory
may come in!" If they had any 'such
hope, it maygive some aweetnetut to this.
rite of humiliation. We had no such
hoies for-theort.- , and it was with un
speakable •iiatitiestOkat I for one turned
away tram:the thought'Of the pride and
tyranny within those walls, and the deso
lation. without, carrying -with me'as deip
felt. lesson on the strength of human
faith, and the of the tie of bro
therhood. •
Alas allreeem :weak alike. Look at
the 'thine great,places of prayer:in' the
Holy City! Here are the Mohammed.
ans, eager to kill• any Jew of Christian
who may 'enter the mosque of. Omar.
There (ale . the Christiana, ready to kill
Mohan:Medan:or Jew WhAmarelliteis
ihe church firtbe•Holy..Sepulchre. And
here are the-Jews, L pleadieg against their
enemies : "Remember, 0 Lord, the, chil-.
drericif Edom in the day cif:Jerusalem,
who - said, rite it, raze it, even to the
foundation thereof. 0. daughter' of , Ba-
bylon, that art to i • • .-3troyed, hippy
shall he be that rewLrn...trthee as Mon
bast served 'happy shall he, be .that
4akethand dashed' thy-little cinee agamst
the aumeir, 'Such lie the = „thilles done
and said in the name of Religion !, •
1.. v Mammoth:mink in the managententOf this paper
to notice anything ortueh we End p rom personal tn.
k.ettettaen: beef tee lie . some or Dr.
Jayne. medicines we have used corfamily for trimly
years. For imahec the EXPECTORANT, the CA It-
MINATIVE, sad vEgbwruGE, which we know to
be pod foe the thtePhdole they Woke. to core- We
were en Lake Chum the pest mustomr, when several
of ear travel ingcompittions, frees harm& ip Wager.
New York, drank, for many days,t he limestone water
of that reel ,hero badly anseked with nolent Than
rhom, - and Dyserery, toulprovided himself,
,premosts to learn; home, widelThe inauve of Pr
- Jayne," and in all eases of its Use,. among dve sande
men, it svaestmestafel In greened a speedy cure.
The Expectorant we have known and along om
'imamate friend. with mad netts end we feel that
two shod do a good act to funnies (especially Mose sit.
anted so thar cunot haul/mum to inottednite medical
' skill,' to adv., them to beep on band Willie Eapecto.
rant apd Caosinaliire. '
t The k.xpectorant La believed Ly
=Jai l i ve. 6.' lll :s h ift e aLtnes n :rr Pe r t•
peandeo. The reason* Dr: laps, is mat!gsack, bet
o Vls ie.
,scntiars,lod able medical prsetnamer
.el medicine. are mod by the beat fltigns.
.1'Po• • r Editor of the Phil. Pattuday Cannier
Penni st
r We in Pittsburgh d. mike TEEN TEA STORE.7I
, mar Vfoo vo.S.
Dl 3 .Jilli 7 tirbABll/ 1 / 1 .41.111/OMALedisa
ItOMMe Rev , ASA sinks, a well knows •Aapep
'later Clereroieta of Protatestblethediet Chereb
The etsfrodyned had
been alieled dining Me gem
winter with itiOeltile Of the ramachoesnetinies pm
thic Ing groat pain In Mmelatmeli for ten orTwelve boars
-without linimalanion, and oiler having tried varione
remedies with Little elket, was famished-with a bottle
oak D /Repot Cannlamiee Balsam: This he seed ac:
to the directlone, and toms! invariably thanks mooed the pun iodate to three or OW min
utes, and in
o n or meaty tubule* every uneasy
earaskin in
wisely plead.. The medicine wee alt
mrwaids amid whenever indkatioas thelappreach of
palewere perceived, and Me pad was thereby preuenti
ed. Be dintlased to nve the Medicine eveG evenutg
'and sometimes utthe mornlint, end le e few ameba
health was m moored, that the saffermoraa vette..
ad from alatvi annum of oppressive pain. Ftom
t ritienee i. i.berefore, cmi corddeally reeommentr
fintrAses of theme:a% Alt and bowel.. ISHINN
AI ienY citfrnt
•• Per sole Pineltiugh the MIN YEA, rroRE
711Foorth sued, Jim, Wood.- and also at the ' Dreg
Bore est P. SCIGVARTZ. Federal mom. Alto hasp
11 , 409.--9irolala in all 48 naltiplied forma
whethedia that kiTlLlngis Evil , ealargemeats o the
;lamb or bem, Goitre, Winks Seedling:., ChfOllft
Rheemation,eanser, themes of the Shun or Spine,
or of Puhwonary Commeiptien minmeate from ono
smiths use cane, which I. Wpoironous principle
mere of Ism inherent in the human system. Thema
foie, unless this principle can boded:gad, no radi
cal care can he efiected, but If the principle upon
which the..diseam depends, . removed, a care
must of nedemillyßillow - no molter ender what ton;
the : disease aboalti manliest itself. This, therefore
os the reside Sib "Jausg's AlTiailtlTX in no nay
venally tit in removing 10 malty mai iguanl
diaeum •It destioya the viniaisle/pie from
which thou discsata have Gait y entering
into the eireilatiOn, aid with the la convoyed
to the minutest Abe, ntmoving every. particle of
disease from the Mime. Prepared and mild at No.
8 Soo& Thud Skeet, Philadelphia. •
Sold at the r akin Tea Stont,flo. 72 Fourth Wee.
a Meson. Lied feel it a duty I ovie
soy fellow treadles lo usate mmetkadmore respeellnit
Ycer - Vellstsble Yelmo, Beisent , Stoma Ann need
the Balsam, about Maven yews ISO, th e happy effect of
which.Lnutn pea winnow 941 hove had invent
*COM ffOOPOLURS and minks at my lan:o—mm a few
days dice—at d In mere Imams 1 have Med mall
utat aimm with complete, nod perfect mecum. WIWI
&hood Mist sad care ul a very kw days. It aea
'Maly a safe rawnelom, !dome knot that It will care
eyed, eoemnoptiou, but I behove it will be /A many
eases a pressotatlva, sad preemies is benanhan cure.,
I do thendon, SW the love ofmy know menissamenly
re.nuesmil the we of this Balsam, in all pdatmaty
sample nts. lam coalident that It has bean ms means.
of pmce iogmyllk to Ma dig. • •
- Damn )t, leaa_ Bsoctsrim Pa "..1*
mom byS iVA HPIS t OD, comer of IPlrm
and Windt also. einem of ikh and Wood sul. sole
You EvairadorualOTaie
1,4 mass meannom can equal years?, Leayai Soar
I fair young...ire, with her beglumany keel . Loot
at year own, pitted with ers . ts and hawked. 'Yet
you me tOO-0.4 ei pre bra cagier,!,
great Italian Melded amp, b tweak manly free
you Rem Mesa,- mid waterier yellow Ado clem sod
healthy. Ge at once le Jaetvonts Eon , 818 Liberty it,
fritsibmsboasid get a cake • .
`NB "ladisen'e is the only place in Pltutiwarb l re
th. OENiIINE Is to be Beware id r ,
, .
jusGBIERVE th e Bei Boot minds - in the ay
. satommunV n ;y 11"1017.
Prln E. F. Graham—Dar 14-1 overus°, Toe two
border of tklieror Venoihme• and Madeira of eon bor•
do to, lard of nit addrem mak* barna: bas ma HO
worm*, and from the ober In." 1 renommend It to dm
cmianirf as on Of dm Mu Modica ibananraam
or asU fonthamsoral of Imam • •
,partmid and Mkt by IL IL brELLEIS, Wood at.,
arttrman ita And Ha are Etdd by DC Cauokl,dik Ward;
•IL hi Cony. A !knew Alm. • • • • .006_..
TAirdello. • T—The Times ol
erinieelliesebarmitelmia. medicine kir die cam el
Qnmemedon anteclievilimemm mem be no wen
bows. verfropuirkir.b.,,..woh,
• 11 :-ArAu j estabar a6 41.11. rum . imr;oa,
? IF.* itreetinearerend aim milielces Mem
U P,OgkwagtVed4.4l.l444oacrgai
. ~ ~- _.
INGOLDSIIVIS l'amlrpreise, aa &Antal rem
attertma sod'ndfdean,;whether tu!ensal, erten&
blealsoi or Mod, abo, Wr tend ettha kidaert sat /Ad
der, paw lb the hash god iblei habitual coativeaoss, trap.
•YaMaka a n d eller toullameat are gristtroubled
with asestipettua at the bowels* matirwmar m melt as the
to all nab wasp the ItpUtAe ma be taken with pei
tait math sod is a soma resagy. spaibe. Os%
*tart, &adieus Wisely Trotabas rostaly, values a pa
• tomber, automats or Mue—pW,mt to takeaadral
karb 9l ." lb SvrOathob..l.OL
is to ..ditha l AA., DrutheAra. spala
take a eartais mu mat mia remedy. ilasha aasi.efaft..
ha mea
dotti d easesomogptial lbacomasiotafaarrera mat
*I . the uhen made an alum
it" ...' tt. I wiirryszAD.
diem York, *hi, OW: 331 Both greet.
I cheerfully pre ati va lme , smitjas to the mimesis mat atm
I r shisar amts.( Dr. i•P/11 .1. 1 4 mi I know it
to be intaltblo
lawmal ema of pitse, ,
eat . /SILLS*
NearSosk, May, ISIS G 961 E0 Oink Arai
•hyr. Bob-Dear ham the Omar. bey , that
TA. mamma, Dr. lagoldsbrs Pale lipmis, has nada a. pm
mu mow ht the eassottay mum, and jar youta) word
that I hart bma Hapmed, a! it, as it am torny opt&o• im.
posalle beam hwr. am tura tegtry to Meow&
setae as haw itAll,l*, and de Write all Wien mho an all
Saha its Um las ausser to p ro be. ths article, at they may
dared tut • ttertaatenra. .
-Yours ault weepers.
VGA Chao" Y buy is, bus.
• Dr. Iveliar-Dam Sat—Tkat you my bates others
who may la alarm* is welt as tto alprwai my gratitude foe
thetwoettl how dented bra toe of your valuable tip.
ride, 1 amtply with Year request, ami now do gin my taut
=ay ia Mier of it, laving bum mewl af a severe attack of
the rib. Oar basis% used mime remises withoat somas.
Sold aholmsle asl Mad by JA SO ,at hu
kledmies Wantbatue, and Sae and Shoe inre, Na. 69
Libaly W.da of W"?,r^"t
tatmi slu t
grovp _ in dinw_sSart
- •
. 411118 Ns Mar Viso Improvement-1
boo now been In an 'about two teen, and wherever-4
Is known, preferred to all other Deidetaadr.. . ,
• For cheaper's; etrength and convenience &lam not
and eimnot be equalled, rte fs decidedly the best,
elompertendaton notramient Bedstead in use,and per.
feetly reof Cabinet
Degc I
The pnnelpe a t Cabinet makers* , and Turnerrbe Alle
le gheny enr and in Pittsburgh, hare secured Righu to
num:facture and sell the article., As theta are apart:ma
le articles and imperfeen tontationi in the market. paella
zrewould do well Seamier We east hen plates on.
hi, hin the genutne.aruele .uame bfrhe patentee,
urn F. F.Vatzsanly Invariably cast: As a pmerfof all th
In claimed ftz . ll n ar i sam . , a , B . eds i tre4 . the . foilewing cert.&
in Putsburghand
an the West, ts submitted to therm
sea- Bedstead
the sabseribers, peas cal 'cabinet nutters and
ra- Bedstead mattaseuirees oft adieu of Pittsburgh end
Allegheny, h.,- do hereby eatihrthat we - hare bought
the nght to manentetare be , hheade with GastenVe PO.
ant Fannon:lga and eonsiderider nme sultrier I. any
fameolowe with whieb we are acquainted..
