plawnonimmviitilvol By ERASTUBBAOOKS &co: PIT:rBj3URGH: MONDAY MORNING,DEC, 6, 1i47 (Cr Tata ermatnna . DAIL, 01 SM. 111 published . Duly , Tel-Weekly, and Weekl¢.—The Daily Is ?keen Donnie per sham, the Tri-Weetly is Ft Dollazeper fsnaamMAGl the Weekly is Tuna DeLl Down per annum mu*/ da• :ErrAnyerrozos oto earnestly requested to bonfin then . favors Aienne 6 P. Y., and as'early in Ito dot os practicable.. . For LAMM Gresmeretal Intelligence, Demme Mar. tat, River News, Irnparu, Mona Market, ,ke, see tkad page. , • ! See fourth Pogo for lthoellaneo Blow& SIARRIACE CONTRACT. By j ...aL of the Buda Lnii4sturei, shirty-tun iota of diioreeznent Wale recently granted. and ' Ws State not oats of the largest. Several pentium ware thrOlta out, we befill.g. Ito_ba-actad upon hereafter. Abe facilitiei, we darns, are hooondog every - year More and mote common, end the evil more encl tio to extensive. ',..T li ti marriage =tract le some violated for the.saking, and we mi. pent that sequel Ammo are often committed a. ', • mast the ioliat of all human ordinances, In or , der to find l'excnees for this violation of the obli Italians 'mimed by marriage.! We pee some. thing of historical experience upon this subject thri other diry,wbsua ,we questioned the power of Legislaturet to grant divorcee, regarding the act as we did,- eimpairing the ; obliptice of tam. tracts" In manner the most dangerous to public Morals. e have since beard that opinion con. is : - earned in b others, end labia, items suggeited tollll , on of the most intelligent ea well es one of the purest jurists of the country. Neomity, I the mother lof inventions, arid the tyrant's plea, we suspect, if the onlj law td the case y and what may have been-regarded u tight and expedient in es* case, her become an 'eetahlished precedent La every loolteeding act. I 1 . • Oar courts ot law very propitly Tigard a mar. time promise as • very mimic obligation resting cipon the party making it, aria - every few (layette bear' of heavy Anes impf.esidK upon parties who have broken the' promise, or even given signs of ' . . their intentlens to break it. The written or verbal protons is interpreted u an obligation, and its vi olation taanisbed by extreme penalties, while a ' , Legislature isi ready to step; in and break the bands'Mid., before Heaven 433 d before men, the . parties pled ,ed theMoolves +ould to presorted Inviolate, until annulled by the hand of God. It '.. is batter, we erstoldi that diemedant soul. should 1 '',. .. be separateattan to be compelled to,eoeitinue hite ' . union, to w hich neither the heart nor be {be judgment will longer moot. ' It may be so,. but how much better that t is heart and judgment should first a : sent to that union which ouglitto be eternal And how much tinier, that there Should be Luny at• tempts at reconciliation, and many sincere fors's . news ofirjarics, and manyaffortr to Pollen as perities of temper, and to smooth differences of opinion, before resorting to that which must make 'a truly sensitive heart Mud ; in nano* u long ; as there is blood coursing in the veins of maxi or wiimen, of true pride and prOer affection. We lay nottung 'of the wrong done to children by such siqvustions for Ufa, and: byoubsequent mar Sages, end yet what child Mathes grown to man. hood and womanhood can have a tme rapid for • that parent who has violated the most tender of associationaj It hu bun Izaid that the Mosaic 4air snowed the Jewish Unhand to pia avian his wile foe Offen. 7 Ca, cot k has also been.6o4,-ond we think with more force, that the 'New Testament is the mo thotity or Quin himself against the nineties. The mopyrori or,o44hozoid women, ender Certain dr sumstancei (end indeed we Mtn fisornii inception to the circumstencesi Is pronounced a violation of one of the conattandenentwae load: ! Tha tailoring taita wa think, ought to to I preached upon much moo fmunandy than they i mastic, yew= ceariia. s Ye, Misaanta shill a emleave hm father said mother mad cleave to ha - ". ea they twain shall be one sea; and so then they ars - tm more limn bat oa Bah. 9. What, therefore, God bath }Died tegetliar,/M tis . ' l t. Med in I . IM hems braasked hiss of the Mtn ha: with =to bin, erbeaserer dull pat his tole, and marry .sawn r, ecaataiLlat.6 de/Mel ,Naar . X r. 12. And if a amman pat moray lict hasband, an be ma ' rid to enotbar, she menaiittetti adultery: , . If the Goostitiation'of'doeiwuntry Bees notfor bid the ioiadon'Of civil contrite ts, we bold that the , Bible does; 11.1/1/ the proof is no clear, that he who wins may read and underotand; •• Firrsacie or rue U. td.