James Lame ' Join Aleirew
Young & 0 , !Oben Fairman
J R Hanley Junes D Darr
John Liggett, Jr.. Jo. Lowry & Son
, -Lowrie & whin Middle k Dee en
Thomas Farley' . 'Ramsey &
.Dared Later. ' Moses Ballack
Haab Wallace ,Itirberts & Kane
J Mayen . !Jae W Woodwell
J Neeban en se : - Geenre Snyder.
tiftst Had I hl
pfeainers & Co
Ale sander Lawson
For Rights to mike and sell the aboie:Bedstearls
octal • _ Patentee
Etas C. ROBITIINTitgo_, Engineer and
ILi artm Pate IS will prepare the ne
cesstirnlrrba'wPtags and Panels for Applicants for Pal
eats, and trammel all other reas to the line of his
pp:demi/us at the Patent OM Ile can be consoled
on all questions vela to th e Patent Laws and deci•
mons to the United! Stake or Europe. Pe sons at a
distance desirous of haying et...matinee made at the
Patent Office, prior tolmaktng ppplicationfor a patent,
ma forward (pest paid. anelmanga, ( eis of five dollar;
a clear statement of their case' when immediate sum.
doe wilt be
. given to. It. anti the infisrmatme that
could be obtausedky a 'visit of a applicant in person)
promptly communicated.
All NUM On'biliDella Matte poet paid. and contain
a suitable fee. where A srtuten opinions mislead.
Office on F. West, appetite the Patent Mac
Ile has the honor of referring. by permission. to
How Edmond &like, CNII*•1 . 11141e1 of ,Patent;
)too. H L Elbowed,. law t 4 do dot
II Knowles, filaeldniet, Yawata:Hike;
. .Jadge Cranch,VJashington; D A
Hon. It Choatechlamachasetts, U 8 &nate; '
Hon. Atka, Ohm.. ' do;
• Hop•I &main, MC, Missora' •
Hon. W BCs Hall, New York,
Hen. Robert C.
Hon. Meese, 88anal
1i0n..1 H Relfe,ll C, Missouri,.
Capt. II Af elareve.Nimardi • - •
• Erutas Brooks. ' • .lPittshe h. - meld
• -- car
bah:re—made Eastern spgimeed Douro plans—
and most fashiona panerns and <oleos. Alm
or made to order of all sires, and at all pried.,
Country hlerchwitti and °them are mailed to call end
examine the above hr themselves. as all will be .old
wholesale or retail, arid a liberal deduction mad:
wholesale purchaser.
, NEW , YORK'.
T . • .
11E eterPian Art.l.7oion Olacorated kr the
pa: li maws of Fine . Atta the. United Ewes. Each
saboceibero Moe Dorian Is a tdiatber Far one year.
Tne:r.nd. are applied: let, to di.:P..deemet or large
• ••PT; .pd neat, at the pa:clmor ongthal Palatine
and o ver, work. at an. by Inure or resident arnan
wairb are dilanbtord. by lot =pity the mamba...
Lost yeirl4B paintimmwere dimnbuted. Tins yc
they will he tore numerous and's:disable—twee-1h
are .tti‘Y Parch. Seel; and hi addition mere w'il
be Jittritiate ml d Mto bronze medals of Washington All.-
told, now in ptopeas. Aid each memtmr anll reserve
tsio ansearinms—`The Jolly Flat-Boar Blen, , afte, Ring.
hang and 'A s•ltil, 7 after linmingion. • 1 .
The anderaimied heeled been •appamted Horartry
Secretanes Pinsbargh and itiairdry prepared to :a
rmee mitieriptions.
Thom 'tithing to become members millformard the
niteressi of the rocielyt by doinLoo as mem at may be; ' WU . PI CALDWELL
• • 3rd curet, cppetite the Poet °Mee
nellf • ' 'cot mood lk dth els
pus subscriber hes commenced in the city of Pini
1. burgh, the enanuackarn of !nukes lok, in all its
variints branches.
?meters throughout the r.t.nr7 'who are In w.
lets, would do well nestling on the subscriber pi
out to supplying themselves, they will be sold at
idetable redaction ftetn'eastern prices. They en
toe ereelhad In point fat
beauty, richnese.or the
knee of material from which they ace triansfactured.
The subscriber cannot but believe where a s r
article is offered kir a lesser ce, that a setheinnt induce
=intadvancal th secure the natronage . of all who
nee Printing Inks. fiefs "
trial Intl earrespaed with:the Woven presentaio,and
would therefore aotiett the caned a those *be feel
ditpoeed . eacearage. the autnafaetartag of the article
thii city.
Orders directed to I BIRD, or 'Wright & CLritan.
Pittner, eernir Dial:toad arid Market /trea t Will be
Troneetally d&eharged. I oeet&l
13 ° 4 'n CICI of th e Coin of (Molter 130..
effln• of Beaver county.
Ma. R. - Bateau —S rt Some this, in the winter e
wife was Maimed with a severe and distressing cough,
and hearing oflour teval.ble Cough Syrup, I panne
sod a bottle from 8 T. Triutble, Erg , in Eindgewater.
and alter taking a portion of it two Orleans eveninp co
going to bed, she found immediate relief; as aim sem
friends have bees relieved I nee vere eases. lam Oath ,
re Wished that it is a Would Valuable medicine. and
would recommend it to dose who may be afflicted with .
seere mania sod colds. , W. K. Boon.
March IN, 111 ..
The Syrup IS piano In irt cent lionise, so that It mar
be bought by the soar oared as the rick
Prepared and toot by R E SELLERS; 07 wood nee'
also, for sale by Dr, liana!, Mk ward, and D. M. Carry,
Allegheny city.
LyO For sale it few bale, Western New York
growth of 16M—Gom 8 to 10 cants. •
Also, Enron, and Wramem N early picked, due
year.. growth. I •
Primo Ohio do, Belmont county.
• The general Eestem map of the scums is now being
received. .'Brewers and others 'neinkkitms, will had it
much to their advantage to obtain th eireapply from the
undersigned, a. they attend to oellWoo . about the reaion
ar Neer York prices. GEO. W. SMITH & CO,
Pinsaingl Brererry.
r ITRTir. - MAGIC SMRADIVD3 110AP.-.For ream,
J. sing. Grease spots, Stains ' or Marks from Clo th es,
Woollens, Carpets; &a., Re., and rendering the spots
where it is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless.
Sold with full directions. Pone Memos a cake
IrBeld by WE . JACKSON, di Liberty street, bead'
eeetei Si. Hoot and Sloe verve. eign of the the
vitiVAg , PAVltsaffiis MOM 80-Cateb
Qlsbister,Panern Maker, Allegheny cry Oil Mill, ha.
the forreat Patterns for Stoves en band either in wood
or s lom. ?DU Gearing and all palmate made to order.
• fflif
„ ,
.13AliThilteW •
Ileintitar pommel/ many advantages over all
- A. ahem —Meng which may be memba.d,
Its 'dub/maleness—The npldltiil and foreo of blew
may be controlled with theileum Lease, orlule the
Waxer II ,operation, and. tke hemmer may be its
mantly &meted, and suspended many height—
Its Uedrersality,: or eapeeity to execute work of ill
kinds, from Mailmen to the smallest, :under de came
Amalhaplietry,Compilituen and Cheapness.
Aesessdatity upon all side!, by tip workmen.
All the hatnaters are made Be/PActialr •
The sabocribers mainsail execute orden fur there
hummers, of raisins epee' reuanable terms.
Filen:l6er putteslata k ingaire or(
4;, e l e y s
lesetea s or the Pete , ni fortis, United States,
k Foesdry.Philladil.
, DERgr - & — NinAMON,
• - dianatactureri
At ALL orAcnirrtoAs •
No. ass Boum ,
Back of. 7 A. Riitort's Cabinet Ware Ramify
olden_ lea ICA R . % Wm,' at the aka of t t h j e
genZd to. n°l1 '
" Vigt i beßlCr P Y
Aaplo-41, : A. C NICKERSON
, calflatAGES.
p s ok .rit,m, WV! . ; 74
• MA.dalkki W. at Ota ILlMoflipida
Wa.m. mmanitattktons: trinis
adVid Ihd 124 km mid will keep
=oo •
C mk a
t kaadam. Amartokit
anim. Vdmla • 0(0 gen and damipia.
kr ordinal M e e Monad *Oh loam, monmd
mr bat amim!,•lstionad:matnial. i 733.1
• ictupoulflutoi
• rr(~~.N6.aEtrriherwodd reitiennity coals LA.114 and
INl.daphu,..ea to inun
•( FANCY. RIM, inch m tlpG. Bms. TIN
igit i"" ig 'l ed g mta:=l7.' IP ' 1
mecytd Mal be (.1001 *Waded if , da, 93 : 2 !!”,:
" ".5 •
114 1 0 0 004besala71 , 0* •
~-:-.: .., • :-:,...-...1...••.J:i -. r -,•.,,
- •;-,- ~,L',T);.:::,.';':
DR. TowNseNDis
Mot extraordinary Jledgane in as
.. ,,W .
Tho .errant 4 pinup 14 quart bottles: A u ps tahm 7 4, o „
.4 pk Was `" ll: ."l"""' vot47 l."" ' " P'aro ?-1234a4r .
GlVPlllilli , l7D '4t lrUilikliElllitilE
iThe heesaj , earl apemen Its of We herstismitt sm.
ll other Meas. se, whilst N .. Donna /mem
atm ..oody. It se me of the o n e
SUMMER MEDIUIptEs net hoe., la mot she
ot .
the :whale mks sad streor th emille reaps, lot
'Meta, A. mut Ash Mood a poserposeemed by pit.
hied.. flod its dna Imo Om gr./ oseret of sto fa/
=R it by performed •41414 the pen MortmoVona
Aso .M,OOO ma of Serena Cape of Vuosse; oakum NOO
of them one Isamu/mai memelik. Mare than
3,000 esem of Chnesse Ithesmatsaa ; . • 1
2ANO mess of Dystfetea, , , sl '
400 ream of Gemmel Detality end Want al Enel6t..l
7NOO mem of IL/repro Female Cam..; '
.. . 7. t.
,SAO note of Scrofula.
l s bOu coses of /be Ln cr ' Camp/Iml ; 1
2,509 no. of Dunne of Om Kidney and Dropq •
Annuands of of Dar. of th . 19.1, pm UM.,
Espapeles, Selt Mem, Amples m she Face, ke., am 1-
'vibe r w. names. ceps af
he Reads., Asta a the
stale mad Chest, hetnal A tfrotsom, he, kn.