-4A Washingtan lii. ter writer in the Erprere, wino says that he bad the opportrinite of examming4l:4 ilcuutatly return. of the Secretary of the Treuuq, .totket the fol. lowing report of the Govardinent expeoditureff, from the lit July, 1846,404ba.20th September, 1847, exclusive °line realeMlition of Treasury _ Notes: lit July tolloth Sept. 1846, p 14,026,564 45 Lt Oct to Itlio Dec o 11,910,105 bt Ist Jan to Id Match,lB47, 11.601.184 07 10 April 10 30th June, 10,11411,722 45 'lst July 30*fiept • “ ••• 14,027,638 26 • • Total, , $72,148,104 71 ; • Taking the expenditure of former seer. ex a bests, the writer leaftestes the tedium' expendi tnm of the Government - for the above perio!l,pl $29.076,279.31, which Will Irnve 143,071,985 40 I - oaths diebureementa Made on =omit of the war. • , • 1 . Tint 31,2e111.111 of the Philadelphia and Colima! ! . bit RA !Road, ap ! to Ow lit Dpierobir of the lomat year, aro ' I 1329,195 97 „ . Lint year, ! 288,843 -01 - $45,352 ,9d Thleebowa conclusively, that the Weirton rus the Improvements of oar Stati Is rapidly bursae.' lig. • , , E ftou,--TheEestoit end Ai. Toad, or the uWestem " u LH. more Uttemllll I korawsi, December, declare a diritlenif of 4 - per cent. It hat been determined to lig a lion. 441 track from Springfield to' Worcester,' to build four hundred and fifty, new L'Oght amend tares.' ty seven loMmotives. It to also contemplated to bsild a now freiglit depot opposite Albany, $OO feet loss, and to commence it it once, PEISSI11,171011:74. .word taken bona.' Mai: Imo, is said to be now on to way to this citY, intended for presentation to Mr. Ihreld Smith, of Allegheny. It wart forwarded from Sable hy Lim. Col. illack, formerly of this citytio a;. the Poit. Partanaziara Tows Maz'aiaro.—Ths Whigs of 'Philadelphia dity and coaniy aro to hold a two meting to-night, to explain their opitddrat 11th NUMMI to the Ifezhan War, its conduct Ltd aiods• • Tax crnizzo of tialontcniii, Pa. balks h3g oaths 27th alt, over which T. G. Erring • pratided.../s I &Sided sand was takau isOust • .ths of ths Pittsburgh sad Coanelbiifle Charter. : ' I: lacoanotauoxia.7At the' last had= of the Psorts7lUnia Legislature, ao set was pared re. quiring'hult's and other eorPo!sations Paddishis o list of urtelaidied divideuls, TM; law "hada remembered u thofiscal 3'141'0:84u purpose', is rapidly drawing Us dose. 1 • • Eacels.—lßendolpti Mimi; who committed a bigot,' in, Lawastax county. in Jane heti wu u. • reeled lut lord, Fgette copnty, And ;while in custody date officer, on WI , way to Lancesteln dousped ttitoh the *mi. pool of an 'oat house. , to which he wu permitted accts, attsehel to 'mill. &Nigel in the lootultaliw 4,3ecr trasi—Dtuing the'present and 7pproado tog mocitiotio Rt. Ray Dishep Potter, OfPa.; t. to hem An Natural fieltdiett, betme the Leweit lotting*. • Diistmate -Esscrlme.-7The Stockhoklitio 9( the Ps, Itsillload . Comte am to bola aaelec- Sica ioil3l:4lMtere MLitt@ steel MM. cApt Qtriu, if "Am" Volution; fa HI al bit•orill inositioi testa at / tfr toted . . no N. Y. Exeas wt" that Mt. 9,1‘ kis - • I* lit Wohipit#l-.4#0, - --, • • MIMI "nom x_ toxic - Coneoloisidenee or the Pipobalifidaiatte 4 Nair Yews,' Dee:lol47. • • The steamer goes from Baton to4aT. and tai the alarm about an extended Flupount of Coin by her, is ceded. The iostonlotunal of last eight, say r—TherAmelia, which leaves this port to-mor row, will probably carry out a much Ices amount of specie than the two pMii3Cli steamers. The amount, it la mild, - will not exceed 5300,000. . The menet for stalling -enteral:a' dosed at 9it I_ lo 2. but there wii no disposition to buy 'any but undoubted signature'. Bank of Charleston bill, ' wad at 'and 10* afterward bid. .The great demand Is for beak bit',. Franca ire dull at 5 25, and ell Continental Exchanges are heavy. The present price of Francs will arrest the specie ahip mean to Havre. Stocheclom at par for Treasury Notts. Ohio 6'4 98; Puma. fie 23i; and Bead. hag Bonds 70*; with so improvement in the list generally. In Freight. there is a fair degree of activity . at previous rates. To Liverpool Flour Is 18d, Grain sda6d, Cattail 4J.„ To Loudon Flour is 2a6,1.: The attempt to make rile Italian Opera very fashionable and excluaive, has (ailed thus ha; nor are the performances of great merit. The audi ence end dunes of the Wilts attending the thea tre, have been the most interesting and convicti ons part at the movement. As • whole, the coup pany le respectable, but no more, but as a place (alma &sea and genteel people to congregate an a cold evening, the opera house seem' • use great avantagat, and ought to be managed With • good deal of skill. The Washington steamer is as succeadul now as unlucky In times gone by. She was ipoken on the 22d November,lat. 43 44. lon. 60,at MOOD, Sable Island in sight, going off at .a rapid rate, with the wind fresh from the West. 