•A., we are aware, 10Y4 eppor steredsble s lat'vir h.
letten from ph7esmons end our watt frum PI putt dew
Vaned Sm., aafaroung os o f ettraordurery conk , IRAFoo
Bonk., Lem. me of the matt teepee.. Ma!ti;umleMsea ,
eek N 1 totems; al that ha
mu refer to more tiem /o Ina.
. ~
eis us IWO plan alone. Them are thammle of eas *0 the
Qv of New Tort, ohich ere well mks to 4114 plenum
rod to men of shoran.. 'lt 4 e best PP..- for the
Prerentir• of Mow kn the
0.. It mdoobtedly,eavell Ike lily
of on. duo ,
ONO/ LIFL4IIII4 TIC P• 1 1 . 1. Seam.
he it reamed the muse df dump, and ps rpm. duns ha
the Mem. mason . s.
• UNIT. dresin Orrice*. ' . 4. •
-Ca, W./doe:unix, °vivo Oar. gtAITJ Nov;
and stsitir'of the Now Jcoey Legvhstur, has kaly vat
the ittiowing eertilkate. It toile its owe story..
, Jsa. SI/ 1947.'
/year atone I was tat co with' the Influenza, end wy•wlode
syetem kit tot dabiliksled KU. I woe induced to trt.Dy,
Townsend's Ilsrsipardla, and Jim Inking hen or dim Ve
das: lwesfery ankh relieved, ad ousibuie atiotirely
said &wveitardia.. I bare nostinowl taking 14 sad End' tbit
I improve evek7 day. I bebsve teed soy ilk, and Would
eree kovoidiriut it eider any ilotiblesstlow t • . •
• IL WilleLdiiikile 11:5. Ns"
Scionsto Cam.
This certificate emichatively. proem that this ihmearrilk
Us puke! eutrol 0.. she out obgioursarso . LV
blood. Three. ca }umred iv ma boom U r 4
Timms Cmimaas.! , :
Tow/um—Wm kir 1 ban the &Moro Ipinform
Tod that three of my children hare been mired of the der.
filki by 14.. 6.< of, you oteencat audition: ,Thei were
silicas* may ismuly with tad scree; bon way Sakes" lb.
UMW j• 11 took dux away, ior Irk& 1. kal sayselfkliics
deeP ricrdima. Yaw% nerettoy,
• Lam %Y. Qum, IRS Wartista. •
New York, Mord 1.
Townsend , . Bitnapvidni ts sormeugh: eml
w fa Medan! Cmonamption, Barnaness, , or
, okettarad or &Tank Armatxuation, mmn
of thins, ortnedadtaef Godwin Lanai and tor the m
end peommtioa of
the edam—no matter woe ha thantuult
of karma mom or mum, produced by iseguladity, Moen
a sealant
Bahia; can b mom carpeting 'Us iti ineguntat e
kes. Mr human Crate. Pieriuma, dlmalmesa and
tad., Leo taking it, al ones beam nabmit and tbn tamely
Hundita Mamma itateinuely Counterset. ttui nrm
innate Guar, Whirl Dm great mato( kazi
It will aot be opeend of ea, to moo of so Oditate it na
ture, to exhibit eenefwato of true. performed, but tanya
mute the alined, do hundreds of mu bare Meer monad
to to. ; liereral cam where families bantam withindsitiW
huesafter usiag • few Nolo of this .invaleable ottedieim,'
hoc km blest with healthy offypring.'
Ds Mnossetad, My yet& being greatly
.dlatimeed by
weakoto and gismal debility, tuad stillanngmutiny/ally
by pain sad • amok* of bearing do. . filling of the
woe* and with ollmediffleoltin s and forint knorn toes
wile your ointlleio has eMuted gnat toter; and Oft Mar
iag it del for melt most I have demeibatl,l obtais
ad • band of your Cutout of Styraparilh, Gillowor
the ilinimatas yougava Am In a thee* penod it moored
-her amplainta md restored bar health. - Dein patella goo
the beeeita oh. ventiv ed, I lake *anus in thus Yak/myriads
/1:g it/ and zetootocolisg it the public. M. M. Moms
Aug.l7, ISM Car. of Omni and Lylina as.
Corascass, Bre. 49, I$C
Dr Drerniseuts To .9 whoa this may tsars—Ttls is
to Dirtily slost say ails 1.4 one battle of yo. darapsrilla
barber oierbasossot, soder lb. nod abr.*, sad
boas airs-summers, le* troubled IsUb/Ls dropsy, mil
boa of tbs fe, osseous erections, rod very*bills , .
tedd. snits ml Uld ths recusiostudatitss of Wes
alui bad used st, .b.
w oo
isolated to try it, with lOUs or acs
faith ; sod saes It to esp., lb. ussdbobss bad de balmy sad
deslred arset,uot ca/y so Lb. hours of eualatosest, but after
stus %Wiwi of me - week of its us . , Um dropsy sad ors-
Lash ". is set gsgetas " lt ' Ll """hi't , bees fatfroTtbse ." pos• W
If will bee at soy stntes to you ors] aus 'swim
doubla tts socesseattbe sirelitbse, you ars satinily welcome
telt. •
subseibe eupalf yaw saint cb.dient and otalpiti C 171.11;
Javtia a.
Thh Latent of Baraperilla ha bsea espresily peepered
o sebum to Wads capopluol... NO funk Mho taa rte.
na to twos: sh• Unfree:Wag that arum] mod, TA•
pen lit should assizes to Mt it, as Itte • nano
psvirUstank im my of the 0tu12.0.11 sad nortible dinar. to
Irian females an eubjeit at this tosoe,of tile.. This periul
any be delayed tor turn) pan by dug
i tzedieine. Nor
rilt i reiVeatitii . :=7rietesin blodi
dad. osigorattog the rys • /oohed, nu median heal
uabl f ell of Oh. &heist. dames to which Imam sid
sakiret. 'rre •
It burn the snot. Testa revues pcnamo r tly the nut
ria m'4"' — by remong the hoes of the bodyr—aot
Etr ethanotiog the touEta. to leaden • solaneeat re
inoo, whin is the quo( mit aulimeenketa for Snale
venom end dints*
Too who have pale caaplctioas, donnas, blotch , . ow th e
Lore, iatei Sk/12, of Goa In, an ere out of tits,. twe.
• bottle or two of Dr Towels:ed.. It will
ekes. per Goal. reCOOt• WI , freckles sod blotches, sad
give MI
—ell a eparklieg eyes, foie vents, end beautiful
eteaelecta Wigs. ta which are of lotioeswe vales to oitour,
No fluid or medicine br ever been eincentred *Welt to
nearly 11.01010.0 tle gest. jai. or saline in deanapaing
bodasidetrongthanng corms digewico, Mia prop,
moon of Sarsaparilla. ,
Dada ditiaarnerrri Albany,Mary 10, 1845.
Dr 71.estamad, 04.-1 ham beenaffacted for . sou r .
years wadi dyspepsia id its wont to. cm, c.n.161 nub sour.,
maw of shiemcb, Ins of appetite, mamma. hmtitburis, nod a
'gee. aversion 'to el: *mts of fad, mid for weak. (what I
smuld eat,) I have both unable resin but • scull portiod
on my sumach, 1 tried the usual reared., but May bad
but lade sr an effect in removing tbe &motet.. was to
dweed, tamed two mad. sure, to try your Ext.. of Sorsa.
par:ll34.d I must say w tut little confidence, but eller ming
early two bottle., found my typed. mitered, and tor
totarlbona entirely removed. and I 'mild maw.) rem,-
masd dot ow of it to Mow who have been Whirled as I hare
been. ' Yawn, 4.e., W. W. V. Zialln.
Dead the kaatring, and doubt .o y ou can, that consump
tion moot be cured. 'lbw as only gas o f the several hundred
rare that Townsend's Sannyvida hae cured,
Dr Tosenuermt—Dmr Sir. l was taken, • little *err •
year ego, wadi • wren; cough and pain JO my tide. It in
creased on um levy Lot, indeed. I was pronounced by pby.
Meisel to ham dos quick coottuiption I mused large num.
lilies of bad muter, had night Meats, ad Malibu', very Gan
f 'iopittlaroidh he could do nothing for me. I weal lien the
hosplt. in hope of being becefitted, but was prooomsced there
ao .1 was maw greatly distreseed at dm Imp and
mild hardly breaths ; I soon became ernsciated, lindespected
die• was confioal to my bed, and was obligrld to here
watelo;ra . baked 1 cantst gm you .1 deactiption that
.arcadd dojudice to my ease. I was ouppm.l by 03, friends
to be put recovery ;I bad tried a rat number of remedies,
and all waned Co be to no purpose. l read of wale most ea
haoidiniry cum performed by your medicine, erid to .11
you dm Midi, I suspected diere was same humbug in anent
Hut I was induced to try it , I did so, and eat may thankful
I did, I moot my dial Ime tirely well, but .1 so fr
vemal as to be
about my ben
and hope to 1m maid.
yell in • few weeks. dly cough and pun ha dm side,
and night ewe*. hare left me,sad raise but vary lade, an d
am 6.1 pining my no streo.a. Pfeil it a duty to glee
you a swam. of soy case, to publish if you pleMay
Peru tizo yrs, 47 Ladle at, Brooklyn.
Opinions of Phystelano.
Dr Toskikknil is almost daily reissuing orders front Orf,l,
sick= in agaris of ars Darns.
This ls thee. rify dui we dm anderalped i PlifskiSai di
Crtyof Albany, bar. in :macro. rims penseribed PO.
Sarraparills,:and believe k robe ona of 01. mos)
ralsabla sparatinos of La. Sarsaparilla in kw riarnsl. •
Courts, 114, 11,
1 ar fr,
B Dawa, • n,
P Ennurisois. 111 11.
Alb•ay, April I. IBM
Thians lo certify tbat w., dui strAereigne4 predicting
Thondionian Plipanani or tbe Myst Albany. hiss fors •
Iy praieribad Dr Townsaults thospound EaLnutt of sa
pull* arid from its knows (simians, would yessissunesd it tot
the ratlike fornsercuriAl,scrofulousond °there ataneoue du
cues, is pecker.. co say or the A
Ittaarlisal remedies now is
Albany grail 2, Intet i i Wat B
ftrannovi tS,
crr ,
Principal office, 1.71 Folios el, Sun N Ift gra
ding+ Go Sint. st Eutaw Dr Dyott &Ekon lie North rice
o.r. pkg.:wpm.; 8 lbsice, druggist, flaltimdris and by
principal &
and the swats gene Canada.rally throughtiat the limited that.,
• Nene genuineinaleas put spUm large spare honk.,
se kith motels • quart and weal with die erentra signalers
of B P TOWNSAND,aad bun.. blows on tha, Ghia
From tile Now York Doily of April 9;1,47.
the A dr= g eb " r md , Sam.. CptiraVimewien ."..n d . .
Tb• whole thing is got op in good taws: OP= of ;the ornwt
marital landwarapaniungs are beautiful, whkh, together with
the wroll work, utguld, &Lining is the sus, a Awls
rarely equalled is Broder.. We take this p r o oprtunity to
ot to we hens. this cm stet of the Se:separate deserves tin
cryejnialpopulerity Arm *Nuked.
flferrous Debility.
Naw Yo• x,lt 21,1847
Townsend i—i hal{ been afflicted mo ll m o aro r
le. for 3
yea?, with • dread flunking in the chest, giddine. in Um
head, tom of app.., pus to Me limbo, end corral
brought on tattoo?. by Mr =AM Ltd heat mid cold whwh
lam .object to ha .7 burins. m • dyer. I ham takes other
militia., too mularroite to strattiou i bat with little or rut me
'caw am tod mat by what' to to the paper bytr bottle •
of your Dartiapird`a, Dom which I bond (rose rolieL I ban
sines tuna urrend mom bottlesomd cm mthesitatlitely my
It .is the be. undid. Z ham e . mr talten—the pato to my
Mwat gewe, awl I feel gni. • Marc. man shoran, elan
1 1 bare taken year harnparilla I ban Now • bettorappatita
than ever I had. My wlie has tak en it with Ow emu beoeft
dui nasal. would recommend it Its • &laity mann.
ray, and 1 feel Cardona that if 63 used therm would not
1. half L• sickness then is, Lod comequently not to may
bill. kr shad it melons appetite, it also;
=eh end bowels' thew males. wow it hop th• blood
to • healthy Nate, eo that dine. Is aid soldely to attack the
mystem. • And In all Mom who are met &healthy mate, Imy
try Dr Towaseso SarnapatillA
Tawas emirra, 70 4flds,
• Canker In the Month.
Delmirie es ammo. of mother child Knit Dr 'Lannon:id%
Sweepartlia haa and the el of thousands of cluldrro.—
The certificate Is saluted from • mat number
remind, thia week.
• . New Yoan, Apra 8,1847.
woven. Tend : Dew rim—ne of nay Mildrm war very
sink Camber thi mouth and throat. ansinded with
pent debiliry, limo nem dying; I obtained sontabf your
-neelltel medicine, mid Retired - directly, to which ern
Ammo yna I helm/ gmatul, Your. remerthilly,
Annus, 27 Derbrowne ot.
Pon mit' by It 8 1 /ELLY.l l 3llhvggist, Von Wood rt,'
MMus 3d, Bad 4th Ay who bar tem nppointed: by Dr
!TOWNSEND nth Ago/ tor Allegheny er. jeild4wll3
'llnib? ^" trilled Rl"'
ilniband'a Celebrated Plaid Magnum.
TILLS is • mid. saki and clam! 114 acid and aperkat; be
fag a intact m a / a llot - of oberainala pm Carlo:mu of
Nam.* pommels all 11r . ra . aredlf pray/roof tha haat poor
Cara tr= d i, l:=ClZZi"bapot farm
at airorrafirl of the F Slab -14 if ;air '
4 ;10 "" arl ' Irz l AIN=r4 II
CTr and
Wow mad. woortarul 013 , "" 7
Dr. Mataiuse , • Worm &penile. 7-----
fflHlB le to earn& dila taking one vial of Doctor
./. McLane% Wona c , a valid of JaMee Shawl
peeved opwaels of 7 eroime, and t, the WO of .aid
medicine • child of my own named le large Vranne.—,
h i.' t r uly the cceet '.imrpneng wane mWefino Dever
i.e... • / saw havertwo nano vale. .... .
, .•
•• .. WM 011.1110Itt - .
. _ ‘I
Wilkiae Townobilv .
'.. For We by /MD &Clb, No 60 W ood sneer, 1.,;,, 1
saki. I
~ j}
'•! • - • irovrrelta norzt. -
tifinlV - STRERT; - - BALT IM - 4311-E;
I • • FOGG' Ii THUBSTOIi Proprieton.
TJIM establisOzent long end widely known as tents
one of tee mold commothons In the eityof Baltimore,
has recently undergone very extensive alterations end
impairments.. 4in entire new whittles been added,
eentelniag summons and airy "beeping apartment., sa d
' extensive hataingrosena.. -
• :TheLediest department has also been Metaled ely re
organised sod fitted op in a tam name and beamital
style; In fact the whole arrangement of the House has
been. remodeled, with a Alegi. eye on the , r , or the
proprietary warmer the comfort and Oeuvre of their
.sHtests, and which theT_ confidently: assert will ebal
lee" eemyernsels withany Hotel mthe Upon. • •
tableriill always he roppliesrwlatenrY eat.'
, statist and iaraiyarlach thee:a-Mel affords, Rented op
n- a altperier MOO, While in the not of,
- they will not be surpassed. • • • ••' • •,
• In conclusion the proprietors beg un say, lhat =dung
,will be left undone on theirpart, and un the pane! %het ,
assistants, to render this Hotel maned,' the eaniipoed
patronage of their (needs and the luklic generally.
The pieta for hoard have also yedyeed to the
oilos= 4:; yx peylay;
N. H.—The ilegnege • WOirlrat% °Oho Hoese.will al.'
weys.ho the Per nod Steamboat Leading..
winda tvnt m.ll baggage to and (rum the Hole4 i freo.,
of chug,
EARL. STRERT .110138£.. Chao&snail,
011/o—Tbe subscribers having purchased the ert
tire interest of col. Williamson, late of this well
known °stab [lshtar-W.6oz leave to nate to their friends
and -rho public *enmity, that they Pave- take* this
eouttaxhoos Hotel for a terra of years-and will exert
their best energies to Mahe it a destratas hose fa; Tres ,
edicts and City•Boanters.
The Ifotells spacloas and xidmirstbly planned for CO.
reptenee, light and. atr, having a number of pastors
adjoining ehanobere, Driven/log ..To s u.d .Louuea.".'
The preeentfi rap deters baiter had the experience of
Yei,ria le dile soy and ribiewhere,hoPethey will be able
to give general satisfaction, being determined to give
undivided attention to the boon alone: • "
3 ' Thaler:slimier the Pesti titreet Mum tsaricosestualg
eligible, having from. on Pearl, Walnut and Third sta
so , that it is equally desirable In view or the conveni
ence of business meo or retirement fete_ private boarders.
It Is near by the Dante, the Poet Mei, the ikleutune
Itall,Odd Fellows Hal I,and frome dist= team
Main street and two squares meety Wharf, thee
ogering the greatest hutneetrients, eepecially to country
awithantaand generally, to all persona visiting Qum
natl. • JOHN NOBLE
utehV _ . .101 IN .114DUELE t
Joxxstucongiu, • • •
lalewarcurrarszar..PartAnorartal ± L v ' IIE Subscribers, order the Ll= of Mums & Wont,
1 . have purchased thle eatabllsh
mem. and hope by the etrietest =cation W the emote
natl comfarts of their veal., to merit a 00121i1119111GP of
the liberal patronage heretofore rneetved by Its former
proprietor, . •
h... boo been lboteeiblY rerwrated, toed repair.
ea; wetheredtre' feel snored we caw welooote our
diends and the public be acconanodationaequal many
jo th e city of Phlladelplua. : N W BRIDGE:cc
f . ' /NO WELVT.
. . WILT 1101711111,
Corner Slant sad lixtls_ate, Otnelmatattt
establishment Is new to the best order for the
of the Trayehog Platte. — flawing =der
gone • thorough repalr,darnig the past winter, and
haring the most experieneed men in ibe weft,. isi , this
mien. depstrattents. I latter myself that all will be
pleased who call. The location is eentsalsommadlons
and pleasant. Fare It per day. <
CI °email, &arch ' Blain
N. Lt.—Although not exactly it new Stedta, it is the
isate—a neW Whiston the old handle. &pet(
.11141D1110111' BOTZL,•
rEproprietor on limTong established hoese,respeet
fally o 7 nNv eetercano theeltireas of Pouberith,
d °seri himself to render eantonable itho•
may raver him With their Company.
This petal erhteh.bas king been • &Tories ate with
rie,'raven* De gess 01 taubonth, will, the coma*
mama, present Limier Iletd for Mts. operations than
heretofon,. from the completion of the Rai! Road to
hub...eche, Mapes &abet Into the hog ?Heine region.
.prJod3o. 0 D FITZHUGH, Proprietor
LotalesrlLe Ry.
RIB /I ROCKhIO WrON btes to eteseinthoi
frlenele that he le again lessee of the GALT
HI 0 V BE, Looissille,yr,,where he hopes so eseet all
his old friends, murtni them sod the pobbe,that Do
effort shall be spored to make ail easafortablewho favor
but pith their petnonage. janildly
Opposite the Rail Road Dept Pratt et., Batt.
IntIIRY x. SMITH. Proprietor.
Loon of the Exchause and fit:Charles ilote/s, ['Matt
T.. 11. samara entimacAL
/FLUID-I. soliettlagltat phallic* tbi plate
kiv this article, it h bat rpt ohipmpu. tt its math. as
wLitt tha shim for lappet Owed - stoma ho fulll.ud bir
ly girth &Mao scam parolees bet gins that them..
amity hilt aot be impaled span by ming LL
th• Ont pa it it hall Sopa' that dm paerality of
blaelPlcks" amposed of • preelpitate, Staid together
by pm Arabic...l him dm onto, Wiser io what, ar,part
le evaporated tie .tot precipitate am tell ea a pstyamta
odramepr or "" ia mold &St, tame:ism the soil quoting co Um pm, it a 'teatime,.
"Ice i.e.21491 1 ,4m.-44 • , -
aid. di &ha elitte mtalares so map memo, at
' is • Liitaksi 00 inlifias tie viscid =Vas to kohl it
top iiiiir,therelir. IA never pt thick, aud being rem guid
torg . timmitiry . Lows ti =peo tat= epsea pepelni.
neat guiasid brateastlymo= attstuatt n thatt
toy plastered oti tbe whoa. It atm contains sweeter that
has aoattaity foe metalis hos,
alt o.. will •01 eartode
'test prai-tt wilt not mould, mad althaugh it writes :of . •
bloat greaseolor yet in a kw boom to beam. a deep black
orb,* w:ll.eadore /boom Its umtfuntag =P.= to w
tore pp rodeo kovsto y tha to.. of Anoldts Writing
Floid," sod exte•taird mere gins kr Om Mass prka. At
• parsates apish imposition of say had being attsmptni
the followin tramattiadattoui aullote, al must b.
same; that the •Ssisr• Metre gins Mold oot bare bom ob •
and by aiij Moo ho s utawanhy purport .
Weave:3=mA '1 Hibbetih,Chentleal Writlsar FloW' to
OA patroona of the pobtie, oa a6= tot* articlo =Ai e a et
pecta; dove freifroot tke peo ithoot cleft-tog it op wed
a the tootle of . feet boon —..metta &op Met black.
5 4lieeoptoo tr. Co. Week and Meintodlete
ItOlaert Moore Jobs Parker,
Wm I.4Timmm
, Almilumnmax Lbuglal
&Mt B MclrM4 1304p' ,
4:Er %V W Wallace,
S Wight.= et Co:
Frames Sellers
C A McAllen . Co
Itall MX
;g ~ ut =POW.
Mr Th. X Ililitrna—Deat : I Lan bare Win, your
Ctotailhal Writing Fluid, and and it a first ram artitie ,,t
bt. ib k r
office, it dairy treaty from the per . d tame .
ho ,
6 *"*.