'The Wash. ington left New .Yorlt on the afternoon of the 18th Tax Alasernsur To Tia Pora.—The lag is the memorial adllnmed by tt • public meeting . at New York; to the heed of the Catholic Church, 'catkin be raid with . interest .aa one of the lead. log religions, and polilimtmoveineats of the day. To his Holiness Pope Pius IX: AAAA FAISIt.—Tea people of these united States have observed, with profound inter. est, the decumstances 'which attended and the events which have followed your elevation to the Pontificate—an interest which has ripened into sympathy and unnemeured admiration. On be. hell of a partici% of these people, we tender you an exception 'of those sentiments of regard and emphatic approbation which ire cherished by all. We address you not as Sovereign Pontiff but a• the wise and humane ruler of a once oppress. ed end disconumted,now well-governed and grate• fed, happy people. We unite in this tribute, not as Catholics, which souse of n, are while the greater number are not, but as republican, and lovers of conatitutional freedom. decent as is our national Origin, wide at is the ocean which separates oar beloved land from your many Mime, we know wall atiatitely wan in the proud days of her unity,. freedom and glory—what she has since been while degraded by foreign rule and is. ternal dissention—and we bats faith thata lofty .end benignant destiny awaits her when her Flee.- pls shall again be united, independent and free. In the great wotk of her regeneration, we hail you tea Heaven appointed instrnmerd; and we ardent. ly pray that your days may be prolonged until you shall witness the canitunation of the wise and benficent polity„irhiChl is destined to render your name immortal. Hot, Venerable Father, we well know the path you have thee= is one of extreme difficulty and peril. Our own immediate ann.= dragged through an age of dangers and privets= to achieve and comolidate the blearing* we now no eminently L oopy, though floored with a leader such as has but rarely teerrVottriesafid to a people striving to be free. la the world we now Inhabit, it is divinely appointed that virtue shall be tried by adversity,. and that enduring glory, like freedom, shall be accorded only to such es by unshaken fortitude, no ler than =unicorn, efEnt, prove themsalvez wrathy of the 'redoes boon.— We, therefore, the count of Washington 'and Fruitful.; of Adents esti ..friftetson, me vir aware that yob did not enter the 'couriesjim bare drawn without& deliberats renunciation of ma, of wouray and of aristocratic favor. We let ow that you mast bare arced; resigned .yourself to encounter the machinations of the crafty. the betted of the possidul, and most pain. fin of all,. the coboonceptions of the wall-meaning. bat delude'. We know that you must have calmly resolved to ammo= the =tiring =eat. ty and dread of all the =just or tyrannical rulers who sesame to lord es. , ,-v portion' of the flir t nab. peninsula—all , aw r y that social order consists la the emisnon...ora for themselves of the al Gocatiliona of luxury end sloth in which they hoe hitherto usedowly exined—all who fear, or affect to fear. It= religion mini perith If not upheld by the Eating breath of Emperors and Kings. And, more 'mandible than all these, yourself to encounter and by Ood'e help to over. come that fiefdomwo and ingratitude of maltitudei just totem= from benumbing bondage, which could clamor in the wilderness to be led back th ' tho fleah.pote of Egypt—which among the ore temporaries and moo followers of. oar Savior. could leave Him to bear in solitude the. agony of His cross—and which in your case, we apprehend, will yet mutant iteelf In =reasonable expects. tione extravagant hopes, impotuous requirement., and in mu:mutinge that nothing has been earnestly intended biceme every thing has not already been accomplished: Tbstyou will be guided and shield. from on , hieibtsl=ttarging the' trances:fent re liiidlie Ourposition, we will =waver , they trint: j,. " - And; - Verie rabla Father, dart as the clouds which envelops the present may be, we do know that the inualtine of the future wril sonispowei and dispel theta; To say nothing bite ofthe clear as. atria., finit:senthistd , bY th e Eternal Throne, that no