T II TU7TLE, Book-harper
foe Diana. la &aide.
Pithhulk, deg 23, IR:,
Mr T Hibbut —Pear Sart Marian pewees:4la betake(
,our Writiag Floid,eonie three weeks ago, I consider it ful
ly e 1
Lauer liml aist superior dreold's artber wk now in
W11.1...AM STEdird T, Book-keeper
use r
Aelher Richolsoe #
Pith, fle,lsff.
hlr T K IlibberaLDear Si, I WUtsburgpell ChneiCal
Writing f Ipid, end dad late be • mad melded article for
*ea: peas, a. it does ouch; them liplike the generelity of
oilier mk., it doers free eadbeeorrice4 . 7 Mach it a few
boon. Thus,
for Jobs Porker.
Premed sod oda Wks,boob Art Moll by Thienao
Hibbert, Druggist cod CittabiC, corner of Liberty and
iniittineki rittsborgi, Pa. °Wonlin
• 111101/ITY bur longs
best article known for cleaning and whitening'
AL the Teeth, elltitgl•Clll4 the gunisoweeening the
isteathote. it should be used every welt with a mil
brush: and the teeth and mouth will only require asligh
washing in the morning. %Vet the brash with wars
water, or cold will answer, and rob it • few times on
the pule, when enough will adhere for e.eanmg the
tomb. It Maves• deficient, taste in the month and tie
pan. , • Most •delightful fragrance re the breath.'lt stands
ilartvalled as a pleasant, effteacions, convenient. and
Mire &Mame. hie warranted not m najoro the teethi
hullo preservethem.
- • ,
; es.; it regu larly, it will remove the tartar and
prevent it. accimilation--prevent the toothache
grange,. the gums, and prevent al diseese+ of teem
fhernias, physicians, and the clergy recommend it a
ecidedli b superior to e v ery Mingo the Sind in
Ash fof ennui's Compound Orris Tooth Paine, and
°Morro hi. mgoatere is attached lei each pppptt
Recommended by Dr, ramie, 3A Broadway, one of
our beat Dectleta, and by ermslof the old established
ones la the United States, and everC atensively
by like Nobility of England and nor',. • '
A largo proportion of the Cirstaftliet mankind
irise from moos derangement Of the etc:who/ bowebs.
which a timely an of the Ochs tro Lozenge. would
mtireb ohviale. Permsu ref hilicts habits shosid
ways have a boa et bend, end Mlle a dose whenever
they feel the least deratmernent totter health. Ajadi •
roomette of Mese Losengoe weslld prevectothemsande
of case..
• F. , " 1 " , WM.J.ics4oPes. comer or Wood sod
Llbensma dent
rADIXIII Who Use Common Prepared Malt, are
Ls often not aware how frghtnally :Marione yellow is
the skin! hoar coante, how rough, how sallow,
and unhealthy the nkno appear. after ming prepared
chalkl Bestdmy it is inlonous, containingalarge gam
city of lead. We haveprepared • beanufal vegetable
arnelg which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY
WHIM; It is parfeetly innocent, belngpitrilied of all
delmenooa matinee, and it banana to the shine nit.
tal,•healttir, alabaster, clear, beteg whim, alas same
time aetiv as a mambo on the skin, making itaoft
s. haw' Anaerson, hamlet' Chemin of alum
vines. says: ...flier analyshar /*nests Spanish UN,
White, I and It possesses Sternum beautiful • and nate
,at the tame time innocent whlte.l ever maw. I
certainly can conscientiously recommend its oil io all
whose thin can
beat:tidying.. • ' •
lga•••Price 0. tor. . ,
t . D.sold by W JACKSON, athie Illoot sad Shoe'
Store,ge Libeny street, head of W oad, the sign . of
'the Blanco?.
Ladles, ladlev, Pm astonished,
When you know that you are promined
A muuraldireolthe, snowy white, •
That pop wilt still use common chalk,
And looks deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter told of talk.
If yoa , would coo a ban of /ONE'S Lilly-white, It
Mould glee your skin a n alabaster yet natural white,
end Cl the tame time clear'and Improve It. Sold at
JACKSON'S, ca Liberty al. Proe ttS cents per bar. •
SALT] RDEDM, ho—Who would
1 for a - eingle' day scratelt; when aditmed watt the
Metter, Itch, or °Mot disease, of the *pi if they knew
' , the would relieve and con:Ahem '• ••
be eblided ul_Mh and itenteh when
alone 'hot more horrible to abstomfrou, it, Ifor decency
sake,Lwit e lt to'44 be rentemb, led that
ler.'L IVY'S TETT= and ITCII 011 , 1111ENT le the
*el ellleackem anyetbet pripiratlon itt unnence in
caring the Teller, Deb, and other diseases of the atm.
As all &lessee alb. skin Mus, arise (roes the Impurity
rdtbe bleed sod fielders( the bed), and where mu dim
ate be of lend ettmdina. and she coned:tattoo erected,
Visteby,it Dr. Leidy's Sarwsparilla Bloat PM, be used
With the' Ointment, they will mare any casi whabever,
uhd 'Mee do oat, the money Will be returned by Dr.
Leldy.i Nast come, however, will be eftemelly cured '
b . c2 . lfl i deNt i Tenet. aid Itch Ointment, auless the
witch siill'brne cOm i ;lrt:natti t e b l Y e t Plna d su m the sye b te rn m ‘ rj
Leidy'.lie Blood and the earilece 0( 11.0 shinleaf
ed by duiointment. • Price b( Om Stdtents, Fat
lade byi. • - et'FAIIINESTOCK *CO
. CF wand & trota its
.S.,r g ng i iim . Co t. uc i T c mY.R ir u m r. Te it h rget . tg a. ..
ermglL2 , •
Fag the Tenuaranea Danner, N0v:3 1 47.
pada 4 31.1P/..-11. a are not In the habit of paths
mach lan taking Palest Medicines; bat wealge.'
104.1361111611141Ltorgaas Byrop 10 those 111110ATO .eted
alb &roast. Ana having uteri the anal runway to
1,1100,0 'a constant And amusing cough, that had for
wawa aye saluted one of oar aloldren,wlthont nee.
.eese, we were imbued wiry Monrael Coat Snap
and by Weber wan obtained ut a few boars: It psored
to oa the PIIIII/Ce• IA this cue at lew.: • .
Papua wagtails and the lannitater,', • .
- •2.19}1111 irlioaoen •
uvi • 'Topa gt, 1 Oa t.ant ayi
BRL/Al/011, PORT/LBLitt BOAT Lutz:
.184.7_.. • " Swam
L'i• SPORTINat M slue
; cITIZS;;Iirl 110 171t;TRAN2171,11 IST. • ,
Trig Improved mithod of naming limed by this king
; Embh.shed Line,' is now ao well known' that de,.
Swindon is mirli , cesall*. Goods we not
lints, Otos alltrustlipulent orenta , hAvdaig is saved/
The Boats - aro liglirdtanght and performau:strips
in from slaw sewn Oita:
Theespaely of
made m w., as in store
soy eornogrunents made, tons., Aseeisini,storing; and
Atraneeit me of charges.. -
Being folly prepared to make sales of Produce, we
invent/illy solicit consignments of western. Roar.
Butler. Chem, Wool, Feathers, and other
; *llfi ßutler. tor . 'ate, se as watch liberal advances...Ku
'made and o th er ottani fasilluei afforded, •
selves that any Wiliness erarnsted m es shap e at
promptly executed and noon as fair lent. 45 Lz any,
other „ jNO Me FAD DEN
I . Quill Basin, Fitunarph"”,
....ALIEL 2/ ',Avis tr. (3.
mehile ' I . Bland Ail Market st, Philadi
unnreintation ofFreight between Pittsburgh
• the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on
the way, and the, consequent rtsk of *Way, damage,
breakage and seen/won of Rods.
!tiREMg k CAM
. • No 27d hlarket street, Phhadelphia
Cbr Penn and Wayne ate, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOIi&Co, North street, Baltimore•
%V & T TAPSCOTT, South in, rt. Y.- •..-
Euutege& bylthefeased. Mennen the Proprietors
have added to their meek and extended their arrange.
zlwm" "Y l '4 dic Winter, and are now prepared to for
ward fretgn with regularity and dispatchtmaorparsed
by any other line.' Their long espertenew as varies
the palpable-aoperiority of the Portable that System,
and the great capacity and convenience of the "mile
houses at each ended' the line,
are peculiarly coleu s.
ted to enable th e proPrietoth tofolfil th=galrelannth
and accommodate their customers—co tlyorentig
bused as a guaranty for the Ware 'they respectfully
gotten a conuntranee of that patronage width they now
gratefully aeknowledge. •
!amain ems to Tattle &•CPC•onneir will: be reed
and fordiaed• Steamboat charges paid and , Hills of
Laritng treats:anted free of any champs fur Cothonsaion.
advancing or storage. !laving no interest directly or
Indirectly an itearoboals, the Lateral olltiltonsignere
moat necessaril hathele,PlitharY noget ttt engirded
won. sod they p le dge themselves to fel anl ,all grads
consigned to them promptly and on the most advent.
tees, terms to the owners.
filarehl., 1847 mare
rriiu t i brini c = r table
. 130 . :40m .t p . ara , te . irig f
partnership under th ; name of the "Boatmen , * 2.4 nm"
sod likewme agreed:to refit the Stock ao as to hare a
panther of Boats for the purpose of carrylog sods
through in from size to eight days, with certrinty—and
kat encouraged by the liberality of last year% patron
age, to make more 011eASSIVG unarm:mats fur the en-
We would therefore respectfully solicit • sonnet=
once of our Ammer petronk and refer all new castanets
to them cob hare done baknedi . „
,•-• • •• ••
ilitialilB47 NM=
• For the tnEwporUnion , •
•Lt. LirOa or RiopHarDiai, /10D znam
Pameritraia; ati:00007. Nrw Yaat, Jtra nastoo.
Come Liberty street ao4 Canal Beam. Pavonreh.
A L OERIURT (13, •
No MG Market street, PLiladelphia.
• Delaware, Md.
PITTSBURGH is.• MeGoil7.l Goo. Moneta & - Co..
W McCully & Co, fIC A Nmpsaa & Co, M Alt.& Co.
PIMA DELPHIA•LAfortis Patterson &Go, Rayon:Ms
BleParlend.&Co, Fkashog k !lathy, Peter Wright
I -
NAL ,B telt;t 2 tiowiMue &Go, 'hie.. Perry k Co.
BOSTON—Rod, Hard k C0.,1
CINCINNATI—Adams Cregh, W W Scarbor
" g. PLEASANT;YA—P A Madder.
NASHVILLE—F 'Magog. ' • "
Noto-411exerehaadipe from New York and:Boma,
eaneigned to A" Gerken t. Co, Ptiladepkll4 wdl be
prompurforwardedins of comotiesioo. febl3 I
• " 110'AT LINE. I.•
njelVatiat Transhipmnt..LD
Goods meal" good veriarcare will be forwarded Wllll.
..potdclay,Othiti lowest curfew Met. ' Bills of Lading
Densmlned, and all lelttractialts promptly amended to,
keofmm any exult charge kr Waage or coraMissiod.
Addrottaarisriply to' a A McANULTY &CO,
Canal Dads, Piusregh
FrIVRAGE. • r I •
Ila.ur a dory largo and commothour arambonse,'
we an prepared to receive fin addition lb lett for
shipmen a large amnion °CHl:dace, tro.t on rage el
low teat
.(math] 'G A 111cANULIPTA,On
• PICILIO7OB.Tt3 , a. co4e mak. f - ' •
Mall 4 8 4 7 .AleiMi
ict.thilvEtv Itir the tram n!ttea c,CW AY
eall on '
e LlT4eteeeo.Eifb
oia r llo I * dayretl,TattiS tte
I.eßolldece 416[1A. I •
0 welt
leave the Ivanhoe. of C A AleAnulty
A Co., Pittsburgh, every d[
ay, Sundayi,) atal
atippers eu, always depend on haverg the,: goods for
warded *three delay Led at fair rate.. I
The, Lure wee forefeet for the 'peels! aceoorretelnion
of sheeny baseness, and .the prtiprierort, respectfully
solreir a liDeralithare ofpeenaage.,:.. • ' ~...•,
, ..
7 _ - -WILLIAM FULTY. •'•• I .
101111 MILLER, liollidaysbargb
all ANAN, Johnetown : . Aguas.
CA ANULTY Co, t Pittsburgh )k ..
J J MeDevi , John Tarter, Roberadoore, BegeJey
t Smith. Pi:taboret,. ' ' • • . • oroef,
,-) 8 . 47 . :' -- firsaiiiiga
1 . ."17 r. 7,,, '.',g,L''. 4 7,',ll'ic:',e, — ,‘,",„"l l =,.L,, r 'g
and tinter, an freight and puftugcr Canal Bout,
running hetwern Beaver and Erie and M s with
C hl Reed's Lin of llounhonf Propellers and Ye/like!.
on the Lakeir, wi I to *feared vpon i the euliest open •
(of Nangetlo to terry Freight and Paosengus to
all points. the . ver,iCerial and Lats. •
.—, !Nai r n tatty edit). (or convegrog freight nail par,
stagers swab pr rouse andlisproth, the propfintor
arid agents res thrift sejltliVei their &rends and
he path. tetanal x their 7.11 .'
Al ill " ~ E nciiPropnetor
• EEDS, ARKS & Co, Beaver, agle
1 • 011 N A CAUGIIEY, rittairtgh do
Covernifirlild Water ets. opposite the Nonong,
inhere lion,, , I
Reign. To
Wheeler, Crocker & Ccl, Nur-ark
' • Geo Davis, DUNI.
EN Parks & Co;Cturland . •
Jea A Ann ruelk. Co, Detroit
Meerut& • ilhams, Illilwantie
Iliistel& Po orr,-Queego
'.Wm POWC Poironnown,Penn• ,
"Gtochlerch• • gre, , Enuishurgh, Penn.
Joke Blear • or, llontstoorn, do
Wick &At er:Ghenville, . do
Craig & li...pten, Clarksville. do
flays & Plc -• b.: elarpettergt, ye.
W C Mel ~ ellaron, i do
N W Conhi. am. Nue Cutle y _t_t • marJ,
jai . 1846. •
, kchzio ar:Co
E 4 . c0 • rid. •
_C abustbst ".
!BEAVER. P e. erea".
TH.7.,;ff •
catkin oyerang oi
m 13,1 Pittsburgh
any point an the
and Michigan, with
enable tate..
.Proprietors or this. Lino (so !Ivor
late Pablieltrill be prepared on th •
canal navigation to melee prop
• • Beaver ' and deliver the same a
ihio canals, and also cm takes Eri
the greatest despatch and'at Tea.
The proprietors 4' this lin confiden ce, e business of
their dinner ens • • en whh knowing 0 ."
their fsailinsearo oondlo none. -
• aP P L7 " O
a IEARITIN, Ags r .Pittsburgh- ' •
KR d Co, Beater. •
Anal T RICHMOND & Ce C sociand..
1,1 -
akiLlili - -411 1847
ISHE*:cr4 ens.
N LLYE, peEn
IMat ek H: f tl b rilid=riroj r h; itt e ,.l 6" s c a)
which are in aid order. Tha subscnbrs are arson 'to forward • large quantity. of
P-indace, with emulnty snitdispetchr
Produce or Merehandise consigned di any tha no
dam fined, 1. forwarded free dl any charge for caucus.
BIM Lading trarhunitted and all insuvasioneprompilj
thended to- .
The tnnlinesi or Ibis Line i 4 condonod oo stnellr
_AgdrS 44 . hP1. 1 .9
& co, Proprietor.:
il asin, Pinsbirgh 'HARRIS &LEEC Can H ß ,Proprieson,
No 1.3 Satzth'Thlni street,'Phnodelphis
No 114 Nonh Mnwhoinr,.4l,l3Chrooro
No 7Wern'creen. New York
uh.A.vma • Anusas : vsmArdir
p•p 1847. L'apsigri
1 41g E ./= 7, .,.L aLl .41, 4 1',. 1 4 4 k in p, nt .
and arrive , es Ea nen mornlng hi mason Chit we'
Stops w_hichlCach Cleveland Were
rje i e:i i ttVthAngLycn . rintbr o hm
onl n
nn board , stealabeat Heaver, [Lanai guat P lfrnk j ai
lit to the ageme: • .1 1
AI BARTON Pin.bargh
CLARKE & Co, Waver
• /80;
.;. AND ' 1847 -
i t ,iillawaliii. ....
TO THE BABY BY ioricumAnELL Rim,.
T 1LE 1 e."4t,%111,:',N.717 . .71. 1 g71rd .n. prf
lag %,/ WM . Me most !alterable terms, by Mrs s ' sprr: u
Ohms Mate.
All perote r m tye m ite itardned
o i m Iml - lbe a . •
ss ;• e •
at *lesest t d espateb.
°Grebebee reemved by this Mute Moriptli fur
*anted. , J C BIDWELL, AWL; Pmsburgb.
. . ; 0 W CABB, Brotensellle...
E EGERTON & Co,Citmberleed •
. . ..
. 661145 j ''
1 11 847 EiG - T I;MSL4
tan 21 3 ( e
'.lfes i i:( freight a il ed P UN ;
ee r PaCk•
et; eriUtee :ig.dizir. deded the ceases
Beater and Greenville; m,': by ',hick freisht and pas:
ge.ceptcweett the rompeints, will be curled promOy
Naar el the lowesCratee._ !, - - I. . .• .
... • ;WICK &Ail _ ,CTIER Greenville; Are
CRIIO/ FRAM - MOS, Clartewille, do;
'III.OPAILAND'IL- MU, Dig Bend; do;
_HAYS k PLUMB;Slkeryobeege, .
', :• - - We. MALAN; !Amon - de;
WM. MATHEWIS, rolisil, . • ' • - • de:
.- , : . BEISD A _PARKSA Co, Beaver,' i '-• deg -,
_Orator exit amyl/Ladd ate,
. • 'N ; ' i
I, ; 1
.:~r~~.,_ _ .
irweinusiclionanro .&olg.Bl'. /POLL
'Capt. Mimi.. IR.PWeetrlteneea'
sr Imps this day, leaner Pam
have. ge'eleek, 0.14200 Bealrearat o.o'oooo, r,I I IT
connecting writ Pdtsbaneh sad 'Cleveland Line ot,Cad
nal Boats tally ut Ckveland, 04 BeaverTiren end
Clarektrui_Ltne et Canal Packets and Sts " Quake
dallrlo Warren and Clevilance.Canal Pae et Linea to
Novreeitle and Oriertville, Pa 4. Erie Elt c pasion Line
to Meadville and Erie., Neil, Moore & Lines of
kne Coldwater Closelaud and Wooster., leave 1k5...,
vet • daily-'eni the arriral of steamboat Deaver Isom
,finpfr • ,_.
I. M MARTON & Co, Pittsburgh.
• add cr.alurz.a co, Beaver
• •; lON LIXBI- .•
pAREH & Co, Cleveland, O. ,
R`G TARES. Beaver; Pa. • , Proprieurrit. -
tV T NATTIER, l'in,bolb,Pa. rt
1 Fan l.t pod
ag e n from
and, to anyi poin torsike rennsylvanta tr. Ohio and Otero
' The (anilines of said Line in, at equalled by am' on
said Cabals, in numbers and capacityof 'Boats, ear
tinned of Captains. and prom:ammo QUA erns.; trnllant fearer Pitlabersh and Cleveland daily. tan
'ning in connection with the Otennters.
Michigan and Lake Eno, betvieen Plniptirgle and
Denver, and a Lino of first class 'Flearnbants,
lees, Brigs and ktchooners; on Wu Midi Huron, ..7'
chi Fan and Ontario
, aPanY finwarded to anr pan of 114,1Inkter wi th
..Match , •• EN PARINI& Co, Cleveland, AO.
' • RF.FIL PARES & Co, Beaver lists
W T MATHEAittstmerr„ll, • , •
apati• • : Con Water and gontl th lield swee p,
1847: atiMb
• , iiti Z i rt . Lll o l, IN MI R I OURS. ' •
Pv A cedaily, ht 3 e`plocr; tif ' , d a l fi c er e E p a h rn l v e r
warping Boa r CiltabotTL, and arrive at Warren In
r the
time for th e Mail Line al Stages, which leave nusedi
altlV Worsitne.r. and afrivo at Cleveland u3o'chgk,r.
Minute la the mpsi elpidnions mid coirJaitaba
OILS EFF ELL,Warren, Propt'u ,
ED,PARkS th - Cailteaver,./t gent.
30IIN'A•CAliGHEY, comer Water anetamithtteld sy
"si T OrpoEfte the Meihong!hela noose. Pittebaigh
"CITIZENS Pliii2 T AllailittdAT LITSLID7
n ou s 1847,
Phlladolpida, Dania:Lora. New York
i . and Boston. T . • .
HE encentagementible Ilse has reCeived Since
Its commencement, bats induced the repair
lento inereare the Stock by adding o number of Gr
elm haste; and instead of giring naceipta an hereto
fore as arida!, we will gird our tier. receipislor
freight ilepried by thirlano.
The/meta are all pertable,eonseqeentlY freight:
is taken the whole diatonce without. transhipment, •
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the mete,. and air each boat is "weed by
'Captain who naes Menu, which is 'a sufficient guar.
setas that there will be no delay on the route.,
All Produce' or Merchandiare consigned to the
undersiered will be forwarded FREE OF. COM
MISSION, for sthanCing and forwarding, and ;will
be chipped without delay at . the lowest rates of
bright,: • •
We respectfully solicit a share of pobliePatro
ee. WALLINGFORDdia.ecc,i •
Canal Bann, Pittsburgh ,
BriSid Street, Vladadelphia.
F 411LLE.6, Agent • '."
• Roksley's'Wharf,
.gh, Feb:18,1847, .
Aso •15417
l'•OHIO• -" I
THE subscribers-wit rett.lpitartlio dellieiy of Prot
dues 11:1 Baltimore by ilf.c tioninigatyla Blaek - virlaer
at Om following pnses.— . .