pnerobrideed or endeavor can inn be really defeated, or fail of its ultimate rawer& we sere you, front joyful experience, that the •bles. sings of .constitutlousl fiefdom far outweigh all the perils and sefferinp through which Makes advance to their achievement Short as our na tional life bee yet been, it bra shindy demonstrat. ed to awry thoughtful observer the imitates so perk:silty of liberty to despoils= as an element of national growth and /Gall well beingdt haled:4o that the rights of memos= Property may be bet tar second under a Government which gamin. teed righri and powers Milli than under any oth. sr; that the egindlomendieseleadmicdstm. which are Melds:it = human frai*or briostice tinder any tom Of government, are far less frequent un der own there .ray other; and that whatever. dan gers May assail or threaten rut have their origin, not IA an.excess of liberty, but the - contrary. So Much, at least, we feel that we are amply sadn fledlit saying in view of your position, the peril. it braves, and the anticipations it justifies. .. Indian. of eripedicial appearance, we do not apprehend that the kosiled cohort, of deeporism " are about to be set In motion against you. The age .in whirl we live ta ono of moral rather then physical - warfare—inwhgt the artillery of the pram onnmande and silen that of the:lamp—in which opinka is •ino k na K 2t that bayonet,. We Owe, th erefore, that age any direct and open remit to force and b you an shielded by the panoply of good men's &Oradell= and eyrie pithie' a throughout the length and breadth of Christendom. Sat shotthithese expectations be dliaPpolota, bit the nah4growor beware! The first @belayed in Web • last: will reverberate from every clime to atendifotth sink* injustice ± and oppeendon, to stand f spinal injure.. and kippreesiree, lil flak for O4 ulantiod: In such a contest, no coo liar with th e history Or character of the people can doubt that their sycoOthiese arill be active and not wholly feting.. That Iraly will he oared the devastation and Chritendddda the guilt and scan. dal of each • contest we will not harbor • doubt; but in any cue we will hone that thialtestimonlal oft= into= end adatinktis with which you are regarded by twenty million* of people will not hove been wholly in rain. We are. Venemble Father, locus most truly. The teadiog of the address elicited many bursts of approbatkio. It was adopted by acclamation. A TiIIIIII4EXIITIZ cd Win.—Mr. WOllllOll. of Hanford, Cremeetket,'has.,,msde some Mit. factor] eXpUltDeute with hie send calibre rids which be invented for the uss of the army. It fired wren balk at a Anglo discharge, and threw them 'with about double the from of szt Oniinary rifle. At the distance of forty rods he placed two date Well balls la • nhilloch target. The balls scatter to the armee of abdut three feet in forty rode. The experiments , were made in the prew inc. of MG Bragg, GOTtlebilmectoc of sans. This i s beyond all 'd rthe mod deductive wespori over injected: an in army well provided with them, and a good en ply pf Colt's Revoking ristell‘rxmld easily eat u aimed amp fore* of an diem. Mr. Wade 1114arged thirly•flm belle ho ow adrultsend tea . ds, • ..)4arnma To - throat Ham' Cur. --Pno• PUII6IIII In now waltl4lti New York for the purposa of tasking arrangatairn to hold a rand mai owing, to Mfilalfilir their approval ;Chit aaatlmmtauttrothtittps resolutioas and. aparch of Henri 0 61; 1 1 ,1 the bN 110441 of iha pooh at Lasitatais,l4,, and la **pada" which hi haa saturnalia smut • the; } the a key) to the ..i'partatifcia ‘.•453-mlEolaslakie roliatoe--wo mow or woo ow an dour burls . 2 dclotMkt! - " ISITILVILY OP THIL - DEAD SEA. Thi ;Cations' Intalligencor in simiceing this nththtiftesixpeditioa, remarks that We agree with several of 'oar edit° rill friend. that the revolts of this enterprine will be looked for With very great general interest! The baton and'association. of that remarkable and bet little. known Lake will invest an authentic dercription of it with uncommon intermit, Nob aro wo pre pared to question the - propriety "of the enterprise, u undertaken by our govertitnent,sifigular es it is. for it certainly plume. the merit of originality. But hoe comes it that It is conceived by our.Gove expel:dint to be within their cluopetency to fit ant at the public expense Sr. eipedition of this nort. to survey end report Kau in lake four thousand miles off in the boosom of 4sie, and yet uncon stitutional to. expend the .public;money in Waffler service upon our own lake', intimately connected u they ere - with all the