W l . o . o ,:•Paccirt . Banar, Lead. La4,l`nrk,
dtkay, ' 1, and Olaar—Pll ciaparlYo lb.. !. •
Tobacoilfeesp, Flax and Viliett—M_ ctkper 100
Ashca,:tPoil Apples. Cheese, Flar-1111ed, Maly, 'arid
Lember7.loo eta perloo lba
. Oils;lllkins.Banda, Wool-110 cis per 100 1b.."
;BccrwaY,Featbersi Fina,piriscag, and: Snalte+ot
—l9O au per 100Iba.
All property conaned ID caber of dm. andartiined
will be fiwyruded w ithout delay ) free arContmiasam,
at above . 'W•11
' -:.11A111NA h WATEII.IItAN, I:110114h,
. .
A catnip and 842 core for scoops, colds, ''sstbsid,
liver cidaplaisa, spittihg bloodipaldiinthesidd
• .•
.... _ jutidgai-iainailiimica„Z".iDDiAAtir,r :-
. - 4.,-Nu„.,:rfON'ettak-d,.......0f.the hanginir ,4-- -- -
-,',' -- Went., Reader are you antlernig .
. I with a cold or disease of .the . , i
- , .
~. tangs, try this remedy, . , I
_.. _. ' i - ! yon will ii rt o ffier. :_ . .
It will siren alethose disagreesble symptoms ;which
unite stiehuncir to the tined, & prolong your dlr..
Henan of .alt.'preparatlona.parpoiting , to contain .
Wild Chalky, ascent that beating the slignatutrof Dr
H SWAYNE on the outside wrapper ot. cacti home,
as they ale quite likely detititutc oi tLe article firma
which they_ borrow a name. . .
Reiultchat it Arts dune! . , .
Would perhaps he a small estimate fur the' ravages
of this dreadfutdiiease in single yearithen add
the reailut catidogie of those cut off I,y
Loo °lithe Longs, Hemorrbage,Asihms, Coughs
_Anflnerws„, Ittimchilis,a.nd _other slisenmes of the
• Lungswod.ial•Gn: . -
And the listWouhl present an appalling proof of the
fatality of thus, two classes of disenses. Bat it is
important to lone , that nearly all' of this 'dread
waste of human life might have been prevented
by a timely - um of De. SWAIrIfih.".S.OO3IIII3IIND
'hu. medicine has how been botortithimblic
some eigbf years, and ts the- original' preparation
fetich the Wild (Merry Tree. Its reputation; as:a
, remedy for cOngba, Volds, Bronchitis, end Cnn.
sumpt.tontit the Lungs based entirely upon its' in
trinsic reerifi;owes but little to Inflated oewsPaper
pugs. Those-Who give it e trial, - tieing- benefited
by it,.recOramend it to their neighburs„and thus
gradually and surely halt gained an 'enviable' repo
cation and Worked its way into general nne..: - Oue
bottle newer falls .to cure a recent cough 'or'Sold,
while with strict attention to - Misdirection* that on•
emimany each bdttle,ite one in pulmonary dig*s
of long atanding "And Of the malalariplug 01,41ie.
ter, bas - always . Ariven Jelled', and in very,hoiny
Instances, has elected complete and•perminent
Di.. SIVA YNE'-,S Cr" - "
(Am:pound I.Ssirs
upof .Wild Cherry. I
teed the mastrernarketile core of CoesinaFtiOr t
ever placed open record—
Dr Swayne—Dear Set I feel It adibt of gm(ende
due to you—and a duty liftbe eigicted generally to
otter toy nimble testimony in favor of your Coin.
pound 6 P r oP of,Wild Cherry_." Some Ana jean
am., I wee aioleotly attacked with'entd, and rata,
111.111011 of th e Istark which was accounaned swath'
ivary distressing cough, pain in tbe breast end heinl
—4 very considerable discharge - or affctufire maces !
from the lingo, especially upon change. or weather
however slight.' At Het I fell no alarm about my
condition, but was pretty aeon convinced that I was
rapidly going into tonsumptiou. 1 grew didly weak.
!fiend at length woe scarcely able to walk cheat or
speck above •a wbisper,• each was the 'exceeding
weakness , tangs, During this time I had tried
various preparations end prerenphons, but limed ao
relief—lrowmg ail the time worse. Just here I I,was
r advised and persuaded bye dear friend infiVilanag.
tan to snake eitrlitlet your Syrup of Wild cherry.
I mast coati./ that tionioualyr had , been prepiclic
ed egunst.peteatmeniames, and I am stul I%db:tat
those coming oil of the baeds of mapiricirthet;
maiterstanding year_ claims - to the priiressionkad
practice of ) lnediaine,luid havingiimplints fal in
the saying of my Diem* I forthwith , purchased al
Dr Sbaar,• one of •yoer agealr, 4 few bottle. end
counuaked its ult. - My dineae at this time war
'of twenty or twenty fire months' elsoding, urine;
quentlyvaifieeply anted. I found, haivairer, quo:
referable relief from the.tort lour or boo bottle), --)
But being apublie`ineaker t frequently attempted
'to preach.withniy lumina - mg eticueth and Moray
ruptured thaw vassals mat r aid already bemun to
a us i i la ti t le way,_doubtlem, my pare was greatly
retarded. In counquenCe of acting 'thin nape.,
dandy, I had to use or lb battle: before I was
perfectly reinned) I bare en question, • math
smaller another or battle s wean bare • made too ''
round, nit far the' above, indiscretion. The Sitdp
allayed the levezisti habit, did seep the distreasing
consh, put ii stop to the discharge of wetter from
the loop Midgard them and the entire rystem good
Health. hare deterred are ring this certificate till .
now , for m l . l 4Bo of being perfectly . . satiated
withthe F . eiatiency of the cure, Arid now that I
teal perrecil well; I oiler It with planate.
.Dublin.cohnty, N. C. . • •. - ,
Avoid all spurious peeparatrom of Wild Chcrty,
each as Bahama, Hitters, Syrups of Wild. Cherry,
Pills purporting to tomato Wild Cherry, ecc, &c,
as they are all helitioae and counterfeit, anatcontale
of-the Chute of the original and genuine pro
tparatlon a:prepared by Dr: Strayne,and the tint
ever prefaced to this country ! Domor Swayne's
Co mpaand'Sirop of WILD CHERRY is composed
of vegetableiegretts as ..i the Wild Cherry , and am.
er medical substan es eqapy elfteacious, • not
more so ; .Ilieltehol are so vain lastly concentrated
as to render it beyo all doubt. the. moat plea ant,
strengthening, sat ettetual remedy ever dimurer
ed tor the cure of pulmonary consumption, and all
diseume of She Lenge anditreast.. The Very tact,
from Its having suelnLiHnicif eperfamt indtaton,
Stands to prove iu Moir Curative prbpmtioa l
. Thercore, invalids. inquire for tae errginal preps
mine, each bottle of which la enveloped in a bean.
Lind wrappeq with a likeness , of William Peon en.
graved Diemen; elan healing the nigoature of Dr H.
'Searle; the Counterledmig of which wilt bo pun.
lobelias forgOryi. _j „
Viewed. only by, Dr. H. corner
Of EIGHTH aid Race Strew., l'hiladelOhnt.. •
For Edo in Pittehargh wholesale nod retail by
THORIe, b 3 Market etreet,. , .. .
OGD . E.N & SNOWDEN. comer r/nd & Wood
U. A. FAH NKSTUCK. & et:l°r of bit and
Wood and f:th and Wood ante • - • •'
. . .
S. JONES,IBU Liberty attest 7 7. •,
JOHN - MIfC,HEt.L, Allegheny cloy. •
Atd bra!! respecrable Druggists and dealers-in
Atedicine. tlirppallont the Untied Staten at camo
VaArdllrUGEr. I A7 Woihen^ nonsidc64.der 111 - 7
Afr:ll. EfSel ere:—My mandullatt.
Mann. II night, and lining muck fever at macs, p3l.
eladedna had aroma, ind Laving arani peat deal
bout yoar Vetadiagn, Wotan a vial 'lad tanc'ianis.
dint..b'' died TarlargiWairli..• coesid.:
your VlTll4llltt,lnitiOß, 4 10 gim .' • - "
rtt• Mrl•N2,;,
- neparearlaCioktio - . , :cm...l.liita r a7 'Waal it,.
5./4 b Y' . ",, C ,, g , 41 41 1
- • P o 4 l lo* < 1
. • s -
:*-7' , .':'i;l:
, :,r, ,- ,. ,, .',•.',z.;:,;-.'
. .
tut; SHERMAN hes dearest to my wake
.11)as the% etaldmi willadmit
mem. See hisiee sepia i. around ed. ke.: UK* ••
• N . .PotonToot habeas the bank of
.e.ek hewer • and -",
i • Thee Lorene an the salad., wed see and OdoninateM.:••
edf formed, Mk MlMmpams, Whooping eo,its
ees,Aig•htmes of .the Wien, ele regime, !••
has W.: knOellall .initance' law. they. did nos swe
smisfeetka. • leered thomed bee. hoe - ben mkt *Med
thetas Ter t iestoring hada. prams in ebnactereri
ofevalaisplwa./ Thew on
ander the most istteme,
odds endeouis. The? de ea chef.* and drj• theecnio,
butreader Roos, promote ispretendieu,altay the
inicetker, end Team - the proiltela of eacithlt came,
Thesere wadi from combination of ► wast rehab* rtme.
todua orToegh emaker‘ and tire . undoubtedly winerior to
'dere thiag in Mier thee casqlsinte. lionetruf ere be," • '
drab ofertifeeto. bee bein armed 'of Wit mederfet sirs. •
tosi, fawn these who ham beenemed bum an usaimen,...Teree.
and mewed U. taloa bode byesin theta • • = • •
eincratlere se mud. pain in the teuesterside,eio of Sher , • •
mei, Poor Atin's ratan (prim may 111 ceits,) shoal
nied old the rat, and men ttli Mama , If 4bubeeri
1 with rostiremes, • few rettortie /setae
miLlethartio =dale, should be so °ma.
511Mildre9 - WORM LOSCICOEir. " .