tinniness inter, eau of-the country' We do not Old any thing In the coastitutien to authorise the MID in prefu mice to the othre, and we believe that the .Resolu lions of '1:18 . " are silent on the enbjleet. FROM TIM saw TMC COIMMU. • An Exploration of the Dead Seals about to be undertaking by order of the Federal Government, which, though it can not, as now administered by its Executive bud, find any authority in the COn. witutim whereby it..exists,- to order explorations or impriovemenh at the common Charge to our own country, ba■ no wimples about Wandering oil into Palestine, there to make reconuoissancee and solve geographical problems and: to elucidate ancient history; as beretofore,it toss found no con. ethutional objection to fitting out !and cooling out, at great expense, an expedition of discovery in the South Sue, and of survey and exploration of the onus of South America in both seas. Da we allude to Utah enterprises eatheso in the way of complaint or comdeintuttion! Far other, wive. vifeappladd thelibenil spirit which prompu them, and only lament that the same reading of the constitution, does riot hifiaencertheaucutive in regard to the 'nearer had more prUninta of our own land, The Dead eras is to; bo eiploredhy American Seam—that sea of Marvels which, airier engulf ing the guilty "cities of the Ogle—has been ever since invested, to the imagination, with art. lot and Supernatural eharicter. A pestikatial vapor, it: has been said, rise. continually from its watered fish cannot live in nor birds fly over them, iron wilt not .ink in them; nor have they aver been narigited by ship oribuque.. Such slight examination Sioccasional travellers of, more recent day! have : given to this bitter oes. his dispelled many of the:fables, bet still these deep dark ' waters area . mystery :to the world. They have been faint to antsin.ffas accounting .for their extraordinary specific gravity, which led td, thetas that iron would not sink in them-4l puts in a hundred of salt, a Much greeter propeir non than that of the sea, and derived from entire MM. of th in mineral continually &heaving on the southern shore. • Bitumen also ride in abundance from the bottom ant , fioati on the surface—and hence these water. acquire a consistency which enables thorn to bear tip bogies that would sink in other waiters. The Rev. Dr. Durbin, late President of Dick . C oloam ollege, (Pa.) gives the following Must's. lion of the density sal them waters:. ..1 waded carefully to test the oft:repeated ante. menu of the great specific gravity of the fluid, and reptated the experiment =veal times. The uniform reault was, that when tit water row. ai tare mj: arm-pits, but not over my shoulder.; my body wig balanced, and I amid not touch the bet- Loin, bat my feet tended strongly to rise and my itedflp tem:end. When I turned on my back and drew li'my knee., 110 as to balance the body on the surface, I lay u atil U a knot. of wood, my head, knees, and half of my feet out of the water, and so long as I was perfectly still I floated in this position. These experimenta satisfied me of its great epeelfic kravity," ' : The Reverend DoMor adds that his hair was matted With the bitnMen, which, on being pressed by the fingers.' coveted them withe - sticky sub stance. I ..: • • Josephua, in his fourth hook • of the wars of the Jews, Mlatestbat the mantle of the 'Deed Sea pod on the surface whatever is thrown' ion lake, and cottitme tits relation bj the fact at Veepuian, to convince himself Oi the truth: of amatetion, ordered Bridal, with their kande end lege tied; to be thrown Into the lake, end thit not one of. them *inks. Dot is is Um fiveerire Or nofetelproblettot etich ' as their* that an exploration of the Dead 8.4 by compet4nt and scientific hammers is desired, than to ascertain its actual retinae to; the wate of the MedinommeanaroM 'which it is distant ]not More than between thirty and fasii miles; yehe level of the Dead Bali' died to be some hantteas of feet below that of the Mediu:maws. into the Dead Sea the river Jordan amptin and bads imelf. Desemaing from: the Sea of Tl beau, which :is, In fact, a shallois outspreading in the fashion of a lake of the deer, some .sty Milaiin a winting - durse, the Jordan die spears in this deep and. asphaltic sea, which is about twenty-four toile. in length; from north to moth, mod not more according:tie recent travellers, then six or wino in breadth. It is comparatively; shilkiWat it, unchain ex- nemity,..but its general depth is reputed to be un fathomable. It. lectern abors, on the side of Arena, or Moab, is one pit:digital black wpm* titular welkin which there is mire summit or `the smallest peak; its runnel or Indian chore is of limestone and sandy cliffs : of varied and fantastic fermi. ' All, however, but the mere titer/id appear• arms of this dismal sea and ha dreary shores, is Bigler of conjecture andanciptaisity; and hence the greater stimulus to. iniestigation. • The U. S. 'store ship Supply, being bound to the Mediterranean with Worm is to be employed under Lint. Lyncht es her commander, with Lient Dale, who will ; to Cobra 'pickily charged with the scientific reconnaitsrmas.l , • To effect the exploriMon of the Dead Sea, they will, itie presumed, land at Acre,' and thence di • vent their operation' BMW the annient plain, of Jericho, 'end the point of iiierarcin carefully lev elling thlt intermediate route, in order to determine first of all the relative altitude between the two Mow. 4 . ly provided wi th instrninents—having Metal of light crionstniction add all the moans and ap ',' for worming and ;sounding—we May jattlf anticipate. from this expedition I scan feta information on point; hitherto wholly con. *toned, yet. invested whit deep interest. ft is o&of.this patailieriiin of the waters of the Deed itlert.ibill 4 although so dame and bituminous it le pmf 44yarenskieent. i' It is ffrigulu that a Ginremrarid of the New World should In the first; to explOre end erify the facts concerning a region so intimately con. weed with the common; faith of I Chiimendere, and the witness of one of the most awful penalties of transgression tinder the Mould dispensation; and we cannot but hope trim this eopedition what will gratify natimil and; intelligent enrioliity, 'While confirming the original record of the Bible. ' The' greet Obstacles will be in the jealousy, Ti pXcity, and evil piripensclles . of the wandering hordes who inhabit or,travemei the deserts in the vicinily of the Dead : Bee.! But oar sailers' will find some additional imams of relief in en dpter prise of science that 'tarifa. with it come danger; and they will doubtkor the care to have arms as well so insimmente, and keep es chirp a look. oat on their lend cruise aa they are wont to do when 'infusion salt water.' We shall I look with, interest for the Xesu of this expedition, which, as we hear ; Is confide, to competent and reliable hunts. , • 1 1 ; . Extract of a hetet, from' Col. Wynkoop to Lt • Ankrim, nktesiting officer now in this city. eW L T havitlhad *action at Ls Hoy.. 1 took ~.. 250 , blander .Cipt. Walks?! rifle; end we fought land whipped off 1500 of the red docile, by the time Gen. ttadwillader . atrived en the ground. Theis ctente the parsilt and slaughter. We bitted 100 aritt wounded lemony, more, your company bore itself bresely and weedily a. It always hu, and the meth after a day or almost incredible fr ague and excitement, were delighted with their taws& ' • r baron the melt and get back to your poet as q • ••• as you can, Where your friends here wish to see ',cu. . . 80tH. I blare; jnet returned from Puebla, • went witb, ,Gen, Lane,. we hare bad siUm),lthe fint;lgrasacilusmantla in 7rallant_Capt. Walker 614 the second a ha 'which IS own of our ,compasy were d' the third at Atiacco, wo whippet the in each place; and in the latter place killed theist iwlth the loss or hut one men on our I • I- -- Ethtors of the Piltabures Gaz6tte. • I • alien* noticed 4 extract in your pa. the Philadelphia Bulletin, misting that dal licluential citizens ,of Allegheny data eultecription fiy that, city of 1,500,- • Central 141 Roa:d, amt ;w• have since 133e4 that the Bogliteere are now sue. route cei the oppcmite side of the river, arftiakitig the thipat and termination 14. ' ' , "4 1m 000 to raying with in that if • 'aro facts, it will Iv neolasary that Ma • in the Conuelleallle Company who .are d • • .orcoungicilug this city With the Wert illy a sees , uotte Rail Rood, Viand who ant not dits posed to - • - the welfare of thi stimoky Ci ty" to hai,come ariatocratiO neighbor, should N. led a Dosol',of Directors on Alondey nest, who &tumid fo the hums* s4o , tterpnity of Dee. a '47. . Pirrozwm, Te lir Yark=Comier mica the death of Psoip4dttil. Eq., editor *at P 4116,7 Was? Brim MIME \ ' City News.. WAR MISTING .—The great 49miStretion on the part of tlio "democracy," =M . dIT on Semi. day night, at the Coot House.