• Them worm baeoneehase been ?mad tootethe
mu swam tor be infidlibie; the o.dy tertahrwm.atestroyah ,
medame rerdneesered.- fdessy dames Irises thatwilmol
VA madam long coil inteemsniferit;„ edema deed...rah. •
out liar rawbeag empected; grime sormaum red
efftkied with Sam, and aradomosed eerie. retnideints '
~,„,ish„„,,,t coy Ueda; Whim sae dm of thee Yonne would. •
Sim-omq( Weies.—ielas is liejoints (ado, *I SA
'ei n e brotholuting tithe noorArindiog of gkelerea daf
wahaald as them apernefaboutthelikawith debut etweln
bleatadat the nee,evatrinir oneation the Mama gash I •
es of lust mer teethe. mat ha% Thills et ehir. •
eiavy .bednehr, • dessinim, ...envoi torpor, sliwnetea
emend, sodden Outlet 11.4 g ort, with twat end sersainin
sometime tenthame lbirst palled.' •
hue, Ste, lad tote in Ibt Walk, dielkelt becithinv,pan ••
the seam& or bomb, Wipe, ewe, wwe. Tore; •
eises . appetile s Menem, Idemeriume m b es Moto elpint.S. •
,h,,,staxpmes• an mem }ma of ilte body, mai of 010 w , ,,• '•
thing rang mat otchbarefihemes towards 0041 , '
frequent desire lo Jam eanethinc Seethebowetti'end. oeme-
• N
SLIERSIA'S camrnbic Lozigars.
frbey gtmo immedisicrelkt is, wines of siek hadaaf
p pitWosafth.bure, known of Ow spirits, despardebei :
pmmammtaiiOr. pni•ount thrael,,bewrive. soma saw
plant, facatwq, az , • ottrae at ilinkiag th• dmidl
eiwkir,rpeswo, <rasp of the *meth bowsl.gzorkg:
affertious, end .11 nervous &Rase, 11/onion* b the
day, .od wakellalawa through A. *l4 dolma
era maim, dientow,' or a sem alit /ow'. Per. •
was trarellinc Wsendiag hrie - pertiw, .11113x1 the Loan:
te.../ 1 7 kmit4 htrrkglk
te e dar% 1,21 ~a MED/ the tow Maw .ystss owl
relly, mama - the nwplrwwit rrwpwww amp& Wyei
too free Wag: 'Perms who hare bens to. hem, sot
tAtendacsa their &mired habits, will Sod thls*/.••• zg..44
• SN
forP lAN'S POOR MAN'S rwrEn.,
The bertAehgthwavietwerht thiWerld t zailsice
peas or valiant in Ow beck, WU, mei.
rhetweetiam, 131m4g0, aulliem •
ram w smw
111 aMply damad. , Thryx4MMallini time
.mgr opplumemm - Worramadmpersg, allethere,iwil
ed uter the um! prim, main nm fk b.. 11 kt
'the p pimarr in the weed.. It .d la -* tirW
n...e wing:tint drpepain tt dsoold
regon oftb7--e UT.
mlia wiltnrcarl mat sad
br"pth • diffi.dt
...mingToppreikeof 11t7igsii;i4Zer, 11.777nr.*
and=11z1: 0 1 tr.*: lersimas 0 -
te.deatary Igor, tar
&ad support timsa. Ira* ag=l. 1 rUi
lan .Phytaiam runny nisosecod thiosila la'
allothynyientwe iLsy stiek.oradbembasq,a!dMrdr.k..
In - operaucle, !IF
attain', t0ni7, 0 7,1
4 11 th ona. "7 1a bi.d : rravilks tha sea " tei X . clr
nad dqiged—cll:tphyllepawoo
Ekrersl rano= haft st
their st= mol thaaks'st bimootsaLmalou nun 14.aa
. .
_ • . .
- Dierstkatc ilt tie sic - ® ' the back attach pluter,sigt a
basinlie af Dr.Erhtramistecoca. It isftgartactraciciall
calms ask 'kr Bherscaah not Ahm'a_ naa. :lir 9#t
ra:i tga ' d 'l4l tar tha Ow nta " lbercaces Vatic's bt•
erachte cletactrchul,h, W.4.CittiONCilis Patin
Medici. Warahooss, Zia. ea LcbtxtT stunt, Skull:4'th .
uta pin. ' . - . '- . ----- '- 'MU. al• . -
...LOANS IiPODNDETP—ESsifo„ ,"-, "•,
• v.. - Bin—Tbi. 1. to'ceitify to thi puldbetponietdoikr
thou eilliabai "YR IS dianieof dor LaniPi t oiCiiiatimptfoo " -
reins la thi Bringer 18421 "via. oduelbed with a siren oaftl.
?bleb mm pecan natal opsa" i#kiasi;diniir.fieih. ..
sr:pions Of esi . oppiciothic GantinotictaMy enip6 po.
`6,61 nut trouble...mei kiloodad with mosaic's eight n roal-6 - _ •
ua 4.4.4 •,•••:•••••i• yinattly of Mad, mach viithi ,
'hickdark eosins, lay.e6Artix bona» mks. init Din& " .
kg. 'l l ;holig , thil ' UM I tar eitaaded-1/ tenief aim nod
Agra e53;k4.4 it. T 4i4 the bOt 'biz .ftia Of? on, imirieti ,
al length they pre op ail boraof' fay niecivisj;t olio.; iag•
.r ni
Si that ao!ling ' could b. A/six that my Imps true fr.'
biliyiinnued, . beleod rionedy: - 4 was lisAmsoidvdby •
e Mead of in to make a DUI of Dr/ Di.ostAi ' l ! ' 7. ,'''' ''.
- fl.f. +vbe...of..) wadi , its,. Irma, im world .0(1 ma . : .
... - i 6 ..1 ..4'fin- II !off thou it 111111 Jai Itutniiroaly" ' "
hoer, ant nut if I mtot di. of the duass., (*kith Wto.ird-
teal to isti.) dinmold be medal! hot. So 1 not to ilt*'
Cisk imor ibli truly. Vali.
.ble Mo' lies- to-d. dit. . ...
time;, 6 V" . 4, Afid , ofol
pm; MAPICKiIiII 'Coax
_ •
...dal eviOrt••bi!,* .
Ma an oliie dint sAtla.
Ti,:. we %Oa D in iohly
I bootlace Urn .
:bah Inn, sad bliell as • '.
Dr. DonAnhEs- . ' •
teen. ioartlyitieted
and i. hive videotext! •
Rini", .
II prearablr • -
on itp.,,e/hichvive
by the at the,, bitiftle. .
that It it:l adorn,
o below xnon. obadng
1.17 , UMPTION.—: -, -
Wen .
dale nidialti . li bi _
• •
time, I.
..gtit biprolVogolarit,_' /
their . 6.etilie. Aed nfalioos Naha neodesitY. haff`f 4 ' Thik • '
medicine vrAl glr. instant relief / sada RI. mix tist."il-Se,
the bard i.e Falafel eolith, inpixo the ihrtAilito ' flu Vb.'
re none. to the tofu/bled and emanated Doan, tied is
lan ten., lan ett " .Isal Deffof!...l.'"!*4s"`i
3loalninierbffamittio Canty; Mb, . •
may not be stottrainiad with me I jeer
aim. of Mantioniery,Ratoiltoo won- •
ay tine setatantiete throb°. salon.", ' ,
Noitatai Etainvina,''
!lii WEBTERN 0 FIC4ISOSIonaore
thadi/..M.dieine esti Drys hi okiained.
%II; by WM. !AMMON: carter of •
N. 13.—Tbom
th• taiderskuld
ty, o.i they will at
DEL Dln't pit '
Stoat, whadeAS
Sold in nail/
• 1;13"0.1 .1311 i Trih , T •
t TO Tun LADlES—Cinnese
'matebless artick On . Giowth,
nano( the flair.' Thu Crean when '
...Meade all .ollter articles
hued.; hair is deaddrarsh.tlim,Cto
Limo gale it ;main 'Mr livegesS
twice so long as all the preparations
ly need. .bisttry lady and gentleman
bit of amnions on their hatrielmuld
; bottle of the hins. Hair Cream, ns
• at it will sun injare the - tale like the
bet bill beautify it, arid gres perfect.
; batsmen ; ••
J. Hair Cream,
Beauty and Resta I
...known. tut I
kind now used. 1,
healthy or tamin
;he. bale sell an , 1
appearance; and ,
an.l healthy colo r
are getter
iho are in the it
once purchase
it is . teturasioi I
other preparation
•tiaushictiun a•
. .
For testimony • us very stioerlor Fin the
followiag leuer f Rev. Alr. Caldwell,. to Dl
Iteedershott & S teh, Nashville, General Ageids be
Letterfmmihe wt. FL Caldwell, pastor of thelsree
bytenan Cnarcia,
Messua."llende bonds Stretch—Gentlemen: .a
pleasure addle my teminioary in fawn. of abe • - -
lean preparation • stied' Da. Parrish's ..Chlneselat
•Creens—tor about o years ago toy ham Was veryd •
inly, and d Ivo • d to cane out: but Devine prorate;
.0 bottle of tke C •: and used ft according ao thepte,
seriatim,, my hal i n now con, elasueand Bpra to the
"head.' Many . an and Oils were applied each lea,
•ringtny kair an a • =estate than before. This erVIO
.however, has nice Wy eapectalianc • As an article for h e Toilet, my watt give.
perfected, sod as
, disposed to nuclei y, -- Tim ladles especially will find,
the Clneme eft= to be a deadderature. an their peeper.
miens the the twler. - Respectfully ; &o.
Pobseki,Jan'y. 70647., CA1,0117E14,
Palk wholesale and retail, 10 Pima:4l6h by John
14 . - Tc , elleamda No 43 Market 'eked:and Joel Mahler
corner of Wood and Fifth its, , " Patti.
• .
.0 Cream dr - Aminda 4mered, far altaidn • .
Crean a la Boac.toi shaving; -
• 'Almonde Geom. don •
Superfine Rauge oa Poreelain.slandS' ' •
go, perfumed with Li...coder, Angle.'
'terra l 1; . • .
Searnifol tionrdzpud'a, • of all patterur • —.
• I:cobotned toilet boxer, cenitinirdrog 1 . 114[1.11t. nkn.CIS
Sat lilt Ile:Oka - chief; n scent bag, and Wet naafis, nun.
able for oteirents. .
Persian. or Chinese poirdcri• •
. sacrist's', hair oil:
••• •Wars int, In fide) , or ocatosii wrapper*, (real. Soont.
• •
'Jones' Soap; Nymph Bump; Road Lip . iodic; •
I7old Cream, elegantly p.op; '
Pure palm temp, In bars and cairn.; • •
fibell pop; tiodatariap; weedier w.di in great iarkty
of fine perfumery: just reectred; for sale
nett) • • • . olt ftih s.'econd row. '
At Ad Gaisus Bisadins, sc, tiati , O4Anie:am.
' RATE OF AD V I i{I4.T ISISG f+. -
One.instl,lion of 15 linen, or leen, ... . .
l'itro insertions without altbratlo ' • - 75'
Tbree" '" 1
One Week ," :JO
Two Weeks,
'Three '" .
Ouo Siena,. •, - a. ia
Two • "
Three " "
07 Longer advertisements in name proportion :
Ono .quare;6 mewls, Without alteration,.:. 10 50
Each additional Rage fors months, • • 5 CO .
" • " " • . 12., 10'f0
Ono-square,6 niontbe,renewable at pleasure . ; 15 t'O'
" 12 . • • "n 00 •
'Esc h nciditional sonare for (0 months '. 10 CO
Two square... 6 months, re'w.itan at plenum., 5u no
Each additional square,6 mentli., 8 00 • -
iresist Oft • 4 rai.wenxia 11f . DULY Irsr.its.
One aro are. 3 insertion.,
each additlonot
sonniss CARDS. L . ::;; L...
rso linen or leen, one year. ' 0 00
. . ail motOs 00-
0 • one pear, dailyln rits.4,lo-01.1.
SlX•inonter " 00 •
• antninitititiris"iir, ?trzsirr , : •
ior YOline., or less; tone inrertieli;;:s.:::4o 50 0
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