--and will enable' timorgaa at Washingtm to claim • noble support . of the war from the old Keyetooe State, The pregame of other matter. upon our columns, eon. fines u. to a .ketch of what, under other Cif4INN. stances, could be extended for the amusement of them wbo wine not present; for such a noisy, I good natured, rquabblingscene,;ras never before ; dignified with the name of a deinceretic catering, After the otganisatioo, and while. the Committee was preparing their resolution; Mr. MeCand;cra addressed the meeting in 14. algorism style,. and I warmly sustained the adminixtratiou in course ; going (or the whole of Mexico, and ere long for soother K, Caned; with a suggestion that Cuba, California and Canada, were ultimately to be' clam With his eepech closed the dignity of the ! meeting, for upon an attempt by Mr. Perry to make an address, the usual ahrieks eras, and a diaposh Lion shown to °put hiMout." Hewas soon hoot. el out of the way, to give place to Mr. Kerr, wbo told them it wok of no use to vitriol there as to who wee fighting hardest in the war, bat they bad better take cars of the starving volunteers' MM. lies here, concluding by offering a resolution. to the . effect, that they should be cared. for, tepee which no action was taker.. With ; a porting kick at beaks in general, and disclaiiiing thitha want ed; anything of lick spittle., be gave May to the Committee on resolations,,who in the fulleet many ner endorsed all the doings of Mr. Polk, and es. pechilly the war, and the general prosperity' of the country. Next camo a minority report: from Mr Scully, who gave, by way of Preface, a rep at the first resolutions, flying they were'untru; to a great extent, and speciona. Hero tho row role once more; iirthe pauses of which he reed his resale, lions, which were to the effect that the Mexican war was a glorious one, vire of cod diplomatic' blandacs of the government at the stort..o Here the din became Curious, but be went on u resolve that the admission of Santa Anna into Mexico Tim not gotta tho thing,. bat tuber colon- lated to glee illst f o l comfort lathe klexicins. Up on this, down e the wrath of the mietingt— a garb wan mrrd for his resolutions, which won disapperired. A ?Loh Woo then made for the used, and Mr. Scully disapj eared. front the hoods which was soon filled by other and morn Me worker. in the Democratic cause, the most prominent of whom was Judge dbalar, who spoke upon the adoption of the resolutions, and very logically silenced the meeting, 'stating that Oitae who intorruptcd the war meeting, were iithei no pauiats, or no gentlenierr, and politely naked thou' who, by making a noise, thus clailised themsolves to coma forward at the close °Obis remarks, upon the stand, so that they might he identified. Upon a person in the crowd reinark ing that this won not the war of 1812; Mr. Shafer silenced him by laying that he was a traitor, the eon of atniithr, or one who had co• coped from the pencientiary. 'lf he hatknot n• coped from that place, he had not received hie &sorts. The unittsons manner In which ihis speaker wu silenced, was most wand, cheered, as it was In keeping with the patriotic Conduct of the honorable lipeaker. in relation to the war of 18 IS, at which trine he hoped the bona of all Americans who went to Canada would whiten upon hared. After the speaker, in the crowd, with the trouble. some and long memory was phoned, the speaker went au with his I ogit,and argued thattlicriewho oyv posed the administration, opposed the people; that the people made the government, the government the v(ar, ergo, tho people made the war.' Of course the head of the government was look to brume, arid all who opposed the war, 'milted the people who mode it through the government,' which by hie showing, can dorno wrong, because it is on ly the creation of the people who areralone re. epearible for its eau. (ft has generally been soµ posed that the government Is responsible to tie people, bat. komp.! . democracy. tms, wad. heymod thin old dogma, and the g - leak of all cannot u we bum all along argaed.: is the caw.) After some further remarks lutendedjui "bow that the dertiny of illb democracy wee to - extend our institution over Mexico, and that wo had the rights of conyaroon, em wallas rakers, be concludedhy an earnest appeal to the Ineetklf, to eopport dirt administration,and moved the adopt Lin of the resolutions which wens curied'autd the meeting men disported. iliatrrao.—A number of Priciton • rap:emoting all the offices in the city, met In the bark room of the klayor's office, last thleaday ate temooo, according to previous notice. Mr. John Roth mu called to the CI ind L A Clark, Esg,-ef the Telegraph, appointed Berea - ' •i • - The fallowing gentlemen were appointed Committee of Arrangements, to make the actin eery preparations for a Pnnteei Supper,.to be given on the evening preceding Christmas dsy: Mesas. Sheridan, Hari. , Swaney, /telly, Ste. rick, M'Harra, Connelly, W B Meany, Myers, Wilion, Lewis, Glare, Mclqaughton, Rgatall, and Work.. , The Committee will meet thin evening allover' o'clock, in the publication office oY tha lllisPalch, to make the necessary arsapzellienta. WRITINY.—Wo wouldrecommead to ailltkose who wish to obtain a beautiful style MPtularen. @hip, to cill at Mr. Ainsworth'e_roome, Barke's building, Fourth erect. Ladiejand gentlemen who have attended hie clue's, testify to his Wbib ity so • finished instructor in this indispensable, art.He not ; only writes a practical hand ; self, bat hU the faculty of Imparting i eplendid style of chirography to others. The importance of acquiring a good hind writing wi need 'not mention. His classes meet throughout thi day and evening. Bt etc Pazsurrazioir.— About 1 ;o'cliu.k on Saturday, the Pittsburgh Fort Dogewar and other. Divisions of Sons. of Temperance, pnrceds,i i by White's celebrated Biers-Band, marched up Third street and down Market, on their any to Law. reoceville, to attend the ceremonies of.the preen- Igloo of • Bible, on the part of they Ladite of Lawrenceville, to the Division of ihri,Sene of Tem perance of that place. The procieirden made an imposing appcuance. The daji wudoo , and a prge concourze of the citizens of LaierencrUille acid vicinity, were present at the time- of tho 'pro• contrition of the Sacred Valume. • Altars - v.—A man named Brophen;Crane wu arrested on Friday, as a fugitive from justice, from the State of lilinois,for peering counterfeit money. Heim committed to await the regui• eitioncf the Executive. ' • Boaucaaai—Tka store of Georgei t 'F. Dann on Market street, wiui entered by is felon, on Friday night. and $l5 In money, Mid several Miele of goods were carried off. Itemeroos—A colored wail was! inested on Saturday, and taken before the Mayor, for die. tarblng a religious congregation. He was fined s.Vend the costa. His ponishmantahoulet bane been caore'senere. Rim-RG.O ?fern 1111."-We ht.. boon favor. ad with • correct repo{ of tha.pientwo delivarad . it tho Baud .of Trllo Room., in ibis 07, on Thunidny evening Ica, and shall iibliatiihisini 10.11110170 W. Posica.—There were wawa eaaje before the Mayer, 'on 'Saturday --two ent to iho bJL trrT. steamboat KIM and Others—Co . n. nell'. Magical Pain Extracurr— l, is now conceded by medical men that Cannel. magical Pala Extractor, manufactured by Conmiwk A Co ,flteowland at. N. Y M the treated, wonder at the 10th centary. • Its elects we truly mi actions. Allptdas are rem*ed faun barna, maids. te.. and all external sore., ta a low minutes ta tor as application. hraline the tame on the most &Haien akin, Manna no tem. li is equally bit wee efietal to all kind. or inflammatory ditewee,mich Nipples and Eye., &tartar.. Rheumatism, AVM dwelling nod Uleera, Brumes. Burn; Eiiipalaa, Shies, Tic Doloreaux, lc. raight add sap ( a, agave 'ay, the names of many eminent physthis who nor It 111 ,theit practice, and hundred. of the clergy who praise it to their people. gird parent keep iteonatantly sin band, in ewes of oceolint by Gee, life may boat wallow it, Ina by ja use all barna are subject ton casiroloiniesis the Muth are demroyed. Caution—Re ember sw/ialt to Connell), Magical Pain Extrachm, ufactured by Cammack ten, Y tiO other. . told by WM. JACKSON, Ageat flog Pittsburgh, PO Liberty' st, hocid of wood. lrrledkvriler m.6l.lrhistoor hair fall off, doe's your bale tout AT i liit hirah; a it dry, or dirty. I pray? I If 'thrums, you eau make It eoa, City and fine, Dark L aud healthy, and beauteou s air dela hair of mine. analo have thi a, you have bat thr:Tilhaga to give Ford bout° of Jong' Holt. Paziorati e_ Reader, r[ You have had hair you Id really tonished Ihe lovely i': :. ~: STEAMBOATS. Mt, . . CINCINNATI Alin PITT/BURG •, DAILY . PACKET ',LINE TulB sell known line Of splendid Passenger Steen. ere to now compoited of the 'largest, woe test. bee , hoiehed and formatted, and moth power id boats oath* wawa; of the West. Eaery amitaoramation and erne , fort that money can procure, has Wee provided for paa eswert. The Line has beta thi apemen bit fore Tows —have carried a million of pcoplearithaat the leaei injury to thcir. Wawa- The boats will be at the kot Wood meet th e day pienteas to atailiag, tor the titular freight and the entry of passengers on tke7. ter. In ell eases the passage money moat be pal in s. , . MONDAY PACICZT. • L. , The hiGNONO.s HELA, Ihreaseilll